#weightlifting log
swole-beard · 4 months
Good session today. Bench press is starting to get hard again so my recovery is going well.
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spiritsong · 22 days
EDIT: I added a reblog breaking down the various details of the two rooms and why I think they belong to their respective companions!
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this is davrin's room :)
this one below is taash's room! it's not giving sunrise view! it's giving bowels of the earth!
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it ain’t much, but it’s honest work
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cardinallifts · 2 years
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November Review?
3 Days Missed - 1 of them was a holiday I wasn't aware of and I had no contingency plan and the other 2 I was just really not feeling. I usually lack motivation for cardio days and I need to be holding myself accountable.
In other news, I (somehow??) lost 8lbs and I'm hoping to end they year another 5-6lbs down. I'm not doing anything for the holidays and keto makes it easy to say no regardless.
Only major note was the 11k I did on the 10th of November and even though it was all walking it was a lot more than I expected it to be.
I'm hoping to post every block in Decmeber before I take my first break in January. Here's hoping!
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versary · 2 years
70 kg jerk from thursday night 😊
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ritik2e3 · 2 years
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There are many ways to lose weight quickly, but most of them are unhealthy and unsustainable in the long term. If you're looking to lose weight fast, it's important to do so in a way that is safe and will help you keep the weight off for good. One of the best ways to lose weight quickly is to cut down on calories. Eating fewer calories than you burn will help you lose weight. There are a number of ways to do this, such as eating smaller meals, cutting out sugary drinks, and avoiding processed foods. Exercise is another great way to lose weight quickly. It helps to burn calories and can also help to boost your metabolism. Try to get in some form of exercise every day, even if it's just a brisk walk. If you're looking to lose weight quickly, it's important to do so in a way that is safe and will help you keep the weight off for good. Eating fewer calories and exercising more are both great ways to lose weight quickly and safely.CopySaveCreate more outputs
Click here see full information now
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beautyandweightloss · 2 years
Well, It’s simple…We’ve All Had Goals To Lose Weight, Burn Fat And Feel Lighter
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lifehacksinfo1 · 2 years
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swole-beard · 1 year
Bit wobbly on a rep or two but otherwise these 225 lbs are moving easier nowadays!
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earthnashes · 1 year
Woah you look so cool! Do you have any tips on weightlifting?
Why thank you! ;w; As for tips for weightlifting?
Hmm. I'm gonna limit myself to 5 just so I don't yammer your ears off! So my top three tips for weightlifting:
-Focus on form over heavy weights. It's true you gotta lift heavy to get stronger, but having good form is what's gonna allow you to lift heavy with max efficiency WITHOUT hurting yourself. Ego-lifting is the quickest way to destroying your gains. Do what you can, and not what you think you should.
-Establish a routine. This is easily the biggest gamechanger for me: I stopped guessing and winging it. I recommend choosing a workout split of your liking (example: Fullbody, PPL, Upper/Lower), the number of days you're going (and what those days are), choosing your workouts for each day beforehand, and keeping a lil log book so you can keep track of your sets, reps, and weights you used during each workout. Stick to that training block for at least 5-8 weeks and see how it works for you.
-Don't forget to REST. Your muscles don't build when you're at the gym, they build when you rest. You need to allow adequate time for rest, which includes managing stress levels and getting enough sleep every night. You gotta allow yourself some reprieve, so don't be afraid to allow it.
-Time your rest intervals after each set. Instead of just going about your time, give yourself a timer for your lifts so you can be more efficient. Gym is great, but you don't wanna be in there all day! Rest as long as you need to, but a rough baseline of times are as follows:
For isolated lifts (ex: Bicep curls, leg extensions): 1-2 minutes
Compound lifts (ex: Bench, Squat, Deadlift): 3-5 minutes
and finally:
-Lift close to failure. And I mean legitimate failure. Not when the discomfort (not pain, discomfort. If you feel pain, stop) kicks in, I mean you can't physically lift the weight sort of failure. Don't do it all the time; you can get good gains from lifting 2-3 reps in the tank, but in order to know that, you gotta lift hard to know where your true failure is. Ask for a spot for when you wanna try your limits for safety, but if you don't want to do that, a good baseline is this: if you aren't making a stupid face, or involuntarily grunting, or thinking in your head "BRUHHHHHHHH" you probably aren't lifting heavy enough. If your reps look exactly the same throughout all three sets without slowing down once, you probably aren't lifting heavy enough. I will reiterate to first get your form down pat before doing this, but once you're comfortable in the lift? It's game time.
I hope this helps some! Get them gains, bro >:)
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back on my shit let’s goooooooo
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jager-bruder · 7 months
Maybe it's just my job breaking me down, but I'm definitely utilizing spreadsheets and trackers to my advantage in life these days.
For example counting calories and macros has actually made huge gains for me in body fat% loss and in the ability to move weights. I also track and log workouts, before I had a general idea of muscles I had hit but I'm definitely improving quicker than I have in the past.
All this being said I've never actually "tried" to do any of this. Just enjoyed the hobby of weightlifting and avoided eating "unhealthy" but obviously it's been portion size that are my problem since I gained a lot of weight once I got an office job lmao
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transgymbro · 3 months
Do you have any advice for generally unathletic guys who would like to start working out?
Okay so biggest thing is that you need to build yourself up gradually. You're not going to start off lifting 30 lbs in each hand, maybe not even 20, and that's okay! Everyone starts somewhere! But you really don't want to increase the difficulty too fast, or else you may injure yourself. This is especially true with weightlifting but applies to other athletic activities too. For me, I like to make sure I can do 15 reps on a weight, and then I'll increment by 5 lbs.
Also, make sure you're doing whatever exercise you choose correctly. Again this doesn't apply to just weightlifting. At best, it's too easy and you're not getting what you need out of your exercise. At worst, you could seriously injure yourself. There are plenty of YouTube tutorials that will show you what to do, but I also advice getting a trainer or a more experienced friend who can show you in person and correct you in real time if possible.
Oh yeah, choosing an exercise. You need to make sure you're doing something you enjoy. Whatever your goals are, they're going to take awhile to see results, so you need to do something you at least somewhat want to do every single day (or multiple times a week). You won't reach your goals without consistency. For me it was weightlifting, but that might not be the case for you.
When you're working out, it is more important than EVER to make sure you're getting enough water and sleep. You're sweating a lot and using a lot of energy when you work out. So you need to be drinking at MINIMUM half a gallon/64 fl oz of water PER DAY, and do the best you can to get 8 hours of sleep. Oh, and don't forget to take rest days to help your body recover. I advise working out 3 times per week, with rest days in between, but you can adjust this to whatever fits your schedule.
Super important: what you eat. ESPECIALLY if your goals involve shaping your body to be a certain way. In that case 80% is diet, 20% is exercise. You need lots of (lean) protein to build muscle. Carbs for energy, but you may want to cut back on these if you're trying to lose fat, but they are good for immediately after your workout. The amount of calories you will need will depend on your goal, but one of the biggest mistakes people make is eating too FEW calories. Do NOT starve yourself, which means do not eat any less than 1000 - 1200 calories. DO eat more, especially if you're bulking (focusing on muscle gain and some fat gain). You don't need to be super anal about logging your calories/macros like I am (ESPECIALLY if you have an eating disorder. In that case, do what is best for your health and ignore whatever is here), but overall these are good guidelines. If you really do want to log your food and you know you can do so in a healthy way, MyFitnessPal is what I use (though I have the premium version which has some exclusive features).
This is long as shit so I bolded the main takeaways, feel free to let me know if you have any further questions
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lifehacksinfo1 · 2 years
Is Weightlifting Bad For You In The Long Run
There are a lot of people out there who think that weightlifting is bad for you in the long run. They think that it’s going to cause you to have joint problems, or that it’s going to make your muscles too big and bulky. But the truth is, weightlifting is good for you in the long run. It can help improve your bone density, and it can also help you build strong muscles.
There are a lot of conflicting opinions out there about weightlifting and whether or not it’s bad for you in the long run. Some people say that lifting weights can cause joint problems and other health issues down the road. Others claim that weightlifting is beneficial for your health, helping to build strong bones and muscles and improve your overall fitness.
So, what’s the truth? There is no definitive answer, as everyone’s body is different and will react differently to weightlifting over time. However, if you’re generally healthy and have no pre-existing joint or health issues, then lifting weights is unlikely to cause any problems in the long run.
Weightlifting can be good for you if done correctly and under supervision. It can help to build strong bones and muscles, improve your balance and coordination, and increase your overall fitness level. So, if you’re thinking about starting a weightlifting routine, don’t let concerns about long-term damage stop you.
As long as you take things slowly at first and listen to your body, Is Weightlifting Bad For You, In The Long Run, can be a great way to improve your health in the long run!
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swole-beard · 1 year
Had to reload a bit on Overhead Press. 155lbs at 5 sets of 5 almost feels light now.
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cator99 · 1 year
woah ur selfies….how did u get into lifting/what routine to get those gains?
My beloved friends have time and time again threatened to put me in a burlap sack filled with rocks and toss me into lake michigan - my only hope was to become as large as humanly possible as to avoid fitting in such a small sack, or strong enough to simply break my way out, if they manage to find a large enough sack. On the rare occasions where they felt it necessary for their threats to escalate into action, their plans have been mostly diverted by the precautions I've taken by getting into weightlifting, however, sometimes when I least suspect it, they still try to snatch me up- leaving a trail of protein bars that leads directly into a gigantic suitcase thats springloaded to respond to my weight and will snap shut upon sensing me having climbed inside. Well. Sometimes I let them do it, not only because I pity their feeble size, but because their efforts mean so much to me. They OH MY GOD my housemate will not shut up and let me finish this he keeps walking in and guffawing about some bullshit he has seen on reddit, "ohhh isnt it just absurd? Arent people annoying? What is the world cominggg tooooouhhh" LOG OFF Idiot the world is full of splendor and love. If you are looking. Are you looking? Start looking. I've found it. In my free time, I practice ripping open increasingly tough fabrics and burlap sacks. I pry open polyurethane glue sealed suitcases with my bare hands from the inside. Because I believe in the power of love. If they toss me in that lake I will not only make my way out but come back grinning and exclaiming yippee that was so much fun lets do it again ! :)
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