#well not really but the eggs were the main reason a lot of people watched i believe
ylvaisawolf · 4 months
I haven't touched QSMP in forever but someone I know irl has made me want some answers
As of right now what egg admitns do we know are gone
Or any other admins?
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serenescribe · 1 year
ell, i hope ur request is still available??? lol but im submitting a fic idea for now-- its been laying on my art ideas for awhile but im just not sure how to draw it so im sharing it now-- (this ask is long T0T im sorry-)
so basically the story right now is Lilia's dream and I believe the point of this dream is having Lilia be on time to save Malenoa and Levan from the Silver Owls???
i read a lot of theories that Silver might overblot mostly from magical exhaustion from using UM but its also possible that he might overblot by just the mental stress of it all lol so i think the moment that he'll really snap is the moment he'll found out he's a Silver Owl.
u see, I'm kinda hesitant to support the theory that Silver is one of the Silver Owls (even tho its so likely TT)---
bcuz,,, guys,,, do you the impact of that twisted info??? it means that IF Silver is one the Silver Owls;;;; he's from the nation that destroyed the Land of Briar, the reason why Briar Valley is such a small secluded nation and hates humans a lot, the probably main reason why faes and humans are distrustful to each other, the people who murdered Malleus' parents, the reason why Malleus had to grow up in isolation, the people who killed Lilia's most important people: Malenoa and Levan (which we can assume the only people he can refer to as family), and the reason why his father is dying early and is falling out of magic because he had to exhaust all of it for Malleus to live because his ancestors killed his parents---- if Silver is from the Silver Owls actually, can he truly still have the audacity to refer to Lilia as "his father" knowing well now he's the root of all his misery?
He'll never meet Lilia if he's from Silver Owl/if Land of Briar won against them)-- unlike Sebek and Malleus who's family is tied with Malenoa and Baul
He's realizing that his existence to his father life was born from losing everything he had and he gets engulfed by the darkness
"because this is Father's true family…" Silver realizes as he looks at the expression of Lilia genuinely happy in relief that Malenoa and Levan was saved and the enemy is defeated and he'll never meet Silver anymore because his nation lost.
"We were never meant to dream together" (this is in contrast of Silver's UM's message; "let's share the same dream")
you. you are WICKED for this utter monster of a prompt. lian, i cannot believe you. i woke up, read it, and just couldn't stop grinning. i genuinely hope i did this justice. thank you for letting me write this!
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The relief on his father’s face hurts Silver to the very core of his soul.
There is a celebration erupting around him, the chaotic, spontaneous festivities of a war long-won. Victory is theirs; the Valley has prevailed over her enemies, all human intruders either slain or driven out, the Silver Owls and their Knight of Dawn thoroughly suppressed.
And yet, as Silver lurks about at a corner of the room, back pressed against the dark stone wall as he observes from afar, all he can feel is a deep-rooted agony. There is a light happiness to his father’s face, so unlike the stern disposition of the general that Silver had gotten used to, having adapted to it despite how strange it feels to interact with his father in his callous prime.
Near his father is Princess Malenoa and her betrothed, the former carrying her egg in her arms. From where he stands, Silver watches as the draconic fae’s face creases as she laughs at a comment Lilia makes, the three of them enraptured in their own little world.
He bites his lips, heart aching as it thumps against his chest.
It hurts.
It hurts because Silver knows who he is, what he is now. He’s put it all together, uncovered all the missing pieces of the puzzle throughout his time fighting by his father’s side, hoping to wake him within his dream. There was an uncanny resemblance Silver shared with the Knight of Dawn, one that had struck him upon laying his eyes on the man. Even now, it makes him sick to his stomach thinking of the implications.
But appearances could be coincidental. There were many people in the world; surely some people were bound to share similarities in the end? And yet, there was another piece of evidence, one that had casted away any lingering doubts Silver had clung to, one that damned his fate.
Silver’s fingers close around the ornate ring in his palm, its necklace chain draped over the side of his wrist, swaying slightly.
He’d found the very same ring in the Knight of Dawn’s tent, when they’d ransacked it after a lengthy battle. It had been nestled in a tiny locked box that opened at his touch, and Silver’s breathing had stuttered to a gasping halt as soon as he laid eyes upon the tiny piece of jewellery — a perfect replica of the ring slung around his neck.
The sound of a voice snags his ear, swaying his attention away from the cheerful face of his father — though does Silver truly reserve the right to call him that, after everything he’d learnt? Glancing to the side, Silver relaxes at the sight of Yuu shuffling over, standing next to him, their hands buried in the pocket of their jacket.
Silver dips his head at them. They smile weakly at him in return.
For a while, they stand there together, simply observing the rest of the room. Silver’s gaze flits around, from the thronging groups of fae celebrating their victory, to the sight of Sebek laughing up a storm with the younger form of his grandfather — an apparition of Lilia’s dream, but still an indulgence for the boy — until finally, they land back at his father.
“How’re you feeling?” Yuu asks, out of nowhere.
Silver exhales. “I… I am fine. Thank you for your concern.”
“Mm. I don’t really think fine constitutes standing in a corner of the room like this,” Yuu points out with a shrug. “Isn’t now probably the best time to… what was it, try and wake up Lilia?”
It is the best time to do such a thing. And yet, whenever Silver considers the thought, eyes darting back to his laughing father, he hesitates. He sucks in a sharp breath at the sight of Princess Malenoa passing her egg off to her lover to lean over and wrap his father up in a warm embrace, lifting him off the ground as she whirls around in giddy joy.
The peaceful bliss on Lilia’s face is familiar to him. It’s an expression Silver’s seen many times before while growing up.
“...We can wait,” Silver eventually says, stifling a sigh. He crosses his arms. “It would not hurt to let him enjoy this a little longer.”
“If you say so,” Yuu hums in response. “Not that Grim would complain, I think. Pretty sure he’s off gorging himself on food somewhere, the little rat.”
Another pause, only permeated by the constant sound of festivities.
“...Something isn’t right, huh?” Yuu exhales. “I don’t really… know much about Hornton— um, Malleus, apart from what he told me, and… what I’ve learnt here.” They gesture at the room. “But I kinda get the feeling his parents aren’t exactly around anymore. And yet they’re alive, huh?”
Silver doesn’t even need to turn to know just what Yuu is looking at — the very much alive, not missing, Princess Malenoa and Levan chatting happily with Lilia.
“...Yeah,” Silver eventually breathes, voice weak. “They’re alive.”
Maybe— no, not maybe. It’s definitely better this way. How can Silver restore the status quo after everything he’s learnt throughout his father’s dream, of the wretched past that Lilia never told him about? His father looks so unbearably happy now, in this peaceful dream of a war won without the losses that happened in reality. Lilia had lost his closest companions, his childhood friends. He’d spent years presumably exhausting his magic, to take care of Malleus in their stead until the draconic fae finally hatched, because Malleus’ parents had been killed.
And he’d taken Silver in, despite the hue of his hair, the colour of his eyes — all little bits of evidence that should have clued Lilia in on his son’s true identity: a descendent of the Silver Owls.
A ragged exhale spills out of his mouth.
How can he look at Lilia now and call him his father? Silver is sure of it; he has to have been descended from the awful humans who ravaged the Valley and bled her dry of her resources, all before slaughtering the fair folk’s princess before her child could even be hatched. They’d been responsible for her bethrothed’s disappearance too, Silver is certain of it.
How can Silver have the audacity to think of Lilia as his own, when he is tied to the root of all his father’s misery?
And to make matters worse, in such a selfish, wretched way that it makes him feel sick—
Silver cannot stop thinking about how, in this other world, this perfect fantasy that his father supposedly longs for, he would have never found his son.
(Can Silver still call himself that?)
That familiar, thunderous voice startles him out of his swirling thoughts. Sebek frowns at him, hands resting on his hips. When had his friend arrived…? “We ought to get a move on with waking up Master Lilia,” he declares, attracting a few glances from nearby fae, chittering to each other about what Silver presumes is the sound of Sebek’s voice. “That IS what we came here for, no? And then after, we shall go and save Lord Malleus!”
“And on that note, I should go find Grim,” Yuu says, turning with a wave. “I’ll meet you guys when you’re ready to dream hop, Silver!”
Silver watches the human prefect depart, vanishing into the throng of shifting fae.
He bites his lip.
Sebek’s voice is stern. And yet, there is a hint of what Silver knows is concern weaved into it. He glances back over at his friend, noticing the scrutinising arch of Sebek’s eyebrows, the way he inspects Silver closely. “What are you waiting for?” he demands. With a wave of his hand towards Lilia’s general direction, Sebek says, “Let us depart!”
“I can’t.”
Those two words spill from his lips before he can stop himself. Silver winces at the sight of Sebek’s eyes widening, pupils constraining at what he said, thoroughly taken aback. “What— Whatever do you mean, Silver?” Shaking his head, Sebek narrows his eyes. “Now is not the time for such foolish jesting—”
“I’m serious, Sebek.”
Silence. Sebek gawks at him, and Silver averts his gaze. His heart hammers in his chest, so loud he can hear it in his ears. He feels vaguely lightheaded. And it still hurts.
But it is precisely because it hurts that Silver is doing this, that he is refusing to wake his father up from his dream. What right does he have to do that, to disrupt such a wonderful fantasy, a world where everything turned out right for Lilia in the end? It would make him no better than the selfish, greedy humans who pillaged the Valley, killing fae left and right, and wrecking such havoc upon them all.
In the end, to wake Lilia up would be such an audacious, inconsiderate desire on Silver’s part. How dare he strip his father of the happiness he deserves?
Because, Silver thinks wistfully, gazing upon Lilia and Malenoa and Levan all over again, this is Father’s true family. It was never me. It is an epiphany that dawns upon him. And all of a sudden, everything feels clear.
(“Silver? SILVER!”)
Yes, this is the way it should be. Lilia should remain here in blissful paradise. Silver can move on, can take Sebek and Yuu and Grim with him — unless they wish to stay, of course, to which he wouldn’t fault them; he’s seen how attached Sebek is to his grandfather, after all. They don’t need to bother his father with the likes of their plans to save Malleus from his overblot. They can find other people instead!
We were never meant to dream together, Silver thinks wistfully. It’s like his focus has narrowed down to solely his father, everything else in his peripheral vision blurring together into a mess of darkness. But that’s the truth of it, isn’t it?
What sort of a selfish son would he be, to strip his father of his hard-earned happiness?
He jolts at the sharp sensation of a slap, lurching back to his senses.
The first thing he notices is Sebek’s face, contorted with such abject fear, hand raised in front of him.
The second thing he notices is—
The darkness, bubbling around him, sucking at his heels, clinging and sliding its way up his legs.
Hands wrap around his wrists, trying to drag him forward, away from the sloshing pit of inky blackness that claws at him. “Get OUT!” Sebek screeches, in part a furious demand, in part a desperate plea. But as soon as Silver stumbles his way to clean, even ground, the darkness slides right back in, nipping at his ankles, dragging him back in.
And yet, all Silver can feel is an overwhelming sensation of calm. There is a dull ache that throbs in his chest, one that sobs and wails and causes the darkness to clamber up his body even further. A single realisation makes itself clear in his mind.
He’s overblotting, isn’t he?
That’s the only explanation Silver can muster, the reason why the darkness has returned for him. It’s not reacting like it has in the past. No, this time, it’s surging straight for only him while ignoring everyone else in the room.
Perhaps he’d overexerted himself a bit too much. Perhaps he’d let his tumultuous emotions get the better of him.
What will happen if he stays? Will he lose control of himself? Silver exhales, a melancholic acceptance overtaking his soul. He knows what he has to do now.
And it is with his newfound purpose in mind that Silver pulls his hands out of Sebek’s grasp. He steps back, a sad smile on his face as the other boy stares at him. “ARE YOU INSANE?” Sebek screams, voice erupting through the air, dragging the room into silence. “SILVER, YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY THINK OF GIVING INTO THE DARKNESS!”
All Silver can do is hang his head, and take another step back. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs — and he truly is. But it’s safer this way, isn’t it? He can handle an overblot. He knows how to get himself away, so he cannot hurt anyone else any more than he already has.
And as Silver readies his magic, hands clasped firmly around the ring in his palm, beginning to murmur the words under his breath, his gaze flits around the room once more. From a panic-stricken Sebek to a distressed and frozen Yuu, Grim tucked under their arm, to the whispering fae backing away from the scene, until finally…
He meets crimson eyes that widen, a glint sparking within them, face contorting into one of realisation and pure fear.
“Meet in a Dream,” Silver whispers with a sad smile, raising his ring to his lips, breath ghosting along the glistening gem — slowly clouding over, losing its lustre and shine.
And as the general breaks away from his two closest companions, boots slamming against the stone floor as he sprints for Silver, one arm outstretched, the scream of a name emerging from his lips—
Silver allows his magic to tear himself away from this dream, taking him somewhere far away, where he can let the blot swallow him whole.
At the very least, as he loses his mind—
He knows his father will be safe and happy.
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iantimony · 25 days
tuesday line go up (derogatory)
hello from the end of my workday. writing this on my office computer as i watch my simulation crash in real time in the background. convergence line go up :(
listening: astonishing legends the body on the moor part 1, for some reason astonishing legends is such good Cleaning And Organizing noise to my brain. i've raised my eyebrow at some of their conclusions sometimes but i love a good unsolved mystery that doesn't focus on true crime what i can say
more 00s, just whatever shit the spotify algorithm spits out basically..."hard and heavy headbanging tuesday afternoon". i think for brevity i am going to focus on posting only the things that stuck out to me or are ear worms at the moment, which for this week is miss murder by afi, the kill by 30 seconds to mars, and out of control by hoobastank, especially the line in the latter after the chorus that goes 'and i may never know the answer to this endless mystery' that for some reason tickles my brain.
reading: Bring Back Those Pumped Italian Sodas (Anna Hezel): i LOVE italian sodas. the candy shop on main street near me does italian sodas and it is my favorite little treat to do a hot girl walk downtown and get a little bevvy to come with me. they whip so hard. bring them back everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!
elitism is the enemy of the people (Mina Le) and the linked The machine in the garden. (Emily Sundberg) ... discourse(tm) about What Substack Is For, which means nothing to me as a non-substack user. i use a rss reader to follow a few specific substacks but i do not use the platform even a little bit. sundberg seems to disparage the list format (shoutout to miss deb perelmen who i saw in there as an example of things that are pushed on the platform now) (deb's newsletter is one of the ones i follow with my rss feed lol) slash the concept of "list of content I’m consuming" which. looks at my weekly roundup posts. lol. i do understand to an extent, though - does my weekly roundup post make me a Writer(tm)?? i would kinda agree that no not really.
this zine that i think i reblogged yesterday is very cute.
watching: i saw the new alien movie with a friend! it was really good, i enjoyed it, i did look up the jumpscares beforehand because i do not do well with those in theaters especially the big imax ones, but it ended up not being necessary - the local theater here has no imax or any of the big surround sound gimmick things, which i actually prefer, and it also means the tickets were dirt cheap. 10/10 experience. the movie itself was fun, the correct amount of peen/vag imagery that one would expect from an alien movie. important to note that the dehumanization of an android character (who is also the only black character and strongly autism coded) is a big plot thing, it is not Good that he is treated that way and that is also a plot thing but it is important to know going in so it's not a surprise (thanks to someone in a server i'm in for pointing that out, i didn't clock it as being potentially triggering when i saw it but i was like ohh yeah that does make sense to warn people about). really good cast and plot overall, there was only like one point where i was like "whyyy nooo that makes no sense, why would you do that" (without too much spoiling, the gravity turns on and off in a portion and they were just. zooming up an elevator shaft using the lack of gravity. like why would you not be staying near the ladder. you KNOW it's going to turn off at some random point. anyways), but in general the decisions the characters made were really reasonable which made it very fun to watch the consequences of like, yeah, that is also the choice i would have made, shit. the ending made me go EUGH!! in a good way. lots of good easter eggs that i probably missed some of. made me weirdly nostalgic for my dad because when i was growing up he had a life-size hyper-realistic rubber facehugger model. he used to mime getting attacked by it. my mom hated that fucking thing. it must have gotten thrown out or given away at some point. anyways, as the kids would say: it's kino
thank u celestialtourguide for ur dropout login xoxo, i have been watching a lot of 'make some noise'. i love how sometimes you can hear the crew laughing in the background.
jimmy robins: The Fallout of Watcher's Betrayal, what sparked me looking more at dropout. also found out from the comments section that sam reich is son of robert reich ??? wild
finished the george r r martin problem. basically: yeagh
dangelo wallace: not gonna link em all but his videos on chapell roan, katy perry, blake lively, and starbucks. pop culture updates that mean nothing to me. good background noise tho
mina le: underconsumption-core, travel outfits, and Paul Mescal’s shorts, the luxury of privacy & the celebrity vs. influencer paradox. my boyfriend is a proponent of the tiny inseam shorts and i wholly encourage it. more of that, please, from everyone.
made in the moment: My Crafty Boston Apartment Tour. as someone who is also just moved into my own apartment alone for the first time and is in the process of making the space feel like mine, this hits interestingly.
playing: dnd as normal. i finally got to go mask-off, was replaced by a doppleganger like six months ago and finally got to pop off and kill some guys and beat the shit out of my friends lol >:b i have also moved the game that i run to biweekly instead of weekly. i just have too much fucking things happening and dm burnout real.
making: evil eye coasters! these made me very nervous because of how streaky the underglaze is! so i did the tedious task of re-coloring in around my sgraffito lines of my [redacted] coasters. clear coated them and crossing my fingers. these coasters are also too thin, two of them are too warped to use as coasters so ill have to figure out what to do with them. maybe drilling a hole (carefully...) so i can hang them up somewhere? the [redacted] coasters are like twice the thickness so i don't think they'll be warped as bad thankfully.
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i also. made. mesopotamian foot bowl :) i did not have a reference image at the time because that happened to be when the t mobile towers went down for a few hours last saturday so i kinda just freeballed it but he looks. so silly i love him. i think im gonna have to modify him, i was chatting with the studio owner about it and she was like "if you threw that bowl on a wheel you should hollow the legs out, wheel pottery twists slightly as it dries and that plus the drying rates being different will make them just pop right off", which, i can always glue them back on! but i should give him the best odds possible. bonus lil tushy
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i made a BIG BOWL !! it's not really clear from the image but it's the most clay i've ever thrown at once, i think it's like. 2.5 lb?? i didn't actually weigh it first oops i should weigh it. but it's like a foot across at the top. i put it on little ball feet to use as some sort of display bowl i think.
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and there's one more bowl that is really unremarkable so no picture for now.
fiber art: made a fucking. magic the gathering card cozy for a friend that my local mtg group is putting together a care package for. it's so fucking stupid i love it. not gonna post a pic of the front, it's just a dark red border to hold the card in. i might outline the swamp symbol with matching embroidery floss (or maybe navy??) to make it pop more, might also sew a small square of fabric on the inside to hide the loose ends. colors were chosen to match his main commander which is braids
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eating: FINALLY finished the gyudon. um . didn't cook many more recipes. i was going to do one pot chicken meatballs with greens and deb smittenkitchen's corn bacon and parmesan pasta last night but i spent two hours wandering walmart like my ancestors wandered the desert and came home and just had leftovers lol. the cooking will commence......today after i post this and go home.
misc: the midwest is hot this week! fml! on the plus side i don't think my average energy bill in my new place will be worse than my old one despite the worse insulation based on the mid-cycle energy report email i got, on the minus side now i am not splitting that cost so technically it feels more expensive :( thankfully i have finally been finishing the process of closing my dad's accounts so i will have a little padding in my bank account, plus i think i am supposed to get the fellowship i won deposited soon?? shrug. i booked some flights using credit card points that in retrospect i should have booked with Money because of that fellowship but oh well. i am still in the Everything Is So Expensive stage of moving as i finish getting furniture and miscellaneous home goods, hence the two hour walmart wander yesterday. i still need a couch. i think i am getting a frat house walmart futon for like $150 just because it's space efficient and won't break the bank and will be easy to sell when i move out. i should probably order that before i go visit home for 3 weeks ...... anyways. that's this tuesdaypost done and dusted.
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glitterstarly · 4 months
I could not thank enough to Leo for everything she did for me, because she is the main reason I started following and watching all the others ccs that I love today.
I started watching the qsmp with Vegetta as my main pov because he is usually my main when he is in a server with other people (Rubius also was my main but he only entered a couple of times lol), because I didn't know really well the english-speaking creators, just for some bits I saw from a couple of them when the the squidcraft 2 happened and because the accents of some of them (foolish and phila specifically) were really hard for me to understand.
Days passed and Vegetta started interacting and hanging more with foolish, because everyone used to told him that he was an amazing builder and they should be rivals because of that, but it actually went the other way around.
When the egg event happened and these two sillies got together I couldn't be more happier because I know Veg struggles with English and he gets frustrated a lot because of that, but foolish was always patient with him, and even he was making an effort in speaking Spanish only for him!
So because of her I was able to meet Foolish and discover the incredible person he is.
Because of her I was able to meet Badboyhalo and follow his adventures with Dapper and the rest fo the eggies
Because fo her I was able to meet Philza and follow the story of this old crow and the two eggs that stoled his heart
Because of her I was able to meet Mariana and Slime, and follow this two misclickers in their journey of love, forgiving and moving on
Because of her I was able to meet Fit and fall in love with his relationship with his son and their chenanigangs in the island
Because of her I was able to meet better Roier and Jaiden, their story with Bobby and everything that came after that
Because of her I was able to meet Cellbit, learn a whole ass language from zero and even make me get into RPGs when I was the #1 hater of tabletop games
Because of her I was able to go and rewatch Tubbo again, and this time I'm gonna stay with the tubblings until the end
Because to her I stared following Etoiles and Baguera, and even if I still struggle with french, I know that one day I will be as fluent as with Portuguese
I've been following her story since the first day until the very last, I've seen this little egg grow from the little shy baby that was always apart from everyone to the iconic, fabulous and charismatic girl she became.
That's why I broke when I saw that room full of memories and started thanking foosh and bad for everything, because I knew this was gonna be the last time I would see this little egg hanging around, the egg that started everything for me and changed my whole life from that first day, and she would have a space my heart forever.
I could not thank enough Leo for everything she did for me, and her story will be with me until the rest of my days.
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snakegorl212006 · 2 years
Mystery shop
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I really do my best to adapt to this change in living which includes taking care of the property and the wild animals that just happen to want a snack. I also understand why I have to live this way. It’s explainable. But the doors opening and closing constantly in Heartslabyul, running noises in Scarabia, music playing in Pomefiore, the increase of shadowy figures in Diasomnia, items getting rearrange or missing in Savanaclaw, the locked door in Octavinelle keeps rattling everytime i walk pass, even that dang life size doll keeps moving around in Ignihyde. Other than grim who’s been promoted to somewhat of a house cat, I live alone. Completely alone. I sighed into my desk chair as I relaxed my fried brain. I would call Crowley but he probably would think I’m going insane and that it might be the isolation of this place. Maybe I just need to leave and go out somewhere. There is a town away from the manor. It’s around a 30-40 minute walk which isn't too bad as long as I don't go into a shopping spree. After getting dressed in some comfortable wear, I began my walk down to the town and made sure I locked the gate behind me. It was a peaceful walk. There were a lot of people in the main street, almost looking like a large shopping district. I began walking around enjoying the stores until I spotted one that caught my interest. Sam’s Mystery shop. It was a cool yet creepy looking shop that seemed out of place due to the other brightly colored shops. But many people are going in and out of it so I assume it’s probably for aesthetics. I entered the shop to be greeted by weird trophies and collectables and had relatively normal items like milk and eggs. “Welcome Little Imp, what may you be looking for today” A male voice spoke from the side of me. There was a male with dark skin with black twist with a few purple in his hair. He has an apron with some bones and a hand in it which looks cool “oh I’m just browsing” I replied “let me know if you need assistance little imp” he said. I nodded and began looking around more. While looking around, I spotted a crystal basket. There are tiny crystals of a multitude of colors and sizes. “You know, they say that these magic crystals ward off ghost” a voice spoke next to me. It was the shop worker “ghost?” i replied and he nods “where are my manners? I'm sam. You must be the new Imp that moved to that cures property” Sam introduced “Nice to meet you” I replied “the pleasure is mine. I have to meet the brave soul who bought that land” Sam replied “anyway, the main house is made from these crystals which were embedded in the structure to prevent evil from seeping through” Sam informed “why would anyone put these in the house” I asked “well i amit, that old bird should’ve done that a long time ago. It would save us a lot of newspapers..… but surely you know of the unexplained activity” Sam stated and I just nod “give me one second. Let me give you something” Sam said as he left for the back. After a little while he came back with a journal and a necklace “here take these, on the house” He said “whats the journal for” i asked “You’re going to write down each and every ghost on that property and report back to me. You make sure you wear that necklace everytime you leave the main house or they’ll start to make permanent attachments.” sam suggest “oh and i recommend you wear it outside the property too” sam adds and I put the necklace on “why is that” I asked and he ushered me to come close and her whispered “the only reason why I knew you lived in that place is because there was someone following you the whole time.that someone has been dead for a long time but now he’s standing and watching you from afar”
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inquebrar · 8 months
i want to talk about the discovery of the new "alive egg" and an "unknown dead egg" and richas being from group 04 with his image glitching but i just kind of want to share my thoughts, i don't view this as a theory ok
first and foremost, i see only two options for the "Memories" egg that has been brought up to the conversation: either they are dead or they have always been Richas. personally i love this "richas theory" but i think, realistically speaking that the egg who wrote that diary, died. the reason for that is because when you create a story you need to create weight and depth for the characters as well, so people feel the immersion more deeply too.
i will mention Bobby's death, as it was the egg's death that had the most impact on the overall story and completely changed the course of the characters and their personal lore. Bobby's death was shocking and malicious, the feeling left was also of great injustice and this is perfectly linked to what the Federation and the Cucurucho mean to the story. more and more we have confirmations that they have total control over the lives of the eggs so it only makes all the situations more cruel, the eggs dying is a choice. and when you follow a story where this type of narrative happens, the attachment is stronger, the feelings are more intense and more significant, everything becomes more emotional because if you watch something where the most beloved characters are not at risk of death or when they die, it soon reverses and the character comes back to life... it completely loses the weight of the narrative. Bobby deserved to live, but Cucurucho chose that he deserved to die, the Federation does not see the eggs as children who have family, friends, personality and a life, for them, they are just experiments that can be used and discarded when desired. that's the weight of the story, this is the narrative we have been following for almost a year.
JuanaFlippa and the Codes. i still remember when everyone thought that Juana would come back to life, that she would receive another chance since (once again) her death would have been fraught with the feeling of injustice. there were several theories that she would come back to life after months of death, and when CodeFlippa's plot twist happened it was simply incredible. JuanaFlippa is dead, she will not return is what they reaffirmed once again about the narrative. therefore, rationally speaking, that little egg that was left to die by the federation must have died.
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the Federation left that egg to die, that was their choice. it's unfair... it’s the feeling that remains, right? so it makes perfect sense.
i don't see any reason why it should be changed in the narrative that after 5 months since this diary was found, which was something impactful for the story and the weight of carrying the memory of a child who suffered and was left to die, this egg is alive after so long and after clearly the intention was to show once again how cruel the federation can be, as this also adds to the main story. unless it was the Federation's choice, to have used this egg that had been discarded to be the Brazilians' egg, which there is a lot of speculation that their arrival was something not foreseen by the Federation, so why not use that experiment that was discarded? it would make sense that Richas was a completely different egg that had their memory erased and was altered to be the new egg of the residents who arrived on the island without prediction. this would explain why, unlike Pomme, Richas initially couldn't communicate very well and didn't seem to understand things being said in portuguese, since the diary was written in english for example.
but this is just a theory that i really like, so i prefer something to be done that is more coherent with the story and not just for fanservice, so i believe that the egg from the "Memories" diary died or at least there will be a plot twist of explanation that somehow the little egg underwent experiments to be reused and become Richarlyson. well, that's it i don't know but i just hope to see new people from other countries soon and so there is a new egg to be discovered, i can't wait to meet more people from new cultures and see the new kid experiencing trauma together with their parents
i'm really excited to see what the QSMP 2024 will be like! more people, more countries, more cultures, more kids, more friends, more bonds to be created and more suffering from getting attached to characters and minecraft eggs!! :)
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alchemicaladarna · 6 months
Little tangent about my journey with the QSMP fandom <3
First, I'm going to preface this post by saying, I wouldn't have been interested in the server, been introduced to so many communities, languages, and cultures, if not for the eggs and the admins. So, I initially gained interest when I saw a lot of people posting about Tallulah and.... Misclick duo (lmao) so I decided to check out what everybody was talking about mid-April 2023.
I watched Philza's April 29 VOD- "last" day of the eggs. Absolutely loved Chayanne and Phil planting potatoes because of Phil telling stories about Techno. Cried like a baby after. So now I'm invested.
I downloaded Twitch the next day, in time for the Brazilians' arrival. My main pov continued to be Philza, so I was a Crow for quite a while, mostly into the summer. I started watching Cellbit when the mystery really started to ramp up by the end of May.
Then Bobby died and everyone's reactions made me sob for like, a week.
Summer was probably the most time I've had fun watching QSMP. I don't know why, but it was such a good era, despite the discourse about elections lmao. I began to gravitate more towards watching Foolish's pov and when Jaiden began streaming every day, I had her as my main pov as well. Shoutout to the doozers and Jaiden mains <33
Then, Tina and Bagi arrived and I began religiously watching them as well for, uh. Reasons 🏳️‍🌈 XD. Got invested in Bagi's lore and then everybody became really busy during October so Bad and Bagi were pretty much the only ones consistently on the server XD.
Then, and only then, did I hear little whispers about q!Badboyhalo's soul vultures and possible death? And I got really really interested then. And that's where the Ghostie era started lmao. Up to now, Bad is the only person I'd watch consistently and keep up to date on his lore because well, after the soul vultures arc and especially Sweet Despair, you can't really go back to anything else after that you know?
Of course, without the QSMP, I don't think I would've discovered/re-discovered so many wonderful streamers like Fit, Tubbo, Étoiles, Mouse, or Baghera to name a few.
The past few weeks have probably been the shittiest and most anxiety-ridden weeks for me ever. But, I don't want all the negativity and anxiety to overshadow what was, for me, THE most special and unique fandom experience I've ever had. The QSMP is such a special project, there's no doubt about that. I want that to continue.
So, if this post can offer any sort of positivity and relieve some of the dread we've all been feeling, to any person from any community, that would mean so much to me already.
Send love to and the utmost kindness and care to any and all ex admins, and continue to show your support for the current admins too please. It will take a long time for this to be resolved, and it's terrifying I know, but all we can do is support each other and wait.
Remember to always take care of yourselves and no matter what happens, it always rains before you can see a rainbow right? So, in other words, things will become worse before they can get better. Idk what will happen with the QSMP, but know that life becomes better eventually. No matter the outcome, you'll be ok. We'll all be ok. <333
Edit: oh my god I just realized qsmp 1st anniversary isn't tomorrow. Today is the 20th djrjtbrbebd
There's still 2 days but um everything else I said is still true XDDDD
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readingadream · 6 months
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Chapter Two
1 | 2 | 3
The first night having a new member in our group has always been the most exhausting. I wasn’t sure why Hongjoong picked the boy though. Wooyoung looked too kind, just like Yeosang and Jongho, though Johnho was also the youngest in our small group. Laying in my bed I just enjoyed the quietness besides the birds chirping outside. Today would be explaining to Wooyoung exactly what it was that they did, seeing if he could fight, and as well as getting his stuff from his place.
Of course he didn’t need to live with them forever, they all had their homes as well but Hongjoong liked them staying close most days. Especially when we’d need to train the boys, figure out plans, as well as less risk of anyone getting found and hurt. Safety was Hongjoongs main priority. Turning to look at my phone I hear rustling downstairs where the kitchen was, someone was awake very early, it was only 6am. Pushing myself up I walked to the window that faced the living area, it seemed like Wooyoung wasn’t able to sleep.
Walking down the stairs I pat his shoulder. “Don’t be afraid to grab something you want, we all share the food. Things we want for ourselves we tend to keep in our rooms. San likes to steal our snacks so it became a habit for us all.” Letting out a small chuckle as I grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge. “We all usually sleep until 10am, sometimes earlier or even later. That all depends on our schedule to be honest. Hell Joong has made us be awake at 4am. We all had wanted to kill that little pain in the ass that morning.” 
Wooyoung let out a small giggle, taking a bottle of water as well. He seemed unsure what to grab, though he turned to face me.  “I could cook us breakfast? I am used to cooking large amounts of food since I worked as a chef for a restaurant.” 
“Honestly mother Seonghwa might be thankful if you did, he doesn’t mind cooking for just a few of us but 8 mouths to feed is too much for him.” 
Watching the new member bring out eggs, milk, and searching around grabbing other ingredients I was surprised how easily this boy was adapting. A question I wanted to ask but knew it probably would be best to wait for the others. “Why did you agree? I’m sure our tiny captain didn’t explain what we do. Especially because Hwa mentioned you had agreed so easily.”  Running my hand through my hair I sat down at the bar table. “We don’t do anything super illegal I promise, Joong and I will explain to you more later though during our group meeting.”
”Honestly, I said yes because I thought maybe it would be a nice change.” Wooyoung started out, “I’ve been stuck in the same routine over and over , and I really was starting to hate it. Something needed to change, something new needed to happen ya know?” Cracking 5 eggs into a bowl and then pancake mix. 
Mingi understood that, it was the same reason Yeosang and Seonghwa joined. 
“I get that, some of the others joined for the same reason, I joined first after Joong got the wild idea and Yunho a day later. Yunho is probably the one member who truly believes in the goal… following all orders but also being possibly the most deadliest besides Hwa, god damn watching those two train is hot. Ah, also Hwa and Hongjooong are dating. I’m sure they will mention it but I just didn’t want you to be confused if you saw them giving each other a kiss when they came down.” I felt like I was talking way too much, I hadn’t planned to but from past experience talking with less people was a lot easier then everyone being circled around members interrupting someone left and right.
Everyone usually was calm and could keep their cool when things were too chaotic but I usually get way too overwhelmed, which is funny since I’m the second in command and then Seonghwa was third. 
“Fighting? I’m no good at that to be honest.” Wooyoung made a face at the thought of even trying to harm someone. “Though, I'm good with gossip and getting information. I probably won't be much help huh?” 
“Getting information is always needed, all our faces are known by the people we are dealing with… so you'd be helpful.” I was going to continue talking when I felt a warm hand on the back of my neck rubbing it.
“Morning you both, Woo I see you've adjusted to the kitchen rather quickly. Which for me is a damn blessing.” Hwa spoke as he walked to the coffee machine and started brewing a pot for the boys. “Coffee is a must, we tend to drink a lot of it.”  
We did, to be honest all of us probably drank coffee more than water. Which yes we all were well aware of the fact it wasn’t healthy. Coffee was our favorite drug. Dealing with 7 un-caffeinated was like dealing with hungry wolf's needing to feed as soon as possible. 
“I’ll keep that in mind. Usually though I don’t wake up this early on my own, but I felt a lot of different emotions once I laid down. I think maybe 3 hours of sleep was all I got? I honestly have no clue.” Watching Wooyoung start finally cooking the pancakes I realized how hungry I was, my stomach growling which had caused Seonghwa to turn his head. 
“Looks like our fake maknae is hungry.” Bringing me over a cup of coffee.
We 3 spoke for a while, Woo kept his focus to the food cooking as well as asking questions like how much we all could eat, who was the oldest, and just simple small questions that were okay to answer without the others. 
Probably an hour later everyone was awake, grabbing plates of food and their coffee, all thanking Wooyoung for cooking even though it had been his first morning with us. Hongjoong was the most surprised, mentioning that Woo had seemed like he’d been with ‘em for more than a day already. 
Wooyoung finally sat down next to me and San, looking at our captain he just shrugged taking a bite of the soft sweet pancake. “To be honest I adapt easily, also easily make friends. My best friend Changbin loved dragging me out to parties for that reason, I could be the life of the party, hype people up, and even make it so things were less awkward.” Changbin? I looked over at Hongjoong, I knew that he wasn’t going to be that happy about the newbie knowing one of our enemies.
Clearing his throat Joong looked over at him, “How did you meet Changbin?” Asking this wouldn’t be weird at least since Wooyoung had mentioned him first, plus Joong was acting like he only cared  about the boy's friend. 
“Ah, I met Binnie in school! He was a basic nerd I swear. I was the pretty face and he was my nerdy best friend. We did everything together and even lived with each other for 2 years. Now he’s handsome and loud, but even now I’d risk it all for him. As long as my best friend is happy and safe that is all that’s important to me.”
”You sound like you are in love with him.” San finally spoke for the first time today, and to be completely honest he wasn’t wrong, it did sound like Wooyoung was in love. Friends since childhood or not.
Shaking his head, Wooyoung set his fork down. “No, but I see him as my brother. Binnie had a hard past just like I did, so when we met we both took care of each other. One day last year he had  come home covered in blood, never explaining what had happened that night but it made me realize that I would be alone if I lost Changbin. He’s my family, sure we aren’t always hanging out now but I still make sure we meet 3 times a month.”
A year ago? That was when we’d met the group that was known as Stray kids, they wanted the same thing like us so to anyone who didn’t know the story behind everything would think that both groups hated each other to the point there was no hesitation to try and kill one another. Though, I knew deep down one day if we really wanted anything to work we'd need their help.  
Watching Hongjoong give a fake smile was terrifying. Probably the only members who didn’t know the full story besides Wooyoung were San and Jongho, so they, of course didn't understand why we were all surprised. Half of us expected the leader to lose his shit and tell Wooyoung he’d never be able to talk or see Changbin again. “That’s nice to have someone like that in your life. Woo, but now you also have us. I promise we will be there whenever you need us. Ateez is a family who never ever leaves someone behind. No matter what happens.”
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My top 5 bird-themed movies because why not
Okay, you guys I'm very excited about Illumination's new movie "Migration for a ton of reasons, but the main reason is that I love ducks. I'm personally, as a Chicken Run fan, NOT excited about Chicken Run 2 because I feel like they're going the wrong direction with it. Getting a new director, firing most of the old voices actors, and then Netflix taking over the ownership? No thanks! I'll still give it a try though. Here are my top 5 favorite bird themed movies, and why
(Chicken Run, 2000) I love this movie mainly because of the message and the fact that it tackled some heavy subjects in a family friendly way. The humor is really well done, like most DreamWorks movies, and the voice acting is amazing! I don't recommend it for children as much, but I'd say the age rating to start watching, is maybe 10-12 or older? It's a bit dark but it's still a beautiful movie and there's a character that almost everyone can relate to!
(Storks, 2016) Okay, this one is more for children and family, but has a few subtle jokes that mostly adults will understand,. I personally think it still has an amazing message about the lives of people come before objects and also that family isn't always birth given, adopting kids they're still family. And of course, the characters are very fun and adorable. Compared to most teen-young adult girls in animated movies, I really love Tulip's design. They don't make her too "sexy" but still make her look cute, she dresses plain, and she's a total goofball. I personally love seeing more female characters like that.
(Rio, 2011) You guys know this one's a cult classic! My mom and I loved this one a lot and were sad when Disney shut down BlueSky Studios. The movie is still incredibly underrated, although it has a strong fanbase of 2000s-early2010's kids! The music in the movie is incredible, the visuals and scenery is gorgeous, and it actually makes you want to travel to Rio! I feel like they tried to show the culture in the best way they could, even though I'm not an expert, they did it in sort of a subtle way, but still enough that it makes you admire it!
(Duck Duck Goose, 2018) This is an adorable and underrated movie for the family, even though the villain may be a bit scary at times! I love how it focuses mostly on the animals, I love when movies focus mostly on the animals to the point that you forget the humans are there, but they still do show humans sometimes. The humans don't have like, speaking lines or anything. Also, the characters are adorable! Peng's character really reminds me of Rocky from Chicken Run, but a little more childish and care free. A better comparison to Peng would be Otis from Barnyard, at first he acts like he wants to party all the time, but then learns to become a man by the end of the movie. The ducklings, Chi and Chao, are so adorable! Chi's a very loving and helpful big sister, and she's voiced by Zendaya! Also, Stephen Fry voices one of the crane brothers (or maybe they're gay cranes? I have no idea...). The voice acting and characters are so amazing in this movie, and the scenery is also so gorgeous! The humor is also on point, and you'll love the little squirrel character! I also think this movie is good for maybe 6 and up, depending on how used to movies the kid is. My 6 year old self didn't have that kind of attention span yet but some kids are different. Anyway, I just consider it a good movie for the whole family!
(Ploey you Never Fly Alone, 2018) Okay, this one can be a bit sad but also has a pretty good story. I'm personally not too comfortable with kids having love interests in movies/shows, like kids that are younger than teenage. Because they're birds and have no confirmed age, you can feel however you want about the Ploey and Ploveria relationship. I'm only uncomfortable about it because they both sound young and it wasn't much time after Ploey hatched from an egg when they met, but again, they're birds. It's still a beautiful movie with fun characters and really talented voice acting! I put it at the bottom of the list because it's not one of my first choices, but I haven't seen it in a while. You may have different feelings about it. I think i recommend this movie more for 10 and up, it does have some emotional moments though. It's not really funny or anything either, so I don't recommend it for parties or family movie nights. If you love bird themed movies and have a friend who does, it's something nice that you can watch together when you're not busy.
I hope you like the movies I recommended, and let me know what you think in the comments! I love to chat!
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theambivalentagender · 8 months
Hey hey 👋
May I ask for that OC x Canon ask game 3, 7 and 10 for Shane and Zeke please?
Have a good day ❤️
Lord help me this got way too long. If only I could write this many words every day in my original novels.
Who is the better cook?
It depends. Zeke hasn't been able to cook much for themselves or others in the game, except for the pepper poppers, since all they have to work with is a microwave in their crappy farmhouse. And before the farm they mostly relied on fast food and other instameals. But it's gonna turn out that they're a really good improvisational cook. They love making soups and pastas and any time of food that involves throwing a bunch of things in a pot. Recipes requiring exact amounts frustrate the hell out of them.
Shane has....canonically poor cooking skills in some areas. But in my headcanon/VE canon he's one of those types who has a couple recipes in his head that are, for some reason, fantastic because he makes them. Man can't cook scrambled eggs but somehow picked up a whole beef wellington thing after seeing someone make it on TV once. He seems particularly good at making things that involve a lot of doing a few things and letting them sit for a bit while he does something else.
Of course it's hard for him to believe *any* of his cooking is good so he's surprised when people specifically request his stuff.
What are their love languages?
I think I've pretty strongly established Zeke's giving love language is physical affection. It's hard for Zeke to give or receive physical affection with most people but once they're with someone romantically it's like they feel comfortable enough to have "permission" to be affectionate that way so they're all over that.
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Receiving for Zeke would be acts of service, even if they wouldn't want to admit it. They're stressed the hell out and often overwhelmed and having someone else care enough to help out means a lot to them. But they also feel bad feeling that way because they don't want to burden others.
Lucky for both of them Shane's giving love language is acts of service. Which I think works in canon since his letters early on to you are about sending you food and recipes. The main reason he breeds the blue chickens is because he wants to provide for Jas's future in some way. He just wants to feel like he's helping somehow.
(I also think he might secondarily have a giving love language of Words of Affirmation, or at least he wants to. He just struggles with verbally expressing himself, so acts of service is easier for him to actually do)
Receiving wise he's all about quality time. He's like a cat - doesn't say much to you, but always happens to wander into the same room you're in. Happy to hang out just to be around another human being instead of by himself stewing in his own thoughts. Once they're married my thought is that his favorite thing to do in the morning is walk out on the porch and watch Zeke cursing up a storm while they're doing morning work.
How do they bring out the best in each other?
There's a whole theme I have with their relationship in the comic that's about wanting and being wanted. Zeke was a bold kid who ended up having a traumatic, abusive childhood that essentially drove in the message that them wanting things was wrong, the things they wanted were always wrong, and they just had to have life happen around them without interfering because otherwise things would go horribly wrong.
They never initiated relationships before, and pretty much always accepted someone asking them on a date at least once because to them it was the only chance they had at anything romantic. I haven't gone too much into it in the comic yet but before they went to the farm they were kinda stuck in a relationship with a guy who was, by all technical definitions, a great guy. Squeaky clean, generally attractive, well educated, overall nice and respectful. But Zeke never actually felt any attraction or attachment to them. But still they stayed because, again, Zeke felt they were the one in the wrong to want something else.
Shane is the opposite in most ways, with not feeling wanted. In VE, he lost his mom before he could even form real memories of her. Marnie was supposed to be the one who adopted him but shit happened that I'll elaborate on at some point in the comic and instead Shane grew up bouncing around in the foster system with visits to his aunt in the spring/summer. His foster families either completely ignored him or were overbearing/controlling, and he quickly learned how to get sent back from the second type as fast as possible by acting out. As a kid he didn't know the complexities of the situation so he grew up often thinking Marnie didn't want him either. That thinking only really started to change after the incident where Zeke and Shane got lost in the woods as kids, but that mentality isn't easy to unlearn.
As a teenager/young adult he liked to date around and sleep around casually. When he did occasionally get in a longer term relationship, he'd often end up trying to change himself to their preferences, because he figured no one would actually want to be with the real "him" in the long term. Naturally, this always backfired eventually.
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After the death of Jas's parents, Shane gave up on dating entirely. He also gave up entirely on this idea of presenting someone he wasn't to the outside world. He didn't have the energy to try and make himself appealing to other people all the time, he had to put all that to taking care of Jas. And if nobody wanted him for that, then fine.
So to the point of the original question, the best they bring out in each other is Zeke realizing that their wants are good and valid, and Shane realizing he is wanted for who he is. Not even just in a strictly romantic sense either: Shane has talked about admiring Zeke for being able to go after what they want in life, consequences be damned. And Zeke likewise sees the positive things in Shane as he is that he's never seen in himself - his thoughtfulness and determination to take even small steps forward.
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 5 months
Okay I'm gonna preface this post by saying I've never seen Primal before. I was just hanging out with my brother and we watched some shows together, like we usually do. And I was going to make a completely separate post until we got to the topic of this one.
Now I'm sure Primal fans have heard enough of this, so as a warning, just know this is me complaining about the finale. So instead of reading that for the umpteenth time, just enjoy the post I was originally gonna make.
Primal is a beautiful show with a lot of great themes. I've always thought the ability to tell a story with no dialogue was a showcase of a creator's skill, and this show embodies that so well.
Hey, so what the fuck was that. Maybe I'm missing context, since we only watched s2 ep6-10, but even my brother hated it, and I could tell that was just not a good conclusion.
Ep6 was a fantastic finale to a rivalry even I could tell had a lot of history. The birthing scene was great, it showcased how each of them cared for each other, whether it was Spear's excitement once he realized what was happening or Mira's little smiles as she watched from afar. That bit where they tried to get the eggs in the boat was very entertaining and I appreciate the personality Fang demonstrates through mere movements and expressions.
The 3-parter was downright beautiful. I love prison break episodes, for one, and I love reunions, so I enjoyed it quite a bit. The Egyptian ship was a gorgeous design, and it did such a good job at showing you the passage of time through small details, like the montage and the growth of the jaguar. In both of these episodes, the final battles were very exciting and fitting to the stakes they presented.
Now notably, what these episodes did not portray was the idea that Spear is lonely. If anything, it does the opposite. It shows how close they all are, how much they love each other and how far they are willing to go to take care of one another. But in the finale, the main idea is that Spear is suddenly super sad and alone. Now this is fine. I think it should have been set up directly beforehand for a smoother transition but sure, I can still get behind this. Again, I'm probably missing context.
The beginning of the finale is really cool. I liked the different origin flashbacks, clearly setting up the stakes and what this fight means to them. I liked the small details, like Fang dropping her kids next to Spear while she went searching. I liked Mira reuniting with her people, including old friends like the lady with the axe wound. And I even enjoyed the demonstration of Spear's loneliness through the cave drawings.
But then the Chieftain shows up. I thought the setup to this in the previous eps was awesome. This is gonna be a really cool final fight against an old foe, maybe lead into the big bad of the Satan-looking fella. And the beginning of the fight was really cool. It was clear that they were overpowered, leaving you wondering how they were gonna overcome this. You know, the stakes are high, Mira's village has history with this guy, their lives are at stake once more. I'm thinking maybe they're gonna get the help of the locals to take him down. But nah. Spear just tackles him and then he gets dragged back to hell for no reason.
But at this point, I still don't realize it's the finale. I was talking with my brother about how this is probably gonna leave lasting scars or maybe Spear'll even die, maybe they'll have to bring him back. And then Fang roared and I was like "okay yeah, something like that". But again, nah. That's just Fang's legitimate reaction to the permadeath of the main protagonist.
But yknow, he groans and is like "Mira" and then she looks at the little mural. And I thought she was gonna grab his hand and maybe they were gonna do the prayer together again in a nice little romantic moment or something but NOPE. Mira really just said "imma help you get off one last nut before you die". Like HUH?? And then before you can even wrap your mind around that BAM! Timeskip. The babies are grown up, their daughter is there, and then the credits. Like I get she wanted to continue his legacy and culture or whatever but it came at just the weirdest time.
Like ???? I have to assume some shit went down behind the scenes before this episode cause what the fuck was that. And like, I have no issue with the timeskip as a concept. I get it, you have one more episode, you might as well end it with something hopeful. But that combined with everything else was just... bad. It all felt so rushed and I felt immense disappointment towards a show I don't even have any relationship with.
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dreamingkelz · 1 year
for me, people who say “well the eggs HAVE to die for the lore to progress” are the ones whose faves are either a. not playing so they don't watch anyone else (slimecicle, mariana, spreen) b. don't play a lot so the person does not see a lot of the lore happening (quackity, philza currently) so they think you need to have the egg to be super involved in the current lore as if maximus doesn't exist and there hasn't been a bunch of story progression recently
I hadn't really thought about it but I suppose who you watch is really going to help form your opinion on the matter. For me, I suppose part of the reason I'm personally so protective of the eggs, is because my mains are Bad and Foolish, who both stream just about every day for five+ hours. Those long hours really impact the way their eggs affect their streams, I think. Bad especially keeps weird hours - often it's just him and Dapper online for hours at a time, and so much of his house is just things that were built by Dapper, so the thought of losing Dapper is unimaginable.
With Foolish, I think back to one of the server's original mission statements - in an early stream, Quackity had explicitly stated that one of his goals was for the streamers to get more comfortable using the other language. But lately, English tends to get used most of the time when a conversation occurs between speakers of multiple languages. As such, the English streamers almost never have cause to use any other languages. But Leonarda almost exclusively uses Spanish when she talks to Foolish, and as a result, he has visibly improved a lot over the past two months, especially when it comes to his reading comprehension (and watching his streams, I feel like I've learned a lot as well). It feels like taking away Leo would be a major loss when it comes to that original linguistic goal.
I've also expressed it before, but I'm always anxious about the possibility of removing reasons for the players to log in, especially given how many players have explicitly said they will play less or stop playing if their egg dies. I want to have faith that the admin team, being aware of this, aren't going to force a story that will make their players stop playing, but it's easy to be uneasy when they keep hinting at impending egg death, or when fans keep saying things like "the eggs HAVE to die for the story to progress." There's not going to be much of a story to tell if half the cast stops logging in.
Sorry reply was so late. I have a lot of feelings about these dumb eggs, so it took me a bit to gather my thoughts (and also I am very forgetful).
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thoughtsinadaydream · 11 months
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The Spooktacular Halloween Movie Challenge: October 28, 2023
Five Nights at Freddy’s (October 27, 2023)
Desperate for a job so that he can keep custody of his little sister Abby, Mike Schmidt accepts a position as a security guard at an old animatronic pizzeria called Freddy Fastbear’s. It turns out the job isn’t as simple as it may have seemed. Can he keep his sister safe against the tide his new job brings?
Released only yesterday (theatrically; I believe streaming was two days ago) and available on Peacock, this long anticipated movie adaption of the video game is already getting some boos from the critics, but I expect that ratings will take an upswing as the audience puts their two cents in. I have only watched some let’s plays of the original and some adaptations of the game; I haven’t played it myself. That being said, I know enough to say they captured the spirit of the game pretty well. There are some shot for shot copies of some of the game’s jump scares, and of course, there are similar musical stings, Easter eggs, and a pizzeria matching the original layout pretty faithfully as far as I can tell. That’s all good news for people who were excited for its release because they loved the game.
What made me appreciate this film was the effort they did to put some more depth to the story. After all, you’re pretty much a faceless security protagonist in the original video game, listening to the history of the place through tapes and trying your best to stay alive in a struggle against unstable electricity and relentless monsters. Interesting for a game, not really interesting for a movie. Instead they gave Mike Schmidt a story, a pretty compelling reason to make the choices he does, and people to protect other than himself when things go awry.
You can probably tell that I liked it. The practical effects were great. Using puppetry instead of CGI gave it some realism, the music could be both haunting and fun depending on the circumstances, and I became pretty invested in not only the three main characters but the puppets too.
I should warn that it’s honestly not that scary, which seems to be why most of the critics were irritated, but to be honest, I don’t think it would have been appropriate if it was scarier or gorier. The makers probably knew their target audience, mostly kids up to 20s, maybe early 30s adults. No need to scar children for life who just wanted to watch such a huge pop culture icon adaption. And to be fair, the game is not gory either. It’s got jump scares, that’s pretty much it. Hard to be mad at a video game adaptation for keeping the same tone. I had a good time. It looks like a lot of people who are familiar with FNAF agree. Try it out if that sounds like fun to you.
**Edit: to be clear, critics are rating the movie pretty low, around 20-30%, but if you really dig into it, audience scores are hovering at around 90%. Pretty big schism to make early judgments on success**
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qsmpblog · 1 year
ok just writing this here to get it out of my brain and before u say just log off of twitter don’t worry i have and i just want to get my thoughts out because i refuse to engage in discourse on twitter.com i like to just seethe in my mind :)
specifically what’s annoying me so much on twitter that i’ve seen for weeks now is the discourse about what is “good storytelling”.. certain people are talking about storytelling as if it is completely objective and in no way a matter of personal opinion (it is of course 100% personal opinion, that’s why a thousand people can believe a certain movie is amazing and there will always be another thousand saying it’s dogshit. PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT). a lot of the discourse/discussion is specifically regarding the eggs and the choices made by the bts team about their ongoing storyline and involvement in the server. the way quite a few people are talking is as if certain decisions made about the eggs will completely ruin the server/story. which is obviously a wild take. people are really caught up on the fact(?) that the eggs were only supposed to be a short event and that characters such as the code monster trying to kill them, and that the eggs are now only allowed two immortality totems is bad for some reason because it seems as if the admins just want the eggs to die and that they’re dragging it out too long, another criticism being the whole “nightmare/bad dream” thing where they have given lives back to the eggs due to them losing lives to certain glitches/unfair circumstances. meaning that to reconcile this in the storyline the characters will just refer to it as a nightmare that they had. what i think that these people are missing is that the eggs are SUPPOSED to be a challenge and that making them completely invincible would negate that fact. they’re criticizing the fact that the brazilians and french have gotten two new eggs despite the server/admins “wanting to kill them”. if the trend of one new language group per month keeps going, i honestly think the new group will also get their own egg because the eggs are a HUGE part of the lore and i think that the eggs being under attack is being misunderstood by so many people. whenever a new language group has arrived they’ve toned down the mobs so that they have a fighting chance and have a bit of time to get stronger. due to the discovery cellbit made at the end of the qsmp puzzle, it’s been determined that the code entity and the group it’s a part of is completely different/at odds with the federation so the idea that like.. a main goal of the admins is to kill off the eggs is not true. q!quackity wanting to create an economy and a powerful community Along with the federation would only serve to help protect the eggs and it’s clear that he knows much more about the lore that is unknown to us so far regarding his future plans. his economy/organized nation idea is clearly important for the overarching story because he is aware of future events that will take place (which yeah is kind of metagaming but i feel like it doesn’t apply to him because he is the creator and he’s been open abt keeping up with what everyone is doing while he’s offline/reading the wiki, watching their streams etc). he has also stated that what has happened on the server so far is just a FRACTION of what he has planned and that it’s only just started and that he plans to add a lot of other language groups as well as new members from established language groups. the eggs of course have been a huge part of the storyline so far but the idea that decisions regarding them, such as it being a CHALLENGE to keep them alive will make or break the server/storyline is ridiculous. and of course the admins are real people who have made mistakes which is only human, such as the unfair killing of multiple of the eggs that they have pardoned, such as ramón being killed in his house and pomme recently being one-shot killed with a weapon that was way too strong (their lives were of course returned, which proves that heartless/unfair slaughter is not their goal). the eggs also becoming “cracked” i think proves that there is an overarching storyline in mind for the eggs and that they have future lore planned for them if they survive up to a certain point. (regarding the dragon mom, etc).
idk the whole “objectively good/bad storytelling” thing is just laughable because it’s clearly uncomfortable for people to not have things go their way or for there to be uncertainty, angst, and challenge. stories don’t have to be conventional or predictable to be good. things certainly don’t have to be “fair” to be good. i think the belief that the egg “event” has supposedly gotten out of hand and that the admins just want them to die is baseless and shows a misunderstanding of both angst and the concept of challenge.
(((on a re-read i kind of implied above that the federation would help protect the eggs which i do not think is true but they certainly aren’t actively trying to hurt them like the code entity/group is)))
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What are some of your favorite episodes?
Well, I wasn't really sure how many episodes I could pick for this ask, so I chose seven. South Park has a lot of great episodes, so it was actually difficult for me to narrow them down.
Let's begin:
No 1:
I'm gonna be very basic and go with the obvious choice:
"Scott Tenorman Must Die"
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I think it's pretty self-explanatory why. It has Eric, it has Scott (I love these boys), it has Eric singing about being a piggy, it shows how evil and messed-up he can be, it's very funny - what more could I want from an episode?
No 2: "Cartman Joins Nambla"
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This was the first episode of South Park I watched that actually made me cry from laughter as I was watching. While I love Eric being cunning and manipulative, his innocence during the earlier seasons is very precious. It was just so adorable how he wished for mature friends so badly that he couldn't see what those men really wanted to do with him. (Fortunately he realized before it was too late though.)
Also, I'm never getting over that scene in the hotel where the men were chasing the kids across the hallways and the rooms. Simply hilarious.
No 3: "Put It Down"
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This is one of those episodes that you can't help but like because it has a little bit of everything. A bit of Heiman, a bit of Creek and a bit of commentary. There's something in it for everyone.
Plus, I believe it's one of the episodes that shows perfectly how toxic Eric and Heidi's relationship is, and as a Heiman fan, that's something I love.
(Besides, have you seen Eric's black little hoodie that he wears in this?? How can anyone not like the episode?)
No 4: "The Death Of Eric Cartman"
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There's plenty to love about this episode. Humor? Check. Great plot? Check. Eric? Check. Cartters? Check.
I really love how the kids left Butters out of their plan to ignore Eric, so he immediately believes him when he tells Butters he is a ghost and gives him no choice but to help him. Their friendship/relationship in general in the older seasons was something unique.
(Also, Scott making a small cameo is certifiably in this episode's favor for me.)
No 5: "Ginger Cow"
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I know this has to be an unpopular opinion, but I don't hate "Ginger Cow". In fact, I don't even dislike it: I love it.
I can understand Kyle fans not liking it, but as an Eric fan who does not care much about Kyle, I love this. I just love seeing Eric torturing people - no matter who it is - and boy does this episode deliver.
Even if the concept of the torture is admittedly gross, it's their mentality in this that I love. I adore how broken and submissive to Eric Kyle has become by the second half of the episode, and how Eric is taking full advantage of it.
No 6: "The Passion Of The Jew"
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I do appreciate a lot of the humor in this, but most importantly it has Eric playing dress-up and being very commited to it. That's it, that's why I love it.
Okay, that, and also because it shows some of his qualities that make him potentially a very talented leader.
Apart from those things, Eric's satisfaction when Kyle came to his house to tell him that he was right just gives me life.
No 7: "Follow That Egg!"
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I don't have all that much to say about this episode. I just think it's extremely cute. Style paired together for a school project and trying to take care of their egg-kid? How can I say no?
Also Eric not even lasting three days and breaking the egg? So like him.
Overall a pretty cute and entertaining episode.
+Bonus/Honorary Mention: "201"
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You know I just had to mention this. There's plenty of chaos going on in the town, a lot of older characters return, and we learn who Eric's real father is! Again, it's one of these episodes that have a little bit of something for almost everyone.
But if you know me at all, you'll know the main reason why I love it is Scott's return.
(This would have been an official part of this list if Scott had more than four minutes of screetime.)
Thanks a lot for the question, Anon!
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ay-chuu · 2 years
Good evening! i am here for the matching request! if its not over yet of course!
I have black hair and Jellyfish cut which used to be wolfcut but grew and became jellyfish one ><
and my zodiac sign is Gemini, i am not really sure on my mbti but i think its either ISFP or INFP :)) (but i think its the latter one tho)
i dont really have anything specific about me, but i do get sick like get really often once in like 2 or 3 weeks!
I like writing a poem or short letters and sometimes i enjoy making little book for my brother (aka fairytale) , And i love listening to musics like, Lily chou-chou , LAMP, (calming music). I am not a good artist but i enjoy drawing things such as my favorite character or some kind of styles!
I hate insects i think they are really disgusting and i believe i have phobia of it!! I dont like making direct eye contacts with person i am not used to, its really awkward. I despite people who has too biased opinions.
My favorite games are: Yandere simulator, Minesweeper, and any of the "bad dream" games! (bad dream: coma etc)
I like watching romance movies but i also like thriller movies my favs are! Alice in borderland, Coffee and Vanilla and lastly Sweet home (also crash landing on you) .
My fav artist is LAMP and i love some authors as osamu dazai etc and i love jaejoong (he looks way better irl and some of the tv shows did him dirty) and also cavetown!
I have hard time making decisions. I dont like socializing with people but i am pretty much fine with delivering debate! I tried to but i cant cook i am really really bad at it and the only thing i can make which is close to food is fried egg and ramen. I am scared of lots of things such as lighting matches, ducks etc. I like sleeping a lot. (i am not sure if they were too useless info)
I would like to get matched in twst or bsd! any of them is fine which you see fit!
I hope i didnt bother you and be safe<333 Have a nice day love!
WOW im jealous of your hair :O You didn't bother me at all love please be safe and have a nice day too! <3 (*≧ω≦*)
I match you with... (っ^▿^)💨
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First of all, I think the most compatible thing about Virgo and Gemini is that whenever one needs to take the lead, the other takes the lead. This is very important for you because both of you can sometimes get tired of daily life and ask for a break. The reason why INTJ and IXFP are very compatible together is that they respect each other's personal space and provide a very sweet flow of emotions, albeit silently. <3
Jamil finds your sweet silence and inability to look at anyone attractive. He has always loved respectful people. Although he seems angry that you can't cook, it's not a problem at all! I know he hides it with his tsundereness but he likes to cook for you and enjoys it. It saddens him that you get sick often because he loves you a lot :( I see that he stays in your dorm until the morning to take care of your illness, no matter how busy his day is.
I think the main problem in your relationship would be Jamil's slavery and accumulated emotions. He tries not to show it to you, but it obviously wears down his mood and this causes fights between you. However, as the pride of the fight fades, he runs to you and you make up immediately because you both understand very well where the problem comes from. I don't see any big problems in your relationship other than the ones that life drags on.
Some moments I dream of for you two: Making an anti-insect mix together and proudly spraying all over the place and falling in love with each other even more, with Jamil's eyes watering as you read your poems for him and he writes you a poem called "ya habibi" in beautiful arabic, giggling together while making fun of funny scenes while watching romantic movies and finally showing scalding sands the sweetest night couple while holding each other's hand on the roof of kalim's house and looking at each other with your foreheads leaning against each other <3
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