joz-yyh · 28 days
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DD Role Reversal AU: What if Damian was a wechuge and Bigby was a traveling monk who got lost in the woods? 🔥🪵 [Boy is so scared and alone when he figures out he's being hunted, running for his life only to get cornered. Now he's staring down the empty eyes of a demon and he cannot look, not even at the end. Yet, for some reason, this malicious spirit cannot snuff out the life of such a pure innocent creature, taking him back to his den. Now Bigby must play a dangerous game of survival, while also plotting his escape. Can these two coexist long enough for him to find his way back or will hunger eat him alive?]
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if Alastor's "unclip my wings" line is taken literally, then that adds Peryton onto his Wechuge
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mjknittingcryptid · 4 months
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Meet Vivian Winter, I’ve been planning to make a Netflix series in the future that Max Brallier, Vivziepop, and Kazu Kibuishi inspired me to make a episode
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thegenxorcist · 7 months
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Wechuge is a mythical creature that appears in the legends of the Athabaskan people. It is a man-eating creature or evil spirit that is said to have possessed or overwhelmed a person who has become “too strong.” In Beaver mythology, Wechuge is related to the power of the ancient giant spirit animals.
Similar to the Wendigo, Wechuge is a giant cannibalistic monster from Northwestern Canada. It is a kind of cannibal monster common to Northern Athabaskan mythology. In some legends, Wechuge is portrayed as an ancient ice being that comes from the wilderness to prey upon humans. Still, in Beaver mythology, it is more often said to be a person who has been possessed or overwhelmed by the power of one of the ancient spirit animals...
Wechuge: A Friendly Introduction to the Mythical Creature
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Made my druid subclass so that I can play as a wechuge and be the sexiest player in the campaign 😉
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jenessa-mercier · 7 months
Not a wendigo.
Come ON.
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cljordan-imperium · 7 months
@dreaminggoblin @saltysupercomputer @pheita @writingmaidenwarrior
My Germanic besties! I am in need of your folklore...
Ok, tried to do my own research and got hip deep before deciding to go to the "experts" to help narrow down my focus. I am needing a forest god/deity/spirt. Something akin to the Windego in the US or the Gaelic Cernunnos. Not something wholly evil, something with a protective aura, if possible.
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Green pic is Cernunnos, Blue is Windego. Something with a similar visual would be nice...if it's purely evil, I can nudge it to be what I need it to be. I'm kind of doing that with the Windego and Wechuge legends of American Indigenous tribes. I've done it with other deities in other pantheons.
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aelleyon · 15 days
my plan now is to mix a xenomorph with a wechuge for aelle's monster form then from there decide on the direction of her divine form.
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aifos206 · 2 months
Ok before starting I have to make a premise since we are talking about Harvest Town, do you remember the whole plot of the protagonist who goes back in time to relive their life as a young person? Well, take it and throw it in the bin, because my Ocs are not based on this plot, because all my Harvest Town Ocs are not "human" plus there could be some "inconsistencies" with the original plot, so... sorry
This is one of my characters:
Name: Noah ( His name before he came to live in Harvest town was Kael, but he changed it because it sounded "too weird". No one in the village except Foxy knows his real name)
Age: 24 years old
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(this is an old drawing of Noah, in fact there are some small details that have changed in the design, the one in his "true appearance" or the one with the horns)
Noah is a hybrid between a witch and a wendigo (or wechuge, I still have to understand the difference) who inherited abilities and physical characteristics from his mother (who is called Celeste who is a witch) and father (who is called Ettore who is a wendigo/wechuge).
Since he was a child, Noah had a curiosity for magic, which did not please his father, since he hoped that he would be more passionate about hunting and fighting, but it turned out that Noah was not a fighter by nature, which made his father furious several times, thus leading him to be colder and more distant towards him (he would have abandoned him completely, but Ettore loved his wife); his mother noticed this emotional detachment and tried several times to make him bond, failing.
In the village where they lived, the inhabitants were intimidated by Noah's presence given his hybrid nature, since in the kingdom it was unacceptable to have someone born from two such different species, so Noah and his family were often discriminated against and in addition to being denied school, Noah had no friends (Noah's father was often away from home for work and his mother had a reputation as a very powerful witch, but who did not respect the rules, so even before Noah/Kael was born she was already used to being isolated). When Noah's father was not there, he spent a good part of his time learning from his mother how to use magic and how to recognize and use herbs. Usually his mother sent him into the woods to look for ingredients (Celeste called this a sort of "treasure hunt" to keep him from getting bored), but when his father was there, he often forced him to hunt and especially to kill (many times there were no real reasons to do it, but his father thought it would help make him more "robust" and Wendigos are used to killing since they are little, so they are among the most dangerous species) but Noah refused to do it (Noah was in the age group between 7 and 11 years old) and it almost always ended with his father beating him to the point of exhaustion and abandoning him in the woods, making his mother furious by calling him an "irresponsible" and "impatient" parent, something that his father didn't care much about and after a while Noah categorically refused to go with Ettore. One day his mother "convinced" her husband to try to see Noah's point of view, so his father "asked" him to explain how the distinction between different plants works, their use etc... Noah was surprised and enthusiastic and they went into the woods, after a while his father noticed a nearby river and made Noah approach making him believe that there was a "particular plant", Noah approached and his father tried to drown him in the river, Noah fainted, Ettore believed he was dead, but when Noah returned home and his mother discovered everything she became furious with his father and forbade him to approach Noah.
Almost 2 years passed and while Noah was looking for ingredients to make potions he saw the village on fire and Noah ran home finding it in flames, he looked for his mother, but unfortunately he found her ashes, he looked around and discovered that the village had been attacked by the king's army and among them was his father (Noah's father was only a medium-high rank in the king's army and no, neither Celeste nor Noah knew about this) as soon as he "discovered" that his wife was dead he blamed Noah and tried to kill him seriously injuring him, but he didn't die.
Noah managed to heal himself, but the village blamed him because of his hybrid nature and that his presence had attracted unwanted attention and they kicked him out of the village. (Noah was 11 years old)
Noah stayed 1 year wandering around the forest (with chases, attempted murders by his father, rejections from other villages, hiding places etc ...).
One day Noah finds himself in front of a mountain with a cave and Noah wandered around until he found himself in front of a door with some writings; after his father's umpteenth attempt to kill him (this time by piercing his side with a spear) Noah accidentally "crushed" his father with a landslide and accidentally "opened" the door and ended up in the "land of mists" (which would be the place where humans live if I understood correctly), Noah wounded in the side somehow managed to get out on the other side of the cave (with the help of "a mysterious figure") and ended up near the forest where Harvest Town is, only for Noah to faint from exhaustion.
Noah then woke up inside a house and saw that his wound was bandaged, he looked around and saw that there were two little girls who were looking at him and as soon as Noah noticed them they ran away (those two little girls are Fay and May) and called Foxy and she explains to Noah that it was "a mysterious figure" who brought him to her and that now he can stay with them, but he has to hide his identity for his safety and so he had to hide his horns, tail, eyes, all the features that could raise suspicion and even now (Noah is now 24 years old) he does this, which often leads him to have nervous breakdowns because of the stress and he also ended up having white hair (but he dyes it and almost no one knows that Noah has white hair), plus he could no longer practice magic like before (he had to wait until he found a house, now he lives a little outside the village, but no one knows where Foxy lives not even).
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(This is Noah with white hair, but he dyes it, only he dyes it badly so there is often a lock missing from his tuft)
When Noah introduced himself to his peers you could already see that something was wrong (mainly because Noah never went to school and had little interaction with other people his age, plus he struggled to read and write because where he lived they had a completely different writing than normal), but in the end he managed to finish school and now he is a librarian at the school where May teaches (Noah sees both Fay and May as sisters).
When Noah was 14 he will meet Nyx and she helps him improve "his fighting style" (I won't explain this part too much, I will explain better in Nyx's backstory)
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arken0 · 7 months
Otra más de historias cortas. Seeker negro tiene un GRAN PROBLEMA, entre su situación, SoftCup y los cazadores.
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criminol · 2 years
Cannibalism, also known as anthropophagy, is the eating of human flesh by humans. The word cannibal comes from the Spanish name (Caríbales, or Caníbales) for the Carib, a tribe known for cannibalism.
Eating another human, particularly the brain can cause kuru- a nervous system disease that begins with trembling and ends in death. Kuru is also sometimes known as the laughing sickness due to sufferers bursting into laughter as a symptom of the disease.
Cannibalism has featured in the myths and legends of cultures around the world, examples include the witch in European fairy tale ‘Hansel and Gretel, Baba Yaga a figure in Slavic mythology and the Wechuge a demonic creature in Native American folklore.
Evidence for cannibalism can be argued to have been found over 600,000 years ago with findings of human bones which have had the flesh removed by other humans.
A form of cannibalism was the consumption of body parts for alleged medicinal benefits such as curing disease, though it has been observed around the world, this practice was at its height in 17th century Europe where human fat was sold as a balm to remedy broken bones. Egyptian mummies were sold as pharmaceuticals in powder form. A modern-day health fad in which parents eat their placenta after giving birth has been referred to cannibalism by some, though others argue as the placenta came from the person who gave birth it is not cannibalism, which usually involves eating another person’s flesh.
Perhaps one of the most notorious modern day examples of cannibalism is serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Dahmer was arrested in 1999 for murdering 17 young men. Dahmer’s apartment contained human hearts, a human torso, a portion of arm muscle and a bag of human organs. He stated had planned to eat all of these parts.
Serial killer Albert Fish was sexually aroused by cannibalism and cooked and ate at least two children, claiming that it took him 9 days to eat one of his victim’s bodies.
In 2001, Armin Meiwes killed and ate parts of Bernd Jürgen Brandis who bizarrely had consented to being eaten when the two met online.
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rabid-raging · 2 years
Druid subclass!
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Circle of Hungers.
Level 2: You can only use your wild shape to turn into a hideous, cursed monster called a Wechuge. When you turn into this creature you must make a WIS saving throw (DC 10) to remain stable - on a fail you'll go feral for 1 mintue.
(Feral state you must do violence no matter what, against who or how.)
The Wechuge: in this form you are on size larger (no larger than large), your AC is 10 + str + wis, you have adv on strength ability checks, your bite deals 1d6 + STR and heals you for the dmg, your claws do 2d4 cold dmg. (Claws and bite will scale with lvl.)
You are considered as an undead being. You cannot eat anything except for raw flesh. You must eat flesh once per day or go feral. Nature and animals hate or fear you. (This includes your spells that affect nature - the results might have negative effects or no effect.)
Your bite deals 1d4 and will heal 1hp - your claws deal 1d4 slashing.
Level 6: your unarmed strikes are now considered magical and you can choose for the dmg type to be necrotic.
Wechuge dmg: claws 3d4 / bite 1d8.
Level 10: you now have adv on stealth and perception(WIS) checks involving scent. You can now mimic any sounds you have ever heard perfectly. (Insight check DC of 8+prof+WIS.)
You are resistant to necrotic
When you are hit as a reaction your opponent must succeed a WIS saving throw or be feared. They may repeat this saving throw at the end of their turn.
Wechuge dmg: claws 3d4 / bite 1d8 - only necrotic dmg.
Level 14: You no longer have to make feral checks when you shift. When hit a creature with your claws or bite attack and crit, apply the spell contagion, the target still must make a CON saving throw.
Wechuge dmg: claws 4d4 / bite 1d10.
Spells: Cause Fear, Inflict Wounds, Bestow Curse, Blight
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theparadox95 · 2 years
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mecthology · 3 years
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Wechuge from North American folklore.
These giant animals were crafty, intelligent, powerful and somehow retained their power despite being transformed into the normal-sized animals of the present day.
The Dane-zaa believed that one could become wechuge by breaking a taboo and becoming "too strong". Examples of these taboos include a person having a photo taken with a flash, listening to music made with a stretched string or hide (such as guitar music), or eating meat with fly eggs in it. Like the wendigo, the wechuge seeks to eat people, attempting to lure them away from their fellows by cunning. In one folktale, it is made of ice and very strong, and is only killed by being thrown on a campfire and kept there overnight until it has melted. Being a wechuge is considered a curse and a punishment, as they are destructive and cannibalistic creatures.
The descriptions of wechuge vary a lot. Belief in wechuge is prevalent among the Athabaskan and some other peoples of the Pacific Northwest. They are described as as malevolent, cannibalistic, supernatural beings. They share many similarities to the Wendigo and the Atshen, the main difference being that Wechuge are more powerful since they are born from the cursed souls of humans who have engaged in severe cultural taboos.
They are also considered very intelligent and cunning creatures who plan out their hunt and may even engage in trapping and similar.
Follow @mecthology for more lores and myths. DM for pic credit or removal. https://www.instagram.com/p/CYo5wkhpFGe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pinapodyssey · 3 years
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I decided to draw me and my best friend @multifoxy as mythical creatures (this are our “human” forms but still). I am a wechuge and she is a kitsune
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The Wechuge are a beast normally found in Athabaskan stories, ranging across most of Western Canada and into Alaska born when a person is possessed or overwhelmed by the power of one of the ancient giant spirit animals as a curse or punishment for becoming “too strong”, though more recent records have found continued cannibalism as the cause similar to their cousin further south, the Wendigo. Some traits vary to some degree depending on which of the spirits took the person over, but they consistently display greying, corpse-like skin patched with frostbite and mange-ridden fur that gets thicker around the shoulders toward the head where the layers are peeled away from a skull that matches the possessing animal. The body itself appears stretched out and perpetually starving with joints almost disjointed and the ice in their veins leads to the odd bone-like protrusions at some joints and old injuries.  The journals have records of a handful of different Wechuge resembling a raven, a wolf, a bear, caribou, elk, or moose, but there never seem to be accounts of more than one beast in each category at any given time with the raven seemingly the oldest.
As Wechuge are born from the continued act of cannibalism, they still prey largely on humans, but with the inescapable cold and hunger that comes with their curse, they will go after pretty much anything with a heartbeat. They hibernate for decades at a time surviving on a stockpile of mostly human corpses, though sometimes the stockpile will include other large mammals as well, such as bears, elk, moose, or caribou. When awake, Wechuge are cunning beasts capable of moving unhindered through trees or across snow and ice virtually soundless and cover long distances in a very short amount of time even dragging two adults at once. They’re ambush predators that mimic the voices of friends and family to lure their victims away from others before snatching them up and disappearing with them. They usually take their victims alive in order to store them away in their stockpile for the next hibernation period, but if needed, they have long claws that can tear through flesh like butter… that saying never made sense to me anyway—they can tear through flesh like pudding or gelatin. Unfortunately, their hunting isn’t deterred by darkness or blizzards as they have near-perfect night vision and magnetoreception allowing them to detect magnetic fields and use them to navigate any terrain. 
Wechuge are considered false immortals in that they will not die of natural causes and cannot be killed with conventional weapons, though they may be irritated by them. The only way to truly kill one is to keep it on a fire (or keep it on fire) until it melts completely, which can take all night and is incredibly difficult as they won’t exactly stay there willingly. My advice for hunting a Wechuge is that you really shouldn’t unless you have a) the magic firepower to both catch and restrain it while it melts, or b) the strength, speed, stamina, and agility to keep up with the beast if not rival it. If you do run into one without either… well I’d say run, but you wouldn’t get far so you’d probably be better off just offing yourself to avoid the pain of either it starting to eat you alive, or freezing to death even if you did manage to escape its stash.
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