#when I mention being in the wedding party of a tumblr mutual I met on here like 6 years ago
runestele · 2 years
seeing you reblog my shit and tag it with "chark" is throwing me for a goddamn loop thank you for giving me whiplash and also i love you
A lesson to never let your guard down .. and MWAH
0 notes
bananakarenina · 1 year
17 and Fleggie??
every time we lie awake
flynn taylor has never had a normal-person sleep schedule, and her schedule as a dj doesn't really help matters. weddings, parties, clubs; she's all work and no play and sleeps in the middle of the day because that's the grind, baby.
so she's always up late, and there's this guy--well, she assumes it's a guy; his tumblr username is nerfherderhero and she's pretty sure she's seen some posts referencing his pronouns--who seems to have the same late-night schedule she does; he's always reblogging funny dog videos on her dash at just the right time and adding amazing tags to star wars posts (she still hasn't stopped laughing about him calling kylo ren "evil emo mayonnaise")
they have this funny little tumblr mutual relationship--the thing is, they have so much in common; he's always posting cool music for her to explore (she adds a LOT to her playlists, it's awesome) and he reblogs every artistic photo of food she uploads. (she has a whole series of ironic portraits of the stuff she orders from in-n-out; it's pretty hilarious if she does say so herself.)
they chat through tags. nerfherder is so off-the-wall funny; he says the most random things and flynn fucking loves it. he also has excellent taste in music.
julie starts giving her A Look whenever flynn mentions "my tumblr friend".
whatever! flynn is allowed to have friends she doesn't like. Know Personally. that's what the internet is for!
except there comes a two-week stretch where nerfherderhero kind of goes quiet. flynn even checks to make sure he didn't change his username but that's not it--he's just. not posting at the moment. no queue, no reblogs. her artistically-arranged chili dog photo goes un-noticed.
it's fine. flynn is Fine About It. he's probably just busy!
it's just rough because julie is also away, on tour with her new band--she met this group of dudes at college and has been spending all of her time writing songs with the guitarist (writing songs. suuuure, says flynn, and julie sticks her tongue out on their facetime call.)
flynn taylor has never been a coward, though (well, much of a coward) so she takes that terrifying internet friend plunge and pulls up a direct message.
hey--this is awkward but uh. hi! i just i just noticed that you're not around as much anymore which is totally your right obviously good for you for digitally detoxing lol i just--i miss you
she doesn't add the exclamation point even though it would make her seem more unaffected.
because the thing is: she's affected.
carrie laughs at her when she brings it up at brunch. it's not actually a mean laugh, despite it being carrie.
"only you would manage to crush on someone you don't even talk to," she says, sipping her passionfruit mimosa.
"better than when i had a crush on you," flynn retorts, but carrie just laughs again.
it all comes to a head when she facetimes julie late one night after a dj gig. she's wired, and there are no posts from Han Solo (which is unfortunately what flynn is now calling him in her head), and she just wants to mope with her best friend.
"oh, god, not you too," julie says. "reggie's all whiny because he broke his phone and we're in the middle of nowhere right now, so there aren't many places to go to fix it or get a new one. he's miserable. he keeps asking to borrow our phones to log into tumblr, of all things. something about his friend rapunzel."
flynn's username is remixingrapunzel bc she's flynn and she's a dj and also her braids are really long.
"yeah, he's like totally obsessed with her. them? i'm...not actually sure."
and julie's forehead wrinkles on her phone screen.
"how do you know?"
and the whole thing comes spilling out. han solo, funny captions on her in-n-out fries, the humiliating "i miss you" message that was never returned.
julie's eyes just keep getting wider.
"hang on," she says, and turns to yell over her shoulder. "reggie!"
there's a scuffle and julie hissing "come ON" and a long sigh, and then, sitting with julie, is the cutest boy flynn has ever seen in her actual life. he's got dark hair and nice freckles and right now he seems kind of sad, but oh my god, he's so so cute.
she can't help herself.
"nerfherder?" she says, tentatively.
his eyes lighten and it almost makes up for the last two weeks of misery.
"rapunzel," he breathes, and flynn has a feeling there are even more late nights in her future.
she's more than fine with that.
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yukipri · 4 years
Marco’s Bauble Part 8 - a One Piece Mermaid AU Text Story
Another update for Tumblr!
This work goes by On the Courtship of Monkey D. Luffy on AO3, and I’ll be updating over there tonight as well!
A quick question....do people like reading the updates here on Tumblr? Or now that it’s on AO3, would people prefer to read there? And if so, would you be okay waiting for new updates until AO3 catches up? I’m a little torn because I’m not sure if people are enjoying reading on here, and it’s quite a hassle to format for Tumblr, and it’s getting a bit difficult for me to juggle updating these stories on 3 separate platforms...
ANYWAY, in this update, Thatch has some Thoughts, and there is mention of Ace x Luffy.
Continues off of, and should be read after:
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 1
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 2
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 3
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 4
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 5
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 6
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 7
What are her 3 sizes?
(For the wedding dress, of course.)
"The fuck! Like I'd tell you!" Thatch roars, startling the blue gull into momentarily leaping off the rail, before it circles back, landing again to peck at his  sleeve to express its displeasure. Thatch ignores it, because he's fuming.
So apparently all of his and Koala's secret debates over whether Marco intentionally proposed or not were for naught, because here's the fucking evidence. And it comes from Izo of all people, because Thatch would recognize that lopsided handwriting anywhere (the man insists that his handwriting is beautiful in his native language of Wano, but he never quite got used to writing any other way).
And well, if Izo, an unrelated third party but professional snooper knows, then Marco himself must know.
And apparently, they're already planning a wedding.
Thatch feels like an idiot. He'd been defending Marco against Koala, and the lil Revolutionary was a tough opponent, one he'd had to chase out of the kitchen with a ladle more than once when he was tired of her word games. Thatch had insisted, like a fool, that no Marco's not that kind of guy, he really isn't the type to play with people's emotions, he would never propose for a joke, nor would he do it seriously without good reason. It must all be an accident, a little misunderstanding, Marco was just ignorant like Thatch himself was!
Except, apparently he did know and it wasn't an accident, and now Thatch feels completely lost because he doesn't know what Marco's thinking at all. Marco, who's not just his his first friend on the Moby, but arguably his best friend; Marco, his brother over several decades; Marco, who Thatch thought he knew better than anyone, except perhaps Pops himself...
Thatch's also pissed, because if Marco wants to start drama after they all reunite and he's introduced to Luffy, that's one thing (not that that would be great either). But right now, they're still near the beginning of Paradise with almost half the circumference of the world to go until even the halfway point, and Marco is WAY on the other side of the Red Line. If this ship explodes in flames or whatever that batshit Revolutionary brother might do, Mister First Division Commander is completely unaffected, but there are plenty of innocents here (like hello! Thatch!) who would find that pretty devastating.
Also, Thatch was the one who passed on that gift to Luffy! Even if he didn't know what it meant at the time...doesn't that make Thatch complicit? And even if not, Marco's strongest connection here is clearly Thatch. If Marco's actions cause chaos, then the blame and responsibility to clean up the mess naturally falls upon Thatch. Which, he definitely did not sign up for.
Pops, Thatch thinks miserably, I thought I was supposed to show them they can depend on us Whitebeards, NOT that us Whitebeards will fuck shit up for them...
But more than anything, there's a shocking large part of Thatch that absolutely balks at just the idea of Luffy getting married. And it's shocking because Thatch shouldn't feel this upset.
Marco, for all the complaints Thatch wants to hurl at him at the moment, is still a really great guy. A guy who, in literally any other situation, Thatch would be the first in line to enthusiastically encourage, and also to congratulate.
And sure, Thatch knows he has a crush, and his little Seastar's carving out a larger home for herself in his heart by the day, but--Thatch admittedly has crushes a lot. Sure, this one feels different, but...Marco, to his knowledge, has never had a romantic crush. He only sometimes but very rarely even has a night out, and Thatch doesn't think he's ever held a relationship longer than three encounters. He's always so serious, so diligent, so sincerely and whole-heartedly dedicated to Pops and his family. He almost never does anything selfish for himself, and Thatch would know.
If, for whatever reason, Marco is genuinely serious about Luffy...then Thatch should, and would, step to the side, regardless of personal feelings. If this is the path Marco wants, then he deserves it, and Thatch will always be the first to say it, no matter how craptastic the circumstances. And Thatch knows that Marco would give his bride the world.
Without them even having met, Thatch doesn't doubt for a second that Marco would make Luffy happy, till the end of her days.
The fact that Thatch knows all this, yet still feels near unbearable reluctance...says more than he's willing to admit.
And so he decides to avoid thinking about the most obvious reason (his own feelings), and instead contemplates his second very compelling reason: Ace.
His littlest brother isn't so great at being honest with himself, and never has. But this, Thatch feels, isn't just a matter of denial.
The boy literally has no clue.
Oh sure, Ace knows he loves his little brother. He makes sure everyone else knows it too, both here on the Merry and back on the Moby once he opened up enough to talk to people. He's so damn proud of her, yet also concerned for her, while also trusting her with his life and more. It's clear to anyone who sees them together that he absolutely adores her.
But it's more than that, isn't it, Thatch thinks. It's in the little gestures, the way Ace raises his arm up without looking at her and she slides under it, also without needing to look at him. It's the casual way they lace their fingers together, like it's nothing, when they're snoozing out on the deck. It's the way sometimes they have unspoken conversations, just staring into each others eyes, before moving forward in synch to meet in the middle to bump their foreheads together in some secret mutual understanding.
It's the reason why Sanji, for all his extravagant flirting, knows when to shut up and return to being a normal human (and, Thatch grudgingly admits, this applies to himself too). It's why Zoro never lets his gaze linger more than two seconds longer than it needs to (but he'll always take those two seconds), why Nami always looks like she wants to sit closer but doesn't, why Koala hasn't said anything when she's probably usually a much more proactive flirter.
Everyone on their crew can see it, except the two in question.
Ace, Thatch thinks, heaving a huge sigh as he looks down at the crumpled note from Izo in his palm. Little brother, you are so fucking in love.
It might not necessarily be romantically. It's certainly not particularly sexually, if Ace's lack of reaction to Lu's aggressive physical smothering is any indication. It could very possibly be platonically.
But either way, there's no room for Sanji, nor Zoro, nor the girls, nor even Thatch himself...at least, until those two figure that out.
Until then, everyone aboard the Merry is here because they love and respect their captains. No one would dare encroach on something so special, yet so potentially immature, not yet ready to be dragged out to be recognized.
Thatch knows Ace has known Luffy for years, he practically raised her. But he was also away at sea for three years. Luffy was a child when he left; she's an adult now.
Thatch once asked him if she had changed at all since he last saw her (Ace most certainly had, according to Deuce). And Ace looked blank, then horribly confused, before saying No...but also, yeah, I guess. Thatch understands; Ace isn't used to not knowing something about Luffy. And something...something had changed.
That something might very well be the thing that needs to be figured out. And for that, Ace hasn't had much time yet, since reuniting with Luffy. Only as much time as the rest of them, in fact. And they deserve time to figure that out, and as the two captains' loving crew, the ASL pirates have an unsaid agreement to watch over them...at least until they have.
(After that, Thatch thinks grimly, it might be open game.)
But of course, there's also the question of Luffy herself, and as much as she's the heart of the ASL Pirates, she's also an enigma. Thatch, for all that he adores her and honestly wants more with her, genuinely has a hard time imagining her as anything but clueless as someone's romantic partner (he's carefully not thinking about anything sexual). It very well may be that the whole "figuring out" that she and Ace have to do...ends up being nothing. And that's fine as well.
Either way, as much as Thatch loves him, there's no way that any of them here on board the Merry will stand to let Marco shatter this delicate...whatever it is that's going on between their captains, that the rest of them are so patiently respecting. Even if it ends up continuing indefinitely.
As strained as it can feel at times, they're comfortable like this. There's the little spark of joy when Seastar gives him a little extra attention, a little burn when Sanji kisses her hand, but comfort in the stability that no one will go any further. If anything it's a nice little spice to their daily lives, just the right amount, and not enough ruin the dish so to speak. This is fine.
Except, that there's just one teeny little problem...
"What did the blue gull bring you today, Commander?"
Thatch doesn't jump, because he's not an amateur and did realize that the Revolutionary was approaching, but perhaps later than he should have. Damn the kid's good at hiding his presence, and Thatch wonders if he'd have noticed at all if Sabo was being serious.
"Just a stupid request from a stupid brother," Thatch says cheerfully as he turns around to face Sabo. The boy isn't even trying to hide his curiosity, his gaze pinned to Thatch's hand.
Thatch contemplates chucking the letter into the sea, but then he realizes he isn't sure Sabo wouldn't just dive after it, and as a devil fruit user, Thatch wouldn't be able to stop him from reading it underwater.
So he casually uncurls his fingers, watches Sabo visibly perk up--before Thatch opens a black hole in his palm, letting the crumpled paper get sucked into the void.
(Perhaps he should be using his power as more than a secure second dimension pocket expansion, but hey, so far it hasn't been so helpful in the kitchen.)
Sabo sags and sulks, rather cutely, Thatch thinks. "You coulda let me see it," he pouts, looking up at Thatch with an expression uncannily like Luffy's. Fuck.
"Collecting intel, Chief?" Thatch winks, expertly hiding his horror that for a moment, he'd actually been tempted. Little sneak.
"Perhaps." Something slightly manic enters his gaze, and alright, that's nothing like Seastar, not so cute after all...
"Nice try, but it's a personal family thing, can't really share," Thatch says, and it's not really a lie.
Sabo grunts, letting it go, before his gaze flicks to the gull, who still has a beakful of Thatch's sleeve. "It waiting for something?"
Thatch sighs. "Yeah, yeah, my response, which I should probably give..." Because, right, Thatch needs to send a message back to the Moby, even if no, he isn't going to answer Izo's idiotic question.
Which, is actually a fine excuse to extract himself from this situation.
"So, sorry, the response also is personal, hope you don't mind," Thatch nods, and Sabo easily opens the way for him--which, Thatch belatedly realizes, he'd actually been blocking. Scary, little Chief, scary...
"Sorry, didn't mean to pry." Sabo sounds genuinely apologetic, and tips his hat at Thatch as he passes by, and Thatch inwardly heaves a massive sigh of relief. "I'm working on it, but I know I can get a little...pushy, when it comes to things that involve my baby brother."
Thatch continues to walk away.
But inside...
Oh. Yikes, he thinks.
Thatch is in the privacy of the currently empty men's sleeping room beneath the deck, and has just finished writing and giving instructions and bribes to the gull when the hatch creaks open.
"Thatch, we're in trouble," Koala announces as she stomps down the stairs, making her sneaky opening of the door rather pointless.
"I noticed," Thatch says dryly.
Koala pales. "He didn't break any of your toes, did he?!"
"Well, you're a cook, you make food Luffy likes with your hands," Koala shrugs. "Just wanted to make sure."
"What the fuck."
"I don't think he will! You're Luffy and Ace's crew, and you're a Whitebeard pirate, but..."
Thatch groans. "I already thought your Chief might be trouble, but holy shit I didn't know he was that batshit."
"He might not be!" Koala sounds defensive, but it's not particularly comforting. "He's usually reasonable, kind of, but since his memories came back..."
Thatch throws up his arms. "So, how'd he get it out of you?"
Koala flushes. "I didn't say anything!"
"It's not my fault that Sabo's a damn--!"
There's a loud knock, before the hatch flings open, and Ace pops his head in. "Hey Thatch! What's for snack--"
"NOT AGAIN!" Koala cries.
At the same time, Thatch shouts, "IN A SECOND!"
Either way, the hatch slams shut with a, "SORRY!"
Thatch and Koala stare at each other with their hearts beating uncomfortably rapidly.
They slowly heave a slow sigh of relief as the tension drains.
"I really need to apologize to Ace," Thatch mutters.
"I really need to work on my Observation Haki," Koala groans.
"HEY THATCH, I WANT A SNACK," Luffy shouts, and Thatch and Koala's heads whip around in horror, only to sag with relief at seeing that Luffy's not in the room, but only for a second--
--because after that second, a mermaid's crashing through the hatch, ripping it from its hinges as she slams, hatch and all, into Thatch's chest.
The room fills with dust and debris, and there are shouts outside.
Koala gingerly peers into the wreckage where Thatch is now buried in the wall, a terrified blue gull  perched on her shoulders peering alongside her, its claws digging through the fabric of her shirt.
"We're fine," Thatch coughs, peering down to make sure he'd successfully caught and shielded Luffy from damage, even as he peels himself from the wood. Luffy seems unharmed, though her eyes are wide; she clearly hadn't expected to do quite this much.
"...Armament?" Koala asks, noticing how the back of Thatch's hair is black from where it's fanned around him.
"Armament," Thatch agrees, keeping the entire back of his body coated until he's safely pulled himself and Luffy, still in his arms, away from any sharp wood.
"Sorry, Thatch," Luffy says, not particularly apologetic, if anything sort of curious. She peels herself back from his chest, scritching her cheek while looking down at what was once the hatch to the mens room that had shattered between them. She then reaches back to tug at Thatch's black locks, and oohs when they fade back to auburn.
"No worries, just make sure to make it up to Deuce and Usopp when they have to fix this," Thatch sighs, before grinning, letting his arms fall away from Luffy once he knows she has a secure grip on his shoulders. He then begins carding his fingers through her hair to make sure no splinters got in, and likewise dusting off the front of her vest, taking care not to let his touch linger. Luffy nods frantic agreement, more like rubs her head into his palm, and Thatch feels his heart skip a beat.
Koala sighs.
"Hey Thatch, what's this?"
Thatch blinks, then inwardly curses.
Luffy's holding Izo's crumpled piece of paper. His control of his power's still shoddy, and it must have accidentally spat it back out in the commotion.
Please, don't be able to read that, he prays. He luckily doesn't have much confidence in Luffy's reading abilities.
"It says 'what are her three sizes.' What are those?"
In the background, Koala slowly raises her fist.
A few days later, Marco's scouting when a blue gull rapidly approaches him.
Delivery! it squawks. Delivery for you, Boss, and don't show Izo! Don't show Izo! Don't show Izo or the bread man will be mad!
Thank you, noted, friend, Marco responds, and catches the note from Thatch in mid air.
The gull trills acknowledgement, then wheels away to rejoin its brethren, while Marco changes course for the nearest island, a safe forest haven in Pops's territory, still a ways away from the Moby. It's uninhabited, save for the wildlife, and it would be good to land once before returning home anyway.
Marco lands lightly on the tallest and oldest tree on the island, from where he can survey the island of pure greenery, and the endless blue stretching beyond. The branch he's chosen looks deceptively thin, but he already knows it can support his human weight, which is why he shifts, passing the note from his claw to his hand before completing his transformation.
Marco frowns. The other Commanders (and to be honest, the entire crew) have been acting a bit strange recently, but for Thatch, who isn't even on board with them, to also be in on it...
True, this may or may not be related to that at all. But still.
Marco feels like he's missing something.
Marco, Thatch's message starts, and Marco already knows it's going to be serious because it didn't start with a jibe at his appearance.
Marco, I think I'm actually serious about her. Thoughts, brother?
Her, meaning the Ace's little brother, the mermaid girl.
If Marco remembers correctly, in Thatch's first note back to him, he'd written, She's stolen my heart, I think I want to marry her.
Marco had assumed Thatch was joking at the time, or just light-heartedly flirting, as he always did. Marco's used to hearing Thatch spew these kinds of words, and he'd taken it to mean that the girl's exceptionally Thatch's type, but hadn't thought further.
The words had made him remember a little trinket he'd had stored in a chest at the back of his closet, one he'd received from an elderly couple on Fishman Island around two decades ago...
But that's not important now, Marco thinks, focussing on Thatch's message.
In all his years of flings and casual relationships and jokingly asking ladies (and some gents) Won't you marry me...Thatch has not once asked for Marco's opinion. He's certainly had plenty of opinions himself about whether someone would be a potential good match for Marco, which Marco always ignored. But Thatch has never asked Marco about matches for himself.
Thatch really is serious.
Marco finds himself slowly smiling. "Finally, you sap," he murmurs, though no one hears him but the other birds in the trees around him.
He knows he ought to think more about what to say, but the answer is so obvious that Marco takes Thatch's note, and carefully tears the paper so that his brother's words aren't damaged. Gently tucking Thatch's note into his pocket, Marco pulls out a pen for the remaining small blank strip of paper.
Shortly afterwards, two birds depart from the island, in opposite directions: one, a phoenix, wings burning cyan against the clear skies, and the other, a blue gull headed to Paradise.
Part 9, things start Moving as Sabo confronts Ace.
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! And again, please do let me know if you actually like reading the story here on tumblr or not >.<;
As always, any comments are immensely appreciated and help motivate me to create more for this AU! ;A;
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
~This ask has been added to the Mermaid AU Text Headcanons Compilation post~
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tarredion · 4 years
2020 fic roundup
hiii! i was going to do this earlier but,, um,, i posted three fics in the final two hours of 2020 year (for me) so :D here is finally my fic roundup - in order from newest to oldest
i’ll be using the original summaries, wordcounts n ratings etc, some of the tags, link to the tumblr post and the ao3 link, and maybe add a note or two if i feel that’s not enough
this’ll be a long post so read below the cut 
(or go directly to my ao3 here especially in case you don’t want spoilers)
Fireworks up above
g, 341
NYE, established relationship, husbands, tooth-rotting fluff, kissing
Husbands Dan and Phil and their placeholder-apartment share a final NYE moment (aka 2020 NYE)
ao3 // tumblr
Quiet morning
g, 304
tooth-rotting fluff, lazy mornings, sleepy cuddles, established relationship, husbands, forever home
Dan wakes up in the forever home, Phil breathing softly next to him…
ao3 // tumblr
Shadows / nocturne / parting clouds
g, 2.7k
hurt/comfort, migraine, arguing, angst with a fluffy ending, established relationship, ii tour fic, alternating and outsider pov
Phil wakes up with a migraine, causing him to snap at Dan. Throughout the day, while visiting a city for the ii tour, Cornelia observes the tension, and eventually, the two of them console
ao3 // tumblr
A tub fit for two
t, 853
dnp, forever home, established relationship, husbands, fluff, bathing/washing, and more
there are certain perks that come with building your own (forever) house
ao3 // tumblr
m, 1.6k
texting, established relationship, food, domestic fluff, very light angst, sexual content
excerpts of dan and phil’s texts throughout the years
ao3 // tumblr
At the turn of a page
g, 1.2k
liveshow, 2020-ish, fluff, established relationship, forever home
Phil’s had his reasons for not continuing liveshows during lockdown, but they’re ready for a comeback—a domestic one, at that
ao3 // tumblr
Prickle on the skin, ache in the heart
t, 1.4k
2014, closeted relationship, bbc party, alcohol, vomiting, self confidence issues, jealousy, angst then fluff, happy ending
phil smiles wider, brighter. every day. every day, dan falls in love again. he can’t help but be a little jealous, not being able to say
ao3 // tumblr
It’s home
t, 2.2k
au ice-cream parlor, established relationship, pure fluff, slice of life
A day in the life of Dan and his smitten ice-cream vendor boyfriend Phil, living on the coast of Connemara, Ireland
ao3 // tumblr
Whisper of the heart
g, 976
established relationship, headaches & migraines, hurt/comfort, fluff, piano
Phil has a headache. Dan plays the piano and comforts him.
ao3 // tumblr
Slice of cake
e, 2.7k
established relationship, bday sex, 2016, face-sitting, rimming
Dan’s promised to celebrate Phil with nothing but the best this year.
Naturally, he buys himself a new skirt - but it’s not just to wear.
ao3 // tumblr
Supple thirty-two
this is a chaptered wip !! it’ll continue in 2021 (the update note is currently inaccurate)
t, 4k so far
slow burn, friends to lovers, love letters, secret admirer, fluff and angst, internalized homophobia, outing, coming out, queer themes, happy ending
A secret admirer sends flowers and letters to Dan over the years
ao3 // tumblr
g, 1k
2009, comfort/angst, sad but sweet, sleepy cuddles, separation anxiety
Phil doesn’t want Dan to go home. Dan agrees. Quite strongly, actually.
Feeling properly loved for the first time causes serious separation anxiety.
ao3 // tumblr
I’d marry you (with paper rings)
m, 4k
established relationship, fluff, domestic, proposal, sexual content
Maybe learning calligraphy was of greater importance to Phil, and them, than Dan first thought
ao3 // tumblr
Blue can be kind, too
this is my favourite fic of the ones i’ve written !! so far. it’s from the pov of kid dan so very tender and mostly very childish / undeveloped in the language, as if actually told from his brain (even though it’s third person)
g, 4k
kid!fic, dan and phil are kids, kindergarten, developing friendship, past violence and bullying, referenced homophobia, fluff and angst, sad and happy, happy ending
A tale of being scared, starting fresh, and making your first ever friends after experiencing violent bullying.
Or rather, four-year-old Dan’s first day at his new kindergarten.
ao3 // tumblr
e, 4k
established relationship, spanking, daddy kink, oral, aftercare
Phil’s trying to work; Dan’s being a brat. Things get heated, but not in a bad way.
ao3 // tumblr
The brightest shade of sun (I had ever seen)
g, 3.9k
friends to lovers, getting together, only one bed
one dawn on the isle of man can be enough to unite two craving hearts, even if a lot of heartbreaking thoughts are revealed along the way
ao3 // tumblr
Tracing constellations
t, 1.3k
established relationship, sleepy cuddles, fluff, banter, kissing
Two 6-foot men cuddling in a single armchair doesn’t sound like a good idea.
It isn’t, but dan and phil do almost anything for intimacy…
ao3 // tumblr
Between the seams
g, 999
established relationship, cuddling, fluff, fear, hurt/comfort
Bone-tired lovers meet thundering downpour, rediscovering the best way to confront fear in the meantime
ao3 // tumblr
Fjäll med stjärnor
this one is also a chaptered wip !! it’ll also be continuing in 2021, and probably beyond bcs it might be even longer than that
g, 9k so far
fantasy, magic, kinda historical fantasy, dan’s a dragon, and Phil’s human (at first), strangers to friends to lovers (eventually), fluff and angst, lots of descriptions
a human’s and a dragon’s paths crossing is unusual, but in this case it was in alignment with the stars and a decision as old as time itself  
ao3 // tumblr
It’s not a date?
chaptered wip to continue into 2021 too
t, 4.6k so far
there’s only one bed, bodyswap, didn’t know they were dating, friends to lovers, getting together, idiots in love, tatinof
On one hand, it should all go flawlessly. When Phil goes on tour with his boyfriend of six years, Dan, he books them rooms with only one bed. He’s not deterred by their quiet and nonsexual (monogamous) lovelife. They do things ‘normal’ couples do, just maybe not as often or intimately. He supposes Dan’s just taking it slow, trying to come to terms with his sexuality and so on. It’s okay.
On the other… Dan doesn’t know they are dating. He has a longtime crush on Phil that he thinks is unrequited, despite their mutual rather romantic and domestic behavior.
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g, 3.5k
tooth-rotting fluff, dog owners/dads, dog wedding, established relationship, alternate universe - different first meeting, howells and lesters
Dog dads Dan and Phil marry their dogs, in preparation for their own big day
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The maestro and his muse
chaptered but completed!
e, 5.5k
friends to lovers, mutual pining, body painting, teasing, sexual content
Phil is a professional artist. He’s always wanted to try body painting, and now he gets to, for a naked photoshoot. Unfortunately, his good friend, muse, and crush Dan Howell is his model of choice. What could go wrong?
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Lightyear groovin’
t, 4.6k
star wars setting,  dj Phil, waiter Dan, mutual pining, friends to lovers
In a galaxy far, far away, there’s an abundance of 70s clubs. On Krithoo, local party freak Dan Howell works as a waiter at an often overcrowded cantina, Virgo Volans. And maybe, just maybe, he has an infatuation with the extraterrestrial dj frequenting their stage…
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A theism in evolution
g, 5.9k
gods au, enemies to friends to lovers, getting together, fluff and angst, emotional h/c, written entirely in letters, 1st person pov
The sungod, Phil, sends letters to Mother Gaia. He puts all his worries into words… even when he himself can’t see right through them
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Little comfort card
g, 932
separation anxiety, established relationship, business trip, vidcon, fluff and angst, homesickness, comfort, post-coming out videos
Phil goes to VidCon alone. Cue separation anxiety, something Dan seems to have accounted for..
"The whole room felt too airy, and lacked that simple, aesthetic Dan-touch. It wasn’t quite home, so to speak."
Your hoodies (come wrapped around me)
g, 869
york hoodie, clothes sharing, fluff, moving, house cleaning
Unpacking for their move into bigger quarters, Dan finds an ancient treasure in the back of their conjoined closet.
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g, 996
barista dan, youtuber phil, fanboy dan, crushes, getting together, strangers to lovers
Dan might meet his best customer at the end of his worst day, and get a little more
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Rainbow, proud
g, 513
post-coming out videos, established relationship, domestic boyfriends, fluff, shopping
Phil really wants the corgi shirt, but Dan thinks he has enough already
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A prickly considerate gift
it’s the piranha plant bouquet !!
g, 1k
2014, established relationship, Valentines day fluff, gift giving, flowers and language of flowers, brief depression mention, domestic fluff, nerdiness
Phil finds a substitute for real Valentine’s day flowers
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Cherish the smile
g, 783
husbands, honeymoon, established relationship, fluff
Phil wakes on the first morning of their honeymoon; a new day to cherish Dan’s gorgeous, excited, smile
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t, 3k
strangers to lovers, enemies to lovers sort of, getting together, angst with a happy ending, co-workers, non-youtuber au, and lots of other tags lmao
Prompt: Dan and Phil meet while candle shopping and one of them can't help but comment on how obnoxious/boring/etc the scents the other one is picking out are the time Phil met a totally-not-handsome stranger and only sort-of wished they'd never meet again. Tough luck?
The lovers (VI)
chaptered, completed !
m, 31k
friends to lovers, magical realism au, lots of angst but also fluff, happy ending (more important tags on ao3)
Dan, guardian of the forest, feels inadequate to love and of love. His best friend Phil loves him despite that.. but doesn’t know quite what to do when Dan becomes a hypocrite- playing with both their feelings
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Colour me rosé
another chaptered wip !! though this one may not be finished in 2021, because i have so much on my plate then - enjoy what’s here though !
m, 13k so far
sugar daddy Phil, sugar baby Dan, phil is rich, eventually domestic, strangers to lovers, developing relationship and friendship, sexual content, fluff, a little angst, and like a lot lot more tags
nineteen-year-old Dan Howell is looking for a sugar daddy to help him achieve the dream of luxury and romantic affirmations. Phil Lester, newly 24 and very rich, is searching for a romantic and sexual relationship. When stumbling upon the other on the internet, similar interests and all, have they found their match?
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Archaic Allure (sonnet)
so as it turns out, writing a fic idea can really help you out with your grade (and yes, this is actually a sonnet)
g, 104
poetry, reminiscing, fluff, Dan’s pov
Dan reminisces his love for Phil - sonnet version
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Something in your name
t, 3.2k
implied sexual content, fanfic about fanfic, emotional hurt/comfort, separation anxiety, established relationship; and more
phil reads a y/n fic ; guess who wrote it
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Ellie enchanted
g, 986
fluff and angst, happy ending, parent!phan, new child, adoption, established relationship, self-doubt, implied homophobia 
Dan and Phil pick up their adopted child
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Chocolate swirls
g, 3.3k
parent!phan, snapshots, bday surprises, baking, fluff and angst, cake
Dan tries to surprise Phil for his 33rd. He fails, as humans do, but ten years later he has luckily got two adorable little helpers at his side. And maybe that makes everything just a little better.
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Dan or Da?
on ao3 this fic is just called Da, so beware of that
t, 9k
parent!phan, friends to lovers, pretend relationship (not what you think), misunderstanding, getting together, implied sexual content, marriage, canon divergence, pov alternating
One day can change your life forever. For Phil, his daughter Mel, and Dan, who’d have guessed that day would be one when all they’ve planned is doing ordinary shopping together.
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and that’s it!! thank you for reading this sweetums, and be sure to check out any of the fics
25 notes · View notes
vintage-squid · 5 years
The Fruits of Love
Summary: "When we first met, you thought I was a pompous airhead and I thought you were nothing short of insufferable. If anyone had told me then I would one day spend my mornings waking up in your arms and kissing your illegally handsome face, I’d have told them to take a long walk off a short pier." Logan can't believe the wedding is finally happening, but even his nerves can't stop him from marrying the prince of his dreams.
Pairings: Logan/Roman, brotherly Virgil/Logan, background Virgil/Deceit/Patton
Rating: G Warnings: a whole heckin lotta fluff  On AO3
I realized I never posted this to tumblr lol, so here yall go 
Logan exhaled deep and slow as he took one final look at himself in the full-length mirror. He smoothed his hands over the skirt of his dress, trying to focus on the sensation of smooth silk and textured ruffle rather than the clammy chill that had settled into his palms. The layers over his hips accented his low curves, holding him in an embrace as comforting as his fiance did each night. There was not a crinkle to be found in the fabric, nor a hair out of place from his wavy curls, and yet he felt as disheveled as the dressing room around him, which had been cleared of his half of their wedding party only moments before as they scrambled to get the finishing touches of their outfits in order before the ceremony.
Now, the groom-to-be was alone with his thoughts and a raising heart rate. He could do this, there was no reason for the flush of nervousness that sent a cool tingly sensation to the tips of his manicured fingers and toes (styled like miniature galaxies, of course, his brother was an exceptional artist, even with nail polish). There were less people out there than in any of his lectures, and all of the audience would be close friends and family, and yet...and yet…
He startled when someone softly knocked on the door, looking over his shoulder to see his brother, and best man, peeking in.
“You almost ready?” Virgil asked, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. With what was likely a pitiful expression, Logan turned and reached for his older brother. Virgil didn’t hesitate to step closer, gathering him close. He cupped Logan’s face, smoothing his thumbs over his brother’s cheeks and drawing him close to touch their foreheads together. “Hey, it’s gonna be okay, LB. The love of your life is waiting for you out there, annoying as ever, but looking damn good too. Just don’t tell him I said that, or I’ll never hear the end of it.”
Logan huffed a small laugh, both at Virgil’s never-ending rivalry with his fiance, and the childhood nickname he would never shake - not that he wanted to. LB. Logan Baras. Little Brother. Logan Berries. Lotsa Binch. Really, it was getting ridiculous at this point, but it was an in-joke that had been evolving since they were in grade school. It was also part of the reason why Logan had asked to keep his last name, or hyphenate the two, after the wedding; he couldn’t bear to part with such an ingrained part of himself. Thankfully, Baras-Sanders rolled off the tongue quite nicely, in his opinion.
He raised his hands, mirroring his elder brother’s position to cradle Virgil’s face in turn. “I swear that will remain between you and I, else I will never hear the end of his gloating over your compliment either.” The pair chuckled before Logan trailed off with a sigh. “I .. I am…” A second shaky exhale. “I’m anxious, VB.” Virgil Baras. Very (Big) Brother. Vigilant Bro-tector. Vain Bastard. An eye for an eye, as they say. “I know our friends and family support our relationship, but many of them are unaware that I will be wearing a dress and make-up! Not to mention how unorthodox our choice of venue is - I can’t believe I let him talk me into hosting our wedding at his theater, and -”
“Hey!” Virgil’s low voice cut him off with a small shake of his head. “Hey... it’s my job to be the worry-wart here, remember? Deep breaths, okay? And stop chewing on your lip! Do you know how long it took me to get that ombre just right?”
Logan rolled his eyes, but obliged; he really didn’t want to sit through another session of his brother’s perfectionist fussing.
“Now, you look fucking amazing. Like damn gurl, slay it.” Virgil’s deadpanned drawl in a mockery of their mutual friend, Remy, had Logan snorting a giggle. “But seriously, LB, I can promise you that everyone out there is going to be stunned at how gorgeous this dress is, and how radiant you are… and no one more than that idiot you fell in love with. You’re gonna walk out there, and Za is gonna be with you to walk you down the aisle, and mom will be crying, and I’m gonna waiting on stage too, but you’re only gonna have eyes for the man you are marrying today.”
With a shaky smile and watery eyes, Logan lunged forward to wrap is older brother in a tight hug, burying his face into the crook of the other’s shoulder. “The proper pronunciation is ‘going to’, and I love you so goddamn much, VB.” Pulling back, he cycled a deep breath, and squeezed Virgil’s upper arms gently. “Thank you. Now, I believe we have a wedding to attend.”
Walking out of the dressing room arm-in-arm, the brothers snuck around the side doors so they could enter the theatre from the foyer with the rest of the wedding party. The assorted group of groomsmen, groomsladies, and friends of honour turned as they approached, the other best man breaking away to sweep Logan into a hug.
“Oh Lolo! You look stunning!” Patton pulled back, stars in his eyes as he looked over the whorls of colour covering the ballgown-style dress. “Wow…. This dress is absolutely perfect on you! And it matches your pretty make-up! Oh!! This is so wonderful!!” He fanned his face, trying to hold back the tears that were already threatening to fall. “I can’t believe you two are finally getting married!”
A blush graced Logan’s cheeks with a soft smile. “I cannot either; it feels like a dream come true.”
“Speaking of the wedding - we really need to get that started here, people!” A voice cut in, drawing the group’s attention to the ring-and-flower bearer of the ceremony. Denali approached the trio, slipping their hands into both Virgil and Patton’s. Their outfit was a delightful mix of both their genders: the tighter bodice giving way to a flared coattail-skirt with striped pants matched well with their colourful make-up - done on only one half of their face. The ensemble was completed with a wide-brimmed hat topped with an extravagantly flowing feather. “I love that you’re all being cutesy over here, I really do, but I don’t want to have to listen to Roman whine later that we left him standing at the altar. So-” They raised their voice, addressing the wedding party as a whole. “I need everyone to buddy up and line up! We have some gay nerds who need to get married!”
With a wave to cue the sound operator, the music began. A chuckle rippled through the crowd as they recognized the entrance music as a slowed version of the Lord of the Rings’ iconic theme. Virgil and Patton grinned at one another and planted a kiss on both of Denali’s cheeks simultaneously before linking arms and striding into the theater. Two by two, the rest of the wedding party followed, walking down the center aisle through the audience, and parting at the stage to walk up the stairs on each side. Their lines met once more to either side of Roman and the officiant, an array of suits and dresses in colours accenting the grooms’. Denali completed the proceeding on his own, tossing flower petals with a flourish so grand one would almost believe this was their wedding.
Then, the room faded into silence, and, as the opening notes of the original 1963 Doctor Who opening theme (stylized for a wedding procession, of course) played out, Logan rounded the corner. Arm linked with his Za, and a bouquet accented with peacock feathers held in his other hand, the groom looked ethereal in the spotlight. The blues and greys of his dress and make-up sparkled as he made his way past the most important people in his and Roman’s life, and if he had been able to look away from Roman’s eyes for a moment, he would have seen only love and awe radiating back from them.
Logan hugged his Za tightly as they stopped in front of the stage, smiling with tears in his eyes as his beloved parent tipped his head down to kiss his forehead. When Roman stepped down the stairs at center stage, his burgundy suit and silver filigree circlet lending him the regal air of royalty he had always hoped to achieve, his soon-to-be Za-in-law pulled him into a hug too. Ze guided the grooms’ hands together, squeezing them gently with a smile, and stepped back to sit with zir wife to watch as they officially welcomed another son into their lives.
Ever the gentleman, Roman helped his beloved up the steps, ensuring the skirt of his dress didn’t get caught under the practical blue flats Logan had chosen to wear. Thankfully, there was no train to wrangle, as it was an excess of fabric that Logan had no desire to waste or trip over. As they took their places, Virgil stepped forward to take the bouquet, letting the grooms hold both hands with matching smiles.
Clearing his throat, the officiant - and theater owner, and close friend of Roman’s - Thomas, began the ceremony.
“Mawage.” A smirk was tugging at his lips as both grooms’ jaws dropped. “Mawage is wot bwings us togeder today. Mawage, that bwessed awangement, that dweam wifin a dweam…” Slowly, Logan began to grin, Roman already biting his lip to muffle his giggles. “And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva..” Of course Thomas had chosen to quote the movie they had watched together on their first date. “So tweasure your wuv.”
The entire wedding party was giggling now, as well as a fair number in the audience. Thomas, looking far too pleased with himself, continued in his normal, exuberant tone. “I truly believe the pair standing before us today not only each embody the beautiful magic that blossoms in the heart when one has found true love, but they choose each and every day to work together to care for those precious gardens. They shared carefully tended clippings made from their vulnerabilities and strengths, their fears and their trust, and lovingly incorporated these parts of their partner into their hearts. At times, yes, there were weeds which needed to be pulled. Some just needed to be identified to deal with, while others required both of them pulling with all their might to remove. Those deep roots could have left holes in their gardens, but instead, our handsome grooms chose to fill in the spaces so new seedlings could begin to grow. The literal fruits of their labour have culminated here today, as they promise themselves to one another for the rest of their lives.”
Smiling widely, Thomas retrieved a ring box from the pocket of his suit and held it out. “Roman, I can tell you are absolutely bursting with the need to profess your love right now. We’ll let you say your vows first then.” A laugh rippled through the crowd, Logan snickering too as his betrothed shrugged with a sheepish smile but did not deny the claim.
With his fingers cupped under Logan’s, cradling and supporting them, Roman held up their joined hands and kissed his knuckles. “Hey nerd,” he began, drawing another laugh from their friends and family, and a smiling eye-roll from his beloved. “I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to be the one standing up here with you today. When we first met, you thought I was a pompous airhead and I thought you were nothing short of insufferable. If anyone had told me then I would one day spend my mornings waking up in your arms and kissing your illegally handsome face, I’d have told them to take a long walk off a short pier. But, by Julie Andrews, here we are, and I couldn’t imagine my life without you by my side. You are my greatest joy, my strongest support, and my deepest love. I swear, with every fibre of my being, I will spend everyday striving to be the same for you. I swear to care for you through the good and the bad, to celebrate your victories like they were my own, and to provide for you safety from the noise of the world when all you need is someone on your side. I love you, Logan, this I swear to you.”
Delicately plucking a ring from its satin cushion in the box, Roman cradled Logan’s hand and slipped the band over his left finger. The silver band was inset with three small red stones set on a diagonal, mimicking Orion’s belt - the only constellation Roman could confidently identify for years, frequently and loudly, much to their joined amusement. Woven through the gemstones was a simple silver filigree, and all of which perfectly complemented the engagement ring already at home on Logan’s finger.
If at all possible, Thomas was smiling wider, eyes damp. “Logan? It’s your turn.”
With a sniffle, Logan looked from the wedding band up into the eyes of his love, determined to make it through the ceremony without ruining his make-up. Tenderly, he shifted Roman’s hands so both cradled Logan’s left, around his rings, around their promise. Right hand freed, Logan reached up to cradle Roman’s cheek and smooth his thumb over those sharp cheekbones, accented today with a glittering highlight.
“Roman,” he began, voice a little strained with emotion. “Gods above, Ro, only you and that ridiculously handsome smile of yours could make me forget every carefully planned out word I wanted to say.” The couple shared a chuckle, Roman’s hands tightening briefly around his. “You are every bit the royalty you claim to be. Even now, I cannot recall which one of us began to pursue the other, but I will surely never forget how patient you have been with me through every step of our relationship. Not once have you ever asked more from me than I was willing to share, and nor did you get angry or leave when I requested we slow down because I was scared of how quickly I found myself falling for you. I used to relish in my solitude, in the silence of my own company, but somehow you managed to worm your stubborn way over my walls. You have become a vital part of my life, and I find it unnervingly quiet when you are not around. I cannot even enjoy star-gazing alone anymore! Roman, I need you to know, I would never have it any other way. I swear to care for you through the good and the bad, to celebrate your victories like they were my own, and to provide for you safety from the noise of the world when all you need is someone on your side. I love you, Roman, you truly are the prince of my dreams.”
There was not a dry eye in the theater as Logan retrieved the matching ring to his own from the box and slid it delicately onto Roman’s finger. The equally silver band sat alongside Roman’s engagement ring like it were expressly created to be there. The filigree crept around another trio of gemstones in the same position as Logan’s, though these were coloured a deep blue.
Clutching a hand to his heart, Thomas wiped the tears from his eye. “Roman James Sanders, do you take Logan to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
Unable to look away from his love, Roman nodded with a wide smile. “I do.”
“Logan Wilson Baras, do you take Roman to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
Logan nodded and squeezed their rejoined hands. “I do.”
“Then by the powers vested in me by the province of British Columbia, I now pronounce you husband and husband! You may kiss the groom!”
Logan had only a moment’s notice at Roman’s shit-eating grin, before he was swung around into a dip, his husband’s - husband!! - knee supporting his back and arms around his shoulder and neck. “You are positively ridiculous,” he muttered, before tugging Roman by the tie to share their first kiss as a wedded couple. Cheers and applause erupted around them, including a wolf-whistle that could have just as easily been from any member of their wedding party.
Straightening, the couple leaned together, Roman’s arm around Logan’s back, hand resting comfortingly on his opposite hip. They grinned, their friends and family standing as Thomas’ voice rang out once more. “Guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, for the first time ever, I present to you Mr. and Mr. Baras-Sanders!”
As a second cheer arose, Virgil stepped over to hand Logan his bouquet again, pulling his brother into a tight hug. “Congrats LB,” he whispered, before standing back and applauding the newly weds.
‘Love you’, Logan mouthed in return, smiling at his brother before turning back to Roman to join their hands and take their first steps into the next adventure of their lives together.
101 notes · View notes
noonmutter · 5 years
Tell how you first met each of the wives and girlfriends and when you knew you were in love with them and when you actually said it. And the same for any boyfriends/male lovers you might have - how did you meet them. Are you in love with them? Inquiring minds want to know.
Oh jeez so quick disclaimer, Leon remembers all of these and while he can’t recite the calendar dates, he knows when they happened and it’s part of why he’s so damned loved. I, however, have a brain wholly reliant on logs and written records, and the logs for both of his wives were devoured in a WoWscribe glitch a few years ago. I roughly remember the sequence of events, but not when exactly these things happened; I can’t even remember the year reliably! Because of that, I/he approximate the story kind of a lot…
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Leon first meets Kaewynn at a get-together he stumbled across in Stranglethorn. It’s one of his earliest interactions in RP, actually; he still introduces himself as Cambor, and is still trapped in worgen form. He’s still homeless, still wanders a lot, and isn’t yet much of a cook. He chats with her a while, and the evening ends with her smooching him. He is mightily pleased with himself. (Fun fact, in Leon’s early months, he got a smooch–or more–from someone every single time I sent him out to RP even though he never once actively sought it, this is why I shake my fist at him for being so GOD DAMN charming)
Leon and Kaewynn just keep on running into each other off and on, mostly because he keeps attending the Meddler-run event, Inkwell, and Kaewynn (a member of the Silver Dragoons) shows up frequently. Eventually they slip away to have some fun together, because they’re both fine with flings and no-strings sex, and they’re both pretty keen on one another. Their first time (I believe) is in a mineshaft at the Dragoon garrison in alternate Draenor.
Time passes, he and Kaewynn get more and more affectionate and more and more time is spent walking off on their own to either talk or fuck or both. After one particularly interesting conversation in which Leon told her his real name and was able to shift out of worgen for for a few seconds, and she told him the meaning of hers, he baffledly admitted to the only witness, “I’m in real trouble, I think I’m in love.”
They went on their first proper Actually a Date in Ulduar, because he’d never been there and Kaewynn wanted to show it to him, having some pretty intimate knowledge of the place (spoiler alert she’s a robot that got hit with the curse of flesh no seriously she actually is). 
Leon, despite being warned by a few people who knew Kaewynn that she didn’t really know what to do with the concept of love (long story, but it’s kinda literal–think “Data” here and you’ve got the gist of the problem), eventually confesses that he’s in love with her. This doesn’t go so hot, but she gives him a variation on the “just friends” speech and they both lie to themselves and each other and say that’s fine, and the rest of the night goes as originally intended, ending with Copious Amounts Of Fucking.
They are both emotionally underdeveloped idiots so of course they spend a while feeling more and more awkward and eventually Kaewynn breaks things off with him because she feels like she’s using him and …stuff. Like I said, they’re idiots.
And now we switch focus, and rewind a little because I’m pretty sure this is the part where the timing was both hilarious and infuriating.
Enter Pinapple.
A while back, Leon had seen a gnome woman throwing a bit of a tantrum at one of the Inkwell gatherings, though he hadn’t known why at the time. He eventually found out that it was because she’d been exposed to a shitload of radiation and was in a serious depressive spiral for some pretty good reasons (I don’t think it was actually cancer but it was basically cancer). 
Being Leon, and being that he’d been given access to a kitchen and the opportunity to learn to cook, he sent this complete stranger a box of treats because hospital food sucks. 
Months down the line, we come to the Silver Dragoons’ Halloween party. Pin has recovered after some risky surgeries n’stuff and is trottin’ about the place, shmoozin’ like y’do, and eventually comes across Leon. They got to talking, he got the chance to introduce himself properly, they eventually sat down to have drinks together. In probably the biggest spike of bravery she’d had for a long time before or since, she hit him with the equivalent of “Nice shoes, wanna fuck?” and they did.
He and Pin have a lot of fun together, and they romp along at a pretty good clip for about a month. Eventually during a bit of pillow talk, Pin accidentally says “I love you, you goofball” and they have a Serious Conversation in which he admits he’s not really at that same place, but it didn’t make things wierd at all. Pin being significantly more emotionally mature than Kaewynn, this works out better, and their friendship does not fall apart.
A bit later on, The Voice Of Reason happens and after he nearly dies and is recovering in the Dragoon garrison infirmary, Leon tells Pin he loves her, too.
LITERALLY THE NEXT DAY Kaewynn tells him she wants to reconcile and asks him to take her back. This was not planned, none of us knew it was going to happen, Kae’s mun didn’t know Leon and Pin had swapped L-words, I nearly threw up laughing. That same night, Leon and Pin and Kaewynn have the single most awkward relationship conversation they could possibly have, because oh by the way did I mention Kaewynn and Pin had been in a relationship once long before Leon ever showed up, and it’d ended because Kaewynn couldn’t do love? Because that’s a thing that happened.
Leon somehow managed not to go bald during all this.
Also he asked them to marry him the following February. Though they both said yes, the ceremony never did happen, and the events of Legion saw Pin dead and both Leon and Kaewynn horribly broken. The two of them sorta gently bullied their mutual friend, Rhiswyn, into performing the marriage between them, because one of the group dying made them worried they’d never get the chance.
Leon and Pin still haven’t formally wed, because after she came back, they were both quietly terrified that if they made it official, something else would rip it apart. They call each other husband and wife, but Pin’s the only one that isn’t actually married out of the trio.
It gets a bit harder for me after this, because I was terrible at tagging things for a while on tumblr and I cannot for the LIFE of me remember how I first encountered @safrona-shadowsun. The earliest posts I actually tagged under her tag, “fizzy,” were confessionals between him and the red courier at the Ledgermaine in Dalaran. Theirs is a very, very complex relationship, but it’s very easy to (over)simplify it:
Leon is a nurturer and he saw a lot of himself in Safrona, which is a terrible thing because he is incredibly depressed and prone to fits of self-loathing. He worried about her a lot when they first started hanging out, and he devoted a lot of energy to trying to draw her out of the incredibly thick shell she’d built around herself. As things progressed over ages and ages and ages, they became business partners, and she directed an acquaintance of hers his way.
Leon’s tradition up to that point had been to put the initials of serious lovers into his collar. Committed but unmarried is engraved (that’s P, for Pin), married is branded (that’s K, for Kaewynn).
Vandrysse… is hard for me to talk about. I only knew her mun for a little over a year before I received word that she had suddenly died.
Vandy is the reason I mention that Leon’s collar still has a nearly-faded “V” on it. She was the third woman he confessed he loved. That conversation was the last time I got to RP with her. I consider it a form of memorial to never let that V actually disappear no matter how long it’s been.
anyway moving on
I cannot actually remember which one happened first, meeting Murkey or confessing his attraction to Safrona, and tracking down the posts for the latter is not easy because Tumblr’s search engine is a JOKE. Regardless, Leon did confess to the courier after some years that he was in love with her, though I’m sure by that time she wasn’t really all that surprised beyond the way he presented it. It was downright artful, the boy was trying. But this is Safrona we’re talking about, and she gently but firmly shut him down, and that was the end of it. Though it made their friendship more than a little tense for a while, they’ve gotten over it by now. He still pines, but wouldn’t you? And he keeps that shit to himself, because not only did he get his answer, she’s now taken and quite happily so.
Murkey snoot-booped her way into Leon’s life one day and never quite left. I actually don’t remember if they met for the first time when she did that, or if he met her at a brothel first. They were both open and poly people, and they still are; he was perfectly okay with her disappearing for weeks or months at a time, as long as she sent word she was all right on occasion, and she was always delighted to find that he was still waiting for her whenever she came back. She’s a romantically skittish thing, so he was actually the first one to confess he had deeper feelings quite a ways into their relationship. 
He’d hesitated to do so at all, in part because Safrona had commented that she thought he fell in love too easily and gave it too freely, implying that it wasn’t really that meaningful. Eventually he kicked that feeling in the dick and told her anyway, and though it took a long time, Murkey did eventually tell him she loved him back. She, like him, had realized it far sooner than she’d been willing to admit, for fear of ruining a good thing.
Amber is actually the most recent in the game–I am trying very hard not to call it a harem–and much like Safrona, developed first as a chance meeting that evolved into a business partnership and friendship. She helped design the logos and packaging for the Cookbook, and he sent her plenty of free food and ongoing orders for more boxes. She was a very reserved person, which he thought was kind of refreshing–after a while you sort of want to have some people who are just friends, no matter how fun fuckbuddies are–and she was quite wrapped up with her lover and eventual husband, an elf named Vaerinis.
Amber confessed to him first, and though he wasn’t quite in love with her, he was certainly open to exploring possibilities. These days, he loves her to pieces and though she’s Vae’s first, he is happy to be part of it.
Vaerinis is a happy bonus, too, though he hasn’t had much time to really develop feelings for the man as yet.
Leon doesn’t have a whole lot of male acquaintances in general, actually, and has not yet fallen in love with any or had any fall for him, that he knows about.
my hands hurt, I know I fucked up the timing a few times and I’m tired so I hope i didn’t forget anybody wooph
( @pinpep @shckaewynn @murkeyglglgl @safrona-shadowsun @theengraver @vaerinis )
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hrrytomlinson · 7 years
Tumblr media
here are a bunch of AMAZING fics I’ve enjoyed and loved reading throughout the month of august. I recommend that you read these great fics in september, if you haven’t already!! also check out the HL Summer Fic Exchange!
(all fics with a star are my favorites and if there are two stars then it was a favorite favorite)
1. How Far We’ve Come 32k
“This is Harry Styles,” Chiron offers.
He’s beautiful. His eyes are a stunning green, the color of new foliage. The new kid’s limbs are long and lanky—he looks extremely uncomfortable and uncoordinated. Louis internally smirks to himself, guessing the kid probably won’t be too skilled with a sword, or a bow, or anything sharp, most likely. His hair falls to his shoulders in sets of loose, brown curls. The color is rich and luscious, resembling soil so much that it looks like flowers could sprout from his hairline at any moment. But Louis’ eyes are stuck on his soft looking lips, pink as flower petals and slightly parted as his eyes scan the horizon of the camp.
“Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, Harry.”
2. It’ll All Come Up Roses 4k *
Louis was leaning against the railing of the bridge, looking down at the water completely lost in thought when he heard someone approach the bridge from the side that he came from. Glancing up, he noticed Harry walking towards him, hands stuffed deep in his pockets, and seemingly lost in thought. Louis shifted his weight onto his other foot and stood up properly, watching quietly as Harry walked past him. Louis opened his mouth. He wanted to say something to Harry to break the silence, or at least to get him to notice him standing there against the bridge railing - but the words got stuck in Louis’ throat, and he snapped his mouth shut, going back to staring down at the water mindlessly instead. All the while, trying hopelessly to figure out what the fuck he’s doing with his life. Harry kept walking, and soon Louis was once again left alone to his thoughts.
Or the one where Louis really doesn't hate his neighbor who keeps waking him up at the crack of dawn. Ft magic, Liam, Niall, and Zayn barely being mentioned, Harry and his fucking motorcycle, a date and a kiss.
3. Freeze This Moment in a Frame and Stay Like This 5k
Harry (not so) secretly crushes on the cute footie player and fills pages with sketches of him.
4. Wrap You Up In Daisy Chains 10k *
Ten minutes later, an awkward, long-legged, curly-haired, so pale she’s reflective, and so obviously gay-looking Harry Styles is sitting shotgun next to Louis in a bikini, denim cut-offs, and heart-framed sunnies.
Or, Harry and Louis and a too-small bathing suit.
5. Small Doses (Loving You It’s Explosive) 38k
Louis Tomlinson finds himself at Vitality Fitness to try and turn his life around after having left his cheating boyfriend of four years. The gym's owner, Liam, quickly becomes a good friend, but his right hand man is rude and dismissive from the get-go.
Louis and Harry continue to clash all while Harry is trying to move his way up the ranks in Manchester's amateur boxing circuit, but they can't seem to stay away from each other.
6. Some Flowers In Your Hair 23k *
When Louis mentions offhandedly that he’s really been enjoying watching some TV show called Alone, and that the idea of humans surviving without magic in the wilderness fascinates him, he would never have guessed it would land him in a situation like this.
This is supposed to be a friendly camping trip between Louis and Liam, just a couple of bros surviving in the wilderness for bragging rights, not whatever rigmarole that fucker is currently outlining. And certainly not including one Harry Styles, pretentious twat that he is.
What is he getting himself into?
Or, a magical camping AU in which Louis is jealous of Harry's magic, Liam's a little too enthusiastic about surviving in the wilderness, and Niall might have misunderstood the rules.
7. We’ll Be Seamless 52k **
Green reblogged an old photo of himself. It was from back in October, a Halloween special. A pulse shot all the way through Louis because this photo was his absolute favourite, and it had taken the rest of the year for him to wean himself off of it.
Green was on his knees, arms stretched out in front of him with his fingertips digging into the surface of his bed. He was wearing a pair of cat ears on his head, his curls falling forward. His back was arched, and in the foreground of the picture, Green’s bum was high in the air, a long, black cat tail sitting neatly between his cheeks.
Louis spends all his spare time scrolling arty nude blogs on Tumblr but amongst them all, Green is his favourite.
8. Chasing Empty Spaces 79k **
The year is 1934 and Harry Styles was to inherent the largest tobacco firm in the south. His parents have picked out the “perfect” girl for him to marry and he has the privilege of receiving the highest education possible. The problem was, Harry hadn’t realized he didn’t actually want any part of that future until he met a mechanic named, Louis Tomlinson.
9. It Had To Be You 45k **
A When Harry Met Sally AU.
Harry and Louis are strangers who share the drive from Chicago to NYC after college. They don't have anything in common, don't get along, and at the end of their trip, they're both glad to say goodbye. During a chance meeting five years later, they find that nothing has changed, and they part ways expecting never to see each other again. Ten years after their first meeting, Louis and Harry meet once again, but this time they become friends. Eventually, things get complicated.
10. Perfect Sky 11k
Deep, deep down, Louis knows Niall hadn’t meant to do this. He knows that this really was a last minute conundrum Louis had found himself in. Louis could’ve muddled the dates just as easily as Niall could have misremembered them. This hurts for other, more difficult reasons.
This hurts because it was supposed to be Louis’ honeymoon.
Louis meets Marcel at the lowest point of his life. A few poorly timed jokes, and a cigarette (or twelve) later, Louis starts to think love’s not a sham after all.
11. Magic Everywhere We Go 19k
Fifteen years after first meeting Louis at a mutual friend’s birthday party, Harry is just as in love with his husband as he was on their wedding day. And with the birth of each new child, Harry seems to have only grown to love him more.
And now Harry is spending four days at the happiest place on earth with all of his favorite people – his mum and stepdad, his four beautiful children, and his perfect husband.
Life couldn’t get any better than this.
Or, Harry and Louis go on holiday with their family to Disney World.
12. One Day, Maybe Next Week 6k
Louis was staring at him, expecting a response, and Harry was supposed to be the one coming up with that response, and he was so not prepared, so he blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
“Where were you? You weren’t on the bus for a few days.”
Louis raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“Uh… Sorry, I just- Um, sort of noticed that maybe you weren’t on the bus since last week. Not that I watch for when you’re on the bus or anything. That would be weird. Obviously, you have your own schedule, and I have mine. I just saw that you weren’t here, so I wondered what you were doing, or if something bad happened, like you got kidnapped or something. God, that sounded creepy. I promise I’m not threatening your life or something. Jesus, just stop me. If you have pepper spray, I would totally understand if you got me in the eyes right now.”
Louis had his lips pressed together at this point, holding back a laugh. Harry really didn’t blame him for that.
Or, the one where Harry just really wants to talk to Louis. And when he finally does, everything he says just comes out wrong.
13. Building Castles In the Sky 22k **
"D-dad? You think I c-can do it? Y-you think i c-can..." Evan trailed off looking down at his chest. And Louis' heart melted.
"I think you can do everything, love. Everything." Louis said while pulling his boy closer. "Because you, my little dandelion, are very brave! And so strong and wonderful and so very bright! You will go up on that stage, and you will blow everyone away. I just know it."
They laid there on their porch while they hugged each other tightly. His little boy was so brave. Louis didn't need to see him on a stage to be proud. He was proud of him already.
"You know,” Evan mumbled aloud again. “Mr. S-Styles says the same t-thing. He s-says I c-can do e-everything too.”
And Louis couldn't help but smile.
Or, where, Louis had a four year old with a stuttering problem. Harry was always there to help.
14. I Come Alive When I Hear Your Voice 7k
Harry let out a satisfied sigh and sat back in his cushioned office chair. He looked down at his laptop and tapped his fingers against his bottom lip in contemplation. He was fairly pleased with what he’d finished so far on his latest project; he just needed to fine-tune some bits and then send it off to his management for their approval. He sent his coworkers an e-mail giving them commenting rights on the document for any constructive criticism they might have, and cringed when his stomach let out an unholy gurgle.
Aka: Harry the mute songwriter falls in love with the single dad working at the bakery down the street from his studio.
15. Cupid’s Defense 116k **
In which Harry is Cupid, Louis and Liam own a law firm, and they're all getting sued.
16. Palms Reflecting In Your Eyes 6k **
Harry visits Louis at his campus and finds a crop on the wall.
17. There Is No Resistance 1k
It's Harry's birthday and Louis has found him the perfect gift.
18. Sound Like a Song 14k **
In high school, Louis Tomlinson lit up Harry’s world like nobody else, even if Harry did most of his pining from the safety of his tightly knit circle of friends. Ten years later, Harry is ready to make some changes. He’s tired of having so many regrets and not taking charge of his life, and he still hasn’t forgotten how brightly Louis shines. He’s about to get a long awaited second chance.
Or the one where Harry helps out at a farmer’s market and gives Louis free vegetables.
19. I’ve Seen How You Sparkle 56k *
Their eyes locked again and Harry blushed, suddenly feeling shy. Louis just smiled at him, tilting his head a little as his eyes ran over the younger boy. Harry self-consciously placed his arm over his stomach, afraid that Louis would somehow see through his clothes and notice the druid mark on his right hip. It was a triple spiral, a triskele. Although it wasn’t that big and fairly easy to hide, Harry was always paranoid that he would maybe stretch too much and reveal the mark.
It wasn’t that he actually believed Louis would have him executed, but he knew Louis was fiercely loyal to his father. If it came to choosing between Harry and his father, Harry was honestly not sure what Louis would do.
Or Louis is the Crown Prince of Camelot and Harry is a druid hiding his magic. It would have been a lot easier if he didn't also have to deal with a forbidden love, a dangerous quest and a whole lot of trouble.
20. One Shines Brighter 11k *
“Hi, baby. You doing anything fun today?”
Harry shrugs. “Dunno. Thought I’d see how I was feeling before making any plans.”
“You wanna get married?” Louis asks. Harry’s face breaks into a smile, and he nods.
Louis’ lips are just brushing Harry’s when Gemma appears in the hallway. “You two are in so much trouble.”
Harry's wedding was never supposed to be the happiest day of his life. No, that was going to be the day after, when he finally got to start his marriage. Unfortunately his family (and Louis) have other ideas.
Featuring a pair of moms who only want the best for their kids, meddling sisters with too much time on their hands, and a groom who gets caught up in the fairytale.
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nyerus · 7 years
Nyerus’ Victuuri Fic Rec List
These are in no particular order, really, just a list of my fave Victuuri fics—some of which I think a little less well known (but idk). I’ve been sitting on this for SO LONG that some of the “lesser known” ones are huge now hahaha! I’ll probably make a page for this or something later.
I pulled the “genres” mostly from the tags, but basically winged it based on what felt right. Most fics rated as “Explicit” in this list have smut in them so keep that in mind, but I’ve made special annotations as need be. I’ve also mentioned if there are any significant side pairings.
I’ve added mini-reviews (kinda) as well, which are just my personal thoughts on a fic without getting too spoilery, but you can feel free to skip them.
Current count:
AU: 21
(Quite long, so under a cut).
1.) Heartbreaker by drowsycyborg (Status: Complete – 3.1k words) – Teen
Genres: Pre-series, Outsider PoV, Detroit Days, Humor
Katsuki Yuuri is five foot eight, shy, and one of the most gorgeous and heartbreaking humans ever seen in Detroit.
In which Yuuri is Too Beautiful and Good and no one around him knows how to be chill about it. And thus, he unwittingly breaks a lot of hearts in Detroit. Set pre-series, it’s hilarious to see people lament over the sweet, lovely Katsuki Yuuri (long before we see poor Victor fall victim in-canon). Possibly part of a future series?
2.) katsuki_fc wrote by tetsurashian (Status: Complete – 12.7k words) – Gen
Genres:  Social Media, Outsider PoV
Just because Yuuri isn’t big on social media, doesn’t mean his fans aren’t.(aka a social media fic)
Basically the series seen through a social media lens. In other words, the social media reactions one would expect to see in-canon if we got a glimpse of it! It feels very realistic and even incorporates actual fandom discourse (e.g. early fan theories and shipping). A huge round of applause for the author for getting AO3’s formatting to still somehow feel like LJ threads, Tumblr posts, and so on! I’ve read this like a dozen times already and always laugh when I do because it feels sooooo meta.
3.) Distance by surverycorpsjean (Status: Complete – 5.1k words) – Explicit
Genres: Post-series, Domestic, Fluff, Smut
They just can’t stand to be apart.
Victor and Yuuri never outgrow their honeymoon phase and it’s amazing and perfect. Adorable domestic fluff with some great smut (kitchen sex!) in the middle. (It’s set post-canon.) Without a doubt I can say: A+++
4.) The Fundamentals of Caring by braveten (Status: Complete – 20.8k words ) – Explicit
Genres: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
“Let me guess, you’re going to go take care of Yuuri while he sleeps? Just in case he sneezes or something?” Yurio rolls his eyes, folding his arms across his chest. “Viktor, you’re whipped.”
Viktor rubs the back of his neck as he leans against the wall. “What does that mean?”
“It means that if Yuuri asked you to do a little dance for him in nothing but a coconut bra and a hula skirt, you’d do it.”
Viktor pauses, confused. “And that’s a bad thing?”
Yuuri gets sick while in Russia (not post-series) and Victor tries to take care of him while simultaneously trying to be Chill about it—but a deliriously affectionate Yuuri makes that very difficult. Yurio is eventually recruited to help and he makes Victor’s job harder and easier at the same time, somehow. Very cute!
5.) Lace and Satin by whatsup_buttercup (Status: Complete – 6.2k words) – Explicit
Genres: Established Relationship, Post-series, Lingerie, Light BDSM
“I won gold.” Viktor says, smile in his voice. “Whatever does that mean, Yuuri?”
Yuuri looks down. “Are you sure you don’t want something better?”
“There’s nothing better.” Viktor insists. “Nothing.”
Hoooooo boy! This fic hits basically EVERY single one of my kink so well and honestly I’m grateful it exists. Criminally underrated because it’s so well written and even the dirty talk is A+. It’s technically part of a series but can also work as a standalone (but do yourself a favor and read the other fic in this series too!!!).
6.) Need by sub_textual (Status: Complete – 8.2k) – Explicit
Genres: Post-series, Smut, Semi-public sex
What stands before Viktor now isn’t at all the Yuuri that had stripped off his clothes in front of a hundred people. This is Yuuri, beautiful and blushing, shy in all the ways Viktor knows he isn’t, too embarrassed to express what he really wants. This is Yuuri, abandoning the clasp of Viktor’s pants, to slowly undo Viktor’s tie. This is Yuuri, desperate and needy, ripe and ready for the taking, and he’s all Viktor’s.
Takes place directly after the series, during the banquet. Victor and Yuuri sneak off to the bathroom and get frisky. This fic is hot, ok. There’s a slight dab of exhibitionism and some dom/sub which makes things more exciting!
7.) Jason's Master Plan (to dating the Cute Asian Guy) by Qwertzu (Status: Complete –  9.8k words) –  Teen
Genres: Post-series, Outsider PoV, Humor, Identity Reveal
Jason Hesling, young ice hockey prodigy, rising star of Detroit Ice Tigers and part-time model, had a smile that made women and men alike weak at their knees. It’s been a while since anyone managed to catch his attention – until he met the Cute Asian Guy at Detroit Ice Castle and decided to become his next boyfriend.
Meanwhile, the actual Ice Tiger™ is having the time of his life watching the pretentious JJ-wannabe trying to charm the pants off the completely oblivious, happily married Katsudon.
Hockey jock Jason tries his hardest to woo the “cute Asian guy at Detroit Ice Castle” but isn’t it too bad that said cutie is already happily married to someone else? If only if poor Jason knew.... This fic is honestly a riot and I had such a fun time reading it (and its follow-up fic). It seems to be part of a longer series and I eagerly await more installments! I guess I have a thing for Victuuri breaking everyone’s hearts by being so smitten with each other!
Alternate Universe
1.) Healthy Impropriety by mtothedestiel (Status: Complete – 29.5k words) – Explicit
Genres: Regency AU, Historical, Courtship
Victor is the wealthy master of the Nikiforov estate. At a society party he’s swept off his feet by the mysterious, suave, and very drunk Katsuki Yuuri. Victor aims to declare his love and secure Mr. Katsuki’s hand in marriage, but first he has to find him!
A legit Regency AU in which The Banquet happens Victorian-style and Victor, as always, falls head over heels for drunk Yuuri—who he then sets out to properly court. Victor is a rich, hopeless romantic and Yuuri is a sensible, normal guy trying to live his life. There’s lots of really cute, fluffy scenes between these two with a little bit of angst thrown in there to keep things interesting. It reads like a Jane Austen novel and has a lovely happy ending topped off with some smut!
2.) don’t want to be lonely just want to be yours by Linisy (Status: Incomplete) – Explicit
Genres: Idol AU, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Social Media, Alternating PoV
This time the flesh and blood Yuuri wasn't around to distract him, and he watched the video intently, hypnotized by the swing of Yuuri’s hips, the look in his eyes that burned with intensity and the strong, confident line of his shoulders. Yuuri was, as always, breathtaking.
Victor remembered their first meeting well. Yuuri was the last member to join the group. He was soft spoken, and he stood as if he were trying to make himself smaller, shoulders drawn inward, head tilted toward the ground, glasses slipping off his nose. Victor was surprised to hear that he was the second oldest behind Victor himself.
Everything changed the first time he saw him dance. - Vitya, Katsu, Yura, Beka and Chu make up the top idol group SVD. They've been through hell together, living in their tiny dorm and working toward the day they'd finally hit it big. That day has finally come, but sometime over the course of the past three years, Victor has fallen in love with Yuuri Katsuki.
An idol fic that’s full of social media shenanigans, glamour, and emotions. Based on KPop idol groups (like BTS), this fic is a such treat and I can’t even properly articulate why!!! Along with the humor, it’s also incredibly realistic regarding the hardships faced by idol groups due to the heavy restrictions placed on their personal lives by the company that “owns” them. It’s got the right mix of fun and angst and honestly I think about this fic every day. I can’t wait for more!!!!
3.) My Name on Your Lips by feelslikefire (Status: Complete – 108k words) – Explicit
Genres: Historical Fantasy, Magic, Arranged Marriage, Royalty, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Yuuri Katsuki has been betrothed to the High King’s son, Victor, since he was just a child; furthermore, as an omega, he’s forbidden from practicing magic in combat. For years, he’s been able to put off the former because the Prince was traveling abroad, and gotten around the latter by practicing with his mentor in secret.
Now Victor Nikiforov has finally returned home, and Yuuri is being summoned to the capital for their wedding. He needs a plan to put off marriage long enough to find a way to break the betrothal, while keeping his practicing from being discovered.
If only the Prince didn’t have other ideas.
(Or, the swords-and-sorcery arranged marriage AU. Updates weekly.)
This is one of my personal favorites, featuring all my fave things: fantasy, magic, battles, intrigue, and a slow-burn! It does have A/B/O elements but even if that’s not your cup of tea you’ll enjoy this fic for all the other wonderful things it has to offer. The world building is great and the plot keeps you interested at all times. Never a dull moment and has a great mix of tension, fluff, angst, etc. Watch these two dorks fall deeply in love while also getting a fully fleshed-out story. It’s beautifully written.
4.)  Yuuri Enchanted by the__magpie (Status: Complete – 57k words)  – Teen
Genres: Fantasy, Fairytale, Slow Burn
At birth, Yuuri Katsuki was given the gift of obedience, although he quickly learns as he grows up that it is a curse. He has to obey any command given to him, even if it puts him or others in danger. Too afraid to face the terrifying outside world, Yuuri stays in his home town of Hasetsu, until a chance encounter with Prince Victor urges him to venture outside of his safe bubble. Determined to break his curse, Yuuri begins on an adventure involving fairies, ogres, true love, and courage he never knew he had.
An Ella Enchanted AU (based more on the book)! A great fairytale read even if you’ve never read the book (or seen the movie). I love it to bits and that’s all I can say!
5.) Retrouvailles by persephoneggsy (Status: Complete – 32k words) – Teen*
Genres: Historical, Childhood Friends, Friends-to-Lovers, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
retrouvailles: the feeling one gets after reuniting after a long time
After he presents as an Omega, Yuuri Katsuki is sent to study abroad for ten long years. When he returns, he’s far, far different from the adorable little boy that used to follow Victor around like a puppy.
Victor is shook.
A very sweet AU that has that regency-vibe. Features confident ballet dancer Yuuri and hopeless mess Victor. The Russian skating team is all one big family here and it’s great, while all the other skaters are dancers too. It has a shifting perspective between Victor and Yuuri, so we get to see what’s going on in both their heads. The A/B/O is pretty light apart from some plot details, so if that’s not your thing this fic is still very enjoyable. [*There is smut in the final chapter, which can be standalone/ignored, hence why the rating remains T overall.]
6.) A Place Like Home by whatsup_buttercup (Status: Complete -- 7k words) -- Explicit
Genres: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Post-series, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
“Do you still skate, Yuuri?” It’s bold of Hiroshi to use his first name, but the familiarity makes sense, considering what they’re discussing.
“No,” Yuuri says, empty. “Not anymore.”
Hiroshi reaches out and puts his hand over Yuuri’s. It’s a little hot from the tea. “If you choose me, we have a rink nearby. I’ll make sure you can skate every day.”
This is a heartbreaking A/B/O in which Yuuri ended things with Victor in Barcelona and is now under pressure to find a suitable mate. Luckily, Victor hasn’t give up on them, no matter what Yuuri may think. It’s a lovely and achingly sweet story, and I was so happy by the end!!!
7.) blood is thicker than by icanhinatashouyoutheworld (Status: Incomplete) – Teen
Genres: Enemies-to-Friends-to-Lovers, Custody Battle, Angst, Fluff, Eventual Romance
“You might be Yuri’s biological parent, Mr. Nikiforov. But I’m his father. If Yuri wants to go with you, that’s one thing,” Yuuri Katsuki’s voice flows quiet and dangerous into the room “but if he doesn’t, don’t think that you’re taking my child away from home,”
Or: Victor Nikiforov finds out he has a son. He wants full custody.
Katsuki Yuuri isn’t going to give up his child that easily.
Or: Victor and Yuuri fight a custody battle for Yurio. Shit happens.
Or: Yuri Plisetsky starts with one parent, and ends up with two.
A unique fic in which Victor is Yurio’s biological father, while Yuuri is his adoptive one. Yuuri is struggling to make ends meet and support his child while Victor is a rich supermodel. The relationship between Yuuri and Yurio is so achingly sweet and it’s very easy to root for Yuuri in this fic. It’ll be great to see how Yuuri and Victor eventually become friends and then lovers—so that they all become one big happy family!
8.) Kings in Couture by slightlied (Status: Incomplete) – Teen
Genres:Slow Burn, Alternate Occupations, Fashion
a devil wears prada au in which victor is the editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine, yuuri’s his new secretary, and instead of talking about his feelings, victor just sends him on a bunch of errands 
A Devil Wears Prada­-esque AU which I stumbled upon and am SO grateful for. It’s funny, cute, and features the whole cast in various roles. Yuuri is adorable and Victor is glamorous as ever. It’s such a fun read!!!
9.) Assassin’s Tango by MEIXIU (Status: Incomplete) – Explicit
Genres: Assassins AU, Secret Identity
They are the world’s most greatest assassins. Their identities are a secret, even from each other. One day, however, they discover that they have been assigned to kill one another and their reality comes crashing down on them both.
This is basically a Mr. and Mrs. Smith AU and I’m super excited about it! Features Victor as a suave hitman who’s still a hopeless romantic, and Yuuri as a clever honeypot—who’s juggling his job, school, and his new whirlwind romance. Lots of hot scenes mingled with fluff. Impending angst on the horizon, but the promise of a happy ending keeps me from crying too hard!
10.) The Rules for Lovers by ADreamingSongbird (Status: Incomplete) – Teen
Genres: Urban Fantasy, Urban Magic, Arranged Marriage, Mutual Pining, Royalty, Multiple PoV
Prince Yuuri Katsuki has a duty to his country, above all else (his desires, his dreams, and his happiness included), and he knows this alliance will help to ensure the safety of his people. That’s the only reason he accepts Prince Nikiforov’s hand in marriage. The pleasant surprise, of course, is the part where they fall in love along the way. The unpleasant one, well…
That’s a long story.
It’s always a treat to watch these two dorks fall hopelessly in love with each other. They might be engaged, but the mutual pinging intense and heart-wrenching. The political intrigue is just as compelling as Yuuri and Victor’s evolving relationship. The story shifts between many character’s perspectives, keeping things interesting. (And there’s some side Mila/Sara too!)
11.) I Write Sins, Not Tragedies by cuttlemefish (Status: Incomplete) -- Explicit
Genres: Arranged Marriage, Social Media, Mutual Pining, Romantic Comedy, Fluff
Things would be a little easier if Yuuri wasn’t so in love with his husband Viktor, especially considering they have an arranged marriage. Two years after their wedding, Yuuri and Viktor are incredibly in love, but can’t seem to get over the hump of their platonic union to consummate their marriage! Good thing Yuuri is the most (in)famous erotic fanfiction author of the Love in the Streets fandom. Now, he’s got the support of the Internet to figure out how to seduce his husband, if only he can continue to keep their identities a secret. Or, the AU in which everyone thinks Yuuri and Viktor have the perfect marriage full of adventurous sex when, in fact, Viktor sleeps in the guest bedroom and Yuuri writes erotic fanfiction to quench his thirst.
This is a HILARIOUS fic and that’s all I can really even say without doing this work a grave injustice. It’s very well-written and there’s no angst like I thought there would be. Just extreme thirst!!! Can’t wait to see these two get their shit together eventually and work off all that pent-up sexual frustration.
12.) Like a Fairytale by lucyamui (Status: Complete – 73.4k words) – Teen
Genres: Historical, Fairytale, Royalty, Fluff
In which Prince Victor gets swept off his feet at a royal banquet and will go to any length to find his ‘Cinderella’ Yuuri. (And Phichit is the fairy godmother who has no idea what he’s doing)
A Cinderella story in which the Grand Prix Banquet happens, in its own fairytale way. This story features enthusiastic Prince Victor and timid baker/pâtissier Yuuri. Along with Phichit as the Fairy God Mother! It’s fluffy, cute, and has plenty of mutual pining.
13.) lie to make me like you by cityboys (Status: Complete – 80k words) – Mature
Genres:Slow Burn, Alternate Occupations
It’s become a game, of sorts, to anyone privy to the fact that the pattern exists in the first place: ask Victor out at the beginning of the month, date for however many days, and wait for the end to come and for Victor to say, always: I couldn’t fall in love with you. Let’s break up.
Or, Victor is a retired actor looking for love, and Yuuri happens to be the (un)fortunate soul to unwittingly ask him out at the beginning of the month. Except relationships don’t come with a script, and it’s much harder understanding love than roles.
This is a wonderful and sweet slow burn featuring a lost Victor who’s trying to find something he doesn’t know he’s searching for, and a Yuuri who refuses to follow the “script” Victor seems to unwittingly run his life by. Yuuri takes no shit from anyone and constantly keeps Victor on his toes with how surprising he can be. I love both of these two here and watching them fit into each other’s lives is a real treat!
14.) All Eyes on Me by Kizuna_Auri (Status: Incomplete) – Explicit
Genres: Sex Worker AU (Camming), Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Fluff, Smut
Yuuri, under the username of Eros, is a size queen omega who most certainly does not have an obsession with fellow camboy and legendary silver-haired alpha Aria. Just like Phichit is not the most meddlesome roommate known to man.
In which Yuuri and Victor are both camboys who happen to be fans of each other, and get set up to share their heat/rut for their audiences by their bffs and moderators, Phichit and Chris respectively. It’s surprisingly fluffy with alpha!Victor being a total sweetheart and omega!Yuuri being a shy bean who’s trying his best to keep up his Eros persona.This fic also highlights Yuuri’s insecurities and anxiety in a very realistic way and the difficulties than can come with being a camboy. The smut is intense and there’s plenty more plot on the horizon!
15.) The Promise of the World by pilindiel (Status: Incomplete) – Teen
Genres: Fantasy
When a self-conscious young man is cursed with an old body by a spiteful wizard, his only chance of breaking the spell lies with a self-indulgent yet insecure young wizard and his companions in his legged, walking castle.
The Howl's Moving Castle AU we all secretly wanted.
This is a straight up Howl’s Moving Castle AU!!!. Yuuri fits very naturally into the role of Sophie and Victor is a perfect Howl, but I assume we all knew that was the case already! It’s a very good read and has its own deviations from the source material to keep it feeling fresh.
16.)  (Don’t) Ring the Wedding Bells by cuttlemefish (Status: Complete – 45k) – Explicit
Genres: Alternate Occupations, Social Media, Modern-day Cinderella
As (loosely) inspired by real life, this is the wedding reception AU (you didn’t ask for, but will get) in which Yuuri Katsuki catches the bride’s bouquet and (shortly after) gets smashed at a wedding reception, then dirty dances with his best friend, (sort of) seduces a (hot) platinum-haired trust-fund baby named Viktor, and ends up being hounded for his identity (by said trust-fund baby and his friends and family) on social media.
In which rich!Victor ends up getting woo’d by regular-guy!Yuuri at JJ and Isabella’s wedding reception and pulls out all the stops to find Yuuri again after he disappears. And does so in classic Victor style: as dramatically as possible. Meanwhile Yuuri’s just trying to live his life and forget the whole thing happened because of how embarrassing it was, but when you’ve basically become a meme, things get a little complicated. Still, Victor tries very hard to win Yuuri’s heart and Yuuri eventually finds that he’s very much in love. Naturally, there are some bumps along the way, but these two are made to last. It’s an overall fun AU that has its touching (and sexy) moments too! (May also be a part of a future series?)
17.) Imprisioned by Linisy (Status: Incomplete) – Mature
Genres: Supernatural (Ghosts), Slow Burn
For the past two years, Yuuri has been endlessly tormented by malevolent spirits. Just as he finds himself at the end of his rope, he meets Victor, an enigmatic man who possesses the ability to relieve him.
An AU in which both Yuuri and Victor have powers they don’t quite want, but find that the other might be what they need. Yuuri is a nervous ball of anxiety in this fic because of his ability to see ghosts, and Victor’s own ability leaves him generally isolated from people out of fear of getting too close to them. The whole concept is very unique and I absolutely adore cold(but kind)!Victor gradually warming up to Yuuri. Their interactions are great to read and get me every time!!!
18.) Bottle Me Your Smile by Ncj700 (Status: Incomplete) – Teen
Genres: Magic AU, Apothecary AU
In a tiny village on the edge of the kingdom, Yuuri Katsuki – common as mud Apothecary owner – embarks on a goal to achieve a childhood goal. With the help of the world’s greatest magical, he will achieve it.
A super cute fantasy AU that features Yuuri who’s a talented witch when it comes to potionmaking among other things, but is captivated by the powerful sorcerer Victor. Inspired, Yuuri tries to pursue a path of battlemagic, only to spectacularly fail and return to his home to live a quiet, humble life in his little apothecary. However, as fate would have it, Victor and Yuuri’s paths cross unexpectedly, and I can’t wait to see what adventures will unfold! Lovely world building and characterization.
19.)  His Was Gold by AL_KILLER (Status: Incomplete) – Mature
Genres: Historical AU, Harem AU, Slow Burn, Angst
There were dozens of men and women in Tsar Victor Nikiforov’s harem, all of them attractive, ravishing, and beautiful. They wore provocative clothing, sweet smelling perfumes, and sparkling jewelry designed to catch the eye. All in hopes of being chosen by the Tsar for just one night.
Yuuri was the only one in the harem who didn’t want to be chosen. Yet, Yuuri was the only one the Tsar wanted.
I don’t usually read dark fics because I’m fairly sensitive and fragile, BUT! This one is amazingly well-written and evokes such powerful imagery that grips you and doesn’t let go. There’s an air of mystery here that is partly due to Yuuri’s limited perspective and also due to his unreliable-as-always narration, which the author uses masterfully. Even if you’re not a fan of dark fics, I suggest giving this one a go—it’s worth it. (Warnings for graphic descriptions of violence.)
20.) Story About You by heartsinhay (Status: Incomplete) – Teen
Genres: FanFic, Slow Burn, Humor
After his disastrous Japanese Nationals, Yuuri turns to the only thing that can comfort him: his old fanfic. Halfway across the world, Victor does the same thing.
Just picked up this fic the other day! Yes the “self-insert fic” is super cringey, but of course that’s the point! It’s hilarious to see poor Yuuri despair at his old writing (because, well, relatable) and to be caught off guard by a sudden fan of his works. I wonder who else would be suddenly and intensely interested in the little Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov ship in the figure skating “fandom,” haha! ;)
21.)  23. M. Looking for a challenge. by alykapedia (Status: Incomplete) – Teen*
Genre: Academic AU, Tinder AU, Humor,
“A cute boy with an ass like that says he’s up for a challenge and you send him a math problem?" (Giacometti, 2017).
A (not-so) comprehensive study on the (terrible) mating habits of (beautiful) grad student, Yuuri Katsuki, and (future) Nobel Laureate Viktor Nikiforov D. Sc.
(Or: That one where two physicists fall in love and set off a nuclear reaction. Except not really.)
Another new one that was recommended to me by friends and honestly, I LOVE IT. It’s the academic au you’ve always wanted and never knew you needed! Both Yuuri and Victor are adorable (yet crazy smart) in this and its just so clever in its writing. (*The rating might go up.)
Shameless self promotion:
1.) Celestial Gravitation (Status: Incomplete) – Explicit
Genres: Space AU, Fantasy AU, Action-Adventure, Political, Slow Burn
The Rossiyan Empire controls most of the galaxy. Most, but not all--not yet. The solution to the Emperor's ambitions lies in a rumored ancient weapon hidden on a lost world. The small, peaceful planet of Yamato holds the key to unlocking and utilizing said weapon. To secure their interests, the Emperor and his talented son--Prince Victor--venture to the planet to obtain the key: Prince Yuuri of Yamato. Knowing that any resistance could mean endangering his homeworld, Prince Yuuri and his family agree to the Emperor's terms. But he has foreseen this day coming and he will not go along with their plans as quietly as the Empire may expect him to.
What he hasn't foreseen, however, is the unlikely bond he develops with Prince Victor--a man he should be destined to hate, but finds he cannot.
If only galactic politics and ancient secrets didn't get in the way of love.
(A slow-burn, space-adventure AU in which there is advanced technology as well as magic.)
2.) Tessellation (Status: Incomplete) – Teen
Genres: Retelling, Victor PoV
It started at the banquet--the day Victor's life dramatically changed course. And from there, it was all uphill.
A Victor-POV project that follows the show episodically, for the most part. In other words: the show from Victor's point of view.
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fatedsong · 7 years
My Opinion
So I thought about the Fairy Tail ending a lot after sleeping it through and then after I finished a bag of takis here’s my two cents for whoever cares:
I’ve been reading FT since 2011, it’s just been so many years and has been with me for a big important transition in my life. Fairy Tail came to me when I needed it the most and it has taken such a big part of me, so no matter what it would had become of it, I will always still love Fairy Tail for the rest of my life. I will always love the story, the characters, the music, everything about it. I also joined Tumblr for Fairy Tail. 
-Nalu: Actually I was expecting it to end somewhat like this so I am not surprised. The possibility of having nalu together in a way we don’t see them become a couple but its heavily implied that in the future when they are ready they will become a couple was the most probable. The first thing I found really sweet was were we see Natsu taking on the role of carrying Lucy and taking her home safely  it showed how that is a place and trust only given to Natsu. No matter what happens, the time, the place, he will always make sure she goes back home safely every single time. Now to the main scene, we have Lucy remembering all the times and memories she has with Natsu which then leads to her hugging him, crying and being thankful to have met them because it’s because of them she is who she is right now. To me that was very special because Lucy has thanked Natsu many times, but this is the first time we see her hug him from the front and seen his reaction so clearly to it. It also paralleled with Haru and Ellie. Now the situation that happened afterwards was that, it was a scene were it was shown that they both acknowledged their feelings for each other. In Lucy’s case she was ready to kiss Natsu, she was nervous, surprised, but had closed her eyes, she was ready and when he didn’t kiss her she was shown upset and embarrassed. If Lucy really didn’t want to kiss Natsu she would had pushed him away, it was only because it was him, she closed her eyes, at that point Lucy had already admitted to herself she does indeed love Natsu and if it’s with him she was ready to start a romantic relationship. Natsu is not dumb he knows exactly what was about to happen, it looked like he was about confess or even kiss her, at that point he clearly knows their feelings are mutual, but then he sensed it might not be the time just yet, he felt they might not be ready or were rushing to it, so he quickly went back to the issue about work, telling her in his own way that there was no need to rush because they will always be together because they love each other, so everything will fall into place when it needs to be when it’s meant to be. This was basically a confession and a promise of his part to be always by her side and when the time comes at their own pace they will  take as step forward and begin a romantic relationship. To me that was very fitting for them ,it felt so Natsu and Lucy. It was the best way of making them canon in their own naluish way. So for nalu I don’t have any complaints, I mean sure it would had been nice for a kiss and so but I think it’s fine this way too. It’s canon.
-Gruvia: For this I was actually expecting to see Gray’s confession right after the war, so while I still preferred seeing it and in a more serious environment and could had been more fitting, I am still happy with this scene because despite being small it implicates many things. Since it’s been a year already, their conversation and actions are of people who are already together. Juvia gets drunk and starts stripping and the first thing we see was Gray who quickly rushes to stop her. The thing to note was that Gray was taking care of her, throughout the party he was keeping an eye on her, so when he saw what she was about to do he was able to quickly go stop her and then take her to a more private place were she could calm down. The next thing we see was that Gray was visibly jealous because others had seen her and you could tell this in his annoyance when he ironically scolds her for stripping, he pulls her out in order for her to sober up and because he doesn’t want others to see her. Before whenever Gray got jealous he was more subtle about it, he couldn’t say much or get in the way because it would give out his feelings, something he wasn’t ready for, but now he can finally do something about it. Then Gray asks Juvia if she had asked Wendy if she could do something about her scar, but Juvia doesn’t mind because he has one too. The scar for them is important, it’s a demonstration of how far they will go for each other, it’s a mark of their love, despite how different they act concerning their loves, their feelings mirror each other, the fact that they both decide to keep it is meaningful, especially since Mashima has barely ever lets a female character keep her scars so it means so much. I didn’t think she was going to have it, (also correct me if I’m wrong I think there’s a thing about women having scars and keeping responsibility of it something on Japan so there’s that too). Gray had asked her about it because he was worried about her, when Gray said something about ‘Men and women bodies are different... because.... you’re mine...” he was basically saying “I don’t want you to keep me in mind and cherish your body because you are important to me because I love you.” I like that part because you can see how much Gray struggles expressing himself with words, but he has reached a point with Juvia, were even though he hesitates, and stumbles a lot trying to give excuses, as he promised her, at the end, he is honest with her. They basically kissed after this btw. So it wasn’t what I expected but I am happy with it.
-Gajevy: It was like I expected, I thought we had seen the implications of twins many times and because of this Mashima would give us something that will demonstrate the twins did happen in canon, because of this I thought we might see the next gen, so to have Levy whisper to Gajeel she is pregnant is a good way to end them. It was something that was there and one of the things Gajeel was shown he wanted with her, he wanted to live and be with her forever and, have a family with her, so that part is shown. There really isn’t anything more I can ask for them since they are complete.
-Jerza: lol I thought we would get a kiss or a wedding tbh so I get the frustration. After I started thinking about it I get why this happened. If it was a year and in that year Jellal’s crimes had barely been pardoned I get why we didn’t see them enter a relationship just yet. You could tell by Jellal’s words he was still not sure of how to “live on” and what will be the right next move, it would indeed take at least a year for him to settle down and only after that to start a relationship with Erza. Jellal’s timeline consists of him being a slave, then being brainwashed, killing a bunch of people, losing his memory, then finally hearing about Erza disappearing for more than 7 years and since then never letting himself be happy trying to mend for those sins creating a guild to destroy Zeref. It was only until now that in the first time of his life Jellal is truly free. So it would had been too sudden to see them kiss right after a war and for a wedding it would had meant at least more of a year timeskip, which would change the whole chapter. So I think ending it with Lucy noticing Erza has been taking care of herself and her hair, which was something he loved about her, is meaningful because it implies they already meet once in a while and there has been change between them. One of the first things Jellal did was to contact Erza which means their relationship is progressing and proves how Jellal, himself, is changing, he is learning how to “live on” accepting it is okay to be with Erza and let himself be happy with her. While I do think Mashima could had given them at least an interaction I can see this still fitting in the story. So while I accept it I can see why others would still want more, especially with everything they have been through, but in order for them not to make it seem like Jellal was just waiting to be forgiven to hook up with Erza we would had needed more time.  For me while I would had wanted an interaction I am content with it, also it is very canon. 
-Zervis: I thought we were only going to see them mentioned, but seeing them reincarnated is one of the messages FT always gives, everyone gets a second try in life to be happy so it is fitting. It’s also nice to see what would had happened, how they will had acted if tragedy hadn’t fallen upon them, they will have met normally and fallen in love with a happy ending.
For the whole thing I am happy we got to see them being themselves, they are still Fairy Tail despite everything. Seeing them in a group, Natsu and Gray fighting, Erza stopping them, Gray stripping, each character was doing what they always do every time, it was what I was expecting so it brings out the nostalgia.I thought we might have seen Lucy narrating this closing some book called “Fairy Tail” but I am very pleased seeing her in her own award ceremony having one of her dreams come true. It’s good that we see how all the other guilds are doing well and Chelia can do magic again.I thought it was funny how Anna was still there, kinda feels outta place, but that’s fine. I liked how Mashima didn’t forget Cobra and Kinana lol a couple we didn’t know we needed confirmed. Laxus has a harem. It was nice to see Hisui take the throne and begin her reign a forgiving and prosper one. Anyway I loved how it ended were it began, Natsu and Happy entering her apartment like the first time then pulling Lucy to another adventure and all of Team Natsu saying goodbye to us while they go on. That part was the one I wanted the most and got, to see everyone in Fairy Tail and then to have our team set off into a new adventure as to say that it isn’t truly over, they will always be the same, they will continue moving forward to a new adventure, always, even when we don’t see them.
While the ending could had been better, of course there are things here and there I would had preferred or was expecting, some things that still need to be answered and I will always want more especially for my ships, I am content with it because it feels like Fairy Tail itself, it ended peacefully like it began and how they have always been. I never needed anyone to die, I wanted all of them to be happy and that’s how they did so I am happy.
To me it’s like it feels like FT ended but at the same time it didn’t and it’s an odd feeling.
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wildgrave · 7 years
what do u love about ur friends
idk which one of ya sneaky bastards sent this but i’m not gonna complain b/c i will take any possible opportunity to gush about my friends.
update: this got entirely out of hand and i just wrote about like... everyone i talk to. if u talk just ctrl + f ur name (but don’t feel bad if you’re not in here b/c i’m doing this off the top of my head and can’t remember everyone!! also a lot of these are hs friends who don’t have tumblrs but u asked anon so)
i honestly love them all for different reasons tho!! i’m not going to tag everyone but: thanh is great for a straightforward answer & we have the same awful sense of humor which is basically 8 years of memes to reference (also she says no romo a lot which i find rly funny for some reason??). hannah is super loving and supportive and always looking out for me. jessie is wry and clever and honestly has every reason to get annoyed at me 24/7 but somehow doesn’t. whitten i talk to every day and is super rational about my problems which is helpful when i need solutions (also dank memes). gaby is great b/c we both have a lot of the same interests (feminism, art, fashion, shit-talking ppl, etc) and gets riled up about my problems which is great when i need someone to get angry with. colette also gets angry, usually angrier than me, about my problems and is the best person to offer to beat boys up (b/c i know if she gets drunk enough she will fight anyone). kathleen is great b/c we always end up doing something ridiculous and it’s fun and makes a good story. brooke is the fucking funniest person i have ever met and thinks she’s punk rock but is secretly boujee as fuck. amber also thinks she’s punk rock, but has the softest, purest heart of gold of anyone i’ve ever met (also she comes up with the most ridiculously hilarious ways to proposition me). claire and i can talk about absolutely anything and send each other close ups of pimples but also take nudes of eachother and honestly if thats not true friendship then what is?? sofie is honestly brilliant and always has clever comments to make and i’m lowkey in love with her to this day and i mean, if you’re not a little in love with your friends wyd?? mila is so sweet and i can have fun with her doing anything, like we don’t even need to go anywhere we can just have philosophical talks on my bed and it’s chill. sammy and i have only chilled irl once but she’s really quiet and nice but occasionally makes rly snarky comments about straight ppl which are hilarious. lucy is never on skype but when she is we have a fuckin field day and she’s so petty but like... in a funny way? i’ve only hung out with andie once (which i’m trying to change before she goes back to vegas) but she’s so into musical theatre and i love reading her tweets about it b/c i love how passionate she is! dylan makes awful decisions on the daily like... blowjob competition? rly dyn? and it’s so funny to hear about and he gives ridiculous but funny advice and is super australian and always says “bruv” which is super funny to me. jenna i’m p sure is going to be running the world in two years (also holy shit she’s graduating college?? my bb girl is growing up :’)). adja is so funny b/c i thought she was super by the rules in hs but now she’s a wild child. aidan (as in the senior in hs, not the one my age) sends me #relatable memes and even tho we don’t talk often it gets deep as shit when we do (but i lowkey don’t trust him b/c of his opinions of iron fist smh). allie is in my race & ethnicity class and is just nice all around and we DM eachother on twitter sometimes like ‘what was that awful presentation in class’). nick from polisci is so knowledgeable about politics but makes the issues funny w/o being offensive and shannon (also from polisci) dresses rly cute and we have fun conversations & the three of us have a funny group chat for our presentation. quinn is such a wannabe edgelord but is honestly so pure and a good friend. asmaa is the sweetest possible person and we always tease quinn together. ricky continously gives me a hard time about everything but in a funny way and patiently explains WoW lore to me. JT is also fun to play WoW with and makes me feel like a baby b/c he’s and old man. rebecca’s steadfast belief in drarry makes me smile and i love her writing. harri is one of my many wives and her snapchats are amazing (as are her boobs). kinzie i rarely talk to but i can still hit up sometimes like whats up bitch today i had sex while listening to wtnv. cassie, becca, and eleanor are all rly cool and super pretty and nice to chill with and i love their art and photography and general personalities. georgie gave me the sweetest poem and letter last summer when i was feeling down and we have similar aspirations and i’d love to work with her in my career sometime! marko and henry are married istg but anyway marko is such a genuine, honest person and henry is an amazing writer and i loved english with him and it’d make me happy if we were closer. lena is my protege and i am an awful mentor b/c i never see her since i graduated but she is my child. layla is the baddest bitch i have ever met, her nails are always amazing and we can be catty together and blast nicki minaj. sarah is so funny b/c everyone thinks she’s reserved and studious and stuff (and she kinda is) but once you get to know her she is the sassiest person you will ever meet. my sister and i fight sometimes over me stealing her clothes constantly but we bond over how our parents drive us up the wall and also she cooks a lot which means i can steal food. the entire volstovic cycle fandom (dani, scarlett, anna, crystal, etc) are all amazing creators of things and honestly an inspiration. rimsha is the hardest working person i have ever met and i love hearing about her succeed. brady is my fellow gay (tho tbh 90% of the ppl on this list are gay b/c we flock together) and i love him for his snarkiness. all the boys i sat at lunch with in high school (garrison, rex, arun, etc) are such memes but i didn’t realize how cool they were until we graduated and now i’m like, damn i should’ve paid them more attention even tho i saw them every day. my boyfriend is my friend and he’s the most politically active person i have ever met, and he’s such a dweeb, and he makes me smile whenever we’re together (even when i’m trying to be angry at him). feihong acts like a fuckboy but is pretty dang cool if i’m being honest; he’s rly dedicated to what he does. carly and i don’t talk but i appreciate her paintings and selfies and funny tweets from afar. morgan and i were at a fidlar concert once together and we both couldn’t survive the mosh pit (also her instagram captions are fuckin hilarious am i right or am i right?). kelly is a goddamn klepto but we always have fun together drinking coffee and talking about pens and i love and support her art and she does the same for mine. charlotte is chill and i miss just hanging out in her basement b/c she’s such a gemini but in a good way. the ppl i sit with on campus (sumaiya, alex, zuri, etc) are always having interesting convos and share food and it’s a good time. my cousin and her husband (nat and ron) are the most punk ppl in their 30s and they introduced me to the punk scene and i miss them b/c they moved back to kansas. shakey’s photography on insta makes me feel pensive and i want to go to philly just to meet her. miki i’m not super tight with but her writing is a+ and makes me cry and i love rping with her. rina is such a cool mutual and her art is dope. lea is also a cool chic and i love her hair and want her to bake my wedding cake. mousse is so nice to everyone. ellie and i only talk like twice a year at family parties but we can always dive back in and pick up where we left off. the ppl i party w (other aidan, jakob, justin, etc) are dumbasses (i use that term endearingly) but i’m 98% sure they’ve all carried me to the toilet when i’ve been puking my guts out at a party. marley was that friend that ended up going to yale and no one was surprised so i admire her success but also she was always kind to me and always asked how i was doing with my mental illnesses. renee and maria and i bonded over ib art and sga and generally being over-worked by our sponsor. alanna was another one of my proteges who i need to keep up with better b/c she’s badass and funny and has the best eyebrows ever. i don’t talk to sidney anymore but we went thru so much together and supported eachother a lot a few years ago and i still love em for that. eddie is such a dweeb, everytime i see him (which is a surprising amount considering he lives in miami) we act like nothing has changed and go at eachothers throats. rachel m & galen have both grown so so much since i met them and i’m proud of them. rachel s is so fun to talk about hoe things with and laugh at eachother. marco has the best finsta of anyone ever. danny and i talk over snapchat every so often (like every month or so) and we have the weirdest convos like?? let’s name your imaginary lizard. zamzam (from my creative writing class last semester) was super fun to hang out with when she came over and actually everyone in that class (xander, leah, olivia, will, etc) were excellent writers and hilarious and we all bonded. victor is such a bro honestly he’s funny and is very attentive (actually listens) and is fun sober or not. sandra i’ve known since i was a baby and never really talked to until recently but she’s so nice to talk to about small things. alyssa i stalk obsessively on goodreads b/c who else can read that much, istg girl you’re a cyborg (but like a pretty one). rp buds that i haven’t mentioned so far (mario, mackenzie, etc) i value a lot for their companionship and writing. there are tons of ppl from hs that i wish i had gotten to know better when i was there (julia, drea, tina, both erins, bridget, etc). 
and yeah there are more ppl but those are mostly ppl i talk to at parties or dm occasionally or wish i was friends with but admire from afar. anyway. this got long. I JUST LOVE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!
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Why I don’t get close to people:
So this is, for me, sad and depressing so I’m gonna toss a ‘keep reading’ in here so people can skip it. This is basically all about why I’m scared to make friends on here. Like, I WANT to make friends on here, but I’m scared. 
Basically, have plenty of  people who I call my friends. And I love them dearly. Unfortunately, I shouldn’t call them my friends because its very clear that they don’t care. Example: I’ve been off school since Christmas due to having had surgery. Do you think one of those people ever messaged me to see how I was? 
Nope, not one. 
Fine, whatever, I’m actually used to shit like that, which is depressing in itself. But here’s three reasons why I try not to get close anymore, there are many but these are the ones that stand out the most.
1. I had a friend who had been my best friend since we were 5, we were more sisters than anything, well, she got engaged. Fantastic! The guy is awesome. She asks me to be in their wedding as her maid of honor. Hell yeah, love to! So months go by and she never discusses dress shopping. That’s cool, no problem, she’s very busy with school and work. About two months before the wedding, I mention it to her. “Yeah, about that, I kind of just want to have family in the wedding party if that’s okay with you.” I no longer need to write a speech? Fucking perfect, I’m cool with that. Go to the wedding, its great, go to the reception, they introduce the wedding party. Here’s where it goes bad. 
“Introducing the maid of honor, Bailey’s best friend from work...” Yup, best friend...from work....who in her speech even said they only knew each other a year....versus our 19 years of friendship. Yeah that hurt. I went home soon after that. Texted and called two weeks after the wedding when I knew they’d be home. No answer. Never heard from her again, never even got a thank you for the wedding present.
2. Made a friend in  a yahoo group years ago when they first started. I was like 15. I was a huge nascar fan and was trying to find people outside of my father to discuss the sport with. That’s where I met Chuck. Chuck was 20, but my mom talked to him too and he was a great guy and a great role model. He was also in the army, which I thought was the coolest thing ever. The guy literally became my hero, mom called her his son, he called and we talked all the time, the coolest was when we’d be talking and the helicopters would go over their base because I could actually hear them. Two years go by, everything is cool, we have some mutual friends now. Well, one day Chuck tells me he’s gonna be a dad, which kind of hurts because I might have developed a crush but its cool because he’s happy. Nine months go by, his little girl is adorable, but he and the mom break up, he starts dating one of our friends and then he’s being deployed back to Iraq. Emails follow back and forth when he can, he sends me pictures, which I include in my locker at school, I check every day online to make sure he’s not on CNN’s dead soldier list...because back then that was a thing. Soon the emails stop completely and I panic, messaging his girlfriend...
Where I learned that his daughter...doesn’t exist, and he was never re-deployed, in fact he was about to get an honorable discharge because of a bad leg from his snowmobile accident a year and a half before (the accident I knew about). To say I was upset would be an understatement.
3. The final reason is due to someone I met here on tumblr. 4 years ago, I was obsessed with one of my favourite actors since childhood, still a favourite but I’m not as crazy about the man as I used to be, that man being Michael Rooker. Now there weren’t a lot of him in the tags so I started posting about him, all the time. One day I got a message from someone on the tag, and then we were the best of friends. She lived in Oregon and I was in Canada, we talked everyday, her kids loved me, I loved them, they were my little minions. Well I moved to Toronto the year after we met, and I planned on going to Fan Expo, Rooker was going to be there and I wanted to meet him, plus I’d never been to a con before. So she decides she’s going to come visit me and we’ll go together. Fucking awesome, of course I wanted this! So she comes, we have a great time,  I get a high five from Rooker and my life is like...complete. 
She went home, everything was cool. She decides she’s going to England the next April to go see a mutual friend. I wanted to go but couldn’t afford it so she skyped with me from there and instead of going straight home, was coming to stay with me for a week. Well while in England...she slept with our friend and they decided to date. Cool, I’m good with that.  Well, she comes to visit me, meets my dad’s best friend from work...and decides to dump our friend and date him...Okay then. Weird but whatever, the friend was okay with it...sort of. So 6 months go by, she’s planning to come to Canada for 6 months because she and the kids just need to get away, plus her and my dad’s friend are still ‘together’. They get denied at the border and go home. Soon after, she dumps the friend because she’s fallen for her ex-in-England’s BEST FRIEND of 40 fucking years. Now they’re engaged and she randomly deleted me on facebook and twitter and no longer speaks to me. No reasons why, just gone.
So this is why I find it hard to trust people and why I have anxieties about it. If we’re mutuals and I don’t talk to you, its not because I don’t want to, because trust me, I WANT to. I’m just scared to be hurt again. 
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