#when I tell y'all I am done I mean it gosh
spielzeugkaiser · 10 months
Hi, Sorry to bother you, I'm just an anon who loves your art. It's just that I haven't seen you on Tumblr in the last weeks and I just hope that you're all right. I wanted to send you good vibes and wish you a good week. Also, I wanted to thank you for your incredible art and stories. I love your work and I hope and wish that you're okay. I'm looking forward to your come back but take all the time you need, absolutely no pressure. Your well-being is more important. I'll stop talking now. Bye !
Awww, thank you, that means a lot!! 🥺💖🥺
I've been ill for the couple last weeks (which is nothing new, because everyone who knows me also knows that I'm always ill) but this time nobody is sure what it actually is, so it's lots of: 'see if those meds do anything - oh no (nothing happens beside me being drowsy as fuck)' so I have been conserving my energy for the days where work is not avoidable and pured the rest into writing some papers I have a deadline for (about sepsis. yeeee)
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ms-cartoon · 4 months
Now see? What I tell ya? What. Did. I. Tell. Y'all!
I knew they we're gonna do this! What I say, "instead of Stolas being in the wrong for how he treats Blitzo, they're gonna make the latter the bad guy for how he "treats" Stolas. Because blah blah blah, Blitzo doesn't love Stolas back, blah blah he's not considerate of Stolas's feelings for him, blah blah he's being mean, blah blah, he needs to give Stolas a chance."
This is what I said on my post about the trailer
There is so much that needs to be said about this episode, for now however, I need to discuss this little conversation turned argument between the fandom's main couple
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A little off-topic, but first of all, I really don't like how Blitzo's feelings for Stolas are retconned in between seasons. He went from hating Stolas and dreading a night of sex with him to actually sort of liking him and being so afraid that Stolas might be bored with him that he'll figure out ways to impress him with a bunch of sex toys. Him worrying about how complicated it is with Stolas, being nervous and giddy about how the meeting is gonna turn out? Being excited about having a night of sex with him and thinking dirty thoughts?? I can't tell if it's just Blitzo being perverted and horny or what, but it doesn't feel right. It's like these two switched roles or something.
Cuz where the hell did all this come from???
We don't even get a scene with them after the Ozzie's incident. Blitzo just told Stolas to screw off before driving away that episode, and there was NO conversation about it! It was a whole "Now you see it, now you don't" after 3 episodes with the aftermath being through text instead of in-person.
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It made it seem like Blitzo was just DONE with Stolas while reluctantly pursuing the agreement.
Now the show is just in and out with them acting like boyfriends to them feeling awkward and distant. Like Viv, Adam, whoever is in charge of writing these relationships-- pick a lane!!
Anyway, back to the topic
Like everyone has been saying that I 100% agree with, Stolas is just a self-insert of Vivziepop: As soon as Viv is called out by us critiques, she'll throw a fit, cry, and resent us because we don't like her or her show (or we do like the show to some degree, it's just lacking the potential that it needs), and we're saying things about her that she doesn't like (despite them being true), therefore, she won't hold accountability for these things. And this is how Stolas is acting. Blitzo is calling him out, Stolas doesn't like it despite it being true and he turns it around on Blitzo for thinking so negatively of him, and won't admit when he's wrong.
Is Viv doing this on purpose? I'm starting to feel like she knows what she's doing here?
What really grinds my gears is when after Blitzo tells him off, Stolas tears up, being the dramatic pity me crybaby BITCH that he is, and says this--
"I wanted you for so long. The fact that you couldn't believe that I might have these feelings about you, that your first instinct is- that it's always about sex. That's enough to know what this is."
I know he didn't- ARE YOU F**KING KIDDING ME!! That is literally THE MOST hypocritical thing he's ever said since he's existed in this show. I know I shouldn't be shocked at this point, but I am just so APPALLED that I want to laugh (I'm laughing right now). I had to hear that line more than two times to make sure I wasn't deaf when he said that.
So he mentions Blitzo not believing that he might have feelings for him the entire time, almost as if he's shocked by this. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe you don't believe that I'm in love with you!" Have you really given him any reason to believe you might be in love with him, Stolas??? Literally the first thing that came to mind when you two see each other for the first time as adults was, "You came here to ravish me, did you?" You sure as hell weren't loving him then! In what moment have you shown you might be in love him? And I don't want anybody bringing up any kind of excuse from season 2. Season 2 is a whole ass retcon anyway and Stolas's "love" for Blitzo just developed outta nowhere from ep 7 of season 1 to now. So none of it counts.
And then you have THIS part of the line--
"The fact that you think it's always about sex when I'm actually i'm love you."
No you stupid bitch!! That's you!
And then there's this---
"I didn't realize you thought so lowley if me."
Do I even need to explain anything to prove this how false these lines are??? Of course not! Cuz I feel like it should be obvious at this point. So instead, I'll put my "Reasons why I hate Stolas" post.
I swear, it's like the writers suddenly decided they wanna switch roles on these two. Where Stolas feels like Blitzo is messing with his feelings and Blitzo is the horny bastard who doesn't actually care about love when really it's the other way around on both ends. I swear this whole confrontation was thought out so poorly. Viv (or whoever is in charge of writing this EP) clearly doesn't keep track of what goes on in her shows. Or maybe she does, but she just doesn't care, and just changes things so that the story turns out the way she wants it without being logical about it. Stolas saying something like, "Your first instinct is sex." or "How can you not believe I'm not in love with you?" To Blitzo? It makes no sense!! Because sex was always on HIS mind!! HE hasn't shown ANY genuine love that didn't involve sex. So he shouldn't have ANY room to be judging Blitzo. They're whole relationship and the way that it is now; that's all STOLAS'S fault. Sure, Blitzo kind of started it so it's on him too, but Stolas was the one that pursued it despite Blitzo making it very clear he didn't like him. Not to mention he's been manipulative towards him.
I swear, I'm so done with Stolas. He better not pull this shit on his daughter istg. Ur feeling all sad cuz Blitzo doesn't live u back. Cry me a river you poor excuse for a father!
And I can't believe there are some fans out there that are siding with him too. Normally I wouldn't care what fans would think cuz sometimes, there's no changing their mind. But it's like . . . Did we watch the same show??
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anouchard · 3 months
Malevolent Liveblog: Episode 13
Lucky for some! Spoilers under the cu(l)t ...
John sounding a bit sarcastic with his lovely purple prose here.
It *is* still very lovely, though.
I'm glad they're getting to talk this through.
You can feel the push-me-pull-me between John's identity with Arthur and his identity as the King, even down to his speech patterns, which I really like. The difficulty of a god who has never known human meaning, reconciling his godliness with his developing humanity ... what a journey we are about to go on.
We All Ignore The Pit.
"I take it back, I don't forgive you."
To the left, take the box now y'all.
No need to get quite so excited, John.
Gosh, the soundscaping on those trees.
So, Arthur doesn't like rules, huh?
I'd love to know more about Arthur as a boy.
Also, the IRONY of Arthur talking about his survival skills while not being able to tell someone might be following them.
Hey so you know that one bit in The Fellowship of th-
OH. He can see them BOTH?
Excellent character voice.
Wallet? NO
A crystallizer of dreams!
It makes things travel between worlds ... hmm.
"No we don't!"
Glass of Leng ...
"You will leave when it wants you to"
Well, that's not ominous.
"We've been in the dark before!" GOSH, Arthur there's a difference between Arkham dark and Dreamlands dark.
To our left, to the log no-
Why does this sound like a dragon.
What is this.
Why is this.
Hello? Friend?
Are we out of the woods yet are we ou-
Oooh, a mirage?
Wood whales??
"Ah, religion".
Pick a direction, any direction.
I wonder how John ended up being such a poet?
I forget they've only known each other for a few days.
"I'll take that as an awkwardly-worded compliment."
Discussion of religion followed by discussion of surrounding, above, below, like St. Patrick's Breastplate, which is linked to ideas around Féth fíada? HMM.
Oh of COURSE the corpse is moving.
Welcoming back despite former actions? Interesting hint there, Jonathan.
I did NOT notice this whispering.
With enough force you can WHAT.
Yep, I too would need a second, Arthur.
Cool. I'm about to listen to a man bite his own finger off. This is fine.
No, wait, I'm about to listen to a man injure an eldritch entity at the same time.
This is fine this is fine this is fine
Love the chaos of the music here.
Thank you Harlan.
"You did good John. Well done." Like a child at the dentist.
Hey look guys, you planted a tree! Very environmentally conscious.
Uh oh.
They even got a replacement finger! Nice.
Well done, lads.
Oh, NOW you question it?
Oh we ARE out of the woods now!
Nyarlathotep, you here?
"This too shall pass".
On we go ...
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legendofmorons · 10 months
I love your crush(ed) oneshot with Twilight and damn, I know the feeling :') Would it be alright to request a part 2 for it! Where Twilight discovers that his feelings for the reader aren't just best friend like and it takes a drastic or angsty moment with reader to realise this and the reader was finally trying to move on as it's been a while now until he then spills his feels and then he kisses the reader like lowkey steamy steamy ;) but not too much and they're both happy and everyone is like gosh damn finally-
I've never done an ask before so I hope this is right! And thank you for reading this if you do!
Crush(ed) part 2 (Twilight)
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(Did Y'all team up? /j. Happy to oblige though, stubborn ranch man and stubborn reader go brrrr.)
Pairing: Twilight x reader
Rating: G
Summary: After you and Twilight are given a task, you two finally sort out your feelings. Also, Legend wins a red rupee.
Warnings: none
Other: Please let me know if I missed anything
You've spent probably a month without any real interactions between you and Twilight. Time has even stopped trying to help you two make up.
At least that's over. There's a special awfulness when the Team Adults (TM) try to make you play nice.
Why not wear a get along t-shirt?
Obviously, you don't have a get along shirt, but still.
Sky has become a much closer friend, and the sympathetic smile he gives to your latest assignment does nothing to ease your problems.
You're supposed to go on a week long trek to Hateno to get some stuff from Purah. And of course, your travel buddy is Twilight.
So here you are, packing your bags up after breakfast. Trying to ignore the meaningful looks Time and Warriors give you.
"You're sure you're gonna be okay? I can come with." Sky gives a reassuring smile, holding our your rolled up sleep roll.
"I'll be fine, Sky. What Twilight gonna do, bite me?"
"You're right. It'll be fine."
"Ready to head out?" Twilight asks as he comes up to you from the right.
"I'm ready when you are." You say, pulling your travel pack onto your shoulders. Your heart dosen’t skip a beat at all. (It does but that's unrelated.)
You're definitely almost over the rancher.
(You most certainly are not even close to over him. But you like to live in denial. Fake it til you make it and all.)
"Alright. Let's go."
You follow Twilight, the worn paths dusty but easy to traverse.
You look around, enjoying the nature from Wild's hyrule. The way nature has recovered since the calamity is amazing.
Twilight sits across from you at the campfire. You haven't said a whole ten words to him since you guys headed out.
He watches you stare into the fire.
It's like you're ignoring him. Or trying to distance yourself.
Well, now, wait a minute - he can't remember the last time you two had a real conversation. He thought he was just imagining things.
But you really are ignoring him.
You've been spending more time with Sky.
He's seen you two cuddling - which his fine. Twilight has no claim on your time and cuddling dosen’t have to mean romance!
Why does Twilight care if you and Sky are cuddling in a romantic way?
Why does he hope it's not romantic?
It's not like he has a crush.
He isn't in love with you.
This is not a good time to realize this. Obviously you don't want anything to do with him.
Which is weird. A month or so ago, you two were close!
Did he do something?
He can't remember anything he might have done.
"Stop staring." You say, looking at him with an even expression.
"Oh. I didn't mean-"
"It's fine. Just uncomfortable."
"I'm so sorry."
"It's fine." You tell him, though the edge in your voice says that it is not fine.
"I really didn't mean to stare. I-"
"I said it's fine!" You snap, something in you breaking.
"(Y/n)?" He asks, caution in his voice.
"You just can't leave me alone?! I'm doing my best! I really am! And you just go and fuck it all up by being - you!" You are almost yelling, face heated up and fire in your eyes.
Twilight used to revel in the fire, watching you take down monsters.
He never thought it'd be turned towards him... especially not for being himself or being polite.
"I'm sorry." He says, looking to the ground.
"I wish your Zelda had come with you. I wouldn't have gotten my hopes up." Your voice is bitter.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Did I do something?"
"Other than being you? No. It's all me and my stupid fucking heart."
It's you? And your heart?
That almost sounds like you have feelings for him. But that can't be it.
Twilight gives you the most incredulous look. "Are you tryin' to tell me somethin'?"
His accent is more noticeable, hope and anxiety mixing into an almost overwhelming cocktail of emotion.
You can't help it. You've never really been able to lie to Twilight. The thought makes your heart squeeze.
"I'm head over heels for you! Okay?! But I know you like Zelda, so you don't have to let me down easy."
Twilight stares at you, making sure he heard you right.
You're head over heels for him?
"You think I like Zelda?" He asks, sounding thoroughly flabbergasted.
"I heard you talking about it! One of the others asked you about your princess and you said that of course you liked her."
"As a friend and a leader." Twilight says firmly, but not at all mad.
"Zelda is a friend, and my home's princess. But there's nothing romantic with her."
"(Y/n), darlin' it's you. You're the one I want to be with."
"Sweetheart, I'm beyond smitten. I'm in love with you."
"Oh." Twilight says with a smile. "Is the Zelda thing why you were ignoring me?"
"Yeah... I was trying to get over you."
"Well... I'm glad you didn't."
"Me too. I wish I'd just talked to you though."
"Well... what's done is done. We can only move forward."
"Can we do that together? Like - you're my boyfriend and we're going forward together?" You ask.
You sound a little anxious.
But lack of communication has only caused issues. So you figure airing on the side of too clear is better.
"I'd like that, a lot."
It dawns on you, that Time's plan worked. It's almost annoying.
But you're thankful.
"If you'll let me I'd love to take you to dinner in Hateno."
"I'd like that a lot."
When you go to sleep that night, you and Twi are side by side with linked pinkies. It's very cute.
(And if Wild or Wind were here they'd take pictures.)
The rest of the trip to Hateno is much more pleasant. Highlights include laughing at eachother's jokes, finding and chasing a glowing blue rabbit - deer thing, and also fireflies.
(Re: lightning bugs.)
You come to realize there isn't a restaurant there, unless you count the inn. So instead you buy dinner from the inn and take it to go.
After all, what's better than a picnic surrounded by fireflies?
The only one awake when you and Twilight (your boyfriend!!!) Return to camp is Sky. He must be on watch then, based on how the sun is starting to slowly creeping up onto the sky again.
You and Twilight hold hands, warmth seeping from your palms right into your heart.
"Hey guys." Sky says with a friendly wave.
"Hey Sky." You give him a warm smile.
You're glad to see your friend.
You're glad to see all of the boys here, but for right now, you're focused on the one that's awake.
"You two seem to have made up."
The gentle squeeze Twilight gives your hand send giddy butterflies right to your brain.
"You could say that." Twilight says with a smile.
"Oh?" Sky asks.
"We're dating." You answer easily.
"That's amazing, I'm so happy for you!" Sky gives a grin.
"Finally." Legend glimpse from his bed roll. "Wild owes me that red ruppee."
"You made a bet on us?" You ask, incredulous as you look to the vet.
"I won a bet."
"Legend." Sky says with a sigh, "Come on."
"Why are y'all being loud?" Time groans as he wakes up.
"Legend made a bet on us." Twilight says, both annoyed and touched.
After all, Legend bet on ypu two either getting together or making up. He isn't sure which one. But still.
"Legend." Time says with a sigh, still laying on his back.
"What? All I did was make an investment!"
"That's so much better." Ypu say with an eye roll.
But the smile Twilight gives you before he presses a kiss to your cheek is worth all of it.
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vrmxlho · 2 years
So can you make a fluff headcanon about blue lock with bachira and/or isagi. Your choice Feel free to ignore this have a nice day/night and take care of yourself
i'm gonna be honest w y'all i have no idea if i'm good at fluff cuz my bf and i are not fluffy at all (i don't think???) so if this is shit don't be afraid to tell me lmao T-T +++ btw thank you sm for requesting <33 SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO MAKE THIS I WAS SCARED TO WRITE IT LMAO ++ i couldn't stop writing once i started so this is hella long
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bachira's love language is 100% physical touch like you cannot tell me he doesn't love just holding you or kissing you or holding your hand
he could be in a really shit mood but as soon as he sees you and is able to feel your presence next to him, he's forgotten about whatever was pestering him before
if you like flowers he'll get you flowers every. fucking. time.
and if you don't like them or are allergic, that's what lego flowers are for!
i can just imagine him buying those lego flowers and staying up till like 4 making them for you because he just wants you to be happy
i also feel like he's scared of abandonment :((( and that just means he's always with you, always pestering you, always talking to you
he just needs reassurance that you'll stay with him
ok when i said his love language is 100% physical touch i lied, it's both physical touch and quality time
gosh he will come up with the most weird and complicated reasons as to why he has to see you right now
he mostly does it cuz he loves being around you but also because of how annoyed and petty you get, he finds it so so funny 😒
"i broke my foot, i can't play football anymore" "WHAT? ARE YOU OKAY? I'M COMING OVER, I KNOW FOOTBALL MEANS THE WORLD TO YOU </3333" turns out he had not in fact broken his foot, he just wanted to see you. god, this boy is so oblivious he just needed to text you something simple like "come over" and you would've been on your way, there was absolutely no reason to lie about it LMAOO
omg ok hear me out
bachira does not have an ideal date as long as its with you
when asked the question "how would you like to spend a whole day with your s/o?" he just thought 'wtf' like???? i love them sm, i could be picking up garbage and still enjoy it if i'm with my s/o
all his friends called him a simp, but he was proud abt it, after all who wouldn't simp for you
he's also really spontaneous, yk with his 'ego' and everything
y'all could just be hanging out and then suddenly out of nowhere you're at a theme park, or at the beach, or a kiddie park
once during the summer, when it was too hot to do anything except complain and eat ice-lollies, he pulled you all the way to a theme park just to have a change of scenery
"please bachira, it's like 30º, we're gonna die" "will you shut up about the heat? you're like a little baby, i promise it'll be fun" and oh was he right. it was getting warmer and warmer but not even a heat wave couldn't ruin the fun. you had gone on all of the rides at least twice but nothing could beat the relaxing water log one. the two of you kept cutting the line as soon as you were done, jumping over the metal barriers and running from the security guard who was sure he'd just seen you (am i going crazy he thought). after about the fifth time he was just so done with the two of you he gave up. you'd be drifting on the log, splashing each other with the kinda gross water. neither of you could stop laughing (nobody knows why), everyone around you thought you were maniacs, but neither of you cared.
although he's always happy when receiving presents, he prefers giving you presents
and by presents i don't mean rlly expensive things but more like little things that remind him of you
he saw a paperclip that was shaped like a heart? present material
your favourite soda? present
you really liked that one song??? well he knows about three more like that, he's making you a playlist as we speak
is it any good? um excellent question! not too sure about his music taste...
just like him it's all over the place
your music tastes do not go well together but that's not gonna stop either one of you from trying to brainwash the other into liking your favourite songs
"this is ass, i can feel my brain melting" "y/n, this song saved my life" "and it's pushing me off the edge, please get a grip" he gets really pouty and pretends he hates you, but that lasts about five minutes because deep down he knows you're right 😭
omg and his kisses
he's never awkward of hesitant about it, he just goes straight for it
your very first kiss was a bit random, the two of you were just talking before he leaned in and quickly pecked your lips, you were a blushing mess, and he liked seeing you like this so he did it again, and again, everywhere this time, your eyes, you forehead, both cheeks, the sides of your lips that were super ticklish
and he does this every time
one kiss isn't enough he needs at least 8!
he does not care about PDA, in fact the more ppl who know you're his, the better
if y'all were any trope it would definitely be childhood sweethearts, yk when you marry your best friend in like primary school? yeah, he probably proposed to you
"to y/n i give my most prized possession, my football" "bachira, i'm tired, i don't feel like playing today" "nonono this is just a gift for the bride" oh silly child, he's not asking you to play with him. he's in love with you <33333
his mother (yu bachira) is literally molly weasley incarnate
like she's out here locking you in their house, there's no way she's letting you go back home?? no, you're her guest!
has a list of foods you like and don't like just so whenever you're home she can cook for you and everything 🥲
she's currently teaching bachira how to cook your favourite meals, she'd never want you to raise a single finger, ever
the world's purest, but also the world's most talkative person ever
homeboy has an average of 10000 words spoken per day (fyi that's a lot)
he just wants to tell you about everything <333
if anything, even the smallest thing, happens when you're not there with him he's 100% filling you in later
hosts a daily ted talk where he just tells you about all the other guys and how they suck 🙄 and how he's getting better at football and like he's pulling up stats you've never heard of???
"and i checked his stats and the only thing he's better at is aerial duels, but it's only by 0.2, so honestly who cares right?? i mean its negligible" "like the charge of a neutron" "wtf is a neutron?" no babe, wtf does 0.2 aerial duel mean??? since when can you fly??? (it's when players fight for the ball while jumping btw)
but don't get me wrong that does not mean he doesn't listen cuz he's such a good listener omg, the best one honestly
why's he good at everything dammit
he loves hearing about your day
he'll ask you about it without fail every single day and he genuinely listens it not like he's doing it out of common curtesy he just loves hearing from you
to him, you could make the most uneventful day sound interesting
he'll be looking at you in awe like a little child being told about magic or smth like that (this was not a great analogy help)
and that makes him supper attentive too
he can instantly tell when something's even slightly off and somehow he knows exactly how to make you feel better
omg he's the type of boyfriend who has a polaroid of you in his phone case and he just stares at it from time to time
and he takes them soooo fucking seriously, unless it's not your initial, no, then that's bullshit 😰🫡
he's 100% husband material, marry him rn like actually
unlike bachira he already knows how to cook and he's gonna get physical if he ever sees you doing anything, he's more like bachira's mother in that way
his ideal date is walking around and going on cute ass picnic dates
he loves when y'all go on dates when it's a bit chilly
"why didn't you wear a jacket?" "it would ruin my outfit" :(((( "ugh, just wear mine then, i don't want you getting a cold" it really wasn't cold that day. you just wanted to wear his coat. little did you know that isagi too was praying that he'd be able to pull of that move, he'd been thinking about it ever since he saw those stupid rom-coms where the guy gives his crush his coat and then they fall in love or smth. my silly children 😪
his love language is quality time, he hates being ignored and he wants to be with the people he loves at all times possible
lucky for him everyone loves him, he's such a sweetheart
his favourite pastime (apart from football ofc) is lying in your lap while you read him a book, gossip or just sit in the silence
he loves looking at you from below especially after that one time he saw the sun shining from behind your head and he swore you looked like an angel (you really did, i was there)
omg listen to this
y'all have a bit of a rivalry when it comes to bowling
you're both so god awful at it but you're both also convinced you're better than the other
"you're supposed to be aiming at the pins, not the hole..." "okay in my defence, when shooting you usually aim for the place with no defenders, so you can score!!" "don't pretend this is about football, you just suck 😒"
he loves kissing you, its the best thing ever
your first kiss was a bit awkward but it had its charm
you both had already been together for a while now but neither of you knew how to initiate the kiss
until you both were laughing at the dumbest joke he'd ever made in his whole life (he still cringes at the memory of it)
you just looked so fucking beautiful, with small tears in your eyes from laughing too much, a smile wide and that cute laugh
he couldn't help it so he just pushed himself onto you
and keep in mind there was some distance between the two of you so when he kissed you the two of you fell
but i mean, at least it was memorable???
gosh you both are the definition of first and last love <3333
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thatonebirdwrites · 3 months
I am taking my time between chapters to recover after posting each one. This one I carefully edited over and over again. I wanted to capture more of the trauma Kara and Lena have, and how their situations are not so different.
I also wanted to show more of Sam and Jack's support of Lena. How Lena navigates her disability (which DID is indeed a disability). Hopefully I showed it all well.
Also, I'm particularly proud of some of my prose here. Especially the last few lines of this excerpt. Let me know y'all's thoughts. EXCERPT:
She sleeps until the sun rises in a cloudless sky, the fury of the storm washed away by gold, red, and turquoise. Her head aches, her limbs throbs, and her stomach churns. She swings her legs out of bed, dizzy. She’s wearing Sam’s sweatshirt. The teddy bear lays on her pillow. One of her chapter books is open on her side table. A presence simmers at the edge of her awareness and pulses with grief.
She hears footsteps. Cobwebs stick to her thoughts, the past day a nightmare that melts like poison into her crevices. A person smeared in bright colors appears in the doorway.
“Hey, you’re awake! How are you feeling?”
She blinks and stares. The comforting presence fades, and she's left alone with the person. All red, blue, and gold — she’s familiar, but her vision is too blurry. Good or bad? She wraps her arms around herself and looks down.
“Oh, gosh, I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad. I totally get this. I really do. And uh, I won’t tell a soul. I promise, okay?”
The words bleed together, a quilt that blankets her mind.
“I mean, you’ve seen mine.” The woman rocks back and forth on her heels. She tugs more on her cape. “And, gosh, is this too much? Because we don’t have to talk about it now. But I want to help. Because something bad happened, didn’t it? And I know I have bad news for you too, but that seems like a lot, and oh gosh, Lena, what do you need?”
Need? She looks down at her hands. They are still dirty. She rubs at the dirt, but it’s dry and strange. Everything feels weird. Her head still so fuzzy. Is the person safe? She signs for the bath, but the figure doesn’t understand.
She tries again.
“Oh, uh, signs. I’m sorry. Sam said you use a chart. Want me to get the chart?”
Sam? Sam is here? She jerks to her feet, but her legs are too long. She stumbles and starts to fall, only for the person to catch her. Her vision finally resolves the figure into Kara. Reader of tales, sings so pretty.
But she’s not Sam. She crumples and starts to cry. Her body hurts, her head all foggy, and she’s dirty. She has to scrub. To clean. To not be dirty. She rubs and rubs at her hands and arms, getting more and more frantic.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, Rory. Do you need to wash? Is that what this is?”
She nods desperately.
“Okay, then let’s do that. Get you to the bathroom.”
But when Kara stands, she’s too tall.
Rory scrambles backward, terrified. Too tall means the scary one is here. Which means she’s been bad. She’s done something very, very bad. She curls her hands above her head and whines in pain. Everything hurts.
“Rory, it’s okay. You’re okay.” The voice is all wrong.
No, no she's not okay. She signs for Sam. The one who holds her just right. Rocks her to sleep. For her sister Ruby who plays games and colors with her. She doesn’t want this semi-stranger. She wants Sam.
“Singing helps, right?” Kara breaks into song. A familiar song, one about rainbows and bluebirds flying.
The melody coils around her, warms her, and soothes away the panic. She crawls closer and gently touches Kara’s arm. When Kara smiles and keeps singing, her thoughts come easier, less chaotic.
Lena loves Kara. She remembers this now. Kara is safe like Sam. Kara has colored with her in the past. Cautiously, she crawls into her lap and wraps her arms around her. Kara holds her so gently. Not Sam, but still nice. Still warm.
“Feeling better?” When she nods, Kara smiles. “Do you still want to wash up?”
She nods again.
Kara helps her to the bathroom. Finds more clothing and lays it by the sink. Asks if she needs help. She shakes her head. Kara isn’t Sam, but Lena loves Kara. But Kieran loves Sam. It’s all so confusing, makes her head throb. She wants to curl up and hide, but she has to get clean.
Water cascades over her. She can’t remember how to bathe. Her head too fuzzy. She picks up items in the shower cubby. Puts them back. Picks them up again. A vague notion of body wash permeates her haze.
Kara helps her to the bathroom. Finds more clothing and lays it by the sink. Asks if she needs help. She shakes her head. Kara isn’t Sam, but Lena loves Kara. But Kieran loves Sam. It’s all so confusing, makes her head throb. She wants to curl up and hide, but she has to get clean.
Water cascades over her. She can’t remember how to bathe. Her head too fuzzy. She picks up items in the shower cubby. Puts them back. Picks them up again. A vague notion of body wash permeates her haze.
She finds herself standing on the bathroom floor with a towel wrapped around herself. The shower is off. Her hand smooths over the clothing by the sink, and she picks whichever feels softer against her palm.
Drink. She’s thirsty, but she can’t remember where Lena puts things. She stumbles into the hallway and sniffles. She rubs at her tears, upset and frustrated. Sound comes from the living room, and she follows it to see Kara on the sofa.
The TV is on, but it’s all wrong. She rubs at her face. Tears are bad. She’s not supposed to cry.
“How about we watch something until Sam comes?”
Relief floods her. Sam is coming. She crawls onto the sofa and huddles next to Kara, leaning into her side. She wants to be held again, but she doesn’t know Kara as well as Sam. But Kara must be good if Lena loves her, right?
Fix the show first. She points to the remote. Kara hands it to her. She presses buttons until the best show plays: alien planets and their ecosystems. Kara finds her a blanket and wraps it around her. Makes her mint tea when she indicates her stomach hurts.
Enduring is what she does. Yet she does not remember what she endures. Lena is not present to explain. Kieran is silent. She feels alone and scared. She shudders and huddles deeper under the blankets.
The soft sounds of the documentary lulls her into a state of not-awake but not-asleep.
The light darkens, ripples, and folds like origami into shadows across her walls. She fades into a restless sleep, full of sneering faces and eerie green lights.
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nutria--oscura · 11 months
Y'ALL HAVE ME SO SCARED FOR THIS (@cookies-over-yonder @officialgleamstar y'all's posts have slain me) HERE WE GO
like, i'm crting and i haven't even stareted the ep yet wtf-
~spoilers for S2 ep35 under the cut~
the sound effects low-key make me wanna throw up-
update: the sound effects make me high-key wanna throw up-
the intro is the high before the storm right? oh dear~
yesss, link is a spouse to his best friends <3
gosh I missed their voices so much <333 <- literally have 100+ episodes it can listen to whenever they want
freddie correcting beth's fact is literally my best friend and i on a daily basis (whos who? we take turns)
i could listen to an entire podcast of just freddie saying facts. like genuinly
"your time studying the blade has served you well" what is hapening?
Terry Jr's back <333
"i did not think that's how this fight was gonna go" same will- same
hey imps? what the fu-
"in going from enemies to lovers so to speak"
all the fanfics were right- (nicky's reasoning, him attempting to reason with the others)
ron and nicky are such a vibe together honestly
"and a badass fight ensues, but also sad"
oh there's grant
terry's memory being ron forgiving him- (henry voice) oh gosh. oh geez-
"did you see what i did to like, my best friend" BEST F R I E N D
"you showed up, y'know?" what if i just combust?
Scary hugging Terry<333
oh my heart
hey glenn, respectfully, fuck offffff
nicky having more emotional intelligence than glenn is so true-
"i have a memory that you weren't around for. which was the birth of your grandson" AHHHHHHH
"i always thought taylor came out real quiet. like a real stoic ninja." "nope. came out crying like a baby dude"
brb cause im like actually crying cause of that scene-
ok... lets go... (screaming crying sobbing sliding down a wall)
"i remember when... was that you? yea, i remember when you were born." WHAT DO YOU MEAN WAS THAT YOU???? THAT WAS YOUR FUCKING SON
"i didn't see a lot of taylor's growing up, and that was- that was- we're cool now, right taylor?" "fuck yea dawgggg. well-" HERE IT COMES
"if i'm gonna be honest dad, i've kinda been hoping and keeping an eye out for time travel magic so that we could go back in time and you could be there for me" imma go ahead an roll a d20 of psychic damage- ah, a nat20 damage, yea that seems about righ- HIS VOICE HOW IT WENT ALL SOFT AND QUIET AND SHY AND THE COMPLETE FUCKING OPPOSITE OF HOW HE IS USUALLY OH SHIT OH FUCK
"as a result i have developed a number of very bad habits, that i am told are very hard to break"
"it's too late"
"but you know if there is time travel magic, then y'know maybe- or if you find it, you can maybe, pick me up on the way back to the past" HIS VOICE, THE MAYBES-
"we're just 3 cool guys" "well-"
"i didn't even know where you were"
more memories??? MORE MEMORIES??? OH NO-
sorry, i have strong feeling w/ regards to parents not showing up to (sprots) stuff
~a pattern~
the- the fanfics were right (glenn keeping his distance not wanting to fuck nicky up but consequentially fucking nicky up)
"as you're saying this, without even wanting it to, tears are rolling down your cheeks. And in that moment, you and Taylor and Nick, all realise that there is no fixing this, that this is as good as it's going to get. That you are stuck with each other in the forms that you are now. You see daddymagic, that same daddymagic that exited Ron and Terry's body, emanate for their bodies like a fine mist coalesce into the air, and then zip into the jar and fill it up a little bit more, cause that's what your relationship is..." what if i- what if i lost it? right here right now?
gosh i DID NOT heed the warnings oh noooooooo
i'm sorry- the US MILITARY? oh fbi too
hahahahahahahah ha hah h a what? JODIE AND MORGAN ARE IN CUFFS-
"i'd like to see you try" "hey is glenn immune to bullets?"
"dude- both of us look at each other - fear, fear in taylor's eyes. like, what the fuck are we getting into? why did i open my mouth?" FEAR IN TAYLOR'S EYES??? FEAR????
In conclusion:
I am now obsessed with Taylor Swift (Freddie's version)
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jupiterjames · 2 years
Y'all. I feel so bad. Mentally and physically after what transpired yesterday. Let me tell y'all all about it because the internet is an even better place to embarrass myself.
So, anyway, I had to have my heart medication dosage tripled on Friday, and well....... that did not go well for me this weekend. I puked up things I ate in a past life and ended up tearing my throat and getting a stomach ulcer, so Ye Olde Hospital Trip.
So they gave me a prescription for antiemetics that obviously I couldn't go drive and get myself, so I ordered them delivery for Saturday.
I slept a long time Saturday because I hadn't slept a wink Friday night. Therefore, I did not notice that it was Jehovahs Witness intern season or whatever. There were DOZENS knocking on doors here this time.
So there's a knock on my door and I'm like YAY PHARMACY DROP OFF!
No. No, it was not. It was a father and son (who looked about 9 or so) dressed in their fine suits very excited for me to answer. The kid IMMEDIATELY says his name at the speed of light and launches into a whole thing about "oh my gosh Jael talks about you all the time because you know all the Bible and she said you're so nice and smart and-"
And I hold up my hand. And I say to this small child, who is stoked, and who I would generally engage in scripture talk with on any other nice day.
I say, "I am very sorry about this, but I am going to shut the door in your face right now because I am about to vomit."
Then I did that.
When I was done with that, I realized that this elementary school-aged kid probably thought I said that to me mean to him and get him off my doorstep.
*head in hands*
I'm so sorry tiny boy in your nice suit. I hope I didn't traumatize you. 😭
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OPE those guns o.o
Yeah that does not look good xd
Hmm who are we telling that we're referring to them as Captain Nash and his wife?
Oh gosh them all 😭😭 they all look so worried :(( 🥺💔❤️
Understandable xD
Uhh is that a bomb o.o
Yeah that's very Bobby
Uhh ohh y'all 😬😬
Yeah of course he is xD an icon lol <3
Y'all when I tell you I am NERVOUS
This better all end up okay lol
Including their relationship because that's one I'm most scared for xD
Okay, that's the last of my last thoughts, so now it's time for the. . .
AAAHHHHHHH I'm so glad to have my babeys back :D.
Now, given that I'm writing this part on the day of episode 3 and I haven't watched episode 2 yet lol, this will be very short. I might come back and edit later xD.
BUDDIEEEE!!! I'm telling you they're a family. Why are they such a family? I don't know. Anyway poor Chris 😭😭💔❤️. That scene at the end, with the letter, was so good <33. And oh my gosh don't even TALK to me about Buck talking to Christopher and then it planning to Eddie in the hall 😭😭. I was not okay over that and I'm still not <3. Also, a callback to Eddie's panic attacks by having him use a strategy to help that woman was so cool :'DD. He slayed <33. Also the joke after?? They're so in love, your honor <33.
Hen! Don't remember much of what she was up to but she slayed :)). And she's doing great as Captain 🥰🥰! Also her not feeding into Athena's delusions xD (although we of course find out that they aren't but yk it's just a funny moment lol).
Chimney and Maddie! Chim stressing was a mood lol xd. And honestly, making sure you make time for yourselves amongst your jobs, child, and wedding planning is a good idea! But don't try that hard lol. Like y'all figured out, you don't need to :). But yeah, I'm glad they just decided to relax <3. Love them 🥰🥰.
Bobby and Athena! I be slightly concerned for them o.o. I'm sure everything'll be fine in the end relationship wise, but it's stressful xd. And poor Bobby 😭. I promise it's not something you've done Bobby xd. Anyway, SLAY on the investigating though lol :D. And even though I feel for him I'm glad Bobby set aside their issues and had his priorities straight lol xD. Anyway, hopefully all goes well with those pirates 😬.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! It's so good to be back :D. I think the cruise ship is a really unique disaster - as are the issues with Bobby and Athena's relationship lol. By that I just mean, it's interesting/nice (even though it hurts) to see some struggles for them (that aren't external) :). There were also really great moments with everybody else, and I'm glad we got to see home ans the ship! Plus, there was a good spread of focus today :). Anyway, I'm a little nervous about the next episode, but I'm sure everything will be alright. It better be lol. Also, the calls were really cool today :O.
So, yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was great :D. It was lovely seeing my babeys again :). I'm so excited for the next episode! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 1: Abandon Ships
It was amazing! I'm interested to see how everything's gonna go down on the boat, and people's reactions. I'll be back here next time with my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 2: Rock the Boat
See you then!
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Jukebox reviews part 14! For context, see my post “A Project”   under  this same tag. If you want to see a full list of his EMCSA   stories,  they can be found here, sorted alphabetically.And if you want to see some of his drabbles, check out his blog at @jukeboxemcsa  
 Sharp Dressed Man
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4/10/2010                                     mc mf md
Trust someone in marketing to care more about the presentation of something than the content. And, as a scientist, I do resent the way Nina just acts as though scientists don't know how to dress. Just because I get to wear street clothes to the lab (look, you don't want synthetic fabrics around chemicals. You just don't. Cotton all the way, folks! Or linen or wool, depending) doesn't mean I don't know how to dress up and look stunning when I want to. Or, at least, my partners have used stunning to describe me, but I suppose they may just be biased. REGARDLESS, Nina's being a bit catty here, and that definitely makes me feel like she deserves what she gets. But the control isn't ... it isn't a style I enjoy in my kink stories, so on a lot of levels this is just a miss for me. If you like someone being overwhelmed with ... well, ok, in this universe it's science but no, that isn’t how any of this works, so it's magic. You might just enjoy this. 3/10 spirals.
Show Don’t Tell
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4/17/2010                                     mc ff cb
Given who Adventure Girl makes me think of, it's WEEIRD to see her juxtaposed with Venus Ascendant, given who Venus makes me think of. (Look, her age says Supergirl, but her origin says Ms. Marvel. And I'm a Carol Danvers fan.) But holding that aside, because it isn't really important, gosh this is a Good Story. The Girdle of Minerva works so well, and watching Adventure Girl grapple with the same sorts of "but good girls don't!" that I too had to unlearn is ... cathartic? Kind of? It doesn't hit my hot buttons exactly - too much magic, which if y'all have been following my reviews won't come as a surprise - but it's still really good. 7/10 spirals
  Closer to the Heart
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4/25/2010                                     mc mf fd
How can I even *start* to review this one? This isn't just my favourite Jukebox story - my favourite story on the EMCSA *other* than one my spouse wrote for and dedicated to me! - but it was FORMATIVE to my hypnokink, to my sense of what I might possibly *find* in a relationship. I didn't know what healthy, happy romantic relationships looked like when I was as young as I was when I read this story, back when it was first posted. Not *really.* My parents were always so very private about their relationship, and I knew enough to know that media wasn't ... it just wasn't. Add in the "I'm not really interested in sex itself" with the strong hypnokink, and I was so adrift. Sure, there were, like, 2 book series I read that had Healthy Relationships, but they didn't have any of the kink nuance, so that didn't help.But this story. This story has so many moments that I read and my brain went "that. I want *THAT.*" The mix of romance and fun kinky things in this story became my measuring stick for relationships I was in, and if I realized that a partner wasn't living up to that? That they weren't showing me the respect Lynn shows Michael? I was done. And I needed that, more than once, unfortunately. But it also helped me internalize that I *could* have that kind of relationship. And now I do - 4 times over! I've mentioned before on my blog how a line from this story became a guiding benchmark for me, the idea of "everything we do comes from love." Whether love of community, love of a friend, or romantic love, that central tenant has helped me know when to stop doing something I was no longer doing for the right reasons, and to grow into an adult who knows when to - and how to! - say no.That's a LOT to put into a story, I realize, and it isn't just this story that did it. But it was absolutely a catalyst for so much of that. I would not be who I am today if it weren't for this story. I probably wouldn't have even felt like I belonged in this community without this story, and a few others (one by Jukebox, and a couple by Wiseguy).So all that said, let's get into the actual text of the story, shall we?
While we start with sexual stuff immediately, it's also instantly clearly part of the conditioning/brainwashing process, so that's all good by my standards. There's such obvious love and connection between Michael and Lynn, and she so gently and tenderly reinforcing her control as she moves through the chakras. And then, when we get to the heart chakra, and Michael stops being passive because he loves Lynn so much, and has such a need to communicate that to her... it melts my heart. The way she drops out of pet names and just uses his name in that moment, the mantra... so much good here. And then the moment where we see Michael is so aware of how much Lynn loves him in return is so tender... to me, that's the true climax of this story, the sharing in love that has been well tended and grown by *both* of them. It's just tender and sweet and lovely and I am so very fond of both Michael and Lynn, here and in every story we see with them. 9001/10 spirals.
Already Gone
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5/2/2010                                       mc ff
There's a really interesting suggestion in here, and it's one I definitely plan to use for (short-term) shenanigans with a partner at some point. The idea of them being consumed by curiosity, focusing entirely on a fixation object as it sucks their thoughts away? Oh yes, I'm using that. The rest of this story? It's good enough, but doesn't quite get me invested the way other stories have and do. Some of that is the contrast to Closer to the Heart, of course; I remember 12 years ago, reading this one the week after Closer to the Heart and wishing that this had been closer to that - and I still do. But this one stands well on its own, if I make myself stop comparing it to Closer to the Heart. Seeing how Cat's mind changes in response to the control is *delightful,* and it's well thought out. It's just a bit impersonal for me, is all. 8/10 spirals.
  I Ran So Far Away
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5/8/2010                                       mc mf md
Hmm, another one of those stories that never quite feels erotic - surreal horror, maybe? Still really good for what it is, just a bit ... not quite fitting amongst the rest of the stories on the archive. But it's well written, we really, TRULY get a sense of what Monica was running from and why she's scared, and it fits so very well. Though I have to wonder how nobody's noticed this before now. Surely enough folk gathered by those who serve would have people who miss them! 7/10 spirals
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5/15/2010                                     mc mf md
I feel bad for Addison here; he's mostly an innocent bystander in this one. Wouldn't it have made more sense to just tell him to forget the secrets involved and only have to worry about one person - a seemingly not well-liked one! - disappearing? Ah well, leaving my opinions on what makes sense aside, this is a bit ... clinical? which is the point, of course, but it makes it hard for me to see it as erotic, personally. But the method works, and I enjoy the (entirely too brief) description of the experience Addison has. If you like more detatched/clinical control, you'll likely enjoy this one? 6/10 spirals
  Talking In Your Sleep
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5/22/2010                                     mc ff
This ends the only way it possibly could, and I don't think that's inherently a bad thing? Because the *how* we end up where it ends up is a bigger draw than the "where is this going?" sentiment would be. It's fun to watch how Alicia slowly brainwashes herself with Holly's voice, though I can't help but shake my head at her not realising she was doing that. Ah well, hopefully it will work out for the best and they can be a happy trio; I've seen well how two subby gals can be in love and reinforcing their submission to a shared dominant partner; it can be *super* cute. Though that does involve more consenting submsision, but what can you do, I suppose? I do have to wonder just how much actual rest Holly was getting, but it seemed to work for her? 8/10 spirals
  You’re the Inspiration
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5/30/2010                                     mc
Another of the inductions Jukebox has written, and one very not to my taste; a central image of it is, effectively, serial recruitment, which is a hard limit for me. So it's not an induction I can rate well, though the technique is as solid as always.
  Common People
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6/5/2010                                       mc mf md fd
I feel like the last part of this sort of skews away from what would be - to me! - a much more interesting story. But it ends up more or less exactly where I expected it to - after 139 stories, I think I'm getting a sense of where Jukebox is going with these pretty quickly from the tone. The first two thirds of the story is good - the approach of a telepath who's trying not to give into her powers is fun! But the cruel ending to it, caused by another telepath, is less my vibe. 6/10 spirals.
  Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
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6/12/2010                                     mc ff
Honestly, do people not understand the idea of too good to be true? I suppose there would be fewer good stories if they did, and after all it can be hard to resist temptation. And to be fair, Isabelle did speak truly, for all she left significant details out. It's a fun story, and the sense of how Sylvia is overwhelmed and conditioned and brainwashed is wonderful. Having said that, I don't actually like the light and sound machines - unless I'm already SUPER fractionated, they just give me a wicked headache (I should know, I experimented with them once upon a time, thanks to Wiseguy) - so I do wince a little at the idea of waking from sleep right into one. But that's a me thing - plenty of folk really like light and sound machines, and I know from friends' testimonies that they can be amazingly hypnotic for a lot of folk! So that just makes all of this feel more real, and more personal. It's just all around a good story that hits a lot of things I like. 9/10 spirals.
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luvvvvangelssssstories · 10 months
What's Luvvvv?
Tumblr media
~ Chapter 3 ~
TW: nothin jus the usual cussing and usage of the N word.
MADE BY ~ ME (with a lot of support from my bsfs Kriss, Andy, and Yuri <3)
“Uhm…” he blinks when he hears my voice “My uhm…my bad. but I also did want to tell you one thing when I came here to get my hair done..”
I look at him and cock my head. "And what's that exactly?" He looks down at his hands. "Well..Y'know how we deadass hate each other?" I nod "And how we knew each other for like a year and a half now?"I nod again. "Well. I never want you to be left in the dark but someone has a crush on you." I sit all the way up in my bed "WHO??? WHO??? IS HE A FINE DARKSKIN???" he just lays back in my bed and puts his hands behind his head, "Yeah...he is" he says it as if it's a breathy sigh. I smile "I hope I know him.." he looks over at me with brightness in his eyes, "Yeah..y'all know each otha real good." I look at him then quickly reach for my phone, "Wait- whats today..?" he hands me my phone. "Shit! It's saturday...we gotta go see DeShawn and Javier at our usual morning spot. " He nods but justs looks at me confused, "right uh...this ain my house ima go and change. Want me to pick you up or..?" I nod and head to the bathroom with my clothes.
2 hours later (ya girl gotta look pretty mk?)
I walk outside and see all of them in the car. "We finna change this up ok?" DeShawn says with a smile and he drives us to the beach. "What are we doing here exactly?" Deandre looks PISSED in the backseat but DeShawn just smiles "Look at the sand mk?" When I look it says,
Will You Be My Gf?
Part of me wants to say yes and another wants to say no. I have feelings for someone else. "I'm sorry Shawn. But I have feelings for someone else." Deandre smiles. DeShawn glares "So who do you like Aiyanna." he says my name as if its something new and foriegn. "Why exactly does that matter?" I say with hella sass in my voice and he pushes me. Me being the woman I am, I'm ready to fight buy Deandre jumps in front of me and punches DeShawn in the face. "Broooooooo don't even. Yo ass only stickin up for her because-" but Deandre cuts him off with tackling him, and they were fighting. Javier just records while I watch. It takes 3 people to get them to stop and Deandre has a bloody nose and puffy black eye. We walk along the sea shore, "You ok...shit..." he just nods and limps to the side "Sit down...your fucked up." he listens and lays his head in my lap while we watch the sunset. "Hm. That nigga thought he was finna touch you. Wasn't finna let him jus so y'know." he says while i look at his swollen eye. "You needa ice your eye." He only pinches at my cheek and sits up "I'ma be fine. Dont worry. But can I ask you something?" I nod "Whats up?"
"Who's your crush?"
I smile. "A boy I'm good friends with, why ya worried?" he rolls his eyes "I ain worried just my friend wants to know." I do a thinking face "But how would your friend know if I had feelings for someone unless the friend is you." he just leans back to the point he's laying in the sand. "You right. Now who's your crush?" I lay on the sand with him "Oh my gosh your actually slow. Who else am I good friends with right now? YOU, IDIOT!" He sits back up but pulls me up with him. "Honestly there's something I wanted to do for a minute." I look at him and cock my head, "And whats that?" he grabs my face and kisses me. While the sun is setting perfectly.
"So. You wanted to do that for a minute huh?" he nods while holding my cheek. "How long?" i say while crossing my arms. "For a good 4 months if we talkin bout the kiss. I liked you for 6 months." I smile and kiss his cheek. "Sooo...Whats this mean now? We like datin?" he asks while trying not to make eye contact with me. "Boy thats the worst typa asking you out I ever got. Ya needa get ya game up Sweetheart." he only rolls his eyes and kisses me again.
Today I may have lost someone but I have something even better.
0 notes
papercuts33 · 11 months
i'm so young and sometimes it takes so much for me to collect my thoughts, the things i think don't make sense. well, actually, they do make sense.
people wonder why i seem to contemplate the world and existence so much, it is because i wonder if i was meant to be here. not in a suicidal type way but in a way that i just wonder...
i've found myself describing life by saying 'in this film i know, there's no happy endings.' is there a happy ending ? if we look hard enough, is it possible that somewhere there is a happy ending for us ?
i want to say no. i've looked and yet i've failed to find my own happy ending. do happy endings really exist ? i'm starting to believe they're just myths. or maybe some of us weren't meant to be happy, maybe some of us were always meant to feel sad.
my life is a film, i'd like to believe. these words i write are the pages of my script. i'm keeping my stamina for the fans, my fam and the cameras. i'll keep going and going until the day i die.
yes, i smile but that doesn't mean i'm happy, assume what you want. i'm looking for an escape from my unhappy film, and waiting to ink words on a page that say 'play this when i'm gone'
i'd like to think i'm like machine gun kelly in a way, i'm not saying i am him because we're all unique souls tossed into the winds of life. no, i haven't suffered the hardship he has nor have experienced the pain which he has. the way he describes himself as a boy 'born with horns' and he's been alienated from the world that he once knew.
that is my idol. i'm tired of people telling me what a bad person he is. yes, i understand that but he's also a man who wrote music through his losses, he's someone who doesn't count the cost of what might happen depending on his actions. most people seem him as a punk, who doesn't care about anything but money and himself--
those people are disgusting. i couldn't hate them more because why can't they see, he's a person with feelings like everyone else. 'everybody hates but can't anybody love me,' - machine gun kelly
we all have feelings whether they are see-through or not. it isn't about who you are but about who you inspire through your life. machine gun kelly has become a symbol in the punk community, for me, he is the equality of 'i don't give a shit about who you are or what you've done, you're still worth something.'
i don't know kells personally, i've never met him and i probably never will, though i hope i do. i don't want y'all going at me like 'how the hell can she say all of this?' truth be told, i can't say any of this with full confidence, however, i'm entitled to my own creativity or how i see the world and its people. i write from whatever words and thoughts burst forth from my heart and spill from my finger-tips in the form of ink.
machine gun kelly is a singer and soul different from anything else i've ever seen... i don't why he feels so different but i just know he is. he believed in his film there were no happy endings yet he still found something (rather someone) that made his film happy. he met megan fox.
i never knew people could make each other that happy until i saw those too, i mean... yes, they've had their struggles but doesn't everyone ? you can see the smiles evident in their eyes when they're with each other. the happiness on kells face, he said he never liked to smile but when he's with her, my gosh... through the screen and the news, the pictures and the song dedications, i can feel a pushing thought that they were meant to be together.
i'll ramble for hours and hours, i'm here bouncing from thing to thing but mostly just to say machine gun kelly has encouraged me to find my own happy ending in this heartbroken film. my philosophies on life have changed, i'm starting to believe there is a twin flame out there for me--
people i know say 'twin flames' don't exist, there was no 'past life' prior to you now. well, shut up, let me dream-- i'm a lost dreamer, suffering with syndromes that don't make sense. kelly said he had peter pan syndrome, well maybe that's what i have.
don't want to grow up, i do but i don't-- could possibly stay young but still grow up ? doesn't make sense or maybe it does. he told megan 'i feel like i'm just leaving here and...' megan didn't understand the statement, and neither did i when i first heard 'twin flame'
it was only soon that i started to understand, maybe being famous isn't all that it seems. maybe being treated like a literal god is frustrating though that's something most of us could only silently dream. those people are me.
someday i'll find my happy ending... someday, right ?
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castle-dominion · 1 year
1x6 always buy retail
Voodoo voudu vodun idk much of anything but whatever it is it's p cool & there are actually some branches which I think are forms of folk catholicism. Haitian Vodou is the one I know, well, nothing about & idk how correct I am but not /nothing/ nothing. From what I know, it is a french voodoo that formed in the americas in the caribbean (yk where p much all the natives were killed & then the europeans sent a ton of african ppl there as slaves, I think this all had smth to do with chocolate, possibly sugar tho) & it is a syncretism with catholicism, originally started out as an ATR. That's probs why the individual at the beginning sounds almost like they are speaking french. My french is rusty tho & I'm hard of hearing & the captions are empty.
My q is, what's up with the fellow's eye? OH WAIT OH GOSH OH WOW THIS IS A LOT lmao I like how he says "yeah why did we ever get divorced except for the reason we got divorced" & then kisses her again. They say your tattoo artist know what you sound like in bed: I can't tell if rick is in pain thinking about meredith or if she has her mouth somewhere.
I'd like to see an episode where they think someone is african-american & then they find out this person is australian. I think that would be nice.
RC, once beckett snaps him out of it: I had sex with my ex-wife this morning. Everyone: ... (this is a murder scene. they kind of stop & look at each other & castle & just... that was random) RC: My first ex-wife, Meredith. Alexis's mom. (girl idk if ppl want to hear) (special hell: for ppl who talk at the theater. Oh firefly.) RC: The hell of a deep-fried Twinkie. KR: A deep-fried Twinkie?? RC: Yeah. The guilty pleasure that you know is bad for you, so you only do it once, maybe twice a year for the novelty. *The boys nod & gesture their understanding.* But a deep-fried Twinkie every day is...
KB: Crime scene. Dead body. A little respect here. RC: I don't think he can hear me. I mean he's right. Once I'm dead y'all can't hear me so yk chill out. idrc. If I die, I'm dead.
Doesn't rigor mortis take two hours to set in & then ages to leave? Would it be hard to move the body then? bc that's one reason zombies can't exist, to move they would need to rip apart their muscles & then they would no longer be able to move.
JE: Vodun? What is that, some kind of Star Trek thing? *smiles at ryan like he cracked a funny joke* KR: No, dude, it's a religion. Practiced primarily in West Africa. *ppl look at him.* What? I read, too.
See? Beckett got Ryan into Castle novels.
KB Have CSU run the pouch. Have an M.E. test the blood. And let's get his fingerprints in the system, see if there's an ID. This ritual - I assume that it was done for a specific purpose? JE That's only if you're assuming that the guy doing this was rational. RC No, no. She's right. It might not make sense to you or me, but, uh, if we found out why he did this, we might find your killer. JE ("duh") Yeah, that's kinda how we do it. *him & ryan smile at him like :| like yeah bro. yeah. sarcastic I think.*
Just reading out loud to her. paris... like new york or did she take alexis to france? Castle is right about crazy ppl & sex. KB: how shallow are you? RC: Very
Obv she's going to be a practitioner. Um, it's fiction? I feel bad. He probably wrote vodun as scary evil bad for derrick storm when she told him a ton of rly cool stuff. Ooh, hardcore nigerian, now that's fun. See? Saints. I love how beckett reacts when Michelle says she is a practitioner. Girl, shut up. See michelle knows what's up. Cow's foot has plenty of gelatin, we used veal knucklebones for stock my first week of culinary school. Braised for a long time or simmered, the connective tissue in the meat would really soften up. I think cow's foot soup sounds delish. Plus, they obviously cleaned it! I like how she is a practitioner & also owns a cool restaurant. I wonder how much research the show producers & writers & ppl actually did for this episode.
Yeah. There are people who do bad things in every religion & lack of religion. Hold the reins on your racism & religious prejudice (which tbh is racially informed too).
Ryan is a first name, why is it his last name?
Sounds like ryan said "his" name is Darcy Cho. Darcy is technically a unisex name, originally a men's name, but then she's a woman. Neat, the cops from the other side of the city called these folks. Cool how we get a murder that's far away today.
Lol ryan really is a castle fan now. But he remembers what chapter that was? I can't even remember what BOOK something is from. (Ryan also looks normal now, the first few episodes they were really floundering to get all the characters down. At least they figured it out by now.)
Mom? I like how alexis is playing along in front of simmons. Fine but promise we're not leaving the city.
RC: There's a lawyer joke there somewhere, I just can't think of it.
Things are coming together <3 eeheehee
Remember japan? penthouse suite 14 floors up? walked it? yeah. Good times. West side story vibes. Just watched "america" bc of that. Good times. Woah gun out already? acab. These boys have the right idea. Keep ur mouth shut.
Ooh a mysteries "he" Yeah. Sounds about right. Weird. I feel like u should be able to be a citizen easier. I mean like. You're living here ain't u? Can anyone do that or do u need to be a priest?
Love the "yo yo" lol. Also I swear ryan has worn espt's exact outfit & esposito has worn ryan's exact outfit. Just a couple episodes ago.
Meredith: Richard! Over here! JE: Deep-fried Twinkie? Ryan just watching w that slight frickin smile RC, eyes closed as if he's getting a headache: 'Fraid so. Oh look at that, Ryan has a castle book. The way the three are standing stacked up like that Kitten? (rysposito laugh) RC: I had this dream once, only I was naked and far less embarrassed. Oh no she's going to end up helping. RC: what'd she do? (I think. my lipreading skills aren't good yet.) AC: shopping.
You got it boss. I love boss. I should call ppl boss more often.
I wish they would actually get a sketch artist to do it when they describe ppl to them. idk if they just get sketches of the actors to make it look accurate but I think it would be cool to see. I got an ai art account back when I saw it as just another tool, a medium for people to use, before I realized that AI need to learn & so it's essentially art theft, but anyway I just put in some prompts & it spat out a few options, one of them looked a little bit like a cartoon version of the person I was trying to get. They had writing on their forehead but other than that... & then I tried to evolve it a few times & at some point it spat out realistic-ish images & none of them looked close.
KB: Someone on Canal Street's got to know this guy. KR: Mmm. KR, eyes moving: Where's Castle? KB: He went home. KR: Deep-fried Twinkie, huh? KB: I didn't ask. KR: *smiles watching leave*
RC: I wonder if she could get arrested in New York. I know people now.
Castle listening graciously to his mom. Apparently Susan Sullivan (MR) was actually a broadway actress & so playing her on TV is kind of like she's playing herself. idrk. I think it's good that they got a theater actor to play the theater mom. She is kinda like martha. Red hair, fiery temper, kinda reckless (getting her kid out of school), tbh probs kinda,, worldly ; ) & also an actor.
Lol who tf cares. RC: You ladies picking out something pretty for yourselves? Alright fine just cut your way in! That's nice! /s Lol the bolt cutters just falling Ooh neat little sigils on the ground
Yeah lol smuggling. KB: Castle? Castle! RC: I'm on TV. KB: Are you having a breakdown? RC: Not a breakdown. A breakthrough. And I really am ruggedly handsome, aren't I? XD XD XD. Apparently NF gets ppl coming up to him on the street saying this line. Castle only says it once & Ryan says it once too, but it was in the intro so ppl heard it every time.
Castle & this guy. I like how this guy knows oni, or at least says hi.
Lady. this is an electronics store. I got cameras all over this place.
I like the way espt says his own name. not espozido, but esposito. Their little handshake uwu
Don't say Azi is willing to testify! Let him keep his identity hidden!
Love ryan's green shirt btw, it's been there for a while I just haven't mentioned it. Why does he walk like that tho? He walks from side to side, very... idk. movey. He just sways a lot, but it is a little bit less fluid than a sway. Like he has hip problems almost.
Why is castle taking off his jac-- OH YES THIS SCENE! SO EXCITED! dhkjshfajks bc he's not police, but might as well have a vest! tbh when I first started watching the show, actually when my mom showed me a clip where he was speaking chinese & mentioned a show he used to love (firefly reference? that's y she showed me) I thought that the cops had given him this. Apparently he got it himself lol.
Bro should be careful. If they see him sneaking around behind them he might get shot. Oh no I remember how this goes. I always have my phone on vibrate, & half the time I have it on low-power mode, so it prevents vibrations, so my phone is straight up silent. Except when I get phone calls, then it still vibrates I think, but idk bc I don't usually get calls. Regardless, I always have my phone on vibrate & so should you, at least if you're in a tactical thing like this. Oh no I don't want to hear it I don't want to watch this scene. *watches regardless*
DAD DAD DAD! DAD DAD DAD! DAD DAD DAD! (good ringtone) They just all have their guns pointing at him & somehow they were all silent as they turned to look at him. *just leaves thru the side door* GIRL HE WAS IN A SITUATION! Wow houseing rly is expensive in ny, as bad as toronto. yk the canadian housing crisis is actually worse than the usa even tho we have more space & less ppl here. Co-sign...? *sees the nigerian drug lord* Girl take a pic?
RC: Uh, black. Uh, dark blue. Uh... It's very hard being a witness. I don't know how you guys ever get a conviction. I'm usually really good with the detailed stuff. I just... I got distracted. KB: Yeah. You're rolling calls during a TAC strike. JE: Hmm. Interesting. RC: He was supposed to be inside the building! KR: What about the color of your shirt? What is that right now? Is it black or blue? I couldn't quite tell. The sun was in my eyes.
KR: Hey. Vodun guy's a yoga nut. Drug dealers can have HOBBIES ms panizzon!
Weird mouse.
RC: You ever try doing a half moon pose cranked up on caffeine? Completely throws off your chi. Trust me, she bought her coffee after class.
Don't leave the door open man's gonna come in. I was right. Just having a shootout in her house. Ew broken glass ew broken glass ew broken glass. What if they just give him the passport?
Mirror? Oh, Phone. Hey castle's actually p clever! Casually takes a swig
Casually grabs a glass XD Your first gun battle but you were held at gunpoint recently. Oh that's the s4 reference! This is the champagne bottle! We all know it's implied to be sex but then he just "never EVER call me kitten."
Aww I love rick & alexis. RC: Yeah. That's what moms do. Me & my mom: ilysm
WOAH POOR MARTHA. AC: Raising one parent's hard enough. I don't know what I'd do if I had to raise two. My mom & me: *eyes emoji*
so sweet
I love eveything sm. Surprisingly there was not a lot of a plot b plot relation here.
0 notes
strawberrykake · 2 years
Haikyuu x Extrovert!reader
requested, extroverted reader, dating fluff, kind of went on with kita's bc Shinsuke Kita is near and dear to my heart recently
[ reader x ] : tsukishima. bokuto. kita
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this is one of the situations where the extrovert adopts the introvert
you found him scary at first with his height being so tall and his mean resting face
but when you noticed the artist of the music he listened to was also a favorite of yours, you had to approach him
and he’s startled at first, because you never really spoke to him before (except for that time you asked him to reach for your eraser that fell in front of his seat).
so then, now you go to school, glad to have found someone with good music taste, looking forward to having chats about the new album and your favorite tracks
before you know it, you’re both catching feelings for each other
and he surprises you with tickets to the concert which you both thoroughly enjoyed
it wasn’t until the end of the concert, the ride home, when you finally ask “So, was it a date?”
“Of course it was.” He confirms.
No one would’ve guessed that you’d end up together
however, if anyone messed with one of you, the other would definitely fight back
Tsukki gets a little possessive when a random stranger walks up to you and starts flirting
practically gives them the death stare while hugging from behind you
but turns out, they weren't flirting nor a random stranger. They were just a childhood friend of yours lol
you're always telling him to 'be nice' or 'play nice' to people you meet
and he listens to you always ofc you got him wrapped around your finger
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two very energetic energies
so ppl weren’t surprised when they found out you two were dating
in fact, it happened very fast (although, Bokuto was very shy of you bc of how pretty you were)
he kept asking Akaashi to ask you abt stuff like “what's your favorite color?” “what’s your type?”
to the point where you thought Akaashi was the one with the crush 💀
but then Akaashi’s had enough of his pestering and ends up blurting out “Bokuto wants to know.” and Bokuto’s whining his best friend’s name for exposing him
but Akaashi knows Bokuto will thank him later for it
bc now you’re walking with hands held together, sharing lunches, and matching bracelets
best believe your showing off your bf’s athletic skills to every person you meet
Bokuto's huffing with pride like ‘yes i am he. i am the boyfriend.’ with his arm wrapped around yoh
you both light up every room you walk into
however, when you fight, it's like the end of the world; it's a good thing your friends are always there to help y'all lol
not that you both need much help bc somehow you can't stay mad at each other for too long
the moment he sees you, a bright smile adorns his face while you leap into his arms
loves to spin you in the air a lot lmao
also complimenting each other is a daily thing
literal relationship goals
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admired you from afar at first
you were so bubbly and made friends everywhere you went
except for Kita who you secretly admired (bc gosh, he was a fine man. It was hard for you to approach him at first.)
so Kita’s wondering what he might’ve done to see you swivel around when you noticed him walking toward your direction in the hallway,
or the time you spun your head away during a volleyball match when he catches you staring
Kita just wants to be friends aw 🥺
he thinks you dislike him until you march up after a successful game, the adrenaline of victory and pride for your school’s team rushing through you, and finally confess (well, not really but Kita was clever enough to understand the situation)
blubbering like "congrats Kita-san! I knew you guys could do it! I always believed since you were the captain. Andyou'rejustsocoolandgoodlookingandathleticandgoodateverything" and so on
The rest of his teammates are quietly snickering and patting him on the back, but he's stagnant, in place, bewildered by your sudden interaction and compliments.
that’s when he realizes that maybe he's thought of you wrongly this whole time
definitely feels guilty about judging you that way before even getting a chance to properly speak to you
He compliments you back and pink dust forms on your cheeks.
"Are you taken by any chance?" you immediately regret the words once they left your mouth.
"No, no. I'm not. You?" When you shake your head, he smiles and that's how you both started dating
now he feels a sense of pride when you march into a room calling his name first, eyes going to him first
despite being the social butterfly you are, you spend most of your time by his side
very different from how you first interacted and he's so glad at how it all turned out
taglist 。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。
@dai-tsukki-desu @crystal-lilac @remajalabill @ashisbored @yuubabe @luvrzumi
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
Black Nail Polish
Year One Jonathan Crane X Thembo Reader
The tightly-wound Jonathan learns how to loosen up with a help of his forbidden friend.
Feeling kinda self-indulgent, so I'm giving this boy a bubbly, extremely feminine, cunning cheerleader bestie (or perhaps more 👀) to cope with current circumstances happening around me.
🧡 At first he was wary when you started talking to him. The first time you gave your attention to him was back in in the first day of high school and you asked to borrow a pen.
"Hi, I'm Y/N L/N, call me Y/N. What's your name?"
"Um... Jonathan Crane."
"Omg, hiya Jon. Can I call you Jon?" He nods. "Okay thanks, so can I like, borrow a spare pen?"
He knows how these interactions typically go, as none of the things borrowed from him will ever be seen again, but he gives you a pen. But after using it, he finds himself shocked that you returned it to him in perfect condition.
"Omg, sorry I didn't give to you as early, I was trying out for the cheerleading team." Uhm, it's only been two periods, and you're acting like you haven't returned it in like two decades but that's besides the fact, you actually gave it back??? "I totes owe you some. Approach me if you need favours, mkay?"
Umm???? What? Help this boy, he's so confused. Like, see the comic panels wherein he's always so wide-eyed when he was younger and he looks at you like that. He truly expected malicious intent when you return it, probably a prank of sorts but there's nothing. He expected the ink cartridge to explode when he uses it, but there were none.
🧡 Not only that, whenever you'd make eye contact he's shocked that you'd wave and smile at him. He was confused, but waves back, with brows furrowed. And it was a small environment, he sees you everywhere, meaning you wave at him every time, meaning, Great Granny has seen you. And that's bad because the hag is a zealot who thinks everything is corrupted to the core.
Like, she'd see you waving at Jonathan outside of school and having yet to change out of your cheerleading uniform, she'd call you a hussy for showing your shoulders or whatever. Because of that, Jonathan would be reluctant to return the greeting, opting to turn away whenever you'd cheerily wave at him.
🧡 For the longest of time, he really thought that your kind acts had a hidden intent of malice. He finds himself hesitant around you, watching your every move, but he couldn't tell you off out of fear of the things you can do to him.
🧡 Having to regularly tell off the douchey jocks whenever you'd hear them make fun of Jonathan behind his back.
"Y'all, stop picking on Jon. You guys are being absolute cunts."
So one time, on your way back from school, you catch him and a couple of boys from your school throwing his belongings as high as they can to lodge it in the trees. You were only able to catch up when the boys ran off, after finally getting Jon's stuff stuck high in the trees.
"Gosh, those fucking douches... My mom knows their mom and I am definitely telling." He just looks at you again with those wide eyes. You reel back apologetically. "Omg, sorry are uncomfortable with swearing? I'm sorry, it just slipped out. Habits, ya know? But anyways, can you like climb or do you need a boost?"
"... You're helping me. Why?"
"Well duh, I owe you one. Remember?"
Anyways, Jonathan didn't know how to climb the tree and so you were on his shoulders for a brief moment as boost to climb the tree. You successfully reach for his bag, shoes, and his book, before tossing it back to him.
"Good catch! You sure you don't want to join the football team? No? Okay... So how do I get down?"
🧡 After that, he was sure that the feeling of dept was no longer valid after that favour you've generously done for him. He honestly didn't know he'd get his stuff back if it weren't for you. But then you say next to him during lunch talked to him. And at PE. And at the library. Suddenly he found himself adopted by you.
"Hi Jon, so like, I didn't get anything about the science thing. I just heard dadadadadadadabla, you know? I don't know I'm just so buzzed for some reason. Can I like borrow some notes? I swear, Mr. Sean should just write the lesson on the board instead of just dictating it and expect us to write it down."
"Oh um... Here." He hands you his notes.
"You lifesaver, babes omg I love you."
Catch him once again, wide-eyed with red on his cheek this time.
🧡 He's yet to get used to you in general, the nicknames, the terms of endearment, the affection— he doesn't know whether it's romantic or platonic but either way he doesn't want to assume it is romantic out of fear that you might push him away. And not to mention, how you act like this to others too. Even if he's not used to you, he is grown to like you. Who wouldn't? You were kind, sweet, lovely, a bit eccentric, but everything about you just makes him smile.
Dude, he is back and fourth about the thought of you having a crush on him, but then he'd see you act the same way towards other friends, especially with the fellow cheerleaders and the school athletes you befriended, going even as far to let some of them carry you and toss you over their shoulders. Being the absolutely lovely person you are, rushing to get to injured fellow students in the field whether it's the athletes or your companions in the cheer team.
... well, as you can see he has a crush.
🧡 There's a side of you he's scared of.
"That formation was whack, you looked like scattered shit. Let's take it from the top, shall we?"
"Ugh, goddamn it. Can we take a break? We've been doing to this routine three times--"
You turned to her with a look that made Jonathan shrink in his seat despite it not being directed to him. He can't understand how Sherry can challenge your glare, her brow indignantly raised at you with her arms crossed.
"Oh I'm sorry, your highness. Maybe if you'd start going to practice instead of using it as an excuse to skip class and run off during our sessions, maybe we could've gotten through this routine the first time! You're just wasting our time here, everyone has learned their choreography and stunts and you're acting like bitch. Do us a favour, get out."
"You can't kick me out, you're not the Coach!"
"Yeah, but we already told Coach about your behaviour and she said if you act up again, she gave us the permission to kick you out." One of the girls in the cheer squad helps you by adding up a point.
"Fine then! Didn't want to join you losers, anyways." She slams her pompom on the floor, before storming off.
"Good riddance." One of the girls whispers again as you watched Sherry burst out of the field, stomping her feet on her way out.
"Yeah. Maybe we should have kicked her out when she almost broke Andrea's back."
Something about your authority made Jonathan a little intimidated by you, how you made the others turn against Sherry. It's not that your reasons were valid, it's just that he's scared. Maybe it was because it reminded him that maybe you'd turn against him too.
But then after a round or two of the flawless execution of your routine, practice was dismissed and you walk up to Jonathan with that smile.
"Hi Jon! What's up?"
... it was comforting that you wouldn't turn against him.
🧡 Even your friends in the field thought that you two were a couple and when you denied it, they began shipping you two.
"Omg, hey Jonathan! Over here!" You call him over the bleachers, waving your arms to gesture at him. He doesn't usually go to the field, as he opts to spend his free time in the library.
"I'm not disrupting, am I?" He timidly asks, taking a seat next to you.
"What? Naaah!" You limp a wrist at him, before taking a drink from your water bottle. "We're just taking a small break, Jessa threw up while practice and we just rushed her to the nurse's office, so we decided to take a break for a moment."
"Oh..." He watches you take another swig from your water bottle, when he notices large bruises in your arms. His brows furrowed in concern. "What happened to your arm?"
"Hmm?" You swallowed your drink. "Wha?"
"Y-your arm...?" His fingers hover over the bruises, afraid to touch you.
"Oh, this," you held up your arm. "Yeah um. So long story, you know that the volleyball team is going to district three to compete with the school at that area, and they asked the cheerleaders to practice with them so they can train as a team. And we were like, okay, sure, so we played volleyball but then I thought, since they were competing with a big school, I suggested they practice hardcore mode and I got the bright idea to play volleyball with a basketball ball. So yeah, the bruises. It hurts like hell omg, I didn't expect this."
His jaw slackens. "What about it was a good idea?"
"Well, I thought it was a nice idea!"
"Y/N and Jonny, sitting in a tree! K, I, S, S, I, N, G!"
From the corner of your eye you see your fellow cheerleaders in a pyramid formation, waving their pom poms and continuing to chant. Jonathan didn't notice at first, but they also have the similar dark spots of bruises on their forearms.
"PRICKS!" You stood from your seat and bolted at their direction.
🧡 He cannot hangout with you outside of school because of the imposing figure that is great grandmother Keeny... But you're a persistent motherfucker who is in love.
The pyramid formation falls haphazardly, as the individually made their way out of the field out of fear of your wrath, screaming for their lives. Jonathan was left red in his seat, holding his arms to his body, heart about to burst out of his chest.
🧡 He has learned how to be more comfortable around you, though there are times where he'd jump out of his skin from your actions.
"Omg Jon, can I paint your nails?"
... The old hag is going to kill him.
And you seemed to have remembered the existence of the hag when your face soften with realisation.
"We can erase it after we're done. I just need something to do with my hands, boredom is killing me."
... "O-Okay..."
"Great! Pick one!" You brought your purse out filled with all sorts of colours, but one jumped out to him. "Black! Classy colour, I can already see it looking perfect with your complexion. Okay, give me your hand."
"Psst... Psst!" Tap tap tap!
Oh lord he thought he was hallucinating when he saw your silhouette by his window. He fucking paled when he realised you were hanging on his window ledge alone and he was quick to run over and let you in.
How did you climb?! He was sure he didn't see a ladder down there! Nor was there a nearby tree for you to utilize!
"Are you mad?!" Jonathan whisper-screams, hands in his hair as he watches you squeeze yourself by the window and oh so "gracefully" land on your face. In Jonathan's distraught, he forgot how to be a gentleman and assist you with your entrance. But eh, can't care less.
You stood from the floor, straightening yourself and setting your bag down. You meet Jonathan's gaze for the first time, his eyes wide with worry with your carefree ones. His head was probably filled with thoughts zooming in and out about great granny Keeny finding out. And you know just a thing to calm him down.
"Madly in love with you, that's what~" you playfully and lightly flick the tip of his nose with a giggle, leaving him flustered as hell. You watch as red floods his face and his eyes widem for a different reason. But hey, at least he's not scared to death.
"Kidding, kidding!" It was a lie. You tease once again, giggling as you playfully shove the boy by his shoulder and with a strength you never really knew you possessed, managed to slightly knock the boy off his balance.
"Gosh you are so adorable when you blush." You shook your head with amusement, eyes scanning across his room so you were oblivious to Jonathan when he began rubbing the spot you playfully hit. "Omg though, I love for the aesthetic of your room-- it's so... Goth. Is that the word? Like, it's so Victorian mansion, ya know?" You turn to him.
"Uh..." Jonathan's yet to recover from your teasing earlier but before he can make a fool of himself with his senseless sputtering, you moved on to ramble away and eventually find yourself sprawled on his bed, staring at the ceiling with him.
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hooshix · 2 years
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Tame her
Aria Kim was known in her school to have a strong personality. Not getting scared of people easily or just always standing up for herself but what will happen when she gets into a relationship with someone....controlling?
Aria POV
I was sitting in my class by the window. Everything was happening so slowly today. All of my friends were busy today preparing for a competition which I don't have a idea about. I was just getting bored when a boy sat down beside me.
"Hi,are you Aria?"
"Well duh obviously." I answered while rolling my eyes.
"You have quite a temper,huh?"
"Just tell me what you want and then get lost."
"Ms.Kang wants to see you in her office."
"Right now?"
"Not exactly. She said you can come when you're free. Well if you're free...can we hang out?"
"Sorry,I am busy. I have to meet up with one of my friends." I said without looking at him as I got up after putting everything in my bag. "Oh btw...may I know your name?"
"Why? Are you interested in me already (I don't like this but this is the first thing that came in my mind 😭)?"
"No...I just want to know your name so if I ever see you I can at least say hi you."
"It's Joshua but you can call me whatever you like."
I just nodded at him as I left the class.
Joshua POV
I sighed as I looked down Kim Aria...just you wait...Aria,I swear in a few days you will be wrapped around my fingers.
A few weeks later
Aria POV
I sighed as I saw Joshua standing beside my locker. He has been tailing behind me for weeks. Wherever I go I see him there at some point it got annoying so I told him to keep some distance from me but he still wasn't listening.
It got more creepy when he started appearing whenever I was talking to a boy. He was possessive over me even tho we were not a thing. He did say that he will start courting me a few days back and I said yes (gosh so stupid of her...).
Since the day he started courting me,it got to much for me. He was tagging along everywhere with me. He comes with me when I am with my friends and literally everywhere I go.
"Joshua...what brings you here?"
"Oh Aria. I was waiting for you. Where were you?"
"Oh about that...I got stuck up with some work I had with my friend."
"Oh...well let's get going then?"
"Where exactly?"
"To your house obviously. Come on. And was that friend of yours a guy or a girl?"
"Well I don't think it matters. I am done with the work so let's just go."
At the house
I reached my doorstep as I turned around to bid goodbye to Joshua.
"Well thank you for walking me home Joshua. I will get going then." I was about to go inside when Joshua spoke.
"Are you not even gonna invite me inside?"
"Oh I would love to but you see my house is all messy. Next time you come I will definitely invite you inside."
"Chill it's okay Aria. I...understand. Well bye then. Take good rest!"
Saying that Joshua turned around and left as I also went inside.
Joshua POV
I got far away from Aria's house as I screamed. I don't get on why she isn't letting me in her house. Why is she so cautious? I have to do something soon...I can't wait more longer. I need to make her mine and make her understand that she NEEDS to listen to me no matter what!
Aria POV
It was a Saturday morning today means,no class. I checked my alarm clock as I saw that it was 10 AM already. I just went downstairs after brushing my teeth and washing my face.
I made some nice coffee for me as I settled down on my couch and turned on my TV to play some songs on it. I was having a calming morning until my door bell rang. I stood up as I went to open the door.
"Oh....Joshua? What brings you here at this hour?"
"Aria I honestly can't wait any longer. Will you be my girlfriend (no if y'all excepted me to write a whole paragraph with those lovely words I can't do that 😭)?"
"Ah...Joshua about that. You see...I let you court me for the past few days but I just don't see the spark and I don't think we will work out. Sorry to let you down."
I was looking down the whole time when I was saying that so after saying it I looked up to see his reaction and I could see he was sad,disappointed but most of all he looked more angry. He looked up for a while as he started laughing. Getting scared and creeped out I decided to close my door but it was already late.
"Aria,gosh dear I already expected this answer you already." Saying this he entered my house forcefully while locking the door.
"Joshua what do you think you're doing?!! Get out of my house!" I tried pushing him out but he held my arm tightly while scoffing.
"Oh Aria calm down. What I will do will only be for the better. You need to know how to act in front of me someday so I will just make you understand that."
"Who are you to teach me that! You're no one to me,so get out of my house! I already rejected you! If you still want to be friends then I am okay with it but if you keep acting like this it's better if we act like strangers!"
"Oh gosh...you really...I really need to do a lot of work on you. Now keep in mind that when talking with me I need you to watch your tongue."
Few days later
Joshua POV
It has been a few days since  I started dating Aria. It took a lot of time for me to tame her but it worked in the last. She at least listens to everything I say unless she is trying to gain my trust and runaway then in the end it won't end for her. She's the one who will be locked here forever.
As I was in my own thoughts I heard some light footsteps. Looking up I saw Aria coming downstairs slowly.
"Oh Joshua...I wanted to ask you something...can I?"
"Oh yeah sure go ahead."
"You see um me and my friends were gonna have a night out but it will be at Lia's house. I wanted to ask if I can also go there?"
"Are there only girls?"
"Yeah only us girls!"
"Sure...but make sure to keep your phone switched on. I will tell my driver to send you there."
After hearing that Aria came running to me as she hugged me tightly. Saying thank you numerous times.
"And Aria...keep the rules in your pretty little head...you know the consequences."
I saw how she visibly she gulped as she nodded her. I was satisfied by her reaction as she stood up and went in her room.
Aria POV
*sighs* That was very Nerve wrecking. Now I just have to meet the girls and then escape from him. I have enough clothes at Lia's house.
At Lia's House
I entered her house as I saw all of my friends there. When they saw me they ran to me as they hugged me.
"Aria are you okay?"
"Of course she is not! Look at her arm! She has a bruise there!"
"I am gonna kill that jerk! How dare he!"
"No,no. Don't do anything to him! First let's get my bag ready! I will have to ready it and go to the airport as fast as possible!"
Me and my friends started packing my bag. I can't leave them here so we all decided to go to Philippines. One of my friend Selah is from Philippines so it will be better. We all switched off our phone before leaving the house.
We all took a cab and went to the airport. We all were sitting down as Lia went to get us some drinks while we wait for our flight. I was scared that Joshua might know I am here so I just held Yuna's hand to calm myself down.
After a while Lia came back with our drinks. She sat down beside me. After a while we heard announcements from regarding our flight. We had to check in now. We all stood up and as I was about to go with Lia and Yuna I heard a voice behind me which I feared the most.
"And where do you think your going?"
I slowly turned around in horror
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(She turned around like this. Just kidding 🙂)
I saw Joshua standing there while his arms were crossed.
"Aria...I thought till now you would have understood me. You know what? I will have to be more strict with you."
Saying this he held my arm tightly as he started dragging me. Lia and Yuna tried stopping him but it was of no use.
At their house
Joshua and I entered the house as he harshly pushed on the floor (Ouch Hong. Be a little gentle 🤨) as he looked at me with disappointment and anger.
"I will have to teach you a lesson again. And now from next time...don't even ask me if you can go somewhere because now you won't even get to go out of this house. Getting your freedom back is not even possible now!"
The end
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