night-market-if · 2 years
Dear Mr. Stockfish
Hello. You don’t know me. And based on your lack of consideration thus far, it is doubtful you wish to.  I am the wife of one of your employee’s. I am a mother of four. I am the woman that has watched her husband go work, thirteen to fourteen hour shifts for you, often times in the middle of the night. I am a woman who raised children during the pandemic. Homeschooled them. Became their friend. Their teacher. Their support. Because you couldn’t spare a single worker.  I am the one that has watched him struggle with working for you, a good company as you proudly proclaim, while trying to be a good father.  He operates on little to no sleep due to the type of hours you demand and the shifts you implement. Because he wants to provide for us. But he also doesn’t want his children to grow up, as many are now, with an absentee father.
On September 13th, your employees walked on you. You claim your contract is fair. It is not.  A pay increase does nothing when insurance goes down.  It does nothing in the face of inflation. And it does nothing when most of your workers have to commute and the gas prices have skyrocketed. In fact, what you have offered them is a pay decrease in the guise of something charitable. You talk about fair and competitive wages and yet most people have been able to leave and find better money elsewhere. Your electricians are underpaid by far. Your hours are atrocious. Your insurance is abysmal. I have had two babies under your insurance. My first one had issue within the hospital. That original plan five years ago, was a lifesaver.  My child that was born without complications, without me spending a full extra day in the hospital, nearly bankrupted us because the fees were so high due to your shitty insurance policy. And now you wish to reduce it more because it is status quo? 
What happened to being a good company because you weren’t status quo? Because you offered what others could not? What happened to be a good solid foundation for a community? You pride yourself on hard work and family values and yet children are struggling to eat because you cannot meet your employees at the table and negotiate.
And that, is truly what it does come down to. Your employees are willing to negotiate. They are not asking for the moon. But each time you have come back to the negotiating table with nothing. Nothing but a paltry sign on bonus that you were shocked people weren’t going to take? Can I ask you what you think a sign on bonus is going to do for my children when they get sick? Or if Covid resurges? Can I ask you what your sign on bonus is going to do if a pipe bursts this winter?  Can I ask how your sign on bonus has helped or can help in the face of your employee’s family emergencies? Your community lost family members these last few years.  Your employees banded together. Grieved together. Supported and helped each other. Where were you?
You claim to be a good company. That you take care of your own. Your own are speaking back saying they do not feel support and your response is to gaslight them as if they are some small child undeserving of your time.  But hey, when you guys came to them and asked them to still work during a worldwide pandemic, they did. They made you billions in profit in fact. Let's just read that again. Billions.  But you can’t give them a decent raise or decent insurance.  Mr. Stockfish, were your bonus’s that you took this year more important than my child's speech therapy?  Was your bonus more important than the mental health of your workers?  Can I ask you if it is more important than your employees choosing whether they can turn on their heat this winter because they might not be able to afford it?  Can I see what you bought with your bonus while your workers all got up at two or three in the morning to come serve your company, while you do nothing but sit back and collect?
I’ll wait.
A wife. A mother. A member of this community you claim to care for and are letting down.
If anyone wishes to e-mail this man, his email is [email protected]
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cumpoundgerald · 1 year
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Made a moody & groovy spring Spotify playlist inspired by my few weeks wandering around the forests of Western Washington and the Seattle area.
Playlist is full of new & old indie, hip hop, pop, vaporwave, house, ambient, and more.
Photo: Abandoned Weyerhaeuser Corporate HQ in Federal Way, WA
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officialbabayaga · 7 months
genuinely love how a big part of my job as a law clerk is completely random investigative research.
half of this morning was spent trying to figure out if there were multiple access points to a mountain peak that is small and insignificant enough that it’s not even identified on google maps, even just googling the peak name barely came up with anything, so i had to use an old hiking website that had a trail map showing how to get there from the highway. i then had to visually follow that guide on google maps and google earth to find the actual peak and double check that there was ACTUALLY the building i was looking for on top of it (i did it i found it hell fucking yes). but because i can’t fucking figure out how much property Weyerhaeuser owns i can’t tell!!!! how many access points there are!!!!!!!!
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magdaclaire · 11 months
yeah i was really curious too because i come from a deer area so i was looking through everything and saw their reply
hand in deer area hand, my friend
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vintageslideshow · 1 year
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If you ever who started Weyerhaeuser Lumber, it was these guys.
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vasito-de-leche · 5 months
Hi, I just wanted to tell you that your r1999 ocs are pretty and I love their designs too! Especially people in the fandom are pretty creative for making their r1999 ocs and I was wondering if do you have a tips for making an r1999 oc? I'm quite hard time making an oc from r1999.
Do you need them to make an oc based them irl people, history, myth or perhaps a fiction characters from another story? (For example, baby blue is based from Alice in the wonderland in the book, ig?)
Some characters are pretty unknown who their based of, for example like X, Pavia, Click and the other characters.
As far as I've seen, not EVERY character is based on a single actual figure, whether fictional or historical.
Yes, we have John Titor who is. John Titor. But some characters have PLENTY of different people that they reference in relation to their themes, others represent broad groups, movements or genres like horror, the hippie movement. You have Dikke who has many, many different references to figures of justice. Mondlicht, who seems to represent all three characters from Little Red Riding Hood--the girl, the wolf and the hunter. You have Blonney and Horropedia who reference a shitload of different things and actors and works within the horror genre.
With the examples you've given, X does not seem to reference a person but the concept of Rube Goldberg Machines. Pavia seems to reference the Werewolf of Pavia. Click? No clue actually, I haven't looked into him much, so I don't know what else he could reference beyond WWII.
Baby Blue is indeed a reference to Alice in Wonderland, but her 01 Story "Fantasy is in Vogue" clearly state that Baby Blue is NOT the Alice that discovered Wonderland. The rest of her lore and i2 Garment also imply that Baby Blue is more akin to the figure of the Red Queen as opposed to Alice.
My point is: if you'd like to make a character then you shouldn't feel like you have to pick a single historical figure. You can pick ANYTHING that interests you and to have your OC embody and represent--mythology, folklore, fantasy, artistic movements, music, architecture, history... LITERALLY ANYTHING. OR LITERALLY NOTHING!
The whole point of the characters in R1999 is that they're a small piece that represents the era they come from. That's why they're considered art pieces to be preserved by UTTU Magazine. This is why we have Sweetheart, who is based on Marylin Monroe but is also a biting critique on Hollywood.
And you can even take this a step further and toy with this idea, like I did with my own OCs!
Spina Venatores is meant to represent the people that are truly left behind and displaced, people that you once knew but weren't lucky enough to meet Vertin nor the Foundation, to drive home the idea that Vertin cannot save everyone no matter how hard she tries.
The vulnerable that were taken advantage of by Manus Vindictae, a group that represents extreme isolation and supremacy, who lack any meaningful connections other than their own elitist groups. So I wanted my OCs to feel extremely disconnected--that's why all of them don't look like they belong in any single era but straight out of a different game, why they lack details that could connect them to their original times, and why the themes and concepts they reference are vague and timeless. I'm also big on bones and dark topics, so I shoved a SHIT ton of those into them, easy!
I always suggest that people grab their favorite character from the game and connect their OC to them, makes it easier to establish a connection within the universe and find themes to start with. You like Druvis III? Easy, your OC could be a childhood friend she had in her homeland before she and her family moved to America. Or a noble from a family that had business with the Weyerhaeuser company. You like Madame Z? How about an OC who is an assistant for her?
If people are too shy to make direct connections like this with a canon character, then you have plenty of organizations and groups--Zeno, Laplace, the Foundation, the School of Discipline, Manus Vindictae, Apeiron, and who knows what else is out there.
You can even study the lore and find places to fill in with your OCs. That one tidbit from a few days ago that revealed theres a few other terrorist organizations aside from Manus Vindictae? Make your own terrorist organization! Have you seen the white and red enemies from the Mintage stages? The Rock City enemies and Little Finger Peter? Make an OC that belongs there!
It always helps to have a solid starting point if you can't pick an era or anything to use as a base for your OC! And don't be discouraged if you come up with something and R1999 suddenly drops a character with similar or near identical themes--take advantage of that! Your OC has the same arcanum skills as another character? Make them fight about it, make them study buddies, find ways to engrave your OC and make them relevant to the world in their own ways.
It happened to me with Pavia! So I just made my OC and Pavia be insufferable and hate each other! Easy!
If you're looking for resources, I have a post here--it's a little outdated since I know there's a lot more new things to add, but it's a good place to start! It also helps to study the characters you like and pick them apart to understand how to better make an OC!
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coldcanyon · 3 months
Soooooo theoretically I can ride to Union Station take the amtrak down to Klamath Falls ride 25 miles on the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. road and camp next to the (recently drained) John C Boyle Reservoir. bring some copper plates do some field studies read some history of the site spend a couple nights and then catch the train back up to portland. Someone tell me no
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Each acre in the Grove of Titans, a patch of redwoods in California’s Jedediah Smith State Park, stores six times more carbon than the same area in the Amazon, Koberstein and Applegate write. An ancient tree like the Queets Fir, a 221-foot-tall Douglas fir in Olympic National Park, can sequester as much carbon in a year as a midsized tree captures over its entire life, according to a USGS study. The authors use evidence like this to advance the idea that protecting old-growth forests is better for the climate than planting new trees. Surprisingly, in Southeast Alaska, up to 70 percent of logged trees are left to rot due to imperfections that don’t sell well in the timber market, the authors write. But once a tree is cut down, the organic material starts decomposing, releasing the tree’s carbon into the atmosphere. In many regions, logging companies replace felled trees with tree farms, which are young trees planted densely in rows. While the companies call these forests, scientists interviewed by the authors doubt they can really be called forests: “They have more in common with cornfields,” they write, and sequester just one-fortieth the amount of carbon as a natural forest. Koberstein and Applegate chronicle the efforts of both small timber companies and large ones, including Weyerhaeuser, the third-largest logger in the world and owner of the largest private tract of land in Oregon’s Coast Range. They also focus attention on industry associations, like the Oregon Forest and Industry Council, which they accuse of using the same tactics as tobacco and oil companies to spread misinformation about the impacts of deforestation. The authors assert that there are logging methods that can ensure that carbon is sequestered while also harvesting timber. Proforestation, for example, prioritizes the protection of existing old-growth forests and ones that are soon maturing into old-growth, while delaying harvesting in younger forests.
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guerrerense · 1 year
Spotless Dash 8 por Chris Guss Por Flickr: An clean Albany & Eastern B40-8 hauls empty center beams to the huge Weyerhaeuser plant a few miles outside of Lebanon, Oregon. It's pretty amazing the excellent condition of every unit on the roster.
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leonowoo · 8 months
“Where you tend a rose, a thistle cannot grow.” (Druvis/ForgetMeNot)
The cold blooded man, the psychopathic partner to Arcana, the cunning manipulator. Those nicknames juggled in her head and all she saw from him was a man who’s trying to show his fondness to her.
Druvis wanted alone time in her woods to process of what's happening ahead, but what she didn't expect was that she had company.
“May I join you?” Druvis snapped back to her consciousness as her head raised to the right. She didn’t notice Mr. Forget Me Not approaching her, nor did she develop any reaction when her eyes landed on his pale slender figure.
Druvis sighed as she darted her eyes to a vacant spot next to her, gesturing for Mr. Forget Me Not to settle beside her. Mr. Forget Me Not lowered his head a bit as if he was bowing and sat on the faded green picnic blanket while Druvis stared into the void.
One thing she noticed while working with Mr. Forget Me Not was his flamboyant posture. The way he went from standing to sitting gave off a flexible serpentine movement, and his overall self always remained professional. Druvis always wondered why he was like that in the first place. Perhaps a habit of being around humans took effect on him to be more tense and intimidating. Or maybe he was merely showing the impression that he was actually ominous and superior… Or at least that was how Druvis thought of him before.
The more she was in Manus Vindictae, the more she could see through his reflection. She couldn’t really identify who Mr. Forget Me Not really was but she erased that idea anyway. She had more responsibilities than to assume someone’s self.
“Beautiful isn’t it?” Mr. Forget Me Not commented as Druvis hummed in response. She wasn’t in the mood for a conversation. But she didn’t mind his presence either.
Druvis wanted alone time in her woods, but didn’t expect anyone to be in her comfort place. She wanted to stretch her legs underneath her infamous tree to gaze out at the atmosphere and eat scones that she stole the other day in a cafe; Gray mists slithering within the wilted burnt trees, the pale dead grass getting whistled by the breeze, and the subtle silence draping over the skies, oh how it nestled something warm within her heart. Oh to say farewell to her childhood memories in this place. Oh to say goodbye to her home.
The Storm was in a week from now and Mr. Forget Me Not was probably here to warn her. But she didn’t need any companion to soothe her disconcertment, she was better off longing alone.
“I assume that you’re here for business, Mr. Forget Me Not,” Druvis muttered as Mr. Forget Me Not let out a light chuckle. “The Storm is in a week Ms. Druvis-,”
“I’m aware.” Mr. Forget Me Not caught his breath before breaking into another grin. His fangs glinted within the fading sun. Silence draped between the two of them.
Mr. Forget Me Not sighed and leaned to the tree. A weird gesture for a man in a higher status who always seemed so stiff in the eyes of the Weyerhaeuser descendant.
“I’m trying to enjoy my time here the best I could… Perhaps I wasn’t ready for all of this to happen, but I’m still trying to accept things the way they are.” Mr. Forget Me Not stared at her with a genuine empathetic demeanor and shifted in his seat before crossing his arms. Druvis never saw him so moderate before around someone like Druvis, and she thought she was another background character who had no means for Forget Me Not to be comfortable with.
“Oh Ms. Druvis, even if your era was reversed we, Manus Vindictae could always switch the authority to your hands.” Druvis remained silent and perched herself on the tree an inch near the man of Manus Vindictae.
She was trying to find the necessity of Forget Me Not visiting her, because she was neglecting the fact that this man had even a wince of color oozing out from his dead snow skin. That he wasn’t just some vessel to Arcana. That he had the tenderness to approach Druvis and comfort her about leaving the woods in his own way. The cold blooded man, the psychopathic partner to Arcana, the cunning manipulator. Those nicknames juggled in her head and all she saw from him was a man who’s trying to show his fondness to her.
When she was first enrolled in Manus Vindictae, Forget Me Not didn’t leave her side. He was the first one to ever pity her and the first person in that organization to technically ever make friends with her. Clearly his emotions didn’t spike out, but the more they interacted the more that colorless demeanor of his started to get transparent. Druvis wasn’t really fond of it but there was something about this man that genuinely for the first time ever made herself again.
Long ago her colors bled from her skin and she stayed frigid ever since. She refused to be attached with anyone and often disclosed herself to the public. That was of course until Forget Me Not noticed her. She didn’t really care about him up until now she realized he saw potential in her. That in some way they were birds of a feather. Their experiences were familiar with each other, and Forget Me Not was merely lurching out for her. He showed his affection and Druvis was oblivious to see it until now she realized. He’d always ask how her woods were doing, often gave opportunities for her forest to flourish, and entertained her when she first got into Manus Vindictae. He was gesturing something to her and Druvis didn’t give one care about it.
She closed her eyes and embraced the wind whistling through her hair. Forget Me Not was a ghost next to her and for some reason she found serenity in that. She couldn’t help herself but grin a little over it.
“These woods used to be mesmerizing. Even if it was swept by the Storm, there’s nothing I could do to return the soul. The core of what made the woods breathing. There’s nothing else I could do to offer, nothing I can heal. All I could do is to protect it but I guess, I’m not really suitable for the role. I’m still uncertain of how I feel about the woods though. Guilt or regret, still not sure.”
Druvis whirled her head to lock eyes with Mr. Forget Me Not. Their eyes tangled together uncomfortably for a minute and Druvis took her time to scrutinize Forget Me Not’s feature. His dark curls, his lanky glasses framed in his nose, his fatigue foxy eyes, and his pale skin. The urge to take off his glasses and lean closer to him seeped into her mind. Her eyes shifted up and down Mr. Forget Me Not and she opened her mouth lightly.
She wanted to kiss him but she restrained herself. A part of her mind told her to lean for it, because at this moment of her life, it didn’t matter anymore who she was making it out with. It was a kiss that meant nothing, a kiss to take a breather, a kiss of relief, a kiss of acceptance to leave this place. A kiss to erase her sentimental values for her home. A kiss to restart her life.
Her lips finally met his. She didn’t think twice as she fluttered her eyes shut. Mr. Forget Me Not took it by surprise but he didn’t pull away. He was drained to react expertly so Druvis guessed that he was in defeat. The man of higher power in Manus Vindictae showed a wince of vulnerability and so did the protector of the Weyerhaeuser woods. The kiss didn’t hold any meaning and Druvis assumed that Mr. Forget Me Not thought the same. He knew that she deserved this form of affection, he knew that she needed something to loosened up her nerves, he knew this kiss was absent of essence, that it was blurry of whether it’s romantic or platonic or something more.
The kiss lasted for a while and Druvis parted. A chain of saliva connected their lips as they locked gazes again. The Weyerhaeuser heir stared back at the woods as if nothing happened and the slender man did the same. He knew when to react and the affection was nothing short but for mere business purposes. At least that was how Druvis thought the both of them worked this way out.
“I’m sorry,” she muttered as if it didn’t make the situation any better. Forget Me Not let out a light chuckle and Druvis furrowed her brows over that reaction of his. To actually witness Forget Me Not having other emotions.
“You don’t have to apologize, Ms. Druvis. No need to stiffen up,” Forget Me Not reassured. Druvis nodded slowly over the man's response and she didn't even dare to look at his eyes. A taint of blush bloomed in her cheeks and she swiveled away from Forget Me Not's eyes.
She didn't want him to see her facade tumble. She didn't want him yet to embrace her other shadows. She didn't want him to acknowledge her, but she couldn't help herself but endure the thrill of the situation. Druvis’ breath got heavier, her face an obscured blend of warm red, her hands trembling immensely. She reminded herself that this was a natural response, that it wasn't Forget Me Not who got her flustered, but the kiss did.
“Anything wrong?” Forget Me Not asked. His tone was luring yet held innocence within it.
Druvis fluttered her eyes shut and sighed, trying to ignore his words. Her blush faded away and she focused her eyes back on the landscape of the woods, trying to linger on her ghost manners. Forget Me Not tilted his head and Druvis took her time before speaking again. Reminding herself that this was for business and nothing else.
“Very generous of you to bring back the woods to me when this is all gone. But you don’t have the necessity to do it.” Forget Me Not started at her for a minute. There was nothing except for the sound of the rushing wind and Forget Me Not grinned in triumphant. As if he already managed to wrap his hands around her heart.
“Are you certain Ms. Druvis?” Druvis stared at the man again hesitantly. “I’m never certain.” Forget Me Not scoffed. It seemed like the tension from that brief kiss had wavered away.
“And-,” Druvis didn't continue the words. Reconsidering the words she wanted to say. “About the kiss-,”
“It was nothing,” Forget Me Not said calmly. His pale tone took Druvis by surprise. Acting as if a kiss didn't symbolize anything. As if they didn't mean anything.
“There are other things that will concern you rather than a mere kiss.” Druvis’ face lit up. “And that might be?”
“Unresolved issues.” Druvis furrowed her brows. “Unresolved… issues?” Forget Me Not nodded and adjusted his glasses.
“I don't understand… What issue are you talking about?” Druvis asked as the man of Manus Vindictae huffed. She eagerly waited for his response and it seemed like he was trying to find the appropriate words.
“Have you ever wondered who killed your family?”
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lordfabian · 1 year
Would you like to see Uriel Weyerhaeuser?
Absolutely. Show us the beaver.
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aloeverawyvren · 1 year
Does anyone want to see my dead gay son, Uriel Weyerhaeuser.
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cirolik · 10 months
No floor time can compete with that sweet 3/4" Weyerhaeuser edge gold floor time
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games-art-events · 11 months
(disclaimer this is just content from the oficial acount, not the oficial tumblr )
Reverse: 1999 Fanart Contest Coming Soon! Reverse: 1999 is calling for fanart submissions, including illustrations, videos, guides, pictures, and other forms! Further information will be announced later. We look forward to your participation!
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John Titor's Gifts | Reverse: 1999 "546865616476656E74757265686173626567756E54696D6569737469636B696E67696E72657665727365" ▼Time Oct 26 to Nov 1, 23:59 (UTC-5) ▼Requirement Reach Lv.2 to get gifts via Mail ▼Gifts 1. Clear Drop×180 2. Jar of Picrasma Candy (Time-limited)×2
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Reward Notice | Candy Parade ▼Time Oct. 27, 5 AM to Nov. 25, 4:59 AM (UTC-5) ▼Requirement Clear main story 1ST-04 to claim rewards for 7 days ▼Total Rewards 1. Jar of Picrasma Candy (Time-limited)×7 2. Dust×70000 3. Fine Insight Package×3
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Reverse: 1999 Fanart Contest Now Begins We welcome submissions of all themes and forms! Participate now to win rich rewards! *Check the image/announcement for further information:
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Unexpected Storm" Cover Event Now it's your turn to sing "Unexpected Storm," Vertin EP! We're now inviting you to cover this song with your own vibe. Post your cover on Twitter or YouTube with #UnexpectedStormCover to win awesome giveaways!
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ontent Creator Program | Backtracking Atelier The "Storm" has reversed the world, but your records will help engrave everything in our memories.
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Limbo Reset Notice Limbo and Limbo Trial rewards will be reset on Nov 1, 5:00 AM (UTC-5). Please arrange your schedule accordingly. *Complete Weyerhaeuser Forest β in Surface to enter Limbo
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Global Launch Animation Trailer | Reverse: 1999 Since the last day of 1999, the world started to be reversed to the past by the relentless "Storm." She’s been tracking the genesis and end of eras, seeking the truth of 1999.
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morrowmuse · 11 months
then all at once asphalt, shampoo, gasoline, deodorant
i am rarely reminded that even the most rudimentary of experience is optimized
clean, like a chefs knife, like a chefs meal,
in the overworked olfactory, there, an individual smell is conveyed,
special? unique? no that is not it
nostalgic? intoxicating? perhaps but
maybe the word escapes
me and maybe there never was a word
it's a four sunflowers, glancing above a groundswell of multicolored roses steeped in the mud of our ancestors
and yes, those golden suns smell like the road, but they smell like this road we are on, right now,
and It is better than Nothing.
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globalworship · 1 year
I pay no heed to all my scars for my Father will heal me (Zulu song)
"Angiwanaki" is a traditional Zulu song, arranged here by featured singer Nomvula Maneli as an homage to her parents, her father being Xhosa and her mother being Zulu. The lyrics of the opening verse — “Angiwanaki amanxeba ami uzowapholis’ ubaba” in Zulu — translate as “I pay no heed to all my scars for my Father will heal me.”
Recorded April 20, 2023, in the Maud Moon Weyerhaeuser Recording Studios at Minnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota.
ANGIWANAKI   Arranged by Nomvula Maneli Angiwanaki - I pay no heed Amanxeba ami - to all my scars Uzowapholis’ ubaba - for my Father will heal me Uzowapholis - he will heal Amanxeba ami - all my scars Uzowapholis’ ubaba - my father will heal/ restore me "Angiwanaki " © 29:11 International Exchange. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
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