#what was the point of him missing the solstice
whitesunlars · 4 months
percy jackson books: the gods cannot show favor to their children, no matter how much they love them. they will do small things, subtle signs, but cannot interfere. poseidon loves percy but can never truly show him.
percy jackson series: poseidon forfeits a war to save percy's life
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maeby-cursed · 7 months
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a/n: starting a new series of songfics ! this one is very obviously inspired by sad, beautiful, tragic, so you can see where this might be going. enjoy the results of my brainrot ♡ (also, i’ve never written for gojo before, please have mercy)
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✧ synopsis: you’ve been waiting for satoru gojo for ten years, but there’s no trace of the man you fell in love with when you were sixteen years old. it’s time to let go, but he might not want to.
✧ pairings: satoru gojo x fem!reader
✧ wc: 2k
✧ rating: angst. so much of it, angst to drown in. might get suggestive at some points.
✧ cw: mentions of drinking, of the great jjk tragedy of 2006 and its aftermath, implied cheating, gojo may be ooc, toxic relationship ??
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An ice-cold wind blows through the window as you wait.
It’s not even December yet but it’s already snowing.
Soft snowflakes the size of stars, far away in their firmament, enter your living room. When they land on the sofa, they dissolve, leaving in their wake thousands of specks of water that look disturbingly like tears.
It doesn't matter. You don't think he's going to notice anyway.
It's been ten long years of waiting. Ten long years of fighting, of fixing what's broken and denying that it's ever been broken.
It's over. Let winter freeze everything in its path.
When Satoru walks in through the door, you hesitate for a moment. A moment of madness when you see his hair, as white as the snowfall that has invaded your home. Just a moment when you see him in his burgundy turtleneck sweater, his tight-fitting coat. One single moment when you recognize the cold in his pink cheeks.
But it's all over when you meet his crystalline eyes. The fault is theirs.
"Is the window broken again?" he asks, dropping his keys on the entryway’s table.
The window has been broken since September.
You nod and he grunts, running a hand over his face.
"I'll call someone tomorrow, although you could have said something," he says. This is your fault. Of course.
You keep your eyes fixed on the snow. From the living room you can see the sidewalk across the street, covered in a blanket of white that sparkles under the street lamps. It's so painfully beautiful it makes you nostalgic.
You and Satoru moved into this house three years ago, when he got his teaching position, and you can't quite get over the fact that it's time to say goodbye.
You've spent three years of solstices here. You've seen the sidewalks covered with dead leaves, with thousands of little flowers that broke the pavement in their wake. But it’s never snowed. 
It’s not fair, not one bit.
Satoru says no more. He goes to your room and undresses; he replaces his street clothes with a black outfit that seems very appropriate for the occasion. Since you’ve known him, he always takes off his glasses when he crosses the hall of your building, but for once, you wish he'd put them back on. 
When he returns, his hair is dripping over his forehead. You hadn't even noticed that he was taking a shower. 
But he hasn't noticed that your bedside table is empty, either; that your slippers are missing, that there's a seeping coldness in the hearth of your house, and it's not coming from the window.
"What's for dinner?" he asks, plopping down on the couch with his cell phone in his hand.
You get up.
9:26 p.m., November 8. This is where it ends.
"I don't know. I'm going out to dinner," you say.
He doesn’t even bother to look up.
"Hmm, where are you going? Are you bringing something back or should I order myself a pizza?"
It's painful to watch as nothing seems to touch him. He’s infinite — always infinite.
"I'm going to a work friend's house."
"The one with the lovely curly hair and those pretty hazel eyes?"
"No. I'm moving in with Rhea. Dark-eyed, blonde, leggy."
"Hmm, how nice."
A moment passes where he just keeps staring at the screen, and you despair.
"What's up, baby?"
"I'm moving."
At last – at last – he looks up. In his eyes you see nothing; two blue marbles that have sworn you two to an unjust fate.
"You're moving out? Why?"
Where to begin? Because you have been loving a man destined to save everything and everyone for a decade, because you have been trying to fill a void that is not your size for eight years, because the windows are broken and the bed is cold and Satoru arrives several nights smelling of anisette and the perfume of another, because you don't want to live looking at the Strongest, the possessor of the Six Eyes. Because you thought that in some hidden corner Satoru Gojo was still there, and he isn’t.
"Because it's killing me to live like this.” You settle for that as your explanation and try to keep your stare unwavering.
"Like this how?" he questions, suddenly irritated. "In a luxurious house?" He gestures around him with the cell phone in his hand. "Comfortably, with your dream job? Knowing you'll never have to worry about money?"
"No, Satoru. Like this, without you loving me."
That chills him to the bone.
"Of course I love you."
"Do you? Do you want me for anything other than to warm your bed and your cock? Do you want me here, as your partner? Do you need me for anything at all?"
You don’t gesticulate, you barely move from your spot in the middle of the room. Everything in this fucking place is white and uncannily clean; the sofas, the coffee table, the walls, even the snow; but you and Satoru. He’s in all black, you’re in all red. It’s almost dreamlike, and you struggle to stay grounded. 
The only thing you could remove from this house that would grab his attention would be you.
"Yesterday you weren't complaining about any of this, what the fuck is the matter with you today?"
And you can't stand it anymore. The winter current lifts your hair, soaks the back of your neck and disguises your tears.
The words come spilling out of you without remedy, every wound bursting open through the stitches. He just looks at you.
"You think I don't love you?"
It hurts to hear him say it, it fucking hurts. You were prepared for the yelling and the coldness, even for a quick vulnerable stare. But never for his trembling voice and soft frown.
You inhale deeply.
"I don't think your love is of any use to me any longer."
Satoru stands up at that.
He's tall, tall and beautiful like Michelangelo's David. All your life, you've been feeling like you had no right to touch him. His infinity assured you that was the case. 
He takes a step in your direction and whispers:
"Then what should I do now?"
Your eyes, fixed on the ground, rise to meet his. There's something in the void and you're not sure if it's just your reflection.
"What?" you mutter. 
"How do I fix it? What do you need that I can't give you? Do you want me to quit work, for us to leave, for me to come home and kiss your temple, to cook for you, to listen to you, to cherish you in bed?” A heartbeat. “I will."
There’s something about the desperation in his tone, you aren’t sure of what to say next.
Satoru knows how to lie, but you don't know how to tell the difference.
"I don't want anything, Satoru. I'm tired," you whisper back, eyes full of water. "I want it to end. I want you to let it end."
He shakes his head, frowning, and through the mist of your tears you recognize that he is crying too.
"There has to be something. Anything. Something I can do, I can do it all."
It's partly true. He's Satoru Gojo; all-powerful, all-knowing. Eternal and young and beautiful and tragic as a poem.
You are just another person. You cried when Suguru left, when Haibara died, when Kento gave up the Jujutsu world and when Ieri locked herself in her office. You clung to Satoru, who resembled an empty seashell more than a person. 
You remember those nights back in 2007. You remember blindfolding him so he wouldn't activate infinity by accident, by reflex, out of overstimulation. You remember cutting his hair when he couldn’t and looking for him in his old antics. You remember taking care of Megumi – always reluctant – and Tsumiki – who you felt was too mature for her age. You remember the burden of being eighteen and having lost a world.
And, above all else, you remember Satoru under the rain. Under the pressure of the world you had lost, the one that he was trying to put back together. There was a month where he seemed catatonic; no smiles, drinking anisette as if it were his one source of life. A thirty-day period followed by the rebirth of a person who looked like the one that stood before, but who seemed cold and alien to you.
"Don't you love me, my darling?" he seeks for you, reaching out a hand to brush against your cheek.
Of course you love him. You love him even like this, like you have loved each and every one of his versions.
"I adore you, Satoru. But I can't stay; you can't fix it."
"Of course I can," he reaches out to you, holding your face between his fingers, "Of course I can."
His lips connect with yours — one last attempt, you don't know by whom.
Snow fills the room and it's cold, but you drink from his mouth, from his everlasting warmth; everything in him lasts forever.
Between kisses, you show him everything you have been for years. Ten years of kisses, of hands looking for hands and flesh searching for flesh.
He moves backwards, keeping you between his hands and guiding you towards the hallway and from the hallway to your shared bed.
This is where it ends.
"Satoru..." you whisper.
"I'm here. I'm here, beautiful, my favorite girl. Talk to me."
A sob escapes you as he utters those words. My favorite girl. That’s what he used to call you. Talk to me, he used to plead, that year at sixteen, when everything was about to start.
Isn't it beautiful that it ends the exact same way?
"Satoru, I'm leaving," you press a farewell kiss to his jaw.
"No, you're not leaving," he murmurs, smiling against your mouth, searching for your lips.
You back away and look at him one more time. And you smile, because there's nothing left.
"I'm already gone. Just let go of me, please."
"But..." he starts, his smile hesitant, "But I'm going to fix it."
You take one of his hands between yours and kiss it as it presses against your cheek, before lowering it to your lap.
"Satoru..." You pronounce each syllable of his name carefully and he stifles a cry. "I'm not going to go any further. I've already made the move and Rhea's expecting me at her house in an hour. I love you, I’ll love you until I run out of kisses, but it does me no good to love you. It is of no use to me, this love. I wanted to tell you. I wanted you one last time. Wasn’t it my turn to be the selfish one for once?"
He watches you, and his mouth shuts close. You've never seen Satoru lose. 
No, that's not true. There was a time, one time, where you saw him lose everything.
His eyes fill up with you one second and empty the next.
This is his second time.
He lifts his chin with an arrogance that no longer means anything and lets go of your hands.
"Go then, if you want. I'm not going to do anything to stop you,” he drags the words with feign disinterest. “I can't do anything."
That's the last gift he can give you. An honesty unbecoming of him, a truth that will never belong to Satoru Gojo ever again. 
From god to human in three kisses and a goodbye.
"Thank you," you say to him. Then you get up, heading for the living room, where your coat and your escape door await you.
He stays in the bedroom – with himself as he always is – after you leave. 
And he hides you where he always hides the things he breaks, in the back of his eyes, where no one can reach to see anything.
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© 2023, MAEBY-CURSED — do not copy/repost/edit.
(reblogs are appreciated !!)
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moonlightazriel · 5 months
Steamy ///Azriel X F!Reader
Summary: The morning after solstice you find that Azriel is gone, but his family is more than happy to take you to him.
Warnings: SMUT
Word Count: 1,6K
Notes: I mean, it’s night somewhere so it’s Smutty Time!!! With a very long delay cuz I promised this back in 2023 heheheh
Main Masterlist
She grasped the sheets, head turning to the side, eyes opening just enough to peek why the hell the bed was empty and the sheets were cold. She fully opened her eyes, he had probably left a few hours ago, it was the morning after solstice, Rhysand wouldn’t send him on a mission so soon, right?
She got up, taking a hot shower to shake off the freezing sensation creeping up her body, wearing a pair of fluffy leggings, boots and a heavy coat, she made her way to the dinner room, where Feyre and Nesta happily chatted.
“Hello!” She greeted, still feeling a bit awkward, after all, she had been in their life for what? 7 months now? The bond had snapped for her and Azriel as soon as he went to the jewellery store she worked at, and they haven’t been apart since. She was still getting to know the family, so she quietly sat a few chairs away from them.
“Hey, good morning Y/N.” Feyre greeted her with a smile, her face was a little bit rounder and she shined with the second pregnancy. Nesta just nodded her head towards her.
“Do you guys know where Azriel is? He wasn’t in bed the morning.” She fidgeted with her fingers, her shy self feeling a little bit self conscious without his comforting presence, it didn’t help that the two females exchanged big grins before turning to her.
“We can take you to him, if you want to.” Nesta offered her blue eyes with devilish intentions.
“That would be very nice of you, thank you.” Y/N smiled, and the sisters finished their breakfast before Feyre was winnowing them.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
The winds were strong, the cold made her shiver to the bones, the snowy mountain was the last place she expected to be right now. She saw a cabin at the distance, and Feyre led the way there, with the two other females glued to her side in case she needed any help.
She saw two figures by the door, her heart increasing the heartbeat with excitement but as she got closer, Rhysand smiled at them and Cassian ran, scooping Nesta in his arms and flying away with her, like they were in a hurry.
“Azriel is in the back darling, enjoy your day.” Rhysand said with a smug look, pointing to the back of the cabin, before Y/N could thank him, he and Feyre were also gone.
She walked towards the back, cursing a little when she slipped in the snow. The wards, as she noticed, kept the wind away, and she was thankful for not having the extra force against her. It felt like forever, but she finally reached the back, a door with a tiny glass frame in the middle welcomed her, the glass was foggy and she couldn’t see anything inside.
She pushed the door open, steam coming out of it in waves, as she stepped inside, the heavy door closed, pushing her forward inside the room. It took one look around to find him. Sweat coated his body, and she followed a droplet that ran from his chin all the way down his chest and into his defined abdomen, she felt her mouth go dry as she saw it disappear between his legs, near to his long cock.
His legs were parted open and his arms held each side of the bench he was sitting in, wings relaxed behind his back and his head was resting back, the vein in his neck pulsing with blood as he swallowed. She finally managed to take her eyes off his body and found him, looking at her with only an eye open.
“What a beautiful surprise.” His raspy voice made her intern walls clench involuntarily.
“You were m-missing, they said they could take me to you and they left me alone h-ere.” She rambled and stammered, she tended to do it when she was nervous, and right now a wave of anxiety and anticipation moved around her body, leaving her on alert.
“But you’re not alone, are you?” He replied with a smirk, and her cheeks blushed even harder, not only from the heat of the room. “Come here, my beautiful, beautiful Y/N.”
She forced her legs to move, stopping in front of him. He sat straight now, one of his hands resting on his naked thigh, the other grabbed her from behind, squeezing her ass, he could feel her soft flash even with the thick fabric between them.
“Can I?” He asked, his voice making goosebumps on her skin, she nodded her head, and he pulled her leg up, removing the boots and the socks, repeating the same process in the other feet. “No one wears clothes in a steam room, love.” He spoke like he was scolding a child, right before pulling her leggings down, taking her panties with him in the process.
She felt the urge to cover herself, her hands moving in pure instinct but two strings of shadows pulled her wrists away. “No no no no. You’re so gorgeous, never hide yourself from me again.” He reprimanded her and she nodded furiously. “Good girl.” His raspy voice sounded so good right now, the heat in her core increased just with that.
Azriel’s cock was throbbing at this point, his mate and him, alone in that cabin? Oh, the things that crossed his mine were far away from pure, he wanted to take her in every surface possible, again and again until she was drunk from him and sore from his cock.
He held his cock in one hand, while she positioned herself with her legs on each side of his body, caging him between her aching core, she slowly sunk down, taking him inside inch by inch, until she was fully seated on his lap and his cock rested comfortably inside her warm walls. She made a move but he held her waist, forcing her to stop.
“We have all day, let’s just enjoy, shall we?” She nodded. “Use your words.” He instructed.
“Yes, Daddy.” The feeling of being full was enough to make her slippery walls clench around him, she tried to stop but to no avail.
While she sat there, taking him, he gently removed her coat, then her shirt, exposing her chest to his hungry gaze. Her breasts spilled from the red bralette. That piece was soon gone too and replaced by his lips. He carefully took her inside his mouth, licking and biting on the warm flash. She whimpered at the sensation, letting her head fall backwards as he mouthed at her breasts with no mercy, alternating between the two, until she was moving her hips without even noticing.
Azriel growled against her chest, as he felt her moving, but the feeling of having her delicious cunt around him was getting too much to bear, he was just glad that she was the first one to break. He grabbed her hair, turning her head to the side until he was biting her ear.
“You know I’ll have to punish you for that, don’t you love?” She was going to nod but instead, her shaky voice sounded in the room.
“Yes daddy, i'm sorry for misbehaving.” She stopped her movements completely.
“You can continue, we’ll think about that later.” He grabbed her hips with one hand, helping her move as the other pushed her chest against his hungry lips.
He felt her body shaking, and by the way her walls clenched around him, he knew she was close. Her orgasm hit her like a wave, making her moan loudly as the waves of pleasure clashed against her. Azriel was the one moving now, angling his hips up until he was hitting that damned spot inside her, his shadows moved against her clit and she felt a second orgasm growing closer.
Her sweat body easily sliding against his, they were panting and red, the sensation was too much to bear, her open lips spilled his name as she moaned.
“It’s too much Daddy, I can’t take it.” She cried and Azriel looked at her.
“It’s too much when I say it’s too much, now be a good girl and take what Daddy is giving you.” She nodded and for now he would accept that. She came with a cry of his name at the same time he spilled inside her. Hot stings of cum coating her insides. She collapsed on his chest, trying to recover her breath.
“Are you okay?” He asked, rubbing the sticky hair from her forehead before placing a kiss to it.
“Yes.” She quietly muttered, feeling tiredness consume her body.
“Don’t ever be afraid of using your safe word if it’s too much.” He reminded her and she nodded.
“I trust you, and I’ll always use it when things get too bad for me.” He kissed her delicately in the lips.
“Good girl, now let’s discuss your punishment.” He smirked and she felt the fire igniting again.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Two days later was when they got back. Appearing in the River House, where the rest of the sat for dinner, he took a seat, pulling his mate with him.
“It was cold in the mountains.” Feyre started.
“Hopefully you two found a way of getting warm.” Cassian sneered.
“With all the respect, fuck you two.” Azriel showed them his middle fingers, making them giggle. “I liked it better when Suriel was the biggest gossip in Prythian instead of the two of you.”
“You love us.” Cassian made a heart with his hands to which Azriel just rolled his eyes.
“You will get used to it.” He turned to his mate, she watched the exchange with a smile.
“Just wait until I’m confident enough, it will be the biggest gossip trio in all Prythian.” She giggled, having Cassian and Feyre joining her.
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wrongplacerighttime · 4 months
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agent!harry x agent!fmc
the one where grace and harry are working a late night at the office. he follows her into the supply closet and things get…interesting…and grace realizes just how much she doesn’t hate him // a blurb for little bunny
part one here // part two here // little bunny masterlist
wc: 3.5k
tw: this basically just filthy, dirty smut. MDNI!! 18+. sir kink, breeding kink, little bit of degradation. not sure what else. lemme know if i missed anything. :)
yes, sir.
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It was late, and the last thing Grace wanted to be doing was typing reports. She had her headphones on, working double duty playing music and holding her hair back out of her face. Her fingers were moving rapidly over the keyboard trying to make the work go as quickly as possible. She had more involvement in the most recent case, which meant there was more paperwork on her part that she needed to make sure got filed properly. She reminded herself this is why she liked to sit back and watch more than she liked to be in the field. Grace also had been consulting on a string of murders around LA county and she was waiting for an email back from the chief of police before she left, and the time zone difference meant she would be here for a while longer. She glanced at the clock, the seconds hand ticking and dancing over the numbers, almost taunting her in a way. Her molars clench together in the back of her mouth stifling a yawn growing from her lungs. It really wasn’t that late, but it was December and the darkness crept into the sky earlier and earlier as the days passed and they were in the thick of the season, winter solstice just around the corner, making 8:00pm feel like 10:00pm, and she was ready for bed.
It didn’t help that Harry was sitting across the room at his desk, working on his own reports and throwing the occasional ball of wadded up paper Grace’s way to get under her skin. She had put the headphones on hours ago to drown out his incessant pen clicking and finger drumming that had caused her to lose focus more times than she could count. She had asked him to stop once but he made it a point to do it more obnoxiously and after she had put on her music to drown it out, he resorted to the paper throwing to continue to get on her nerves. A paper landed right on her keyboard and that was her final straw.
“God damnit Harry! Can you just leave me alone for once?” She rips her headphones from her ears and slams them down on her desk…or rather her keyboard and whatever combination of keys being pressed results in her entire file disappearing, whooshing away into inconceivable nothingness. Her eyes ignite with anger and she launches the paper ball back in his direction, hitting him in the face. She should've thrown something heavier, like her headphones.
His eyes narrow at her before a smirk grows on his face. “I don’t like your attitude, Grace.” He teases in a sing-song voice, heckling her.
“Fuck you. I’m trying to work and you’re distracting me.” She crosses her arms over her chest and leans back in her chair, tipping her head back and looking at the ceiling. “And you just made me delete this whole file so now I have to start over.”
“I didn’t make you do shit, you should have been more careful instead of throwing a fit like a toddler.” He says matter-of-factly with a shrug and she scoffs, rolling her eyes before opening an empty document and deciding it was better to just ignore him. They’re quiet for another moment, Grace trying to calm her breaths while attempting to recall everything that was on her document as Harry’s fingers clicked over his keyboard, humming a familiar tune under his breath. His actions were maddening, but it didn’t stop her eyes wandering over his slightly unbuttoned shirt exposing his skin...didn’t stop her gaze trailing over the tendons in his forearms flexing and relaxing as he typed. She felt the fire traveling down the wire of her spine, settling right in her belly. She pulls her lower lip between her teeth and turns back to her computer and sighs.
“What case are you even working on?” She asks, and he glances over at her quickly before looking back to his blank screen. The truth is, he hadn’t really been working on anything at all. They’d been so busy recently, and he had stayed behind during their last case. It had been weeks since they last fucked. He just missed her. He wanted to just be in her proximity, alone, for a little while before he left…but a little bit turned into three hours. He’s been here, with her, daydreaming about taking her into the supply closet and bending her over a shelf.
“Consulting on a suspected LDSK in Denver.” He lies through his teeth and her nose crinkles at his answer.
“I don’t remember seeing that on the list Aaron sent out?” Her statement sounds more like a question, and he scrambles to come up with an excuse.
“Uh, he just put it on my desk this morning. I’m waiting for an email back from the police department.” His jaw ticks once and she knows he’s lying…that’s his tell.
“You’re lying but whatever.” She mutters and he presses his lips in a flat line. She opens the drawer of her desk, looking for a manila folder but instead sees that she’s run out. She stands, walking past his desk on the way to the door. He spins in his chair to follow her with his gaze.
“Where are you going?” He asks, throwing a stress ball in the air before catching it again, repeating the motion but she doesn’t stop walking.
“Supply closet. Does it matter? Wanna come hold my hand so I don’t get lost?” She feigns in a whiny voice and pushes the glass door open, striding down the empty hallway while shaking her head, the atmosphere almost eerie when no one else is here. The hallway is dimly lit from the flood lights, her eyes adjusting to the difference as she rounds the corner and pushes the supply closet door open. She flips the switch on the wall and the door clicks shut. The supply closet was actually an empty office, so “closet” wasn’t the proper label for it. She weaves her way through shelves of office provisions and she hears the door open and shut again. Her heart races, knowing she’s not alone. Realistically, she knows it’s just Harry coming to bother her. They were the only two here. That didn’t make it any less unsettling…something about being in a small, dimly lit space with him making her pulse skyrocket.
“Go away.” She tries to make her words stern, but they come out shaky. She sees his figure standing in the shadows of the room, and she swallows meekly as she turns back to the shelf where the folders are. “You don’t scare me, Styles. If that’s what you’re trying to do.” She feels his presence moving closer to her and her hands shake as she grips the box in her hands.
“Wasn’t. Just miss you.” His voice is low in her ear and he presses his chest against her back, warmth radiating through the thin material of his shirt. He cages her between his arms, his mouth dropping to the crook of her neck and his teeth graze her skin. He bites lightly causing her to wince, then soothes the pain by lapping his tongue over and kissing.
“Miss me?” She twists around to face him. His breath fans over her lips at their close proximity and before she can say anything else, his lips crash to hers and she groans into his mouth. He smiles into the kiss…at the reaction he always seems to be able to pull from her. Their lips move in synchrony, his tongue darting into her mouth the second she parts her lips. Her hands run up his broad chest before going around his shoulders and she tugs the curls at the nape of his neck. She pushes her hips against him, a primal reaction she can never control, her mind forcing her body as close as she can get to him. His strong arms wrap around her waist, covering the expanse of her back and holding her to him as he walks her away from the shelf and backs her into a wall.
“Need me so bad don’t you, bunny? Can't get enough?” He drops his lips to her collarbone as she mewls, her thighs squeezing together trying to relieve the pressure growing between them. And she hates to admit that he was right. She couldn’t get enough. No one compares to him. Nobody ever would…and she can’t help that she craves him. Craves way he stretches her open, craves the way he talks her through it every time…even craves the way he uses the pet name for her because he knows it makes her tummy twist with desire. He ruts his hips into her and she can feel his hardness pressing into her, catching her shirt and exposing her skin to the frigid air in the closet. His fingers dance over her waistband before dipping underneath. He trails a digit between her folds, collecting her arousal before pressing against her sensitive bundle of nerves and her head falls back against the wall, bucking her hips into his hand desperate for more friction. The gates inside her mind were fighting to be let open, and she's holding the mindset she had been so desperate to fall into at bay. She didn’t want to be vulnerable around him, but something about him just had her feeling so hazy, it was intoxicating just being near him.
“Please, sir. Need you.” The words tumbled from her lips before she realized they even came out. She was desperate, her mind slipping quickly into submissiveness, something she’d tried to hide from him for too long. He pulls back to look at her, the title something he’s not used to hearing from her, and he notices the way her eyes are glazed over and her pupils are blown wide inside her irises, her bottom lip jutting out slightly swollen from their kiss. He knows that look anywhere. Maybe not on her…but god did he love it, his own switch flipping inside him and changing his train of thought
“Oh, my sweet girl. There she is.” He hooks a finger under her chin and thumbs over her lips. Grace opens and wraps them around his thumb and sucks lightly, flattening her tongue against the skin. His eyes flutter and he leans his forehead against hers. She watches him through her lashes, doe-eyed and drunk on him. She swirls her tongue around the tip of his thumb and a groan of pleasure escapes from his throat. He feels his cock twitching against the zipper of his pants and when his eyes open, she sees the darkness in his expression and she feels the heat swirl in her belly, one that she’s grown all too accustomed to around him.
“Knees. Now.” He demands and she complies without a second thought. He’s been wanting to feel her pretty lips wrapped around him since the day they met, when she wore the most perfect shade of pink over them. She quickly brings her hands up to undo his belt and he watches from above, his fingers tracing delicately over her jawline.
“Look at you, so desperate to get me in your mouth, like a good little slut.” She whimpers at his words and quickly makes work at the button, popping it open and sliding the zipper down its track. In one swift move she’s greedily pulling at his waistband, yanking the fabric away as his cock springs free and her mouth waters at the sight.
“‘Cause that’s all you are right?” She looks up at him through her lashes and a devilish grin plays on his lips at the sight of her cheeks flustered and he waits for her answer. Her eyes flick down once to his hard dick against his torso, and she nods in confirmation. Her eyes meet his again, pleading for his permission and needing to feel the weight of him in her mouth more than she needs the air she breathes. But before he gives in to her, he wants to hear her say it.
“Words. Wanna hear you say it baby.” He croons and she squeezes her thighs together with a small whine.
“Y-yes, sir. I’m just a slut. Only for you.” She adds and she sees the look in his eyes go a shade darker.
“That’s right, only for me, bunny. Go on. Suck it.” He demands, grinning at her words and this…this is what he’s been waiting for, this scene with her on her knees in front of him…maybe the supply closet where they work wasn’t the best place, but seeing her like this just for him makes up for it. She parts her lips and wraps them around his tip, sucking and kissing, grazing lightly and teasing him just a little. His fingers intertwine through the strands of her hair, gripping at the root and pushing her forward. She opens further for him, tears pricking her lash line as he nudges the back of her throat. She breathes through her nose, and his chin drops to his chest taking in the sight below him. A sight that fills his fantasies, the image he conjured up in his head to help him get himself off on many lonely nights, and it’s better than he could’ve ever imagined.
“Fuck, Grace. Just like that baby. So good. Look so pretty like this.” His words encourage her, wanting nothing more than to please him. Steadying herself, she grips her hands on his thighs, dimpling the muscle under his skin as she pushes herself further, taking as much of him as she could down her throat and swallowing around him. His free hand darts up to the wall to hold himself up, the sensation of her throat squeezing around him making his knees weak. A string of expletives fall from his lips as his eyes flutter closed, rolling back into his head. He pulls away momentarily and she breathes in, before he’s slowly thrusting back in and making her gag around his cock again and again.
“Fucking hell. Look at you…taking it all down that pretty throat. Knew you could, knew you’d do so good for me.” He speaks between gritted teeth. His encouragement sends her mind into a frenzy and she flattens her tongue against him as she pulls her head away, leaving just the tip and she swirls her tongue around it before sliding him down her throat again, repeating the motions. He tightens his grip around the strands of her hair, pulling at the root and she hums, sending vibrations through his length. With a curse under his breath, he pulls her off before she has him cumming down her throat. She breathes deeply, the deprivation of air stinging her lungs as it filters back in through her nose. Her chest heaves with heavy breaths and her lips are swollen, tears stained with mascara streaming down her cheeks from his intrusion. He can’t help but think she looks ethereal like this, all drunk and dumb just from his cock down her throat. “Up, baby.” He commands and she stands, he takes her cheeks between his hands and brings his lips to hers, melding them together and her eyes squeeze shut, still searching for the breaths she lost.
“Please fuck me.” She begs, her voice raspy as she breaks the kiss and he wastes no time as he spins her around, her chest pressing against the wall. He yanks her jeans and underwear down all in one go, running his hands over her now exposed skin as he’s eye level with her dripping hole.
“So pretty.” He mumbles, running his thumb over her and watches as she clenched around nothing. He taps her ass lightly once before he stands and she grins. He guides himself to her, sliding through her arousal and bumping against her clit. Grace looks down, watching the way he slides between her folds and his tip glistening with a mixture of the both of them in the dim lighting. He pulls back and slowly, finally, pushes himself into her and her eyes flutter closed, a garbled groan coming from the depths of her throat at the stretch, feeling every ridge…every vein. He stills once he’s fully sheathed inside of her, grabbing her wrists and forcing them behind her at the base of her spine. He holds them there as he pulls out, cursing under his breath at the way she grips him. He snaps his hips, pushing through her walls without warning and she feels the tears well in her eyes once more, the pain mixing with the pleasure sending sparks down her spine straight to her clit. He drives into her again and again, sweat forming on his hairline and cries and moans falling from her lips.
“Gonna fill your pretty little pussy up, get you all full of my cum.” He leans over her and speaks against the shell of her ear. A pathetic whine leaves her throat at the image of him dripping from between her legs and down her thighs. And she loves it, every single time she can’t get enough, feels like it gets her high. He feels her clench around him at his words and he smirks. “Yeah? Y’like that? Like the thought of me claiming you, branding you with my cum?”
“Yes — god yes..” She groans, the thought of walking around with him all warm inside her making her feel floaty. His grip on her wrists tightens and she bites her lip, the pressure inside her growing and coming to a head.
“Sweet bunny, bet you’d like it if I got you pregnant too, huh — fuck — wanna see that cute little belly swollen, let everyone know who you belong to.” He growls, his teeth brushing the cartilage of her ear, and her head is spinning at the image he’s painting inside her head with his filthy words. His ring-clad hand reaches around her hip and he presses his fingers against her clit, her head falling back against his shoulder. She pants, feeling his broad chest against her back, the friction of their bodies making her skin hot. He pinches the pearl of nerves between his fingers and her mouth falls open.
“Oh fuck Har-Harry I’m gonna —”
“I know, bunny. Squeezing me so tight, cum for me.” He rubs his fingers over her clit and then she’s seeing stars, eyes squeezing shut and his name falling from her lips like a prayer as she pulses around him, pulling him over the edge with her. He grunts and groans against her shoulder, praising her and riding through his own orgasm while holding her up. Her legs feel like jello and when she feels him twitching inside her she hums in contentment. His hips still, and he leaves open mouth kisses against her neck, his teeth grazing her skin and leaving goosebumps.
After another moment catching his breath, he pulls out of her and tucks himself back into his pants. He bends down, pulling her pants up for her and spinning her around to button them. She looks up at him through her dopey eyes and he knows she isn’t quite back down to earth yet.
“Gonna hold all of me in there til you get home, m’kay sweet girl?” He brings his forehead to hers as she nods aimlessly. He pecks her in the tip of her nose once. Then her lips and she lets out a whimper into his mouth. “Got it?”
“Yes, sir.” She mewls and he smirks, grabbing her hand and leading her out of the supply room. He walks them back to their desks, gathering her laptop and papers into her bag as she watches him, her conscience coming back to reality slowly but surely. He doesn’t say anything, offering his hand to her again wordlessly and she reluctantly takes it. They ride the elevator down to the lower level in silence, his foot tapping on the floor. When the doors open, she keeps her head low and quickly exits, making her way out the front door of the building to her car parked across the street. He follows behind her, parked in the same lot. He turns to her before opening his door. She bites her lip, fighting the grin that wants to emerge.
“See you tomorrow, bunny.” He says just loud enough for her to hear, the streetlight casting a warm light over his features making her heart swell. She nods.
“Tomorrow.” They both slide into the drivers seats of their cars. She watches as he drives off, a pang in her chest almost wishing she was going with him. She shakes the thought away, starting her car and driving home on autopilot as her mind wanders, her thoughts full of him…his voice…his eyes…the ink scarred into his skin. She pulls up to her apartment building, sighing and cursing herself.
She thinks she’s falling for him. Grace walks inside, her mind racing around in circles.
She couldn’t be in love with him, because they weren’t supposed to let their feelings get in the way of their job…and whatever else they had going on between them. It was just sex. She runs her hands through her tangled hair as she unlocks her door, pushing herself inside and dropping her bags on the floor. She completes her night routine in record time and climbs between the covers sheets on her bed, her head hitting the pillow signifying her favorite time of the day. Her mind is a little hazy still, and sleep pulls her under into dreamland.
They were filled with him, and she was fucked.
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Hello i don’t know if your request are open or closed ignore me if it’s the case but can you make a Jason grace x reader when he know she is love with him and it’s reciprocated but she don’t want to make the move because Jason grace is a golden boy perfect etc.. and she is just normal thank you 🤩
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Oh, That Golden Light - Its Blinding Me
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content: jason grace x unclaimed! reader fic warning: kinda angsty, ig??? sort of??? i dunno??? author's note: taking a break from the smau bc i miss writing lmao- also i feel so big brain for making the reader unclaimed for legit no reason. this is HEAVILY influenced by golden by harry styles. im not like a huge mega fan but satellite did things to me bc i thought of my father while listening to it and i had to pull over i was crying so hard in my car oop- anyways, i hope yall enjoy me coming out of my writing disappearance frfr WERE BACK BABYYYYYYYY
jason grace was like something out of some shiny hollywood movie. perfect. flawless. stunning. blinding.
it was hard not to fall in love with zeus' golden boy. he was just so sweet and caring to every person he met. you wouldn't even know this boy was a harden solider from the way he fawned over trampled patches of grass or new campers. he was just that kind of person, the one who drew people in with his comforting aura.
and you were just another victim of jason grace's warm vibes.
you, one of the few campers who continued to break percy's promise with the gods. 'claim them by thirteen,' he'd said and they agreed, but apparently your name must have been in the fine print. every summer and winter solstice, your name was brought up as a betrayal of their promise and every summer and winter solstice it was brushed under the rug. you tried to not let it affected, that your parent was so ashamed of you that they were willing to risk the wrath of percy jackson to avoid claiming you. but whatever, it's cool, it's totally fine, and not something you think about late at night.
but it did affect you. your self worth was in the dumps, you'd never felt so undesirable in your entire life. which is why you left your dreams of being jason's girlfriend just that; dreams. he'd find some other girl, some girl who was wanted, and you'd just have to live with that. but, boy, he didn't make it easy.
"good morning, yn. sleep well?" he asked, just like every morning, a book under his arm and his hair still fluffed from his pillows as he jogged to catch up with you. breakfast had been called and, just like every morning, jason made sure to walk with you and grab his breakfast with you.
"gave up my bed to little jamie here last night. those floorboards aren't too bad though," you replied easily, distracting yourself by ruffling jamie's spikey ginger hair. he was one of the new campers, still unclaimed like you, but you were sure that was bound to change soon as he was twleve. you glanced up and noticed jason's frown but pretended like you didnt.
"do you hear that? i think connor needs me. ill see you around, grace," you cut off what would surely be words of concern, scampering off towards connor, who definitely didn't call for you. being with jason was hard, it burned to be within feet of that boy. he was just so dazzling and bright and sometimes you just couldn't do it. you couldn't stand to block his light. to tarnish it in the way only you could.
"you try archery? maybe you're an apollo kid?" travis offered as you guys walked back from breakfast, but he knew the answer. you gave him a pointed look and he shrugged with a roll of his eyes.
"or maybe im not even an halfblood. maybe someone screwed up. maybe im destined to be unwanted, to rot away inside cabin eleven until i look like the oracle," you rambled, only stopping to take a calming breath.
"i can think of someone who wants you," connor hummed from you other side, a cheeky smile and sly look shared between the boys who could be twins but weren't. you squinted at both of them, your head darting around like you were watching an intense tennis match.
"what are you two even yapping on about?" you hissed and they just continued to smirk in the way only they could.
"we're just suggesting that a certain golden boy has his eyes on you. his heart eyes," travis gushed, wiggling his fingers at you as connor pretended to swoon. you scoffed and shoved the two away, hoping the distance would blur their vision of your growing blush.
"you two tease too much. cruel boys is what you are," you huffed and continued to march away from their laughing forms, clear evidence that they had seen your blush.
you spent your day the way you always spent your days at camp half blood; trying everything in hopes of getting recognized, in hopes of impressing your parent enough for them to dangle a glowing light over your head, to claim you as their child. you covered yourself with soot inside the forges with leo but all you ever managed to produce was a broken spring that even had leo wincing in shame as he plucked it from your hands and threw it away. you tried every weapon in the arena, letting clarisee pummel you with swords, spears, and shield alike. you even tried hanging out with nico and percy, trying to dig up bones and talk to horses but it never worked. none of it ever worked. which is how you ended up at the dock, your legs crossed under you and your fist shoved into your cheek to hold your head up. apollo's sun was starting to set, coating the whole of camp in a golden hue that had you thinking of one boy who was comparable to the color.
"go away, travvy. im not hungry," you muttered as you heard footsteps approached, picking up another rock and plopping it into the lake, watching the naiads follow it down before bringing it back up to you.
"not travis," a familar voice mused as he stopped behind you, causing your spine to straighten and you to look over your shoulder with a mildly panicked look, being met with the very golden boy who invaded your mind.
"oh, hey, jason," you replied, returning your attention to the naiads as jason sat down next you, leaning back against one of the poles as he watched you. you stiffened under his view, feeling it to be more interrogating than anything. you went to open your mouth and run away with lies about needing to make your bed but jason beat you to it.
"you look so pretty in this light."
"huh?" you asked, stupidly, turning to look at him with what surely was a dumb look on your face. jason's lips just continued to twitched upwards, the setting sun's light getting caught on his scar. you had the fading thoughts that jason might have seen it as an imperfection, which would have made you laugh; the golden boy, flawed? no, surely not.
"i said; you look beautiful in this light. just gorgeous," he continued, leaving you gaping like a fish before swallowing down your embarrassment as you hung your head.
"look, if the stolls put you up to this for some stupid prank, it's okay-"
"nope. ever hear of free will, yn?" jason mused, his eyes unwillingly drifting from you towards the golden setting sun. your eyes stayed on him, brows furrowed as you tried to figure out his angle.
"jason," you said, not entirely sure what you wanted to say after you drew his attention back to you. his blue eyes instantly darted back to you, gleaming with a fondness that you've seen in the way percy looks at annabeth, the way nico looks at will, and the way charles used to look at silena. with a love that you never thought would be directed towards you. let alone from him.
"yn," he teased back with a bright smile, shifting to lean closer to you. you wanted to lean away, give him space to think over his decisions but your gut wouldn't let you, feeling his breath fan across your redden cheeks.
"what are you doing?" you whispered out, not needing to speak louder due to the closeness.
"something i should have done a long time ago. im confessing to a girl that i like her, like, a lot. im telling this pretty girl that i know she's scared, but i can't get her out of my mind," jason rambled and out of the corner of your eye, you could his hand reach out before landing against your bicep. it then ran upwards, slowly gliding over your skin towards your neck and face.
"jason. we- we can't. youre- gods, youre so golden and perfect and youre just- youre too bright for me. we can't," you breathed out, rapidly, but unable to lean away from his warm touch. his hand which was now cupping your cheek while his other landed somewhere near your hip.
"yn, youre the perfect girl for me. utter perfection. and i'll spend the rest of my life ensuring that you know that. you'll never go another day going unwanted with me, i swear on my life," jason replied, firmly, the roman praetor tone strong in his voice. and, not wanting to give you time to argue, jason pulled your lips to his.
and you'd be lying if you said you didn't lean in a little too.
kissing jason grace was like something out of some shiny hollywood movie. perfect. flawless. stunning. dazzling.
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sarawritestories · 5 months
Read For Me
Cassian xFem Reader
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Summary: You and Cassian have the House or Wind to yourselves. When he finds you alone in the library with a smutty romance novel, he comes up with a fun game to play.
This is heavily inspired by one specific scene in King of Pride by Ana Huang (if you want a good romance 10/10 would recommend her books)
A/N: I'm still working on writing smut so I apologize if it's awful!
Content Warning: smut, M entering F, teasing, Fluff, not deeply proofread
Word count: 2.1k
 Cassian landed on the balcony of the House of Wind shaking off the chill breeze of the winter evening from his wings. He stepped into the house and was met with a peaceful quiet, but he could feel your presence. He was always acutely aware of your presence, and it was no different here. He knew you were at the House; Feyre had insisted you take a break, you had been working yourself ragged and everyone could see that it was waning on you, which is why you didn’t argue when she brought it up and Cassian whisked you up to the House of Wind.
The General was keenly aware that you were upset that him and Azriel had to leave for Windhaven for a few days and that she would be alone. After the second day at Devlon’s camp Azriel offered to oversee the training and checking in with the families. The Shadowsinger had smirked sensing Cassian’s eagerness to head back to Velaris, “Go home, Cas, wouldn’t want your Princess to be all alone in the big scary house.” Cassian had flicked him off and bolted home. 
Shaking off his boots of the lingering snow he made his way to your favorite place of the house, the library. Fae lights illuminated the doorway and a small smile crept over features as reached the book infused room and leaned against the door frame. You were sitting on the couch with a nose stuck in a book not taking in his presence. Cassian took a moment to soak in your appearance, your hair was up in a messy bun, an oversized emerald sweater, that exposed your bare shoulder, dark leggings and fuzzy socks that Cassian got you for Solstice, knowing your love of being comfortable and cozy in the cold months.
For the first time he couldn’t remember you looked so relaxed and peaceful. In a flash your scent shifted into arousal, you were shifting in your seat and Cassian knew that you were reading one of those romance novels Nesta and the Valkyries are always gossiped about. He cleared his throat and Your head shot up at first with embarrassment than excitement at seeing the General. “Cas!” You gave him a bright smile and Cassian was grateful he was leaning as that smile made his knees weak. You put a bookmark in your book and raced to him and leapt in his arms.
Cassian wrapped his arms around your waist, “Hello Sweetheart.” Your stomach did a flip at him you always loved when he called you Sweetheart or Princess. You met his hazel eyes, “Are you enjoying the time off?”
He reluctantly set you down as you shrugged, “I mean, I’m sure at some point this week, I’m going to get extremely bored and read every book here.”
Cassian chuckled a draped an arm over her bare shoulder, heat rose in your cheeks from the contact. “Well let me know if you want any of my war tomes you can sift through. When you know you get tired of your smut.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, General.” You flicked his nose, and quickly, he began tickling you. The sound of your laughter was music to his ears. He tickled you until tears pricked your eyes, “Okay, Okay, I yield.” He stopped and your smile didn’t leave your face as he presses his forehead against yours. “I yield.”
There was a pregnant pause as the two were breathing heavily, Cassian pushed off you and you found yourself missing his warmth. “Tell me about your book.” He said plopping on the couch grabbing your book you were reading.
Your eyes widened, and your crawled on the couch trying to grab, it from him but his forearm sticks out to keep me from grabbing the book, “Cassian, give it back.”
You noticed that his nostrils flared, and he looked at you and back at work, “Well, Y/N, Aren’t you a naughty little thing?”
You sat back on you heals and cross your arms your face warming up and avoid his eye contact him, “Asshole.”
Cassian looked back at the book and then back at you, “Would you be willing to play a game with me?”
You turned back to face him, your brow quirked, “What kind of game?”
He grinned and handed you your book. “You just have to read for me.”
You grabbed the book and your brows furrowed, “How is that a game, Cassian?”
The General leaned against the couch his wings tucked comfortably, “Well, the game would be if you stumble over the words or lose your spot, you have to strip an article of clothing and start over.”
Your breath hitched, “What if I can read through a page with no issue?” your voice barely above a whisper.
“Then I have to take off an article of clothing.” Cassian saw the panic look on your face, “Princess, we don’t have to if you’re not interes- “
You moved to press a hand to his mouth practically straddling him to do so, his hands instinctively moved to your waist holding you in place, “It’s not that I’m not interested.” You slowly moved his hand from his mouth down his chest where one of his Siphons resided focusing on the red stone than his assessing gaze, “Just never thought you were.”
Cassian hummed in response, then raised his hand to the nape of her neck his callouses pressed against your skin as your eyes met. He moved his head towards yours and pressed his lips chastely to yours only to pull away, “Are we playing, Sweetheart?” You tuck your bottom lip in between your teeth as you nod. He grazes his thumbs on your bottom lip, “I need words.”
“Yes, General,” his growl of approval of his title reverberated against your hand splaying on his chest. “I want to play.”
He smirked, and whispered against the shell over her ear, “Then go sit with your back against the armrest,” he gave your ass a tap and released his other hand from your waist. You moved to the other end of the couch and your back was against the armrest.
Cassian stood, and stretched out his wings as the setting sun illuminated the warmth color and the membrane of his wings. You were enraptured with them, and you whispered, “Beautiful.”
The General turned to you and noticed how you were staring at his wings, “You’re drooling,” You snapped out of your stupor and opened your book. “Whenever you’re ready, Princess.”
You begin reading the passage you left off on before Cassian arrived. You were about halfway through the page when muscled hands began to massage your shoulders. You paused as his fingers eased the tension out of your neck and a moan escaped your lips. Cassian chuckled and his lips pressed against the shell of your ear, “That was definitely a pause, an article of clothing has to go.”
You sigh dramatically and peel off one of your socks and lean your head against his shoulder, “Socks count especially when you’re not playing fair.”
Cassian’s laugh warmed your skin, “Do you want me to stop?” He hit a point that was extremely tense, and another moan escaped your lips.
“No, I’m just pointing out you cheat at games.” You raise your head and begin to read from the page again. Cassian hand continues to massage your shoulders sand your neck and you managed to read a full page with no interruption. “I have read a whole page, General” You lean back again and face him. “Strip.”
Cassian’s hands left your shoulders, and he walked in front of you and removed the top of his leathers revealing his chiseled frame and his tattoos. You forced yourself to meet his gaze and there was mischief in his eyes. “Like what you see?”
You stick your tongue out at him and continue reading. Cassian stepped closer to you, and you stayed focused on the words. His fingers grazed up your legs and raised up to your thigh and grazes the apex of your thighs, “Cassian,” you whimper as you raise your hips to get more friction.
Cassian tsked, “I highly doubt that my name is in that book,” You lift your leg with the socked foot when he gently grips your ankle to stop you, “I pick this time.” He eyes your sweater, “Sweater. Off.”
The low register of his command sent warmth down your core, as he places your leg back down. “Yes, General.” You close your book and take off your sweater revealing that you were not wearing any band underneath. Your bare breast exposed and Cassian’s eyes darkened hazel barely peeking through his erection rubbing against his fighting leathers. “Cassian?” His eyes met yours. “I don’t want to play anymore.”
Disappointment flooded him. “Of course, we can stop.” He tapped your leg and gave you a small smile as he rose, “I’ll leave you to your book.”
You rolled your eyes and got up from the couch and gripped his wrist before he could leave, “Cassian,” He turned and before he had time to react gripped his head down and crashed his lips against yours. Cassian’s hands gripped your covered ass, and you moaned leaving your mouth open for him to slide his tongue.
Cassian growled, “I need you, Princess.” He pulls down your pants, your panties dragged down with them. He breaks away from you for a moment as he pulled his own pants down. Cassian gripped your bare hips and presses a bruising kiss on your mouth gripping both hands behind your thighs as he presses you up against the bookshelf. The tip of his cock teasing your entrance.
You two pull away for air, “Cassian,” You moan as he trails kisses down your neck. He places you down his cock entering and stretching you causing lewd noises to escape your lips your hands tangling in his hair. Cassian keeps you there letting you adjust as he slides a hand up your stomach and groping your breast.
“You are so perfect, Y/N,” Cassian murmured between kisses, and began to thrust inside her. The grip on his hair tightened as he began to get a rhythm. He pinched your nipple, and your moan was silenced by his lips molding to yours. He pressed his forehead against yours, “So. Fucking. Perfect.” Cassian said between thrust. “Open your eyes, Sweetheart” you didn’t realize that your eyes had closed until you opened them to meet his and he smiled accentuating his beauty. “There’s my pretty girl.”
His hand moves from your breast, and you bring down your hand to intertwine with his. He gave your hand a comforting squeeze as he picked up the pace, you watched his wings flare and with a free hand you touched the top part of his wing and he sputtered. “Keep doing that and this will be over before it’s even started.” You retracted your hand quickly and he chuckled kissing you, “Wing play will be a game for a different day.” He kissed you again, his thrust becoming more erratic.
“Oh Cassian,” Pleasure was building with every thrust sweat coating both of your bodies, and he slips his hand between your legs and pinches your clit as you scream as stars entering your vision as you reached your climax. Cassian meets you in stride as you whisper, “I love you,” you kiss his neck.
Cassian roars his siphons flaring to stop the books from hitting you both, with a shield as his cum coats your walls. There was a moment where the two of you didn’t move from that position until he lifted you off him. He still carried you, bridal style and moved you to the bedroom leaving the discarded clothes in the library. You tucked your head in the crook of his neck. When you both got to the hall he whispered, “Did you mean what you said?”
You lifted your head, “When I said what?”
Cassian reached his room, and he lowered you but kept his hand clasped in yours. “That you love me?” You met his gaze and there was fear in his eyes.
“Cas, I have loved you for years.” Cassian’s face lit up, “Of course I meant what I said.”
Cassian pulled you close, His wings cocooned us, “I love you too, Y/N.” His lips tenderly found yours as he held you like he could lose you at any moment.
Something in you snapped and you felt the shimmering gold bond connect between the two of you. You leaned your head against his chest, his arms rubbing your bare back, “Looks like the Cauldron and Mother approve.”
Cassian kissed the top of your head, “I guess so.” He pulls you away and cups your face, “Any chance you’ll read for me again?”
You giggle and turn your head to kiss his palm, “Anything for my Mate.”
Cassian’s wings flare out and he picks you up and takes you to bed where you stay for the rest of your time off, with your mate, your General.
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fineghkst · 11 months
Too late (part II)
Once Rhysand invites Eris to the winter solstice, you got all the attention from the heir of the Autumn Court, making a jealous Azriel.
i almost gave up posting this bc idk if it’s good, but here it is 😖
warnings: a little angst and kinda suggestive at the end
if you find any mistakes please let me know!
part I
No one knew where Azriel was.
He simply disappeared after the disaster during the winter solstice. All his clothes and weapons were left in his room, except the Truth Teller. Eveything was untouchable, exactly where he left it before leaving Velaris.
You could feel Rhysand and Feyre were trying to hide something from you. They told you not to worry, that Azriel would come back soon, but you didn’t believe them. You could sense they weren’t sure if Az would actually come back.
You couldn’t understand why the inner circle was acting so weird, even Cassian seemed to be more careful with his jokes when you were around. Like you could break if something wrong was said.
You two got closer over the years, especially after you started training with him during the mornings. You got used to being woken up by him, calling you lazy for still being in bed. Azriel's calm face became the first thing you saw as soon as you opened your eyes, with the shadows always prowling around him.
But now, as the Spymaster, no one would find him unless he wanted to.
During that week, which seemed to be the longest time of your life, Eris sent a lot of letters and gifts. At that point you received a hole collection of jewelry made from fire stone and an invitation to dinner with him at the Autumn Court. Still, you couldn’t feel excited to see Eris. So you ignored all the letters and left all the gifts abandoned under your bed.
The only thought in your mind my was Azriel.
Sometimes you felt like your heart was being crushed, and it hurt like someone’s pain was being added to yours.
You’re feeling miserable and didn’t understand why Azriel’s suddenly disappearance was affecting you that much. You two were only friends, that was all. Even if you felt a deeper feeling for him, you knew he would never like you that way.
When Eris started to give you attention, you saw a chance to get over Azriel. But even with all your efforts to love the male, your feeling for Az didn’t go away.
At some point, you started to have nightmares. You keep dreaming about Azriel being hurt by someone, Azriel being killed or simply never being found again, leaving you alone in this world forever.
Today you woke up scared, letting a cry of despair escape from your mouth. You still could see the image of your dream in your head, of Azriel’s lifeless body laying in a dark forest.
Panic still spread throughout your mind. The image refused to leave. You wanted to scream, you wish to go back in time and fix everything, to tell Azriel how you felt.
“(Y/n)?” The familiar voice said, making your heart beat faster.
Azriel was standing in front of your door with a worried look on his face. He walked in your direction with caution, like he was scared that you would disappear if any sudden movement was made.
“Az?” You asked, afraid that was just another dreams and you would woke up at any second just to find out he was still missing.
He sat on the edge of the bed.
“I heard you screaming” He asked with a low hoarse voice.
“I’m fine, it was just… a nightmare.”
“I understand.” Azriel looked at you, trying to find the right words to say next “I’m sorry to enter in your room like this, I just… I just thought you could be in danger.”
“It’s okay.” You wanted to get closer to him, to talk everything that was running your mind. “I was worried about you, why did you left like that? What happened at the winter solstice?”
The questions left your mouth before you could stop them.
Azriel’s shadows were dancing around him, slowly approaching your body, as if they were happy to finally see you again.
“I’m sorry for that as well” Azriel let a sigh left his mouth “I left because I’m a selfish bastard. I wish I could say I have a honorable reason for it, but I don’t. The truth is I left because I couldn’t see you near Eris anymore”
You tried to digest his words, finally starting to understand.
“Honestly, at that point I wasn’t giving a shit for Rhysand’s alliance with Eris. And I should, because he’s my friend, my brother and my High Lord.” He finally looked inside your eyes “But I can’t watch my mate with another male, especially him.”
The shock spread throughout your body.
That’s what he said. You’re his mate.
“Azriel.” You said, breaking the distance and taking his hands with your own.
He felt a shiver go through his spine. The way you hold his scarred hands without hesitation, your eyes carried with affection. Even if they’ve caused only pain and suffering in the last few centuries for the others.
For the first time, he didn’t felt like a monster, like a villain of someone’s story. He could be the villain to a lot of people, but not to you. Azriel would never be able to hurt you.
“Let me finish first.” Azriel interrupted before you could say anything “I’m back because of you, to fight for you. I don’t want to believe it’s too late for us.”
“Why didn’t you tell me before?” You said “I’m so stupid, if I wasn’t so scared of telling you how I felt, none of that would’ve happened”
“How you felt?” He looked confused. “You have feelings for me?”
“How can the Spymaster be so oblivious of what is infront of your nose?” You said, laughing “Yes, I do have feelings for you, but I never thought you felt the same way. I was so blind that I didn’t even felt the bond.”
But it was there, filling your chest. Uniting your soul to Azriel’s. That’s why you felt so miserable in the last days, you could feel his despair echoing with yours through the bond, almost creating a sad melody.
“(Y/n)… please don’t tell me that I got into the biggest existencial crises of my life just because I was too scared to tell you about the bond. When I could have you long time ago.”
“Don’t feel bad, because I’m afraid we both did the same thing.” You said and he laugh.
Hesitant, he lift one of his hands and slightly caressed your face. His shadows touched your soft skin, moving around your arms, making you feel a tickle.
“You’re my mate, Azriel. And I’m only yours.” You finally said the words and he looked at you with a indecipherable expression. “I’ve always been yours. And you’re right, it’s not too late for us”
“(Y/n)” A groan left his mouth “Since the first time I put my eyes on you, you’ve conquered me in every possible way. I’m yours and you’re mine, and I won’t let anyone get in the middle.”
Azriel moved his hands to your neck and you instantly whimpered in anticipation. His eyes darkened when he heard it, and he finally broke the distance between you two, kissing you deeply. He quickly pushed you to his lap, trying to get you the closer he could, and put his hands into your waist.
“Time to claim what’s mine, love.” Azriel said with a lust in his eyes.
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jam-showtoonz · 2 months
Revived Solar! (My au)
This post also contains lore.
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Revived Solar is having a great time!
He just woke up in some weird plain of existence , he’s missing one of his arms and about 20 minutes after waking up he’s attacked by some demented hell beast. Thankfully he is saved by someone who looks like a Sun and Moon combined that isn’t an Eclipse. They act kinda like Lunar just different.
They give him a quick run down on the creature- Voidger it’s called apparently- basically:
This one can’t see. Voidgers can’t smell in general so they don’t need to worry about that.
This one can only hear. Which means they have to get out of there as quietly as possible. Which they lucky manage.
On their way to the ‘ central tower ’ the animatronic introduces themselves as Solstice and explains a bit more about where they are.
The void- it one of the places you can end up if you go through a dis functional portal or your dimension collapses, guess he knows how he got here, the thing that attacked him was a Voidger, a small amount are native to the void- majority though are people, animatronics and/or animals who got lost and were never found- the one that attacked them was a turn one, the way you can tell is apparently the native ones have eyes… many eyes… he hopes he never meets one.
There are apparently ‘ islands ’ around the void with buildings that have a random assortment of objects, no food though as there is no need to eat. The buildings are the only safe spots within the void- unless you can get out or you come across Galaxy.
Eventually they make it to one of these buildings, a tall skyscraper type building. Upon entering they make their way to the 4th floor where they enter a lab kind of place and are greeted by two beings- one is a robot similar to something the creator had- the other, very tall one, looks to be made of stars.
The smaller one, despite the scare they clearly got from the sudden entry, doesn’t question what’s going on, they don’t even seem surprised by him being here, and simply asks if he’d like repaired. He hesitantly accepts the offer as the tall one- Galaxy going by Solstices greeting to them- observes him with their singular eye.
C- he learns the small one goes by -somehow fixes him completely within 30 minutes. They were awfully considerate about asking him what he wanted, colour, shape, any features- despite the fact that they were clearly limited on what they could do.
Galaxy and Solstice had left at some point or another. C offered to answer any questions he had to the best of his ability.
What he learned?
There is a total of 8 beings that live in the void that aren’t Voidgers, that was counting C, Galaxy and Solstice. Though he wasn’t given names.
You turn into a Voidger when you’re alone and lost, as it gives the void access to your mind and you slowly go insane until all rational thought is gone. Despite this if you look or sound similar to someone they knew they will pause before continuing to attack you. Yes, apparently some turned Voidgers have eyes, only two though.
Portal doors aren’t actually hard to find so long as you don’t let the void get to you, the only risk is what’s on the other side. They are also far apart from each other so they take a while to get to. The closest one to them goes to a human dimension.
They can’t stay in a dimension forever because they could weaken it and cause it to collapse. This is because they are completely connected to the void. He should be fine apparently though, as it takes a year for a person to become fully connected to the void and time is very slow in here.
The Voidgers are terrified of Galaxy, apparently their ora has something to do with it.
They are more than willing to help him get home as the void is not a place for everyone.
C hates to talk about themself and is more focused on making sure the others here don’t get themselves killed.
Queue someone with 2 hoops around their head and waist with stars on them, as well as a skirt coming in and yelling about how someone called Blue and- Lunar?- just blew up a toaster on one of the paths to scare a Voidger. C let out a long annoyed sigh before telling him to stay in the lab and say they need to go deal with their kid and the youngest in this found family.
He couldn’t help but wonder if he’s lucky or not.
[Yes I’m posting Ruin separately as lore- Solar is gonna have a great time.]
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acourtofthought · 1 month
@starsreminisce posted these comments on their blog:
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And the last paragraph really stood out to me.
Something I've seen said by a certain side of the fandom is that a bonus chapter should not change the trajectory of what is in the actual book. I disagree with that because I look at the bonus chapters as a sneak peek of what's to come in future books (with this particular bonus following the pattern talked about in a post yesterday, with the resolution to the small story pointing us in the direction of Gwynriel), things that Sarah will at a later point expound on within the actual series even if they weren't initially clear to us without having read the bonus.
But say that's the truth, say the bonus chapters are only in line with that which we already know (which still works for Gwynriel because though the bonus hinted at Gwyn having a curiosity towards Az and him possibly having a bond with her, we do see bits of that in the actual book as well, there are scenes with her staring in his direction and scenes where he's staring in hers, where he shows admiration for her, where she's teasing him, where Nesta calls Az her new ribbon).
One of the big arguments is that it's extremely clear that Elain has no interest in Lucien, that it's been the case for multiple books. It's said Elain does not owe Lucien an explanation, that she does not owe him her time or attention.
So why not write an Elain bonus chapter in SF where she and Lucien have a conversation discussing how they don't want to explore their bond? According to E/riels there's no need for it in the first place since she's made herself clear but they have also claimed that she won't break the bond until we have her POV. Then wouldn't a bonus in Elain's POV before her book be the perfect place for something that's so obvious so that when she starts her own book "with Az", there's nothing standing in their way and the focus can be on their romance and the plot and not the emotional toll that her severing her bond with Lucien would take? If the Elucien bond is as much of a non issue as some claim it be be, then why not deal with it in an Elain Bonus Chapter? When her book starts, Sarah could even recap the events of the bonus for those who had missed it.
Elain thought back to that conversation she and Lucien shared shortly after Solstice. Where after Azriel's rejection, which had cut her deeply, she realized there was no place in her heart for anyone but Az even if she wasn't sure he still wanted her.
That would have actually be a perfect way for SJM to move us past the Elucien bond with very little in the way of feeling devastated on Lucien's behalf, where his heart is not being broken in real time within her romantic arc.
But the author didn't do that. She gave Az and FEYRE a POV. Feyre who already had 3 books and a novella and Elain with a total of 0.
We know Az doesn't think Lucien is good enough for Elain but we don't know if Elain agrees with that.
We know Az questioned the Cauldron because of his brothers and her sisters, that he hadn't thought of being with Elain beyond his sexual fantasies but we don't know where Elain stands on the whole "just wants one taste / why wasn't Az made my mate" debate.
We know Az thought of Elain as too trusting and hopeful but we've no clue whether Elain was really thinking anything of the sort.
We've got Feyre thinking back on how she made sure to keep her mouth shut on Elain not wearing Lucien's gloves, how had she put them on she would have never been pierced in the first place but we still don't know whether Elain's actions with the gloves actually line up with her thoughts.
If Sarah wanted to continue on with what is apparently so evident in the four books of buildup for E/riel there was nothing preventing her from finally giving us Elain's POV in SF and having her tell Lucien that there's no reason for him to hold out hope any longer.
The more likely explanation for why Elain wasn't given a bonus is because everything that E/riels and Az claim that is so very obvious regarding Elain's character might actually not be as obvious as they think.
If she's so happy in the NC, then why hide her thoughts?
If she's so in love with Az, that it's clear as day, then why hide her thoughts?
If she's so disinterested in Lucien, then why hide her thoughts?
If we're supposed to believe that Elain's choice is Az, that there is no competition and that it should not be a mystery to anyone at this point, then why has she been so reticent to put us into Elain's head?
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readercognito · 3 months
Lantern Plankton Migration
Nereus x Reader
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(Y/n) shot Flora a withering look, not to be combated with Flora’s famous puppy eyes. But (Y/n) held her ground…For ten seconds.
“Fine! I’ll go to the stinking party!” (Y/n) caved, throwing her arms in the air.
Flora cheered, choosing to ignore (Y/n)’s next comment “Who knew that zooplankton migration was Andros’ version of summer solstice…” 
“I’m so glad you're coming! No one else can, other than Aisha. And I’ll get to show you off as the newest member of the winx club!” Flora said excitedly.
“And here I was hoping to have a quiet Saturday after all that Trix nonsense…” (Y/n) said grumbling, but couldn’t help the smile that shone through. “Well, at least it’ll be a fun Saturday with my BFF!” (Y/n) said, jumping into the excitement right along Flora.
“Right?! And I have the perfect outfits for us!” Gushed Flora.
“Oh, is it…?” (Y/n) said, hyping her best friend up. Pointing to a certain set of outfits in Flora’s closet.
“You guessed it! We’re splitting the co-ords!” Flora squeed. 
“YAAS! But I call dibs on using the top.” (Y/n) said, and grinned with mock cunning.
“Aww…so mean.” Flora said with false disappointment.
And that’s how the girls showed up to the party. (Y/n) wore a flutter sleeve tube top with a tropical floral pattern and a pair of white high-waisted shorts. While Flora was rocking a maxi skirt of the same pattern, with a slit to the mid-thigh and a black lettuce edge crop top. Aisha came swayed over to the girls,
“Well, well, don’t you look like a pair of baddies!” She said, hugging both girls. “So glad you guys came.”
Flora gave nothing but a smile, (Y/n) laughing “Like we would miss it! Plus Flora threw those puppy eyes at me… Can’t ever say no to that.”
The girls all laughed at (Y/n)s’ little joke. Aisha turned towards the moon pool in the center of her family's pavilion walking (Y/n) and Flora over to greet her cousins.
“You haven’t met my cousins yet have you (Y/n)?” Asked Aisha as they made their way over.
“Can’t say I have, I was in Linphea College during that whole ocean… fiasco.” (Y/n) said, shrugging. Waving her arms around a bit when mentioning the betrayal of Tritannus.
“Well you’ll get to meet them now!” Aisha said as the girls got to the pool, turning and gesturing to two of the mer-people within the moon pool “Hey guys! I know you know Flora, but we have a brand new member of the winx club! This is (Y/n).” She said, presenting (Y/n) to the merman and mermaid. (Y/n) smiled and gave a little wave. “(Y/n), these are my cousins Tressa, and Nereus!” Aisha said pointing to the mermaid, and merman respectively.
“OH! So you’re fishlips’ brother!” (Y/n) said before she could stop herself. Seeing Nereus and Tressas’ confused glances she continued “Sorry, little nickname I gave him during Flora and I’s talks. So sorry about that whole thing by the way, it must have been devastating for you three. I just wished he didn’t get pushed to that point, ya know?” (Y/n) said a bit melancholy.
Nereus gave a solemn nod in agreement. Her sentiments (and playful insult) instantly endeared (Y/n) to him.
Tressa decided to lighten the mood, “Ah, it’s all in the past now… Come on! the lantern plankton are about to arrive!” She said diving into the moon pool.
Aisha and Flora transforming into their sirenix forms and diving in after her, Nereus hesitated with (Y/n). Waiting patiently to follow after her.
“What’s the matter?” asked Nereus when (Y/n) made no moves to enter the moon pool.
“Would now be a bad time to mention that I don’t have any spells to help me breathe underwater?” (Y/n) said, gesturing towards the pool where her friends disappeared.
Nereus laughed, it was a little funny to see someone so confident get nervous so quickly. 
“Here, stay next to me. I think I’ve got something for that.” Nereus said gently, pulling (Y/n) into the water.
(Y/n) chose not to protest, even though her clothes were getting wet. She was curious to see what the ocean prince would do. Nereus gently placed his arm around (Y/n)'s waist, amazed at her immediate trust in him, wondering aloud.
“You trust quickly,” he said.
“Oh no I don’t! But Flora trusts you.” (Y/n) said her expression turning serious “Which means you're someone worth putting at least a little faith in.” (Y/n) said, instantly returning back to her lighthearted teasing.
Nereus felt his cheeks warm a bit at the statement. He wasn’t sure why, since most people he knew praised his good character. But hearing from (Y/n), who was such a bombastic and friendly person herself, made it feel like guppies were swimming around in his gut. Realizing that (Y/n) had been patiently waiting for him for a bit he hurriedly placed an underwater breathing spell on her. Tucking her to his side and swimming her into the open water. Which made (Y/n) realize something about the spell rather quickly…
“You jerk! Ya could’a told me that the spell keeps you dry!” said (Y/n) playfully, slapping Nereus on the arm.
“Oh, my apologies! I guess I don’t really consider these sorts of things…” Nereus said, cheeks flaming with embarrassment.
(Y/n) couldn’t help but laugh, covering her mouth trying to hide her smile. “Relax, I’m not actually mad. Now come on, take me to this plankton march… thing.” she said,
“The lantern zooplankton migration?” Nereus said, raising a playful quizzical eyebrow. 
He wasn’t used to people talking so relaxed with him, being a crown prince and all. But he was enjoying it. (Y/n) brought out a playful side to him that he hadn’t had since his brother's banishment.
(Y/n) just rolled her eyes with a laugh, allowing Nereus to swim her to the observation area. Meeting up with Aisha, Flora, and Tressa. They talked until the plankton appeared. It was a beautiful sight, it was like glowing living smoke. The colors shifted with the twists and turns of the zooplankton colony. Everyone was quiet with awe, the occasional sounds of wonder murmuring through the crowd at a particular color shift or swirl of the plankton.
Then something amazing happened, while the rest of the spectators with a large swath of the lantern plankton, a small arm of the colony meandered it’s way to (Y/n). Swirling around her (Y/n) reached out to them, playing with the little creatures pushing them to and fro. Nereus gazed at her, smitten. It was like an aquatic halo of multicolored light surrounded (Y/n), highlighting all her glorious features. Nereus could only equate what he was witnessing, to the magnetic beauty of a siren. Her light hearted genuine laughter was music to his ears. Nereus was bewitched by her, body and soul. Only the lantern plankton hurrying back to their migration was what returned him from his stupor. The tail end of the colony disappears into the ocean waters, causing the spectators to return to their homes.
The swim back to the party was a jovial one. Aisha gushed about (Y/n) and the lantern plankton, since it was something that no one had ever seen before. (Y/n) described how wonderful it felt to be amongst such amazing creatures. And it wasn’t until the trio of girls started making their good-byes that Nereus realized he might not see (Y/n) again for quite some time. It was now or never.
(Y/n) heard Nereus call her over, when got closer to him he waved her down to his level. However when (Y/n) leaned down, she felt lips on her cheek and heard a splash.
“Nereus! I’m so gonna get you back for that!”
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lovemyromance · 3 months
Can people stop saying Elriels are changing Elain & Azriel's personalities to make their ship work?
First of all, SJM wrote a bonus chapter and 3 books of buildup in the background for Elriel already. We didn't just make up the fact that they're very into each other - SJM literally wrote that in the books.
We don't have to change anything about them. They are already attracted to each other and interested in each other in the text at this point.
Could we sit here and argue that Azriel sitting in the garden with Elain, Azriel sensing she's missing and in danger when the Cauldron kidnaps her, Elain looking to Azriel for comfort, Elain getting him solstice gifts, Azriel wanting to beg on his knees for a taste of her, Azriel giving her truth teller, Elain kicking the hounds off him, Azriel making everyone wait for her to eat dinner - We can sit here and argue and say those things are "strictly platonic" or "he's an incel who only lusts after her" (not sure how both can be true but okay). We can do that - but it won't change the fact that it is ON THE PAGE. THEIR MUTUAL ATTRACTION is IN THE TEXT.
Cool? Cool.
Next Point: Nobody is changing shit about Elain or Azriel.
It's like the antis saw one post about "oh Elain could be a cool warrior" all the way back in like 2015 and have held onto that like that one grainy af Elucien Facebook comment that one account keeps posting as responses to elriel posts (y'all know who im talking about right 😂).
Allow me to give you a refresher: It is currently 2024. Nobody is trying to make Elain be a warrior. I think most Elriels are of the opinion that we do NOT want ACOSF 2.0.
What we do want to see, is Elain potentially as a spy. AGAIN - not a warrior. This is not changing her personality. She is already a Seer - it is not a stretch to want to see her delve into her powers in the next book to use them to SEE and gather information. Elain is ready to help, she literally says "Find me when you wish to begin."
If people are complaining about fan arts where she's holding a dagger - I'm like 99% positive that dagger is truthteller and you cannot be complaining about an actual canon scene where she has been the only other person to touch that knife in 500 years, apart from Azriel. Not even Mor, his one time love, has touched that knife.
And Elain holding truthteller is in the official ACOTAR coloring book - BTW. So if you have an issue with Elain being depicted with a dagger - take it up with SJM's team.
Let's talk Azriel:
Genuinely not sure what people are saying we are changing about Azriel to better fit Elain?
People bring up the "oh he's too dark for Elain she will shy away from him" um. No. It's literally in the text how Elain calls his scars beautiful and does not balk from him.
Also .. what darkness? I did an entire post on what the hell is Azriel's darkness even and still, nobody had an answer for me because ??
We can't be reducing this man down to a job he took very very reluctantly and clearly hates. He doesn't like torturing people for answers, guys!! Y'all make it sound like his love interest can only work if she's his literal torture assistant or something 😭😭
"Hi azriel, you have a 11 o'clock coming in for the usual water boarding treatment." <tucks hair behind ear and nods earnestly> "and then afterwards, I will wash the blood off your knife and accept your darkness?"
Is that what y'all want 🤨🤨 don't be weird smh
Azriel says it feels wrong to touch Elain because HE FEELS UNDESERVING OF HER?? Have you never read a romance novel? The tortured hero being so reluctant to even touch his love because he's afraid his sins will taint her goodness??
Please people. Listen to like... a Hozier song before you try to understand this man because maybe then you might get a crash course on him. This man is so Hozier coded, it's insane to me that people think of him as some fuckboi incel.
Nobody is changing anything about Azriel and Elain. They are drawn to each other and understand each other without having to say a single word. Their love story is already starting out to be the healthiest: friends to lovers. They have been given a title: death & his lovely fawn.
Their very names mean Azriel "God is my help" or "Angel of Death" and Elain means "Light" or "Fawn" or "God has answered my prayers"
It's already on the pages and if you can't see the writing on the walls, perhaps it's time for a reread my friend.
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aquanova99 · 10 months
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕕𝕠𝕨 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕡𝕙𝕚𝕞
Azriel x reader(kinda)
Part 1 Next >>
A/N: okay be easy on me I haven’t written for ACOTAR before. But at the end of the day I always say I write for myself so 🤭
A/N: i do genuinely hope everyone who likes this series enjoys! Have a beautiful day ♥️
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The snow was stuck to the ground. It was high time they started. But he was late. The white crystals crunched under Cassian’s heavy pacing. Rhys leaned against a tree, tapping his arm, periodically and pointlessly searching for Azriel’s shielded mind. A mind that had never been off limits to him before. He knew Cassian suspected him of doing something to upset Azriel, and he had in fact used his authority as ruler to forbid him from conversing with Elain. But he could have never imagined he’d go radio silent. And certainly, he would never miss this. It was tradition, what brought them together. He had hoped this day would be what finally allowed him to see his own point. The following weeks after the order was passed had met Rhysand with nothing on Azriel’s end unless there were necessary updates on whatever was happening in Prythian. Any attempts to communicate were met with, ‘anything else?’ ‘Is that all?’
Feyre had finally demanded for him to tell her why Azriel didn’t want to speak to her or Elain anymore. Safe to say if it wasn’t for Nyx, Feyre would be giving him the silent treatment as well.
“Alright. What did you do?” Cassian growled
“I told him to stay away from Elain. The last thing we need is for a war to break out against Autumn Court. They may just take Lucien sides if he decides to duel him. She isn’t his mate. I thought he would understand. Its been a year. I thought Mor--”
He could see Cassian shaking to control his anger, “Told, as in ordered?”
“Because all mated pairs work out so well.” He scoffed. “Where is he?”
“I…I don’t know. He’s only been communicating whatever’s been necessary.” Rhys hears Cassian think about how perhaps Nesta was right and flies off. Rhysand can only sit down, exhausted. It was the winter solstice. They would be exchanging gifts soon, how would he explain his brother’s absence? “Where the hell are you Az?”
He could have easily traveled through his normal shadows, but flying the distance hurt more. And he deserved it. He told himself it was pure curiosity, but he knew he was running. Or flying. He reached Vallahan and still… he kept flying. Wondering what he would find beyond the expansive faerie realms. Maybe more possible allies even further west. Days he flew until his wings physically couldn’t hold him anymore. This was dangerous, he should star flying lower, not so high up. He looked at his hands shaking at the sheer exhaustion of his travels.
Pathetic, he thought. Pining for centuries for someone who showed him time and time again she would never be interested. And why would she be? He was nobody. Strong, sure but what else? His own family rejected him, hated him. Then Feyre came into their lives, and subsequently her sisters did too. Two of the three mated to his “brothers,” the third…the kindest, the only one who seemed to have even noticed him, mated to someone else. It wasn’t fair. He wasn’t owed Elain, by any means. But when would he find a mate of his own. Would he even know if he found her? Was he so desperate to have someone he would focus on Elain, so he, like his brothers had an Archeron sister? No, Rhysand was right. He needed to stay away from her. From all of them, until he could figure out what was wrong with him. Maybe he should just disappear forever…save himself any more suffering. Suffering. Endless suffering. He could hardly remember a time where he was happy. Within the Inner Circle, he suffered at seeing Cassian and Mor. Never really forgetting that betrayal. When he was young…
A pain wracked through his body. He’d pushed his body to its limits. He began falling. Making no effort to help himself. Somewhat glad it could all be over. He was falling backwards, not seeing the giant trees about to break his fall. He groaned as his wings took the majority of the impact, vines intertwining and suspending him halfway above the ground. Any movement he made everything hurt. His eyes looked at the sky, his eyelids fluttering shut. Finally giving in to his exhaustion.
‘I’ve never seen wings like that.’
‘Where do you think he’s from?’
‘Both of you quiet. He will be waking soon. Go. We may need to hide.’
 He should disappear right now. Use the shadows. But he didn’t even know where he was, let alone where to go. East, he supposed until he reached something familiar. But then he’d have to explain himself. Allies. Looking for allies. Azriel struggled to open his eyes. Worried about what he would see. Or wouldn’t see. The room seemed to glow around him.
“Before you decide to run, or even move. I would suggest you move slowly.”
Even with warning, Azriel’s head snapped towards the voice. He ignored the pain as he took her in. A woman he could only describe as regal. She looked serious, her skin seemed to shimmer in the warm orange glow of the room. Her wings were down but even he could tell they were magnificent. Dark hair flowed down to her waist, different braids woven in and small flowers adorning it. Azriel blinked a few times, trying to get his voice back. Trying to memorize this place. Trying to memorize her, “Where am I?”
“You crash landed in our home. This is Luminia Grove. Now, where are you from?” Azriel grows quiet, “Listen, we took you in, last I checked. If you don’t want to talk, fine. Try not to get tangled in anymore trees, yes?”
“I’m from Prythian.” Azriel spoke softly, embarrassed. Here he had gone crashing into their home, they had taken him in and still he demanded answers.
“Should I know where that is? How long were you flying for?”
“A few days…I think.” How far exactly had he gone? She only nods and leaves the room. When she enters she is followed by two others carrying in plates of food, meanwhile the one who been waiting for you to wake, carried a pitcher of something.
“Eat and drink. We can get you more if you need. You need to rebuild your strength to get home. I’m Callista. These two are Aurora, and Venia.” They both nod in your direction before leaving. She leans down next to him, When he flinches, her voice softens. “I’m just going to help you sit up, okay?”
She is careful about his wings, still healing from the magic she must have used when he slept. “Thank you.” he whispers hoarsely
“If you need to rest longer do so, but only as long as you need to heal.” Azriel nods, and begins eating some of the food he was offered. Before he can thank her again, she exits the room leaving him alone.
You could leave. It would be as if you were never here. He thought to himself, but he also wasn’t ready. He couldn’t go back, continue living in the shadows. Both figuratively and literally, it had drained him. He was so tired. Worthless. Maybe a couple days, if they allowed it. Callista certainly didn’t seem keen on his presence. But her words did not sound impatient, but rather worried. He wonders if she was trying to give him a warning. Azriel decides to shift his focus on the meal in front of him. The food is better than anything he’d ever had anyway, so much so he had to stop himself from licking the plate. The drink seemed to replenish any lasting pain. Reenergizing him. Aurora and Venia entered the second he was finished.
“Would you like more?” Venia asked
“No. Thank you. I was won—” The second they got their answer they left again. Azriel immediately regrets it. In truth, more food sounded wonderful. He got up and stretched his limbs, slowing testing his wings. He could have sworn he heard them crack but he felt next to nothing now. Just some soreness. Azriel realized the room he was in was very simple, a few beds lined up on one side. A couple dressers on the other. There was a single closet, locked. He decided to explore whatever place this was alone, maybe he could find figure out why no one had ever found this place, and if they had why had no one mentioned it? Not fast enough. Callista opened the door as he reached for the handle.
“Escaping already?”
“No. Just…I just wanted to see more. I can stay here…if you need me to.”
“You’re welcome to walk around. You may get some questions. Just so you know, since you don’t seem like the talkative type.” She was right, his lips formed a tight line. When he took a few steps back, she reached for his hand. “I’ll show you around.”
When he grabbed it he glanced down, suddenly ashamed at the sight of them. When she followed his gaze, Azriel pulled his hand back. He didn’t want to talk about them. Callista noticed, but her face remained unchanged. She grabbed his hand again and led him out the door. Azriel’s face felt red. He didn’t pull away this time. He was thankful the lady had said nothing, acted as if there was nothing. The door led directly outside, Azriel realizing he had been in some sort of infirmary. A whole room somehow built into and concealed by trees and foliage.  The branch the two stepped on was wide. When he looked up he could only see glimpses of the sky. He wondered how long he’d fallen, how hard he crashed. And how long he’d been out.
“Yeah, I don’t know how you fell all that way. You must have been up pretty high.” Azriel stared, wondering if she could dig into his mind like Rhys could. “It looks a lot better at night.”
“What is this place?”
“A hideaway of sorts. We don’t get many visitors. And the ones we do get…well they can never find this place twice it seems.”
“I could.”
“Maybe. You do have some ability, I assume. There’s a power that surrounds you. And those things adorning you. They give off some very powerful energy.”
“Syphons. They allow me to control my power in battle. Magic.”
“Hm. So do you want to talk about what it is you were searching? Why risk your life flying for that amount of time?”
“I- I don’t know what I was flying for.” This was true, Azriel had decided to start flying. To escape, to find allies, whatever. He figured he could find a reason on the way. He looked back down at Callista. She was studying him, curious. Probably worried about the shadows that never seemed to leave him, he thought. She tilted her head and motioned for him to follow. Her wings unfurled into four beautiful leaf shaped wings, with colors he could only describe similar to the sunrise. Only more breathtaking. Yellows turning into pinks, purples barely touching the edges. Her wings shifted colors depending on where the light hit. He’d never seen wings so beautiful. They were almost translucent, they looked as if they could shatter like glass. His own wings, the same ones that he had always hated seem to pale in comparison. He’d never felt more like an Illyrian. Filthy. Unworthy. A monster.
He followed her down into the deep thicket of the woods. He could see the homes concealed through magic. Still most fae should be able to find this place, if they so desired they should see through the glamour. So how has no one returned upon finding this location? She landed on what appeared to be a giant root, a home hidden on the forest floor. Azriel sat down next to her, face serious, determined to get more answers.
“You carry much pain.”
“Do I? Tell me what you see.”
“I do not know. I just see sadness, pain.”
Azriel scoffed, “You think you know me. You don’t even know my name.”
“I do not need to know your name. You will be gone soon. You have unfinished business. Everyone who finds us, they always have some kind of unfinished business.”
“And if I wanted to stay?” He means this as a threat. He was a stranger, surely they would fight to keep their precious village secret. She pauses but after a moment Callista only shrugs.
“Then you would stay.”
“You will not stay. But if you chose to, we would welcome you.”
“You know nothing.” Azriel could feel his anger rising, his guard up. Years of being silent threatening to spill from his lips.
“Then teach me.” Callista offered, her voice unwavering, “Tell me about your life. From the beginning. We don’t get many guests here. I would love to learn about your life. Learn how others grew up.”
“You cant just dig into my mind?”
“Why would I do that? Your thoughts should be yours and yours alone.”
“So, you have the ability to?”
“No.” She giggles, “It is good to know that there are those with those kind of abilities. Sounds like a nightmare to never be able to hide anything. Besides, what if this person shares secrets that aren’t his to share?”
“It is useful--”
“I’m sure. Listen—you are under no obligation to speak to me. You are more than welcome to fly up to the room you were in when you woke. I would suggest you make your decision soon. Time seems to move differently here, or so I’ve been told. You will have been gone longer than you think upon your return home.”
“Who is the high lord here?”
“High lord?”
“Who rules these lands?” If he did want to make alliances or threats, he supposed it was best to know who he should be directing his questions towards. Azriel was already warming up to Callista, he’d rather not involve her. Of course, as usual, luck was not on his side.
“I suppose I do, along with a council of peers my parents selected before they died. I have no interest in leading, and more voices and ideas are heard that way. Not that we’ve called a meeting in a few centuries.”
“I…apologize. I did not mean—”
“You are avoiding my questions. I don’t find that very fair. I have answered all of yours honestly. Am I not owed the same respect, or do you not do that in Prythian? Is it only High lords that talk over each other?” She smirked, and Azriel couldn’t help return a small smile. It was a habit to go straight into interrogations, he supposed. And if he could really never find this place again, it couldn’t hurt. Maybe she would have advice to carry back to Prythian. He would say the facts, avoid emotion. Make it quick and painless.
“I suppose I’ve been rather rude. Where would you like to start?”
“The shadows. Tell me about them. Are they always there?”
“They’ve followed me since I was a child.”
“Do they hold a purpose?”
“I can travel in them. See and hear things others don’t.”
“So, you were running from something.” She says this so matter of factly it is almost enraging. Callista studies the creature in front of her. His eyes, almost golden seemed so tired. As if he had been tired for far longer than the days he had flown to get here. The despair so evident, she wondered if he had anyone at all. Her words had set something off, “I only say that, because if you can travel in the darkness why fly at all? Does it take a lot of energy?”
Azriel’s shook his head, cursing himself for jumping to conclusions again, “Not anymore. I suppose you aren’t entirely wrong, I wanted to distract myself. So, I just…flew.”
“I would be careful using your gift prematurely here, there is a chance you get lost. And you need at least one more day until you are fully healed to fly the same distance.”
“Has no one really come back?”
“None in my time. There’s always something that they really need to go back to. One had been in a long battle, he was weary…he’d lost so much. He stayed here for years, one day he was suddenly heartbroken about his wife. Swore he would bring his family here, he never came back. He stayed the longest but there have been others. They stay as long as they need and continue their journey. Like you.”
Azriel wanted to argue but she was right. He couldn’t disappear from the night court for long. But this place… something about this place sang to him. He wondered if this is what Callista had meant. The thought of having to leave was becoming more difficult, if there was some kind of enchantment over these lands then Azriel may well have to concede and leave sooner than he’d like. He was likely already wearing down Callista’s hospitality.
“Have you ever left?” Azriel asks, curious of whether she was, in her own way, trapped. His theory was unfortunately, proved right. She bit her lip, trying to figure out the best way to explain her situation.
“For a while, I got so bored I couldn’t seem to care about ever finding this place again. I would fly for miles in one direction, somehow always ending up back here. The people here have had children of their own, and we have expanded but…its like a dome of some kind growing with us but not allowing anyone to escape.” She was right, he could see a faint outline surrounding the sky.
“My home had something similar. A protection spell. Several actually. Kept us hidden for years, only known to those who lived there.”
“By the same person who reads minds, I assume.” When Azriel nodded, she looked towards the sky, with a look he was longing. A freedom so close yet still, out of her reach. “If there is a spell it wasn’t placed by any of us. The elders have mostly passed on, and no one has left me any information. We can only learn so much, many advancements were made by those who happened upon us. Even then, we don’t always have the resources.”
Azriel decided then that he had to go back. He could figure out how to undo the spell, he was sure of it. At the very least he could bring back more books for them to entertain themselves with, he could contribute to their peaceful home. If he could make it back anyway. He enjoyed a good challenge. When Callista looked back at him she smiled sadly, knowing he too would leave, same as all the others before him. They both knew it. A guilt tugged deep at his heart, if he couldn’t return, he would be the same as all the others who had come and gone, she may forget him with time. But he knew he would never be able to forget her… or this place. He wondered if this is what Velaris was to the Archeron sisters.
“Would you really want to know how I can move through shadows?”
“No.” Azriel’s face dropped for a moment, “I want to know why you can move through shadows. That is not something you learn, and I doubt something you’re born with. The magic around you shaped itself that way for a reason, yes?”
“Hm, yes I suppose so.” Try as he might, the words got stuck in his throat. He had his hands clasped in front of him, but now one of his hands began picking at the, pushing back his nail bed. A habit he had long pushed away. His legs shook nervously, and no training could have prepared him for startling at Callista’s touch. Her hand resting gently on his thigh. She smiled, and gave him a reassuring squeeze. Azriel forced himself to take a deep breath and recount those horrible early years.
‘Please!’ He screamed into the darkness, ‘Please! It’s too dark!’
‘Please…’ the screams turned into whimpers, ‘I’ll be good. Please…’
‘Please…’ His voice was hoarse by the end of the day. Close to no sound coming out. The following days would be him curled into a ball humming to pass the time.
Then his weekly day of freedom came. His moths arms almost crushing him in an embrace. He begged for her to let him stay. Pleaded for her to run away with him. He had to be dragged away at the end of day, the following day he would worry about possible claw marks on his mothers arms. He was always thankful for their ability to heal quickly if only for that.
The cycle repeated. On and on for years. His pleas went unheard to everyone except himself. His voice bounced of the walls and eventually even his whispers that reverberated back sounded crystal clear. His eyes grew adjusted to the dark, making out every chip on the wall, every groove. An ability others would always be wary of. He didn’t mind, it kept him safe. kept him from feeling the almost endless pit of loneliness and despair. The singular hour he would be allowed out for a meal was often forgotten, but never long enough to let him waste away. No, he would live a long life, his stepmother would ensure that, a long and miserable life.
 If they came and got him out it would be at the same time without fail, he could count the seconds of every day and know immediately whether or not he would be allowed to see the sky, the sun, eat whatever scraps they served him. So, when he was blinded nearly an hour earlier than normal he knew it couldn’t be good. His brothers had planned it out so perfectly. The light, unexpected at this time, blinded him, and they all knew the two older boys were stronger, never knowing a day without a full belly. One forced him down onto the ground, the other quickly throwing oil in his direction. Lack of training or not, Azriel had the mind to know he needed to protect himself. His reflexes fast enough to shield his face.
The he heard the match strike and the smell of burning flesh lingered in the room for weeks. At eight years old, a part of him hoping the fire would finish the job. But someone cared enough to put the fire out. Some guard who pitied what they were doing to the child. A child who should have been learning how to fight, how to fly. He had a full day out to recover, his hands now always holding a reminder of where he stood in. He held no hope he wouldn’t be thrown back into his dungeon. But for the following week, at least he got some better food. This incident caused him to try and remain hidden. No matter who was opening the door he focused his entire being on being undetected, and eventually he began to blend into the darkness. He realized his anility to move within the shadows, panicking a few guards into thinking he’d escaped and then suddenly reappearing behind them. He kept silent about this until he was thrown into the Illyrian camp. It became a tool used to not discard him, to continue training him. And he had trained well.
He learned to defend himself. He was sought out by Cassian and Rhysand, at first curious of his abilities and soon after for fighting practice. His memory was foggy on how eventually they all agreed to remain allies, then friends, and eventually brothers. The wars they had fought, the battles they would have to fight…
Had he been foolish to think his friendship would be anything more than a convenient alliance. He knew his ability made him valuable, he didn’t want to let it define him. As much as he tried to rationalize it, Azriel couldn’t help feel as if Rhysand had chosen Lucien over himself. An alliance over his “brother.” He shouldn’t feel this way at all, Rhys was right, everything was in a delicate balance right now. Still, Azriel couldn’t release the hurt, the resentment that had grown in him until he collapsed here. He flinched at the sudden touch, frozen at the hands intertwining themselves with his own. He hated pity. He wanted to pull away but instead he found himself returning the gentle squeeze.
“I could remove them.”
“Your scars. I quite like them actually, but I can remove them if it’s something you want.”
“I’m not the only one who feels trapped here, nor the only one who has tried to escape. There was a fire. Someone felt death was a better option than an eternal bubble of isolation from the rest of the world. The trees were so bare then…” Her eyes seem to glaze over the memory, as if she remembers an entirely different forest than the one they sit in now.
“Everyone was working to control it, but the damage was done. Many of us didn’t want the reminders of what the fire had taken. For the following years everyone focused on learning and perfecting different kinds of magic; healing, elemental, conjuring, protection.” She chuckles dryly, “All that learning and we still cant figure out how to escape.”
“It helps with ignoring the pain.” He thinks out loud
“Yes. I lost my father then. Got several burns myself trying to drag him out.”
“And you got rid of them?”
“No.” She released his hand and waved it on her opposing arm, the burn marks appearing immediately after her hand passed, it seemed to stretch across her entire arm, like tree roots stretching up to her neck. “ I got off fairly easy. Its just this arm. I had thrown my body over my father once we were out of harms way and shielded my face. They found passed out with my arm and a lot of my hair singed off.”
“I thought you had said you could get rid of it.”
“It used to be worse believe it or not. Had scars on parts of my face and neck, so when we figured out a salve for it I immediately slathered it on those parts first. I ended up regretting it. I only hide my arm so others aren’t so uncomfortable. No one likes to think about those times.”
It was his turn to not pity her. He became even more determined to be able to return. To find his way back. He could technically try and take her with him when he traveled but he only had one day left. Certainly not long enough for her to trust him.
“I’ll keep them.” Was all he could say, he hated the scars but they had reminded him of how far he’d come from those awful years.
“Good.” She waved away the scars and stood up, “It will be dark soon. Feel free to rest some more before you leave. I will ask Aurora and Venia to bring up some more food. Thank you for letting me get to know you a bit more.”
The shadows around him began whispering, Azriel could not tell if it was warning or not. One, she still had no idea what his name was, and two for the first time since he was a child, he was not able to see her glamour. She had told him how many of the people here had studied magic intensely, but even then she had underplayed it. These people would undoubtedly be useful in the war, but their numbers were small. Most courts would rather them all be dead than give another court even more unnecessary power. Azriel would never be able to reveal this location, but unfortunately his High Lord had the ability to drag it out of him no matter how unwilling he would be. His best chance would be Feyre, but ultimately she was loyal to her mate, maybe with enough guilt she would at least tell him to not invade his thoughts. Maybe the fae here would have the ability to make some sort of mental shield or him, or at the very least teach him how to make one himself. He would not give these people up. He flew back in the room he woke up in and decided to try and rest.
Callista gently nudged him, Azriel shot up. He should have heard her come up, been warned she was coming up. Were his own abilities weakening while he was here?
“Sorry, I didn’t want the food to go cold.”
“Its fine. I apologize for being so on edge.”
“You’re in a strange place, far from home. Its normal for you to be more guarded.” Guarded as he may be, he still felt more at peace than he had in months. He had been silent, brooding for an entire year. Claiming to be busy with his duties to Rhys. He had maintained normalcy with Cassian and Nesta but that was about as much as he could manage. He finally felt like he could breathe here. Not so restricted by the formalities he would have been forced to placate during the solstice. He would not be able to stay away for much longer. He would need to head back, assure Feyre everything was fine, assure Rhys that he was only doing as he was told. Continue following instructions. Nyx’s birth was plenty of reason for the Night Court to maintain diplomacy, but it wouldn’t hold out forever. The courts were patient, Amarantha waited ages to win Tamlin over, things had been mostly quiet but they would not remain that way forever. And he couldn’t risk the other’s lives over a petty dispute. He had to remember his place, and his place was an Illyrian bastard who got lucky.
Callista stared at the anguished soul before her, desperately wanting to comfort him. She had already pushed to much in asking him to relive his past. She knew even then he had kept his retelling brief. Whatever was plaguing him seemed to chipping away his own health. He’d healed miraculously quickly with the salves and medicine they had placed on his wings for them to heal. She wondered if whatever healing magic was inside of was the only holding him together most days, surely most people that went through even half of the mistreatment he had would have broken, turned cruel. This man was just…guarded.
Azriel blinks and finds her staring, “Is everything alright?”
“You just seemed troubled. Do you have to leave soon?”
“Unfortunately, I have to admit you were right. I do have to leave soon, I worry in the worst of circumstances others could find this place. You can clearly control magic to a degree even I cannot see through. There are people who would hurt the people here to even get a sliver of it.”
“It is nothing for you to be concerned over.” Callista’s sudden sharp tone takes him by surprise, not knowing his concern for them was making it harder for her to deny any feelings of amicability. She enjoyed his company, and that was dangerous for someone who could never leave her forested prison, and who likely never be able to meet with again. She’d learned early on to never get too attached to those who stumbled into her home. It always ended with disappointment. But it had never felt like this before.
“Perhaps not, but it should concern you. Does anyone here have anything they could do to put a shield of sorts on my mind. I don’t think Rhysand would dig too deep but I don’t want to take any chances. Please, for my own peace of my mind.” Azriel would never be able to live with himself if something happened to Callista because of him. And her people had suffered enough. Callista softened at his genuine concern.
“I can think of something that may work. But I should discuss it with some of the elders. They have all specialized in very specific magic I can only do so much. Please stay here, eat. I’ll be back shortly.”
“Will you join me? I’d like to go with you.” He had to admit to himself that if he was going to leave he wanted to see more of this place. And he had no interest in being alone any longer, he wanted company, her company.
“Of course.” They continued learning about the others lives. Azriel admitted why he decided to fly so long he put himself at risk. How the one who he thought he was in love with continued to disregard him, how he felt constantly used but could never blame her. How when he finally felt like he could move on, he was immediately forbidden from having any communication with. Callista became aware of how serious things were in his realm, it was no wonder he worried it would reach them. She decided she wasn’t fond of his friends at all, his retelling of his life being miserable at camp until the others conceded into an alliance infuriated her. He told her how he had always hated what he was born into, how he hated almost all of his kind. She didn’t want to agree but the hurt they were encouraged to enforce on another was completely barbarian to her.
“Are you alright?”
“You speak about these things as if they are completely normal experiences, I admit I feel… sad for the hand you were dealt. You’ve done quite a bit for others,” she says thinking about Mor and some of the nymphs he saved. “You should be proud. I feel honored to have met you.”
Azriel smirked, she was right in a sense. Her words made him feel, warm? He told himself, it was nothing. He was surely redirecting everything he wanted Mor to feel, and what he believed he should for Elain with her. And he could never do that to her, “Does this mean you’re ready to know my name. I mean wouldn’t you want to know the name of someone you’re so honored to have met?”
“Am I going to regret being nice to you?” She laughed, as she turned to lead him out of the room she tried not to let her disappointment show on her face, “I’ll think about learning it before you go.”
“I could just tell you.” He teased her
“You could, but you would have done that already. Come, I think I know of someone that can help.” She held her hand out, and Azriel only realized he did not hesitate to take it after they landed on the balcony of another concealed home. She called out, “Syra?”
An older woman hobbled out to meet the two of you. “Is this our latest guest?”
“Yes. He has a bit of a possible dilemma,”
“Hm.” Her eye unsettled Azriel. They were a deep set of purple, so dark they were almost ba;cl. He’d never seen a fae age like a human. He wondered if they lived long enough they would eventually get that way. He supposed some of the workers didn’t always appear young but it was something that had never crossed his mind. Guilt crept up inside of him. His entire job was to be aware of everything happening around Prythian, when did he become too good to ignore the lesser fae? Had his powers gone to his head. Callista squeezed his hand, breaking his train of thought. Reassuring him.
He cleared his throat, “I know someone who read into my mind. I’d prefer to keep this place hidden due to some upcoming conflicts. There are a lot of people who would hurt the people here in order to gain a fraction of your magic.”
“They may not be able to take us out of here.”
“Theres some that would die trying.” Azriels mind races to the Autumn Court desperate for power, easily tempted by powers like Amarantha, Hybern, Koshei. Enough power can make even the strongest turn on one another, betray once strong connections.
“Is there anything we can do?” Callista interrupts
“There is always something you can do.” She sits, mixing and grinding various kinds of flowers and herbs hes never seen. A few liquids that look like a mix of starlight and fire. They both hear her mutter something gin a language they don’t understand.
“An ancient tongue,” Callista whispers, “She was one of the few who came from some other land before my people were forced to stay here.”
“Do you know it?”
“No. She refuses to tell anyone what it means.”
Azriels on alert, how could they trust this woman? What if she knew exactly what was trapping them here? Was she the one who trapped them? Voices whispered for him to hush. The shadows reacted similarly to when he would speak to Gwyn. Whoever this woman was, apparently the shadows didn’t perceive her as a threat. If anything they danced around her eagerly, as they were impatient for her to finish with whatever she was making.
“It is ready. I need something from you Callista.”
“Yes. Something to hold this.” The words were slurred. The womans eyes glazed. It was as if she wasn’t fully there but Callista seemed to understand. She pulled a necklace over her head gently, a thin gold chain with a circular pendant.
“What are you doing?” Azriel asked, panicked.
“Trust me.”
Syra took the chain and threw it in the mixture. When she pulled it out, the clear jewel in the circular pendant turned black as night. A shaky hand held it out, her eyes returning to its previous state. “You will wear this.”
“I—” Azriel was stuck on what to say. Should he thank her? Refuse the necklace that belonged to Callista? Be wary of whatever effects the necklace may have? “I cant take this. This isn’t mine.”
“It is only a necklace. Think of it as a parting gift. Something to establish trust or whatever it is you need to explain it. Gesture of good will.” She shrugs. When she sees Azriel’s concern she once squeezes his hand, “I have plenty more just like it.”
“My arm tires, are you going to take the necklace or not.” Azriel finally looks away unable to have read Callista’s face. To figure out whether this is of any importance to her. He grabs the necklace with as much care as he can manage. Syra begins to explain, “When you have this on any nonphysical magic will cease to affect you. Including your friend’s mind reading. Your own gifts shouldn’t be affected. Keep it hidden. Keep it safe.”
“How do you know?” Azriel looked at the older fae’s deep violet eyes. She smiled wryly.
“I simply do.”
Azriel nods, “Thank you.”
He turns to Callista who quickly places the necklaces over him, tucking it into his shirt. “I wish you the best.” She says as she gently taps where the amulet rested.
“I will be back. I’ll figure out how to come back.” He turns to Syra who he can feel studying him, “I will make it up to the both of you.”
“You will not see me again.” The old lady waves him off and he chuckles dryly.
Azriel tries to find the words for the various different emotions bubbling inside him. Callista stops him from saying anything, only echoing her last sentiments. “Best of luck, safe travels.”
She takes a couple steps back, making an effort not to show the jealousy and hurt she feels etching itself in her heart. He smiles, a mischievous smirk growing, “You should know. Its Azriel.”
Callista blinks, not expecting him to say anything more, “W-what?”
“My name. Its Azriel.”
Her face only shows a faint smile as Azriel can only bow his head before easily blending into the shadows of the dimly lit room. Though he had warned her of his ability it was still shocking to see him disappear so easily, mesmerizing. She told herself this was inevitable, that no one ever stays forever. It was wise to have not gotten attached. And while she wouldn’t admit it, it was hard to not be glad to know his name. His departure seemed to steal some of the warmth from the room. She wondered how long it would take him to travel that way. If he maybe could make it back. No one ever had the ability to travel like that.
“You worry too much child, you will see him again soon.”
“Syra, you said so yourself that we wouldn’t be seeing him again.”
“I will not be seeing him again.” She hobbled back to her bed,  “You. You will see him soon enough.”
“You’re sure?”
He took a sharp inhale of breath as he arrived at the house of wind. At the training area he had often helped Nesta, Gwyn and Emery. Did he mean to come here? He was barely able to take a few steps as he is almost immediately he is nearly tackled by Nesta.
“You’re back!”
“I am.” He looks around, noticing the lack of snowfall. He remembers Callista’s warning, “How long has it been?”
“You don’t know?” When he shakes his head, Nesta worries of where exactly hes been, “Its been almost three months.”
“That’s…impossible.” How long was he asleep? Did he forget how many days he had been there? How could he forget anything?
Almost immediately everyone had winnowed or flown in. They were all talking at him but he was still getting his bearings. Eventually Amren makes her voice cut through the crowd, “So are you going to tell us where you were?”
“I just remember flying to look for more possible allies.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Mor asked
Because I was upset, he thought. “I thought I had. I wasn’t in the mood for another winter solstice at the time.”
He can feel certain faces drop: Elain, Rhysand. He could see the rest of them looking or glaring at the two. Mor tries to lighten the mood again, giving him a hug he doesn’t return, “Well it wasn’t the same without you, we can celebrate late. Right?”
She asks everyone else but Azriel is the one to respond, “No. That’s all right. I think I just need to rest. Nesta can I use a room here?”
“You don’t have to ask.” Azriel nods but he feels numb…empty. When he finally does sleep he think about Callista. Her face, her smile, her scent… He was half tempted to see if he could make it back, but moreso was determined to go back with a kind of solution first.
“Somethings off.” Amren states
“He could just be tired.” Elain tried
“No, shes right.” Rhysand interjects, “Wherever he went, I cant read him. At all. I didn’t even know he had come back. Couldn’t tell.”
“Well, maybe hes practiced blocking you.” Nesta moves her head, daring him to challenge her. “Something’s happened, but we don’t need to accuse him of not caring. We’ll just push him away.”
Feyre flinches, knowing exactly what her sister went through after she finally opened up to her in private. Rhysand is aware of what shes feeling, she wouldn’t speak to anyone for weeks when she found out why Nesta had been so down. She would only talk to Nesta and pretend around Nyx. The rest of time she would be in her room crying about not feeling enough for her sister.
“So what do you suggest Nesta?”
“Watch it.” Cassian growled
“Me and Cassian will be here. Its better if don’t all overwhelm him. Can we at least agree on that?” Everyone mumbled an agreement.
“I should talk to him. Just to let him know we’re here.” Mor states
“No. Nesta’s right. He knows he will have people in this house. Leave him alone.” Feyre voice was steady but everyone knew it was a command. Mor eyes seem to flicker with rage but she nodded. Nesta shooed everyone away, and asked the house to get him some food. Cassian was silent, Nesta squeezed his hand. Leading him to their room.
“Did you see it?” She whispered as loudly as she dared
“His shadows.” Cassian shook his head, “When Mor approached him… they didn’t go away this time. They grew.”
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the-badger-mole · 7 months
Winter Solstice was one of the most important celebrations in the Southern Water Tribe, not just because of the cultural significance and honoring of the spirits of the ancestors, but because the holiday and the lead up to it broke the monotony of the long, dark winter months. Katara always loved these celebrations, but in the years following the war, it wasn't always possible for her to be there. For the first few years, it was because she was dating Aang. He'd always found reasons to avoid the Southern Water Tribe's holiday feasts, and of course he couldn't spare Katara at the time as she was indispensable in his duties as Avatar . Katara called these the dark years. It took her longer than she was comfortable admitting to realize what her now ex was doing.
After her break up, she made a point to go home as often as she could, though her solo diplomatic travels sometimes meant that she wouldn't be able to go to every celebration. She missed a few Solstice celebrations, and that made her sad, but she found ways to celebrate with her family in spirit wherever she was. When she took up her first permanent post as Ambassador in Ba Sing Se, she would host a Solstice celebration with her staff whenever they couldn't make it home. It was a tradition she continued when she was transferred to the Fire Nation.
King Kuei had never expressed much interest in the Winter Solstice traditions while Katara was in his court, but the first year Katara was in Caldera, Zuko asked if he could join in. He and a few members of his own staff joined in the feasting and games and gift exchanges. It was a welcome addition to Katara's team of a dozen. During her time serving as Ambassador, Zuko did his best to make sure Katara and her team could go home for Winter Solstice each year for a few weeks, but in the years she couldn't go, he would help her set up the celebrations in the palace.
The last year she served as ambassador, she went home for Winter Solstice, with Zuko by her side. It was his first "proper" Winter Solstice, as Katara called it. Her family had welcomed him with open arms. Gran Gran had made him his own blessings box with his name for well wishers to leave him gifts and blessings for the coming year. He'd gone out with Sokka, Hakoda and the men of the tribe to hunt for the meal for that year's celebrations. It was easy to see now why the Winter Solstice was so important to Katara. Later, while they watched the Southern Lights dance across the dark winter sky, he slipped his hand into hers. Silently, he made a promise that he would make sure that he and his family would make it to the Southern Water Tribe for as many Winter Solstice celebrations as they could.
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soup-scope · 1 year
i dunno if i said this before but it beats repeating ig
one of my favorite things about redacted and his writing is that erik takes seemingly common boyfriend asmr tropes and completely flips them onto their head and assigns a certain DEPTH to his characters that makes them feel so genuinely real
a ‘tsundere alpha wolf boyfriend’ is introduced in the form of david. he completely fits the bill in his first few videos. but as time goes on and he and angel’s relationship develops and deepens he lets down those walls, gives reason to why he was the way he way and how he was still attempting to overcome his grief and mourning over the passing of his parents. one of my FAVORITE david videos is the one where angel is comforting him on the summer solstice because it also happened to fall onto father’s day. the idea that angel *KNEW* what he needed by having him miss a day at work, let him speak on his own terms about what’s upsetting him, and just holding him while he cried. early david and current david are two completely different people due to erik gripping onto a relatively generic trope and going FURTHER with it
or like with vincent in the form of ‘flirty vampire.’ i literally ADORE vincent character development. with him falling into a ‘flirty and empty’ persona in an attempt to get what he needs in order to literally survive. and as SOON as lovely was seriously injured by being involved into the empowered world, he IMMEDIATELY drops this persona and tries to gently guide lovely into this world without pressuring them or making them feel unsafe. vincent has definitely taken back some of his flirting that he originally had, but he WAITED until lovely and him were at that point again.
god and don’t get me started on gavin
a common trope i’ve seen when people write incubus or concubus in general, is that they typically carry a sense of shame for what they are/feed on. and of course gavin 1000% has a problem with people only viewing him as his capability to have sex, he isn’t ashamed of what he is or what he does. gavin sees sex as a way to make both parties feel *good.* in his confession audio he literally describes it as bringing a joy to others. i mean, the freelancer and gavin have sex for the first time in an attempt to distract freelancer because they were emotionally exhausted from everything with kody and vega. even if gavin didn’t know everything at the time, he wanted to give them just a moment to forget about everything that had them ridiculously stressed.
these are just some examples that i can think of on the top of my head. i adore erik’s writing with these characters which is something i didn’t know to be possible with the audio rp format. there’s a lot of nuance that can be lost when just hearing someone speak, but even if i have a hard time with tone or lil nuances like that, i can’t recall a time when i’m ever really been completely lost when listening to redacted content. just. great writing 👍👍
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fever-fluff · 7 months
Broken Fate
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Synopsis: When Azriel is sent to deal with an ongoing problem in the Hybern after the fall of the King nearly two centuries ago, he finds more to the story than he ever thought possible. Three to Five Part series with inspiration from the Netflix show Arcane Word Count: 2.1k
Part II
Everyone was present, Feyre and Rhysand sitting at opposite ends of the table, the rest of them either side. Rhys had started calling these meetings more frequently with the developments of Hybern increasing as the years went on. The fae in power were diligent on keeping good relations with Prythian after everything that had happened, and they had all spent time playing emissary and host to make sure nothing like the past ever happened again.
But something dark had begun to brew in spite of their efforts, though it didn’t spur from the top as it had before.
“The Hybernian Court has requested our aid in investigating a city showing frequent attacks in the recent years. They’ve sent spies and their armed forces in, but neither have come back with any information, and those who have gained some leads haven’t returned at all.” Rhys’ explanation left a sick feeing in everyone, the trauma of the war still a fresh wound. But he pressed on, “There’s a showing pattern of guerilla warfare, and it seems to be a small group of rebels pressing for a cause no one knows anything about.”
All eyes turned to Azriel, but he had been expecting it. Ever since the private discussion he, Feyre and Rhys had the night before on what he’d be asked to do, and he’d accepted with no qualms.
“Make it quick, there’s no need to engage. This is solely reconnaissance. If we’re seen interfering with Hybern directly there’ll be a lot of questions as to what our motives are.” He already knew all of this, ingrained in his psyche since he’d taken on the role of the Night Court’s Spymaster.
The trip was already planned, and the meeting was more of a curtsey to everyone save himself and his High Lord and Lady. He’d leave before nightfall, winnowing to the Hybernian Court immediately to gather any other information to sensitive to send by letter.
But still, as he packed what little he would need for the trip, Azriel felt the sadness of leaving his family hit him hard like it did every time. He’d lost count of the years he’d collectively lost in their presence because his work took him so far into the shadows. But if this was what kept them safe, he do it all for the rest of his life.
A soft knock pulled him out of his thoughts, and at his call the door opened to Elain standing in the space it occupied.
“Elian, its late. What are you doing up?” AZ’s voice aways seemed to soften in his throat when it came to her, as if she would bolt if it raised even the slightest. “I wanted to say goodbye. Cassian said it might be a while until you’re back…” her shyness melted away any frost he felt from leaving, and he managed a small smile. “Missing me already?”
Her cheeks reddened at his question, and her gaze left his as she moved further into the room. There was a small brown parcel in her hand he hadn’t noticed at first until she held it out to him once near enough. “It’s a reminder. To make sure you come back… to all of us.”
He made to open it but she stopped him, “Just, wait until you really need it.”
His smile brightened and he nodded. “Alright.”
It had gone silent between the two of them. Ever since she had learned of Rhys’ intervention on Solstice all those years ago, the distance between them had grown further and further. But it hadn’t stopped the fractures of his heart aching for her any less, even as she had allowed Lucien into her life piece by piece over the last few years. Azriel had resolved himself to care for her from afar, knowing that he’d never have her in the way he wanted. At one point, he had tried to turn his affections to someone else, a fleeting relationship with Gwyn had been the closest he’d gotten. But with the result being both of them returning to friends amicably, he hadn’t attempted anything since.
So, as he stepped into his shadows, Azriel cast one last glance at Velaris until he returned. Whenever that may be.
The arrival and send off from the Court had been brief. No one seemed to have any relevant information beyond what they had been told. The small bits they had gathered was more about the city itself which was under attack, and the randomness of the attacks had left him questioning the motives of these fae.
There was no pattern to suggest anything involving money being stolen under the guise of threats, and shops or buildings with considerable funds hadn’t lost any inventory from the reports following. There was no sign of defence barracks being targeted, and nothing to suggest high officials. The city itself seemed to be underdeveloped compared to the rest of Hybern. A sickness had taken the city by storm, and fae were left shells of their former selves, becoming what the court officials had called degenerate. It had become an underground, where the lowest of the lows had taken residency and the city had become a hive for crime and poverty.
The city had been when the old king had reigned, the new court had established themselves the opposite side of a river, spanning large enough that the two had been disconnected save for two bridges, each one monitored on fae moving in and out – though he’d spotted less than five altogether, and they had been soldiers changing shifts. Going over had been easy with the seal he’d been given, but he was encouraged to leave it when reaching the boarder to the other side. “If they catch you with it, they’ll know you’re fresh meat. Better off not taking the chance considering they’re more like rabid animals than anything else.” The soldier had tucked it into his jacket discretely, “I’m back on shift every three days at dusk, come to the bridge then and I’ll make sure you pass back through.” Azriel nodded his goodbye and thanks before stepping over completely and let his shadows engulf him once again to begin his work.
Flashbacks of his youth in Illyrian camps flitted through his mind as he wandered the streets, head covered but wings out in need of a quick escape. Fae littered the sides of streets, some walking to and from bars and shops, other sitting lifelessly, half covered in the darkness the night provided. He’d even spotted children eating out of alleyway dumping grounds more than he’d like to count.
His shadows had dispersed to grab wind of any mentions of who he was looking for, but as they checked in every hour, Azriel realised it wouldn’t be as easy as that. Instead, he’d sent one out to find a lodging, not trusting the ones given to him by the high fae unless he wanted an easy tip off that he wasn’t here honourably. It lead him to a run down looking tavern, although it was in much better upkeep than its neighbours. A sign for rooms to rent hung beneath another calling it “Aegir’s.”
Inside was not much better. Fae who had wasted themselves on ale slumped over half drained tankards, and two were close to turning violent over spilled coins from a card game further back. The fae behind the bar had stared at him as soon as he’d entered and didn’t seemed inclined to stop even after he sat himself on a stool. Looking at the faelights, Azriel realised that they weren’t in fact what he was used to. Wisps and Devas filles small glass orbs scattered around haphazardly. His dislike apparently evident when the barkeep slapped the cloth he’d been using down on the counter in front of him. “They’re paid n’ fed for the work they do, ain’t got the money to pay for faelightin’ like the seelies over the river.”
“I didn’t say anything.” Azriel motioned to the whiskey bottle behind, but the male didn’t reach for it. “Don’t gotta speak to know you ain’t unseelie boy. Ain’t no one dress like you ere. What with all that tasty lookin leather and cloak you got goin’ on.” Azriel felt a shift behind him, patrons looking up from their cups to size up the newest crop on the market. “I’m not here to cause a scene, I’m just passing through.” He slipped three coppers onto the wood, and they were gone before anyone blinked. A glass of whiskey sat in their place not even a moment later, the barkeep glaring at the fae behind him to settle the scraping chairs back in their place. “There’s easier routes to pass through than ere. Why not save yerself the trouble?”
“No one looks in places like this.” It was enough to have the male backing off from his interrogation. “How much for a room?”
“How long?”
“Three weeks, maybe an extension.”
The number he’d tossed Azriel was absurd but he’d fished half of it out and handed it over, the second half tucked safely away until he’d leave. Azriel had finished his drink in tense silence before he’d followed a barmaid up through winding staircase half ready to keel in on itself. The room was much worse than the bar downstairs, a pile of straw covered by a questionable looking piece of cloth on top. No pillow but a thinned blanket that had seen better days. Azriel slipped a gold mark into the barmaids hand as she made to leave after she’d set a wisp filled orb on the floor beside it, “I’ll be in and out of this room, ask nothing and say nothing. Have only you clean it, and there’ll be more where that came from.” She’d been silent as she closed the door behind her, pressing a key he was sure he should not have in his hand before leaving.
As soon as he was alone, shadows trickled in from the open window and whispered of findings in his ears, but it was short of what he’d hoped. There truly was nothing to say about a rogue group of fae stirring up trouble for the city. Even with all he’d seen, the level of destruction that was happening should have lead to more than what he’d found. But it wasn’t long into his awful first night when he found he’d landed himself bang in the middle of it all.
The noise was unlike anything he had ever heard. The rumbling after reminded him of Rhys when he orchestrated his power in full force. But it was a quick blast. And the shockwave from it didn’t remind him of any powers he had ever come across before. Shooting to the window, Azriel watched as buildings went up in flames not five from Aegir’s, and the flames beginning to sprout spoke of a future of a uncontrollable fire.
He hadn’t changed out of what he wore in the bar, and launched himself down the stairs when he found the window too small to fit through. The bar was empty, the fae having run out at the commotion not far off, and everyone seemed to watch an old, abandoned cobblers crumble in a blaze of orange and a cloud of ash.
Groups had finally began moving towards the disaster, buckets filled with water being thrown onto the heat. It would take hours to put out, but unless he wanted to expose himself, all Azriel could do was watch and grab a bucket as it was tossed his way.
The sun had already started rising when the last of the embers started to smoulder. Azriel found himself standing beside Aegir’s barkeep, both covered in ash and soot from standing too close to the debris. And the building beside it, letters were drawn on the stones in what looked like blood, but up closer he realised it was instead tar.
Fiver letters, drawn with anger and resentment scraped down the walls.
“What in the Mother is that about?”
“Somethin tha shouldn’t concern the likes of a fae passin’ through, boy” the barkeep had already turned and gone back inside, as did everyone else. Azriel couldn’t understand how unconcerned everyone was. They all just spent the better half of the night making sure the fire hadn’t spread and just seemed to walk away in indifference.
Defeated from the effort it had taken, Azriel resigned himself to going back to the room and locking the door before he hit the hard surface of his bed for the next couple of weeks.
The stinging from the smoke in his eyes lessened, and a fitful sleep cast over him before he had any more time to think of what had just happened.
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utilitycaster · 2 months
Sorry for the rant. I think the fact that they didn't wait until after the Candela finale was a missed opportunity that would have felt less, jarring 1. they could breathe and RP for a session after coming back from the moon reconnaissance mission (this is also considering that whether or not Matt made the party fight Otohan and have a PC death) Matt could have told them to end that particular session at Keyleth's camp and even tell Liam to wait and call Dorian at the end, and then have the party switch. it's also so strange to split the session in two for whatever reason
2. having the party switch after Candela would allow for a good window of time for the Crown keeper to do what they need to in case they can't reach a good point to return to BH in 2 hours, maybe a session and a half at most
3. assuming Dorian, and maybe others with him, come back to the group after whatever this intermission is done, i think it would be hard for them to split the attention between Keyleth encampment and debriefing - mourning FCG - guest players in a way that wont feel like it makes a disservice to another one of these topics (focusing on Guests and FCG's death could make it so the debriefing for the mission they spent 10+ episodes on feels lackluster, and vis versa)
As someone else said, it feels like they are giving us a palate cleanser as i was halfway through a good meal, but also they gave us another meal and after two bites they took it away so i could finish it in two weeks
there is also this limbo feeling of that we are getting late to the airport (freeing Predathos) but also we are taking a stop for sightseeing, and snacks, and bathroom and- it's like they are trying to convince us that "there is an urgency and we have to get there now now, but also nevermind that, lets catch up with these other characters for a bit"
It's just an ODD choice no matter how you look at it
So the urgency doesn't bother me. This was a weird thing in the fandom during the Solstice Split too (god i blocked so many people for constantly shrieking ARE THE OTHERS DEAD in the main tag every week, like no they are fine, they are narratively on pause) but like. Time is frozen for Bells Hells right now. We are following another group. We are not going to get snacks; we are looking in on what other people are doing, concurrently with this campaign. Indeed, that's not a bad idea. In a good campaign, there is this sense that the rest of the world exists and is doing things as you go about your own business - you are heroes of the story but you're not the only people who matter or do things.
It really is like. In some fantasy in which I were personally asked "hey, we want to do this thing where the Crown Keepers show up midway through the episode, and we follow them for that half an episode and then the beginning of the next episode, where would you put this?" I would, to be honest, say "maybe just do it as a standalone episode itself" but if I had to it would just be, again, Not Now. Cutting away while the party is on the moon! Cutting away while they're headed to the moon! Cutting away a week from now! Cutting away just before the Otohan fight! Hell, I even think that while I would have initially been far more annoyed if we started the episode and it was the Crown Keepers the whole way through this week, it would feel more coherent. But like, on a list of 20 places to insert the Crown Keepers scene, "halfway through an episode following a particularly dramatic and tragic character death" would be 21st.
(I also do want to push back against the idea that Sam needs more time and so this is why; you could just. run more episodes without him. Travis voluntarily sat out of almost 5 episodes. It took 2 episodes for Caduceus to show up. Team Wildemount had more episodes than Team Issylra. It is literally fine if he misses a few more episodes.)
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