#when Ignis smiles at her it makes her feel lighter on her feet.
ragnar0c · 7 months
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Those Linked by Destiny (2)
Summary: Bucky, Sam, and Natasha are on a mission to once again defeat Hydra who this time had opened a time portal that unleashed monsters and beasts that were extinct for centuries for good reason. On the way, they try to recruit the only remaining person who had any knowledge on how to defeat these creatures. Her kind also almost extinct. A Witcher.
Fandoms: Avengers, The Witcher
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Witcher!OFC (Female)
Warnings: Angst (coz this is me), Dry Dark Humour, Violence, Gore, Lots of Blood, Burning Sarcasm, Lots of Cussing
A/N: Hello, beautiful creatures! I’m back with a new hurricane of a crossover. This continues on from my completed series There’s More Than One Way To Start An Apocalypse (AvengersxSupernatural) but this can be read by itself. I made this an OFC instead of an xReader since I needed to be specific with how the Witcher character looked. I hope you enjoy and I welcome all kinds of feedback.
No permission is granted to repost my work. Tumblr is the only place I post my writing. If you see it anywhere else please report it.
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2: Terms of Payment
Sam woke with a start taking loud deep breaths, his lungs feeling like they were burning. His hands began patting his naked torso urgently as he remembered that he had been severely injured. He found no traces of injury though aside from the dried blood that should have accompanied open wounds.
What sorcery was this?
His companions were alerted by the sudden noise that broke the peaceful silence. Bucky quickly jumped to his feet off of the sofa he had been sleeping on and knelt at his friend's side to carefully check him. Natasha almost fell off the arm chair she had folded herself into, choosing to forego the comfortable king size bed upstairs in favor of being nearer to her team. Prima slowly straightened her back in her corner, not even bothering to open her eyes.
"Sam! How are you feeling?" Bucky said gripping his shoulder and staring at him intently.
His eyes snapped to Bucky. He had been so disoriented and out of it that he hadn't even checked his surroundings first. He mentally scolded himself for that.
"I feel fine. I think," he answered still feeling confused as to how exactly he was fine. He was feeling better than fine as if his injuries had not happened at all. His attention was stolen when a small vial landed softly on his blanketed lap.
"Drink it."
He blinked at the complete stranger comfortably stretched out six feet from him that he hadn't even noticed until she spoke. There was something about the commanding tone that made him follow her instruction without question. He choked and spluttered on the liquid when she opened her eyes and met his.
"What the damn hell?"
Natasha swatted the back of his head making him flinch. "Don't be rude. That's Prima. She saved your sorry ass."
"Wait. You're Prima?"
She smirked, a gesture that oddly made a shiver run down Sam's spine. There was such a sharp disturbing contrast between her playfully colorful outer appearance and the cold almost malicious expression she wore.
"Sorry to disappoint," she drawled.
"Disappoint isn't exactly the word I would use."
She chuckled lightly before eyeing Natasha. "I have fulfilled my end of the agreement. Your friend is alive and well and this should consider us even. You may leave in the morning."
She pulled herself to her feet causing the cat to jump off her lap. She intended to make her way up to her bedroom to sleep off the rest of the night, but was halted by three sets of serious eyes boring into her. She read Natasha's expression and sighed in defeat.
"We need your help, Prima," Natasha said, a soft plea in her tone.
"I was under the impression that I had already helped," she grunted. "What is this really about?"
"Hydra," Bucky said simply, the disgust in his voice apparent.
Prima rolled her eyes. "No. Hydra is your problem. Hydra is an Avengers problem, not mine."
Natasha shook her head and stared at her in worry. "This time is different, Prima."
Prima held her finger up to stop the conversation urgently as her ears picked up a sound that she had not heard for over two centuries now. It was a low rumbling malicious growl followed by a howl that pierced the night.
"What the hell was that?" Bucky whispered under his breath, his sensitive hearing picking up what the Witcher had.
Two more howls interrupted the night. Distinct. Angry. Out for blood. There was more than one.
"Werewolves," Prima said picking up her axe nonchalantly and making her way to her potions. "At least three."
She picked up a bottle and a rag from the shelf. Bucky looked on curiously as she soaked the rag with the contents of the bottle and began casually wiping it on the blades of her axe. The roar grew close enough that Sam and Natasha were able to hear it. They were closing in.
All three Avengers sat ram rod straight, their bodies automatically tense and at attention at the impending threat. Bucky scowled at how unbothered and unrushed Prima appeared.
What the hell was she doing polishing her weapon now of all times?
The Winter Soldier grunted as he stood up and made his way out of the backdoor. Sam and Natasha were following close behind with their own weapons at the ready by their sides.
"Sera taught us how to deal with werewolves. We got this," Sam affirmed to the team as they stepped out into the chill of the late night.
The growls grew louder and out from the thicket of trees emerged three towering werewolves like they've never seen before. Much taller than humans even in their hunched stance, bulky and all muscle, long sharp claws, and topped off by a snarling wolf head. It was a disturbing twisted blend of human and wolf. It was nothing like the werewolves that they had seen. These were more monstrous, more vicious, more detached from their humanity. They were also fast approaching.
"What the fuck?" Natasha breathed taking a step back.
The three of them were so preoccupied trying to process the scene in front of them that they didn't register Prima coming from behind them until she stood a few steps in front with her axe comfortably hooked over her shoulder out of habit.
The three werewolves let out a threatening collective roar before charging as a unit toward the house. The Avengers were on high alert at the movement, but Prima remained unbothered in her stance.
"Prima, watch out!" Sam yelled over the heavy thumping of wolf feet. He gripped his shield and got ready to toss it straight through their necks.
Prima answered by turning her head to show them her profile which had a chilling smirk on it. She lifted her arm out with her fingers in a peculiar formation as the monsters rushed forward. A single word escaped her lips.
Jesus fuck!
Bucky stared wide eyed and open mouthed as a wide angry stream of blazing fire blasted from her outstretched hand and burned through the werewolves. They were in the middle of screaming in pain when she launched herself at them swinging her axe over her head and efficiently slicing through one clear through its neck.
She gripped her axe this time with both hands and pulled it apart to transform it to two separate axes held comfortably in each hand. She swung both in a deadly dance of glinting metal that quickly sliced through the remaining werewolves. Prima turned around to face them with her alabaster face and sunny dress splattered with blood, her pupils narrowed, her lips curved in a smug smile, and her dripping axes hung by her sides. The soft glow of the moon only served to highlight the maniacal glint in her eyes.
Bucky thought she looked hauntingly beautiful.
She sauntered back to them as she clicked the axes back together and hooked it as usual over her shoulder. She wiped the blood from her free hand on her dress which served to only smear the carnage already on there.
"Grab the shovels from the greenhouse. This area is private property but we must burn and bury the bodies in case the townspeople happen upon them."
Sam and Bucky nodded before ducking back to retrieve the shovels. Natasha went back inside as well and returned shortly to hand a towel to Prima who was now cleaning up as best she can with the garden hose. They both made their way to the men who had now begun to dig near the dead werewolves. The cat had exited the house and followed closely behind its master sensing that it was now safe.
There was a long moment with no words exchanged as they all focused on the task at hand. It went by much faster with all four of them working together. The men were rolling the werewolves into the pit when Natasha decided to break the tension.
"Didn't take you for a cat person."
Prima snorted but smiled as she stroked the cat's head that had decided to perch on her shoulders. "The eyes not give it away?"
Sam dumped some gasoline in the hole and threw a lit lighter in with it. The fire caught immediately but Bucky thought to himself that the flames weren't as magnificent as those from Prima. Natasha shifted from one foot to another trying to decide how to start the conversation she needed to have. Her target this time had already rejected her initial request for help. She would have to reconsider her approach. Prima decided to make the choice for her.
"Would you like to discuss inside or would you like us to roast marshmallows over the fire first?"
Natasha frowned at the joke made in poor taste, but the Witcher seemed to be further amused by her reaction. She tilted her head toward the cabin signalling them all to go inside leaving behind them the raging bonfire.
The Avengers and the Witcher sat around the dining table with each of them clutching a fresh cup of coffee in their hands. It was their second cup already as they debriefed her on what had been happening. Sera had undone the Snap. The Hunters together with the Avengers had defeated a divine threat. Now Hydra had somehow been able to open a time portal and unleashed all the monsters from her time.
"Fuck," Prima growled and pinched the bridge of her nose as she felt the migraine creeping in. "I spent 400 fucking years by myself driving every single one of those things into extinction. Enough to take it down to a level that Hunters would be sufficient to handle them."
"Excuse me? 400 years?" Sam asked, his disbelieving expression matching that of Bucky's beside him.
"How bad is this?" Natasha asked ignoring the other two, her own frown prevalent on her lips. Prima sighed.
"There is a reason why at one point Witcher was a flourishing profession. Witchers were made to go against these beasts and there was a demand that needed to be serviced. I'm the only remaining Witcher. How bad do you think it is?"
"That's exactly why we need your help. You're the only one who knows how to deal with any of these things," Natasha began to plead her case but Prima had a look of immediate revulsion. At that moment, she realized what could potentially convince her.
"We're offering you a contract."
Natasha's words stilled Prima and caused her to raise a curious eyebrow up at her. Witchers traditionally took on contracts most often for eliminating a monster that was terrorizing a village. It was their primary means of making a living and ensured that they would be compensated after the task. Prima can't remember the last time she has been offered a contract. The familiarity was oddly comforting to her.
"Terms of payment?"
"However much you want. Stark will pay it."
The Witcher scoffed, the movement disturbing the cat on her lap. "I've been around for over 700 years, child. I have more money than I have use for."
"Hold on. What??" Sam said his eyes practically bugging out of their sockets.
"No. I am partial to my axe."
"A quinjet? Could come in handy since you move around so much," Natasha countered.
There was a devilish smirk on both the women's faces, enjoying to some extent this back and forth negotiation. Natasha racked her brain for what else she can use to convince Prima to take the contract. She was close to offering up Tony and throw in all of his suits just to get her onboard. Maybe include an Avenger or two in to spice it up.
"Private island? You'll never need to move again."
"A fuckton of vibranium?"
"Throw in his arm and we got a deal," Prima said cocking her head in the direction of a now very uncomfortable Winter Soldier.
"Why?" Natasha asked completely ignoring the outraged expressions on her teammates face in favor of her curiosity.
The Witcher shrugged. "My porch could use a new wind chime."
Natasha turned to Bucky with a look in her eye that seemed very much like she was willing him to consider it. He fumed and pointed a finger at her in warning.
"Don't you fucking dare, Nat."
Natasha rolled her eyes and threw her hands in the air in defeat. "Fine. What do you want, Prima? Name your price."
"I have neither need nor want for anything. I must decline, Natasha. I'm sorry."
The modern style wall clock began to chime softly as it struck twelve midnight as if punctuating the finality of the Witcher's decision. The cat suddenly began to struggle out of her grasp with a discontent hiss. It leaped from her lap but what landed on the hardwood floors were not fuzzy paws but a set of bare feet that were unmistakably human.
Chairs clattered to the floor as the Avengers sprung from their seats and drew their weapons at the sight of this new man who looked to have morphed from being the house cat. Grey eyes and a wide beaming smile accompanied the floppy short brown hair of the newcomer.
He stretched his limbs and groaned at the cracking of his bones bringing him some relief, the V-neck shirt and tight jeans straining at the movements. The bell tied around his neck was the only real indication to the Avengers that this was indeed the cat and that they weren't hallucinating.
"Gods! I thought it would never strike midnight. Do you know how infuriating it is to not be able to comment? A meow can only convey so much."
"Who the fuck are you?" Sam asked raising his shield higher.
Prima had barely moved in her seat at the disturbance, only casually sipping her remaining coffee and waving dismissively at the transformed man.
"Avengers, meet Jaskier. Jaskier, the Avengers."
Jaskier made a low formal bow with all the flair that was standard for his personality. Once straightened, he clapped his hands together and looked excitedly around the room.
"Now that we're introduced, I am pleased to inform you all that we will happily accept this contract."
He slapped a hand across the Witcher's mouth just as she was about to protest. He flashed a cheeky grin at the still confused superheroes while his hand held firmly in place silencing a now sulky Prima.
"What's the plan?"
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dusky-dancing · 4 years
Noctluna and 23 pretty please :D
Thank you for the ask, anon! And thank you for your patience. It’s been too long since I wrote some Noctluna, so I was really excited to write this!
See this post for the full list!
Without further ado, here’s #23, A Kiss in Relief
Waking up in the middle of the night was hard enough, but waking up ten years in the past was a whole other experience. Noctis shot up in his bed, ignoring the pounding in his skull and the sweat covering his body. The thoughts racing through his mind shouted louder than any pain his nerves were trying to alert him to.
Where am I?
Once his eyes adjusted to the dark, a quick glance around told him he was in the high-end suite of the Leville Hotel in Altissia. It wasn’t flooded and ruined, which meant he’d made it before the Leviathan ceremony.
Umbra nudged his leg from the side of the bed, reassuring him further.
It worked.
I made it back.
But did he remember everything?
“Noctis?” Ignis’ familiar voice spoke softly from another bed. “Are you alright?”
Noctis sat up further, and his friend followed. The sight of Ignis nearly sent the prince into a flurry of tears already.
“Ignis,” Noctis choked, “your eyes.”
Ignis sighed, “Must you make fun of my glasses at every opportunity? I don’t look that strange without them.”
“No, you-” Noctis stopped himself. There was too much going through his head to articulate any important details. “Nevermind.”
All he knew was that it had worked. He’d travelled back in time with Umbra. He quickly scanned his memories from the future, like they were a dream that would slip away within seconds of waking up.
I became the last King of Lucis.
I had to defeat Ardyn and end the Starscourge at a great cost, but it could’ve gone differently.
I can make up for the sins of my forefather, Somnus.
I can prevent Ignis from going blind for me.
I can prevent Luna from-
“Luna!” he shot onto his feet. If the room hadn’t been awake before, it was now.
Prompto startled out of bed and landed on the floor. Gladio was up on his feet in an instant, weapon drawn out of instinct.
Noctis ignored all of their following grumbles and questions. Without a single word, he made his way over to the room’s balcony. From there, the Secretary’s estate was clearly visible in the night air.
If he had truly travelled back in time, then the Empire was keeping her there under watch, and he wanted nothing more than to see for himself if she’d gone back too. He had Umbra, she had Pryna, and she’d wanted to take this second chance with him. He just prayed that it had worked for them both.
Deciding to ask for forgiveness from his friends rather than permission, he summoned the Engine Blade and threw it to the nearest street lamp. He blinked into a streak of blue, and a moment later, he was dangling from the very same lamp. Umbra already sat on the cobble street a few feet away, waiting for him.
As soon as his feet hit the ground, he ran.
He made his way down the dark, empty street. His body felt lighter than he remembered, less strong but also much less broken. He couldn’t remember how to get to the estate, or where Luna was even being kept, but she was finally within reach again. That alone was enough to drive him forward.
Down the street, he thought he spotted a stray dog. That was, until she emerged under a street lamp, and Pryna’s white fur reflected off of the glowing amber light.
She did it, he thought.
Before he could order his legs to move faster towards Umbra’s companion, however, a heavenly voice called out to him amidst the sleeping city.
It was her voice, and Noctis’ heart nearly leapt out of his chest. Suddenly, the waterfronts and buildings were flying by him twice as quickly.
“Luna!” he answered in the direction of Pryna.
“Noctis?!” She called back more desperately.
Around the same corner that her dog had run from, she appeared, and their eyes met not a moment later. Her hair was down, and she was dressed in nothing but a tattered sleeping gown. But none of that mattered as the distance between them vanished. He could do nothing but wrap himself around her as tightly as possible and lift her into the air. He cherished every sensation under his hands, memorized the feeling of her own touch all over him, and buried his face into her undone golden hair.
His younger self had missed out on all of this, and he suddenly despised the man for not running to her the moment he’d seen her speaking at the podium.
After a moment, he willed himself to pull back and take in her face. She was just as beautiful as when he’d last seen her.
Relief flooded over him as the realization hit that she was truly here, neither as a ghost nor returned under the strings of The Draconian. He touched her face and combed his fingers through her hair, ignoring the tears and tangles as he leaned in to kiss her. They technically weren’t married yet, but he didn’t care. He cherished their second first kiss all the same. She pulled him closer and kissed him just as deeply until he knew she was drowning just as much in relief.
Gone were the awkward betrothed nobles separated for too much of their lives, replaced by two fate-twisted lovers who knew the truth and were determined to change destiny.
A joyous giggle escaped from her lips while she kissed him. He pulled back and smiled, before realizing they’d yet to share any words besides their own names.
He planted a kiss on her forehead and asked, “What’s so funny, my wife?”
She laughed again and glanced up to meet his eyes. She peppered her own kisses along his cheek, down to his jaw then all the way to his ear. “I was just thinking, husband, about how I missed the tickle of your beard.”
He laughed. “Lucky for you, it should only take ten years or so to grow back in.” He leaned back to take her in again, but couldn’t bring himself to be away from her warmth for long. “We made it.”
“We did,” she muttered into his shirt. “Feels strange to be back so far.”
“Hey,” he pushed away again, “how’d you get out here? Aren’t you supposed to be under watch?”
She giggled lightly. “I may have jumped out a window.”
Noctis’ jaw hung open for a moment. For him, jumping out of a window was as easy as throwing his sword at the right place. For her, she actually had to land on her feet, and he highly doubted they were keeping her in a ground floor room.
She sensed his shock. “Worry not, the hedges broke my fall,” she said as she stroked his cheek. That explained her ruined nightwear. “I just needed to see you.”
He hummed under her touch. “I can’t blame you there.”
The swift footsteps of his brothers approached, then abruptly stopped as soon as they realized what was happening. They probably had many questions. Questions which Noctis would be more than happy to answer fully and truthfully. They could change fate, save lives, prevent a ten-year scourge, and maybe even find Ardyn and convince him to change his plan.
They could do this.
But right now, they just wanted each other.
A/N: Thank you for reading!
I don’t know about you, but after reading the proposed story of Luna and Noctis’s cancelled DLCs, I couldn’t help but feel like we missed out on a great alternate ending to the game. Alas, it shall never be playable, but the concept art and inspiration are there all the same:) In the original game, the player has the chance to travel back to Altissia with Umbra after the timeskip, and I couldn’t help but imagine how Noctis and Luna would react to being given a second chance to change Fate.
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
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A final fantasy fanfiction for my oc and her family.
Characters: Cor Leonis, Laura lucis caelum (my oc), Dariolus Amicitia(my oc) Noctis lucis Caelum, Ignis scientia, Crystalcrown Leonis ( @yutauke28 oc )
 My national language is not English. I apologize for spelling and grammar mistakes.
I can't find a good name for my story and probably changed its name.
When your flesh and blood are mixed with pain and you are nurtured with it, you dedicate your whole being to those who were trying to improve your suffering by touching their love. What's wrong with you? It does hurt to lose these loved ones, even thinking about it bothers you. At that time .. you grab everything to stop the destiny .. like a bird stuck in a cage and trying for freedom, you knock yourself on the door and the wall to find a way ... and if you find it. Nothing can stop you, even if it is a God!
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Part: 2
Cor's voice opened my eyes slowly. I saw that it was a bit blurry and I couldn't see his face clearly! I took a deep breath and tried to sit in my place. He put his hand on my shoulder to oppose me, but I was sitting! I put my feet on the ground and rested my hands on the edge of the bed:
"I'm fine!"
He stood for a while and then sat down next to me. His movements were doubtful because he did not know much about socializing with a woman. He did not expect more from a 45-year-old man who had fought or practiced all his life! I lowered my head and broke the silence with myself:
"I ran away!"
I heard a cold, calm voice:
"This is nothing, Lara! You did what your father wanted!"
My voice was calm and my tone was heavier than ever:
"He kept his promise... he was right!"
I turned my gaze slowly to his blue eyes. His face was cold and serious. It didn't make any sense, and that's why our relationship ended. I didn't know why I came back to him! I took a deep breath and got up to leave the camp:
" I'm sorry I won't take your time."
Before I could even walk away from the bed, he grabbed my wrist and prevented me from leaving. I slowly stood up and turned to face him! His eyes were full of words, but his lips weren't moving, he slowly let go of my hand and got up from his place:
"Rest here. You have just arrived, your body is not strong yet!"
This behavior really bothered me. I couldn't stand it, especially through:
" I'm human .. I sow the death of my loved ones .. My father disappeared, I only lost my companion! I took refuge in you! Isn't that enough to show my feelings?
He was standing quietly before reached his work desk. His thoughts were dumb and silent to me. I couldn't read anything from his look or demeanor. He took a deep breath and I could feel it moving his shoulders. I took a deep breath to calm myself down, laughing so much in my mental anguish that no one thought it might be something that bothered me. I had accepted this, but I needed to embrace someone I loved !! Cor's silence was nothing to me except he was unimportant to me, he never said he wanted me. never! While I was trying for years to restore her soul, he ignored me .. and even now .. !! The headache forced me to sit down. I sat on the bed for the second time and held my head in my hands:
" Do you know about Noctis"
"Not yet!"
I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at its screen. I wanted to call Noctis, but ... what was I told him! I left my phone on the bed and stared at cor again! His gaze was fixed on the map on his desk, and he was looking at it calmly. Sometimes I felt that he had no feelings, but ... I pressed my eyelids tightly and a thick frown settled between my eyebrows:
" I'm tired .. can you calm me down only once ??"
I couldn't believe I asked him to do that. I slowly raised my head to see him, standing right in front of me. A faint smile sat on his lips. Pale and very calm, but the same smile was very unexpected for someone known him. Slowly he sat down on his knees in front of me and hugged me. The touch of his hands gave me a soft feeling, I felt like someone who was addicted to drugs for a long time, and now it has suddenly calmed down using the drug it loves! Cor was an unattainable but lovable drug for me, he was Unattainable, but he has worth it. Slowly, I raised my hands and circled the tension. Hatred of crying puts pressure on my throat and I have no choice but to break it. I put my eyes on his wide, flat shoulders and pressed myself against him. I used to take refuge in it because of the loss of half of my family. Cor always made me happy and I feel like a free girl by him. but now, at the age of 39 ... could I still be happy? While there was almost nothing left of my family ??
"I don't know this confession .. right or not but .. I love you cor..for a long time .. !!
This sudden confession of mine seemed to be very unexpected to him, maybe he thought I wasn't interested in him, but ... his hands sat on my shoulders and he pulled me away from himself. That smile was gone from his face. His face was cold, but his icy eyes injected a certain warmth.
"I didn't think this interest would still exist!"
His words made me laugh. I wiped away my tears and tilted my head to some extent and answered him while my tone was a little warm:
"Can i don't want these eyes ?? You are more bitter than snake venom and more unbearable than a cactus trunk !!
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He laughed softly. He laughs a little, but when he laughs, it feeds my heart with calm and love. From his laughter, only a faint smile remained, he lowered his head for a moment and looked at me again. I grabbed his collar and put my face close to his face. I kissed him gently on the lips. I stared into his eyes. The surprise was clearly in his eyes, and I could feel it! I laughed and raised my head, my smile slowly disappeared, my tone was sad:
"There is no other kingdom .. You no longer need to hide your interest because I am a princess!"
He hugged me again and stroked my hair. I couldn't read his thoughts, but I knew it felt good. He was so proud that he didn't say it, but well, I didn't have that pride. And I was at the forefront of expressing interest in him! Nap pressed on my eyelids, and the warm embrace of Cor made my body lighter! I laughed and separated myself from him:
"I am sleepy!"
He laughed softly and got up from his place. He picked up a gray blanket and threw it over my head:
"Sleep, I'll get to work too!"
I took my tone seriously and pulled the blanket down over my head:
"Sit down and do your works! what I have to do with you !! You act kind of like you hate it so much! It's my fault that I kissed you!"
I took off my boots and threw them on the other side, opened the blanket and threw it on my feet. I opened my hair and continued to growl in front of his benevolent gaze:
"I hope you have a fever that you can't do anything! I hope that the gods your enemy's incurable pain. I hope a green wart is the size of an apple on your nose !!"
He laughed softly and stood behind his desk. I lay on the bed and slept while my back against Cor. When I was sure that my face would no longer see, I dropped into myself. I used all that sorrow to empty the heads of the Nif soldiers. To calm me by shedding their dirty blood. Although .. this bleeding did not revive my loved ones.. it calmed my heart!
As Laura fell asleep, Cor's look was drawn at her. He breaths caught softly, and his eyebrows twitched in a sad frown. He had received the news from Monica in all the details, he didn't bring anything to Laura so as not to make her feel bad. However, He saw Laura stronger than talking about the death of her loved ones. Now Cor had lost his friends, his legendary king, as well as his old master! He took a deep breath and lifted his hands from the desk, Slowly he walked towards Laura and stood over her head! He was happy that she was still alive, and this made him thank Cor of his gods for the second time. Now that he knew Laura was still interested in him, he decided not to miss this opportunity to have her! Years ago, not knowing what he was doing, he felt dependent on Lara, and all this distance had not only made him feel weak but more than ever. he didn't know Laura so much while she was trying to cure him as a child. SHe didn't look at Cor like other people, he didn't hate them and he understood them, maybe because she had a difficult childhood, maybe she also understood the meaning of hating others well. He has been with Laura for a long time, he knows how much Laura suffers! Laura, who, in spite of all this mental pain, was called a bastard and humiliated others, was smiling again, and was happy! That's what made those around him ... especially Cor, remember that he was a continuation! He gently raised his hand and stroked her black and gray hair with a delicate hand. He didn't even cut his hair short because of his knowledge of Cor interest, he put his hand on his arm to pull his fingers and he grabbed them between his hands !! Seven-year-old Laura calmed the pain of Cor failure with these hands so that Cor realized how difficult life is for him without Laura's presence !! He pulled the blanket over her shoulders and kissed her head gently and briefly. He didn't do much of it, so he finished it quickly. They had to do their mission and get the key to noct! He went out of the tent to eat something instead of breakfast!
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Ignis' green look was on Gladio and the prompto that the wanted them that left Noctis and himself alone. He stood behind Noctis, raised his hand hesitantly, and pushed it into his delicate hair, and caressed it. This brief action by Ignis caused Noctis to turn and look at him with tears in his eyes, the news of the death of his loved ones had greatly disturbed him. So hard that he could hold back his tears, now only his friends are with him. He put his hand over his eyes to wipe away his tears and spoke in a voice that was muffled by crying:
"Everyone dies ..!"
Ignis was silent because he could not find the words that were appropriate for Noctis's pain relief, which, of course, did not last long. Noctis 'voice echoed in Ignis' ear. He cried freely and sobbed:
"I can not believe it..!"
A girl's hands gently grasp Noctis' shoulders. Touching those hands, Noctis turned his back slowly, wiping his ocean eyes from the tears. Crystal's hands wiped Noctis' tears from his face. Her face was sad because she seemed to have lost her family too!
"Do you know that you are not alone?"
It didn't take long for Ignis's voice to be heard. He gently put his hand on his friend's shoulder and continued his words seriously:
"We always hold your back. Only death can separate us from you."
Knowing the strength of Ignis' will, and of course, his perseverance and endurance made Noctis's pain somewhat relieved. The touch of crystal caresses also calmed him. His friends were always by his side and that was enough for Noktis ... and all he wanted to be was for him not to lose them either. Crystal hands wrapped around Noctis's waist and led him to the car. At the same time, all three returned to the car to get to their seats. Noctis thoughts were filled with sweet memories of the past. His father's nightly tales of her travels and adventures, Laura's petty mischief to entertain him .. Halloween celebrations and New Year's Eve together .. Laura's sinister plans and his father's opposition to surprise Cor or Clarus. There was nothing left of that family except Noctis. He thought that Laura was also alive because Cor had not given him any information about Laura. he was no longer crying, but his chest was heavy because of this mental pain !! All this time along the way, Noctis stared sadly and frustratedly at the floor of the car .. Even this car was full of memories .. his father's car .. he took a deep breath and frowned at his hatred ... leaving him all alone .. lying to him, Lying next to him, lying with him, staying with him, lying that everything is under control .. Lying behind lies .. !! All the time Noctis's grief and selfishness locked his friend Prampto's eyes on his eyes. Seeing this, his friend had nothing but torment. He had never been so quiet. Unlike Prampto and Ignis, Gladio was disappointed that King Regis had sacrificed his life to save his worthless son. However, he was respectful and did not tell him anything. This was the only sympathy of Gladio!
She was standing outside the garage, leaning against the wall. Her head was down and her gaze was fixed on the ground from behind the irregular strands of her hair. Cid's words about King Regis break his daughter's heart. Slowly she raised her hand and placed it on her chest, took a deep breath, and walked slowly into the garage. The sound of his strong footsteps broke the silence created by Cid's departure. The first look she turned to the princess was Ignis. The gleam of happiness in his large, green eyes was easily recognizable to Laura. As expected from Ignis, he stood respectfully and straight in front of the princess and bowed:
A smile wiped the Cleared her red lip from lipstick. It was as if Ignis's voice had caught Noctis' attention. Because he slowly turned his back and was shocked to see his sister. Perhaps out of joy and perhaps out of surprise, Noctis's inner sense was a positive and joyful one. He took a step away from his place and came to Laura:
"Laura !!"
Laura quickly painted her lips and hugged her brother and squeezed:
"Is my Kitty good?"
Laura's survival was hope for Noctis again. He was not alone !! Her sister was here, by his side! He laughed softly and kissed his sister's cold cheek. This coldness of Laura's body worried her to some extent. Slowly he pulled her away from himself and looked at her with a worried frown:
"Your body is .. cold !!"
As prompto came forward, the sentence that Noctis uttered was forgotten. He stood in front of Laura and happily put his hand behind his head and leaned back a little:
"Wow, Laura, being alive is a miracle !!"
Laura's gentle laughter responded to Prompto's warm, friendly tone:
"I also didn't get well."
The next person was Crystal. She ran happily to Laura and hugged her tightly! It didn't take long for her tongue to open and he began to speak sharply:
" You are alive, Laura, you are alive !! I can not believe it!"
A kind smile sat on Laura's lips. She caressed crystal's red hair gently and kissed her head. The pain was so severe that she did not want to think about the past and the place of that sweet and kind girl!
"No one dares to kill me my strawberry !!!"
Crystal's gaze was fixed on Laura's face and her:
"You are a badass, Laura you know?"
Gladio's gaze was looking for a bigger level than his own. The fact that Dario is not with Laura ... gave him nothing but a negative feeling. He turned to Laura and stared at her smile. If Dario was dead, Laura wouldn't smile !!
" Where is Dario? Is he eating ramen again?
Not to mention that Dariolus took a smile from Laura's lips and made her face look very serious. Laura's silence and her gaze fixed on the unknown corner, made Gladio regret his words. Her guess was correct, Dario was dead! Laura's grief was quickly reflected in her audience. Her deep breath saddened Prompto's kind face. He spoke in a worried tone to find out why Laura was silent:
"He is all right...right?"
A short, faint smile opened Laura's lips, but she couldn't stand it, and the smile went away again. Her emotions erupted subconsciously, and a stubborn drop of tears tried to break the barrier of her eyes, and finally, she quickly dripped and fell on her cheek The slip of that crystal drop made everyone understand what Laura was doing to control herself. However, Laura quickly wiped away the tears and said in a trembling voice:
Her hatred of crying prevented her from continuing. Hardly pressing her lips together, and tried to complete the answer:
" He is gone.. with pride!"
Crystal's sad face was sewn as a good friend. Laura was like her mother, but Crystal loved her more than anything, seeing her suffer so much hurts her kind heart. Noctis' sad look stared at the ground for a moment, again in the form of his sister. He pressed the corners of her eyes so that she wouldn't cry, Laura was that. She hated expressing her sorrows so much !! For the second time, he gently hugged her and kissed her hair. A smile came to Laura's lips and with the help of Noctis, she was able to control her emotions again. Slowly he turned his back and separated herself:
"I'm fine!"
She put her hand on his shoulder and looked at him for a moment, then stared at Noctis' friends:
"Cor in the tomb is waiting for you!"
She looked back at Noctis:
" Well, listen to Cor's words! He has a lot of experience."
" Aren't you coming ??"
Noctis's short sentence didn't put Laura's lips on for a few seconds, but that silence disappeared with a soft smile:
"R u sure?"
"Well, you go, I'll come myself. Because I have to go to Lestallum!"
Noctis stared at his sister's face. He took a deep breath and shook his head once:
Just one word from Noctis' tongue caused Laura to turn back. She slowly distanced himself from him and turned her back on them to go to her car! The brown look of the Gladia was radiant. Like his father, he is jealous of Dario's station. They were both proud to be dead. Calmly breath caught and he walked slowly towards Regalia:
"Let's go."
Ignis's hand calmly sat on Noctis' shoulder and gently led him to the car.
Laura's gaze was fixed on them. Also to the reflect that Regalia had. She smiled softly. The girl was alive because her father loved her. She couldn't even get close to Regalia. She just saw her reap! She slowly put her hands on her car's steering wheel and took a deep breath to control herself as her car window slammed. She turned his head slowly, saw Cindy, lowered the glass, and waited with a warm smile to hear her words:
Cindy's always warm tone made Laura's smile. She cautiously put her hands on the roof of the car and leaned toward Laura:
"Your car is fixed, your highness! I hope you enjoy it!"
This confirmation of Cindy led Laura to turn on the car. She turned it on, and when she heard a bass voice, her engine was overwhelmed with pleasure:
"Great, Cindy! Like always !!"
She turned her head towards her and blinked at her! Laura's blink made her laughed. Suddenly she stood up straight:
"A trivial thing, my lady!
She put her hand in her waist bag and took out a little packet of envelopes, pausing at Laura's side:
"This is what you wanted!"
Deliver Laura's delicate fingers from Cindy's hands. She slowly opened it and stared at her bank cards. She turned his head towards Cindy and smiled at her again:
"Good job Cindy! Let me know if there is a contest again! I need to rebuild my soul!"
Cindy's reaction was to laugh. She leaned back a little and then locked her hands on her chest and leaned to the side:
" There are always competitions! For example, tonight ... at two o'clock ... the mountain route!"
Laura's gaze was fixed on Regalia, that going away. She took a deep breath and then pointed to Cindy:
"Take your time free for sunset, we have to go and check the track"
Her two-colored gaze was fixed on the ground, touching her brother's pain with all her might! She took a deep breath and turned his head slightly toward the tomb, and the light of Noctis's armiger was even thicker than their father's light! What was expected of the chosen! She took a deep breath and took her baton from the stone wall of the tomb, put her hand on the iron door, opened it with pressure, and went inside. Her gaze was on the ground, and she was slowly walking toward the tomb of King Optimus, where her brother was standing:
"You are persecuting Dad when you call him a liar!"
Noctis was still staring at the ground. He felt that Laura did not understand him, he thought that he was more dependent on his father than his sister and that there was more love between them. At that moment ... he couldn't be kind to Laura, anger, and sadness were two feelings that Noctis had no ability to control, quite unlike Lara !!
"I don't think this not better for you than it was better for me !!"
Cor's gaze sat on Noctis with a week frown, unhappy with his behavior. That's why he frowned and looked at his dear Laura. Contrary to his Cor, Gladio came to the surface from this behavior of Noctis, he saw him as a child who has no supply to raise his nose! he didn't keep quiet so that Laura could answer for herself, and while his voice was full of anger, he hit Noctis whit his word:
" He wasn't only your father, Noctis, understand this!"
Noctis's voice was been loud with anger and trembled with hatred and tears:
"Because of this, his dear girl left him to die ??"
There was a heavy silence between each and everyone present. Noctis 'behavior was so difficult that no one could answer, although it wasn't just because of Noctis' harshness that it was to respect Laura. Everyone's eyes turned to Laura's pause to see her reaction. Pointing to Laura's hand, she went out of the tomb one by one, and she was left alone with Noctis. After a long period of silence, a grin settled on Laura's lips, well she could have united Noctis' pride with the soil at that moment !! She could hit him and tell him everything that came out of his mouth, she could tell Noctis and his mother to take his father's attention away from him, she could tell what pain she suffered in the court from Noctis and his mother! She could have emptied his knots, but ... it wasn't in Laura's presence! Laura wasn't weak enough to grab herself by grabbing others! Noctis loved her, even though she was not happy with her mother, she pressed her lips to suppress that hatred so that Noctis would not hurt her wound and break her tender heart, although Noctis didn't care about Laura and was fine with her feelings. Without even noticing the rest! Finally, she spoke in a calm tone:
"As he kept you away from Insomnia, he also wanted to keep me away!"
She walked slowly to the door, feeling the weight of Noctis' gaze:
"Don't think that he was your only father, Noctis .. I touched his pain even more than you ... I realized better than you that he collapsed."
Slowly, stood and turned to Noctis, her gaze tied to Noktis's tear-filled gaze, a kind smile that showed the bitterness of sorrow more than the sweetness of kindness:
"He took me away from Insomnia .. I realized, but I arrived when everything was over! If I stayed, I would die! However .. you are right! It would have been better for me to die. Not ready..!
Embarrassed and hidden in Laura's words, Noctis regretted what he had said. The boy was more emotional than a two- or three-year-old boy, but at that moment he didn't even dare to apologize to his sister! He never understood why Laura suddenly withdrew from the Crown Prince and took refuge in Kingsglaive academy! He never knew exactly why Laura dropped them. Nobody knew that! And that's why Noctis thought Laura didn't want them and her father's death didn't matter to her, but:
"Don't forget the point that I was born of dady. He raised me, he was both a father and a mother to me, unlike you, who had your mother for a few years! Dad, everything was mine and I lost everything. Your thoughts have no truth .. If you can't turn your back on me, I don't want you to see me as your enemy!"
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She put his delicate hand on the door to take refuge in the sleeping music in her car, but her arm stopped as she was captured. She turned his head slowly towards Noctis and looked at her! The fact that Noctis lowered his head meant only one thing! He was ashamed of his sister's feelings. But before he could speak, Laura's embrace settled inside her. Laura couldn't bear to see Noctis 'grief. Laura was the second and last person to know Noctis' fate! She hugged her little brother and squeezed herself. Smell his soft hair and kiss his head, this kindness and gentleness of laura calmed Noctis. He was sure he could trust his sister because he regretted what he had said. He didn't know what he would do if he were there !!
"I just..."
"Shush kitty !! Don't think about it, go with your friends and complete your strength, we have a lot of work to do !! Don't forget that Dad is Healthy and fresh now! OK?
A faint smile settled on Noctis' lips as he let his sister's fingers wipe away his tears:
"Don't ruin a king with the word prophecy!"
Laura's reaction to Noctis was this: she punched him in the shoulder and laughed:
"A kitty always is a kitty! Eat your vegetables!"
And again, this was a good laugh. With his gaze, he chased Laura and was alone in the tomb. He took a deep breath and his hands clenched for a moment:
After the departure of Regalia, Adamentuis finally started. Laura's gaze was still fixed on Regalia's empty place, and she smiled softly and walked away."Do you remember Cor? How much trouble we had in sitting in that car!"
Cor's gaze was fixed on the front, remembering the past, he just pressed his lips together and leaned his head against the back of the chair:
" I just remember that you stood in the trunk to go with your dad !!"
Laura's short laugh was a little loud and open again .. Silence! The squeezed the Car steering wheel in her hand and took a deep breath:
"Apparently, you are the only one who knows how dependent on my Dady!
"Me and cid ..! I guess."
Remembering Cid, it was still a smile that was the guest of Laura's lips, she tilted her head left and right and leaned back in her chair:
" young heart cid! No?
She laughed and cor watched without that laura understood it. Cor's gaze was still fixed on her face, no one was curious about his past, because no one cared about him, but Laura ... He was sure that all the time he left her and didn't want to see her, the worst things happened to her, like Mors's death. ! Cor was the one who knew what a heavy defeat that sudden death was for Laura, and after that ... the suicide of the former queen, means Laura's grandmother. He regretted that he had rejected Laura, he was ashamed of her, as he was still ashamed of his harsh behavior and manliness, he looked at forward, he tried to talk about his feelings once again, he felt ashamed and Sorry:
" Um ... I don't usually talk about these things, but ... I'm sorry!"
At that moment, the only thing that could be seen on Laura's face was a surprise! She turned his head toward Cor for a moment and looked at him, but as she had to watch out for the road, she takes her gaze on him again and stared at the road :
"For what?"
After a thoughtful pause, Cor's cold tone greeted Laura's curiosity:
" I shouldn't have just let you go! You saw me as your trusted friend ... In those circumstances, maybe I wasn't right!"
" I shouldn't let you alone Cor!
Cor's gaze once again focused on Laura to hear the rest of her words, and Laura didn't wait long for him:
"You weren't in a good mood, I shouldn't leave you alone!"
" The one who was released was not me, Laura, it was you!"
"It doesn't matter for me, man! I'm not sad! You wanted to be alone, too !!"
"Don't try to fool me laura!"
" That you left me alone all that time was nothing to hurt me ... did you notice? I had bigger problems. So much so that I never saw my grandfather's death!"
The faint, permanent frown becomes between Cor's. Slowly he leaned back and stared at Laura:
"I want to know what the problem was!"
Laura's deep breath reflected the faint wave that had crept into her being:
"I'm not used to talking about problems that no longer exist!"
"But you have to tell me about them !! However, you have to solve your problems that year !!"
Deep breath again, only Laura's calmness was captured. She kept the car on the side of the road and turned it off, turned completely to Cor, leaned one hand on the car seat, and stared into those eyes that she loved so much:
"Since when has the past of others become so important to you!"
Cor's strong, cool tone was nothing but pleasing to Laura:
"You are not in others, you are the only woman that I have always had in my life and I have and will have!"
Laura's gentle smile caused Cor frown to lose their strength and move away from a little:
"Stop laughing!"
Just one word was enough to break the barrier of Laura's lips and make her laugh! He clenched his fist tightly, hit Cor's arm, and then pulled herself back:
"You have made great progress! I didn't expect it at all! Does Cor know how to talk about this?"
There was nothing but shame in Cor's heart, they had been together for several years, not they want it to be officially, but they fell in love and were in a relationship. But without saying a word about his feelings, Laura, no matter how strong, was a girl anyway! And because she was strong, she didn't burn herself at the feet of someone who didn't feel it !! But at that moment, Cor's face became very empty of feeling, because he felt that Laura was bolded, while Cor's poker face made Laura laugh more. The resistance to self-restraint was useless, and he laughed alone:
"enough! Just tell me what your problem was !! Don't go under it!
"Do you really know my problem?"
"You can don't say it if you don't want!
Laura's laughter was nothing more than a smile, a smile that slowly settled in the corner of her mouth to let her know that Lara was insignificant in the past:
"It's a complicated execution!"
She took a deep breath and continued:
"The many problems of the daughter of the husband and stepmother, that's it!"
"Did she bother you? You were such a great girl!"
" she did a lot of things without looking at my position and age! Anyway, she's dead!"
The fact that the matter was closed secretly made Cor not insist on opening the case! Laura's suffering was not pleasant for her, so he didn't ask anything anymore, but the previous discussion that had taken place in the middle was also against Cor ... Laura didn't allow silence! Although she was not used to talking about her pain, he was Cor. She believed that Cor was the only reliable person she could talk to about her pain and she was sure that no one would understand them, sometimes it was very good to talk! Even the strongest might need to talk:
"When you imprisoned yourself in the academy and you didn't want to see me, I fell silent. I was no longer so passionate and motivated! As my father said, i have been an ashamed girl !!
She laughed softly and ran her finger over a brand that had settled on the car's roll!
" Aulea got married to my dad when I was 14 and 15 years old! Adolescence is a sensitive period for every person, girl, or boy! At that time, maybe I wasn't even strong, I was very emotional!
" I do not accept this! At that time, you were more strong than even me!"
"Right compared to others ... Well, I easily accepted how I was born and why my father is so young!While this can be painful for anyone! No, I had accepted myself, it was not a problem for me until ... Aulea been my father's life!
"Do you mean Queen Aulea?
To confirm Cor, Laura only raised and lowered her head once and leaned her head back against the leather seat of her car. She raised her hand a little and shook her wrist, and then continued:
"Every woman wants to have power! It was the same! In good looks and intimate, but in secret. The bite of her tongue was more painful than the bite of any snake! These problems are not obvious! Until she became pregnant noctis!!
She took a deep breath, stared at Cor, and continued with the same faint smile:
"Threat behind the threat. She was pulling dad towards her and she was staging it in such a way that it would take me out of my father's eyes! That person was of no value to me! I didn't count on her !! But when Dad believed her words ...
Cor's gaze was still staring at Laura, listening intently! He hears what is happening in the court, big and small. He had even heard from Clarus many times that Laura's behavior was weird, or even annoyed by the queen. But hearing these words from Laura's tongue showed that she wasn't too involved in a joke with the queen, and all this was to make Laura look inferior to the others! Laura's words continued in a colder tone, her gaze still fixed on an unknown point:
" I have slowly lost our supporters, and you know that if one of the royal families does not have a faction behind it ... its power will be reduced! Well, at that time, almost all the people who were my allies fell apart. Every day, the wounds of my tongue and words and the fact that I did not have the authority to be a crown Princess ...for this reason I travel alone you completed my power, even without Dario !! It was just to prove myself .. remember?"
Cor's gaze was still fixed on Laura, and his eyes shone with surprise. She remembered, but he didn't know she had traveled alone !! This was impossible for almost any monarchy:
"I just remember that you were lost for a while, so at that time ... it didn't matter much to me!"
" I wasn't lost .. I was traveling! I was 20 years old, so I managed to join 25 of the weapons of the kings in my armiger ... This trip is dangerous in itself, but it was not the only danger ..!
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Laura's pause was long! Long and long! She turned the opposite side to Cor and slowly loosened the edge of her black shirt. She was sitting with her back was toward Cor! He raised her shirt to her shoulders and tilted her head slightly so that she could see Cor:
"This is the souvenir that the woman gave me! She sent many men to kill me !!"
Cor's look was on the wound that was still visible after even 19 years, the wound that had covered Lara's entire back. Her hand was clenched into a palm and her jaw was clenched:
"Why didn't you say anything!"
Laura's wound was hidden under her shirt again. She turned slowly and leaned back in her chair:
"Noctis had just been born .. I loved that little one in front of the hatred I had for his mother, I didn't want Noctis to grow up without matters kindness. That woman also had the right to want her son to be the Crown Prince!"
"That's why you gave the Crown Prince to Noctis?"
Laura's head moved slowly to the sides. She slowly put his hands on the steering wheel and squeezed it a little:
" When Noctis was born, I wanted to visit him! But when I got to his room, I heard Gentiana's voice. She was talking to my father. Noctis was the king of light, and I was his servant. How could I be the crown princess when he was the true king! I wanted to do this at the same time, but my father objected. He told me to wait until he was five years old.
Finally, Cor's blue eyes parted from Laura and he stared ahead, breath caught Slowly and he opened his fists:
"This is the real king's point, but you shouldn't have kept quiet that day! You should have said what the queen did! You were reprimanded by your father!
"My father had the worst suffering on his chest in those years! Telling the queen of what betrayals only made him even angrier ... It was enough for him to hear the fate of Noctis!"
"fate.. of... Noctis?"
" He is supposed to sacrifice his life for light !!
They both stared at each other. Cor's gaze was startled by the frown, and Laura could feel no emotion on her face!
"next, going to die ??"
" By my father! With my father's sword! But you don't have to talk to anyone about it, Got it?"
Cor shook head up and down. When he accepted something, there was no need to worry! After a short silence, the start-up sound of Adamantoise (herwas the only one that could be broke silence!
"Yes, sir immortal sir!
A half-smiling smile sat on Cor's lips:
"When you call me IMMORTAL, I hate my nickname!
A deep smile sat on Laura's lips:
"Immortal? Immortal! Immortal Immortal !!
And she laughed, the laughter that warmed Cor's heart, of course, secretly! A military man was not used to expressing his feelings!
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rain0205-blog · 6 years
Terminal State
Summary:  She tried leaving, submerging herself in work to escape the horrors she had seen. The horrors she kept seeing. She never wanted to go back to that life. But when the Empire takes her home, she’s forced to face her past. Can she move on? Can she cope? Or will she require a bit of help? still bad at summaries, still working on it. ever so slightly more than slight AU gadioxoc
Day six. Athenacia woke up with the biggest hunger pang in the history of her life. Groaning, she wrapped her arms around herself to try and soothe the pains she felt there. The doctor also had this undying need to leave, no longer able to handle this sort of containment. It had been long enough and she was completely done with it, never liked being stuck in one place for too long anyway, not even sure how she managed it. Promise or not, she was done just sitting around on her hands helplessly, so she threw the covers off her with a purpose, noting the sky was still dark out. Her nightmare had her up earlier than usual but that didn't deter her in the slightest.
The physician walked into the bathroom to start her examination and healing process. There wasn't a notable difference, aside from maybe her eye was a little lighter on the black. Everything was external now so it could go it's natural course. Athenacia unwrapped her right hand to have a better look at it. The knuckles weren't broken but they were puffy and bruised. In the end she decided to speed up the process a little, internally cursing herself for giving away her gloves far too soon. It was a little sore but manageable at least. Shrugging, she started the shower, taking longer than she needed to. There was no more of this sitting around, she was determined to go outside today. Stepping out of the tub, she brought the towel around her slender frame, another towel for her hair and wiped off the mirror so she could see herself. At least with that hematoma, no one could see the dark circles she usually carried under her eyes. Skin was still pale though, nightmares leaving no chance for sleep. Sighing slightly at her appearance, she dried off herself off before pulling on her clothes, thin light blue jean capris with a rip on the left knee. Her shirt was also thin and dark blue coming down to her mid forearm. Athenacia wanted to hide as many of her injuries as she could, beginning the braid that would hide the rest of her neck scar. There was nothing she could do about the laceration on her face but at least she had most of it done. Giving herself one more look, she kicked her mess into a corner and then stepped out of the bathroom.
The sun had come up during her preparation for the day and Iris was beginning to stir. Athenacia walked to her bed and slipped on some socks before pulling on one of the pairs of boots she had bought nearly a week ago. They were brown, laced up to her knees with a buckle at the top and just before her ankle. The best part about them was the padding on the feet and she relished in it for a moment before standing from the bed. Just as she was going to walk to the door it began to open. The girl nearly groaned when Ignis had stepped through it, the look he was giving her speaking volumes.
"Don't you knock?" she asked pointedly.
"Forgive me but I hadn't heard movement and was certain you would be asleep. Going somewhere?" he asked with a brow raised.
"Yeah, I'm going outside. I don't care what you say or about your opinion, I've been stuck in this stupid room for a week and I'm going nuts. You are not going to stop me, I am fully ready and willing to fight you to get out of here," she replied, crossing her arms defiantly over her chest.
"You're more than welcome to leave the room," replied Ignis calmly.
Athenacia narrowed her eyes suspiciously, "Is that so?"
"Certainly. Frankly, I'm shocked it's taken you this long to fight your containment."
"Are you serious?"
He nodded, "The Marshal assured me you'd be ready to move the minute you were no longer submissive."
The look she was giving was harder than before. The girl turned over the words in her head, growing angrier by the second. Both him and Cor had played her for a fool. Damn, he was good, she really had to keep her eye on him. Still, she growled, throwing her hands up in defeat.
"I hate psychology!" she cried.
Ignis accompanied the doctor outside of the hotel and down to the nearest restaurant where Gladiolus and Prompto were also sitting. There was no sign of Noctis and Athenacia knew that Iris was still in her bed. There were far more people outside than last time, given that it was a hot and humid sunny day. Anxiety wished to bubble up within her but she internally shrugged it off as hunger. And make no mistake, she was ravenous. The physician took her seat beside Gladio, across from Prompto who only smiled at her. The girl knew this place well from her war days, making a stop here for a decent night's sleep while on the road for weeks at a time. Most of all, she remembered the food.
"I want a peameal benedict, three eggs medium. I want three sausages as well on the side and a bowl of fruit. Also a stack of chocolate chip pancakes with a fruit smoothie. What did you guys want?" she looked at them expectantly.
Prompto had his mouth agape at her while Ignis looked mildly shocked. Gladiolus, on the other hand, had a knowing grin on his face and carefully placed his arm around her lower back so his hand rested on her left hip. Athenacia tensed at first but calmed herself down enough to relax her body, not wishing to deter him but she was still having a bit of trouble now that she had left the safety of her room. This is what she wanted, however.
"It seems your appetite has returned," stated Ignis once the rest had ordered.
"You're not really gonna eat all that are you?" asked Prompto.
"You bet she is," answered Gladiolus proudly.
"Perhaps you should refrain from overburdening your stomach," suggested Ignis politely.
"Iggy's right. I mean, where are you even going to put it all?" Prompto was still disbelieving.
"In my mouth. You both seem to be forgetting I'm a doctor who hasn't eaten in a week," she replied in a nonchalant manner.
"Then you can tend to your own illness," replied Ignis dryly.
"I mean if you can't finish something..." Prompto left it hanging.
Athenacia held up the butter knife and pointed it at him, "You will not touch my food or I will cut you. And remember, I'm well versed in the human anatomy so I can make it count even with this dull knife."
"I thought you were nice."
"Not when it comes to my food."
"Gladio!" whined Prompto.
"You heard the lady," Gladiolus shrugged, pulling her closer to him on the bench seat.
Athenacia felt a blush rise to her cheeks. After their walls fell yesterday there wasn't much uncertainty left between them. Harsh words were said ages ago and they had attempted to repair that damage before the tragic incidents had occurred. They spent all the time in between worrying about each other even if she was the only one who knew of his whereabouts. They never really thought about what would happen if they were put into the position that they were now, but they wanted to be around each other, even if they didn't get the chance to do so alone. Athenacia wanted to be close to him but was having trouble with his physical contact while Gladio just wanted reassurance that she was still his even if they hadn't really talked about it. The doctor had been on her own for so long and felt terribly exposed, however, if she didn't push past it then she would never get over it and she didn't want to hurt him anymore - not after yesterday.
Gladiolus kept his arm around her even when their food came and they began to eat. Athenacia made true on her promise and ate everything she had ordered. Prompto was still in shock, and even Ignis couldn't hide his own amazement, but Gladio knew what her eating habits were like and was relieved to see them back to normal. There were only minimal pieces of fruit left in a bowl but everything else was gone. The physician took the bill at her own insistence and looked far better than she had in days despite the cut on her cheek and purple eye.
"What happened to your hand?" asked Prompto.
They had risen from their seats, Athenacia intent on not going back to her hotel room just yet. So they walked toward the market, giving Ignis a chance to gather the last round of ingredients he may need. The girl had no desire to buy anything but just enjoyed the outside air. Gladiolus hovered close to her, noting she was a little tense when people bumped into her. Prompto was on her other side though he didn't really pick up on her uneasiness. It was something that one really had to look for and the Shield was in protective mood knowing that she was still healing.
"Ask his face," she jerked her head toward the towering man beside her.
"That's where that came from?"
"It almost hurt," Gladio shrugged.
"You really are thick headed."
"You willing to find out first hand?"
Athenacia laughed. At least nothing much had changed the dynamic between them. Prompto still did what he could to get a rise out of the big man and he responded as expected. They could still have some fun despite the trying time and it made her feel hope that she could return to normal one day. They continued their wandering, leaving the market and coming down to the streets toward the hospital. Ignis had decided that maybe today would be a good time to start making their way to Caem and no one was really all that reluctant to leave. The main reason they had remained in Lestallum was now no longer an issue, but she wanted to see Gin before she left. Athenacia knew that the woman wouldn't be able to go with them, too close to term she needed to stay near the hospital for any complications. The nurse was waiting for them outside the main doors, sweating with the heat all around her. That girl did not do warm weather well when she was carrying all that extra weight. Athenacia smiled at her friend as she left the safety of her escort and toward the woman wearing maroon scrubs. They even bore her name, signifying an essential part of the team now.
"You still look like shit, but a lot better than the first day," said Gin.
"At least I'm not waddling," replied Athenacia.
"That's only temporary."
"We'll see."
"So you guys are really leaving then?"
She nodded, "Time to go now that I can."
"You'll come visit though right?"
"When it is safe to do so," assured Ignis.
"You can't have my nephew without me," said Athenacia, placing her hand on the swollen womb.
"That's not up to me," Gin held her hands up.
Athenacia removed her hands and hugged her friend. When she was finished she gave one last rub and then stepped aside. Prompto came and knelt his head by Gin's baby.
"Have a good one, buddy," said the gunman.
"Do take care, my Lady," said Ignis politely, bowing his head.
"Are you sure I can't keep that one?" asked Gin, looking longingly over at the young doctor.
Athenacia just laughed.
"Maybe when we're done with him," replied Gladiolus. He placed his own massive hand on the pregnant woman's stomach, nearly covering it entirely, "Keep your mom in line," he said with a grin.
"Don't you listen to him, he's a troublemaker!"
With one last hug for the doctor, Gin bid them all farewell as they left the hospital area. Athenacia sighed a little sadly as she walked away, but least things would be safer without her wandering the streets and attracting unwanted attention. As they came back toward the line of street vendors where the cars drove through the city, Gladiolus was gone to procure his stash of cupped noodles. The doctor could only laugh as he enlisted Prompto's help with it. Ignis had gone two vendors down from where she stood and that left her alone on the street. Instinctively she put her hands across her body to hug herself, keeping her eyes everywhere, looking for her exits just in case she ran into someone she needed to get away from. Gladiolus and Prompto were easy to make a beeline for and Ignis would be the first to reach her should she need any sort of assistance. Exhaling deeply, she noted people were coming by and every sound had her eyes darting towards it. Anxiety bubbled within her but she held it together, trying to convince herself that she wasn't in danger, that safety was all around her.
Athenacia gasped, jumping out of reach of someone who had put a hand on her shoulder. The man she was faced with held up his hands in surrender, trying to show her that he wasn't going to hurt her. Pulse quickened, hammering in her chest while she fought with herself to control her breathing. Ignis was at her side in an instant, observing the stranger just as she was. The doctor could swear she had seen him before, piercing green eyes, messy untamed hair on the top of his head and an obscured scar hidden by his short black beard. He was taller than her, as most people were, but he was looking at her with concern at having startled her.
"I'm sorry," he said instantly, "I didn't mean to scare you."
"Do I know you?" she asked.
"No, you wouldn't. But you're Athenacia, aren't you?"
"Depends on who's asking."
"I'm Jerem."
"I can't say I know any Jerem."
"I'm Tash's son, her youngest."
Immediately she tore her gaze away, looking down guiltily. Athenacia let out one deep breath, the image of Tash's body in the rubble coming to her mind. The image of her failure, of her friend who was counting on her.
"I'm sorry for your loss," said Athenacia, very aware of Ignis's eyes boring into the conversation.
"Gin told me. I just wanted to say thank you," replied Jerem.
She looked at him with a frown on her face, "For what?"
"For being a pain in her ass. She loved you like you were her own. She kept trying to get me to go to work with her and take you out. I just figured you were one of her dumb friends, pictures don't exactly tell the truth. But I bumped into you the other day, I thought it was you but I wasn't sure."
"I'm sorry I don't recall."
"Are you okay? That eye looks rough.'
"I'm fine, just an accident."
He nodded, "Well, I know it's kind of late and after the fact but... I mean maybe I should have listened to my mom. If you wanted to, that is?"
Was he seriously asking her out right now? Athenacia tried not to raise a brow, to show him the complete disbelief in his actions because she did not want to make him feel any worse than he already did after knowing he lost his mother. That didn't change the fact that she was caught off guard by this whole situation, having no idea that Tash was so pushy like this, nor that the woman even had pictures of her. This was the last thing she needed right now. Besides, she had other obligations.
"I-I can't, I'm sorry," she bit her lip, her eyes travelling over to Gladiolus.
The Shield was finishing up his purchase, totally oblivious to what she was up to. Athenacia let a gentle smile pass over her lips as she watched him before tearing her gaze away and back to the other man.
Jerem looked over as well, "Ah," he nodded in understanding, "Lucky guy. Hopefully, I'll see you around and thanks again for being there for my mom."
The physician didn't have a chance to respond, he was already leaving. It was a strange turn of events and she looked over at Ignis helplessly. The man kept his face neutral as he watched Jerem disappear, however, to her it was evident that this encounter didn't sit too well with him despite the man being a friendly face. There wasn't much time to speculate, the other two in their party joining them so that they could return to the hotel and make their final preparations.
Upon entering the room the boys were sharing, Iris was in there sitting quietly and Noctis was on the terrace. Instantly Gladiolus saw a dilemma. They were going to leave the city of Lestallum today and head toward Caem and he had something personal he had to do. Athenacia went to sit with the young girl while Prompto and Ignis began their packing. Noctis kept his gaze out toward the city, a bored expression on his face. The Shield walked out there, knowing that they had to resolve his personal issue somehow.
"Noct," he got the Prince's attention.
"What's up?" Noctis didn't move from his position.
Gladiolus started his pacing, up and down the terrace, "I got a problem."
"What is it?"
"Iris. I can't let her go it alone after everything that went down," the Shield came to lean his own arms on the balcony.
"You're forgetting something," chimed in Ignis.
"I'm not, I just haven't solved the problem yet."
"What problem?" asked Athenacia, perking up while Iris looked on curiously.
"The space in the car. No room for both of you in the back."
"They're not that big," said Prompto.
"But Gladdy is," replied Iris.
"Is it really that cramped back there?"
"Will be if we add even just one extra body," answered Noctis
"I have a truck," piped up Athenacia in a small voice, looking for an opening.
"Problem solved," said Prompto.
Noctis shrugged, "That didn't seem so hard."
Gladiolus nodded, "You guys take Iris. I'll follow with her truck."
"Sounds good."
"Are you packed?" asked Ignis, looking at the two women.
They both shook their heads, getting up to walk back toward the room they were sharing. Athenacia let Iris step in first before walking to the bathroom and gathering up anything she had left in there. Everything was tossed on the bed, noting that as time went on she was only gathering more and more things. The doctor packed up her toiletries, put her dirty clothes in a separate bag and somehow managed to fit her spare boots in there. Old habits really did die hard, zipping it up and placing it on her left shoulder so as not to agitate her healing wound. Athenacia then double checked her med bag to make sure that everything there was where she needed it. Lastly, she pulled out her sheathed weapon from underneath the bed. Iris seemed to have far less stuff but waited patiently for the other woman to be ready. Finally, Athenacia nodded, taking one last drink of her water bottle before walking through the open door courtesy of the young Amicitia. They made their way down the stairs and through the lobby toward the outside of the hotel. The men were waiting there, all of them ready to go as well. All of them journeyed to the parking lot, Iris actually excited to be going on an adventure with them. Athenacia, of course, knew that she was really happy about being so close to the Prince without her big brother looming over them. Too bad the young man was totally oblivious to the young girl's affections.
They reached the Regalia and packed up their things sans the doctors. Athenacia held onto her two bags and sheathed weapon, waiting patiently for them to be finished their preparations to leave. Ignis got in the driver's seat at the insistence of the Shield, who promised to tear off the arms of anyone else who drove. The physician did her best to contain her smile at the protective big brother and the light in Iris's eyes when she sat next to Noctis.
"My truck is back there. Ugly as sin not hard to spot," said Athenacia.
Ignis nodded, "Don't stray too far."
"I got this," replied Gladiolus.
The two of them went to the light blue truck parked on the other side of the lot. Athenacia tossed the keys at him and he caught them effortlessly. Grunting, she yanked open the door, a little stuck, and placed her things on the ground. Gladiolus bumped his knees on the steering wheel, instantly putting the seat back as far as it would go. Athenacia climbed in as well, shutting the door and heaving a sigh. The Shield looked around the truck with a smirk on his face. There was garbage littered all around the floor, crushed cans and containers probably starting to mould. There was also some dirty laundry in the mix. One quick look at the bed and he noted the piles of garbage back there as well and he was sure that some of it had flown away while she drove. There was also bedding in a bin that was strapped to the bed to stop it from blowing in the wind. When he was done his observation he looked at her with a brow raised.
"What?" she asked, catching his gaze.
"You've barely had this thing and it's messier than your apartment," he laughed at her.
"Well I don't exactly have a home," she huffed, crossing her arms and looking out the window.
"Sure Doc, you're not a slob," he continued to laugh.
"If you don't like it you can go in your fancy car and I'll drive my own truck."
Gladio only grinned as he started the engine despite her looking back at him with a pointedly.
"That's what I thought," she said triumphantly.
'You're a slob," he said one last time, before taking off after the Regalia.
"I'm homeless, there's a difference."
"Homeless people have less trash piles than you."
She scoffed, "Like you would know Mr. Overly Privileged. I bet you never cleaned up after yourself."
"Listen you, keep talking like that and I'll kick you out of this truck."
"It's my truck."
"You're welcome to fight me for it."
"Clearly you don't remember what happened to your jaw."
"Lucky shot. Won't happen again."
"I can't believe that the ego on you has gotten worse."
"You knew what you were getting into," he grinned at her again, "You can't resist it."
Athenacia giggled at him despite herself and looked down shyly when she met his brief gaze. Biting her lip in order to hide her nerves, she sneaked her small hand into free one and he held it firmly, glancing at her once more before going back towards the road. The girl didn't know why she was afraid to initiate contact with him, it's not like he was going to pull away but at least things between them were starting become more normal, like before. Smiling lightly, she hesitantly moved toward him, leaning her head on his shoulder. Gladio gave her a reassuring squeeze and she placed her injured hand on top of the one she was holding. Letting out a small breath, she felt better about breaking out of her shell, at ease for the first time in a while since the city had fallen. It wasn't long before she was dozing off, squeezing him tighter when she began to dream.
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A night in with Cor.
*at work when Moosh sense tingles.* Hm.... *checks her blog and sees that the moosh needs hugs and love* oh nos..... no.... Sads no touch our moosh.  *sads have touched the moosh. cue cracking knuckles and clicking a pen* Oh we are so fixing this.
So.... I saw that @themissimmortal has been having it rough and needed hugs and love and just soft cor fluff. Seeing how I love the Moosh to death and her and my sister wallflower got me back into writing on here.... This is the least I can do. So Moosh... If this makes you smile... Then My job is done. :)  So get ready for some pure unadulterated Cor Fluff! 
Necromancers had nothing on your workplace. Sure, those demons could turn you to stone and kill you, but work sucked out your soul. There was no energy left for writing or even  video games afterwards. Just cuddles with Cor and dinner before you passed out to do it again the next day.
Finally, After all the overtime and the bullshit, you had a few days off coming. A whole weekend you could just do whatever and be with Cor. That was the part you loved the most. After one last grueling twelve hour day, you opened the door to your shared apartment and sighed. It was past sunset now so Cor would be home. You dropped your bag by the door and kicked off the shoes off your aching feet. Your blood sugar was getting low as well so dinner would have to be something quick. You slowly walked into the kitchen to an amazing surprise.
Low jazz was on in the background as a shapely body danced to the beat in front of the stove. Bare feet leading to grey sweats and a tight muscle tee, was your lover and support, Cor. He looked back hearing you and smiled gently.
“Welcome home love. Have a good day?” You smiled gently then.
“As good as I could make it…. You?”
“Easy. Trained some new kids. They’re picking up on everything quickly.” You nodded as you went closer. He was roasting Veggies in a light sauce and they smelt amazing.
“Baked chicken breast ok?”
“Perfect.” You stole a bite then of the veggies and smiled. The flavors were out of this world. Not many knew but Cor was an amazing cook when you let him in the kitchen.
“Gods Cor…. you make these better every time.”
“Well someone’s got to make sure you keep eating.” He gently nudged you then.
“Ah. Can’t feel a rib now.” You laughed then. He always said you were too small at times just to make you laugh. He put an arm around you then and gave your head a gentle kiss.
“Go on and sit down in the living room. I’ve got this… you need to relax.” You looked up into those eyes and almost melted. So much love and care was there, you couldn’t argue. You gave him a little kiss before obeying.
You sat on the comfy couch and slowly felt yourself unwinding and letting your shoulders and neck relax. The pain would hit later but for now, you were ok. A mindless sitcom was on the Tv as background noise in this room. You weren’t paying any attention to the tv as you slowly spaced out. It seemed like less than a minute to you before you felt Cor’s strong hand against your neck slowly rubbing out a knot that had formed. You groaned slightly enjoying the sensation. His hands were always rough but they never hurt you. Only helped to bring pleasure in all the right ways.
“You awake still?”
“Yep…. though you keep this up and I won’t be.” He laughed then giving you a kiss on the cheek.
“What to drink hon?”
“Hm…. tea?”
“Green ok?” You nodded slightly then. Your neck didn’t hurt when you did it. He had fixed that. You heard him leave and slowly sat up stretching. A new show was coming on already. You stopped then and looked back.
“Cor… how long?”
“Only Fifteen hon. You spaced out. Had a feeling you were relaxing.”
“Yeah A bit…” You raised your arms above your head then and heard both shoulders pop. You cringed from a bit of pain and the sound but slowly lowered them. Cor had plates and silverware in his hands and set them on the coffee table. The chicken looked moist and so full of flavor just like the roasted veggies. He came back with the tea for you both and soon sat next to you. You smiled and leaned over giving him a kiss.
“Thank you.”
“Anytime hon. There’s enough for seconds if you want as well so eat up. Ok?” You nodded and got your plate and just relaxed. He listened to you talk about your day as you two ate even though it was really hard to feel angry even at the most stupid things because of the amazing food. He picked up on it as well and ended up chuckling as you speared a green bean after talking about a stupid move your boss made that messed your work up. You gave him a fake glare as you took a bite and pointed the fork at him.
“If this wasn’t so good, I’d be really annoyed Cor.”
“I can tell. What did those poor veggies ever do to you?” You laughed then and stabbed another.
“They’re addictive when you cook with them. That’s their crime.”
“It’s a good crime hon.”
“Is that a thing?”
You two finished out with laughter after that discussing good and bad crimes, like it was a legit thing for vegetables to commit such things. You finished yours first slowly setting the plate down feeling ready for bed already. You were almost dozing when he touched your face. You opened your eyes and he was smiling.
“Food coma?” You nodded and he smiled.
“How about a bath first hon? To work the soreness out of those muscles.” You smiled then.
“Cor I haven’t had a real bath in forever…”
“Then let me help with that. Ok?” You sighed gently then. You couldn’t say no. Your feet were killing you.
“Ok. Just this once alright?” He gave a single nod then and smiled.
“Understood. I’ll get it started. You go pick out pjs.” You smiled then.
“Some you can rip or some to honestly wear.”
“Some to wear hon… I’m saving the ripping for later.” He winked then making you blush slightly. No one could tell you Cor wasn’t a closet Pervert considering how many pairs of panties he had ruined in foreplay. You slowly got up as you heard him running the water in your huge tub. You had a master bathroom complete with a jacuzzi. The shower stood alone which is what you normally used. Cor had Dished out extra on the down payment of the apartment for that bathroom alone. After a rough workout, He did like to soak.
You got your favorite bottoms out of your drawers then along with underwear. Then you decided to have some fun. When Cor moved in, he set aside some of his street clothes in your side of the shared closet. He wanted them near your stuff so you knew you could wear them. Which is what you were doing today. You pulled out a dark grey shirt with a dragon on the front and smiled. It ate you to wear it but you loved how soft it was. He walked in as you rubbed it on your face and he smiled.
“Good choice hon.”
“Cus it’s yours?”
“Nah. You look super cute in it is all. Bath’s all ready if you are.” You looked over. He was smiling and had a small lighter in his hand. Cor was up to something.
“What did you do?”
“You’ll see.” You walked out then and turned down the hall. The lights were on low in the bathroom and The scent of Sandalwood drifted out. You walked closer, slowly inhaling it and feeling your mind slow down. It was your favorite scent and he knew it. Only under it, there was a sweeter note. It didn’t hit you what it was till you got closer to the tub. It was filled with Bubbles as the water slowly moved from the jets. Vanilla bubble bath.
“Cor….” You looked back. He was in the door smiling.
“I Thought it might help. Ignis told me about it. Something called Aromatherapy. Helps to relax and destress people and I knew sandalwood was your favorite… So we found something to accent it.” You were melting inside. He really put effort into this.
“Thank you….” He just smiled.
“I’m not done yet.” You laughed a bit then.
“Might be if I can’t stay awake.” He just shrugged a bit and You shook your head. He was such a good man to you. He closed the door slowly as you ducked out of sight to undress. Your muscles were starting to ache from the day so when you slipped into the hot water, your gasp from the heat turned into a moan of relief. You sank into the bubbles and water and leaned back on the wall nearest the door, letting your head lull back against a towel. Between the jets and the heat, you were in bliss. With your eyes open you could see the incense stick burning on it’s tray close by and a few candles lit close by as well. You couldn’t believe how lucky you were to have a man like him by your side.
Fifteen minutes in and you were almost asleep. Nothing hurt and after that amazing meal, you were perfectly content. You barely heard the door reopen or Cor walk over. You jumped when he touched you though.
“No it’s ok… Feeling ok?”
“I’m amazing Hon… You didn’t have to.”
“I know… But you’re always working so hard babe. It’s the least I can do to help Especially after the week you’ve had.” You chuckled then. It had been a shit week. You hadn’t even had time to wash your hair. A fact you could now feel. You sat up a bit then and felt pouting. At least till you felt Cor pulling you back.
“No point in getting out of heaven if I’m here.” You stopped then.
“Don’t say it. I know I don’t have to but I want to. You need this… So relax and enjoy.”
“Oh? Is that an order?”
“Might as well. A relaxation order. I can even get Clarus to write it out if you want.” You chuckled then.
“Nah… I’ll let my Marshall spoil me tonight…” You trusted him. Plus… What was the harm in this?
You found out. There was no harm. Cor was perfectly gentle. He used the faucet in the tub to fill a cup to wet your hair and slowly massaged in the shampoo. Your eyes almost could see the back of your skull from how good it felt. He did this anyway when you had trouble sleeping but tonight, it felt even better. He was humming gently as he did this even as he was rinsing out the soap and his hands went lower to your shoulders and neck. Hearing that deep voice hum lightly was perfection and as you leaned your head against one of his arms, you kissed his wrist.
“I like this…”
“Which part?”
“You… Humming. Hands on me.”
“Oh? I’ll have to remember that…. It’s done a wonder on you so far… No knots in your shoulders anymore.” You smiled then. You could feel that it was true.
“All thanks to you.” He chuckled then.
“Too soon for that hon.” You leaned up a bit then and looked back. He was smiling.
“What do you mean?”
“After bath.” You groaned then. He was always like that when he wanted to spoil you.
Slowly the water went cold as the bubbles faded. You two just stayed in there talking about things and life enjoying being near each other. He helped you out of the tub and into a warm towel before hugging you tightly. You hugged back smiling. He was so warm and soft right now for you. It made your eyes tear up from how much you loved him.
“You ok…?”
“Perfect Cor….”
“Then why the tears babe?” You smiled then.
“I love you so much…. You’re so good to me Cor….”
“You say that like you aren’t to me… you’ve stayed by me so long hon… I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Exist and be a badass.” He laughed picking you up then making you squeak and hold the towel close.
“No…. I’m no badass without my woman to protect and spoil.”
“Cor!!!” He was honestly smiling, eyes crinkling and shining perfectly. He kissed you and you slowly kissed back forgetting that you were naked under the towel for a moment. He took you back to the bedroom then as you leaned on him smiling. He carefully put you down on the bed where he had moved your clothes. You hit him gently with your bra and he smiled.
“So Full massage or just a foot rub?” You stopped then.
“You’re serious?”
“Yeah.” You sighed a bit then.
“Um… Everything feels ok right now… but a foot rub couldn’t hurt.”
“Still wearing that old pair of shoes huh?”
“Haven't had time to buy new ones…” you muttered. He sighed then and smiled.
“We’ve got time tomorrow… Ok?” You nodded then and got your tops on as he slowly got started massaging your ankles and working his way down. A once stiff foot slowly became movable and painless. You hummed in appreciation as he hit all the right spots leaning back on your elbows. Cor was smiling and soon wiggled just the pinky toe slightly.
“This little piggy went to the field.” You giggled then and he smiled.
“This little one went to hunt demons.” He got the next one then and gave it a wiggle. He went through all five just making you laugh at the childish antic. He switched feet then and you smiled.
“How do you know?”
“Where to hit?”
“Oh. When I was doing my hand to hand training. We learned all the pressure points on the body. The feet ones cause a full body reaction that help relax a person. Especially when you’re up on your feet so much.” You nodded then.
“Amazing what all you can remember…”
“Oh yeah… Still can’t remember your favorite Movie though sadly.” You couldn’t stop it then. You started laughing as he smiled. You looked down at him and beamed.
“It changes silly….”
“Oh? Damn… I’ll figure it out one day though.”
“I know you will…” He hit a spot then and you jerked. It tickled. He stopped then and smiled as you went red.
“I think you’re good.” You nodded and slowly flexed the toes. It was so much better now.
“Oh gods… hon I might have you do that every night….”
“Hm… How about once a week?”
“That could work.” You got up then and finished getting your pjs on. He didn’t mind and soon had the bed ready to crash. You got onto your side and under the covers then. You were almost energized and yet you were ready for bed. He got the light off then and soon went to his side and joined you. Instantly, you curled up by his side and his arm went around you.
“Feeling better huh?”
“Much…. Thanks Cor…”
“It’s worth it to see you like this… I’ve been worried about you… So I thought this would help. Just a relaxing night with me.” You nodded laying your head on his shoulder. Already you could feel your eyes wanting to shut.
“It did… Love you.”
“Love you too hon… Sleep well ok?” He had noticed. You smiled then and nuzzled in against him closing your eyes. The last thing you heard though, was him humming an old song to you. You really were a lucky gal to have the marshall at your side.
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quirklessbunny · 6 years
Every Time I Pause
Rating: M
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death
Pairing(s): Prompto/Noctis
Tags: Sparring, Accidents, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Implied Sexual Content, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, MT Prompto Argentum, Chronic Pain, Pain, Minor Injuries, Kissing, Minor Violence, Battle, Self Confidence Issues, Mental Health Issues, Minor Character Death
Chapters: 7/?
Summary: Prompto’s hands are getting stiff, and sometimes they hurt terribly to move. Is this insignificant? or the start of something much worse?
Chapter 7 below the cut! Or you can follow the link to my ao3 here!
Prompto opens his eyes to a completely new environment. The first thing he notices is that he can see clearly, even though his glasses aren't on. The second is that none of his limbs hurt or are stiff any more. He slowly stands up, opening and closing his hands over and over, marvelling over how easy it is. Prompto starts towards the door after a few moments, hand outstretched for the pad. He's ready to take it apart and hack it, when suddenly it reacts to his arm and opens quickly.
Prompto steps back as an announcement plays, confusion colouring his features, then a voice behind him makes him turn around. “You...” he whispers, trying to summon his gun. Ardyn laughs at him, coming nearer. Prompto panics a little and steps back. “What gives?” He looks around for something to use as a weapon instead, when he sees his gun in Ardyn's hand.
“We can't have you spilling blood here,” Ardyn responds, a smug smile on his face as he gets closer to the blond boy that's caused him so much trouble. “Tell me, what would the citizens of Lucis say if they knew that their dear King Noctis never meant to marry the Oracle, but instead wanted to marry a nobody from the kingdom of Niflheim? A mere MT?”
“What?” He stares at Ardyn, eyes wide. Prompto turns away quickly, trying to hide the pain in his face.
“Oh? Struck a nerve, didn't I? Did you truly believe that our dearest king cared about you at all? He pushed you off of a train, even knowing the pain your joints were in. He's making you walk all the way to Tenebrae just to catch up with him. On a lighter note, what do you think of home sweet home?” Ardyn smirks at him as he turns back around with a glare.
“Shut up,” Prompto snaps, then looks down. “You're wrong-” He's cut off by a gun impacting his chest, but he takes it. Ardyn steps back, looking down at Prompto.
“You should really take a rest, Prompto. Perhaps the estimable Chief Besithia will help heal that broken heart of yours,” Ardyn walks across the room, back to Prompto. “Worry not, he knows you're here. He fixed your aches already.”
“Who the hell is that?”
“Oh, how easily they forget. I have no doubt a reunion would refresh your memory.” And with that Ardyn is gone. Prompto lowers his gun, then looks at the ground.
“Dammit...what the hell was he talking about? An MT?” Prompto lets out a deep sigh, then puts his gun in it's holster. He looks around the room, collecting the information. Each piece of paperwork and tape recording just makes Prompto's stomach hurt worse. His chest feels like it's filling with ice.
Prompto turns and heads through the door, gun back in his hand. MTs flood around the corner towards him, and he takes them out easily, stealing one of their high powered weapons afterwards. He continues to make sure he picks up more ammunition as he goes, determined to find his way out. He runs around for hours before finally stumbling into a room with no MTs. Relief fills him for only a few moments before it's replaced by dread.
“What the fuck...” he mumbles upon seeing several figures that look like him in tubes of water. He pauses, setting his hand on the tube and looking up at it. “What am I?” He takes a deep breath, then pulls out his camera to take a picture. He has to show the others when they get out, along with the tapes he's picked up along the way. They need to punish the Empire for their actions.
Prompto sits down and stares up at the figures in the tubes for a long time, trying to figure out how exactly he feels about them. They look exactly like him. That means...he really is just an experiment. He's just something created in a lab. Something not worthy of Noctis, just like he always knew. Prompto leans back on the wall, sniffling softly before starting to cry. He wants Noctis or Ignis to be there, to talk to him. They help when he doesn't know what to do. And this is a situation that has him incredibly conflicted.
“No time for this now,” he whispers, then dries his face. Prompto pulls out his handgun and heads up the stairs, crouching when he sees people in the next room. He recognizes Ardyn, but the other face is not one that he knows. The conversation between them is confusing, he has no idea what any of it could really mean, until Ardyn gestures at him and tells him to come in to meet his father.
“No! It's not true! You're wrong, dammit!” Prompto shouts, backing up a bit. He doesn't have anyway left to go. It's forward, or back, and back just leads him into the facility once more. It's not useful to him. He finds another tape in that room, and makes sure to collect it to listen to later, before taking a deep breath and heading into the room he saw them talking in. Prompto has his gun out and raised, prepared to shoot if anything should attack him. Even if he's useless, and Noctis wants nothing to do with him after he finds out, he can still deliver the papers and tapes as evidence against the Niflheim Empire.
The man before him has a black, inky substance crawling across his face. Prompto's sucks in a surprised gasp, shaking his head a little at the question.
“If those Lucians hadn't intervened, you could have turned, too.”
“Why me?” Prompto asks, eyes cast downward. His voice trembles softly as he speaks, and his eyes search the floor for answers he knows he can't find there. Astrals above, why can't this be easier? Did he do something to piss off the Gods or something?
“You are but one of millions created to serve in this great empires Magitek Infantry,” Verstael continues, ignoring the pain in Prompto's face. He never created them to care about them. Millions of sons sent forth just to die, doing their only purpose in life, to forward the power and expand the nation.
“Created...to serve you?” Prompto asks, taking in a sharp breath. He feels like he can't take in a proper breath. It's too much. Everything is too much. The world feels like it's closing in on him, and he barely catches what Verstael says next. He raises his gun, shooting it to silence this man who claims to be his father. “Shut up!” he shouts, squeezing his eyes shut. His arm slowly lowers.
“You're wrong. I am a Lucian!” He feels tears start to fall down his cheeks. “I'm not one of your experiments!”
“Not anymore. Now, you're nothing but a failure,” Verstael responds, approaching Prompto finally. He sets his hand on Prompto's shoulder, then touches his cheek next. “With your help my ascension is almost complete. Soon, neither the kings of Lucis or the Gods themselves will be able to challenge my reign!” He yanks Prompto closer.
Prompto screams, pulling the trigger with the barrel pressed directly into Verstael's chest. The man stumbles backwards, then falls. Prompto starts to cry, falling to his knees. He's shaking terribly, and the announcement over the intercom just makes it that much worse. He punches the ground, screaming to try to drown it out, only stopping when Verstael's body starts to disintegrate in front of him, though that doesn't prompt him to move, no. What finally gets him moving is Aranea crashing through the wall and yelling at him.  
He stays on the floor where he is for several seconds, until Aranea grabs his jacket and pulls him halfway to his feet. He grabs her wrist, staring up at her in shock as she speaks. Something about losing his will to live? Prompto isn't sure he fully understood, not in his state, but he gets his footing and heads after her.
Prompto follows her quickly, running to keep up. She's fast, faster than anyone he's ever followed before, and he nearly loses her a few times, but he realizes he must have a will to live still, if he's come this far. He remembers the files he's picked up, and the way Noctis looked as Prompto fell from the train, and he feels a new spark in his body. His energy spikes, and he chases after her a little faster.
They find their way to a large room with plenty of equipment, but the piece they're there for lies unassumingly near the entrance. Prompto attacks several of the enemies as they dash by, but his main focus is getting to and starting the snowmobile. Aranea gives him a map, and tells him to head to the location, then fends off the hordes of daemons and MTs coming towards them. He pauses for just a moment, before driving into the blinding daylight.  
Prompto has never felt his heart beat so fast, nor feel so lifted at the thought of seeing Noctis again. He lets a small smile come to his lips. Soon. Soon, he might see Noctis again. But for now, he focuses on the snow in front of him, making sure he doesn't hit anything.
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fortheloveofeos · 7 years
Hello! This is my first time requesting. Can I get a Prompto x reader where the reader has a crush on Prompto, but she is afraid that she'll never get a chance with him? Since you know, he's always talking about and fawning over Cindy. And because of that, the reader develops hanahaki disease. You can google that, but it's basically like the victim is constantly throwing/coughing up flower petals due to suffering from unrequited love. Sprinkle some of that angst and make me cry!! Thank you! xoxo
Okay. So, I was halfway through a request when this one camein and I FELL IN LOVE. I had never heard of hanahaki before this and I havesince read and looked at dozens of fics/artwork that revolves around this. Ilove the idea of this tragically beautiful condition being a result ofunrequited love. Thank you so very much for sending in this request. I hope youlike it even half as much as I have enjoyed researching/writing this.
For this story, I chose to use blue forget-me-not flowerswhich are said to symbolize true love – and they remind me of the color ofPrompto’s eyes. I did add some fantastical elements with the coloring sothey’re not the pretty light blue you typically see.
Tagging: @opalandowl
Word Count: 2841
Flowers were something pure and beautiful, something thathad to fight to survive. How something so delicate yet captivating managed tobloom even in the harshest of environments was truly something to be admired. Youhad picked a large daisy from beside the road in Hammerhead before approachingthe garage. As expected, Prompto followed the beautiful grease monkey, Cindy Aurum,around like a lost puppy.
“He loves me not,” you continued as you pulled yet anotherpetal from the daisy. A small part of you felt bad for dismembering the smallflower of its innocent white petals, but you thought it was better to take outyour aggression on the small flower rather than to mope. “He loves me,” yousighed plucking the last petal. Prompto Argentum did not love you. Yet, youwere helplessly in love with him and nothing you tried helped to erase him fromyour mind.
The sound of his breathy, free laughter caught yourattention and you turned towards the garage. Prompto leaned against the hood ofthe Regalia as Cindy worked beneath the car. Something she said must have beenfunny because the blonde, Chocobo-loving man you loved tipped his head back inlaughter.
Crushing the remains of the daisy in your hand, you turnedand headed back towards Takka’s where you were supposed to meet the others forlunch. As you made your way, you bowed your head and sent up a whispered prayerto whatever Astral was willing to listen. “Please, help me to get over him.Help me to not love him,” you pulled at the roots of your hair for a moment.“Or just help him see,” you begged under your breath before sliding into thebooth beside Gladio. When he asked where Prompto was, you forced a smile andtold him that the sharpshooter was preoccupied and that the rest of you shouldorder.
Lunch went quickly, all of you too hungry or muchconversation outside of decided your next move. Prompto stayed in the garagebut Noctis thought enough to grab him an order of fries and a water before youall headed back towards the Regalia. As expected, the car was shiny and cleanand in perfect condition once more. As the five of you piled back into the car,you found yourself in your usual spot between Gladio and Noctis. You had nearlydrifted off to sleep to the soothing drone of the engine with a scratch at theback of your throat had your eyes watering.
Gladio watched you curiously and you caught Ignis’ gaze inthe reflection of the rearview mirror as you sipped from your water bottle. Youtried to offer him a thumbs up but you covered your mouth as you coughed.Pulling you hand away, your eyebrows drew together in confusion.
“Is that a flower?” Gladio leaned closer to get a betterlook at the small violet-blue bloom in your hand.
Nodding, you fingered the delicate blood carefully as youinspected it. The petals were a beautiful violet-blue with a lighter purplefading around the tips. with a puffy yellow center. “A forget-me-not,” youmumbled.
Gladio’s chest rumbled with a laugh. “When did you starteating flowers?” Though he laughed and was clearly joking, the worried look onyour face quickly shut him up.
You definitely hadn’t ingested any flowers in your lifetime.You weren’t going to start with what you were certain was one of the prettiestyou had ever seen. Swallowing what felt like a growing lump in your throat,your fingers spread and the wind that ripped through the Regalia as you spedtowards camp blow the flower away.
Unfortunately, that would not be the only forget-me-not youwould encounter. Your cough grew worse and with it, more flowers. Since thefirst one in the car, you managed to hide the blossoms from the others forseveral weeks. You were always careful to carry water in your pack and to giveyourself some room from the others in case more of the delicate blooms left you– and they always appeared in greater numbers with each bout.
Everyone seemed to notice your discomfort and your worseningcondition – even if they didn’t know about the flowers. Ignis seemed to staycloser to you, always checking on your condition and offering you teas in hopesof soothing your throat. Noctis was quick with warping to ensure that youdidn’t need to strain yourself when in the midst of battle and Gladio alwaysoffered you a shoulder when you breathing became a bit ragged. Prompto seemedworried, his violet eyes wide when he rushed to your side but he seemedclueless on what to do. Usually, he settled for holding your hand and offeringyour water to you but his seemingly constant proximity pulled at your heartstrings.
The blonde gunman seldom left your side. When camping, hehad rearranged his sleeping bag so that he could be closer to you and insistedthat out of everyone, he could deal with losing some sleep the best in order totake care of you. He fluttering about made you nervous and also made it harderfor you not to want to reach out for him and pull him in close. You wanted tokiss him and tell him how you felt but nearly every time you worked up thecourage, he would let slip the name of the mechanic with the cute springy curlsand you would go right back to your awkward coughing self.
Prompto’s insistence made it harder to conceal the bloomsthat continued to escape from your mouth. There had to have been a few timesthat he had noticed something, but he hadn’t commented or shown any realizationfarther than the knitting of his brows and a hand on your shoulder.
Somewhere amongst the coughing and the wheezing, you realizedthat this was your gift from Shiva. You had prayed to her numerous times aboutyour feelings for Prompto. The ice goddess was known for her weakness forhumans and it was rumored that if true love were to grow between two people,she was the Astral that would ensure it would come to pass. After praying onceagain to the Glacian before bed that she may grant you some sort of relief, youawoke to a frozen forget-me-not beside your head on the pillow.
Hanahaki disease worked quickly. In the legends you read asa child, the person inflicted would usually die a slow and painful death – onethat was brought on by the restriction of the airways by the flowers that beganto fill the lungs. The type of flower usually differed from story to story andthe moment you had seen the beautiful little forget-me-not in your hand, youknow exactly what they meant: true love. It also didn’t help that the bloomswere the exact same color as a certain sharpshooter’s eyes. Judging by the rateof your wheezing, you didn’t have long.
It was late. Late enough the Noctis had been out for hoursand both Gladio and Ignis had turned in as well. You had leaned yourselfagainst a rock as you looked out at the silent ocean in the calm evening.Between coughs and wheezes, you scribbled down your thoughts into theleather-bound notebook you had been carrying around for days. Hopefully, onceyou had drowned in the pretty blue petals of your unrequited love, Prompto andthe others would find it and your heartfelt words along with it.
Glancing up, you found Prompto leaning back against anotherrock not far from yours. His eyes were closed and the wind had blown some ofhis bangs into his face, partially covering his freckles and sleeping face. Hereally did look like a sleeping angel.
Several large blooms, larger than the flower would naturallygrow, fell from you mouth but you made no move to stop them. A growing pile ofthem surrounded you. What a beautiful way to die, you thought with a smile. Inthe morning, they would find you in a soft pile of the flowers on the beach. Asingle tear slipped from your eye and stained the page you were writing on. Youhad filled the journal with notes for each of the men you had come to care somuch for. There were sketches from your travels, jokes between you, poems,writings, confessions, and secrets. You had saved your confession to Promptofor last. Getting the words out was harder than you had expected because youonly had one chance to let him know your feelings. One chance to say it theright way and hopefully he would remember you in a positive light and as morethan the poor unloved girl that had died amongst the flowers.
You had just finished signing your name when a harsh coughwracked your body and a particularly large bloom fell from your lips. With asmile, you pressed the flower into the journal before setting it aside andcasting one final glance towards Prompto. Your coughing must have disturbed himbecause his eyes fluttered once before he rubbed at his eyes.
He mumbled your name once as you leaned your head backagainst the cold rock. You heard him scramble to his feet, calling your nameloudly as he reached for you in the mess of flowers. “What’s going on? Please,say something,” he begged you.
Opening your mouth to reassure him, you choked on anotherwave of the flowers and your eyes burned from the lack of oxygen in your lungs.You gripped Prompto weakly as he cradled you to his chest.
“Hanahaki,” Ignis mumbled as he approached the two of you.Between your coughs and Prompto’s panic, the others had filed out of the tentto see what was the matter. “I should have realized sooner.”
Noctis looked far more awake than he ever had at that timeof night. “Why haven’t we seen more of the flowers before?”
Another spell had your body shaking and the tears flowingfreely. Your hand on Prompto’s chest slipped as your head grew foggier. “Prom,”you gasped out.
“I don’t understand,” Prompto carefully cradled you in hisarms as he looked between you and Ignis. “Where are they coming from?”
Ignis held a grim expression as he kneeled down beside you.“The flowers are a sign of unrequited love. Whoever is inflicted with themeventually dies. The flowers continue to build up in their chest until theperson no longer possesses the ability to breathe, I’m afraid.”
Prompto’s grip tightened around you in hopes of stoppingyour violent shaking through the coughs. “Unrequited love,” he repeated andstared into your face.
Gladio kneeled down and fingered a blossom the size of hispalm. “True love, judging by these. They’re a symbol of true love.” Gladioclapped Prompto on the shoulder and squeezed it gently. The look on his facewas the same as those worn by both Ignis and Noctis.
“Me?” Prompto croaked as tears flooded his eyes.
Your head had begun to feel foggy and if he hadn’t help youso tightly, you knew you wouldn’t have had the strength to keep yourself up.You did, however, pitifully twist and reach blindly for the journal. Noctisgrabbed it and handed it over to his best friend who opened the pages directlyto the one you had written for him, the beautiful flower falling from thepages.
As he read, his eyes darting back and forth across thescribbled words though his tears, he choked back a sob. You mumbled his name againin hopes of reassuring him, telling him it really was okay. As you had written,dying was not something you were afraid of. After all, it had taken your deathfor you to tell the man of your dreams how you felt. Shiva had granted you akindness in allowing you to go in such a peaceful way rather than at the handsof some deamon.
Prompto dropped the book and pulled you into his lap so thathe could look you directly in the face. He wiped the stray tears from your eyesand whispered your name in broken sobs until you opened your eyes for what youknew would be the last time. Fitting that it would be his face that you sawbefore you crossed into whatever awaited you. Your only hope was that you wouldremember every detail of his perfect, freckled face and the depth of his eyes.
“No. This is not the end for you, it can’t be.”
Noctis moved closer. “Prom, I don’t think –“
“She’s not dying here,” he snapped but he kept his eyes onyours. You couldn’t help the fraction of a smile that ghosted your lips at thesimilarity in his irises to the petals of the flowers you were drowning in.Prompto cradled your head and spoke your name forcefully until you managed tofocus on him. “I am not saying goodbye to you here. You are going to live avery long and happy life if I have anything to do with it.”
Your intended words turned to gasps as more flowers brokefree. You couldn’t breathe at all and Prompto saw the realization in your eyes.
Prompto tore his gaze to Ignis, who had taken his glassesoff and was doing his best to remain composed at the sight of your dying bodyclutched in his arms. “Unrequited means not returned, right?” He looked at theadvisor expectantly. When he gave him a reluctant nod, Prompto nodded once.Leaning in close, he spoke so that he knew you could hear him even in yourdaze. “Stay with me,” he begged.
His soft lips pressed to yours with careful force andconfidence. His touch seemed so far away and yet your body yielded to hisperfectly. Even when he felt you go limp in his arms, Prompto kissed you withdelicate determination as if his touch could pour some of his own life forceinto your body. His fingers carded through your hair and his free hand pressedinto your hip and pulled you closer. He touched you like a dying man in searchof water, his body deprived of the sensation of yours. His love for you washedover you like a tidal wave.
“Prom,” Gladio tried to pull him away.
Prompto growled and broke the kiss gasping for breath.“Please, come back to me,” he peppered your face with kisses. Cradling yourhead in his hands, you kissed you once more before choking off a sob. “Please,Shiva above, don’t leave me now. Not when I didn’t even say it…” he trailedoff.
The night air was silent, even the ocean seemed to lie inwait. The only sound was that of Prompto’s sobs into your shoulder, your bodystill clutched against him.
Gasping, a torrent of tiny, half frozen forget-me-not bloomsfell from your lips. A thin coating of ice caked the delicate skin of your lipsas you swallowed, your airways clear of flowers for the first time in weeks.
Prompto stiffened, his arms locking around your waist infear he was imaging it all. He didn’t dare speak your name until you had pulledback enough to see his face. Tears filled both of your eyes at the realizationthat you were breathing again. You met for another kiss, this one soft andquick as if you both feared it wasn’t real.
“What was it you wanted to tell me?” you asked against hislips. The sot smile of your face lit up your eyes and colored your cheeks in alight blush.
Grinning from ear to ear, Prompto picked a flower from yourhair. “Shiva must’ve heard me,” he teased and pressed a kiss to your nose. Onlyafter you whined did he relent. Giggling, the blonde leaned his forehead toyours. “I love you, too,” he promised.
Squealing, you tacking him and the two of you fell into thesand in a torrent of laughter that was soon joined in by the others. Leaning onhis chest, tugged at his fringe and sealed his words with a kiss.
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vergilsangel · 7 years
Meddling in her Affairs: Chapter 1
Summary: Three years ago Trish's life had been uprooted from the modern day New York. For three years she learned how to survive in Colonial America and fell in love. Now she's been uprooted again and dropped right at the beginning of another war. Will she be consumed in the fires of war or will she rise up and push back the darkness with Noctis and his friends? Rating: M for later chapters Triggers: None for this chapter
Chapter 1
Trish was walking back to Davenport manor, the moon lighting her path. She had been on her favorite lookout, gazing at the stars. After a long day of hunting, she just wanted to sit and relax before heading home. Her long brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail so she could spot her prey easier. Her blue eyes were tired from scanning the area and coming up empty. Her hunt had been very unsuccessful for the day and she was a bit angry at herself for not helping more.
Connor had been gone for three weeks on a mission and the homestead was quiet without him. It had been three years since she first arrived and still had no idea what she was supposed to help Connor with. She sighed and looked up only to find that the trees were missing from view. Was she at the main path already? Looking around, she realized she was in a barren land. The darkness spread across the land like a blanket, making it hard for her to see more than a few feet in front of her.
“Now where am I?” She mused quietly. A howl rose from the darkness and she had never been more grateful for her bow and knife. Her petite, five-foot-two frame offered her little protection, but working on the homestead had given her some muscle. Her heart began pounding hard in her chest as fear swelled inside her. She heart footsteps, a four-legged creature was walking around. No, not just one, there were more. She was surrounded. Drawing her knife, she tensed, listening, trying to see in the thick dark, but failing. In the distance, she saw a light from a campfire and wondered if someone was there that could help her, but she was too far for them to hear her. Trish thought her options over. She was alone in this fight. Somehow, she had to break free and make for the campsite.
There was a growl and she heard one of the footsteps coming towards her. She could barely make out the creature, but felt her blood run cold as she realized how skeletal and demonic it looked. It walked on all fours, it’s snout longer than a wolf’s, it’s tongue twisting out of its large mouth. In the gloom, she saw its eyes were white, it’s fangs large. The creature lunged and she buried her knife into its chest, hoping she got its heart. The creature let out a pained whine, it’s front claws scratching at her and slicing her stomach.
Letting out a cry of pain, she pulled her knife free, and using the opening, she made a run for the campfire, feeling warm blood trickle down her stomach. She ran through the darkness, stumbling over bushes and rocks, but managing to keep her footing. The campfire grew larger as she ran and she heard the beasts behind her, howling and growling.
“HELP!” She screamed, hoping someone heard her. Suddenly, she felt her foot twist painfully over a rock and she crashed down to the ground, her knife clattering away from her hand. Rolling onto her back, she saw the creature lunge at her.
“NOOO!” She screamed, holding her hand up. A tremor ran through her and something blasted outwards, sending all the creatures through the air and away from her. The shockwave had lit up the area for a few seconds, allowing her to grab her knife, scramble to her feet, and keep running. Her ankle throbbed painfully after the first step, making it almost impossible for her to keep going, but adrenaline and her survival mode were making her run from the creatures. As she looked towards the campfire, she saw four white lights running towards her.
“HELP PLEASE!” She screamed, hearing the creatures coming for her again. One of the lights vanished in a streak of blue and she heard one of the creatures howl in pain.
“IGNIS! TAKE CARE OF HER!” Came a male voice from where the creatures were.
“NOCT! BE CAREFUL!” Came another male voice, this one was the one coming towards her.
‘His accent is British, did I end up with the British army?’ Trish thought. The other two lights, that Trish realized were attached to people, ran past her to help the first.
“Are you hurt?” Came the second voice and Trish looked up to see a man standing over her, his hands out and ready to help her if she needed it.
“One of them got me.” She said, trying to catch her breath. Several cries went up and Trish looked back. In the light from her rescuers, she saw the creatures better. They were bigger than a wolf, their spine very distinct on their back.
“What the hell are they?” She asked, looking at the man helping her whom she assumed was Ignis.
“A creature known as Sabertusk. You are bleeding, do not worry, they can handle this.” Ignis said gently to her. Carefully, he helped her back to the campfire and Trish saw runes on the stone glow blue. What did they mean? As her adrenaline wore down, the pain became more pronounced and she whimpered softly.
“You are more hurt than I first thought. Sit down here.” Her rescuer said gently, leading her to a yellow folding camping chair. Trish took off her bow and sat down, wincing in pain. The man went to the tent nearby and soon returned with a vial filled with red liquid.
“Here, drink this, it will heal your wounds.” He said gently. Trish took the vial and looked at it curiously before opening it and drinking the contents. She coughed at the taste, but was surprised when she felt the wound on her stomach heal and the pain from her ankle fade.
“What is this?” She asked, looking up at the man. In the light of the fire, she saw him more clearly. He wore jeans, a button up shirt, dress boots, a belt, and jacket that were all black. His gloves were finger-less on the thumbs and both were silver. His hair was a lighter color and his bangs were sticking straight up, but was a good look for him, not a funny one. His eye color was hard to tell in the darkness, but also were hidden behind a pair of prescription glasses. His features were sharp, but kind and Trish realized he couldn’t be part of the British army, his outfit was too modern.
“It’s a potion, we use it to help us heal after a battle.” The man explained and Trish nodded, understanding.
“What is your name?” He asked gently.
“Trish. Trish Uesugi.” She answered.
“I am Ignis. Ignis Scientia. I am royal adviser to Noctis who is the prince of Lucis.” Ignis replied and Trish felt her world crumbling away.
“Prince of Lucis?” She asked and Ignis nodded.
“I do not recognize your clothes. What part of Eos are you from?” He asked.
“Eos? That’s where I’m at now?” She asked and felt her heart ache. So, in the end, she was torn from Connor’s side. She shouldn’t have let her guard down. She shouldn’t have let him in. Ignis was confused.
“What do you mean?” He asked, but he didn’t get an answer as the three from before returned.
“Ignis! How is she?” It was the same voice as before and Trish turned to see a man with black hair, a black jacket that was opened and stopped at his elbows, a dark gray shirt, black cropped trousers that stopped an inch above black buckled boots, and a black motorcycle glove on his left hand. There were two other men with him. A bigger man with a black jacket, black jeans, black boots, a black wrist band on his left wrist, no shirt under his open jacket, a necklace, tattoos on his arms, and a scar over his left eye. The other one was a smaller blonde who also wore an outfit of black, except his jeans were white at the bottom where they met his boots. His jacket was cropped at the shoulders and he wore biker gloves and had a chain on his right hip.
“I gave her a potion and she seems to have recovered quite well.” Ignis replied. The first man nodded and turned his gaze to her. Where Ignis’s gaze was kind, this man’s gaze was cold and expressionless.
“What’s your name?” He asked.
“Trish Uesugi.” Trish answered.
“I’m Noctis. The blonde is Prompto and the big guy is Gladiolus. You already met Ignis.” The two on either side nodded at mention of their names.
“Nice to meet you.” She replied. In a different circumstance she would’ve smiled, but she was still recovering from the shock of everything.
“What were you doing out in the wasteland after dark? Don’t you know about the daemons? They would kill you without proper weapons.” Noctis asked.
“It’s not my fault. I was walking home and I was in Davenport a moment ago. I was safe. All I had to worry about was bears and wolves, but they never came too close to the homestead. One minute I was walking in the forest and the next I was being chased by those things.” Trish replied.
“What about the magic you performed? I’ve never seen anything like that before!” The blonde, Prompto, exclaimed.
“Magic?” She asked, then remembered the blast she had sent towards the Sabertusk. Trish looked at her hand, trying to think of how she had cast it.
“I don’t know, I was so scared and desperate to get away. I don’t know what I did.” Her head was spinning. She had changed worlds again, that much was obvious, but this one seemed much more dangerous than the last one.
“It seems it was summoned subconsciously in an effort of self-preservation.” Ignis stated, adjusting his glasses.
“I don’t know any magic. In the places I’ve been, magic doesn’t exist. The closest I even came to magic was when I arrived in Davenport from my world.” Trish replied.
“Your world?” Gladiolus asked and Trish nodded.
“When I arrived in Davenport, I was walking home from a shift at the local bar. I was walking through the park and got chased by a wolf when someone rescued me.” Trish answered.
“Then why are you armed?” Noctis asked and Trish glanced at the bow that Connor had given her.
“I was there for three months and decided I had enough of people saving me from wild animals so I had someone teach me how to survive. I lived there for three years.” Trish answered.
“Davenport…Davenport…” Prompto mused, his arms crossed, his brow furrowed in thought.
“Why does that sound familiar?” He asked, looking at Noctis.
“It does sound familiar, but it isn’t anywhere that I know of on Eos.” Noctis replied, glancing at his friend. Suddenly, Prompto’s face lit up with clarity as he remembered.
“Oh! Right! That’s the place in the Assassin’s Creed video game! In the third one!” Prompto exclaimed.
“Oh yeah!” Noctis replied. Trish felt a knot forming in her stomach. She knew Connor was an Assassin. She had only found out about it recently. Absently her hand touched her stomach where the scars still were.
“What was the name of the Assassin in that one? He was a Mohawk dude. Ugh, it’s on the tip of my tongue.” Prompto asked. Trish felt the knot growing tighter and tighter.
‘Don’t be Connor. Please don’t say it’s Connor!’ Trish silently begged in her mind. Her silent prayer went unanswered.
“I think it was Connor.” Noctis replied, still looking at his friend. Trish closed her eyes and shook her head. This wasn’t happening. The last three years of her life weren’t just a video game. She had felt real pain. She had gone through hell and worked hard. She had made real friends and had felt real love with Connor. Trish couldn’t believe that it had all ben make-believe. She pulled out her phone and pulled up the photos of her and Connor.
“Please tell me this isn’t who you mean.” She said and held her phone up. In the picture, she and Connor were smiling, his head resting on hers. Around their necks was the scarf that she had made him. Trish had taken that picture on Christmas day, one of the rare times he was home.
“Yeah! What part of the game was that?!” Prompto asked. Trish felt her eyes pricking with tears. Prompto looked up at her and saw the heartbroken expression on her face.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked and Trish shook her head, taking the phone back. She had lost him. She had been right. Of course she had been right.
“I need a minute.” She whispered, her voice breaking. She stood and went to the edge of the stone circle, looking up at the night sky. Tears fell down her cheeks. None of it had been real. She knew that she would get torn away from Connor, but what she didn’t realize was that the universe would play so cruel a joke as to tell her it was all make believe. Was Juno even the one who called her there? Or had Juno sent her here as punishment for something?
A hand gently touched her shoulder making her jump and look. Ignis gave her a reassuring smile and quickly she wiped her tears away.
“Are you alright?” He asked gently.
“How would you feel if you found out the last three years of your life were make-believe?” She asked and looked at the sky again. The stars were faintly twinkling and she felt comforted by the fact that they were still in existence.
“You came from an alternate dimension where the video game was real?” He asked and Trish nodded.
“I guess so. Juno had told me I was there to give Connor some power. That power would help protect the world I knew. I had no magic there so I had no idea what power she meant for me to give him and now…now I’m here and I still have no idea what to do. All I can think of is that it’s some cosmic joke to mess with me. Throw me in a time period I have no idea about, my boyfriend from my world left me, then just when I open my heart again and fall in love again, I get sent here and torn away from him and I don’t know why.” She answered and closed her eyes, fighting back tears. Trish hated crying in front of people.
“Gentiana!” Noctis sounded from behind them. Trish turned and saw a woman with long black hair, a black lace choker, a black and gold dress with the front cut out, black open-toed boots that went up to her thighs, and a white scarf with golden embroidery wrapped around her arms. The woman smiled at Trish and Trish got the sense she wasn’t human.
“Hello, Trish, we finally meet.” The woman said and Trish became confused.
“Who are you?” Trish asked.
“This is Gentiana, messenger of the Gods.” Ignis said to Trish. Trish glanced at Ignis then back at the woman.
“The Gods were the ones who brought you here. A terrible error had been made.” Gentiana spoke gently. Trish felt hope fill her at Gentiana’s words. Had they brought her here by mistake? Her hopes were short lived however.
“Three years ago, the Gods tried to bring you to this world. You were to come and learn how to protect the Prince and the Oracle. Unfortunately, in the process, their power was intercepted by Juno and you were taken to the wrong dimension. The power that you wield now was taken just before you reached that world unbeknownst to Juno.” Gentiana explained. Trish felt her world crumbling away. So, it had all been one huge mistake?
“Why did the Gods or whoever wait so long to fix it?” Trish asked. Anger rose inside her, but she managed to keep it in check. If she did hold a power, she wasn’t sure what would set it off and the last thing she wanted was to kill the messenger of the Gods.
“Juno blocked their every attempt to retrieve you. Finally, they were able to retrieve you when Juno’s power weakened. She will not have the power to bring you back since all trace of you from that world has been erased.” Gentiana replied. Trish’s blood ran cold.
“What do you mean ‘erased’?” Trish asked.
“We could not have Connor going to Juno and giving her the power to bring you back to that world, so we erased his memory of you. All your belongings are removed from the world so they do not spark a memory.” Gentiana answered. Why had she asked? Trish looked down, trembling.
“What power could Connor have given her? The Pieces of Eden only control people they can’t give Juno power. Juno is only a spirit anyway.” Trish said finally, looking up at the messenger.
“The Pieces of Eden in control of one who came before are very powerful. They not only control humans, but they give the ones who came before more power. We believe Juno was in contact with a Piece of Eden when she took you, but is no longer in control of it. And now that you are here in Eos, even if she comes into contact with another Piece of Eden, you will not be taken back.” Gentiana explained. Trish nodded, her head down, eyes closed tightly. That was it then. There was no way she would ever see Connor again. All that time spent there had been a lie and now that she was torn from him, Connor would never know the difference.
“So, I’m here to help Prince Noctis?” She asked, looking up at Gentiana who nodded.
“You saw the power earlier. You are to learn how to control it and use it to aid the Prince.” Trish nodded, wondering how she was to control it.
“Do not worry any longer, Trish, you are in the company of those who will help you.” Gentiana said and vanished.
“Wow, that’s some heavy stuff.” Prompto said, crossing his arms.
“Yeah. You alright, Trish?” Gladiolus asked.
“Ask me again in a few days.” She said quietly, rubbing her face with her hands and sighing.
“Picking up the pieces again. They do this with no regard to the person they are doing this to. I’m not just a toy the Gods can fight over, I’m a human being who is trying to have a life.” Trish grumbled.
“We will help, just like she said. I don’t know why she wants you here or what the Gods have planned, but we will help in any way we can.” Noctis said and Trish looked at him. His face was expressionless still, but he was sincere and Trish nodded.
“Thank you.”
“Are you hungry at all? Or tired?” Ignis asked.
“If you’re hungry, Ignis is a great cook. You should really try one of his dishes, they are amazing.” Prompto said excitedly. Trish glanced at Ignis who adjusted his glasses.
“I wouldn’t go that far, but I do enjoy cooking.” Ignis replied. Trish smiled, but shook her head.
“Thanks, I am mostly just overwhelmed right now. I just want to rest a bit.” She answered. Ignis saw her smile and hoped she would recover quickly and hoped they could help her recover.
“I have an extra sleeping bag in the car. I’ll go get it.” Gladiolus said and turned his mini flashlight on. He took off into the dark before Trish could thank him or even protest about him going out.
“Do not worry. Gladiolus is the bodyguard for the Prince, he will be fine.” Ignis said, seeing Trish’s concerned look. Trish nodded and jumped when her phone rang in her pocket.
“Stars in heaven.” She muttered as she dug it out and saw it was her friend, Hitoshi.
“Hello?” She answered, holding the phone to her ear.
“Trish? Why is your stuff in my living room?” Hitoshi asked. Trish sighed and rubbed her cheek. So that’s what the Gods had done with her stuff.
“Can you track my phone and bring it to me along with some of my normal clothes? I promise I will explain everything when you get here.” Trish asked.
“Why do I need to track your phone? Aren’t you in Davenport?” Hitoshi asked. She could hear him shuffling as he gathered some stuff for her. Gladiolus soon returned and set the extra bag down on a folding chair for her.
“No, I’m not. I…uh…switched worlds again.” Trish answered. There was silence on the other end of the line and Trish wondered if she had somehow been disconnected.
“Hitoshi?” She asked.
“How in the hell did that happen?” Hitoshi asked.
“The Gods deemed it so.” Trish answered with a hint of scorn. The shuffling on the other side resumed, but was moving faster.
“How many clothes do you need?” Hitoshi asked.
“Uh…I’m not quite sure. Just bring me four shirts, four jeans, a hoodie, and 4 pairs of everything else.” She replied.
“Gotcha. Okay. I will pack these up and track you down.” Hitoshi said.
“Thanks, Hitoshi.” Trish said gratefully. Hitoshi was silent a moment and Trish wondered if he had hung up.
“Are you alright? Is Connor with you?” Hitoshi asked. Trish felt her heart sink at the question.
“I’m not physically hurt. No, Connor isn’t with me.” Trish replied and she heard her friend curse under his breath.
“I will be there soon. Hang in there, okay?” Hitoshi encouraged. Trish felt a small smile tug at the corner of her mouth.
“Thanks, Hitoshi.” She said again. When they hung up, she looked up at Ignis.
“Uh…we are going to have company in just a bit.” Ignis tilted his head curiously.
“What do you mean?” He asked, but soon had his answer as suddenly Hitoshi appeared before them. He was about 5 feet 5 inches tall with shoulder-length blue and black hair, green eyes, dark blue shirt, black pants, and black and white canvas shoes. Trish smiled at her friend.
“Hey, Hitoshi.” Trish greeted and Ignis turned to face the newcomer. Hitoshi set down the bags and hugged Trish tightly.
“Hey, you alright?” He asked and Trish nodded. They parted and Trish introduced Hitoshi to everyone before sitting down with him and explaining everything that happened. Hitoshi listened and shook his head, sadly, when she finished.
“Jeez. You can’t catch a break, can you?” He asked. Trish gave a dry laugh and shook her head.
“No, I don’t think I can.” She replied. Hitoshi knew his friend was hurting and didn’t know how he could help.
“Do you want me to go and see if I can get him?” Hitoshi asked, but Trish shook her head, the small smile she had fading.
“No. The Gods have made him forget all about me. No one from there remembers me and any trace of myself was sent to your place. The only things I have to remember him by are the pictures on my phone, the weapons he gave me, and the necklace he made for me. Plus, I’m sure that if he touched your device it would send him flying.” Trish replied.
“Send him flying?” Ignis asked and Trish glanced from him to Hitoshi.
“Hitoshi’s device doesn’t seem to like it when someone else touches it. Mostly if that someone is me.” Trish answered.
“What if that isn’t the case anymore? What if that was just Juno doing something?” Hitoshi asked and Trish looked from him to the device. The device Hitoshi had created looked almost like an old cellphone with a long antenna. It had red numbers and letters, the top being the dimension she was familiar with, where Hitoshi was from, and the bottom the dimension she was in.
“I’m a little nervous to find out.” She answered truthfully.
“Can’t hurt to try.” Hitoshi egged.
“Yeah it can, you’re not the one who gets sent ten feet away.” Trish replied. Hitoshi couldn’t help but laugh and he nodded.
“Fair point.” He replied and sighed.
“I should head back. If you need anything you call me, okay?” Hitoshi said standing up. Trish nodded and hugged him again.
“Thanks again, Hitoshi, for everything.” She said and let him go. Hitoshi smiled and nodded.
“Anytime, Tishie, take care of yourself.” He said. He touched some numbers on the device and was gone.
“Incredible. Who knew that inter-dimensional travel was possible?” Ignis mused and Trish nodded.
“He figured it out when I initially fell into Connor’s world. He brought me stuff I needed and in turn I gave him a bunch of revolutionary war stuff to sell.” Trish replied.
“Amazing.” He replied sincerely and Trish smiled. Her heart was still heavy at the loss of Connor. At the loss of everything once again. But she knew with time she would recover.
“I’m going to change and go to sleep. I’m still overwhelmed with everything and just need a chance to recover.” Trish said and the others nodded.
“Of course.” Ignis said.
“Go ahead and use the tent, there is plenty of room in there and we aren’t going to sleep just yet.” Prompto said with a smile. Trish echoed the smile and nodded. She grabbed the bag with her clothes and went into the tent.
Later that night, Trish was sleeping, but not dreaming good dreams. In her dreams she was with Connor, but he was torn from her side by a Sabertusk. When she reached for him, it was too late and he was already gone. Trish called his name, but then the world went black. She saw visions of what looked like an older Noctis and a voice could be heard from far away, but she couldn’t make out what it was saying. When the dream ended, there was a flash of light and she heard a scream.
Trish jerked awake, sitting up and panting. The sight of the dark tent filled her vision and she slowly calmed. The soft snores of her new companions hit her ears and she was glad she hadn’t woken them up. Quietly and carefully she got out of the sleeping bag and left the tent. The fire was died down to a small blue flame. It gave off heat, but she sensed it wouldn’t set anything on fire. The low light gave her the perfect view of the stars. She sat down in one of the folding chairs, gazing up at them.
Sleeping had helped everything become less raw, but she still missed Connor. She hadn’t even gotten to say goodbye to him. All because of Juno. Because Juno had wanted to be set free. Trish sighed, feeling anger bubble up inside her at the thought of being used by Juno. There was a rustling behind her, making her jump and look to see Ignis emerging from the tent.
“Oh, hi.” She said, relaxing. Ignis smiled and sat down beside her.
“Good morning.” He greeted.
“Good morning. I didn’t wake you up did I?” She asked concerned. Ignis shook his head.
“No, I always wake early to start breakfast. What woke you? Hopefully not Gladio’s snoring.” Ignis said and Trish couldn’t help but laugh. Ignis smiled, glad to see her laugh.
“No, not his snoring.” She answered. She looked up at the sky that was beginning to brighten, wondering if she should tell him about her nightmare. She was sure she saw an older Noctis, but she wasn’t sure what it meant.
“I won’t pry. Just know I’m willing to listen if you need it. I cannot begin to understand what you are going through, but I can try.” Ignis said kindly. Trish smiled at him and looked at the blue flame.
“I just feel bad for burdening you all more.” Trish said and Ignis shook his head.
“You are not a burden. You are a young woman in need of assistance and we shall assist you in whatever way you need it.” Ignis replied and Trish smiled.
“I do appreciate it. I just had bad dreams is all.” She answered and Ignis nodded.
“Understandable if you are not familiar with the creatures here and given what you’ve gone through. Why don’t you help me make breakfast and we can talk about them if you wish?” He asked and she nodded. They both stood and Ignis gave her some vegetables to begin cutting. As Trish was cutting, Ignis was getting the meat ready.
“So, these nightmares, what were they about?” He asked. Trish thought back to them as she was cutting the vegetables.
“Connor and I were walking through the homestead when we were attacked by the things that attacked me. Connor vanished as did the creatures and there wasn’t anything I could do to help him.” Trish answered. Ignis nodded, stirring the pot.
“I believe it is pretty obvious where the dream came from. As soon as everything settles down, I’m sure they will cease.” Ignis stated and Trish nodded. She finished the celery and reached for the mushrooms.
“Ah! Don’t do the mushrooms or carrots. Noct hates mushrooms and carrots.” Ignis asked and Trish nodded.
“I take it, he’s a picky eater?” She asked and Ignis sighed, nodding.
“A very picky eater. I try very hard to get him to eat vegetables, but he refuses. It’s made many of my dishes fall short of their potential. I’ve come up with some recipe’s though that don’t include them and still give him the proper nutrition he needs.” Ignis replied. Trish nodded, understanding.
“Some of the children on the homestead were picky eaters as well. Although my tactics for getting them over that may not work on Noctis.” She answered and Ignis chuckled.
“How so?” He asked.
“I don’t think Noctis will believe that if he eats his vegetables he will grow up big and strong like Connor.” Trish answered. Just the mention of his name was enough to make her chest ache. She concentrated on cutting up more vegetables and Ignis saw her smile fade.
“You and he were quite close, weren’t you?” Ignis asked gently. Trish nodded.
“He saved my life countless times. And when I left…when I left we were in love. We had just admitted our feelings for one another and we were taking it very slow. We really connected and he was always very kind to me. When he would leave on missions, the homestead seemed quieter.” Trish answered and sighed, finishing cutting the vegetable.
“I guess I should stop dwelling on it. It’s only making me sadder.” She said softly. Ignis looked at her, seeing the dispirited expression on her face.
“You dwell on it for as long as you need to. You cannot force those feelings away. It won’t do you good to bottle them up either. Feel your pain and let yourself heal. I know you don’t want to be a burden, but for now, let us bear your weight until you find your footing. I can see how strong you can be just from what you’ve told me and I cannot wait to truly meet the woman you truly are when grief isn’t weighing you down.” Ignis said to her, adding the vegetables to the stew.
“You cut those perfectly. Now, we just let that simmer then we can continue onto part two of the recipe.” He said with a smile. Trish found herself echoing the smile. She felt as though through his words, she found footing. She found the strength she needed to pick up the pieces again. Ignis turned to gather the other recipes and Trish turned with him.
“Ignis?” She called, causing him to stop and look over at her.
“I promise, you won’t have to wait long.” Ignis smiled at her words.
“I look forward to it.”
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
Gladnis AU(10 year time skip tho) where Ignis gets his sight back, and the first thing he sees is Gladio. But 32 year old Gladio and his reaction is like "Oh my gods you've gotten even more beautiful,"
I received this back on Monday, while I was in school, and let me tell you, dearest anon, IT MADE MY ENTIRE EVENING AND NIGHT AND THE REST OF TUESDAY BECAUSE GODS YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
I was sat there in the classroom and just casually checked the hour, saw the entry, read it and I was just like “Aaaaw ;______;” and couldn’t focus for like ten minutes AND IT WAS FANTASTIC I regret NOTHING, ahahahaha *evil gladnis laugh*.
Seriously, though….this scenario is…so perfect?!?!
I’m sitting here, reading this again and feeling like it’s the first time all over again and I just- *deep breath* this is so gods damn amazing and I can’t stand it and I’m just hyperventilating becauSE 
*ugly sobbing*
THIS IS SO PURE, GODDAMMIT, I’d love to turn this into a proper fanfic but time won’t let me and I just ajsdfd gods damn ;A;
You know what would make it super extra fluffier? The fact that maybe Gladio’s a bit scared of Ignis’ reaction to seeing him again. ♡ ~(‘u^人)
Wanna add it a little angst? It happens after Noct’s sacrifice.
And we make it a tad bit bittersweet? We make Ignis looking at Gladio for first time a surprise for Gladio himself, surprise of sorts, I guess. 
So maybe someone has found a way of healing Ignis’ injuries and blindness, and he decides to take the risk. So there’s the Gladnis post-story, finally leaving in peace, together, with no more duties than live for themselves once more. When they scheduled Ignis’ surgery or whatever process it can be to give him back his sight, he and Gladio spend an entire evening discussing and sharing happily what things Ignis has to see, where Gladio has to take him, where they’ll travel for Ignis to see again, the people he should see and their change, and of course, the first thing that Ignis should see.
The conversation turns a bit sad, rather bittersweet by that point, and there may be some silence. And then, Gladio suggests it.‘Dawn. The first thing you should see should be dawn. You should see how precious it is. Noct left the most precious, most beautiful dawn for us to see. You should see that first.’
It was harsh for everyone. Prompto sometimes still tears up in the mornings, and he hasn’t been able to return to Insomnia ever since Noct’s funeral. Gladio sometimes finds himself to wake up and find out he had been crying midsleep.But he knows how deep it affected Ignis in particular.Prompto was the best friend, and Gladio the older brother and sworn shield, but the thing with Ignis was that he literally grew up only for Noctis; Ignis basically didn’t live, all that he ever did since he was 6 was only to aid Noct’s life. He did it proudly and joyfully, but that was the truth; Ignis did nothing other than attend Noctis. Noct gone, somehow the biggest part of what Ignis used to be was no more. So it was pretty harsh on him. Maybe not more than in the other two, maybe just different, but definitely a particular kind of pain.
So Ignis doesn’t even reply. He just nods in silence, serious. 
Sometimes, in the days waiting for his surgery or whatever brings his sight back, when the mood was lighter, Ignis said that he was eager to see Gladio. Sometimes, he said that was the first thing that he wanted to see. Sometimes, he said that ‘after dawn’, the first thing he wanted to see was Gladio. He insisted that he wanted to see it, first or not, but he was so, so eager like he had not remembered to have ever been before about something. He wanted that, he wanted, he wanted. 
And Gladio would joke about it. Would give away comments the ‘But let’s be careful, my beauty may be too bright and could blind you again’ (don’t worry, Ignis doesn’t take that as rude and just delivers a joke back).But sometimes he would just chuckle or give a vague agreement.Because, truth is, he’s a bit scared of what Ignis will think.
At first he had not thought about it, but as the day got closer, Gladio had started to look at himself more often in the mirror. At first it was a glance or two. But he soon found himself overthinking and overanalyzing his looks, staring at himself more than he had ever done before, look at spots, and he starts growing a bit anxious about it. Because he’s young, but not as young as when Ignis last saw him.
He’s wrinkle free (for gods sake, he’s just 34), but he knows he doesn’t look like a brand new young man. And his scars, gods, did they look better when he was 23 or will Ignis see them the same? And his hair…Gladio liked it much better than when he was younger, but he’s now senselessly thinking on it and whether he looks as good as he thinks or not really. And what about his mustache asojdsofdj should I shave should I not shave and whataboutthis and did I have this spot before and whatisthisthing and whatwillIgnissay  gods FUCK  (Come on, we all know older Gladio looks AMAZING, but he doesn’t see that like we do, so…).
So Gladio grows nervous on that. Because he sees Ignis and gods, dear Astrals above, he’s just so sure Ignis is like wine; he just gets better with age. But what about him? Does he get better, too? Maybe it’s that Gladio had seen Ignis all across that time and he didn’t notice his change in a snap but rather step by step But Ignis…the last that Ignis had seen of him was when he was 23. Eleven years is quite a number. 
So the day finally happens. The whatever process required of Ignis to keep the eyes bandaged for at least 12 hours, so they do it this one evening, and the morning after, before sun comes up, they wake up as arranged, in an excited but silent air, and they get up to be prepared. Gladio drives Ignis to the Citadel and takes him to the rooftop, one of the highest spots in the Citadel to watch in the distance. The drive is mostly quiet, but the joy is almost tangible. Eleven years in the dark, finally fixed. 
And so, the moment soon comes. Gladio takes him close to the edge, facing East, and both talk quietly every now and then, a few comments here and there, before Gladio guesses it’s time. So, quietly, he tells so to Ignis, and turns him around, standing behind him, and Gladio himself starts undoing his bandages. Once they come off, Gladio keeps them to his eyes a few moments.
“As much as I can be.”
Finally, Gladio removes it full this time. 
Ignis still keeps the eyes closed for a moment, and they start blinking. And so, he opens them.And he can see.And there’s that tiny dot of light in the horizon.And he can see it.He’s sensing it, and seeing it.
And here there could be two options that I’ll melt into one because #timeandspacelol. So Ignis watches the sun start to rise. Sees the little dot starting to turn bigger, and watches the sky turn from black to a line of golden, that eventually paints the sky in red. And it keeps growing. It almost feels like music, quiet and bittersweet. There’s light going in every direction, born from the astro king. From the sun of dawn.From the King of Light.From Noct. 
Ignis watches it, watches all. The sun, its beams, the sky, its colors, the clouds, the change of palette, gradual and eventual, the buildings of the distance, the tiny silhouette of the outside wall, the sea….it’s beautiful. Impossible to look away.
Yet, he does. He looks away.
Out of nowhere, Ignis turns around over his heels, eyes closed. Gladio’s a bit startled at the motion, because he had not expected Ignis to look away from the sun of dawn for at least fifteen more minutes, but there he was, facing him now, eyes closed. Gladio feels his stomach drop to his feet, and some black hole behind the lungs swallowing his organs, because he’s impossibly nervous. He feels like this is the most important event of his life, that Ignis is about to see him again. He should be excited, but he’s not. He’s scared and nervous.
Without seeing, Ignis takes his hands without saying anything, and he brings them up, placing them quietly and gently on his face. Gladio’s still startled and nervous, but he doesn’t question Ignis and only keeps the hands on his beloved one’s face. 
And so, smiling softly, with Gladio holding his face, Ignis opens the eyes.
And he can see Gladio.And he’s seeing him.And he’s seeing him.
And the reaction is immediate; Ignis’ soft smile immediately vanishes, and his expression softens in a way that makes Gladio’s heart stop and ache inside. If he had to describe it in some way, he would say Ignis’ expression dropped. Because it felt like someting falling and shattering. Like a child running downstairs with the biggest of joys reflected on his tiny smile because he’s about to see Santa, but suddenly walks in on his dad putting the presents under the tree.It feels like disappointment. 
So Gladio says nothing and tries forcing a smile at him, but he can’t help the clear signs of worry and some sadness in his expression. Ignis doesn’t seem to catch it; he’s still staring at Gladio in awe. Soon enough, the recently healed man moves a hand up and places it on Gladio’s cheek. It hesitates an inch from his skin, before landing, and Gladio feels a bit rejected at the motion. Ignis’ hand slightly trembles against him. 
“My gods…Gladio…”
Ignis sounds breathless and he still has that shocked expression. Gladio eventually lets go of Ignis’ face, but the man’s other hand catches one of Gladio’s midwair and keeps it gripped. Gladio stares at him, trying to hide all his fear, and he suddenly feels something inside himself drop when Ignis’ eyes get all watery.And, suddenly, Ignis is smiling at him in a way Gladio had not ever seen before.Like a groom seeing his bride in her dress for the first time.Like Prompto stares at dawn.Like those videos of people reuniting with their family after ten years.Like Gladio had died, and had just come back to life after a decade.
Because besides smiling, Ignis starts crying.
“Gladio, you’re even more beautiful than before…”
And, of course, that takes Gladio off guard. All that he can do is look at Ignis eyes widened and mouth slightly opened. He grips back on the hand that Ignis is holding, and he looks a bit puzzled at the shorter man. Some moments later, Gladio smiles at him with a little exhale escaping him, and he feels his eyes start to water as well. Both grin at each other, and Ignis is still staring at him and holding his face and still crying. His eyes move everywhere, on every single inch of Gladio’s face. 
Gladio just lets him, and every second he does but widen the smile, because Ignis is looking at him like Gladio really is the most beautiful thing  in the entire universe. 
“Iggy, sweetheart, you’re missing the rest of dawn…”
“The past where it belongs” Ignis tells him. “Noct is gone and I have to accept that. But you’re still here. With me.” Ignis takes both of Gladio’s hands with his own. “Enough of looking at the past. I want to look at my present and future. And both, my darling, both are you.”
It’s then when Gladio drops his own tears. It’s joy, of course. But it’s so much joy it also hurts. Like excess of ice burns, the amount of happiness is so great it’s aching. Ignis had always had a way with words, had always been a silent romantic, but this was far more than Gladio could handle. It was not just their romance; all this involved Noctis, too, their loved friend and brother. It involved Ignis’ accident and injury. It involved everything they had lost and won, everything they had to let go, and everything they were earning now.
Gladio, crying as well, nods at him only, because he can’t speak anymore. He brings Igni’s hands up and kisses them, before Ignis lets go of one of them just to hold Gladio’s face again, caress it gently, clean away his tears while Ignis himself cries. 
They had planned to look at dawn that morning. That was literally the only thing on the list. But none look at it. They look at each other’s crying eyes and nowhere else for as long as sunrise happens. None look at their past. Both focus on their present and future, both held in each other’s eyes and just that. 
And the sun shines particularly soft and bright that morning.Like it’s happy to see them like that. Carrying on, together, and finally out of the dark.
Anon this is a beautiful scenario. Thank you so much, anon :’)
Edit: Well, damn, this is longer and more formal than I intended.Almost-a-fanfic. ‘I don’t have the time’, I said. ‘I’ll keep it short’, I said.
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spookybubble · 7 years
This is a birthday ficlet for @expectogladiolus. Her beautiful works inspired me to get back into writing again, so I felt it only right to compose a piece for her. I hope you enjoy this fluffy fic featuring Crowe, LuNyx, Libertus and Gladnis. Happy (early) birthday, doll!
Nyx stood underneath the awning of the small bakery, waiting (not so) patiently for his girlfriend as he smoked. The awning provided just enough coverage that the constant drizzle that accompanied autumn in this part of the world didn’t put out his cigarette. He amused himself by blowing smoke rings and pondered what the look on Crowe’s face would be when they surprised her at the bar with a birthday cake. Would she punch him? She sure as hell wouldn’t punch Luna, but there was solid chance of her hitting Libertus if she thought he was in on it - which he wasn’t. It had been all Luna’s idea.
He was pulled from his thoughts by the ringing of the bell over the bakery’s door. Putting out his cigarette and tossing it into the nearby ashtray, he opened the large umbrella and smiled at his girlfriend. Crowe hadn’t wanted to make a big deal of her birthday, but Luna didn’t feel it right to ignore the fact that it was their friend’s 30th. She couldn’t settle for just drinks at their favorite bar and had taken it upon herself to make other arrangements, despite Nyx’s initial protests. The blonde was really stubborn when she wanted to be, and had eventually convinced him into playing along. Yeah - he was definitely getting punched. A lot. Oh well, worth it to make their friend feel special on her birthday.
The pair headed down the street towards the bar they all frequented. It was only a stone’s throw away from the bakery Luna had chosen, which was really just a happy accident. Nyx carried the umbrella and an arm full of beautifully wrapped presents while his girlfriend happily carried the cake, chattering on about how she’d already arranged to have Crowe’s bar bill taken care of and that her friend, who was head chef and owner of the city’s most talked about restaurant, would be arriving later in the evening with food for all of them.
“Ignis, right?” Nyx asked, shifting the presents to get a better grip on them.
“Yes, and I believe he may enlist the help of his boyfriend. Is it alright if they stay for a bit? I mean, I already invited them as it seems they both know Crowe, but-” Luna said, looking up at him with a hopeful look that made him chuckle. “Who am I to say no to you?” Nyx replied, making his girlfriend give him the 1000-watt smile he loved.
Just as they stepped under the protection of the bar’s covered patio, the sky opened up. Looking at each other, they laughed about arriving just in time. He folded up the umbrella, carefully hanging it from his arm then moved to hold the door open for his girlfriend. She waited out of sight in the vestibule so she could hide behind him to shield the cake from view until the last possible moment. Spotting their friends in the usual corner, Nyx headed over to them, grinning at Crowe as she eyed the presents in his arms. “Nyx, we talked about this.” She started.
“Yeah, I know.” He said, stepping aside to reveal Luna and the beautiful cake she’d picked out for their friend. Crowe’s eyes went wide as the small blonde set the windowed box down on the table. “You little shit!!” The brunette declared, lunging for Nyx. Laughing, he tossed the presents at his girlfriend for safe keeping, then defended his arms from the barrage of punches that assaulted them. Each punch was punctuated with a protest about how she didn’t want her birthday to be a big deal and how he was a shit stain for pulling this.
“It was all my idea.” Luna spoke up with a small smile. Crowe paused in her assault to look at her, a small, but grateful smile curling her lips. “Thanks Luna, I really do appreciate it, but your boyfriend is still a dickbag for not stopping you.”
“Pfft, you try to stop her.” Nyx challenged with a grin. Crowe gave him one last punch for good measure before relenting. She sat back on the stool next to Libertus, giving him a side look. He waved both hands at her, eyes wide, “I had nothing to do with any of it!’
Settling in across from the birthday girl, Nyx ordered a round for all of them. Crowe opened her presents, delight apparent in her brown eyes as she fussed over each package. She complained that they were: a, too nice looking for her to open, and b, way too pretty for a tomboy like her. Luna, having none of their friend’s sass, said she would happily take them all back if they were that objectionable. The comment made Crowe turn away, hoarding the presents in her arms. “No take-backs!”  She declared, and they all laughed.
The night flew by as they downed round after round. Luna and Libertus, the light weights of the gang, were well past tipsy when Ignis and Gladiolus arrived, carrying in several trays of delectable looking food. Crowe’s mouth watered at the sight of the trays and she jumped up, no longer interested in complaining about Luna going over the top. “Is all this for us?” She asked, lifting the covers on each and every tray as they were set down. Ignis lightly slapped her hands away then set up each dish with serving utensils and plates.
“Indeed. I do hope you don’t mind Gladio and I joining your soiree for the remainder of the evening.” He said. Handing her a plate and napkin, he gestured for her to help herself. “Not at all!” Crowe said with a bright grin, “Any man that brings me food is always welcome! That goes for you, too, Gladiolus.”
“Thanks.” Gladio laughed, helping himself to an egg roll from one of the trays as he sat down, “But all I did was cart this shit in from the car.”
“That still counts as bringing food.” Libertus pointed out, a slight slur in his voice. “Indeed. Seems we have some catching up to do, Gladio.” Ignis said with a chuckle, ordering a round for the table. If he ordered lighter drinks for Luna and Libertus, no one mentioned it.
By the end of the evening, all of the dishes Ignis had brought were devoured along with most of the sizeable cake. Gladio stepped back inside, having helped Libertus out to a cab, then moved to help Ignis with Crowe. She laughed at herself as she nearly tripped over her own feet. “Guess I’ve had a bit more than I thought.” She slurred, as the large man gently wrapped an arm around her to help keep her standing. “Seems that way. Did you have fun?” He asked, guiding her to the door. She nodded with a bright smile, pausing to wave goodbye to Luna and Nyx. They waved back, then Gladio helped her outside to his truck.
“We shall see her home safe.” Ignis told Nyx as they both pulled on their jackets. “Thanks. We appreciate it.” Nyx said, helping the other man to gather Crowe’s birthday presents. Arms full, the chef carefully maneuvered himself out the door, nodding his goodbye before departing. “And then there were two.” Luna said with a soft smile. Chuckling, Nyx helped his girlfriend put her coat on, then guided her out the door. “You did good.” He told her, kissing her cheek.
“Told you so.” She hummed, leaning against him as he opened their large umbrella and they stepped out into the pouring rain. “Yeah, you did.” He agreed and led them home. Luna smiled the whole way, proud of herself for a job well done.
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parttimespellbinder · 5 years
Spellbound: The Wizard in the Tower
Jun floated in the air with his legs crossed, deeply absorbed in the several books that floated around him. He often read up on several different subjects simultaneously, often hoping it would help him piece together whatever mystery he needed solved or question he wanted answered. But just as often, he simply wanted to lose himself in several different stories, sometimes belonging to the same series. Today, he was feeling a little all over the place. Two books on magical history, three on philosophy, a mystery novel and volumes 5 through 9 of his favorite comic series. His mustard colored eyes darted from page to page as they turned themselves and circled around him like small sharks. His skin was so pale he sometimes had wonder if he was looking down at his own hands or the pages of another book. His long indigo colored hair had been tied back into a messy bun and hidden away under the wide brimmed hat he always wore. Today, being Monday, the hat and the robe he wore to match it were both a silvery moonlight color.
So absorbed was he in his reading, Jun hardly noticed as Haley Sanderson approached him from behind. Haley had a triumphant look on her face and an eager gleam in her brown eyes. Her black hair had been pulled up on her head in two large curly puffs. She made her way past the circle of books surrounding Jun and placed her hands over his eyes.
“Guess who?”
“Whoever it is will very soon find out what it’s like to not have hands,” Jun said flatly.
“EHH! Wrong! Try again!”
“There you go!”
She released him and he turned to see her smiling gleefully at him. The look on her face spoke for her. “What do you want?” he asked. The sooner I get this over with, the sooner I can get back to my reading. I need to find out if Travis Wheeler ever finds the Philosopher's Stone.
Haley continued to beam at him proudly. “I can do it now.”
Jun raised his eyebrows. “Do what? Annoy me six ways to Sunday? You’ve been able to do that. Or did your parents finally rent out that studio for your art?”
“Oh, you remember that but not the more important thing that I’ve been working on?”
“I try to keep invested in the important aspects of your life,” Jun said. “Now, what are you bothering me for? Tell me already.”
“Why tell you when it’s obvious that I should just show you!”
Haley reached into her paint splattered overalls and pulled out a small plastic looking wand, topped with a star. “Feast your eyes on this! Ignis!”
She jabbed the wand outwards as a flame the size of her thumb suddenly manifested at it’s tip. “Tres impressive, no?”
Jun’s face remained neutral. “Congratulations, you’re barely more useful than a regular lighter. Now if you’ll excuse me…”
“Oh no! Jun you promised!”
Jun sighed. Here we go. Just when I thought it was going to be a nice quiet day. He snapped his fingers and his books all shut themselves and arranged themselves neatly on the floor  in front of him. “First of all, Haley, may I remind you of where we are?”
He gestured around the room, showing off the desks, bookcases and scattered people, indicating that they were in a library, though by no means a normal one. For one thing, while most libraries were decently sized, none could think of another that resided in a tower that rose so high in the air, it often appeared to poke right through the clouds. Second, the books often didn’t fly around the room, much less from one floor to another. The lighting was often adequate in other libraries, unlike this one which utilized torches and old lanterns that also occasionally floated around the room. But the most striking feature of it’s interior was the thick purple haze that hung in the air. It penetrated the whole building from the entry level all the way down to it’s darkest depths and back up to its highest heights.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. We’re in your stupid magic library,” Haley said rolling her eyes.
“Oh, now my library is stupid?” Jun asked, planting his feet firmly on the ground. He pointed at a stack of books on the desk near him which rose into the air and followed him as he marched forward. “It’s funny, that you should say something like that,” he continued, as he motioned towards each book to return to its proper place. “I only say that, since without access to my library and my outlining of your curriculum, you wouldn’t even be able to produce that baby flame.”
“Are you going somewhere with this, Jun?” Haley asked.
Jun raised an eyebrow and turned away from her, making his way towards the stairs leading down to the lower level. “What do you think, Haley? Obviously I’m going somewhere with this. Are you too dumb to figure it out?”
“Now we’re name calling? So elementary,” she said shaking her head at him. “And no, obviously I’m not dumb, but I shouldn’t have to remind you of things, Jun!”
“To what are you referring, Haley?”
Haley grinded her teeth and curled her hands tightly into fists. “You know what I’m referring to, Jun. I wanna be one of your magical helpers!”
Jun rolled his eyes and kept walking, refusing to slow down or stop for her. “Oh, so that’s what you were talking about? I had no idea.”
“And now you’re just being a sarcastic dick,” Haley said, sighing. “Nothing new for you though. You’ve always been the biggest dick, ever since we all met back in grade school.”
“If I’m so horrible then why haven’t you left yet?” Jun asked. “I’m certainly not keeping you here against your will.”
“Believe it or not, Violet and I are actually capable of looking past your shit personality to see that you’re...well, you’re still a piece of shit but we’ve been friends all this time so there’s no point in going anywhere now. Actually, we’re more likely to go places with you than without you.”
Great so they see me as a stepping stone? “That’s very nice to hear Haley, but I still don’t really see much point in making you my Attendant.”
He made a sudden right and emerged on a level completely shrouded in darkness. Haley pulled out her phone and turned on her flashlight app, illuminating the dark room before them. Jun just rolled his eyes. “Afraid of the dark now, are we?”
“Don’t be stupid, Jun. We both know that I love the dark. It’s where all the fun things hide. But we also know that my eyes are already bad enough as they are.”
“Aren’t you wearing your contacts?”
“Yeah, we both know that’s not a solution to this particular problem,” Haley said.
Jun sighed. “Put your phone away. I’ll light our path.”
He snapped his fingers and a wooden staff materialized in his hand. The tip of the staff was engulfed in a basketball sized sphere of silver light, casting away the darkness far more effectively than Haley’s phone light. “Better?”
“Well, now I feel like I should've just worn my glasses today,” Haley said, covering her eyes. “My contacts don’t transition to block out magically made sunlight!”
Jun rolled his eyes. “Always a compliant with you.”
The light on his staff dimmed a little bit and he nudged Haley, indicating that she could open her eyes. “It’s still a bit bright but, whatevs. Now, why won’t you make me your Attendant? You did it with Violet!”
“That was different,” Jun said. “I thought long and hard about the decision and I needed someone with skills in physical combat. What in the world would you do? Paint my opponents to death? Perhaps write them a story?”
Haley glared at him. “Junpei Asakura, you know perfectly well that I’d get some cool dream item that could turn my paintings or stories into reality or something like that! Of course Violet got a combat related weapon! She brought you some stupid spear head to enchant! Why wouldn’t she get something like that?”
“I mean, you say that, but even still, a Mage really only needs one Attendant,” Jun said. “Preferably one with skills in physical combat. No one needs support types nowadays.”
“Wow, I’m just a support type now? Sorry for not being all combat capable like Violet is.”
“Sadly there are some things in life that we simply cannot help,” Jun said, making his way to one shelf in particular. He started touching books, seemingly at random, which then vanished from their spots on the shelves. “And more importantly, what’s in it for me if I were to bestow upon you magical powers?”
Haley didn’t skip a beat. “It’d be a total fucking blast! Think about it Jun! You’d be helping me make real my life’s ambitions of never being bored another day in my life! Imagine the possibilities! What if i could bring my drawings to life? I’d be creating life itself!”
“Yeah, that’s not super impressive,” Jun said.
“OR what if I could make the things I write become reality? Wouldn’t that be fabulous? It’s every writer's dream to see their creations spring forth from the page and into the physical world! Better yet, I’d be a super awesome reality warper!”
Though Jun didn’t let it show, a shiver ran down his spine at the thought of being made responsible for any stupid idea Haley ever had coming to life. And her being able to manipulate or influence reality...to any degree...horrifying. Humans like Haley weren’t made to have magic. All they’d end up doing with it is abusing it. Guess that brings up the question of why I agreed to help her learn it but I do so love to watch mortals struggle to learn something that comes so naturally to us mages.
“So...even though you make a very convincing and compelling argument, I’m gonna have to shoot you down,” Jun said, casually.
“Why do I feel like you’re lying about the compelling argument part?”
Jun just looked at her. “Either way, is that really the only thing you came here for?”
“Well, yeah! I want a super magic item! I want insane magical powers! And I’d prefer they come from you rather than me seeking the same kind of help elsewhere.”
Jun rolled his eyes. “Then go and seek it,” he said. “Ten seconds with you and any sane mage would tell you the same thing as me. Never gonna happen.”
Haley ground her teeth in frustration and tugged at her hair. “Here I am trying to do you a favor and you just...turn me down like nothing?”
“Does it really count if it’s something you actually really want?” Jun asked. He snapped his fingers and the two of them reappeared on the entry level of the library.
“If you could do that, why’d we waste time walking down the stairs?”
“I was trying to walk away from you,” Jun said. “Sadly you decided to follow me. I didn’t see the point in walking away from you while down there.”
“Why not?” “I can hardly imagine what kind of mayhem you’d unleash upon the world if I were to leave you down there.”
Haley raised an eyebrow. “Oh? What makes you say that?”
Jun narrowed his eyes. “Haley Sanderson, you know perfectly well that the lower and upper levels are only for books on magic and the supernatural. Well, and all priceless magical items that my family has collected over the centuries.”
Haley let out a gasp. “Really? I never knew any of that. Learn something new everyday, huh?”
“Uh-huh, whatever,” Jun said. “Look, if that’s it, then I’d like to get back to my reading, if you’d be so kind.”
“Yo! Asakura!”
Jun’s eyes narrowed dangerously, not at the use of his last name, but at the sound of the voice calling it. “As if I didn’t have enough nonsense to deal with.”
He turned to see Ryoga Kogami walking towards him, hand in hand with another boy he had never seen before. The boy was wide eyed and dumbstruck with awe at the sight of the library, which Jun thought was only natural. This is the most amazing and comprehensive magical library for several dimensions. Must be quite a sight if it’s your first time. But...that kid’s a wizard too. Why’s he with a lowly creature like Kogami?
“Hey, Ryoga!” Haley cried running up to Koga and the other boy. “OMG is this guy your boyfriend?”
Ryoga’s face turned the darkest shade of red possible. “W-wha-What the hell are you talking about? Cole’s not my boyfriend! He’s my best friend!”
Haley smiled mischievously. “Then why are you clutching his hand?”
Ryoga immediately dropped Cole’s hand but Cole just laughed. “Ryoga had to drag me across the street cause I was staring at the library so much. I’m Cole by the way.”
He stuck out his hand towards Haley who wasted no time grabbing it and shaking vigorously. “Haley Sanderson, nice to meet you. Welcome to the library! I’ve never seen you before, Cole. Do you go to a different school or something? You don’t really look like you’re from around here. Hey! You know Ryoga so does that mean that you’re some kind of half human like he is? Or maybe you’re a wizard like Jun? OMG if you’re a wizard can I be your Attendant? Please? You must be a wizard! I can see the wand in your left pocket! That’s great! What kind of magic are you studying? Do you have a familiar? Jun has a familiar. Do you have an Attendant yet? If you don’t I can do it! Please! Do you fly a broom or a carpet?”
Jun shook his head. Already trying to force herself on the first unsuspecting victim she comes across? How shameless. I better step in.
“Haley! That’s enough!”
“Jun! I’m not done yet! He hasn’t even answered any of my questions, and I still have waaaay more things to ask him!”
“Yeah, like I said, that’s enough out of you,” Jun said waving casually in her direction. Haley turned back to Cole to resume her questioning but found no sound coming from her mouth. She looked over at Jun who smirked at her and offered his hand to Cole. “Hello there, I’m Junpei Asakura, the wizard in charge of this magnificent library.”
“It...certainly...is that,” Cole said, looking at the outstretched hand with apprehension. “Cole Dryden...umm...are you gonna...fix her?”
“Who? Oh, you mean Haley? She’s fine.”
Haley waved her arms and continued to move her lips, indicating that she was far from ‘fine’, but Jun paid little attention. “Now, how can I help you? Wait, don’t tell me, let me guess. You’re...a wizard in training? Fresh out of some backwater little village to the south?”
“Umm...to the north, actually,” Cole said, still looking awkwardly between Jun and Haley.
Why does he keep looking over at Haley? I muted her specifically so that I could command his undivided attention. “Whatever. Either way, I’m guessing you recently graduated from your local...academy or something, and you’re out here in the big city and trying to get your start right?”
“Y-yeah,” Cole said. “Only I...okay, hold on one moment.”
He pulled out his wand and walked past Jun towards Haley. Jun raised an eyebrow in confusion as he watched Cole fumble his few attempts but finally manage to cancel out the silencing spell on Haley. So...he’s sweet on mortals, huh? Guess that makes sense if he’s palling around with animals.
“Sorry about that,” Cole said walking back up to him. “I...I don’t like seeing people struggle like that. And, anyway, don’t you think that was kinda mean?”
“All I was trying to do was give you one less distraction,” Jun said. “It’s called ‘being nice’ as I understand it.”
“If that’s what ‘nice’ looks like to you, I’d hate to see you being mean,” Cole said.
Jun shrugged his shoulders. “I’m sure your familiar can tell you. Haley can too, she’s known me for years.”
“W-wait a minute,” Cole said with a confused look on his face. “My...my what?”
“Your familiar,” Jun said. Is he hard of hearing or just stupid?
Cole stared at Jun quizzically for a few moments, still trying to fit the mental puzzle pieces together. Jun rolled his eyes. Must I spell everything out for people? He directed a contemptuous gaze towards Ryoga who rolled his own eyes and just looked away. From there, the puzzle in Cole’s mind came together in seconds. Jun watched as the boy’s face started to flush and twist in anger. His eyes lit up with rage, literally starting to glow. What’s he getting upset for? Is the werewolf mutt not his familiar or something? What other relationship could they possibly have?
The words that came out of Cole’s mouth echoed throughout the entirety of the library like an explosion. “Ryoga’s NOT my familiar! What the hell is wrong with you? How in the...What the...What’s wrong with you? Are you insane?”
Jun was taken aback, and not just by the scream and it’s magically amplified volume. Cole’s outburst conjured a blast of air that blew Jun clear across the room and nearly over the banister, right into its seemingly bottomless lower levels.
“My, my, that’s a surprise,” he said, a smile creeping over his face. “So the little country bumpkin’s an Air mage, huh?”
He rose into the air, staff in hand and a large book appearing in front of him. “I didn’t think that you’d take that comment so seriously though. Is it really not your familiar?”
“Don’t call him ‘it’,” Cole shouted, running towards the banister and glaring daggers at Jun.
Jun couldn’t help but throw his head back and laugh. “I’m sorry,” he said. “It’s just that...I don’t see why you’re so angry about it? The mongrel certainly doesn’t seem to be making as big a stink about it.”
“Don’t call him that either! He’s got a name! His name is Ryoga and he’s my best friend,” Cole cried, pointing his wand at Jun, who just began laughing again.
“Oh, please try it,” Jun said. “I highly doubt anything you can throw at me will do much. But I’m always up for a challenge.”
At this point, Ryoga stepped in. In the blink of an eye he was at Cole’s side, holding him back as he tried to throw himself at Jun. “Hey! C-Cole! Knock it off!”
Cole struggled in Ryoga’s arms, desperately trying to get into the air and attack Jun. “Ryoga! Let go of me! I’m not gonna let him make fun of you like that!”
As he struggled, Cole began to swing his wand violently, summoning gusts of wind, flashes of light and conjuring small items that vanished the moment they hit the floor. Ryoga shook his head, swung Cole around and pinned him to a table.
“You need to calm the fuck down,” Ryoga said, quietly. “Jun Asakura isn’t the first person to shit talk me and he certainly won’t be the last. But I can tell you this. Fighting him will be the last thing you ever do.”
“I’m not just gonna let him talk to you like that,” Cole said. “We dealt with that way too much while I was in my village!”
“Yeah,” Ryoga said. “We did. And then, I’d go back to my pack or come back to the city, and deal with it all over again, all by myself. Cole, you’re gonna be living with me, and going to school with me so...you’re gonna get to see a whole lot more of this. And if you can’t even handle it when that piece of shit opens his mouth, I don’t wanna know what you’ll do in a hallway full of people who aren’t as up to defending themselves or who’ll make an even bigger deal out of it. Now, we came here to get some insight, so get your insight and let’s go back home.”
He let go of Cole, who still looked ready to fire off his most powerful spell, but he stuck his wand back into his pocket and crossed his arms. Jun was still floating in midair, looking and waiting for an attack that no longer seemed to be coming. God, he calmed down that quickly? Just when I was really getting ready to cut loose, too. Oh well, might as well give the brat what he wants so he and his pet can be on their way.
He made his way back down to the floor, a look of boredom now plastered on his pale face. “So I guess you’ll be wanting some advice on what to do and where to start, huh?”
Cole refused to look Jun in the eye, but Jun was too dissatisfied to really care if the other wizard was still angry with him. “I guess.”
“Well, you might as well think about Combative Sorcery,” Jun said. He snapped his fingers and several books of varying sizes appeared on the desk next to Cole. “With a hair trigger temper like yours, it might be a good outlet and a good way for you to establish some discipline. Given your...attachment, I’d also recommend Summoning and Binding. When you do eventually get in the mindset for calling forth a familiar or even just working with an Attendant or summoning monsters and demons for...whatever, it’ll be a good set of skills to have.”
Another finger snap and another stack of books appeared. “You also showed a small flair for Conjuring, which I strongly encourage and I’d also recommend this,” he added materializing another book in his hand and giving it to Cole. “This one will help you with flying. It’s applicable to brooms, carpets, dragons and anything else you can ride through the air and there’s a section on warping as well.”
“Gee, thanks,” Cole said, looking at the large pile of books on the table. “You’re so helpful.”
“Just doing my part to help a fellow wizard,” Jun said. “You’ll have to fill out this form so you can check out those books.”
A piece of paper manifested in front of Cole’s face and he took it to the table to fill out. The whole time, Jun watched the boy shoot dirty looks at him. “My, you so graciously accept help from others. Why’d you even bother coming here?”
“I wasn’t warned that you’d be this horrible,” Cole said. “Next time Ryoga decides not to bring something up, I’ll follow his instincts.”
“Really? The animal warned you against coming here? Then who advised you to seek me out?”
“Why do you care?”
“Call it, morbid curiosity,” Jun said.
“My brother was the one who suggested it,” Ryoga said, placing one of his hands over Cole’s mouth.
“Oh? Hmm. Then allow me to ask you another question.”
“I’m getting really tired of your and your mouth,” Cole said, standing up from the table.
“Cole, sit down! He can ask a stupid question if he wants to. As long as he’s civil, I don’t care about what he says anymore. What do you want to know?”
Jun raised his eyebrow. “Heh, are you sure that you’re the animal here? He seems a better fit for the fangs and claws than you do.”
“That can’t be what you wanted to ask,” Ryoga said. “Get to the point so we can go.”
“Fair enough,” Jun said. “What exactly is your relationship to one another? While I’m not one for Mage/Monster relations, especially when it comes to you animals, I know that there are more than a few who seem to think along the same lines as you two. I just want to know what exactly you are to each other. You both seem to care for each other a great deal, yet you’re not his familiar. Are you his Attendant?”
Ryoga looked confused but Jun cut him off before he could answer. “Okay, so clearly not. So if you’re not his familiar, and you’re not his Attendant, what possible use could you provide him? Maybe you’re his pet?”
Ryoga couldn’t stop his eyes from flashing dangerously, not that Jun cared. “Cole...Cole’s my best friend,” he said, struggling to keep his composure.
“Huh, is that all?” Jun asked. “I thought it’d be something far more interesting. A Wizard and a Werewolf half breed? Guess stranger things have happened.”
Cole turned away from Jun, contorting his face further to express the revulsion he felt. “And I suppose if you feel this way about Beasts and Half Breeds, you’re one of those stuck up mages that thinks poorly about humans, huh?”
“Oh yeah,” Haley said. “Big time. Jun hates humans. He’s always talking a bunch of shit about us, and Beasts and Half Breeds...and Hybrids...and Demons and...well just about everyone that’s not him or a Mage or some divine being or something. Jun kinda just hates everyone.”
“Wow,” Cole said. “Guy like you must have lots of friends.”
Jun chuckled. “What in the world would I do with friends?”
“Oh, don’t say it like that, Jun,” Haley said, hugging on to him, pressing her cheek against his. “Jun’s a total prick, but even he’s got...well he’s...he’s not a total piece of shit.”
Jun narrowed his eyes at Haley. “Please don’ t speak about me like that,” he said. “You’ll make me sound like total trash.”
“I mean...aren’t you?” Cole asked.
“Oh! That’s quite a mouth on you,” Jun said with a smirk. “Most people know to treat me with respect when they speak to me. Those who don’t learn it. One way or another.”
Cole glared at him and gripped his wand tighter. “Is that a threat.”
“It’s a promise.”
“Oh, Jun,” Haley said, flicking his forehead. “Don’t be like that. Don’t mind him, Cole. And besides, if Cole and Ryoga got serious, I’m sure they could take you. Even if Violet was here, she’s no match for Ryoga.”
Jun considered this. Hmm, despite my power, she does raise a good point. I know nothing about this brat so he might just pull out some major spells and get my by surprise. The animal presents another problem, if it decides to really get serious and protect it’s master. I hear Werewolves have recently become more resistant to sorcery, though it’d present me with a good chance to see how resistant a mutt like this actually is. That’d still be two against one though. Not really sure how much I care for those odds.
“Who’s Violet?” Cole asked, looking at Ryoga.
“Just a bookworm,” Ryoga said. “Never really talked to her. Keeps to herself if she’s not with these two.”
“She’s not just a bookworm,” Haley said. “She’s Jun’s Attendant and our best friend!”
Cole laughed.
“Oh? Is something funny to you?” Jun asked.
“I just can’t believe that anyone would want to be your Attendant,” Cole said.
“I do!” Haley said. “Being a Wizard’s Attendant sounds like a hoot and a half! Magical powers and battles and all that stuff! Ahh, what a wildly whimsical dream come true! I’d kill to be Jun’s Attendant! Or anyone’s for that matter, I’m not picky.”
“Haley, no self respecting mage would bother wasting their time with someone as utterly useless as you. What’s more, any power you received would ultimately be used to satisfy your own worthless desires. Do us all a favor and just shut up!”
Jun watched with an mixture of satisfaction and boredom as the light seemed to fade from Haley’s eyes. How her excited and energetic smile shrank to nothing and her body began to shake. Her mouth started to open and close as if she were preparing to say something but could not settle on anything. In the end she ended up turning and running from him, disappearing further into the room.
He sighed. “Honestly, sometimes she can be such a pain. Whining on and on about being an Attendant. No one’s gonna want her if she comes off so desperate.”
“Wow,” Cole said. “You’re....you’re really something aren’t you?”
“Don’t tell me you fell for that,” Jun said. “Haley can cry on command. She was just faking it. All Haley wants is to be constantly entertained by magic and she doesn’t care how much trouble she causes for others to make sure that her every whim is satisfied. Even if she wasn’t, Haley lives to incessantly annoy people. I simply did us a favor by asking her to be quiet.”
He watched the little wizard glare at him like he wanted to punch him. Cole’s hand squeezed itself into a tight fist, shaking with naught but the utmost desire to find a home in Jun’s face. Aww, how cute. The country bumpkin thinks he can attack me with mortal brutality. Now I know he’s been raised by animals.
In the end Cole refrained from lashing out. He took in a deep breath and just finished filling out the library card form so he and Ryoga could leave. He signed his name at the bottom and in a flash, it transformed into a small plastic library card. Cole give Jun another look of revulsion.
“Can we go now?” Cole asked, looking from Jun to Ryoga.
Jun nodded. “Once you finish all of those, bring them back and I’ll set you up with the next set for whatever you decide to pursue.”
Cole nodded. He pointed his wand at the books and again, stumbled his way through several attempts before half the books shrank to the size of tic-tacs. It took him much less effort to shrink the rest of them and once he did he packed them up in a small bag and grabbed Ryoga’s hand. “C’mon, Ryoga, let’s get out of here.”
“Hey! Watch it with the hand holding in public!”
“Let’s just..go! I can’t stand to be in this library another minute,” Cole said.
Jun watched them as they went, wondering if the little wizard would have anything else to say to him. Turned out the answer was no as they walked out the door without taking another look back.
“Is it odd that I’m somewhat interested in seeing where that little fool is going to do from this point on?”
He shrugged his shoulders and decided that with nothing else pressing to do, he might as well continue his reading. In the back of his mind he felt as though he was forgetting something but as he hated to linger on such notions, he pushed it aside. Pointing at the stack of books on the main desk, Jun resumed his seat in midair as the books began flying around him again. Time to find out of Travis Wheeler will find the Philosopher’s Stone before Draco Fernan and his army of Merrows.
0 notes
rain0205-blog · 6 years
Terminal State
Summary:  She tried leaving, submerging herself in work to escape the horrors she had seen. The horrors she kept seeing. She never wanted to go back to that life. But when the Empire takes her home, she’s forced to face her past. Can she move on? Can she cope? Or will she require a bit of help? still bad at summaries, still working on it. ever so slightly more than slight AU gadioxoc
In the middle of a field she awoke, embers on the ground and dried tears on her cheeks. There was no sound, no one left alive, no one to search for her; because she killed them all with one sweep, that bright azure glow incinerating everything it touched without mercy. The sinister laugh of a man sounded in her ears after she had found out she was a monster, growing louder with each passing second and she tightly held her head to block it out. It plagued the inside of her head as she dropped to her knees, screaming for it to stop but her voice was drowned out. There was nothing she could do to stop it despite her desperate attempts to block it out.
She woke up strapped to a metal table, the laugh still loud in her ears but she couldn't cover them to stop the sound, only watch in horror as the evil man taunted her with vials of her own blood. As he drilled that hole into her shin the screams of protest from her own mouth went ignored. Not that she could hear it, his laughter was the only thing making noise. He drilled further and further in until her bones were severed completely and she began to bleed out. The laughter didn't falter in the slightest, only grew louder if that was possible. He didn't stop, he wouldn't.
She woke up being held by her hair to face Insomnia. There in the middle of the Citadel, inside the building, everyone waited expectantly for her. Faces she knew surrounded her: the King, the Prince and his guard, Cor was there and Grun to. The man held her there but no one could see him, throwing the vial of blood down at her feet and she screamed louder. Instantly she was ablaze with that azure glow and without warning, it spread like a disease toward everyone in the room. She protested fiercely but to no avail as her own curse expanded to engulf the entirety of the city, rendering it to ashes before her very eyes
Athenacia shook awake for real this time, gasping for air and trying to figure out where she was now. Heavy breaths ceased to calm as only one of her eyes was able to see the folds of a tent all around her. Once she was able to compose herself she realized that she was on the ground with no one, sun shining brightly on the outside. Her left eye wouldn't open no matter how hard she tried, wincing as she made contact and noted it was swollen. It all came back to her then. She volunteered herself as Iris Amicitia to save the people of Lestallum from the torment of the Empire, of Caligo. Her body shook with rage as she recalled everything he had done to her when she was in his custody. Small sharp breaths reminded her of the rib fracture putting pressure on her lungs, making it difficult to intake air. It was then she felt unbearable pain all over her body. Athenacia started to scream in agony as every piece of her felt all the abuse it had taken when she was last conscious. Holding her head, she put herself in the fetal position and began shaking with pain. The biggest of it was coming from her right ear and she remembered that the eardrum was punctured. Swiftly she relieved the pressure but then stopped once it was finished. People in there, two to be exact, as they observed her broken form and she hoped they hadn't seen what she just did.
"What's happening?" she heard Gladiolus demand in anger.
"The shock has worn off, she can feel pain again," replied Ignis calmly.
"Do something!"
The doctor was still screaming, wishing they hadn't come bursting in so she could have used her power to fix this quickly and be done with it, however, she couldn't use her magic in front of them. It didn't matter, she could feel the effects of a hi-elixer begin to take effect. Her screaming stopped but she was still crying with the pain coursing through her whole body. It wasn't exactly numb but it was enough for her to think beyond what she was feeling. Those shallow breaths started to draw out longer, rib fractures numbing and body relaxing. Athenacia finally took a look at the two men before her, both hovering with worry and one knelt down.
"Apologies, I had thought you would rest a little longer," said Ignis who was knelt down at her side.
As the words reached her in that soft voice, she began to register that she was no longer in danger. Cor had come for her and brought her here to safety, there was nothing to worry about.
"It's okay," replied Athenacia, her voice hoarse after her screaming.
"How ya feeling now, Doc?" asked Gladiolus.
Her eye went to him and she was struck by his image. It was the first time she had seen him since the fall of Insomnia, the last moment was in the park near her former apartment inside the Crown City. It didn't end well between them, however, they had attempted to bridge back communication. It didn't exactly go as planned and now she was here with him after running away for so long. He and his friends had come storming a base to save her and the separation had been so long she had absolutely not a clue where they stood with each other, how she should react to them. For now, she would just focus on her recovery so she could get back to not leading an Imperial army towards them.
"Better," she replied weakly.
"Would you care for something to eat?" asked Ignis.
She shook her head, "Not really."
Athenacia sat up carefully after that, wincing at the minor pain she could feel. There was stitching on her right scapula and she favoured that at a little. Instantly she observed the bandage over her right shin, where the drill hole was. The girl frowned at it as the images of what happened flashed through her mind, her grip on the blanket covering her tightened to the point that her knuckles were white, nostrils flaring in anger.
"At least try?" inquired Ignis.
The physician glanced at him briefly before looking down with her good eye, nodding slightly as he offered her his hand, happy for the distraction. Gladiolus went toward the other side and they gently helped her to her feet and out of the tent. Squinting, the sunlight burned her eye for moments before she was able to adjust. Once she had, she took a quick look around her, vaguely remembering this layout from the night previous. There was a tent beside her, next the one she was just in. The Prince was seated on his phone with a half-eaten plate of food in his lap. Prompto was also on his phone beside his friend, only his meal entirely gone. The two of them seemed to be playing a game together on their phones.
Ignis had left her side, probably to bring her some breakfast. Athenacia was taking careful steps with Gladiolus hovering near her, feeling pain in her shin but she didn't limp at all. He offered her his chair, once again opting to sit on the ground beside her as Ignis politely handed her a plate and she smiled slightly when she took it from him. The girl really didn't have any sort of appetite but she knew she had to have some sort of sustenance. Taking a few small bites only made her nauseous and she eventually abandoned the idea of eating. It seemed that the others were afraid to speak while she was around, noting that they gave her quick glances before looking away. There was only one person missing: Cor.
"So I have a question," said Prompto tentatively.
All eyes were on him and he tried not to stare at the swollen black eye she carried. The doctor regarded him curiously, starting to feel anxious about what could possibly come out of his mouth.
"Why do you doctors always have us say 'Ah' when you look in our mouths?"
Athenacia released a breath, giving him a thankful smile for doing his best to break the wall of tension that formed around them all with her condition. This attempt at normalcy is what she preferred, unwilling to be treated like a delicate flower or bear their sorrowful stares at what she could only imagine she looked like.
"When you open your mouth there's no way for us to see the oro-pharynx-" she began.
"Oro what?" he frowned confused.
"Oro-pharynx, the throat wall. When you say 'Ah' the soft palate and the uvula lift up so we can see it."
"Huh. I just thought they liked my voice."
Her smile grew, "I'm sure there's that too. You can see for yourself in a mirror if you like."
"Then we'd never get anywhere," quipped Noctis dryly.
"Says the guy always fussing with his hair," interjected Gladiolus.
"Indeed. Perhaps less sleep would cease imperfection," agreed Ignis.
The physician kept a smile on her face the entire time she observed their teasing of each other. The mood was much lighter now and she was happy about that. Her food was still forgotten though Ignis didn't say anything about it. Hopefully he understood her position, but eventually the mood turned back to a solemn one as the question hung before them, resting on all of their shoulders. What did they do now? The girl knew that Gladiolus wouldn't let her out of his sight just yet and she was reluctant to leave him at the moment anyway, however, her thoughts were cut short as she heard someone else approach.
"Your screams still shatter glass," said a voice with mild amusement.
Athenacia turned to look at Cor Leonis who had returned from who knew where. As her eye caught his she could see that he looked relieved at the sight of her. The others were watching them as she rose from her seat slowly, holding her tears in as best she could, but one fell from her left eye as it was already heavily damaged. Shallow breaths escaped her as she walked over to him, pace slow with her injury. As soon as she reached him, he pulled her into a tight hug, good eye pressed into his chest as a few tears left her face and soaked into his shirt.
Gladiolus observed them from his seat on the ground. While he had never seen them interact, he could tell that they were close in some way just by how the Marshal had searched relentlessly for her. Nothing about it looked romantic to him at all but rather like a man who was worried about his child - something his own fathers face held plenty of times in regard to Iris. The moment he was witnessing was a rarity, and he averted his gaze in order to let them have it. This was probably where they would part ways, Cor wouldn't let her out of his sight again and she would be safer with him anyway.
As Athenacia pulled away, the Marshal kept his hands on her shoulders while observing her closely, keeping his face as neutral as possible. Nodding at her once at her, they turned away from the others who were trying desperately to pretend that they weren't gawking at them. Cor helped her with her steps on the downward slope and continued to hover close in case her leg gave out. Once they were a decent enough distance from the haven he made sure there was nothing else that could pose any threat toward them.
"Where's your phone?" he asked instantly.
"Smashed," she replied.
"What happened?"
Athenacia looked down at her feet, sighing heavily. There was no helping it, no running away from this now. Her fists tightened at her side as the horrors plagued her mind, tearing her gaze away from him.
"It happened in the city," she began, "Just like before..."
"How did you get out?"
"There was this man... I.." she shook her head, looking up at him, "I don't know him but he works for the Empire. He knew who I was. He dropped me not far from Hammerhead. My phone was smashed so I couldn't get to you or anyone else. But he was on the hunt for me, seeing where I would 'end up'."
"You were doing pretty good."
She nodded, "If I wasn't in Lestallum..."
He put a hand on her shoulder, "Then lots of people would have died, including Iris."
"I know that Cor, but that man was there. He harvested my blood and was there after I... Last night after..." she couldn't bear to say it, bottom lip quivering and looking down.
Cor had a scowl on his face at what he was hearing, doing his best to control his tone, "What did he say?"
"That we would meet again. He's still hunting me."
He growled at that and formed a fist at his side. Her eyes were still on her feet and a few tears squeezed out of them.
"I don't know what they want with me," she nearly whispered, "Unless-"
"Doesn't matter, they won't get another opportunity," said Cor darkly.
The older man gently reached for her wrist to signal that they were finished. When they returned he helped her up the slope once more, careful not to hit one of her open wounds. As they approached the site, the four men were tearing it down and getting ready to leave. The last things to be packed up were the chairs and the young doctor just kind of stood by without knowing what she should be doing at Cor's side. Catching sight of her boots, she carefully put them on but only tucked the laces inside. Cor steadied her as she did so and the four men came to stand in front of their extra guests. Athenacia was curious now as to what would happen. Gladiolus kept his amber eyes on her and she returned his gaze with a sad smile. This was it, where they would part ways and go about their own business. Then she would find an appropriate time to get away from Cor and go back into hiding away from her enemies - because that's the way it had to be.
"Take her with you to Caem," instructed Cor.
The girl looked at him in alarm. She had just told him that there was a target on her back and he was really sending her away with the Prince? What was he thinking?
"No problem," said Noctis, nodding at him.
"And you," Cor turned to look at her pointedly, cutting her off, "No more wandering around on your own. That's an order."
Athenacia opened her mouth to protest but nothing came out. Instead, she frowned at him, speechless at what was happening right now. His eyes were intent on her and it only forced to nod and comply with his wishes.
The Immortal turned his attention back to the four men standing before him, "I'll keep them off your tails. Regroup with you back in Caem."
"Of course," said Ignis.
Cor nodded, "Get going."
He turned to leave after that, a man of few words after all. Athenacia watched him a few moments before regaining herself as much as she could and turned back toward the Prince, biting her lip a little nervously.
"Finally, someone else to talk to," said Prompto with relief, smiling and leaving the area
"What, we're not good enough for you?" asked Noctis, following his friend.
Ignis wordlessly vacated as well, which only left her with Gladiolus who had his arms crossed as he looked at her. Athenacia met his gaze with her one good eye and then looked away again nervously. This was not what she wanted at all. Eventually, she just offered him a small smile, making herself as little as possible when she walked beside him toward the edge of the haven. Gladio helped her down the slope while Ignis politely waited for any sort of assistance. Then, she followed the two men toward the black car that was parked on the side of the road waiting for them. The girl had seen this car before, had been in it once while Cor drove it she was certain, knowing it to be the Regalia and that it belonged to the King. The sudden realization that the Prince and the others here had also lost their homes and their families struck her almost like a blow. She couldn't imagine what the young Prince was going through after all of it, nor what they knew about it. Athenacia had no idea what they would say if they chose to question her about it, how they would react to her uncovering a mole within their own guard system.
It could wait, however. Ignis took the driver's seat with Noctis behind him. Prompto hopped into the front passenger seat and Gladiolus waited until she carefully got in and shoved herself over toward the middle before being sandwiched carefully in between the Prince and his shield. The doctor tried to keep to herself but there wasn't as much space back there for her to do so. Ignis ignited the engine and carefully took off. Once they had reached higher speeds, the wind was starting to agitate her swollen left eye and she winced as she brought her head low in order to try and avoid it.
"Iggy, put the top up," said Gladiolus, taking his eyes away from a book he had pulled out.
Ignis looked in the rearview mirror and instantly noticed the issue, "Apologies," he said softly.
Once the top was up she breathed a small sigh of relief, keeping her eye focused on her hands that were folded in her lap. Athenacia had no idea what Caem was or how long it would take to get there, however, already the Prince was dozing off and Prompto was on his phone. Ignis had his eyes trained on the road intently while Gladiolus read his book. Actually, a better look at it told her that it was, in fact, one of her own books. The doctor had forgotten that she had loaned most of her books to Ignis, tilting her head slightly and knew which one it was. He was reading about positive and negative effects of bacteria and she remembered every one of those pages vividly.
"You're reading my books?" she inquired softly.
"Yeah, a couple," he replied.
Prompto scoffed, "More like all of them six times."
"Oh?" she smirked.
"Yeah, dude's been pining about you since we left the city. Starting to get a little sad actually."
"Prompto!" warned Gladiolus sternly, giving a stiff kick to the back of the seat.
The sudden jolt gave the young man a shock and caused him to drop his phone on the ground, "Hey!"
"Would you guys keep it down?" grumbled the Prince tiredly.
"Yes far be it from you to stay awake during the daytime," mused Ignis sternly.
Athenacia just kept the small smile on her face. The car fell quiet again and she peered over at the place Gladiolus had made it to.
"Everyone at least once a year of their life suffers from Campylobacteriosis," she said.
"That doesn't sound very good," said Prompto.
"It's just a common food poisoning around the area."
"I can assure you I have never suffered any sort of food poisoning," insisted Ignis.
"Sometimes symptoms are so minor you don't even notice them."
"I don't know... I can't say I've ever seen Iggy get sick," mused Prompto.
"As a doctor who has treated him before, I-"
"Will keep your oath and not violate patient-doctor confidentiality," interjected Ignis pointedly.
"Awe come on Iggy, it can't be that bad can it?" whined the blond in front.
"He got sick and didn't even know it until she pointed it out to him," offered Gladiolus. Ignis glared in the mirror at the Shield who just shrugged, "What? I'm not a doctor."
Prompto seemed to brighten up a that. Gladio told his friend of what happened that night, purposely leaving out the details that he and Athenacia had a big miscommunication and hadn't spoken in a week after their first date. The car then lit up with chatter about some of their adventures together since they had left the city. The girl listened intently, knowing the part about the Titan and was happy that it wasn't all perilous. It made the trip to wherever they were going much more pleasant and just fly by without the awkward silence, and they didn't even get through most of the story in the first place.
As the night was coming upon them, they were driving through the tunnel toward Lestallum. Athenacia was a little relieved they were stopping here, she would have a chance to grab her stuff and get a change of clothes. She waited patiently until the car was parked and one of the men on either side of her got out before she was able to, taking the hand that was offered to her by Gladiolus, feeling more pain than before. The elixer was wearing off, she would need another one soon if she had any hope of sleeping tonight, however, it could wait for right now since she had better medication in her bag.
Athenacia caught sight of her ugly blue truck before they left the parking lot and headed up the stairs toward the city. Her face blanched at the smell of food that crept its way up her nostrils, her stomach twisted into knots of nausea. It was with relief that they didn't take the time to stop though she was sure the others were hungry. As they pushed past the food vendors she knew that she was being led toward the hotel off on the edge of the city. That suited her fine as well, she wouldn't have to go far to retrieve her things. As they came to the top of the stairs she was nearly knocked over by a very relieved fifteen year-old girl. The problem was, the teen was pushing on her stitches as well as various other contusions that were hidden under the shirt and winced hard at the impact.
"Iris!" said Gladiolus sternly.
"Oh gods I'm so sorry!" said the girl quickly, detaching from the injured doctor and putting her hands on her face.
"What were you thinking?!" her brother barked at her.
"I'm sorry I'm just so happy you're okay and-"
"Stop," Athenacia held up both of her hands to silence the Amicitias, "It's okay, no need to get upset. Is my bag still in your room?"
Iris nodded fervently.
"Okay. I know we haven't acknowledged it, but I need to clean myself up. Can I just have a moment alone?"
Both of them nodded at her slowly.
"Take your time, Doc. We'll be here if you need anything," said Gladiolus.
Athenacia smiled at him before he grabbed Iris by the arm and dragged her into the room he would be sharing with his companions - the three of which who had taken their eyes off of her and also went into their room. Breathing a sigh of relief, she continued down the hall toward the room she was sharing with Iris before she was taken from the city. She closed the door gently behind and noted that Talcott wasn't here either. Maybe he was already gone to this Caem place that she kept hearing about, relieved, however, not wanting the young man to see her in her current condition. Grabbing her bag from the floor, she noted everything was there, no one had touched it. Carefully she took off her shoes and tossed them aside, taking her bag into the bathroom and closing that door behind her as well. Clothes aside and looked into the mirror, gasping at her own appearance.
She looked like pure hell if it took a human form, her left eye was far worse than she thought now that she had a chance to look at it. There was no way to even relieve any of the pain with her magic now that everyone else had seen it as well. It was huge, purple and black all around it as it could barely open a crack. Her bottom lip was split open as well, beginning to scab over slowly. The cut on her left cheek was expertly stitched up, almost as if she had done the work herself, and she was impressed considering the man had no prior medical training. That scrape on her right eyebrow hardly distracted her from her ugly scar sticking out from the borrowed shirt of the Prince. Athenacia carefully took it off, noting that everything was getting a little more painful as time went on. Removing the blood soaked bra was one of the best feelings she had in the world, taking a look a better look at it. Garbage, no way to that it would get cleaned. Frowning, she saw the contusion where her ribs were and carefully brought her cool fingers toward it, wincing as she tried to figure out which of her ribs was fractured. It was the fifth. The doctor concentrated on that and the golden lights healed them up. That would at least help her breathing and she continued her self-examination, turning to see her back. Carefully she peeled away the bandage across her scapula, revealing the stitches she had received there. Again, expertly closed as if she had done them herself. Her eyes rolled over and she saw the stab wound she received on the streets of Insomnia a while back, noting other contusions and minor lacerations there as well though there was nothing that needed her immediate attention. The rest of her clothes were removed and tossed aside. Her legs were probably in the best condition in than the rest of her body, minor contusions and that one open wound where the drill had gone to her bone. Athenacia turned, starting up the water and having another quick look at herself in the mirror.
The matter of her hair was a huge issue as well. There was blood and dirt in from the top, down to its length around her waist. Her bangs had grown out, as well as the dye she had placed in it what felt like ages ago. It was back to dirty blond, leaving her mostly exposed which is what she didn't want. Athenacia would have to fix that but not tonight, carefully stepping into the scorching water of the shower and pulling the curtain back. When the water hit her open wounds she winced, however, pushed her pain aside as she let it wash over her. Tears welled within her eyes as the dust finally settled and reality hit her in the face like a punch from an iron giant. Body quivering, she sobbed quietly, hugging herself as she did so while the steam filled the room steadily. How long it lasted was unknown, but she began to clean herself when it was over. The dirt and blood caked on her was disgusting and she felt as such while scrubbing her skin raw. Hair was washed at least three times before she could even accept that it might be clean by now. Heaving a heavy sigh, she let the water roll off her as her skin began to prune but at least now it was clear as it rushed towards the drain. She turned it off, feeling a lot better than when she had first arrived.
Carefully, she dried herself off with a soft and clean towel. Athenacia made sure she hadn't pulled any of the stitches in her scapula before pulling on an oversized pink t-shirt and dark navy shorts that disappeared under it. Her hair she wrapped up in a towel since it would take longer to dry now and there was no need to hide that scar since Iris obviously knew who she was. There was no doubt that it was Gin's big mouth that alerted Gladiolus of what conspired here and by extension, Cor. For once that mouth got someone out of trouble. The doctor nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw Iris sitting in the bed on her phone when she left the bathroom. So much for that moment alone, now she wouldn't have a chance to get away from them all.
Iris just watched her without saying a word while Athenacia picked up her med bag and opened it up carefully. She found her desired bottle and orally took two capsules to help her with the pain she was starting to feel. This would work better than any elixer of any strength. The young Amicitia just observed her nervously, obviously failing at finding any words and the doctor just took her drink of water before climbing into her bed carefully. Removing the towel, she carefully began to dry her long tendrils, - tough this was more in the nature of something to do.
"I never got to thank you yet," said Iris softly.
"Don't mention it," replied Athenacia, looking over at the young girl with a small smile.
Iris frowned, unable to face her. It was the hematoma that made her nervous, but there was nothing that could be done about it right now. Athenacia threw the towel on the ground and then carefully laid down in bed before she pulled the covers over her. Iris followed suit, turning the lamp off and letting everything go silent. The physician could see the shine of the young girl's phone screen and carefully rolled over so that her back was facing it. Things were better for her to lie on her right side anyway, since the left was swollen.
"Athenacia?" inquired Iris in that same small voice.
"I'm really happy you're coming to Caem with us," said Iris.
"Me to," came the automatic response.
Athenacia bit her lip, letting a tear fall from her good eye. Those words would only make her guilt heavier when she left sometime in the night.
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