#whatever... i blame it on the poster... i don't know how it got out of hand like that but it's definitively the poster's fault and not mine
brainless-out-imkd · 2 years
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Night Train
Title : Night Train
Director : Kim Hee Won
Screenwriter : Yoo Sung Yeol
Genre : Thriller, Mystery, Psychological, Romance
Network : jTBC
Episodes : 12
Runtime : Saturday & Sunday
Woo Jin (Hyeri), a mysterious employee at a delivery company, gets arrested as a murder suspect. Se Hyeon (Ra Mi Ran), the detective in charge of the investigation, struggles to make sense of Woo Jin, who has Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Ki Taek (Yeo Jin Goo) is Se Hyeon’s partner. His colleagues are unaware that he is also Woo Jin’s boyfriend. Ki Taek is the only one who believes in Woo Jin’s innocence. He begins his own secret investigation.
Lee Gyung (Kim Hee Won) is Se Hyeon’s ex-husband. He is a prosecutor. Lee Gyung is still in love with Se Hyeon and helps her solve the case.
Kang Nam (Sung Dong Il) is Ki Taek’s uncle. He owns a well known bar where illegal dealings happen. His estranged nephew comes asking for his help.
Seo Jin (Hyeri) is one of Woo Jin’s alter. She witnessed a murder while on a delivery. Since then, she has been hiding. Another alter, Hye Jin (Hyeri) is aware of the truth but hides it. Hye Jin does not trust the police and tries to protect the alters.
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bunniesanddeer · 5 months
My Little Light: Part One
This is a request! From @animeloveruwu1234
Alrighty, thank you!:)<3 So, I wanted to ask for a fluff request for Alastor x light! female doe reader meets him because her light shadow(I don’t know what to call it🙂‍↕️) likes his shadow. She meets him and gets so shy around him that it gets to the point that she faints every time he comes around her. Just toothrotting fluff!!:)
So this is actually part one of three! Sorry, I intended it to be two parts, but it was running longer than I was expecting. Part one is from MC's POV, Part two is Alastor, and Part three is smut, with no plot, so no one is going to miss anything if they can't/or don't like to read smut. :)
Pairing: Alastor x Doe!Reader
Warnings: Reader passes out twice, super early set up, next part focuses on fluff!
Word Count: 1,877
You slipped between demons on the busy sidewalk, twisting yourself this way and that way. You watched your little light friend stretch herself across the cracked pavement, flat expression twisting up in joy. With a smile, you followed her whims without much thinking, and found yourself in a calmer section of downtown. The strange being flattened across the wall beside you, and her eyes crinkled. 
If anyone had asked you, when you were alive, how you would feel about a two-dimensional figure made of light, that acted like a shadow, following you everywhere in Hell, you would have been quite confused. Even now, after having lived in Hell for a few years, you didn’t completely understand your companion, or how she came to be. She could separate from you, leaving you entirely shadowless, but you still had some control over her. The light-shadow was autonomous, and yet you knew if you told her to do something, she would. You had taken to calling her Lyra in your head. 
You leaned against the building, and watched her form flicker about as something caught her attention. Your ear twitched, and you watched hers follow suit. Suddenly, her shape wavered, and her head flipped in the other direction. Her excitement was evident in the way she suddenly stretched her body across the ground, and reached flat claws across the road, pointing at something you couldn’t see. With a small sigh, you push off from the wall, and make your way across the road.
“Whatever could have your attention,” you huff. Your head turns in each direction as you follow her pointing claws. Your ears swivel and twitch. Something in you is suddenly on high alert, and yet Lyra urges you to keep going. “If I get torn apart, I blame you entirely. You’ll get ignored for a week after I reform.” 
Lyra ignores you, and crawls up a wall beside the door to a tailor shop. Her sharp grin stretches farther, and she keeps her eyes locked on the door. 
“What are you doing? What’s got you so worked up?” You take a look around, and nothing seems out of the ordinary. And then your ears catch it; the subtle sound of static. Your heart starts pounding. You know what that sound means. 
He had disappeared shortly before you landed in Hell, but the scary posters and warnings you constantly got from other sinners let you know to be wary. And then he had suddenly reappeared in the company of the princess six months ago. You had heard his voice on the radio, of course. Who hadn’t? His broadcasts were impossible to ignore. He had a charming voice and the kind of charisma that made him hard to forget. And that static. It followed his voice, his very presence like a heavy fog, blanketing everything around him. That thought clicked, and you realized what was going to happen only moments before it did. 
The door to the tailor shop opened, a twinkling bell following the motion, and out stepped Alastor, The Radio Demon. You turned a harsh gaze to Lyra, who wasn’t even looking at the demon, but at his feet. You followed her gaze for only a second, and saw a writhing black shape in his shadow. With haste, you whipped your gaze away, and turned around, hoping that if you didn’t look at him, he wouldn’t notice you. 
With heaving breaths you tried to focus yourself, and walk away, but Lyra squirmed, frowning at you. She clawed at the ground, and warped her form to gather closer to where you knew Alastor was still standing. Suddenly she tugged harshly, chasing something you couldn’t see, and pulled you with her. You didn’t know she could do that! At the tug, your hooves struggled to make contact with the ground, and you started to tumble backwards. 
“Ahh!” You let out a harsh cry, and internally braced for hitting the harsh concrete. Instead, however, you were caught by warm, sturdy arms. You let out a huff, and went to thank the person. You looked up and said, “Ah, thank you-” and finally caught the gaze of your savior. Alastor. Alastor The Radio Demon. Alastor The Radio Demon just caught you. Holy shit. Your eyes widen, and your ears pin back. “Oh,” you mutter, and the world goes black. 
Your hearing comes back to you first. Two voices are whispering to each other, and the gruffer voice’s volume picks up just enough for you to hear, “-you have to admit that it’s suspicious. You know he has been acting strange ever since he came back from licking his wounds. Why would he suddenly help some rando-”
The other voice, lighter and with a twinge of something like hope, responds, “I don’t know, Vaggie, but isn’t this a good sign? When was the last time he did something without being prompted? Something that wasn’t obviously for his own gain?”
You hear the other person sigh, and it is then that you decided to try and peel your eyes open. It takes several blinks to get used to the redness of the room. Eventually, your sight clears, and you search the room for the people who were just talking. Across from you, on a couch much like the one you’re lying on, are two women. One has gray hair, and is looking up at who you immediately recognize as Princess Charlie.
“Uh, hello?” You call, trying to gather their attention. Charlie turns her head wickedly fast, and her face is split by a happy smile as she hops up from the couch. 
“Oh yay! You’re awake!” You gather yourself, sitting up and removing your legs from the couch as you watch her nearly hop in her excitement. “I have so many questions, but first! Are you okay? Al said you passed out.”
At the mention of Alastor, the blood drains from your face. You are absolutely not okay, but it also seems that he helped you after your embarrassing debacle earlier, so you just whisper, “Uh, I’m okay.”
She squeaks, and then sits next to you. “So, how’d you meet Alastor? He was super vague!” 
“Honestly?” You take a glance at the other woman, who has her arms folded, and is watching with a wary gaze. “I was walking down the street, following my companion, and she dragged me over to this tailor. I wasn’t really thinking about much, but then out comes Alastor!” You throw up your arms, disbelief lacing your tone. “And she’s just kicking and clawing her way over towards him, and she trips me! And then he caught me. And I passed out as soon as I made eye contact.”
You rub at your head, shame filling you, rising with the heat in your face. You feel so silly. 
Charlie lets out a little giggle, and then asks, “Where’s this companion?”
You purse your lips, then take a glance at the women again. They’re fine, probably. Right? You internally shrug, and then wave your hand; out pops Lyra, her white form shimmering across the carpet. 
“What the hell,” the other woman says. She gives you a strange look. “Do all deer demons have these? Alastor has the same damn thing, it just looks like an actual shadow.” 
You frown. Someone else had this kind of companion? Alastor had this kind? Confusion floods you, so you give Lyra a curious glance. She responds with a simple toothy grin. “Is that why you were chasing him?”
Lyra’s shape flickers and warbles. She grins wider. Holy shit. She tripped you, trying to hit up another fucking shadow. What the hell. “What the fuck, Lyra.” Her shoulders and grin shake, in a mockery of laughter. You roll your eyes, waving your hand, and she disappears. 
With a palm to your head, you mutter to yourself. “What the hell is my life. Please tell me this won’t happen again.” You look up at Charlie, sheepishly. “Please tell Alastor I said thanks. I’m gonna go to my apartment and hide there for forever.” You stand and whip your pants awkwardly. “Thanks again. It was, uh, nice to meet you. Bye.”
You waver on weak legs, and go to leave the strange sitting area, when you hear him.
“Well, dear, why don’t you tell me yourself?” He’s sitting at the bar you failed to notice before. One ankle is propped on the other knee, and he’s holding a newspaper. His gaze finds yours, a sly smile on his face. 
In shock, you let out a bleat, and collapse.
Alastor’s smile shrink, just a touch, and he turns his gaze to the two women that are conscious. “As you can see, I had nothing to do with that.” 
Later that day, you’re propped up on the couch, and Alastor is leering at you from the accent chair across from you. His smile is wide and smug, and his eyes don’t stray from your form. His shadow companion, the one Lyra might’ve been chasing, is flickering in and out of view behind him. Its smile is just as wide, and it sends shivers down your spine. Every once in a while, the static that surrounds Alastor, something your brain struggles to understand, even in Hell, surges. Your ears prick and swivel every time, and it’s starting to give you a headache.
The two of you spend a time merely staring at each other. Your chest aches at the idea of trying to speak up. There are a lot of factors contributing to this, but you really don’t know what to say to the Overlord, especially Alastor. He’s just so intimidating, and you’re, well, you. Charlie and Vaggie are sitting on the other couch, whispering to each other. You can just barely hear them talking, but it’s drowned out by Alastor’s presence. 
You gulp down the spit that is slowly accumulating in your mouth, and then your mouth feels far too dry. The cotton feeling makes you scrunch up your face, and you force your eyes to wander to the strange circus themed patterns on the wallpaper. Alastor’s eyes are too much. 
Lyra takes the near silence as an opportunity to pop up. She slithers her form over to Alastor’s shadow, and you watch on in horror. You desperately want to say something, especially as Alastor’s eyebrows raise in surprise. Lyra doesn’t even look back at you as she reaches her hands out to the shadow, and grabs. Alastor’s shadow makes a strange noise, and it makes you shrink in on yourself. Alastor is gonna kill you. You had never expected to get any attention from an Overlord, and now one, (that was so similar to you, something you’d been searching for), was going to kill you.
“Aw. It seems our little companions like each other,” He says, instead. Your eyes widen, and you stare in shock. “Well, my dear, it seems we will just have to spend more time together.”
He looks like that cat that caught the canary, and your mind is on high alert. There has to be more to this, and you aren't sure how to feel. But then his smile softens, and you can’t help but feel excited. Where will The Radio Demon lead you?
Taglist: Current List: @girl-nahh-two @numetalnerd2007 @justchillingandhavingfun @alastor-simp @thonethatflies620 @lemonyboy97 @fairyv-ice @alastorssimp @wen01203
Thank you for reading! I really appreciate it! I will have the next part out soon, and some of my other works to follow, or just before. We had some shenanigans occur today, so I'm a little bummed. I'll try and get it done thugh, no worries!
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hansolnearyou · 7 months
'cafe date'
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"vernonnn!" you spoke, walking up to vernon and attacking him into a hug, to which vernon let his hands take place around your waist. it was a comfortable hug, something almost more than friendly, but not too romantic.
"jeez, you hug me like you haven't seen me in forever." vernon chuckled, pulling his torso away from yours, but keeping his hands tight around you. all you can do is smile until you notice seokmin through the glass with his phone out. you just groan while vernon peeks over to seokmin before finally dragging you inside.
"i have one hot coffee and one cold tea for the lovebirds." seokmins says in a sing song voice, pushing two drinks on the counter. the smile on his face is one of those excited smiles he usually threw you when you were with ten or seungkwan. vernon tapped your back, letting you know he was finding a place to sit down while you walked closer to seokmin.
you glance around the cafe, seeing only a few people sitting, with most studying in the corners of the cafe with their headphones on. the only two people working up front were seokmin and seungkwan and you assumed seungcheol was in the back, but you couldn't see seungkwan anywhere.
"where's seungkwan?" you ask, grabbing your drink and vernons while you look for your best friend in the cafe. seokmin only shrugs before shooing you away from the counter. you simply sigh and take the drinks to where vernon was sitting.
it was a more quiet, secluded part of the cafe, with bookshelves along the walls. you placed the drinks down before taking your bag off your shoulders and pulling out all the papers for whatever project you two had to work on. you sat opposite of vernon while he sorted through all the papers.
"i tried to work on some of it, but i didn't even understand most of it." you said, pointing to what you had written from what you could understand. who could blame you though? english was a hard subject.
"don't worry about it, as long as you got something started i can pretty much get the rest done." vernon replied, giving you a warm smile and.. a wink? however you couldn't tell if he really did wink at you.
you just smiled, sipping on your tea while you watched vernon start to plan out the poster. it was a weird feeling. your whole attention was on one person and it didn't feel awkward. it'd felt like you'd always known vernon.
you completely spaced out, slowly watching vernon draw all over papers and type on his laptop. it was hypnotizing how he moved and looked so focused, not even letting you worry about doing anything.
"you look cute." you whispered quietly, but it came out as more as a mumble. vernon looked up from whatever he was doing and smiled at you. he looked at you like no one else existed. you could feel butterflies in your stomach and your face heat up.
"says you." he smirked as he said it, knowing it would make you blush even more. the moment was so sweet, until the sound of glass shattering and seokmins voice made you jump.
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taglist: @punkhazardlaw @odxrilove
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authors note: jesusss this took me so long, but i was really in a writing/creating block?? also so sorry this part is so fucking short i wanted to leave something on a cliff hanger.. aka why the glass broke will be in the next part!!! -love from rei!
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pbforeva · 3 months
don’t wanna be around my moms boyfriend so i’m gonna give you guys part 8 🤗
part 8!
Evelyn's pov:
I yawn, as I stretch out my legs. After bringing my hands up to rub my eyes, I finally look around and realize this isn't my bedroom. Umm, so where am I?
I check to make sure I'm still in the clothes I was in last night, but to my horror, I'm wearing a pair of pink pajama pants and a white Uconn hoodie. Oh my gosh, did something happen? Blake is gonna be so pissed if it did, and honestly I wouldn't blame him. Oh gosh, Blake. I told him I would text him before I went to bed last night, and I most definitely didn't. This is bad, really bad.
Wait, I still have to figure out where I am. Who changed me? Oh no, no, no, this can't have happened. Tears well in my eyes as I realize if someone changed me, they would've seen my bruises.
Panicked, I get up, trying to find any trace of the person who this room belongs to. The walls are covered in basketball posters, and the bed I woke up on had a purple duvet. That is literally no help I groan, but it seems that it's at least a girls room, thankfully.
Hearing faint voices from outside the room, I muster up the courage to leave the mysterious room. As I walk through the door, I see Aubrey in the kitchen. I feel a weight being lifted off my shoulder, knowing that I'm in her dorm; however, my body stiffens as I remember one of them had to change me.
I walk into the living room to see Paige watching a show on the couch. I go sit next to her and begin to ask her about last night.
"So, um, what time did we come home?" I quietly questioned.
Turning to me, she softly says, "we probably got back around 11:30, but Aurora thought it would be better if you came back with us."
"Oh, so whose room was I in? and also did I change by myself?" I ask, while I pray the last answer is yes.
"Well, you slept in my room, and I just slept on the couch, but you were pretty drunk and wouldn't change, so I changed you. I hope that's okay." She says, her voice hitching before she answered the latter question.
She definitely saw the bruises. I don't know what I could say to get out of this. I hope she just ignores it, but I think i'll just wait and see if she brings it up. "Oh, yeah it's fine, but you didn't have to give me your room." I say sheepishly.
"It's no problem, honestly," she says, while she resumes whatever she was watching. Right after I thank her, Aubrey calls out, saying breakfast is ready.
Paige's pov:
**flashback to last night**
I lead everyone up the stairs to our hallway, and before I can speak up, Aurora tells me she thinks it would be best if Evelyn stayed with us for the night. After agreeing, we all head to our rooms, and I take Evelyn by the hand and lead her to my room.
She is still drunk, but I know she won't be able to sleep in these jeans. I grab a pair of pajama pants and a random hoodie from my closet, after a few attempts of trying to get her to change into them, she continues to laughs at every request.
I decide I have to try to change her myself if she won't change, I take a deep breath and try to be as fast as possible. I tell Evelyn I'm going to change her, and she makes no protest, so I start.
Gently, I grab the hem of her shirt and lift it off of her small frame. I try not to look, but I can't help myself from inspecting the bruises that line her stomach. The purple and blue mush together in certain places, creating an almost marbled effect. Tears spring in my eyes, as I can't imagine how much this must have hurt, and how I probably added to her pain by hugging her.
Tearing my eyes away from her stomach, I grab my hoodie, and start putting it on her, but when I'm guiding her hand out of the sleeve, I notice small bruises along her wrist. They look to be bruises of someone's fingerprints. I think I might go crazy on this boyfriend of hers. How can he treat a girl this pretty and delicate so horribly?
I quickly take off her jeans and slip on the pajama pants. I tuck her under covers, and I change myself into a similar outfit, then head out to the living room to sleep on the couch.
**flashback over**
During breakfast with Aubrey, Evelyn, and Azzi, I couldn't help but not talk. There was so much racing through my mind. How should I approach this with her? Likewe haven't even known each other that long, but Aurora texted me saying she couldn't do it.
Hey, I'm sorry, but I don't think I
can be the one to ask Evelyn about
the bruises. I just don't think I have it in
me. Could you?
Yeah, of course
After breakfast is over, I lead Evelyn to my room. Taking a breath, I sit on the bed and tell her to sit next to me.
"Hey, is everything okay?" She worriedly questions me.
"Actually, no," I reply back, thinking I might as well get it over with.
"Well, what is it?" She asks while placing a hand on my back.
"I'm going to ask you a question and I need you to be one-hundred percent honest with me," I plead, and then adding, "please.."
"Umm, I can try," She says while looking back at me, almost like she knows what I'm going to say.
I take a breath before I begin, "Last night at the party, I noticed bruises on your stomach while you were dancing. They weren't small bruises either, they looked like they were placed there intentionally, were they?" I ask, looking at her with soft eyes.
I watch her eyes fill with tears before she says, "No, no, I swear, I just fell down the stairs the other day."
I hang my head for a moment before return my eyes to her gaze. I gently grab her wrist and pull up the sleeve of her hoodie. "Then why are there finger print bruises in your wrist?" I ask, trying to get an honest answer from her this time.
"No, no, you don't understand, Blake is great to me, he just gets upset sometimes," she says with an unsteady voice as tears begin to roll down her face.
"Evelyn, your boyfriend should never hit you, and there is no excuse for it," I say softly but firmly. But instead of answering me, she just rips her wrist from my hand and runs out the door.
I get up to follow her, not realizing that I was crying too, but she was gone by the time I got to the front door. I can't believe I fucked it up this badly, I think as I wipe my tears.
yeah so yeah 😜
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gaysindistress · 1 year
When Night Comes - Eighteen
Summary: Who would win in a staring contest? New York’s resident mob boss and master of the side eye Bucky Barnes or the daycare teacher who really wants to go home and smoke?
pairing: Mob!Vampire!Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: cursing, major character death(s) again, Alix is in this one so that's a whole warning in itself, angst, like a lot, enough that I want to give Bucky a big hug now.
Word count: 2.9k
Seventeen | masterlist
a/n: AND WE'RE DONE! When Night Comes is finished! I'm so thankful for all of the love and support as usual! I don't have anything lined up next so if anyone has any requests, send them my way! xoxo to all of my lovelies!
tag list: @cakesandtom @elizacusi-blog @unaxv @hidden-treasures21 @buckybarnessimpp @vonalyn @thebuckybarnesvault
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on Google/Pinterest
Fear strikes into Y/N’s heart when she sees the people standing in the doorway.
Peggy, Alix, Thor, and Loki file into the room one after another while Luca and Ana Cristina grab ahold of her arms. Their grip prevents her from getting out and running however the thought barely crosses her mind. Y/N knew that even if she did manage to get out of their grasp, any one of the four traitors before her would catch her. Running for her life naked through the house while dripping water would not make for a successful escape so she stays put. Her anger replaces her fear and the boiling water feels like it has replaced the blood in her body. Whatever hate she felt for Alix increases tenfold with the help of the generational rage that has been stored in her body. She doesn’t even notice that she’s being held down anymore because she’s too focused on Alix, the creator of her nightmares and reason for her life of running. Y/N hadn’t seen this demon of a woman in five years but nothing has changed. She is still tall and lean, her long braids piled on top of her head give her a towering appearance. Her face is still somber and rigid from the years of bad deeds she’s done. She’s duller than before, thanks to the stress of trying to find Y/N but her eyes are what catches Y/N off guard. 
They’re gold. 
A yellow gold unlike before. 
The same yellow gold that a Lycan’s eyes become when they turn. 
Against her dull and lifeless face, the contrast is horrifying and gives her an inhumane like mien. That alone is enough to make Y/N break eye contact but she refuses. Even the simple act of breaking eye contact will feel like an act of submission to Alix and that is something that Y/N can not give to her. 
“There’s my baby girl,” Alix mocks her as she circles the tub like a predator stalking its prey. 
“What are you doing here?” she asks Alix. 
“Use your brain. What do YOU think I’m doing here?”
Y/N doesn’t answer right away. 
“Cat got your tongue? I’ll just tell you,” Alix says as she keeps circling Y/N, “Your little witch friends agreed to help me kill Bucky in exchange for you.”
“What do you mean in exchange for me?”
“They get to keep you since apparently you’re some important doppelgänger. I quit listening after a while.” “I thought you wanted me for yourself.”
Alix shrugs, “I did but then I found you that caught feelings for that Strigoi bastard so now I could care less what happens to you.”
Y/N chooses not to answer and when Alix is behind her again, she turns her angry eyes to Peggy who is not shy in her joy. A smirk is painted across her face and it sends a dagger right into Y/N’s heart. 
Y/N leans forward enough to make sure that Peggy knows that she is the object of her words and spits out, “How could you? After everything that Bucky has done for you, for Steve, for your son. How could you betray him like this?” Peggy’s smirk falters at the mention of her son, “That man has done nothing but cause my family pain. He’s made Steve his servant, murdered my best friend, and put my son in harm’s way too many times to count.”
“You are to blame for my murder.”
A gust of wind causes the candle’s flames to flicker and a pressure fills the room, making it feel tight and cramped.
“You were the one who was supposed to protect me and you didn’t,” Y/N says but there’s a hollow look in her eye, “You were supposed to go with me that day but you were too busy sleeping with Dorian Wright to come and that’s why I’m dead.  If you had just left Steve like you told Dorian you would then I would still be alive.”
Ana Cristina and Luca glance at each other but neither make a move. The gust of wind had been anything but normal and the two witches fear for the outcome. 
“They were after you that day, not me but you know that.”
Peggy’s eyes open wide in fear and she stumbles backward but Y/N doesn’t stop, “You used the fact that the Wright gang had tried to kill me in the past as an explanation for my death as a way to cover up your affair. You used the curse that my husband sold his soul for to cover up your affair and now you’re trying to fix your mistake via the worst plan I have ever seen. How exactly does siding with the great granddaughter of your paramour and my murderer achieve what you want?.”
Peggy goes to defend herself but Y/N will not have it and interrupts her, “How does this plan make any sense, Margaret? It most certainly won’t free you from your guilt nor will it end well for you. If it’s freedom that you’re after, THIS will end with you running for the rest of your miserable life and facing that eternity completely alone. Steve will not forgive you, your son will not remember you, Bucky will not rest until you have paid for your betrayal, and I will let you forget what you did.”
Y/N slumps forward, breathing raggedly like she had run for miles and silent tears stream down Peggy’s face. Alix, Thor, and Loki to each other for answers but none can produce one. 
“What the fuck was that?” Alix demands Ana Cristina and Luca. 
The two bring Y/N to rest against the back of the tub and exchange silent words through glances. Ana Cristina provides an answer, “It appears that Celeste used Y/N as a mouthpiece.”
“Ghosts can do that?”
“Celeste is not a ghost, she is a spirit and yes when a witch with enough power dies, they can sometimes use that power to communicate with the living or,” she looks to Peggy, “to those who are neither living nor dead.”
“Is she going to do it again?”
Ana Cristina dips her head to look at Y/N’s face, “no. Y/N is not strong enough for that. Celeste won’t risk killing her doppelgänger and angering her coven even more to get revenge on Peggy.”
“Can we hurry along with the spell? I don’t want to give her a chance to try,” Peggy mumbles as she wipes away at the tears and straightens her back. 
Ana Cristina and Luca nod before gesturing to the other two men to come forward. Thor and Loki take their place next to the tub but Y/N grips onto the cook’s arm. 
“Please don’t do this. Please…” Y/N begs her, “Please, don’t let them hurt me.”
Ana Cristina puts her hand on top of Y/N’s, “It won’t kill you, I promise.”
With that she tears Y/N’s hand away and allows Loki to take her place. All trust that Y/N had placed in her or Luca shatters and spills out of her eyes as tears race down her face. She begins to sob and thrash against the men’s grip, pleading with them to let her go and to not hurt her. Ana Cristina tells Alix to join her at the table and starts to go over her portion of the spell. 
Peggy stays pressed against the wall, still reeling over what Celestse had said to her. Any and all emotions are racing through her as she tries to process it all but one thought sticks out; if Celeste could use Y/N to say all of that, what else could she do?
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The answer of what else can Celeste do comes in the form of a vision to Bucky. On their way back from dropping Natasha and Wyatt off in town, Bucky lets out a howl of agony and Steve slams on the breaks of the car. 
“What was that for?” he asks as he starts to drive again, “Are you okay?”
Bucky takes deep breaths to manage the head splitting pain, “There’s something wrong.”
“I gathered that.”
“No there’s something wrong with Y/N. I think….I think Alix is at the estate.”
Just as Steve goes to speak, he sees Yelena usher a wounded Juliette into her car. 
“You’re right. Something is very wrong.”
Bucky nods as he grimaces and looks up to see the same thing. Steve is already calling Yelena and has confirmation of the worst. 
“Yelena said that Alix is at the estate but Y/N is safe because Ana Cristina and Luca are there,” he tells Bucky. 
“That means absolutely nothing to me because we’re not there. What I want to know is why the fuck Yelena knows that.”
“She said it was a long story but that we need to get back as soon as we can.”
“Bull fucking shit it’s a long story,” Bucky sneers and rips Steve’s phone from his hands, redialing Yelena’s number, “What the fuck is going on and why do you have Juliette with you?”
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“Let go of me,” Y/N howls at Loki and Thor as she uses any strength she has left to rip herself away from them, “Let fucking go of me!” “Take her out and sit her in front of me,” Ana Cristina tells the two men who do as she says. 
The entire time they are lifting her, Y/N is kicking and fighting them until she manages to kick Thor in the chest. Having the wind knocked out of him, he drops her and Loki does the same in efforts to check on his brother. She makes a run for it and makes it to the stairs but Alix is quicker and looms above her, blocking any chance to get past her. 
“Silly girl,” she mocks her once again as she grips her tight enough by the arm to leave bruises. Y/N tries her hand at fighting again and when Alix turns to chide her, she spits in her face. Alix freezes and slowly takes a deep breath. The hand leaves her arm and threads into her hair as Alix yanks her down the hall by it.
“I forgot how fucking stupid you are when you’re mad,” she mumbles as she drags Y/N back to the group. 
“Be a good girl for once and stop fighting,” she snaps before throwing Y/N to the ground at Ana Cristina’s feet. Thor and Loki stare at her in disgust while Peggy refuses to acknowledge her. Luca doesn’t meet her stare and keeps his head bowed as Ana Cristina bends down to Y/N’s level. 
In her hand she has a bowl with a red paste in it and she dips her fingers in it to draw on Y/N’s skin. She’s singing under her breath as she starts the process of tying their lives to each other but doesn’t speak to the doppelgänger otherwise, treating her as though she is just the doppelgänger and not someone who’s come to care for. 
“Please,” Y/N whispers to her as she shivers and tries to hide herself from everyone around her, “Please don’t do this.”
Ana Cristina makes eye contact for a moment but breaks it and continues to sing while adorning her with paste markings. Luca hands her various other things needed for the spell; herbs, jewelry, and other pastes. They are finally complete in their decorating when a metal headdress that is dripping with chains, jewels, and coins is placed on Y/N’s head. Her naked body is covered in runes similar to those that Bucky wears and she smells of the earth thanks to the burned bundles of herbs. 
Luca helps her to her feet albeit both reluctantly and he squeezes her hands. She glares at him and pulls her hands away, hoping that the cold shoulder will hurt him as his betrayal has hurt her. Ana Cristina steps in front of her, takes Y/N’s hand, and begins to sing even louder with Luca joining in. A similar gust of wind to before causes the candle flames to flicker and the brothers join in on the singing. The candles got completely out and Y/N let out a loud gasp. 
The candles burst back to life and the runes on her body are glowing a bright red as another voice uses her body to sing along. Alix shifts uncomfortably next to Peggy as the voice grows louder and louder until it stops. 
The witches collapse onto the ground, leaving Y/N to stand on her own as the glowing runes start to dim. She opens her eyes which are a flaming red and fixes them on the two women before her. The voice from before speaks to them.
 “Alix Wright,” it says as Y/N walks towards them, stepping over the bodies around, “Your family is disappointed in you. All that you have done in the Wright name has been for your own gain. You have forsaken your sacred oath to serve and protect Lycan. You’ve chosen a human over your siblings and now those who you brought with you are dead. Their blood is on your hands, how do you plead?”
Alix looks wildly between Peggy and Y/N, fear fresh in her yellow eyes. 
“You’ve sanctioned the murder of your siblings and now you must be held accountable, how do you plead?” the voice asks again.
“How am I supposed to have been killed?” Alix asks, anger replacing her fear as she tries to square up to her.
Y/N rolls her flaming eyes and utters Alix’s death sentence, “You are guilty. Lumină pe foc.”
Fire spills from Y/N’s body and races across the ground towards Alix, licking up and consuming her whole. Peggys lets out a scream and jumps away from a burning Alix. She tries to run towards the stairs but Bucky, Steve, Yelena, and Juliette block her way. Bucky grabs her by the throat and throws her against the wall next to them. 
“What the fuck did you do?” he growls at her as the others flock to those who are still laying on the floor. 
“She attempted to usurp your position and cover up her betrayal by taking the side of your enemy,” Y/N answers for her. 
Bucky turns to look at her and meets her stare with shock. He recognizes the voice of Celeste but the woman standing there does not look like her nor Y/N. Covered in ritualistic runes and jewelry, she reminds him more of the witches that his father warned him of and the waves of childhood fright he instilled into him come crashing back. 
“She is guilty of treachery, murder, and infidelity. How do you plead, Margaret Carter Rogers?”
With Ana Cristina in his arms, Steve yells, “Not guilty! She’s not guilty.”
Peggy takes her chance and breaks Bucky’s arm before sprinting to her husband’s side. Bucky lets out a howl of rage and pain as he resets his arm. 
Steve looks to his wife and pleads with her to say she’s not guilty but she just offers him a sad look and kisses his forehead. 
“I plead guilty.”
Y/N smiles, “So be it. Binecuvântează-ți trupul, Strogori.” 
As soon as the words leave her mouth, Y/N goes rigid and collapses on the ground while Peggy begins to choke. Bucky rushes to Y/N, cradling her burning up body in his arms and whispering words of reassurance to her. Steve, on the other hand, goes to do the same to his wife but hisses in pain when he touches her. Peggy wails and sobs in pain as her skin begins to sizzle and crosses appear in the places where her skin is unmarred. He looks to Y/N in horror and back to his wife. 
“What did she do? Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop!” he shouts and his despair awakes Ana Cristina. 
She groans and shifts in Steve’s lap which draws his attention back to her. He begs her to help Peggy but she explains that she can’t. There is no way to stop the blessing process once it’s started. His horror grows even more as Peggy’s cries grow quiet until there is nothing. 
Thor and Loki slowly sit up as Ana Cristina drags Luca closer to her. Bucky is holding Y/N against himself while Yelena and Juliette stay huddled by the doorway. Peggy’s and Alix’s bodies lay motionless as Steve stares distantly at them. 
All is still and peaceful in the room. The only sounds that can be heard are the shallow breaths of those awaking and Bucky’s whispers.
“I love you, Y/N. I have always loved you and I always will. Te iubesc, T/N. Te-am iubit mereu și o voi face mereu. Mereu și întotdeauna.” 
Mereu și întotdeauna.
Always and forever.
Always and forever means endless nights and long days for people like Y/N and Bucky. It’s a promise of love everywhere and in everything. As her breathing remains shallow and his whispers become a song, their new love does not fade but grows for it’s the only thing it can do. It’s fitting isn’t it?
His lost love coming back to him years later only for her to then suffer at his hands the same way she had before. The cycle will continue.
Always and forever 
as it means in 
this life 
the next.
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satureja13 · 7 months
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Jack and Ji Ho went to the beach again. Sai is feeling a bit better since he talked to Vlad. And the water and the sun is soothing Jack's pain.
Jack: "I will talk to Sai today. If I don't get help soon I will fall for Kiyoshi again and that can't happen. Like - at all. We will have to return back home to the others eventually and we're stuck there together and I don't know for how long I will be able to resist him and then it's going to go downhill with me again..." Ji Ho: "I'm going to try to convince Saiwa too to let us try the AI Therapist. We can still stop if it doesn't work. But we should at least try and see what it can do for us. I trust Arturo. Maybe it can even heal your pain?"
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When they returned, Vlad was already gone and Sai even got up to grill for them. Ji Ho to Jack: "That's a good sign, right?"
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Jack hates to upset Saiwa but he gathered all his courage: "Saiwa... uhm. Do you think it maybe is possible to give Tiny Can a try?" Saiwa: "Ok." Jack: "We can stop anytime if there's anything weird." Saiwa: "Ok."
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Jack: "And Tiny Can still has his own conscience and he loves me, so he wouldn't let the AI hurt us." Saiwa: "Ok." Jack: "I really need help. I can't fall for Kiyoshi again. You know what happened last time... Wait - what? Ok?" (How Ji Ho is not very helpful haha but at least he listened what Saiwa said so it wasn't necessary to help Jack ^^')
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Saiwa: "But one little weirdness and it's over!" Jack: "Ok..."
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They went to one of the empty bedrooms. Saiwa already had prepared everything and even put some inspirational posters on the walls. And he'd modified Tiny Can so no data of them can go out. And nothing from the outside in. Tiny Can is isolated now and Saiwa already checked his code for malware a while ago at home. There is also an emergency button to shut him off immediately should he try something weird...
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And so they started their therapy with Tiny Can as an AI Therapist. It is still set up as a group therapy. Saiwa, Jack and Ji Ho trust each other blindly and know everything about their struggles anyway. It's safer to not consult the AI alone. Tiny Can asked them to talk about their expectations and what they want to achieve with the therapy. Jack started. He was so excited to talk to Tiny Can that it was easy for him to tell him everything. Ji Ho was a bit more hesistant. Even though Saiwa and Jack know anything about his childhood trauma, he's not in the state today to relive it all over again. And so he talked about Vlad and him. That was easier. And Saiwa wasn't even able to talk at all. (And all of this is ok. The therapy is there to help you. And whatever helps you is ok. It's the therapists job to help you. No need to hold back or try to please them. They'd seen worse. I had many therapists in my life and I did make a lot of mistakes. No good therapist will be mad at you when you make the therapy 'yours'. Look what helps you and what not and talk about it. I know that's hard and I wasn't able to do it myself, but now I know that it's necessary to make your therapy a success. I often blamed the therapists, but it was my own fault.)
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After the introduction and 'What brings you to therapy?', Tiny Can asked the usual questions: - How does this problem make you feel? - What makes the problem better? - Why does that make you feel this way?
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Saiwa started to cry. Everything that had stacked up in him broke free. Their time in the Lab, his problems with Jeb and the pressure he's under as their leader. (And that's ok too. Actually a few people I know cried a lot in their therapy (and me too). And they said they felt better afterwards. No need to be ashamed of. Your therapist can handle it and they won't judge you. It's their job and they know it's necessary sometimes.)
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After the therapy ended, Ji Ho pondered a lot about his feelings. He'd locked them away a long time ago. When life became unbearable for him in the slums of Sulani. Maybe that's the reason he can't love Vlad? But why was he able to love Luci? Did the Bond make him feel it? Did it show him a glimpse of love and of what could be possible with Vlad? This glimpse was indeed worth trying to love him. Ji Ho had never felt before what he felt for Luci.
'How could they know just what this message means? The end of my hopes, the end of all my dreams How could they know the palace there had been Behind the door where my love reigned as queen?
But all that's left is a place dark and lonely A terraced house in a mean street back of town Becomes a shrine when I think of you only Just two up, two down'
No Milk Today - Herman's Hermits (from Beat Club 1966!)
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
Creations AU, But I obnoxiously over explain it PT 3
Pages 61-90
Back at it again with Mike and his silly little adventures in Freddy's.
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What'd you see.
Stop being vague.
Who are these creepy masked people???
The bullies from FNAF four
Damn if only there was an entire side comic FNAF 4 cough cough I made about them that will explain that lol. We'll get to the side comics I promise. ;)
Whatever he saw, he's terrified to re-live.
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Someone got hurt-
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What the hell are you apologizing for exactly?
What'd you do?
None of those people in the masks were you...
We can tell cause they actually had a skin tone lmfao.
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Oh that could use some cream.
So that's why "the bite" kept making Mike uncomfortable...
This kid got his head munched on.
And it wasn't ACTION but LACK of action he's cowering in fear from a child over.
Side note this panel out of context is hilarious and I won't pretend it's not.
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Hi Bonnie! :D
He is the best.
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Damn okay.
What's reality?
Ominous poster of the yellow Freddy for sure isn't important.
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Haha Mike ya have episodes like this often? Often enough he composes himself afterwards.
He's utterly bamboozled Bonnie apparently SAW the kid he was chasing so...maybe.
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That smirk is unsettling.
So this part of the building used to be "Fredbear's" the place Michael's favorite animatronic "Spring Bonnie" is from and mentioned earlier. Fredbear is clearly the one who bit the child.
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I'd be scared too Bonnie thousand yard stares are concerning.
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That's hysterical coming from the clearly possessed giant rabbit but go off I guess-
He's obviously trying to make Mike feel better which is nice of him. UwU
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Aww. Hug how sweet.
So now we know a bit more about Mike. Let's review:
This nameless kid Mike saw die was obviously Michael's brother Cody Afton from all the context clues we've been given:
Mike's reaction to Micheal bringing up Fredbears, due to it being a traumatic event.
Cody being "Bit"
Mike doesn't seem TOO sure they're the same person but we know it is.
Mike blames himself for not doing anything at the time to stop Cody's head from getting crunched.
Mike's grasp on reality is...Flimsy. Self admittedly he thinks it's flimsy and he knows when he needs to go home when it's too much.
Mike is desperate for comfort over his trauma with Freddy's and Bonnie's a cool dude who'll give it.
You'd think Bonnie would be a bully from his intro but he's actually a super caring guy, he just can't stand people who purposely cause problems.
Bro comes in clutch with the hugs.
You can see why Freddy would run to this guy to solve issues haha.
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So from those first panels we know 1 thing:
He had no clue Ennard was in the room with them. So add stalking to the list of creepy things that clown robot has done so far.
My god it's an old man-
He's Micheal's dad! :D William Afton!
Alright I'm gonna stop being goofy and vague for a moment:
It's obvious he's evil as fuck and for the people who like to bitch he has a personality in this comic or ANY media where people give William a personality: Stop making excuses as to why you write him one note you cowards, you can give him a personality without condoning what he does lmfao. Only a bad writer would say you HAVE to make him one note for him to work. Fucking morons actually you are stupid if you believe that.
If you wanna make him cartoonishly evil with NO redeeming qualities: Cool. Whatever. Just shut the fuck up don't act like yours is "Better" because you can't think of ways to make him anymore interesting.
Everyone's William caters to their tastes. Nobody's is PERFECT. I only judge stupid vapid bitches who complain about other interpretations while blowing smoke up their own asses. Because an ego isn't pretty on anyone lmfao.
The idea giving William a personality makes you a terrible writer/person needs to die I'm sorry that's such a stupid as fuck idea idk who came up with it but kindly stop writing and stop giving writing advice. UwU With love~ From me!~
Anyways I've spoiled William is a bad person who does a bad thing, Won't say what yet but all the death in the building can give ya some ideas. And apparently because William is bad guy there's "Rules" on how to write him. From a bunch of 12 year olds who dunno how to write but I digress.
I detest the idea of that. Because let's be real all FNAF characters are blank slates and the idea of squashing creativity is dumb. Literally go wild with your FNAF AUs.
Rant aside: William seems to be a bit of...An ass.
Just slightly manipulative and rude language towards his only living child it's fine-
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Ah yes. He also demands physical affection.
We get Michael's age, he's 23 aka still a damn baby.
Also, William and Michael are British.
Since we're on voices:
Mike Schmidt would sound like Legoshi from Beastars lmfao. I imagine Bonnie with a new York accent. Freddy sounds like a lady.
We finally get to see what Ennard and Michael interact like together...
Michael doesn't seem to put up with him.
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Ennard's kind of a prick.
Also apparently they have a HISTORY.
One that involves Michael talking shit about his father...
For people who know shit about the games: Yes Ennard is possessed by the same person from the games.
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Hah Michael tricked him.
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Okay so everyone in Michael's life is manipulative towards him.
Also Ennard is a raging hypocrite.
Also conformation William is an owner not just a robot maker. (Can't remember if this was brought up earlier again some of these pages are 2 years old lmfao)
Also this comic assumes you got SOME Fnaf knowledge. I'd hope it's still interesting for those of you who are here for my other stuff! XD
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Like ouch Ennard ya don't gotta be such a jerk.
Also Mike is cute.
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This panel unironically is one of my favorites because this man doesn't scream in terror at any of the terrifying robots:
It's the gay guy he's trying to befriend he screams like a little girl at.
Another help wanted joke about the Faz token under the cupcake in the office.
Michael just wants to hang out with Mike obviously.
Despite all the shit he's clearly going through dude puts on a very pointy smile.
This man is built like a cat.
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Lol they made pizza together. How cute.
Hah bro is apologizing for something he didn't even do nor has control over-
Is it obvious Michael is abused yet?
Going real unsubtle here: Everything about Michael shows off he has been abused in some way shape or form.
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Michael wants to think he's being friendly for reals despite clearly having second thoughts due to Ennard.
Bro is desperate for a connection with someone.
Mike c'mon Bonnie's so sweet how could you- X'D
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Few things: William doesn't "Let" Michael do things.
If it wasn't apparent he was controlling as hell before it sure is now.
Also Michael is embarrassed of his interests.
Also the locker:
Again we see an instance of Michael going by "Mike" as his locker literally just has a piece of paper tapped over it adding the rest of his name lmao.
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Michael is used to being toyed around with that is sad.
Bonnie continues to be a sweetheart even when he's off screen. X'D
Mike attempts to relate to Michael's interests once again.
Also another instance of Bonnie lying his ass off about how close Michael and him are:
He knows Michael's locker combination and puts gifts in there lmao.
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Mike clearly likes that plush a lot. Maybe he likes Chica a lot lmao. Who knows.
One thing to note:
If Michael's working day shifts and night shifts...when does he sleep?
Grant it, it isn't ALL THE TIME but still bro's sleep schedule must be OBLITERATED.
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Oh hi giant floating head in the hallway you're stalking Michael too huh?
This is just two sides of someone's brain arguing with itself that the entire positive interaction they just had was terrible AND the other party hates them.
And that comparison only makes more sense down the road.
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Yeah Michael you tell him. You don't need to take that from him.
Jeremy's a cool dude.
Also the fact the kids pay no mind to this argument is funny.
Also Ennard taking genuine offense to Jeremy being a better friend lmao. Anyone can be a better friend than Ennard. X'D
We hit the image limit but oh boy. So much joy in this update.
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sincerelyhannahx · 3 months
reading 'a curse for true love' for the first time
'caraval' was my favourite fantasy series until i read 'once upon a broken heart' and i have been WAITING for the waterstones edition paperback of 'a curse for true love' to come out for over a year (its got to match the rest of my set - the reader girlies get it) AND NOW I FINALLY HAVE IT!!! and i always wish i could read my favourite books for the first time again so this might help me relive this experience.
this goes without saying but there will be spoilers for 'a curse for true love' by stephanie garber up ahead (albeit without context) so just a heads-up for that.
my first time reading 'ouabh' and 'tbona' i was like apollo, you're a bitch. my second time reading 'ouabh' and 'tbona' i was like apollo, you're less of a bitch. so now i'm going into this one very conflicted. obviously erasing eva's memories is a big no but i don't think it was out of malice... although i'm expecting to be proven wrong.
why do i feel like martine is marisol? or someone else relevant. i'm going to be second guessing everyone because they could literally just lie and i'd have no idea.
SHE'S SEVENTEEN??? i knew that but jesus christ she is a child.
omg a new gentleman??? JACKS??? nvm its kristof. i got excited for nothing. where's jacks? i miss him.
OMFG SHE'S REMEMBERING THE CLIFF JUMP FROM 'TBONA' AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH that's so valid i think about it all the time too bestie.
wait apollo pov??? OHHHHMYYYYGOODDDDDDD!!!!!!
this is interesting character development for apollo i like it. i like that his 'death' changed him and we're not just back to square one.
lmaoooo ofc luc ran away.
oh shit yeah the valors are back. why did i assume they'd just be sat in the vault the whole time? obviously they're going to be up and about doing things.
GET PREGNANT WITH AN HEIR??? 1) let's circle back to the fact she is SEVENTEEN??? 2) then let's circle back to the fact SHE DOES NOT REMEMBER THIS MAN, that's literally sexual assault no thanks let's not do that.
wait tiberius gave him the scars? that's odd. why? give me the reasoning.
what has this wanted poster done to jacks' face??? just say you're jealous and move on.
EVANGELINE FOX AND THE PRINCE OF HEARTS!!! this is the one you want to be reading eva.
garrick you bitch.
noooooooo the engagement is over??? i mean i know it was inevitable but sorry for wanting my girl lala to be happy.
ooh what's this scroll?
'please come!' OMG IS THIS LALA??? SHE WAS DESCRIBED WITH SILVER HAIR BEFORE??? LALA IS THIS YOU??? i'm clowning so hard rn.
SOMEONE PUSHED HER??? wait why do i actually not know who. like who's the villain? there's apollo but he genuinely cares for eva... even if he's going about it in all the wrong ways. wait is this him to be like 'told you its not safe'? omg istg if it is.
awww wait this is like the story of how her parents met. that's cute.
jacks??? JACKS??? JACKS!!! sorry but who tf is evangeline i only know little fox.
omg memories from the hollow i'm going to cry.
jacks you're so down bad i'm laughing out loud.
'you can call me archer' OH WE ARE SO BACK ALEXA PLAY THE ARCHER.
'or i'll toss you off this bridge' help you can't lie anymore jacks i see right through you and your empty threats. you won't do shit.
okay but why is he training her? who's trying to kill her? or is he just paranoid? well obviously not if someone pushed her down a well. and this wouldn't be the first time she'd died. but even so give me names. tiberius? marisol? luc?
THE KNIFE!!! that whole scene was crazy but THE KNIFE!!!
... wait he's twenty? but evangeline's seventeen. what age are you considered an adult in the north? please help. (i know jacks is like a thousand or whatever but that's different.)
OMG IT WAS APOLLO THAT PUSHED HER!!! not him specifically BUT STILL HIM!!! THAT BASTARD!!! AND HE'S TORTURING INNOCENT PEOPLE TO TAKE THE BLAME??? nah fuck this guy this ain't protective this is batshit insane.
okay nvm i think martine is just a maid. she's probably not marisol.
wait if she goes to the hollow will her memories come back because curses don't work there? idk if its a memory curse but that could be a shout... or i just want an excuse to go to the hollow again.
i thought i wasn't going to like aurora but ykw she's a girlie™
is the employer apollo? i know he arranged for her to be pushed down a well but this seems a bit dramatic. like is he okay?
shit the fortunas are gone that's big. OMG THIS WAS CHAOS WASN'T IT? or castor now ig. BUT HE WAS THE MONSTER FROM THE VALORY and its also strange we haven't seen him yet.
no don't kiss him eva; he's just stabbed a child.
I KNEW IT WAS CASTOR which probably wasn't too hard to figure out but i'm giving myself credit where i can.
so i'm going to need jacks to become human again by the end of this or i don't know what i'm going to do. give my man his humanity back.
TRUSTING BYRON OVER AURORA??? yeah sorry eva we're not agreeing on this one. girl code says never trust a guy over a girl.
THIS IS WHAT I SAID NEVER TRUST A MAN FOR FUCKS SAKE. wait petra. oh well this has just got more interesting.
oh eva :(
JACKS!! FRIENDS DON'T STAB EACH OTHER!! although realistically chaos should have died long ago so that's just the universe righting itself. although by that logic evangeline should also be dead. but if chaos died when he was supposed to then she wouldn't have died so the universe owes her one.
oh nvm he's not dead.
are his eyes bloodshot because he cries blood? don't do this to me stephanie garber i'm fragile.
nvm the whole thing was aurora's fault. although ykw i don't even care, that's just gaslight gatekeep girlboss behaviour.
apollo. you and me are going to have words. you need a serious reality check.
LALA I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH THE BESTIES ARE BACK TOGETHER!!! eva, lala, aurora - girlie trio that's all i want.
'what's the point of having friends if they're not there to support your bad decisions?' after drinking way too much wine - they are so girlhood.
NOPE DON'T TRUST HIM THIS ISN'T JACKS WHEN HAS HE EVER USED THE NAME 'PET'. wait no no no no no no this is apollo. this must be what aurora gave him to make evangeline love him. HE'S PRETENDING TO BE JACKS!!!
nvm its not apollo. BUT IT STILL ISN'T JACKS.
aurora valor i love you so much.
the way aurora is the villain now and i still can't bring myself to hate her.
ohhh wait dane is dane valor. i thought the brother of aurora's that lala was in love with was castor. why are there so many valors i can't remember them all i was like who the hell is dane? but then why was there such a vibe between lala and castor...
see aurora isn't entirely evil (but even if she was, i'd still support her).
"ONLY A GIRL WHO WILL NEVER LOVE JACKS CAN SURVIVE THE KISS" that's so funny go donatella you absolute legend.
omg apollo can you actually go away. like i'm over this now.
'it is. its taking you.' AHAHAHA OMG GET FUCKED APOLLO
its over. i'm not ready. stephanie garber please write a fourth one. i don't need a plot or any conflict. a sitcom-esque fourth book with domestic evajacks. please. that's all i need. i'm so empty without it.
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sexyfoxlady · 1 year
First Time 💕
Satoru Gojo x Reader (angst/FLUFF)
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⚠️ Warning ⚠️ angst, sexual talk, cursing, virginity lost(2), feeling of abandonment,miscommunication,misunderstanding
(let me know if I missed anything)
The morning sun breaks through your curtains waking you up from your once deep peaceful sleep, groaning in annoyance in the process of reaching out to try and find your boyfriend Satoru Gojo but finds nothing but open space, confuse you sit up to inspect his side to see if you were just barely missing him or something but yet again you find his spot empty with no Gojo, automatically fearing the worst as your mind mindlessly goes through different scenarios why he would leave not one scenario why he WOULDN'T leave,you could feel tears forming at the edge of your eyelashes about to fall down your cheeks silently scolding yourself for not listening to the people that would constantly say and make it their personal mission to tell you why Satoru Gojo would never stay with you long and why once he's done getting whatever he can out of your guys relationship he'll leave but you didn't want to believe that, you believed Gojo wanted this relationship like you did that's why you gave him EVERYTHING last night but maybe it was just you who wanted this relationship and now his 'mission' is done, you try to convince yourself that isn't your Sato your describing because you boyfriend wouldn't just leave you after last night, right?
You found a way to calm yourself down just enough to see if you were just freaking out for nothing and to prove your mind wrong, you look to Gojo's side of the bed ready to push your hands on his side, fuck... His side is barely warm, he's been gone for a while then, realizing that causes your tears to start back up again and this time you allow yourself to cry only for a few moments though before realizing your stronger then this and that your not going to cry over someone who obviously didn't care enough about yours relationship so why should you
You collect yourself before going into the bathroom to freshen up, looking at yourself in the mirror you can see your hair disheveled ,eyes red and puffy from crying and the straw that broke the camels back was seeing yourself in Satoru Gojo shirt a t-shirt with a old movie poster design on the front making you I want to crawl into yourself more but instead you get the t-shirt off of you as fast as you can, throwing it across the bathroom watching it land on the floor
Looking back at yourself in the mirror you wish you kept the shirt on because you wouldn't be looking at your marked up breasts and neck, another reminder of what you gave Gojo last night
When you finally got out of the shower you felt like going back to sleep you wanted your mind to stop blaming you for Sato leaving, to stop reminding you that YOU were the one that TRUSTED him
Leaving the bathroom and walking back into your bedroom you notice how quiet it is without you boyfriend around, you grab a pair of panties and a new t-shirt to wear that isn't Sato to head downstairs to hopefully drown yourself with cereal and milk
Walking down the stairs and into the kitchen you don't notice Satoru Gojo standing in your kitchen by the oven making you and himself breakfast which only consists of scrambled eggs and toasted eggo waffles, to in your head to notice Sato turning around to watch you with love/adornance in his baby blue eyes as you went into the cabinets to grab a box of cereal clearly confused considering he's cooking for you right now
"Hey what are you doing, I'm making you something to eat?" Gojo asked with amusement in his voice not quite understanding what his girlfriend is doing
You don't respond to your boyfriend not hearing his question or noticing his presence, if you were looking at him you would see confusion written all over his face and a little bit of hurt when looking at your frame you're not wearing his t-shirt anymore but one of your owns
Did you not have a good time last night? Did he do something wrong? Are you mad at him?
He watches as you walk to the fridge next, to grab the milk he assumes, you still don't take notice of your shirtless sweatpants wearing boyfriend making scrambled eggs watching you
Walking over to where you are at the fridge Gojo picks up a loose piece of hair that fell in front of your face to tuck it back behind your ear
"Is everything ok sweetheart?" Asked your boyfriend Satoru Gojo the same boyfriend that inst here
When you looked at him you were in shock
"Sato? What are you doing here?"
"What? What am I doing here baby I slept over last night remember?" Now seeing the confusion on his face
"You okay? It looks like you've been crying" Gojo asks gently cupping your face to inspect it before he can ask anything else and before you can even say anything to him you wrapped your arms around him tightly burying your face in his shirtless chest and cried you can feel him start to panic not understanding the reason for your tears
"Hey hey shhhh it's ok I'm here what's wrong" Gojo tries to soothe you into calming down while rubbing circles on your back with his open palm, it takes a few minutes for you to calm down again before finally explaining to your boyfriend your tears
"I-I um thought you left" you admit barely above a whisper
"And why would I have done that?" he asks while continuing to rub his palm on your back
"Because you got what you wanted..." You meekly spoke
"And what's that?"
"My virginity" you buried your face deeper into Gojo's chest in embarrassment
"Well does that mean you're going to leave me then" Gojo asked with a hint of amusement in his voice
"Huh why would I leave you that makes no sense" removing your face from his chest to look in his eyes
"What so only I leave when I take your virginity but you take mine and get to stay, That's a double standard baby" you laughed in Gojo's gorgeous face
"What are you talking about you're not a virgin"
"Well yeah not after last night and you're not too" chuckling at your flustered face because of the mention of last night
"You never told me that" trying to think of a time when THE Satoru Gojo told you he was a virgin
"Well I'm telling you now, so do you want to tell me why you thought I would just leave you after you trusted me"
"Your side of the bed was empty so I assume the worst..." You confess feeling guilty for not believing in your boyfriend
"I'm sorry Sato" you apologize
"Hey it's ok" Gojo assures you with a kiss on the forehead
"No it's not I should have had more trust in you and know you would NEVER do something like that to me" squeezing him a little tighter to emphasize how sorry you were
You guys stay in each other's arms for a few minutes longer before lifting your head off of his chest and asking
"Why were you still a virgin, you?" Still amazed to find out that your boyfriend was a virgin before last night
"Ouch Sweetheart you wound me"
"I'm not trying to call you a man whore I'm just confused, you could have anyone you wanted and you still waited, why?" Rephrasing the question
"Well you know how you waited for the right person that's what I was doing I was waiting for the right person, you, you know my line of work is very dangerous and it's even more dangerous trusting someone, that's why I waited"
"Well I'm glad you trusted me" laying your head back on his chest
"Me too, I love you" putting his head on top of yours after kissing the top of it
"I love you too"
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blapis-blazuli · 1 year
Now listen up
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I am obsessed with this man. He's got so many weird details about him and I love (almost) all of them.
First, Slim's original concept fucks. Being an undead cattle rustler out for bull's blood due to being trampled to death is fascinating. I don't know how long it took before someone at Disney cried "too dark" at that backstory, but I'm surprised it was even in consideration given the mostly lighter tone of the final product. More than that, Disney could've had a literal ghost rider among their villains! Had that movie been any good, he might've joined Disney's popular villain lineup, or maybe we could've even gotten a boss battle with him in a Kingdom Hearts game. That's not what we ended up with due to Reasons, though, which is a bit disappointing, but not much you can do about that.
Anyway, onto what we did get.
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Before Slim makes his formal appearance, he's only seen in silhouette, on a wanted poster, then in disguise, and is finally fully revealed when he rides in on a bison. He is huge, and I don't mean because he's fat, I mean he's a good deal taller than most of the other characters. He's set up to be someone threatening, to be taken seriously.
And then comes his yodeling villain song.
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The moment it's revealed that Slim's yodeling can hypnotize cows, the music picks up and there's a literal rainbow of colors for the rest of his number. As I said, he's a big man, but he's also light enough on his feet to dance and jump on and off any of these cows while not missing a beat in his performance. When the men who got knocked out beforehand come running after him, he doesn't threaten them, he just throws his spurs at a precarious bit of rocky landscape with such force that it falls and blocks the pathway to him. That's more badass than if he did draw his gun on them.
Actually, I wanna talk about the music he performs. The movie's set in Wyoming during 1889, so obviously Slim's not gonna be yodeling A Cruel Angel's Thesis or whatever. They could’ve come up with something original for him to yodel to (which, I mean, they kinda do), but they chose music by composers such as Tchaikovsky and Beethoven, which aren't exactly things you'd associate with the wild west. The obvious out-of-universe answer for why those pieces were chosen is "they existed before the year this is set in, and they're recognized even today," but we've no in-universe answer for why he chose them or how he knows them. Regardless, it's kinda amazing that he knows them well enough to yodel them.
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His lair in Echo Mine has an area with some nice furniture in it. How'd this shit get there? Who knows. Anyway, this is where he reveals that he disguises himself to buy up the properties owned by the people he's stolen cattle from, which includes his former employers. Why doesn't he work for any of them anymore? He never directly says. According to him, they didn't "appreciate [his] talents," which means they probably hated his yodeling. I don't blame him for being mad about that because why the hell would you tell someone that? If he's doing the job right and well without hurting anyone, then who cares? The idea that he's moved on to use a skill against the former bosses who didn't like it is kinda great though.
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(Side note: a nice, small detail about this part of the lair is the faded branding on the map, which shows that Slim has been doing this for quite a while. Shame that it's not more consistent from shot to shot though. I can't take credit for noticing this myself: my partner pointed it out after I posted a screenshot as a joke on Discord. She's so cool.)
Slim doesn't like it when someone calls his yodeling "singing": he thinks singing is beneath him given the disdain in his voice when he says that's what birds, saloon gals, and children do. No, he considers what he does to be an art. He's not entirely wrong, though: it is an impressive skill, especially since he can yodel to certain classical pieces like The William Tell Overture, Ode to Joy, Ride of the Valkyries, and The 1812 Overture. (Also Yankee Doodle, because, well, American. Also maybe Largo al factotum from The Barber of Seville, but I'm unsure of that one: unlike Slim, I am no classical music expert.) There's no need for him to be quite as defensive about it as he is, but his nephews calling it "singing," saying that might be why his bosses didn't like him, and calling yodeling "silly" is enough to make him get violently angry at them. Man's got issues.
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Oh yeah, Slim has nephews. They're triplets named Gil, Phil, and Bill, and they're collectively known as The Willies. Unlike their uncle, they're all blond and thin, so god knows what Slim's unnamed and unmentioned sibling must look like.
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Slim also has a bison named Junior. I'm not fond of the whole "he's too fat to ride anything else" angle of that, but I do like that they chose an animal that people are constantly told to not mess with because of how dangerous they are. Slim's not afraid of him: he's got this creature trained to listen when he calls for him. I can only guess that Slim is the one who named Junior, so maybe he also raised him. It would explain why Junior appears annoyed with him but still puts up with having Slim jump on his back and the like.
You know what Slim doesn't have though? Kids. Putting together the disdain in his voice when he mentions children, his seemingly low opinion of saloon girls, his big villain number turning the landscape into a rainbow of colors, the queer history of cowboys, and the prevalence of queer-coding in Disney villains... well, I think you get where I'm going with that.
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Moving onto his disguise. Don't ask me why nobody figured out this was Slim sooner, given that his wanted poster shows they have the same facial hair, bushy eyebrows, and bags under the eyes. My best guess is because it's in black-and-white and he's in a different outfit, and unless someone's encountered him before they probably don't know what he sounds like. Anyway, His alias is Yancy O'del (yeah, I know), but the one sign we see him with has both "Mister" and "Esquire" in there.
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Having looked this up, I learned a few things. First, having "Mister" and "Esquire" together isn't something you're supposed to do, yet nobody in-universe caught this. Second, in the United States, "Esquire" is a title only used for lawyers, so maybe that's why nobody questioned him - fear of a sudden lawsuit for something or other. Third, "Yancy" was not really a name used back then, or at least not a common one. Why'd he choose that name (besides for the pun)? I dunno.
(Also, where the hell does Junior stay whenever he goes to one of these auctions? The world may never know.)
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Slim's final defeat at the hooves/wings/what-have-you of several farm animals is pretty pathetic, even by silly Disney villain standards, but I got to give him credit for not wanting to give up even after his disguise is (literally) blown and while he's stuck in a train's smokestack. I have no idea how he planned on getting out of that one, and whatever it was most likely wouldn't have worked anyway, but I admire his refusal to back down in the face of obvious defeat.
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Even in his very last scene we see him struggling with the ropes they tied around him while he's carted off to jail. He does not give up.
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Anyway, here he is picking up Small Black Market Dealer Steve Buscemi one-handed like it's nothing. (His name is Wesley, but Slim keeps calling him Mister Weasley. That's right, this movie used that joke before Frozen did.)
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And here he is lifting three full-grown cows off the ground before tying them up faster than they can react to it. (The cows have names too, but this post ain't about them.)
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He uses his left hand to write and aim his gun and seems just as adept with using it as much as his right, which is cool. (There's no frame with both his face and the gun, so you'll have to trust me on that.)
Speaking of his hands
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Look at this huge-ass man and his pinkies, I can't with this dude
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Look at that smile, sir, who gave you the right
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If there were a whole movie about just these two, I'd watch it, I won't even lie.
I've gone on about this guy for probably too long by this point, so to sum it all up:
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fullstcp · 1 month
"StarStruck" Sentence Starters
"Every girl, every boy, they got your posters on their walls."
"Wanna be you, when they see you they scream out loud."
"Hear the crowd calling your name."
"Prepare to get starstruck!"
"As soon as you move, they gonna talk about it."
"You're in the A-list, you better believe it."
"Doesn't matter if it's true, they're gonna talk about it."
"You can't see me."
"You can't be me."
"You're the main attraction."
"They want to take my picture."
"They're calling your name."
"Show 'em what you came here for."
"I'm no superman."
"I can't read your mind like a billboard sign and tell you everything you wanna hear."
"I can be everything you need."
"If you're the one for me, like gravity, I'll be unstoppable."
"I believe in destiny."
"If you're the one for me, then I'll be your hero."
"If I see your face, I'll barely know."
"I put my trust in faith that you will come my way."
"If it's right, it's undeniable."
"I'll wait for you."
"Grab your shades and let's go for a ride."
"We'll do lunch at Sunset and Vine."
"Wish that I could always feel this way."
"There's something about the sunshine."
"I'm seeing you in a whole new light."
"Everywhere's a scene and now we're in it."
"I don't wanna paint this town alone."
"When I see you smile, I always feel at home."
"Now that you're here it's suddenly clear."
"Whatever I do, it's better with you."
"Can't blame you for thinking that you never really knew me at all."
"I thought I was protecting you from everything that I go through."
"I know that we got lost along the way."
"Here I am with all my heart."
"I hope you understand."
"I know I let you down, but I am never gonna make that mistake again."
"You brought me closer to who I really am."
"I want the world to see what you mean to me."
"Just know that I'm sorry."
"You make me feel like I'm myself instead of being someone else."
"You say what no one else will say."
"You know exactly how to get to me."
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notsocheezy · 1 month
Brain Curd #151
Brain Curds are lightly edited flash fiction - practically first drafts - posted daily (haven't missed one yet!) and sometimes written with the express intention of being terrible… but, you know, in an endearing way. Please like and reblog if you enjoy - the notes keep me going!
My (26M) wife (25F) has sent me to sleep on the couch because I keep climbing down into the basement - AITA?
Hi reddit, first time poster short time lurker. I just found this subreddit and thought I should ask what you internet people think about this.
Some backstory - we got a great deal on this house a few months ago. It's a fixer-upper, but I'm a professional contractor so I decided I should just do the work myself and save some money. I'm detail-oriented, so I always make sure to do things by the book, up to code.
My wife (let's call her Amy - not her real name) is detail-oriented too, in her own way. And by that I mean she's a clean freak. If the water spots on a spoon are the wrong color, she'll wash the whole thing over again. It's exhausting but I love her anyway. Don't tell her I said that.
Anyway, while I was fixing up the place, I found a ladder down to the basement. It's really neat down there, so I've been hanging out in the basement a lot. It's fully furnished and everything. A really nice surprise since it wasn't on the floor plans.
‘Amy’ refused to join me down there and kept saying it wasn't real, but, like, obviously it's real or I wouldn't be able to go down there. She was scared for whatever reason but I didn't let it stop me.
When COVID hit, she went nuts. Had to spray all our groceries with bleach before they could come in the house. You wouldn't believe how much half-melted ice cream we have in the freezer. Well anyway, the stress got to me, too, and I had an incident in the kitchen.
After that, she blamed the basement. I told her she was being ridiculous, she told me I was hallucinating from a gas leak. But I guess she got curious and climbed down there herself. Ever since then, she's been freaking out, scrubbing the whole house and herself. She won't tell me what happened but she keeps accusing me of “frolicking in filth” and she didn't want me sleeping in “her” bed.
It doesn't even stink down there or anything. I think she's the one hallucinating. But I don't know, I guess maybe I'm the one who screwed up. Am I the asshole?
This Brain Curd is a response to a prompt by @jasminewalkerauthor:
Rules: write an am i the asshole post as if you are a character from your wip.
I've never played a tag game before, but here it goes (I hope I'm doing this right) (no pressure, folks): @aritany, @friendlyshaped, @theliteraryarchitect
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ghost-proofbaby · 10 months
now for the lead up to how this happened bc I kept a note in my phone of important things to tell you for when you came back:
he met my parents! they like him. he wanted to take my guinea pigs home with him and I was TRYING to look out for him so he didn't get peed on by them and he was like it's fine I don't care and we kept bickering about it and my parents thought it was funny. we watched the first hunger games movie in my room and my dog took her chaperoning role very seriously. we were laying on my bed and he had his head on my arm and my dog wedged her jealous little ass right in between us and put her head on my arm too. I made her leave. she came back and then she had her head on his arm. the next day i texted him and told him that I still had his fingerprints on my glasses (we both wear glasses and like to poke each other's lenses to bother each other) and he said I guess I'm just permanent and I said I'd like you to be permanent 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe not on my glasses tho. and that was pretty much the end of that but then the next day he brings it up again unprompted and says he's been thinking about what I said and that he wouldn't be against it and I said I wouldn't either and i said so does that mean I get to stop calling you my sort of kind of boyfriend to people and he said yes and then we sort of kind of made it official over text but kinda mutually decided it didn't count until we saw each other in person. I went to his house after work the next day after the boyfriend talk and his parents had some friends over and I painted my nails with his mom and the one friend. he gave me two of his twenty one pilots vinyls bc I like them and don't have any vinyls. I thanked him like 5 times and wanted to kiss him but was really nervous about it so I didn't. but after his parents friends left he had me go in his room with him and he ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND and i said yes obviously. and i ended up hitting my head on the wall by his bed and knocking one of his posters off the wall 🤦🏻‍♀️ but that's okay. his parents told him that if we're having sex to make sure to wrap it 😂 and i don't know how to tell them that whatever noises they heard was probably me hitting my head and the poster falling down, and then later me trying to roll across him to get to the other side of the bed and missing, and falling off the bed. bc I was a hot mess. but I blame him for hitting my head. cause he was putting me on the bed. the falling off the bed was all me though 😂 and he was gonna come up to my house this past Tuesday but he ended up getting a flat tire on the way, so i came down. We went out to eat with his parents (and he bought me a squishmallow 🥺) and then we started watching catching fire in his room. His mom kept walking past his closed door and yelling that she didn't want any babies and are we doing sex things. And now this damn boy distracts me all the time even if I'm not talking to him cause all I think about is him but at least the feeling is mutual.
🎸 anon ❤️
I hope you had a great break ❤️
my heart is bursting i’m so fuckin happy for you!!! hell fucking yess!!!!! we did it folks!!! and by we i mean you but i’m still so so overly happy and genuinely excited for you that’s so sweet 😭 i love the making it official in person. i hope y’all have had a good first few weeks of being official!!!
ugh. my lil romantic heart can’t take this. i like to pretend to be bitter and grossed out by romance irl but it secretly warms my heart (do not tell anyone i’ve got a reputation to uphold)
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mzannthropy · 1 year
Okay, let's talk about this
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Sam Claflin + supporting Johnny Depp.
I'm using this screenshot purely as an example, not to attack the poster. It's the only screenshot I have re this topic, I've had it saved since April 2023. Last I checked, this account has been suspended from Twitter. (ETA it has now been re-instated.)
I'm not here to fight Sam's battles or argue; if you're determined to cancel Sam, don't let me stop you. If you, however, would like to know more on Sam's background and why he may have supported Johnny--read on.
What the above screenshot tells us is that Sam liked, and commented on, Depp's Instagram post celebrating the win of his defamation trial. Some time later, Sam deleted his comment, unliked the post and unfollowed Depp. (I didn't even know about all that as I'm not that deep into Instagram, but I can see Sam doesn't follow Depp and there is no like from him on that post. Anyway, you can check for yourselves.) I think there are worse crimes than liking a social media post and as Sam deleted the comment and unfollowed Johnny, he clearly realised his mistake. But this is not about that.
Sam and Johnny Depp
Sam started his career in 2010 in the mini series Pillars of the Earth. He had a couple more TV jobs, until he landed his first big movie role, which was Philip in Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides (the 4th instalment of the franchise). For Sam, this would have meant a lot--more than a lot. Sam comes from a normal background--by which I mean his parents are regular people and not in entertainment. His father makes dad jokes on social media. (His younger brother Joe is also an actor, but he's very low-key.) Like I keep saying, Sam's just a boy from Norwich, essentially the exact opposite of a nepo baby. He didn't even plan to become an actor in his childhood, his dream was to become a professional football (soccer) player. It was only after suffering ankle injuries that he switched to acting. What I'm saying is, for Sam to get a role next to a star of Johnny Depp's calibre would have been HUGE.
Check out this snippet of an interview with Joe Wicks (dated Spring 2021), where he talks about how nervous he was on the set:
No doubt he was starstruck about working with Depp. A quote from Sam's IMDb page: "Johnny Depp gave me the best advice. He said, 'Keep your feet on the ground. Stay grounded. Remember where you came from.'" It's something that must have resonated with Sam. Sure, Depp didn't come up with it, it is, after all, a good old common sense advice--but that doesn't matter, bc you always remember the person who gave you the good advice, even if it was not something they invented themselves.
Timeline-wise, POTC4 was released in 2011, which means it was probably filmed the previous year. So before Depp got into a relationship with Amber Heard.
Sam has, as you know, forged a respectable acting career for himself, but that POTC experience is something he would never forget. More than a decade later, he still goes back to it. And why not--you don't just let go of your first blockbuster that easily.
I seriously, SERIOUSLY, doubt Sam watched any of that notorious trial. He was filming Daisy Jones and The Six at that time and at least for a portion of the time he had his kids with him and homeschooled them.
Sam and Women
Sam has worked with female directors, as well as doing female-centric projects, or projects featuring strong female characters. (Whatever your opinion on how DJATS diverged from the book in this regard, he can hardly be blamed for it. Ask yourself instead why Reese Witherspoon, with her female character centred book club, let the male writers get away with what they did.)
And let's not forget that Sam is also, like Depp, divorced. Unlike the beloved pirate star, he has not a bad word to say about his ex-wife, Laura Haddock. "We're still a family." Laura is also an actress, you may know her from the Guardians of the Galaxy films.
Recently, Sophie Turner had to deal with being smeared in the media by her (soon-to-be)ex-husband. No such behaviour from Sam. Of course, you can argue that Sam's conduct in this matter should not be praised, bc it should be the default. Probably, I'm just pointing it out as it's relevant to the topic.
Sam and being down to earth
I always laugh about the fact that (nearly) all of Sam's interviews include the following 3 items: 1. Sam praising the people he works with, be it fellow actors or other crew, 2. Sam saying something self-deprecating and 3. Sam mentioning his kids, or the fact that he's a father. Read any of his interviews--or watch this, filmed by yours truly (sorry for the poor quality):
As I said above, Sam is from a regular family and started earning his own money from the age of 13. When he was at SXSW 2023, where they were served food, he cleared the dishes after himself [source].
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Sam is not one of those big name Hollywood stars. I'm not sure he can even be called a Hollywood star. He could have been one, he could have been on the level of Marvel's Chrises, after playing Finnick in Hunger Games. But he chooses smaller, quieter projects. He maintains the just right level of fame that brings him enough money, while allowing him to keep his personal life private.
Sam being a dad:
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Sam has also been open about struggling with his worth and his insecurity. I guess this circles back to Johnny Depp. When you don't know your true worth, you might believe certain people, who have been in the business for a long time, to be more than what they are. But I'm getting into some armchair psychology now, so let me end it here.
In conclusion, you could do worse than be a fan of Sam Claflin.
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bluiex · 1 year
HIZIES!!!! Is 🌸🐚🌹! I just had a two hour nap cause I was tired as shit- Anyway,I was spamming 🌺🪸🥀 as I does, and for whatever reason I was some how able to get her out of her comfort zone for shipping and we ended up with Scor(Scott and Scar) and Scango(Scott and Tango)(btw I came up with those names). And then a random quote turned into angst + comfort.
Scott not taking care of himself(Like every other fic ever- *gets shot*) so like Tango forces him to take care of himself by saying “time is fake, go to sleep” and just drags him to bed.
Saw this Reddit post about someone’s husband trying to khs but his wife(the poster) found out and stopped them.(Husband was trying to buy life threatening drugs, wife tells the dealer off) after that OP starts to show extra affection, even if it embarrasses OP or husband. Then like years or months later OP has a nightmare about husband dying, wakes husband up with the crying and then explains the nightmare and husband is like “why would that be bad?”, OP starts to explain how terrible it be if he died. And when I saw this, I was spamming 🌺🪸🥀 about how that is so Jimmy or Scar coded- So we’re doing Scar and Scott cause we more Scor in our lives.(I’ll force her to write some for this)
Setting up camp has become a ritual for the two of them now. Every night, No matter where they are, Scott chooses a spot and then Scar build a fire and cooks them dinner. He always cooks a little extra just incase. After they eat Scott sets up two sleeping bags. Then they crawl in, Stargaze for a little and fall asleep. It was just them.(This is very rewritten from an old Genshin thing I had in my drafts before just gave up on it)
ON THE MENTION OF GENSHIN- (This is vey much a shit thing I just grabbed)Hermitcraft x Empires x Genshin Impact? Anyone? Like Grian is Aether, Pearl is Lumine(Or we can switch Grian for Scott cause you know- he’s a star),I’m think if to make Scott Paimon- OR JIMMY!(Im just gunna do Mondstadt for now)Xisuma or Kerlise is very Jean, Sausge is so Kaeya, Zedaph is kinda Klee(best girl), Kathrine is really giving Amber vides, I don’t think any matches Lisa(maybe Gem, but without the flirting), Cub is Albedo(Both are mad scientist willing to do anything, even if they die), Sucrose, Ren is without questions Razor, Scar or Jimmy or Oli is Bennett(Cause all three of them just have such bad luck XD), Xiangling, Doc is very much Diluc, Pix is Venti cause I feel like Pix gives Barbatos energy but /def not Venti vibes(Or Grian maybe) , Scott is very much Mona, Fucking made you pay twenty thousand mora just to tell you your a Leo then makes a run for it if you blame him for scamming. Shelby is giving Eula.(Also might change these if I every come back to it)
"The bird which is caged it's entire life wonders how freedom is, and the bird with freedom wonders about the safety of being in a cage".
The cage bird is Grian. The bird that is free is Jimmy. 
(They totally get into a small fight that Scott and Scar have to force them to fix❤️)
-🌸🐚🌹(I disappeared for a bit then I got hit by a truck of ideas)
I don't know a thing about genshin but I am here for it!!
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dadddybangtan · 2 years
Suck Torture | 02
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cw: mentions of injuries, not much i can think of right now lmk
word count: 1.3k
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Everything about that day felt unreal. And when I woke up the next morning, I was expecting to wake up in the bed I always wake up in. Alas, I woke up on a strange, stiff couch with my backpack as a pillow in a tiny living room to the smell of bacon sizzling on a stove nearby.
Despite the compactness, it was a nice apartment. It had clean white walls with a TV and gaming console. It was very unlike my room that had posters everywhere including the ceiling. I panned my gaze to the kitchen where a broad shouldered man stood with his back facing me. I assumed he was the one cooking the bacon.
I got up and groggily approached the stranger.
"Excuse me, can I use the bathroom?"
The man turned around, expression kind and inviting.
"Of course. You must be Beomgyu."
I nodded.
"I'm Yeonjun. The bathroom is the first door to the right," He said, "And be sure to knock, the lock doesn't work on that door."
I go to the couch, pick up my backpack and head to the bathroom. I knock softly.
"Yah!" A male voice shouts.
Waiting patiently outside the bathroom door, Kai came out of the bedroom across from it.
"Oh morning, Beomgyu," He chirped, "I hope the couch wasn't too uncomfortable."
It was extremely uncomfortable, but I knew I couldn't say that. Instead I said, "It was fine, thank you."
Shortly after, the boy in the bathroom came out. He was tall, lanky and had a look of sleep lingering on his face.
He didn't say anything as he walked past Kai and I. He simply dragged his feet to the kitchen.
"That's Soobin. He's not a morning person so don't take that personally. He's probably still half-asleep honestly, I doubt he saw you."
I didn't blame him. I wasn't much to look at anyways.
"Come to breakfast when you're done getting ready?"
I nodded slightly before entering the bathroom. That was my first time seeing my bruised face in the mirror. I looked rugged and damaged. I barely recognized myself. Still I brushed my teeth and rinsed my face with cool water.
I ran my fingertips over the beaded bracelet I snagged from my bed yesterday. I didn't want to mourn the home I was forced to escape, but I did. More so, I was mourning my mother.
My hand lightly punched the light switch off before I left. I returned my backpack to the couch and joined the roommates at the table.
"We didn't have an extra chair so I pulled the bean bag from my room," Yeonjun said, "Don't worry, I'll sit in it."
"Yeonjun makes breakfast for us every Sunday morning. It's like a tradition."
"That's pretty cool," I said, timidly pulling out a chair and sitting.
"It's almost ready. I just need to cook the eggs and Taehyun needs to get here," Yeonjun cooed, "How do you like your eggs, Beomgyu?"
"Any way is fine." I wasn't in the position to make any requests.
"Scrambled it is." He declared.
The lock on the front door obnoxiously clicked as another person walked into the apartment. I assumed it was Taehyun. He had sharp facial features, fully dressed in a warm tracksuit.
"About time." Yeonjun sneered.
"Sorry, the workout this morning ran a little longer than usual." His voice was strong and confident.
"You're doing the dishes then."
"Whatever." He said jokingly.
He pulled up an empty seat next to me, on my good side (the side that wasn't bruised). "Hey."
"Kai said he picked you up on the side of the road," He said nonchalantly, "Like a lost puppy."
My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. I didn't like the sound of that. He made me sound like a hopeless charity case. Even if that's what I was, I didn't need to hear it.
"I didn't say it like that." Kai said.
"Sure," I said getting up from the table and getting my bag from the couch, "Found family my ass."
I stormed out of the door and down the hallway. I raced down the stairs knowing I didn't have a place to go. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, my legs gave out on me and my head began to ache. The events of yesterday are preventing me from running away.
I collapsed on the bottom step and let tears fill my vision. Soon I heard footsteps echoing around me.
"Hey," I heard from behind me, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."
"Y'know, I really don't care how the fuck you meant it," I snapped up, turning around and seeing Taehyun at the top of the staircase, "It's been hell for me and I'm not gonna be fucking dehumanized like that."
He slowly came down the steps.
"Would you give me a chance to explain?"
"Explain what? How you're all treating me like a pet from a rescue? Like you're all doing some heroic thing," I scoffed at my rant, "Fucking Yeonjun giving me a nice chair and asking how I like my eggs? I'm not fucking Annie."
"He was trying to be nice to you," He defended him, "Unlike whoever the hell you came from."
He gestured to my worser eye.
"Wow." I turned around and headed for the door, but I heard Taehyun following me out to the sidewalk.
I was expecting the morning sun to blind me but, the sun was covered by a light layer of clouds.
"Look, I didn't mean to call you a puppy or a charity case," He said, "I meant it as a compliment. Like it was cute."
"Cute," I turned to him, "What's cute about being compared to a helpless animal? That's even more dehumanizing."
"Can we just start over?"
I stared at him and his prominent features. His strong nose and jaw paired with his fit figure made him seem so intimidating. Something about the softness in his eyes made me believe that he didn't mean to offend me. But only a little bit.
"Okay..." He stuck his hands in his pockets, "Will you at least finish breakfast? Yeonjun made extra and leftover breaky is kinda gross."
"I don't need treats, okay? Or hand outs." I readjusted the backpack on my shoulder. Unfortunately, I put the strap on my fucked up shoulder.
My stomach pinched itself and triggered a small spasm in my abdomen. Then it croaked and vibrated in pain.
"Are you sure?" He glanced at my stomach.
"Yes." I lied before my stomach audibly disagreed with me.
"Okay then," He turned to the apartment building, "I'll leave the door unlocked in case you change your mind."
I just stood there in my loneliness. I looked around this suburban area. The buildings were short and compact and the road was narrow. Four lanes with cars racing in them. I didn't know anyone here and I didn't have anywhere to go. I looked behind me at the small apartment building door.
I begrudgingly pulled it open and hiked up the stairs again. As much as I wanted to stay mad, my need to eat free food was overcome by my desire to be petty. The trek up the stairs was an embarrassing one. My silent journey down the second floor hallway put my situation into a new perspective: I was truly on my own, but not yet lonely.
I eyed the door of their apartment, sighing in defeat. My stomach rumbled as the smell of the bacon and eggs seeped through the minuscule cracks in the door.
"Okay, okay." I whispered to myself before slowly opening the door.
"You came back!" Kai exclaimed.
"Yeah," I said sheepishly, "Sorry, I got short you guys."
"No, I'm sorry that I offended you."
"You can make your plate at the stove." Yeonjun said, words muffled by his food.
I dropped my bag at the door to remind myself that I'd be leaving at some point today. I quickly made a plate and sat down with them next to Taehyun.
"Welcome back." He slyly muttered into a fork full of eggs.
"Save it."
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