#when people are like ‘’i always knew there was something wrong w you…… your blog….. gave me vibes…….’’
butchyena · 1 year
ik that last post was a joke but its mindboggling to me how many ppl have told me they “fell in love” with me when we’d never had many if any conversations. and when id ask why because thats a batshit thing to tell anyone online theyd be like “idk just. your tumblr” like holy shit. esp when i was a minor for the majority of the times that happened. obviously now i know those people had Other Intentions but its happened since becoming an adult and its just. insane every time.
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coffeejellou · 4 months
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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Romance can also be disastrous - Chapter two
Pairing: Kusuo Saiki x fem! Reader
•Previous part•
If you are homophobic dni with my series or blog!!!
What to expect: Crack/Comedy, Fluff, angst?, SLIGHT NSFW, Yumehara having a crush on Y/n, Y/n getting jealous
Things to know: "Saiki speaking telepathically to people/one person"
"Saiki speaking w/ his mouth"
Everyone thinking
(Sometimes) Narrator speaking
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In high school love is always in the air, which is something Saiki considers entirely pointless. You knew this, hence was one of the reasons why you had no intention of confessing your feelings to him.
You knew he wasn't into romance at all, so why bother him and cross his boundaries? It just wasn't worth risking your friendship over. Though there was a huge part of you that was shoved deep into your head.
That part was you that just wanted to tell him already, a part that had been bottled up for 5 years already.
You sighed heavily as you entered the classroom with a box of juice in your hand. You took a deep breath, in and out, clearing your head of any thoughts of Saiki, in case he would hear.
As you walked towards your desk, you saw one of your classmates, staring intently at Saiki. Chio Yumehara. She was blushing and had a lovesick smile on her face.
You have got to be kidding me...
Your jaw dropped slightly and your hand bawled up into a fist, breaking the box of juice you had, and making it spill everywhere.
"Crap..!" You whispered to yourself, luckily no one noticed, well except Saiki and Kaidou. "Hey, Y/n, what's wrong? You seem upset." You saw Kaidou offer his handkerchief to you and you smiled, taking it.
"Hey...I'm fine don't worry! I'm just a little tired.." You muttered as you began to clean up the mess on the floor. "I see, fighting all night were you?" You chuckled and nodded. "That's right, thanks for the handkerchief again! I'll make sure to wash it and bring it back tomorrow."
"Well if you ever need to talk, I'm here. Okay?" Your eyes widened slightly, it was rare to hear Kaidou speak without any chunibuyo. But it was always nice.
He walked off while waving goodbye and you headed to your desk, which was right behind Saiki's. You saw him thinking hard about something, and so was Yumehara.
You figured she was trying to probably get closer to Saiki, seeing as you took a peek at her notebook, which had a picture drawn of Saiki. That confirmed your suspicions, she did in fact, like Saiki.
You looked down at your desk before plopping your head down onto it and closing your eyes. You really didn't have enough energy to deal with this.
"Hey wake up. I need your help." You looked up to see Saiki, who was towering over you. "What..?" You asked with a groggy voice. Saiki rarely asked for help, ever. But you figured it was probably something important.
"What do I do again?" You asked Saiki. He had led you to a random hallway, without giving you any information. "Just walk over there and turn the corner."
You sighed and started to walk, Why does he even want me to do this? What's happening..? As you reached the corner you bumped into something or someone. "Ow..!" You fell to the ground and saw papers flying everywhere.
"Oof..!" You heard someone say, looked up only to see Yumehara, who was rubbing her head in pain. "Oh my gosh! Yumehara! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" Yumehara gazed up at you and her face fell in disbelief.
Why does she look like she's disappointed...? You thought before handing her all the papers you had picked up. "Thank you..and don't worry about it, that was my fault.." She muttered before getting up and walking away.
Saiki suddenly appeared from nowhere, "Saiki..what the hell was that about?" You glared up at him, getting up and crossing your arms.
"You know already, don't you?" You scrunched up your face in confusion. "What do you mean?" But then it hit you and you could feel your face heat up. The moment in the classroom when you were jealous of someone else having a crush on Saiki.
"Pfft...that..I dunno what..I was just..-"
"C'mon, we don't have much time.." He took your arm and dragged you back into the classroom, leaving you completely dazed and still a red mess.
"Oh God..she's gonna hate me for this..! You owe me big time!" You huffed out to Saiki, "I'll get you whatever you want, alright? I'm sure she'll find someone else to like soon enough."
You groaned before you saw Yumehara enter the classroom. You quickly ran away from Saiki as she walked in front of him, dropping her handkerchief in the process.
"Oh my goodness, that's really bizarre-" Before she could finish you interrupted her. "Oh Yumehara! You dropped this, here you go!" You picked the pink handkerchief off the ground and handed it to her with a smile.
You saw her glare slightly but she was also trying to keep a smile, "T-T-Thanks..." She grumbled before taking it from your hands and walking off in a pout.
Then, it was your turn to glare, but at Saiki, who looked away. Leaving you muttering angrily to yourself.
I mean I can't lie..even if I'm kinda mad at him at least doing this will probably have her not like him anymore..which is..good.. I guess.
You thought before sitting down at your seat, though it seems you forgot yet again that a certain psychic was just a couple of feet in front of you...
Undeterred, Chio continued on her mission to engage Saiki, however, every one of her plans failed thanks to you, without anyone telling you to do so. Since Saiki only asked you one more time to fail her plans and the rest you accidentally did on your own.
It's raining hard.. good thing I brought my umbrella, or else I'd be soaked. You chuckled to yourself as you put your school shoes away back into your locker and grabbed your umbrella.
You walked out the front doors of the school, only to see Yumehara, standing there on her own. You didn't think twice before going up to her.
"Yumehara! What's wrong? Are you waiting for someone?" You asked, she turned around with a small, "Huh?" Before replying properly.
"O-Oh! N-No..I forgot my umbrella and I think I'm just going to wait for the rain to die down a bit before running to my house quickly.." She smiled sheepishly at you before frowning.
"Here." You handed her your umbrella and her eyes went wide for a second, but then turned into a mess. "W-What! No way! I could never do that to you! I'll be fine I sw-" You interrupted her by taking her hand and placing the umbrella in it.
You put your school bag over your head and ran into the rain before looking back and smiling at her. "Don't worry about it! A pretty girl like you shouldn't be running home in the rain!"
She saw you run off before she held her chest, her face was pink and she had a shocked look on her face.
No one has ever done this for me before...let alone someone as nice as her..and I've never felt like his before! Especially not towards any boys! Heck, even girls......I think I just found my soulmate!!!
Saiki's face dropped, in pure shock as he stood on top of the school. He was going to use his powers to make the rain stop, so Yumehara wouldn't try to share his umbrella with her. But you came along and made her fall in love with you instead.
He was not expecting that...
The rain stopped as you were running and you came to a halt, catching your breath as you did. "Dammit..I'm definitely going to get a cold tomorrow...!"
You then felt a warm hand on your shoulder and you were suddenly in your room. "W-What the..?!"
"Calm down, it's just me." A familiar voice said behind you. Stepping back, you looked to see the pink-haired boy himself. "First off, why were you following me, second of all, why did you telepor-" You interrupted yourself by sneezing loudly and sniffling, wiping boogers off your nose with your sleeve.
"That's why, you're going to get sick if you don't shower right now."
"Oh, who made you the boss of me, huh? I can shower when I wa-" Again you were interrupted but this time by Saiki teleporting you to your bathroom. "Good grief..stop your whining and just shower."
He closed the door behind him, leaving you in your bathroom. You groaned but listened anyway and started undressing.
Meanwhile, Saiki was in your living room, debating on telling you about Yumehara's feelings towards you. He feels it's important to tell you but then again, this was something Yumehara probably didn't want you to know.
In the end, he sighed and decided it was best if you didn't know, or to let Yumehara tell you herself...
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You were in your room, petting your cat and scrolling mindlessly on your phone when it started to buzz. You saw Saiki calling you, it was a very rare occurrence when he did because you actually got to hear his voice and he couldn't read your thoughts most times.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't sit up immediately and start to fumble with your phone as if you were playing hot potato. Your heart was starting to beat faster and your hands were starting to sweat too.
But, a deep breath in and a deep breath out helped a little before you answered the phone, "H-Hey Saiki..whatcha need..?" You answered timidly.
"I know I've been asking you for a lot of favors but this will be the last one in a while.."
For a while you didn't respond, shocked to hear how much Saiki's voice changed over the years. The last time you heard him actually talk was in middle school. And then he decided it was best to just not talk with his voice at all, using telepathy to talk to everyone now.
You slipped out of your trance after your cat meowed to you, calling your attention back. "H-Huh? O-Oh um sure whatever you need I don't mind doing favors for you y'know? It doesn't bother me-"
"Well it bothers me, anyway look, Nendou asked me, well no, my mom forced me to go to the beach with him, and I don't want to stay with just him and Kaidou."
"Right, and you want me to come along with you? Sure, I don't have anything planned. But I'm kind of surprised, aren't I just another nuisance, as you'd put it?" There was teasing behind your tone, and you chuckled slightly.
But despite your laughing, you couldn't stop thinking about his damn voice. How deep it has gotten, it was so much different from what you usually hear.
Your mind was wandering off into more about his voice..the things he could get you to do with just a couple of little words out of his mouth. God..what would he sound like during s-
"You definitely are one but it'll be less annoying with you there to get me away from all the other nuisances."
"Fine, I'll go. It's not like it won't be fun. Let me just get ready and I'll meet you guys there, okay?"
"All right, also, stop thinking lewd things about my voice. Or else I'm never using it again."
With that, he hung up, and you were left dumbfounded. You thought he couldn't read your thoughts right now, but then again your houses weren't that far away from each other.
It was honestly more embarrassing that he caught you thinking things like that...You were too distracted in the conversation to stop yourself from thinking whatever you wanted.
You hid your face your hands in embarrassment, and wanted to just disappear. But the beach awaited you.
"Hey Saiki.." You muttered as you came up behind him. The look on your face said you didn't want to be here right now. And honestly so did your thoughts.
I can't even look at him.. I mean he probably doesn't care but I overstepped! He doesn't like nor care for any sort of love. Stupid thoughts! Ruining everything..I should've just faked sick..it would've been believable too since I ran in the rain yesterday..now I gotta deal with the embarrassment of th-
"Hey, L/n! Check out Kaidou, he can't swim! Can you believe it? C'mon tell L/n how afraid you are of the water!" Nendou said, laughing and teasing Kaidou.
You groaned slightly and sighed. You were still in your regular outfit, your swimsuit under. You were honestly a bit insecure about being so naked. It wasn't like your swimsuit showed much skin but the last time you went to the beach was when you were around 12.
"N-No..! That's not true! I know how to swim you jerk..! I-Im not afraid of the water..!!!" Kaidou walked up to the ocean and stepped slightly into the water, before you were suddenly behind him and pushed him in.
To your surprise, he was..kind of drowning? Not really, he sure did act like he was though. He was barely an inch into the water. But flailing his arms and legs around, screaming and yelling in a high-pitched voice.
"Drowning in inch-deep water isn't easy..." Saiki said to you, you turned to him before walking off. "I'm going to change, be right back.."
Saiki looked at your leave, and to be honest, he felt kind of bad, for invading your privacy during the phone call.
It's not like it bothered him you thought things like that, he knew you liked him and you guys were both in high school, hormones everywhere, so, he didn't care. Sure it was surprising when he heard you think things like that about him here and there, but as said before, it doesn't bother him. Mostly because you try to not think of those things about him, you feel extremely guilty about it and he knows that.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and felt like throwing up, but you decided to suck it up and go out anyway. What else were you going to do? Not go out?
You sighed heavily and walked out, wearing your bathing suit, making your way to where everyone else was, and it looked like Hairo had joined all of you.
Looking around you saw Nendou trying to talk to some girls, Kaidou was surrounded by girls, who were saying how cute he was and touching his spikey hair, and Hairo saved Kaidou after Nendou buried him in the sand.
As for Saiki, he was nowhere to be found. "Hey guys, where's Saiki?" You asked all three of them. "Dunno, I think he went to the bathroom or something," Nendou replied.
You nodded and sat on the towel he was on before. Everything was peaceful for a moment before you heard screaming from a girl, you looked over to see her drowning..?!
"Hey hold on a sec! That girl's drowning!" You yelled out and ran off to go save her. Nendou was already on his way, but you decided to go anyway, just in case.
"Kaidou, I'll go rescue her and you go get Hairo!" He yelled out, but Kaidou was next to him, swimming just fine. "oh so you can swim..!" He added but Kaidou didn't realize he was swimming until Nendou pointed it out, leaving him to stop and start to sink into the water.
Now Nendou was carrying Kaidou, while also swimming towards the girl. "Nendou! Don't worry about her I got it! Just take care of Shun..!" He nodded before you got to the girl, who was rapidly sinking. You grabbed her arm and put her on your back.
She was a lot lighter than you expected and as you quickly swam to shore you realized why. Kusuo! Of course..! I have to thank him for this later...
The sun set quickly and the girl was now well and alive, "Thank you for saving my life. I appreciate it, and hey, thank you too for trying, sorry I joked about how ugly your face is..." You smiled and Nendou nodded.
You smiled as you walked next to Saiki, along with Kaidou and Nendou. "I'm glad you didn't ask for her number in return for trying to save her life," Kaidou said to Nendou, you nodded in agreement.
"Hm, I try to be a gentleman, but if that hottie fell in love with me I'm not gonna try and turn her down" He smirked, you heard Kaidou whisper something and Nendou got all mad.
But you weren't really paying attention, your attention was more focused on the beautiful sunset that was in front of you.
"You aren't mad?" Saiki asked you, which caused your mind to lose its train of thought. Huh? What are you talking about?
"Nendou basically got all the credit for just trying to save her, but you actually did save her."
Oh, that. No, it doesn't bother me at all, she's safe and that's what matters, and thank you for helping too, without you, she would've died.
He nodded in return, "Oh right...by the way, I'm sorry for invading your space earlier, I can't help what I hear but I shouldn't have brought it up. I just want you to know, it doesn't bother me..so don't feel like you need to shove your thoughts deep into yourself..."
You stopped and he saw your eyes go wide and your face went red, you were muttering out nonsense that he couldn't understand.
Good grief..I should've just kept that to myself...
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It was very rare for you not to walk with Saiki to school, but you had woken up way too late and by the time you did, you figured Saiki was already at school.
But as you ran past Saiki's house, you caught a glimpse of pink through the corner of your eye and immediately stopped.
"...Saiki..? Why are you-"
"Hurry up, we're already late enough." You blinked in surprise for a moment before nodding and walking along with him.
Luckily his house and the school were only about a 5-minute walking distance so it wouldn't take you guys long to get there.
As you walked quickly next to each other, you couldn't help but think why he would wait.. you've never woken up late for school, so you had never been in this situation before.
Never in a million years would you think that Saiki would wait to walk with you, even if you two were very close.
"I waited for you because my mom would be a pain if I didn't. Can you think a little quieter now?"
You jolted up a bit in surprise but sighed, "What's got your panties in a bunch?" Yes, Kusuo always did seem angry or annoyed but usually, he wasn't. Today it was different though, it looked like he was genuinely mad.
He didn't respond though and just continued to glare, not even sparing you a glance. "Fine, don't tell me. Just don't be rude to anyone else who cares about you."
He finally looked at you, with a bit of a shocked look. But you were already walking ahead, leaving him.
You walked into the classroom alone, as Saiki trailed behind. You sat down at your seat with a sigh, hoping to relax at least a little bit before class began.
But of course, that wasn't the case. You heard loud yelling coming from across the classroom, looking up, you saw it was a bunch of boys panicking while surrounding Teruhashi.
"You've got a crush on someone?!"
"Teruhashi is this a joke?"
"Is it one of us?"
Teruhashi looked extremely nervous, trying to calm all the boys down, (although she was failing miserably). "It's someone I ran into over vacation..."
You felt yourself tense up at that, now it was your turn to be annoyed. Every single time Teruhashi even mentioned liking Saiki you felt all your thoughts turn into jealousy.
You tried not to be because honestly, you were never really a jealous person. You felt there was no reason to be, it only caused problems after all.
But it was so hard trying not to be mad when goddam Teruhashi liked Saiki, the most perfect, pretty, loved, girl there was in the whole universe.
With Yumehara liking Saiki you were jealous, sure. But you didn't hate her, unlike the girl who was right across from you.
You saw her staring at Saiki and you stood up, about to leave to compose yourself, before Teruhashi started up again
"It was the sixth of August when I first fell in love with him.." She closed her eyes and smiled as she spoke, raising a finger.
Yeah, and I've been in love with him for years, try it and come tell me it's all rainbows and sunshine, Teruhashi.
"I remember seeing you that day too, and the guy you were talking with..was Nendou!!" Someone chimed in, you were confused for a second before realizing she probably spoke to him after you had left her.
"YOU ARE WAY OFF IDIOT!" She yelled out, causing the group of guys to jump in fear. It was a surprise to everyone, even to you.
But Saiki had told you what Teruhashi is really like, hence the reason he doesn't like her. So was it really a surprise she burst out like that?
She quickly got back to her persona and started acting all sweet again, lying and telling the guys it was some Russian exchange student.
You groaned slightly in frustration before walking out of the classroom. It was best for yourself if you got out of that room.
"Hey, Y/n!" You heard someone call out to you, you were standing in front of a vending machine that was located near your classroom, this is where you usually went when you needed a drink to calm you down.
"Oh Shun, what's up?" You smiled softly as he ran up to you. "Look, I know this is out of the blue, but will you come with us to spy on Nendou?"
"Huh? Spy on Nendou? Also, what do you mean by 'us'?" He pointed behind him and that's when you saw Saiki.
Your face fell in slight annoyance but you decided to keep talking to them instead of making up some lame excuse.
"Nendou's been acting weird today, don't you think? He'd usually be asking us to go eat ramen with him or do something after school. But he's been real quiet."
You thought for a moment before nodding in agreement, "Now that you mention it, yeah he has been acting strange..alright I'll go with you guys."
Kaidou smirked, before walking away. "Right after school you two! Don't forget!" You smiled before turning back to Saiki. Truth be told, you were trying to figure out if he was still mad. All of a sudden, you remembered something.
You took one of his hands, it startled him slightly but he didn't pull away. You revealed your other hand, which was behind your back, bawled into a fist, and handed him a handful of something.
You took your hands away from his and he stared down at what you gave him, a small bundle of mini coffee jellies, there were about 4 of them.
"Here, take these and stop pouting. If you ever want to talk, I'm here." You mumbled out, he could see the faint blush on your cheeks and he could definitely hear your loud thoughts.
Which consisted of rambling and screaming, he wished he could turn off his telepathy at that moment. But then again, when doesn't he want that?
"Thanks..I really do owe you." Saiki still had to repay the favor you did for ruining Yumehara's plans, going with him to the beach, and now this.
He absolutely hated being in debt to someone, it didn't matter who, he hated it. And you knew this, so you always tried to reassure him. "Don't worry about it, it's no big deal to me. And if you really want to repay me that badly, I'll come up with something. But only if you really want me to."
"Yeah, please do. It's going to bother me, even more than Nendou does. Speaking of, we should probably head back to class."
You nodded in agreement before slightly smirking at him."What now?"
"Nothing. Just thinking about how much of a softie you are."
"His house isn't this way....he's got something going on.." Kaidou whispered to you and Saiki, as you all hid behind a wall.
As planned earlier, you were all trailing Nendou. Kaidou was in some weird disguise, on the other hand, you were in your regular school uniform, and so was Saiki.
"Why are you so excited by this?" Saiki asked him, but instead of responding he struck a weird pose.
"And what's with the outfit? It serves no purpose other than sticking out." You added, though usually you weren't one to judge Kaidou's actions, the disguise seemed a bit much.
"Shut up you two! Hey wait...what's he looking at?" You looked to see him smiling at a little girl with her dad. His smile was awful, scary in fact. He looked like a weirdo.
You all said. "I don't think that thinking the same thing is good.." You mumbled, Saiki nodded.
"Nendou has a thing for little girls?!" Kaidou asked you both, his face looked creeped out and worried. "Doesn't look good...we should probably call the police.."
"Hey, check it out, he's going into a store." You pointed at him, it was strange so it interested all of you.
Nendou went in and very quickly came back with a bouquet of sunflowers.
"Looks like a flower boutique, don't tell me he's got a girl-" Kaidou was interrupted by you and Saiki.
"No not Nendou.."
"Definitely not..."
Nendou started to walk off, all of you following him as he did. He stopped and smiled at another little girl, who was smiling with her father.
"Another one?!"
"That's just gross.." Kaidou muttered under his breath, honestly you didn't want to believe this situation. It's just not like Nendou.
"We'll confirm it after we call the police."
"Hey hold on, I feel like we need more proof, I mean c'mon, lots of people like sunflowers, and it's natural to smile when you see a cute little kid right?" You argued, it really didn't seem like Nendou to be a creep.
Kaidou thought for a moment before agreeing, "Y/n's right, all that is perfectly normal, we can't just stop there without any more evidence!"
"Good point, let's not be rash.."
After following him for a little while longer he went into another shop, "Where's he headed no-"
Kaidou suddenly interrupted you as he looked up at the sign of the store, a cake shop.
"CAKES..?! WOMEN AND CHILDREN CAN'T RESIST SWEET TREATS! SO WHEN YOU COMBINE A WOMAN AND A CHILD YOU GET A LITTLE GIRL!!" He yelled out, pointing to the store and looking back at both you and Saiki.
"Now you're jumping to conclusions.." Saiki said trying to stop Kaidou. But it didn't work, he kept going on and on.
Jesus, make him stop Saiki..
"If I could, I would've already. Trust me"
You sighed in frustration, all this kind of seemed pointless now that you were actually thinking about it. Sure, it was a little creepy, but you were sure there was a reasonable explanation.
Kaidou went on about how Nendou was using the cake and flowers as bait to try and get little girls, but the more he talked the more it sounded like an unreasonable theory.
Nendou came out of the cake shop, holding a small pink box.
"Bummer..they were all out of shortcake..oh well. It's not like anyone will ever eat this.." You all heard him say, he smirked and chuckled as if he was some cartoon villain. It creeped all of you out and made Kaidou freak out even more.
"If it's not for eating it must be bait!" He yelled out and ran off to Nendou. "NENDOU!!!" Nendou turned around in confusion, all he saw was Kaidou running to him at full speed. Everyone was staring.
"YOU'RE SECRETS OUT!! HOW DARE YOU HURT LITTLE KIDS??!!! YOU MONSTER!!" He started punching him, but it sounded like little squeaky balls were hitting Nendou instead. It was no secret that Kaidou wasn't strong but this was surprising to you and Saiki.
"Is that what his punches sound like?"
"Wait..what secret? Do you mean my dad?" Kaidou stopped and you facepalmed. It went quiet for a while, all of you in a bit of shock, Saiki and you weren't as shocked as Kaidou though.
"He's dead?" Kaidou asked as all of you stood in front of Nendou's dad's grave. By now the sun had set and there was no one around.
"I visit him on the anniversary of his bus accident," Nendou explained, you looked down at the grave again, and then back at everyone else.
I knew it wasn't something bad. Nendou is genuinely a nice guy, he wouldn't do anything creepy. He definitely needs to work on his smile though...
"But the flowers and the cake?" Kaidou mumbled out, it was clear he was kind of sad that all his sneaking around was really for nothing.
"Respectful offerings to the dead! It's normal to bring cakes and flowers to a family grave!" Nendou held up the box of cake and smiled.
"To think Nendou's lecturing us on normal.." You heard Saiki's voice but he quickly turned it off once he realized he was still talking to you telepathically.
What's the harm in showing what you're thinking? That's not fair y'know?. You know every little thing I think but when it comes to your thoughts I can't know even a little.
"Yes because they're my thoughts, also how many times do I have to tell you I can't turn off these powers.."
You pouted slightly but sighed and let it go. He was right after all. Like always.
"When did your dad die, Nendou?" Kaidou asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Well, it was before I was born. He died trying to save a little girl who'd run in front of a bus..huh maybe that means he was into little girls.." You cringed at the last part, and so did everyone else.
"Uh..hope not.." Kaidou said, chuckling awkwardly. "That's a dark joke.."
"So if he died before you were born, he must've been pretty young.."
"He was only 18 or 19 years old, here look! I got his picture!"
"Hey, this is just a picture of you!"
"Nah it's him! My mom says I look more like him each year! Weird..!"
"You don't look like him you're, the same!"
Kaidou and Nendou talked and argued a little back and forth. Saiki stayed quiet but you chuckled a little as you heard their bickering.
They really do look alike, it's kinda scary that they look almost like twins. But Nendou has a scar over his left eye, and his dad has over his right. That's a scary thought on its own since they can only be told apart because of one thing. Right, Saiki?
You looked over and saw him up at Nendou's dad's grave, he looked mortified, extremely mortified for that matter. "Hey guys, wanna go get some ramen!?" Nendou called out to you two as he and Kaidou were already walking off.
"Saiki..? What are you looking at?" You asked in a bit of a shaky voice, you weren't scared, you were worried. Seeing Saiki shocked or scared was something you never saw. Ever.
Walking with Saiki alone almost always consisted of awkward silence. But it was different today, Saiki was thinking, and hard. It was obvious, he had his hand on his chin and everything. You'd laugh if you weren't so spooked.
"So are you gonna tell me what you saw..?" As he was about to answer, you reached his house and he saw a piece of mail sticking out.
"Mail?" He took the envelope and it was addressed to him. "What is it?" You peeked over his shoulder and your eyes widened as you read the letter.
"To Mr. Kusuo Saiki, I am someone who knows you're a psychic."
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Next part -> Romance can also be disastrous - Chapter 3 •Coming soon..•
Summary: You and Saiki figure out who sent the letter, and it appears it's some kind of psychic who can see ghosts? You're happy to meet another psychic but Saiki is the opposite. Maybe he's thinking something weird? Who knows. Later, Saiki discovers a cockroach in his house and freaks out, but luckily you come over to save the day..with your cat! But that's not all, Yumehara apparently got a boyfriend to try and get over you, and for some reason, Saiki helps..could he be jealous?
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maitadori · 1 year
WEAK WILLED KNIGHT part 3. nsfw. blade x fem!reader
word count : 4.7k
part one. part two. part three
summary : in which you miss blade since you haven’t seen him for two weeks and he decides to greet you with a breathtaking kiss and fucks you dumb.
content / cw : creampie, degrading, praising, fingering, breeding kink uhh idk that’s all i remember
a/n : this took days to post because i nitpick my writing literally all the time. i used a few of my fave smuts as reference for this so if u notice a similarity or two that’s why. anyways hope u all enjoy!!
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"is there something wrong?" jing yuan, once again, called you into his office. you found it odd that he was always absent yet conveniently there when you needed scolding.
during the weekly cloud knight training you got too drowned in your thoughts, causing your partner to easily take control of the duel— which was unusual, for everyone knew that you were one of the most adept among the knights, and to see you so out of form… it hasn't been just today this has happened either, ever since the run-in with kafka, you haven't been able to think straight.
it's come to the point where you were taken to jing yuan, that's when it hit you that this has gone too far. but what could you tell him? would you be able to admit to him that this man was the reason for your sudden downgrade in skill?
the mere thought of that idea had you recoiling. you were too prideful to admit that some man was making your mind so jumbled.
your silence seemed to be the exact answer jing yuan needed, you both hated and loved how well he could read you.
"maybe you should go home for the day."
"huh?" you question, perking up. "there's no need for that."
"it's obvious your mind is elsewhere, and it has been for over two weeks. i can't have you holding us back, [name]. this issue needs to be fixed. and if it means giving you a day to solve whatever this is, then so be it."
his words stung. holding us back...
you had to remember, before he was your friend, he was your general. you got too lost in the privilege of being special to him that you forgot what being under him as a subordinate was really like.
"i see..." you bowed your head, burning your gaze into the ground, trying and failing horribly to hide your emotions. "i understand, general. thank you for your consideration."
"he'll visit you." he suddenly spoke.
you jerked up, looking at your general with widened eyes. "w-what..?"
"you think that man can survive longer than two weeks without seeing your face?" jing yuan chuckled, crossing his arms.
you blinked, surprised, before you spoke in a shaky tone. "i'd like if you dropped the subject, general. i'll be taking my leave now."
he could only hum as he watched you leave.
you were quick to dress into something more comfortable as you tried erasing jing yuan’s words from your mind. you fumbled with your armor slightly, groaning in irritation. over the years, it wasn't too difficult to get used to the heaviness of your uniform, but it could still be a nuisance to you. yours was like sushang’s, lighter in weight than the average male, but you could still admit the clothing’s annoyance to you.
you approached your window, cracking it open and watched as it swayed your curtains. you could only sigh, lean against the window sill, and battle the crisis in your mind as you watched your people.
the kiss hasn't left your mind since it happened. as embarrassing as it seemed, you couldn't get blade out of your head. whether it be his haughty smirk, his voice, or his lips. you groaned and dropped your head in your hands. you didn't even notice how much it was affecting your behavior until someone as clumsy as sushang dominated the fight.
"that bastard... he has me wrapped around his stupid fucking fingers." you whispered to yourself in a low, angry voice.
for someone like blade— who before, you saw as below you— to make you feel such a way...
in front of everyone else, your pride was powerful, yet the sight of blade's face stomped it down in a mere second.
i miss him... you admitted to yourself. it was something you'd never say aloud. what the hell do i even miss...? even before the kiss, the only moments with blade were him trying his hardest to get under your skin and get reactions out of you. you'd never forget the time he grabbed your fingers through his cell bars to interlock his hand with yours.
all you could remember after that was blowing up at him, words jumbled as you tried to find an excuse for your embarrassment.
you shook your head back and forth in hope of ridding yourself of these thoughts. but even as you closed your window and laid in bed to sleep, the kiss made home behind your closed eyelids. you turned on your other side, hoping it was just you needing to get comfortable. but you felt no drowsiness.
"dammit.." you groaned to yourself, pillow tight in your grip.
you squeezed your eyes shut, trying the hardest you could to put yourself to sleep, even if forcefully. all you could think of was blade and what he was doing. and it wasn't until a full seven minutes later that your body finally decided to give you the pleasure of slumber.
noises that were lost on your sleeping form resonated through your bedroom. the squeak of your window was loud, it had you shuffling in your sheets. blade at first, tried to quietly sneak through the window after finding your front door locked before deciding not to care. you didn't keep your door unlocked like he instructed, so if you woke up, that was only your karma.
but then the thought of a possible intruder getting into your house and faltered. his steps became lighter. he neared your sleeping figure and looked at you. he wanted nothing more than to disturb your sleep and kiss you breathless. but when he took another look you looked as if your sleep was exhausting you more than replenishing you. you tossed and turned, eyebrows furrowed. maybe you were having a nightmare.
well, kissing could come after. your wellbeing came first. his hand caressed your face with the intent of soothing you, yet you only jolted awake. it was dark outside, the sun finally set. you could only see your room from what the moon decided to illuminate.
but your eyes adjusted to the dark and you instantly recognized the familiar silhouette standing above you. "b-blade..?" you asked, voice still heavy with sleep.
he only hummed in response as he climbed to hover over you, not hesitating to get his face near yours. your breath started going off track instantaneously. you lazily put your fingers over his lips, trying to feebly stop him from coming any closer. he was already making your heart going crazy enough by simply being here and letting you wake up to the sight of him, you didn't need the pounding of your heartbeat resonating in your ears next.
"i-i'm not dreaming, right?"
in response blade pinched the skin of your waist that your ridden up shirt exposed. you squeaked in pain. "what the hell!?" you whisper shouted.
"you're not dreaming." he said, tone soft. you hated admitting that the sound of his voice soothed you.
blade grabbed your wrist easily, removing your hand from his face to push it against your bed, and gently laid you against your pillows with his own body, leaning over you. his hair draped over you like a curtain, leaving you with nowhere to look but him.
any earlier resistance disappeared and you gave in the second his lips brushed against yours, going lax on your bed. the hand that held yours squeezed tighter, his other hand traveling up to hold your cheek. you leaned further into him once his lips finally met yours, giving you that sweet relief of having him against you once more.
even if you tried denying your feelings, they were apparent to blade, who could easily see through you. him and jing yuan were definitely rivaling in that aspect, and you weren't sure whether or not you hated it.
he moved the hand the held your face to your back, arching you up into him. you could tell from the way he was biting your lips and caressing his tongue with yours that this might escalate. and as he kissed you even harder you admitted to yourself that you wouldn't mind if it did.
his harsh kisses were definitely waking you up from your slumbered daze, it was then that the events that transpired earlier today seeped into your mind, causing you to lose your confidence in the kiss. blade must've noticed, for he pulled away to speak, "what's wrong?"
"why... do you even like me?" you asked in a trembling voice, deciding to be straightforward. if you thought about asking him for a second longer, you would've lost the will. plus, the question has plagued your mind for awhile and you needed answers. it’s not as if you were opposed to blade taking after you, but you couldn’t understand exactly why.
he hovered over you, moving his hand and letting your back ease into the mattress to tap the back of his index finger against your lips. "there's a lot of reasons why. but one... i like seeing the different expressions you make. whether it be when i make you angry, your brows furrow and you pout your lips, and you don't even notice." he whispers, and even in the dark you can tell he's smirking.
"or... when i kiss you and you get that desperate look on your face."
desperate!? excuse me!? you screamed in your head, flushing.
"why do you ask?"
you look away, too humiliated to say a word, but you speak up anyways, "no reason. just curious..."
blade observed you, he was good at reading people. it must've came with the job. your expression was very telling, and the fact that you were having a nightmare before he arrived was a huge factor as well.
"i like you."
it was random, and it had you sputtering, but it immediately helped assure your worries. you knew blade most likely figured out what was up, or he wouldn't have said something like that out of nowhere. though, before you could savor his words, he spoke up once more.
"can i touch you?"
would he cut it out!? if he kept saying and asking things like that so boldly you'd probably explode.
"you're already touching me..." you say snottily.
"you're right, which means i basically have permission." he whispers, loosening his hold on your hand to travel down to your thighs, spreading them open sharply.
you gasped, immediately using your free hands as leverage to cover your expression.
"look at me." he demands.
"..." you peek at him through your fingers, body going weak once you catch sight of his expression. his face is so full of want, and his face adorns a small cocky smirk. you hated how it made the heat between your legs increase. you know you shouldn't be into the way he stared at you, but you really couldn't help it.
"i'm gonna touch you, okay? will you let me?"
"do whatever you want..." you reluctantly relent.
blade ignored your attempt at veiling your actual needs and traveled his fingers higher up your thigh, tugging on your bottoms. "take these off.." he mutters.
you listen and does as he says, so he lifts himself sightly to give you space to slide your shorts down your legs. he grabs them for you and throws them aside, in a rush to get his hands on you. he rubbed your bare thighs, caressing higher up, thumb catching onto the hem of your panties.
"you said i can do whatever i want, right? i'm gonna hold you to that, we might not even leave this bedroom," he says casually, not noticing your flushed expression as he continues to ramble, "you don't know how long i've wanted this. haven't seen you for days." he hisses. "ever since i kissed you, i've been thinking about your lips since."
you wrap you arms around his neck quickly, tipping your head to the side the second his lips touched your collarbone.
his admittance had your mind hazing with a heavy blanket of need and want. words started spilling out of your mouth before you could even stop yourself. you whispered desperately, "me too..! i can't stop thinking about you.. so much to the point where it's hindering my work.. why'd you take so long to come and see me?"
blade's control is wearing thin at your whiny voice, he groans out, "my job doesn't really give me leeway. but god, i wanted to see you so bad, you don't even know." he leaves light butterfly kisses from your neck to your jaw, his thumb rubbing circles into the skin of your thigh.
then he tugs at the hem of your shirt. "i want this off, too." next thing you know, the only thing covering you are your undergarments, but you could tell from the way he kept caressing you near your panties that those would soon join the pile.
once he threw your top aside, you bring his face to yours, instantly interlocking your lips. it was the first time you took initiation and blade couldn't help but smile into the kiss. his hand ventures higher, hands intentionally swiping over the place you needed him most before pulling back to caress your hips.
you grunt into the kiss in irritation, trying to pull his body closer to you to get that friction you crave.
blade notices, and wants to tease you more than anything, but he couldn't deny how much he missed you. once you finally let him kiss you, he swore he couldn't get enough. had you not avoided him for a good two weeks he could've had moments like this with you before his work swept him away. and going two more weeks without you made it even worse. blade could only think of how it was true that distance certainly did make the heart grow fonder.
blade uses his kiss with you as a distraction and slips his finger past your undergarments to finally touch you where you craved. you instantly pull away from the kiss with a gasp, your back arching up slightly as you whined aloud.
"so pretty." blade muttered, placing kisses on your shoulder before pulling away to watch your expressions. he could feel how his erection tightened his pants uncomfortably at the mere sight of you drowning in pleasure. "another expression to add to my list." he whispers, eyeing your face with a carnal, predatory hunger.
blade slides one finger into you and stares at the way you twitch and thrash. "w—waaait..!!" you moaned, trying your hardest to catch your breath. he ignores your pleas and speeds up the pace, slowly adding in a second finger.
with your reactions, he could tell how sensitive you were. he could only grin and think about how fun teasing you in future will be.
blade curled his fingers in a way that had you keening and flailing, trying to kick him away. he put a hand on your abdomen to still you. "nnn...noo..! if you.. hngg.. keep doing that... i'm- i'm definitely soaking the sheets..." you whimpered in a whispery voice. in response to you, he starts rubbing your clit in circular motions, your cries becoming louder.
"promise?" he kissed your cheek.
you whined more and blade buried his face in your neck, conveniently placing his ear right by your mouth. a perfect place to hear your noises at full volume. that was before you decided to go and try to cover your mouth.
the muffled noise of your cries let him know what you were trying to do immediately. he sits up to glare down at you, slowing down the pace of his fingers.
“w—what..?” you cry out, confused.
“let me hear you. if you do that again, i stop,” his voice is commanding and it has your legs trembling. you obey him easily. helplessly under his mercy, and remove your hands from your face.
he leans down to kiss your face and continues his previous pace. you cry out in relief, feeling your peak climbing its way up.
"you'd look so pretty wrapped around me, you know?" he speaks into your skin. you whimper at that.
the rhythm of his fingers made you a moaning mess, you couldn't help but thrash and kick, the pleasure all too overwhelming— but it still wasn't enough. you desperately needed what he had hiding behind his zipper.
"cum for me..." he coos softly into your ear, voice condescending yet fond at the same time.
"i— i want..."
"i know..." he cuts you off, "i'll stuff you with my cock like you want, just cum on my fingers first." he rasps, letting you know he was enjoying this just as much as you.
he curls the pads of his finger against a certain spot that makes you jerk in his hold. a loud moan leaves your lips and you try your hardest to push him away. blade doesn't give you the chance, keeping you stilled against the bed, thrusting into you even faster. your vision goes white and the brunt of your orgasm hits you full force, you whine loudly and try your best to push blade away, weakly hitting his forearm with your fist. he helps you ride out your orgasm by rubbing your bud, watching you with a hot, burning desire. his control is on the verge of snapping. if you keep making these noises and faces he can't guarantee he'll continue being gentle with you.
"haa...hahh.." you pant loudly, chest rising up and down. “dammit, i definitely ruined that pair.”
you're too distracted to notice blade undressing himself, only opening your eyes to look at him once you hear the unbuckling of his belt.
"blade..." you cry.
he hushes you with his lips, adjusting your position once his bottoms are off— joining the pile of your clothes. you squeak at the sudden breeze of cold air once blade starts sliding your garment down your legs.
“you’re so soaked. fuck.” he mutters breathily, eyes dark. your cunt pulses at the realization that his expression isn’t only because of lust but also him trying his hardest to hold himself back.
you’re both surprised and slightly disgusted with yourself because you’re aware that if he were to snap and be extremely rough with you, you wouldn’t mind— you’d even enjoy it.
“i said you could do whatever you wanted with me, right?” you lean up and unclasp your bra, tossing it aside— you’d usually be humiliated by such boldness, but you were too busy reveling in blade’s awed expression— for once it felt like you one-upped him.
“i suggest you watch your tongue.” he grumbles, and you couldn’t help but smile to yourself. you’re obviously riling him up, and enjoying it to the fullest.
“but i need it, blade. you promised you’d give me your cock, didn’t you?” you whined, fully aware of your effect on him.
he huffs, shoving you down on the bed to loom over you again, before hissing, “remember who has the authority here.”
you only smirked cockily, a face blade could admit that he really liked. “well maybe you need to remind me,” you say cheekily.
blade, in response, pulls his cock out of his boxers, and it shuts you up immediately; the mere sight of it. he caught sight of your eyes glued to his length and could only smirk.
“maybe i didn’t need to remind you.” the words of ‘you reminded yourself’ went unsaid, but you both knew.
he leans down to interlock your lips and starts grinding himself against you.
there’s no way that’ll fit!! you screamed internally, it’s not like you were inexperienced, but you can say with confidence you’ve never laid with someone so well endowed.
your mind hazes as his tongue delves into your mouth, and you can’t bring yourself to worry.
the tip of his cock catches your clit and you both groan.
“stop teasing.” you complain, brows knitting together.
blade pulls away to pump himself a couple times before finally lining himself up to your slit. he sets a heavy finger right above your belly button, pressing it into your skin.
you eye the indent he creates in confusion. you try to catch his eyes but he can’t seem to pull his gaze away from where his finger is placed.
“i’ll be right here.” he taps the spot again as if solidify his words into reality. you flush once you realize his implications, and as much as you wanted to knock him down a peg, you knew he was probably right. with how big he was you’d probably be able to feel him in your throat. your breaths become labored at the idea of it all, anxiously waiting for him to fill you like he promised.
“give me a safe word.” he says, voice guttural.
“red!” not only did it mean stop in a lot of circumstances, but it also reminded you of his eyes.
with that being said, he pushes himself into you, burying himself in to the hilt. your eyes roll back and you grip his biceps to ground yourself.
“you can take all of me, right?” he asks huskily, grabbing your hips for leverage and setting his forehead against yours.
“i can i can, i can!!” you chant out dizzily, on cloud nine from this alone.
“good.. so good for me.” he whispers through gritted teeth. he pulls out till the tip, groaning at the harsh resistance. it’s either you were too tight or he was too big. he assumes it’s because you’re squeezing the life out of him but you’re guessing otherwise.
he abruptly thrusts all the way back in, slamming you against his pelvis. you jerk in his hold, tears lining your bottom lashes as you sob loudly.
blade repeats the process, but this time with more ferocity. your mouth waters at the intensity of it all, eyes rolled back to your brain. he catches your expression and decides he won’t have mercy on you as he previously insisted.
the only thing leaving your lips is a mantra of his name as he starts a rhythm. he doesn’t spare you a single breath, his own lungs drying up and in desperate need for air— because he’s just so deep.
he slams into you harshly, your clit rubbing onto his pelvis with each grind into you, your sobs resonate through the room and your legs twitch violently.
“fuuuckkk! blade blade, blade!! cant! i cant.. i— nnnn!!” your nails dig into the muscles of his arms, making crescent shaped dents.
“you can. you promised, right? you’ll cum for me just like this, right sweetheart?” he coos condescendingly.
the mean tone of his voice is lost on you, for all you can think about is the term of endearment— you squeeze him harder.
“shitttt.” blade groans at the sensation. he grabs your face desperately, locking lips with you to hide his noises. it’s a sloppy kiss, your own drool slipping down your chin. you can’t even focus on the raunchiness of it all, the way he slams down into you— tip of his cock kissing your cervix— you can’t bother to think of anything else. you moan breathily into the kiss, hands gravitating to blade’s back to let your nails make their mark there.
“you like that, huh? when i call you sweet names? tell me you like it, baby,” he says, lidded eyes trained on you.
“i love it!”
his hand travels between your bodies to make circular motions on your clit, other hand massaging your breast, and you swear you see white. squeaky little ‘blade blade, blade!’s come out of your puffy, swollen lips.
“want me to cum inside you? give you my kids.. let them keep you company while i’m gone. you’d like that, yeah?” he pulls away from you slightly to babble senselessly— his mind mush, and mouth running on auto pilot. his words set a fire off inside you, and the knot in your tummy tightens further, on the brink of snapping.
“yes yes, yes!” you sob, your nails raking up and down his back.
“course you’d like that. look at you, my little cocksleeve. you were made to take my cock, admit it.” he grabs your face with one hand, squishing your face together. your moans take on a different tone at his degrading.
“i was.. ohhhh— i—” you couldn’t even finish, the tip of his cock kissing and stroking your sweet spot. blade doesn’t like your lack of answer, so his hips slow their pace, dropping to mere strokes.
“n—no, what..?” you blink out of your daze, your pleasure riddled mind slowly coming to.
“answer me, i asked you a question.”
desperate to get the pleasure you were quickly becoming addicted to, you obey his needs without another word.
“i’m your cocksleeve! i was made just to take your cock. so please! use me!” you cry out in little to no hesitation.
“fuck.” he mumbles. before you can exhale you’re immediately inhaling from the shock of his abrupt, sharp speed. he’s drilling into you harshly, lifting your legs and arching your back to hit your sweet spot with each thrust. his thumb finds your clit and your mind instantly blanks.
the quickness of it all quickly overwhelms you and your orgasm climbs the ladder with quick succession. you’re sobbing now, nails making red lines on his back as he pounds into you.
you can feel him in your stomach. and you knew if you were able to keep your eyes open, you’d be able to see it too.
“please let me cum, i wanna cum!” you cry out brainlessly.
“fuck. fuuckkk. cum, pretty thing. cum on my cock so i can cum deep inside you.” he buries his face in your neck, kissing dark purple blemishes into your skin.
his voice does you in, the roughness of it all, and the fact that he sounds just as wrecked as you. you’re only able to give a whiny warning of, “cumming— i’m cumming!! ohh god!!” before you finally burst. your body convulses brutally and you squeeze blade in a vice grip, punching out a guttural groan from him.
the feeling has blade reaching his peak before he can even compose himself. his hips stutter and he’s slamming into you, gripping your hips harshly — which will definitely leave bruises— and his finger rubs your clit to help you ride out your high.
“fuck fuck, fuck. fuuuckk. i’m gonna fill you up just like you want. make you round with my kids. gonna give it all to you. you’ll take it, right? you’ll take it all, i just know it,” he chants, mind blank.
“please, blade— ohhh goddd, please fill me up!!” you sob, tears running down your cheeks.
one last slam of his hips has him filling you up to the brim. more more, more— until his burning hot cum squelches out of you and drips onto the sheets. it prolongs your orgasm and you’re whining at the feeling. small praises leave blade’s lips as he leaves small kisses all over you.
he sits up and slowly pulls out of you, watching, entranced, as all of his cum slowly seeps out. with an empty mind that’s only filled with the image of you, he puts his fingers in your cunt to plug you up and prevent anything else from draining out.
a spike of pain and pleasure shoot through you. your mind starts clearing and you squeal, “hey!!”
he meets your gaze, eyes your messy form, and says simply, “sorry.” he pulls away.
blade hated that you looked so good that way. your body riddled with sweat, brows furrowed, lips pouted (that expression he loved so much), and hair mussed all over your pillows.
you can’t tear your eyes away from how he stares at you. this time, you notice the fondness that swim in his irises and your tummy flutters. your lips curl into a sweet smile and you speak to sweep away your embarrassment, “you’re really obsessed with me.”
blade’s eyes widen, and you assume it’s because of your words; but you couldn’t be any more wrong.
this is the first time you’ve smiled like that in his presence. he couldn’t deny that he loved your other faces, whether it be anger, prideful, lust, you name it. but this one… it was definitely his new favorite.
you predicted he’d say something along the lines of, “i am.” and make you further embarrassed. but if anything, he said the opposite.
“spread your legs.” he orders simply.
you blink at him, noticing his eyes that filled with desire once more.
“y—you can’t be serious!!!”
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taglist : @chalksdreams @bloo-wisteria @maddymints09 @just-simping-over-genshin @xiaowatching @sunsethw4 @caesadele @forsh4dow @i-x4o @shrimp-anon some of u i couldn’t tag sorryyyyy ☹️
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saey707 · 11 months
OMG A LEAGUE WRITING BLOG.. Honestly you’ve partially inspired me to make one!!! I love your works so far :)
But! In the meantime, the S/H comfort you wrote for Kayn was so beautiful! So I wanted something similar with Aphelios with a touch that’s a little more personal to me! if possible i’d like to request heartsteel Aphelios with his s/o (who May or May not be chubby, depending on your preference) struggling with an eating disorder? thank you in advance!
✿ Prompt: Aphelios worships you ✿
♡ champion focus: aphelios ♡ tw: reader w/ low self esteem + ed ♡ Gender-neutral reader
Author's Note: Hi, anon! ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ This was a bit of a difficult subject for me to write, but I still wanted to get something small out nonetheless! I didn't touch too much into the ed, because it is a bit of a touchy subject to me. But I still hope you like what I have in store! ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡
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Aphelios knows how to read people like the back of his hand. It's one of his own personal superpowers... Or, more so a catalyst of being unable to speak.
Because of this, he is able to effortlessly observe those around him and know exactly how someone is feeling. He knows how to manipulate people to get what he wants. And worst of all, he knows when someone is lying to him or not. Including you.
That was one of the things you grew to hate about Aphelios. You hated that you could never lie to him.
It took a couple of weeks for Aphelios to realize something was wrong. It was just a matter of figuring out what it was...
You were always so confident and bright. You never cared about how anyone felt about you and never did anything to appease anyone. You did what you wanted when you wanted, which was something that Aphelios loved about you!
Aphelios couldn't help but wonder: Was it him? Did he do something wrong? He thought the two of you had a good relationship, you never had any problems before... It can't possibly be him... Maybe it's the fans? You both did recently come out as a couple! Maybe they were just jealous? Aphelios couldn't see a reason why anyone wouldn't like you right off the bat! But... Could that be the reason??
He had to investigate...
"Did you eat today?" Aphelios typed hastily before holding his phone up. You hummed in response. But he knew you were lying.
"Do you want the other half of my mooncake?" "I'm not hungry right now, Phel. but thank you!" He knew you were lying.
"We're all going to grab dinner, I'll bring you something back!" "You really don't have to! I'll find something here!" Still, he would always bring you something back.
While he was out, Aphelios took the opportunity to turn to his friends for help, which was extremely unlike him. Aphelios usually kept to himself, so it came as a surprise to everyone in the group when he asked for them to look around and see if they could find anything.
And when they did, Aphelios couldn't help but feel a wave of regret wash over him. He felt like it was his fault. He felt responsible for the way you felt. Aphelios pushed for you to have a more public relationship with him after all... In a way, he felt like was responsible for destroying your self-confidence.
But that feeling was quick to fade with Yone's reassurance. Instead, Aphelios felt angry. Not at you or himself... But at the entire world for expecting you to change.
You didn't need to change a single thing about yourself. You were nothing short of perfection to Aphelios. And he intended to remind you of it every day from there on out.
As soon as Aphelios got home, he burst through the doors, carrying 5 bags of food and a half-eaten box of chocolates he somehow swiped from the back of Ezreal's car.
"Phel..?" You were caught off guard by your boyfriend unexpectedly engulfing you in a big hug. His shoulders were shaking, giving you the surefire indicator that he was only beginning to cry.
You tried to pull away from him, but he only held on tighter.
Tears poked at the corners of your eyes. You knew.
Aphelios didn't need to speak to convey his love for you. His actions alone did that. That was one of the things you grew to love about Aphelios. You loved how he always knew the precise way to show you how much he loved you.
And you didn't realize how much you needed for him to see the issue at hand until now.
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rottenrosethorns · 1 year
HI HI!! i love ur blog sm i had to request something!! can we pls get some fluffy leon hcs where he's playing w his partner's hair? or caressing their skin, anything along those lines🥺
im touch starved istg
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x gn!reader 
Genre: Headcanons, Fluff 
Synopsis: Leon’s love language is physical touch – Leon takes you on a surprise date to the local carnival! 
Word Count: 1.4K 
Warnings: mentions of carnivals but no clowns, large crowds, mentions of social anxiety 
A/N: I don’t know how to write headcanons lol. So, hopefully this is okay for the first time. I also don’t know how to keep things short and sweet, I was itching to write a whole ass fic for this LMAO. thank you anon for the idea and for loving my humble blog! <3
- masterlist - 
You always found it surprising that Leon would put 110% effort in planning your monthly date nights. Usually, he’s cool, calm, and collected, so you didn’t strike him as the type to become giddy about some outing; however, Leon always managed to prove you wrong. He was an excellent planner thanks to all the years of training his observation skills. 
He knew exactly what you liked and didn’t like. So even if you hated surprises, Leon would always orchestrate the date accordingly and ease into the activity he knew you’d enjoy. 
Plus, you trusted him more than you trusted your anxiety!
Before you even leave the house, Leon's sitting on the closed lid of the bathroom toilet, watching as you get yourself ready for whatever outing he'd been brewing for the past week. His eyes would be keen on you the entire time, shifting to look at your reflection in the mirror, then back towards you. 
Since he doesn’t want to interrupt your work – you are putting in the time and energy to look good for him after all – Leon resorts to verbal compliments and being your personal hype boy. 
You'd usually listen to music or play a video to accompany your routine, but nowadays, Leon was the only companion you needed. 
Leon can't sit still for long, so he'll be hovering all around you. One moment, he's standing behind you and wrapping his arms around your midriff to catch you in a tight back hug. Next, he's turning you around with his hands on your hips as he tries to convince you that you don't need anything to make you look more breathtaking than you already were. 
You pinch him arm gently, warning him that he'll make you both late if he keeps distracting you. So, he offers to help you with your hair instead. 
The man wants to be involved! Let him dote on you! 
Surprisingly, Leon's decent as a hairstylist. Experienced from handling young Sherry’s hair, Leon forcibly learned almost any and all basic hairstyles. He'll be extra gentle with you though, making sure not to pull too tight or harshly brush through knots. If he's feeling a bit childish, he'll try to tickle your earlobes. But when you get annoyed, he'll offer an apologetic kiss on your neck before neatly finishing his style. 
Sometimes he’ll ask what style you want, but most times you let him decide for you. Secretly, you know he enjoys dolling you up to his expectations, so as long as it looks well kept, you didn’t mind what he did for you. 
Leon's not the best driver, so unfortunately, he can't do the one hand driving, one hand on your left thigh ordeal. No matter how much he wants to be cool, he doesn't have the confidence to drive without two hands on the wheel like a teen who'd just gotten their permit. 
It's okay though, because he'll interlace his fingers with yours and softly kiss the back of your hand at red lights. Maybe, he can sneak in a peck when there's traffic too. 
Leon always opens the door for you and offers a helping hand which never lets go unless absolutely necessary. It's not uncommon for couples to hold hands in public, but when he's brought you to the local carnival with an abundance of people, he's definitely making sure you don't get lost in the crowd. Your safety comes first after all. 
If you get anxious around a lot of people, Leon will either rub his thumb over the back of your hand soothingly as he whispers some reassuring words for you or he'll move so that his body acts as a sort of barrier. 
You'll always follow closely behind him, tugging at his clothes just in case your hands disconnected for whatever reason. Once you're out of the crowd, Leon will make sure you're feeling okay before holding you closer by latching his arm around your waist. 
It’s a win-win for the both of you. You get to feel his warmth from his protection, and he gets to ward off anyone who thinks they have a chance with you. Boy is possessive, so don’t stray too far! 
If you get self-conscious about PDA, Leon will pout, but he'll get over it. As much as he wants to smother you in kisses for the world to see that you are his lover, Leon would never force you to be in an uncomfortable situation especially in public. 
Therefore, he'll compromise with a ghost touch at the small of your back or a soft grip on your shoulder. He'll know he's doing okay because you'll subconsciously lean closer to him and sometimes put a hand on top of his. 
The both of you will explore the carnival grounds for a while, trying your hand at a few carnival games. Of course, Leon is very competitive in nature and an excellent marksman, so he'll absolutely ace at any and all shooter games. But this time, he'll push you up to the podium this time and help you win your own prize. 
He'll stand behind you with both hands on your shoulders as he tells you to focus on the three glass bottles. He gives clear instructions, waiting for you to nod your head or make a noise in confirmation before sliding his arms down yours and aiming the toy gun towards the bottles. 
He'll hover towards your level, chin resting on the curvature of your shoulder. He does this to help see how you’re aiming, but he purposely pushes himself closer to tease you. He can’t help that you’re just smaller than him and that your figure is always begging for him to embrace you. 
He knows you're nervous, but he wants you to win, so he'll wrap his hands around your shaking hands, gripping the stock to stabilize you and the gun before shifting your aim. Once lined up, he'll let you pull the trigger on your own, successfully knocking down the three bottles. Elated, you turn and envelope yourself into a congratulatory hug before happily accepting the prize. 
When you're both hungry and take a seat at an open table to snack on the overpriced carnival food, Leon now does the hand on the thigh thingy. 
He'll go the extra mile and hook your leg over his, so that you're partially thrown over his lap as he traces random lines on your skin. Again, if you're anxious about large crowds, this'll soothe you. 
You can't say you've been to a carnival if you hadn't gone on the ferris wheel, right? Is it very obvious that he plans to seal the night with a romantic kiss at the top of the ride? Yes. But, you'll pretend you don't know what he's planning to do. 
Leon's never truly loved someone before, so don't blame him when he gets all his ideas from cheesy romance movies. You'd never expose him though, because you didn't mind being the main character sometimes. 
You can tell he's nervous, his eyes are watching the wheel spin round and round as you wait in line. Now it's your turn to calm his nervousness down as you wrap yourself on his bicep and lean your head on his muscles. He'll look away with a soft, goofy smile before taking his free hand and giving you a soft head pat to silently thank you. 
Once on the ride, Leon prefers that you sit next to him. Although he liked looking at you sitting across from him, Leon felt much more comfortable with you by his side, especially when you both were swinging higher than the treetops. 
As the ride begins to move, Leon will wrap an arm around your side, planting a firm grip on your hip and pulling you close to him. Even when the cart shakes, Leon's hold is firm and keeps you stable, but that doesn't prevent you from fearfully gripping his midsection.
He'll let out a teasing laugh at your timid reaction and press a kiss on your temple as you hide your face in his chest. 
Once at the very top, Leon will uncover you and take a moment to admire you. He's very keen on eye contact, so he'll hold your chin with his fingers as he expresses how much he loves you. He'll slide his fingers until they're placed on the side of your neck and pull you in for that cliche kiss to perfectly end the night.
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nothing-tolose · 5 months
All Because I Liked A Girl.
Part 2.
Warning: death threats, panic attack (?), lmk if i missed anything!
A/N: still kinda short anyway but yeah here it is. english isn't my first language so pls pls i hope u guys can understand t____t love u guys sm xoxo
Part 1.
🇵🇸 Daily click.
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You keep your phone on screen after you saw those comments on school's blog. You couldn't tell what's happening right now, too many comments made you so hard to search the problem. You bring that thing to everywhere; kitchen, living room, porch, or even to the bathroom.
It's been two hours since you woke up and you haven't showered yet. You were too focused on your school's blog. You sit on your dining chair with a cup of water in front of you, fingers still scrolling and searching.
'Why there's so much bad comments towards me? Why do people keep mentioning Ellie and Anne in between my name?'
You keep asking the same question in your head. You have no idea. Because, oh really, what the fuck is happening right now? You didn't even do anything wrong before!
And you stopped scrolling when you saw Anne's post.
11 hours ago
oh.. i think.. people should be know about a girl who just stole someone's girlfriend, yeah? been hiding this for months but i guess today is the right time to tell you all. aaanddd this isn't about a gossip at all since it was happened to me:)
i would never understand why did she still can smile so brightly after she stole my gf, oops, i mean.. my ex. sorry my bad ;(
there's no girls supporting girls when the one have NO SHAME 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
anyway, have a good night everyone! <3
You froze. You figured out that her post was the problem of all those bad comments, and that post finally answered your curiosity.
Who doesn't know about Anne, though? Everyone knew her as an 'IT GIRL' or something like that on your school. She was dated with Ellie back then and broke up 5 months ago. Everyone always praising her like she's the perfect one, no one could replace her. Good grades, good looking, good personality. Oh, she got them all.
You were confused. It was 5 months ago, you started talking with Ellie 3 months ago, and started dating with her a month after that. There's a little big gap between their relationship with yours, right? Why did she bring up about that and saying that you stole Ellie?
Did she really talking about you? Or you were just overanalyzing? Absolutely not. She haven't been in relationship after her break up with Ellie. If the post wasn't about you and Ellie, then who?
People in her comments section were shading you and even mentioning YOUR NAME.
I THINK I KNOW WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT :0 her name starts with * right?
@annel1se-torres replied
@brachhiosoreuzz girl i know you're smart but shh 🤫
i fucking agree w you anne, no girls supporting girls when the one have NOOO SHAAAMEEE FOR STEALING SOMEONE'S GIRLFRIEND!
lmfao, she's ugly tho why did ellie accept her to be her girlfriend? ugh she's not worthy to be compared with you, girl
ugly bitch always steal everything
she should be dead fr i don't care what anyone says
@dont-lookat-m33 replied
@plhrmc hey delete that, you're going too far
are you sure that she stole ellie from you? i mean, they started dating like around three months after your break up. think again, anne. im on your side if they were dating a week after the break up. she's already getting a death threat because of your post. not everything should be about you though.
@77-s18 replied
@dont-lookat-m33 guys it's her!!! use your real account you loser XD
You shouldn't have seen those comments, you should've just see the post. Those comments were worst than the first you saw before. The way Anne replied their comments, and didn't even care about the others. What's her actual problem with you? You both were never interacting before. All you know is Anne's post was absolutely a lie because you didn't even care abour her or thinking about her when you talking to Ellie for the first time until you dating with her.
It was your first time getting really really bad comments and death threats. You were definitely scared. Firstly they said they'll spit on you on Monday morning if you show up, and now they wishing you dead.
You can't stop scrolling and reading the comments, it gets worse. God, they made you scared to death. Your body starts to shaking, your hands too. You hold your tears.
Your phone buzzed when you were about to see more comments on Anne's post. Lauren calls you again.
"Hey, I just found the–"
"Lau, I.." You couldn't talk, words suddenly disappeared. Lauren can hear your breath, and you were panting. "I saw those comments. They–"
Lauren went silent, she took a deep breath, "Would you close the blog right now? Please?" Now she sounds more softer than the last call you had with her.
You nod slightly.
You swear to God, you can't hold your tears anymore. You were too scared, scared of what will happen next. What if they really spit on you? What if they give you a disgusting stare on you? And what if—
Then you cried.
You hear Lauren's voice from the call, "I'll be there in five minutes. Just sit there where you are and don't go to somewhere else." And she hang up.
Of course you're not going to anywhere. Your feet were limp, you couldn't do anything except crying.
Your phone screen was on, you can see the notifications on the screen there.
messages request from ssalxxxx
god i really hope you the worst
she's dating with you because she just wanted to make anne jealous
poor girl
messages request from qwrtxxxx
ellie was never happy with you and anne is better than you, girlie
i'll be waiting for your funeral 💘
You shut your eyes, you don't want to see it. But hey, remember that curiosity killed the cat.
messages from els <33
babe are you okay??
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taglist: @backedbeansh
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cherrytreegrove · 5 months
Hi! Came by your blog today when I saw you like my fics out of curiosity. Thank you for that & I see you’re a fellow writer too which makes me happy! ^u^ when doing that I thought it be cool to send you a request to enjoy a fellow writer work. Soooooooooo can I request a TMNT 2012 Leo x reader where reader is a sweet person who genuinely cares about & wants to help people which could be a strength & a weakness. Leading to sweet Leo be a bit overprotective over her especially her going out late at night where she could be vulnerable. Preferably it to be fluff where Leo is just getting butterflies with hoe sweet & understanding she is when reassuring him she’ll be okay & that she’ll try to be careful. Hope this isn’t too big of a request. 😅
You have no idea how happy this request made me!! Did this as a Female Reader because I’m used to she/her pronouns, but if you want a male or gn version, I can totally make that happen! Also sorry about this being short, this is my first time publishing a fanfic! Maybe I should do a part 2?
Kindness: Strength or Weakness?
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Leo loved you with all his heart, he REALLY did, but sometimes he really worried about you. You were, what he could only describe as, an Angel, perfect human being, a saint. Your kindness and patience were incredible. Even Raph couldn’t stay mad at you and your kind heart.
When Leo would watch over you on your walks late at night, he would see how you would help stray animals, the elderly, kids your own age, children, pregnant women, anyone and everyone was a victim to your kindness. Then he would see how some people would use your kindness and take it for granted.
On multiple occasions he would see you lend money to your ‘friends’ and when he would ask, you’d say they haven't paid you yet. Many times would be shoved aside or to the ground after doing something nice or have all the credit taken from you. It made Leo so upset to see you get taken advantage of.
·˚*୨୧꒰∗ɞ̴̶̷ ·̮ ɞ̴̶̷∗꒱୨୧*˚·
“I’m just saying you should be careful, there’s dangerous people in this world, (Y/N), and I don’t want to see you get hurt..” Leo told you, placing his three fingered hand on your cheek. He had invited you to the lair to watch Space Heros. You smiled at him and giggled.
“I know that, Leo. But I believe that there are always kind people in the world, and a little bit of kindness can go a long way..besides…” You cup his face and place a gentle kiss on his nose, “I’ll always have you to protect me!” Leo blushed at your kiss and wore the most love-sick smile on his face.
·˚*୨୧꒰∗ɞ̴̶̷ ·̮ ɞ̴̶̷∗꒱୨୧*˚·
“She’s gonna get hurt one day.” Raph said, Leo turned away from the stove to look at his brother.
“Excuse me?”
“(Y/N). She’s gonna get hurt one of these days because of her stupidity.” Leo frowned at Raph. Raph saw you as his sister at times, he wanted what was best for you.
“She is not stupid Raph, she’s just kind, not like you would know what that means.” Leo smirked.
“OH SNAP! Sick burn, Leo!” Mikey laughed, high-threeing Leo. Raph chased Mikey around the kitchen with a wooden spoon.
“He’s kinda right, you know,” Donnie spoke up, looking away from his computer, “(Y/n)’s nice and all but someday she might end up helping the wrong person.”
Leo sighed, he knew the risk of your kindness. But he also knew he couldn’t stop you.
·˚*୨୧꒰∗ɞ̴̶̷ ·̮ ɞ̴̶̷∗꒱୨୧*˚·
You walked into the lair, completely drenched in water. All four of the turtles turn to look at you, Leo quickly ran up to you, throwing a blanket over you.
“(Y/N)! What happened?!” He questioned, trying to dry off your hair.
“I saw a girl from my class sitting outside in the rain, she was stood up for a date! So I gave her my umbrella and my jacket and gave her some money to go buy herself some food!” You explained, a smile on your face. Leo frowned, he wasn’t entirely surprised.
“You just give money to anyone who asks for it?” Raph scoffs, throwing Leo an extra towel to dry you off.
“If they really need it, yes!” The red turtle face palmed and went back to reading his comic book.
“(Y/N), you can’t keep giving strangers your stuff, especially when you need it!” Leo said, taking you over to the kitchen.
“First of all, it wasn’t a stranger! And second, a little-”
“Kindness goes a long way, yeah yeah…I know..” He interrupted you. Leo made you a cup of tea and watched you drink some.
“You really are an absolute angel, aren’t you..” He murmured. You perked up an eyebrow and stared at him, “Hm?”
“I just mean that you’re so sweet and kind to everyone, no matter how rude they are to you. You’re always ready to help anyone and everyone…why?” You smiled down at your cup and held Leo’s hand.
“I just really love helping people. It always makes me feel good when someone does something nice for me, so I wanted to do nice things for other people! I think we’re all good deep down on the inside, we just need someone to show us that light!” You smiled.
Leo had always admired you, and he will continue to admire you. He really does hope that the world learns from your kindness. He also hopes that no matter what this cruel and evil world might throw at you, that you’ll always remain his sweet angel.
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Hello! Love your blog! I had a kind of a silly/fun reaction. How would the DA:I companions and advisors react to a playful Inquisitor sneaking up behind them and giving them a quick tickle attack? 😊
I guess this is mostly under the assumption that they are all close w/the Inquisitor, and comfortable with sudden physical contact. Enjoy!
Cassandra yelps, a high pitched squeak that has her clapping her hands to her mouth with a horrified expression, utterly mortified at the sound she just made. She blushes furiously, but she's not going to stoop to the Inquisitor's level of childishness and return the tickle attack. She will rise above. Forget this affront to her reputation. Or so she would have the Inquisitor think... for a good tactician never reveals their cards, and always has a plan of (tickle) attack.
Varric laughs. He laughs and laughs and laughs until tears stream from his eyes and his stomach hurts. For him, it really dispells the notion of the Inquisitor being this large figure at the front of a huge military force. It's utterly ridiculous, and definitely not the intended effect the Inquisitor wanted on him.
Solas is taken off guard. He's seen and done it all, so it takes something truly special to leave him stunned. Something like a tickle attack. He stands there in a horrific, drawn out silence after the Inquisitor's attempt to tickle him, trying to process what just happened. Solas spends the next thirty seconds resembling a dumbstruck fish. He hastily closes his mouth and reaches a tense agreement with the Inquisitor to never speak of this again.
Oh, the indignity. Dorian is actually appalled at the noise he makes, which is something between a giggle and a squeak, and turns swiftly on the Inquisitor with (playful) murder in his eyes. He's not afraid to get his hands dirty, oh no, and so he rolls his sleeves up and prepares himself for an all out tickle war. Naturally, the Tevene in him begs him not to stoop so low. His pride, on the other hand, begs him to take revenge.
Sera screams bloody murder. Good luck hiding from her, for the Inquisitor chose the wrong person to start a tickle fight with. This girl is ruthless. She'll hide in the rafters and swoop down upon the Inquisitor when they least expect it. Throw in a few lobbed pies and that'll make the experience downright messy. Never mind playful, she's starting a war.
Blackwall is really ticklish, and ticklish everywhere. He can sense someone creeping about and probably assumes the worst. To be tickled instead of receiving a knife in the back is an odd kind of relief. To him, it helps to maintain a sense of normalcy. Yes, the world has gone mad, but people can still have tickle fights and laugh like children. Normalcy is the best kind of revenge.
Cole isn't ticklish. Still, he understands the concept. It's likely that he'd ask the Inquisitor why they felt the need to try and ambush him like that. He gets that they're trying to be playful and get him to laugh, but there are easier ways to do it!
The Iron Bull is not ticklish. He's not, so don't bother even trying. Except he's totally lying. Ask Krem and he'd say, "The boss is ticklish behind the ears. Don't ask how I know." He'd probably bark out a laugh, then full on lose it at the attempt to tickle him. Though he'd likely not retaliate unless he knew for sure the Inquisitor is comfortable with unexpected physical contact.
Vivienne isn't actually ticklish. Unlike Bull, when she says it, she means it. Any attempt to tickle her will be met with extreme retribution. Messing with the Iron Lady means snowballs flung at high speeds into the back of the Inquisitor's head when they least expect it. Vivienne is all smiles, icy and sharp, and when confronted all she has to say is, "What ever do you mean, my dear?"
He'd have to be really close to the Inquisitor for Cullen to be even slightly comfortable with that sudden movement. His knee-jerk reaction would be to panic. He'd also probably try to defend himself or physically remove himself from the situation. If he is comfortable, well, this man grew up with siblings. He's gonna tickle the Inquisitor right back, maybe even give into childish impulse and full body slam them into the floor... and apologise profusely after. And fix his hair.
Leliana sees it coming from a mile away. She'd turn swiftly and catch the Inquisitor's wrists in her hands, then offer them a knowing smile that simultaneously warms and terrifies. "I wish you luck for your next attempt." Is that a threat or a challenge? You decide.
Josephine would yelp with surprise, then erupt into giggles despite herself. She feels just like a young girl again, having tickle fights with Yvette until her tutors reprimanded her for terribly unlady-like behaviour. Josie would never in a million years dream of actually retaliating, but she sure thinks about it. A lot.
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Heya! This is pretty fucked up 💕
For my favorite blog @noellawrites 💕
TW: kinda graphic rape
Yandere!Carmy missed you while he was in New York and makes sure you lose your virginity together, resulting in your pregnancy
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It had been two months since it happened. You were waitressing at The Beef when Carmy came home. He was in town for a few days before he finally came to the restaurant. He had been avoiding you and you knew it, but the moment he saw you he walked straight to you and pulled you into his strong arms causing you to drop the plates you had been holding. You embraced him back though and felt tears welling up in your eyes. He was really home.
You had always been a family friend to the Berzattos for as long as you could remember, living near them, going to church and school with them, growing up together. But when Carmy left for New York he hadn't even said goodbye to you, it broke your heart to know your best friend didn't want to see you.
Right before he left he had confessed his love for you. He was your friend though, you didn't see him that way and you had to tell him that. You immediately knew it had hurt him a lot and you'd felt guilt over it ever since. He had never answered your calls or letters while he was away, you heard nothing until that day.
"I've missed you so much." He muttered into your shoulder as he held you like he was never going to let you go. You let out a sob, "I missed you too... I-I'm sorry..." You apologized even though you weren't sure if you should. "I know, it's okay, I know." Carmy muttered before Richie interrupted your reunion.
"Okay! We got customers and orders to remake! Can you guys do this later?" Richie shouted from the back. You bent down and picked up the plates Carmy had knocked out of your hands and wiped your eyes. He grabbed your arm as you stood up, "I gotta run some errands for The Beef, come to my place tonight, let me cook you something and we can talk yeah?" You nodded and smiled at each other, it felt like home again.
That night you knew you were in the right place when you smelled something amazing as you walked down the hall of the apartment building. You knocked on Carmy's door and he opened it almost immediately and pulled you into another long hug.
You pulled away, "Seriously that smells incredible." You say with a laugh. "It's really nothing that fancy," He smiled and led you to the sofa and sat down, "Wine?" He was already pouring two glasses and you nodded, "Thank you." You both sat in silence for a minute sipping on the deep red wine.
"So... I guess we should... talk?" Carmy sat down his wine glass and ran a hand through his hair. You turned your glass in your hand nervously for a moment before setting it down on the coffee table as well.
"Why... why didn't you say goodbye? Why didn't you call me?" You asked with a shakey voice as you held back tears. He took your hand in his larger one, "I'm sorry. I know I hurt you." His brows furrowed, "You hurt me too though." You felt the pang of guilt again, "I know. I'm sorry Carmy, I didn't want you to get hurt." He looked into your eyes. "I waited for you. I didn't see anyone while I was in New York, I only thought of you." He squeezed your hand, "Did you... wait for me too?"
"What...? Oh, Carmy... I'm sorry, I told you I don't think of you like that. You're family, you know you're like a brother to me." He gently let go of your hand and clasped his in front of him. "So you did see people while I was away?" Carmy asked coldly. "Well yes..." You answered feeling shame for some reason.
"Did you let them fuck you?" He asked, venom dripping from his voice. He was looking down at his tattood hands, fists clenched tightly. You felt your cheeks go red immediately with embarrassment and anger. "Carmy! W-what's wrong with you-"
"Did you?" He looked over at you into your eyes and you had to avert your gaze from the piercing blue eyes of the man hunched over next to you. "That's not- I don't see how that's any of your business... but no." You crossed your arms, he had never acted like this before.
"I'm still a virgin too," he said quietly,
You had been close before he left and talked about everything with each other. You'd never had any serious boyfriends and never really trusted anyone enough to give yourself to them, you wanted your first time to be with someone really special. You had talked with Carmy about all of this back when you were best friends.
He leaned over and kissed you hard, you were shocked into stillness for just a moment before jerking away, "Carmy, I really am sorry, but this isn't what I want." You protested. He ignored you and pushed you back onto the couch, laying on top of you and parting your legs with his. He leaned down and tried to kiss you again, when you turned your head away he just kissed your face and neck wherever he could reach.
"You have no fuckin idea how much I missed you..." he grunted. "Carmen stop. You're making me uncomfortable." You were starting to panic and you held onto his thick bicep with one hand and pushed against his strong chest with the other
"No it's okay..." He mumbled into your neck as his hand slid under the hem of your shirt and brushed over your belly making you jump at the contact, "See I knew you'd like it." Carmy smiled against your neck and pushed himself up with one arm and began unbuttoning your pants with the other. You started whimpering and trying to pull yourself out from under him but it was no use, he had gained so much muscle weight in New York you had no chance of moving him.
He held your wrists in one calloused hand above you head while he backed up a bit and yanked your pants off. He fumbled with his own pants before pulling his hard cock out and sighing. You were thrashing and whimpering as you tried to stop him but he held your hip down with bruising pressure to still you before he slowly pushed into you.
"Fuck you're tight, you really did wait for me didn't you? So good for me." You wailed and turned your head to the side into the sofa cushion again but Carmy grabbed your chin and turned your face to look at him, "Please look at me, I want to look in your eyes. I want to remember your face." He begged and pressed clumsy but forceful kisses onto your mouth as he thrust with no rhythm.
"Bear..." You whimpered a last plea before you gave up fighting, "Fuck... there you go, just enjoy it..." he panted. You laid still with tears silently running down your cheeks as you stared, watching the pleasure contort his face as he pressed deep inside you one last time and came groaning your name.
At least it was short you thought to yourself as he lay on top of you, touching you anywhere he could reach, "I love you y/n. You know that right? I love you." Carmy said with a shakey breath as he kissed every inch of you he could reach while his softening cock stayed inside you. You felt his cum start to slide out of you into the couch, "I know Carmy." You stroked his hair.
Now, two months later, you've just found out you were pregnant. Looking down at the positive test made you feel sicker than you had been. You touched your stomach gingerly, wishing you could be happy about this. You ignored your first missed period, sometimes it happened it wasn't a big deal. And you didn't want to think of the alternative. But now it was right in front of you.
You couldn't even quit your job after what had happened. You had no where else to go, everyone at The Beef was your family, it was all you had. You knew if Carmy ever found out he would be elated. You couldn't let him find out.
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lynlyndoll · 10 months
Apple Cider
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genre: fluff, angst, comfort
tw: this may trigger people to cry, especially reader's first part; some type of traumatic childhood
pairing: producer! han x architect! reader
w/c: 4.5k
summary: Maybe is a complex word, that not many people believe in - not even you. However, as time goes, you find yourself asking multiple questions that start with "Maybe", all of them related to the guy who you didn't even like. Maybe he asks the same questions, all of them related to you.
a/n: Hey, I'm freaking back!!! This made me kind of exhausted, since it's the longest fic I've written :)). I advise you guys to listen to Apple Cider by beabadoobee when I start writing some words with blue! Oh and also, I know that, if you know me/my blog, you might actually see the similarities between me and the character i "drew" for Y/N. :) feel free, however, to change the dream job for yourself though, however i made architecture to fit the fic! <3
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Many people seem to think finding your romantic soulmate is impossible. People say they are right. That it actually is impossible for human kind to feel something as 'real love', the life people see in movies portrayed as the 'soulmate's love'. Finding the one and only can't be true. But maybe, people are wrong. Maybe people can find the person they are happy with, the person that listens to everything and nothing just for the sake of their lover. Because, afterall, the questions we have that start with a 'maybe' are actually possibilities. Technically, questions shouldn't even start with 'maybe', they should start with 'who' or 'what' or 'where' or 'how', but humans started using 'maybe' for expressing desires that are actually a truth, masked under other people's desires that win over the true facts. Which means, finding your true love might actually be true. 
You are one of those people, however. Those people who never ask themselves the question of 'maybe'. You're a person who makes straight up decisions based on what you already know, based on what people say or do, based on experiences that have already happened. You never did because you never could've asked yourself that type of question back in your childhood. The action of doubting something has always been forbidden in your family, the only way of doing things being the ones that were told by your parents. Your childhood wasn't an extreme level of trauma, but it wasn't good either. Your parents weren't severely strict, nor free-range. You were an only child, every single thing your parents wanted from you had to be done at the level of perfection, otherwise you knew deep inside that you would bring your parents down, bringing shame to all of your family. So you knew since you were a child that you had to keep fighting for every single one of their desires, no matter how tired you were. So you did it. You continued living the life your parents wanted, named as the 'Golden Child', having every other child turn against you and your actions because of jealousy. No friends, no real life and no feeling of wanting to continue. But you had to. Your family needed you. 
Since you were a child, you realized your problems. Everything that happened caused you a huge self-doubt and hate, anxiety and depression, but you couldn't talk about it to anyone. So you sucked it up and continued. That's the person you are today. Y/N Y/L/N, a current student of architecture in Seoul. You think that being an architect is one of the few things you really have done for yourself, especially, and not for your family’s pride - which has been there, however, because who wouldn’t want their child to have a good job. The architecture trope fits you, though. Your life and sense of rationality made you realize a long time ago that you were made to be one. Your head was full of imagination, full of new and fresh ideas, ready to come out when you let them. However, you were never truly sure about the choices you made, so when something was almost ready, the fear made you overthink and start again. You wanted, no, you needed someone to be there for you in those times, but you had no one other than yourself and your orange cat, Honey.
Another thing about yourself is that you finally realized how much a ‘loner life’ affected you, so obviously you tried making friends. Which you successfully did. It wasn’t a big group - nor could you name it little -, it consists of 3 guys and 2 girls. You met Seungmin in the town, while you were assigned to draw a building that caught your eye from 3 different perspectives. Turned out that he chose the same building for his project, since he was a student as well, majoring in photography. This encounter made you both friends and soon after, he introduced you to his own friend group: Jeongin, a literature student with the want of becoming a teacher, Felix, a cooking student that wants to start his own bakery, Yuna, a fashion modeling student that already caught the attention of a few brands, and Lia, a music student ready to start writing songs. They immediately ‘adopted’ you in their friend group, accepting you as if you were there all along. 
It's not as if you only hang out with them. You also hang out with some other friends of their own, such as Minho, Felix's friend, who is also a cooking student. However, they actually met at the dancing classes they both take. There, they have also met Hyunjin, an art major that is somehow friends with Seungmin as well, both of them being in the same art university. He often takes modeling classes as well, but more as a hobby, so he and Yuna are always bickering about the latest fashion trends. Since Seungmin's hobby is baseball, he also has a friend named Chan, who is on his way to becoming a famous athlete and who often plays different sports with his other 2 friends except Seungmin. More exactly Han and Changbin, both of them preparing for a musical career, Han as a song-writer and producer and Changbin as a self-made rapper. You usually would hang out with all of them, however, hanging out with Han was harder. Not that you disliked the boy, but he usually had a not-so-nice attitude towards you, so you acted the same as he did. And that's how your friends tried to never have each other in the same room, the bickering being insupportable. A part of you told yourself that you're doing the right thing, acting the same to hurt him, however, the other part was telling you that maybe he isn’t like that. Perhaps you did something wrong or offended him. You tried not thinking about it, but when you were alone in the dark night buried in your own thoughts, this idea was haunting you. 
You liked your life now. Sure, it wasn’t the best, but it was enough. You had great friends and your results were extremely good, meaning that you wouldn't be left without a good job in this domain after graduating. Sure, the apartment you lived in wasn’t probably the greatest. A little bit too old and possibly not the cleanest out of all, but it was just for a few years of college. And maybe you also wanted some action, excepting the lives of your friends or your favorite movie characters, but who were you to whine about it? You used to have some action, until your boyfriend of 1 year and a half cheated on you. You also went on a few great dates - forgetting the fact that after a few dates, you were always stood up - and you went to the bar pretty often with Lia and Yuna, plus a few of their fun friends, Ryujin, Chaeryeong and Yeji, all of them dancing majors. But a real relationship… Nah, and maybe you didn’t even want it. Okay, maybe you wanted it, but who cares? You definitely don't want to have only a fling, so it is way better to not have someone randomly ask you “Wanna come into my apartment?” have a few drinks, have sex and then forget the whole night. It just didn't sit right with you. So, better to abandon the idea and focus on your college life. 
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“Was life this hard?” a drunken Yuna asks, causing all of your female friends to fall into a drunken laugh. 
“Considering everyone’s past…” says Yeji.
“YES!” Lia says, amused. 
You're with your friends into the bar all of you have started being regulars at. It's a nice bar, not too full, so it's perfect for 6 deranged women to spend a friday night. Yuna’s boyfriend has broken up with her recently, so all of you went into town to console her. But of course nothing goes as hard as three bottles of soju. You are possibly the only one in the state of walking - not saying that you're not drunk, however - and the one who will call out the boys for some help. So that's exactly what you want to do, grabbing your phone and opening your contact list. 
“Have you guys heard about Han?” your head snaps right there, eyes wide. The girls laugh at your confused reaction.
"Heard that…?" Ryujin asks Lia as she was the one who apparently knew everything about it. 
"You remember when we heard that he got an interview at some big music company? Rumor has it that they didn’t accept him.” 
Your brain starts thinking about him. Han was extremely talented, why would a company decline him and his talent?! This made you angrier than it should have. You wanted to go to whoever was in charge and scream directly in his face, telling him how good of a producer or songwriter Han would make for his shitty company - that, theoretically, isn't as shitty as you think right now, the fury taking over your thoughts. But, of course, you wouldn't do that. Who are you to even want to do it? You're not exactly friends, you're more as acquaintances, so why would you risk it?
After you finally called the boys to pick you and the girls up and after you finally got into your apartment, laying on the bed, you were left with only your thoughts. Many people say that it would make them uncomfortable to only sit somewhere, in the dark, with no one by their side, in total silence, but you like it. You like the safety feeling it gives you. In that silence, you remember the Han gossip, which would obviously go around for at least two weeks, not only between your friends, but also in his university. And you felt bad for him. Like, really bad. He isn't a bad person, you don't hate him, you just… haven't talked with him as much as the others. So obviously, none of you knows each other well enough. Either way, you still don't know why you're feeling so bad for him, afterall he isn’t your friend.
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“I’M HERE!” 
That’s probably Hyunjin, after the second round of beers for the movie night everyone had. He came with Minho, Yeji, Ryujin and Chaeryeong, plus Felix, who came with Lia, who came with Seungmin and well… Then you, Jeongin and Yuna came. All of you in the 3RACHA dorm, as Chan, Changbin and Han liked to call it. It was kind of a normal-sized and lowkey dirty apartment, that could often fit groups as yours was. The movie night is kind of a regular, you found yourself thinking one day. Once two weeks, during a day of the weekend, you found yourself surrounded by Felix, Minho, Hyunjin, Chan, Han, Changbin, Seungmin, Jeongin, Lia, Yeji, Yuna, Ryujin and Chaeryeong, either on the sofa, either on the floor, for a few hours. You usually watch a movie together and drink, sometimes even gossiping, always ending with the majority already falling asleep there. You always liked these days, always leading to something hilarious, however, this time, you weren't feeling as entertained as you used to. Tonight, it wasn't the whole group. Han was missing. You asked about him when you came, of course you did, but Chan and Changbin said he was in his room. You knocked on his door once, but he didn't answer, so you left him like that. Why would you continue? Why did you care so much? He isn't your friend.
"Hannie" You hear Minho yell at him, knocking on his door. You hear a groan from Han, from his room. You get up from the couch and go to his room, stopping Minho from knocking on the door. 
"Min, let Han rest." Your voice was heard and Han immediately opened the door. Minho's eyes widen as a restless Han makes his appearance in front of you. "Hi, Han. Sorry if he disturbed you…" You apologize as his eyes look at both you and him.
He mumbles "No problem…" as he looks at the floor, not making eye contact for none of you to see his tired face. "Sorry for-"
"Don't be." You smile and rest your hand on his arm. "It's alright."
"Thanks…" A smile sketches on his face, a little bit of sparkle in his eyes as you brush your hand on his arm. You were the first person till now who didn't ask him more about the situation, not that the others were bad intentioned, but you just knew that he was going through a rough time, so you just didn't question it. You smile at him again and mumble another sorry, getting Minho out of the hallway, guiding him towards the couch.
Later that night, when almost everybody left the 3RACHA apartment, leaving you the only one to leave, Han left his room.
"Y/N.." He called you, to get your attention. You snap your head in his direction, tilting it in confusion. "Sorry if… If I acted badly towards you, but…" His eyes were shiny, as tears were filling his brown, boba eyes. You immediately wiped his tears off with your hand and smiled. 
“Shh, it’s alright. I know that you’re not in the best mood and that it has been hard every day, but I promise to you that someone will discover your talent and will make you a star in the music industry. You’ll be the shiniest star out there because you have a huge talent, Han Jisung.” You interrupted him and smiled. He returns the smile, his pretty and round cheeks still shiny from the tears before. You hug him, shocking him, then saying a little goodbye and leaving the apartment. 
Why were you so nice to him? That's a question both you and him put that night. Another question gave Han no peace at all. Why did his heart beat faster when you hugged him? He swore he never felt that tingle in his heart or the way he felt when you hugged him, almost as if he was flustered. He realized it wasn’t just almost, but he in fact did get flustered. Another weird and uncharacteristic Han thing to experience. He sat that night in his bed, not closing his eyes for not even a minute, his whole mind being too preoccupied with the thought of you and only you. You were in the same state as him. Not only that you didn't understand why you hugged him, but you also didn't understand why you felt so comfortable doing it. Or why didn't he fight back? Why did you feel your ears burning as you made contact with him? It was an entire deligma why, your answers never making sense toward yourself. The lack of showing affection in your family didn't make this better for you. One thing, however, was in sync in this mix of feelings and questions. A thing that both of you realized. You actually acted like friends tonight. You cared about him and he cared about you. So why not… try to be friends? Maybe you would actually click.
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Han was standing in his room, eyes locked on the computer screen. His ears were already in pain because of the heavy headphones he put on since early in the morning. The apartment was peaceful, his roommates were out of the town and he had the place for himself, however he only stayed in his room. It was already night, his fourth cup of coffee still unfinished as he tried to find the right beat he had in his head. Chan and Changbin knew what he was up to, they knew him and how he probably locked himself in the room, with barely any food and a huge amount of caffeine in his possession. 
Ding Dong.
The doorbell rang. He put his headphones on the table, looking around as if the person who rang was in the room with him.
Ding Dong. 
This time he was sure someone was at his door. He unlocked his room and went to the apartment’s door, opening the door. And there, right in front of him, was you, with two bags full of food. As if you knew.
“Hi!” You said. “I… brought food.” You smiled and looked at the two bags in your hands. He smiles.
“Come in.” He tells you, helping you with the bags he then put on the counter.
You follow him into the kitchen, opening the bags and displaying all the take out you got - as well as the products you got from the supermarket. He looked at you, with a tiny smile on his face, muttering a thank you every time you looked at him while explaining.
"I… should go now." You smile awkwardly as you finish showing him everything you bought. However, he catches your wrist.
"Don't go… I mean, that's a lot of food and… I won't finish it, so you can have some." He says quite awkwardly, but the genuine look on his face told you that he was telling the truth.
So you stay. You thought that it would be boring or awkward to share an apartment with Han, even if it was for a few hours. However, you talked. Both of you. And when you didn’t talk, you were watching a drama, his head on your lap and your hands in his hair, both of you covered in a huge blanket. As your hands were massaging his scalp, he found himself closing his eyes often from both the feeling of your fingers and the warmth of the blanket. It was an awkward, but warm feeling, something intimate, something that made both of your hearts melt. After not even a few minutes of your action, his steady breath was heard through the silence of the movie. You giggled to yourself as you realized that he was asleep and not long after him, you fell asleep as well, with only one thought flooding your brain. The thought of Han Jisung.
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Han woke up in a warm embrace that night. He checked the tv’s clock which said it was 03:25. “Almost 03:30” he told himself as his eyes slowly adapted to the darkness of the room. That's when he saw your face, sleeping peacefully next to him, face buried into his chest. At the sight, his cheeks started to burn, a weird, but cozy feeling filling his tiny heart. Right there, his mind was full of questions. Questions about you and his possible future. Questions about his feelings and questions that started with “What if''s or “Maybe”s. 
“Hannie” your raspy and sleepy voice called out for him, your eyes slowly opening to see the man before you already staring at you. To be honest, Han was glad that there wasn’t a lot of light in the room, otherwise you’d see his puffy cheeks get even redder than they already were because of the nickname he oh-so-heard many times, but never from you. 
“Agh, Y/N, I-” he wanted to continue, but your arms wrapped around his small waist, getting him even closer than he already was on the tiny couch.
“Go to sleep, Hannie. ‘Night!” Your voice said and he swears he didn't mean to think that, if you were a couple, you'd say that every night. “Han, stop thinking about that!” his mind said, since his heart was already beating fast.
However, after a few tries, he did fall asleep again, in your embrace.
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“What should I do?” Han asked both Chan and Changbin, as soon as they entered the door of their shared apartment. As much as they tried to understand the meaning of the question addressed by Han, both of the guys were looking around the apartment with a confused face.
“Why is this place so… clean?” Changbin asked, followed by Chan’s question of “Why does it smell like actual cooked food?”. Han sighed at the amount of questions the boys asked him, all of them having the answer “Y/N”. It would be an understatement to say that the two guys looked shocked. Sure, they asked you to come at their apartment, but-
“She stayed. A few days.” Han answered all their questions with this simple answer. Changbin gave a smirk to his younger friend, getting a disapproving hiss from Han. 
“What was the question about?” Chan asks, quite confused.
“Well, Y/N stayed and we… I mean, I felt like… I don’t know, I felt weird. But in a good, warm way. In a way that made my cheeks redden-”
“That we can see” Changbin pointed out, as Han’s cheeks were visibly getting redder with every mention of your name.
“Either way, I’m not sure what I feel-” Han sighs.
“Love” Chan simply answers, shrugging his shoulders, making Han’s eyes widen. “C’mon, mate, you’re a producer and song-writer. Or that’s what you claim to be doing with your life.” He continues, making Changbin approve. “Give me one good reason for you to not consider love as an option.” He challenged Han.
“Well…” He started, but his mind already agreed with every word Chan said. That's when it clicked. The way he found himself thinking of you during his late nights of being awake, wondering how you are. The way he usually thought about you and your comforting words while writing songs. The way all his songs became more related to love. The way he woke up that night with you snuggling into his chest. All of these things made him realize that maybe he actually felt something stronger than he thought at first. All of these things made him wonder whether you’d feel the same or not. Whether things would be the same or even more, if he would have opened up some time ago. Maybe you'd like him too. Maybe you like him, right now, in this universe, not in a world of “What if…”s. 
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It started with small gestures. It started with little conversations, remembering insignificant things about you, adding your favorite songs into his oh-so-special playlist, hanging out only the two of you or even touching each other’s hands, waist or knees. Then it got to something more, such as small compliments that made you blush. Those hang outs became regular, they became a Han-Y/N thing to do. You haven't realized, at first, but slowly, Han Jisung wasn’t only a friend, he started becoming something more. He became the person you trusted the most, the person who occupied your thoughts most of the time, the person who made you laugh the most and the person who got you. You found out that he didn't have an easy childhood either, that he was also pressured by his family and the criticism he received gave him bad ideas about himself. You found out that everything he wrote for his songs were emotions he felt, emotions that you could relate to as well. You also found out that you were one of the few people he let listen to his music before editing it. He found out about your past and about your fear of not being good enough. He found out that whenever you felt a strong emotion, you’d draw something that reminded you of the emotion you felt at that moment.
Actually, the actual time you realized you were in love with Han was when you felt giddy and excited about life, you drew Han. Without even thinking about him, directly, you drew him. That day, you stood in front of your drawing, listening to your special-made playlist. You thought about him, about the guy who made you feel that you were someone special, someone who deserved to love and be loved. 
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“Y/N, wait!” Han’s voice was heard behind you, in the silence of the night. You stuck out your tongue as you continued to run, wanting to be the first one at Han and your special place. 
Even though it was already freezing and both of you still had courses the next morning, nothing could stop you both from meeting up with a hot chocolate in your hands, admiring the stars from the nearby park. 
You look behind and see Han finally arriving, his breathing unsteady from the amount of times he yelled at you and ran at the same time. His cheeks and nose are red, making you smile in adoration of him. He took a seat next to you, handing you one of his airpods and the hot chocolate he bought you. The playlist that once was his, now became your shared one, full of his and your favorite songs. 
“We both like apple cider, But your hair be smelling like fruit punch, And I don't even like you that much, Wait, I do, fuck”
This song reminded you of Han, of your situationship and of your feelings. About how-
“Y/N..?” He says, a little above a whisper. You hum in response, turning your head into his direction only to find his boba eyes already looking at you. “I… like your hair.” He said, looking in your eyes as he moved a strand of hair behind your ear. “And… is that the jumper I like?” He smiled slightly as his eyes flickered on the jumper you always knew he adored seeing on you. “I… love talking to you, you know that?” He chuckles as he shifts a little bit closer to you. “And holding your hand is… always making me nervous and giddy and… fuck” He says, his fingers fidgeting. 
“And even if we're just friends, We could be more than that”
“And…” He says, finally taking a big breath. “I know you probably only see me as a friend, but I can't picture myself without you and…” his eyes are teary, the emotion within him making him vulnerable only for you to see under the moonlight. “And what I’m trying to say is that I want us to be more than that!” He blurts out, staining his pretty cheeks with tears. So you move closer and put and wipe his tears, locking eyes with him. 
“Me too, you pretty and emotional boy.” You say, tears flooding your vision and you immediately go into a kiss. A kiss that tasted as an apple cider, bringing your memories back. The ones back when you didn’t even talk to each other to the ones that happened a few seconds ago. The ones that you put into a special room in your heart, preparing to keep them there for the rest of your lives. 
Maybe soulmates do exist. Afterall, you have Han, the guy who understood you the most, sometimes even more than you ever thought you knew yourself. The guy who made you feel safe and loved. He made your doubts go away and now you think- No, you're sure, he is your soulmate. Any "Maybe" that there once was, now is gone and turned into reality.
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@agi-ppangx @lisaaassophhhieee
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phoenix-flamed · 1 year
I just want you to know that I think your writing is incredible. I love how clear it is that you care about the character you are writing for. And it's obvious that you invested a lot of time in developing his personality beyond what we see in the game. Beyond that, it tickles me to see you sharing your pictures of your Elwin adventures in FFXIV. Plus you're a sweetheart. Absolutely hands-down one of the sweetest peas I've ever met. <3
sadkjfh Thank you, Anon. ;w; <3 I may not know who you are, but I'm sending you hugs anyway. Thank you. That really does mean a lot to hear. I get nervous, especially as of late(probably because of stress), that everything that I do is wrong, or out of character, or annoying, or any number of other negative thoughts when it comes to this muse. That my writing is bland and unappealing. That my ideas and thoughts are boring and generic, and that I offer nothing substantial or worthwhile to anyone and I wonder what the point is, why I try so hard when nothing I do will ever matter.
It's no one's fault that I feel this way -- or rather, no one has brought this on. You guys have been nothing but kind, supportive, and gracious. It's entirely a me problem, probably low self-esteem and the likes.
I don't know what it is about him, but I adore this character. From the moment I saw the throne room scene, I just knew I wanted to RP as him, and I still do feel that way! I wish I could confidently share my thoughts and feelings regarding him and the game's story with everyone! In truth, I don't really know why I'm so scared to, or why I hesitate so much to just -- reply to things instead of worrying excessively that I'm doing something wrong in my characterization or writing. At the end of the day, we're all just a bunch of dorks on the internet with a shared interest, engaging in a shared hobby, and showing off our love for aforementioned interest and our favorite characters.
All of that is to say... thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you. I hope you see this, and please know that if you ever want to come off of Anon and chat, or hang out, or anything at all, I'm always just a message away!
asdkfjg To be truthful, I was worried that my screenshots of my Elwin alt and posts about a XIV verse for him might annoy people, since this is a XVI blog and I don't know. In hindsight, that worry seems so silly. But thank you for your kind words and support of my dumbassery with this blorbo, and be certain that, for better or worse, there will be more!
<3 One more time... Thank you. Thank you so, so much.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
You do not have to answer them all
I definitely didn't steal some of your questions because you ask really good questions and my brain struggled to think of any new ones...
favourite dsmp era?
what song do you think will be #1 on your spotify wrapped?
the reason you got into g/t?
favourite season?
chocolate or vanilla?
top 3 dsmp members (yes I'll make you pick 3 >:D)
a trope you wish came up more in gt/non g/t
favourite trope outside of gt
if you had a choice of a date, would you go to a restaurant or a movie?
favourite Broadway show (this is an essential question Brick)
do you believe in star signs and if they're accurate?
favourite head cannon you've come up with (gimme, gimmie, gimmie)
favourite c! ship? (any fandom and what one)
drawing or writing?
digital or traditional drawing?
acyrlic paint or water colour?
are you left handed or right handed? ambidextrous?
what's your or fav eye colour
first dsmp cc you watched?
Do you have YouTube Premium, or do you value money?
t!george & g!dream or g!george & t!dream?
favourite au in this fandom? If I don't get a link, Imma be sad.
If you could meet only one dsmp member irl, who would you meet?
thoughts on the people trying to speak to you about your cars extended warranty?
all time fav movie?
what's something you wished you received more of on your blog?
are you mad at me for poaching your questions?
and finally, have you ever had a secret account? (for any platform)
M A N Y W O R D S . . .
LOVE YOU GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i will answer them all because you answered them all, it's only fair :D
pff that's totally fine, i was hoping you would cause some of these i have the answer for locked and loaded dsjfhgdnf
POGTOPIA!!! (AS OF RIGHT NOW) and I mean the pogtopia where techno and tommy are bonding, dream is teaming up with them to fight wars, tommy and sapnap and sam are making drugs, c!quackity hasn't gone all serious yet (i still love when he is don't get me wrong, you can't ever get a bad c!quackity), niki's helping commit arson and destroy a tower, like that shit is good and something i really enjoy. but pogtopia is on thin ice rn because of fucking pogtopia!wilbur, like i'm so pissed at him right now, leave tommy alone so he can bond with his friends :( ANSHDNF SORRY FOR THAT RAMBLE
oh gosh there's so many songs that i've listened to on repeat, i have a tendency to do that for certain events, no clue why,,,, but i think it'll probably be out of my league or the masochism tango. or some broadway song---i hope it's not the story of the phantom istg
dsmp, ngl. i've always liked that whole mini thing and didn't really know it was g/t (like you) but once i did, the first thing that popped up while scrolling this app on the g/t tag was dsmp g/t, and i think that's pretty funny because at the time i knew what the dsmp was but wasn't particularly interested in it, and i joined the fandom as soon as i saw those g/t posts. both fandoms helped each other lmaoo
fall primarily, but summer vibes can be nice
quackity, wilbur and george, they're my beloveds and i'll hold them close C: (in no specific order..)
i require more spider-man!tommy aus, i love them dearly. but as for tropes i kind of wish that there were more immortality fics without a happy ending. (spoilers for passerine and his curse of binding), pass!techno got to finish his life and hcob tommy got to live past 16, like that's a good ending (and let's be honest i sobbed at "there, nestled among the pink strands, delicate as a bird’s wing, was a single gray hair" but STILL for g/t, i want a fic where there's a colony in a craft store, because imagine the possibilities!!!! there's mini furniture in there, tons of things to make more furniture, and no matter how much they take, the store still gets to restock, because who would think a rat would take crafting supplies?
i'd probably go to a restaurant, but not a fancy one, because i really don't think that going to a movie theatre is all that romantic,,,
HAMILTON!! heathers is close behind, then probably rent and six :D
i kind of do, i can't say that i don't because yk there's no proof that they don't and there's a lot of things that make me think they do,,
ohhhh i don't think of headcannons ever,,, so i'm going to resort to using my own aus and my own worldbuilding session to give you this: curiosity!wilbur, after the two of them get out (:0), wilbur is extremely paranoid of doors, like he leaves the door to everyone's room cracked open, and hates leaving the house or going into it. the first time he went to tommy's house, it took techno dragging him in by the collar to get him inside, to which he was not happy,,
if it has to be a canon ship, then probably schlatt & quackity (at least i think it was canon) but again that's really based on lore so maybe karlnapity,,, anyway um for fanon, tnt duo is always >>> (can you tell i like quackity? lmao) and i in no way want them to get together, i just want that awkward romance, the whole thing with wilbur being for it and quackity being entirely unamused, i love that
writing, can't draw for the life of me lmao
traditional if i don't have a stylus
probably acrylic
i'm left handed!! :D
my eyes are brown and i like maroon-y eyes (looking at you wilbur, quackity, and george)
i actually have no fucking clue, i've been trying to remember for a good half a year now. i'm going to go see if i can find it and update you,,,,, okay nope i can't find it. but it's gotta be ranboo, there's no way it's not---i watched him so early, he's the first cc i followed on twitch AND the first cc i subbed to on youtube so it's gotta be him. i can very briefly recall watching something that looked a lot like lore (or at least they were on the server) and it was when i was searching up dsmp content, and i've narrowed that video down to one of three people: tommy, george, or one of those dsmp channels that follows lore. not sure which it was, don't think i ever will :'D
i value money, i'm not sure why someone would ever want youtube premium
ooooh that's a hard one, i think i'm going to say t!george and g!dream, the classic. but that's not to say that i don't love a t!dream
ooohohohoh okay hmm a classic answer would be tiny streamer au by @.corysmiles because who doesn't like a good ol' classic au? :D hmm close to that is supervillain and super...tiny? also by cory cause the interaction between tommy & wilbur in chapter two is just JSHGDNF /pos AND OH I FORGOT SUPERMARKET AU!! THAT FUCKING THING IS SUCH /VPOS IT'S JUST THE BEST THING TO EVER EXIST!! and lastly giant foster au. all basic answers because my g/t interest stays confined to tumblr and only this circle of creators lmaoo
honestly i really wouldn't want to meet any of them cuz idk social things but probably quackity, he seems genuinely so sweet, then maybe tommy? i think he'd be really easy to talk to :D
ooh that's so difficult!!! :( but i think it's going to be the fear street trilogy, and if you want a specific movie, then fear street: 1978 (the second one) cause C'MON ITS SO GOOD!! and IT is always top tier for me despite the movie being shit,,,,
honestly i don't rlly know, because i get asks both when i'm asking and i'm not asking, and i think i get a pretty good amount of attention on my fics, there's not really a thing i would change :D because my goal was 100 followers and now i've achieved that, so i'm just kinda vibing here now,,
no i'd never be mad at you, these questions are lovely :D
*looks at this account* okay but seriously speaking, no one irl knows of this account,, and as for secret to this community, i did have a sideblog for a bit to interact with another one of my interests but i decided to get rid of it C:
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hi!! i hope you’re having a great day!! i was curious how the obey me ! boyfies (hcs) would react if their s/o who is selectively clingy w certain people kinda back off suddenly because they just feel.. embarrassed?? like when they were a kid people reacted negatively to their clinginess and would ignore them for it. and they just feel so dumb to show emotion & showing their clinginess? and they feel like they’re being a bother and being annoying too... & suddenly just feel like closing off from the world lol? & like they can just feel really out of place and get negative thoughts that they don’t belong there, X person or a group of ppl in the convo don’t wanna talk to them etc and feel like they don’t belong in the conversation if that makes sense (i get those thoughts especially when i’m in a group i feel like i get overlooked a lot lol and i’ve never really felt included + like i can just feel so overwhelmed sometimes about the amount pf people / crowds or feeling like i’m being judged bc i’m beating myself up mentally abt my insecurities and i just end up most likely having a panic attack and just like tearing up, either crying on the spot or trying to hold it in till i get home). i’ve been feeling like this recently and i’d love to see what they’d do if that’s possible please!! thank you so much!!
I love such requests and I want to remind everyone that my blog is a very safe space where we can imagine whatever we want for our MC and be proud of it. Happy to write it!
He is stunned at first. Like, things were going great and suddenly, you are backing off?...
He looks you deep in the eyes, lifting your chin up, and asks softly "Is everything okay or do you need to share something?"
Is incredibly patient while you are trying to explain what's going on in your head.
Also, will not let you go unless you share everything to him about how you feel and why.
"I love you deeply and I hope my loyalty and love will soon help you realize what a wonderful creature worth of admiration you are".
Okay, he'll be judging himself immediately as soon as you back off because well, he is in a constant state of low self-confidence and always feels like he is guilty for everything that happens.
"Did I do something wrong? I'll understand if yes, I ruin everything"
Oh, it has NOTHING to do with him. Huh. A relief. But another worry then - what caused you to act this way?
After you explain the reasoning behind your behavior, he slightly relaxes but is still worried.
"Can I help somehow? Like, you want some time alone or something? Just tell me,okay?"
Will hug you and whisper "I love you" in your ear till it tickles and you laugh.
Oh no, what did he do? Why did you back off?
Is it because he is too much of an otaku? HE KNEW IT
It’s not him? Huh? It’s a relief, probably. Though he is still upset about your reaction because he can’t understand it and starts to worry too.
“M-m-maybe you can explain it to me? I’m sure I can understand. I’ve been living in the shadow of my brothers, I know about such things”
Ah, he sees it now. 
He will smile brightly and hug you. “It’s okay to feel like this but I hope, together we can create a safe space for us both”.
Is slightly suprirsed, confused and a tiny bit offended.
Because well, everything was great and then... this thing happened. Did he do anything wrong? 
Because he must know so not to repeat it in the future.
He sees you are hesitant to explain but surprisingly, Satan is really patient and will not just let it go.
“Kitten, I’ve never in my life been happier than when I am with you. It’s okay sometimes we need our space but trust me, you never bore or upset me”.
Will make you some mint tea and will bring you sugar cookies while reading a book to you.
To be honest, he is slightly hurt because no one ever backed off from him before.
Will become very emotional but also determined to find out the reason behind your behavior.
“Darling, but would you please come in my arms? I’d love to calm you down”.
Will stroke your hair and give you kisses on the head until you are able to explain what happened.
Is super sensitive and supportive (which is one of his greatest strengths)
“My dear, even I feel overlooked at times... Just don’t tell anyone, okay?”
He has a bit of a hard time understanding such things so he will honestly have no idea what to do at first.
Like, do you wanna be alone or do you need him? Do you wanna cry or are you angry at him?
It’s really complex for Beel and he often wishes he was better at understanding both demons and humans.
He will directly ask you and will apologize for not understanding your emotions.
While he can’t fully comprehend the concept of you being selectively clingy, he will do his best to understand it in the future.
“Just share how you feel with me, okay? Like, always”
He won’t show it but it hurt him when you backed off.
“Maybe you can write me a note next time you decide you don’t like me anymore?”
*yeah, sarcasm is his weapon of choice when he is confused*
Will hate himself for saying that so will be double-confused since he is akward with apologies.
“Baby, I didn’t mean to... Damn! Listen, I’m sorry, I just got a bit scared and I don’t know what’s happening. Mind explaining, please?”
*yes, he is super akward with that*
Will be surprisingly patient and caring while waiting for your explanation because a) he needs to know and b) he slightly screwed up so...
“I see. We’ll work it out so no worries again, deal?”
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mistleaneous-chaos · 2 years
I love the 'Meet the Demigods' Elden Ring AU so much! What a lovely mess of a dysfunctional family and I hope you do more.
However, not to be a nitpicky nerd. I saw your old blogs that mentioned about the relationship of Godrick and Godefroy. Based on evidences in game, Godefroy cannot be older than Godrick. (Even though I know it's a popular headcanon)
The reason that Godefroy cannot be older - is that Godrick inherited the Great Rune and the title 'The Golden'... Likely after Godwyn is killed. And if Godefroy is older it'd gone to him, because the moment when Godefroy was imprisoned is after the title (likely was given before the shattering) and the rune shard is given to Godrick.
In the end we won't know the truth yet unless it's expanded in DLC
Ok first off, I'm glad you like the AU!
And secondly, I'm going to be completely honest I keep forgetting Godefroy exists so that's actually really good to know, and holy shit you're smart as hell for putting that all together.
I think I should probably compile what I know about Godefroy and Godrick and try and conjure a guess at their relationship. This is probably gonna be mostly headcanon and inferrence so take it with many grains of salt(A salt shaker? Idk where this metaphor can go but w/e)
Ok so first off, we know that Godefroy likely participated in a War at some point, whether that was during the Shattering or whenever. He was then captured by Kristoff, which was a big deal since it allowed him an Erdtree Burial, meaning Godefroy had some renown
If Godefroy cannot be older, then I'm going to conjure a guess of the 2 of them being twins instead, or a younger brother but not by much if what I heard about twins being scorned in the Lands Between being true. Godefroy was likely the braver of the 2, whereas Godrick was a coward, as Godefroy made himself able to be captured, whereas Godrick is said to have hid in his castle from Radahn and immediately kneeled to his opponents if they proved too powerful
One line from Godrick that always stuck out to me was his last lines when he died and the end of his remembrance:  "One day we'll return together, to our home, bathed in rays of gold." This line just screams significance to me, as it just seems as if he's talking to someone. I think he may be talking to Godefroy, as he was likely completely gone mentally by the time of his death, and while other bosses speak directly to you after their death, Godrick sounds like he's talking to someone else, and if he's as cruel to his people as they make him out to be, the idea of him talking to his lost brother isn't that far-fetched
The 2 of them likely wanted to make something of themselves. This is proved by Marika's words to the demigods, telling them to at least try and make something out of themselves as to avoid being thrown away(Like her many, MANY kids in mausoleums). Godefroy was likely the leader of the 2, seeing as he was stronger, and a higher priority to catch considering that after he was imprisoned the Order just, let Godrick do whatever the fuck he wanted in Limgrave, possibly due to the fact that he was a shard-bearer, or the fact that he wouldn't have had the courage his brother did.
The 2 likely idolized Godwyn. This is mainly Godrick-centric but I feel as if it may be important to point out. Godrick bases himself a lot more off of Godwyn than he does Godfrey(Though he does idolize godfrey a great deal, don't get me wrong). But I think that the 2 of them are descendants of Godwyn, whether that be his children or grandchildren. And they knew of how amazing he was and just wanted to be able to match up to him. Which is why Godrick took the title of "Godrick the Golden", and why he idolized the dragon so much, because of Godwyn's dealings with Fortissax and the idea of the dragon being a "true heir" to that cult and the ideals of Godwyn and Fortissax
This last "point" is majorly head canon, but I think Godrick probably cared about Godefroy more than any other allies or family he had. The reasoning is because not only did he try and emulate his strength and everything, but his remembrance states also that "A feeble man sought power through the grotesque art of grafting". I looked at the other Remembrances and every one of them said their originators by name, but Godrick's didn't in that line. So, what if Godefroy sought out the art of Grafting first, and taught Godrick so that, in spite of the 2 of them having weak constitutions and diluted blood, they could make something of themselves as their ancestor intended, and Godrick tried to carry it on when he was imprisoned, keeping his memory alive so that they could go back to their home after being sent to the fringes. Also, it'd make more sense for Morgott to send a phantom to protect him, likely out of pity and sentiment due to knowing the feeling of losing a brother
Sorry if this answer is like, longer than it needed to be, it just really got me thinking and when I do that I just spew thoughts out of my keyboard. Also I lowkey really like Godrick angst(And all Elden Ring angst tbh) and wanted to put some of it out into the world, and your ask helped with that!
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aellynera · 3 years
Hi love! Can you do a Oscar Isaac x reader where they do the buzzfeed video reading thirst tweets and he gets jealous of the tweets? Thank you so much, I love your page. ❤️
Hello lovely Nonnie! I’m sorry this took so long, but I finally got super inspired to finish it. It’s not Oscar Isaac per se (I don’t do RPF) but I thought about it a bit and I was like...but I will do a Llewyn AU. So that’s what I did, and here it is, and I hope you and whoever else reads it, enjoys it! (note: most of the tweets came from various Thirst Tweet videos on YouTube, but there are a couple I just made up.)
I Want Llewyn Davis to Blank Me in the Blank (Llewyn Davis x F!Reader, Modern AU)
Word Count: 1300(ish)
Warnings: Some language, sexual references but nothing graphic or explicit just suggestive, floof.
Tumblr media
- Llewyn isn’t sure what a BuzzFeed is, and to be honest, he’s not even sure what the hell a thirst tweet is. 
- You’re always teasing him that, if the world suddenly loses all technology tomorrow and the internet and social media disappear, he’ll be the only one who will still be able to function, and he’ll probably be a lot happier.
- You’re not wrong.
- He hates social media. Doesn’t understand what the point is really, why so many people are obsessed with it. Yeah, he technically has official accounts on all the major platforms, mainly because you insisted and set them up. They’re just placeholders and he never uses them.
- The only reason he’s even here to do this media gig is because you asked, all wide puppy-dog eyes and gnawed-on bottom lip, and he knows that you know he can’t say no to that.
- Not that he ever really wants to say no to you, but sometimes...
- Now he’s almost one hundred percent certain he regrets it.
- You’ve tried explaining the concept to him, probably like twenty-some times, and you’re trying again now, but as you lead him into the studio it pretty much goes in one ear and out the other.
- People don’t know you’re together, so he’s annoyed by that on top of everything else, because he can’t call you any of the usual pet names that roll off his tongue like melted butter.
- No angel. No baby. No sweetheart. It fucking sucks.
- "It’s not a serious thing, Llewyn. Just...fake it till you make it. Make jokes about it, it’ll be fine,” you tell him.
- You sit side by side at a little table, a couple feet apart, and a production assistant put a little metal bucket in front of each of you.
- Llewyn gives you a weird look. You just shake your head and smile this cute little smile that he does his level best to ignore because, well, you’re in public and nobody knows.
- Then the tweets come out of the buckets.
- Things I requite in a man: five nine, pisces, grammy nominated, llewyn davis. That’s all i ever need.
- Why is Llewyn Davis so attractive? He’s like 30 years older than me and I’m a lesbian but he still gets me hot and bothered.
- I cannot believe Llewyn Davis invented being sexy.
- Llewyn Davis got thicc lips and thicc hips
- I want Llewyn Davis to be my daddy but not in the fatherly kind of way.
- There’s a lot more, but honestly, they all sort of blend together.
- He manages to laugh them off and make some clever comments but he shoots you a look that’s part confusion, part disdain, and really annoyed. You just shrug.
- But then the tweets start coming out of your bucket, and Llewyn’s brain instantly regains its laser-focus.
- First, because everyone calls you by your online handle, which drives the nail further into Llewyn’s coffin because of his inability to actually call you cute names night now.
- Secondly, who do these assholes think they are, talking about his girl like this?
- Hello? Maker? Can we talk about how you put the heavens in AngelEyes’s eyes, because it’s starting to cause some serious problems over here. Kthx.
- I want to lick cherry-flavored jello off AngelEyes fingers, why does life have to be so unfair?
- Sit on my face and suffocate me, AngelEyes.
- AngelEyes’s boobs are a gift from whatever deity you choose to believe in, and if you’re an atheist, well, then more tits for me.
- I’m pretty sure AngelEyes could get all my children out of me, and I’m willing to take that challenge.
- Llewyn’s kind of tuned out, trying not to pay any attention to all the dirty things the world wants to do to you, but his head finally snaps up and his arm does too and his little metal bucket goes crashing to the floor.
- You (and everyone else in the studio) just stare at him.
- “Could I...” he clears his throat, “could I speak to you, for just a minute? Like, out in the hall?”
- “Okay?” you say slowly, but stand up and head towards the door, with him right behind you.
- The door barely has a change to swing shut behind you before Llewyn is on you, frantically pressing his lips to yours in a soul-sucking kiss.
- “Llewyn, what are you doing?” you hiss when you finally break away for air.
- It took quite a few minutes before you absolutely needed that break and you’re fairly certain people are going to come looking for you any second because you have to be taking a lot longer to “talk” than Llewyn implied.
- “Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to sit there and pretend all those tweets are okay”
- He’s pressing you against the wall and you can’t help the slightly impish smile that comes to your face. “I have a pretty good idea.”
- Llewyn glares through narrowed eyes. “This isn’t funny, AngelEyes.”
- “I was listening to all the ones people said about you too. Don’t get so worked up, Llewyn, it’s all in good fun.”
- Llewyn snorts.
- “Baby, are you...jealous?” You raise a brow at him.
- “I have half a mind to just take you up against this wall, right now.”
- “You’re jealous.”
- His mouth is suddenly a breath away from yours again, and he murmurs, “I just want people to know that you’re mine. And to know that I’m yours. And to never read a single thirst tweet ever again in my entire life,” before his desperate lips are back on yours.
- This time, he pulls out of the kiss first and you rest your head on his shoulder and try to catch your breath again.
- He’s checking something on his phone - replying to a text from his manager Snap or his sister, maybe, you’re only vaguely aware that he’s actually on his phone at all.
- But then you feel your own phone vibrate in your pocket.
- You pull it out and immediately almost drop it.
- “Llewyn. You...you didn’t.”
- Llewyn looks at you with a completely innocent face. He slides his phone back in his pocket and hooks a thumb towards the door. “I don’t know what you mean, sweetheart. Come on, we should probably get back in there before they send a search party.”
- You barely have time to process the notification that Llewyn Davis (@ folksingerwithacatofficial) has made his first tweet! Check it out! and even less time to actually read it before Llewyn disappears through the door and you have to follow.
- But it there was a picture - you didn’t even know Llewyn knew how to do that. And if he had an extra minute, he’d be inordinately proud of himself.
- It’s from a friend’s rooftop party a couple weeks ago. You’re behind him with your arms around his shoulders, kissing his cheek, and he has his eyes closed and a happy, content little smile on his face.
- There’s no way anyone’s going to look at it and be like, ‘oh they’re just friends.’ But the caption definitely clears it up.
- Never been happier than I am w/AngelEyes by my side. Aren’t enough words to say how much I love you, baby. Maybe I’ll just write you a song or ten.
- You head back into the studio, about to shove your phone back in your pocket, your face burning hotter than the sun, but it vibrates again and you see the corners of Llewyn lips turn up, even though he’s pointedly not looking at you.
- There’s another tweet.
- Now go get some water y’all and stop talking about my girlfriend’s tits. At least give her ass the credit it deserves too.
- Llewyn pretends not to notice when, five minutes later, everyone’s phones and laptops and tablets start blowing up with notifications and reactions. He just pulls you into his lap and kisses you softly on the cheek.
Everything Taglist: @anetteaneta @autumnleaves1991-blog @be-the-spark-flyboy @damerondjarin @deeandbobbymcgee @huxdameron @iflostreturntobudcooper @itspdameronthings @jitterbugs927 @leto-duke @littlebopper96 @reysflyboy @rosemarysbaby13 @spider-starry @veuliee @waatermelon-sugaar @woakiees @writefightandflightclub @yourbucky084
Llewyn Taglist: @santiagogarcia
>>join my taglist here<<
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Heyyy, I hope you’re doing ok! I love ur blog and I know we’re strangers who will possibly never meet but Recently, the little things have pushed me over the edge and close to an anxiety attack I presume but I’ve been using knitting and crochet to cope. It sounds weird Ik, but may u do the brothers and Undateables with an MC who does that and MC just ends up making so much stuff in one day that she gives it away to them. I’m so sorry if it’s weird, pls feel free to choose whether to do it or not but this blog has made me a little happier than before, thank you for reading and being here!
I actually use to do knitting, never finished anything and lost interest but it was really calming and fun. Couldn't keep my attention for long as it was very repetitive and got boring quickly but I always just genuinely enjoyed it despite that?
Stress knitting seems like the most wholesome way to handle anxiety and stress, it helps you focus on something else, you're being productive and having fun aswell as being safe! Though do be careful with the needles
And thank you for being here and supporting me, I'm glad I could make you feel even a little bit happier, a small amount of happiness is better than none! So thank you for making my night with how kind you are! Your habit and anxiety relief isn't weird at all, I don't see how it could be weird tbh
Sorry this took so long, I feel stupid now but I got really stumped on some of them on what to make but now I'm laughing at myself due to how obvious they were
You made him mug holders and now it's all he uses
"It's very useful, I'll take extra care of it - no need to worry."
He can handle the heat but he must use what you've made
You even made a massive sweater and socks for Cerberus
How you got his dogs measurements is beyond him but it was the most prominent things he uses from your biggest pile
But he was no fool, he knew you
He knew your habits and how you've grown more anxious
He isn't always the most available person with his emotions and with his schedule
But he was always willing to listen to your issues
You made him a money pouch - how could he not be happy??!!
He loves jingling it to hear all his latest 'finds'
What was even better you made him a sweater he got to wear for his modeling job and show off to Everyone
That article was an interesting find
"CHECK IT! everyone loved your sweater! I say we can make a bussiness with this."
But when you come handing him a large bag full of your latest projects he can't help but raise a brow
He's greedy, he loves being showered in gifts
But he knew you, he took note on your emotional
He got pouty but he hugged your shoulders
Reminding you that you can always come to him and he'll make you feel better
You made him knitted wrist support, for his long gaming sessions
He wears them pretty much everyday at this point
Not only are they comfortable and helpful
But you made them! Specifically for him! For him to use! YOU MADE IT!
Has bragged to his gaming friends about it one too many times
"My player 2 is obviously better than yours, does yours knit cute things for you? I thought so."
Also you made him a crotchet plush of his favourite animal crossing chatacter, he prefers the Devildom version of the game but he's a sucker for bright cute things
Anything he could he'd either put in on his desk or on his figure cupboards
But when you come in with a massive pile, strained smile he felt himself panic
You both have anxiety, you were comrades in it! So of course he knew how knitting was part of your coping mechanism
He felt annoyed and worried on why you weren't coming to him but quickly calmed himself down, when he saw he patted your head
Explaining you can always come to him because you're in this together
He definitely stole a line or two from his latest favourite media
Crotchet chair cat paw socks was his favourite out of the pile
"They're little paws..... I need these for all my furniture!"
His second favourite is the baggy sweater you knitted for him
He's going to cherish these gifts until he dies
Which could be never
Though even in death he'd be keeping what you've made him
Worried about the massive increase as he knows it's coping for your anxiety
He's read books about anxiety so he has a fair amount of knowledge on it
Insists you can always come to him when you're worried
He adored everything you made!
The sweater had little holes in them? He doesn't care and even smirks at the holes
"wanting to expose my beautiful skin~? I don't blame you."
Made a scarf? He'll wear that instead of his usual black one
Just knitted squares or unwearable things? Proudly shows off your work
Is concerned you've been so ridden with anxiety
He wants to help as much as he can, he has teas and bath scents for these kind of things
Just say the word and he'll bring all of it out
A crotchet layered burger he can take apart because it's velcro-ed together??!
It's like a real burger!
He tries not to bite or chew on it but it has happened before
Would feel awful if he accidentally ripped it
"I love it, are you going to make more?"
Didn't expect for you to actually make more
As time went on he learned that it helps you calm down from anxiety
So he especially didn't expect you to come in with a massive bag full of your latest creation's
He immediately got worried
You wanted to show them off to distract your mind but he just grabbed your head
Gently moving it so you looked at him
He told you he wants to help and he'll be there for you, no matter what and no matter when
You made him w blanket - you know how young children are normally seen with baby blankets? Just always carrying them around
Yeah that's him
"You can't make me take it off Lucifer-! This is MY gift from (Y/N) and I'm going to make sure everyone sees it!"
Always showing off the blanket you made him by carrying it around or having it wrapped around him
He loves it! He also loves the pillow covers you made! It helps spice up his pillow collection
But you can't hide your anxiety from him, he goes out of his way to give people it
And soon he found out how kitting was a coping mechanism
He felt a little special you were making him things because it calmed you down but also worried about your mental health
The concern RISED when you were in the attic, placing and organising the big pile you had
He hugged you and flopped onto the bed
Telling you that he'll look after you and you can tell him what's wrong, stress naps are always welcomed with him
Didn't expect to find such a huge pile of new stuff in his room
He saw mug holders and mits
Horn warmers
And his favourite- a shawl with tassels, he immediately wrapped it around him and refused to take it off
He's going to wear this everywhere no matter his outfit
"Barbatos can be strict but I'll wear this no matter what, if I even see a spec of dirty on it I'll make sure to get it cleaned with delicate care."
But then it hit him, you become more active with your hobby when you become anxious
He immediately got to you, asking you if you're okay
He's ready to charge your whole class schedule if he has to
You crocheted desserts and he never felt so much warmth and love in his heart
Almost collapsed from sweetness when he found a knitted pair of gloves in the big pile of your creation's
Appreciates the gifts alot
"these are marvelous, I look forward to see what else you make."
Brings you calming teas as a thank you, understanding your anxiety must be high
Offers a shoulder to cry on and happy to take time out of his schedule to listen to your worries
He asks you to teach him so he can make things like you
He wants to repay you for all the things you've given him
Has a whole room dedicated to everything you've ever made and given him
Whenever he has guests he likes to take them to check out your creations
"Come and admire my collection, My apprentice made these, aren't they neat?"
The potion sacks you've made are extremely useful
Aswell as the coldrain mat
Can sense your anxious energy in the newest creation's and gets concerned
He'll invite you over to talk about what's wrong
Let's you to take your time incase you're comfortable to talk
His favourite amongst the massive pile was a cute crotchet octopus
It was nicely stuffed and felt so nice to rest his head on
Others that peaked his fancy were the long wrist warmers you made, the way you made it made it look like lace
Aswell as a shawl and the very well made bag to store his books in
"You're so thoughtful, I'll treasure them all."
But he noticed just how worked up you've been and knew your anxious habits
Sat you down for tea to ask what how you're feeling and if could help
Also offers to be a guardian angel and make sure you don't get so anxious
If he can he'll wear an entire outfit made out of your knitting
Is in awe how much you gave him
Almost died with Happiest when you knitted him a new hat
The crotchet wings you made just made him bounce with joy
He loves everything!!!
"I'm going to wear everything you've made and carry the little crochet puppy with me everywhere! I promise I'll take good care of him!"
Though will always check in on you
Once he's learned you do it more or only when you're really anxious he'll want to do everything he can to help
Has looked up guides on how to help people with their anxiety and panic attacks
He's going to be your guardian angel!
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