#I kept wondering lately what to even call their ship name...
bonkalore · 1 month
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Feels fitting that I've been wanting to get more out of Cyprus drawn and laid out lately and it also happens to be the start of Mer May! He's a character that I had around since around the beginning, but didn't really start getting to incorporate him much more till more recently and I'm glad for it.
Ended up with a polycule I guess (don't worry Jayce, you will eventually be included too). I kept shying away from it officially bc for some reason that's a thing that people still get worked up over still, but that's what it is! Jayce and Lucy get together and also their boyfriend Cyprus lol Anyway, this is some stuff of how he and Lucy first met that I was trying to get out. He has some interaction with the Bureau as an ambassador and has to sit in meetings. With recent events and the former Primus gone suddenly, Lucy moved up in position suddenly and also had to sit in on said meeting. Things have been chaos. He ends up joining in the Primus tournament and was also sick of the way they handled things. He and Lucy have some of that in common to start~
Bonus Jayce faces lol:
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charliemwrites · 4 months
Mister(s) Steal Your Girl — part 3
(I seriously need to come up with an actual name for this series before it sets in)
Introducing his grand horniness- John “Soap” MacTavish
No Content Warnings
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It’s been six, coming up on seven, dates with Kyle. A dwindling part of you feared that after the absolutely mind-blowing night you two shared, he’d ghost you or something.
But nope, the morning after was spent in one of his jumpers, receiving kisses and breakfast and tea. The two of you watched movies all day until he drove you home, kissing you at the door. He let you keep his jumper.
Not three days later, he invited you to a movie you’d both been excited to see, and giggled over the popcorn bowl like teenagers. He didn’t even mind that you leaned over to whisper during certain parts, or the ramble you went on afterwards. (When you apologized for overanalyzing and talking so much, he gave you a bizarre, almost offended look. “Don’t you dare stop,” he huffed, “you’re way better than radio. What did you think about that after credit scene?”)
A few days after that, he called with apologetic news.
“Being shipped out for a couple weeks. Shouldn’t be anything too dangerous, and I’ll call when I can,” he explained.
You told the nervous little twist in your gut that you knew this about him. That this is Kyle’s job, not a convenient excuse to ignore you.
“Stay safe regardless,” you murmured earnestly into the phone. “I‘ll… I’ll miss you, Kyle.”
“You’re getting the biggest hug when I get back, darlin’,” he promised.
He kept to it too. Called at odd hours sometimes - once during dinner with your fiance even. But Brandon is always taking random calls nowadays, so you figured, given the circumstances, it’s not such a big deal to excuse yourself either.
On the other end of the call, Kyle sounded a bit tired, but happy to talk to you. He couldn’t tell you anything about what he was doing, but shared some smaller, safer details. That the tea was shite because Soap kept over-steeping it. That his lieutenant was big enough to body slam him during sparring practice. That Captain Price wishes you well and promises to bring Kyle back in one piece.
You even heard one of his teammates in the background, asking Kyle if he was “chirping at his new bird.” Soap, as you found out. They sound like a good bunch.
When Kyle comes back, you offer to welcome him at his apartment. You bring a little plate of cookies and a pack of his favorite beer, hoping it’s not too much. But when he opens the door, his expression melts before he scoops you up in the big hug he promised.
“You’re a fuckin’ dream, ya know that?” he murmurs, tucking his face against your neck.
You spend the whole weekend with him, kissing at the stitched-up knife wound on his muscled arm. Otherwise, all in one piece.
“Would you… want to meet my mates sometime?” he asks as you’re getting dressed for work Monday morning.
“Of course,” you reply instantly. Realize that might be too eager. “If you want to introduce me, that is.”
“I want to show you off to the bloody Queen, babes.”
You giggle, crossing the room to drop a quick kiss on his lips. He tries to draw you in for something deeper, but you wiggle and swat at him, complaining that he’ll make you late.
It’s good, you think. Blissfully good. Honeymoon phase, maybe, but considering how far off your actual honeymoon is, you feel like you deserve this. Kyle is a wonderful partner - kind, attentive, respectful. He listens, he cares, he’s independent of you and respects your boundaries. Sometimes you can’t believe you were ever nervous about this open relationship thing in the first place.
On Wednesday of that same week, Kyle tells you that Soap is going to visit and is eager to meet you. He was thinking dinner and drinks, come back to Kyle’s apartment afterwards. You readily agree.
The next day, a bouquet comes in. It’s a beautiful, though not extravagant, arrangement. Calla lilies, roses, and hydrangeas. The note that comes with it says, “Wanted to make a good first impression in case Kyle told you lies.” It’s signed “Johnny.”
You send a picture to Kyle, amused and a bit endeared. It brightens the rest of your day so much that you barely notice Lucy’s usual snide comments.
On Friday night, Brandon is unexpectedly home. Usually he doesn’t even come home from work on Fridays anymore - or at least he didn’t before you met Kyle. Lately, you only pop in if you’ve forgotten something for your overnight bag. You had to stay late at the office today, though, and your apartment is closer than Kyle’s.
“Was thinking we could go out tonight,” he tells you.
“Oh,” you say, taken aback. Not just by the invitation, but by the mix of emotion in your gut. Some of it is excitement and relief, but not as much as you’d expect. It’s warring with unease and reluctance, a bit of frustration that now of all times he wants to reconnect.
“Um, raincheck?” you offer, smoothing down your dress. It’s a new one you picked out with Kyle; you’re hoping he (Kyle) will notice. “I have plans.”
Brandon’s brow furrows, smile going tight. “You can’t reschedule?”
God you hate confrontation and he knows that, doesn’t he? Why is he pushing?
“Well I don’t know when I’ll get to see them again,” you explain.
Suddenly the tension in his shoulders eases. “Oh, is it a few people then?”
“Just a couple. I’m meeting one of them for the first time.”
“Have fun then,” he says, fishing his phone from his pocket. Like you’re not even there anymore.
You blink, then your phone buzzes with a message from Kyle and you hurry out the door.
“I knew you’d look terrific in that dress,” he says as soon as he sees you.
Thoughts of Brandon, that strange interaction, and those churning feelings all disappear in an instant. Kyle just has a way of soothing you.
The restaurant is one that has quickly become one of your favorites with Kyle. Good food, good drinks, quiet and relaxed atmosphere. You like the funky artwork and squishy booths.
Soap (Johnny?) has already gotten your party a table, and stands as the two of you approach. You nearly stop right there, and then almost trip a bit as momentum urges you onwards. Manage not to make a fool of yourself, but you still boggle at him.
Because Kyle? You thought he was a fluke. Just too handsome to be real, never mind tall and fit and friendly and— well, anyway.
You thought he was a fluke.
But Soap/Johnny is goddamn handsome too! Trim stubble, pretty eyes behind thick lashes, a soft-looking Mohawk that gives him a boyish charm without seeming immature.
“There you two are, thought ye stood me up!” he greets, drawing Kyle into one of those friendly man-hugs with the shoulder pats that look like they hurt.
“Youre a cheap date anyway, MacTavish,” Kyle replies, gently easing you forward with a hand on the small of your back.
“Och, don’t bad mouth me in front of a lady,” Johnny/Soap complains, then turns his twinkling gaze to you and offers a hand. “John MacTavish, but this bampot calls me Soap.”
“Not Johnny?” you ask curiously.
You take his hand, find callouses similar to Kyle’s. But his palm is a bit broader, a scar along his thumb - from a burn it looks like. Just as warm, just as careful. A firm, but not tight shake.
“You can call me anything you like, lass,” he says. From the corner of your eye, you see Kyle choking back a laugh. Johnny it is, you figure.
“Wait ‘Soap’ is a callsign right?” you ask as Kyle herds you into the booth.
“Right-o,” Johnny replies, smiling.
“Does Kyle have one?”
The grin that he gives you would make the devil sweat. As it is, Kyle groans and shoots you a betrayed look.
“Oh does he, lass.”
You light up, grin right back. “Tell me?”
“As if I could say no to a pretty face like that!”
And so begins a long, warm, perfect night. Johnny is great company. Welcoming and friendly, quick to smile, sharp witted. You could sit all night listening to him and Kyle quip at each other, but they’re so careful to keep you included and engaged.
Johnny even offers you some of his chips when his order comes, and you’re too delighted to say no. Not that Kyle seems to mind, encouraging you to steal a couple for him since Johnny keeps whacking his hand away.
The night ends back at Kyle’s. You whip up another batch of cookies with some suspiciously new-looking baking ingredients. The boys keep you company while you work — Kyle mixes the batter when your arm gets tired and Johnny keeps your wine glass full. In the end, you let them each get a lick of the dough spoon.
Eventually, you move to the couch, climb on together. Kyle, for some reason, scooches you into the middle instead of one of the ends, but you don’t mind and neither does Johnny, it seems. They argue over a movie to put on, but it doesn’t matter because the three of you talk through most of it anyway.
The second movie is your pick, which is your downfall. You barely get halfway through before dozing off. End up stirring to muffled laughter and harsh whispering. You’ve slumped into Johnny, you realize, seeing Kyle’s broad smile.
“Oh,” you hum, trying to sit up. “‘M sorry…”
“You’re alright, lass,” Johnny murmurs, gently nudging you back down.
“Kyle?” you ask, yawning.
“Still watching the movie, sweetheart. You can go back to your nap. Soap’s nice and warm, yeah?”
You hum, snuggle in again. He is comfy. “So are you.”
Another quiet chuckle. “I know, love.”
He rouses you later — the movie must be over, you think blearily. Kyle scoops you up, plants a kiss on your cheek as you tuck in.
“Say good night to your teddy bear, baby.”
“‘Night, Johnny,” you mumble, nuzzling your face into Kyle’s neck.
“‘Night, bonnie.”
You wake first the next morning — rare and precious. Kyle is lying behind you snoring softly, arm around your waist. You wiggle around to watch his sleeping face for a minute, appreciating the peace in his features. Drop a whisper-soft kiss on his cheek and then slip out of bed.
He grumbles a bit, but you coo at him to go back to sleep and he subsides quickly. Once you’ve freshened up in the bathroom, you pad out to the living room. Johnny is up as well, watching tv on low volume with a coffee on his knee.
“Mornin’,” he says.
“Good morning,” you chirp back, continuing for the kitchen.
“You’re up early,” he observes, following.
“Slept well,” you reply, grinning. “Thanks in part to you. I hope that wasn’t uncomfortable.”
He ducks his head a bit, a light flush blooming across his ears and cheeks. “Nah, can’t complain about a pretty girl fallin’ asleep on me. Means I must have made a good impression, eh?”
“Oh! That reminds me - those flowers were gorgeous. Did you know calla lilies are my favorite?”
“Aye, Kyle’s been talkin’ about ya nonstop since ye met.”
It’s your turn to flush, and much brighter. You hurriedly turn to the cabinets.
“Well, thank you. I loved them.”
“Yeah? I’ll send you more then.”
Startled, you whip around on him, mouth stupidly open as you try to find a response. “You really don’t have to do that!”
“But what if I want to?”
And if you were struggling for words before, you’re hopeless now. So you just throw your hands up with a little “gah” sound and turn back to gathering ingredients.
“What are we making?” Johnny asks, taking mercy on you. Not that using that sly “we” isn’t devastating to your composure.
“My super special flapjack recipe,” you answer. “Could you get that big bowl down for me?”
He steps past you to do so while you dig out the measuring spoons from the dishwasher.
“If they’re as good as your cookies, then I’m gonna need extra PT after this weekend.”
“Good,” you reply, smug, “that’s my goal.”
“Dangerous woman.”
You snort, holding up a wooden spoon. “Oh yeah, I’m a real threat brandishing cooking utensils at a special ops guy.”
“Och, don’ sell yourself short - my nan used to be a menace with those things!”
Kyle exits the bedroom fifteen minutes later to the smell of cinnamon and his best friend with a face full of flour.
“…Do I even want to know?”
“Just be glad she’s on our side, Garrick.”
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promptfairy · 3 months
designed for ships, but can be used for a variety of relationship types. change gendered language/add context to your needs. happy roleplaying !!  ♡
❛  it feels so good to be bad.  ❜ ❛  it really makes me wonder if i ever gave a fuck about you.  ❜ ❛  give me something to believe in.  ❜ ❛  i don’t believe in you anymore.  ❜ ❛  i wonder if it even makes a difference to try.  ❜ ❛  so, this is goodbye.  ❜ ❛  one day i’ll wake up & it won’t hurt anymore.  ❜ ❛  it’s like i can’t even feel after the way you touched me.  ❜ ❛  you’re everything that i want, but you don’t want me.  ❜ ❛  am i a regret, yet?  ❜ ❛  was it worth what it costed?  ❜ ❛  you make me nauseous.  ❜ ❛  you’re overrated.  ❜ ❛  when i think of you, i just want to throw up.  ❜ ❛  all my friends say that you’re toxic.  ❜ ❛  why does love suck?  ❜ ❛  love hurts whether it’s right or wrong.  ❜ ❛  i can’t stop, i’m having too much fun.  ❜ ❛  you can’t save me, baby.  ❜ ❛  you never call or listen to me anyway.  ❜ ❛  where were you tuesday, october tenth?  ❜ ❛  how is your jacket covered in blood?  ❜ ❛  how was the party? did you have fun?  ❜ ❛  i fell in love with the warning signs.  ❜ ❛  the only time i feel alive is when i’m touching the warning signs.  ❜ ❛  if you tell me to stay away, i’m gonna dive in again.  ❜ ❛  my favorite color is red like the flags you fly overhead.  ❜ ❛  well, i should have known.  ❜ ❛  didn’t you see it coming? didn’t you see the signs?  ❜ ❛  i’ll break your pretty face.  ❜ ❛  bite your tongue & choke yourself to sleep.  ❜ ❛  you can hold my hand if no one’s home.   ❜ ❛  do you like it when i’m away?  ❜ ❛  you’re a pond & i’m an ocean.  ❜ ❛  all my emotions feel like explosions when you are around.  ❜ ❛  i am a wreck when i’m without you.  ❜ ❛  was it something i said to make you feel like you’re a burden?  ❜ ❛  tell me, is it worth it?  ❜ ❛  she’s a lady & i am just a line without a hook.  ❜ ❛  do what you want as long as you stay here.  ❜ ❛  you’ll change your name or change your mind & leave this fucked up place behind, but i’ll know.  ❜ ❛  if you ever try to leave me, i’ll find you, [name].  ❜ ❛  i’ll be the bad guy, now.  ❜ ❛  i couldn’t be there, even when i tried.  ❜ ❛  seasons changed & our love went cold.  ❜ ❛  i knew that this was doomed from the get-go.  ❜ ❛  you thought that it was special, but it was just the sex, though.  ❜ ❛  it’s only me; what have you got to lose?  ❜ ❛  you should take it as a compliment that i got drunk & made fun of the way you talk.  ❜ ❛  you should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong.  ❜ ❛  you’re so cool, it makes me hate you so much.  ❜ ❛  you’ve ruined my life by not being mine.  ❜ ❛  you’re so gorgeous, i can’t say anything to your face. ’cause look at your face.  ❜ ❛  i’m so furious at you for making me feel this way.  ❜ ❛  if you’ve got a girlfriend, i’m jealous of her. but if you’re single, that’s honestly worse.  ❜ ❛  you’re so gorgeous, it actually hurts.  ❜ ❛  you make me so happy, it turns back to sad.  ❜ ❛  there’s nothing i hate more than what i can’t have.  ❜ ❛  guess i’ll just stumble on home to my cats. alone … unless you wanna come along?  ❜ ❛  you look so happy when i’m not with you.  ❜ ❛  i don’t know why i run away.  ❜ ❛  take me back, ’cause i wanna stay.  ❜ ❛  i kept my distance ’cause i know that you don’t like when i’m with somebody else.  ❜ ❛  i couldn’t help it; i put you through hell.  ❜ ❛  i realize that it’s much too late, & you deserve someone better.  ❜ ❛  i’m not the best at breaking up.  ❜ ❛  i like my alone time, but i want somebody to hold.  ❜ ❛  i get what i want. i keep it for a minute. then i let it go.  ❜ ❛  i hate it when you’re there for me, but i like it when you hit the spot.  ❜ ❛  i don’t do fake love, but i’ll take some from you tonight.  ❜ ❛  i don’t expect you to understand.  ❜ ❛  i’m ready to die holding your hand.  ❜ ❛  i can’t hide how i feel about you inside.  ❜ ❛  i’d give everything up tonight, if i could just have you be mine.  ❜ ❛  i’d give up everything for you.  ❜
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jean0farc · 4 months
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‎ ‎‎Honor Among Thieves
Captain Hook x Fem! Reader | 2.5k
⎯⎯ summary ‣‣‣ “On an ordinary summer day my friends and I are having fun at the beach when suddenly Captain Hook and his pirates come seemingly out of nowhere and attack, causing chaos. I try to escape, even so much as to reach the car my friends and I used to get there, but I get caught and by one of the pirates and taken.”
⎯⎯ content warnings & tags ‣‣‣ dubcon, penis in vagina sex, creampie, fem! oral receiving, dom! Hook, body worship, fingering, breast kink, praise, dirty talk and pet names.
⎯⎯ requested by ‣‣‣ the wonderful @disney-girl67.
⎯⎯ banner credits ‣‣‣ the lovely @cafekitsune.
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The intensifying heat of the sun today was rather unbearable for my liking—I had to make sure the amount of sunscreen I applied was just right for my skin in regards to basking in the summer heat. Thankfully, my best friends had some spare bottles of lotion perfect for our trip to the beach. We’ve packed just the best meals suitable for our picnic date; it’s been a while since we’ve taken a week off of an exhausting day of work, and an opportunity arose when we were given a discount to a beach getaway!
I drew a satisfying breath, taking in the fresh breeze that blew from the east side of the coast. Apart from the overwhelming heat of the sun, it was quite refreshing to take a time off of the monotonous city where industries and businesses collided in chaos. The palm trees danced lively by the breathtaking view, the birds chirping happily as we booked a stay at the chalet nearby.
“So, Ashley, what do you think of this spot so far?” I asked.
“It’s perfect,” my friend smiled. “Summer is a godsend, especially these days. The weather may be humid, but other than that their services are properly managed. I can’t stand always having to work under our boss lately. So I’ve decided to take a leave!”
“May I add that this particular sea stands out because there’s lots of treasure underneath.” my other friend commended. “Rumors say there used to be pirates here, but I believe they’re long dead after getting shipwrecked.”
“Pirates?” I asked, sitting upright, fixing my bikini. “Wait, are you saying, this place isn’t safe for visitors like us?”
“Relax, friend,” my other friend spoke, laughing. “It’s just a scary story spread all across this village. I’m sure that with all the legal authorities becoming more aware of the troubles they cause, they're probably thrown into prison by now.”
“Good, good.” I replied. 
“Anyways, I think now is the right time to go in for a dive! The deeper, the better!” 
“Wait, guys, but-“ 
My friends ignored me this time. They left me without any explanation to stay, leaving me to rot in my own thoughts of whether there were potential thieves roaming around the place. But I’ve decided I won’t back down. I left the patio, without any other reason to make excuses for why I refused to go in for a swim. Out of guilt, I just kept on going, leaving all my worries behind.
My friends and I ran towards the seaside, happy and carefree of the world’s stressors. We even threw some handfuls of sand at each other and splashed some seawater the moment we went for a swim. 
I found it difficult to keep up with my friends this time, the way they swam around the beach and took pictures of the glittering waters. But I dared not to be a killjoy as of this moment, I complied with their requests to have fun regardless.
As we swam recklessly by the sea, I noticed the sight of a large, wooden ship approaching from a distance, seemingly approaching towards us. I felt all along that my gut instinct was right. I tried my best to not falter at first, but knowing they could kill if we didn’t surrender our belongings was something I was truly terrified of. 
“Ashley! Lottie! Mary!” I called out. “There’s a ship approaching! Let’s gather around and leave!”
“[Name], you’re being incredibly ridiculous.” my friend Mary laughed. “Those can’t be pirates! It looks like a normal ship!”
My friends ignored my pleas, so I had no other choice but to leave the seaside. I was deathly worried about their wellbeing since pirates aren’t to be trusted regardless, but I started to give less fucks about others and focus on my own needs. This is it. I left my friends and made my way back to the beach house, running half naked and sweaty from the intense blanket of heat that filled the air.
“Take a closer look, Murphy,” scoffed a pirate from the ship as he used his binoculars to zoom into the sight of my friends swimming. “We eating good tonight, aren’t we?”
“Damn right. Nothing more than a bunch of bombshells worth taking in for the night.” Black Murphy laughed loudly. “James will surely be having fun by the end of the day. From what I understand, he’s already by the shore holding some random bitch hostage.”
“Right! Hah. The Captain should consider himself lucky.”
And there I was. I finally arrived at the beach house, surprised to find the door to our room locked. Pleas of someone could be heard from inside, and I didn’t know what to do other than bang the door from outside. The voice was muffled, which made me realize that whoever the captor was turned out to be someone not to be messed with.
My heart raced upon this discovery. Who could have possibly thought there was someone else inside the compound? I tried using all of my strength to open the door. I tried, and tried, and tried…..
And with all my brute force, I managed to successfully pry the door open. I was then met with an unexpected scene.
There in the corner of the room stood a tall, dark figure dressed in red, while his other hand was replaced with some sort of hook. He apparently was holding some sort of knife with his other hand, and it turned out that the identity of who he just killed was the manager of the beach house me and my friends stayed in. The figure took a step forward, revealing himself to be none other than a pirate captain.
I tried to leave, but another one of his pirates grabbed me by the wrists from behind, pushing me to the ground and swiftly locking the door from outside. It was unknown as to how this happened, but I knew from the bottom of my heart that this was coming. 
“Looking as gorgeous as you always were, lovely stranger.” the pirate spoke softly. “Say, are you perhaps here for a trip?”
“Um, yes?” I hesitantly replied. “Who could you be?”
“That doesn’t matter, my dear. In fact, your name doesn’t matter to me either. Say, what are your thoughts about a relationship of give and take? Worry not, for I won’t harm you, as long as you do exactly as I say.”
“I came here to claim five million bucks from this entire resort. Provided you and your friends do exactly as we please, your lives shall be spared.”
“What???!!!” I protested, attempting to get up and reach for the door behind me. “No, I must have known…!! You-you must be the captain!!! Please, captain, spare our lives!!!”
“Why, if it isn’t the right answer, hm? My name is Captain Hook, I also go by the name James. Though this info won’t matter by the time I’m done with you.”
I froze, unsure of how to react in the face of such a threat. I attempted to stand up, only for the captain to kneel on one knee and unfasten my bikini straps. 
“Please…..” I begged. “Let me go! I’ll do anything!!!”
“Is that so? Why then, don’t resist.” Captain Hook smirked.
I frankly hated how this was turning me on.
He moved his hook down my breasts, groping it with the thin piece of metal while his other hand caressed my cheek. 
“Such a beautiful, sensitive little thing.” he cooed. “Gods must have sent you to serve as my personal pet.”
Tears formed in my eyes as I disobeyed his request and resisted the captain’s touch, only for him to pull me inward. He kneaded on my breasts gently and leaned closer to suckle on my nipples, which was already hard at the sight of his tall stature. He swirled his tongue around it, moaning gently as the sounds of sloppy slurps filled the room.
I hated how good it made me feel. I shivered at the thought of a random stranger’s face up my breasts, but there was no denying that he was extremely good at it. A part of my mind wandered on the scenario where he claimed a number of bodies. From the charm of his facial hair surrounding his features, to his enigmatic smile, it left me with chills—and they weren’t exactly that of the bad type.
He didn’t stop, oh, he didn’t. The more I held back a moan, he just kept sucking in long slurps that left me soaking in my arousal. My breath hitched at the sight of his unshaved face lapping and salivating against my breasts, carefully caressing it as he pulled away.
“Mmmmmhhhh~”, I groaned in frustration.
“What a cute, desperate pet.” Captain Hook whispered. “If all it takes for you to grow wet is to have someone suckle on those stress balls, then you must be a really needy whore after all.”
“Please……I need it….I need it so bad!!!” I protested, desperate for release.
“Eager for my cock?” Captain Hook asked. “Well, you might want to exercise a little patience, my dear. Good things don’t always come in easy packages. Now, let’s take this off from you, shall we?”
With that, he tore my panties off with a clenched fist, leaving my naked form to sulk in hopelessness and frustration. He wasn’t the type to give warnings, for he was quite straight up with what he wanted to do. He was all powerful. That only gave way for me to feel worthless and pathetically needy for his touch.
“Mmmmmm……already this wet? Hah. How pathetic.”
He didn’t give warnings, indeed. I knew he had it in him when he dove into my cunt, kissing the nub gently as he rubbed his finger against it. I felt as if I was about to squirt too early, but I held it in. Then comes the hard part. The fingers. He stuck two fingers in me, forcing his way in without any form of lube or prep. With the burning pain slowly melting away into pleasure, I let him swirl his tongue around my clit without any form of inhibitions after all. The captain yapped and lapped at my vaginal fluids, overflowing to an extent of it streaming down my cunt. It felt warm, pleasurable, and on top of all that, I felt like I was about to catch feelings for the man.
His digits began curling upward, making me wince at the length of his fingers, yet still aroused. The slight curve didn’t bother me in the slightest. It felt so good, and I for once didn’t mind squirting and cumming all over his face for all I cared.
“Ahhhh, I’m close,” I moaned. Captain Hook drove his mouth deeper, giving my clit a rough suck before pulling away. Leaving my entrance gaping with fluid, he chuckled smugly.
“You taste divine, pet. Hmmm….I think you’re ready to take all of me now. Just relax.”
Captain Hook let go of my figure, turning to his pants as he pulled the upper section down. I wasn’t expecting the sight of at least ten inches of trouser action, and I grew hopelessly frustrated by the fact that it still wasn’t shoved deep in me. 
“Now, now, dear.” Captain Hook spoke. “This won’t be lasting quite long. After all, you’re already this close.”
Spreading my legs wider, the captain rubbed my clit with his cock, enabling me to make use of my energy in humping right back. I held the throbbing length, and felt its texture before he slipped it right inside me with force.
”AGH!!” I squealed.
“What, don’t you like it?” Captain Hook asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Keep going….It burns, but, keep….going!”
“I see. Well, then who am I to deny you what you want.” 
With one thrust, he drove his cock inside me and started to slowly rock in and out of my cunt. It felt euphoric, really, the way he handled me roughly and recklessly without any filter. To compensate for his efforts of ramming through my walls, I fucked him back.
My breasts wobbled as my body grew used to the pleasure judging from the growing speed of his thrusts. He was brutal, violent, just like any other pirate would be when faced with an incoming threat. Gripping my cheeks tightly, Captain Hook used his superior strength to lift my limbs upward to gain a better access towards my core. He kept hitting, and hitting the spot, so much that I could feel myself cumming in less than five whole minutes. I arched and mewled against his grasp, the sounds of skin slapping against skin becoming more apparent. I began to develop no care for whoever overheard our little affair going on. All I needed was to reach completion at the hands of this charming stranger.
Captain Hook was also growing desperate over time. His moans grew more animalistic, muttering a ‘yes’ repeatedly as he was about to lose composure. When I felt a tinge of pleasure spark from within my heated core, that was when he chose to pick up speed. He then leaned closer to feel my neck with his face, leaving hickeys all over as he continued to bite down the layers of thin skin. I yelped in pain for a moment as the sensation slowly turned into pleasure the way he bit on the right spots. 
If only he could see my face right then and there, I would have been humiliated from that point onward. Then he did.
“Ah, ah, ah, no looking elsewhere.” Captain Hook muttered under his breath, panting hard. “Eyes on me. Show me how much you crave this feeling.”
“I—Mmmmmmhhhh….!!! Please, I’m….I’m gonna…..”
“Hold it off, little one. Have your master do all the work.”
With all his strength, Captain Hook grabbed my hips tightly, the hilt of his cock ramming in and out of my heat. The slaps against my ass were wet and loud, our moans matching each other like a symphony. 
“Agh!!!! Captain!!!” I trembled in excitement. “Ahhhhh~”
I wailed his name (James) as Captain Hook thrusted so deep into my core. My walls fluttered and throbbed hard that it was almost a crime for him to pull out of me. I shook against him, crying like a bitch in heat as I felt like the whole world had just shattered before my eyes. Captain Hook spurted his seed balls deep in me, his cum surrounding itself all over my dripping cunt. I let out a deep sigh, realizing the whole mess I’ve been engaging with in the company of a complete stranger.
Captain Hook didn’t even budge, his cock already retreating from my walls in a slow, yet steady fashion. 
“Such a filthy, disgusting little mutt.” he said, putting his cock back in and leaving me to sulk by the edge of the doorstep. “Get up.”
Captain Hook grabbed my cute, pink bikini, tossing it before my face.
“What is your name?”
“You did well, [Name],” he said. “Judging by the looks of it, you owe me several nights of complete entertainment. Come outside when you’re ready. I’m more than willing to bring you into my ship.”
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blaperile · 24 days
Homestuck: Beyond Canon (reactions pages 615 - 625)
Oh man, that was a great update.
Finally we get to see (any version of) Karkat again, it's been so long! I love how he adresses it himself in a meta way with that "KEPT YOU WAITING, HUH" (which hilariously also reminds me of Snake's introduction video in Super Smash Bros. Brawl).
Also, the "big kahuna" thing is a fun callback to how Meenah insisted Jake called her during their last conversation.
I love how much Karkat and Meenah visually resemble the Sufferer and The Condesce lately, fits just right in with how Dirk and Rose were now looking similar to Bro and Mom in the latest update.
Karkat's interactions with Meenah and Sollux are still absolutely golden. Especially love the callback to Hivebent back when Karkat (jokingly) asked Sollux if they were still friends, and now Sollux is doing it to him.
Pffff, the LOBsTERs. Such a silly name and clear A-Team/Rambo rip-off, but I love it. It also clearly shows how Karkat isn't just fighting for/with the Trolls but also has help from all OTHER kingdoms (the Consorts, Carapaces AND Humans!)
Karkat's going with barely any of sleep again, kind of like he did during SGRUB.
Anyway, it's really clear that this is building up to a serious confrontation with Jane. In fact, the very last page here kind of feels like how back in the Homestuck days you'd just know the next page would be an [S] one.
And it would make so much sense for it to drop on 6/12
Except, James Roach his newspost is saying we're still getting another update later this month. So is the [S] page still dropping later this month after all, or will there be one more update for build-up before the real deal?
I'm looking forward SO HARD to that [S] page. It's been so long since we've had one in Homestuck^2, and it'll be the first time for a "proper" one (seeing as the previous [S] pages here were just the God Tier clock and Sollux watching Aradia disappear).
I'm guessing this [S] page will probably be the closure of "Act 1", the question is just what exactly will happen in it?
I'm assuming it will involve pretty much everyone in the Candy timeline (though I wonder what role the kids would play in it exactly?), I'm curious to see if it will also deal with the Meat timeline (will it show Dirk's timeskip and the chasing ships arriving?).
My guess is it will also reveal what exactly "The Point" is. Will it be a Hiveswap-like portal that can transport them to the Meat timeline? Will it be a device that will transport the meteor and everyone on it?
Oh man if the entire meteor gets transported and Jane's ship(s) get left behind that would also be an interesting callback to when Jane entered SBURB and saw the Condesce's ship flying overhead.
If instead they come through a similar portal device on the Meat meteor it would be funny to see their reactions what with how all the Creators are currently gone from that planet (either going to Deltritus or on a little adventure with Jasprosesprite^2).
And will it already be time for Deltritus to start their SBURB session in the next update or not yet?
And what could even be the song? Something composed by James Roach himself, perhaps? Will it be an entirely new song, an existing Homestuck song, or a new song using some existing Homestuck motifs in it?
As for the name of the page, I'm going all-in on "[S] Get to The Point" :D
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caterkinnie · 2 years
Vil, idia and jamil with an s/o who likes to draw ship art of him and themself a lot?
How do they react to ship art of you and him...? (Vil, Idia, Jamil)
summary: oh yes, let's be realistic, you're into fandoms, a lot. And you're pretty good at drawing too! Which means... You could draw yourself and your boyfriend doing cheesy couple things!
genre: fluff, romantic
warnings: not proofread. im sleepy
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Vil is aware that some of his fans… write and draw things about him.
He knows about fanfiction, and while it isn't as common as self-ship art of him — he has seen it before.
He's pretty neutral about it, as long as it doesn't go too far it's fine by him!
Vil knew you liked to draw, sometimes he liked to stare at you wondering what you were drawing. Admiring your beauty as you moved your pencil along the paper, but you always seemed to shy away whenever he tried to take a look at your drawings.
One day, you were showing him a little doodle that you were proud of. Vil picked your sketchbook to see it upclose — and to also take his chance to finally see what you hid in those pages.
And when he saw… well you've never seen him smirk so brightly. Oh, stop feeding his already big ego please, how is it possible that someone with SO MUCH pride like him could get even worse? Well, you somehow did it!
'Oh, my~ Why would you try to hide this from me, darling? I don't think someone has ever drawn me the way you do. Hm..? Why would I not like it? Your art is beautiful, just like you.'
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Oh… Self-shipping… Idia's guilty pleasure….
He acts like Oh No That's Cringe but deep down he's a shameless self-shipper. There's nothing he wanted more than his favorite character to tuck him in bed and give him a kiss on the forehead.
And actually… He felt like that for you for a long time– No, he does still feel that way!
He has a bit of experience drawing, so Idia actually drew a picture of you and him holding hands. But he blushed so hard he impulsively burnt it.
One day, after a long day of gaming, you were sleeping on his bed and he decided to stay up a bit more to get some levels. — it was late, almost 2 am. And Idia finally decided to join you for sleep.
But your sketchbook was laying on the table, earlier you showed him a doodle of one of your favorite characters and forgot to pick it.
It took everything from Idia to not open it and see what you hid in there, and even then it wasn't enough.
With the lights of the computer that slightly illuminated his room, he decided to take a peek through the pages.
At first it was just normal drawings and fanart, nothing weird — until he saw a drawing of him, which made him even more curious. He kept going until he saw a drawing of him kissing your cheek and Idia almost dropped your sketchbook.
He put it in your backpack and sat on his bed, muttering about something — Idia almost didn't notice when you woke up and called his name in a worried tone.
Idia was so incredibly happy and it made his heart almost combust but– gosh he will never tell you about it.
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'Oh god how is my partner so good at drawing and why is it so cute why do I look so good in here does s/o think I look like this IRL ahhh I want to see it again but i shouldn't–'
Jamil, unlike the other two, does NOT understand fandom culture at all.
He has seen Idia once or twice muttering about idols or manga but he personally does not understand the obsession behind it. I can see him being the kind of guy to enjoy reading as a solitary hobby, but that's it.
That means, he doesn't know about shipping.
But Jamil knows you DO know about this stuff, and he'll let you info-dump about whatever you want.
He has seen you making fanart once or twice, and he really does love looking at your drawings!
But, every time he asks if he can see your whole sketchbook, you say no — and he doesn't understand why.
He lets you be… At first, since he likes his privacy a lot. But… Jamil can't help but feel a tiiiny bit curious.
His master plan to see what you hide is that whenever you show him some of your art, he'll ask you to search for another drawing you made before. In hopes that whatever you're hiding will appear "accidentally".
And wow… he wished he could tease you about it but… it's such a cute drawing of you hugging him and you both are smiling and the drawing is so good–
Oh gosh his ears are burning, and why are his cheeks so warm?
He doesn't know what to say, you broke him.
'A–Ah… No! I do… I do like it a lot– It's just… You should… If you want… I'd like to see more of this, if you'd like to show me. You're… really good at drawing.
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Reblogs are appreciated!
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darkenedreaper · 10 months
Pairing: Ellen Ripley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Slight angst, fluff
Summary: Headcannons that include arguing with Ellen but then making up with one another
A/N: We need more Ripley content. And imma give it to you. Oh and I’ve seen my inbox 😏
We’ll Fight But We Make Up
It’s very rare that you and Ripley argue, sure you’ll disagree but you’ll work on it so you can both agree or be satisfied with the situation at hand
You’re both very open and certainly honest with one another; which is why you rarely argue
When you do argue it has to be serious because as said before you never argue
But you always always manage to make up, that’s what makes you such a strong couple
The argument started between the both of you like this:
Tensions were already rising in the ship on the way back home as Hicks and Hudson were arguing… again
As now Team Captain for what was left of the Marines after the attack and ambush on LV-426, you tried to maintain some routine for them, after all they still had the mindset of Marines
But Hicks and Hudson kept bickering and bickering to the point where it was affecting everyone, even Bishop found it hard to control his temper
You were sat at your desk in the ship furiously scribbling and typing as you had work due for Weyland Yutani about the Xenomorph and you were running late on it
Ripley and Newt walked hand in hand up to your desk, Newt carrying her new teddy bear Ripley gave her
Ellen slowly walked up to your chair, not wanting to frighten you. She gently placed her hands on your back that was hunched over the desk and dragged her fingers up to your tense shoulder blades and lightly squeezed them
“Honey, they’re fighting again”, Ripley said with a soft and and soothing voice. You took a deep breath and choose not to respond, you really didn’t want to hear anything about the two of them again, and Ripley knew you were tense about it. She spoke up again, “I was wondering if you could sort them, they refuse to listen to anybody these days”.
She was still rubbing your shoulders but quickly withdrew her hands and clasped them together when you stood up with clear anger and stomped off to see to the ‘men’. Ripley looked down at Newt and shrugged her shoulders to Newts questioning face. They both followed you.
In the crew living quarters/room they were almost in each others face and you walked up to them, towering over the both of them. They were arguing over nothing; about who got to take charge of the control rooms. “Will the both of you step away before you bite each others heads off and shut up!?”
Both men stopped their bickering after you raising your voice to a tone they hadn’t heard before. Hicks went to open his mouth to speak but you were too quick, “Shut up! I don’t wanna hear it! Do you Marines realise the stress you’ve put ok everybody? You’ve even got Bishop feeling like he’s walking around on eggshells!” You shouted at the top of your voice. Making them both turn to face you and put their heads down.
As you had finally finished your rant you were still angry and unfortunately your anger had made you snap at someone you wouldn’t ever want to.
Newt lightly tugged your arm and called your name, “What do you want!?” As soon as the words and tone left your voice you immediately regretted it. Newt looked at you, shocked, and ran off to jump into Ripley arms.
Ripley was standing in one of the doorways and picked up Newt before turning to you with disappointment, hurt, and upset written all over her face. She shook her head at you and walked off, with a trembling Newt in her arms.
You sighed and put your head down, spotting Newts teddy that she had dropped. You turned back to Hicks and Hudson who wouldn’t dare look at you or anyone else who saw the show. You walked to pick up Newts teddy and went to ran to find them both but not before saying, “If I hear one more word from either one of you you’ll go back into hyper sleep before you can say sorry”. They both replied, “Yes ma’am”.
It was getting close to bedtime anyway and you finally found Ripley tucking an upset Newt into bed. Ellen was brushing her head with her fingers and kissing her cheek whispering to the girl. You watched the interaction between the two people that you loved most before knocking lightly on the doorway.
A huge wave of guilt came over you when Newts teary little eyes locked with yours before turning back to Ripley. And Ripley simply acknowledged you with a look before turning back to Newt to kiss her, then standing up to walk towards you.
You were in big trouble. You were still holding Newts teddy but as Ripley began to walk towards you you walked backwards. As you, Ellen, Newt and even Jonesy lived in the same sleeping quarters. As you and Ellen were together you slept in the same bed and had a shared simply decorated bedroom.
Ripley only closed Newts door over a little and backed you up over to the couch in the room you called the living room, “Ellen I-”, “How could you?” She cut in, still talking with the softest voice, but you knew she was disappointed. “I’m sorry, it was a mistake, I was caught up in the moment of trying to sort the two of them” you tried, “That isn’t an excuse y/n and you know that”. You lowered your arms in defeat and tried to peak into Newts room, but your eyes quickly landed back on Ripley began again who was stood, dressing gown tied, hair slightly messy and arms crossed; “I understand you’ve been stressed, even anxious but you can’t take it out on our little girl, it isn’t fair”
You felt even more guilty. Ripley always said the good in you and took your side no matter what. She made you feel valid as she knew you were stressed but she pointed out how it was wrong to take it out on your little girl, your little family. “I know. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for snapping at Newt, I would never and will never do it again. And I’m sorry for disappointing you, and causing upset to my two favourite girls”
She gave you a half smile and let you know that she accepted her apology. You knew you were just off the hook with Ellen but you needed and wanted to see Newt. “Go and see her”. Your face almost lit up as Ripley granted you permission to apologise to Newt, but before you could get to her room Ripley grabbed your arm, “I know you didn’t mean it. And I know how much you love us. And if you love us so much you’ll come to me when you feel stressed or angry”. You nodded your head and wrapped an arm around her waist to give her lips a quick kiss to which she relished in and she held your arm as you did
As you approached the girls room you knocked on the door before pushing it open, “Newt?” You said looking at the girl who was rolled on her side and had her back to you. “Newt honey, I’m sorry. I never meant to shout at you and I never would. I have no excuse or rational reason for my behaviour. And I’m sorry”
Ripley smirked as she leaned against the doorway, knowing Newt would be playing games
You looked at her, arms still crossed and on her side. You heard her mumble a little ‘Okay’. But that wasn’t enough. You walked a little closer to her and gently tapped her shoulder, “I think you dropped something”. She definitely took her time in turning around to face you and when she saw you were holding her teddy her face lit up and she sat up to take it from you
You took her smiling moment as an opportunity to sit yourself next to her and grab her attention, “I’m sorry Newt. It won’t ever happen again”. She looked up at you smiling, “I know y/n/n”. You turned around to look at Ripley smiling at the both of you and you had an idea. You turned back to Newt, “Let me and Mommy go get ready for bed and how about I come back in and read you your favourite bedtime story?”. She shook her head eagerly at your suggestion before laying back down all snug with her teddy, “I’ll be right back Newt”, you kissed her forehead.
You followed Ripley into your shared room and as she started getting the bed ready for the both of you she said, “if it wasn’t for your heroic apology you’d be sleeping on the couch tonight”. After you’d changed into your sleepwear you walked round to the bed and helped your girlfriend into bed, handing her her book, a glass of water and anything else she needed. “I guess I’m just lucky” you said back. She put her hand around your neck and cupped your face bringing you down for a kiss before letting you go back to Newt. Before you left the room you turned round to her, “I’m sorry Ellen”.
She knew how guilty you felt but assured you it was all old news and was settled now. You didn’t actually believe her until she pulled the bedsheet covers down slightly, rubbing her thighs seductively, “Oh and hurry back, I’ll be waiting”
Kind of love this
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iridescentxstars · 2 years
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siren!bangchan x pirate!reader || edging + exhibitionism — anon || wc: 920~
— siren's call, reader still has the ability to think but chooses to give consent.
all kinktober drabbles are smut and mature rated; if you are a minor DNI
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You heard a song, a song that wormed its way into your eardrums and made you walk to the edge of the boat. Looking around, you realised that nobody could hear it because if they had, wouldn't they want to know where it was coming from? That beautiful, captivating voice is calling out for you to listen.
Sirens. You were warned about them when you boarded the ship. You were told to cover your ears if you ever heard a siren's song because it'll make you go crazy and have you diving deep into the abyss below before they eat your flesh.
Your name is called but you don't register it as you stand on the edge of the ship, looking out to the shore that you are sure you can swim to. "Don't-" Too late, you've taken the plunge and the ocean isn't kind to you as you try to swim towards the voice serenading you from afar.
He's calling you, urging you to come to him and how can you resist?
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Maybe you should have resisted, maybe you should have paid more attention to what the others warned you about when leaving your homeland because you have no clue where you are or how long you've been here. Time passes differently when you are stranded and the only person that is with you is the siren who calls to you every night but you kept telling him no.
You don't know how long you can resist him though, your mind is slowly driven insane by the loneliness after what feels like months. The siren calls every night and you say no but soon you find yourself calling him. Talking, trying to connect, figure out why he hasn't killed you yet.
The sky is dark, splattered with stars, and you hear the waves washing along the shores but what you hear amongst all the other sounds, beyond the undisturbed life that surrounds you, you hear him. The siren, calling for you once more. "I'm here," you whisper. you've decided that you don't want to fight him anymore, even if you are going to die - you need to see another being at least once. "Where are you?"
Chan's eyes shine in the night when he hears you calling for him to reveal himself to you. He's been keeping his distance, talking with you when he's bored and finding you interesting for a human. You are more than he could have imagined, you were meant to be a feast for him to dine on but you became slightly more than that. Relief from his own loneliness.
How could he kill you when you both crave the same thing?
"You're beautiful." He finally tells you as he approaches, your eyes widening when you see the way the moonlight catches on his skin, the shadows accentuating the dips in his abdomen and showing the defined body even in the night. Even though he's been watching you from the shadows day and night, you've never seen him. "Nobody has ever resisted as long as you. You are a wonder."
"I thought I'd be rescued," you admit and hug yourself when Chan gets closer because you know that's not going to happen. "I've accepted that I'm not."
He doesn't want to admit he had grown attached over the time shared because it's not like you had anything deeply meaningful, conversations that were mostly you speaking and him listening but... he had begun to enjoy your presence and he couldn't imagine being alone again. "Will you offer yourself to me tonight?" The song he usually sings is no longer playing and you look up in surprise. "I am curious, pretty pirate. You... intrigue me."
Caught up in the moment, the gentle and confusing moment, you kiss. Something tender even if there's fear residing underneath.
Soon, Chan watches as you stand, your tattered clothes slowly being removed from your body as you undress and there's a shiver that runs through you when you stand there naked, his eyes looking over your body while licking his lips and the wind's cool breeze chills you slightly. "Show me more. Lay down." His words are barely above a whisper but they resonate in your head as you lay on the ground and spread your legs.
You want this. You wanted to live, to be found, but that hope is gone because these waters are dangerous and you now know that so as much as you wanted to live - you don't want to die alone either.
Touching yourself to his song, you give Chan a show, you have his eyes on you and engaged with everything you do. When you pinch a nipple, when you gasp and when your fingers finally slip into your soaked core. Chan is hooked. You don't realise that while he is engrossed in what you are doing, he's been edging you, his song stopping which has your fingers stopping too before both starts again when you aren't so on edge.
You are a treat. More than he could have hoped for.
Time moves slowly as you're brought to the edge and then stopped, the dawn chasing away the night until you can't handle it anymore. "Please, have mercy." You beg, wanting to reach your release so badly that you are practically crying for it.
"I am," Chan whispers as he pulls your hands away from your body, leaning forward to capture your lips and sigh, his breath mixing with yours. "I'm letting you live."
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wackapedia · 1 year
Lucerys Velaryon And The Color Blue
Lucerys Velaryon x sea creature! reader You’ve existed for years beyond measure, exploring the known world and observing the tides as civilization changes. Its a lonely life, being the only one of your kind, until a gentle young prince discovers you and keeps you company.
Wordcount: 1,536
Warnings: Just the tides and other sea creatures, a brief mention of what happened at Storm’s End
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The water has always been your home. Years and years, maybe even before civilizations you've roamed the vast seas of this world. There was no one else like you. Fish, both ancient and modern, the great golden Kraken herself, sea dragons, leviathan whales, and the drowned god all came and went, but you remained like a stubborn constant of the world. You never really found meaning to your existence, your long life is both a gift and a curse of nature.
Some time ago you found yourself near a fairly new island. There was a volcanic eruption here some time ago that caused this crust of land to rise. They built a castle on it and people came and went. 
and flying dragons, too.
This was the first time you met Lucerys Velaryon.
He was still a small being, clinging to his mother as he disembarked the ship. You kept yourself hidden under the tides as you observe the family.
The first few days you always saw him near the beach, sobbing, if not crying to himself. For the first time in years, you leave the waters, your feet itching at the rough texture of sand. Using the few words you knew of the common tongue, you became fast friends with the young prince and grew up with him until he became a young man.
"Where are you going, Lucerys Velaryon?" You asked him one morning when he came to see you by the shore to say goodbye. He used to ask you to call him with the shortened version of his name, but it didn't feel right, cutting one's name short for your own convenience. In time he got tired of asking you and just rolled with it.
"My grandfather will reaffirm my inheritance as the future lord of the tides." He sighs worriedly. His recent duties have been stressing him out as of late. You didn't understand why things needed reaffirming. 
"I am the lady of the tides! I can reaffirm you here and make you my lord!" You suggest. Lucerys laughs awkwardly.
To prove to him that you weren't jesting, you proclaim him as your Lord Of The Tides, raining sand upon his hair. He quickly pats it away, laughing genuinely this time.
You've grown up together but your mindset remained simple. He doesn't bother correcting you. He thinks of himself as a bad teacher, and he wanted you to keep your innocence of the surface world. With sand still on his hair and clothing, he bid his goodbye and left for King's Landing.
Lucerys knew you weren't like him or the rest of the race of men. From a distance, you looked quite human, but there was a certain gait and cadence in you that was both pleasing and unnatural. His mother once said there are certain wonders in the world that can not be discerned by our minds and it's best not to spoil them with scrutiny.
Upon his return, Lucerys Velaryon rarely came up to see you on the beach. You scaled the walls of the castle to watch him pour over his books and scrolls and lists of things that didn't matter. The first time you called him from the window of the castle, he smiled and pulled you in through the window. And then scolded you for climbing dangerously. "The rocks are sharp and the tides are unpredictable!" He warned.
"Not if they're my friends!" You respond.
You spent the afternoon watching him stare at multiple pages of paper. He said it's called reading.
When you got awfully bored, he tours you through the castle, showing you different rooms and furniture. They all seem unimpressive to you but it felt rude to say it so you kept your silence.
The second time you scale the rocks to his room, he catches you and escorts you through the doors, sternly telling you to never do it again. You do it again several times anyway. 
Mostly he ignores you or shuts the curtains on you. You toss shells and pebbles into the room just to catch his attention, and sometimes it works.
Lucerys Velaryon gathers your little gifts, keeping them neatly piled in a corner of his room. You spend your days looking for nice rocks and shells to offer him, hoping to pique his interest.
You get distracted with your search, bringing you to great distances. You return days later, bringing bags of shells and rocks from different corners of the world. This time you don't toss them in. You make a neat little stack of about five or six shells and pebbles by his windowsill, entertaining yourself by keeping them balanced. Lucerys Velaryon watches you from across the window and he smiles a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. He smiles but he doesn't speak to you anymore.
The stacks of pebbles and shells grow, filling the lower edge of his window and still, he doesn't spare you a word.
Until one afternoon.
"I am promised to another." His deep voice almost startles you while you were clinging to the edge of his window. 
'Promised' was an unfamiliar word in the common tongue. He must've noticed your confusion.
"I am to marry someone else." He says again, eyes sad and downcast.
Marriage was also a mysterious concept for you, but this was a little more familiar.
"Do you want to marry someone else?" you ask, tilting your head in puzzlement.
"I have to. It is my duty to my family."
He sighs and returns to his books and scrolls when he realized he was making you more confused.
"You don't have to if you don't want to" You offer, not understanding what the conflict was.
"Yes I do but you'd never understand! All you care about are your rocks and shells and the tides!" Lucerys Velaryon storms away, muttering to himself. He was like the tides, constantly shifting and unpredictable. Warm and unrelenting. It was like being caught in a cruel whirlpool with no escape.
For the next few days, unfamiliar ships and small boats rush in and out of the island. There's a lot of commotion with man's scheming and politicking and making their lives complicated. And then you spot Lucerys Velaryon taking his flying-dragon, heading south. As the sun sets, the sea tells you he is in the Stormlands.
While he was away you climb into his study, where your small pile of rocks was. A lot of them have been knocked over, and some of them scattered on the floor. A lot of the more crystalline ones and the smooth-shaped ones were specially stored inside a display cabinet, Along with sheets of paper. At first, you thought they were the things that Lucerys Velaryon studied, but upon closer inspection, they were drawings and renderings of your visage. It's what he's scribbling when he thinks you don't notice.
You were standing at the edge of the sharp volcanic rocks, the sea crashing violently against your feet. Either a warm welcome for you to come back to the tides or a plea to stay on the surface. Lucerys Velaryon left without a word of farewell. He's left, just like the creatures of the sea who were slowly harvested by man's cruelty. Like the golden Kraken's compromise of staying in her cavern for the next hundred years, and the schools of flower fish freezing into the northern ice. Once again, your existence is meaningless.
The wave crashes into the rock, and the sea takes you back.
You were on your way to join the golden Kraken in his hundred-year meditation when a loud crash reverberates and hits the ocean floor. Another soul has joined the waters, the tide whispered. A flying-dragon and his princely rider. You decide to put off your visit for another day and see what's happened southward.
As his weight sinks down, you catch Lucerys Velaryon among the tinted waters. Dark fluids leak from him and his flying-dragon, but you're not worried, seawater heals all wounds.
Lucerys Velaryon doesn't wake. His hair floats around his head like a lionfish's halo. His weight sinks you down closer to the dark depths of the ocean floor. You follow him down until it was almost too dark to see. A few disagreeable fish begin to munch on his flying-dragon. Some of them attempt to approach your Lord Of The Tides but you grant them a rude glare of your bioluminescence, causing them to rush away. 
And then, abruptly, Lucerys Velaryon stiffens in your grasp. Packets of air escape his chest, floating up to rush back into the atmosphere. You both sink faster into the darkness until another pair of bioluminescent eyes, green and familiar, stare back at you.
Rhaenyra Targaryen mourns the loss of her dear son. She stands in silence by the beach with only the crashing of waves to console her. She removes her sandals and walks barefoot, the tips of the waves caress the ends of her dress. Her footprints are quickly wiped away by the waves, pushing and pulling against the rocks and sand.
The queen stops in front of a large rock with a tide-flattened side up. On top of it are two piles of beautiful pebbles and shells, similar to what her son kept in his study.
Rhaenyra Targaryen's silver head swiftly turns to the blue horizon of the sea, as if expecting to see someone there. She is reminded of Luke and that otherworldly friend of his. 
Rhaenyra Targaryen smiles.
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tanoraqui · 1 year
everyone should read the Silmarillion Among Us AU close encounters of the fourth (base) kind. I cannot recommend it enough. 38k; russingon with background canonical couples; porn with extensive plot; premise: Maedhros has just moved in with Fingon on Fingon’s-side-of-the-family’s spaceship, and is adjusting to that life (which includes several big and many little deaths). It has everything you could possibly want in a Silmarillion Among Us AU:
Creative and interesting xenobiology and xenopsychology, in a sexy way and just in an ‘aliens are neat’ way
Moral issues that make me genuinely uncomfortable
Quite good (hot) smut
I literally laughed out loud repeatedly
A significant period of the fic where you have to wonder if Finwë genuinely prioritizes the lives and happiness of one set of grandchildren over the other (while Maedhros decides Not To Think About It)
A much shorter sequel (5k) starring clone!Glorfindel
And most importantly of all, a basic premise which would INSTANTLY start a fight in late YT Tirion!
Excerpt 1:
Fingon reaches past him and Maedhros nearly startles at the sound of the door sliding closed, close enough behind him he can feel the pressure of the air displacing on his back.
Cornered, some part of his mind yelps, nervous. Predator, another part points out wryly, already resigned to the reality of shacking up with an alien with active prey instincts. Fingon, most of him sighs in strange, newfound contentment at having this latest addition to his tiny circle of loved ones practically cuddled up into his space.
Excerpt 2:
“You know,” Argon interjects again, longsuffering, “maybe we wouldn’t know so much about your ‘sexcapades’ if you just kept it to the bedroom like literally everyone else on the ship.”
“Oh, that is a blatant lie!” Fingon scoffs. “If you knew where Turvo and Elenwë used to—”
“Okay!” Turgon calls over from the next table, “maybe we should just change the subject!”
“What’s this ‘we’ you speak of, you aren’t even involved in this conversation,” Fingon calls back. “Stop eavesdropping!”
“If our names get mentioned, we’re involved!” Turgon insists. “Honey, tell them.”
Elenwë twists in her seat to look at them properly, expression supremely judgmental. “You don’t get to claim you’ve had epic sexcapades until you’ve made love in the captain’s chair. You’re like babies to me.”
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moonlight-sonata99 · 1 year
Because Of You
Howzer x reader
Valentines Day special
A/n: HELLA LATE but uh wanted to post something before it ended, so why not howzer?mf needs love❤️ This is part 2 to the previous one! Btw not proofread but I'll reread tmr❤️❤️
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“I dont know if i could bring myself to speak it...”
“For years i have yearned for you, in secrecy and in silence.”
It had been a while since you rescued Captain Howzer from Ryloth, It took him some getting used to “Civilian”Life if you can call constantly being on the run as a jedi-well..your not even sure if you call yourself a jedi anymore. But back on the topic at hand. After saving Howzer it was most reasonable that you lay low for a while. It meant mostly doing small jobs on planets that were far far away. Most of Howzer’s men stayed behind and helped and you came to see them as family of sorts.
And some found other path’s, they were teary goodbyes. Howzer was saddened by this,but knew his men decided for themselves now in this new world. Speaking of,,,
“Howzer?” you opened your eyes feeling his presence besides you as you meditated.
“Sorry i-”
“theres no need..what is it?did you detect something on the scanner?” you inquired looking up at him as he shook his head.
“Sit” you said patting the floor next to you. The captain seemed surprised at the gesture and sat next to you hesitantly. He was always like this. It seemed (To you) that he would never get used to you, a jedi who used to a general. as someone to be comfortable around,  You breathed in and closed your eyes once again. It was hard to focus with howzer around if you were being honest, as time went on you came to understand your feelings more and more.
Its been long since you first met on ryloth supporting the twi’leks wher eyou first laid you eyes on the clone captain, like any trooper you were courteous and aided them in battle. you spent months on ryloth you got to know the captain and became more fond of him.
if you can call thinking about him for long periods..”Fond.”
“i wanted to talk you about something,” the man besides you interrupted you though as you kept your eyes closed.
“What is it?” you asked turning your head toward him.
“I..” he trailed off, Now curious you opened your eyes again. “I recently got in contact with the group who helped get the Syndulla’s off ryloth..” he explained looking down “they helped me get into contact with Captain rex, hes helping other clones..i want to help him.” 
ah...you heart dropped at the realiation that it meant him leaving.
“you...want?” you repeated as he nodded a bit confused 
“Yes” he replied as if he was waiting for your confirmation.
“Howzer... you dont need to ask for my permission” you added observing how his shoulder lowered and he breathed out.
‘i..keep forgetting.” he admitted sheepishly with a smile.You chuckled and feigned a smile.
“Its alright, i assumed you will take some of the guys with you?” you asked gesturing to the men snoring in the cots.
“Yes, i’ve already spoken to them” howzer said placing his hand on his knees.
“I see, so when will you be leaving?” you questioned placing a hand on the floor,as howzer placed a hand behind his neck. sensing his uncertainness you gave him a reassuring smile.
sighing howzer looked into our eyes 
“Tomorrow night.” he stated, Your eyes widened, seeing your shock howzer continued.
“We already cleaned up the ship for you, and finished up the remaining jobs” he reassured. Out of the initial shock you shook your head,
‘No..its not that i dont mind that i-” you said sputtering and clearing your throat,
“i dont mind..but do you intend on staying for long?” you ask feeling a weight on your chest. The captain looked away in thought.
“Im...not sure.” he admitted.
“Ah...well it was a pleasure being with you howzer” you admitted looking down, “I mean it” 
“Likewise..[name]’ you ears perked at the mention of your name, it was not often he said your name, you wondered why. but he never did. regardless..him saying it now made you happier than how you previously felt.
He slowly made his way up,and made his way to the barracks. But...he stopped?
your breathe hitched, somewhat hoping he would walk back your way. but howzer stood still, seeming hesitant.but ultimately made his way back to the cot’s.
You let your head tilt downwards obviously disappointed.
millions of thoughts raced through your mind as you thought about the captain who had been apart of your life since ryloth. Apart of you felt lost,
On one hand, You knew you couldn't keep him here. Asking would just be selfish. on the other...You wanted to spend more time with him, its selfish yes.. all that time you spent thinking about the captain after the battle of ryloth..and you got your wish.
 standing up you crash into someone
“Im so- howzer?” you ask confused
“Sorry- i was headed back to the cockpit” he stuttered
“O-oh” you mumbled you two stood there
“look i..” he continued but stopped then shifted his gaze to the men around you two who were sleeping. taking your hand he lead you to the cockpit closing the doors he made his way to the seat you following suit.
“What is it?”you mumble looking at him as he shifted with finger fingers before looking at you.
"“I dont know if i could bring myself to speak it...” he mumbled shifting his gaze back down.
You observed him for a bit before sitting straight. You had no idea where this confidence came from, but looking at your surroundings.
"This is where you asked me" you blurted out reminiscing.
"That day, when I broke you out. Do you remember what you asked me?" You question him tilting your head.
"Asked me..?" He repeated as you nodded your head.
Howzer looked at you in thought recalling everything.
Then it clicked.
" I asked you if...the only reason you came was to help" he breathed out as you nodded once again.
"Yes." You replied turning your gaze out the window, " I lied."
"What do you mean?" He asked his heart beginning to race.
"I-" you stopped yourself and glanced at him. Then turned your gaze back to the window.
"Well not really i-i did go back to help but I was... " you stuttered out your cheeks turning warm. " I went back for you." You blurted turning away.
Howzer's eyes widened and his heart raced even faster at your admission. He felt...relieved.
You let out a sigh of embarrassment "when I first met you, as you know I was a jedi, but...ever since then I somewhat question some of my teachings." You said fidgeting with your clothes. "Then I came to ryloith and met you, after that I...I spent my years thinking...and i think For years i have yearned for you, in secrecy and in silence. When I heard about ryloth..and everything I thought of you." You admitting looking at him and then looking down.
Howzer stood in complete shock, yes the person that he himself thought he could never have. Stood in front of him. Right when he was about to do it. You being a jedi made him believe that his feelings would have not been reciprocated.
Slowly he reached for you hand, "i...me to." He mumbled his cheeks burning as you looked at him in surprise at his confession. You looked at you now intertwined hands.
"But what about...?"
"We can work it out." He cut you off as you lifted your gaze to him. You gave him a soft smile.
"It doesn't have to be for a long time...I'll be back before you know it." He reassured looking at you.
"Alright.."you replied nodding andholding his hand closer to your heart.
"Until then..lets-" you mumbled
"Enjoy the time we have together?"
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sailor-scribbles · 1 year
Mamoru was puzzled. Sitting on the table was a parcel that Usagi had excitedly brought in just a moment ago. It was about the size of a toaster and wrapped in brown paper and twine. The package was addressed to Mamoru but had no return address or markings.
“I wonder what this is.”
“Eh? I thought you would know. Like maybe you ordered a new coffee maker or some books.” Usagi picked up the box and shook it a little. It seemed fairly light. The contents just sounded like paper shifting around inside.
“I don't remember buying anything.”
“Maybe it's a gift!”
That seemed possible. Just last weekend, Mamoru turned a nice round 20 years of age. The official age of adulthood according to Japan. He celebrated appropriately – a night out with friends from college, punctuated with a special surprise when he came home… Usagi wrapped in a bow.
It was a good birthday.
But who else would be sending him something this late?
Mamoru pulled off the twine and started to unwrap it as Usagi looked on curiously. The box seemed oddly scuffed, but ignoring that he pried open the top.
They were photos. Just an huge cache of photos – loose, mostly candid Polaroids, a couple of framed ones as well. Mamoru turned the box over on the table to look at them. As he spread the contents out, he noticed a small envelope along with them.
“They're all of this man and his son.” Usagi had picked up a handful of photos and was flipping through them. And she was right, they were mostly of a dark-haired man and a boy, smiling and waving at the camera. But something tugged at Mamoru's mind as he stared at them. A stack of family photos addressed to him…
“Hey, Mamo-chan, he kinda looks like…” She trailed off, looking from the photos to Mamoru and back again. The unsaid implication hung in the air.
He had already realized it as well. The man looked familiar. The shape of his face, the color of his eyes… were very much like Mamoru's.
Mamoru didn't know how long they sat there, slowly sorting through the pictures. Neither he nor Usagi said a thing. Before today he had no photos of his parents. Growing up at the children's welfare center, he had the same as everyone else: food, clothes, and roof over his head. Not much else. Not even memories.
It wasn't until he was old enough to leave the center that he was confronted by an attorney, who told him about the Chiba inheritance. The woman said that, coupled with the insurance money, the accounts had been handled by a private party and kept safe for the day Mamoru turned fifteen. She assured him that he would be well taken care of: an apartment in Tokyo and already registered to attend the prestigious Azabu High next spring. Besides a few assets that were locked away until he was an adult, the rest of the money was his to do as he pleased.
But it was the first item she handed to him that was the most important: a simple one-page family registry, his parents' names typed out neatly on the sheet:
Father: Chiba Ishiei Mother: Chiba Hiyo.
For nearly five years that was all he needed. Mamoru kept it tucked away in a book among many on his shelf, away from prying eyes. After confronting his visions and meeting Usagi, there was never any question about what he left behind.
Until today.
Now his past was laid bare on this small kitchen table. There were so many photos. All of them were of Mamoru and Ishiei – or should I call him Dad he wondered – doing various things. Going to the park, attending a festival, Mamoru's first steps…
He didn't remember any of it.
Mamoru took a closer look at the mailing box, which he now noticed was much older than he first thought. The cardboard was scuffed and scraped, like it had been shipped many times. Various postmarks were stamped all around it, overlapping once there was no room left. He ran his finger over the faded ink. Okinawa, Honolulu, London, New York, Paris… He could just barely make out the full name of the package's original recipient: Chiba Hiyo. His mother's name.
If these photos were his mother's, then who sent them to Mamoru?
His gaze fell on the little yellow envelope that had tumbled out of the box with the pictures. It looked newer than the rest, crisp and bright. Blank.
A sudden panic clenched his heart. Mamoru was six again, waking up alone and confused. Who was he? Did anybody know? For nearly a decade he had waited in that facility for someone to remember him. And only now was there a response. A distant relative? A stranger? Weren't those both the same thing at this point? An unknown person who knew more about Mamoru's childhood than he did.
Was he afraid?
Before he could be overwhelmed, a gentle warmth enveloped Mamoru from behind.
“Mamo-chan. I'm here with you.”
Usagi had at some point gotten up to embrace him, her arms wrapping protectively around his shoulders. Cradled to her chest like this, he softened as her heartbeat steadied his own.
Mamoru reached up for one of her hands, bringing it to his lips to kiss it. He didn't trust himself to speak yet, but hoped that was enough to tell her how much it meant to him. With his other hand, Mamoru finally picked up the envelope and opened it.
Inside was a letter. He read it silently as Usagi looked over his shoulder, still keeping him in her arms.
Chiba Mamoru
These belong to you. I think it's about time for both of us to have closure. If you'd like to meet, I'll be waiting at Cafe Toujour, August 30th at 3pm. This will be last and only time.
Your benefactor, Kusaka Toshie
It was short, almost terse.
“Kusaka Toshie…” Mamoru repeated the name under his breath. It didn't ring any bells.
“Do you know him?” she asked softly.
“I don't recognize it but…”
He remembered what that attorney had said those five years ago. “A private party” had handled Mamoru's funds while he was at the welfare home. Was it this Kusaka person?
“….it's complicated,” Mamoru sighed. His brain was exhausted from running in circles. It wasn't that he didn't want to share this with her, but Mamoru himself didn't understand that part of his life very well. Somehow, it seemed a lot scarier than fighting aliens or evil. At least he had practice with that.
Usagi didn't press it, instead kissing the top of his head comfortingly. She picked up one of the photos and smiled at the scene: Ishiei giving toddler Mamoru a piggyback ride.
“You look really happy in these.”
She held him closer as he kissed her hand again.
What to do about the letter could wait until tomorrow.
(an extra fanfic bit from this.)
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naoa-ao3 · 9 months
My Generation
The years had not been bad. Oh, there had been hard ships but nothing they hadn't been able to handle.
For Giles, he didn't regret any of them. He had a family and an interesting life. A long one in fact but as always, the past never truly went away.
He had forgotten to check his letter box that morning and it didn't occur to him to do so until late that evening. When he did, there wasn't much. An add, a notice from the Slayers. They wanted his advice. He set that aside. Another add. And then. . . a personal letter. He turned it over curiously. He seldom received letters any more. The kids. . . well they weren't really kids anymore, but they never sent letters. They texted and called or simply dropped by unannounced.
Amused he set the others aside and opened the letter. A lost art, he thought. Structuring a letter, penmanship, addressing. No one kept address books any more. This one had a name he didn't recognize on the return address.
Sitting down he slit it open and unfolded it.
"Dear Rupert,
I assumed you wouldn't open this unless I used a pseudonym and rather than take the risk I chose to go ahead and do so. So here I give you the big reveal, this letter comes from your dear old friend Ethan.
Now before you put it down I assure you it's in no way cursed. Well, perhaps for the postman. His night should be very interesting but for you it's safe. I need you safe old friend because I need to speak with you. Nothing serious, just two old friends and a drink. The address is real enough and you should be able to find me. I'm sure you've already decided to throw this away and not come but I assure you I'll be on my best behavior and I ask this now as humbly as I know how to. I want to see you. No tricks, no chaos, no lies or silly pranks. I will behave. I'm too old for a row anyway and from what I hear your back couldn't take it. But jokes aside I will be good if only you'll come. I'm old now my friend and I'm doing what old men do best, calling upon their remaining friends to relive the glory days. Do me a favour and give me this one night. I don't plan to bother you again. If you're willing, meet me at a pub called the Green Goat. It's in the town I'm staying at. It should be easy to find. I'll be there the night of the 22nd. Please come old friend.
If you come I will lift the curse on the postman."
Giles rubbed his eyes. the letter had been rather touching up until the postage stamp. No tricks. Well, leave it to Ethan to give that his own meaning. He reread the letter and considered the idea. Perhaps Ethan had changed in his old age. The idea was preposterous. Old age be damned, people only changed because they wanted to and no part of him believed Ethan had ever wanted to change. He read it again. For all of Ethan's niceties he wasn't really being given a choice. He would go. He wondered if he would have gone if the postman hadn't been involved but no answer came to him. Perhaps, perhaps not. It didn't really mater. He would go. Checking the letter, he made a mental count, the 22nd was in four days. He hoped whatever was happening to the postman wasn't so bad.
And so, on the 22nd Giles found himself outside of the Green Goat looking up at the sign. Not an authentic. Made to look it yes, but a 20th century creation. He glanced in the windows but did not see Ethan. A figure in the back might have been him but he was sitting with his back to the window. Giles griped his cane and sighed. Feeling there was nothing for it he stepped in.
The decor was quaint, warm even. He found it appropriate and not too cramped. Scanning the faces, an old man caught his eyes and he realized he had been searching for a much younger face. After looking for a moment he realized that this was indeed Ethan. A grey haired old man with wicked, laughing eyes. The eyes gave him away.
He sat down opposite and cleared his throat. "Lift the curse, Ethan."
Ethan laughed. "Hello to you too, Ripper."
"The postman. . ."
"Already done. I had a spell alert me when you stepped into town."
Feeling more comfortable Giles sat back. "What do you want Ethan?"
Ethan twitched slightly, seemingly annoyed by his directness. Giles figured he'd probably wanted to make a dramatic entrance. "Just calling up an old friend. I don't think that's so wrong."
"Black mailing your old friends isn't quite the same thing."
"I didn't trust you'd come."
Giles nodded, that was fair. Well, not fair to the postman but assuming he would have come was. "And why are you calling me?"
Ethan laughed and motioned for a waitress. "A pitcher dear, and two glasses. The beer here's rather good."
"You're not answering the question."
Ethan paused a moment, irritated again by Giles's directness. "You never had any tolerance for theatrics. It was always one of your more boring traits. Very well. . . I had a whole dialogue worked out you know, but there you go again ruining things for me-"
Another look of annoyance. "Very well. . . I've got cancer." Giles's eyes widened. He had not been expecting something so. . . well. . . mundane. "Pancreatic."
"Pan. . ." Really, he had no idea what to say. Problems with demons, a pact with the devil. . . anything but this. "Ethan. . ."
"Oh, don't look at me like that. I don't need pity and you're dying too, just a little slower."
"R-really I- I don't know what to say. . ."
Ethan waved a hand dramatically. "Pft. I didn't call you here to discuss that. Terribly boring really."
"Ethan, have you tried treatments?"
A look of amusement. "Really Rupert, how well do you know me? I'm not going to spend my last days in a hospital on the half chance that one of their blasted treatments will cure me. I've always hated hospitals and I'm not a young man. I've only got maybe ten years left. Without the cancer that is. Why waste them?"
"There would have been a chance. . ."
"A chance. I didn't feel particularly inclined to try on a chance."
Giles looked down at his hands. "How long?"
"Do I have left? A couple months. The doctors said six. That was two ago. I know I'm dying. I can feel it."
"Ethan. . ."
"But again, I didn't call you to have you pity me."
"I don't pity you, I feel sorry for you. It's not the same thing."
"Well don't. We haven't even seen each other in almost thirty years. As I recall you handed me off to the Hitler Youth rather easily the last time I saw you."
Giles felt his jaw tighten. "You had turned me into a demon."
"All in good fun."
"My Slayer nearly killed me."
But Ethan had moved his beer to the side and had leaned across the table, smiling. "We did have our fun though, didn't we Ripper?"
Giles met his eyes but couldn't muster the energy to be as cold as he had wanted. "I don't know if I'd say your trying to kill me was especially fun."
"Oh please, remember the costumes? You can't tell me you didn't enjoy beating me that night."
Giles looked away. "Ethan. . ."
"The old Ripper came out that night. But then he never really went away, did he? You enjoyed hurting me."
"I was young. You've clung to the mistakes of my youth for decades."
"The mistakes. . . I saw you at your most free. Wild, uncaring, cruel to the world. No refinement but you had a chaos in you I've never been able to rival. A hatred."
"There's no one even left to remember it." Giles said quietly.
"No, there's not. Only you and me and we're, alone aren't we? No families, no children. No real friends."
Giles looked at him coldly. "I have a family. I have children. I have three. A daughter who became the strongest woman I have ever known, a girl who is one of the most powerful witches in the world and a boy who never quite realized just how brilliant he actually was. I had three wonderful children and they're my family. You could have had that Ethan."
For a moment, Ethan looked sad and the old face before him was twisted. "Come on Giles. . . it wasn't for me."
"Then what was? Your chaos gods? Where are they now?"
Rather than anger, amusement flickered in Ethan's eyes. "They don't grant mercy. They don't have compassion and I never expected such from them. I'm not a fool, I knew what I was getting in to. You felt their power once."
"That was years ago."
"Yes, a time gone by I suppose. We're old men now, no matter how much we hate it."
"I've never hated growing old."
"Oh please. I know you Ripper. The Watchers wanted to be old. They wanted to be old as boys but you. . . you weren't like the rest of them. You had fire in you. Anger. They could never understand that, the pompous stuffed shirts. You were alive."
"I was young."
"Yes and you had fun, didn't you? Didn't we?"
"Ethan I was so young. . ." He pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Don't be like them old friend. Don't be boring. It's the worst thing a person can be. I'm dying and I've got more life in me than they ever had."
"Ethan, you hurt people."
"Yes, and you did too."
"I stopped. I was a child rebelling! I'm an old man now, why are you bringing this up? Why are you so fixated on who I was fifty years ago?!" "Because I know who you really are and if I die knowing you lived the rest of your life denying who you are then it was all pointless."
"Pointles. . .?"
"So much wasted. You spent so long pretending. Being one of them when you never really were. "
"I don't know what you think I was. I grew up. I stopped being selfish."
"Yes you put on a suit and patches on your elbows and you stopped being exciting. My blood used to rush when you'd come over. All attitude and anger. Your eyes would glint with it. It was wonderful. It was intoxicating. I never knew what you would do. I used to say to people, let's go find Ripper, he'll make this night exciting."
"I was a child. People grow up."
"But they don't need to lie to themselves. You could change the way you dressed and the magic you preformed, you could speak all posh and make your father happy but I knew the truth and I saw it when I visited you in Sunnydale. You hadn't really changed. The anger was still there."
"Ethan you're dying, I don't want to talk about this."
"Then what do you want to talk about? My illness? My health? Because I don't."
"I don't know what you want from me."
Ethan paused. "It's lonely dying. The children never visit."
Giles raised his eyebrows in pity. "Mine do, Ethan."
"Yes, yours do." He snorted. "You didn't do badly did you? That girl, that Slayer. . . I knew you loved her. I could tell. In the way only a father could."
"I do love her. She's grown into a more wonderful woman than I could have ever hoped. I doubt even half of that's because of me."
"Probably not." Ethan laughed. Giles let it slide as the man's own bad humor. "I liked playing with you Ripper. We had our fun."
Giles looked down and sighed. "We did." He looked up and saw a spark in Ethan's eyes. It meant nothing, he was simply giving an old man what he wanted. He could admit it to Ethan if not to himself. "Perhaps it's best it all dies with us. All of our friends are dead."
"Well, the sordid dealings of two old men are meant to be forgotten. Give it two generations and we'll be only a blip in history. Hardly worth mentioning if anyone remembers at all."
"I would have thought that would have bothered you."
Ethan shrugged and Giles realized just how old he looked. Somehow, he was still seeing the boy he had first known. He wondered if Ethan felt the same. "I always try not to be predictable."
"An annoying habit."
"You once found it not so."
"Yes, and I was young and stupid."
Ethan smiled slightly. "You don't give me much, Ripper but I'll take the bones I can get."
"That's all your getting. Let it die Ethan. Let the past die. All of your tricks and all of my mistakes. No one needs to remember them."
"We're on death's door, Rupert and you're still ashamed."
"Our friends died."
"Yes, and I've made peace with that."
"It's not about making peace. You continued to use black magic."
"I worship chaos. I always have."
"Ethan, why did you call me here? To tell me you're dying? To bring up the past? It's pointless. I'm not who I was when I was sixteen and neither are you. Just die with dignity."
Ethan scowled. "Die with dignity? There's no dignity in death. I mean I'm sure there will be for you but I don't want it."
"Then I can't help you."
Ethan nodded, looking almost serene and for a moment they sat drinking in silence. "What do you think they see when they look at us?" Ethan asked after a while, gesturing towards the younger people in the pub.
Giles was startled and he looked around to see if anyone was watching. "I-I don't. . ."
Ethan laughed. "Calm down, I'm not asking if they see a pair of old queens. What do the young people think when they see two old men drinking together? I know what I thought when I was their age. Useless old pensioners, forever whining that the world had gone and changed on them. I thought it was pointless, their sticking around. It was my time to be young. The world had passed to me. I wonder what these people see when they look at us. The girls think the old are cute and the boys think 'that'll never be me'. They don't think about who we were. If we're still those people. We're relics to them. They don't think about the lives we've lived or the horrible things we've done. Just sweet old men, waiting to die."
"How very gloomy. never really gave them much thought, so long as they weren't telling me what to do." Giles allowed a small smile.
"Your hatred for being told what to do was always magnificent I doubt the young people today have that fire."
"Yes well. . . the world's passed to them. It isn't ours anymore."
"I don't particularly feel inclined to let it go. . ." Ethan huffed.
"I don't think we get a choice."
"I hate being old. My back hurts, my fingers don't work as well as they used to. I'm always cold. What have you got the cane for?"
"My knees aren't what they used to be."
"Horrid. Do you remember the song? Roger Daltrey, Hope I die before I get old? What was it called? The Who sang it?"
"My Generation." Giles smiled faintly.
"Do you think any of these people know that song?"
Giles glanced around. "Perhaps one or two."
"You were always good with a guitar. I'm not saying you were Clapton but you were quite good."
"I was rather proud of it." Another moment passed and Giles sighed. "It's getting late Ethan and I've got a long drive back. My eye sight isn't as good and driving in the dark makes me nervous. I think we should say good night on a positive note."
Ethan made a slight face but nodded. "I suppose."
Neither one of them made a move to get up and they finished their last drinks in silence before Giles finally tore himself out of the moment. "I suppose this wasn't such a bad meeting. I haven't turned into a demon yet."
"Give it time."
He glanced at Ethan sharply but Ethan raised both hands. "Just a little joke. I promised to behave and as much as it disgusts me I have." The laughter in his eyes died as Giles stood to leave. Ethan grabbed his wrist suddenly, eyes looking panicked. "Visit me before the end. Please Rupert. I'm only human and I'm alone."
Giles gave him a considering look before nodding. "Alright. Until then, Ethan." He left his old friend sitting there, he wouldn't visit. He knew that. Ethan probably knew that but he had said he would and sometimes that was all people needed to hear. He hoped it was enough but he didn't think he could bare to see the man again. Too much between them, too much past, too much anger. He couldn't do it.
He tried not to think about it as the months passed but when four had come and gone and then a fifth he began to make peace with it. Ethan was dead and he was the last of his old friends left. Well, it was as it should be.
Around a year later however he found himself in London and as he was catching a cab back to his flat he stopped. Across the street, amidst the crowd. . . it couldn't have been. . . but he was sure it was. It was Ethan and the man caught his eye and smiled wickedly, waving. Giles felt his jaw drop as the face twisted into a grotesque parody of its former self. A vampire's smile.
Ethan was a vampire. Had he been in the Green Goat? He doubted it. As the figure across the street disappeared he shut his mouth. Of course, Ethan had always been a coward and. . . well it was unexpected. He shook his head, stomach feeling sick.
"You getting' in or not?" The cabbie snapped, pulling him from his trance.
He coughed slightly and climbed in. Ethan had evaded death.
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monstersinthecosmos · 6 months
(writing asks!)
🤲what do YOU get out of writing?
OMG I DONT KNOW! Like why do creative people feel the need to make stuff, I can't explain it. I just know that it's what I want to do as a creative outlet. And like usually (NOT LATELY BECAUSE THE LAST COUPLE MONTHS MY LIFE HAS BEEN A DISASTER) I reserve 9-10pm every night as WRITING TIME and like, it's not a chore for me! It's like a reward at the end of the day. So I spend all day thinking about what I'll write at 9pm when it's writing time. :D So there's like the half of it that's creative & spiritual to do, and also the half that's just like, my little Me Time that I allow myself that helps me unwind. :D
💋when you leave comments on a fic, do you want to hear back from the writer?
I DO but I don't get offended if they don't reply lol. But like ngl, if I notice a fic author doesn't reply to comments, I am less likely to leave a huge comment. Like one time I left a BOOK REPORT on a fic and the author replied to like, everyone EXCEPT me who was leaving emojis and stuff? And I felt really bad like I made them uncomfortable or something. So like. I tend to comment as I read and I like to copy & paste lines in and stuff, but if the author never replies I'm less likely to take the extra time to do this because I don't know if it's well received. 😅
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
jkgald wording it like that makes me squeamish but I felt like the gangbang fic I wrote for the BDSM zine kinda flopped 😬 like it has some comments and people who did comment were really excited but like, proportionally to my other Sheith fics it didn't do well. And I wasn't sure if it was like TOO MUCH or something, bc it got a lot of hits but not so many comments, like it made me wonder if people opened the link out of curiosity but then noped out. Like I have Sheith fics with less hits that have 2 or 3x the comments. Whoops! And I wonder if I overcomplicated it. IDK!!!!!!!!!! But I was happy with how it came out so it's not necessarily that I would want to like fix or anything. I just felt sad that no one liked it. 😂
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
I think maybe The Front ? I was a little overwhelmed by the response bc I thought I was being like extremely self indulgent and niche about my own kinks and people wound up being like SO excited and kind and generous with comments it just really surprised me. 😳 LIKE YOU DONT EVEN LEARN KEITH'S NAME FOR 21K, I was calling him "the creature" LMAOOOOOOOOOOO it just was like so extremely catered to my own individual needs I was surprised. 😂
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
For Sheith right now I'm back to working on my fic Tonight the Stars Revolt! which is like a retelling of canon if they were friends with benefits who kept fooling around after near death missions to relieve stress and like I WROTE THE FIRST 50K IN A MONTH on my break after my first ship contract and I didn't intend for it to get so complicated and plotty and I also absolutely did not intend for the last few chapters to be like A YEAR APART FROM EACH OTHER but I kept getting distracted doing exchanges and stuff, and I kinda try to like alternate Sheith and VC so I'd write a chapter, then write a VC fic, then it was time to go back to Sheith but I had an exchange, then VC, then a zine, then VC, etc. It just really got away from me but like it's my baby and it's where I pour all my meta and headcanons and I think about it constantly so every time I return to it I'm very exciting! The upcoming chapter includes a flashback about BABY KEITH and his DAD and a SNAKE and I'm really excited about it. :)
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dumfanting · 1 year
Nothing Left
AO3 Link
Rating: M
Warnings: grief, implied sex
Notes: g/n reader, second person pov, present tense
3604 words
This is part two of Remnants, an alternate ending to Same Heart.
I had the idea for this about a month or so after Remnants went up but only now got around to actually writing it out.
Kix/ Reader (referenced Echo/reader and Fives/ reader)
A year after he accidentally finds you, Kix tells you something shocking.
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“You know, I think I’ve had more than enough time by myself; I don’t really want you to leave either,” you say, looking over at Kix. As your words process, the gloomy expression on his face suddenly clears.
“I mean, you’ll probably wind up sleeping in a cot on the floor for a while, but-“ you say, but he cuts you off.
“I’ll sleep in the mud outside, I don’t care,” he says.
You look over at him and squeeze his hand. “Go get or say whatever you need to, I’ll be right here.”
Without looking away from you, Kix comms into the ship, says “leave without me,” and tosses the comm device into a nearby puddle. You smile at him, the setting sun shining a golden light across your face.
“Come on then,” you say. “Let’s go home.”
That had been just over a year ago. Now, as the two of you press your foreheads together, panting as you come down from simultaneous highs, it feels like a lifetime has passed since then. Kix slips out of you and you both turn onto your sides, facing each other. You still haven’t been able to get a bigger bed, so it’s a bit cramped, but neither of you really care. You’re both just happy not to be alone anymore. He yawns and pulls you tightly to his chest.
This wasn’t supposed to happen, you think. Originally, the agreement was that Kix would stay with you (and not in the mud outside) until he was able to find or build his own place, but after a handful of weeks you noticed that he kept making excuses to stay, and when you called him out on it, he came clean. Looking back, you can’t help but remember that you and Fives weren’t supposed to happen either. You try not to think about him, or Echo, but fail. You let out a sad hum without realizing it.
Even after decades, they’re both still in your head. It’s almost as if the two are constantly talking; most days, especially since Kix found you, you can barely ‘hear’ them, but other times, unfortunately including right now, they’re so loud it makes your ears ring.
You’re pulled out of these thoughts when Kix says your name for what sounds like the second time. You shake yourself and return to the present.
“You okay?” he asks, his concerned voice a soft but warm whisper in the dark.
“Yeah, sorry, just thinking,” you say, absently wiping at your eyes with the back of your hand. There are no tears to wipe away, but the action has become reflexive over the years and you are completely unaware that you’re doing it at this point. Kix notices, but says nothing.
Thanks to the light coming in from the doubly moonlit sky on the other side of your window, you can see the way he seems to study your face. “Again?” he says knowingly. You sigh softly, and nod. “I’m sorry cyar’ika,” he whispers, and holds you just a little bit tighter.
Eventually, the noise in your head quiets enough for you to fall into a fitful sleep.
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It’s late afternoon the following day, and you find yourself wondering what was up with Kix. He’d been acting strangely most of the morning; he seemed distracted and there was an unusually conflicted look about him. You glance at the chrono on your wrist and realize that his daily walks don’t usually take this long. That, coupled with his odd behavior, is enough to convince you to try and find him.
You leave the building that houses the clinic and your home, lock the door, and set off down the well worn trail through the scattering of trees that surrounds the property. As you eventually reach the center of the small village, you walk around and quickly glance into his usual haunts. Your concern deepens when you can’t find him.
You frown to yourself, debating on where to go next, when something blue catches your attention, moving in the corner of your eye. You turn to get a better look and find Ms Dothal, the elderly Duros woman, waving at you from halfway across the nearby square. You idly notice the large bundle of purple wildflowers tucked into her apron, and walk over to her, expecting her to ask you about her medicines like she typically does.
“He’s at The Heights dear,” she says in her thin, shaky voice.
“How did-?” you ask, taken aback.
“I’m too old and dusty to do much but watch everyone around me. You usually aren’t out alone around now,” she says with an empathetic look in her red eyes. She continues speaking. “I saw him a few hours ago, and I think he’s still there. I haven’t seen him in town since then. He looked troubled, did something happen?” she asks.
“No, not that I’m aware of,” you say as worry finally settles in. “Did you try to talk to him, did he say anything?” you ask.
Ms Dothal shakes her head. Your frown deepens, but you thank her for letting you know, then change course and head back towards your place. It’s about a ten minute walk from there to The Heights, and the sun is beginning to set as you pass the building. You move a little faster.
Following the meandering path through the thickening woods, you eventually come out into a clearing. A fairly sized area of tall grass and purple wildflowers, the same that Ms Dothal had collected, runs from the tree line outward for about a thousand feet before abruptly cutting off. This cutoff is the heart-stoppingly high, sheer cliffs that meet with the ocean, hence the area's name. A soft breeze blows across your face, and you breathe in the scent of saltwater and soft florals before walking out of the woods completely. You glance around, and quickly spot Kix; he’s sitting atop a pile of boulders and staring out over the water a dozen meters or so away from you.
You make your way over to him, softly calling his name in an attempt not to startle him. He looks down towards you and your worry deepens when you see that he doesn’t look conflicted, as he had earlier, but instead guilty about something. Without hesitating, you quickly make your way up the rocks. He glances over at you as you reach him and sit close by, though you leave a sizable gap between you. You don’t want to crowd him. Before you can say anything, he softly says your name.
“I’m sorry,” he says, staring out over the sea again. “I know I’ve been ‘off’ all day. Something’s been eating at me,” he says.
You don’t say anything, giving him room to talk at his own pace.
“I should have told you a long time ago,” he continues, and you can almost feel the uncertainty inside him. “But I kept stopping myself,” he says.
You slide a little closer. “What’s that?” you ask.
“Echo,” Kix says, glancing back at you for just a second, his expression distant. Before you can react, he speaks again. “He survived,” he says.
You feel like someone has punched you in the chest, and your jaw drops as your breath catches in your throat. Kix looks over at you again, grimacing as he shakes his head at himself.
“We found him a little while after you disappeared,” he says. He then takes a deep breath and tells you how they found him, and what he’d been put through.
“Once we got him back to base and took him into the med bay, he asked if you were there.” He pauses for a few seconds before continuing with a sigh. “I told him what we all believed at the time: you’d gone MIA and had likely died out in the field,” Kix says, his voice growing thick.
As you sit next to him, your entire body has gone numb, and you’re too shocked to even cry. The sun has dipped lower on the horizon, casting a pinkish-orange light over everything and giving you a sense of unreality.
“He… didn’t take it well. He was already weak, but then he crashed and we couldn’t pull him out of it for several days. Rex and I were afraid he was going to give up entirely,” Kix says. He then outlines how Admiral Trench had appeared, and how Echo was able to stop him.
“I was talking to him over afterward, and the mission seemed to have convinced him to keep going. He said you wouldn’t have wanted him to give up. I expected him to come back to the 501st, but he wound up joining the squad that extracted him from Skako,” he says, slipping into silence.
You let out a humorless, bark like laugh, startling yourself. “He wasn’t wrong,” you say, your voice barely audible over the tide and nearby birds. “Do you know-?” you ask, not having to say the rest of the question.
“I don’t, I’m sorry. I got caught up in my own mess not too long afterward,” Kix says, his tone flat and distant again.
The two of you are quiet long enough for the sun to dip completely below the horizon, blanketing the world around you in deep shades of blue. The stars start to wink into view in the night sky, and you manage to meet Kix’s eyes for the first time since he started talking. “And you knew this entire time,” you say. You don’t sound angry, or even annoyed. If anything, you seem to be devoid of any emotion.
“It looked like you had adjusted so well, I had no idea how you’d react. I didn’t want to reopen those wounds,” Kix says, unable to look at you.
You don’t respond, instead staring over the cliffs without really seeing them, your thoughts moving too quickly for you to keep up. Eventually, you wordlessly get to your feet and make your way back down the rocks, stumbling in the darkness. You’re nearly on the ground again when your foot slips and you fall onto your back. The wind is knocked out of you, and you lie there, unable to find the will to even sit back up.
Kix sees this and quickly climbs back down to your side. He asks if you’re hurt, but you shake your head. Unsure of what to do, Kix remains seated in the grass for a minute or some time, then slips onto his back and lies next to you.
The two moons have now risen, casting a silvery sheen over everything, their reflections sparkling in the ocean below.
His hand brushes yours, and he’s surprised when you cautiously lace your fingers into his.
When you speak, your voice comes out as a croak. “I never should have left,” you say. “I gave up too soon.”
Kix shifts onto his side and catches your attention. You look over at him, the light of the moons reflecting brightly in your eyes. He sits up, then gently pulls you into a sitting position directly across from him.
“You didn’t know,” he says, his voice soft but his tone firm. “There was no way you could have known. And you didn’t give up. I saw how much you were struggling, but now that I know you’d simply left, I’m not surprised by it in the slightest. You did what you thought was best for yourself at that point in time. I can’t, don’t, and won’t blame you for that,” he says. You look down at the ground, shaking your head and unconsciously wiping at your eyes again. Kix sees this, then softly says “I know Echo wouldn’t either.”
At the mention of his name, your head whips up and your breath hitches. Kix cautiously grips your shoulder, and you lean forward into his chest, hiccuping. A thin breeze blows over the two of you, and the chill of the night makes you shiver. Kix pulls you in close to him, and you don’t stop him.
After a few minutes, the breeze kicks up into a fairly strong wind, and as you sit back up, you can see heavy storm clouds drifting into the direction of The Heights. Kix follows your line of sight, and when he also sees the incoming storm, he gets to his feet and pulls you upright. “We should get inside,” he says, and when you nod, he takes your hand and leads the way back home.
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The two of you aren’t quite quick enough to beat the rain, so once you get inside, you’re both soaked through. After you’re both upstairs in your living quarters, Kix starts a fire in its place while you strip, then hang your clothes over the screen nearby. Kix does the same, then follows you into bed. Neither of you bother putting anything else on.
You both lie there for a good few minutes, listening to the squall outside. Kix doesn’t know what else to say, and you can’t think clearly enough to talk either. It takes a long time for sleep to come for you.
You’re standing alone out at The Heights. The wind blows through the grass, sounding like a whisper. You look around and find that it isn’t the wind that’s whispering. Just inside the tree line, you notice two familiar figures, talking in low voices, their backs to you. You recognize this as another version of the same dream you’ve been having since you left the GAR. You know that there’s no point in going after them, since you always wake up right before you reach them, but head in their direction anyway.
You’re surprised by how easy it is this time. Usually it feels like you’re moving through thick mud, but you’re practically gliding towards the trees with little effort. You’re close enough now to see that specific shade of blue on their armor, and brace yourself, knowing that you’ll wake up soon.
But you don’t. Instead, Echo and Fives both turn to face you, and you nearly sob with relief. After so many years, you’ve finally been able to catch up.
“Took ya long enough,” Fives says with a smirk, seeming to know what you were thinking. Echo elbows him in the ribs as you roll your eyes.
“Smartass as always,” you say, cautiously taking another step forward.
“So, Kix huh? I’m starting to think you have a type,” Echo says, then he and Fives laugh when you blush.
“He knows then?” you ask Fives awkwardly, glancing between the two.
“Rex told me,” Echo says.
You hesitate, wondering if you should say anything about it. Echo seems to know what you’re thinking and suddenly pulls you into a tight hug. “It’s alright,” he says softly. “He and Kix helped me understand. I’m glad you had each other,” he continues.
You feel Fives rest a hand on your upper back, and turn to face him.
“I can’t imagine what it’s been like for you. Cyare, you’ve been so strong,” he says. Echo nods, then shifts, turning you around and kind of pinning you between the two of them. Even if it isn’t real, the closeness and their warmth makes your heart race.
Echo surprises you when he wraps his arms about your waist, leaving a trail of kisses along your neck and up toward your jaw. Fives grips your shoulders, and the moment his lips touch yours-
You wake with a gasp, sitting straight up. Your heart is racing, and it takes you a few seconds to remember where you are. Once you realize you’d been dreaming, you flop onto your back with a frustrated groan and hide your face behind your hands.
Kix, who had been unable to sleep, obviously notices this, and after a moment of hesitation, he asks if you’d had another nightmare.
To his surprise, you laugh.
“Far from it,” you say.
“Oh?” he says, sitting up.
“I woke up too soon,” you say, laughing a little more.
You look up at him, and in the light from the moons outside, you can tell he’s confused. You roll your eyes, then also sit up. You grab his shoulders and pull him towards you, your lips crashing together. After a moment, you break apart for air.
“Oh,” Kix says, understanding, and you laugh a third time.
When your lips meet, you snake your arms under his and hold your hands against his upper back, pulling him with you as you lie back down. He pulls away, holding the back of your neck with one hand and your hip with the other. “You sure?” he asks.
You yank him back towards you and kiss him deeply. “Please,” you whisper into his ear, and he lets out a low growl that makes you shiver.
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It’s late in the morning when you wake and sit up, stretching. You glance over at Kix who looks like he’s still asleep, and decide to let him rest a little longer.
When you turn to slip out of bed, he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you onto your back next to him. You huff a little, but allow this, relaxing again as you turn yourself towards him. He nuzzles his face into your neck, the warmth of his breath breezing over your throat. You barely suppress a shiver at the feeling.
The two of you lie like this for a short while. Eventually, Kix pulls back enough to see your face and asks how far it is to the capital.
“No,” you say, and in response to the confused sound he makes, you explain yourself. “If you want to go into the archives there and find out what happened to him, I won’t stop you, but I’m not going to go with you,” you say.
Kix sits up, his confusion deepening. “How-?” he asks, not needing to complete the thought.
“I had the same idea, as we were leaving The Heights, but by the time we got home I realized that it wouldn’t do me any good,” you say, also sitting up, and your voice is firm. Before he can ask why, you speak again. “Whatever I find, good or bad, if there even is anything to find, all I would do with the information is wonder and ‘what if’ and ‘I should have’ until it breaks me. I’ve already been through that once with Fives, and I won’t do it again,” you say.
“Again?” Kix asks.
“After the war ended, the information about the inhibitor chips was eventually leaked. I was able to finally understand what he had tried to tell me, back at the bar,” you say, then pause and clear your throat. “For years, I blamed myself for his death, and being unable to do anything to help him; I hated myself for it,” you say.
“There’s nothing you could have done,” Kix says.
“I know,” you say, shifting your weight around and turning to look out of the window. “And it was a hard truth for me to finally accept. I’m not going to put myself through that again,” you say.
“Fair enough I suppose,” Kix said, after some thought.
“To be honest, I’m still not sure how to react to you telling me all of this in the first place,” you say.
Kix makes another confused sound, and you look back at him. “I’m angry you kept it from me, yes, but at the same time, I get why you didn’t say anything. Misguided or not, you were looking out for me. I know it couldn’t have been easy to carry that with you for so long,” you say.
“I should have told you sooner,” he says, looking away.
You sigh and gently grip his chin, turning his face back towards yours.
“I’ve had a lot of time to come to terms with everything that happened,” you say, pulling your hand back. When Kix maintains eye contact with you, you continue. “And the biggest thing I realized was that ‘should have’ is like a maelstrom you can’t escape. One ‘I should have’ leads to another, or ‘if I hadn’t’, then the ‘what if I’ comes in, and eventually you’ll drown in it. You have to forgive yourself and accept that you may have made a mistake,” you say, firmly but not unkindly.
“Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out,” he says, shaking his head a little.
“Spending a few decades alone with just thoughts and memories will do that,” you say, matter of factly.
Kix chuckles a little as he presses his chest to your back. He wraps his arms around your waist and rests his chin on your shoulder.
“It’s four hours one way by speeder, if you still wanted to know,” you quietly tell him.
Kix chuckles again. “I think he’d forgive me for skipping it then,” he says.
Before either of you can say anything else, you hear a soft but persistent knocking sound coming from outside downstairs. Begrudgingly, you and Kix untangle yourselves and stumble out of bed. He takes a quick look through the window and shakes his head.
“Ms Dothal again?” you ask, slipping into the day's clothes.
Kix checks the chrono on your dresser. “On the dot, as always,” he says, also getting dressed. “I’ll go first this time,” he says, pausing to softly kiss your cheek before heading downstairs.
It takes you almost a week to realize that you haven’t ‘heard’ Fives or Echo since you finally caught up with them in that dream.
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sodiumlamp · 5 months
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All right, let me tell you about my dad.
My dad got me into Star Trek, because he liked the original show and he used to watch TNG and the movies whenever they came on in the late 80s, and I started to get hooked on TNG when the "Best of Both Worlds" cliffhanger happened, about 33 years ago.
I remember being really excited about Star Trek: First Contact, because that was the first TNG-only movie, and I assumed that it would kick ass. Also, the early trailers showed that it was about the return of the Borg, which-- believe it or not-- was an unusual thing back in those days. That was in 1996, about 27 years ago. My dad wasn't too impressed with it, though. I think he sort of moved on from Star Trek not long after, which wasn't too difficult since the franchise began to peter out anyway. He still watched the old shows, but he wasn't looking for Voyager or Enterprise or anything like that.
I watched the J.J. Abrams reboot of Star Trek in 2009. That was 14 years ago. At some point it was available on-demand, so we watched it at my parents' house, and my dad saw the beginning of the movie, where a spatial anomaly opens up and the Narada emerges with his indistinct black metal and green highlights, and he groaned "Not the Borg again!" I mean, it wasn't the Borg, it was a Romulan mining ship from the future, but I couldn't blame him for mistaking it for a new Borg gimmick, since they use the exact same aesthetics for the Borg in 1996. And in 1997. And the rest of the Borg appearances in Voyager through 2001. And the Romulan ships in Star Trek: Nemesis in 2002. And... that shitty Borg episode of Enterprise from 2003. At some point, someone decided the Romulans and Borg hired the same interior decorator, and just never looked back. Anyway, my dad was fed up with the cliche, and that was 14 years ago.
So I had the same reaction when they kept showing the "Artifact" Borg Cube that was in Picard Season 1. They treated it like a big reveal at the end of the first episode, which is stupid because everyone already saw it in the trailers, and then everyone who hadn't seen the trailers got to see it in the opening credits. The Star Trek franchise is lousy with Borg, and it has been for so long that it's almost reflexive to use them, but what galls me is how they still treat it like some shocking, blood curdling twist. They literally just did a bunch of Borg stuff in Picard Season 1, and yet Season 2 opens with a spatial anomaly opening up, and a bunch of Borg shit coming out. It's just like Star Trek (2009) except my dad's right this time, it really is the Borg again, and the showrunners honestly think this is still a surprise, 27 years after it stopped being cool.
I mean, this is how low the bar is: When those machine god tentacles came out of the portal in Picard episode 10, I was relieved to see their home dimension was red instead of Borg/Romulan green. They had no choice, really. If they had gone with green, fans would wondered if the machine gods were somehow connected with the Borg and/or Romulans, which would have confused the story.
Anyway. Season 2 opens with a long, loooong setup to a mysterious message broadcast from a spatial anomaly, but I already knew it was the Borg because the anomaly was fucking green. Then a Borg ship comes out of it, because of course it does. But this show can't do anything quick, so everyone stares slack-jawed at the thing and Picard and Seven exchange knowing glances before she confirms that it's a Borg ship.
But no, it's totally fresh and different this time! Honest! These Borg want to negotiate! They even address Picard by his actual name instead of calling him "Locutus". Their queen wears a mask! Oh, and when she tries to assimilate the ship, she uses big chunky cables instead of those creepy tubule things. And Picard can't stop it, so he orders the ship to self-destruct... Wait, that's not different at all! That's the exact same thing he did in 1996!
Then Q zaps him out of it and apparently we're doing a whole other story instead. So let's take this as a cue (get it?) to talk about wasting time. Picard gave a speech for Starfleet Academy about time, and how precious it is, and how rare second chances are, which is filthy rich for a show like this.
Last time, I complained about how they got Raffi and Seven together without really giving the characters any on-screen time together. They literally have two scenes, and the second is where their holding hands. This episode adds a little more, but it also acknowledges that Rios and Jurati used to be an item, which I never mentioned before because I totally forgot it happened. Jurati and Rios were such hot messes in Season 1 that I had no idea if they were making out to distract themselves or if it was something more serious. So my complaints about the Seven/Raffi romance goes double for Jurati/Rios, because they broke up off-screen. Hell, for all I know, Raffi and Seven broke up too? This isn't insignificant. These are four of the main characters on this show! The showrunners paired them all off and it's like they don't even care!
But the cherry on top of all of this is Zhaban, one of the Romulans living with Picard in his French vinyard. Early in this episode, Piacard and the other Romulan, Laris, drink a toast to his memory, since he died 18 months prior. This bothered me, because I thought they meant he died in Season 1, and I couldn't remember that happening. So I looked him up and no. He just died sometime between seasons 1 and 2. Why would they write him off the show like this? Did the actor die? No, Jamie McShane's still alive today. Maybe he just didn't want to come back, or they couldn't afford him.
But more likely, they needed him out of the way to set up this romantic tension between Picard and Laris. Actually, I'm not sure that explains anything, since they never revealed Laris and Zhaban were married. Laris tells Picard that and he had no idea at all, so I assume this was meant to be a revelation. I sort of assumed they were a couple the whole time, but apparently the show felt the need to establish Zhaban was her husband just to make it clear that his death means she's single and she's ready to do the Picard Maneuver, if you get my drift.
And that right there is what's broken about this show. The Borg nonsense is a problem. The way they recycled the auto-destruct scene for the teaser and a late episode climax just to fill time? That is also a problem. Picard continuing to struggle with his fear of commitment well into his 90's? Kind of a problem. But the real problem is the slapdash way this show keeps approaching the characters. Why was Zhaban even in the show in the first place? He and Laris did everything together, and now he's gone and it hardly matters, since Laris can just handle the role herself. So why did they write him in?
That wouldn't be such a big deal to me if it was just Zhaban. He's a minor enough character that it wouldn't matter, like all those chief engineers on TNG Season 1. The showrunners were still figuring it out, I guess. But Picard pretends to be this thoughtful, highbrow experience, where all the callbacks are important and everything happens for a reason, and you're expected to find clues in all the easter eggs and prophetic dreams. Zhaban's unimportance proves that it's all a house of cards. The writers are just winging it.
I mean, I would expect the romances in the show to have some emotional weight, but they don't. Jurati's relationship with Bruce Maddox was only introduced right before she murdered him, and that was probably only done to add context to the murder. Jurati and Rios' relationship was so ephemeral that I didn't realize it was there. Raffi and Seven's romance reminds me of this little subplot they did with Nurse Ogawa near the end of TNG, where she and Dr. Crusher would gab about her off-screen love life. But Raffi and Seven are a big part of the main cast of Picard. Why set something like this up and then ignore it?
I keep going on about this, but the point I'm trying to make is that when I say the show wastes time, I don't mean that it's too long, or that not enough things happen to fill the runtime, or that the show is boring. Those statements are sometimes true, but the true issue here is that this show has its priorities mixed up. It spends too much time on things that don't matter and not nearly enough time on things that do. That's what makes it so incredibly frustrating to watch.
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