#when i say that i kept having to redo this and i've been working on it for 24 hours
kelseytheballerina · 7 months
woa kelsey what happened
2pretty -> kelseytheballerina, as I’m sure you’ve noticed by now. I’ve been over the 2pretty name for a while now and just ready for something that feels more ‘me’.
my YouTube channel name will match this one now too, so angelkels -> kelseytheballerina
I want to get a refresh on this blog so I’m going to private everything while I go through it all and make them public again as I decide what I want to keep. This account has been feeling pretty stale to me for a minute. Like we can do better than this!
I’ve decided to close down my patreon as well. As much as I sincerely appreciate everyone who has supported me there (like wow that’s so kind of you all???), I just don’t use it often enough and I dont feel comfortable charging you lovely people for something I barely log in to. I really do prefer having all of my content here as a one stop shop where everyone can view and enjoy it as normal, no payment required :) Again, I am so grateful to all of you who flocked to the patreon and supported me but I think it’s just not what I’m into right now. Your generosity has meant a lot to me and I hope no one is upset by my decision. I'm still doing pen pals though ♡
I had 27 (yes, TWENTY-SEVEN) videos made and ready to go but I accidentally lost them ALL. Hours and hours worth of content…gone. Just like that. When I tell you that I was in a depressed rage for the past 2 weeks…it doesn’t even begin to cover it. Like who wants to redo all that work? My maternity leave for ballet is ending so I was taking the time to batch film and now it’s just like…that was a waste of time. I couldn’t even open my computer for a while bc I was so upset. You don't understand, I've never felt this defeated before omg. I finally mustered up the morale to re-record but I kept leaving out shots, forgetting things I wanted to say, it just wasn’t as good as the original and that was sooo upsetting. Anyway I can’t stay upset about it forever so I have to force myself to get over it and just start remaking them as best as I can. Just know that even though I’m moving forward, inside I am the physical manifestation of gritted teeth, white knuckles and veins popping out 🙃. Did I buy a new external hard drive? Yes ma’am I did, with a swiftness!!
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
modern!steve harrington + mine cause i just KNOW he’d love that song and daydream about a future with his girl listening to it 😭💜
mine (steve's version)
warnings: hurt/comfort, my fingers slipped and put angst
wc: 2.1k+
an: okay i completely goofed here and made this far angstier than you wanted, and did not realize until AFTER it was done. 😭 i'm gonna apply the same logic as miss swift does with surprise songs - since i technically messed up, if you'd like a redo with more sweetness, let me know and i've got you haha 😭 i also just processed you wanted him to listen to the song and that image broke my brain so basically what i'm saying is this one will definitely get a redo haha sorry nonnie <3
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It had all started over a stupid fight. A fight that he didn’t even recall how it had started. That’s how stupid it had been. 
Steve had been tired, coming home from a long shift at the diner. It had been a shit show for the entirety of the twelve hours that Steve had been there, instantly making him regret pulling a double to cover one of his coworkers who called claiming they had a fever, but that he’d definitely seen posting on their stories about being out for drinks very late the night before. But he wasn’t going to tell his boss that — he’d been there. One too many beers on one of his rare free nights with friends, and he too would call out, claiming something along the lines of food poisoning. 
He wasn’t fully lying. That much alcohol probably had poisoned him considering the way he felt like death the next morning.
The coworker wasn’t what had him in a sour mood, though. Nor was it the one elderly couple that had kept trying to have terribly long conversations with him when he knew he had food to run. Nor was it that obnoxiously large group of preteens that seemed to have no self awareness as they’d reeked absolute havoc on the diner for the final hour before closing. No, none of that really phased Steve anymore — he was just tired. He was tired, a bit too easily irritated, and just wanted to sleep. 
His plans for the night had been crawling into bed with you, watching some TV show or movie he wouldn’t pay attention to with his head in your lap as your fingers would scratch soothingly at his scalp. His plans for the night didn’t include this fight. If he could have stopped, God only knows he would have.
“They’re going to shut off the water, Steve,” you stress, on the verge of tears at this point. Steve didn’t know if they were from stress, exasperation with him, or if you were hurting from how flippant he’d been since he walked through the door. Regardless, it didn’t matter; seeing you misty-eyed twisted the knife in his chest all the same, “What the fuck are we going to do if they do that? This isn’t something to talk about tomorrow.”
“They’re not going to turn it off tonight!” he shouts right back at you, throwing his hands into the air in defeat, “Fuck, I- what do you want me to do about it? What can I do about it tonight?” 
You snap your mouth shut at that, lips pressed tightly to avoid any quivering. 
“I just worked twelve fucking hours, I just wanted to come home and relax, I’m not in the mood-“
“You’re never in the mood,” you flatly interrupt him, tone a stark contrast to all the overwhelming emotions prominent on your face. Your voice doesn’t even waver — he knows that whatever you’re about to say, it’s been on your mind a while, “It’s always we’ll talk about this tomorrow, or we’ll figure it out. But we never talk about it. We never figure it out, Steve. We can’t just- You don’t think I’m tired, too?” 
His heart breaks a little. You’re right. You’re standing there, still in your scrubs from your own twelve hour shift, and fuck, you’re right. 
Things hadn’t ever been easy. Back in high school, there had been the issue of Steve’s parents. After graduation, it had been the terrible decisions of what now. When you two had decided to pack up and get the Hell out of town, it had been the stress of finally dealing with all the uncertainty, all while desperately trying to keep afloat amongst stacks of bills and adult responsibilities neither of you had expected to drown in. Things had never been easy, but Steve didn’t care about easy — he just cared that you’d always been there, by his side, on his team. 
Right now, it didn’t feel like you and him versus the world. For the first time, it feels like there’s only you two in the boxing ring. 
“This isn’t a competition, we’re… we’re supposed to be on the same side.” 
There it was — your voice cracks, and the moment the first tear falls from your eyes, you’re quick to reach up and swipe it away, pretending it never happened. Pretending that one tear wasn’t ripping Steve apart from the inside out.
“It’s not a competition! But Jesus Christ, I feel like I’m suffocating-“
“I’m suffocating you?” the tears are falling more freely, and you make no move to erase them. 
That’s not what he meant. At all. He’s only making it all worse. So, so much worse.
“I-“ he starts, but he doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t know how to make this better. 
He doesn’t know how to fix this.
In an instant, his hands go from threading and angrily tugging at his hair to flaring at his side as he suddenly walks sharply down the hallway. He’s making a beeline for your shared bedroom, doing the only thing he can think of to fix this for you. For tonight, at least.
You’re quick to follow, only two steps behind him, “Where are you going?”
“I’m-“ he pauses, yanking a random drawer open to the dresser, finding himself staring at a pile of your clothes rather than his own. He huffs through frustration and his own building tears, “I’m gonna stay at Eds’ tonight. Give you some space.” 
“Give me space?” you laugh back in disbelief, not daring to take any more steps closer to him, “You’re the one who’s being suffocated-“
“You’re not suffocating me,” he stops all movement, hand still on the knob of his drawer. He turns to you suddenly, a new found confidence, “That’s- That’s not what I meant, okay?” 
He can’t make this right, but he can’t leave you thinking that’s what he meant. You could never suffocate him — and even if you tried, he’d find it to be the most heavenly way to die. But you didn’t know that, not in this moment, and that was what was currently killing him.
You take a deep breath, one step forward, before asking quietly, “What did you mean, then?” 
One last chance. An opportunity to make this right.
“You could never suffocate me,” all the shouting and the frustration has vanished, only softness and hurt left in their places, “Ever. Don’t you ever think for one moment that it’s you. It’s not, okay? I love you. You’re the best thing to ever happen to me, you are-“ he chokes up, looking into your glossy eyes. He can still recall the way he felt all those years ago when they’d first laid eyes on him. He’s memorized the way it felt, because every time you look at him, it still manages to feel like the very first time, “You are everything to me. You’re- Fuck, honey, you’re my entire future. When I think about the future, all I think about is you.” 
You take another step forward. Steve’s own tears now track his own face, his heart racing painfully.
“I love you so fucking much, it’s crazy. And I just- I feel like I’m fucking all of this up. You deserve more than this, and I try to give it to you, but I can’t-“
“That doesn’t all fall on you, Steve,” your hands shake as you lift them, finally close enough to touch him. Each palm rests delicately on his chest and you can’t look him in the eyes, “I don’t want you for your money. Never have, never will.” 
He laughs wetly. You’ve more than proven that. When his parents cut him off completely, you hadn’t blinked an eye. 
“I want you because I love you. I’m in love with you, Steve Harrington. Okay? I’m so in love with you, I followed you across the goddamn country.” 
“Eddie and Robin did too, to be fair,” he reminds you, almost jokingly. All the tension from the fight is quickly fading. His hand drops from the drawer. 
“They did, but I guarantee I love you more than them,” you scrunch your nose, almost grimacing before adding, “No offense to them, of course.” 
“Of course,” he echoes, slowly reaching up and holding your hands that had been pressed to his chest. You don’t pull back.
“I’m just- it’s stressful. We’re both stressed. Neither of us were prepared for this,” you look him desperately in his eyes, “I meant what I said, though. This isn’t me versus you — I never want it to be us fighting each other. It’s always us versus the problem, okay?” 
He nods when you wait patiently for his response, “Okay.” 
“And I want you here,” you continue, “I want you here, in our home and in our bed. I want you here, even screaming back and forth with me, as long as you’re here. With me. Go to bed mad at me, I don’t care. Just… don’t walk away.” 
You smile through the residual tears, squeezing his hands that hold yours. 
Steve thinks about all the examples of love he’d ever been shown. His parents, in a castle of ice. The way the fights always ended in separate rooms, sometimes separate houses. His father storming out to spend the night in a hotel rather than having to be around his mother a second longer. He remembers the way that even with an abundance of money, they were never happy. They never loved each other. A marriage of convenience rather than love. Lasting only out of obligation, not dedication. 
He didn’t want that with you. He couldn’t ever imagine what the two of you have being reduced to that.
When he looks at you, all he can see is happiness. All he can feel is that love bursting from his chest. Images of the two of you by Lover’s Lake, the way the waves of the lake had sent shattered and sparkling flares of light across your cheeks as you’d laughed at him as if he was the funniest person in the entire world. All the nights spent over the phone, talking about nothing and everything, desperate to just fall asleep to the sound of each other’s voices. The ridiculous nerves he’d felt on the first date, King Steve shaking at the thought of putting his arm around you because for the first time, he was truly scared of fucking this up. 
You made him a better man. You saw everything inside of him that was broken, that he had spent so long trying to hide, and you’d simply sat down beside him with glue in hand, prepared to spend as much time as he needed to piece it all back together. 
Go to bed mad at me, I don’t care. Just… don’t walk away.
“I can’t do that, sweetheart,” he finally sighs. Your face starts to fall, but he’s quick to clarify, “I can’t go to bed mad at you. Ever. And we can fight, us versus the problem like you said, all we want but… I don’t want to go to bed mad. I don’t want… I don’t want that. Whenever my head hits that shitty pillow every night,” you both break to laugh, because God, you both really did need new pillows (and a mattress, if you were being honest), “All I want to know is that you’re mine and I’m yours. Sound fair?” 
You smile, and it’s the best thing he’s ever seen. It makes all the long shifts worth it as you nod slowly, “Sounds fair to me.” 
“Good,” he guides the two of you to the center of the room before he drops your hands from his, sighing and letting his shoulders finally drop, “Then in that case, I’m staying.” 
Even with crying tears on your cheeks, you’re still the most beautiful person he’s ever seen. You’re still the best thing Steve Harrington has ever had the privilege of calling his, “Yeah?” 
“Yeah. So if we’re gonna fight — let’s fight, baby.” 
He puts his fists up comically, and you only giggle and grab at them, shaking your head.
“I think we've fought enough for one night,” you mumble, bringing one fist to your mouth, kissing each of his knuckles gently. 
Once you’ve placed your final kiss, he quickly placed the hand beneath your chin, lifting your lips to his. He kisses you in quick succession, and between each one, he repeats the sincerest I’m sorry he can muster. 
He only stops once you’re smiling too wide for him to continue. 
After his lips leave yours one last time, pulling back slowly as he savors it and you, he finally sighs, “I am curious, though — what the Hell are we going to do if they do shut off the water?” 
You shrug, “Like you said, we can talk about it tomorrow.” 
“Or we can use Eddie and Robin’s shower.” 
“Or we can use Eddie and Robin’s shower.” 
As it turns out, Steve Harrington was wrong — when it comes to you, he can always fix things. 
"brace myself for the goodbye, 'cause it's all i've ever known. then you took me by surprise, you said 'i'll never leave you alone'."
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crazyk-imagine · 1 month
Colt Seavers Headcanon
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- You met through Dan and Gail (unfortunately)
- You met Dan because you were tired of dealing with the idiot stuntman coordinators and then came your saving grace and new bestie
- You two became as thick as thieves, if you couldn’t get him in the budget, there would be no movie 
- Gail came into play when her perfect little munchkin needed a movie to be in
- Therefore those two have known you since your young years essentially
- You had been filming smaller lesser known films that took off once your big hit "Stitches: Don't be a Snitch" which started off as a joke film because it was an idea you've always wanted to make
- Then came in Tom Ryder, he thought it was a good film 
- Gail knew staring in this odd of a film would boost his career because people would invest in it and wonder why he did it
- Then came in Dan for the movie, who you then tried to hook up with one of your girlfriends, although they never worked out, you stayed close as ever
- He told you he had the perfect stunt man for the job, cue Colt
- He had such a "Kenergy" vibe to him, you couldn't get rid of him, especially when he pulled off your stunts
- You hated how perfect he did it and how he fed into your ideas, stunt guys aren't supposed to be like this, so- ugh
- Dan snickers every time because he knew, he knew you felt something for Colt and vice versa
- Then came the bonding, you grew close to Colt, flirting with him and building a bond
- That all went away the day of his accident
- You couldn't bear to leave him but Gail- Gail was nothing but insistent when it came to making her precious little cherub rich and her more famous
- You stayed with Colt as often as you could when he had his surgery and got out, made his appointments for rehab and physical therapy, when he got cleared
- Food was always in his fridge, his apartment was always semi clean (the dishes were put up and the floor was always swept clean)
- Then it stopped, he stopped calling, answering (his phone and door), just- he disappeared
- You tried as much as you could to stay with him but took the hint he didn't want help of any kind from anyone and left him alone, much to your despair
- Then after catching your big break, you didn't think about him as much but he came across your mind every so often
“Do these stunt guys suck to you?” 
Dan glances to the side, clearing his throat, “a little.” 
You nod. ‘Stupid Colt’
- Dan always kept you company and became more like your annoying big brother whom you want to fight every two minutes
- Gail was still a bitch but you learned to tolerate her and her little project
- You always hated first reads, you wanted to stab your eyeballs out with pencils every time
“Can I just use this now?” You hold the pencil in front of him. 
Dan shakes his head, “no.”
- Cue Colts return, to say you were shocked was an understatement
- You made him work for it, starting from redoing stunts and informing him of the back story, to texting every so often
- He was still an adorable little shit, ughhhh
- Then came him being framed for murder, that was a shocker especially when he could never kill a spider or cockroach in your room
You nearly cried hearing his voice when he called and explained everything
"What? Colt- colt," you hear the gunshots. "Where are you? What's going on?"
You can hear the smile in his voice as he confesses, "I was scared. I didn't think it was okay to come back to work, much less do it with you by my side."
He chuckles, "I couldn't let you down, that- you know that would kill me. God, you don’t know how much it killed me to not answer. "
He sniffs, "I've been in love with you since we met on your first big hit movie, you know. I- I couldn't go without saying that because you deserved to know."
Your lip wobbles, "Colt?" You whisper. Your vision is blurred by your tears.
"Don't cry for me, honey. I'm doing this for- for the movie- your movie. It's gonna be another hit. I know it is and it's gonna be everyone's new favorite."
He hangs up and you nearly break, even more so followed by the news broadcast
- You rewatch the blast, he couldn't have died 
- He wouldn't leave you like that, right? Fuck it hurts
- You didn't hesitate to protect yourself to the random alien in your- oh shit
You rip his head off and hug him, "you're such an idiot."
He gives you that dopey smile in return, looking like the blood is rushing back into his body
- Then came the plan, you knew it'd work just- never planned on having to punch a person
You groan, cradling your hand. "Goddamn, is your face made of rock?"
- You pressured Dan into driving faster before Colt could fall
- You ran to him as he fell, kissing him on his saving grace
"You're an idiot."
"And your movie is going to be amazing," he smiles. 
- Which it was- or would have been had your main star not murdered someone
- Thankfully Jason Mamoa could replace him, much more tolerable too (thank god)
- Either way you won in the end because you got the guy and a dog (plus your best friend who never left)
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a-strawberry-mouse · 2 months
I have a conundrum and I crave opinions!
**Context below the poll.**
I've been looking for a wooden folding leaf table for a while. The plan was to get one, strip it, sand, and stain it with some variety of purple. Visible mending is my favorite for many things. Furniture included.
Imagine my outright glee when I found one for $40. And it came with a storage section for chairs with the original four chairs! A year of searching, now over with results.
I looked at the pictures enough to see that it needs cosmetic repair, but it's sturdy. Good bones. The accordion door sticks, but it does work. The varnish has seen better decades, etc.
The seller was fab. Told me about the previous owners(mom and dad) and it was lovely. I bought a couple of other things from the sale. Small stuff I keep forgetting to buy. Very nice experience.
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The accordion door(kept up because I haven't found why it's acting up yet)
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Original wheels!
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The top has water damage.
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The hinge has the center metal of the hinge about a cm out.
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The leaves have water damage and some scraping.
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Mouse damage(I'm innocent).
I look up, "Romanian drop leaf table," and this thing is most likely from the 60s! In better shape they sell for more than $1000. Obviously this one needs work, but I mean, for $40 this is amazing. Past amazing.
Is it okay to alter an antique?
Can I still turn this purple, or is that disrespectful?
I know that no matter what I do someone will be upset. I also know someone has already called dibs on the table upon my death regardless of which direction I go(they're not kidding, but they did say it in a funny way).
With just how much damage it has and the fact that a lot of this is veneer; it seems like a total overhaul is necessary either way. I've been told to scrub the tabletop with a baking soda paste mixture and a toothbrush. I confess, I'm not sure I'm really ready to do that. That sounds like a terrible time.
Originally spray painting the table was an option. It still could be if I do just the top. It may genuinely be the best option for the table's longevity. Quick, thin, and there's a lot of options for color and seal strengths. Plus there's already something that will need paint in the kitchen(this table will be in the kitchen) so they could match.
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crocheting-cupio · 4 months
Recently I remembered the ONE time another kid tried to bully me (this happened only once because I was homeschooled) and how he just... failed so miserably because I did not care and was not intimidated in the slightest. And I also may have changed the course of that kid's life. Bit of a long one just because I like telling detailed stories.
So the town I lived in was throwing a Canada Day celebration in the park behind town hall. And by park I mean it was a rectangular clearing in a forest. Anyway, they got a water slide, a bouncy castle, a guy doing balloon animals, a stage to play music that evening, fireworks, and my Mom was doing face painting. There was like around 30-40 kids at the event.
Almost every kid wanted their face painted, so my Mom was pretty busy that day. But this one kid around my age (9) was, for some reason, very insistent on getting his face painted before everyone else. When it was his turn, he was really unhappy with my Mom's job and demanded she redo it. And when she refused, I think he punched her in the arm (although obviously not very hard) and his dad took him away to give him "a talk" and told him not to bother her anymore.
A little later that day, he's just kind of brooding with his arms crossed near our tent. Then he walks up to me and asks if there's anything I can do to change my Mom's mind. I was like, "No???? Why would I help you? You hit my Mom!" I think he offered me all the change he had in his pocket, but I refused. Then he threatened to steal my lunch money or something next time he saw me and I said, "I don't even go to school! Let alone YOUR school." Then I pointed out there's other fun things still available to him that he could be doing, but chose to keep bothering me and my Mom. And he just... walked away looking defeated.
As the day went on I noticed he kept getting himself into trouble by being rude or trying to get into fights. Although the fighting thing didn't work out because, since we were in a big clearing with plenty of adults present, the other kids could just run away. I think he got himself kicked out of the water slide as well.
By this point, I was very overwhelmed and drained by sound, so I wandered off to a quieter area to enjoy an orange soda in peace. As I finished it off, the kid comes back and says, "Do you wanna fight?!" and I'm like, "No why would I want to fight you??" But he didn't wait for an answer and managed to punch me twice, but not very hard. Even as a 9 year old it didn't feel like a strong punch. I dropped my empty can and grabbed both his hands so he couldn't keep swinging and said, "HEY! If you keep fighting me I'll tell my Mom and your dad and he'll take you home for being bad! You've been getting in trouble all day! Then you won't get to hear the music OR see the fireworks! And is that what you want?!" He didn't answer, but the answer was clearly no.
He stopped trying to fight me and I let go. I didn't try to push him away or anything, I didn't even take a step back and simply stood where I was, and this seemed to confuse him. Like he was anticipating that I would want some kind of revenge or want to "win" the fight. But truly I did not want to hurt him, I didn't even dislike him. I had also had bad days where I wanted to fight everybody, but I knew that sometimes when you're angry you say things you don't mean and hurt the people that you care about. I felt he did not actually dislike me (or anyone else at that event) but was just frustrated and didn't know how to deal with that feeling.
Then he tried to insult me, but that also didn't work. It went something like this:
Him: "You're STUPID." Me: "Well, I don't think so because I read a lot of books. I've read every science book we have at home and most of the ones at the library." "Well, you're UGLY." "I look just like everyone else?? Besides, there's not really any ugly people." "Well, your FACE is stupid!" "My face can't be stupid? Only our brains can be stupid." "Well, your mom is FAT!" "That's only because she had me and my siblings. Getting fat after you get pregnant happens to a lot of women. And there's nothing wrong with being fat." "Well, your outfit SUCKS!" "I like my outfit and it's comfortable for me to wear, and that's all that matters to me. You're the first person to say you don't like my outfit, most people like what I wear." "You're so WEIRD!" (It was clear to me at this point he was running out of insults.) "Well, my whole family is weird so that makes sense. We don't think there's anything wrong with being weird because everyone is a little weird. You're weird too, and that's okay. :)"
I had noticed that he didn't seem angry anymore, but just confused and trying to figure me out. And he asked very genuinely, "Why don't you care...?" And I said, "Well, I don't really know you because we just met today, I don't go to your school, and unless they have another event like this again then we're probably never going to see each other again. Why SHOULD I care what you think?"
And he looked completely defeated and like he had never considered this. I had laughed because it was funny to me how I couldn't be bullied despite his best efforts, then he walked away. I caught up to him and tried to apologize for laughing, because I didn't want to make him think I was laughing AT him, but he brushed me off and said it was fine. So I let him go on his way.
Later, during the mini concert, I saw him again with his dad. The dad had stood near-ish to us without realizing it, and I heard the kid say to his dad that he didn't want to be near "the scary girl." I was very confused by this as I thought I was very unintimidating and approachable. But it was kind of funny to me that he found me scary.
Hilariously, I DID see him again about two weeks later at a different and much smaller community event. When he saw I was there he ran up and asked if I remembered him. I said, "No, are you a friend I made before?" and he was aghast that I didn't remember him. Then I mentioned that I'm terrible at recognizing faces so this wasn't usual.
He had jogged my memory by describing what he did that day and then I was like "Oh yeah, I remember you now! :)" Then he asked with genuine curiosity, "Did you cry when you got home?" and I was like, "No? Because your insults didn't hurt me? When we got home we had supper and then I went to bed, just like any other day." This baffled him. He asked if I really wasn't hurt, and I once again confirmed that I was completely unaffected.
I think at this point his dad had come over and asked if his son was bothering me, and I told him that no, we were just talking.
After his dad was gone, I asked him if he was doing okay. He seemed very angry that day and I wanted to know if he was feeling alright. Turns out he was doing poorly in school and was also being physically abused by his father (which I was actually aware of because I'd seen his dad hit him on Canada Day). So I was like, "Oh no! That's awful. Do you want a hug?" He did take the hug after I convinced him that hugs are not inherently romantic and we shouldn't care if other people think we are dating because WE know we aren't, and it seemed like he really needed that hug.
Then he started asking me big questions. Like how do you just not care about what anyone thinks? Why are you nice to me even though I was mean to you? How do I become smart like you? And I gave him the best answers I could: Because other people's opinions are not nearly as important as they seem, because I'm just nice to everyone and you seemed like you were in a bad spot, and because I read a lot of books and watch educational TV shows. I even offered him some advice for how to manage his anger because he had said he got into a lot of fights a school and at home and always felt angry. I told him to just rip up a box or punch a soft toy when he felt like fighting because that's what I did. Or spend some time alone to cool down. And the classic take some deep breaths.
After that, we did the whole event thing that was happening. I'm pretty sure I did say goodbye, though.
I saw him another time a few months later, and he excitedly told me that my advice really helped and he hadn't started a fight in several weeks. He had also been reading more, was now taking regular trips to the library, and said his grades had improved a lot. Like, from getting a D on average to a B or B+ in almost every class kind of improved. And his parents even bought him an expensive toy that he always wanted as a reward. Most importantly, he said his dad almost never hit him now. I gave him a celebratory hug, because that's such a huge improvement and he seemed genuinely a ton happier. He wasn't a bully now, he was just a normal kid. And arguably he was better off in some ways than the other kids.
I hope that guy is doing okay now. I really do. He seemed like he just needed someone to talk to and who would listen.
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solei-eclipse · 1 month
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Explanation time! Starting with Kio because she's easier and TUMBLR POSTED MY DRAFT FOR JIU so I'm redoing that later everyone close your eyes
From top left going down: Chihiro Ogino (Spirited Away), James Henry Hayward (the Iremonger trilogy, Foulsham), Momo (Momo & the Grey Gentlemen)
Top right going down: Mitsuha Miyamizu (Your Name), Hikaru (The Summer Hikaru Died), Mitsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer)
Chihiro Ogino
So this one is PAINFULLY obvious
naturally she's where Kioku's character originated from, but the funny thing is she's a lot more disconnected from Chihiro than Jiu is to Haku
Most of the main traits still remain. the childish kind of naivety, meeting people she's been told are untrustworthy yet trusting and believing with her heart that they are good inside anyway (this works out for Chihiro, it does not work out for Kioku), stubbornness, general lack of grace, etc
The main reason why Kio seems more separated from Chihiro is because the main thing that inspired me was the idea of Chihiro after walking out the tunnel aka losing her memory
The concept of her disappearing and coming back as this strangely different girl but nobody knows why. She can't even remember herself
Can you imagine losing your whiny scaredy cat daughter for (what you assume is) 2 hours and she comes back hardened with experience and maturity and wtf why is she cleaning now
One of my favorite interpretations of an older Chihiro is that she's into sports! I've seen quite a few variants (track, soccer, lacrosse, softball)
To me, Chihiro would take up sports as a result of her budding work ethic + after all the stunts she pulled in the bathhouse I'd say she's got a head start on the training already (running from a giant No Face as a tiny scrawny 10 year old definitely alters the brain chemistry I think) + it's just a way to further hammer down how changed and developed she is from the child she used to be before. she is literally stronger and more capable now
Kio is pretty much the same in this aspect, with the added bonus of "the mind forgets but the body remembers" as one of the reasons why she likes physical activity so much
Also. Chihiro is absolutely not a parkourist though Kio is LMAO she's just kind of slightly a freak. while Chihiro is just sweet
James Henry Hayward
So onto the more obscure book inspos
James Henry Hayward is a young boy who was previously a bath plug. I realize I have to explain this a little.
In the world of the Iremonger trilogy, there are things called birth objects. They're essentially people turned into objects, and the rich and wealthy Iremonger family connect their souls with these poor objects in order to increase their power/lifespan I believe? It's been a while since I've read it to be honest. They essentially keep these people trapped into objects and carry them around like trophies. If they're too far away from their birth object, they grow ill until they die. A person and their birth object cannot be human at the same time, if their birth object suddenly breaks into human form again, the other person will turn into their birth object. You can imagine the oppressive shit they do to their objects in order to ensure that they stay objects.
James Henry was a bath plug, the birth object of the main character. At the end of the first book, a huge event happens where the main character turns into an object and James Henry is able to become human again
But since he has connections to the main character (who was heir to the rich and wealthy tyrant family), he was kept and locked away in their residence in order to be monitored
The main inspiration I took from James Henry once again has to do with memory.
When James Henry reverts back to a human, he can't remember anything from his past save from a few hazy vignettes and seeing things that shouldn't be there
His general perception of the world is cloudy and unclear because his caretaker feeds him "medicine" that really just serves to cloud his memory more and ensure that he lives in blissful ignorance
The people of the house regularly gaslight him into believing that nothing is wrong and that he grew up in this house, continuously feeding him medicine that makes his head hurt and difficult to think
He keeps seeing things where they shouldn't be and believes that they're remnants of his past memories that are seeping out
They're often distorted though, and usually take the form of strange things, like his sister as a rat inside a cupboard.
James Henry serves as Kio's inspiration in this way, but his caretaker Ada also serves as inspiration for Kio's guardian
Momo is a mysterious little girl (scrawny, around 10 or below) of unknown origin who just... appears out of nowhere and begins to integrate herself amongst the locals of the town.
When asked about her age, I believed she answered like. 1000+ or something? Once again, it's been a while.
Her origins are never explained, nobody knows where she came from and she doesn't seem to know either.
She's welcomed with open arms, though, and the townsfolk begin warming up to her.
Overall her personality traits are pretty standard heroine stuff, naive, honest, sees good in people (literally, I'll explain in a moment), does her best to help, etc
The main trait I took from Momo was the quality of her eyes.
Momo's eyes are special in the way that anyone who looks into them (which she does when she "listens" to them, her special talent is "listening") will have the good brought out of them. She listens to people's problems, and once they air out their grievances and look into her eyes it's almost like their problems are fixed somehow. She has the power to stop fights, bring creative inspiration and calm the hysterical just by sitting there.
There's a scene where one of the antagonists (a grey gentleman who steals the lifespan of other people) tries to lure her away with toys and such, but she just stares at him and he starts spilling his guts uncontrollably. He tries in vain to stop it but he ends up spouting secrets and the true motives of his company and junk and it's just an insane scene because all she's doing is standing there and this grown businessman alien is scared shitless of her.
NATURALLY THIS IS AN INSANELY OVERPOWERED ABILITY (to me). even more crazy how it seems like momo doesn't even know she has it
So I made sure Kio didn't have that EXACT ability because Lord knows the kind of secrets these s40 kids are carrying around.
I mentioned before in the introduction post, but Kio has a very open face and disarming eyes. They're not as overpowering as Momo's, just enough to make anyone with bad intent or a severe secret feel strangely uncomfortable. They're rather warm to everyone else.
Despite this, there's one person that her eyes have the full Momo effect™ on, and I think you can guess who.
(there's a reason he doesn't look into her eyes)
Mitsuha Miyamizu (Taki Tachibana?)
Honestly not much on Mitsuha herself, but rather Taki when he inhabits Mitsuha's body
It's noticeable that whenever Taki is in control, Mitsuha's hair is in a ponytail instead of its usual intricate braid. This is because he doesn't know how to do it like she does.
That's Kio to me. All she can do is a ponytail.
Taki-Mitusha is also much more sporty and bold than the real Mitsuha!
I can imagine Kio in that scene where Taki-Mitsuha plays basketball. That was a scene I found really fun lol
Honestly that basketball scene is the only reason. I don't really know why I gave her a spot here........
Mitsuri Kanroji
Just for the general energetic vibes, clumsy nature and genuine spirit
Also the fact that Mitsuri is abnormally strong and her body composition is bizarre.
She's very athletic and agile, very fast-moving.
Kio would be less on the flexibility aspect and more on the running and jumping stuff, though (parkour!!)
Mitsuri is kind of a huge dork who messes up frequently and is pretty clumsy, which are traits that Kio has
But she's also an incredibly hard worker and creates her own way out of a given thing or situation, opting to keep her hopes up even if she cries about it sometimes (similar to Chihiro)
Kio's mannerisms are also quite similar, especially the scene where she tries and fails to explain something to the Master and embarrassedly says "I'm so sorry. I'm going to go die in a hole now." while groveling.
The reaction that Iguro has to her explanation is also very Jiu coded HAHAHA
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Hey! I'm not a very active user here, but I wanted to check in with the yandere shinso au a few days ago and haven't been able to find it. Has it been discontinued? If it was, i couldn't find any post saying that it was
Oh, you're right! I completely forgot to post that announcement. I thought I did, but knowing me I probably had a dream of writing it and I thought I posted it when in reality I didn't... Silly me!
Yes, the Bound Together series has been discontinued and deleted for a multitude of reasons.
One; I feel like it was very cringy. I kept looking back at the work and I couldn't feel myself enjoying it. I knew I could do better, and that series just wasn't cutting it.
Two; It was originally a self-insert. I started writing, I've written hundred-thousands of fanfics I did for fun, which is how I discovered I liked writing. In fact, An Alliance was actually a self-insert too, when it got to 60,000 words was when I decided to post it to the internet (after editing all the exclusive facts of me and my appearance).
The difference between An Alliance and Bound Together was that An Alliance had a completely different (Y/N), one that was made of pure fiction; whilst Bound Together felt extremely exclusive and I felt it didn't relate to other readers since it was originally a self-insert series beforehand.
Three; I had no motivation for the series. It felt like I was constantly at a writer's block with it, and it felt like there wasn't much to write or try to plot-out since it was so exclusive. It was stuck in its own little box that it made it hard to try and branch out.
Four; I actually bumped into many obstacles because I didn't actually watch or readMHA! Trust me, I tried so damn hard (I tried watching the series on three separate occasions throughout the years, and I also tried reading the manga but I just couldn't like the series). Honestly, I hated the protagonist and couldn't find myself enjoying the series plots or ideas, the anime just felt forced to me. So because I never liked the anime or manga, I never had a full grasp on Shinso's personality; I only knew the basics and that made it difficult to write.
The reason why I even wrote for Shinso was because he was a relaxed, semi-realist/pessimist, and a sleepy boy (don't judge me, I have a type). Personally, I like slowburn relationships with lots of quality time and just enjoying each other's company, not much romance honestly, so it also projected into that series and made it even harder to try and relate to the audacity (basically like reason two).
I write for characters I actually simp for, that way I can be motivated and so I can actually enjoy writing. I would rather lick gum off people's shoes for a living than EVER IN MY LIFE write for Toji, so I just need to like the character to write them.
So yeah! That's my reasons for canceling the series. Hopefully, all of my stars orbiting my galaxy will understand my reasonings. I'm not going to even try lying, it's best not to look to me redoing the series because I seriously doubt I will. After that fiasco, I decided to update my masterlist to only anime I've watched or mostly watched, that way I could have an easier time writing and you all will have an easier time reading! Thank you for this question, and I'm glad you reminded me about this!
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This is my new and improved masterlist if you want to check it out. Please be aware, requests are not my top priority. My top priority is myself (because good work is only when you're in a good state of mind and body. Don't destroy yourself for random people on the internet) My second priority finishing Star Patient, listening to my reader's opinions and ideas for the plot and characters, and answering questions. Anything else is third priority.
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water-writings · 4 months
ways to say i love you + as an apology + hana!
I loved this one so much! Thank you, Leaf, I hope you like it! I'm starting to love Hana and Law so much. This is my first piece I've ever written for them. Enjoy!
Heart sinking, Hana stared at the pieces of paper on Law’s desk. The white sheets slowly turned brown as the coffee seeped into the material. Wide eyes slowly turned up to look at her boyfriend and she held back a squeak when she saw the look on his face. 
Law was staring down at the papers and books on his desk, a vein throbbing in his forehead. He was silent as his hand clenched around the pen he was holding, his knuckles turning white. He didn’t move, only sat there staring at the ruined items.
The atmosphere in the room was tense, almost to the point it was hard to breathe. Hana was holding her breath, shaking as her brain ran a mile a minute. She couldn’t figure out what to do. Should she say something? Clean up the mess? Leave? Run? She was afraid to speak. The look on Law’s face and the fact that he hadn’t moved or uttered a word  terrified her. She couldn’t figure out how to help her boyfriend and with her clumsy nature she knew she’d only make it worse. She shouldn’t have brought the coffee to him.
Slowly and with shaky hands she started to pick up the coffee mug. A piece of sopping paper clung to the ceramic and the pink haired woman poked at it, trying to knock it off. Her eyes kept shifting from the mug to Law, back and forth, back and forth. 
She finally opened her mouth. “I um-” “Just leave it,” Law said quietly, still not looking at her.  “I-I-I’m sorry, Law, I ju-” “I said just leave it!” he snapped. His eyes snapped over to look at her. His grey eyes were sharp and angry as he glared at his girlfriend.  A loud squeak came from Hana and she nearly dropped the mug. “I-I’m sorry. I d-didn’t mea-” “Get out! Now!” the captain shouted.  Tears welled up in Hana’s eyes. Law had never shouted at her before. Only ever to give her orders along with the crew, but never like this. Her cheeks turned pink and she clutched the mug to her chest, lips trembling as she tried to find her voice.  “I-I-I’m so-s-sorry,” she whispered.   Quickly she ran out of Law’s room, tears streaming down her face. She didn’t mean to anger her boyfriend. She didn’t mean to ruin his research. She just wanted to bring him a cup of coffee because she knew it was late and he’d been in his room the majority of the day. All she wanted to do was help and show him she was thinking of him.  Slamming a fist on the desk, Law cursed under his breath. His research was ruined. He’d have to start his notes all over and he’d been working on them all week. He had just finished them! Brow furrowed deeply, he snatched up the documents, crumpling them up in his fists before practically slamming them into the metal waste bucket next to his chair. He brushed the remaining coffee off the table with the back of his hand before grabbing a rag from the small wardrobe he had in the corner. After the spilt coffee was wiped up, he sighed as he rubbed his fingers over his tired eyes. It would be another all nighter just to redo all the work.  ooOOoo
By the time Law had completed redoing his notes he could hear the tell tale signs of his crew moving around. The sound of their voices echoed off the Polar Tang’s walls. Laughter and shouting could be heard as they all gathered to get breakfast.  It was morning.  Groaning, Law ran a hand down his face. It was definitely an all nighter.  Trudging out of his room, Law followed the noise of the crew to the dining hall. As he walked into the room he was greeted with the entirety of his crew. Some were shouting over at each other. Others looked exhausted and grabbed cups of coffee and food as they took their seats at a table. Glancing over at the far end, Law could see Penguin, Shachi, and Ikkaku arguing about something or another. Grumbling, Law went to grab his own breakfast, choosing to grab a cup of coffee and a muffin.  “Captain!” came the gleeful voice of Bepo. “Good morning!”  “Mornin’,” Law grumbled as he sipped his drink.  Bepo looked around, smiling at some of the crew before his brow furrowed. He did another take of the room, eyes scanning over each head.  “Um…Captain?” he said slowly.  “Hm?” came the grunted reply from the dark haired doctor. “Have you seen Hana?” the Mink asked, looking worried. “She’s normally one of the first one’s here and I don’t see her.”  Law’s brow furrowed. “What are you talking about, she’s right…”  He trailed off as his eyes didn’t see the familiar head of pink hair. His first mate was right. Hana was nowhere to be seen in the dining hall. The herbalist was usually smiling and talking with the others as she drank her tea or hot chocolate, but she wasn’t there. It was odd behavior for the woman. 
“Do you think she’s sick?” Bepo asked, breaking the captain’s thoughts. “No, she was fine last nig-” Law trailed off again as memories of last night popped in his head. The image of Hana’s tearfilled face flashed in his vision reminding him of what happened. “Fuck…” he cursed as he ran a hand over his face.  Without a word, he grabbed a plate of fruit and a mug before exiting the dining hall. Ignoring the calls from the crew he made his way through the halls once more, heading back the way he came. The whole way he was berating himself in his head. His brow furrowed deeply. He forgot about last night, and he hated himself for it. He couldn’t believe that he had yelled at her like that. He blamed his sleep deprivation and the headache that had been growing before Hana had visited him. He’d never yelled at her the way he did last night and he was angry with himself for it.  Standing outside the metal door that was decorated with a few hanging dried herbs and flowers, he stood there thinking over his words. With a sigh, the man raised a tattooed hand to the door and knocked. Through the other side he could hear a little squeak followed by a soft thud. Hana could be heard giving a sad “oh no…” and Law knew that she had dropped whatever it was that she was working on. Most likely a new batch of medicine. 
“H-hello?” Hana called out.  “It’s me,” Law replied. Shuffling on his feet awkwardly. As he glanced at her could just picture Hana curled up on her bed and hugging one of her stuffed animals to her.  Another squeak could be heard from his girlfriend. Law waited a moment, but when he didn’t hear any movement or see the door open he let out another sigh. She was hiding. “Hana,” he called out.  Silence.  Gritting his teeth, Law balanced the plate of food and mug in one hand as he opened the door. Figures it wasn’t locked. Hana never locked anyone out of her room. She always enjoyed the company of anyone from the crew over being alone.  Pushing the door open, Law was greeted with a mess of leaves and flowers surrounding a spilt bowl of medicine on the floor. His eyes trailed up from the mess to Hana’s bed where he saw a lump under the floral sheets surrounded by her usual pile of stuffed animals.  Sighing, the doctor walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge. Placing the plate and mug on the nightstand, he sat there in silence with his hidden girlfriend. He looked at the lump and raised an eyebrow before gently grabbing the blanket and pulling it off of her. Hana squeaked, as she looked up at Law. Her eyes were wide and her face was starting to turn red. “H-h-hello, L-Law…” she greeted. “You weren’t at breakfast,” the captain pointed out. He jerked his head to the nightstand. “I grabbed you some fruit before the others ate it all.”  Slowly, Hana sat up and looked to where the breakfast was. Her eyes shifted from it to meet Law’s gaze once more. Her hands were shaking as she fiddled with them before reaching over and grabbing the plate. Her boyfriend shot out a hand when he saw her nearly drop it.  “Careful,” he said firmly. “S-s-sorry!” she stuttered out, her cheeks turning even redder.  With yet another sigh, the man looked at her, watching her turn her head away from him as she started eating the fruit. He had an unreadable expression on his face which was only making Hana squirm where she sat. It was tense and quiet, not helping the woman in any way feel comfortable.  Without a word, Law placed a hand on the back of her head and pulled her close to his side. They sat like that for a while in silence, the only sound coming from Hana chewing on the fruit and the distant sound of the crew in the dining hall.  Hana sat there, staring at the plate, as she felt her heart pound against her chest. She didn’t like the silence. She normally did when she was with Law. It was always peaceful. But not this. She could feel how tense Law was as she sat against him and she was waiting for him to scold her for last night.  Seconds turned into minutes before the pink haired herbalist had the mug shoved in her face. Blinking, she looked at it and gasped. It was hot chocolate. Turning her gaze from the drink, she looked up at her boyfriend to see him staring off in a different direction. Taking the drink, she blushed and smiled lightly to herself before sipping it.  A kiss was pressed to the top of her head and words were mumbled into her hair.  Blushing even more, Hana looked back at Law once again. There was a hint of pink on his cheeks as he looked down at her.  “H-huh?” she said, eyes going wide.  Law sighed, and closed his eyes before meeting her green eyed stare. “I’m sorry,” he said.  Her breath hitched as she was pulled into a tighter hug from her boyfriend. He didn’t say anything else. She knew he’d eventually say something, but right now she just leaned into his embrace. A smile danced on her face as she enjoyed the moment with him.
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n7punk · 7 months
this project (vague) has come out so beautifully and i'm really excited to share it (hopefully soon) but by god has it been so much more work than i expected/planned and i have Had It Up To Here with this
okay so i first thought. this is six steps, right? no big deal. actually fuck it ill say i was like okay so: lines, 3 parts, some editing, and another element, and then it's done, easy!
then i completely changed the style i was doing it in and every one of those steps (except the lines and editing) became 10x so we're already at 42. then that editing was way more complicated than i expected it to be so like just make that 51x. oh that remaining element? also 10x, then hate it, redo it twice for a round x20, then hate that and go back to the original to build off for another x5, so yeah we're jumping right up to x85 more work than i expected.
and that was half one :)
to be fair half two was not x10 for everything because i had a better idea of what i was doing, more like x3 for all the elements, with totaled 5 parts. actually that last part was complicated as hell so it was x5. i don't like 17 so lets just say x20 because it was still a lot of work lmao. then i kept finding errors and improvements and accidentally combined layers together i shouldn't have and i had to edit and rebuild all the parts multiple times for very Minor things but with this much investment i'm not phoning it in fucking now so that ended up being x15 the amount of work i was expecting.
so we're at x100 more work than i was expecting already. then i have to put it all together, and this is when i found a bunch of those errors, so i had/have to (because i haven't finished) put it all together again multiple times.
but i should be all done, right? aside from re-editing and exporting i should be done now... right? :)
i'm looking at it now and i'm trying to decide if i need to add a Real Background and not just color. that was not the plan!! the whole thing was supposed to flat color, and now i'm here. does anyone know how much procreate fastforwards its timelapse videos? like one second of the timelapse is ten irl minutes or something? because my video for this is Multiple Minutes long and because it's branching over multiple files even that isn't an accurate gauge of how long i've worked on this. fuck me. i need a cigarette (i don't smoke)
if i didn't like how it has come out so far it would be so much easier to just move on OTL. can't tell if i'm coping by telling myself a more detailed background would just be distracting or if i'm over complicating it but right now it looks Bare. which means i have to take another break on this thing and come back. i have to take days and weeks off at a time lmao i am Not naturally inclined to being an artist of like. good high effort things. i can't tell you the last time i put this much effort into one (two) drawings. but i gotta for this one. hwaugh. looking at it to remind myself i like it and i am enjoying it when i'm not frustrated XD
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thesilverlady · 1 year
Why do you think they didn't adapt the canonical rivalry between Aegon and Rhaenyra? When it could have been so easy to do that ? Did Ryan forget that Aegon will be the one who will kill Rhaenyra?? Not alicent? Not Aemond? So where is the build, where is the foreshadowing 😔
This might be a bit of a stretch but I genuinely think the people behind the project don't like the targaryens.
s8 was shit for all the characters but I'd argue the anti-Targaryen sentiment was more emphasized. Same energy was kept for hotd.
they used the opening "x years before daenerys targaryen" and the prophecy clearly for nostalgia-bait and then proceeded to write their fanfiction.
I've said this before and I'll say it again, both team black and team green were done dirty in the adaption. The story isn't hard to adapt but they clearly didn't care to be accurate or for this show to be a proof they listened all the complains from GoT and will now improve.
the misogyny is as strong as ever in the writing, and not because the dance is about misogyny but simply because they couldn't stomach to write layered female characters.
attention is given to the dragons, and the fighting scenes because it's easier to play with the cgi than to write smart dialogue that would keep the attention of the viewer and would help advancing the plot
no regards to the clothes or hair because that would be too much work. Remember how Sansa's dresses hinted at her growing journey? or how Dany's braids indicated her earned victories? Yeah, that was too much to redo
villainous and morally gray male characters that would make you question yourself and whether to support them? Nah, let's make them all cartoonishly evil and idiotically pathetic
adapting the dance isn't hard, anon. Though I'd argue that they had to begin a bit earlier in terms of timeline, when Jaehaerys was still alive because the seed of splitting sides was planted way before Viserys was even made to be king.
Either way, the dance would require very little action for the pre-war phase and more political scheming and investing time to make the audience care for these characters so when the war would happen everyone would be heartbroken
They didn't do all of this because a) they don't actually care for the targaryens and want to use them for cash grab, b) dudebros and casual fans will eat up any basic action scene because they miss GoT and this is the closest to recapture the feeling
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sincerelykent · 2 months
I’m in this place, a place I once was in, and I didn’t like it. This place was a place that kept me heavy and burdened down. I let go, then I allowed myself to end right back up in that place.
Many times, I've cried and poured my heart before God. At one point, I found myself caught in the grip of an addiction to pornography and masturbation. In March 2023, after 20+ years of dealing with this struggle I decided to put an end to my destructive behavior, driven by a desire to protect myself and my relationship with God. In April 2023, I did a fast, and it was on that fast that I really received what I had wanted for many years. Throughout 2023, all the way up until July 2024, I remained sober.
I can’t sit here and make up a story about how it happened; it happened, and I was broken. Please don’t get it twisted. When I was walking in my sobriety, those thoughts did come. Those feelings did come, but I didn’t back down. I stood my ground, even when they flooded me. I was grateful for God and His word, which upheld me.
When that moment happened, a sudden wave of emotions washed over me, bringing back all the things I thought I had left behind. The emotional pressure and pain that I had before are now present. All the thoughts of same-sex attraction and perversion were knocking on the door. I was mad at myself because now I had to redo my first work all over again.
I sat in that moment, of course regretting that I relapsed, but also regretting that I caused God pain. In that moment, I was being completely selfish and not caring about anything or anyone else, including myself, but most importantly, God.
I know God's grace is sufficient for me, but I felt like the lowest of the lows in that moment and wondered: Is His grace sufficient in this moment? Of course it is, for His power is made perfect in our weakness.
Anyone who has relapsed on some level understands the feelings. Before, when I would relapse, I used to beat myself up hard. My favorite line was I hate myself. It was a line I repeated to myself after every incident. It was a line I kept hidden in my heart and to myself, and it only came out when I relapsed. When I relapsed after 14 months of sobriety, that line was on the tip of my tongue, begging to be spoken, and even though I was feeling it, I didn’t say it.
I looked at myself in the mirror and said, “I’m not going to say it. I’m not going to say it.” It had been a monotonous statement that I had ingrained in myself after every relapse.
I have to remind myself on a daily basis that even though I am a Christian, I still have struggles and even sin, but in that we can repent and receive forgiveness. With the forgiveness we get from God, we extend it to others, but we also have to extend that forgiveness to ourselves. It is true that we can do all things through Christ, who gives us the strength, but we must rely on Christ to give it to us. It’s not in and of our ability, but His.
Just gonna put it out there: staying close to God is key if you wanna stay sober. There is no need for a long, complicated 3-step guide; just stay close to Him. In Him, we live, move, and have our being. He knows us better than anyone around us. Being close to God in your relationship with Christ is one of the best decisions you will ever make. I remember hearing my beloved Bishop say that when Jesus is Lord in our lives, in all areas we have victory. But when we fail to make Jesus Lord, we will fail in areas where we once had the victory. He can help you stay sober in any area, and even if you fall, He helps you get up and stay up.
When He helps us get up, the question is, How are we getting up? Are we getting up defeated? Guilty? Or are we getting up in His strength, knowing that we are forgiven? Even after the fall, are we getting up in triumph?
The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. The getting up part can be difficult because we were on a high, feeling completely thankful, grateful, and free from whatever it was, and then we fall, and that fall can hurt, but we will get up again and do even more damage to the kingdom of darkness.
To everyone who is experiencing anything, just remember that your fellow brothers and sisters around the world are experiencing similar hardships as you and me are. Know that you are not alone in your battles; there is someone who has been in the same position as you or is in that position.
This too shall pass.
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Hi, I see that you've been getting a lot of jikook asks, so I just wanted to share my viewpoint. I've started to get skeptical the past few months and now I'm leaning more towards they aren't together. Today in jungkooks live he kept talking about wanting to do a redo at yoongis concert tomorrow. He kept repeating it multiple times and even asked yoongi. Yoongi ends up telling him not tomorrow, and people are speculating that it's because jimin is performing. So if jimin actually performs tomorrow that really seals the deal for me because how wouldn't you know your bf is performing? On the inkigayo live jungkook said he doesn't keep up with the members all the time and I saw a lot of people say he wasn't talking about jimin, but if jimin does perform tomorrow it shows that they truly don't talk often.
Hi! I get having doubts - we don't have undeniable "proof" and we keep being told we're crazy because shipping is pretty much a sport in kpop - but your reasoning just isn't solid. If you have doubts, this should not be one of them.
Jungkook may have asked Yoongi for a redo of his performance, but he wasn't being serious. I'm sure he knew both Jimin and RM were performing on the remaining days of his tour, and every concert is meticulously planned weeks in advance, so you can't just decide to perform the day before. For example, Jungkook's dancers may not have been available to perform. Jungkook wanting to perform again on day 2 says nothing of his knowledge that Jimin was performing already. Even if Jimin himself didn't tell him he was performing, you think Suga wouldn't have? You think they didn't all talk about it on their group chat? I mean, three different members performed in the finale of Suga's tour, which was obviously a big deal for him, and 2Seok even appeared in the last day to watch the concert! What are the odds that they didn't all know who would be showing up? Imo Suga added those three days just to give Jhope the opportunity to catch one of his concerts after completing his training. Jin and Hobi probably had to ask for permission to attend Yoongi's concert, and I think one of the members had already mentioned they'd all been planning a get together. Do you really think all seven of them didn't know who would be performing and when? Jungkook asking Yoongi to perform the next day says nothing about his relationship with Jimin. Why couldn't both he and Jimin have performed on day 2? The fans wouldn't have minded, right? But you can't just decided on these things on spur of the moment, which Jungkook knows.
Also, there are times where Jungkook doesn't seem to be aware of Jimin's schedule, like when he commented on Jimin's live that he wanted to go watch him on music shows but Jimin said he had just performed the last one. If you recall, at that time Jimin was super busy while Jungkook was still resting. He went to bed in the morning, either seemingly slept all day or not at all, had no official schedules or responsibilities, and didn't seem to go out very much or work out. When you live like that, every day is the same. You can't tell if it's Monday or Friday because it makes no difference to you. Even if Jimin had told Jungkook he would be on Inkigayo on a Sunday, Jungkook may not have realized it was Sunday already, or that Jimin had meant that Sunday and not the next one. You know what I mean? Plus, people forget. Jikook aren't fan/artist, they're very close which means they don't write down on their calendars when the other is releasing something or performing somewhere. They know but they might forget or get a date wrong, or maybe one forgets to tell the other because they don't just want to talk about their jobs. We know Jungkook watches Jimin's stuff, but Jimin may not even tell him he'll be on a variety show in advance because it's not important? That's just his job. To us it's a big deal, but to them, photoshoots, dance practices, music shows, etc. are just their daily lives. How well do you know what your partner/best friend/parent does every day at work?
Besides, Jikook literally hanged out in NYC a few weeks ago, they talk frequently in each other's lives, Jimin knew Jungkook had a schedule at 2pm the day of his shirtless live, Jungkook watches Jimin videos all the time in his lives - and not just when he releases a new song, like he does for the other members -, etc. Just because we don't have as much content, and Jikook likely can't see each other as often (for example, Jungkook said he wanted to do a live with Jimin, but their schedules weren't aligning), it doesn't mean they're no longer close. Don't forget that Jikook are very private and rarely post pics with friends and stuff. V and Mingyu might post pics hanging out with Jungkook, but Jungkook doesn't post pics with them. Since Jimin is the same, we're unlikely to get any pics of their time together, but that doesn't mean they never see each other...
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karizard-ao3 · 1 year
Clueless Teens is such a long story. Reading it, I was wondering if you had tidbits or ideas that you thought about but didn’t write in, or maybe written ideas that didn’t make it to the final version? Or even your your headcanons about it? Thanks!
Actually, yes! I do have a separate doc where I put deleted scenes I thought I might be able to revive and put in the fic later. I ended up writing and scrapping a lot of little bits that just didn't work, and even ended up having to redo part ten entirely, because what I had planned when i started writing Clueless Teens just wasn't right for the characters when I got to the end of it. They'd changed too much.
I've actually considered a few times whether to share any of the deleted scenes, so I'll take this as a sign and share one with you all now!
Deleted Scenes From Armin's House
(context: Armin is getting ready for his date with Sandra)
Armin had been concerned that it would be weird hanging out with Eren and Mikasa now that they were going out, but nothing had really changed except that they kept finding excuses to mention that they were together and Eren may or may not have superglued Mikasa’s palm to his, because they were pretty much always holding hands. They were both over at Armin's apartment now, helping him pick out what to wear for his date with Sandra the next evening. Armin really only wanted Mikasa's input, but Eren was the one sharing his opinions while Mikasa quietly looked through Armin's clothes.
"I mean, you can't go wrong with a button up, right?" said Eren, the boy who did not own a single t-shirt because his mommy did not buy them for him. 
"We're going to the arcade," said Armin. "Wouldn't a button up be a little formal?"
"Not if it's plaid!" said Eren. 
"I really just want to know which of my clothes make me look the most… You know. Hunky."
"Oh, I don't know then," said Eren.
"What do you think, Mikasa?" Armin asked. 
Mikasa looked over her shoulder at him. "Do you own anything besides cargo pants?"
"No," said Armin.
She sighed and went back to rummaging through his bureau. 
"What's wrong with my pants?" demanded Armin.
She just shook her head. 
"You should get some Dickies," said Eren.
"You don't even shop for your own clothes!" Armin protested. "Why should I listen to you?"
"I don't know. My mom just bought me some and they're really comfortable and I think they look pretty good on me," said Eren, sullenly.
"They do look good on you," said Mikasa. "You looked really hot when you wore them on Tuesday."
Eren turned bright pink. "So, yeah. I was just thinking you should get some Dickies," he said, a goofy smile spreading across his face.
Mikasa gave up on Armin's clothes and sat down on the edge of his bed. Eren plopped down next to her and took her hand. "I don't know how I'm supposed to pick an outfit for you when everything you own is fourteen variations of the exact same thing and then a random assortment of different sized suits," Mikasa said. "Why do you own so many suits?"
"My aunt has gotten married a lot," explained Armin. 
"Just wear whatever's clean and has the least wrinkles, I guess," said Mikasa. "Sorry I couldn't be more helpful."
Armin sighed. "Thanks for trying."
"So what are we going to do tomorrow?" Eren asked Mikasa. "I still have a bunch of gift cards. I can take you out to dinner."
"Don't you want to save them?" she asked.
Eren shook his head. "My grandma will just send me more. She wins them at Bingo."
"Dinner sounds good," said Mikasa. "Do you want to hang out at my house for a bit first? …Before my parents get home?” She batted her eyelashes coyly.
"Yeah," said Eren, raising his eyebrows suggestively. Mikasa giggled.
Armin was a little bit grossed out and a little bit jealous, but he didn’t say anything. He was mostly happy for them. They’d been dancing around their feelings for almost the entire school year, and now they were finally together. He wished that things had worked out a little bit more like that for him with Annie, but he guessed that was life. Besides, Sandra seemed really nice. She was a big Naruto fan and she liked playing video games, which were both huge plusses, she thought Armin was funny, and, most importantly, she wanted a boyfriend. Armin wanted to be a boyfriend. He’d gotten a bit of a taste during all of his not-dates with Annie, and he liked the feeling. 
(context: Eren and Mikasa are holding hands non-stop and Armin is a little fed up with them)
It would have been cute, Armin supposed, but Mikasa was supposed to be filming for her YouTube channel right now and it was hard to game one-handed. 
“Why can’t I play Animal Crossing?” Mikasa complained. “It’s so cute.”
“People don’t want to watch you play Animal Crossing,” said Armin, trying to be patient. “They want to watch you play Call of Duty.”
“What about Zelda?” said Mikasa as Armin rolled his eyes. Mikasa glared at him. “You don’t let me play the games I’m interested in.”
“You only like them because they look cute,” accused Armin. “You don’t know anything about the gameplay.”
“Well, yeah,” said Mikasa.
“Meanwhile, I’m working hard trying to get you fans.”
“Well, I want fans who like the same games I do,” grumbled Mikasa. 
Armin threw up his hands. “Okay, fine..”
(context: Eren and Mikasa are obnoxious and dumb)
"Oh, by the way," said Mikasa. "My boyfriend and I were wondering, if your date goes well, do you want to go on a double date together next weekend?"
"Your boyfriend?" said Armin, sarcastically. "Do I know him?"
Mikasa frowned at him, looking perplexed. "It's Eren," she said.
"Yeah, she's talking about me," said Eren, glaring aggressively. "Who did you think she was going out with?"
"Did we not tell you we got together, Armin?" asked Mikasa, looking worried. "It happened on Sunday."
"I'm literally holding her hand right now," Eren continued, building himself up into a rant. "I thought you were smart."
Armin cackled, interrupting Eren as he was preparing to really lay it on him. Eren clapped his mouth shut, looking flustered. "I'll ask Sandra what she thinks," Armin said.
"Okay," said Mikasa. "Just let us know."
"Hey, are you and Annie still friends?" Eren asked.
And that's it for now! I have to go to the dentist, so I just picked a section really fast. I hope you enjoyed it!
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leeragnvindr · 10 months
Ticking wall clock. Footsteps were heard down the corridor, the door creaked and the silence was interrupted by a low voice of a man. A strict suit, shoes and a leather bag on his shoulder. Looking at the incoming manager, the guy put down the phone nervously rubbing the pen in different directions.
- Hanma, are you finished?, — the man went to the desk and took a couple of papers from it. He added, — I hope you've done the right thing and I don't have to redo your work for you. That would be a shame, there's enough to do.
- Good evening, Mr Haitani, yes, that's right. Just as you ordered, without a single slip. I've spent hours on them and it would be a shame if I had to redo them. It's well past eight o'clock in the evening and I want to go home.
Hanma's voice was a little higher, for the man himself was only twenty-five years old. A brief conversation and there was silence again. A click of the pen cap and the younger man rose from his chair. Going to the panoramic windows he carefully made sure that the manager's car had left and taking the spare keys to Rana's office he went there. Calmly walking through the corridors, Hanma met a few maids and wished them a good rest. A dark oak door, a click and here the brunet was already inside. Smelling the expensive cologne, he immediately threw off his jacket and went to the wardrobe where the manager's things were. Even though this man is over forty years old, he still looks twenty-five, leads an active lifestyle, eats right, goes to the gym and loves to cook. All these qualities and marks swirled around in Hanma's mind without giving her peace of mind. Her clothes became tight, her body sweated and became a little clammy. Removing his jacket, which he threw on the sofa, he took off his trousers, shirt and socks. The window was ajar and the cold air was blowing over his body, giving him thousands of goosebumps. Diving into the wardrobe again, the guy lowered himself down and, like a junkie, inhaled the odour of the groin area. Clutching his leg a little and mooing quietly, the man stopped thinking at all. After a little while he was already standing completely naked, panting in the odours, but the whole high was interrupted by the click of the keyhole. Finishing his dirty business, Hanma quickly grabbed his things and closed the wardrobe standing in it. The boy decided to buryhimself in some of Rana's things so that he wouldn't be immediately noticed. The door clicked again and heavy footsteps sounded. Holding his breath, he prayed that he wouldn't be found or suspected. The desk lamp switched on in the office, and then the man began rustling papers in the drawer.
- God..., — Shuji whispered quietly, biting his trousers with his teeth. It was getting hot and stuffy in the wardrobe, and he wanted to get out of it so he wouldn't suffocate. The rustling continued. Sometimes Haitani walked past the wardrobe as if looking for something. The footsteps made the boy tense, and he closed his eyes and kept reciting all the prayers he had learnt over the years in the village. After some more time the light went out and the cupboard door opened.
- Fucking hell..., — came the sound in Hanma's head and he closed his eyes, hoping he wouldn't be noticed. Abruptly, he felt cold and scared. What if he got fired? It was an offence. He'd snuck into someone else's office, gone through God knows what he'd been doing, and now he was completely unclothed.
- and I was wondering what that strange smell was, the smell of cheap perfume. It's interesting to see you here, Shuji, — he said, still standing, hoping that he would just leave and say something tomorrow, but no, — Come on, get out. You're obviously hot in there, — The guy shook his head in denial and then he was thrown out of the wardrobe with his clothes. The brunet fell to the floor completely naked, — how interesting it is when I leave.
- Don't swear, I'll be right out, — he whispered quietly and got up with his back slightly covered.
- You've decided to satisfy yourself with perfume, haven't you? What a total pervert.
- I'm sorry, Mr Haitani.
- What a load of rubbish. Don't you have anything else to do? Although you're naked in my wardrobe right now. You waited for me to leave on purpose,— the older man sat down at the table and said,— keep masturbating.
- What?
- Masturbate, I said. Here and now, since you've already started.
The man grinned and stood up from the table, walking towards the boy with heavy steps. He slapped his cheek, leaving a red palm print. Hanma rested his hands on the floor with his head down and his clothes exposed his boner.
- What wasn't clear in what I said?
- It was clear.
- I can see it.
The toe of Haitani's shoe travelled the length of his cock and pressed the flesh against his stomach. The man hissed softly, but didn't look up. Snorting unhappily, Ran moved away from him and sat down at the table again.
- It's disgusting, it's disgusting, come on, masturbate faster,— he said, touching other people's flesh, even in shoes, was disgusting.
Hanma bit his lip and ran his hand over his swollen cock. The hairs on his intimate area tingled slightly, but it was pleasant in its own way. The boy was very embarrassed. Not only had he been caught doing something dirty, but he'd been forced to do it in front of a man Hanma would later hate.
- Well done, bitch. Keep it up.
- I'm not a bitch.
- What are you? Tell me, what are you?
- I'm a man.
- A man, bitch. Go on.
- Fuck you.
Shuji stood up and hurried towards the exit. Suddenly he was tugged by his wrist. With a quiet hiss, he spun around and was thrown back against the wall, then pinned against it. A low voice said something, then whispered, and another slap sounded. The brunet's eyes read a lot of swear words, but he kept them to himself. A smirk appeared on the man's face, the corners of his lips lifted, and Ran whispered again. A couple of seconds, and then rough fingers were around a nipple, squeezing it. A soft cry rippled through the office, and Hanma hurried to shield himself from the stranger's hand. It was painful and uncomfortable, and therefore an enemy to the body.
- Let me go.
- Oh no, the creature must stand still. And if it doesn't, I'll have to punish it.
- What are you, - he was slapped in the face again before he could finish, - enough!
- Oh, how we talk, what an insolent beast.
- I'm not a beast!
- You're lying.
- No, I'm not.
- I'll cut your tongue out.
- What a bastard you are. I'm already regretting coming here.
- Nobody told you to run in here and jerk off. You wanted to, you came here and sniffed your clothes like a fucking junkie.
- shut your mouth and let me go.
- No, bitch, I'm not gonna let you just walk away. You're a toy that was brought here for me. I have to figure out what to do with you or I'll get bored.
- Mr Haitani, let's forget all this and go around each other like ships at sea.
- In that case, I want to become an iceberg to sink you and kill your life. You will lie at the bottom like a pathetic and helpless piece of shit in this world.
- I hate you.
- believe me, it's only temporary. Then you'll lose your head and you won't be able to live a day without me. You'll suffer because I'm not around. Hanma, honey, you'll go crazy.
- What nonsense, Mr Haitani, do you know what you're talking about?
- Of course, you'll realise it later, too.
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bylightofdawn · 9 months
Oh my god today has been the least restful day off I've had in months. I had to wake up and go to Walmart to get new tires put on my car and then my mom and I went to Verizon to look for a new phone for her because her phone is old and falling apart. Her new boyfriend was going to buy it for her. And thus starts the three-four hours spent in this shitty Cellular Sales.
The rep was terrible. Very high-strung and flightly. We kept trying to find a good special to take advantage of since her phone was useless for trade-in offers. We finally found a 400 dollars off a pixel 8 which was actually a pretty good deal. She gets it comp'd over 36 months and her boyfriend just paid the remaining bal on the device so it's not charging the contract to my brother's verizon account.
Problem was the boyfriend did NOT like the sales rep one bit. Kept getting grumpier and grumpier about him to the point I could see a confrontation was inevitable so I made the suggestion that they go get some food, I would stay there and get everything taken care of.
And like I said, the sales rep was bad. He couldn't figure out how to move her things from her old phone to the new phone. Then he built the entire order but forgot we were going to pay for the remaining balance. So he had to cancel the contract and redo it but didn't know which department he needed to go through and he was steadily getting more and more frustrated about the whole thing.
Then her phone could not activate. I ended up calling verizon activation support because I know who to call due to my job in fraud prevention. Figured out the physical sim didn't activate so we activated the esim which is when my mom and her boyfriend came back. The sales rep went to throw away her physical sim and mom being the hoarder she is wanted to take it with her. He made some comment about it just being trash (cause it was but I personally would have just handed it over without needing to say a peep) and then the boyfriend got riled up saying he wasn't treating us respectfully and things just fucking exploded from there. The boyfriend said something along the lines of "This is bullshit you don't treat people like this" and the rep LOST HIS FUCKING MIND.
Kicked him out of the store, and threatened to call the fucking cops on him just.... a complete crazy fucking meltdown out of nowhere. I mean, I get he's stressed, it's the holidays and we're taking up a lot of his time but y i k e s. Yeah the boyfriend was being a dick by calling him out for how he was acting but NGL I definitely think the rep super overreacted.
And then I had to go over to mom's house to actually figure out how to transfer her stuff. (It was legit the adapter that came with her phone which is what I kinda thought it might be that let me transfer it)
Annnnnd it's now 9:30. I started running at like 10:00.
I'm soooooooooooo tired. I didn't even take the buspar yesterday but I am still tired and exhausted. The only other change I've made is I started taking the iron supplement but I cannot imagine that would affect me like this.
I'm going to try and work on this Spones fic tonight but my brain is like...mush.
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antiquatedplumbobs · 2 years
This is a pipe dream, but would you ever consider making a save file for people that are new to the decades challenge? And maybe you could include links to mods you use to make gameplay more realistic? I wanna do the decades challenge so bad but I get discouraged cuz it's hard to start from scratch. Thank u for all u do <3
Not a pipe dream at all! I was actually working on exactly this this summer before my laptop died. I've been taking a break from sims since then for a couple reasons:
a) my laptop died and my partner and I decided to build a PC rather than replacing that, which we haven't finished yet. I could play the game on his laptop, but ...
b) I'm super busy with grad school this semester, and I also had the bright idea to move in the middle of the semester. So I have been swamped and haven't had enough time to think about setting up and playing sims again.
However! As a grad student I get breaks, and I fully intend to get my game set up during my winter break (mid December to mid January). I'm hopeful I might have the save file done during that time period, but once it's set up I should be able to play into my spring semester too.
I'm really glad you thought of me for this and I'm sorry I don't have one for you yet, I absolutely understand feeling overwhelmed. When I started playing historically I kept redoing my saves because I always wanted them to be a perfect start and I would find new cc or something that felt necessary. Now I'm so attached to mine I'll just roll with it, but I totally get that!
If you get bored waiting for me, I will say that if you download all my uploaded builds into Brindleton Bay, that's definitely a start to a historical save and I have lots of great cc reblogged here for each decade, so you could just go to the 1890s tag. But I also plan to have this done sometime soon, so you're welcome to wait too!
Thank you for the ask, and good luck with your simming. 😊😊
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