#well then it's all hands on deck
victorluvsalice · 1 month
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-->And then it was time for everyone to converge on the greenhouse and help out Victor – specifically, by doing some targeted harvesting while he finished up his tending! I had Alice return to normal and rush in there to pick the coconuts, the pineapples, the soy and black beans (and evolve a couple of plants while she was at it), while Smiler picked a bunch of their herbalism stuff (with a focus on stuff like the noxious elderberries and poison fireleaf I didn’t have before). Smiler then dusted Victor’s bees with mite treatment, fertilized their noxious elderberries so they could evolve them up to nice level, and headed upstairs to have a nice bath –
-->And Alice got sent to the kitchen to make some more food for the food stand, using her new appliances! :D Because if we’re going to have a food sale, we need to have food to sell! She’d already made a garden pizza last playsession while at the store, which was already in the stand – I thus had her make a fresh batch of dough in the stand mixer, then bake up some banana split waffles, a loaf of artful focaccia, some minty mocha cupcakes (in the oven! :D), and a pineapple pizza! Yes, I was thinking a bit about food that Smiler would probably like, as they were the one who was going to be running the stand – sometimes I regret that they’re a vampire who can’t eat regular food in this save, as I know any human Smilers would be all over banana split waffles and pineapple pizza. In another save, Smiler, I promise! I’ll fudge things a bit in my potential future Valicer In The Dark save! XD
-->While Alice was getting her cooking on, Victor and Smiler were keeping busy with the last of the farm chores (while the chickens were keeping busy with a fox – I gotta get some more livestock upgrade parts). Victor FINALLY finished the tending (and deactivated poor Elmer to stop the bot from constantly trying to weed a glitched plant) and got the initial batch of super-selling done, then left Smiler to finish off selling everything while he cleared out the cow shed (and once again dropped the results on the ground next to said cow shed – I just had him put the trash in his inventory for later recycling). Smiler got Gardening skill 9 from all the super-selling (and harvesting the lemon tree in the corner that had gotten skipped in all the super-sell batching), which pleased me greatly –
And then I realized “wait a minute. Isn’t it supposed to be New Skill Day? Where’s the holiday thing?” Concerned, I checked the calendar, and confirmed that it was indeed a holiday – but that I didn’t have the overlay for it in the corner of my screen. Uh-oh. That DEFINITELY seemed like a sign the save file was on its way out. I decided not to worry TOO much about it at the moment, as New Skill Day is just a pop-up holiday, and not a particularly important one, and instead Alice box up the final pizza, slapped all the food in the foot stand, and had Smiler grab said food stand and gather everyone up to bring them to the Brindleton Bay Pawspital –
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kastillia · 19 days
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moeblob · 15 days
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Look, I just think it's VERY funny and on brand that I thought of an entire premise of colorful characters for half the cast and immediately drew the only one void of color.
#my characters#i will not bore you all too much in the main post but now its story time in the tags so yeefuckinghaw#noll is a fae and is distinctly the only one that just lacks colors#at first he was like well surely i can wear colorful stuff to make up for my dark hair and eyes !#and then he overhears some of the fae talking about how hes a blemish to the fae and hes like well fuck#guess its time to go all in baby! and decks himself out in all black and jagged clothing#and he tries to play it off as hes an idiot and a lot of the fae actually believe its not ALL an act#like they can tell he thinks about stuff but he normally does it staring into space so they dont care to ask#cause surely it isnt important enough to brood about hes just thinking about stuff#and he really REALLY has a lot of confidence issues and worries that more fae are disturbed by his darkness than let on#but then the other fae that like to hang out with him are like#YOOOOOO THATS OUR LIL VOID! THATS OUR LIL GUY! our lil black spot look at him hes so edgy and cute!#and treat him like a pet cat at times giving him head pats even if he bats their hands away#and the plot premise is that some of the fae are bored and decide they should go play with some humans! give THEM enrichment too!#and noll gets roped into it and The Game is basically go find a human partner and convince them to be an ally#then the fae give the humans cool lil toys (weapons) and are like GO FORTH MY CHAMPION!#so noll keeps like ... not picking anyone to participate because its not just A Game to him#if he can prove victorious in A Game with outside factors such as humans then he can prove hes not#an absolute disappointment to the fae like he has a lot riding on this in his mind#and his friends are just like buddy you cant even play if you dont pick a human you gotta#anyway here is noll and then i have ideas for two other fae and also a veeeery vague idea for two of the humans though not as sure yet#rae if you read all this you should know the cobalt is a fae thanks bye#i am so stressed posting ocs every single time and i am incredibly depressed and anxious#so good lord please let me not just delete all the tags in an hour bc im ashamed
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considering the doctors sort of cargo cult approach to tardis piloting if river and clara ever ran into yaz the first thing they'd say is like sorry babe but youve got some bad habits to unlearn
and clara is like dont worry he did that to me too. he just really doesnt know what hes doing actually
and yaz is like she. and river and clara look at each other like she
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madamescarlette · 10 months
#shocked with myself (maybe pleasantly surprised? is the right phrase)#at actually liking barbie a great deal more than i had prepared myself to#it was just a lot more sincere than i had expected; i was afraid it wouldn't be/be more on the snarky side of cinema lately#but it was strangely so much more heartfelt than that#of course some points felt rushed/too on the nose#but the girls and ryan gosling made me so happy#and her at the end saying (spoilers obvs) that yes YES she does want to take life by the hand and pay the price to live and live#also as a former representative of unrequited love the throughline felt a lot gentler than i was prepared for it to be#it was a lot more about emotion and the joy of growing up and growing old than i expected#i don't necessarily think its heart is as pure as a truly great movie??#but it didn't laugh AT you. it made you laugh and it also meant what it said#which idk idk in a sea of endless winks at the camera laughing obnoxiously loudly media i appreciated the at least#wanting to live and live well aspect of it all and how it took that seriously#like someone on my dash said. i don't really know if it was a good movie?? but the borders of my mind are stretched#something in me is dreaming because of it. so i think that at least is worth it all#also all the girls in the theater laughing their heads off did something to me!!!#there were countless friends (including mine) decked out in pink and it was so so so sweet to me#(anyway. you didn't need these thoughts and maybe I'll retract it later when I've come down from the high of hugging both my buddies)
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akkivee · 5 months
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dravidious · 3 months
You're more amazing than catchphrases
90% of all Yugioh card effects are either "move a card from one zone to another" or "negate an effect" so I made a bunch of combat keywords so that monsters can actually be interesting on the field.
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#asks#custom cards#also i managed to make them all different subtypes and get exactly 2 of each attribute so that's cool#anyway i'm barely even exaggerating about the 90% thing#“add a card from deck to hand” “special summon a monster” “destroy a card”#so much stuff is just moving cards between zones#and a lot of the rest is just “negate a card/effect” “effects can't target this” “can't be destroyed by effects”#just moving cards around or preventing cards from being moved around#how about actually caring about the battle phase?#yugioh's combat mechanics are really different than magic's so directly translating stuff like menace or haste doesn't work#but the difference also means there's so much opportunity for different abilities like Tricky or Stealthy or Guardian!#some translate fairly well like Vigilance into Resilient and Double Strike into Double Attack#and some are practically 1-to-1 like Deathtouch to Venomous and Trample to Piercing#Assist was an awkward one#the concept is so clear and simple and cool: it lets your monsters team up to attack together!#but mtg's Banding shows how that simple concept can be very difficult to translate into clean rules#even its spiritual successor Enlist had to specify “nonattacking creature without summoning sickness”#which i think is one of the only times that the term “summoning sickness” has appeared on modern cards#yeah i just checked and the only other cards that mention summoning sickness are stuff that involve creature-lands#i went back and forth on how exactly to word it before i decided to go the shortest and cleanest route of “spend this monster's attack”#which is also the most confusing wording if anything remotely unusual happens#heck it's not even clear whether it works while in defense position!#the idea is the same as Enlist: you can only use it if the monster COULD attack#so anything that prevents it from attacking also prevents it from assisting#but honestly if i were in charge i wouldn't even print this keyword because its wording is either too long or too confusing#also the Wrath effect appears on a few existing cards like Flame Wingman and i like it#Piercing also already exists in a kind of pseudo-keyword state#“if this monster attacks a defense position monster inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent”
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cosmicrhetoric · 8 months
treating my family friends like my cousins has 100% improved my relationships with most of them.....like i can finally admit that theyre annoying as shit sometimes but i will still love them forever <3
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fingertipsmp3 · 24 days
Selling stuff on vinted makes me so anxious for no legitimate reason I swear
#i literally just listed two of my tarot decks and i’m already nervous#like what if my photos aren’t good? what if the price is too high?#i listed these two just to test it out honestly. i still have the original boxes and guidebooks for both of these so i figured it’d be fine#i did put the price for each one as £10 because i mean.. they have a really nice sturdy box and full-colour guidebook arriving with them#and are in perfect condition. they’re not indie decks but also probably not super well known i think#i’m willing to come down to probably like £5 on each one tbh. i just want to see realistically: do i get any interest#and what can these sell for. and are my photos okay#for each one i just took pictures of the box; guidebook; the back of the cards (with the cards all piled up as a full deck)#and then i picked about 5 random cards and just took a photo face up in an attempt to show the artwork and what a spread would look like#my background was just my duvet colour which is currently white#i think the photos are fairly clear. they’re not like horrendous#i’m not in any of them and neither is my laundry that was also on my bed at the time#i just hope this goes well. i would love to get some serious decluttering done#honestly i want to pare my deck collection right down to the point where the entirety of it can just fit on my nightstand#because realistically i only use like the wild unknown; the linestrider tarot and a couple others#i’m torn about keeping indie decks that i don’t really use like the prisma visions tarot and moonchild tarot… on the one hand they are so so#beautiful and i probably wouldn’t manage to sell them for anywhere near what i got them for#but i really just don’t use them#like i’d feel bad selling the silhouettes tarot considering i literally wanted it for years and it was a grail deck but i don’t USE IT#i read with it once and the reading was about as clear as mud#and THEN there’s all the decks i don’t have boxes for because they came in a crappy cardboard box that wouldn’t have lasted two seconds#i used to knit little pouches for all my decks. most of the decks that are like this are still in those pouches#i feel like i can’t send somebody a bunch of loose cards but i also don’t have a deck to put them in. but would people want my crappy#pouches?? one of my friends said she thought people would be willing to buy the pouches even without the deck#but i have doubts. it’s literally a piece of acrylic that’s been sat on somebody else’s shelf for five years#would you rather receive a deck of boxless cards held together by a bunch of elastic bands or would you rather receive them in a pouch#or is it fine to just leave them loose in the envelope and hope they don’t bend? should i bubble wrap them??#am i overthinking this???? let me know#personal
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crehador · 8 months
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hell yeahhhhh
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xcziel · 7 months
wow they decided to copy yoongi almost exactly: concert lovefest for army and then dip
#when namjoon started getting all sentimental on sm and vmin got huggy again i kinda knew#i figured nj was waiting to go in at the same time as jk and jm (no brainer that they'd be going in together)#and thinking on it i can't see why tae would want to do this by himself either#logically if they go in together that's the least amount of time they're 'separated'#and also ups the possibility of them being able to support each other within their service#like if one is busy there's others on hand *and* the hyungs are still in place to start them off with advice etc#not to be too cunical but after the thing with jin i just feel like they can't be too safe or guard their backs too much#lol as soon as i saw the full shot of jk's place in the gcf i was like: well that means he's not gonna be there much longer#also jm dyeing his hair bc he's just gonna shave it all off anyway makes a kind of sense#but this ALSO means all the stuff they've been talking and hinting about is gonna come out WHILE they're in#bc hobi's stuff is already on deck and he has a plan for as soon as he's out and the maknaes won't want to trample#on the newly released from service hyungs' projects so the travel show rm and jm's music jk's korean song???#will all probably come next year and that after the fans have already had a docuseries christmas and new year#whew!#something about them sll going in together just hits me in the feels like ... just the closeness and protectiveness#and this way they can clock out of all the end of year ratings tallyings performances and comparisons!#bc they just deckared so they won't be going for a bit - they should have some time to settle things like yoongi did
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victorluvsalice · 8 months
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-->With everyone back home, and a light snow starting to fall (I mean, it IS winter now), it was time to continue with the chores! Alice milked Moory and cleaned out her shed before licking herself clean (hey, if you've got the ability...); Smiler did some recycling, moved the clothes from the washer to the dryer, and chatted with the chickens for a bit (they were more receptive to their jokes, happily); and Victor had a lonely breakfast in the kitchen before heading out to the greenhouse to do the regular rounds of tending and harvesting! As he basically always does.
-->But today, he didn't have to do it alone, because not only were Elmer and Bugs still active (at least for a little bit, before they had to be turned off to avoid explosions), Smiler and Alice came in to help out too! Because it's not fair to leave it on Victor and the bots all the time. Smiler did some fertilizing with some of the Shadow poops they'd picked up in the past and applied some mite treatment to the cranky bees, while Alice used her werewolf super speed to assist with the harvesting of a few key plants that would need canning later. :) It wasn't much, but it was something. I'm sure Victor appreciated it. :)
-->With the fertilizing done and green beans and green peas picked, Smiler and Alice had a quick chat while Victor finished up the weeding and watering and such, then headed off to do their own things while Victor did the big harvest -- Smiler flying up to their room to answer comments on their Simstube videos before coming back downstairs for a dance, while Alice played with the lump of clay and did a bit of scavenging (no goodies, though). Victor finished up the harvest around 3 PM, but by that point was starting to feel the fact that he'd stayed up all night -- fortunately, a quick cash-in at the rewards store got him a cup of Sleep Replacement potion. One quick down of that, and he and his beloveds were ready to head to their store!
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poptartmochi · 9 months
however.. it's not just blorbo thoughts that haunt me with that song... it's teacher thoughts too! 🤯
#for the past few months I've been going back and forth about whether i want to teach middle or high school#and this is nowhere near a deciding factor#BUT... consider the following with me.. performing one version as a mass piece at the beginning of the year with the full choir and then.#🤌🏻#at the end of the year doing the other with just the seniors because they have become the old man who will never again pass this way 😭#i feel like dickau's would be better as a mass piece because of it's more relaxed rhythms. the chords sound fuller than macdonald's which#would probably sound nicer with all hands on deck! and then macdonald's more rhythmically challenging arrangement would be cool for the#seniors 😁 but this is to my untrained and pretty rusty ear so 🕴️ we'll see how i feel when i go back to school#another idea I've entertained is giving each class a like. Challenge Song their freshman year and recording it‚ then reprising it their#senior year and letting them compare their performances to reflect their growth as musicians.. i think that would be really cool :]#i dont think i could conduct the bridge builder with that in mind though.. id start crying lol! but i think it is fundamental as a choir#student to watch your director cry in the middle of a song+ continue on as if nothing was happening#but anyhow idk man.. the idea of working with high schoolers to really build up their musicality and prepare them for the world is very#appealing to me but you can't be a musician without the foundations which i could establish in middle school#and foundations are very fun to teach as well!! but foundations can be taught in a beginning choir course or during summer camp#so 😩#the music i want to direct is all satb which suits high school better. but is it selfish to choose which way to go based on what music you#like? 🕴️🕴️ the contemplations man.... anyhow i have a lot more growing and learning and Studying to do before this will even matter#can't prepare kids for the world when I've scarcely explored it myself!#sriracha.txt
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chaos-cubed · 10 months
Been playing duel links recently, but the only other tcg I’ve played and still remember the rules of is Pokémon. Needless to say ive been loosing a lot of online duels.
Now normally i wouldn’t care too bad, id tweak my deck and move on to the next duel. The thing is tho im playing as yugi and holy shit, all of his loosing dialogue, and even his loosing portrait is so fucking pathetic. Like i love you yugi but can you chill on the self deprivation for ten seconds??? You’re making me feel like i stepped on a pet’s tail every time i lose, i cannot take it and i will cry
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roseybits · 10 months
honestly at this point playing armored core is a lot less frustrating than yugioh duel links because at least when armored core puts me into dire situations it's out of a desire to give me a puzzle to solve by building the right mech, and not like, just screwing me over because i've gotten too many wins in pvp in a row.
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cottagecore · 2 years
was gonna run fun errands after work but instead drove straight home and started a tarot spread to ask if i should leave my job right. card 1 (stay or leave) was literally ace of pentacles… alright imma head out
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