#whb lilith
Someone asked me a while ago to write more for Asmodeus, but I don't have enough hc to fill an ask, so let me just put forward my theory about everyone's favorite pookie.
Hear me out, the core four (Satan, Mammon, Leviathan and Beelzebub) are all demons. Born a demon, stayed a demon, all good. Lucifer and Belphegor are fallen angels...
What if... what if they make Asmodeus the same way he is (sometimes) in demonology, so the son of Adam and Lilith. Idk how they'll explain that since Lilith isn't really a character in this game, but it would be so fun to see.
Maybe that's why he stays a lot in the human realm, because he feels a certain kinship with humanity that none of the other kings share. Maybe that's why he doesn't have kids with demons, because it would require giving his sperm to his mom and that'll be weird.
Anyways, even if you don't subscribe to Asmodeus is the son of Lilith and Adam theory, you have to at least acknowledge that him and Lilith have some sort of relationship. In mythos he's either her husband or her child. But I personally prefere the "Asmodeus is Adam and Lilith's child".
Would that make him the first devil? Like, of course, in terms of years, only God can beat Lucifer, but I'm talking as "was Asmodeus the first demotic creature?"
I don't really know, we have way too little knowledge of these characters to say what's 100% factual. But hey, that's just a theory, a 'I haven't slept in a week' theory!
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envyland · 3 months
I really want to know more about Lilith's role in whb 😭 she was real first women and a feminist ♡
من واقعا به یک fanfic با lilith/mc x whb نیاز دارم
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odysseys-blood · 8 months
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been debating leaving this in the drafts and just deleting for days but i wanted to try a design for lilith! bc as much as i like the men in this game im bisexual and i need just a crumb of women. please. (<-guy who barked at bimet to move out of the way in the michael preview bc the clerk devil lady was so super cute.) im not keeping her like this 100% i just wanted to play around with her and based her on kind of a night mother concept. when i try again i'll probably try to give her a more modernized outfit like the kings
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luxthestrange · 7 months
TWST Incorrect quotes#695 "Parents"
The Mc's With their "Parents"
Obey Me! Mc: If I fall…
Lilith: I’ll be there to catch you
WHB? Mc*looks at Solomon* What if I fall?
WHB? Solo: Then I’ll fall with you, never leaving your side
Crowley*watches these two interactions*
Crowley, to Yuu: And if I fall?~
Yuu: I’ll be the one who pushed you
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the-great-empress · 14 days
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hyejinkim · 1 month
Hear me out!
We already have many AUs and ocs based on Solomon's descendants, right?
But, what if we take something newer than what has been given?
As we have speculated that Ra-on is more than a descendant of Papa Solomon here, there are some blogs that even discuss it more and even make their own AUs and OCs inspired by some of the possibilities that this game provides.
Not many of you have questioned or speculated on: what if Lilith, yup, mama Lilith has her descendants who will also participate in this whole war?
As we already know, Lilith has her own position and role in the overall creation of new demons, because we already know very well that demons cannot have offspring with their own race.
YES, they can have offspring with other races like humans, where Asmodeus is the main 'perpetrator' in the problem of creating a new race from between demons and humans, from his relationship with several human women (Bro, the second Poseidon, lmao).
So, you must be asking: "what is the point of all my ramblings here, right?"
My point is: what IF Lilith's departure is related to a plan that has been prepared by God, just like Ra-On who seems to have a further connection from a descendant of Papa Solomon here.
What IF Lilith actually died when she disappeared following Solomon and God? and the remaining of Lilith has been stored somewhere or more precisely has formed a new body and individual that has been planned from the start by her and also God.
Well, the new individual could be related to the vampire race.
Why do I say that, what is the reason I will link Lilith to the vampire race?
As we know, Lilith is no longer human after she was expelled by God from heaven because she 'rebelled' or rather wanted to be seen and treated 'equally' with her husband/partner, namely 'Adam'.
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source to the first: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilith#:~:text=For%20example%2C%20in%20the%2013th,coupled%20with%20the%20archangel%20Samael.
source second: https://www2.kenyon.edu/Depts/Religion/Projects/Reln91/Power/lilith.htm#:~:text=One%20story%20tells%20that%20Lilith,Eden%20to%20gain%20her%20independence.
Third source: https://www.quora.com/Who-was-Lilith-and-why-was-she-removed-from-Genesis-2-23-25
as explained, lilith is no longer human. Many consider her the first female demon to exist, and the mother of all demons, she mated with many demons and also fallen angels which produced many offspring made from the results of the mating.
Now, the question is, what is the overall relationship of my explanation to the relationship between Lilith and the vampire race?
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Source: https://blog.nli.org.il/en/the_vampire_lilith/
Source: https://blog.nli.org.il/en/the_vampire_lilith/
Does the term 'blood sucking demon' ring a bell in your ears?
Clearly the term refers to vampires with their identical life of sucking the life or more precisely the blood of their victims, which can be linked to several sources of their connection to Lilith such as one of the sources above.
Then the question is, what is the role and purpose of this new 'Lilith' or more precisely the individual who has a bond with Lilith?
The answer: Quite complex, because we have not been introduced to the character of Lilith in the WHB version, because what the version of Lilith in the Bible or other media is like may be different from the Lilith in the WHB version. But what is certain, from the data I collected from the game and sources that explain about Lilith, it seems that they have one thing in common, namely that they both have a role:
'to produce-make children from how we take one perspective from several demons who have talked about Lilith, one of which is the chat where Sitri and Ppyong introduce the mc (us) to the figure of Lilith who seems to have a big role from how the demons view her as someone who provides a solution to their inability to reproduce children from fellow demon races. From there we can summarize below, Lilith's presence is very important for the continuity of reproduction of the demon race which from what I conclude, has not received new offspring since Lilith's departure. '
From all my explanations, we can summarize that, with the existence of this 'new Lilith' will provide several possibilities and responses from all the characters from WHB, some like 'Satan' and 'Ppyong' might feel relieved and respond with joy: because FINALLY, from the hundreds of years without the birth of new demons because since the departure of the old Lilith, they could not have offspring with fellow demons, especially from how many demons were slaughtered by the angels which caused the population of the demons to decrease from several years or hundreds of years. However, it is undeniable that there are also some demons, such as 'Leviathan' and 'Belphegor' who will be very skeptical and suspicious of the presence of this 'new Lilith' who cannot be fully trusted considering that it is undeniable that the angels will try to use dirty tactics by creating 'fake Lilith' or 'duplicate Lilith' to try to trap the demons to lower their guard. Overall, I'm just interested in the concept of what IF Lilith had died and her remaining was kept by God before becoming a new individual, the 'new Lilith' in the form of a young female vampire. And sorry if there might be any disagreement with all the words, because honestly I just want to pour out my ideas and thoughts about the whole of all the possibilities and potential of the question.
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this is what I can think she (new Lilith) will look like, with dark brown hair and blood magenta eyes. This is just a picture reference to what I think the 'new Lilith' will look like.
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darkmodechaoticlight · 9 months
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All of my current ocs for WBH so far. 1. Nisroch Fetish: Sitophilia Country: (Originally) Heaven (Previously) Paradise Lost (Currently) Abbadon
Originally a fallen angel and Heavens acclaimed chef, he had befriended Lucifer before his fall, following his friend to Hell. He is the one demon who can cook, bake and entertain Beelzebub enough for the Wandering King to stay still. Not that Beel doesn't like the Carnival. Hes a regular. He was favoured by God because of the food he created, and his skills were reknown through Heaven and Hell before he fell. Sometimes, even the fallen angels of Paradise Lost come to eat some of the food he makes just to have a taste of home.
2. Evie Halliwell Fetish: All Philia Country: (Originally) Human world, Korea (Currently) Hell
Is the protaganist of my game. Unbeknownst to her and Minhyeok, her mother was one of the demons who lived among the humans and actively protected her from the Angels. This protection ran out when Evie reached the age of majority, when Gabriel killed her parents. Evie had a great relationship with her parents, and they adored her more independant nature. Her parents were known to be eccentric artists, her mother working as an high school Art Teacher and her father was a voice actor/theatre actor. While being half demon, Evie has the welcoming good nature of her human father, but the more cut throat devilish side from her mother. She is stronger than a normal human her size, and at nearly 6 foot 3 she is quite tall for the Korean average, which added to her imposing figure. 3. Vacca Fetish: Impregnation Fetish Country: Abbadon
A demon who works in Abbadon's premier Toy Store, located within the Carnival's premises. Vacca was an orphan that Lilith found one night after an Angel raid on Abbadon. She was raised with Rosier as children of Lilith and became loyal to her. Vacca disapproves of Rosier's litter of children he regularly sires, but has enough love for them when they visit with their father. Vacca's fetish is single handedly promised when she bet against Asmodeus in a challenge and won her wish of being able to impregnate other demons. Though not as scummy as her adopted brother, she does have three children she pays child support too. She adores her babies. 4. Ariel Fetish: Nyctophilia Country: (Originally) Heaven (Previously) Paradise Lost (Currently) Abbadon Another Fallen Angel, Ariel was one of the more cherished angels who saw all of God's creations as loving members of his family. This put him at odds with Michael and Gabriel. He fell from grace outside of the other fallen angels because he rescued Lilith from the punishment of the archangels. He had his wings torn from his back and his mouth sewn shut by Raphael before he was thrown to hell. Lucifer found Ariel in the depths of Paradise Lost where he took pity on the Angel and took him into his ranks. While Ariel looks fondly on the time he spent at Lucifers side, he was bullied for his kind and generous nature. Ariel ran from Paradise Lost after coming into contact with Lilith again, who had at this time fully transitioned into a Devil. He then became her right hand man and second in command. Ariel hosts nightly moon Masses that are attended by those devils who are wayward, unloved and not cared for. This means he has a following of three legions worth of devils and other fallen angels loyal to him and Lilith.
5. Lilith Fetish: Consentual non Consent Country: (Originally) Eden (Currently) Abbadon Lilith was originally made of the earth, like Adam by God. She disagreed with Adam about her place in Eden, leaving shortly after. She was pursude by the Angels, who beat her and killed her children. Lilith was found by Ariel, who had healed her enough to allow her travel to Hell. His close friend, Asmodeus allowed her in his kingdom on the proviso that she cared for the devil's ability to not bear children. She was able to use a mixture of angel blood and a rare plant of Hell to concoct the medicine that allowed Devils to procreate. After this she was cleared of all debt she was owed to Asmodeus who had in turn given her a small part of Abbadon to create a small commune. This place officially became the Carnival and the surrounding city of Pandora. The Carnival and Pandora became a hotspot in Abbadon, many devils and some few angels visited this place. An uneasy truce for their visit was strictly enforced by the legions of Ariel's until the Archangel Uriel committed the largest slaughter of devils in Hell, numbers varying from 10,000 all the way up to 50.000 in one day. Lilith, and those who remained of her forces rebuilt Pandora and the Carnival. This was also the time Lilith found the infants Vacca and Rosier. After this event, Pandora was fortified with dark magic and enriched with the blood of angels and Lilith called for live angels to be bought to Pandora to become the walls of her city. Pandora became known as the City that was built on Angels.
6: Rosier Fetish: Parthneophila Country: Abbadon Rosier is known as one of the devils who are active on Earth. He is known as a depraved and despicable devil even amongst the darker devils. Don't let his smile and beautiful face charm you, especially when you see him in the wild. On Earth he is well known to take the form of newly married men on wedding nights, especially to those who are young and particularly religious. He has sired so many children this way, Asmodeus (who has done very similar on earth) has threatened to castrate the devil. Lilith has barred him from procreating in Abbadon, going so far as to tattooing his arms with a charm to block any of his magic to be used outside of emergency situations (That is why he wears long sleeved gloves or shirts.) At this moment his child count is over 100 and with triple the count of grandchildren since the human 60's. And thats all that I have so far, I have cooked up some others but im missing information. Thanks for reading!
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kitty-catartist · 10 months
Nobody tell Paimon and Raphael about periods they would go crazy.
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r0-boat · 3 months
So we're all losing it over the new whb characters right? But I keep thinking about being belphegor's pillow on accident. like he falls asleep standing during a fight or something and lands on us. I wouldn't even try to move him, I'd just be like, ok cuddle time I guess until one of the nobles comes and ruins it.
Aw it's actually super adorable! Orion I absolutely love this!
May I write a little bit about it?
WHB 6 Kingly cuddles: reactions to the MC snuggled up to them
Doesn't sleep but will gladly cuddle you while you sleep.
Once you fall asleep he will not move. He will just hold you close; smiling at how vulnerable and cute you look as he scrolls on his phone. He is at peace with you in his arms cuddling into his chest until trouble strikes...
He sees snickering devils whether it be his subordinates, nobles or Even some of the kings. While Satan is quietly cussing them out, threatening them, But still holding you in his arms. They better pray to Lilith: you don't open your pretty little eyes because it will be their funeral.
He is the perfect pillow, it doesn't matter where he is, he would gladly lend his body for you to sleep. While you sleep peacefully his hands will wander mostly just squeezing your ass.
Sometimes, you seem more like a sleeping kitten, especially when you just how much pictures he had taken of you while you slept. He is also very much addicted to seeing you in his oversized shirts for sleepwear. In fact, he likes it so much that he throws out to your old pajamas in favor of his old clothes.
To him sleeping is when you're at your most vulnerable. That's why he sleeps in a He is not used to being so close to you. Part of him is uncomfortable because of it. But another part of him, most of him, is pounding and jittering in. Does this mean you are getting used to him more? Are you falling for him??? He has never seen a human sleep up close like this except for the times he would stalk you and watch you sleep, but shhhh, you don't know that.
His heart is beating so hard it's threatening to come out of his chest. Maybe this can be his chance for his hands to wander and explore your body in ways he could not before. Gently touch and caress your skin and truly love you, something he didn't want to do for pride sake.
His hands do wonder, They wonder so much that I cannot explain or else this will no longer be sfw. Sometimes it's not because he wants to have sex with you, He just has his hands there because he just likes touching those parts of you. Sometimes he just plays with you again not to get you horny or anything He just likes playing with them. By the time you wake up sadly he's already gone but his coat is over you with little gifts right next to you.
Will almost never indulge in sleepy time cuddling, The most you'll ever do when you fall asleep on him is kiss your forehead before tucking you in bed. Then tell you when you wake up "beds are for sleeping you should use them.". He will almost always move you to his bed before going to work. If you want to cuddle with him you're going to have to ask but he must warn you cuddling is not something he does so he's afraid that he needs some time to learn how.
If you fall asleep, he will almost always be there when you wake up, spooning or cuddling you. No matter where you are as long as he's there and you fall asleep He will seek your warmth and sleep with you. No matter where you are no matter where you sleep no matter how comfortable or uncomfortable he will be there. Laying in your lap, holding you in his lap, laying on top of your back, laying on your stomach, or you on his sleeping on another king. He's not picky.
He is like a cat as soon as you wake up he is already in ear warm spot in your bed snuggled.
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iceinwhb · 5 months
Whb iceberg.
We start from curiosities, data that we can realize at first sight and descend to the murky ones. I clarify that I will also attach non-canon theories.
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• In hell, a hundred years have passed since Solomon disappeared, while, on earth, since 931 BC.
• Not only Solomon, but also God and Lilith.
• Satan has a barcode on his arm, and sleep with his eyes open.
• Death does not exist in Paradise Lost, because of Gamigin.
• Beel left Abyssos since Solomon's disappearance.
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• Orias will never stop consuming souls. Youth is never eternal, and by obtaining Levi's soul, it would only stop it for a while.
• Satan has confirmed that he has lost his home.
• Angels can also be humanized.
• Ark Academy and whb are connected.
• Solomon also had to drink human semen to stay in hell.
• Demons are infertile. Except for kings, because they have enough power not to use Lilith.
• All six deadly sins are needed to defeat Lucifer.
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• Demons and angels can change shape. It influence their emotions.
• Bael tries to be a copy of Beel. He must follow the shape-shifting, from hair dyeing to limb mutilation, because he made a deal.
• Minhyeok is no longer human. Due to Mc's deal with Satan, nothing can kill him while it is in effect.
• Gamigin and Serenade will never see each other again. Since they reside in different realities.
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• Beel wants to eat Mc.
• Morax's skill. Absorbs wounds, even if they are fatal.
• Beel has eaten angels.
• Solomon can possess the bodies where his soul resides.
• In hell, crimes of all kinds can be committed, without being punished. This also applies in heaven.
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• Bael's comic. He almost died for impersonating Beel. Still can't explain what happened.
• Solomon has all the filias. Even the most questionable ones.
• Angels have orgies.
• Christmas cards. It's sexual abuse.
• Leviathan is the first, and the one who has forced Mc the most to have sex.
• Beel has died thousands of times because of angels.
• Death lines. Canonically they die in battle.
• The Glassyalabolas filia.
• Solomon knows what happened to Lilith and God.
• Fruit of the tree of knowledge.
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• God and Lilith are dead.
• The real Gamigin committed suicide.
• Ronove is going to take the fingers from Mc's corpse.
• Leviathan was going to end Solomon's lineage.
• Kamikaze angels.
• Jjok was abandoned in the forest to die.
• Buer, Morax and Marbas have died hundreds of times.
• Satan has anger problems that can kill Mc.
• Mammon and Valefor could kill Mc by accident if they apply the wrong force.
• Angelification is so painful that it breaks a demon's mind.
• Mc has a high probability of dying if ignores where may or not be in Paradise Lost. This implies that Lucifer can kill anyone with just a voice command.
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• Demons were the first to experiment with angels.
• The massacres of the angels. This includes the demonic, angelic race and the near extinction of dragons.
• Andre's past. (He carried his twin's head for days.)
• The archangels will never get the punishment they deserve.
• Leviathan and Orias' constant abuse on the farm.
Does anyone else have any interesting or shady data?
It took me a day to gather information in my head, but that's it! I appreciate knowing that the shape-shifting is different, between angels, and Beel's camp.
Edit: Yeah, as soon as I realize my man is a walking red flag, it's confirmed that Levi baby never tries to have a forceful response from Mc, or tries to get her to ask him first.
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devilmen-collector · 8 months
WHB Theory: Vessels of God's Sinful Emotions
A theory I have after reading Chapter 5 and discussing with @sparkbeast20
This post ofc will contain spoilers up to Chapter 5 and religious theme
(God, please forgive me for writing this because I have to use Your name for PB's fictional version of You)
God possesses sinful emotions
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Firstly, in Story 5-64, we have Bimet says God was greedy and jealous, meaning he had Greed and Envy, to which Glasyalabolas replies by saying God possessed other deadly sins as well, namely rage/Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony, arrogance/Pride. He fails to mention Lust but we still don't know whether it has a deeper meaning or it's just Glasya is making examples and Lust just happens to not be in the examples listed.
I. God doesn't want these sinful emotions
My theory, God doesn't want the sinful emotions in him. There may be several reasons, maybe because he doesn't want sins, we all know too well why the Seven Deadly Sins are preached against and virtues are praised in real life, the consequences of the Deadly Sins are evil things such as murder, rape, oppression, corruption and many other evil actions. So God decided to keep the virtues within himself while removing the sins. But since those deadly sins are attributes of God, he couldn't just remove them and throw them away carelessly, he needed something to store them.
II. The 7 Kings were created directly by God, not through a pair of parents
We do know that devils don't give birth, but having their children made according to their likeness by Lilith. Even so, the devil child is considered children of the parents who requested Lilith to make a child. Some of the nobles have been proven to be born in this way (Andrealphus, Amon, Buer). Exception is the Unholyc, born through the union of Asmodeus and a human female, their case is procreation just like human.
However, my theory that I have been telling my friends since months before the game's release and the kings are created directly by God.
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In Story 5-86, we have an NPC angel telling us about the rumors that subject no. 87 (Leviathan) was created carefully by God. My point here is why is this angel saying God "created it carefully", aren't all created by God? Why making the difference? So there are at least 2 different ways in which one is created by God. The superior one is that one's body and soul are both crafted by God directly. The inferior one is that one's body is created by God but indirectly through procreation of the parents (as in the case of human) or Lilith (as in the case of normal and noble devils), God only infuses the soul the moment life begins.
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In Story 5-96, Valefor says that it's difficult to create a body equals or surpasses one that God created for Mammon. (My opinion: it's impossible lol). So Mammon's no different from Levi that he had his body created by God directly.
If it has been the case with two of the seven kings, I think it's safe to assume it applies to other kings too. Lucifer's a little different because he was an angel but since he was God's favorite Seraph, I think he falls into the same category of having the privilege of having God created his body directly.
Another proof is that you have never heard the kings mentioning a parent. For some of the nobles, their parents were mentioned (Buer, Amon, Andre, etc.) But for the kings, just no mention of parents at all (excluding Levi because he was kidnapped as a child), even though devils are immortal (they only die if they are wounded in a battle or a serious accident).
III. God created the 7 Kings for a very special purpose
The next question is why did God have to create them directly, different from all the others? It's understandable if they were the first generation demons whom God needed to create directly then let them make/give birth to the next generation, who would make/give birth the generation after that and so on. However, the kings are not first generation demons, there are demons who are older than them (Gusion is one example). So there must be a special reason why the kings got such a special treament.
Returning to what I was saying at the start, God wanted to remove the sins and he needed something to store the sins. And God, being the omnipotent Creator, he could create the solution himself by making 7 vessels to store the sins. And since demons/devils were made with evil attributes, the vessels were created living devils. And because they are devils keeping God's Deadly Sins inside, they are stronger than any other devils, and God made them kings. Remember the kings and the nobles keep saying they were chosen by God to be kings and nobles but they don't know why. I think the kings are appointed kings to hide the facts they are vessels storing God's Deadly Sins, this only God knows (perhaps Solomon too since God favors our peepaw).
In Lucifer's case, he was created an angel, yes, but remember, God can foresee the future. To explain it in religious term, God can see all the possibilities but he knows which possibility will become the future with 100% precision. God saw Lucifer falling and included him in the grand plan so he only needed to create 6 vessels more beside Lucifer (remember God had Sloth so it makes quick work for him).
IV. The kings are the original and only deadly sins
So that lets to another point of mine, which is the current 7 Deadly Sins are the original and only Seven Deadly Sins and kings of Hell. There is no king before them.
V. Sinful Divine Power
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In Story 4-87, after hearing MC could die by Levi's hands, Satan gives in to his rage too much that it affects the surrounding environment, even nearly killing other devils, the only devil who isn't affected is Mammon, another king and Satan's equal.
Since the Deadly Sins came from God, if the kings don't or can't put their sins in check, they could bring disaster, even upon devils who they are supposed to protect.
VI. With Divine Power comes Divine Knowledge
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Leraye tell us in the chatroom that only the 7 Deadly Sins know why God disappeared. It could be understood that God told the Sins why he had to go or they saw what happened to him. But I believe in another possibility. God disappeared mysteriously, no one knows where he has gone or why he disappeared, but since the 7 kings have with themselves the sinful attributes of God, they get a glimpse of divine knowledge on why God disappeared.
In the event "Where is Beelzebub?", Beelzebub says while Bael is sleeping about "things that are going to happen soon", which could be understood to be about MC/us. So how could he know that? I used to think Lucifer told him, of which I got the impression after knowing he owes Lucifer something. But could it be that he knows about MC from the Divine Knowledge in which he gets to participate. (Tbh, now I think about it, if Lucifer told him, then where did Lucifer get the info from, God doesn't seem like the kind to tell him, given how he let him fall, so Lucifer must have known it from the Divine Knowledge of his Pride too).
In conclusion, the 7 Deadly Sins are living vessels of God's sinful emotions. And thanks to that, they get access to powerful divine abilities.
That's all I'm able to put down from my brain for now. Please let me know what you guys think <3
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ankiebitez · 4 months
thinking about how fucking funny it would be to show the whb demons something like the maury show or those shows with "who's the father?" paternity test drama since they dont really have to worry about that often bc of lilith😭
alternatively it would be funny as hell if there was a similar one but for when demons fuck multiple humans. asmodeus would be a Very frequent guest
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allhailmeandmy · 2 months
So in curiosity I looked up the 72 demons names and such and read them a bit, as well as thought how many of them will be where and if every king will have 10 each and special guys have extra, will any kings share a vassal? Will there be nobles who don't serve a king? There likely will be more fallen angels like beleth, for example, phoenix, according to the wiki, is a fallen angel.
"Phenex hopes to return to Heaven after 1,200 years, but he is deceived in this hope. "
I've picked some I found interesting under cut. If anyone looked up the 72 demons as well and found any interesting and wonder what king they'd be assigned to add on, I think it's interesting
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First up Gremory
A he/she!? Idk how pb will design the demons, but this one I'm excited for ( be ready for disappointment always happens to me for things I'm excited for)
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This one's interesting, depending if they give him thunder powers, cuz some they did take the powers the demons had into characters and some not as much, so if furfur had thunder powers, he and leray... and the lying? Hmm, it could be a hades noble. I tell ya, but that's just a theory, a game theory!
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Hmm... flauros what does "other fallen angels" mean? Are u one? Are u just knowledgeable in fallen angels? That of course could mean nothing when turned into a character
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Shax gives a vibe of a tartaros noble, cuz u think It'd be funny, cuz yk mammon wouldn't care too much, while bimet would go crazy, enemy co workers, but bird motif is giving abyssos... most abyssos existing nobles , demons they're named after have a bird motif so... if so, bael would get another headache ( giving kleptophilia, but might be too predictable)
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Decarabia is giving paradise lost noble due to the herb precious stones knowledge, "can change into all birds" is giving abyssos origin, but precious stone knowledge is giving tarturos, either way I think healer
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Gaap as mighty as Beleth? Making me wonder... if they do make that important enough to whb, what would it mean? One sided beef with Gaap and beleth? Gaap idolising beleth? Well who knows, do wonder if "guide of four kings" would be taken to whb tho, a shared noble?
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I can see people getting mad that an Amy is a male demon when Amy comes out, but as its here, the actual demon named Amy is a male . "Return to the seventh throne" is making me think, either a previous rules that's been thrown over, or like glasyalalobas vassago, where they want to throw over the existing king
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Marchosias, this one's interesting, non fallen angel? How would that work? Maybe like Samael where he got betrayed by angels as he was being used? I'd say gehenna, but idk everyone seemed surprised at Lameas but it could've just been surprise at being betrayed, and not him being an angel , so who knows, especially since there's so much making gehenna being welcoming to all but so far everyone's shown to be a born demon?
And, since there's people who want a female demon interests ( like myself), and as all 72 demons are male, they could introduce other demons who aren't nobles, like lilith for example, she's not one of the 72 nobles, and I checked another thing, and in it being "female demon named Obyzouth" as well as " the 7 star sisters (a reference to the Pleiades)" according to Testament of Solomon Wiki
But that's just a theory! A game theory! For anyone who rear it go here, I'm curious, if you read the wiki, any demons yall found interesting? Have your own theories? Do share em! I think it's interesting
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projectbluearcadia · 5 months
Weird shower thought fantasy / crossover idea / headcanon
Partially in honor of the WHB devs finally releasing Lucifer (Selfie)
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What In Hell Is Bad and Obey Me! actually take place in the same world, but WHB takes place before Obey Me, in the bad old days.
And God was upset that the kings had it so rough and reflected on himself a little. "Damn, I feel guilty about how those beautiful creations of mine died due to my negligence."
And so he decided they should be one big happy family.
He scoured Hell for what remained of the demon kings after a massive war that damn near destroyed both Heaven and Hell and gave their essence to his new creations. So, basically, he reincarnated them.
The birth/creation order was mostly determined by whose essence he was able to find first. Of course, that essence was mostly their sins that they left behind, so when they all fell from Heaven, they essentially resumed their duties as the seven kings.
And, purely because WHB Satan was (obviously) practically obliterated, God said "A'ight Luci's got a festering angie monster inside of him, so I'll just put what consciousness I could find from WHB Satan in there so it'll be kinda reasonable when he has to let it all out. Thank me later, son :P" <- the reason Luci became a single mother father.
Luci: Thanks a lot, God. First the virgin Mary and now this??
Funnily enough what God found was mostly WHB Satan's sweet side, which is the reason that OM Satan resembles (and likes) cats. The only one who didn't inherit the sin from his predecessor got it anyway because of his dad. Go figure.
The countries (Abyssos, Tartaros, Gehenna, etc.) no longer existed after the war, and Diavolo's lineage, which was probably descendent of one or more of the WHB's kings' vassals, was the one trying to pick up the pieces. The war continued because many of the angels were still complete dicks, but Diavolo's family eventually eradicated what had survived from The Big War™.
Excluding Gabriel, because Gabriel is a prick.
Which may or may not have been a factor in Lucifer falling from Heaven because he killed Gabriel on his way down. You know, because Gabriel was probably Lilith's executioner, given his history.
Then Diavolo, to signal the fresh start, said "We're not calling it Hell and Heaven anymore, now it's "The Devildom" and "The Celestial Realm." Less stigma. Very good."
And our dear Solomon? Well, you know how he is... I think there's definitely some things he hasn't told you...
Like how he was technically dead for a hot minute because of some magical mishap, which translated into a few thousand years in hell because of the way time flows there. His experiment gone wrong is also the reason why his appearance changed so drastically.
You'll ask him one day, "Hey, did you have purple hair in the past?" and he'll just start sweating profusely because he's very embarrassed about how often he did some *ahem* interesting things with the former demon kings. Asmo is the only one who still has that feeling from his past life :)
And, as far as how time flows and MC frequently traveling between the human world and hell in OM!, the travel is actually magically controlled by Barbatos, our resident overpowered god, who was annoyed by the time dilation/contraction and wanted to just visit his favorite tea shops in the human world whenever he wanted without f*cking around.
I mean, all of the demon kings knew how to go back and forth, but they had to do overly complicated shit to do it, so Barbie just said "sharing is caring" and perfected the magic by the OM! time period.
Of course there's an implication here that all events in Heaven/Hell are technically happening simultaneously from a human world perspective. Which isn't trippy at all.
And yes, OM! Barbatos and WHB Barbatos know each other. Because OM! Barbatos is (obviously) from a parallel dimension and took WHB Barbatos' name since he enjoyed the rose gardens WHB Barbie tended to. It's out of respect since he faithfully died for Leviathan in the bad old days.
Flawless joining of the worlds without a hint of plotholes (sarcasm).
(This is so random, but I hope y'all enjoyed my fever dream.)
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projectcrimson · 2 months
WHB Characters
Now, I know that WHB is still an underrated game, but, there is a reason why OM is better. The reasons are; the world building, the flaws of the characters, the NPCS, and the lore.
What I'm going to focus on this post are; their flaws.
Because they are Demons, they should be flawed and treated as such. Before the brothers discovered that we were Lilith's Descendant, they had shown the flaws of their sin they represented beforehand, once they did, they would try and work on their flaws but not the title of their sin. Because it adds on to their character personality and, character wise, they are born with it.
Mammon is Greed, before and after he met MC, he's in debt and poor because of that and is possessive towards MC cuz he's greedy.
Lucifer is Pride, I'm not good at explaining but, he isn't good at communicating his feelings towards his brothers other than annoyance, anger or any other emotion that would seem like he isn't concerned about them. That's why MC is there.
Satan is Wrath, he knocked us onto a bookshelf, disagrees with Lucifer on the daily to either piss him off or doesn't want to be proved wrong, anger issues (obvi). He acted worse before he met MC and is working on to keep his temper in check.
Beelzebub wanted to eat us, Asmodeus didn't care about us, Belphegor hated us for being human and killed us. Diavolo saw us as nothing but insignificant because we are only human and not a sorcerer like Solomon is.
All of them are interesting because of their flaws.
we have different character dynamics depending on which demon, human or angel we interact with. In my opinion, that is the reason why the Otome game is unique compared to other games.
What makes us important to them other than being Solomon's Descendant?
How does our relationship work?
What is our role in their life?
What makes our dynamic unique? Ask this type of questions when creating an Otome game before creating the lore.
Because why care about the story if we do not care about the characters?
Now, do the main Demons have any flaws? The most flawed character I've seen is Leviathan, which makes him interesting in my eyes, probably Lucifer as well. Fan service is great 'n all but, it can only get you so far until your audience dwindles because you only focus on how hot the demons are.
I can't say too much about the Lore and the world building since I'm only on Chapter 2, so you can go ahead and tell me I'm wrong so that I can learn more about WHB! I still love the game regardless. ^-^
(The company needs to hire a better English translator though :') )
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the-great-empress · 2 months
Better with them than with you
Here Mc is woman
Warning: grammatical errors, English is not my native language
Tags: @huuvu
—Help them... that's why I chose you
—Mc… you… are a descendant of Lilith
Confusion and speechlessness was how I felt... but... I had the feeling that this was a sentence...
I heard Lucifer exclaim with happiness and then hugged me with fervor... while the cold and emptiness ruled my body... I also heard the rest of the brothers happy for Lilith, except Satan... then... the next thing I can remember was being in the common room from the house of lamentations surrounded by smiles and praises from Mammon, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Leviathan... Lucifer and... Belphegor... were fighting to sit on my sides, while they praised me and talked about Lilith... How long has it been since the revelation?
My gaze was fixed in front, on the other large piece of furniture, Diavolo was smiling with his charming smile, Barbatos with his cordial smile and... Satan with an expression of empathy and slight sadness... Why are you sad, Satan? Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?
Barbatos in summary said that he could no longer return to my original timeline… I felt like my soul fell into the abyss as I continued standing…
—I want to return to the place where they don't know who my ancestor is.
—I want to be treated like before the revelation
—I don't want to continue hearing about Lilith or being compared to her.
—I am not a replacement…
—Will Simeon and Luke hate me if they find out that I share blood with that angel who caused the brothers' fall? Nobody should know
They were the things that constantly prevented me from sleeping at night while I cried like a stupid girl, but as if he knew I was staying up late, he knocked on the door of my temporary room and said my name with affection and a certain air of sadness, every time I opened it. At the door, there he was... Satan with a book in his hands... it became a routine... Satan would come, we would read a chapter of a book and then cuddle and he would say sweet words about me... the others... they continued talking about Lilith, they bought me clothes adorable and angelic looking, they were aware that that was not the type of clothing I liked
More than a few people missed that this was Lilith's favorite style, as well as how my hair was the same color she had... that same night they mentioned it... I bought some hair dye and grabbed the kitchen scissors... The next day I entered the dining room with the opposite color to how I had it and with very short hair. The scandal that arose at that moment was great and Asmodeus recovered the "beautiful" original color of my hair with a potion.
No matter what I do... they will find a way to keep me looking like Lilith so I gave up and let them use me however they wanted.
Even Simeon commented that I was like an angel "Please Simeon... don't keep thinking about it... you could know who my ancestor is and I don't want you to hate me" I repeated in my mind, I feel like a criminal for Lilith's actions even if I don't I committed them. Is it because I cooperated with her to help the brothers? Why am I proof that she came out the winner and free from her punishment? The weight of keeping Lilith's secret tortures my body, I want to cry... scream... hit something... talk to someone... Satan was not an option, I was afraid that because of that he would have an attack of anger and fight with the brothers, definitely Barbatos and in Diavolo especially were not options, I didn't even want to think about how they would react, Simeon and Luke less so and as for Solomon I didn't know whether to even hint at him, I didn't want to involve him in a personal problem of that caliber.
Michael… when Michael apologized for the actions of Lilith and the brothers I cried, I just cried while he hugged me, Michael really… I…
Six of the brothers exclaimed in surprise as they observed her sister alive in front of them. They did not hesitate to run towards her and hug her while Satan and I watched the scene in surprise. I could swear I felt Satan's hands squeezing mine with comfort.
—Why are you still here? You better not get your hopes up and leave as soon as possible and take THAT Satan with you
They were the first words I crossed with Lilith alone.
How are you Satan?
Of all of them, the one that worries me the most is Satan, every time Ppyong returned I asked him about the avatar, he kept me up to date that he is still in the house of lamentations with the other Lords and Lilith although he only saw her once
Were you able to repair your relationship with your siblings?
The first days in “hell” were difficult… difficult to get used to the fact that the angels are the bad and cruel ones after all in my world they were the ones who supported me, well, most of them… difficult to trust the word of the demons and that they have no other intentions, in my reality, demons are liars and do actions behind the backs of others... hard to believe that here I would have someone that I can call family...
But I quickly began to like this "hell", I don't have to hide who I share blood with as if it were the worst of taboos or a criminal, in fact I don't even care if they call me "Solomon" or "Daughter of Solomon" nor that believe that I am Solomon, I would say that it makes me feel proud, perhaps because I have a good relationship with him and for all the support and help he has given me, I love listening to his stories like a little girl who loves to listen to those stories of her parents, although only distant relatives, I see him as a good father and parental figure
Satan, King Satan, dislikes that even his own subjects are confused about me being Solomon... and I thank him from the bottom of my heart... I really want to help him, help the seven kingdoms... kingdoms... kings... this feeling is... no Mc , concentrate, you can't feel that feeling again... that same feeling that caused you immense pain when the six of them made it more than clear who they preferred.
—There is nothing wrong with falling in love with kings.
Dad please
—Your mind denies it and your heart wants to express a big statement, but he is so hurt that he needs help.
No, it is not that which begins with “L”, it is only companionship and understanding, only that, and there is only sexual act for the “energy”, it is only that for me and especially for them, nothing more
—If it's just companionship, why when you were replenishing “energy” with Satan did Mammon join in and the three of them ended up with a sprained hip?
I don't know, but it's not that word! Wait a minute, did you hear everything?
—Even the angels in heaven would hear Bimet's complaints about how a human managed to "paralyze" two kings, fu fu~, when Leviathan finds out about that and King Lucifer who is waiting for you to wake up, you will have to satisfy two jealous kings
Oh please kings Lucifer and Leviathan have no reason or reason for jealousy, there is not even a hint of romance in this, stop pairing me with kings
—But you would make a good couple with them. Have you not noticed the subtle changes of the kings? Although the other Satan, the magician, that Simeon and even the other Raphael and Michael also have their charm. How about the best of both realities?
Aaaaahhh! I want to wake up!
Narrator POV
Intense and fervent
Those were the words with which Mc described the face of King Lucifer who looked at her with such fervor, it did not help that the king was in absolute silence and both were alone in that room, Mc tried to break the tension, however, the silent gaze of the king was more powerful, for a moment the woman remembered the words of her ancestor Solomon
“There is nothing wrong with falling in love with kings”
“Haven't you noticed the subtle changes of kings?”
The human hesitated, but then denied it, she didn't want to get her hopes up again... at that, some light knocks were heard on the other side of the door, it was Gamigin reporting that Ppyong returned with "that" for Mc and then she heard Ppyong and Jjok say good morning to both Lucifer and Mc
The woman felt great relief, but it was crushed by the disgust that Lucifer's face began to reflect
—Yes, he's so jealous that he can't hear "that"
It was Solomon's voice
—It's not jealousy!
Mc mentally remarked to her
Meanwhile with the two kings “wounded in battle”
—His Majesty has a meeting in TWO HOURS and he doesn’t even react! —shouted a hysterical Bimet to Buer who was intrigued and worried about the state of the two kings
On the stretchers were the kings Satan and Mammon, the lascivious faces full of ecstasy of the two rulers and the throbbing lumps under the sheets said it all
—What did you do to keep the two of you in climax? Solomon's daughter only lasted a few hours in that state, but they still haven't reacted —murmurs Buer fearfully
—I also want Solomon to cause those heartbeats in me —complained Sitri clearly jealous
Meanwhile in the Devildom… in Diavolo's castle was the prince of the same name, his loyal butler and the lords, except for Satan.
—Very well, Lucifer and I will go to "Hell" to bring Mc back —said Diavolo happily
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N/T: MC! Shit! What the fuck did you do to Mammon and Satan?!
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