#what if sonic was just thinking about silver instead??
bigkickguy · 1 year
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they didn't have to references to the 06 ost and slap on some lyrics for me to overanalyze!!! but they did!!! thanks frontiers hahaaaa Ephemeral - 4-2 song: Here Once it's gone, it's never Here Only the heart remains Here Time goes on
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ikari-shinsei · 1 year
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These drawings look really cool, and I'm sure it was an epic moment in the comics, but when I look at these images, I can't help but think 'This feels so empty without Super Shadow there with them.'
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It's like there's a piece of a puzzle that's missing and without it, all that's left is just an incomplete picture.
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wwaheoh · 2 months
“What do the cold hands of Fate fear the most in the Universe? The fiery indomitable spirit of Humanity.” HSR x gnReader
Firefly, Himeko, Jing Yuan (+ Yanqing)
a/n: Starman by David Bowie type shit
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Rip and tear. A dwindling defense against a relentless offense. Bugs, in the billions, cascading down towards Glammoth, all with the intent to devor. Her muscles screamed, the armor she was in began to grow heavier each minute, a metal coffin awaiting the moment her body gave up on her.
But she would not- could not let this happen. As part of the Iron Calvary, she had met someone she sparked a sense of wonder, of the uniqueness of each and every person. Someone she wanted to defend. Of course, this relationship was difficult to manage, with all of them having been born as nothing more than to fill the ranks and fight for their Empress. But there were times where the two of you could spend time together, really feel like people instead of the bred soldiers you were. Emotions that others in the Iron Cavalry knew not of bloomed between the two of you. 
The day the Swarm had come to their planet had been the day she intended to speak to you about these feelings she had, during the small breaks they had. She didn’t even know what to say, the words and their meaning never having been taught to her. 
So as she fought, all she could think about was you, the Empress barely even holding a space in her mind. Yet as she watched the suits of metal fall from the sky, it dawned on her that she might never be able to tell you anything. Tearing through the bodies as she rocketed forward, carnage raged around her, blood, guts, and fire being blown everywhere as panic fueled adrenaline.
Then the Swarm Mother appeared. And alll hell broke loose.
In her peripheral vision, a bright light appeared. Turning, she realized that it was yours. The two of you had played with the idea of decorating the suits- being reprimanded when attempted. But some super specific damages could be overlooked.
You exploded forward with a speed that left a sonic boom behind. Fire exploded as you bulldozed your way through the Swarm, leaving a trail of destruction through the army. Going straight for the Mother.
You exploded, with enough power to detonate stars, a beautiful supernova. 
Firefly screams, muscles seemingly revitalized with a feeling she’s never felt. Born to be a soldier, emotions taught to be kept down to keep a level head. All of it is thrown out the window as she charges forward into the regenerating mass. 
The smoke begins to clear, the Swarm Mother seemingly unaffected by what you had done.
It fills her with a rage that burns deep into her core.
Tearing through, she aims at the Swarm Mother, filling this blast with all of the power left in the mech, firing. 
A bright light overtakes her vision, white is all she sees before it goes to black.
Firefly sits by the window of the ship, watching the stars slowly pass by, one of the lessening times her body is able to be outside of stasis without suffering repercussions. An odd feeling stirring in her chest, bits of memories leaking from the box she locked them in, too much to bear.
Silver Wolf is running some maintenance on the mech. As the resident tech support of the Stellaron Hunters, it's become her job to make sure the mech known as “SAM” is in top shape.
beep… beep… Beep… Beep. BEEP… BEEP
What starts off barely audible begins to screech, the navigation system begins to go wild. Silver Wolf looks towards Firefly, who was broken from her thinking and now staring with wide eyes at the sound. 
“What’s that?”
Firefly quickly rushed to the mech, nearly tripping over herself as she hit a series of buttons, prompting a green holographic map to shine. A small red dot currently hurling itself at nearly 43,000/mph through the vastness of space. A red dot that symbolized a mech suit just like hers, another survivor…
“We have to recover it- it’s another one like me!” She exclaimed as she rushed to tell Kafka and get the ship to follow the projected path. 
Quickly the ship began to move faster, slipping off course and diverting its route to intercept the mecha. 
After several tense minutes, the ship was successfully able to slow the object down and reign it into the ship.
It was a giant piece of rock, yet something inside told her that it held something deep within. The frequency that had been discovered wasn’t something that could be made from an asteroid or piece of space junk.
Clearing everyone from the room, she entered her mech, charging it up to live with a flare of green, before slamming her fist down onto the rock and breaking it in half.
Inside was a damaged mecha, another Fyrefly Type-IV Strategic Assault Mech. Damaged, with battle damage all over. Metal melted and melding into other parts. It slowly creaked open, a body, with a face she never thought she’d see again falling out and onto the cold surface.
It was you…  the soft motion of your chest rising and falling told her that you were atleast alive.
Breaking from her stupor, she quickly screamed, “K-Kafka!” Said person quickly barged into the room, Blade and Silver Wolf ready, guns and blade in hands before quickly realizing what was happening. “We need to get them to my pod!”
They did just that, pulling your body into Firefly’s pod, stabilizing your vitals and checking for the sickness that ailed all of the Iron Calvary’s soldiers. It was there, but had been slowed to an insane rate as you had basically been ambered.
After several hours passed, you had finally awoken. Panicking at first before Firefly, who had been waiting by your pod-side, helped calm you down. Finally stable and conscious, they started the procedure to let you out: draining the fluids, unhooking you, taking out the IV, and taking off the oxygen mask. 
They allowed you some privacy to put on some clothes, pulling a white curtain around you with some spare clothes ready for you. 
After what seemed like forever to Firefly, you walked out of the room. A sense of dread as she proposed the question, “Do you remember me?”
An uncomfortable silence fell, with the other Stellaron Hunters trying but failing to not show that they were very blatantly eavesdropping on the two with bated breaths.
Finally you respond with affirmation, you do remember her. You remember them. You remember that hail-mary effort to take down the Swarm, intending to sacrifice yourself in order to bring down the Swarm Mother and give a chance to the Iron Cavalry- to her.
She rushes in to embrace you, with you opening your arms as she launches onto you. “Well, I’m called Firefly now…” “It’s… nice to meet you Firefly.” The name feels weird on your tongue, the two of you only having been designated with numbers rather than anything meaningful. But as you play with it, it feels right. 
Fyreflies, small little things that shone beautifully in the night. A future, together, that shone as well.
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A beautiful sunset began to fall on this planet’s horizon, a warm orange transitioned into a deep purple. Stars twinkling in the evening sky.
It was you and Himeko, a cup of coffee in both your hands. The two of you were sitting on the porch of a home the two of you purchased. It wasn’t somewhere the two of you lived year-round, coming only for a couple weeks to relax from all the trailblazing the Astral Express got up to. It was quaint, overlooking a beautiful environment.
Taking a small sip of the coffee, you held in spitting it out- yup, still incredibly strong. Himeko laughed softly, admiring the fact that you still attempted to build up a resistance to the taste over the years. A beautiful thing to hear, never losing its novelty no matter how many times you heard it.
This was all so perfect…
“This isn’t real, is it?”
“No, dear.”
Even in a fake world, Himeko was so incredibly intelligent, probably having even figured it out before you did. 
“We didn’t win against Sunday?”
“No, everyone in Penacony is currently under the control of the Order.” She nursed her cup of coffee on her lap.
“Well then… I guess this is goodbye. I’ll see you in the real world.”
You leaned forward, kissing her on the cheek before setting down the cup of coffee and standing up. 
“I’ll see you too dear.”
You readied yourself, tensing the muscles in your arm as you pulled your arm back, righting your feet before swinging forward. A crack formed in existence, another swing, it expanded. Several more impacts before finally, the world exploded in white.
Alongside the rest of the Astral Express, all six of you readied your weapons, as the giant behemoth of a golden conductor leaned over the group.
Now it was time to reach the truth, in the Waking World…
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Waves and waves of Mara-Struck, soldiers under your command, fallen and changed into these walking dolls for the Abundance to control. They begged for the sweet release of death, pleading for it all to be over. Apologizing over and over, begging for forgiveness as their bodies became prisons, as they attacked those that they swore to protect.
The last contact they had with your squadron was three hours ago. An outbreak of Mara-Struck caused by chemicals planted in the drinking water. The scientist had been apprehended already, but the effects were still being felt hours after. 
Jing Yuan paced in his room, awaiting further updates. You, his betrothed, was a respected commander, even with his hand in marriage you refused to become complacent, continuing your training and leadership on the battlefield. Yanqing was just returning from his mission, having been the one to find the source of the contaminant and lock up those involved in spreading it. 
“General, I have returned.” Yanqing greeted as he closed the door behind him, before quietly asking about your whereabouts, having not seen you. “They did not return with you? The last they told us, they’d be regrouping with you.” Jing Yuan questioned, a slight panic beginning to settle into his otherwise calm and lazy demeanor. “No sir, they didn’t relay such to me… last I heard they were clearing out the Mara-Stricken.” 
“And why was I not informed of their prolonged absence?” “I don’t know, general.” “It seems others are keeping vital information out of my hands. I’ll deal with it later, come, we must ensure the safety of them.” “Yes General!”
The two didn’t want to think of the possibilities, what might have happened to you in these few hours that you were dark. They weren’t arm-chair philosophers but men of action.
Stepping out, they marched out of the Seat of Divine Foresight, people instinctively moving out of their way. Yet one did, a newly instated assistant, one who was quiet but as they babbled on about how Jing Yuan shouldn’t leave, he knew why they truly were there. Nodding with a polite smile, he acknowledged their words before turning and continuing his march, signaling to a nearby Fu Xuan about the “assistant”. 
A group of guards quickly apprehended them as Jing Yuan and Yanqing left in search of you.  
Their first stop was your final ping before you went dark. Upon entering the area, the smell of bark and scent of iron filled their noses. Corpses were strewn about, mara-stricken and normal alike. None have the insignia of a Captain. 
Following the carnage, they begin to hear sounds of metal on metal, grunts, shrieks. Quickly hurrying, they turn the corner to see you, covered in blood and sweat, and a mob of mara-stricken soldiers surrounding you.
Quickly they rush in, with the power of the General of the Xianzhou Luofu and his Retainer, they carve a path through and quickly pull you from the center. With you out of the danger zone, Yanqing summons several blades, slashing at the horde with killing intent, slicing them in half as the blades whizzes through them.
As the Retainer takes out the horde, Jing Yuan turns to you, apologetic, “I’m so sorry, your whereabouts were hidden from me. I came as soon as I could.”
Still shell-shocked from finally being able to rest, you turn to Jing Yuan, softly pressing your knuckles against his jaw. 
“I knew you’d always come for me…”
Those were the last words you exchanged with him before passing out.
You woke up in an infirmary, several doctors rushing by, attending to other patients. Covered in bandages, the sterile smell of the room filled your senses. Looking around, you noticed Jing Yuan and Yanqing sleeping on the seats next to your bed. 
Your lips curved upward into a small smile as you took in the scene. Your boys, waiting for you to get better. 
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multifandom-pleasures · 4 months
Can I have sonic/silver/shadow/scourge (separately)with a reader who was sold off for most of their life and really only knew that world. so when they were working together and stuff got stressful reader 'offered' themselves to the boys as an outlet for their stress while trying to make them feel better
A/N: loved this request sm !! i swear i could write even more for each one of them; but i did just little blurbs. i hope i did it well !!
you’d never seen sonic stressed like this before. he was pacing around his home, more restless than usual; and you observed him from your spot on the couch, sprawled out and certainly more relaxed than the blue hedgehog. you’ve lived with him for a time. he had saved you from a little trafficking ring where you’d spent a better part of your life in - it had taken you a while to grow accustomed to life without begging for scraps in unpleasant ways, and then being tossed into random strangers arms for hours on end.
you owed your life to him. so you could feel your own anxiousness building the more you focused on his little nervous ticks. the pacing back and forth, shoes thumping on the ground, his ears giving little twitches and his tail lowered. you didn’t know how to help him, he never spoke about anything that bothered him. he always brushed it off with a smile and wink, insisting he was alright. you knew better than to believe him.
you slinked off of the couch, making your way over to him. he jerked as you wrapped your arms around him from behind, tucking your chin against his shoulder. he laughed; it sounded nervous and forced.
“ hey - whatcha doin’ back there? didn’t even hear you. “ you hummed softly, fingers beginning to trace against his chest. you saw his ear flick as he tried to crane his neck to look at you, “ you alright? “
“ are you? “ you asked instead, looking up at him. you frowned as he gave you a cheeky smile and shrug.
“ always am! y’know I can get ansty sometimes when there’s nothing to do. “ but you could feel the tension in his body as you held him, shoulders drawn tight and his breathing was slightly labored. your fingers began to trail down his torso, and he instinctively grasped onto your wrist.
“ h-hey, cmon, what’s up? “
“ lemme take care of you. “ you mumbled, lips pressing to his shoulder, and he tensed further, “ you don’t have to tell me why you’re stressed, but at least let me help relieve some of it.. “ your other hand moved instead, drawing dangerously close to his crotch. he yanked himself away and held his hands in front of him as he faced you.
“ no, no, none of that. “ sonic said sharply, on instinct. he hated the thought of using you in such a way after what you’d been through. he sighed and retried, “ no, it’s okay.. don’t ever think you need to do that for me. “ he grasped onto your hands, and you stared up at him with a bit of guilt and anxiousness.
“ I just.. “ he chewed his lip for a moment as he thought, “ things have been piling up for me.. sure I have the others but - people rely on me. and it can be a lot sometimes. I worry I might not be enough. I worry I won’t be able to save people when I’m needed most. “ he bowed his head with another heaved breath, and his arms wrapped around you.
he pulled you into a hug instead, burying his face into the crook of your neck. you slinked your arms around his shoulders and after a moment of hesitation, brushed your hand over his quills. he melted into your embrace at the touch. his voice was muffled as he spoke again.
“ this.. this is better. “ he squeezed you gently, “ can you just hold me like this a while longer? “
“ of course, sonic.. “
it was late, and silver should be well asleep by now beside you; but he wasn’t. you keep from your shared room to the living room, where he sat down with his head in his hands, staring down at what seemed to be a map of the city while illuminated by candlelight. being a protector of a fallen planet was not easy work, worrying for so many people.
you were one of the lucky ones he had managed to find and save. a fallen planet was not easy to those who lived on it either; desperate people will do anything to those of perceived to have less power than them. with the smoke that covered the sky, you had lost track of how many years you’d spent being taken advantage of.
you made your way over and sat down beside him, pressing a gentle kiss to his temple.
“ you should be asleep. “ silver spoke softly, as he always did. his tone was what had lulled you into security when he found you.
“ so should you. “ you countered, looking down to the map before him. unintelligible scribbles and plans written over it, all the inner workings of his mind put onto paper. you knew he wouldn’t sleep on his own, not while overthinking like this.
you rested a hand on his knee, and he lifted his head to look over at you. he gave a small smile and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“ get some sleep, I’ll be there soon, I promise. “ you gave a small shake of your head, your hand sliding further up his leg.
“ ‘m not tired.. “ you replied softly, lips pressing against his cheek, and then his jaw. he shuddered and melted into it; until your hand brushed over his crotch, where he jolted and took your hands. his muzzle was flushed and his breath was quick and trembling.
“ what are you doing? “ silver’s voice was quiet, unsure.
“ trying to help you. “ you replied, trying to work your wrist from his grip, “ you’re too worked up to sleep.. I can help you waste some of that energy; I’m good at it. “ his lips twitched into a frown, more out of sadness than anything as his mind caught up to what you were trying to do.
“ (y/n).. “ he sighed, his hand coming up to cradle your face, and you leaned into it, “ that’s not.. I don’t want to use you in that way. my stresses are my issue to take care of, not yours. and not in that way. “ his thumb stroked your cheek, “ I think to highly of you to do that. “
you frowned, shameful as you looked down at your lap. he crooned as he kissed your head, “ come on, love.. you’re right, we should both get some sleep. “ he waved off the candlelight he was using and rose from his spot. he helped you up along with him.
“ I adore you, (y/n). “ silver spoke as you made your way to the bedroom, “ know that. what would help me more than anything is having you by my side. that’s all I’ll ever need to get through this. “
“ okay. “ you whispered, settling into bed with the hedgehog, “ I love you. “
“ and I you. “
you jumped as you heard the door slam shut, knowing well shadow had come home. he didn’t usually come home upset but when he did, you knew it was because G.U.N was being unreasonable and while he could stand his ground against them; even he couldn’t deny certain missions. not when one had led him to you, where he had found you and saved you from the unfortunate life you had. you witnessed firsthand the rage in which he held.
you peeked from the doorway to watch him as he grumbled, tossing his gun down onto the table by the doorway, his quills bristled in frustration. you desperately wanted to help him, relax him somehow. you didn’t like seeing him upset. you inched your way out of the room, calling out to him with your voice light; not wanting to startle him.
“ shadow? are you okay? did something happen at work? “ you jumped as his head snapped in your direction, his expression alone making you shut your mouth. he was definitely not in the mood. he snarled as he made his way over.
“ what are you doing awake? can’t handle being alone for a moment too long? you always have to pester me with your useless questions; does it look like I’m okay? I get you may not have had much education where you were from but you can’t be stupid. “
you wished you could cave into yourself, make yourself smaller. he always said such harsh things when he was mad, directed at whatever or whoever was in the general direction of his view. you should have known better than to try and provoke that. you tried to keep your lip from wobbling as you dropped to your knees before him, and his look of anger flickered into confusion.
“ ‘m sorry, please don’t be mad at me. “ your fingers inched up his legs, and his eyes desperately flitted from your hands and your face, unsure of just what it was you were doing. you’d never done this sort of thing to him before. he winced as your fingers brushed at his thighs and he stepped away, your hands dropping to your lap.
“ no. “ shadow replied firmly, annoyance settling onto his face. he’d caught on, finally, “ get up. don’t be ridiculous; why would I want that from you? “
“ ‘m sorry. “ you sniffed, balling your hands on your lap, “ it’s.. it’s all I know to do. I don’t want you mad at me; I wanted to just make it up to you. please don’t hate me. “ you bowed your head, tears slipping down your face. you could hear him heave a sigh and he knelt before you. he tried to lift your face and you weakly fought against it, and the second time he was successful. he frowned at your tear-filled eyes.
he was clearly trying to determine how to fix this. emotions weren’t his strong suit, other than anger and pride. and he couldn’t even begin to imagine how your life was before he had found you; how complex it must be to still have those instincts engraved into your being.
“ I’m not mad at you. “ he decided to say, wiping your tears with the back of his fingers, “ my frustrations were.. misdirected. I shouldn’t have yelled at you, or.. insulted you. I should know better. “ you sniffled and nodded, to which he snorted softly; and then composed himself, “ I was offended on your behalf. I didn’t want you to think of me in that way, that I would use you for my own sake. “
he rose to his feet, helping you up gingerly, “ I helped you leave that place; I’ve heard what you’ve been through. it would be the last thing I would ask of you. not unless.. you decide for yourself. “ he averted his gaze for a moment and then focused, “ I apologize. “
“ it’s okay. “ you laughed tearfully, wiping off the rest of your tears onto your shoulder, “ are you hungry? I have your plate saved in the kitchen. “
“ I could eat. “ he nodded, “ care to keep me company? “ you smiled and tugged his hand to lead him to the kitchen.
“ fuckers! “ you heard scourge hiss from where you sat on his throne, entertaining yourself on your phone. you looked up to watch him stomping his way over, and you quickly got off to make room for him. he sat himself down and motioned for you to sit on his lap; he always insisted the weight of you on him relaxed him. you obeyed and looked up at him with a small pout.
“ what’s wrong? “ he groaned at the question and lolled his head back, as if remembering everything all over again; which only infuriated him more.
“ ungrateful citizens, that’s what! ya lead ‘em, ya let ‘em cause whatever chaos they want; and they still bitch and complain! “ you listened with little nods, letting him ramble on. it was the least you could do. you didn’t agree with all that he did; but after he ran into you you being sold off on a corner, stopping you before you climbed into the car of your next customer. once he’d found out what it was that was going on, he went on a rampage. he nearly beat your seller and the customer to a bloody pulp, and insisted you stayed with him - so he could keep an eye on you.
you both knew by now he’d taken a liking to you, whether he admitted to it or not. you jumped as he slammed his hand down onto the arm of his thrown, lip curled in a snarl as he threw his crown off across the room.
“ I should teach ‘em all a fuckin’ lesson! I’m the goddamn king! I deserve respect! “ he leered down at you, his frown curling into a smile, “ dontcha think? they should all be like you; all nice and obedient. never talk back a word. “
you shivered lightly, a cold, unsettled feeling building in your chest. you still nodded. this had to mean something, did it? he wanted you to do something. with trembling fingers, you shifted on his lap to face him. he blinked and watched you curiously, startled by the sudden movement. your hands slid down his chest and torso, creeping closer to his crotch. it took a moment for it to process, but his face flushed and his hands came to take yours; stopping them just before they’d reached their destination.
“ h-hey! “ he laughed nervously, “ almost went a little low there, babe. what’s up with ya? “ your nervous look cause his smile to falter slightly, and he sat up a bit, “ hey, what happened? c’mon, y’can tell me. “
“ i thought.. I thought you wanted me to do something. “ you replied quietly, fingers twitching anxiously, “ to help you calm down.. y’know? “ he blinked as the words proceeded, and he frowned.
“ what? no - never. d’you think I’d make ya do that? after what ya went through? I know ‘m a shitty guy, babe, but I ain’t a monster. “ he huffed, bringing your hands to his lips, and you flushed as he kissed over your knuckles, “ nah. I just like bein’ pissy and go on complainin’. I was only complimentin’ ya with what I said before. “
“ yer nice, and quiet, and you let me go on and on when someone’s got me riled up. I didn’ word it right. that was my fault, doll. “ he hooked his arm under your legs to shift you back into your original position, and coaxed you to lay your head against his chest, “ never gonna be a thing I ask of ya, alright? ya been through enough already. “
you nodded against him, relaxing into his hold with a sigh. you felt his hand smoothing over your head, and down to your and to give it a squeeze, “ yer alright here, doll. “ you closed your eyes with a smile, listening to him as he picked up his ramble again.
“ but those anti-mobian’s; ‘m tellin’ ya doll. they’re nothin’ but a mess, gotta just go down there and.. “
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silvers-starrway · 4 months
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Awww yeah here we go! Got a lineup of the main characters for my space au Project Artemis. In short, the gang has to go to space in a ship called the Artemis in search of the chaos emeralds. In their travels they meet an alien race called starlings of which Blaze and Silver are apart of. From there the adventure becomes much larger than anyone could ever for see.
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More worldbuilding for those interested under the cut! Also, and this goes for an au I'm involved in, if you wanna know more feel free to send in an ask!!
The emeralds act like power generators able to power entire regions and are used as such. Several were under Eggman's control before all of them got pulled to space.
Sonic is more of a local hero and originally sets out to just find the emerald that powers his little region of the world.
Tails repurposes the Artemis from an old Eggman ship that was lying in the junkyard.
The incident on the ARK still happened in this au but Shadow did not go into stasis afterwards. Instead he wandered the Earth in search of answers for what he was and what happened as his memories did get kind of scrambled when he crash landed. When he catches wind that Sonic and co are going to space he figures that's his one chance to find out about his origin.
On the ship Sonic takes care of most of the outdoor maintenance with Shadow's occasional help. Tails pilots the ship and Shadow aids in navigation while Amy is the communications expert and keeps in touch with how Earth is doing through a line with Knuckles since he's got power via the Master Emerald.
Eggman runs several space mining operations on various asteroid belts and planetary moons. One of these moons happens to be the home of the starlings.
Starlings produce a faint energy signature similar to the Chaos Emeralds so Tails ends up tracking Blaze and Silver for a bit unintentionally.
Silver ends up helping Sonic after an accident while he was out on a space walk. Sonic tries to tell everyone about the alien he saw but Tails and Shadow are skeptical. Shadow actually lashes out thinking Sonic is toying with him and it takes Amy to convince him to give Sonic another chance.
Once the gang fully meets Blaze and Silver the six of them decide to search for the emeralds together and to get Eggman off of the starlings' home moon.
The emeralds themselves also contain a hidden power that only starlings can unlock. Unlocked emeralds then have some kind of elemental ability tied to them.
Eggman discovers this and figures out that if he is able to get a starling to active the emeralds he could have terraforming powers beyond his wildest dreams.
As such it becomes a race to find the emeralds before Eggman does and to keep the starlings safe.
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kaylatoonz · 6 months
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Amy meets everyone but Sonic
I think it would be funny/interesting if Amy doesn’t meet Sonic until the end or near climax of the movie.
From what I can remember from the games, Amy would almost always do something small within the sideline of the story that becomes impactful in the main story. Best example of this is how her interaction between Silver and Shadow both play a part in them switching from antagonist to friends/allies to Sonic and his friends.
If the SCU introduces Amy in the third film I think this would be the best way to go about it if she doesn’t get as much screen time. There could be a side plot where Amy is trying to find Sonic but she meets everyone that has some connection to him instead. Each person she meets she helps/supports them in a small but impactful way that helps Sonic and friends in a big way by the climax or end of the film.
They could give us a taste of Amy’s strengths and feisty nature by showing her teaming up with knuckles (maybe give them a dynamic similar to Sonic X or IDW). Then they can establish her kindness and determination to help those who have been wronged, by showing her helping tails at his lowest point (maybe Amy helps tails in his SA2 arc or help him break sonic out of prison island). Finally, by the climax of the film Amy indirectly helps Sonic in the biggest way possible by reminding Shadow of his promise to Maria which encourages him to aid Sonic in saving the world.
Bonus points if throughout the film there this running gag of Sonic and Amy keep just missing each other.
Amy just left after helping knuckles and wade defend citizens from strange creatures (black arms?)
Sonic: sorry I’m late to the party, I heard from tails that you guys might need some back up
Knuckles: no need little brother we have defeated our new foe with the help of a valiant new ally.
Wade: yeah your pink girlfriend was a lot of help 😄
Knuckles:*look confuse then thoughtful*
Sonic:… Wade i don’t have a girlfriend why would you assume
Wade: oh she is a pink hedgehog like you and she got really excited when she found out that we know you so sh..
Sonic: Wade you can’t just assume we’re together just because we’re both hedgehogs I don’t even kno… wait! She's a hedgehog too?! And she’s on our side!
Where is she? I gotta meet her! * starts dashing round the battle field*
Wade: as I was just saying you just missed her and she was actually looking for yo..
Sonic: dang it! Maybe I can catch up to her, we could use all the help we can get if we’re fighting that faker. Contact tails for the deets gotta go! * runs off*
Wade: wait sonic she was look for.. and he’s gone
Knuckles: she could be a good partner, they’re both strong and reckless 🤔
Wade: I know right 😄
Amy get held up fighting off /distracting the guards while helping tails break sonic out of prison island
Sonic: thanks little bro I didn’t think I could broke out here on my own.
Tails: your welcome but I can’t take all the credit I had some outside help
Sonic: let me guess pink hedgehog
Tails: yeah you’ve met
Sonic: nope but I’ve heard great things. I seem to just miss her everywhere I go
Tails: *smirks* so the fastest thing alive can’t caught the girl
Sonic:*roll eyes* hardy har har, very funny… is she still around? I really like to meet this new heroine, maybe team up.
Tails: yeah she holding back the guards I can put her on speak if you insist 😏
Sonic: tails😑
Tails: ok ok Hey Amy do you copy?
Amy: yep still here though my hands are a bit full at the moment. How are things on your end? Did you find him? Do you need help?
Tails: yeah everything great I found him , we’re safe and he really interested in meeting you😏 (sonic: tails it’s not like that😠) so we were hoping we can make our escape and meet back at..
Amy: *wham!* That sounds great I.. *fzzzz* I can meet you guy at *fzzz* HEY! You better stay down or I’ll get my hammer and! *fzzz *wham!*
Tails and Sonic: hammer?
Amy: *fzzz* oops…
Tails: what do you mean oops…
* An explosion can be heard from the other end and the build shakes*
Amy: I’m ok! I’m ok there’s just a lot more exits then we originally planned so I’m just gonna take one of those * awkward giggles* I’ll meet you guys at *fzzz* *line cuts*
Tails: * sighs in relief* well better luck next time Sonic I don’t think you’ll be catching miss rose any time soon.
Sonic: dang I was really hoping to catch her this time she sounds like a fun gal.
Sonic: *lightly punches tails shoulder* welp we better make use of Amy’s specially made exits and get out of here.
After Amy reminds Shadow of his promise to Maria and so Shadow joins Sonic in facing the final threat of the film (black arm, bio lizard, metal sonic?).
Sonic: hey shads come to join the party? What changed your mind?
Shadow: your pink friend reminded me of something important…
Sonic: *looks confused for a second before realizing who he’s talking about*
Sonic: no way… she really is something special…😊
Shadow: she is…😌 now let get this over with this only one time thing got that faker😈
Sonic: whatever you say faker😈 now let’s kick some butts.
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themetalvirus · 3 months
sonic characters are so unique because they have like. two or three core things about them that never change and everything else is malleable. so they're uniquely suited to fanfiction and interpretation.
i think what prevents the majority of the sonic fandom from going full unrecognizable sans undertale AUs for the characters IS that very consistent two or three core traits of any given character. shadow is mourning maria, sonic likes freedom, silver is from the future, and those are just considered Truths instead of things to be thrown away like core traits of characters in other fandoms. sonic canon keeps only those things consistent, so in fan communities many people feel they should do the same.
of course the sonic fandom is also famously fucking insane but it's also somehow the easiest fandom to find a pocket of normal people in because it casts its net so wide. literally everybody likes sonic so it's probable that anyone could find their own band of likeminded little freaks in the fan community, for better or for worse. idk this is just interesting to me
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 7 months
"The Darkness Within" PART 1 (Sonic X - Dark Sonic)
(Sonic's POV)
The faint sound of his friends' laughter and voices echoed in Sonic's ears even as he stood at the very edge of the Typhoon, a frown twisted across his face as he stared unseeing at the stars.
He hadn't felt such shame in a long time.
Normally, he did whatever he pleased without a care of what anyone thought. He did what he believed was right whether it was perceived that way or not.
So it was safe to say that the events of the attempted rescue of Chris and Cosmo had left him a little . . . shaken.
He couldn't believe the way he'd lost control.
Never before had he felt so intensely angry. Sure, he'd had a right to, his friends were hurt and the Metarex creep was threatening to experiment on them if he refused to let them do the same to him. Sure, he'd felt a little off since he'd discovered the hoards upon hoards of fake chaos emeralds.
And then— what?! He hadn't been able to think straight. His vision had nearly turned red with how furious he'd been. All he could feel was white-hot anger. He remembered hearing himself laugh like some kind of psychopath. He remembered tearing into the Silver and Gold Metarex that were meant to test him, he remembered slicing them to bits at lightspeed and feeling not an ounce of remorse as their armor exploded and they were killed.
And the next thing he'd known, Eggman of all people was scolding him and telling him to calm down.
It had taken him a hot minute to relax. Hearing that Shadow had rescued his friends while he'd been . . . like that, had startled him in the worst way.
Now they were all back, safe and sound. Cosmo and Chris were alright. Everyone on the other side of the ship was celebrating, believing the day was a victory.
In a way, he supposed, they were right.
But Sonic could not relax. He couldn't bring himself to join them, he couldn't even bring himself to smile as he stood alone on the opposite side of the ship, staring at nothing and thinking of everything.
His mind wouldn't shut up, and he didn't have enough space to run on the Typhoon. He was stuck.
What if it happens again?
It won't. I won't let it.
I don't know that, I had no idea this morning that it would happen today.
Now that I know, I'll make sure it never happens again.
Today was just proof that I don't have it as together as I thought I did.
They don't know. No one else here knows. No one knows but Eggman.
Would they be scared if they knew? If they SAW me like that?
Don't worry about it. Just keep going. Don't look back. I never look back.
But usually that doesn't have anything to do with something I did wrong.
Do I apologize somehow? Should I leave? Take some time to myself? How much time? They need me to help them fight the Metarex.
I can't leave, but I sure want to.
I just wish—
"Hey, Sonic! You doing okay?"
He jerked his head around to see Tails slowly approaching his perch, blue eyes wide and curious. Glimmering with just a hint of concern.
Sonic sat down in place and nodded curtly, his voice stuck in his throat. He'd been talking a lot more nowadays than he used to, trying to get better at communicating with people and making friends, but some days it was still hard.
Apparently today was one of those days.
And Tails could see right through him.
His face fell. "Something happened, didn't it?"
Sonic avoided his eyes, choosing instead to stare intensely at the floor in front of him as if it was a work of art.
Slowly, cautiously, Tails moved closer and sat a couple feet away. Sonic could still feel his little brother's eyes on him, but he refused to make eye contact. He wasn't sure he'd be able to handle it.
"Did you get hurt . . . ?" Tails sounded doubtful yet worried.
Sonic shook his head.
"Did the Metarex say something that bothered you?"
Another wordless head shake.
Tails didn't ask anything else for about a minute, choosing instead to let them both sit in thoughtful silence and allow Sonic to try and pull himself together.
I can't tell him. There's no way.
I can't tell him . . . all of it.
Sonic swallowed, lifting his chin and finally daring to meet Tails's questioning eyes. He opened his mouth, but could not bring himself to make a sound.
Tails bit his lip, then lifted his hands and signed, "I'm here."
Sonic nodded with a small, grateful smile, then, after a hesitation, signed back, "Something happened. I did something."
Tails tilted his head slightly, and even though he could've just spoken his response, he continued signing. "What did you do?"
There was no fear or aggression in his hand movements or expression. Just genuine, gentle curiosity.
Sonic closed his eyes for a moment, that awful feeling of shame washing over him all over again. "Something bad. I caused harm. I didn't mean to."
Tails smiled gently. "You didn't mean to. You didn't harm our friends, right?"
Sonic exhaled silently through his nose. "No. I hurt the bad guys." He didn't think there was a sign for "Metarex," but if there was, he didn't know it.
A flicker of confusion appeared in his little brother's eyes. "You stop the bad guys all the time."
He fidgeted uncomfortably, then signed, "It was different. Can't explain. I was wrong."
Tails paused for a long moment after those shaky signs from Sonic, looking thoughtfully at the sky.
"It's okay," he signed back eventually. "I know your heart is in the right place. Whatever you did, you wouldn't be feeling so bad if it wasn't in the right place."
Sonic blinked. He fidgeted a little more, then quickly signed, "Thank you."
The fox kit smiled and nodded. "You're welcome. I'm here for you." Then, without waiting for a response, he stood up and extended a hand out to Sonic.
Sonic initially thought Tails was going to bring him back to the group, but then remembered that his brother knew him better than that. So he accepted the little hand reaching for him and stood as well, then followed the fox kit downstairs inside the ship.
Tails brought him to his bedroom on the ship, gestured for him to wait there, then left. For a few minutes, Sonic sat alone, fingering the cool sheets and looking around the room, anything to avoid thinking too much again.
After those few minutes, Tails returned with a steaming mug of tea, which he carefully handed to Sonic. "Take your time," he signed, smiling sweetly. "This will help you sleep."
Sonic managed a small, regretful smile. "Thank you," he signed again.
Tails nodded, patted his hands in reassurance, and left the room.
Sonic paused for a long moment, then sat back on his bed and sipped his tea. He recognized the flavor as the same kind Tails himself used on bad nights, the ones with nightmares and thunderstorms.
He took a deep breath. Over the course of the next hour, he finished his tea over a good book. He listened to his friends' voices wind down outside on the deck.
And eventually, he slept.
AO3 version
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thankskenpenders · 2 years
MORE behind the scenes Sonic info and other tidbits from the BumbleKast as I continue to get caught up. These range from September 2022 to early December. (This means there are spoilers for Frontiers in here.)
They're doing episodes even more often now, so I've got a lot to catch up on and I'm sure most of y'all do too!
1. The IDW comics are, in fact, canon to the games now. Ian was a little coy when first asked about it, saying he "would not argue against it" if people said the IDW comics were canon to the games now. "I have made it clear that the comics follow the lead of the games, so… as long as there's no contradictions anywhere, we're good." So, yeah, come on. The comics are canon.
2. Ian apparently pitched another idea for incorporating Sticks into the IDW series last year that was once again shot down, although he says this only makes him want to dig his heels in and try harder. (I'm assuming most of you are already aware of her shout out in Frontiers, confirming she's out there, somewhere...)
3. If Surge was a streamer, Ian thinks she would just grief people on Fortnite
4. On the October 7th, 2022 show, Ian says there is a behind-the-scenes answer for how the depiction of Silver's future in '06 can fit together with Rivals and Rush... but he can't talk about it right now.
It's hard to convey his tone through text, so just imagine he's saying all this with a big, defeated shrug:
"Here's the thing. Working on something else, I actually did get a straight answer, and it was... frustratingly simple. And, it's like, 'That works. [sigh] Okay!' No, I can't get into it - that's all private work stuff - but maybe it'll come to light eventually. But... there is an answer. And it works. And I kinda feel dumb for not thinking of it."
I honestly have no idea what this could be if it's something Ian hadn't considered, because he has talked about popular theories and readings before, such as the reading that Blaze was transported to the Sol Dimension at the end of '06. Maybe we'll hear about it in the comics, since Silver and Blaze are both back right now, or maybe they'll be the subject of a TailsTube episode.
5. Froggy is not sentient in any way he really is just a frog
6. Unrelated to Sonic, Ian was asked "who is best pony" and he said Fluttershy. My longest yeah boy ever dot jpeg
7. With Surge and Kit originally being pitched as purely synthetic beings before Sega suggested they be cyborgs instead, Ian says they would've struggled with whether or not they're even real, as opposed to the end product where they struggle with not knowing who they were before Starline modified them
8. When the female cast of Archie Sonic stopped getting drawn so busty all the time that was, in fact, a very specific editorial mandate from someone at Archie. Sega, on the other hand, has never cared.
9. Now that we're back to Classic and Modern being part of one nebulous timeline and the divide being more of a branding thing, Ian explicitly confirmed that the Classic-themed IDW Sonic comics are set in the past of the mainline IDW Sonic comics. They're set sometime after the events of Mania, and before all the Modern stuff. Just don't think too hard about it
But hey! If it's any consolation, this now means all the Classic characters like Mighty, Nack, and Honey are out there off-screen in the world of the regular comics, even if the casts are remaining separate for branding reasons for now. It also means Shadow is out there being held in a pod in a maximum security off-shore military prison during the events of all the lighthearted Classic comics lmao
10. Ian reiterates yet again that he's still pushing to try and get the Freedom Fighters back in some capacity where he can (as are others). He also says that he's pushing for them to return as a group rather than requesting individual members because he believes that's the best shot at getting any of them through Sega's approval process.
(I can't remember when the last time this came up was, but Ian has also implied that he thinks their best shot is to return as Classic characters since their one game appearance is Spinball.)
11. Ian outright confirms that the forward-looking character arcs in Frontiers are reflective of what he would like to see out of the main cast moving forward in the games. Not surprising since that's, like... the whole point of those arcs! But nice that he wants it to only be the beginning.
Ian does also say, however, that he's not guaranteed to return as the writer for future games since he's still a freelancer, but to editorialize here, I don't see why they wouldn't want him back for the next project.
12. On the subject of Amy's characterization in Frontiers, Ian personally pins her general seriousness mostly on the fact that she's the companion for the first island, where the mysterious and somber tone Sega wanted for the story is being established and Sonic is still trying to figure out what to do. He says that she'd probably have been more bubbly if she was interacting with Sonic on the second or third island, after he starts to get his bearings. I hoped this was the reason why she felt a little dry compared to Knuckles and Tails, so it's nice to hear this isn't the new direction for Amy or anything.
13. While "officially" Sage's name is just an anagram of Sega and a reference to her wisdom, Ian seems to be cheekily implying that it's also a nod to the annual Sonic Amateur Games Expo. Hell yeah.
14. When asked to clear up some Frontiers lore from the Egg Memos, Ian explicitly confirmed that some of the Ancients left the Starfall Islands and went on to devolve into the Chao as we know them today over the course of tens of thousands of years. He says, however, that this doesn't mean that Ancients and Chao are literally the same species, comparing it to the difference between humans and australopithecus. But yes, they're related.
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sonicjustbecause · 2 months
Silver has asymptomatic osteochondrodyslpasia (mutant TRPV4 gene/Fd gene). In short, he is a 'fold'. And other...
I'm discussing also Silver's cat like features.
I already said both Sonic and Shadow have cat-like features, in particular Shadow being a calico. But Silver also has a feature belonging to a certain type of cats.
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Because of the cannabis-shaped mane, he may seems without ears at first glance. But, even looking closely, his ears are hard to spot.
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Here it is: Silver's ears are unusually set apart, flattened and tiny. Shadow and Sonic have their ears three time larger.
Those kind of ears are typical of Scottish Fold and Ukrainian Levkoy cat breed.
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Sonic and Shadow: Straight, upright ears. Silver: short, bending forward ears. It is called a 'single fold' because they're still visible.
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My first cat, Goku. She had a mutant TRPV4 gene and had what is called a single fold. Her fold was subtle, the small size of her ears was noticeable. My cat was just a mixed breed, her mum was a regular long haried feral cat, her dad most likely a Scottish Fold, but there is a chance she just developed the mutation on her own.
Now, what is is osteochondrodysplasia? Is what cause the ears to stay small and bend forward. It affects the carlilages of the animal in his whole body. Is actually a form of dwarfism, even when the animal grow large in size (My cat was so large they mistook her as a male) However, if only copy of the gene is present, there is a high change that the symptoms are only cosmetic (small, folded ears). My cat lived 19 years without developing any symptoms of the condition, ear shape aside. However if the condition develops fully (especially in case of a double mutand TRPV4 gene), it causes pain, stiffness and deformed paws and tail.
Apparently, I'm not the only one who thinks Silver is a fold.
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Here Silver is drawn with a triple fold. The triple fold is the most requested by cats lover. But, as a former owner of a cat with a single fold, I like to see character with ears similar to those of my cat.
Silver doesn't seems to have other symptoms of osteochondrodysplasia. But he is unusually stiff, he doesn't curl despite being an hedgehog, favoring flight/absence of gravity.
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Is SILVER!!!, well, about, more to come - He even has black highlighst around his eyes.
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Two Ukrainian Levkoy.
Silver's secondary characteristic:
Sonic and Shadow have long quills, with Shadow having a sligtly fluffier look thanks to his thicker fur and his soft, white spot on his chest.
But Silver literally has a ruff. The ruff is typical of long haired cats. I've never seen a long haired hedgehog. The mutation didn't settle yet (there are, hovever, hedgehogs who have regular fur instead of quills). Silver also has longer quills on the back of his head. Meaning, Silver is long haired.
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Silver's fur colour is pale blue, a very diluited black fur and is a 'self', meaning is his only colour, without any spot or pattern (Unlike Sonic who is bi-colour tuxedo and Shadow who is calico/tricolour), with white undercoat (Smokey) well shown in his ruff.
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I wonder if Sega did it on purpose. I mean, making Sonic, Shadow and Silver looking like cats, even having unique cats features and giving them some hedgehogs traits, naming them 'hedgehogs''.
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blueratgrmln · 8 months
🌟OPEN DISCUSSION about the 2020's era of shipping culture, Sonadow in the Sonic Fandom, and how well-intended activism can circle back to the language and violence of oppressors 🌟
(Link to chapter PARTS >>>HERE<<<)
I gotta get something off my chest in regards to shipping. I wasn't super invested in the shipping part of the Sonic Fandom community when I was growing up. There were a few ships I liked and I enjoyed the fanart people made of those ships. And then I forgot about it for a number of years. Now in adulthood I am getting back into shipping Sonic characters a bit more, because it's fun to look back at the things I liked as a kid and seeing how my opinions have changed since gaining more life experience. Plus I've become much more active on the internet, in Fandom spaces, and more aware of social justice issues during adulthood. So here is a long-ish essay where I gather my thoughts about Sonadow shipping, fandoms, and activism together💙
It's odd being a Middle Child of the Sonic Fandom "family" that grew up during the age of "cringe culture" cyberbullying and shipping wars. I was aware of the stereotypes and disdain people had both on and off the internet toward the Sonic Fanbase and the notoriety it had. It influenced me to tone-down my external Sonic geekiness around my peers. While some of the stereotypes had some truth to it (when they weren't used as cyberbullying put-downs), I noticed that there was a very prominent difference how the Sonic Franchise/Fandom was viewed by the pop culture savvy public and how the fandom acted amongst/within itself as a creative and meaning-making community, despite the in-fighting that occasionally happened. On the internet, I oddly didn't experience or witness much discourse about ethics, specifically about shipping, when I was a kid cruising the internet for the fanart I liked. The spaces I visited were usually very supportive of people creating meaning, joy, and comfort with these ships. These shipping spaces loved Sonic × Amy, Shadow × Amy, Knuckles × Rouge, Sonic × Sally, Silver × Blaze and also any ship between Sonic, Shadow, and Silver. While there were specific ships that I enjoyed, I was happy to see other people enjoying other ships and hearing them geek about it. Yes, there was sometimes shipping discourse pitting pairings against each other, but I did not notice intense targeting or harassment in the name of "ethics" to the same degree as I am witnessing nowadays.
Fast forward to the 2020's age of the internet and fandom culture. I had no idea what the evolved discussion about "ethical vs unethical" shipping was beyond just "this ship is the best" mentalities until about a year ago. After reading about the various viewpoints, I started out not really caring about the ethics of fictional shipping and not fully caring on which "side" I would fit, even though my views in adulthood realistically lean towards anti-censorship sentiments. However, it's important to note that if I'd discovered this specific "ethical vs unethical" debate when I was younger, I would have leaned pro-censorship, a view directly influenced by the small-town evangelical church indoctrination that kept my mind closed-off from the nuances of sociology, psychology, and humanity. I was the type of person that got emotional and reactionary about the idea of people being sex workers, about the idea of kink and BDSM being a normal thing between consenting adults, and about other socially charged topics. Then as I learned from other people's experiences and researched those topics, my mindset changed to be more supportive and more aware of all the nuances that go beyond black vs white thinking. I learned to not demonize people and instead find out the reasons WHY something happens or WHY people do something, and actually LISTEN to the person and BELIEVE them when they give their answer. Similar mindset changes have happened in adulthood since I've done research about both the generational divides and social justice intersectionality of this cultural shift in today's internet Fandom spaces. I am noticing this divide and these debates happening more and more in the Sonic Fandom.
For some context, when I was a kid moderately involved with shipping content, I did not ship Sonic × Shadow. I somewhat avoided anything to do with gay ships or gay content due to my small-town church upbringing teaching me to not support anything LGBTQ+. So now as an adult having interest in shipping again, having discarded homophobia, embracing my own queerness, and having new understandings of the Sonic characters' personalities/backstories/dynamics, I am opening myself up to considering ships I hadn't been interested in before and ships that I actively avoided due to internalized homophobia. Watching Sonic Prime and the wonderful joy it sparked across the Fandom (in both shippers and non-shippers alike) was the marker when I finally started enjoying the Sonadow ship. It was after reading people's interpretations of Sonic and Shadow and understanding the ship more when I realized why Sonadow is such a beloved and timeless ship. In response to the new wave of Sonadow popularity, it's getting lots of heated criticism. People are having arguments everyday about both Shadow and Sonic's true ages, whether Shadow is 15 or 18 or 50, whether it makes any difference that SEGA quietly removed the characters' official ages. The debate creates these polarized "sides", with some people on one side claiming that it's an inherently unethical ship and claiming that you are a bad person, or at least suspicious in some way, for supporting it.
One prominent feeling I have about the common criticisms toward Sonadow and about other shipping discourse is feeling alarmed that a lot of Queer people end up getting harassed because of these debates, sometimes by fellow Queer people. From my Middle Child perspective in the Sonic Fandom, the reasons WHY many people embraced LGBTQ+ Sonic ships was to create and celebrate representation in a franchise that doesn't outright confirm or have much on-screen representation. Even though Sega has a general "no official confirmed couples" mandate, the company has consistently supported and encouraged the fans' shipping headcanons including LGBTQ+ ships, and the company has showed real, tangible, and financial support for the LGBTQ+ community (to my knowledge). Tangle and Whisper in the IDW comics are written with specific chemistry that leads most people to view them as a lesbian couple with the writers' and company's encouragement, even if they're not verbally stated as "officially canon." Sonic × Shadow, although not canon, has been a noteworthy ship acknowledged by the writers, company, and voice actors as being one of the most beloved and celebrated gay Sonic ships. It has given Queer people a sense of joy, hope, comfort, and visibility ever since 2001 when Sonic Adventure 2 released and Shadow debuted as a character. The reasons people immediately shipped these characters together was never about being creepy or encouraging "unethical" dynamics. It was simply Queer Sonic fans, both closeted and uncloseted, creating meaning via representation as an act of queer resistance and radical acceptance. This has been a constant throughout the present day, Sonadow being one of the most recognizable and longstanding ships that inspires widespread Queer Joy that even breaks the boundaries of the internet microcosm.
Now is where I will delve into the connection between Sonadow shipping (and overall shipping) debates and how well-intentioned activism loops back into mimicking oppressors. Thinking about how Sonadow is historically important to the Sonic Franchise, the Sonic Fandom, LGBTQ+ Sonic Fans, and maybe even video game history as a whole, I feel major discomfort and even dread when I see so many people (particularly those that are young) throwing around very serious accusations at (fellow) Sonic Fans and (fellow) Sonic shippers. Accusations supporting pedophilia or pedophilia itself is one of the most egregious. I've seen it thrown at Sonadow shippers, Vector x Espio shippers because Vector is 20 and Espio is 16 (despite it being another extremely popular LGBTQ+ headcanon-ed ship due to lack of representation), and even Knuckles x Rouge because Rouge is 18 and Knuckles is 16. It strikes me as counterintuitive and unnecessary at least, and actively dangerous at most/worst, seeing fellow Queer people utilizing the morality-policing, fear tactics, surveillance methods, censorship mindset, and rhetoric/language of our oppressors and using those things against the people in their own communities. Realizing that long-time Sonadow fans who felt inspired to come out and be unapologetically Queer because of that specific ship have been facing harassment and slander from fellow Queer people (who are likely younger than them), getting called "pedos" or "dangerous" or "suspicious" or "unethical" over the mere act of creating representation and Queer Joy with fictional characters and seeking some sense of comfort while surviving homophobic environments...bluntly, my stomach is churned and my blood is boiled. The last thing we need in this rapidly backwards-turning world is more in-fighting within the broader LGBTQ+ community that distracts our thoughts, emotions, time, energy, organizing, education, community-building, and activism away from the oppressors who are causing us real-world tangible harm, suffering, and death.
A random teenager on the internet drawing fanart of Sonic and Shadow holding hands, or even random adults on the internet drawing suggestive art or outright porn of these characters, is NOT going to be the catalyst that rapidly or gradually normalizes pedophilia or inspires worldwide support for unethical relationships. And yes, this includes content about the "weirdo/unethical/dark" ships that are found in the shadowy fringes of the internet and Fandom spaces. I am uncomfortable with a lot of it myself. But those ships and the people that engage with them ALSO DO NOT have the same level of impact and reach (key words: Same Level) that real life oppressive systems have to cause widespread suffering. The key difference that makes widespread abuse possible is that the real life oppressive systems are disguised as wholesome safe environments that develop trust and closeness with community members. Those oppressive systems and the harmful people that support them are usually NOT on the freaky/dark/weird fringes of society, they don't outwardly appear that way, and they demonize the "degenerates", not associate with any such label. The Catholic church institution is a big example, the institution covering up uncountable cases of their clergy members abusing minors while those clergy members are positioned as a pure, trusted facet of society that people actively look to for guidance, safety, and belonging.
At NO point am I ever going to say that everyone online is perfectly pure and that we should ignore everyone's behavior online. When we do encounter legitimate creeps causing harm to real people (not watered-down definitions of what being a creep means) we absolutely need to call them out and keep each other safe. HOWEVER, by pitting fellow Sonic Fans, fellow Queer people, fellow shippers against each other with this blanket "us vs them" mentality that overshadows the real life patterns and signs of how widespread oppression and real life harm happens, we end up accomplishing a lot of what our oppressors want anyway: divisions, distractions, and outright mimicking the violent language and behaviors that they display toward us at ourselves. This is the point where well-intentioned activism goes wrong and circles back around to oppression without meaning to.
Many people are super-duper-sure that they have dismantled all of their -isms and -phobias and now identify with labels and movements that are on the right side of history. But all of us STILL need to be aware of the fact that our thought patterns, behaviors, logic, and emotional responses can be tied to previously held beliefs and mindsets, and they can sometimes carry over and linger in our minds even after significant "character development". This is true even if we don't immediately realize it and think that we are a "safe person" within our own marginalized communities and for other marginalized communities. It can be really hard to identify if/when that is happening sometimes, but it is pertinent that we are actively checking in with ourselves, listening to constructive criticism, and cross-analyzing whether we are unintentionally mimicking the language, behaviors, and violence of our oppressors, and what effects that can have on the people in our shared communities and the people we care about.
Most of the fandom will continue arguing about Shadow's "true age" for the rest of time and how that "should" influence people's shipping headcanons. In my opinion, it is a very unnecessary thing to argue about simply because of the uniqueness and the fantastical nature of Shadow's existence within the Sonic Universe. Very specifically, he is a test tube science project super soldier who is immortal with an unclarified "birth date."
It's most likely that Professor Gerald Robotnik started the process of creating Shadow AFTER Maria was born and they discovered her incurable disease; Project Shadow could have taken a significant amount of time to complete considering all of the scientific processes, research, and intergalactic communication needed. It is also important to remember that Maria died when she was only 12 years old. If we are just talking about the amount of time that Shadow was physically and mentally conscious, communicating, and learning (excluding the 50 years he spent in cryo-stasis), this would mean that Shadow's age could be anything up to Maria's exact age at her time of death. Realistically his youngest possible age would be much greater than 1 day, since it probably took a noteworthy amount of time for Shadow and Maria to develop their trusting best friend and/or sibling bond.
Otherwise, in the less likely scenario, Professor Gerald could've had foresight and somehow gotten confirmation about Maria's condition before she was born with the scientifically and medically advanced technology aboard the Space Colony ARK, and then completed Project Shadow before she was born. But in EITHER possible chronology, Shadow could be around the same age or a handful of years younger than 15 (one of the possible ages in this debate), if we are to consider his game manual or Wiki-page biographies for his true age. This could put the Sonadow ship in the same boat of age-gap and maturity-difference criticism that the Sonic x Amy ship gets because Sonic is 15 and Amy is 12.
Even though Shadow is one of the most complex characters within the broad Sonic Lore, at the same time he's one of the most mysterious characters, especially since we don't have any official content that shows the complete scientific/medical/technological details of his creation process from start to finish. Everyone has a different opinion whether the game manual and Wiki-page age(s) indicates Shadow's number of conscious years lived, his current physical age, or both. People also debate whether his current physical age matters in terms of shipping ethics. Considering that Shadow is an immortal science experiment with the DNA/blood of an alien species and he could have grown up in a test tube, I like to think that any of the "teen" ages used in this debate could simply describe what his physical vessel looks like (compared to 100% Mobian hedgehogs) at the point Project Shadow was deemed successfully completed. It's possible that his early development deviated from that of a human baby, a Mobian hedgehog baby, and a normal hedgehog baby. Maybe he grew generally faster or went through the same developmental stages of his Black Arms alien siblings. Deciphering what it would mean for Shadow to become "fully mature", or even what "age" in general means for him, would require solving the complex puzzle of his circumstances: the science of genetic engineering that splices Black Arms DNA with Mobian hedgehog DNA to design a being that is artificial and specifically exceptional in every way. We DO know that Shadow's Black Arms DNA gives his mind and body a connection to the species' Hive Mind (which is explored in the Archie comic books) and that Black Doom's DNA was one of the necessary ingredients to give Shadow immortality and disease immunity. But that's the extent of what we know about Shadow's Black Arms biology, its overall effects, its benefits, and its downsides. In addition to this, the "immortal artificial super soldier with alien DNA" context brings up questions regarding Shadow's mental processes, intelligence, and learning capabilities. He could have gone through rapid psychological development, or can learn and gain skills at an enhanced rate, have increased intelligence, or have alien mental capacities beyond his connection to the Black Arms' Hive Mind.
The limitless SCOPE of possibilities for Shadow's physical and mental reality is why I completely avoid any attempts at shoving this complex character into the same quantifiable boxes of human OR Mobian OR normal hedgehog maturity, development, intelligence, socialization, emotions, learning, and age. Which is why I do not judge people for their shipping preferences and don't assume the worst of the people that ship him with other characters. An integral part of the tragedy and isolation of Shadow the Hedgehog as a character surrounds him being the Ultimate Lifeform, a being that is so unique, advanced, artificial, medicalized, scientific, revolutionary, mystical and powerful that he cannot relate to most of the other Sonic characters and vice versa. TRYING to force Shadow to be 100% understandable, relatable, and quantifiable both by our real-life human standards and by the standards of the other Sonic characters can diminish his uniqueness and essence, and it hinders the broad Sonic Fandom from creatively exploring the magnitude of possibilities (both shipping and non-shipping) that his mysteriousness inspires.
(Thank you for reading and sticking with my train of thought! :) I expect constructive conversation in the comments if any are made at all, whether it's criticism or agreement.)
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sconc middle names but me and cori are stupidt
last night me and cori got slap-happy and made a list of characters’ middle names so happy birthday sonic enjoy. tw catholicism jokes bc when we get slap happy we end up on that train
Sonic: His middle name is actually not Maurice. He won’t tell anyone what it is but it isn’t Maurice. Not in the “noooo it’s totally not ;)” way he legit doesnt know where anyone got that misconception from
Metal Sonic: His middle name IS Maurice. That’s where people got that misconception from
Tails: When he and sonic were filling out paperwork to make sure he legally existed Tails realized he didn’t know his middle name and could reasonably put “Tails.” Instead he put “Terminator”
rouge, losing it: oh my god are you serious tails: i was like five and thought it was cool sonic: you were right 
Knuckles: He literally doesn’t care so once again when filling out paperwork he’s like.
knuckles: so i guess my last name would be my tribe shadow: the knuckles tribe? knuckles: yeah shadow: so you’re putting down knuckles knuckles knuckles: yeah probably shadow: so what’s your middle name? knuckles: well take a fucking guess buddy
Amy: Also picked her own name. Debated between “Amy” and “Rosy” for a while before sticking with “Amy Rose”– rose for the pretty flower she loves and its symbolism, “Amy” because it means “much loved” and she’s desperate for affection. and then she well. picked a middle name that sounded cool
shadow: oh my god tell me your middle name isn’t “terminator” too amy: oh my gosh no amy: amy: it’s velociraptor shadow: oh my god amy: JURASSIC PARK JUST CAME OUT I WAS HYPED
Shadow: We had two (2) options: #1.) It’s something extremely Catholic like Clementinus. It doesn’t fit his brand so he just doesn’t tell anyone. also he can’t pronounce it. #2.) It’s like a deep, guttural screech/roar. Everyone assumes it was Black Doom’s name for him but no that was Gerald’s idea actually
Rouge: Francisca. Shadow was like “oh something really catholic as well” “actually my family were very much not catholic that’s just a funny coincidence.”
Omega: Terminator. Stole the idea from Tails
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Blaze: She has like 48 middle names cause she’s royalty and they’re like that
Silver: “In the future we don’t have middle names. We ate them for sustenance.”
Vector: ALSO something extremely Catholic like Benedict or someshit
Espio: “A ninja’s secret name is to stay absolutely secret. It is the key to their identity. Their soul. None shall know of it.” He picked his own middle name and it was SasuNaru and he’s embarrassed about it.
Charmy: Vector named him so it is also EXTREMELY Catholic. Charmy cannot remember it. “It’s VALENTINE, Charmy!! It’s literally one of the easiest Saints to remember!! Saint VALENTINE!!” “look i made a necklace out of gummy worms :D”
Mighty: it’s something like super normal like Evan or Thomas
Ray: Sunshine :D
Fang: It’s actually Nack. whudda think
Bean: And similar to Fang, it’s ACTUALLY “Dynamite.” Did he name himself? You’ll never know.
Bark: Something super Russian like Vladimir
Big: Big has no middle name he has no last name he is too powerful for all of us
Tikal: yeah we didn’t have middle or surnames in my time. Closest was just “oh that’s Pachacamac’s kid.” Tails: Okay but you need a middle name for paperwork so pick something Tikal: Termi-- Knuckles: No. Tikal: Okay. Lesbian
Jet: Tony. you know why
Marine: It’s just literally “Australian”
Sticks: “Classified.” Everyone is like “oh geez Sticks ok” and don’t realize her middle name is literally Classified
Surge: When she got to pick hers she picked Azula for obvious reasons
Kit: He picked “Surge.”
Belle: Periwinkle
Sage: Ann Ima. believe it or not, that is also. Catholic™
Tekno: Terminator
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Sonic Prime is a perfect intro show for new Sonic fans and annoying for anyone who pays attention to the plot
Sonic prime shows off Sonic characters in a way that is digestible to new fans without dumping an entire legacy's worth of lore on them.
In the beginning we are told directly by Sonic what his relationship with each character is, showing us the characters from his perspective, while giving us a brief understanding of their background and how they met Sonic.
And I know what you're probably thinking, the original versions of the characters (other than Sonic and Shadow) are barely in the show at all, how could they be shown off if they're not in it? And of course, you're right, they're not in it, but that's the point.
The different versions of the Sonic characters are not just separate characters entirely; they are the same character in a different situation that caused them to change. And this change is what makes the show so perfect for new fans, because each variant shows off emphasized parts of each character.
Take Knuckles for example, in New Yolk Renegade is shown to be extremely determined to single mindedly complete their one goal and is very consistently loyal to Rebel while being unwilling to trust anyone else easily. He's also shown to be very brave and strategic in battle; All traits that Knuckles Prime exhibits but exaggerated to a larger extent to help get the point across.
In Boscage Maze Gnarly is representative of Knuckles naivety, showing how he can misinterpret things or be misled; often thinking with his fists or his stomach instead of his brain. And again, exaggerated to get the point across.
Now Dread is where they really shine, Dread perfectly shows off Knuckles' obsession with the Master Emerald, without even mentioning or showing the Master Emerald at all; Using the prism shard as a stand-in for the Master Emerald. It shows off how far he'd go to get it back, it shows how often he doesn't care about how his actions will affect those around him as long as he gets it back. Dread shows us how Knuckles will isolate himself to keep the master emerald/prism shard safe. He fully introduces us to Knuckles' relationship to the Master Emerald without having to explain any of the lore that comes with it.
Each of the variants have examples like this, of introducing a main facet of the original character in an extreme and unsubtle way. Thorn Rose shows Amy's anger at anyone who harms nature, and her tendency to refuse to change her mind and be stubborn if she believes she is in the right. Rebel emphasizes Rouge leadership skills when leading the rebellion/team dark, and ability to be strategic inside and out of combat regardless of her own emotions. And Sails represents Tails' loyalty and belief in his friends. (Im not gonna touch on Nine bc there's a million and one analyses of his character already)
All of this, plus the ghost versions that straight up tell us their core values, and using the concept of "going through different places to find magical rocks" makes for a show that perfectly introduces new Sonic fans to the characters and basis of the world without spoiling or overloading them with lore and explanations.
Its enough to get us intrigued by the characters, while leaving plenty to still be explored and learned about in which ever way we want.
The movies are also an intro to Sonic, but they lose a lot of points by being separate from the canon Sonic universe, introducing a lot of rules and concepts that aren't true in the canon Sonic lore, that it leaves people feeling confused or misled when trying to get into the rest of the series.
I can say that cuz its exactly what happened to me. I watched the movies, got interested, looked at the rest of the fandom, got confused, and decided to interact with only Movie Sonic content. Until I watched Prime.
Prime introduced me to all the original main characters (unless u count Silver or Blaze) and their aspects and relationships, as well as the canon universe. (and the ships which may have been a driving force for me joining the fandom but just ignore that)
If you want to get someone into Sonic id recommend two methods based on my own experience.
1. If they're hesitant about it/feel like its too cringe, start them with the movies, then a game that's fun to play but not story driven, and then make them watch prime
2. If they're not too hesitant/already in fandoms similar, show them prime and your personal favorite game, let them chose which one they want to do first and boom you got a new sonic fan!
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chaoxgardens · 11 days
An In-Depth Analysis of Sonilver in Sonic 06 (with some other media sprinkled in)
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Sonilver is a pairing very near and dear to my heart, but exclusively when it comes to their “rival era” of sorts. (Aka earlier iterations of Silver, primarily Sonic 06)
I believe that they shine best when they have their own goals and either 1: clash heads or 2: team up, depending on if their goals align or not. But we’ll get to that in more detail later. Let’s get to it, shall we?
There’s a real irony to their dynamic in this game that I’ve never seen discussed online before. As we all know, Sonic is pretty much the main force or “bringer” of justice in the Sonic universe. I’ll go into more detail about Sonic himself at a later date, but regardless the universe would probably be utterly fucked without the blue blur.
Silver has no prior knowledge of Sonic’s achievements or ideals because he’s from 200 years in the future, and Sonic would be long-gone at that point. (In any canonical sense at least) All he knows about the guy is what Mephiles has told him, that he’s the Iblis Trigger who must be killed to restore peace to his future. Silver then convinces himself it’s okay to kill Sonic because it will bring the justice that his future deserves, even if he has to kill a man (hedgehog) to do it. Ironic, huh? Silver must kill the blinding blue light of justice himself to get the justice he wants for his future.
Even as he meets Sonic in person and gets glimpses of his true nature, (through his own confrontations with Sonic and his allies that defend him) he doubles down and gets more aggressive, believing he MUST be right.
I believe Silver’s sense of pride and stubbornness tends to get overlooked and people instead cling onto the term Naive like a lifeboat, but that’s for another time.
When Silver learns the true story of Mephile’s deceit and Sonic’s nature, that pride and stubbornness prevents him from a proper apology, and he instead pulls the “Circumstances have changed” card. (I love that aspect of his character by the way)
Sonic isn’t the kind of guy to hold grudges, so he quickly forgives him and they become allies. Despite my love for their rivalry, I think this shift to allies works well in 06. Their mutual respect and Silver taking the initiative to carry on when Sonic “dies” is really heartwarming and contrasts well with their earlier interactions. Now, since this is Sonic 06, none of this actually happened technically, and they forget about they had ever met. The angst is real and I love it!
Maybe I’ll go more in depth with the Sonic Rivals series at a later date but I’ll give the basics to further my point. Sonic rivals continues their rivalry (hence the name) and has them meet again having no prior knowledge of eachother. The two butt heads as they both try to find Eggman Nega individually, but they eventually set aside their differences and work together when it suits the situation best.
The same thing happens in Sonic Rivals 2 despite their prior team up and their rivalry becomes more competitive than antagonistic. I think this shift between rival or allies depending on the situation is the pinnacle of Sonilver (as is any other pairing in Sonadilver). It highlights their individual ideals and goals while also showing their similarities and sheer ability to thrive as a team.
Unfortunately as the years have gone by their rivalry has been watered down to a more palatable allyship with some occasionally teasing. This is mostly due to IDW, but I’ll be here for hours if I discuss all my gripes with that comic series.
Instead, I’ll just say that while I find the teasing endearing, I missed their initial resolve to solve things on their own before working together when they must. I just feel like there’s a lot more flavor and intrigue to that angle that compliments both of their characters better. Regardless, there’s nothing I can do about that. I’ll just continue to wish for my Sonilver beef on a silver platter without an expectation of change.
Now you may be asking, okay we get it. They have a cool dynamic, but how do you think a romance between the two would play out? You see, the funny thing is that I don’t want them to become romantic. Sure they might have some hidden not so platonic feelings that they will continue to suppress for eternity (I’m more a queerplatonic shipper myself) , but to try to force them into the standard romantic relationship would absolutely destroy what makes their dynamic so interesting in the first place.
Of course, if you do enjoy romantic Sonilver all the power to ya’, (Sonic and Silver characterizations are so consistent from game to game anyways that it’s nearly impossible to be wrong.) but I personally just don’t see the appeal of putting them in that sort of relationship considering the dynamic I enjoy best.
Feel free to comment or DM if you have anything to add, I’d love to hear your opinion regardless if you agree with me or not. Let’s just all be civil, alright?
Also as a little addition, I’ve added a song that I think fits my ideal Sonilver dynamic to a T.
- Jay🦔‼️
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kiriekonamistan · 3 months
I'm back at it again-
Here's what I'd like to see if someone made a 'Silver and Tikal become friends' fanfic
•Tikal healing an injury Silver sustains after exiting a Time Portal (This injury might be why he doesn't immediately return to the present or his future?)
•Tikal showing him around the Knuckles Clan settlement and Silver either being in awe because he's seeing the ruins as they were brand new- OR him not realizing this is the Mystic Ruins because he's only ever been to Angel Island and wouldn't recognize where he is until he sees the Emerald Shrine
•Silver levitating something to help somebody and immediately being swarmed with questions (they'd probably think he was blessed by Chaos or a prophet, something like that)
•The Chao! I want to see Silver and Tikal tending to a Chao garden So Much! Give Silver his own chao in the past that he visits from time-to-time, please.
•Talking about Plants <3
•Silver meeting Chaos
•Tikal hearing Silver describe his friends adventures and those stories later being written/painted as Prophetic Murals and Scrolls (Silver is not aware his stories have been written/painted and doesn't realize for a very long time...)
•Pachacamac being a grumpy, intolerant jerk who doesn't like Silver until he realized the kid can do magic, knows the difference between medical and poisonous plants, and 'see the future'
•Maybe an interaction with Tikal's Grandmother? She's stated to be the one who taught Tikal to be a pacifist and nurture the world. She's also stated to be really kooky, like in an eccentric kinda way!
•Silver and his chao racing through the sky.
•Chaos, Tikal, and Silver going for a swim!
•Treasure hunting on Angel Island leads the Present Timeline Crew to discover the fact that Silver had not only traveled to the distant past, but stayed there for an extended period of time and would randomly return there
•Silver giving Tikal and Chaos trinkets from the Present/Future (Water bottle, key ring, spatula, big book of plants, history book from Silver's era that tells about Sonic's adventures, a recipe book Vanilla had that he hand-copied into a notebook, maybe some seed packets for plants that didn't grow in the Mystic Ruins)
•Silver accidentally introduces Modern Day versions of plants to Mystic Ruins that didn't originally grow there. Corn instead of Maize, Tomatoes, a few kinds of Peppers, and Squash. These plants don't grow outside of gardens, but they help the Knuckles Clan survive periods of time when they should have been struggling with a food shortage.
•Tikal showing Silver how to make hand-made echidna jewelry and tools
•Silver trying food from the distant past and bringing food from the future for Tikal and Chaos to try (Amy and Vanilla's cooking)
•Tikal remembering Silver into the Present Day and casually mentioning her 'glowy floating friend-who wasn't a chao- who mysteriously appeared and disappeared' to Knuckles. Describing Silver just vaguely enough that he doesn't catch on.
and of course,
•The Present Day group who was going treasure hunting; Rouge, Knuckles, Sonic, Tails, and Amy, are having their own wild time uncovering a buried shrine honoring Silver of all people on Angel Island. They find a lot of neat and odd things.
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sevenrenny · 5 months
I might as well ask you this because I enjoy your writing and way of expressing your opinions. Why do you personally ship Sonamy? What got you into Sonamy? What’s your favorite moment between the two? I know this is a very common question, but I hope you don’t mind me asking. 😅
Oh, this ought to be fun XD I don't mind at all. Send all the asks you like, I like to talk about my interests. I tend to ramble, so excuse my long texts. Gonna insert a break line so I don't torture my followers (that sentence makes it sound like I'm running a cult.)
Why do you personally ship Sonamy? What got you into Sonamy?
These two are connected, so it's fair to answer them both in one go. I'm very new to the fandom, unlike most of the people I've met who've been here for as long as they can remember. I originally had no interest in the franchise. Yeah, I played some games and watched the anime a few years back and had some cheap plastic toys from fast-food kiddie meals, but the franchise never stuck with me back then.
I got reintroduced through Sonic Prime around last year, which led to me reading the IDW comics, which is where I started getting into SonAmy. I really liked Amy in particular; surprising, seeing as she hadn't been my favorite character as a child. I liked Tails and Silver more back then, but the comic solidified Amy as my number one. In every fandom I've been in (HTTYD, MHA) I almost always gravitate toward characters who embody love, and that's the core of Amy.
Sonic was harder for me to decipher at first, seeing as he's more of a person who shows his emotions through action rather than words (in some iterations, at least.) But seeing him be more receptive in the comics and treating her better in more recent media portrayals piqued my interest because this wasn't how I remembered these two from when I was a kid. Seeing the progression from how their dynamic started to how it became made me feel proud of them.
And I'm one of those who likes to hypothesize that their affection used to be more one-sided but became mutual over time. Things change. Feelings change. People change. And I love that.
What’s your favorite moment between the two?
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This. I think this is when I started seeing the ship as something I'd like. I've inserted the second panel as well because, while I know the first one is a no-brainer for some SonAmy shippers, I don't see many of them bringing up the follow-up panel.
Before this scene, Sonic kept rejecting Amy's proposal to go back to the Resistance with her (he had his reasons, as he saw investigating the circumstances of Eggman's absence and the waves of Badniks as a higher priority. Get to the snake's head to find the root of the problem.) He was in a hurry to get going. It wasn't until Amy told him she loved him for who he was and that she didn't want to change him that he stopped, got a little flustered, and proposed she come with him instead.
And she declined. She, too, had priorities.
Before this moment, it was possible he didn't see having both Amy and his stubborn way of doing things his way possible, but after, it might've finally clicked in his head that, Oh wait, I can have both? He's asked Amy to come along with him for other adventures afterward.
Also, can I just say how much I appreciate Sonic (who has a history of being touch averse) being more welcoming to her affection? Cause I do.
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Okay, switching to Frontiers:
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This scene is mostly quiet (I like nonverbal communication in general) and I found it too adorable to not mention. It's just for a few seconds, but the way Sonic does a little giddy skip when she waves him over, and the the fact that he just smiled so innocently the whole time he made his way over is just pure sweetness.
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This short little misunderstanding/confrontation. This one's just plain fun for me. Sonic's impatience and inability to articulate his reasoning leads to him sounding like he's abandoning the Koco Amy really wants to help. She's putting the Koco before herself when Sonic's just worried about her. As soon as the misunderstanding is cleared up, Amy calms down, seeing it from his point of view now. It's a subtle little exchange, but knowing how these two used to not be great at communication in past games, and seeing them now deescalate a little misunderstanding this calmly brings me joy.
With each Koco the characters help, there's a certain theme associated between the Koco and Sonic's friends. The inventor Koco and Tails, trying to be of use to others; the soldier Kocos and Knuckles, both who had their people wiped out. For Amy, the Koco (the only Koco who goes by they/them, so that's what I'll be using for them here) is trying to reunite with their lover who had gone into battle. Throughout the game, Amy in her ghostly form can't touch anyone, and she expresses symptoms of dissociation, of feeling 'detached', that she's flying in a dream, but she wishes to just land.
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Remember, Amy is a physically affectionate person, but she can't do much of anything, let alone feel anyone, in this situation. She has to leave it to her love, Sonic, to go into battles. She knows all too well how the Koco was feeling, being separated from their lover. When Amy and Sonic watch the Koco reunite with their partner for the last time, it hits Amy hard, and Sonic knows how affected she is by this. He gives her some time to grieve because he knows her well enough to understand this hit her hard. He tells her, "They're together now." And that's all that matters. And I love that scene. It's so mild compared to what others in the community might bring up, but I'm a sucker for the quieter moments like this.
I have to stop myself now before this turns into a novel lol
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