#what is he getting buffier for?
kelp-my-beloved · 2 years
This has already been said, but I can't stop thinking about Pumpkin Jack as a parallel to e!False backstory like
At the beggining he's just chilling, rooming with False, you know. As one does. False doesn't really tell anyone that he's around, but it's not like anybody asked.
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And then he starts getting creepier. False starts being afraid of him. He's often on top of roofs or somewhere high.
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Until False has enough. She locks him in a cell a room, and makes sure he can't escape. It's just temporal, she tells him.
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Then, something happens. Pumpkin Jack gets Murdered. His cell is broken, the area is a mess, there's monsters everywhere.
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But it's fine! Nothing to worry about! False can fix him. She gives him a new home, surrounded by plants, and doesn't he seem much happier than before?
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And then he gets Buff! He's stronger than before, but I'm sure that won't be a problem, right? Better to leave it alone. Everything will be fine, for sure
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I think its funny, whether e!False is moving Jack while asleep or if it's just a magic statue, that not only it ends up replicating her backstory themes, but that she ends up acting exactly like h!False, taking the same choices, etc.
(If you take a few liberties, of course, that I do not think are that big at all. If you see e!false getting her memories erased as some sort of temporary death, and e!false thinking of killing h!false as something easy, when h!false must have defeated her at some point to get her to forget and get into empires)
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thewriterowl · 2 years
not me trying to see din and luke's canon size difference through comparing their size next to R5D5 (because the dang writers never actually put them side by side which is a sin in my opinion)
So a few things to do for the comparison:
Din is apparently like an inch taller than Han
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2) Luke's height can seem to vary. I follow what a general google search provides me which states he's 5'6 (in my heart that is as tall as he gets) On one of Mark Hamill's silly signature cards and his apparent actor resume, he's listed as 5'7 (while wearing healed boots)
3) Din's height seems to be Pedro's height which is about 5'11 + an inch or two for the helmet
But just looking at that gif?? Luke may come up to Din's shoulder :D
because while Pedro, depending on his role, can be buff to lean, Din is continuously shown to be rather thic and Luke is continuously shown to be rather lean. So, I think how Pedro looked for his role as Joel is really close to the body type Din is show-cased to have based on the armor (the armor does bulk him up a bit but...
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the man clearly fills it out in many areas to show that he is built to match the armor and vice-versa; this character is for sure denser than, say, Pedro's Javi)
With Luke;
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Being a lot more slender (and this being one of his buffier looks)
So, i end my presentation with: ENJOY THE SIZE DIFFERENCE CAUSE I KNOW I AM
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williaml0ver · 7 months
☆ <3 The way to a Forward's heart - a William Ellis story ☆ <3
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[🖇️] word count: 4204 JESUS. That's a record, and i thought my Kevin fic was long...
[🖇️] warnings: g/n reader, William is sad 😔, but it's very fluffy, not proofread, not historically accurate ijbol, several cameos at the end
[🖇️] a/n: soo i have been recently experiencing a small burnout because real life has been a lot stressful lately BUT i really wanted to pull something out since it's been already a whole month since my first post ‼️ I swear it took me over a week to surpass the 1k words border, but i randomly felt inspired (possesed?) and pulled out 3K MORE on a single day... never doubt a delusional William Ellis lover. thank you guys so much for the support!! It really encourages me!!!! today i am delivering a William fic!!!!!!! It's so long hello??
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You weren't exactly sure how you ended up in this mess. But were you complaining?
"Hey... is it me or did the air get really, REALLY stinky right now?"
It all began when your boyfriend came back from a challenging match. Happens to the best of us. Constant body blocking, healing and of course rescuing his teammates, not to mention the desperate kiting til his final breath - he ended up chaired and no one came to the rescue! No matter how embarrassed the rugby star felt, it wasn't rare for survivor teams to go down like that. You've even heard that Eli, the seer, ended up under Emily's worried eyes, she apparently had to patch him up! You knew he was a very advanced player, so those news made you realize how serious that was. And your William?
You found yourself crotcheting a cute little scarf from scratch after discovering that this form of activity effectively made you relax. It was very helpful during those trying times. The piece of fabric you were using was very soft and had a beautiful salmon colour. With some schlagers playing in the background from the gramophone player Miss Nightingale gave you you've found yourself in your own small world. It was your way of escaping from reality, the strange place you've found yourself in.
Suddenly, loud steps could be heard from outside of your dorm. It was no one else than William Ellis himself! You felt thrilled to see him again. Truth is, the last time you've seen him was just a little over an hour ago, but you just can't help it. Being this giant man's lover meant receiving a lot of affection, you can't deny that you became a lot more clingier than you usually were after getting together. Due to regular training he was very buff, but you're sure his heart is even buffier. The needle in your palms was sloppily placed on top of the wooden desk as you quickly came to the doors. You couldn't contain your happiness and just tightly hugged him, but what you didn't see at first is how absolutely wasted he looked like. You thought to yourself how suspiciously silent your man is right now. That's unusual. Most of the times he would try to make you smile, tell you some goofy joke, slightly overdramatize his heroic attempts at rescuing. You then looked at his face and felt mortified. He had a big bruise on his right cheek and had several dirty stains on his face. Not to mention the small trail of blood coming out of his mouth....
It wasn't long until you started leading him to your shared bed and told him to sit. Yes, he was very sweaty, stinky and dirty, but that didn't matter currently, you would have to clean it sooner or later anyways. You weren't sure what to do at first, so you allowed him to decide what's next. All he did was request you to let him place his head on your lap, to which you happily obliged and began carefully petting him by his long hair. William then kept silent, as you didn't want to force him into speaking. After some time, you've got up and looked inside your small drawer. There were some emergency leftover bandages, plasters and a gauze. You got them, and with your boyfriend's permission you started cleaning his wounds and taking care of them, of course, all of them received William's favourite, most effective cure - a kiss. When you started disinfecting that nasty scar on William's cheek he started smiling a little. While you could tell he was drop dead exhausted, it made you relieved to see him calmer now. You placed a few plasters with Hello Kitty and Minions on his arms and nose, you've then felt his muscly arm pulling your head for a kiss. That's the good old William.
After a while passed, he started opening up to you, talking how terrible the match went, how he blames him for everything that went wrong. It made your heart ache hearing how he thinks he failed his teammates, how he failed Eli. Most of the times after a lost match you'd find him cheering and hyping up the others. Though, sometimes he could also have worse days, when he was feeling blue, thinking how they could win if he did a few things with a different approach which of course was normal and understandable - but you were having none of it. During moments like this, you would always try your best to cheer William up. He deserves so, considering how thoughtful he is to towards everyone. How thoughtful he is towards you.
"William, look at me, I know... it's okay..." you've put your hand on his healthy cheek. Each time he'd have you whispering comforting sentences into his ear, he felt like someone above sent him an angel to support him. Most of the time, the forward would quickly cheer up, but today was diffrent. Feeling your hand on him, feeling your kisses, hearing your words, following your eyes... he felt like something broke inside him. He started to tear up. Even for him, sometimes the matches in the manor could be overwhelming - having people trust you is both a blessing and a curse. You felt bad for him and a little ashamed yourself because you weren't exactly sure what to tell him. You ended up saying nothing, with William, words aren't needed. All you had to do was to be there for him. You stayed together cuddling in silence for over twenty minutes, yet to both of you it felt like a few seconds. You realized that William's clothing is dirty, usually, he wouldn't care, but you're sure he must be feeling nasty right now.
After undressing and freeing his from the heaviness of his clothes, your boyfriend felt much more comfortable. You then told him to lay on the bed, and after a few small kisses you began tucking him in like a child. You both have a huge collection of funky, extraordinary blankets, pillows and plushies - they all made your room much more comfortable and cute! Your eyes softened seeing him covered by all the duvets and comfortable fabrics. Not long after, you grabbed your favourite dinosaur plushie, mr. Rex, who was of HUGE size, almost as tall and big as William, you always took good care of it. The plushie meant a lot to you - since William once won it for you during a summer festival. You placed him on the right side of your bed. Quickly after turning off the gramophone and closing the blinds on the windows you went straight to lay with William. With you on his left and mr. Rex on his right he finally felt at peace for the first time this day. There was a small smile showing on his face. He felt grateful. After exchanging a few i love you's and cuddles he fell asleep. Usually he would pull some stunts to stay up longer with you by provoking tickle or pillow fights. He must have felt terribly tired.
You spent some of your time simply watching him and considered falling asleep as well, his arms were real free estate. Yet you couldn't help but think of how to cheer your dear boyfriend up. He'd definitely appreciate if he woke up to something nice. After a small brain storm, you decided to bake William his very favourite threat - a cherry pie. Your speciality. To be honest, you didn't know if it was your speciality because you were good at doing it, or because your boyfriend always devoured it as if it was final meal in this life ever. Either way, it did get Naib's and Mary's stamps of approval, so you were quite sure of your skill. Those two could be VERY picky on bad days, and they happened often.
It was finally time to get up. You had to be sneaky enough to leave your bed and avoid waking your boyfriend up. Thank God William fell asleep before you, otherwise he'd have a death grip on you. You waited a few more minutes to make sure he's in deep slumber and got out very slowly and carefully. You replaced yourself with some other plushie and wrapped the scarf you were previously working on around him. He looked absolutely cute. You were ready to get to work. You've went to your wardrobe and put on your favourite scarf on your head - so your hair won't make it's way into the food and put on a matching apron with some funky embroidment of it. If William was up he would probably be praising you for like five minutes. Truth is, he'd be all over you even if you wore a potato sack. Now, you could finally head to the manor kitchen.
The kitchen itself had a very relaxing feeling to it. It reminded you of your past life, no wonder you'd often find yourself helping all the servants making mealss. It radiated comfort among several soulless corridors out there. The kitchen's the heart of the whole house they say. Now, the cherry pie... you had to admit it was a fairly old fashioned recipe, a time consuming one on top of that - but it was worthy because your boyfriend love it. Well, he does like anything baked by you... or at least he tries. He even ate up your whole cake, which was entirely burnt at the bottom with a straight face. He may be an athlete, but one thing he can't deny is that he loves your cuisine. Quickly, you've began searching for needed indegredients: flour, cherries, sugar, butter... seems like everything was prepared! You were just about to do the first step and pull out the pits from the cherries when you heard footsteps that were approaching. Turns out it was Emma coming your way, asking for help. You weren't surprised though, all those huge sacks with garden soil could be very heavy, therefore you ended up offering the girl a helping hand. It can't take that long. The cherry pie can wait, right?
Bump... bump... bump...
William has woken up due to weird noises coming from his neighbour's room. Seems like Ganji felt like relaxing and throwing his cricket ball onto the wall, the ball would jump back to him, creating a painful butterfly effect. Ganji was a good friend of William, but ugh! He will have to talk to him about it later, what's important right now is his precious love. He felt like he didn't express his gratitude to you when you took care of him after that terrible match. Facing mr. Rex, he turned the other way with closed eyes and gave you a gentle kiss. But hold on...
"Uhhhhhhh... what the heck?!"
The forward groaned, opened his eyes and saw a medium sized, green neon-like colored bear. You either left him while he was sleeping, or some evil witch turned you into a plush bear as revenge and now he had to take care of you, hopefully, it's the first option. William noticed he has a warm, pinkish scarf wrapped around his neck, hmm, wasn't it the one you were working on when he entered your shared dorm already one leg in his coffin? He smiled to himself. It was time for him to return the favor, but first of all, he had to find you.
William stormed out of his bed, quickly tucking mr. Rex and the green bear in. He put on some random clothes and his bunny slippers. After leaving his room, he started checking every possible place you could be in. Annoying him with Ganji? Nope. Playing with dolls with Memory? No. Thirdweeling Ada and Emil? No! Learning italian with Luchino? Neither... You've lately befriended Annie, maybe you're at her place? No, she told him she hasn't seen you. On a walk? He looked through the biggest windows in the manor, he couldn't see you admiring the greenary anywhere. So where could you be? At some point, he was just aimlessly walking around the corridors. He was supposed to give up already, but just when he was walking back to your shared, William felt a little hungry. He decided to sneak into the kitchen and grab some snacks from the refrigerator, he's lately thought about eating some of Naib's favourite gingerbread cookies, the mercenary won't notice if a few them will go missing, right?
Walking into the kitchen, William saw a few indegredients on the table, but there was no one else here. The servants have a day off, so who's taking care of this? Despite the products looking awfully familiar, he couldn't put his fingers on who exactly is behind this. Well, he wouldn't know if he didn't see a piece of material hanged on a wooden chair. It was a scarf, it was bright blue with some cute white embroidery on it.... that's your scarf! Suddenly, everything clicked. You were baking his favourite treat for him, or at least William hoped so. A light blush appeared on his cheeks. He felt very fuzzy inside.
You must have taken a break, the forward said to himself. He then felt like surprising you. Maybe he could help a little...? He's seen you baking a cherry pie a few times, the products are already there, he more or less remembers the procedure. It can't be that difficult! William wore an apron with some corny saying on it, it belonged to Luchino - he liked cooking fun lunches together with Robbie, but he was sure the lizard man won't mind it if he cleans it later. He was actually a very polite man against all odds. Truth is, even with an apron on, he still wasn't properly dressed, he's going to end up very dirty. But does it matter if he's about to spend some quality time with his dearest beloved? He took a deep breath. Alright. What was the first step...? Oh yes! It was the crust. William did all in his power to try to be as accurate as possible. It would be kind of embarrassing if he messed up his lover's hard work... he finally began mixing all the products. The crust ended up looking nice. The kitchen was much messier than when you were making one, but at least it didn't explode! What was next? He was pretty sure you usually would take the pits out of all cherries. Alright...
Helping the gardener took you a hot minute, but you managed to live through it. The clothing of yours was now a little dirty, and the exposure to sun made you sweat, but you were glad to help. You were coming back towards the kitchen, but something felt slightly off... you could literally bet you heard some annoyed grunts. Oh my, did the servants take over the kitchen? Weren't they supposed to have a day off?! Whether yes or no, you knew you had to step in before they did anything. Expecting the worst, you took a deep breath and went to the kitchen. To your surprise, there were no servants. It seemed like there was just you and your thoughts. At least you thought so. Something certainly happened here. First of all, there were many flour stains on the table, no, everywhere, besides, you've noticed an opened package of butter. Hey... how on earth was the pie crust already prepared? Did someo- WAAAH!!
You've suddenly felt a hand grabbing you from under the table and let out a diabolical scream. At some point, you were just about to call someone for help, this felt like a horror scene where some evil demon chases it's victim and later sacrifices their body to some ancient deity. Despite strange, scary stuff happening in the manor, you were still terrified, untill you noticed the hand looked strangely familiar... is that..? The arm was very bulky. Hold on, William?!
Seems like your bonding time with Emma took way longer than expected. Suddenly, all in his glory with a huge grin, William crawled out and stood up. He was wearing some loose clothes and a ridiculous, stained red apron with "KISS THE COOK" sewed onto it. He looked very amused knowing his trick worked out, meanwhile you were convinced he's going to tease you about it until the very end. First things first, you reached out and gave the cook himself a kiss on the mouth. You found it sweet how he wanted to help. William always wants to lend a hand, even if you're the one helping him at times. Not only that, looks like he also memorized the recipe?! You don't own a cookbook or anything, he must have learnt some things while watching you baking many times before. The crust was already finished and the pits were almost all freed from the cherries Sure, the flour maybe was all over the kitchen, the pits were pulled out a little messily, but did it matter? You were happy you could spend time together with your boyfriend. Give him a few chances and he'll be your best "little" helper in the kitchen. The entire process of baking your pie went swiftly. With William, everything is much more enjoyable. He would spin you around during random moments, smear a little flour on your face. give you pecks on your cheeks and sing out loud. Little did you know, the silly "flour attacks" from his side were the beggining of the end.
Everything was done. The pie just had to grow and warm up in the oven.
"Allow me, gorgeous."
William put on baking gloves on his hands and picked up the pie. He then put it inside. You loved how confident he attempted to look, despite this being his first time. Cutie. You gave him yet another kiss on the lips. He loved those little moments.
Now, it was time for the longest process - waiting for the pie to grow. William couldn't contain his excitement. You exclaimed that he can help you clean up the kitchen. Time will surely pass faster, but William had a different idea. A VERY mischevious one on top of that...
"William, love, i've brought two brooms. Here's one for y-"
You couldn't finish your sentence, since suddenly you were attacked with grains of flour. William burst out with laughter and exclaimed you not only have an expression as if you saw a ghost, but also look like if you were on. That guy... you took a sack of flour and counter attacked. You knew he could get very competitive during such play fights, even you don't get a "significant other treatment". He has no mercy, especially on you.
The fight lasted LONG. Even your scarf couldn't secure your hair from being filled with flour. Good luck with cleaning it later in the bathtub. Your face was entirely white, you were sure you looked whiter than Andrew himself right now. Your clothes, your everything was covered in flour, and so was William. He sat on the floor and let you sit on his lap. You though the war was over, until even more flour landed on both of you. It was Robbie! The fight resumed for yet another few minutes, until the three of you grew tired. You on William's lap, Robbie in yours, he was the first one to fall asleep. Not only the three of you were full in flour, so was the kitchen, you will surely get scolded. Honestly, you have no idea how no one has yet noticed the fight and put an end to it.
"I love you." Said William, holding your hand, he then began feeling a strange smell...
"Hey... is it me or did the air get really, REALLY stinky right now?"
It was the apple pie! William quickly wore the gloves and took it from the oven. It was black like charcoal, not to mention the smoke. The two of you were coughing like crazy, meanwhile Robbie was sleeping, unbothered by the event. William did feel somewhat responsible for what happened. He put one of his hands behind his hair and started rubbing it out of embarrassment. You both sat dawn on the floor again.
"Y/N, listen baby, i'm sorry... we just had so much fun together, i forgot about the pie. It's my fault, i shouldn't have helped you..." he looked like a sad puppy which has done something bad.
You reassured William that he shouldn't blame himself. It was an accident. They happen to everyone. Sure, the pie may be ruined, but we had a lot of fun while baking it. That's more important than some stupid cake. And while you DID worry about cleaning the kitchen, you didn't want to make William even more sad. Besides, you've heard that, apparently, Annie and Tracy created a weird machine that helps you clean - it sucks out all the dirt! Or at least they said so... wasn't that called... a vacuum? William eventually cheered up a little thanks to you.
"Sleep, i'll help you cleaning up after we wake up from a nap." He murmured, trapping you in his arms.
You weren't exactly sure how you ended up in this mess. But were you complaining?
The first person to notice the absolute mess in the manor kitchen was Helena. She was supposed to make some tea for herself, but she quickly forgot about that after seeing the three of you asleep together, tons of flour EVERYWHERE and a burnt pie on the table. Yuck. It wasn't long until she called for a few residents to help her. She's heard William had a difficult match today and thought you wanted to cheer him up. She didn't have the heart to wake you up. A few minutes later Martha, Tracy, Annie, Kurt, Xie and Fan appeared. Their reaction to seeing the kitchen wasn't much diffrent from Helena's. They all agreed to help you and cheer the both of you up. But first, they had to get rid of that mess.
While Annie brought with herself that strange thing named vacuum, Tracy proudly explained to the two brothers and the explorer how it operates. Helena on the other hands put earplugs into your ears.
"Are you sure that creation of yours isn't going to explode? This place already looks like a battlefield." stated Martha. One way or another, her question wasn't answered, as the invention began working. The rest grabbed grooms and proceeded to help, while Kurt went to the hunter part of the manor to notify that someone should pick little Robbie up. He eventually came back with Michiko. Not much later, the kitchen looked, well, not shiny clean, but clear enough. Kurt then suggested to make a cherry pie from scratch again. It was not an easy thing to do, but everyone agreed and did everything in their power. In the meantime, the Wu Chang brothers decided to take you somewhere comfortable. Your butts will hurt if you'll sleep on the floor too long. They weren't sure where your shared dorm is located, so they brought you to the living room and placed all of you on the sofa. Helena then covered you with a warm blanket.
After some time, the pie was finally ready, and the kitchen squeaky clean. They all sneaked into the living room and placed a cloth onto the table, and put a huge, fresh pie on it. Michiko made tea, even Naib helped and shared some of his snacks: cookies, leftover cakes... everything looked delicious. They all sat on their chairs, waiting for you to wake up.
After the three of you regained consciousness, you weren't sure what's going on. You were in a completely diffrent place, surrounded by so many people. Mmmm.... what?!
It appears they saw you laying on the floor and wanted to cheer you all up by making a new pie. This one was even bigger than yours! On top of that, there were also other sweets. The table looked quite rich. Sure, you probably still looked like clowns, with so much flour on you, but that won't stop you from having fun. Later on, even Eli, Emma, Norton and Emily joined the meeting. You appreciated the gesture from everyone else. Everyone had a friendly conversation with delicious food on their plates.
Suddenly, William sat up and took a cup of tea.
"I... i would like to make a toast!" everyone, including you, quickly stood up.
"A toast for my loveliest, prettiest, smartest honeybun, Y/N!!!" he cheered loudly.
You were stunned and quickly began to blush when William grabbed you by your waist. It felt so embarrassing, yet you felt flattered. So loved. Everyone took their teacups in their hands and celebrated. The atmosphere was lovely!
The party lasted for a few hours. You even managed to forgot about the mess in the kitchen, Tracy however explained how they cleaned it up, thank God. You were thankful to your William and your friends.
"Hey, Annie, mind explaining to me how that... vaccuoom works?" you asked...
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I can't believe i've wrote something so long help. Fun fact: I bake on like a weekly basis but i've actually never seen a cherry pie with my own eyes, i was just listening to Cherry pie by Sade and was like yeah it fits... anyways i had to watch some tutorials on how to make one so i can know what's going on 😭😭 By the way pookie if you are reading this I'VE SEEN YOUR GANJI REQUEST I WILL GET TO IT LATER... (the one i received two weeks ago, not the one i got today, but i'll get into that one as well dhdhdjej) anyways, thank you again for all the support. wishing all of you a good day or night☺️
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butterfly-writer · 2 years
hey! i saw you're taking requests so,, could i request best jeanist and prohero!reader (they/them) trying their hand at flirting? reader is confident and very good at it while jeanist is also good at it! but can't help but get flustrated by how cute and creative reader's compliments are. sadly they have to stop because some villain showed up and they must fight them but they still think about eachother's words.
it's got a sweet and fluffy touch honestly! i hope this is okay for you (otherwise, tell me no so i know you're not writing it, i have another idea for a request if you want😔🤲🏻) and i also hope you're having a good day/night!
Best Jeanist x Prohero!Reader (they/them)
Summary: They tried flirting with each other but had to stop because a villain came but they can’t stop thinking about the compliments.
Disclaimer: Reader’s Quirk: Blood manipulation.
★☽A/N: I never wrote Beast Jeanist before but I shall do my best!! He’s legit such a clean guy, the way he held his phone in season 6 😭
Contents: FLUFF, a few bloody moments but it’s mainly reader’s Quirk.
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They thought it was time for the next level of dating….
The Pro Hero, H/N, is one confident and bold one, they;re flirting like a pro while Best Jeanist is alright at it but he can’t help but be flustered by the compliments.
Compliments be like:
◆ H/N wrapped their hands around Best Jeanist waist (Short or not short) and started to compliment like crazy, like, “My pretty boy.” , “My, do you look fine, my sweetheart.” And they’re just! Ugh!!! So sweet and it makes him feel so loved.
◆ Best Jeanist tries his best at flirting and it wasn’t that bad at it! Just a few small compliments like: “My sweet hero.” , “How are you, sweetheart?” JUST A LOT OF PETNAMES, LMAOO!! He’s trying his best, give him some credits!!
They were flirting as they walked along the streets, patrolling the district when they got really juicy with the compliments to the point they’re stopping to make out a bit, Best Jeanist flustering up with the compliments. 
They immediately stopped when they heard a huge crash from afar, looking to see a villain stealing a bunch of food and money, “Why don’t we stop him, how about that, sweetheart?” H/N smirked, Best Jeanist flustered a bright red but brushed it off and nodded, heading to the scene together.
“Really? H/N and Best Jeanist? How lucky am I!!!” The villain cackled, eating all the food he stole and he became more muscular. ‘Eating junk and he’s suddenly buffier? Must be his quirk.’ H/N noticed before slashing a huge scar along their forearm, blood dripping to the ground then all of it collected itself into a huge blob and shaped itself into a blood-formed machete.
The hero immediately dashed towards the villain and easily cut through the villain’s arm, “Ah! What the fuck?! I thought heroes can’t kill?!” The villain yelled, “Who said we can’t hurt them?” H/N chuckled, throwing the machete and catching it by its handle swiftly and dashed back, catching the villain off-caught. The villain was about to attack when H/N left an opening but missed when the hero suddenly disappeared, “Huh?” He said confusingly, looking up to see the hero with a grin and their body up in the air with thin threads holding them up, looking down to see Best Jeanist with his threads around his arms. Best Jeanist swiftly sends one of his threads towards the villain, tangling it around his body.
The villain roared and bursted out of those threads and charged towards the Fiber Hero but he was immediately stopped by a weapon blocking his way. "Not so fast, I don't want my sweetheart to be mashed potato," H/N chuckled as they used their machete to push the villain away. Best Jeanist stood helplessly, his face heated, 'Sweetheart? Why did they have to say that?!' He pondered as his face flooded with crimson red. He quickly brushed it off when he saw H/N crash to the ground, sending his threads in the direction of the villain and catching him in his intertwined web. Quickly standing, H/N ran and sent a strike onto the villain's neck with the machete's blunt side, striking a nerve and knocking him unconscious.
Cheers from the civilians roared the streets, thanking the heroes with cheers and praise. “Phew! That was close, wasn’t it, sweetheart?” H/N smiled towards Best Jeanist, “Please stop calling me that.” Best Jeanist mumbled, H/N tilted their head with confusion but then as if, out of realization, their eyes widened but then smiled a sneaky smirk and hugged Best Jeanist’s hips, “Look at you, all flustered~ You’re so adorable, sweetheart!” H/N chuckled, leaving Best Jeanist with a flustered face.
“I hate you.” Best Jeanist mumbled,
“I love you too, sweetheart.” H/N chuckled, kissing Best Jeanist with a quick kiss before turning back to the civilians and waving back in joy.
★☽A/N: WHY DID I ENJOY WRITING THIS?? I actually had so much fun writing this!!! Thank you again, for the request! Keep the requests coming!!!!! <33
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madamebaggio · 3 months
Hi dear!
How about this...
<<Guest teacher of DADA/ friend of Erchirion / Alumnus>> Éomer comes across <<Seventh Year/ Head Girl >>Lothíriel in the library and they strongly disagree about something, until they are kicked out of the library for the noise they made.
Burgeoning romance, age gap.
Feel free to change any element of this. Éomer would probably be a Gryffindor, and I can see Lothíriel as a Slytherin or a Ravenclaw, but I am particularly attached to that sorting.
In any case, thank you ❤️❤️
Notes: Oh my babies!
“I should’ve known you were going to be Head Girl. It really fits your nosy personallity.”
Oh no. This had to be a joke. Please, Merlin, let it be a joke.
“Are you ignoring me now, princess? Isn’t that rude?”
Lothíriel turned around and certainly enough Éomer Éadig -who’d graduated two years ago -was standing right there, in the middle of Hogwart’s library.
“What the hell are you doing here?” She hissed at him.
The prick had the nerve to grin at her. “Visiting.”
“Did they let out of the zoo?”
Éomer clucked his tongue. “That’s a really rude thing for a princess to say.”
Lothíriel groaned. “Leave me alone.” She moved away, but -as usual -Éomer followed her.
“How’s 7th year going?” He asked conversationally.
“it was great until you decided to show up.” She turned suddenly to him. “Did they cancel your graduation because they realised you’re a troll and now you have to study again?”
Éomer scoffed. “I almost forgot how charming you are.”
“Oh please.” She rolled her eyes. “We all know you cry at night while holding my picture.”
He smirked at her. “I think you might be getting us mixed up here, love.” He leaned against a bookshelf, giving them a sense of privacy, since Lothíriel couldn’t see the rest of the library anymore.
How were his shoulders so much larger now? He’d played quidditch for four years, and Lothíriel hadn’t thought he could get any buffier and yet…
“How’s auror training going? Are they forcing you to keep that rat over your mouth?”
Éomer scratched his bearded cheek. “I know you’re used to boys, but men have beards, darling.”
Lothíriel sputtered a laugh. “Men? Oh please, you’re 19 not 30. Get over yourself.”
Éomer took a step closer to her. “Have you gotten over me?”
“There was nothing to get over.” She said, standing her ground.
“You’re a such a liar.” He got closer. “We both know you used to write Mrs Éading on your potion’s notebook.”
“You’re so full of yourself.” She pushed him, but there was no heat in it.
“You’re way too used to those Ravenclaw boys…”
She groaned loudly, cutting him. “You’re such a Gryffindor, Éadig. Honestly, it’s time to move on…”
“What are you two ding there?” The librarian came screeching at them. “This is a library! If you want to flirt, go outside!”
“I was not flirting with him!” Lothíriel defended herself immediately. “Yes, you were.” Éomer threw at her, making her glare back at him.
“OUT!” The librarian demanded. “Now!”
They left the library -Lothíriel feeling embarrassed, Éomer smirking.
“This is your fault.” She hissed at him.
“Mine?” He chuckled. “It’s your fault for not admitting you love me.”
“In your dreams, Éadig.”
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Never Give Up Hope: A Black Arms Sonic Story
BASED ON: https://www.deviantart.com/airsharksquad/art/Black-Verge-Black-Arms-Sonic-4-947469046 ALTERNATE VERSION: https://www.deviantart.com/airsharksquad/art/Black-Arms-Sonic-w-Normal-Sonic-s-Colors-2-5-949540350 , https://sta.sh/01adnk1zmmf0
*shots of a night sky with stars and full moon* The war is over. Eggman...Black Doom...are no more. *shots of a city skyline at night* And yet...another conflict still goes on. *shots of police and military officers searching the city* *shots of Black Arms Sonic roaming the back alleys of the city, hiding from the authorities* As I roam the dark and damp back alleys of the city in secret, evading the authorities, government agents and so on, I remember what my life was like before Black Arms arrived on Earth. *shots of Black Arms Sonic picking up and looking at a Missing poster off the street showing images of his former self as Sonic The Hedgehog* *flashback shots of Sonic's past prior to his Black Arms alien transformation* I remember my battles with Dr. " Eggman " Robotnik, my heroic deeds and all the friends I made along the way. Everything was good and nothing tragic had ever happened. *flashback shots of Black Doom and his Black Arms alien soldiers invading Earth* Then, one day...everything changed when Black Doom arrived. They began their conquest of Earth, attacking everyone and everything in sight. *shots of multiple Black Arms assimilation pods with some unlucky victims inside them being assimilated* Those who were not killed were taken captive and assimilated. *shots of Sonic The Hedgehog battling and defeating a Black Arms alien soldier* Me and my team had to fight them. We managed to destroy many in the process. But the situation was getting relentless. *shots of Sonic The Hedgehog getting splashed with blood from a slain Black Arms alien soldier* And then...that's when it happened to me. *shots of Sonic The Hedgehog in shock as he sees himself absorbing the blood of a slain Black Arms alien soldier through his own hands and skin* I watched in horror as I had inadvertently absorbed the blood from one of the Black Arms aliens though my own hands and skin. It was only a matter of time before I knew what was going to happen. *shots of Sonic The Hedgehog screaming out in agony and pain after absorbing the blood of a slain Black Arms alien soldier (close-up shots of Sonic's bloodshot eyes included)* *shots of Sonic The Hedgehog's painful transformation into Black Arms Sonic* The transformation I went through was painful. Every part of my body screamed out in agony as I went through this painful endeavor. It was getting harder and harder for me to breathe, I was starting to lose my mind because of it. I could feel something unnatural coursing through my veins, my face melting and being reformed, something covering up my mouth and nose and thickening like a second skin. I could also see the pupils in my eyes disappearing as the rest of my bloodshot eyes turned yellow. *shots of Sonic The Hedgehog's final stages of his transformation into Black Arms Sonic* I closed my eyes and prayed for the madness to stop. *shots of Black Arms Sonic breathing heavily, post-transformation* I felt very unconscious as I stopped to catch my breath. Once I regained consciousness however, everything about me changed into something that's barely recognizable to me and my friends. *shots of Black Arms Sonic looking at his new Black Arms alien body (first and third-person shots included) before looking in a nearby mirror in shock and terror* Sonic The Hedgehog: (inner thoughts) " Oh, man. This isn't happening. It only thinks it's happening. " But it WAS happening. My recognizable blue quills were replaced with purple and red alien skin. My hands and feet were replaced with replaced with the traditional three-digit claw-like hands and talon-like feet of the Black Arms aliens. I became taller and my body became more muscular and buffier in an alien-like way and even had spikes that had sprouted from my wrists, shoulders and ankles. The only things I recognized about my new body were the traditional Hedgehog/Mobian proportions of my former self. *close-up shots of Black Arms Sonic looking at his face in the nearby mirror in terror* But the most terrifying part of this transformation was what had happened to my face. My beautiful green eyes had became Black Arms-style golden yellow eyes with no pupils that never blink. My ears became devil-like horns and there were parts of my new alien skin that were luminescent. My nose had disappeared and my mouth resembled that of the Black Arms beings themselves. *shots of Black Arms Sonic splitting his mouth open his alien mouth open revealing a wide, gaping alien maw full of razor-sharp teeth and a Xenomorph-style tongue/inner jaw* And when I opened up my mouth, it split open and revealed a gaping maw chock full of razor-sharp teeth and a strange alien tongue that also had a mouth with teeth. It hid at the back of my mouth/throat and had the ability to lash out at victims. The maw itself never closed and was instead covered up by the alien facial skin flaps that was part of my " face/mouth ". *shots of Black Arms Sonic letting out an ear-piercing, inhuman alien scream with alien mouth split open and Xenomorph-style tongue/inner jaw lashing out as he stares in the mirror in shock and horror* I screamed when I saw what had became of me. I was barely recognizable as what my friends knew as Sonic The Hedgehog. I had become a demon-like alien being that resembled the Black Arms aliens. And when I tried to speak normally, all of my words that I intended to speak were instead alien-like screeching, chirping, hissing, howling, growling and even strange throat-rattling sounds. Not a single word that's recognizable in any language. *shots of Sonic The Hedgehog/Black Arms Sonic's thoughts in visual form* What would my friends think or do if they saw me like this? Worse...What would the police or the military do if they found me? Worse, still...What would Black Doom and his soldiers to if they found me? Would I be taken to Area 51 and become detained from the world? Or worse? Sonic The Hedgehog: (inner thoughts) " No, no, no...I can't let myself fall into the hands of Black Arms. I need to stop them! I MUST find a way to help my friends out to destroy those...those beasts!!! " *shots of Black Arms Sonic running to evade police, military and Black Arms soldiers* I had to run to avoid being spotted/detected by police, military and Black Arms soldiers alike. Where to hide was another story altogether. *shots of Black Arms Sonic disguised with a brown trench coat, black leather gloves, black fedora hat, black sunglasses and a face mask* I had to disguise myself to further avoid detection. But...I couldn't keep myself in hiding much longer. I know I'm not alone in this, however. *shots of Knuckles The Echidna, Blaze The Cat and Silver The Hedgehog transforming into Black Arms alien beings* When I found out that Knuckles, Blaze and Silver had also became Black Arms alien beings, I had to do something about it. I had to rescue them. *shots of Black Arms Sonic fighting other Black Arms alien solders and rescuing Black Arms Knuckles, Black Arms Blaze and Black Arms Silver from Black Doom's mind control along the way* Once I had rescued them from the clutches of Black Arms before they could be put under mind control, we had to come up with a plan to destroy them without getting destroyed or even detained by the military and to keep more innocent victims ( including our friends ) from getting killed or assimilated. And since Shadow was either missing or dead, he was out of the picture altogether. Once we had our plan, we relied on our teamwork and our traditional power and abilities along with new ones that came with out new Black Arms forms to get us through. *shots of Black Arms Sonic, Black Arms Knuckles, Black Arms Blaze and Black Arms Silver fighting other Black Arms alien soldiers alongside their friends and the military in secret and rescuing innocent victims from death and/or assimilation* And then...last was Black Doom, himself. *shots of Black Arms Sonic, Black Arms Knuckles, Black Arms Blaze and Black Arms Silver confronting Black Doom* Black Doom, the supreme leader of Black Arms was indeed powerful. But together, we managed to bring him down after a long-fought battle. When he changed into his ultimate form in a last-ditch attempt to destroy the Earth along with his Eclipse Cannon, we transformed into our Super forms to destroy him once and for all. *shots of Black Arms Sonic, Black Arms Knuckles, Black Arms Blaze and Black Arms Silver in their Super forms destroying Black Doom's ultimate form, Devil Doom and his ultimate weapon, the Eclipse Cannon* Even though we had finally rid the Earth and the Universe of the Black Arms race, we were still unable to revert back to our former selves. Was this a curse? Was it permanent? Or was there still a cure somewhere out there that was yet to be found? Regardless, we split up after the battle to avoid being detained or killed. But we kept our promise to protect the city, despite our unnatural, monster-like appearances. *shots of Black Arms Sonic, Black Arms Knuckles, Black Arms Blaze and Black Arms Silver splitting up after their battle with Black Doom* As we went our separate ways however,  I saw a glimpse of my friend, Miles " Tails " Prower turning to look at me as if he seemed to, or at least tried to recognize me in some way. *shots of Miles " Tails " Prower catching a glimpse of Black Arms Sonic in the corner of his eye and turning to face him and run to him* But I knew I couldn't stick around for long. I had no idea what the military might do if the spotted both of us. I had to run and go into hiding. *shots of Black Arms Sonic running away as Miles " Tails " Prower watches him leave quickly as the military rolls in* It was painful for the both of us. I could tell that Tails wanted to talk to me, because he knew who I was under that alien shell that was my new body. I wanted to talk to him and hug him, too. I could tell that he could feel my pain and I could feel his pain, too. He wanted to help me in some way. But with the military and government agents about, I feared the worst. I knew deep in my heart however, he would not give up on me as I fled the scene. Tails would never give up hope. None of us can. *shots of Black Arms Sonic in the city back alleys, looking at a Missing poster showing images of his former self as Sonic The Hedgehog, tears streaming down his face as his alien mouth splits open revealing a wide, gaping alien maw full of razor-sharp teeth and a Xenomorph-style tongue/inner jaw that lets out a sad, low-sounding alien-style chirping sound* As of today, the military is still out and about, searching for any remaining Black Arms aliens that might still be out there. Those who were assimilated are either dead or alive and either detained or quarantined. Scientists are still looking for a cure that will reverse the mutation by the Black Strain. *shots of Black Arms Sonic waiting for the coast to clear and making his way to the outskirts of the city without being detected by the authorities and/or the military* Until that day comes...Knuckles, Blaze, Silver and I must continue to evade military detection. *shots of Black Arms Sonic arriving at the edge of a lake in a forested area on the outskirts of the city* Until that day comes...I continue to mourn for my life...the life I once had...before the transformation. Before I became this alien beast that people fear. And every night, I look up towards the night sky. Towards the moon. I look up and see visions of my friends and scream out in the night with emotional pain. *shots of Black Arms Sonic looking up at the night sky towards the full moon, tears streaming down his face and splitting his alien mouth open, revealing a wide, gaping alien maw full of razor-sharp teeth and a Xenomorph-style tongue/inner jaw that lashes out as he lets out an ear-piercing, inhuman alien scream that echoes through the night* But...I know I shouldn't give up hope. I never do. I will continue to live this life until there is a cure. *shots of Black Arms Sonic leaning down, reaching with his claw-like hands, scooping up and drinking the water from the lake of the forested area on the outskirts of the city* Never give up hope.
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thelreads · 2 years
And that was the end of the chapter- bruh what
Well, I was expecting them to be a bit buffier, but not- well- that much
That was the trial version then? Good fucking lord I`m terrified to know what the finished product is supposed to be like then.
But besides that, this was a really entertaining chapter, that`s for sure. We`re getting to see two spies working together undercover, and we also managed to get in a second manga, a sports one in fact. The next big thing this summer, get ready for it Haikyu, you`ll have competition.
And Fiona, oh boy, her contrast between her inner and outer self is hilarious to see, but I`m still really worried about when we`ll get to her backstory. I`m getting too many red flags about her past already, I`m bracing for the worst.
And alas, this was another chapter without the shine of our beloved Daybreak, but eventually... eventually... he shall shine upon this story once again... have faith, my siblings, have faith, for our lord shall return.
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marukrawler · 2 years
I will never understand why Anubias' gundalian form seems to be taller ? And mostly buffier ?? I mean, from what I've seen, gundalians seems to keep one body type no matter if they are in human or gundalian from, I don't really get why they would choose to give Anubias a buff and tall form. If it was a plot choice to try and give an excuse for Dan not immediately recognizing him, it's a fail on my part.
actually! mason is also somewhat bigger in his gundalian form compared to his human form.
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but yeah its a lot more noticeable with anubias lolol. i don't know why that is but im assuming it's either because he's an artificial being or it's to prevent dan from putting two and two together, like you said.
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peter-parcoeur · 4 years
Hiii can u write an one shot where the reader has been teasing Tom all day (before breakfast in bed, in the grocery store later that day) and during a garden party/barbecue at a friend's place but he Snaps when he sees u flirting with one of his mates, so he drags you in the bathroom to fuck u
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Hello, thank you for your request! ♥ I hope you’ll like it !
[ Smut ]
Warning: sex, language, kind-of-rough Tom
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader (Y/N)
​Tom shifted in his sleep as he felt a weight towering him, tickling his naked chest. It took him a few seconds to open his eyes and realize his girlfriend was actually straddling him, her mouth attacking his neck with soft, greedy kisses. "Mmm, good morning to you too?" he smiled, his hand moving up her shoulder until it wrapped delicately around the back of her neck so he could steal a proper kiss. Y/N moaned against his lips as soon as their tongues met in a slow, sensual battle. She didn't know what was up with her lately, but she had been craving her boyfriend so much she couldn't seem to keep her hands off him. Today was the worst as she had woken up from a steamy dream involving him and some rough, spontaneous quickie at the back of his Audi. Whenever he was around, her mind immediately wandered through the filthiest thoughts. Nibbling on his bottom lip, she looked up to catch his daunting gaze as she could feel him stiffen against her groin every time she purposely grinded on his lap. She loved the way his hair curled slightly on the ends and how cute he looked, first thing in the morning when his eyes failed to adjust to the sunrise bathing the room with a soft halo of light. Though they had been dating for over two years now, it still amazed her just how much she loved him a bit more every day. It felt like the "honeymoon phase" would never end. "Shit babe..." he moaned when Y/N pushed herself a bit harder on him, making his shaft bolt with anticipation and his hand's grip around her neck a bit tighter. Within seconds, Y/N was drifting down his naked chest, her lips trailing sloppy, wet kisses all the way, further to the spot he desperately needed her to touch. "F-fuck.." Tom whimpered as he felt her hand pull down his grey sweatpants and wrap around his hard-on, giving it a few torturing pumps and tugs until she released him from his misery and finally wrapped her mouth around its tip. She teased him for a while, her tongue circling around his swollen head, giving it a few licks as her hand moved up and down his shaft at the slowest pace. "You're killing me" he groaned, his hips pushing up slightly as he couldn't wait to hit the back of her throat. He knew how much of a tease Y/N could be sometimes and how torturing him seemed like a perfect treat, but he also lacked patience when it came to fuck his beloved girlfriend. Her lips curved into a smile against his skin, loving the sound of his pleading voice as she tightened up her mouth around his cock, swallowing half of it. It took her a couple seconds to adjust, as usual, but soon enough, she was bobbing up and down, her mouth meeting her fist a little bit faster with each gulp. Tom's hands went straight to the back of her head, stroking her hair softly until his fingers started to clench into her thick locks out of pure bliss. It took him all the strength he had not to fuck her mouth as his hips jolted every time she took him a bit further down her throat. Tilting his head back, Tom closed his eyes, his voice breaking into shaky whimpers as Y/N quickened the pace until she felt like he was about to come. As he started grinding against her mouth, his hand tightly gripped into her hair while he groaned and called out her name, Y/N lifted up, wiping her mouth with a soft chuckle as Tom looked at her with the most baffled look she'd ever seen. "Wh--what are you doing!?" his voice broke into a high-pitched plea. "I'm hungry... Shall we have breakfast in bed? I'm thinking waffles?" Y/N smiled, grabbing his hoodie from the floor as she abandoned him, naked and flustered in the messy sheets of their bed. "Are you kidding me now? Y/N? come on?" "Waffles it is then... great!" she grinned, bending down just enough to peck him on the mouth before she eventually left the room. Tom grabbed a pillow, slammed it against his face and sighed heavily as he tried to compose himself, hoping for his erection to settle down eventually.                                                          ///
Y/N had kept the teasing going all day, building up Tom's tension up to the point he could barely look at her without getting hard. From the way her skirt lifted up on her thigh as he drove the car to the grocery store to run a few last minute errands, to her perky boobs threatening to jump out her V-neck, oversized t-shirt as she bent down to pick up some fruits from the stalls, making Tom's head spin with the burning need to have her here, in the middle of the day.
She knew exactly what she was doing, especially when her hand drifted to his thigh as he drove them to the Garden party they had been invited to, her freshly manicured nails scratching the fabric of his navy pants. Y/N was sincerely glad to attend a "fancy dress" party as it gave her the opportunity to see her boyfriend wear one of those shirts that wrapped his biceps so tightly it made him look even buffier. Tom had been working out a lot lately and it definitely showed now as a few buttons seemed to struggle to keep his sturdy chest covered. "What's up with you today?" he chuckled as Y/N's hand danced on his thigh, dangerously close to the bump between his legs. "Nothing" she lied, digging her nails into his inner thigh. "You know, you're gonna pay for whatever you tried to do this morning..." "I'm terrified" she chuckled, her thumb playing with the buckle of his belt. "Seriously, Y/N, you need to stop... We're running late and all I wanna do now is to pull over the side of the road..." "Really? what for?" she teased, biting her lip slightly as flashbacks from her dream came back haunting her. "You know damn well what I'd do to you if I stopped the car!" "What are you waiting for then?" "We're so late already... But trust me, I'll get you back for all of this..." The car journey turned into a painful, slow torture for Tom as Y/N seemed to enjoy her little game a little bit too much, playing with his hair, nibbling at his earlobe, crossing her legs so he would catch an inevitable glimpse at her naked thighs and her lacy underwear.
Stiffening into his seat, he couldn't wait to get back home later that night and fuck her brains out. One thing he knew for sure is that, this time, he wouldn't be too gentle as she had crossed the line. His patience was long gone.
They arrived late, as expected, and walked through the garden, holding hands as they cheered most of their closest friends. Everyone had gathered to celebrate two of their best-friend's engagement and secretly, Tom knew it would be their turn soon as he had planned to propose before the end of this year. It just made sense to marry the only woman he had ever loved this hard, especially when she managed to make his head spin every single day of their lives. The thought of putting a ring on her soon made him grin bigger as he watched her chat with a couple people, holding a glass of champagne. She looked stunning in her fancy white dress, the soft fabric wrapping her perfect bum so tightly he felt himself grew a little harder at the thought of her bending over in front of him as he buried himself into her dripping core relentlessly.  She gave him a few flirty looks from afar, her fingers dancing on her glass like they were a couple hours before when she was blowing him like a temptress. Soon enough, Tom wasn't paying attention to anyone around but her. The way she smiled, the way her mouth twitched slightly when she was too eager to speak , how her long locks fell upon her shoulder. When she failed to give him the attention he craved, he knew he had lost her to someone else's. Frowning slightly, he felt his blood start to boil in his veins as he watched one of his best-friends, [BFF/N], put a hand on her exposed back to whisper into her ear. It only got worse when she laughed back at whatever seemed too important to be shared out loud. Drinking his entire glass in one long gulp, Tom dropped it to the nearest platter and walked over to his girlfriend to grab her by the hand. "If you'll excuse me" he simply said as he nodded towards [BFF/N] who couldn't do anything but watch them walk away hurriedly. "What the hell Tom? that was rude?" "I know what you're doing Y/N" he snapped as soon as they were back inside the house, closing the door to the fancy bathroom he had dragged her into. Y/N was about to talk back when he pushed her against the door, his mouth immediately finding hers as his hands lifted her arms up, framing her face so she wouldn't escape. "I know what you want..." he groaned, taking a firm bite at her bottom lip as she whimpered against his mouth, eyeing her up and down with nothing but lust in his gaze. Turning around, he pushed her back against the sink, lifting both her legs up to wrap them around his hips, never breaking the kiss. His hand found its way underneath the fabric of her dress, teasing her nipple with his thumb as he palmed her sensitive skin. "Been thinking about this all day..." he groaned, sucking on her tit until her nipple turned hard as a rock while his hand slipped between her legs, pushing her panties to the side so he could slide his middle finger along her slit, teasing her folds. He could feel himself getting harder every second as he pushed two of his digits into her wet core. Arching her back immediately, Y/N moaned into her fist as she felt Tom curl his fingers inside of her, hitting her most sensitive spot with every stroke. "You're so wet already..." he smiled, reaching for her lips as he tilted his wrist back and forth at a faster pace until he felt like she was ready for him. "Shit, babe" she moaned, her pussy throbbing with anticipation "just fuck me already!"
Tom grinned evilly as he licked her arousal off his fingers then unbuckled his belt with one hand as the other pushed her up and off the sink. "Turn around" he obliged, smacking her bum as soon as it faced him. Looking in the mirror facing them, he could tell just how eager she was and how she couldn't wait to feel him inside of her. Pushing her dress up to her waist and her panties to the side, Tom slid his hand from the back of her thighs to her hips and slammed himself into her hard, making her scream as soon as her chest crashed against the sink. "Fuck baby!!" she whined as soon as he started to push himself harder and faster into her , her voice mixing with the squeaking sound of the furniture against them and their skins slapping together with every thrust. By now, a couple buttons from Tom's shirt had popped open, his glistening, sweaty chest flashing through the silky fabric. Grabbing a handful of her hair, he pushed her back against his chest, attacking her neck with a few kisses and bites. "I love you so fucking much" he breathed through gritted teeth, his thrusts slowing down but never losing the intensity. Looking into the mirror, Y/N breathed "I love you too" as her voice failed to escape her lips. She could feel it coming, the crashing wave of that blissful pleasure she had been expecting all day. When Tom gave her a couple last thrusts, pushing himself further and harder every single time, he immediately reached for her mouth, covering it with his palm as she screamed into it, her legs threatening to fail her as she started to shake heavily. She could feel her heartbeat thumping into her chest, veins and forehead as she struggled to catch her breath back. With a couple hectic, messy thrusts, Tom came within seconds.
"Fuck...." he sighed, using both his hands to turn her around so she would face him again. His face had turned soft again as he tenderly stroked her face with his hand, pecking her forehead, nose and lips. "Why you gotta be such a tease, babe" he chuckled softly, brushing a hand through his wet, messy hair as they now both looked like they had been drenched by a storm.
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kpopscenario · 6 years
Seventeen (Performance unit) asked to take off their shirts before cuddling
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You two would lay on the couch of his flat, listening to the rain which was tapping on the window glass. You take in Jun’s smell and enjoy how his fingers went through your hair, playing with it. You were under a blanket and since you came from the shower and were too lazy to get a new shirt, you just lay there in your underwear. „Jun…“, you mumble, shifting a bit when you try to find a comfortable position on his clothed chest. „Hm? What is it? Is something wrong?“ „Can you maybe…pull off your sweater? I think it will be more comfortable when we cuddle.“ With a smile on his face, he nods and takes his shirt off without more questions. He was confident in his body and wasn’t insecure, especially not when he’s around you. You hum satisfied when you lean back again, playing with his free hand and concentrate on the sound of the rain again.
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He would probably come home really late after some intense dancing, all sweaty and red! You hug him but tell him he should go cool off his body a little since he's too hot for his own good (he'd probably wiggle with his eyebrows bc you called him hot, which would make you hit him playfully). After he took a shower he jumps right into the bed into your arms! You let him lay on top of you and play a little with his damp hair while you listen to what he did all day! After a while you get a little distracted by his still tense muscles. You don’t even want to say it out loud but guess it slipped your mouth "I really would enjoy cuddling with you without this t-shirt on you". You both immediately blush, while you blurt out lots of apologies, he just starts giggling cutely. "Ah you want to see my muscles, huh?" "Ahh Soonyoung stop I didn't mean to think out loud". After some teasing he takes off his t-shirt eventually which makes you blush even more. He cups your face, peck your lips and then giggle.
"You're adorable... i did you a favor, now you should do me a favor... continue petting my hair it's nice.“
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You let out a big yawn in the middle of the reality show you two watched in bed. It was 10pm, not particularly late but somehow, after a long day at work, you needed to sleep. Minghao notices your action and smiles. „Let‘s stop the show here, we can continue tomorrow, you should sleep now, okay?“, you smile and nod. He turns off the tv and gets you two under the blanket. Somehow, the spooning position wasn‘t as comfortable now. He notices your tension and shoves your hair to the side to look at you. „Y/n, what‘s wrong? Can I do something?“ „Can we sleep without our shirt?“, he lightly smiles, a bit confused. „Why?“ „It will feel more comfortable, I think“, without to ask more, he pulls his and your shirt off, having no problem with your idea. Then he pulls you closer again, drawing circles on your belly.
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You guys would be in his bed with basically all your limbs intertwined, you on top of him. He just talks about dance practice and how exhausting it was. He then continues about talking about how he loved it tho since it kept him fit and in form which makes you giggle slightly. He then gets slightly offended. "Woah! Why are you laughing! I'm in top form! My leg muscles are crazy! They're even stronger than hyung’s legs!" "You seem pretty weak tho..." you say, knowing he’d be provoked by the statement, his reaction to it makes you laugh even harder. "How can you say that? My arms got buffier and my chest too! So did my legs! Compared to Jisoo-Hyung, my legs are really muscular and not thin!" "I don't know Chan... I just can't see it", he frowns slightly offended but he knows you are messing with him which makes him a little less serious about the whole situation. "I am muscular!" "Prove it!" "How?" "Take your shirt off!", after your suggestion, he shuts up and widens his eyes a little. He becomes a shy, blushy kid, all of the confidence suddenly disappeares. "I mean... I can... Okay...?", you give him some space to take off his shirt and look at his now uncovered chest. "Okay... I guess you were right…“, now you are be blushy and shy, your plan backfired a little which makes him grow more confident again. He pulls you into his arms again and cuddle you while you still are taken back a little.
"Suddenly not that loud anymore, huh?“
-Gem & BL
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A continuation to this.
As I said in this post, RK900 is Connor’s twin brother, named Richard, and they hate each other’s guts. Literally cannot be in the same room alone or they will try to kill each other, forget Gavin, these two will kick the other to their grave.
He’s an FBI agent and whenever he has the chance, he reminds Connor of that, rubbing his rank in his face. He’s ambitious and won’t hesitate to achieve his goals. He’s too good at his job it’s terrifying. I also headcanon him being a little bit buffier than Connor (he actually eats, Connor, a healthy diet. You should try that–). Do not want to be at the end of his fist. Do not.
When he comes to the DPD for a case they are on and spots Ona next to his brother, he makes sure to do a beeline and mock him (“What, you are so bad at being a detective they have to give you a babysitter? Shameful”). He’s surprisingly neutral about androids.
He totally catches Connor staring at her more than once when she’s working on some files, and knows he has A Big Crush on her (he even has a slight blush ffs, brother get your shit together).What a perfect opportunity to further annoy and anger his dear big brother. He wastes no time and aggressively hits on her, bringing the big guns and everything, always making sure Connor is near so he can see and hear.
Until he has enough and sucker punches Richard.
The DPD gathers around and places bets to see who will win this time until Fowler arrives and puts a stop to this madness (he was secretly betting for Connor but shhh–)
Ona is thoroughly confused.
@random-aya this has gotten out of my hands help me––
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truthofherdreams · 6 years
please don’t stop the music (3)
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also on ao3
There is something almost comforting about classes starting, even though Lara Jean has to get acquainted with a whole new set of professors and fellow students. But there is something to be said about waking up every morning with a purpose, and keeping her mind busy with lectures, readings and homework. Chris thinks her crazy for how organised she is – from her pastel highlighters to her neat notes to her pretty schedule above her desk –, not that Lara Jean pays her mind. They might get along, but it soon becomes clear Chris and she have opposite views on their academic performances. Which is fine with Lara Jean, really. Nobody can be at the top, that’s why it’s the top.
At least she gets one week free of acapella before auditions are held, and so one week away from Gen’s deadly stares. The girl doesn’t scare her, not really, still Lara Jean is careful. Even more so since Chris dropped the Peter bomb on her.
She hasn’t seen him around since the activities fair, which obviously means that he’s right there in the food hall on Wednesday when she gets her breakfast before her 9am econ class. She toys with the idea of running away for a second, but then he’s raising his head from his plate, his eyes meeting hers, all surprised glee and boyish smiles, and she knows she’s done for.
She piles more pancakes that is probably healthy on a plate, pours herself a cup of tea, and goes to pay. All in slow motions. All to push down the inevitability of having to sit next to Peter Kavinsky.
“Hey, Covey,” he greets her when she finally plops down in the chair opposite his. “Bright and early?”
She steals some time by sipping on her burning hot cup of tea, and it only makes him grin more. Idiot. “You’re one to talk,” she manages to reply after a while, nodding to his still damp hair and flushed skin.
He obviously already took a shower, while she’s still in her pyjamas. They’re on two very different levels of early-birdness right now.
Peter only shrugs. “Morning training has me up at 6 every morning.”
She lowers her cup, eyes a little wild. “What.”
Everyone and their mother told her it was madness to take a 9am class and that she soon would regret it. Lara Jean always replies that she likes waking up at the same time every morning, as part of her routine, so it really is not a problem. She would be awake anyway, so might as well be productive about it.
But six am? Every morning? That is madness, indeed.
Peter simply shrugs with one shoulder, before he shoves another spoonful of cereals in his mouth. “The gym is always empty this early in the morning.”
“I wonder why,” she replies.
He only grins for a moment, head tilted to the side like a curious puppy. There is something too soft about his features, and his eyes, and his smile. Lara Jean has to look away.
“Well yeah, that’s the point. Nobody to steal the treadmill from me or to judge me when I’m lifting weights.”
“But why?” she wonders out loud. Why would he put himself through such a drastic regimen every morning, when he could just sleep in and probably still looks just as good. She doesn’t say that out loud, though.
“I’m part of the Lacrosse team,” he explains. “Scholarship.”
Her mouth opens in a small ‘oh’ of surprise as understanding dawns on her. She has vague souvenirs of Peter playing Youth Lacrosse when they were in primary, jokingly calling it 3L – Little League Lacrosse. It makes sense that he would keep with it in high school; Peter has always been an outdoor kind of boy, when she was just fine reading inside. The neighbours’ tree house had been a happy in-between for the two of them.
“So you’re a masochist,” she comments.
Peter presses a hand to his hand, faux offended expression on his face. “Damn, Covey. Since when are you so savage?”
She’s the one to grin this time, hiding her giggle in a sip of her tea. It reminds her of primary school all over again, of the recess time spent playing games together and the play-dates watching Harry Potter and Disney movies and running around her garden, yelling like animals. It was a simpler time then, without having to worry about her father and Kitty, or helping Margot with chores, or writing down meal plans for the week. A time when all three Covey girls were just that – girls, who knew nothing of heartbreak or maturing too soon.
It’s always been easy, with Peter. He was her first friend, from the very first day of school, sitting next to her and telling her how he liked her little combat boots. She wasn’t used to be friends with boys then – it was Margot and her, for the most part, and she was fine with it – but Peter made it easy. Comfortable. Fun.
And he still does, telling her about his Lacrosse career and his daily training sessions every evening with the team, and how all the other dudes are so much more buffier than him. Hence the extra training in the morning, to keep up with them. In return, she tells him about Margot in Scotland, and Kitty being such a little feminist warrior, and how she loves to bake whenever she can. Which isn’t all that easy when she’s sharing nothing more than a kettle and a microwave with an entire floor of college students.
“I remember you mom used to make those little Korean pastries,” he says, using both his hands to mimic a round shape. “With like, red bean stuff or something.”
“Hwangnam bread,” she replies, and hopes he doesn’t notice how her whole body went tense for a second there, a little startle of surprise at how casual he brought her into the conversation.
But of course, it’s Peter, and he notices. Eyes a little sad, shoulders slouching ever so slightly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t…”
“It’s fine,” she cuts him off with a wave of her hand. And, truly, it is, in some weird, probably inexplicable way. The hurt will always been there, at the back of her mind, but. It’s less painful now, dulled with time. “I’m just not used to people talking about her so casually.”
Usually, people are very good at toying around the subject. They’re not very good at being casual about it, though. Too many teachers being so awkward around them when it was time to make a Mother’s Day present, so many people apologizing too many times about it like it was somehow their fault. And dad, who’s so good at just keeping it all in to the point where Kitty once asked her if he didn’t love mom anymore. It’d broken Lara Jean’s heart so much she’d cried herself to sleep that night, unable to explain that dad does that because he still loves mom so damn much it hurts.
“Well, her pastries were great. And she was, too.” A pause. Then, “dad left us like, a year after you guys moved out. Got himself a new wife and a new house and a new family. They even got a dog and shit.”
Lara Jean’s mouth opens but, for a few moments, no word come out. She has no idea what to answer that isn’t the damn hollow apologies she hates so much. So instead she says, “Oh Peter…” and her voice goes lower, softer.
“It’s fine, really,” he replies, even though his tone makes it everything but. “It’s just, I know what it feels like. People being weird at you trying to act like the situation is normal even if it isn’t.”
Lara Jean remains silent for a while, her pancakes abandoned in favour of staring down at her hands in her lap. She doesn’t have many memories of Peter’s parents or family life, only that his mom runned the local antiques store that Lara Jean loved so much as a child. There was this one necklace she always admired, and Mrs Kavinsky even let her try it on for a little while once. But, beside that, Lara Jean can’t remember anything. Can’t remember if the Kavinskys looked happy or not.
When she still doesn’t speak up, Peter simply adds, “Well, that was deep,” and it makes her laugh out loud, a little nervous and breathless. He’s grinning again when she looks up at him, eyes crinkling and dimples in his cheeks, and she finds herself blushing for no reason. She coughs, then shoves some more pancakes in her mouth.
Chewing and swallowing, she decides it’s time to move on to things that are a little lighter and less awful. “Owen must be so grown up now.”
Peter groans, head tilting back. “He’s driving mom fucking crazy, doing nothing of his days beside playing Fortnite and watching videos of like, David Dobrik.” He shakes his head, like he him can’t believe it. “She keeps wishing he took after me and was outside all the time.”
“We can’t all be kind of the lunch hall,” she comments as an educated guess. Something funny twists in her stomach when Peter is the one to blush. Maybe not such a guess after all. “Too bad they live far away from each other, Kitty could force him to go outside once in a while.”
“Oh I remember the little monster,” Peter grins.
Kitty was barely more than a baby when he last saw her, running around the house and screams like a banshee. Nothing much has changed on that subject, comes to think about it. Lara Jean wonders how long it took her this time, to hack the TV’s parental control and gain access to HBO all over again. Two days? Three at most? Damn, but Lara Jean misses her already.
She thinks of sending her baby sister a quick good morning text, and so grabs her phone from her pocket, only to notice what time it is. Her class starts in half an hour, and she still needs to shower and get ready.
“Shoot,” she softly curse, which of course makes Peter laugh. “I have to get ready for classes.”
“Yeah, sure. Let me go back up with you.”
Which is how Lara Jean learns that he lives on the fourth floor, while she and Chris are on the third one. Not so far from each other, especially since they can hang out in whichever floor’s common room if they feel like it. Which, Lara Jean doesn’t want to sound presumptuous, but maybe they do.
(She refuses to think of Gen right now.)
Peter holds the elevator’s door open as she gets off and turns toward him, fishing for her door card in the pocket of her cardigan but not moving down the corridor. Like she wants to enjoy any spare second with him she can get.
“That was nice,” she comments.
“It was,” he agrees. “Guess I’ll see you on Saturday, then?”
“The party after the audition?” When Lara Jean doesn’t react, only offers him a blank face, he explains, “I’m part of the Ransom Notes. So I’ll see you at the acapella party.”
The elevator’s doors close on his wink.
Chris has a lot of explaining to do.
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vespiiqueen · 6 years
Nebulae ; All Known Red-Castes, currently
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[From left to right]
The King Who's Name Is Unspoken (lmao it's Korva Pyicorn)
The King, ruler over all kingdom decisions - the highest royalty one can be. He has a daughter, named Jay, and hides a large secret. What is it? However, it's said he has a very strong connection to every magic court, and seems to be able to master the magic almost immediately. No one knows why.
He's partially cyborg due to an accident when younger, and simple birth defects- but he didn't want it to drag him down. He had the issue limbs amputated and replaced, and it's simply become part of his identity. He appears to grow older a lot slower than others, and an explanation is varied from what it truly is. Not even he knows- or, he simply doesn't speak of it.
Pixeti Necrobra
He's gonna lose his ice cream. And he's gonna cry, despite his bad boy™ reputation. He is the husband to Semik Tergem, and works for the Ophiuchus court.
Shiwra Warfang
A peculiar girl, no one knows where her family surname originated from, as it is not a common name- nor even heard of. She's a known wrestler- often said to be way too aggressive. Her sister, a blue-caste, says she's "as if bigotry was nebulified into a single nebulae", vastly hypocritical in her actions. But, she has good intentions in her heart.
Theogal Aquittarus (creator; @slimescrutiny )
A large boy, he's quite known for being a security expert in all fields. He's been moved up to exploring space, and so, has had his tail docked. Everyone knows of his annoyance towards Daniol Pyeo, green-caste, and his metalloid-earth abilities. It's said he has a crush on his teammate, but which one?
Kai Natucer
The personal bodyguard of Jay Pyicorn- much more active after the Incident. He is a snarky charmer, able to charm the pants off of almost any nebuli he comes around. His tail has been amputated to a point, due to Jay's pet coral snake, appropriately named Koral, and it's said his odd blood mutation is due to blood-drinker or cave-dweller relations. Unfortunately, he never has confirmed any of this, and in fact avoids it.
The Red-Caste of Nebulae refers to the red-skinned Nebulae, the ones who are often more aggressive and more buffier than other castes. There's the accepting among them over pink-castes or neon-castes, in which they're okay to be called a red-caste due to pink or neon red simply being a different pigment of red. They derive from Cave-Dwellers, and it's common when a nebuli gets turned to a blood-drinker, that their skin will turn red and maybe even splotchy or rough. The difference in them and Cave-Dwellers is their resistance to the cold, instead of the very high temperatures of where the Cave-Dwellers live.
Nebulae species © me, pyrobrand
Art © me, pyrobrand (despite the watermark being different but oh well)
Theogal Aquittarus © @slimescrutiny (ayy it yer boy)
Please do not repost on another platform or even anywhere without my permission. Thanks.
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What You Say!? - BakuDeku Side Story
REQUESTS: If you’re taking requests, could you write one about Izuka meeting her middle school classmates? Maybe she would be out shopping or something, and it wouldn’t be a nice experience unless someone from the 1-A is there/finds her… That could be anyone (or maybe everyone xD), but I’d just like to see people recognize her for how far she’s come
I have a request for a side story if you are willing to write it out. As you said Izuku was thought to be a boy while before high school. I was hoping you would try to write a story where some of her former classmates find out she is a girl and a cute one to boot.
Honestly didn’t know what to write for these two requests until this idea popped into my head randomly last night and I cranked it out in 30 minutes all on my phone. XD BAKUDEKU- Hope you enjoy protective/angry Katsuki and an Izuka who flaunts what she’s got when brought up. Also FYI - in this tweak of timeline they’d be about in their late-second/third year and are dating XD
“Hey… isn’t that Bakugou over there?”
Katsuki grunted as he heard his name mumbled from a couple yards away. He was currently in one of his favorite stores in the large mall, and had just escaped his stupid classmates to find out he was about to run into even more idiots.
Reluctantly, he turned to meet his admirers, his eyes widening in shock as he took in the familiar faces of his old ‘friends’ back in elementary. His eyes grew cold at the smiles that grew on the males’ faces, and the blush that spread across the girls’ as his eyes glanced them all over.
“What the hell do you fuckers want?”
“Still as fouled mouth as ever huh? You haven’t changed much have you?”
“What are you saying?! Do you not see him right now?! He’s gotten so much… buffier! And handsome at that! Bakugou! How often do you work out?”
“He’s in hero school so duh, like everyday. Can’t you see his perfect form? Plus, I’ve seen some of his parent’s magazines shots. Is it true you took up modeling for them? You must have a sweet spot then somewhere in that hard exterior!”
Bakugou’s eye twitched as one girl spoke over the other until they both were practically shouting in his ear. He growled before his fists sparked up and created a loud pop that worked wonders on scaring them into silence.
“Shut the fuck up. What I do in my free time is none of your goddamn business! Now if you’ll fucking excuse me, I’m done messing around with you fucking losers.” He stuffed his hands into his low riding pants and set off down the aisle before one of the guys grabbed his arm.
“Yo man, sorry. Didn’t mean to piss you off there. Girls, am I right? Haha. They can be so annoying.” The boy ignored the vicious looks he received from the two girls he was supposedly hanging out with. “I’ve been meaning to ask you though, how did it go with Midoriya? I haven’t heard much about him since graduation. He was pretty lame wasn’t he?” Did he seriously think that talking about Midoriya would bring Katsuki to stay longer?
“Yeah seriously. What was a quirkless loser like him thinking about trying to get into UA? I haven’t seen him around at any of the other schools around here.” What a fucking idiot of a girl. Shut up.
“You don’t think he dropped did he?” Oh you bet your ass he didn’t. You’d never recognize him. Katsuki held back a snort at his thoughts.
“Why do you sound worried? It’s probably be better if he did just drop out. Hell, it’d probably be better if he just disappeared all together. Right Baku-” Oh for the fucking love of-! That’s it!
The male stopped midway through Bakugou’s name, his fear spiking at the murderous looks they were all given. Before he could react, the male had his collar grabbed and was thrown into a nearby clothing display and Katsuki prowled over top of him.
His red eyes looked down right furious as his hand smoked along his collar. The other was raised in the air, sparking to life with his unforgiving quirk as he teeth grit together.
“The fuck you think you’re saying?! You don’t know fucking shit! Shut your goddamn mouth before I permanently seal it shut for you!”
“Bak-Bakugou I’m sorry man! I didn’t realize he was a touchy subject! I swear!”
“Yeah! Seriously come on Bakugou! You know how you were to him back in elementary…! It’s not like you care or anything!”
Bakugou’s eyes settled on the girls next with his hands sparking furiously now. “The fuck you think you’re fucking saying you bitch?!”
Katsuki stopped mid step towards the girls and turned to his right to see Izuka standing there looking confused. His eyes settled over the new outfit she was wearing, one she definitely hadn’t been wearing when they first came in here. Her midriff showed through the loose black crop top that had mesh see-thru sides all the way up to the short cuffed sleeves with a loose neckline that showed off one shoulder. Her favorite teal bra peaked out underneath the cold shoulder, and her shorts were now white with a black spandex underneath that showed off her muscular and tanned thighs. Her infamous red shoes adorned her feet, and the hat Katsuki swore he was wearing when he walked in now rested upon her head.
Fuck, she looked damn good right now and Katsuki could hardly contain himself.
“I heard exploding noises so I thought I might find you over here.” Izuka walked towards him, her hips slightly swaying as if to a hidden beat as she came to rest besides him. Katsuki’s mouth ran dry as she winked at him before she put her elbow on his shoulder and leaned into his side. “Who you fighting now, Kacchan?”
Katsuki didn’t even get a chance to retort before the male he had previously just tried to blow the face off of spoke up.
“Holy shit Bakugou… You have a girlfriend now?! She’s… holy shit she’s hot!”
“Bakugou’s got a girlfriend? I don’t think I can believe it!”
Izuka smirked as they all looked her over and felt Katsuki’s hand slowly sliding along her exposed lower back.
She knew exactly who these people were, and the fact they hadn’t noticed who she was yet was proof enough she had changed over the last few years. She was quite proud of herself, and the strong arm that now wrapped around her waist to pull her tight against Katsuki’s body told her he was fucking proud too.
“Kacchan? You gonna say something?” Izuka looked up at him, her eyes fluttering in the way that made Katsuki scowl in distaste. She always looked too pretty for her own good when she did that.
Izuka and Katsuki both looked over towards one of the girls, her mouth hanging slightly open as she looked from Izuka to Katsuki.
“Oh… so she’s figured it out…?” Izuka whispered as Katsuki held back a choked snort.
“Wait… Kacchan…? I only know one person who ever continuously called you that and it was…” The girl’s eyes widened as she gasped and pointed at Izuka. “Midoriya?!”
The other people present around them all looked like she grew another head before glancing back at Izuka. Their eyes raked over her body, and she squirmed a little under the attention. The warm hand on her waist helped to calm her down as the looks of recognition slowly began to fill the other’s faces.
“Holy shit…”
“There’s no fricken way…!”
“I thought Midoriya was a guy?”
“Did you go through a sex change?!”
Katsuki barked out a laugh at that last one before one of the guys eyes settled on him.
“I knew it. You’re gay. Holy shit. I called it years ago but no one would ever believe me!”
Katsuki’s fists snapped open and he tried to prowl towards the male. “I’m not fucking gay you stupid piece of shit! How dare you-! I’ll fucking-! Deku let me go! This piece of shit needs to learn who the fuck he’s talking to!”
“And if I let you go we will probably get in trouble and you’ll burn down another whole stack of clothes we will have to pay for.” Izuka sighed and pulled him against her chest. He stiffened before relaxing a bit, but his hands still smoked from his held down arms. “Relax Kacchan.”
“I’m fucking chill.”
She hummed in reply as she peaked around his broad back to see the other four staring at them in confusion. She sighed before resting her head against Katsuki’s bicep.
“To answer your questions, yes hi, it’s me, Midoriya. No I didn’t have a sex change, I’ve always been a girl. My name is not Izuku, it’s Izuka. Slight mistype - never cared to fix it. No, I’m not a quirkless loser anymore. I’ve got a pretty badass quirk and I’m at UA with this blonde mess of a pro-hero in the making.” She grinned at the slow realization on each face. “Hero course too.” She winked at the other teenagers.
Finally letting go of Bakugou, she wrapped her arms around his left arm before tugging. “Kacchan I’m hungry. Can we go get something to eat now?” He got the point in her meaning- I don’t want to be around them any longer so get me the hell out of here.
Katsuki grunted and took his arm away from her hold and wrapped it around her shoulders. “Sure babe, lets go.” He just turned her away when he heard a few chokes behind him.
“Holy Shit I don’t believe it… Midoriya is a girl.”
“A hot girl…”
“Yeah a hot girl. Holy shit.”
“I can’t believe Bakugou and Midoriya are…”
“I don’t want to believe it. He’s so hot! It’s not fair!”
“He’s hot? Are you kidding? Did you see her in that getup? Holy shit I’d kill to-“
Katsuki tuned out the rest as he glanced down at his grinning girlfriend. “So… what’s with the fucking outfit and where’s the one you had on earlier?”
Izuka stopped them in place just in time for the stores security alarm to go off. The store clerk to glanced up from the magazine he was reading, and Izuka had no time to explain herself before a knowing, annoyed look crossed his face.
“Uh, yeah… about that…”
Katsuki restrained himself from face palming.
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gibberism · 6 years
Gay-ish moments #1
There were extremely the "darkest"of days during my lifetime in high school. It wasn't particularly unpleasant, however I can assure you that it was one hell of experiences. Since it will be a series of events, this particular story would be the cleanest of them all and i would leave this page if i were very radical about it. This is a warning and reader discretion is very much advised. Lets get straight to the fun part - though it wouldn't be.
Back then, I don't really know anything about gays in school. Who am I kidding - perhaps i do know about this stuff a little bit but not as much as it is now compared to those immature years. Or perhaps I just don't care. I was extremely naive for god sake.
When i'm joining boarding school I thought it was just rumors that gays were roaming there but when i enrolled into one, ohhh boy do I know there's a lot of closeted/opened gays there. I might be wrong but straight guys do act gayer than the gays or they're just probably horny. I know they were just teens but damn honey you are barking at the wrong tress. 
It was one of my experiences with the peers and since i have a lot to share with you guys i started off simple. And chronologically it'd be best if i start when I was still a new dorky freshman at that time. I was thirteen and chubby. As you guessed it, i'm still a virgin - still are but not as much. 
Like always we're used to be at the school's hall for whatever reason that i don't recall. And i guess when it is still early or you just don't have anything to do, you would do weird stuff especially with friends. This particualr friend shall I call him H, has a really great idea of telling everyone how long his is. And for some reason, everyone (i mean the boys) is very intriguged by it. Who wouldn't be if you're at the age of 13, has a 6 or so inches long, erect as I thought it was, or it could possibly be flaccid but i don't really know. Either way, I would be wildly happy if it were mine and possibly showing it off to everyone too. 
That's just not it. Weirdly enough everyone is madly talking about it ((and i'm pretty sure the news wouldn't just be roaring among the boys)). And even weirder, for some reason everyone has in fact touching it because reasons and he let them. I was shocked because even I know that was gay. I mean who would let people touched their junk if they were asking, let them be, be very proud of it and not being gay? I absolutely not fall for that - but little did I know that was pretty much the straightest thing ever. Boys are weird I tell you. Sometimes you'll hear them hitting each other's balls out of nowhere simply beacause it's fun from watching each other suffer. Other times they would force one to pull off his pants, hold him onto position and masturabate him without consent. ((This story for another time)). And be a double N - naive and nerd at the same time, i was exposed to the world of adults in between my half purest life and the other being "adulterated". 
As everyone had held him into their hands, I also would like to try. Hold someone's penis is a very bizzare thing to do but as I do speak, it was still inviting. Since it was basically an empty hall and no one else besides us two, he invites me to hold his manhood in between his legs. At first i was scared, to having anyone's junk in my hand as it was never been done before, but as he seems very consistent, I have no other choices. (Like I would miss the chance). I was slowly trailing my hand and when it was not touching he guided me. I caressed very carefully along his dick, more like a soft pinch really cause I felt awkward but it was actually long - just long but the girth is somewhat average. I don't know why and how it works either, but i too was erected. Since i said nothing, he just laughed and ignored like a straight man indeed. From then every gay moments i was having had left me buzzed more than the last. It has also made me gayer. 
Since then people are calling him names from his very penis. Though the nickname is pretty much vague to reveal what it was really meant, i'm pretty sure the girls, teachers and everyone around the school had a very good idea about it.
Since, everyone was talking about it they were curious, how ? Like a man he was, he just said don't just masturbate. Massage all the way. And he has been doing it since he was 7. That early. That was just the beginning of my exploration in school. There's a load more. And I guess that's it for the first gay ish moments i've encounter during my high school.
Letter to H: 
"At first I was not having it but you made me, and i kinda hate myself for it. But i like it at the same time, i guess thank you. Since i'm not meeting you anytime soon, i just hope you'll live well and i know you are. And also to your note, you're now happy with your girlfriend, and having that great body, being a bodybuilder that i'm so not into that look ever, no offense but you look gross buffier but you look happier than have it your way. I'm happy for you. I hope you'll have a longlast marriage and a lovely one."
Love, D
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futurewriter2000 · 7 years
Combatants ~ Part 6
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A/N: Merry and happy Christmas to everyone who celebrates it! I don’t because I’m Muslim but I hope you had a wonderful Cristmas spent with your family and friends. Here is part 6, sad and dramatic, but okay. Oh and sorry for not posting today, just have been out all day. ^^Ben Barnes up there …mhmm^^
Warning: Angst….basicly A LOT OF ANGST.
Tags: @nadinissavage, @lexi-thechaosqueen, @grey-raven, @alohomagines, @bestillmystuckyheart, @maddyfitzhenry, @astrophileslytherin, @literally-anythin, @fashionlive15, @hello-fanfiction-goodbye-grades, @robyn-0790, @beyoursnow, @oreofrappiewithblueberry, @deanilostmyshoe
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 7 Part 8
Sirius was thinking the words he spoke to Marlene. Why did he say that? Why couldn’t he just admit he really had feelings for you? It’s like every single word he said, stung him a bit. He talked awful of you and that bothered him. He felt angry.
But his angry thoughts somehow drifted to you. Merlin he loved your feisty and funny personality. How he loved seeing that smile whenever he says something funny or how you glow when you talk about something you love. And those gorgeous eyes of yours that kept melting his heart or your joyous laughter that he couldn’t get enough of. He loved it.
But why was he feeling like a complete dick right now? He couldn’t stand up for you to himself. Himself! But luckly for him you didn’t hear him. 
Except you did.
His eyes haven’t left the Ravenclaw table since the moment he entered the Great Hall. The table was full but you were nowhere to be seen. He would know, he scanned it seven times.
Bruto slowly approached him slapped him on the back of his head. He leaned forward and pushed his head down against the table. “ You stay away from her, man whore.” snarled Bruto and walked away. 
His friends all looked at Sirius, including the girls. He looked over to Bruto, who seemed to walk further away from him. Feeling his rage emerge, Sirius stood up and stormed after him. “What’s your problem Ramirez!” 
Bruto slowly turned around and all of a sudden, tall, strong and angry Ravenclaw boys appeared behind him. Bruto gave them a nodd and slowly walked closer to Sirius. He was taller and buffier than him, definetly scarier at the moment. He looked down on him and sent him a warning glare. “ Don’t do this here, Black. Not in front of everybody.” he spoke through his gritted teeth. 
“Fine, but I’m after you Ramirez.” hissed Sirius and walked back over to his friends.
“Hey I’m going to find Peter. “ said Remus, and winked at James. 
When he left James and Sirius were the only one left in the room. Sirius hasn’t spoken a word since dinner and that was unusual for him. He was Sirius for god’s sake and James knew. He knew something bothered his best friend. It wasn’t just the Bruto thing, though it does seem to be the main problem here. There was something else. Something he didn’t know. Something Sirius didn’t tell him.
Sirius laid on his bed in shorts and ripped T-shirt, or as he calls it - his PJs. He had his head on his arms and he kept staring at the ceiling. 
Bruto wouldn’t do that out of nowhere. He didn’t even hang out with (y/n) since the second year. They always argue or bicker like an old married couple. You told him how you used to be close and how you drifted apart. So why on heavens earth did he become so overprotective of you. And that wasn’t the only thing going through his head. He felt ashemed by the words he has said to Marlene. The words that were not true. The words that came out unintended. The words he regrets, just like he did the last time.
James threw himself next to him and mimicked his position. Just like Sirius he started to stare at the ceiling. “Is it (y/n)?” he asked and got a light nod from Sirius. “You want to talk about it?” 
Sirius chuckled. That’s the line the two of you usualy use when something is wrong. “ I messed up Prongs.”he sighed.
“Why would you think that?” asked James, removing his eyes from the ceiling to Sirius.
“I said words to Marlene about (y/n). I said what I usually say when she accuses me of liking a girl. But this time it felt different. It didn’t feel like usual, the words I said made me feel weird. It didn’t feel right. It felt wrong.” he sighed and closed his eyes. “I think I’m having feelings for her.” 
James chuckled and turned his gaze back at the ceiling. “ You think you’re in love with her? Why?” he smiled mischiviously as he remembered his dad telling him the exact same thing about Lilly. 
“Her eyes. How they glow when she sees something tottaly normal, but finds it really interesting. She finds the most normal things interesting, did you know that? She says ‘Everything has its own story. A chair, a table, a rose, not just a person.’ “ he smiled and finally opened his eyes. “ I’m in love with her (y/h/c) hair. They are always shiny. Even on the bad days or if they are put in a messy bun or ponytail, they still look fantastic. And her humor. Yeah. I love her humor and her weird jokes. Always finds anything to joke around with. Or her smile. I love seeing her smile. It’s the most beautiful smile I have ever seen in my life.” he babbled with a big smile spread across his face.
“Then why don’t you tell her that?”
“Because she doesn’t deserve a person like me. She deserves somebody who is not afraid to tell his friends about that he likes her. What if I screw up and lose her forever. I would rather be her friend than lose her.” said Sirius and looked at James.
What was James supposed to say to that? He knew Sirius was never up for long term relationships but he can’t just let you go. He can’t just love you from afar like he did with Lily. But he couldn’t say to go after you. Maybe it was because you don’t deserve Sirius either. Not in James perspective to say at least. I mean all you would do is drag him to the dark side. You kept dragging him into the dark places. When you left he was “sick” for two weeks and wasn’t the same Sirius until you came back. And now he was worriying about Ramirez and what he said about you. You were like a magnet for trouble and James didn’t like it. Yes he was a magnet for trouble too , but you were a different kind of magnet. The bad kind. He would love to see Sirius happy, but he’d also rather see him far away from the dark. He needs to protect him, because that’s what brothers do.
“Maybe it’s for the best.”
James was up all night. He couldn’t stop thinking about you and Sirius. He couldn’t. He was awake all night, questioning himself if he did the right thing. But if he told Sirius to leave you alone, he needs to do the same with you. So he got up early and walked over to breakfast. He walked over to the Ravenclaw table to see you sitting next to Bruto and talking. 
As  you saw him coming you quickly pulled down your sleeves and hid them under the table. You didn’t want him to see it. 
“Look. I am going to say this once (y/l/n). You are bad for Sirius and I dont want you playing with his head. Since the day you entered his life you entered mine too and I hate seeing my best friend, hell my brother, worrying about you and thinking how much too good you are for him. So I want you to stay away. “ he growled making Bruto stand up.
“James. You don’t have to worry about it. Me and Sirius are done. “ you said grabbing your books and walking away.
“Wait what?” he asked shockingly. That was way too easy. Especially for you. Something didn’t feel right. He walked after you and just before he was about to say something he saw your hands. Black and blue, one of them even fully bandaged. 
He grabbed your arm and turned you around. He carefully slid his hand down to yours and pulled up your sleeves. “What’s this?” he asked before he noticed your tired eyes. “Something’s wrong.” 
You pulled your hand away from his and turned around. “Like you care.” you spit out and continue to walk forwards.
“No. The last time I saw those eyes was when Remus told me-” he stopped himself before he almost blurted out Remus’ secret.
“Why do you care all of a sudden?! You didn’t like me from day one, so why all of a sudden all the interest? I told you I will leave Sirius alone. I don’t want to see his shitty face anyways.” you retorded and speeded up.
Something didn’t feel right. He saw your hands, he saw your eyes an he knew that emotion. Grief. He knew that emotion far too well to not recognize it. Yes he hated you for punching him in the nose last year but he didn’t want to see you suffer either. He ran after you and without thinking, he grabbed your arm and turned you around.
“Potter I told-” 
Before you could finish that sentance his arms were tightly wrapped around you and pulling you closer. You were shocked at first but you wrapped your arms around his body and hugged him back. It felt good. It felt better. 
“I’m sorry.” he spoke quetly in your ear before you let out a sob and started crying.
“They are gone.” you cried, gripping his robes tighter and burrying your head in his chest.
After the long and emotional hug, the two of you sat down and talked. You told him everything about your parents and Zoey but you left the part about Jack out. You didn’t want to burdain him with that secret. Not when Bruto’s life is on the line for it. It wasn’t also that part you left out.  You left out the part about Sirius too. It wasn’t because you didn’t want to tell him, but if you did, he would probably confront Sirius about it. You didn’t want to come between them. If not that, you were pretty much in the same situation like him. Zoey was your brother and you wouldn’t want to hear that kind of stuff about him. 
And his perspective changed. He didn’t see you as a downfall anymore. He saw you as a girl with an extremly bad luck. He knew you didn’t tell him everything but you told him enough and he wasn’t about to push further in. 
So when he entered the dorm and saw Sirius excited as ever, he knew this can’t be good. He was on his bed jumping up and down with a piece of paper in his hand. When he noticed James walking in ,a big smile formed on his lips. 
“I was wrong Prongs!” he beamed. “I am going to tell her how I feel! I am going to tell her everything!” 
“What? Why?” 
“Because she’s the one! She’s the one I want to spend my whole life with! I don’t want other girls. I want her. I need her. I need her smile, her laugh, I need the whole package of her. Because I can’t live without her. “ 
“I even wrote some stuff what I would tell her. But I think it’s a waste of time. I think if I want to make it sound true, it has to come from the heart.” he smiled and crumbled the piece of paper.
“I don’t care what people think anymore. I miss her. I miss her so damn much.” he chirped and finally put on his shoes. “ Hell with Ramirez and his threats! I’m going to tell her right now!” he finished and tapped James on the shoulder.
Sirius was gone and James was left alone. “ Oh shit.” 
“I’m in love with her and I don’t care what you think!” -”Oh Moony, Wormy, Evans and Marls. Shit Marls you were right, I do like her and Peter ows you 5 galleons.” shouted Sirius in the Common room.
“Ice cream?”
“Fine than those cupcakes you love so much. You still love them right?” asked Bruto, trying to cheer you up.
“Yes I still like them. Can you stop now? I’m fine. I mean I’m not fine but I’ll get through this.” you smiled and continued to walk down the corridor.
“I’m getting ourselves ice cream.” smiled Bruto and ran off.
“Just don’t pick lemon flavor! I hate it!” you yelled behind him and chuckled.
“No lemon! Got it!” he yelled back, lifting his fists in the air.
“Dork.” you chuckled and turned to walk towards the Ravenclaw tower. 
‘Bruto Ramirez. Back at it again.’ You simpered at the thought of him, your first kiss. He was always such a gentleman when it came to the ladies. Both of you were always there for eachother no matter how much you hated eachother at the time. It was a relationship you couldn’t explain. A love-hate relationship perhaps.
As you continued to walk down the corridor, you heard a familliar voice. “Did Ravenclaws just had Divination?”
“No,  they just had History of magic with us down the corridor.” said the other voice.
“Okay, thanks.” replied Sirius and turned around the corner only to see you staring at him.
It hurt.
It hurt seeing him, standing there with that big bright smile of his. It hurt loving that smile, but knowing what kind of person lies underneath it. And you hated that person right now. You turned around and started walking away from him.
He was shocked. You were literally walking away from him, even though you saw him. He started running after you but you quickened your pace.
‘No. Please don’t Sirius.’ you begged but  felt his hand on your shoulder as he caught up.
“Hello love. You okay?” he smiled and brushed his hands on your shoulders.
You stepped away from him and walked pass. “Fine.” you spit out coldly.
“You’re not fine. You know how I know that.” he beamed, walking behind you. “Becasue I know you.” he added before stopping you again. “You want to talk about it?” he tried to be cheerful.
You pushed him away, feeling strong pain in your hands in the process, and looked at him angrly. “No! I don’t want to talk about it! What I want is for you to leave me alone!” you bursted and felt your your eyes tear up.
“What?” he preplexed and glanced at your hands. That’s when he saw it. The bandaged hand and your other hand covered with black and blue marks and red wounds around your knuckles. “Who did this to you?”
“You really want to know?”
“Of course I-”
“You did this!” you interrupted him. “You are the reason my hand is covered with this annoying bandage!”
“Just piss off!” you retorded and walked away.
“No!” he yelled and grabbed your hand again. “You can’t just blame for something and not explain why I am the reason for it! I am sick of us fighting all the time! I love you (y/n) and I’m done hiding it. “ 
“Oh my god.” you scoffed and crossed your arms. “You have some nerve! You little piece of shit!” 
“WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS YELLING AT ME!! I just told you I love you and -”
“BECAUSE I HEARD YOU!” you yelled, shutting him up.  “I heard you.” you repeated glumly. 
Merlin he begged you didn’t hear what he thought you heard. He couldn’t afford that. Not now. Not when he finally realized how much he loved you.
“I heard you and I’m setting you free Sirius. This broken little puppy doesn’t need you anymore. So please stop playing with my heart already. It’s torture. ” you sighed with a big lump in your throat. Avoiding his gaze, you pressed the books aginst your chest and walked away from him.
It hurt.
It hurt him you saying that. It hurt knowing that those were his words you spoke. And it hurt knowing he was the one behind the pain he caused you. He couldn’t believe it. It had to be some kind of nightmare. He hoped it was a dream and that he would wake up from it and find you smiling at him, sitting at the Ravenclaw table and laughing with your friends. 
But it wasn’t. It wasn’t a dream.
“No.” he mumbled quetly. “No!” he shouted and stormed after you. “ You don’t get to walk away from me!” he yelled at you and stepped in front of you.
“Sirius, please don’t.” you said and tried to avoid his heartbroken gaze.
“No.” he repeated, feeling tears roll down his cheeks. “You don’t have the right to just walk in my life and make me fall in love with you.” he cried, his low and husky voice turning into a raspy cry. “You just can’t.”
“Goodbye Sirius.” you mumbled, wiping the tears and walking away from him.
“I can’t lose you (y/n)! Please! “ 
But he already lost you. You couldn’t trust him anymore. The man you knew was simply gone the moment he spoke those words. Merlin you loved him. You loved him so much, but the trust just wasn’t there.
‘Words. So powerful. They can crush a heart, or heal it. They can shame a soul, or liberate it. They can shatter dreams, or energize them. They can obstruct connection, or invite it. They can create defenses, or melt them. Use them wisely.’ ~ J. Brown
Wow…how about I just leave it here huh? Dramatic and sad am I right ;)
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