#what did they tell the asgardian public? did they tell the truth that it was suicide? did they tell all the details?
musclesandhammering · 10 months
I need any and all au fics where Loki actually died when he fell from the bifrost or where most of the fic takes place in the 1 year gap pre-avengers so you actually see the family and Asgard’s reactions in the aftermath.
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magnusmodig · 6 months
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╰┈➤ thematic headcanons / @duel-king / no longer accepting !
hc + 😶 for a headcanon about a secret they know of / keep
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||. NGL ma moot, Thor's best kept secret is his own heart.
He doesn't share who he is and what he's feeling with anyone. Not his family, not his girlfriend/love of his life, not his longest friends, not his earthen allies. Even when he wants to connect with someone (for instance: Steve Rogers), it's an entire ordeal in and of itself just to give that person the bare minimum of the vulnerability they're asking of him. He won't speak of his own hardships, he won't speak of his own struggles. He might speak his thoughts and feelings to you on a normal day, sure, and he isn't the sort to try and hide his broodiness... but he'll rarely, if ever, bring it up first on his own, and he definitely will control the thread of conversations surrounding it either way. He will not talk about what he does not want to talk about, and he will end the conversation with something as simple as standing up if he decides the topic is something for Thor alone to worry about. Unless a concern ultimately has something or other to do with what the other person/greater whole is worried about, most of the time you will NEVER hear Thor speak of it in the terms of "I, Thor, am worried about this." / "I, Thor, care very deeply about this." (i think the closest he came to that in phase 1-3 was "give up your poisonous dream. you come home." @ loki in avengers and even then,,,,) And you will find that even after months (or in Jane and Steve's case, even 4 years) of near constantly being around this guy that, of him calling you "friend" and seeming to have a good time in your company, that at the end of the day ....you don't really know much of anything about him that you didn't already know or quickly learn when you first met. You never have. And he shows no signs of giving you those pieces of himself anytime soon, either.
Ironically, he fully believes that his mentions of vague things that are important to him ARE him being honest... because when you don't trust anyone to catch you when you fall and feel you have to do it all on your own, even admitting there is a problem is, in itself, a big deal. Even if you're only eluding to that fact. (Thinking specifically of, in AGE OF ULTRON (2015), Steve Rogers wanted Thor to lean on him after their Wanda visions. Thor...didn't do that, to say the least. And what he did instead was elude to Steve that what he did see in the dream was deeply troubling to him. Enough to need to go find answers elsewhere. And while to Thor that WAS him telling Steve the truth and being honest with his closest avengers companion, to Steve... that was just Thor locking him out. And not giving either Thor or Steve to remain on the same wavelength that they'd been on the whole rest of the movie prior to that. Steve later says "My teammates sometimes keep secrets from me. I was kinda hoping Thor might be the exception....")
Other than that for an actual more traditional secret.... I like to think his family was pretty stringent about keeping the general Asgardian public from knowing Loki didn't have special powers when they were growing up. It's a long-winded headcanon to explain but tl;dr if all royals of the Odin line have powers, and then Loki - "the youngest born son of Odin" - suddenly DIDN'T you wouldn't really want that information leaking out to everyone. For the safety of the family's reputation, but also ultimately for Loki's too. I don't think he enjoyed keeping this secret and I don't think he ever felt that Loki's "defect" was ever something so wrong that Loki ought be ashamed of it either. Especially since Loki makes up for it in spades by thinking outside of the box and learning magic. And generally just being a fantastic kid that Thor loves dearly. But Thor also understands politics and the importance of public images... ESPECIALLY for his family, so.... he did what he had to do.
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Hiding In Plain Sight
TITLE: Hiding in Plain Sight CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 9
AUTHOR: wolfpawn ORIGINAL IMAGINE:Imagine coming from a line of nobility or royalty and being in an arranged marriage with Loki in an attempt to strengthen your kingdom / alliance with Asgard. You’re not entirely on board with the idea but figured that the best you could do was to get to know your fiancé. You form an agreement with Frigga for you to pose as Loki’s personal servant for a few months so you can get to know who Loki really is – beyond the veil of his responsibility to the Asgardian throne, behind all the masks he wears when facing the public, to really know who Loki is behind closed doors as you slowly fall for each other.How long will you keep up the ruse with the God of Lies? RATING: General Audience
NOTE - I finally got my ass in gear and finished something, thank Loki.
Raven paced worriedly. Her family were to arrive today, meaning she would be required to reveal herself to Loki, and all that entailed. She prepared herself for whatever was to come. Her most likely scenarios, she surmised, was being ignored and given the silent treatment or being met with anger and confrontation until he said his piece, then being given the silent treatment. Neither were something she was looking forward to but she fully expected one of those to occur.
She prepared her belongings again so to stop herself from fidgeting too much in stress. Sadly, it did nothing to assist her but she needed to do something as she felt she would go insane waiting otherwise. She toyed with her fingers a lot, pinching the skin in her hands, something she was prone to doing when stressed.
When she heard a loud roaring noise, she jumped, having gotten herself so highly strung that she had not expected the loud noise and had caused a dramatic reaction as a result. She rushed to her window to see what had occurred and gulped when she saw the banner of the Light Elf royal family making their way from the Bifrost site across the bridge and towards Asgard. With a deep breath, she readied for what was to come.
Loki ignored the pageantry he knew was heading to the city. He heard the Bifrost and, like Raven, went to his window to see who was coming, unlike her, his room had a balcony but he did not use it, especially when he did not want anyone to see him. He knew his mother and father would call for him soon so he made his room impervious to their seidr and locked himself in while they met the Ljósáfar royals. It was petulant and juvenile but he simply was not in the mood. He would need to build up the effort to deal with the whole situation.
He felt when his parents attempted to make their way through his defences, their momentary pushes on his seidr but over eleven hundred years of knowing their son, they knew that he was not going to be reached through such means. They did not even bother to try and open his doors physically, he had learnt to lock them manually by the time he was three hundred and not in the mood for others, so instead, Frigga placed a note under the door simply telling her son that he was to be to the main hall in half an hour in some capacity or another before he embarrassed himself and Asgard.
Scowling, he tossed the note aside. He knew this would not be when it mattered but the dinner declaring their imminent marriage. He wanted to conjure a clone to do it but he would have to kiss Raven’s hand at the very least and they would not be able to do such. Gritting his teeth, he prepared for what was to come.
* Raven tidied her clothes and looked over herself in the mirror. She looked as well as she could, considering she was inwardly panicking more than she thought was healthy. She had not slept properly for some time thinking of how Loki would react and the guilt that she felt as a result of deceiving him which conflicted terribly with the feelings of anger and resentment she had for him saying the things he had said about her, unknowingly to her face. She felt terrible for being deceitful, she genuinely did but it conflicted so greatly with her own feelings from how he spoke of her. She didn’t know how to deal with it, but when the knock came on her door to inform her that her family had arrived, she was forced to no longer fret about what was going to happen and instead, have to live through it. Inhaling deeply, she straightened her dress and began her way to the main hallway to meet them.
Seeing her family speaking with the Aesir royals, Raven smiled slightly as she walked forward. Her brothers noted her and nodded politely as they were always trained to do. It was not commonplace for Light Elf royals to openly show affection so she was not upset with a lack of reaction to her. When Frigga noticed her, she smiled encouragingly at her, though there was clearly a slight worry in her face too. It was only when Raven stood beside them did her parents notice her. She waited patiently until they finished speaking to the Aesir royals with a polite smile she had been trained to do since before she could even remember.
Thor, who had been speaking with her brothers, watched diligently, noting how the male offspring of the Light Elves spoke freely whilst Raven remained silent. He had known that she had been very vocal and strong-minded when she chastised Loki for his wrongdoings, so he wondered how she was both so timid and meek in appearance with her family, yet so able for his Silvertongued and formidable brother simultaneously.
“Raven.” Her mother acknowledged her first. “I hope you have settled alright.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
Thor could only frown. With no others bar the two families there, he could not fathom why she spoke so formally with her own parents but he could say nothing as it was not his place to do so.
“And your betrothed is currently under the weather, we hear?”
Raven had not been told of any such excuses and she had actually seen Loki the day before from her window, pacing on a lower floor clearly discussing something with his brother and he had not seemed unwell. “I am afraid so. But he will undoubtedly be joining us all soon again.” She looked to Thor who shrugged ever so slightly, telling her that he too had not been aware of such excuses.
“It was my doing,” He confessed. “I may have been less than careful with our sparring yesterday and struck him to the side of the head too hard, he is feeling dizzy and such as a result.”
“Good Heavens.” Raven’s father shuddered. “I could only imagine the damage such a strike would inflict from a lad such as yourself.”
With nods of agreement, a motion to one of the smaller rooms was made so that everyone could converse more intimately.
For three hours, Raven eyed the door carefully whenever the opportunity arose, wondering when Loki would finally join them and in turn, cause issues but there was no sign of him. Her parents and brothers seemed to not take any notice and spoke at length with the Aesir royals, all while Raven merely nodded politely and smiled, only injecting herself into the conversation when forced to by Thor or Frigga. Odin, she had come to notice from her time in Asgard, was a lot like her own father, more focused on his more direct heir than his other child/children. In many respects, it taught her a little more about Loki. He referenced his son but not as he did Thor and by Norns, did it show. She felt that was ironic. They had more in common that Loki could know about since he had not bothered to even attempt to find out.
All through the time they spoke, she wondered why Loki had not turned up. Part of her suspected that he had realised who she really was and wanted nothing to do with the whole charade, which she would not be able to argue in many ways, but then again, she did not know that he had, he also struck her as the type to very much make it clear he did not like being tricked in any manner. Over and over, she played out different reasons for him not being there in her head, but all that she was able to conclude was that he was nothing more than a petulant child, having a tantrum in his room rather than actually facing the situation. He was not the only one forced into the situation yet he had not the manner nor the courage to actually face it.
When her parents and brothers went to settle into their rooms and prepare for the feast that would come that evening, she walked with them to their rooms quietly. Her focus was entirely on finding Loki and having the argument that she knew needed to come. She hated conflict but there was no manner in which she could avoid this one and it needed to happen soon. All she could conclude is that Loki, a smart and naturally mischievous being himself had arrived at the correct conclusion as to who she really was and was not happy with being tricked. Saying nothing and bowing as her parents and brothers entered their rooms, she walked back to the royal wing with Thor by her side.
“So, what is the truth?” She asked him.
“I have to say, I do not know. I have not seen my idiot brother since yesterday. He was ranting that I am not yet betrothed and he has to be and how unjust such is. Of course, if he got his head out of his rear end for a few moments, he would see what is happening around him, but that would mean he had taken more than a moment to focus on something that is not him and that will not be occurring.” Thor sighed. “He usually has the sense to not embarrass himself in front of foreign dignitaries in such a manner, I have no idea why he decided to start today.” “I guess I better find out,” Raven stated, looking forward, readying herself for what was to come.
“Do you require assistance?” Thor offered. “No, thank you. You are at risk of a blade.”
Thor nodded slightly. Loki was prone to attempting to stab him when he got angry with him.
“He is no risk to me. His words cannot hurt me. After all, I have heard everything he had to say and at worst, he will spit similar again and then go silent.” “Most likely. I am close by if you want my assistance,” He offered.
“Thank you but I will be fine.”
Thor walked on to his own rooms when she confirmed that she felt she would be fine. Though he was slightly concerned, he knew behind the peculiarly quiet manner in which she interacted with her family, Raven had the ability to take care of herself verbally.
* Raven readied herself to confront Loki. She changed out of the clothes she had met her parents in to something more comfortable but even more beautiful. She took a moment to look over the dress. She had taught herself how to make it while she waited for her parents’ arrival and for the wedding in her days of boredom. Bored and wanting to learn new skills, she had a maid get her some material and she sewed. Some of the seams were not entirely perfect but she thought it was beautiful and making it herself made her feel all the more proud of it. With a ribbon in her hair that matched it perfectly, she twirled once more and walked out of the room, inhaling deeply as she readied for what was to come.
She walked to Loki’s door with purpose, looking at it apprehensively for a moment before inhaling deeply again and knocked, making a mental note to herself to not keep inhaling so deeply, as she would make herself light-headed if she continued to do so. When Loki’s maid that she temporarily replaced opened the door, she cocked her head slightly, not recognising the elf on the other side. “Hello, can I assist you?” “I must speak with His Highness.” Raven smiled kindly.
“Regarding?” “His betrothed.”
The maid’s eyes widened. “Of course.” She seemed to be readying to open the door for a moment before she paused. “I am not sure if Prince Loki will accept such a request. He…”
“Is scowling in his room, refusing to open the door and growling incoherently on occasion?” Raven wagered.
“I...How could you…?” The maid was bewildered at how she could ever know that. “Know that? I just do.” Raven remembered when of the days that Loki arrived back to his rooms when she was disguised as his maid and did such after Thor and his friends had caused him to be dragged into a situation he had not been involved in and for some reason, he seemed to have been forced to have to shoulder more of the blame than they had when they had been the ones that did the deed and he had not. He stormed into his rooms and would not come out for a few days. “I still must speak with him. I know he is in no want of company but I still must speak with him urgently.” The maid moved to the side and opened the door fully with a facial expression that read as ‘good luck’.
“Thank you.” Raven walked over to the bedroom door and prepared herself for what was to come before knocking on the door the same way she had when she had been pretending to be his maid.
She had not known if Loki would actually acknowledge her knocking. She half expected that he would ignore her.
“I do not think…” His maid began.
Her words silenced when the door glowed green before opening. “Tatianna, be so kind as to retrieve my books from the library master, please.” Loki requested politely.
“Of course, Your Highness.” She curtseyed slightly with a large smile and rushed out of the room.
Raven’s brow rose at the kind manner in which Loki spoke to Tatianna and her relaxed demeanour in return.
With the door closed, there was a moment of silence between the pair. Loki looked over Raven’s dress and being in an analytical manner while Raven looked at Loki waiting for him to begin his tirade at her fooling him.
“I always suspected there was something off with you.” Loki declared.
“You are a warrior, you would be terrible or dead if you did not have a sense of when something is off.” “I hate liars.” “And I hate those that are two-faced.”
“Same difference in this case,” Loki growled eyeing her suspiciously. “I think it farcical for a maid to call me two-faced when I am sure you broke multiple records with the speed you rushed to your mistress with my words.”
Raven paused for a moment replaying his words in her head, realising after a moment that he had not actually realised what was happening. “I actually never ran to anyone at all or even said anything to anyone about your words outside of Prince Thor.”
Loki froze to the spot. “Thor?” “Your brother, future King of Asgard, Thor.”
“Why Thor?” He demanded.
“What concern is it of yours?”
Loki walked over, towering over her. “Did she honestly decide to speak to my brother about me? Have her little spy go to him with all the dirty details?” Raven was used to Loki’s moods so he did not concern her too greatly, but had she not been so used to him, she could easily have been intimidated. “It’s Raven, not ‘she’.”
“I’m sure she cares so greatly about that.” “I do, that is why I am correcting you, yet again. I have told you time and again to use my name and stop calling me ‘she’ or ‘her’, yet you still insist on not saying it.”
Loki’s brow furrowed at her words before the realisation came to him. His mother’s insistence in speaking with her when she saw her looking upset in the garden, Thor’s peculiar reaction on seeing her. “You’re not her maid.”
“I told you I was not.”
His eyes widened at the confirmation. “You’re actually her.”
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blood 8 - Strange/Stark!Reader
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Relationship: Dr. Strange/Princess!Stark!Reader
Rating: M
Warnings: Adult Themes, smut, adult language, implied sexual violence, general violence
Synopsis: Reader is the daughter of the legendary King Anthony Stark, Uniter of Lands, The Iron Defender, and leader of the realm. When the king disappears during battle, hope is lost and he is presumed dead.
When the late king’s uncle, Obadiah, takes the throne until your brother Peter is of age, he quickly arranges a marriage for you with a wicked king in a neighboring kingdom.
With the realms politics in question, and rumors of an upcoming siege to overthrow Peter’s rule before it starts, you quickly learn who is loyal to the crown and who is not.
part 7 - part 9
Chapter Playlist
WARNING: Attempted sexual assault/violence
8 - a secret
The news swept over the castle like a wave at high tide.
Prince Loki and Prince Thor were leading a brigade of men toward the castle, and the rumor was that the princes were furious with Obadiah. 
“I did say trust me, didn’t I?” Stephen joked while the two of you watched the men cross the threshold into the castle grounds, both princes sitting majestically upon their steads, leading their entourage inside. 
“They’re going to get themselves killed,” you murmured.
“Obadiah wouldn’t be so forward in front of the public,” Stephen reasoned, eyeing the Asgardian guardsmen as they continued their march inside. “They look like they’re ready for a war now. He’s be stupid to start anything with the men they’ve brought.”
He wasn’t wrong. The men looked as angry as their leaders were rumored to be. Their armor shimmered against the bright summer sunlight, and their weapons didn’t look like they were in town for a diplomatic mission. 
If you hadn’t known any better, you would have guessed they had plans to overthrow the castle themselves.
“He is on our side, right?” you asked again, nervous at the confident way the brothers surveyed their troops below. 
“Yes,” Stephen assured you with a confident nod of his head. “They both wish to see Peter safely on the throne.”
“I hope I don’t actually have to marry him,” you blurted out, catching Loki’s eye and offering a small wave in his direction. He bowed his head and rounded his horse into the castle behind the last of his infantry.
“Oh no?” Stephen teased, pinching your arm with a chuckle. “Did Brock win you over with his boyish charm?” 
“Gods you’re unbearable sometimes,” you shoved his arm and started back for the castle. “Let’s get ready. I have a feeling court is going to take a while.”
“Announcing, Prince Loki of Asgard,” Sam bowed and stepped aside while the dark haired prince sauntered forward, ignoring the wave of whispers and dirty looks that were sent his way by the court. 
You were seated a few levels down from your uncle with Peter and Pepper. Morgan was with her nursemaid, and the rest of the court stood on the ground, watching the scene unfold with great interest. 
“You have a lot of nerve showing up,” Obadiah opened, glaring down at him. Brock was at his side, arms crossed while he glowered down. 
“You have nerve with your slander, your majesty,” he snapped back. “Defaming your closest allies for what, this traitor?” 
“I remind you, you’re standing in my keep,” Obadiah snarled back and Loki laughed. 
“My brother and my men are already within your walls, with reinforcements waiting at the border,” he countered sharply. “I dare you to make a move against me. Even with your hound at your side, you would be making a very powerful enemy.”
Obadiah exchanged an uneasy look with Brock before clearing his throat. 
“Why are you here?” 
“You’ve stolen my bride,” Loki stated simply, eyeing drifting in your direction. You kept your expression neutral, despite your heartbeat kicking against your chest. “I’ve come to collect my due and close what relations Asgard has with you. Unless you have something to offer to appease my father’s understandable frustrations.”
The murmurs started up with that. 
Peter even leaned over and whispered in your ear. 
“He didn’t mention that,” he said, frowning, his fingers curling nervously against his armrest. You reached over and touched the top of his hand, focusing on calming your younger brother. 
“You know how he is,” you reminded him softly, willing calm toward him. After a moment, you saw his body relax. “He’s negotiating. You know our uncle won’t listen otherwise.”
Peter gave a curt nod, returning his focus to the scene before you, and listening intently to the exchange. 
Amora, for her part, had been ignoring the whole ordeal until you tried calming Peter. When you pulled your hand away, you instantly felt her eyes bore into you from across the room, where she and Stephen stood away from the crowds. 
“I was under the impression there was no claim to the princess,” Brock cut in, glaring now at Obadiah. The tension between the three men was palpable, even in the massive throne room. 
“Don’t be ridiculous, there wasn’t,” Obadiah hissed, waving away the other king and returning his attention to Loki. 
“I beg to differ,” Loki reached in his robes and pulled out a rolled document. The entire room was on edge as he passed it to Sam and the knight handed it off to the king.  
Obadiah took his time in unfurling it. He skimmed it over, expression reddening, with Brock reading over his shoulder. 
“Forgery!” he cried, throwing the document aside. Loki snapped his fingers and the paper materialized back into his hands. 
“This was written three days after the princess’ brith, pledging her to me when we came of age,” he explained coolly, mostly to the crowd. Ladies and lords gasped at the revelation, eyes darting between the royals at the scandal.
“Why weren’t you married sooner?” Obadiah demanded, ignoring the cutting scowls from Brock. “She’s had her blood for years now. The contract is no longer binding.”
“We were to be married after the king returned from battle,” Loki lied easily. “But the princess was distraught and asked that it be postponed. I, ever the gentleman, respected these wishes until such time there was stability in the kingdom. I never imagined such a betrayal by an allied nation would have occurred in such a short time.”
Eyes shot to you while the kings continued their interrogation over who would eventually take your hand. 
You kept your eyes down, only looking up to Pepper when she lightly touched your hand with a loving smile. 
“The princess mentioned none of this,” Obadiah howled, and when attention was diverted back to you, Loki jumped in and saved you from embarrassment. 
“Of course she didn’t,” he stated, tone as calm and cool as it’d been when he entered the room. “Look at you, she’d lost her father and potential betrothed in one sweep. She was probably terrified to go against you. It’s why I’m here, to defend her honor, take her as my bride, and return to Asgard.”
“I won’t allow it,” Brock voiced, stepping down from Obadiah’s side and moving to the ground near Loki where he continued his case. “The princess has agreed to marry me.”
“Under context of further terror, I’m sure,” Loki supplied sharply. “Your men slaughtered her father, leaving nothing behind. What other option did she have but to agree?”
“Do not play this court for fools,” Brock hissed. “We all know it was Asgard who planned the attack and framed my kingdom. The trading negotiations were never enough.”
“Is that so?” Loki asked, expression darkening. “I was under the impression that the trade routes benefited this kingdom handsomely. Is it not convenient that I’ve been given permission from my father to end our agreement if I see it necessary?”
The room began to panic at this. A few of the lords even voiced their protest at the concept, and seeing that he was losing the crowd, Obadiah bellowed out.
“Enough!” his voice rattled against the glass in the windows and echoed through the chamber until everyone fell silent. “I will convene with my council until the matter is resolved. Loki, you and your men will be our honored guests until this… confusion is settled.”
“I accept your invitation,” Loki smiled snidely at Brock with a grand bow. “My men will settle in the land surrounding the castle for the time being, and appreciate your generosity during this… difficult time.”
Court was dismissed, but ladies and lords lingered, watching the royal family and the kings as they turned the public spectacle into a more private conversation. 
“Princess?” Amora questioned, appearing at your elbow just as you stood from your chair. “May I have a word with you?”
Eyes wide, you tried to seek out Stephen, but he was nowhere to be seen, likely caught up in the crowd answering questions and speculations from the lords and ladies. 
“The princess and I were about to enjoy a walk through the gardens,” Pepper looped her arms through yours, throwing on another smile. “You’re welcome to join us. I will try not to be a bother.”
Amora’s gaze flickered over the queen, her plastered on smile faltering slightly at the offer. 
“I’d be honored, you majesty,” she finally stated, letting Pepper lead the way to the gardens with a pair of guards behind. 
“It’s a beautiful day, don’t you agree, Amora?” Pepper started the conversation, forcing Amora to keep in step with you and the queen. “I planted some roses last year that have finally come to bloom. Do you like roses, Amora?” 
“I do,” the sorceress answered tersely before turning to you, eyes glowing an ominous green. “Princess, what do you make of what just occurred? Is it true you were frightened from telling the truth of this prior betrothal?” 
“My late husband always intended for the princess to marry Loki,” Pepper answered before you could even open your mouth. “It was hardly a secret. You should have seen the two at balls when they were children. It was so endearing.”
“Then do you protest the marriage of the princes to my king, your grace?” Amora tried and Pepper stopped, pulling her arm free of yours and giving the sorceress a once over. 
“I don’t know what game you’re playing, witch, but I suggest you stop,” she practically growled at the blonde. “My daughter will not marry your king, and your schemes will be stopped before the moon is full.”
Amora’s eyes snapped back to normal, her pupils flaring at the overt threat. 
“How can you be so confident?” she countered, voice full of venom. “You would do well to stay quiet and pretty on the side. You’re no longer queen, in case you’ve forgotten.”
“My son will sit upon the throne in three months time,” Pepper reminded her. “And if there is any obstruction to that, those who stand in the way of the Stark family will burn. Darling, what are the family words?”
You startled at the shift toward you.
“We shall overcome and conquer,” you recited quickly before Pepper returned a razor sharp smile toward the sorceress.
“I think your king might need you,” Pepper added, waving away the blonde and turning toward her roses without so much as a second glance. “Gods know we don’t.”
You’d never heard such open hostility from your step-mother. The woman had always had a calm reserve about her that you’d respected during times of crisis. She’d been the voice of reason when you’d seen your father fretting over alliances or military tactics.
Amora hesitated a moment, looking from Pepper to you, before letting out a resigned sigh and leaving the two of you to the flowers. 
“Is she gone?” Pepper asked, tinkering with a rose that was struggling to bloom. 
You waited until Amora had returned to the castle interior before confirming she was out of sight. 
All at once, Pepper enveloped you into her arms and sighed, squeezing you against her chest.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, pressing her forehead against the top of your hairline. She pulled away after a moment, her hands still lingering on your shoulders while she tried to read your expression. “This is never what we had planned for you.”
The honesty in her tone broke your heart. How many times had she and your father discussed your future? Your prospects?
“We can only do our best,” you murmured. “Who could have predicted the turn this would have taken?”
“If you had to choose, who would make you happy?” Pepper asked seriously and you considered her words carefully.
“Of the two?”
Pepper’s expression lifted at the question, a knowing smile playing at the edge of her lips.
“I see,” she hummed in thought. “That damned idiot never came forward.”
Feeling your face warm at that, you sighed with a defeated laugh. 
“He probably thought there was more time,” you reached for one of the nearby roses and gave it a sniff.
Pepper paused, and when you looked to see why she hadn’t spoken, her expression had fallen, eyes lost a million miles away.
“I think we all did,” she finally whispered, blinking back the pooling water in her eyes. “I do believe you could be happy with Loki.”
You made a noise- not quite of agreement, but not of total disgust. 
“He might even allow you certain… liberties,” she offered lightly. “For his mischief, he is a good man at heart.”
Pulling away from the flower, you finally met her eyes directly, knowing that you would have to face this eventually.
“He’s doing this for our family,” you whispered, keeping your gestures calm and neutral under the eye of the guards. You plucked one of the roses free and move to attach it to the collar of her dress. “He means to stop the alliance Brock and Obadiah are planning, to keep Peter on the throne.”
Pepper’s expression hardened at the information. You could tell she was forming connections as you fidgeting with the button holes and slide the rose into place. 
“You keep secrets well, dove,” she reached for the flower affectionately before leaning and kissing your cheek. “Peter… not so much. Have you gone to the kitchens recently? I hear you might have a reunion with a little thief from yesterday.”
She pulled away and started back toward the castle, one of the guards following behind her, the other remaining to watch you. You realized that it was Steve, his expression guilty when you approached.
“Were you listening?” you challenged and he sighed.
“Only a little,” he confessed. “For your safety.”
“A conversation between mother and daughter?” you smirked and he rolled his eyes. 
“You should go to the kitchens,” he offered in place of an explanation. “Or rather, shall we?” 
“Are you ready for what you must do?” Wanda asked, lifting the glass vial Stephen had sealed and set out on his desk. 
The observatory was unnaturally quiet. The fireplaces extinguished, the books all stacked away or moved to his family home in the countryside. Aside from him and Wanda, there was no life in the room, all traces of your late nights together, books read, or spells learned had been erased.
It was almost time. 
“What choice do I have now?” he asked, plucking the vial from her hand and giving it a shake. “Loki can buy us some time, but until the family is secure we cannot make a move.”
“The princess is headed to the kitchens,” Wanda stated, pausing while her eyes glowed red. “Brock is unhappy with todays events and is looking for her.”
Stephen clenched the vial in his palm. He didn’t want to exploit your emotions, but you wouldn’t be able to hide from Amora forever. The queen had done a marvelous job of keeping her away, but she, along with every other magic user in the room, had felt the seidr you’d unwittingly passed to Peter.
“I need to be with the king,” Wanda suddenly stated, eyes wide. “The future is moving toward us faster than expected, Stephen.”
She disappeared in a cloud of red smoke, leaving him to his empty, broken room. 
Would the two of you get a chance to steal away in its comfort again? 
Would you even forgive him for lying and hiding the truth from you?
Opening his hand and rolling the vial around his palm, he sighed. Wanda was right. Things were going to move quickly and all at once after the first weight dropped. 
Natalia hadn’t expected you to be glaring at her from across the kitchen.
So when you dragged her to the hallway, demanding an explanation, she was at a loss for words. At least, until she saw Steve’s smirk from the corner of the space. 
It was nearing time.
“Stephen wanted me to be closer to keep an eye on things,” she lied. It wasn’t a complete lie. She was close and Stephen had agreed with the plan (the plan set in place by your father, but you weren’t to be made aware of that just yet) and she was keeping an eye on the quiet rebellion stirring under Peter’s leadership.
All the paths were beginning to converge, whispers turning to quiet battle cries as the castle readied itself for battle. 
And you were none the wiser. 
It was too risky otherwise. Amora was focusing in on your seidr and any lapse would pull the magic user’s attention. If you even thought about rebellion and war, the sorceress would be tipped off and Brock or Obadiah would make a move to counter it. 
“Why wouldn’t he have told me?” you demanded, arms crossed. Steve continued to look amused in the background. Natalia would have to knock him straight one of these days…
“Safety,” she merely replied, shrugging.
A call came from the kitchens and she used it as an excuse to exit, but you followed behind stubbornly. 
“What aren’t you telling me?” you asked, pestering her while she scooped up a basket of bread for the Asgardian troops outside.
“Princess, please, you’re in the way,”  Nat shoved past you, earning a small gasp from one of the kitchenmaids at the casual way she addressed the princess. Pulling you aside, she lowered her voice. “You’re going to expose me. Just trust what is happening is for your own good.”
She stalked off, fuming at the way Steve continued to smirk to himself, knowing full well he was the one who brought her down there. 
Not that he was entirely to blame, it was part of the plan, just a little earlier than anticipated. It meant that Natalia had to work fast and get a message to Loki and Thor’s camp before nightfall.
“Is this funny?” you asked Steve dryly, motioning toward the stairs back to the main living quarters with a defeated sigh.
“Not at all, your highness,” he answered cheekily. 
No one was willing to answer your questions. OR rather, no one was around to answer your questions. 
The observatory was locked- meaning Stephen was off the grounds. Wanda wasn’t around, Peter was avoiding you after the ordeal in the throne room, and even Wong was no where to be found. 
“Maybe you should retire to some light reading before dinner?” Steve suggested after having followed you across the greater length of the castle. 
“You’re hiding something too and I’m not thrilled about it,” you snapped, turning on him. “Why is Nat in the kitchens? Is James in the stables?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, he’s in the armory,” Steve answered, deadpan, watching your expression until he finally let out another laugh. “Princess, I promise you, there is no grand conspiracy against you. Master Strange is just ensuring extra layers of protection are in place for you.”
“For what? My wedding?” you asked bitterly. “I thought that’s what Loki was for.”
“These are dangerous times, my grace,” he replied. “One can never be too sure of who to trust. I caught a Baron at the border not three days ago negotiating with one of Brock’s men for privileged information.”
“Who?” you asked, a little curious as to who would be so bold.
“Zemo,” he said the name sourly. “He was apparently promised more land and favor in Brock’s kingdom for supplying vulnerable points of entry to the castle.”
“Oh,” you paused, considering the passages you’d ventured through with Natalia and Stephen over the years. 
As if reading your mind, Steve spoke up. 
“They’re secured,” he murmured, before nudging your shoulder at an approaching figure.
“Princess,” King Brock greeted with fake enthusiasm. He reached for your hand and gave the knuckles a light graze of his lips. “Would you like to take a small walk around the castle with me?”
“The princess was about to start her afternoon studies,” Steve informed him briskly. 
Brock sized him over, just then realizing he was even there. 
“The princess can spare some time for her betrothed,” he stated firmly, looking down at you, hand still clutched around yours. “Isn’t that right?” 
“Let Stephen know I’ll be with him shortly,” you urged, hoping Steve would do well to get the sorcerer or someone who was capable of intervening. 
He nodded briskly, excusing himself and hurrying down the hall with your message. 
“Quite the ordeal today,” Brock commented, guiding you toward the private quarters. “Tell me, do you wish to marry that brute? I can’t imagine with your delicate heart that wedding the monster who killed your father would be acceptable.”
You swallowed, pulling your hand free and pretending to fix a button on your sleeve to occupy yourself. 
“I serve at the pleasure of my king,” you answered neutrally. “What agreement he makes is outside of my control.”
Brock stopped, eyeing you suspiciously.
“Why do I get the feeling you don’t trust me?” he asked sharply. “Or like me for that matter?”
You froze like a deer at the hunt. 
You didn’t trust him, and you were far from liking him. You knew in your heart he was the one who’d killed your father, who’d betrayed him and brought your home into chaos with a mad king on the throne. 
“I don’t know what you mean, my liege,” you lied, continuing down the hall and pretending to admire a tapestry you’d seen a thousand times before. 
“Don’t play coy,” he catch your arm and spun you to face him directly. “It wasn’t me, you know. It was the Asgardians. They wish to frame my men for their misdeeds.”
You ripped your arm away, glaring up at him.
“Hundreds of our men saw you on the horse, leading the charge,” you snapped, forgetting exactly who you were speaking so freely with in the heat of the moment. “The Asgardians weren’t even positioned for that area. How could they have assembled so quickly and nearly destroyed our army for effectively?”
Brock gaped at you in surprise, not expecting such a curt and honest response from you. The surprise quickly shifted to fury and he grabbed the top of your arm, pulling you toward a nearby room and shoving you inside. 
The room must have belonged to him or Amora. It was a standard living arrangement with an armoire and a four post bed, but no personal touches that suggested it was permanent situation. 
“Who do you think you are?” he snarled, shoving you against a wall. “You’re lucky anyone is giving you a second thought, don’t think because that bastard prince has shown up that you aren’t anything but something for my seed to fill.” 
He was in your face, hissing his words as he continued to push you back against the wall. 
“Get away from me,” you threw an elbow, catching him in the jaw, but that served only to fuel his anger. He caught you by the wrist, twisting your arm behind your back and pinning you face first onto the cold stone. 
You could hear him fumbling with his belts, his breath hot against your neck while you tried to snuggle yourself free. Each movement made him twist even tighter on your hand, sending a shock of pain up the arm. 
“Has your wizard fucked you already?” he snarled, pressing his hard member against the back of your skirts. “I bet you’re just a little whore for him, aren’t you?”
You squirming became more desperate. His hands caught your waist, his knee edging up the skirts. 
“Too bad you’re mine,” he growled, pulling at the strings of your corset and trying to shuffle it down your waist. “I’ll have him hanged and let you watch his pathetic body sway in the courtyard while I fill you with my heirs, you pathetic whimpering fool.”
He’d nearly succeeded in pinning you in place when you remembered the dagger hidden at the front of your dress. Using your free hand, you slipped it free and rolled against his grasp, swinging the sharp object toward him.
It caught his face and he reeled back, yelling in pain, blood dripping from his cheek. 
“You bitch!” he swung, catching your face and sending you stumbling back toward the bed. He moved toward you, blood spilling over your dresses while he reached down and gripped your neck, hiking the skirts up while he ripped his pants down. 
You tried to scream, to throw fists, but no matter how you fought, he was overpowering you. 
You closed your eyes, willing it all to be over, to have someone hear the chaos, but no one came. You couldn’t let this happen. Every inch of skin repelled at his touch, your entire soul repulsed by his very existence, you willed everything inside of you to get him as far away from you as possible. 
Your world was going dark when you held up a weak hand to try and shove him off of you one last time while he positioned himself over you. 
The was a yelp of surprise and a crash. The constriction on your throat loosen and no longer was he ripping at your skirts. 
Opening your eyes, you saw Brock hunched over on the other side of the room, a fresh wound bleeding from the back of his head, the stone wall behind him cracked slightly. 
You looked to your outstretched hand, a faint glow of violet was fading and you slowly sat up to take in the situation. 
Did you just kill him?
“Princess?” a voice was calling from the hall, a short rap of knuckles on the door before it opened, revealing Loki.
“Close the door,” you urged sharply, your voice broken from the damage Brock had done to your throat. Loki obliged, taking in the scene with wide eyes. He was at your side in an instant, touching your cheek where you were certain a bruise was forming around your eye.
“What happened?” his tone had dropped dangerously, and from the look on his face, you were certain he already knew the answer.
“Did I kill him?” you asked, eyes falling behind your friend to the slumped over king on the ground. “He’s bleeding…”
“I hope so,” he hissed, standing and moving to the king. He checked his pulse and sighed. “Alive.”
“What are we going to do?” you asked, panic now forming in your chest. This was very very bad. If Obadiah found you… or him… or he told someone about…. 
“Let me handle it,” he murmured, returning to your side. “Hold still.”
His hands were cool while he traced around the tender spot on your face. As he moved his fingers, they glowed a beautiful emerald color and the pain began to recede.
“Look at me,” he ordered gently, lifting your chin to examine his handiwork. “Lovely as ever, princess.”
Dumbfounded, you touched the bruise and found no pain or swollen skin. 
“I couldn’t control it,” you whispered, looking down at your hand when you dropped it into your lap. “Stephen said it would be best not to completely seal it. That it might serve as protection but…”
Loki chuckled at your hesitation.
“I’ll take care of him,” he promised firmly. “He won’t remember a thing. You’re fortunate that Stephen and Amora are examining the barriers around the castle. She would have sensed your seidr immediately.”
“Won’t she know you tampered with him?”
“She’s good, but I’m better,” he winked and helped you to your feet. “Are you injured anywhere else?” 
There was a pause while you realized precisely what he meant. 
“No, he didn’t- he wasn’t able to-,” you stammered out, cheating aching at the fresh memory. Loki pulled you to his chest, wrapping his arms over your shoulders protectively. You hadn’t realized you’d been trembling until he had steadied you.
“You should retire for the evening,” he suggested. “I’ll have someone bring up your dinner.”
“What about-?” you looked to Brock, still unconscious on the ground. 
“I told you, I will take care of it,” he reminded you with a playful smirk. “Here.”
A shimmer of green overtook you and you looked down at your formally ripped and tattered dress. It’d been replaced with a fresh dress in Loki’s colors of emerald and gold.
“You’re hilarious,” you joked, smoothing out the silks and bending over to recollect your dagger and sheath. 
“You have to admit, you do you look good in my colors,” he teased.
“I prefer my own,” you countered, the dress shifting to the crimsons of house Stark. “Or maybe the blues of Kamar-Taj.”
He rolled his eyes.
“You’re just cruel,” he sighed, leaving the dress in red. “Lock your doors. Only answer for those you trust. I’ll inform Stephen what has happened as soon as I’m done.”
He guided you toward the door, a hand on your back. 
“Are you sure?” you asked a final time and he just smiled, letting you back into the hallway and closing the door behind you.
“Trust me,” he supplied before the door latched shut. 
A lot of people were saying that to you recently. 
On the other side of the door, Loki looked at the king and scoffed.
Snapping his fingers, he left the man exactly how he was, materializing outside of Prince Peter’s quarters.
“Your highness!” he knocked frantically on the door. When Peter peered out, Loki rushed in, rapidly explaining what had happened between the princess and the king.  
Peter went into a frenzy, while Loki stood to the side, watching the young man announce it was time to make their move against Obadiah. 
The younger prince was absolutely right, in more ways than he realized.
9 - a king’s arrival 
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@ayamenimthiriel  @ladynothing​ @im-a-bi-disaster-help​ @idkwhatthisislol​
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itspufflehuff · 3 years
Pranksters - Bucky Imagine
Summary: When plans get cancelled you and Bucky are left alone in the Avengers tower on Valentines Day. In an attempt to make the most of your night you and Bucky place some pranks on the other Avengers.
Happy Valentines Day everyone! I hope you all have an amazing and safe day with your friends, family, and/or partners! This is one of three imagines I will be posting today.
As requested by @sebstanfan123​ thank you for the idea I had fun writing this! Warning there will be talks of drinking and getting drunk. Thank you for reading my story, enjoy!
Word Count: 2,392
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Bucky thought he and Steve could spend this lonely Valentine's day together drinking some of Thors Asgardian liquor and reminiscing over the good old days.
You were hoping to spend the day with Natasha making fun of people at the bar.
But of course, nothing went as planned. Steve just had to decide to move on and go out with Sharon and Natasha agreed to babysit for Clint while he and his wife spent a nice night together.
It was just you and Bucky left alone in the Avengers tower with nothing to do but be miserable.
When you walked into the common room you were surprised to see Bucky sitting on the couch with the remote in his hand aimlessly surfing the channels. You stopped at the entrance of the room, "What are you doing here?"
He stopped pressing buttons on the remote turning his head over to you with an amused look, "Well hello to you too."
Realizing how rude you sounded you quickly explained, "I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that I was just expecting you to be with Steve somewhere else." You made your way over to the couch and plopped down next to him.
"Yeah, until he bailed on me for Sharon. I never did that to him when I was the hot one." He said half-joking but half-serious.
"Nat bailed on me too. Although her reason is not as scandalous as yours."
"Now look at us. Dying of boredom when we could have been having fun."
"You know... we could still have fun." You suggested mischievously.  
"What did you have in mind?" He was a bit scared of what your response would be. He always liked you and thought you were very beautiful but he was still getting used to being in this new world free of Hydra. On top of that, he hadn't been with a woman since 1942.
"I don't know, anything! I don't want to waste the rest of our night moping around feeling sorry for ourselves."
You sat in silence for a second until an idea popped into your head and you basically jumped, "We could pull pranks! We'll leave harmless surprises for everyone in the morning."
He thought for a second then nodded, "I like it. So what will we do?"
"I don't know I came up with the idea I thought you could pitch some pranks."
He chuckled shaking his head, "Um ok. How about taking the pillows out and filling the cases with tissue paper instead?"
You laughed, "That's a good one. Oh! We can put bubble wrap under the toilet seats so when they sit it starts popping."
"But guys pee standing?" He laughed.
"Yeah, but they eventually have to sit down? We can tape a line of bubble wrap to the bottom so they won't really see it and when they're ready to put the seat down it stays in place."
"Ok let's do it." He stood up excitedly then turning the tv off.
The both of you made your way over to the supply closet where you assumed the items you needed would be, but to your disappointment, there were only cleaning supplies. "Maybe they will be in the workshop?" Bucky suggested. Once again, nothing.
You checked three more places before giving up, "You mean to tell me we live in probably the most expensive building in New York with one of the richest men alive but we don't have bubble wrap or tissue paper?" Bucky let out exasperated.
"There is a convenience store down the street well just check there." You laughed at his annoyance. The both of you quickly got ready, excited to get started on your pranks. Bucky pulled on his signature boots, sweater, and baseball cap as you grabbed your coat and wallet then slipping on your shoes.
At the store, you and Bucky grabbed a basket and walked the isles like people on a mission. On your way to the aisle with all the wrapping supplies, you passed the baking section and an idea came to mind, "We should make raisin cookies and make them look like chocolate chip cookies!"
"What's wrong with raisins?" He asked faking offense.
"Nothing old man, it's just people nowadays prefer chocolate." You joked. He rolled his eyes laughing but put the cookie mix in your basket. That's when the cellophane caught his eye and he had an idea of his own, "What if we right this around the tops of their body wash, shampoo, and toothpaste then put the lids back on. That way when they try using it nothing comes out." You laughed nodding your head, "That's a good one Buck."
You two then grabbed what you really went to the store for and at the checkout Bucky refused to let you pay. Using his metal arm he held you back and with the other, he gave the cashier some cash, "Keep the change and receipt. Thank you." He took the bag and began walking out without you. Catching up to him you said, "That's not fair to use your strong arm against me!" You knew he hated his metal arm whenever he was doing non Avenger related tasks out in public so you made sure not to say 'metal arm' and instead settled for 'strong arm'.
"Don't hate the player, hate the game." He winked at you.
You laughed, "What?"
"I have no idea but I'm excited to get back and get started on this." He smiled lifting the bag up.
When you entered the common room once again you both ran over to the island and dropped all the contents of the bag out on it giggling like children, "Ok you get started on the bubble wrap and I'll put the cellophane on all their bottles. When you're done we'll meet back here." You both ran around the building into everybody's bathroom, except for each other's of course.
Seemingly at the same time, you meet up at the island with red cheeks unable to stop the giggles. You picked up the packs of tissue paper, "Should we tag team their pillows?"
"Let's do it." He smiled playfully. You both ran into Tony's room getting started on taking the pillows out of their cases. Time seemed to fly as you two ran into everyone's room switching out their comfy pillows for tissue paper. When you finished you both laid horizontally on Steve's bed for a break.
"I feel like we're missing something," Bucky said looking up at the ceiling.
"Right," he chuckled lightly, "My disgusting raisin cookies."
"I never said disgusting, " you defended, "I only said people prefer chocolate."
You both made your way over to the kitchen. Bucky helped you bring out all of the materials needed to bake the cookies as you grabbed the ingredients. "You know what we need?" You said suddenly?"
Bucky's eyebrows furrowed but he kept his smile, "What's that?"
"Drinks. And music."
"You are most definitely right." He laughed looking away, "I'll grab the drinks while you get started?" He suggested.
"What just because I'm a woman I have to stay in the kitchen?" You turned serious. Bucky's face dropped as he began stumbling over his words. You started laughing, "I'm messing with you I don't care."
"That was mean." He said still scared but you could see the smile trying to fight its way onto his face.
"Don't hate the player, hate the game." You winked at him.
Bucky went into the room Tony keeps all their alcohol and grabbed a bottle of wine, some brandy, and one of Thor's Asgardian liquor. When he went back to where you were he heard music playing, "Is this Tony's playlist?" He asked
You spun around to face him, "Yeah, I figured we'd start with music you're more familiar with, and since Tony is always blasting his stuff during training I thought this was the safe option."
As you mixed the ingredients together Bucky grabbed some glasses, "Brandy or wine?"
"White or red?" You asked keeping your back to him.
"Uhh- White."
"I'll have some wine."
He served both of you some wine but adding a drop of Thor's liquor to his glass.
For the next two hours, you both danced and sang along to the music as you made the cookies. You would've finished baking them quicker but after you had the cookies in the oven for thirty minutes you realized no one turned it on. Laughing at each other you took the cookies out to heat the oven.
The both of you were had gotten tipsy quicker than either of you expected. Maybe it had something to do with you switching out sips of wine for the whole bottle of brandy and Bucky swapping his glass for the bottle of Asgardian liquor. As the cookies baked in the oven you gasped and looked over to Bucky, "Wouldn't it be so funny if we switched out the sugar for salt!"
"That would be perfect! They'll all be so grossed out when they have their morning coffee." He laughed. You were lucky that both the salt and sugar were in jars that were labeled on the lid so all you needed to do was swap lids. You both laughed thinking you were so sneaky.
When the cookies finished you neatly placed them on a plate then wrapped them in cellophane to keep them fresh. Bucky made his way over to the couch holding onto Thor's liquor like it was the love of his life. You took your phone out connecting it to the speaker and started playing one of your old playlists from Spotify. The truth was you didn't even know which playlist you pressed on, you just needed a change in music.
Taylor Swift's 'You Belong to Me' started playing over the speakers, "I love this song!" You shouted to Bucky. You sang along word for word. It might not have been good singing but you didn't mess up. Next was Justin Bieber's 'Baby' then, Best Song Ever by One Direction not missing a single lyric.
Bucky looked at you from the couch amused, "I don't know any of these songs but you're doing great!"
As the songs went on Bucky got up to dance along with you. He took your hand twirling you around as you sang along. It was the most fun either of you had in a while.
Eventually, you both got tired and fell back onto the couch. Bucky had his arm around you so you laid your head on his shoulder shutting your eyes. "This was amazing, why don't we hang out more?" He asked looking down at you.
"I have no idea but we should do this more often."
"Yeah, we should." He smiled softly at you even though your eyes were closed so you couldn't see. Slowly his eyes shut as you both drifted off to sleep on the couch.
Neither of you woke up when everyone came home late at night. Steve was the first to arrive. When he saw you and Bucky sleeping on the couch together a chuckle escaped his lips as he shook his head smiling. He grabbed one of the blankets that happened to be nearby and placed it over the both of you. However, when he went into his room and laid on his bed to sleep he almost got back up and yanked the blanket off both of you. As soon as his head hit the pillow it sank and he heard crinkling. He tried another pillow and the same thing happened.
Great, first my toothpaste isn't working now this.
He searched for his pillows but couldn't find them anywhere so instead he used a shirt and fell asleep like that.
In the morning Bucky, for the first time in forever, was hungover and so were you. Everyone was having their breakfast and coffee when you both woke up.
"Morning. Had a busy night?" Tony asked.
The light was too bright for you both. As if he read your mind Bucky threw the blanket over your heads.
"Come on. Some coffee will help with that pesky hangover." Tony said.
You and Bucky groaned but dragged yourselves to the table where two fresh cups of coffee were waiting for you two. You were about to take a sip when Tony stopped you, "Sugar?"
"Huh?" You asked, "Oh sugar. Yes please, Bucky want some?" He just nodded his head too tired to speak.
You got up to grab the jar of sugar from the cabinet then walked it over to the table. You poured a scoop into your coffee then Bucky poured some in his as well.
The second you both took a sip you spit it right back out, "What the hell is this?" You asked.
"Oh, you don't remember?" Tony asked with fake shock, "I guess you two pranksters thought it would be hilarious to switch the labels on the sugar and salt. Of course, I'm a genius and always make sure everything is labeled right so I figured it out right away. You're the only people who had to suffer with salt in their coffee."
You and Bucky looked at each other forgetting all about the sugar and salt. It was a last-minute drunken decision you both made. You both looked down ashamed then Bucky perked his head up, "How'd you all sleep?" He smirked. Beside him, you giggled.
The both of you went on with your days as usual. You each went to your rooms to take a refreshing shower before heading to the training room. When you walked in Bucky was working on the punching bag. As soon as he saw you he stopped. "Hey Y/N."
You smiled at him, "Bucky, lovely seeing you again. "
"I could say the same thing." He whispered to himself. Then he shyly made his way over to you, "So, Y/N, last night was fun and I was wondering, well hoping, if you would like to go out tonight?" He rubbed the back of his neck mentally kicking himself. He was never this shy or nervous with women before. He was always confident and could get any woman he wanted. Now he was unsure and nervous.
You could tell how nervous he was so you took his arm, "I'd love to."
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biglokinator · 3 years
December 17
I was at balcony, standing near the handrail, looking at the stars and dreaming about him. Dreaming about how many hugs and kisses I would give to Loki. If only he could be here. If only... if only I could really say I love you for the first time to him. What if... what if I was able to do that before, but fear and disappointment made me to kept those words in my damn mind? How can I forgive myself not doing that? Not telling Loki those good and lovely things he really deserved? How can I forgive? Someone in this world please tell me!
-Hey, why are you here? -As I heard footsteps behind me, I exhaled deeply and imperceptibly wiped my tears away. I turned back to Aaron with a smilling face.- Have you been crying? -My brother’s expression changed quickly when he saw me.
-Yes. -I fake smiled again.- But those tears are happy tears. Like.. tears of joy. -I shrugged.- I will come back to party in couple of minutes.
-Oh, cmon, sis. It’s your birthday. How can you say that when everyone is looking for you?
-I just need to be alone right now. I promise, I’ll be back in ten minutes.
-Okay. Okay. -He was going to go, when suddenly turned back.- Before I forget and before you are all alone, this letter was given to me to give to you. -He gave me an envelope, which was green and my heart just skipped a beat.- So... here you go. -Said Aaron and went back to the building. I was still looking at that thing in my hands. It was from him. From Loki. I knew it, as soon as I saw it’s color.
-Oh, it’s my favorite kind of green. -I was touching it carefully. Honestly I didn’t want to open, but also I was looking forward to read this letter.
“Open it please.” Said my another self in mind. “Cmon, what are you waiting for? Don’t be a coward! Open and read it!
I started shivering(not from a cold weather, but from anxiety). I was afraid of Loki. I was aftaid of his words. I didn’t know what was written in this letter... But logically I will never know if I don’t open it.
-So, I’m doing it... -I exhaled air deeply and opened green envelope, when suddnely from nowhere Thor appeared in front of me.- Oh, my GOD! What on the earth?! -I screamed with fear, as I looked at Asgardian’s frightened face. It was so unexpected.. Also he was nervous about something.
-Don’t read that letter. -Odinson Said carefully.
-Why? -I got confused.
-Because it’s not true what it’s written there. -Thor pointed at letter.
-Where do you know what is written here? -I asked with a doubtful voice.
-Cmon, do you really think Loki would sent you an envelope? -God of thunder asked me sarcastically. I didn’t like his tone. He seemed unusually unusuall.
-Cmon, do you really think Loki would come here to talk to me? -I asked it ironically too with a painful laugh. I know he’s not the type of person, who writes a letter, but in that moment when my brother gave me an envelope, for one second I really thought it was from him. And if it’s not from god of mischief, then who would want to do that on my birthday? I put down envelope on the table.
-You know him very well. No one knows what will come to his mad mind.
-So what are you trying to say, that he’s may be here? -I asked with my eyes wide open.- There is no way. -I shook my head.- I’m sure Loki’s somwhere far away. I won’t be surprised if I listen a story from you about him, how he demolished another planet.
-Is he tho? -Thor shrugged in a funny way, but I didn’t laugh.
-Thor stop! -I said loud.- Don’t do that!
-Don’t do what? -He asked with a surprise, like he really didn’t know.
-I will beat your ass, right now, if you won’t stop! -I pointed my index finger to him.
-Okay, okay. -He raised up his both hands as a sign of give up.
-Why are you really here, Thor?
-To talk about my brother. -He got serious in seconds.- I wanna know the truth... About him and you. What is going on?
-Um... I... Are you sure you want to hear?
-Yes, darling. I’m listening. -Thor said and crossed his hands on his chest, like Loki would. And I realised, he was Loki in disguise. I got even nervous, when I realised who was actually standing right in front of me. This little... Ugh! Odinson junior was playing his brother’s role so damn well... until now. He really, really shouldn’t have said those words. So you wanna play game like that, huh?
-Well... -I sighed.- As we already know, your brother is a real pain in ass, a real catastrophe and all that stuff. It is a way how he want to be seen in public, or maybe he doesn’t even want to be seen in that way at all. -I shrugged.- But I know one thing. -I raised my finger and got closer to Thor-Loki. He was looking at me with curiosity.
-Like what?
-Like what and... I know he isn’t that bad as it seems. Loki is confused, disappointed and heartbroken by your stupid father. -Thor got angry.- I’m sorry for saying that, but I had to. I’m sorry, but when it comes to your brother, there is no way of hiding the truth and my truth is that, if I could, I would give him the world and attention he needed all this years. I would give him even my own world too if it’s possible, because as much as he’s strong and powerful, he’s also vulnerable and lost. And I can’t stand when I have to look at him in his beautiful eyes and only see the pain, jealousy, anger, sometimes tears too. It’s not a real Loki. And I know if he was here, he would ask me how the hell I know who is a real Loki then, but trust me, I know. -I shrugged again and smiled slightly.- I also know that you will do me a favour and instead of me, you will wish Loki a happy birthday. -He’s face changed and got even more serious. Someone wasn’t expecting the last sentence. I could see that in Loki’s teary eyes. He cleared his throat. -Is there anything you would like to say? -Loki asked almost silently and carefully.
-Yes. -I answered shortly.- I would like to say that... -I looked at my fingers. I’m not sure if it’s a good or a bad idea. But if don’t take that chance as a hint...- that, I love him.
-What? -Tear dropped on his cheek.- What did you say? -Loki got even more close to me.
-That I love your brother. I love Loki. And I’m so sorry about what happened to him and I recently. Can you tell him those words for me? -I was looking at Loki. He was silent. Didn’t say anything. He started to walk around balcony with his hands on his back, as always.
-Wow. -Then finally started talking: - Wasn’t expecting that. I’m sorry, but I think it’s not enough for Loki to believe in your words.
-Oh, really? -I raised an eyebrow.- Then exactly what should I do to prove him I’m right and I’m not a bad liar like him? Should I colonize a planet too? Or kill people?
-You just have to kiss him. -Loki transformed into his real body with a smirk on his face. The Asgardian came even more close and touched me on my cheeks with fingers.
-And that’s all? J-just a kiss? -I was looking at his eyes and I can really tell, for the longest time, he was truly happy. As I wished about some minutes ago, I hugged him very tight. He didn’t hesitate to do the same and because of his touch, my heart begin to jump out from my chest.
-No, it’s not just a kiss, darling. -He whispered and touched my neck with lips.- I want everything from you. I want you!
-Loki... I- after all I have done to you-
-Shut up. It wasn’t your fault. I made you do that. The one should apologize is me. I’m truly sorry, love. -Loki was staring at me with pain. He’s eyes were full of grief and sorrow.
-Don’t look at me like that ever again.. like you are in great anguish. I said that I love you. I truly do with all my heart. You are precious to me. -While I was confessing my feelings for him, he just stood there with a smilling face.
-Where and when on the earth did I deserve to be loved and appreciated by you? -Then he laughed with a surprise.
-Since our first meet. -I shrugged.
-Guess, I’ve never said before that I care about you. I’m terribly in love with you, if you wanna know. I didn’t want to say any of this words, because.. you know why. -He laughed again, but it was a nervous laugh.- But some things had changed so... I realised I wanted you by my side. You still don’t have an idea how I’m addicted to you. I love everything in you. You just have to believe me this time.
-Wh- Is that really you? -I was so shocked, because of this words. Did I- did I really listen carefully and right? Or am I dreaming?- Are you allright?
-Am I? Are you? -Loki smirked and engrasped his hands on my waist. And I felt that...That spectacular feeling with goosebumps in my body.- Are you? Because your face is full of confusion. And what expression will you have if I ask you to be by my side this whole life? I promise, the sun will shine on us again.
-It already does. -I couldn’t be more patient. I couldn’t wait any longer. I just wanted to kiss him and I did it with no hesitation. Loki was so soft and careful, he wasn’t hurrying anywhere, so he was kissing me slowly and sweetly. His one hand touched my cheeks and then fingers slided into my hair. I repeated Loki’s move and felt those goosebumps again in every inch of my body.
-You know, darling... -A few seconds later god of mischief stopped kissing me and whispered: -I will never try to harm you, I will never try to disappoint you, I will never leave you and most importantly I will NEVER stop loving you. -Once again he kissed me, but in a forehead and held me close to his chest. I heard how fast was Loki’s heart beating.
For the first time in my life this was the most special birthday I have ever had.
Hello guys, I hope someone will read this. Btw, it’s my first imagine on tumblr so I hope it wasn’t that bad. I know there are some mistakes, but I really wanted to write something in English. Also, it’s not my native language and it was so hard not to write in my first language, but I tried my best and hope you’ll like it. 💙
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tokoyamisstuff · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet with Loki!
So a long time ago I made an equivalent to the popular NSFW-Alphabet.
Will probably make one for Bucky, too. Hope you enjoy! (:
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Feel free to use on your own writing Blogs!
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Even though he might seem a bit ‘extra’ sometimes, Loki is actually a very reserved person.
He isn’t one to visit busy, crowded places - however if it’s for your sake, he’ll probably endure it if you wish (for example: seeing your favourite band live).
Actually, he prefers peace and quiet - so it’s no wonder that he feels the most comfortable in nature of any kind. If you’re searching for him, you’ll be most lucky to catch him reading under a tree. He very much cherishes long walks or even picknicks with you, simply talking for hours to come.
Since he is very well read, you may expect to getting many books from him, as well as recommendations on what to read. It’s a passion he wants to share with his love, and your opinion on his favourite literature is very important to him!
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Since he is able to take on many forms, beauty standarts of our world, as well as outer appearances in general, don’t quite apply to this man.
No matter the looks, the God of Lies would always manage to look behind one’s facade and see their true personality - and yours was what he could describe as epitome of beauty.
He maily endears attributes not directly connected to bodily limits, such as how your embrace would make him feel save and warm, or the way you know how to use your words.
Another thing would be your voice, no matter if spoken or sung. It manages to sooth him, no matter the situation.
He believes that the eyes of a person reveal even the deepest parts of their soul - and when he looks in yours, he can tell that you are truly in love with him. The shining affection he can decipher in them will never fail to amaze him!
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Truth be spoken: If you’re feeling down, Loki is feeling pretty helpless, too.
Well, if you ask him, his skill is rather ruining someone’s mood instead of brighten in up. Anyway, he knows it would be selfish to dwell in his insecurities while you are in need of his help.
Your boyfriend will go to great lenghts just to see you smile again:
No matter if pulling magic tricks to distract you, extravagantly spoiling you the best he knows how or simply cradle you in his arms for as long as you need - he’ll pull the whole program. You’re the boss.
If you wouldn’t see it for yourself, you wouldn’t believe what kind of idiot the usually proud warrior is making out of himself while making such an effort. But it’s kinda cute, actually.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Believe it or not, but Loki is quite the cliché romantic when it comes to relationships.
He’s never been a person to cherish the superficial relations back on Asgards palace, and neither to stand to their social rules. You know how he was raised and what he’s gone through, so he would never want to go back to his old self.
Ever since you made him accept his origin and his past sins, there’s nothing standing in the way of the two of you even starting a family.
You giving birth to his heir will be the best day of his life - he is sure of it. And he is glad to have the chance to make everything better than his own adoptive father.
His top priority is keeping you save, and he’ll enjoy every single second of your time together.
It doesn’t matter where or how you are going to live - to Loki, home is where you are.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Oh, your boyfriend loves to play the game of who has the say.
There’s just no helping to this guy when he’s starting to press your buttons. Of course he respects you as much as no one ever before, but the sight of you to try and oppose him is just too attractive to him. He loves your fire!
In general, Loki believes in equality and talking everything over together. Even if he is basically a god, he’d never even think of being above you.
Actually, he has kind of a thing for being completely at someone’s mercy - at least in certain areas. (;
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Basically, you’d have fights about pity things, just to lay in each others arms a few minutes after.
It’s more of jokingly teasing rather than real conflict, with both of you breaking out in laughter this whole time. It’s really playful, with you making silly comments about the other.
The only real topics to discuss are Loki’s self-hate and some cultural differences, which are most of the time easily resolved. You just have an effect on this man that makes it hard for him to insist on his opinion.
Both of you will find a reasonable compromise, no matter what. That much is sure. Loki just can’t be mad at you for too long anyway.
In the end, before you even calmed down, Loki will simply pull you in his arms for a heavy make-out-session. Or even more - to make up for your fight. ;)
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Not even his Silver Tongue could put in words just how grateful he is for everything you’ve done for him.
Before, he was a God, a Frost Giant and a man with a shameful past. But you’ve helped him become the man he always aspired to be.
But it’s not just the great deeds you’ve done to him - Loki is aware of every little effort you’ve put into the relationship. No detail would escape his wary eye - no admiring glance, soft kiss or thoughtful gift.
And he is sure to give it back to you a thousandfold!
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Even though you managed to accomplish the impossible and have earned his unquestioned trust, some things are still pretty hard for Loki to talk about.
The Asgardian is afraid of negatively affecting you with the remaining darkness in his heart, to trouble you with his thoughts or annoy you with his insecurities. 
He has everything he’s ever wanted, so why should he bother you with making you think that there’s something wrong?
Yet he knows that most of this is only his mind playing games on him - since he’s still not used to being blessed with this much happiness.
Don’t worry, he’ll never let the darkness get the better of him ever again - since he now has you, the light of his life!
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
As you should already know, you’ve made Loki accept and even truly love himself - even in his Jotun form.
He is not ashamed to use it in public, even for simple things as to cool you down on a hot summer day, or to better acclimate himself in cold areas. More than one time you’ve caught him admiring that form in front of the mirror, repeating the complimenting words you told him before.
But it’s also the other way around: Your boyfriend helped you to see your true worth, and to stand up for yourself.
You showed him that humans have more potential to be extraordinary than he ever thought before, after all. And he learned to enjoy many things about Midgard, due to your influence.
In return, he’d show you some magic tricks even a human could perform, as well as self-defense and knowledge humans have yet to learn about.
Together, the two of you make quite the infamous duo.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
It’s no secret that Loki isn’t the most confident one, and always fears of himself not being worthy or good enough - and he’s no different when it comes to the love of his life.
Yet he’s also pretty subtle with his jealousy, rather expressing it through silently suffering rather than just admit that he’s afraid to lose you.
He’d express it through mocking comments on the object he’s jealous of (mainly Thor, to be precize), but also overdoing it with gifts and compliments, showering you with affection.
Yet you know him better than that - you look right through his walls, realizing what all this is about. So there’s no room for misunderstandinds.
You’ll show him that you’re his and his only - and deep in his heart, he knows it the whole time. There’s no real use for him being jealous.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Well, he is  several centuries of experience ahead of you. But that’s no reason to get nervous!
Truth be spoken: He had always been pretty insecure about his comparatively thin lips, so he ‘practiced’ pretty hard to become a skilled kisser and make up for that fact.
It gets addicting, really: Once you felt the contrast of his cold, wet lips against your warm ones, you’ll never want to let go.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Loki would want it to be the most special day just for you - but even though everything would be well-planned, his nervousness will overthrow everything.
He will be so different than usually, completely losing his cool and acting like a huge dork.
That sad man will think he completely fucked up, but to you, it had never been about huge actions or extraordinary gifts.
After his last attempt to impress you had failed, Loki would desperately blabber his heart out about his true feelings about you.
And that was all it took to win your heart - that the God of Lies would be honest with himself.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Loki yearns for you to be his, ever since the two of you finally became a couple.
Actually, he wanted you to be very sure about the relationship, giving it some time to adjust and getting used to each other even after the rose-coloured glasses would fade away.
But after almost losing you during a mission, he realized that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. He was determined to make you happy until your dying breath!
You wouldn’t suspect anything, since he would try to make it a big surprise - you could even call it a mischief.
He would probably make something like a paperchase, leading you to the most important places of your shared history, for example the spot of your first kiss.
In the end, he’d wait for you, revealing your new home he’d prepared all by himself.
Instead of a ring, he’d gift you an ancient, powerful relic - the Casket of Ancient Winters, saying it’s like a metaphor for you holding his dark side in check.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
He loves to improvise new names. It has become like a sport to him to switch between them. A collection of his favourites:
Dwarf (because of your in comparison to his small stature)
Babe (he loves the human slang in case of exception)
My Treasure
My Queen
My Light
My Soul
My Angel
Mistress, on special occasions ;)
In contrast, you’d simply call him things like “snowflake”, “dork” or “asshole”. He knows it’s your way of showing affection.
If you really want to drive him crazy you call him stuff like “master”, “lord” or “my king”.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He’ll probably be way over the top when it comes to helping you, and he’ll make a show out of it. Any wish dropping from your lips is his command.
Your praise makes his pride swell, and after so much time with you, he realized that it shouldn’t matter to him what others might think - the opinion of people he loves is the only thing that counts.
Loki’s strenght is in writing very poemic love letters, which he thoughtfully places on your nightstand for you to read, together with a flower or something else for you to wake up to.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
From the very first day, everyone knew - if they wanted to or not.
He’d brag about your beauty, wits, strenght, personality and talk everyone else down on the other hand. Every person on the tower is annoyed by his long, intense speeches about having found true love. No bad word may ever come over you as long as Loki is there.
Especially when it comes to his brother, he likes to show off like a galoot - sometimes softly slapping your ass or making out with you while staring him down, to “mark his territority”.
The two of you are basically inseperable - with Loki following you like a lost puppy, sometimes watching over you from within the shadows and fighting back to back on every mission.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Only few people lived to know the truth: But Loki is actually a very talented singer.
He even tried to write his own songs, yet he had to do it in secret since his father thought it to be “unworthy for a warrior” and “pityful”.
So he was pretty ashamed when you catched him singing when you came back early and  he stood under the shower, but as soon as you reassured him that you loved it and it sounded beautiful, the house would be filled with Loki humming and singing whenever he felt like it.
Especially his lullabies are to die for.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Of course Loki is very smooth when it comes to flirting or complimenting you, making you feel like a young teenager with their first love.
But his true way of affection is rather through assisting you whever he can, as well as some other small, lovely gestures instead of talking much.
Loki really is someone to indulge his lover in any way possible.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Loki is basically your biggest fan.
Sometimes he’s still feeling like your relationship is holding you back, so he will spare no expenses to assist you in whatever you want to achieve.
He also gives the best motivational speeches, making you feel like you could do anything.
If you finally reach your goal, he’s almost more excited about it than you!
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Your boyfriend can be very random - you could also call it mood swings. But you handle it well.
Even though he enjoys having a relatively normal life up to a certain extend, he is still a God and a Magician - I think that’s enough said about how many thrilling things happen to you on a regular basis.
Almost all of his thoughts revolve aound you and what surprise he could prepare to see your adorable reaction!
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Loki had his own fair share of pain in life, so yes, he’s very empathetic.
Of course he cannot understand what it’s like to be in a fragile, human body or properly understand your ways of living or coping with things, yet he finds your way of coping very admirable.
Your prince is a very good listener, softly stroking your hair or rubbing small circles on your back while he carefully listens to every detail of your pain.
He’s not one to give advice or judge anything, he likes to lead you towards your own resolution through conversation alone.
And you can be sure: He’s always there if you’re in need. No one would dare to hurt you, or they’d feel his wrath if it had to be!
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Well, what should I say? That man gave up a throne just to be with you. I think I don’t need to elaborate that might isn’t a topic in his life anymore.
As said before: You are his top priority, even though you told him that he is now free to live as he pleases.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Loki talks in his sleep.
Whenever you’d try to shuffle away from him or turn around, he’d swiftly scoop you into his arms again, always murmuring sweet words of affection into your ear.
Up until this day, he has no clue about it - it’s your own little secret.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Most certainly! You just got yourself a giant, freezing teddybear, dear! That man has to make up for years of neglection, after all. So ne is pretty needy for affection.
His speciality is trapping you in his hold with his limbs when you’re lying in bed, snuggling onto you from behin and especially plumping onto you and crushing you with is love.
Even in public, Loki just can’t bear not to be close to you. So you’ll always feel his leg pushing against yours when you sit next to each other, his hand on your knee or your pinkies intertwining.
He absolutely loves surprise hugs, burying his face in your neck and hastily placing some kisses against your face.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
If you’re gone, he’s more likely to convert back to causing Mischief - even if only harmless one, like pulling pranks on Thor and the others.
You’ll get at least 20 calls a day by your angry teammates, like Nat complaining about how he changed her hair colour into green or turned into a spider to scare Scott.
And then, there’s Loki’s calls to add to that, mostly at night drunkenly telling you just how much he misses to have you in his arms and that every day without you is a lost one.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
It’s pretty much clear just what this man would do to you.
For you, he keeps his desire to cause mischief to a minimum, no matter how much it opposes his natural instinct.
He also had to promise you to not talk badly about himself, his past crimes or his Jotun form ever again.
Loki Odinson would die - no, live - for you. 
@bepo-is-sorry @fuckthatfeeling @anythingandeverythingmarvel@bucky-fanfiction @blondekel77 @kaneki-fuentes @vxidnik@antboyandbumbblebee @lokis-queen05 @you-like-this-chain@hiei1300 @lilypalmer1987 @andiyholly @elevenismysweetie@uwu-sebastianstan @seasidespecter @you-like-this-chain @your-pixels-are-showing @wildefire @elfprincess81 @escapetheshackles@jellyfishflowers @look-to-the-stars-and-wish @bucky-to-my-barnes @tarithenurse @chennyetomlinson @kenzie-cold-greenkale@jaylarkson @doa1518 @wtfholland @thisgirllikeme @awesome-fangirl-334 @pvnk-bivch @chipilerendi @mandei355 @buckybonky@commissioner23 @remember-padfood @chibiyanai @lost-and-wandering-alone @outcastedghost @cautrida @inumorph@meyoko10 @stargurl16 @trashyemonerd @slutforbuckybarnes@tinytravisty @unknownuserhasjoined @otaku-tater@hiddlestoner3059 @tom-fucking-hiddleston-1981 @lust-for-pan@fruityflies @iamburdened @death-beetles @shaunamart @fire-in-her-veinz @red-writer13 @libbymouse @lokiscure @i-am-always-famished @alexa4444 @4-a-m @indica-witch @lou-makes-me-strong @phasma-trash @hiddlestoner3059 @rocknroll-is-thewaytogo @purpstraw @lovelyangelofasgard @elevenismysweetie@orighami @trashkidsblog @the-resident-demon @littlemartiangurl@thelowkeylokifanblog @za24ever @trubluepensfan @chibiyanai@dsakita @lady-loki-ren @caticorndancingonpainbows @loving-life-my-way @crappyimagines @a-kiddo-with-a-doggo @elwyn7@celestiacq @amor67figment-love @tom-fucking-hiddleston-1981@sweetpeaismylifenow @stanmarvelcu @thewordsinthesky@larryopium @hiei1300 @janepetersonxxx​ @untoldshortsofthefandoms​ @lokis-queen05​ @saxgirl21​ @limedane21​ @sparkling-gayyy​ @lokiscure​ @getdowntothatfunkysound​ @emyhonny​ @randomfandompenguin​ @marvel-madness @dyanlzbb @inumorph @gian-giannina @chipilerendi @pseudonymfox @neptinite-writings @cautrida @kaneki-fuentes @exhaustedcommonsense @theicecreamhero @killerbumblebee @tarithenurse @sgtbucharest @lokis-helmet @wonderlandteaparty @sweetpeaismylifenow @bionicbishop @red-writer13 @bloodiedskirtts @boohooiamthefool @jackstrenchcoat @chipilerendi @sleeplessnight-pointlessfights @welcomingpayne @crimefightingspiderguy @longlivethereaper @a-wanna-be-emo @lokidoki-e @holy-loki @slutforbuckybarnes @mandei355​ @morefics2read​ @otaku-tater​ @khatrinaarts​ @grincheveryday​
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the-wiresmarvelau · 3 years
T.H.E. W.I.R.E.S.
Peter and his Friends are allowed to design the compound and couldn’t help but riddle it with secret tunels and hallways. While Peter installs said hallways he makes some new acquaintences who he has to help and gets help from.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2  - chapter 4
Chapter 3: secrets
The rest of the night was spent pacing about the compound.
Peter couldn’t stand even the thought of standing still but he knew that he was too wound up to be much good on patrol.
Instead, he took to walking up and down the corridors; until it literally drew him up the wall, how unproductive he.
Then he began distributing all the small things like pillows and decorations to all the Rooms he had roughly finished by then. Up to this point he didn’t have the nerve to do so much walking but right now it was exactly what he needed.
When he was done with the normal rooms, he did the same for the small spaces in THE WIRES he had built in for hiding or just chilling out.
The AI they wanted to install in there was almost finished and the young genius was eager to have him here.
They had decided on a male AI to even it out. His Name would be Manuel; since he was a manual for THE WIRES.
Ned loved this pun and they both were proud of their creation.
Peter tried to go through everything they had yet to code in his head in a desperate attempt to not think about Loki.
Yes, he wanted to save him and yes it had to be as fast as possible but the god had also said that it would take at least a day or two until he could contact his mother and right this moment the hero’s thoughts were too scattered to think of a solution.
As he went to bed, he was still more than a little distraught and didn’t think he would be able to so much as close an eye.
To his surprise, he drifted off fairly soon.
But it really couldn’t be called sleep as he was half conscious for most of the time and every time, he fell asleep properly, mere minutes passed until he was shaken awake again by sharp pains littering his back or threading through his mouth and lips.
Or he saw the god cowering in a cell, or being dragged out of it by his hair to be executed or to be whipped and beaten, again and again.
After a few hours spent half awake half dreaming up nightmares, he decided to get up.
It was of no use to torture himself also. There was enough pain already in this world.
Numb and slightly drowsy from tiredness he dragged himself to his bathroom.
While he showered, he tried to go through his options.
SHIELD was in ruins, therefore in no condition to house the god. Plus, they had been the ones banning him from ever coming back to earth in the first place.
They were out.
The government was similarly unprepared for this. They had neither the knowledge nor the resources to build a suitable housing and they would probably have to inform the public of what was going on, practically hanging a neon sign over the trickster’s head for Odin to find.
Mr. Stark was a whole other deal. He could build a safe facility and he wouldn’t even think about telling the media or government.
But as Loki had already mentioned. The billionaire wouldn’t hear him out in the first place.
He would berate the boy for talking to the Asgardian and threaten the god to leave them alone and to not play any tricks.
He wouldn’t see that just because someone was good at lying, didn’t mean they couldn’t also tell the truth.
And Peter knew that the New York incident offered enough opportunity for mayor grudges on his mentor’s side.
As Tony and him had grown closer both of them had opened up to each other.
The Inventor had told him about his childhood in Captain Americas shadow and the light of press cameras.
He had opened up about his time in Afghanistan, about Obadiah and Ultron and about what happened on the helicarrier and during the Chitauri invasion. Much of it during long nights, riddled with nightmares and panic attacks.
In return, the teenager had told him about uncle Ben, his guilt in his death and his sensory issues that came with his powers.
He told him about how the Vulture had found out his identity and how terrified he was when he almost drowned because of that guy.
They of course didn’t tell each other everything.
Everything Peter knew about his mentor’s childhood was pieced together from what he was told of the man’s nightmares and contextless rants.
Peter still didn’t know how Rhodes had become Tony’s friend and if Peter hadn’t seen the demolished suit, he wouldn’t even know half the extent of what went down in Siberia.
He still had no idea what exactly happened.
But that was okay. Tony was allowed to have secrets; besides, he was not the only one keeping them.
The teen had many himself.
He had never told Mr. Stark about Flash and Skip*. Or about the building, dropped on him.
Or that it was him, who he saved at the Stark Expo.
Or the meeting with DareDevil.
It was hard for him to talk after a nightmare. And other times he didn’t know how to bring stuff like this up with his father figure - because that’s what Tony had become for him at this point - even though he wanted the other to know.
Maybe that’s why he had made it a habit to look through old security footage now and again.
He wanted someone else to find what he couldn’t talk about, so he searched for hints of similar wishes and events in others.
During one of those searches he had come across the security footage of the day of the alien invasion as well as Loki’s arrival on Midgard (he didn’t want to know how and why Tony had gotten these from SHIELD) and with that, of Loki.
On that footage, something had been weird about his appearance, but back then he hadn’t really been able to name what it was, so he had let it slide pretty quickly.
After all, he was an alien.
But now, that he had seen how the god had presented himself, while he altered his looks to, what Peter assumed, was himself in a healthy condition; He was pretty sure he hadn’t been well back then either.
His pale skin had clung to his skull, the eyes sunken in and rimmed with red all around.
Keeping that in the back of his mind he decided that it would be best to keep the god somewhere close, so he could be protected.
And what was closer and safer than the very compound he currently resided in?
It was literally made to keep a hoard of super powered people safe.
There still was the part about Tony not hearing Loki out of course. But he was sure that helping the god was the right thing to do, he had to at least try and convince Tony to let Loki move in.
Unless.. he just wouldn’t know he was there.
Unsure about how good of an idea it actually was, he stepped out of the shower, went over to his closet and started to get dressed.
He needed to talk to Ned.
It was out of the question that his best friend would tell on Loki or him. He was the only person who knew everything about the superhero. And he trusted him with his life.
Together they would figure it out, though they had to find a way to get rid of KAREN.
Her Protocols would probably force her to relay all information about Peter and Loki to Mr Stark and that simply wouldn’t do.
Only problem: KAREN was still installed on his StarkWatch, hearing everything around him and simply taking it off would be a sure way to arouse suspicion, as he never took it off, save for when he showered.
Looking down to his wrist he cursed himself for how responsible he was. He had already put on his watch, first thing the moment he had towelled himself down.
He sat down for a moment to think about what he could do now.
The only reason to take another shower would be an extensive workout, after that he could pretend to have forgotten to put his watch back on again.
Peter really wasn’t in the mood for training but he needed to talk to his friend without the AI.
“KAREN, could you invite Ned over please? I wanna work on Manuel today” he asked while getting out some sports clothes and changed into them, a little annoyed with himself that he hadn’t thought about what to do before pulling on his normal wear.
‘I will text him at eight thirty, unless it is important enough to wake him up now?’ It was reassuring to hear her usual sass.
“Yeah, sure.” He answered, “it’s not urgent or anything. Please also ask Happy to pick him up and make a workout plan for the meantime. I’ve slumped on training a bit lately.”
‘If you say so’
It felt like it took an unreasonably long time for his friend to arrive.
When he finally got the text from Ned, telling him he was only five minutes away, Peter sent a text back that they would meet up in the lab and went to his room to take a shower.
He deliberately didn’t take any clothes into the bathroom and took extra-long, by the time he had to get out, he acted like he was in a great hurry, leaving KAREN behind in his bathroom.
No AI had been installed in the compound itself yet. The update for FRIDAY hadn’t been Mr. Stark’s highest priority, since the accords were much more time sensitive.
Grinning, the teenager made his way over to his personal lab. The only reason KAREN wasn’t installed there was that he had set his mind on having Manuel in there as ‘Peter Parker’s’ AI while KAREN remained with Spiderman.
Ned was already at the entrance to his lab, vibrating with anticipation.
That came to no one’s surprise, the boy was even more excitable than Peter and that was no small feat.
Additionally: this compound was massive, and he had helped design it and the fricking Avengers would live here. That was worth getting excited for.
“Ouuuuuh! This looks already soo cool. Here and there is a bare wall butit’sallcommingtogether. I can’t believe I’m actually here” The almost forgot to breathe with all the eagerness to share his mood with his best friend.
It had been some time since they last met in person. Both of them had been fairly busy and the compound wasn’t exactly close by.
But even trough is excitement did the boy pick up on the worry in his host’s eyes. The faint bags under them didn’t make it better and now that he paid attention to it, he also saw the nervous twitch in his hands and the lack of pep in his friend’s strides.
Something wasn’t quite right; and he was gonna find out what it was.
“Good to see you too Ned.” Came his greeting when Peter had come close enough to be heard while speaking at a normal volume.
Ever since the two had become accustomed to his super hearing, Ned started talking the moment he could see the other, knowing he would have no trouble understanding him.
The image of an energetic puppy was nearly impossible to shake.
A faint smile stole its way onto his lips at that thought.
The first since he had noticed the illusion in the roof last night.
Just like that the smile was wiped off his face.
“Oh no.” the shorter of the two exclaimed. “I know that look. That look means bad news and nothing good ever follows bad news”
This statement was met with a dry chuckle. “Isn’t that kind of the point of bad news?”
“Maybe;” He replied. “Still doesn’t make it any better. But you tell me, you’re the one bringing the news after all.”
“Don’t shot the messenger though. That would help none of us.”
While they bantered, they had entered the lab and spread out a bit. Ned sitting down on an almost empty table; Peter walking around, pulling up holograms manually and occasionally putting away some scrap parts or tools.
“You know I couldn’t shoot you even if I wanted to. You psychic!” his best friend taunted
His answer was a theatrical gasp paired with the super teen laying a hand over his chest in the way his mentor always did. Bringing a grin to the other boy’s face.
“Enough joking around.” He announced, getting back to serious. “Whatever it is, Stark junior. I can take it.”
Clearly, he tried to keep the mood as light-hearted as he could, which didn’t go unappreciated.
Still. Peter couldn’t help his tone becoming a little sombre.
“I met someone yesterday.” He said “On patrol.”
He had settled down a little bit; leaning back onto a table, which automatically changed its hight to fit his needs. His Hands fidgeted with the hem of his science pun t-shirt.
Patiently; his friend waited.
“It was.. It wasn’t DareDevil. Instead... I met Loki.”
Only now did he take his eyes from the floor to look at his friend.
Quite clearly, he was in shock. Staring at the other, trying to figure out what to think about this revelation.
“Before you freak out: It was only an illusion, he is still in the dungeons of Asgard.” The super-teen tried to calm his friend down. Cringing at the thought of Loki’s location.
“oh. Yeah… That’s good right? He won’t come back?”
His concern was understandable for Peter. But he was also convinced, that the god meant no harm and was truly in need of help.
In that regard, was the sentiment of his friend not the most promising. Though he knew him well and was convinced that Ned would be on his side once he knew what they did to the god.
“That’s the thing.. It isn’t.”
A quizzical look from Ned.
“He sent his projection here to ask for help, which in itself speaks volume considering ho prideful he seemed to be; but that’s not the point. In Asgard, they treat him bad! Like   I whip your back bloody and sew your mouth shut bad.”
He gave his friend a few seconds to process the new information; all the while staring him in the eyes to make sure he knew that this wasn’t a crude prank or something.
“We need to help him..”
“Wait what now!?” Ned squeaked. “They did WHAT!??!”
“Exactly.” The hero answered. “He needs our help, Ned. We can so it’s our responsibility. The plan so far is that he contacts his mother and she brings him here to earth; Our only job is to find a place where he can stay…
That’s why I needed to talk to you because this has to be thought out and I need your second opinion.”
Peter waited for his friend’s response.
After a few seconds of silence his friend looked up.
“Okay… what’s your idea?”
It took a great load off his mind to know he wasn’t alone with his opinion. If Ned was agreeing this easily it meant that he at least wasn’t completely delusional in his opinion on helping the trickster out.
“You remember that storage room slash hideout thingy at the exit to the lake? If I were to hide the entrance to the bunker behind a closet, nobody would find it; Even if we show them the entrance or have to get something from there.”
Originally, they had planned to build in there a kind of vacation home. Until they realised that the compound itself was more than enough novelty, a vacation spot was not needed.
Instead, they had made it into a small bunker in case the compound was taken over and they needed a spot to regroup while waiting on evacuation.
“Wait. Just so we’re on the same page. You really try to keep this a secret from Stark?” the shorter tried to clarify.
“He would never believe Loki. We can’t tell anyone before he hasn’t completely healed. Then we will decide how to break it to the others” The brunette got a nod in response.
“The only problem is to figure out where I will get some additional furniture from.” He added.
“And how to get his food to him.” Ned commented.
They spend some time trying to figure everything out, until they settled on ordering everything they already had and could use for Loki’s room to be brought to the compound a second time
To the millionaire, they send a message, explaining that they had managed to break one of the desks while messing around and used the occasion to reorder some stuff which had either the wrong measurements or they had forgotten to order them in the first place.
Tony replied within a few minutes saying it was no problem.
That problem out of the way, Peter began to bring the selected stuff to the hidden room, while his friend began to build a small service robot, capable of navigating THE WIRES and transporting things.
Not even two hours later, the room was done and they both turned to developing some protocols for Manuel, making sure he would be able to keep the secret.
Unfortunately, Ned had to go before they were able to finish the AI.
His mother needed him to babysit his sister but they would meet again the next day and probably be ready to install Manuel at the end of the day.
*A character from the comics. If you don’t know him, you’ll see. Don’t want to spoil a potential surprise for you.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2 - chapter 4 
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swan-of-sunrise · 3 years
Spellbinding (Chapter Two)
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Summary: Loki and (Y/N)’s friendship continues to grow but is soon threatened by a dangerous enemy and a life-changing secret.
Pairing: Loki X Reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings/Disclaimers: Brief scene of verbal harassment
A/N: Hope you all enjoy!
Chapter Two April 14th, 2015 Avengers Tower, New York City (Previous Chapter)
As Loki walked down the hall to the conference room, he thought about how he’d much rather be in his room or the library reading his new book. (Y/N) had picked Pride and Prejudice for him the last time he visited the library, insisting that he’d love the witty banter between Elizabeth Bennet and Mister Darcy. She had proven to be right yet again; Loki could honestly say that Jane Austen was indeed a very clever woman and that (Y/N) had a true talent for recommending literature.
His thoughts drifted back to the first time he’d laid eyes on the trainee librarian almost two months ago. After complaining to Tony about the inadequate number of interesting books in his library, Steve had interrupted whatever insult the billionaire was about to utter and told Loki about public libraries, specifically the New York Public Library several blocks down the street from the tower. Needless to say, Loki was hesitant to visit; the super soldier was one of the only Avengers he could actually stand to be around most of the time, but he had a nasty habit of overlooking the more annoying traits of Midgardians. But in utter desperation for any interesting reading material, he finally caved and walked down the street to the library, feeling utterly ridiculous in the Midgardian clothes the others had purchased for him. However, his discomfort vanished the moment he stepped into the library; unlike the bustling street outside, the building was practically empty, and it was packed to the brim with enormous bookshelves.
In a trance, he strolled down the aisles and couldn’t help but marvel at the sheer number of books the Midgardians had written; it almost rivaled the palace library on Asgard. But when he turned down another aisle, he stopped cold in his tracks; standing mere feet away and busy placing books onto one of the shelves was a woman, and she was the fairest he’d ever laid eyes on. Her (Y/H/C) hair was streaked with faint strands of gold, and her (Y/E/C) eyes glimmered behind a pair of glasses that rested on her nose; he smiled a little when she had to push them back up after they had slid down. Her clothing was simple and modest, a pair of dark jeans and a light purple sweater with a pair of flats, but their plain-ness only served to accentuate her beautiful features.
When she placed a book on the shelf, she smiled brightly and looked up, but whatever she noticed made her frown. A look of determination came across her features and she reached for the top shelf, but it was far too high for her. Instead of giving up, she stood on her toes to give her more height, but as a result, she lost her balance and stumbled. Breaking out of his trance, Loki rushed forward and grabbed her elbows to catch her from falling. The moment her striking (Y/E/C) eyes met his, his face reddened, his heartbeat quickened and he decided that Midgardian public libraries weren’t all that bad. The woman had introduced herself as (Y/N), and after helping her finish her task of rearranging the bookshelf, he was recommended A Midsummer Night’s Dream and given a library card. He was quickly charmed by how enthusiastic she was about the play and he decided that a return trip to the library would be quite necessary.
And that’s how their friendship began. Every Friday, he would visit the library, discuss with her whichever novel or play he’d just read and leave with a new one. She had insights on each and every one, offering him explanations of plot or speculations of characterization, even background information on the author or the period it was set in, and he listened to her intently before adding his own views and opinions to the conversation. She was kind and intelligent for a Midgardian, and he quickly found himself looking forward to their weekly meetings. He couldn’t deny that another reason he was drawn to her was because she didn’t look at him with fear or hatred in her eyes. To her, he was simply a friend who enjoyed discussing literature with her every Friday, not the villainous Asgardian who previously tried to take over her planet. For some strange reason, she had yet to realize his true identity, which was why he had continued bend the truth and tell her that he was just a civilian consultant and not one of ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’. There was one Friday, however, when he seriously questioned whether he should tell her the truth or not…
Loki hurried up the steps of the library, humming an Asgardian tune under his breath as he climbed. The week had been a long and trying one; Director Fury had announced that they were planning on infiltrating several Hydra databases, Thor had broken nearly all the kitchen appliances with Mjolnir out of frustration after attempting to cook and on top of everything, Loki was forced to go on a mission with Tony, the most infuriating Midgardian he’d ever met. So, to say that he was excited to see his new friend was an understatement; he missed seeing her wonderful (Y/E/C) eyes sparkle as they looked at him, her bright smile as she spoke so passionately about literature, her infectious laughter whenever he told her a joke…though he would never admit it out loud, he was slowly beginning to develop a soft spot for the kind trainee librarian. And although he worried about how she would react to learning his true identity, he believed deep down that she was different from other Midgardians but the only way to be sure of her reaction was to go ahead and tell her about himself. He entered the library, his mind already made up, and headed towards the bookshelves to look for her when he noticed she wasn’t sitting at her desk. As he was leaving the biography section, two voices made him stop in his tracks.
“Aw, c’mon sweetie, just one date!”
“I already told you, sir, no thank you.”
Loki peeked around the bookcase and saw (Y/N), her back to him as she shelved books and shied away from a handsome but shifty-looking man standing too close to her and staring hungrily. Rage filled him but just as he was about to step in, the man spoke again.
“I’ll treat you to a real nice meal, and maybe after we could have a little fun; I’m the best you’ll ever have, sweet cheeks. C’mon, are you sayin’ no ‘cause I’m ugly or somethin’?”
(Y/N) looked at him with a mock expression of confusion. “Facially, or are we talking about your personality? I’m confused so you’ll have to clarify yourself for me.” Loki smirked to himself, amused at her witty comeback. “Now, I suggest that you check out a book to expand that non-existent brain of yours and leave before I call the police and have them teach you all about manners as they arrest you for stalking all the female employees here.”
The man’s jaw clenched in anger. “Wouldn’t wanna go out with a bitch like you anyways.” He stormed off down the aisle and she resumed her work.
Careful not to be seen by (Y/N), Loki gritted his teeth and followed the man as he entered the men’s restroom. He tapped the man’s shoulder and when he turned around, punched him square in the jaw. The man toppled to the floor, clutching his face and moaning. Grabbing him tightly by the throat, Loki lifted him up easily and slammed him hard against the wall, causing the tiles behind him to crack. “If I ever hear of you returning to this library or harassing that woman again, I will not hesitate in tracking you down and disemboweling you.” To prove his point, he allowed his eyes to flash Jotun-red before returning to their usual green. “Understand?” Instead of answering, the terrified man’s eyes rolled back and he fainted. “Insignificant ant.” Loki threw him back to the ground roughly and left the restroom to search for (Y/N). She had moved on to the sciences, her usual gentle smile on her face as she worked. “Lady (Y/N)!”
She turned to him and her smile widened. “Hi Loki! You’re late, you know. I almost thought you weren’t going to come in today.”
Loki only grinned. “What, and miss our weekly talk? Unthinkable!” She laughed and continued shelving. “I…I actually arrived several minutes ago and witnessed you dealing with that pig. You have an astounding talent for witty insults, Lady (Y/N), I’m impressed.”
“Thank you, I’ve learned over the years that they’re the quickest way to make men like him go away.”
He felt his knees weaken when she grinned at him, attracted to the mischievous glint in her usually innocent eyes. His eyebrows furrowed, however, as he considered her relaxed demeanor. “If you don’t mind me asking, how is it that you stay so positive after being harassed and insulted like that? Does it not bother you?”
(Y/N) thought for a moment before responding. “Well…when I was little, my aunt used to always tell me this one quote from Eleanor Roosevelt; it goes something like ‘No one can make you feel inferior without your consent’. So, whenever someone tries to put me down like that man just did, I think of that quote and try to remember that life’s too short to let people believe that they can control me.” Pushing her glasses up her nose, she directed her attention to the book in his hand. “So, did you enjoy the book?”
“Hmm? Oh, yes, very much!” Loki exclaimed, hoping that she wouldn’t notice how he stared at her. “Although, I’m not sure Tolkien needed to spend five pages describing a forest.”
She laughed again. “That’s one of the most common criticisms of Tolkien, you know. But you have to admit, his descriptions…” She continued talking, but Loki was only half-listening. She had surprised him with her answer to his question, and as he watched her talk animatedly about the merits of over-describing action and locations in novels, he knew that he couldn’t bring himself to tell her about his true identity. Not just because of how she would possibly react, but because it would almost certainly put her in danger. And he couldn’t purposefully put the most kindhearted woman he’d ever met in harm’s way, not for anything. With his mind made up, he just watched and listened to her speak with rapt attention and barely-concealed admiration.
“Loki!” He was drawn out of his thoughts by his brother, who hurried to walk alongside him. “I called to you several times, is there something on your mind that’s making you hard of hearing?”
“Nothing at all, brother, except the desire to return to my room and finish my book,” Loki snapped back. Although he’d never admit it out loud, Loki was happy that his relationship with Thor was different now that he wasn’t living in his brother’s shadow. The Avengers had allowed him to join their team to redeem himself and in turn he’d slowly earned their trust, finally making him feel just as respected as Thor for once in his life. And I suppose it’s rather nice to have a brother again, he thought begrudgingly, although he can still be as infuriating as ever.
Thor only chuckled. “Are you sure that’s the only thing on your mind?” When Loki shot him a questioning look, Thor grinned. “I know that you’re thinking about your Lady (Y/N). When do I finally get to meet the woman who’s enchanted my brother?”
Groaning, Loki pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers and avoided his brother’s eyes. “I deeply regret telling you about her, you know. As I’ve said before, she and I are merely friends, Thor, nothing more. We have intellectual discussions about literature, something you could partake in and benefit from if you ever picked up a book in your life.”
“Whatever you say, Loki,” Still chuckling, Thor led them into the conference room and they took their seats at the table. The only other Avenger there was Steve since the rest of the team was on various missions or conducting experiments in the lab. “Did Fury mention why he’s called us here, Rogers?”
Steve shook his head, his arms crossed over his broad chest and a worried look on his face. “Nope, he didn’t say anything. His text sounded pretty serious, though.” They all seemed to have thought the same thing given that they were all dressed for battle; Thor and Loki in their Asgardian armor and Steve in his red, white and blue uniform complete with his vibranium shield.
Before Loki could speak, the director walked in with files in his hands. “Okay, now that everyone’s here we can begin. The three of you are gonna go on an extraction mission here in the city. As you know, our intelligence uncovered some Hydra files recently and they include one of their next targets. This is a sensitive one ‘cause we don’t know exactly when they’re gonna make their move, but we do know it’ll be today so you’ll need to leave immediately.” Director Fury handed each of them a file and continued. “And because we’re on a tight schedule, we don’t know why they’re targeting her yet but we’ll be working on finding out the answer to that question while you’re gone.”
Loki took the file and opened it, but as soon as he saw the woman’s picture, he froze. It was (Y/N), and the photograph was taken from her library identification card she usually wore clipped to her belt. “I believe I may know why she’s being targeted.” When the rest of the group looked at him with confusion, he continued, “This woman is Lady (Y/N), my friend who works at the library down the street. I meet her there every Friday afternoon.”
“Let’s go.” Steve stood quickly and everyone else followed. “I’ll meet you two there.” Slinging his shield over his back, he jogged to the elevators that led to the entrance floor below.
Fear clenched at Loki’s heart as he and Thor hurried up the tower’s emergency stairwell to the protruding helipad; he never intended (Y/N) to become a target of Hydra and had taken every precautionary measure to ensure her safety. He’d never forgive himself if something happened to her because of him. “The library is west of the tower and three blocks down. I’ll go in first and meet you behind the building with her, all right?”
Thor nodded, a determined look on his face as he kicked open the door to the helipad. “No harm will come to her, brother, I promise.”
Without another word, Loki grabbed his brother’s arm as he swung his hammer and they shot into the air. Moments later, they landed in the alley alongside the library. Please let her be safe, he thought as he ran around the building and dashed up the front steps. Loki swiftly entered the building, ignoring all the strange looks he received because of his armor, and hurried over to the bookshelves. (Y/N) was in the philosophy section, so engrossed in her shelving that she didn’t notice him approach her. “Lady (Y/N)!”
She looked up from her cart and smiled. “Loki! Why are you wearing-?”
“Lady (Y/N),” He interrupted. “This is going to sound completely insane, but any moment now, some very dangerous men will come here and attempt to abduct you.” When she was about to interrupt, he held her shoulders and bent down so that he was eye-level with her. “This isn’t a joke, Lady (Y/N), I assure you, and I promise I’ll explain everything to you later, but we need to leave now. Do you trust me?”
(Y/N)’s widened eyes considered his for a moment before she slowly nodded. “Y-yes, Loki, I trust you.”
“All right, we need to get to the-” Before he could finish, the library door’s slammed open and they could hear what sounded like a several armed men enter as the rest of the patrons screamed and took cover. He cursed under his breath. “We need to hurry; is there another way out of here?”
“This way!” Snapping out of her shock, (Y/N) quickly led him through the rows of bookcases to a door at the back of the room, but before they could go through, they were suddenly surrounded by eight Hydra agents. The sight of the men pointing their guns in (Y/N)’s direction filled Loki with a rage unlike any he’d ever felt before; the only thing keeping him from slaughtering them where they stood was the woman standing beside him. As (Y/N) gasped in fear, Loki stepped in front of her and thrust out his hands, causing their guns to melt in their hands and transform into snakes; attention was drawn from the two of them as the men fell into a panic and attempted to untangle the serpents from their arms.
A moment later, Steve jumped into the middle of the fighting and slammed his shield into one man’s face. “Loki, get her out of here, I’ve got this!” He skillfully dodged an attack and threw his shield, knocking two of the men into unconsciousness before flying back onto his left arm.
Giving the super soldier a nod, Loki took (Y/N)’s hand and quickly led her through the door, which opened into a long hallway. “Watch out!”
He spun around as an armed man came sprinting towards them down the hallway, already pulling a gun out of its holster as he ran. Before he could raise his hand and use his magic or daggers to defend them, (Y/N) raised her own hands and the man was suddenly slammed against the wall by a purple force and knocked unconscious. Loki looked at her in shock, an emotion which was mirrored on her face as well. She looked down at her trembling hands and back up at him before her knees buckled and her eyes rolled back in her head; Loki lunged forward and caught her in his arms before her limp body could hit the floor. She doesn’t know she possesses magic, he thought in astonishment. Cradling her protectively in his arms, he hurried down the hall and kicked a door open with his foot, revealing the alley where his brother was waiting impatiently beside a cluster of unconscious Hydra agents.
“Is she all right?” Thor asked, but all Loki could do was give him a hopeless look. “I’ll take her back to the tower to Banner, you stay here and help Rogers.” Loki opened his mouth to protest, but Thor interrupted. “She’ll be safe with me, Loki, but Rogers needs assistance!”
Giving his brother a curt nod, he carefully placed (Y/N)’s unconscious form into Thor’s arms. “Take care of her, Thor.” He watched as Thor swung Mjolnir and shot into the sky, flying towards the Avengers tower with (Y/N) secure in his arms. The moment they left his vision, he hurried back inside and helped Steve defeat the men and the reinforcements they brought along. All he could think of while he fought, however, was (Y/N)’s sickly face, the incredible power she used to protect him and the fact that she seemed to have no knowledge of that power. He had a nagging suspicion about what that power meant, but he prayed to the Norns he was wrong; if he wasn’t, then it meant that (Y/N)’s world was about to be turned upside down.
A/N: Thank you for reading! I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter. Enjoy! 
Chapter Three-Part One
Spellbinding Masterlist
Tagging: @nexiva @ravenclawbitch426 @cminr @confusedfandomwriter @momc95 @nickkie1129 @austynparksandpizza @brooke0297 @destructivebliss @outoftheregular​ @itscomplicatedx​ @0-artemis​ @vivloki​
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imagine-loki · 4 years
The sniffles
After the Chitauri attack on New York, imagine Loki being sentenced to public service on Earth, specifically in aiding people who got hurt during the attack. His magic has been limited to only be enough to aid keeping Odin’s spell in place so he wouldn’t turn blue. His task is to help people with special needs, to do house chores, help them get around, do their grocery and keep them company while they recover. He is assigned to a girl who ended up blind after one of the Chitauri shot at her.
Imagine that against everything you both thought possible, Loki gets the flu. 
RATING: T NOTES/WARNINGS: It’s getting to be chilly season, so the flu is lurking about. Get your flu shots! Be careful! Socially distance! Language, maybe? Mostly fluff. Mentions of illness? (Do people tag that?) Not beta’d or edited, really–probs lots of typos.
SUMMARY: Loki gets sick, though he insists it’s just allergies. Charlie puts on her bossy pants and shows Loki she’s a bamf. Loki is a Nervous Nelly.
Loki had nearly frowned himself into an alternate dimension when it first happened–a simple sneeze. He had been sorting through some paperwork that Stark had asked him to complete, a mindless task meant to keep him occupied under the guise of his rehabilitation. With a shrug, Loki aired out the papers, assuming dust had tickled his nose for the briefest of moments, but thought nothing more of it.
Two years into his exile to Midgard and working under the tech guru, Loki had pretty much worked off his sentence in Tony’s eyes. According to anyone with half a brain, depriving Loki of his magic, the major condition of his exile, was punishment enough for the Prince (Loki would never admit that the act of cleaning a whole kitchen to perfection on his hands and knees was methodical and soothing, but it was one of the many joys of his near mortal existence). Still, it turned out that Stark was a bleeding heart and could recognize the tell-tale signs of a son who never got proper validation from their father (or enough hugs). It could have also been the fact that the former hissing-serpent-of-an-Asgardian all but turned into a golden retriever after he fell in love. Or maybe, just maybe, it was the fact that Stark was deathly afraid of the five-foot-nothing woman Loki now shared an apartment with, and who would most definitely cause him bodily harm for overworking her boyfriend.
All in all, within the constraints of this supposed punishment, everything was wonderful.
Then, Loki sneezed again.
And continued to do so.
But, of course, he wasn’t ill.
Charlie started, letting out a half-strangled shriek that soon turned into a groan as objects clattered on her desk. Her jaw clenched together so tightly, she thought her teeth would crack.
Now, Charlie wasn’t irritated that her dork alien of a boyfriend was sneezing in her presence while she was trying to get work done. No, she was irritated because she had sent him to bed (again, for the sixth time) twenty minutes ago when his fever and chills started to turn him into an unintelligible, hallucinating mess. She thought she had been quite clear in her order for him to get some rest. After all, it had been three days since Loki first sneezed, and though he had brushed it off as a bad case of seasonal allergies, his denial was starting to get ridiculous, not to mention, harmful.
Turns out thousand year old demigods-turned-mortal are no better at following orders than any other man on the planet. In fact, Charlie was pretty sure he was being more of a brat than any other mortal… not that she’d ever tell him.
Pushing away her keyboard, she stood away from the desk, taking a second to orient herself and stare in the general direction she had heard the sneeze come from.
She schooled her facial expression into what she hoped was a no-nonsense expression. “Go. Back. To. Bed.”
Loki grumbled, his voice particularly hoarse and gravelly with an added nasally quality from his blocked passages. “It’s allergies and I have things to do,” he retorted stubbornly, ignoring the fact that his whole world seemed to tilt ever-so-slightly with each step he took.
“Allergies, my ass. Loki Odinson, you have the flu. You belong back in bed. Don’t make me be the bad guy here.”
He let out a half-hearted snort, pretending that he did not at all feel the need to double over and repeat whatever little breakfast he was able to get down his gullet that morning. “I am not sick. I haven’t been sick in four centuries. Your sorry Midgardian microbes cannot infect me.”
“Yeah, when you had your full powers. Now, though–”
“I’m fine-d.”
It was a small, momentary miracle that Charlie wasn’t able to see the way he swayed on a spot, holding his head pathetically against the sudden bout of vertigo that assaulted him. At least he thought she couldn’t. Though Loki could not explain the fact that her hand grasped him by an elbow a moment later with what appeared to be no difficulty. Clearly he was off his game, and he didn’t even bother complaining when Charlie half-dragged him all the way to the sofa and forced him to sit.
He couldn’t help but smile at the brows knitted together in worry or the lower lip being chewed within an inch of its soft, supple life. The extreme gentleness and care she took in smoothing back his hair and pressing the back of her hand to his forehead made his stomach twist in the most pleasant way. This was the best antidote, he supposed, just watching her fuss over his shivering body. Loki certainly wasn’t used to being taken care of in this manner. It felt almost wrong to succumb to the desire of slumping into the pillows and letting her dote on him.
“I love you,” slipped from his lips before he was even aware that his brain had attempted to convey the message.
Charlie beamed in response, cheeks turning warm copper with a blush. Her fingers trailed down the sides of his face to cup his cheeks. “I love you, too, sweets, but if you don’t stay still and rest, I will put on Stark’s suit and make you.”
Loki smirked, twining one of her curls around his finger and letting it bounce back with a gentle tug. “Have I told you how attractive I find you when you get all bossy?”
“Only every single second this week, Lo.”
“Well, I firmly believe in truth-telling, dove,” he added, voice betraying the exhaustion that seeped into his bones. If he didn’t know any better, he would have thought that the gentle circles she drew around his temples were some sort of ancient magic. “I’m late for work,” he protested, making an effort to sit back up. He would admit that they way Charlie shoved him back onto the cushions was a little distracting for two entirely different reasons: one, he was weak enough that Charlie could push him down like it was nothing; and, two… it was sort of… sexy. He would take them both to his grave.
“I called Tony and told him you were sick.”
Loki frowned. “What did he say?”
“He asked FRIDAY to queue up ”Ding dong! The witch is dead“,” she joked, lips tugging up in a smirk. “He said to take the week off. No one needs your Asgardian super bugs rolling around the Tower.” Charlie’s lips pressed against his forehead, followed immediately by a sigh. “You’re burning up again, Loki.”
“Everything hurts,” he conceded in a small voice, feeling like a failure when the concern etched in her features deepened further.
Charlie took in the complaint with a resolute nod.
“OK. I’ll go to the pharmacy down the street for some medicine and some electrolytes. You get some rest.” She patted his cheek and made to stand when Loki’s hand wrapped around her wrist.
“I’ll come with you.” He assured, at once, hoping the edge of nervousness wasn’t obvious in his voice.
“Nice try, super spreader.” Her fingers peeled his, dexterously. “No. Get some rest. I’ll be back in twenty.”
“I promise you I will be fine, Loki. It’s nothing I haven’t done before.”
Loki was still reluctant as he watched her cool and confident expression. He shifted awkwardly. He knew that Charlie was entirely capable of any task and she had adapted well to the technology available to her as a non-seeing person, but… Norns, he was just a pathetic mess when it came to her. The thought of anything happening to her… “I know, but–”
“You worry. I understand, but this is important, Loki. You’re important and you’re sick and you need me to go get you medicine.”
He sighed, resting his forehead against her hand for a long moment before finding the courage to speak. “Just… be careful, alright? Maximum alertness, yeah?”
“I promise,” she assured in a whisper, leaning in to kiss his crown. “Please get some rest until I get back.” Her fingers were back to scratching his scalp, combing through his shaggy locks until he could no longer fight against the heaviness of sleep. He uttered half a protest before drifting off, leaving Charlie to cover him up with the spare blanket she kept on the sofa and tucking him in.
Charlie would not say that she was nervous about going out without Loki, but she was certainly not not nervous. She wrapped herself up warm to ward off the autumn chill and triple checked her belongings: keys, phone, card wallet, cane. Her head turned over her shoulder on instinct, as if attempting to spare a glance at Loki sleeping on the couch, before she closed the door behind her.
Loki awoke with a start what felt like an eternity later. His hair was sticking out in all directions and his clothes felt like they were pasted to his body with sweat. He was no longer on the couch, but in bed, and he felt… marginally better. Still, his heart was thumping loudly against his ribcage with a sense of uneasiness.
Where was Charlie?
“Oh, gods, please no.” It was too still. Too quiet. “CHARLIE!?” He called frantically, kicking the covers off of himself, despite the fact that his head disliked his sudden change in momentum. He grit his teeth against the nausea that rose immediately after. He needed to get out of bed and–
“Oh, you’re up!” Charlie chirped happily from the doorway.
His head snapped toward her voice to find her standing with a tray and very carefully balancing a bowl of soup, a sports drink and a bottle of water atop it. The grace with which she was managing to balance the liquids over the wooden serving tray was uncharacteristic–Charlie had never been particularly poised due to her impatience and going blind had not helped matters. After a minute, she placed the tray beside him on the bed and managed to sit down without any major spillage. Loki beamed at the satisfied look on her face and the anxiously flitting and hovering gaze she got when she was particularly excited.
“You’re back,” he breathed softly, fingertips trailing over the hand resting closest to him.
“I was only gone for fifteen minutes.” Charlie giggled. “Do you not remember taking your medicine and coming to bed?”
Loki shook his head before remembering his replies had to be aloud. “Er… no. No, I don’t.”
“You were pretty out of it,” she admitted, not thinking anything of it. “We had a lot of extra veggies, so I made you soup.”
He swallowed at the lump in his throat to no avail as he watched the perfectly cubed pieces of vegetables floating in a golden broth. He could practically feel her efforts radiating off the bowl with every plume of steam that rose enticingly. “You cooked?” His voice caught slightly.
“Yeah. Don’t tell me if it’s no good. It took me forever to chop things, so I might actually cry,” she replied, only half serious.
He picked up the bowl and tentatively sipped at the broth, letting out an involuntary moan when the rich taste flooded his taste buds. “Charlie, it… it’s perfect. It’s delicious.” The satisfied grin she gave in response made the remainder of his pain float away like dandelion fluff. He sipped some more before letting out a contented sigh as his bones warmed. “You are a wonder of wonders, Charlotte Camden.”
Charlie snorted. “I went to the pharmacy and managed not to burn down the apartment. I am middling, at best.”
“Say what you want, but I am proud of you,” he whispered, enjoying the blush on her cheeks as he slurped down the rest of his soup.
He knew she was secretly pleased with the praise, even if she didn’t admit it. Loki was aware that he worried all too much about giving her extra independence with all the what-ifs that popped up in his head. She was always so eager to challenge herself and had proven time and again she was capable of so much more than what she did on a daily basis. Loki was still in her life because she desired it, not because she needed anything from him.
For goodness’ sake, here she was, minding him.
“Thank you for taking care of me, Charlie. I feel restored, already.”
“Finally, he admits illness!” She snickered under her breath while Loki grumbled. “Of course, Loki. It is my distinct pleasure.” She leaned in just enough to prompt Loki to proffer his cheek, skin warm from the flush that could only half be attributed to the warmth of the broth. Her fingers trailed over his scalp, making him shudder from head to toe. “Drink all your fluids and back to bed,” she ordered gently before disappearing back out the bedroom door.
Loki wasn’t used to being taken care of like this but… he could get used to it.
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xparadisexlostx · 3 years
So this is a little drabble in my verse with @stcriestcld. We never did really talk too much about how Beck got to SHIELD. There’s some dialogue in here I am not in love with because I tried to cut some length down. I might go back in an tweak it.
For some back story Beck works with a group who helped save her from her brother/mother (verse dependent). They masquerade as nuns under the name The Sisters of  Holy St. Marciana of Mauretania but another common name is The Sisters of Emily, which pertains to their founder as well as some of their coded language. They operate out of several “churches” as well as a convent that is a front for their headquarters. This is just a glimpse into how Beck interacts with them that I thought was fun to write out. Plus it helps me get my mind around how Beck came to work for SHIELD despite zero qualifiers. 
Exchanging favors for favors was always messy. Beck had known that from the time she was small. Witch’s deals weren’t unheard of in the magical community, but it would be a stretch to call them common. Her people didn’t tend to enjoy being held to anything--not laws or contracts--but Beck had always found that in a tight spot a clever witch could twist her words and strike a deal that wouldn’t turn around to bite her in the ass. In hindsight she should have realized that her silver tongue was bound to turn to lead at least once or twice.
When she’d picked up the drop she figured it would be the same as any other job: meet the client, make a plan, execute, and run. She’d done it dozens of times. Almost all of them, apart from the occasional retrieval of a magical artifact, were domestic violence cases. The wife of some asshole cop that no one was ever going to hold accountable for his violence, the queer kid being beaten down by their devout and religious parents, the foster teen tired of being abused in the home that was supposed to provide them refuge. The Sisters, and Beck in particular, were very good at helping people who wanted to disappear do just that. Beck agreed not because of a contract or any kind of payment, but because she’d been those kids. The difficult child with the saintly, blameless parent. That’s what most people had seen… but only because they didn’t want to see the truth. If she could help anyone trapped like she had been, she was happy to do it. After all, if it weren’t for the Sisters, her mother would have likely killed her years ago.
Beck pulled open the enormous oak door to the convent chapel and entered silently. Wood pews without cushions lined the barren stone walls up to the front, where people knelt with clasped hands murmuring softly. Wayward souls seeking the kind of religious guidance that places like this were meant to offer. They didn’t know---couldn’t know---what this place actually was.
She stepped out of the way as a small party of nuns walked two-by-two down the aisle in perfect sync. They positioned themselves in front of the wooden altar, fanning out so that there were six on either side of the entrance to the dias. A clock chimed in the distance, low and solemn, the bell sounding three times in total before beginning to echo off into the early night air. By the time the ringing had left her ears, the room was in total silence, and without looking at one another, the nuns began a slow, harmonious chorus in a language Beck didn’t understand.
Once the song began, she knew she was free to wander back into the aisle. She kept her head down, her hands clasped in front of her, and cautiously approached the left side of the chapel where dozens of flickering candles lined the wall. There the abbess stood, rosary wrapped around her aged fingers as they pressed together in prayer. Her eyes were closed, and Beck didn’t want to startle her. The witch lit a candle, mimicked the sign of the cross she saw them make a thousand times, and knelt at the altar beside the feet of the abbess in waiting.
It felt like she knelt there for an hour, struggling to sit still and quiet. Finally the singing stopped, and a gentle hand reached down and squeezed her shoulder.
“What can I do for you, child?” The abbess asked, and even in the silence, Beck scarcely heard her.
“Revered mother, I have come in search of a miracle.” She didn’t look up. Staring into the flames, she summoned tears to her eyes. 
The abbess hummed. “What would you ask of our Blessed Mother?”
Beck didn’t particularly enjoy the song and dance, but she knew the script well. “God’s eyes are so much greater than my own. My sister has gone missing, but I know none of us can stray from the Lord’s gaze. Can he see her? Can he see my sister, Emily?”
The hand on her shoulder squeezed, and raised her head to look into the knowing grey eyes of the abbess.
“Dear child, you must be so tired. Come, we will pray together.” 
Beck accepted the hand up and let the woman lead her out into the halls. There was a gate that separated the private quarters from the public area of the abbey, and she unlocked it with a skeleton key that looked older than the abbess herself. The metal groaned as the gate swung open, and Beck followed closely behind as they crossed the threshold and into the old stone corridors. They were dark, only lit by an occasional lantern hung from an iron hook.
When they came to a room near the end of the hall, the abbess opened the door and led her inside. 
Beck waited until the door shut behind them to speak. “Out of all the people to contact me, I didn’t think it’d be you.”
She could hear the older woman shuffle through the darkness fearlessly, and then the sound of a match being struck, before a vibrant flicker of firelight came to life at the end of the little wooden stick. Abbess Fina transferred the flame to a candle and took a seat at a little wooden table. She unraveled her rosary and pulled off a bead, which she rolled between her fingers until it began to glow. It clicked quietly against the wood of the table, and streams of light shot up into the air, creating a picture.
“New target?” Beck tried not to be irritated by how cagy Fina was being and how long this whole thing was taking. It was why she rarely took jobs directly from headquarters. 
The man in the shimmering picture was pale. His eyes were brown, similar in shade to his hair, from what she could tell, which appeared to have been disappearing for some time. His expression was deathly serious, and it looked like he was holding something. A file, maybe? She couldn’t be sure with the distortion. 
“Your new boss.” Abbess Fina said. She saw the way the younger witch’s jaw clenched and the dark shadow that passed through those blue eyes. “Eleven years ago my people brought you here to this abbey. We hid you for months while you recovered, and when we gave you the choice to run off into the darkness or stay in contact and help us on our mission, do you remember what you did?”
Beck pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. “I asked you to make a deal with me.”
“I tried to tell you no. Said I didn’t want to extort favors from you in the state you were in.”
“And I told you that you saved me, and if it ever came down to it I would return that favor… at any cost.” Beck didn’t like where this was going.
“Beck, I’m in trouble. We all are. Ever since New York was attacked the humans have been foaming at the bit, looking to punish anything or anyone they don’t understand because they never got to string up the idiot responsible for the whole mess.” Fina said. She looked older than Beck remembered, which was odd for a witch. Eleven years meant nothing to a skilled practitioner like Fina… but stress could kill anything, she supposed.
Beck fished in her pocket for her packet of cigarettes, her noise snarled up a little as she spoke. “Asgardians have been fucking things up since the vikings. Can I smoke in here?” 
A wave of the abbess’ hand and the little window over the barren cot on the far wall flew open. Beck extended the box to Fina first, and the old woman gladly took one and lit it off the candle on the table. Beck followed suit, looking back at the image the bead was still reflecting. 
“So what is this, exactly? And how do I fit into it?”
“The mortals have made up this---organization. They call it SHIELD. It---keeps track of us and-”
“No.” Beck said, her voice taking on an immediate edge.
“Listen to-”
“No!” She wasn’t one to yell, but the venom in that word made it echo around the room. Beck lowered her voice to a whisper again. “Are you out of your mind?! Out of all the witches on Earth you think it’s a good idea to feed me to these fucking wolves? Have you forgotten that my brother is still out there, half mad off sacrificial blood magic and looking for me? You saved me from him, and now you’re going to sell me out to a bunch of suits that will dig into my ugly past. He’ll find out. He’ll kill whoever he needs to, and he will drag me back to Cali and throw me in a hole so deep I’ll never get out.”
“Beck! Listen to me!” The abbess grabbed her hand and pressed it to the table. Her grey eyes blazed with intensity as they locked with Beck’s. “That is not what this is.”
“Then what is it?”
“SHIELD’s director has made contact with a few of our agents. I wouldn’t call him pleasant to talk to, but he says he doesn’t want any trouble, and for the most part I believe him. He’s well aware that the---sensitivity of the mortals could result in another witch trials and if that happens it won’t just be you that has to fear the wrath of your brother. Or your ex, for that matter.”
Beck put her head in her hands and groaned. It was true. Fenris and Harper both wouldn’t hesitate to go to war with the humans if they started killing witches. The other clans would have no choice but to get involved. It would be a bloodbath---and one she doubted the mortals would win. Witches didn’t fight in mobs of mindless hordes, converging on a single city, fighting out in the open. Cities would burn with no indication of who started the fire. Crops would shrivel no matter how well tended. Assassins would carefully pick off anyone that mattered. Chaos would be carefully cultivated, and when people were at their weakest, then armies would rise. Their only hope would be Asgard stepping in, but they’d be breaching a treaty thousands of years old with the witches. Even if they were willing to do so, it’d likely be too late.
She had a very limited love for mortals, but she loathed war.
“So what does your new friend suggest to stop this impending chaos?”
“Our visions aren’t unaligned, Beck. Director Fury has agreed that it’s best the magical world stay in the shadows where it is. At first he asked us to submit all our agents to this index he has, but I refused. Instead, as a gesture of good faith, I agreed to send him a handful of agents to aid SHIELD in its different departments. No--wait. Before you get upset.” The abbess squeezed her hand, and Beck looked back at her. Concern was writing lines into her tired face. “I made my own witch’s deal. With him. That I would send him aid, send him some of my best people, but with my own files. The deal forbids him from digging any further. Even if he suspects the information on them is nothing but lies. In return for your help, SHIELD will pay you and help protect your identity as best they can. Just like with any other agent. I’m just asking for a couple of jobs, Beck. After that, consider our deal fulfilled. We’ll extract you, and you’ll be free to do as you please.”
“But they’ll have my face.” She said, still not convinced she wasn’t marching off to an early grave. 
“They can’t be any harder to shake than Fenris. And the deal explicitly states they aren’t allowed to track you or listen to you without consent. Please… I don’t have a lot of people I’d trust to be smart enough to swim with these sharks and walk out whole.”
“I want Boda to look at the file.”
Fina nodded. “Of course.”
This wasn’t going to end well for her. But she reached out her hand anyway, and Fina smiled as she shook it.
“Right then. So who is this guy?”
“His name is Harry Pearce. He’s in charge of the anti-terrorism department based out of London, England. He’s expecting you there in seventy-two hours.”
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alwida10 · 3 years
I read the godchild https://archiveofourown.org/works/514127/chapters/907024 on Ao3 and it gave me this idea for a fic I won’t write. So here’s the synopsis!
The story takes place after TDW, but Loki did leave Asgard behind and went into hiding on Midgard. He is just shadowing Thor for additional information about the Avenger’s plans when Thor gets attacked and cursed by someone. Loki, still somewhat loyal to Thor counters the curse in time so Thor doesn’t die from it. While his body is unhurt, his memory is damaged. The last five centuries of his life are forgotten and return only slowly to him. In chronological order. Of course, Thor recognizes Loki and is relieved to see him while he’s still wobbly from the attack and the modern Midgard around him looks foreign and disturbingly loud and colorful.
Loki on the other side is angry Thor had recognized him and afraid the oaf might reveal him to Odin, who would certainly put Loki back in prison.
Then the Avengers appear and recognize the two gods. Loki gets very nervous, but suddenly Thor goes full demigod on his old teammates! Who are those puny Midgardians that they dare to insult and even threaten his brother? Thor will teach them better. Loki is stunned when Thor wipes the floor with the Avengers, but he doesn’t relish the damages and casualties Thor’s temper will cause (‘in my youth, I courted war’). Also, the hustle is likely to catch Heimdal’s eye, so he yells at Thor to cut it. He hisses at the startled Thor that those are his shield brothers and he should go with them.
The Avengers who are quite shocked at Thor’s sudden violence and cruelty, listen and do their bests not to trigger another outburst while Loki explains, even though they wonder why Loki tells Thor the truth. (Loki doesn’t mention his role in the attack on New York or that he’s the Avenger’s enemy).
When Thor looks at them they support Loki’s words, since Thor returning to them is what they want to. (Loki only wants to rid himself of Thor and the Avengers come in handy there, since Thor is too young for ‘shady acres’.) After some initial doubts, Thor puts the hammer down, apologizes, and agrees he should stick to the Avengers until his memory is fully restored. Everyone is relieved. Thor laughs, throws an arm around Loki, and demands to get to Stark Tower as soon as possible since this was fun but he’s tired now. Loki and the Avengers are equally frozen. Thor thinks of Loki and himself as a unit that can’t be split up. Why would Thor be part of the Avengers without Loki? That wouldn’t make sense. They go on adventures together!
But all subtle attempts to split them up aggravate Thor, threatening for him to go back onto berserk mode and neither Loki nor the Avengers want to risk that with civilians around.
So, begrudging on both sides, Loki pretends to be a part of the Avengers: they come up with a patchy explanation why ‘his rooms’ looks almost untouched, and pretend he had always lived with them. It works because neither Loki’s name nor his picture is much known to the public. So, they eat and live together. Clint almost gets an aneurism because he can’t put an arrow in Loki’s eye when he joins them for meals, etc. But slowly the Avengers and Loki learn to pretend he has always been a part of the team.
At first, the Avengers try to prevent Loki to join them on missions, but after a while Thor gets suspicious. And so Loki HAS to join, even though everyone but Thor dislikes it, Loki included. But centuries of adventuring leave traces. So when Loki joins them for the first time he falls back into his role of giving cover and looking out for the others. He strikes down several enemies who just were about to hit an Avengers. The Avengers notice, but don’t say anything. They think Loki is just playing his role, but something like acceptance starts to grow.
More and more often they witness how Thor treats Loki in private. Small jests like ‘some do battle, some do tricks’. Digs, how it doesn’t fit a warrior to fight with throwing knives or magic, or how Loki isn’t seeking battles as real men should. When Hawkeye confronts Thor about why a fight with ranged weapons isn’t as good as close combat, Thor laughs and tells him that no one could fault a puny mortal for making up for his bodily disadvantages. But Loki, as a strong and mighty Asgardian, should be better than fighting from afar.
When Thor meets JARVIS for the first time, he gets angry at Loki, snapping at him that Father forbade him from making more familiars. Loki stiffly explains that it is Stark’s construct, Thor switches from pissed to amazed and marvels at Tony’s resourcefulness. Slowly, the Avengers get another angle on both Loki and Thor. Despite Loki trying to hide his past and former relationship with Thor from them, they wonder what must have happened to Loki turning out to be the invader of New York. Then one day Thor mentions Jane and Loki knows, his memory of the fateful events will very soon be restored.
He runs, only then realizing how much the Avengers have grown on him. He flees into some safe house or retreat, not realizing, Tony has put a tracer on him. First, only Tony goes after him, asking what is the matter. Loki laughs without joy, telling him that soon Thor would remember everything and congratulates Tony for the Avengers being back to complete. Tony tells Loki he should come back, but doesn’t force him. He returns to Stark Tower, where Thor (now much calmer than in his youth) is flipping out because of the new memories. Thor demands to know where Loki is, sick with worry since he just remembered him falling into the abyss. It doesn’t take long until the memories of the invasion resurface as well. Thor is furious but the other Avengers are very very doubtful about the events.
Thor manages to track down Loki and attacks him, boiling with fury. He is about to lash out when the other Avengers turn up and prevent Thor from attacking. Instead, they split the brothers up and ask Loki what led to all those events. Natasha has already connected a lot of the dots, so she can manipulate Loki into revealing the main points. Loki is shocked when the Avengers accept him and see his grievances as valid even though they judge his methods to do something about it. The story ends with them teaming up to prepare for Thanos.
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wolfpawn · 4 years
Hiding in Plain Sight, Chapter 6
Story Summary - Imagine coming from a line of nobility or royalty and being in an arranged marriage with Loki in an attempt to strengthen your kingdom / alliance with Asgard. You’re not entirely on board with the idea but figured that the best you could do was to get to know your fiancé. You form an agreement with Frigga for you to pose as Loki’s personal servant for a few months so you can get to know who Loki really is – beyond the veil of his responsibility to the Asgardian throne, behind all the masks he wears when facing the public, to really know who Loki is behind closed doors as you slowly fall for each other. How long will you keep up the ruse with the God of Lies?
Chapter Summary - Raven is still learning the ways of the Aesit palace and Loki when she is forced into an even more complicated situation.
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Tags - @peppermint-j  @alexakeyloveloki @cateyes315 @laserpente @bravotheroyalfool @teylacarter91 @heavenly1927
“I…” Raven stopped and inhaled deeply. “Thank you, Allmother.” She bowed slightly. “When am I required to return home to collect my belongings?”
Frigga frowned slightly at her. “You are home now.” Her words were said with kindness but it did not feel like such to Raven. “You can, of course, return to Alfheim if you require to but your mother offered to have your belongings brought so you do not have to worry about returning. I know the Bifrost can be uncomfortable.”
“No, I am sure my mother will organise everything. I had most of it ready before I left, anyway.”
“Yet, you seem somewhat uncertain?”
“I just did not expect it to be so sudden.” That was nothing but the truth, Raven was caught unawares by it.
“I gather that you are still undecided as to my son’s personality?”
“With all due respect, Allmother. The time I have been here is not enough to assess the true nature of any being, much less one as complex as Loki.”
“You saying that alone shows you have made some assessment on him.”
Raven did not know what to say. She knew there was a high probability of the Aesir monarch asking what she had come to think of her son. She did not want to lie but her assessment thus far was not great either. “I am still learning his mannerisms. He is very quiet and introverted, it is hard to fully see his demeanour in its entirety. He is careful of his actions around others. I sense him checking to see if he is alone and when he sees me there, he seems to contain himself or hide himself in some manners. It is most peculiar and slightly uncomfortable.”
“Loki is a sensitive soul, he does not like to show vulnerability to anyone, even me,” Frigga explained.
Raven had nothing more to say. She considered how to politely remove herself from the room without insulting Frigga when a large bell tolled across the city.
“I guess that is my indication to tell him what is to come.” Frigga straightened her attire. “I am sorry you need to be told in this manner.”  
“Thank you for taking the time to tell me, Allmother.” Raven bowed slightly. “Shall I get him for you? He should be back from his usual afternoon activities.”
“Please.” Frigga smiled politely, noting her wish to remove herself from the room.
Raven rushed through the halls, oblivious to her surrounds. Upon her return to Loki’s rooms, she was startled to see that he was not there. “Your Highness?”
“What were you doing in my parent’s rooms alone with my mother?” Loki appeared out of nowhere beside her, looking at her curiously.
“All of her maids and my father’s servants have mysteriously found themselves required elsewhere, and you were alone with her, why was that?” He repeated, his tone more clipped.
Raven contemplated her options on what to tell him for a moment. “The Allmother sent one of the Allfather’s servants to retrieve me to discuss a particular matter. I did notice that their chambers seemed void of staff considering the time of day but as it is not my concern, I did not voice any opinions I had on the matter.” There were no lies in her word and she could see Loki searching for such.
“What was the matter that you discussed?” Loki could not find any inclination that she gave him anything other than the truth.
“How to assist you in a manner forthcoming. I was also asked to tell you that she wants to speak with you.”
“What is it?”
“That is for her to discuss with you. I was told to say nothing of the matters discussed.”
Loki placed his hand on her arm, trying to pull her back towards him. It was a natural reaction, but Raven twisted her arm around in a manner that broke the grip before gripping his hand and pulling it into a lock. Loki, due to not expecting her to react in such a manner, was caught off-guard. When Raven realised what she did, she let go immediately and stood back awaiting admonishment. “I am so sorry.”
“How do you know how to do that?” Loki was more intrigued than angry by her actions.
“I have brothers, it is basic self-defence.” It was true, being teased by her brothers meant she learnt how to defend herself.
“What you did to me is a criminal offence, you could be charged for that, you are aware?” Loki smirked.
“In a legal setting, the argument is valid to say that you touched me first and I acted in self-defence.”
“But I am a prince. I will not say anything if you tell me what I am heading towards now.”
Raven eyed him cautiously, knowing full well the reason for his smirk. It made her want to slap him but knew she could not do so physically. Knowing that what she would say would affect him in some manner, she felt herself almost happy to ruin his day while also reminding herself of an ugly truth as she spoke. “She is going to inform you that a date is set for your marrying Princess Raven. It is in a month’s time.”
Loki stood back, startled at what she was saying.  
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realityhelixcreates · 4 years
Lasabrjotr Chapter 57:Travails of Royalty
Chapters: 57/? Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Warnings: none Relationships: Loki x Reader (There We Go) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor(Marvel), Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending (Canon-Divergent), In Which Thor Has Regrets, Loki Tries To Be A Good Brother In The Harshest Way, Sometimes One Has To Point Out Painful Truths And Loki Has Done That Before
Summary:  Beneath the crown there sits a man, with the heart of a man, and the fears, determination, and regrets of a man. The measure of the man is the measure of the king. Thor Odinson knows this, and still worries that he measures poorly.
Loki stormed back into the main banquet hall, ready to give the annoying little twit a piece of his mind, but Thor had already intervened, detaining Gloa and lecturing her fiercely. Most of the Asgardian nobles had vacated the hall by now; those that remained were not among Gloas friends. They watched smugly as the Allfather himself had to take her into hand, and Loki knew she would be prodded about this for some time.
You had fallen back into a little knot of Avengers; Loki could see your hat among them. He headed to you first.
“Are you harmed, my dear?” He asked. Gloa was not a warrior, but she was still Asgardian. If she struck you, it could hurt you very badly.
“No, I'm just super mad!” You snarled. “I don't know where she gets off-did you know she doesn't even have a job? Andsvarr's a noble, and he has a job! He does something useful, instead of just sitting around and leeching off everyone else like a fucking parasite!” You raised your voice on that last part, and Gloa looked away from Thor to glare at you, even though she could not understand your words.
“Loki...Loki.” You clutched at his robe. “I need to go stab something. Can I head to the training area for a little while?”
“Oh. Yes, of course. Please do, go vent your frustrations on something that is not a subject of mine, whom I am obligated to protect, despite how vile I personally find them to be.”
“Didn't you chop off a guys hand?” Natasha asked. “I'm sure I heard that somewhere.”
Loki turned away, nose in the air. “He broke the law.”
“The law of Dont Fuck With Loki's Main Squeeze?” Bucky asked.
“Yes. Now get her out of here before someone else tries anything.”
You strode through he halls with Natasha, Mr. Barnes, Steve, and Mr. Rhodes at your sides, You could only imagine what you must look like to those you were passing; A storm on your face, and the king's friends for an escort. But room was made for you in the general training area.
“Okay, come on kiddo.” Mr. Rhodes said. “Show us how it's done in Asgard.”
You showed them all your knife, explained what it was, where it had come from, and how you'd gotten it. Natasha nodded slowly at the explanation.
“Yeah, sounds appropriate that you should have it.”
“I've been training with the Valkyries, and with Loki when I can.” You said. “Got a long way to go though.”
You showed them your drills, how you took on the training dummy, how you compensated for your smaller-than-Asgardian size. Your entourage watched as you went, ignoring the stares from the other trainees. They were probably used to stares, and even you were beginning to become numb to them.
“...So...” You panted, coming to a halt. “That's basically what I know...Haven't had to actually use any of this though...”
“That's probably a good thing, kid.” Mr. Rhodes said. “Did they teach you to just rush in like that, or is it because you're mad?”
“What he's saying is that this style is...very Asgardian. Even the way Loki fights is very Asgardian.” Natasha said. “Meaning that, while he does add a bit of misdirection to it, he still fights like an Asgardian. Fast, hard, and very aggressive. That might not be the best technique for you, though. You don't have the same kind of physical power and durability. What you do have, is the element of surprise. Would you let me show you how to use it?”
Personal training with an Avenger? You leapt at the opportunity.
“She's gonna regret that.” Mr Rhodes said.
“Gonna regret it.” Steve echoed.
“I'm not.” Mr. Barnes said. “I get to watch.”
“You get to participate. Get over here and prepare your insteps for pain.” Natasha commanded.
Mr. Barnes approached, sighing in defeat as the others jeered at him.
“We can't just imprison people for saying things, Loki.” Thor insisted. “We'd run out of room in a day.”
“A public flogging then!” Loki said hotly.
“I am beyond done with that little twit, Thor! She's been like this for centuries, but she's been crossing greater and greater lines lately. We've seen what happens when we allow these things to escalate. _____ has seen what happens, and it landed her in the healing wing with a broken face! I'll not risk it again!”
“Do we make insults illegal then? How will you keep yourself from prison, were that the case?”
Loki glared. Of course he knew he was powerless in this. What Gloa did was wrong and petty, but not illegal.
That was all too familiar.
“I understand your ire, brother. The things some of Jane's peers would say about her...and just because she was a woman and in an experimental science...it still raises my fury. But the best thing you can do for her is stand by her. Your mortal is resilient, but you can be the mighty oak on which she leans when she is weary.”
Loki liked that image. Of being strong, and steady for you. The powerful mast and billowing sails of the ship that carried you on your life's journey. The cloak around your shoulders that kept you warm when the winds of life threatened to chill you. The-
“We can forbid Gloa from talking to her.” Thor said, interrupting Loki's dreamy reverie. “But I wonder what precedent that will set. It would probably look like you were just throwing a tantrum right back at her.”
“Surely I'm not that unbecoming.”
Thor shrugged. “Not all the time.” He teased.
“I can be worse.” Loki mock-threatened.
“I know.” Thor said. “But could you put off your worseness for a few years? Just until we get a few more buildings up?”
“I'll think about it.” They both chuckled. “I'm not just going to let this go, though. Alarr has seemed quiet for now, but those who agree with him are not so restrained. You've been having to deal with them yourself, haven't you?”
Thor sighed, a long gust of exasperation. “I didn't want to bring it up. I didn't want to distress you, or her. Gloa isn't the only one, she's just the most directly vocal about it. There are several of the highest noble families that have made her the symbol of their opposition to human assimilation. Several have made attempts to trick me into passing legislation that will limit or harm her, and any other humans within our borders. Some of it was so broadly worded that it could have been used against our Vanir citizens, or even those whose ancestors intermarried.
You know, I realize that I have been irresponsible in the past, but I'm not sure why they all think I didn't get the same education they did. Do I truly seem like there is nothing but air between my ears?” He caught the twinkle in his brother's eye. “Don't answer that.”
“I believe the greater problem is that they cannot fathom the change that has come upon us, so they are pushing back without much thought as to how it might effect even other Asgardians.” Loki said, then shrugged. “That's if I'm being generous. Long-standing prejudices are not unfamiliar to Asgard. The high families may be taking this chaos as a chance to rearrange Asgard to their liking. I've heard of humans doing this many times. They call it an 'ethnic cleansing'.”
Thor shuddered. “I won't allow it.”
“I know.” Loki said. “But they will continue trying, nonetheless.”
They lapsed into an uncomfortable silence, wrapped up in the challenge laid out for their future.
“I have other bad news...” Loki said, then shook his head. “No, more like...potentially uncomfortable news.”
“Ugh, lay it out.” Thor said.
“The Vision tells me that he has been sensing occasional disturbances that might be someone utilizing the power of one or more of the Stones.”
Thor shook off the malaise of the previous conversation instantly.
“What does he mean? What did he tell you?”
“Very little. Mostly that his connection with his stone is making him aware of vague fluctuations in the power of the stones. We have attempted to narrow it down: Space and Time are secure, and have not been used recently, Mind is secure, and has not been used...that Vision is aware of. I do not personally believe that your pirate friends currently have the capability to use the Power stone between them, but if you can contact them, perhaps you should. The specter on Vormir has not contacted anyone, but perhaps one of us should speak with Miss Romanoff about it.”
“Oh no.” Thor said.
“However, that leaves only one.”
“Oh no.”
“Therefore, we need to contact Dr. Foster.”
“Oh no. No, I can't. I can't do that, you know I can't do that.”
“I know, but we are still going to have to do it.”
Thor drooped. “I told her I would leave her alone.”
“And was she happy about it?”
“She wasn't happy about anything. I destroyed her life.”
“I disagree.”
“I dragged her back in to all of this!”
“She flung herself into this of her own accord.”
“How can you say that?”
“Years ago, she saw a cosmic anomaly out in the desert, and drove towards it with such joyous abandon that she ran you over with her vehicle. Years later, she stuck her hand into a glowing void, heedless of what might be there. Years after that, she enthusiastically threw herself back into the battle for cosmic safety, and she would have done so even if you had not asked. You think you 'lured her into danger' or 'tricked her into coming into contact with the Aether again', but it had already chosen her. Her very personality guaranteed that this would be her fate, with or without you. This is less about you than you think.”
Thor grumbled unintelligibly. Loki knew he'd thought about these things before but didn't want to accept them. No one wanted to accept that they might not be the most important thing in a loved one's life; he certainly didn't. But that was how it had always been between Thor and Jane, to Loki's eyes at least. She just wasn't the type to mope about men, not when there were cosmic mysteries to pick apart.
“In any case, I am going to contact her. You are free to skulk about and hide if you wish. You are the king, after all.” Loki continued.
“All right, all right, stay your stinging tongue. Perhaps I have misplaced my backbone, when it comes to her. It's just that I adore her still...” Thor sulked.
“And you are not used to being scorned.” Loki pointed out.
“I'm already down, must you keep kicking?”
“Oh dry up, brother. Stand tall instead of wallowing in assumed guilt, and she may even talk to you again.”
“Do you think so?”
Loki rolled his eyes exaggeratedly. “I'm going to go find _____, and get into contact with Dr. Foster. If you will not extend a formal invitation to her, then I shall.”
“I didn't even know elbows could bend that way.” You mused.
“They can't!” Mr. Barnes griped. “Go easy dollface, I've only got one good one left!”
“And what do we do when our opponent tries to solicit sympathy from us?” Natasha asked.
“We go harder!” You exclaimed enthusiastically. Mr. Barnes groaned.
You knew he was just putting on a show. He was at least as tough as Steve, but he worked well as a foil for Natasha's teaching, not making things easy on you, but not making them impossible either. If you did it right, the things she taught you worked, so you knew for sure when you were nailing a new technique.
You'd been going for some time, and you were simultaneously energized, and worn out. These exercises were very different from the ones you had been performing, working different muscles, forcing you into a different headspace. They were very good-natured about your inexperience. It wasn't that your Asgardian tutors weren't patient with you, but they didn't show the same camaraderie.
Still you were flagging, your initial anger long since waned. Gloa could go step on a Lego, for all that you cared, but you probably should bring up with Loki that almost-threat she'd made.
Funerary boat? What did that mean? Was that what Adgardian funerals were like? How did Asgardians address death, anyway? Surely they couldn't have made graveyards! You had seen Loki's projection of Asgard: it was tiny, far too small for graveyards, even for the long-lived Asgardians.
You really needed to ask Loki about Asgardian customs surrounding death. As a Seidkona, and Loki's Seidkona specifically, you might be required to be present or even participate in a funeral, if any Asgardian actually died during your relatively short lifespan.
A glint of light caught your attention, and a dozen things rushed through your head in less than a second.
A knife! Gloa had threatened you. There were assassins within Asgard. You did not want to get stabbed again, not for anything. You had magic. Practically the instant you saw the gleam, you had turned the object back on the person who had thrown it.
It bounced off Steve Rogers chest and clattered to the ground.  
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maryxglz · 5 years
With the long-running original Marvel movie saga culminating with Avengers: Endgame, it seems like there is no time like the present to assess and pay tribute to one of the studio’s most noteworthy and influential villains: Loki.
The brother of Thor, played by Tom Hiddleston since Thor in 2011, has been central to the God of Thunder’s solo franchise and has even become a go-to name for Avengers movies, most notably playing the villain in the studio’s debut team-up The Avengers in 2012.
His entanglement with the centre-most characters of Marvel lore have made him one of the most recognisable and highly respected characters in the whole of superhero cinema. In this article, we’ll follow the development of this now iconic character from a brother to a man lacking a place to belong, to the meanest guy in the galaxy and right back around again
Thor (2011) – Loki’s Debut
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We first see Loki in a flashback of Thor as a child, the two brothers joyfully playing and then listening to Odin talk about the future and the responsibilities of being a good king. Both kids are eager to be worthy of Odin’s expectations to defend Asgard, but Thor’s destiny is made clear from the beginning: he is to be the king of Asgard.
Child Loki is shown, importantly, to be more shy than his somewhat obnoxious sibling, planting seeds for his dastardly tactics later in life, but it’s quite clear that during his youth he did not hate his brother. It’s pointed out that most of what we are to see will be the result of the parenting of their King and Queen father and mother, that the circumstances which cause them to grow apart will not be the choice of the brothers themselves.
In the film’s present day, Loki arranges a break out of Frost Giants in Asgard during Thor’s coronation, something forcefully pushed home by the choices of director Kenneth Branagh behind the camera and actor Tom Hiddleston’s acting choices in front of it. It’s assumed Loki doesn’t believe his brother is wise enough to be a king, with the underlying nature of Loki’s self-assurance and ego coming to the fore when he reinforces Thor’s ambitions for revenge to his face and then lambasts the plans as “madness” in public – welcome, the God of Mischief.
Even here, Loki doesn’t hate Thor (telling his brother he loves him dearly), but resentment is soon set alight by the revelation that Loki is not Asgardian but instead an adopted Frost Giant bound to a life away from the throne he has sought all his life. Loki is quickly established as an outcast, the core to his relateable villain persona, with his actions from this point seeming more understandable even in the midst of his viciously resentful motivations. To Loki, it’s easier to start over than to adapt to his newly realised standing within his adopted family.
There’s a scene where Loki confronts Odin about his birth – an acting masterpiece by Hiddleston. With tears in his eyes, he yells at Odin that he was just another tool in his hands ready for when he would have needed him. Odin’s reaction is also very emotional, which we know is somewhat out of character, with him falling into the so-called “Odin’s sleep” out of the shock and distress caused by his son’s actions. If the two had been afforded the opportunity to finish their confrontation, perhaps things would have gone very differently, perhaps the events of Thor would not have occurred.
This event is in fact a turning point for Loki’s character, as from here he only cares about gaining more and more power, getting back at Thor in the process by taking away his throne and ‘his precious Earth’ (as he says in The Avengers – 2012). Loki was used to form an alliance, so why shouldn’t he be angry? His entire existence is a political convenience – this is understandable to us, sympathetic even. This cannot condone his actions or be an excuse for how nasty and evil he became, but it does accurately illustrate his internal turmoil and the reasons for him to become how he eventually is in The Avengers (2012).
Thor is filled with moments that showcase Loki’s unique and mischievous talents, the Prince convincing Thor that Odin is not in Odin’s sleep but is in fact dead, and that Thor is to blame. By the time Thor learns of the truth, Loki has unravelled to the point of utter viciousness and desperation, his self-harming behaviour pushing him further and further into darkness, the rage and lack of control Hiddleston presents in the scene being key to illustrating the desperation beneath the bad. Here, he surrenders to his anger and rage, effectively stamping his ticket to his own demise.
The crux of Loki’s story occurs in the film’s conclusion however, where even after abandoning himself to evil and rage he still reaches out for Odin’s approval, the King of Asgard’s refusal to accept Loki causing his son to cast himself into the abyss of the universe both physically and metaphorically. Loki’s decision to fall into the unknown of space ends Thor’s journey but he only becomes worthy at the cost of his closest ally, a theme that will replay itself in future movies. Loki, like Thor, must learn to accept his duty, albeit a different one to that he first saw for himself…
The Avengers (2012) – Evolution Into A Complete Villain
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The Avengers was always going to be about the heroes at the centre of the concept, but the picture actually opens with its villain Loki. The God of Mischief, angry and fallen into madness from his last confrontation with Odin, has found a new purpose in avenging Thor, ironically the mirror image of the Avengers’ task. Most importantly, Loki’s choices in this film will lead to his death in Infinity War, The Avengers acting as something of a 2nd act for the character.
It’s established fairly early on that Loki’s pact with the Chitauri is one in which he does not have control, the group threatening to kill him if he does not succeed. Loki is determined to take Thor’s treasure of Earth, but he remains somewhat sympathetic in doing so because of this, endearing himself to us even in the midst of his apocalyptic anger.
The most emotional and meaningful scenes featuring Loki in The Avengers are, much like in his other films, his dialogue with Thor. Though fleeting, the exchange between Loki and Thor on Earth when Thor attempts to take Loki back to Asgard is based in brotherly love, Thor pleading with his brother even in spite of his recent actions. It’s clear that Thor still considers Loki to be his brother even if Loki can no longer see it, but Loki is lost to misplaced ambition or, more accurately, to his pursuit of belonging – he even says in the scene that he’ll prove himself as Odin’s son.
As the film progresses and Loki establishes the upper hand in his war with Earth, he has another important confrontation with his brother, Thor this time offering one last opportunity for redemption during the movie’s climactic battle.
“It’s too late”, Loki claims as Thor pleads with him to stop. It is through these three words that we’re given insight into his own perception of the universe he inhabits; one that is deeply unkind to him. This not only enforces his villainous status in this picture but also issues reminders of his previous arc in Thor, Loki still suffering the effects of losing his life purpose, family and sense of belonging.
In this confrontation, Loki almost hesitates, the Joss Whedon directed close-up showing him to be almost crying. This scene, which illustrates the struggle inside of Loki, helps us to link the wars he rages with the wars within himself, the God in a man’s world having otherworldly power to play out his inner turmoil on a planetary scale. Loki expresses that Thor can no longer appeal to sentiment, Loki’s position as outcast son and prince brought to the fore ahead of his decision to maintain his fight, to seek control.
Loki of course loses in his battle to control earth, owing to the unforeseen bravery of Tony Stark (Iron Man), and is whisked away to Asgard by Thor to face punishment for his crimes. By the end of The Avengers Loki is down and he’s lost everything, but he’s home. And home is where we find him in Thor: The Dark World.
Thor: The Dark World (2013) – Loki’s Path of Growth
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In this film, we find Loki where we left him: in chains, brought to face Odin’s judgement for his crimes committed on Earth.
We don’t actually see him in action until about the 35 minute mark when we are immediately aligned with his point of view, the somewhat endearing villain (by this point a fan favourite) looking out from a cell towards other prisoners in one of Asgard’s jails.
The first contact Loki has is with his mother, this choice to quickly realign Loki with his central family group offering hints at fixing the broken relationship caused in the first Thor movie. He rejects her pleas, but his reestablished presence in their lives is brought to the fore, Loki reaching out for his mother’s hand as the hologram disappears.
The point that lights the match in The Dark World is the death of the Queen, Thor’s mother and Loki’s adoptive mother. This event, which sends Asgard into mourning, reunites the two brothers as Thor requires Loki’s assistance to leave Asgard through a secret path in search of revenge. The meeting between the two brothers here perhaps shines more of an insight into Loki than at any other point in the movies, his true sadness and grief masked to his brother via a more confident hologram, the real Loki trapped within his own image, the fulfilment of his wish to be truly excommunicated from his family feeling much more brutally horrific in reality than he had anticipated. When the hologram disappears, Thor bares witness to the rubble that remains of Loki’s life, the villain of two previous movies now the most sympathetic character in this second franchise entry.
Many quips, witty exchanges and sarcastic comments later, and it’s clear that the issue between Thor and Loki is that neither man can trust one another given their histories of keeping monumental secrets from one another.
Thor’s “I wish I could trust you again” is responded to with “trust my rage” by Loki in the midst of their reconciliation, the foundations of their life-long brotherhood holding strong even after such horrendous events. Thor can’t trust anything Loki says or does, but he can trust that he knows the parts that form the foundations of Loki’s character, and trusting Loki’s rage is something he can do.
Thor: The Dark World wasn’t as well received as a lot of other Marvel Cinematic Universe entries, but seeing Loki and Thor team together against the Dark Elves was very good fan service and perhaps the best example of Marvel pulling off a loveable anti-hero. It is because of this and the question of whether Loki was motivated by love and respect for his brother or his own selfish pursuit of freedom and the throne that the film’s conclusion, which sees Loki embody Odin’s likeness to finally take rule of Asgard, brings so much intrigue and joy.
We will also know soon what Loki did to Odin in Ragnarok…
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) & Avengers: Infinity War (2018) – A Path Towards Redemption
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Thor: Ragnarok picks up where the last Thor instalment left off – Loki is on the throne of Asgard.
As ruler, he is careless about state matters and does not bother at all about the chaos of the nine realms; he just has fun impersonating Odin and painting himself as a benevolent ruler and the savior of Asgard – a hilarious addition to the Odin-son saga that sought to quickly erase much of the second film (which Thor actor Chris Hemsworth reportedly hated). Almost immediately Thor discovers that Loki is performing as Odin and the reset button is well and truly hit, comedic shenanigans set forth with Thor’s insistence upon Loki taking him to wherever he has deserted their father.
In the reuniting of the two sons with their father, Odin makes the point of calling both Loki and Thor “my two sons”, firmly bringing the Loki story-arc to a conclusion and affording the character the opportunity thereafter to find redemption with regards to Asgard and, most importantly, with regards to Thor. Unbeknownst to us, it would be the satisfying arc conclusion we didn’t see killing the character in the movie that followed… Infinity War.
Infinity War is the final stage of Loki’s character arc, Tom Hiddleston’s character already undergoing redemption in Ragnarok and needing that one last act of honourable defiance to solidify him as an ally to Thor once and for all.
At the beginning of the film, Loki chooses the life of his brother over that of the Tesseract knowing that he may plunge the universe into chaos by doing so and embracing his death in turn. Coloured with typical Loki trickery, the act of sacrificing himself to his former master Thanos in order to save Thor illustrates Loki’s overcoming of his darkness, the demons that plagued him quite literally exchanged for the light of the love given to him by his adoptive family. Here, Loki effectively tells Thor that above Earth, the Tesseract or indeed the universe, it is family (or more accurately his brother) that means the most to him, and that he’s willing to give his life to prove it.
Prove it he does, and Loki becomes one of the first casualties of Thanos’ reign of terror, the God of Mischief playing his final trick.
Or has he?
Perhaps the biggest question to come from the scene – other than “is he really dead this time?” – is “why did Loki take the Tesseract in the first place? Was he not redeemed in Ragnarok like we thought he was? Does he know something we don’t know?
Perhaps this is something to be theorised over in the future or, perhaps more realistically, this moment simply serves as the final reminder of Loki’s ongoing internal struggle, the taking of the Tesseract emblematic of a character eternally at odds with himself, the good overcoming the bad at the most testing of moments to prove that evil may have consumed him at different stages but that it never owned him.
“I assure you brother, the sun will shine on us again.”
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littlemessyjessi · 5 years
“Back to Break”: Thor Odinson Imagine
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Thor Imagine Endgame Thor also known as my precious Asgardian King who I share adore and worship forever and also leave him alone because he's perfect.   *rant over...maybe* Thor x Reader: PS Reader, Plus Size Reader and Thor’s new bod, Yas King! 
Imagine giving Thor tummy kisses....
Since the beginning of your relationship, Thor had always been bigger than you.
Just always.
It's never mattered what your weight was.
If it fluctuated or not.
He was just a big dude and he always had this massive presence to him.
Now, for most of the time that you knew him, he'd been very cut and trim which you know- whatever.
Sure, he was sexy and had a certain look to him that was deemed desirable by the public.
But Thor was sexy in any way or form because he was Thor.
You've wanted to fuck him when he was passed out on the couch and drool sliding down his chin.
You've wanted to fuck him when he got kicked off a building into a pit of mud.
It's Thor.
So with all the weight gain, you never even stopped to question your attraction to him.
Because that didn't change.  
You adored him in all forms...and to be honest, there was more to love.
And you were fucking into it.  
Now, you understood what it was like to question your body- as most people do.
Regardless of whether or not they want to admit it- most people struggle with SOMETHING.
And certainly if you happen to be plus sized.
Additionally, he'd gone through a lot in the past few years.
Even before the snap, Thor lost so much in such a small amount of time.
He was severely depressed and anxious and constantly dealing with past trauma.
Did that mean he was a mindless zombie?
Well, of course not- but it did call for space sometimes and you tried to respect that.
You got it.
So when one day you noticed him glancing at you a certain way- you took it as your opportunity.
Knowing him the way that you did- you could tell whether he was into it or not and lately- he just hadn't been.
But when you saw him staring past the television at you with a certain look about it.... you fucking attacked.
Honestly, you just internally celebrated because you felt like maybe now was your chance.
You'd never attack.
Well, ok maybe you would but that's not the point.
To begin with, you acted like you hadn't seen it - even though you had and you kept busying yourself with whatever you were doing.
The next time you decided to be a bit more deliberate as you made your way into the living area.
You leaned over him to open the window and felt his hand subconsciously come up to support your stomach to keep you from falling.
The touch made you look down to see his brown and blue eyes already staring at you.
In a moment, he dropped his hand and looked away making you furrow your brows.
"Thor?" you questioned.
"Sorry." he said with a shrug and you watched as he began to put on a brave face.  "I wasn't trying to push it.  I just didn't want you to fall."
"What do you mean?" you asked, brows drawing together.
"I didn't want you to lose your balance so I was just-" he rambled.
"No, babe. I got that.  I just meant- what do you mean...push it?" you asked and then something dawned on you. "Thor, do you think I don't want you to touch me?"
The way he avoided your eyes told you everything.
Caution be damned.
You climbed into his lap immediately, startling him.
Your soft belly pressed against his and your own wonderfully soft body rested so perfectly on his larger thighs.
They were still the big, muscular legs you knew but now a layer of soft padding made it even softer.
A perfect seat.
You grabbed his face and turned to look at him.
"Thor, listen to me." you said. "I ALWAYS want you.  Always."
"You've been distant..." he said.
"Only because I didn't want to cause YOU any stress." you said with a shake of your head. "Babe, you've been through a lot.  That snap had nothing to do with you even though I know that's what you tell yourself.  But you had a lot on your shoulders BEFORE all that.   I'm here for you no matter what but I've been trying to give you space and not smother you as well."
His large hands had founds their place on your soft hips immediately and you could feel him squeezing the soft, pliable flesh there.
His bottom lip trembled a bit and you could see his mismatched eyes watering.
"I thought...I thought- " he started. "I thought you didn't want me anymore.  Like this, I mean."
"Because you've gained weight?" you asked and he nodded as his chin dropped sending his long hair into his face.
He was hiding from you and so you pushed it back as your hand found his neck and pulled him in for a passionate kiss.
When you broke, the both of you were breathless.
"Thor, I love you- forever and more and more every day.  That's what I want you to remember first." you said not letting him get far from you.  "Second, I am so attracted to you it's a constant battle not to want to ride you like a mechanic bull."
He nearly choked on his own spit and he cleared his throat to try and recover from it.
You giggled, "I've always been attracted to you.  I was attracted to you the moment I met you.  And if you'll remember correctly, I didn't even see you for about a month.  We literally talked on the phone because Steve's a loser and he won't text me."
He laughed at the memories.  
He was still somewhat fresh to Earth and you'd taken a quick friendship to Steve...and was appalled that he wouldn't text you.  
Thor had caught on rather quickly.
"And then you sent me a picture one day on accident." You reminded him. "It was 100 % an up the nose shot and you even had a boogey.  But I would've smashed right then.  And I had no concept of the rest of you at that point. "
"You sent me one back and you made yourself look like a monkey." he laughed. "I thought you were the sweetest thing I'd ever seen in my life."
"See." you reminded him. "Now, if I wanted to smash an up the nose shot of you with a booger in the cave, do you really think that I wouldn't want you now?"
He was smiling a bit now which you loved more than anything.
"And if you'd like to know the absolute truth about it." you said leaning back and getting a bit more comfortable. "I'm actually very much into the fact that you're even more bigger than me now.  We've discussed this before.  I've always like that you can just toss my ass around like it's nothing even though we both know I'm PLENTY.   And now you're even bigger than me.  You're still strong as hell and now you're squishy too.  I'm way into it."
He stared you at in a way that almost made you squirm.
"It's been a constant thing to remind myself to not just be on you all the time while you're going through this.   We both know I'm a sex craved demon, Thor." you said half joking, but both of ya'll knowing you were kinda serious.
You slid off his lap and his breath hitched as you came in for another kiss.
They migrated over his jaw and down his neck as you pulled his shirt up before your sinful lips left marks over his strong chest.
He was just as strong as ever but now, there was this softness to him that drove you wild.
Every inch of this new soft stomach was adorned with hot open mouth kisses and he nearly lost his mind at the feeling of it all.
He grabbed you and quickly swapped places and thrust you back into the couch as he got to his feet.
You bit your lip at the sight of seeing him stand over you like that.
You were no stranger to his position but now....it was so much better.
"Is this what you want?" he asked finally shedding the shirt and standing before you in his loose fitting pants.
You nodded as the cheshire cat grin stretched over your face.
He chuckled as he looked down at you.
His perfectly plump little goddess staring up at him with adoration.
He wondered how he could have ever doubted you?
"Well come on then." he said, a familiar spark in his eyes as he held his arms out.
You jumped into his arms without hesistation.
It was one of your many favorite things about Thor.
He could always carry you like it was nothing.
Your legs wrapped around him and his soft  belly pressed into yours and you damn near purred.
"I really like this." you told him motioned to your stomachs pressed against each other. "You're so soft."
"Do you finally understand what I've been telling you since we met?" he asked walking you both towards the bed.
"Yes."  you said. "Do you?"
He laid you down gently and smiled at you softly, "Yes, my Queen.  Thank you."
And then, he fucking smirked as his hand drew back and he popped you right on the ass.
"Now, bend over." he said.  "I've got to catch up on a few things."
You grinned at him wickedly as you felt his lips on your thigh and kicked him away.
"You can eat this cake later." you said. "Right now, you got a back to break."
His fingers dug into your ample hips and the sound of skin on skin was all but music to your ears.
Apparently ya boy was hungry...and he was just getting started.
Heeeeey, smoochies! So we saucy up in here but damn boo, I like me a juicy, thick and delicious Thor, ya know.  
Anyway, I hope you liked it and I want to you know that I am fully open to requests for Thor.  Especially Endgame Thor.  Yes, juicy King.  Break this back anyway you want.  
Hello darlings! Hope you enjoyed this little piece and have a wonderfully awesome day!
If you wanna see more of my content just check out my blogs! @littlemessyjessi is the main blog full of fandom fictions, imagines, headcanons and sickeningly sweet fluff! Yeah, I know, lol. Barf.  But hey, I like it. @witchyweirdness is the magical blog full of witchy content And last but not least !   @monsterbaesbymamakennysaurus is my monster blog full of all kinds of monster related content! So I hope to see you there! Love, Kenny
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@jimmys-afterlife-love-deactivat @thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
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Love, Kenny
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