#what a gift to know there was a speech written and filmed
misanderousmisfit · 2 years
I wonder how many fanfic versions of the funeral speech we are going to get now?
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emeritusemeritus · 7 months
You think you know someone. [Fred Weasley x Reader]
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Title: You think you know someone.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Timeline: OOTP- canon and timelines altered for purposes of the story. Some bits have been exaggerated for artistic purposes. Based more on the films than the books. Reader joins DA but what if instead of Cho ratting them out, it’s you?
Summary: You had everything during your time at Hogwarts- good friends, Fred Weasley as your boyfriend and a promising future, until Dolores Umbridge turns up.
Warnings: This one turned out a little dark. Mentions of injury, torture, bullying, wounds, blood. Umbridge is a bitch. Snape is a bully. Use of unforgivable curses. Punishment. Kissing, pranks, swearing. Dumbledore’s Army and resistant forces. Brief mentions of Voldemort and probable war. Pet names: baby, sweetheart, princess. Not beta read. Happy ending I promise.
Word count: 9.3k (I feel like I’ve written a novel here)
This work is gifted to @kellyxo1 thanks to the wonderful request that I couldn’t turn down! I’m sorry it’s taken me a while to get this out but it’s been a complete labour of love and I hope you like it!💕
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You knew Dolores Umbridge was trouble the moment you spotted her in the Great Hall, her gaudy pink outfit and matching pink cheeks made her stick out like a sore thumb amongst the classic, muted colour pallet you knew to be Hogwarts. Her smile unnerved you, the cold expression in her eyes never once matching the infallible twisted, sadistic smile that so often painted her face. Everything about her rang alarm bells in your mind.
Fred and George had been sitting either side of you at the banquet table in the Great Hall as she took centre stage and delivered her speech about being very good friends, as ominous and foreboding as it seemed.
"That's likely," the twins had mumbled, resting their heads on their hands, elbows on the table as a small act of rebellion against the airs and graces she clearly put on. You'd subconsciously scooted closer to Fred when she stood, reaching for his spare hand under the table that he'd offered you, sensing a little of your discomfort. Fred was always acutely aware of your emotions, able to read you like a book, you supposed it was a natural consequence of being together for so long.
You'd met on the first day of Hogwarts when you'd stepped into the train compartment he shared with George, locked eyes and the rest was history. You'd been dating since your second year, both of you unable to deny the childlike crushes and stolen glances of your attraction and as you grew up, you grew together. Now you were in your last year, with big plans ahead of Fred and George's business which you'd planned to help them with initially and bigger promises of moving in together in the flat above the shop. The natural progression of a happy relationship and an exciting prospect that kept you motivated to finish school on a high.
The atmosphere at Hogwarts was different this year: understandably tense and foreboding, not just because of Cedric's death and the rumoured return of Voldemort but of the disquiet around Harry's claims and the propagandistic reporting from the Daily Prophet refuting Harry's claims. It seemed everyone was divided into wether they believed Harry or if they believed what they were reading in the media. It was evident that the ministry had worked hard to deny and deflect Harry'a claims, disparaging and slandering him publicly. Of course the arrival of a certain Pink adorned dementor didn't help things, especially when she, as new defense against the dark arts teacher, did away with the old curriculum and removed any defensive, practical teaching in favour of simple theory- which would be of no use in real life situations, of which you were all undoubtedly facing. Then the educational decrees began where she was appointed Hogwarts' high inquisitor and sought to change anything she was as unsatisfactory, backed by the ministry, which seemed to propel the whole school further and further away from what it should be teaching and how it should be preparing it's students for what was inevitably happening.
"She can't do this! It's ridiculous, George is fuming, never mind Fred," you overheard Ginny say as you were about to take a seat for dinner but quickly stopped as you gave her a questioning look, not knowing what she meant, her eyes focusing in on your frozen form.
"You haven't seen the new decree?" She asks curiously, placing down her fork onto the plate. You shook your head briefly before walking quickly out of the hall, dinner be damned to examine the wall of decrees, trying to fix your eyes onto the new plaque on the wall.
Educational Decree No. 30: All Weasley products will be banned immediately.
You rushed upstairs to the common room, split in two minds about wether they would be there or on the quidditch pitch, trying to expel their frustrations... until you remembered that broom flying had been outlawed unless part of a lesson or during Quidditch games, as few and far between as they were coming due to the constant cancelling.
When you found them in their dorm, George was pacing the room, kicking the wooden frame of his bed after every circuit whilst Fred sat perched on his own bed, face downcast and eyes filled with anger.
You knew it wouldn't stop them, nothing ever did, but the business they forged from nothing had suffered for a while as students were afraid of the repercussions of being searched and found with their products.
"Can't sell my products, can't fly a broom, can't even kiss my own girlfriend unless I find a way to snog her from six inches away!" Fred had been furious and rightly so but there seemed to be no hope in sight.
It seemed no one was unaffected by the drastic measures Umbridge was taking and you were all facing the consequences of the increasing restrictions, in multiple ways. You'd been given detention for the stupidest things, including casting a spell to undo the jinx Malfoy had placed on Neville one afternoon, another leg lock jinx that you'd fixed for him, received another for the muggle book in your possessions and another for deigning to be within six inches of George. The punishment was cruel and twisted but you'd hidden it from Fred, knowing how protective he was and how he'd act out to retaliate against her which would only land him in worse trouble. She seemed to focus on you in particular, for whatever reason you weren't sure but she hardly hid her distaste for you publicly. Fred said it was because of your connection to him and George but you weren't sure, it seemed more personal than that.
It had been Hermione's brilliant idea to forge a sort of rebellion in order to actually learn the practical side of defence and you'd been eager to sign up after attending the first meeting at the Hog's Head in Hogsmeade, knowing that you had to arm yourself in whatever way you could, the feeling of unease at the current climate always looming overhead. You'd been pleasantly surprised by the turn out, seeing many familiar faces as you'd walked hand in hand with Fred into the small, freezing cold room as you waited for Harry, Ron and Hermione. Cho, Luna, Neville, Ginny, Michael and so many others from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had turned out to fight for the cause and as you looked around the room of friends and familiars, it was evident that this could work.
You'd signed the parchment Hermione had brought with no hesitation, lining up between Fred and Ginny, clearly marking your name under his in the pencil provided. As you walked back to the castle in a group, Fred's arm around you and his hat in your head to keep the cold away from your ears, you felt determined and inspired to make this work. You'd just need to find somewhere to practice away from the prying eyes of the inquisitor.
Then came Educational Decree No.68: All student organisations are henceforth be disbanded. Any student in noncompliance will be expelled.
This time, you weren't angered or afraid of the newly instated restriction but instead felt empowered to rebel. Neville, in a feat of brilliance, had discovered the room of requirement one Saturday afternoon as he made his way down the seventh floor corridor. It was perfect, exactly what was needed, and you'd all wasted no time in putting the room to good use.
Within just two weeks, you'd mastered disarming spells, stunning spells, hexes, jinxes and defensive charms that you'd never thought you could do. Ginny had proven herself to be incredibly skilled and you'd stood watching in amazement as two magpies flying around the room, both coming from your boyfriend and his twin. The twins had taken to placing bets, mostly against Ron, all of you in good spirits about finally being able to do magic again. You and Fred took full advantage of being shielded away from the eyes of Hogwarts and had taken to lingering in the room after the sessions so you could be close to each other, to kiss freely and be intimate again. It had seemed so long, so cruel to have to keep away from him, at least in public and as you watched him master spells so effortlessly and looking so deliciously hot as he did it, often with messy hair and rolled up sleeves, it was exactly what you needed to relieve yourself of the building frustrations.
Fun and laughter had once again returned to Hogwarts, though shielded from the regulating eyes, it was just like before. The twins had even taken to pranking again, no longer concerned by the changes, including giving Filch laced chocolates which made him erupt with giant, puss-filled boils on his face when he got too close to the scent of your secret gatherings.
Educational decree No. 82: All students will submit to questioning about suspected illicit activities.
Umbridge had began to gather students for an inquisitorial squad which would earn them credit for joining, most notably the Slytherin students that weaselled their way into Umbridge's good books. Most probably by being pure bloods. They took great pleasure in pulling up the younger students in particular for punishment or questioning and abused their powers frequently.
Then you returned to school after winter break and the news of the Azkaban breakout happened, constant storms were forecasted, Umbridge's cruel regime heightened. Everything felt so restrictive, so unnecessary, so twisted. The only place you found solace was during DA meetings when you could be yourself, free to act and perform as you wanted surrounded by your friends and boyfriend. Always alert at the imposing threat, knowing Filch was on to you all and the rest of the inquisitorial squad which only fuelled you to keep discreet.
It had been a regular day of classes until your DADA lesson where you'd been required by the toad to write an essay on the benefits of conversational reasoning as opposed to practical magic to handle disputes with half breeds and lower class species, such as centaurs. You'd almost immediately refused to write such things, particularly due to the disgusting terms used to class different species but also due to the ridiculous concept.
"I am teaching you verified way of effective communication, in which you do not have to use your wand," she defends with a sickeningly fake smirk.
"Or our brains by taking away our autonomy," you'd argued, not even under your breath.
"Are you questioning my methods of teaching miss y/l/n? By all means if you think you can do better I should like to see you try."
"Can't be hard, Professor Quirrel did a better job and he shared a head and a singular brain cell with Voldemort."
A murmur of concealed laughter burst from the students around you and for a singular moment you felt the victory of it, empowered even.
"Detention!" She's utterly outraged, her face turning a dangerous shade of fuchsia. You could feel the eyes on you, most notably your boyfriend and his twin from across the room but you didn't care. Since returning to school you'd been torn away from Fred, unable to be anywhere near each other and certainly not in a group with your friends as it would break at least three decrees. You were frustrated and had hit breaking point, anger simmering in you but why you didn't know. You'd completely had enough.
"It's a date Dolores," you said sarcastically with the sickliest smile you could muster. More snickers erupted around you and even a clap that sounded suspiciously like it came from the direction of your future brother in law.
"My office, now!" She screams, pointing with her pink tipped finger towards the door. You grabbed your stuff from the desk and walked out without a single look in anyone's direction. On your way to her office, you pulled the special coin from your pocket and checked over the date and time to check you had it right. There was a DA meeting later that evening and you'd hoped this would be over quickly so that you could still attend.
Only, that never happened. Instead you'd been tortured for hours in the cruelest of ways, repeatedly questioned over your involvement with the alleged group and had been forced to drink truth serum until the words had slipped out of your mouth. You'd had no control over it, no way of resisting any longer and with great shame, you'd told her about the room of requirement, completely unable to stop the words from coming out.
The inquisitorial squad was on you in mere moments, as soon as Umbridge had signalled them from outside the door and Malfoy's grubby hands were pulling your weak and exhausted body from the chair before you could even register the intrusion. The things you'd been through, the pain and the anguish, it was nothing compared to the fear you felt at the DA being discovered; you could only pray that you'd held out long enough so that the meeting was over.
"Where is it?!" Umbridge screamed into your face when you wouldn't disclose the exact location of the room of requirement, having already inadvertently let slip that the room was your meeting place. You gave her your darkest look, no longer feeling controlled by whatever she had obviously put in your tea. When she didn't get an answer, her hand struck you hard right across the cheek but you hardly flinched, hardly feeling the pain anymore.
"I know the way Ma'am," Filch said, his saggy face appearing around the corner creepily, his features twisting into a vulgar, perverse smile. You could hardly look at Umbridge's face as it twisted into a pleased, twisted grin as she fixed her jacket and allowed Filch to lead her. Malfoy grabbed hold of your robes tighter in his fist and you were dragged along with them until you reached the seventh floor.
You felt sick to your stomach, wanting to scream and cry, resist in anyway you could as you fought against Malfoy's hold but you were physically tired and weak. Crabbe had grabbed hold of the other side of you, your thrashing too much for Malfoy to hold down by himself and his hands were much tougher against your skin, no doubt leaving bruises in their wake. When the door to the room of requirement didn't appear, you felt hopeful that she'd realise you were lying, even if that meant horrendous consequences for you. There was no way of warning them, nothing you could do to allow them to flee, you'd have to watch as they were all caught redhanded. They'd think you ratted them out, your friends, the love of your life. You knew it was exactly what Umbridge wanted, to turn everyone against you- and she was undoubtedly going to get it.
"Bombarda Maxima," her eerily calm and squeaky voice rang out as she pointed her want at the wall. Your scream mixed in with the large bang as a giant hole was created in the wall, depris and dust flying everywhere.
When the dust cloud cleared, you were dragged off from the side viciously by Malfoy and Crabbe until you were presented in front of the Army- your friends. You didn't want to look up from your spot on the floor, still fighting against their holds on you but something made you look up. And then you met his eyes.
Fred had never looked at you that way, ever. The looks of love and adoration you'd become accustomed to over the years, the playfulness and the intimate looks, it was all gone. The look in his eyes would haunt you forever, the coldness, betrayal and the resentment and it was explicitly clear what his expression told you.
He believed that you ratted them out, believed that you could ever do that to him, to them all.
You had to look away, desperate to see any hope that someone believed you, that someone sympathised with the torment you'd endured but as your eyes travelled across to George, you stopped short. He looked furious with you, disgusted and despite everything you'd been through in the past few hours, you'd receive no sympathy or chance to explain yourself to the people you loved.
You were dragged away as Umbridge dealt with the Army, bestowing threats and punishments upon them that you couldn't hear. You no longer fought against the holds of the Slytherins but instead went willingly, feeling guilty, shame and simply dirty for your role in all of this, even if it wasn't your fault.
Members of the ministry arrived not too long after, having been alerted prior to the discovery of the DA. You couldn't look at Kingsley, much too distraught to see his look of disgust at you, no doubt planning to tell the Order what you'd done. Harry was ushered in not long after having been caught in the skirmish. His newfound hatred of you seemed to radiate off him as he stood beside you and this alone made you want to scream and cry out of frustration, tears welling in your eyes that you wouldn't allow to spill.
The final straw was when Percy walked in, without so much as a glimmer of recognition towards you and took over from Malfoy to restrain you and Harry, keeping the shoulder of your robe balled up in his hand. The minister ordered him to dispatch an owl to the Daily Prophet and he diligently nodded, trying to manoeuvre you along with him.
"Get off me Weatherby," you demanded viciously, fighting against his hold and managing to break free, only to be stopped as you all looked on in amazement as Dumbledore disappeared out of sight in a magnificent display.
You'd hoped after that, you'd be able to get Harry alone, to explain yourself to him, to tell him what had happened but he'd completely avoided you, blanked you entirely. You hardly blamed him but you needed to explain, to clear your name. Umbridge then commanded Harry to join her in the hall where the punishment was being conducted, all of the DA together.
You'd been permitted to return to your dorm after the meeting had finished but you stood outside of the hall doors, desperate to see Fred and explain yourself, hoping he could bring you at least an ounce of comfort. Your head was pounding from the pain earlier and the marks on your arms were throbbing, sore and weeping though you fought not to look at them, knowing the pain would only be worse when you saw what was tormenting you. You couldn't go to Madame pomfrey, Umbridge had made that very clear and so you suffered in complete silence until you could reach out for your friends.
You lingered outside of the door for what felt like hours, the anxiety and the nerves you felt seemingly freezing time. When the doors opened, the members of the DA began pouring out with soured looks on their faces which only heightened when they caught sight of you. It was never hard to spot Fred and George amongst a crowd, their towering height easily distinguishable amongst a sea of people.
The look on everyone's face was near identical, the disgust and the resentment evident in their eyes as they spotted you but none clearer than the twins. George looked like he detested you, his face scrunched into a look of utter distaste, eyes glaring into you as he walked past without a care. Fred looked away, ignoring your presence completely as he glided past you without muttering a single word, his face stone cold and void of expression.
"Freddie, please," you said weakly and emotionally, with tears in your eyes, turning around in the spot as he walked past you. But nothing, he didn't turn, didn't react, simply walked away without so much as a single glance.
"Harry," you implored, taking a step towards him but he too blanked you again, pushing past you and walking quickly up the steps to avoid you.
You stood alone in the cold and empty corridor, feeling more isolated and alone than you ever had and finally allowed yourself to cry. Silent tears fell down your cheeks, shoulders sagging as you cried for everything you had undoubtedly lost, for the treatment you'd received and for the pain you still felt in your head and arms. Finding a spot in a hidden corner, you finally allowed yourself to pull up the sleeve of your robe and look upon the damage that Umbridge had inflicted with her sadistic quill. It was horrendous, an onslaught of slurs and vicious words etched into your body, no doubt intentionally done to leave the scars as a permanent reminder.
You sobbed your heart out in that little nook between two cold, stone pillars as you tried desperately to heal the marks but no spell was strong enough even to numb it in your weakened state.
You eventually made your way to Gryffindor tower, stepping through the portrait and finding the common room practically deserted. You sighed and walked up the stone steps to your dorm, only to find that the door had been shut and your blanket and pillow had been thrown outside of it, a clear sign you were not welcome even within your own dorm. You were painfully exhausted and wanted nothing more than to curl up in your bed and cry into your pillow until you eventually passed out. But you didn't even deserve that.
With a heavy sigh, you collected your blanket and pillow and trudged down the steps back towards the common room, eyes blurry through a mixture of tiredness and tears. You stopped short the second you crossed the last step, seeing Fred and George step in through the portrait hole, your stomach flipping nervously as you anticipated a barrage of insults or horrible pranks, their allegiance turning from you now.
"Fred, Freddie please," you begged, dropping your makeshift bedding to walk towards him, trying to reach out for him. You paused as you saw the redness on the back of his left hand, a clearly fresh punishment, 'I must not break rules'. George intercepts immediately and barges past you, blocking you from getting to Fred as he turns his twin away from you.
"You think you know someone," George mutters as he gently nudges Fred up the stairs, sending you a vicious glare before he walks up after him, once again leaving you alone. Fred didn't even spare a single glance at you, not even to recoil away.
You curled up in a corner armchair as soon as the tears appeared, pathetically dragging the blanket over you and cried until you fell asleep in the uncomfortable chair.
The two weeks that followed were the absolute worst weeks of your life. Umbridge had stripped you of everything you loved in one fell swoop, turned everyone against you and left the place you called home feeling miserable and lonely. You deserved it, you knew that, having ratted them out. You'd antagonised her and now had to live through then consequences, as cruel and twisted as they were.
The glares from everyone you had once called friends hadn't stopped, especially from George, which hurt the most. Fred had outright ignored any effort you'd made to reach out to him, no matter how desperate you'd sounded or how hard you'd tried to make him understand. He didn't care. He believed the lie.
The first week you'd tried to take your meals with the rest of the Gryffindors but it was made abundantly clear to you that you were not permitted nor welcome to join your friends and had been cruelly banished to the end of the table, beside the first years. The second week you'd stopped attending meals at all, not able to push through the shame and embarrassment of being cast away, exiled from your group. Lessons were monotonous and any down time was utterly excruciating as you were left enclosed with the other Gryffindors, namely your ex boyfriend, though no one would make any contact with you. You'd tried to sleep in your dorm but the girls had done nearly everything to prevent you from actually sleeping, talking loudly, setting off whizzbangs inside your curtains and had even transfigured your blanket a few times to varying degrees of horrid things. At the end of the night when you were certain everyone was asleep, usually very late, you'd creep down to the common room and huddle into your uncomfortable chair to sleep, only to be woken mere hours later when the first of the easy risers woke up. Your life was hell.
"There's just something I don't understand," Hermione says as they all stand on the bridge, the golden trio, Ginny and the Twins, all wrapped up in warm clothes and sweaters as they discuss the changes put into place since Umbridge had taken over as Headmistress. Naturally, the conversation had diverted to you, something Fred was entirely displeased about. The group turn to Hermione after her words, intrigued by the change in tone. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes before opening them again, as if building the strength to say her next sentence.
"I jinxed the enrolment parchment, for Dumbledore's Army," she admits, not quite meeting the gaze of the group around her. "It was purely a preventative measure, incase we were betrayed by one of our own. The person who disclosed any secrets would be jinxed to break out in spots, to spell out 'sneak' across their forehead, so we knew who the betrayer was. Y/N didn't have that, she never even had a single spot."
"Blimey Hermione," Ron says a little breathlessly, disbelieving she'd have actually gone that far.
"I know," she says a little defensively, "I just can't work out how she got around it!"
"Maybe she wrote her name wrong? Did she know about the jinx?" Harry suggests but Hermione shook her head, at the very same time that Ginny replied.
"I was behind her, I saw her write her name. It was right."
"Maybe the jinx didn't work?" Harry suggests carefully but stops himself when he receives a forceful glare from Hermione at the very notion of her failure.
"What does it matter? She dobbed us in wether or not she's covered in spots!" Ron says rather harshly, leaning against the wooden bannister.
Fred can't listen anymore, completely overwhelmed by the conversation and the thought of you betraying them. He turns and walks off back towards the castle without so much as a word to the others, not even his twin, and ignores their calls of his name as they watch him fade into the distance.
Spotting you sitting alone in the corner of the room when he returns to the common room, he frowns to himself. He'd known you since the moment you stepped on the Hogwarts express and had loved you for nearly just as long. It was wrong to see you sat alone, so sad and without the usual spark you naturally emitted. Everyone had always been drawn to you, your humour and wit, your dazzling smile, the fact you made everyone aroun you feel comfortable and valued. Too many boys had been drawn to you for his liking but you'd never even given them the time of day, never once wavering in your loyalty to him or ever made him doubt that it was him you wanted. You'd spent years supporting him, helping him and George develop their products, cheering for him loudly at every Quidditch game and had wormed your way into the hearts of every single one of his family members. Secretly, it crushed him to see you so lonely and tired, even if he still felt the sting of your betrayal.
It didn't add up, though he wouldn't disclose this to any of the more angered members of the group, why you would do such a thing. You'd been excited to start the DA, had joined in enthusiastically, kept the secret for so long and most of all you completely despised Umbridge. He couldn't deny that he still loved you, even though he was conflicted with his feelings now, he still held out hope that this would all go away, that there was a reasonable explanation but his anger wouldn't allow him to listen. It killed him to push you away, wanting nothing more than for things to return to normal but he felt a deep sense of betrayal that he couldn't shift.
"Fred?" He heard from behind him, pulling him out of his musings making him realise that he'd been staring at you all this time as he turned towards the person addressing him. Her name was Emery Atkinson, a Gryffindor from the year below that he'd never really acknowledged or spent much time with.
"Yeah?" He replies politely though he couldn't escape the edge of irritation after being pulled away from his thoughts. He watches as the girl giggles as soon as he acknowledges her and tucks a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.
"Oh good I got the right twin!" She giggles, ignorant to the blank look she received from Fred. "I was wondering if you had some canary creams I could buy? My brother loves them and it's his birthday soon. Your inventions are so clever, I don't know how you and George find the time between your studies and Quidditch, it must be exhausting. You're so good as Quidditch, I always cheer you on. Plus your girlfriend, but I heard that you weren't together anymore right?"
Truthfully, Fred had only registered the first half of her speech, tuning out after Canary Creams but his attention had been drawn back at the mention of you. He can't help but feel that little stab of sadness at the mention of you, especially someone referring to you as his girlfriend, or Ex rather. In the back of his mind he wonders if you heard that, from your short distance away, he hoped not.
"I still can't believe it, why would she do that? If I was with you I wouldn't even dream of ruining it." She sounds faux-scandalised and quite frankly, rather bitchy as he reaches out to touch the sleeve of his sweater. Fred doesn't humour her and instead takes half a step back subtly, reaching to scratch the back of his head as a discreet way of getting her off.
"Er, yeah I think we have some creams leftover, I'll send George over with some later, alright?"
"Not you?" She says with a sad little face, trying out her best puppy dog eyes that have absolutely no affect on him.
"George deals with the confectionery," he says a little too quickly; which is a complete lie. "Sorry, I've got somewhere to be but I'll let him know you're interested in buying."
He breaks away, giving her a forced but polite smile and a brief, parting wave but it's awkward and he's inwardly cringing as soon as he puts his hand down. Turning to where you had been sat in the chair, he notices you've disappeared and he is instantly overcome with a wave of guilt. You'd heard it all.
The next few days passed in blur for Fred, his mind wandering between what he was doing and thoughts of you, like he couldn't concentrate for more than a minute. He felt so conflicted within himself, made worse by the time spent apart from you, the longing beginning to set in. He'd never really been apart from you for very long, at most only a few weeks during the summer holidays and even then you'd have sent numerous letters by now, keeping in contact as much as you could until you were back beside each other. Now it was just torture, having you so close but so far away and the knowledge that he was the one that had pushed you away only furthered his guilt and internal conflict.
Fred was in a terrible mood, battling his thoughts, surviving on very little sleep and now the threat of her sadistic punishment was the icing on the cake of a really crap day when he and George had been forced to Umbridge's office. Harry had been caught trying to use the floo, to alert the order or escape and had been caught red handed by Umbridge. Each member of the DA had been frogmarched into the office, shoved and restrained by members of the inquisitorial squad and each member looked as uneasy as the next. His stomach turned when he saw Ginny held down by Goyle and he fought to get out of Graham Montegue's hold but it was useless when Umbridge mindlessly cast a spell to subdue him.
Harry was sat in the chair in the centre of the room, the first to be questioned with Umbridge hovering dangerously close to him, her temper boiling over as she speaks frantically in his face.
"You were going to Dumbledore weren't you?" She says, leaning down threateningly in front of Harry.
"No," Harry responds.
"Liar!" She screams back and in a move that shocks each member of the DA, she pulls back her hand and slaps Harry hard around the face, the harsh sound echoing through the otherwise silent room.
She pauses for a moment, simply glaring at Harry until her face twists into a sick, twisted grin as she straightens up and composes herself, each movement carefully thought out as she turns her back to him.
"Very well, you give me no choice Potter," she says with an even cadence, her tone dangerously low. "As this is an issue of Ministry security, you leave me with... no alternative, unless Professor Snape arrives within moments."
Fred feels like he can hardly breathe, the tension and unease in the air so thick that the room feels like it's getting smaller by the second. The unpredictability of the woman before them was alarming, the dangerous undertone of her voice despite her light and breezy tone was almost scarier than his worst nightmare.
"The cruciatus curse ought to loosen your tongue," she says, adjusting her pink jacket.
"That's illegal," Hermione states in outrage but Umbridge hardly flinches. Instead, she reaches out for the photo frame of the minister on her desk and pauses briefly to look at it before turning it over and lying it down flat on the desk, so that Fudge could not see her next move. She straightens herself and extends her wand, only to stop when Snape appears by the door, his eyes fixed to her outstretched wand that was pointed directly at Harry.
"You sent for me Headmistress?"
"Snape, yes," she says, taking a step back and everyone in the room exhales, relaxing only slightly. "The time has come for answers, wether he wants to give them to me or not," she says, her eyes flicking to Harry only briefly.
"Might I suggest against the cruciatus curse this time headmistress," he says evenly and carefully, "the consequences of such an audience might be... disagreeable. In fact I would hesitate in conducting any of the prior disciplinary methods in this instance.""
This time? She'd used the cruciatus curse before? And on a student? Prior disciplinary methods? Fred thinks, did he mean the quill?
"Very well," she says after a moment of pondering, her arm falling to her side as she relents, eyes wandering over the all too familiar Quill that sits proudly on her desk before her gaze shifts back to Snape. "Have you brought the veritaserum?"
"I'm afraid you've used up all my stores, the last of it interrogating Miss y/l/n."
Snape carries on speaking but Fred doesn't hear a single word, blood rushing to his ears as his heart pounds. He feels like he's received a stray bludger straight to the chest, his stomach dropping with fresh shame, sadness and overwhelming guilt.
Suddenly it all made sense. She'd tortured you into giving out the information- the cruciatus curse, veritaserum, what else had she done to you?
He couldn't help but let out a dry sob at the information, sensing everyone's eyes on him at the news. He struggled against the holds with everything in him, needing to fix what he'd broken.
He'd believed them, so quickly, believed that you could have betrayed them like that. The pain you must have felt, the loneliness and the guilt and then after your whole ordeal he had cast you aside, pushed you away and never given you a single chance to explain.
He eventually turned to look at George who looked utterly broken by the news, his regretful inner thoughts so evident upon his face. Each member of the DA looked a mixture of guilty, sheepish and sad, realising how wrong they'd been about you and what they'd done to someone who had once been their friend, someone who had suffered so much for all of them.
The meeting seemed to go abhorrently slowly until Umbridge left with Harry and Hermione on a sort of mission based upon a quickly constructed lie and Fred didn't waste a single moment before turning around on the spot and punching Graham Montegue straight in the face as soon as Umbridge had left. Seizing the momentary upper hand, the remaining members of the DA turned on the inquisitorial squad and fired an array of jinxes and spells at them in order to get away.
"Fred, Go!" George had urged whilst stunning Crabbe, allowing Ginny to step free. Malfoy fought back but he was quickly matched by Angelina who covered for Fred, blocking the exit.
"Go, she needs you!" Angelina shouted as she sent a jinx flying towards Cassius Warrington's smug face.
Fred didn't hang about and immediately ran out of the office and towards the common room where he was praying you'd be. It was quiet on the main staircases, perhaps it seemed much quieter because of the lack of portraits and bare walls but even to the few people Fred passed, he offered no explanation nor cared about what they thought. He needed to find you.
"Y/n!" He said bursting through the portrait hole and scanning the common room for you, checking the chair you'd so often occupied but found nothing except a couple of bewildered faces at his strange outburst.
"Y/n?" He called again, walking up the stairs towards the dormitories but received no reply. In his haste, he accidentally misstepped as he climbed up to the girls dorm and nearly triggered the blocking slide to appease but fortunately managed to regain his balance and stress carefully over the path he'd taken so many times before, the secret message in the steps that allowed him to breach the rules.
He threw open your dormitory door and stopped blankly when he found nothing. Your bed looked like it hadn't been slept in, there was hardly any of your things around the bed and the room. Had he come to the wrong room?
"Fred?" Your voice said shyly from behind him and he whipped around to see you looking up at him hesitantly from near the door, holding a few things in your arms and your robe tied tightly around your chest.
"Y/n," he says with a sigh of relief, moving forwards quickly to reach out to you but once again stopping short as he noticed you visibly flinch at his sudden movement. Suddenly the overwhelming agony of guilt and regret hit him anew and he vowed to slow down, hoping not to scare you away.
"I'm so sorry," he said, voice breaking slightly as he looked at your tired, sullen face and those wide, scared eyes. He'd never seen you look so broken and it killed him.
"I didn't, I don't ," he stutters, dropping to sit on the side of your bed. "You haven't been sleeping here have you?"
There's a minor pause and he wonders if you're actually going to reply to him, if he even deserves it, until you step forward and place your things down onto the bedside table. He watches in silence, noting the large book and a few packaged bandages that slip onto the table as you gingerly take a seat beside him, your feet no longer touching the floor.
"Kind of hard to when you're banished by the rest of your dorm," you reply quietly. He can't detect the tone of your voice, expecting it to be sarcastic or unhappy but it actually sounds flat and completely void of emotion.
"The chair," he realises, "you've been sleeping in that chair?" He's slightly bewildered and profoundly ashamed now, not having clicked until now that you'd been there early in a morning and late in the night, much later than you'd ever typically stayed up before. You shrug and turn your attention away, though you're yet to actually meet his eyes.
He drags a deep breath in through his teeth, resisting the urge to hang his head low on his shoulders.
"Y/n, I am so sorry, I, I don't even have words," he says, stumbling over his words- something so uncharacteristic for him that it briefly startles you. "You didn't deserve this, even if you had told Umbridge about us, no one deserves this. We were all so shocked that it could be you, of all people. We never stopped to think of why," he pauses again, steadying himself. "Snape admitted what she did to you, she tried to use it on Harry but he stopped him."
"But the quill was broken? How could she use it on Harry?" You say, finally looking up with a look of complete confusion.
"What quill?" Fred asks, completely lost himself, "the black quills? I meant the cruciatus curse, she, I mean she, on you, didn't she?"
Your silence says everything and he has to close his eyes and steady his breathing at your silent confirmation.
"What quill?" Fred feels a little bolder now and reaches for you but you pull your arm back and place it in your lap, trying not to wince as you catch the healing scars. "This one?"
He holds out his hand and shows you the faint markings from his punishment, 'I must not break rules' barely visible now. He frowns when you shake your head but don't offer any other explanation. He's frustrated that he's not getting anywhere but it's internal and he knows it's not your fault, he just wishes he could help, or go back in time and fix everything.
"Tell me, please," he says, keeping his eyes locked in the side of your face, trying to urge you to look at him. "What happened in that detention?"
"It doesn't matter," you say quickly, hopping down off the bed and stepping over to your trunk to get a fresh shirt from the laundry pile, knowing it would need changing. "I've got to shower."
You go to turn away but Fred lunges for you and grabs your arm to stop you from leaving, making you cry out in pain as soon as his fingers make contact with the tender skin. As soon as the shock wears off, he frowns, looking down at your arm before looking up to your face, seeing tears falling down your cheeks.
"Please baby, please just tell me," he says, voice breaking as his own tears well up in his eyes.
"She told you about the veritaserum?" You ask, assuming anyway and Fred nods. "Then you know what you need to know."
"No, I don't," he says quickly, trying to think of ways to stop you leaving without hurting you. "She used an unforgivable curse on you! Gave you truth serum, you cried when I touched your arm and you have bandages on your bedside table, please just tell me what happened!"
"Fine," you say, pulling your arm back. "You want to know? She tried to force it out of me, tried to get me to drink the stupid tea but I wouldn't. When that didn't work she pulled out that little stupid quill and wrote anything she wanted all over me. You wanted to know about the bandages? Fine," you said viciously, clawing at the fastening of your robe. Underneath was your once crisp, white shirt that had a considerable amount of red blood staining the sleeve. You didn't stop undressing, all but ripping the buttons away as you fought to show Fred what was underneath.
Bandages littered your forearms, with blood oozing out the sides. Fred's frozen as he looks at the bandages on your body, sick to his stomach already.
"Did you know Snape is a skilled occlumens? I didn't, I do now. So after she was playing with that sadistic little quill, writing whatever she wanted into my skin, he enters my mind and shows me every single fear I've ever had, every nightmare. But I didn't say a word, not a single fucking word. Do you know what it's like to have visions forced into your own mind of your boyfriend dying in front of you repeatedly, over and over until you start to go mad? All whilst your skin is slashed open just to get you to talk? Only it didn't work, so she dropped the quill and picked up her wand. I've never felt closer to death in my life but still so far away from it. But I wouldn't talk. So she forced veritaserum in my mouth and I couldn't stop it, she got what she wanted no matter what I'd fought for. And the best part? They don't heal, not truly. Nothing I do stops it, like a constant reminder of what happened."
"Princess," Fred chokes out, tears streaming down his cheeks, fighting to hold back his sobs at your words.
"No, not princess," you say sternly, emotions all falling from your face. "Not anymore."
"Please, I want to make this right, anything I can do, I want to support you," he says, nearly begging. "I have to make this right, I can't lose you."
Your voice is harsh and stern, your face expressionless again. "You believed them so easily, you all did. You believed I could do that to you, without hesitation. You didn't let me explain, never even looked at me because you were so certain that I could have done it. I've been exiled, banished and forgotten by all of you I called friends without a single thought. So you and your stupid brother and the rest of Dumbledore's friggin army can go fuck yourselves, it's not my fight anymore."
Fred flinches as the door slams shut behind you and he's left to sob openly, his devastation consuming him. Eventually when he returns to his own dorm, George says nothing upon seeing his twin's stricken face and his curtains fully closing around the bed.
The next morning, Fred has already left the dorm by the time George wakes up and doesn't see him at all around the common room or the hall, though he's not surprised. But when he doesn't show to his lessons, George worries and goes in search for his twin with increasing worry. Eventually, he finds him in the library, pouring over an array of books from the restricted section, most of them about healing spells and anatomy.
When Fred looks up with red rimmed eyes and an intense look in his eyes, it's clear to George that Fred hadn't slept. "Whatever it is, let me help."
One week. It took one week of endlessly pouring over book after book until they finally found options.
It's early morning on a Saturday when Fred creeps down to the common room was before the sun has risen, seeing you hunched over in your chair. Angelina had told him that they'd apologised profusely to you and had accepted you back with open arms back to the dormitory but you'd simply walked away and carried on sleeping by the fire, not yet willing to forgive them for the treatment you'd endured.
"Y/n, y/n, wake up," he says quietly, carefully touching your shoulder, trying to avoid anywhere that he had seen bandaged.
"Freddie?" You ask sleepily and his heart soars with hope at the noise, the familiarity of it abs the softness of your voice so heartwarming.
"I have something to show you, me and George," he says lightly, waiting for you to wake up.
"Told you both to get fucked," you mumble, squashing any hope he had, but he perseveres.
"Just this once prince-y/n, please," he says quietly. You open your eyes, seeing him still dressed in his pyjamas, pleading with his eyes and looking so vulnerable that you relent and agree to whatever he had planned. Throwing back the blanket, you surprise a groan at the stiffness in your neck and diligently follow him back up the stairs towards his dorm, accepting his hand as he guides you. Your hand fits perfectly into his, just as it always had.
"Where's Lee?" You say as you walk into the dorm room, seeing only George who gives you a small but timid smile.
"Bunking with Ron," Fred says somewhat vaguely, gesturing for you to sit on his bed. The room looks exactly as you remember albeit slightly less dishevelled than you'd experienced previously, but you don't mention anything. Fred takes a seat beside you and George moves forward, grabbing a book from the chair beside his bed.
"We don't know if this will work," George says.
"But it's better than nothing," Fred finishes, gingerly reaching out for your hand.
"The wounds," George says gently, "Fred told me, we just want to make them better. Might not get rid of them completely but it's worth a shot."
"Found this in an old healing book, it's a counter curse for wound healing by curse," Fred says, taking the book from George to show you. "Figured Umbridge's quill must have been cursed so this might work. Please let us help."
All it takes is a nod from you, albeit slightly hesitant but truthfully there was no one you trusted more than the twins, before at least.
You could hardly look them in the eyes as you pulled away the bandages, the vile words etched into your skin by her personal sadistic quill. You heard George inhale at the deepest cut along your inner right forearm but didn't react, knowing it would be shocking to anyone.
"Take my hand, if it hurts too much all you have to do is squeeze and we'll stop, okay baby?"
Biting down on your lip to stifle your cries, you hold Fred's hand tightly as George begins to cast the counter-curse, each of you watching on with rapt attention and slight amazement as the cuts begin to slowly knit together. It was working.
You whimper as he works over the deepest, the same one Fred had accidentally caught the week before and Fred's hand squeezes yours automatically for support.
"You're doing so well sweetheart, it'll be over soon I promise," he says quietly in your ear, comforting you in anyway he could.
After the last cut is sealed, George immediately drops down to sit onto his bed, his concentration and energy depleted from focusing so hard. You can't believe it as you look down at your arms, no longer seeing blood and only able to see the faintest of marks and redness where the wounds had once been. Only then do tears begin to fall from your eyes as you launch yourself towards Fred, throwing your arms around him in appreciation. He steadies himself after a moment of being caught off guard and holds you tightly against him, shushing you gently as you cry. His arms wrap around you so perfectly, so protectively and his smell comforts you like to no other, exactly as you remember.
"You did so well, so well, it's okay baby," he coos into your ear. You pull apart slowly and immediately walk over to George, pulling him into a hug though it's a lot less intimate.
"Thank you both so much," you sniffle.
"You're welcome," they answer at the same time, making you smile.
"We've missed you," George says after a moment. "I'm so sorry for what you went through and for what I said. I should have known it wasn't your fault, you've been my best friend for so long and I'm so ashamed of myself for how easily I believed her over you, that should never have happened."
"And you know how sorry I am," Fred says, walking over to you and kneeling down until he's directly in front of you.
"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I was an idiot for ever thinking it was you. I know things can't ever go back to how they were before, but I love you so much that I can't lose you. Seeing you hurting almost broke me and I know that you might need time or never see me again but you need to know exactly how I still feel about you."
"It's not just you," you say in reply, heaving out a long breathe, "I pushed people away."
"We deserved it," George says.
"Baby," Fred says gently, getting your attention. "I don't know how to fix this or how to make things better, but I'll do anything. I was an idiot, a complete git but I'll spent the rest of my life trying to make it up to you. Please say this isn't ruined."
For the first time since the incident, you allow yourself to feel hopeful that things could get better, that Fred could love you again. Sat surrounded by the two people you loved most in the world, you finally felt the love and protection you'd been needing since that awful night.
"I want that," you say quietly, picking at the blanket under your fingers, "I just want things to just go back to normal." You raise your eyes up to Fred's to see him smiling back at you, clearly pleased with your words.
"Well, let's start with this then," he says with a mischievous smirk, leaning towards you painfully slowly as if he's giving you plenty of time to say no or push him away. His soft lips press against yours gently and you can't help but feel a warmth spread all over your body, almost like you were defrosting and returning back to you're usual self. His hand reaches up to cup the side of your jaw and you're certain you can feel a fear hit your cheek, though it doesn't come from you.
The next morning, you walk hand in hand with Fred into the great hall for breakfast and sit right back at the centre of the table with your friends. You assume Fred or George had threatened them not to say anything as everyone around you acts normal, pretending the previous weeks didn't exist, though one by one they all apologised to you, most notably Ron and Harry. Ginny thought you were badass for everything you'd been through, not relenting even though you'd been tortured into eventually revealing the secret. Hermione had apologised so eloquently and thoroughly that you both ended up crying in the common room as she explained about the jinxed parchment and how she'd held out hope that it hadn't been you.
Each person made it up to you in anyway they could, admitting their mistakes and regrets and though you would probably never forget, you chose to forgive.
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Taglist requests
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flanaganfilm · 2 years
Hey there!
I’m a new writer-director finishing up film school and I keep getting into little spats with some of my instructors over my characters talking too much/for too long.
My stock response at this point has basically become “Well, it works just fine when Mike Flanagan does it.”
I don’t know if it’s because I come from a theatre background or what, but I really don’t like the seemingly common wisdom that characters talking—actors orating—is boring for audiences. That you have to have Something Happening all the time, and that characters “just” conversing or telling a story doesn’t count, as though “to speak” isn’t a verb.
Since you tend to have characters speak at length and it turns out riveting—I’m thinking specifically of the confetti speech from Hill House and Hassan’s speech about being a Muslim cop in NYC from Midnight Mass—I was hoping you could share some of your thoughts on balancing action with conversation, giving actors room to “just” talk, and keeping lengthy oration engaging.
I also come from a theater background. I wouldn't be too hard on your instructors - in fact, they sound like they're pretty in sync with a lot of executives in the industry.
I received similar feedback when I was a film student. My first few student features were very talky. We were studying the breakthrough work of Kevin Smith, Spike Lee, and Jim Jarmusch. The indie movies that were selling at Sundance and hitting theaters were The Brothers McMullen and Chuck and Buck. Tarantino had hit the scene and his characters were dropping pages and pages and pages of thick, unhurried dialogue. Reservoir Dogs posters were hanging on every dorm room wall on campus, and that movie was essentially just a long conversation. We watched My Dinner With Andre in class. So yeah, most of our student films were emulating that.
I have always loved a monologue. Going back to Robert Shaw's hypnotic story in Jaws, to Harry Dean Stanton's jaw-dropping monologue in Paris, Texas. It's an art form. Giving actors room to speak, to find music in dialogue, to transport a viewer just with mere words... that's an incredible feat, I think. It's some of the oldest magic left.
That said, I've always tried to balance that out. It's a visual medium, after all, and whenever I've found myself leaning too hard on the words, I've tried to counterbalance that was a very ambitions visual sequence, a long unbroken camera maneuver, or something else that honors the difference between filmed entertainment and theatre.
One of the reasons I made Hush was to challenge myself to eliminate words from my arsenal and focus on visual storytelling.
I take a fair amount of flack for my monologues and dialogue, first from studio executives and then from a small percentage of viewers whose attention spans are being challenged. The most common note I get on any project is to take out talking. It can be disheartening, but I'm always trying to be fair about it, and to be sympathetic to the fact that a lot of movies and television have actively tried to shorten viewers' attention spans for decades now. Audiences are being trained for things to happen faster, louder, shorter. What good is your amazing 6-minute monologue if people changed the channel two episodes ago?
There are times when it is more important to me than others. I dug in hard on Midnight Mass, where the words and ideas in those soliloquies are a big part of the point of the show... but on The Midnight Club, I didn't push for it. I kept scenes relatively short, and there isn't a monologue to be found.
But my overarching feeling is that an artfully written and well performed monologue is a gift, and a dying art. It celebrates great acting, it requires great trust of the performer and of the viewer, and it has the power to transport us with one of the oldest magics human beings ever discovered - the spoken word.
Storytelling began that way: monologues around a campfire. Over the millennia, we've harnessed that campfire light, we've even learned to paint with it, to pull our dreams out of our minds and put them onto giant screens, so the whole world can dream together... but the real magic still starts with the words.
Which is my long-winded way of trying to encourage you to make your films the way you want to make them. Make the films you want to see. And if you love words... that's a great thing. Try to find a balance, never lose sight of the visual medium, and if you're going to drop a big chunk of words in there, try to earn it with something visually challenging as well.
Or, just tell your instructors you'll make it shorter, and then cut out ten frames of air. ;)
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invisibleraven · 3 months
doing geocaching for Rulie?
"Do you have plans for today?" Reggie asked as they enjoyed breakfast.
"Laundry?" Julie replied. "Otherwise no, why?"
"I have a date planned and didn't want you to leave anything behind," Reggie replied.
"I'm down," Julie replied, leaning over to kiss the corner of his mouth. "You know you are way more important than anything else to me."
"The sentiment is mutual darlin'," Reggie said with a wink. "Dress comfy with good shoes."
That piqued Julie's curiosity but they had enough dates where they went on a hike or horse riding, she was used to not needing to gussy up for every date.
Soon enough they were both dressed and heading out. "SO where are we headed?" she asked.
"It's a multi stop date," Reggie confessed. "I heard about this thing called geocaching? It's like a treasure hunt kinda and thought it might be fun."
"Oh yeah, I've done that with Carlos a few times," Julie said. "It was always a good time."
"Perfect," Reggie said. He handed over his phone, showing her the first clue. "You're on navigation."
Their first stop was at a local park, the box stashed in a large hole in a tree. Julie took a small pride pin and left a pack of crayons from the bag of small doodads Reggie had brought along.
Then they went to a locale coffee shop, finding the cache in a bush outside. Inside were a bunch of gift cards for the store, and Julie decided to buy another in exchange, while getting them both cool drinks as a refresher against the warm day.
The mini golf course had the cache in the mouth of the dinosaur where Reggie picked out a cool bookmark and left a keychain for Silver Lake. The tar pits had them exchanging a bubble wand for a nice looking print postcard.
"There's only one more," Julie commented. "Shme, this has been a lot of fun."
"We can always do it again some day if you want," Reggie replied.
"The last stop is Eats & Beats," Julie stated. "We should totally get a pastry afterwards, a nice reward."
"You're reading my mind."
Eats & Beats were curiously empty, but given it was the middle of the afternoon, Julie didn't really question it-every business had a lull period. The employee directed them to the stage, where a box was sitting on the piano. A box that had Julie's name written on it.
"Reggie?" she asked him, but he just smiled and urged her to open it. She did so with trembling hands, gasping as inside the cache was a small box-the one someone would use to house a ring. She lifted it up and turned to ask Reggie what was going on-only to find him kneeling before her.
He gave her a watery smile, gently easing the box from her hands, and taking her left in his own. "Julie...I set up this little treasure hunt for a fun day, but I knew I wanted to have this be the last stop. Because you-you're the greatest treasure ever."
"You're supposed to leave something behind though," Julie sniffled, smiling the whole time.
"You're right," Reggie agreed. "I'm leaving behind loneliness, and a life without you."
"Me too."
Reggie beamed, opening the box, and Julie's breath caught in her throat. There was a beautiful ring-one she had seen many times before sitting on MeeMaw's finger. One she knew that Reggie had been promised when he found the great love of his life.
"So darlin', what do you say? You wanna hitch your wagon to mine and be my wife?"
Julie extended her hand and nodded-too overwhelmed to speak. Watched as Reggie slid the ring on, then scooped her up to kiss her, spinning them around. The both of them laughing as they broke apart.
That's when Julie heard the applause, looking around to see their family and friends come from backstage, all swarming to con gratulate them.
"You were all in on this?"
"Yeah, Reg asked us to set up the caches," Luke replied.
"And I filmed the whole speech," her papi stated, waving his camera.
"We rented this place out," Alex said. "And your aunt brought snacks alongside the food they have here so we could have an impromptu engagement party."
"You planned all this?" she asked Reggie.
"I wanted it to be special and unique-just like us," he replied with a shrug.
"It was perfect," Julie stated, pulling him in for yet another kiss, and knew that above anything, Reggie was the real treasure in all this-one she wouldn't be giving up for anything.
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idksmtms · 9 months
Cillian Murphy Masterlist
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Cillian Murphy
Cillian Murphy & Y/n L/n | Actors on Actors - (Cillian Murphy x young actress!reader - coming soon)
The two biggest movie stars of the summer sit down to discuss all things acting, the success of their movies, and... possibly flirting with each other?
Golden Globes - (Cillian Murphy x reader)
Written from the perspective of press and viewers of the golden globes; how cute are Cillian Murphy and his girlfriend Y/n L/n?! From the red carpet to his acceptance speech, look at what a mesmerising couple these two make!
Was it Just the Movie - (Cillian Murphy x young actress!reader - coming soon)
While filming a dark romance movie with Cillian, the line between costars and lovers begins to blend. Do you really love each other or is it just the movie?
Meet the Kids - (Cillian Murphy x younger!reader)
It's finally time for the kids to meet Dad's new girlfriend. Cillian thinks they don't even know that he's started dating again, and decides to sit them down for a conversation. The kids already know who it is and more. How is this going to go?
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evermore series
1. willow 8. dorothea 12. long story short
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Don't Jump in the Mushroom Ring - (Fairy King!Cillian Murphy x human reader - coming soon)
There's a reason people tell their children not to jump into a mushroom ring. They say it's a portal into the world of fairies. The only way out? Judgement handed by the king. You were curious. You jumped in...
A Gift from the Sidhe - (Hurt Human!Cillian Murphy x fairy!reader - coming soon)
After a dog walk in the woods ends with Cillian hitting his head and passing out, he wakes up a few hours later fully rested with not an injury in sight. Something doesn't sit right with him, and he returns to the spot the next day, happening upon something he only knew from Irish folklore...
Plié, Jeté, Relevé - (Ballet Teacher!Cillian Murphy x Ballerina!reader - coming soon)
You may not have been the best ballerina in the company, but you worked hard. Ok maybe the last couple of weeks weren't the best evidence for this but in your defence, there's a lot going on in your life! And maybe Mr. Murphy doesn't appreciate lazy, slacking, ballerinas...
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Emmett - A Quiet Place Part II
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Silence - (Emmett x younger!reader)
Who cares about propriety? Everything is gone.
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Tommy Shelby - Peaky Blinders
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(Coming soon)
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Jonathan Crane - Batman Begins
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(Coming soon)
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Raymond Leon - In Time
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(Coming soon)
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Robert Fischer - Inception
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(Coming soon)
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Jim - The Delinquent Season
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(Coming soon)
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Lenny Miller - ANNA
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(Coming soon)
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'While some films take their inspiration from fictional sources, "Oppenheimer," naturally, is based on the true story of J. Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy), father of the nuclear bomb. This version of Oppenheimer's morally-complicated career takes its cues from the Pulitzer Prize-winning biography "American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer," written by Martin J. Sherwin and Kai Bird, which served as the basis for the film's script. But it turns out that the idea to fictionalize Oppenheimer's life occurred to director Christopher Nolan thanks to actor Robert Pattinson.
Speaking to The Playlist in July 2023, Nolan described becoming more and more interested in the subject while working on his 2020 film "Tenet." Then one of his stars presented him with a memorable gift when the movie completed shooting. "Rob Pattinson, who's in 'Tenet,' gave me a book of Oppenheimer speeches as a wrap gift on 'Tenet.' And in reading those speeches from the 1950s where you see the scientists trying to deal with the consequences, the terrifying consequences, of what they've done, that sort of took me further down the path," Nolan shared.
Nolan further explained that he later came across "American Prometheus," which further solidified his idea for the film.
Sting also helped increase Christopher Nolan's awareness of Oppenheimer
Christopher Nolan's awareness of J. Robert Oppenheimer stems all the way back to his youth, per his interview with The Playlist. There, he admits that hearing the song "Russians" by Sting made him aware of the Cold War and Oppenheimer's impact on nuclear relations between world powers. "[Sting] referenced 'Oppenheimer's deadly toy.' It was something very much in all our minds and really infected me like so many people with a fear of nuclear Armageddon at that time," Nolan said, quoting Sting's lyrics to the tune.
But while all of these people managed to influence Nolan toward picking up, he says that while writing his scripts he doesn't imagine any one actor or any one performance while typing out each line. "I try to be disciplined and not write with actors in mind because if you're writing with an actor in mind, you're writing about something they've already done and you're never going to challenge them," admitted Nolan.
By the time he finished his script, though, he knew who to call. "When we finished, and there on my desk is this copy of 'American Prometheus' I've been staring at for months and months and months with this face looking up with this intense blue-eyed stern. And you sort of look at it and you think, 'I know who can do that. I know who can be that person,'" he said.
That line of thinking lead him to Cillian Murphy. And his performance — among many other things — will stun audiences watching "Oppenheimer" when it opens on July 21.'
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blanketforcas · 2 years
♡ Destiel fic recs ♡
Here's some fics I adored, sorted by trope/tag, each with a little chaotic description I found in my notes
Fake dating
The Full Experience by nickelmd  (M, 30K)
Dolphins!!! It’ll make sense. Also: funny and very in character imo. really well written. possibly my favorite fic
Shifting Stories by MalMuses (T, 6K)
Changing channels style but with fairy tales! (and I’m not a big fan of fairy tales but this is cute) It has some very soft moments :)
Nothing Is Left of My Voice in My Mouth by Iphys (E, 1K)
Lots of yearning, very personal, *love* the tone of this
Stupid with a Flare Gun by remmyme (E, 4K)
Very descriptive (in a good way), you’re immediately pulled in
The Gift by anyrei (E, 4K)
Cas is shy but also honest and it’s a sight to behold. (dean speech bubble)
Castiel can hear longing
Get Out of My Head by taylortheclown (E, 8K)
Great build-up. Very horny (that seems to be all I had written down in my notes lol, I promise it’s a great fic)
Spells & Enchantments
Castiel, Arachnid of the Lord by superhoney (T, 9.5K)
Yes, Cas got turned into a spider. It’s really adorable, I loved it. Has some really GREAT lines. (If you know me, I probably recommended this to you already)
He Doesn't Know What It Means (But I'd Run My Fingers Through Your Hair) by 60r3d0m (M, 3.4K)
Gotta love Dean being sincere. It’s a bit angsty, there’s longing, it’s great. Normally amnesia fic isn’t my cup of tea but this was amazing
There was only one bed
Touch and Go by VioletHaze (E, 2,5K)
The writer manages to capture a very specific mood/vibe. Felt like watching a short film.
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therealmilfdennys · 2 years
SFW and NSFW headcanons for the ST boys I write for lol
I want! To do one of these for everyone I write for but this is fresh on my mind so it's first lol. Eddie, Billy, and Steve are included. I wanted to post this before some of my asks so you know what you're getting lol. Anyway! CW: Feminization, trauma mention, nightmares, scars, and season 3 spoilers, cockwarming, crying, panty stealing, exhibitionism sort of, billy's mommy issues, more crying, let men bottom. Written with top!reader in mind, mostly gender-neutral but AFAB based (I write what I know) if there's more Please let me know.
Steve Harrington SFW 
He hates being alone in that big house, so hes either holding you hostage or he’s always at yours. 
Says he HATES spending time with the kids but is the first to defend them in any situation, even if You have something negative to say about them.
I think the whole ‘six nuggets’ speech was WAY out of character but like, I think Steve deserves ONE baby as a treat. Or maybe he’s the honorary uncle to one of Nancy’s kids lol. He’d be a sick ass uncle.
He Does in fact love PDA, he’s a touchy feely guy (post season one, at least Genuinely) 
His love language is physical touch(receiving) and gift giving(giving). HIs parents were always trying to ‘make up’ for not being there with gifts (the BMW was from the Florence trip, two whole months by himself with little to no contact.)
He really likes movie dates, be it renting a tape and staying at his or yours OR going out and catching one at the theater. He got weirdly into film after working at Family Video.
His favorite candy is anything banana flavored (laffy taffy is the top spot).
He likes pepsi over coke and Is pretentious about it. 
I ama  firm believer that he has a full skin/hair/night/morning routine that he is ADAMANT about. HE has a toiletry bag bigger than his overnight bag that he carries his “essentials” in if he stays over at yours/Eddie’s. 
Speaking of Eddie they got weirdly close after the whole Vecna thing so if you’re dating Steve congrats you have a a new bestie :) Eddie will offer you joints you do Not have to accept. 
Steve is a fan of thicker people I’m sorry I dont make the rules. They all are but Speficially Steve and Billy lol. 
He gets really bad nightmares about the demogorgons sometimes, sleeps with the bat next to him most nights. “Just in case, babe. Can’t be too careful.”  
Was a bug kid, and WAS friends with Eddie in elementary school I will die on this hill. They used to make bug palaces on the playground someone please ask e about this for the love of fuc-
HIs favorite book is The Outsiders :) He doesn’t and didn’t read a lot but that is one of the few books that can grab his attention and keep it. Got very excited when the movie came out and it is one of his favorites :)
First guy crush was Rob Lowe he “Just thought he was badass.” uhhh okay Stevie we get it.
Boyfriend Material to a fucking T. You need someone to help grocery shop? He’s there. Help move furniture? He’s there? Sad? He’s there and he’s making stupid jokes and calling you pretty and kissing your eyelids. 
He lets you wear his clothes and encourages it. Will have a fashion show with your clothes to make you feel better about it if you’re insecure. 
Firmly believe there isn’t a mean bone in this mans body. He couldn’t bully you into submission if he wanted to he’d feel too bad.
He’s a simp to the bone. All you have to do is put on the puppy eyes and the “Please Stevie?” And he melts.
I’d call him the pussy eating king but Eddie Munson holds that title so Steve is the Pussy Eating Prince? 
I don’t think he’s a dom by any means, but I DO think he’d be a service top. 
“Baby cum for me please? Wanna feel it. Need to see you cum, look so pretty when you do.” and “So fuckin’ tight, so wet and pretty and perfect. Doin’ so good for me.”
Praise!! Kink!!! Both giving and receiving! Pull on his hair and call him a good boy and he’ll whimper so pretty. 
Big Dick. I don’t remember where I read the headcanon that Steve has a huge dick but i fuckin ran with it so now he does :). Its pretty too. 
He likes slow and sleepy sex over anything else. The sex where you guys are like, trying to fuck but end up just cuddling and kinda grinding against eachother? *chef’s kiss*
Big fan of cockwarming :) sometimes he’s just so needy and you’re busy with work stuff, or college stuff or you’re just reading and he’s all 
“Can I please just put it in? Don’t even have to move, jus’ wanna be close baby.” 
He’s shit at dirty talk but he tries okay?
“Steve we talked about the shitty porn dialouge baby.” “Yeah, yeah sorry.” 
BIg fan of giggling during sex? He just thinks you’re so pretty and he gets these big goofy smiles that are all teeth and yeah. 
When he cums he’s loud as fuck. He’s vocal in general but he gets LOUD when he’s close. He whines and whimpers and huffs out these little moans. HIs tummy gets all tense and his hips jerk and he’s trying so hard not to cry out and beg. 
“Gun’ cum baby, please? Guna’cum for’ya please.” 
Tears up if its really good or if you edged him lol. 
All in All a nice guy to fuck and Date i wont him. 
Eddie Munson SFW :)
Will make you a mixtape way before you start dating and if you listen hard enough that was his original confession. 
He likes to make NPC's in his campaigns based off of you :) whether they be random passerby or main baddies. 
Doesnt matter what shape, size, gender, ethnicity, race anything. If Eddie falls for you? He's All In. He loves HARD and he doesnt give a shit about consequences. 
His queer awakening was Slash lol
Probably autistic, but its the 80's and its rural Indiana so. No Outlet for that. 
His best friend is 100% Dustin they hang out regularly. He's trying (slowly hut surely) to teach Dustin some guitar stuff. 
Eddies idea of a date is driving out to empty fields in the van with some burgers and a joint or two and stargazing. He knows a lot about astrology and definitely shows off his knowledge. 
He's a cuddle bug. Leeches your warmth in the winter and sticks to your sweaty skin during the summer. If he's not sleeping flush against you hes whiney as fuck. 
He likes to wrap his arms around you from the back when you guys are just standin' places. He's a lil lanky so he just kinda curls himself around you, no matter if you're taller or shorter than him. 
he likes to call you "your majesty" a lot, and not in a condescending way. 
"you're royalty babydoll, should be treated that way" hands you a rock he thought you'd like.
hes very much the 'crow friend' if you've seen those tiktoks?
keeps a box of shiny stuff, fancy rocks, funky sticks, jars, and weird shit he found that he likes to show you sometimes and give you if he thinks you'll like it. 
very sensitive to rejection, has attachment issues. 
his parents left when they realized he was getting caught too often doing illegal shit for them so they dipped and he took it to heart. 
still convinced Wayne thinks he's a burden
please kiss his cheeks and play with his hair and call him pretty he blushes so nice. 
he gets freckles during the summer and a REALLY nice tan if hes out enough. 
never learned how to swim correctly, is self taught. 
used to chew on his hair and still does if he's Very upset or close to a meltdown. 
umm bottom lol sorry
or a pushover service top
i cannot see him as a massive sadist it doesnt fit im sorry
likes to dress up sometimes :) likes feeling pretty and dainty 
he just hangs around naked sometimes? he seems the type to me?
eats pussy for HIS pleasure and will go till he gets lockjaw and THEN some. 
the one on this list who Knows how to make AFABs squirt. and is PROUD of it. 
is actually very shy? knows people dont like him usually and is worried its a prank. 
wants his ass ate sorry not sorry it had to be said. he thinks it would feel fucking amazing and he deserves it. 
he LOVES being ridden, titties bouncin' in his face, tummy jigglin' for him to grab onto. he fuckin ADORES it. 
hes GRABBY. he grabs at your ass, hips, thighs, stomach, shoulders. Anything He Can. he just gets so needy 
he begs so pretty. loves being overstimulated and gets shakey after his first orgasm but wont stop you till hes cumming dry. 
"cm-cmon..can…i can c-cum again bab-baby i can. puh-puh-promise i can." 
LOVES when you baby talk him but like, in a condescending way? 
"oh sweet thing :( just gotta cum so bad huh? couldnt wait could you, just had to act like a needy slut, yeah?" "mhm, mhm, needy..needed it, so bad. so bad." 
drools lol hes like A Dog. his legs get shakey and his head rolls and he grins like a maniac and theres spit dripping down his chin and im <3
loves to finger you, anywhere, really. and loves when you just shove a hand down his pants and jack him off. 
the kinda guy who would refer to your pussy as "his girl" 
He’s a fuckin perv. Steals your undies and has a stash of them for ‘safe keeping’. Porn mags out the ass. Normal ole teenage boy stuff lol. 
he'd let you use his dick as a stim toy /hj
Billy Hargrove SFW
Boy is an ASSHOLE okay? lives to bully and tease you at first (and even after you're dating but then its affectionate) 
He has a lot of resentment towards positive female/female presenting roles in his life because of his mom i think? and he REALLY has to work on that shit, and if you have the heart to help him with that you're a saint. 
I think the best approach would be to help him from outside. Let him do some introspective shit and just kinda. Guide him. 
Okay so he knows hes a dick, hes trying to get better this is prime, please ask HIM out time. 
He will get so incredibly flustered if you ask him out on a date or something he wont know what to do. 
Hes used to being the flashy one. The Stud. the Untouchable. A Lot of internalzed homophobia in this bad boy. Toxic Masculinity ftw
After the Mindflayer he is a Lot different and i really want to write my specific headcanons and ideas on how he survived/what happened after lol
Hes more subdued, he's quiter, he doesnt lash out as much. He's still, ragey, obviously but its toned down a lot. 
He's not quite as outgoing either, which Max helps a lot with. They get close. 
You and him get closer too. 
I think you guys start as FWB and escalate from there because what ELSE would happen with Billy Hargrove. 
Uhhh he secretly likes rom coms sorry not sorry. 
He LOVES sixteen candles its one of his favorites. 
his queer awakening was :) tom cruise in top gun, that basic bitch. 
he likes when you call him baby/baby boy a LOT. 
he gets FRECKLED in the summer. He tans so pretty and he gets a nice little flush/sunburn on his cheeks and ears that makes him glow. He really thrives in the summer. 
City Boy. Has never seen a cow irl until Hawkins and is terrified of them, please show him they are gentle giants. 
He likes to go to drive ins (and make out) for dates before the mindflayer. He still likes to do that AFTER the mindflayer but hes much more a homebody now so he really likes napping together. 
calls you bitch but affectionately. 
is an AVID reader actually? i love the headcanon that Billy is Wicked smart so i like to think he reads alot. 
he likes period romances (jane austen is his GIRL)
he thinks cooking together is the height of domesticity and at first it freaked him tf out how much he liked doing it with you. now he eases into so quickly its a little funny. 
feral mountain lion turned a little less feral house cat energy.
likes when you call him Bills :)
Likes to walk with his hand in your back pocket and yours in his. 
So at first, he's hyper-dominant. Won't let you even Ride him. He's in his head about it 100% he doesnt want you to think he's weak. Men dont take it like that. 
He soon learns you VERY much like it when he's crying for you  
Hes a power bottom i wont take arguments. 
He's also a fuckin BRAT. Needs you to put him in his place but Gently. Needs a firm hand but do Not raise your voice at him or he shuts down. 
It takes a while before he trusts you enough to let you see this side of him and you need to respect that. He will come to you when he's ready. 
He knows hes pretty and he uses it against you. Flutters his eyelashes and smiles all pretty and puffs his chest out. Lays himself out to make himself real pretty. 
Praise tf out of him please he'll cry. 
"Oh pretty baby, you're doin' so good :) such a perfect boy for me. feel so good in me handsome." He's tearing up and nodding so hard. 
"Yeah. Yeah m'good. M'good boy. Doin' good." Under his breath with his eyes squeezed shut, white knuckling the sheets. 
Needs a lot of reassurance that you're feeling good. He spent a lot of time not really giving a shit if the girls he was with got off so with you? He's constantly. "Is that right? That feel good? Want more?" He wants to be perfect for you. 
Sometimes, after the nightmares are getting worse and he's so sleep-deprived he's cross eyed and he can't really think he needs you to take him apart and he goes so willingly.
He gets whimpery and almost immediately oversensitive. Like his cock is a livewire. His fingers and lips tremble and he's trying so hard to keep his eyes on you, to be a good boy. He goes pliant and soft and gets this silly little smile on his face. Eyes hazy and wet. He hums and nods and lets you do whatever. He knows he's safe. 
The scars ARE sensitive lol you heard it here folks. 
He doesnt fuck you with the lights on or fully naked for almost a year after he's fully healed. 
He rubs vitamin E oil and scar softner into the skin where he was attacked twice a day, every day, for a year before you get to see them. 
He breaks down when you call them pretty :) 
And you BETTER think he's still handsome or i'll find you istg /hj
Uhh, this may be a personal want of mine or a real headcanon but I think he would like to try makeup? Like a full glam rock, smokey eye red lip whole shebang. 
Fuck him so good his mascara runs. 
Prolly has a mommy kink but i’m not brave enough to write that (unless…)/hj
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perpetual-stories · 3 years
Dive in Deeper: Irony
Hey, hey! Happy Monday! Hopefully everyone had a wonderful weekend and we’re all ready to tackle the week as strong people!
Sometimes, I forget If I’ve quickly covered something on this blog before.. I feel like I’ve done irony before but it’s probably me just imagining…
Let’s begin!
What is Irony?
The definition of irony as a literary device is a situation in which there is a contrast between expectation and reality
For example, the difference between what something appears to mean versus its literal meaning.
Irony is associated with both tragedy and humor.
What Are the Main Types of Irony?
Dramatic Irony: Also known as tragic irony, this is when a writer lets their reader know something that a character does not. In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, each young lover takes the poison, thinking the other is already dead—the dramatic irony comes from the audience wanting them to know the whole story before taking this final action. Similarly, in Shakespeare’s Othello, Othello trusts Iago—but the audience knows better.
Comic irony. This is when irony is used to comedic effect—such as in satire. Jane Austen was a master of irony and dialogue. Her preoccupation with social divisions, and the witty and insightful tone with which she revealed hypocrisy and parodied people contributed heavily to her voice. Austen opens Pride and Prejudice with a famous line implying that men are the ones who hunt for a wife; however, she makes it clear throughout the narrative that it is actually the other way around.
Situational Irony. This is at play when an expected outcome is subverted. For example, in O. Henry’s classic tale, The Gift of the Magi, a wife cuts off her long hair to sell it in order to buy her husband a chain for his prized watch. Meanwhile, the husband has sold his watch in order to buy his wife a comb for her hair. The situational irony comes from each person not expecting to have their gift be undercut by the other’s actions.
Verbal irony. This is a statement in which the speaker means something very different from what he or she is saying. Think of the knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail: with both his arms sliced off, he says, nonchalantly: “It’s just a flesh wound.” He is ironically (and comically) underplaying the severity of his injury.
What Is the Difference Between Irony and Sarcasm?
Sarcasm is a conversational device characterized by saying the opposite of what one means.
The key difference between irony and sarcasm is that sarcasm characterizes someone’s speech. Irony can additionally describe situations or circumstances. There are some cases in which someone could say something that is considered both ironic and sarcastic, but sarcasm is not a literary device.
Five Tips For Writing Irony
Pay attention. As you read and watch movies, think critically about what is ironic, and why. For example, in the film The Wizard of Oz, the great and powerful Oz turns out to be just a regular man, while Dorothy, who has been desperately seeking his help so that she can get home, has had the power to return home all along. Think about ways in which you can incorporate situations like this into your writing, where you subvert the expectations of your characters, your readers—or both.
Use an omniscient point of view. Many novels written in the nineteenth century are told from an omniscient point of view. When a reader knows more than the character, as in Bram Stoker's Dracula, it generates suspense, because your reader waits for the character to learn what they already know. But you might want to invert that balance of knowledge and make the narrator a character in the story that knows more than the reader. Agatha Christie used this first-person strategy to create narrative irony.
Have a clear point of view strategy. Point of view strategy is deeply bound up with what story you want to tell and will guide how that story unspools. No matter where you are in the drafting process, devote some time to thinking through the risks and rewards of different point-of-view strategies and consider who in your story may be best suited to hold the narrative reins.
Use the “meanwhile” device. If you are using an omniscient narrative point of view strategy, your narrator may recount a parallel event happening simultaneously in another place using the “meanwhile” device (e.g., “Meanwhile, across town...”). Because this device lets the reader in on happenings that one character has no knowledge of, it is a great tool for generating dramatic irony.
Use a flashback sequence. When your narrative or characters recall a long memory from a time before the story began, you may want to pull the reader back into a past scene. This is called a flashback. It important to mark the beginning and end of a flashback to make your time jumps clear to the reader, which you can do using past perfect tense to introduce the change—e.g. “he had gone to the marina.” Past perfect tense uses the verb “to have” with the past participle of another verb (in this case “gone”). After a few lines of this, transition into simple past tense—e.g. “he climbed onto the boat.” Generally speaking, using past perfect for a long section of text is jarring for most readers. It’s enough to use it only at the start of the flashback before switching to simple past tense. At the flashback’s end, use a reminder that the reader is back in the current scene.
There you have it! Please reblog, like and comment if you find these helpful!
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Hi, Adrien is handed things on a silver platter whereas Marinette has to work for them.
First thing’s first is just the concept of the love square. Chat Noir gets to interact with Ladybug no matter what because they’re heroes. Ladybug - who carries the weight and responsibility of heroism without getting benefited from it - is required to go to every battle due to her purification ability, and Chat Noir of course is going to show up because he loves both flirting with Ladybug and the freedom of being a superhero.
In addition, Adrien got his miraculous by helping Master Fu up (something that would be expected out of any semi-decent person; by the way, yes, I know the “””significance””” of the action, and it’s silly), whereas Marinette saved him from being hit by a car.
Adrien was allowed back in school with still no explanation from Gabriel (especially since he’s Hawk Moth) as to why he thought it was a good idea to send his son to a school where the very first akumatization had happened. It was Adrien’s goal for the episode alongside making friends, and Nino offered him friendship out of pity when Adrien sulked about how Chloe was the closest thing to a friend he had.
Chat crushes on Ladybug because she stood up to Hawk Moth in a speech dripping with confidence, caught what seemed like hundreds of akuma, and came up with a plan quick enough to save Mylene and Ivan from falling to their deaths from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Marinette (who Chat fell in love with one side of first, mind you, so already this is to his benefit), meanwhile, crushes on Adrien because the narrative gave her a falsehood about him never having any friends (i.e: no Chloe) and he gave her an umbrella while he was ten meters away from his actual ride (like with Fu, again, any decent person--).
Chat’s crush on Ladybug makes things harder for her because it causes him to throw tantrums mid-battle, get distracted and distract her because he’s busy flirting, all of which make her feel guilty for not returning his feelings. Marinette’s crush on Adrien makes things hard for her again because it causes her to embarrass herself while virtually everyone who knows teases/mocks her for it, their opinions of her even being dragged down due to the crush (see Alya with the Lila situation).
Chat is shipped with Ladybug by Parisians everywhere and Alya delighted in taking a picture of them kissing (that got posted on the Ladyblog without Ladybug’s consent). Likewise, the other LadyNoir kiss (that Ladybug had to do to free Chat from Dark Cupid’s control) was shown on live TV for all watching to see. Marinette’s kisses with Adrien, however, were either wiped from the timeline (in which Adrien got to keep a secret from her so he could date “””Ladybug”””) or used to humiliate her because Adrien was attempting a prank.
Ladybug realizes that Chat is in serious about her, not because he told her himself, but because he relayed it to Marinette who happened to be Ladybug. Marinette, on the other hand, has spent 3+ seasons attempting to confess her feelings to Adrien or make advances on him, all of which ended in some form of failure and some of which through no fault of her own.
Chloe shoved her in “Bubbler” (Adrien didn’t even check on her) and then Nathalie crushed the note she’d written on a scarf that Marinette put tons of time and effort into, leading to Adrien thinking it was from his dad.
“Copycat” was accidental and came on too strong, requiring its deletion.
She got distracted by Alya and forgot to write her name in “Dark Cupid,” her letter only further solidifying Chat’s crush on Ladybug.
She kept getting interrupted in “Gamer” after Alya chided her for using the event to get with Adrien (despite Alya doing the same thing for Marinette during the film in “Horrificator” while Mylene was MIA).
She wasn’t able to tell Adrien about Lila’s thievery in “Volpina” because the grimoire had to remain a secret.
The hat in “A Christmas Special” got given away within minutes and then not even brought back on-screen by Miraculous Ladybug (Adrien never even thanked Marinette personally for it).
Kagami came out of nowhere to take the fencing spot in “Riposte.”
Deciding not to make schemes only led to her embarrassment in “Gigantitan.”
She got made fun of and the notes all conveniently looked the same in “Backwarder,” leading to her mixing them up.
The macaron for Adrien (that Marinette would prepare every week) never got eaten by him and ended up causing the akuma after Chloe had emotionally manipulated Marinette into scheming with her.
Practicing on a statue (as per Tikki’s advice) in “The Puppeteer 2″ humiliated her when Adrien revealed himself as the statue.
She was embarrassed during the party in “Party Crasher” because she was pressured into dancing without her consent.
The timeline had to be reset in “Chat Blanc” and she had to lie to her friends that she hadn’t given Adrien the gift even though she’d actually succeeded, while the hat she made just for Adrien got written off as a gift from a random fan (which is an even worse fate than the scarf).
The confession in “Felix” was deleted by Felix himself before Adrien could see it.
And Adrien, meanwhile? Ohhhh boy, lemme tell you about Adrien.
He gets put into suggestive/close positions with Ladybug on many, many occasions, all for “free.”
He got a kiss from Ladybug in “Dark Cupid” that, remember, got photographed and put on live TV.
He got to goad the audience without consequence about he and Ladybug potentially being in a relationship eventually - gaining the knowledge that all of Paris was invested in LadyNoir to thoroughly stroke his ego - and then Ladybug had to act like they were a couple in “Prime Queen” to the point of holding Chat’s hand and saying that they were in love.
Likewise, “Glaciator” featured Ladybug having to act like a couple with him again, now to the point of kissing his cheek, and then Chat got a blush from her after he’d spent a good chunk of the akuma battle pouting that Ladybug didn’t come to the date he set up (that she hadn’t even known was a date because he purposefully withheld that information) despite her telling him that she’d have to see about it because she had plans.
He was reassured in “Anansi” on being “irreplaceable” after he made an unnecessary comment about being replaced by a turtle (Carapace).
He got to carry Ladybug around bridal style and also save her in “Sandboy” and “Reverser” respectively because she was rendered essentially useless without him, then got to save her again in “Frozer” after giving her the cold shoulder for rejecting his feelings.
He’s the one who got told by Marinette’s own parent not to apologize for how he feels in “Weredad” (note that Marinette herself never got this talk from Sabine, nor Tom, which very much could’ve prevented “Crocoduel”).
He got a cheek kiss from Ladybug in “Desperada” after getting to undo the very-much-against-the-rules identity reveal he made to her via Second Chance.
He got to look good in “Gamer 2.0″ when Ladybug was seeking advice from him despite the fact that her and Chat’s situations hero-wise are absolutely, completely, 100% different and he didn’t even try to take that into account.
He got Ladybug resting her head on his shoulder because of what she saw in a deleted time in which he - unbeknownst to her - lied by omission.
A fake Ladybug tried to kiss him on two separate occasions, “The Puppeteer 2″ and “Ladybug,” much to his delight (something to note is that the fake Adrien who went after Ladybug in both “Chameleon” and “Felix” tried to force themselves on her).
He got the “jealousy” moment from Ladybug in “Heart Hunter” and then a hug from Aquabug in “Miracle Queen.”
He received no repercussions for taking Ladybug out on a date (that she wasn’t aware was going to be a date) in “Gang of Secrets,” at best having to apologize for her behavior to the people around them.
He got reassured that Ladybug “couldn’t do this without him” in “Guiltrip,” even to the point of being told that she “probably doesn’t tell him enough.”
He got told by Ladybug that she would never abandon him in “Hack-San” because he was guilting her sulking about how his not knowing her identity would mean that he’d never see her again if she left him somehow.
And before you think this only extends to the romantic aspects of love square, let me tell you now that it definitely doesn’t.
Marinette entered the bowler hat competition and had to defend her own work to the judge.
She ran for class representative and had to earn the trust and faith of her class in “Darkblade” when put up against Chloe’s bribery.
She did whatever she could to make sure Juleka got her picture taken in “Reflekta.”
She had to actually craft a pair of glasses suitable for Jagged Stone in “Pixelator” and then make a gorgeous album cover for him in “Guitar Villain.” (note that this partially led to “Troublemaker” where she was just happily wanting to advertise her parents’ business, and the writers multiplied her Adrien pictures for the sake humiliating her when it was caught on live TV)
She had to work to get ungrounded by improving her attendance in “Simon Says,” because she had been busy being a hero.
She worked to try and get Nathaniel and Marc to get together on a project, knowing it would be good for both of them.
She set up an entire celebration for her bully to try and make said bully feel good about herself in “Malediktator.”
She did Kitty Section’s designs and costumes in “Silencer” and then had to go protect them from being stolen, along with her friends’ music.
She had to wear multiple miraculouses in “Kwamibuster” in order to go against Kwamibuster and get back both the ladybug earrings and the cat ring.
“Gamer 2.0.” Just... “Gamer 2.0.″
She made a whole complex lockbox to protect the Miracle Box in “Gang of Secrets.”
She worked to reach out to Zoe in “Sole Crusher” even after Zoe trashed her in front of the school, going as far as to try and comfort Zoe’s akumatized form.
She had to stand up for the movie to be fixed in “Queen Banana” because no one else would.
She has to work each and every akuma battle as Ladybug, figuring out Lucky Charms that can range from simple to complicated, while simultaneously dealing with a partner who relies heavily on her plans and will occasionally make things harder by either throwing tantrums mid-battle or distracting her.
And meanwhile...
Chat Noir got to throw the blame onto Ladybug for Theo’s akumatization in “Copycat.”
Marinette covered for him in “The Collector” when he was the one who recklessly lost the grimoire by not being careful with it.
He got handed Fu’s identity in “Syren” after whining to Ladybug, throwing blame on her and trying to bribe Plagg so they’d tell him, threatening to quit while Paris was underwater, and all of this while Marinette herself only got to meet Fu because she had the grimoire on her.
He was given the moral high ground in “Malediktator” despite not having to actually care about Chloe enough to call/check on her.
He got to sit back in “Chameleon” and not concern himself with judgment or comment on the situation with Lila, even going into “Ladybug” where he continues to inform no one about Lila (including Marinette, who briefly believed that Lila came to her senses and was willing to make amends) after Lila got Marinette expelled, despite the complete lack of risk on his part considering who his father is and how harshly Lila would be dragged through the mud if she dared to trash his reputation.
He clumsily trips in “Captain Hardrock” in a fashion that reveals an instrument he happens to play, leading to him getting invited to join Kitty Section within seconds of being on the Liberty. (so when Adrien is clumsy, it’s to his benefit, and when Marinette is clumsy, it’s to her detriment)
He never got called out for distracting Ladybug and digging for details that could relate to her identity in “Kwamibuster” (which, again, forced Marinette to do all the work to fix things).
He got a party thrown for him in “Party Crasher” by Nino, and also guys that Adrien had never put forth effort into interacting with or befriending (Marinette had also been through more with all of them sans Nino).
He got to force Ladybug’s favorite traits of his out of her in “Truth” because she was under the influence of Truth’s powers.
He got off the hook for sacrificing himself in “Lies” by flirting about Ladybug’s “irresistible angry little pout,” and also never got repercussions for flirting with another girl while dating Kagami.
He never had to face consequences for smashing a chimney in “Sentibubbler,” even as he was dismissing the gesture because he knew Miraculous Ladybug would fix it.
He didn’t have to apologize for his behavior in “Hack-San,” whereas Ladybug "had to” for telling someone else her identity (the details of why - i.e: that she was having a mental breakdown and needed a release from it - being completely left out) and not telling him that she was leaving (when she literally hadn’t had time to tell him anything; do note as well that Adrien didn’t have to do the same in either “Backwarder” or “Startrain”).
He received no consequences and was in fact rewarded for allowing the akuma in “Wishmaker” to hit him, a choice that Viperion has to live with because it caused him to see both Ladybug and Chat’s identities (meaning now Luka - someone who, like the guys in “Party Crasher” - Adrien has done virtually nothing for - can support Adrien since he knows).
And I could go on, I really could, but my point is that Adrien is given all of the sympathy and sad points while Marinette basically never is. Just like how he was born swimming in money, fame, and adoring fans, the show hands out praises and all the things he’s ever wanted because he’s sad.
He doesn’t have to try. He can whine and complain and vent to Plagg about how “replaceable” he is because the show will mollycoddle him to the moon and back. They’ll put his crush on Ladybug’s shoulders to make her feel guilty while Marinette is over here having to bust her butt just for a chance at Adrien recognizing any semblance of her feelings, and he goes on being blissfully ignorant of them so he doesn’t have to suffer like Ladybug does.
In addition, Marinette has to either be “““making mistakes”““ or embarrassing herself in order to get screen time because the burden of lessons fails upon her, whereas Adrien can be name-dropped without even doing anything.
It’s not just the love square that’s unbalanced, it’s everything between these two. Ladybug is scolded and punished for the slightest act of selfishness while Adrien is encouraged and rewarded for being selfish and demanding things. Marinette has to work to be noticed (and sometimes won’t even get that much) while all Adrien has to do is put on his best sad face and the show will bend over backwards to either give him exactly what he wants or make him the sympathetic one through the narrative.
Even if Adrien had known about Marinette’s crush at the time that Ladybug knew about Chat’s, it wouldn’t matter, because the tipped scales in how they’re treated would still make it so Marinette is the one at fault for “dumping her feelings onto Adrien” while Ladybug is still forced to interact with Chat even if his advances make her uncomfortable.
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quivvyintheclouds · 3 years
Riding The Craziest Roller Coaster In England
Pairing: cc!Tommy & cc!Reader (gn) Tags: neutral/fluff, roller coasters, theme parks, reckless reader, tommy is an awesome best friend, tommy is the loudest mf ever, but so is y/n, 2nd pov Summary:
"Come on, Tommy, do it for the ladies!" You dragged Tommy towards the line for the Smiler. Regret was written all over Tommy's face as he heard the shouts of the people of the roller coaster, "I don't know Y/N, this seems like a bad idea." "Don't be a pussy! We'll be fine." "You were right, this was a bad idea. We should not have ridden this." "Well, it's too fucking late for that."
Word Count: 676 Warnings: cursing, roller coaster rides, vomit
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hello! literally all of tommy's vlogs are my comfort vids so i decided i had to write a fic inspired by one of them! this was also written for @sabinanotfound's 700 celebration
Prompt: visiting an amusement park and going on all the fun rides
inspired by:
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There was a reason you and Tommy were best friends: the two of you were loud as fuck.
Screaming matches, petty arguments, and even just normal conversations- you guys were deafening. If you had a pound for every time you guys have been kicked out of somewhere, you’d be able to buy a nice dinner for the both of you.
Whatever made the universe decide to let two nauseatingly loud teenagers go to an amusement park, you couldn’t figure out.
As soon as you arrived at Alton Towers, you guys were yelling about all the rides and booths you were going to go to. The gift shop employees looked irritated by the noise but didn’t seem to care enough to tell you to lower your volume.
First, you went on a couple of roller coasters- nothing too scary.
Next, you rode the Blade- it messed up your insides but you were raring for more nonetheless.
After that Tommy tried his hand at the claw machines (and won nothing, though that wasn’t much of a surprise). You treated him to a few buckets of cotton candy to make up for his loss.
Then, you saw the Smiler. Fourteen inversions and a shit ton of blinding visuals; there was no way you weren’t getting on that ride.
"Come on, Tommy, do it for the ladies!" You dragged Tommy towards the line for the Smiler.
Regret was written all over Tommy's face as he heard the shouts of the people on the roller coaster, "I don't know Y/N, this seems like a bad idea."
"Don't be a pussy, we'll be fine!"
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"You were right, this was a bad idea. We should not have ridden this." You and Tommy were seated at the very front of the cart, already locked in by the over-the-shoulder harness.
"Yeah, well,” Tommy had shut his eyes, pouting ever so slightly, “it's too fucking late for that."
The crew finished off their safety speech, slyly wishing all the passengers good luck. The ride jolted to a start, and you screamed terribly loud.
“Y/N the ride has barely even started yet, what are you screaming for?”
“You’re one to talk! You nearly pissed your pants just watching the ride from where we stood in li- FUUUUUCKKKKK.” The cart immediately dove, catching you and Tommy off-guard.
The two of you alternated among 7 different cuss words throughout the ride, shouting I’m not a pussy! The parents who were seated near you gave dirty looks, but, let's be real, when did they not?
Towards the end, you felt dizzy from all the twists and turns combined with the flashing lights. When the harnesses were lifted and you were free to leave the ride, you ran straight out and looked for the nearest garbage can. You bent over it, vomiting your guts out.
“That’s fucking disgusting, Y/N.” Tommy filmed you with a sickened expression, one hand holding his phone, the other holding your belongings.
You lifted your head, your eyes red and watery. Tommy laughed at how you looked and shoved your things back into your arms, at the same time pocketing his phone.
“I have to start thinking about the consequences to my decisions, man.” You wiped your mouth with a wet wipe, walking with Tommy to find yet another ride to go on.
“Yeah, man, you should. You’re so reckless sometimes, but honestly, it’s hilarious.” He popped some cotton candy into his mouth, holding the bucket out for you to get some. You grabbed a handful and ate it all in one go, a satisfied smile appearing on your face.
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As you sat on the train home, you rested your head on Tommy’s shoulder, tired from the day’s events.
You were glad you had a best friend like Tommy; he matched your energy and never got tired of you, no matter how outgoing and spontaneous you were. He was the perfect person to go to the amusement park with.
Riding the craziest roller coaster in England with him sure was an unforgettable experience.
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this was really fun to write and i sincerely hope you enjoyed this! feel free to make a req, and if you're interested in joining my taglist, don't hesitate to message/send an ask!
reblogs are very appreciated<3
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orphicrose · 3 years
The Only One
Rick x Reader Fanfiction
Summary : life is strange in the rick and morty universe, as we all know. But things get just that little bit weirder when Rick meets you. Something seems oddly familiar with you, but for once In his life he has no idea why. So he searches from reality to reality to try and see if he had met another version of you, only to realise there where none. You where the only one. That’s when it finally hit him…
This is inspired by a song from Rick and morty that I think is beautiful https://youtu.be/epiOcz3HXNo
I accidentally got carried away and wrote too much, so I will probably just do a part 2 so it’s not to much to read if anyone is interested <3
Humans are such fragile creatures, always have been and always will be. You knew that, but you refused to surrender down to it. Not wanting to be included In whatever earth had to offer, so you ran away. And not like how a silly fourteen years old runs away from home, Hah… no.
You left the fucking planet, not leaving behind a single trail or speck of dust for someone to follow you with. Your intelligence and ambition was all you needed to carry yourself through life. Travelling the infinite void of space, soon making a name for yourself. For good and for bad. An ordinary person couldnt even dream nor comprehend the things you’ve experienced or seen. And that’s just how you liked it. Being different. It was truly a gift to be intelligent.
And then there was rick, high IQ and normally not happy about it. Seeing his intelligence as a curse. Rick hadn’t seen it all, it was impossible, but he thought he had seen enough to make a valid opinion on life.
It’s pointless.
Such a bitter man with a bitter view on everything, including himself. You see, when you have an overwhelming amount of knowledge weighing down on your mind, you can go two ways. The first being ricks way, not caring about anything since he has seen how big the universe is and doesn’t see a point.
Then there’s your way, feeling blessed to be able to see things that no one else can, and finding a new reason to live every single day.
You two where polar opposites, but also the same. You where both alone in a universe you felt didn’t need you anymore.
The day both of your worlds collided should have been written down in the history books. It was the day both of your beliefs where almost questioned. Wondering whether fate really does exist.
Out of the many things you have done, you’ve never visited the same place twice. Making everyday an adventure, as much of a cliche as that sounds it’s true. Not only that, but you seem to have people after you almost everywhere. For your intelligence, or for revenge. But there is one particular spot you cannot get enough of. Finding yourself there when you lose yourself.
It’s an isolated planet in the middle of the andromeda galaxy. It’s a newly ‘emerging moon’ as you like to call it. In fact, you pretty much founded this planet, since its a recent creation. This also means there is no intelligent life yet evolved, so it is safe for you to do what you please.
You go there often, to watch the two suns set over its small horizon and the thousands of stars come into view. Giving you time to reflect on your life. To appreciate it, but not to regret anything. The stars are far to beautiful to bring your mind to anything negative. The planet itself seems to project the meaning of peace and tranquillity even without life. Maybe that’s why it’s so comforting.
Your thoughts where leaving your mind, as you held your eyes closed. Feeling the breeze brush through your hair gently. That beautiful, genuine smile found its way to your face without you noticing. You where to lost in the feeling of relaxation.
But that soon came to an end. That euphoric state was snapped out of you when you noticed a bright light coming towards you. Getting bigger and bigger in just seconds. Until it became more clear, it was a spacecraft of some sort. A poorly built one to say the least. You sat and watched, mesmerised, as the flames from the object slowly engulfed it. Burning in the atmosphere. Finally hitting the ground, you shook your head and sighed. Being brought back into reality.
The flames took a second to fade after the ship had crashed. And it was clearer to see, it was the stereotypical UFO. The type you’d see in cheesy ski-fi films. But it had encryptions written in English. Which was very unusual, especially for it to be in this part of the galaxy.
What was even stranger was that it didn’t have even the slightest burn mark to it’s metal. Your vision of it became clearer and clearer the closer you got, slowly creeping past the incredibly green trees towards it. But just before you got too close, a figure fell out of the vehicle. Swearing like a drunken sailor.
This is what really messed with you, it was a human. You gasped quietly, not being able to remember the last time you saw one. A mix of feelings rushed over you; confusion, fear, excitement? You couldn’t help but stare, his unique blue hair bounced as he picked himself up, not even bothering to dust off the dirt on his lab coat.
“Fuck! You fucking piece of shit spacecraft. You’ve really done it this time Rick you fucking…” he didn’t finish his sentence, as he kicked the lump of metal. Screaming at the top of his voice.
You caught a small glimpse of his face, and recognised him. But you weren’t sure where from. You had met millions of people over the years so he could really be anyone. But there was something so compelling about his character. Something that felt like you where being pushed towards him. Or pulled, by a red string perhaps. Something that was just telling you to interact with him.
You stayed hidden behind a rather tall tree, still collecting your thoughts and questioning whether you should help him. Rick had slumped himself against the ship, putting his hands to his face and grunting. Pausing his breakdown for a second to take a sip from his flask, then proceeding to carry on.
He stayed like this for a good few minutes, before you had decided to approach him. Your curiosity and questions where burning at the edge of your mind. You just had to investigate. Keeping a hand on your weapon tucked neatly in a pocket behind your back. You slowly walked towards him, not even being able to speak before he noticed you.
A gun had been pulled to you, aiming directly between your eyes
“What do you want? I’m not in the mood so just tell me in advance if I should shoot you or not..” his eyebrows furrowed, looking at the hand tucked behind your back.
You rolled your eyes, putting your hands up in surrender. Just how you remembered humans to be. Aggressive and impulsive.
“Calm down, I saw your ship crash. Thought you where in need of some assistance. And put that gun down, god…” to your surprise, he did. With a loud grunt he put his gun back into his pocket and turned away. Usually, he probably would’ve shot on site. And who’s to say he still won’t, but right in this moment he is too preoccupied to care.
“God doesn’t fucking exist…” he mumbled “and I definitely don’t need any assistance!”
You raised an eyebrow at him, watching him as he attempted to fix his broken ship. Opening the lid to the engine and being greeted by a storm of smoke. Now Seconds away from another breakdown.
“Are you… okay?” You hesitantly asked, daring to inch closer to him. Probably was the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. He threw the wrench down at the engine as he exploded.
“No, I’m not fucking okay. I lost my grandson, the entire galactic government is after me, I broke my portal gun and I just crashed my ship into a planet with no helpful resources to fix it.!” His speech sped up, and he went dead silent when he stopped talking. Clearly regretting telling you anything. He is usually good at keeping his mind together and keeping his problems to himself. But he had so much adrenaline pumping through his blood, he could barely concentrate.
“I’m, i’m sorry for your loss” is all you managed to get out
“What? Oh no, my grandsons not dead. I just left him somewhere and forgot exactly where…” he spoke slightly softer, still grunting as he tried to analyse his engine.
There was a small silence while you processed everything he had just said. Moving closer to get a look at his engine, you shook your head.
“You’ve burnt it out…”
“Yeah, no shit smart ass” he bit at you
You rolled your eyes and snatched the spanner from the place he had dropped it. Not using it to fix his engine, but you pulled out a small metal box from your pocket instead. Fixing a few pieces together. Rick stood there and watched with a puzzled look on his face. Moving his eyes from the gadget, then up to get a look at you.
His eyebrows softened as he took in your features, the creases in his forehead disappeared. A rush of a strange feeling replaced the adrenaline, not being able to pinpoint what it was but he didn’t like it. He could only describe it as his heart softening, and getting lost in a place that was familiar to him. Thats what he felt when he looked at your eyes, reflecting off of his.
“Hav-have we met before?” He said in a much calmer tone
You placed the gadget on the engine and pressed a small red button on the top, looking up at him.
“I don’t think so?” The box moved around the engine, like a shield. Fixing it effortlessly, Ricks eyes darted from you, to the engine, then back to you. Now with amazement written all over his face.
Deja vu was the only state good enough to describe what he was experiencing. You broke the silence by holding a hand out to introduce yourself.
“I’m y/n”
It took a quick second for him to respond, still trying to process your face and remember how he knows you.
“I’m… Rick” he finally shook your hand.
“Rick Sanchez..”
That name was oddly familiar to you. Like you’d heard it in a dream. Or it was a loved ones name in a past life. You felt like you had heard it before, in a very distant memory. But no recollection of the connection.
“That seems…familiar” you tilted your head, squinting your eyes at the old man who gave you the same look.
“Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if you knew me. I am the smartest man In the universe”
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inkmemes · 3 years
ryan  ross  lyric sentence  starters ↪  taken  from  various  songs  he’s  written,  lyrics  he’s  sung,  &  poetry  he’s  penned.  trigger  warnings  for  mentions  of  sex,  cheating,  drugs.  alter  as  you  see  fit  ♡
“so close …”
“i am composing a burlesque.”
“i'm all alone in an afterglow.”
“but we haven’t even met yet.”
“this war ain't gonna fix itself.”
“you can’t be lonely.”
“you're gonna have to dig your way out.”
“she was nowhere to be seen.”
“some people never change.”
“i know i broke your heart. mine is broken too.”
“i'm carving pumpkins.”
“i'm afraid that i may have faked it.”
“though you tried to cut me down it wasn’t deep enough.”
“this may call for a proper introduction.”
“i know it’s mad.”
“all the lights are on, but no one's home.”
“a year ago, i was dreaming of where i am now.”
“charm your way out.”
“we're all too small to talk to god.”
“you’re invited.”
“it's not so pleasant.”
“if you're going, then go.”
“i was suspicious and naive.”
“we're still so young, desperate for attention.”
“things have changed for me, and that's okay.”
“that's the spirit.”
“watch your mouth.”
“it started with a simple kiss.”
“don't you move.”
“what a wonderful caricature of intimacy.”
“we'll never go hungry.”
“praying for love in a lap dance and paying in naivety.”
“i lie in silence and feel like a fool.”
“grab your hat and fetch a camera.”
“your eyes are the size of the moon.”
“it's time for us to take a chance.”
“you should take this heart of mine.”
“how did i get here in the right from wrong?”
“i know it just doesn't feel like a night out.”
“it just made her more interesting.”
“she didn't even see me.”
“do you know what i mean?”
“i'm wrecking this evening already, and loving every minute of it.”
“i sure do make an easy target.”
“someone i love loves someone else.”
“don't bother waiting up.”
“don’t you go down.”
“you vanished when you'd gotten what you came here for.”
“would it be alright if we just sat and talked for a little while?”
"when did he get all confident?"
“you know it will always just be me.”
“i feel the same.”
“all my forgotten poems are a joke.”
“she'd wanna kiss you all the time.”
“i want a big celebration.”
“i'll ignore my heart and lie to the truth.”
“film the world before it happens.”
“that's just ridiculously odd.”
“it grows like fancy flowers.”
“he tried to save the calendar business.”
“i wonder if this was physical or if it could have been in my head.”
“i wouldn't be caught dead in this place.”
“you're pulling the trigger all wrong.”
“i saw you, i met you, i loved you.”
“so let me set you free.”
“i'm aware that you're scared of my heart, but it's here.”
“northern downpour sends its love.”
“you better put that pen to paper.”
“if you're gonna preach, for god sakes, preach with conviction.”
“haven't you heard that i'm the new cancer?”
“i know i broke your heart.”
“i am something velveteen.”
“we're locked inside.”
“just don't put your teeth on me.”
“when i’m good, i’m the baddest.”
“i’m up, looking for you now.”
“you can call me tonight.”
“it sure as hell ain't normal.”
“haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?!”
“we sure are in for a show tonight.”
“can't take the kid from the fight.”
“she's got me twisted in love.”
“i could've waited for the train to come.”
“you could love me if i knew how to lie.”
“if it were me, i'd write another song.”
“i fell from the heavens as a fetish.”
“i am renewed.”
“i hope that i've still got your help.”
“take a look at what you got me into.”
“we should feed our jewelry to the sea.”
“who could ask for any more?”
“i'm pouring out my heart for paper.”
“i need to leave you but i never will.”
“i forgot how to call you.”
“just stay where i can see you.”
“it's the greatest thing that's yet to have happened.”
“i’m doing my best.”
“she didn't choose this role.”
“life is not a fairytale.”
“our loneliness will keep us warm.”
“i don't mind taking a photograph.”
“you're gonna bend until it breaks.”
“maybe something in my blood could lift my spirits up.”
“i am out of my mind.”
“imagine knowing me.”
“i hope it's where i belong.”
“is it still me that makes you sweat?”
“your speech is slurred enough that you just might swallow your tongue.”
“i must be lucky to have you be the one who loves me.”
“but who could love me?”
“you clicked your heels and wished for me.”
“give me your attention.”
“you set the house on fire.”
"man, it feels good to feel this way."
“i've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuck then any boy you'll ever meet.”
“if the clouds were singing a song, i'd sing along. wouldn't you, too?”
“i know i've been wrong.”
“kissed a girl in the lobby ‘cause she asked so politely.”
“i can't get out by myself.”
“true love like ours is worth so much more than a diamond ring.”
“it never made her happy, 'cause she couldn't ever have me.”
“i do drunk dialing minus the alcohol.”
“i hope to god he was worth it.”
“he looked like he was barely hanging on.”
“why do i find myself outside at your window in the night?”
“i'd put a statue of myself upon the shelf.”
“they spill unfound from a pretty mouth.”
“ i'm going to need you to keep time.”
“you better back your shit up.”
“i think i owe it to you to try to be every hallucination you see in me.”
“you do this all the time."
“you're not what he's thinking of when he's with the other girl.”
things have changed for me.”
“this was no accident.”
“it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality.”
“just sit back and relax.”
“i, for one, won't stand for this.”
“we play by donner party rules at all times.”
“the glitter is gone.”
“boys will be boys.”
“you're all that's left for me.”
“my mind is all mixed up.”
“who knew that love was a dangerous drug?”
“'she couldn't ever have me.”
“isn't this exactly where you'd like me?”
“we can play normal for a few days.”
“i ground my teeth and you bite your tongue.”
“in case i lost my train of thought where was it that we last left off?”
“it seems i’m someone i've never met.”
“i think i made you up.”
“it never gave a damn about me.”
“perhaps, i was born with curiosity, the likes of those of old crows.”
“i'm cold, i'm hungry, but i'm bored.”
“i don't want no gifts.”
“the monster mash is playing.”
“do you really even live here?”
“this kind of thing always happens.”
“you were right. i was wrong, like i always am.”
“i missed your skin when you were east.”
“i feel as if i’m a figurine.”
“every night is the same.”
“ i'm sure i didn't ruin her.”
“i could have sworn we danced slow before.”
“i'm seated and sweating to a dance song on the club's pa.”
“it's nice to think that you are always wanted.”
“am i who you think about in bed?”
“you'll never know until you're there.”
“come on, this is screaming ‘photo op’.”
“you and i will always be ‘the dream’.”
“any practiced catholic would cross themselves upon entering.”
“it was a scream when we were young and dumb.”
“i know i should've never left.”
“who can i believe?”
“she always had her fangs at my jugular vein.”
“and a few more of your least favorite things.”
“in matters of opinion, love has gone insane.”
“if i go to hell will you come with me or just leave?”
“in the house of mirrors, ain't nothing keep you safe.”
“you know that you feel it too.”
“now we're making some progress.”
“god damn, i’d hate to see what i’d do under the influence.”
“i’m only reflecting your perfections.”
“just a first kiss to face the new year.”
“we’ll sit in silence.”
“you're a regular decorated emergency.”
“euphoria is a risk on the floor.”
“she could never win me.”
“love is all i'm really after.”
“have some composure,.”
“this was a therapeutic chain of events.”
“on the hotel floor, drinking warm champagne.”
“we need to talk.”
“every word gets you a step closer to hell.”
“let me help you please.”
“i never said i missed her when everybody kissed her.”
“now i know it's just a matter of time until i make her come.”
“if the world were ending, would you kiss me or just leave me?”
“forgive me if i’m not quite ready to give them to you.”
“i want to know what everyone knows.”
“you told me not to fear the dark.”
“the weather is impeccable.”
“i don't love you, i'm just passing the time.”
“i can't help but to hear an exchanging of words.”
“love is established philosophy.”
“but it might’ve been the calm that comes before the storm.”
“let's sing it like you mean it.”
“there's a devil in the corner.”
“there’s never anything good on tv.”
“everything goes according to plan.”
“i ran from love like it was laced.”
“i guess we're back to us.”
“we can't help ourselves.”
“i remember fuckin' in the falling rain.”
“i wasn't born to be a skeleton.”
“i couldn't quit her.”
“everything's gone missing.”
“we must reinvent love.”
“i know it's sad that i never gave a damn about the weather.”
“what do i know?”
"the best part about you was me."
“check the pocket of my leather jacket.”
“i am truly made of one million glowing constellations.”
“i mean, technically our marriage is saved.”
“she's a dangerous place.”
“even the truth is wrong sometimes.”
“was it god who chokes in these situations?”
“i feel like something on strings.”
“she couldn't ever catch me.”
“i try not to think about it and you.”
“i know it's just a matter of time.”
“i can't prove this makes any sense, but i sure hope that it does.”
“you know you should take it a day at a time.”
“i never said i’d leave the city.”
“it's the greatest thing you'd ever imagine.”
“i might have lost control.”
“i'm in a rut but still adored.”
“i'll keep my distance.”
“i need to take a vacation.”
“it's almost halloween.”
“is it a fairy tale?”
“well, this calls for a toast, so pour the champagne.”
“you can't stand it.”
“i'm exactly where you'd like me, you know.”
“we were always thick as thieves, you and me.”
“maybe i will, maybe i won’t.”
“all i want to do is dig a hole with you.”
“stop stalling.”
“it truly is enough to be alive and be in love.”
“i can't believe my eyes.”
“if i were to die tonight, would you cry, or deny my place in your life?”
“you are at the top of my lungs.”
“things do like to build up and fall apart at the same time for me.”
“why can't we just be friends?"
“i never know where the evening goes.”
“i want to go where everyone feels the same.”
“i fell in love again.”
“all i do is lie.”
“they asked for it.”
“was it all a dream?”
“all your wishes, they will sink like stones.”
“i wandered through the sunshine.”
“living even one minute without you is a moment i'd rather not have to live to see.”
“i want to go where everyone goes.”
“i think that i have had enough.”
“asked to be her husband; she already had one in prison.”
“true love is scarce.”
“somehow it still came undone.”
“things are shaping up to be pretty odd.”
“is ‘young’ a word for ‘dumb’; a word for ‘fun’?”
“said i'd let you keep it forever.”
“i never said i’d leave this town.”
“guess i'm going to a party.”
“damn, this is rough.”
“someone should have told her that pretty ain't a job.”
“something changed along the way.”
“i can't convince myself that you were good for more than cheap thrills.”
“now i’m the only one to blame.”
“let's not get selfish.”
“i hardly knew a thing about you.”
“give your feet a chance, they'll do all the thinking.”
“make a name for yourself.”
“it's useless searching in the cupboards.”
“i won't cut my beard and i won't change my hair.”
“it’s just the end of the world.”
“back to the room where it all began.”
“what was it that you put into my guts?”
“what a shame.”
“we'll leave the past out to pasture.”
“i know the world’s a broken bone, but melt your headaches, call it home.”
“everybody knows it but you.”
“it looks like the end of history as we know.”
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deelooc · 4 years
Happy Valentine's day everyone!! So for this occasion i decided to come up with some hcs on how the Jujutsu Kaisen boys would spend Valentine's day with their s/o, having not written some jjk for a while.
Since i wanted to post this on time, i only managed to do Gojo, Nanami, Fushiguro, Itadori, and Inumaki.
Regardless, i hope you enjoy <3
Jujutsu Kaisen Valentine's Day Headcanons              
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❥ To Gojo, Valentine's day must be celebrated. Since the man's got money money, he will not hesitate to buy you the most expensive gifts just because. Watch him show up to your room with a giant teddy bear, several boxes of chocolates (mostly for him to eat), a really pretty necklace he thought would suit you as well as a short tight dress of his choice, and last but not least, a cliché bouquet of your favorite flowers.
❥ "See babe, I am such a good boyfriend. Bet no one else would do this for you, am I right?"
❥ You would then proceed to throw a pillow at him, already used to his cockiness.
❥ After things had settled down, the both of you would be splayed across the bed, munching on the different types of chocolate Gojo had brought home. However, the dumb mf had forgotten to remove a certain note off of one of the boxes. It was your typical Valentine's day cliché note. When he noticed the sour look on your face he proceeded, faking oblivion, "What, is something wrong with the chocolates?"
❥ He would then confess to you that all of these different boxes of chocolates were actually gifts from his fangirls. "I was nice enough to share them with you babe, you don't have to be mad."
❥ Now let's be honest, Gojo is a busy man, being the strongest jujutsu sorcerer and all. So of course, you are going to end up getting dragged to watch him exorcise a curse. "Come on babe, cheer me on!" You would then awkwardly cheer him on, making sure to take note of this situation to get back at him later.
❥ At the end of the day, to make things better in his opinion, Gojo would take you to the most expensive restaurant he could find in order for him to make it up to you. Though according to him, he bought the dress just for this part of the night. Everything ends up going well (i mean, as well as they could go with Gojo of all people).
❥ Expect him to be horny after coming back home. Actually, the alcohol he had back at the restaurant got to his head easily so as soon as you noticed, you made sure to get going since your boyfriend has no shame and would literally grope you in front of a whole audience.
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❥ As it may seem, Nanami isn't a huge fan of this whole Valentine's day thing. In his opinion, people who use this specific day to show their love are simply "foolish", as he likes to put it.
❥ However, when he sees the dull look on your face after hearing what he said, he takes a little mind note that he should actually put in some effort to make this day sort of special.
❥ Throughout the day, you would give him the cold shoulder, trying to make him feel guilty for what he did and rethink his choice. But what you didn't know was that Nanami already gave in to planning a little something for the both of you. It wasn't much, but it was all he could come up with at the last minute.
❥ You had already planned to not go to work that day just so you could spend time with your lover. However, you did end up going in order for you to get your mind off things. Nanami saw this as a great opportunity to start off with this plan.
❥ He went out and bought your favorite scented candle, a new fuzzy blanket, some wine, and a special something he had been planning to do for a while.
❥ When you got back home, you were surprised to see the fireplace lit up, two glasses of wine set out on the table, dimmed lights, and a scented candle set in the middle of your small coffee table near the fireplace. There were cushions on the ground, indicating that this was where you were supposed to sit.
❥ Nanami suddenly popped out of nowhere, blushing like crazy since this was his first time doing something like this (you being his first s/o and all). You were confused about this whole situation but your thoughts were interrupted as your lover gently took your hand and lead you to the cushions placed on the ground.
❥ The both of you ended up drinking wine, wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket, and cuddling by the fireplace. At the end of the night, Nanami took the opportunity to reveal the "special something" he had bought you earlier. Surprise surprise, it was an engagement ring. He ended up proposing to you right then and there. Leave it to Nanami to be unintentionally cheesy while mocking others for it.
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❥ Being with Fushiguro, everything in your relationship has always been more reserved for as long as you could remember. So, Valentine's day wasn't any different for the both of you and you were okay with it.
❥ You being the more outgoing one in the relationship, decided to take the first step and showed up to your boyfriend's dorm in the morning with some ginger muffins you had baked earlier.
❥ He was pretty groggy and seemed annoyed (having just woken up). However, he pulled you in for a hug to show you his appreciation. Fushiguro then lets you in to his dorm room and you end up having the muffins for breakfast while spending the day indoors.
❥ You had planned a little self-care day for the both of you, wanting to do something lowkey and not really lovey dovey. You had to tie your boyfriend's messy hair into a little bun in order for you to spread the face mask on his face. Thinking that you were too focused on the task at hand, Fushiguro would be staring at your "concentration face" with a look of pure adoration on his face. Once you notice this you would go ahead and say, "What's wrong 'gumi, anything on my face?", just to make him more flustered.
❥ He would instantly look away, trying to hide the intense blush that was starting to show on his face. You also had previously taken notice that his ears turn especially red when he's embarrassed (adorable).
❥ Since he's never done something like this before, when it's his turn to apply the face mask on your face, he becomes a bit agitated not knowing what to do next. So to make things easier for him, you propped yourself up on the bathroom counter and taught him how to properly apply the product. He was a bit slow, but props to him for at least trying.
❥ The day ended with the both of you cuddling on his bed, with cups of tea you had made after rinsing the face masks off. (he may or may not have brought out his divine dog since you love it so much)
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❥ With this ray of sunshine, not a day goes by where you feel your relationship is lacking from any aspect. So for Valentine's day, Itadori had planned a little arcade/karaoke date for the both of you to enjoy.
❥ The day had started off with your overly excited boyfriend giving you your part of the matching rings he bought. (It's a pretty cheesy idea, but the boy is trying his best okay😩) This results in you hugging him until he can't breathe anymore, appreciating the fact that he was considerate enough to think of something like this.
❥ You then end up getting dragged to the arcade, which was your first stop of the day. The both of you were usually pretty competitive, so this time wasn't going to be any different. You ended up trying every game available, from air hockey to dance dance revolution, trying desperately to beat one another.
❥ To your surprise, Itadori was actually really good at dance dance revolution, this obviously meaning that he won the round. However, you ended up beating him at basketball which shocked him since he never knew you could score this much. To make things more interesting, he decided to suggest, "The winner gets the loser to do anything they want, kay?". This of course fired you up even more, determined on getting your boyfriend to do whatever you had in mind.
❥ You ended up winning, causing Itadori to whine like a child. Your request was simple; earlier, you had spotted an axolotl plushie in one of the claw machines and you were motivated to get it since it reminded you of your very own boyfriend. "Don't worry, Yuuji. My request is pretty simple actually. Let's see if you can get me that axolotl plushie, deal?"
❥ He was pretty relieved to hear that you weren't going to make him do something crazy, so he concentrated very hard on trying to get you that plushie. After several tries and almost going broke over this one machine, your boyfriend ended up grabbing the prize for you. You ended up naming it Yuuji, of course.
❥ When night time came around, the both of you ended up at a karaoke place. Itadori had of course picked out "Body" by Megan Thee Stallion. He nailed it of course. You bet that Gojo would be somewhere amongst the crowd, filming this moment to send it on the group chat. The night ended with ordering a pizza and somehow ending up at the beach playing tag??
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❥ A Valentine's date with Inumaki would be like any other, yet it's special to you since you don't go out very often; your dates usually consist of staying at home and watching movies together.
❥ So in order for him to make it up to you, your boyfriend had planned a simple day out; grabbing some ice cream and watching the sunset. He avoided you the whole day since he was kind of nervous (that's an understatement) about what he had planned, unsure if you were going to like it or not.
❥ You were furious with your boyfriend for ignoring you today of all days. However, once he showed up at your dorm room with a small panda plushie and your favorite drink, you instantly forgot what he had done.
❥ "Toge~ why would you ignore me for the whole day? You can't expect me to forgive you right after show-"
❥ He ended up cutting you off with a kiss and a small "bonito flakes", scared that he would somehow hurt you with his cursed speech ability. Though that was enough for you to know that he was apologizing sincerely.
❥ Inumaki ended up dragging you to a small ice cream parlor you've never been to by the beach. You both ended up getting your favorite ice cream flavors and walking over to the sandy shore, making sure to take your shoes off before getting them filled with sand. Your boyfriend had brought a cute picnic blanket with him that had little onigiri all over it.
❥ You both ended up spending the rest of your time together with your head on his shoulder and his head on yours, all the while gazing at the beautiful sunset displayed in front of you. Few words were exchanged, but that's what you both preferred; it showed how sincere the words you would rarely speak were.
❥ Little did you both know, Panda, Maki, and Fushiguro were all watching you and Inumaki, making sure to catch some photos of you to embarrass you with later.
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variousqueerthings · 4 years
Tom Hardy Movies rated least to most queer
I made a list of some Tom Hardy movies and I rated them based on my own, non-specific criteria about what makes a movie queer. Results below the cut.
(Some films not included, because I haven’t watched them yet, because Mr Hardy’s only in them for a few minutes, because the subject matter doesn’t lend itself to this list, or because I just don’t want’em here. TV series also not included. The list is organised into both groups and ratings, because I’m doing The Most.)
Movies are divided into four groups and rated from 0 – 10 on the Queer-Scale, scroll down to the bottom if you want the ratings without the commentary.
Disclaimer: This list is subjective. Don’t come at me because I didn’t rate Inception higher, Nolan himself is as queer as cargo shorts. 
1. This movie would make more sense if it were queer
If this movie were queer it… might not become a perfect film all of a sudden, but it’d make a hell of a lot more sense than what’s actually going on. With an occasional dose of “are the cis-straights okay?”
This Means War (2012): So Chris Pine and Tom Hardy are ostensibly both in love with Reese Witherspoon, but say “I love you” to each other pretty much constantly throughout the movie and their friendship is often presented as a domestic partnership. Cool, cool, cooool.
Queer Rating: 2 out of 10. This movie hate-crimed me by having Tom Hardy literally spell out his relationship with Chris Pine, only for the script to then have him say… “can you imagine all that… but with a woman…” Later on the movie explicitly denies polyamory is possible. Fuck this film.
The Dark Knight Rises (2012): Batman movies should always be queer. Mr. Hardy’s the only one who acceptably camps it up, despite Nolan’s best attempts to make him “acceptably gruff.” No matter what you do, Bane is a massive daddy in a mask and thanks to Mr Hardy’s honestly iconic fucking speech pattern in this film, it goes from pretty atrociously straight to just queer enough to imagine a future where Robert Pattinson plays batman and maybe adopts a bunch of kids.
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(the only truly decent mask in this franchise tbh)
Queer Rating: 3 out of 10. Mr Hardy’s back is the one that’s actually broken carrying any semblance of fun in this overly long movie all on his own.
Lawless (2012): Wow, this really was the year of the not-queer-enough, wasn’t it? Look, it’s “based on a real story,” but it’s also a movie and movies don’t need to stick to the truth, and this one certainly doesn’t. Was the guy queer in real life? I don’t know. But that doesn’t matter, what matters is that it’s just kind of an eh movie and maybe being queer would add something to it. One of those “but why make someone queer? because it’s always more interesting to do so,” movies.
Queer Rating: 3 out of 10. It’s just not queer. But Tom Hardy wears cardigans and described his character as a “mother figure,” which adds an interesting dynamic to him.
2. Actually Queer but in a homophobic way
Tom Hardy plays a canonically queer character, yaaay. The whole movie contains a strange sense of the director being too not-queer to actually engage with that and everything around him is almost aggressively straight, noooo.
RocknRolla (2008): Honestly this movie has the funniest coming out scene ever + that familiar undertone of “all these manly men secretly want to fuck each other” is only heightened by one of them actually being gay and in love with his best friend. It’s such a fucking… it’s such a movie. Personally I find Mark Strong, Idris Elba, Thandie Newton, and, of course, Tom Hardy to be really hot in it, so that’s a plus. There’s a scene in which Strong’s character teaches another gangster how to do a proper backhand. It’s really gay of him. Also slow-dancing at a gay club. Butler’s character needs to get himself together, you really don’t think 2008 Tom Hardy is hot? Mate.
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(left to right: functional queer, disaster queer, distinguished queer)
Queer Rating: 6 out of 10, for having an actual gay character who is played by Tom Hardy doing a sexy phonecall voice to another guy, but then there’s that feeling you can’t shake that the whole movie is vaguely uncomfortable about it, like a family member awkwardly patting you on the shoulder after they found out you were queer second-hand, but they’ve still got 50 years of bias to unlearn. Also Thandie Newton is killed, fuck that noise. 
Legend (2015): If I had a nickle for the amount of times Tom Hardy’s played a gay gangster, I’d have two nickles. Which isn’t a lot, but weird that it happened twice (looks at Peaky Blinders and thinks it ought to be three times). I’ve watched Legend three times and every time it just… loses me. And because this is a biased list, I’ll only specifically mention that it fails to make Ron’s queerness anything but a way for him to shock others. Gangsters could be gay? Gasp! On the upside Tom Hardy has so much sexual tension with everyone in this movie, including himself (why would you do that? Asks Ron, bemused. Because I can’t kill you, no matter how much I fucking want to, hisses a blood-soaked Reggie right into his ear. It’s hot).
Queer rating: 5 out of 10 because the film is just not very queer for a movie with several queer men in it.
3. Straight as a forced family dinner
It’s straight.
Locke (2013): He’s a married man who had an affair and trying to deal with the fallout of it. This isn’t a spoiler for most of the movie, it’s a pretty neat movie where we look at Tom Hardy having a bit of a mental breakdown and taking lots of phonecalls (my personal hell). Is it queer? Not in the slightest.
Queer Rating: 2 out of 10 for Hardy’s face being in almost every shot.
The Revenant (2015): Yeah, yeah, DeCaprio’s and Hardy’s characters are obsessed with each other, yeah it’s a man’s world where the only women are dead wife, kidnapped sexually assaulted native princess, or background whore, yeah, they fight each other and there’s a ton of grunting, but also… I just fucking don’t like this movie. The thin line where a storyline like this one becomes queer might be crossed for others, but not for me. Fuck these guys and their stupid  bear fights.
Queer rating: 3 out of 10 for it being about dirty men in the middle of nowhere (but you could just watch Brokeback Mountain or The Lighthouse or God’s Own Country or any Mad Max, or, or, or…)
4. Queer? Queer. Queer? … Queer…
The plots, aesthetics and/or characters played by Tom Hardy lend themselves to a queer reading, even if there is no overt intention towards queerness. Often this is because of a deliberate lack of heterosexual and/or cisgender writing, which in this day and age is still pretty uncommon not to include within a plot.
Inception (2010): Okay, I don’t even need to write about the added “darling,” or the “go to sleep Mr Eames.” I don’t need to go on about the absolutely bonkers amount of fanfiction written for Eames and Arthur, based on a few minutes of film and a boatload of chemistry. It’s queer.
Queer Rating: 7 out of 10, because the actual plot of the film isn’t very queer, but between the Arthur/Eames dynamic and Elliot Page, Nolan was really given a gift he didn’t deserve.
Warrior (2011): Okay, so first off, this might be my favourite Tom Hardy film, at least some part of my brain is fixated on it at almost all times and I’m considering watching it for the third time in two weeks. I don’t only consider it queer based on Mr. Hardy’s character, although he has no romantic or sexual interest and could be read as aroace, but because of the themes, especially those surrounding said character, who is coded as a caregiver to women and through close emotional connections to men. It’s got possibly unintentional deconstructions of masculinity and two men (brothers) who need to forgive each other and can only do so through the catharsis of violence. It speaks to me as a transmasc with several cis brothers, struggling with my own masculinity. It’s not at all written for me, but I find myself all over it. I could talk about this movie forever.
Queer Rating: 8 out of 10. I’m not allowed to say any more or I’ll never stop writing about it. I love you Tommy…
The Drop (2014): Bob’s lack of sexual and/or romantic interest in Naomi is so strange to her that she doesn’t know what he would want from her otherwise. Bob really just wants to raise a dog with her (and also forgiveness for past sins). Bob is such a rare ace and possibly aro coded character, it really throws me every time I watch this film how obvious it is. Bonus points for also being autistic-coded and not in the stereotypical ways.
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(Tom Hardy’s most challenging role: pretending he doesn’t know dogs)
Queer Rating: 9 out of 10 because it’s so fucking rare to see ace and aro coded characters that aren’t, you know…. serial killers. Also Tom Hardy adopts a puppy and has a very cute, kinda lispy voice. How often does Tom Hardy play softer men like this?
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015): Very deliberately no sexual or romantic writing included in Max’s and Furiosa’s relationship. Sure, there’s not a lot of time for that in the post-apocalyptic wasteland, but it was also done with a purpose! “It was always going to be two warriors on par, starting off with very little respect for each other and ending up with a massive respect for each other.” - Charlize Theron. “So of course they meet, of course there’s a relationship, an unspoken understanding. A recognition.” - Tom Hardy.
Queer Rating: 9 out of 10. It’s not just the characters, but the world and it’s apocalyptic BDSM leather scene, the questions it asks about sustainability and about people as tools, and the found family. It’s about overcoming violence through multiple kinds of love. And it’s about watching a guy playing flame-thrower guitar. What could be queerer?
Venom (2018): Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same… No, but Eddie is queer. The only question is whether the sequel will acknowledge that aspect or not, but even if not. Even if it manages to straightly bypass the reality of a symbiotic relationship with a genderless? genderfluid? being from another world that is linked to you down to your very cells and understands you more intimately than any other person possibly could… even if all that: Eddie is queer. Venom and Eddie are in a relationship. Any relationship Eddie ever enters into will automatically become a thrupple. He makes out with Venom in the movie! Eddie is queer.
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(aw yeah that tongue is going down his throat)
Queer Rating: 9.5 out of 10, because it’s still coded by the creators in the language of bromance (hey, bro, is it gay if we’re physically and emotionally closer than any other people on earth?), but the movie is so, so camp and Mr Hardy’s acting choices are beautiful – the screaming? The lispy soft voice and lack of taking up space? The lobster tank? The only people who don’t know how queer this is are the people making it apparently. Fingers crossed for that sequel!
Hon. mentions:
Star Trek: Nemesis (2002): Star Trek – even at it’s worst (especially at its worst?) – is camp af + Hardy is a straight-up baby in this film.
Bronson (2008): It’s about a real person who’s still alive, so I won’t comment on the actual man. However the film seems to code the character Bronson along an ace line and also has genderqueering Vaudeville. Someone let Tom Hardy do more of whatever was going on in those stage-bits.
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(this right here: this the good shit)
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011): Another ensemble piece not massively about Hardy’s character, but it’s a movie that centers around queerness in a strange, depressing way. Tom Hardy’s character isn’t queer. Colin Firth and Mark Strong are though. The book makes me cry.
Peaky Blinders (2013-): Because it’s a TV series I left it out. There’s a lot of straight nonsense going on there, but Alfie Solomens is gay. There’s nothing in the series that disputes that and plenty that lends itself to the reading.
Dunkirk (2017): Tom Hardy plays an RAF pilot in a deep emotional connection with the other main RAF pilot. That’s immediately gay. However he’s not in the movie much because of the way it’s constructed, so I left it off.
Queer Ratings (least to most)
No queer to be found here traveller:
This Means War: 2 out of 10 - illegal movie, Tom Hardy swore he wouldn’t do another rom-com after
Locke: 2 out of 10 - straight Welshman and his straight problems. He pretty though
Lawless: 3 out of 10 - cardigan-Hardy being a mother-hen, but very straight for all that
The Dark Knight Rises: 3 out of 10 - a superhero movie that doesn’t deserve Mr Hardy’s camp talents (unlike Venom)
The Revenant: 3 out of 10 - doesn’t give me what I want out of a movie full of dirty, bearded men
Queer but we deserve more:
Legend: 5 out of 10 - timid homosexuality, considering the source material. 
RocknRolla: 6 out of 10 - hey bro, is it gay if we kill the only female lead in our massive ensemble cast
The queerest of Hardy’s:
Inception: 7 out of 10 - Elliot Page and JGL kissing was an all-around terrible choice that made no sense, we know the truth, Nolan
Warrior: 8 out of 10 - I’m still crying, Edgerton’s crying, Hardy’s crying, we’re all crying, and I think that’s really emotionally healthy and queer of us
Mad Max: Fury Road: 9 out of 10 - non-romantic love in the time of BDSM post-apocalyptic wastelands is something that can actually be so personal
The Drop: 9 out of 10 - “Fucking punk. Go out to dinner dressed like you're still in you living room! You wear those big hippity-hoppity clown shoes! You speak to women terribly! You treat them despicably! You hurt harmless dogs that can't defend themselves! I'm tired of you man. I'm tired of you. You embarrass me!”
Venom: 9.5 out of 10 - Sometimes a relationship is an anxious reporter, the sentient goo inhabiting his body, his kinda-ex-girlfriend and her new doctor boyfriend, and I think that’s beautiful
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Some of my favourite female characters in fiction
This list is not exhaustive and while I do have other characters that I find charming and that I love, I have noted these characters because in my opinion, they have struggled and/or there is a certain analysis to their personalities. 
Please take note that some of the characters are not morally good or have done questionable actions. This is not to discuss or say they are role models, but rather to write up what they represented, their role in the story or simply their personalities. I’m not here to justify the character’s actions.
Remember that a well-written characters do not have to be morally good. 
Also, a lot of them are from memory and the analysis aren’t well-structured. 
Let’s dive in:
1. Daisy Buchanan from The Great Gatsby
Daisy, in my opinion, is incredibly misunderstood and unjustifiably hated among the readers. Her betrayal to Gatsby is indeed vile and it did upset me, I definitely think that she is materialistic, shallow and hurtful.  
“I hope she’ll be a fool—that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.”
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Daisy did shit on Gatsby [trying to avoid spoilers here].  
However, I do like to note that I think part of her materialism and shallowness is because of how women were in the 1920s. They did not have any freedom or agency. To Tom, she seems to be a trophy wife for him to keep; and to Gatsby, he only liked the idea of her, he wasn’t in love with her. To everyone around her, she was an item, a beautiful doll to be possessed, rather than a person. I think that’s why she turned out like that. 
She's materialistic because men around her sees her as an object. Nonetheless, Daisy is still “careless” and hurtful; and I think this stemmed from the life she had led that were a compilation of choices that were made for her. Her betrayal towards Gatsby is what makes her character rather disappointing to most readers. The whiteness in her dress as described in her first appearance? It’s not innocence, but rather a void and jadedness. 
2. Neon Nostrade from Hunter x Hunter
Yet, another girl in our list that loves to be hated by the fandom. Though honestly, most of her haters are Chrollo and Kurapika stans who gets jealous because Chrollo got to hang out with her and Kurapika works under her. Also her repulsive hobby - although this is actually what makes me like her. 
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I have addressed this in my other posts before, but let me just copy and paste them (and modify a bit):  Her upbringing and exploitation by her dad makes her materialistic and emotionally detached. This materialism and detachment is manifested in the form of her hobby as a dead body parts collector. But other than that, she’s really a normal girl, just sheltered and spoilt. The money she spends are even from her talent Lovely Ghostwriter, her father will be nothing without her. So I don’t see an issue with her spending them on shopping etc. 
In fact, I would argue that she bathes in materialism to fill the emptiness that she has. Her father is more concerned with her ability and power, she has no friends and is guarded 24/7 by employees.
All the times she threw tantrums and the way she talks… it’s a different speech pattern altogether when she interacts with Chrollo - which may suggest that the whole spoilt attitude is exaggerated to gain attention from a father who is indulgent in terms of material gifts, but not in terms of affection and time for her.
When Eliza cried, she was willing to forgo bidding the auction physically. Yes she did not care about the bodyguards because she is more focused on the living and the present (Eliza) than the dead.
The reason why she didn’t seem fazed when Dalzollene and the others died is because a) they were her bodyguards, it’s their job to put their life on the line to protect her, b) she mentioned to Chrollo that her fortune-telling is for the living, she likes to live in the present and doesn’t believe in the afterlife.
Neon is more focused on who is alive, rather than the dead (which also represented by her hobby of dead body parts collecting). She focuses on the present, unlike her clients who likes to know their future or people who dwell in the past. Kurapika on the other hand, is the complete opposite. He dwells on the past and likes to focus on his dead clan rather than the present times with his friends (which is completely understandable).
Another significance is that her fortune-telling ability is very useful and helpful, she says that she wanted to make people happy with it; but however, it is commercialized and used as a means of power (knowledge of the future = power) by her father and pretty much everyone around her. Just like how she objectifies dead people by collecting their parts, the people around her sees her as a tool due to her fortune-telling abilities, rather than see her as a person. Even Kurapika chose to get employed under her, for his own agenda (he is bound to meet dead body parts collectors at some point). 
She treats people like objects because people see her as one.
Of course, collecting dead body parts is a pretty fucked hobby; but what she represents and her role as a minor character is what makes her an outstanding minor female character in the show. 
Yes. She has traits that are not your typical role model, but neither are other hxh characters. She’s not independent, naive, can’t fight, in need of saving, uncaring at times and spoilt. She is far from so-called “strong female character” that we often look up to. She is a character with bad traits which is a result of being a victim. But that’s what makes me love her as a character in hxh. It reminds us that there are girls out there who has lack of freedom and control over their own fate; and their only way out is through materialism and detaching themselves from people. 
In fact, she might be even relateable to some people more than other female characters because there is vulnerability in her character.
3. Hua Mulan (Mostly the Chinese 2009 film, though the most well-known is the Disney 1998 animated film)
There has been various adaptations for this character, with the Disney Animated version being the most prominent.
However, my favourite one is definitely the Chinese film Hua Mulan: Rise of A Warrior (2009). It portrays the horrors of war and the suffering it brings, nationalism, camaraderie among the army - all while giving us the admirable Mulan climbing up to the ranks of being a war general.
I highly recommend this adaptation. I know the Disney Live Action 2020 version did not receive good reception, and we honestly did not need one because this 2009 Chinese film does the job well (I like their soundtrack though). It's not really well-known because it's a Chinese film (which is hella ironic because Hua Mulan is a Chinese character? Lmao).
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"Today we will stain the battlefield with our blood. Behind us is our homeland. If we have to bleed out our last drop of blood, if we have to become bleached bones in this desert, we must defend it to the death! We must let the Rourans know we Wei warriors will never surrender and will never compromise! Soldiers may rebel against me, generals may leave me for dead, but I, Hua Mulan, will never betray my country!"
Generally, I either have an issue with strong female characters because they are just shallow (meaning they are only physically strong, often viewing rudeness, misandry and independence as strength). I like female characters who are so much more to that.
Mulan, in this film, not only showed her badassery in fighting the war for more than a decade, but we also see how much she struggled. Everytime her comrades die, her heart gets broken. Yet she has to learn how to pick herself up and become the leader that they need. She dislikes war, she dislikes the bloodshed; yet she fights for her country.
To me, a strong female character is not just a feminist icon or someone who can fight. In fact, a female character doesn't need to be someone capable of fighting, what makes her strong is to be able to overcome turbulence with determination.
I think this is something that is lacking in recent "strong female characters" - showing us their strength through perseverance.
As for the Disney's counterpart (talking about the 1998 film here), it is less morbid but we also see her trying her best to make her family proud and protect her country. Like the song Reflection and Loyal, Brave and True, she struggles with finding her purpose and her role in her family.
"The greatest gift of honour, is having you for a daughter."
4. Blanche Dubois from A Streetcar Named Desire
It's been years since I had analysed Blanche, but among all the 6 books that I had to study for English Literature, A Streetcar Named Desire has been my absolute favourite.
I think what struck me in this book is not just the style, but Blanche's vulnerability. Her actions are definitely not morally good: she misrepresents things, she lies, she even had sex with an underage student. She's paranoid, mentally unstable and prissy. Which was why, her polar opposite character, Stanley, is so annoyed with her.
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After her husband's suicide, we see Blanche relying on the company of men to fill the void of her loneliness and misery. She is also concerned about her beauty fading with age - I find that highly reliable. It sounds incredibly "vain", but beauty does play a part.
Based on Evolutionary and Mating Theories among humans, appearance in women are especially important (also for men but not as much as women). Of course, there are other factors and traits that people find attractive, but Blanche's concern is valid here. She needs to find a husband to escape from her financial troubles; and her age, beauty and chastity plays a huge factor in her search for getting a man in the setting she was in (which was Mitch in this case). Ironically, these are the very traits that she has "lost" and so desperately tries to hide it.
Her ending is truly a devastating and upsetting one. [Will not talk about it due to spoilers]
"I've always depended on the kindness of strangers."
5. Haibara Ai/Shiho Miyano from Detective Conan
Perhaps one of the girls that is a wasted potential. In a series where the characters are mostly flat, she's arguably the most multi-faceted (but somehow I had heard that she no longer has the same complexity as she used to have - it's been a while since I followed this series).
But I remember absolutely loving this character.
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Her background story is really unique in the show and one that is embedded within the Black Organisation plotline (why her character was dropped... Forever frustrating for me).
From the moment she was first introduced, we see Conan taking an immediate distrust towards her. A guy who is a detective who had been catching criminals - yet one ex-syndicate member stands before him. The one that actually helped to develop the APTX4869 that changed his life.
Yet, we see that it wasn't entirely within her control. Both her parents were syndicate members and when her sister tries to get both of them to leave, her sister dies.
Ai starts off as seemingly cold, pessimistic and avoidant. But as her arc goes on, the iceberg around her melts. We see her quirky sarcastic replies, her taste for fashion and she genuinely desires to be happy. Her relationship with Conan developed into a beautiful one - to the point where Conan trusts her with anything and they would risk their lives for one another.
Yet, we also empathies with her impending jealousy and heartache. The boy she has fallen for already has someone else. What's more, the girl is genuinely kind and is a splitting image of her sister. After Ran saved her from Vermouth, she quickly warms up to Ran as well.
She's also the key to developing the antidote for Shinichi to be back with Ran - an almost painful metaphor for her to give him away (he never belonged to her in the first place). Yet, she doesn't really stop them from being together (even though in some cases she appears jealous or phrase ShinRan's reunion as a word of caution).
I definitely think she is the most compelling character in Detective Conan because of her character development and the struggles she faces. It's definitely upsetting that her character has been neglected.
“Don’t judge people from the outside. Like any rose has thorns, the more the person appears nice on the outside, the more you should doubt the inside.”
6. Misato Katsuragi from Neon Genesis Evangelion
Who is the best female character in Eva? Asuka or Rei? My answer will always be Misato, Risato is a close second (I wanted to analyse Risato, but I’m trying to keep it to one person per series). Misato is one of the 90s anime babes. She definitely captivated many people’s heart. 
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I must say though, I have a soft spot towards female characters who has some sort of daddy issues (why I like Neon Nostrade). It’s been a while since I had watched Eva, but I’m going to try to remember why I like her. 
I think the concept of Hedgehog’s Dilemma has been echoed throughout the series, and all the characters seem to struggle with emotional attachment towards people. I actually like to phrase the Hedgehog Dilemma as “Avoidant-Fearful Attachment Style” - wanting connection with people, yet not being able to do so out of fear of being hurt. 
For Misato, when I initially first watched Eva, I compared her a little to Blanche Dubois in how they cope with loneliness - their sexuality. I remember being confused with her interactions with Shinji, who was half her age. At times, she serves as his guardian/mother figure; but at some moments (I think it was sometimes after Kaji’s death), she tried to seek comfort with Shinji by attempting to initiate sex (which Shinji rejects). I remember coming across a comment somewhere that Shinji and Misato’s relationship is somewhat like Humbert and Dolores (from Lolita) - can’t comment on this as I only read the first chapter of the book. 
It makes me think that she uses sex as a way to cope and the only way she can connect with people (and it’s superficial), which doesn’t work for Shinji because she needs to be her guardian (and ultimately fails to be purely his guardian once she crossed that no-no boundary). 
Another thing to note was her backstory about her dad. There seems to be a dissonance, given that she resented her dad for not spending time with her due to his work, but he ended up sacrificing her life for her. I do think it’s a bit of guilt (because resenting her dad but he saves her - these two contradicts one another). It’s clear that her issues to connect stems from her backstory regarding her father. 
It’s interesting how she compares Kaji to her father. I do think she loves Kaji, but “reminds him too much of her father” (as to put it simply). There is this... stereotype that we find someone similar to our opposite-gender parents, no matter how shitty they were towards us. I believe that it is because we tend to stick to something that is familiar to us, even if those type of people aren’t good for us (I think to break this cycle is to practise self-awareness and know what is good for us). 
Anyway, Misato is a character that I really liked (as all the characters in Eva) because they highlight Hedgehog’s Dilemma that stemmed from their parental issues. Maybe I have not watched a lot of anime, but female characters with issues with their fathers are not as explored deeply as male characters and their parental issues. A lot of times, female characters (especially in shounen) serves as a romantic interest and yes they can have really sad backstory, but not issues towards their father and how it affects their relationship with other people. So far, the only ones I had seen is Mukuro (Yu Yu Hakusho), Misato and Neon Nostrade. 
7. Disney's Cinderella
First of all, she has been a victim of abuse since she was a child. It's not easy for her to escape her predicament. Where can she go? It's not that easy.
Boy. I hate how much people remember Cinderella wrongly and attack her for being "backwards", which is actually factually wrong.
Cinderella always get flack for using the Prince to "escape" her predicament when "she can do it herself".
I say that's bullshit. I actually came across a youtube video: Cinderella Stop Blaming the Victim [please check it out for more in-depth analysis]
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Despite all that, she's doesn't internalize it. She knows she doesn't deserve to be treated this way, and she does to a certain degree stand up to them (whenever the cat makes her tasks harder). She knows when to fight back and restrain herself because it might endanger her life.
After years of suffering in this domestic household, she remains kind, compassionate and hopeful. Which is not an easy feat. The problem is, these traits are often seen as feminine and synonymous with being weak. But it is actually, in fact, signs of strength. The mental fortitude she has to remain kind after all she went through is a sign of strength.
The Fairy Godmother only appeared when she was losing hope - take note that she ends up crying because her stepsisters tore her mother’s dress (which is the most disturbing scene in the film). 
Even I had remembered this wrongly - one crucial fact is that... She did not want to go the ball to nab the Prince. That was her stepsisters. Homegirl just wanted to chill. She did not even know she was dancing with the Prince!
When Lady Tremaine locked her up to prevent her from reaching the Prince, it wasn’t the Prince that saved her. She and her animal friends got her out of the room, and proceeded to prove that she was indeed the maiden that had danced with the Prince. Her marrying the Prince was only a fitting end to her because it provides her a home and an escape from an abusive household; however, it was her resilience for holding onto fate and being mentally strong, and her initiatives partially contributed to her happy end. The Prince is more like a passive character. 
I highly think that people tend to brush her traits - e.g. compassion, having fate, being kind is listed as feminine. However, it is far from being weak, which most people would deem it as. But that is definitely not true. 
“No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish can come true.”
8. Mikasa Ackerman from Attack on Titan
Mikasa is either a hit or miss among AOT fans. Some people like Mikasa because she is physically strong and her loyalty to Eren is admirable. On the other hand, some people think she’s clingy and her being physically strong makes her a Mary Sue. 
Whether or not you like Mikasa, there is a fact that she is not a Mary Sue. The definition of a Mary Sue is a female character lacking in weakness and seems perfect. 
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She is physically strong, yes - I believe that Isayama wanted to distribute traits to the trio. Even Hannes has said it in S1. Armin represents intellect, Eren represents grit and Mikasa represents strength. So her being physically strong makes sense, and Isayama also provided an explanation for it (being an Ackerman). 
However, this does not mean she lacks any weakness. Arguably, her loyalty to Eren is both a liability and her strength. This “weakness” has been highlighted by her dilemma between her loyalty towards Eren and her belief that mass genocide is wrong.
[I won’t go into details about the manga parts that have not been animated as of 2021, can’t spoil it too much]. 
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