#what a plothole
notbecauseofvictories · 3 months
it takes years for terry pratchett's books to get consistently good. I would argue that the series doesn't really hit its stride until Feet of Clay, which means that pratchett was writing and being published for 12 years before he found his groove.
and I genuinely can't imagine that. in part because I do think that pratchett's publication calendar looks different than what's expected of writers today---he had about 2 books published per year for his entire career. he must have been writing furiously, and the publisher must have relatively quickly gotten these to press.
but also....I just can't imagine any modern-day publisher keeping an author on their list for twelve years, unless that author is a prestige get or a constant presence on the bestseller list. And what does it say about the state of publishing that you can't go on publishing someone's good-but-not-revelatory books until they figure out what story they're trying to tell?
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bloominglegumes · 4 months
rewatching season 1 of earthspark and feeling so sad oml , ,,, season 2 has been so completely watered down,, im heartbroken about all the incredible stuff that was set up and now just scrapped,,,,, the whole s1 conflict about humans resenting cybertronians for the war, the autobots' guilt, megatrons relationship to everyone,, the kids actually being intelligent individuals,, the decepticons having real personalities and motives, agent schloder, the fallout of ghost and mandroid, tarantulas? the holoform tech???? the impact of the mind control chips??? hello?? frenzy?? fluffy ears?? starscream reluctantly soft for the kids??? bumblebee being an important mentor figure + family member for the maltos hello????? soundwave and shockwaves personal betrayal from megatron, addressing the original revolution that started the war?? the massive, very clear, explicit emphasis on autobots and decepticons not being strictly good vs bad???? the ideas they presented everywhere about second chances, working to understand other people, learning to collaborate for the greater good???? any consequences from season 1 at all?????
everything earthspark did in s1 was so meaningful and clearly deeply loved in every step of its creation and then seeing how bland s2 has been,,,,,,
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non-cannon · 7 months
You know, something that's been bothering me about TotK, why hasn't the verbal language changed at all in the 10s of thousands of years between the founding of Hyrule and present day. Like we know from the flower islands that the writing from back then is illegible to everyone except scholars who've studied this (which makes sense). But Zelda is able to talk with Rauru and Sonia with no issues immediately.
The language should have changed to be unrecognizable with that much time! And it's not just Zelda, all of the sages can communicate with their decedents with no issue. Link can understand all of the memories perfectly. Link and ghost Rauru, who's been trapped with no access to the outside world can communicate flawlessly, as can Gandorf and Link (and the sages), and Mineru and Link (and Zelda and the sages).
And if the translation of the flower island notes is anything to go by, syntax has actually changed, but it's more like the difference between middle/early modern English and modern English than the difference between a modern language and a language that's so old it predates all of human civilization several times over.
There is no scholar or anyone else alive today who could go back 5,000 years and speak the language. Even the 5-6 thousand year old languages we have translated have no connected to modern day languages, and we don't actually know how to pronounce them. The reason so many Egyptian names have 'e' as the vowel is because we don't know the actual vowels.
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iamespecter · 18 days
I have a question. Feel free to respond privately and I won't ask further, what disappointed you about ruin? Sincerely, another skeptical and cautious fnaf fan from the very beginning of this fandom (thus why i get if you wanna respond privately, fnaf fans can be brutal :/)
To be completely honest? Ruin felt like an entire fanservice sandwich shoved down my throat forcefully
There's a lot of things that rubbed me the wrong way with Ruin, just the general vibe was so off and it emanated an aura of Steel Wool going "guys!!! look!!!!! we put EVERYTHING the fandom asked for, even if it would not make sense for the general plot!!!"
Which, is fine and all if done right, but it just feels like listening to feedback, without really addressing the series' main concerns. Like, putting a band-aid with your favorite cartoons on it over a bullet hole. Do you get what I'm saying about this?
Anyways so sorry about that small rant here's a stupid little doodle I made back then when I was still a Sai user (I think)
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no-white-dress · 27 days
If I see someone else say witches in winx are innately evil and fairies in winx are innately good I'll rip my hair out.
There’s more evil fairies than evil witches in the show!! When will y'all get ittttt
The prejudice shown is repeatedly thrown down the drain! The rivalry exists mostly between two schools full of competitive teenagers!! It is not the class system you think it is!!
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mikuyuuss · 4 months
Even though it's canon that Makomo never actually met Sabito and Giyuu while she was still alive, I love how many people (including me) still pretend that they are a trio regardless. The vibes are just too strong.
But it makes me think though, if Gotouge may have originally intended for them to be a trio, but maybe scrapped the idea when they realize there's no hint of Makomo in Giyuu's design, except just having a slightly similar hairstyle.
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pocchi-poket · 5 months
Spoilers for Detective Conan movie 27
I literally left the detective conan fandom a DECADE ago, but a friend just told me about the "Toichi and Yusaku are brothers" reveal, and while I myself supported that headcanon when I was in the fandom, the fact it is now actually canon is so funny. The Kudo (Kuroba?) family is such a mess, I love them.
Like, oh yes, I'm Shinichi Kudo, teenage detective prodigy, and this is my mom, Yukiko Kudo, former teenage actress prodigy, and my dad, Yusaku Kudo, famous mystery novelist who often helped the police, and this is his TWIN brother, Toichi Kuroba, famous thief and illusionist kaito kid with whom my father had a full fledged rivalry and who's been faking his death for years, and his wife (my aunt) another famous thief, and my cousin, Kaito Kuroba, you'll never guess what he does (yes, he's another famous thief). And my gramps! Who divorced and decided that recreating the parent trap irl would be so f*cking funny.
Like truly a family of meddlers and drama queens, lol.
Edit because I forgot to add "My cousin, yes another famous thief, with whom I ALSO have a full fledged rivalry".
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picturejasper20 · 10 months
I'm usually rather skeptical of the headcanon that a villain had a bad childhood or dead parents, you know that stuff...but i think the idea of Vlad having parents that he doesn't talk to or are dead is one of those cases that fits both thematically and makes sense for the character?
First, because that would explain a lot more why he is so lonely and why he became so obsessed with Jack and Maddie after the accident. If Jack and Maddie were the closest thing he had to people that cared about him, then it makes sense why he would develop an obsession over them for so many years.
On second point, it would be a good contrast to how Danny has a family/parents that care about him and accept him for who he is while Vlad doesn't have that. Since Vlad is a foil of Danny, him lacking a family would fit thematically as well.
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myceliumelium · 10 months
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I'd feel bad if I excluded live-action Gil from my army of Gil-Galads. He did his best. Probably.
I can only assume he's a "son of orodeth" Gil-galad? since that seems to be the most canon?
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baconmoop · 2 months
Something that just popped in my head that I've never thought of before:
If Lup hadn't died pre-voidfishing, wouldn't she have been even worse than Davenport?
Like, at least Dav kept his name. Lucretia erased everyone's memories of her, surely she'd be a completely blank canvas. Did Lucretia not think of that? Was she so sure that Lup was already dead that it didn't matter? Or did she think she'd be fine in the middle of nowhere, completely devoid of memory?
Sure, Davenport was the way he was because 'his life was the mission' or whatever. But Lucretia must have redacted so much to make sure Taako didn't remember his sister. There can't have been much left.
(Anyway someone write the fic please thank you)
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heart-wit-strength · 5 months
Thinking about Marcy slipping her journal into Anne's backpack the very moments before she was stabbed
Do you think she had the intuition that she probably isn't gonna make it, or that she's simply never gonna be able to see her friends in the eye again to be able to explain herself
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puhpandas · 2 months
not the ruin 2 fangame dawko played making me pissed off immediately because it called Gregory a dumbass for cutting the elevator
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4phr0d17e · 3 months
i saw a post the other day about why mary didnt tell neil the truth about the moriyamas and ive been thinking about it and i actually have a good answer for this but i cant find the post to reply to it LOL. anyway u have to remember that mary probably knew very little about riko OR tetsuji or how they wouldve treated neil if he had passed the test and joined the ravens as a kid. all she knew was that if he passes the test he gets to play the sport he loves and if he fails he dies. SO iii think that she didnt tell him because she assumed that he would think "of course im a good enough player to pass their test, lemme at em" and wouldve ran TO the moriyamas as soon as he could, and she didnt want to run that risk, especially as riko and kevin got older and became stars and from the outside had a perfect life. she couldntve told him "theyll kill u if u fail and also if u pass theyll make u wish u were dead" because i seriously doubt that she wouldve known that, so instead she kept it from him so he wouldnt even know there was a test to pass in the first place
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
I don't know about y'all, but I sometimes prefer bad writing.
Now, I absolutely love poetic writing that hits your emotions and is so well written that you question your position in the world or perspectives you've previously had. That's great.
At the same time, fics with grammar errors and bad flow can be fun to read. It's like a bumpy ride, and the energy I spend consuming the material is different. I've read tons of amazing fics that misspell their words or have run-on sentences. I'm just thankful they posted the fic for free
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soupy-sez · 2 years
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The Beastie Boys in KRUSH GROOVE (1985) dir. Michael Schultz
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wetcatspellcaster · 8 months
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↑↑ Live action footage of me, lying in my bed and trying to sleep after drafting A Big Scene and Having A Plot Revelation
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