#whats their ship name uhhhh
hexadonis · 2 months
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dr and professor gay
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denim-wizard · 8 months
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this is literally less than nothing
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bonkalore · 1 month
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Feels fitting that I've been wanting to get more out of Cyprus drawn and laid out lately and it also happens to be the start of Mer May! He's a character that I had around since around the beginning, but didn't really start getting to incorporate him much more till more recently and I'm glad for it.
Ended up with a polycule I guess (don't worry Jayce, you will eventually be included too). I kept shying away from it officially bc for some reason that's a thing that people still get worked up over still, but that's what it is! Jayce and Lucy get together and also their boyfriend Cyprus lol Anyway, this is some stuff of how he and Lucy first met that I was trying to get out. He has some interaction with the Bureau as an ambassador and has to sit in meetings. With recent events and the former Primus gone suddenly, Lucy moved up in position suddenly and also had to sit in on said meeting. Things have been chaos. He ends up joining in the Primus tournament and was also sick of the way they handled things. He and Lucy have some of that in common to start~
Bonus Jayce faces lol:
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anonymouscheeses · 3 months
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My messy ass shipping list updated 💜
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And blank if you want to use
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Updated because I keep finding new ships everyday, a wide range was made so i was like y not, and because my opinions have changed just a bit. Just a weee bit
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camels-pen · 3 months
fellow tumblr people! i have a very important question: does anyone know the ship name for zoro / usopp / nami? or if there even is a ship for them
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storygremlin · 5 days
I have just discovered the offensive reality of straight people A/B/O through Bridgerton fanfics—truly a misogynistic patriarchal reinforcement of gender stereotypes that horrifies me to my soul.
Straight people should not have access to this trope, they have no concept of how to use it. Like, if you’re determined to do a “family legacy” thing for the Bridgertons, they’re all horny Omegas looking for love.
However, if we’re being more INTERESTING with it:
Simon/Daphne should be Beta/Omega, and you could use Simon being a Beta to play into his daddy issues.
Kate/Anthony is Alpha/Alpha, anyone who tries to make Kate an Omega is out of their fucking minds. Also, that is a woman who wants to fuck her husband, let’s be so for real.
Penelope/Colin would be the actual Alpha/Omega dynamic but Pen is obviously the Alpha. Colin wants to be good for her SO BAD. I don’t make the rules. (Except I DO and I’M RIGHT).
John/Francesca are a couple of autistic Betas who just want the crazy Alphas and Omegas to leave them out of their messy drama so they can be quiet nerds together.
As for Eloise and Benedict, there’s a few options.
Eloise as an Alpha or Omega can be used to explore how that effects her as a woman in 19th century regency who feels like she SHOULD be able to do the same things as her brothers but is restricted either bc she’s a girl (Alpha) or bc she’s an Omega, and how that’s affected by her internalized misogyny (against omega girls for example). Could also contribute to her and Pen’s friendship dynamics—if she’s an Alpha, as a bonding point for not quite fitting, but if she’s an Omega you can make it a like she thinks Pen being an Alpha is cool/is envious of her.
Benedict I feel like you could argue for any secondary gender and make it interesting, cause that’s the kind of character he is. But I think most interesting would be making him a Beta to really play into the way he’s trying to find his place without having a set role in his family.
Have I put way to much thought into this? No, I literally came up with this as soon as I thought about it, it’s so easy and way more interesting than “the boys are alphas and the girls are good little omegas bc i hate queer people and prefer to write boring uninteresting worlds and dynamics and fetishize terrible gender stereotypes”.
The only way ur allowed to use A/B/O for het couples is if ur messing with the secondary gender shit. Otherwise it just feels inherently misogynistic and homo-and-transphobic to me.
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xxrat--punkxx · 1 year
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Todays shitpost of the week is- so thanks lmaP0st for this… idea
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kumidark · 11 months
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i hope sans gets to reunite with komaeda in kingdom one day <3
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saysflora · 2 years
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your honour they are simply Everything to me
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oufrelou · 8 months
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another late night goofy except its SUPPOSED to look bad
(reblogs >>>>> likes)
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tired-fandom-ndn · 1 month
pretty sure im the only person that ships it but for some reason i love laios x izutsumi, cause hear me out laios loves monsters, he prefers them over people and to him monsters are genuinely fascinating and beautiful and he is obsessed with them and his adoration and love for monsters is unlike anything else. Then there is izutsumi, who views herself as monstrous and hates this part of herself, wanting nothing more than to rid herself of this monster side of herself. i feel like them together would be him loving and adoring this part of her and it helps her both accept the monster part of her, and even grow to like it and that being a catalyst of a relationship between the two of them maybe its just me though
Oh my god, anon, when I first got to the sauna scene in the manga my immediate thought was "oh, there's some potential there" and I was SO SHOCKED to find out that absolutely no one else seemed to feel the same way!
Something about Izutsumi hating her body so much, seeing herself as something not just monstrous but disgusting, and then meeting someone who finds her beautiful and attractive because of the things she hates about herself. . . Learning what it's like to not be treated as something repulsive, Laios helping her see her body as something unique and wonderful and desirable as something other than just a horror to gawk at. . . . . .
I need them to interact more, not even just for shipping, I just want Laios to treat Izutsumi as someone worthy of adoration without treating her like a pet or a child. They both deserve it :)
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amezsu · 2 years
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Severe lack of content for these two 😭 I love them your honour.
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youronlybean · 2 months
i dont know if this counts but would you do larry x chilled x jess pls ?
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I…. Don’t know??? Honestly poor Jess is too sweet to be subjected to Larry’s horny antics all the time lmao (then again if she has the patience for Chilled…)
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macabre-crab · 3 months
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pov im showing you my new ""poly"" ship that is totally not like any of the other poly ships i have
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formulaborb · 5 months
CRYGJKDJKSJDAJKDSA "hellowwww lewis :333"
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zarvasace · 1 year
For the mini-fics: "dream" (Four Swords, any AU, maybe some Red/Blue if you feel like it? Only if you feel like it though, I do remember you mentioning it wasn't one of your ships, and I'm happy to read any interaction between the two <3)
It... it wasn't one of my ships. And then your writing, and then this, and uh. Anyway, I guess this is some kind of tragic fairytale AU. (it isn't long!)
"I don't like this," Blue muttered, shadowing Red as they stalked through the castle halls. His heels clicked on the polished floors, and glints of armor and a crown kept catching Red's eye in the mirrors. 
"I, Red, the prince and heir of Hyrule, do solemnly invoke the sacred Wall of Thorns."
Red tried to ignore the warm presence at his shoulder. This was not the time or place for dreams, especially silly dreams like taking Blue's hand, or leaning against Blue's chest, or dragging him into one of the closets they passed and—
Army, approaching. Danger, imminent. Blue, bodyguard, not boyfriend. Not now, not ever. They'd run out of time. It hurt. 
"This castle and all therin will be protected from harm by the Thorns of Nayru, caught in time just as their prince."
"Nobody likes it, Blue," Red answered. He hoped his voice didn't shake, or that Blue would take it to be fear of the coming storm rather than anything else. They slowed in front of the large door just ahead, decorated with wrought iron in the shape of thorny rosevines. 
"I don't want to let you go through with this."
"But you will, because there's no other way. You agreed about that." Red unlocked the door, and Blue helped him to push it open. It felt heavy, in more than one way. His steps slowed as he approached the raised dais in the center of the dim, circular room. 
"The land will be blessed and forgotten by all but its inhabitants until I may take possession of the throne once again."
It wasn't strictly tall enough for him to need help, but Red held his hand out anyway. "Help me up?" 
Blue's hand was warm under the soft leather of the glove. After Red stepped up, Blue followed, and Red had to actively avoid his eyes, or he'd get lost. They didn't have the time to waste. 
Red sat on the richly appointed bed and looked at his hand, still clutched in Blue's. "You don't have to be here right now."
"You're not going to keep me away." 
"I know." He'd been so sure that he'd have time with Blue someday. But Blue couldn't be… he couldn't lift the spell of he was trapped inside it with the rest of the castle. With the rest of the kingdom. 
"The spell will lift only when one who can be considered a soulmate bestows upon me true love's first kiss." 
Red picked up the small book on the night table and lit the candle, all with one hand. 
"This spell is irrevocable, impenetrable, and absolutely binding."
He'd been so sure. He started reading the spell's activation, even as hoofbeats sounded in the windows. 
If I wrote out this whole thing, there would be a loophole or something where Blue doesn't actually fall asleep but ends up being captured by the enemy and has to fight his way out—or maybe Green and Vio show up and one of them could be considered a platonic soulmate—or magic blips and just Blue wakes up, minutes at a time every few years, watching the world out the windows change, battling with his feelings and taking a long time to get over himself. There are a lot of options!
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