#when it gets to more physical touching it will be well deserved and I'll scream
thoughtfulchaos773 · 7 months
The placements of the tattoos, is there significance to it? While a majority Carmy's tattoos are more showy, and he wears his past on his sleeves. Sydney's tattoos are discreet and intimate, revealing her past only to those who get close.
The way the first tattoo is revealed - We see this happen as Carmy is kissing and cooking for someone else, which could hint that Sydney is gradually opening up to Carmy despite his relationship with Claire. Also, to have it where Sydney, in a sense, is 'revealing' herself is a foreshadowing of the events in the very next episode, 2x09, where Sydney tells Carmy about her mother and her fear of failure, it's part of the turning point in their relationship as Sydney gives into Carmy.
This is my favorite slow burn because this love story doesn't rush physically (and we get this stark contrast with claire and carmy). Instead, it focuses on mental and emotional intimacy as Sydney and Carmy slowly unveil.
I can't stop thinking about Sydney's tattoos and, unique, it is, for tattoos to convey a character. I'll probably write more meta later.
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
That’s like a huge deal and you deserve every moment of it.
Hear me out for the special.
A combo of “hold my hand ok? It’s going to be over soon” and “Close your eyes for me love”.
My mind goes to a Gaz or Price rescue fic, but I feel like it could be applied to so many situations.
Thank you! Hmm okay you're right, this can be applied to so many different scenarios. Let's see what I can manage.
Warnings: brief panic, overstimulation, crowds, flashing lights, loud noises.
You'd never been a fan of big crowds. There was just too much - between the noise and the press of bodies and the way the air didn't move, you avoided crowds.
Which made it all the more surprising that your boyfriend had talked you into going to a fair.
In his defense, he had not badgered you into it, just asked and presented you with the information, then let you decide. Because Kyle was a good man that way.
And he rarely asked for things, and he'd looked so hopeful, and his family would be there too... Well. You'd given in and said yes. And you didn't regret that.
But you did regret not leaving sooner. Lights had been turned on around the fair as the sun dipped low and vanished from sight. Flashing lights illuminated the rides on one side of the fair, while a stage had been illuminated just recently.
The sudden flow of people towards the stage had caught you off guard, honestly. You and Kyle both, by the way his eyes went wide.
"Kyle," you started, eyes closing tightly for a moment as someone jostled hard into your side, tipping you off balance.
"Hold my hand, okay?" Kyle leaned close to ask, physically placing himself between you and the crowd as much as he could. "It'll be over soon."
You pressed close to his back, holding tight to his hand. There was too much, just too much. You did not want to be here anymore.
And then the lights on stage strobed, signaling the start of the performance. Cheers and screams came up from the crowd, much too loud and too close, especially paired with the lights.
"Close your eyes for me, love," Kyle shouted over the noise as the aisle cleared, more or less.
You obeyed, your trust in him absolute, even in this madness of overstimulation. His grip didn't waver as he led you forward and away from the stage and the lights.
Finally, feeling cooler air around you, you breathed easier. The sound was still overwhelming and close, but more manageable. Especially when Kyle changed directions, putting some tents between you and the performance.
"Are you alright, love?" His free hand cupped your cheek, rubbing gently under your eyes.
"Yeah," you breathed, slowly opening your eyes. You had to admit that the way the blues and reds and yellows of the carnival rides and games lit him was gorgeous. Even more so than usual. "I'm okay. You?"
"I'm good." He smiled, warm and a touch apologetic. "Forgot they get like that, didn't exactly expect that madness."
You laughed a little. "It's okay," you assured him. "We made it out, mostly thanks to you."
"Still have to make it home," he reminded you gently. At the way you immediately made a face, he chuckled. "How 'bout I get us a ride? Then you won't have to worry about people."
"You sure?" You couldn't help biting your lip, a little uncertain.
"Positive. Really, 's for my benefit." He grinned, bright and teasing, clearly hoping you'd take the bait.
You weren't in the habit of denying him. "Your benefit?"
"Mmhm. I'll never live it down if I have to call Price to bail me out."
You broke down giggling, and his grin was bright enough to light the whole damn fair.
"Let's go home," you agreed, squeezing his hand. The noise was still a lot, but Kyle made everything better.
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kay-wren · 2 months
I'll Come Running - R.C. - Chapter 24
Jessie couldn't believe that was the end of her and Rafe once more. She rode to the airport thinking Rafe would call her or stop her somehow, but he didn't. She walked to the gate thinking that she would hear Rafe's voice call out to her as he ran to catch her, but she didn't. She thought maybe she would touch down in OBX and see Rafe already there, but that didn't happen either. Rafe never came. Jessie wondered if that was how Rafe felt four years ago when he realized he would never see Jessie again. How many days or weeks or months did it take him to no longer have hope that she would come running back to him? Jessie could never forget the endless calls and texts she got from Rafe when she first left, but she could never bring herself to block him. It didn't take long for her to get to Manhattan before she got a new phone, only giving JJ the number through the mail. Jessie wondered how many times Rafe called and texted the old number before he eventually gave up... did he give up? Jessie finally got a taste of her own medicine, and she couldn't help but feel even worse for Rafe. She was pulled out of her thoughts when her cab had arrived back at the Chateau, all the pogues running out and yelling things out of excitement. Unfortunately, their beaming smiles weren't enough to coax Jessie out of her sadness, but, as she always does, she put on a semblance of a smile. 
JJ was the first to get to the cab, as he opened Jessie's door, he immediately pulled her into a hug.
"Hey sis." JJ exclaimed as he breathed a sigh of relief. JJ was so happy to see that Jessie had made it back and that she was okay. Well, at least physically. Jessie tried to fake a smile and act like she was overjoyed to be back with the pogues, yet her heart longed to be in two different places: either with Rafe in the Bahamas or with her daughter back in Manhattan. She couldn't make up her mind which she wanted more in that moment. She managed a half smile to JJ and the rest of the pogues as she greeted them.
"Is this what I think it is." JJ said in disbelief as he pulled the two large duffel bags out of the cab's trunk.
Jessie turned around and nodded her head with a smile. She couldn't say exactly what was in it, obviously, the cab driver was still there and had no idea. But as soon as the pogues watched the driver pull away, Jessie began to speak.
"200 million. Cash money." Jessie said, not even looking at JJ as she kept her eyes on the taxi driver.
"Is he far enough away yet for us to celebrate?" John B asked nonchalantly.
"Nooot quuuuuite." JJ replied as they all waited for the driver to make the turn out of the driveway.
"Alright, he's gone." JJ said as he started running around the yard of the chateau like a chicken with its head cut off. All the pogues screamed and celebrated like they had found the gold all over again. They were elated, Jessie had never seen so much excitement. Jessie only giggled at the pogues, not truly being able to celebrate with them. Her mind and her heart were else where. As she watched the pogues celebrate she zoned out into her own world, thinking of Rafe and Charlotte. She didn't care about the money, she wanted the both of them, preferably together.
"Jess? You listening?" JJ asked loud enough to interrupt Jessie's racing mind.
"Huh?" Jessie replied as she shook her head, trying to focus back in.
"I was saying, you've gotta take some of this. You deserve it. You need this... for you and Charlotte." JJ answered as his voice got quieter. The pogues had reigned themselves back in as well, silently agreeing with nods. The pogues clearly wanted her to take her cut, but Jessie couldn't bring herself to do it. She may have gained a fortune, but she lost everything... again. It felt like blood money. She could never take it because she would be reminded of the painful memories of what it took to get it.
"No, really, I can't. I told you guys from the beginning I didn't want a penny and I still don't." Jess insisted. The pogues all tried to continue to convince her but Jessie only shook her head in defiance. "Seriously, guys. I can't, and I won't. Take it... enjoy it." Jessie said with a sincere smile on her face. Jessie genuinely wasn't jealous of this fortune the pogues now had, she was truly happy JJ had what he needed to get him through, that's all she ever wanted for him.
Sarah finally came forward, looking at Jessie with pity and curiosity.
"So... do I really... have a niece?" Sarah asked with hope in her voice. Sarah had been thinking about what this meant for her too. She was beyond excited.
Jessie only laughed and nodded her head yes. "Yeah... you all do." Jessie replied as she looked at all the pogues. They all began to tear up as they realized what this meant. Not only did they have their older sister back, the one that always believed in them and took care of them, but now they had a niece to spoil and love on forever. Now they all had a bond that could never be broken again. They all gathered around each other, forming one big hug and uttered words of love among each other. They were proud of what they had accomplished, and yet Jessie couldn't feel like a worse person. Despite her joy of finding an old family in the pogues once more, her heart was still missing something. She knew what it was, but she couldn't tell the pogues.
That night the pogues spent the evening still acting like nothing had changed. Despite being multi-millionaires, they partied like pogues, drinking beer, chilling in the hot tub, and just joking around like they were as poor as they came. They didn't know what tomorrow held, but for tonight, they were pogues.
"For the record..." Sarah began to speak as she sat beside Jessie on the porch. "I don't think Rafe's going to let his daughter go now that he knows." She said as she took a drink from her aluminum can.
Jessie just sighed and adjusted herself in her seat. "Yeah, I don't think so either. That's what I'm afraid of." Jessie admitted.
"Look, I get that Rafe's not perfect. And I completely understand why you left and didn't tell anyone. But Rafe never let you go. He still hasn't. He's tried to fill that void for years and has never been successful. I'm telling you, he can't let it go, Jess. And I don't think you should be afraid of that. I think this is an opportunity to get back what was lost years ago." Sarah stated.
"I don't know, Sarah." Jessie hesitated as she took a drink. 24 hours ago, she might have agreed with Sarah. But seeing how Rafe dismissed Jessie just hours ago, as if she was scum on the bottom of his shoe, really showed her that maybe he really hadn't changed.
"Well, I do. But maybe it's just some food for thought." Sarah said plainly.
Jessie definitely thought about Sarah's words that night as she lay in bed. Maybe Rafe really wasn't over her. But how long would it take for him to realize that and do something about it? Maybe she was the one that needed to make a move? After all, she was the one that left him, twice. But she had every reason to, both times! Jessie couldn't think about it any longer, it was making her head hurt. She opted to try and go to sleep.
- - -
"You sure I can't got with you, Jess?" JJ pleaded once more as he loaded Jessie's luggage into the cab. Jessie just laughed, thinking how sweet it was that JJ was so ready to meet his niece. He had been bugging Jessie all morning about it.
"I'm sure, JJ. I need some time with her, to explain some things that she deserves to know. I know she's only three but I need to prepare her with what she can handle. But I promise, as soon as I get settled back in, you'll be the first person I call to come and see her." Jessie assured. JJ understood, and with that, they said their goodbyes. This goodbye was much different— much better— than the first. This time there was a promise to see each other again, and to stay in contact. That's all JJ could ask for. Jessie said her goodbyes to the pogues as well.
"You let me know if there's anything I can do for you." Sarah said as she gave Jessie a warm hug. "And don't be afraid to reach out to Rafe, no matter how much you think he doesn't want to hear from you, I promise he does." Sarah said once more. She couldn't let that hope go, but that's mainly because she's seen how much Rafe loved— loves— Jessie, and she knows deep down without even talking to him, how much he still wants her. There were a lot of things about Rafe Cameron that Sarah could never quite figure out, but his love for Jessie despite years of heartbreak and distance, was one of the only things she was sure of. Jessie just tried to shrug it off and politely take Sarah's advice.
Jessie finally made it to the airport gate, once again repeating the same thoughts. Maybe Rafe would come running through that gate trying to stop Jessie from making the biggest mistake of her life. After this there was no going back. As she looked back one last time, she realized she was out of time. And with that, she stepped on the plane back to Manhattan.
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tss-whumper · 10 months
had a small idea. kinda just a one-line prompt but hey. names could always be changed hence the brackets lol
"hey, hey, (roman)." (remus) says quietly, "it's okay. you're safe. well, as safe as you can be with him around."
omg i LOVEE this! let me see what kinds of scenario i can come up with for ya!
(cw -> whumper!patton, implied physical abuse, mention of kinks)
"Hey, hey, Roman," Remus says quietly, "It's okay. You're safe. well, as safe as you can be with him around."
Roman smiles and nods rapidly, doing anything he can to make it clear to Remus how okay he is. He has to be okay, he has to be carefree and unafraid. Patton is standing right there. If he finds out that Roman told anybody about the things that happen when the cameras stop rolling, the chatty prince might just need to be silenced.
But of course, Remus doesn't know that. Remus doesn't know anything about the bursts of purple and yellow peppered across his skin underneath his bright white prince costume. Remus doesn't know that Roman's mouth tastes metallic because of how hard he has to bite his tongue so nobody can hear him screaming. Patton is Morality. The good guy. Nobody can know that he has to tan the hide of the pathetic little prince who can't follow simple rules.
All Roman dared to tell Remus about was the horrible things Patton said to him during punishments. And even that was already proving to be too much for the outspoken side to sit on.
As the video starts being recorded and Thomas appears, Remus reaches for Roman's hand so his brother has something steady to keep himself grounded. When Roman doesn't take it, Remus puts a hand on Roman's shoulder instead, causing Roman to tense up and stare at the floor, his entire body tight and still.
It isn't that Remus' touch isn't comforting. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Remus' warm hand, calloused and dry, feels familiar, and Roman almost feels protected. Loved. But really, he can't let himself go and fall into the feeling because every time he dares to look up, he gets trapped in Patton's icy blue eyes as they stare right at him, unblinking, as the father figure grins widely.
"Oh, you're a naughty one, aren't you?" Patton mumbles, so quietly that not even Roman can hear it. "That's okay. It's my job to help people atone for their wrongdoings. That's what Morality's for. I'll ensure your loose lips don't cause anyone anymore trouble, my darling prince. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to lead you down the right path..."
When the episode is over, nobody feels great about it. The problem doesn't really get solved. No questions really get answered. Patton is seething behind his smile.
"Roman, sweetheart, can you help me out in my room?" he asks in a sing-song voice.
Roman's breathing grows ragged. Remus stands in front of him.
"What, so you can berate him again?" he challenges, "Call him a brat, a worthless little Pierrot? He told me everything, Patton. If degradation's your kink, I won't shame you for it, but don't use my brother to beat off to it. You know how sensitive he is."
"Roman is no prince," Patton whispers, a manic smile growing on his face as his eyes glint with the knowledge of a secret. "He is a Pierrot. He's a sad little clown, with nothing better to do than to spread lies about me. It really is crazy what jealousy can do to a person."
"I'm not jealous of you!" Roman protests quickly, rushing to Patton and getting in his face, begging for some of his attention. "I swear, I'm not. I'm happy that you're the favorite side now, I'm happy that you're getting the praise you deserve! I didn't really tell Remus everything, he just thinks I did. Everything's safe with me, everything! I promise! I am a prince, I am honorable and noble. I promise."
His voice grows more shaky and desperate with each sentence until words that should have been grand declarations turn into desperate pleas.
"Come on, Pierrot," Patton says sweetly, gently holding Roman's long, slender hand and guiding him away from Remus. "Let's go to my room. Talk things out...maybe over some cookies."
Remus' skin becomes hot with anger, and he reaches out for his brother, but the two sink down before Remus even has the chance to extend his arm all the way. They're gone. And now, nobody is going to get in the way of Roman's punishment.
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squadrah · 1 year
i have a brainworm and would like to share with the class & get some input and such ,,
ghiaccio but he’s actually calm/happy/acts like a regular fucking person around people he trusts deeply. Like. Would unironically die for them. this is a hard status to obtain, and i’m wondering who on the team you think would acquire the Trust™️ of the blue creature?
not a question, just an add on thought,,, personally, i think ghiaccio likes the idea of being affectionate with those he trusts, but he’s just been dealt a bad hand too many times for there to really be many people he trusts around him ,,, does this make sense maybe i’m just rambling about the weird blue guy now lol
Thank you for sharing with the class, Anon! :D
I always like the idea of characters in relatively bad situations having some conditions under which they can feel normal or comfortable, and this tickled me because I love Ghiaccio both as a screaming gremlin and as someone who deserves to be less of it, hehe.
Right off the bat, my thought was that a person who might be granted the Trust™️ of the blue creature should be at least two things: 1) someone Ghiaccio can respect in some way, and 2) straightforward. I mean respect as in they either have some qualities that Ghiaccio admires or they have earned his respect, and straightforward as in somebody who will square with him and communicate what they mean and want so that there's no confusion. I headcanon Ghiaccio as autistic and feel he would appreciate someone who doesn't send mixed signals. Here the best contenders are Prosciutto, Melone, and probably Risotto, though his position as leader might hinder the development.
But I would like to allow for some leeway as well, so another type of person who could earn the Trust™️ is someone who is very clearly actively striving for it. I would put Formaggio and maybe Pesci here because they would have to make more effort to truly earn respect, but they also have more amicable vibes, which would make affection easier. My vision of Gelato and Sorbet are also contenders here, though affection would be far easier with Gelato than with Sorbet, and the latter's vibes are not exactly light.
This leaves Illuso as the one who might have the hardest time getting close (simply because he's such a mean girl of a man), though it would not be impossible for him from the right angle - someone shoot me an ideal relationship dynamics ask on Illuso/Ghiaccio and I'll tell you more, ehe.
Now onto the affection part of it, because you did not mention forms of affection beyond being calm/happy/normal, so I wanted to add to all this that I feel like Ghiaccio's means of affection would be mirroring. If he trusts and feels comfortable around someone, he might show it by mirroring them somewhat. Melone gives me the impression of someone whose tone outside of missions is always calm and languid, and I can see Ghiaccio relaxing into adopting a calm and quiet tone when they talk. Prosciutto is very physical, especially with his hands, so I could see Ghiaccio touching him on his arms or back as he started getting comfortable. With Formaggio or Gelato, he would start laughing when they laughed and go with their flow, at least until he gets overstimulated. And I could also see getting close in the physical sense of him just, scooting close to those he trusts. You know you're on his shit list when you need to give him a wide berth, and you know you've got something special going on if he is very obviously closing the distance, even if he's not always aware that he's right in your face. He probably has his cooldown periods where he disengages, but he will come back and start hovering all over again and it's quite magical.
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sagesilentfire · 2 years
another toffee analysis by sage h silentfire
I've been sitting on this analysis for a while, and I was going to touch on it briefly in a project I'm working on, but a talk with my therapist allowed me to put it into words and in greater detail than before. So here it is:
Why exactly do I like Toffee so much? It's a genuine question. He's the target of many different questionable writing choices, barely focused on, and forgotten within seconds of his death. We know so little about him he's basically a generic doomsday villain. The fandom is worse to him: popular interpretations paint him as cruel, arrogant, spiteful, and even, surprisingly enough, stupid. The word "sociopath" gets thrown around a lot, which, ableist. He's emotionless. He has no empathy. He's unable to connect with people. While liking villains is somewhat acceptable nowadays, it's always with the expectation that you like them because they're evil, not for any deeper reason. And with Toffee, because he's so poorly written, that should be the reason you like him. Because he's evil, and that's awesome.
But that's not why I like Toffee.
See, I am autistic, and that's never going away. I get more stereotypically autistic by the year, as I grow and become more independent, and my newfound independence clashes with my family and the society I live in. I'm weird, I'm moderately smart, I'm quirky. But more critically, I have no close friends because I literally don't know how to make and maintain friendships. I feel painfully aware of the potential emotions of everyone around me, but I don't know how to act on that awareness and communicate effectively with people, leading me to assume the worst. I have had meltdowns in crowded spaces that went completely unnoticed because I was "too subtle". I even worry that I'll die without any of the stories I want to tell – without my story – being told, because no one wanted to learn it.
Sound familiar?
So yes, I like Toffee. Even think he's a halfway decent person morality-wise, not just a villain. He expresses emotions weirdly, but he does express emotions. He is staunchly not willing to sacrifice his plans for others, but he still takes time to be nice to other people regardless. He didn't kill Moon and Marco when he could have, even though they were trying to kill him. He is empathetic enough to manipulate people and smart enough to take control of any situation, and he does it while not expressing emotions in ways others would expect. He's so much like my dream self fr.
And he dies the unquestioned villain, never getting the chance to tell his side of the story. The only perspective that we do get is filtered through the lens of his murderers. 
"But Sage!" you might be saying. "What about Comet?!"
Well. I do count Comet's death as one of the questionable choices the writers made (it makes very little sense with Toffee's character, wouldn't he manipulate her into a better deal? It feels a little like the writers were like "Oh shoot, we haven't made Toffee evil enough to 'deserve' his graphic death, let's... uh, let's make him kill Moon's mother for no reason!"), but I can understand why Toffee did it, again through an autistic lens.
See, autistic people like me aren't taken seriously. Not about our areas of knowledge, not about our views and beliefs, and especially not about matters of our physical and mental health. We're treated like weird baby dolls that are expected not to have meltdowns or criticize their "superiors". Or we're embarrassments, time bombs just waiting to go off and mortify whoever we're with. Growing up, I was never able to be right, or even have a point. Oh, there were minor disagreements my guardians let me "win" and then would weaponize during the more serious arguments, but whenever we got into screaming matches, I was always the one in the wrong. We didn't even apologize or talk it out after arguments; it was always expected that I would realize I was wrong eventually and it was swept under the rug with all the other skeletons of long-dead arguments and left to simmer into resentment. 
But there was one surefire way to make a dent, one I discovered recently and that has actually saved my life.
In the summer of 2022, I was put on a new medication. Long story short, I did not sleep for two weeks. I was in shambles, and I needed my mother to raise hell from me, because she would not let me do it myself – my psychiatry goes through my guardians, and I didn't even have the psychiatrist's number at the time. But she wouldn't do anything. The psychiatrist thought things would level out eventually, and my mother thought what the psychiatrist thought, nevermind that I was actively getting worse and my sleeping pills were getting less effective by the day. I begged her to raise hell like I knew she could, and she sent a mild phone call gently suggesting that things still weren't ideal. I could feel myself slipping away as everyone who was ostensibly taking care of me sat and twiddled their thumbs.
So I got personal. I deliberately started a big blowout. I convinced her that things weren't going well, and this little game of chicken with my health wouldn't result in the perfect, uncritical, angelic autistic daughter she so desperately wanted. I got into a screaming match, I listed everything she had ever done wrong, and I told her to shut up and stop spewing weak justifications on how my pain wasn't her fault, actually. I hit her where it hurts. I hurt her back. I hurt her.
And it worked. Hurting her made her take me seriously and I was back on my old meds before sunset. I slept well that night. And I will never regret it. 
So maybe Toffee's plan to overthrow his colonizers with the death of Comet didn't end in monster victory. But if it weren't for the eleventh-hour dark magic, it would have. And Toffee's people were oppressed and the victims of genocide for ages. They were the small band of rebels fighting an evil colonizing empire. They were ideologically in the right. They kicked and clawed and bit until they found something to hurt, and then they didn't hesitate. Because no one took them seriously, and they still wouldn't have taken them seriously unless they did something damaging. Comet sure didn't; her chapter is a continually escalating series of microaggressions. Moon didn't; she doesn't seem to care about the conflict at all before Comet's death. Who else would take him seriously? Mina? The High Commission? Glossaryck?
So while I don't think he was totally in character in killing Comet, I do understand more than others why he might have done it. 
Because Toffee is like me, for better or for worse. And he could have been great for me and people like me. But he wasn't. He was assumed to be evil and left to die immediately. Because people like me are always the bad guys.
In short,
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Toffee's emotions, courtesy @butterflyeffectiveless:
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Comet's continually escalating microaggressions:
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Additional source for Toffee being autistic:
because i'm autistic and i like him
the end.
#when i reread comet's chapter for this i only expected to get the line about monsters being uncivilized for not 'savoring' food or whatever#turns out i got waaay more than that#(and it's so funny because omg the people that you've historically denied food and only give the most disgusting pieces to don't eat slowly#the horror)#but yeah. autistic toffee for the win#i hope you get to kill all the queens again in the afterlife ily <3#may your revenge be sweet and your conscience clean#*bangs pots and pans* TELL US THE EXACT TERMS OF THE PEACE TREATY BEFORE YOU EXPECT US TO RENDER MORAL JUDGEMENT#FOR ALL WE KNOW IT COULD'VE BEEN UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER WE GET ALL YOUR FOOD AND YOU HAVE TO SACRIFICE YOUR FIRSTBORN CHILD TO GLOSSARYCK#AND ARCHDUKE BATFACE WAS DESCRIBED BY COMET HERSELF AS SOFT SO HE PROBABLY WOULD'VE SIGNED IT#I COULD KILL QUEEN COMET ON SIGHT AND BE 100% UNQUESTIONABLY MORALLY JUSTIFIED DEPENDING ON THE TERMS#(boosting glossaryck's ego in any way is always morally wrong and the only thing worthy of being sent to hell)#svtfoe#svtfoe negativity#svtfoe critical#svtfoe salt#svtfoe analysis#star vs the forces of evil#actuallyautistic#autistic gaze#actually suprisingly has nothing to do with samatfoe#just canon analysis#analysis#queue queue#(though now that i think of it i'm kind of disappointed my Comet is so different than canon Comet because this could be a great lesson in#fake allyship and racism without racists)#(but dw star fills that quota just fine)#toffee of septarsis
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
Imagine showering mingi with all the love and attention he deserves 😭 his face lights up when you laugh at his jokes and his heart fluttering when you include him in your plans or do things specifically for him, like making him soup and bringing him medicine if he mentions he's feeling a bit sick, taking him to a restaurant he mentioned in passing, holding his hand because he mentioned that he liked the feeling... I just know that this boy thrives in feeling listened to and understood and you just get him so well ❤️‍🩹 he'd feel so free and safe and not judged around you and he can be himself and do his best to do the same for you 💞🥺
Someone bring me mingi right this second or I'll sob uncontrollably 😭😭😭😭😭
no but he gets super bashful and giggly when you start complimenting him like?? he appreciates them so much and he's just so soft :( you melt his heart with all the nice things you say because he does deserve to hear them!!
what you said about laughing at his jokes :(( he would literally feel like he has one at life when you indulge his silly antics and chuckle over his jokes that most people don't even understand. he likes that you get him. that's why he is drawn to you the most. because you understand him and know him so well.
the times you know when he's anxious so you will wrap an arm around him or hold his hand because you know he likes physical touch. the times when he gives you a look at the party that screams 'i need to get out of here' and see you did. the times when he kisses you and whispers humourous comments in your ear which you know is his way of tell you he absolutely adores you and wants to make you smile and laugh and be so full of joy, all because of him. you know it all. you know all of him. and he's never felt more loved than ever before.
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azar-rosethorn · 1 year
5 Robots 2 Humans - A Dysfunctional Family (A Post-SB FNAF Peaceful Au)
Season 1 Episode 1 - The Dawn of a New Era
Summary: A "Pilot" to set the stage. The Pizzaplex and the Animatronics get rebuilt, Gregory gets adopted, and Vanny is disposed of or is she.
Rated T for swearing and typical FNAF violence
AO3 Fic
Episodes 2, 3, 4
Vanny and that melted demonic rabbit were gone. The virus was gone. The Pizzaplex was free. The animatronics were free. Gregory was free.
So, what now?
First of all, this calls for some very well deserved screaming.
"FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCKKKKK!" Gregory screamed at the top of his lungs. He couldn't care less about Freddy scolding him for his language in the background. That child has been hunted, bruised, burned, and has seen stuff you could not even dream of. Gregory will scream whatever he wants, as long as he wants, because he is tired of this bullshit.
"Gregory!" Freddy reprimanded, "Watch your language, young man! I-" Freddy cut himself off when Gregory gave him a look of 'Really? That's what you're worried about?' And Freddy got the point, given what the kid has been through.
"Uh, you know what? I'll give you a pass for today." He patted Gregory's head. "You deserve it, Superstar, after…" The bear slowly turned to look around the lobby of the Pizzaplex. Just seven hours ago, it was a wonderland of lights, music, and joy. Where did it all go so, so wrong? How did this safe haven for children become such a rotten hell?
Okay, I wasn't actually expecting an answer for that, Freddy thought.
Vanny burst into the lobby, looking burned up in some places. She was holding a large knife in one hand and some sort of remote control in the other. Instinctively, Freddy jumped in front of Gregory to guard him and readied himself for a fight. Gregory mimicked the animatronic's combat stance to defend himself.
Vanny's threats were cut off as she was knocked out from behind. As the woman fell to the ground, Vanessa came into sight, holding her heavy flashlight like she just swung it. The security guard sat on Vanny's legs and pinned her hands behind her back to keep her from getting away.
"Freddy, use your emergency comms and get the police over here!" Vanessa ordered. Freddy obliged. "Gregory, who is this woman?"
"I…." Gregory was shocked. Vanny and Vanessa were two different people? "I thought she was you! Y-you guys m-messed with th-the robots and you were g-gonna…" Gregory couldn't take it anymore. He crouched into a little ball on the floor and broke down sobbing. Freddy knelt down beside the little boy and reached out an arm to pat him on the back.
"Shhh… shh… let it all out, Gregory. It's okay, I'm here, Superstar. You're safe, now." Gregory cried even more, leaning into the bear's touch and practically falling onto his shoulder. Freddy and Vanessa exchanged a sympathetic glance.
After about 3 minutes, Gregory pulled himself together and stood up. "I'm okay now, Fre-"
Everyone cocked their heads to the sudden call. In the same entry way that Vanny came in, three broken and busted up animatronics limped through. Well, two did. Monty was being carried on Roxy's shoulders due to his lack of legs.
"What the- ARE THOSE MY HANDS!?!?" Monty added, looking to the claws that Gregory put on Freddy. "AND ROXY'S EYES?!?!"
Chica also yelled something incoherent, but it was probably something to do with the fact that Freddy had her voice box.
"YOU TOOK MY EYES??" Roxy shrieked, "WHY I OTTA-" Chica and Monty had to physically restrain Roxy from turning Freddy to scrap metal.
"Okay everybody settle down!" Vanessa interrupted. "Now, Freddy, Gregory, what the hell happened??"
"So, ma'am, you're telling me that this woman," The cop pointed to the backseat of the police car where Vanny was glaring at the Pizzaplex, handcuffed. "Kidnapped all those missing people, brought them down underneath this place, and killed them. Is that right?"
Vanessa nodded. "That's correct, officer."
The cop turned to Gregory. "And you were gonna be her next victim?"
Gregory nodded. "Vanny broke into the animatronics' systems and made them go after me. Well, except for Freddy. He helped me! But, with the others…" Gregory pointed to the Pizzaplex entryway, where the Glamrocks were sharing hugs and apologies. "I was able to defend myself."
The cop stared at the animatronics wide-eyed, and leaned over to Vanessa. "He did that?"
The security guard nodded. "Check the cameras if you don't believe him."
"Might just have to do that. Do either of you need medical attention?" Vanessa shook her head. "Good. Now, we just need to ask that you two come downtown so we could ask you just a few more questions." They both agreed and stepped into a separate cop car from Vanny.
Freddy gave Gregory a wave as he saw the child enter the car. Gregory waved back and sent a message to Freddy through his Fazwatch.
"Don't worry, Freddy. I'll be back by tonight. No matter what."
Freddy chuckled. Mostly because he knew it was true. That kid was quite the stealthy one, and if he wanted to be somewhere, he'd get there.
"So uh… are we gonna get repaired anytime soon?" Roxy asked, "Because I really would like to start seeing again."
"Roxy, I'm over here," said Freddy, "You're talking to a street lamp. And, yeah, I haven't heard anything from the company or the STAFF bots yet, so… Come on, I'll take you guys down to Parts and Service and give the workers a head start."
"I still don't know why Vee decided to get the cops instead of just letting us deal with that Vanny gal," Monty commented as they headed inside, "I woulda shown her for makin' us hurt a kid and gettin' my legs chopped off." He muttered something else under his breath that nobody could quite make out.
"Monty, if we had killed Vanny, we wouldn't have anyone to place the blame on, and the company would most likely scrap us," argued Freddy. Monty growled and mumbled in response.
"That kid, Gregory…" said Roxy, "Do you know who he is? Where's his family?"
Freddy shook his head. "His guest profile was unrecognizable, and when my systems tapped into the internet, he was a complete ghost. That kid's just as much a mystery to me as he is to you. He's a good kid, though. I hope he gets back to his family safely."
"Okay, we have your statements, you two are free to go." Vanessa and Gregory exited the police station and they called a taxi back to the Pizzaplex. The ride was awkwardly silent until Vanessa decided to break it.
"Gregory, where are your parents?"
The boy took a breath, avoiding eye contact before answering.
"I don't have any. I've lived at an orphanage my whole life."
"I see. So, how exactly did you get into the Pizzaplex?"
Gregory turned to her and gave her a small smile. "If I tell you, I won't be able to do it again."
Vanessa laughed at the little gremlin. He must've worn the orphanage workers out. Gregory joined in on the laughing.
"Hey, Ms. Vanessa?" Gregory asked when the laughing died down.
"Do you think… maybe Freddy could adopt me?"
Vanessa didn't know what to say. Gregory had found a home in Freddy. Hell, that bear had probably given him more love than any other adult he'd ever met combined. But, Freddy was an animatronic. He was property of Fazbear Entertainment and the Mega Pizzaplex. He wasn't a human being with legal documents and legal rights to adopt a child.
But… who was she to deny such an extraordinary child of a home and a parent?
"I'm afraid not, Gregory," she answered, "You can only be adopted by a human, it's impossible for Freddy to adopt you."
Gregory's head turned to the ground. "Oh," was all he said, staring at his shoes. "Well, I guess I'll just have to keep sneaking back in, huh?" he joked.
After a quick moment of thinking it over, the conclusion of which being Eh, fuck it, what could go wrong? Vanessa put her hand on Gregory's shoulder and gave him a wide smile.
"I said it was impossible for him." She said, giving Gregory a wink.
It took Gregory a minute to realize what she meant, and when he did, the boy waved his hands gently. "Oh, no! I didn't mean that, Vanessa! You don't have to! Especially after all the trouble I caused last night."
"Gregory, you were a child that had to be in fight or flight mode the whole night against a possessed serial killer and her robot army! I hold no grudges whatsoever. Plus, I could give you an entry pass to the Pizzaplex in the daytime and you could come to work with me at night, so you'll probably see Freddy more than me. I'll just give you your basic necessities and unless you'd like me to do some, Freddy could do all of the parenting stuff."
Gregory's eyes and smile widened as he nodded vigorously and kicked his legs. "Really?! You'd do that, Vanessa?!?!"
Vanessa nodded. "Also, Gregory, call me Vee."
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, the one, the only, Freddy Fazbear!!"
It's been 3 months since the Vanny Virus, and things couldn't be better. Vanessa had full legal custody of Gregory, the animatronics and the Pizzaplex had been repaired, and there wasn't a frown in sight as the music played and everyone, human and animatronic alike, were rocking out and having fun at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex!
Well… almost everyone…
You know how I said there wasn't a frown in sight? Well, there definitely was one out of sight. A big one. An angry one
A vengeful one.
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allisonlol · 2 years
Hi Allison! I hope you're doing great and also congratulations on your milestone you deserve a lot more than that! :D💕 Ahem- so- heads up- this is really long-
I'm 18 yo, an ISTP Pisces, 163 cm tall and a straight female. Also I'm a teennnnny tiiiiny bit overweight but I've been on a diet for a couple of month and made great progress so good for me! 🚶🏻‍♀️
Ahem ahem… I have big boobs, my skin is so pale that People sometimes mistake me for a vampire or a corpse and I love it ngl. I have dark brown hair that Ive recently cut for the very first time in my life, and it reaches to the middle of my back and I also have light brown eyes that turns golden under the rays of sun (Yeah baby :D)
I'm veeeeery veeeeery understanding and never judgmental, which is why people consider me a very trustworthy person and share their secrets with me without any worries. On the outside I look like a calm, loving, quiet girl who's really naïve and innocent, never dropping the smile off her face and I'm also very respectful toward elders which is why they like me a lot; but once I get out of my shell I'm just a loud, crazy girl who wants to jump up and down and scream for literally no reason. Btw me getting out of my shell wouldn't depend on time, it depends on what kind of person I'm interacting with.
So I'm really into watching romantic movies and crying when they separate or something, and I'm a huge sucker for romantic gestures but only when they happen for other people or in movies. If someone makes a dumb romantic gesture/comment on me? I'm like bitch are you fr? Get 1523946235078 feet away from me🚶🏻‍♀️
I'm also very emotional but because I'm always quiet around others they think of me as a cold hearted creature, little did they know I have a heart almost as big as an elephants. So yeah people think I'm cold but omg…if I grow to like somebody… I'm always all over them, kissing, licking, biting(Have a huge thing for that btw), literally anything out of affection while hugging the shit out of them. My love language is physical touch and acts of service AND words of affirmation. I would praise them about anything but I have a hard time telling them the ily sentence idk why🤧🚶🏻‍♀️
btw I'm not that loud around people I'm comfortable with either; But I'm definitely very affectionate. And I'm not a clingy person, I'm actually very independent when it comes to, well, everything; but if the fountain of my feelings suddenly floats out of nowhere I have no choice but to jump on my s/o and shower him with smooches <3 So yeah I like giving affection but they have to make up for it in bed cause I'm a bottom in there and you didn't hear this from me btw (it would be lovely if you could include some NSFW hcs too, if you're able too :>)
SOOOOO some info for the nsfw… I HATE SPITTING. It turns me off when they wanna spit in my mouth.. Like, ewe.if they wanna spit on other places… PLEASE! Help yourself🚶🏻‍♀️ I like to be manhandles and I might tolerate degrading but NOT TOO MUCH. If they think they can have me begging over something theyre SOOO WRONG. YOU GOTTA TREAT ME NICELY IF YOU WANT THIS PUSSY BITCH- (Lmao I apologize for being shameless but I can't help it) Brat taming… I might be into to it IF they don't spank me hard😭😭😭 I don't like choking or any kind of hitting tbh but light spanking is ok. emphasis on LIGHT. I like it rough btw. Gotta be fast af. Ok now imma shut up now gb🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️
I love watching movies and the genre never matters as long as it includes comedy too; love reading/writing smut, fluff, romance and humor; sometimes I sing when I'm alone but my voice is not exactly girlish so I'll never do it in front of anyone. I love shopping, but I don't like it when my s/o pays for my stuff I'm like bruh are you trying to buy me or smthn even though he means well. I mean I would even return him the amount of saliva we exchanged while making out if we break up lmao. I would be ok if a friend gets me stuff though, and I would love to do the same to them. I love wearing shiny accessories and love painting my nails especially in red.
I would without a doubt cheat on my s/o with ice-cream especially if its chocolate flavored cuz it has been my good old friend from the moment I was born😭😭😭😭.I'm just joking btw. I hate cheating so if I get tired of the relationship I'll straightforwardly ask for a break up which is really unexpected to them cuz you know… I don't show how uncomfortable I am. And I have trouble getting attached to people emotionally so I'm really hoping for someone to show up whom I can love and share everything with, without needing to pretend it. I love chocolate btw, which is why my parents don't buy it often because its all gone the second they look away from it lol. Veryyyyy insecure about my looks. Like you have no idea how much of a pro I am when it comes to destroying myself- If someone praises me on my looks I'm like bruh are you making fun of me get lost before I shove this (points at her pencil*) into you ass🚶🏻‍♀️
I also love cooking and am an early bird, so I would wake up at 6am to make my s/o breakfast and then wake him up with kisses and cuddles. My idea of the perfect date it staying in bed and never getting out of it unless it's an emergency. Just me and him cuddling & making out & whatever... I like being both the little spoon and big spoon cuz I wanna make him feel loved too <3 BTW I'm definitely gonna race them on who can give the tightest hug. PILLOW FIGHT. PILLOW TALK. ANYTHING RELATED TO BED TBH (Which is funny cause I sleep for 6 hours at max due to my college entrance exam🚶🏻‍♀️) yeah so big fan of cuddling and caressing their hair or massaging them T^T AND PLANTING KISSES ON... well... EVERYWHERE
Lets see…what else… oh! I'm really into swimming and working out. I'm not a ambitious person, but I'm a rebellious one ig, no one gets to order me around cause I'm so stubborn despite how I look like. I looooove flirting. I'm not really good at flirting with words, so I would use my charm and action to flirt back at him, and would also drop a few hints or might even straightforwardly go sit on his lap and be like "Ok babe, you asked for it; show me whachu got now😏"
so… I can go a little bit more; but I don't want you to freak out so let's stop right here :) again, congrats on your milestone and also, no pressure! Mwah! ^0^ 💕🚶🏻‍♀️
꧁♥ ᴍᴀᴛᴄʜᴍᴀᴋɪɴɢ ɪɴ ᴘʀᴏɢʀᴇss… ♥꧂
i match you with...atsushi nakajima!
HII ASH omg, i loved reading this LOLL and the only person i could think of the entire time was atsushi cuz hello??? well i'll explain more down below but YEA a match made in heaven lowkey
FIRST OF ALL you definitely had to approach him first. i mean, we've all seen how dense this mf is when people like him
but he was always initially drawn to you - specifically your easy going + caring nature
y'all have the same love languages!! lots n lots of compliments and words of affirmations bc you both deserve to be appreciated <3
yes- ur both awkward at actually accepting the compliments but nonetheless they mean a lot to you
the two of you mesh well together because, while he's quieter and a bit shy, you're not afraid to be more outgoing and speak ur mind
^basically you'd be the "he asked for NO pickles" while atsushi hides behind you >:0
you guys go on the CUTEST dates: walks thru the yokohama harbor, visiting ice cream shops, watching movies etc <3
YOU COOK FOR HIM SM, which he appreciates cuz i have the slightest suspicion that atsushi is not the best cook...
randomly kiss or bite him out of nowhere to see how flustered he gets?? you love to tease him a lot to your entertainment
luckily for you, atsushi shows his luv thru manyyy romantic gestures which then in turn gets you flustered
^buys you things that reminded him of you, brings you flowers, lots n lots of compliments about how he admires you n how pretty u are!!
all i can say it, it's literally one of the healthiest relationships imaginable
i need to write more nsfw for him...but anyway
man idek who would be the dom or the sub here LOLL
^i believe roles wouldn't really be too prominent in the relationship tho. atsushi is indifferent towards it and can dom or sub accordingly to what u want!!
fortunately for you he is very nicee <33 literally doesn't have the heart to tease you
not the most well versed in kinks obviously but is always down to experimentation,,,he just wants to do whatever YOU want him to
bro can go SO FAST tho i swear. it's the being half tiger or whatever-
CONSENT KING?? y'all have an established safe word (would it even be used?? prolly not) & always triple-checks that you are comfortable with something new
lots n lots of kisses!!
not to mention both of you practice good aftercare and making sure the other is ok both mentally and physically afterwards <33
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noroi1000 · 2 years
Hii, i saw that your matchups are still opened so can you please do a romantic match up from jjk?
I apologize for it being so long
I'm a female i go by she/her and i have a male preference I'm 20 years old my mbti is infp 4w3 my zodiac is libra
Appearance: I'm 171cm or 5'6ft tall, i have a pretty lean hourglass figure. Long wavy brown hair, with brown eyes, honestly I'm pretty much pale
Likes: nature, long car rides, late nights when the city is asleep and dogs (i have a large rescue that i love)
Dislikes: injustice, busy cities and animal abuse
Hobbies: hiking, drawing and sewing (i make my own clothes since I can't find anything in my style here and shipping takes forever where I'm from)
Among my friends I'm either the mom friend or the one that's overly protective depending on the situation. I'm more of a quiete speaker, but i do voice my opinion and i talk for those who can't (sometimes some of my friends get really ashamed about normal things so i stand up for them). Also if anyone ask for an option I'll tell them honestly, I don't sugar coat or lie just to make them feel good. I'm not offensive I'm honest.
My love language is words of affirmation and quality time, but i do appreciate if my partners love language was quality time or/and physical touch.
Thank you so much and please take your time
I think your Jujutsu kaisen matchup is
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Megumi is a quiet and introverted boy who gets pissed and irritated easily. But despite this, he is very sociable, which may come as a surprise.
Even though he doesn't have very many friends, nor does he like many people, he is someone who wants someone by his side. Friends, relatives. He's worried about them.
He doesn't tolerate rudeness and being mean. Such behavior is not tolerated by him. (even if he admits that he has a terrible character)
He loves people who are nice to him. Even if he may show that he doesn't care or doesn't like a caring person, he is not.
Megumi is stubborn and rejects those emotions that he likes being looked after. He worries and cares for other people just as he cares for them.
He doesn't show it, but inside the storyteller likes someone very nice. When someone treats him gently. He is very fond of such people and would like to see more of them in his life.
He doesn't have many friends because he doesn't talk much in public. He is ashamed.
When talking to friends (as long as he would start a conversation with them), he will be quieter. But when someone talks to him, he will reply immediately. He would respond as well when he gets pissed or irritated. He will simply say his opinion and will not accept if someone keeps telling him that he is wrong. He may be wrong, but for him his reason cannot change. He thinks so, and no one can tell him to start thinking otherwise.
He really does look at justice. It is an important part of life for him. Everyone deserves something, no matter if it's good or bad. No one should avoid justice. He understood this by the loss of loved ones. Or rather, by leaving it.
Even if he does not show it, he is very caring for loved ones and would give everything for them. It is important that someone stays with him and does not come. So that he did not have to lose loved ones. Not again.
• Calm. Just spending time alone. Together with you. Without spending unnecessary time and wasting it in large groups of people. After all, no one wants to feel overwhelmed. Cities are crowded, and often you can't find something suitable.
He likes being with you in quieter places best. Where he can listen to you and be at peace. Without screams, which are often unnecessary.
In a place where he can be himself.
• Park, sitting at home. It is all so nice for you, and not so boring at all. After all, who said that you can only sit there and do nothing.
You can write, read or something else. And he likes to keep things neat. As well as various household activities.
You can do anything you want and he will do something next door. Silently arranging something, preparing a meal, or something for you.
Sometimes he also sits with you watching you sew and talks to you. Not to distract you, but to have a good time, not in silence. After all, everyone is fed up with it sometimes. A little conversation never hurt you.
• Home, walks in the woods or in the park. That's what he likes. If you want something else you can say it. But nature for him is also reassuring. Giving it energy and freshness.
Besides, he, as a man whose life is connected with animals, must like it. Walking dogs, looking at wild birds or other animals that live their own life in the forest.
• Basically, he would never let you walk in the woods at night, even when he is with you. He just would have to be stupid to put you in any danger. It's dark at night and you can't see the road well.
He may go for night walks with you, but not into a forest where there are many trees and you may fall over.
Walk in the park, the sea. In lit places. It is always empty because there is no one outside at this time. You have space for yourself.
• Spending as much time as possible together. Holding hands or hugging.
So that he can say at any moment that he loves you.
"Even with me, take care of yourself. But I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. Just the two of us. No people to disturb. Let's spend our time as often as possible."
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thedaredevilsgirl · 3 years
Dear Teacher - Part 2
warnings: teacher and student relationship (The reader is between 19 and 25 years old and please don't get involved with your teachers) angst,fluff, smut (fingering, unprotected sex -Please use a condom- dirty talk)
Word count: 3342 (surely the most I have ever written)
N/A: Hey, many people were asking, so I brought you part two of dear teacher, I hope you like it.I am creating a taglist, message me if you want to be added 💖💖
Part 1
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When Tom woke up on Saturday morning he was disappointed to realize that you were no longer there, for a moment he thought that maybe it had all been a dream or just his imagination playing with him, but something inside him knew that no, that the incident had really happened.
"Incident" was how Tom was referring to the whole of Friday night. It had been a bad idea, he knew, meeting you at that bar, inviting you to sit with him, kissing you, taking you to his apartment, and everything that happened after that. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help it.
 Tom was nervous. It was the first time he had seen her since Friday and he still didn't know how to handle it.
You walked into the auditorium that morning and it seemed that fate loved to play with you as the two of your gazes met almost instantly, he swallows dryly and you blush before quickly looking away and running to your seat at the back of the room.
 "Good morning everyone" He says starting his class, everyone in the room answers him quickly.
 "Good morning Mr. Holland" Cindy, one of your students, says cheerfully "Looks like you had a great weekend" she points to a small purple spot on your neck, all the students start laughing as soon as she notices it. You sink into your chair, wanting to hide, mortified with embarrassment, remembering very well that you made that mark on Tom who was blushing in front of everyone's eyes.
"Anyway" he huffs loudly taking the students' attention back to class "I've corrected your Brontë sisters' papers, I'm happy to say that we got very good grades, but only one got a top grade, I'll give it back to you Wednesday" he says before continuing his lesson. 
The class passes slowly, like torture for both of them, they just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. They needed to talk about what they had done, but they were more than happy not to do that today.
"That's all for today, remember to turn in your next paper on Monday and get ready for the debate next month, see you all on Wednesday" he says to everyone as his class ends. Slowly the room starts to empty, but you can't get out as a hand grabs your wrist making you turn to see who it was.
"Y/N" Mike, the boy who had missed your date on Friday was standing there holding your hand "I just wanted to apologize again for not coming on Friday, I didn't mean to ruin your weekend kitten" he apologizes.
"It's okay, really, you didn't ruin my weekend" you answer politely.
"If you want" he says getting closer to you "We can reschedule, I promise I won't cancel this time" he gives you a conquering smile.
Tom settles back in his chair, moving his hands nervously across his lap. He didn't want to hear your conversation, but as soon as he heard no names being called he started to pay attention, he had no right to be jealous, you weren't his girl, but he hoped you wouldn't accept it, you deserved much better than that boy in front of you.
"Mike, I'm sorry, but I can't accept it" You say, trying to be polite and pulling away from him a little.
"Just a date kitten" Tom rolls his eyes from where he was sitting, did he not understand what no was?
"We better just be friends" you dismiss yourself before leaving the room.
"Girls" the idiot says before leaving the room.
Thomas only saw you once that day, talking to your friends in the hallways.
He felt your gaze on him, which made his heart beat faster, and when he returned your gaze you looked away, blushing at having been caught in the act.
As he lay in his bed that night, the memories came back, he was beginning to hate it. Avoidance and being avoided, the two of them should talk about what happened instead of pretending not to and acting like children.
You were pacing back and forth in the hallway, debating with yourself, trying to decide whether or not to go into that office.
This morning, as Tom walked around the room handing out corrected papers to his students, he left his paper on your desk whispering a congratulations before moving on to the next student. You saw the top grade written on the first page and a little yellow post-it note placed there saying "Meet me in my office at 18:00, please".
It was still 17:50, you could still get away from there and that conversation, but you didn't want to, as nervous as you were you knew what you needed to do. You knock on the door and open it just as you hear a "come in" coming from inside.
"You came" he says getting up from his chair and gives you a shy smile.
"You asked..."
"I didn't think you would actually come."
"I think we really should talk Mr. Holland" you says nervously looking down at her own feet so she doesn't have to face him.
"Mister Holland?" He asks "I thought i asked to call me Tom"
"I can't do that"
"I understand" His voice, there was something different in it, hurt perhaps.
A silence fills the room for a few minutes before he begins to speak.
"I'm sorry about Friday."
"Why are you apologizing?" You asks without understanding.
"I just...thought you..." He sighs walking over to stand in front of your desk, only a few steps away from you.
"I don't regret what we did" You speak as soon as you realize where your speech was going.
"No?" He finally looks directly at you.
"No, my God, I loved every part of that night" a small smile appears on his lips which fades soon after as you continue to speak "But that doesn't mean it wasn't wrong, we shouldn't have let it get to that point".
"I know it wasn't, I know...it was so wrong"
For some reason it was painful to be in that room without being able to touch him again.
"I really wish I wasn't your teacher" he walks towards you "To have met you at another time, maybe then I could have had you to myself, take you out without fear of anyone seeing us, hold your hand, kiss you" His hand caresses your face and you close your eyes leaning in to feel his touch more "I wanted so much Y/N, I wanted to make you my girl...I really like you"
"Thomas, I like you too..." You sigh, your heart aching with every word spoken "But sometimes liking isn't enough for two people to stay together."
"I know, and that's the part that hurts the most" He forehead rests against yours, both of you with your eyes closed, in-between sloshed breaths that were already mingling, Tom felt a tear run down his cheek, your mouths so close "Y/N..."
"Tom man, we are late, your brothers will kill us if we are late again" Someone says opening the door suddenly just as you and he are about to kiss. The two of you quickly walk away panting for breath trying to recover from the moment, Tom quickly wipes the tear from his face. A tall blond man that you had seen other times in the halls together with Tom looks at you not understanding anything.
"Am I interrupting something?" the blond man asks suspiciously.
"No" the two of you answer quickly.
"Harrison, this is my student, Y/N" Tom introduces the two of you, perhaps as a way to change the subject "Y/N, this is Harrison Osterfield, professor in the physics department and my best friend".
"It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Y/N" He extends his hand to greet her " I have heard Tom compliment you several times, always saying that you are the best student in your class".
"My pleasure Mr. Osterfield" you shake his hand "I think he is just exaggerating a lot, anyway, I better go, I don't want to get in the way anymore, bye" you take your things and leave the room leaving the two men alone there.
"Wait a moment" He say to Harrison before coming after you.
He holds your wrist and makes you look at him, honestly he almost didn't care anymore that the two of you were standing in the middle of the empty university hallway.
"Y/N please" he says.
"Please what?" you say hurt "Do you want me to stay here? To fight for a passion that is doomed to fail? Something that could end my life at this university or end your career?
"Don't talk like that, we can make it work" he says hurt.
"I wish I was brave enough to try, I swear I do" you let go of his hand "But I'm not, it was just one night stand sex and as much as I like you I know that the sooner we get over it and move on the better, for both of us" you turn and walk away, leaving Tom standing there alone in the hallway with his hurt.
Your heart was still hurting. Last night you collapsed on your knees as soon as you got to your dorm room and let the tears finally fall, you were lucky you didn't have a roommate so you could cry all day long without having to answer questions about why you were so bad. And you cried until your eyes hurt, screamed against your pillow until your throat burned, let the sadness leave your body until you finally gave in to tiredness and went to sleep.
Tom was no better off than you, he spent the whole dinner with your family quiet while everyone else at the table talked, he wished so much that he wasn't in love with you, he wished it really had only been one-night stands, maybe then he wouldn't feel like he could die at any moment if he didn't have you by his side.
In different places, but sharing the same pain.
Tom looked across the room at you, his eyes red and his expression sad, it looked like you had been crying all night, and you really had, he wanted to go over there and hug you and tell you that everything would be okay, but he couldn't.
If they had thought Monday's class had been torture, this was something worse. Tom gave his class trying to avoid looking in your direction, while you couldn't pay attention to anything that was being said, you just wanted to go back to your room and cry some more. It was the last class of the day so you ran to your room as soon as it was over.
Tom was tapping his pen frantically on his desk, he should have been correcting his students' work but his mind was elsewhere and his head hurt like it was going to explode at any moment.
"Okay, what the fuck is going on?" Harrison asks, he was with Tom in his office and was starting to get irritated with his best friend.
"What?" Tom asks waking up from his thoughts.
"Tom you've been acting weird all fucking week, you spent the entire Wednesday dinner quiet a thing you don't often do."
"I don't know what you are talking about" he pretends to be paying attention to the papers in front of him.
"Does it have anything to do with that girl who was here?" he asks curious, Tom doesn't answer which only confirms Harrison's thoughts "Oh my god, it has everything to do with her doesn't it?".
"I really don't want to talk about it"
"You like her, that's why you're all emotional, because you can't be with her" Harrison speaks and Tom wonders when did his best friend get so good at unraveling his feelings.
"I had sex with her on Friday" Tom admits at once, his friend had already figured out pretty much everything so there was no reason to keep secrets anymore.
"WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME THAT?" he practically shouts.
"Can you keep it down please, you're acting like a teenager, we passed that stage a long time ago and I don't want the whole campus to find out."
"I'm not the one acting like a teenager, you are, getting all angry and quiet over something that can easily be resolved" Harrison rolls his eyes as he states the obvious.
"She doesn't want me Harrison, she likes me, but she doesn't want me, she's scared and I can't judge her because I am too, this could destroy my teaching career and end her reputation here"
"Tom, isn't she one of the students graduating this year?" Harrison asked even though he already knew the answer.
"Dude, she's graduating in less than 5 months and you're telling me that the two of you can't keep this relationship a secret for 5 months?"
"I..." Tom hadn't stopped to think about it.
"I'm sure you two can make it work."
"What if she's not willing to try?"
"You should at least try, Holland, go out there and fight for your girl" He encourages his friend.
"I think you are right, I will do it".
"Of course I'm right" He smiles smugly "Anyway, I don't want to have to put up with your sadness any longer" He says laughing.
It was almost midnight when you hear someone knocking on your dormitory door, you get out of bed and go to open the door.
"Thomas what are you doing here?" You ask as you see him standing outside, he walks into your dorm still without giving any explanation, you close the door and turn to see him "What kind of idiotic idea is this to come to my dorm, someone could see you here, how would we explain this?" You ask in an agitated manner.
Tom doesn't answer at first, he just looks at you, the baggy sweatshirt too big for your body, the hair tied back with a few strands falling in front of your face and the glasses on the end of your nose, and he can't resist. He walks toward you and kisses you, holding your face between his hands, his hands against your chest as you respond to his kiss, his heart beating hard in his chest and the sense of relief that he is kissing you again after what seems like the longest week of his life.
"I'm sorry" he says pulling away "I didn't come to do this, I just wanted to talk and..."
"It's okay" he fixes his glasses on his face.
"Y/N, I really like you, this is so stupid, I just... I want to try this, it's only five months until you graduate, we can make it...
"Tom" you try to interrupt him but he keeps talking non-stop.
"...to do this, I'm sure it wouldn't be easy at first and it's not the kind of relationship that's ideal or the relationship that someone like you deserves..."
"Tom" calls him again.
"But I'm willing to try, for you, for us, I want to try..." You kiss him again making him stop talking.
"I'm willing to try Tom" you say between kisses and he smiles "For us"
"I didn't think you would accept, I was already preparing myself for a no" you both laugh.
He sits down on your bed and pulls you to sit on his lap with each leg on one side of your body, he takes the glasses off your face and places them on your desk before kissing you.
"Damn, I missed that" he sighs between the kiss.
"It's literally only been a week" you say smiling.
"Really? It's felt like forever" he kisses you more intensely this time, his hands gripping your hips tightly making you move over his lap, the kisses slide down your face to your neck, you throw your head back.
"Tom" you say his name as a plea, his hands slide up your thigh squeezing you firmly.
"What do you want princess?" He asks with his head in the curve of your neck before leaving a small bite in that region.
"You, Thomas, I need you" you slowly roll over in his lap feeling his already hard length under you "please".
He smiles smugly at your response. Your sweatshirt is removed leaving you in just your panties and Tom lays you down on your bed placing his body on top of yours .
"This has been the most torturous week of my life" he removes the rest of his clothes and throws them on the floor "I couldn't get you out of my mind" he leaves a kiss on her neck exactly where he had "I thought about how I wanted to feel you again" the kisses descend to the top of her breasts and one of his hands grab her thigh wrapping her leg around his waist while the other goes down to her intimacy pulling her panties apart just enough for two fingers to touch them "That pussy is so wet, all this for me honey? "
"Yes, all for you Tom" he smiles at her answer before penetrating her with his fingers causing a quiet moan to come from her lips.
"Good girl."
"Your girl" you sigh ecstatic with pleasure.
"Fuck" Tom kisses you again, your words making him even harder than he already was "Say that again " he thrusts his fingers inside you reaching that wonderful spot inside you.
"My girl."
He had barely started and you were already so close, but he doesn't let you get there, teases you to the edge before stopping and doing it all over again.
"Please stop teasing me, I'm so close" you beg.
"No princess, I want you to cum around my dick" He says pulling his fingers out of you and removing your panties before turning you both over on the bed making you stand on top, he sits against the headboard as you rest your hands on his shoulders "now ride me like the good girl I know you are".
You sit on his member feeling him fill you completely, you both moan the moment you are finally together, standing still for a moment to get used to his size. Moving slowly until you finally get into a rhythm.
"So so good" he moans, his hand gripping her throat the way he remembered he had made her go crazy last time "So beautiful riding my dick" his other hand leaves a slap on her ass making her moan his name out loud as she throws her head, back rolling over in his lap .
"Tom I'm so close" you say as he gives you a push with his hips making his cock hit your G-spot, his hand making circular motions against your clit this time.
"Come to me then baby" he says and with a few more movements you are enjoying his wrist making you come next, your head falls on his shoulder and he spreads kisses down your neck as you recover from your recent orgasm.
You were wearing your shirt now, your head lying on his chest as he stroked your hair.
"You'll still be here when I wake up, right?
"Well this is my dorm so I can't leave" you say as a joke.
"I'm serious Y/N" he says laughing.
"Yeah, I'm not going anywhere" you smile fondly returning to lie on his chest closing your eyes almost falling asleep with his affection.
"Good, I don't want you to leave, I want you forever" he kisses the top of your head before falling asleep with you in his arms, no goodbyes this time.
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monstas1ut2 · 3 years
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(3/3) Eren Yeager
Send a DM just to trap me (damn)
Threw your bitch in a taxi (taxi)
Wanna get drunk and nasty? (Nasty)
It was inevitable, of course he was going to find out.. Now here you are, sitting in your mothers house trying to figure out what you could've done differently. It's not only embarrassing but it sucks because that's your father, he's your everything , he's the man who adopted you. All you had to do was stay away from Eren.. though you couldn't even do that..
"Cheer up, here.. I got watermelon and pineapples.. I know it's your favorite.."
The woman with glasses, your mother handed you the soft bowl that held your favorite fruit. Her eyes staring at you softly as you were sitting on the floor. It was like you felt like you didn't deserve a bed right now.. In all honesty though, it wasn't fully your fault.
The soft, warmth that you had from the strong arms that touched you in ways... that night had kept you asleep. His hair fit his face so well and he said so many things that night that was hard to pass by. It wasn't a joke, Eren knew what he wanted.. and that was you.. and still is.
The many missed calls from him was ridiculous and the texts were everlasting. He figured he'd messed up, that or you were maybe drunk last night..? You didn't seem drunk.. that's just because you weren't.
"I should've stayed away from him..."
"Cupcake, you can't keep blaming yourself. Shorty-pants tends to be that way with Eren because of their past. There's nothing wrong with Eren technically, he lost his parents at a young age, in front of his eyes.. so he's a bit mental from that.." the words came out of Hange's throat and you nodded slowly. The thought still edged you on though, why did Levi want you away from him..?
Just because he has mommy AND daddy issues? That is a bad sign for sure, but at the same time.. Eren has done nothing but shown you his kind side. As well as his sexual side but we ain't gonna talk about that.
"So why... did dad kick me out... because of that..? Or cuz of their background together..? Eren is nothin but nice to me.. I would've backed off otherwise I ain't stupid to stay wit a nigga that beats on me.."
These words spat out in direction of no one in particular since nobody is here.. but it hurt. You wanted to scream so badly but what good would it do anyways.. Slowly slipping a pineapple chunk in your mouth. You watched as Hange was conflicted on what to say.. which is odd.
She has known Levi longer than anyone.. but Levi is still a mystery. So all she could do was direct this somewhere else...
"He'll be fine later okay? Don't worry... just.. eat your fruit, someone's comin to see ya in a little bit.. mkay?"
It's almost been a month.. and you didn't see Levi becoming fine any day now.. from what you could see, you were abandoned just like whoever your real parents were..
Standing outside to get some nice air, your eyes watched the car in the driveway pull off. It was Hange's bmw. Her mission was to get Levi to straighten up and fly right, but you told her there wasn't any need. The damage was done already.. right?
Hange does tend to make things right though, she's just that lovable of a person..
Letting out a sigh, you'd decided to finally turn your back and try to go back into the house but your ears were kinda deceiving you. Your head whipping back towards the driveway as you saw the car that was there. It wasn't Hange for sure, though that black, porche was nobody's but..
His taller form immediately moving from that car and eventually coming to face you.. in all honesty he wanted to yell and scream and do everything in the book.. but seeing your pretty eyes tear up was enough for him.
After a few silent minutes passed, the two of you were now wrapped up in each other. As close as you two possibly could be on the comfy couch. Just bathing in each other's scent and aura. It was a nice feeling nonetheless, but at the same time, Eren was confused as to why you were so quiet. Why didn't you answer his messages or his calls...
"I'm sorry... I ain't mean to ghost you like that... but, he uhm..."
Swallowing down the tears that were edging to release again. Eren's green eyes stared into yours, his ears ready to hear everything you had to say to him. He wasn't going to ignore these feelings you had.. why would he?
"He found out... and he didn't like it.. obviously. He kicked me out...so I live here now..." your words spilling out of your throat, it sounded like you were in pain. Your glossy eyes staring up at Eren, who happened to be a bit more annoyed than anything. The past was the past... he didn't understand why Levi was so strung up on him. The two never had good relations, they always hated each other... Maybe in a past life too..
"I'll talk to him.."
"N-No, do you have a death wish..?"
"For you... I'll do anything you want.. if you wanna come live with me that's aight with me..." Eren offered up everything he could think of. There's just this feeling, he didn't want to leave you... but he also didn't want you to be abandoned by your father...
Eren knows that technically, that's already happened to you.. but you grew up with Levi and Hange..
"We gonna talk to him together... he ain't gon kill you if I'm there.. even if he hates me.."
"He Doesn't hate you... not him... he just pissed right now." Eren was correct, Levi was simply annoyed at the fact that you decided to spend the night without his knowing... and at EREN's house nonetheless. Levi already could think about what happened in that bedroom... though if you played your cards right, you could probably make it seem like it didn't happen...
The paperwork continued to pile over, Hange's steps being big as she stepped over the books and papers. Honestly, this has to be the first time she's seen Levi like this. His house was a mess.
And that's something you don't hear everyday.
"Shorty! Shorty mc shorty pants...? Ah!" Hange was obviously teasing the male but she ended up tripping on one of his shoes that was in his office, man was he living in this one room?
Her glasses were put back on her face as she looked up at the desk. Seeing Levi tapping on his keyboard quickly. He himself probably didn't notice the way he was living at the moment... when he does he'll probably scold himself.
"You sir, need to get it together!" Hange spoke as she stood back up, and she earned a loud and annoyed sigh from the male.
"Look, shitty-glasses I don't have time for it right now!"
"Don't yell at me! This is about your kid wanting to isolate herself from the world because you can't stop being an asshole!" Hange quickly spoke as she then moved back from Levi, making sure her distance was far... still managing to joke in instances like this.
"Stop trying to pry them apart! I've seen Eren! He treats her like a Queen and he even gives her these looks that makes it known... he's not going to hurt her... not to mention she might hurt him first.. physically.. I've seen her throw a shoe at him once.." Hange chuckled out at her last sentence but Levi didn't seem like he was in a laughing mood.. nor was he ever...
"Fine" Hange huffed, her cheeks reddened at the fact that she couldn't persuade Levi-that's what she thought-and she immediately left his office, though came back and kicked one of the books over...
The two slender fingers he had was pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to surpass the headache that already arrived.
"Get out.."
"Daddy I ain't do nothin wit him, I just fell asleep I swear..-"
"I don't care!"
"I'm tired.. I'm goin to sleep Ight..? Pick me up tomorrow..." your words softly sliding out as Eren stared at your soft lips. This however made you smile and wrap your arms around him. Pulling him down to your height to kiss him gently. His lips still tasting like sugar...
Today, Eren kept you company and he even offered to take you out tomorrow... so all wasn't lost..
Eventually you'd closed your bedroom door and decided to get ready for bed. Gently laying in your bed after putting a scarf and bonnet on your head. The soft pillow was cold and that only made you a tiny bit more happier...
Knock knock
As you were about to close your eyes, the sound of knocking was on your door. That could be nobody but Hange... right? Considering this is her house but normally she just opens the door... without knocking..
"Come in...?" In a bit of a confused tone, you'd propped yourself up so you could get a better look at the door.
"Why say 'come in' if you're unsure... you're going to get yourself killed.."
"Daddy!" Your voice shrilled with happiness... and all Levi could feel was that same energy.. he may not like your little... boyfriend.. but he loves you.. his beautiful daughter...
(๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ Masterlist 2
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1loer · 2 years
Hello! Just wondering what dr ships are rotting your brain or thinking about for the past few weeks. What are your Mikan ships as well? Btw I love your art you're so awesome :))
omg u have no idea how happy this ask made me lol!!! hahaha!!! thank u for enabling me c:<
DR ships that i have like. quite consistent brain rot for been attacking me the last few weeks. I just find Ougoku so fucking cute and precious i love it so much and Naegiri has reared its head and im in a constant state of komahina+nami feels bc im writing a fic for them rn!!
Soulfriends!!Soulfriends too oh my God soulfriends like Destroys me it hit me so hard when I played SDR2 for the first time. I really loved Kaz (despite everything :')) so i did all his fte's and just. Oh my god they're so special to each other!!!!!!! I also hc Hajime as being Kaz's bi awakening lol (tho im p.sure thats a popular headcannon) bc it just makes too much sense. But also like. I just think they'd make such good and like special friends. IDK its weird i ship them but its more like the most intense BroTP i've ever had but i defo think Kaz goes through having a crush on Hajime for the longest time OHAEROGO I like to think Hajime would be very physically affectionate to him too? Mostly bc he thinks its funny the way Souda gets so riled up by it but I think he'd love giving him like forehead kisses and ruffling his hair in like. A platonic/flirty way???? The song for them that really gets me (bc im very musically inclined and also ask me about my character playlists OTJRIGJOIEA) is that Stev en Unive rse one no matter what . like i litro get so emotional listening to it imagining them!!!!! the "through whoever you've been, through whoever you'll be, through whatever you lose, you will always have me, at the end of your rope, i'll be holding you tight, im gonna be right by your side no matter what" bit. *slams my head into a pillow and screams* just!!!! They could both do w/ each other you know??? Someone who loves them and trusts them and believes in them and someone to just have fun and be themselves w/ and joke w/ and oh my god oh ym god its literally so important !!!!!!!
Funny you should mention Mikan ships tho bc actually! A mikan ship has been fuckin me up recently haha! I've suddenly become like. SO soft for hajime/mikan. I wasn't too into it when i played her route in SDR2 and it ended w/ marriage, but like. looking back on it. theres very few characters Hajime is like. actually soft and gentle w/. Chiaki is one and Mikan is another and just. oh ym god that makes me m e lt . like he cares for her so much? and he's so worried for her? and he just wanted to hold her and protect her!!!! and yes! she deserves it!!!!!!!!she deserves someone who'll love her properly!!!! truly!!! She's been through so much and Hajime being that safe space for her just. dont touch me. dont look at me. I genuine think he'd be SO protective of her. and patient. and she wont know what to do bc she's never had that before and it'd be so scary for her but he'd help her through it all ARGH!!!! Not to reference another SU song but. god. dont listen to Found while imagingn Hajime singing it to her. dont do it. oh ym god. AND ALSO their like. Omg the way they can both relate (depending on how much of Izuru you believe hajime can rememebr) and understand each other's relationship w/ Junko in a way that like. really. the other despairs couldn't. bc only they had such a close relationship w/ her. I mean maybe Nagito could but. LOLLLL DO NOT PUT THEM IN A ROOM TOGETHER TO TALK ABOUT JUNKO OIAHJGIAI that'd be insane. no actually do it i want to see it i want to see Mikan go crazy and flat pack his ass like ikea furniture.
I'm also of the intense opinion that Mikan and Nagito do Not and Will not ever get on. Only because they're just. simultaneously too similar and too different. Like they're SO similar but they go about it in such different ways that i just think they'll never be able to fully understand each other so just cannot get along DESPITE having so much in common. like even before junko but ESPECIALLY after Junko. Also because its fucking hilarious to imagine. like its so funny. I think they should be allowed to hate each other actually. it'll probably be good for them.
I also. ofc. love the classics. I love Bandaid. its probably my main mikan ship tbh even tho i've become so fond of hajime/mikan. I just think. Ibuki would be like so good to balance her out. Bc ofc mikan is SO reserved and self-concious and Ibuki couldnt be either of those things if she tried. opposites attract. Also Ibuki is like. So emotionally intelligent? Idk if people really give her credit for that but like. God I loved her then i did her fte and that last bit where she reveals that like she just wanted Hajime to relax and shit oh my god i was blown out the water. Like OFC!!! OFC she's highly in tune w/ others emotions!! she wouldnt be able to form a band w/o that!! So i think that even though it may be a very intense version of opposites attract and Ibuki is very/...intense. oijaejoi . I think she'd be able to see where Mikan's true limits are and not force her past them, but be able to push her just far enough that she'd realise that like. it's okay to be yourself! its okay to say what you want! In that sense I think Mikan could probably grow as a character way more w/ Ibuki than w/ Hajime bc i think Hajime would treat her just too softly and not have the guts to push her in the ways she probably needs. Also i hc mikan as a hardcore lesbian so. Ya know OIGjoi
Wow ok i didnt think i'd have that much to say but u lit a fire under my ass anon! This is the most i've drawn in months LOL! There is a severe lack of Mikan on this blog considering how much i adore her so heres her w/ a few of my fave ships of hers. I love u so much i kiss ur forehead and tuck you into a rlly comfy bed and give u hot chocolate then read u a bedtime story. Also this is the treat at the end for anyone who actually read through all that bullshit OUHSEIOAJIOIJAIOJ
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thefairyletters · 4 years
NaruSaku Fanfics
I wouldn't say much – I love NaruSaku and I hate to see great works shadowed behind the piles of popular NS stories that I never have liked as much except for a few, which also I'll drop below in the list.
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I'll update this list whenever I come across a story that I particularly enjoy or finds worth spreading word across. So be sure to like and reblog this post so you can revisit it to add new story in your reading pile later.
Also, genres vary and are not mentioned, but does it make any difference as long as the story is good?
Warning: super long post featuring beautiful, beautiful stories that you wouldn't regret reading. I swear. I'm positive. Contains SNS and other side pairings.
Without further ado;
How I fell in love with my best friend: Krapo || ff.net || M || complete
How the little blond boy Sakura had always known had changed, changing as well her feelings. The unfolding of their life, while Naruto worked to become the best Hokage and she faced her own emotions. Growing Love.
(I have nothing but upmost reverence for this story. This author writes one of the nest NS and I have loved all. NS is beautiful and Sakura is badass. Everything we already know is here and more.)
Dangerous infiltration mission: Krapo || ff.net || M || complete
Naruto and Sakura are send by the Hokage for a difficult infiltration mission. They will have to face more than just the danger itself as they will have to keep their cover to be fake husband and wife credible. how it will impact the relationship between the two ninja. Growing Love. Misunderstanding.
(If you loved the aforementioned story, you'll love this one too. Mutual pining.)
All over again: Krapo || ff.net || M || post-war || complete
Sasuke come back, Team seven is reunited. But Sakura has lost Naruto. How will she make him fall in love with her again? What other difficulties lies ahead of them?
(Naruto loses memory. SasuSaku angst but not in romantic sense and I loved it all. Misunderstanding and more mutual pining. And I'm in love with this story too.)
Hit the floor running: Sakurablossom009 || A03 || M (but unnecessary) || Modern Hitman/Robbers AU || complete
Life was going great, Sakura thought. She was penniless, stranded in Europe without a way home, her fiancee had just dumped her for another woman AND her new companion was quite possibly a thief. How could things get any worse? Wait...was that guy pointing a gun at her?
(Now, personally, I don't prefer modern AU, but this story really had interesting characterisation and more character depth. NaruSaku is pretty spot on. It also features SasuHina and bamf!Hinata)
The greatest pretenders: snowyseas || ff.net || M || Borutoverse || ongoing
Fifteen years is a long time to not talk to someone you consider your best friend, and is made even more difficult when they (and you) are married. The things Sakura should have confronted Naruto about never came to fruition, but as an old saying goes, "the truth will always be revealed".
(Your typical I-made-a-wrong-choice-but-now-can-be-done story but unlike many other stories in this they don't admit their love for each chapter at the first chapter itself. In fact, it feels so canon and you can almost superimpose it upon the canon. Sakura is mentally strong and knows what's right. )
He was the sun: SavageTrickster || ff.net || T || Canonverse || ongoing
He had come a long way - from a lonely orphan ostracized by everyone to a loved hero. He deserved all these. His Hokage dream to come true. All the ramen he could eat. - Her eyes fell on a certain Hyuuga seated close enough for accidental touches. Her heart sank a little at a harsh whisper of reminder - And a deserving girl...who could give him all her love.
(So far so good. It's ongoing, and is at chapter 3. Sakura leaves Konoha much like how Naruto did, to explore the world aka seeing my headcanon in writing.)
Wilderness: Kanji no Sakka || M || canondivergent || ongoing
As the war screeches to a temporary halt, Naruto leaves the battlefield on a unique mission only he can complete. Sakura is ordered to go with him. In the days that follow their bond is changed forever.
(Although I hate any explicit stories that involve characters below age 17, I give this a pass because of the uniqueness of plot and characterisation. It has fine lemons that comes with a good plot.)
How It Should Have Been: OfPaintAndOil || ff.net || T || canon divergent || oneshot
It wasn't supposed to be this way. Sasuke was supposed to be the dark one, the unredeemable one. Naruto was the bright one, the good one. It wasn't supposed to be like this, with blood on his hands and glowing red eyes and a grin. Naruto was supposed to make everything better, and maybe he did, in the end, but Sakura had never expected the end to look quite like this.
(Featuring Yandere!Naruto. It leaves you wanting for more and is a fascinating read. It's dark themed so proceed with caution as your favorite character might or might not be dead.)
The Best Dates are the Cheap Ones: Shivakashi || ff.net || T || post!Timeskip || Oneshot
The whole point was to get the best date; that meant the richest and classiest guy, right? Sakura realizes what she has taken for granted and Ino learns a lesson in value.
(Sakura learns her lesson and snatches her boy. InoNaru is worth noting. Not the best characterisation of Sakura but bear with her jealousy for that is the reason why NS fluff exists. Story itself is very light and entertaining.)
mangoes and strawberries: ohthelinsanity || ff.net || T || postwar || oneshot
Sakura Haruno was elbow deep in Naruto Uzumaki's guts when he asked her to marry him. It was so not the right time. But she still said yes.
(This story just screams NS upon every single line. Diabetes warning. Too cute for this world. One of the best NS fluff I've read thus far. It kinda sticks to you forever!)
18 minutes, 23 seconds: ohthelinsanity || ff.net || T || postwar || oneshot
in which Naruto asks Sakura about that time she literally reached into his chest and grabbed his heart with her bare hand.
(Heartwarming. We all know how Sakura held Naruto's heart on her palms and how we love that moment. This is memory of that moment reminisced by our cutie pies.)
One Big Uzumaki Family: John Smith || ff.net || T || postwar || Complete
A set of drabbles revolving around Naruto, Sakura, and their children. It turns out that, when the war ends, these two get busy. Real busy.
(IF YOU DON'T READ THIS MASTERPIECE HOW DARE YOU CALL YOURSELF NS FAN?!!! READ!!! This story should be on the top of your reading list.
R e a d t h i s s t o r y and cry with me for this should have been canon. 100%)
My Life Would Suck Without You: peanutbutter126 || ff.net || T || oneshot collection
Sometimes it's the smallest things that matter the most.
(Read this and then One big Uzumaki family. You'll feel super satisfied. I promise.)
Colors and Carousels: Folle Sakura || ff.net || T || oneshot
She couldn't count the number of times she'd been mistaken for Naruto's girlfriend. Not that she minded. But Naruto acted like it was so… so… offensive.
(No words for this one. Just read and enjoy the confusion.)
Let's Get Married: luvtoshi || ff.net || M || postwar || complete
It was supposed to be a simple solution to their immediate problems. But maybe they took more than they can chew?
(This is one of my few favorites that is also popular. Spot on characterization and beautiful relationship growth. This is one of the few stories that always stuck to me.)
Chasing Smoke with Bare Hands: soulaire || ff.net || T || oneshot
"I could have loved her," Sasuke says flatly. "If she'd just given me the chance—" "Sakura gave you all the chances in the world," Kakashi cuts in, stern. "You underestimated her. And you underestimated her ability to walk away from you. At the core of it all, that's where things went wrong."
(This story is for those who loves both SS and NS but thinks Sakura deserves happier life than what she got in canon. Features NS and slight SS.)
Touch: ohthelinsanity || ff.net || T || oneshot
Kakashi watches as his student grow to be more physically comfortable with one another. He finds it kinda ridiculous.
(Fluff. Feelings. Kakashi's fed up and might have diabetes from all the observation.)
Moonlight shadows: luvtoshi || ff.net || T || oneshot
Sometimes, the moon brings out hidden feelings to the surface.
(Beautiful literature. NS feels. You can almost mistake it for canon with the way characters are written.)
Seriously Serious: Damsel in Shining Armor || ff.net || T || modern AU || oneshot
He confessed to her when they first met. He confessed to her years after. He confessed to her almost everyday. Her response was almost always positive... So why the heck was he still single? "I love you." "Love you too. So is Sasuke-kun taken or not?"
(The only reason why I even picked this story is that it is a oneshot. I have very little interest in modern AU. But this one makes another exception. Pining. Love at first sight.)
It was always you: luvtoshi || ff.net || M || postwar || complete
The war is long over. They have both grown. Now it's time to conclude their story. Naruto and Sakura.
(You know what, all stories from this author are just, Chef's kiss. )
A Safe Pair of Hands: Kanji no Sakka || ff.net || T || oneshot
Sakura heeds a stern warning to make it clear how she feels about Naruto.
(Feels. You'll love this if you like first person pov. This story told from Sakura's pov.)
Other Dreams: tricksie || ff.net || M || oneshot
"Naruto, you shouldn't endanger yourself—" "Stop it," he snapped. Dropping his arm to hook under her seat, Naruto pulled her firmly onto his hip, locking her to him. Sakura gasped, suddenly aware of just how very close they were.
(Sexual tension. Romance. Leaves you wanting. Also, high on feels and lust on equal measure.)
Heaven Unexpected: Folle || ff.net || M || oneshot
Because nothing can happen; it's Naruto. He always comes back. He's practically indestructible.
(Heavy on feels. There are chances that it might rain. Actually there are high chances. But oh well, it's beautiful and one of my favourites so here it goes.)
Shade of the Leaf: Ravyn || ff.net || T || canon divergent || complete
Sasuke is back. Naruto has joined ANBU. Sakura is spending more time in the hospital than in the field. Team 7 struggles to redefine itself, because sometimes you don't know what you really want after all.
(Featuring Mature but still in-character!Naruto, Badass!Sakura, (Bit)Supportive!Sasuke along with Team 7 friendship. Mutual pining. Ending but with a lot loose ends.)
Breaking Up Isn't that Hard to Do: Narf-for-the-Garthoc || ff.net || T || oneshot
This is not an epic tale of action, suspense and true love. Yeah, I'm disappointed, too.
(This is pure comedy. With a dash of romance. And insanity.)
Steamy Encounters: Narf-for-the-Garthoc || ff.net || T || oneshot
A flurry of coincidences and fateful machinations bring Naruto and Sakura together at the local baths. Can they rein in their animal passions? And do you really think that's the kind of story I write?
(Just r e a d. Please.)
Garden of Sanctuary: Nes Mikel || ff.net || T || Canon divergent || oneshot
An alternate ending to Naruto. The Heavens describe the Garden a peaceful paradise. The Hells describe the Garden a baneful prison. In here... which is it?
(This is part of a series which you can follow from the author's profile. This is the second part, but can be read exclusively. As far as the AU goes, this story and settings is brilliant and heartbreaking. This is told from Naruto's pov. To look at things from Sakura's, read the first part. It is multi-chaptered.)
Complications: Geno Calamari || ff.net || T || canon divergent || oneshot
While capturing the Kyuubi, Uchiha Itachi finds true adversaries in the form of Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Naruto.
(Wanna see NaruSaku teamwork? This is it! You wouldn't find it anywhere better. Strong!Naruto, Strong!Sakura versus Itachi Uchiha)
Life is a waving feather: jusrecht || AO3 || T || AU || oneshot
Everyone thought they were inevitable.
(There's beauty in subtlety and this is that. Also, mentions of character death.)
Home: kirabook || AO3 || T || AU || complete
Shinachiku finds himself in a strange place with little to no explanation. Everyone he knows is there, but why are they acting so strangely? Why do they seem so different? And where is his home? 
(Cute and heartwrenching at the same time. Cameo Stalker. Read this for NS family feels pre-marriage.)
Things we never say: thekatthatbarks || AO3 || T || oneshot
She wished she knew how to hold things lightly. There were some things she was terrified of breaking. Whether it be from an honest misstep or simply because she could.
(Reminds you why we love NS so much.)
Open seasons: sazzafraz || AO3 || T || SNS || postwar || oneshot
The way Sasuke comes home is less myth and more devastatingly embarrassing happenstance.
(Featuring badass!Sakura, obedient!Naruto and normal!Sasuke, as well as Sakura's commentary on her life)
Five things Sakura will never tell Naruto: sowell || AO3 || T || AU || oneshot
Kunoichi know how to keep their secrets.
(NS relationship analysis story.)
Artistic purposes: StormyInk || AO3 || M || AU || Oneshot
Sai finds his favorite drawing subjects a bit lacking of late, and he sets a plan into motion to draw his team mates together. Simply for the sake of his art, of course.
(Aka Sai is fed up from seeing his teammates dancing around each other and decides to help them get laid–the story. You gotta admit Sai is the best wingman.)
I collect my tears (so I can drown you in them): amako || AO3 || T || AU || complete
The hardest thing is letting go. Or Sakura sees Naruto falling in love with Shikamaru a little more every day, and she does the only thing she can think of. Then it's only a matter of learning how to stop loving Naruto.
(Sakura and Angst that has nothing to do with Sasuke. Featuring Sakura-sensei. And Shikamaru. It's a great story if you know when to let go of canon)
Stranger than the wild: kiddattwell || AO3 || M || SNS || postwar || Ongoing
The war is over and Sasuke is home for good, but Sakura can't choose between the boys she loves. Sasuke still has his demons and Naruto still fights them and Sakura still follows them both, but this time down a path that none of them expected.
(This is canon. It is the best SNS story I've ever read. Story told in SNS POV in rotation. Slow burn, pining and relationship complication. YOU GOTTA READ THIS, I INSIST!!!! Also features SaiIno and InoShika.)
Bringing Back Sasuke: Blue Jeans || ff.net || T || post war || oneshot
Naruto brings Sasuke back to Sakura. Many, many times over. Sasuke does not appreciate; not the blood and definitely not the angst.
(I've read this story multiple times and it gets funnier and makes your heart hurt and swell simultaneously each time. NaruSaku wouldn't be blissfully happy together without Sasuke thrown somewhere in the mix, that's exactly why I love SNS. This story perfectly represents the dynamic of team 7.)
Yurei: Kanji no Sakka || ff.net || T || AU || oneshot
The past should stay dead and buried, but it won't if Naruto can't let go.
(Not exactly my favourite story, but I liked the concept. We all know how stubborn Naruto is once decides on something. If he wants to become Hokage, he will become Hokage. If he believes in Sasuke, he will believe in him forever. If he loves Sakura, he will marry her – uh, or should have, very OCC of him that he didn't.)
Tag NS fan you know so they don't miss any of this!
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honeybunnybeez · 4 years
Hugging you close but it still feels too far
♡Genre:Fluff with angst at the end
♡C!Schlatt x GN!reader
♡Summary: Schlatt feels a headache coming on but thankfully you've come at just the right time to help it go away. Unfortunately, a different kind of ache rears its ugly head.
♡WARNING: Self-loathing thoughts on Schlatt's part.
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"Are you fucking serious right now?" Everyone in the meeting room flinches as Schlatt spits out those words. His glare forces everyone in the room to look down at their laps, not daring to make a single peep as the president starts to slowly lose his temper.
This whole meeting has been quite a mess, with employees coming late and important documents being misplaced and forgotten. Honestly, Schlatt's usually drunk off his rockers 24/7 and yet he's surprisingly the most prepared for this meeting compared to the rest of his staff.
"Y'know what, fuck it, we'll continue this another day, this isn't important right?" It kinda was important but everyone in the meeting room nods along anyway and says that moving it to tomorrow won't exactly make much of a difference. "Good, good, now get the fuck out, all of you, right now."
They don't waste a single second in scrambling to get out of the meeting room and out of Schlatt's sight, fearing the consequences if they were to stay.
Schlatt sighs and leans back into his chair, massaging his temple. He feels a headache coming on, he needs a drink.
"Why is it that everytime I come to visit you at work your employee's always look like they're on the verge of passing out from fright?" Oh, nevermind, maybe he won't need that drink after all, it seems that someone better just popped in.
"Well hello to you too, sugar," Schaltt pushes his chair away from the desk, looking up at you with a giant grin. "Lock the door behind you, will you?"
(Read more placed, heavy self-loathing thoughts under the cut.)
You roll your eyes but do as your told, the door clicks shut and Schlatt lets out a sigh, opening his arms out wide.
"...Really? Here?" You can't help but be a little suprised by his action, knowing how he likes to keep the 'mushy shit' on the down low.
"I have a reputation to uphold, sugar," you remember him saying to you countless of times whenever you tried to get physically closer to him in public, "and I can't let that be ruined by all of this soft and sweet bullshit, understand?"
"Are you sure?" You feel like you're being fooled right now, this feels very out of character for him, and truthfully it is, even he feels weird doing this, but a part of him is aching for you and all he can think of is having you by his side.
"...Please..." ugh, you hate and love it when he used his manners, it always made you give into what he wanted way quicker than you should. Deciding that second guessing won't do anything you give him what he wants, sitting on his lap and letting him gently headbutt your cheek and under your chin.
"Do the thing I like," he demands, resting his head on your chest. When you don't move quick enough for his liking, he takes matters into his own hands quite literally by grabbing your hand and placing it on top of his head. He lets out a satisfied groan when he feels you running your fingers through his hair, helping him soothe his headache with your gentle touches.
"I'm pretty sure if your employee's could see you now, they'd probably stop being so scared shitless of you knowing that you like to be pet," you can't help but tease him as you watch his face shift into one of absolute bliss as you kiss his temple and hold him closer to you.
"I will bite your jugular clean off if you tell a single soul about this, you hear me?" As if to prove a point, he presses a hard kiss to where your jugular should be, tickling you a little with his facial hair.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say Mister President."
After a while of your gentle carasses, he lets out a big yawn, his grip on your waist loosening and his eyes growing heavy as you continue to massage the top of his head carefully. He starts to ask himself when was the last time he properly cuddled with you back home in the safety of your shared bed, it's probably been ages.
'Maybe I should change that,' a distant part of him thinks.
'You keep saying that idiot, but literally nothing ever changes, if anything you keep getting WORSE.'
...Oh, fuck no. It's starting again, those stupid thoughts of his that whisper in the back of his head everytime he finally has a moment of silence with you. He just wants one day without them, one day of just letting you love him like you're supposed to, is that so much to fucking ask for?
'You keep asking for way to much, ever notice that?'
'They love you enough but do you ever show them that you love them back?'
'Fucking useless, it's only a matter of time before they start seeing you that way too.'
God, he wants them to shut up, please just shut the fuck up. Please-
"Hey," he jolts slightly when your voice shakes him out of his aggressive growing thoughts, "getting tired there, princess?"
He wants to argue with you that he isn't sleepy at all and to never call him princess again but as another yawn escapes him, he decides that maybe a nap isn't the worse thing in the world right now and that pet name argument could always be brought up another time. He doesn't verbally respond to you, choosing instead to nuzzle closer into your chest and shutting his eyes.
"Don't even think of leaving me alone here before I wake up, (y/n)," it's more of an order than a threatening warning with how sleepily he slurs his words. If you weren't practically on him at the moment, you swear that you wouldn't have been able to make out his mumbling demand.
"Of course I won't, you big baby." You struggle to stiffle a small laugh when you hear him groan and lazily hit your arm at the affectionate insult. "I'll always be here by your side for as long as you want me to."
He can never stop his heart from aching whenever he hears you say such sincere words like it's practically second nature to you. Why is every part of you so genuine and why does it hurt him much more than it should whenever you do anything remotely loving to him like he deserves it. Maybe that's why he doesn't always come home to you like he's supposed to.
'You don't fucking deserve any of this,' a sudden thought of his screams, causing his heart to jump. His fingers grip onto your shirt for a moment by instinct when he feels that thought linger longer than it should have.
"Hey, you okay-?"
"Fine!" He cuts you off quickly before you can properly finish your sentence. "I'm- I'm fine, it's just the usual shakes. Im going to sleep so kindly shut the fuck up, alright?"
He doesn't give you room to respond as he nuzzles even harder against your chest and goes back to closing his eyes. He tries to steady his thoughts again and after awhile he thinks he's finally succeeds in doing so. He can feel himself slowly starting to drift off but before he can do so, the light brush of lips can be felt on his temple. He knows what this usually leads to and he silently pleads for those words to not spill from your lips but of course they do, they always do.
"I love you."
Schlatt knows that any hope for a dreamless slumber is lost as his heart and head fills up with guilt like it always did when you held him back home, whispering sweet nothings to him thinking you were lulling him to sleep when instead you were only fueling the thoughts in his head to shout at him louder and louder.
He constantly scolds and reminds himself that all of this isn't worth it, that he should just end things with you now to stop the constant cycle of personal torment, but Schlatt's never been known for being a rational person who cares about the well being of others, and it seems that it translates to himself as well. Really, as angry as he wants to be with you for all the heartache you cause him, he knows that there's truly no one else to blame for his pain but himself.
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A/N: Will I ever be able to write c!Schlatt content without making it sad? Apparently not- ^^' I just really love angst when it comes to him. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed reading this!
(Requests are open and anon is on!)
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kpop---scenarios · 3 years
Same Time (4)
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
Pairing: Changbin x Reader/Minho x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Unprotected Fucking, Oral (m. & f.), fingering ect. Angst
Word Count: 3.9k
Taglist: @binnieboyswhore @f4ncyvelvet @skittlez-area512 @biaswreckingfics @buttvi @imhyvnjin @wheeintaer @rindomo @lizsvcks @zhaqifa @markswifeu @qtieskz @joonies-destiny @etherealbyeol @straytannies @twnklbb @multi--kpop--fanfics @lilithxray
Unable to Tag: @hwly0ung
Both men physically tense up as they eye eachother up. Minho's heart pounds into his ears as Changbin puffs out his chest, trying to seem intimidating to Minho, but it doesn't bother him. Minho sets his shoulders before clearing his throat. "She deserves better than you. She deserves better than being treated like she's nothing." 
Changbin laughs. "And better is you?" He sneers. 
"Absolutely. I won't keep her hidden, act like I'm embarrassed to be seen with her." Minho scoffs. 
"I'm not embarrassed of her.." Changbin says. "She's not going to say yes to you. She's in love with me, it'll always be me." Changbin smiles. "Sure, she went on a date with you, but she'll keep fucking me." He laughs, patting Minho on the shoulder. Minho steps back from Changbin, nodding his head. 
"Yeah." Minho smiles. "We'll see about that." He finishes, walking away from the delusional man. Minho knew he had gotten into your head about how badly Changbin was treating you. You were a smart girl, he knew you'd realize your worth and soon you'd be his. 
You're dancing through your apartment, listening to music while cleaning. You had spoken to Changbin in a few days and honestly your heart hurt, but you knew you needed to distance yourself from him if you were going to be happy with someone else. 
You stop in your tracks, the smile fading from your face as you think about being with someone other than Changbin. As much of a dick as he was, and how dumb he was, you still wanted him. You still hoped that somehow he might love you back. 
You knew the likeliness of that was slim to none. He has Hwasa, so he didn't need you anymore. You sigh as you pull out your headphones, not quite feeling like dancing anymore. You were just about to curl into a ball on the couch when your phone began to buzz. Your smile grows, seeing Minho's name flashing across the screen. Quickly you answer it. "Hello?" 
"Hey you." He says, you can hear tension in his voice through the speaker. 
"You okay?" You ask. 
"All good." He laughs. "What are you up to tonight?" He asks. "I want to do something." 
"I'm not doing anything." You excitedly say. "What did you have in mind?" 
"Something special." He tells you. "I'll pick you up at 8pm." 
"See you then." You finish, hanging up the phone. You set it down on the table, realizing that your heart suddenly doesn't feel so empty. 
Your doorbell rings at 8pm exactly, and you are ready. You had no idea what he had planned, so you decided to go casual with leggings, a cute top and a cardigan, you left your hair down and applied natural looking makeup. 
You open the door and Minho's face immediately lights up when he sees you. "You take my breath away everytime." He sighs, grabbing your hand and kissing it before pulling you from your apartment and leading you down to his car. 
"So what's the plan?" You ask, buckling your seatbelt. 
"Well, since no one is at the dorm tonight, I set up something." He says, scanning your face for your reaction. 
You smile widely, nodding your head in excitement as Minho begins to drive you back to his dorm. 
Thirty minutes later you're sitting on the couch in the living room, surrounded by candles, an array of your favorite snacks laid out on the coffee table, with a pile of your favorite movies stacked on the floor. 
"Which one first?" He asks, pointing to the pile. 
"Gotta start off with zombies." You laugh. "Train to Busan."
Minho grins, pulling it from the pile and putting it in the DVD player. He had a feeling on why you picked this movie, and as it played on and people began getting sick and the action started, his assumptions were correct. You continued to inch closer to him with every scary part of the movie until he had his arm wrapped around you and you were snuggled into his side. 
He honestly felt like his heart couldn't take it. He hadn't felt as happy as he did in that exact moment for who knows how long. 
After the movie had ended, Minho stuck in the second movie, but you weren't paying too much attention to it. You looked over at Minho who had already been looking at you. You smile, darting your eyes away and then look back at him, who was still looking at you. 
"What?" You giggle. 
"You're just so beautiful." He sighs, grabbing your chin. Minho closes his eyes, leaning in for a kiss, parting his lips. Before the two of you could kiss the, the door opened and a few of the members walked in, coming back home early, despite saying they wouldn't be back until morning. 
It eventually got so crowded that the two of you decided that you would go to your house where you would have much more privacy. 
The drive was quiet, your stomach was nervous. You wanted him to kiss you, you wanted him to touch you, and you hoped he would make a move tonight. 
"So..." You begin, placing your keys on your kitchen table. 
"I'm going to do something." He starts. "And if you're uncomfortable, let me know, but I need to do this." He finishes. You both stand there for a few seconds, staring at each other before Minho walks towards you. He reaches his hands out, placing them on either side of your face before leaning down, pressing his lips to yours. You wrap your arms around his waist, falling into the kiss. Slowly the kiss becomes more heated, Minho slips his tongue into your mouth, tangling it with yours. 
You had been kissed before, more times than you could count, but this.. you had never been kissed like this before. The passion Minho had for you came out in the way he kissed you, the way he held you and caressed you. 
He suddenly pulls away, panting as he tries to catch his breath. You look at him confused, as if you had done something wrong. "I'm sorry." He whispers. 
"If I didn't stop I was going to take it further." He explains. 
"I want you too." You whisper, looking at him with a seductive smile.
"You're.. ready?" He asks.
You excitedly nod your head as he smiles widely. Without warning he runs towards you, scooping you up and over his shoulder before running off to find your bedroom. 
Minho lays you on your bed, while he stands over you just admiring you. "I want you to do whatever you want to me." You say. 
He lightly chuckles. "Oh baby. You don't know what you're in for." 
Minho runs his hands up your legs, tucking his fingers into the waist of your leggings. He hooks his fingers in, pulling them down, along with your panties. You lift your ass, helping him take them off. He slowly pulls them down, over your thighs, down to your calves, pooling them at your ankles before fully pulling them off. With a smirk on his face, stands up, discarding his shirt and undoing the button to his jeans, pulling them down and leaving them on your floor as he crawls onto your bed. He positions one leg between your legs as he crawls up to you. He runs his hands over your stomach, pushing up your shirt, groaning as it's pushed over your breasts, making them jiggle. He helps you take it off, throwing it behind him as you sit up slightly, letting him unhook your bra, tossing it to the side. 
He cups your breasts, leaning his head down, taking your nipple in his mouth, sucking gently until the bud hardens in his mouth, running his tongue over it. He releases your nipple, moving over to your other one to do the same thing. You let out small breathy pants as he licks and sucks your nipples, teasing you, making your pussy throb in anticipation. He brings his head closer to you, pressing his lips against yours, deepening the kiss quickly while slipping his tongue into your mouth, making you moan into the kiss. Without breaking the kiss, he moves his hand down your body placing it between your bodies and between your lips, rubbing your throbbing nub. 
"Oh." You groan, as your back arches, pushing yourself more into him. You can feel his hard cock pushing against your pelvic bone as he begins to slowly hump you, rubbing his clothed cock against you. 
"Just fuck me, please." You beg, bucking your hips. "I want to feel you inside me." You whisper. 
"Soon enough." He smirks, moving down your body, until his face is buried between your legs. He spreads your lips, diving in face first, attaching his lips to your clit, sucking while inserting two fingers inside you. 
"Oh my god." You groan, as Minho pumps his fingers in and out of you, while licking your clit, teasing you with the tip of his tongue. Your orgasm builds quickly, it's been a few days since you had gotten off, your pussy was begging you to let her cum. You grind yourself against his face and he picks up the pace with his fingers, switching between licking and sucking your clit. You grip the bed sheets as pleasure radiates through your body, the feeling of pure bliss surrounding you. You grab onto a clump of his hair as your orgasm hits, you aggressively grind on his tongue, riding through your high. 
"Fuck, Minho." You scream out, jolting upright as you cum all over his face. 
You collapse back on the bed, panting as Minho looks up at you, his face glistening with your cum. He crawls up the bed standing up to take off his boxers, throwing them behind him. He kneels beside your face, turning your head to face his large, thick cock staring directly at you in the face. 
"Open." He demands. You get on all fours, opening your mouth for him to shove his cock down your throat. You close your mouth around him, sucking as hard as you could, as he kneels there with his hands tucked behind his head. 
"Good girl." He groans, watching you slurp on his cock, drool spilling from your mouth. Minho grabs a fistful of hair before he thrusts his cock down your throat making you choke, tears running down your cheeks as he continues to do it. 
"That's it. Take that cock." He grunts, thrusting himself into your mouth over and over again. He pulls himself out of your mouth, laying down on the bed. "Ride my face and suck my cock." He grins. You straddle yourself on his face, his tongue already out to lick your pussy again. You bend down, sticking his cock back in your mouth as he sucks and slurps on your clit again. His tongue movements make you forget what you're supposed to be doing as you begin to hump his face. 
You swallow his cock again, deepthroating it as far as you can, until he thrusts up, sending it far down your throat again, making him groan onto your pussy. He quickened his pace, making you cum quickly, spilling your juices all over his face. He doesn't bother to clean himself up, instead pushes you off him after you cum, holding your legs up in the air as he lines himself up with your entrance. He grips tightly to your legs, pushing his cock inside you, stretching you out. He immediately begins to pound your pussy, desperately yearning for his own release. 
"Fuck." You scream. 
"Scream my name." He moans. 
"Minho.. oh fuck Minho." You scream, loudly. 
He pulls you in closer to him, his thrusts shorter and harder as he grunts loudly, sweat dripping from his forehead. He quickly pulls out of you, pulling you up to your knees, placing you flush against his. He bends down to insert his cock inside you again, pulling your back close to his chest. He thrusts violently as his hand wraps around your throat, squeezing tightly as he moans into your ear. 
"You're gonna make me cum." He grunts, squeezing tighter as he shoots his cum into your pussy, filling you up. He pulls out of you, his cock red and throbbing, your pussy dripping in cum. 
You both collapse on the bed, your bodies dripping in sweat as you both try to calm your breathing. 
"That." Breath. "Was." Breath. 
"Amazing." He finishes. You laugh, turning your head to look at him. 
"I think I'm going to get a noise complaint.. They're going to know your name now." You giggle. 
"You introduced me very well." Minho laughs, struggling to get out of your bed. "Do you mind if I shower?" He asks. "I need to go home, and as much as I love it, I don't want to show up smelling like pussy." 
Your face turns bright red as you hide your face under the covers. You wave your hand out, shooing him to go. All you can hear as he walks away is his laughs at your embarrassment. A few minutes later you join him, having some fun in your shower. 
Minho doesn't lose his smile the entire drive home the next morning. He replays the sound of you moaning, the sound of you screaming his name as you came all over his cock and his face. Fuck, he was getting hard again just thinking about it. As he walks in the door of the dorm, he sees Changbin sitting on the couch, looking up at him. 
"Where were you?" Changbin asks. "You were gone all night." 
Minho rolls his eyes, going to walk past but Changbin stands up, blocking Minho's path, Minho takes a deep breath in to try and calm himself before looking Changbin in the eyes. Changbin stood close enough to Minho that he immediately recognized the scent radiating off his body. 
It was yours. It was your soap. 
The ocean smelling body wash he always loved to use when he showered at your place. He steps back, his face angry. "You were with Ayn?" 
"What do you think?" Minho asks, rolling his eyes. 
Changbin grips the collar of Minho's shirt, pulling him closer, exposing a few small hickies scattered near his collarbone. 
Changbin furrows his brows, asking Minho a question through gritted teeth."Did you fuck her?" 
Minho smiles, leaning in closer to Changbin. He whispers in his ear. "Take a guess." Minho laughs. "Of course I did. Do you wanna hear details? How many times she came from my tongue or my dick? Her voice might be a little hoarse when you call her." He smirks. "My name is a little rougher in the throat." He finishes with a wink as fury takes over Changbin. He pushes Minho back, raising his fist, and punching an unsuspecting Minho directly in the face. Minho stumbles back, his hand covering his mouth, shocked. Minho uses his finger to touch his lip, feeling the blood dripping down his face from his split lip. 
He laughs manically, as he stands up, looking at the furious Changbin who stands there huffing, his body physically shaking. He charges for Minho again, but this time Minho catches Changbin off guard, hitting him in the side of the face with his fist, causing him to lose his footing, almost falling back. 
Changbin stands up, looking at Minho with such disgust and hatred in the moment. 
"Maybe I deserved the first one." Minho yells. "But I don't deserve another one for treating her better than you ever have." He spits. A smile spreads across Minho's face as he looks Changbin in the eyes. "I treat her better, which means I probably fuck her better too?" 
Changbin charges for Minho again, tackling him to the ground, swinging at his face, trying to get as many punches in as he can. Minho blocks his face before the rest of the members rush into the living room, pulling Changbin off of Minho. Bang Chan holds onto Changbin as Han helps Minho up. Minho let's out a loud laugh. "Look at this. Look at how mad he got because he fucked up a good thing." 
"What the hell is going on between the two of you?" Bang Chan yells, looking between the two sweaty, disheveled men. 
"He fucked Ayn!" Changbin yells, pointing at Minho. "He knows I'm in love with her!" 
"He's pissed that he fucked up with her." Minho yells. "I'm just shooting my shot with a woman who I'm interested in. It's not my fault you don't have any balls to confess to her." 
"All this, over a fucking girl?" Bang Chan yells. "Give me your phones and get the fuck out of my sight." He yells. 
Changbin and Minho hand over their phones before walking away to their rooms, not saying a word to each other. 
Bangchan takes a deep breath, hiding both the boys phones before pulling out his own phone, dialing your number. He sits down on the couch, dreading the fact that he has to make this call to you but he doesn't have a choice. He can't continue to have his members fist fighting over a woman. 
You're sitting on the couch, eating snacks and watching a show when your phone rings. You look at the ID and instantly are nervous. Bangchan never calls you, and when he does it is usually with an issue. 
"Hello?" You answer, trying to not sound nervous. 
"Ayn." Bangchan sighs. "What the fuck are you doing?" He asks. 
"I'm sorry?" You say, feeling a little taken aback. You adjust your sitting position, as if that's going to help you hear better. 
"With Changbin and Minho. What the fuck are you doing?" He asks, his voice steadily rising. "I cannot have my members fucking fist fighting and attacking each other over some pussy." 
"What are you talking about?" You ask, genuinely confused. 
"Figure your shit out Ayn before you don't see either of them again." He spits, hanging up the call. 
You had absolutely no idea what was happening. Why were they fist fighting over you? What the hell was wrong with Changbin and Minho. You felt so overwhelmed with everything. You had no idea what to do with either situation. You felt like you wanted to disappear, start fresh. With tears brimming in your eyes, you tried to set your phone down, until it rang again. 
"Hello?" You whisper. 
"Ayn!" Your friend Jessi yells through the speaker. "Bitch! Beach vacation, two weeks. Come on, you gotta join us." 
A beach vacation? Away from everyone and everything for two weeks? 
"I'm in." You say, clearing your throat. "I'm coming right away. I'm going to pack quickly. Text me the address." You say, hanging up the phone. You jump off the couch, rushing around your room to pack everything you need. Bathing suits, shorts, tank tops, sun hats and you would most definitely make a stop for alcohol on your way out. 
As you finished packing, slid on your sandals and grabbed your car keys, your phone rang. Looking at the screen, you were confused about why Felix was calling you. He never called you? 
"Felix?" You answer. 
"Hey you. It's me." You hear through the speaker. "My phone was taken." Minho says. 
You don't say anything. 
"Can you come over?" He asks. "It's important. I really need to talk to you." He pleads. 
You let out a long breath. "Sure. I'll be there in twenty." You say, hanging up the phone. 
Twenty minutes later you were standing inside the dorm with your arms crossed, with Minho standing in front of you, looking extremely nervous. You note the bust lip as you're staring at him. 
"I have to ask you something." He begins. 
"Minho, I shouldn't be here.. " you whisper. 
"Just give me a minute." He pleads. "I want to know if you would be my girlfriend?" He smiles. 
Your eyes widened at his question, it hadn't been something you were expecting him to say. 
"I don't.. I don't know. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that.." you whisper. 
Minho looks offended at your answer. "After everything?" He scoffs. "You're still torn? It's an obvious choice."
"I need to figure out what I want. And I don't know who or what that is." 
"I want to be with you." He laughs. "I don't just want you as just some hole to fuck." 
"Wow." You scoff. 
"I'm leaving. Don't call me." You growl, turning away from him to storm out of the dorm. 
How fucking dare he? 
You're fighting off tears as you slam the front door, walking down the hall with your head down. You don't see the man walking towards you and he doesn't see you either. You both collide, with you hitting his chest, stumbling back. You look up to apologize, until you see it's Changbin. 
"Ayn.." he whispers. 
You don't say anything, only try to move past him but he stops you. "You don't have to say anything, just listen to me." He pleads. 
What the hell was with them today?  
You cross your arms and tap your foot as you wait for him to speak. He lowers his head, scratching the back of his neck before he begins to speak. "I'm in love with you." 
Your heart begins to race. 
"I acted the way I did because I was terrified of my feelings for you. I was scared that I would ruin things, that you wouldn't feel the same as me. I wasn't sure if I could take that kind of heartbreak.. so instead of hurt you and you will never know how much I regret the things I said and did to you. But I needed you to know, I love you." He breathes. 
"Why now? Why are you telling me this now? You've had months to tell me but instead you treated me like garbage. I just can't do this today. I'm sorry, I need to go." You whisper, holding back your tears as you brush by him, running out to your car. 
You cry the entire way to the beach house. As soon as you get inside, you collapse into your friends arms, spilling out everything to her. 
"Girl, you need a drink and some fresh dick." Jessi laughs. "Get changed and let's go to the beach and get drunk and forget those losers." He exclaims. 
"Yes, and yes." You laugh, taking your luggage upstairs to get changed. 
Once you were ready, you headed back downstairs, feeling slightly better but the words of both men swam through your head. Minho's asshole comments, Changbin's confession, you were so confused. 
"Go to the bar, I'll be right there." Jessi tells you, pointing to the hut on the beach. You make your way over there, grabbing a seat. You order yourself a drink and a few shots, ready to forget for the night. 
"This seat taken?" You hear from behind you. 
"No, it's free." You sigh, not looking at who you were talking to. You quickly down your drink and your shots, your cheek rest in your palm as you wait for the bartender to come back. 
"Hey." The man next to you says. You perk up, looking over there and your jaw almost drops at his smile. "Can I buy you a drink?" He wonders. 
You nod your head with a smile on your face as Jessi comes and sits beside you. 
She leans over to whisper in your ear. "What better way to get over a man, then to get under a new one." 
"Sure." You smile. "I'm Ayn." You say. 
"Nice to meet you, beautiful. My name is Wooyoung." 
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