#when fanfiction is not enough
When Fanfictions aren't enough
Fanfictions aren't enough I need either this man to fuck me
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or this man
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msbarrows · 4 months
Argh... so I've been reading in Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (SVSSS) fandom recently. And it's given me a new pet peeve about formatting and TTS. A bunch of the authors in that fandom are using black lens brackets to indicate the 'system' voice, 【like this】, because the original novels do, and, yeah... unfortunately that's not always compatible with TTS (definitely not with google's TTS engine, and testing with various other online TTS engines gives mixed results).
Guess how I know they're called black lens brackets.
Go on, guess.
YUP! They get read aloud! Every. Single. Time. They. Appear. Open black lens bracket like this close black lens bracket.
Please resist using the novel's formatting and just use regular square brackets instead! Which do not get read aloud unless there's a space in a bad position, [ like this ]. If you want to be fancy, maybe use <tt>...</tt> formatting or a monospaced font such as courier to make it stand out more as something mechanical.
[Like this]
Which reminds me, another bad formatting choice I've bumped into multiple times (and I can't remember if I've mentioned this one before) is where authors use something <like this> to indicate things like speaking mind-to-mind, or that someone is speaking a foreign language (despite the actual text still being in English). Cool. Neat. Also not TTS compatible, unless you like repeatedly hearing less than and greater than mixed into the text. But guess what - there are already perfectly serviceable ‹single› and «double» angled quotation marks that could be used instead - and since they're recognized as actual quotation marks, they don't get read aloud! Shocking, I know.
Those angled quotation marks could also be another decent option for indication of things like the system voice, obviously.
«Like this»
Thanks to everyone who is already using more TTS-compatible formatting, and to anyone who decides to make some changes to theirs after reading this :)
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mirazor · 7 months
shoutout to fat selfshippers. shoutout to selfshippers with personality disorders. shoutout to selfshippers who aren't short. shoutout to black selfshippers. shoutout to disabled selfshippers. shoutout to selfshippers that frequently do not feel included in things like imagines or x reader fanfiction for whatever reasons there may be for that. I love you, and your f/os ESPECIALLY love you
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angeldahlias · 7 months
i’ve seen multiple times people writing smut fics about mike and putting shit about them like almost getting caught by abby and like… don’t do that? thrill of getting caught i totally get, but like why would it be exciting for you to possibly be caught by a CHILD? an adult yeah understandable that’s fine. but a fucking child? a young girl that doesn’t understand what sex is or what’s happening, you find it hot that she might catch you? it’s just so gross, i know it’s fiction but like the second i see a mention of abby in a smut fic i’m so wary. do better guys, stop writing gross creepy scenarios where abby almost catches you and mike.
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dandylovesturtles · 2 months
Hello, I'm back again with another fic. This one is set right after the Hidden City episodes.
I got inspired by this pic of Leo, because I thought it was funny that they included the little hairs sticking out even while he's in the jail cell:
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Splinter's light is on. Which is odd, because he's certain he didn't leave it that way.
He'd fallen asleep in front of the big projector, and woke up to the sound of his sons playing one of those racing games they love. He'd told them not to stay up too late (something he was sure would be ignored) and then made his way back to the atrium to fall asleep in his room in front of his tube TV.
But light spilling out from under the door. When he gets closer, he can hear the sound of someone rummaging around inside.
Immediately, the worst case scenarios flood his head. One of their enemies has found them and is just inside, plotting some kind of attack against his life, or the lives of his children. They are just feet away, their shouts echoing down the corridor and into the atrium. Should he run and warn them? Or should he fight off the intruder?
In the end, he decides to go forward rather than back, creeping closer to the door. Silently he slides it open, just enough that he can look inside.
And there... is Blue, rummaging with intent through his nightstand drawer.
(Now that he thinks about it, there had been only three turtles in the TV room when he left. He'd just assumed Blue was in the bathroom, or getting a snack.)
He opens the door the rest of the way with much more sound, causing his son to jump a solid two feet in the air. "Blue! What are you doing?"
"GAH!" Blue whirls around, his hand held tight against his chest. "Holy crap, Dad! You gave me a heart attack!"
"Ninja should be more aware of their surroundings! Were you even watching the door?"
"I didn't think I would have to in my own house!"
"Well, let that be a lesson to you." Splinter folds his arms. "What are you looking for?"
Blue lowers his hands and shuffles back a step, grinning. "Looking for something? Whaaat makes you think I was looking for something?"
Splinter looks at the drawer Blue had been digging in when he arrived, its contents a mess. Blue glances at it as well, then back at Splinter.
"It was like that when I got here."
Splinter is not impressed. "Mm-hm."
"Heh, well... okay, I was looking for something, but I don't see it so I guess you don't have it." Blue eyes the atrium beyond Splinter, clearly trying to figure out how to slip past him. "Sooo I'll just be going now, haha!"
He tries to make his escape, but Splinter is quicker - he leaps up in the air, suspending himself in the doorframe, so that he is eye level with Blue just as he approaches.
"Blue. Tell me what you were looking for."
"Nothing important, seriously-"
"A razor," he says quickly. "I was looking for a razor."
That... was not an answer he would have expected. Splinter can't keep the bafflement off his face. "A razor?"
"To shave with," Leo elaborates.
Splinter can't help but laugh at that, squinting at his son's smooth and hairless face. "Don't you feel like that is some wishful thinking, Blue?"
"Ugh!" Blue scowls at that, folding his arms. "I'm serious! Here, look at my head."
He bends his neck, and Splinter now sees what he's talking about: blonde hairs, scraggly and uneven, that dot his sons scalp in no discernable pattern. Splinter hadn't noticed it earlier, but his eyesight isn't what it used to be.
"What- where did those come from!?"
Blue straightens his head back up, looking both irritated and embarrassed. He doesn't seem eager to answer, but now that Splinter is thinking about it, this feels familiar...
Right! Yesterday, in the Hidden City! He'd gone to find Blue to borrow his odachi, and when he'd gotten there, Blue had a full head of blonde hair...
Splinter lets himself drop to the ground. "Your hair yesterday... it was not a wig?"
Blue chews his lip for a moment before finally admitting, "It was some kind of... living hair yokai."
"Oh no... you let one of those on your head!? They are very dangerous! They sap your energy for themselves and take control of your sleeping body!"
"Yeah, that would have been great information to have a day ago." Blue rubs the top of his head self-consciously, then scowls. "Some of the hair stuck around, and... It just looks stupid, and it's kinda itchy, so..."
"Ah. Well, if I remember correctly, it will fall out on its own in a few days."
"Oh." Blue hesitates, then starts out the door again. "Okay. Well, uh... I'll get out of your hair, then."
He grins awkwardly as he slides past, and Splinter realizes just in time that he has not handled this correctly.
"Blue, wait," he says, and his son freezes just outside, glancing back over his shoulder. Splinter leaves him standing there, and goes to his dresser, pulling a thin black box out of one of the top drawers. There's an old shaving kit inside, complete with a razor that is still sharp. Splinter's not sure why he's kept it around, since he doesn't shave since becoming a rat (unless he's sick with the Rat Flu, of course, but for that he uses the electric trimmer), but he supposes it will come in handy tonight.
He walks back to Blue, holding the razor above his head. "Aha! Here we go."
"Oh! Thanks, daddio," Blue says with a grin, reaching out to take it - but Splinter does not hand it to him.
"Absolutely not. If you try to shave your own head you'll just carve yourself like a turkey." He lowers the razor and steps past Blue, into the atrium. "Grab a stool and meet me in the bathroom. I'll do it for you."
He doesn't hear Blue's footsteps moving. "Seriously? Come on, I can do it myself."
"No complaints!" He beckons Blue on with his tail. "Come on! I know exactly what I'm doing!"
"...Ough boy," Blue mutters, but he moves to do as Splinter's told him, and that's enough.
They reconvene in the bathroom, as he instructed. He has Leo sit on the stool in front of the sink - it just works out that he can lean his neck against the basin, while Splinter perches in the sink itself for a good view.
"Now, I think we might have... Aha, here we go!"
He pulls shaving cream out of the medicine cabinet; again, he's not sure why they have this, since none of them shave, but he wouldn't be surprised if the boys use it to pull pranks on each other. Besides, it just feels like a normal thing to have in a home full of men, even if they don't strictly need it.
He squirts some into his hand, then layers it across Blue's scalp. Blue giggles like he's ticklish, and Splinter shooshes him, even though he can't keep a little grin off his face at that.
Then he carefully starts to shave across Blue's scalp, starting in the middle and working his way out. The hairs are pretty sparse, but some of them are too fine for him to see, so it's better to just do the whole scalp and be sure to catch them all.
"Why is it that you let the yokai on your head in the first place?" he asks a few strokes in. He's curious about it, after all.
"I didn't let it," Leo argues. "I got tricked. The guy who gave it to me told me it was just a potion to grow hair."
"Aaaah... And it was a scam. I'm guessing that's how you came to be in jail when we got there?"
"Well, that's alright." Splinter pats his shoulder. "Live and learn!"
Though, that didn't answer the question Splinter had actually been getting at. Blue says nothing else, so he tries again.
"But... why did you want to grow hair?" When Blue doesn't answer right away, he adds, "Do you wish you had hair?"
"No," says Blue. "...Yes. ...Maybe?"
Splinter has to bite back a chuckle. "I see."
Blue sighs, wringing his hands in his lap. "I mean, I guess I never really thought about it too much? It's fun to wear wigs sometimes, but I never really cared about being bald, before..."
He trails off. "Before?" Splinter prompts.
Blue is chewing on his lip again. "Have you ever heard of Hirsute? The fancy beach club?"
"Oh, of course!" Splinter grins at the recognizable name. Now that he remembers, wasn't that where he'd found Blue? "They have veeery strict requirements for membership, but of course I was always allowed in because Lou Jitsu had such perfect-"
He cuts himself off, looking down at Blue, the peeks of his bald scalp through the shaving cream. Finally, he has all the pieces.
"...They wouldn't let you in, would they?" he asks, hands stilling in their task.
Blue chuckles dryly. "Even better. I got in but they threw me out."
"...Hmph." Splinter gives his foot a stomp against the porcelain. "Well, who needs their resort, anyway? Honestly, their drinks were overpriced and their steaks were always too dry."
"I already saw how nice it was, Dad, but thanks for trying to help."
"Mm, well, we will find an even nicer one! One that does not discriminate."
"Yeah, sure," says Blue, but he sounds downcast. And really, Splinter doesn't know what to tell him. He doesn't know how they would find this mythical tolerant beach club.
"You've... always told us to be careful, with humans," says Blue after a few moments of silence. His eyes are locked on the ceiling, hands still held tight in his lap. "About not letting them see us, and all that."
"...Yes," says Splinter sadly. He wishes it wasn't so, but it was for their safety. "I was worried... about how they would treat you boys."
"I know," says Blue. "And I get it. I know not everyone is April."
"Unfortunately not," Splinter agrees.
"But even most of the humans who've actually met us... They were cool with it, or at least, if they hate us, it's for non-turtle reasons. So it was like, I knew that there were humans who would be scared, or who might even try to hurt us, but they were always... You know." Blue waves his hand in the air. "Like... a concept, or whatever."
"Hmmm... Abstract?" Splinter suggests, and Blue snaps his fingers.
"Yeah! Abstract. I didn't have a face or a voice, just a vague idea that someone could be a jerk to me. And..." He lowers his hand and rubs it up and down his arm. "I thought since I knew that, I wouldn't be surprised when it finally happened? But... then an actual person was looking at me, a real person, and telling me that I wasn't good enough. Telling me that I wasn't allowed in just because of something I can't even help, just... the way my head is, and... and I don't know. It was just way worse than I thought it was going to be."
Splinter's hands still again, his heart clenching in his chest. Oh, his son. His sweet Baby Blue...
"And," Blue continues quickly, "I know it's dumb, it's just a snooty beach club, and it's just hair, and I just need to get over it-"
"Blue," Splinter cuts him off urgently. He nudges his shoulders, trying to get the boy to sit up. "Leo. Please look at me."
Blue sits up, slowly turning on the stool to face the sink. His eyes are suspiciously red-rimmed, and Splinter feels a rush of emotions so strong they nearly sweep him off his feet. Hurt, for his son who was made to feel bad over something so trivial, and fury, for the people who caused the injury.
He reaches out and cups his son's face, rubbing the pad of his thumb over his cheeks. His sons are more muscular than other children their age, but Blue still has baby fat on his cheeks. Splinter resists the urge to squish them.
"I wish they could all see what I see," he says softly. "A young man who is so handsome, strong, and clever."
Blue's lip trembles slightly. "But they won't."
"Some will," he promises. "Not everyone is April... but she is not the only one, either."
"Just wish I knew who was an April and who wasn't," Blue says. "Before I get kicked out on my butt."
"Mm. It is hard. Some people make it obvious, and so many more do not." Splinter sighs. "When I came to America, I was already a celebrity. And still, there were many who did not accept me, or who did not think they needed to listen to me, or who were cruel. And it was the same, when I was taken to the Hidden City."
Blue gives him a sad, crooked smile. "You felt like an outsider, too, huh?"
"Very much, yes. Human and yokai... there are prejudices everywhere."
"So how do you deal with it?"
"Mm... there is no easy answer." Splinter guides Blue to turn around and lean against the sink again, before rest of the shaving cream drips. "I wish I could tell you that this is the worst you will ever face, but I can't promise you that. But I do not wish for you boys to hide from the world forever, either. Even if it is only among the yokai... I want what all parents want for their children."
"For them to have grandchildren?" Blue asks.
"Yes!" Splinter chuckles. "Cute babies to play with and then give back." He finishes shaving the last of Blue's head, then grabs a wash cloth to wipe him clean. "But no. I meant that, for all the people who may be cruel to you... I want there to be many more who are kind. And who love you as I do."
Blue's voice is soft as he mutters, "Oh."
"And I also want you to remember," Splinter leans forward, and kisses Blue on his forehead "that you are accepted here no matter what." He snorts. "Even if you want to make that hairstyle permanent."
"Oh, come on!" Blue huffs and gets up from the stool, his deeper green blush visible even though he is trying to look annoyed. "It wasn't that bad!"
"I'm just saying, I think you can do better!"
"What do you know, old man?" Blue scowls, but it's playful.
"Old man!? Hmph, the disrespect..." He folds his arms, then nods at the door. "We're done, so I'm going to bed. Your brothers are having some kind of go-karting tournament in the TV room."
"Oh shoot, I'm missing it!" Blue turns to run out, then skids to a stop and spins on his heel, running back and scooping Splinter out of the sink and into a hug.
"Thanks, Dad," he says, and Splinter can't help but chuckle, giving his shell a pat.
"Of course, Blue."
Blue sets him down, then turns and runs off again. Splinter can hear him yell, "Dibs on next race!" from down the corridor.
Splinter rinses the razor clean, then puts it back in his box. He considers taking it back to his room, but in the end he changes his mind, slotting it into the medicine cabinet.
Who knows? Maybe someone will need it again, one day.
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krystenreader · 2 months
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Why? Just tell me why are you doing this? Why so cruel? These are my comfort babies! Why did you kill them? And then I am searching for that particular phrase and... BAM! It is gone! Where is that moment keeping me okay?! Where I am asking?! I feel insane like all of these stories were made up in my head and never existed:(((
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thefrogdalorian · 4 months
A little love letter to Din Djarin writers... 🤍
I love that some of you write him as soft and gentle while others focus on the darker, harsher parts of his personality. I love that he can be both a quiet, kind man caring for his child or an intimidating, terrifying bounty hunter who is a lean, mean killing machine... depending on what the fic warrants.
I love how you write him with other characters from The Mandalorian or even with those who would never cross paths with him in canon, from Star Wars or elsewhere. I love how you write him interacting with yourselves and us, and some of you even create your own original characters to exist a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away alongside him.
I love that some of you ship him with that one other special person, while others recognise how desirable he is and ship alllllll the ships. Not forgetting those of you which are here for none of those ships and/or even headcanon him as ace. I love that any of those options allow you to explore your own identities and sexualities through him.
I love that you can write the most tooth-rotting fluff or filthiest smut, and all of those things in between. Whether it's for general audiences or explicit and strictly 18+ ... all of your fics have an audience and someone out there who appreciates your writing.
I love how differently you can interpret him, but there are also so many common themes and tropes running through your writing. I love that there is room for all of your Dins here.
I love that he means so much to you and that all of us here hold him in our hearts a little bit. I love that we can all watch the same episodes and come to entirely different conclusions about him. I love how much we love him.
Getting to be a part of this wonderful community and interact with so many people who love the space tin can man as much as I do has truly been one of the best things that happened to me recently. I'm so glad I made this little blog... It reminded me just how good fandom can be. I am blown away by the number of talented people here!
So, I just wanted to take a moment to express some gratitude towards all of you! Thank you for writing your Dins and please don't ever stop. Finally.... last, but not least:
I love Din Djarin!!!
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wiltking · 12 days
Pairing: Peter Parker / Wade Wilson Word Count: 7,593 Rating: Explicit
"Wanna see it?"
Peter’s head snaps up. "... You'd let me look?"
"Don't see why not. What've I got to lose? My dignity?"
- here's my T4T spideypool fic where i gave Wade phalloplasty! huge emphasis on the 'idiots in love' tag. i wrote this as a break from my more serious wip, and it shows. i hope you have as much fun reading this as i had writing!
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n4rval · 2 months
the way his words are so carefully curated, not only for the sake of precision, but so it fits a rhythm that is breathable for a slow speaker.
to say exactly what he means in a short sentence, with recurring pauses and a clear pronounciation. to prefer periods(.) over commas(,).
not to be needlessly verbose – much the opposite; because this vocabulary serves the purpose of clarity, organization and to hold the attention of the listener.
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cultofdixon · 2 years
Dog’s Favorite Person
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • [A/N: Not that far into the series, canon bits is only what I know] • Everybody probably thinks Daryl is Dog’s favorite, but nah. It ain’t • SFW/NSFW/ANGST • TW: Pregnancy & Birth / Injuries / Scars
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Dogs are great judge of character, or was that horses? Who cares Dog is an excellent judge of character. At least that’s what people have said since he’s Daryl’s best friend.
Dog loves the kids, RJ and Judith. He loves tracking down everything with his best friend. And especially…
Dog knew by the late returns to the cabin in the woods from trips to Alexandria, without him, that Daryl was seeing somebody. He’d come home not smelling like the usual forest or walker guts, he’d have some floral scent to him that was nothing like the wildflowers Judith would stick in his fur when he was allowed to join him on these trips.
“Whatcha sniffing for?” Daryl asks Dog who was busy doing his business trying to track this mystery smell he’s been smelling for a while now. He perks up when his owner whistled indicating the gate was opening revealing a happy Judith who heard of his return.
“Hi Uncle Daryl! Finally you bring Dog” Judith smiles instantly giving the pup face squishes. “Such a good boy”
“He’s on a mission, Jude” Daryl laughs referring to what Dog was doing before the gates opened. “Caught a scent and ain’t droppin’”
“Hmm…I think I know” Judith smiles mischievously quickly turning on her heel and started running. “Come on Dog! I know who you’re looking for!”
Shit Daryl starts up his bike driving in and catching up to the two. He wraps his arm around Judith making her scream out giggles as Dog picked up the scent again and started scanning his surroundings before wandering off.
As Daryl was busy keeping Judith away from Dog finding out who he was going to introduce him to. Dog had already found himself searching for this person and started to scratch at the infirmary door in Alexandria.
“Too consistent to be a threat right?”
“Right. Besides I know who it is” Siddiq laughs walking over to the door. “You’re going to love this Y/N”
“I’m sure I will” Y/N laughs taking a piece of the prepared tape strip to secure her bandages in place on her arm. “I swear Siddiq…if it’s another raccoon that got into the crawl space I’m going to be so pissed Daryl isn’t here yet” she makes her way to the front of the infirmary finding Siddiq letting in a dog, Daryl’s dog into the building.
“Normally he’s attached to Daryl. But it seems Dog just wandered over here…maybe he’s on some mission” Siddiq shrugs watching Y/N kneel down to the floor holding her uninjured hand to Dog as he started sniffing her. “Ha! No I understand completely now”
“And what is that, Siddiq?” Y/N smiles watching Dog’s tail go from still to wagging excitedly. He found the scent he’s been looking for and it came from her. “Look at this happy boy!”
“Dog found exactly who he’s looking for” Siddiq smiles watching Dog inch closer to Y/N with causation as she hesitantly rests her hand behind his ears gently scratching. “Stay right there I have to document this for the man himself. He’s missing out on his dog loving his girlfriend”
“Siddiq!” She yells through a heated complexion as Dog stop caring in the moment and started to give her kisses. “Okay you are super cute and I don’t even have your gift here!”
Y/N knew Daryl was coming with his dog and going to introduce the two because that relationship meant the world to him. But Dog wanted to find out for himself where the new scent on his best friend came from. The two suddenly flinched to the Polaroid flash making Y/N rise to her feet and Dog immediately get closer to her looking up.
“I should probably go find Daryl” Y/N smiles petting Dog on her way to grab her things.
“Don’t get your bandages wet, or at least try not to” Siddiq smiles handing off the Polaroid one Y/N got her sweater on along with her backpack. “I’ll also cover your shift later so…you can yknow” he smirks holding up the jar of condoms they keep in the infirmary as Y/N elbows him on her way out with Dog.
But she immediately came back in and took a few from a now laughing Siddiq.
“Have fun!” He smiles as she continues to glare at him on her way out.
The more Daryl whistled. The more frustrated he got when Dog didn’t come running. Now Dog’s mission was the united the two hence why he’s staying with Y/N until he picks up both hers and Daryl’s scent on Daryl. He was starting to get annoyed not finding either of them but caught onto the barking in his direction making him look up and lock eyes with his other half.
“Damn dog got to yea before I could” Daryl grumbles a bit disappointed but he softens to the Polaroid taken back at the infirmary that she handed to him. “Mmm…fine. This’ll do”
“Can’t believe this good boy has been protecting you all this time. Must be a pretty neat cabin in the woods. He’s barley got any leaves on him” Y/N continues to smile as she felt Daryl gently take a hold of her injured arm while the other happily continues to pet Dog.
“What’d you do to yourself?”
“Just an incident when on a run earlier. Had to prepare for my favorite person to visit, and his best friend as well” Y/N always kept a smile on her face, even when the bad happened. He both loves and hates that about her because she could be dying and still be smiling, but that would never happen as long as he’s around. “Just a few stitches, love. Now come on I gotta show you what I got Dog” she smiles taking his hand into hers as the two started walking to her home with Dog trotting behind.
Daryl stood confused in the living room to what Y/N was showing him. But thankfully Dog got it and immediately went to lay on the bed she found for him on her last run.
“A dog bed?”
“Yeah! So he has a spot here when both of you come over” Y/N smiles watching Dog get comfy with that goofy smile dogs have which shot Daryl in the heart at how thoughtful his girl was toward his dog.
“You didn’t get hurt for my dog did yea?”
“Okay I did get the bed on that run, but that was the easy part. Tripping over a legless walker and into a small ditch? Was not planned, alright?” Y/N laughs to her misfortune as she quickly ran into the kitchen while Daryl knelt by Dog petting him behind the ears.
“She’s a keeper, right?” Daryl states only to smile when Dog licked him. “I’ll take that as a yes”
Now every time Daryl visits, so does Dog. Every night he goes back to his comfortable dog bed to find a new toy. The dog doesn’t have many toys and Daryl doesn’t know where he’d find dog toys like that in the apocalypse. But Y/N makes them. She makes them! and even if Dog isn’t an always energetic puppy like he used to be, he still found himself playing with the toys made just for him.
Judith giggles as she plays tug of war with Dog and a few other Alexandria kids. Daryl watches from the porch seeing his dog get some normalcy from the hell outside the walls and he swore that if he didn’t feed him, Dog would prefer Y/N over him.
“Aren’t they adorable?”
Daryl turns around finding his love joining him as he grumbles out a ‘yes’. Y/N scooted herself into him resting her head against his shoulder feeling him relax.
“You tryin’ take my dog?”
“Then why are yea spoiling him more than me—-Fuck. Ignore that” Daryl didn’t mean to be so open as Y/N looked at him with a bit of shock and a smile watching him scramble with his wording trying to get her to forget what he just said. But how could she forget that her boyfriend was now jealous of Dog. “Y/N, please forget it”
“Mmm…” She returns to leaning up against him. “Nope!” She smiles kissing his shoulder before leaning up to his ear. “You do realize the kids and Dog are all distracted…leaving the house to ourselves?”
Without a second thought, Daryl quickly shot up picking up Y/N like it was nothing and carrying her giggling self inside the house and upstairs.
The two were simply enjoying the other’s company. Just the two of them…breaking Y/N’s bed by how rough Daryl was being. He didn’t care if his grip on her thighs and hips were going to leave bruises by the time they were done. He wanted her the second his window was open and said window was about to slam shut on his di—-
Shit. Daryl groans slowing his thrusts watching his girl already three in, trembling beneath him as she started to catch her breath while he listens for a moment.
“D-Dog?” Y/N whines feeling Daryl adjust and loosen his grip on her. “Gotta…be more quiet”
“I should be tellin’ you that” Daryl whispers smirking as he hopes by not making her scream or rocking the bed frame. He returns his lips onto hers enjoying just the feeling of being inside of her warm embrace.
But even more interruptions just had to happen…
“Y/N? Can I get your help with something…” Judith calls from the other side of the door as the reason Dog was barking was for them to know it wasn’t for him. But part of it was.
Y/N groans throwing her head back as Daryl sighs in defeat pressing a kiss to her shoulder before pulling out. He falls to the side of the bed watching Y/N sit up to slip on his shirt which was only going to rile him up later. She rises to her feet too quickly and let the shaking take her back down resulting in her glaring to the laughing wild man beside her.
“Shut up” She couldn’t help the smile on her face as she took it slow the next time, swiftly getting her pants on while Daryl covered himself completely in her sheets.
Judith lights up when Y/N finally came out and the little one immediately took her attention dragging her downstairs. As for Dog, he came running into the bedroom jumping onto the bed and laying beside Daryl.
“What? You jealous or somethin’” Daryl scoffs seeing Dog roll onto his side on Y/N’s side of the bed. “Well quit it. I’m allowed to have my time with my girl…”
“So…who’s the jealous one?”
Daryl quickly shot to the door seeing Y/N’s smirk only for him to grab her pillow tossing it at her. Before laying back down covering his face with his own pillow to avoid her smug look. The sound of the door closing made him tense slightly but relax instantly feeling soft hands rest on his chest and the weights shift onto him. He lifted the pillow seeing his girl on top of him smiling.
“Usually takes time kicking Dog out…”
“He just likes me more” Y/N teases only for her to roar out a laugh when Daryl flipped the two on the bed getting back to business.
Little did they know Dog waited outside the door the entire night.
Or more so Dog dragged his dog bed close enough to the door and stayed there all night. Happily receiving pets from Y/N when she woke in the morning to make them all breakfast.
“Ain’t no way”
“Daryl, it’s not even your say”
“Like hell it is. Why the hell are you going out on your own?!”
“Cuz Siddiq is sick and he usually goes on these runs with me. I’ve got my list, my weapons, and my truck. I think I’ll be fine” Y/N knew that wasn’t going to convince Daryl in any fucking way and he started to go on about how he could go with her only for her to turn that down. “It’s safer than what it used to be out there”
“From fucking asshats with god complexes. There’s still walkers and the occasional idiot. I’m not having you risk your life”
“Fine. Then…” Y/N thought for a bit before looking down to the happy dog. “I’ll take Dog. Would that ease your anxiety?”
Daryl scoffs. “You’d rather take Dog than have me come with yeah?” He stresses every time he’d come to Alexandria finding out Y/N went on a run by herself. Sometimes he’d go out to get her, other times he’d wait impatiently. She’s just looking for a few things for the infirmary and pantry. The usual. She’ll…be fine. “Mm. You ain’t back in three days, I’m coming for yea”
“Deal! Hell Dog would probably go back if something happened anyway” Y/N states picking up her bags.
“Take my bike?”
“No! My truck will do the job and carry a lot more”
He’s just trying to get more of him to be with her. Since he knows it’s reliable. But he’s gotta trust her….
At least Dog is going.
“You like the window open huh bud?” Y/N smiles glancing over to a happy Dog hanging out the window with his tongue out. “Can’t get this on a bike” she laughs.
The drive was a long one and Dog instantly knew Y/N wasn’t just stopping by a town or two to scavenge it. The girl found a good spot to hunt in…what do you think got Daryl head over heels for her anyway? But she didn’t tell him that’s one of the main reasons she went out.
“Okay, come here” Y/N gestures Dog over and stopped him before he got too close to the trap. “See this? This you don’t step on. Alright? Cuz watch” she tosses a decent size rock to tripper the bear trap shut. “It’ll hurt you and then Daryl would kill me.”
Y/N set up a few more traps while also pushing Dog out of the way so he knows where not to step. He would bark for her whenever a walker got close, accidentally triggered a trap, or she actually caught something.
When nightfall came around, Y/N made sure her findings were safe in the truck tying down the tarp in case any winds pick up when they least expect it. Then finally setting up a small camp with the small fire and cans lining around them in case of walkers.
“Come here buddy” Y/N smiles patting her lap for Dog to trot over laying on her before she covers both of them in her blanket.
The two sat there for a while enjoying the warmth in the cool spring. She took a deep breath trying to clear her head as Dog instantly caught onto the anxiety radiating her. He licked her face for her attention, receiving pets in return but still looking at him lovingly.
“Daryl asked me to move in with you two…wanted to think about it. Alone out here…” Y/N sighs. “I’m gonna say yes because I want to take this step. I just. Am afraid…he’ll get tired of me or you’ll feel replaced. I don’t want anything negative to happen. I don’t even mind a cabin in the woods, I could always visit Alexandria to see the kids, see our friends every now and then…I just. Really don’t want to be a burden on either of you” she frowns feeling her tear up but Dog quickly licks her tears away making that smile of hers return. “As long as I’ve gotcha, I shouldn’t have to worry huh?”
If Dog could talk, he’d be better at reassuring her anxieties.
But he does the best he could in any moment…
Like this one.
Dog watches Y/N carry the squirrels they caught in their traps back to her truck. He kept close like she instructed even when she decided to be risky checking out this creek after dropping off everything. She hesitantly slid down the small slope to the water only to trip forward and land into the creek.
“I’m good. I’m good” Y/N reassures the panicked malinois listening to him rapidly sniffing her. “Well this is one way of getting cleaned up” she slowly got back up brushing off some of the mud before starting to follow the creek.
Now the small cliff was not expected when Y/N was stabbing into the side of a walker’s head. Letting gravity take them both down. Dog quickly ran to the edge of the cliff once hearing the splash. He waited. He waited for once Y/N rose to the surface for him to get a running start and jump into the water. As Y/N struggles to swim out to the shore, Dog suddenly grabs the back of her shirt pulling her as he paddles.
“You…got some..secrets Dog” Y/N groans rolling onto her back as one hand rests on her chest feeling her breath to reassure her. But the other hurt to move. Her whole right arm hurt as much as the rest of her body from slamming into the water. The bruising could’ve meant something more was happening.
Dog returned to grabbing Y/N’s collar when noticing her trying to push her up onto the surface more so half of her wasn’t in the water anymore. He did his best pulling her and pulled away when she winced, finally fully out of the water. The poor dog started whining afraid for his person and didn’t appreciate the pets Y/N gave with her semi uninjured hand.
“Get Daryl…you understand? Please Dog. You’re smart…might’ve not understood my rant the other night but please…understand that much…get Daryl” The panic in her shaking voice triggered him to run as fast as he could.
Dog was probably the smartest dog that Y/N has ever met and in her life before the apocalypse where her friends would have small dogs as accessories and she was the outlier with a cat, he was the smartest out of them all.
Knowing to avoid the traps they didn’t collect, run to the truck and follow the tracks it left all the way to where he was able to pick up another scent he’s used to, and run to Alexandria’s gates immediately starting bark at the watch tower that thankfully Maggie took a shift on.
“Somebody get Daryl NOW!”
Not even a second thought crosses his mind as Daryl found himself speeding on his bike to catch up to Dog running surprisingly faster than him. For an old dog he’s gonna get tired but for this, it was worth it.
When Dog swerved into the forest, Daryl quickly got off his bike after kicking the stand down and started to run as fast as he could. He took down a walker along the way and before he could slide off the cliff like Y/N, Dog quickly lunged at him pushing Daryl into the dirt. He starts the lead the way down as Daryl did his best not to fight the urge to just jump and swim over once he saw his girl just off the shoreline.
“D-Dog?” Y/N winces trying to move as everything started to hurt more the longer she was stuck there. She looks up to spot the familiar rage full worried look on Dixon’s face. “Hey…gravity wasn’t…like in my favor”
“Shut the fuck up” Daryl couldn’t think of anything else to say as he was mad that this happened and could’ve been avoided if they went out together. But the worry got the best of him and he couldn’t stay mad given her current state. “Gotta get back to Siddiq” he frowns not liking her pain come out in short whines for him to stop moving her. But both knew he had to get her out of there.
“He’s…sick, Dar”
“And I don’t care. Son of a bitch was doing inventory on your day 2 out here. He’ll be fucking well enough”
Y/N didn’t say anything more sensing his anxiety get the best of him. She leaned against him as he brought her close the faster he ran to her truck.
“Motherfucker” Daryl frowns every bump they ran into hearing Y/N wince to the movement. “Sorry. I’m sorry” he had her lay in his lap on the drive over while the rest of her laid out in the car. Leaving Dog in the bed of the truck watching how fast the scenery went by.
“‘M not dying”
“Yeah. That’s right”
“Very sleepy tho…” Y/N sighs feeling the hand that’s keeping her in his lap shift to make her open her eyes more. “Don’t mean…I’m dying”
“I won’t forgive yea if you died” He states the second they got close to the gates as Dog started to howl to get the gate keepers’ attention.
Maggie being the one to open the gate spotted the distress in Daryl’s face as she quickly pulled out her radio and called for Siddiq letting him drive through to where he needed to be.
Siddiq came out of the infirmary returning his walkie to his belt spotting the truck come to a halt.
“What happened?”
“I don’t entirely know, Sid. Just—“
“Alright alright. She’ll explain when we’ve taken care of her.” Siddiq reassures opening the door to see the state Y/N was in. “Shit. I’ll take her upper half and once you’re out you’ll carry the lower inside”
Daryl didn’t say a word once Y/N was in the infirmary. Not to Siddiq. Not to Maggie when she came to check on things. Not even Judith when she brought Dog in. Which was a mistake that lead him to speak up.
“He won’t do anything he’s not supposed to”
“Can’t come in”
“But he cares about her as much as I do”
“She fragile right now. I’m not lettin’—-Shit” Daryl gave Dog too much of a window to slip right past him and run straight for Y/N’s bed.
Her left arm was dislocated and her wrist might as well be broken. Siddiq popped it back into place and put a splint on the wrist before putting it all in a sling that they had to strap onto her to keep it from moving. Just until the dislocation healed. But her body was bruised and stressed from the impact that she still had a harder time taking a deep breath. Her minor cuts and scratches were either bandaged or disinfected.
Her current state, drove Daryl mad when Dog thought it was smart to jump into the bed with her. He managed to avoid her body entirely and lay beside her on the small full size bed. None of them expecting Y/N to wake soon, woke to the sudden movement eyeing Dog negatively at first because of the pain but softened seeing who it was. She didn’t speak as she uses her not entirely injured hand to pet the dog reassuring to him that she was okay. Then the look on Daryl’s face from the end of them room broke down when he saw that she was awake and okay…
“Yer never going out again alone, ‘ight? Can’t lose yea” Daryl frowns reaching the side of the bed dropping to his knees. “I’ve lost enough. Scared the fuck outta me when he came back without yea”
Y/N was too tired to say anything as she reaches for him resting her hand on his cheek. Giving him that reassuring look of hers through tears of pain and worry because she made him worry.
“I’m never leaving yer side, alright?” He frowns feeling the tears spill over as Y/N gently takes care of the ones that did while nodding.
Recovery was a bitch. Especially given the whole “I’m never leaving your side” was interrupted by dire need of some to go out on runs. Daryl unfortunately getting roped into it. But one evening coming back from a run scared the daylights out of him only seeing Y/N’s lower half on the floor from the entry way. He quickly stepped in further finding Y/N laying on the floor with Dog laying on her. Which he shouldn’t be doing given her injury she’s still recovering from.
“Did you fall?”
“Did Dog push yea?”
“Doesn’t that get the same answer from “did you fall?” because that would be a way of falling over”
“Don’t be a smartass” Daryl makes his way over finding a pillow propped up under her head. “Why are yea on the floor?” He knelt beside her watching her yawn given the time of night it was.
“You’ve spoiled me Dixon” She states hearing him scoff confused to what she’s getting at. “Spoiled me with not only a dog that won’t leave me alone meaning he barks every time I wince in pain, but hell I can’t sleep in the bed alone. So I came down here waiting for you. Could’ve gone on the couch but the way I lay on it hurts my shoulder so…floor it is”
“Yer in pain?” Of course that’s his takeaway but given the smile on his face after she said all that, made it clear to Y/N that he understood everything. “Hard to sleep without yea too yknow. ‘speically since the usual runners are snorers. Miss how scary quiet you are at night”
“Now that just freaks me out. Please just shake me if I scare you in the night and not like have me wake up to you staring into my soul”
“Maybe both” Daryl laughs a bit before helping Y/N stand to her feet as Dog got off of her of course only for him to keep super close. “Likes yea more than me”
“Good! I’m good company”
“And I ain’t?”
“You are. But Dog needs to pick a favorite yknow” Y/N smiles watching her man roll his eyes soon kissing that smile off her face temporarily before scooping her up in his arms bridal style. “You don’t have—-“
“Shut up. I get to carry yea up all I want” Daryl states making his way upstairs to their bedroom with a happy Dog trailing behind.
“Okay…but don’t hurt yourself, old man” She teased kissing his cheek when he growled to that old man comment.
Finally, Y/N moved in with Daryl. They still visit Alexandria and other outposts to help around or see their friends, and most importantly for Dog to get lots of pets from everybody to come by. One trip without Daryl and Dog, concerned Michonne when Y/N drove through the gates but not only did she promise to help Siddiq transport infirmary supplies through outposts but—
“Does Daryl know?”
“Nope” Y/N laughs anxiously sinking into Michonne’s couch listening to her kids outside. “He’s great with them. But…”
“Oh there shouldn’t be a but when we both know that Daryl would make a great dad” Michonne smiles joining her friend beside her resting her hand on her thigh. “What’s the fear, Y/N? You saw the greatness that comes out of that man after all the sorrow he endured. You are his world. He does not shut up about you to anybody who would listen. It’s also very clear that his dog likes you a lot. Dog also loves kids if you care about his thoughts as well” she smiles making Y/N laugh. “But Y/N…there’s…nothing that’s not in the new and old normal to worry about. You lean on each other. You have us. Alexandria. Hilltop. Anyone of us. But I know for a fact that he won’t leave unless it was to ensure his family’s safety…”
“He’s still going to freak out…”
“Of course! He’s going to be a dad, who didn’t freak to that news?”
The supply runs was a week long given all the stops the two had to make and Y/N having to drop off Siddiq. He didn’t let her leave without a bit of the surplus they have of prenatal vitamins given Michonne did tell him about it, but he was also the one Y/N went to first about it. Given the two have the most medical expertise and she needed a second opinion.
To her surprise returning home…home that will always bring a smile to her face. Y/N opened the door to the few candles lit and Dog trying to scratch off a bow. Dog stopped scratching only to start happy wiggling when Y/N entered fully kneeling to his level to receive much needed kisses.
“I missed you too buddy” Y/N smiles slowly rising when Daryl enters the main room, much to her surprise, Dog isn’t the only one dressed nicely. “Hey love…what’s the special occasion?” She continues to have that loving smile on her face running her fingers against his famous vest accompanied with his less torn black button down and not so ripped pants.
“You bein’ home” What a charmer. Y/N smiles wrapping her arms around his neck as he snaked his around her waist bringing her close. “Missed yea. Visited Alexandria once to see if I could catch yea one time, but ‘Chonne said I had just missed yea” he smiles kissing her forehead then the tip of her nose then finally a sweet one of her lips.
“Mmm. Next time you just gotta come”
“Might. Don’t like leaving your side. Don’t ever wanna ever again”
“Daryl Dixon, is that a promise?”
“It is, and uh. Shit hold on” Daryl parts from Y/N for a moment to pat his chest for Dog to jump on him. “You were supposed to find it, but I think he scratched it off”
Y/N tilts her head confused watching Daryl take the bow off of Dog as the two quickly turn to the light thud on the floor. Daryl gently pushes Dog off as he sniffs whatever fell while he picked it up. She immediately froze watching the guy struggle to keep his serious face when getting down on one knee and the Mal trying to lick his face. Y/N knew what was happening and couldn’t help the tears to form as she smiles waiting for him to finally say.
“I want you by my side for the rest of my life. I don’t need no wedding nah nothing. Nothing fancy. All I need is you as my girl. My wife” and with that he held up the subtle silver band he had Eugene help him make as she drops to her knees taking his face into her hands making sure he watches her say.
“I’m yours” Y/N smiles watching him not hesitate to put the ring on her finger before engulfing her in his bear hug of an embrace. Making her laugh and the next thing to come out of her just right. “Don’t squeeze me too tight. I am carrying your kid after all” now Daryl was about to start crying, more than from the first big thing and only having more with the next.
“A baby? My baby?” He questions knowing damn well it’s his, listening to her confirm it as he tried not to squeeze her as tight the second time around. Holding her protectively this time and thinking back to the times he’s been told by their friends or assumed by strangers that he was the father to the kids he’s helped raised in this hell. But hey, now he can say this one’s his blood.
Dog watches the two cry to all the news and couldn’t help himself, starting to lick away some of their tears making Y/N laugh and Daryl grumble a bit fighting back his laugh.
They were going to be just fine
As the fall started to roll in, Dog quickly perked up from his spot on the couch when he thought he heard something that wasn’t the usual heavy boots or quick pacing that Y/N does occasionally. He was about to start barking when he watched the door start to open. And as much as the two appreciate his protectiveness, Daryl really thought he was gonna meet his maker of Dog didn’t realize it was him coming in.
“You spooked him”
“If I gotta fight my own dog one day because he’s hogging my kid, I will” Daryl scoffs setting his crossbow down by the door before joining the two at the couch sitting on the ground facing inward. “How are you feeling?”
“Better now that my husband is back” Y/N smiles running her fingers through his hair as her other hand gently rubs circles on her belly only for Dog to nip at her again.
“Dog!” Daryl tried to move the protective Mal away from his wife’s pregnant belly when he was suddenly nipped at as well. “What’s gotten into you?!”
“Maybe the walkers we dealt with earlier. It was just two and tired me out instantly…he’s just as worried as you’re starting to become”
“Walkers triggered the line? And you handled it? Should’ve waited. They wouldn’t have gotten in. You don’t have to risk yourself, sunshine. I—“ Daryl stops himself feeling his face heat up seeing that satisfied look on her face. “What? Goddamn it woman, am I not allowed to worry about my wife and unborn child when there’s still those undead fuckers around and now my dog won’t even let me touch yea?”
“You’re allowed. It was handled, love. We’re perfectly okay and if it’ll make you feel any better you can check me out. Just gotta get your dog away long enough for you to do so” Y/N laughs as Daryl was already trying to get Dog off the couch but all he did was readjust so his head laid on her belly. “Wait wait wait. He’ll move just wait” she stops Daryl’s movements to watch Dog suddenly spring up confused on what happened as he brought his whole body up and sniffed around. His wife’s laughter filled the room when Daryl was just as confused before taking the opportunity to move Dog off the couch and replacing him with himself in his previous spot.
“What got him so freaked like that?” Daryl asks letting Y/N adjust to finally sit up after laying down for a while. She took his hand gently resting it on her belly more toward her ribs and that’s when he felt it. His own little ass kicker definitely had a powerful kick to them. “Holy shit”
Daryl was already obsessed with his unborn kid and feeling them kick only confirmed how he was going to show this kid everything he knows the second they’re able to keep it to memory.
His over protectiveness also grew since that moment that he convinced Y/N to go to Alexandria early so they wouldn’t have to drive in a hurry when she went into labor.
Little did he expect at eight and a half months she would pop.
“I should go in there”
“You should”
“But I might pass out.”
“You’ve seen ripped up corpses”
“Right I should go in” Daryl walked over to the door feeling his anxiety get the best of him again. “But what if I would pass out? Never seen this before.”
“It’s a worthy experience I think. But that’s also coming from me and I don’t ever want to see life rip it’s way out of somebody” Aaron states watching the horror grow on Daryl’s face. “Okay yeah not helpful. But hey I’m serious. You don’t want to miss this and she’ll need yea every step of the way”
“Yeah…yeah, she does. Uhm. Keep Dog out” He states entering the room as Aaron gave him a thumbs up before sitting down and keeping Dog with him.
The next few hours were hell. Screaming, crying in pain, a bit of anxiety here and there from both parents, but hey it was all worth it…
Aaron was now not the only one in the “waiting room” that was living room of Y/N’s old house in Alexandria. Michonne was now the one sitting with Dog as her kids and Maggie’s pet the dog to keep him calm while they wait. Maggie sat with her talking about other things as they waited. Gabriel came in after getting a few things sorted so he could meet the new Dixon as he was accompanied by Carol who just got back to the community.
The small group stopped their conversations when the door was pushed open showing just the back of Daryl before next was the crying mess the man became with the little bundle of joy laying comfortably in his embrace.
“Falon Dixon…my daughter” Daryl continued to sob as the group surrounded him to see the little baby snuggling into her dad giving off soft coos.
Once everyone got to see the little baby, Daryl knelt to the floor for the kids to see the little one but most importantly for Dog to hesitantly come over. Flinching when the baby gave out a small cry but relaxed when he drew closer seeing the baby wasn’t going to hurt anybody. Obviously. He sniffed her tiny hand and his nose was immediately grabbed.
Yeah…Dog found his favorite person
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yellowloid · 2 months
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chapter 4 of my fic is up on ao3 🥀
it's been a long time coming but the new chapter is finally online! sorry for the long wait. hope you'll enjoy and if you do, please let me know! interacting with readers always makes my day and never fails to give me the motivation to keep doing what i do.
ps: the amazing poster for this chapter was provided to you by the same lovely person who made the last one - out of pure love for this fic, which i still find absolutely mindblowing. all the posters they made are pure gold and i can't wait to share more with you guys <3
till next time :)
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pickypickypeak · 4 months
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ethan-elliott · 5 days
“Reunited in the place they met before,
Standing over an empty, nameless grave,
Its occupant atop the earth,
Seven decades of Hell in his soul,
And thirty years of heaven,
He wonders if he is worth the light,
With which his partner glows.
All rigid and wretched,
With a mind half-damned,
And a body no longer his own.”
—the poem that got me out of writer’s block for this fic aka an edwin payne character study aka I just wrote down all my edwin feels for this fic and here we are
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subpar-celestial · 3 months
I HATE when fanfic writers villainize certain characters so they can make their fic more angsty, or so they can have a canon couple break up to do their ship.
like some teen wolf writers got me defending Scott and I don't even particularly like Scott.
If you want conflict between characters you can DO THAT without having to make one the devil.
Also there's many ways to get your ship going even if a character is in a canon relationship without making their partner like abusive or toxic or whatever. YOU COULD EVEN MAKE IT SO THEY WERE NEVER DATINGGGG!!! THE POSSIBILITIES ARE LITERALLY ENDLESSSSS!!!!!!
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skz-miroh · 1 year
i always wonder what it would be like if i never knew fanfiction existed because i have finally (at 22:30pm) found the 97k worded fic that i have been looking for since 07:00 this morning and i plan on reading the entire thing meaning my sleep schedule is once again thrown into the ether
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utilitycaster · 8 months
I think I said this after Calamity too but like. It's not that there's a wrong way to enjoy fiction, precisely, but I really do think that when someone's first or even seventh instinct upon watching a tragedy is to say "wow imagine the potential for Everyone Lives Fix-it Fic that gives me the ending I wanted" that is genuinely more unsettling to me than like, the tragedy itself.
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