#what's so wrong with that glow
ayyyyysexual · 3 months
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what do you have to say for yourself
I've said all I need to :3
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seagreenstardust · 4 months
“When toxic behavior is portrayed as romantic, it’s problematic. When problematic behavior is portrayed as a character flaw for a character to work through, it’s good storytelling.”
Katsuki Bakugou, my friends.
His behavior was problematic but never once portrayed as romantic at the same time. Katsuki said and did awful abusive things, and he also chose to be better when he was given the chance. If you’re still hung up on chapter 1 Katsuki now then I don’t think you’ve been reading the same story I have.
I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m not shipping Izuku with an irredeemable abuser. I’m shipping him with his most important person. His narrative foil. His childhood friend who made awful mistakes and then made it right when he saw he was wrong. The person Izuku looks up to and strives to emulate, despite their past struggles.
Bakudeku is so good because of how flawed these boys are, and how hard they’ve worked to get over it, and how much they matter to each other after it all
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symerr · 1 month
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more headmates, you never would've guessed it.
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mishy-mashy · 2 months
Theory: All For One gave Tomura the Decay Quirk
I was thinking this for a while. Midoriya learned that Tenko was originally Quirkless, already being five, so there was no way for him to have the Decay Quirk; All For One gave it to him
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Isn't it awfully convenient that right as Midoriya wonders "Who is this guy?", that All For One showed up?
All For One knew Tenko was a blank slate without a Quirk (yet, or at all).
Going back to ch. 235, we see that after Tenko was playing heroes with other kids, he got walked home by a man in a suit
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Suit, shadowed face, hat, tall, and Tenko still has black hair? This matches this memory, and we can see there's a lot of shading in the palms
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All For One walked home Tenko. He could've given him a Quirk during that time. Right after he brought him home, Kotaro got mad that Tenko was playing and talking about heroes. Already, while Kotaro is upset at him, we see Tenko scratching. According to Nao, his allergies got worse, and if he was just given a Quirk, his allergies could've been fueled by the new Quirk as his body adjusts
Even if it's just a mutation, we do know that his itchiness was related to Decay, since the itching went away after he destroyed what he didn't like (his Quirk revolves around de-constructing and destroying, so natural leanings toward those urges, etc)
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Yes, Tenko's Decay may very well just be a mutation like Eri, but I just want to bring one more thing to attention about the theory (All For One gave Decay when walking Tenko home):
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When Tomura used Decay and was fighting Re-Destro, back when he only had Decay, Machia was in shock, because it reminds him of All For One long ago. Not only his figure as a ruler that Machia remembers, but All For One could've done the same thing as Tomura (Decay), long ago
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redstrewn · 1 year
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touchstarved menu art hits different
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aropride · 6 months
ok well we know that jesus can emit pure light as he did when he was in his tomb + i assume the light is holiness or joy or purity (considering his spirit was in heaven but his body had died in sin) (considering his body was holy but his spirit was drowning in unquenchable fire).. thinking about the version of jesus i made up in my head who's way cooler and more transgender and i think he would emit sparks and a glowing electric light if you fucked him and i think it would inspire an unfathomably intense lust
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indigosabyss · 3 months
Unexpected Baggage
Erik should have realized Schmidt would do it again. How had he been naive enough to think that he would be the last child tortured by that man?
He had given up the last lead he had on Schmidt to save the girl he had seen being dragged around by the mad man's followers. He was trying very hard to not regret it. Reminding himself that the girl was like him.
Here were the facts: he was in France under false pretenses, his reason for living wasn't dead yet, and there was an American teenager following him who wouldn't stop talking.
"-and all I wanted to do was get Monica back!" The girl threw her hands up, "My family is probably having my funeral already."
Maybe he shouldn't have started tuning her out. That sounded like important context.
He turned around to look at her, feeling slightly bad as he watched her pull down the sleeve of her jacket from where it was riding up. She kept doing that. He didn't want to ask why.
"Listen, kid-"
"-which part of America are you from? I'll try to get you home, so you can tell them to call off the funeral, in-person."
She screwed up her nose as she thought out loud, "It's the sixties, right? Well that means my Nani is in Pakistan, right now. Probably just about to meet my Nana, so my parents are definitely not alive yet, and to answer your question-" She paused to breathe, "I don't think I qualify as an American right now."
The first thing that came to mind was that she sounded incredibly American for someone who claimed not to be. Was that what a Pakistani accent sounded like?
The second thought, once he actually digested what she said, slipped out before he could control himself:
"What the hell?"
"Surprise!" She did jazz hands weakly, "I'm a bit of a time traveler. And, I'm hoping, a dimension traveler."
If she was right about that, Erik was incredibly glad he'd gotten her out of Shaw's hands.
[Has nothing to do with my Gwentin Takes On X-Men First Class fic. I just enjoy this movie and think the most emotionally competent person in marvel movie history will probably fix this mess]
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dancingdorito · 1 year
i have thoughts on the leaked photos from bath today
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we've SEEN this dress before... (season 1 episode 2)
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so i honestly think this can't be a flashback because nicola's makeup is too nice to be s1 penelope.
i think that this is penelope's first attempt at trying to change her look, and the reason why it looks bad is to show us that she's going to fail at her first attempts to find suitors because she was never confident in the ill fitted dresses portia made her wear.
i think that the poodle hair is not as "poodle-y" as s1 and you can tell because the curls are bigger.
obviously this is all speculation, but i would also like to point out to people worried about filming delays...
the "bridgerton-verse" is made up of a LOT of locations, many of which are not even near london. to film a scene episode by episode would take too much travel and too much time, so they film by location even if the scenes are out of order, so that they can use these areas and be done with them instead of repeatedly coming back. so yes, these images are most likely the first episode, but that does not mean they are extremely far behind. big productions like bridgerton use a lot of crew and to move everything around and film in order is near impossible.
obviously i could very well be wrong, but i thought i'd put my two cent in. i'm still a firm believer that they'll finish filming in february at the latest and we'll get season 3 around june/july.
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casdeans-pie · 2 years
I respectfully decline the canon that the handprint disappeared from Dean's shoulder and instead offer a counter idea:
The handprint stays and now Dean has a mood ring permanently scarred onto his shoulder
Hear me out
Weird angel handprint scar that glows when he's happy
And glows brighter the happier he gets
It's mostly hidden under Dean's clothes, but sometimes there's a faint glow leaking out above his shirt when they've had a particularly successful hunt. Or when he's driving on the open road with good music blasting. Or when he's having his first sip of strong morning coffee.
and there's not enough layers in his whole wardrobe that can hide the way his shoulder lights up whenever Cas is in the room
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murcielagatito · 7 months
jane: and trust me its not going to get serious
lina: how do you know?
jane: hes too…
lina: hot? sweet? happy?
jane: no, we’re just really different. he doesnt read
lina: neither do i. i mean, im just saying, on paper, you and i dont have much in common. so dont write him off just because you two are so different. people surprise you. and i like happy for you. im just- thats all im saying
jane: i like happy for you too
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bogos-bint3d · 3 months
I have pretty much no interest in uty but every time I see those fucking juandice memes I keep laughing myself to death
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weepylucifer · 1 year
“Harry is the next Innocence” is GREAT, and has so much potential, and is even plausible, but i like THIS - i say, gesturing to my bizarre crack AU where it’s Kim
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heyclickadee · 10 months
Why is sleep paralysis like that, though?
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lesbianlenas · 8 months
went to see the aces yesterday which first of all they were amazing it was my first time going to a concert w lesbian music and it was very special to me (also the lead singer was so sexy btw js 😩) but ANYWAY. i asked my friend if she wanted to go w me & she had never listened to them before but she said she would and i sent her some of their music to listen to etc etc. so like we went to the concert it was great and afterwards she told me she thought it was boring and she didn’t like the music. which was kind of crazy to me bc it’s like indie pop/rock music and like as someone who does not enjoy the majority of indie music bc i find it boring their music is not boring 😭 so first of all i find that offensive. second of all she was like well if you find a concert from x artists then i would enjoy that and she listed like three artists to me one of which was taylor swift and i was like. yeah where am i gonna get taylor swift tickets lmfao. but the other artist she listed (i don’t remember the third one she said lol) i just looked up his music and i’m legit like 😭😭😭 first of all this man looks like he just finished hibernating for the winter and crawled out of the cave into the sun for the first time in months. second of all. that’s also what his music sounded like. my point being that going to this man’s concert while he strums a single guitar in a flannel shirt and jeans would be a million times more boring than watching women having fun on stage and singing abt lesbianism idk call me crazy………it’s like i would find it more understandable if it was at LEAST interesting music………
#michelle speaks#& i said to her well you prob would’ve enjoyed it more if u knew the songs#& she looked at me like i was legit crazy & was like i knew the lyrics they repeated them#i was like. just bc you get what’s being said doesn’t mean you know the song like that’s not what i mean…..#like i’m sure i’d enjoy a concert of that man if i knew his songs at least even if i didn’t really like them#at least somewhat even if it wasn’t the best time of my life#bc part of what makes a concert fun is being able to sing along…..like ur going to at least enjoy it more if u do#also she did not like violet by hole. how do you as a woman not enjoy violet by hole. omggggggggg#but like u know if she didn’t like the music that’s fine like w/e but she was making it so obvious to me that she didn’t#like i was like what did u think and she was like um. it was good. u know. and i was like oh so you didn’t like it#& she immediately was like i didn’t want to say but it was so boring and i was like. ok. u didn’t have to actually.#it did just annoy me bc it’s like i really enjoyed it and she like immediately took me out of it w that…..#like instantly lost my post concert glow 😔#anyway tho she was wrong it was actually great & someone threw a lesbian flag on stage at some point & she was holding it#while singing a love song abt another woman & it meant so much to me 💞 my friend simply cannot understand……#also if u think i’m joking abt this man i was so shocked when i saw his spotify header i legit said no fucking way out loud 😭
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
no but listen im genuinely obsessed with the idea of what he's going to feel when he's unwhammied. like. can you fucking imagine having someone--and specifically THIS someone for mr benedict--rummaging around in your head and changing things, making you feel joy, and it's like. both the VIOLATION of that, the horrific violation of feeling yourself changed against your will and then coming out of it knowing how you acted and what you said and who saw you and how humiliating and violating that must feel, but also. oh, also. also the guilt of how relieving it was, how good it felt to not be weighed down by guilt and pain and loneliness and anger and depression and stress and anxiety to just be like. uncomplicatedly happy. to not feel alone. to be with his brother again. to be happy. and like. to wake up from that with the weight of the world back on your shoulders, furious and humiliated and violated and horrified and just utterly cracked open and vulnerable and scared and angry, but all of that mixed up in the guilt and shame and embarrassment, and just like. you just have to get up and keep going. you just have to endure because it's not fucking over yet. and he's got so much self-loathing and self-blame and guilt that would he even like. this feels unforgivable but he loves his brother so much and he blames himself for what he's become. it's so hard for him to get angry on his own behalf at all, even for the things nathaniel has already done, and this feels so much worse but what can he do? what can he do? maybe it breaks them just a little. maybe it breaks him just a little.
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clottedscream · 2 years
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redraw of a thing i made in 2018 :) Aromantic Hippie Elf Bee summoning fireflies
original from 4 years ago:
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