#what if Addisons but with bigger hair??
rose-thornz · 7 months
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Something is being cooked here.
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countrymusiclover · 8 months
18 - The Lehnsherr Family
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Part 19
Battle of Heart and Mind
Tag list - ask to be added (in my ask box please) @aintinacage @hiraethrhapsody @mostlymarvelgirl @importantgalaxyrunaway
Five years ago
Shutting the car door Erik went behind me opening the backseat door getting our two kids out. I was wearing a red jacket over a black jacket, some dark blue jeans and some black combat boots. We hadn’t heard anything from Logan from the future in a few years so we had to assume that everything had been changed. “Daddy! Piggy back.”
“I won’t be able to do this if you keep getting bigger, Astraea.” Erik told our daughter who had my bright blonde hair and the same eye color. He scooped her up and carried her on his shoulders.
Shaking my head I felt a hand touch mine meaning it was little Ryder. He looked exactly like a mini version of his father no doubt about it. “Why are we going to see Uncle Charles, mommy?”
“Because you’re father and I have some business to take care of and Charles said he didn’t mind getting a visit from his favorite Lehnsherr twins.” I answered his question by pushing the front door open with our family walking through the entrance.
Charles and I had pushed to get the school back up and running again. Since we had changed the future it felt right to try it for a second time. Some kids ran past us before I paused in the doorway eyeing the professor sitting behind his desk still in his wheelchair. “Uncle Charles!” Our daughter cheered climbing down from her father’s shoulder rushing past us and towards him directly.
“There's my favorite twins. Ohh!” Charles sat the book down in his lap.
Ryder ran past his sister since he was given his father's height jumping up into his lap first. “Dad and mom says we are spending a few days here.”
“Can you give me a ride around on your chair?” Astraea asked, sitting on his other leg showing the same excitement level.
Standing in the doorway I leaned against the wood with Erik coming to stand beside me. He looped his hand through mine looking at his friend. “I have a favor to ask of you, old friend. Can you watch the kids for a few hours. I have a date planned for us tonight?”
“Of course I can watch them. I'll have Hank cancel my classes for the evening.” Charles agreed, entering his friends mind chuckling at what he saw. Even though he would never get a chance to be with Addi now, He still had found a way to appreciate when his friend made her happy.
Bending down on my knees I instructed our kids forward. “Alright you two come give us hugs before we go.”
“And you be good for Uncle Charles.” Erik warned them, wrapping his arms around each of them. I hugged and kissed their heads before we made our way out of the school doors.
Erik and I got back in the car and we just drove in silence until we reached the airport that was closest to us. We had decided to make a trip out to DC and get married there out on my mothers backyard porch. We had both been busy raising the kids and trying to find somewhere where we were comfortable living and we had settled on Portland. Changing into a short white dress that reached past my knees but above my ankles. “Don’t get angry at me for asking this but you aren’t thinking of backing out are you?”
“Charles already gave me a pep talk about our relationship. So I am not backing away from you, Addison. Not anymore.” Erik shrugged his shoulders with his arms down at his sides. He was in a black leather jacket and one of his old dark brown turtlenecks he wore when we first were training with his friend.
Clasping my hands together in front of me I just chuckled back at him knowing Charles was very persuasive. “That is very reassuring, Lehnsherr. Oh here comes my mom.”
“Alright you two I am officially a wedding preacher.” My mother walks up to stand in front of us. She glanced between us knowing we probably wanted to get this thing out with and just say I do. “Do you two have vows prepared or are we skipping that?”
I cleared my throat by unfolding a piece of paper from inside one of my boots. “I have something to say…Erik the day we met wasn't the most romantic and we certainly aren't like one of those couples in the romantic films. But I can't imagine spending my life with anyone except you. I love you and our kids and I am excited to say it's going to be us against the world, always.”
“Addison, I know that I haven't been the easier person to get along with. Especially when you get so frustrated I won't call you Addi like you wished I would. But getting through all that you found out that there are still good parts of me. That I am just looking for love that I now get to have in you until the end of our days.” Erik reached down intertwining our hands together sending me a smile that was rare to see still to this moment in time.
My mother grinned, holding out one ring to me and the other for my soon to be husband. “Now we can get to the super romantic part. Do you Addi take this man to be your husband?”
“I do.” I responded by slipping the ring on his left hand.
She looks at her son in law. “Erik, do you take this woman to be your wife?”
“I do.” He answered her question by putting the ring on my left hand.
My mother Angela clasped her hands together. “By the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss my daughter.” She backed away before he cupped my face in his hands, kissing me deeply. Wrapping my arms around his neck I deepened the kiss feeling like we were now going to remain a family.
I heard Erik's truck pulling up in the driveway where I ran from our bedroom downstairs knowing he'd drop his keys in the kitchen. Peaking around the corner he was standing there for a few minutes before I ran up behind him throwing my arms around his neck from behind. “I was wondering when you were coming home.”
“Addi.” He chuckled, twirling me underneath his arm so that we were now facing one another.
Running my hands up his chest I smiled, kissing him. “How was your day?”
“Better now that's for sure. Where are the twins?” Erik asked me wrapping his arms around my waist, holding me as close as possible.
“Out back. I'll show you.” Gesturing my head towards the backdoor I led him outside by the hand. We had set up a wooden playset outside the back of our house.
Astraea was running around in the grass with her brother chasing after her until she gave him a look before she looked in our direction. “Daddy!” She ran forward jumping up into his arms and he caught her in his arms grunting a little bit since she was getting bigger being ten years old now.
“Mommy, when can we see Uncle Charles again?” Ryder asked me with his messy hair falling in front of his eyes. He had always adored Charles Xavier and the way he was able to run a school.
Putting my hands in the pockets of my jeans. “Maybe sometime soon if your father can take off for a few days.”
“Does my brother have powers like me?” Erik and I shifted our attention to one another hearing our daughter's voice inside of our minds. It was so clear that she had gotten the same ability as our old friend. But the sad truth was that Ryder didn’t seem to have any or had yet to unlock his abilities. We weren't really sure which one was true.
Erik bounced our daughter in his arms changing the conversation. “I’m hungry. Are you kiddos hungry, let’s go eat.” The four of us had gone back inside the house sitting down and having the chicken and potatoes we had from the night before.
Erik and I had been patiently waiting for his powers to come through but it was beginning to look like he was simply born human even though he had two mutant born parents. The sun had finally set on our small house when we went to put the kids to bed. “Where did you learn that song, daddy?” Astraea asked, settling herself down underneath the covers of her bed.
Erik answered by brushing hair out of her eyes. “I learned it from my parents and they learned it from their parents. Then one day you and your brother will sing it to your children too.”
“What happened to them, your parents?” Ryder asked, laying on his side in his bed, seeing me standing in the doorway just silently watching.
Silence fell in the room when my husband’s eyes lowered to the numbers on his arm. “They were taken from me when I was a little boy. But they’re still here inside watching over you both.”
“Is someone going to take you and mom away?” Young Astraea, always so curious just couldn’t stop asking questions even when she needed to go to sleep.
Entering the room I put a hand on Erik’s shoulder before he rose from the bed turning off the light telling them to get some sleep. “Never, my sweet twins. Now get some sleep.”
“So when are we going to have the conversation with them about him not being like us?” I questioned once we had left their room and were in the living room sitting on the couch. Moving one hand over my stomach it wasn’t visible yet that I was certainly pregnant. “I feel like it should be before they start asking about me having a third baby.”
Erik draped his arm over my shoulder tugging me into his embrace. “I think the idea of them having a sibling will be easier to understand.”
“What aren't you telling me, Erik. Is it about Ryder not being a mutant?” I could sense that he was holding something back from me. I knew that he wished his son was a mutant just as much as I did.
He shifted his gaze down to mine reading my facial expression. “Don't think that I hate him for not being like you and me. I can't ever hate my own son.”
“I know that, honey. I just know we need to explain it to them before they get any older. Especially if we feel like our daughter should be taught at Charles school.” Intertwining my hand with his I laid my head on his chest. Erik wrapped his arms around my waist holding me close just enjoying the little family we had created.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
10 | The Debate
Series: A Zombie's Serenity 
Paring: Zed Necrodopolis x OFC Buchanan!
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: Might be a few mistakes, and I'm using Brenna D'Amico as how the OC's looks
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"I so have this election and debate in the bag today. That Zombie is going to make a fool of himself." I hear Bucky talking to our parents as I walk downstairs. 
"You don't know that." I give him a look. 
"Yeah, I do. People like me more than him." He chuckles, "Plus he's a monster. Who wants a monster for president?" He looks at our parents. 
"People who agree with what he can bring to the school." My mom says making Bucky roll his eyes.
"People will see they don't need a monster." He leaves getting up and heads out the door first then I follow. 
When I get to school I see the Willa walking alone so I jog over to her. "Willa." I make her turn around. "This belong to you wolves." I hand the box over to her as the others so up. 
"What are you doing?" Wyatt's asks.
"I know I'm not a werewolf so the stone isn't necessary for me to have. I didn't want to take it last night but Wyatt handed it me and I didn't want to seem rude by not accepting it. The only reason any of you think I'm a werewolf is because of my hair. Maybe it has some reason behind it but I'm just me and I'm fine with it. I'm sorry for not even trying to put it on but you need it more than me. I respect you all as a pack but I can't be something I'm not. I hope you can respect that and understand." I walk away from them going to look for Zed. When I turn the down one of the halls Zed sees and rushes over to me.
"I just want you to think about everything with the were-," I cut him off leaning up to kiss him. Since he wasn't expecting it he froze in place making me laugh as I step back. "What was that for?" He looks at me confused. 
"The same reason why you kissed me." I say making him smile. 
"What about the wolves?" He makes me chuckle. 
"I gave the wolves their necklace back because that's not who I am. And I never thought I was one. I'm just plan old normal, Serenity Astra Buchanan. There's nothing special about me or my hair. Just me." I tell him with a smile. 
"You're special to me." He takes my hand into his. I step closer leaning up to kiss him again but as he leans down Eliza shows up. 
"What are you two doing?" She laughs. 
"Talking." Zed tells her. 
"Yeah, because that's what it looked like. Now we're gonna be late for the debate." She tells him so we leave.
"You're going to prove to everyone that we're more then just..." Eliza says as we enter the room but Zed and I see the banners Bucky put up. 
"Monsters." He says making her look. "Bucky made me look..." He starts. 
"Scary... I'm so sorry. I should have thought he was up to something when he said something this morning." I sigh as everyone looks at him as we walk through them. 
"You don't need to apologize." He lets out a big sigh. 
"I'm not surprised your brother would do something like this." Eliza tells me as Zed starts to pace. 
"I'm not either. He's such a pain." I huff. 
"You got your speech?" Eliza asks Zed and he pulls it out that had the moonstone necklace the wolves gave Addison.
"Why do you have that?" I ask him. 
"I took it. I can't let her become a werewolf. She's a good friend and being a monster isn't easy. I would've took yours too if I had to opportunity to if you were gonna do it because I want to protect you. All of this was for you." He tells us. 
"No, Zed. All of this is bigger than me. This is for you, for Eliza, for all zombies. It's more important to Zombies than to me." I tell him making Eliza smile at me. 
"Look, we'll deal with this later, okay? Just become president. That's what zombies need." Eliza puts Addison's necklace back in his jacket before giving him a pat. "
You got this and you will do great." I give him a smile then go over to Eliza. 
"I really appreciate you." She tells me. 
"For speaking the truth?" I ask and she nods her head.
Bucky get introduced first then Eliza introduces Zed, "Hear him roar!" She says making him tell her no. "Zed'll fight for you!" She shouts making him go over to her. 
"You know what, um, I'm not going to fight. Cause, no, this isn't a fight. This is just a nice lil' cordial debate we're having here today." He tells everyone making Principal Lee say that's good to hear and they high five making her happy. 
"Are you ready to battle?" She asks making everyone cheer.
"It is my mission." Bucky starts. 
"We got a goal in mind." The Acey's add. 
"Save our tradition." Bucky tries to get people to understand. 
"That is the bottom line." The three add again. 
"We're always winning." I try not to laugh at him. 
"Look how the trophies shine." I shake my head at them. 
"You're going down, bury you back underground." Bucky tells Zed. 
"I'm the one who stands up for the people. I embrace diversity, treat everyone as equal." Zed tells the crowd. 
"Zed is thoughtful." I add. 
"Thanks." He smiles. 
"He's a natural born leader." Eliza and I say together. 
"True." He agrees with us. 
"And if you think about it, Bucky is neither." Eliza says making me hold back a laugh.
"Yo, I will win this race. I'm a cheer rock star, mirrors love my face." Bucky says being himself.
"Your ego made your head so big, you can't see. You got no shot to beat me." Zed tells making the crowd oh. 
"I know you hear me, if you're with me stand up!" Bucky and the Acey's get some of the crowd to stand up. 
"No way you'll win if you go against us." The three of us say. 
"In pictures we're more glamorous." Bucky says making Eliza and I look at each other. 
"You want a battle with the best? Good luck, let's go!" Zed tells him.
{ Zed, Bucky, Both } You need a leader who looks out for the crowd (Then I'm winning!) Someone that'll make you proud (Then I'm winning!) There through the ups-and-downs (I'm winning!) Let me hear you scream it loud (I'm winning!)
"I challenge an old way of thinkin'." Zed tells Bucky. 
"Yo, I know I'll be a much better president." Bucky puts his hands in his hips. 
"Tell 'em your reasons!" The Acey's says making me look at them. 
"I'm a real human, there's no danger in that! They're real monsters, what if they turn back?" Bucky tells the crowd. 
"We aren't monsters, man, we win the football games. We join the cheer squad, monsters wouldn't do those things. We got a good attitude." Zed tries making a point. 
"Dude, you eat brains." Bucky looks at him. 
"If I did, you don't have one, So you'd be safe." Zed tells him and I laugh. 
"Ooh, zigna-doo, ding, badda-doo. Bidda-ba, didda-bo, deeda-za, ba-doo, a-doo-wop." Bonzo decides to join in.
"You're all weird and strange." Bucky makes me roll my eyes. 
"We are here for change! We need a president who will do whatever it takes." Zed makes a huge point to people. 
"Look, we can go back and forth, but in the end it's facts. You're a monster and you can't debate that." Bucky points at him. 
"I know you hear me, if you're with me stand up!" Zed, Eliza and me tell the crowd making Zombies stand up. 
"No way you'll win if you go against us!" Bucky makes his side stand up. 
"I know we'll be victorious!" We tell him. 
"You want a battle with the best? Good luck, let's go!" Bucky shouts making us all dance with who we were for.
{ Zed, Bucky, Both } You need a leader who looks out for the crowd! (Then I'm winning!) Someone that'll make you proud! (Then I'm winning!) There through the ups-and-downs! (I'm winning!) Let me hear you scream it loud! (I'm winning!)
"You wanna change Seabrook?" Bucky tells Zed. 
"Yeah, for the better." Zed says. 
"Aha, I knew it. How's it better to have zombies at Prawn?" Bucky asks. 
"Our dance game's strong!" Zed tells him and zombies stand up. 
"What?!" Bucky asks confused. 
"Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" We all shout doing a dance. 
"Zombie-tongue in Seabrook, zabba-dabba-zinga." Bucky mocks. 
"I think I'd make a fine president, too. Thanks for the compliment! I think you'd like Zombie as a second language, it's an easy A!" Zed tells him. 
"What's next, more Zombie days on calendars?" Bucky laughs. 
"More holidays." Zed makes zombies cheer. 
"Woah, woah!" Bucky sees his side taking Zed flyers. 
"And as an added perk. If I'm president, no more homework!" Zed shouts.
{ Zed, Bucky, Both } You need a leader that looks out for the crowd (Then I'm winning!) Someone that'll make you proud (Then I'm winning!) There through the ups-and-downs (I'm winning!) Let me hear you scream it loud (I'm winning!) You need a leader that looks out for the crowd (Then I'm winning!) Someone that'll make you proud (Then I'm winning!) There through the ups-and-downs (I'm winning!) Let me hear you scream it loud (I'm winning!)
Zed gets everyone to cheer for him making Bucky panic and whine. "Zed for prez! Vote for me, because I swear I'm no monster." Zed tells everyone before his Z-Band acts up making him zombie out. 
"Oh, no." We rush over to him. 
"Addison's necklace is shutting down your Z-band." Eliza tells him while everyone starts to scream and panic. 
"See! See! He's a monster!" Bucky goes up to him. 
"Knock it off, Bucky." I get up on the stage. 
"Can't let them see me as a monster." Zed tries to control himself. 
"Breathe. Focus, okay? You can control this. You don't have to hide, Zed. You did it before remember?" I try to get close to him but Bucky tugs me back hard. 
"I know you won't hurt me, big guy. But they don't." Bucky gets in Zeds face so I pull him back. "Come on, throw it!" Bucky tells him as he picks up the podium and he does. 
"You're ridiculous." I shove Bucky out of my way walking up to Zed to remove Addison's necklace but I need to get him to stop moving around. 
"Zed, look at me." I tell him so he does roaring and jerking his head around. "You can control this." He slowly starts to calm down enough looking at me to were I could pull the necklace off his band. He goes back to normal looking at everyone scared of him before running off while Bucky gets a sly smile. "Jerk." I punch his shoulder before running after Zed.
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crmsnmth · 5 months
September Sky Chapter Seven, Part 1
"It is too. Hear me out," I said, almost spilling the cup of coffee sitting on the metal table in front of me. I was animated.
"Fine, I'll hear this crazy theory," Chad cut his laughter. We were meeting with Alana in a few hours. Chad had come early intentionally so we could hang out for a bit, just the two of us. Catch up. And we had done that, and now things were back to as if there never was any distance in this friendship.
"How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad? Trying hard not to smile, though I feel bad. I'm the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral. Can't understand what I mean? Well, you soon will. That's all I should have to say. He's basically saying he's going to laugh at her funeral. The narrator of the song killed her. In each chorus he's telling you what stage he's at." We were sitting outside a local cafe called Fuel. It was a coffee shop on steroids, and their coffee was a hundred times better than the chain store Collectivo Coffee. It wasn't even a contest.
"You need to go outside more," Chad said deadpan. Chad was a bigger guy, but then again everyone seemed bigger than me. His shoulder length hair was held back in a high ponytail. A thick yet trimmed and taken care of beard covered the bottom half of his face. Without it, his face matched that of a five year old's. He was dressed in all black. The uniform of the alternative children.
"That's your reply? Come on. That song is about a domestic murder. Otherwise that line is pointless."
"Have you listened to the lyrics? I think it's supposed to be pointless."
"That's what I always thought too, but then I really listened to it. It's about murder, dude." I will die on this hill. That song is 100% about a domestic murder. Do not try me, I will argue this forever.
"You're really stretching. The verses aren't about murder. They don't even make sense." Chad said, taking a drink of his coffee. It didn't matter that it was close to 80 degrees out, we were still drinking hot coffee. Outside and in the sun, even. Fuel always put up some metal tables and some very uncomfortable metal chairs.
"Exactly. They're to throw you off the actual words. The verses weren't ever supposed to make sense. It's just adrenaline rushed nonsense. Just a distraction to the chorus and bridges." Every table outside was full. But it was also a nice day out. People walked up and down the sidewalks. Somewhere near, music was pumped into the air.
"You really need to get outside. Leave the house sometimes." Chad said.
"I do."
"I mean, more than just Addison's place and work."
"I'm at Fuel right now."
"Would you be here if I wasn't here?"
"It's possible. Hey, I have three places I could be in. There's nothing wrong with that." I said defiantly.
"You think of some weird shit." Chad laughed.
"So I've been told."
A couple walking hand and hand passed by our table. They were talking with exaggerated movements. For once I smiled at seeing it. It may not have been all that much of a change, but even a subtle change towards being healthier was a plus. The fact that I could see a couple and not feel the deep dark well open up in my stomach was a huge fact to me.
"How's things been with Addison anyway?" Chad asked
"Really good. I invited her to tag alone if she wanted, but she's on-call so she really can't."
"On call?"
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lokisis · 1 year
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You will get no context. However here's some more points abt this spam:
he's recovering!!! Slowly. His hair isn't dyed, but rather "tainted" by the puppetification. That's why only a bit is white again, he's still under the effects, just lesser.
He's a mechanic again, but now he gets to go crazy with it. Some monsters want mechs or random upgrades to their cars, and he'll be damned if he doesn't deliver!
The partnership with SCC is mutual! They provide scrap parts and help with bigger builds occasionally. It's a 50/50 split for profit (Spam thought about skewing it, but got hastily shunned by his friends)
And lastly, Spamton only hires disabled Addisons and other disabled monsters. He knows what it's like, and doesn't want anyone else to deal with what he had to. His personal assistant is blind in one eye!
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favdream · 1 year
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♡          META  /  HEADCANON          :          BEDROOM.
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prior to entering adolescence and her teenage years, addison received a very special gift from mark and anthony : a bigger bedroom, complete with a bathroom specifically made for her. originally belonging to mark and his wife prior to her passing, the room was given to addison years later when the need arise for her to have her own seperate space from her other family members. this room is the same one we see in tomboy, particularly in issues one to five ( albeit only briefly in issues one and three ) as well as issue seven.
prior to anything, it is worth mentioning that addison's walls are either a pale shade of lavender or pink. i, myself, tend to favor pink more due to cues obtained from mia on visual presentation in tomboy. indeed, as stated here, red and pink depict evil, whereas blue represents good and goodness . when debating whether or not she was right to kill those cops, saint nick's first appearance to her, sleeping, choosing to rescue her friend or heading off to her bathroom to wash off blood off herself, all lights are turned off, causing the room to appear blue. when talking with anthony about the ambidrex 20 and its link to nick and paolo's death, as well as addison's conversation with saint nick at the end of issue four, the lights are turned on, causing the room to appear pink. i believe these choices to be made on purpose, and hints as to how these various events affect addison's moral compass.
walking through the door, the first thing one can see is a large, comfortable canopy bed pushed against the wall, covered in pillows and wrapped in pink bedsheets. on the walls, posters depicting some of addison's favorite things, including a small poster representing a wintermelon wolf. speaking of the door, a giant poster of princess cheery cherry takes almost all the room, and a wintermelon wolf plush can be seen hanging from the doorknob. next to addison's bed are some shelves acting as a bedside table, where she stores books, picture albums and books alike. on top, a small trinket shaped to ressemble a yellow hot air balloon. pictures in the shelves mostly include pictures of addison with her friends, some which are flipped in issue five and are hinted to be pictures of her with nick. also important to addison is a specific picture of what seems to be her and jessica on a day off, arms wrapped around one another and looking both happy and peaceful. at the end of that wall rests a large window, with some wooden hooks on the wall next to it, where addison puts her red coat and mask when she doesn't need them. next to those hooks are the door leading to addison's mostly blue bathroom, as well as her closet.
on the same wall as her door are some fairy lights, hung all across the wall from one extremity to the other. on the wall, more posters, including a heart shape she once cut and stuck there for fun. finally, there is a vanity with a vase, where she sits down to brush her hair or prepare herself when going out with her teammates or friends. the room also includes a fuzzy carpet and a more traditional one, both shades of pink.
when in her bedroom, addison seems to feel safe, treating the room as some sort of safe space where she can be herself or blow some steam off. it is also an area where she allows herself to be free and experiment, without having her father and grandfather's cautious eyes over her. however, following the events of issue six, the room suddenly becomes some sort of prison, every single triket and item reminding her of the person she used to be and the innocence she lost in her pursuit of justice and revenge.
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ayankun · 2 years
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I posted 888 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#the spirit of the rant was "lololololololol cw does crisis to put all their characters on ine earth to make it easier to justify crossovers
My Top Posts in 2022:
imagine it now they start a spark
Fandom: Z-O-M-B-I-E-S (Disney) Type: um it's the same genre as the movies Characters: Zed/Addison, literally everyone else is here Warnings: this is Mouse-Certified Wholesome Content, but there is some what do they call it, mild peril in the third act Word Count: ~23k Tag: So I saw a prompt in the tags one time a million years ago and thought "I could do that," and then accidentally engineered a sequel to the second movie using hammed-up themes from the franchise that resonate with me and me only.
imagine it now they start a spark
"Hi, I'm Addison!  Welcome to Seabrook, Town of Tomorrow!"
Addison Wells:  blue-eyed, sixteen years old, fearlessly optimistic, and a perfectly ordinary human being.  Unearthly silver-white hair notwithstanding.
With a grin bright enough to cast shadows at high noon, she gestures overhead at the crisp professionally printed banner that hangs across the entryway into her parents' pastel kitchen.  It reads "Seabrook Centennial" in crisp pastel block letters.
"It's a pretty good city motto, right?  Working towards a better future is a totally cool thing.  But for Seabrook Day this summer, we're actually taking a look back at the town's past to celebrate the hundred years since our ancestors first settled here.  And let me tell you, a lot has changed since then."
Addison pauses, her grin slipping a little bit.  She straightens her baby-blue jacket and shakes her head once.  Shoulders squared, she continues with a determined cheeriness.
"Seabrook Day's always been a big deal, and the main event is the Night Show!  That's where the Mighty Shrimps cheer squad goes all out with a special Seabrook Day routine, followed by the loudest, brightest fireworks display you've ever seen.  But this year we're going to go even bigger than ever.  That's because our community is bigger than it's ever been. This year, for the first time, we're going to celebrate a new and improved Seabrook.  Past, present, and future.  That means everyone's invited.  Right, Zed?"
She sweeps an arm out with a flourish, handing off the introductions to her co-announcer.
Zed Necrodopolis:  green-haired, six feet tall, comically animated, and a pretty typical zombie.  
He throws himself into a forward roll down the narrow front hall of his dad's brick row house, popping to his feet just inside the cozy, tattered dining room.
Read the rest on AO3!
6 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
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Big Red contemplating using the cologne to win over Ashlyn, while Ricky sings Bet On It, is truly chef's kiss.
Also fun foreshadowing for Ricky "missing the point" Bowen's S2 arc, too.
EDIT: OMG it's Miss Jenn's arc, tooooooo. Ricky and Miss Jenn lose themselves in the pursuit of what they want. Everyone else (citation needed) finds themselves.
8 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
Ohhhh myyyyy gooood Martha Kent just shut down Jonathan Kent's mansplainy conjecture on the nonsense sci-fi plot MacGuffin with a peeved, "Jonathan, this isn't about trying to figure out what happened," and lordy if I haven't seen anything more important depicted on my TV screen.
Clark's in Smallville to get advice, and the need to get advice is just a narrative construct, a means to an end. The end is character-driven storytelling, where it's not what happens that's important, it's why what happens matters to whom it happens to.
Martha Kent, my hero.
8 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
👏👏👏Legends of Tomorrow👏👏👏
10 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Speed Racer (2008) is a story about cycles of time, it's about the tragedy of the past informing the present and the hope that the present will inform the future; it's about being stuck doing laps on a track that will never change, unless maybe somehow you're brave enough to change yourself, and then seeing what happens differently this time because you did.
Anyway, shout out to Lana and Lilly Wachowski everybody!!!!
20 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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gatorbeast · 3 years
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also, my spamton was always shorter than the addisons but the acid made him even shorter and disproportionate, with his head staying the same size, upper body only shrinking a little, and his legs shrinking the most bc of how he got dunked in there.
spamton started off as a rare defective addison without color who would glitch his speech and would send his email ads over and over uncontrollably and as a result was off putting and didn’t get many sales. because of this he was assigned all the crappy deals nobody else wanted to sell. all the other addisons call eachother by their colors, but he didn’t really have any color, he was always an odd off-white or slightly reflected the colors around him (he looks greenish because his clothes have green aspects). they couldn’t settle on what to call him and just called him addispam as a nickname that caught on because of his tendency to copy speech and blurt out glitched words, as well as sending way too many of his ads out
eventually he opened his own auto shop selling cars to try and make a name for himself despite his odd appearance and distorted unsettling glitched speech, wasn’t very successful and he started to get desperate. he was very stubborn that he would succeed and would tell all the other addisons (close business friends) how one day he was going to make it big.
one fateful day in 1997, he got a phone call asking him if he wanted to know how to succeed. his life immediately changed and within months went from a nobody to a famous celebrity millionaire, and he’ll remember this as the best year of his life.
the voice on the phone told him that his unusual speech and tendency to repeat ads could be used as a secret advantage and “trained” it, so his glitched voice could be used as ad space and his repeating methods of sending ads could be utilized as a special new method of advertisement called “spam”, named after him. he got control over his speech and could use this unique ability like a soundboard, where he could choose where to shout-out his sponsors or newest product at any time. this proved to be a REALLY good idea/ability and he ended up getting more customers than anyone.
along with this, he recorded a commercial for his auto shop where he said the catchy slogan “nows your chance to be a big shot, at big shot autos!”, which got in everyone’s head and somehow became a household name. to look more appealing and standing out from the other addisons, he plucked his whiskers, dyed his hair, and started slicking it back. he changed his name to spamton, closer to a lightner name, to stand out even more and be memorable.
he started getting interviews, bigger deals, business opportunities, front pages in magazines, tv shows, and mostly commercials where he would show up with his sparkly suit and slicked back hair and repeat his iconic phrase. everyone loved it, but his friends all got jealous and abandoned him. he was so successful that he even got his own branch of the city dedicated to him, called Spamtown, with his face everywhere. spamton was given full control of it, and could control the sky like a hologram, running ads through it, or his face, or anything else. (this is it abandoned, with the sky full of static from spamton not putting anything up there. later on in the neo fight, he decides to make the sky look like heaven, which is why the background turns to his shop background. that’s how he remembers heaven looking, and because he believes he’s going to be free, takes control of the sky again and makes it look like his favorite thing. gonna talk about heaven a lot more below)
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he was a lobbyist at this point, and used his absurd amount of money to get whatever he wanted. but it still… wasnt enough.
you all know what happens next.
one day in the mansion, he was talking on the phone as usual, asking for what to do next now that he had it all. his life had meaning now! but… what would he do with it? just make more ads, just sell more? he was always hungry for something bigger, something better. he wanted to be remembered without being tethered down to this identity he made for himself. he wanted to be free. he had gotten a taste of greatness and couldnt stop wanting more- he couldn’t explain it but he felt there was more for him. the voice told him that he could never have it. he told him the reason for that was because they were all living in a fake world where nobody had any control of their lives. after all, they all relied on the lightners. lightners made the internet, they were the addisons customers, they were the ones who swatchlings created art for. he didn’t realize it, but everyone in his whole life ultimately had no freedom at all, stuck in a loop.
he was deeply distressed by this, but the voice told him to go to the basement and see what he really meant. so he did, and he saw the abandoned neo machine. inside of it was the shadow crystal.
when he looked into it, he saw something he had never seen before. he was looking into the light world, out the computer screen all his life and everything he’s known was inside, the computer pointed towards a window. he saw the trees blowing in the wind, the breeze, the air, the clouds in the sky and of course the sun. he had never seen anything like it and immediately knew that was what he was made for- that was the bigness he wanted so badly. to experience what was outside this tiny world. something so beautiful he called it HEAVEN. and the neo body could take him there. if he could get inside of it, he would be bigger than ever before. after all, the neo body was HOLY. it was a lightners creation, someone who lived in heaven. it was an angel. if he could just get into it, all his problems would be solved.
but heaven was too bright for him- his kind was never meant to see that. it burned his eyes, and he couldn’t look at life the same way ever again. he was sensitive to bright light from then on. he became obsessed with heaven and saw the neo body as a god that showed him purpose, and started praying to it.
when he went back up to his room to beg the voice to tell him more, there was nothing. just garbage noise.
it all went downhill from there.
without the voice to train his speech and stop him from glitching and giving him advice on how to sell his products, he lost control. but he wasn’t just without any guidance- some outside force was now controlling him. the help and guidance he got from the voice was not just on the phone anymore, it was always there with him, not speaking, just controlling without spamton asking to. he censored his speech, controlled where he walked, made him smile all the time.
after all, spamton wanted structure and control. this is what he wanted, what he asked for. right?
he became completely unstable, he didn’t know what to do anymore. his voice returned to the glitchy unstableness he had before he made that call, and had no control over when the glitches happened. every day he would spend hours praying to the neo machine, asking for help that never came. sales dropped, he became frantic, and one day on a live commercial he snapped, and starting raving about heaven and angels and the bright sun he saw that day, about how everything they worked for was just in a little metal box. nobody believed him. everyone thought he was crazy and suddenly his sales dropped to zero, his reputation was ruined, he was a total disgrace. Spamtown was shut down and all contact with it was removed, the rollercoaster transport systems moved to the basement so nobody could get there anymore. the whole place was left to rot. who wants to live in a place dedicated to a delusional maniac?
queen demanded he was removed from the mansion lest her reputation be ruined as well. spamton desperately demanded he had to stay- how would he live without praying to neo, seeing that little glimpse of heaven to push him on every day? the swatchlings took the furniture out of his room, and the head butler was told to use lethal force to get this scum out of the mansion. he was burnt in acid and thrown out to the dogs, broken beyond repair and without a scrap of freedom left.
he tried starting up his shop again, but nobody would even look at him anymore. he was a complete disgrace. one day, he tried to impersonate swatch to get a chance to see the neo machine and heaven again, dressing up as them using the last money he had left to buy the outfit, but was thrown out. he became so distressed about not seeing heaven that he tried to recreate it in his home, painting the blue skies with clouds and the sun he saw from the shadow crystal. he kept wearing the swatch impersonation outfit because his old red suit was ruined from acid, and as it turns out, the tinted bicolored glasses did wonders for his light sensitivity. and so it went, living in the dumpster and waiting for the right chance to get into the neo body and get free from his living prison.
my neo design will have his whole separate page ;] but his fight takes place on the rollercoaster going around his whole abandoned town dedicated to him, which adds a whole other layer of angst onto the already horrible neo fight
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howlsaur · 2 years
I love Disney's Z-O-M-B-I-E-S trilogy (I know it's Not Good but I can't help loving it) but I REALLY wish the writers had made some better choices.
Using zombies who were actually dangerous as an analogy for racism seems pretty Not Great. Off the top of my head, couldn't they have just never been dangerous? Like, couldn't people fear them for literally no reason besides looking different?
And who let Addison say "I know how that feels" to Zed? She wears a blonde wig over slightly more blonde hair, she absolutely does not know what the zombies are going through. That line is so hard for me to ignore, and I really wish she just acknowledged how unfair Zed's situation is instead.
I also wish they'd given Addison something bigger to feel different about. Even blue hair would have been better. Her "freakish" hair is so similar to the colour of her wig that I'd regularly forget that there was supposed to be something "different" about her.
These movies are so cheesy and fun, and I love so much about them, but some of their more glaring issues are just so hard to wrap my head around.
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Pissed Off Biersack
Summary: After not being able to be the flower girl for her godmother’s wedding, Addison Biersack felt an emotion that she never had before.
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‘How is she?’ The text came through from the concerned mother.
‘She’s resting. When I checked her temp last, she was still sitting at 101,’ Heather responded, running her fingers through her grandbaby’s dark brown curls.
‘Should we take her to the doctor?’ Amber texted. This was day three of Addison being sick, and of all days for her to come down with whatever bug she had- on the day of her godmother’s wedding.
The one she was actually super excited for since she was actually around to be a flower girl.
‘If her fever doesn’t break by tonight, then yeah. But she’ll be okay honey. Tell Ella and Alex I said congratulations 😊’
“Gamma?” Came the croak from the three year old laying her head on her grandmother’s lap.
“Yes princess?” Heather answered, moving curls from her flushed and clammy face.
“Can I still be a flower girl?” She asked and what Heather had to say broke her heart.
“Not when you’re sick like this Princess,” Heather soothed, to no avail though because big fat tears welled up in the three year old’s eyes.
“Why?” Her voice cracked and Heather gave her a sympathetic smile.
“Because you’re sick. You wouldn’t wanna get Auntie Ella and Uncle Alex sick, would you?” Heather asked, hoping desperately that Addison was sick enough not to stick to her guns.
“No?” She crossed her little arms across her chest before a coughing fit took over her small body.
“Gamma, it hurts,” she whimpered when the fit ended.
“I know baby. Do you wanna watch some cartoons while I make you some soup?”
“Can I have red juice?” She asked.
“Yeah, but you have to have water too honey,” Heather pressed a kiss to Addison’s forehead before heading into her kitchen to make the soup and grab a little bottle of Gatorade for her. She poured half of the bottle in her sippy cup and topping it off with water.
After the wedding, Andy and Amber came by to pick up their little princess, who’s fever slightly broke during the wedding. She was asleep when the pair pulled up to Heather’s house in the Hills.
“My mom texted me like an hour ago and said her fever broke. But we’ll wanna keep an eye on her tonight,” Amber whispered while they stood at the door. After a few moments, Heather answered with a sleepy Addy dressed in her footie pajamas and curly hair in pigtails braids.
“How has she been?” Amber asked, making sure her temperament didn’t change.
“She’s been normal,” Heather told her with a smile. She finally got a look at her own baby girl and son in law. Amber was dressed in a floor length flowy champagne colored dress, and Andy stood beside her with a black tux that had a matching champagne colored handkerchief in his suit.
“Heather, is her stuff in the living room?” Andy asked softly.
“Most of it is in Amber’s old room. But her sippy cup, bear, and baby blanket are in the living room,” she told her son in law.
“No honey. Just take Addy. I’ll grab her stuff. She’s a daddy’s girl,” Amber told him softly, putting her hand gently on his arm.
“Addison, come here sweetie. Daddy’s got you,” he told her gently, taking the toddler from Heather.
“I feel like I just passed off Amber,” Heather laughed.
“Amber was this big as a toddler?” Andy questioned. He knew that his wife inherited her father’s height. But Addison seemed so much bigger than other kids her age.
“Yeap. She’ll probably be the same height as her, maybe a little taller since you’re taller than Tommy,” Heather told him as Addison snuggled against her dad’s chest, the vibrations from his baritone voice helping soothe her.
“Daddy? Can you sing me to sleep?” She asked drowsily.
“When we get home, I will honey. Do you want me to put on one of my cd’s in the car on the way home?” He asked and she nodded. He kissed her forehead and a smile pulled at Addison’s lips.
“I’ve got her stuff. Thanks again mom,” Amber pulled Heather into an awkward hug since she was trying not to spill or drop anything.
“Of course honey. Keep me posted on how she is,”
“We will,” Amber promised, kissing her mom on the cheek.
“Thanks again Heather,” Andy told her with a smile, before taking Addison to the car and buckled her in.
“Beary? Blankey?” Addison croaked and Amber gave both things to her.
“Here you go baby. I’m putting your sippy cup next to you,” Amber told her before pressing a kiss to her forehead and climbing into the passenger seat while Andy picked Addison’s favorite of his albums to play on the way home.
After just over a week, Ella showed up at the Biersack home.
Mainly to show pictures from the honeymoon, but also to check on Addison.
It broke her heart that her godbaby couldn’t be at the wedding when she was so excited.
“Addy, Auntie Ella’s here,” Andy told her when he answered the door.
The three year old, who was almost completely back to normal, let out a huff, making sure to whip her pigtails as she went to her playroom to go play.
She was still mad that she couldn’t be a flower girl.
Her auntie/godmother promised.
“Everything okay with her?” Ella asked as she entered the home, Persephone, the family’s golden retriever, coming up to greet the newlywed.
“She’s been like that since the wedding. She’s mad that she wasn’t a flower girl,”
“But she was sick,” Ella’s eyebrows knitted together.
“Doesn’t matter. You promised,” Amber shrugged.
“Yeap. She definitely got your personality,” Ella told her cousin, who gently shoved her.
“Alright, let’s see pictures,” Amber told her, leading her to the couch where Persephone curled next to Ella.
“Just scroll through the album. I’m gonna go talk to Amber’s mini me,”
“But she looks like me!” Andy objected.
“Looks like you Biersack, but acts just like her mama,”
“Hey!” Amber called out as Ella walked towards the playroom. She knocked on the door, hearing her niece’s voice pitch low as she was playing with one of her male dolls.
“Hey munchkin. How are you feeling? Mommy said you were sick,” Ella asked her and Addison pointedly ignored her aunt.
“Alright, what’s up? Normally you plow into me when I come over, and now? Not a peep?” Ella sat on the futon and Addison continued to ignore her.
“Come on Addy. What’s wrong honey?” She questioned, her voice getting much softer.
A small tear streaming down Addy’s cheek betrayed her. Ella gave her a sympathetic smile.
“So how was August at doing our job?” She asked, a note of venom in her voice that Ella never heard from the toddler.
“I really wanted you there sweetheart. But you were sick Princess,” she told her and opened her arms for a hug. That was what caused the damn to burst.
“August replaced me,” she walked into her aunt’s open arms and tried to wrap her tiny arms around Ella as tight as possible.
“No Addy. Nobody could replace you. I promise. You’re my first niece. And my very first godbaby. Do you know what that means?” Ella asked her with a smile, as tears threatened to spill from her emerald orbs. Addison shook her head.
“That means that I love you more than any other kids,” Ella told her, lifting her cheek, and moving some baby hairs from her ivory forehead.
“Really?” Addison asked, wiping her face with the sleeve of her sweater.
“Yeah Munchkin,” Ella told her and Addison wrapped her arms around Ella’s neck.
“I love you auntie,” Addison whispered in her ear, and a beaming smile came over Ella’s lips.
“I love you too Addy,” she told her while rubbing her back soothingly.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
I'm sorry but i'm addicted to our boy Spamton- I have a little unique request here. So this takes place where Spamton just moves in the Queen's mansion, he meets the reader and immediately falls for their kind words and gestures. Weeks pass, and he goes to see them, but catches them talking and hanging out with Swatch.. He gets really jealous to the point of changing his style to match Swatch's
"Oh [y/n]! Have You Met Our Newest Guest?"
"Uh, I don't believe-"
"He's An Interesting Addison Who Made A Big Name For Himself! Ohohoho!" Queen laughed joyously, pausing to sip her glass of battery acid. "I Wonder How He Got So Rich...No Matter. As My Peon, I Order You Greet Him......Whenever It's Convenient For You."
"Sure thing. I'll go now." With a respectful nod, you set off to the mansion's guest chambers to meet this newcomer. You've lived here for a long time--and somewhat reluctantly since Queen decided to make you one of her peons one day. But life was actually pretty good.
It wasn't like you had anything better to do, so if she needed someone to help her with plans that..didn't seem all-that urgent, you'll offer your assistance. She let you stay in the mansion for free and never made you do anything if you weren't feeling up to it.
For a tyrannical ruler she was rather kind.
Yet you didn't wanna take advantage of her hospitality, so you'd just listen to whatever she says. And if she wants you to meet this celebrity as part of her endless lists of requests, then you'll happily oblige. But you were eager too since you've seen his face on TV a lot. It felt like an honor.
After wandering the corridors of deactivated puzzles, Mona Lisa-esque portraits, and meticulously-placed pottery, you finally arrived at the guest rooms. You hummed a small tune as you passed by each one, stopping when you noticed one door was open.
Peeking inside, you saw the Addison still setting up things. A phone was tucked between his shoulder and ear as he moved a box whilst rambling to whoever was on the other end of the line.
"Yea! I promise I won't let you down, okay? Soon I'll be bigger than ever before! I know I'm already a big shot but....haha, yeah, I shouldn't get carried away. Okay. Right..we'll discuss more of this tomorrow. Thanks!"
After hanging up the phone and returning it to the receiver, he finally noticed you and smiled. "Hey, hey! Haven't seen your face around here yet. But surely you know mine, right?"
"Yeah." You smiled, not wanting to shy away from talking with him. "Spamton, right?"
"Everybody's favorite number-one rated salesman!!" He laughed. "It's good you know me..'cuz soon ALL of Cyber World will know my name! It's a pleasure to meet you...?"
"[Y/n]. I'm one of Queen's peons." You shook his hand politely. The energy that radiated from him was so bright. Just as much as his pearly smile was.
Stepping inside, you glanced around at the luxurious furniture. He definitely got the higher-class rooms, with the addition of a large window that showed the neon green meridians that stretched across the night sky. It was certainly a beautiful view to fall asleep to. "Need help unpacking?"
"Oh--sure!!" At first Spamton seemed surprised by your offer, but he nodded. "If you want, be my guest. And while we unpack, I gotta ask you..how's it being Queen's peon?"
Weeks passed, and you've gotten to know Spamton more and more. You realized he was actually a sweet down-to-earth guy all around. Although he was on the phone a lot, he'd make time to hang out with you, so you two became fast friends.
He was truly living the best life. Posters of his car advertisements were littered all over the city, and the Swatchlings attended to his every need. Though one thing was hard to admit, even when it seemed like he had it all:
You were his only friend now that everyone else is intimidated by his status--as they would shy away from conversing with him--and the Addisons, well, abandoned him out of jealousy.
Obviously that made him worry about driving you away, especially when he's on the phone nonstop. But...the fact you've been so kind to him in every word and gesture, treating him like a regular person and not some untouchable celebrity, was quite endearing. Most admired him for his products, not his personality.
Your kindness made him fall for you hard and fast, ever since day one. He wasn't sure if this was a good idea; to let it get in the way of his business.
But what the hell? He was a big shot! He can afford to go a bit bigger and take more risks. Living in this mansion with someone who loved him would be the perfect dream.
There was a much bigger dream that his valued caller insisted he focused on, but that can come later.
So this morning, Spamton set out to find you to address these feelings once and for all. Yet he was rather nervous. Addisons were most confident in selling products, not so much...everything else. But he didn't wanna back down. He kept smiling no matter what.
As he checked inside the color café that he usually frequented, he saw you eating at the table. He noticed you weren't alone but with Swatch, talking and...
Laughing with them?
And just like that, his smile faded much like his hope.
Of course, the head butler had their ways to swoon people. He tried not to think of it as anything more than just their personality. It's just their way to entice returning customers.
That's all...right?
Spamton ducked behind one of the displays, listening in on your conversation to determine if he should proceed or not.
"By the way, we've known each other for a while and..I've always wanted to ask you something.."
"Yes? What is your inquiry?"
He held his breath. This is exactly what he feared. Knowing that you've been here longer, it's obvious you'd be closer to that damn bird-
"Your outfit."
Then he exhaled shakily, relieved. 'What are you getting so worked up for, idiot?' He thought in the back of his mind, but he continued eavesdropping.
"Did the Queen make it or give it to you? It's very stylish and really makes you stand out from the other Swatchlings."
"Ah, in fact I decided this look for myself." Swatch chuckled softly, raising a wing to adjust their glasses. "The tailor did marvelous work with my vision: black suit, tinted glasses. Very fashionable, is it not?"
"It is. I like it a lot."
"Why thank you. I see why our Lady Grace admires you. Just for that compliment, I'll give you a discount on any of our products in the gift shop."
"Should be every day if you ask me." You joked, earning another chuckle from them.
Seeing all of this and the way you two spoke like close friends was a jab in Spamton's heart-shaped object. 'So [y/n] likes people who stand out? Well I can stand out, too..' He thought bitterly as he stormed out of the shop without either of you knowing he was there.
Why should he settle with being a blank-slate Addison like the rest of them? He didn't consider himself one anymore.
Today, he told his valued caller, he was gonna be a whole new person.
It would help him get closer to both of his dreams, but there was only one on his mind now.
Later that night as you were getting ready for bed, you heard a knock at the door. You huffed in annoyance, assuming Queen needed you for something.
She had a knack for disturbing you at ungodly hours. But knowing better than to ignore her, you went to answer the door anyways-
To some strange black-haired guy in a black suit and white turtleneck sweater.
"Hi, um...can I help you?"
"[Y/n]? It's me."
"Yeah!" The salesman laughed, throwing his arms out and making a pose. "Whatdya think of me now?"
Perplexed, you looked him up and down. He ditched the lime-green pants, instead wearing white trousers. And his hair was slicked back. But what was most peculiar about him were his glasses, tinted with pink and yellow lenses.
Had you not known any better, you would've thought Swatch suddenly shrunk and became robotized.
"Cool but..you kinda look like Swatch a little bit. Was that on purpose?" You mused.
"...haha....yeah uh..funny story. Um.." He dropped the act, losing his trademark grin as he wondered how to explain himself and this sudden transformation. You could tell he wanted to talk inside the room, so you let him in and shut the door.
"I don't recall Queen mentioning any costume contest-"
"It's not a costume." He muttered, uncomfortably rubbing his hands together as he looked at you with sadness. "This is who I am now. The new me."
"..huh? You serious?" When he nodded, you frowned slightly. "I'm confused. You don't look like an Addison anymore-"
"That's the point...! I...I don't wanna be associated with them anymore. I decided to stand out, y'know? If you're gonna be a big shot, ya gotta stand out from the crowd!" He forced a laugh that sounded rather glitchy.
You didn't buy it. It wasn't like him to do this out of the blue.
"Spamton, why imitate Swatch of all people? And why out of the blue like this? I mean..I don't mind if you like their style. But I didn't even recognize you until you spoke."
Try as he might, he couldn't make any better excuses. So seeing that he was cornered made him finally admit his jealousy, overhearing your conversation with Swatch while he was browsing--when he really wasn't, but he didn't wanna come off as creepy.
His voice glitched further due to stress, accidentally blurting out some kind of...flirtatious term as he explained how much you meant to him since day one.
You weren't sure if he meant to say "hot single" on purpose. Though you were flattered that such a famous guy like him...actually had a crush on you, an ordinary Darkner who just fetched the Queen's stick wherever she threw it.
You found it hard to believe he thought of you that way..so you kept your own feelings buried. So to see that it's mutual was a relief, and it made you smile.
Spamton, on the other hand, was stressing the hell out. So much so he didn't even see your smile. He just saw himself being stupid the more he rambled on.
It was such a stupid, stupid reason to get insecure--to the point of changing his entire appearance without warning. All because you were friends with a butler who was doing their job???
How selfish can he get when he already had everything he wanted and more?
When he did acknowledge your small smile, he thought you were holding yourself back from laughing. But you had every right to laugh and call him a joke for thinking this will get your attention.
As he finished talking, he could see your smile fade and huffed. He waited for you to tell him how stupid he looks and to go back to being the plain old Addison you met.
Instead of ridiculing him you...hugged him?
At this point you were sitting on the bed together. Of course yours wasn't as massive as his was, but it was big enough for you two to share.
"Spammy, I'm flattered you like me in that way but...you didn't have to do all of this to get my attention. I promise there's nothing going on between Swatch and I. We're just friends. They're not replacing you or anything."
"I know, it's just.." Taking off the glasses, he set them aside before hugging you tightly, head buried in your chest. "I don't wanna lose the only person in this damn place who makes me feel like myself. Who loves me for me, not my success. And...I-I felt like I had to change something about myself to make sure of that."
"Well..you don't need to change anymore. I love you no matter what you look like."
He blinked, his face turning as red as his cheeks.
You could sense his embarrassment from the way he tensed up in your arms and chuckled, patting his hair softly. "Just..don't feel pressured to change for me..or anybody for that matter, okay? Or at least let me know if you're gonna change things up again."
"You don't think..I look stupid or creepy like this?"
"No. Honestly you look pretty handsome. Black hair suits you well."
Hearing those words made him breathe a small sigh of relief. He nodded and hugged you tighter.
His new looks were staying for good.
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
How is Addison Montgomery in bed?
Addi takes a little bit of warming up, she’s used to married life, and past that she’s used to being with men. It takes a bit of remembering how to be with a woman before she’s truly t her full potential
That being said, she’s not about to be shy. Addison Montgomery always aims high and will do whatever she can to achieve that goal.
While she may take a bit, she still dives in, her kisses are deep, loving, full of passion, and she lets her hands roam freely, eagerly exploring your body
Addison’s very receptive, she’s always listening and learning. Whether that’s a little gasp, moan or whimper, or a bigger “that’s it, right there, oh god don’t stop” or just the way your hand clenches into her hair or around her wrist, she’s always eager to learn what exactly makes you tick
Once she knows what you like, and what you yearn for in the bedroom, she’s more than ready to give it to you, and she’s not going to stop until you’re absolutely begging her to.
Addison’s a switch, but MUCH more leaning towards a sub. She’s not about to Dom you, she’s going to be dominated by you, and you both love every moment of it. It’s not a hard line, it’s a blurry one, a respectful one, you both love switching things up, but naturally, Addison is always the submissive in the sexual relationship.
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crmsnmth · 6 months
September Sky Chapter Three, Part 5
I signaled the rushing bartender. Addison stood behind me, watching the three people onstage let go of everything in the catharsis of playing live music.
"High Life. Vodka Red Bull," I had to shout for him to hear me. It was hard to hear anything but the train like rhythm of the guitars and bass and drums. Somehow, he managed because he made the drink, gave me my beer and gave me the ok sign.
"Thank you!" Addison shouted as I handed her her drink. I barely heard her. It didn't really matter. I took one look at the band, and I could easily tell that it didn't matter what band played. The won't be able to hold my attention like she did.
"C'mon, my friends are over there," she said once the song ended. She grabbed my arm and pulled me along to a table next to the merch table. There was fire where she touched. It burned with no pain.
"Adam, Chris. Chris, Adam. Adam's my other roommate," she quickly introduced us. Adam looked to be a little taller than me. He didn't look like he belonged surrounded by punks. That's the joy of punk though, there's no dress code. Some of the most hardcore punks I've met, dressed like they were playing golf. He had an AC/DC ball cap on and a hoodie that looked to be two sizes two big. He had the sleeves rolled back and I took notice of the Iron Maiden tattoo on his arm.
"Hey," he said with a slightly nasally voice. He reached his hand out and I shook it, wondering slightly what my weak-ass handshake said about me. Or if it even mattered. I was more than happy when it ended.
"Hi," I replied back. My voice was quiet. I could feel the anxiety boiling up, sending stomach acid into my throat. I swallowed it down. I couldn't let this crap win.
"And Lily, this is Chris, " Addison said to the other person sitting at the table. Her bright orange hair was hard to miss, and the very first thing I noticed. I knew a home dye job when I see one. I'd spent the last ten years constantly changing my own hair. She was a bigger girl, built tough. She wore some kind of black dress or shirt. I couldn't tell through the table. I guess that might be kind of obvious.
"Is this the guy who ran you over?" Lily asked. I was caught completely off guard. I hadn't expected to be a source for conversation. I won't deny that it didn't make me feel good. Almost warm and fuzzy. I had been thought of, at least once anyway. Now if it was good or bad. There's that one saying about publicity and it kind of fits here. None of it's bad.
"Yeah. Chris," Addison repeated my name to her. She put her hand out and once again, I wondered what my weak handshake said.
"It's nice to meet you, Chris," Lily said before turning back to Addison. "He's cute." I could feel the fire on my face as I blushed. Thank god the lights were dim back here. It seemed like Lily said whatever was on her mind, and damned who hears it. A rebel free spirit. Someone you had to watch out for, because if she's coming, you either got taken along or your ass was getting knocked to the ground.
"Lily," Addison said something, but I couldn't catch it. The music was back, louder and faster. The first band were getting close to being done. It's funny, the whole reason I came to Dimes was for some live music, and here I was, completely ignoring the band on stage. I even tried to watch them on this song, but it wasn't happening. No matter what I did, my eyes would always drift to lay on her. She was huddled down by Lily for some private conversation.
"So what do you do?" Aaron asked as the band let their current song end. He took a drink from his punk uniform beer, Pabst Blue Ribbon. I wasn't sure if he was actually interested or if he was just bored. His face didn't make it seem like he really wanted to be here.
"I'm the kitchen manager at Red Arm," I answered loudly. A G chord hung in the air. Another song was about to start.
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rainieclown · 3 years
michael myers x reader - chapter 5: small bump
"get some rest." he practically orders, and you nod, circling your free arm around his torso as you settle down for a snooze. michael gives you one last kiss before letting his own eyes close to doze off into a light slumber.
tags: pregnancy, fluff, secret relationships, michael being protective
warnings: pregnancy, talk of abortion, reader is referred to as 'mama' because of genitalia but pronouns are still gender neutral <3
you stood with a positive test in your hands, clutching it as you cry. this time, you weren't sad. you were so happy, yet still scared. michael had agreed to having a baby, and it was all so surreal. but... the lingering thought of what happened last time haunts you.
stepping out of the bathroom, you saw michael sat on your bed, eyes closed and arms behind his head. slowly, you climb onto his lap and hug him tightly. "hey.." he mumbles, opening his eyes and hugging you back. "hey." you respond quietly, michael noticed your tears. "well..?" he mumbles and you nod, showing him the pregnancy test. michael smiles, kissing your forehead as he rests his hand on your belly. "are you happy?" he asks softly, and you nod again with a small laugh, giving him a soft kiss. "are you?" you respond, and he smiles. "yes, i'm very happy." his best marking was inside you, you could never leave him.
after a month, a small bump had started to develop and michael adored it despite how you cover it with miss burnham's hoodie. his hands were always resting on your tummy at all times, gently rubbing it when you felt ill or when you had cramps. currently, you were lay on your back, a hand in michael's hair as he lay his head on your belly carefully. "i can hear their heartbeat." he smiles, and you smile too. he was adorable when he was trying to care for you. "yeah? wanna guess what gender they're going to be?" you ask, and michael hums. "it's going to be a girl." he states after a while of thinking and listening to the baby's gentle thumping. "hmm. do they sound like a girl?" you tease, stroking his scalp softly. "mhm." he nods slightly, giving your bump a soft kiss.
you sigh happily, eyes closing as you continue to card your fingers through his brown locks. "i normally hate children but she... she feels different." he says to you, and you open your eyes again. "we're gonna kick ass at being parents." you giggle, moving your hand to gently stroke his cheek. michael gives your baby bump one last soft kiss before moving from your belly. "oh, you can stay there if you want, just don't squish them." you smile, but michael shakes his head. "how are your tits?" he asks, gesturing to your chest. your face heats up at his question, but it was true that your tits were swelling and sore. "hurty, but i'll be okay." you pout slightly, pulling up your hoodie so he could kiss your boobs softly.
you looked at the small bump past michael, resting your hand on it gently. "they seem so small.." you note, and michael hums. "it's because she's still growing." he says softly. you giggle at his assumption that it has to be a girl. "mhm, they might get bigger, but who knows? they may stay small." you shrug as michael licks over your already wet nipple. you gasp at the feeling, eyes fluttering closed. "sensitive, baby?" michael teases, tongue tracing soft circles around the nipple of your other breast. "ah- michael.." you mumble, and he chuckles as he pulls away to give you a soft kiss. you hum into his mouth, letting him cuddle you. michael's right hand rested on your bump all whilst the left one rubs your back soothingly.
you began to doze off as he rubs your back, nuzzling your nose against his as you rest your hand on the one on your baby bump. "you're so cute.." michael whispers, giving you another soft kiss. you manage to kiss back slightly, still falling asleep. two quiet knocks catch michael's attention, and he turns to see doctor addison peering into the dark room. "may i come in?" the british man asked, and michael's protective nature flared as he shields your half unconscious body with his chest. despite his attempts at hiding you, you wave the doctor in and hear the door close as footstes draw nearer. luckily michael's chest is hiding your tits from the doctor's sight as he peers over at your bump. "ah, i see the plan is going nicely!" beaming, the doctor's hand moves to attempt to touch your belly.
michael snaps a little, hitting the doctor's hand away quickly with a small growl. "right, right- sorry." the doctor chuckles as you half heartedly scold michael's behaviour by giving his side a soft pinch. "how are you feeling, y/n?" the doctor asks you, and you hum softly. "tired.." you mumble, still resting your cheek on michael's chest. "yes, that will be a common occurrence." addison chuckles. "i have an proposition for your later months of pregnancy." he straightens up, and you peel your eyes open to look at him. "i may be able to get you both an empty solitary cell in the more quiet wing once the bump becomes more noticeable... and of course until your baby's born, i will check on you until you go into labour." addison smiles, and you hum softly, looking at michael who seems indifferent.
"seems like a good plan." you smile back and doctor addison nods. "i'm happy you agree! until your later months please let me know if you need anything." he says, bidding farewell. once he left, michael relaxed slightly, smushing you against his chest- yet still being careful of your baby bump. "relax.. he means well this time." you mumble, rubbing michael's back soothingly. "hmm... i don't know, i'm still gonna keep my guard up for you and the baby." he grumbles and you can't help but laugh slightly. "you're so cute when you're protective." you purred, and michael huffs. "i'm doing it for you-..."
"i know, i know. i love you." you breathe out, and michael deflates fully at your words. "i love you too." he replies. "get some sleep, you'll need it." you mumble, and michael sighs dramatically. "you need it more than i do." he protests, hand idly massaging your swelling tummy. "mhm, we should both sleep tonight. i wan't you to take care of yourself too." you gushed, rubbing circles between his shoulder blades to ease him into a light slumber. "alright.." michael caves, kissing your head softly as he dozes off in your arms.
you sigh softly, kissing his jaw softly as you try to settle too, eyes fluttering closed. sighing as you can't fall asleep after waiting with your thoughts, you get up carefully from michael's arms to go to the bathroom in case you need to relieve yourself. seemingly still sleeping, you leave michael with a soft kiss as you carefully climb over him to get off the bed. listening as you pad away to the toilet, michael's eyes flutter open. he hums, glancing at the door of your bathroom. he grows a little worried as time slowly ticks past, and despite a small voice in the back of his head telling him not to be overbearing, he gets up and walks over. just as he's about to tap the door, you open it, gently rubbing the baby in your tummy. "oh, i'm sorry michael. did i wake you?" you frown, letting him hug you. "no no, i was just worried.." he mumbles, kissing your cheek softly. "come on, get some sleep." he says, directing you to the bed. "i can't sleep..." you pout as he moves you onto the bed.
michael hums softly as you lay on your back, his hands shuffling the hoodie up so he could kiss your belly gently. you sigh softly, hands gently petting his hair as he slowly massages your sides. "just relax, you'll fall asleep soon enough." he breathes out, and you hum, letting him flutter kisses around your gravid stomach. "you look so hot like this.." he mumbles, and you giggle slightly. "mhm, you really got a pregnancy kink huh?" you tease, giving his soft locks a small tug. "mmhmm." he smiles, resting his cheek on your baby. "i think they'll have your hair, y'know." you murmured, and michael laughs. "really? i think she'll look more like you." he rejoices, fingers tracing soothing lines on either side of you.
humming happily, you tell michael that his small gestures feel nice, so he keeps going. before you know it, you've closed your eyes, relaxed as your hand still rests on michael's head. once he noticed you had fallen asleep, he smiles and kisses your bump. "hey baby..." he mumbles, nuzzling the soft skin of your tummy. "mama and i haven't come up with a name for you yet, but we'll get there." he sighs, breath tickling your skin. "i just want you to know that even though i'm terrible with kids i'm going to try for you, for them." michael mumbles, "i'm not going to be the best, i know that.. but i will always love you just as much as i love them." he finishes, giving your stomach another soft smooch. "good night, my darling, don't keep them up. they need their beauty sleep." chuckles michael as he moves up to lay next to you instead.
you roll onto your side and cuddle into him, letting out a calm breath. michael can't help but smile at your sleeping form, "goodnight, i love you." he purrs, giving your lips a loving peck before closing his own eyes to fall asleep. you smile, hands gently rubbing his back slightly as you finally doze off.
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saltynsassy31 · 3 years
Damn, I can't leave a Lady in distress!
So I want to know the reactions of Spamtons brothers (pre phone guy) to the silliest product, he ever wanted to sell! Just some comedy or fluff for my poor soul
AH HA HA! I can always count on you for some good prompts 😌
But yes! Here ya go!
They all looked at it, not sure what it was
It was round and blue, maybe if was an egg, what had spamton called it again? Pipis?
"Ok since no one's going to ask, I'm going to" Yellow began "Spammy, what is this?"
Spamton smiled wide "my newest product!"
"Ok but what does it do?"
"Well, they can make you little friends to play with!"
"What do you me-" as Yellow was about to ask Spamtkn tapped on the pipis and it began to hatch
And out of the blue egg a smaller version of yellow came out
"Oh my god" was all he managed to say as his usually closed eyes shot open
"I know! Isn't it cute?" He said picking uo the Tiny Yellow and handing it to his brother who grabbed it still in shock
The other addisons leaned over to look at it
"If this doesn't sell out our society is broken" Pink said not looking away from the Tiny Yellow
Banner turned to look at Spamton "where did you even get these?"
"I made it myself!" He proudly said puffing out his chest to seem bigger. Banner chuckled not holding the smile that grew on his face "well, danm you should be very proud of yourself" he said ruffling the youngest's hair who was a bit annoyed by the action but still couldn't stop smiling
They we proud of him! And impressed too! Wich means he did good and the sales will do amazing!
End notes
For all intentions it did go well, this is the one time it went well
I can't belive he hadn't made ONE one good sale on his life, I jusf can't
At least one has worked out for him for some time, short yeah, but it worked
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ayankun · 2 years
imagine it now they start a spark
Fandom: Z-O-M-B-I-E-S (Disney) Type: um it's the same genre as the movies Characters: Zed/Addison, literally everyone else is here Warnings: this is Mouse-Certified Wholesome Content, but there is some what do they call it, mild peril in the third act Word Count: ~23k Tag: So I saw a prompt in the tags one time a million years ago and thought "I could do that," and then accidentally engineered a sequel to the second movie using hammed-up themes from the franchise that resonate with me and me only.
imagine it now they start a spark
"Hi, I'm Addison!  Welcome to Seabrook, Town of Tomorrow!"
Addison Wells:  blue-eyed, sixteen years old, fearlessly optimistic, and a perfectly ordinary human being.  Unearthly silver-white hair notwithstanding.
With a grin bright enough to cast shadows at high noon, she gestures overhead at the crisp professionally printed banner that hangs across the entryway into her parents' pastel kitchen.  It reads "Seabrook Centennial" in crisp pastel block letters.
"It's a pretty good city motto, right?  Working towards a better future is a totally cool thing.  But for Seabrook Day this summer, we're actually taking a look back at the town's past to celebrate the hundred years since our ancestors first settled here.  And let me tell you, a lot has changed since then."
Addison pauses, her grin slipping a little bit.  She straightens her baby-blue jacket and shakes her head once.  Shoulders squared, she continues with a determined cheeriness.
"Seabrook Day's always been a big deal, and the main event is the Night Show!  That's where the Mighty Shrimps cheer squad goes all out with a special Seabrook Day routine, followed by the loudest, brightest fireworks display you've ever seen.  But this year we're going to go even bigger than ever.  That's because our community is bigger than it's ever been. This year, for the first time, we're going to celebrate a new and improved Seabrook.  Past, present, and future.  That means everyone's invited.  Right, Zed?"
She sweeps an arm out with a flourish, handing off the introductions to her co-announcer.
Zed Necrodopolis:  green-haired, six feet tall, comically animated, and a pretty typical zombie.  
He throws himself into a forward roll down the narrow front hall of his dad's brick row house, popping to his feet just inside the cozy, tattered dining room.
Read the rest on AO3!
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