#what would yall do if you found out i was the victim in the situation you use as fodder to justify shitting on me?
snekdood · 1 year
I think ill start giving a fuck abt ppl on here when they do the same for me ✌️
#not about to initiate it tho lol#ive been trying forever and yall still want me dead and never like how i change even if i change in the way you like.#like i dont care anymore. i feel like im in an abusive relationship with some of yall on here and it literally makes me start to give#0 fucks about you in any capacity.#plenty of you are literally just bad people and thats all there is too it like. stop being horrible literally wtf#what would yall do if you found out i was the victim in the situation you use as fodder to justify shitting on me?#would you come up with more excuses to shit on me or maybe actually for once evaluate your behavior and where you might#have gone wrong#bc something tells me yall immature emotionally stunted asses wouldnt take a second to evaluate yourselves. just come up w more#excuses for why your actions are fine actually. like. literally operating like children lmao.#just know that im not fighting for you anymore. i tried. like i really did. but i dont care.#any benefit you reap from my progressive action- know that you're not in mind literally at all you pieces of shits. hope you rot xoxo#literally cant believe tumblr convinced me the ppl on here were somehow better ppl than the ppl irl. bc its quite the fuckin opposite.#yall dont deserve shit from me.#the fact yall expect me to keep giving a fuck and fighting for you in spite of constantly dragging me through shit.#literally choke i dont care what happens to you anymore.#if you think im bad for feeling this way? then treat me better.#yall make it clear you dont give af about me so why should i give a single one to you?
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wolfytoothy · 4 months
listen I'm sorry for not posting on valentines. I was bout to leave yall hanging because I'm lonely as fuck and I was bout to throw bricks at ever couple I see but I decided I wanted to serve so ima go ahead and post.
Here yall go.
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You don’t know what was talking over people's bodies but you were seeing people becoming girlfriends and boyfriends left and right. It was honestly annoying. You were walking down the hallway with your friend. “Yo I’m throwing bricks at every single couple I see on valentines day bruh no joke” Why you said that, well it was because everywhere you looked someone was either proposing or giving gifts, and it wasn’t you. But little did you know, It was about to be you sooner or later.
Earlier that day with Miles:
It was the day before valentines day, and Miles was about to go feral. He was currently having trouble on what to give you on valentines day.
You and him had been friends for years now, and Miles wasn’t gonna lie, he may or may not have developed a crush on you. How did he know? Well he found himself becoming might jealous when boys would look back at it, and cat call you. He also found himself becoming overprotective and glaring at every boy that even looked at you in a way that indicated they wanted to date you.His mother, Rio, noticed this new behavior around you and loved it. Shiii even Aaron noticed it. He was in love. He literally had your contacts saved as ‘my mama’s’ And of cause him not knowing what to do in this situation especially when valentines day coming up, he wasn’t sure what to give you.
So he asked the three most reliable people that would give him his answer.Your best friend, your mom, and his mom.
His first victim was his mom. He went up to her in the kitchen preparing himself for a shower of kisses when he asked the question.“Ma” Miles started leaning against the counter avoiding eye contact. “Si mijo” Rio responded. “So hypothetically speaking, lets say i have a…” Miles paused as he gulped, bracing himself.
“Miles Gonzoles Morales, if you got someone pregnant-”,
“what?!no! Ma I’m 16” Miles argued.
“¿Y quién sabe qué estarás haciendo cuando yo no esté aquí?, for all i know you could be raw doging, you better be using protection” Rio said putting her hands on her hip, faceing her son. (And who knows what you be doing when i’m not here,)
“Ew,ma- well of course i'm using protection-”
“So you admit it!”
“You know what we're drifting off from the main topic” Miles said quickly. “Noooo. Lets force on that topic”, “ma, pleace” miles begged not in the mood to get grounded at the moment. Rio cound hint at the desperation in her sons voice and sighed, finally letting her some speak.
“Fine go on” Rio huffed. “Okay so… as I was saying. Persay I have a crush of mine, and there one of my closest friends, and I developed a crush, but I'm over thinking. What should I get her, or how could i confess” miles asked. Rio blinked then a smile creeped on her face.
“it's y/n, isn't” Rio smirked. Miles jolted and nodded. “how'd you know”
“miles you only have one close friend that's a female. And I know it's not ganke” Rio shrugged, making the afro latino chuckle. “so what I get her” he asked again.
Rio thought for a moment then respond. “Well she likes jewelry, and stuff animals, and love sneakers” Rio shrugged. “and since you know her so well already it should be easy to confess.”
And he took that into consideration. That day. He bought a purple flower bear, a ring that looked like chains, and LOOOORD was it iced out. And yes it was really Dimond of course. Then he got a second ring was an iced out ring with words in graverd on the inside saying “princess”. And of course he had to get the new kicks for you.Then he added a little note. Now all he had to do was give it to you.Back to you.
Present time:
It was finally the end of class and you were about to head out, till you relized miles was holding a bag. And he seemed kinda flustered. “Ohhh, does lil Mr morales have a valentines,” you teased as you sided next to him. The boy with the cornrows smirked slightly as he looked at you. “Umm” he said “Its… for you” he said quietly.
You looked at him baffled for a sec and looked at the gift. You slowly took it and smiled. “Wow miles, I didn't get you anything though” you said feeling bad and looked in the bag.
“No it's fine, but um… call me after school and tell me what you think” miles said taking his leave. You were confused by what he said and shrugged. When you got home you realized the letter. And your heart melted at how cute it was.
One year later:
It was valentines day again and it was of course you and Miles anniversary of being together. And of course miles had to make it special just for you.“Hey mama's.” He greeted pulling you in by the waist and kissing your cheek,while he giving you a bag that had hearts all over it.
You slipped him a back as well as you smiled. You pecked in the bag and pouted. “Miles, how much was this” you said pulling out a pair of shoes. “That's not important, just know I love you” miles said pecking your lips.
😌✨️The end.... ✨️
I feel might lonely so yall better enjoy this 🥲😭😭
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watchyourbuck · 3 months
We’re literally DAYS away from s7 but I just watched the graveyard scene™️ and I have,,,, thoughts
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I haven’t publicly discussed the lighting strike, the coma dream or the third kitchen scene yet, but there was something about this scene that irked me enough, so now im here
For starters this whole episode was centered around death. We have the Fake Funeral, Shannon’s grave, the Athena arc with the man who died then came back to life, and obviously,,, as one might imagine, we brushed Buck’s near-death experience (⚡️) — then at the end,,, the ever angering Buddie talk at a previous victim’s grave.
In this episode we meet Natalia, a death doula who Buck and the rest of the 118 tend to after an accident.
She quickly takes an interest in the recently Discharged™️ Evan Buckley, even asking him out on a date after finding out about his “acquaintance” (sic.) with death.
On the date per se she manifests her excitement towards Buck’s whole story, even prompting him to say ‘look at how excited you are. you’re like a real fangirl of this stuff.’
Upon research, I’ve found that death doulas are a real thing. Slow blink. I had no idea.
Thing is, she keeps saying how cool it is to have died and come back to life, imo pressuring him into discussing details he doesn’t seem all that ready himself to say out loud (he just seems to like her, however). He does anyway. She says how amazing and cool it is. Again.
We do not get more details of the date.
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Now to what brings us all here.
The scene starts with Buck and Eddie in front of Marie’s grave (a victim they knew). Buck explains how she died and mentions Natalia. Eddie says ‘we’re all gonna die alone’,,, which,, 👁️ ok mister Diaz a little somber but um– let him cook.
Buck seems a lil taken aback by this, turning to look at Eddie quietly until he explains that’s what Marie said to him and Hen. Buck disagrees with the statement.
Then it’s Eddie’s turn to mention Natalia. “That’s a beautiful thing Natalia did for her,” he says, looking at the ground. I’m not particularly a Natalia stan, but I can say that at this point of the conversation Eddie means no ill-will towards her. She’s actually somehow a… background character (of sorts) to this whole story.
This is when it gets,,,, interesting 🧍🏽‍♀️
As soon as Eddie speaks, Buck takes a small breath and smiles. Like WIDE. (Like guys that’s the picture I just put above this whole scene) — BUT he looks like he’s a bit hesitant in entrusting Eddie with the fact that he’s seeing her. He even ducks his head a little bit, which is a clear sign of cautiousness.
Before Buck’s even done speaking, Eddie sighs and throws his head slightly back. I don’t have the WORDS to explain to yall the way this man looks like he’s e x h a u s t e d (they haven’t even started the conversation bro 😭)
“Really? Dating someone you rescued?” OKAY LISTEN TO ME. This is what sets off the Marisol arc. Before Buck started dating Natalia, we hadn’t even heard about Marisol in the whole season !!!! She was gone, poof! Then Buck gets all deathy-snuggly with Natalia and suddenly Eddie’s really interested in her (when not even half an episode ago he was telling Tia Pepa he wasn’t ready even if he didn’t wanna be alone). Otherwise it would be awfully cynical of Eddie to be saying all this when he’s planning on going against his OWN words in like two episodes……….. 👨🏽‍🦯
Not only that, but it’s the fact that he looks completely against it from the very get go. Ummmm Taylor was someone they rescued, so was Ali. We never heard this speech before did we??? “You know that never ends well.” Also it’s the second fact that he says YOU know it never ends well. Excuse me? Wasn’t Ana someone you rescued also? 🤨 it just seems like he’s trying very hard to convince Buck to not do this. How do I know this you ask??? Bc I’ve been in that situation.
When Buck starts defending his choices, Eddie only nods. He can’t even look at him. He’s defeated, but not AS defeated as he’s about to be. “Anyway, she wanted to ask me about the lighting strike” “Right. You love being the guy with the answers.” This is NOT PLAYFUL. EDDIES NOT SAYING THAT ENDEARINGLY. Omg I can’t even- he’s not fooling around the way a friend would tease someone about their hot new date, he’s deliberately using the same PHRASING Buck used with him and Chris like a minute ago. He’s hurt. Eddie’s HURT. By now Eddie thinks Buck’s just playing around with this girl. And he’s hurt bc when he had his moment with Tia Pepa, he envisioned a life for himself with Buck (and I can’t tell you it was super romantic or platonic, but in his head it was a family. All three of them. This was clearly breaking that vision that he took so long to accept).
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Okay. “I feel like she sees me.” I have… I need to have extensive PTO rn cuz im seething. The way Eddie’s head immediately turns to Buck, even though he had been avoiding his eyes through the entirety of the scene. Another person said this so im not gonna take originality credit but: it’s like their whole friendship flashes through his mind, and his face contorts into a very painful ‘but I see you.’ I’m in so much pain lmao
Eddie’s literally scrambling now. He doesn’t know what to say, how to stop this pain. He’s lost Buck. He lost the man he’s been secretly and unawaringly in love with for over five years. He tries to be okay with this new reality asap. He hides his feelings. He starts joking. Buck’s not really laughing either, it’s futile.
“You haven’t been the same since it happened. But how could you be?” The last bit Eddie says to himself. He’s trying to adjust so fast he might have whiplash. It’s like he’s thinking: “if I had acted before this all happened, maybe I could have changed with you, instead of watching you change from a corner when im nothing but your best friend. No authority, no rights, no permission.” 😀 im ready to end it all btw
Thing is,,, Eddie STILL loves Buck, even if he’s convinced himself in his head right about now that he can’t have him. He’ll be happy (he’ll have to be) just being his friend, because losing his romantic love won’t ever be worse than losing him completely, so he says: “You don’t have to be anything for anybody.” Does this REMIND YALL OF SOMETHING ???
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(gently borrowed from @loveyourownsmiilee – although it was a gif but I’m kinda computer stupid)
Anyway, then Eddie becomes a little preachy, ending it w “so what changed you?” Which honestly he says quite angrily and accusatorially. If you watch the scene he even nods his head up, pointing at Buck and separating him from himself. He’s cutting their lines. YOU changed. YOU moved on. YOU died. YOU didn’t wait for me.
Then Buck kinda extends his hand back. “That has to mean something, right?” (Cheating death). He looks at Eddie with hope, but the man ISNT LOOKING BACK…. And the window is lost. Eddie’s joking again, Buck looks away.
Whatever, the scene ends with Eddie wanting but refusing to look at Buck, while Buck stares into a hypothetical horizon with a glimmer of a new, different hope. He never realized Eddie’s heart broke an inch away from him.
“It’s all a gift.”
Not to Eddie, it isn’t.
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
Hey! It's Helluva-Bust. I'm doing okay! You probably saw my posts about deactivating pretty soon and all that. Maybe as a bit of a retrospective when everything is said and done I might return, but otherwise don't wait for me to remake this time! I still keep up with all the critical blogs I engaged with (just silently of course). I am aware of the recent situation with kendraws, which I found genuinely disgusting and like, angered me so bad that I honestly would have just deleted my account then and there, because I've just completely given up on Viv. I'm done with her shows and I'm done with her garbage fanbase. I want to stop concerning myself over someone who is this vicious and toxic that she will literally play the victim card for being exposed for own abuse. Honestly, I was already feeling a bit drained from the account by both the show's gradual decline and vivzie's constant and abusive behavior and. It was like keeping track of an abuser and the show where she justifies her abuse, it was mentally draining and honestly pretty triggering for me haha. discussing viv's past and realizing how she just never learns and will continue to abuse people as long as she keep providing her fans her boring softcore porn just disturbed me too much to even enjoy ribbing on her works. i genuinely find her a dangerous and unhinged person who needs to get out of the leader's role ASAP. this is by means not a criticism of people who still watch her shows to critique her work (like i said still follow yall!) but I hope I explained myself. And I hope you guys are doing okay! I'm doing a lot better myself. (also for the people wondering why i always deactivate, its just so i resist the temptation of coming back and starting up my blog again)
Yeah, I understand you completely fam! Nice to hear from you and that you’re doing okay, you’re right, it really is draining, especially what’s been going on recently, not to mention for me personally, the Ken document has really made me feel like I can’t look at Vivzie’s stuff the same again. Like…I knew she was a bad writer but good god the way she wrote in discord to Ken on developing the pilot really made me feel like this woman can’t produce anything good, but I’m being dramatic, I also in a certain scope can’t look at her shows the same because this has honestly got to be by far one of the most shittiest things she’s done, and that’s saying a lot. This is the first time we’ve seen this kinda evidence with her and how she acts, and honestly? It legit makes me want to give up on her and her show’s completely as well, it’s just….draining because it’s the same thing over and over again and she never learns and can never get the consequences of her mistreatment because she can’t be touched.
I might give up on Helluva soon, I know I said I would after Season 2 episode 2 but I obliviously came back because it’s entertaining to complain about the show and pick on it for its garbage writing lol, but I still have like…zero faith in the show. With that said, it’s of course important that you’re tending to yourself cause yeah 90% of the time the show ain’t worth the anger and can drain ALL of us lol, so don’t apologize or feel the need to explain for deactivating. It’s 100% valid! With that said wether you decide to come back in the distant future or not, hope you have a good one! And yes I agree, the victims deserved better!
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daydadahlias · 2 months
hi i was wondering if you knew why people are mad at ashton - something about atl but i don’t know what that means - i keep seeing it on my timeline but no one explains shit and i figured since your ashton’s #1 fan you would know 😭
oh dear, lots of panicked ash stans in my inbox today <3 yall need to take some deep breaths, ok? things will be ok <3
anyway, it's me, Jess, ur elected representative for ash stans and I will be glad to inform you a little bit more of The Current Situation.
I have also already posted an official Press Release about it if you would like to check that out too <3
now lock in for a jessay.
so here's the situation: our lovely Hippie Himbo has yet again dropped himself into hot water because he DJed an emo nite (because who doesn't love a side quest) and, at that emo nite, Ashton made the worst mistake there is and admitted to playing All Time Low.
(im being a little sarcastic if you cant tell)
now, why is this an issue? I'll try to give you an abridged version as to why everyone (and when i say everyone i mean performative social justice warriors on twitter who have never had a real human interaction a day in their life) is so upset.
in 2021, All Time Low's guitarist Jack Barakat was accused of sexually harassing an underage girl. now, the actual details of the accusation are very blurry (as all allegations that surface anonymously on twitter are) and came with no actual factual evidence, but did that stop twitter from taking it as fact? no it sure didn't because one thing about twitter is that you are guilty until proven innocent. this also then created the dog-pile spread of misinformation that twitter is so famous for producing in which a bunch of other allegations came out about them. One user claimed she had found "97 allegations" against the band. I'm also going to point out that when she was asked where she got the number from, she admitted she made it up and deleted her account. additionally, the account that started the accusations also deleted its account not long after. so then it was just an echochamber on twitter of "oh i heard this" "oh i heard that" without any actual proof. and, listen, as an advocate for survivors, I'm definitely not saying we shouldn't believe victims but I am saying that, maybe, we should also think a little more critically about where accusations are coming from.
Following this barrage of information, ATL then posted a very (fucking piss poor) statement about the whole thing (which, as a PR minor, is not a smart move, I'm just going to say that). which went as follows:
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and this really bad statement just made the whole thing a lot worse. but, then, ATL said they were going to pursue legal action against the originator of "these false claims" and sue for defamation (which, yeah, smart legal move but also looks really bad to the public eye). of course, this never actually came to fruition because... the twitter account had already deleted itself and was untraceable. so, at that point, the damage had been done, there was no proof to say they did or did not do these things, and that's just... how things go! so it's almost entirely up to the individual fan to decide if they want to believe the allegations or not. which is... a tough spot to be in. now, if we get into my personal perception of the situation, i think that All Time Low are creeps who acted creepy towards teenage girls during the early 2000s but... to be honest yall?? that's kind of how the 2000s were... and i don't want to excuse the behavior but I also don't think it's reflective of who ATL is now. And, additionally, these accusations didn't actually... affect their career at all in the long run? like, if you go look at their fucking Instagram, they're doing Fine lmfao. which makes it potentially even funnier that ashton is receiving death threats for supporting them.
that brings us to The Issue At Hand. which is that, because Ashton played All Time Low (an incredibly famous pop punk band with whom 5sos was friends with in their ~youth~ and who... all the other members of 5sos are literally still fucking friends with) at a DJ event, he's being "called out" and "cancelled" for supporting "rapists and pedophiles."
I'm now going to take this time to say that, whether or not the actual allegations against ATL are true, it does not make them pedophiles OR rapists because the allegations were over sexual HARASSMENT not actual rape. does that make the harassment okay? obviously not. but it doesn't make them PEDOPHILES????? and it is fucking batshit INSANE to me that twitter doesn't actually know the definition of that word and throws it around with such literal reckless abandon.
the real truth of the matter is that twitter is upset because it wants to be not because there is an actual reason to be. and all of the twitter users claiming they're so upset with ashton because they're trying to stand with victims of sexual abuse, do not fucking understand 1) what sexual abuse even IS and 2) what actually helps sexual abuse survivors and 3) have never fucking helped an actual survivor in real fucking life a day in their goddamn lives.
and that's the situation <3
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lovergirlp · 1 year
The Triangle Chronicles
Spin of The Night: Space Age Pimpin’ - Eightball & MJG
11:23 p.m. 12/16
I don’t know why I still even give this nigga a chance. The nigga I’m referring to is NOT my child’s father, not one of those storytime’s ladies, ha! Remember Max, well yeah, it's him. I do feel a much deeper understanding with this current situationship, what started as a meaningless rebound transformed into a transformative experience for me, I am realizing the true capacities of my mind & body physically & emotionally, only I don’t know exactly what the fuck it is i’m experiencing but I’m starting to think what I thought was something that could’ve been “it”, is just another waste of time. Silly me, right? I mean even the things that bother me with this man, don’t make me stray. Tell me ladies, is that the definition of “naive” ? Either way, it feels good, …shit, really it feels amazing! Selfishly, I’m not tryna lose that, the man says he listens to my favorite song when he thinks of me, how true that statement is now, who knows LOL! But damn it sure feels amazing. Maybe the problem is how good it feels, and that after that feeling wears off, all that’s left is the space of emptiness where that feeling once was. 
“I thought I was ready for you, turn’s out I wasn’t even handling myself the right way.”
I know allll the freaks want to hear about it… you know what I’m talking about, the nasty things I do & to be honest I’m not ashamed, I’m a consenting woman, but how deep are we going Ladies? Darius & Nina or Savannah & Kenneth? Anyways, let's talk about it. Sex with this man is something that currently has me in a chokehold 😖 but it’s not just a “crash-and-go scenario, Max takes his time, everything is about my pleasure, at his pace and still I’m always in full control.
It’s masterful.
I met this man about 2 months after my breakup from my child’s father & initially, we had a pretty decent friendship, just good conversation & laughs, something I am positive neither of us were taking seriously… then we decided on a day to meet each other and share these same conversations etc.. in person, neutral decision. Now before I get into this next part Ladies & whatever Gentlemen who have found themselves here, DISCLAIMER: I Am NOT A Hoe!!!
Buttttttt! I did indeed give up a pinch of pussy 😭 but what can I say, I’m a sucker for a great smile, especially one that’s looking up at you from the place down below. I do things I said to my savior I would never, freaky, nasty, shit that runs through your mind during your workweek, I wait up until the late hours of the night for these erotic moments & I return to my bed in the early hours of the morning. Satisfaction is a minimum of what I feel. My dilemma with Max however, is that every night ends with a conversation, each one more profound than the last. We talk about life, his life mostly, but I don’t mind. I usually fall into the category of listener. Savior. Whatever works for whatever situation I find myself in. Tell me Ladies, am I a victim? Or am I just enjoying the role? I’m yearning for a savant who is rehearsed in the art of mind-reading, independence, communication, love-making, sweet gestures, and hard work. I’m trying to stop settling for just a piece of the pie. I wonder how many of yall can guess my zodiac sign hmm… It's been two days without him & I can’t lie although I’m not feigning for sex, it’s just comfortable, I’ve gotten use to the way it feels, and living in that moment of intensity & letting it wash off with that early morning shower.. It’s our world & our dirt. Just our secret. As fucked up as it sounds, I like it that way. 
Damn, he’s calling right now, I’ve got to go Ladies!
Best Regards,
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I'm assuming somebody told DOCTOR-RATSKULLZZZ about this blog and how she's been talked of here. Why do people insist on telling the users they're being talked of here, I'll never understand... Anyway, chances are you're reading this, Rex, so allow me to ramble a bit, as a worried parent.
Please don't judge based on my interest for PSG, I'm actually mature enough to watch it. I'm actually okay with this show, Some of yall gotta stop bickering about stuff and live your life.
I can't speak for everyone, but I personally wouldn't judge you for liking PSG. In fact, I watched it when it was new (so what, around 2010? 2011 maybe? It's been a while anyway) and I personally enjoyed it (even if I could see the problematic parts, of course back then people didn't focus on that so much and it wasn't deemed that "problematic" or whatever). I was around 22 back then. Some will hate you for liking a problematic anime like that, some don't care. I personally don't care if you enjoy the anime even when it's so problematic (although it'd be good to enjoy it critically, because if you enjoy the problematic parts, then we might have a problem..). The reason why I am worried is because you are a minor and that anime is intended for adults.
I hope you're aware of how you believing you're "mature enough to watch it" seems a bit like a red flag. Again, you're a minor. I'm not saying minors are dumb or they never know what's good for them, but you really shouldn't think like that as a minor. Judging by your Carrd you're what, 14, almost 15? I hate to be that person, but it really isn't a good look for any minor to claim they're mature for their age, mature enough to watch adult anime. It reminds me of grooming victims and I pray you're not being groomed by some adult who keeps on telling you red flags like "you're mature for your age". Again, I'm not saying you're being groomed, it just reminded of that kind of thing... And if you are being groomed, I hope you can get the help you need and get out of that situation as soon as possible.
Please stay safe online (this goes for any minor!) and no matter how mature you think you are, you really should stay out of adult spaces (not saying you have entered them, mind you). Personally I would really recommend waiting until you're 18 to consume adult content. I understand it sucks, but the age ratings are there for a reason. And again, I fear of any possible groomers who might see someone like you and think they've hit the jackpot because they've found a minor who's into adult content and they could now possibly groom them, especially with the whole "you're mature for your age" red flag.
I know this seems like I'm just worried over a random user on Furvilla, but as a parent, I can't help but be worried of any minor online. Seriously. Please, please, please stay safe online (again, this goes for any minor). The internet can be such a dangerous place and it hurts my heart whenever adults try to hurt minors.
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A Nightingale’s Thoughts
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Word Count: 4468
Characters: Lynette (OC), Silas/Linden (OC), Manboy, Dorian, Alfani
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of murder and prostitution
A/N: This was written solely for me, but yall can read it too 😟 i guess. jkjk But it’s been like 3 years since I wrote Silas’ POV, and I mentioned wanting to write Lynette’s thoughts on some scenes!! And here they are!
I suggest reading Parts 1 and 2 before this and maybeeee their bios (in profile description) if you want some background behind them. (・∀・) or don’t. All up to you!!
Just because Lynette is immortal doesn’t mean she couldn’t indulge in the more mundane pleasures of life.
Like taking long, aimless walks in the forest or losing herself in a good story. She was glad she hadn’t developed a god complex, either, despite her role in town. Heaven forbid she ever find herself indulging in the manipulation of others (like a certain green-haired consigliere) or collecting people off the street, making it so they became no more than dolls meant to do your bidding (which was done by none other than her disgrace of an employer).
Perhaps it was her running list of wrongdoings that kept her on the mortal coil of her headspace. Lynette wasn’t above picking the occasional fight, telling a couple of lies, slipping some money from the salon’s tip jar into her rainy day funds; little human faults like that. She almost felt as if she were a townsperson herself on those kinds of days. Living in moments that faded just as quickly as they had come. Running themselves into the ground until the sweet release of death. That’s what it meant to be human, right? Putting so much effort into a life that could easily be snuffed out like a light.
She should know. Despite being unable to die, the girl was no stranger to death. To put it simply: Lynette is a murderer. Her job involved disposing of “damaged merchandise” (or, at least, that’s what her bastard boss called prostitutes who fell victim to disease or disfigurement) in the back alleys or in one of the rooms of the brothel. It was far off from a morally righteous job, but it wasn’t as if she had anywhere else to go. The brothel was her major source of financial support, and ruling class members weren’t meant to leave the town in the first place. And the fact that she couldn’t die only drove another nail into this coffin of a situation.
The brothel workers had become rightfully afraid of this alter ego of hers. Of course, none of them knew it was Lynette behind the killings. Or maybe some of them did, but were terrified to confront her, lest they be her next target. So whenever they referred to her they would use the nickname Dorian would murmur to Manboy whenever he found a new case. “Let our Little Nightingale take care of the rest.”
The dreaded Nightingale. A ruthless force. A cold hearted murderer. They wouldn’t stop until they had driven a knife between your ribs and impaled your beating heart, keeping a firm grip on the pulsing handle until life ebbed away in your eyes. Once you were as good as dead, they would kick you aside and have some other people clean up their bloody mess. That’s the kind of person they were, after all. An inconsiderate monster of a human being.
Or, at least, that’s how the workers saw her. And for the most part they were spot-on.
Well, no… She didn’t kick corpses. But that was a minor enough detail to overlook. It wasn’t as if not doing so would make her actions any less cruel.
Yes, the minute her job had been fulfilled, Lynette would shove any thoughts of murder behind a wall in her mind. She would only allow the simplest of thoughts to trickle into her head, slowly transitioning the girl back into her normal daily life.
Perhaps that’s why she had fished a crushed daisy out of a dead man’s pocket and twisted it between her fingers. Lynette mindlessly wandered over to a group of crates that had been pushed against the walls of the alley, hopping onto the nearest one to examine the flower longer. She held it up to the flickering torchlight, both admiring its nearly translucent petals and ignoring how the blood on her gloves turned the pale green stem into a glistening red. What a fragile thing she had in her possession. It wouldn’t take much to pick it apart right then and there, especially with her abilities.
But Lynette couldn’t help but tremble as she held it in her hands. Ironically enough, she was afraid of fragile things. How easy it would be for something so small to crumble in her grasp.
She poised her hand over the petals in a brief moment of hesitation. Like she was almost guilty for what she was about to do.
But this was just a flower.
There was a flash of white as a petal drifted to the cobblestone below, its life plucked out and thrown away as easily as one of the Nightingale’s victims.
“Il m’aime un peu.”
He loves me a little.
Lynette wasn’t very smart, but she knew that “Linden” was lying about his name.
She admitted this to Manboy one early morning about an hour before opening the salon. The two were in Manboy’s room, with Lynette draped over one of his couches in boredom as the latter rushed to get ready for the day.
Manboy sighed. “If you knew he lied, then why didn’t you say anything? The boy went as far as to change the name he uses for shifts because of you.”
This provoked a laugh of disbelief out of Lynette. “Wait, seriously?! He did all of that because I didn’t correct him? But he doesn’t even know me.”
“He can be… surprisingly stubborn at times. Only God knows whatever thoughts went on in his head last night.”
“Hmmm… But he sure is a funny guy. Mr. Linden or whatever his name really is.”
Manboy paused in the middle of adjusting his tie to look into the mirror, glancing at the girl behind him who changed her sitting position for what seemed like the fifth time. He knew Lynette was an unusually energetic individual, but he could tell she felt more restless than normal. Maybe she was more affected by Linden’s appearance last night than she was letting on.
There was that and also the fact that the first thing she started talking about, after she so rudely burst in Manboy’s room at four A.M., was Linden.
Lynette caught him looking at her and frowned. “What? Is there something you wanna say?”
“Why aren’t you asking me for his true name? You seem extremely curious about him, and you know that I know it, yet you haven’t asked about it at all.”
There was a moment of silence before Lynette answered, as if she was wondering about that herself. A minute passed by, and Manboy began to worry if he said something wrong, but Lynette slowly replied, “It’s… It’s none of my business, though, right? Whatever he chooses to call himself and what he wants us to call him. And if he wants me to call him ‘Mr Linden’, then that’s what I’ll go with. After all, name changes really aren’t that unusual. Like Shakespeare said-!” The girl jumped up from her seat and dramatically extended one of her arms, with the other placing a hand upon her chest. “‘A rose by any other name would smell as sweet’!”
This earned a chuckle out of Manboy. “From Romeo and Juliet? Well, you are fond of your love stories.”
“Actually, to be honest, I didn’t like how this particular one ended.”
Hearing her sudden change in tone caused Manboy to look up at his mirror once more. There was a bittersweet smile on Lynette’s face as she looked back at him. “Is it because they both die in the end?”
“It’s because their love wasn’t strong enough to save them.”
“But it mended the rift between their families.”
“Yes, but what’s the point of love if you aren’t alive to experience it?”
Now it was Manboy’s turn to become silent, putting some thought into Lynette’s question before answering. “I think… All that matters was that love was there. No matter how fleeting it was. Through love, they found happiness in each other, a reason to live-”
“And a reason to die?”
Finally Manboy turned around to see Lynette sitting on the couch again, one foot propped on the edge of the cushion while the other rested on the floor. This time she didn’t meet Manboy’s eyes, opting to stare at the ground with a kind of far-off look. “Sorry. I don’t like tragedies very much. I just wish they could have survived in the end.”
“Sometimes things don’t work out the way you want them to. But seeing as we’re both trapped in this establishment, I’m guessing you know that very well.”
“Il m’aime beaucoup.”
“He loves me a lot.”
As Lynette watched Linden read, she couldn’t help but let her mind wander.
At the brothel there was no short supply of beautiful people, Dorian prides himself on this, and Linden was no exception. He was tall but sturdy. As if he were built like a tree (ha). His long, pale hair was always pushed back and gathered together into a small ponytail that draped across the nape of his neck. Linden normally kept his hair as neat as possible, but today there were a few strands escaping from the hold of the elastic hair tie and hair gel, some coming to rest upon his forehead. But Lynette liked how it looked.
Aside from his hair, Linden seemed to also take good care of his hands. Unlike those who worked in manual labor (though one could argue that the work they do at the brothel could be classified as such), Linden’s hands were free from any calluses and looked soft to the touch. There were some veins that ran through them, appearing more prominent when he moved to turn a page, and his nails were cut short. Undoubtedly done to better carry out his job and prevent infection.
His voice was nice too. It was surprisingly smooth, even when he tripped over words, and reverberated deep in his chest. Now that Lynette was thinking about it, she’s never seen him angry, much less raise his voice. Linden’s tone and volume was always controlled, almost to the point of monotony, yet still well suited for his line of work as he murmured one pleasant thing after another next to a client’s already flushed ears.
And Linden’s eyes… They were such a brilliant green. It was a shade similar to a forest, with the sunlight passing through the leaves. The color filled Lynette with an odd sense of warmth and made her heart thud everytime Linden raised his head to look at her. She would always nod and smile as if to encourage him to continue on, but she only did so to draw attention away from her burning cheeks.
Lynette cursed her sentimental heart. It was far too easy for her to view anyone in a romantic light. She knew she fell in love too quickly but to be infatuated with someone from the brothel was out of the question. Her shoulders tensed, and she clenched her fists, fingers digging deep into the tattered fabric of her skirt. To think of even the slightest possibility of Linden being on the other end of her knife made her sick. Lynette screwed her eyes shut to fight off the impending wave of nausea.
Then she felt something touch her hand, causing her eyes to flutter open once more.
One of the children had placed a hand on her whitened knuckles. They looked up at her, concerned, and mouthed ‘are you ok’?
She tried to force herself to relax, the now wrinkled fabric slipping from her fingers as she nodded with a bit more enthusiasm than intended. That’s right. There were children sitting next to them. To have such unfiltered thoughts around them made Lynette feel even more ashamed.
But then she glanced back at Linden, and those maddening ideas started up again.
Seeing how the kids clung to him, pressing closer in astonishment as the story began to become more interesting… Watching him softly smile at their baffled expressions… The way he lifted his arm without a second thought to let little Jamie into his lap so he could see the pages better…
It almost felt like they were a family at that moment.
Before Lynette knew it, the sun had begun to set, and she only came back to reality upon hearing the children’s disappointed cries about the story ending.
“Il m’aime passionnément.”
“He loves me passionately.”
As Lynette huddled down on her wicker back chair, she began to think about the night of her first kill.
Before she became the brothel’s contracted murderer, Dorian had tried to convince her to become either a nun or a prostitute.
The first option seemed the safest, but, unfortunately, Lynette couldn’t take the religious lifestyle. She felt suffocated and to force her to zealously worship a god she didn’t believe in felt nothing short of inane. The Sisters of the covenant looked down upon her too. There was always something Lynette could be doing better; nothing was ever good enough for them.
Or maybe the girl was just hopelessly inadequate in their eyes, for she was the only one who was picked on as harshly as she was.
And the second option made her just as, if not more, ill than the first. Of course she had tried it out once, but the minute that stranger laid her hands on her bare body, she quickly had to stop.
It felt wrong. Lynette was always one to fall for others at the drop of a hat, but this kind of intimacy was something entirely different to her. It felt too intrusive, and Lynette, who had already begun distancing herself from everyone at the brothel, was afraid of vulnerability.
Dorian wasn’t too pleased, to say the least. Lynette tried offering up other options of her service. She could work in entertainment. She could do minor repairs around the building, clean and spruce up the place a little bit. She could act as a caretaker for the children of the prostitutes.
But Dorian was insistent. The other ruling class members of Oscar Wilde provided such services, so why couldn’t she? And it didn’t help that she was the only woman in this particular immortal group.
It had gotten to a point where Dorian began locking her into rooms with clients, to ensure she didn’t try to run away like last time. It was cruel, but that was the type of person he was. Sometimes the people she dealt with were understanding enough to stop, others were a bit too… persistent, forcing Lynette to find some other means to escape or to temporarily knock them out before or during the act.
Because of this, she’s garnered her fair share of complaints and her hours on the schedule became near non-existent (save for those few masochists Lynette now regrets using violence on).
But she never ended up killing a customer until that day.
The man she was meant to become intimate with that evening was burlier than her usual clients. Shorter too, but unfortunately so was his temper. And it didn’t help that he was five drinks drunker than he claimed he was.
He counteracted every move of resistance Lynette made against him, pinning her to the bed. He situated himself over her lower body, holding down her kicking legs.
But he didn’t account for her hands.
With a smash, Lynette broke the lamp she grabbed from the nightstand over his head. She only meant to use enough force to knock him out, but her fear got the best of her. The girl only realized it was too late when the man fell silent a little too long and a little too much blood leaked from his ears and nose.
When Dorian finally opened the door for her, Lynette braced herself for punishment. But she was only met with more silence as Dorian paused to shut the door behind him.
After a couple minutes he asked, “Is he dead?”
She nodded.
“Well… what are you doing just sitting there? Clean that up before someone suspects something.”
Lynette thought she had gotten off easy at first. Dorian owned both the brothel and the church in town, with the latter having an attached mortuary for funeral services. The buildings were relatively close to one another, so it wasn’t too difficult to clean up the crime scene and transfer the body to an available casket. When the client’s wife, in between sobs, asked how her husband died, Dorian informed her that he fell down the stairs in a narrow corridor in his drunken stupor, hitting his head against a wall once he tumbled down onto the bottom step. Nobody could verify his claim because not many people in town wanted to inspect a dead body.
And who would dare speak out against a priest?
After that incident, everything only became worse from there. Having bloodied her hands once before, Dorian only thought it fitting for her to take care of the rest of the undesirables at his brothel. He even had a list, as sickening as it was, which consisted of a mix between prostitutes who became unsuitable to work and certain people he had personal vendettas with.
Lynette killed them all indiscriminately. She struggled at first, with the mental anguish causing her stomach to turn and her head to swim. Some days after her job was done she would rush to the restroom and sob and vomit as she tried to rid herself of guilt and the cries of the people she had to murder. The warmth of the blood seeping through her fingers, the way life seemed to fade away from their eyes as soon as she hit her target organ…
The heart. It was surprisingly hard the first couple of times, but once Lynette got it down it became something like her calling card. A signature death done by none other than the Nightingale of Oscar Wilde Salon.
“You’re… a really nice person, aren’t you, Mr Linden?”
“So are you, Lady Lynette.”
She wanted to argue that she wasn’t. She wanted to sit Linden down and tell him everything that's happened to her, and then hear what he has to say after that. Maybe he would slap her. Or maybe he would back away in fear, worrying that he would be “silenced”.
Or maybe he wouldn’t say anything at all and never talk to her again.
But that would be alright. A murderer her like doesn’t deserve the kindness of others, especially the kindness of those she had to kill.
So she only whispered her thanks to Linden with her back turned to him, hoping to any god out there that the guilt wouldn’t shake her voice any further.
“Il m’aime à la folie.”
“He loves me madly.”
Dorian, Manboy, and Alfani stood in one of the leisure rooms with Lynette, with the girl fuming at the owner. “For god’s SAKE, why the FUCK can’t you just leave us alone, Dorian?!” she demanded, becoming even more frustrated when she was met with a smile.
The girl clicked her tongue as she moved to gather her things once more. “Shitty old man.”
“Now, now, that isn’t very polite, Lynette. Aren’t we the same age? We manifested at the same time, remember?”
“So we’re like some twisted form of quadruplets? That doesn’t make me feel any better.”
Oblivious to the atmosphere of the room, Alfani clapped his hands, and his pure blue eyes lit up with delight. “Oh? But didn’t we all appear at the same time as everyone else in town? So that would make us…hmmm… how many of us were there again…?”
As Alfani began counting on his fingers, Lynette pushed past him to get to the door. Unfortunately she was blocked by Manboy. Her face fell. “Manboy? You too?”
All he could do was shake his head and reply, “It’s Dorian’s orders, Lady Lynette. You know how it is.”
Lynette’s hands shook. She wasn’t sure if it was from anger or fear, but she dropped everything just the same. The music box and book hit the ground with a loud clatter, yet Dorian hardly flinched. Even as Lynette turned to glare at him, gazing at him with the same murderous intent she reserved for her job, he never wavered. Each word that fell from her mouth was laced with malice. “What do you want? Why did you interrupt us? You’ll force me to have sex with millions of strangers, but the second I choose to kiss someone you’re suddenly hot on my ass.”
“Do you love him?” Dorian asked.
This question immediately stopped her in her tracks. Suddenly Lynette couldn’t form words the way she was able to a few seconds ago.
“Lynette loves Linden? Amazing! It’s just like her love stor-”
“It’s not.” It was difficult to speak, but at least she managed to interrupt Alfani’s annoying rambling. For some reason it hurt Lynette to say what she said next, her voice pulled taut like a thread on the verge of snapping in half. “I don’t… love Mr Linden. We’re just good friends. Nothing more.”
A low chuckle came from Dorian. “Friends? Do friends gaze at each other like you two did in the bar room?”
Remembering the yearning in his eyes made her knees weak. “You’re imagining things.”
“He asked to kiss you.”
And she wanted to kiss him too. “We live in a brothel. A kiss is insignificant.”
“Then why did you not? Kiss him, that is?”
Because she was scared. “Because some perverted old man was peeping on us from the doorway, GOD, Dorian, what else could it be?!”
“You’re afraid,” Dorian calmly said. “You’re afraid of getting close to others.”
“And who’s fault do you think that is?! You made me like this. You made it so that every time I make a friend in this place there’s a possibility of them dying by my hand.” Lynette began to become choked up as tears wavered in and out of her vision. “I’ve tried too many times to run away from here. And I’ve tried twice as many times to off myself, but nothing seems to work. At least the townspeople were given the mercy of death, but for us… To keep living like this is a fate worse than hell-“
CRASH! Everybody in the room, apart from Dorian who was the cause of it, jumped at the noise. He had knocked over a bottle from a nearby table. Red wine dripped and flowed through the shattered glass, soaking into the floor. When Dorian looked back at Lynette, her blood ran cold. He wasn’t smiling anymore. And the light disappeared entirely from his eyes.
“Freedom… is overrated, Lynette. I thought you knew that by now. Or maybe your brain is smaller than I originally believed. The people here aren’t always happy, but it’s far better than suffering from hunger or wallowing in disease in the slums. I do all I can to ensure that this salon is the most beautiful of cages for every bird that flies in. I flood their thoughts with the finest of luxuries and the most pleasant of sensations until their hedonistic trance distracts them from the clipping of their wings. Obedience isn’t freedom, yes, but it’s far better than that.”
Dorian’s voice dropped. “A bird kept safe in a gilded cage is more beautiful than a feral one. And far lovelier than a dead one, don’t you agree?”
Lynette didn’t answer. She didn’t like the implications in Dorian’s words nor did she want to argue with him anymore.
His next words made dread settle low in her stomach. “Now, be a good little Nightingale and clean up this mess.” And as Lynette turned to fetch the broom from the closet, he made a light tutting noise in his throat to stop her. “Not with those. Get on your knees and pick it up with your hands.”
“Lord Dorian Gray! That’s too-!” Manboy protested.
“‘Far’? Nonsense, like this she’ll be ever the more grateful for the break I’ll give her from her usual duties. Unless ‘Lady Lynette’ has something else to say about it?”
Lynette numbly shook her head, crouching down as she did so. “No, Lord Dorian Gray. Thank you for your kindness,” she replied, resentment as jagged as the glass that dug into the tender skin of her hands.
"Il ne m'aime pas du tout."
“He doesn’t love me at all.”
As the last petal was plucked from the flower, Lynette sat there holding onto the stem.
After all the hardships she went through, after all the hardships she put others through, of course she didn’t deserve something as beautiful as love.
Dorian and Manboy told her that Linden died several decades ago due to heart failure. She was partly relieved, no longer having to stress if he was going to be her next kill.
But the other part of her was sent spiraling into despair. It normally took a couple days for her to get over lost relationships, but this was something new entirely. A death of a loved one was a first in this long life of hers. Several months passed by, nearly a year spent crying and isolating herself from others, yet she couldn’t rid herself of the memory of him.
She regretted not visiting him as often out of fear that she may fall deeper in love with him. But now that he was gone, Lynette made it a tradition to visit his grave once a month to keep him company. It was far too late to do so, but Lynette saw it as a kind of penance for all she’s done to him. The constant pulling and pushing away. The way she led him on. The fact that the last words she spoke to him were through another one of her stupid love songs instead of her true feelings.
Leaning her head back against the brick wall, Lynette murmured, “Linden… What do I do now? I miss you. I want to talk to you one more time. I want to-“ She choked on the sob building up in her chest. “I… wanted to kiss you that night. And the night before and the night after. And now we can’t even meet after death because there’s no afterlife for someone like me.”
The stem Lynette was holding was discarded onto the ground as she continued to cry. She wanted one more chance to tell him “i love you”, and to overwhelm him with love to the point of suffocation.
Because to die in the arms of someone she loved was now the only way she ever wanted to go out.
“Il m’aime un peu.”
He loves me a little.
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due-nesin · 1 year
Part I
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synopsis: ‘Jung Hyunchan, the heir to the Sequoia Hotel chain, was found dead in Incheon high’s kitchen.’
6 friends, 1 dead, 5 suspects, 1 culprit and 100 interwoven stories.
featuring: Lee Heeseung as Lee Soohyuk; Ahn Yujin as Min Sohye; Aisha as Seong Yeonha; Yoon as Park Taeji; Jeong Yunho as Kang Moonseok; Hwang Hyunjin as Jung Hyunchan.
genre/pairs: Thriller, suspense, mystery, romance. bestfriends-to-lovers (established relationship), friends-to-lovers, exes-to-lovers, one sided fake dating (?), betrayal, mature themes, break up, messed up characters.
warning: swearing, character death, trauma, a bit of gore, toxic relationship (no abuse!), misunderstanding, a lot of crying and violence. (more to be added as the story progresses.)
wc: 3.2k
taglist: Open. Send an ask or comment to be added. You’ll be tagged when other chapters are released.
a/n: Please keep in mind that the idols are used as face claim for the ocs and all of this is completely fictional. This is not the real description of the idols. this is our first fic oop. This a chaptered series; the first chapter will be out soon! Updating will take time as both Leo and Yushi have their school work and personal stuff to do as well. Hope yall understand! constructive criticism is much appreciated. Please give lots of love :)
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i. Jung Hyunchan
Jung Hyunchan, the heir to the Sequoia Hotel chain, was found dead in Incheon high’s kitchen.
Sohye’s eyes widened, as she shook Soohyuk’s shoulders in an attempt to get his attention. He hummed in response, not taking his eyes off the assignment he was doing. “Hyuk, the news…” She trailed off. Soohyuk closed his book and looked at Sohye with a confused expression, who sat there with owl eyes, and as soon as he paid attention to the tv, his expression matched sohyes. 
“Hyunchan’s de-”
“Hyunchan in the kitchen- dead- found him- knives and blood-” A bang was heard as Yeonha barged into the room panting with tears running down her face. “Yeon! What happened to Chan?” Asked Soohyuk as Sohye went to calm her best friend. “I found Hyunchan dead in the kitchen with bloody knives all over the place.” Replied Yeonha, waving Sohye off and sitting on the couch as she wiped her tears.
“What were you even doing in the kitchen this early? It’s like-" Soohyuk paused to check his watch and continued, “8:30, and isn’t your first lecture at 10 today?” Yeonha groaned and muttered, “I thought helping the cafeteria staff would be good but obviously I reached a little bit early.” Sohye rolled her eyes and smacked her best friend’s head, “You don’t even know how to cook, what were you thinking?” 
“That’s not the point. I found Hyunchan there tied to a chair with blood all over him and the kitchen. The police are here too with reporters and shit. Oh, I’m fucked.” Yeonha cried and for a while everyone was silent. 
The silence was soon interrupted by two of their friends who came in and gestured them to follow them to the cafeteria. “I see you all know about Hyunchan already. They’re down there. Police and reporters and Chan's parents. We need to go down. Now.” Taeji said, looking at the tv. “Get up!” Moonseok exclaimed. The three nodded hesitantly and got up.
The cafeteria was full of police officers, detectives, news reporters, random students, staff, and Hyunchan’s family. The police were roaming around the place doing whatever. The detectives along with some police officers were questioning the students and the staff. The students were telling their own versions of the event and were stating their suspicions. The staff was trying to escape the situation by saying they had just reached the school and were as confused as the interrogators were. 
Some staff also claimed that they didn’t know who the victim was but obviously, they were lying. How could they not know the son of Jung Kihyun, the heir to the Sequoia hotel chain. Some said that the kid was too problematic and that this was probably just a stunt. Oh, how they wished it was. 
The entrance to the kitchen was sealed by the police and inside was Jung Hyunchan’s dead body. The scene was disturbing and looked like a nightmare with the amount of blood splattered everywhere. His body was covered with cuts and his long blond hair now passed as red. A huge puddle of blood was on the ground below the chair his dead body was tied to. The blade of a kitchen knife, stabbed perfectly, was found on his shoulder with its handle nowhere in sight. There were tear tracks on his blood-smeared face. His grey hoodie was thrown in the sink. His tied hands looked like they had been twisted with bloody hands and his face looked sunken. The red contrasted perfectly with his pale body.
Crying in front of the sealed kitchen was Hyunchan’s mother in her husband’s arms. Her husband too had tears running down his long nose. The parents of the dead boy were too shocked to even move from their places. Their only son and the heir to their empire had died. Who would manage the business now?
Yeonha was trembling in fear, her hand patted Sohye’s shoulder back as she tried to comfort her. Yeonha was scared. Sobs were heard from Taeji’s side as she cried at the sight of her dead cousin. Moonseok turned his head from the scene with a sniffle. Soohyuk took hold of his girlfriend’s hand gently and rubbed it comfortingly, earning a sound of a muffled sob from Sohye.
ii. The Library
“No, but who would want to kill him?” Soohyuk wondered. “Who wouldn’t want to kill the heir to sequoia hotels? Come on, hyuk.” Taeji replied, glaring at Yeonha.
“Listen, I don’t know what kind of problem you have with me but this is a serious situation. Your cousin just died.” Yeonha retorted. “Murdered.” Taeji corrected Yeonha took a deep breath and said, “Can you please tell me what’s up with you or just leave it till things get better?”  
“What’s up with me? Please stop.” Taeji rolled her eyes and looked away. “Stop? Just say whatever shit you want to tell me and get over with it.” Said Yeonha, trying to keep her voice down and leaning forward. “You think I don’t know about your deeds?” Taeji’s cold stare matched the latter’s as she leaned forward as well.
Yeonha raised an eyebrow, “You think I don’t know yours? Let’s face it, we all know you felt jealous of your own cousin and you and your parents tried to manipulate him and his father into changing everything but obviously it didn’t work out and so you did this.” Taeji’s eyes flared as she felt confusion, anger, regret and shame all together.
“What do you mean did this?” Taeji questioned. Yeonha rolled her eyes and sighed as if it was obvious and said, “Oh come on, there’s no need to act so innocent. It’s a bit too late." Taeji couldn’t handle the humiliation and stomped her feet. On the doorway she bumped shoulders with Moonseok and went out of the room, saying incoherent words.
 Moonseok’s eyes followed Taeji and asked Yeonha, “What just happened?” Yeonha simply shrugged in response. Moonseok’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked over at Soohyuk for an answer, who eyed Sohye. Sohye caught the signal and looked up at him and said, “I don’t know, they were talking about something and Taeji just stormed out of the room.” 
“I’d better go check then.” Moonseok said and went out of the room too.
A police officer walked inside the room moments later Moonseok left and declared, “All of you are needed outside the library. The interrogations are happening there.” 
Soohyuk nodded and dragged the two girls with him. Yeonha moaned, “Out of all the places, the library. Why? Shouldn’t we be taken to interrogation rooms?” Sohye simply looked at her and replied, “You know the power Hyunchan’s dad holds,”
 “Let’s get going now.” Soohyuk said, tightening his hold on the girls. Yeonha wasn’t too excited by the thought of getting questioned by the police and Sohye was still shaken up. “They won’t ask me about our relationship, right?”
“I don’t know, Yeonha. I’ve never been to an interrogation and I don’t know if they’ll ask me about my psychology homework as well, so let’s go.” Soohyuk snapped, making the said girl whine again. “Give her a break, Hyuk. She just broke up with her boyfriend and found him dead. It’s pretty disturbing and how would you react if it was me instead?” Sohye scolded, glaring at Soohyuk.
Sohye pulled her hand away from his grasp and went towards her best friend, as she wiped her tears. “I don’t know what to say. They’ll think I killed him. I-I wasn’t in my right mind and said whatever. I-I didn’t mean it. Trust me, I didn’t.” Yeonha breathed out, her voice shaking from grief and anxiety. Sohye pulled her into a hug and reassured her that it’ll be okay, repeatedly. 
Soohyuk sighed guiltily and reached out to his friend. His hand found its way to her shoulder, and patted it comfortingly. “Yeon, I’m sorry but I just- I’m not exactly in my right mind right now. Let’s go? We’re here with you. Nothing could go wrong, right?”  
Yeonha nodded as she wiped her tears and pulled away from the hug. Sohye managed a small smile and said, “Alright, the detective is waiting for us.” 
The library looked very creepy with the police tapes all around and the eerie silence was killing her. Yeonha squirmed at the memory of reading goosebumps books with her ex in the far corner of the library while imagining the creepy scenarios together. It was fun while it lasted. Yeonha didn’t even know what goosebumps was doing in the university’s library back then. 
Hyunchan loved coming to the library as it gave him a break from his worries and his family. The first time Yeonha entered the Library was when they became friends in first year. Hyunchan talked to her about the different books. Yeonha had just smiled all the way like an idiot, not knowing what the books were and who the authors were. 
The friendship soon changed into something more. Hyunchan was a very sweet guy and after making it official, he had gotten sweeter, if it was possible. She choked back a sob. There was the table where they’d always sit. The place where they completed the goosebumps series. The place where they had deep talks about aliens and monsters. 
She was forced out of her flashback by a police officer calling Soohyuk for interrogation. She saw Sohye squeezing her partner's hand as Soohyuk smiled at her. 
iii. The father-daughter duo
“Soohyuk Lee?” The detective called out his name. Soohyuk nodded and sat down in the chair that the detective gestured him to sit on. 
 “What was your relationship with the victim?”
“We were friends. We became friends through Seong Yeonha.” Soohyuk answered curtly.
“I see. Who is Seong Yeonha to you and who was she to Jung Hyunchan?”
“My best friend. She was Hyunchan’s girlfriend. They broke up some time ago.”
“Do you have any idea of why they broke up?”
“No, sir.”
“Where were you last night?”
“I was at my dorm till 3. I’m not quite sure what the time was but yeah, I was completing my assignments. I went to the girl’s dorm to get some ramen since me and my roommate didn’t have it. I had the spare key to my girlfriend’s dorm and found Yeonha asleep on the couch. Around 10 minutes later, Sohye came in with some food packets.”
“Who is your girlfriend?”
“Min Sohye.”
“Do you remember what the two girls were wearing?”
“Yeonha was in her panda pajamas and Sohye was wearing tracks.”
“What colour was the tracks?”
“Black and white.”
“Is there anyone you suspect?”
“Very well. You may go.”
“I have a question, sir.”
“Aren’t interrogations supposed to be held in interview rooms? Why are we here in a library?”
“Special orders from Mister Jung.”
“Oh, I see.”
Soohyuk got up from his seat and went to find the girls near the entrance. Yeonha and Sohye seemed to be talking animatedly about something. Yeonha had a sad smile on her face and Soohyuk had a feeling he knew who they were talking about.
“...and he got me a phone case that said ‘Chan’s bae.’ It looked so dumb. Like, it had an orange background and a banana right in the middle where the text was written.” Yeonha chuckled. Sohye smiled at her and then looked at the phone case she was using and cracked up when she saw the same phone case described by Yeonha.
“Hey… Nice phone case you got there, Yeon.” Soohyuk said, looking pointedly at Sohye. “Oh god no, don’t get me that please.” Sohye’s eyes widened in horror as she smacked his head. Soohyuk fished in his pockets for his phone and went through the notifications. “Oh god, the number of DMs I have. They’re asking me if Hyunchan really isn’t anymore.”
“Ah, anyway, I’ll go now. I’ve got to get my books from the classroom. I got a message to take them. Something about the uni closing down. I’ll go talk with the Jungs too if they are free.” Soohyuk declared, putting his phone back in his pocket. Sohye nodded and muttered a small, “Tell them we’re both sorry for their loss.”
“Next.” A police officer called and asked what her name was. “Sohye Min.” The police officer wrote it down and told her to go inside the sealed area for interrogation.
Yeonha saw her best friend go inside without any fear. How could she be so normal? How could Soohyuk be so normal? Why weren’t they scared like her? Their friend had died and they were one of the many suspects. It didn’t feel right. Going in there and talking about her ex. Wasn’t it bad enough that she had to break up with Hyunchan? And now this, of course, she had to be the one to find his body.
The nightmares would start coming. She knew that. The scene was agonising to watch. It had taken all her willpower to not scream and run around the place like a maniac. She wanted to help him but she couldn’t. Even if she would have been able to help him, her conscious wouldn’t have let her. Not after what she did. She needed to stop it. The lies. They would kill her one day. Just like how they killed Hyunchan.
After 9 months of dating the burden had started getting heavy. It was hard to carry the weight of it. Hyunchan didn’t deserve it. He didn’t deserve any of this. She wanted to hug him. She wanted to tell him she was sorry. She wanted to read another book with him. Just one. She wanted to tell him that it all didn’t go in vain. She wanted to hold his hand and comfort him. To think that all they had, could just fall apart in one night. A tear escaped her eye. It was suffocating. The memories were killing her from the inside. She wanted to die. She wanted to end it all. The guilt mixed so well with sorrow, that it was hard to find out what weighed more.
She had to get out of here. The library was bringing back memories of her and Hyunchan. The painful ones she wanted to forget so badly. Without a second thought, she went over to the police officer nearest to her and excused herself, “Uh, Washroom?” The police officer looked at her suspiciously and raised an eyebrow. Yeonha looked back innocently and tilted her head. “Washroom?”, she repeated. The officer thought about it for a moment and said, “Make it fast.” Yeonha nodded and headed for the exit.
For how long would she be able to stall the police? She had no clue but the only thought in her head was to cry in the toilet like a baby. The library was at the far end of the first floor so it was going to be a fun journey to the washroom.
On the way there she heard shouts. The voices sounded familiar. The first one was of a male, it was adenoidal and a little rough. The second voice was of a female, it was modulated and high pitched. Moonseok and Taeji. Yeonha scowled as she heard them yell at each other in the lab. That was so not normal.
A little eavesdropping won’t hurt anyone, she thought and went closer to the entrance.
“...don’t you get it, Moon? It’s her and Mr. Seong. The father-daughter duo has something to do with this shit.”
iv. The raven haired girl
Yeonha’s eyes widened and before she could stop herself she let out a small, “What even.” that alerted Moonseok. “What was that?” the boy asked. Yeonha did something heroic. She went to the girl's washroom and locked herself in one of the cubicles hoping Taeji wouldn’t get in.
She heard footsteps shuffling and slapped her hand to her mouth to stop any voice from escaping. “Who was that?” She heard a distressed Taeji mutter to herself before going out again and yelling, “Moon, are you sure you heard someone because there is only one cubicle and someone seems to be minding their business there.”
“Nevermind. Let’s go to the library. I got a message from Soohyuk to go there. He’s gone to fetch his books from his class. I guess I’ll have to get mine from my class too.” Moonseok informed her, sighing. “Gosh, you don’t have your books left too for some work, do you?” Taeji questioned. “Oh, Nah I just forgot one there.”
“Min Sohye?”
“Yes, sir.”
“How are you related to the victim?”
“We were friends.”
“We were friends, sir.”
“Your last encounter with the victim?”
“Yesterday 6 pm. We were planning our trip.”
“Your encounter wasn’t at midnight. Are you sure?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Where were you last night?”
“In my dorm for the most part. At nearly 3, I went to get some Ramen from the convenience store.”
“What were you doing at your dorm?”
“I was studying with my roommate, sir.”
“And who would that be?”
“Seong Yeonha.”
“I believe she isn’t in your major.”
“She isn’t. We were studying together like we always do. She was doing her work and I was doing mine. She fell asleep at about 2. I went out to get some ramen to eat.“
“What did you see when you came back?”
“Yeonha asleep on the couch and Soohyuk sitting at the dining table.”
“Now, is there anyone you suspect?”
“I believe Park Taeji... No not really- nevermind! No one for now.”
“Very well. You may go.”
“Alright, sir.”
 “I, I don’t believe you. Come on, it just does not make sense.” Said Moonseok, confused. “Of course it makes sense. It makes a lot of sen-” Replied Taeji before she got interrupted by Sohye, “What does not make sense?”
“Nevermind that. What did they ask you in there?” Taeji asked, dismissing the previous topic. “Frequently asked questions. Things I did yesterday night and my relation with Hyunchan.” Answered Sohye.
“That’s it?” Taeji raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, that’s it.” Confirmed Sohye, nodding slightly. “I believe the questioning will last long. They will ask all the main things later when they are provided with a bit more proof. I don’t know why they started questioning this fast. Dumbasses.” Moonseok interjected with a calculative look on his face. 
“I know, right? Hyuk came back pretty fast too.” Sohye added. “Special orders from Mr. Jung, I guess. Uncle has always been an idiot when it comes to these things.” Taeji remarked, rolling her eyes as Sohye hummed in response. 
A thud sounded as someone behind them fell down. “Miss, are you okay?” asked the nearest officer. The three looked just in time to see, a raven-haired girl standing up clumsily, apologizing under her breath. That was Yeonha. Taeji rushed to her and offered her a hand but got waved off by the girl. Yeonha instead took Moonseok’s help and stood up looking at the ground. 
“Oh, come on, I’m sorry.” Taeji apologized, her hand finding its way to Yeonha’s shoulder. “Are you alright?” Moonseok asked. Yeonha nodded,” Thanks.” and shrugged off Taeji’s hand, and walked towards Sohye with a red face. 
“Where were you, madam?” Sohye asked Yeonha as soon as she came into her earshot. “Went to get some water.” Yeonha lied and Sohye sighed in response. “It’s your turn soon.” Sohye reminded the latter and a voice said, “next.”
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They’re all different from one another; but if there is one thing that they have in common, it is that they’re all liars.
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eddiemunsongf · 2 years
so, scrolling through the eddie tag it occurred to me that some of yall might not know that he/his storyline is pretty transparently inspired by a real crime/historical event, and i thought it might be of interest.
iykyk, i’m obviously talking about the west memphis 3. if you don’t--
the case:
in 1993, three eight year old boys were found murdered in a small town in arkansas. the scene was horrific, and immediately overwhelming to the small police force, who fumbled the case from jump. this occurred when america was still deep in the throes of the satanic panic, especially in rural areas like west memphis. within a week, the police were circling 18 year old damien echols and two younger teenage boys as suspects, based on little more than them being edgy. a year later, the three boys were convicted of the murders, based solely on image, rumors, and circumstantial evidence. the two younger boys were sentenced to life, and damien was put on death row.
in 1996, hbo released the first of three documentaries about the case (more specifically, about it’s unbelievable mishandling). they were massive hits, creating a fervour similar to serial or making a murderer at their height. metallica, eddie veder, jello biafra, henry rollins, and filmmaker peter jackson, as well as many other celebrities and musicians, became invested in the case, and produced a benefit concert, CD, and a further documentary to draw attention to it and help fund the boys’ defense.
finally, in 2011, the west memphis 3 were released from prison. though they were forced into a shady plea arrangement that did not exonerate them and prevents them from suing the hell out of the state of arkansas, they maintain their innocence. 
ok but whats that got to do with eddie, dude?
damien echols was a long haired teenaged boy in a small midwestern town during the satanic panic. he wore black and liked metal. he was an extremely poor outsider, but also made himself something of a leader among local outcasts and fuck-ups. he laughed at his sheeple peers and authorities. he instigated, in the way that otherwise nerdy teenaged boys often do: if you can’t beat ‘em, freak ‘em out. what’s more, it was fun to him.
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when three children were murdered in his town, the above was enough to convince local authorities and townspeople that damien was the leader of a bonafide satanic cult, and had sacrificed the boys. to these people, these crimes could only be the work of satan himself, and damien was the closest thing to satan that they knew.
of course, the case of the west memphis 3 is much, much more complicated than eddie’s. the first crime scene was in his home, and he ran. and the police misconduct in the WM3′s case is to such a level that it would comedic if it weren’t so fucking tragic. i do not think this is a 1-1 retelling. i am only trying to illustrate that eddie is (imo) undeniably inspired by damien echols.
if that isn’t enough to convince you, one of the murdered boys’ names is christopher byers, and i have long wondered if he is (once missing) will byers’ namesake. for me, this confirms it.
(there also may be something to be said about the state vecna’s 3 victims are left in, and how it relates to the WM3, but i’d rather not elaborate publicly because it could be quite upsetting. if anyone wants to talk privately, i’m open.)
cool..... why should i care?
you really don’t have to. there’s nothing wrong with enjoying eddie as he is or as you headcanon him. i understand if it’s uncomfortable to tie him to this real tragedy, especially if you were previously unaware. godspeed.
to me, it adds depth to his character. most stranger things characters are based on popular 80s tropes. not eddie. he’s representative of something real. a real person, a real victim of the era the show glamorizes. it expands his character two-fold: it adds real weight and gravity to his situation, and it creates a sweeter alternate reality. one where damien echols is believed, helped, and hopefully, cleared. 
true crime is a deservedly controversial form of media. but when stories are this big, and this emblematic of a certain time and place, they get sucked up into the zeitgeist in a way that is quite different than an episode of mfm or unsolved mysteries. they shape culture, they leave an impression on those who grow up to make art, they become historical touchstones. i don’t think ST is being exploitative by taking inspiration from this story (though im open to being wrong on this). however, i suppose i was a little bothered scrolling through posts, thinking of the people who may not know the history behind this character. i suppose that’s why im typing this now. this happens to be a subject i know something about, and it felt right to share.
finally, i would like to offer proper acknowledgement to the survivors and victims.
damien echols, jason baldwin, and jesse misskelley jr were just kids. they were profiled, tricked, and failed repeatedly by the system. echols trusted in the justice system so implicitly that he felt safe cracking jokes to the police, assured that his innocence would protect him. baldwin was initially suspected for wearing a metallica t-shirt. misskelley was initially suspected because he had spiked hair. they each lost nearly 20 years of their lives.
steve branch, christopher byers, and michael moore were denied a proper investigation of their murders. as far as the state of arkansas is concerned, they closed this case in 1994. may they rest in peace.
if you’re interested in learning more, i offer two warnings. one: this is obviously an inherently dark subject. but know i intentionally underplayed the details of this particular crime. it is horrific. i advise against going deeper if you are sensitive or if it is inappropriate in any way for you to do so. two: this was an extremely popular case during the rise of the internet. there is an absolute avalanche of information, discussion, and forums. if you are a person who can get sucked into rabbit holes, be aware this is a deep one. i recommend starting with the book devil’s knot by mara leveritt. of note are also the paradise lost documentaries, and the two books by echols himself. good luck, friend.
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inastateofmind · 3 years
one day / rafe cameron
a.n. YAY for my first fic!!! please be nice because i really do not know what i’m doing. hopefully it’s okay though. feedback is greatly appreciated. let me know what yall want to see next or if i’ve left out any warnings or anything like that!
pairing: non canon rafe cameron x fem!reader
summary: y/n tutors sarah and is pining after rafe, little does she know, rafe is pining after her too. song fic inspired by one day by tate mcrae! i do not own any lyrics used. lyrics are italicized.
word count: 2440
warnings: unrequited love induced angst, fluff, mentions of alcohol, mentions of sex if you squint, jealousy, kelce being kelce
“She stares at her ceiling once again with a hundred thoughts,
‘Maybe he knows who I am, probably not.’”
Y/N laid in her room quietly, Olivia Rodrigo’s “enough for you” playing faintly in the background while she stared at the ceiling above her. School had just started two weeks ago and her feelings for Kook King Rafe Cameron had only intensified since then. Working for the school’s student services, she had been assigned to tutor Sarah, which left Y/N seeing Rafe more often than her heart could physically handle. The two of them hadn’t talked much, only sharing a few passing comments to each other while she confided in his home with Sarah. The reality of their relationship was that the older Cameron sibling probably hardly knew her name, however that did not stop her from harboring feelings for him from afar for almost two years.
“She walks down the hall with her head down low, scared to meet his eyes
Even when she hears his voice she's swarmed with butterflies”
The halls of the Kook Academy were crowded with girls in short skirts and crop tops and boys in polos and khakis when the bell rang for lunch. Y/N stopped by her locker to switch out her textbooks for the second half of her day, keeping her head low as she weaved in between the crowd. “Dude, I just don’t get it. I basically used Grammarly for the whole thing and I still got a C?” She could make out Kelce’s voice in all the commotion due to the volume of his outburst. A giggle slipped out of her lips as she slipped past him, knowing the teachers in this school know when the students use programs like Kelce’s to write their papers. “Sorry, Y/L/N, is something funny?” The boy stepped towards her, causing her to finally lift her head and meet the eyes of everyone who was around. Y/N’s eyes were immediately drawn to Rafe’s, and then fallen to the hand that gripped around Kelce’s arm, making him step back from the shy girl in front of him, “Man, leave her alone.” Her eyes met Rafe’s again as he smiled at her, causing butterflies to swarm her insides as she turned and walked away, leaving Rafe victim to Kelce’s teasing of his “crush.”
“It’s impossible to get you off my mind, I think about a hundred thoughts and you are ninety-nine
I’ve understood that you will never be mine, and that’s fine — I’m just breaking inside”
“You look so hot, Y/N,” Sarah complimented, curling the last piece of her own hair while Y/N stared at herself in the mirror. Sarah had insisted she come to the annual bonfire, and in return had offered to help her get ready. “Rafe is going to die when he sees you tonight.” Y/N thought her heart stopped right then and there. She spun around quickly, staring at Sarah. “What?” Sarah laughed, fluffing her hair as she stood up. “Y/N/N, you can’t hide that from me. I figure out everything.” Y/N sighed and made her way towards the door, opening it for Sarah to lead the way. “For what it’s worth, I think he’s got a thing for you too.”
The bonfire was not Y/N’s scene, to say the least. By the time her and Sarah arrived, many people were already wasted. The number of people in the small space was enough to send Y/N into fight or flight mode, but Sarah was quick to pull her into the crowd with a drink and start dancing. Several songs passed before Y/N found Rafe, who already had his eyes on her. She blushed, suddenly feeling very self conscious. Was this crop top too cropped? Has she danced too bad it’s been embarrassing? Is it obvious she doesn’t belong here? She must’ve been lost in her thoughts for some time, because next thing she knew, Rafe’s hands were resting on her hips, bringing her back to earth. “Anyone home?” He joked, tapping her hips with his fingers. She laughed lightly, her nerves flowing through her body. Rafe leaned into her ear, his breath warm against her cold skin, “You look really good.” This small compliment mixed with the alcohol coursing through her veins gave her a new found confidence. She smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck, toying with the hair at the nape of his neck. “You don’t look too bad yourself, Cameron.” Y/N swore she saw a faint blush on the notorious bad boy’s cheeks, but she would never be too sure, because as quick as their moment started, it ended. “Rafe! Beer pong let’s go!” Topper yelled from behind Rafe, a crowd cheering at the mention of Rafe’s name. The boy sighed and rolled his eyes. Y/N placed a hand on his chest, “Go,” she smiled, “You can find me later.” Rafe smiled at her before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’ll be back.” Y/N watched as Rafe ran into the crowd chanting his name, laughing as he turned around and pretended to have Topper “crown” him as the beer pong king before beginning their game.
An hour had passed when Y/N had begin to feel tired of chatting up random people from school. She had consumed a few more drinks while waiting for Rafe to come find her, however he never came. She decided to take things into her own hands and find Rafe herself. Standing from the log surrounding the bonfire, she swayed slightly as she walked around the small space searching for Rafe. She didn’t see him anywhere, so she had assumed he had left on his own accord. That is, until she heard whistling from Topper and Kelce. “Okay Rafey boy!” She turned quickly to see Rafe helping a skinny blonde from their calculus class into his car. Suddenly, her shoes were the most interesting thing at the bonfire. Y/N felt stupid for ever thinking Rafe cared or was attracted to her, and she felt even more stupid for thinking he was really going to come find her. “Hey,” she turned to see Sarah smiling at her sadly. “John B’s here to take us home,” Y/N cut her off, tears pooling in her eyes. “I’m going to go back to mine actually.”
“He always walks the crowded halls and is blinded by this light
A girl who keeps her head down low and never shows her eyes”
Rafe spent most of his time at school surrounded by an entourage. However, as of recently, his main focus hasn’t been the popularity or the girls flocking his way, but more so a specific girl: Y/N. He watched her in class while she worked ahead of the teacher, he noticed how she got anxious in the crowded hallways, he loved how she opened up while she hung out with Sarah after school. He had never felt so attached to a girl before, especially one he had hardly talked to. Something about Y/N just kept drawing Rafe in, making him want to be a proper gentleman and get to know her— all the weird little things and the seemingly unimportant things too. 
“He tried to talk to her but there’s no easy way
‘Cause every time he raises his voice, she runs away”
“Y/N! Hey, wait up!” Rafe yelled down the hallway, running after the girl as she beelined it to her locker. “Y/N,” She opened her locker, shoving her books into it with a sigh. “What do you want, Rafe?” His eyebrows furrowed at her tone. He didn’t understand. At the bonfire, things had been going so good. Now, he could barely get the girl to glance in his direction. “Why are you avoiding me? I thought at the bonfire…” She cut him off, slamming her locker shut. “Yeah, I thought things at the bonfire were going good too, until you left me there to go off with some girl,” She shrugged, turning and walking away before Rafe could even respond. He ran a hand through his hair out of frustration. The reality of the situation: the girl from the bonfire was truly just a friend who was far too wasted and vulnerable to get home on her own, and Rafe recognized that and offered to take her home. He couldn’t blame Y/N for thinking otherwise though, seeing as he did have quite the reputation. He glanced once more in the direction she walked off into before going to meet the younger Cameron sibling for advice.
“Oh, it’s impossible to get you off my mind
I think about a hundred thoughts and you are ninety-nine.
I’ve understood that you will never be mine and that’s fine,
I’m just breaking inside”
Rafe spent the next few afternoons in the comfort of the country club with Kelce and Topper, avoiding his home at all costs until he was sure Y/N was done tutoring Sarah. He wanted nothing more than to go home and steal the girl from his sister so they could talk things out, but he knew that would ultimately make things worse, so he kept his distance. However, the phrase “distance makes the heart grow fonder” rang true, because Y/N was the only thing on his mind. By Wednesday afternoon, he finally gave in, going straight home from school. Wednesdays for Y/N and Sarah were typically their “relaxation” day before cramming for tests on Thursday, so Rafe expected to walk into the living room to find the two of you curled up on the couch. However, the house was oddly quiet and the driveway empty. He texted Sarah, asking where they were.
“John B’s. Be back by dinner.”
John B’s?
Y/N was at John B’s?
Rafe shook his head, opening Snapchat. He looked at Sarah’s story, a picture of her, Kiara and Y/N on the HMS Pogue. He smiled at how happy she looked. The next picture was one of Sarah in John B’s lap, with Y/N in the background sporting JJ’s hat and seemingly swatting at him while he reached to take it back. Rafe’s heart dropped slightly, staring at this picture a little longer than necessary. Maybe if he would’ve stayed with her at the bonfire, that could’ve been them. Now he had basically walked the girl of his dreams into the arms of JJ Maybank. 
‘Maybe it’s better this way,’ He thought. 
But maybe he didn’t want better.
“One day, maybe she’ll stay and start to head over his way
And one day, she’ll look into his eyes and instead of breaking, she’ll call him ‘Mine’
One day, he’ll grab her by the waist and force them to meet face to face
One day he’ll look into her eyes and say that ‘You’re my only light’”
His phone ringing at 1 in the morning woke Rafe from his sleep, not even bothering to see who was calling before answering. “It better be important if you’re waking me up,” He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Rafe, you’re too sweet sometimes, you know?” Rafe rolled his eyes, staring at the clock. “Topper, why did you call me?” His patience was wearing thin, but he knew Topper wouldn’t have called him without reason at this time of night. “I just wanted to tell you I just passed Y/N walking home by herself, I asked if she wanted me to give her a ride and she said no, but she looked pretty shaken up. I’ve still got an eye on her but I thought you might want to come,” Topper didn’t have to finish, the minute the girl’s name had fallen out of his mouth Rafe was throwing on a sweatshirt and slipping into shoes faster than he ever has before. His mind was running a million miles a minute. 
Why was she out this late by herself?
Why didn’t she call someone?
Did something already happen?
Rafe grabbed his keys and sped to Topper’s shared location, slowing down once he saw his jeep ahead of him. “I’ve got her, man. Thanks.” He hung up before pulling his car off onto the side of the road. “Y/N,” Rafe spoke as he got out, loud enough that she could hear it was him and not startle her. She turned quickly, staring at him as he approached her slowly. “I just wanted to go for a walk,” she mumbled, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. “I didn’t mean to scare anyone.” Rafe nodded. “I’m not mad at you, but it’s late,” he spoke gently. He could see on her face she was upset and he didn’t want to make it worse. Y/N was looking everywhere but at him. She was nervous, embarrassed, everything in between. “Hey,” Rafe whispered, placing his hands on her waist like he did at the bonfire. Her eyes met his and he could read her like an open book. He saw the nerves. He saw the sadness. “Let’s get you home.”
The car ride back to the Cameron household was quiet, but not uncomfortable. Rafe kept one hand on the wheel and one locked in Y/N’s, glancing over at her every few minutes to make sure she was doing okay. Back at the house, he provided her clothes to change into while he grabbed some drinks for them. Y/N sat on his bed, preparing herself for what she was about to do. It was the reason for the walk, the reason for the silence in the car. Honestly, this could be an awful time to do it, but there was no turning back now. “Okay, so I’ve got chips, cookies, water, Pepsi, mountain dew,” “Rafe.” Y/N cut him off, staring at him as she sat criss crossed on his bed. He sat everything down and stared at her, encouraging her to continue. “This could be a bad time to tell you, but I like you. I went on that walk because I needed to get you out of my head but then you showed up so clearly it didn’t work and honestly I’ve liked you for a while, and you don’t have to like me back, oh no you’re laughing,” She cut herself off at the sight of Rafe chuckling and moving towards her. “Why are you laughing?” Y/N whispered as he got close enough that he could feel his breath on her skin. “Because,” Rafe smiled, “I like you too.”
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jpegjade · 4 years
Missing - Spencer
Hey! I just thought of an idea where Spencer and the reader are dating but no one on the team knows, but when the reader goes missing or gets hurt or something they all figure it out?? 
Hi! I have a request 🥰 Could you write something where the reader gets captured by an unsub and spence/the team save her just in time??
Warnings: Aight yall, we’ve got some unsub angst. Light talk about the case and really angsty shit. Kidnapping. If you feel like you’re not able to handle it at any point while you’re reading, stop reading! Mental health first!
“SON OF A BITCH.” Reid yelled for the third time this morning. 
He was panicking and no one on the team could figure out why this was affecting him so badly. They knew you guys were close friends but you were close with everyone on the team. You were the second resident  tech genius in the building but you were out in the field, on the trips, as a way to get another handle on things. They thought this would affect Penelope more than it would affect anyone else but Spencer wouldn’t calm down.
It had been 12 hours since you had gone missing. It wasn’t like you to stop answering his calls, ignore his texts, or leave the house. You were happy, overjoyed just to be with him. You wouldn’t take off like this. This wasn’t like you. 
“Reid, calm down.” Hotch said for the third time. . 
“She isn’t the type to just run off or go anywhere without letting me know. She’s a little paranoid considering the last time she stopped contacting us was because she was kidnapped. And now this.” Reid was pacing and he wouldn’t stop moving. 
“We need to look at the victimology. Treat this like we would treat any other case, no matter how closely it hits to home for all of us.” Hotch said, pulling up the file. 
There wasn’t much to find. Penelope went through your emails, nothing strange. Just a lot of fanfiction about bands, movie characters, tv shows. You even wrote some occasionally. 
Morgan and Reid checked your apartment for any clues. Nothing out of the ordinary, no signs of struggle. There was nothing to suggest that you were anything but normally living there. 
JJ and Hotch looked at any recent kidnappings in the area that might have been similar to yours. Of course, they put out an APB with local police but there was nothing to suggest that you were in distress. 
Your mom didn’t know where you were and you didn’t have the best relationship with your dad in the past but recently, you were trying to reconcile. That was odd to him but he admitted that he liked it. None of your immediate family could tell Spencer a thing about you and he wondered how in the world they could call themselves your family when they knew almost nothing about you. You had mentioned you weren’t close to anyone anymore but he didn’t think it was this bad…
Sitting in the parked car, Derek looked over at Spencer. “I hate to say it, I really do, but maybe she just took off. Maybe she went on a last minute vacation and-”
“She wouldn’t do that. Not to me.” Spencer said, realizing he was making it really personal. “We’re her family. She wouldn’t just run from us. We have to find her.” 
“What’s up baby girl? Tell us something good.” Derek said, answering the phone. 
“I would love to go back and forth with you but you’re three blocks away from y/n’s cell phone. It’s moving so wherever it is, that’s where she is. Sending you a location stream now.” Garcia hung up and Derek saw exactly where the phone was. 
He drove like hell to get to you. Spencer’s heart raced so fast that he could barely believe it. This came out of nowhere. When Garcia tried to find your phone earlier, it was turned off so there was no signal. Thank god your phone came back on but there was something nagging at him. Why did your phone come back on when whoever took you was so careful to make sure you couldn’t be found. Maybe they wanted you to be found. 
The address led to a parking garage. As painful as it was, Morgan had to climb slowly up the garage to see everything. For the most part, it was empty because it was getting late. The sun was setting and in this part of town, everything closed early on Fridays. Each level seemed like it took forever to climb up until they reached the top of the garage, where you were standing near the ledge. THere was someone with you, a hooded figure. 
“FBI, step away from the girl.” Morgan said, hopping out of the car with his gun raised. Spencer raised his as well, already expecting this to go south. 
You were calm, quiet. You turned around slowly and gave Spencer a knowing smile. Spencer’s heart sank. He knew that smile. You were scared but doing your best not to show it. You wanted to show him that whatever happened, you would be okay with it. Everything was going to be okay. 
“How nice of you to show up.” The hooded figure stepped behind you, using you as a shield. You felt something solid press against your back and you froze. Your smile faltered and Spencer saw it. You were terrified and trying hard to not spur the unsub on, not communicate to Spencer. 
“Okay, here’s what’s going to happen.” Spencer said, slowly stepping forward, gun trained on the unsub. “What you’re going to do is step away from my girlfriend and come with us where we will take you in and get you the help you need. All you need is a little help.” 
The unsub took the gun from being pressed to your back and pointed it at your head, resting on your temple. Your breath hitched in your throat as you tried to focus on Spencer. You had to keep your focus on Spencer or you wouldn’t make it. Tears streamed down your face, steady and unrelenting, but you tried your best to keep your breathing steady. 
“You think I forgot. You think you could move on from me. You thought I wasn’t going to track you down and ruin your life, didn’t you, Spencer Reid?” It finally clicked for Spencer and his blood ran cold. 
There was a girl he broke up with a few years prior. She was absolutely crazy about him and he was crazy about her until the relationship started going sour. It became something that Spencer didn’t recognize and when she started getting into this really dark stuff, Spencer ended things. Gently, of course, but she was devastated. 
“I wanted so damn long for this. I’ve been watching you, watching her. Watching you look at her the way you looked at me. I’ve been planning this for years and you didn’t even notice. You were so consumed with this piece of trash that you didn’t realize what was happening.” The unsub pressed the gun harder to your head, the cold metal on your skin. 
“Spence, baby. It’s okay.” You said, smiling a sad smile. You knew what was going to happen to you next and you weren’t scared. You were at peace with everything. The man you adored and loved was there for you the whole time. He never stopped looking. You didn’t have to die alone. 
“Baby. You make me sick.” The unsub said, making a gagging sound. 
It pissed Spencer off how it sounded like a game to the unsub. Leah. Her name was Leah. And he remembered every moment with her, good and bad. But you know what else he remembered? Maeve. He remembered trying to reason with the unreasonable and Leah was definitely unreasonable. He wasn’t going to make that mistake again. 
He tapped the right side of his gun twice. He watched your eyes widen in recognition. 
“I love you, baby.” You said, smiling a sad smile. You knew he was going to try to save you but if it didn’t work, then he needed to know how you felt. 
“This is going to be fun. Taking her away from you is-” That was the last thing Leah said before a loud pop sounded and her body dropped to the ground. Head shot. 
You crumpled to the ground, body wracked in sobs you had been holding in all day. You were inconsolable and terrified, even though the worst was over. Morgan looked at Spencer as he ran over to you, bringing you into his arms. 
“I’m right here. I’m right here.” He kept repeating as you continued to sob. Loud and heavy, you were in shock and just kept crying. 
Soon enough, an ambulance came. You guessed Morgan called for one. The EMTs put you on a stretcher and gave you a shot of some cocktail to help you get some rest. Spencer rode with you to the hospital, holding your hand the whole time. Even sedated, all you could think about was how good Spencer looked in his bulletproof vest. Damn, the boy filled out. 
“You’re mine…” You said before blacking out. 
At the hospital, once you were situated in a room, Spencer went out to meet the team in the waiting room. Everyone looked relieved when he told them you were sedated but were going to physically be okay. Spencer left out that you weren’t going to be mentally okay for a while because that part was implied. 
“So, Morgan tells me you’ve been keeping a secret from us.” Hotch said, crossing his arms. 
“I fell in love with her.” Spencer said, looking down at his converse. 
“Well, next time you have important information to disclose, such as a relationship to the victim in one way or another, be upfront about it.” Hotch said. 
“Aww,” JJ and Garcia said as soon as Hotch was done. 
“I’m looking for Mr. Reid.” A nurse came by the waiting room said. “Your wife is awake.” 
“Oh she’s…” The nurse turned around and started walking Spencer to your room. Spencer assumed you told them the two of you were married so he could come back and see you past visiting hours.
“Hey wifey,” Spencer said, giving you a kiss on the forehead. 
“Yeah, she was going to kick you out if you weren’t married to me or related. We look nothing alike so I went with the latter. And I really need my husband right now…” You said, a fresh tear rolling down your face. 
Spencer wiped it away with his thumb and climbed into bed with you. The only sound coming from the tv. You were about to say something when he started getting sleepy again. Before you or Spencer could talk about everything that happened, you were asleep again. Peacefully asleep and safe in his arms.
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rextasywrites · 3 years
Little Darling 4 - a Lady Dimitrescu x Mia Winters fanfiction
"The walls of the basement were still as cold and slick as the day Lady Dimitrescu turned into what she was today. Some mold was still growing in corners here and there, but mostly it was contained to sealed boxes. “You turned because of the mold too?”"
what awaits Mia in the basement of Lady Dimitrescu's castle? how is the mold connected to both survivour, even if their trauma was 500 years apart?
ohhh boy i am SO happy with this fic yall have no idea. big thanks to everyone who has commeted on my fics so far, you make writing a fun process. i hope you enjoy the new chapter! !!!flashbacks are written in cursive!!! <3 <3 <3
Warnings: mention of child death, various mental illnesses
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
During the night, the snowfall in the valley had increased, snowing most of the village in. Lady Dimitrescu stood on the balcony, taking a drag from her smoke, blowing out smoke that nearly froze in the cold air. Mia was still fast asleep, the exhaustion caught up on her once the nightmares vanished. Lady Dimiterescu didn’t get any sleep during this very night - sleep was barely needed for her anyways, but she had ignored her own tiredness in favour of making sure Mia was okay. Guess the ‘human’ touch worked wonders on the traumatized.
“Lady Dimitrescu?”, Mia’s tired voice ripped her out of her thoughts and she turned around to face the young woman, standing in the doorway to the balcony, rubbing her sleepy eyes. “Can you close the door? I am freezing.”
“Oh right, you humans and your temperature problems.”, Lady Dimitrescu chuckled as she stepped back into the bedroom, “and please, call me Alcina.”
“Alright, Alcina.”, Mia chuckled, sitting back on the bed she had just emerged from, stretching her body from this good night’s sleep. “What is the plan for today? Will you show me where Rosy is?”
“Not yet. Before, you have to understand a few things. A few things about us. You worked with bio weapons before, so you will understand quickly enough…”
The walls of the basement were still as cold and slick as the day Lady Dimitrescu turned into what she was today. Some mold was still growing in corners here and there, but mostly it was contained to sealed boxes. “You turned because of the mold too?”
“Exactly. I spent hundreds of years dissecting my own blood to find out what was the trigger in this very mold, turning me into...this.”, Lady Dimitrescu said as she took a seat in the very same place the plague doctor had been on. “What I have come to realize - the plague doctors and fuck knows who else worked on the mold...they created an early version of the mold you were infected with. Of course, early and very simple, but you can see what it did to me.”
Mia nodded as she listened to Alcina talk, taking in the surrounding. It all reminded her so much of the basement she was locked in for three years, she could even feel the hard mattress under her spine. Something she never told Ethan was that she spent most of these years either trying to escape or sleep her injuries off. Eveline didn’t let her go. “How did they manage this back in...1500-something?”
“You are asking good questions, dear. I suppose the mold had a spontaneous mutation which caused its effects on me. I saw the dead bodies of previous victims. They died of mold poisoning or its effects on their lungs. Was lucky there, ‘suppose. And now I am immortal and could take over the world if I wanted to. Do I want to? Fuck no.”
“Why not?”, Mia chuckled at the thought of a vampire lady ruling over the world. What would the aliens say that watch us all day long? “Nothing could stop you. Not even any kind of bio weapons so far.”
“That’s the thing! Redfield and his team are developing a cure to the mold as we speak, with Rosy’s blood. The mold we were infected with is dangerously similar. Since no D-series exists anymore, they had to work with what they get. Ever since I got word of the D-series and the mold, I kept my eyes on your team and you. Because you would be the key to our deaths.”
“But why are they after you and your daughters? You haven’t caused any significant troubles, like turning a whole city into zombies…”
“Because we are mutants in the end. We shouldn’t exist in a perfect world with all sunshines and rainbow pooping unicorns. Too bad the world is a cruel place. Helping Redfield with the resurrection of Jill Valentine was the worst mistake I have made in over 500 years of living.”, Lady Dimitrescu explained, trailing over her exposed arm. Her veins were visible, but it was clear the mold had taken over her bloodstream judging by the colour alone. “The mold feeds off human blood. Once my blood was out, I started to thirst for whatever blood I could find. Most of the time I settled for homeless or old people - you know, the kind of people no one would miss.”
“...that makes sense, and that’s something rare to say in a situation like this.”, Mia said, earning a smile from Lady Dim- Alcina. “And why...don’t you just surrender and die? You have lived for over 500 years?”
“Oh Mia.”, Lady Dimitrescu chuckled as she stood up, cupping Mia’s cheeks, “Death is something so personal, trust me. It’s about the choice. If I want to kill myself, I’d just turn the mold into a vaccine. But being killed by a big mouthed assface who thinks the world belongs to him? I won’t give up without a fight. My daughters won’t give up without a fight. Suicide is something so personal.”
“Here.”, Carlos placed the newspaper article in front of Chris. Several homeless people had been found dead, drained of their blood. Chris read it with great interest, even though his Romanian was rusty. “Drained of their blood in Romania? This is either some sick dracula cosplayer or we have our eyes on vampires. Maybe they are the key to life!”
Chris raised an eyebrow at Carlos, “You really are into the thought of bringing her back to life, aren’t you?”
“Chris, look”, Carlos sighed, frustration and anger present in his mimic, “This is not the death Jill deserves. She deserves a second chance! Without the blood and pain and bio weapons. Fuck, let her adopt five cats and a llama if it makes her happy. But this is not the death she deserves”, and he pointed towards the cold camber her lifeless body was resting in. She looked so peaceful, as if she was just sleeping. Her blonde hair had fallen over her face, as if she was a fallen angel, ready to spread her wings at any given second. Chris might have given up on her, but not Carlos.
“Send out Kennedy then. He knows how to deal with the dirty work.”
The reports from Leon were clear. Mutants had infested the castle, but they weren’t much of a threat while Leon had been in there. It actually seemed as if they were avoiding him. But the key was a moment he accidentally witnessed.
“Lady Dimitrescu!”, a cry broke through the quietness of the castle. Leon had heard this sort of cry before - a mother who had just lost her child. A cry he never wanted to hear again. “Please help me! My daughter, my little baby…!”, she wailed as the three daughters surrounded her, taking the dead body of the toddler from her. The blonde daughter ran to where Lady Dimitrescu was staying while the two others comforted the hysteric mother. The child was pale and stiff, and must have been dead for quite a while. Leon swallowed dry at the view. He could deal with zombies and mutants in the weirdest ways, but dead children...he could never get used to this.
About an hour later, Lady Dimitrescu walked out of her study with the little girl, who was looking at least more alive. The colour had returned to her face and her chest was moving a little bit. “Here.”, she smiled as she handed the lady her daughter, “She needs rest for a few more days. Keep her warm and secure, bedrest is the best idea there. Also, she will be very thirsty once she wakes up. Let her drink all the water she needs, her body is severely dehydrated.”
Because of this, Leon decided to stay a few days more. He followed the mother to her home and stayed hidded. About a week later, he knocked on the door of the woman, asking for her help, if she had seen his dog ‘Rex’.
“Sadly, I have not.”, the woman said, and from the corner of his eyes, Leon was able to spot the once dead daughter, playing with some barbies. “But if I see him, I will let you know.” This was all the confirmation he needed. Leon headed back to the USA the following day to report from what he witnessed, and how they could be the key to saving Jill.
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joontier · 4 years
The King’s Guard | Chapter 1
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pairings: kim seokjin x reader; jeon jungkook x reader
series rating: R (18+) | genre: historical drama au!; king seokjin! au; established relationship! au; royalty! au!; 
warnings: non-graphic mentions of an abuse by Y/N’s stepmama; mentions of death; ANGST; horny ass jinnie and y/n; groping; unprotected sex bc condoms werent invented yet; fingering; edging if ya squint; impregnation kink; voyeurism; oral m and f receiving; slight degradation; good god i have never written this much filth in my life, brb gotta go to church;
word count:  6.3k
g/n: hEY HEY HEY BACK WITH THE SMUT YALL; anywho a few disclaimers before u read this sweetie, YES, its Jung Jungkook for a reason, you’ll see soon enough ;) also,,,, there might be a few korean words thrown in there but ya know context clues or u could search them up too if u want,,,, but i’ll also be placing them at the end of this post for ya <3 P.S. this is also going to turn into a series y’aLLLL GAHHHH
The King’s Guard - Masterlist  ||  navi.
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The King’s Guard | Chapter 1
It’s with Seokjin’s relentless pounding from behind you that you figure that the council meeting probably didn’t go well today. You’ve discovered that times of intimacies like these were a way to relieve himself of the stresses of being a newly pronounced king. Not that you were complaining though.
His fingers find your clit with practiced ease, rubbing at sensitive nub with great fervor. Seokjin’s punishing thrusts become slower as you both reached your highs, his cock falling limp shortly after he pulls out of you. Reaching over to the nearby table, he grabs a towel and dips it on the bowl of water, wiping away traces of his climax between your thighs. He pulls up his pants previously bunched in his ankles and arranges the rest of his durumagi, removing any possible evidence of your quick fuck.
“Council meeting went bad?” you asked, rubbing at your numbing forearms due to your husband’s forceful movements against the table he’d fucked you against. Seokjin briefly throws a sheepish look your way, guessing  you have finally figured out his nasty antics of de-stressing, but his beautiful face turns serious as he once again reminded of his responsibilities as king.
“Well with Minseok’s recent death, the dried-up lands in the far east, and an uprising rebellion in the south, I can’t say the meeting went particularly…peaceful,” Seokjin heaves a sigh and rests his hands on his knees.
Minseok was a trusted royal guard, serving Seokjin’s family for nearly all his life and had perished due to an attack during a visit to the southern city. While Minseok’s death caused a great loss in the palace, his blood symbolized the initial step towards an uprising, spurring on the southern troops even further.
With your back facing him, you felt remorseful as your hand subconsciously reaches for the south’s emblem given by your father, hidden beneath the thick collar of your hanbok – a harsh reminder that you were once from the southern palace – and yet you couldn’t do anything to help your king.
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It was one thing being only half royalty and another being the only heir to the throne. After multiple tries, prayer movements, and endless offerings, the real queen of the south proved to be infertile and could not bear a child for the king. In the past however, a childless monarch proved to be an advantage to those who attempted to overthrow the throne. Hence your biological father, the king, decided that he needed to have an heir at once. However, the only other lady your dad would trust with such great feat is the head court lady, your mom, who became the king’s only concubine – ergo, your coming into this world.
Your father acknowledged you as his daughter the moment he heard your first cry as a newborn, much to the queen’s repressed opposition. She knew she had no other choice but to give in to your father’s recognition, but her display of hatred for you never stopped at your birth. Your life was an endless tale of narrow escapes from her atrocities.
On the bright side, you maintained a healthy relationship with your father, he taught you how to read and write, he showed you the ins and outs of the city, gave you your first archery lesson, and even taught you a thing or two about politics and diplomacy. You were well-founded for a girl your age, considering that women in your society were only perceived to be bearers of children and raisers of the young instead of hitting sack targets on a moving horse and being deployed on diplomatic affairs.
Life was almost perfect if it weren’t for your very promising antagonist of stepmother. The rest of the palace, your father included, regarded her as your stepmother, but she never came close to being a motherly figure in your life. Quite frankly, you knew she wanted you dead even before you grew a heart – probably the only reason why she wasn’t blessed with a child. The two-headed snake deserved it.
Unfortunately, you weren’t the only victim of her cruelty. As you grew up, you knew she was bound to get worse, it didn’t come as much of a shock when you heard of her plans to murder your father and your biological mother. What you didn’t expect though that the breakfast you’d shared with your father that morning was the last time you’ll ever see him.
You fled from the palace that night, bumping into Seokjin as you exited the gates of the palace. He recognizes your face from previous council meetings and have been acquainted with each other as members of royalty, but he’s never seen you in such a state of distress. Before he could ask you why you were running away from the palace at such hour, you mounted his horse and pleaded to him to take you anywhere else but your home – your previous home.
One look at your tear-stained face was all he needed and he turned his horse around, despite questioning looks he got from his guards. He had brought you back to the capital and took you in the palace. Soon friends turned to lovers and the rest is history.
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Seokjin notices your silence and he’s come up from the edge of the bed to envelop you in his arms. “A frown isn’t fitting for a queen,” he takes your chin between his fingers and turns your face towards him. “What’s wrong, love?” he asks, confused by the frown drawn upon your face.
“I just…” you start off, but when your fingers find the cold metal of the necklace, you fall silent again. Seokjin sighs as he finally catches on your despondence and gives you a tighter hug and a fleeting kiss on the forehead.
For once in a long time, you felt like it was just the two of you again alone in the room, alone in the world. Just two lovers, no treacherous stepmothers, no responsibilities, no nation to take care of. Your mind races back to the memories of you sneaking out of the palace to your agreed rendezvous or walking to your secret garden to talk about your daily endeavors. Seokjin made this cruel world more bearable and you will always be eternally grateful for that. He would always shower you with the greatest support and understanding, fully aware of what you have been deprived of during your childhood.
Seokjin on one hand feels equally thankful to have you enter his life, to have you as his wife. He had always admired your knowledge in various things and he frequently shows fondness for your wit in a very remarkable way – like that one time he had brought you to a council meeting to share your ideas (a taboo in the culture – seeing as women weren’t cut in making political decisions) and called an advisor an imbecile for suggesting a huge increase in taxes when a fourth of the city was struggling with famine. Needless to say, Seokjin found the sight of you standing up to his advisors more than arousing so he had sent everyone home at once and two minutes after everyone had left, he already had you bent over his desk, fucking you into oblivion.
Your husband leaves shortly after taking a few scrolls from the shelves before inviting you to dinner, winking as he leaves your room, telling you that he has specially requested the kitchen to cook your favorite dish for dinner tonight. You take a bath during your husband’s absence, indulging yourself in a milk bath, while the servants scrub at your back and arms. As a child, the southern palace only afforded you cold baths with the heat in the south constantly unbearable but mainly because the queen was adamant on treating you badly. She’d made sure you regularly bathe in cold ones, even worse during the winter. You couldn’t keep count of the times you had to be rescued back to life by the court ladies after nearly shivering to death.
The servants take their leave as they’ve scrubbed most of the expanse of skin you’ve exposed for them to exfoliate and you sink further into the pool, a variety of petals floating around and about as you create ripples with your hands.
“My Queen,” a court lady bows her head as she enters your chambers. “The King requests your presence for the inauguration of the new king’s guards,” she informs, not meeting your eyes as you wear your undergarments. You give her a hum of approval and wait for the servants to finish braiding your hair so you could accompany your husband during the ceremony.
You can feel the pebbles under your shoes move with the steady beat of the drums. The inauguration was supposed to be held a few more months later but because of the death of Minseok, the ceremony had to be moved to an earlier date. You were about to turn the corner when the someone in torn, ragged clothes ran in front of you, your guards ushering you backwards to protection. With two watchmen already following the man, two from your group follow to see what the scurry is all about.
The remaining guards that are with you lead you towards the field quickly to evade any further commotion. When you reach where Seokjin is situated, he acknowledges you briefly, worry swimming in his eyes. You place a comforting hand on his to assure him that there is nothing to be worried about. Once you have settled in your seat, a guard comes up to Seokjin’s side and the drums stop. “Your Royal Highnesses, King Seokjin and the Queen.” Your husband raises a hand to acknowledge the crowd surrounding the field, all present to witness the ceremony.
“Let the inauguration of the new royal guards begin.”
The drums fall into a steady rhythm once again, men clad in red and white silk uniforms pile in groups of twenty. Applause falls within the crowd, hands busy clapping for the newly inducted protectors of the palace. You see a few girls displaying themselves by the corner where the guards enter the field. They mask their flirtatious looks under the guise of modesty, covering their powdered faces with fans while sending coquettish looks to the guards.
Seokjin lets out a chuckle when he follows your line of vision and you reply deftly “I don’t blame them. I’d definitely do the same when you’re in your uniform.” You try your best not to wink at your husband especially at a public gathering like this, but your witty effort to get him to stop judging you has proved to be effective. You know he is most likely going to punish you about this tonight and the idea already has you squirming in your seat.
“My King, may I present to you the new captain of the royal guards, Jung Jungkook of the east.” A man from the first row steps forward. “My King, my Queen.” He acknowledges your presence, bowing from the waist. Jung Jungkook drops to the ground, his weight resting on one leg. He draws his sword, plunges it to the ground – the sound of metal slicing through the soil ringing throughout the field. “I am Jung Jungkook from the Jung clan of the east. My father has served the royal family for many years and has perished terribly during the attack of the South. I am here to restore the honor to my family by serving your highness, to serve the capital, and to avenge my late father.” His head is hung low, yet he is breathing heavily, the weight of his emotions too heavy on his shoulders.
Seokjin leans forward, “Your father has fought well and there is no greater honor than to die for the safety of your countrymen. I am glad he has a son to continue the legacy of your family. Stand, Jung Jungkook, for I know your father’s soul is now at peace.” The man complies and speaks, “Long live King Seokjin, long live the capital!” The rest of the two hundred men follow suit. The citizens join in on the cheering but your eyes linger on the new captain and the faded scar on his left cheek.
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The turmoil in the south has worsened during the past few weeks. You rarely see your husband nowadays, constantly trapped for hours on end inside the four walls of his office. You can feel the pressure of being the king taking its toll on him. The servants tell you that he barely touches his food and that your husband also always comes in late at night and leaves early at dawn to work. It’s bringing you great worry that Seokjin couldn’t properly take care of himself nowadays.  
Your attempts to aide him during these stressful times prove to be futile, especially with his damned advisors who keep on barring you from entering his office or attending the council meetings. It is believed anyways that the queen only tends to matters of the royal household and that women have no right to give counsel. Unfortunately for them, you are no ordinary queen nor are you just a queen. You are also the wife of your beloved husband and a handful of stubborn councilmen has never stopped you before.
While the royal advisors are busy wasting too much time on a singular issue, you went out on your own to witness the effects of the famine of the east. Most of the crops that were delivered throughout the country was produced in the east because of their healthy soil and the waters surrounding the city. When a month has passed and there were still no signs of rain in the east, you know this was going to cause a huge problem and eventually another predicament for Seokjin. You had lived long enough in the onerous south to witness problems like this turn into bigger ones.
You have made arrangements to visit the city and so far, your plan going smoothly as planned. You manage to sneak out of the royal seamstress’ room after paying her a decent amount of silver coins for a commoner’s dress. It’s getting late and your husband will be returning to your room soon so you trudge back a little faster just to make it in time. When you reach the back door to your room, you see two guards lounging stand up abruptly at your presence. “M-my q-queen,” he bows, not meeting your eyes. “It’s alright. Just don’t tell anybody.”
Seokjin enters the room just when you’re stood in front of the mirror, hands removing the pins from your head. He slides the wooden door gently and sends you a small smile through the reflection on your mirror. “Why don’t I help you with that?” You gently decline his offer, not wanting to bother your exhausted king with any more chores. It’s unfair how he is still impeccably handsome even with the weariness evident on his face. Seokjin still insists though, claiming that a king’s functions should not be an excuse to escape those of a husband’s. “And besides, I ought to know how to do this if we’ll have a daughter in the future.” The statement was supposed to be a genuine shot at what the future might hold but your body’s treacherous response is far from the innocence of Seokjin’s statement.
Just the thought of it has heat pooling in your abdomen. You haven’t had enough time in your hands to spend time to think about things like that, Seokjin being a newly-crowned king, more so as a newly-wedded couple.
Your husband notices the deep breath you take, his eyes slowly getting darker by the second. He takes the last golden pin from your braids, letting your hair fall into loose waves. You feel relieved when the strain on your scalp melts away in seconds – something that you should’ve been used to by now, considering that you have been royalty all your life, but nothing beats that fresh wave of relief when you free your hair from all the pins and ribbons. That’s why when Seokjin cards his fingers through your locks, you feel the rising of the small hairs at the back of your neck, such mundane action bordering on sensual.
He does this a few more times in silence, just combing through your hair gently, deeming that seeing you fall into such comfort like this is enough for him. His chaste intentions though are all thrown aside when you lean against him, your undone hanbok falls from your shoulder, exposing the skin there in all its glory. Your husband takes all your hair and transfers it on your left shoulder and you tilt your head to the same side, giving him space where he could pepper all his kisses on.
He murmurs sweet nothings against your skin while sending fleeting kisses from your ear’s helix, to your cheek, you jawline then down to your shoulders. “Little you and me running around…” he murmurs while pushing the rest of your hanbok off your body. It doesn’t take much effort, the silken cloth sliding down easily and now you’re just left in your undergarments.
“Would you like that, my queen?” Seokjin asks, fingers thumbing the ribbon that’s keeping together the last layer of clothing you have on. It takes only one breathy ‘yes’ from you and the cloth covering your intimacies falls altogether, leaving no trace of modesty.
He cups both breasts in each palm, squeezing and kneading the flesh. Your nipples are firm, already hardened by the worshipping kisses he places all over. He trails a finger along your jaw, turning your face toward him. His lips meet yours, plump lips pressing gently against your own. When you figure he’s about to pull away, he grips your ass and you gasp, pushing his tongue into your mouth.
You moan into the kiss, your heart thudding hard against your ribcage. It’s been too long since you had seen your husband so… sensual. Usually, you’re both in a rush with the sole intent of getting some release but tonight, it seems as if Seokjin is determined to take his time in claiming all of you in the most intimate of ways, slowly but surely like it’s the last night of his life.
Seokjin savors every moan, every whimper as his deft fingers roam your body. He loves every curve and dip; how soft and taut it is at the same time. The milk baths you’ve always indulged in and your younger days of archery and horse riding had definitely done you good. He tries to etch them all into his memory though he knows flashes of images of you in his brain could never give justice to the reality of having you in his arms.
His fingers reach your cunt and he cups it, making you lean further against him for support. You feel the fine sheen of sweat of his torso on his back and for a moment you wonder how he’s managed to take his to take his top off without taking a hand off you. He pulls you away from your thoughts when he tugs you closer to him, shamelessly grinding his erection against your ass. He finds your clit easily through memory, rubbing the sensitive nub, fingers moving slowly in circular motions.
“S-seokjin please,” you beg, knowing you’re nearly there but still so far away, far too greedy to orgasm on clitoral stimulation alone. You needed him inside you. Now. “Speak up, my love,” he orders, shallowly dipping a finger in your cunt and withdrawing it just as quick. “Please. Y-you. Need y- “You’re rendered breathless by his teasing, your hand traveling to tug at his hair. “You want me to put a baby in you, hmm?” He finally pushes a finger in. “You’d love that don’t you? Having to carry the next heir to the throne inside you?” Another finger breaches you, Seokjin chuckling when you let out a loud gasp.
He nips at the shell of your ear, reminding you of the presence of the guards outside in a low whisper. Your hand instantly moves to cover your mouth but Seokjin grabs you by the wrists. “Who told you to cover your mouth, hmm? We both know you want the whole palace to hear how filthy their queen is.” Seokjin must admit, the whole idea is just as pleasing to him as it is to you. You were practically squelching when his fingers quicken the pace, your orgasm coming to you at breakneck speed. The feeling of his fingers toying with your cunt too much for you to handle that you are unable to stop your lover’s name fall like a prayer on your lips. Your whole body trembles in his grip, legs threatening to give in. A whimper escapes you when he pulls his fingers out, sending him a glare through the mirror. You were so, so close.
“My love, as much as I enjoy seeing you wrecked under my touch through the mirror, we have to take this to the bed.” He gives you a chaste kiss on the cheek and tugs at your arm, but you stand your ground. You wag a finger at him, ‘tsk’-ing at his impatience. Not until he’d have a taste of his own medicine.
You let your finger trail along his torso, tracing the outlines of his abdominals. Imitating your husband’s  earlier torturous ministrations, you take your time with him, reveling in how much you’ve affected him – how his breathing is getting more labored by the second. You run a finger along the length of his shaft still covered by his pants. He’s already hard, you reckon, feeling it slightly twitch under your touch.
Slowly, you lower down on your knees, tugging his pants down along with your descent. The sight of his cock makes you wet your lips, too eager to please. “My love, you don’t have to,” his hands hover yours that are resting on his hips. It’s not that he didn’t want your mouth on his cock but he just wanted to drawl out this evening for as long as he could. Frankly, he couldn’t afford to release in your mouth without having felt your velvety walls first.
“I want to.” Not wanting to wait any longer, you tentatively place a kiss on the bulbous head, making Seokjin gasp at the contact. You get bolder, gathering some of the precum that has gathered on the tip spreading it along his length your tongue. Using the armrests as leverage, you straighten your back and finally take him in your mouth. Seokjin deems he’ll never get used to this feeling. You vaguely hear him groan above you, but you’re far too busy pushing his shaft farther inside.
You briefly gaze at him through your eyelashes. It’s unfair, you reckon, that even when your lamps cast this golden glow to only one side of his face, he’s just as ethereal as under the light of day. You take him in your mouth as far as you can. When Seokjin throws his head back in pleasure with his wonderfully thick neck on display only for you to see, it ignites a carnal desire in you, so you push yourself further. When he finally hits the back of your throat, you swallow and your husband chokes on air, his knuckles turning white as he grips onto the armrests.
It’s an arduous task, having to try and take control of your breathing as you pleasure your husband. You move up then down slowly until you find a steady rhythm. You feel your eyes water with the pace until his chest starts heaving and you know he’s nearing his climax. “N-no. P-please,” your husband pleads, each word brokenly spoken. Tugging at your hair slightly, he pries you off his mouth, releasing a sigh of relief when you take your mouth off him.
“Bed now.” With your knees still sore from kneeling too long, it takes you some time to get up. Impatiently, the moment you get one of your knees off the ground he hooks his arm below them and lifts you off the ground, carrying you bridal style. “Stop trying to stall.” Seokjin huffs, his lips forming a pout. You giggle at his cuteness, of course even at a time like this, he manages to make you smile like a kid with candy.
He lays you gently on the bed, your hair fanning out on the pillows. He caresses your face with the pads of his fingers and you find yourself leaning against his touch. “My queen,” he sighs, “Your beauty is unrivaled. Truly.” Your lips meet when he closes the distance between the two of you. He stays like that for a moment, his swollen lips placed on top of yours until he swipes his tongue against your bottom lip. You fervently kiss each other, feeling yourself slowly getting lost in the kiss. When he pulls away, your eyes pry open again only to see your husband’s teary ones.
“Seokjin-ie, are you okay? What’s the matter?” He shakes his head, replying, “You’re just so beautiful. I’m the luckiest man alive to have you as my wife.” Your face crumples at his words and you give him another kiss. “How could you possibly think that when so many other women who vying for my position right now? Both literally and figuratively. You’re glad when you get a chuckle out of Seokjin. “As much as I want to argue about who’s the luckier one, I have a more pressing problem. And it’s getting really painful, so please…” His lips close in on one of your breasts, your hand flying up to pull at his hair.
Once again, you’re a moaning mess beneath Seokjin. You’re whining, begging for more than the assault he’s doing on your breasts. He doesn’t waste time in complying with your whims, your legs spreading apart when he shifts his position above you. He braces himself on one arm and you hiss as he swipes against your folds, taking some of the wetness on his palm and rubbing it onto his cock. When he pushes slowly against your entrance, you whimper as he gradually sinks into you. Gods, you don’t think you’ll ever get used to this, to him.
When he’s fully sank into you to the hilt, he pauses, knowing that you’ll need a moment for the pain to subside into pleasure. Seokjin places kisses your shoulders as he waits for you to adjust to the feeling. You push your hips up, encouraging him to move. Dragging his cock out slowly, he pushes back down just as languidly. “Jin, please,” you beseech, goading him to go faster. The moment the word escapes your lips, Seokjin begins pounding into you relentlessly. He hastily places a pillow under your hips to angle yours better. The next thrust he gets in has you mewling, each stroke easily rubbing up against your g-spot.
Your thighs begin quivering, every fiber of your body ablaze with each plunge of your husband’s hips. Seokjin feels your impending orgasm with your cunt beginning to pulsate against his cock, and he moves one of his hands between your thighs and starts to toy vigorously with your clit.
“Fuck!” you scream, fisting the sheets that now haphazardly dangling from the bed. Your high hits you so strong, your pussy tightening, clamping around Seokjin. His thrusts begin to stutter as you continue to milk his cock. With one final push, Seokjin cums, releasing ropes of cum inside you. He stays on top of you for a moment, too exhausted and worn out to move an inch. Also, because he wishes that this time it finally gets you pregnant, that your earlier inclination to the idea of having a baby inside you is as enthralling as it is to him.
Seokjin finally pulls out of you with a small grunt, elbows that have been holding up his weight finally give in, breathing heavily as he falls to your side.
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He hadn’t meant to stay this long.
In fact, when he heard the first moan that fell from your lips, he had sent the rest of the guards to go on patrol to give you and your husband the much-needed privacy. He had intended to keep lookout from the front of the hanok. With one more corridor to clear out before leaving, he took his steps with caution, knowing that this passage was the one next to your room. The palace’s wooden walls will never be thick enough to hide the sounds of pleasure. His ears are already ringing with the faint sound of your moans but there was one section where the sweet sound was most audible. The door to your room was slightly open, the light from your lamps passing through the narrow slit.
He tries to push away the temptation, reminding himself that he has other duties to attend to… right?
Surely, the rebellious troops would have been subdued before they reach the palace…right?
Ultimately, he can’t leave with you sounding so desperate and broken…right?
He knew his resolve was breaking with every step he took nearer towards the thin beam of light.  He takes the final step with bated breath, wincing when the wood creaks under his weight. He lets out a shaky exhale when he finally peeks through the crevice. Your bed is situated right across from where he’s watching – the whole scene like a live show from a festival. He knows this is wrong, that what happens inside the four walls of your chambers is none of his business but when he sees the king flip you and take you from behind, his lips part, suddenly out of breath like he’s the one pounding into you.  
The voyeur continues to watch the whole spectacle with an unrelenting gaze. He watches the unsuspecting royals get lost in their own world while he lingers in perverse amusement. The strain in his silk pants is getting painful, uncomfortable too when the tip of his cock brushes against the wet patch on the cloth. He reproaches himself for his lack of manners tonight but if this mischief shall reward him with a release later on, then he shall remain here, unperturbed.
Moments later Seokjin’s hips stutter and he feels his own hands lose rhythm as well. Your loud moans fill the room as you reach your high, your husband following. His hand moves faster than before, white spurts of cum coating his hand not long after. He shivers when he pulls his pants back up, the silk proving to be too much for the sensitive tip of his cock. When his eyes revert back to the crevice, he sees Seokjin trace patterns on your back while the both of you murmur softly in each other’s arms. Your husband gives you a chaste kiss, lips closing in on the shell on your ear as he whispers something that makes you giggle. He takes this as his cue to leave, hoping that no other guard has lingered around long enough to see him leave the house.
Fortunately, no one sees the dazed captain walk out of the hanok in the middle of the night.
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You are momentarily awakened from a fleeting kiss placed on your cheek, the back of your hands rubbing at your drooping eyelids. Body still sore from your activities last night, you blindly reach out for the blue cloak in front of you as you call out your husband’s name. “I hadn’t meant to wake you from your slumber, my love. Go back to sleep.” He strokes your hair gently while humming a soft melody to lull you back to your slumber.
There’s an ache on his chest when he watches sleep take over you once more, soft snores escaping your lips. Seokjin wonders if he would get to see you this peaceful one more time. You shift in your sleep, the blanket revealing purplish marks littered across your chest. Normally, this would’ve sent all his blood pumping south but with the emotion weighing on his shoulders, all he’s thinking about is engraving your beauty into his memory.
The present disposition in his hands had monopolized his time and because of this he knew he had been neglecting you these past few weeks. He wasn’t able to check up on you, ask how your day went, or even join supper, hence your intimacies last night.  Although your husband knew that after all these years together, you were never one to demand affection because you were well aware of his duties as ruler of a nation. Funnily enough, it was he who yearned for that most of time, while you would remind him of his obligations with a chortling intonation.
Usually, you would push him away when he tries to lavish you with kisses even with the guards and court ladies present, but he knew deep inside that you secretly enjoyed them, cheeks turning a rosy red every time he teases you about it. Albeit being born into royalty, you were treated like a slave by your own step-mother so Seokjin knew it would have taken some time before he had successfully lured you out of your shell. And he knew he had forever to show you the love that you were deprived of. Or did he now?
He recalls the time you had both met in your secret rendezvous. It was a garden exhibiting the most gorgeous fusion of pink and green, cultivated to perfection by Seokjin himself and of course with the help of a few chosen gardeners. Included in the garden was a narrow passage with water directly flowing from the Gaeun River. The secluded site was a testament to Seokjin’s love for the color pink. Flowers of all shades of blush are scattered among the lush green grass, from Azaleas to Carnations to Peonies. ‘Most are from foreign lands’ he informs, carefully plucking out a flower and handing one to you. A blush instantly colors your cheeks at this and Seokjin finds it most endearing, unable to resist teasing you. “You seem to blend in just fine with my flowers,” he observes, poking your cheeks, “but you stand out the most.”
Amongst the rosy hued shrubs and mossy rocks, on a small slope stood a singular cherry blossom tree - your most favorite feature of all. Cherry blossoms had always been known to symbolize the transience of life and rebirth. True to your ancestors’ beliefs, this special tree was tangible proof of the metaphor. The tree had witnessed quite a number of your most cherished moments in life. This was where Seokjin brought you when you broke down into tears after escaping the southern palace, this was where he first pecked you on the cheek, and this same tree witnessed Seokjin’s humble request for your hand in marriage.
Regret weighs heavily on him. You were the only constant reality he had in this capricious life. You had been nothing but perfect, always by his side no matter what. Having to bid his farewell like this broke his heart but if he properly did so, it would probably break his heart all the more. Your husband had already made up his mind – he is to leave for the South before the dawn breaks.
Seokjin was hanging onto that small sliver of hope that a discussion on the dilemma may change their minds. The situation in the southern city had inevitably worsened but he had to try. He could be very persuasive if he wanted to, sure, but you always knew it wouldn’t work. Not by a long shot. You made sure to remind him of that fact. That’s why you never supported the idea of visiting the city especially at a time of agitation like this. The southerners are men honed by war and they are not called the nation’s keepers for nothing. They are willing to sacrifice lives rather than heed diplomacy. It had proved beneficial in the past when foreigners wanted to colonize your country, but with a turmoil conceived by its own countrymen, these people are all the more fueled to fight for what they believe in.
Then again, this was his decision. He had to try. He was willing to risk everything for his nation, even if it meant that this might be the last time he’ll be seeing your face. He wanted to be selfish, just this once, to give in to the matters of the heart, but he knew he couldn’t. If he did, then all his parent’s teachings would have been for nothing. Being born into royalty couldn’t have meant anything. Being the king then would lose its meaning.
With tears brimming at the corner of his eyes, he retrieves a scroll, his brush, and an ink block. ‘This all seems unreal’, Seokjin reels. He only takes out the three when he’s making a new proclamation or with pronouncements usually related to the duties of a king. You two could only stay apart for so long and at the end of the day you’d always find yourselves each other’s arms. Not once did he imagine having to write you a letter, let alone one bidding you farewell.
Patches of tears soften different spots on the previously coarse scroll. With dawn fast approaching, Seokjin ends his letter with a lingering kiss on the paper. He retrieves a flower that he’s plucked from the garden and places it together with the scroll he’s left on the bedside table. Seokjin kisses you on the cheek one last time, “Goodbye, my queen.”
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© joontier 2020. All rights reserved. 
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badfauxmance · 3 years
This Instagram Mess Right Now... (Part 4)
Yeah seriously guys we need to move on from this...
Anon 1: These comments have me DYING! My lord, she had to know this was coming right? I really hope she isn’t that stupid! I’m so bummed this happened today, I was honestly hoping for another part of your series but I bet you guys are absolutely flooded with asks! BTW thank you guys for everything! You guys are always on top of everything; answering questions, calming people down, easing everyone’s nerves. YALL ARE AMAZING and I love you!
Yeah as you can clearly see from the COMPILED Asks I’m doing, we did get a lot. Gemini has been a sport doing most the answers this month. I’m just helping out for a couple hours. Anyways yeah to be honest I was also just mentally not quite in the game as it were to write more of “The Saga.” I’m sort of mentally getting tired of this nonsense so I just felt uninspired personally though I know tons of you guys want to read more. Also this is an on-going situation so just when you think you have all the material you need to write the next part... MORE shit comes up like this. Anyways thanks for the support!
Anon 2:  My theory: we are coming to a close, this is one last hurrah so that when they “break up” she can play victim and say that it was his fandom and the hate she received that caused the breakup. Meanwhile in actuality it was just the end of the contract. They needed a “cause” and they just found one. What’s absolutely abysmal are the amount of fans claiming how happy Seb is and that others calling her out need to let him be happy...but I’m trying to figure out is where have y’all seen his happiness with this woman? They truly are just as delusional as they think PR believers are.
Preaching to choir, dear reader. Preaching to the choir. I think I speak for us all when I say we just want this woman to go away already.
Anon 3: They are deleting peoples comments now. They should honestly start with hers.
It’s possible that the teams are deleting comments that are implying this is fake, contract orchestrated bullshit. Or possibly comments that are TOO harassing. Who knows. But they can’t delete hers because that would admit this is fake bullshit while also pissing her off as she’s trying to get her extra 15 minutes of fame she rightfully paid from her parents’ money!
Anon 4:  He’s so neurotic and anxious that I bet he’s freaking out about all this. He seems like a person to “sweat the little things”
He’s probably ignoring her like usual and maybe snickering at the hate she’s getting. As long as he’s not being dragged he doesn’t have to care if people shits on her online. SUCH a loving boyfriend, AM I RIGHT YOU GUYS?
Anon 5: Dude just when I thought she is actually intelligent and then she go and pulls dumb shit like this.
She’s probably gambling on her getting more attention from this even if it’s hate. She’s allowed hate on her posts before until she limited comments to show off the random orchestrated comments he leaves her.
Anon 6:  A bit shitty of her to go over to his social media and start shit and the retreat to heavily limited social media and hide.
Nothing this girl does is accident. It’s orchestrated to get her attention. However she gets to be publicly slammed on his account where everyone can see it, so you know online humiliation of a sort. Some people will ignore her racism as “jealous fangirls” because those people don’t honestly give a shit about racism.
Anon 7: Ngl her being dragged in the replies to that comment are giving me life. Also the fact that it’s hours later and still unliked by “her rockstar”…🤣🤣🤣🤣
It’s all ridiculous no matter what way you turn this proverbial picture.
Anon 8: I feel like people are still confused how PR relationships work. It seems people think the two parties are robotic and they are not in contact with eachother unless they have to which is not true. I always read “well If they’re fake then why are they having dinner together” like wtf do you mean???? Isn’t that what couples do “fake” or not 😂😂😂
Fake relationships have to look like they’re real. Hence the “relationship” in the term fake relationship. I’m not sure what the confusion is either.
Anon 9:  This is like watching a dumpster on fire rolling down a hill. You want to stop it but you can't you are just watching it just roll and waiting for it to crash into something.
This... this is us for the last 9 months actually. We were already thinking this BEFORE we started this blog, so it’s not 7 months, but 9 months. I suspected fakery by the time we got to the NYC pap walk.
Anon 10:  something tells me that if seb and mackie win best duo we will have to see a shitty celebration post from her this makes me think the comment was in prep for that
I wouldn’t put it past her really.
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Markiplier manor is toxic here’s why
So Markiplier manor (Markipliers official discord server) has gotten a surplus of new people in it, this happened a few weeks ago the manor itself though has been up for awhile. originally a members only server it was eventually opened up for everyone and yes there are alot of genuinely good people and the mods are alright but unfortunately its becoming a toxic environment. 
SO EDIT i have discussed with the mods that being said ... im keeping this up as a reminder of we can do better we can help people who are struggling through something instead of shutting them down we can listen to people who are being oppressed and bravely point out new media that only worsens that oppression and stigmatization and not just the mods who i was kind of harsh towards but who are human everyone as a community can do better and this is a large community think of the work we can do just doing the basics like boycotting problematic content and helping those who cry out for it who need it (and noticing and shutting down manipulative/toxic behaviors) ... i dont know if im going to go back to the manor yet tho im going to let this sit give it a week yall can agree or disagree but know that if you try to be an ass your going to get shut down and your feelings are going to get hurt 
lets start with the basics “triggering topics” triggering topics can be anything in particular but it generally means a topic that relates to another persons trauma. Now while it is important to acknowledge a persons trigger words and try to keep the conversation respectable ive also noticed people use it to shut down people who come on freaking out because their dealing with a stressful situation/something traumatic just happened. This has happened to me personally and to a friend with me it was about being pro choice and having to in short make that actual choice. i was discussing this in the bathroom because i (like anyone else who comes in with baggage) did not know about any pro choice discords at that moment and was afraid of being stigmatized or going onto a discord that says its a safe space only for it to be filled with trolls. Mark manor is labeled as a safe space and many people come on there looking for support with me no one told me that the topic was triggering to them (which apparently it was because a friend of theirs had to make the choice not her herself think what you will) they just went to a mod early on when i just found the server as a member a friend (who i wont name) had gotten.... assaulted majority of her werent online and as someone who has been there and yes when she told me it did trigger my own trauma she needed moral support... the mod shut her down and deleted her comments and didnt give her a pointer to any other discord where she could discuss the topic openly and get moral support and be pointed to resources (it actually took me ten minutes to find and confirm a lgbtq therapy chat earlier this year for another individual discussing mental health) this was before i had gotten on for that day but i noticed those messages and i contacted her when she told me what was up yea it triggered my memories and its not fun but I FUCKING HELPED HER i made sure she went to the police to atleast file a statement (while the police dont always help it is good to have it on file) i even made her a plush and shipped it out to her and i would do it again and again because its not good to basically tell another person to shut up because it triggers others not without atleast trying to help them find another fucking place and making sure their actually ok and in a physical safe place  next is them claiming the manor is a “safe space” a safe space is by definition  “ a place or environment in which a person or category of people can feel confident that they will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism, harassment, or any other emotional or physical harm.” you would also think that the manor would be a safe space in the fact that marginalized and oppressed groups of people would be able to point out problematic content and have an open and free discussion about it and how it makes them uncomfortable. especially people of lgbtq community which alot of people in that chat are. yesterday (and this was what caused me to officially turn away from the server) in the patio (which is the members only chat) a Transgender individual pointed out the problematic content that is huniepop and how it fetishizes trans people as well as other minorities now this game i hear tries to make itself out as a “parody” .... its not its a sexual dating sim what would make it a parody is if sex noises were replaced with donkey sounds and the lewd pictures were replaced with poorly drawn doodles of tits or what have you its a game for incels marks hilarious when he plays it because he doesnt take the game seriously my issue isnt with him its with the developer. and if you did not know (which apparently people dont) the character poli is described as “a girl with a dick” the individual pointed this out because they felt like it dehumanizes them and paints them as nothing more than a fetish... and also apparently you can “choose” is poli is trans which kind of gives off the message that people can ignore trans peoples identity if it makes them uncomfortable... or if they dont sexualize them. and the muslim community is more or less in the same boat i come from the bible belt in usa im not muslim i am not trans but i do have a reason for standing with both and i will get to that in a bit so i was raised in a christian household in a christian setting like muslim women were basically told we cannot have sex and any sexual thought is sinful and we will be punished blah blah blah your even more closeted if your gay or bi because then you can face ... violence that being said to make the woman from the middle east hyper sexual like they did is kind of shitty even for a incel pleasing sex game. the individual who thought it would be ok to discuss this in the server because its labeled as a safe space and is generally “lgbtq” friendly thus believing he would have people agree and discuss ... was unceremoniously shut down by their peers and a mod was notified this person was not hostile maybe a bit frustrated because he wanted to talk about it and thought he would have this genuinely helpful conversation and people would listen and spread the word because to have problematic content be popular can isolate the oppressed group even more so WHEN NO ONE WANTS TO LISTEN TO THEM. if a group of marginalized people notice something problematic with content and you claim to be an ally of said group then you need to acknowledge and support what they say. they told him to go to twitter where he could potentially be bullied and written off ... because again its an INCEL PLEASING SEX GAME.(which means incels if you ever dealt with them will go and say anything to justify the game even using slurs and bullying) and to put the icing on the cake to change the topic they brought up robin ... i actually dont know who robin is as i dont really focus much on youtube creators personal stuff (it feels off for me to not personally know an individual but know their personal stuff without having actually talking to them its weird i know its a thing i have in my head) but apparently they recently came out as female and good for them im super proud of him and the patio members were discussing how they were proud of him as well for beginning to wear makeup and making themselves more feminine which would be great if they werent trying so hard to shut down the trans male who was trying to spread awareness on problematic stuff .... something he pointed out ... and something they gaslighted and said he was being hostile. really its almost as if they only care about trans issues when its someone famous discussing them  so what can we possibly do about huniepop being transphobic and the answer is very easy BOYCOTT IT like... yall were up in arms and boycotted jk rowling with snap and a turn do we only cancel the old and ugly? do we only cancel those who we dont think is funny? mark is not at fault he probably doesnt realize it and any comments made on the issue are talked down upon or drowned amongst other comments im not saying to cancel him im saying to cancel the game HARD. ignore the posts bitch at the dev demand refunds for your game. like consumers have infinitely more power than corps want to admit.  so you basically have a community that claims to be a safe space but only if you want to talk about sunshine and rainbows and its highly hypocritical of them to claim safety.  another thing is emotionally abusive/manipulative people hide in the server and the mods dont ever seem to acknowledge it. i cannot tell you how many times ive gotten into arguments with people who seems nice then turn into assholes then claim to be the victim when i or others go off on them. if you recognize my name you know i dont stand down when it comes to having a snarky or rude comment thrown at me if your going to be an ass were fighting i dont care how nice you seemed beforehand and you dont get to call a mod just because i actually stood up for myself or others sorry not sorry dont be a bitch nuff said.  now why would i care so much about problematic content? why would i care and stand by the transgender and muslim people (aside from being ya know... an actual ally and not someone who claims it for sympathy and brownie points?) its because i am autistic i am also able to function well on my own but there is a movie created by the famous singer sia it is called music it is a movie frowned upon by the autisitic community because infantizes and dehumanizes non verbal autistic people i am fortunate and unfortunate in not having to deal with much stigma unfortunate because i wasnt diagnosed until i was 17 alot of answers about my behavior could have been answered if i had been diagnosed earlier but considering society loves the quiet timid female and i functioned “well” for neurotypicals i was ignored. so yea you bet your ass im standing with them and raising awareness about huniepop and their was this one person when i mentioned this point i cant remember there name nor to do i give a shit about them because when i mentioned how autistic people ... how i was in the same boat with music by sia (again i advise that no one target the actress who was under contract target sia and please boycott her so she knows she cant get brownie points or money for a movie that stigmatizes who she claims she wants to “help” (*cough* profit off of *cough cough*) and only serves as a feel good movie for neurotypicals and ignorant people)  they said “i heard people who hated the movie i heard people who found it alright people are ALLOWED to like problematic content” ... and like ... does anyone else see the problem here? its not hard at all to boycott celebrities for making content  and im going to repeat this point  IF A GROUP OF MARGINALIZED, STIGMITIZED AND OPPRESSED PEOPLE CALL OUT SOMETHING FOR BEING PROBLEMATIC AND YOU CLAIM TO BE AN ALLY YOU FUCKING LISTEN TO THEM AND DONT SHUT THEM DOWN I DONT GIVE A SHIT YOU DONT HAVE A FUCKING EXCUSE. if you cant bring yourself to boycott a piece of media and replace it with the infinitely more suitable forms that supports the group you claim to be for your not an ally your a fucking hypocrite  and that is why i left markiplier manor i am still a youtube special ... thingy member and i will continue to be a member to support mark i want people to overall listen to those who speak up against a creator and a piece of media and listen to us all no matter how “good” something seems. .. also there is a video called listen it was created by nonverbal autistic people  and communicationFIRST a group that sia apparently communicated with for her movie... and then ignored  https://youtu.be/H7dca7U7GI8
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