#when i come back as a ghost i'm choosing her as my form
lvlyghost · 1 year
Cold Nights
Pairings: Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
Summary: Reader doesn't show up for morning training. Ghost doesn't know what to think.
Word Count: 794
Tw: fluff, angst, mentions of being sick, soldiers being scared of simon lol, ooc simon probably, he calls reader kid, i think that's it🤭
A/N: I'm sick and this came to my mind, I just want simon to take care of me okay???🥹🤧 this is super bad as usual. still hope you like it. pls remember english isn't my first language, corrections are welcome ✨💖
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Ghost doesn't see her at the cafeteria, nor the training room. He's disgruntled. His eyes keep drifting apart from the soldiers in front of him, waiting for the next round of endless push ups he's gonna make them go through.
Why isn't she here?
His body feels restless, pacing back and forth.
Soap doesn't say anything, just shifts his weight from one foot to another.
"Johnny," he calls him. "You're in charge."
"Lt.?" He quirks a brow, not understanding. That's so unlike him.
"Got things to do."
He storms out of the room, the walls rattle when he closes the doors.
It's a cold day. Just like the day before.
Days used to mean nothing to him.
Until she came along. Three years ago.
That woman... he sighs.
Was it something he said? Didn't they talk about it last night?
Everything was fine.
Or so he thought.
"We shouldn't be out here, kid." He mutters. It's freezing, he can see her trembling even beneath her hoodie. Well it was actually his. The hoodie completely swallowing her small form.
"I know, I know!" She laughs. Her cheeks a beautiful shade of pink. "I just... it was too loud inside." That he can agree on. "Is it true?" She asks a few seconds later.
Simon stills. Choosing his next words carefully.
"What Soap said." A heartbeat. "About us."
There's a silence that falls between them.
"Those were the words of a drunk man."
"Were they?" her smile is contagious. Damn her and her beautiful soul. "Would you come with me if I asked you to?"
He stares directly at her, trying to find any sign of doubt. He's always mesmerized by her gentle nature. That's something he never knew. Perhaps that's why he was so drawn to her. Longed to be wherever she was. Breathe the same air.
"I'd say that's highly inappropriate." He states. "And that you've had too many shots of whatever poor excuse of a whiskey Johnny made you drink."
"Price called it piss water." She shooks her head. "You're changing the subject!"
Simon chuckles. He really does.
"You've got such power over me no one else could ever have, kid."
And he's doomed.
He's trying so hard, going through the events of the night, trying to remember. What happened? Nothing out of line was said. She seemed content when they parted ways, right after he had kissed her good night outside her room. Simon saw the way her eyes lit up with a spark he never saw before. The longing stare. Remembers vividly how she had stopped him, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt pulling him down for another heated kiss.
He walks down the corridor with long strides. Hands balled into fists. He shouldn't be this mad. But that was the effect she had in him.
He tries to cool down. Ghost was scared too. What if she had changed her mind and didn't want anything to do with him? He was messing up his head at the mere thought.
He finally makes it to the room, knocking twice before her soft voice tells him he can come in.
Inside the room, all the curtains were closed, not a single ray of light made it inside apart from the lamp casting shadows around. Furrowing his brows he closes the door behind him with a low click.
"Kid?" He calls her. Immediately rolling on her side she welcomes him, red eyes, stuffy nose and looking disheveled.
"Sorry I missed training." She apologizes. Changing to a sitting position and waits for him to sit next to her.
"What's wrong?" He demands with a soft voice. She's still wearing his hoodie from last night. Rubbing her eyes she gives Simon a tired smile.
"I'm just really sick Simon." She answers, he can hear her hoarse voice now.
"Bloody hell, love." His hand goes straight to her face, caressing her cheek. "Did you go to the infirmary?" Closing her eyes, she rest her head against his hand.
"Mhm. Got some painkillers prescribed. Still feel horrible."
"Good, it'll take some time for you to feel better. You need to rest, okay?". The look he gave her leaves no room for discussion.
"Wasn't planning on leaving my bed you know?" He smiles ever so slightly. "Would you stay with me?" When he doesn't answer right away she adds: "never mind you'll catch whatever this bug is and i don't ..."
"Sweetheart," he interrupts her rambling. "Scoot over."
She looks at him wide-eyed.
"You... you don't," she stutters.
"No, I don't mind at all. If there's anything you need just tell me, copy?" She nods, staring at his blue eyes. "Told you we shouldn't have been outside last night."
"Even if it meant catching a cold, I'm glad we did, Simon."
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I had a very cursed thought and I'm choosing violence and making it Tumblr's problem:
Bruce had his thing with Talia. It led to the Stabby Child that is Damian.
Except, Damian has 2 dads.
Bruce, biologically his Father, and Daniel James Phantom, brought to their world by the Lazarus Pit, who "convinced Ras to retire" (aka turned his mind to mush through Eldritch Madness of Revelation). Talia took over, and, thinking herself The Chosen One, allowed the guy to court her.
In fact she isn't some Chosen One. She's a badass woman who could kill Danny easily, and he's very into that. And it's not helping that she's very attractive, and her kid is very feral and like to fight, like baby ghosts also like to do.
Eventually the Bats get wind that there's been a Change in Management in the League, and they come to investigate. Bruce expects the worst, Tim is just praying Ras is dead and he can get his spleen back, Jason is mildly disturbed that it might mean Talia is leading the Assassins, and Dick is keeping Gotham safe while the others are out.
They expect a cruel dictatorship, or a mound of corpses piles in a corner.
They did NOT expect to see a tiny Damian fight a guy dressed in League armor, a Cape and a crown of black iron, who could've been Wayne Adoption Bait if he was younger, while the guy laughs and corrects his form. Every blow the child is allowed to land simply passes through him.
Talia got herself a very comfy throne (Danny gifted it to her, saying some cheesy line like "no other would be fit for a Queen like you") made of Starlight and Ice, from which she can watch her on and her Beloved bond and train, while her new and improved League watch on as their Prince takes joy in his training and the pride his parents have in him. Soon he shall move to Gotham to meet his other dad, and learn from him as well, so he may know his family and make his destiny as he wishes.
TLDR: Danny is a simp for strong deadly lady and a good dad to her kid. She's indulging in his attention and caring. The bats are confused. Jason can feel the Ghost Adoption that will be coming his way when Danny "Ghost King" Phantom learns of his existence. The League of Assassins, even while they kill people to maintain Wolrd Order, treat Talia, Danny and Damian like the spies in SpyxFamily act towards Loid and Anya :)
Bruce: *opens his mouth*
Talia: You can't adopt my love
Bruce: *closes mouth*
I go a little feral for Jason viewing Talia as his mom so I am 100% behind Danny adopting Jason. Maybe Tim follows him after learning what Danny did to Ras and let's him have his spleen back, tho only on the condition that his own doctors put it back in. Who knows what Ras has done to it and with ecto involved its better to be safe than sorry. Tim is amazed that they can put the spleen back in at all due to how long its been outside his body.
Is this going to turn Poly with Bruce/Talia/Danny? Cause I'd read that!
Lmao imagine everyone going on vacation in the Ghost Zone. I'd read that too!
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midnightsun-if · 3 days
What would the Ros' reaction be like when killing someone to protect Mc?
Koda: "I'm sorry it had to come to this," he murmurs, gently lowering the body to the ground. The sentiment coming from anyone else would have rung false, but a sincerity lurks within his soft brown gaze that made the bittersweet truth all the more apparent. He knows that if it ever came down to protecting his mate or not taking a life, he'd choose his mate every time, but that didn't make the heaviness on his chest any lighter. "My mama always taught me that you only kill what you need to. Never more than that, because the universe will be unbalanced, and it'll end up righting itself by coming back to haunt you." Koda shakes his head, brow furrowed. "I'm sorry that your death became a necessity."
Scarlett: Blood had never tasted so sweet. Droplets of crimson fall down alabaster fingers as Scarlett grips what remained of the throat she had just torn out, a snarl etched across an elegant face, full lips pulled back in the beginning of a primal growl, fangs coated in red. "Did you think that I wouldn't hunt you? That I wouldn't tear this world apart in order to find the insolent little worm that thought it was okay to harm her?" Her grip tightens, delighting in the strangled gurgle of pain the action causes, as she brings the insipid creature closer. "Your gravest error, besides hurting her, was thinking you'd ever be able to escape. I would let cities turn to ash if it meant I could bask in the warmth the fire cast with her by my side. I would bring ruin and damnation upon the gods themselves, even if it meant I was cast to hell, because I would know what it felt like to have heaven in my arms." Scarlett cocks her head to the side, the ghost of a sardonic smirk appearing briefly. "Taking your life? Is the smallest of sacrifices that I'm willing to make for my heart."
Cyrus/Cyra: A Healer. You're a Healer. The words ring through their mind, sounding vaguely like their grandfather, as they stare at the body in front of them, blood staining the ground in a horrific display; a shade that matched the brilliant vermillion hue that their own eyes had become, soft gold being eclipsed by fiery red. A Healer. You're a Healer. It's a sentiment that echoes tauntingly as they watch the light leave the other's eyes, a grim melancholy settling over them because they know that a single drop of a golden tear would have prevented it. "I am," they whisper, their grip on the still pristine fabric of their pants tightening further. "I am a Healer but before that, before anything, I am theirs."
Quinn: Should have made them suffer. Made them scream. Their wolf snarls, clearly angry at the lack of Quinn's "proper" response to the threat that had been imposed upon their mate. "Enough," Quinn orders, a growl working its way into their voice. They could envision their wolf clearly; the large form pacing in the mental prison Quinn had entrapped it in. "We're not like our family. We're better. We do not do what they would have done." Sapphire blue eyes glint dangerously underneath the moonlight, a sharpness hardening the usually calm expression. They know their words would do little to appease their wolf -- not when it was in hunt mode -- but Quinn would never let themself become what they had once been. "Besides," they continue, their eyes taking in the mangled form before them. "I think we made them suffer plenty."
Caden: Despite their personal feelings on the individual perishing before them, Caden would never forsake their sworn duty -- something that had given them a purpose for so long; their only one, if they were being honest with themself. Until you came along. Silver eyes, a haunting shade of argent in the moonlight, meet the dimming gaze of the person they had just killed, an icy chill working itself out from their chest as they grasp a slackening cheek. "It's alright," they intone, voice carrying sharply across the gentle breeze, wrapping itself within the very sounds of nature. "You can rest now."
Sloane: Harsh breaths escape chapped lips, almost panting due to the exertion, as bloodily bruised fists continue to slam into the figure that had tried to take their everything from them. They had already lost their home once; they weren't about to let some asshole, with a superiority complex and a penchant to not know what was good for them, take the one they had only just found. Stop. Enough. The command from their wolf, harsh in its softness, would normally be ignored, shrugged off like an annoying gnat that still persisted to invade their personal space, but their bone-deep tiredness, coupled by their own fears, causes them to finally halt their movements. Hazel eyes honing in on the mess they had made, but they can't bring themself to feel too bad. Not if it meant that you'd be okay, that you'd be safe, due to their actions.
Blake: A small grimace flits across their features, violet eyes narrowed in disgust as they observe the small flecks of red that had suddenly decided to reside on their silk shirt. "That's just unsanitary," they mutter, sending a sharp glare towards the still form before them. "It didn't have to happen, you know? Wouldn't have cared if you had gone after anyone else, but you had to go after them." They settle on their haunches, a snarl twisting their typically docile expression. "And that?" Blake shakes their head; blonde curls being displaced on their forehead. "That is simply unforgivable."
Reginald/Regina: "I-I'm s-sorry. I'm so sorry." The knife, still stained a nauseating crimson, falls from their laxed grip, the clatter of it striking the ground only a dulcet sound compared to the static that had begun to build within their ears. Nausea swirled within their stomach, anguish squeezing their throat in a vice grip, as tears steadily begin to make a trail down their face. Pain, unlike anything they had ever felt before, rips through their chest like the knife had only done a moment before to the figure laying prone on the ground. I had to do it. I had to protect them. I didn't have a choice. They slowly sink to the ground, shaking hands tearing at their hair. I didn't have a choice. I didn't have a choice. I didn't have a cho--
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carriagelamp · 5 months
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A few days late, but I'm lazy...
My favourite books that I read during 2023!
I got really lucky this year, I read some ridiculously good books, to the point that I had a really hard time narrowing them down. And I cheated on a few and bunched them up so I wouldn't have to choose 🙃
I did more detailed assessments of the books in my month reviews, but for anyone that's interested in something I read, here's a quick description:
Annie: An Old-Fashioned Story by Thomas Meehan -- A novelization of the Little Orphan Annie story, close related to the film musical including references to the songs. A charming read that captures the enjoyment of the film but adds a lot more details into the struggles and hardships Annie would have gone through during life on her own in the Depression.
Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild -- Three girls from a poor family in London end up being welcomed to a ballet academy where they have the opportunity to learn not only how to dance, but to begin attending performances that let them earn money for their family. Follows the heart warming adventures of sisters with a nice balance of financial hardship and obligations during the Depression.
Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle -- A possession horror based around religious trauma and sexual identity. Fantastic prose and genuinely chilling at points without ever feeling hopeless. Here the demons that start stalking people in this God-fearing Montana town are both metaphorical and literal.
A Christmas Story by Jean Shepherd -- A collection of radio stories that follow the childhood misadventures of Ralphie; these stories would go to make up the classic film A Christmas Story, and Shepherd's hilarious, clever prose makes it a very fun read whether you know the film or not.
Doctor Who: Scratchman by Tom Baker -- I actually read a number of pretty good Doctor Who novels this year (13 Doctors 13 Stories, Time Lord Fairytales, Silhouette) and even a Torchwood one (Skypoint) but Scratchman was probably my favourite of the lot. The Fourth Doctor, Sarah, and Harry find themselvese in a horror adventures as they try to defend a host of villagers against an invading force of evil, skeletal scarecrows that are attempting to infect the humans around them.
Dogsbody by Diana Wynne Jones -- The star Sirius is accused of killing another luminary and losing a powerful instrument called a Zoi. His sentence for this crime is to be stripped of his powers and cast down to earth, to spend one lifetime living in a humble, mortal form - that of a true dog. If he can survive and find the Zoi within that lifetime, he will be welcomed back to the cosmos.
Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire -- A novella that explores the rehabilitation of children who had been chosen, who found a doorway and stepped into another, strange world. Adventures done, they now need to acclimatize themselves to living in the rigid confines of the real world.
Grandpa's Great Escape by David Walliams -- A hilarious and surprisingly heart-warming story about a boy and his grandfather who was a flying ace during the war. With his mind beginning to fail him, the grandfather is sent to live at a sinister and definitely evil old folks' home. Only Jack can save him.
Hazel's Shadow by Nicole MacCarron -- Hazel has always been plagued by strange visions - the ability to see and speak to ghosts, as well as the knowledge of a strange, nameless horror living in her grandmother's house. Things come to a head though, when a sudden, zombie-like illness explodes through her town leaving only a few left alive, too many ghosts to count, enemies at every turn, and the shadow waiting for them.
Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree -- (as well as it's sequel that came out later in the year, Bookshops & Bonedust). This was such a pleasant, low-stakes, domestic fantasy about Viv, an orcish ex-mercenary who has decided she's tired of fighting and would rather settle down and open a coffeeshop. One of the sticking points being, of course, that no one knows what coffee is.
Love Beyond Body, Space & Time by assorted authors, anthology -- An Indigenous queer sci-fi anthology with a really excellent collection of stories, including an author I already knew and loved! The stories explore a wide range of gender, sexuality, magic, machines, and ways of being, I highly recommend picking it up!
A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske -- Robin, a young baronet, thought he was being shunted into the most out of the way and miserable public servant position imaginable. He expected things to be tedious but necessary. He did not expect to suddenly learn that magic is real and to be tangled in its machinations in a potentially lethal way.
(MDZS) Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu -- Rejoice, because the feared Yiling Patriarch, the necromancer terror who slaughtered thousands, is dead! And has been dead the past decade. And is now very, very confused to wake up in a new body that isn't his, in a room he's never seen before, and to be thrust into the middle of a murder mystery where everyone would want him dead if they were to learn his real identity.
Moominland Midwinter by Tove Jansson -- Moomins hibernate through the winter, that's how it has always been for them. So when young Moomintroll wakes and finds the rest of his family still fast asleep, he's left feeling lost and isolated in this new, strange, snow covered world beyond his door.
A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers -- (and its sequel A Prayer for the Crown-Shy) A very gentle, compassionate sci-fi novel that explores a world humans have created post-climate-crisis. Life is different, the past distant, and a young tea monk never expected to run into an actual robot, who had so long ago left humanity to live their own secluded life in the wilds. Now they're both struggling to answer the question "What do humans need?"
The Radium Girls by Kate Moore -- (and Kate Moore's other book The Woman They Could Not Silence) The Radium Girls is a narrative non-fiction book that looks at the lives of the girls who were paid to paint luminous watch dials using radium paint. It explores the horror, exploitation, and suffering that came from work place negligence and the world's gradual learning about what exactly radium can do.
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston -- Presidential son and British prince are forced together for the sake of publicity - to prove that they don't actual hate each other and aren't going to cause a diplomatic incident. They cause a whole new and exciting diplomatic incident by falling in love! Do not read this for the politics, but it did end up being way way better than I expected, this author creates quite compelling characters.
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett -- Sour, spoiled, and ill Mary is sent to live with her distant uncle on the Yorkshire moors. Set to be as contrary and unhappy as possible, little by little Mary begins to come out of her shell as she experiences nature, play, and love for perhaps the first time in her life.
System Collapse by Martha Wells -- Newest Murderbot book!! Murderbot, ART's crew, and the humans from Preservation are doing their best to defend the colonists on a plant that's cursed with a strange, alien plague from being consumed by the more immediate threat of corporate slavery. Something, however, seems to be wrong with Murderbot and its worried that if it can't fix the problem soon, it may cost its humans their lives.
(TGCF) Heaven Official's Blessing by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu -- Xie Lian is a god. Was a good. He has ascended to godhood twice, and been banished back to earth twice. Once a favour among the gods, he is now a laughing stock, a scrap-collecting god who has been forgotten by almost everyone. So it is with some shock and exasperation to all involved when he ascends for a third time.
This Is How You Lose The Time War by Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone -- A ridiculous poetic novella written through improbable letters that are written between two time travels on opposites sides of a time war. Seriously, this is probably the most beautiful book I read this year, go read it, the hype is justified.
Wave Me Goodbye by Jacqueline Wilson -- As World War Two rages, Shirley, like many children of the time, is sent from her home in London to be housed by a foster family in the country in order to avoid the Blitz. Put up with two boys in the strange, mostly empty Red House, Shirley has to find a new life for herself out in the country.
When The Angels Left The Old Country by Sacha Lamb -- Uriel the angel and Little Ash the demon find themselves drawn from their usual lives when a young girl from their shtetl goes missing after emigrating to America. Both with their own reasons for wanting to leave the old country, they set off on a sea voyage that will change everything for them.
Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame -- The classic stories of Rat, Mole, and Toad. The story begins when Mole, venturing out of his little burrow, meets Rat and winds up living with him in his little home by the river rather than returning to his own, lonely, little hole. From there they have a variety of domestic adventures over the seasons, most notable being Toad's ill-fated obsession with motor cars.
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Ajax - Hurt
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Warnings: Protective Ajax, Bruises, Fluff, cuteness overload tbh
"Oh God!" Y/n's voice trembled as she faced her reflection, ghosting her nimble fingers around her bruised eye and the cut on her cheek.
"How did it come to this?" She thought
~ Moments before ~
Y/n was studying in the nightshades library, it was always peaceful in here and less crowded, rather than the normal library, where, people only went there to make out. The lack of people chattering and the sound of lips smacking one another behind the shelves really helped Y/n gather her thoughts.
Suddenly, Y/n heard the Poe statue move back. The girl watched a black figure quickly run down the stairs and emerged from the shadows.
"Rowan? You know you're not supposed to be here. Please leave." She got up and gestured the boy to go back up those damn steps and never come back here. Rowan was startled by Y/n's sweet voice, but his expression softened and he smiled maniacally, which made the girl feel uncomfortable
"Y/n, i promise i wont be any trouble, i just wanted to tell you something." He took a step forward, which made her take a step back, the back of her knees hitting the edge of her chair.
"Make it quick before someone comes in, please."
"Y/n, i've always loved you." with that he took a step forward and Y/n felt trapped. "Your bright ideas when someone proposes a theory, the way you run your fingers through you hair when your stuck. Its like you're doing all that on purpose, but you're not. You are just naturally beautiful"
Now there was only a ruler space between them and with that, Y/n cleared her throat.
"Listen Rowan, you are a good person, or so you were before the whole situation of you being a bit crazy. But that's besides the point, I'm dating Ajax and everyone knows it and to do something like this behind his back is just something i can't do." Her eyes pleaded for him to go away, but with each word that came out of Y/n's mouth, made Rowan angrier and angrier.
"Y/N!" Rowan snapped, which made the H/c haired girl flinch. "You're really choosing some dumb, silly gorgon over me!"
Suddenly, the fear vanished. Now anger started to build up inside the girl.
"Excuse me! How dare you insult my boyfriend!? Whether you like it or not Rowan, im madly in love with Ajax and there is nothing you can do that can come in between us!" She snapped back at him.
With this opportunity, Rowan slapped the girl hard on her face, which made her fall to the cold, stone ground.
Y/n yelped in surprise and tears started to form.
"YOU WERE MEANT TO BE MINE Y/N!" Rowan screamed at the girl, now a flood of tears started to form.
Y/n could feel her cheek drip, she smudged it and winced from the stinging. She was bleeding. She looked over on Rowan's nails and saw they were long and sharp and there was a line of blood on the nail of his ring finger.
The girl looked down in fear.
"YOU ARE JUST A PATHETIC LITTLE GORGONS GIRL!" This made Y/n look up and with that, a fist went charging towards her eye.
"Rowan please.." the E/c eyed girl whimpered but the raven haired boy didn't stop. He kept on punching and kicking the poor girl.
Eventually he stopped. Y/n watched him walk towards the bookshelf and grab a purple book. But, before he walked out, he looked at her and smirked in victory.
"I was only here for this." He holds up the book. "I guess I got one out of the two things I wanted. But oh well!" His smirk turned into a maniacal smile and with that, he ran back up the stairs and left Y/n all alone again.
Y/n waited a few minutes to gather her thoughts and dashed all the way to her dorm.
Y/n's best friend and roommate Bianca was nowhere to be found. Y/n sighed in relief. If Bianca or Ajax even, saw her in a beat up state, they would start an earthquake.
~ present time ~ Y/n walked out of the bathroom and put on the blue hoodie Ajax had given to her, putting the hood on, trying to cover the sides of her face and sat down on her bed.
Her face was in her hands. The girl wanted to cry again, but she couldn't find the strength to re-coat her tear stained face with more tears.
The sound of the doorknob turning made Y/n's head perk up. She was sitting in a way her back was facing the door, she didn't want to turn around because she knew the first thing that person would see is her bruised face.
The door swung open and revealed two voices.
"See, she's in here!" Bianca exclaimed.
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she didn't realise someone else was with her.
"Cara Mia, where were you?" A deep voice asked.
"Oh shit." Y/n mentally facepalmed at the sound of her boyfriend's voice. This wasn't going to end well at all.
"N/n? Turn around please." Bianca demanded in worry.
Y/n tensed up and started to cry. She put her hands back over her face as she heard her two comfort people run over to her.
"Baby!? What's wrong? Please talk to me."  Ajax and Bianca were either side of her now, looking at each other in worry then back to Y/n.
"Girl, what's wrong?" Bianca asked.
Ajax started to get even more worried and try to get her hands into his, but she wouldn't budge.
"I should've done something.." she sobbed into her hands.
"N/n, what do you mean by that?" Ajax asked with a bit of anger in his voice.
Y/n sighed in defeat and removed her hands from her face and took the hood off. She looked straight out of the window from her bed, not wanting to look at her boyfriend and best friend.
Ajax cupped his girlfriends face and faced her towards his. Y/n's eyes squinted in sadness as she saw his eyebrows furrowed and jaw clenched.
Bianca crouched down next to her and her siren eyes were filled with rage.
"Who did this to my baby?" Ajax gritted his teeth. Bianca put a hand on Y/n's arm.
"N/n, who did this to you?" She asked with determination. Y/n shook her head and got up from the bed and walked to the window, which seemed more interesting than the worried and angry people in the room.
"Y/n! Names. Now." Ajax started to get angry as he walked towards her and looked at her face again.
Y/n sighed in defeat, knowing there's no point in not revealing Rowans name. Y/n cleared her throat.
"Rowan." She whispered.
"ROWAN!?" Ajax shouted. Bianca clenched her fist and walked over to her best friend.
"Why would he do that to you Y/n?" She asked.
"FORGET WHY. He hurt the one person who was there for him! Not just him even! FOR EVERYONE. I'm gonna-" Ajax started rambling.
Y/n's eyes lit up in fear and tugged her boyfriends arm, which made his gaze softened as he looked at her.
"Baby please, don't do anything. It's fine, Rowans leaving today anyway, just please leave it." She pleaded.
"Y/n L/n, I love you too much to not do anything. I'll make sure he pays." Ajax shook his head.
"Well Ajax Petropolis, you are the love of my life and I won't let anything happen to you." Suddenly all Y/n's shy depressive state had faded away.
"Wait Y/n, did he do it because we kicked him out?" Bianca asked.
"No, he said he loved me and wanted me to be with him, but I made it very clear I wasn't interested and I was dating Ajax and he didn't like that one bit." She sighed .
"I'm gonna kill him." Ajax stated bluntly.
"Please don't." Y/n pleaded.
"Why are you protecting him!?"
"I'm not, I just can't let you beat up someone who's not worth it."
"But he is, he hurt my Y/n, my precious baby. I wont rest until he pays." Y/n let goes of his arm and sighed.
"Sorry babe, but I'm with him on this one." Bianca agreed.
"This isnt gonna end well." Y/n mentally noted.
~ The next day ~ "Hey Xavier, have you seen Ajax?" Y/n asked her friend in the quad.
"Oh yeah, he's in his dorm, he looked a bit beat up." Xavier stated.
The H/c haired girl groaned in annoyance.
"Shit, I told him not to do anything. Anyways thanks Xavi." The both of them waved goodbye and Y/n rushed to her boyfriends dorm.
Y/n opened the dorm straight away, seeing her boyfriend sitting on his bed, shirtless and tending the cuts on his face with a first aid box in front of him.
The gorgon jerked his head towards the door and chuckled as she looked angry and shut the door with her foot.
"Mind explaining!?" She asked, tapping her foot, with her arms crossed.
Ajax chuckled again and shook his head in amusement, but suddenly winced at the pain when he applied alcohol on his cut.
Y/n didn't feel angry anymore. She crouched down to her boyfriends waist level and took the cotton wool from his hand and started to tend his wounds.
"Thanks doc." He chuckled through the pain. Y/n shook her head and smiled at her boyfriend in sympathy.
There was a comfortable silence between them until Y/n spoke up.
"You didn't have to do that for me." She sighed. Ajax profoundly shook his head.
"It's a big deal if he hurt my girl, plus, you should've seen him and his friends." He smiled victoriously at the last part.
Y/n stared at Ajax in disbelief.
"You fought him AND his friends?" She asked in worry and earned a shrug from the beanie boy.
"That's why I'm like this, if it wasn't for his friends, I would've been untouched." He smirked.
Y/n tutted and tugged a small smile, throwing away the cotton ball and taking a plaster out of the first aid box and applying it onto one of the big cuts.
"I love you so much Jax." She sighed lovingly.
The gorgon boy smiled and kissed her forehead, then rested his on hers.
"I love you more." He smiled. "And just so you know, I would happily get beat up in a heartbeat all over again if it would mean you would be safe." He kissed her nose.
Y/n blushed and finally landed her lips on his. His tongue swiping her lower lip, asking for entrance and she gladly let his tongue explore her mouth. Ajax backed up on the bed making Y/n get on top of him and they continued to make out. Ajax finally broke the kiss.
"My girl." He exclaimed in a lovey state.
Y/n blushed and the couple cuddled each other, Ajax being the big spoon and Y/n feeling safe under him.
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thecreaturecodex · 1 month
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Still from Return of Ultraman accessed at the Ultraman Wiki here
[I am coming to the Ultra franchise pretty much cold, and am watching it in isolation from its fandom except for my girlfriend @abominationimperatrix. One of the things that I gather from her is that the monsters that stand out to me from these series are rarely fandom favorites. Like, I'm not planning on statting up Black King or Gudon or Twintail from Return of Ultraman... but this ratty anthro Snuffleupagus was immediately on my list. Part of that is how grody and gross he looks. Part of it is he has an interesting power set, one that led to my conception of the flavor text. It seems that Tsubaraya Studios thought the idea of a ninja elephant was worth exploring long before it was a joke on RPG.net about D&D 3.0's skill system]
Sartan CR 17 CE Monstrous Humanoid This creature is as tall as a building. Its features are lumpy and misshapen, with bulging eyes and sparse, bristly hair growing from its head. It has a long, elephant-like trunk, clawed hands, and a short tail.
A sartan is an interplanetary thrill killer. They travel from world to world, using their powers of invisibility to spy on people and learn who their heroes are. They then seek these heroes out and kill them for no reason other than to challenge their abilities and to cause other people emotional suffering. Sartans are cruel and enjoy collateral damage in these assassination attempts. Some powerful entities attempt to hire sartans to work for them as assassins, but sartans care little for money. Only if a target interests them, or if the employer resorts to charm spells, will they take on one of these jobs.
A sartan usually only enters combat if it suits them, whether because they have found their target, they want to lure that target into the open, or if they just feel like committing some cruelty for fun. Their supernatural abilities are mostly defensive—a sartan is invisible unless it chooses to appear, or is actively locked in combat. They can become incorporeal, which they often do in order to have mundane weapons pass right through them. When it comes to actual violence, however, sartans do it the old-fashioned way, by getting their claws bloody or grabbing a foe with their trunks and squeezing it to death. Sartans value their own hides too strongly to fight to the death. They will usually attempt to flee a losing battle, but may come back for a rematch on their own terms. 
Sartan  CR 17 XP 102,400 CE Colossal monstrous humanoid Init +13; Senses darkvision 120 ft., Perception +24, scent, see invisibility
Defense AC 32, touch 12, flat-footed 32 (-8 size, +9 Dex, +1 dodge, +20 natural) hp 261 (18d10+162) Fort +15, Ref +20, Will +14 DR 15/magic; Resist electricity 20, fire 20 Defensive Abilities evasion, ghost form, natural invisibility, uncanny dodge
Offense Speed 60 ft. Melee 2 claws +23 (2d8+13/19-20), slam +23 (4d6+13 plus grab) Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft. Special Attacks constrict (4d6+19), leap attack, strangle, studied target (+4, swift action, up to 4 targets) Spell-like Abilities CL 18th, concentration +22 Constant—comprehend languages, see invisibility 1/day—find the path
Statistics Str 36, Dex 28, Con 29, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 18 Base Atk +18; CMB +39 (+43 grapple and sunder); CMD 59 (61 vs. sunder) Feats Dodge, Greater Sunder, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Mobility, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth), Spring Attack Skills Acrobatics +27 (+39 when jumping), Perception +24, Stealth +28, Survival +24; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth Languages Aklo SQ meteoric starflight
Ecology Environment any land Organization solitary Treasure standard
Special Abilities Ghost Form (Su) A sartan can become incorporeal as a swift action. In this form, it loses its natural armor but gains a deflection bonus to Armor Class and CMD equal to its Charisma modifier. It cannot make attacks in this form, but does gain a fly speed equal to twice its land speed with perfect maneuverability. It can resume corporeality as a free action. A sartan can remain incorporeal for a number of minutes up to its Hit Dice in a day. Leap Attack (Su) As a full round action, a sartan can launch itself an impossible distance, traveling up to 1000 feet in a single bound. This movement can be vertical or horizontal, and the sartan lands on its feet unharmed regardless of the height it travels. It can make a single melee attack against an opponent in its reach during any part of this movement. A sartan can use this ability once every 1d4 rounds. Meteoric Starflight (Su) Over the course of 1 minute, a sartan can turn itself into a Medium sized hovering rock-like object, then blast itself into space. In this meteoric form, it has hardness 8, can make no attacks, and requires no food, water or air. In this form, it can fly at a speed of 300 ft. with perfect maneuverability, and can survive in the void of outer space and fly with incredible speed. Although exact travel times vary, a trip within a single solar system should take 3d20 hours, while a trip beyond should take 3d20 days (or more, at the GM’s discretion)—provided the sartan knows the way to its destination. Natural Invisibility (Su) A sartan can become invisible or visible as a move action. Its invisibility is broken when it attacks. Strangle (Ex) Due to its enormous size, a sartan can only strangle when it is grappling an opponent of Huge or larger size. Studied Target (Ex) A sartan gains the studied target ability of a slayer with a level equal to its Hit Dice. It does not gain other slayer class abilities, such as sneak attack or slayer talents, unless it takes levels in the slayer class.
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tealfling · 7 months
A/N: I was insipired by a post commenting on how obvious it would probably be that Astarion is a vampire to the characters. This went perfectly with my Tav and how salty she would be about being called naive by Astarion.
Astarion x FemaleTav, Named Tav, Amaranth- purple tiefling cleric
Summery: Astarion tried to convince Amaranth it would wasteful to not take the power of the Absoulte for themselves. Which is fine, he's always trying to get her to reach for more power, but he called her naive. As if her good nature made her stupid or blind. Him. His pale-assed, red-eyed, pointy toothed-self. The nerve.
Act2-ish, kinda proof read
Mentions: his scars, alludes to his backstory, and peppered in innendoes. PG-13-ish
"You've been in the bath a long time, Darling. What's taking you so long?" Astarion drawled, walking around the divider.
Amaranth sunk deeper into the tub, her furrowed crystal gaze remaining out of the steamy water, but not turned toward the voice she recognized.
Astarion reguareded her, tilting his head. "tch. Oh, are we brooding? Moping?" he jested, "Your tail tells all my Sweet." Noding toward the slapping thud rippling at the corner of the tub. He thought for a moment. She'd been quite since they last spoke- about taking the power of the Absoult- so he carefully considered what he might have said to offend her. "Are you still upset that I called you naive?" he probed. Her eyes darted to him. Seemed so. "Don't be like that my dear, we all have our flaws-not me of course-but the others obviously," he teased grabbing a towel. "Now come out of there my Treat, there's no way that water's warm enough for you and I don't want supper getting cold." He tried to keep his air light and up beat. Whatever it was that they had going on was working, he liked his favorite traveling companion, maybe more than he cared to admit. The last thing he wanted was for her to cast him aside, especially now. They'd come so far.
Lifting her mouth out of the water, Amranth bit, "I just can't believe you of all people would think I'm the naive one."
Astarion's red eyes narrowed as he paused. "And what is that supposed to mean?" he hissed ready to take offense.
The purple tiefling turned to face him, gripping the side of the tub. "Well, since you don't know, let me paint you a picture," she said. "There I found myself on a beach, where I could hear the calls of a man for help," she said pushing herself up from the water. "When I found the man, I noticed how anemically pale he was, paler than any elf I'd seen-- and remember, Darling, I work with people preparing to be corpses," Amaranth stepped one foot over the tub. "True to form my bleeding heart fell for your siren song for help and pleading eyes, an unusual red color, by the way, but who's to say what's in one's ancestry?" She straightened, taking out the other foot and planting it to the ground, and standing tall. "Of course, this came to bite me on my sorry ass when I found myself thrown to the ground with the business of a dagger to my throat. There those red sullen eyes really bore into me, but what really caught my attention was the pretty mouth with fangs bigger than mine." She said, stepping forward to punctuate each sentence. Astarion, though unsure, held his ground as she approached. His eyes locked on hers.
Amaranth continued. "Now those, I couldn't think of an excuse for being in an elf's mouth. And all of these little things together might look a little suspicious to someone only half paying attention, but probably not anyone sauced out their mind in some tavern back-alley past mid-night. For me though, as someone that choose Deathcare as a career path, what really sells it for me are these. " Amaranth reached her hand and placed two fingers on his neck, one on each fang scar, ignoring the way Astarion flinched. "These aren't the small, tender bites you pepper across my flesh, no these are jagged and wild, made worse by these." she ghosts her fingertips between the holes, her eyes saddening. Astarion sntached her wrist preventing her from touching further. His jaw clenched, his eyes were furrowed and locked to her's, but he didn't interrupt her.
"This texture? Scars from his incisors. That son of a bitch bit you so hard he almost ripped your throat out," her voice cracked where she didn't mean and her eyes began to sting. Amaranth pulled her fingers from his neck, wanting instead to caress his check. Her wrist still trapped in his hand, she gently grazed her knuckle across his jawbone. "Sorry," she whispered smally. Astarion loosened his grip at her apologetic touch.
Trying to save herself, she joked, "You were also terribly conspicuous about the boar, Darling. Even before we even added a half-baked monster hunter to our group. So I don't see how I'm the naive one." Blinking away the wet in her eyes, Amaranth said softly, "No, I took one look at your cover and knew what kind of book you were, but I'm the one who decided to read you." She peeked at him through her lashes, "And I'm glad I did, I'm surprised by what I've found in your pages."
For a long silent moment, Astarion stared at her. Reading her or collecting his thoughts before scoffing, "I didn't realize I was so easy to read, I'll have to double my efforts for the future."
"As if you could, I'm your mirror remember? Now, hand me that stupid towel, dinner's getting cold," Amaranth said playfully reaching for the towel Astarion still held, but she failed.
With deft hands, the elf flicked the towel around her shoulders earning himself one of those darling smiles of her's he'd grown so fond of. She'd known all along. No wonder she reacted cooly, but it still didn't explain why she'd agreed to any of it. Always full of surprises. More so than him apparently. His eyes softened. She always saw him with those big, beautiful shining eyes of hers. He supposed he chose the perfect mirror. He pushed a wet strand of hair from her forehead. Her eyebrows pinched.
"You're giving me that look," she said.
"What look?" Astarion asked with the lift of an eyebrow confused.
Amaranth playfully narrowed her eyes, " That soft look. You know it makes me want to indulge you. Perhaps Gale is right, maybe I do cater to you too much."
At the mention of Gale, a switch went off in Astarion. "Gale's just jealous," he dismissed. "Here you are lecturing me naked, why I'm sure Gale just wishes he could indulge in the whole, Dinner and a Show package, you cater to me," he purred, closing in on her.
With a small eyeroll, Amaranth hummed, "You're incorrigible." She muttered an easy encantantion matching signs in her hand and instantly dried off. "All right, let's go. I think I've hogged the bathroom long enough," she said, ducking around him to grab her dressing robe.
"Lovely," Astarion said, straighting out her robe, "Now with all this talk of Gale-can we do it in my tent tonight? I want Gale to hear you indulge me." He asked through a devilish grin extending his hand.
Amaranth returned a cheeky smile, "If that's what you want. But I'm not going to be intentionally loud." She grabbed his hand to be led out the room.
"I'll see about that."
"You know I can cast Silence right?"
"Oh, you're no fun."
"I thought your whole point was that I am a lot of fun?"
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Last summer I applied for a job as a library specialist in a small town outside Gainesville. As part of the application I had to go to the librsry in-person and take what was essentially a high school English test, "match these titles to their authors," "what was the main theme of XYZ," etc., really dry and pointless, but the final few questions were relevant to the library position and I absolutely aced them. "What should you do if someone comes in with a dog?" "How would you help a parent find a book for their child if they don't remember the title?" "How would you respond to teenagers playing loud music?" I answered professionally and thoughtfully, and they asked me to come back for an interview. I was told to prepare a children's book storytime presentation with props, so I made a backdrop and little popsicle stick puppets for Tacky the Penguin, my favorite picture book from elementary school.
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I had a lot of fun crafting everything and practicing my read-through with funny voices.
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I colored in the final map, I just forgot to take a picture of it
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Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly, Perfect, and Tacky
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"We're going on a penguin hunt, we'll mark em with a switch, then we'll sell em for a dollar and get rich, rich, rich!"
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I absolutely bombed the interview. I was a nervous wreck, I kept stumbling over my words, I drew multiple complete blanks during their questions, and a lot of my answers trailed off into "well, yeah, you know what I mean..." Dumpster fire. 57 dead, 193 injured. I spent the next month dreading every single email I got because I was waiting to read the inevitable "unfortunately."
It was so much worse than that.
After enough time had passed I assumed they were simply going to ghost me, so I forgot about it and moved on, and then out of the blue they emailed me back with a form letter that began "dear sir or ma'am," which hurt a lot because I personally spoke to the hiring lady three times and all her other emails (including the form ones) had the courtesy to start with my name in all caps. They took the time to fill in the blank before, but not this time. Didn't even say "unfortunately," they were really blunt, "you were not chosen to move forward with the hiring process." Damn.
Well, I just moved back up to Gainesville and I saw that they county is still hiring for that same position at a different library that's closer to my apartment. I sent out a Hail Mary application thinking they'd reject me sight unseen, but they must have liked my cover letter because they want me to come back and take the test again. I don't remember every single question, but if it's anything like last year's I'll want to brush up on my English literature. I have to go in on Tuesday morning, so I have all weekend to study.
If I pass, they'll interview me again, and this time I hope they don't make me do another puppet show. My dad keeps making fun of me for it, like I just decided to bring puppets into it for no reason when they very specifically asked me to. It was one of the requirements. The word "puppets" was on the rubrick, but my dad acts like I'm mentally disabled, "dese are mah fwiends, dey gib me mowal suppowt, pwease n fank you!" Does he think I just choose to make puppets and bring them to job interviews for shits and giggles? Does he think I'm divorced from reality? Or is he just a heartless asshole who likes being cruel?
My old job paid me $15/hour for 31½ hours per week, $472.50 before taxes, around $420 take-home (88-89%). This library job offers $16.10 for a full 40 hours, $644.00 before taxes, around $570 net if they take out the same percentage. If I round down to 85% instead, I'd take home just shy of $550 per week, which is 131% of what I used to make. My rent is $600 per month, and my I qualify for $0 monthly payments on my student loans under the SAVE Plan, so I'd be flush with cash for once in my life and I'd have a job that doesn't make me want to kill myself!
This would be absolutely perfect! I really hope it works out this time. I know the gist of what they're going to ask me, so I'll be better prepared when it comes time to interview. Wish me luck.
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TW: Dark(ish) Rafe. Language. Smut. 
SUMMARY: A bout of masked sex leads you to learn the identity of your partner is definitely not your boyfriend…
Anonymous asked:
Heyyy!! I’m not 100% sure if ur doing requests at the moment, if u don’t I’m sorry😅
So my request is a Rafe x Reader smut, reader hates Rafe but Rafe is kind of obsessed with reader and always flirts with her even though she’s in a relationship with JJ, so he always tells her how much better he could be and how much better he would be in bed but reader normally just ignores him. Then on a Halloween party reader dresses up as something u can choose and her boyfriend JJ dresses up as Gostface from scream. At the party reader waits on JJ to come and join her at the party (she knows his costume), then a guy with goat face mask appears and in the end they both go in a bad room to fuck, ghostface leaves his mask on the entire time until the end when he takes it off and reader sees that under the mask wasn’t JJ, it was Rafe
U don’t have to write ans of that if ur not comfortable with that!!<3
The only reason you'd even shown up had been for Sarah. After yet another breakup, you were her shoulder to cry on. But unfortunately this also meant having to be around her brother, Rafe. A six foot two apathetic jackass who cared only for cocaine and tormenting you. This was usually in the form of one-sided banter of unrequited attraction as you had been happily dating JJ, who you were currently waiting for as none other than the devil himself stood across from you. 
"You do realize that if you dropped that pogue and stopped being so stubborn, you wouldn't always be pouting? Shit, you wouldn't even be walking..." 
You rolled your eyes at his relentless attempts to "claim" you as you seemed to be the only person in the collective Outer Banks of both kooks and pogues with enough brain cells to not fall for his momentary charm. You genuinely loathed him. He was cruel and selfish, entitled and slothful, ambitious to an aggressive fault-and he made you thankful to be with JJ...who STILL wasn't anywhere to be found. 
"You looking for a reason to ditch that halo?" He asked in reference to your angel costume as you turned away from him, but his stubbornness continued. 
"Looking for my boyfriend." You spoke with a hand on your hip. 
"Ghost face.." You spoke to yourself, managing to round the entire estate three times over and never quite finding him. Even those in attendance with the Billy Loomis alter-ego were only flickers of hope to his absence. It made you aggravated as you threw yourself onto the end of one of the lounge chairs as you estimated he had forgotten or simply chose not to come. It was the worst quality he had, and a constant downfall- his lack of reliability. Of course, when it truly mattered, he would be there. But he would still be late. And with this, you needed him here as you hated coming to Figure Eight in any context- 
Suddenly your eyes found him lingering within the house, costumed donned from head to toe with the faux mystery of a danger you were aware he would never inflict. 
"Was wondering if you chose beer with John B over me again..." You explained as he wouldn't talk, only shook his head back and forth before  you moved closer. 
"Don't wanna talk to me?" He shook his head no once more as his hands came to your hips. The wide grasp gluttonous as if he needed to touch every inch, as if he'd never do it again following this moment.  
"Oh no, Mister Ghostface, I am so very afraid...I'm gonna run away and into a bedroom all alone. I hope nobody takes advantage of me..." You leaned closer to him. 
“It would be so unfortunate since I'm not wearing any panties...It would be so easy for anyone to just-" Before you could tease another word, you were pulled through the party and into one of the many bedrooms within Tannyhill. 
The second the door closed, you reached for the mask as you were eager for his lips. Those talented and full lips always managing to make you forgive him. But you were rejected from this. Instead, he would only turn you towards rbe bed and take your own hand between your legs. 
"You want me to touch myself.?" He nodded, "Yeah? You like watching me get all wet for you before you make me come? Before I..mmmm" 
You were suddenly turned to your hands and knees, costume lifted enough to expose your bare ass to him as he undressed behind you. Your eyes came to the sight of him as he kept the mask on, taking his hand to the back of your neck as he used his arm along your spine to make you arch for him. 
But the second his cock was inside of you, it felt so different. He wasn't kind or sweet like he'd always been, even in his most violent bursts of passion. His hands would alway show some form of kindness. But this was lust. Pure, needy, and selfish lust. And you basked in it. 
"Fuck..." You groaned as he moved even faster, taking your hair tighter as you groaned, not a word spoken as you were only allowed grunts and grinds to interrupted the sound of your ass slapping to his hips. 
"I'm gonna come, J!" You finally belted as he was quick to take off his glove, skin to skin contact making your body shudder for a reason all your own as he pulled you to his chest. That momentary distraction now fleeting as your orgasm was too strong. The flicks on your clit and pressure of his cock was too much to focus on anything else. 
"I'm gonna- FUUUUUCCCKKK!" You sang, his hands turning you flat. He returned into you, a more intimate position hardened by the push of your ego against your chest. A position he didn't favor as he preferred your breasts and watching their buoyancy as he moved within you. But tonight he seemingly wanted more. 
He carried his fingers to your mouth, using them to silence you as you could just imagine the smirk across his face. You needed to see it, those dimples, the rise of full lips lifted in self-satisfaction. But as you tried, he would pin your hands to either side of your face and rush into you THAT much more. 
"JJ...please come inside me...I can't take it." He paused for only a second, rearranging you until you turned to fave the dresser on the wall beside the bed, ankles hooked around the back of hid left thigh, as he fucked you at this tight new angle. As you moaned beneath him, he lifted the leg closest to him until it sat over his shoulder. The grip made it possible to where you wouldn't have to do anything but bask in the overstimulation and rush of his cum as he groaned and grunted over you. 
"Oh my God..." You breathed, the space between your thighs aching in a way it never had before. Your body thoroughly satisfied. And you watched him lift the mask freely from his face as you waited to see that glib grimace across his face. But you wouldn’t find that, or even his dimples. 
"Rafe! What the-" Your legs were pulled tighter around his hips. 
"Told you, you'd be too sore to walk-" 
"Get the fuck off of me!" You cursed, disgusted with how he had taken advantage of the situation. 
"Now..." He moved onto his knees as you were on your elbows, marveling at the sight of him dragging you to the very edge of the bed, spitting unnecessary lubrication between your dripping and already abused pussy, all for the sake of you now having the sight as a memory. 
"You're gonna come when you don't have to pretend you didn't know it was me-" 
"I didn’t-" You defended as he scoffed. 
"You and I both know he's never fucked you like that...and now I'm gonna prove I can make you come anyway I want..." Your eyes rolled to the contact of his tongue to your clit. 
The truth was, you did know. You knew it the second he removed the glove, that signet ring having validated this. But you were too deeply rooted in bliss to care as you should have. And once again, you were too overwhelmed with how he made you feel to notice how you were being disloyal. 
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae
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agust-june · 2 years
Keep Her Satisfied For The Weekend (Teaser)
Yuta nakamoto x blk reader x Johnny Suh
Synopsis: between your past love with Johnny and being a sneaky link (with feelings attached) with Yuta. You're torn between the two putting your heart between choosing an old flame that burned you and the guy who can't let you in.
Warnings: nothing yet no smut here (yet) just to test the waters. Y/n is black so if your racist or anti black in any way shape or form this story is NOT for you nor is my page. Please exit and find a therapist that can help you unpack your racism.
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"Hey at least I'm not getting your sloppy seconds Nakamoto" Johnny sneers as Yuta bursts out laughing. Johnny glares at him trying to figure out what was funny.
"Sloppy? Oh, Y/n could never although her head game was sloppy when she came to me but don't worry daddy trained her right" Yuta smirked triumphantly crossing his arm as he looked at you from across the room. You were having fun with Monica, the two of you doing your own thing. Johnny pays attention to the direction of his gaze onto you.
"Daddy? That's crazy. She called me daddy last week" Johnny announced as Yuta looked at him in disgust. There was no way in hell you were fucking him. Not when he got back from Japan almost three weeks ago.
"Don't be ridiculous Y/n wouldn't go back to you. She's too good for you" this time Johnny laughs rolling his eyes. To him, Yuta was a fool. You belonged to Johnny. You were his girl and always will be. It's only natural you'd come back to him. It took you crying on his doorstep. He immediately knew you told Yuta how you felt. Him knowing Yuta, Johnny knew he ghosted you. Sure he was a rebound but it wasn't like Yuta wasn't one either. Karma. What Johnny called it.
"Oh, but she did. See while you left her alone for two months I made sure to keep your side of the bed nice and warm." Yuta then starts thinking about it. He knew something was off for the past two weeks. You had a new hairstyle, before it was different color wigs, with different curls and sometimes it was straight. Now here you are with your natural hair though it was relaxed with a bit of a curl. That Sunday morning he came to your doorstep, your hair was in these beautiful curly waves. You were even more beautiful than you were before. He noticed how your scent changed, you changed your perfume. From a sweet floral summer smell, to a husky amber sticky amber. That fall stickiness that lingers on your skin. Even your mannerisms were different. Your posture went from slouched to straight. You were more laid back to this proper posh princess. Your walk was slow and graceful for a confident stride. But that didn't mean you'd go back to Johnny. This was just not a very funny way to get under his skin. Just to irritate him. So far it was working, just the thought of you going back to HIM of all people.
"You fucked up and you know it Yuta. Instead of running from your feelings, you should've made it official. Now that ring I've been keeping is going right on her hand" with those words Johnny parted ways with the now-furious Yuta. His eyes are locked on you in an uncomfortable possession. Only the feeling of fear licking up his spine gave way to the clarity of your features. As he made decisive strides towards you.
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dreamcatcher2113 · 1 year
Hold Me Down for One Night, Like I Got 3 Strikes
Summary: It’s funny how all of this started with a map at Hartley High. You and Jace have been best friends for as long as you can remember. You both go to Hartley High, with your friends Quinni, Darren, Amerie, Harper, Malakai, and Ca$h. All of you had a sleepover at Jace’s place. What you guys didn’t know is that Jace’s hot uncles (Aegon and Aemond) and beautiful aunt (Helaena) are staying with his family because their new house is being renovated. Some Things started to stir up and old feelings began to surface. Only in Hartley High.
Warnings: Language, sexual content, 18+ smut, and more I can’t think of.
Author Note: Yes I am mixing HOTD and Heartbreak High together because I can and want to. Everyone is 18 years old in Hartley High. Aemond, Aegon and Helaena are in their 20’s. Aemond has a genetic condition that made him blind in his right eye. All the Targaryens are close, there is no feud. Daemon is not Rhaenyra’s uncle in this AU, and they are married. You are a Stark in this AU, Cregan is your cousin.
Inspiration: @valeskafics @tinfairies
Song: 3 Strikes by Terror Jr
Part 04
Part 05: Why Do All Good Things Come to an End?
You excused yourself to the kitchen to get yourself some water. Little did you know that Aemond was right behind you. You grab some water from the fridge, and see Aemond was also getting water as well. You handed him a bottle, and he gave you a silent thank you, you just gave him a quick nod. The silence between the two of you was awkward, and stiff. There was a time where you and Aemond were able to enjoy comforting silence with each other, but now there is nothing comforting between the two of you.
“I have missed you Y/N.” Aemond said, breaking the silence first.
“You have a really funny way of showing it, Aemond.” You said, taking a sip of your water.
Aemond sighed. “I have my reasons Y/N.”
You scruff. “You keep saying that, and yet you never explained to me why you wanted to stop being my friend.”
“I never meant for that to happen.” Aemond tries to explain.
“Could have fooled me.”
“What Aemond?!? What possible reason can you give me, why you didn’t want to be my friend anymore?” You raised your voice a little. “All you have given me vague answers and no real explanation.”
“It’s way more complicated than that Y/N.” Aemond explains once again, rubbing the back of neck.
You sighed in frustration. “Is it Aemond? Because we both know the real reason why you ghosted me for no reason.”
“Alys had her reasons.” Aemond said.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!? You know what, I’m not surprised. Even broken up, you still choose her side.” You said in frustration.
“It’s not like that!”
“That’s bullshit! When I first met her, she was nothing but cruel and rude to not just me, but your whole family!” You started to yell.
“And you know what sucks, Aemond?” Your voice started to shake. “I have done nothing to her, and she said those horrible things to me.”
“And you know what kills me the most?” You started to feel tears forming in your eyes. “You just let her say those things to me. Not once have you stood up for me.”
“Y/N '' Aemond said your name in a whisper.
“It got to the point where Rhaenyra had to say something.” You continued. “I did nothing to her, and yet she said those things to me. So please explain to me Aemond. Explain to me why she called me a gold digging whore, and I had to lose one of my best friends.”
The dam started to break, you started feeling tears running down your eyes. All the feelings you had felt before have been coming back again. You started to feel how you felt almost two years ago.
"I'm not excusing what Alys said to you. It's just….complicated." Aemond sighed.
You groan in frustration, you should've known. Trying to get Aemond to explain is like pulling teeth. "Can you say anything else besides it's complicated?!?"
"Honestly Aemond it was driving me crazy not knowing what I did. Can you please tell me what I did to make her hate me so much, to the point where I had to lose you too?!?" You asked in anger and sadness.
Aemond looked like he wanted to tell you, but something was stopping him. You sighed in frustration, giving up on getting closure from him. "Forget it, Aemond. Whatever the reason is….you'll never tell me and I'm tired of fighting with you." 
You start to walk away and head back to the living room.
"Is that why you slept with Jace?" Aemond asked. Stopping you from your tracks, you turned to him.
"Excuse me?" You asked, glaring at him. "I don't see how me sleeping with Jace has anything to do with anything."
“Are you just using him? Because if you are, that’s really cruel of you Y/N.” Aemond went straight to the point.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the outrageous question Aemond just asked you. “One. I would never use Jace like that. I love and care about him too much, and unlike you. I actually give a shit about our friendship. And two. How many fucking times do me and Jace have to fucking explain?!?” 
“We talked. We consented. We are on the same page on what we are. Jesus fucking christ it is not that fricken hard to understand!!” You started to raise your voice even more. You honestly want to pull your hair out. 
“Jace has feelings for you Y/N. You’re just too blind to see it.” Aemond said.
A little shocked by what Aemond said, not knowing how to react to the information that was given to you. “Let’s pretend that’s actually true for a moment. What does that have to do with me and Jace sleeping together?”
Aemond sighed. “That fact that you are using my nephew to get over me. That’s pretty cruel, don’t you think?”
You feel your blood boiling with rage. You made it very clear with Jace, that you were not using him to get over Aemond. At first you thought you were using Jace when you two first hooked up, you started to feel  guilty. Not wanting to lose Jace, like you lost Aemond as a friend. You and Jace talked and communicated about everything. You didn't want to hurt him and lose him as a friend. Jace reassured you that he knows that you weren’t using him like that. 
Out of anger and rage, you threw your water at Aemond’s face, and slapped him hard across his face.
“Fuck you Aemond Targaryen! You know nothing about me and Jace!” You yelled, and started to storm off to the backyard. Wanting to get some air and to cool off, how did years of friendship turn into this?
Jace, Aegon, and Helaena witnessed the ending of what happened between you and Aemond. Jace looked like he wanted to punch his uncle in the face. He knows that you weren’t using him to get over Aemond, he reassured you so many times that he didn’t feel like you were using him. Jace starts to walk to the backyard to check on you, while glaring at Aemond. He wanted to say so much to him, but right now you are his priority. He opened the door that led to the backyard, slamming it. Aemond flinched a bit, knowing that he fucked up and knows his nephew is pissed at him.
Aegon and Helaena just looked at their younger brother in disappointment. They know the reason why Aemond ghosted you and why Alys treated you the way she did. Both of them don’t condone their actions whatsoever, but they did respect Aemond’s wishes to have him talk to you. Aegon and Helaena know that it would be best for you to hear it from Aemond. For someone who is very smart, they both think Aemond is being dumb.
“Aemond. That wasn’t really fair.” Aegon said, walking towards the kitchen more.
“I know.” Aemond sighed.
“If you knew, why did you say that little brother?” Helaena asked softly, standing next to Aemond.
“I don’t know. I just snapped. I’m not excusing what I said, I know I went too far.” Aemond admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. 
Aegon handed him a paper towel, so he can dry himself off. Aemond gave him a silent thanks, and started drying the water that was dripping from his face. 
“I don’t want to be the nagging older brother. But you really need to talk to her, Aemond.” Aegon said, crossing his arms.
“And when he says talk to her, he means actually talk to her. Not giving her vague answers.” Helaena added. “It’s not fair to her or to Jace.” 
“Trust me I know. I’ve been putting it off for way too long. I just-. I don’t-.” Aemond tried to voice his thoughts, but couldn’t. Helaena rubbed his back in comfort, both Aegon and Helaena knew it was a complicated situation. 
“We know Aemond.” Aegon said.
“We do understand.” Helaena added. Both of them gave Aemond a hug, knowing he needed it. Helaena and Aegon know that what Aemond did was not okay, and they both think he should have handled things differently. That doesn’t mean they won’t comfort their little brother, he may be an idiot sometimes but they know his heart. They know he would make it right, hopefully.
Meanwhile in the living room
The rest of the group just sat and sipped their drinks awkwardly, hearing you and Aemond yell back and forth. Having no idea what to do or say. Darren and Quinni know the situation between you and Aemond. Besides Jace, they were also there for you when things started to fall apart. All three of them would stay over at your house for multiple nights, comforting you and they wouldn’t let you isolate yourself. Darren and Quinni couldn’t forgive Aemond for what he did to you, you cried too many times for him.
“I know this isn’t any of our business, but I am honestly worried for Y/N. What happened between those two?” Harper asked, breaking the awkward silence first. 
“It’s a long story.” Quinni answered.
“And it’s not our story to tell.” Darren added.
“We get it.” Malakai said.
“We won’t push it.” Ca$h added.
“Will Y/N be okay?” Amerie asked, genuinely worried about you.
Quinni and Darren exchanged looks, debating on telling the rest of the group of what happened between you and Aemond. After becoming friends with Amerie, Harper, Ca$h, and Malakai, the four of you started to trust them. You, Jace, Darren and Quinni never really let anyone in your inner circle. Somehow the eight of you became a tight group. 
“We can’t tell you the full story.” Darren began to say.
“But we can tell you some of the details.” Quinni added on.
“As you guys know Jace, Y/N, Quinni and I grew up together.” Darren started the story. “And you guys know that we are also close with their family.”
“Especially Y/N. Darren and I are close with Jace and his family but-” Quinni continued.
“-but not as close as Y/N is.” Darren finished her sentence. 
“Her, Jace, Aemond, Helaena and Aegon were super close. They were all best friends.” Quinni said.
“That all changed when Aemond started dating a girl named Alys.” Darren sighed, remembering the phone call that they and Quinni got from you and Jace. They couldn’t forget the sound of you crying that day. It broke their and Quinni’s heart when they heard you breaking down.
“Mind you. Y/N never met this girl before, and only met her once.” Quinni explained.
“Alys was being rude not only to Y/N, but the rest of Aemond's family as well.” Darren added.
“Y/N was being polite and being herself. Alys however was calling her names and accusing her of stuff that’s not even close to Y/N’s personality.” Quinni continued the story.
“What did she say?” Ca$h asked.
Darren and Quinni exchanged looks. Quinni looked down at her cup, remembering what one of her best friends was called. Darren sighed. “One of the things Alys called Y/N was a gold digging whore.”
Amerie, Harper, Malakai, and Ca$h eyes widened in shock that someone who doesn’t know Y/N at all, called her that. They know that Y/N is many things but a gold digger isn’t one of them. Yeah they know you don’t take shit from other people and will stand up for your friends. There were times you would get into fist fights for them. That’s one of the things that makes you a badass. You don't take shit from people, you stand up for the people you care about, and you will call out on people’s bullshit. Besides all of that the four of them know how loyal you are and how you are there for them no matter what. There were many things they love about you, hearing what Alys said to you made them mad. They don’t know who this Alys person is, they hope for her sake that she doesn’t meet them. They would rip her a new one if they met her.
“I’m sorry.” Amerie spoke, still a little stunned. “She called Y/N, a gold digging whore?!?”
“Yep.” Darren answered, popping the p.
“What the actual fuck?!?” Harper said. While Malakai and Ca$h were too stunned to even voice their thought process.
“Our thoughts exactly.” Quinni said. “Long story short, not once Aemond stood up for Y/N. Jace’s family however, had no problem telling Alys off.” 
"After that dinner night, Aemond started ghosting Y/N. Like he basically just threw years of friendship out the window." Darren finished explaining.
Amerie, Harper, Malakai, and Ca$sh have no idea what to say. They were a little stunned from what they had been told. 
“You guys did not hear that from us. There is more to the story but it’s not our place to tell.” Darren pointed out. They nodded their heads in agreement, they won’t mention anything to you unless you go to them. All six of them sat in silence, hoping you were okay.
Taglist: @jessica295 @dothrckis @dark-night-sky-99
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serenofroses · 10 months
Short Snippet Sunday. (aka Seren get self indulgent and write a thing for Marr/Ania/Jadus content out of her head)
"Do you love her?"
Jadus glanced over to stare profoundly at Marr from within the forcefield prison--ignoring the echoes of Nathema's ghosts screech that linger throughout the building.
"You already knew the answer to that, Lord Marr." they said holding the resentment back on their tongue.
"Perhaps-- but I rather hear you say it." Marr pressed again.
"I never stopped loving her--so yes." Jadus did not hesitate right away as they replied before looking away, "She was my everything--she matters more to me than you would think."
"More than your ambitions to stake a claim on the throne from your father?"
Jadus scoffed, ceasing their meditation as they rose their feet facing the Sith Warlord once more, "You didn't come all this way to ask me this."
They paused briefly to read their thoughts until something had intrgued them.
"Tell me, Lord Marr, have you come to develop feelings for Anastasia?"
Marr felt their heart jumped by the question--in a way the mention of her name, and their feelings, made them flustered at every moment they spent with her was bittersweet.
"Yes, I do. More than enough." Marr admitted, "Even if it meant sacrificing the Empire just for her."
Jadus raised their brow in surprise, this was very unusual for someone in charge of the Empire's defenses. Something must've changed since Eradication Day.
"I'd never pegged you to be the type to risk both the Empire and the Galaxy entirely for one woman."
"You aren't the only one who formed a Force Bond with her, you know." Marr reminded them, "Or, a vision about her."
"Hm, you have a valid point." Jadus stepped towards Marr from within the prison, the rayshield began to crackle in preparation to electrocute the former Dark Councillor, "You never cease to surprise me."
Marr hummed quietly, "It is like you say, she matters more to us than we would liked to admit."
Jadus crossed their arms over their chest, "So, why are you here for, Marr? If it to get a reaction out of me then you have another thing coming."
Marr took a little look surrounding them before speaking, "I'm here because of Ania. She's in a vulnerable position and I cannot interfere with her mission without putting her at risk."
This had gotten Jadus' attention.
"Most Cipher Agent had to undergo 'castellan restraints' program, correct? Appartently someone had gotten ahold of the keyword used for her--you were the only know it."
"What? That wouldn't had happened when I'm still around."
"Except her files was leaked to a group outside of the Empire--someone planned to use her against us. I want to know how and why." Marr tried to reason with an explaination, "But I cannot do that on my own. You know the Intelligence Sphere inside out."
"You.... you are requesting for my assistance? After you choose to pledge your loyalty to Tenebrae?" Jadus sounded their disapproval--perhaps disbelief after the way things had ended between the two couple of years ago before Ania came into the picture.
Marr made an exsapersated sigh, recalling the memory that they rather wish to forget, "A price I'm willing to pay for. But what happened between us is in the past. Right now, Ania is our main concern."
Jadus narrowed their eyes, pondering their decision, "How bad was it?"
"It's going to get a lot worse for her. All I need was to get her out." Marr continued, stepping over to the terminal while Jadus stood still pondering, "If you love Ania that much, then help me fix the mistake you've done. That's all I ask."
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genderfluidgothwitch · 6 months
(writing ?s) 28, 18, 9, 5?
i love these i’m so curious
Your reverse ordered numbers are bothering me so I'm answering them in the PROPER order lol
5: Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
Not really tbh. There's no real rhyme or reason to how I write, so there's really not much cohesion to warrant any superstitions about it.
9: Do you believe in ghosts? This isn't about writing I just wanna know.
Sort of? It's complicated. I don't believe in any pf the ghost shit they do on TV like Ghost Hunters or whatever, but I do think spirits can linger in places once their physical form is no longer. Any ghosts I do believe in wouldn't have any sort of corporeal form, it's more of a spiritual essence than a "ghost" per se.
18: Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end.
Ahhhh you're putting me on the spot here.
I guess the passage of choice would be when Cam and Maddie wake up to an overnight summer thunderstorm, and, unable to go back to sleep, they venture into the woods in the rain and end up soaking wet and muddy, all the while playing a weird version of Marco Polo with a call and response song playing in the background, in the dark. It's honestly a really cute scene, once they get kinda tired, they go back to the van, they slow dance a little to the music, Maddie starts falling asleep on Cam's shoulder, he helps her clean up and they go to bed and sleep more soundly than they had in weeks. It hasn't really changed much since I wrote it, but it was definitely inspired by my own desires to go dancing in thunderstormy weather in the woods in the dark. @liminalblessings look more Just Another Tomorrow for you lol
28: Who is the most delightful character you've ever written? Why?
So I did answer this with Q Tomlinson previously, so I guess I'll answer this one with Cam. He's been a delight to write because he's such a dumbass, but he has a heart of gold, and while he doesn't really have a lot of negative things to say about his life, he realizes eventually that's because he comes from unknown privileges. He has a stable family, he's an only child to two parents that both have steady income and job security, and he's never really done anything really troublesome. He's genuinely a good kid, to a fault sometimes, but he cares so much. He just wants justice, even if he's not sure what justice truly looks like at any given time.
Thank you Cheshi! I'll pop over to your inbox in a few :)
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I want to talk about 3 choices books but since I got vip for this month I'm obviously ahead of all nonvip readers, so I'll be putting my thoughts under the cut as well as tagging "[title of book] spoilers" but not main tagging
First: Hot Shot
I am so disappointed with this one 😞 genuinely liked it up until the chapters where MC goes to Casey's hometown. I was willing to look past some of the cringe (imo) smut dialogue cause I actually really like Casey as an li, but the whole "leak" plotline is kind of wack, and I thought maybe the tension/pining coming back after the breakup would be enjoyable but it's just very... bland and it comes off as more as the MC & Casey just missing having sex with each other (which is fine I guess) but aside from them saying "I miss you" all we get are horny thoughts/comments, not much memories outside of reporting & sex are brought up. RIP Casey Jameson, I actually liked you, but this book & MC were not it for you ✌️
Second: The Deadliest Game
I'm actually loving this book, I was very hesitant as I thought it'd be more like DLS (where there is a mystery but the smut was at the forefront) but it's nice focusing on the mystery and having more than 1 li; and the shock from last week's chapter paired with having to choose someone to lock up based on the current evidence?? So good. Also, I found it very interesting, during my first read of today's chapter, I chose to lock up Angelina cause of the whole affair thing, and Liz got super defensive but the second time around I thought, wait Pete has more motive, and when I selected him, Liz was saying "MC is a mystery writer so they would know" (not word for word, I am paraphrasing from memory) & it's very interesting how differently she reacts, and no one, not even Steve seems to put up much of a fight when MC suggests locking him up, I haven't seen how Liz reacts if we choose her, but based on today's evidence she is far down the suspect list so out of the choices we get to choose from, Angelina & Pete seem the most suspicious. But, BUT, I also find it interesting that it's the 2nd time we can suspect or defend Jun against suspicion, like of all 3 li's I just find it fascinating but I don't really have a theory for it, just wondering if they're pulling a DLS with that one. But ahhh the description for the next few chapters are making me nervous ngl
Third: The Ghost of Us
It's only what, 4 chapters in? Even so, not having learned my lesson from hot shot, I am genuinely enjoying it so far. I was hesitant with the first chapter but a little more open by chapter 2. Then chapter 3 & 4 really got to me. I like Grey, they do seem to have similarities to Trystan, but oh I know this book is going to break my heart because of how much I like Grey already. There is some backstory to MC besides the medium stuff, which I like. They have been so focused on their career and it's shown how lonely MC is, and gahhh the almost kisses with Grey, despite them being a ghost? Has me going insane, but the latest chapter, they have a corporeal form???? Like I need to yell about that!!! There's no way they can just walk around like they didn't die, people will recognize them, I need the next chapter!! Actually thinking of restarting and recording the chapters as I play them, it's just unfortunate I can't decide on an MC, I might choose the MC I chose from TDG but unfortunately the premium hairstyle I wanted doesn't really suit her (T.T) oh well, I'll figure that out soon anyway
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0mamer · 2 years
Look. I know Pokemon is probably beyond third versions at this point. Gen 6 didn't get one, and Gen 8 set up the precedent for expansions over third editions. The state of S/V on release is evidence enough that their current production pipeline barely gives enough time to release the base mainline games as-is. That combined with the higher cost to the customer per version now, it just makes more sense to expand rather than re-release.
THAT SAID! I think there are enough little things that could improve the experience drastically that I'm not sure they can simply patch in or provide via DLC (at least not in the original map), or would be useless to players who don't want to completely reset their game. So, here are the features I think we're missing:
Alternate Ride Pokemon. This game introduced cyclizar and Revavroom, which were explicitly designed to look like transport methods, and Cyclizar are in fact a common Ride Pokemon. They also brought back several ride pokemon from previous generations, including Gogoat and Braviary, and once the games are connected to Home we'll be allowed to transfer in Sneasler, Wyrdeer, and Basculegion. Don't get me wrong, Koraidon is great. I love Koraidon. I'm very upset that I can't transfer the one I've grown attached to through the story out of the game when the time comes. Which, yes, I know, that's why there's Second Koraidon. But again, we're talking Third Version here. Letting players swap in a ride pokemon of their choice would be a good excuse to not give Koraidon/Miraidon right away, since the player would likely end up with both in the end. (yes I know it'd require a rewrite of Arven's plot, I'm not being paid to share my opinions, someone else can fix that)
Make wild Tera Pokemon (the ones found outside raids) about ten times as aggressive. I don't think we need player HP and whatnot brought over from Legends: Arceus but Alphas are the only fun part of that game and if they could make the wild Tera Pokemon induce the same sense of "ha, I'm in danger." when you see them? it'd be perfect. While I'm here I'd love to just say, "bring back Alphas as a permanent feature" but barring that I'll just take hyper-aggressive menaces to society of some form in every game going forward, and the wild Teras are the perfect candidate this game.
Make the badge challenges, but at the very least the Victory Road gym challenges, scale based on the number of badges you have. It was kind of a letdown to start exploring West, completing the bug and water gyms, only to have an area with lv 50 Pokemon preventing me from reaching Larry and lv 35's preventing you from reaching Tulip, only to go out east and discover that I outleveled Brassius and Iono already, and oh, also, when I went back and beat Tulip and her level 40 team, I was ready to take on the lv 50 path only to discover it lead to Larry's lv 35 gym that I was supposed to access from the other way. Route challenge levels don't bother me, but I mean, it'd be nice if the badges really could be done in any order, and barring that, don't give us the illusion of options. They presented it like you could take on gyms in the order you wanted, but really you're supposed to go East first, clear up to Mela, then head back, take on the bug and water gyms plus Bombirdier and the Asado Titan, then go BACK THE OTHER WAY to fight Iono, Orthworm, and Larry, then go southwest for Tulip, and THEN finally head north, fight the last 2 titans, take on the ice/ghost gyms, then the fairy Star base, then do Eri last. They don't tell you this, they just make it sound like you get to choose and then throw reality at you. Be a lot cooler if they just went all in on that premise and scaled the badge challenges based on how many you have.
This is a broken record beaten to death but god damn only having 4 main outfit options with no ability to even recolor them and only being able to customize hair/accessories really sucks, and is a terrible introduction to their "gender-neutral" character creation system. If Kalos really does border the northeast of the map and we get to go there in an expansion we better have access to alternative main outfit options in Luminose, but if we're all wrong about that then man it'd sure be cool if we could just have some other outfits available throughout the world under normal circumstances. Hell let us get Atticus to customize our uniforms. I'll pay him in Tera Crystals or LP, his own made up currency, he can even have his badge back, whatever it takes. just get me out of these orange pants. Hate coordinating my outfit around a single terrible piece. Only one character looks good in the Scarlet school uniform and it's Nemona.
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Asked by anonimus
@professorlehnsherr-almashy @thealmightyemprex @goodanswerfoxmonster @the-blue-fairie @princesssarisa @gravedangerahead @parxsisburning @softlytowardthesun @themousefromfantasyland @filmcityworld1 @lord-antihero @lioness--hart
@budcortfancam @bixiebeet @spengnitzed @angelixgutz @stantzed @janeb984 @amalthea9
Favorite Thing About Them: Let's face it, besides Lois Maxwell's portrayal of Miss Moneypenny in the James Bond film series, there weren't really other examples of desk secretaries so well developed as Janine Melnitz. It is a hard job, and vital to keep government institutions and companies organized, but like the also hard work of being a howsewife, it is often overlooked because is a job associated with women that writers tend to think it won't be interesting to audiences as " the stories of man of action going into a battlefield or other dangerous kind of adventure" that they often choose to focus on. So to have this simple working class lady being portrayed with charisma, as we empathize with the boredom, excitement, confidence, anger, stress and fear that she shows as she navigates trough her job, acting as the human element that helps to keep us grounded in this fantastic story about scientists hunting ghosts in New York City, is marvelous to watch. And she is also shown to be able to adapt and become a competent Ghostbuster in her own right, even leading a back up team while being someone who, like Winston Zeddemore, didn't got access to an Ivy League University Doctorate, showing that there are other forms of being inteligent besides having a golden framed diploma, like conecting with the general public and providing emotional support for friends who need it.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: The fact that when Ghostbusters 2 went to take inspiration from the cartoon The Real Ghostbusters, it made the mistake of only getting inspiration from the character design in the messy later seasons, ignoring the idea of her acting as the fifth Ghostbuster presented by the first two seasons and instead making her have a sexual escapade with Louis Tully out of nowhere to boost his confidence so Louis could be the new fifth Ghostbuster. The writers of the second movie, wich was the same team as the first one, had the template to make progress in making a urban fantasy adventure comedy story where man and woman worked together as a team to save the day without seeing anything weird about it, and didn't tooked any advantage of it.
Three Things I Have In Common With Them:
*I have short hair and wear glasses;
*I often use sarcasm as a mechanism to cope with problems;
*I also work behind a desk with a computer, telephone, pencil and paper;
Three Things I Don’t Have In Common With Them:
*I'm not an american from New York City;
*I'm not a red head;
*I wouldn't have the courage to fight against ghosts and monsters that she has;
Favorite line:
From the July 1983 Script Draft:
"The phones? I wouldn't say the calls are pouring in, Dr. Venkman."
"Good night, Egon."
"Is it alright if I watch?"
"Thank you."
From the October 1983 Script Draft:
"Who do you think you're talking to, Mister? Do I look like a child? You can't come in here without some kind of warrant or writ or something."
"It's a sign, all right... "Going out Of Business."
"I want you to have this."
"It's a souvenir from the 1964 World's Fair at Flushing Meadow. It's my lucky coin."
"Keep it anyway. I have another one at home."
From the 1984 movie:
"You're very handy. I can tell. I bet you like to read a lot, too."
"Oh, that's very fascinating to me. I read a lot myself. Some people think I'm too intellectual, but I think it's a fabulous way to spend your spare time. I also play racquetball. Do you have any hobbies?"
"Hello, Ghostbusters. Yes, of course they're serious. [she paused and sat back down] You do? You have? No kidding. Uh-huh. Well, just, uh, just give me the address. Yes, of course. Oh, they'll be totally discreet. Thank you."
"We got one!"
"Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trans-mediums, the Loch Ness monster and the theory of Atlantis?"
"I've quit better jobs than this."
"Ghostbusters! What do you want!?"
"You are so kind to take care of that man. You know, you're a real humanitarian."
From the novelization of the 1984 movie:
"Would I kid you?... Well, the soonest we could possibly get back to you would be a week from Friday... I'm sorry, but we're completely booked until then... Uh huh... All I can suggest is that you stay out of your house until we can get to you.... Well, in that case. I'd be not to provoke it. You're welcome."
"Egon, there's something very strange about that man. I'm very psychic usually, and right now I have this teerible feeling that something awful is going to happen to you. I'm afrayed you're going to die."
"That's so romantic. "
"You're sweet, Egon."
brOTP: Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz, Winston Zeddemore, Dana Barrett, Tiyah Clarke, Louis Tully, Kylie Griffin, Melanie Ortiz, Louise, Irena Cortez, Bryan Welsh, Ilyssa Selwin, Walter Peck.
OTP: Egon Spengler.
nOTP: Ron Alexander.
Random Headcanon: Her maternal family is of german-irish, lutheran and catholic background, while her paternal family is of ucranian, polish and georgian jewish background. She always took part in traditions of both sides of her family, but has more strong identification with the jewish side.
Unpopular Opinion: I understand the idea of the Real Ghostbusters cartoon series episode Janine, You Changed being an attempt to criticize the executives that wanted to force Janine into what they deemed conventional patterns of femininity by inserting the plot of an evil fae that prays on insecurities manipulating Janine after she feels insecure about her appearance, but I think that is still out of character because when it camed to her physical appearance, Janine never seemed likely to feel insecure about it, but take pride in it. If a writer really wanted to explore some insecurity in her in a way that felt organic, it would make more sense to explore her insecurity due to the fact that she camed from a working class background and didn't have access to a college and university doctorate like Peter, Ray and Egon because of lack of money or family connections and because the universities criteria to accept new students is arbitrary and elitist, but Winston, who also shares a working class background, and the other Ghostbusters would assure her that just because she isn't a former Ivy League graduate, doesn't mean she is less inteligent or capable to understand the work of tracking and studying the supernatural.
Songs I Associate With Them:
Elusive Butterfly
Andante, Andante
Somebody to love
You Are the Sunshine of My Life
Favorite Picture of Them:
Annie Potts in the 1984 movie
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In the original two seasons of the Real Ghostbusters animated series
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In the IDW licensed comics
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