#went for a stroll in the woods with L and it was... so nice
antigonies · 1 year
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kryptonitejelly · 2 years
So I had this dream last night and it went like waking up after a long night of partying with the team but the reader somehow ended up in Hotch’s bed and they were both very awkward about it and the team notices the immediate dynamic change between the two and making bets on it what actually happened.
A/N: when is it my turn to dream about hotch ;_; the ending is a bit weird, but played out better in my head (i also ran out of steam 🫥)
“Switch it off,” you mumble, voice fuzzy with sleep, as you press your face into warm arm which you have your arms wrapped around.
The alarm goes off, and you let out a small sigh of contentment, allowing you to drift back into sleep, when it hits you - you aren’t currently attached. You force your eyes open, ignoring the deathly throb that has slowly started to make known its presence in your brain, and tilt your head up, only to find yourself staring at none other than your Hotch, your unit chief.
There is a silence of second between you both, before you unfurl yourself from his arm, body springing apart and nearly toppling off the mattress of the bed you are on.
“My pants.” Is all you manage to squeak out as your eyes dart around the room, locating your discarded pair of pants thrown haphazardly across the armchair. You dart over, shimmying your body behind the armchair, shielding yourself while tugging your legs through the garment.
“(Y/N),” Hotch begins, his voice deeper than usual from the thick of sleep, as he sits up. You feel every inch of your skin blazing with heat as the covers drop from his chest to pool around his waist. He is shirtless, scruffy, and with his hair mussed from sleep - and even in the embarrassing rush of the morning which you are experiencing, it makes your core clench.
“I’m sorry Hotch, I have no idea why I’m here.” You rush out an apology, actions frantic as you scan the room for your belongings. You zone in on the little heap on the dresser, comprising of your room key and phone, and you run over, grabbing the items off the laminated wood surface, before scampering back over to the door. “See you downstairs.”
Your words tumble out, as you press down on the handle, while simultaneously unlatching the door, making your escape.
“(Y/L/N).” The sound of his voice makes you freeze, the takeaway cup of coffee midway to your lips.
“Hotch.” You manage to force out a similar greeting as you lower your coffee cup.
“You forgot this.” He says simply, as he holds up your wallet. You open a hand to receive it, his finger tips brushing against your skin as he drops the wallet into your palm. His touch is electrifying, and you find yourself unable to look into his eyes as you mutter out a thanks.
“Shall we?” You motion towards the exit, unsure of what else to say, and he nods, falling into stride beside you.
“I uh, didn’t expect you to be a cuddler.” He sentence is halting, but his voice smooth, and you find yourself peeking up at him as you bot stroll towards the SUV.
“Well, I uhm, like to have something to hold while sleeping.” You offer him the explanation with a slightly sheepish shrug, an awkward chuckle falling from your mouth.
“It was nice.” He says instinctively, without much thought, and your eyes widen in response. “I haven’t slept so well in a long time.” He adds, and you feel heat on your face again.
“Me too.” You find yourself admitting quietly as you both come to a stop in front of the vehicle. He pops open the trunk and loads his go bag into the back, before holding his hand out for yours. You almost make to protest, but something in his gaze makes you pause, and hand your bag across to him without a word. He offers you a small smile, which you return tentatively, both of you marinating in the implications from your earlier conversation.
“Something is up with those two.” Emily narrows her eyes at you and Hotch as the rest of the team draws near.
“Seemed pretty chummy last night.” Derek says as he peers out from behind his shades.
“As if you remember what happened last night.” Spencer scoffs.
“Hey, look, Hotch is loading (Y/L/N)’s go bag into the boot.” JJ exclaims, elbowing Emily lightly in the side.
“Has he ever done that for you?” Emily asks.
“No.” Dave chimes out.
“Not me. JJ follows.
“Nu-uh.” Derek shakes his head.
“I always load my own bag.” Spencer states matter of factly.
“Huh.” Emily raises an eyebrow knowingly. as she watches as both of you smile at each other, an air of what can only be described as clumsiness and oblivion around you both.
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thereaderinsertlady · 2 years
king boo x a male reader who stumbles into the boos mansion due to a bad storm and the boos scare him before running into king boo(nsfw if its okay please!)
I didn't put NSFW directly in the fic, but it's heeeavily implied towards the end lol. Either way, here's the link on ao3, and I hope you enjoy!
King Boo x Male!Reader - Not a Wise Idea
You were soaked with rain. 
Figuring that it would be nice to take a stroll in the neighboring woods, you took a gravel path, walking along it for a good thirty minutes. However, when you were just about to turn back, it... started raining. You had checked the weather beforehand and it didn’t seem like it was going to rain, but luck didn’t seem to be on your side.  
So now, after finding and entering an abandoned mansion in the middle of the woods, you were wondering if it was a good idea to go outside at all today— especially since you could hear the faint cackling of Boos— a haunted mansion. You were currently dripping water all over the floor, but with the fact that there’s ghosts nearby, that was the least of your worries. 
You frowned, feeling just a little scared, and tried to wring the water out of your clothes so you wouldn’t feel so heavy or cold... Though, as the distinct cackling grew louder, you turned to leave— only to find that the door was locked.  
“D’aww, he’s so cute! Trying to escape,” you heard a Boo giggle next to your ear. 
Another Boo hummed. “Yeah... and I wonder how he’d taste, too.” 
A yelp escaped you, and you turned— only to find nothing next to you.  
You needed to get out of this mansion. 
Knowing that the door wasn’t going to work, you quickly went into one of the halls, looking around for a window to exit.  
You didn’t know if the ghosts were fast enough to follow you, or if they’d keep the windows locked up tight— but surely a wooden chair to a pane of glass would break any meek window, locked or not. 
You were just about to turn the nearest corner when the air became absolutely freezing, and before you could react, a large ghost with a purple gem in his crown appeared directly in front of you. 
Your heart sank to your gut when a deep cackle came from him, obviously sensing that you were terrified. 
“Oh, my Boos were right,” he began with a purr, “You are cute... And have nice curves, too.” 
You swallowed thickly, not liking the way he looked between your legs. Defensively, you held your hands above your crotch. “L-Let me out of here,” you tried to say in a brave voice. “I don’t want any trouble!” 
“Oh, I do apologize if my Boos have scared you,” the King said smoothly, licking his teeth in a seductive way with his large, purple tongue. You tried to back away, but something grabbed your ankles to stop you from moving. “Mh... you’re very cute... I’d hate to keep you in a painting day after day, so let's do something that I think you’ll enjoy...” 
You squeezed your eyes shut, expecting to be injured in some way, but when your damp clothes suddenly disappeared, you knew you were in for a long night with the King of Boos... 
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q-gorgeous · 2 years
coupe de foudre chapter 5
taking the L and just posting this in the middle of the night cuz i wanna and i havent bene getting good traction in the middle of the day anyways
“It’s so weird that that ghost hunter is just staking out in the woods now. What, is he camping out there too?” Sam said as they walked down the steps outside of the school.
“I don’t know.” Danny kicked a pebble in front of him. “What if some random person is just taking a stroll through the woods though and he starts shooting at them? He seems a little unhinged to me, with all of his purity talk he keeps spewing.”
“I don’t know man.” Tucker looked up from his PDA. “But I definitely think you should stay out of the woods though. You don’t wanna risk running into him again.”
“Yeah.” Sam paused. “Why were you in the woods on Saturday anyways?” Her jaw dropped. “You didn’t go hang out with Dash, did you?”
Danny waved his arms at her. “It was an accident! I was flying over the park on patrol and I forgot he asked me to hang out! I couldn’t just ignore him!”
“Yeah! You could’ve!”
“No, you don’t understand.” Danny looked at the ground. “He seemed so excited. And like he wants to change.”
“You said that just a couple days ago and then he beat you up!”
“It takes time to change things like that!” Danny shouted back. “He had a relapse because he was having a bad day!”
“This is not the kind of behavior you should be excusing, Danny!” Sam frowned at him. “You’ve never excused it before. Why are you starting now?” 
“You. Don’t. Get. It,” Danny ground out.
Sam sighed and finally softened. “Danny, we’re your friends. You can talk to us about anything. What don’t we get?”
Tucker had been silent the whole conversation, eyes flicking back and forth between Danny and Sam. His eyes widened as Danny made eye contact with him.
“It’s whatever, it doesn’t matter.” Danny looked away and ran a hand over his face. “I’m gonna start heading home. The ghosts have been pretty quiet lately so I’m gonna go do my homework.”
“I just don’t think being friends with Dash is a good idea. Just be careful, okay?”
Danny sighed. “Sure.”
He walked away from his friends to the side of the school where the crowd of students wouldn’t be able to see him. He transformed and shot into the sky, heading in the direction of his house.
Who was Sam to tell him what to do? Sure, she was one of his best friends. But that didn’t mean she just got to make decisions for him. If Danny wanted to hang out with Dash he would. If he really wanted to, they’d become friends.
Yeah. Friends. 
He was flying over the Nasty Burger when he saw him. Dash was already almost to the fast food place. He must’ve left school early.
Danny felt indignation rise in his stomach. He could trust his own judgement in character. If he thought Dash wanted to be a better person, was becoming a better person, then he must be. Especially after Dash asked Danny how he got to be such a good person. Why else would he be asking that if he wasn’t trying?
Decision made, Danny flew down to where Dash was.
Dash jumped, looking around until he spotted Danny hovering behind him.
“Oh! Hey, Phantom.” Dash waved at him. “What’s up?”
“I just got done with…uh.” Danny stammered. “My afternoon patrol? Yeah.”
“Cool! It still seems like it’s pretty quiet out there. It must be nice to have a break.”
“Yeah. Weird though. I’m not sure where they all went to hang out this week but I’m not complaining.”
“I bet.” Dash smiled.
They stared at each other for a couple seconds before Danny cleared his throat. “Anyways… I was wondering if you were up for hanging out for a little bit?”
“Yeah! Always!” Dash pointed towards the Nasty Burger over his shoulder. “I was gonna go get some food. You want some?”
“Yeah! I’ll take a number three meal. Thank you.”
“Anytime. I’ll be right back.”
Dash made quick work going inside and ordering. The after school lunch rush hadn’t arrived yet so he was back outside in just a few minutes. 
“Here you go.” Dash handed Danny a to-go bag. 
“Thanks.” Danny took the bag and looked around and pointed at the top of a building. “Want to go eat up there?”
“Yeah! That’d be cool!” Dash exclaimed.
Danny tightened his hold on his bag and grabbed Dash around the waist and took off, Dash gripping two cups of soda to his chest. The flight to the top of the building was short and Danny set Dash gently down on the roof, making sure Dash had his footing before letting go. 
He sat down, dangling his feet over the edge of the building, and pulled a burger out of his bag and took a big bite. 
They sat in silence while they ate their food. Danny watched the clouds drift over the blue sky. He swallowed the last bite of his burger, took a sip of his soda, and grabbed a napkin to wipe the grease off his gloves. He crushed it into a ball and fidgeted with the paper between two of his fingers. 
“Why were you asking me how I got to be such a good person on Saturday?” Danny asked suddenly.
Dash made a choking sound, surprised by Danny’s question. He took a sip of the soda to clear his throat before he looked at Danny. “What? Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know.” Danny ran a hand through his hair. “It’s just– you seem like you’re trying to be better. You seem a lot nicer than before. Compared to uh, when we were stuck in that shrinking incident.”
Dash just watched Danny, burger still held out in front of him.
“Also some of the kids from Casper High that help me in ghost fights were skeptical about you having a change of heart. They don’t believe that’s the case.”
Dash scoffed, looking at the ground below them. “That’s probably Manson and Foley. I can’t say I blame them though. I’ve been a jerkwad to them and their friend for a long time.”
“But you’re trying to be better, right?” Danny asked.
Dash nodded.
Danny placed a hand on Dash’s shoulder. Dash’s eyes raised to meet his own.
“Then I think that’s all that matters.”
They sats there and stared at each other. Danny’s hand lingered on Dash’s shoulder for just a little too long and once he realized that he quickly pulled away and cleared his throat. 
“Haha... Anyways, have you done anything fun lately?” Danny smiled at him awkwardly. 
They sat and talked on the top of the roof for a while, eating the rest of their food while they did. The sun steadily moved across the sky, the blue turning into orange. Danny tilted his head up into the wind and he suddenly realized how much time had passed while they sat talking. 
“Oh shoot, I gotta go home and–- or, uh, I gotta go do my last patrol for the day.” Danny stood up and stretched. “Want me to fly you home again?”
Dash smiled at him. “Do you patrol in all your free time?”
Danny shrugged. “It’s in the job description.”
Dash laughed. “Okay, if you say so. But no, I was gonna meet up with Kwan for a little bit today and then head home. You can just drop me back on the sidewalk.”
“Got it.”
Danny grabbed Dash in the same way as earlier when he brought him to the roof. The only difference this time was Dash wrapping an arm around Danny’s shoulder. He blushed at the contact.
Floating up and over the edge of the building, Danny slowly glided down to the sidewalk. When their feet touched down Danny pulled away, his fingers grazing across Dash’s back. 
“I’ll see you later.” Dash waved as Danny floated back into the air.
“Yeah.” He smiled. “See you later.”
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kandadiff · 2 years
Van Der Wulff - Castle 4.5
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~ Everyone in the circus is above~
I strolled out of the castle wanting to be anywhere but here but looking around, it looked like everyone had a hangover. It looked like a school for the blind given all the large black sunglasses over everyone eyes. 
“Nice of you to finally join us, Miss Snow.” Professor Jefferson said, eyeing my outfit. “We said 10.”
“Sorry.” I mumbled taking a spot between you and Draven. both of you looking pretty rough. “I just didn’t want to come.”
“Me neither.” Draven groaned, the dark glasses showing my reflection as she looked at us. “I think I'm going to throw up.”
“Get in line.” You said leaning on Katya who was next to you. Her own dark glasses reflecting the sun into your eyes. 
“Okay kids, take the papers with your name. ” Miss Davidson said way too enthusiastic for the morning. She went on to say we were going to do a scavenger hunt while she handed out pieces of paper. A list of various things to find around the grounds of the castle. “The first team to find these 50 things-”
“50?!” Damien exclaimed. His hair was messy and his eyes had bags under then. Maybe Max was right, maybe he was too upset to sleep. I tried to make eye contact with him but he didn’t look at me. 
“Yes! And the team that finds all of them, gets a whole letter grade up in two classes of their choice.” She clapped and smiled jumping up and down. 
“What?” Kassie asked. “Any class?”
“Yes,” Professor Jefferson said. “For example if any of you are failing math. Then you can bring it up to a D.” 
“Cool.” Katya said then made a face looking down at the paper. “50 is so many.”
“wait” I put my hand up. “You said team... we get to pick our teams.” Makayla linked her arms with you and Katya. 
“Yes!” Miss Davidson said “5 people to a group.” Everyone quickly scrambled grabbing onto people. Jackson reached for me but Professor Jackson quickly shut it down. 
“same gender to a group, kids.” he said quickly glancing at me his daughter then at the whole group “Makes things easier.” I rolled my eyes and Xavier grunted as he kissed your cheek. 
Our group wound up being you, me, Draven, Katya and Makayla and the scavenger hunt was as boring as it was originally thought. 
“I hate this.” I whined. “Its hot out here, I’m not dressed for this. I’m a city dweller since when do I belong in a forest?”
“Stop being such a baby.” Draven chuckled looking around. A think canopy of trees blocking much of the sunlight but leaving us with thick humidity. “We already have 24.”
“Out of 50!” Katya pouted. “My head hurt to much for this.” You nodded in agreement.
“Thats what you both get for drinking so much!” I said and you rolled your eyes. 
“I didn’t even drink that much.”
“Your hangover says differently.” Draven said looking around. “This place looked familiar.”
“Yeah it does.” I said looking around as we walked. Then the stream nearby hit me. “We were here last year.” Everyone looked at me, following me as I beelined for a specific path. 
“Stop going too fast!” You whined as a branch almost hit you when Makayla pulled it back. 
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The leaves crunched under your feet and soon we were at a small clearing where memory quickly overcame you. A small decrepit cabin sat in the middle of the wood, looking like something out of the Blair witch project. We all knew that Cabin, the one Lux ‘tested’ us in last year only an hour or two before she went missing. Just a few feet from where me, you and Draven beat her bloody. 
“Oh god.” Makayla wrapped her arms around herself, the air suddenly feeling way to stuffy and thick. 
“Oh yeah” Draven said pointing south “The Jenners beach house is through there.” 
Memories flooded fast as we stood huddled together reliving that night. What if ‘L’ was still here? What if she was sending those texts or even living in this cabin? I looked at the group and walked closer to the cabin. “I’m going to look inside.”
“Why?” Katya hissed grabbing my arm. “It creepy and you don’t know if maybe a homeless person lives there.”
“Or a demon!” You shout but I roll my eyes looking at Draven. She sighed and nodded. “What! Come back!” You shouted as we approached. You, Makayla and Katya stood tightly together not moving. I pushed open the door and the loud creek was enough to make you jump back. I took out my phone clicking on the flashlight, walking in with Draven. 
The cabin was dirty, clearly abandoned and caked with years of dirt and grime. Spiders and bugs made their homes among the walls and corners. Whatever furniture that was still intact was unmoved from the last time we were in here. Layers of dust say untouched just small footprints from the mice calling this place there home. We moved deeper into the house turning the corner in what used to be the living room when we both screamed. 
You, Makayla and Katya heard what sounded like a symphony of screams and screamed yourself. “We have to go in there and help them!” Katya said moving toward the door but you and Makayla held her tightly. 
“No we need to get help!” Makayla said taking out her phone seeing the big ‘NO SERVICE’ written in the corner. “Oh no!”
“HELP!” You screamed but before you could yell for help again. The three of you screamed again as me and draven ran out followed by.... Kitty, Madeline, Jules, Maddy.... well everyone who used to be in THE CIRCUS. All holding something shiny in our hands. 
“You scared the shit out of us!” You yelled slapping my shoulder expecting me to smile or tease you but instead Draven and I were looking at the things in our hands. “Whats that?”
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I held out four gold bracelets, perfectly clean and full of different charms on each chain link. Your heart dropped. You knew this bracelet. You all did because you all had one. Lux bought them all for us. Each bracelet complete with charms that she dictated were special towards us and you immediately knew which was yours. With shaking hands you took it from my hand. 
“Where’d you find this?” Katya asks looking at her own. 
“I did.” Madeline said “We wandered out here and I went into the house with Maddy and they were sitting in the living room on the table like they wanted us to find them.”
“Look what the box said.” Maddy said holding out a square purple box with big cursive writing on the label. Lux’s handwriting that said ‘For my besties! Missed you!’
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adatheromcomaddict · 3 years
How You Meet the Cullens + Jacob
Hi! I've decided I'm going to put some of my stuff from Wattpad, over here. If you want to see my Wattpad, its the same username as I have here. Anyway, this is how you meet the Cullens, + Jacob. Probably intended for female readers, but it could mostly go either way... I think. And I do have the girls as well in here.
Edward Cullen:
Edward and you met at school. Of course.
"Um, excuse me?" You asked a small girl, with short brown hair.
She turned around, revealing her pale white skin, and beautiful golden eyes.
"How can I help you?" She asked.
"I was wondering where Mr. Molina's classroom is?" You replied.
"Oh, yes. I can show you the way!" She grabbed your hand, and pulled you down the halls. (Wow, this is turning into an Alice preference)
"Thank you!" You said, when you two arrived at the classroom.
She pointed inside the room, towards a beautiful boy, with golden hair, and dark, dark, eyes. He glared at her, with his hand over his mouth. I turned to look at her, and she winked back at him.
"Uh, thank you. Oh, I never got your name." You said.
"Alice. Yours?" She asked, still smiling.
"Well, Y/N, looks like you'll be sitting next to my brother, Edward, in there." She waved, and skipped away.
I walked inside the class, towards the boy, and sat down. He looked away, took a deep breath, then turned back to me.
"Hi, um, I'm Y/N. You're Edward, right?" I asked.
"Yes. I-I am." He seemed like he was in pain or something.
Jacob Black:
I had lived in the outermost part of Forks for as long as I have lived. (Sounds like a wedding vow)
We were right next to the border of La Push. Therefore, I go to the school in the reservation.
(I have absolutely NO clue what the school is like there, so I'm making it up)
But, I didn't really talk to anyone. I had a few friends from down in the more central part of Forks, Bella Swan was one of them. She recently moved here full time. I hadn't seen her since I was little.
There was this one kid named Jacob who I had met a couple of times, mostly when he played with Bella snd I while our parents went fishing or whatever.
But, since Bella was going to school in Forks, I decided I would try and re-connect with this Jacob, to see if I could hang out with him.
So, I asked around one day at school for what classes he was in, and found out that he was in one of my classes. How did I never notice? Oh, just me and my oblivious self. (Sorry, if you're like- not oblivious?)
Well, I found him one day.
"Jacob, right?" I asked him.
"Oh, yes, oh, oh! Y/N! Hi!" He seemed to be a very nice boy.
"Yes, it's me. Um, I haven't talked to you in years, I'm surprised you remember my name." I explained.
"I'm surprised you remembered mine." He laughed.
"So, uh, I"m kind of wondering if you want to like, hang out or something. Anywhere works. I just need some company." (Bella who?)
"Sire! You could come by my house today after school and we can catch up. Do you like cars?" He asked.
"Depends." I laughed in response.
"Well, you can come help me too. I like to re-build them."
"Sounds like a plan."
Emmett Cullen:
(for this one you are a vampire already, and yes I basically stole Rosalie's life. Also, if I get facts wrong, don't come for me, just tell me *kindly* and I will fix it)
I became a vampire in 1920. Two years after my brother Edward, and one year before my mother Esme.
I'd been a vampire for 15 years already. How time flies
One day I was running through the forest when I heard screams coming from a small patch. I sprinted towards the place, and saw a boy, probably 20, getting attacked by a bear. I shoved the bear off of him instantly, and bit into it, getting it's blood.
I remembered that the boy was watching, and was probably shaken up, not to mention, he was most likely dying. I turned back towards him, wiping a small bit of blood off of my lip, and said,
"Hello, I'm Y/N Cullen."
"E-Emmet. How did you do that?" He asked, very weakly.
"I have my ways. What hurts?" I asked.
"Everything." Of course-
"I'll be right back. Don't move." Not that he really could. I sprinted back to my house. I opened the door, and Carlisle, Esme, and Edward turned towards me.
"Y/N? What is it?" Carlisle asked.
"There's a boy, Emmett. He got attacked by a bear. He's very weak. You need to turn him Carlisle."
They all sprinted into the woods, and I led them towards where Emmett lay. He was still there, but weaker.
Jasper Hale:
(you're a vampire)
Jasper became a vampire in 1863. (I think)
He was telling me his story.
I had recently been turned into a vampire by Carlisle, after he rescued me, and I hadn't really met the rest of the family yet. (You can make up why you had to become a vampire)
When Jasper had finished the story, I said, "Wow."
"That's all I could get out. His story was just, wow....
I forgot, Edward could read my mind. I only remembered when he chuckled after I thought that.
I gave him an internal glare.
Bella was sitting in the corner, with him.
"So, Y/N, tell us your full story." Jasper smiled.
(Sorry, his is kind of short..)
Carlisle Cullen:
It was my first day working at the Forks Hospital and I needed some directions.
I walked up to mid-height man, with blonde hair, and very pale skin.
"Hello, sir?" I asked him, and he spun around.
"Yes, Ms. Y/L/N?" He asked.
"H-how do you know my last name?" I asked in response.
"I heard someone talking about you coming, and you're the only new face around here. We don't get them often." He smiled, and my heart fluttered. Good thing he wasn't like a super-hearer or anything. {;)}
"Well, uhm, I was just wondering where the surgical ward is?" He pointed towards the left, and I smiled slightly, walking away, and quietly looking back at him after I was sure he couldn't see me.
Alice Cullen:
(You had already seen Alice before, but never interacted with her much, like most of the students)
I was walking around in the forest, when I heard footsteps.
"Hello?" I called out.
"Y/N!" A girl replied, I noticed it was Alice Cullen.
"Oh, hello, Alice." I was a bit confused to how she knew my name, but to be honest, I knew her's too and that's a bit strange. But, everyone does talk about the Cullens.
"What are you doing out here in the forest?" She asked me. I didn't have a valid answer. I could say "Just felt like taking a stroll..." or "Oh, I'm working on my steps." but, none of those were true, I really didn't know what I was doing here.
"Uhm, working on my steps, and taking a stroll....??" I questioned myself.
"Oookay then. Would you like to come with me? I can show you some of my favorite spots to relax." The way she said relax made me think she wasn't relaxing, and probably meant running around and exercising. Just what I needed.
"Sure, sounds great." I smiled.
Rosalie Hale:
Everyone that lives in Forks knows about the Cullens. Even the people in the reservation.
There's the three boys, the goofy one, the silent one, and the constipated one.
Then there's the two girls. Alice and Rosalie.
I've talked to Alice, we've said hi.
But in general, I know nothing about Rosalie.
All I know is she is incredibly smart, beautiful, and did I mention gorgeous?
I've never had the guts to talk to her. Maybe it's that I'm a wimp, or maybe it's that she is very intimidating. Probably a mixture of both.
But today, I got lucky, and didn't have to talk to her. She talked to me.
I had noticed her eyeing me a few times, and I never knew if she was looking down on me, in a bad way, or if she was interested in me. Both ways scared me.
Today, she came up to me.
I was sitting at the lunch table with Angela and Jessica, and the new kid, Bella.
"Y/N, can I talk to you really quick?" She asked.
"Uh, uh, yes, yes, sure." I stood up quickly, and while walking away with her, I turned towards Angela and Jess, and they smiled and winked.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked.
"Well, I wanted to know... did you want to hang out sometime?"
"Like, a date...?"
"Uh, yeah. Like a date." She smiled and we both laughed.
"Sure." I smiled back.
Bella Swan:
Apparently, today Chief Swan's daughter is moving to the school.
I'm looking forward to it, I want to make more friends.
I was standing outside, waiting to see if I spotted her, when a big, orange-red truck pulled into the parking lot.
It must be her! I've never seen that truck before.
I ran up to it, when I saw people laughing at it. Whatever, I think it's cool.
She climbed out of her truck, and I probably startled her, standing there.
"Hi! I'm Y/N Y/L/N. You're Chief Swan's daughter, right?" I asked.
"Uh, yes. Bella Swan." She stuck out her hand, and I shook it.
"So, do you want to know anything, anything special?" I asked.
"Um, I'm not sure...." She said, tucking her hair behind her ear. (Ugh, a classic Bella move)
"No worries. Let me show you to your first class." I smiled, and took her hand, pulling her down the hallway.
Esme Cullen:
I was walking around town, alone. A kind of dangerous move, since there have been so many mysterious attacks lately.
I was looking through random stores, when I noticed Esme Platt, (we're just saying she isn't a Cullen because I guess they aren't married...????) Carlisle Cullen's old friend. (I don't even know how to write this...)
"Hi, Esme." I said.
"Oh, hello, Y/N." She smiled.
"How have you been?" I haven't seen her in a while. We've talked a few times.
"I've been good, how have you been?" She replied.
"I'm great. We really should catch up sometime." I said, trying to be subtle.
"Yes, we should. Do you want to go to lunch tomorrow?" She asked.
"Of course! Where do you want to go?"
"Don't worry about me. I won't eat much anyway."
So, yeah, that's it. I'm aware that these aren't perfection, bur they were fun to write so, yeah!
I will be posting a lot more now since I'm getting really into writing again ;)
Thank you all for reading, (not that a ton of people are going to read this lol)
And yeah, see you soon! :3
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drabblingdraco · 4 years
✬Arranged✬ Draco Malfoy X Reader (Request)
This is a request I received!
"Hello! I would love if you wrote something around reader and draco being forced into an arranged marriage by their parents. They hate each other at first because draco used to bully/insult her in school, they're constantly at each other's thoughts at first but then they begin to not mind each other's company... idk if that makes sense feel free to ask any questions. if you don't mind writing it I would love you see your take on it ❤️ oh and maybe the reader would fit the whole pureblood Slytherin comes from a wealthy family thing too. Something like that..."
I’ve read various imagines with a similar plot, but here’s my take on it! If you’d like a Part 2, let me know! I love this story line
Warning: swearing, slightly mean/bully Draco
Very long like 2k oops
Draco's POV:
I was awoken by the sound of Father walking in to my bedroom. He told me I needed to get up and ready for the day, as the (y/l/n)'s were coming. I ran my fingers through my hair, stressing over the fact I had to see (y/n) again. I couldn't stand being in the same room as her. She made me feel emotions I refused to let out. Although we were arranged to be married, I would never let her in my head. She wasn't getting anywhere near my vulnerability. I looked up at Father as he walked towards my bed, grabbing my chin.
"Son, you know how important this is. She's one of the only good pure bloods your age. Not to mention her great, great grandfather was the founder of Slytherin house. Don't fuck this up, Draco." He spat his last sentence before exiting.
I sighed, getting out of bed. My warm feet adjusted to the cold temperature of the wood floor. I went into my closet and picked out my usual attire: an emerald button up, black slacks and black laced dress shoes. I stared at my reflection in the mirror as I combed my hair back to a suitable placement. After spritzing some cologne on my neck, I saw a silver town car pull up outside the window.
(y/n)'s POV:
As the car came to a stop, I sighed while slouching in my seat. I could see Draco peering out the window pane. I wasn't looking forward to spending another day at the Malfoy's, yet again. I've been coming to the Manor my whole life. I knew the Malfoy's like the back of my hand, except Draco. He repeatedly threw his aggression towards me. Every time we spoke, one of my flaws came up in conversation. He always pointed out the (y/birthmark) on my (y/body part).
"Out the car now darling, time to see your fiancé."
"Mother please stop calling him that."
"Why? He is your betrothed after all." She grinned.
I rolled my eyes. After all these years, I still can't imagine being married to that foul mouth. I wanted to marry someone I loved, like my parents. But all they cared about was the Malfoy’s and keeping their great image in the wizarding world.
I stepped out of the car and mother shouted at me from the other side. "Go ahead inside love, I'll meet you in there." She had a slight smirk across her lips. I was suspicious, but not enough to ask questions.
I make my way up the grand stairs, Narcissa waited for me in the doorway.
"Hello dear! Delighted to see you again." She gave me a hug and a peck on the head.
"Draco will be down in just a minute- DRACO!" She smiled. I internally groaned.
A figure came walking down the spiral staircase. His hair was placed just right, making his piercing grey eyes stand out. His sleeves were cuffed right above his wrists, the green really accentuated his skin tone. I quickly shook myself out of admiration coma.
"Draco." I said with a straight face.
"(y/n).." he replied.
"Draco, why don't you take her to the gardens while your father gets her trunks?"
"Trunks? What do you mean?"
Narcissa looked confuzzled. "Oh dear, don't know you? You're staying at the manor for a short while."
My eyes went wide, "What?"
"WHAT?!" Draco grasped the railing of the stairs, the veins on his hand popping out as he strained against the wood.
"Draco! Behave yourself," Narcissa gritted through her teeth, she turned to me smiling.
"I don't have any clothes," I stammered, trying to make up excuses to avoid my dreadful stay.
"Yes you do!" Mother said, walking through the door.
I turned to face her with stink eyes, "is there a reason you didn't tell me I had to stay here with this twat?!" I motioned to Draco.
"And you didn't tell me this bloody-" Draco shouted at Narcissa, but she quickly stopped him.
"Don't you dare finish that sentence."
There was a brief, awkward moment of silence between the four of us. 
"My love, it's time you got a taste of the married life," she grasped my shoulder shaking me subtly. "After all, you are older now and soon enough, you'll officially be husband and wife."
"But mother! I-"
"No buts! Now I really must be going. I have to meet your father at the council meeting, but enjoy yourself! I packed you enough clothes for a few weeks, so you're all set dear." She kissed me on the cheek as I stood there, dumbfounded.
"Goodbye darling!" She shouted as Lucious shut the door behind her, exiting the manor.
I turned around to face the two Malfoys that stood before me. How could she just dump me here? And for weeks?  It's bad enough she married me off before I could even breathe. There's no way I would be able to last that long here with Draco. I look at both him and Narcissa, he looked enraged and I couldn't blame him.
"Now take a walk in the gardens, get some fresh air." She stated as a command rather than a question.
We both looked at each other with disgust, but we followed her wishes and headed towards the courtyard. We walked in silence for quite awhile. It was a cumbersome stroll, he wouldn't look me in the eyes or even my direction. I shouldn't be surprised, he was always like this, but something was different. He seemed tense, like he was holding something back. I tried to enjoy myself as if he wasn't there, admiring the lilies and pansies scattered perfectly symmetrical. Unfortunately my eyes kept falling back on him. His tapered slacks rested right above his matte dress shoes. The way his shirt grasped his frame. I felt a chill going down my spine. I adjusted my cardigan, wrapping it tightly around my chest. For some reason this got his attention and he whipped his view towards me.
"Don't tell me you're cold?" He scoffed, scrunching his nose.
"Is there a problem with feeling normal human reactions?" I spat.
He laughed, "just find it rather odd you'd wear such a short skirt on a day like this."
I shook my head in anger. It was typical he pointed out something to do with my attire. "It's summer Malfoy..what, would you rather I wear jeans and sweat like a pig?" Looking me up and down, his eyes lingering at the hem of my skirt.
He ignored my words and continued to walk faster, heading back to the manor. I scoffed and continued at my pace, in no rush to go back inside with that jackoff.
I closed the door to the courtyard and locked it. My eyes traveled around the room, I remembered memories from my childhood, when Draco was actually pleasant towards me and didn't act like a dick. We used to play with fake wands and babble made up spells to each other. I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Narcissa approaching.
"Why don't you come have some tea? I just brewed a pot." I nodded and followed her to the dining room.
I sat down in one of the many chairs seated at the table. A minute later she came back with a kettle and two dark green teacups with silver snakes on them. Typical Slytherins, but I was one to talk. We chatted a bit about how I've been since we last saw one another, even though it was only a mere three weeks ago. Then we diverted to the subject of Hogwarts. She went on about Dumbledore and how Lucious couldn't stand him. At this point, who didn't know about his vendetta against him.
After a few hours of conversing, she said she was tired and was heading to bed.
"You'll stay in Draco's room this evening."
"Um, are you sure? Can't I stay in the guest room?"
"Oh..the guest room is being..remodeled at the moment. Draco knows of the arrangements. I assure you dear, don't worry about about a thing. Sweet dreams." And with that, she left me standing in the dining room.
I clenched my fist together, wanting nothing more than to obliviate myself and forget everything that was happening, but alas, I couldn't go through with it. Like the kind, forced houseguest I was, I took the teacups and kettle back into the kitchen to be cleaned when I ran into Dobby.
"Hello Dobby how are you?"
"Hello Miss (y/n), you're always so worried about Dobby, it warms my heart. Dobby's keeping his feet on the ground. Dobby keeps hearing things from Mr. Draco about you."
"I'm sorry but I thought I just heard you saying Draco's been talking about me.."
"Oh dear, Dobby has said too much! Bad Dobby." He reached for the teacup but I stopped him before he could.
"Don't hurt yourself, it'll only make me sad, and I know you hate to see me that way." I bat my lashes.
"Sorry Miss (y/n)..since I've already said too much...Mr. Draco talks about you nicely. He likes your (y/h/c) hair and the way your nose scrunches when you're laughing. Dobby hears him talk to Mr. Crabbe and Goyle about these things and much more.." He shyly looks away, looking up the stairs towards Draco's room.
"Hey, hey, I won't tell him. (y/n) keeps secrets Dobby tells her." I smiled at him.
"Thank you Miss, Dobby likes you much more than his masters."
"I like you more than them too." I gave him a peck on the head and went up the staircase.
I trailed down the hall towards his room. The halls were dimly lit by small candles on the walls, as well as moving paintings on the walls of their family tree. I arrived outside his bedroom, scared out of my mind to knock, but I brought myself to do so. Shortly after knocking, he opened the door to his bedroom. I stood there admiring his night clothes; a fitted white v-neck tee shirt and boxer shorts.
"Are you just going to stand there like a git and gawk or come in?" He smirked.
"I- Uh- Coming in." I slipped past him and stood there, unsure of my next move.
"It's getting late," he shut the door behind him. "You should put on some more comfortable clothing to sleep in."
"Right..oh, my trunk is downstairs. I should go get-"
"It's right here," he pointed towards it. "I brought it up a little bit ago. Didn't want to risk you breaking a nail, I'd never hear the end of it."
I scoffed, walking towards my case. I unbuckled the clasps and opened it to find clothing that didn't belong to me, or so I thought."
I've bought you some more appropriate dressings for your stay with Draco. Enjoy them, I know he will too.
I was taken aback by her note. It's like she's asking me to fuck him, and we're not even married yet. She's already desperate for grandchildren, I thought to myself. I rummaged through my new wardrobe and ogled in shock. Lingerie, bodycon dresses, even shorter skirts. Are mothers supposed to be like this?
I picked the least revealing item I could find to sleep in. It was a silk green nightgown with lace detailing on the chest, lingering a little too low on the chest for my liking..but it was the only thing that didn't expose my entire body. I grabbed my toiletry bag and my feet brought me to the bathroom. I peeled off my current attire and put on a new set of panties along with my nightgown. I brushed my hair up in a ponytail and brushed my teeth. Gathering my belongings, I slowly walked out of the bathroom and locked eyes with Draco. Now he was the one gawking at me.
"I know I'm always being a dick but..you look dashing (y/n), really." He said shyly, looking down at his feet as he sat on the bed.
"Thanks..." I wasn't sure how to respond.
I put my dirty clothes and bag on top of my trunk. I scratched the side of my arm in nervousness, not knowing how the sleeping arrangements were going to work, although I had an idea. There was nothing else to sleep on besides Draco's bed. He stared at me with anticipation as if he was waiting for me to join him.
I proceeded to the opposite side of the bed. I peeled back the sheets on my side, snaking my legs underneath. Draco still sat in his place, shifting a bit, but stayed in his current position. I laid down, facing his direction, closing my eyes. Maybe if I kept them closed long enough, I'd eventually fall into a deep slumber without any further conversing with Draco.
I felt the sheets ruffle as he too laid down, I couldn't tell if he was facing my direction or not, but I ignored it. I adjusted my pillow to a more comfortable position. We both laid there, within the same vicinity, completely silent. After a few moments, I peaked my eyes open ever so slightly to find a pair of silver eyes looking deep into my soul. I shuttered, unaware of the fact he was staring at me. "Sorry," he mumbled. "Couldn't help myself."
"Couldn't help what?" I asked in confusion.
"Having the pleasure of looking at you," he licked his lips.
"I don't think I understand.."
"My god (y/n)...I never took you for dumb."
I raised an eyebrow, "how am I dumb?"
"Because you can't see it," he paused. "You can't see how madly I'm in love with you...and you can't tell me you don't feel the same." He reached for me chin, grasping it ever so slightly.
I didn't dislike his touch. His hands were ice, melting on my warm skin. His thumb caressed my jaw, heading towards my lips.
"I- I will admit..I do have f-feelings for you, I've been suppressing them..but you make it very convincing that you have a..distaste for me. Ever since we were young.."
"I don't think you understand the common thing about us males...we tease the ones we love," he chuckled.
Not knowing what the hell came over me, I forcibly grabbed his face and slammed my hungry lips onto his.
Taglist: @bbeauttyybbx 
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heliads · 4 years
Troubled Waters Chapter 1: A Warning
Strange happenings are starting to plague Beacon Hills. Scott McCall and his pack have always been able to defend their hometown no matter how dangerous the threat, but they may need the help of mysterious newcomer Y/N L/N.
series masterlist / next
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The sound of voices drifts over to Scott from across the room. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see his friends sitting on the dock of Lydia’s lake house. Stiles is arguing some point with all the passion of a trained debater, with Malia answering back in a challenging but amused tone. Lydia is doing her best not to laugh, and Kira has just turned away from the two speakers to gesture to Scott to come back to the gathering.
Scott smiles at the sight of them. It’s rare that he and his friends have a moment like this, pure and lacking in any sort of danger. As time passed, Scott has grown to realize that golden moments like these need to be treasured, because they come around rarely thanks to the troubles constantly plaguing Beacon Hills.
He puts down his glass on the kitchen counter and strolls leisurely back to his friends, plopping down next to them and letting his feet dangle over the edge of the dock. Night has fallen, bringing with it some long-awaited cool air and a light breeze. The moon is hung just beyond the clouds, large enough to light up the sky and send little reflections dancing across the waves,  but small enough that it will not draw on Scott and Malia’s abilities as only the full moon can.
Scott lets out a contented sigh, wanting to remember every last detail of this night. It’s the weekend before school starts up again, and they won’t be able to get away from everything like this for a while. Kira leans over to Scott, smiling gently. “Thinking about school?” Scott nods. “I’m just waiting for another disaster to strike. It feels like that’s all we get these days.”
Stiles rolls his eyes jokingly. “Come on, Scott. Let’s enjoy this weekend. You can worry about potential threats once we get back, but if I have to think about anything with glowing eyes and fangs I’m going to lose my mind.” Lydia raises an eyebrow. “What about spirits of death?” Stiles waves a hand dismissively. “Only if you don’t predict anything.” Everyone laughs at that, and Scott lets himself relax. This is his favorite part of his pack- the friendship, the camaraderie. It’s all so worth it.
The group dissolves into chatter once more, bringing up potential schedules and rumors of which teachers are the best, and which ones seem even more menacing than the Argents. Everyone is having a good time, until Malia frowns and sits up.
“Does anyone else see that?” Scott glances at her. “See what?” Malia points over his shoulder at the waters of the lake. “Is it just me, or does it look like the water is doing something weird?” Confused, Scott peers at the lake, and he realizes what Malia means. The water is moving, not just in the usual tides, but starting to roil, forming eddies and whirlpools despite a total absence of wind or anything else in the water.
Scott starts to stand up. “That is weird.” The water is moving faster now, and clouds of spray start to buffet the friends. “I think we should go.” Stiles shouts to be heard above the crash of the waves, and Scott nods in agreement. He watches as the waves surge and whirl with all the energy of a hurricane. Just as they all start to back away, though, the waves clash together with one last surge of water and then everything falls silent.
Lydia looks from the water to the house. “Is it over now? I didn’t see any motorboats, what just happened?” Scott slowly shakes his head. “I’m not sure.” He creeps to the edge of the dock once more, daring to look down over into the now calm waters below. His hand darts to his phone, turning on the flashlight and shining it around. He can’t see anything in the water, nothing that would have caused whatever it was that he just saw. Also, Scott’s been to the lake house often enough to know that storms like that don’t just come up out of nowhere. Despite the wildness of the water, the sky is clear as if nothing had happened.
Scott peers at the lake again, searching for something, anything, to explain the freak tempest of the waters. He pans the beam of his flashlight back and forth, across every inch of the lake. Then, he sees something bobbing along in the waves. 
“There! What’s that?” Kira is standing beside him now, and she sees the same thing in the water. “It looks like it’s coming closer to us.” It’s true- Scott kneels on the wooden slats of the dock and reaches out his hand, trying to reach it. Just a few more seconds, and he has it, grabbing the debris from the waters and holding it up to the light.
It’s a box, made from dark wood and held together with a simple metal clasp. Scott looks questioningly at his friends, who nod at him to open it. Scott jams his phone in his pocket, then flips the clasp open and lifts the lid of the box. Inside is a piece of paper, folded neatly into a small square. Stiles reaches into the box and pulls it out, unfolding it. Malia looks at him, intrigued. “What does it say?” Stiles just shakes his head, confused.
“I don’t know. It looks like it’s in some other language.” He holds up the mysterious note and sure enough, inked into the paper in thick black letters is a strange, twisting script. Scott can’t make out a word of it. “Does anyone recognize what language that is?” He looks to Lydia, expecting an answer, but she looks just as unsure as anyone else. “No idea. I can handle Classic or Archaic Latin, but I don’t know what this is.” Scott looks back at the paper, and then at the plain box it came in. “What does all of this mean?”
They don’t find an answer to his question. Even after their time at the lake house has ended, and Scott and his friends drive back to their respective homes in Beacon Hills, Scott still finds himself thinking of the mysterious message. It had to do something with the sudden disturbance in the water, of that he was certain. Why else would it have arrived so quickly after the waters calmed down? Scott spent hours poring over the box, trying to see if there were any carvings, designs, hidden compartments, anything that would help him decode the message. Yet, after every try, he can still turn up nothing. Same with the paper- how can you translate a language if you have no idea what it is?
Even more confusing is when Scott receives a call from Mason mere hours after the incident at the lake house. The second he had picked up, Scott could tell that Mason was in obvious distress. “What’s wrong?” Scott had asked, but Mason had just continued on in the same agitated tone. “Did anything weird happen to you tonight? Like, a few hours ago?”
Scott was instantly on guard. “Yeah, the lake at Lydia’s house was behaving very strangely. It seemed like we were in the middle of a hurricane without anything else happening.” Mason had seemed unsurprised by that. “See, I have these charts up on my computer all the time. They measure the amount of energy present in Beacon Hills. They were useful with some of the other dangers, so I keep them up all the time. The thing is, I checked them just now and they were way up a few hours ago.”
Intrigued, Scott had asked him for more information, and Mason had readily supplied it. “Around nine p.m., the energy levels went from average to way higher than they’ve been in a long time. It seems like there was some event that generated a ton of energy, something that happened around the same time as your lake incident. I’d bet they’re connected.”
After Mason had ended the call, Scott sat in his room, thinking. What did it all mean? The energy readings- they had to be connected to the lake, just like Mason said. Whenever there was a lot of energy in Beacon Hills, danger usually followed. What would come now, and would Scott and his friends be able to stop it?
The start of school forces Scott to focus on something other than the events of that night at Lydia’s lake house. His classes seem challenging but at least interesting, and he has captainship of the lacrosse team to raise his spirits. When Scott finds his friends at lunch and sits down at the table next to them, though, he can’t help but sense an aura of unease hanging around them.
“We’re all still thinking about what happened at the lake house, right?” Scott asks, and Stiles sighs. “Yeah, we are. I mean, what could any of that mean? Lakes don’t just do that. There has to be something bigger that caused it.” Lydia agrees. “I’ve been to the lake house a lot. I’ve never seen it do that.” Scott nods, and pulls the box out of his bag, opening it to pull out the paper. His friends all look at it once more, trying in vain to decipher the message. “I just wish I knew what it said. Don’t sell the lake house? Spend more time away from the water? I’d settle for just knowing what language it is.”
“Ancient Greek.”
Scott turns quickly to see a girl standing at their table. He looks up at her, surprised. “Ancient Greek?” The girl nods, pointing at the paper. “Yeah, you can tell because of the letters. That’s a delta, that’s a theta, it’s definitely Ancient Greek.”
The girl looks back at their stunned faces, realizing that they’re all silent. “I’m sorry to listen in- I was just passing by and I saw the paper. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.” She turns to go, but Scott stands up hurriedly. “Don’t worry about it. Actually, can you tell us more about what it says? Can you read Ancient Greek?”
The girl nods slowly. “I think I can, but it might take a while.” Lydia stands up too. “Come sit down. You’ve officially joined the friend group. What’s your name, by the way?” The girl smiles happily, taking a seat next to Lydia. “My name is Y/N. Y/N L/N.” Scott nods at the girl. “It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.”
Y/N pulls the piece of paper over to her, squinting at it. “This is actually a pretty simple message. It’s just a few words.” She looks at the inked swirls again, her lips moving silently as she translates the message. Once she finishes, she puts the paper back down, but still looks confused. Kira leans forward excitedly. “What does it say?” Y/N looks at her, then back down at the paper. 
“It’s some kind of warning. It says ‘Beware the naiads.’”
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Shelbys at Somme: Chapter 3
Thomas X Shelby
Summary: Thomas goes on a date with Grace. An old melody makes it difficult.
By: @adventuresintooblivion
Grace paced nervously in her flat as she went over the details she had planned for this evening. She’d chosen a venue she knew was outside of Peaky Blinder territory and far enough away from any sort of police presence that she should be able to get Thomas to relax tonight. 
Inspector Campbell’s instructions the other night left her rattled. She didn’t appreciate the idea of being so expendable even as she reasoned that it was for a good cause.
Even as she flattened her dress again in an attempt to calm her nerves, she heard the doorbell ring. She flinched from the noise but made her way toward the doors regardless. Grace checked the clock next to the door. Ten minutes early. A true gentleman.
When she opened the door there he was. He'd traded out his normal attire for something more eloquent, tailored. However, his signature cap was still there revealing the devil in fancy clothes.
Thomas smirked, "Keep staring at me like that, and we won't make it to the dance." 
It took everything Grace had not to recoil. But instead she ducked her head, attempting to conjure up a blush. She grabbed her purse and hurriedly joined him in the hall.
After an agonizingly long stroll she finally led him up the steps to a restaurant that had been converted into a dance hall for the evening. Every surface behind the tall oak doors gleamed in the dim electric light. The floor was marble crafted so seamlessly it looked as if it were poured from the heavens into the place it was now. If it wasn't marble it was either polished oak or gilded in gold.
A soft music filled the air, filtering through thin red curtains that seperated the VIP lounge from the rest of the diners. Upon entering they were greeted by the host.
He stood tall in his immaculate uniform, "Do you have a reservation?"
Grace nodded, "It's under the name Shelby."
She barely caught the gang leaders' raised eyebrow as they were led further inside. Upon further inspection not only did the venue reek of upper class opulence, but so did the guests. Many of them were upper middle class citizens, which the Peaky Blinders rarely had any interaction with. There were even some lower level parliament members sipping wine and leering at the demure maids who served them.
When they arrived at their table Thomas, ever the gentleman, helped Grace with her chair. His eyes scanned the room slowly deconstructing each detail a thief would need. Grace shifted uncomfortably as she waited for him to join her. 
Eventually he took his seat, “You have quite the taste in venues.”
Grace shrugged, “You’re footing the bill. So I figured we would go somewhere we normally wouldn’t.”
He turned towards her, taking her in for the first time since they left her flat. Grace couldn’t help but shift underneath his gaze. Reflexively, she cast her eyes about the room for any type of distraction.
“Admittedly,” she said, “I had thought this place would be more targeted towards dancing. I’ll be right back and see what I can do about the music.”
“And if the waiter returns?”
“Order for me,” she waved her hand dismissively as she rose, not giving him the opportunity to pull out her chair.
She hurried off to put some distance between herself and Thomas. The room suddenly felt suffocatingly hot. All the small ways her clothes pinched and clung to her began to become an irrational irritation. Her skin was already crawling with the idea of what might happen after she left this place. At any cost. 
The walls around her became a safety blanket of finery. If she could find a way to make the night stretch long enough then maybe she could prolong what seemed to be the inevitable. Even as the thought crossed her mind she schooled herself on the unprofessionalism. She should want to serve her country. Even if it crossed every boundary I’d set for myself?
Grace’s eyes kept being drawn to the only color in the room. The red curtains separating the lower class citizens from their ‘betters’. And the musician.
She glanced around, making sure no one was paying attention before she slipped past. She blinked awkwardly; the majority of the light was outside of the curtains, casting a disturbing red glow on the room. A haze of cigar smoke filled the room making it even harder to see. Only small candles were used to create the barest amount of light for people to function. This particular part of the building was in a more secluded alcove which the patrons used to the fullest.
Men who ran the country were letting themselves be seduced. Women watched as their jewels were being bartered for. Every indulgence was being passed around from exotic chocolates to opium. Soft sighs punctuated the murmur of conversation.
In the middle of the room was an elevated platform with a grand piano. Grace blinked a couple more times to make sure she was seeing correctly. Instead of the man in a tux she’d expected, there sat a woman in one of the most beautiful dresses she’d ever seen. Something about her was familiar, but Grace didn’t pay much attention, only wanting to get out of the room as soon as possible.
She strode up before  waving towards the bored looking pianist, “Excuse me, do you do requests?”
Grace was initially answered with an arched eyebrow, “What kind of requests were you thinking about Ma’am?”
“I was thinking maybe a sad love song then building up to some dancing music?” Grace collapsed her hands before her, wringing them together.
The woman paused to think, “Classical dancing or something more lively?”
Grace blinked, “L...Lively.”
She nodded then went about finishing her song. Grace shrunk in on herself as she scurried away. The whole exchange reminded her of being scolded by a school teacher and in the end she wasn’t even sure if she’d gotten anything out of the endeavor.
Thomas glanced around once more. While he’d feigned ignorance with Grace this location was one he was well aware of. It was a nice building but it was also mere moments away from becoming a glorified opium den. He’d looked into possibly being a supplier for the more illicit items. The only thing stopping him was the lack of financial security his other ventures were producing at the moment.
He’d chosen their foods, intentionally going for an array of items. Their cups were full, and he leisurely sipped his wine. Thomas began to wonder if Grace knew the worst of the drugs that frequented the Birmingham underground. If she did, would she leave me alone with her food?
After a while, Grace seated herself opposite of him with a huff.
“How did it go?”
He watched as she schooled her features. “The elite seem to be hoarding the music tonight.”
Thomas chuckled, “That’s how it is isn’t it? Don’t worry, we can always find somewhere else.” 
She shook her head. “No, I chose this place. Let’s experience it.”
“If you insist.” 
He wasn’t sure when things had changed but as he spoke something pulled at the edge of his senses. It was an undercurrent below the ebb and flow of conversation. His heart began to ache even as it sped up. It wasn’t until the echoes of war began that he realized what it was. The music. Her music.
Thomas’ face fell as the words died in his throat. The finest wine he’d tasted in years turned to acetone in his mouth. All the splendor of England was laid before him and it was worth nothing.
He could sense the tension in Grace as she watched him cast his eyes about. He hadn't seen the source of the music on the way in, and honestly if he couldn't see her she couldn't see him. Yet that song still played.
He took a deep breath and forced himself to look at the woman he'd been admiring moments before.
"What's wrong?"
Everything. Nothing.
He cleared his throat, "Do you know this song?"
Grace paused then closed her eyes to listen. After a few moments she shook her head.
"It was created three and a half years ago by a woman posing as a man." He continued.
Her brow furrowed, "How do you know this?"
Thomas couldn't stop his wicked grin as he stood, nor did he want to, "I was there when it was made. Tell me. Where did you see the musician?"
Uncertainty was clear in Grace’s eyes but she pointed toward the curtains nonetheless. Thomas knew he shouldn’t be doing this in front of her or possibly future clientele. But as the notes on the piano hit the chorus he couldn’t find himself to care. For this was the one song he couldn’t bleach from his soul. It was his song, the one he asked for on one of his darkest days. Or so he thought.
He strode with the confidence of a Shelby. His back tall and his chin held high he gripped the heavy curtains and flung them open. He welcomed the hiss of the patrons as light stung their eyes. Every glare that landed on his skin felt like soap in his wounds. It was familiar, something he could deal with.
Blessedly, the music stopped. Even then he wasn’t prepared for the wide eyes that found his among the chaos. Y/N sat there back held straight in defiance prepared for whatever fight might come her way. There was a strength there wrapped in fine lace. A memory of hands gripping his shoulder firmly and hauling him away from certain death. It caused something inside him to come to life. A resonating pull towards a destiny he couldn’t name. 
“Alright, Ladies and Gentlemen, I will be hiring out your musician tonight. I was promised some dancing, and I’ll be damned if I don’t get it.” As he spoke he pulled out his wallet and slapped a stack of bills onto the polished wood beside Y/N.
He didn’t give her time to reply as he waved the Host farther into the room, “Come here. Yes, good man. You see this room? I want you to open a bottle of wine and make sure everyone here has a glass. Then clear out this mess. We’re dancing tonight.”
A portly man, with his vest and shirt unbuttoned, wadled his way up to Thomas with a face as red as a tomato, “Who do you think you are? The King of England?”
“Oh no friend. I’m not the king. I’m Thomas-Fucking-Shelby.” He let his smile spread too wide across his face. He knew the look he got in his eyes when he did this and loved to watch as people cowered before it. Just like the nameless bastard in front of him.
The Host glanced at Y/N, giving her a nod to continue as Thomas had instructed. With a shrug, Y/N pocketed the money and began playing quite the jaunty tune. Thomas lingered a moment, making sure his instructions were being followed. As he turned away he didn’t miss the tense set of Y/N’s jaw. A thought, there and gone again, begged him to kiss her stress away. 
He returned to Grace. Her eyes were wide as he held out his hand to her. She’d seen the whole affair, he knew she would. However, the fact that she didn’t actively shy away from him meant something. He just wasn’t sure what it was yet.
“Care for a dance?”
Hours later, Thomas escorted Grace back to her flat. He scoffed at himself for not taking the chance to go farther with her but the night had gone sour the moment the music began. And I told Y/N I wanted her playing every Saturday.
When he’d brought Grace to her door she looked at him expectantly. Yet even a blind man could see she was absolutely terrified of spending the night with him. Hell she shook like a lead when he removed her coat. It was a gentlemanly thing to do. Something Aunt Pol had beaten into him at a young age.
Now he strode down the near deserted street smoking to keep himself warm. Thomas hummed a tune. That one.
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
The Modern Wife
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A/n: Literally I’ve been so obsessed with the idea of this I had to mess up my schedule and write this. Also, omg will you look at that edit job??? I have never used photoshop in my life and look at that!!! Also special shoutout to Celi @poeticallyspaghetti​ for helping me so much with this
See how many Austen quotes you can spot!
Warnings: Slight cursing, mention of violence
Word Count: 11.5k
Summary: Miss Y/n L/n is the talk of the town. She is one of four gorgeous sisters. Her father is a successful politician who travels frequently back and forth to London. She is beautiful, poised, and absolutely unobtainable. Every man in town had been asking for her hand, all except a certain Colonel. Things are turned upside down when Miss L/n is forced into an engagement.
Genre: history!au, enemies to lovers!au, regency!au, historical!au, pride, and prejudice!au
“OW! Not so tight, Harry!” I screamed holding onto my bedposts as my maid and friend, Harriet pulled the laces tight on my corset. “Harry, are you trying to kill me?” I said with a laugh. The small thin plank of wood in the boning pressed hard against my chest and pushed up my breasts as high as they would go for no reason other than to put them on display. 
Ironic that it was unseemly to show my ankle but my cleavage could parade about the world openly. For the next forty minutes, Harriet proceeded to help me get dressed. The pale yellow frock complimented my skin nicely. Harriet always knew what I looked best in. She sat me down at my vanity while she fixed my hair, untwisted the fabric that tied my curls. Before she could finish my eyes glimpsed movement outside my window. 
Bolting up from the chair I ran down the hall, fabric billowing behind me. I rushed passed several servants as I made my way down the sunlit passageway. “Miss Y/n,” our butler, Mr. Carson, exclaimed as I nearly ran him over. Thankfully he did not drop the glassware on his tray. “I’m sorry, Carson!” “Don’t worry about it, my lady.”
With a bright smile, I burst through the large entryway doors and was met by a gracious morning breeze, A carriage had pulled up in the driveway and a woman a few years older than me was exiting the cab with the help of a footman.
“Cecilia! You’re home!” 
Wrapping my arms around my elder sister I gave her the biggest hug imaginable. The sound of our laughter could most likely be heard from anywhere on the grounds. I was once again reunited with my sister. She had not been gone but a few months since her last visit, but it felt like ages to me. 
“I should hope I get the same welcoming as my wife,” Turning away, I saw my sister’s husband stepping out of the carriage, a kind smile on his face. “Of course, Chan. I could never forget my brother in law.” He gently gave me a hug before returning me back to my sister. 
“Is father home?” I shook my head, leading my sister arm in arm into the house. “No, he has yet to return from London.” She scoffed and held my hand tighter. “But, it is the beginning of spring! How can he miss your birthday?” Carson greeted Cecilia and Chan with a warm welcome before we continued to the parlor. 
“Do not worry. Papa said he would return in the next few days in time for the ball on Saturday. Tomorrow we girls will simply have to celebrate my nineteenth birthday together.” Chan left us to talk while he helped tried to help Carson and the footmen with the bags, much to Carson’s displeasure. Chan never could really get used to having servants do things for him.
“Where are Charlotte and Emma?” Cecilia was referring to our two younger sisters. Charlotte had turned sixteen this year and little Emma was now ten. “They are in lessons right now. Papa is still positively adamant we are all educated to the highest degree.”  “Of course, he is.”
My sister filled me in on everything that had happened in Dover in the past few months. She and Chan had moved there after they got married, much against father’s will. “Oh, Chan got a letter before we left. He said the Colonel was in London and met up with father. He might come back to Surrey for the spring.” 
Cecilia laughed as disdain took over my face. “Wonderful. There go my hopes of a lovely spring.” “He isn’t that bad, Y/n.” The Colonel was around Cecilia’s age, in his very early twenties. He was the one who introduced Chan to Cecilia. Chan had served in his infantry and had grown quite close to the young officer. 
Father adored the Colonel. Anytime the Colonel returned to Surrey, Papa would insist on us inviting him to our residence. Everyone loved the Colonel. He was a brave man who had done his country proud in the war, taking over his father’s position in the midst of battle after he tragically perished. There was just something about him that made me hate him. He walked around like he was entitled to everything around him. 
“Does that mean he’ll be returning with father?” Cecilia nodded as her husband entered the room. “Who?” Chan asked sitting across from us. “Colonel Han,” Chan nodded with a soft smile on his face, adjusting his jacket. “I assume so. Miss Y/n why are you asking about him? If my memory serves me correctly, the last time he was here you called him ‘Death’s head on a broomstick’,” 
“Well, it was rightly deserved. I’m simply asking because I would like to know when to board up Whitewater so that he simply can’t get in.” 
Cecilia’s bright blue eyes crinkled as she laughed. Running footsteps could be heard coming down the hall. In raced two girls who practically jumped on Cecilia. “Cecilia, we missed you!” Emma sang in her soft voice. Charlotte went and gave Chan a gentle hug as well. 
The next day we celebrated my birthday. Chan and Cecilia got me a lovely gift, a gorgeous leather-bound sketchbook. I knew there was no way they could possibly afford something of such quality, but Cecilia insisted I take it. Carson and the staff celebrated with us making and sharing a beautiful cake. The next two days went by quickly. Chan worked on his music, the girls continued their studies, and Cecilia and I spent the time walking the grounds and gossiping about anything and everything, with Harriet often joining us
On Thursday afternoon, Charlotte and I were strolling near the banks of the creek, for which our estate was named. The clear water quickly rushed along making almost a soft song with the wind in the trees. Soon, we began to grow tired so we headed back to Whitewater.
As we reached the estate, my eyes were drawn to a carriage and a horse stationed outside. No one was expecting visitors so it must mean father was home. Charlotte and I raced into the house, grins filling our faces. 
“Papa! Are you home?” I called out. Charlotte heard voices in the parlor, so we both ventured into the sitting room. “There are the rest of my beautiful daughters!” He exclaimed, getting up and wrapping his arms around us. It felt so good to have my father’s arms wrapped around me again. His familiar smell of burning wood and lavender. 
He pulled away and kissed each of our cheeks. “Girls, you remember Colonel Han Jisung.” I tried to hide the grimace on my face but failed. Of course. That’s whose horse was out front. My eyes fell on the man standing near the window. He wore a dark navy overcoat and pristine black boots. While his somewhat smaller and shorter than some of the other military men I had met in the past, there was no doubt about the way he commanded the room.  His shaggy brown hair was tousled from the ride back to Surrey. 
His dark eyes were hidden as he bowed and took Charlotte’s hand. A proper way to greet a lady. “Yes, unfortunately, I do remember,” I said rolling my eyes. “Believe me, feelings are the same Miss L/n.” The Colonel said giving me a curt bow. Rolling my eyes, I sat down next to Cecilia, who nudged me, giving me a look. 
“Papa, how was London?” Charlotte asked happily. Father smiled and sat back down near the fireplace. Mr. Han remained standing near where Chan was sitting. “Perfectly fine. Everything is well. It seems Napoleon’s advances in England have stopped for the time being. Also, I met quite an intriguing man and invited him to have dinner with us this evening.” 
“Is he handsome, Father?” Charlotte asked. “Charlotte, do not ask such things.” Cecilia scolded, gently pushing our sister back in her seat. “I should think so. Colonel, you are welcome to join us for supper as well.” 
“I wouldn’t want to impose.”
“You do most days anyway,” I muttered under my breath.
Ignoring the look he sent my way I turned back to father. “Nonsense! You shall join us!” The hour seemed to drag on. Father and Mr.Han seemed to only talk about the war. Papa only paused to ask Cecilia and Chan about Dover and Chan’s music. To be fair he only asked because Cecilia forced him to be civil with Chan about his work.
Soon, The Colonel decided he should return to his estate and unpack his things. “Thank you for your time. The visit was lovely.” He said graciously. Giving everyone a short goodbye, he mounted his horse and made the travel to Ruxfield Manor a few miles to the west of Whitewater.
“That was an eventful visit,” Cecilia said wrapping her arm in mine.
“It was a delightful visit-perfect in being much too short.” 
She laughed at my comment as the two of us climbed the stairs to get ready for dinner in a few hours. Harriet helped me change for dinner and pinned up my hair leaving a few twisting strands loose framing my face. “Carson told me your father and his guests are already in the sitting room,” I sighed picking up a handheld mirror as she clasped a necklace around my neck.
“Well, then we should join them.” I stood up, smoothing the dark green fabric of the dress Harriet had picked out. As I exited my bedroom, the door next to me opened as well to reveal my sister and her husband dressed for dinner. As we approached the parlor, Carson opened the door and announced us.
“Miss Y/n and Mr. and Mrs. Bang.”
All heads turned towards us as we entered the room. Two men stood up at the announcement. One was the Colonel, purely out of respect for the women of the household. His eyes never even moved to the door. The other man wore a dark almost velvet-like coat and he carried himself with high prestige. 
He had deep brown eyes and sharp features. “My darling girls,” Father exclaimed before setting down his glass of sherry. He came and kissed both of our cheeks. “Father,” I said, latching onto his arm. He led us over to the men and our sisters. 
“Mr. Han,” I said trying not to roll my eyes. He gave me a curt nod and then returned to his seat. “Y/n play nice,” Papa said jokingly. “I am, Papa!” 
“Miss Y/n,” The other man said bowing before me. I couldn’t help but give him a questioning look as he took my hand and placed a soft and chaste kiss on my skin. “Oh, and to whom do I owe the pleasure?”
“Angel, this is Mr. Lee. He is a barrister in London. Minho, this is my second eldest daughter.” Mr. Lee stood up straight and looked me over with a gentle, but mischievous smile. “The pleasure is all mine. Your father has told me so much about you.” 
“Oh has he now! All good things I hope!”
“You can you tell the difference?” The Colonel mumbled, taking a sip of his drink. 
“Oh please, you are hardly agreeable yourself.”
“I do not wish people to be very agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of being forced into casual pleasantries.”
Thankfully, Carson entered the room, saving the Colonel and myself from getting into yet another altercation. “Dinner is ready to be served in the dining room.” Mr. Han scoffed when Minho bowed once again and offered me his arm. The eight of us ventured into the dining room where our new light bulbs brightened up the space from the ceiling. Father was obsessed with every new invention.
Papa took his place at the head of the table, the girls on either side of him. Cecilia sat across from her husband and the Colonel was seated next to her and across from me. Mr. Lee was seated at the other end of the table.  
Polite conversation was heard throughout dinner. The girls discussed their studies with father, who then bragged about our education to Mr. Lee. Dinner was lovely as always. Mr. Lee was beyond courteous and thanked Carson and the staff for the meal. We engaged in polite conversation. Mr. Lee seemed to pride himself in small talk because the conversation never got any bigger. “You know green is my favorite color. It is almost as if you wore that dress to see me smile.”
To be frank he was quite boring. He seemed no different than the other men I had met except for the fact he seemed fascinated by the cats on his estate. Cecilia sent me a pitiful glance and I did my best to hide my expression from Father. 
“Doori is just so mischievous. And Soongi! You would love Soongi!” Cecilia stifled a laugh as I downed the rest of the wine in my glass. I was too preoccupied forcing the alcohol down my throat that I didn’t notice Mr. Han’s soft laughter at my struggle with Mr. Lee. 
“Since we are all here and getting along so well, I would like to say something,” Father announced to the room. Carson ushered the footmen out of the room and back to the kitchen before turning back to Father at full attention. Every eye at the table was on Papa.
“After much discussion and thought, I have decided that it is time for Y/n to be married.” 
All eyes turned to me. I froze and looked around the table. Excuse me? When did my father talk to me about this? He was just marrying me off to some random noble?
“Mr. Lee and I have agreed. We would like to announce an engagement by the end of the summer.” 
This time all eyes turned to Mr. Lee at the other end of the table. “What?” Cecilia says breaking the silence that had lasted for much too long. I could do nothing but stare at the table. There were too many emotions flying around and none of them were particularly good let alone ladylike. Everyone, even the Colonel looked between my father and Mr. Lee with widened eyes. Chan watched his wife struggling to comprehend my fate. The girls stared at me looking for an answer. I felt the Colonel’s stare like a weight, when I looked up he was looking anywhere except my face. He let out a hefty sigh with an emotionless expression as he soon became fascinated with the chandelier.
“Did you think to ask me how I felt?” Papa looked at me, his eyebrows raised in curiosity. “I didn’t think you would much care,” All of my sisters seemed shocked at his words. Father had always been so set on us making our own decisions. He always wanted us to be happy, especially after our mother had passed.
“Just because Cecilia decided she did not want to marry a noble doesn’t mean you can pass this onto me!” Cecilia looked down at her plate. It was no secret that Papa was outraged at her marriage to Chan. “This has nothing to do with your sister.” 
“You are sending me away! Why not just make this punishment even worse? Send me off with the Colonel, make my life completely miserable!”
“Y/n L/n!” Father yelled standing up. 
“Father you are at fault here too,” Cecilia said standing up. She rushed over and led me out of the room and up the stairs. When Harriet saw us down the hall she rushed to us and opened the door to my bedroom. “Did you hear, Harry?” You looked at the girl who sadly nodded. Of course, she had heard. People in France had heard the argument between me and Papa. Cecilia helped Harriet calm me down and change before placing a kiss on my forehead and leaving to confer with her husband. Slowly I slipped into a deep sleep hoping to forget the events of this night.
The next afternoon my sister and I strolled through the lanes of Surrey on our way to the dress shop. Cecilia had convinced me to come out and get a new dress for the ball tomorrow night with her. Despite my protests, she and Harriet dragged me out of bed and helped slip by my father’s study and into town. 
I had to admit, I was thankful to be away from Whitewater. Walking into the dress shop with my sister on my arm felt freeing. Like I wasn’t about to be engaged to a man I had absolutely no interest in. 
Breathing in the smell of the wood and the fabrics put a smile on my face. Cecilia ran over to the rolls of blue fabric. I had missed coming to the seamstress with my older sister. In Dover Chan and Cecilia didn’t have enough money to get a new dress more than once or twice a year, so Cecilia was thrilled to come with me. 
“What color do you think you would like?” Cecilia shouted from over her shoulder, pulling out a dress with baby blue fabric and white lace. I shrugged and sorted through the different dresses. “I will wear anything but green. Minho would not stop talking about how I wore his favorite color at dinner.” Cecilia laughed as I brushed passed a light green ensemble without hesitation. 
“Why don’t we send you in black since it is going to be your funeral anyway,” Cecilia said throwing a black frock at me. I laughed and returned the dress to the seamstress. “Y/n, what about this?” She handed me a gorgeous red dress that was embroidered with pearls and gold thread. 
“I have not worn red since we were little girls. It’s absolutely gorgeous!” The seamstress helped us try on the dresses before we paid for them and changed back. Cecilia laughed as I recounted the conversation with Mr. Lee as we walked out of the shop. I felt uneasy. Like something was off. Looking around I saw several young men from the town walking about and standing near shops but they all seemed to be looking anywhere but me, which was very abnormal. 
“Do you think they heard about the engagement? It isn’t even official yet!” Cecilia said, reading my mind. An exasperated sigh left my chest. “Nor will it be. I will marry Lee Minho over my dead body.” 
“Oh, Miss Y/n!” a voice called out from across the street. 
Looking for the source of the deep voice I found Lee Felix, Colonel Han’s aide. And of course, next to him, was Colonel Han Jisung himself. My sister laughed as the Colonel and I both grimaced. Despite the second protests of the day, Cecilia dragged me over to greet the two soldiers. 
Han and Felix gave the two of us military level bows and Felix greeted us happily. “I see you two ladies are enjoying today’s fine weather.” Mr. Han said looking around at the scenery, his hands behind his back and his posture incredibly straight. “Yes, Y/n and I were out shopping for an ensemble for the ball tomorrow.” 
Felix’s grin grew three times larger. “I see that!” He said pointing to the folded dresses in our arms. “Oh Colonel, Miss Y/n picked out a red dress! What a coincidence!” Han spared me and the dress in my arms a glance before scoffing and looking at Felix. “What is a coincidence? Do tell,” I said, a smirk falling on my lips. “Jisung was just saying how gorgeous the red roses were at Ruxfield.” 
“Ow-” Cecilia nudged my stomach with an innocent grin on her sweet oval face. “Y/n just adores roses! She was sketching them in the garden, just the other day.” Cecilia’s blue eyes sparkled as she nudged me once again. What was she getting at? They were just flowers. 
The Colonel looked up at my words, his eyes slightly widening. He quickly recovered and trained his eyes on the ground. “Well, Felix and I have much to attend to. I am sure we shall meet again tomorrow night.” I rolled my eyes as Han mounted his horse, Felix following close behind. 
“Come, we must prepare for tomorrow night, given this new information!”
“Cecilia! What new information? Stop pulling on my arm!”
The carriage rumbled to a stop in front of the Hall. My father the girls and I were all in one cab, while Chan and Cecilia rode in a separate carriage. A footman opened the door and helped me down from the cab. He gently took each of my sisters’ hands as they exited as well. The music swelled as we entered the Hall with our father in front of us.
Emma quickly ran off to the table filled with sweets and hour devours, and Charlotte was towed away by her friends. “Miss L/n!” Turning, I saw Mr. Lee pushing his way through the crowd. Wonderful. The last person I wanted to see.  Like a leech, Mr. Lee latched himself onto my arm. “Are you quite good at dancing, Miss L/n? I fancy myself quite the dancer. They do all the latest court dances in London you see.”
“If you would excuse me, Mr. Lee, I am quite parched,” I said interrupting the never ending stream of words. “Yes, quite alright. I shall miss every second you are parted from me!” Minho said placing a kiss on my hand. Begrudgingly, I plastered a smile on my face and maneuvered my way through the crowd. 
Spotting my sister’s golden brown hair, I moved through the flood of people. Her beautiful baby blue dress stood out against the dark colored suits and dresses around her. She stood next to her husband and another man. “Cecilia, thank goodness.” I heaved out in a sigh. “My dear sister, you look ravishing! Don’t you think so, Mr. Han?” Turning I saw The Colonel dressed in fine navy blue. His eyes drunk me in with a disenchanted expression.
“She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me; I am in no humor at the present to give consequence to young ladies with such ‘modern’ attributes.” 
Only to uphold my social presence and reputation did I refrain from slapping him. How could he say something so ghastly right to my face. Before I could fire back Chan interrupted, questioning his friend. “Han, do you plan on joining in the festivities? I certainly plan on bringing my adoring Cecilia onto the dance floor tonight. There is absolutely nothing like dancing after all. It is one of the first refinements of a polished society.” He sighed, rolling his eyes and placing his hands behind his back in a seemingly military sense. 
“Certainly, sir; and it has the advantage also of being in vogue amongst the less polished societies of the world. Every savage can dance.” “Not every savage-” Cecilia ventured. “I assure you, Mrs. Bang. Every savage can. Even damn Napoleon, so no I do not think I shall partake in the such an adolescent event.” 
The urge to shove his head up his ass grew stronger within me by the second, but I don’t think anything would be able to move past the gargantuan log shoved up there already. “Well, my dearest, would you accompany me onto the dance floor.” Chan said with a bright smile, offering a hand to his wife. Her lace gloved hand slid into his with a smile. Just as they were leaving a voice called out over the sea of guests. 
“Miss L/n! Where are you my love? Miss Y/n?” My eyes widened as I saw Minho’s head bobbing through the crowd. “Ah! Miss Y/n! There you are!” He said pointing in my direction. 
“Oh lord help me. Quick!” Without thinking I grabbed the nearest coat sleeve and pulled the man out onto the dance floor, a new dance beginning. “What in all hell?” He exclaimed, eyes turning to saucers. 
A sigh of relief left my lips as Minho walked right passed my previous location, still looking for me. Music swelled and the couples around me started dancing so I joined in with my partner. My heart skipped a beat when my eyes fell on Mr. Han standing in front of me, gently holding my hand and bowing. I curtsied to him and focused on looking for Mr. Lee in the crowd. Hopefully he wasn’t too close. Absentmindedly I followed the steps of the dance, my palm pressing lightly against the Colonel’s as we moved through the steps and turns of the dance. 
Halfway through the song, my eyes followed Mr. Lee as he searched for me into another room. This time a sigh of relief escaped as my focus turned back to the dance. I then became very aware of Mr. Han’s hand on my waist. “Mr. Han, I didn’t realize you could dance.” I jested a smirk playing on my lips. His face remained the same but there was something about his eyes that was different. 
“Miss L/n, I said any savage can dance. I am not excluded.” 
I was left without a retort. I simply stared at him as he circled and came behind me, one hand on my waist, the other gently holding my outstretched hand. The feeling of his chest against my shoulder  was unfamiliar but somehow inviting. He smelled like gun powder and old books. My eyes couldn’t seem to break away from his as we turned and moved with the music. 
The entire world seemed to dissolve away and all I could see was how he was looking at me. How he was holding me gently and cautiously, as if I was a butterfly in his palm. He had a softness in his eyes I had never seen before. The kind that showed a tortured past. Had he always been this handsome? 
Somehow I had never noticed the smooth lines of his face. The soft curve of his lips. The sharp angle of his jaw and the color of his warm tan skin from being in the sun on the battlefield. I had been completely oblivious. I was too stubborn to see the honorable man in front of me. I was even unkind to him on so many occasions yet he looked at me with such a hidden admiration. 
Our movements came to a stop and the Colonel stayed by my side, my hand still resting gently over his. I couldn’t seem to tear my eyes away from his stare. 
“Miss Y/n,” A voice called. Everyone was looking at me. Looking at us. Confusion and suggestion plastered on their faces. Suddenly the Colonel’s hands removed themselves he moved a good distance away from me. 
“Next time you would like to hide from your fiancee, use someone else as a shield. I would much rather not be involved in the manner.”
With a sharp, curt bow the Colonel excused himself and rushed off, disappearing into the bustling and whispering crowd. The gossip seemed to stop when Emma ran up to me, her big bright eyes sparkling. Leaving the moment between myself and Mr. Han behind, I danced with my sisters the rest of the night and did my best to fend off my soon to be fiancee. 
Hours later the evening drew to a close. Emma was already asleep and had returned to Whitewater with father a few hours earlier in our carriage. Charlotte and I walked out of the Hall our arms linked and laughing about Lady Moss’s hair piece. “Can you believe it?” Lottie laughed out of breath.
A yell from the street pulled our attention. “Your master stepped over the line!” A huge crowd had surrounded two very young men near the road. A fight had broke out between two footmen. I winced seeing a blow land on the smaller one’s face and another to his cut. My eyes widened when I caught a glimpse of his face. It was Felix. Colonel Han’s aide. 
“Lottie, go find Chan and Cecilia.” Nodding, she ran back into the hall to find our sister. I pushed my way through the crowd trying to see what was going on. Felix was doing his best to hold his ground against the other boy. It looked like Minho’s steward, Seungmin. “I have no control over what the Colonel does. You’re crazy!” Felix said blocking another swing. 
“Hey! Break it up! Stop this juvenile combat!” A voice boomed. Han himself pushed through the crowd and plowed through Seungmin, a hand clutching the collar of the boys shirt. “You do not touch him. If your quarrel is with me then face me so. Do not be a coward and go after my aide.” There was a fire in his eyes and Seungmin looked terrified. The power Han exuded would frighten any man. 
Seungmin, regaining his composure, threw a punch at the Colonel, landing on his jaw. While he seemed mostly unaffected, Seungmin took the opportunity to wriggle out of Jisung’s tight grasp. Han scoffed, and threw of his coat, rolling up his sleeves as well. “You will certainly regret doing that.” The crowd cheered as Han took a strike. His slim form allowed him to move with agility and strike with force. It was clear that Seungmin was done for. 
Another person burst through the crowd as Han threw Seungmin off of him. Minho caught his steward, pulling him up by the arm. He took Seungmin’s cheek in his hand and examined the boy’s beaten face, before handing him off to another footman. His glare then targeted the Colonel who stood out of breath and dark brown hair tousled. 
“How dare you assault my boy?” Minho screamed, pointing a finger at Mr. Han. “Do not jump to assumptions, my friend. Your boy att-” “First you try to seduce my fiancee in front of the entire town- then you assault my aide!” Han let out a breathy laugh before pointing at himself. “Me? You think I would ever be interested in the a woman such as Miss L/n?” His finger moved to point at me, but my glare in his direction was ignored. 
“Your man attacked mine first! It is you who needs to apologize! I will not have my staff humiliated and beaten by scum like you or your servants.” Han said beginning to get an almost erratic look in his eyes. “That’s it,” Minho said throwing his coat onto the ground. Without hesitation he leaped into the fight. The crowd cheered them on as I watched in horror.
“Stop! Stop this right now!” I screamed, but no one listened. Mr. Lee’s fist connected with Han’s temple, making his eyes go dark for a moment, before returning. Mr. Lee took the opportunity to throw Han over his shoulder and onto the ground before my feet. 
“Mr. Lee, stop right this instant! Both of you! There is no use fighting over me! this is complete nonsense.” Mr. Han’s eyes rolled over to me as he sat up. He winced as he moved to stand up. It took all of my power not to break his stare. 
“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn about you.”
Why did his words wound me? The hurt must have shown on my face for a brief moment because once again his eyes softened. Before he could say something Mr. Lee took a cheap shot, his fist flying across Han’s cheek. My eyes did not fail to miss the drops of blood that landed on the dirt. Han wasted no time in fighting back. 
“ENOUGH!” I screamed. Reputation be damned. I was finished. I had enough. Storming up, with all my strength I pushed the men apart. The two seemed insistent on continuing the brawl. The only thing stopping the Colonel from destroying Mr. Lee was my hands pushing against his shoulders. “You know nothing about me!” My loathsome future fiancee shouted.
“You are only trying to buy her from her father; like she is some prize!” Han sneered. “She is not some timepiece or your stupid pet!” Hearing a yell from Mr. Lee I turned to stop him only to feel a strike against my head. My vision started to blur and my head started to spin before I felt myself fall to the ground. 
Every person froze. Mr. Lee and the Colonel watched in horror as I collapsed to the ground barely conscious. Not a second later Chan burst through the crowd with Cecilia in tow, breaking up the fight. She gasped seeing my body on the ground. Quickly she rushed to my side and cradled my head in her lap. 
“Quick! Someone help!” Felix, still recovering from his beating, rushed over without hesitating. With some struggle, he got my partially limp body in his arms as Cecilia led him to where our carriage should have been. Han seemed to snap out of his shock, and he rushed to Felix’s side. “Mr. L/n took their carriage. Felix, we’ll go in ours.” Nodding, Felix turned and rushed to the Colonel’s cab and gently placed me on the seat. Cecilia placed my head in her lap as Han jumped into the cab with us, worry painted all over his face. 
Felix jumped up into the coach’s seat. Han pounded on the carriage wall and screamed for Felix to go. “Felix, hurry! To Whitewater. Take the back road it’s  faster!”  Han prayed that they could return to my estate fast enough to call a doctor. When the carriage pulled to a stop, the Colonel took me from Cecilia’s lap and held me in his arms, letting my head roll onto his chest. 
“Into the house! Carson! Carson, call the physician!”
Mr. Han carried me up the steps of the porch and impatiently yelled at Felix to hold the door. The poor boy rushed up and let Han carry me through the doorway. Han cautiously handed my semi-conscious body over to Carson. His brow furrowed, concern flooding his features as he watched my loving staff rush to my aid. Carson placed me gently on a sofa  and Cecilia carefully undid the tight curls in my hair so my head had somewhat less pain. 
 Han could do nothing but stand off to the side watching in distress. “Miss Bang...please let me offer my assistance-”
“You have done enough,”
Cecilia did not mean her words to come out as harsh as they did. He knew that. He scolded himself at his thoughts. ‘If only Y/n had not gotten in the way.’ ‘Lee Minho will pay for what he has done.’ A touch on his shoulder brought him back to reality. Turning he saw Felix, a frown on his face. “Sir, we should return to Ruxfield. I will be sure to inquire of Miss L/n’s health in the morning.” Almost as if he was giving him no choice, Felix guided the Colonel back to his carriage and the two departed. 
The next morning I awoke to find both Cecilia and Harriet sleeping beside me. Harriet even in her sleep was still holding cloth wrapped ice to my forehead. Sensing my movement, Harriet woke up and asked millions of questions about how I was feeling. 
Cecilia then woke up not long after. She recounted what happened  after the fight and then left to let me change for the day. The next week went by with no word from the Colonel. Felix came by the first morning to give his apologies at the Colonel’s request. Sadly, Mr. Lee visited almost daily. I had taken to sketching in the book gifted to me by my sister, hoping this would come as a distraction from remembering certain interactions from that night. 
The afternoon was perfect. A light rain had come in the morning, leaving droplets on the the flowers in the garden. Now the sun was out and shining, as I sat on a bench outside with my sketchbook amongst the flowers. “My lady you have a visitor.” Carson said from the stone walkway. The garden had somewhat of a keyhole stone path, with a fountain and stone circle at the center. Mr.Carson stood near the fountain. Through the water you could see the outline of a man’s over coat. “If it is Mr. Lee send him away. I am in no mood to entertain him today.”
“Mr. Lee is not the one asking for visitation,” A smooth deep voice spoke as its owner moved from behind the fountain. 
Colonel Han stood a little in front of Carson, looking at you with a serious expression. The same he wore every day of his entire life, except it his eyes. His eyes once again held that softness, as if it was a sight only you could bring out of him. “I’d have to jump off a bridge if I was that cat loving bigot.”  A hint of a smile slid onto his lips. 
He was correct. Mr. Han was nothing like Mr. Lee. Han was rough. He had edges. He never primped himself like Mr.Lee did. I couldn’t help but drink him in. His dark hair was shaggy and he only wore a simple shirt and the old navy overcoat he seemingly never took off. His boots were dirty and scuffed, but well taken care of. A sign of his daring acts but military discipline. A blush came over my cheeks as I remembered the feeling of dancing with him, his chest against my back.
“Jis- Colonel... to what do I owe the pleasure.” I closed my sketchbook and placed it beside me on the stone bench. “Papa is in London, but he should return by nightfall.” In all of my life I had never been nervous in front of a man other than my father. I believed a woman should be a strong and elegant vision, not simply standing behind a man but beside him if at all. So why could I not meet Mr. Han’s eyes. 
“I’m not here to see your father. I’m here to see you.”
My eyes widened at his words. Nothing was different about him. He still stood straight with his arms behind his back, keeping a respectable distance form me. His face remained stoic as if he was reading from a war plan. “Thank you, Carson. You may leave us,” 
It was Han’s turn to be flustered upon hearing my words. Being the respectful man he was he always adhered to the social protocol of a woman and man never being alone unless with a chaperone. Carson raised his brow in question, but complied, entering the house.
A moment of awkward silence followed. Then another. And another. It was almost like Mr. Han had lost the ability to function after being alone with me. Nervously, I played with the fabric of my dress. What could he possibly want to discuss with me. We have hardly had a pleasant conversation in our entire lives. “Miss Ln-” His words halted when I looked up at him. His eyes went immediately to my face. I knew exactly what he was looking at. The bruise from that night. It was lighter now, having had a week to heal, but still visible.
“Oh Y/n...” He reached out as if to touch my face, but thought better of it and pulled back. There was no longer a wide expanse between us. He now stood only a few feet away from where I sat.  “We are not even wed, and yet I have already forsaken you and broken a valiant code...” He muttered under an aggravated sigh.
He was grateful that I didn’t hear it. “If you are indeed here for me, please enlighten me of your purpose for I am in the dark.” I said pushing a strand of loose hair around my face. As he opened his mouth to speak a deep voice called his name. 
“Colonel Han!”
Felix came running out of Whitewater. He was out of breath and his hair and clothes were out of place, like he had just gotten off his horse. He handed on a sealed envelope and whispered something in Mr. Han’s ear.  Immediately, Han opened the letter with his long nimble fingers. His eyes quickly scanned the letter, leaving me in anxious silence. 
“What is it?” I asked on the edge of my seat. Han handed the letter back to Felix and whispered something back to him. Felix spared me a glance before leaving us alone. 
The Colonel raked a hand through his already slightly disheveled hair and turned his back to me. Something was compelling me to reach out to him. “Jisung,” He turned at the sound of his name. My mind had yet to register the fact this was the first time I had actually said his name. He on the other hand, did notice.
“What is the matter?” He sighed and looked back at the house. Felix was standing by the door, discussing something with Carson. “Napoleon has resumed his advances on the border.” It took me a moment for me to process the information. This was news that was not for me to hear. “Why-”
“They are calling me to the front line.”
I couldn’t speak.
“Felix gave me my orders just now. I leave in the morning.”
This meant so many things. This meant our country was once again at war with France. It meant Father would have to stay in London. It meant Mr. Han would be sent to the heat of the battle commanding easily a thousand men in combat. It meant Jisung...was being sent into battle that he might not come back from.
Why did I even care? I was in line to be engaged. Granted it was to a spinless snob I practically loathed. “I may be a bitter married woman when you returned. Then our arguments will be that much more interesting.” Another look flashed across his face. Almost like he was disappointed that was what I had chosen to say. Like he had wished I had asked him to stay.
“Let’s hope for the both of us that is not true when I return.”
Before I could understand his words Felix returned, this time with Carson behind him. He came to Mr. Han’s side and urgently whispered something in his ear. Han nodded and brushed him off before turning back to me, his eyes growing soft. Gently, he took my hand. All I could do was watch as he brought it up to his lips and softly kissed my knuckles. 
It was an action I had experienced many times from many men. All seeking for my hand in marriage. But this. This was different. This felt intimate. Like the kiss was burning itself into my skin as if to mark me for life. His eyes joined mine as he pulled away. 
“Colonel, we have to go.” Felix said breaking the silence. Han slid his hand from mine and he turned to follow Felix back to Ruxfield to prepare for is departure. My body could do nothing but watch him leave.
“You’re all grown up now, Miss Y/n.” Carson said. He had the kindest smile on his face as he came to sit on the bench, pulling me down with him. “What do you mean, Carson?” He sighed, taking my hand in his. Carson was nothing like my father. He and my mother were very close and Mr. Carson always seemed like a real father figure in my life. He was the one who taught me to dance, and what books I should read, and even how to play poker. 
“You are falling in love. I would know that look anywhere.” Love? With the Colonel. Impossible. I despised him. Right? “I am not in love. If I was in love I would be getting married.” He chuckled and patted my hand. “Aren’t you though?”
“Carson, do you see me voluntarily marrying that mess of a man?”
“Are you speaking of Lord Lee or Colonel Han?”
Blinking, the thought crossed my mind. Of course I was talking about Mr. Lee right. I was set to marry him. Was Carson saying I should marry Mr. Han? Marrying Colonel Han Jisung. The thought had never crossed my mind. Now that it did, why did my heart swell.
“Of course I’m speaking of Mr. Lee. Father would forbid anyone else.” Carson nodded, looking over the garden. “So, are you saying there is someone else?” He took my silence as an answer, smiling. 
“An unhappy alternative is before you, Y/n. From this day you must be a stranger to one of us. Your father will never see you again if you do not marry Mr. Lee, and I would never see you again if you do.” 
A warm, fatherly smile filled his eyes. “Do you love him?” There was no question of who he was talking about. “While I have lost my heart, I shall not lose my self control. I will not become one of those silly girls running around with their heads in the clouds controlled by love.” Carson laughed and picked a flower near the bench.
“Silly things do cease to be silly if they are done by sensible people in an impudent way.” 
Before I could respond I was interrupted by what seemed like the fourth time today. “Y/’n! Y/n!” Cecilia ran out of the house a grin from ear to ear. Emma and Charlotte followed hot on her heels. Her light blue dress blew behind her as she ran over to us. “Y/n, I’m pregnant!” After blinking a few times I wrapped her up in a hug and cheered. Carson joined us and we all went inside to celebrate Cecilia’s news, leaving the conclusion of my conversation with Carson in the back of my mind.
Spring came and went. Soon came the long months of summer and with it came heavy summer storms. The Whitewater creek was filled to capacity and quite dangerous. Father had come home from London and the tensions had been high ever since he returned. Papa seemed hell bent on my marriage to Mr. Lee. 
Every chance he got he brought up the engagement. I was starting to think Carson may have been right. Every mention of Mr.Lee drove me further away from him and made me wonder about another man...far away. 
Another man who didn’t write. Not once. I found myself jumping to the door when Carson delivered our mail to our rooms. Weeks passed and still I heard no word from him. Weeks turned into months until it became the middle of summer. Still no word from the Colonel. Not even to my father about the war. I was beginning to worry something had happened. Certainly he wouldn’t forget about me after a goodbye like that? Why did I even care? I hated the man. Yes, I hated the man. I had all the right to hate him if he wasn’t going to send me even one letter. 
Another summer storm raged outside my window. “Miss you will have to leave your room sometime.” Harriet said, hanging up some of my laundry. “If Cecilia will not leave her room then I too shall not.” Harriet laughed as I watched the water pelt against the glass. “Miss Y/n, your sister is ordered by the doctor to bed rest. Chan is taking care of her. You are simply sulking over your engagement.” 
“I am not sulking over my engagement.”
“Then a certain Colonel perhaps? Maybe the lack of a letter?” 
Before I could correct my friend, Carson knocked on the door and entered. “My lady, your father wishes to speak to you in his study.” I sighed, turning back to the window. “Carson, I am in no mood to speak to Papa.” Harsh winds blew the trees in the forest just outside the estate. “My lady, he is leaving for London in an hour. He is insistent on speaking to you.”
Carson gave me a small smile. He was probably right. It was better to simply speak to him before he left than ignore him until he returned home. With a sigh, I got up from my window seat. Harriet straightened my dress and adjusted the loose but proper style she had done to my hair this morning. I knew exactly what awaited me behind the heavy wooden doors. My knuckles softly wrapped against the oak. 
The gruff voice of my father echoed as I opened the door. He sat at his desk writing a letter or some other important document. “Papa, you wanted to talk to me?” I said standing near one of the many bookshelves in his study. “Yes, about your marriage.” 
“Papa. I already told you I will not marry Mr. Lee-”
“The date has been set. You will marry Lee Minho in one month’s time.”
My jaw dropped in disbelief. “Father!” He didn’t even look up from his work. “Do not ‘Father’ me. You knew this was going to happen. You will marry Mr. Lee. You will do as your told. It is your duty as a woman of this household.” What? My what?
“My duty as woman?” 
“Father, I have no duty as woman. Especially to you. I will not marry a man who I do not love. It is not my duty to obey your every command!” This was when he chose to look at me. His eyes turned cold. “Y/n L/n. You are my daughter. You will do as I say!” Rage filled every inch of my body. “No! I will control my own life! I will not marry him and that is final! Times are changing. It is time you changed with them, Father!” The sound of his chair screeching against the wood floor made me flinch. “We are a family of tradition! I will not let your silly misguided modern values change our family!”
His voice boomed loud enough for the entire estate to hear. “What would mother think of this! She would never-” “DO NOT BRING YOUR MOTHER INTO THIS!” A book  flew across the room. Never the less I stood  my ground, staring straight back at him even though tears threatened to spill over my eyes. 
“I wouldn’t have to if you would just be-” 
“If you are going to continue this kind of behavior then I want you out of Whitewater until you come to your senses!” 
A silence followed; the kind that hurt. The kind you could feel- like needles plunging into your skin. Rain continued to fall on the roof and windows like bullets. 
“So be it.” 
With word I stormed out of the study and towards the door. Shouts from the staff could be heard behind me as I burst through the doors and out into the rain. “My lady! Y/n!” Carson called. My feet carried me to the stables. Grabbing a saddle and mounting the closest horse I rode out into the storm.
Finally able to let tears flow away from any eyes, I screamed. Never had I felt so much agony. My own father was shunning me. The man I admired had abandoned me and was sent to war. The man I despised was forcing me into marriage. My skin burned as harsh rain pelted against it. The wind blew through my hair pulling it loose.
Even through all this pain it felt...freeing. It felt amazing to run through the forest outside of Whitewater, thunder rolling in the air and rain showering down. My heart still wretched in pain. I missed my family, despite our arguments. Most of all I missed Mr. Han, despite our many many differences.
A loud crack boomed through the sky and a flash of white burst in front of my horse. I screamed as the horse  reared, throwing me off its back onto the forest floor. I felt a pain against the back of my head upon impact. The horse sprinted away in fear leaving me stranded. 
“Help!” I screamed into the dark. My legs struggled to hold themselves up and my vision started to become blurry. It became indecipherable what was rain or tears on my cheeks.
The world started to spin as I walked forward. I must have been ‘walking’ for hours. The cold had started to set in and the rain showed no sign of stopping. By now I was miles away from Whitewater and the closest estate was fifteen miles east.
“Help me...” 
My dress was getting heavier and heavier despite the fabric being so light before. It clung to my skin and my hair hung in dark wet strands in front of my face.  Over the thundering storm I thought I heard hoof beats through the forest. I must have been hallucinating. Not being able to hold myself up anymore, I leaned against a tree.
Definitely hallucinating. I was even hearing his voice now. How did I remember what his voice sounded like? Exhaustion started to set in, the pain and cold making my eyes droop and my body feel even heavier. 
“Y/n? Y/n, where are you?” 
Through my blurry vision I thought I saw the outline of a horse and rider wearing a dark navy coat. “Y/n!” My strength was wearing thin. Taking a chance, that it wasn’t my imagination I pushed myself off the tree and stumbled forward. “Oh god! Y/n stay where you are I’m coming!”
Hooves pounded against the ground growing closer. My head started ti spin even more as the rider jumped off his horse and rushed to me. Before I could fall, I was taken in a pair of strong arms. The edges of my vision started to blackout, my hearing came in and out, and my body shivered trying to keep itself warm. The person clutched me to their chest and pushed the wet pieces of hair away from my face, desperation in their deep voice. “Miss L/n? Y/n, can you hear me? I’ve got you now. I’m here.”
My throat felt dry. “The Colonel...he-he didn’t write to me. I’m...I’m still waiting for his letter. I can’t leave...” The rider sighed and I tried to make out his face. “Do you know Colonel Han? He told me not to get married...so I didn’t...” The words came out in slurs but they came out nonetheless. The rider clutched my head to their chest gently. 
“I know, darling, I’m sorry.” He gently laid me on the forest floor and took off his coat wrapping it around me. “I couldn’t even though I wanted to.” Gently he picked me up as if I weighed nothing and moved over to the horse. Through my haze I heard him curse. Even in my state I knew there was no way he could get myself and him on the horse safely. 
“Stay with me, darling.” I tried to focus on the rider’s words as he tried to figure out how to get me to safety. The exhaustion won out, leaving me in the darkness. 
Colonel Han kept his head. He couldn’t panic. Not even when he saw her eyes close shut. “Damn.” His dark hair clung to his forehead as he searched for a solution. She wouldn’t last much longer. Her body was already freezing in his arms. 
His horse was too high to lift her up and Ruxfield was too far to walk. Why was she outside of Whitewater in the first place? In a storm? Whitewater. Whitewater was no more than five miles away. He could make it there. Forgetting about his exhaustion from the ride back from the front line, Jisung adjusted the woman in his arms, resting her head against his chest and his arms under her legs, he began walking all the way back to Whitewater. 
His arms and legs burned as he climbed over the last hill. He couldn’t help but smile as he saw Whitewater in the distance through the rain. “We are almost there, darling. Hold on for me.” He just had to hold on long enough to reach Whitewater. To see Y/n was alright.
With his last burst of energy, Jisung burst through the front doors of Whitewater. “HELP! I need a physician! Someone help!” Several staff including Carson rushed up to him, seeing Y/n in his arms. “Quickly, upstairs!” he said, making a path for Jisung. She shivered in his arms as he carried her down the hall and up the stairs. 
“Harriet call the physician! Tell him it’s an emergency!” A girl he had scene with Y/n before nodded and rushed to call a doctor. “Y/n! Where is she! Y/n!” Cecilia called rushing to the Colonel. “Cecilia, love, move!” Chan said wrapping the woman in his arms. “Where is Father? He should be here!” She said as they moved passed her. “Your father left for London.” Carson said. 
Carson rushed to push open the door to the girl’s bedroom. The Colonel gently placed the girl on her bed and let the staff rush around the room to help her. All he could do was watch as the only woman he had thought about for the past four months lay helpless on her bed, shivering. 
A pair of strong hands pushed him softly out of the room and into the hall. He looked up to find Chan. “Han, you are freezing.” “I am fine,” He tried to get a look back into the room, but a maid closed the door. “You need to rest. You just returned on leave.” 
“Chan I will be fine!” 
Reluctantly, the man left Jisung alone in the hall. He watched as people walked in and out of the room, rushing with towels, blankets, wet clothes, new clothes, even hot kettles. Soon a physician arrived and entered her room. It felt like hours that Jisung had waited outside her door. Finally the girl, Harriet, walked out. She jumped when he grabbed her arm.
“Give me an occupation miss-or I shall go mad.”
Taking in the man’s tired state she handed him a towel. “The doctor says Ms. L/n hit her head and has a serious case of hypothermia.” She watched as Mr. Han sighed and ran a hand through his wet shaggy hair. “Please let me do something. Anything.” All she could offer was the smallest smile. 
“You’ve done all you can possibly do. Thank you for saving my mistress.” 
With a sorrowful nod he watched as she walked away. “We would be happy to set up a room for you, sir. We would be happy to keep you updated on how the lady is doing.” He gave Harriet a kind smile. “That would be very generous, Miss. I’ll only be staying for the two nights, if that is alright. I have orders to return to the line.” With a nod, Harriet went to prepare a room for the Colonel.
During those two days, Mr. Han never left her side. He stayed by her bedside helping Harriet and Cecilia with anything they asked. One the morning of his departure he gave Cecilia the name of his personal carrier. “If there is any change please let me know. The letter will go directly to me.” She nodded and took the piece of parchment watching the Colonel leave once again.
Sunlight streamed through my window. My head pounded and my body still felt cold.  Slowly I slipped out of my bed, feet placing themselves slowly on the cool wood floor. “You are awake!” Cecilia screamed. Rushing over she practically tackled me back onto my bed. “Cecilia, the baby!” “Oh I don’t care you are okay! Thank heavens you are okay!” 
I couldn’t help but smile as she hugged me. “Chan will kill you if you hurt his child before it’s even born.” “Shhhhhhhh! Not now. My sister has returned from the dead.” Laughing she hugged me even harder. 
“Oh! I almost forgot.” She pulled away and rushed to my dresser. When she returned she had a letter in her hands. “This came for you yesterday. You have been asleep for almost a week. You needed quite a lot of rest. I don’t blame you.” She handed me the envelope with a small smile. “Wait, where are you going?” I asked as she started to leave my room. “I think I should leave you alone with that.” Something about her smile made me laugh.
My shaking hands opened the letter with my name addressed on it in rough but elegant handwriting. When I opened it the familiar smell of gunpowder and old parchment reached my nose. The same handwriting greeted me as I read the letter.
“Miss Ln,
I have written this letter many times, but have been a coward to not send it. I had hoped I would be home to say this-but it seems Napoleon has different plans than I. 
Miss L/n, I would like to apologize from the bottom of my heart. There were a thousand times I wanted to write to you, but events on the front line prevented me. I would like to apologize for not getting to you sooner that day. I wish I had been there soon for you, my darling. 
I pray that by the time you get this letter you are not yet married to that insolent pitiful disgrace of a man. Though the timing may be off I have something to ask of you. Something to confess...
Miss L/n you have bewitched me- body and soul. To what time I fell so deeply under your spell, I cannot recall. I know not the hour or the spot or the words or even the look that lay the foundation. I was in the middle before I even began. What a proud fool I was. To think my stubbornness was the only thing keeping me from you.  In vain I have struggled, but it will not do. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and...love you.
It seems as if the only thing keeping me alive in this battle is the image of you smile. I would die a thousand deaths for that smile.
I have heard your father’s news of your wedding. I beg of you. Do not follow through. I hope that perhaps there is something I can offer. Miss L/n...should I return, I would like to humbly request for your hand. I know I have no right to you, nor should any man. You are the most strong woman I have ever had the pleasure and fortune of meeting, and to me it makes you the most beautiful woman to walk this earth. 
I hope to hear from you soon, my darling. Until then, I shall be fighting for the day that I do. I long for the day I am home. 
In hope,
Han Jisung”
I sat in disbelief. Colonel Han Jisung had written me a letter professing his love. He proposed... Leaving the letter on my  bed I walked to the window. The audacity. To ask me over a letter? A knock sounded at the door pausing my pacing. “Enter,” Harriet paused when she saw the look on my face. “Miss, what’s the matter.”
“Harry, I believe I have a serious decision to make.” 
 Months passed. Summer turning into mid fall. Father’s supposed wedding date for me had long passed. Each time Mr. Lee had visited Carson had turned him away. More letters from the Colonel had arrived, but they all said the same thing and soon they came to a stop. Cecilia had given birth not to long ago, to a beautiful baby boy. Chan and my sister had named the child Benjamin. 
News came that the war ended, England victorious. Soon I would be expecting a visitor. I sat in the garden with my sketchbook, drawing the few flowers that were left in the beds among other things. A certain face had popped up in the pages of my book several times. “Miss Y/n,” I looked up to see Carson walking down the pathway. 
“You have a visitor.”
A smirk fell across my lips. “Well, I believe I have been expecting him so let us not keep him waiting any longer.” With a smile, Carson returned into the house to fetch my guest. Patiently, I waited for the guest to come out and see me. I heard the sound of boots against the stone pathway and smiled.
“Good afternoon, Colonel.”
“Yes, indeed, Miss L/n.”
There was a nervous expression on his face. Once again he looked like he had just returned from active duty. His dark hair had grown a little longer and he wore the same navy overcoat again. His shirt underneath was covered in black powder and some of the buttons were undone to reveal his tan and slightly toned chest. Yes, definitely just returned. Returned with no time to change apparently. 
Quickly I brought my attention back to my sketchbook in hopes that it would hide the heat spreading on my cheeks. “Did...you receive my letters?” Self control regained, I turned my attention back to Mr. Han. “Why yes, Colonel Han, I did in fact receive several letters.”
“And you are not married...”
“No, I am not.”
The man stood perfectly still in military fashion, his hands clasped behind his back. “Well are you going to speak? You certainly did not come to Whitewater just to stare at me did you?” Shock crossed Han’s face. It was evident he had not expected me to speak to him like this. It was fun to see the stoic Colonel flustered. 
“I came to ask you response. You never wrote back to me.” I shrugged, getting off the bench. “Response? I don’t remember ever being properly asked a question.” He sighed running a hand through his hair, a habit that I had missed while he was away. “I do recall asking-” “No, Colonel Han. You requested. You, sir, never asked me anything. So why should I dignify you with a response.” 
Maybe it was the smile, or the slight twinkle in my eye, but he laughed. A sound that I had never heard from the man. It made me want to memorize every sound and feature of his face when he laughed. “Then, should I ask you properly, Miss L/n?” It was a genuine question, not of simple jest. “There is no harm in questions.” He took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. 
“Miss L/n, will you please allow me the great honor of making you my wife?”
“Excuse me?”
His eyes widened at my quick response. “I’m sorry Colonel, but I cannot promise to be any man’s wife who sits prettily in a corner and who is expected to obey every word he says. I won’t be expected to just sit around waiting for you-...him- to come home.” 
“Wherever you are is my home; my only home.”
There was sincerity in his eyes. Love. “Mr. Han,” He sighed taking my hands in his. Though his touch was still unfamiliar, it felt sure and safe. “Miss L/n, please let me speak.” He practically begged. I waited silent for him to continue.
“I am half in hope and half in agony. If your feelings are still what I assumed they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged but one word from you will silence me on the subject forever.” He searched my eyes for an answer. 
“Miss L/n, I am in love with you more than you will ever know. I want nothing more than to be with you. To wake up to every morning- to fall asleep next to you every night. To stand next to me, not behind me. I am in love with your wit, and your charm, and how you always keep me on my toes more than any battle ever has. I am in love with your modern values and your spontaneity.” Han’s hands were rough against mine, his slender fingers ghosting over my skin.
“Y/n...Will you marry me, and do me the honor of letting me be your husband?”
Han’s dark eyes looked into mine- indeed half in agony and half in hope. He looked at me as if everything in the world that mattered to him was standing in front of him. The look in his eyes couldn’t help but make me smile. I was in love with Colonel Han Jisung and it couldn’t be helped.
“Really?” He asked. “Of course.” He smiled and looked down at his hands still gently holding mine. “May I?” He asked softly, glancing between my eyes and my lips. It only took a small nod for him to act, pressing his lips softly onto mine. My head begin to feel dizzy in the best way. His fingers traveled up the bare skin of my arms and then down to rest on my waist, bringing me closer. Han smiled as my hands pressed against his chest, kissing him back. 
“I love you, Jisung. With all my heart.”
“It took you long enough to say it, my darling.”
El Fin
Requests are open my lovelies!
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bauslut · 4 years
pairing: aaron hotchner x reader 
word count: 1.4k
warnings: allusions to angst, tension, some banter, no happy endings with this sadly
a/n: this was a request from @forgottenword & it is a sequel to my hotch fic seventeen days which is linked here if you would like to re-read it or if you’ve never read it before! i really loved this one, & i hope you guys do too! :))
prompt: “so let's face it this was never what you wanted.”
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seventeen days later...
the shrill ding of the elevator pierces through the air, ringing in your ears. sucking in a sharp breath, you take a step forward, shuddering in your blazer. 
pairs of eyes fall on you, a slim blonde approaches, a broad smile plastering her features, “good morning! you must be agent (y/l/n).”
“indeed,” you nod, mustering a feeble grin as you stick your hand out, “and you are?”
“oh i’m agent jareau, the media liaison for the team,” an airy chuckle flows from her lips, blonde locks bouncing, “but you can just call me jj.”
“good morning jj,” the feeble widens into a beam, your teeth flashing, “it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“are you excited to be back at the bau?” she arches an inquisitive brow, handing you a plain manila folder, “this is some final paperwork for your transfer. once you sign where it’s needed, just take it to hotch’s office and he’ll finish it from there.”
“o-oh,” you stammer, a blush spreading through your cheeks, “um, thank you.”
“if you’re nervous about the big bad wolf, don’t be. he’s harmless,” a smooth voice cuts in, “he might be a little cold in the beginning, but he’ll warm up to you.”
“i am well aware of the antics of the big bad wolf,” you snort, rolling your eyes as another figure emerges in your peripheral, his purple v-neck a rich, vivid hue in the early morning light. 
“oh, really?” he folds his arm across his chest, prompting you to retaliate, “how do you know hotch then?”
“we used to work together,” another voice chimes in, “morgan, i suggest that you leave the newbie alone. this poor agent already overwhelmed and firing off question after question isn’t going to help one bit.”
“it’s nice to see you again dave,” tucking the manila folder against your chest, you extend an arm, firmly grasping his hand, “it’s been a few years, hasn’t it?”
“oh yeah,” david rossi chuckles, eyes glimmering with amusement, “it’s been a little too quiet without you.”
“expect lots of catching up then,” you shoot him a wink, “jj, are you able to show me where my desk is?”
“of course!” she chirps, “i’m sure you’ll meet the rest of the team throughout the day. luckily, we haven’t been invited to a case yet, so you can settle in and relax for a few minutes.”
“sounds good to me,” carefully, you weave in between morgan and rossi, following the blonde as she strolls over to an empty desk, the sterile lights bouncing off the beige surface.
“this is your desk,” jj clears her throat, “if there’s anything else you need, or any other questions you have, do not hesitate to speak up. i’m here to help make this as smooth of a transition for you as possible. hotch even requested that i help you out in every way i can.”
you nearly choke on your own spit, a coughing fit racking your body, “h-hotch a-asked th-that you..?”
“yup.” she nods, “are you all right? you need a cup of water or anything?”
“i’m fine,” you sputter, “dry cough.”
jj exhales, arms dropping to her sides, “well, hotch asked that you complete that paperwork as soon as possible. when you’re finished, knock on his door. he didn’t mention any important meetings or anything, so you should be okay to interrupt.”
“thank you,” you mumble, your cheeks practically burning. 
the mere mention of his name was enough to get you riled up, crimson blush tainting your cheeks. 
and the fact that you were about to face him? alone? your knees buckled at the thought, a torrent of anxiety flurrying through your head, palms clamming up. 
sliding into the chair, a hand gravitates to your temple as you flip open the folder, scanning through the text, pen in hand. scrawling in the remaining blanks, you answered a few questions, initialing here and there, and then finalized it all with your signature. 
only a few minutes had passed since jj departed from your station, leaving your heart thudding in your chest, racing as you rose to your feet, nearly wobbling over to the looming office. 
the dark blinds were drawn, light peeking through the slits. trembling, your hand met with the door, rapping against the wood. 
“come in.”
the sound was oh so familiar, the same deep monotone rugged and gravelly, one of your favorite sounds. yet, it so distant, cold and unforgiving.
letting out a shaky breath, you took a step forward, a rush of cool air piercing through your clothes, sending goosebumps littering your arms, the hair rising. 
aaron hotchner sits at his desk, one knuckle resting against his temple, the other holding a pen in his grasp, thumbing through paperwork. your manila folder shakes as your hand trembles, placing it on the edge of his massive desk. 
with a click on his tongue, his head tilts upwards, the warm mocha depths you were once familiar with now a hardened obsidian hue, thick brows drawn together. he clears his throat, accepting the manila folder.
“so let's face it. this was never what you wanted.”
chewing on your lower lip, you shift in place, smoothing out your palms on your slacks, “it wasn’t like i was given the choice. strauss was filling in open slots in departments.”
“it appears she was,” he tuts, shaking his head, “it appears you got the memo from jj.”
“yup,” you bite back the words rising like bile in your throat, threatening to spill out, “a lot has changed, aaron.”
at the mere sound of his name, his first name, aaron stiffens, the flint in his gaze hardening, “i would have to agree with you. a lot has changed. however, i am not going to let frivolous events of the past affect my performance on the job. we were just children back then, (y/n), some star-crossed lovers with visions of grandeur. we’re adults now. and we have duties to fulfill. now, are we done here or are you going to stare blankly at me while i work? i believe that jj a few more things for you to complete.”
tears well up in your eyes, pooling at the lids, any remaining color draining from your face, “oh, right. i’m sorry, sir.”
“do you mind closing the door on the way out?” 
“will do,” you manage to whisper, nearly scampering out of the room. 
the moment you were within a manageable distance away from the door, you came undone, the tears now streaming down your cheeks, splattering against your button-up. 
sniffling, you navigate through the maze of desks and printers, finding the nearest bathroom. slamming the door shut behind you, the tears explode into  gut-wrenching sobs, echoing off the walls. queries buzz in your mind, racking your thoughts. 
was this how he normally treated his team? had the horrors and terrors of the job make him a completely changed man? or, was he so unnerved by your presence that he lashed out? was he masking buried feelings? did he even have feelings? emotions? 
did he even love you? 
yet, there was one singular flash that caught your eye as you looked at him, taking in the sight of a stranger. 
of course, aaron still resembled the younger version of himself: thick, fluffy, jet black hair, fair complexion, deep, coffee brown eyes. the same lips etched in a permanent frown rather than a wide, radiant, grin. there were a few wrinkles lining his forehead and eyes, but that was expected. 
however, this man was not the aaron hotchner you remembered. 
he had morphed. 
morphed into a icy, expressionless, stone-cold man. 
a married man, no less. 
of course you noticed the golden band on his left ring finger. how could you miss it?
running a hand through your hair, you managed to scramble to your feet, inspecting the reflection in the mirror.
your first day at the new and improved bau was anything but fantastic. though, you reunited with an old friend, as well as a former lover.
 you were face-to-face with aaron hotchner, the man you were still hopelessly and undeniably in love with. the man you still held your broken, weary, heart in his hands. the man who still brought a smile to your face the moment you saw him. 
there was still the ever-looming fact that he could never be yours. that he was now married, intertwined with another woman. 
there was still the fact that you never knew what was running through aaron hotchner’s head when he saw you step into that office. was he elated? nervous? shocked that you went through with the transfer? what emotions did he harbor for you? 
you would never know. not then, not now. not ever. 
and god, did that leave such a bittersweet taste in your mouth. 
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birdsandspades · 4 years
Teenage Dirtbag - Chapter 1
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- You and Todoroki were exact opposites. He was clean cut, driven, focused on his future. You were to most a burnout kid, spending your time at the skate park. But opposites attract right? Or was it birds of a feather flock together? Whatever it may be, you would have fun finding out. 
(Soft Todoroki paired with skate kid Y/N.)
Word Count - 1,665
-Not going to lie, I don’t know how to feel about this one. I wrote the chapter rundowns months ago and ended up really wanting to try it out tonight. If this doesn’t do well so be it. I atleast got punk todoroki out of my system. 
Todoroki looked up at the light peaking through the tree leaves, burnt orange and rusty yellow blurring together as he squinted at the sunrays bleeding through.  
The wind picked up, blowing a few off the lower branches. They glided along the ground, catching on the points of others as they slowed to a stop. 
A crisp crunch sounded under his shoes, crushed footprints trailing behind him as he walked the covered sidewalks of the park. 
It was brisk out, Todoroki pulling the sleeve of his coat over his exposed hands as another gust of wind blew past him. A perfect day for a walk.
It was quiet out, no one in sight as he continued the same loop around the perimeter of the school fence. A lazy afternoon, just cold enough to keep most indoors. 
But not cold enough he thought, the sound of footsteps beating behind him. He turned around, scowling at the approaching group of people. He opened his mouth to protest, quickly turning to pleas as you ran towards him, eyes glued on the group behind you. 
You collided with the boy, teetering backwards as you looked up his padded form. A black wall of insulated coat, deadpanned as he looked between you and the fast approaching girls. 
You frantically looked around the park, eyes fixing on the tree a few steps off the path. You grabbed at the strangers chest, pulling him behind the tree. You gave him a firm shove, holding him against the trunk, his eyes shooting open as you pressed a hand over his mouth. 
You lifted a finger to your lips, pressing against him as the group of girls ran past. 
“Did you see what way she went?” One questioned, the other shaking her head before running ahead.
You waited a moment, your grip on Todoroki easing as the group disappeared down the trail. You took a step back, giving the angry boy an awkward smile. “Close call huh, sorry about that.”
Todoroki pushed past you, moving back to the trail.
“Um, so what's your name?” You ran after the boy, slowing down to match his pace down the sidewalk.
“Todoroki Shoto.” He said rather curtly, eyes fixed ahead of him.
“Todoroki, super sorry about running into you like that. Wrong place, wrong time.” You laughed, rubbing the back of your head. 
He stayed quiet, not sparring you a glance.
“So...do you go to UA?” You pointed to the nearby buildings over the fence, just a stone's throw away.
“Yes.” He was blunt, clearly not one for conversation. Todoroki picked up his pace, trying his best to walk ahead of you.
“No way, I recognize you now! You froze over half the stadium at the sports festival!” You yelled after him, running to catch up.
“Yes.” His favorite one word answer. 
“You're like super powerful, I should have just had you scare off those girls.” You laughed, craning your neck to see his face.
He didn’t laugh, the corners of his mouth forming a perfectly straight line.
“Well, my names L/N F/N!” You offered him a hand as you walked, flashing him a smile.
Todoroki stopped abruptly, turning towards you. “I’m sorry, but I should really be getting back to school. Goodbye.” He gave you a forced smile, waving as he walked the other way.
“Ok, bye!” You shouted, lifting your hand slightly.  
That was the first day you met Todoroki Shoto, the first time you felt it.
You had been going to the park everyday for what seemed like weeks, all in hopes of seeing Todoroki one more time. It had been slow, the gradual picking away at your sanity. You thought of him at first late at night, only in the early hours of the morning that were devoted to overthinking. But those thoughts multiplied, and those as well until every second of your day was dedicated to thinking about the two toned boy who could have cared less about meeting you.
He was otherworldly to you, a complete mystery. A top student at UA, a powerful quirk, a dysfunctional family (you did your research.) You wanted to know more about him, to see more. A smile, a laugh, a reaction. Just something to appease the monkey in your brain that was screaming for you to try your hand at another chance meeting. That was the stupid reason you were sat down on this particular bench in the park, folding into yourself as you shivered. It was cold, really fucking cold. The autumn chill was definitely doing it's part this time of year. 
You looked down the path, the same one you walked with Todoroki that day. Your feet planted firmly on your skateboard as you rolled it back and forth underneath you. You had been doing this almost everyday after school, shyly nodding at everyone that passed by. You had hoped that if you saw him here once, he would eventually come back. But that just hadn’t been the case. 
You had seen an abundance of people, one that reminded you of a head of broccoli, another that resembled an angry pomeranian, even a troll doll. But still, never the peppermint hair you were searching for. 
You didn’t know why you were so infatuated with seeing the boy again, he was for the most part a stranger. But you felt a semblance of something deep inside as he walked down the path in front of you. Hands in his pockets as he looked up at the changing leaves. There he was, clad in the same blackened marshmallow coat.
“Todoroki!” You waved your hand at him, catching his attention. You picked up your skateboard, running to catch him.
“Hi!” You smiled, watching as he continued walking. You followed after him, keeping pace as he trudged through the fallen leaves on the sidewalk.
You walked for a bit in silence. To a passerby you would look like too friends, going for a stroll on a Friday evening. But it was far from that, the uncomfortable tension visible in his shoulders.
“What are you doing here? I only ever see UA students at this park.” He was the first to break the silence, speaking so nonchalant it almost threw you off balance.
He was right, it was practically UA’s park, lying just on the border of the notorious hero school. 
“What! Can’t I enjoy a nice walk in the park? Why are you here?” You acted offended, your tone borderline fake. 
“I like to get out of my dorm room after school…” Todoroki pointed towards the buildings on campus, unphased by your panicky question.
“You live on campus?” You had heard about them moving the students into the dorms, but that was only a few days ago. Had they really moved that fast?
“Yeah, that one. I live on the top floor.” He pointed again, singling in on his window. You looked harmless enough, what was the worst that could happen by answering your prying questions.
“Ahh,...cool.” You shuffled along beside him. Silence falling between the two of you again. 
“I’ve never seen you before.” Todoroki looked your way, the same stoic look on his face as before. He seemed to have a knack for breaking the ice. 
“Oh um, I don’t go to UA if that's what you're asking. I go to a smaller school on the other side of the city.” You shoved your hands in your pocket, looking at the top of the school building.
“Are you quirkless?” Todoroki stopped, something tinting his features. Was it sadness, confusion, annoyance. You couldn’t quite tell as he looked over you.
“Oh no, I have a quirk! I just didn’t make it into a good school. I failed most of the entrance exams, probably because I don’t study.” You laughed, shrugging awkwardly.
“You should study.” Todoroki frowned, walking off again.
“I know that! I just don’t really like to…” You trailed off as he spoke.
“You and I are very different in the way.” He muddled his words, shrinking into his coat as the wind picked up.
“What are you carrying?” He nodded his head towards the board in your hands, eyeing the bright designs painted on the wood. 
“My skateboard?” You lifted it into view, giving him a confused look.
“Oh.” His curious eyes told you this was the first time he had seen something like that in person. 
“Do you know how to ride one?” You questioned, giving him an amused smile.
“No.” He shook his head, pushing his hands into his plush pockets.
The bell tower chimed as the clock turned to 9:00, Todoroki stopping at the front of the school gates.
“I have a curfew, I should go back to the school now. It was nice seeing you again, take care.” He gave you a brief nod, walking through the school gates. 
“Yeah! It was nice seeing you too! I’ll see you later?” You shouted after him, stopping at the edge of the gate. He had a way of leaving that would leave anyone shell shocked.
“Maybe.” He gave you a brief smile, it quickly disappearing as the gates of the school closed. The tower chiming one last time, the ring echoing throughout the park. You saw it, that momentary flash of happiness. It all seemed to click. 
You had been pining after that smile since the day you saw him almost a month ago. That strange boost of serotonin hitting your brain just right as you thought about it gracing his face. You were drawn to him. He was to you, your complete opposite. You could see that from just your two interactions. But something told you he was cut from the same cloth, that sad look in his eyes pulling at you to dig deeper. You wanted to get to know this boy, make him happy. He deserved it, you just knew it. 
You were going to do it, you were going to see him tonight.
Next Chapter
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hyungbean · 5 years
Hold On | Jasper Hale X Wolf!Reader
Summary: When the impossible becomes your reality. Imprinting on Jasper Hale was anything but rainbows and sunshines, because he already had someone else.
Genre: ANGST
Pairing: Jasper Hale x Reader, WolfPack!Family x Reader 
A/N: I recommend listening to ‘Good For You’ by Selena Gomez while reading this. Also, REQUESTS ARE OPEN !
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Your bleary eyes could barely stay open as the dim room around you seemed to be closing in, the floating dust stinging your eyes and clogging you ears. Your abdomen curled with pangs of sadness and anger, anger at the world. It felt like you were burning from the inside out, like at any moment you would combust into smoke and fire. 
Tears kept streaming down your exhausted face as excruciating headaches kept your head pounding and made you dizzy constantly. You could faintly hear Emily and Sam quietly talking next to you, their voices causing a ringing in your ears, yet you had no idea what they were saying. 
Emily patted your sweating face with the wet cloth again, sighing sadly at you. The world loved to fuck with your emotions. Imprinting was supposed to be like a dream come true, soulmates, you loved the idea of them. Having someone that was tied to you, someone to protect and love for life.
No one knew it was even possible to have an imprintee reject their imprinter. But you were somewhat living proof that it could happen. Your imprintee Jasper, a fucking vampire nonetheless, had just crushed your soul. It felt like someone had tied you down and wouldn’t stop kicking you in the chest, no matter how much you begged slowly crushing your bones over and over again.
Sam was the only one who could understand slightly the pain you were in, but obviously not to this extent as Emily soon caved in. It had been a week since the eventful day when you were training with the Cullens when you accidentally imprinted on the blonde soldier. 
He was quick to coldly reject you and leave you alone in the cold woods, ears flat on head and heart pouring out all the warmth it had. Love fucking sucked. He didn’t even want to be your friend. 
Edward visited a couple of times with Bella, who you had grown close to. And according to them Jasper and Alice weren’t even mates. Edward said that Jasper didn’t want to reject you and treat you so coldly, but he was scared. He didn't even know what rejection could even spiral into for the imprinters, but Sam and the pack didn’t care. They wanted to rip the no good leech into a million pieces. 
Jasper is just scared of change. You should see how miserable he is.
You recalled Edward saying while patting your head gently. Well Jasper should see how fucking miserable I am. 
Letting out a whimper, you turn a little to look at Emily and your Alpha. 
“It hurts like a bitch.” You tried to laugh but it ended in a dry heave.
Emily was about to start crying seeing her best friend in pain, Sam could only cringe because he couldn’t do anything for the girl he grew to love like a little sister. 
“Guys... hear me out... you need to help them fight the newborns. They need the pack.” Sam growled, pacing, “absolutely not. I will not help those leeches, I was hesitant at first and now I know they are no good for us. Just look at that one bloodsucker did to you!”
“Me imprinting was not my choice or his, Sam. You should know that better than any of us. But that doesn’t stop how I feel for him. I can't protect him or his family, so please do it for me.”
Sam begrudgingly nods after a few minutes, kissing my forehead before he and Emily leave, leaving me in the darkness of the room and the darkness clouding my mind. The pain was bordering on unbearable. Something in you was tugging at you to just stop it.
You sobbed, tears burning your eyes as your chest ached with the burden of rejection.
Just end it. 
You have the power to stop the pain, why prolong the inevitable.
He doesn’t need you. The pack sure as hell doesn’t need to deal with your suffering.
You turn to face the wall, suppressing these thoughts. Soon you heard the boys starting to leave, they came in one by one to talk to you, not knowing what the fight would bring.
“Hey Y/N, don’t worry we can take these bloodsuckers. Say the word and we’ll take out the other ones too.” Paul said softly, gripping your hand. 
“You know you're not allowed to hurt my imprintee.”
He scoffed, “he’s a fucking lousy excuse for one to be quite honest.” you laugh gently, patting his hands, weakness coursing through your veins. 
As soon as all the boys had left Emily said she had to go get some things from the store quickly. 
“Love you darling. The boys will try to talk to some elders around to see if we can do anything.” She had said before heading out.
Moments after you were sure she was gone, it was as if you were being possessed, you sat up suddenly in a daze, suddenly overcome with unknown adrenaline. 
You wiped the sweat away, and walked to put your shoes on. 
“I need to go outside. Yes, some air would be nice.” You could hear yourself mumble, strolling out and breathing in the slightly salty air, the breeze flowing through your hair, kissing your face. The crunching of leaves and pine needles under your shoes was relaxing as your body seemed to move you in a familiar path but you were too blissed out to realize where you were going. 
Soon you found you were on the the cliff the pack used to cliff dive off of. The serene view calmed you as you sat down, taking in the earth around you.
The pain seemed dull as you looked up at the sky above you, it seemed to speak to you, reaching out for you. 
Why should I hold on to someone who wants nothing to do with me?
you could faintly see the day you joined the pack years ago, easily the best day of your life. 
‘ what is your name? ‘ the black wolf in front of you radiated power, as you bowed your head slightly. You had trespassed on their territory while running from a nomad blood sucker. 
‘Y/N L/N. Please I mean no harm, I was just running from a nomad. I will leave quickly.’ 
He seemed to consider this before turning to his pack, “how old are you kid?’
‘I’m almost 15.’ 
Another wolf stepped up, ‘Sam she’s just a kid.’ 
‘Obviously Paul. Do you need a pack Y/N?’ 
And then it slowly changed to a vision of the first time you went cliff diving on the cliff you were laying on now.
‘uh.. are you sure I’m not going to die? I mean do you see how high this cliff is?’ 
‘don’t worry Y/N, I’ll go first and wait down there if anything goes wrong.’ Paul said ruffling my hair before diving off with a hoot. 
‘don’t sweat it Y/N you don’t have to go if you don’t want to.’ Embry said, patting my back reassuringly. 
You shake your head suddenly rushing forward and diving off, hearing a hooting Paul below you. 
As you hit the water the vision changes to the one memory you dreaded the absolute most.
‘Y/N. We could never work out okay? We’re from two different worlds.’ You could see the slight regret in his eyes. 
‘Is she even your mate?’ 
‘Just drop it Y/N. After this fight, we won’t see each other again. It’s for the best. Please just.. drop it. I love Alice.’ You could see some doubt starting to pool in his eyes as tears pooled in yours. You could feel an ache developing in your chest, the need for his touch never stronger. 
‘ you don’t mean that.’ you try to walk towards him. 
He steps away, ‘goodbye Y/N.’ He speeds off and you lean on a tree for support, hyperventilating as your chest constricts violently. 
Your teeth are bared as you throw your head back letting a gut wrenching scream out. Birds flying out of the tree above you, as you helplessly fall to the dirt, letting grief consume you. And then pain started coming in waves of endless burning.
fuck you Jasper Hale.
The vision fades but nothing appears after, not another memory, not the sky. You hear the waves crashing and the birds chirping and you faintly hear a howl in the distance. And not much longer the world fades to nothing as the waves stop crashing with the broken heart that stopped beating.
Yes, I think I’ll let it all go now. 
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ellaofoakhill · 3 years
The Ice Cream Pail
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Meline woke with a stretch and a groan. It was the last afternoon of September. She dressed, opened the kitchen window, had a quick breakfast of timothy bread and a saskatoon with tea, and gathered her medicine bag, her staff, and her mantle, along with her pack. Tonight was a gathering night.
In the time between times, after sunset but before the first star, Meline whistled a tune and opened her door. And jumped back with a start.
Fetched up against her door was an ice cream pail. It was upside down, and poking from beneath it was a plastic bag. It was the bag, snapping in the breeze, that made Meline jump back. It would’ve caught her full in the face if she hadn’t moved. As it was, the bag did touch her braid. The smell of burning hair filled the room, and Meline was seized with a fit of coughing.
Once she recovered, Meline used the tip of her staff to shut the door. A bit of bag still poked in under the jamb, but Meline was not about to open the door again. She cut off the smoking tip of her hair.
“Okay,” she said to herself, “I have a plastic bag and ice cream pail sitting over my front door, which will burn me down to nothing if I touch them. No problem. I’ll just stroll out my back door and go get help!”
She opened her back door and stared at the enormous plastic bag sitting over it. It had cuts and holes in it, and out of these poked more plastic bags. It wasn’t directly in front of the door, at least, but the narrow stair leading up from Meline’s back step left no way around it. Even in the gentle breeze, the waving, snapping bits of plastic would be sure to strike her.
Meline took a deep breath. Maybe tonight was not going to be a gathering night.
She went to her bedroom window and started piling furniture. Once her room was in complete disarray—it had taken a long time to get the bed, the dresser, and her bookshelves to cooperate—she climbed up on her dresser and tried the window. It slid open. Grinning to herself, she ducked her head through, then her shoulders. Chest and waist just slipped through, and then Meline’s hips caught. She scraped and pulled, but the moss kept breaking just as she got purchase. She looked back over her shoulder. No, she thought to herself, I’d never make it out this window any time after my six hundredth birthday.
After some wriggling and pushing, and more cursing than many fey would expect of her, Meline tumbled back into her room, whacking her skull against the headboard of her bed. Rubbing the sparrow’s egg swiftly making itself known, she went to her kitchen. She pulled out her measuring string. Her hips gave her no chance against the kitchen window.
Meline took a few deep breaths. “My front and back doors are blocked. I cannot escape through my windows. I blocked my cellar door last autumn with a rock bigger than Havel could lift, and it’s outside, where I can’t touch it, so my magic’s out.”
It was getting dark. Meline spoke a word of power, and her wall crystals glowed to life. She blinked, and looked back at them.
She hopped down from the window, and took out a small chrysoprase box. She lifted the tarnished silver clasp, and flipped up the lid. On the bottom of the lid was a crystal mirror. In the box was a series of square glass beads. Each bead had a letter in the Feyish script embossed in it.
She spoke a word of power, and the mirror flashed to life. Meline saw she had sixty-four unwatched messages. With one finger Meline tapped the letters that spelled Ella’s name. Shot in the dark.
“Fairy not found.” Meline supposed, since they’d been exchanging letters for almost three months, it should be unsurprising that Ella didn’t have a scrying mirror.
Evelyn was next on the list. The mirror crackled, and then Evelyn appeared in the mirror.
“Hi, Evelyn, it’s—”
“Hello, this is Evelyn and Vedris of Pondside. We’re out at Oak and Stone just now, so if you wouldn’t mind leaving a short message, we’ll get back to you soon.” A thought seemed to occur to the Evelyn in the mirror. “Oh, if this is Archie, we reached an accord with the crayfish. And Meline, we’ll be expecting you for lunch night after the first quarter. Ta-ta!”
Meline bit her tongue to keep from cursing. When the mirror chimed, she said, “Evelyn, it’s Meline. I have an emergency, and can’t get out of my house. If you could recruit a stoat or a fox, or even a couple leopard frogs to come help, I’d be very grateful. I hope you’re well, and you get back very soon.” She closed the box, waited a moment, and re-opened it.
Her parents were much too far away to be of any help. Felix was at a concert in Oak and Stone. Gillian was visiting her in-laws until the first quarter. Julian was on his nectarmoon—Meline remembered after scrying she’d attended the wedding. Millie was actually home. She was also forty thousand years old, mostly deaf, and altogether unable to do anything herself to help. She said she’d try to flag down a nice bunny, though. Meline thanked her, and patiently explained that rabbits did not like being called bunnies, and never had, and it hadn’t been acceptable to call them that for over three thousand years. She wasn’t sure how much Millie heard and how much she pretended not to hear.
So that was every fairy Meline knew and trusted outside Oak and Stone. The fluttering plastic under her door mocked her.
She went back to her kitchen window. She laid a hand on the bare earth. She spoke a word of power, felt it ripple in the ground. She took a deep breath. And howled at the top of her lungs. “Is there anyone who can help me? I’m trapped in my house!”
How could the normally sweet sound of cricket song, she wondered, suddenly become so grating? The moon started to rise.
A quarter of an hour later, she did the same again. And then again. And again. By the fifth time, she didn’t care what she said, if someone would just pay attention. Just as she finished a stirring tirade which would’ve turned her father’s face permanently red, and stalked away from the window, she heard a flap. She turned back, and flushed. A red bat was crouched by her window with a broad grin.
“I was just flapping past, dear,” she said, wiggling her impressive ears, “looking for moths, and couldn’t help but overhear. What was that you said about the wood-rasp and the cricket strigil?”
Meline’s face could’ve boiled granite. “Nothing important!”
“Oh, well, have a fine night, then!”
Meline’s hand shot out. “Wait!” The bat stopped and turned around. “Alright,” Meline said, “what’s your name?”
The bat pricked up. She swung her impressive wing around in a tottery bow. “Maia Squeak, at your service.”
Meline gave a perfunctory curtsy. “I’m Meline of Wild Rose. If you deliver a message for me, I can give you four cutworms for your trouble.”            “Ooh!” Maia squeaked. “The babes do love their cutworms! What’s the message?”
“Uh… give me a moment?”
“For four cutworms I’ll wait an hour,” Maia said as Meline dashed to her cupboard and pulled out an envelope and a sheet of mothwing parchment. She took a quill and wrote:
There’s a plastic pail over my front door, and a plastic bag blocking the back. I can’t get out of my house. I’ve scryed everyone I know. Help will likely not come until late tonight at the earliest. I’m okay, but please come quickly. I l
 She threw the letter in the envelope the instant the ink was dry, addressed the envelope, and gave it to Maia. “Take that to Ella of Oakhill,” she said. “She lives in the oak by the house in the yard on the far side of the pasture. Please hurry.”
Maia nodded her head. She crouched, adjusted her grip on the letter, and sprang forward, digging her wrists into the ground. Her long arms extended, vaulting her into the air, and with a powerful flap—Meline’s shutters banged against the wall—she was a black spot in the night sky.
 Meline started reading, and gave that up. There was nothing she could cook that didn’t need her to gather ingredients. She played solitaire, and Fey’s Bend. She cleaned her kitchen, the living room, and the dining area. She even tried to rearrange her bedroom furniture.
The night was old when she sat at the table, poured herself a goblet of rosehip wine, and munched on a honey biscuit. She glared at the plastic poking out from under her front door.
“I hope Ella gets here soon,” she said, to hear someone talk. “She’ll probably bring Coarser, and Havel.” She chuckled to herself. “He’ll make someone very happy someday.”
Meline mulled her half-finished goblet. “Ella’s not impossible to read, but hard enough. Is that how nobles are? Different manners, different sensibilities?” She sipped. “It’s been nice, you know? Having someone to talk to, who clearly wants to talk to me. We’re really different—she’s a lord, I’m a witch, she works metal, I harvest the fruits of the earth, she’s tall and strong and has the ageless beauty of a glacier lake and I… can’t squeeze out my bedroom window.” She swished her wine. “So… why do I think she loves me back?”
Still thinking along these lines, Meline was starting on her second goblet when a sound rolled through the window that stopped her heart.
Ella’s horn. Just on the edge of hearing, but she’d recognize it anywhere. Meline rushed to the door and flung it open.
The bag flapped up and snagged on her wrist. She cursed, wrenching her hand back and slamming the door. Her hand turned angrily red in seconds, and blisters started rising on the last two fingers.
The horn sounded again as Meline, cradling her hand, grabbed a pot from her kitchen. The redness was spreading. It’d be above her elbow in minutes if she didn’t do something. She
dumped six cups of fine clay and one of charcoal in the pot, and added the last of her water. She mixed them until the consistency was even.
She pulled out a small sealed jar labelled “Fairy Tonic”. She unscrewed the lid—the pain grew only slightly more agonizing—and, with a dropper, squeezed three drops on her tongue.
She swallowed, and resealed the jar. Then she immersed her hand in the clay, and let out a sigh. Her hand only felt like someone was burning it.
She allowed herself a moment to savour the relief before she began speaking. Words of power flowed from her tongue. As the lights around the room dimmed, the clay began to glow. Softly at first, but as Meline layered word upon word, it glowed brighter, until it blazed like a white sun.
The air thrummed. Meline was so focused she didn’t notice the third horn blast, much closer, or Maia land outside her window, beady eyes wide with wonder.
Meline took a deepest breath, spoke one final word, and the magic ended. The clay went out, and the only light in Wild Rose shone in through the windows.
Meline put a hand on the worktable to steady herself. Even with the tonic, she was dead on her feet. She slid her hand out of the clay, which crumbled as she moved. It was bone-dry and steaming. She felt her hand. It was slightly warm, and had the waxy, bumpy texture of burnt skin. She’d keep an eye on it the next few nights, but the poison had likely been drawn out.
“Meline!” She looked up at the window. Maia, whom she’d just realized was there, hopped aside as Ella came into view. “Are you alright?”
“You came.”
Ella grinned. “Of course I came! Now are you alright?”
Meline nodded. “Yeah.” She’d never let me live it down if I tell her how this happened. “There’s the ice cream pail out front, and another bag at the back door. The pail’s got a bag stuck under it.”
“I’ll see to them,” Ella said, “In the meantime, stay put. Havel’s coming behind with the rest of the gear.”
Meline waited by the front door. There was a tapping and a hammering, with muffled curses. Plastic scraped against wood and earth. Meline saw the plastic under her door draw tight. She eased the door open, and it slid out and away. She closed the door again.
After a short pause, there was a knock. Meline opened. She rushed forward as Ella lowered her head. Her forehead banged against Ella’s helmet. Their stifled curses turned to laughter.
Then Meline’s arms were around Ella, and Ella’s were cradling her, her fingers stroking Meline’s hair.
They held each other for a moment. “Havel is going to be disappointed he couldn’t help rescue me, I think,” Meline said, still chuckling.
“Havel will be happy enough to help haul away this trash,” Ella said.
Meline was crying. The wet spot by her ear suggested Ella was likewise.
Ella spoke so gentle and quiet Meline would’ve missed it if her mouth hadn’t been so close.
“I love you. Please don’t scare me like that again.”
“No promises,” Meline said. They both chuckled, a bit wetly. Meline turned her head, raised Ella’s visor, and kissed her. “I love you too.”
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A View To A Winchester (Part 5)
Series Page
Summary: Julie’s starting a new life after divorce in a home with a very nice view.
A Dean X OFC story. No idea how long it will be, but I’ve got time on my hands. I got this idea staring out the view of my home office window and thinking how nice it would be to have Dean Winchester to ogle. I’m thinking it will go the fluffy route, with some angst, and maybe some smut down the line. Not sure yet.
Section Word Count:  3,000
Section Warnings: fluff, angst, some R-rated language, Dean flirting/arousing/eating/breathing - the man needs his own warning label
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Julie had done some reconnaissance before heading out her front door. She stared at Wes and Samuel’s backyard for some minutes prior. There was no sign of them. Samuel’s SUV wasn’t in the driveway. She figured she had a few minutes to take the walk around and past their corner house in safety. They wouldn’t assault her with questions about where she was off to, taking a stroll she never took in her neighborhood. And they wouldn’t ask what she had in that box she was holding so carefully.
This can’t end well, can it? Her thoughts of Dean were confused and irrational. She was going by pure feeling. And that hadn’t always proved the best course of action.
He’s too fucking gorgeous and too much of a flirt. Guys like that will usually sleep with anyone that tug at the bait. Her father had been that way. Handsome. Could have had his pick of any woman he wanted. And even though he’d one hell of a wife in her mother, he insisted on rutting with anything that came sniffing. Mom had finally had enough twenty years ago and divorced him. She would have taken him for everything she could, if he’d anything worth taking.
And, here she was, having just gone through an eerily similar situation with her now ex-husband… walking up the incline to Dean Winchester’s front door.
Maybe it’s genetic? I could blame this very bad idea on that. Tonight, that’s what I’ll do. She glanced around the side of the house she never saw up close. The cream-colored siding could use a power washing, but the front lawn was neat and tidy. Just like his backyard. There was no landscaping to speak of and the concrete driveway had seen better days. 
His Impala, seated on her throne yards away from the door, demanded the spotlight. The slick black paint shone more than usual. Julie wondered if he’d taken her through a car wash that day. Or maybe he’d washed her himself. Then, she thought about Dean wet and soapy, rubbing his body all over that car, hosing her down. Hose me down, Jesus. Her brain short circuited for a second.
I could turn around and head back. It’s not too late. I could just leave it on the step and text him when I get back home. The sky was turning a dusty pink with purple ribbons. 
No doorbell. The berry red front door teased and tested the outreached fingers of one hand as she balanced the dessert in the other.
She pulled her hand back. Eyes closed. Head tilted. There was a split second where she’d decided to leave. An immediate flash in her thoughts of Dean’s smiling face, those green eyes, those lips, overpowered her senses. She opened her eyes to the sound of her betraying knuckles as they rapped on the door.
You are not desperate. You are going after something you want.
She waited. Some time went by. An awkward amount of time.
Maybe it wasn’t loud enough. Maybe he’s in the shower. Maybe he’s sleeping. Maybe this really was a bad idea. Oh God, what if he has a woman over?
She turned and darted down the small landing and got halfway across the walkway when she heard him. “Julie?”
She pressed her lids together in embarrassment, took a quick breath, and prepared to face the music that was Dean Winchester.
Damn. He was even more tempting than the last time she’d seen him. Surprise overtook his exquisite features. A blank expression gazed at her, open and waiting. His lips parted. Grey sweatpants and a cadet blue Henley draped over his frame. But fabric still hugged taut muscles and beautiful curves. She tried to regain her focus and stared at the ground by his... Shit, and he’s barefoot. Even his feet are fucking perfect. His toes wiggled on the concrete. Just take me now, Dean. She sighed and, realizing no part of him would be unattractive or neutral territory, returned his inspection.
“Is everything okay?” He looked past her onto the street and did a quick survey of the area around him. She nodded. His brow furrowed and then his gaze landed on the box in her hands.
“I made a cake.” Her arms outstretched. It was the only motion she could think to make at the time. “Thought you might want a piece.”
“Oh.” A small smile danced over his mouth in a wave.
She retracted the box back to her chest. “I should have called first. Sorry.”
“No. It’s more than fine. I just…” He scratched the back of his neck. “I don’t deserve such special treatment.”
Have you looked at yourself? “Kind of selfishness on my part.”
He gave her that quizzical look again.
“Want to see how much you enjoy my dessert, up close and personal.” She quipped.
He licked his lips on instinct. “You’re giving me lots of opportunities to not behave myself with this mouth o’ mine.”
Jesus. “Is that a preemptive apology, or a promise?” She couldn’t help it. He brought out the flirt in her, full on. Her reaction was like a runaway train with no conductor at the controls.
His laugh was deep, sexy. “Come on in. I won’t apologize for the mess. I wasn’t expecting company.” He nudged the front door open with a bare foot and stuffed his hands into hidden pockets. A step back cleared the threshold.
She walked towards him. When she got closer to his figure, she had to look up to meet his gaze. Almost a foot taller, his presence made her feel small and vulnerable. The grin didn’t help to calm the sensations. He uses Irish Spring soap. She wiggled her nose at the clean, fresh out of the shower scent his skin exuded.
The house wasn’t much on the inside in terms of construction. But it possessed a style somewhere between mountain man and perpetual bachelor. All Dean. Dark paneled wood confirmed a 70s architectural build that had never been updated. The open living room and kitchen area felt smaller than it was because of the dim lighting. She squinted through her glasses. A floor lamp was on and near a muted, flat screen television atop a console table. Something was blowing up on the screen, flashing and illuminating the lived-in space. She stepped in farther. Her flats skimmed off a small area rug to tap onto wood laminate. Stale beer and spicy alcohol permeated the stagnant air in the room. She wondered again how much he drank on a regular basis. The front door click froze her in place.
He appeared at her side. “Let me.” His eager open hands waited. The box dropped into them. “Whoa. Heavy. What’d you make?” He strolled over to the breakfast bar along the edge of the kitchen. The broad shoulders got her all swoony. Bowlegs weren’t as obvious in the baggy sweatpants. The curvy ass, however, was quite prominent. He waited for an answer with an expectant look after placing the dessert on the counter.
“Oh. Just a white cake with chocolate frosting. Um, have you ever had a Tastykake Chocolate Junior?”
“More than likely.” He shrugged. “Convenience store grub was sustenance for many, many years.”
She filed that bit of information away for future dissection. “It’s a pretty spot on flavor recreation. They were my favorite growing up.”
“Should I slice it up then? See if it jogs my memory?”
She smiled. “That’s why I’m here.”
He rubbed his hands together. “Make yourself comfortable.” He pointed to the living room. “Move whatever you need to.”
Even the couch is covered in plaid. An open bag of chips occupied a spot where she guessed he’d been sitting. A couple beer bottles were on the coffee table. Again.
She debated on whether to sit on the armchair or the tiny lumberjack couch. There were some books and papers on the chair. She plopped on the empty side of the two-seater. The chips were placed on the table after a careful bag fold over. 
Her body shifted, ancy and excited. Should she do the relaxed, one leg folded under the other? How far of a tilt in his general direction? Had she dressed up too much? She tugged at the low-neck paisley peasant top she’d thrown on with her dark jeans. A finger wiped at the corner of her mouth, reminding her of the shiny gloss applied before she left the house. A faint cherry flavor hit the tip of her tongue.
Her gaze wandered back to him while she continued her inner debate on the best position. He’d gotten out plates and rested a rather long knife on the counter. His fingers lifted the box lid. “Oh, man,” he mumbled to himself. He reached in and pulled out the cake, his focus never leaving the treat. Her eyes widened when he grabbed the knife and flipped it in his hands like a skilled warrior. The blade slid into the cake without hesitation. He repeated the action three more times and then served the slices. His brow lifted and he looked over to Julie. “A cake like this deserves milk, but I’m fresh out. Water do? Beer?”
“Um, water’s good.” She was still getting over the display he’d put on.
He nodded, grabbing two bottles from the fridge and wedging them between his arm and side. He strolled over with a plate in each hand and offered one to Julie. The waters dropped on the table.
“Wow. You don’t play around.” She laughed at the enormous pieces he’d doled out.
“I do not… at least when it comes to dessert.” He settled into the seat beside her, thighs splayed out, encroaching into her territory. He pointed at Julie with the tines of his fork. “And, if you can’t finish yours, I will.” He leaned back and brought the plate to perch at his midsection.
She scooted back, deciding a cross legged approach would have to do to avoid brushing against him. The cake plate rested on her lap. Her gaze traced his body from his very close knee all the way back to his face. “You don’t even know if you’ll like it yet.”
He scoffed. “Please.” His grin turned playful. Yes, I could definitely stare at this man for an indefinite amount of time. “Ready?” He inquired with a side glance.
Her cheeks rose along with the wide smile she returned him. “Ready.”
He cleared his throat in deference to the upcoming act. Julie pursed her lips together. His fork sank into the dessert. “I’ve got to get a decent amount of both cake and frosting for this to be a fair sample to judge.” He nodded and tilted the forkful in inspection. His jaw dropped like a nutcracker. He shoveled the mound of cake into his mouth and chewed. Eyes shut as the chews continued. There were no audible cues expressing enjoyment this time, compared to the meal they shared on the patio. The silence was gut wrenching, but Dean’s physical actions were making Julie’s mouth water. She wanted to dive on top of him and latch lips onto that pout. The man was legit dampening her panties. She squirmed in her cross-legged position.
His eyes bolted open and he swallowed. Dean cocked his head at her. “That… is… amazing.”
She stifled a giggle rising in her throat. “Yeah? Not just saying that cause I’m right here?”
His brow dipped down, looking a bit pained in his expression. “I’m a straight shooter.”
I bet.
He attacked the cake again. Julie tried it for herself to see if he was right. She nodded at her handiwork when the smooth chocolate frosting melted in her mouth. It hadn’t gotten grainy from over whipping.
“Thanks.” Dean came up for air after a single piece remained on his plate.
“So, is this your interrogation tactic? Getting me into a sugary-stupor so I answer all your burning questions?” He grinned at her.
She stopped in mid-chew and swallowed.
“Cause it’s a pretty good play.” His eyelids looked heavy as he finished the last piece. He tossed the plate onto the table and grabbed one of the beer bottles. He went with the one leg folded under the other position this time and shifted at her, full tilt.
She cleared her throat, feeling the heat of his gaze. A long swig of beer and smack of his lips warmed her cheeks. “I was just being neighborly.” She lifted a shoulder.
“Hm.” White light from the television danced over his face. His stare seemed chiseled out of marble in the strobing spotlight. “Coming over unannounced. And, considering you didn’t want me in your house… why’d you think I’d invite you in?” His jaw clenched after the question.
Shit. “I had cake.” It was half statement, half question.
“Secret weapon aside,” he mumbled, “chocolate frosting wouldn’t protect you from… well, you don’t know anything about me.” His eyes drew her in further, danger and searing intensity illuminated with each flash. 
“I’d like to know you,” she whispered back without thinking, inwardly cursing at the admission.
He gave her a small smile. “Might not like what you find. I’m much better if you take me in small doses.” His hand lifted. A flat palm, dangling the bottleneck between two fingers, slid in the air. “Deal with what’s on the surface. Digging deeper is usually a disappointment.” He drank again, then thumbed the bottle opening.
She sighed. “Well, I guess we just do the good neighbor thing and keep things civil, distant.”
He nodded. “Would be for the best.”
She dropped the plate onto the table. “Should I go then?”
He shook his head. “I like your company. Almost as sweet as that cake.”
“That’s all surface stuff.” She tested.
“Is it now?” He leaned in a little closer. His arm draped over the seat back. “Just proving my point.” A grin.
Julie held his gaze and inhaled. “Spill with some surface stuff, then. To appease my curiosity.”
“Okay.” The word dripped out of his mouth, slow, like honey. “I’m 43.” He waited.
Julie smiled. “Are you expecting me to tell you how old I am?”
“I’m not stupid enough to guess.”
Her hand wiggled a finger in the air. “Point for you.” But she chose not to answer.
The triumphant, pleased with himself smile returned. “Moved here a couple years back. Used to work with my brother. Now, I take care of business solo.”
She nodded. “I won’t ask what kind of business.”
“Thanks. That wouldn’t be a simple explanation.” Another sip of beer. “Uh,” he cleared his throat in thought, “I listen to classic rock… nothing else is real music, anyway.” He caught the rise of her eyebrow. “In my opinion, of course. Been all over the country. Driven through almost every state, even Alaska. I hate flying. Oh, and I love my Baby.”
“Your baby?” Her heart stopped.
“My car.” He clarified. A hint of nostalgia passed over his face. “Been to hell and back in her. She belonged to my Dad.”
“She’s a beauty. You take good care of her.” Julie didn’t push for more, marveling at the little chips in his exterior.
“Family’s important to you?” Dean asked.
It made her pause. “The ones that matter are. The ones that don’t give up on you, even when it would be easier to. Those people are important to me. Those are the ones I’m loyal to.”
The smile he produced held an air of… it took her a few seconds to identify it. Respect. 
“Thing is,” Dean whispered, “I think you’re a decent woman. And I consider myself a good judge of character.” His eyes peeked down to her chest for a brief instant. “And, if I do what I want to right now… well, that might make the whole neighbor thing awkward. I can be an ass,” he licked his lips, “after.”
“After what?” Nervous energy caused her fingers to fiddle with her eyeglasses.
His knees brushed against her thigh. Warm fingers skimmed up her forearm. Her breath hitched. His hand traveled up over her shoulder and swept the ends of her brown hair to rest on her back. A thumb dipped into the hollow past her clavicle. He skirted under the collar of her shirt, not asking permission. Not needing to. The thick pads of his fingers massaged the skin. His eyes never left her face. “After.” He repeated.  
Charges of electricity pulsed and awakened the cells in her body. Thighs squeezed together while her mouth opened, struggling to make heads or tails of what would be the best course of action. “Being an ass would mean no more dessert.”
He smiled and squeezed her shoulder. “It would.” His fingers retreated from her skin. “Shouldn’t risk it, then.”
They sat in silence for a minute, the moment gone and the space now awkward. Once she felt her heart rate return to a normal beat, she clapped her hands softly on her knees. “Well, I’m going to go. Keep the cake.” She rose. “Figure out how much you want to keep.” She stared down at the confused look on his face. “And bring me the rest tomorrow.”
“When you come by to mow my lawn.”
He smiled. “Still want me to?”
“Of course.”
“Okay then.” Even though she hurried, expecting to beat him to the door, he managed to get there first again. “Still wanna get to know me?”
She nodded. “I’ve got lots of time.”
He sighed. “I might not be that patient.”
“I didn’t say it’d be easy. For either of us.” She let herself out and stepped into the dusk.
“Julie.” He called out. She turned to take in that perfect figure in the doorway. “Let me walk you back.”
“I’m just around the corner.”
“Just let me.” He raised a finger, dashing away for a few seconds, and returned wearing slippers. A quick lock of the door and he slid down the walk to join her.
She shook her head in protest. “You really don’t have to.”
“Too late.” He slowed his pace and strolled with her in the night. The neighborhood only had a few streetlights scattered throughout. They were flickering in that fickle in between before true night enveloped the area. Their short walk was in the shadows of trees and Wes and Samuel’s house.
“Who’s going to walk you back?” she quipped.
“I’ll be fine.” She couldn’t see his face well but sensed a smirk. His slippers shuffled on the asphalt.
When they rounded the corner and her house was in sight, she raised a hand. “There. You can watch me from here.”
“Uh-uh. To the door.” He trudged up the hill.
“You’re quite chivalrous for an apparent ass.”
He chuckled. “I do try sometimes.”
The rest of the walk was in silence, side by side, until Julie took the lead up the narrow concrete path. She bounced up the two steps to the square slab that was her tiny porchway and turned back. It was quick enough to catch that he’d been admiring her ass as he stood on the path by the bottom step.
She was thankful he couldn’t see the blush she felt creeping up on her cheeks. “Well, good deed done.”
His hands plunged into his pockets. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He nodded. And waited.
She sighed and pulled out the key to unlock her door. “Are you worried I’m going to get attacked by a monster hiding in the bushes?”
He grinned. “Something like that.”
The door acquiesced and Julie stepped inside. “Satisfied.”
“I will be when you lock the door behind you.”
She shook her head and whispered through the narrowing gap. “Night, Dean.”
“Good Night, Julie.”
Part 6
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Protecting His Mate [Baekhyun, Jongdae, and Chanyeol]
This is my first supernatural!au and it’s werewolves! Some violence, but not a lot. Hopefully this works!
When he met her, he knew she was his mate. He knew the moment his eyes met hers. He felt how his heart skipped a beat before it pounded against his chest as if it was trying to be closer to her. However, he could tell she felt nothing. She wasn’t like him. If she was there was no way she could flash him that carefree smile as she handed him his extra change back for his drink. If that was the case, then he knew… he knew that the girl before him–the mate he had dreamed of meeting for years–was a mere human girl.
It was harder when a werewolf mated with a human. Most humans were unaware of the presence of creatures of the supernatural. Most looked at them as fairy tales. The ones that knew they existed were either hunters, people who collected and sold the supernatural, or people who were scared due to a negative encounter.
His heart ached as he took those steps from her as he went to take a seat while his drink was made. He couldn’t risk going up to her about her being his mate. Who knew how she’d take it? He would talk to her one day, he had to–there was no way his instincts would let him avoid her. Not when her scent was already tattooed to him. As he sat there planning how to talk to her, he didn’t realize she had caught the attention of something more sinister than a werewolf finding his mate. He was so intoxicated by her scent, he didn’t noticed the danger that lurked right in front of him. Not until it was almost too late.
That night…
Her heel hit hard on the slippery leaves and her leg gave from under her as she was dragged down by gravity. She let out a cry as she hit the wet grass beneath her. She moved her leg and tried to stand on it, but pain shot up her leg and she sucked in a breath through her teeth. Sprained. Just what she needed.
“Already done running? That wasn’t nearly as fun as I thought it’d be” the man walked up just paces behind her with his hands in his pocket. It was as if he was just taking a stroll in the woods and not just chasing some human girl for dinner.
Her lip quivered as the man approached her. She watched as he bent down in front of her and his canine teeth extend into sharp points. Her eyes watered as she let out one last cry for help from anyone near.
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Baekhyun heard the scream while patrolling the forest. At first, he had assumed it was just a simple human who stumbled in the forest and caught a glimpse of an elf or something that spooked them. Baekhyun let out a frustrated sigh not wanting to deal with another drunk human, but as he grew closer he caught the scent of a newborn vampire. His eyes widened as the second scent was of his mates. His eyes flashed gold as he ran faster to get to her side. He was pissed that someone, especially some vampire, decided to attack his mate. He partially blamed himself as she was going around unmarked and it was a calling card for creatures of the night to want to stake their claim. And he wasn’t about to let a vampire sink their teeth into his mate.
With Baekhyun’s speed, he stood nonchalantly in between his mate, Madison, and the vampire, within mere moments. His eyes locked on the vampire as he kept his composure. “Aye” he held out his arms in an open gesture, “You know there’s a blood bank just a block and a half from here.” The last thing he wanted to do was frighten his mate. Baekhyun wanted to handle the situation with a little more grace than the typical violence he’d often show in the presence of a vampire. However, he also knew how trick the newborn vampires could be. They acted in haste and impulse. Especially when they were hungry.
Madison’s heart raced as she stared at her unexpected savior’s back. Though he made light of the situation, Madison could heard the dark undertone laced in his words. She stumbled to get up catching the attention of her savior who reached back and placed his hand around the small of her back to give her a little extra support. His eyes twinkled as he met hers.
“You should find somewhere to hide” his voice was soothing and she felt safe hearing him speak. “I’ll come get you when this is over.” Madison nodded in a daze as she fled into the forest. Baekhyun wait until she was out of sight before he turned his attention to the ever angry vampire. Baekhyun’s lips pressed in a thin line as his eyes flashed back to their golden tint.
The vampire snarled as he glared at Baekhyun. His eyes were red with hunger and as he watched his prey run off just lit another wave of frustration. “Get the fuck out of here. This has nothing to do with you, mutt.”
The corner of Baekhyun’s mouth twitched upward. There was an amused twinkle in his eyes, “That’s where you wrong. When you attack my mate, it becomes my problem.”
The vampire’s hunger hit him and he licked his lips. He needed to quench his hunger. He tried to side step Baekhyun, he had no time to fight a werewolf. He needed food.
Baekhyun was faster than the hungry stricken vampire. He run in from of him. Baekhyun extended his hand before he wrapped it around the vampire ‘s neck and slammed him down on the ground. The vampire squirmed under Baekhyun’s grip and let out a strangled hiss. “You either go to a fucking blood bank or I’ll detach your head from your damn body” a growl erupted from Baekhyun’s chest. The vampire clawed at Baekhyun’s buff arm in a measly attempt to pry his hand from his windpipe. Baekhyun pressed hard as his fingers morphed into claws. “What’s it going to be?”
The vampire nodded frantically as his eyes returned to their normal brown colors. Baekhyun released his grip only slightly. The vampire took in a harsh breath, “Bank!—I’ll go to a blood bank!”
Satisfied with his answer, Baekhyun released the vampire who didn’t wait to catch his breath and he flashed out of the forest. Baekhyun clapped his hands together as if to dust off the vampire’s essence. He headed in the direction his mate had fled. He followed her scent down behind a large willow tree. When he got there, he noticed she was being tended to by one of the wood nymphs in the area. The nymph noticed Baekhyun first and flashed him a smile.
Madison looked over to see who the nymph was smiling at. She noticed it was her savior and she let out a breath, “I take it the vampire is gone?” The nymph wrapped the last of her ankle before taking her leave, “Thank you. I really appreciate it.” The nymph giggled and then skipped through the forest.
Baekhyun squatted beside her, “You’re pretty calm considering all the circumstances.”
Madison let out a shaky breath, “Adrenaline, am I right? Pretty sure I’ll break down in tears once it’s gone. The nymph did help calm me though.”
He smiled, “I’m glad. They’re pretty friendly when they want to be.” His eyes looked down at her wrapped ankle and he felt anger course his veins. “Sorry, you had to go through that.”
“It happens. It was scary, but knowing vampires, nymphs, and werewolves exist is kind of cool.” She grimaced, “Well maybe not the vampire part. They are pretty evil.”
Baekhyun’s brow knitted together and his eyebrow rose, “I don’t think I ever said anything about being a werewolf?”
Madison’s eyes widened, “I’m sorry. I just assumed. You have golden eyes and—“
He let out a deep chuckle that vibrated in his chest, “I’m kidding.” His eyes glistened as he looked at her, “I’m Baekhyun.” He held out his hand.
Madison took his hand in hers. An electric shock traced up her arm when they made contact. She was caught off guard by the sudden spark and her words left her. She shook her head and her smile returned., “Nice to meet you, Baekhyun the werewolf. I’m Madison the human.”
Baekhyun felt the same spark, but he knew what it meant compared to her. It was further confirmation that this human girl was his mate. He chuckled as he pressed the back of her hand to his lips, “It’s nice to have a name with such a gorgeous woman. Come on, I’ll take you home.” He helped her up, “Just use me to lessen the weight on your bad foot, okay?” Madison nodded and the two headed out the forest towards her apartment.
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Had it been any other day, Jongdae would have helped Casey understood what he was. However, when he heard the scream mixed with the smell of her blood, he didn’t care if she were to find out what he was. He transformed as he took off into the woods as he headed in her direction. Why she would be in the woods was beyond him. It was riddled with creatures of the night. No human would willingly enter.
He found the clearing where he saw an unconscious Casey pressed against the vampire who had his fangs in her neck. Jongdae let out a deep growl that caused the vampire to pull his teeth from Casey with a fearful expression. He let Casey drop into a heap on the ground before he tried to take off.
Jongdae wasn’t going to let that happen. He lunged and plunged his teeth into the vampire’s shoulder as his claws dug into his body. The vampire let out a scream of agony. He tried to claw away from Jongdae, but he pressed his large paw over the back of the vampire’s neck. Jongdae transformed and pressed his hand harder against his neck, “I don’t EVER want to see your face again” his chest vibrated as he spoke. His eyes were still gold and Jongdae wanted nothing more than to kill the vampire.
“I–I did-didn’t know sh-sh-e was ma-a-ted. I-I-I swear!”
Jongdae let go of the vampire and his lips drew back in a snarl, “You think I give a fuck what you didn’t know. Point is, not only did you trespass on our territory, but you attacked MY mate.” He heard Casey groaning in pain as she began to wake. His head wiped back to his mate and he headed towards her, “Get out of my sight. Take this as a warning.”
The corner of the vampire’s lip turned up as he got off the ground. His eyes were a deep red from the lack of blood. The vampire hissed and Jongdae turned to him to protect Casey yet again. The vampire lunged going for his jugular, “Die.”
Jongdae was quicker. He grabbed the vampire’s head in his hands and snapped his neck. The vampire stopped in his tracks. His body fell ragged as Jongdae let him go. Jongdae took out a gun from his cargo pants he wore and loaded with with a single bullet and struck the vampire in the chest. The vampire’s corpse squirmed for mere moments before it turned to ash. Jongdae pocketed his gun and ran to Casey’s side. “Hey, are you okay?” He cradled her upper body in order to help her sit up partially as she came to, “That was a pretty nasty experience, huh?”
Casey nodded stiffly as she caught a glimpse of his golden eyes. “You’re a werewolf, right?”
Jongdae stilled for a moment before his gaze met hers, “Would it scare you if I said yes?”
Casey shook her head, “Not at all. Best friend’s an elf.” Jongdae’s eyes twinkled in delight. She was one of the rare few who could be friend creatures of the night. She cleared her throat as she pressed her palm into his thigh to help her stand, “I thank you for helping me. I’d pro–ahh” she put pressure on her sprained ankle and the pain ran up her leg. She fell, but Jongdae caught her and lifted her in both his arms to carry her. On top of the pain, her head spun from the blood the vampire had drained from her.
“Just hang on to me and I’ll take you home. I can call my friends to meet us at your place. Unless you want to go to the hospital.”
She shook her head as she wrapped her hand around his neck, “I’d rather go home. I can call Eleanor and she’ll probably bring one of her nymph friends over to my place.” She let out a weak chuckle, “Plus, telling a doctor I was bitten by a vampire may end up putting me in a psych ward.”
His chest vibrated with a chuckle of his own, “I’d never let that happen to you.”  The way he said it, Casey could only feel like he was being honest about it. Jongdae flashed her a smile, “What’s your address?” She gave him her address and he tightened his grip on her to keep her from falling, “Hang on tight, yea?” She pressed her cheek to his chest as she held him tightly around the neck. Once he was sure she was secure, he took off in the direction of her home. Jongdae wouldn’t leave her side until her friend and help were at her home, but he would get her number just before he left her.
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Chanyeol was on his way home from the gym when he caught his mate’s, Sabrina, scent. He had met her on several occasions, but never had the courage of officially meeting her. He knew Sabrina was human and he didn’t want to scare her with the fact that she was supposed to be with him. He planned to continue down his path home until he caught the scent of the vampire in the same area of his mate. His lips parted as he let out a deep growl before he took off to where she was. Chanyeol would just watch her from afar to make sure the blood drinker didn’t attack her. He wouldn’t make his presence known if he didn’t need to.
However, when he realized their scent carried from the forest, Chanyeol threw down his duffle-bag and sprinted into the woods. Chanyeol’s heart raced as he made his way to the clearing where he saw the bloodsucker feasting on Sabrina. He let out a growl startling the vampire from his meal. He pulled from Sabrina in alarm as he dropped her stunned upper body to the ground. Chanyeol stalked over to the bloodsucker who coward back. The vampire could feel the pent up rage in Chanyeol. The rage of wanting to tear the vampire in half. However, Chanyeol didn’t try to attack. “I’ll give you this opportunity to run now before I rip you to shreds” his voice was coated in anger as his words seeped from his mouth. The gold in his eyes was enough indication to the vampire that he meant what he said.
Sabrina had come to her senses just as Chanyeol spoke. She sat up with a grunt as she pressed her hand to her wounded neck. The vampire let out one final hiss as he looked from Sabrina to the pissed off Chanyeol before he took off into the forest.
Once the vampire was out of his sight, Chanyeol’s shoulders relaxed and Sabrina let out a sigh of relief. His attention went to Sabrina and he made his way to her side. He squatted beside her and gave her a smile, “You okay?” She nodded as he held out a hand to help her up, “Can you stand?”
“I think so–” She let out a hiss in pain as she took his hand to stand. The pain in her ankle pulsed and she stumbled into him.
“Whoa” he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him, “Careful there.” Chanyeol’s breath caught in his throat as Sabrina was so close to him. Her scent was intoxicating and his heart accelerated. Her open palm pressed against his bicep as she steadied herself on her good foot. Chanyeol placed his hands on either side of her face and let out a laugh, “You don’t know how long I’ve been looking to meet you. I’m Chanyeol.” He looked into her eyes for a moment before he looked away, his hands slipped from her face, “Ahh, I’m so nervous. My heart feels like it’s going to burst seeing you here.”
“Sabrina…” She looked at him with confusion, “Do I know you?”
“No, you don’t. But I know you. It’s going to be hard to believe, but you’re my mate.” Sabrina said nothing as she stared at him with knitted brows. Chanyeol cleared his throat, “Sorry, I’m not trying to scare you. I’m a werewolf and we are like destined– I’ve jus-I’ve wanted to meet you for so long and now” he raked his hand in his hair, “Wow, you’re here in front of me and I don’t know what to do.”
Sabrina gave him a lopsided smile, “Maybe get me to a doctor or something because my ankle is really killing me.”
His smile fell as he remembered the situation that lead to this, “Oh that’s right! Shit, okay. Yea, a hospital. Where’s the nearest one? Can you walk? Maybe I should carry you. What if–”
Sabrina let out a loud laugh, “You’re rambling.” A blush crossed his face, “It’s cute… As for a hospital. The hospital off Park Avenue may be the closest, but I don’t think I can really walk that distance on this foot.” Chanyeol said nothing as he took her hand off his arm and turned his back then leaned down. Sabrina took the hint as she reached out and wrapped her arm around his neck.
“I’m not going to run or anything, but still hang on tight, yea?” Chanyeol knew he should rush off to the hospital, but he wanted to spend all the minutes he could with his mate. He wanted to get to know her just a little before he gave her up to some doctors.
Not that Sabrina minded, listening to Chanyeol speak calmed her. She felt safe with him around even though he was a complete stranger. She rested her head on his shoulder as they talked about everything under the moon as he took her to the hospital.
Part I | Part III
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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