#when i can understand why my parents would not want to call monday but it also has already felt like its been decided on doing it konday
augustvandyne · 4 months
Reader finds out that Lucy needs a fake girl/boyfriend to take to her family bbq, reader steps up and offers to go with her. After a great night, Reader walks Lucy to her apartment door, where Lucy finally admits to herself that she likes reader and invites her inside. (R, is a cop also.)
Lucy Chen x Reader.
family barbecue
A begging Lucy grabs your attention.
It isn’t really anything new, because she begs for a lot of things, but you couldn’t help but listen when you heard the words family barbeque come out of her mouth.
You turn your head to see who she was begging, and you see Tim Bradford, her T.O.
It didn’t make sense to you about how or why she would ask Mr. Grumpy Officer Cupcake, but to each their own, right?
Wrong. Because he shoots her down – for the fourth time this week, you learn after Tim shoots her a glare – and a pout comes onto her face.
You see her look at Nolan, who immediately shakes his head no.
You’d known how her parents were, as the two of you frequently hung out together, but you’ve never met them. And maybe that was for the best, because you might be in jail for 25 to life for murder.
Lucy turns her head the slightest bit to see you, and she just shrugs, officially giving up.
You step forward a few feet, coming to her side.
“What’s this I hear about a family barbecue?” You lift your brows curiously.
She huffs and looks at you from the side, seemingly tired of talking about it already, because family talk stressed her out, and presence there is mandatory.
“My cousin is having a barbecue,” She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “It’s so stupid. Just— forget it.”
She turns to leave — most likely the break room so she can sit in misery for her lunch break — but you grab her by the arm to stop her.
“Hey, hey,” You look down at her. “Tell me about it. Please.”
You see her eyes shift to your lips from the close proximity, but think nothing of it.
She was just looking somewhere other than your eyes, and they just happened to land on your lips.. right?
“It’s a stupid family get together and a night or two ago my mom called me about it and so I said yeah I’ll come and for some reason I said I’d bring someone and I don’t have a— a someone,” She balls her fists up at her sides. “So now here I am, begging for someone to go with me and act as my boyfriend because I don’t want to look like a liar at this stupid barbecue that I don’t want to go to now because I’m single and I’ll be bullied and ridiculed the whole time if I show up without someone with me.”
“Lucy, Lucy, Lucy,” You put your hand on her shoulder at an attempt to calm her down. “Take a breath,” You breathe in and out with her.
“And Tim and John said no, so I’m out of options.”
“I’ll go with you.”
It was a simple statement. Four words. A promise.
And yet Lucy didn’t believe her ears.
“I said I’ll go with you. I’ll act as your girlfriend.”
“No, I heard you. I just don’t understand why.”
“Because I know you, Luce,” You give a soft smile. “I know that you’ll end up going and hating yourself for it and I’ll end up running into you crying on Monday and I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it.”
Lucy wants to ask what you mean, but she doesn’t because you aren’t finished speaking.
“So I will go with you. I can’t let you go alone and be abused with questions from your parents. Especially since they already hate on you for your choice of job.”
“This means a lot to me,” She grabs your hand and squeezes softly, your heart skipping a beat. “You have no idea.”
“Just let me know what time. I’ll pick you up,” You smiled back at her and stepped a few feet back, going to find your TO.
She asked you to be there around twelve, and you were right on time. You even showed up with a bouquet of her favorite flowers.
You came to the door, which she insisted you didn’t need to do, but you did anyway, and proceeded to open the car door for her as well.
She attempts to hide her blush, and luckily you’re too busy trying to start the car that you don’t notice.
Lucy doesn’t really speak on the way to her cousins house, and you’re sure it’s due to nerves.
She only speaks once you get there, and it’s to warn you, once again, but you shut her down because you already know. You’re more than capable and more than willing to step in today and be whatever she needs to you to be.
You walk around your car and let Lucy out, already turning heads of her family members who were out front.
Once she was out of the car, her mother was on the two of you in an instant.
She must be a mind reader or something, because how did she know the two of you were there? Nobody had said anything.
“Hello. You must be Lucy’s..”
“Girlfriend,” The two of you say at the same time.
“Girlfriend,” She nods, her face unsure. “And how did you meet this.. girlfriend of yours?”
Her eyes are trained on your face, but her words are pointed at Lucy, and you can feel her shift beside you.
You move your hand to her back, giving her the confidence she needed.
She turns her head and sees you smiling at her with encouragement, and all of the sudden she’s able to tell her.
“We met at the station,” Lucy smiles giddily. “We’re in the same rookie group snd I liked her as soon as I met her. Really. Her eyes are gorgeous.. I could lost in them all day. And I know you hate when I talk about my work, but you asked, so.. when she was injured I rushed to the hospital and I just had to be there for her because I was in love with her and she needed me. I asked her out after that. And so.. here we are.”
You feel your breath leave your lungs because that was a true story. It’d happened only a few months ago, and although she didn’t ask you out, it still felt real because only now were you realizing the way she looked at you wasn’t in a friendship kind of way.
“That’s nice,” Vanessa cleared her throat, obviously uncomfortable with the fact that her daughter was not only a cop but was now dating a woman.
“Come on, your father and Alexandra are waiting. She invited you and it’s not nice to be late,” She grabbed Lucy’s arm and you walked behind her.
She looked uncomfortable but there was nothing you could do now.
You made a mental note to take her for slushies later to make her feel better.
Her mother takes the lead and you walk up to stand beside Lucy.
“I wish I could say I’ll get you out of here in an hour, but I don’t think that’s possible.”
“Yeah, definitely not,” She looks down sadly, and all you want to do is hold her because you never want to see her upset.
“Hey,” You grab her hand. “We’re gonna have fun, okay?”
“Okay,” A small smile comes onto her lips, and you pull her in for a hug.
“Come on,” Vanessa snapped at both of you and you have to keep yourself from getting heated with her.
“Come on,” Lucy mocked once Vanessa was out of earshot.
You snort and Lucy looks at you with those eyes, and that’s when you knew you were done for.
“Walk me to the door,” She requested, and your eyes are drawn to her blue raspberry stained lips.
“I was already planning on it,” You shrug nonchalantly, but you can’t help but notice the blush on her cheeks.
You open the door for her once again and let her lead the way to the apartment door.
Once stopped in front of her door, she unlocks it slowly, dreading the moment she had to say goodbye.
Because although she hated family events, being there with you made it more bearable, and she didn’t want to say goodbye just yet.
She opens the door and turns to you, “Do you want to come in?”
You think for a second about what would happen if you said yes, because you’re realizing that maybe you do like her more than a friend, but then you’re accepting the invitation and you’re shutting the door behind you, not a care in the world.
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copperbadge · 2 months
The Adventures Of Joe Superfly
I haven't been able to work on Chicken Salad War much recently -- it's less writer's block and more a confluence of issues that mean when I have the time I'm too tired for something novel-sized. It's temporary, but when I don't get to write I do start to get restless.
So the other night as I was doing dishes I circled around to a small issue that keeps nipping at me, which is Ephraim. He's got the most normal name of any of the Ramblers, which is uncharacteristic of Ceece and Tully. Well, I thought, maybe they let Eddie name him, but why would they let Eddie, the oldest, name the youngest, and not the THREE OTHERS inbetween? And why would Eddie pick Ephraim?
I decided to do up a little story about Eph, how he came by his name and what his life experiences have been. Much of it's a spoiler that needs a content warning but I figured I'd share a brief fun scene. Also it's good practice for writing Eph's somewhat elliptical style of speech; he is a man who gives no unnecessary context, and sometimes no necessary context. (All the context you all need to know is that Ephraim's parents wanted to name him Cherry Windward and instead Eddie named him Ephraim Prunus.)
Noah was on dishes duty with Joan, Ed's newly adopted eldest daughter, the evening that Ephraim found Ed on the porch of the royal fishing lodge. He sat next to him companionably, rocking on the porch swing and looking out at the lake.
"How many different names do you think you'll have in your life?" he asked without preamble. Ed laughed.
"I don't know. I think once you become a king the name locks in place," he said. "I've been Theophile and Ted and Ed and Eddie, and now back around to Theophile, at least in public. And then there's 'Dad' too. Why do you ask?"
Ephraim shrugged. "Monday was telling Jes about you naming me. Got to thinking about it."
"Well, you did return the favor eventually," Ed said. "Ed has suited me. Thinking of changing your name?"
"I was thinking of going by Prunus," Ephraim said, with such a deadpan expression that Ed hesitated, then burst out laughing when Eph smiled.
"Punk," he said, shoving Ephraim gently. "I only gave you that one to make mom and dad feel better about you having a normal-ass name. Man, you could see Dad's gears turning. We can always call him Pru."
Ephraim cackled. "Pru! Funny. I guess just…thanks."
"For what, big guy?" Ed asked.
"I didn't think I'd ever see Europe. Didn't think anyone outside Santa Luna would understand," Ephraim said. "But you went all over the world and found somewhere just like home. And I get to be here too. Which means maybe…I can be other places as well."
"There will always be a place for you, anywhere I am," Ed said seriously.
"Yes but also. They get it." Ephraim put on a lilting Shivadh accent. "That's Ephraim, he's King Theophile's brother, he doesn't say much but he's a good lad. No, you let Mr. Rambler alone, he's just shy. Hello young Ephraim, point out what you want to order when you're ready." He looked back out at the lake. "They're kind. I could thrive here."
"But not just yet, huh?" Ed asked. "Not with Noah leaving soon. He's going to Aotearoa and then coming to California, where you'll be."
"And after he graduates?" Ed asked delicately. "Maybe both of you back here?"
Ephraim turned to him. "I don't have a five year plan," he said witheringly, and this time Ed knew he was teasing.
"You son of a -- how dare you accuse me of asking you for a five year plan! Like I'm some kind of responsible adult? Roasted by my own blood!"
"You need it, Your Majesty," Ephraim said, then sobered. "I don't know yet. We'll figure it out."
"I'm sure you will."
"If you were going to name me again, what would you pick?"
Ed tousled his hair. "Buddy, you are now and forever Ephraim to me unless someday you tell me otherwise. I can't name you again. I don't think you need it, you're only just growing into that one. But if you did want a new name, I think you'd have to come up with it yourself -- or ask Noah."
Ephraim nodded thoughtfully. "I'm okay. Just curious."
"I think if you do you should move even more towards the extremes, though. From Cherry Windward to Ephraim Prunus to, I dunno, Joe Superfly."
"Joe Superfly!" Ephraim crowed. "Joe Superfly Rambler!"
"The twins should be glad we named them Edward and Miranda," Ed mused.
"Edward Superfly," Ephraim gasped.
"It's a great movie!"
"Miranda Shaft!" Ephraim blurted, and both brothers laughed until they cried.
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sturniolopepsi · 11 months
‘tis the season…for seasonal depression (C.S)
cw: talks seasonal depression/anxiety/ED (LIGHTLY) (read at own risk please!) use of y/n ¿ANGST i think¿
req: no i was listening to “Can’t catch me now” by Olivia Rodrigo and we got here. enjoy!
A/N: please don’t read if your triggered by the topic! your mental health is more important and this fic will always be here to come back to when you’re in a better headspace love! MY DM’S ARE ALWAYS OPEN!
~what i write is completely fictional, these are just ideas in my head. i understand the people i write about do not and may not act like this in these situations ITS FICTIONAL BABES!~
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y/n’s phone buzzes on the night stand, she debates answering it but taking the covers off her head to face the world around her seems to be to big of a daunting task at the moment. it buzzes again but she chooses to ignore it, snuggling deeper in her safe place under the covers.
she hasn’t actually spoken to anyone in about two days… but this depression episode started about a week ago, y/n slowly started to drift away. her boyfriend and his brothers busy with meetings and their lives hardly noticing her absence.
the triplets getting home from their meeting, chris tries calling and texting y/n. with no successful attempts he goes downstairs into the kitchen where his brothers are sitting planning the next wednesday baking video.
“has anyone heard from y/n?” chris asks his brothers both of them having a confused look on their faces. “no actually not for a few days.” matt responds, “not since the day we brought her mcdonalds. which was monday i think” it was now Thursday. “last time i heard from her was tuesday she put a short response in the girls group chat but that was itttt.” nick adds now matching chris’ horrified expression.
chris knew of her seasonal depression but it only being november he didn’t expect it to hit this early and this fast. “yeah, i didn’t get to message her yesterday i passed out before i could” he starts walking out of the kitchen. the boys could hear his voice breaking knowing he’s blaming this all on himself. before chris knows it he has his beanie on and shoes on.
“chris, where are you going?” nick asks standing in the hallway looking out towards the door. matt starts to grab his keys knowing his brother is about to ask for a ride to y/n’s house.
“too her”
chris opens the door disappearing out into the cold winter boston night.
hearing the front door open and closing downstairs startles the poor girl awake. before the panic attack can start she hears his voice. “y/n where are you?” she would answer him. but she doesn’t want him to see her like this. so if she pretends she’s not here maybe he will think she’s at her parents house. though, knowing him he’d try there too if he didn’t find her here. causing her parents to then worry about her whereabouts and well being as well as chris. she hears his footsteps coming up the stairs.
“in here chris… i’m okay just not feeling good i wouldn’t come in” her voice cracking after not being used in a while. she hears his pace picking up over the stairs and a little knock on the bedroom door before he slowly opening it to the dark room. seeing her poke her head out of the covers tears instantly threatening to fall at the sight of him “i’m sorry” her voice breaks. “oh baby” is all he can whisper walking over to the edge of her bed.
that’s when the tears start, she can’t control them and she doesn’t even know why she’s crying every doubt every fear RUNNING to her head at once. he climbs in bed with her instantly pulling her into his arms. whispering, “i’m sorry baby… it’s okay… shhh… i’m here… i’m here pretty girl… you’re not alone anymore…” softly kissing her on the top of the head. her face shoved into his chest and her body rattling with each sob, which only makes him hold her a little closer and keep whispering sweet things to her.
after some time she calms, chris still holding her as close as before. “i’m sorry… i’m so sorry chris” she states again her voice stuffy from the crying. “don’t apologize, pretty girl. don’t ever apologize for this.” she looks towards him, her face red from the crying, her eyes soft and tired, hair a mess from being in her bed. that’s when he hears her stomach growl. “baby when was the last time you had something to eat?” he asks looking at her, her face going from this soft sad to a confused state. the fact she’s trying to remember when her last meal was let’s chris know it’s been to long. “umm mcdonald’s, with you” she responds. his face drops… “y/n… that was monday night kid, it’s thursday.” her face looks confused clearly not realizing what day it was. “oh my sweet girl… am i able to go and get you a bath ready or a shower depending on what one you feel comfortable with. if you want i’ll call matt once you’re done he can come get us we can get something to eat, stop and get some snacks, and you come back to our house? i want you to be close to me so i can make sure you’re okay” he understands that he can’t just 1. force her to leave her bed if she’s not ready yet hence why he asked if she was comfortable with that. and 2. he knows he can’t just tell her everything will be okay and she will be perfect and happy again. he knows depression works on its own time but, at least if she’s with him he will be able to keep an eye on her.
she slowly nods processing the information and making her decision. she also really doesn’t want to be alone so, it seems like a good idea. “yeah. that sounds okay… just will you sit in the bathroom with me please?” laying her head back down on his chest seeming silly asking him if that request. “of course. anything you need sweetheart. you just tell me when you’re ready to get up okay?” giving her a light squeeze kissing the top of her head once more.
“we will get through this y/n… no matter when, no matter where… i love you.”
“i know… i love you too chris”
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naturesapphic · 4 months
Hey! I'm in love with your oneshots! I would like to know if you can do a Mommy!Rhea Ripley x Little!Fem Reader where they have play date with other Mommys and Littles ( Any other Wrestlers of your choice if possible ) where she has to explain that a new member is joining them today and that reader has to be good and if she is she will get a special treat but the new kid starts to make fun of readers things which Promps reader to tell Rhea and Rhea confronts other parent defending reader ( I'm Just alittle upset still from Monday I still can't believe It 🥺 ) Thanks you so much 😊
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Mommy!rhea ripley x little!fem!reader
Warnings: age regression, random oc wrestlers lol, arguments
You were having playdates today with your friends at your house and you were so excited. Soon enough all of your friends and their mommies were here but there was two strangers that were talking with your mommy. Rhea came in the living room where everyone was at and had the new guest following behind her. “Attention everyone! We have new guest Here today. We have Alexis and her little. Her name is Sophia so I want everyone to welcome them with open arms.” Rhea said as she introduced them to everyone.
Then Rhea came over to you and brought them to you. “This is my little one y/n. Y/n are you going to be a good girl right? And if you are I’ll give you a special treat okay?” Rhea said and you nodded your head excitedly. “I bes goods mommy I promise!” You told her. You were pretty excited to have more friends but when you looked over to give her a friendly smile, Sophia glared at you which made you confused on why she did that to you. You shrugged it off and continued to play with your friends. A few moments later Sophia came over and started playing with everyone, it seemed normal until she started making fun of your clothes.
“Dey ugly. Why chu wears dems?” She said and your face got red in embarrassment. “Cuz mys mommy bought its for mes.” You explained and she stuck her tongue out at you. You ignored her until it was pretty much the whole time she was here she was making fun of you and your things. The last straw was when she was making fun of how you were coloring because Rhea said you were great at coloring so when Sophia wasn’t looking you ran over to your mommy with tears visible in your eyes. “Mommy! Sophia keeps beings means to mes!” You cry out but not too loud.
Rhea looked at you with shock and worry in her eyes and she picked you up and went upstairs to y’all’s room so the two of you could talk privately. “What is she doing babygirl?” She asked you with a gentle voice as she holds you close to her as y’all sit on the edge of the bed. “She keeps makings funs of mys stuffs an mys Clothes. Den she keeps making faces at mes. Den she says mys coloring bads an den wen I told hers dat chu said it’s was goods she says dat chu lies an don means it…” you say sadly and Rhea felt her heart break at the information. “I’ll go talk to her mommy okay? You can avoid her if you want okay? You don’t have to play with her anymore today.” Rhea explained and you nodded your head in understanding.
The two of you went back down the stairs and Rhea went over to Alexis to tell her about what her little is doing to hers. Alexis couldn’t believe her ears at this information and accused you of lying. Of course Rhea was fuming and she defended you. No one was going to accuse her baby like that and by the end of it both caregivers were pissed and Rhea told Alexis to leave and don’t plan on coming back until they are both nice and kind. Alexis mumbled something and called for Sophia. Soon enough, they walked out the door and you ran up to your mommy and jumped in her arms. “Tank chu mommy. Cans I till has my treat?” You asked her genuinely wanting to know. “Of course you can baby but after the playdate is over okay?” She chuckled and put you down so you could continue to play with your friends. Then luckily for you and Rhea. They never came back.
A/n: hey anon I hope you enjoyed this and omg same I miss Rhea sm too :( I hope the rest of y’all enjoyed it too and remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all :)
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Wade x Logan Full House AU Part 4
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cover image by @sunfloweraroace
Summary: Laura gets into a fight at school after getting bullied by another student.
A/N: This is by far the most requested chapter!!! I hope ya’ll love it. If you have any ideas for future storylines please feel free to comment. Remember this series will have a new chapter every Monday.
Logan and Wade sit in their Honda Odyssey in complete silence. They are on their way to Xavier’s school after getting a call from Charles himself about their daughter, Laura, being involved in a school fight.
”Look, I know you don’t wanna admit it, but she isn’t the best at controlling her impulses, kinda like you” Logan says looking at Wade who is driving. 
Wade didn’t want to think that their daughter could have started a fight at school. He knew she still wasn’t the best at handling social situations due to her background, but he knew she was good and gentle at heart and would never hurt an innocent person.
”Just… we’ll figure out what happened and sort it out.” Wade says with and out of character seriousness.
Laura was sitting in Charles’ office when she heard the office door open and saw her parents enter. 
Logan sighs as he sits down and looks his long-time mentor in the eye, “alright, what happened.” He says calmly.
Charles speaks calmly, “Well… Ms. Kinny started a fight today. I want to find out what happened, but she won’t talk to me.” 
“She doesn’t really enjoy speaking.” Wade says sticking up for Laura. “Maybe Logan and I can get to the bottom of what went down.”
Logan looks at Laura. “Come’er we are gonna talk outside.”
Laura looks a little nervous before taking her father’s hand. Wade stays in the room to calmly talk through the situation with Charles while his partner and daughter speak outside.
”What happened? Come on, you don’t gotta talk but you gotta tell me what happened somehow.” Logan says seriously.
She swallows nervously before speaking with the sign language Logan and Wade taught her. 
She starts by talking about what led to her snapping. She describes being bullied by a girl in her class over the past few weeks. The girl would tease Laura for not talking often and for having a hard time socializing with other students. Laura would not react because she did not want to further alienate herself from other students in her class, and she remembered what her parents told her about controlling her anger. 
Logan nods understanding. “Okay, so when did ya snap? How did the fight start?”
Laura looks down ashamed. “T-they made fun of Jubilee.” She says in a quiet voice. “They can tease me all they want… but not my big sister.”
Logan looks down at her his expression softing a bit. “Violence is never okay; unless you are using it to defend yourself or others from harm. I know I’m not the best example of that all the time. I gotta improve on keepin’ my head on straight too.” 
Laura nods. She is still ashamed of what she did but glad her father understands her.
A few minutes later Logan and Laura head back to Professor Xavier’s office and Logan tells him what Laura told him.
“Miss Kinny, although I admire your desire to defend your sister, we cannot accept the attack of another student. You will be suspended for two days. During that time you will be working with me and Storm on how to control your emotions.” Charles says calmly.
“We accept this punishment.” Wade says his usual humor and sarcasm gone from his voice. 
“And Laura… Why didn’t you say anything about your fellow student bullying you? I, your parents, or any other x-men team members could have helped you.” Charles says, his face full of kindness.
Laura, not knowing quite how to verbalize what she wanted to say, invited Charles to look into her mind to understand her feelings.
After a few seconds Charles understood. He knew that she always looked up to her father Logan, since the moment they first met. She admired his strength and care for others under his rugged exterior. She admired how he used his more animal instincts to protect the ones he loves. Most of all, she admired how he always put himself last and put off dealing with his own problems in order to help others. Laura didn’t tell anyone what was happening to her because she wanted to be strong and brave, like her father.
“You don’t have to deal with things like this yourself Laura. You are already strong and brave, but you are also still a young girl. Even the strongest people need to ask for help sometimes.” Charles says softly. “I know you wish to be brave like your father, and you will be someday, but even he needs help sometimes, even though I sure wish he would ask for it more.” 
“He’s right, peanut, we all need to ask for help sometimes. I had to ask for your father’s help to save my friends.” Wade says smiling at Laura.
“Charles is right, I do need to ask for help more. I should be no example when it comes to that, but we can learn to get better at it together. How’s that sound?” Logan says, giving his daughter a soft kiss on the forehead. 
Laura looks up at her father and nods, happy to have her fathers there for her.
“...Storm won’t be too hard on me tomorrow will she?” Laura says softly. 
“No, ‘roro looks serious but she is a sweet lady inside. She wants to help you out, that's all. You see she is like us. She needs to control her emotions in order to keep her elemental powers in check. She’ll know how to help you best.” Logan says a smile spreads across his face as he speaks about his best friend.
“Come on you two. Let’s get home in time for dinner.” Wade says taking the hands of both his husband and daughter before heading home.
No matter what, Laura knows her family always has her back.
NEXT WEEK (Monday at Noon)
Part 5: What happens when Kitty Pryde meets the new girl in her class, Illyana Rasputin?
I decided that I will be doing a Halloween special! It will be triple the size of a normal chapter and will feature multiple storylines for different characters. Over the next few weeks I will be putting out some polls so ya’ll can be a part of choosing the direction of the special. If you would like to be tagged when the special comes out pls ask! As always, if you have any specific ideas feel free to comment or submit an ask! 
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loveesiren · 9 months
𝖲𝗍𝖺𝗋𝖽𝗎𝗌𝗍 - 𝖢.𝖲. (𝖯𝗍. 3)
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Disclaimer: Hate hate hate this chapter but some of y'all were getting mean so here is chapter 3. I think it's trash. My motivation has been shit lately so we'll see where this story goes.
Synopsis: Y/n runs away from her problems
Warnings: Language, heroin use, angst, 18+
Word Count: 2.8k+
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Chris’s POV
I swear I was going to lose my fucking my mind in this tiny concrete room. I hadn’t even been in here for two hours and the anxiety was taking over. The cop sat at his desk, sipping his coffee loudly while watching a football game on a small tv that faced away from me. I was going to have to sit here until Monday morning and all I had to do was think. 
A million thoughts ran through my head. I’m sure Matt and Nick already called our parents and they were going to be pissed beyond belief. Luckily our podcast was pre-recorded but if I’m not out soon news is going to get around that I’m in here. But most of all, I thought about Y/n. She seemed so upset. I knew she was blaming herself for this and I prayed she wouldn’t do anything stupid. I know how vulnerable she can get when she’s down. But I know Matt and Nick will look out for her.
“Yo, don’t I get a phone call or something?” I asked the cop.
He responded with a long sigh, as if my question was making his entire job more difficult. I furrowed my brows at him, awaiting his response. “Fine.” He finally said. He got up and unlocked the cell door before leading me over to the phone. “You got two minutes, kid.”
I nodded and picked up the phone. I dialed Nick’s number, knowing he was most likely to answer.
“Nick? Hey! It’s Chris!”
“Chris! Are you okay?!”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.” I responded. I could hear Matt in the background and Nick switched his phone to speaker.
“Chris, we'll bond you out first thing after your hearing on Monday! Mom and dad already hired a lawyer.” Matt said.
I sighed, knowing how disappointed they were going to be. “Cool. Cool. Uhhh can I talk to Y/n?”
Matt and Nick were both silent for a few moments. “Uhm…she’s not here…”
“Well where is she?”
“I’m not sure…”
I could hear the change in Nicks voice. Something was wrong. “What’s going on? Why are you talking like that?”
“Well…She uhm…Her and Matt kind of-”
“I kicked her out!”
“You did what?!”
“She’s always gotten you into trouble, Chris. I’m sick of it. I don’t want to see you ruin your life over her. I know you’re like in love with her or whatever but-”
“Go find her. Now!” I spat. “You don’t fucking understand, Matt. You don’t fucking understand what you did! Go find her and make sure she is fucking safe!”
“Chris, what do you mean?”
“Now!” I slammed the phone down on the receiver.
“Watch it!” The cop said. I bit my tongue and followed him back to my cell. 
I sat in the corner of the tiny bed and buried my head in my knees, trying to fight the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I loved Y/n more than anything in the entire world and I knew her better than anyone. I was the only one who knew she experimented with opioids. I tried them with her but I noticed how she started using them to numb her pain and I quit. After having to Narcan her TWICE I made her promise to never touch them again. I threatened to tell her parents. I told her I would take her to rehab. She begged me not to. I know I should have but she swore to me she wouldn’t touch them again. I helped her through her withdrawals and over the last two years she’d been true to her word as far as I knew. I mean I was with her most of the time and never saw her use or act shady. But now I wasn’t there when she needed me and who knows what Matt said to her. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK! I couldn’t stop the tears from falling now. My whole body was shaking with anxiety.
Y/n’s POV
“Y/n! Y/N!” Danny yelled, kicking my foot. I jolted awake and struggled to see through blurred vision. I rubbed my eyes and slowly took in my surroundings as an overwhelming wave of nausea took over my body. 
“Ugh, what?” 
“Your phone’s been ringing non stop! Fucking answer it or turn it off. It’s annoying.”
I felt for my phone as previous events returned to my memory. Chris was arrested. I got in a fight with Matt. One thing led to the next and I somehow ended up at Danny’s house smacked out of my mind. I wasn’t proud of this. But remembering what Matt said to me, I felt like I was exactly where I needed to be. 
My phone started ringing again and I was able to find it between the cushions of Danny’s old, cigarette stained couch. The screen lit up with Matt’s name and I could feel the bile rising in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and shut the door quickly behind me. I sat on the floor, heaving over the toilet, but not much came out. I can’t remember the last time I ate. I didn’t even know what day it was. I sat back and pulled out my phone. 13 missed calls from Matt and Nick combined. 5 from my mother along with three texts asking where I was. A missed call from an unknown number. To top it all off, it was 6:23 pm on Sunday. What the hell had happened in the last day and a half? 
I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a tangled mess, a stained crop top clung to my malnourished frame and a pair of baggy sweatpants (that didn’t belong to me) were tied tightly to my waist. I looked at the fresh track marks on my arm, a trail of dried blood leading halfway down my forearm. I was disappointed in myself. I promised Chris I would never go back to this. But it was too late now. I pulled my phone back out, ignoring all the messages from Matt and Nick and opening the text thread with my mom. I typed out a quick message. 
Hey mom, I’m fine. Haven’t been feeling great this weekend so I’ve been sleeping. Didn’t mean to worry you.
Not three seconds after I sent it, she was calling me. I sighed, really not in any head space to talk to her but I knew I was already on her last nerve so I took a deep breath and answered.
“Hello?” I definitely sounded sick.
“Y/n! Honey! Where are you?! Are you okay?!”
“I-I’m fine, mom. I’m at home. I’m just a little sick.”
“Nick and Matt said you weren’t at your house! They were just there!”
Fuck. Why the fuck had they come by?
“I just stepped out to get some medicine. I just got back.” I lied.
The lie seemed to calm her down a bit. “MaryLou told us what happened to Chris. We just wanted to make sure you were doing okay.” 
“Yeah, mom. I’m fine. Matt and Nick are going to bail him out tomorrow.” I felt nauseous again thinking about it. I didn’t know what to expect when Chris got out. I wasn’t great with confrontation and after the situation with Matt and relapsing with Danny, I didn’t really want to face Chris. “Uhm, mom, some friends asked me to go camping for a few days. So my service might be spotty.”
“I thought you were sick?”
“Yeah, I think it’s just like food poisoning or something. I should be better by tomorrow. But I’ll call you when I can, okay?”
“Y/n, are you sure you’re okay? If something is wrong you can tell us, we can come out there…”
“No, I’m fine mom. I promise. I’ll talk to you soon, okay? I love you!”
With that, I hung up on her and quickly exited the bathroom. “Danny, let’s go.”
“Go where?” He asked. 
“I-I don’t know. San Diego or something? I just need to get out of here before Chris gets out tomorrow?”
“Why? I thought you looooved him.” Danny mocked. “You’ve been mumbling about him non stop.” He sighed and sat back.
Danny liked you. That wasn’t a secret. He wasn’t bad looking. But he was a “bad boy”. His main job was drug dealing. He hung around with shady people, did shady shit, and hated on people like the Sturniolo’s for being in the public eye. Even though you were getting into your modeling career, Danny didn’t seem to care. You didn’t believe Danny’s feelings were deep. You didn’t believe Danny was capable of deep feelings or love. But you were hot and you had him wrapped around your finger.
“I-I can’t face Chris like this. I just want to get away from here. Please?” 
“My cousin has a condo down in Chula Vista. It’s right by the beach. I could call him.”
“Okay. I’m gonna run to my apartment and grab some things.”
I left Danny’s apartment, and ran up to mine. I grabbed a duffle bag from my closet and grabbed some clothes, a toothbrush, and some deodorant. The basic necessities. I was almost done packing when I heard a knock on my door. 
“Coming!” I said, assuming it was Danny. I threw my bag over my shoulder and made my way to the door. I swung it open, ready to go but stopped in my tracks when I saw Matt standing in front of me. 
“Going somewhere?” He asked.
It was hard to find my voice. My mind was a mess and my body was hurting. I needed a fix. “Uhm- Camping. With some friends.”
“Camping with friends. What friends?” Matt asked, stepping into my apartment now. 
“Just some friends. You don’t know them.” It was somewhat true. Nick and Matt didn’t know Danny. Hence why they couldn’t find me earlier. But lying to my mom about camping with friends was one thing. She didn’t know my social circle out here. Chris, Nick, and Matt on the other hand, pretty much were my social circle. We shared the same friends. If I really was to go camping with friends, chances are they’d be coming too. 
“Look, Y/n. I’m sorry for what I said yesterday…I was just upset and it was wrong of me to blame it on you.” I didn’t know how to respond so I just looked to the floor. “Chris is really going to want to see you tomorrow and-” He stopped, noticing my arms. He grabbed my wrist and yanked my arm into view. “Y/n, what the fuck happened to your arms?! Have you been shooting up?!”
“Ready to go, Princess? My cousin said-” Danny appeared in my doorway. “Well look what the cat dragged in.” Danny said with his skeezy smile. 
Matt looked him up and down before looking back at me. Danny had on tight jeans with chains and a sleeveless band shirt. He reeked of cigarette smoke and I knew Matt was judging me.
“This is who you’re going camping with?” Matt asked.
“Look, I gotta go…” I said pushing past Matt and locking my door. 
“So you’re just going to dip out on Chris?” Matt asks. “Come on Y/n. You’re better than this guy!”
“Excuse me?” Danny asks, turning to face Matt. I step in front of Danny, putting my hand on his chest. 
“Matt. You said it yourself. I’m no good for Chris…” 
“Y/n, I didn’t mean-”
“It’s fine. I gotta go. Take care of him, okay?” 
With that, I grabbed Danny’s hand and pulled him along with me down to his car to avoid any further conversation with Matt. I noticed his van with Nick inside sitting in the parking lot. He looked confused. I looked away and climbed into Danny’s car, urging him to drive away. 
Danny offered me a cigarette and I took it. Remaining quiet as I sparked it. He didn’t ask questions. But he did place his hand on my knee as he drove. “You don’t need them, Princess. I’ll take care of you.”
The words made my stomach twist into a knot. I wanted Chris. But Matt was right. I didn’t deserve him. I was exactly where I deserved to be. “You got any more dope?” 
“Gonna pick some up on our way, don’t worry.” He smiled at me. I attempted a half ass smile as I bit back the urge to cry. I looked down at my phone, studying the photo of me and Chris I had set as my wallpaper. It was a silly photo of us in highschool. We were both laughing, I was on Chris’s back as he ran down the hall with me. It was a time in my life I was truly happy. 
I shut my phone off and threw it in my bag, focusing on the world passing by through the window of Danny’s old BMW. I knew this wasn’t the right move but I was never good at confronting my problems and the promise of an escape and drugs was enough to leave LA and Chris behind me.
Chris’s POV
I sat silently while the judge went over my charges. Cameron Jacobs and his family sat and watched with smug looks on their faces. Matt and Nick sat on the opposite side of the courtroom, ready to bail me out. I was disappointed when they showed up without Y/n. 
The judge set my bond to $5,000 and gave me another court date. By noon, I was gathering my things and climbing into the van. Nick was hounding me with questions while Matt remained relatively quiet. 
“So where’s Y/n?” I asked, no longer wanting to think about the trouble I was in or the fact that I would have to call my parents when I got home and get my ass chewed out, or the fact that we were out five grand. “Why didn’t she come?” My voice cracked.
Nick looked at Matt, seeing if he would admit what happened. Matt remained silent. “Matt…”
“Where is she, Matt?” I asked. 
“Look Chris-”
“No tell me the fucking truth! It’s your fault she fucking left in the first place. Where is she?!”
Matt sighed. “I went to her place last night. She left with some sleaze bag. Said she was going camping…” 
“Dude with combat boots, covered in shitty tattoos, smelled like cigarettes?” I asked.
“Danny.” I hissed. He was such a piece of shit. Always trying to get in Y/n’s pants. He was a slimy drug dealer and now she was God knows where with him. 
“She had, uhm…she had track marks on her arms…” Matt said. 
I tried to take a deep breath but I was beyond livid. “Pull over.” I said as calmly as I could. 
“What? Why?” Nick asked.
“Pull the fucking car over!” 
Matt did as I asked and I climbed out, slamming the door behind me before walking off down the street. 
“Chris! Where are you going?!” Matt asked as him and Nick chased after me. I really didn’t want to be near him right now.
“Fuck off, Matt!” 
“You have to fucking talk to me, man!” He said, grabbing my shoulder and forcing me to look at him. I pushed him off of me and Nick was quick to catch him before he fell. 
“This is your fucking fault!” I yelled. “Why the fuck would you say those things to her, Matt? She’s been our best friend our whole lives! This is your fucking fault!”
“I was just looking out for you! It’s not my fault she’s a drug addict, man!”
I threw myself at Matt, punching him in the eye. He fought back but it didn’t last long before Nick was separating us. 
“Stop it! What the hell is the matter with you guys?!” Nick yelled. “Chris, you just got out of jail for fucking assault. Beating up your own brother isn’t going to get you anywhere! And Matt, you were wrong for what you said to Y/n. But we aren’t going to find her if you end up back in jail and don’t work together. So both of you get in the fucking car and let’s go home and figure something out.”
As much as I hated Matt right now, Nick was right. All I really cared about was finding Y/n and I was going to need help doing that. I climbed back into the car silently and endured the ride home. I had tried texting and calling Y/n earlier but it went straight to voicemail. I typed out one more text. 
Y/n, please be okay. I’m so worried about you. Fuck whatever Matt said. You mean everything to me. Please just text me back when you get this so I know you’re okay. I love you…
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
My Sister's Keeper
First Babies of Private Garden Fic
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AN: the triplets are always going to be protect each other like their parents told them to. They're around 16/17 in this. 💖
Synopsis: Axel gets suspended for fighting at school and you and Jack have to get to the bottom as to why
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
First Babies of Private Garden Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Urban was simply eyeing his oldest godson as Axel quickly made eye contact with him and looked down.
"Please don't tell them, Uncle Urb."
"Are you serious right now? We're sitting in the principal's office because you decided to beat the absolute shit out of someone at 9 in the morning on a Monday. What the? Axel, what am I supposed to say when I show up with you at 11 am?"
"Well, maybe I got sick." Axel suggested and Urban immediately shook his head.
"And got suspended for three days? You are definitely your mother's child but don't tell her I told you that."
"I… didn't think that far. Maybe I have a contagious stomach bug and I need to stay home for a week."
"I-.... come on now. But why did you do it? Ax, you're quiet and keep to yourself."
"I don't like him."
"Okay? And that’s a reason to fight him?"
"Can we just go home so I can get yelled at by my parents and get it over with?"
"It'll be better if you actually told them why you did it."
"Simple. I don't like him."
"Who are you and what have you done with my godson?"
Axel simply shrugged in response without giving an explanation. 
Once Urban brought Axel home, Axel used his key to open the door and walked in to see you and Jack having a movie marathon on the couch. All eyes immediately went to him and Urban.
“Umm? Someone want to tell us why our child isn’t in school right now?” Jack asked as Axel nervously scratched the back of his neck, a habit that he inherited from his father.
“Ax, if you don’t tell them, I will.” Urban said while looking over at him and he immediately sighed knowing that a shitstorm would soon follow.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” You immediately asked, concerned. 
“I got suspended.”
“Oh shit.” Jack immediately said, but you were staring at your child in disbelief.
“FOR WHAT?” You exclaimed and immediately crossed your arms.
“For beating the shit out of someone at nine in the morning.” Urban tacked on and Axel wouldn’t even look at either of you and became more interested in the New Balances that graced his feet.
“Oh, damn. Did you atleast win?” Jack muttered and simply shook his head.
“What? What I do?”
“Be serious for once in your life please. Ax, you better start explaining and you better start now.” You said while motioning for him to come and sit across from the two of you.
He quickly sat down while Urban sat next to him and motioned for him to go on.
“I don’t like him.”
“Oh, so that’s the reason?” Jack asked while trying to understand why the quietest child of this would simply snap.
“Ax, that doesn’t make sense. I mean your mother used to do that all the time but…”
“Jackman, choose your next words carefully.”
“I… anyway that still isn’t an excuse so what are you hiding from us?”
“Nothing. I just don’t like him. He thinks he’s invincible and I got tired of it.”
“And told the principal to call me instead of you two because umm well you know…”
“Urban Henry, you also need to choose your next words carefully.” You said while eyeing your best friend who threw his hands up in defense.
“Because I know all three of you would be disappointed in me but I figured calling Uncle Urb would get me in less trouble?”
“What the? What kind of sense does that make?!” You asked while looking at your child in disbelief.
He simply shrugged in response. 
“Okay, um, well since you don’t want to tell us the truth because I know you’re hiding something, you can be grounded for a month and I’m debating on whether you get to play in your soccer game this weekend.”
“Babe! A month?! That’s….” Jack said while looking at you, but you weren’t going to budge on your decision. 
“No, because he wants to lie. You know better than to lie to us. So until you want to come clean, you go to school after your suspension is over and come straight home. Oh, and don’t expect to drive anywhere either.”
“What about…”
You immediately cut him off.
“I don’t care. You have five seconds to get out of my sight. Come talk to us when you want to tell us the truth.”
Axel got up and immediately rolled his eyes which you caught and it was taking everything in you not to yell at him, but that quickly went out the window.
“Axel, roll your eyes at me again and I promise that will be the very last time you do it.”
“I didn’t even…”
“Lie to my face, again. Go ahead, I dare you.”
Axel just sighed in defeat before getting up and heading to his room. 
Once you heard the door slam, you immediately got up, but Jack held you back knowing that you were about to rip your middle child a new one.
“Babe, just let me talk to him, okay? Just calm down for a second.”
“Got some fucking nerve slamming doors in a house that he doesn’t pay for. Jack, get your child before I do.”
“I got it.” Jack responded before heading upstairs to talk to Axel.
He softly knocked before opening the door and came to sit next to him.
“Now, you know how your mother is so I volunteered to come up here and talk to you because um she was clearly about to rip you a new one. You know she’s little, but walks around here like she’s 6’3. Don’t tell her I told you that because I’ll be grounded for a month too. Now, what is it that you aren’t telling us?”
“Nothing. I told you why I did it.”
“But Ax, come on. There’s gotta be something more to it because this isn’t like you. Autumn, yes, but not you.”
“That was it. Was tired of him.”
Jack simply sighed.
“Ax, meet me halfway here. You have to give me something because I’m trying to get your mother to change you being grounded for an entire month.”
“Well, I don’t know what to tell you.”
“I swear you and Autumn have switched places today. Anyway um, so just stay out of your mom’s way until she can calm down. And you know better than to roll your eyes and slam doors in this house.”
“I know… just frustrated I guess. I’ll apologize to mom later.”
“Ehh, just wait until I tell you when to do it. Oh, and hand me your phone. I have to come back downstairs with something otherwise your mother is going to kill both of us.”
Axel simply smirked and shook his head while handing Jack his phone.
“And don’t do it again.”
“Is that what grandma told mom since she liked to fight all the time?”
“I… look… I’m not saying she didn’t but… your mom never listened.”
It was around 2 pm when Ivy and Autumn got back home and you were in the kitchen getting an early start on prepping dinner when both of them came into the kitchen.
“Mom! I’m hungry!”
“Well, hello to you too, Autumn. My day was fine, thanks for asking.” You responded while looking at her and she immediately laughed.
“Oh my bad. Hi mommy, I hope your day was good, now can you feed the youngest of the triplets, please?”
“I… I guess that’s better so I’ll take it. Go get daddy’s phone and order McDonald’s.”
“OOH, okay!” She ran out the room to go and track down Jack while Ivy sat down at the island and was simply looking at you.
“Ivy May, be honest with me.”
Her eyes immediately went wide at the sound of her full name and nervously looked at you.
“Who did Axel fight and why? Because he won’t tell us.”
“Ivy, I’ll get you that new make-up set you wanted from Savage.”
Just then Jack came into the kitchen before she could answer with Autumn hot on his trail.
“No, you are not ordering 40 chicken mcnuggets.”
“Why are you acting like me and your mother don’t feed you?” 
“I haven’t eaten since this morning!”
“So your first option is to eat 40 nuggets?” He asked her in disbelief and she immediately pouted.
“No, cut it out with the pout. No.”
“It works when mommy does it!”
“Hey! Don’t drag me into this.” You immediately said while seasoning the fish that you were going to fry later. 
All Jack did was sigh before handing her his phone and all she did was smirk.
“Ivy, I got you a burger and orange hi-c. I’ll get the same for Ax, too.”
Once Autumn handed Jack his phone and left the kitchen, you turned back to her.
“Well, you didn’t hear it from me, but Ax fought Jaden Greene.”
Both you and Jack immediately stopped what the two of you were doing and looked at her in disbelief.
“Excuse me?” You said and she immediately nodded.
“Um, so… I told Autumn to tell you but uhh.. Her and Jaden have been dating for like three months and Ax overheard him talking and saying how he bagged Jack Harlow’s and First Lady’s daughter so Ax went up to him and beat his ass. Oops, sorry, but um yeah. He didn’t think Ax was going to do anything because you know he’s quiet and keeps to himself. But he’s popular and has all his friends but yeah…”
“After we told her to stay away from him?” Jack said and simply looked over at you and he could tell that you were trying your hardest not to go off.
“I told her, but she didn’t listen to me. And I also told her how you two were going to kill her.” Ivy said while shrugging.
“Babe, let me…” Jack started to say, but you weren’t having it.
“Well, I’m going to go do my homework now.” Ivy said while sliding out of the chair and making her way upstairs to her room.
Axel and Autumn came into the kitchen with both of them looking nervous.
You had to even your breathing because you didn’t know which child you wanted to address first.
“Now, I’m going to ask this one time and one time only. If you lie to us, no one in this house is going to prom except Ivy so think about your response carefully.”
“MOMMY, WHATEVER IT IS, I DIDN’T DO IT!” Autumn immediately said, but you held your hand up to stop her.
“Axel, who did you fight? And why?” You asked while looking over at him.
He quickly looked at Autumn and both of them stayed quiet.
“Autumn, do you have a boyfriend and is his name Jaden Greene who me and your mother told you to stay away from and you went behind our backs and did it anyway?” Jack asked with his arms crossed.
He was definitely the most easy going parent between the two of you, but this was something he couldn’t let slide. 
“Wait….” She started to say but you immediately shook your head.
“Autumn, what did we tell you? So you’re lying to us now too?”
“Daddy…. I…”
“He disrespected my little sister and I wasn’t just going to stand there and watch it happen. That’s why I fought him. He said something about how he bagged Jack Harlow’s daughter like she’s an object or something. I didn’t like the way he was talking about her.”Axel finally said and breathed a sigh of relief now that everything was out in the open. 
“And Ax, you couldn’t have said this earlier?” Jack asked him and you remained quiet because you were fuming on the inside at Autumn for going behind both of your backs and Axel trying to cover it up.
“I know I should have said something, but I just wanted to protect my sister. Both of you always told us to protect each other no matter what.”
You had now finished prepping dinner and placed it into the refrigerator, but still remained quiet which made not only your husband, but your kids nervous as well.
“Uh, mom?” Axel said and you turned around to look at him.
“I love that you protect each other, however, there was absolutely no reason to lie. Especially because of how understanding me and your father are. Now you might not be grounded for an entire month, but you’ll still be grounded for lying.”
“That’s fair.” He quietly said and then you turned to Autumn who looked like she was ready to disappear into thin air.
“Okay, boys out the kitchen. Me and Autumn need to talk.”
“Daddy, save me!” She whispered to Jack who shook his head no.
“Look, you made your bed, now you have to lie in it. Talk to your mother and then we’ll both talk to you after about what you did.”
Once the both of them were out of the kitchen, you sat at the island across from her and could see her eyes start to water.
“You’re disappointed in me.”
“I… really liked him, mom.”
“Okay, first let me tell you this. A boy who respects you is never going to speak to you or about you in that manner, okay? You have to understand your worth and that you are more than Jack Harlow’s and First Lady’s daughter.”
“I know.”
“You have your own identity and you are your own person who has their own thoughts, aspirations, dreams, and goals. Me and your dad do not want for you to be in our shadow and we want for you to always be yourself. Don’t try to be something that you’re not to impress people because at the end of the day, you will find your tribe and the people that value and love you for who you are without you having to change anything about yourself.”
She simply nodded her head indicating that she was listening.
“The fact that you went behind our backs should let you know that you were doing something that you shouldn’t have done in the first place.”
“I admit that I shouldn’t have. But I know you and daddy wouldn’t approve so I just….”
“Promise me from now on, no secrets? No matter what it is. I’m not here to judge you, but I always want for you to be honest with us so that if any problems arise that me and your dad can help you to the best of our ability. I want for all of our babies to come to us if you need us. Don’t forget we were once your age too.”
“Promise.” She said while getting down from her chair and coming over to hug you.
“But you know this still means you’re getting grounded right?” You asked her as she separated from you and she immediately sighed.
"Wait, how did you even find out?" She curiously asked.
"I never reveal my sources."
"It was Ivy, wasn't it?"
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dira333 · 11 months
Passing Peonies - Post War Touya Todoroki - Part VI
When the war ended, Midoriya Izuku had proven one thing: That Villains did not need to be killed to be defeated. That you could make friends from enemies.
Touya Todoroki, formerly known as Dabi, had been one of those taken into the rehabilitation program. After one year of intense physical and psychological therapy, he's got the chance to prove himself. To prove that he can be a part of this world.
Complete fic length: 30.600 words - Masterlist
Warnings: poor mental health and resentment against past actions is mentioned, burn scars etc. as well. There is angst but this is mostly soft Touya coming back to his family...
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Part 6: (2,5k words)
You’re in the kitchen, washing your hands and looking at the garden through the window when the door opens.
“We’re home!” Natsuo calls out. 
“In the kitchen,” Touya calls back, drying his hands and sending you a comforting smile.
“My siblings.”
You nod.
“Oh, you’re here too.” Natsuo’s surprise is palpable until he spots the tree through the kitchen window.
“Sick! Fuyumi! Shouto! We’ve got a new tree.”
“What do you mean, a new tree?” Fuyumi steps in next, throwing you a polite smile before she spots the tree as well, racing after Natsuo on the way out.
Shouto’s the last to come by, staying close to the door instead of entering the kitchen properly, nodding a greeting. 
“I’ll be in my room.” He tells them quietly.
“Don’t you want to see the tree?” Touya asks, hoping that his brother will like it. His reaction is the most important to him, after his parents.
“I don’t remember the first tree.” Shouto reminds him. Again, it feels personal. 
Your hand’s suddenly on his arm.
Your eyes are still on Shouto like they always are when he’s around. But you’re touching him, voice soft and careful when you speak.
“To him, it is just a tree.” You tell him. “If you want him to understand, you’ll have to explain it. You can’t expect him to read your mind.”
“What’s it to you?” Shouto asks from the door and you push him, gently, towards his baby brother.
When they come back inside, you’re gone. 
He wishes you had stayed.
“Your siblings,” You ask, late Monday afternoon, “How old are they?”
He’d been telling you about their reactions, how Natsuo and Fuyumi had been awed by your Quirk, how Shouto had been cautious at first and lost in thought the rest of the night.
How his mother had cried and his father had hugged him, awkwardly but tight, when they realized what their tree stump had become.
“Fuyumi is one year younger than me. I’m 26 by the way. Natsuo is four years younger and Shouto is eight years younger. Why?”
“Just curious. Shouto-kun looks a lot older than he is but when he mentioned that he did not remember the tree I felt my math not adding up.”
“How old are you?” He asks something he’s been wondering about for longer than he wants to admit.
“Guess.” You’re grinning and he’s groaning.
“Don’t do that to me. I’m awful at that.”
You shrug. “You don’t have to guess. You can just keep not knowing.”
“Twenty.” He blurts out the first number that comes to his mind. You laugh.
“Sill wrong.”
He glares at you as you giggle.
You’re full-on laughing now, enjoying his miserable guessing skills a little too much, when the bell chimes and his father enters the shop.
You fall quiet like the laughter has been sucked out of you.
“I’m sorry.” Enji looks as awkward as Touya feels. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“No worries.” Your smile is polite but distant. “I need to get more plant food for the roses. Call me if you need help.” 
You move toward the back room but his father calls your name.
“No, please… Please stay. My wife sent me. We want to invite you over. For dinner. As a thank you for the tree.”
“I didn’t do much.”
“You did more than enough.”
Again it feels like you’re no longer talking about the tree.
“You don’t have to.” He tells you. “But it would be nice if you came.”
You look at him and Touya wonders, not for the first time, if you can read his mind.
Eventually, you nod. “But nothing fancy, please.”
Touya smiles. “Just grilled cheese.”
You smile too, but it doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
He’d begged and bribed and read through any recipe he could find to make it happen only to be the one stationed in the kitchen while you’re sitting at the table.
He’s filling Gyoza with cheese and can barely see anything through the door, just Shouto’s stiff back and half of his mother’s head. At least Fuyumi is there with him, bribed with two new plants for her room and one of his jackets she’s taken a liking to.
A year and a half might have passed since he’d survived the war, but Dinners at Todorokis are never a lively thing. 
Which is why it’s not surprising that all he can hear is small talk with long breaks in between.
“The bouquets this week were quite nice.” He hears his father say as he folds yet another Gyoza, regretting - again - that they came here right after work. “My secretary says it’s the nicest we’ve had so far and asked if he could take it home on Saturday to his wife.”
“That was one of Touya-kun’s creations.” You answer softly and his ears burn under your praise.
“Does he have talent?” That’s Shouto. His question, as usual, is a little bit too direct. It speaks for his family that no one chides him and instead, waits for your answer.
“He has been my most talented employee so far.” You admit freely. “He has a fantastic eye and a good ear for the plants.”
“Why, are they talking?” Natsuo asks and Touya presses his thumb so hard into the Gyoza that the dough breaks.
“They can if you’re listening.” You answer simply and he knows, he just knows, that his brother thinks you’re a nutjob.
“Is that what you’re doing?” His mother asks when he plates the last Gyoza, now fried a little crispy on the edges, and takes them out with Fuyumi following him with the other dishes.
“Food’s ready.” He calls out and places the dish in front of you before taking a seat across from you.
He watches you smile when you take the first bite, sharing a look with him that only he understands. Suddenly, having to stand in the kitchen for a last-minute dish after work is worth it if just for that look on your face.
“Touya has told us that your Quirk allows you to grow things.” His mother starts again when the food is devoured.
“Well, yes. That is what I do.”
“Can you grow fruit or just plants that will eventually produce fruit?” Shouto asks, following it up with an explanation. “Momo can materialize anything as long as she knows the molecular structure behind it.”
He points at his girlfriend who’d been mostly quiet up until now. She shows her bare arm and with a glowing light, a plump apple falls from her skin. She catches it in her hand and offers it to you.
“I cannot grow fruit. But I can grow a cut flower instead of the bush that will eventually produce said flower.” You stretch out your hand as if you’re trying to pluck a crumble from Touya’s hair and when you pull it back, he recognizes the closed bulb of a peony in your hand, the stem as long as your arm.
“But they have a mind of their own. Especially peonies don’t like to come out blooming.”
“We are so grateful that you helped grow back our tree. It feels like old wounds can heal now.”
Touya tenses, feeling your eyes on him. It’s not that he dislikes talking about the tree, but he feels like they’ve done enough talking about the tree by now. Sure, they cannot yet see what the spring will bring with the flowers and plants that he placed, but they could ask about it for a chance.
“Have you had the chance to listen to what the rest of the garden will bring in the spring?” You ask at that moment as if you’d read his mind yet again.
“I understand that there will be tulips, but please, Touya, tell us again.”
After dinner, you relocate to the living room, where Rei pulls out a picture album.
“I redid this one after I’ve found some pictures I’d forgotten about.” She explains and opens it on the first page to Touya, naked, in the arms of his father.
He’s going to die.
“Oh, you were so cute back then.” Fuyumi coos.
“You peed on me,” Enji remembers fondly. “And couldn’t stay still for a second.”
“Do you feel comfortable with me seeing these pictures?” You ask, quietly, but somehow loud enough for the room to fall quiet.
Touya stills, focusing on your eyes, on your face, on everything he’s learned to trust, and nods. 
“Yeah. It’s embarrassing but I trust that you’ll not go around advertising with my baby pictures.”
You shrug with a smile. “I might, if it would sell.” 
He laughs, surprised at the joke.
The first year of his life is documented to the extreme.
He’d been born prematurely and the pictures of himself, tubes sticking out of every opening, inside a glowing cube of some kind, still seem to hurt his parents.
Fuyumi is almost double his size at birth, looking like a model baby on her father's arm. 
“Did not pee on me,” Enji recalls just as fondly. “But you did poop on me once.”
By the time Natsuo is born, Touya’s fire quirk had already manifested. But the pictures are not organized chronologically, it seems, because after Natsuo’s baby picture’s, there are picture’s of baby Shouto.
Now, years later, and with a different mindset, he can tell that his baby brother has the cutest baby face of all of them. Maybe it’s the eyes, or his hair, or something else entirely, but when he looks at those pictures now, he feels no hatred, but a warm kind of curiosity.
Natsuo flips the page and there he is, Touya, hands aflame, a proud look on both his and his father’s face who’s standing next to him, equally aflame.
He’d forgotten about that picture but that’s not what pulls his attention. Instead it’s your brows, pinched together like you’re holding a thought. And you keep holding it, through all the pictures you’re shown. 
He drives you home. 
It’s his father’s car and he’s only allowed to take it every other day, but it doesn’t matter right now, because he’s driving you home and your brows are still pinched and he doesn’t know what’s wrong.
“Ever since you saw that picture of me,” he starts when he parks in front of the shop, “You’ve looked deep in thought.”
“I just never realized that you used to have orange flames.” You tell him. “I knew you had a fire quirk but when I looked it up once it was mentioned that your flames were blue.”
“I don’t really have a fire quirk.” He realizes he’s babbling but he can’t seem to stop. “Or at least my body can’t handle the fire. I’m not allowed to use it anymore. Haven’t figured out the ice thing though, so I’m kinda quirkless at the moment.”
“When did your blue flames appear?” You ask, completely disregarding his comment, something you’ve never done before.
“When I was about nine, I had it when I burned down the-” He halts, realizing what he was about to say, and finishes his sentence anyway. “Tree. When I burned down the tree.”
You don’t flinch at his admission. You just stare out the window, still deep in thought.
“Do you have a problem with fire quirks?” He asks, more a guess, really.
“Quite the contrary, actually.”
“You love fire quirks?” If only his heart wouldn’t beat this quick.
“When I was thirteen years old, the building I was in burned down. I only survived because someone with a fire quirk saved me at the last minute.”
“The scaring on your neck.” He blurts out before he can stop himself but you nod calmly.
“Yes. I do not try to hide it but I am aware that my hair covers most of it.”
“Did you think that Shouto or my father could have saved you?”
“I don’t know.” You say. “I just remember a burning figure coming through the fire and the next thing I knew was me waking up in the hospital.”
“It could be someone else with a fire quirk.” He points out before realizing that there are no other documented cases with a fire quirk like theirs. His own grandmother had a lava quirk after all.
But why are you so tense about it?
“Are you disappointed that my father might have saved you?”
You sigh and your brows relax as if you’re letting go of what bothers you. He wishes he could do the same.
“I don’t know if this is a universal thing or if it’s just me, but when I was saved, I felt like I had to make it count. To live a life worth saving. But I also just wanted a quiet life and wondered if that would be okay for my savior. Never knowing who it was made it easier until I met your father and now I cannot stop thinking about how my life must look through his eyes.”
“It could be someone with a fire resistance quirk.” He offers. “Not my father. And it’s not me, I’ve never been a hero.”
“You are, but not in the way you think.”
“What do you mean?”
You turn away from him and for a moment he thinks you’re going to get out and leave him with his question, but then you turn back with a black box in your hands.
“I thought about giving you this at the dinner but it felt out of place. Congratulations, Touya. You made it through six months of rehabilitation.”
He stares at you, in the dim light of a sole street lamp, his heart beating and breaking and folding itself together.
There’s a softness in your eyes he wants to mean something else and yet, isn’t he also happy with what he has? 
He pulls the lid of the box to reveal another, smaller, box.
“I was wondering what you’d like.” You tell him, your voice a quiet mumble. “I hope it’s okay.”
He pulls the lid of the box to reveal yet another, smaller box and now he’s grinning and you’re smiling.
He pulls the lid off again, to reveal yet another black box, but this one’s different, the edges curved. It’s a ring box and he feels foolish when he opens it to reveal one single silver ring. 
Engraved into the exterior is a single peony, it’s bud not open yet. He turns the ring to feel the inner circle, knowing somehow that it will be engraved as well.
Dabi, he finds, Touya, next to it. And bloom.
“Can I touch you?” You ask and he nods, his voice stuck in his throat.
You pull him into a hug, his chin fitting right above your shoulder, your cheek warm against his neck.
He can feel your heartbeat against his, can feel your breath ghost over his shoulder.
“You are doing great, Touya-kun.” You tell him softly. “I am proud of you.”
taglist: @misfit-megumi @shoulmate @pixiesavvy @the2ndl @neko-my-cat @chelseaquake @tiredslepz @frozen-phoenix17 @spltbtch
taglist is open, if you want to join, just mention it in a comment or send me a message.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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chershire23 · 3 months
What, he's adorable!
Rodimus was walking around base bored outta his processor. Optimus practically grounded him to base for a while after he and Miko's last stunt together. He doesn't understand though he's a Prime for crying out loud and Miko was just fine on the battle field with them. After all he had her safely tucked away in his subspace and she could watch all the action through a screen he provided her with while inside. But it doesn't do one well to dwell on the past for too long. He soon spots Raf the youngest of his human friends working on his computer.(when wasn't he working on the thing?)
“Hey Raffy boy! How's it going?” He asks a smile on his face as he leans down to see over Rafs shoulder to look at what the boy was doing. “Hey Rodimus, I'm just doing a project for some extra credit for a college class I'm taking. And please don't call me that its the same thing Vince calls me when he picks on me.” Raf says adjusting his glasses. “Huh, want me to rough him up for you?” Rodimus asks with a smirk, making Raf giggle a little. “I can handle Vince, besides you don't want to get into anymore trouble with Optimus than you already are.” Raf says turning back to his computer to begin typing once more.
“Oh come on whos he gonna tell about a giant robot that beat him up without ending up in one of your human psych wards?” Rodimus asks standing up straight to gesture to himself. He settles down afterwards and leans against the platform Rafs on his head laying atop his folded arms. “I have another question for you as well kid. Why do you take all these high level classes. No offense or anything but everyone knows how smart you are, your practically a real life young Sheldon. Without all the cowardice and spoiled attitude of course.” Rodimus says a soft yet curious smile now coming over his features.
Raf loses a bit of his smile before shaking his head. “Well when you live in a family as big as mine you have to do everything in your power just to be seen.” He says his voice filled with a hint of sadness. “And how big is your family exactly?” Rodimus asks as he picks up his head giving the boy his full attention. “I'm the youngest out of five children. And while there are families almost three times as big its still hard to get my parents attention at times.” he explains a frown having taken over his face. “So that's why I do all this stuff and take all these extra classes. So that I can one make my parents proud and be able to have their attention, even if it's just for a minute.” He explains.
“Now I gotta get back to work on this its due on monday.” Raf says before turning all his attention back to his work. Rodimus stands up his eye narrowed in thought. “Huh, well then I just might have to fix that.” he breaths out softly to himself.
(Time skip)
Bumblebee was in all honesty worried and confused it was almost time to take Raf home and he couldn't find his tiny friend anywhere. He makes it back to the common room and sees Rodimus leaning against the wall looking way to smug for anything to be good. “Rodimus, you wouldn't happen to know where Raf is would you?” Bee asks him his beeping tone low with suspicion. “Huh Raf? No I uh, I haven't seen him Bee sorry.” Rodimus says as he avoids looking into the slightly younger bots eyes. Bee narrows his eyes as he watches Rodimus’ arms seemingly tighten around his chest. Right in front of his subspace.
Bee lets out a sigh before holding out a hand. “Let him out and hand him over Rodimus I Have to take him home now.” He beeps in frustration. “Oh come on wouldn't you like to keep Raf here at base with us? In fact wouldn't it be safer for all the humans to remain here with us. I mean Raf just told me his family barely pays any attention to him. So why don't we be his new family hmm?” Rodimus inquires trying to get Bee on bored with his plan. Bee just shakes his head and thrusts his hand forward agian. “Now Rodimus before I get Optimus involved.” He angrily beeps and Rodimus sighs loudly. “Fine but in my defense he's too adorable to not want to adopt.” He pouts and inside his subspace he releases Raf from the seat belts and opens it up to let him out.
Bumblebee takes Raf from Rodimus with a glare and cradles the boy protectively to his chest. “What can you blame me? He's adorable! Rodimus exclaims at a retreating Bee. Raf despite being a little shaken was very very amused.
thank you @callsign-relic for helping me pick a prompt! I would have had it done sooner if I hadn't had to help my mom convince my dad to go to the ER after he quite literally got yeeted through the window of a mini excavator. He should be ok but you never know with my dad as he likes to hide injuries when he feels there is work to be done.
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ljnsdump · 1 year
What a Plot Twist You Were (Jisung x F!reader)
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Jisung x F!reader
You can't force chemistry to exist where it doesn't, the same way you can't deny it when it does.
Genre: M/F, slight enemies to lovers, fluff, classmates, school setting no mature scenes because im not ready to imagine jisung in those scenes
Warnings: just a lot of bickering and probably cursing here and there, y/n is a spoiled brat
Word Count: 3,999
Hello! A Jisung oneshot because the man finally has an IG acc haha. As always, dont hesitate to give me feedbacks! Enjoy reading!
Read at your own risk.
"Y/N, don't make me let you pull out from that modelling." Her mom warns her sternly. "This is your final semester in high school. You'll be graduating soon and you will not be able to do that if you keep this up."
She rolls her eyes, knowing that her teacher is snitching on her again. As they should though. "Ma, it's fine. My grades are enough for me to be accepted in any university."
"No it's not!" She argues and puts the utensils down on the table that caused a loud sound. Y/N's dad holds her as if to calm her down. "Universities would prioritize those with higher grades and has better knowledge on the courses they want to take than you do."
"Whatever, you'll still get them to accept me anyway."
And that's the time both parents realized that they raised a spoiled brat.
It's monday and everybody is in their first class of the day.
"Okay class, as you may know this is your final semester. We will make sure that no one gets left behind so we came up with a way. We will do the buddy system. You guys will be paired up to your buddy and you will be responsible for each other for the rest of the semester. If one doesn't pass, the other will be questioned, so help each other out. If you have topics that are hard for you both, try to come up with ways so you both will be able to understand it. You can always come to me, other teachers and even students."
They all agreed and chose their buddy. Then Y/N and Jisung come into the room at the same time but from different doors. Y/N enters the front door with her ipad and coffee while Jisung comes in from the back with just his pen and a notebook.
Their teacher notices them both. "Oh good. You're both here." She says and looks at them back and forth. "You will be each other's buddy. You will be paired up for all school work for the entire semester. You will be responsible for each other's grades."
"What?" Y/N's eyebrows furrow. She heard what her teacher said perfectly but she just couldn't accept it. "He's not that smart! You're pairing me with someone who can't help me."
"You’re late, Miss Y/L/N. Both of you are. Everyone already chose who they wanted to be their pair. It's just the two of you remaining." She answers with stern voice. "And we tried pairing you up with Yunjin before." Pertaining to their top student in class. "But you ended up just letting her do everything."
Y/N looks at Jisung. "You're not saying anything about this?"
He just shrugs and goes to his seat. Y/N groans and does the same.
"Alright. Listen up. First task."
Jisung was the one who stood up first when class ended. He was about to exit the room when Y/N called him. "Park Jisung!"
He turns with an annoyed look on his face. "What?"
She walks to him. "Why did you not say anything earlier when she paired us? You know well both fail."
"I'm not that bad." He replies that she scoffs.
"Fine! Then what should we do about that stupid reporting?"
"I have to go. Just chat with me about your ideas and whatever." He starts to walk away.
And she follows his strides. "I don't have your number!"
"WhatsApp, Messenger, IG, Twitter." He lists down. "It's 2023."
Y/N scoffs in disbelief.
After class, she meets with her best friend who was with her boyfriend at a cafe nearby. They're both in 12th grade, Ningning is in a different class though.
"Hey, who's your pair?" Ningning, as soon as she sees Y/N.
Y/N groans and rolls her eyes. "Park Jisung."
"That sloppy, rugged soccer player?"
She nods. "Yup." Popping end of the word. "Hey, Jun." Y/N casually greets Ningning’s boyfriend who's playing on his phone.
"Oh, sup Y/N." And offers to bump fists.
She accepts with her fist as well. "Nothing much."
"Okay, let's order first." They all sit. "Love, what do you want?"
"A reuben would do, love." He replies.
They spent the remainder of the day talking about their lives and spilling teas.
When she got home, she decided to try out reading about the topic of their report but just minutes later, she plopped down on her bed because she got bored.
Y/N takes out her phone and decides to look for Jisung's account on messenger.
To: Park Jisung
Hey, what are we gonna do about this?
And she finished having dinner and even went to prepare for bed, he still hasn't replied yet.
To: Park Jisung
Park Jisung!
Still no reply. She runs her fingers over her hair in frustration. Jisung has two close friends, she remembered. Y/N looks up the name Zhong Chenle and the Chinese guy's photo pops up.
To: Zhong Chenle
Hey, just wondering if you're with Jisung. Please tell him to check his phone, we have to work on our project.
Just minutes later, a notification pops up saying she has a new message from Jisung.
From: Park Jisung
Oh my god, he's unbearable, she thought.
To: Park Jisung
The project.
From: Park Jisung
Send me your thoughts and ideas about it.
To: Park Jisung
I have no thoughts nor any idea about it.
From: Park Jisung
Then what are we supposed to do?
To: Park Jisung
Idk, let's just meet up tomorrow after class to figure this out.
"Bro, what the hell." Jisung grunts as he puts his phone down and picks up the xbox controller. "She wants me to meet up with her after class. Why did we get paired up, we have no idea about these."
Jisung is currently in Sungchan's place with Chenle. They're playing video games like how they do every single day and not getting tired of it. "Finally you can get some." Chenle teases him.
"I heard she's double-jointed." Jisung's eyebrows furrow at Sungchan's joke, and looks at him with disgust on his face. While Sungchan and Chenle high five.
Jisung walked to Y/N's seat when their class ended. He watched her gather her things in a hurry and was surprised to see him.
"What?" She asks, forgetting that they planned to meet for their project today.
His eyebrows furrow, confused as well. "I thought we'll meet after class?"
"Oh yeah. About that, meet's cancelled. I have to go. Let's just pay someone to do that report." Then she takes off before he can say anything. Better for him though, he'll have the whole time to play his beloved games.
Y/N meets with her handler in a cafe after driving almost half an hour from the university.
"I'm here." She announces and gives a quick friendly hug from behind to her handler Joy. "Let's go?"
Joy turns to her as she stands up. "Okay, good. Let's go. Our client is very chic and very boss lady vibes, Y/N. She's picky and she definitely knows what she wants."
"That's cool. You know I'm here to impress."
"I do." Joy smiles as they walk fast towards the building across the cafe. "I've sent your file to them already. You've looked over the products that you'll be modelling for?"
"Yes, the jewelleries. I actually even own a couple of pieces from their brand. They're nice."
When they arrive, a tall lady in formal attire welcomes them.
"Hi, I'm Seulgi, Mrs. Laviste's assistant. She's waiting for you in her office."
The local company rents both the 3rd and 4th floors of the building for their offices and manufacturing facilities.
They arrive at the office, the woman stands up upon seeing them with a big smile to greet. "Welcome to Ligaya! I'm Flora Laviste, you can call me Mrs. Laviste." Offering her hand which Joy gladly took.
"This is my talent." Joy gestures to Y/N. "Y/N."
Y/N smiles and shakes hands with her as well. "Y/N Y/L/N."
"From what I heard, you're the youngest of Mr. And Mrs. Timothy Y/L/N, is that right?"
"Yes." She smiles. "Yes, I am."
They discuss for a few minutes in Flora's office then go to their in-house studio to shoot a few shots as a demo just for them to see how their products would look on her.
"We reviewed everything and we've decided to take you guys on your offer. She's very good." Nodding her head, applauding Y/N's skills. "We'll do the shoot on Saturday morning."
Friday came and it's time for them to present their report. Y/N came early to school to get the report she paid a college student for.
Holding the flashdrive in her hand, she thanks Yeri. "Thanks a lot Yeri! I really just can't do this on my own."
Yeri smiles. "No worries, Y/N. It was easier for me since we've been over the topic a couple of times already. I sent the file to you too through email."
Y/N sat beside Jisung when she arrived in their classroom. She specifically instructed him to come in early. "We just read what's on the presentation." She tells him.
His eyes shift, obviously in doubt. "Sure?"
"Park and Y/N, you're up." Their teacher announces after the pair prior to them were done with theirs.
They set up on the computer and in no time, the first page of the slide flashes on the white board through the projector. 
"Our topic, the three main classes of carbohydrates." Y/N starts. She then continues to casually read the passages on the PowerPoint presentation which raises a brow of their teacher.
She stands up from her desk and walks towards the center walkway. "Pause, Ms. Y/L/N." The teacher raises her index finger. "You can't just click continuously on those pages without discussing them."
Y/N immediately protests. "But Mrs. Lim, these are self-explanatory."
"Good, then please explain them." She crosses her arms. "And Mr. Park, don't just stand there. Help out your buddy."
The two groans silently upon hearing their teacher's statement. Then Y/N looks at Jisung. "Help me explain it."
"You said it's self-explanatory." He whispers.
"I didn't think she'd let us explain it still after I said that."
After a few minutes of waiting and just looking at the two infront murmuring at each other, Mrs. Lim figures out they got nothing. "Alright, you two. Something's making me think that you both did not make this. I'm gonna let you re-do it this weekend and when we come back on Monday, I want you both to be able to explain and discuss it properly or else this reflects on my record book. Understand?"
Y/N grunts and removes her things from the desk to go back to her seat.
"Let's meet tomorrow morning." Jisung tells her.
"Can't, I have something very important. Afternoon."
"I have something important to do in the afternoon."
Y/N throws her pen to the floor, stomping her feet like a little kid throwing tantrums. "Why did we ever agree to this?!"
Jisung stands tall in front of her with a serious look on his face. "Don't throw tantrums on me, Y/N." He warns with his deep ass voice. "I'm not one of your maids."
"I-I didn't think you were." She nervously replies, blinking and shying away from his eyes. "I was just upset."
"Let's meet tonight."
"Mine or yours?"
At 7pm, Y/N arrives at the convenience store near Jisung's apartment. She immediately texts him.
To: Park Jisung
I'm here.
Park Jisung!
It's very cold here.
I'm gonna kill you.
8 minutes later
From: Park Jisung
Just hang on.
To: Park Jisung
I've been hanging on you idiot.
3 minutes later
From: Park Jisung
I'm coming down.
He, in his black hoodie and sweatpants approaches her and she almost had a heart attack. He looks like a kidnapper on his fit, the only thing that made her realize it is him is his nose. Weird.
"You look scary." She tells him.
He shrugs. "Yeah? Well... let's go."
They start to walk, her, following him from behind.
"Walk slowly."
"This is my normal pace. Your legs are just short."
Y/N stops and crosses her arms while watching him walk away. He did not notice until he finally crossed the road. He looks back and Y/N is still on the other side, glaring at him. Jisung can't help but laugh and put his hands in the pockets of his hoodie as he waits for the lights to go red again.
From: Park Jisung
Stay there.
Although she's far, he can see clearly that she rolled her eyes after reading his text.
As soon as the red light appears, he runs to her and grabs her wrist lightly, and they cross the street.
"Dickhead." She mumbles.
The apartment is definitely Jisung's, Y/N thought upon getting in. Empty red bull cans, chips packets, everything is everywhere. Chenle and Sungchan are there too, yelling at each other as they play.
Y/N looks at Jisung, suggestively while crossing her arms again.
He sighs. "Come on, guys. You need to go." Telling his two friends.
"What?! I thought we were---" Sungchan stops when he sees Y/N and the look on her face. "Time to go."
Chenle removes the headphones from his head. "So what if she's here, it's not like she's staying long anyway. And besides, bros over hoes."
Jisung immediately smacks his head. "That's the red bull talking."
"Oh yeah, she's the first. I'll consider." Chenle adds and this time Y/N is the one glaring at him.
Once they're out, Jisung kicks things out of the way. "My room is clean." Then walk towards there. And indeed it is. Shoes all over, but not in a messy way but it's on the walls like he's collecting them. And they're not just any shoes, they're all or at least that's how Y/N sees it, Jordan 1s.
Her mouth hangs open when she sees the display. "You collect?"
Just minutes later, they're set up on the floor with their gadgets on the center table.
Y/N scratches the back of her head, getting frustrated over what they're doing. "This is so stupid. Carbohydrates are carbohydrates, what the fuck are those main classes for?!" She whines.
"Come on, Y/L/N. All we gotta do is read and understand then make a report."
"I wish it's as easy as saying it."
Jisung gets his hand off his keyboard. "It seems like you hate these subjects that we're taking. Why enroll under them?"
"Because they want me to be a doctor. Like any fucking Asian parent wants their kids to be."
"I'm sorry."
"No need to be, it's not you."
They spent the night just talking about random things. She learned that Jisung prefers nights over days. He's got poop hands as what Chenle calls, meaning everything he touches just fails. He and his friends always play PUBG with Chenle's cousins from China. Random things.
But Jisung felt that Y/N is a good listener. She doesn't give her own opinions on his preferences, she finds everything he says cool, and she asks you about how you feel when you make that choice. It's like she's learning new things as they talk.
But they did not make any progress with their report.
It's almost 12 midnight. "I need to go home now." Y/N states after looking at her watch.
"Are you Cinderella or something?" He jokes.
"I have a shoot tomorrow morning. I can't look puffy." She replies. "You can come with me tomorrow morning. We'll work on this slowly."
Tomorrow came. They met at the cafè again. Y/N picked Jisung up from his place.
"Do you always bring other people aside from your own team to your gigs?"
"No. But it's fine. I can just introduce you as one of us."
They arrive and in no time, Y/N is all set. They also discusse sample shots for the campaign. Jisung just observes as he tries to work on their report.
"Your boyfriend's handsome." Mrs. Laviste says, giving her a teasing smile as they look over at him.
Y/N immediately shakes her head. "He's just my classmate. We got paired up for school work."
"He's been glancing and staring at you for the past few minutes."
"That's probably because he's doing everything and I'm here literally looking pretty."
They suit her up in a silk skin tone slip dress pointing focus on the jewelleries on her. A gold butterfly rests in between her clavicles, they take a shot of that. Her hands, her ears, they alternately put pieces of jewelries and take a few shots of it in all angles possible. Jisung couldn't help but stare. She's good. Great, actually. She gives what's needed from her.
"I just got off the phone with our male model. He won't be able to attend, he's suddenly having the flu." Says Mrs. Laviste's secretary.
Y/N lowkey raises her hand just enough to point at Jisung.
Joy tells Y/N, "You should talk to him."
Y/N nods. "Jisung-ah!" Jisung looks up at her. He sees her walking towards him. "We need a male model."
"You'd be a great one. You're very tall, and your face is decent, you just need a little makeover."
He shakes his head. "I don't think I can. I just came here to work on our report."
"I'll help you. We have until tomorrow. Plus, the pay is good."
At the end, she was able to convince him to join the shoot. They set him in front of the mirror, Y/N helped out in picking up his fits. She laughs when she sees his eyes moving, afraid to move his body.
"You can move, idiot."
He looks at the makeup artist doing his face. "Really? I don't wanna mess up what they're doing."
"As long as you don't go crazy."
They do the shoot together first just so Jisung loosens up and then his solo shoot after. Y/N helps him a lot aside from the director.
"Jisung-ah, just a stoic face. This is a close up shot emphasizing the earring."
After several flashes, he's all done. Y/N claps her hands then everyone else follows. "Congrats on your first modeling gig!"
He grabs her hand and puts it on his chest. "Feel that? I'm so nervous."
Of course, she was taken aback, she didn't feel shit, just her own heart pounding when her hand landed on his hard chest. "T-That's normal." Then she walks away, face flushing, cleaning up her things.
"What's the plan?" He asks when they're finally out of the building.
"We're gonna get lunch and then go to your soccer practice?"
Jisung shakes his head. "I can just pass on that one. Let's just do the report in my apartment again." She looks him straight in the eye and before she can say anything, he says, "I cleaned up."
Y/N smiles a little. "Okay."
"What do you wanna eat? My treat today." He says, looking at her.
"I'm craving biryani."
"Let's go to Jamieson's then."
And somehow they're eating lunch together, Jisung is skipping practice to do their project together, talking casually unlike before where they just roll their eyes at each other.
Y/N asks while they eat. "So what do you think about the modelling thing?"
He shrugs. "It's cool for my first time. You and your team made it too easy for me."
"And you were pretty good too. You have potential." She puts her hand on her face, posing elegantly, mimicking his poses earlier.
Jisung laughs and immediately removes her hand from her face. "Stop it."
"Why? Wait until Chenle and Sungchan see those photos."
"Oh God." He cringes and ducks head under his hands while Y/N laughs.
They spend the whole afternoon discussing their topic, even arguing if one finds something different in their researches but at the end, they were able to finish up their presentation and are confident that they'll be able to discuss it in front of the class on Monday.
"Thanks, Ji."
And for some reason they found themselves arguing about what comes first, the egg or the chicken. They even did their research on their stands far more efficiently than how they did it first with their report about carbohydrates.
"If I'm right, you'll give me $50?" He taunts.
She pulls out her phone from her purse and counters with, "And if I'm right, I send this pic to your friends." Showing him photos of his shoot that she took without his knowing.
Jisung was about to snatch his phone when she immediately stands up and runs away from him. "Y/N, delete that!"
"No!" She yells back but falls onto the floor by the kitchen. "I can't feel my legs!"
He rushes to her with panic on his face. "What happened?!"
"I think we squatted on the floor for too long." Jisung sighs in relief. "But I still can't feel my legs, it's weird and ticklish."
"What do you want me to do?"
"I dunno, it's really weird. I hate it."
"I'll try to massage it." He looks at her waiting for her approval and she eventually nods, just desperate for the weird feeling on her legs to go away. His hands are huge, she notices. That's why it looked so good in the photos earlier.
"It's going away." Before they stand up, he attempts to steal her phone but she immediately holds it protectively with both her hands. "No, these are mine."
"That's literally me in those photos."
"Yes, I'm aware."
He traps her between both his arms and the kitchen counter. Jisung lowers himself to level with her. "Give me your phone." His voice drops an octave that gives her goosebumps. His voice has always been deep but it's different when it's this deep.
Their faces are almost touching and she blinks a couple of times as her nervousness gets the better of her. "Y-You're too close."
"I know."
"You look good." Out of the blue she says then covers her mouth with one hand.
Jisung chuckles. "You look good too. Really good." She tries to avoid his lingering eyes but she can't. "You like us like this, don't you? That's why you don't wanna give me your phone?"
"I thought I'm the first woman who ever got this close to you?"
"You are."
"It doesn't seem like it."
He gives a small smile. "That's because you make me do things I never knew I'm capable of doing." And her heart skipped a beat, she couldn't say anything. It's like her throat is blocked with something. "And I thought you're one of them strong girls? The type who nobody wants to mess with. You've always had that image but why are you refusing now?"
Y/N grabs him by the neck and crashes her lips with his. Jisung got surprised but started kissing her back until he snaps back to reality.
But she suddenly pushes him away, running to his bedroom to get her things and in no time, she's in her car driving home with her heart pounding in her ribcage. Meanwhile, Jisung remained speechless in the kitchen, no idea as to what exactly happened.
From: Park Jisung
People usually say something and don't just run after they do that, yk?
From: Park Jisung
Don't be a coward now.
To: Park Jisung
Forget that ever happened.
From: Park Jisung
Uh... no
From: Park Jisung
You kissed me first and now you just want me to forget abt it?
To: Park Jisung
From: Park Jisung
No, in fact, maybe I'll kiss you again tomorrow.
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darkbluekies · 2 years
Hedwig asks #1
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Next one Concept: I've put multiple asks into one post to avoid too much loose posts on my account! This way, you have more to read too<3
Warnings: a little suggestive, yandere, manipulation, blackmail
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How would Hedwig react if s/o left on vacation without telling her?
...what has she done to you? Hedwig will 100% freak out. She'll be so anxious and scared that she faints and won't be able to go to school. She stays shaking under her sheets with tears running down her cheeks. She'll call you hundreds of times and leave a dozens of messages where she BEGS you to answer. She's nothing without you, so why can't you just answer?! When she gets to know what you've done and why you have left her alone, she'll be so mad at you that you regret everything. She'll book her own flight and go to you because you can not escape her. Wherever you go, she goes.
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How would Hedwig deal with an escape artist s/o who doesn't leave, lets say her s/o rejects her she kidnaps them and ties them up only for her to turn around and their sitting down like it's a regular Monday morning and is just like "It's pretty nice here I think I'm gonna stay😀"
"W-What did you say?" she stutters.
She can't believe how you got out of the ropes so quickly or why you aren't screaming. She'll be white as a ghost trying to understand that you're staying voluntarily. Suddenly, she'll feel ashamed of kidnapping you.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I-I thought that ... you know ... that you didn't want to be with me. You rejected me ... remember? But I'm not mad! Not anymore! Not when you accepted to stay. I will make up for the bruises you got. I apologize for that. Should I get the first aid kit?"
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would like to see a scenario where readers parents are protective and wary of rich people bc they think rich people look down on people and hedwig tries to get them to like her
You try to convince your parents that Hedwig is different, but they're not buying it. 'Every rich person is the same, only caring about themselves', they say.
Hedwig has invited them over for dinner to show how well mannered and down to earth she is. Or that's at least what she hopes she is. You're trying to calm her down, but winning your parents over means everything to her. She wants to be the perfect daughter in law.
When they come over, Hedwig is on her best behavior. You think she's acting silly, being too friendly, too well behaved. It's unnatural. Your parents are reserved and quiet. You can see their eyes light up slightly when Hedwig tells them that the chef has prepared their favorite meal. She adds on that you've helped her make this special.
During the dinner, Hedwig asks your parents questions and tries to hold back her usual talk about things she does. She doesn't want to seem unrelatable. She engages in conversations, just like she does when talking to you, and gives appropriate comments. It almost feels rehearsed.
Hedwig even gives them a gift. Nothing flashy, nothing expensive. Just a box of chocolate as a 'thanks for coming'. She gives you a hopeful look. Maybe your parents will start to change their attitudes about her.
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Can you do Hedwig and her s/o who doesn’t know what to do with their life? Like any career doesn’t really interest them
You sigh, rolling over on your stomach to let the sun grace your back.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Hedwig asks from the towel beside you.
"Nothing, I've just had time to think now that we're free from school and ... I realized that I don't know anything. I don't know what I want to be, i don't know myself and I don't know how the world works. I don't think school prepared me for anything."
Hedwig sighs and sits up to look at you. Her white bikini glows against her sunkissed skin. Hedwig thought that you and her could spend the first week of summer break at her house by the pool.
"You don't have to stress", she says. "It's not like you will become homeless. You have all the time in the world to figure out what you'd like to do ... but you could just be a stay at home partner. I wouldn't mind. I can always pay for the both of us. You could dive deeper into your hobbies instead of working!"
Hedwig won't admit out loud that she'd rather have you be a stay at home partner than go out into the big, scary world every day to work a heartless job. She doesn't want to share you with the world.
"Do you know what you want to be?" you ask her.
"I don't have to be something", Hedwig smiles back. "I have enough money to last a lifetime. But ... you're right. It's boring being able to do everything you want anytime you want it. Getting a job would make me a bit more occupied. Model, maybe?"
"You seem to have an idea at least."
"Darling ... you don't have to stress it. I have a wonderful future planned for us. We're going to go on a lot of vacations and just enjoy life. Doesn't that sound nice? Don't stress about it. Just stay with me and you won't have to worry."
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Hedwig trying to explain to reader why they would make an amazing couple and family
If the laws of physics doesn't bend to her will, she'll force them to bend :)
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If I may what is Hedwig's finger size??? Asking for research purposes obviously ☺️ (HEDWIG PLEASE MARRY ME IM SO GAY FOR YOUUUWUVVVWWBINFRRFCE💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💖💖💖)
Hm yeah, research purposes oBVIOUSLY. hedwig will marry you in a heartbeat.
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How would Hedwig react to a teasing reader marking her neck. And then when things start to get even more passionate, they just completely stop and walk away like nothing happened
Her entire body will go weak with your touch. She'll start to use grabby hands to get you closer and whine. She's pudding in your hands. You pull her closer, making sure to put pressure points where you know she likes them only to let her go and walk away. She blinks in confusion.
"Y-Y/N, no, don't leave! You can't leave me like this! Y/N, come back! Please!"
Hey ! I love your fic about hedwig and the f-boy, and after reading it I wondered what would happen if he actually leaves her because she broke his trust ??Ps: your blog is so pretty &lt;3
[thank you so much!!]
oneshot this is based off of
She won't let him. Hedwig's a fantastic manipulator, but if he can see through that ... she'll take drastic measures and keep him with her. She'll blackmail, kidnap and convince him.
"I'm sorry for everything, Y/N. You know I love you. A lot. That's why I'm doing this. You have to understand that what I'm doing is the right thing. Now, please open your mouth so I can feed you."
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How do you think hedwig would react if her darling wasn't into women
Hedwig would be so sad. In her perfect world, you love her and she loves you, but if you're not into women, she'll try to act platonic with you. if she can't have you romantically, she'll at least have you as her friend. She can't imagine a life without you in it and will do her best to be the person you want her to be.
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GOSHHH, I LOVE HEDWIG SO MUCH..I just wanna spend a day just purely spoiling her with attention. You write so well!! It made me developed a hunger for this type of writing. 😖
Oh my god thank you so much! i'm so glad you like both Hedwig and the writing <333
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tom-hunter-summah · 1 year
Born in the Wrong Era| pt. 2
pairing: Wally ClarkxGN!Reader
summary: wally and reader finally get to talk. but is it such a good thing?
warnings: mentions of death, reader drives a jeep, one shout and one scream but neither caused the other, mention of hallucinations, use of Y/N. 
word count: 906
a/n: hello,hello! i hope everyone is well 😊 sorry for the delay but good news is chapter three will be out at the end of this week! also this is mainly dialogue. hope yall enjoy!
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also thank you to @moonchildicons for letting me use her wally icon for this aesthetic ❤️
pt. 1 
He holds his hand up to catch his breath. 
“How do you know my name? More importantly; how can you see me?”
You’re too baffled to speak. This boy you’ve known through stories, pictures and tears is here. 
Maybe, You’ve finally cracked under the pressure of life which has led to hallucinations. You squeeze your eyes closed hoping he’ll go away when they open.
He waves a hand in front of your face. “Can you still see me?”
So much for that theory.
“Unfortunately, yes.”
He lets out a sigh of relief before looking slightly offended. “Unfortunately?”
“Yes, Unfortunately.” The moment you check your phone, the bell for 6th period rings. “And I need to get to class.”
You start to walk out the gate but Wally runs in front of you, stopping you in your tracks, again. 
He laughs. “So we’re just not gonna talk about this?”
“Look, Wally I don’t have time to figure out why my hallucinations chose to manifest in the form of someone I’ve never met, but I really need to get to class.”
You walk through him and that experience is one you don’t necessarily want to relive and it has you running to class. 
You hear Wally yell out after you. “You’re not hallucinating!”
Further into the hurricane, you go. 
Monday- 1:45 pm
You’ve never been happier that you have 8th period free. Stats is already hell to be in, but that thing you saw earlier didn’t make it any better. As soon as you could, you bolted from class to your car. You waited for the lot to clear from parents and students alike before you screamed (windows rolled up of course.) It felt good. It would have felt great if you weren’t started by Mr. Anderson knocking on your window. 
You roll your window down, looking guilty. 
“You alright?” 
You shrug. 
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You shake your head no. 
“Understand. Well if you’re going to have a mental breakdown, please do so off school grounds, or at least in the theater room.” He gently taps the hood of your Jeep and briskly walks away.
You laugh to yourself at the ridiculousness of that interaction. 
“What’s so funny?”
Or so you hoped. 
“Jesus can’t a person decompress in peace?! What the hell Wally?”
He holds his hands up in defense.  “Sorry. Look I’ve been trying to get your attention since you stomped off the field but you couldn’t hear me in your very complicated math class–”
You cut him off. “So you thought giving me a heart attack in my car would help me not ignore you?”
He shrugs. “Well at least if you die then we can–” 
You give him a look. “Not helping your case dude. Get out of my car.” 
“Wait Y/N–”
“How do you even know my name?”
In the beat of silence that filled the car, you shrink. “Sorry Walls, Please, talk.”
He sighs. “Thank you. And I’m sorry for yelling. Wait, did you just call me Walls?”
You shrug. “Yeah. Bea calls you that all the time so it’s second nature.”
His brows furrow. “Bea? Like my mom Bea?”
You nod your head. “Do you remember Ceceil James?”
Wally nods. 
“She was my grandmother and you know how those two were.”
He laughs. “Wait, were? Did something happen?”
You can barely stop your voice from cracking.  “Walls.”
His face falls and you see tears brim in his eyes. “How?”
“It was a car accident. S-She was alone when…”
Wally’s hands go to cover yours only for them to fall through and give you a chill. 
“Sorry, force of habit. We don’t have to keep talking about Cece by the way. God I’m so stupid I should’ve realized it would hurt to talk about it. I mean she was your grandma for god’s sake and–”
You go to grab his face but you stop right before you would make contact. 
“Sorry. Force of habit.”
He chuckles dryly. “I appreciate the thought. And thank you for getting me out of my head.”
You nod. “Don’t mention it.”
Wally clears his throat before talking. 
“Well that was fun.”
You laugh. “Alright funny boy; what questions do you have?”
Wally thinks for a moment. “I guess my first question is; how’s my mom doing?”
You clear your throat. “Well, she’s Bea. Kind and understanding. Always supportive of her loved one’s dreams.”
You look back at Wally and he’s straight-faced for all of two seconds before he bursts out laughing. 
You can’t help but laugh along. “What’s so funny?”
“I mean my mom is great but understanding isn’t exactly one of her more honed skills.”
Your brows furrow as you realize the dig Wally just made at Bea. “What is that supposed to mean?”
His laughter finally dies down as he notices you’re serious. “She’s a bit insistent is all.”
You give him a pointed look. “You mean stubborn.”
He shrugs. “I guess yeah.”
“Get out.”
“Wait Y/N, I have more questions.”
You send daggers his way. “You should have thought about that before you disrespected Bea.”
Wally goes to speak but you simply hold up your hand. You stay like that for a few moments and he finally leaves your jeep but not before leaving you something to chew on. 
“The Bea you know now isn’t the Bea I knew.”
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 year
The Freak and The Princess (III)
Summary: Eddie lets you walk by during his rant in the cafeteria, stumped by your quietness and manners toward the town freak. He then decides to be the perfect gentlemen. [Part 3/5] 1.7k Words
Warnings: implications of parental neglect and talks of emancipation as a minor (this could also be changed to parents that work a lot and aren't around; if anyone wants another version, let me know!), a fight?, Steve Harrington is a warning just because of who he is. I think that's all!
A/N: Here's part 3! I edited this and proofread it, but please point out any errors or things that you like! And please send requests; all the characters I write for are under my tag #characters! Hope you enjoy! :) Also, the movie I'm talking about at the end came out in 1983 and is actually based on my favorite book, so if you know what it is, we are friends now.
Part I. Part II.
The Freak and The Princess
Part Three: Best Served Cold (Revenge and Ice Cream)
I walked into school Monday with a new-found vigor for being silent. I didn’t want to talk to anyone, I didn’t want anyone to talk to me, and I wanted to be invisible. The night before, I had called Eddie and said I didn’t need a ride to school, avoiding subsequent questions when he asked why. I managed to go to my first four classes without seeing him. Walking toward the cafeteria after fourth period, I had to decide: go in and risk seeing Eddie and/or Jason or don’t go in and risk not seeing Jason and/or Eddie. I was at an impasse. Biting my lip and praying for courage, I pushed the door open, my eyes immediately finding the Hellfire table. Everyone seemed to be talking to Dustin and Lucas while Eddie wrote in his notebook.
“Oh, what the heck?” I thought and made my way toward the table. As I approached it, I saw Jason Carver walking toward them from the other direction.
“Oh no, what happened to you little freaks? Human sacrifice gone wrong?” he asked as he leaned over the empty seat by Eddie.
“Beat it, Carver,” Eddie said, sliding his notebook into his bag.
Jason looked back and forth between Eddie, Dustin, and Lucas. Realization struck, and he smiled wickedly.
“You didn’t tell him.” Jason smiled at Dustin and Lucas, who were suddenly very interested in the floor.
“No, but they told me,” I said, grabbing the back of Jason’s shirt and slamming him against the brick wall behind Eddie. I pushed my forearm against his throat – just hard enough to make it impossible to take a full breath - and leaned in. “Do you remember what I said I would do if you looked at or talked to them again?” He nodded. “And what did you do?” I growled, pushing against his throat. “What? Someone sell your tongue to the devil?” I asked, tilting my head as I released the pressure off his neck. “So? What did you do?”
“I talked to them,” he said, shrinking into the wall.
“That’s not true.”
“I hit them. Me and my buddies beat them up in the parking lot,” he said quickly.
“I’m going to be nice, and let me make this clear, all of this was very nice, and give you one more warning. Breathe in their direction again and you will find out just how mean I can be. Understand?”
He nodded and flinched when I slapped the brick beside him before raising my voice. “Understand?”
“Yes,” he said, tripping over his feet as he ran away.
The cafeteria was silent until Dustin started slow clapping. I walked out the same way I came in without looking at the Hellfire table. I scared Jason, that was the point, but if there was even a chance that I had scared Eddie, I would hate myself forever.
I walked straight through the school, across the field, and into the woods. I sat on one of the long-forgotten picnic benches and lay my head on my forearms. I laid there for a few minutes, enjoying the solitude. Someone was walking toward the table, and I groaned quietly, hoping they would see this table was taken and keep moving. The footsteps stopped by the table, and I debated lifting my head to see who it was. The bench shifted as they sat down on the other side, fingertips brushing my hair off my folded arms.
“How ya feelin’, princess?”
I jerked my head up, surprised to hear his voice. “What are you doing here?” I whispered.
He smiled before answering. “I wanted to check on you. Besides, these tables were my turf long before you arrived.”
“Are Dustin and Lucas ok?” I asked, still whispering.
“Ok? They’re ecstatic! Pretty sure they’re reenacting the scene and arguing over who gets to be you.” He laughed as he finished, and it was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever heard.
I smiled at the thought before looking down at my lap and playing with my fingers.
“When did they tell you?” he asked, more serious now.
“Thursday night in the parking lot. Steve went to see if we could get in the school, and they made me promise not to tell him.”
Eddie nodded, then stood up and stepped away. He’s probably mad I didn’t tell him and tried to handle it alone. The bench moved again, so I looked back up and saw Eddie sitting beside me, one of his hands sliding between mine, ceasing their fidgety actions.
“Let’s ditch. Go get ice cream or something.” He smiled, and I couldn’t say no.
I nodded, holding his hand as we walked back toward the school, turning into the parking lot and climbing into his van. He put a cassette in and twisted a dial, Metallica's newest album filling the van. I was mouthing the lyrics and looking out the window.
“You listen to Metallica?!” he asked, voice raised to speak over the music.
I nodded, smiling. Eddie smirked, turning it up as he pulled onto the main road. He parked in the small lot outside the homemade ice cream place, running around the front of the van to open my door. As usual, Eddie extended his hand and helped me out before walking beside me and opening the door. He refused to let me pay, turning away from me when I pouted. We sat at the back, eating our ice cream while I listened to Eddie’s one-sided conversation.
“So, Dustin tells me you agreed to come to Hellfire this week?” Eddie asked.
“I don’t know how to play, so I’ll just watch or something,” I responded quietly.
“Oh, we can certainly remedy that, Princess. I mean, you are talking to the dungeon master.”
He started explaining the basics of the game while I followed along, envisioning what he was saying in my head. He grabbed my hand, leading me back to the van and helping me in. After he climbed in and started the van, he turned to face me. “I say we go bother Harrington.”
I agreed, and Eddie backed out of the parking lot, pulling into Family Video a few minutes later. We walked in and started looking at movies since Steve wasn’t at the desk.
After a moment, we heard the back door open and Steve called, “Welcome to Family Video. Let me know if you need any help.”
“Got any good princess movies?” Eddie asked, making his voice deeper.
“Princess movies. Those would be in our children’s section on aisle-” He stopped talking as he rounded the corner and saw us trying not to laugh. “I should have known. Aren’t you two supposed to be at school?”
“We ditched for ice cream,” Eddie responded, placing an arm around my shoulders.
“You ditched?” Steve asked, obviously surprised as he looked at me.
I shrugged, failing to find the words to explain.
“What happened?” Steve asked, narrowing his eyes at us.
“She had a… conversation with Carver.”
“A conversation?”
“Of sorts, yeah.”
Steve looked at me with a hand on his hip, what I called his Steve Harrington Mom™ pose.
“Don’t do that look, man, she was standing up for Dustin and Lucas,” Eddie sighed. I dropped my jaw at his betrayal. “What?! He did the look, it makes people talk,” he defended quietly.
“It was him wasn’t it? I should’ve known. I’m going to kill that-”
Eddie cut him off. “Dude, it’s been handled. Trust me. And word to the wise? Stay on this one’s good side.”
I chuckled lightly, picking up my favorite movie and walking to the counter with Steve and Eddie as they bickered. Steve rented the tape under my name, and Eddie drove us to my house to watch it.
“This isn’t a chick flick is it?” Eddie asked as he collapsed on my couch with a bowl of popcorn.
“Nope,” I said, stealing a handful of the popcorn.
“Hey, make your own!”
“Technically it is mine, you just pulled it out of my pantry.”
“I have a question. It’s probably going to sound super rude, and I really don’t mean it to be.”
I nodded, urging him to continue.
“Is it voluntary? When you suddenly stop talking? Or is it a conscious decision? Because at first I thought you were really shy and would open up when I got to know you, but there are still days where you only say two words to me.”
“It’s not voluntary. Sometimes it just feels easier not to talk. I can’t explain why it happens but know that it’s never because I don’t want to talk to you, because I’ve wanted to talk to you since eighth grade, just could never get words out.”
“You’ve wanted to talk to me since eighth grade?”
“Yeah, that’s when I moved here and you were one of the first people I noticed, and the only one who made me want to talk. My parents just gave up on me, stopped trying to talk to me and didn’t listen even when I did. You and Steve are the only people who seem to make it worth talking.”
“I noticed you when you moved here, but thought a sweet, shy thing, like you would see me like everyone else here. There were kids in your grade who would talk about the ‘mute girl’, and I wanted to meet you, but didn’t know how.”
“Probably best we waited for it to happen on its own, there is no way I would’ve been able to talk to you back then.”
“Where are your parents now?”
“I got emancipated the summer between seventh and eighth grade. Then I found out that some second-cousin or someone left me this house and made the decision to move by myself.”
“You’ve been on your own since eight grade in a town where you knew no one and struggled to talk?”
“Pretty much.”
“Well now we have to add brave.”
“To what?”
“Your title. Beautiful, pretty, brave, kick-butt princess,” he smiled, pulling me into his side.
“This movie is based off my favorite book, and I love it, so if you don’t, keep it to yourself,” I said, attempting to shift his attention away from me.
“Yes, Princess,” he said with a goofy smile. I lay back against him and pressed play, perfectly content with my prince.
Taglist: @loonalockley @paleidiot @kimmi-kat
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mariacallous · 1 year
(JTA) — “We are immigrating to America.” It was 1989, and my parents had sat my sister and me down in our living room to break the news. In those years of economic and political instability, as well as the ethical injustice of apartheid, many Jewish South Africans had an exit plan. Our time had finally come, and I was devastated. I sobbed big ugly tears. 
In my mind, I was leaving more than the comfort of my family and friends. I was leaving the only way of life that I understood. South Africans as a group are traditionally Orthodox but not necessarily observant; Shabbat dinners followed by TV was how I grew up. Immigrating to a vast new world made me petrified that I would lose my Jewish identity.
When I arrived in Florida, I got involved with a local theater group for teens. But as much as I loved performing, I became a drama dropout, in the name of Shabbat. I traded rehearsals for the sound of the chazan singing “L’cha Dodi.” I️ chose tasting challah and grape juice with my family over eating McDonald’s French fries with fellow thespians. Eager to remain rooted in a world that was familiar, observing Shabbat became my way to recreate home.
I think about this change every year at Rosh Hashanah, an opportunity to begin our lives anew. Our hearts are open, our books are open, the shofar cries out and we cry out with it. We reckon with ourselves and we reckon with God. Every year, the High Holy Days call upon us to pause, reflect and consider what changes we need to make to bring more justice to ourselves and the world around us. What part of our past must remain unchanged, and what do we have the power to change for the better? Yehuda Amichai, in his poem “My Parents’ Motel,” captures this very dichotomy as he describes his father’s dying words. After recalling his father’s softer and gentler version of the Ten Commandments, he says: 
I want to add two to the Ten Commandments:
The eleventh commandment, “You will not change,” and the twelfth commandment, “Change, you will change.”
Amichai’s two invented commandments have guided me from my earliest days, constantly exploring how to hold onto change without changing too much, and how to balance tradition with modernity in a world that does not always value religion. For me, that liminal space between changing and not changing — and the desired pace at which change can or should occur — remains a constant undercurrent in my life and leadership. 
In 2010, many people objected to Rabbi Avi Weiss for ordaining me as the first female Orthodox rabbi. The sudden media attention brought on an onslaught of criticism. Orthodox change is seen as an oxymoron at its worst and decidedly slow at best. My ordination and my taking the title “rabba” (the feminine form of “rabbi”) several months later was seen as too much too fast. This move, I was told, would destroy the Orthodox community. 
The two rabbis who railed against me published an article called “Orthodox Women Rabbis?” and used a metaphor of orthodontics in expressing his views. Change, they said, quoting one of their teachers, must happen slowly, like the process of braces that methodically and slowly straighten teeth over time. Too much pressure, they accused, would cause the teeth to break.
It’s not that I don’t believe in patience. My patience has helped me slowly traverse many obstacles. Some of my colleagues, understandably, have accused me of being too patient! The metaphor I like for patience and the process of change is not orthodontics, but rather exercise. My trainer, with whom I have been working religiously, once a week every Monday afternoon, introduced me to the phrase “time under tension.” When you hold one position, be it a squat, plank or bicep curl, for a long period of time, it is called time under tension. Whenever I hear this phrase, usually while sweating, I always think about the process of change. I may be gasping for breath (and in pain), but I can’t help but imagine my muscles first being called to wake up, and then slowly, with lots of effort and energy (and did I mention some pain?) eventually changing, becoming better and stronger. 
When we put in the work, with a healthy dose of righteous anger, change becomes inevitable. Yet many people, like the orthodontics rabbis, have a visceral fear of change and they end up imprisoned by their past, remaining exactly where they are.
When people ask why I continue to invest in women’s leadership in the Orthodox world after I experienced so much resistance and animosity, my answer is this: if we want the Jewish community to grow and thrive, we cannot ignore the wisdom, insights, moral courage and spiritual rigor that women contribute. Our community has always benefited from many voices, scholars and genders. When women are undermined in Orthodox communities — where we truly and deeply belong — everyone misses out.
Rabbeinu Yonah Gerondi, in his introduction to “Shaarei Teshuva,” or Gates of Repentance, a book that is often read on the days leading up to Rosh Hashanah, tells a story about a group of bandits that were imprisoned by the king. After a few days, the prisoners dug a tunnel, a route to escape. But there was one prisoner who was immobile. He could not crawl through the tunnel to freedom. He remained imprisoned, plagued by his past. 
We are often stuck behind the walls we create for ourselves. 
We have to know when to forge ahead and when to have the patience to wait. We have to know what to shift, what to transform and what to keep intact. We have to know which external fears inhibit our ability to change and what personal cages we erect for ourselves. I have come to realize that although the process of becoming ordained was slow and methodical for me, it opened up a pathway for hundreds of other women to actualize their dream of being halakhic and spiritual leaders. The accusations of “too fast” were just a front for some people’s resistance and discomfort to change. 
Rosh Hashanah is the opportunity to ask ourselves, “Which changes are we seeking? What gets in the way of evolving in the ways we want?” Perhaps the shofar sounds are emblematic of the tensions, paces, and anxieties of change. On one hand, the fast, quick t’ruah — the tu-tu-tu-tu-tu — is like an alarm that awakens the soul to act. The slower drawn out sounds of the shevarim — tu, tu, tu — remind us of what should not change too fast, and of the deliberative slowness that sustains everlasting change.
Unlike my experience as an immigrant and as a rabbi, changes don’t always involve physically crossing an ocean or becoming more religious. But everyone has the capacity to traverse gulfs in their own lives — personally, communally and spiritually. We must embrace moments when we are called to change and when we are called to not change. We have to know when to hold onto the eleventh commandment, “You will not change,” and when to employ the twelfth commandment, “Change, you will change.”
May this year, 5784, bring deep cathartic awakenings, quick and necessary resolutions, and also the patience and fortitude to slowly and gradually relax ourselves into changes that can be everlasting.
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hippiemisfit · 9 months
Hush (J.K.) 3
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*banner made by me
Chapter Three- Police
pairing: jungkook x oc reader
word count: 1,591
warnings: mentions of death, intimidation, fear, manipulaiton, scary jk
He pulled me all the way back to my house and threw me on the ground next to the box. "Now we are going to try this again and this time you are going to do as I say. Or next time I won't be as nice."
I nodded my head and tried to grab the box. "Why did you kill him?" I asked. 
I was met with no response but I know he heard me.
Ugh whatever.
After struggling for what seemed like 30 minutes, I was finally able to lift the box with all my might. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold it for long so I sped walk over to Carter's house and sat the box on his doorsteps.
I already feeling for the poor soul who was going to open it, either his mom or dad or worse Carter. I bet their reaction would be no different than mine. 
I walked back to my house and of course the hoodie figure, I got to give him a name, was gone. I heard a car come around the corner and saw that it was Carter's. I ran inside and closed the door peeking outside the window.
I watched Carter get out the car, reach into the back to get his shoes, and head to the front door. He looked down at the box and tilted his head to the side.
He bent down to open it and I dreaded watching him open it. I wanted to look away but I couldn't find it in me to. He slowly lifted the tops of the box and when it dawned on him what was inside, he turned and puked all over their grass. Once he was done emptying the contents of his stomach, he dropped his shoes and ran inside.
I quickly shut the blinds and fell down on the floor, tears streaming down my face. I can't believe that I helped cause him so much pain. I should've just called the police but I was given no choice and now that I have helped moved the box, does that make me an accomplice?
My mind raced as my inner monologue screamed at me to get up off of the floor but I couldn't bring myself to.  
I guess I fell asleep on the floor because when I woke up it was getting dark outside. I got up off the floor and looked outside to see a couple of police cars sitting outside Carter's house. I see they called them. I saw two police officers walk out of their house and head towards mine.
Shit what do they want?
They knocked on the door,"Hello. Ms. Mahj is it. Can you open the door and let us in? We just have a few questions."
Ugh, just breathe in and out. They don't know that you moved the box. Just open the door.
I opened the door and let them in, leading them to the dining table.
"Where are your parents Mahj?" one of them asked as they sat down.
"They are out of town right now, they'll be back on Monday. Um do you guys want anything to drink?" I asked shifting back and forth on my feet, my nerves not letting me take a seat just yet.
"No thanks," the other one said. I nodded and sat down across from them.
"My name is officer Briggs and this is my partner officer Flanningan, we just have a few questions and then we'll be on our way," I nodded in understanding.
"Ok," he said pulling out a notepad," first question where were you between the hours of 10 pm and 12 am last night?"
"I was here last night," I said.
"Do you have anyone who can confirm that?" I shook my head. I saw him jot something down.
"Ok. Do you know anyone who would have something against your neighbor?"
"Which neighbor?" Yeah, you ain't about to trick me.
"Conner, he was found dead this afternoon. He body was cut up and put into a box."
"Wow um no I can't think of anyone who had something against him. You know other than the silent killer, you know he just goes around killing people for no reason. I mean he probably doesn't even know him and just decided to kill him anyway. I mean I don't know," I rambled out, wringing my hands together.
The cops looked at each other and then back at me," Um, ooook. Miss, we're going to have to ask you to come down to the station for further questioning. It seems you know more than you let on," they got up from their seats," Let's go."
I got up and followed them to the door, but stopped. "Hold on, can I put some food in my dog's bowl. I don't know how long we're going to be."
They nodded their heads and I went to the pantry and opened it. I looked down to get his kibble when I saw a pair of black shoes right beside it.
I slowly rose my head up and came face to darkness with the man who was currently ruining my life. I went to scream when his gloved hand covered my mouth and pulled me in the closet, shutting the door.
"I see that you don't do well under pressure. That's something I see we are going to have to work on. Now you've got two options. The first one is that I go out there and deal with those two officers who probably suspect you of murder.
Option number two is that you go out there and leave with them. But let's just say I'd advise you to take option number one.
I don't really think you'll like what you see as a consequence of your actions, even though for me it'll be very enjoyable. Trust me. Now I'm going to remove my hand from your mouth. The only thing you need to say is the option you are choosing ok."
I nodded my head in understanding. He moved his hand from my mouth and I reached down to grab Poco's food.
I turned and opened the door and whispered back," I guess I'll take my chances with option number two."
I walked out and closed the door. I put food in Poco's bowl and went with the police officers outside.
They escorted me to their car and I got in the back. I looked back at my house and I could see hoodie face staring at me through the window. Damn and I just left Poco in there with him.
When we got to the precinct they took me into one of the interrogation rooms and left me by myself. You know the one with the one way mirror. The two officers came in and sat down, and one of them placed a tape recorder down on the table.
"Now Mahj, we're just going to ask you a few more questions and if you answer them truthfully we are going to let you go. If we feel like you are lying then we're going to ask you more questions until you tell us the truth. OK?"
I nodded my head.
"Ok well let's get started. When we were back at your house you said something about the Silent Killer. Now were you trying to say that he was the one who killed Conner?"
I nodded my head," Yes that's what I was trying to say."
He nodded his head and turned to look at Flannigan," Ok and how do you know this?"
"He told me."
His eyes bugged out," He told you? That means that you've been in contact with a serial killer. How long has he been contacting you?"
"Since last night and then again this morning, oh and he was also there before we left. He was hiding in the closet."
"He was in the house?!" Officer Flannigan asked.
"And you didn't say anything to us because?"
"He told me not to and I knew that I would be safe if I came with you two. I don't know why but he's obsessed with me for some reason. I don'-" the lights started to flicker.
Next thing I know both of the officers are convulsing on the ground. I raced over to their sides and started to bang on the glass. "Hey! We need help in here! I don't know what is wrong with them!" I yelled.
Nothing happened. "Hey! Is anyone even in there?!" I heard the chairs scrape behind me so I turned around to see both of the officers sitting back in their chairs.
Officer Briggs turned his head to face me,"If you are done banging on the glass, can you retake your seat." I looked at him like he was crazy. "Wait weren't you just- I know you were- am I going crazy?" I asked rubbing my hand across my forehead and headed back to my seat.
There was something off about the two of them. Like they weren't themselves.
"Ok Mahj, next question. Do you enjoy pissing people off or is it something you just do because you can't help it?"
My eyes widened,"What?"
He leaned closer to me and said,"Do you enjoy pissing people off or is it something you just do because you can't help it?" but this time he said it like I was a little kid and he was trying to explain something to me.
"Why are you asking me this?" I asked leaning back in my chair.
"I gave you two options and I told you that you wouldn't like the consequences if you chose the wrong one," he put his head in his hands,"So here we are," I saw a glint of green in his eyes,"let's have some fun."
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boxingcleverrr · 8 months
I feel like more people need to understand what your average boomer conservative voter is actually like?
My mom and dad are 75 and 72, respectively. Both white, dad grew up poor, mom low-middle, didn't become upper middle class until my teens.
My parents are incredibly nice people. They'll accept anyone at face value, help anyone who asks, etc. They're Christian, and call themselves conservative, but believe in personal liberties, cause Murica. They think consenting adults should be allowed to marry any other consenting adult they want, practice any religion they want, do whatever they want to their bodies (with one big caveat). They've got a lot still to learn about institutionalized racism before I'd call them anti-racist, but they're certainly anti-racism, and raised us to never put up with racism if we saw it. They support common sense gun reform, even as far as saying "Oh, that could work here" when I explained Australia's gun laws. They're even favorable to the idea UBI.
They're super supportive of my lesbian aunt running for governor of California, and vacation with her and her wife once a year. They don't really understand what being nonbinary means yet, but they grasp the concept of respecting and believing someone when they tell you who they are and have been getting their grandkids' pronouns right!
All in all, knowing that 30 years ago they were in an evangelical cult, they're good people who have good core values, have come around from a lot of bad thinking, and can still learn, if at a glacial pace.
They're still gonna vote Red.
Probably not for Trump. But still.
Because their two big issues overshadow all others: They're anti-choice, and pro-militarism.
You can't even START a WHISPER of a conversation with my mom about reproductive rights: it's all murder, the end. We all know why - she regrets the abortion she was pressured into having as a young woman, firmly believes all women do, and that trauma shell is waaaaay too thick to crack. It would involve facing things she just can't, that's a whole other post. But yeah, no, that is one issue I do not see changing before she dies.
The militarism is easier to explain, they're cold war kids who think if the military lost even $50 today we'd all be speaking Russian by Monday.
And this whole post, I'm sure, describes MILLIONS of Republican voters. They're not all Trump-worshipping assholes who would like you dead.
My mother didn't even know who Marjorie Taylor Greene was, when I mentioned her in passing. Later that day she was like, "Oh wow I looked her up, she's annoying huh?" They BARELY watch the news, aside from big updates on Gaza and the local nightly news.
But they NEVER miss an election. Because they gotta keep the baby murdering down, and America big and strong, with the most bombs. They don't let themselves think deeply about who voting that way hurts, because they're not looking.
Just...please vote. Like that one post says, if you can't bring yourself to vote for the president, PLEASE fill the rest of that ballot with the people local to you who will be making a difference IMMEDIATELY. DO MORE THAN VOTE. But vote. Cause these very nice people who break my heart, and countless like them, definitely will.
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