#what the range of his shapeshifting powers
scarlet--wiccan · 3 months
Ik that Wanda’s canon height is 5’7 but what do you think it should be? Tbh I feel like she fits 5’10 more but I may just be influenced by Uncanny Avengers
This is not the sort of thing that I really have a strong opinion about.
In general, I don't think the Maximoffs are very tall. Pietro's the tallest person in the family and he's only 6', which is not, like, exceptional. The boys are 5'8, which is squarely average. I feel like it makes more sense for Wanda to be an average height as well, which I realize is completely subjective, but 5'7 makes a lot more sense to me.
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phoenixcatch7 · 4 days
Okay so I saw this post about dark percy (really him reaching his Limit and fighting full strength with everything he had) and I was imagining the potential fallout of that. Pretty bad, as you can guess.
The thing is a lot of percys strongest moments happen out of view of the olympians, especially in hoo. The hurricane atop the glacier in alaska, the poison scene in tartarus, bending the depression river and the one in the palace of nyx.
Stuff like the St Helens eruption got him washed up on an inescapable island literally removed from reality until calypso gave him the OK, the achillies curse he got tricked into losing by hera. Smaller moments, the minotaur, fighting ares, the stolen pirate ship, walking on water vs hyperion, freshwater sources, him knowing both Latin and Greek, they're more easily brushed off or at least mostly due to cunning, sword skills and sheer luck and grit.
But basically the olympians don't actually know the full extent of percys strength and divine power. They have hints - percy standing on the throne, winning against ares, his many victories - but what they aren't willing to brush aside in the heat of (an important) battle there have been pretty strong consequences for.
Heck, just look at Frank, he's no prodigy with weapons, he's polite and respectful, but his distant relation to two olympians letting him inherit shapeshifting earned him direct divine meddling and his life force tied to a hunk of half toasted firewood. Man is a honey bear with lactose intolerance and he was punished with a mythical death curse for being too strong.
If Percy's true strength came out, he would risk losing everything. His freedom, most certainly. If he wasn't straight up executed he might wind up in a Greek myth style imprisonment, the way of atlas, prometheus, calypso, or something like the myriad of ways Greek heroes met their end. Good scenario he survives a dozen curses and gets on with life with a dozen new disabilities, best case scenario he's stripped of every inch of divine power and dropped back to the mortal world, not even clear sighted. Total separation from the Greeks and Romans. Oh, annabeth would marry him either way, and his friends would hardly abandon him despite the gods wishes, but they'd hardly be able to see him, and no long range contact without the ability to IM him or vice versa.
All of that to say Percy is hiding his true strength from the gods themselves - maybe not consciously, and it's not even power he particularly wants - but if they ever find out?
It's game over.
But why is he so strong? I don't know. What I do know is that the half bloods of the books are so much stronger than the ones of myth. Used to be that divine blood would get you divine favour and a great fate whether you liked it or not. Maybe some cunning and bow skills. A spot of spell casting if you were really lucky. Achillies got his curse after he was born, Perseus had a dozen magic artifacts, orpheus had something going on but hercules is to my knowledge an outlier. Now? Everyone in camp has some special power. Flight, fire, necromancy, hypnotism, dream walking etc. However it's happening, half bloods are slowly but surely getting a lot, lot stronger every century that passes. Meta? I mean I guess. But.
What no one has done before is something that their godly parent couldn't.
Except Percy.
Except Percy, in tartarus, at his mental, emotional and physical limit, controlling poison with his mind, overpowering the goddess of poison in her home, making misery choke on misery. Feeling something in his chest crack. Doing something poseidon could not, and doing it better than the person who could.
Down there, hidden away from the gods, he evolved. For that brief moment, he did something, was something new.
And that was how the gods overthrew the titans.
And that's why they must never find out.
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adarkrainbow · 25 days
This might sound stupid, but what are the characteristics of fairytale ogres, particularly how Charles Perrault describes them?
There is no stupid question on this blog! (Except if someone really pisses me off, then all their questions will be stupid)
It is quite easy to answer this because we only have three ogres in all of Perrault's fairytales, so identifying the main traits is fast. They come from "Puss in Boots", "Little Thumbling" and "Sleeping Beauty". I'll recap shortly.
Eat humans. That's the main trait of an ogre. They eat human flesh, though they don't eat all the humans they see on the spot, mind you. Ogres prefer the flesh when it is young, tender, fresh and pretty. So they prefer pretty young people (Sleeping Beauty) to ugly old ones (that's what spares the ogre's wife, her age, she is too old to be edible). And this is why they go crazy over children, which for them is the most delicious meat. Literaly: the ogres are repeatedly said to be literaly jumping on children as soon as they see them, and to always want to eat them on the spot. (Another ogre trait: they are not very patient beings, and they have a hard time waiting)
Even outside of eating humans, they tend to be food-obsessed people - ranging from Little Thumbling's ogre who eats enormous quantities of food (entire animals to himself), to the ogress-queen who insists on having the most fashionable and delicious sauces with her meals.
Ogres are wealthy, and powerful in a social or political way. People tend to forget this, but the ogres of Perrault range from a literal queen (who was married by the king because of her immense wealth) to a lord who owns so many lands even the king is amazed. We don't know the social class of Little Thumbling's ogre, but he still lives in a large mansion and owns a huge treasure. Insert your joke of "the rich eat the poor" (except ogres also eat the rich - see the Sleeping Beauty case)
Ogres have something magical to them, ranging from owning magical items (Little Thumbling's seven-league-boots) to having actual magical powers (Puss in Boots' ogre is a shapeshifter)
Ogres are wicked and bad people who collect all sorts of vices, but they are all painted as brutal bullies, and as cruel beings who delight in scaring people or making them suffer. Oh yes, and if you cross an ogre, they will hunt you down mercilessly to enact their revenge, because ogres are very vengeful (see the ogre's hunt for Little Thumbling and his brothers, or the ogress' decision to have everybody executed for deceiving her)
When ogres have a family, they have a... very bizarre and complicated set of relationships mixing fear and love and abuse and familial respect. On one side, we have an ogre who is an abusive husband (and yet told to be a good husband enough that his wife loves him very much), and adores his daughters (he only eats them by accident) ; on the other, an ogress who lives peacefully with her husband, who refuses to harm or upset her son (son who both loves her a lot and still fears her), but who wishes to kill on the spot her daughter-in-law and grandkids... Oh and they are known to apparently regularly invite over friends to share their meals (at least if they don't end up devouring the planned meal before the guests arrive)
Are ogres giants? In Perrault's fairytales, no. Everybody knows of Gustave Doré's famous illustrations depicting ogres as giants, but this comes from A) other authors depicting ogres as giants and B) oral/popular/folkloric fairytales and legends mixing ogres and giants. So by the time Gustave Doré illustrated the fairytales, ogres were thought of as giants - but Perrault never writes anything about them being giants, and in the first illustrations of his fairytales they are depicted human-sized. At most he implies that the ogres are big/large/tall/heavy beings, but no different from a big, tall man.
Unlike the modern idea that ogres are inhuman monsters - in Perrault's fairytales, everything indicates that ogres look a lot like humans, and are very close to them. They are inserted in the human society as kings and queens (unlike fairies for example who are "outside" elements), they can crossbreed with humans (and if Sleeping Beauty is any clue, half-ogres looks so much like humans you can't tell they're ogres), and in the case of the ogress-queen, only her intimates know about her ogress nature - the rest is just unconfirmed rumors running around the court. (And Gustave Doré had caught on this, which is why he had his ogres looking like almost regular people). Perrault himself defines ogres in his notes as "wild men/savage men".
The only physical traits Perrault indicates about ogres (beside them having booming voices, and possibly being quite large and big people), are facial traits. They all come from the little ogresses' descriptions in Little Thumbling. Three of them are said to make ogresses "ugly" by 17th century standard - a hooked nose, round grey eyes, and a very large mouth filled with long, spaced-out sharp teeth. A fourth however is said to make them pretty by those same standards - because their diet of meat and flesh gives them a "pretty skin tone/beautiful colors/a healthy skin color".
If the same Little Thumbling fairytale is to be believed, ogre-children start their cannibalistic diets by sucking up the blood of little children. Then they presumably move to eating the children - but in their early years they just bite like vampires.
Oh yes and how could I forget. THE other main defining trait with their gluttonous cannibalism: their sense of smell. Ogres can smell "fresh meat" (la chair fraîche is the consecrated French expression). It is how the ogre of Little Thumbling guesses there are children hiding in his house, he smells them, and the ogress-queen is also said to go randomly go in the courtyard to sniff out animals like a wild beast.
I think these are pretty much the big defining traits of ogres in Perrault's fairytales. Of course, I simplified stuff, but this is the core knowledge to have about what ogres ~ Perrault style ~ are.
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zarvasace · 23 days
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And here are Dire and Madness, dark Twilight and dark Four!
Rambling and more art beneath the cut as has been standard :) only two more left to do and guys I love them
Dire is dark Twilight. 
He and Twilight share one major trait: they are protectors. Not even a process that bastardized Sky’s kindness could take that away. By no means is Dire nice, however. He is a Twilight that has lost all control and doesn't care to regain it, because that would mean facing all he's done. Some part of Dire is aware and suffering, but he purposely buries that part.  
But on the surface that he presents and identifies with, Dire lashes out at everything that causes him pain—which is a lot of things. Dire is no different from the other Darks, in that he can't stand the light and gets annoyed quickly. He doesn't often speak, and nobody is really sure how much he really understands of what's around him. He acts more like an animal than a human in a lot of ways, and is often a little more cruel than he has to be. He's unnaturally strong and quick, and his weapons of choice are his nails and teeth. He indulges his brutal urges because the alternative is thinking.
For plans that require destruction and fighting, the Darks let Dire run out first. He could probably fight an army on his own, provided that he has plenty of darkness and an enemy without too much strategy. He's powerful and extremely dangerous. Due to that, the Darks don't let him run free. They use the shackles around his wrists and neck to keep him nearby and out of maiming range. When they do let him out though (to hunt or fight or exercise or whatever), he always comes back…
Because Dire is a protector. He leans more offensive than Twilight, but Dire too knows friend from foe. He doesn't always care, but Dire has sorted the other Darks as “friend” in his head, and he won't let anything hurt them except for themselves, if he can. He's particularly fond of Madness and Nothing, and has been known to grab them and not let them go, even when they start biting. 
Dire’s design pulls a lot from the fever dream in Twilight Princess: gray skin, blank eyes. He has longer, more matted hair than Twilight. His claws are wicked sharp, and he wears tattered clothes without shoes. His wolf pelt is the softest thing about him, and it really should be washed. His markings are a bit more dramatic than Twilight’s, extending down his cheeks and arms and legs. 
Despite the markings, Dire does not have an alternate form like Twilight. Well, he might, but he was never cursed the same way, and this technically is his dark world form. Some combination of magic might give him the ability to shapeshift, but he doesn't need it. He's bestial as it is. 
Madness is dark Four! There is one big question here: is Madness the same person as Shadow from the manga?
Yes and no! Madness and Shadow do not exist at the same time as separate individuals. They were both made from Four’s darkness, but for different purposes. Shadow really did die when he smashed the mirror, and this isn't exactly a second chance… but it might be. Think of it like this: that body is a computer. Shadow was an operating system there, logging away memories and performing programs. Madness is on the same computer, but is a different operating system (a weaker one, really). However, those memories and personality from Shadow still exist, buried and only subconsciously influencing Madness’s behavior. They act eerily alike sometimes, not that anyone but Four would notice. Perhaps someday, Shadow’s OS will break through and become dominant, but even if he did, he wouldn't be the same. Madness would still be there. 
“Still rivers run deep”—to me, this is very much Four. One body, four colors; a deep knowledge of his chosen trade; a rather serious demeanor with a lot of variety and thoughts; plans and ideas backed up with a combination of emotion and logic. He's balanced. In contrast, Madness is a “fast river running shallowly,” an unbalanced amalgamation of too much, all at once, a broad variety with little substance. 
Madness is a little… unhinged. He's clearly smart, but he speaks in roundabout ways, making connections that don't exist or are too convoluted for anyone to follow. He stares into the distance a lot, and can be quite unnerving if you try to notice how often he blinks (rarely). Nobody can really decide how much of his behavior is on purpose or just how he is. When let loose, Madness shows unparalleled capacity for complex plans, but he doesn't always know how to hold back and often goes overboard. He'll beat that dead horse, and bomb those charred ruins, and smash that fallen vase… You get the picture. 
A lot of these Darks have an odd magical power, and Madness’s is one of the more prominent ones. With a touch, he can attempt to bury a bit of his power in the mind of a sentient being (human, Rito, Zora, Minish, etc) and turn them into a thrall. While a being is a thrall, their eyes turn red and their consciousness goes to sleep. Madness can give them mental commands, and they technically work under his processing power and not their own, so no matter how vague the commands are, they do what he means them to do. Madness can also jump into thralls’ heads to pilot them specifically, seeing from their eyes and speaking from their mouth. He doesn't magically know everything about the thrall, though, so he still has to try to impersonate, and that doesn't usually work well. While he pilots, Madness is still technically in his body, so he will say out loud anything he's commanding the thrall to say, which limits his opportunities to trick the others. 
Without commands, the thralls sit in still silence, which means that over extended periods of time, Madness does have to worry about food and rest for them. The more thralls he has, the less effective he is, because his focus is split, even if he isn't directly piloting more than one person at a time. If he lets someone go even for a moment, the connection is severed entirely. He absolutely refuses to use any thralls in a combat scenario, because he feels their pain, even though it's fainter when he isn’t directly piloting. He uses thralls instead to gather information, start rumors, purchase/steal supplies, and often just cause chaos. 
Madness is actually rather genre-aware. He knows that their schemes are destined to ultimately fail, because the Darks are the “bad guys” and they will lose. As such, he's hedging his bets and logging away information for an inevitable betrayal to the Lights. He does not intend to be on the losing side when it gets down to it. He has half-baked plans to snatch a few of the other Darks and take them with him, too. Madness absolutely does not take any sort of leadership role, which means that he doesn't feel any responsibility to rein in Nothing, making him Nothing’s favorite. Madness also spends time hanging out with Dire, who he thinks understands more than he lets on. Those two would be his first choices, and he thinks Nothing might know that. (This is not at all related to the fact that Shadow’s memories of betrayal are both sweet and bitter.) 
Madness does not get along well with Agony—Madness prefers chaos and mind games over Agony’s stab-first approach. He purposely annoys everyone else. Along with Depth and Shackle, Madness is one of the few Darks who can pass as human, so he's been on a few excursions into towns or groups, and he likes emphasizing his unnerving traits. He'll use a sword if he has to, but prefers bombs and words. He doesn't have any powers from Shadow (shapeshifting, stretchiness, whatever else), but he is very sensitive to light, like most of the Darks. 
Madness casts a wide net, putting on an air of randomness with a sprinkle of insanity for flavor. He connects more dots than he appears to, though, and has a few unexpected urges toward the light. Make no mistake, though, he is a Dark, and he has no intention of doing good just to do good. His ultimate goal is to survive the Dark Chain’s fall, and beyond that… traveling? Therapy? Living at home with people he doesn't hate? (Why does he feel an emotional connection to his Light? Why does he want to protect him? Why does he want to exercise his freedom? Why does it feel like he's running out of time until—)
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sesamenom · 7 months
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Ringlord High King of Everything Elrond, inspired here
I imagine in this situation elrond would have been partially tempted by boromir's declaration, but instead of trying to fight sauron with it (because even in the weirdest crack au i can think of elrond is still too genre-aware to try that) he tried to use it to supercharge his use of vilya and protect everyone.
basically Ringlord!Elrond turned the entirety of Eriador into a mega-gondolin situation: massive walls (courtesy of numenorean/eregion tech) around the regions bordering the north or Mordor, fortresses along the mountain range and several layers of gates along every road in or out. Everybody goes in; nobody goes out; everyone is safe.
and he ended up claiming the kingship to give him more authority in the process - he's High King of the Noldor and Sindar and King of the Edain (given that there are like three half-vanyar in middle-earth, he's more or less king of all children of iluvatar) and so he can have command over the entirety of the West.
and with the help of the Ring, this actually works! but the corruption starts to show eventually
he uses his kinship to Gondor to forcefully drag them into his neo-gondolin-empire-creation so he can ensure none of his great-nephews will ever have to face sauron. he extends the walls to encompass Mirkwood, because he's the high king of the sindar and has a duty to protect thranduil's realm, and unleashes the full might of his melian-lite powers to purge Sauron's Shadow and the spawn of Ungoliant from the now-Greenwood.
Galadriel and Glorfindel very much see where this is going and are very very worried. galadriel won't let him build walls around lothlorien (because she lives next door to a balrog and knows exactly what happened to gondolin) but celeborn thinks it's a good idea, since after all Doriath wouldn't have fallen if Melian's girdle had still been up. glorfindel tries to talk him out of it but the ring has taken hold
the Ring's power also enhances all his natural weirdness and powers - he has his wings and maia markings permanently activated now, with or without finwean anger. he can fully shapeshift, and he goes from raising waves in the bruinen to raising tsunamis in the great sea.
except the finwean anger seems to be permanently activated now, too, and anyone who harms someone he's deemed under his protection finds themselves the target of a rather ironic vengeance quest. the shapeshifting is looking weird now - his teeth are always sharp now, and his eyes have gone fully inhuman. sometimes he has claws and his wings look more like bats than eagles. and his water powers are more like osse's- he can't calm the waters now (goldberry is the first to notice something's up) and can only stir them into massive ship-sinking storms and tsunamis.
this progresses until he's basically Evil Luthien ruling over a continent-wide Mega-Gondolin, slaughtering orc-hordes before they even reach the white walls and sinking any naval fleet Sauron tries to send around the coast. Everybody is brought in; nobody leaves; everyone is safe...?
he figures out that the dwarven legend of "Durin's Bane" has to be one of the few first age balrogs thats still unaccounted for. and well, it's living right on his border, and he can't risk another fall of gondolin, right? so he leads a small force in there to clear moria, and they shove the balrog off the edge, but it takes one of his captains (except glorfindel) with it (maybe erestor?) and he uses the ring and saves erestor, (and maybe floods the balrog for good measure), and glorfindel is sure he saw elrond's eyes go yellow for a moment.
and even fully corrupted, he knows he can't take the ring directly into mordor. but he can wipe out sauron's armies outside the walls, to protect his kingdom - because turgon's mistake was thinking he was safe even when there were balrogs and dragons and orcs outside, right?
somewhere along the way, arwen realizes what's happening and goes to live with galadriel. one of the twins goes with her; the other stays out of loyalty but eventually follows.
elrond's kingdom has become a cross between doriath and gondolin now, with all the surrounding lands warped by ring-magic to hide it, and layers of stone walls and iron gates preventing anyone from leaving. because everyone is here; nobody leaves; everyone is... safe?
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mishacakes · 10 months
hello! what are sof's and hiro's powers, plus weapons of choice?
Sof uses twin throwing axes (ono) that she can throw and teleport back to her hand with object teleportation. It’s easier with objects she’s familiar with, but if she pushes herself and REAAALLLY WANTS SOMETHING she can poof it to her. She isn’t able to shapeshift with her body, but eventually a power upgrade she’ll get is the ability to shift her axes into ONE BIG HONKIN’ AXE!!!!
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Hiro uses a bow and arrows (yumi/hankyu and ya) for long range, and a short sword (tanto) for defense. He inherits his mother’s shapeshifting abilities, but while she’s completely a cat he takes on a more reptile/lizard like appearance.
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Little Shifter (Part 1)
This is incredibly late I’m sorry!! If you think of a better name for this let me know.
(Could you write something like this please? 
Pairing: Little fem powered reader x Wanda maximoff X Natasha romanoff
Prompt: “I feel different, not quite human”
Plot: Little fem reader has been experimented on, granted shapeshifter powers, usually resulting in one of three forms, these being a wolf, a tiger, a lion. Hydra treated the reader like an experiment not knowing about their being a little..
Wanda’s POV
Wanda hummed to herself as she flipped a mickey mouse pancake. The smell of coffee permeated the air, drawing a certain Redhead into the room. The widow was clad in a sports bra and yoga pants, still sweaty from her workout.
“Hey Sweetheart, thanks for making breakfast” Nat said, leaned over to kiss the Witch’s cheek. She looked around while grabbing a glass of water. “Where’s Y/n?” 
“I’m not sure, I thought she was with you. She wasn’t in bed when I woke up”. Wanda 
furrowed her brows. 
Since y/n got rescued from Hydra, she had taken to training with Nat most mornings. It wasn’t that she was a bad fighter, Hydra had just ambushed her while she was Little and there were too many guards for her to handle. It had taken the team a month to find her. She was already a good fighter but all of them would feel more comfortable if she trained even harder. 
Wanda listened for y/n’s thoughts, but they sounded murky and muffled. She couldn’t tell where they were coming from, but she was relieved y/n was within range of her abilities. The two split up to find their girlfriend.
I found her! We’re in the lounge. The widow’s voice sounded in her mind.
Wanda rushed to the lounge as quietly as she could.
–Wanda POV–
I found Nat kneeling in front of a cowering y/n. The avenger had a blanket wrapped around her and over her head. Y/e/c eyes were trained on the redhead, as she rubbed gentle circles on the palm of the hand she wasn’t holding.
“Malysh, can you tell us what’s wrong?”
“Me…I don feel…” the agent huffed and pulled her hand out of the spy’s grasp. She pulled the blanket tighter around herself.
“Malysh if you need to drop it’s okay”
“I don’t feel entirely human” y/n forced out softly, trying to stay big.
“That’s alright delta, we’ll figure it out” I said gently.
“Can we take the blanket off?” Nat asked softly. 
Y/n’s eyes flickered back and forth between us, before nodding hesitantly. Nat gently took the blanket from our girlfriend. I gasped when two lion ears came into view. A mixture of a hum and a muffled squeal came from the widow. Y/n shyly looked up at us, fiddling with her hands. I turned to see Nat grinning behind her hand. 
“My little lion” Nat cooed, she made herself smaller and spoke even softer than she normally did to our little one. She opened her arms,
“It’s okay, mama’s got you.”
I did my best to keep from gaping as y/n seamlessly shifted into a lion cub and leaped into Nat’s arms. The widow squeaked in surprise, but adjusted her grip to hold the excited cub. I shuffled closer and gently ran my hand through her fur, giggling as our lion cub sprawled out across both our laps, purring softly.
Time skip-a few hours later
Nat’s POV
I tried to keep a straight face when I heard quiet steps behind me as I entered the kitchen. Y/n was slowly stalking me in cub form, she had yet to change back, and Wanda was currently talking to most of the team. The goofball clearly thought she was being sneaky when she wiggled out of the witch’s arms when we parted ways. 
I continued looking in the fridge pretending not to notice. Everything happened too quickly for me to react. Y/n went to pounce on my leg just as Clint walked in -letting out a loud scream at the sight of y/n. Y/n startled, abruptly shifting into an adult lion. I grunted as she knocked me to the ground. Clint pulled his arrows out and released one as I screamed and shut my eyes on instinct.
The room was still and silent. My heart hammered as I slowly opened my eyes to a red haze.
The arrow was frozen in a cloud of red and I sighed in relief. Wanda glared at Clint as she quickly moved in between us.
Bare skin replaced fur and I looked up to meet y/n’s guilty panicked gaze. She scrambled off me.
“I’m so sorry Natty” she whimpered, as I rubbed my head and sat up with a wince.
“Babe it’s ok-” Y/n stumbled onto her feet and sprinted out of the room before I could finish my sentence.
“WHAT THE FUCK CLINT?!” Wanda bellowed. 
“How was I supposed to know that was y/n?!” He spoke defensively.
I sighed as I took in his attire, he was still in mission clothes.
“Wands he didn’t know”, I said as Clint helped me up. 
“I’m sorry guys, I’ll walk Nat to the med bay-maybe you should find y/n?” He said hesitantly, slightly hiding behind me. Wanda was still glaring at him with red wisps around her hands. She flicked out her hand sending Clint smacking face first into the couch.
I held back a laugh “Baby! Go find y/n/n!” 
Wanda smirked before leaving the room.
“You could have scolded her” Clint mumbled and I smacked him on the back of the head.
“Shut up! You got off easy! You tried to shoot the love of our life with an arrow! Now let’s go to the med bay.”
“I might need it now too…”
“Clint when my head stops hurting I’m gonna kick your as-“
“Okay okay I’ll stop”
To be continued…
What did y’all think?! 
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alienpossession · 10 months
The Pagon Prologue: Brick by Brick
Read the first part here
Not stopping at the military operatives, Pagon asked for more manpower to be utilized to infiltrate Russian criminal society in order to fund the establishment of New Skrullos in a way that is less track-able by the government in Moscow. It's a process of starting to build their ideal temporary home brick by brick, and after the groundwork with the military, they need to stretch out their control a bit further
Posing as the decorated General, Pagon strut his way to meet an old friend of the General that went rogue and eventually worked for a criminal oligarch.
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The friend would never expect that it was all just a ruse by the manipulative Skrull as he got hauled and then locked away in the Fracking Pod where a Skrull operative named Zirksu took his likeness and absorbed his memories to infiltrate deeper amongst the criminal underworld
Just like wildfires, the Skrull moved swiftly and decisively, targeting oligarch from various background that they found necessary to support the success of their operation. Starting from the commander's best friend boss who owned sprawling construction empire and illicit drug trafficking mixed with it named Wassily Kirilenko. He was in the middle of his workout in his private gym when his very own right hand man who spotted his bench press suddenly shape shifted right in front of his eyes and pressed the heavy weight to crush his body. After telling fellow Skrulls he brought along that already infiltrated the innermost security detail of the oligarch to dispose the real body, he checked himself in the mirror and flexed his newfound affinity for big tattooed muscle and the insane thirst for power and control
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Skrull love to toy around with their target and taunted them to the maximum pain before locking them away in the Fracking Pods or outright killing them. Just like how Nuro taunted Maxim Yagudin, a former KGB spy turned telco oligarch, on how Yagudin is not that smart after all for being easily tricked by a shapeshifting alien half his size.
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"Let's see later how you got so rich, bro. I have theory in my mind that it's all about nepotism and being an eye-candy for an influential widow with wide connection from what I read about you, but I'll know every single thing about you without you even saying a single word anyway.....so.....keep your mouth shut," he said before choking him close to his death to make him unconscious
But all in all, the infiltration of the criminal oligarch can be qualified as a successful operation. Not only they raised so much more capital to support the cause, now they have wide range of services they can use and manipulate to further wreck havoc among human. For example, he might look young, but Gennady Tatishvili is a real danger with his 10,000 well-armed militia that he inherited from his father
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The Skrull operative that is directed to pose as him cornered him to the en-suite bathroom in his own sprawling mansion where he met his demise after a heart attack for being so goddamn terrified when he witnessed the Skrull shapeshifted from a woman he's about to fuck to a perfect replica of himself. A portable fracking devices he brought along proven to be handy as he copied all Gennady's memory before leaving the real body unattended in his own pool of pee and sweat, a tragic end to an up and coming oligarch overlord. The plan on his militia is to basically do Gravik's dirty work without sacrificing Skrull operatives in the process
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Then, there's this trio of gun manufacturer and also owner of various exclusive restaurant, clubs and gyms across Russia and its former Soviet area. Gravik simply want to have endless gun supply to support his causes to wage war among humans and what better way other than seizing the control in its production to do just that. The high-end chain of entertainment spots can also work wonder for the Skrulls as it will ease transportation process of goods to remain illicit and untraceable. Plus, the spots are well-known among the 1% so it's a perfect breeding ground to get more shells if necessary. The 3 man are related because the first two (Aleksander Samsonov and Boris Samsonov) are step-brother from the same father while the last one (Jurij Alimov) is an in-law that entered the family through marriage with the eldest child and only daughter of the Samsonov family. They were kidnapped as their dinner already spiked with sedatives that can knock an elephant within minutes, and they all fell flat to their plates of privately-catered food in the confine of their own home not even a minute after their first bite. They never wake up during the transfer of their body to the continously-developing Skrulls operation base and once they lined up to the fracking pods, Skrull operatives already await to replicate them and returned right away to their estate in order to not raise any suspicion
Usually, before these operatives went out of their way to live life as humans for God knows how long, Pagon as the Acting General of New Skrullos will test the operatives loyalty and dedication to the cause. Ibragim Musayev is a high-ranked Chechen officials that the Skrulls decided to target since he has close connection with some scientist that would be beneficial for the Skrulls cause, and obviously, Chechen militia (do we need to spell this out?). As the Skrull operatives finished changing into Musayev, Pagon asked him to stand straight and interrogate him
"What's your name?"
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"What's your fight?"
"What's your dream?"
"Home.....in my own skin,"
"Your enemy is?"
"Humans, of all kind, sir,"
"Can you assure me your utmost dedication to the cause and will not let any humane distraction swerved you from the goal?"
"Yes I can, sir,"
"Well, let the time talk on that. Remember warrior, no spot, no flaw. You're Ibragim Musayev now and there's no going back unless I or Gravik tell you to,"
And just like that, the 260 lbs 6'5" mass monster of a military commander just walk right out to the next room to pick up his clothings, ready to straighten up some unruly Chechen fighters under his command and see how beneficial the scientific community he has close ties with can be leveraged and utilized for the cause of his people
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p1nkshield · 1 year
Greetings and welcome to Chapter Seven!
Bruce kept checking and rechecking the security footage. One moment his son and the surprise guest were talking in the cave and the next a rift opens up pulling them both through.
Not good.
Bruce decided to call in the big guns on this one.
“Hello Bruce, I would say it’s nice to hear from you but considering this is the emergency line I'm concerned. What’s up?"
"Jason is missing."
Bruce let words fall out of his mouth quickly. He didn’t want to make his worries so apparent. He didn’t want to lose his composure. Losing his composure could cause mistakes in his detective work.
Bruce could hear the first few questions that Barbara posed.
"What do mean he's missing? Like he's left the manor? I can try to track him if you want."
Bruce nodded.
Of course he put an inter-dimensional tracker into the comms he gave to all of his children. This was exactly why.
Bruce rechecked the security footage.
For once Jason was actually wearing his.
All the while Barbara was entering something into the computer on her end.
"I'm not getting anything for Jason's location..."
Bruce was truly concerned now.
He needed a lead to latch onto. Something he can focus on to keep his mind from wandering to extreme conclusions. Bruce then reviewed the audio recording from his cameras.
"Take us to Frostbite!"
Frostbite? Was that a place or a person? Where have they gone that his tracker was out of range? Was it out of range or was it broken?
"You called me before listening to the audio from the security cam?"
Barbara decided not to press the matter.
"We have a lead, but I'm not really equipped to follow it. The only thing coming up for "Frostbite" is the medical condition and Icicle Jr.'s really sub par band"
Bruce's worry mixed with reluctance.
"What is this now! Two calls from spooky the bat this year? I'm just tapping my toes with joy. What cataclysmic event do you have for me?"
Jason felt as though he had accidentally caught Superman's cape with his grappling hook.
He wrenched his eyes shut as he hurtled through space via map. Danny on the other hand was enjoying every moment of the journey, grinning as they flew to their destination.
Jason found himself face down among ice, snow and glaciers.
"Great One! It is good to see you, and you've returned the infinimap! You are truly full of surprises."
Jason managed to dislodge his face from the snow bank in time to see Danny being clapped jovially on the back by an eight foot tall yeti.
He could only blink.
"Who is this new guest you've brought with you?"
Jason was then scruffed like a kitten, placed on his feet and had the snow gently dusted off of his head by an eight foot tall yeti.
"That's Jason. He's cool, I promise. I was wondering if you could give us both a check up though. If you haven’t noticed yet he doesn't have a core yet and I'm tinier than usual."
Frostbite looked appraisingly between both Danny and Jason.
"And here I was about to applaud you on finally mastering shapeshifting! No matter, a friend to the savior of the infinite realms is a friend of mine. Follow me! You both shall receive the best care we can offer!"
Jason shuffled through the snow, following an eight foot tall yeti.
Said eight foot tall yeti managed to make Jason feel surprisingly comfortable in his presence. That is until he came to his diagnosis.
"Let me get this straight. I'm basically an infant, I’m ectoplasmicly malnourished, and I will eventually have powers?"
"Essentially, yes."
Danny snickered from a distance.
Jason really missed being a regular old zombie.
"What if I told you that I do not believe you?"
Frostbite mirthfully chuckled.
"If that were true I would ask you why you survived drinking ectoplasm."
Jason conceded.
"Ya got me there."
"That I do!"
Frostbite then addressed Danny
"Great One, I must admit this is not the safest place for either of you to heal and grow respectively. It has come to my attention that your parents are accepting payment in order for a certain Organization to have access to the portal."
Danny quietly processed the information, looking far too profoundly tired than any child should.
"How can I help?"
Frostbite carried two large tanks into the center of the room.
"Rest, heal and allow yourself to delegate tasks amongst your subjects."
Frostbite then knelt down to Danny's level and placed a large paw on his shoulder.
"We will be fine here Danny."
He then got up and lifted the two tanks.
"You both need to have a good supply of ectoplasm where you are staying. I think one of these will be enough for both you to reach a point where your cores are properly formed or reformed."
Frostbite carried the two tanks to out to the second most interesting individual Jason has met today.
Danny apparently knew this werewolf enough to greet him happily.
"Wulf, if you would be so inclined, can you open a portal to the dimension this young man is from?"
This Wulf as Jason has now gleaned sniffed him aggressively then nodded.
This is totally normal and fine.
Wulf then used his claws and ripped a portal out of thin air into the batcave.
Danny traipsed through the portal as if it was a door. Jason decided to help Frostbite push the tanks through the portal to feel some semblance of knowing what is happening.
Frostbite left them with well wishes as the portal closed.
Jason tried his best to wipe the bewildered look off his face when he realized the batcave was currently occupied.
Bruce had apparently started an entire search party with the rest of his family.
Tim had his detective wall of documents all pinned up.
Damian was arguing about the placement of the string.
Dick was pacing a few yards away from the wall.
Bruce was about to get carpal tunnel with the speed at which he was typing, his monitor was split between a database and a call with Constantine.
That is until the scraping of large metal tanks stopped them all in their tracks.
Jason waved.
He was immediately tackled by his older brother and squeezed into a hug.
"You can't scare us like that Jace!"
Bruce hung up on Constantine and walked towards him.
"Sorry I spooked you I didn’t really have time to leave a note-"
Interrupted, Jason and Dick by proxy was swept into a hug by Bruce.
Bruce let go.
"Let me know before you travel extra dimensionally."
He then left.
Dick had yet to let go, continuing his fretting.
"You just disappeared! None of use could find you! Never ever do that to me again. I swear you’re going to make me go bald with stress! Do you want me to look like Lex?"
Jason managed to get out of the vice grip Dick had on him.
"I'm sorry, okay? I go to the ghost doctor once and everyone thinks I've been kidnaped!"
Tim piped up
"To be fair it did look a lot like you got kidnaped by an inter dimensional map"
Dick managed to look even more worried.
"What do you mean a ghost doctor!?"
Jason shrugged.
"Exactly what I said. Found out I'm a baby ghost."
"A baby half ghost! Wellcome to the club, you are one of very few halfas in existence."
Jason took that information in
"What he said."
@shinyladykingdom @kyrianclawraith @vehan-tikkun-olam-and-stuff @darkhinauniverse @krzys2000 @coruscateselene @kjoboo91 @vythika96 @hydralusus @addie-lover-of-stories @skulld3mort-1fan
Also I don't want to flood people's notifs with my silly little fanfic so if you want me to continue to tag you let me know! Also sometimes I can't find the blog people ask me to tag them with so if you asked to be tagged and weren’t it wasn’t on purpose!
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
I gift you a large toad skull from my grandmothers backyard
inspired by TiredUniversityScam’s Billy Batson x Danielle Phantom
so like they’re both 14 in this AU, and are fiancé’s for like political immunity and such, and they do enjoy each others company but they aren’t really planning on getting married for a LONG time, but they have known each other for a while.
Also in this AU Danny is High King, Dan is Duke, Danielle is the high Princess and Jazz is the royal Advisor (but she also lives a mortal life cause she thinks its fun (they’re all immortal in this AU) so she’s not around a lot of the time).
ANYWAY both Danielle and Billy can shapeshift to more “adult” forms, though Billy can only turn into Shazam, while Elle has a much wider range of ability. (They’re mostly waiting until Billy dies of old age or smth to get married cause that just makes the whole process easier).
So let me set the scene:
The watchtower is quietly freaking out, a glowing green rip in reality has appeared and a hugely powerful eldritch entity is slowly getting through, and all the systems they try to use to get some sort of read on this thing just blitz out.
In walks Captain Marvel.
Seeing their distress he goes to check out what theyre all looking at. he double takes at the screen as his eyes go wide. I didn’t realize that was today! Batman turns to him What was today? he growls. Captain Marvel doesn’t really give an answer, and he look’s excited for some reason. He starts asking when the watchtower was last cleaned and rushing around, eventually just giving up and taking the closest Zeta tube to the anomaly.
between one moment and the next the cameras and sensors bleep back to life, and they get a clear picture of the scene.
Captain Marvel is Hugging what looks to be a woman with long white hair in a braid. she has pale skin, almost grey if they squint, and is wearing a white and black bodysuit.
they separate from the hug and start talking animatedly between each other, slowly flying back towards the Zeta tube.
The Justice League has so many questions
link @tireduniversityscam 's post is here I really enjoy this dynamic. A way for Cap and Billy to not have an awkward relationship with someone else with an age difference that's very hMMMM to explain. Good stuff
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mattastr0phic · 6 months
Can we get more information about Myriad's field agent days? (IIRC, she was a field agent before, according to their documentation.) I don't mind what information it is; I just want to learn more about his field days.
Absolutely! They were assigned to fieldwork soon after the Erasure Event in which almost every memory of them and their relationships were affected by a memetic hazard due to the combination of two forms in SCP-963 (their original body and another).
When Micah got wind of this with only the sliver of memory that they were his sibling (what was left of their memories together was only a conflict involving elongating the life of their brother, Theo. He felt barely any mercy for her here) he gave them the choice to either be contained and classified as an SCP or to submit themselves into Foundation service.
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Choosing the latter, Myriad would be assigned as a coworker to Ukulele to keep each other in check. Her combat training was minimal in firearms and other weaponry due to the already vast potential of her shapeshifting if it ever came to it, but mostly consisted of hand-to-hand, identifying weaknesses in opponents, and locating advantages in their surroundings. They'd be the eyes and ears for Ukulele during missions, saving some budget for the Foundation as they'd need to fund less tech needed for recon that Myriad could accomplish on its own.
Information of their work as field agents was kept tight under wraps due to the volatile nature of two powerful anomalies bound to Foundation service to the point that the documentation for SCP-963 remained classified for most levels. Most of their fieldwork addressed isolated cases that were either easy to cover up or entirely outside of any other GOI's eyes, which could range from retrieving a targeted anomaly or taking out a rising threat.
The two wouldn't be considered a task force per se, but rather unofficial SCPs quietly contained under the premise of proving themselves as capable enough to deserve respect from the Foundation, with more humane privileges accordingly. Weapons, or skips permitted some strange enrichment to the Foundation, but necessary evils on the path to freedom to Myriad and Ukulele.
It's during field days that Myriad and Ukulele founded some trust in each other, realizing how they were being taken advantage of, and giving each other the codenames Variable and Clef.
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kaelio · 1 year
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Hi everybody! I've compiled, with our old-man-boy loremaster Armand here, the Interview with the Vampire (Vampire Chronicles) worldbuilding information in a relatively easy-to-read format, and now, it's time to pass it along to you! If you haven't read the books, this is a guide to basically the "rules"/mechanisms of what's going on under the hood. Surely, the show will change a number of these. But at least now you can learn the majority of it without having to read all the books right away. Enjoy!
Okay so:   Vampires do not need to be invited into homes. Vampires can enter churches and places of worship without being harmed; similarly, crucifixes and holy water do not harm them. Prayer does not harm them. That said, some vampires do not enter churches or engage with certain religious materials as a matter of practice, and there were some cults/covens who believed they could not enter churches without being harmed, as discussed between Armand and Lestat. Vampires as a group, and some vampires specifically (such as Pandora, Mael, and Marius) precede Christianity and have differing views about it.
Vampires cannot shapeshift. Vampires cannot turn into mist, or wolves, or bats, etc. Vampires cannot inherently find or indicate buried treasure, but they can potentially read the mind of someone who does know where it is. Vampires cannot speak to animals and do not have animal familiars. Vampires can see their reflections in mirrors. Vampires cast shadows. Vampires are not affected by religious imagery, prayer, or religious practices (except for personal reasons), including piles of salt or sand. Some of them enjoy counting, but they are not compelled to count objects. Vampires are not averse to garlic, or any other foodstuff, although non-blood food is unpalatable and they cannot digest it. Vampires are not affected by running water or by silver. Rice described the Vampire Chronicles vampires as “preternatural not supernatural”. (Later, she introduced clearly supernatural things such as ghosts, but this sensibility generally holds for vampires.)
Vampires are “static” in appearance but not in capacity. Vampires increase in strength both inherently, over time, and as a result of feeding on blood. Vampires can become slightly stronger or at least persist feeding on animal blood, and become stronger yet feeding regularly (usually nightly) on human blood. However, a key capability is strength by consuming the blood of other vampires, which is usually a shared act ranging from a favor to an act of intimacy, but is occasionally applied purely mechanistically. For example, when Lestat is gravely afflicted, he seeks Armand in Paris for the favor of Armand’s blood to assist in his healing; this is a favor. Meanwhile, Marius offers his blood to Zenobia in order to meet what he feels is an obligation in leaving a newly-created vampire without its sire. Access to Akasha, the original vampire, is access to the most powerful vampiric blood. Eudoxia, Lestat, Bianca, Pandora, Khayman, and Marius were all given implicit permission by Akasha to feed on her blood and therefore become significantly more powerful than vampires who have not done so.
The strength of the vampire which created a fledgling vampire will also define a recruit’s initial strength. A stronger vampire will create a stronger fledgling. Furthermore, it takes vampires time to “recharge” this capability. The longer it has been since a vampire has created another vampire, the stronger the recruit will be. Armand, for example, explains to Lestat that Nicholas is perhaps only half as powerful as Gabrielle initially, and Louis at best half as powerful as Nicholas.
Vampires have a range of powers they tend to accrue over time as they become older and consume more blood (particularly the blood of other vampires, particularly the blood of other powerful vampires such as Akasha). These are usually referred to as Gifts, such as the Mind Gift (psychic abilities) and the Cloud Gift (levitation). These are nonlinear and seemingly depend on the individual vampire as well as their specific preceding experiences. Psychic communication with other vampires is immediate. Others, such as the Fire Gift (pyrokinesis) take more time and not every vampire will develop them. Some abilities, such as inhuman strength, are intrinsic. Louis, a weak vampire especially for his age, cannot even hypnotize humans effectively (as noted by Armand in “The Vampire Armand”). Others, such as Marius, might have powers that outstrip even older vampires, such as those of Avicus, and significantly outstrip those of equal tenure, e.g. Mael. I forgot what umbrella the ‘can explode rats with your mind’ talent is, so I will call it the Explode Rats with Your Mind Gift, which Marius possesses, allows one to explode rats with his or her mind. These terms are invented by vampires to discuss their powers and aren’t intrinsic, nor do they derive from any established “rulebook” of any kind. Vampires are forever iteratively attempting to figure out what their powers actually are, and many are unaware of certain skills they may have.
The ability of vampires to speak to one another telepathically is a major feature of the Dark Gift (the term for vampirism overall). However, sires cannot speak to direct fledglings. This mechanism is incredibly important in the books, as vampires are often made by people who have a pre-existing relationship of some kind with that person. Marius makes Sybelle a vampire for Armand, which means Armand can speak to her, even though Marius cannot, as a way to bypass Armand’s inability to communicate with her telepathically if he were to make Sybelle a vampire himself. Meanwhile, Marius and Armand cannot communicate telepathically which probably would have solved a lot of problems. This can be circumvented by using another vampire as a conduit, as Armand points out that Gabrielle could help Lestat more often, even though she cannot hear him and he cannot hear her, just by routing whatever he is trying to communicate through a third party.
Many vampires feel ignorant and purposeless and are thus susceptible to cult mentalities. For example, Santino established a number of Satanic cults before losing interest and eventually being destroyed by Thorne. However, there is never any indication that these cults are more than a coping mechanism for the vampires who are members. These cults however often policed the creation and existence of vampires within certain territories.
Vampires are generally territorial and often do not like the presence of other vampires. To the extent they interact, it is usually fleeting, which is to say either incidental meetings (as with Bianca and Armand in Paris) or a cat-colony-esque gathering that comes into being and disperses without an obvious hierarchy or purpose. (Vampires are so regularly described feline terms that their behavior is honestly best explained as “becoming a vampire makes you a cat”.) The population of vampires is often controlled by younger vampires killing older vampires, especially in cult settings, once they go mad, and older vampires killing younger vampires for being verminous. Armand, for example, explains the necessity of killing Alessandra for having lost her mind due to her age, and then later explains he enjoys “clearing out” cities of younger vampires as well (“Queen of the Damned”), and that he is forced to steer clear of the rare vampire who is even older than he is, lest they decide to kill him in turn. Vampires are not generally incentivized to make other vampires except as lackeys or via an established cult pathway.
Vampires may turn people they knew in life or get to know later, but this requires vampires to show interest in specific living persons which happens but not necessarily often. New vampires have very high attrition rates. All “successful” vampires are essentially mentally ill in personally-tailored ways. Vampires tend to be very emotional and rather reckless, though there are semi-exceptions like Gabrielle. Vampires will also cycle through fixations or obsessions to help pass the time, as is implied to have happened to Santino despite the devastating effects of having conscripted Armand during his Satanic promotion phase. Some fixations can be considerably more benign, like Louis rereading Keats, Marius copying paintings, or Daniel’s basement of model trains. Some vampires are numb (Pandora), some withdraw entirely from the notions of human civilization (Gabrielle), some assign themselves seemingly benign if useless causes (Marius), some indulge in fashionable depression (Louis), some are fanatically insane (Armand), and some are forever whacking the metaphorical wasp’s nest just to see what happens (Lestat).
To be a vampire, an individual must have in some way or for some reason a cavalier approach to the value of a human life, although quite a few of them would attest otherwise. However, when the cards are down, basically any vampire will kill any human in a pinch. Many are utterly indifferent, such as Claudia and Gabrielle, and remain utterly indifferent. Some cycle through how much they do or do not pretend to care about human beings. Even vampires who are characterized as “more reluctant”, such as Louis, are regularly highlighted for essentially playing games with themselves, as noted by Akasha. The extent to which they police their hunting varies book-by-book.
Vampires reproduce by sucking the blood from the recruit, mixing it with their own blood within their own body, and then sharing that mixed blood with the recruit. There is no requirement that blood comes from any specific font on either the giver or receiver. The receiver will then later die and spew whatever had previously been in his or her digestive system. From that point forward, the receiver is a vampire and will have basic vampire skills such as improved strength and reversion to one’s default physical state during the day. There is no technical limitation requiring this transformation to be consensual, and in key examples, such as Claudia, it is not.
Vampires are not supposed to turn children into vampires, although there isn’t an overarching authority that establishes this beyond other vampires choosing to individually become involved. It’s self-evidently cruel towards someone who is extremely young, which is not to imply that vampires do not do it anyway. Marius specifically warns Lestat not to make vampires as young as Armand (17), which Lestat later does with Claudia (5) regardless, and then Marius later converts Benjamin (14). Eudoxia was also a similar age as Benjamin, approximately fifteen, and conversely maintains that only the young should be made into vampires, such as her fledglings Asphar and Zenobia. The Satantic cult in Rome, for a time overseen by Santino, never made vampires of those over thirty. Pandora and Marius are relatively unusual for being older when they became vampires.
Vampires are generally very good-looking, largely for cultural reasons, which is to say that some cults had rules about only making vampires from attractive humans but it really seems that these “rules” to whatever extent they existed generally derived from vampires being incorrigibly vain. (The Doylist reason of course being the likelihood said vampire would feature in erotic passages in the novels.) Even vampires that are considered especially attractive also seem to become easily infatuated with one another if only for brief stints.
As vampires cannot have sex, vampires have odd relationships with one another that are by necessity described in human terms but clearly do not quite map to human terms, which in part is established by often listing different human relationship types in sequence when trying to characterize relationships to one another. E.g. the terms “paramour” and “lover” show up even for characters who don’t have what would regularly be considered romantic much less sexual relationships.
Vampires can engage in some sexual activity, in that they can provide manual stimulation or oral stimulation to living people, but they do not have “sex” as such (*reminder that this is a books 1-8 summary). As a result, the “sexuality” of vampires is difficult to define. Armand specifically notes that Lestat was actively sexual with women and men before he died, but that is considered noteworthy vis-à-vis his or any other vampire’s relationships postmortem. Of course, Armand also had sex with women and men pre-mortem so this might again be one of Armand’s tangents about how he isn’t sure why Lestat won’t be his companion, completely ignoring the fact that Armand is markedly mental even by vampire standards and that surely has more to do with it. Owing to their inability to have conventional sex, this means some implicitly sexual activity toward a vampire includes licking the blood out of a vampire’s eyes.
One would think the absence of “sex” would make vampires less weird about sex and suffice to say that would be a misapprehension.
Vampires are casually violent, again like cats. Vampires that like one another will often have beaten or otherwise injured one another, often many times. As a result of their long lives and the strangeness of their existence, vampires tend to be very forgiving of extreme behavior but still sensitive to more human slights. For example, Lestat and Armand are on good terms and are strong allies even though they beat the daylights out of one another now and then. By the time Louis and Lestat reunite in Los Angeles, Lestat is ambivalent about having been set on fire several times. Meanwhile, Pandora and Marius had fairly normal arguments and have been unable to reconcile for over a thousand years.
Vampires do not need to sleep in coffins, and some don’t. The coffin or sarcophagus is traditional but it exists primarily to block out light. Gabrielle, for example, sleeps in the dirt, and Lestat in a pique has done the same. Marius at times sleeps in a regular bed in a lightproof room. A sarcophagus can also offer some protection, as a vampire is strong enough to move a stone lid that a lone human could not. Some vampires have been instructed to use a coffin by other vampires, but it isn’t necessary. Speaking of vampire sleep, vampires choose when they go to sleep but they do not choose when they awaken.
Vampires are insensate while they sleep. Some vampires wake earlier than others and this is implied to depend more on the person than his or her intrinsic power. For example, Lestat canonically wakes about an hour before most other vampires and simply ascribes it to being an early riser. During sleep, vampires will return to their default physical status. For example, if a vampire cut its hair during the day, it will regrow that night. Armand has video recorded his hair growing during the day while he is asleep. (Of course, if a vampire is grievously injured, this return to their fixed status cannot happen in only one day.)
If a vampire is made while the person is wounded or dying, their condition will improve as part of becoming a vampire, as with Gabrielle. That said, vampires have been known to heal persons who are about to be turned before turning them, as with Marius’ turning of the wounded Armand. Vampire blood has a mending effect on wounds, and it is not uncommon for vampires to use this to disguise the damage their bites leave on corpses to help keep their murders or other feeding inconspicuous.
Vampires do not inherently need to kill the people they feed on, but they usually do. The practice on non-lethally drinking from a human is difficult and requires practice and power—power that usually derives from having lethally fed on thousands if not tens of thousands of people. The vampires who care about human lives at all, or the potential moral implications of feeding, generally resort to the idea that feeding on “bad people” isn’t quite as morally awful, but the reality is that no vampire described in the series has ever represented a remotely moral existence. Vampires such as Lestat might reach a point where they suspect feeding is no longer necessary for their survival, but they kill and feed nevertheless because they enjoy doing so.
Children are even more pleasurable to feed on than adults, according to Armand. It is taboo to create a child vampire, but children are routinely fed upon.
Vampires usually feed and kill every night. Many vampires prefer to kill early in the night as this makes them appear more passably human. Vampires flush with vitality after they feed. This can stack, as vampires who feed on multiple people in one night will appear more human than those who have only eaten one or two. When Marius slays the banquet, Armand notes that he appears afterwards nearly human.
Vampires must stop feeding before the person they are drinking from dies, or they become seriously ill. Vampires can be made ill by poison in the blood of the person upon which they fed.
If a vampire starves or is seriously wounded or burned, it may appear skeletal or otherwise scarred and strange. Vampires recover by drinking blood, either the blood of animals or humans or the blood of other vampires. The blood of other vampires is much more effective than the blood of humans, which is more effective than the blood of animals. The more powerful the “source” vampire, the more powerful the healing effect. For example, Lestat seeks out Armand when he is wounded for Armand’s healing blood. Vampires can recover from virtually any injury. A “stake through the heart” would be essentially irrelevant although potentially annoying. Vampires do not turn to dust when they die, although, as fire and sun are the only ways to kill a tenured vampire, many die as ash.
Vampires can be killed by beheading, sun, and fire, although with age a vampire becomes resistant to all three and impervious to the first. Mael, even then a well-tenured vampire, is beheaded and his arm is severed, and Avicus and Marius are able to reattach both by re-severing them and attaching them again properly. This process is described as essentially the operation room scene from John Carpenter’s “The Thing” but in reverse, with tendrils reaching out to join the various components. The sun becomes less effective over time, with several vampires (including Mael again) finding the process too long and agonizing as a means of suicide. Fire is apparently always a mechanism, although vampires can survive being severely burned provided they are not fully carbonized (such as Lestat, Marius, and Teskhamen, as opposed to Magnus). Vampires are also said to die by starvation, but it’s suggested this is reversible if their mummified remains are exposed to fresh blood.
Vampires commonly terminate via suicide and particularly for the eldest vampires, nothing is likely to ever kill them aside from another more powerful vampire, or self-immolation.
Vampires become increasingly plasticky over time. Their skin also tends to whiten, although many vampires are described as very ashen essentially right away. Even early in the series, Akasha and Enkil in particular are described this way, as appearing to be made of a strange polymer or mineral. The extent to which vampires become increasingly inert is not clear, or whether this is a response to outside events. Vampires can become comatose, and they can also leave this comatose state, and it does not appear to be dependent on blood the same way as recovering from skeletal starvation. Thorne, Marius, and Lestat all have noteworthy coma periods.
Vampires can experience injury, including fatal injury, if the holder of the Sacred Core (this core also being known as the Amel) is correspondingly wounded. For this reason, Akasha and Enkil are referred to as “Those Who Must Be Kept”, despite appearing as statues and only rarely moving or communicating. This stems from a misunderstanding of the couple, as only Akasha actually holds the core and eventually kills Enkil with no consequence. When Akasha is killed, the Sacred Core is eaten out of her body by Mekare, although later books indicate it was damaged during transfer.
As a result of vampires originating in Egypt, vampirism has largely radiated out from Egypt. Particularly in accounts of the early existence of vampires, e.g. the First Brood, vampirism is an Egyptian phenomenon which then spreads out to incidents within territories bordering the Mediterranean.
Vampires are often described as having unusually pretty eyes, though the extent to which this is true depends on how much is assigned to the author’s description versus objective reality. However, it is clearly true that vampires have strange fingernails which appear perennially lacquered. There are the prettier traits. Vampires also weep in a mix of blood, and they sweat blood. Vampires can make themselves appear “more human” by slaking their faces in human blood which temporarily makes their skin appear more human.
Though vampires, broadly speaking, don’t tend to fear humans very much, they can be captured by humans. Magnus captured a vampire to steal the Dark Gift, for example, and some druidic cults had a practice of keeping starved vampires under trees to exploit their powers, as with the Gods of the Grove Avicus and Teskhamen.
There is a secret society with knowledge of vampires, the Talamasca, but they are not vampire slayers. They catalogue the actions of vampires and help them disguise their existence in the world, as well as offer other services like research and acting as a point of contact (as with Raymond Gallant). Members of the Talamasca have been known to become vampires themselves, such as David Talbot.
Sometimes vampires to choose to change the names by which they are known. The vampire known as Pandora was, in life, “Lydia” and Armand in life was originally “Andrei” and then in Italy known as “Amadeo”.  
(Created with the help of @thecactifindahome 🌵!)
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quietly-by-myself · 6 months
Across the Silence of the Valley of Dreams - Chapter 2
CW: defiant whumpee, nonhuman whumpee, creepy whumper, carewhumper, shapeshifter whump, lab whump, fantasy whump, medical whump, prison system, trans whumpee, magical hierarchy, nonsexual nudity, referenced noncon drugging, beating, concussion, shock collar, collaring, fictional religion
June didn’t remember much of the rest of the day. It was true that he was quite sleepy, but he couldn’t remember being drugged or even when he awoke and when he fell asleep. All he could do was lay there and hope he’d be allowed a bath.
He’d entered as his fox, but he was laying on the bed as a human. When had he shifted? June hated the drugs, the way they messed with his head. He wouldn’t be able to escape and go back to his home at this rate.
Not that Linden could know that it was his plan. June would obey, yes, but he wouldn’t submit. He would never be Linden’s. At the prison, there was no chance of escaping. Here? Here he might, even if he didn’t have access to his magic. The prison was too fortified. He was always restrained. Witchcraft was the type of offense that earned most death. June was lucky to have gotten life without parole. 
All the plea deal he’d taken meant was that he’d have a second chance - another chance to get out and find his solace.
The next day, June had awoken with a pounding headache and blurry eyes. The fuzziness of the world didn’t stop him from seeing Linden, waiting patiently in a chair not far from June’s bed. 
“So, you’re finally awake.”
“No thanks to you.”
Linden’s brow furrowed, a glare forming in his eyes. “You must be respectful, half-blood.”
For some reason, the pounding in his head combined with the anger of what had been done to him the previous day spilled out in a way that June found himself unable to control.
“Do you even know my name? Respect is given and returned, not earned through assaulting and slapping someone-”
Linden stood up, towering above June and where he laid on the bed. There was a growl on Linden’s lips as he ripped June up by his shortened hair and forced him to stand. June stumbled, but Linden did not relent as he grabbed June’s chin and forced the short half-blood to look at him. 
“I do not. It’s inconsequential.” Tightening his grip on June’s chin to a bruising, punishing hold, Linden continued. “I have no respect for witches’ children, much less the half-bloods of witch nobility. You will never have my respect, half-blood. However, you will respect me. I am your new god. Not whatever goddess you worship, you heathen.”
June’s muscles quivered. His eye burned as he felt power rush to his crest with nowhere to go. “How dare you disrespect the name of my goddess in such a way! How dare you!”
June hardly realized the shout in his voice before the darkening of Linden’s face. The nobleborn was furious.
“You were jailed for witchcraft, yet you insist on your worship. Who do you even worship? Which Goddess? Who did you dedicate that crest of ambition in your eye to? Who gives you your nobleborn witchcraft?”
June gritted his teeth. Rage quivered every muscle in his body. He was squarely outmatched without his magic, especially against a nobleborn wolf. 
“That is between my goddess and me.”
“I wouldn’t expect a monk to be so shy.”
June couldn’t help himself as he growled at the nobleborn. 
However, June didn’t have much of a chance to use his words as his whip. Linden, with superhuman strength, smashed June into the wall near his bed. The force was dizzying, but Linden did not relent. He, using June’s hair as a handle, smashed June’s head against the wall a few more times, until blood dripped down from June’s temple.
“You do not growl at me, half-blood,” Linden hissed in June’s ear. “You’ve earned yourself a shock collar. Step any further and you will not have a leg to stand on tomorrow.”
Rage ran through June as he stood there, pinned under the nobleborn. However, he remembered the words of his goddess that had rang in his ear during one of his meditation sessions.
Ambition does not mean impulsiveness nor does knowledge mean arrogance.
Her words gave June the calm he needed to find his head again. Despite his rage, despite the disrespect that Linden showed him and his goddess, June murmured an apology.
“Good. Now, are you going to sit on that bed and wait for me to get your shock collar or will I need to restrain you, half-blood?”
“I’ll sit on the bed.”
The annoyance behind June’s words wasn’t lost on Linden, but to June’s relief, he didn’t act on June’s little bit of defiance.
Goddess, give me strength.
The collar was just about what June had expected except for the markings on it. CAUTION: WITCH’S SON, NOBLEBORN. Nobleborn. Not half-blood. Nobody had ever referred to him as a nobleborn. A half-blooded noble, maybe, but his father had not been a noble in any regard.
Was it a sign of respect? Or something just to mock him?
“It only takes a bit of my crested magic to activate. I can make your world more painful than you could’ve ever imagined. So, I expect you to be obedient.”
June did not respond as he stilled, allowing Linden to put the collar on. For a moment, June thought he was safe, but the backhand that came a moment later told him otherwise.
“You will respond when I speak to you and you will not speak unless spoken to, understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
Linden gave June a puzzled look. Of course, June knew that the break in his composure would confuse his new captor. June knew he needed to keep his composure more. Through his lack of composure, Linden had figured out a number of his sore spots.
To build a temple to my goddess.
A monk to a cleric for a goddess forgotten to time. There was something poetic about it. 
Something about it that would never be. 
“Come with me, half-blood.”
June fought back a glare, but did as he was told. As he stood, a rush of blood went to his head. When were the lights turned on? Why were they so bright? Fuck. His head hurt and he was still bleeding.
Linden opened the door to his lab, then motioned for June, who could hardly see, to sit on the table. 
“Your pupils are uneven.”
Suddenly, there was a light in June’s face. June quickly went to cover his face, but a hand grabbed his hands. 
“They’re not reacting well to light, either.”
A tsk. As if any of this was June’s fault. For the way he’d been born. For the way he’d been changed. For who he served and what he did with his life.
“Let me clean up your wounds. Then, I’ll let you rest a little. I pushed you a little too far, half-blood. Too much, too soon.”
June wanted to ask Linden what the hell he meant, but knew better. He didn’t want to be electrocuted and he didn’t need another hit to the head, more bruises to his jaw.
Alcohol hit the freshly exposed skin and June screamed in pain. Something about that wound, the rough way layers of skin had been peeled away, made the alcohol all the more painful. June almost expected a correction for it, but none came.
Soft bandages wrapped June’s head, covering his crested eye. The world was so fuzzy, so bright, so loud, that June couldn’t process much of anything as Linden took his hand and helped June to his unsteady feet. A gentle lead down the hall brought June back to his room, back to his bed, with the lights off.
At least, being allowed to rest meant he would be able to pray.
Taglist (always open!) @i-can-even-burn-salad, @whumpsday, @pigeonwhumps, @oddsconvert
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five-rivers · 1 year
A Star is Born!
After revealing himself as a ghost (as a hero) (as an inhuman monster), Danny had gotten used to people staring at him.  Even people who had known him for a long time.  Especially people who had known him for a long time.  Something something, couldn’t reconcile the person they knew with the person they admired, according to Jazz.  
Danny had, honestly, enjoyed the attention at first.  It was kind of like with the Yetis!  But the thrill of being invited to every party wore thin fast.  Now he just ignored it the best he could.  
Today, however, was different, and it was really getting on his nerves.  Today, there was giggling.  
So, he normally didn’t mind giggling, but it was coinciding with an awful lot of pointing and whispering.  That, he was less fond of.  
Still.  What could he do about it?  Other than be annoyed.  He was going to do that anyway.  He got his breakfast (the lunch ladies were staring) and sat down at his usual table to wait for Tucker.  Sam was taking a zero period cooking class, and wouldn’t meet up with them until ten minutes before the bell rang.  
“Oh my gosh!”
Danny looked up.  Tucker was standing a few paces from the cafeteria doorway.  His eyes sparkled with emotions Danny had never before seen outside of an anime.  He looked delighted.  
“Danny, dude!” said Tucker, and now he flung his arms out and to the sides so violently the stylus attached to his PDA went flying and would have been lost to the mysterious and forbidden lands behind the breakfast-line counter if not for Danny’s swift use of telekinesis.  “Where did you get those nekomimi?  They look so realistic!”
“The what?” asked Danny.  
“The cat ears!”
“What cat ears?” asked Danny.  
There was a moment of silence as the whispers stopped.  
“He doesn’t know,” hissed someone, their voice carrying easily across the cafeteria.  
“I need to film this.”  There was a mad scramble for phones, PDAs, and in one notable case a full sized TV camera that absolutely should not be on campus.  
“Tucker,” said Danny, “are you telling me that there are cat ears on my head right now?”
“I mean, I guess they could be dog or wolf ears, but, yes.”
Danny raised his hands to the sides of his heads and found his earlobe.  It felt a bit… weaker, more fragile, than it had before.  He traced the sides of his ears up and up and up and…
“Tucker,” said Danny, holding onto the very tips of his ears, “why?”
“I don’t know, man.  Didn’t Frostbite say you might get shapeshifting powers?”  Tucker shuffled forward.  “Maybe you’re thinking too hard about cats.  Do you have a tail and is it fuzzy?”
Danny opened his mouth to say no, but then experienced the always-unsettling sensation of his spine reconstructing itself while he was still human.  Then, to Danny’s mortification, there was a terrible ripping sound and a fully formed and very fluffy tail unrolled itself.  
Across the room, Paulina stood up, a determined expression on her face.  “If you do requests, can you make your eyes green and pretty and sparkly and huge and slitted like a cat’s?  I’ve always wanted to see what that would be like on a human.”
Danny wasn’t intending to take requests.  He didn’t even know what was really going on.  But no one had given his power that memo, so it did it anyway.  
“Wasn’t there a cat guy ghost alr–?” started Ashley.  
“No, we don’t talk about them,” said Paulina.  "They don't count."
More importantly for Danny, who also wanted to forget that particular ghost, the cat (boy) was out of the bag.
"What about wings?  Can you do wings?"
"Make yourself look older and you can buy beer at–"
"Younger!  I want to see what Phantom would have looked like as a baby!"
"Can you do plants?  Oak trees?  Roses?"
"Dragon! Dragon! Dragon!"
"What about other ghosts?  What about blob ghosts?"
"Ooh!  Ooh!  Can you become a cockroach?"
"No!  Don't make him be a cockroach!"
"Metamorphosis, people!" shouted Mr. Lancer.  "What is– I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream!"
It was really impressive how Mr. Lancer said that all in a single breath.  Well.  Shrieked it in a single breath.
"HI, Mr. Lancer," said Danny, miserably, having become a shambling mound, "can I call home?"
"Can you- can you not… turn back?"
There was a sort of slurping sound as Danny's various body parts rearranged themselves.  
"I don't have a good handle on it yet," said Danny, trying to affect unconcern.
"Involuntarily transforming into whatever people say?" asked Tucker, voice slightly washed out.
"Something like that, I think."  
"Well," started Mr. Lancer.  
The cafeteria doors were thrown open and Mrs. Woods strode in.  "Where is my latest drama star?"  She didn't wait for an answer before shouldering through the crowd and picking Danny up off the floor.  "There you are."
"I'm not in drama," said Danny.  
"Nonsense!  You'll be a natural.  Just imagine all the parts you could play!  We'll immerse you in the world of drama.  Acting.  Staging.  Theater!  You'll have all the drama you can stomach!"
"But I don't want any drama," Danny tried protesting again, but she was already dragging him off.  "To the stage."
"Mrs. Woods!  I don't think I can stomach anything!"
"That's fine!  Many are the great actors who barred from stage fright!"
"It's not stage fright!"  It might have been a little stage fright, but becoming a loose heap of assorted body parts via shapeshifting not five minutes ago was playing a much larger part in his reticence.  "Mrs. Woods, I can’t–"
"There is no can't in drama, only yes and!"
"Isn't that improv?!" wailed Danny as she carried him through the door.  
“Yes, and?”
“My elective is astronomy!”
“And I’m electing to ignore it!”
“Holly!” called Mr. Lancer.  “You can’t just kidnap students!  The time to change classes is over!  We’re halfway through the term, for love of education!”
Like this would be any more okay if it was still the beginning of the term.  
“An exception can be made!”
Sometimes, Danny wondered if Mrs. Woods was a ghost.  She certainly acted like it, sometimes.  Either way, he’d had enough.  He phased out of Mrs. Woods’s grip.  
“No!” she hollered, even as Danny hid behind a horribly out-of-breath Mr. Lancer.  “My star!”
A door down the hallway opened up.  “Are you looking for me?” asked Star.  “Can it wait?  I’m making up a test.”
“It’s not about you,” said Danny.  
“Great,” said Star.  She eyed Mrs. Woods.  “Good luck, or whatever.”  She shut the door with a clunk.  
“So, uh.  Can I go home?” asked Danny.  
“Go to the office and ask if your parents can sign you out.”
“I can fly–”
“You’re sick, right?”
“You need your parents to sign you out.”
“William,” said Mrs. Woods.  “You can’t do this to me!  I supported your bid for a field trip to the Shakespeare festival!”
“You did that for your own reasons!”
Danny, wisely, slunk away.  He definitely wouldn’t be coming back until he could control his new shapeshifting powers.
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fiona-kitsune13 · 10 months
Even if she was the Queen working with her, LBD still needs a champion, right? I nominate the Demon King of Confusion - the first demon defeated by SWK after he comes back with his powers and first immortality, who forcefully took over FFM and would kill the monkeys living on it when he felt like it.
With the only descriptors for the guy being "big, wields a blade, can fight with fists, somewhat honerable in not fighting opponents smaller then himself with a weapon" and with a title involving confusion, you can go as ham as you need with him. Maybe he can mess with ones ability to see things  as they are.
Maybe DKC also shapeshifts or it was a power given to him by both Macaque and LBD as he would need to be considerably stronger then before to even hope to go tooth and nail with SWK.
Souls go to Diyu to be cleansed and sent to be reincarnated, but DKC could be a crazy guy in whom none of the methods worked in the centuries he was there. When Macaque took over and took stock of what's what, he found the demon and recognized it from the stories told to him by the FFM monkeys, of SWK's victory over the demon, but not knowing what to do with him, Macaque simply shoved him somewhere out of the way. Until he was needed.
And it's an enemy SWK could concievably have forgotten over the years, thus the reveal could be a bigger surprise.
Maybe when he masquarades as a second mentor, he acts like King Bumi from ATLA, with more questionable jokes. Though the seal to drain MKs powers could also be subtler, maybe even having a secundary function of implanting thoughts in MK to turn him against SWK or along those lines.
The only reasons he would ever work with the Monkie Crew to save the world is that he wants to kill SWK himself and he can't do that if the world is destroyed. DKC could also be flirting with Macaque when SWK is in range, if only for the enjoyment of seeing the Great Sage turn red and angry.
I do like the idea of using the Demon King of confusion as her champion. I do think Macaque would keep him around to after LBD is gone but he would always be on thin ice since hes a bit of a wild card.
After a certain point, since our dear queen gets attached to Mk. He would definitely threaten DKC to leave him alone or at least make sure he doesnt hurt him.
And i love the idea of him flirting with Macaque just to piss off Wukong. I feel like Macaque would notice the anger and would flirt back just to either hurt the king or piss him off.
DKC: *kisses Macaque's hand* I'm honored to work for a Queen as lovely as you~
Wukong: *Feral growling*
Macaque: *smirks and locks eyes with Wukong as he talks to DKC* keep up the good work and I'll make sure to reward you~
Wukong: Mk give me my staff......
Mk: why?
Wukong: *glares at DKC* I'm gonna put that asshole six feet under again!
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kade-is-here · 19 days
Hail, True Body Robotic!AU!
AAAAALLLRIGHTY! So, to start, I’d just like to make one thing clear: the original version of this is Hail, True Body by mustangs-flames, which you can check out here. With that out of the way, heeeres the AU!
What is it?
Overall, it’s a pretty simple concept: humans are still humans, but the mimics are now robots. That’s the most basic summary of it.
What are the mimics like?
The mimics were made by Lucifer(the original post about the AU said Gabriel, but I’m changing it to fit better with HTB) to just… wipe out humanity. Yeah. Lucifer’s still a priest, but he’s also an engineer in his spare time. The basement of the church is his workshop, so don’t be nervous if there’s some mechanical noises down there. Nothing’s alive in it, after all. The mimics themselves look somewhat humanoid in that they have a (mostly) human silhouette. It can change depending on the mimic. For example, some can have wings, animal-like features, digitigrade legs, paws, claws, several arms, more than two eyes, more than(or less than) one mouth… the list goes on. They do have a few similarities: all of them have glowing eyes in their unmodified forms, all of them can shapeshift, and all of them range from dark gray to pitch black. They can change size, too, so it usually just depends on what’s most convenient/comfortable for the mimic. Mimics are solar, emotion, and soul powered, and they need at least a small amount of all three to properly function. A mimic is made out of thousands of tiny little pieces(which, in its unmodified form, just stick together to look like your standard humanoid android that doesn’t trigger the uncanny valley), so it has to rearrange those pieces and use camouflage technology to shapeshift. The only way you can tell if a human is actually a mimic in disguise is if you shine an ultraviolet light into their eyes. If their eyes become brighter, then that’s a mimic.
(To kill a mimic, you have to hit its central processing unit. Typically, that unit is spread out, so you’d have to essentially destroy the entire mimic to kill it. However, the more human a mimic feels, the more its unit condenses into two specific areas: the middle of the chest and the head.)
What about the main cast?
All the same, surprisingly. The only differences are as follows:
•Adam is EXTREMELY well-built. Liam spent the most time on him, so his camouflage and modifying systems work without Adam having to think about it at all.
•Mimic!Cesar’s true form is different. I’ll be taking suggestions in my ask box for his design, and eventually there will be a poll. :] •Mark starts studying the mimics more before he kills them, and eventually that leads to him becoming interested in engineering. •Mimics are hand-built, but sometimes Lucifer just… slams some details in there. For no reason. The mimic’s designs are so extra.
•Cian likes to bake in this AU. Just a little detail! :] (he likes lemons.)
•The human Cesar always was a bit interested in the mimics. He was in Applied Technology all throughout middle and high school, but unfortunately he never got to actually see a mimic. I mean, he did, but it saw him first.
So, uh, yeah! That’s about it! Lemme know if you have any questions, and please have a wonderful rest of your day/night! Remember to drink water!
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