#what prompted this though is it touhou time......
zapsoda · 7 months
hullo <3 draw ur fav touhou gurl ....
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my favorite touhou girl is yoshika miyako !!!!
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touhoucrackmonth · 7 months
Welcome to the first Touhou Crack Month!
Are you bored of conventional ships? Do you want more spice in Touhou works? Are you a writer up to a challenge? Do you want to try something completely new for a change? Do you want to see utter chaos reign? Whatever your reason is, welcome to the first edition of the Touhou Crack Month!
What is this event?
This is a month-long event where writers are given randomly-generated crack pairings, and have to desperately wrangle with whatever insane ship the RNG gods have wrought upon them.
The goal of this event is to celebrate creativity, originality and adaptability in shipping, and spawn many crackfics for readers and writers alike to enjoy!
The event lasts the whole month of March, starting on March 1st at 00:01 and ending on April 1st at midnight (both CET), so all fics should be published before that deadline. Each participant will get randomly-generated pairings to write fics about. All participants will receive different pairings, though a single participant can receive multiple pairings with shared characters.
Participants are encouraged to write several fics (up to 4) throughout the month, but there is no small contribution to this crackmonth! If you want to try your hand at a crackship but don't think you'll have the time to write more than one story, that's perfectly fine!
Please reblog and share this post with anyone you think might be interested!
Guide for potential participants (keep reading)
To participate, simply sign up using the form provided near the end of this post. In there, you can select different options to customize your event. First is a 'difficulty' setting:
Easy: you will receive 4 randomly-generated pairings, with one to choose from for your fic.
Normal: same as Easy, but with 3 pairings.
Hard: same as Normal, but with 2 pairings.
Lunatic: same as Normal, but with only 1 pairing, which means you have no choice!
You are not required to disclose your chosen difficulty, nor should you be judged for it.
You also have options to exclude some characters, for instance if you know them too little, or if you don't want to write ship content involving them. It's important you fill this in correctly, as the pairings that are sent to you are final and non-negotiable!
Completed fics are to be published to the official Touhou Crack Month 2024 collection.
If you're done with a fic and wish to write another one, simply apply again once the fic for your previous pairing has been published to the collection. You can only write up to 4 fics during the month.
Eligible pairings
Generally, eligible pairings are those where the two characters have no significant canon dialogue, interactions or strong backstory links (the latter case covers pairings such as Miko/Saki). Generic, one-off fight banter generally doesn't count (especially relevant for playable characters), nor does VS mode-exclusive dialogue (not counted as canon), nor do very brief manga/print work scenes (for instance the big banquet of Silent Sinner in Blue).
Additionally, the characters shouldn't be successive bosses in the same game (e.g. Wriggle/Mystia, Doremy/Sagume) on account of how relatively popular those pairings tend to be. In any case, the pairing should also have strictly less than 5 AO3 works under its tag(s), if applicable.
This event is yuri (F/F) only; male characters are excluded. Non-humanoid characters are also excluded unless otherwise specified by individual participants.
Note that these rules aren't exhaustive and there may be some pairings that we reserve the right to include or exclude when generating the prompts.
General fic rules
No NSFW, no pedophilic content. No incest (though all such pairings are ineligible anyway).
Beyond those no-brainers, there is no particular restriction on themes.
The sign-up form is available at this link. Make sure to read the previous explanations!
For any additional questions, just send an ask and we will try to answer the best we can!
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amemenojaku · 1 year
Character ask prompt: Marisa?
General opinion/How much I care about them: 13 years ago I got into Touhou and Marisa immediately became my favorite... T_T I mean what's not to love? Her personality is one of the most interesting in the series, she's got a memorable design despite being so simple, she interacts with so many other characters in so many fun, different ways... She's a perfect character both for new fans because there's a lot of surface content to enjoy, and for old-time fans too thanks to all her hidden layers. Eventually Reimu stole her place in my heart for fav protag but I'm still very fond of her... Back then her coolness was what I liked most but I think nowadays I'm more interested in Marisa the hardworker, with her struggles and the times she fails but gets back up and how her character has matured over the years. Also she definitely played a part in my wlw awakening and it's so funny to see I'm not the only one in that situation lol
A ship I love: Reimari... Basic, but it's popular for a reason! I like it most as a deep friendship that slowly evolves into a comfortable romance, where they don't use any label like girlfriend or dating etc. Well I also love the angst and the fluff, but thinking about them just peacefully living their lives the same as ever, except with that added new level of intimacy, it's what fills me the most with warmth. It makes me sooo mad that none of those yuri polls that were everywhere a few months ago had reimari in their brackets. Where do you think your favorite yuri fanartists began...... Anyway I like a few other Marisa ships too and I feel like mentioning Marisa/Narumi and Marisa/Kosuzu especially because they never get any attention...
A non-romantic relationship that I love: With Rinnosuke :) He's taken care of her for so long it's sooo sweet. Their dialogues together are fun, I love the uncle/niece energy. I miss CoLA so much..... ZUN mentioned it in a recent livestream though so surely it means he's gonna write more of it!!! (delusional)
The NOTP: Rinnosuke again, not much to say here (I like unrequited past Rinnosuke -> Marisa's dad)
My biggest headcanon about them: I... think she's a descendant of Jacketko from Dolls in Pseudo Paradise... on her dad's side...... I know I'm not alone in this, I've seen it thrown into the void a few times both here and on twitter lol. The implications are so tasty it's insane.
An idea for a fanwork I would like to make/see about them: This is more reimari than Marisa-centric, but I've had this idea for a few years of a comic where a Reimu and a Marisa from different parallel universes end up together in the same Gensokyo, and have to find a way to set things right again. It's based on a very detailed and very bittersweet dream I had once... I just need the energy and self-discipline to work on it... haha...
Something that makes me think of them: Konpeitou!! And a bunch of more obscure things... like Meiji literature references again...
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just-an-old-blog · 2 years
October Fanfic Rec Prompts (Tales Edition)
So, as it says on the can this is a weekly prompt list originally made by @piratejenna encouraging people to rec their favorite fanfic and authors.
I decided to spilt this post into two, one post for Tales recs and another for all my other fandoms but anyway, while it's a bit late Week 1 was:
“Fics you’ve read more times than you can count”
“Fics you’ve stayed up reading later than you should have.”
This is in no way a complete list and it’s only the first round of recs!
Mentioned Fandoms: Tales of Berseria, Vesperia, and Abyss. Touhou Project, Fire Emblem and Legend of Zelda.
Fanfic Recs:
Tales of Berseria:
The Crowd by vandesdelca: A flash fic that revolves around the overlooked NPC of Percival while painting an early game scene in a completely new light. I found myself repeatedly coming back to this fic because as mentioned it gave me a whole new perspective for the character of Percival as well as the impact the protagonist Velvet has on the cast around her even if she isn’t aware of it. For a fic with such a short word count it’s very thought provoking
Demons Never Sleep by XiroPaine: A Velvet/Eleanor fic that takes place after a very overlooked event in the game that tethers right before several heavy hitting plot points in the game and foreshadows what’s to come. As for the fic itself, it tackles Velvet’s insomnia as well as the disregard she has for herself while also showcasing Eleanor’s caring nature and how she can flip flop between not handling stressful situations well and having to put her foot down for Velvet’s sake. It’s a very insightful look into both characters and where they were at in the story plus it has some genuinely touching moments.
Chicken Crisis by Kyumika: Another Velvet/Eleanor fic and you know what if we’re talking about fics that I’ve come back to more times then I can count then this zany little piece about Eleanor being transformed into a literal chicken. A classic tale for the ages to come. Well it’s obviously hilarious, all the characters are written marvelously IC, especially Velvet who is pretending not to care about Eleanor’s little problem. Magilou actually being bewildered for once was a joy to see as well. Truly this was an out and out pleasure to read.
Tales of Vesperia:
Have You Met His Highness? by daphnerunning: I won’t actually get into what this fic is about because I think it ruin the experience for first time readers but this revolves around a HC for Ioder and Flynn. The slow revelation of this theory and how Flynn’s perspective is completely changed upon reading it a second time definitely makes it worth checking out. It’s a very intriguing read.
Embodiment of Elegance by melodiesofrigel: This is just a really cute fic about Rita getting anxious to see Estelle at a royal ball post-canon and Judith decides trying to dress her up might help (spoilers: she really just wants to screw with poor Rita lol). Judith and Rita played off each other so well in this fic like a pair of feuding sisters and the resolution was nothing short of adorable. Just a really nice “if you’re having a bad day fic”. Also in all seriousness because this fic is post-canon there are blatant references to endgame Vesperia spoilers.
Atop the Silent Mountain by Underwaternature: Another post-game spoiler ridden fic only this time it’s a Judith-centric character study. It paints a very melancholic atmosphere as Judith introspects on her relationship with Ba’ul, her fellow Krityans and how she feels about the events of her past in general. There’s definitely a distinct twinge of hope in it though and it’s something I come back when I want to see content that examines Judith and her complicated relationship with her own species.
Tales of Abyss:
Journey by vandesdelca (again lol): So, what stands out to me in this fic and the reason why I continue to return to it is it’s uniqueness, particularly the setting. This is a LukeTear Backrooms AU, yep, those backrooms. As mentioned the setting is quite unconventional but served to be perfect for rotating between several different situations which all bring out different aspects in the characters and emotions in the readers. Sometimes it felt a little eerie, sometimes it was quite sweet, and other times it really got into the characters’ psyches, especially Tear. I would definitely recommend this fic for fans of what I would personally consider to be psychological drama.
Stay with Me by @bibliophileemily: A fic about the relationship between Largo and his wife before uhhh…spoilers…still, it’s actually quite sweet and it was nice seeing their relationship fleshed out and the letter format added a special something to it. I definitely liked how this filled in for some missing gaps in Largo’s backstory and personally speaking it really made him feel more believable as a person to me which is why I always return to it when I want some Largo content.
Missing from You by lucifaron: This is the longest recommendation on this list with a total word count of 16.5k spread across 7 chapters. A post-canon mostly Tear-centric fic where she alongside Guy grapple with settling into a new world which is still plagued with issues and doubts about whether the Luke that stands before them is the same Luke they went on their journey with. A lot of confusing feelings and complicated relationships ensue. This fic is layered in multiple different ways from the character’s introspections on how much the events of Abyss changed them to confronting some the lingering political issues like Replica abuse. It's ultimately that complexity that has me returning to this fic time and time again as it truly offers a three-dimensional experience with every new chapter.
Burn Your Doubts and Fly by Scarfinator: A Mileena Weiss x Velvet Crowe offering which is basically like putting the two biggest magnets for w/w ships in the Tales fandom together and watching them make an atomic bomb of femslash. The fic itself references several canon events and presents the idea that Mileena’s true feelings about them may have been more than meets the eye. It all culminates one night when...read for yourself. I liked the conclusion to this story and Mileena just accepting that hey, Velvet is hot and huggable and she wants a piece lol. It's a really endearing fic that I highly recommend if you are into crossover pairings.
Phew! That's a lot of fics but more recs to come soon!
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netmomplus · 1 year
Touhou Ship Week Day 2: Sweet/Pride (yep, did both)
“Really? That’s what you’re most proud of?”
It wasn’t often that Minoriko Aki had visitors over to her home. It was a rather ramshackle place built on a field fairly recently, basically just had the basics for herself and her sister Shizuha, plus maybe one guest if they didn’t mind the small size. But, well, this wasn’t any other visitor. This was a rather cute maneki-neko that she’d recently hired to help with her sales, but… well, something just clicked. Maybe it was her savvy, their shared taste in warm colors, or maybe she was just pretty. But after a few days of working together, the pair couldn’t bear to keep their partnership strictly professional.
Of course, that didn’t mean they had to agree on everything.
“Yep. Once you see how much money I’ve been making from that card trade, you’d get it too.”
“Really, money of all things.” Minoriko rolled her eyes as she worked on baking something. “No wonder you call yourself a cat-pitalist. It’s always money with you.”
“Hey, I started from nothing, lived my life and eventually got to become something. It just so happens that money’s involved in it! And besides, don’t act like you weren’t also getting in on that card trade.”
“H-hey, I just… wanted to use it as an excuse to sell more sweet potatoes, okay?”
“Right, right.” Mike smiled as she moved to sit down. “But anyway, what are you proudest of?”
“Me? I can think of a few things.” Minoriko got to thinking as she placed the results of her work in a wood oven. “I’m proud of the work I do for the autumn season. As a deity of the harvest, I’m proud to be able to work with the few villagers who do worship me, to be able to grant them bountiful crops every year. Though…”
“Though… what?”
Minoriko stepped away from the oven and smiled. She moved to sit next to Mike and scratched behind the cat girl’s ears, prompting a murring noise from the latter.
“What I think I’m most proud of is my cooking. You’ve had my sweet potatoes and such, but I’d like to think I’m talented enough to be able to handle even non-autumn dishes perfectly.”
“Your cooking, huh?” Mike glanced over at the oven. “Well, we’re about to see how justified that pride of yours is, huh?”
“Don’t give me that competitive tone, we both know how you feel about my cooking. You know what they say,” Minoriko said as she held up a finger. “The best way to a woman’s heart is through her stomach.”
“Hah… haha… right.”
Mike blushed and went silent. Now it was just time to wait for this thing to finish baking. Using this silence as an opportunity, Minoriko stood back up and walked over to a small box on the floor. Inside the box was ice, and a lot of it, but more interestingly was a small container sitting on top of it. Reaching down, the goddess picked it up and set it atop a table, before opening it. Inside was something akin to cream, though it was lighter, almost airy.
“What’s that you got there?” Mike asked with visible intrigue.
“I just took some heavy cream and very quickly mixed it. It’s something that Western maid taught me about when I visited last autumn. Same with this dessert I’m about to give you. I sweetened it too to make it a bit more flavorful, I’m sure it’ll go great with it.”
“We’ll see about that.”
There Mike was with the teasing. That was the one annoying thing about her, she just kind of always insisted on being right. Maybe that card market was starting to give her a swelled head after all, but now probably wasn’t the time for that conversation. Now was the time to wait for food. So back and forth Minoriko would go, switching from checking on the oven to scratching Mike’s ears, on and off until…
“Aha, it looks done to me.”
Minoriko put on some mitts and slid the finished dessert out of the oven. The result was something resembling a bowl of an orange-ish custard, except between the custard and the bowl was a layer of browned pastry. Mike clearly didn’t recognize it.
“What’s that?”
“The person who told me about this called it ‘pumpkin pie’. Apparently it’s a popular dessert in the Outside World during the autumn months. The filling’s based on a type of squash you’d see out there too, I’ve started growing them as of last year as a matter of fact. Never hurts to expand your culinary tastes.”
“I guess so.”
Minoriko nodded and moved to cut out a slice from the pie. As she did so, she glanced down at Mike.
“So, just to be totally clear. Are you proud of the money you’ve earned, or, uh, or the work you put in to get there? Because if it’s the latter, you sure fixated on the former a lot.”
“Well, I’m… I’m… huh.” That seemed to catch Mike off guard. The maneki-neko leaned forward, hands on her face, and paused. “You know, when you put it like that, I’m… actually not sure?” I feel like… huh. Are my words and my thoughts just completely mismatched? I feel like…”
“Go ahead, think it over. I’ll give you time.”
The next minute or so was mostly quiet outside of a few grunts from Mike, as if they were the sound of the wheels turning in her head. Eventually, there was a nod.
“I think I was thinking of the latter. I’m proud of the work and the results of said work, not just the money itself.”
“Alright, alright. Thank you for the clarification, that’s a lot more understandable. Now, please try this.”
Minoriko finished slicing up the pie and placed one onto a plate. She dabbed some of the whipped cream on top and passed it off to Mike with some silverware; she was gifted some and found it was helpful for some of the more out-there foods she tried making, this being an example. She cut some for herself as well and moved to sit back down with her partner.
“Don’t have to wait for me to start,” Mike commented, “you can go ahead and eat.”
“Well gee, thanks.”
The pair both dug in at the same time, each taking a fairly small bite at first. The room fell silent with their chewing, neither knowing how the other would react. It wasn’t until Minoriko caught a small, rumbling noise coming from next to her that she had an idea of what her partner felt.
“Hey, are you… are you purring?”
“W-what? What? It’s good!” Mike leaned back and gave Minoriko the absolute most sheepish look the god could imagine; it even made said god chuckle. “It’s sweet, but it’s not super, uh, sugary. It’s one of the best desserts I ever had. I think the only thing that may beat it is your sweet potato stuff.”
“Oh, it’s that good? Thank you, I’m glad it’s up to par.” Minoriko finished her first bite and smiled, before taking another. “I wondered if I had the spices messed up, but no, it’s exactly how I wanted it.”
The couple would work on finishing their pie slices, not even bothering to take it slow given that they had another several slices for later. No time to savor the flavor when the flavor was that savor-able as it stood. Eventually they finished, leaving empty plates in front of them and their stomachs full. The pair sighed and leaned back, before Mike eventually spoke up.
“...y’know what, Minoriko?”
“...you know, I’d be way prouder of this if it were my talent.”
“Ah, don’t let yourself down. You’re a hard worker, Mike, you deserve credit there.”
“...yeah, you’re right.”
Minoriko got up to cover the pie and put it in the ice box, before moving back to sit near Mike and return to petting her. That conversation certainly ended better than expected, and they both felt remarkably cozy afterward. Sheesh, the deity thought, if only every conversation ended like that.
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fluffghostrp · 2 years
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———  basics! ♡
(PEN)NAME:  Sats is the nick. Actual tag i use is Fluffghost.
PRONOUNS:  She/Her is what i’m used to
ZODIAC SIGNS:  Monkey / Gemini
———  three  facts! ♡  
horrible, horrible folklore gremlin. i like just about any type of ghost the most.
horribly lost in renmerry hell.
horrible with Good Names, do not let me name a pet unless you want it named something like Boris or Booberry.
———  experience ! ♡
ASLdkfj uhhh i’ve been bouncing around a lot of different places. Started on rp forums waaaay back in the day, back in like my pre-teens, before spending some time on gaia after friends roped me into there. Which ultimately lead to winding up rping on tumblr, so i’ve been here ever since 2012. I do rp on discord sometimes, depending on my energy levels, though the muse roster is roughly the same as it is on this blog. 
Basically I started out with Parsee’s muse, back on Gaia for a group rp thing. Then ported her over to tumblr so i could put proper actual research into her species and think on her accordingly. I don’t play her as often these days, though the muse is still strong. While she’s my most developed character, she was for better or worse my primary character that was active during a very rough time of my early life... so she’s wound up being the most emotionally taxing one to try and run. Very good for shenanigans, but requires a very solid routine to prevent her negative mindset from getting to you.
Bridgette was created after needing a break from Touhou shenaniganry back in... 2014 or so? Just wanted a break from the sheer amount of silly stuff that had piled up on Parsee, so i put my folkloric creativity bug to a series other than touhou, and do some more heavy thinking, since i was at a roadblock on Parsee. 
Then in 2016 I wound up trying to squash down a Merry muse (and failing), which only got strengthened by new Hifuu club content which came out around the time. So now i’m stuck with her too. Ominous college student desires mysteries to investigate and trouble to get herself into.
Crown got created in 2020 when I fell down the arknights rabbit hole. Gotta work on her a little bit more, though the canonical setting info is set to a very low drip speed, so i’m just patiently waiting in a corner for her to get new content that i can work off of.
There’s other muses who have been less frequent while i learned how to juggle those three, or just saw less screen time on tumblr. So they’re here too, just on a more ‘folks who’d like them can ask for them’ sort of basis.
I do tabletop rp games, and recently started gming them myself. Still lacking confidence on that front, though - it’s an ongoing learning process.
Basically i’m an old lady, experience-wise. Been around at least a full decade here, so I’ve been around the block quite a few times, seen a lot, lived through a lot. Very tired old girl who just enjoys sharing the space i’ve carved out for myself, if others deem it interesting to play around in.
———  muse preference !  ♡
i am a gremlin of an ace lesbian and thus have a tendency to lean towards female characters, since that’s simply what i feel most comfortable being able to portray. But the girls themselves? I tend to gravitate towards folkloric inspirations, or characters which deal with the supernatural or have some other inspirational basis in it. They can go just about any direction in terms of personality - though i do have a tendency to lean towards personalities that instigate character development, or whose natural dispositions will naturally prompt further interaction by running into them.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: It’s good! Very sweet, like candy. I tend to sprinkle it intermittendly with plot, and use it as a method of developing things further. So that you don’t get a stomach ache from it, but let it still be complimentary satisfying none-the-less.
ANGST:  Please. It usually kicks in best once it’s been given a proper plotline that lets us draw it out and impact the characters in a meaningful direction, but a lot of my characters are well-suited for it. Let me have character conflict.
SMUT:  I don’t mind referencing sexual topics in a thread - it’s actually more common in the scenarios i need to think about with my folklore muses than most people realize - nor do i mind my characters having interactions that could lead to it. But I’m not much of one to write sex for sex’s sake, due to both a very pesky trigger i gotta work around, and general bad experiences in the past. So I prefer to either leave it at a fade-to-black level or reference/background acknowledgement. As long as my trigger issue is respected, and it feels like a completely natural course of action for the character’s relationship to develop in that way? Then sure, i’m game for that sort of development. It’s when it’s treated less as option and more as an inevitability, that it becomes a problem in the long run.
PLOT / MEMES:  Both! Give! I thrive off plotlines and development, and seeing what directions we can take a character. I do often wing my threads, but even then, what i often do is try to direct the character personalities into interacting in ways that will naturally lead to future thread ideas and conflicts. Memes are good for pulling a thread idea out of a hat, rather than relying purely on the whim of interaction to lead to it, of course. But this is the meat of the story, and developing unique situations - which can lead to further such situations - between muses is what i thrive off of.
Tagged by Stolen from: @twinfoxtails​​
Tagging: steal. steal it and run.
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sudden late commentary on Fantastically Mundane Chain Of Love  (ffnet) because I need to get it out of my system!
last year on august, i followed this event run by @thshipweek . It offerered a bunch of prompts all week for interested creative people to do touhou ship things for, and i decided to try and use it for inspiration as well for writing a bunch of touhou fanfic. Now i just feel like talking about that process, mainly how much I like to make things harder for myself ._.
so when the prompts were revealed, showing two prompts for each of the seven days which you are ideally meant to choose one or the other depending on which days you wanna do, I for some reason decided i wanted to do all of them. As in every prompt for every day. It had been a really long time since I did any writing, so I guess I wanted to go all in as much as I could.
I pretty quickly hit upon the idea that I’d do a sort of ‘ship relay’, where one story would start with a ship, and the next would include one of the two from the previous one. This would simultaneous accomplish a bunch of things: keep myself semi-limited in scale in terms of how many characters show up, make for an interesting format, give myself a fun creative challenge.
Like a few days after the prompts were revealed on 1st Aug, I had actually already decided what the order of the ships I’d do were. The very first character to apper would be Reimu, and then using the idea of a love letter as a throughline, it would keep getting passed around and at the end it would by Yukari, who passes it back to Reimu again, bringing things full circle. I was feeling pretty good about it, and already lined up in my mind what ships would fit what prompts!
And then. On like, 15th Aug, the day before the start of the actual ship week itself, for some insane reason, I decided to throw that all way ._. You see when I started working on what would be the first chapter, i suddenly on the spot decided ‘hey wait, this is about a love letter and it would be pretty fitting for akyuu to be the one to kick things off’, and for some reason I was so into that idea that I decided to just catapault everything else I had in prepared in mind for the last two weeks. Like, the first chapter still had Reimu in it, but now that the letter was being passed to her, I had to completely rethink what all the other proceeding ships were going to be if I wanted to keep to this arbitrary format.
Basically, every chapter of Fantastically Mundane Chain Of Love? All 12 of them? I thought of them, and then wrote it on the fly, all within the span of 12-24 or so hours, and I did this for like seven or so days in a row. It was. draining on the brain >_< <_> and so unnecessarily stressful because its not like I needed to or was even managing to publish any of these right on the date after a certain point, but it’s like I Needed to get them done as soon as possible. It’s why you the word count between chapters go in such a perfect bell curve. I got more and more into it as time went on, and then exhausation and desperation kicked in, and it proceeded to dwindle n_n;;
I wouldn’t at say i’m happy with the overall result, but at least it did get me to write and do stuff during a time where i was really stuck in my own head (well, more than usual anyway). So i’m still thankful to the two mods of shipweek for that n_n
anyhow, thoughts on each individual chapter below the cut:
reimu/akyuu: memories. I really should have saved myself so much stress and stuck with my original plan but i just so suddenly found myself enarmoured with the thought of akyuu finding this chain letter and having a crisis over it. I’m pretty happy with it though. ...Also it kinda Had to go to Reimu because the only other person I could write a ship thing with Akyuu is probably Kosuzu, and I can’t think of anyone I’d write her with other than Akyuu n_n;
reimu/yuuka: summer. i think the thought of reimu caring for a plant on shrine grounds is really cute, and nobody would poke at her more about it than yuuka. I really like these two being weirdly both domineering at all times yet some coming off as being friendly.
yuuka/marisa: food. i’m also pretty happy with this one! just a cute little scene of them first being unnecessarily intense over plants, and then just enjoying a cozy meal together. so many marisa ships is kinda about her bringing out the human side of somebody whos not-so-human, isn’t it?
marisa/sakuya: wedding. this is about the point i start letting myself get too carried away, but it was fun to have a chance to dig into Sakuya being an oddball and someone else putting up with that. the situation here is kinda absurd, but sakuya’s kind of an absurd person, so it’s fine!
sakuya/sanae: surprise. I really had fun with this one. it’s basically an excuse to just write the two having a date at an arcade and getting away with it not being an AU. if there’s anyone who would get carried away with nerd games, its these two. Also, initially this chapter was much longer because halfway through, i thought of sanae using her miracle powers to try and cheat at the game and this indirectly causes the place to be set ablaze. I threw that all out and had it end a lot simpler.
I’ll say that from this point onward is where trying to shoehorn a way for the chain letter to be mentioned and then passed on became Really shoehorned. Like from this point forward, I pretty much always saved thinking about it for last, and then just haphazardly inserted it in wherever I could >_>
sanae/hina: intimacy. this is honestly just a short story where I delve into how cool I thinkHhina is, and Sanae’s just there to watch, whoops! but I do think they’d make a cute pair for real... I like to think Sanae has gotten decently acqauainted with most of the people/creatures on the mountain n_n I admit thinking about how this fits the prompt of ‘intimacy’ is a bit of a stretch, even more than the ‘surprise’ one...
hina/hatate: nature. this is about the point of the week where I felt like i was dying so I did everything in my power to reel myself back and keep these more simple. Not much to say other than I can enjoy writing a thing where  two relatively friendly characters just have a pleasant time!
hatate/nemuno: domestic. I’m really happy with this one, actually! fun fact, but before this whole thing started, I decided I really wanted to include Nemuno in because when else will i get the chance? In the original order I envisioned, i had pictured Aya being the one to run into her, and that would have been a different kind of dynamic entirely, i think. With Hatate though, this became what I consider to be a really sweet chance meeting kind of story n_n
nemuno/miyoi: hello, goodbye. even though i just said it would have been a different dynamic, i avoided having the next person nemuno passed the letter to be aya (as convenient as that would be) because i did want the pace and backdrop to be more significantly different. I don’t remember how I decided up chucking her to geidontei to meet miyoi, but i’m pretty satisfied with how it turned out.
miyoi/suika: overwhelemd. These last few ones I admit, i was kinda getting desperate to be done with it, so they are significantly more straightforward than what came before. I’m still satisfied with this one though, just a short story where Suika shows consideration to a nervous Miyoi...
suika/yukari: future. Truth be told, i spent the entire time writing this thinking not about these two and this scene, but how much i was cursing myself for not following through with my original plan. Because here i was again at yukari, but I didn’t feel like I could ‘loop back’ to reimu anymore due to the way i started this whole thing. I love folowing arbitrary rules that make things harder for myself, apparently!
merry/renko: crossover. i won’t lie, im not happy about this one... I tried my best to make it at least interesting to the collection as a whole and being a weird way to use the crossover prompt (because hifuu is technically not the same as touhou) by being both meta with the source of the letter, and also strange implacation about yukari?merry thing just from the format. But as for the actual contents of the chapter itself... I really wasn’t feeling it or putting my all into it at all. If people who read it managed to enjoy it all the same, then I’m glad! But as for my own standards... sorry renmerry, but I at least promise this won’t be the last and only thing i ever write of hifuu! >_< !
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prokopetz · 5 years
since I've seen a lot of super niche games, do u have any games which, mechanic wise, are like hollow knight, ori and the blind forest, and dead cells, and in the 3d realm, sunset overdrive and Spider-Man. basically, games that are heavily momentum and movement based.
Sure. I’m reasonably certain this query was prompted by my mention of The King’s Bird and Sayonara Wild Hearts in a post earlier today, so I won’t repeat them here. A few other titles along similar lines that may interest you:
Fist’s Elimination Tower - An arcade-style platformer that gives you a limited number of lives (the exact number varies by difficulty level) to complete 150 levels, with each level consisting of a single-screen setpiece. The twist? You only have five seconds to clear each screen! Momentum isn’t encouraged so much as mandatory.
Just Shapes & Beats - A bullet-hell shooter that entirely dispenses with the shooting: your objective is simply to survive each wave. Not a unique conceit, but this one is very rigorous about telegraphing its punches, including a fully integrated – and amazing – soundtrack that provides audible as well as visual cues for what’s coming.
Katana ZERO - A side-scrolling slasher that gives you a limited ability to slow down time and parry bullets. Like most games of the type, both the player and enemies die in one hit, but it avoids the constant start-and-stop that many similar titles are prone to by making downtime between deaths practically nonexistent.
Lonely Mountains: Downhill - A low-key mountain biking simulator, this one strikes the rare balance of being just realistic enough to give a real sense of weight to the gameplay, and being just arcadey enough that it’s not going to frustrate you with tripping over every random root and pebble. It’s pretty much as fast-paced as you want it to be.
Overclocked - A robot-punching puzzle platformer with brief visual novel interludes and strong transhumanist themes. Unlike many entries on this list, its accessibility features are practically nonexistent, but it’s free to play, so at least you won’t have wasted your money if you try it out and discover that it’s not for you.
Rifter - This one’s a bit similar to The King’s Bird in its core gameplay, though it’s low on exploration and trades wall-skipping flight for a grappling hook. It’s also not terribly approachable for newcomers to the genre, and isn’t trying to be; if you’re not very experienced with momentum-based puzzle platformers, maybe come back to this one.
Run or Die - An endless runner that mixes things up with a suite of special movement abilities that constantly swap and reconfigure themselves as you play. Supports both mission-based and survival modes, with daily challenge leaderboards if you’re into that sort of thing. Also, you can unlock the ability to play as a corgi.
Super Cloudbuilt - A self-labelled “rocket parkour” game with shooter elements, albeit not terribly challenging ones – you’ll die from running into or falling off of stuff far more often than you will from getting shot at. Maybe not the best choice if you have a thing about heights, as it takes place in a world that literally has no ground.
Touhou Luna Nights - A lightweight Metroidvania with challenging boss fights. Possibly an odd choice when “momentum” is our main criterion, given that its core mechanical gimmick is literally stopping time, but it manages to make that not feel like an interruption. One of the more well-produced fan games I’ve encountered.
Velocity 2X - A funny little genre hybrid that swaps between twin-stick shooter and side-scrolling runner modes. Each level has multiple completion criteria, including speed, high score, and number of collectibles obtained, so you have a fair amount of flexibility in terms of how you want to approach things.
I’m also going to throw in off-the-main-list recs for Celeste and Hyper Light Drifter. They’re both off-list recs because they have strong momentum-based elements, but they’re mixed in with a lot of other stuff; Celeste is very cerebral for a precision puzzle-platfomer, so your momentum is going to be broken up by a lot of squinting at the screen and wondering what the hell you’re expected to do here, while in Hyper Light Drifter the momentum-based play comes in short, frantic bursts, interspersed with long stretches of undemanding, nearly walking-sim-like exploration.
(The latter is also off-list because if you’re citing Dead Cells, I’m almost 100% certain you’ve already heard of Hyper Light Drifter, but for the sake of completeness, here we are!)
In terms of forthcoming titles, you might keep an eye on any of Aeon Must Die, Get To The Orange Door, or Pepper Grinder.
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Touhou in AI Dungeon
I tried my hand at AI Dungeon. I furnished it with a somewhat detailed prompt involving Yukari Yakumo trying to get Reimu off her ass and fix some damage to the Barrier. Text in brackets were created by the AI.
I tried to switch the perspective to Reimu, but the AI didn't quite "get it", and after the part where I ended, it just started getting completely incoherent. Oh well; Garnet Shade was a passable stage 1 boss, I suppose. (I came up with her name and title myself because I figured that this was beyond the limits of the AI's creativity ...)
You are Yukari Yakumo, the Youkai of Boundaries, an ancient eldritch lesbian with the power to manipulate boundaries; you have a reputation for being an enigmatic meddling trickster who smiles all the time, and most people consider you to be an annoyance at best. Your job is to manage the Great Hakurei Barrier which surrounds the fantastical land of Gensokyo, a realm of magic and gods and monsters hidden in the mountains of Japan. Today, you notice that there are cracks in the Barrier, of the sort which can only have been caused by someone's interference. The job of resolving these sorts of incidents usually falls to Reimu Hakurei, the Shrine Maiden of the Hakurei Shrine; however, it doesn't seem that she has even noticed these cracks. You travel to the Shrine through a gap in space, where you see Reimu boredly sweeping the front steps; [as usual, she looks up from her task when you enter.
"Hello," you say. "I'm here about the barrier."
Reimu stares at you blankly for several moments before speaking.]
"What is it this time, Yukari?" she says curtly.
You respond with your best creepy and inscrutable smile. "Have you taken a good look at it lately?" you ask.
[Reimu sighs. "Yes, I've been watching it every day since yesterday morning. It hasn't moved for days now."
"It's not moving because you're looking away!"]
You lightly hit her over the head with your paper fan. "You are the Shrine Maiden of Hakurei," you say pointedly, "and it is your duty to examine it in its entirety."
You use your paper fan to open up a gap in space; on the other side, the cracks in the barrier are visible. "And investigating damage to the barrier is of even greater importance."
[Reimu looks worried as she stares at the barrier. "It looks like it's getting worse..." she says nervously, stepping back from the ]gap[.]
You close the gap. "My own telemetry suggests that it was caused by someone's actions, by accident or design," you say. "I'm certain you know what to do now!" You beckon.
Reimu floats off the ground and conjures forth the Hakurei Yin-Yang orb, the artifact which gives the Shrine Maidens their power, and [and floats over to the barrier.]
You smile enigmatically. Good. You disappear into a gap, and vanish, leaving the empty shrine behind.
You are now Reimu Hakurei, the shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine. You're annoyed with Yukari for interrupting your sweeping, but these incidents won't resolve themselves. (Unless, of course, they're resolved by your girlfriend, the witch Marisa Kirisame. But that would be just annoying.)
You continue to fly towards the Barrier. At first, all you can see is fairies, but [then...
A large, shadowy figure looms over you, and ]her[ eyes are replaced by the burning red of a demon's.]
Here we go. "Yes?" you say tersely. "What can I do for you?" [The girl stares at you with suspicion. "Who are you?" she asks. "Are you a god, a demon, or something else?"]
"I'm a human," you say. "I'm the Shrine Maiden, Reimu Hakurei. Who are you?" [The girl lowers her head, and her eyes disappear again. "I'm a rogue fairy," she says.]
She is Garnet Shade, the Fairy of Infernal Shadows, the stage 1 boss.
You frown. "I didn't know that fairies could go rogue," you say. "Aren't you just supposed to be childlike nature spirits?"
[Shade's eyes reappear, glaring at you. "We are nature spirits," she hisses.]
You narrow your. Fairies are usually weak, but your intuition tells you that this one is going to be trouble. "Okay," you say. "I have bigger fish to fry right now, though. Mind getting out of my way?"
[Shade swoops down, blocking the path. "I don't recognize you as the power that holds back our prison," she says.]
You parry with your purification rod. "Prison?" you say, flying back to avoid her. "That's an odd way to describe Gensokyo!"
[Shade slashes with her claws. You block again, then hit her back with your ]Hakurei Yin-Yang Orb[, but she retreats to avoid your range. She swoops in for an attack, then stops short.]
You begin firing danmaku: swarms of bullets of light which your opponent doesn't dodge so much as navigate. Your bullets resemble yin-yang orbs and demon-slaying paper charms. Shade responds in kind; her bullets are [purple and black, and resemble the Yin-Yang orbs but in reverse. "I knew it!" Shade yells as she gets pelted by your bullets.] "Knew what?" you shout back, dodging through her bullets with relative ease. One of her yin-yangs grazes your sleeve. You keep firing your danmaku.
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yamayuandadu · 4 years
What kinda touhou game/manga would you want story wise?
Gensokyo of Humans but make it canon. I’m not even joking, it has the exact combination of genuinely well crafted mystery, mythology/history references and expanding the setting I wanted. I’d like a manga set in hell, too. Part of my problem with Lotus Eaters and Detective Satori is that they seem to be hellbent on making the setting feel small again (note that you can have a small scale story set in Gensokyo without making the world feel small, FS handled it well imo), while the games went all out on making it huge lately, which to me feels like retracting the recent stuff out of fear it doesn’t appeal to people who still view Touhou as a collection of IOSYS memes. Hell is arguably the most prominently featured location in the series after Gensokyo itself, and there are enough characters for an ensemble cast even without introducing new ones. Maybe making it almost like a police procedural could work? A new moon manga starring Sagume or the rabbits (maybe an ensemble cast of the new rabbits and Reisen 2?) could be fun too. I joked a few times about my ideal Touhou manga pitch being “The case records of Professor Munakata” but about Keine, but I suspect that lacks wider appeal.I think the unpredictability of the game plots is part of their charm so I have no real expectations in that regard as long as they prompt the creation of this kind of charts and other similar content. Generally speaking I’d prefer them to be about religion rather than random yokai though. I guess as an exception my one specific wish would be a tengu game because they have a lot of random lore in the older guidebooks (did ZUN assume people will make tengu ocs or what) that never mattered much in any story, and there’s a lot irl religious lore to use too. The EX boss could be Nichira/Atago Gongen (a Korean advisor to prince Shotoku conflated with the protective deity of mt. Atago, said to be a tengu, in roughly the same way as Kawakatsu was conflated with Matara-jin). Random new characters related to Miko in some way are by far my fave (unintentional?) trend in recent games.
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falsewolf-a · 4 years
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NAME :  Just call me Sats NICKNAME :  Sats /  Fluffghost FACECLAIM :  Kosuzu Motoori, from Touhou Project ~ Forbidden Scrollery PRONOUNS :  She / Her HEIGHT :    5′5"-ish  BIRTHDAY :  June 7th  AESTHETIC :  Ghosts, folklore, & spooky things. libraries & old books. cottagecore and faeries. abandoned castles and sleepy towns. that sort of atmosphere. LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO :  Dirty Palm - Oblivion (feat. Micah Martin) [NCS Release]
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE :  She just kinda happened, i’m not actually sure what prompted it. Started playing Arknights and looking into the characters and story, and next thing I know I have a Crownslayer muse and she’s got me in a headlock.
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVORITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE :  Her character type is just one I’m actually quite fond of, though I admittedly don’t play it often - most of the villains I pick up are usually very morally gray, or they hold no capability to feel remorse about their actions, or they don’t think on a human morality scale. Crown, on the other hand, is just an angry teenager/young adult who desperately wants to be doing the right thing, but got so far off track from her original goal (or got mislead away from it) that it’s debatable whether or not she can find her way back to safer waters. She’s a villain, but she got a lot of potential with where she can go. That’s the aspect I really like about her.
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING : Thinking about how the Arknights world setting works, and the conspiracy theories regarding the plotline is what keeps most of my inspiration going. In terms of things that help me get words onto paper, though, I typically just need the right soundtrack in the background to help things flow. With Crown specifically, I usually just listen to Aviator’s songs for a while and things sort themselves out.
FAVORITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS :  Most of my threads so far have been ‘A wild Reunion Leader has appeared!’ or haven’t had the chance to really take off into their own plots yet, so i’m not quite sure yet with Crown. But I do enjoy threads which go into her history and her wavering loyalties, or ones which force me to put her in interactions where she isn’t immediately at odds with whoever I’m interacting. Fight scenes are still going to happen, of course - I don’t normally get to write them, so I’m happy that I’m able to mess with them again.
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE :  Unfortunately for me, also fight scenes. Crown’s the type to fight first and ask questions later, so all of the Really Good Stuff is almost guaranteed to be locked behind at least one blatant fight scene or murder attempt, before other interaction options can open up or make themselves apparent. So the struggle is mainly to find a balance. Also finding time to write, but that’s less an issue with the muse and more with my low energy levels.
TAGGED  BY : stole it from @witchofdoma​
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rpdepartment · 6 years
lyrica live touhou fanlyrics prompts | part 2
20 starters | TW: violence, death
« i waited a while. »
« this is NOT a test. »
« why can’t i let go? »
« i’m so bored, i’m so bored!! »
« i’m as strong as i need to be »
« let’s settle this once and for all! »
« maybe I'm not what you meant to find. »
« come on, are we gonna fight or what?! » 
« one chance: take it and the world is ours! »
« you say “impossible”, but i can find a way. »
«  isn’t it a virtue to be more down-to-earth? » 
«  maybe the truth is, you're losing your mind. » 
« are you any different from a fiction, anyway? »
« you must have come all this way for a reason. »
« what's with the mood now? you're frozen in fear. » 
« to this world I've ventured with a purpose to fulfill. »
« so, life without death? it isn’t much worth calling “life.” »
« no others seemed to sense it; its presence was subtle. » 
« change may be tiresome, though it may be time for some. »
« a duty and an honor for the captain to go with the vessel when she's going down. »
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Anankos x Mikoto hcs pls uwu
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Ok, I promise this will be the last Anankos prompt I do before I do a request for another character. (Too bad we don’t have any Touhou prompts I can do right at the moment…..)
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I do really like this pairing though, so I guess it will be a nice way to end the chain of Anankos requests~ 
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This will be in the context of Heroes because one, the last one was, and two, Mikoto is in Heroes and goddammit IntSys, Anankos deserves to be in the game too!
I’m sorry but if we are going off her outfit in the Adrift banner…..Anankos is just…..stunned by her beauty, even though he’s likely staying far away. (He still doesn’t interact much with those from the world of Fates, besides the Kanas and the other child units.)
No seriously, he just admires her from far away, since he wants to spare her any emotional pain that could occur from them reuniting. Anankos wants to hug her but feels distance is what he should keep.
(Sorry my version of Anankos has a hard time believing he deserves nice things when used in the context of Fates in any way.)
Meanwhile, Mikoto hears about an odd Manakete who keeps his distance from anyone who doesn’t seek him out first; it takes her a while to find someone who has interacted with him often enough to know how to find him.
(The advice is likely to ask one of the dragon children to locate him because they seem extremely adept at locating him from needing to do so to get him to play with them.)
But through the heroes he has befriended, Mikoto does figure out who this odd Manakete is, and tries to find him….only for the Silent Dragon to flee in his dragon form.
So she assumes he wants space, even if it was a little disappointing to hear that Anankos was sane here but see the dragon run away upon her trying to approach him.
She quickly realizes it was a mistake to vent to the versions of Corrin that were summoned with her because oh, there go both dragons, off to gather up the other four Corrins so they can all drag Anankos on over.
Mikoto ends up finding all six Corrins dog-piling dragon form Anankos; the dragon Corrins are also in dragon form, New Years Corrin and Sword Corrin are just trying to act as deadweight to hold down the ancient dragon’s head, and Summer Corrin just has her wyvern sitting on Anankos’ tail.
All six Corrins are trying to convince Anankos to stop being afraid and just go talk to Mikoto; the fact they are all working together means they make a good amount of progress.
RIP NY and Sword Corrin once Mikoto approaches and surprises Anankos, as they both got flung when the silent dragon’s head suddenly shot up. Don’t worry, at least one of the dragon Corrins dashed off to try to catch them.
Thankfully, the fact he still has two dragons and a wyvern holding him down makes it so he can’t flee this time.
………Honestly, Anankos was expecting anything other than Mikoto trying to calm him down and reassure him that it’s fine, and she won’t hurt him.
(Excuse me as I take 3000 years to get to the fluff) After a chance to talk to each other over what happened in their world of origin, it seems like they are merely friends to pretty much anyone else, but honestly they are just like that when together.
Please imagine the Hoshidian siblings’ shock and surprise when they realize that their step-mom’s close friend isn’t just a friend. Or just realize that Mikoto banged a dragon.
Actually, I guess that last part applies to anyone from the World of Fates who is unaware of Mikoto’s relationship with sane Anankos.
But seriously, this two just seem like close friends besides the rare times someone actually spots them holding hands or sitting together somewhere. (Or spot Anankos blushing, which is a good sign he just got a kiss, even if you don’t see Mikoto nearby.)
Even the summoner wasn’t aware that these two were a thing until actually told by one of the Corrins.
Though honestly, I think those that know about Anankos’ possible struggles with keeping himself sane are happy to see him have someone that close to him that can easily calm him down.
...............though god forbid someone hurt Mikoto and let the Silent Dragon become aware of it. No one likes seeing Anankos mad given that he basically gets trapped in dragon form and is a pain in the ass to calm enough to get him back into human form.
Everyone just tries to keep his rampage contained or lead him toward the enemy, and then hope Mikoto can calm him down afterwards.
Thankfully, she usually can, and the rare times she can’t, he still won’t harm her and will likely flee to go calm down by himself away from anyone he could harm.
Those times where he has to be left by himself for a few hours are becoming fewer and fewer the longer he is in Askr, and having someone he loves enough that even his dragon form in a feral state will refuse to harm helps as well.
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amemenojaku · 1 year
for the character ask prompt! what about Keiki?
General opinion/How much I care about them: She's a very solid character and surely part of the reason why WBaWC feels like one of the most-liked recent games! When the full version came out a lot of my friends and mutuals who were past touhou fans but had lost their interest came back thanks to that game specifically, so in my brain she's linked to that moment of shared happiness. I like how she's very much a classic god in terms of personality while being easier to reach than the others thanks to her role to the human spirits. I feel like she'd be easy to talk with, as long as you don't forget she's still a god of course, and I really like characters who act as a bridge of sort between others. She's also definitely unhinged under all that and it's fun to imagine situations where the politeness just goes out of the window.
A ship I love: (puts on my clown makeup again) My favorite Keiki ship is with Okina..... It's pretty high up there in my fav touhou pairings overall too lol. They're both loners and I tend to really enjoy romantic pairings where two people get to feel a bit less lonely together. I just think they'd get along really well! and I like their shared connection to art in general. The two of them crafting something special together is a nice image... It's also funny to imagine Keiki playing along Okina's boasting about her status and her powers as a secret god etc when Keiki is a god herself. She's Keiki's poor little meow meow!!! Oh and I also quite like Keiki/Mayumi too. I wish the fanon interpretation of them as parent/child would die down already... it's a bit sad that they didn't take off on the english speaking side as well as they did in the jp community even though literally everyone asks for more knight/princess wlw ships. It's Right There
A non-romantic relationship that I love: Gotta admit I haven't thought about her sphere of relationships much beyond the ones that also work as romances, but I love the implication that she's Eika's younger sibling if you follow the mythos. Keiki would probably be quite protective of Eika despite being the little sister... And with the recent addition of Hisami I'm really excited to see more fanworks with the characters based on the Nihonshoki/Kojiki (this better not monkeypaw on me). They need to have tea and chat about the old times!!!
The NOTP: It's Yachie/Keiki, sorry guys but I'm a yachisaki believer.....
My biggest headcanon about them: I'm pretty sure I've already mentioned that one in the past but the beast-shaped aura in her portrait looks like a familiar to me! Maybe some kind of fire spirit to help her crafting :)
An idea for a fanwork I would like to make/see about them: I'd like to read a good fic/comic where she interacts with the other beast leaders seriously... I'm so sad she didn't get proper dialogue with Saki or Yuuma despite them being as much of a threat as Yachie. As for something I would like to make myself... A visual retelling of some of Koda Rohan's works (especially Furyubutsu) but with Keiki as the protag is an idea I've had for 2-3 years but if I ever get to it, it'll probably just be little doodles :-)
Something that makes me think of them: Koda Rohan's work again lol (delusional)
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 Another Munday Prompt
Remember to repost, not reblog!
Name: Bunny
Preferred pronouns: she/her
Selectivity: not very selective at all! ^^
Favorite animal: probably bunnies xD
Favorite muse you’ve had so far ever: I only have Tewi right now, and the reason I RP her is because I love her~. Might make another rp blog, but we’ll see!
Muse you kinda wanna pick up: Good timing: I really wanna do Raccoon and Fennec from Kemono Friends! I love them both a lot and I have a lot of images, so why not? 
Most identifiable fictional character: Probably Tewi, because I only have her, right? ^^
What color your aura is/think it is: without going into specific meanings, I’ve always considered it blue because my favorite color is blue? So I probably give off blue. Might be yellow too though~.
Personality stuff you agree with (astrology, mbti, Hogwarts house, etc be as specific as you want!): MBTI is INFP! Scorpio and Chinese zodiac: rabbit! Also Enneagram!
Do you think you’re a good driver: haven’t practiced enough yet
Favorite minor discourse: anything amusing tbh, as long as it’s not hurtful xD I like Touhou M1 Grand Prix a lot ^^
Favorite vine and/or meme: nonsensical ones, surreal stuff, autocorrect fails or something xD
Why did you choose this muse: I was motivated by wanting to give Tewi more attention! I also hated how some people thought of her/portrayed her (as pure evil), so I wanted to create a more positive depiction of her! She’s a jerk, but she’s a good jerk.
Favorite rp memory: RPing with Eientei members!! And also double Tewi (with Flan)! no, i like a lot of rps, like Taiki chasing Tewi (while barking like a dog), Tewi’s snarky exchanges with Hailey, and everything with Marcos. everything lol, but maybe especially April Fools! 
Favorite thing you’ve written, in rp or not: I once wrote a philosophical analysis of Tewi’s perspective. I think I saved it somewhere, so I definitely liked that!
A line/lyrics/quote/etc you like or that means a lot to you: “You can do whatever you want for as long as you continue to believe that it’s true and it will be.” (Some guy on the Internet.) 
Give a shout-out to someone: @wanderinghellkitten is fun and great! also thanks @johnny-writes and @firestormmaidenanddragon for giving me mentions/thinking of me a while back! I know I disappeared for a while (6 whole months, dang), but I had to thank you! lastly, a lot of people are great rpers, but @riigfire is also a really good one! all of these people are rad! ^^ 
Tagged by: @just-a-normal-traveler (thanks!! :D)
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it
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hj-skb · 6 years
Hey I got tagged by @itsladykit and @maddieblay on this social meme so I just opened a metaphorical bag and a pile of very casual words fell out like popato chisps and by that I mean unchecked by the spelling and grammar police
Rules: Answer the prompt and tag 20 blogs you would like to know better!
Nicknames: HJ, hj, …
(sometimes friends also call me hachi and i happily answer)
Gender: oh you mean like pronouns.......oh....(i’ve been called many things on the internet since the dawn of time so) I’m ok with defaulting to Neutral on the interweb or F tho I’m not offended if ppl called me M pronouns
Starsign: Leo
Height: pretty average
Current time: it was 3 AM and when i hit post it will be morning
Birthday: late July :^D
Favorite Band/Artist:
Oh boy, oh man…pls excuse me while i go off on a tangent I LOVE ARTISTS i don’t think many people here would know these artists so i just, here’s some of them
Toru Nakayama, indie artist best known for their work on the Megaman Zero game series, probably my biggest influence ever (here’s his personal gallery, it’s freaking beautiful)
For composers; ZUN, creator/artist/composer of the Touhou game series (which is a big inspiration for Undertale!!!); Ippo Yamada, composer for the Megaman Zero series; Nobuo Uematsu, best known for his contributions to Final Fantasy
For bands, JAM project, known for their signature song “SKILL” and super-passionate live performances; Ali Project, for their whimsically unique vocals, dark melody and elaborate outfits
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Song Stuck In My Head: Mii channel music, you’re welcome :^)
Last Movie Watched: Infinity Wars
Last TV Show Watched: I don’t really watch TV i guess Land of the Lustrous
What Do I Post: so i started this account specifically to join the UT sub-fandom largely unknown to the outside world just in case i died in an accident or of shame so what I meant to say is i mostly peddle questionably dirty laundry fanart related to the sub-fandom while occasionally try to muster up words (and pics) at fanfic writers on what a great job they did in a mild and level-headed manner while actually scared to death and crying (i maybe want to try peddling some fanfics too tho even though i i i’ve never written before IT JUST....LOOKS SO FUN.....
(but hey if you’re into my art in general and actually read this far i sometimes also post things over here :’^)
Do I Get Asks: Sometimes, i’d love to talk about same interests tho AHDJDF pls feel free to hit me up in a DM I’d love to get some good fic recos and TBH I’m ecstatic if ppl actually tell me they enjoy the fanart it honestly shocks me every time, I may actually die
URL Meaning: it’s a variation of a net handle….the suffix here is suppose to be a pun on skeleton brothers and (スケベ) a word that meant “U lewd mofo” except i didn’t expect having to tell this story in public so just imagine me making dying noises typing this
Average Hours Of Sleep: anytime between 5-8 I’d say, depending on the day
Nationality: resides at the icy land of Canadia
Tags (if any of y'all have already done it or don’t want to that’s understandable you can ignore this): i think folks might’ve been tagged/answered already and i don’t want to make anyone uncomf or anything so if you don’t feel like doing it 100% no pressures, or feel free to invite yourself on the social train :’^D
@buttercupsticksntricks @withtheworms @stalga @popato-chisps @reallyashamed @askellie @undertailsoulsex @alicedragons
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