#what do you mean people start running away when you’re both talking about your favourite games
ipsl0re · 6 months
It’s funny how I am like I act on here- I don’t behave differently, but I am less… muted?
The version that reblogs on here is just the dilute edition of the weirdo concentrate that only a few people are capable of handling neat.
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honeylations · 1 year
Prompt: Still not being over your ex boyfriend (Choi Yeonjun), you thought it was a good idea to fake a relationship with Kazuha, aka a complete stranger, to make him jealous.
Warnings/Notes: reader is a med student, Kazuha is a mechanical engineering student, mentions of other idols
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“Y/n?” A voice softly calls from outside your room that you chose to ignore.
There was a short silence before the knocking continued and your dorm mate spoke again. “Y/n, I know you’re awake”
“Go away, Chaeryeong” You groaned and hugged your thick blanket closer to your body.
The said girl opened the door anyways and gagged at the sudden stench of your room.
And also the horrid looks of it. Dirty clothes were scattered all around, unfinished ramen cups sitting on your study desk, and Chaeryeong could’ve sworn she just saw a cockroach run past despite the darkness.
“I said go away” You muttered tiredly into your pillow that was wet from your whole week of tears.
Chaeryeong hopped to your window and drew the curtains, blinding you with the bright sun. Actually, you didn’t even know it was morning from the longing you spent in your dark room, busy listening to Taylor Swift songs.
“Y/n, I know you’re heart broken but I can’t stand to see you skip lectures AND live like a pig” Chaeryeong said with a hand on the hip.
“You don’t understand it at all, Chaer…I just wanna stay here forever and die”
“Well if you’re gonna continue gluing yourself to the bed and only eat 2 minute noodles, you’re definitely not gonna wake up the next time you sleep”
“I don’t think I’ve slept at all this past week”
“I don’t think so either. Come on hun, this is not how I want you to be. Yeji and the other girls have been asking about you too. Don’t leave them worried sick” Chaeryeong sat next your laying body.
“If I go back on campus, I’ll see Yeonjun again and I’ll probably end up crying when I do” You hid under the covers.
“Look, I’m sorry Yeonjun broke up with you. Believe me, I’ve been holding myself back from running him over but you’re gonna make yourself look pathetic by not making the effort to move on”
You closed your eyes as the same scene of the breakup kept replaying in your head.
It was a Monday morning when you and Yeonjun were sitting at the cafeteria, waiting for the rest of your friends to arrive. You pulled out a big lunchbox since you cooked and packed food for the both of you.
“I cooked your favourite today, babe” You smiled and continued placing the utensils on the table.
Yeonjun sighed and rubbed his thighs to ease the anxiety eating him alive. “Y/n, can we talk? Just before the others get here”
“Yeah of course. What’s up?” You said calmly, unprepared for your boyfriend’s next words.
“Please don’t hate me for this, Y/n I’m really sorry…”
You stopped in your tracks and gave him your undivided attention. “What do you mean?”
“I want to break up…”
It was like the world stopped moving and all of a sudden you couldn’t hear the voices of the students around you. You could hear your heart beat and the palms of your hands started to sweat.
“I wanted to talk about this another time where we were alone but you’re always caught up with so many lectures, it made it difficult. I’m really sorry Y/n, please believe me when I say that”
“Why? Was I a bad girlfriend? I can do better, I swear!” You started to tear up.
Yeonjun scratched the back of his neck and sighed. “No, it’s not that. Honestly, I just feel like my feelings for you aren’t as strong as they were before. I didn’t wanna lead you on nor force myself to continue the relationship when my feelings are unclear”
“Unclear? You can’t just lose feelings like that without a reason Yeonjun!”
“Y/n, I don’t have a proper explanation okay?”
“Heyyyy what’s up party people!” Yeji appears with her girlfriend, Chaeryeong. Food trays in their hands.
Their smile fell when they saw you rush to pack up your lunchbox in tears, sobbing your way out of the cafeteria. Yeji clenched her jaw and slammed her tray on the table, staring down at Yeonjun.
“What the hell did you do, Choi?”
“Y/n?” Chaeryeong’s voice broke you out of the flashback.
“I’m here”
“What do you say? If you come back to Uni, we’ll help you get over that stupid boy”
“Yeah, I’ll treat you bingsu!” Yuna’s voice made you scream and sit up from the bed.
“What the hell, since when did you come in?!”
The tall girl grabbed an empty laundry basket and started throwing your used clothes in it. “A few minutes ago but you seemed too lost in thought to hear me”
“Oh sorry” you thread your fingers through your unwashed hair.
“Don’t be. I missed you, hun. The others do too. Especially Minji, Sakura, and Yeji. They said the group projects feel empty without you”
“You gonna take up our offer, Y/n-ie?” Chaeryeong smiled sweetly.
Sighing into your palms, you have a small nod. “Fine.”
The two girls squealed and Chaeryeong hugged you but she quickly moved back from your stench. “Oh my god you need a shower”
Frowning, you lifted your armpit to your face and gagged. “Fuck you’re right”
“Go shower while we tidy your room. It’s time a for a fresh start” Yuna ordered, reassuring you with a thumbs up.
“I love you guys”
“Yeah yeah we know. Shoo shoo stinky!”
After a healthy breakfast and long hot shower, Chaeryeong and Yuna prepared you an outfit for the day. Yuna even offered to do your makeup for you.
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Arriving at the University, you were happy to see the rest of your group patiently waiting by the engineering building. Yeji, Sakura, Minji, and Hanni all ran to you, pulling you in for a group hug. Yuna and Chaeryeong laughed before joining in.
“I’m so happy to see you, Y/n” Yeji said as the hug circle separated.
“Me too, Yeji. Feels good getting some fresh air”
“Should’ve seen her room” Yuna mumbled.
“I’ll start getting better guys, I promise” You smiled warmly at everyone, receiving a big smile back.
“Y/n?” A masculine voice called behind you.
Instantly turning around, you regretted to see your ex boyfriend with his friends Beomgyu, Soobin, Taehyun, and Huening Kai.
“Hold me back before I rip his teeth out” Chaeryeong whispered to Yeji who immediately held her waist.
“Yeonjun…hi” You breathed out.
“How have you been? Haven’t really seen you around”
“Been good, totally good. Was just busy with…stuff” You cursed at yourself for not thinking of better responses.
“Ah I see. Have you’ve been seeing anyone lately?” He suddenly asked, surprising you and your group.
“Why are you asking?”
Yeonjun timidly shrugged and buried his hands into his pockets. “No reason”
“Well I’m not—“
“Yeah she’s been seeing a hot girl” Yuna blurted out, all the attention going to her.
Your eyes were as wide as saucers.
Yuna clung onto Chaeryeong’s shoulder tightly, realising she fucked up big time.
“You’re bi?” Yeonjun asked.
“She’s swung both ways since junior year” Yuna spoke again and you really wished a rock fell on her head right now even though she wasn’t lying.
You’ve liked both genders for a while but you tried focusing on men more because you were getting too delusional with your crushes on straight girls. You wanted to save yourself from the heart break but looking at your situation with Yeonjun, the plan didn’t work out anyways.
“Oh…Who’s the lucky girl?”
“Hey Kkura-Chan there you are” A female student appeared with a stack of papers in one hand.
Out of panic, you hastily grabbed her wrist and pulled her to your side, sending Yeonjun an awkward smile. “This is her”
Yeonjun frowned. “Nakamura Kazuha…You’re dating Kazuha?”
Looking up at the taller (and extremely pretty) girl, she didn’t look back at you but instead wrapped an arm around your waist. “Mhm, that’s right. Sorry, is there an issue Yeonjun?” Kazuha asked.
“No, no problem at all. See you in class” He shook his head and walked off with his group.
Kazuha released her hold and finally looked at you. “You alright?”
All you could think of was: Goddamn this girl was hella fine. How come you haven’t seen her before? She was so much taller than you, had wavy black hair, glasses, wore baggy denim jeans, and black shirt.
“Y-Yeah. Sorry about putting you on the spot like that because SOMEONE wanted to LIE” you targeted your words at Yuna who hid behind Yeji and Chaeryeong.
“It’s okay, I thought he was bothering you”
“Thank you again, Kazuha was it?”
“Yep! Nakamura Kazuha, first year mechanical engineering student. Also mutual friend of Sakura”
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Kwon Y/n, first year med student”
“Sorry Ha-Chan, did you have something for me?” Sakura asked, now standing in front of the other girl.
“Oh yeah, your review papers that you texted me to get from our dorm. You left it”
“Thank you!! Would’ve died without them”
“Dramatic as always” Kazuha rolled her eyes with a handsome smile.
You were melting.
“I gotta get going. Yunjin’s waiting for me. I’ll see you at lunch, Kkura Unnie” Kazuha announced, starting to take her leave but not before she flashed you a short smile.
“See you around, Y/n”
Once she disappeared into the building, all your friends crashed into you with squeals.
“You totally like her!” Minji added.
You were being slapped left and right. “I do not! I just met her!”
“Just letting you know Y/n, Kazuha is single and also likes girls” Sakura winked.
You groaned before pointing a finger at Yuna. “This is all your fault!”
“I’m sorry, I freaked out!!”
“What do I do now? Yeonjun thinks I’m dating Kazuha when I’m not but we basically see each other everyday in this stupid campus!” You paced back and forth, starting to feel the incoming headache.
“Why don’t you two just continue faking it?” Chaeryeong suggested.
“You’re kidding” You deadpanned but your dorm mate shook her head.
“Hear me out. Yeonjun looked totally jealous and that brings me satisfaction because if you all have forgotten, he was the reason Y/n was living like a hobo this past week!”
“Damn was I that bad?” You muttered.
Chaeryeong continued. “Look at it as a way of revenge, Y/n. Yeonjun might still have feelings for you and since he broke your heart, just break his back”
You scratched your chin. “Doesn’t sound like a bad idea”
“Right? Kazuha also seems so chill about it so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem for you to talk it out with her. Also Y/n, I swear to God, if you take Yeonjun back, I’m running you BOTH over”
“Wasn’t planning on it anyways” You rolled your eyes.
“Come on let’s go to class. You got a week worth of revision to do miss Kwon” Yeji playfully scolded before Chaeryeong kissed her cheek.
“See you later baby” Hanni pecked Minji’s lips.
“Ugh, lovebirds. Bye Y/n-ie” Yuna waved, walking off with Chaeryeong and Hanni to the business department.
You walked alongside Yeji, Sakura, and Minji to the medical building, already dreading it.
“KIMCHI JIGAE KIMCHI JIGAE KIMCHI JIGAEEEEE!!!” Sakura hopped around impatiently while you, Yeji, and Minji were returning your laptops and notebooks inside your bags but the Japanese girl would not stop clawing at your arm.
“OW! Can you not be feral for one second?!” You raised your voice, seeing the scratch marks.
“But you know how packed the cafeteria can get! I don’t wanna miss out!”
“We’re going we’re going!” You chuckled and allowed yourself to get dragged out the room like a doll with the others tailing not too far behind.
You all finally reunited with Yuna, Hanni, and Chaeryeong at a big table in the cafeteria, noticing a few more familiar faces joined who you recognised as Lia, Ryujin, Haerin, Hyein, and Danielle.
Sakura had already disappeared into the line, fighting her way for Kimchi jigae.
“Y/N!!!” The 5 screamed and squished you in another group hug.
“Oh em ghee I’m so popular” you giggled, the girls groaning and pushing you away.
“Nevermind, don’t miss you anymore” Lia pretended to yawn.
You laughed and sat down just in time for Sakura to return with two food trays. “As an apology for scratching you, I got you food”
“That was fast” Danielle commented.
“It’s called pushing and shoving, my dear Australian friend”
“Thanks Kkura, I forgive you” You made a kissy face, about to pick up your chopsticks when the same annoying masculine voice called you.
“Hey Y/n” Yeonjun smiled, leaning onto the table.
Chaeryeong scratched her head and hissed. “Why are you always here when we don’t want you to!”
“Sorry, is it ok for me to talk with Y/n privately?”
Chaeryeong arched a brow. “What am I? Y/n’s mom?”
“No, but I am and I say no you cannot” Sakura replied with crossed arms.
“Y/n, it won’t take long” Yeonjun whispered and you tried hard not to fall again.
Another food tray suddenly squeezed past Yeonjun’s hand and placed next your tray. “Excuse me, wanna sit next to my girlfriend” Kazuha muttered and sat down, holding your waist like she did that morning.
“Ha-Chan!” Sakura cheered, waving enthusiastically.
“Since when was Kazuha part of our group?” Haerin mumbled to Danielle who could only shrug but watch intently.
“Also, girlfriend??” Hyein added to Danielle’s other ear.
“Y/n please?” Yeonjun pleaded.
You looked at Kazuha and the other girls. Giving a deep sigh, you slowly stood up, Kazuha’s hand never leaving your waist. “Alright”
“Y/n seriously?” Chaeryeong scoffed but you reassured her you’ll be fine.
“Don’t take too long, baby” your fake girlfriend pouted that you weirdly wanted to kiss.
“I won’t” You pinched her cheek and walked off with Yeonjun.
Finally in a private area of the uni, you crossed your arms and glared at the taller boy. “What is it this time?”
“Just wanted to say I miss you…” He muttered, looking down at his feet.
“Sorry, I just wanted to remind you that YOU broke up with ME”
“I know and I’m sorry for that, Y/n how many times do you want me to apologise? I fell out of love!”
His raised voice was starting to get on your nerves. “Okay? If you fell out of love then why did you ask me if I was seeing anyone? Let alone wanting to talk to me right now?!”
“Listen, this past week of not seeing each other made me realise that I probably made a mistake”
“Probably? This is some bullshit” You ran your fingers through your hair out of frustration. “You broke me Yeonjun! You were the reason I locked myself up in my dorm for the whole week, acting like a hobo!” You added, copying the description from Chaeryeong earlier.
“Ok but I thought you’d give yourself more time but here you are suddenly dating Kazuha?”
You made a face. “Is this what it’s all about? You’re jealous of me and Kazuha’s relationship?”
He scoffed. “Im not jealous. Im just saying I’m surprised to see you move on so quickly, it’s like you never loved me at all”
“YOU fell out of love, what the fuck Yeonjun?! Stop trying to make me sound like some whore. Kazuha was there for me when the entire break up started” you managed to create some sort of love story between you and Kazuha.
“Since when did you and Kazuha talk anyways? That bitch only stuck with her loser friends most of the time!”
Hearing him insult your (fake) girlfriend got you clenching your fists. “Don’t call her that”
“There’s no way you’re dating. You’re doing it to mess with me huh? Trying to make me crawl back to you”
The more he spoke, the more confused you got. “Let’s rewind a little bit because didn’t you just say you missed me? PICK ONE GODDAMN EMOTION YEONJUN!”
“Don’t fucking yell at me—“
“Who the hell do you think you’re talking to, Choi?” Kazuha spoke through gritted teeth, standing in front of you.
“This conversation is only between me and Y/n, Nakamura. Back off”
“Well hearing you yell at my girlfriend like that, there’s no way I’m gonna ignore it”
“Zu, let’s go back inside” You held her arm.
Kazuha looked at you with a puppy smile. “Okay”
The more you looked at the taller girl, the more you realised she looked like an adorable Samoyed.
“We’re not done talking, Y/n” Yeonjun growled.
You shook your head. “No, we are done talking, thanks” You scrunched your nose at him before walking off with Kazuha.
Yeonjun punched the wall before taking his leave.
Seeing that he was gone, you pulled your hand away from Kazuha. (Much to her dismay)
“Thanks for saving me again, you’re a hero”
“I don’t mind being a hero as long as I’m only saving you” She winked.
“Hey Kazuha, I hope you don’t mind me asking you a favour” You fiddled with your fingers.
“I already know what it is and I’m totally fine with it if it’s the only way to keep that weirdo away from you” She smiled.
You looked up with wide eyes. “What?”
“Sakura texted me during class”
“I’m gonna kill her” You looked away but the taller girl held your chin.
“If we’re gonna make this believable, we need to get to know each other properly”
“What’s on your mind?” You tilted your head.
Kazuha pulled out her phone and opened Instagram. “Socials and number please? So we can organise hang outs”
Shyly grabbing the device, you put in both your username and phone number before returning it. “Sounds good. How should we start?”
“Why don’t we join the others as we talk?” She put her hand out for you to hold which you happily accepted.
“Alright, let’s go”
As Kazuha talked about her plan, all you could do was stare at her and study every inch of her pretty face. Her smooth clear skin, her silky hair, her heart jumping smile, her jawline…
The way she would hold your waist, hold your hand, it made your body react more than when you were with Yeonjun. Although you had basically just met the Japanese girl, there was something special about her that you wanted to see more of, but you couldn’t specify what it was.
Maybe being dumped by Yeonjun wasn’t so bad after all.
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mountttmase · 1 year
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A Mountain To Climb: The Sequel
Chapter Nine
Note - this chapter might not make total sense unless you’re from the UK so if there’s any parts or things people are confused with please just let me know I’ll be more than happy to explain 🩷 but I hope you enjoy and feedback is appreciated 😘
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 4.7k
Warnings - series will contain fluff, smut and angst
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Running errands day had to be one of your favourite days. Walking round your favourite shops, smelling all the different fabric conditioners and checking out what new snacks they had got you so excited so you made sure you were up and dressed to leave as soon as you possibly could.
You were just putting your shoes on at the bottom of the stairs when the front door swung open, a smiley Mason walking back in through the door and your face changed to one of confusion and soon as your eyes met his.
‘Mase? Why aren’t you at training?’ You asked, standing up so you could slip your hoodie on and he dumped his bag before making his way over to you.
‘Power cut’ he shrugged, pulling you in by your waist so he could place a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. ‘The pitch has frozen over outside and it’s fucking freezing inside so they’ve given us the day off’
‘Oh thats annoying’
‘A little bit, but at least we can spend the day together now. I’m thinking we order breakfast and cuddle for a bit’ he winked before kissing your cheek.
‘No can do. I’ve got errands to run’ you told him, watching the way he dropped his bottom lip but you kissed it away. ‘Why don’t you come with me?’
‘Where are you going?’
‘B&M first, need to stock up in some cleaning supplies and i want to get a new shelf for the shower so that I can’t put my shower gel and bits on. If they don’t have it there I think there’s a home bargains near by. Then I need to pop to dunelm for some pillow cases and paint and then I think there’s a halfords next door so I can grab some more of that screen wash and then sainsburys to top up the food shop’
‘Bloody hell, sounds exhilarating’ he laughed sarcastically and you tapped him on the chest in jest.
‘Fine, you can stay here on your own then’ you winked, moving out of his hold but he pulled you back to him with a huff.
‘Buy me lunch and I’ll come’
‘And I’m driving’
‘Don’t want much do you?’ you laughed and he shook his head shyly. ‘Go get changed, I don’t need you sticking out anymore than you already do’ you told him and with a quick kiss to your cheek he was running upstairs, changing out of his training gear and into a sweatshirt and some comfy shorts before you both jumped into the car.
‘So what do they sell in B&M? You talk about it all the time but I don’t actually know what it is’ he asked as you eventually pulled into the car park.
‘I mean it’s more like what don’t they sell. Food, home stuff, furniture, toys. It’s like Disneyland for adults’
‘How big is this place?’
‘Massive’ you smiled and he rolled his eyes before covering his face with his hands.
‘Can I stay in here?’
‘No way, come on you’ll love it. I’ll let you push the trolly too’ you told him, batting your eyelashes at him before he silently agreed, getting out the car and following you over to where the trolleys were.
He pushed it around but you kept yourself sandwiched between him and the handle as you first walked in, his body pressed up against yours and you giggled every time he kissed your cheek. It wasn’t long before you got to the confectionery aisle, his eyes lighting up at all the different sweets they had and you chuckled at him as he showed you all the ones he’d never seen with an excited smile.
‘I didn’t even know these existed’ he told you, starting to add them to the trolley already and you wondered if you’d have to step in soon to restrict him. ‘They must import them or something’
‘I didn’t come here for chocolate, Mason’
‘I know, sorry. You go get what you need and I’ll come find you’ he told you, not even looking at you as he looked for what other treats they had to offer but you realised you were going to have to stop him now before it got out of hand.
‘Mason, sweetheart. You know you’re not allowed all of this stuff’ you told him, picking up everything up out of the trolley and you watched as he pouted and held what he had in his hands close to his chest. ‘You can pick three’
‘But baby-‘
‘Mason’ you told him sternly, trying to stay strong as you knew you could quite easily fold at the sight of his pouty face. ‘I’m looking out for you. Your nutritionist will murder you if they find out you’re eating all this stuff’
He knew you were right, but he was still going to sulk about it. Grabbing everything into his arms so he could pick his three favourite before putting the rest back and turning to you with a pout so you pulled him into a hug.
‘Good boy’ you whispered, kissing his lips as he blushed and squeezed your bum gently.
‘Stop it you’ he laughed ‘wait till we get home, then I’ll be your good boy’
‘I look forward to it’ you winked, dragging him and the trolley through the shop and into the cleaning aisle. ‘I’m thinking of changing up the fabric conditioner scent, what do you think?’ You asked, eyes scanning the shelf before opening one up to sniff and passing it to him.
‘I don’t think i have any thoughts about that particular subject’ he told you, taking a sniff before pulling a face like he didn’t like it. He made a point of smelling each one after that before picking his favourite and you popped it in the trolley along with some washing tablets. ‘I didn’t have you down as an ocean escape kind of man’ you teased but he just rolled his eyes at you before helping grab everything else such as dishwasher tablets and washing up sponges.
Mason stayed pretty well behaved until you got to kitchen appliances aisle, trying to convince you that he needed a three in one sandwich toaster and a special machine just for eggs but you knew he’d use them once before they collected dust in the kitchen so you told him no and he scrunched his face up adorably.
‘You wait, I’m gonna come in here on my own and get everything I want so you can’t tell me no’
‘Pretty strong words coming from a man who didn’t even want to come in at first’
‘Well I was young and naive back then’ he laughed, kissing your nose as you smiled up at him, pulling him around the rest of the shop so you could pick up some things for the bathroom and you let him get lost in the toy section, picking out a few things for Summer and Mila for the next time they came around.
You popped into Dunelm next, Mason helping you pick out some paint for your room, paint brushes and some matching cushions before you dashed into Halfords for your screen wash. It was at this time he started complaining he was hungry so you sent him back to the car with the bags, promising to get him his lunch like you said and the giant Greggs sign caught your attention so you ran in to pick him up a few bits.
‘So I wasn’t allowed the chocolate I want but you’re quite happy for me to stuff my face with whatever this is’ he laughed.
‘Greggs is a delicacy’ you told him seriously, passing him a bottle of Pepsi and you watched as he rolled his eyes at the sight of his face on the side of the bottle. ‘Now would you like to see what I got you?’
‘If you must’ he laughed, watching you root around in the bag to find him his things. ‘When I said you can buy me lunch I was hoping I got to pick’
‘Well my tastes are superior to yours quite clearly’ you winked, handing him the pizza first and then a sausage roll and he looked at you like you’d gone insane.
‘This is all beige’
‘Yes, my favourite food colour. But I think you’ll find the pepperoni is red’ you winked and he gave up trying to argue with you, digging in and if you didn’t know any better you’d think he was enjoying it. ‘You ready for cake?’ You asked when you noticed he was all done and he nodded whilst gulping down half of his Pepsi. ‘I got you two to choose from, I’ll have the other’ you told him, pulling out the little bags and peeking inside. ‘So there’s a yumyum in here or Tottenham cake in here’
‘I’m sorry, a what now?’
‘A yumyum or Tottenham cake’
‘You expect me to eat something that has the word Tottenham in it, are you insane?’
‘Hey, it’s nice’ you pouted, passing him the yumyum as you opened your cake up and you saw him peek over to take a look at the pink icing.
‘Maybe you can save me a bit and I’ll try it’ he teased it you made it your mission to eat the whole thing so he couldn’t but you were too full up to finish and he smiled when you offered him a bite. ‘Not bad, we’ll have to call it something else though’
‘Well my dad always used to call it shit cake’ you told him, watching his face turn to a look of surprise as you never mentioned your parents but he smiled warmly at you. Letting you know it was okay to talk about them if you wanted to as he gently took your hand so he could kiss your knuckles.
‘Oh yeah, why’s that?’
‘Cause Tottenham are shit’ you laughed and he nodded enthusiastically at you.
‘Then we must carry on the tradition’ he winked before starting the car up again. ‘So Sainsbury’s then home?’ He asked and you nodded as you got yourself plugged in. ‘I think I’ll get painting straight away when we get in, it’s only the one wall isn’t it? I can try and burn some of this lunch off’ he laughed and you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before you set off.
You were only in Sainsbury’s for 15 minutes or so and you offered to put all of the shopping away so he could get started on painting. By the time you were done he was just under halfway through with painting and you watched from the open doorway with a smile on your face as carried on, blissfully unaware of your presence.
He’d stripped down to just his shorts, his bare back facing you and you let your eyes flicker over him. Your mouth almost watering at the way his muscles danced under his skin with every move of the brush and you hand to hold yourself back from going over to place kisses all over him.
He must of caught you looking out the corner of his eye, doing a double take and looking back at you with a shy smile before laughing and motioning for you to come over.
‘You gonna stand there looking at me all day or are you gonna help?’ He teased but you stayed rooted to the spot.
‘I think I might stay here, I’ve got a pretty good view’ you told him, a sense of triumph washing over you at the way he blushed from your words. ‘I’ll just get changed and I’ll come help’ you told him, changing into an old pair of shorts and a sports bra that you didn’t mind getting messy. His eyes were all over you when you got back, you ignored him though and picked up the small brush so could could start neatening the edges up and with a kiss to your cheek he carried on himself.
The pair of you chatted over the low music in the background, him giving you his opinion on your thoughts for the room and making plans to pick up the last of your stuff before you had to give your keys back. It didn’t take that much longer for you to finish and you didn’t know what came over you but with your last drop of paint you’d dragged the brush across his chest and down his abs casing him to look at you with his mouth agape.
‘What the fuck’ he laughed, looking down at the mess on his body before dipping his hands into the paint tray and covering them fully. ‘Come here’ he laughed and even though you tried to run away, he backed you into a corner with a devilish smile on his face. You couldn’t do a thing but stand and squeeze your eyes shut and when you felt his wet hands grip your face you gasped in surprise.
He was kissing you right away though, silencing any protests as he trailed his paint covered hands down your neck and the pair of you laughed into each others mouths before pulling back.
‘Don’t mess with me’ he laughed ‘I’ll get you back ten times worse’
‘Noted’ he winked before dropping another light kiss on your lips.
‘We best go get cleaned up, I’ll get the shower going and then we can make some dinner’ he told you, leaving you to quickly tidy up the paintbrushes before joining him.
‘Bloody hell, Mase. I’m covered’ you laughed as you caught sight of yourself in the mirror. Paint all down your cheeks and neck and you picked your phone up to take a quick mirror selfie so you could remember the moment, Masons bare torso in the back as he threw up a peace sign making you laugh.
‘Come on, it’s ready now. I’ll help you get it off’ he offered, both undressing and heading in so you could clean each other off. Once all the paint was washed off of your body he turned you around, grabbing some shampoo and squeezing it onto your hair before starting to massage it in. His fingers were like magic, your knees almost buckling under you as he massaged your head and you hummed appreciatively. ‘How’s that?’
‘Really nice’ you told him, feeling his fingers move to the back of your head and slightly down your neck before heading back round to the top. You didn’t want him to stop but he eventually did, lightly pushing you under the stream of water so he could rinse it out for you. He then picked up your conditioner and brush so he could detangle your hair and you could feel yourself blushing as he looked after you. Eventually turning you around so he could place a quick kiss on your lips. ‘Thank you, Mase’
‘Love you’ he whispered against your lips and you repeated his words back to him before he kissed you deeper, holding your face so you couldn’t move as he walked you back under the running water to help rinse out your hair. You both laughed as the water trickled all over you but you didn’t stop kissing him, his hands sliding all over you back and bum and you tugged on his hair slightly, pulling a low moan from him. ‘Come on trouble, let’s get dry’ he smiled, your heart thudding as you looked up at him. Tiny droplets if water trailing down his face as his warm soft eyes looked right into yours and you couldn’t help but reach up and give him one last kiss.
Once out, he handed you a towel for you hair before reaching to the towel warmer to grab one he’d put on there for you just before you’d come into the bathroom and you smiled as he wrapped the warm fabric around you as he grabbed his own. The mirror was foggy but you attempted to wipe it so you could check all the paint had gone and you smiled when you noticed you were now paint free.
As soon as you were back in the safety of your bedroom, you could see Mason pulling you out some clothes for you to change into and you smiled as he pull out of your favourite comfy tops of his to put on.
‘Baby?’ Mason quietly said once you were fully dressed and you turned to find your boyfriend looking at you shyly, the bridge of his nose a deep red and you raised your brows at him to get him to carry on. ‘Could i dry your hair for you?’
Your heart fluttered at his proposal and you felt all the blood in your body rush to your face as you nodded at him, taking his extended hand so you could sit on the end of the bed whilst he got everything he needed before settling behind you and took your hair out of the towel. He was so gentle, brushing through your hair as carefully as he could before grabbing the dryer.
You couldn’t stop the smile on your face as he dried your hair, being as careful as he could while running his fingers through it to stop it tangling and you couldn’t help but reach out to touch his calf that was next to you so you could trace gentle shapes into his skin. Needing to feel him in some way as everything felt so intimate but you felt your heart race when he turned the dryer off and began section your hair out so he could plait it.
‘You don’t mind, do you?’ He asked but you knew your voice would falter if you tried to speak so you shook your head to let him know it was fine to carry on, blushing even harder as he kissed the back of your head. ‘I’ve been practicing on Summer so I can get it right’ he laughed, carefully weaving your hair into two neat braids before securing it with a hair bobble.
You wanted to look at him so badly so as soon as he was done you shuffled round and his face softened at the sight of you.
‘You’re so pretty’
‘Oh shush’ you laughed but he grabbed your face so he could keep looking at you.
‘No way. Have you looked in a mirror recently? Absolute perfection’ he smiled before he face got more serious. ‘You make me feel so lucky’ his whispered, his thumb stroking your cheek and the tone of of his voice made your eyes sting.
‘Where’s all this coming from?’
‘I’ve just had a really nice day with you. I know we don’t get to do things like this often but every time we do it just reminds me that it’s all worth it, you know? And I love you so much and I love spending time with you. I’m just really happy’
‘I am too’ you gulped, pouting up at him so he would lean down to kiss you, and he placed the most gentle and loving kiss on your lips that made your whole body tingle.
You wanted more of him though, reaching up to hold his neck so he couldn’t pull away as you laid down and pulled him with you. He positioned himself in between your legs but kept his weight off of you so he could pull back ever so slightly.
‘I thought we were going to make dinner’ he laughed against your lips up you shook your head before kissing him softly again.
‘I want you first’ you murmured and your confession made him moan into your mouth as his pressed his hips against yours. ‘You promised to be my good boy when we got back remember’
‘I did’ he laughed, his cheeks flushing almost instantly as he knew what was coming.
Mason loved having his way with you, but you knew secretly he loved you having your way with him even more. The way it always got him riled up when you praised him and all the pretty noises he would make for you told you as much but you always made sure to only bring out his subby side for special occasions so you didn’t overdo it. With how you were feeling about him after your day today though there was nothing more you wanted than you appreciate your man the way he deserved.
‘Go sit up there for me’ you whispered, nodding towards the headboard and with one final kiss he was crawling up the bed to sit where you’d told him to.
Once you were undressed you were making you my way over to him, his wide eyes following you like you’d hung the moon until your fingers landed on the waistband of his boxers and they darkened instantly. You didn’t need to ask him, he lifted his hips for you instantly before helping you straddle his thighs.
All you could think about was his lips on yours and making him feel as good as possible so as he hands come to rest on your thighs you placed yours on his chest before dipping to kiss him instantly.
He was starting to get hard underneath you in no time, moaning into your mouth as you began to rock over him before pulling back and shuffling down his legs so you could see all of him.
‘I want you to touch yourself for me, Masey. Make yourself ready for me’
‘W-what? You mean…?’
You could tell he was nervous and slightly unsure so you took his hand in yours before wrapping it around his length so you could pump him a few times. His eyes flickered shut for a second before you pulled away, leaving him on his own to carry on but he stopped until you leant forward so your face was on line with his.
‘Touch yourself. Show me how good you can make yourself feel before it’s my turn’ you told him lowly and the tiny whimper he let slip soaked you immediately. You knew there was no way you’d be able to watch him get himself off without giving yourself some relief so you bought one leg in, hovering over just the one thigh now before sinking down so you could ride it.
‘Jesus Christ’ he breathed, one hand slowly pumping himself whilst the other griped your hip in an attempt to help you grind you hips down onto his thigh and the intimacy of it all made you tingle. You and Mason weren’t exactly saints in the bedroom but you’d never done anything like this before and the deep blush on his cheeks was telling you just how much he was enjoying himself.
‘Does that feel good, Mase? You look so pretty like that for me’ you murmured, the sounds now pouring from his mouth we’re unholy and it took everything in your power not to grind down on him even harder. But it was true, he was beautiful. His hair a mess, the bridge of his nose a deep red to match his cheeks and the adorable whimpers that were coming from him were driving you insane. You could tell he was hard enough now and you couldn’t wait anymore so you lifted your hips and positioned yourself back in his lap so you could line him up with you.
If there was a moment in time you wish you could freeze it would be this one. The anticipation, the look of lust on his face and the way his eyes were wide as he squeezed your hips as you lowered yourself onto him. He felt delicious as he stretched you out and you knew you wanted to torture him a little bit so when he was fully in you moved your hips as slow as possible.
‘B-baby please. Please go faster’ he mumbled, the bruising grip on your hips only adding to your pleasure and even though you wanted to give into him you also wanted to draw this out for as you could so you tutted at him whilst shaking your head playfully.
‘Nuh uh’ you breathed, your lips littering small kisses all over his cheeks but you ignored his pouty lips. You could tell he wanted to kiss you but you laid no attention to him. ‘Come on Mase, be my good boy and take it’ you breathed, revelling in the way he groaned at your words before his hands traveled down to hold your bum in a tight grip. ‘You feel so good, Mase. You like it when I fuck you like this, don’t you’
‘Y-yes. Fuck yes’ he stuttered, his chest now heaving as he was loosing control. ‘Please kiss me’ he begged and you couldn’t deny you were itching to press your lips to his again.
‘Do you think you’ve earned it?’ You asked, lips by his ear as you trailed them down his neck. The sounds of his shallow breathing really getting you going and you picked up the pace of your hips ever so slightly.
‘Yeah, just please kiss me. I can’t-‘
You cut him off with you lips, moaning into his mouth as soon as you tasted him before his arms wrapped around you even tighter. You were as close as too bodies could be and you could tell by now Mason was close and had been for a while so you pulled back and placed your hands on his shoulders for leverage before moving your hips as fast as you could.
You knew you needed help, knowing Mason was dying to buck up into you so you dropped your eyes, staring right into his dark ones as you smiled at him cheekily.
‘Fuck me, Mase. Come on, finish me off I know you can’ you demanded and that seemed to be all it took. His hands were back on your waist as he manoeuvred you up and down, practically using you at this point but it felt like heaven. Your high hitting you like a truck out of nowhere and the distant feeling of Mason shuddering under your fingertips let you know he was done to.
He pulled you into his arms instantly, his head hidden away in your neck as you both tried to calm down and once you knew he probably was you tried to pull back however he didn’t seem to want to let you, pulling you tighter into him if possible.
‘Mase?’ You laughed, being a bit more forceful this time and whilst you were able to free yourself he was still hiding his face. ‘Hey, what’s wrong?’
‘Nothing’ he laughed, finally looking at you but the deep blush on his cheeks and shy eyes told you everything. He was embarrassed, not because of anything that had happened but more because he’d enjoyed it so much.
‘You good?’ You smiled, watching him kiss your arm before nodding up at you.
‘Perfect’ he smiled before you leant down to kiss him again. ‘You’re absolute insane, do you know that?’
‘In the best way possible though right?’
‘Most definitely’
Tagged: @chaotic-taco-collector-blog @mm-vii @footiehoemcfc @masonmount07 @aundercover
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sleepingdeath-light · 6 months
relationship hcs ; pure vanilla cookie
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requested by ; anonymous (31/05/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; pure vanilla cookie
outline ; “can you please do some pure vanilla relationship hcs please? thx (btw: i hope you have a nice break)”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
pure vanilla cookie is a complete and utter gentleman in how he treats the people around him, but especially you as his spouse — starting from how he took his time to traditionally court and woo you before the two of you became an ‘official’ couple, and ending with him treating you as nothing short of royalty as you two settle more and more into your relationship
he rarely ever calls you by your formal name and rotates through a small selection of sweet pet names whenever he’s talking to or about you — including, but not limited to: ‘(my) beloved’, ‘(my) angel’, ‘(my) darling’, ‘dearest’, and ‘sweetheart’
he’s naturally a very giving person and will happily indulge in every single expression of love he knows of just to make sure you have no room left to doubt his feelings for you
acts of service — when it comes to taking care of you, status be damned pure vanilla cookie will do just about anything it takes to make your day a little brighter. this can mean all sorts of things, such as: going out of his way to get up earlier and make you breakfast in bed, sending word out to local vendors in the kingdom to ensure that they always have your favourite things in stock when he knows you’re going to go out to the market, or making sure that you get spoiled rotten and properly celebrated for every birthday, anniversary, or achievement.
gift giving — being the ruler of a thriving kingdom and a talented magic user, it’s safe to say that pure vanilla cookie is more than capable and willing to shower you with all sorts of gifts. of course amongst these gifts are things that are more lavish and elaborate (whole wardrobes worth of new clothing in the style of his kingdom, organised banquets to celebrate important milestones, using his magic to organise unforgettable dates for you both, and so on) but most of the things he gifts you are more small and thoughtful in nature, as is to be expected of someone like him: trinkets and souvenirs from his travels, books he thinks you’ll like, accessories that reminded him of you, and anything he sees that he knows will make you smile (e.g. a type of item he knows you like to collect)
physical touch — though he does tend to stick to a socially appropriate level of pda with you, pure vanilla cookie is far from the type to shy away from physical affection with you. around others he usually sticks to a set few acts (hand holding, bringing your hand up to his lips to kiss the back of your hand/your fingertips/your knuckles, kissing you chastely on the lips or temple, brushing any hair out of your face, and reassuringly stroking his hands up and down your arms), but in private he’s much more varied in his displays of affection: more passionate kisses, cuddling and hugging you, dancing with you at random, letting his arms rest around your hips or waist, kissing along your shoulders, neck and wrists, etc. (he’s just… very touchy with you haha)
quality time — you’re his absolute favourite person to be around without question, whether you’re going out and having fun as a couple or just sitting together in silence doing your own things parallel to each other. every conversation, every date, every outing, every holiday, and every moment spent with you is something he treasures dearly and he does what he can to make sure that you’re as content and as comfortable in his presence as he is in yours.
words of affirmation — he’s the type of partner who tends to shower you with praise and attention whenever the opportunity arises. most of his affirmations are verbal (calling you beautiful/handsome as he presses a chaste kiss against your knuckles, earnestly congratulating you for every achievement and accolade you collect, softly and quietly reassuring you before you step out of your comfort zone, smiling as he recalls your strengths and talents to his oldest friends with more awe than he recalls those old stories from his adventuring days, etc.), but he’s also the type of sappy romantic to leave little love letters and notes around your shared space for you to find in his absence (e.g. a neatly folded note on your pillow telling you where he is, reaffirming his love for you, apologising for being absent, and promising to make it up to you at lunch time / or / a floating note on your vanity in his signature cursive that recalls a different positive affirmation every day that’s designed to make you smile, laugh, and relax for the day ahead)
though it’s easy to forget given how passive and pleasant he’s become in recent years, pure vanilla cookie is still a very capable magic wielder and, thus, is more than capable of protecting you should it come down to that — of course he’d much rather have the option to talk things out without having to shed blood, but if your safety is on the line then he’s not above returning to his roots and making damn sure the offending party knows to never try a stunt like this again
on the rare occasion that hollyberry cookie and the other ancients actually manage to get him tipsy (or, better yet, outright drunk), pure vanilla cookie will not stop talking about how amazing you are and how much he loves you — if nobody stops him or brings him somewhere quiet to rest and sober up, then there’s every chance that the ancients will spend the next few hours hearing about every little thing he adores about you until he finally passes out or golden cheese cookie goes and gets you so you can take your poor boyfriend home for the night
(the girls all think it’s absolutely adorable, dark cacao cookis is mostly neutral about the whole affair and just lets him rant, but golden cheese cookie and hollyberry cookie have both been known to tease him by reciting the sappiest things he’s said about you back to him when he’s sober again — usually something about your smile or the sound of your laughter)
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mlmxreader · 6 months
Not A Monster | Marvin Milk x m!reader
↳ ❝ Can I request mm (from the boys show) x male reader with ptsd? (reader was injected with V but not really a "superhero" by any means, maybe an international terror is more accurate)
With prompts “Yeah, be rational, sure. I'm a fucking werewolf!” and “I'm torn between feeling very sorry for you and finding you terribly attractive.” ❞
: ̗̀➛ M.M. could never see you as a monster, even if you might feel like one yourself.
: ̗̀➛ swearing, drugging, mentions of violence
You sighed heavily as you sat down on the worn leather sofa, your eyes never once leaving Marvin for even a split second as your hands ran up and down your thighs, nervousness eating away at you harshly. Debating on how to properly tell him, and be honest about it at the same time.
Blood was beginning to drip down the back of your neck, leaving a warm sensation trailing down that left you cringing. Although it was not your own.
Even Marvin could easily all too easily, as you did not have a single mark on your body; but as you felt a shiver run down your spine, you became even more aware of the fact that you were utterly naked.
You weren’t usually so awkward about being naked in front of Marvin, it was nothing new and the two of you had seen each other in compromising positions more than you could even think of counting, but this time felt more different.
It was like your entire soul was bare and he could see every notch and knock upon it; for the first time ever, feeling vulnerable in front of Marvin felt genuinely wrong. Scary.
But when he tossed a pair of boxers at you, you quickly tugged them on and pulled on his brown leather jacket. His favourite. You felt less naked but still so exposed.
Marvin eyed you carefully and closely for a moment as he surveyed you and tried to figure out what you wanted to say; checking to see if you were about to go back and become the monster he had seen earlier.
You shivered under his gaze, but you weren’t scared - you could never be scared of Marvin even though now you were not the same as the man he had always known you to be. You were changed, and when he reached out to put his hand on your knee, you flinched.
You had never done that before, and the worry and concern was more than evident and clear in his big brown eyes as he frowned.
Slowly, Marvin retracted his hand and withdrew it as he cleared his throat. Thinking of the right thing to say to you.
“I don’t expect you to talk. But I get it. What they did to you - I get why you wanna strike a match and watch the world burn.”
You shook your head as you sighed. “I can still feel the needles. Smell the fucking hand sanitiser… and now they’re calling me a terrorist… I’m trying to protect people, Marv. Stop it from ever happening again… and they’re calling me a terrorist for it.”
“Tends to happen when you blow up labs and maul people,” he said as he nodded slowly. “But I get it. You’ll be safe here. Promise.”
You swallowed thickly as you furrowed your brows. “Thank you… but why? What did I do to deserve it?”
“You’re working towards the same goal as we are,” Marvin started, “plus, I’m torn between feeling very sorry for you and finding you incredibly attractive.”
You scoffed as you rolled your eyes at him; it wasn’t that you didn’t want to help Marvin with taking down Homelander and Soldier Boy - as both were responsible for what had happened to you - but rather that you could not believe he would find you attractive after what you had become.
He knew about you, he knew what you were, the terrible monster with gnashing jaws and snarling jowls; the monster that hunted people all along and up the moors. Yet he still managed to find you attractive - desirable. Worth his time and his effort. Worth his gaze. You could not fathom or believe it in the slightest, only able to laugh off how awkward you felt. 
“If you’re trying to flatter me into joining The Boys-”
Marvin shook his head. “I’m not. I want you to be rational, though.”
“Yeah, be rational, sure. I’m a fucking werewolf! They injected me with that V shit and turned me into a fucking monster! They killed all the good that was left in me when Homelander pinned me down and said I was chosen by him to become this! How the fuck can I be rational about this, Marv?”
The tears in your eyes, so visible and so glistening, made him shake his head slowly as he sniffled and swallowed thickly. “Then let me be the rational one, yeah? Call me a motherfucker with a heart, but you shouldn’t be alone on this, and I wanna be there for you like you were there for me.”
Slowly, you nodded as you sighed, wiping your eyes. “Alright, alright… I’ll join - one one condition.”
“What’s that?” He asked, moving to sit beside you. 
He didn’t make a move to touch you, though, as he knew that you would only flinch and become startled again; so he just leaned back into the sofa, and kept his gaze on you. You cleared your throat, shifting around to get comfortable as you thought of how best to phrase it.
“That you will never lie to me again - I know I’m a monster, alright? Undesirable, terrible. Evil,” your voice shook a little before fully breaking. “Please never make me even feel like it’s even a small possibility it might not be true.”
Marvin sighed heavily as he shook his head slowly, clearing his throat and fidgeting slightly. “That wasn’t a lie, and you know it.”
“You’re not a monster,” he insisted. “You never were, and you never will be. You are not a monster. You’re a man who I feel sorry for and who I also feel attracted to. It ain’t your fault that you got injected with that shit against your will. You’re not a fucking monster, and you can help us take down Homelander and Soldier Boy… you’re not a terrorist.”
“Marvin, I appreciate the pep talk,” you sighed, raking your hand down your face. “But I just… don’t worry.”
“Okay,” he said quietly. “Get some rest, we’ll get something to eat after and then we’ll… we’ll talk more about what I said.”
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yoonzinuhh · 11 months
last dance,last chance — minghao
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 : minghao x reader
𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲 : fluff,angsty
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 : talks about world ending
𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿’𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 : this is purely fiction. i’ve inspired this from my current favourite song ‘ima — even if the world ends tomorrow’ also happy hao day <3
standing in your balcony,eyes glistening as the cold breeze hits you,seeing the roads that were always filled with people now be empty.
a warm hand holds you close from behind. you smile leaning onto minghao as he pecks your cheeks.
“i want to do something..one last time.”
one last time. yes. the world apparently is ending tomorrow. as much as you want to laugh at this,it is. what once was a city filled with loud happiness,kids running around,night lights is now empty because of the fear of ending. and to you,what mattered the most was the guy behind you. you’ve been with minghao all your life. from your childhood neighbour to your first kiss to your now everything,he was always there. minghao was an optimistic person. trying to find the good in everything while you were someone who always had something or the other to worry about. and to be honest that made you both feel more made for each other. and to see the world end with your whole world,him,was what could make this thing a little better. because all the worries you had for future is now nothing.
“come with me” he leads you to the living room while turning on your favourite song. the song that has no slow dance melody but still made you both dance slow.
putting his hands onto your waist and your hands to his shoulder,pulling you little closer,close enough to feel his warmth.
letting your body move with the song
“even if the world ends tomorrow ” he chuckles
“i say this all the time but this time this is happening for real..wow” he breathes out as tears prickle in your eyes and starts flowing.
“y/n- i really can’t believe that it’s happening right now and wow- damn like if the world doesn’t actually end tomorrow please don’t tease me..okay” says with a laugh.
kissing your tears off your cheeks,resting his forehead on yours without breaking the eye contact he stays still now.
“all these years that i’ve spent with you,that’s technically my whole life but yeah. all these years you’ve been someone who i knew i had. you’ve seen me. you know me. and you had me. from the first time i knew this wasn’t a silly crush to now when i kiss you..you never stopped giving me butterflies. you’ve seen my worsts and bests and i’m so glad that i let you because..because if it weren’t you..i probably would’ve not been me..you know that. and i’m so glad that i fell in love with you y/n..i’m so glad that i get to spend our last moments together..i really mean this..you’re the love of my life. and i never will regret this.”
you weren’t amazing at showing your emotions or good with words while he was the polar opposite to you. he was never scared to show or tell how much he loved you,cry with you,laugh with you. he is the love of your life,too.
all these words from him made you lose it. you sob,making all sorts of noises as your knee feels weak you just lean onto him.
sobs and tears growing,you put your head onto his shoulder,hugging him with your trembling hands as he pulls you closer also crying against your head,pecking your hair.
5 minutes,10 minutes. god knows how long. you’ve been crying together with no words shared.
you slowly pull away brushing your lips and whispering a “i love you” against his lips. pulling him closer by his neck deepening the kiss. it was slow. love breaths,nose bumps,breaks to stare each other.
this moment. it feels so intimate. love filled the air,so did the sadness.
“even if the world ends tomorrow” he says again onto your lips.
you smile weakly nodding.
“even if it ends”
you end your night,cuddled up against each other. nothing but silence and your heart beats. the world does end tomorrow,but atleast with him.
tags : @aaniag
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atom-writings · 1 year
hi! could i have general relationship + crushing hcs of america, australia, india and canada w/ a tropical country! reader?
(America, Canada, Australia, and India X Reader) Tropical Country S/O!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N india doesnt have a canon name so i looked at ones ppl have suggested n used that?? If its . offensive let me know i am not . educated on indian culture ): anyway cool req!!!!
Trigger Warning: It's not fluffy but there's no real trigger warnings i think, so...
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Surprisingly, Alfred would be pretty resistant to dating another nation… at least, before he met you. He’s never had real good relations with any country, and he wouldn’t want to mess up another relationship because of politics. It’s just business anyway, right? At least, that’s what he thought before you took his breath away.
Unfortunately, he does have a pretty American attitude about your country. He absolutely loves visiting, but he never stays for too long. During the summer months, you’ll see him a couple of times a month, but during the winter, he practically lives in your home. Like a street cat who wanders in whenever he needs an escape from the rest of the world. 
But if you ever need an escape too, he’s perfectly happy to be that for you. You two, despite both being nations, have had very different lives. He knows he’ll never be able to truly understand the struggles you face. But he is always willing to run to your aid, holding your hand tightly while you sit on the beach, venting about your struggles. 
But being able to run to you is one of his favourite things about dating you. When he’s with you, he’s got a perfect excuse to cut off everything around him, just basking in how much he loves being with you. But then he gets bored. And he wants to go on hikes to see all your pretty scenery. Hope you like sweating!
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Matthew was… nervous to start dating another nation. Anytime he spends any time with another nation, it always turns sour. Whether that be subtle insults, an argument, or him being talked over. But, when he realises you’re a little nation, he feels a lot better. You’ve been talked over a lot too, haven’t you? Yeah, well, no more of that for either of you. He’ll make sure.
You may have a shared history of being dismissed, but he is still pretty different from you. Reason number one, he hates tropical environments. If it gets any hotter than like… 26 degrees, he’s on the verge of passing out. But then he doesn’t even tell you about it! So you end up having to practically drag him back into the air-conditioned car. All while he’s blubbering like, “I’M SORRY! I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!”
He does absolutely adore your country, though. One of his favourite things to do is just lay his head in your lap while you tell him stories about your long life, and he can’t stop thinking about how different your lives have gone. But it just makes him fall more in love. Fate shouldn’t have brought the two of you together, but it did! And now he can’t let go… even if you might melt him.
You bring out a very different side to him, too. While he normally can’t even get a single word out against other nations, he’s always standing up for you. You’re hot and he’s cold, you’re small and he’s big, it means you have to take care of each other! He takes that duty very seriously.
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Unlike a lot of other nations, Liam is pretty happy you’re a nation too. Most people find him a little bit too… much… but if you work together, you’ll get to know that he’s not always so overwhelming! Plus, no awkward conversation about the fact that he’s like, 200 years old and was never born.
He loves your nation too! It’s a lot like his, hot, full of bugs, and most of it is not easily inhabitable. The only difference is that your place is a lot prettier. At least, on average. Either way, he’s over the moon about getting to know your country. And even more excited to share his with you! It’s like you’re naturally matching.
That’s for sure one of his favourite things about you. Both being island nations (for the most part,) you surely have a lot of similar skills and hobbies. That means he doesn’t have to teach you anything, you two just get to improve together, no struggle along the way. And when he sees your pretty skin, set in the perfect light of the sunset, he always thinks to himself about how much he appreciates you; how you make him better, just by your presence.
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Aditya is always surprised by how much he loves you. For a long time, he’s done everything he could to keep away from the other nations. Hard to trust, you know? But with you… he doesn’t mind. Somehow, both of your statuses have become a benefit rather than their usual liability. After all, no one could understand the struggle of immortality quite like another immortal. You make him feel very… safe.
Usually being classified as a tropical country himself, he really doesn’t mind your climate either. Your home feels just like his home (like it was meant to be!) So he can’t help getting a little nosy when it comes to learning about your culture. I mean, you two are similar in a lot of ways, so he’s got to figure out how you’re different, right? Otherwise, you might be related… what?! He’s just being careful!
No, but seriously, he adores how alike you two are. On a global scale, he struggles to keep up with his nation’s changing identity. He’s never really known his place. But you can relate, can’t you? Your thoughts and feelings always being seen as secondary, he’s sick of it. But being able to talk about it with you, makes it a little better. In fact, you end up making a lot of things better. It’s hard for him to think of you as anything other than perfect, and he couldn’t be happier.
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supernaturalgirl20 · 2 years
The Way Back to You
Part 3
Pairings: Frankie Morales x f!reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, explicit, unprotected sex, oral (both receiving), semi public sex, a lot of angst, fluff, cursing, infidelity, mention of miscarriage, enlisting.
Summary: You find yourself back in your hometown after almost ten years. The one place you swore you’d never come back to. Now, back for your brothers wedding, you have to face your past, along with the man whose always had your heart. Can you have a second chance at forever?
Part 2
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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Quickly changing you decide to wear one of your floral summer dresses and a denim jacket. When you finally make your way downstairs, Frankie stares at you wide eyed before crabbing his keys and heading for the door. “Come on, shortcake. Wanna get there early.”
You smile when you see his beat up red truck parked outside. “I can’t believe she’s still on the go,” You say as you approach Frankie, his hand reaching out to help you into the passenger side. “Yeah she’s still going strong.” He closes the door once your inside and runs around to the driver side and hops in.
You laugh as you take in the line of hats on the dash and Frankie smiles over at you with a questioning look. “What’s so funny?”
“You really do love your hats. I mean how old are some of these?”
He’s smiling at you, his face tinged red in embarrassment. “Yeah uh, I guess I don’t like throwing them out. This one’s still my favourite though,” he says tilting his head upward and your eyes follow to find the hat you bought him for his birthday one year sitting atop his head. How did I not notice?
“You still have it?”
“Yeah. Best damn present I ever got.”
You snort, “oh come on, it can’t be.”
“Swear on my life, baby.” He’s quiet then realising what he said and he averts his gaze towards the road finally starting the truck up. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine Frankie, honestly. Slip of the tongue.” The rest of the drive you both sit in an awkward silence until you spot the market. Thank god
“Does nothing change in this place?”
“All the stalls are exactly the same. Even run by some of the same people. It’s like stepping back in time.”
“Yeah. Mrs Rogers still asks about you.”
“She’s still alive? Is she here today? Can we go see her?”
Frankie smiles down at you and nods his head as he moves you forward through the crowd, his hand resting on your lower back. “Come on, let’s go say hi.”
Frankie watches as you greet the older woman and he can’t help the way his heart swells. Everyone always falls in love with you. It’s who you are. Kind. The sound of a child laughing breaks him from his daze and he looks up to find you bent down talking to Sally – Mrs Rogers granddaughter.
His air is punched from his lungs and he swears his heart has stopped beating. He’s instantly transported back in time to that night and his gut twists itself into a knot.
10 years earlier..
He burst in your bedroom door searching frantically until he hears quiet sobs coming from your bathroom. When he opens the door, he finds you on the floor, back against the bath as you cry uncontrollably.
He immediately sinks to the floor beside you and pulls you into him. “Shh, baby, it’s alright. What’s wrong? What happened?”
You’d called him crying telling him to come over straight away and he dropped what he was doing and hopped in his truck to rush over here. He’s worried. He’s never seen you like this before and all he wants to do is take away the pain. To carry whatever burden you have.
“I…Frankie we…”
“Hey, hey…take a deep breath baby ok.” He cups your cheeks and wipes your tears with his thumbs as he tilts your head up so he can see you properly. “Tell me what’s wrong. You’re scaring me.”
You sob again and instead of saying anything you lift your hand towards him and show him the object in your hand. A white stick and he’s a little confused at first until it all clicks. “Is that….is that a pregnancy test?”
You nod your head and meet his gaze but his eyes are blown wide in shock. He gulps loudly and his eyes flicker from you to the test and then he takes it from your hand and stares down at it. “There’s two lines. What….what does that mean?”
“It means I’m pregnant.”
“Pregnant,” he whispers as his eyes stare at the two lines. He doesn’t move until you sob loudly again and then he’s throwing the test into the floor and holding you close. “Hey, baby it’s ok. I’m not going anywhere, ok?”
“What are we gonna do?”
“Whatever you wanna do baby. If you want to get rid of it, I’ll bring you myself and be there the whole time. If you wanna keep it, then I’m gonna step up and be a father to our kid.”
“I don’t know Frankie. I had plans. We had plans and now..”
“Hey. We can still do all those things. Maybe a little differently but we can still do them.”
“What do you want though?”
You nod your head up at him and you take in a ragged breath. “I wanna have this baby with you. You are it for me, Y/N, and yeah this isn’t what we planned but I want this with you.”
“I think I need a little time. I don’t know what I want.”
“We’ve got time baby. It’s gonna be ok.”
Frankie can feel the tears building and quickly blinks them away before slowly approaching you. “Hey Mrs Rogers.”
“Now how many times have I got to tell you, call me Margaret.”
“At least another ten.” She smiles at him with this sparkle in her eyes as she raises an eyebrow and tilts her head towards you. Frankie clears his throat and you turn to face him.
“Hey, sorry I was just talking to this lil cutie.”
“Hi Frankie,” Sally says before rushing to give him a hug. “Hey squirt. How’d that project go?”
“It was so good. Ms Thompson said I had one of the best in class and I got put forward for the science fair. I’m so excited. Thank you so much for helping me.”
“It was no trouble and if you need any more help you just get your grandma to give me a call ok?”
“Ok. Is this your girlfriend Frankie?” She’s smiling up at him and then looking between you both. Frankie can feel the nerves coursing through him and he reaches behind his head to scratch the back of his neck.
“I used to be,” you say smiling down at her but your smile doesn’t reach your eyes.
“Oh! This is her,” Sally says all excited and he can feel your gaze fixed on him but thankfully Mrs Rogers breaks the awkwardness. “Now Sally will you leave these two alone. Come on now, we have loads to do.”
“It was lovely seeing you again, Mrs Rogers.”
“You too dear and don’t be a stranger.”
You both continue walking around the stalls, trying some samples and then you turn to him with a guilty look on your face. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“Back then. I…you would have made a great dad Frankie and I’m sorry I took that away from you.”
His heart clenches and he stops abruptly turning to you and running his hands along your arms. “Do not apologise. I’m the one who needs to say sorry. What I said….I never meant any of it. I was just so….I just really wanted to have a baby with you. Buy a house. Get married and I wanted it so bad I pushed you into keeping it when I knew deep down you didn’t want that.”
“I had all these plans and I was so unsure about the baby and then I saw the way you were so excited and I didn’t want to take that away from you. But I just wanted to leave this town so bad and then we had that fight and I was so angry at you. I felt like you trying to trap me here.”
“I wasn’t.”
“I know.”
“I would have followed you anywhere.”
“I know but I wasn’t thinking clearly back then. And then I misscarried and you got so angry.”
“I never blamed you. Not really. I was just so upset and what I said that night…I’m gonna regret it for the rest of my life. I’m so sorry, Y/N. Will you ever forgive me?”
“There’s nothing to forgive Frankie. We both said things we didn’t mean.”
He moves a strand of hair from your face and he begins to lean in when drops of water hit his face. “Shit it’s gonna rain.”
You both start to make your way back to his truck when the rain pours from the heavens completely drowning you both.
By the time you make it to his truck you’re both soaked to the bone and laughing so hard you’re stomach hurts. You look over at him as he leans back against the seat laughing – his hand on his stomach and that dimple on full display, and you all you wanna do is kiss him.
Before you can second guess yourself you lean over and kiss him passionately. He doesn’t move and that seed of doubt creeps into your head and as you begin to pull away he wraps his arm around you pulling you closer. His lips finally move against yours and when he runs his tongue along your bottom lips you moan into his mouth.
You move over to him completely straddling his thighs and his hands grip your hips tight as you begin grind against him.
“Hey…I don’t…” he says breathlessly as he pulls away slightly. It’s like a punch in the gut when you think he doesn’t want this but Frankie quiets the voices in your head when he runs his thumb along your chin. “Hey…I really want this believe me, I’ve thought about this since you came back but I don’t want you to feel you have to. Or that this is what I was looking for..”
“I know it’s not. Frankie I need you. I wanna feel you, please.”
“Ok. Let me just get us back to mine.”
“No can’t wait, please.” You grind against his growing bulge and he groans loudly as he closes his eyes, his fingers digging into your hips. “What if someone sees?”
“Don’t care..” you say as you fumble with his belt. He takes a quick glance around and when he sees that there isn’t anyone around he starts to lift his hips a little to help you free his aching cock.
Grabbing him in hand you pump him a few times before moving your underwear to the side and sinking onto him. You both groan as he fills you completely. “Oh fuck,” you cry as you begin to work your hips over him.
“Mierda! So good baby…Jesus I forgot how tight you are….not gonna last…ooh it’s like coming home.”
It’s hot and frantic and his hands are grabbing at your ass as you grind on top of him. You can feel that heat building as you move faster above him, the truck rocking with your movements.
“Oh Frankie…oh fuck….I’m gonna….oh god…”
“That’s it baby, come for me…let go I got you.”
His name falls from your lips in a soft cry as you come, your walls fluttering around him. Frankie thrusts up as he seeks his own release and when he tries to lift you off you onky grind down on him harder.
“Y/N…I’m gonna…please, no condom…”
“I don’t care…I want you to come inside me.” When he sees only truth in your gaze his finishes with a grunt as he spills inside you coating your walls with his hot come.
His breathing is ragged as he stares up at you, a sex induced smile on his face. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Frankie.”
“As much as I wanna stay like this, my back is gonna give out .”
“Shit sorry.” You move off him and fix your dress. “I suppose we better go before someone sees us.”
“Wanna grab something to eat and head back to mine?”
“I’d like that. Where to?”
“Lola’s diner?” You both say at the same time. You laugh as Frankie fixes himself and then starts the truck. “Just like old times.”
Part 4
Everything: @maievdenoir @amneris21 @hnt-escape @elegantduckturtle @harriedandharassed @jediknight122 @ayrusss @hayley-the-comet @sherala007 @alexxavicry @scorpio-marionette @donnaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @beskarprincessjenny @littlemisspascal @icanbeyourjedi @thatpinkshirt @maryfanson @sunnshineeexoxo @misspearly1 @misspearlssideblog @athalien @its--fandom--darling @sara-alonso @doommommy @browneyes-issac @trickstersp8 @nembees @kaitieskidmore1 @mswarriorbabe80 @allthe-ships @tintinn16 @rosie-posie08 @manuymesut @all-the-way-down-here @iccedays @hungrhay @tusk89
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Galdor SFW Relationship Alphabet
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Request: Would you be open to doing a Galdor relationship alphabet?I wonder how people would feel about that one. I just think he doesn’t get enough love lol. 💕 - anon
A/N: This was enjoyable to write. Something soft among the heavy writing.
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A is for Affection – how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?
My sweet and gentle Lord of the House of Trees treats you as if you are one of his flowers – with tender-loving care. It is shown in all his actions, from the gift-giving to the words of affirmation to his signs of physical affection. As Galdor is a gentle-natured elf who adores nature and would love to share that part of his life with you, expect lots of flowers to be delivered swiftly to your doorstep or personally by him. He uses plants as a way of expressing his emotions and feelings towards you. From sunflowers to tulips to roses, Galdor has them all and understands the heavy significance that each plant bears and wants to share their meanings. There is always a smile and a compliment or praise that follows as your flowers are handed over. Galdor never runs out of the sweetest words to make your day and he always compares you to the rarest and the most beautiful flower of them all – the one that blooms once in a lifetime, and he was most blessed to have found them.
B is for Best friend – what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?
A very calm and gentle level-headed friend Galdor would be for and to you. There isn’t any need to feel left out or neglected, Galdor does his best to always be around and provide warmth and sunshine in your life as a friend. The most philosophical advice is provided and sometimes it makes you wonder if he’s secretly a loremaster from his speeches, very articulate and uplifting. He isn’t strict will the rules like his other friends, he believes that there are times a little rule-breaking can be done so long as it isn’t severely dangerous – he hates the idea of you jeopardizing your life. He will swoop in to save you, followed by a serious talk about your safety. A very loyal friend who would stand at your side and defend you to the last, you could not have asked for a better friend than Galdor.
C is for Cuddles – do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?
Your favourite time to cuddle Galdor is usually when he returns from the garden. You’ve claimed that he has the most aromatic scents of all the flowers he’s mingled with. It has caused you far too many times to bury your nose into his body (clothes or not) and inhale his scent which takes him off guard each time. To you, his scent is peaceful and alleviating, it takes away all the stress and worries you would have had on your mind all day or week, and Galdor could not be any happier to assist. When he cuddles, at first, he’ll let you be the one to contort your body around his and then wrap his arms around you. He loves when you lie atop him, your weight is nothing in comparison to what he could manage, and this leads to you both falling asleep on evenings like this.
D is for Domestic – do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?
As the Lord of the House of the Trees, I do believe that Galdor is capable of cooking and cleaning given that his house deals with medicine, thus a clean and healthy environment. There are times when he’d walk in and observe you tidying, and should he not be busy, Galdor would happily assist without a care in the world. To him, once he’s with you, it doesn’t matter what crazy or strange actions you’re performing, he’s at peace and his happiest. Domestic life does not bother Galdor at all, if anything, he would love to have a domestic life with you and because of this, he cuts out a portion of his week or month for the two of you to cook and clean among yourselves.
E is for Ending – if they had to break up with their s/o, how would they do it? why would they do it?
I can’t imagine Galdor wanting to openly end things with you because there is literally no reason presented for such actions to exist. However, let’s say that something did come about to cause a split, Galdor would be frozen, and all senses would have left his mind, body and soul. He would just be standing there as you explain tearfully why you have to leave him, unable to comprehend a word after ‘I think we should end our relationship’ flew past your lips. It wouldn’t be until you finished and were making your way out, you would feel two strong yet soft hands gripping yours silently. He would be shaking as tears flowed absentmindedly from his eyes with a look of a kicked puppy (why would you leave/hurt this elf?).
F is for Fiancé(e) – how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?
Nervous but ecstatic about marrying you one day. It’s been his dream and the first vision he saw the moment he laid eyes on you – your future with him. He does this little countdown in his head until the right moment to propose to you and makes himself jittery. The moment Galdor decided that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, nothing could and would ever be allowed to stand in his way. He’s an elf of sheer will and determination and will make his dreams could through. The thoughts of being your spouse, your forever and always would always make him float above the clouds with the sweetest smile on his face.
G is for Gentle – how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
The same way he tends to his patients and garden is the same way Galdor handles you both emotionally and physically. With the utmost care and patience in the world – he is an extremely patient person. If you were emotionally or mentally hurt, you can count on Galdor to care for and nurse you back to proper health, he has a way with words that heals the soul when he speaks – a sweet aspect of being a healer. Your emotions are a part of you, and he would never disrespect or bring about hurt intentions to you and them, both you and your emotions are treated like his plants, with delicacy and love. As for the physical aspect, Galdor understands that he’s a warrior and that means he buff, so there need to be some borders drawn with it comes to his touch. He doesn’t want to accidentally injure you with his weight or roughness when he’s play fighting.
H is for Hugs – do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?
To Galdor, your hugs are the cure to his world of problems, just throw your arms around his shoulders and bury your face in his neck or litter his face in millions of kisses and watch as he melts. I’m serious, he’ll literally melt into a puddle of mush in his seat with a blush on his face. When Galdor reciprocates, his hugs are full of love and warmth. Just like him, you melt in his arms – it’s like you both become cats when you hug each other. The quiet purr that he’d let out as your hand strokes his hair and raked your nails through his scalp. He loves to give you little twirls when he hugs you, just lift you into the air and listen to your laughter.
I is for I love you – how do they say the l-word? when do they say the l-word?
Galdor’s most famous way of saying ‘I love you’ is through the gifting of flowers. From tulips and sunflowers to red roses, Galdor knows every flower and every meaning, thus he uses them to his advantage to speak about his undying love. He loves to use ‘the actions speak louder than words’ saying to prove that he doesn’t have to say the words for you to know his love is there. The little twinkle in your eyes as he gifts his flowers to you creates butterflies in his stomach and sprout wings from his back to fly. However, this does not mean that Galdor does not say ‘I love you’ verbally, he does very often indulge his speaking such sacred and devoted words. The power of his words how could make your entire day turn into rainbows and sunshine.
J is for Jealousy – how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?
Not a jealous person due to his friendly disposition and understanding of you having friends and requiring time with them, just please don’t attempt to make him jealous. Galdor isn’t one of those persons who the prank would work very well on, he’d take it as you being unsatisfied in your relationship with him. He doesn’t see the need to make him jealous and play with his emotions like that, if you have something to say, just say it. Upsetting him to that extent would prompt him to reduce his interactions and talks with you, he might go out of his way to avoid you if he learns of your reason being so, but if it’s someone making a move on you, then Galdor becomes protective. His stance beside or behind you as the person doesn’t get the hint would change into him wrapping an arm around your waist and respectfully prying you away from the conservation.
K is for Kisses – what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?
Galdor’s kisses are heavenly, they’ll give you wings and make you sore high above the clouds – his soft petal-like lips feel heavenly once they touch yours. First, Galdor would bring a hand to cradle your face, swiping his thumb tenderly across your cheeks while staring lovingly into your eyes. His lips would hover over yours, brushing against each other like snowflakes causing a faint blush to appear on either face. With a hand around your waist and the other cupping your chin, Galdor would lean in to place a feathery kiss before deepening and adding greater emotions. The number of somersaults and backflips your stomach had done, you were surprised you were still standing. His kisses leave you breathless, not because of the intensity, but because of the raw emotions behind them – he pours his heart and soul into his kisses.
L is for Little ones – how are they around children?
Galdor becomes somewhat of an overexcited puppy when he’s around children, he resorts to his once younger self, remembering his childhood days and is quick to interact and play any amount of games. Children flock to him because of all the flower crowns he makes for them, making them feel like they’re little princes and princesses. Singing songs and holding their hands while running around the gardens or playing hide and seek, you see Galdor in a blissful state. It’s not a chaotic sight like for other lords, but you can see the peacefulness on his face when he’s surrounded by them, he hasn’t need to worry about war or politics, just playing with children.
M is for Morning – how are mornings spent with them?
Mornings are quiet and filled with soft whispers and touches as Galdor would pull you into his embrace and shower you in affection. He opts to spend extra time in bed with you when he hasn’t any meetings or sparring with other lords. The soft morning light seeps through the curtains and Arien’s rays tickle your skin as you cuddle against his side. The light snores as he’s lulled into another sleep because he’s tired from paperwork. His hair sprawled out around him, some on his face but Galdor doesn’t care because you’re in his arms as he rests.
N is for Night – how are nights spent with them?
Nights have been spent either dancing with him in the kitchen as the chefs have returned home and a pot is bubbling away on the stove, or you both sit under the night sky discussing millions of things. Galdor doesn’t mind; once he’s with you, you’re happy. The pot is bubbling away and Galdor has you in his embrace, twirling you carefully before pulling you back in with laughter with tender hands on your waist. Perhaps, he will take you to dance in his garden under the starry night sky and fall in love with you again.
O is for Open – when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?
A very patient fellow who doesn’t believe in rushing things (he’s a healer and gardener, everything has its time). He believes that when the time is right, all things will reveal themselves when necessary. If you've to know his favourite colour next week and not today, he wouldn’t rush, in due time you would know. He doesn’t believe that he has anything to hide since he’s never done anything terrible, the most he’d be reluctant to reveal might be an embarrassing memory from his youthful days. But Galdor is still ever-so excited to reveal all his tidbits about himself. In return, he hopes that you can reciprocate the same without hiding or lying.
P is for Patience – how easily angered are they?
Making this elf crack requires excellent levels of strategic thought because he isn’t the type to be angered over the simplest things. You could prank him, and he’d smile or laugh or ask questions if he’s confused about the idea. Things like war and Morgoth or kinslaying are just some of the topics that he refuses to engage with because his temper rises at the mentions. What would truly make Galdor break down a wall without any problem is you. Your safety is his biggest concern and whenever he learns about your life being in danger, every cell in his body tells him to go berserk. He once saw another elf threatening you in broad daylight and the speed at which he moved to save you was unbelievable. Galdor was about to get physical.
Q is for Quizzes – how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing? Or do they kind of forget everything?
Galdor keeps the very memory of you alive whether you’ve left him or not, he never wants to forget you even if it costs him an arm or leg or even his heart and soul. Every flower of his reminds him of you, your smile or a memory of you both. His heart breaks when they flood his mind at random moments, and he can’t help but break down. he’s very in touch with his emotions and isn’t afraid to show them openly. He’s in pain at your loss, why should he hide it when everyone is aware. Nothing slips his mind, even down to the colour of the hairpins you wore during your first date and how many beads they had, he remembers, and he curses himself for his perfect memory. This was the one time he wished his memory wasn’t great.
R is for Remember – what is their favourite moment in your relationship?
He remembers during your time together; you had once asked him when his date of birth was catching him off guard. It’s not that he doesn’t remember, it’s just that he didn’t see the purpose given that he had already passed maturity centuries ago and there wasn’t a need to celebrate. But when you managed to coax the answer out of him, you woke him up on the morning of his birthday with flowers, cake and breakfast, singing him ‘Happy Birthday’ in your mother tongue. It was the first time he experienced a human custom of yours and he was overly touched by the thoughtfulness and effort you when into making him feel remembered. Now, he looks forward to his birthday every year because of you.
S is for Security – how (over)protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?
This all depends on the situation because Galdor isn’t one for being overprotective like the others. Gondolin was one of the safest kingdoms in all of Beleriand at the time so there wasn’t any need to become paranoid. However, if it was during the time Eol made his appearance in the city, then Galdor would station no less than four of his best men to your side. He doesn’t want you near the palace or Eol of the sort, he’d ask for you to stay indoors until everything was dealt with. Other than that, you haven’t to worry about Galdor stationing guards to your side everywhere you go about in the city, he’s a free-spirited person and understands the requirement for freedom.
T is for Try – how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
He never does anything half-assed, as do all of the other elves. Nothing unpleasant and only the very best for you. Even if he cannot obtain a particular gift for you, he manages to outdo himself by receiving a new and improved item you didn’t believe you needed. The environments for all your dates are quiet, he’s a bit of an introvert and enjoys the peace and tranquil ambience that his gardens or estate provide, so more of your dates are held around the area. Galdor ensures that everything he does for you is deep and meaningful, he wants for you and hopes that you feel every emotion he’s pouring into every action he does – even the simplest.
U is for Ugly – what would be some bad habits of theirs?
This is a hard nut to crack because I doubt Galdor has an ugly side to him, however, I can say that he might be a bit too optimistic with his view on life but not to the extent as Glorfindel. As a healer and a gardener, his perspective on life is that everything can be fixed and cured,, thus it’s a bit hard for him to grasp that at times not everything can be. He tries his best to help you to see that nothing is forever stuck in negativity, leaning into understanding your side of thoughts, but it isn’t forever. As a very bubbly and lively person, he despises that you never attempt to see that everything can be better and save.
V is for Vanity – how concerned are they with their looks?
I don’t precisely see Galdor being heavily concerned about his looks as others but that doesn’t mean that he’s not in touch with his appearance. Galdor is a warrior who has gained a multitude of scars from all the battles he fought, thus worrying about his looks is the last thing he’d focus on. He does ensure that his attire is neat and clean, not wanting to give off a lackadaisical aura. You don’t have to worry about him slacking off with his looks because he’s not an untidy person, he’s just not flamboyant with his attire like others.
W is for Whole – would they feel incomplete without you?
You know that the look on dogs' faces whenever you’re gone for only two minutes, they act as if their entire world has returned to them because they would have died had they not, that’s how Galdor feels on the inside when he sees you. Imagine how broken he will be when you’re gone from his life, just imagine a broken-hearted animal. His entire aura diminishes, and he sags. His actions become lethargic, and he eases up on the amount of heart and soul he puts into his work. No ear-splitting smiles or tinkering laughter, it’s now forced smiles and quiet chuckles that sound like scoffing. His other half has left his life and all he is left with are memories – memories he wishes he could hold and talk to and get a response to.
X is for Xtra – (a) random headcanon(s) for them
Every morning you wake, a flower crown lays on your doorstep or vanity with a poetic note attached. Have no fear, Galdor also wears a matching flower crown and hopes that you wear yours that way, the two of you can be a matching couple. Because of this, he’ll ask you what colours you’re going to be wearing the following day so he can make a crown to match your attire.
Y is for Yuck – what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?
He wouldn’t like an overly aggressive and controlling lover. Galdor ensures that he gives you all the space you require to avoid choking you and hopes you also make time for him. He does his damn best to be the most faithful love to you (and he is) so please don’t attempt to rile him up with pretentious flirtations to make him jealous. Galdor draws the line and isn’t tolerate being belittled because you want to spice things up a bit or you enjoy seeing him jealous and angry. You can say goodbye to his faith and trust in you, so please don’t be someone like that.
Z is for Zzz – what are some sleep habits of theirs?
He sleeps on his back or side and would have you in his arms, either on top of him or curled up at the side. His arms would be lazily thrown over you allowing you to roll around the bed if it pleases you, though he hates when you roll out his arms. Galdor has the tendency to search for your body during the night whenever you roll away from him and once he finds you, he’ll shuffle close to pull you back into his embrace. He does this little grumble when you leave his arms as he snuggles you.
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Taglist: @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @someoneinthestars @aconstructofamind @mysticmoomin @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @noldorinpainter @starborne0661
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squirrelno2 · 5 months
15 Lines Game
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture their character/personality/vibe. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well.
Thanks for the tag, @mwolf0epsilon! the hard part was uhh picking an oc. I picked a few because I love them and also if I talk about Sneak I have to talk about Nali those are the rules.
(Tagging @rikki-roses, @magicallulu7, and @sith-shenanigans if any of you are interested - no pressure of course but I feel at least confident in the knowledge that you all. uh. have ocs.)
“Can I take three more of these? Bolt bet me I couldn’t.”
“We’ll be lucky if she keeps her mouth shut,” he said. “You know natborns.”
“We both know I could do that in my sleep. You’re just saying that to get me to do it.”
“Well, you said I couldn’t do it, sir, so what else was I supposed to do?”
“I hated my commanding officer every day that I knew him, and he still made me a sergeant,” Sneak said. “I disobeyed almost every order he gave, and he wanted to punish me, and I still made it look like I never meant to do any of it. So I’m a liar, which is how I know you wouldn’t believe me if I told you I was that good.”
“They’d know,” he said. “It’s too suspicious, we always wear armour and if you were injured there on Kamino – we’re investments, the Kaminoans aren’t going to let us go without being able to track our records, if I can’t be scanned then –“
“She’s good,” Sneak said awkwardly. “Helpful. Spiral’s gonna be safe with us. We’ll find him someplace to go.”
“You don’t have to tell me what it means to have a sibling around,” Sneak said. “Or what it means to be alone. The difference here, sir, is that I know my fellow clones can take what the galaxy gives them. You seem to think people run from the front because we’re fragile. I’ll admit it feels that way in the moment. But we stay gone because we deserve better than to die for some Jedi’s ego."
“A man has to know when to hold his tongue,” said the deserter. “I don’t speak freely when I don’t have an escape plan.”
“My brother used to do this thing. When he was nervous, he’d bounce his leg. When he was happy, his hands would shake. He liked to run places when he could, or if he couldn’t he’d walk on his toes. Trainers always assumed it meant he couldn’t control his body, but I think he did control it. He just liked how those things felt, and he did them.”
“He should really assume that when unidentified pirates steal a disgraced clone, it’s us."
“How’s your battle droid impersonation?”
“You understand, of course, sir, that I’m only reading you in because it wouldn’t do for you to think we’re deserters.”
“I was hoping your clever smuggler’s brain would have thought up a way out!”
"We spend all our lives playing on people’s feelings and assumptions. Using symbols to get the job done. You are a symbol. From one perspective, where you are now you’re running the greatest con of all."
“I won’t snoop. Unless you want me to, that is.”
“I get that all you’ve ever been is a soldier, but nobody just walks out into the galaxy and has a life fall into their lap. Do you want to hide away on some farm somewhere, never be touched by the war again? Are you looking to get into crime? Or are you hoping to wander off to die somewhere?”
“If we thought you were looking for a friend, that’d be different. Look, I’m one of your boss’s favourite middlemen for a reason, so if you want to start doubting my judgment now, it’s a little late.”
“I’m the person who saved a bunch of people, and you’re the one only looking for one guy.”
“You’re things to them,” Nali said, her voice unusually hard. “They make you, and they sell you. What else are you going to do with a failed investment?”
“He’s got a criminal mind, so he can help out. Please? The guy’s never so much as made a credit before.”
“We’re not the army. We’re not you. It’s not our fucking job to punish you, so stop trying for it because we won’t. Can you shut up and deal with that?”
"Wait, are you smiling? No, I think you are and it's just hidden under that forest on your face -"
"Where he goes, I go, mostly because he can't fly a toy speeder."
"Oh, good," Nali said. "Twice as many people as bunks, and homemade explosives that we're smuggling off a Separatist world. This is exactly what I signed up for."
"I thought, I got a lot of people free already, doesn’t that pay my debt? Doesn’t it strike a blow against slavers, just doing what you can to stay free?”
"Maybe I think that we're in the business of handing out second chances and I don't want to stop now."
“What? You trying to ask me if I’m his girlfriend?” Nali laughed. “No. It’s… we’ve saved each other a thousand times. He knows what nightmares I have most, and I know what he’s thinking when something reminds him of his past. You know?”
"Then don't act. Be a clone soldier who’s never known anything but loyalty. Be a trapped vod. Be a man who was never allowed to be a man.”
“I have enough respect for you I’m not going to sugarcoat it just to get you to do what I want.”
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Elsa's Solo
Loki x plus size reader
Marvel Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Loki serenades the object of his affections
Warnings: this is legit all fluff
WC: 2.2k
Minors DNI
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It was a well-known fact that Tony Stark loved to give people nicknames. It was where his true genius lay. His go to was ‘capsicle’ purely because of the exasperated eye roll he received from Steve Rogers every time he said it. But his newest nickname was quickly becoming a favourite.
“Elsa!” Loki sighed and slumped into the chair he had perched himself on as some kind of way to avoid the billionaire. “No matter how many times you call me that, I will not understand what you are talking about.” “You really need to get with the times Reindeer Games. Why don’t you ask your girlfriend? She loves Disney.”
If Frost Giants could blush, the god’s face would’ve been as red as a Midgardian tomato. “She’s not my girlfriend.” He grumbled. “Yeah yeah but I’ve definitely seen you leaving her room in the morning. Loki and Y/N sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G…” Tony’s voice faded into the kitchen where Sam picked up the tune and belted it, much to Loki’s annoyance.
Loki’s crush on the newest Avenger was simultaneously the most irritating and sweetest thing ever. He practically had heart eyes every time he saw her, which was incredibly infuriating on missions where he couldn’t stop watching her plump body in the curve-hugging kevlar that made up her suit. But on the other hand, Thor had never seen his brother this soft. He had a smile on his face while they were together, the usual anger and hatred burning behind his eyes reduced to a dull flame that threatened to die at any moment.
She was the first person to defend him if something went wrong, comforted him if he had nightmares, and cooked for him. And he in turn would read to her on rainy days, help her through her anxiety, and of course train her (his ultimate goal was to get her to stab Thor as a prank). They were perfect opposites, where he was hard and sharp, she was soft and round (both literally and figuratively). Loki had fallen for her the moment she had slapped him for the attack on New York before hugging him with an apology and running away. He stood there shocked while his brother clapped him on the back. “Don’t fret brother, she is always like that.”
Another song picked up, breaking through Loki’s day dreaming. “Let it gooooooo! Let it goooo! Can’t hold it back any moooooooore!” The grating sound of the men singing was quickly getting on Loki’s nerves but before he could yell at them, another voice joined, one that was far more beautiful than anyone else’s.
Y/N was standing in the kitchen, wearing an overly large shirt probably stolen from one of the larger Avengers and tiny shorts that wrapped around her thick thighs tightly, making them pop out even more. Her eyes were shut as she sang along with the boys, hand held to her heavy chest. Even as she belted, a sound Loki absolutely loved, she was smiling brightly, e/c eyes twinkling with happiness.
As the song came to a close, she was wiping tears of laughter from her eyes, leaning against Sam. “When did you guys get so fun?” She asked through the giggles. “When we make fun of Loki.” Tony answered confidently but a swift crack made him yelp. “Don’t do that!” “I get to slap you if you were being mean.”
“I wasn’t even being that mean!” He grumbled as he walked back through the living room, rubbing the back of his head. Y/N walked in behind him. “It doesn’t matter tones. You’re mean to everybody and I don’t like it.” She winked at Loki, continuing to berate the genius. “Come on! It’s just friendly teasing! You’re starting to sound like Capsicle.” “Alright, I’ll cut a deal with you. If you don’t stop teasing Loki, I’ll tell Pepper about Toronto.”
Tony’s brown eyes narrowed. “You wouldn’t dare.” “Try me.” They glared at each other for a solid minute before a fearful look came over him. “Alright, fine. But I won’t stop the nicknames, they are the source of my power.” She thought for a second before nodding and they shook hands, Tony going off to sulk in his lab for a bit.
Y/N planted herself on the chair next to the god, still keeping a respectful distance, something she had always done so she wouldn’t make Loki uncomfortable but he craved to touch her. “So what do you want to do today?” Her smile returned as she looked at him, sending a whole torrent of butterflies flying in his stomach. “I was just going to do some reading. Unless y-you want to do something.” He cursed his almost imperceptible stutter.
She giggled and his heart stopped. “I would looove a lazy day today. Cap has been training me way too hard. Wanna watch a movie with me?” Loki gave a little nod, letting his raven hair fall in front of his face to hide the slight shy smile that came over his thin lips at the question.
“Ok! Let me get some snacks and we’ll meet in my room in about ten minutes.” “Wait wait. What happened in Toronto?” “Ok I’ll only tell you cause you’re my favourite.” Y/N bent over, lips coming close enough to his ear that he could feel her warm breath tickle his neck. “He lost an eating contest to me and had to give me his black credit card. I bought a castle, a very very expensive one.” A chuckle rumbled through his chest
Nine minutes and 45 seconds later, Loki stood outside her highly decorated door, fiddling with the hoodie and sweatpants that she had bought for him a couple weeks after he moved into the tower. “I’m a god, I shouldn’t be this nervous for a human.” Taking a deep breath and steadying his shaking hands, he opened the door to reveal the girl, laid back on her bed, thick legs completely exposed, shirt clinging perfectly to her round stomach and breasts. “Nope I was wrong. She’s perfect.” He gulped and moved forward, perching on the edge of the bed, hand spreading over the soft, flower covered duvet.
“You can get closer if you want, I don’t bite. Much.” The god shuffled back to the headboard, swinging his long legs onto the bed, his thigh almost touching hers. “So any ideas about what you wanna watch?” “Stark said something earlier that I should ask you about. What is an Elsa?” Y/N couldn’t help but giggle as he tilted his head slightly in confusion.
“Not what Loki, who. Elsa is a Disney character from a film. She has ice powers, that’s why Tony calls you that.” “Oh.” His face fell. He was never like this with anyone else, always putting on a mask for everyone but her. “Oh no it’s not bad. Elsa’s actually an awesome character. I can prove it if you want.” “Sure.”
As the next Disney movie ended (something she had called Tangled), Loki understood her obsession with these films. A happy ending, comforting characters, not to mention the love story where the couple overcomes all odds. A sudden weight on his broad shoulder startled him. Y/N was asleep, her breaths even, heart calm. The god couldn’t help but smile as he looked down at her. God she was so beautiful, the most beautiful creature he had ever seen and after everything he had done, she trusted him enough to share her secrets and even sleep on him.
The moment when she sighed and snuggled closer, big, soft arm wrapping around his middle to keep him in place, the heat of her body warming him, he knew he had to tell her how he felt. He just didn’t know how.
“Stark, I need your help.” “I’m sorry, did I just have a stroke or did the great Reindeer Games ask me for help?” Tony spun around on his swivel chair, pen in his mouth, legs crossed, huge smug grin on his face. “I find myself unable to properly…” He faltered, avoiding the billionaire’s gaze, “…express myself to a certain person that I wish to be honest to.”
“Oh are you now~” He gestured to another seat by the lab bench, elbows falling to his knees so he could listen to the god, contemplating how he was going to mess with him. Loki fit himself onto the stool, long legs bending to sit comfortably. “Lemme guess, this has to do with our little miss sunshine?”
Blue-green eyes avoided his gaze. “Alright, I’ll help but only because I’m a sucker for lost causes and it would mean I win a lot of money. We’ve had a betting pool on which one of you would make the first move since you basically tripped over yourself when you saw her at the first gala you went to.” Tony waved off the obvious question. “Now, I’ve got one question for you, can you sing?”
Y/N was relaxing in the library, cuddled underneath the huge green blanket she had crocheted for Loki a few months before, as she read a book she randomly pulled off of a shelf. Snow silently drifted down outside, the city was quiet and she was content to remain here. Of course, she would love to be in her room watching movies with a certain god but he had been avoiding her for days and she was determined to find out why. So she was going to corner him in his favourite place.
Just as her eyes began to flutter shut, soothed by the scent of books and warmth, a large hand laid itself on her shoulder. “Hi there.” She muttered. Loki just smiled, palm moving up so he could cradle her jaw, thumb rubbing the apple of her cheek. “Come, I have something to show you.”
Their hands nestled against each other, his own engulfing hers as he guided her out of the room but kept the blanket wrapped around her. The halls were empty, quite unusual for a Wednesday afternoon, yet she could not bring herself to care, not when her skin prickled from Loki’s touch and he so carefully led her forward, making sure that she did not fall behind or stumble.
Her breath came out in little puffs of fog as they stepped into the winter air. The snow had stopped, leaving great mounds of ugly grey slush in its wake. Loki turned so they were standing face to face, bringing both of her hands to his lips so he could kiss the back of them, sending a shiver down her spine. “Wait here dove.”
He smirked as she looked up at him with big doe eyes, always filled with such wonder. “Trust me.” He placed one last kiss to her skin before bundling her back up in the green fabric and stepping away, inhaling the crisp air to calm his wildly beating heart.
The prince extended his arms outwards, palms facing the dark sky. Snow began to swirl once more, the winds picking up as more snow gathered. As grey slowly turned to white but her attention was captured by the god. His voice was clear through the howling winds, his words striking a cord in her heart, tears gathering in her waterline as she listened to him serenade her.
All those days, chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things, the way they were
Now she’s here shining in the starlight
Now she’s here suddenly I know
If she’s here, it’s crystal clear
I’m where I’m meant to be
Loki stepped back to her, taking her trembling body into his arms, tilting her chin upwards so their eyes could meet. He wiped away her tears as he continued, the power of his voice rumbling through her chest, each word piercing her heart.
And at last I see the light
And it’s like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it’s like the sky is new
And it’s warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything is different
Now that I see you
The last words had barely faded into the breeze when Y/N’s arms were thrown over his shoulders, blanket slipping off, and she brought his lips to hers in a desperate kiss, one that had been brewing for months. Loki hugged her tightly to him, large hands cupping her plump body, head tilting to deepen the embrace.
As they reluctantly broke apart, their foreheads pressed together, no more words needing to be spoken except whispered declarations of their love, being swallowed by the snow.
The Avengers stood on one of the balconies of the compound watching as the lovers smiled brightly in the dunes of white. “Well Tony got him to sing.” Natasha reluctantly handed over the wad of cash to the genius.
“It didn’t take too much convincing if I’m being honest. I’m just that great.” He smirked, collecting money from each of the heroes.
“Hey do you think we should break them up, I don’t want any mini Lokis running around anytime soon.” Sam pointed out the way that the two were now pulling at their clothes, even in the bitter cold. “Oi! Keep it PG!”
They threw themselves away from each other and glared up at them, Y/N showing a choice finger as she grabbed Loki and pulled him back inside.
Thor chuckled at their antics, glad his brother had finally found his princess.
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specialagentlokitty · 3 years
Jacob x Autistic!reader - werewolves are better
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I don't know if you do this but could you do a part 2 to werewolves are better were reader and the pack are out just hanging when they run into bella and the cullens? - Anon💜
Part two:
Since the Cullens were off to the beach, you and the pack decided to head to the mall instead.
Sitting at a cafe, you were happily eating some lunch with Jacob next to you while the others were messing about.
“They’re like animals.” Leah sighed.
“This is why we can’t have nice things!” You yelled.
The pack looked at you sheepishly and sat quietly to eat, and a waitress gave you a thankful look.
Leaning against your boyfriend, you looked around at the shops to figure out where you wanted to go next when you saw a familiar group you didn’t want to see.
“What’s wrong?” Jacob whispered to you.
“Bloodsuckers.” Paul growled.
Everyone stood around you, and glared at the Cullens as they came closer and closer.
Jacob wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his lap while Leah took your seat.
The Cullens came over but were cautious not to get too close, and the pack stood around you in defence.
“Looks like you’ve got yourself quite the little body guards.” Carlisle chuckled lightly.
“What can I say, wolves have always been my favourite animals.” You smiled.
Jacob rested his head on yours, giving you a little squeeze.
“What’s going on between you two.” Bella asked sternly.
“She’s my mate.” Jacob said casually.
“No, you’re not allowed to date him, it’s dangerous!”
You glared at your twin, and scoffed.
“Yet dating him isn’t? He’s put not only you, but mom, dad and me at risk, you don’t have the right to say that.”
“I didn’t mean to put anyone in danger that wasn’t my intention.” Edward said.
“Yeah, right.” Seth scoffed.
“Don’t get mouthy mutt.” Emmett growled.
Paul went to step forward, as did Leah, but you shot them both a look and they nodded, staying in their places.
“So what, are you the alpha or something? Too good for your own family?” Bella asked.
“No, because I’m not like you. I don’t blow mom off when she phones, or cancel plans with dad because I know family is important and Jake knows that too. And I’m not the alpha, that’s Sam, I just have their respect.”
“Until one of them loose their cool with you.” Emmett grumbled.
“Shut up, at least we haven’t killed innocent people, it’s more than you freaks can say.” Jacob scoffed.
He stood up, wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closely into his side.
“Let go, they reek.”
“Can we get ice cream?”
“Of course darling, whatever you want. At least I can eat it with you.”
With that, you guys left, but you were quickly stopped by Bella grabbing your hand.
In a panic you ripped your hand from hers and Leah quickled took you into her arms, letting Jacob stand in front of your protectively.
“Bella, you know she doesn’t like people touching her.” He warned.
“Oh but you and Leah can? Not me her own family?”
“Because they’ve built that trust up, they took the time to work at it.” Embry said, “we can’t touch her. But they can.”
Sam stood between everyone, and people walking by stopped to watch the scene play out.
“Just leave it, you want to talk to her, fine. Do it on your own, without the Cullens here, but calm down before you do.”
Then Sam turned to your guys.
“Let’s get your ice cream and head back.”
“Sure thing.” Jacob nodded.
He took you from Leah and you guys started to walk away once more, and you were starting to calm down.
Sure, she was your sister, but she never took the time to learn about you, so why should you do the same for her and the Cullens?
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phantomspiderr · 2 years
Petrichor - Part 4/6
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Pairing: Steven Grant x reader, established Marc Spector x reader
Word count: 1.2k
Summary: a little story of falling in love. A lovely day makes for a lovely picnic... until it doesn't.
Warnings: it's too much fluff at this point
a/n: little run down of the series here, if I'm missing any warnings or there are any problems please let me know. Please enjoy and be kind🤍
Part 3 | series masterlist
・☆: *.☽ .* :☆
It had been Steven's idea to go out, it was a perfectly sunny day and he thought it'd be romantic to go on a picnic. After seeing the way his cheeks blushed when he'd asked, you couldn't help but immediately agree. You busy yourself with finding a blanket and a bag big enough to carry everything you'd need, while Steven began looking around the kitchen for food.
You watched from the doorway as Steven methodically packed you each a little lunchbox. He smiled to himself after placing both the boxes into a little tote bag, "I thought you were going to help or are you just going to keep gawking at me, love?" The playful way he spoke shocked you, had he known you were standing there the whole time? Also how rude, you'd done your part, your bag was packed with the blanket, sunscreen, and a change of clothes for each of the boys, just in case, because they each preferred the comfort of their own things when they fronted.
"Mean," you'd walked over and gently jabbed his side, he let out a little 'oi!' that made you chuckle. Then you helped him anyway, taking every opportunity you were near to bump into him or nudge him just because he'd laugh and tell you to 'stop it' with a pointed finger that just made you want to do it more.
"Come on you," Steven held the front door open, shooing you out of the apartment now that you had perfectly wasted time teasing him instead of helping him get everything ready. You begin to wander down the hallway towards the elevator as he locks the door. The elevator doors open and you step inside and watch as Steven rushes to join you, muttering as he approaches and sees you unmoving "you better hold the door love." You only giggle as the door starts to close and he practically runs to catch it, "not funny." He points at you again as he enters the small space and turns away for a second to push the button and you can't help but quietly giggle more.
"Knew you'd make it," you bump your hip against him once he's stood next to you and he glares at you for a moment before a smile graces his face.
"You love me," you bump him again before slipping your hand into his. Then there's a moment of silence before he stutters out a quiet 'yeah' that deflates your mood just a little. But you shake it off with a smile before exiting the elevator together when the doors open onto the ground floor.
The walk to the park is quiet, not in terms of your surroundings but rather conversation. Steven seems to be in his head a little, more spacey like how he is when he's internally talking with Marc or Jake. You're more than understanding of his situation and let him take everything at his own pace. Not wanting to force him into any conversation, you find peace in observing the world around you as you walk.
"What about over there?" Steven lifts your intertwined hands and points to a quiet section of grass, there aren't many people surrounding it and there's a little shade from a closeby tree, it's perfect. You both make your way over to the spot and start to set up your little picnic. Steven pulls out the lunchbox he'd made up for you and dramatically presents it to you, "m'lady."
You take the box from his hands and laugh, “you need to stop watching Bridgeton, it's making you posher." Steven starts to laugh alongside you and you sense the spaciness from before has disappeared. You begin to wonder if one of the other boys gave him a pep talk, whatever it was you’re happy he’s fully present again.
"S'your favourite," he nods at the box now sitting in your lap before he takes a bite from the sandwich he'd pulled out of his own box. You smile away to yourself at the fact he's taken the time to learn your favourite things in just a few months of dating.
You spend that whole afternoon smiling actually, Steven seems to have a way of making you smile at everything. Whether it was his overexcitedness when he saw a little family of ducks crossing the park in search of any crumbs or when he'd jumped up straight away to help a little old lady who'd dropped her walking stick as she sat down on a nearby bench. You'd found so much comfort at this moment with him that you didn't even realise you'd started to doze off with your head in his lap.
"Dove, I think it's going to rain." He gently rocked your shoulder and received a little grumble from you, "those clouds look very angry and I don't think you'd appreciate it if I left you here to get soaked just for a few more minutes of sleep." You grumble again before sitting up and rubbing your eyes, you definitely don't remember falling asleep or feeling tired. Steven's hand gently holds your face, his thumb stroking against your cheek softly once you pull your hands away and sleepily look at him. At that point his smile is infectious, your hazy brain feels lovesick after a day spent together and you can't help but lean closer to him and he slowly gives you just one small peck on the lips. You whine just a little as he pulls back looking like he's about to say something and before he can utter a single word little droplets of rain start falling.
The pair of you pull apart and Steven quickly starts to gather your stuff into a bag as the rain suddenly starts to fall quicker. People around you are scrambling for shelter, the sudden downpour surprising everyone.
“Sweetheart, what are you doing?” Steven pauses as he watches you lay down and close your eyes, “you’re going to get soaked! Come on get u-“
“Lay down with me.”
“What? No. Love, please, come on you’re getting wet and you’ll catch a cold by the time we walk home.” You don’t verbally respond, just patting the spot next to you as the rain gets heavier. There’s a pause before without warning you’re being hoisted to your feet with a yelp.
“Steven!” You look at him wide eyed, head a bit dizzy, not only from the change in orientation but from his show of strength. Sometimes you forget about the super human abilities he possesses. “Rude!” You finally speak again after the shock has worn off.
“Me? No, you!” His hair is completely drenched and sticking to his forehead as your beautiful sunny day has apparently turned into a complete downpour. “Look at the state of us now cause you wouldn’t move your butt!” He can’t even feign anger when you’re looking up at him with a dopey smile now.
“You’re cute,” you hold his chin and place a sweet kiss on his lips.
“Yeah, yeah. Just don’t complain when you’re all sick and snotty.” His arms slip around your waist as you giggle and cuddle into him, arms slung over his shoulders. You both just accept the way your skin grows cold and clothes stick to you with the increasing rain. Your bodies swaying together like there's music only the two of you can hear.
“I’ll take being sick and snotty later to be in this moment with you,” you smile as your head tips back, facing toward the sky with your eyes closed. It’s then you miss the most genuine smile spread across Steven’s face as he looks at you and the swirl of emotions that hit him out of nowhere.
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
Obey Me Brothers + Little Affections
AN: Keep thinking about the little things each brother would do to express affection. Some warm fluffy stuff because we all need it. Enjoy!!
The hair drying one on Lucifer’s sparked this entire thing thanks
- Washing and drying your hair. You know if you get your hair washed at a hairdressers and they just. Go to town with a towel drying your hair? He finds it hilarious and loves doing that. You’ll hear him chuckle, unable to see him because your face is covered by the towel. He’s softer towards the end but initially when trying to get most of the excess water his only concern is not actually hurting you. He’s also genuinely trying to help, just having a little fun with it at the same time.
- Continuing on from this, Lucifer will ruffle your hair. If it doesn’t really upset you, he loves to make a mess of it, and he grins at you, your hair sticking out every which way.
- The second his brothers aren’t around, he seems to canonically love holding your hand under the guise of keeping track of you or comforting you. Its partially true - the MC gets into trouble easily, so its good to keep a hand on them. However, the comforting affect goes both ways.
- Sharing information with you implies a close bond (or at the very least, a strong curiosity, like when he hints at where Mammon’s card is / when he talks about the album) and it means Luci cares about you a lot. He likes to talk about his interests and introduce you to things he cares a lot about. A lot of the time this comes in the form of music, because it’s something he’s able to enjoy whilst still doing his work.
- Doing origami or other paper crafts together? Really relaxes him. It’s so peacefully intimate and cosy. You sit together at his desk, work documents hidden out of sight for now, and make whatever you can out of colourful little bits of paper. He likes making flowers, although he’d never say it out loud, but he makes you countless crowns with paper flowers of all different kinds. You walk in one day when he’s taking a break from work and he’s got paper cranes lining the entire length of his desk. He calls you over and puts one on your head for absolutely no reason before acting like it never happened.
- If no one else is around and he’s feeling a bit daft, he’ll sweep you up into his arms with no warning and just hold you like that, staring directly into your eyes with a daring and loving smile on his face. This happens most when it’s late at night and all the coffee he’s had is starting to wear off and he feels a little more relaxed and open. He’ll carry you to his room to cuddle, too, if you don’t have anywhere else you need to be. Just pray none of his brothers encounter you two because he’ll set you down on your feet immediately and he won’t help you up if you fall.
[[Other Brothers under the read more]]
- Fist bumps!!! He passes you and holds his fist out, and pouts if you don’t immediately bump your hand into his. Do the snail or turkey thing once and he falls in love with it. Lucifer, tired and stressed after a lot of work, decides for once to go along with giving him a fist bump because he’s too tired and no one else is around, and Mammon does the snail thing. The look on Luci’s face is worth everything that happened after. But when its you, Mammon just smiles and beams at you. He’s really happy.
- Sitting so close together that you can’t possibly move without disturbing the other. Sides fully pressed together even if he doesn’t have an arm around you or your hand in his. He likes the constant contact, it’s healing. So heavily invested in whatever you’re watching that the two of you simply don’t realise how close you are until the episode ends and you realise you’re leaning your full weight against him and his face is red but he’s smiling so softly you can’t bring yourself to move.
- You’ll have to start the habit, but, tackle hugs. You see him in the distance somewhere and sprint over and tackle him full force. He’ll act mad at first, especially if he trips and falls over or he’d been talking with someone else, but he holds onto you tightly and his face is beautifully flushed. After a while he’ll do it too, although he’s a lot gentler, but if you hear him call your name you need to turn around quickly and hold your arms out. He’ll lift you up into the air and twirl you around once or twice before just, going on with his day as normal. You hear his laughter as he walks away, bright and bubbly and confident, exactly as he should be.
- The absence of insults is important for Mammon. He’ll tolerate it if it’s every now and then but he’ll really notice if you’re always kind to him, he pays attention and holds tightly on to every compliment you give him. When he feels low he finds you and holds you in his arms, fingers playing with the loops in your jeans, as he recites off every nice thing you’ve said to him, hoping you’ll reaffirm them. Did you mean it when you said he was one of the most caring people you’d ever met? When you said his eyes made you feel at home?
- He likes feeding the crows with you. It’s something he does without telling anyone, but one day he takes you out along with him and the crows take a liking to you instantly. He likes how you look with his crows standing proud and confident on your arm, your hair a mess from their flapping wings as you laugh and try to get the last bits of food out from the bag.
- If you style his hair and put random accessories in it - anything from silly plastic hair clips to flowers to feathers - he’ll keep them in all day. He doesn’t care who sees because his MC spent their time doing this for him, and he’s happy to tell anyone who dares criticise him.
- He’s awkward with any affection at first, but he actually builds up to quick tight hugs when he’s really happy. If he’s incredibly excited - just won tickets for something, or some idol liked his comments - expect to be tackled in a hug. He gets flustered after, but if you hold tightly onto him he won’t let go immediately.
- If they even vaguely relate to his own interests, Levi will try hard to be invested in anything you really enjoy. For example, he’ll watch your favourite shows with you or try and read things you enjoy, etc.
- At the same time, Levi will share his interests with you. It’s not something he can really avoid doing as it’s ingrained in him to ramble about his special interests, but it will come in seemingly smaller forms - for example, he’ll hand you his headphones one day, blushing, and ask what you think of this song, or he’ll show you a paragraph in a TSL book that has particularly good rhythm or evokes a lot of emotion. If he lends you his books or DVDs it’s practically a proposal.
- You two have full conversations with Henry as he swims about in his tank. About silly and pointless things or very serious topics, from jokingly scolding him to venting about the future and about school and such. It warms Levi’s heart.
- Horn pats. When he’s in his demon form, pull him down to your level and pat his horns. He’s so flustered he can’t move the first few times, but one day he’ll start coming up to you and asking you if you want to do it. He likes being able to be in his demon form, and likes that you’re comfortable with him even when he doesn’t look as human.
- When he’s very comfortable with you, he likes to wrap you up in surprise hugs and laughs if you try to squirm your way out of his grip, a brilliant mischievous glow in his eyes, any self-consciousness long forgotten.
- I’ve said this before on another post but Satan likes to pet your hair and run his thumbs over your palms, pressing into them gently like he’s touching the pads on the paws of a cat. He traces circles and presses kisses into your palm and over each finger tip and knuckle, like it’s his own form of worship.
- It takes a long time to build up the confidence to do so but I can see him like. Playfully nipping at your skin if he presses light kisses against your shoulders or neck. If it makes you laugh or blush he smiles against your skin.
- If you fall asleep somewhere he’s the first person to go get a blanket to throw over you - he’d rather just let you sleep if you’re somewhere safe instead of disturbing you to lift you elsewhere, and risking waking you up. Occasionally he’ll kneel down beside you and stay there with a book until you wake up, and he’s fallen asleep like that once or twice.
- Just. Talking. Laying down together and going from topic to topic, saying whatever crosses your minds with no filters and no judgement. Letting time pass by with the comfort of the other, laying on your back in the planetarium or library or in his room, wherever there aren’t books piled up. No responsibilities except to listen to the other, and every now and then you laugh and he feels like maybe this could be home.
- Sharing things, whatever it is. Food, clothes, jewellery. Taking a necklace off and putting it on him because “this would go so well with your outfit,” or holding out your fork and telling him to try some of your food, it tastes heavenly. Perfume, as well, is a must - he wants the two of you to smell the same.
- Like Mammon, he likes to have some kind of contact with you at all time - holding hands, an arm across your shoulders, anything. But the main point of contact he truly adores is if he has his hands on the skin of your stomach or back, even in the most innocent way possible. If his arms are around you and you’re comfortable with it, he’ll tuck his hands under your shirt and trace shapes against your hips, stomach, back, lower ribcage. Wherever he can. It’s something he’ll do absentmindedly without everything thinking about it, and it recharges him when he’s low on energy.
- He actually really likes working alongside you, whether it’s school work or something related to a part time job, or a potential business idea. He’s smarter than anyone would give him credit for and he loves how you look when you’re deep in thought, trying to solve something, and how your eyes light up as you figure it all out. He’s not one to just give you the answer to things, so if he knows something and you don’t he likes to hint at it like it’s a game. When you guess the answer right he presses a kiss to the tip of your nose and beams at you.
- Late night phone calls where you talk about whatever’s keeping you awake. He doesn’t mind who’s calling who, he wants to ramble or listen to you at any given moment and he’ll give up his sleep if it means you can get something that’s bothering you off your chest. Similarly, there is no greater comfort for him than getting to complain to you about something or other, something that’s genuinely bothering him and that’s stuck in his head. He feels like it only disappears when you take a hold of it for him for a little bit.
- Sharing food, obviously, means a lot to him. Feed him bites of your food, give him anything you don’t want, and he’ll love it. He especially loves if you share food that’s important to you in some way, and you’ll find him giving you little bites of his food too the closer you two get. It means a lot to him when people embrace the fact that he eats so much, instead of scolding him for it or making jokes about it.
- He really likes holding hands. Your hands are so small in his and yet you trust him not to injure them as you pull him along. He feels possessive sometimes but isn’t outwardly affectionate enough to do anything about it, and the last thing he wants is to make you uncomfortable. It’s the perfect thing for him.
- Stacking random things on the other. Sitting cross-legged in a park, pulling daisies out of the lawn that’s about to be mowed anyway and gently placing them into each other’s hair, on the other’s shoulders and laps. If you’re laying in his bed he’ll take random light objects off his night stand and place them on top of you. There’s no purpose and no intention, and yet it makes him smile and gives him butterflies, and he laughs if you glare jokingly up at him but let him continue.
- Run your hands through his hair, down the sides of his face, under his jaw. Anywhere. He melts in an instant, mouth slightly open as you poke his cheeks or tickle his neck and shoulders with feather light touches.
- Nap. On. Him. Any time, any where. Snuggle up to him, lean your head against his shoulder or bury your face into his neck or lay down on his lap and just rest. He blushes every time and it takes him a second to recover. Sometimes he’ll angle himself so he can lean against you two and he’ll fall asleep as well.
- He likes those kind of monkey hugs where you wrap your entire body around him and he can bury his face in your neck and hold on as tight as he wants. He’ll walk around like that until you get to the attic and he can throw you into his pile of pillows and blankets, and he flops down on top of you and clings onto you again, trying to hide his face because he’s smiling so wide his cheeks hurt.
- He loves playful, back and forth banter. He’ll tease you constantly, loves if you pout at him, loves it more if you retort with something and keep it running for a while before the two of you start laughing.
- Being childish. He’ll stick out his tongue at you or pull a sudden face and he expects you to do it back immediately. If you don’t he’ll poke and tickle you, telling you how disappointed and hurt he is.
- Headbumps! But not too hard. Gently bump your head against his shoulder to get his attention and he’ll pat it. Bonus points if you nuzzle into his hands then - he’s hard to fluster but you can hear him swallow as he starts to go red. You’ll immediately have all of his attention to yourself.
- Belphie is the king of silent conversations. The tiniest gestures, nods, tilts of the head. He can pick up on all of them, knows exactly what you’re trying to say without you saying it, to the point where sometimes you won’t even realise you’re not talking aloud.
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
waves that hurt | k.bakugou + i.midoriya.
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♡ pairing: katsuki bakugou x gn!reader x izuku midoriya.
♡ word count: 3.04K
♡ rating: everyone.
♡ genre: pro hero!au, hurt, angst and comfort.
♡ summary: dark days mean dark waves that crash across your mind, intrusive and mean the waves pull you under— but they are the helping hands that pull you up and let you breathe.
♡ warning(s): please read ! heavy tw for depression, intrusive thoughts and self depreciation, self doubt and low self-worth. this fic is written mostly from personal experiences and may not be accurate to how everyone feels! mentions of therapy.
♡ author’s note(s):  this is my contribution to @doinmybesthere​ ‘s mental health awareness collab, this is kinda personal to me and something i experienced recently!! i hope it can provide some comfort to anyone out there, please don’t forget to check out everyone else’s works and i hope you’re all safe ‘n well <3
♡ masterlist | requests | kofi
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“kacchan, it’s much worse this time, i really think you should come home early tonight.”
deku whispers into the phone, his marred hands rub slow and soothing circles into your back from over the duvet— you can feel his warmth, light and airy through it but he feels and sounds much further away. a million miles across a dark ocean that trickles through your thoughts, intrusive and mean, keeping you under and away from clear air.
you wouldn’t want to pull him into this, bother him with the way you drown in dark thoughts— so you pull away from your boyfriend and tuck yourself away into the sheets.
izuku doesn’t retract his hand even as you pull away, listening to katsuki grunt orders down the phone— make sure yn’s eaten, make sure yn’s had water. basic things you should be able to do on your own but can’t, paralysed by the anxiety and depression that clamps down on you like a vice and refuses to let you up so you can just breathe. you want to breathe and not feel like the world is crashing down on you, to have a second to yourself where everything seems like it’s okay.
brushing fingers over the nape of your neck, toying with the coils of your baby hairs, your boyfriend speaks, only gently. “baby,” says quietly, his weight causing the bed to dip. “katsuki will be home soon, do you want to come with me to let him in?” you shrug, a sick feeling twisting in your gut. you see the black tendrils and waves in the back of your mind, bringing forth a new batch of ugly words that force you down. are you really that much of a burden these days that katsuki has to call it quits on work for you? “how are you feeling?”
you don’t know, you don’t know how to tell him that every thought you have hurts and there’s a pain in your chest with every breath you take. “i don’t know, it’s just...bad izu…” you want to explain how you feel deep inside, but the words are trapped like balls of tar in your throat— fear that if you say something he’ll walk away.
“you don’t have to say anything, don’t force yourself to…” he speaks with a soft voice, cotton to your ears in an attempt to soothe you. you can just about feel the clean air flowing through your lungs at the sound— it tells you he loves you, no matter what and you almost believe it before sinking back under. “let’s get you some water okay? wouldn’t want kacchan scolding us would we?”
the joke hangs in the murky and heavy air for a few seconds before you muster a small smile— your green haired boyfriend lets out a tiny sigh of relief and pressed a kiss into your hairline, the affection simmers under your skin and briefly brings light to your dark mind as izuku starts leading you to the kitchen.
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you’re curled up in izuku’s lap when the front door pops open with a click— signifying your other boyfriend had arrived home. you flinch, hiding yourself in the blankets keeping you warm and locking away the dark thoughts from the eyes of your lovers.
part of you hated them seeing you this way, that’s why you forced yourself to keep everything away from them— but they knew, they always did and always came to your rescue. you didn’t want them to feel like they had to look after you when the days were bad and draining and your mind took hold of everything that you felt. you didn’t need the weight of your own problems on the shoulders of two pro heroes who had enough to deal with.
in the end, you would destroy them like you did with yourself.
you can hear katsuki shedding his gear by the door, feeling his intense and heated presence flood the room and barely penetrate the barrier you created for yourself even while you lay in izuku’s arms. for as long as you’d known the two— even from back in your U.A days, bakugou had hated self-pity, of course in recent years he’d cooled down a little and spoke less on the actions of others but even still, you weren’t sure if you could handle him looking down on you for looking down on yourself and for feeling this way.
the blanket is suddenly lifted from your head, momentarily blinding you with the overwhelming light that is your boyfriend, katsuki bakugou. a twinkle of concern lines his ruby eyes and you can see traces of his charcoal eyeliner that he usually smudges underneath his mask— he’s so beautiful but you’re afraid of the twitches of worry, afraid that he’s mad at you for being the way you are.
“hey honey,” bakugou hums, crouching to your level to cup your cheeks, stress bleeding from his body when you nuzzle into him.
izuku gives you a squeeze, an encouraging one and you nod. “hi,” is all you can muster, afraid of blurting the intrusive words that crackle across your brain.
katsuki sits back on his haunches, looking between you and his boyfriend before he attempts to kick off his shoes. the room is full of a thick, ugly quietness that you know you’re responsible for— they don’t have to say anything, you know that it’s you. because when you’re like this it’s hard for bakugou and midoriya to talk, afraid that they’ll say something to set you off and you afraid that they’ll leave if they knew how you really felt. how trapped and alone you felt inside, how the twisted darkness added tones to your vibes and dragged you down with every step that you took.
they don’t need to say it because it flows from your body like a rushing river and drowns them, fills their lungs and it’s your fault for infecting them with your own bitter taste of life.
“have you eaten?” the blonde of the two boys asks, looking you dead in the eye. you want to answer, but again the viscous back from earlier starts to flood through your body. you try to take care of yourself of these days where you feel it the hardest, but it’s difficult to move and to breathe— and the drive to complete even the simplest of tasks is barely ever there.
you move to speak, caught up in the thick smog of your own brain when izuku gives your body a squeeze and shakes his head, the forest of his hair brushing against your cheek. “you’ve had water, right?” izuku has no problem answering for you. “but nothing to eat,” he whispers, keeping his voice low as if to hide his worry from you— it’s light in his tone but tremors throughout the number one’s body. you feel sick for making him feel that way.
katsuki’s gaze shifts back from his boyfriend to you, his expression unreadable because he knows how you get if they worry too much about you. you’re thankful, partly for that at least, his blank face prevents your mind from reading too deep into things and blaming yourself for things out of your own control.
“‘m makin’ your favourite for dinner. you’ll eat it, no questions asked.” the explosive pro hero states firmly, rising from his place crouched down by your side, obviously not before thumbing over your cheeks to wipe away evidence of your dried tears. “gonna run you a bath too, damn nerd better get you upstairs and ready by the time it’s done.” deku’s chest rumbles with a light hearted chuckle beneath you, lifting the heavy weight of the air within the room— bakugou had always loved brashly, with a fiery intensity that hardly left room for the answer ‘no’, and while izuku was more tame, they balanced one another out in a way that felt more like a warm hug than a battle. they grounded you, in the best of ways.
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true to his disgruntled words, your blonde headed boyfriend runs you a hot bath. you don’t miss the addition of lavender oil to the perfectly warm water, the baking soda which you’re sure he only knew to add because his mother had said it would remove the demon spawn toxins in his body. izuku is the one to help you strip, holds your hands as you kick off gross comfort clothes and folds them away, after pressing kisses to your groggy face and chin.
it’s almost funny to see the two biggest and beefiest pro heroes sit on your bathroom floor crossed legged and beside the tub— both of them taking up the majority of the room. you know for a fact that no one would believe the sight unless they saw it, but they’re there. both of them, izuku midoriya and bakugou katsuki are with you encompassed in the silence while you wash away the ugly words that plague your mind and fill the pores of your skin.
they’re still there.
even as sweet lavender water moves in soft waves over your bare body, while black ink moves in the same way across your brain— tattooing self-depreciating thoughts into every inch. you’re not worth their time, they say, you’re wasting it. because how could their precious time be put to good use if you’re taking it up, they could be saving people but instead your boyfriends are here, drowning in your own darkness.
they’re still fucking here.
when they could be out there saving the people who needed it, who were suffering out there in the world outside of your home.
and the suds against your body, the warm water sloshing over your thighs isn’t enough to get rid of the burning sensation of vile phrases printing themselves against your body and clouding every thought that you think. toxic, mean and nasty things you can’t scrub away— none of it is enough to make you feel like you deserve bakugou tenderly lathering you up with the rose scented soap his mother had sent you for christmas or the sips of cool water midoriya brings to your lips in order to prevent you from overheating in the steam of the bathroom.
deku catches the painful twist in your face, pausing his movements to study you. “whaddya need?” you need it to stop, to find something to replace the pain and doubts that fill you.
“water, hotter,” you croak quietly, tears building up in the base of your throat as katsuki catches on and flicks the tap for a stream of hot water to fill the tub. “please,”
they tell you to let them know when to stop if the heat gets too much, but the scalding water burns away any reminders of the self loathing you feel across every inch of your mind, your body and your soul. it stings at the darkness in a way that’s painfully soothing and maybe if you sink under— it could stop hurting completely. if you could slide deeper into the water, would the waves of darkness not crash so hard?
and then the damn breaks, like a tsunami the guilt and anguish you feel crashes over your body and takes control, leaving you fighting for oxygen in the form of your happiness.
everything that you’d been holding back flows freely in salty tears from tired eyes, scorching a path down the apples of your cheeks and mingling with the contents of the tub below. your boys, they don’t notice at first, how you cry and curl in on yourself until you think the world won’t notice you anymore but then just as they always do, they’re pulling you into their warmth and bubble of light— freeing you from black intrusive tendrils even if it means they have to crawl into the tub and wade their through the ocean you’ve made to set yourselves apart.
“don’t—!” you heave with an uneven voice, signs of you falling apart evident in every way. bakugou and deku pull away from you slowly, with dripping shirts and worry written across freckled faces and red eyes. they’re scared for you, hate seeing you force your feelings down and away from them. “please don’t touch me—you’ll—“
the water in the bathtub sloshes from where you retract from their touch, backing yourself up against the wall and away from your boys. “we’ll what?” izuku presses but only gently, keeping you afloat, stopping you from sinking and bakugou stays put in his place, letting the latter talk you down.
you shake your head, trying to think of the right words but it’s hard to, with the crashing waves heavy against your ears. how do you tell your lovers that everything hurts, to think and to feel, to live day by day. you don’t want to bother them with and an extra stress to their busy lives. but you can’t keep it in any longer, bursting at the seams. “you’ll drown. i-if i touch you, i’ll pull you under, you’ll drown with me and you won’t be able to breathe and all those horrible things that i think about will burn in your lungs until you give up fighting like me,” your tears and hiccups interrupt your words, but they listen. bakugou and deku, they listen and they stay.
“because if you do, then all that i feel will be a burden to you— i’ll break in ways that can’t be fixed and you’ll be forced to pick up the pieces and i’ll just be a burden,” you continue, not even pausing to take a breath while you continue to cry. “if you stay to pick up the pieces, you’ll be taken away from people who need you, who are worth saving, and can be helped and—“
you can’t recount how many nights, similar to this in which you wondered why and how two pro heroes could want and love you, why they dealt with your down days that sometimes outnumbered the ups— even if they’d shown you how much they cared, you couldn’t help but feel guilty as if your sadness took up their time to save someone else.
“you can be helped, yn. you don’t have to go what you’re going through alone, you’re worth the time and the effort of helping, no one deserves to suffer,” the green haired of your two boyfriends cuts through the tail ends of your words, still keeping distance until he knows it’s safe to touch you again. there is no look of condescending pity on his face, no sign to show you’ve pulled him into the dark of your mind. it’s just izuku, trying to help you pull through.
you look to katsuki hesitantly, he hasn’t said a word. “but i don’t want to be seen as...as weak, or to worry you because i can’t get out of my own head—“
“y’not fuckin’ weak, we’d never think that of you. we see you try to hide your pain, pretend things don’t get to you when they do. but fuckin’ handlin’ things on ya own can make y’stronger than any two heroes combined,” a look of anger flashes across his features, finer with age and tired with work. but bakugou isn’t angry with you, but with himself for leading you to believe that you were an extra weight on his shoulders. both of their shoulders. “yer not gonna get rid of us or scare us away, we love ya, we’re here for ya ‘n if it’s help that you need or think yer not worthy of, we’ll find some. it’s okay t’ask for help.”
maybe it’s hearing it from someone else, that your pain and your depression is valid, that you’re not an extra weight on the people you love that allows you to come up from a tar-like ocean for fresh air in your lungs, for the waves to calm and the storm raging in your mind to soothe. maybe it’s the two of your boyfriends being there for you despite the fear that you’d scare them away with not being okay that washes away some of the awful things you think.
you know that their support won’t make things go away over night, that it will take time for you to heal but for now you can keep your head above the water just long enough to breathe.
“can i touch you now? is it okay?” deku asks, feeling less distant from you than at the start of the day, but as your body shakes with the last of your tears all you manage is a nod before the number one hero is pulling you into his chest from the tub and the number two is wrapping a towel and his arms around you.
you sit sandwiched between the two, they keep you at the surface— holding you tight while you let out what you’ve been holding back. “we can get some help if y’want it, the doctors...therapy might be nerve wrackin’...scary even, but it can help and we’ll be there every single step of the fuckin’ way,” katsuki reasures you with pets to your head, rocking you back and forth on your bathroom floor, steam clinging to the air that you can finally breathe.
izuku nods along in agreement, pressing kisses to your wet hairline. “we’ll be here. you won’t be alone.”
the murkiness of the water in your mind starts to clear, but only just— their warmth starts to push through the clouds like sunshine brushing against your skin. a light to the dark that's plagued your every waking moment, the waves no longer crash and destroy but instead lap comfortingly at your painful thoughts and tame them just enough for you to have a moment of clarity.
you don’t have to be alone or millions of miles away, you deserve the hands of your loved ones that offer you help instead of pushing them away. the process of healing and things like therapy or meds will be hard sometimes, but katsuki and izuku will be here by your side, to help you manage days where darkness rolls in waves that hurt and help you breathe once again.
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halcyon-wings · 3 years
:) :) :) :)
imagine,, mayoi getting stood up on a (first?) date, and his future s/o comforts him. haha imagine. isnt that funny. ha - 🍊
mayoi’s stood up and is comforted by his future s/o !!
features a gn!reader and mayoi being stood up
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<3 sometimes mayoi wants to cry.
<3 there was a girl, and he liked her, okay? like. really, REALLY liked her. she was nice to him, so he fell in love. he didn’t think that was bad.
<3 he thought she liked him back. he really had hope for once. maybe he wasn’t as horrible and pathetic as he thought he was, maybe he was a good person, no, maybe he was a great person! after all, the girl had agreed on a date, right? that meant he wasn’t as bad as he saw himself!
<3 and the day of their date came. of course mayoi was there first, he just HAD to make a good impression! hmm, the girl was running a bit late, though… ah well, that’s okay! no harm in waiting, right? :)
<3 he waited, and waited, and waited. it even started to rain, but he kept on doing it, grasping at any sort of hope he still had.
<3 she never showed up, and he caught a horrible cold the next day.
<3 alkaloid is extremely worried when he shows up looking haggard the next day. he’s coughing and shaking, but he’s fine! he’s gonna be fine, he’s supposed to be fine, anyway. that’s just how idols have to be, right?
<3 he nearly collapses during dance practice, though, and you can’t stand it as his producer. much to his disappointment, you make him sit out for the rest of the day. the rest of alkaloid leaves once it’s over, but you pull mayoi aside and ask him what’s wrong. he shouldn’t push himself after all, and you’re worried for him both as his producer and his best friend.
<3 he smiles. it’s a tired one, and he’s shaking as he rests his head on your shoulder.
<3 “she didn’t show up, did she?”
<3 he shakes his head, coughing. you stumble back a bit to catch him, and his voice trembles as he tries to talk just a bit louder.
<3 “i want to be enough. i want people to see me and like me, and i want to stop looking at myself in the mirror and hating myself. i want to stop looking so worthless, so pathetic, i just—” his voice hitches in his throat. he grabs your shoulders and raises his head up to look at you. there’s tears welling up in his eyes.
<3 “hey, manager, is it so selfish to want to be loved?”
<3 you shake your head, patting his back and allowing him to sob into your shoulder. he’s listening to your voice ramble on as you hold him, talking about your favourite memories with him. how much you love him for who he is, and how you wanna punch that girl that stood you up. he chuckles a bit at that.
<3 mayoi feels better with you around. his sobbing has turned into quiet breathing, and he finds himself not wanting to leave your arms. he knows he has to, though, and he pulls away. his eyes are a bit puffy, and his hair is just a bit messy, but that’s okay, because he feels better now.
<3 “thank you, producer, that— that really means a lot.”
<3 you offer him a smile and are about to speak when he sneezes. 
<3 guess you’ve got to take care of him a bit more, huh?
<3 that’s okay. he doesn’t mind, as long as it’s you.
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