#well let’s hope I’ll improve in horror!
zipora666 · 4 months
some fav artists as ponies!
Let’s start with @sketchy-tour like I promise ✨(I’ll do more when the finals won’t kill me-)
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And for @yunsed and with the character he simp that was made by @//eechytooru
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And nice drawing for @cloudy-dreams ! I imagine her as the weather ponie that walks on clouds and the tiny ones are called “cloud babies that made by her magic! She use rain drops and clouds that are in the sunrise 🌅 and they follow her around until they grow us and help with the weather too like the wind 🌬 and stuff
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Silly me as a shadow pony (for people that don’t know what my o’c is then it’s a shadow changer or like a smoke figure that can change to any animal or creature and they mostly live in forests or dark areas and they don’t bother anyone tbh they just lurking in the shadows ig lol
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Plus! Try to do horror sketches for the first time Bc I want to learn to do horror stuff plus more kinds of skeletons (and Bc I watch too much pony infection AU’S! Lol)
ig not so bad for first time for spooky art
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I hope I’ll post more after finals-
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edenmemes · 1 year
baldur's gate 3 starters (part 2)
part 2 / ? .
❝ i’m also worried about me, but i somehow seem to be worried about you more. ❞ ❝ you put the stars to shame. let’s sit here a little while - i want to drink you in. ❞ ❝ i’d tell you not to get in trouble, but i suspect it will find you whether you like it or not. ❞ ❝ well, this seems as good a time as any for me to stop babbling on. ❞ ❝ i just….need some air…clear my head. ❞ ❝ it’s been a long time since i shed a tear. i don’t even know how long. ❞ ❝ i had a feeling you’d show up. it’s sort of our thing. like it’s fate or something. ❞ ❝ i do appreciate your enthusiasm, but let's try to restrain ourselves a little. ❞ ❝ if that was an attempt at flirting, i should let you know i prefer the strong, silent type. ❞ ❝ no matter how far you come, you’re still on the road to ruin. ❞ ❝ i thought you a hunter. wrong. you’re prey - small. snivelling. pathetic. ❞ ❝ and what am i owed? what about the injustices i’ve suffered - am i not entitled to anything? ❞ ❝ i can’t help but feel the strangest twinge of disgust as i look upon you. ❞ ❝ i trust that you will continue to remember who is really on your side. ❞ ❝ better a short life built on truth than immortality woven of lies. ❞ ❝ i won’t make excuses. i can’t make amends. but i want to help, if you’ll let me. ❞ ❝ gods, it’s horrifying…and a touch fascinating. ❞ ❝ there are many names for you --- and all of them inspire dread. ❞ ❝ destiny is at your door; won’t you at least twitch the curtain? ❞ ❝ the gravest crimes committed in this world are committed for love. a hunger crueller than bloodlust. ❞ ❝ you’ve got a backbone, and the makings of a leader. ❞ ❝ revenge sounds so sweet until you’ve taken it. then all you have is…no one left to blame. ❞ ❝ some mistakes can’t be resolved with an apology. some mistakes, you have to carry with you, forever. ❞ ❝ you’re plotting something, aren’t you? come on then - out with it. ❞ ❝ this is not good, if i may state the obvious. ❞ ❝ think of all we’ve been through just to get to this moment. that wasn’t luck. that was us. ❞ ❝ feel like i should laugh but i’m just too godsdamned tired. ❞ ❝ there is something i lost…no, had taken from me. i want it all back. ❞ ❝ careful - you’re in very real danger of hurting my feelings. ❞ ❝ one thing i’ve learned - real saviours never label themselves as such. ❞ ❝ less thinking of bad thoughts, and more breaking of bad bones. ❞ ❝ i rather like interfering. it’s kind of my thing. ❞ ❝ evil is evil, even if it once was innocent. ❞ ❝ you know, i've been catching myself smiling more lately. i think that's your fault.. ❞ ❝ oh, i’m no innocent. but evil? you tell me. ❞ ❝ i still want to believe you’re better than that. but even i am having my doubts. ❞ ❝ i can’t afford to lose my nerve. safer to just not think, and keep forging ahead. ❞ ❝ when all this is over, will you stay with me? for good? ❞ ❝ this is not good, if i may state the obvious. ❞ ❝ is there a reason you're always such an utter drip? do you have some sort of condition? honestly, it's like you hate good news. ❞ ❝ all of nature’s beauty pales in comparison to you. ❞ ❝ i can’t save you from yourself. it hurts terribly, but i can’t. ❞ ❝ if i seem suddenly flush with hope and soft feeling, you have only yourself to blame. ❞ ❝ is there good and evil within us all? ❞
❝ i’ve been watching you fight. your skills are improving. ❞ ❝ you know, for all the sense of dread and horror seeping through this place, i really feel quite at home here. ❞ ❝ and you? you’re wholly without vice or sin or the occasional lapse in judgement? ❞ ❝ i wager you don’t even know how extraordinary you truly are. but i do. ❞ ❝ one might say you’re paragon of luck. i’ll be there when it runs out. ❞ ❝ i've always had a soft spot for the confident ones…they always disappoint though. ❞ ❝ i concealed nothing from you. i simply left out the details that were not pertinent. ❞ ❝ you’re an odd friend. but, i suppose, a friend still. ❞ ❝ i won’t let you do this. i won’t let you win. ❞ ❝ you are my puppet. make no mistake. without me, you have no value. ❞ ❝ well, this seems like a lovely little spot. the sense of impending doom aside. ❞ ❝ whoever your enemies are, they have good reason to fear you. ❞ ❝ this place is astonishing, a bard’s tale made real. ❞ ❝ i may not regret my actions, but i do regret that they were necessary. ❞ ❝ experience has taught me that no matter how bleak things look, there’s always hope. ❞ ❝ if this adventure has taught me anything, it’s that there are things in this world more valuable than power. ❞ ❝ a wise man learns from his mistakes, and strives not to repeat them. ❞ ❝ no more hiding things from me. agreed? ❞ ❝ my friend. my companion. i adore you. ❞ ❝ your face is sour. by all means leave, if i am so distasteful. ❞ ❝ careful, it’s dark around here. would be a terrible shame to lose you forever. ❞ ❝ you startled me. i…i was miles away. ❞ ❝ you have to know who i was. you have to know who i really am. ❞ ❝ nothing special, of course. you’re only the first person who i truly care for. ❞ ❝ you’ve got a backbone, and the makings of a leader. ❞ ❝ anything you ask, i’ll answer as honestly as i can. ❞
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year
The Quickest Way to a Man’s Heart
Pyrrha: *calling home from Beacon* Mom, do you have any recipes you can send from Mistral? My teammates always do the cooking and I want to make something for them!
Mama Nikos: Of course, dear! I’ll send you some Mistrali favorites!
Later that day…
Pyrrha: *wearing a spear-patterned apron, sets down a platter of food in front of her teammates* Here you go! A Mistrali special, with a couple Nikos adjustments for fun! 😉
Nora: *whispers* I don’t want to hurt Pyrrha’s feelings, but does this even look edible to you?
Ren: *shudders* Not even a little!
Pyrrha: *watching her team not touching their food* 😥
Jaune: *notices his partner’s distress and takes a deep breath, then digs into the questionable Nikos food* 🍴😫
Jaune: *glurk!* 🤢
Jaune: *struggling to avoid throwing up or visibly wincing* T-this is d-delicious, Pyrrha! Ren, Nora, can…can I have yours if you’re not hungry?
Ren/Nora: *staring in horror* Oh gods, he actually swallowed it!!! 😱
Pyrrha: You really liked it, Jaune? 😃 🥰
Jaune: 😰*through gritted teeth, trying to hold back vomit* 🥲 Of course! *hurp!* Thanks, Pyrrha! Can we *ourp* have this again later?
Pyrrha: Of course! Since you like it so much, every Tuesday from here on will be Mistrali dinner night, special for Jaune! 😊
Jaune: *inside* 😨 I’m going to die! I’ve seen the face of death and it has a cute red ponytail and an apron!
Jaune: *out loud* That sounds awesome! I can’t wait!
About a year later…
Jaune: *eating Mistrali food again because it’s Tuesday* Thanks again for cooking Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: 😊 *practically glowing* He likes my cooking!
Pyrrha: Of course! Now eat up! I made it with extra protein since we’re doing strength training this week!
Pyrrha: *practically skips back to the kitchen to clean up* 🥰
Jaune: *eating happily* Isn’t it weird how much Pyrrha’s improved her cooking since last year?
Nora: *not touching her plate* Jaune-Jaune, you know I love you, but are you on drugs right now?
Ren: If anything, Pyrrha’s cooking skills have actually gotten WORSE, if that’s even possible…
Jaune: What? Come on, there’s nothing wrong with this food! It just needs a little salt, at most! I think Pyrrha’s cooking is great!
Nora: That’s because you got together-together with Pyrrha last year and love has made you stupid! 😑
Ren: I knew love was blind, but apparently it has no sense of taste either…😒
Jaune: *taking both their plates and adding it to his own* You guys have no appreciation for fine Mistrali cuisine!
Another year down the road…
Nora: We finally made it to Mistral!
Pyrrha: *excitedly pulling Jaune by the hand* I can’t wait to show you around! I missed being back home so much! Let’s go eat lunch at a local restaurant I know! Oh, I hope the menu hasn’t changed too much…!
JNPR: *all line up and place their orders*
Pyrrha: Oh, I’m so excited for my team to try the food I grew up with! I’ve done my best to make it for you every Tuesday!
Nora: *immediately chowing down* Mmmh! This is GREAT!
Ren: I must say, Mistrali food is delicious!
Pyrrha: *happily enjoying the food she missed from her childhood* Mmmm…! So much better than I can make it…! ☺️
Jaune: *carefully chewing*
Pyrrha: What do you think of it, Jaune?
Jaune: …
Jaune: …Pyrrha, I’m sorry, but I don’t think I like this…
Pyrrha: What…?
Nora: Seriously? This stuff is AWESOME!!!
Ren: I agree! This might be the best meal I’ve had in weeks.
Jaune: I’m sorry! It’s just…well…
Pyrrha: *deflating* Just what, Jaune?
Jaune: It’s just that Pyrrha makes it so much better!
_NPR: …
Ren/Nora: W H A T…?
Jaune: I mean, I don’t want to be a rude tourist, but I guess I just assumed Mistrali food was all as good as Pyrrha’s cooking, you know?
Jaune: I guess this stuff is okay, but…Pyrrha, would you mind making dinner later? I think I like it better the way you do it.
Ren: Jaune, you do realize that this restaurant is literally world-renowned for making incredible Mistrali food?
Jaune: Well…yeah, I guess, but I still think Pyrrha’s version is better!
Pyrrha: *at a loss for words* …I… 😳
Pyrrha: *sniffles* 🥹 …of course, Jaune. I’ll make as much as you want!
Nora: I’ve drank syrup straight from the bottle that was less sweet than this! Kiss him already!
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tendertenebrosity · 9 months
Prev 1, 2
I hadn’t gotten many other visitors, while I lay recuperating in the infirmary.
Or any.
I lay there for hours, nothing much to occupy my mind except my failures and my resentment. A bitter black tide lapped through me, and I moodily let it sweep me back and forth. I was despised, disfigured, left here to hurt alone, and it was all so unfair I wanted to scream. I’d kept my oaths. I had served gladly, with all my heart, and this was my reward? This?
I’d failed, though. Made a mistake somewhere. This couldn’t be right; I had fucked up somewhere to end up in this position. If only I’d… I don’t know. Maybe if I’d handled the fight differently, called for help? At least then somebody else might have seen something. Made it so it wasn’t just my word against a weight of evidence and common sense.
My word counted for nothing. Apparently. Maybe somebody else’s would have meant more.
Or maybe, I thought, turning the lucky stone over and over in my fingers, somebody else would have just died. Maybe that would be what would happen the next time - whoever was on duty would be cut down by the black shadowy creatures that they might or might not be able to see.
Wouldn’t be my problem, I thought darkly. I’d be… I still hadn’t decided where I was going to go. Would anybody in this city hire me for anything? Should I change my name? Unfortunately, I had looked kind of distinctive even before this - being ‘the redhead’ was bad enough, and I doubted ‘the redhead with the scarred face, you know, the one who did those murders’ would be an improvement. I should leave the capital entirely.
When the palace was overrun with horror creatures, would they think back to me? Like, ‘oh, we guess Keldin was right after all, damn, argh argh ughh’.
Would my Prince think of me? Before he died?
I found my thoughts turning to my closest friend in the Royal Guard, Resina. At least, I’d thought she was my friend up until the trial. Maybe she still was, I hadn’t sorted out my feelings on that yet. She hadn’t come to see me here, anyway.
The second night I’d spent with Raiden, she’d caught me tiptoing out of his room in the grey dawn. It had been an inn room, a diplomatic trip - her and I assigned to the Prince’s guard detail together. I was trying to be discreet, since Raiden hadn’t said what he wanted yet, and - well, maybe that was always doomed to failure because I was me.
I’d frozen, shirt thrown over one shoulder and boots in my hand, and given her a sheepish grin. Well. Maybe equal parts sheepish and smug.
“I hope you know what you’re doing, Keldin,” she had said, with the grim air of somebody giving advice they knew was going to be ignored. I was used to getting that tone of voice from people.
I had hopped, trying to pull my boots on as I followed her down the inn’s stairs.
“Well, his highness didn’t have any complaints,” I said, low under my breath, with an exaggerated sultry look.
She sighed. “Try to think further than a week or two in advance,” she said. “I’m not saying do or not do anything, I’m just saying think. All right? Things could get messy.”
“Oh, I intend there to be a certain amount of mess, sure - ”
I laughed. Pulled my shirt on and did the final buttons up just as we entered the inn’s common room, which was sleepy and half full of Palace staff getting an early start. We’d need to stop talking about this before we got the the table where the other two people on our shift were.
“Look, just be careful,” she murmured. “If you get your heart broken, you can cry on my shoulder, and if your career goes down the drain, I’ll help you find a new job. But I’m going to be really fucking sarcastic while I do it.”
“A new job? Whoa, lighten up, I’m not that bad in…” I broke off at another severely unimpressed look from her. The table was approaching. “Look, thanks, Rez, but I’ve got it handled, all right? I’m a big boy and I can look out for myself. Besides,” I added, quickly, “Prince Raiden would never do anything wrong or unfair, so I’m not worried!”
Now, as I lay with my charm clutched in my fist and my neck getting really goddamn tired of lying on my front, I wondered if she’d known even then. Known that soon my whole heart would belong to the prince, completely and irrevocably. My heart, my mind, my body, all of it was his and there was nothing I could do about it.
Even if, apparently, he viewed me as… a dalliance.
I turned his words over and over in my head. Like itching at my stitches, which the healer had already warned me against doing several times. Raidan’s voice echoed in my head. That’s an inappropriate insinuation. You presume too much. You were exactly what I needed, for a while. You’ve always been devoted. You deserve that much from me.
The distance and chill of ‘my sincerest good wishes’ wormed its way into my heart like a splinter.
I was such an idiot. What had I thought? That he felt the same level of emotion I did, that his heart was mine? That I was all bound up in his insides the way he was in mine? I think I had known he didn’t.
But, we’d been together for well over a year now. He’d never taken anybody else into his bed, that I knew. He had kissed me with fond possessiveness, been happy for his household and his friends to know about me, given me gifts - given me fond nicknames - I’d thought - I’d thought -
I assumed that Resina’s offer of a shoulder and sarcasm was no longer on the table.
I was abruptly both impatient and kind of disgusted with myself. A threat to the royal family I’d sworn my whole life to was lurking in these halls as I lay here, and all I could think about was my own broken heart? What, did I think Raidan’s nonexistent love for me changed anything about my duty?
I held the stone and let my eyes wander around what parts of the room I could see. Nothing strange. No idea if my leg wound would still look weird and gross; I couldn’t twist far enough to see. But if more of those things were around, would I be able to see them? When other people couldn’t?
What if the plan was never to overrun the palace and kill people, but to… infiltrate?
Maybe if Raidan had taken the stupid fucking thing like I’d begged him to, I would have been able to leave. Not satisfied, but at least knowing that I’d given him all the protection I could.
He hadn’t taken it. He didn’t want it. He didn’t want me.
“Well, tough, your highness,” I said aloud, my voice very loud in the empty room. “I’m not going anywhere.”
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alpydk · 7 months
AstarionxTav - Choices
Going to say now, this is very angsty. Probably some SA trauma triggers in there, but I'm honestly not sure how to use them so go in at your own awareness. Any tips and feedback are welcome as I'm really enjoying writing and would love to improve. I'll be honest a lot of this has come from me recently finishing the Astarion romance path and wishing it could have been dealt with differently. Especially from act 2 onwards.
Summary - Tav's reflection on their relationship with Astarion. Can Tav face their own trauma and allow themself to say no?
Ao3 link here
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Not really. But I know it’s not what you want to hear. I know this dance all too well. The jokes, the deflection, the flirting. The use of your body to get what you want. And what is it you want this time? Company? A release? Protection from the horrors to come? I wish you’d just be honest with me, but then I know the weakness that comes with asking for help. So I won’t push you. I won’t question your actions. I’ll just nod and lose myself in you. Offer you my role in the games we will play. Both of us, a million realms away.
We will continue to travel together. I’ll offer myself to you most nights. A little blood, a small tug at your hair. A warmth we both long for but are too scared to ask for. We’ll play our parts and drip-feed our pasts. You’ll watch as I grow close to another but you won’t say a thing. You’ll lie awake at night wondering what I’m saying to him, thinking of my body pressed against his, but you won’t speak to me about it. You’ll continue to flirt, ask me about your looks, lie to me with love. But you’ll never be honest. And we will continue to dance, our bodies entwined, but our minds distant.
“If you bite me.” Her words are toxic. I feel my skin crawl. My shoulders tense and years of anger flush my cheeks. I look at you wondering what will you do. Will you submit like you used to? Like I do with you? The word no, never being able to be uttered for fear of what would happen. For fear of disappointing the other person, for fear of not being good enough, for fear of punishment. And yet right now you’re braver than me, you say no to her. No. That one little word that need not be explained. I look at you almost in shock and see the drow’s eyes on me. If you can say no, then maybe I can too.
That evening I approach you. My mind is a whirl. I know our pasts are so different and yet it seems so similar. You say you want to talk and for once I feel my defences drop. No more flirting, no more lies, you’re honest, and you confess. Easy, instinctive… I know. And I was wrong to let you use me. I should have said no from the start, I should have- Fall for you. More lies? I want us to be something real. I’m not sure but I can’t say no. I want you to be happy. I want at least one of us to heal, so I ignore my no again. I let my mind wander and tell you I care, I speak the words you want to hear hoping maybe I can believe them one day because I know that you need me. You pull me in and kiss me deeply. You need to be in control. You need to feel safe and make the choices.
We no longer lie together like we used to. Your trauma is so deep and you tell me of how you chose not to remember all the times when you gave your body away. And I respect your choice. I don’t force you. I let you kiss me and I let you say the things you do. You continue to call me beautiful in the same way you did when we met, each time my stomach turning that little bit more. You can say no, but I won’t. I’ll meet those twins and I won’t force you, instead, I’ll lose myself in them, just like I used to with you. My body being abused so my mind can rest.
You’re finally free. After all those centuries you’re free of him. Free to do what you want to do. And what you want is me. If only you had ever asked me about my past, had respected me, the way I had you. Maybe this would have played out differently. Maybe I wouldn’t keep making the same mistakes. You feel safe and seen and yet I am invisible. I say the words you want to hear. Always what you want. And in that graveyard, you take me again, just like you want to. And yet this time only one of us is a million realms away. The next morning you give me your thanks. You tell me I’m your partner, your equal. You tell me I saved you and I simply stand and smile. I’m happy for you. Happy that you are free, that you are slowly healing. And yet the kisses never change. I’m always at your mercy. Always worried you’ll discover my lie and I’ll hurt you more than anyone else ever could.
We complete our adventure and I say we could continue together and for the first time, you genuinely ask me what I want. Do I want this? I don’t. I consider saying no but I know what will come. You’ll shout, you’ll tell me about all you sacrificed, you’ll blame me and then you’ll leave. Leaving me not with relief or feeling of understanding, but with more guilt, more self-hatred. And so again I say yes. Always saying yes.
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Love your questions! I’ll place your questions to me in pink! 😉
why do you think he couldn't go down that kind of career path otherwise? (i have my own thoughts but i'm interested in yours)
- I think many of us have witnessed the multiple insecurities this man has unintentionally let everyone know he battles. Anyone belittling themselves in a “joking” way multiple times is very telling. Being confident isn’t arrogant, but talking down on yourself all the time shows insecurity. I believe he’s scared and I know he deals with anxiety issues so I can only hope he works on himself, seeks counseling, etc to reach his fullest potential one day. He’s very talented but his fans can’t want more for him than he wants for himself. As so many have stated, from our limited perspective, it’s like he said screw improving his craft and personal development and went straight for a perceived “easy” route. FAIL!
in your opinion has this been beneficial in that way thus far? or would he have had the same recent opportunities regardless of his relationship status?
- this is hard to say because as we all know or can assume …..being successful in Hollywood isn’t about sole talent unless you are top tier talent level wise, thus you don’t have to resort to silly pr stunts, but as time goes by even some of the most talented are resorting to pr related things just to stay relevant. I will say that when it comes to getting roles THAT is where I think it’s not as easy as many like to believe. I don’t know if Chris panicked, thought this was a good business move, had his agency persuade or threatened his career, studios didn’t see it for him outside of Marvel, etc. (all assumptions of course). I just know when award season draws near, many single stars who are in top related or relevant projects……magically gain significant others around award season and I don’t know Hollywood’s unwritten rules, but I think it’s sad that their personal lives become part of deciding if something, that should be solely based on talent, is obtainable for them or not. The fact Chris and her magically popped up around award party season doesn’t leave my mind either.
Now where would he be currently had he stayed single or kept his private life……ACTUALLY private. Idk. What I do know is popularity wise he’d be in a much better place and maybe that would have helped Jinx or ASP or whatever else he’s promoted the past few years. Now majority of the fandom quit or barely care and he’s got a slew of projects coming out that could be great or bomb and if they bomb, no telling what may happen regarding this shitfest, but by that time this fandom may no longer exist. 🤪
do you feel like there hasn't been enough time for this to show fruit just yet and we will potentially see more later?
- at this point, I see no benefit. He/his team dropped the ball big time. If this is real, there should not have been any trolling, 7482893 of irrelevant articles, orchestrated pap shots, mess, etc he simply could have posted her to his IG grid, turned comments off and went about his business. Ironically this would’ve given them more attention, appeared natural than the Central Park horror show they used to debut this mess. He had a great position and huge fanbase, well large enough to get him trending with every post. Too late now though unless they end this, disassociate from her but again they are “married”: she’ll be known as his first wife unless they have a plan to make this disappear 🙄 and regroup his career, but even then the trust is broken. They instead squandered that and whatever benefits he had or has just seems wasted. I still refuse to believe this isn’t a pr stunt because you can’t tell me a bunch of adult collectively thought THIS was the best option to debut his personal relationship if legit. Too much crap has happened even with two “weddings”. It either shows his team is incompetent and since he’s in charge that means he agreed to this mess or CAA has more power than we know. Either way Chris comes off as the complete opposite of what everyone has come to love/like him for.
- Will this ever end, not sure maybe not for a long while or not at all. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I will say anything can happen at this point so I’d just suggest those heavily invested in this just walk away until this ends or is confirmed to be legit in a way I refuse to waste time typing. But even if this never ends, I don’t see Chris returning to his once loved and respected status among fans nor the general public. Even if the age gap were the only issues, he shows he has issues. A mature man isn’t marrying a twenty something yr old, period. He’s lucky the general population isn’t aware of EVERYTHING His fandom is aware of …..but maybe this would have needed sooner if the backlash was that dire and huge.
I expected better from this man, but this is also a huge example as to why we shouldn’t place expectations on other humans let alone ones we don’t actually know nor should we put them on pedestals which is why Hollywood thrives unfortunately.
Hope this answers some stuff, just my random thoughts & opinions, fell free to ask anymore questions. 😎☺️
thank you for coming back and answering my questions, nonnie. i do agree with you on some points.
i do think celebrities can hide their true selves when needed. and we have seen some celebrities do this for long periods of time over the years. but i also will not give leniency to a celebrity, with lots of money, access and the ability to get help (therapy) if they want it. many many people have anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns and function every day. he has anxiety? okay. but that is not a crutch i will give him as a multimillionaire who chose his path and has money for therapy, treatment, physicians, etc. many others do not have that luxury and still go about their daily lives.
one reason i can see this being "real" is because of how messy it is. her friends are trash and troll. that's obvious. she's lazy and gets access to many rooms more talented, more hard working, or more accomplished actors don't because of this association and she's done nothing with it. if it's real, his team didn't get a say. they just got told to make it known to the public and make it look okay. if that's what happened. okay. there is no professional on earth who could work with this scenario and make it look okay.
but thank you, nonnie. i do enjoy seeing your thoughts! please come back any time!
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frebangel · 2 months
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Hey everyone, frebangel speaking here. Ik I wasn’t really active on my account or any of my socials medias, it’s been a long day and a long years since five nights at Freddy’s was first released. I can’t imagine how far we got on, how big this was for the fnaf community’s, and the most horror game of franchise that came out. I honestly wish I could actually play fnaf games when it first came but I only played the demo on my phone, mostly been watching game plays and other stuff I saw. I also wish to make an 2D animation for 10th anniversary of fnaf but unfortunately things didn’t plan out very well for me. I was so excited for summer so I can start working on my project that I been waiting for and that is 2D animating. But my dream didn’t come true. I always wanted to animate something but never knew how to so I started watching tutorials and started to learn from the internet. I was so ready to start animating, I had my script ready I have my iPad ready, the app that I was about to use, and have my style ready. If only I had time then I could actually work on it. I’m sorry that I couldn’t make it to the party but I don’t think I’ll be able to publish it or be able to finish this project. I’m sorry that I let everyone down.
I do really wanted to make this happen and inspire others artists like me but all I been doing was just working and that makes me unhappy. But I am glad that I’m doing fnaf content. I meet new friends, I learned to draw(I even improved my drawing skills), got into cosplay, talked to amazing cosplayers that I was a fan of, so much more. If fnaf didn’t exist idk where would I be without fnaf, but ik it means a lot from me, the community, and you guys. Thx you guys so much without y’all I wouldn’t be here but now. Hope you guys have a faztastic day and frebangel will see you guys to the flip side.
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I decided to make an update to the original info post I made, since I changed the canon a lot since I made it. Plus, the old one was based on an even older character doc that didn't go into very much detail and omitted a few decently major characters. So, what the hell!! New year new info.
A young sorta-goddess named Alice was born alongside her own personal pocket dimension to rule over and expand at her leisure. After many years of this, Alice decides she wants to make the perfect friend for herself, but in creating Mikayla, she accidentally makes her perfect nightmare instead. Mikayla turns against her creator, forming a pact with the monstrous Breaks to act as their commander in exchange for her world's eventual destruction, and Alice does not have the strength to create her own army to oppose them. In desperation, Alice turns her sights back to the Earth she was born to, and begins to build her army a different way - with the souls of those who died young and unhappy. The story follows the humans trapped in Alice's domain as they fight to survive in the hopes of one day thriving in this strange new world, while still struggling to deal with the scars from their pasts. The main story takes place sometime around 2016-2018.
SOME WARNINGS: mentions of death, abuse, school shootings, human experimentation, body horror, murder, bullying, car crashes and suicide. none of these will be discussed in depth (outside of the death part, since I will be mentioning how each of Alice’s soldiers died, and potentially the body horror part when it comes to describing Alice's guards), and will only be briefly mentioned, but I felt it was worth adding this warning nonetheless. let me know if there’s anything else I should add to this warnings list, and I’ll make sure to add that warning both to this and any future piece that may contain that particular content.
Authors - Someone with power over a Realm. The name is a shortened version of the word “authority”, as well as the term 'author/auteur' as used to refer to the primary creator of different forms of art. They look like normal people in their home worlds, but are reality-warping gods in their Realms. They can either be born this way (Founding Authors) or can be turned into an Author by a different Author (Inherited Authors). If an Author dies and hasn’t selected anyone to be their ‘heir’, their Realm crumbles and dies. The term has some variations - Alice, for example, refers to herself as an ‘Authoress’ as a more fancy and feminine version of it - though ‘Author’ itself is considered a gender-neutral term. They have a tendency to become fixated on making specific types of objects/creatures, and they become more and more
Realms - Miniature universes created by an Author’s birth, sometimes considered to be the Author’s twin. They are sentient to some extent, though are so different from most lifeforms that they cannot communicate aside from puppeteering creatures (usually Creations) to do their bidding. Their Author(s) keeps them stable, and if the only Author dies without picking a replacement, they do too. The majority of the story takes place in one of these Realms (exceptions being prequel short stories that take place on Earth). 
Creations - Living creatures made by Authors to serve a specific role in their Realms. Creations are given a ‘purpose’ by their Author that forms the backbone of their identities, which can range from specific tasks they must fulfill to simply live however they choose. Aside from that, they can look like practically anything, and their mindsets can range dramatically from "exists only to perform this particular task with no individual personality to speak of" to "smarter than a human with a clear and defined sense of identity". Think of them as biological robots - some are closer to androids in sci-fi media, while others are more similar to roombas, but they're all classified under the same umbrella.
Breaks - Hive monsters that spawn in the void between worlds, meant to be one part training and one part punishment for Authors who break the Unspoken Rules (which are unspoken because no one really knows what they are). They can form pacts with Real creatures as well as Creations to grant them powers in exchange for the individual becoming the focal point of their hive mind, and want nothing more than to devour Realms from the insides out. 
Life Force - The energy that keeps all living creatures alive. Humans are the baseline, with a reasonable amount of Life Force that can allow for bursts of incredible strength, speed and mental processing when in life-threatening situations; Creations have about half to three-quarters the Life Force of a human, as they typically do not need to ever use it and all of their Life Force must be provided by their Author when they're created; and Authors have the abilities they do because they have an abnormal amount of Life Force that only grows larger and larger the longer they live, and the ability to manipulate it at will. Life Force can only be drained by either using abilities that require Life Force, or by spending time in a universe that is not your own. If drained, the affected creature will grow more and more emaciated before beginning to decay alive.
(please note that even after all this time, a lot of these guys don’t have fully solid designs - I’m more of a writer than an artist and character designs don’t mean much when you’re not using a visual medium lol. I have at least vague ideas on how all of them look and I do want to give those ocs with less solid looks permanent designs in the future, but for now???? ehhhhhhhhhhhh I’d rather focus on the writing part lmao)
Age: 16 (nearly 17)
Role in the story: Protagonist
Appearance: Chubby girl with long, wavy blonde hair, warm-toned beige skin and blue eyes. Around 5'5-5'8. Wears a long, loose grey t-shirt with cut-out shoulders and a distinctive blue butterfly design with diamond-like wings on the bottom-left corner. This matches her prized necklace, which always hangs around her neck on a long chain, and her hairclip that pins the left side of her hair out of her eyes.
Rapid-fire personality info: -One of the two protagonists of the main story.
-Calm and friendly, always trying to see the best in others. Her life's motto is very much "hope for the best and prepare for the worst".
-Deeply committed to helping people, even at the expense of her own health - definitely fits the “paragon” archetype and will do anything if she thinks it’s for the good of those around her.
-Wanted to be a therapist someday so that she could improve peoples’ lives, and reads about psychology often in pursuit of that goal. She still wants to find a way to make use of her knowledge in her new situation, but isn’t sure how.
-Grew up moving from town to town after her mother passed away from a terminal illness; as such, she’s gotten very good at reading people and figuring out what makes them tick. (She’s not always as right about them as she thinks she is, though.)
-Feels her emotions intensely, and often cries when overwhelmed or scared, much to her own frustration.
-Can’t handle horror well at ALL, which makes it all the harder for her to adjust to her new life in the Realm. She never quite gets used to Alice’s side of the Realm, preferring to stick closer to the Soldier’s Camp.
-Just wants things to be okay and for everyone to be safe and sound. This is a much more complicated goal than it sounds, but by god is she determined to give it her best shot!
-Outside of reading about things like grief counseling and psychological disorders, she enjoys photography and doing little DIY projects to decorate her living space with; definitely the type to have one of those strings of Polaroids in her room that all the old aesthetic blogs back in 2013 loved.
-Has the ability to see the memories of others through her dreams. Big side effect is that whatever memory she brings up will be re-experienced by the memory’s owner while she does so, and considering almost everyone in the Realm has some sort of trauma, she needs to be careful what she makes them re-live. She also hates it in general because she really doesn’t want to breach her new friends’ privacy, but she doesn’t have a choice in the matter.
-Died in a car crash.
Age: 16
Role in the story: Protagonist
Appearance: Dresses more like they’re from an RPG than the same Earth Alice’s soldiers came from, or at least as close to that as they could get from the local thrift shop. (Dress for the world you want, not the world you have!) The most prominent part of their outfit is a long, slightly oversized brown leather trench coat that goes halfway down Sinclair’s calves, with a strip of red cloth pinned underneath the jacket’s collar roll to mimic a cape. The coat is left open to reveal a black t-shirt and black pants underneath, the latter being ragged at the bottom hems, with a pair of brown combat boots. (I could also see them drawing fake magic circles and runes and shit on the inside of their jacket or down the sides of their pants in gold fabric paint.) They wear a belt around their waist (unconnected to their pants) with a couple of satchels on it to store things, mostly small trinkets and snacks they’ve “borrowed” over time.
Rapid fire info: -One of the two protagonists of the main story.
-Boisterous, loud-mouthed, and generally seen as a pretty cheerful person, though they can also come across as a bit overwhelming and annoying without realizing; a large ham through and through.
-Grew up in a neglectful household and were never quite able to make friends. After a bit, they gave up on trying to get people to like them (kind of) (not really) (they tell themself that, anyway) and decided to just get real weird with it in a way they personally find cool.
-Likes to proclaim that they’re a powerful sorcerer, blessed by the spirit of a dragon to seek out the world’s oddities and protect the innocent with their powers and wit; they will threaten to curse people they don’t like and claim to cast blessings on people who are nice to them, though these never have any effect. Sinclair knows it’s bullshit but it’s FUN bullshit so they don’t plan to stop any time soon.
-Has a bit of Main Character Syndrome, fully believing that their life can and will play out like a story. They try to be genre-savvy in real life and have a tendency to assign character archetypes to people around them, no matter how little they fit that role. (For example, within an hour of meeting Lydia, Sinclair declares that she MUST be their rival.)
-Impulsive; they tend to leap before they look and don’t give enough thought as to how their actions might affect people around them. They’re prone to bouts of arrogance and can’t stand being underestimated.
-Genuinely wanted to get trapped in another world before ending up in the Realm, and are one of the few people to take to the Realm like a duck to water, though they quickly learn to be careful what they wish for.
-LOVES cryptozoology and parapsychology; their back-up dream if they didn’t get isekai’d was to start a cryptid-hunting TV show. They start off as sort of a bit of an overbearing fan towards Gamma, since he’s a figure in local urban legends where Sinclair once lived and they’re overjoyed to learn he’s actually real.
-Sinclair may be cringe but Sinclair is free.
-Died in a car crash.
Age: somewhere around 14
Role in the story: Secondary character; an integral figure in the backstory
Appearance: Takes the form of an adorable young girl the majority of the time, with skin that both looks and feels oddly reminiscent of candle wax, owlish brown eyes and straight black hair that falls to her waist. She wears an opulent, knee-length dress reminiscent of a kid’s princess/queen costume. It has a square neckline, puffed sleeves with strips of brown fabric falling to her wrists, corset lacing in the shape of a heart on her stomach, a grey sash tied around her waist in a bow on her back, and brown skirt split in the center to reveal layers of translucent yellow fabric, surrounded by gold embroidery. Sometimes, Alice's soldiers have claimed to see her hair or pieces of her outfit move on their own. This is somehow one of the least weird things about her.
Rapid fire info: -Created the Realm and has god-like powers of reality-warping and creation; she refuses to let anyone forget either of these facts.
-Childish, and acts either cheerful or annoyed about 90% of the time.
-Callous and selfish, often disregarding human suffering as ‘not her problem’ despite being one of the very few people actively bringing them to her world in the first place; generally dislikes humans and especially adults (outside of Gamma, who looks and behaves like one), refusing to allow them into her home; she’d likely do this for all humans if not for the current situation.
-The only person she seems to care about besides herself is Gamma, owing to the long history the two share together and the deep trust that’s formed as a result, which tends to surprise people thanks to the two of them seeming like complete opposites. Gamma helps Alice work through her ideas and points out flaws in her plans, especially when it comes to aspects of humanity Alice is blind to; in return, Alice makes Gamma things she thinks will make him happy and helps to keep him grounded on difficult days, even if she doesn’t fully understand what he’s going through.
-Experiments with her powers for fun, with her most common experiment being the creation of a living creature without really paying attention and then taking it apart while it’s still alive to see what she got wrong. (This is essentially the Author equivalent of life drawing. Still more gruesome than it needs to be, though!)
-Hates admitting things that she sees as a blight on her reputation as an Author (i.e. caring about people, feeling emotions other than joy and rage, wanting to do things other than create, being wrong, etc.), as she takes great pride in her status.
-Morphs into a much less friendly looking version of herself when pissed off, and is prone to having her skin melt like she’s a wax figure when sufficiently annoyed. Even in her ‘normal’ form, her skin is noticeably cold, as though she’s a living corpse, and she often grins with a few more teeth than humans should have.
-She’s basically a weird little girl who was given god-like powers by chance and then let loose on the multiverse.
-If she dies, something terrible will happen…
Age: Has existed for 4 years (behaves and is generally treated like she’s in her late teens/early twenties)
Role in the story: Primary antagonist; an integral figure in the backstory
Appearance: Has replaced her face with a white, porcelain mask decorated with red swirls, and does not appear to have any hair. Her skin tone matches Alice’s - pale like candle wax - though it’s mostly covered by a long, hooded, ivory cloak and the black, veined bodysuit underneath that holds her body together as she regenerates. She’s probably around 5'8-5'10.
Rapid fire info: -Alice’s Creation, meant to be the perfect friend; unfortunately, to Alice this meant ‘basically a carbon copy of myself but taller’, which wound up backfiring horribly once Mikayla learned that she didn’t share Alice’s level of control over the Realm while still sharing Alice’s massive ego.
-Cut off her face to seal her pact with the Breaks, who gave her regenerative powers and limited ability to use portals; now wears a porcelain mask as a replacement face, and uses her cloak to mask her limbs as they regrow.
-Extremely manipulative, and does not take being told “no” well; she’s a massive control freak and tends to lash out without remorse when someone goes against her wishes.
-Switches personas on a whim, going from calm and collected to rage-fueled screaming on a hair trigger when she thinks it will keep people in line. She's very unpredictable as a result, and her soldiers walk on eggshells around her in a vain attempt to keep her from lashing out at them.
-Has a personal grudge against Alice, since Mikayla views Alice simply being alive as both a threat and an insult, and Gamma, since he made many attempts to stop her from achieving her goal to kill Alice. As such, she will do whatever she can to torment and torture them - especially Gamma, as a punishment for him not joining her mutiny.
-She’s basically the most destructive kind of sadism in humanoid form. Just an awful person who takes pleasure in hurting anyone she views as a potential enemy - including those on her own side, if she thinks it will keep them under her thumb.
-Has died at least three times before the main story starts. Unfortunately, this hasn’t stopped her.
Age: Has existed for around 8 years (behaves and is generally treated like an adult)
Role in the story: Deuteragonist; a mentor figure for Sinclair; an integral figure in the backstory
Appearance: Very tall (around 6'7-6'10), extremely pale (to the point where other characters’ narrations have remarked he looks like he’s never gone out in the sun in his life), and muscular by necessity for his job. Has black hair that’s always slicked back to his head and golden eyes that never blink with noticeable dark circles underneath. Wears a black suit with a white dress shirt and golden tie underneath. While the suit repairs itself after fights, the lapels and wrists of his sleeves are permanently tattered due to his jacket being a prototype by Alice (Alice could make him a better one now, but he got attached to the original, much to Alice’s chagrin - it’s like a family member hanging an old piece of art you did in high school in their living room to her). His skin on his arms and legs is a slightly different shade from the skin on his head and torso.
Rapid fire info: -A Creation whose guiding purpose is to protect Alice and her Realm; this quickly extended to the human soldiers once he learned how fragile they truly were. He’s tasked himself with keeping an eye on Alice’s other guards to make sure they’re doing their jobs properly, too. 
-Also in charge of the transportation of the dead teenagers from their world to the Realm. Most of the soldiers don’t like associating with him due to this fact, and a good chunk of them outright despise him for being the one to directly trap them in this place.
-Reserved, serious, and excessively secretive. That last part is largely because he’s not one hundred percent sure what does and does not unnerve humans, and so he tends to hide information he thinks might cause them distress, even if it ends up being something benign.
-Constantly researching things like anthropology, sociology, psychology and history just for fun, since he finds Earth absolutely fascinating. It’s basically an alien planet to him, and he has a deep respect for its inhabitants. Alice has joked on occasion that he’d start a human fanclub “if he had ten percent less dignity and anyone who’d join it.”
-One of the few people Alice views as something close to an equal, which is more than anybody else can say. This is due to their long history together, which according to Gamma, includes her saving his life numerous times, and led to him becoming her bodyguard to return the favour.
-Has been through Some Shit before the wars even began, and his mental health is incredibly poor as a result; he blames himself whenever things go wrong in the Realm out of reflex, tends to have extreme fight-or-flight responses to perceived threats, has a self-esteem in the negatives and copes by being almost fanatically devoted to his given role compared to Alice’s other guards. Most notably, he seems to fall into extreme panic when surrounded by the colour teal…
-Seems to have some odd abilities that it’s assumed Alice gave him, since he’s much stronger than a normal human and has a tendency to know things he really has no right knowing (the latter is thanks to him constantly hearing the thoughts of everyone around him; it’s less of a power to him and more like a sense. He fully believed this was a Normal Human Experience for most of his life, and when he learned the humans weren’t letting him read their thoughts willingly, it freaked him out badly enough that he suppressed this ability as best as he could manage, to the point where all he hears now are muted whispers unless he directly ‘tunes in’.)
-Is absolutely bewildered by Sinclair not only tolerating him but actually seeming to enjoy his presence, and he warms up to them over the course of the story.
-this man has so much going on with him I swear to fuck. he's kind of the default protagonist for anything taking place before Lydia and Sinclair show up on the timeline, and he’ll probably be in a LOT of the prompt fills lmao
-Hasn’t died yet, despite the universe’s best attempts.
Age: 17
Role in the story: Secondary character, somewhat of a mentor figure for Lydia and Sinclair; an integral figure in the backstory
Appearance: No solid outfit design just yet. (Her old outfit was designed when I was around 14 years old and included a t-shirt that said ’#SWAG’ on it. I wish I was fucking joking.) What I know for now is she has olive-toned skin and a bob hair cut, dyed a dark blue/indigo, along with grey, almost silver eyes. She likely has a muscular build out of necessity, and probably wears something simple and easy to move in in case of a surprise attack.
Rapid fire info: -Co-leader of the Soldier’s Camp; also one of the very first humans in the Realm.
-Used to be somewhat snarky with a heart of gold shining through, but the massacre that was the First Break War made her withdraw to the point that she’s become extremely stoic.
-Asked Alice to remove her memories of her past life during the First Break War so they wouldn’t hold her back; some suspect Alice took a little more than just that.
-Hard to read, and comes off as cold to most people, only really opening up to Dylan since they went through the First Break War together, and forged a deep trust as a result. She’s usually the one to push him to go and rest when he starts putting too much on his shoulders (and he’s usually quick to point out how hypocritical it is for her of all people to say this, lmao)
-Focuses mostly on strategy, supplies and upkeep of the camp while Dylan takes care of the human element. Extremely practical and a bit of a workaholic, to the point of requesting a murphy bed for her bedroom so she could use it as an office (with her reasoning being, “there’s no point in having two separate rooms when one could serve the same purpose.”).
-Is responsible for multiple quality of life features for the Camp in some way, including walkie-talkies the soldiers can use to warn everyone of potential attacks and repurposing some areas of the under-populated camp to be for storage of emergency supplies. Spends much of her time considering what she could request to improve things further.
-Almost all the soldiers see her as the Realm’s ultimate authority figure due to her strict nature - considering Dylan’s more relaxed attitude and Alice being… well, Alice - though some (like Morgan and Sydney) aren’t afraid to talk back to her if they feel like it.
-Deeply despises Gamma for reasons even she doesn’t fully understand; it seems to stem from the time right before she got her mind-wipe. He’s the only person she’ll actively lash out against, and he never so much as protests.
-Has a love of music, and if she isn’t busy working to make sure the camp has everything it needs to keep everyone happy and healthy, she can typically be found in her room, listening to music on a pair of headphones and tuning out the world. (Though, naturally, she keeps her walkie-talkie on her at all times in case of emergencies.)
-Her cause of death is unknown, though it’s assumed she was stabbed or impaled in some way due to her death scar (a large, jagged cut just below her ribcage).
Age: 18
Role in the story: Secondary character, mentor figure for Lydia
Appearance: No solid design just yet. What I know for now is that he has sepia/brown skin, short hair, and mostly wears a faded blue hoodie over a black t-shirt and a pair of navy blue jeans. (Outfit might change with time)
Rapid fire info: -Co-leader of the Soldier’s Camp.
-Generally a relaxed, optimistic person who does his best to keep the morale of the camp high; he’s basically what Lydia wishes she could be, and he quickly takes her under his wing once he realizes how much she reminds him of both himself and Cynthia when they first arrived.
-Helps newcomers get settled in the Camp, and acts as mediator for disagreements; some joke that he’s essentially the camp’s HR guy, or sarcastically call him the “Camp’s Counselor”. Most of the younger members look up to him like an older brother, and it’s a role he’s happily taken to (largely as a way to cope with missing his family from Earth deeply - especially his younger sister, Dawn, who he was once very close with).
-Doesn’t talk about his own problems much to avoid troubling people, though most are aware that he gets severe anxiety upon hearing gunshots and will warn him if a movie or game will contain them. Everyone in the camp thinks he came out of the First Break War unscathed because of this, since he doesn't really show any signs of trauma from it. He absolutely did not.
-One of the few who spoke with Gamma before they died; as such, he’s one of the few soldiers who isn’t all that intimidated by his presence, and often goes to speak with Alice and Gamma on the camp’s behalf. One of his weekly chores is to just gather everyone’s requests and bring them to Alice’s Manor, since he’s the only one willing to do it.
-Used to be in the swim team in his school and played in a band with his two best friends - Tyler and Kieran - since the beginning of high school (he did guitar and backup vocals). He was also often among the top five highest-scoring students in many of his classes. Unfortunately, most of these skills and achievements are completely useless in the Realm, much to his chagrin.
-Still enjoys playing the guitar and regularly requests sheet music to learn new songs in his free time, as well as coming up with new ones on his own. Sometimes, he plays for Cynthia while they’re relaxing. He knows all of her favourite songs by heart at this point.
-Died in a school shooting.
Age: 18
Role in the story: Secondary character
Rapid fire info: -Medic for the Soldier’s Camp
Appearance: Has albinism, so her hair is a very pale grey (long, but often pulled back into a bun, with lash-grazing bangs), her skin is pale and pinkish, and her eyes are red (which is actually very uncommon for people with albinism, but considering her spite towards Alice… Yeah, they weren’t always that colour). She’s noticeably tall compared to the others - probably around 5'10 - 6'1. She wears a plain white t-shirt with pale grey jeans under a long, burgundy cardigan that falls to the back of her knees in a silhouette similar to a lab coat. Her fingers and lips are permanently discolored from her death, stuck a greyish-blue.
Rapid-fire personality info: -Both a soldier and the senior of the camp’s two medics; she wants to give up her medical duties to stick to solely fighting instead, but she can’t bring herself to dump those responsibilities solely on Trinity’s shoulders.
-Had a rough upbringing where she was put under constant pressure to succeed that burnt her out, and the First Break War killed the last remnants of any optimism Morgan once had; now, she’s resentful towards the world and everyone in it for her shitty circumstances, lashing out at anyone who dares come close to her when she’s in a bad mood (which she nearly always is).
-Known for her sharp tongue, harsh criticisms of others, and tendency to estimate to newcomers’ faces how long she thinks they’ll live - usually no longer than a month - giving her a reputation for being cold and cruel. The twins have nicknamed her “The Ice Queen” because of this.
-At the same time, she is the most skilled soldier the Realm has, considering her incredible combat skill and her high amount of medical knowledge, and she works tirelessly to maintain that status; a perfectionist to her core, Morgan cannot stand being “only” second best.
-Has an ongoing feud with Sydney due to their clashing worldviews - Morgan believing Sydney’s a complete idiot who’s destined to get herself (and possibly others) killed with her thrill-seeking, Sydney believing Morgan’s a killjoy who’s dead set on making a shitty situation even shittier, especially for the newcomers who are already in an incredibly stressful position. Neither are entirely wrong, but neither are entirely right either.
-Is unlikely friends with Trinity, due to Morgan appreciating her dedication to her unwanted role and far better bedside manners, and Morgan does her best to keep her abrasive side to a minimum around Trinity to keep the kid from getting scared of her. Every day, Morgan resents the fact that Trinity ended up in the Realm at all, and she’ll do whatever it takes to keep her from suffering any more than she already has. (There might be a little projection happening there...)
-Isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty if it ends the war faster; to Morgan, the ends ALWAYS justify the means, especially if that end is a future where no one in the camp needs to suffer anymore.
-In what little downtime she allows herself, Morgan can usually be found reading fantasy novels in the camp’s library. Every now and again she’ll also paint with Trinity, if the kid invites her.
-Died of hypothermia
Age: 16
Role in the story: Secondary character
Appearance: Has sort of amber-toned skin that’s patched with burn scars from her death, most prominently covering much of the right side of her head and almost the entirety of her hands and forearms. Since the right side of her head can’t grow much hair anymore, her short brown hair is styled into a comb-over, and she has light brown, orange-toned eyes. Wears a black leather jacket over a yellow shirt (which likely has some sort of flame pattern on it that gets covered up by the jacket) and shorts with spiked studs on the left side, with purposefully-ripped black leggings underneath.
Rapid fire info: -A former delinquent with a love of fire who fights Breaks with a nailbat (and occasionally flamethrowers) for the thrill of it all.
-The most Chaotic Good member of the team by far; she doesn’t give a shit about any rules if it means having a great time with her friends. She's decided that if she's stuck in a bad situation, then she's gonna have fun with it and live each day like it's her last.
-Has the most prominent death-scars of any of Alice’s soldiers, and while she was pretty self-conscious of them when she first arrived, she doesn’t really care anymore, proudly wearing outfits that have them on full display. It’s half posturing to make herself seem more badass, and half Sydney trying to show newcomers that their scars are nothing to feel ashamed of.
-An adrenaline junkie at heart. When there aren’t enough Breaks to fight, Sydney will start doing stupid stunts to get the same rush, much to Morgan’s intense chagrin; this directly led to their ongoing animosity in the Main Story.
-Helps train newcomers alongside Dylan; newcomers often see her as a cool big sister figure, but don’t tend to look up to her as much as they look up to Dylan, thanks to Sydney discouraging it and being far more irresponsible in general. 
-She’s kind of the “if I just keep moving at all times then my problems can never catch me!!” type, and tries not to dwell on bad situations any longer than it takes for her to make a shitty joke about them.
-Has always had a certain love for fire, but the stressors of the Realm have turned it into honest pyromania; it’s well-known that when Sydney’s under a lot of stress or incredibly pissed off, she’ll gather random shit and start a bonfire somewhere out in the forest. She is single-handedly responsible for Alice forest-fire-proofing the woods around the camp.
-Is good friends with Troy and Bianca, and she often shirks her duties to hang out with them. They can often be found either in the Main Hall’s living room area watching movies, or in the Hall’s hidden rec room playing different party games with them. (Sydney adores action movies and fighting games the most, along with FPS games.)
-Died in a house fire.
Age: 13
Role in the story: Secondary character
Appearance: Looks even younger than her age, with many newcomers mistaking her for being 10 or 11. Has fawn, freckled skin, and dirty blonde hair that’s always pulled into a tight braid over her shoulder, along with deep green eyes. Wears a short/cuffed-sleeve, green button-up shirt with a darker green scarf covering her entire neck, and khaki shorts with cuffs that just barely scrape the tops of her knees.
Rapid fire info: -A girl who turned out to be a medical prodigy, brought into the Realm when they needed medics most - which is all very convenient, isn’t it? :) As of the 'present day’ in story, she’s the junior of the two medics. 
-Extremely timid around people - especially strangers - due to a history of severe bullying; it can take a newcomer weeks to hear her voice for the first time. However, she takes comfort in helping others and is prone to showing a slightly more confident side of herself when doing her job due to the sense of agency it provides her.
-Very self conscious of the bruise on her neck left by her death, often hiding it with a green scarf that also acts as something of a comfort item to her.
-Since she’s easily the youngest and most fragile member of the camp, all of Alice’s soldiers are extremely protective of her, doing whatever they can to keep her away from danger - Morgan especially so, to the point where she’s known to push Trinity away from people who may be dying so that Trinity doesn’t blame herself later if they do pass on. 
-Tries to push Morgan to be less of a jerk to everyone around her; this works, but only when Trinity’s around, much to Trinity’s chagrin. Still, Trinity hopes that one day, Morgan can find some semblance of happiness, or at least peace. 
-When she’s not in the infirmary, Trinity can be found either in her cabin painting, or in the greenhouse with her sketchbook. Natural landscapes and plants are her favourite subjects, and working on art helps to soothe her nerves. She’s pretty good at it for her age, too! Morgan’s cabin is full of her artwork, and she’s also given a couple pieces to Dylan and the twins. 
-Died after falling out of a tree. 
Age: 15
Role in the story: Secondary character
Appearance: I’ll be honest, I have basically nothing for this kid. I know he probably has shaggy ginger hair, and pale, freckled skin. He’s also probably pretty scrawny. That’s it. That’s all I’ve got for now. I kind of just imagine him as your average freshman tbh, lol
Rapid fire info: -Bianca’s twin brother
-The Realm’s only marksman, due to both how close-quarters Break combat tends to be, and due to Alice not wanting to constantly be using her energy to create ammo (and also to limit the amount of people who can kill her from long-range, should that ever become a problem). He uses specially-made airsoft guns that shoot pellets containing an Alice-made substance; it’s harmless towards humans with a sedative effect after around three to five shots, but an extremely potent acid when used on Breaks. This is largely due to the other soldiers fighting with melee weapons, along with one of their best fighters (Dylan) having trauma surrounding firearms; these guns were specifically made to look and sound different enough that they don’t set off any triggers for him while still being effective long-range weapons, though they do still make Dylan nervous to be around. 
-Troy prefers machines and weapons to people; he can often be found tinkering with various devices around the camp or maintaining his guns to ensure they’re in tip-top shape. Meanwhile, he's often a bit awkward around people, especially those he's unfamiliar with, stumbling on his words and overthinking everything he says.
-The Resident Gamer of the group, with a particular love for retro arcade games. The most likely place to find him is in the camp’s hidden rec room, trying again and again to beat the nigh-impossible high scores Alice sets on each of the arcade cabinets when she makes them. He’s also a fan of FPSes and fighting games, and he and Sydney can spend hours competing to see which of them is the best. 
-Has a bit of social anxiety not helped by Bianca pushing people away from the two of them, nor the fact that they were killed by a classmate who seemed perfectly harmless and friendly at first, giving him some trust issues that he keeps firmly under wraps. 
-Knows he’s a bit boring compared to his sister and their best friend (Sydney), and it bothers him constantly, but he does his best not to let it show. He cares about both of them deeply in spite of this, especially Bianca - despite everything that's happened, she's still the closest person in his life.
-Knows that Bianca has issues due to their deaths, but doesn’t know just how bad those issues are, nor how to properly help her with them; he just does his best to be there for her and hopes it’s enough. (It’s not.) 
-Generally just wants to make the best of the shitty situation he and his sister have been dropped in and stop the wars for good.
-Died by being stabbed three times in the chest.
Age: 15
Role in the story: Secondary character
Appearance: Has shoulder-length, ginger hair often pulled into two short pigtails, along with pale, freckled skin and green eyes. Wears a large headbow shaped like a bat, along with a short-sleeved, almost retro-looking, knee-length, plain black dress with a red belt. The belt holds a large pocket knife, as well as a small sack full of throwing knives, in case of an emergency.
Rapid fire info: -Troy’s twin sister
-She and Troy were killed in the same incident - one that Bianca feels responsible for, as she’s the one who trusted their killer the most. Not only that, but she was forced to watch her brother die while being helpless to do anything to stop it. This has led her to become severely over-protective of Troy and extremely paranoid that anyone around them could turn out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing without warning. 
-Acts cheerful and air-headed around other members of the camp despite this; while part of it is a ploy to get people to underestimate her, it’s mostly genuine - a bit of her old self peeking through the cracks. 
-Has a fixation on knives as a result of her death, seeing them as something powerful, but only as long as they’re in her hands. She’s even been known to threaten people she sees as threats to Troy at knifepoint, though she’s never followed through when called on her bluff. If anyone else wields a knife against her, she panics, sometimes even to the point of passing out.
-Came to trust Sydney after one such incident, where Sydney made it crystal clear to Bianca that she wasn’t about to hurt either of the twins. Looks up to the older soldier quite a bit, and she’s the only person Bianca full-heartedly trusts to be alone with Troy. 
-Was just beginning to really experiment with aesthetics when she died, and while keeping her brother around is her number-one priority, she loves to DIY new decorations for her cabin and often requests different clothing from Alice. 
-Died by being stabbed multiple times in the abdomen.
Age: 18
Role in the story: Secondary antagonist
Appearance: I don’t have much for her just yet. What I know for now is that she has sepia/brown skin, eyes that are so dark brown they’re nearly black, has long hair tied into several braids tucked into a ponytail, and probably wears entirely black. I like the idea of her wearing a caplet of some kind. 
Rapid-fire info: -Mikayla’s first success in creating a ‘general’ for her army, through a torturous process that involved trapping Dawn in a series of ever-worsening nightmares that only Mikayla’s intervention would save her from. (Fun fact! This is heavily inspired by a pixel animation on YouTube called Marenol, as well as the song O Light by KikuoHana.) 
-Much like Cynthia, her experiences have left her severely withdrawn and seemingly emotionless, though Dawn is much more apathetic and blunt. She’s become a woman of few words, only speaking in short, clipped sentences when necessary. 
-Has grown resentful of her brother, Dylan, as after his death she felt he had to fill his shoes to keep her family happy; considering that Dylan was naturally gifted in a lot of different areas, this led to Dawn spiraling when she couldn’t live up to those same lofty expectations. 
-Half-believes Mikayla when she says the Soldier’s Camp is inhabited by Alice’s Creations and not real humans; as such, Dawn can be ruthless and cunning on the battlefield, though she hesitates to actually kill anyone. 
-Is deeply terrified of Mikayla, largely because she knows full well that Mikayla could trap her back in the looping nightmares at any point if she messes up. 
-Once each sibling learns that the other is in the Realm, they’re gonna be in for a rough time… 
-I don't have much for her yet, largely because I really wasn't sure what to do with her before this rewrite.
-Committed suicide. 
The Oracle
Age: 17
Role in the story: Secondary antagonist/character 
Appearance: A malnourished girl with unruly brown hair who wears a long white nightgown at all times. Her body is wrapped with bandages, the most notable of which being around her eyes; taking the facial bandages off is not recommended, as it typically results in the Oracle shrieking until they’re returned. 
Rapid-fire info: -A failed experiment of Mikayla’s to get a human to use Life Force the way an Author can, largely in order to create someone capable of seeing into the future. In some ways, she did succeed, though she absolutely destroyed the Oracle’s mind in the process. 
-The Oracle has lost all sense of self, forgetting her past life entirely and becoming incapable of truly perceiving the present when she isn’t being directly spoken to. As a meager form of coping, the Oracle has dedicated herself entirely to the idea of ‘destiny’, viewing it almost like a god. 
-Seems to view Lydia as a kindred spirit, which freaks Lydia out a bit. It makes her worry that her own powers could end up leaving her in a similar state (though that’s largely because Lydia doesn’t know what exactly led to the Oracle’s powers). 
-There isn’t too much to say about the Oracle, largely thanks to her playing a small role in the story and her lacking much in the way of personal agency for much of it due to her circumstances. 
-Cause of death unknown; assumed to be suicide. 
The Serpent
Age: Has been around for about three years. 
Role in the story: Basically set dressing lol
Appearance: A massive snake made of dark grey stone, about twenty feet long, with a human-like hand where the tip of its tail should be that it uses to hold onto the door to Alice’s Garden. It has two curved horns on the top of its head and a mouth full of sharp, stalactite-esque teeth. Its eyes glow different colours based on the feedback it's received; in its neutral state they’re light purple, when a riddle has been answered correctly they glow red (because Alice wanted to fuck with people, basically), and when someone has failed its test they glow bright green. 
Rapid-fire info: -A living security system Alice set up over the door to her manor. At first, the Serpent only tested a creature’s ability to speak before allowing them passage, but Mikayla proceeded to alter the Breaks so a few could mimic human speech, so Alice altered it to tell riddles instead. If you fail three times, you’re eaten alive, and while it does slowly assimilate its victims into the raw meat that makes up its insides, any unfortunate human consumed would die of dehydration due to how long this process takes. Thankfully, Alice can typically figure out if a human’s been eaten within a day or so, and will usually get the Serpent to spit them out. She won’t help with the acid burns, though - that’s not her problem as far as she’s concerned.
-Largely lacks a personality, as it doesn’t require it to do its job. However, it does seem to have some opinions, as it respects Gamma quite a bit as the lead guard and has a mild distaste for the gargoyles’ antics. 
-Will gladly answer questions asked to it (once its riddle is solved, of course), though its answers can be cryptic and lead to even further questions. 
-Is the main reason Alice’s soldiers really don’t like visiting her manor, since it freaks them the hell out (and to be fair, the threat of being eaten alive would do that to most people). 
The Gargoyles (El and Ar) 
Age: About three years old. 
Role in the story: Basically set dressing lol
Appearance: They basically just look like dragon-esque gargoyles, made of the same grey stone as the Serpent, that are about the size of a large dog. Each has gemstones for eyes, with El’s being sapphires and Ar’s being rubies. (Fun fact! These two were inspired by two identical lion statues my grandma has outside of her house, framing her front door, though the irl statues are MUCH smaller than the gargoyles.) 
Rapid-fire info: -Created to guard Alice’s Manor personally once the human soldiers got their own camp, as well as clean up the mess left behind after Break attacks. They have pedestals outside of the Manor’s front door - El sits on the left, Ar sits on the right. 
-Absolutely inseparable, mostly because these two have a single brain cell to share between the both of them and it spends all its time thinking about meat. They have a penchant for speaking in unison and finishing one another's sentences. 
-Both of them have identical, almost manic personalities, and it would be impossible to tell one apart from the other if not for their differing eye colours. 
-They’re basically the Realm’s janitors, eating leftover Break flesh once attacks finish to keep the Realm (and especially the Soldier’s Camp) nice and clean. The humans aren’t big fans of them, due to their winning personalities, and Gamma shares this opinion, largely thanks to the two of them shirking their duties more often than not to go hunting in the woods together. (Alice thinks they’re funny little guys, though.) Fortunately, they’ve been specifically programmed to find the taste of human flesh repulsive. 
-The best way I can describe them is that they have seagull vibes. They’re like if you made a seagull the size of a dog and gave it the ability to speak. 
Age: Less than a year old
Role in the story: Basically set dressing lol 
Appearance: Its head is a massive, seven-foot-tall brass antique diving helmet, from which three immense tendrils made of some sort of black sludge protrude. It has no sensory organs to speak of, but it seems to be able to navigate just fine, even getting a bit too close to humans it gets curious about as if to get a better look at them. 
Rapid-fire info: -Alice originally created this funky thing as an experiment, then liked it so much she gave it its own fountain in her backyard and made it a guard. 
-Has about the same mental capacity as a toddler, and is prone to doing odd things when it gets curious about something; is known to climb on top of the Manor’s roof and stretching up as tall as it can in order to see outside of the walls surrounding it, which is mostly just seen as a nuisance. 
-It still has the craving for Break flesh, like most of its carnivorous peers. It can absorb any organic material it wants through its sludge, though it seems to be able to choose what it does and does not want to assimilate into itself, as it doesn’t consume things like grass by moving over it. 
-It isn’t allowed outside of the Manor’s walls like the gargoyles are - largely because Gamma fears it might consume a human if given the opportunity and wants to keep a close eye on any interactions it might have with them, just in case - and as such, the other guards need to regularly bring it Break flesh to feed on. (Something the gargoyles like to “forget” to do so they can keep it all for themselves.) 
Age: Has existed for a little over eight years
Role in the story: Basically set dressing lol
Appearance: A mis-match of parts from different Earth animals, with the body and fur of an adolescent black lab that hasn’t quite grown into their paws yet, a feline head, a fox’s tail and large ears similar to a lop-eared rabbit’s. The tips of his tail and ears are white, as if they were dipped in white paint. Blitz also has a small clock embedded in his forehead (and maybe on his shoulders and flanks as well, haven’t decided yet), and through the gears you can catch glimpses of his brain. 
Rapid-fire info: -Calling Blitz a ‘guard’ is a bit of a misnomer, but he doesn’t really fit in any other category (aside from Alice’s Inner Circle, but it felt misleading to put him above Cynthia considering his unimportance to the narrative); he’s the first permanent Creation Alice ever made, and he’s around largely to be a companion creature, though he’s really just chilling. 
-Has no tongue (Alice got so caught up making sure the rest of him was perfect that he gained consciousness without one), so he’s easily mistaken to be more animalistic than he is by the humans, but he’s really got the mind of a small child and can communicate telepathically with Alice and all of her Creations with ease. Alice could make him a tongue, and has offered in the past, but Blitz prefers this. 
-Has not aged physically or mentally since his creation because he simply does not want to. Because of this, Gamma treats him like a beloved younger sibling despite Blitz technically being older than him by several months, even reading the little guy bedtime stories regularly. The affection is mutual, as Blitz admires his ‘Big Brother’ a whole lot. (Enough that Blitz uses he/him pronouns purely because Gamma does and Blitz thinks Gamma’s cool.) 
-Blitz is almost as curious about the humans as Gamma is, mostly out of childish wonder at these strange new beasts in his home, but Alice and Gamma won’t let him go outside any further than the Manor’s gardens since he’d be easy Break food. He’s very happy in the rare times that humans do come and visit. 
-Completely desensitized to gore and the like thanks to spending most of his time around Alice ever since he was made, but does get extremely sad when one of the humans or one of the guards die; he doesn’t fully get the concept of death, but he understands it just enough to know that it means he's never gonna see someone again.  -Quite literally exists to sit around being cute. He’s very good at it!! 
Some Random Timeline Bullshit:
Order of Arrival To The Realm: Cynthia (4.5 years before the main story (BMS)) -> Dylan (4 years BMS) -> Morgan (3.5-4 years BMS) -> Sydney (3 years BMS) -> Trinity (2.5 years BMS) -> Bianca + Troy (6-8 months BMS) -> Lydia + Sinclair (start of main story)
The First Break War happened around four years before the main story, lasting about a year and leading to the deaths of almost a hundred people. The Second Break War happened around a year and a half before the main story, lasting around six to eight months and leading to the deaths of a little over a dozen people.
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ahouseinprimrosehill · 11 months
dear clarissa,
I’m writing because there’s no escaping the labyrinth of my mind, so I’d rather call out in hopes that somebody will call back to me from the distance, and if not, I’ll have the company of my echo. I like to think of my echo as a separate, more truthful, voice of someone much braver than I am.
The past few days have been a rollercoaster, one that comes to a halt on a terribly steep point and remains in stasis, occasionally giving one a heart attack with the creaking sound of its metallic scorn, and I, an unfortunate rider.
I’m masking my relentless fear of a myriad of diseased realities that are occurring simultaneously in my life by writing about my fear of climate change and the ongoing wars and injustices in the world, for I think that I might find an alleyway of worse horrors than the horrors I’m (mostly) imagining, or being imposed upon by. I scream in solidarity with my sisters, my fellowmen and oh, the children, the children. I cry tears that I know are welling out of selfish places in my soul, but I don’t know how to access them any other way. I miss you, terribly, clarissa,
You have been distant, but I don’t blame you, my company has become a sort of liability for I’ve turned into a mess of a person ever since They instilled this self-loathing inside of me, I’ve transformed into some sort of a pang in the throat of the world.
I’ve let Them take turns on my whole being, I’ve allowed unreasonable worries into my head, and I’ve yielded every inch of my will to them. You always told me ‘I marvel at your willpower’, and I’ve called you a stranger for it. I peer at my usurped willpower convulsively every day as I walk downstairs and see Them, or when occasionally They would come up to my room to stare at me with restless disdain.
I’m no bird, I lack wings, feathers, and a spine. I’m a floating jellyfish, colorless, invisible.
I obfuscate and render everything impossible to interpret, and this is how my mind works, twists and turns, collateral roads to avoid the core of the onion. I have spent my entire life devising methods to evade the realization that I have yet to establish self-determination.
The multitudes of thoughts I’ve let escape my grasp because I was too scared of the horror that comes with birthing greatness, they haunt me every minute of the day, like creeping weeds they ascend sullenly enforcing a burning desolation in every corner of my body and soul. I ache and burn.
Clarissa, fear not for my life, I’m too severed to be any more dead. I’m in a perpetual state of almostness, and I don’t think I’m ever going to be free.
They say there’s clarity in repeating facts to yourself when things get hard, but what if the facts are the reason you’re a still pond?
Oh, clarissa, the emptiness is so vast. If I was an optimist I would say there was plenty of room for improvement instead of calling it a void. But it’s a distorted emptiness, the kind that resists your presence, the kind that is full of lacking, pressured energy of utter nothingness.
I wonder if I ever had a life before the darkness decided to stay.
I wish to never stop writing, but even the unsent letters seem like potential burdens. I’m in torment, and I wish if someone would hear me, bear with me, cry out for me when I fall weak. I’m so alone and shelterless.
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rotinfested · 1 year
hello… long time no post. lots of transitional shit going on. i miss logging and reviewing horror (and refuse to abandon things) so i’m back, hopefully consistently and for good.
because they say it takes three weeks to form a habit, i’m going to post 21 days of horror.
no particular sub-genres or age ratings… i just want to dive back into it. definitely have some stuff i watched and didn’t post, some i’ll rewatch for this blog and some i won’t (terrifier, i’m looking at you).
i want to organize this blog a little more too, so i’m going to try to improve my tumblr literacy. i’m more of a discord/twitter person these days…
probably going to change the formatting of my posts, keep them straightforward but make them a little more eye-catching. hopefully you guys will like it.
okay, i talked enough. i hope everyone has been/is well. now, let’s get into it !
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crimsun-n-clover · 1 year
i went to dollar tree today
i was going for craft shit. i keep getting rejected for all the delivery jobs i want so i’m trying to make silly little things that i could sell.
i like dollar tree because it makes me feel like there’s hope. i see things and design my trailer in my head. i pick which mugs i’ll use with my coffee maker, which wildflowers i’d plant outside, and which little trinkets i’d get for the kiddos.
i have a whole family of stray cats that i love ever so dearly. usually i can’t get close to them, but i feed them, bring them water, and talk to them in the hope that it improves their lives.
when i left dollar tree, i went around the back of the building because of where i was parked.
(this isn’t the dollar tree i went to last time, because at that one i dealt with the HORROR of seeing sugar’s sister employed there. by horrid chance i had just gotten a utility knife off the shelf there to carry with me in my battle vest, so if any rumors go around about homicidal intent that’s where that shit came from.)
when i went to the back i found a scrawny little black cat and threw out a handful of treats. he ate them up and i parked to get a can of the good wet food. the cat straight up walked over to me like we were friends. i gave him the food and he let me pet him, talk to him, play with him, all that. he has a scratchy little meow and he’s so fun. he was weaving between my legs and climbing all over me, purring and making biscuits. if i walked away, he would follow me. it was amazing. i made a new friend. he had bald spots and scars, as well as an ear notch, but he wasn’t neutered so it was definitely from a fight. he’s such a sweetheart and would roll over and lay on his back and paw at me.
i felt like a monster leaving him.
his name is ronnie and i will now dedicate myself to moving out so i can bring him home. he looks so sick and sad, but he’s so sweet and full of life. he only ate half of the can of tuna and gravy i gave him he’s so LITTLE. i can’t stand to leave him out there in the florida heat and constant floods, but i know i can’t bring him home.
my mom would absolutely kill me, my dad would question how i got him (and hanging out behind buildings is apparently not good), my bastard quarantine dog would eat him alive, and my spoiled sweet baby cat would be so jealous that he’d lose his absolute shit.
so instead of having four things in the way, i’m cool with just the one. i think ronnie and my boy would get along fine. they both are weirdly shaped black cats with green eyes that i found as baby ferals. they’re both affectionate and have silly little meows. i’m sure they’d be fine eventually.
ronnie being a stray is a bit of a problem. he’s not safe and i want him to be safe, but he’s in a really scary part of town for an animal or human. bears n heroin n all that mess. he’s probably covered in fleas and has ringworm or some shit, so i’d have to get him vet care before i could take him home, and there’s no way i can convince my parents. well, maybe my dad, but i’m not going through him for shit. and he’s so over protective of me that he’ll lose his mind about me trying to socialize ferals in bad areas.
my dad got one of his cats the same way. he was playing a bar show and met a stray in the parking lot that let him pet it and weaved between his legs, and he told his band that if the cat was still there after the set, he’d take it home. he was kinda joking, but when the cat was still there, he took it in.
hell, my dad was selling drugs at my age. get over yourself steven. your carbon copy lesbian bastard child is entitled to a little bit of tomfuckery. i’m not even doing anything wrong by normal person standards, my parents are just strict.
sometimes i’ll say something about being a bad person, but then my last remaining best friend will remind me that i found two baby raccoons in a walmart parking lot, fed them, named them, and now try to go check on them regularly. it’s just what i do.
i’m sure i’m the reincarnated motherfucker that found a wolf and just decided “yeah okay you can bite me a little bit because we’re besties now. what do you wanna eat sweetheart i have chicken and all that. yes you can have my entire bed. i sleep on the floor sometimes anyway.”
241 more days of lying, planning, suffering, and waiting to bring ronnie home.
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kihaku-gato · 2 years
2022 retrospective
A very loud part of me want to say this year was horrible and that I got to discover a lot of horrible and ugly sides to myself that I would truly care not to have. A grain of truth, the rest I must remind myself is me being a bit unfair and cruel to myself. A rough year, a rough environment, one can only handle it for so long before they snap. A lot of it, not unlike the year itself, could not be entirely helped. Gotta note it and try to do better next time, and it may not succeed next time either.
To be fair to myself I won’t delve further on the self discovery horrors as that is unfair to myself to also far too easy to fall into. This retrospective needs to include positives, and then with it the goals (I’d call some of these goals more like wishes then goals since a lot of external factors affect if I’ll be able to even try or not to achieve them).
Let’s start with the one I could talk about most; art.
I may not be making art at the quantity of my early days, I still did more art this year than I have done in recent years. The drawn-flowers-from-personal-photos challenge I did only lasted as long as the earlier spring flowers (no surprise, once seeding season kicks in, energy to do much else dropped like a rock), and it showed that I still have the ability to draw irl flowers and enjoy it. The fact I did it will only pencil and pencil crayon was both fun and challenging as well. If I could find skintones in my crayon arsenal I’d likely look into doing such media with my OCs (it may even be a sign that I should look into skintone pencil crayons).
I actually did my first Art Fight this year, making an art piece of a different person’s OC every week within the entirety of July. I pushed further in what I could do by trying to make more complex backgrounds. I got to see some of my OCs get some love from other artists too which was a plus. Thanks to art fight too I pushed to finally make reference sheets of some of my OCs. I hope for 2023 I can not only participate in Art Fight again, but also make even better compositions, and make more reference sheets for my other OCs.
One of my other OCs (Shenkin) got an update and upgrade to his design, and is probably my most favourite iteration of his design, making previous versions pale in comparison. Kayla’s armor design is closer than ever to being to what I’d like for her. Since mid to late December Gertrude has been toyed around with both in my head and with my pencil and will likely become another OC to get a big update and upgrade and may lead me to try to draw more space/sci-fi. I hope more of my OCs in general get to grow with what I’m able to do.
My goal for art in 2023 is to at least match to what I did in 2022 in quality and quantity, if not go even further (but if I can’t that’s ok too). It would be nice to try to delve into clay model art. Additionally to not be bound by the social media chains that cause such severe validation deficiency. Be proud of your art Me, even if not appreciated by as many peeps as you’d like, the ones that truly matter at least do.
Was hoping for some issues to heal away before the end of the 2022 but that didn’t happen. That being said, I had done some tweaking in my diet to alleviate some of the bigger issues. I have also helped improve my diet, not by a huge margin but still by an ok margin with having daily berry smoothies. The person I was back in high school would’ve been shook at me doing that. I’m no longer eating summer sausage unprepared; now I’m actually having them in sandwiches which adds a bit more grain into my daily meals. Also found I like mushrooms on my pizza, meaning a little something extra to my usually rigid preferences in pizza. I hope my medical issues finally heal up, but also that my diet/palette can further expand.
Rereading the chronicles of ancient darkness is proving that I should look into more reading in 2023, even if its just within my own personal collection. I can see a lot more in these stories than I could even remotely comprehend back in the days I first read them. I need to take advantage of those times where my mind is restless in wait (car rides in general).
Just goals and wishes
At least get my G1 driver’s license this 2023 PLEASE. Get my gardening care (houseplant and/or outdoor plant) care back in order, even at the lowest of bars. Complete certain video games so I can move on from them (if you know which ones I mean, you’ll understand). I hope to see myself in a kinder and more patient light in 2023 and that I can look at myself  without tearing myself apart. Explore more self-expression whether be artistically or irl it may help.
If future me ends up reading this down the road; I hope this finds you grown further than at the time of this writing and that many of these goals have been achieved. If not? It’s ok, I know that even if you think you haven’t tried, you have. At the very least, being in this rough yet beautiful world is enough, please don’t forget.
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moonandris · 2 years
Faye’s Writeblr Introduction ♡
Hey everyone! I’ve had this blog for a little while now and I realized I haven’t done a proper writeblr introduction. With this post I hope I’ll be able to interact more with the writeblr community and get to know some of you better, and in turn, you can get to know me as we suffer through this wonderful writing journey together. <3
Name & General Information
My name is Faye and I’m a twenty-something bisexual woman-child who’s usually got her head in the clouds or her nose buried in a good fantasy book. I’m a daydreamer, worldbuilder, fantasy lore enthusiast, and of course, a creative writer. I’ve been writing off and on since I graduated high school, and while I’ve been ‘on’ again since my mid-twenties, I still consider myself a novice, albeit a very passionate one.
Things I Like
Writing, editing, drawing, singing, animals, video games, storytelling, history & mythology, languages, learning about different cultures, personal growth & self-improvement, constructive criticism, making new writing buddies, writers supporting other writers, people who let me talk about my OCs until I run out of breath from talking so much. :)
Things I Dislike
Writing, editing, drawing, procrastination, stagnancy in all things (but especially in writing), nonconstructive criticism, writer’s block and blinding white documents judging me for not filling them with words, people devoid of empathy and basic human decency, when I get so frustrated with myself and my writing that I rage quit and yeet my work into the trash and delete it forever...  PLEASE LOVE YOURSELVES AND DO NOT  E V E R  DO THIS! :(
Content I Enjoy Writing and Reading
Mostly fantasy and its many subgenres (high, modern, scifi, dark). I also enjoy horror, paranormal, and dark-themed stories that explore real life human struggles in exciting, imaginative worlds. I consider myself a fantasy/romance writer overall but I’m honestly not too picky and will read anything that’s well-written and has solid worldbuilding + likeable characters. I love stories that focus on character growth and personal journeys, especially ones that have strong themes of romance, friendship, or that demonstrate the strength of love and bonds between people, regardless if it’s romantic, platonic, or familial. I’m a bisexual creator and every story I write has LGBT+ characters and relationships. As far as romance goes, I write gay, lesbian, bisexual, and straight romances with various genders and dynamics. I enjoy delving into many different themes in my stories, such as discovering identity, exploring sexuality, examining what it means to be human, and finding one’s place in the wide world.
My Absolute Favorite Tropes, Themes, and Content
hurt/comfort stories that rip your heart out of your chest and tape it back together
soulmates, whether they be romantic or platonic (but especially romantic)
enemies to lovers/friends and lovers/friends to enemies
supernatural creatures (vampires, werewolves, angels, demons, sorcerers, witches, warlocks, mer, fae, etc.)
experiencing, overcoming, and healing from fucked up trauma
defying fate and choosing your own path despite destiny’s enigmatic design
magic and magical systems, powers, governments, and hierarchies
intense horror stories, scary creatures, thrilling content that gets the blood pumping
exploring identity, sexuality, and finding one’s place in the world
Thank you so much for reading, and I really appreciate it so much if you reblog! Happy writing! 💕
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x-childish-x · 3 years
Yes, it's me again ;) Could I also please request prompt 4, 8 and 60 with sweet FrankenKyle, please? Perhaps reader is trying to help him get reacquainted with pleasure and sex after everything? Lots of love!
Pairing: Fraken!Kyle x fem!reader
Fandom: American Horror Story
Warnings: NSFW!, smut, oral, male receiving, PiV
Word Count: 1075
A/N: Hello! Thank you for the request lovely! I hope you enjoy this, let me know if anything's wrong. Feedback is always appreciated! Sorry it took me awhile to get out, I've been incredibly busy. Lots of love right back to you.
Summary: You help Kyle get reacquainted with the feelings of sex.
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(Gif not mine!)
Being a part of the coven had its ups and downs. The other girls, the secrecy, your supreme. But the most prominent up and a down in your life was Kyle. You had thought it was a terrible idea for Madison, Zoe, and you to go to that party, and you thought it was an even worse idea for Madison and Zoe to bring Kyle back. And in a sense, you were correct.
Kyle was not Kyle, rather a fraction of his former self you'd met at the party. You hated how Madison and Zoe had picked the "best parts" and brought him back into a world that he could hardly function in. However, there was a brighter side. Kyle had chosen you. Out of the three of you, Kyle chose you to follow, to latch onto, to go to for help. 
You spent hours each day helping reacquaint Kyle with life. From things like helping him get dressed and eat to speaking and writing. Truthfully, you loved helping Kyle... hell, let's not lie you love him. And you didn't doubt that he loved you too, times like right now proved it.
Kyle currently clung to your arm as he sat beside you, quietly saying the words on the cards. His head rests on your shoulder and it made you happy to see him so content.
"That's all of them, Kyle," Your voice was soft as you looked down at him, his head staying to stare at the cards, "You did so much better. You're really improving."
He grunted softly, making you shift so he was forced to lift his head and look at you, "What's wrong, Kyle?" 
He shifted his position again, grunting and mumbling, "Want... you."
You smiled, pulling the boy into your chest, "I'm right here, Kyle."
"No!" He whined, pulling back, "Like... this."
Kyle leaned forward, very softly pressing his lips to yours. Tears welled in your eyes, and immediately you kissed him back, guiding his lips under the realization that you'd have to reteach him everything. Kyle pulled you into him, but unlike all the other times you'd hug, you were forced to straddle his lap. Your new position caused a soft whimper to leave Kyle's mouth as you became aware of his hard-on.
"What gave you this idea, Kyle?"
You pulled back, brushing the boy's bangs out of his eyes gently, "Movie... t-thought.. of... you."
You smile, standing up and grabbing his hand. Your lips reconnected with more fever this time, letting you know that Kyle was beginning to feel more confident. And when you gently pushed Kyle to lay down on your bed as you felt your confidence grow.
Kyle chose you. 
No matter how hard Madison and Zoe tried in the beginning, Kyle chose you. Over and over again, each time he chose you. 
"I'll teach you. But... let me know if you get uncomfortable, okay?" 
Kyle nodded to you as you began to slowly kiss down his jaw. Gently, you removed his shirt and began to kiss down his chest, promptly a quiet whine from Kyle. Getting him undressed was easy, seeing as you had helped him get dressed in the beginning. But now, it felt so much different. 
You smiled at Kyle as you kissed the tip of his length, beginning to stroke him, "Do you like it when I touch you like that?"
"M-more," Kyle whined, "Please!"
You nodded, taking the tip of his into your mouth and sucking. A loud, sinful moan left Kyle's mouth the moment your warm lips wrapped around his length. You bobbed slowly at first, allowing him to get reacquainted to the feeling before you took him out of your mouth. Crawling up Kyle's body, he immediately pulled you down, his lips connecting with yours in urgent need.
"More!" Kyle whined loudly, "More! More!"
"Sit back, and enjoy."
You smiled, taking his length in your hands and rubbing his tip between your folds. A soft moan left your mouth as you gently pushed him in, sinking down on him. Kyle's hands immediately grabbed your hips as whines began to leave his mouth. You cupped his cheek, drawing his attention to you.
You smiled slightly at his needy looked before beginning to move. He filled you up deliciously, and as you began to roll your hips while bouncing on him, you couldn't hold in your moans. Kyle's whines filled the air with your moans as you bounce on top of him. He slid in and out of your walls perfectly, his size making your whining increase the quicker you bounce. 
Kyle is struggling to keep control, and you notice that in the way his hips begin to move up to meet yours. You are absolutely drenched around him, something was just so incredibly arousing about being the one to re-teach Kyle what pleasure was.
His grip on your waist tightens, and you realize he's probably close to cumming. But you expected that it was his first time after being brought back after all, of course, it wouldn't be too long, but you didn't think it would be so quick for you to come to. 
"Close!" He cries out, and you begin to wonder what movie he was watching.
"Cum for me, Kyle. Cum." 
He lets out a deep, throaty groan as his hips still and his grip tightens even more, surely leaving bruises. You roll your hips a few last times before your orgasm washes over you. You blame its intensity on the extra heat you felt from being able to teach Kyle. You figured this would be just the start, the start to many more lessons about pleasure. Maybe you should get him some more movies. 
One of Kyle's hands lets go of your waist, finding your own hands holding you upon his chest as soft whines leave your lips while you come down from your high. Kyle squeezes your hand, watching your face in astonishment, loving the look of pleasure he'd given you.
"(Y/n)," Kyle's voice is more breathy, but it's the clearest he's ever said your name, "I... love... you."
Tears well in your eyes as you nod, a large smile coming to your face, "I love you too."
He pulls you down against his chest softly, and you feel relieved the moment his arms wrap around you. You knew your situation wasn't ideal... but you couldn't imagine yourself anywhere else in the world besides Kyle's arms.
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bottoms-movie · 3 years
so a lot of people seemed interested this so here it is! if ya’ll like this, i can make more parts! this is split into three categories: based on tfatws, canon divergence, and au. all fics are on ao3. all of the fics are complete. some fics do include smut, but i included the ratings, so make sure to check for that based on preferences!
also, feel free to send me asks on your thoughts on any fics or if you’re interested in another sambucky fic rec post!
Fill the Hole in my Heart | Not Rated | 4,848 words
Bucky dives into the world of online dating. The girls are nice, but there seems to be something missing. When he goes to Louisiana to meet Sam and his family, he realizes what that something was.
Skip, Reverse | Explicit | 7,945 words
Sam stood in the middle of their local Target with a throw pillow in each hand. The one in his left hand was butter-soft and matched the drapes in the living room, but Bucky had walked by five seconds ago and declared the one on the right “absolutely fucking hideous,” and so now Sam kind of wanted it more than he had ever wanted anything.
Sometimes romance is just bickering with your superhero partner/roommate at several different Target locations.
just won’t do right | General | 7,524 words
Sam's eyebrows go up, impressed, and he reaches over to squeeze Torres' shoulder, "This is amazing, kid. Thanks, really."
Bucky sits and watches in utter horror as the pink darkens on Torres' cheeks.
Oh, he realizes. Oh. Fuck.
body language will do the trick | Explicit | 12,598 words
“There’s no way you’re going to win this,” Bucky tells Sam. “I am going to love language the shit out of you.”
Sam gives him a considering look. “You do seem like you’d be really good at that.”
Bucky’s cheeks flush with heat. “Thanks, pal, I—”
Sam smirks, and Bucky’s eyes narrow. He shoves his elbow into Sam’s side and stalks off, leaving Sam cackling behind him.
“Your ass looks great today!” Sam yells.
Bucky reaches up to flip Sam the bird, and he definitely does not feel grateful that he wore his good jeans today. Bucky’s ass looks great every day.
checklist | General | 4,716 words
Bucky Barnes keeps a mental checklist of things he knows to be true at any given moment. Sometimes the checklist changes, because he's learned something else about himself. It changes, for example, when he starts realizing that maybe he would like to kiss Sam Wilson. Maybe.
best laid plans | 3 parts | 26,808 words
part 1: baby you’re the wave and I’m ready for the crash | Explicit | 6,616 words
Nah, my plan’s better,” Sam declares, before clapping Bucky on the shoulder.
“I’m sorry, what plan? Was that a plan? It didn’t sound like a plan to me, it sounded like a vague intention,” says Bucky, still scowling, and Sam grins.
“We’re winging it, the plan is a work in progress! Now c’mon, we gotta make some wardrobe adjustments if we’re gonna get into that club.”
Sam and Bucky have some unorthodox methods of going undercover in a club.
He Doesn’t Deserve You! | Teen | 5,154 words
Sam and Bucky have an argument that results in Bucky being left at the bar. A group of drunk strangers assumes Bucky just got dumped and quickly adopt him for the night to make him feel better.
Reconstitution | Not Rated | 10,228 words
“I didn’t back Steve on the Sokovia Accords,” Sam says unprompted one day. They’re so close to apprehending the Flagsmashers and wrapping up this ridiculous saga.
“I don’t follow,” Bucky says.
“I was the one who refused to sign it first. Not Steve.”
Sam says it so softly that Bucky has to strain to hear him. Sam is loud and chatty and half the time he keeps up a constant stream of chatter just to get on Bucky’s nerves, but Bucky’s coming to realize that when he really wants to make himself heard, he’s soft spoken and mild. Bucky doesn’t entirely follow his train of thought, though.
Or: a breaking down, remaking, and coming back stronger than ever before
Stuck On You (You Suez, You Luez) | Explicit | 10,136 words
Sam and Bucky’s mission was simple: stowaway on a ship suspected of weapons-smuggling in the Suez, gather enough intel to report back, and hop off again in Port Said. Something gets in the way, and a day-long recon session turns into a week of chess, bickering, semi-successful movie references, and trying not to go slowly insane.
His Touch | Mature | 1,006 words
When Baron Zemo touched Bucky’s face, Sam Wilson saw red.
Bucky just wants Sam to comfort him.
rusted | Teen | 2,358 words
Bucky doesn’t grace him with a sound of acknowledgement. He’s been quiet, ever since that night with Zemo. Well. Quieter. It’s almost like. Every time he opens his mouth, he’s half-expecting the Winter Soldier to come out.
He hasn’t, yet. Won’t, ever again. Not unbidden. Sam’s sure of that. Bucky, not so much.
‘You busy?’
‘’m scouring the—’
‘Good,’ Sam cuts the idiot off, ‘I need you to help me shave.’
advanced therapy methods for large adult men | 2 parts | 11,717 words
part 1: The Gottman Method for Dealing with Conflict | Mature | 4,187 words
Bucky and Dr. Raynor have a follow-up session and two entirely different conversations about his relationship status.
Or: Let's do more couples therapy, James.
it’s always Bucky’s Fault | 3 parts | 20,089 words
part 1: Did you see it? | Explicit | 3,905 words
In which there's supposedly a viral video of the Winter Soldier on his knees sucking off Captain America.
Everything is, like always, completely Bucky's fault.
Even in the Present (I Am Living in the Past) | Teen | 16,977 words
Sometimes Sam still questions everything about his ability to shoulder the 80-year legacy he now bears. His history, and the history of his loss, sticks with him and even in healing he doubts whether or not he is able to fulfil his purpose, and whether he may find lasting peace and happiness.
Told in fluid-fragments, the story moves between his therapy sessions after his return from active duty and the post-Endgame present.
You never forget your first | Teen | 3,650 words
The story of Bucky and Sam getting together in a series of firsts.
leftovers | Mature | 19,249 words
With the New Avengers up and running, Sam finally has time to start dating again. Unfortunately, it's not going as well as he'd hoped.
Partners | Explicit | 7,235 words
Sam's not sure if he can be Captain America. He's not a supersoldier. He can't throw the shield. He's just a dude.
And Bucky Barnes is just a nuisance, albeit a pretty good-looking one.
I’ll explain everything to the geese | Explicit | 50,949 words
Bucky is so competent that it hurts my feelings is not a rational complaint to have about a person, and yet, after a year of being Captain America and partnering up with Bucky for the new and improved, post-Blip Avengers, that’s kinda how Sam’s feeling.
It’s not great. It maybe leads to Sam making some rash, ill-advised decisions like claiming he has a previously undisclosed superpower, and then getting caught in a web of lies when he ends up actually developing that surprisingly inconvenient superpower. Talking to birds had seemed like a harmless superpower, but it turns out that birds have a lot of opinions, and they don’t hesitate to tell Sam about them, especially when it comes to his supposedly subpar courting skills. Which is ridiculous, because Sam isn’t courting Bucky. Right?
Night Swimming | Teen | 2,056 words
“Come on. The princess has a new arm for you and I gotta see if there’s a barber around here willing to tackle your…” Sam waved a hand at Bucky’s face.
“I don’t want a new arm,” Bucky immediately bit out.
And then -
“I can cut my own damn hair.”
Sam just raised both eyebrows. Crossed his arms over his chest again.
Dared Bucky to prove him wrong.
Cpvert Coffee & Flirtation Specialist | General | 5,542 words
The reporter says "—for Captain America to—"
And Bucky rolls his eyes. "Oh, here we go."
Sam looks at him then tips his head sideways, got a weird grin on his face. "Not a fan?"
"Not that. Just… the guy seems too good to be true, right? Wings and a shield?? Come on."
"Uh, is that why your eyes are like glued to the screen whenever he's on?" Kate says. "Is that why you call him Captain Tight Ass?"
"He's a goddamn show-off, and you know it. Tight ass or not."
Just then Sam snorts, real loud, grabs his coffee and suffers a horribly controlled laugh on his way out the door.
Stolen Moments | Teen | 98,767 words
“No,” Sam said, chuckling. “I don’t cheat,” he swept his gaze up and down James’ body, “even with guys who look like you. But, I’m bored and a little pissed, so if you wanna sit here and shoot the shit ‘til my man shows back up, I’m game.”
Never one to back to back down from a challenge - especially a challenge who looked like Sam Wilson - Bucky took another swig from his bottle and replied, “Sure, doll. I’ve got nothing but time.”
Steve has Sam. Bucky wants Sam. Sam wasn’t expecting any of this.
Such a Whirlwind Since I Saw You | Teen | 10,871 words
The Men of Letters turned Bucky Barnes into a weapon. Hunters Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanov are determined to save him, but they're going to need Sam Wilson's help.
“So you want me to ditch work, drive across America with you until you find your friend, who you thought was dead - all while avoiding some high-tech hunters who are out for blood?” Sam is asking.
Steve shrugs a shoulder, looking a little sheepish. Natasha almost laughs at the dry tone of Sam’s voice, but he's not wrong.
You Got What I Need? | Explicit | 37,588 words
Sam and Bucky are both in a bind, professionally. Nat points out a solution that neither men like. To save their careers they play along or rather, stop playing all together.
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maximons · 3 years
All Is Lost
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Summary: Zombies have taken over the world, humanity on the edge of extinction. All hope was lost. Despite that, Wanda couldn’t seem to let go of Y/n, who had fallen victim to the plague herself.
Word Count: 2,263
Genre: Angst
Requested?: No
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, death, cannibalism, suicide, mentions of blood. Spoilers for Ep. 5 of What If...?
A/N: I know, I know, I’m gonna get into the stuff I promised soon. But for now, the Zombies episode inspired me and this came out. If you haven’t seen the episode yet, go watch it. Its amazing and depressing. Also this is DARK guys, probably the darkest thing I’ve ever written, so...Happy Reading!
The Zombie apocalypse was always something everyone joked about, but never something that anyone could actually predict.
Everything happened so quickly, Wanda could barely keep up. It’s hard to believe that everything was so normal only two weeks ago. Now, she was locked away with Vision in an abandoned military base in New Jersey. Desperate to survive for as long as possible while Vision worked on a cure.
Some of his experiments had been a success, most notably Scott Lang who he was able to revert back from his zombified state. However, the man was now only a severed head.
Despite the success, Vision was less than optimistic. For one, Scott was one of the first infected. While the cure worked on him, the android theorized that the disease has mutated greatly since then, and it was likely impossible to cure everyone. And even if he could, the technology to do so is beyond human comprehension and therefore doesn’t exist.
Vision might have all but given up hope, but Wanda didn’t. She couldn’t. She refused to give up on you.
Wanda and you have been best friends for as long as Wanda had been an Avenger. You were already a member of the team and greeted her with an open mind and open arms, despite all she had done. You had fire powers, and while your powers weren’t identical to Wanda’s, you still offered some basic tips and tricks to keep such explosive powers at bay.
It wasn’t a surprise that she fell in love with you.
But her stupid fear had to get in the way, and when you came to confess your own feelings for her, she panicked and rejected you. You were so heartbroken, Wanda didn’t need to read your mind to know that.
And it kills her everyday knowing that that was the last interaction she had with you. The last one with you as yourself anyway.
All that remained now was the flesh hungry, blood thirsty monster that wore your, now rotting, skin.
This wasn’t you, she knows that. She looked into your mind and saw no trace of the woman you once were, the one she loved with all her heart. She couldn’t feel you, you were gone.
Despite this, Wanda couldn’t let you go. She couldn’t handle losing you entirely. She already lost almost everyone.
She managed to convince Vision to keep you in the base for testing. You were locked behind a large steel door, with only a window to see you through. But you were here, and that’s all Wanda cared about.
The cure wasn’t working for you. Your powers caused it to incinerate when it entered your system, proving it to be ineffective. Still, she refused to give up.
Vision thought it best to terminate you after the failed tests, but Wanda begged him not to. Knowing he couldn’t overpower her, and sensing his friend’s distress with anything that comes to you, he agreed. As long as Wanda had it under control.
She doubted he knew that she was luring innocent survivors into the base so you could feed on them, but she did what she had to do.
Wanda spent most of her days sitting outside of your cell. The first few days, you were ravenous. Banging on the walls and trying to burn them down, growling and screeching with the inhuman noise that took over your vocal chords, but you didn’t manage to break free. After a while, it seemed you have given up, and just sat in place. Only moving when Wanda opened the cell and let some of your ‘food’ in.
There were times where Wanda thought that maybe, just maybe, the cure was working more than they thought. You seemed to have recognized her, your facial expressions formed into ones that she had recognized and missed dearly. But that hope quickly died when she would peek into your head and still sense nothing.
“Hey, Y/n.” Wanda walked up to outside your cell and sat cross-legged like she did everyday. Your head rose, staring at her with your now glowing yellow eyes. “Still no progress on the cure, but don’t worry, I’m not giving up yet.” You offered no response, not that she expected one. “It’s hard. It’s only getting worse out there...” She sighed as she trailed off. She raised her hand to the glass, like she always did. “I’m going to figure it out...we’re gonna get you back to normal, and I’m going to tell you every day how much I love you. I miss you so much, but...we’re almost there. I can feel it...” Wanda’s voice started choking up, as tears ran down her face. “We deserve our happy ending.”
Her hand was still pressed against the glass as she finished her speech. She was about to lower it, but then something unexpected happened. You stared at her hand curiously, beginning to raise your own. Wanda watched, smile forming on her face as your arm made it’s way to the glass. 
“Wanda! Please come here, we have a situation.” You had almost pressed your hand against Wanda’s, when Vision’s voice interrupted. Your attention turned to the direction it came from and you let out a growl, clearly angry at the interruption. Wanda sighed in disappointment, but she tried not to let it take over. You still showed massive improvement, something worth reporting back to Vision. “It’s okay.” She soothed you. “I’m going to go see what he wants then I’ll be right back, okay? I know you’re hungry, I’ll get you some food too.” You didn’t offer a response as she walked off.
“Vis! I have to tell you-” Wanda began as she walked into the main room, but cut herself off at the new faces. She didn’t recognize the bald woman with the spear or the wimpy looking man in a workers uniform, but she was familiar with Peter. What surprised her most though, was Bruce Banner. A man she hasn’t seen in over three years. “What is going on?”
“I ran into them outside the premises. Apparently word has gotten out about the cure.” Vision answered before turning his attention back to the guests. “As I told you, I am afraid we cannot help you. The cure seems to be a moot point.”
“Well, what about-” Peter began, but he was interrupted by a new voice.
“For something you have no hope for, you sure don’t have a problem bringing in new test subjects.” Wanda recognized Bucky Barnes’ voice. She turned around, and her eyes widened as she saw King T’challa on his arm, struggling to stand on his one remaining leg.
“My king! We thought you dead.” The bald woman exclaimed in relief and surprise.
“Your highness. I was not aware you were in the base.” Vision said, confused on how that got by him. It didn’t take him long to figure out why. “Wanda...”
“I’m sorry.” Wanda whispered, knowing she was caught. “The cure wasn’t working on Y/n, and in order to keep her at bay, I had to feed her.”
“So you fed her our King?” A spear was raised to her throat, threateningly.
“It was nothing personal, I promise. I have her under control and the cure is starting to work, I know it. We just need a little more time!”
“Why not just kill her? You lured innocent people to their deaths just for her when there a couple million more Zombies out there that you could use for testing. Ones that have a chance of being cured.” The whole room went quiet after Bucky said that.
“Uh oh. Shouldn’t have said that.” Wanda heard Scott say, but she was too busy glaring at Bucky. Her eyes started to go red, but before she could do anything, she noticed the spear held to her throat begin to glow red and melt. The woman dropped the spear as it began to burn her hands.
“Did it just suddenly get like, super hot?” Peter asked as he began to fan himself.
“Oh no...” Wanda trailed off. She looked up to notice the steal walls that led to your cell begin to melt. “You’ve done it now...she hasn’t eaten in days.” Before anyone could respond, the steel doors melted completely. The man in the uniform was unfortunate enough to be standing in front of it, as a strong burst of flame shot out and incinerated him on the spot. Only a second later, you flew out the door, covered in flames as you hovered above everyone.
Wanda watched in horror as you began to fight everyone. They weren’t holding up very well, and that’s when Wanda finally realized what she had done. This wasn’t you, and if you were still here, you would hate to see your body be used to attack and kill others.
“Vision! Get us out of here!” She heard Bruce yell, and Vision shot a blast towards the wall, blowing it up and letting everyone out. Wanda turned her focus back to you, you watched them starting to escape and you began to fly after them, but a red mist surrounded you before you could. You turned your head, starting to growl, but stopped when you saw it was Wanda.
“Y/n. Stop...” You tilted your head, still struggling to move as Wanda came closer. She took a chance and reached up, gently placing a hand on your face. “I am so sorry...you never deserved this...” Your face softened at the touch, beginning to show the signs of emotion that Wanda desperately held onto. However, it was clear now that it was too late.
You snapped out of it, as you managed to break free from Wanda’s hold. You opened your mouth wide, intent on biting and feeding on her, but something stopped you. You hesitated, and Wanda noticed. You settled for pushing her aside to the ground as you reignited yourself and flew out of the base.
Wanda picked herself up after a moment, intent on stopping you. She ran past Okoye’s body, charred and eaten, but she was sure there was little time until she turned. She ran faster to where you were, now facing off against Bucky. She sprinted further, about to take off and fly when she paused.
Vision was face down on the ground. She kneeled next to him, glowing red hand turning over his body, afraid of what she’ll see. Once he was turned, Wanda gasped at the sight. The mind stone was torn out of his head.
“Oh no...no, no, no...” She held his body, tears slowly building as she mourned the loss of her best friend. She had officially lost everything. “I am so sorry Vis...I’m going to make this right, I promise.”
She heard Bucky scream. She looked over to see you start to feed on him. She saw Bruce, Peter, Scott and T’challa in the distance, making their way to the jet. They were your next target.
No. Wanda wasn’t going to let that happen. It ends now.
She used her powers to propel herself forward, landing directly in your path. You growled at her yet again as she used her powers to hold you. “Y/n...please, stop.” You struggled to get out of the hold, but Wanda held on. “This isn’t you...you wouldn’t want this...I love you more than anything, and I’m so sorry...I hope one day, you’ll forgive me.” 
Wanda used her powers to grab the gun laying by Bucky’s side. She held in to your head, ready to pull the trigger...but she couldn’t. She let out a scream of frustration and dropped her hold on both you and the gun. The gun fell to the ground, but you haven’t moved.
“I can’t do it...I...I’m not strong enough...” Wanda began crying, shutting her eyes and waited for you to finish her off. She failed everyone, no one deserved death more than her. She opened her eyes when nothing came. You stood, staring at her with a tilt of your head. The yellow of your eyes dimming as you stared.
“W....Wan...” You struggled to let out, but it was enough for Wanda to hear. She cried even harder. She was right, you were almost there...but it was too late now.
You took in your surroundings as best you could, you didn’t have a lot of awareness, but you knew enough to piece everything together. You saw the influx of zombies starting to enter to base.  Everyone needed to get away. You turned back to Wanda, and you knew what you had to do. You felt the little control you had start to slip away.
You bent down and picked up the discarded gun. You shakily pointed it to your temple, the control slipping away faster and faster. “Love....you....I...sorry...” You managed to croak out. Before you could lose control completely, you pulled the trigger.
Wanda watched in horror as you shot yourself in the head. Pieces of your brain landing on her, your blood drenching her. She looked down to see your body, half your face still together, but you were gone. Truly gone.
She knelt down sobbing, as she held your body. After a moment she looked up to see the Hulk appear as the zombies began to overwhelm the base. She saw the jet take off, and she gave a weak smile. They got away. Wanda’s job was done. This is where her story ends. All was lost for her.
So when the zombies finally reached her, she didn’t fight back. Accepting her death with open arms.
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