#when this just becomes woodland creature au what then?
rosenallies · 5 months
Since everyone (myself included!) is loved this pajamas prompt- figured I’d throw the witch au out there? It was brought up a few weeks ago and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since 🖤 but I totally understand if the inspiration has faded!
witch au my babies <3333
"Jasmine," Willow panted, fluttering over to her shoulder, the sprite seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
"Willow," Jasmine replied, continuing to stir the batter of the cookies she was making, the kitchen warm and smelling of cinnamon and chai.
"Don't be difficult, I need you to go drag Bosco to bed, she's sick and refuses to stop doing shit."
The sentiment alone made Jasmine stop in her tracks, her heart aching. "Bosco's sick? Why didn't she say anything?"
"That's just how she is. But she only listens to you; Cam, Angie, and I have been trying to get her to close the spell book all morning."
Jasmine huffed, wiping her hands on her apron, and all but stomping to Bosch's witch's lair, which was really just a cozy little greenroom attached to their cottage. She hated more than anything that Bosco refused to admit when she was sick or sad or anything other than content with everything.
But her irritation diminished when she opened the door to the lair and found Bosco nearly asleep over her spell book, head slipping off of her hand.
"Bosco," she cooed, touching her too warm cheek, "You're sick."
"No, 'm not, just resting my eyes," she mumbled, voice scratchy.
"Mmhmm, nice try. Honey, let me help you to bed. Please."
Jasmine pleaded with her, puppy dog eyes in full effect.
"Come on, Jas, 'M okay."
"Please," she tried again, letting her green eyes fill with tears; partly as a tactic to get Bosco up and to bed and partly because she was genuinely worried, she didn't even know witches could get sick. What if the common cold was immortality's one vice? She couldn't lose her parter who was supposed to live forever to some sniffles and a cough, but that's where Jasmine's mind wandered to.
Bosco finally relented, hands up in defeat. "Fine, I'll go to bed. But, I'm not gonna like it."
Jasmine kissed her forehead. "You don't have to like it, Ms.Grumpy Pants, you just have to rest and feel better."
Helping her up, Bosco then leaned on Jasmine the whole way to the bedroom where Jasmine made her sit on the end of the bed while she gathered things she needed.
"Alright, I'm gonna get you comfy, okay?"
At that point, just from the small journey to their bedroom, Bosco felt exhausted so all she could do was agree, not a single protest left her lips.
"I'm gonna brush and braid back your hair first."
Jasmine spoke softly to her, gentle fingers plaiting her hair into one thick braid down her back.
"Now pj's."
She helped Bosco up, stripping her of her cloak and the black lace dress she wore underneath in exchange for some soft leggings and one of Jasmine's old hoodies from college, between the two of them who both favored sleeping nude, it was the closest thing in their closer to pajamas, Jasmine was just afraid Bosco would freeze to death had she left her to sleep nude. For whatever reason, despite the fact that they'd dressed and undressed each other countless amounts of times, this felt more intimate, vulnerable somehow as Bosco finally leaned into Jasmine's care.
"Okay, last, Tylenol? Does Tylenol work for witches? Is there something else that helps?"
"It helps," Bosco mumbled, holding out her hand and taking the pills that Jasmine pressed into her hand.
"Good," Jasmine breathed, satisfied wit her work, "now cuddles?"
That caused a small smile to spread across Bosch's lips as she settled into bed, letting Jasmine hold her, pulling the duvet up to her chin to keep out the chill that rattled her bones.
"Jazzy, you take such good care of me," Bosco muttered, tucking herself against her human.
"Just sleep, baby," Jasmine chuckled, "you can thank me when you're feeling better."
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althea-and-alcestris · 5 months
Imagine an AU where Althea is reborn as Silver's twin sister (biologically) after Alcestris dies as a nearly sick twist of fate (being reborn as the child of your enemy). She too put under the sleeping spell by the fairies, slumbering away along with her brother for 200 years and waiting for someone to love them until the retired General comes by the thorn infested and abandoned castle. Lilia's presence immediately awakens the twin babies from their 'blessing' because there is finally someone who can love them unconditionally after their parents perished in war. He gives his blessing to them, naming them Silver and Althea. Silver's blond hair changes to silver but Thea's hair remains the same ashy blonde..instead it's her right eye that changes. From the soft hazel brown that her left eye is like it becomes a fiery crimson red which hits Lilia too close to home. She looks just like the young half-fae that was so brutally murdered by the humans..but this child is not to blame and neither is Silver.
He raises them in the little cottage near the Zigvolt residence and often visited by Malleus, the twins both wanting to be knights along with little Sebek and so Lilia trains all three of them. Even though the little girl wants to wield a sword as well, she's always playing the role of the princess that the two boys need to save. Silver has the ability to attract small woodland creatures or even one as big as a bear, Althea on the other hand was gifted with a voice so heavenly some might even say it can do wonders.
The envelope of invitation from Night Raven arrives to Silver, meaning he can enroll into the college but Thea is upset about her brother leaving, refusing to accept being left alone in the cottage or in the care of the Zigvolt family so Lilia somehow manages to convince Crowley to let her enroll as well (because he is so kind as we know). Sorted into Diasomnia just like her father, twin brother, older brother figure and later her childhood friend (and crush(?)) .
Despite Silver having a sleeping curse that makes him doze off randomly throughout the day, Thea has the opposite. She's very much an insomniac, having trouble falling asleep even at night. Lilia also couldn't find a cure to this just he couldn't to Silver's condition.
Ashe (Yuu) shows up in the Opening Ceremony of their second year in NRC as the magicless human from another world. Thea quickly befriends the little outsider, making them best friends and her also helping them battle the Overblot incidents. But as time passes she begins to dream about a strange girl in green armor that looks very similar to herself and a man with long blond hair and silver armor. She can't put her finger on who either of them are but she feels that she's supposed to know.
Then inevitably come the time when Lilia announces he will be dropping out of college and move to a far away country because he's losing his magic, ultimately leaving his kids behind which leaves both Silver and Thea upset. This leads to Malleus's Overblot and the nightmare begins (get it?), him putting everyone on the island to sleep. Silver uses his Signature Spell to travel into Lilia's dream along with Sebek, Ashe, Grim and Thea. There they will unravel all the secrets and truth that has been kept hidden from them by the elders.
Silver and Thea discover their true origins, finding out their real parents being the enemy of the faes and thus General Lilia and Thea recognizes Knight of Dawn as the man who always showed up in her dreams. Thea however is hit with a bonus set of bricks. Discovering that she had a past life..as the half-fae girl that she also used to dream about. She finds out what happened to her and the truth is as painful as it gets. Alcestris was murdered by the Men of Steel, more specifically King Hendrick who is non-other than her and Silver's uncle. And she right now is the reincarnation of that unfortunate half-fae soldier, reborn as the child of the enemy who are the reason of her death in the first place. She's just as distraught as Silver is about their origins but Sebek and Ashe are there to pull both of them out of the darkest pit of their life. Life moves on and they're not to blame for the actions of their ancestors, they're still worthy of love..
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osleeplessflowero · 5 months
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// haven't written red in a hot minute, might as well experiment! 📖 Fairytale AU series! ft. an Assassin Red? 👀 ❤️ Reader is Gender Neutral as always, SOUL is up to you! 🗡️First Oneshot (You're here!) Second Oneshot (Coming Soon)
You run. You run as far as you possibly can, your cloak flowing out behind you as you run through the woods, grabbing onto trees and launching yourself forwards to get a head start.
A dagger, or rather a sharpened bone, flies by your face just barely missing it and landing in a tree in front of you. You turn left, clutching your bag of spell ingredients to your side.
Being chased by someone who's out for your head in return for some gold was not on your schedule for today!
"you may as well stop runnin'," The assassin shouts from behind you, keeping up at a rapid pace. "it's pointless!"
You dodge another sharpened bone, looking back at the skeleton behind you with a glare. "And let you just fucking kill me? YOU WISH-"
"i can see why they found it so hard to kill ya before, you've got plenty of stamina-" He throws a few more bones, you jumping over them to the best of your ability.
"Who hired you?" You stand behind a tree, backing up when a bone goes through it and running again. No time to catch your breath when your life's on the line..
"confidential." "Of course." You roll your eyes, opening your spellbook and looking for something to possibly help your situation. A transport spell? Protection spell? Anything??
You see your hideout up ahead, contemplating locking yourself in there, but you really don't want an assassin to know where you live, so you take a right.
The light of the sun shines through the trees harshly, a spotlight on the chase. Woodland creatures peek their heads out from behind the trees to watch. Fairies fly about, sitting in flowers and whispering to each other to give commentary.
The skeleton was starting to get tired now, but he couldn't stop running. He really didn't want another lecture from his brother about "Slacking Off". He adjusts his dark red cloak, the fur on it soft against his skull.
You're good at dodging, he'll give you that. You've managed to avoid every single bone he's thrown your way with relative ease. Most people would've been down by the second one. He can respect your skills, even if you're the person who he needs to kill for this bounty.
Thoughts race through your mind. Your potential killer is running right behind you, and you're running out of places to, well, run to. Who could've possibly wanted you killed? You've left your past life behind, they don't have to worry about you showing your face again. So who could possibly want you dead?
As you become further and further lost in thought, you feel the side of a bone (the non-sharpened side, that is) hit the side of your torso, knocking you down onto the cold ground. You back up quickly, holding your side with one of your hands as the skeleton slowly walks towards you, bone in hand. His sharp teeth are on display as he grins down at you, a single gold tooth glistening in the light. You try to get up, but he holds you down with one of his boots, leaning his arm on his knee as you wince.
"well, look at that..seems i caught ya."
"Let me go!" You struggle, trying to push him off of you.
"can't, sorry 'bout that." He watches you continue to struggle despite this, raising a browbone. "now, what's someone like you doin' to get a price this big on their head? gotta be somethin' pretty damn bad."
"I don't know why someone wants me dead, I haven't spoken to anyone in a year. I'm just trying to live my life out here, not be bothered by people I knew in the past."
"huh.. so you have no idea why?"
"No! I don't want anything to do with them, that's for sure. I didn't ask for this, I haven't done anything."
"hm. well, that's a pity-" He raises a bone above you.
"WAIT!" You hold out your hands, halting his kill. He lets out an annoyed huff, staring down at you.
"what? what is it now?"
"You don't have to kill me, I can give you double what they gave."
"yeah right, they offered me a fortune to bring your soul back to 'em in a pretty little box." "I have a shop, I make a ton of profits. I can give you some in exchange for you not killing me. Wouldn't you rather get your gold from someone who isn't corrupt?"
He averts his single visible eyelight to the side. He's thinking about it.. Please let this work. You're running out of options here.
"you mean to tell me you can give me more than royalty?" "Yes. ..Just let me live, and I can show you."
He hums in acknowledgement. In truth, you didn't really..seem like someone that should have a price on your head. Something about the aura around you. You never fought back when he first encountered you, instead choosing to run immediately.
If he could get more gold from you than from some entitled tyrant, he'd choose the former option any day.
"alright, i'll bite. i'm goin' with ya to get it, though. no funny business, or it won't just be your heart i'm takin' back." He points the sharpened edge of the bone above you against your raised chin to emphasize his point.
"Okay. Get off me first, then." You deadpan, before he lowers his weapon, stepping off you. You get up and dust yourself off with a huff. Might as well go find the shop..good thing you don't live in there.
It's a mostly quiet walk there, with the exception of the sounds of nature around you. You perk up since the silence is starting to unsettle you.
"Y'know, I can actually give you an alternative soul if you need one for "proof" that you killed me. So you can still get paid without any questions." "..you have a human soul?" He narrows his eyesockets at you. "I have my business, you have yours. You want it or not?" You look back at him. "if you actually have what you promised, i'll accept it." He shrugs. You let out a sigh as you finally reach your potions and medicine shop, unlocking the door.
The skeleton glances around at all the different plants inside, both magical and natural. Potions are on various shelves as well as ingredients to make them. He probably should've guessed you're a mage of some kind, seeing as you literally have one of the hats on your head right now.
You go behind the counter, looking through several cabinets for what you need.
"you got any poisoned apples or spindles for princesses to prick their fingers on in here?" He jokes, earning an eye roll from you.
"I'm not allowed to sell those anymore." You reply, continuing to look. That causes him to pause and look in your direction, before letting out a laugh. So you've got jokes too, huh?
"funny." "I try." You pull quite a few hefty bags of gold out of your cabinet, sitting them on the desk and taking out some gems you found while exploring some crystal caves. "This enough?"
"holy shit, you weren't kiddin'." "Duh. My life was on the line." "well, fair 'nuff. deal's a deal." He takes what you gave him, hiding it all in his cloak with magic.
You slide over a container, motioning for him to give you the box in one of his hands. He sits it down, and you transfer the pieces of a deceased person's soul into it. Thankfully it's the same color as your own, so it's more convincing.
"heheh. pleasure doin' business, human."
You correct him, telling him your name.
"huh.. guess we aren't strangers now. name's red. nice to meet'cha." "You too, I suppose..skeleton that almost tried to murder me and cut out my soul." "gotta work somehow." He slides over a stool, sitting at the counter. You rest your arms on said counter, curious.
"you mind if i stick around? 'm not ready to go back there yet." "Uh..go ahead, if you want. I'll just organize some stuff."
And you do just that, the skeleton sitting and observing. Once he gets to talking, the two of you go through various topics of interest, both shared and opposing. When he's not trying to kill you, he's a bit of a charmer in truth. You can see yourself getting along with him.
"And so that's.." You pause mid sentence, seeing the skeleton has fallen asleep. With an amused smile and a huff, you pull out your wand and conjure up a blanket, letting it fall over him and deciding to let him rest.
You walk over to one of the window seats, lying down yourself and letting your hat rest over your face.
Morning arrives. Red sits up, confused, before remembering what happened previously. He feels the blanket over his shoulders and smiles a little bit, looking over at your sleeping form.
"not bad. not bad at all." Is all he says before walking out. Yeah..he'll be back later.
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instexcamera · 3 months
droolinf over merman kanata.
hear me out, Fantasy AU where you're a solo pirate taking a break on this secluded island you found. Kanata comes around and is like "why the fuck is there a massive ship in my territory" then he sees you and now hes like "now theres an attractive pirate here, what do i do" You accidentally spot him and he ran away. Initially, he didn't want you there. But after days, almost a week now, he's starting to see some perks to letting you stay.
Ever since you saw him, you've been leaving out part of your huntings for him. Since he wasn't the strongest swimmer even for a merman, sometimes it was hard for him to catch food, often eating seaweed instead of that yummy lobster that ran away.... As a thank you for the food you provided him, he decided to give you a little gift.
suprise! the gift is him. he goes up to shore when he knows youll be there, and strikes up a conversation with you. You're elated you finally get to talk to the merman you saw, and hes happy because you agreed to keep feeding him. for a price of course. He keeps you company and lets you stay on his island for who knows how long, (please be forever, hes started to grow attached to you) and you keep hunting for him and keeping his tummy full!
anyways you both agree to the deal and now its been what, weeks? you both grow closer and closer, but now all he thinks about is you. talking with you, eating with you, mating with you, fucking you(or fucking him, hes not opposed) ... He doesn't want you to leave anymore and mating season for him is coming soon,,
ajjdhsn i have many thoughts on this (him) nd one of them is getting him pregnant... mfgh keeping his tummy full in more ways than one...
god this is so long i apologize
Wuah! No it's ok I really liked this! I just can't respond quickly to things currently!
I've also been getting quite a lot of fantasy au things in my inbox and now I'm imagining something for everyone. I also accidentally made this much longer than I originally thought I would
But yes Kanata, seeing a island in the distance one day after a while of searching, knowing you can't return back to your main land for a while because their at war (thanks Eichi). So finding a pretty good little island filled with fruits, woodland creatures, and marine life is perfect
Kanata notices right away, chilling on the shoreline however he splashes back in the water before you spot him. He keeps watch diligently and hopes he isn't spotted since he wouldn't be able to swim as fast he would want to get away
Claiming the land, setting up small houses, and eating the food, he watches it all attentively. He can understand you relatively well however he struggles a little, the mers have a different language. Sometimes when you went fishing you'd accidentally drop a fish, crab, or lobster. As soon as you're away he grabs it, overjoyed he can finally get them quick enough since you either killed it or stunned it
A month later he works up the courage to approach you. Secretly you had known the mer was watching but had never expected a interaction. He looks like he might dart with any surprising movement from you yet you hold a good conversation with him. Him asking you about food and eventually making a deal, you can stay if you give him food.
The longer you stay the more attached he gets, finally bringing you a pretty piece of sea glass he found. He meant it as a proposal but he didn't tell you, expecting you to know but obviously you didn't. Accepting the glass happily, he assumes you accept his proposal
He becomes more attached, showing up more often. You think it's cute not knowing in his eyes he sees you as his partner, or mate. And when heat season rolls around he expects you to help him. So when you act confused he has to explain. The thought of having a merman husband and not knowing made you laugh but you agreed to help him
You didn't know how mer people had sex. Never something which interested you yet you knew of people who had relationships with them. So when a slit on his tail opened up to reveal a long cock, almost like a tentacle, it surprised you
It didn't take long for you to get over it, not wanting to upset Kanata or make him feel self conscious. He can't prep you, his webbed hands make it basically impossible so you have to deal with the pure stretch of him
It's not that bad, being in the water with him and his cock having a sort of a aphrodisiac making it close to painless, only feeling pleasure. Of course you feel the way he forced you open, the feeling of fullness and when his tip hit your most sensitive area, making you squirm on his cock
Except when you move, he growls, fingers digging into your body as he bites down on whatever area he could, he had you now and you couldn't do anything. He would have let you go if you wanted him too, except that was the farthest thought from your mind, only wanting him to fulfill his needs and reach your own orgasm
He'd eventually have you crying and over stimulated on him, full of his cum which makes your stomach glow a slight light blue. When he'd finally pull out and his cum is leaking out, it's a sign to him you're fully his, if the marks on your body didn't already prove that point
He would lay with you on the shore until you decided to leave, shaking legs making it a little hard to leave him but you must before someone in your crew gets suspicious, they don't know about your relationship with Kanata. That's the one thing he hates about being with you, he can't always be there, of course no one would shun the relationship yet he was a little scared
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nobodysdaydreams · 10 months
TMBS Fairytale AU Show Version
Based on this lovely post by @cronch-goes-the-weasel and this awesome post by @sophieswundergarten and also this post that was one of the first posts I've ever made because for some reason I really liked the idea of SQ as a Disney Prince and thought the world should know about it, so much so, that I decided to get a tumblr just so I could tell people.
Warning: The content of this AU is long and insane. Reader discretion is advised.
Premise: As I have developed this story, some characters have no magic powers, some have magic powers that they have to study to learn how to use, and others have naturally occurring magic powers, to various degrees. Just roll with it, my brain is excited, but exhausted. Here we go.
Nicholas and Nathaniel are two poor orphan boys that grow up in a local orphanage, with no knowledge of where they came from. The boys both love studying magic and try to get their hands on any spell books they can find. Nicholas is adopted by a fairly well off family while Nathaniel is left behind.
Flash forward to years later, and Nathaniel has become an evil wizard who has taken over the world and declared himself king. He has a special school and is currently recruiting the most powerful magical or otherwise talented children to go through lifelong training to serve on his court and be his knights. His brother Nicholas, a kind-hearted and humble, but scattered brain wizard is the only one who can stop him.
The players in the story:
The Bad Guys:
Nathaniel/Curtain: Evil Wizard King. It's exactly what it sounds like.
Garrison: Chief member of Curtain's court (his right hand woman), and expert in all types of magic. She often advises Curtain against using dangerous magic, but he rarely listens. If we want to bring mythical creatures into this, I could see her being part fairy (more specifically an evil or outcast fairy).
Jeffers: Head of Curtain's current army (the greys). He can't use magic, but likes to think that he might be able to one day and attempts to do so often (it never works).
Jackson and Jillson: Curtain's jesters. They entertain him by doing little songs, dances, and puppet shows for the court, which Nathaniel Benedict, professional theater kid, appreciates. If we want to bring mythical creatures into this, they can be elves/part elf or some sort of quirky woodland creatures).
SQ: Prince and heir to the evil throne. His father teaches him magic (but not too much) and rarely lets SQ go outside or leave and explore certain parts of the castle. He spends most of his time painting and talking to wild animals in the gardens.
Martina: one of the best students Curtain has recruited and on track to become a knight and the head of his army.
The Good Guys:
Nicholas: a self-taught wizard/magic user who refuses to use dark or evil magic
Number Two: Wanted to be a knight ever since she was a little girl. She trained for years, and eventually became a knight that specializes in axe throwing.
Rhonda: a self-taught apothecary and healer that specializes in healing magic.
Milligan: man who was taken in by the team when he showed up on their doorstep with no memory. He has the sigil of what he believes to be Curtain's kingdom's symbol tattooed on his wrist and worries that this means he might have been a bad person once. Later, he has flashbacks of living and working in a palace with other higher ups, including Curtain, and fears the worst.
Reynie: An orphan boy who is ostracized by the others for being able to study magic. He answers Nicholas' advertisement hoping to gain the ability to study and develop his ability.
Miss. Perumal: Reynie's magic tutor who teaches him how to use his powers. She has some abilities herself, and if we want to bring mythical creatures into this, I could see her being part fairy.
Sticky: the high achieving son of deceased nobles who is under tremendous pressure to inherit his family's land and manage the family estate as his mother and father once did. He'd prefer to use his gift of intellect to study and help others, but his extended family insists that this is his destiny and he must spend his time learning things like manners and the ways of high society so he's ready when he comes of age. Sticky, feeling trapped and under pressure, sees Nicholas' advertisement, and runs away to answer it.
Kate: her main backstory doesn't have to change. She is a performer that goes from village to village in a traveling circus. She believes that she was abandoned by her father, who she recalls used to be some sort of knight. Eventually, she begins to long for more than circus life, and dreams of becoming a knight herself (but a good one. Not a bad one like the father who left her). She sees Nicholas' advertisement and decides to answer it.
Constance: She's extremely gifted in magic without ever having studied it, but she has no idea why. She can't remember much of her past and has been kicked out of orphanage after orphanage for things like accidently enchanting her bully's desk to be filled with bugs (Constance did not always mean to do this, but her emotions tend to manifest into real world events). Desperate to understand herself, she too answers the advertisement.
Now for the drama of it all. Nicholas discovers that the dark wizard that has cursed the land and declared himself king is in fact Nathaniel his brother. Meanwhile, the children have infiltrated Curtain's school and discover that Curtain plans to tighten his grip on the world by casting a final dark spell that will recruit all lords and ladies (the noble class, people with money, land, and influence), magic users, and knights to his side or otherwise will curse all who resist and leave them poor, alone, destitute, and without their memories or powers. However, Curtain has been struggling to get the spell to work and discovers that certain types of ancient magic can only be translated or understood by children (Nobody knows why. And I haven't thought that far ahead. Potential future twist maybe? But it explains why Curtain needs the kids).
Anyway, Curtain sees that Reynie seems to have a gift for magic and Sticky is quite knowledgeable when it comes to reading ancient texts. So he gives the boys an opportunity to study under him personally. At first, he identifies with Reynie as an misunderstood orphaned magic user and dismisses Sticky because he can tell by his manners and his knowledge of high society that he comes from money (like those rich snobs who adopted Nicholas). But eventually, Curtain realizes that Reynie is too hesitant to use dark magic (if you're hesitant to use it, it doesn't work as well), so he focuses on training Sticky as his apprentice, telling Sticky that he simply wants to learn more about the land's dark history so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past. His goal is to get Sticky to decipher the codes and spells for him, and then Curtain can hopefully use his own magic to cast the spell, or if he must convince another child to do so, find one that is powerful enough and willing to cast the spell. Curtain also casts his own spells that give Sticky good feelings and make him want to comply. While under the influence of the magic, Sticky figures since he's just really intelligent, but doesn't use magic himself, then what's the worst that could happen if he helps Curtain translate a few things? After all, working with him will enable him to get more information about his plans.
Meanwhile, Martina and Kate are training as knights and develop a rivalry that turns to unlikely friendship that is torn asunder when Martina realizes Kate has been a spy. Constance has been doing her best to hide her powers ever since the children realize Curtain is looking for powerful children for his work. However, since she isn't good at tests like Sticky or the training to be a knight like Kate, she is placed under the care of Jackson and Jillson (who find her to be a delightful small child) in order to train to be an entertainer and court jester. Constance hates every minute of this, and lessons include juggling, puppeteering, and joke telling. Sometimes her powers do activate and cause chaos, but Jackson and Jillson believe this is part of the performance and a testament to her talent. SQ, fed up with palace life and ready to enter his Disney Princess™️ era, sneaks into the part of the palace his father has reserved for his school and pretends to be a regular student. While there he befriends Reynie and eventually learns of his father's true plans, but Reynie still never learns that SQ is the king's son (indeed, most people are only vaguely aware Curtain even has a son, and most imagine him to be this super powerful and intimidating guy).
The main conflict (basically season 1): There is a final fight between the children and Curtain where Constance reveals her powers. Curtain sees an opportunity to use her for his spell, but she overpowers him. Martina and Kate duel and Kate wins, offering Martina a chance to come with them, but Martina angrily refuses, humiliated to have been defeated, and calls Kate a coward for not finishing her off. Kate replies that that's not who she is, and she doesn't believe that's who Martina is either. Martina says that Kate doesn't know her.
Nicholas shows up at the palace to confront Curtain, who is still angry about what happened between them and claims that putting the world under his order is what is best. Nicholas is shocked that his brother has done this, because Nathaniel never used dark magic when they were kids, both of them believing it was dangerous and evil. Nicholas asks his brother what changed, and Curtain tells him that he grew up and realized that the "power of love" and "good magic" can't solve everything and that some people need to make necessary sacrifices. Nicholas seems heartbroken, and Curtain, in a strange moment of sentimentality, offers Nicholas a chance to join him in exchange for forgiving his friends and family of their transgressions against him. Nicholas refuses, and Reynie and Sticky succeed in undoing some of the dark spells Curtain has cast over the world. Realizing he is losing his control, Curtain responds by casting a simple sleeping spell on Nicholas and escaping with his followers (all other bad guy characters mentioned). Everything plays out much like it does in the show, with Kate and Milligan realizing that they are father and daughter.
Now season 2. Curtain kidnaps Nicholas and brainwashes him to join him and help promote his rule, claiming that Curtain's magic and his rule are good things. The others try to save him. Meanwhile, Martina begins to have doubts about their mission and voices them to Jackson and Jillson, who assure her that she is doing the right thing.
SQ confronts his father with the information he has learned only to be repeatedly dismissed and told that he must trust that this is for the best. SQ instead does some snooping on his own and discovers that his birth parents were once rulers of an island nation and that Curtain was their friend and advisor on their court. He then assumes that Curtain must have used dark magic to betray them, kill them, and take over. Terrified, he runs away under the cover of night, and eventually bumps into Reynie, the only person he remembers meeting at the Institute. The kids explain that they are going to rescue their leader, Mr. Benedict, who wants to stop the dark wizard (Curtain) from taking over the world. SQ, learning his father has a twin for the first time, makes the split second decision to join them in their mission, while wondering what else his father has lied to him about. The children discover that SQ can do some simple spells that his father taught him, is pretty well educated, and although not exactly athletic, does know some basic fighting techniques. SQ teaches them what he knows, and they teach him things he doesn't know.
Meanwhile, Curtain's spell that he used to make Nicholas join him and comply begins to have disturbing side effects. He goes to Garrison for help, but she tells him that she warned him against using that kind of magic, and that it can't be reverse. He tells her that he will find a way, no matter what it takes. He then discovers his son is missing, and when he's spotted with the society, Curtain claims (and believes) they've kidnapped and brainwashed SQ and offers a reward to capture and bring them to the palace. This leads the others discover that SQ is Curtain's son. At first, they worry he's a spy, but SQ eventually convinces them that he's on their side, and that he is ready to fight his father and figure out the truth.
The kids show up to stop Curtain. Martina fights SQ at first, and is about to beat him, when Kate saves him by distracting Martina. Martina fights Kate again and this time she wins, but can't bring herself to kill Kate, admitting that Kate was right about her and about Curtain. Martina then decides to join them, much to the dismay of Jackson and Jillson, who blow trumpets alerting the greys of their arrival. Jeffers and his men show up to fight Martina and Kate (and Milligan and Number Two, who show up just in time).
Reynie, Sticky, Rhonda, and Miss. Perumal try some spells to help Mr. Benedict, but it doesn't work. Then Curtain and Garrison show up. Curtain puts a simple sleeping spell on Rhonda and Miss. Perumal. The boys are horrified, but Curtain explains that they will awaken in a few hours, once they've been escorted to their cells. The boys demand to know what will happen to Mr. Benedict. Garrison tells them they have no hope of helping Nicholas and that she warned Curtain this would happen. Curtain angrily replies that he gave her everything, including a chance to develop and practice her magic with no limitations, but she was only interested in holding him back, and she shouldn't pretend to care about his brother. The boys, realizing that Curtain does care about Mr. Benedict, try to convince him to turn good, but he replies that he is good and they are the ones that need to change.
He freezes the boys with magic and is about to cast a spell on them, when Constance arrives and challenges Curtain to rematch. The original plan was to have Constance only intervene if necessary, because the others suspected that after last time, Curtain and Garrison might have figured out a way to siphon off her magic. Curtain, hungry for power and realizing that taking her magic might enable him to both save Nicholas and keep his power, offers Constance a deal. Join him, give up her magic, and help him save Nicholas and he'll release her friends. He even does a truth spell on himself to verify he is telling the truth (idk if the narcolepsy thing is in this, this is already so much I don't want to add more, but if it is, he falls asleep and this verifies that he's telling the truth). Constance is about to agree, when SQ bravely runs in and challenges his dad to a duel of magic and sword. Curtain, who does not recognize his son with a helmet over his head, believes this is just some random knight and tries to magic him away, but finds to his surprise that this random knight has some fairly good countering spells. So they duel a bit, but Curtain gets the upper hand. In frustration at his plans being delayed, Curtain begins casting a painful and damaging spell on SQ, causing him to groan and scream in pain, at which point, his helmet falls off. Curtain immediately drops his hands, horrified at what he's done, and runs to his son's side. SQ weakly asks if this is what his father did to his birth parents. Curtain vehemently denies it, shocked his son would ask that, and it's heavily implied that something went wrong in the past that resulted in Curtain trying to use dark magic to fix it, but that ultimately, he wasn't powerful enough, and it resulted in the deaths of SQ's birth parents (I guess this is an SOS AU now. I don't know anymore).
Curtain asks SQ why he would turn against his own family, and SQ tells his father about how trapped he felt in the sheltered palace life Curtain had set up for him and how betrayed he felt that his father had kept so much from him. Curtain replies that he was only ever trying to protect him. SQ starts growing weaker and weaker as Nicholas' side effects start getting worse. Garrison is sad to see them both in pain and dying, but tells Constance and Curtain that she's not powerful enough to fix it, and that most of the magic that would is too powerful, even for any of them. Curtain, upon hearing this, attempts a spell that will exchange his own life for SQ's, but finds he's not powerful enough to use it, and that the dark magic he's been using has left him too corrupted to effectively cast a self-sacrificing spell. Curtain starts to cry and tells SQ that he loves him, hugging him close to his chest. SQ replies weakly, gasping for breath that despite everything, he loves his father too. This begins to heal SQ (power of love and all that. Beautiful stuff. What? It's a fairytale. I can give it a fairytale ending).
Constance, seeing that love was able to heal SQ, decides to give it a try. She walks over to Mr. Benedict and tells him that the reason she denied his offer of adoption was because she was scared of him leaving her like she assumes her parents must have. But now, she wishes she had accepted his offer, and that they had more time together because she would love to spend every second of it with him as her family. This heals Nicholas.
Happy ending right? Wrong. Curtain takes SQ to the palace on the islands where his birth parents lived (which had since been abandoned, but SQ realizes the sigil of his birth parents is the same one Curtain was using). Curtain then goes off on his own journey to released the world from his dark spells, with Nicholas to help him. The twins complete the task and return to the islands to find SQ missing (and a message from home via urgent carrier pigeon confirms Constance has gone missing as well). The twins investigate and find a mysterious woman occupying the islands. They demand to know where their children have gone. She tells them that they will be fine, provided the twins are willing to comply and embrace their destinies. She then introduces herself as their sister and says they have a lot to talk about.
And that's all I got. Please don't ask me to finish this, I'm tired. But I hope you like it.
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cygninae · 3 months
I was just stalking through all of my old WIPs, and so here's a comprehensive list (that no one asked for) of all the ASOUE fanfictions I scrapped:
A character study on Quigley Quagmire, focusing on his upbringing, him being a 'problem child', him being diagnosed with ADHD and depression, etc.
A character study on Quigley experimenting with gender roles: a sort of 5 + 1 thing of them coming to terms with gender non-conformity
A Quiglet oneshot of Violet doing Quigley's makeup.
A character study/Quigley-centric fic that focused on his insomnia and how he'd already discovered the tunnel system under their house from his late-nights wandering the mansion
A dunklaus fic where Duncan was covering a story about Klaus, a reclusive artist who gifted his art rather than selling it. Duncan gets a little too involved.
A dunklaus AU fic where Duncan took a job as the Baudelaire's gardener
A dunklaus + Quiglet + Beamony AU set in WW2
A Viodora fic that was just a collection of Isadora's poetry written across the time she got to know Violet
A dunklaus au where they were both university professors
Dunklaus fake-dating AU where they pretend to date to get Violet off Klaus' back about getting over Fiona and finding love again
A Quiglet one-shot character study from Quigley's POV, him moving on from Violet
A Dunklaus AU taking inspiration from Anne of Green Gables (1800s setting, academic rivals, accidentally starting VFD)
A dumb modern Quiglet AU where they meet at a concert, Violet realises Sunny has run off, and her and Quigley have to find her. They bicker a lot because they disagree on which album is their favourite artist's best one
A Dunklaus post-canon fic where Klaus becomes a famous author under a nom de plume and Duncan stumbles across one of his books that is about him
Quiglet post-canon fic where the Baudelaires find Quigley after he failed to save his siblings
(Actually finished, just never posted it because it's rubbish) Dunklaus sorta reincarnation oneshot where Duncan works in a museum and Klaus is an immortal being who consistently is his muse in every lifetime. One of Duncan's favourite marble statues in the gallery was actually created by him, for Klaus, hundreds of years before but he doesn't remember until he sees Klaus again
Dunklaus oneshot where the whole group attended an actual boarding school. No olaf or anything. Just a wintery plot-less thing
(Also finished, also too shit to post) Modern Dunklaus one shot where Duncan runs a record store with his siblings and Klaus comes in one day. Literally just everyone teasing the two for 6k words straight. (favourite excerpt: '“So, why didn’t you ask him out?” Isadora asked, probably aiming for casual, except the way she was leaning on the wall like she was posing for an 80s boy band poster, and the way her voice was just a bit too high pitched, meant she wasn’t being very convincing.
Duncan gave her a flat look. “I have had two conversations with him,” he said, turning back to the receipt he was marking and ignoring the look she was giving him, which solidly said stop being purposefully obtuse.'
Post-canon Violet-centric Quiglet one shot. Just Violet reminiscing and moving on
Dunklaus AU where the Baudelaires are exchange students from France to Prufrock Prep. Extremely angsty and absolutely nothing happy happens. Just wanted to exercise the French Baudelaires headcanon
(Alot of this one was already written) Dunklaus AU where they're partnered up for a VFD mission
Quiglet magical AU where Quigley is a magical creature that lives in the woodland behind Monty's house where Violet and Klaus move after they're orphaned
Dunklaus and Quiglet (but not the main focus) - AU where the Baudelaires leave with Lemony after the fire at Hotel Denouement and become increasingly morally grey. When they reunite with the Quagmires a year later, they're practically unrecognisable from what fighting both against and with VFD has done to them
Violet and Klaus character study on how they deal with their grief; there was a little bit of Viodora and Duncan and some funny antics. The only WIP on this list entirely in French. Never posted it because there would be no interest and it didn't have a plot particularly
I'm pretty sure there are more that I just can't find or deleted but yeah...God there's a lot. These span over several years of being obsessed with asoue and ships in the fandom that I fell in love with that had (and still have) a painful lack of attention online, so I made my own content
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minbin2000 · 15 days
a court of sea and separation (hyunjin)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
pov: merman!hyunjin (Wren) x human!oc(fem)
Word Count: 3.4k
genre: angst, hurt/comfort, gentle love story, friends to lovers, forbidden love, mermaid au, acotar au, spring court au
warnings: implied main character death, implied parental death, difficult relationship with father, war; nothing described in detail
a/n: Ahhhh I'm so sorry that it's been so long!! :( I got the inspiration for Hyunjin's story today and wrote the entire thing lol. I hope you enjoy it! A quick warning though, this fic does not have a happy ending... Feel free to check out the masterlist for more information about this series and for a quick synopsis of this story. There is also information about the others that are (hopefully) coming soon!
images from pinterest!
Lazy waves lapped along the boulder Wren was perched behind. The light of the full moon sparkled on the waves, casting rippled reflections on the surface of the sea.
Wren had been coming to this place for months. Now that the long, brutal war had finally ended, the waters of his home were no longer filled with battleships and blood. Wren could finally return to the surface again, the place he felt most happy. His fellow merfolk never understood his obsession with the surface. They all thought the green-tailed boy was strange for caring about life above water. Not only did they think he was peculiar, but they avoided Wren like the plague. The punishments for those found with ill intentions in their time above water, or heavens forbid in love with another not of their kind, were harsh.
He had given up living in tandem with how a merman was supposed to live. Wren was much more intrigued with his explorations of life on land. He had swam up rivers to watch the fae, amazed at how some could lift from the ground in flight with wings twice the size of his own tail. The woodland creatures of the Spring Court, the land that bordered his home waters, were just as magical as he was to them, if they ever were to see him. Wren had become an expert at keeping his presence concealed.
However, a creature he had never seen before sat on a boulder on the beach he peered at. The being had a facial structure similar to his own and that of the fae. Wren inched away from the boulder, keeping everything but his eyes under the water.
The creature looked like some of the fae, but they did not have the same grandeur that the fae of the Spring Court carried themselves with. No, this creature carried themselves with their back hunched, knees pulled to their chest, and their face buried in their knees.
The being suddenly lifted their head and looked out at the ocean. Wren ducked under the water, fearful that the creature saw him. When they didn’t move, Wren peeked above the water again, pushing his blond locks from his eyes.
This is a human, Wren realized, gazing upon the face of the girl. His eyes widened. He had never seen a human before. He studied her curiously, noting every feature. Her face was round, but her cheeks were hollow from hunger. Her eyes were a vibrant green color, a stark contrast to the redness in them. He noticed how closely her eyes resembled the color of his tail, making his heart thump with wonder. Tears dripped down the girl’s cheeks one by one, falling onto the rock beneath her. The girl wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her tattered shirt, the cloth smudged with dirt and what appeared to be blood.
Suddenly, the girl let out a scream, high-pitched and full of anger. It rang across the calm waters, traveling past Wren and into the eastern horizon. Wren could only stare at the girl as she stood from the boulder and limped up the beach. She dragged her feet tiredly, stumbling on the hill that hid the Spring Court on the other side.
He instinctively reached out for her, retracting his hand when he realized that his gesture could do nothing for the weeping human. Wren watched her leave curiously, wishing he could ask the beautiful girl what her name was.
The girl returned to the boulder each night since the first, and Wren to his place concealed behind another. He watched the girl, Hyacinth, as her sister called her, come to the sea looking more exhausted each day.
“I can’t wait for the Summer Solstice,” Rose, who Wren had learned is Hyacinth’s younger sister, said, clasping her hands in delight.
Hyacinth bowed her head, not giving her sister a reply.
“Our first night of freedom since the war,” Rose gushed.
“I don’t think I’ll go to the party,” Hyacinth said.
Wren blushed, her melodic, soft voice always making him react in such a way. Even when she spoke sadly, he felt drawn to whatever she had to say from the lovely tones her voice emitted.
“Why ever not?” Rose inquired. She looked toward her sister curiously.
“I can’t,” Hyacinth began, pausing to collect her thoughts as she so often did. “I can’t participate in something of theirs. I want nothing to do with their evil kind.”
“But imagine the gowns! And the food! You couldn’t enjoy it just for one night?”
Hyacinth shook her head, the hair gathered on top of her head swaying. “That’s exactly it, Rose. They will let us have fun, be free, for only one night. After the sun rises, we are suddenly prisoners again. I don’t want a taste of their happiness for such a high price.”
Rose sighed, splashing her feet gently in the ocean. “I understand.”
“I’m sure you and Grace will have lots of fun,” Hyacinth said with a gentle smile. “I’ll be here, as I always am.”
The younger sister smiled. “We will. I’ll even bring a dessert for you if I can.”
Hyacinth laughed, making Wren smile widely under the surface. “Alright. But don’t risk it for me.”
Wren watched as she gazed up at the moon, almost to its fullest point, then back at the ocean, looking directly over him. He almost brought his hand up to wave, but the sisters stood and walked up the hilly beach to wherever they went on the other side.
Wren dove under the waves, swimming toward his home. His mind turned furiously as he dove deeper and deeper into the dark waters.
A full moon falling on the Summer Solstice was a rare occasion. It had only happened a few times in his lifetime. His mother had taught him that this combination was a magical one, bringing the most unlikely of powers together.
Perhaps this cosmic alignment was a sign. Perhaps it could be the night Wren finally revealed himself to this human girl he had grown ever fond of.
The next night, when the moon was almost at its highest point in the sky, Wren swam up to the surface, flipping his emerald tail he took extra care to clean in his morning wash. He placed his hands on the wet boulder he always hid behind, peeking around it to see Hyacinth sitting in her usual place. Wren noticed that her hair was braided, flowers of her name peeking from the strands. He couldn’t help the smile that graced his face but noticed one was missing from hers.
Wren took a deep breath, calling upon the magic of the Summer Solstice to help him not ruin his one chance to speak with Hyacinth. He pushed himself higher onto the boulder, only making his head and shoulders visible to her.
After a few moments, she sensed his presence, looking toward him. Hyacinth squinted her eyes.
“He…hello?” she stuttered. “Who’s there?”
Wren lifted himself higher, now perching on top of the rock. He did not yet reveal his tail.
“Who are you?” Hyacinth asked, her voice laced with worry.
Wren gulped. It was now or never. “My name is Wren.”
“What do you want from me?” she asked, fearfully backing away from him. A few petals fell from her hair and into the sea.
“What? No! No, nothing at all,” he replied, confused at why she was reacting so nervously. He didn’t think he looked intimidating.
Wren dove into the sea and swam until he could sit in the shallow water near her. He popped up above the water, appearing much closer to her than he expected to be. Now nervous himself, he backed away a bit to give them both space.
Hyacinth’s breath hitched when she saw him. She continued to move away from him.
“Wait, Hyacinth!” Wren said as she got up to run away from him. “Please don’t leave!” He couldn’t let her leave. Not this quickly!
She paused, turning toward him. “How do you know my name?” she commanded, pressing her hands into her sides to stop them from shaking.
Wren watched her hands tremble with fear anyway. Slowly, he swam toward her. He leaned against a rock, revealing his green tail to her. He saw Hyacinth’s features change from confusion to fear.
“I won’t hurt you,” he said, holding his hands out gently to show that he was harmless. “I promise.”
“How do you know my name?” she asked once again.
Wren cleared his throat. “I live just below these waters,” he said, gesturing out toward his home under the horizon.
“You’re a… merman,” she breathed in realization, staring intensely at his shimmering tail.
Wren nodded. “Yes. I have been visiting the shore for a while now, ever since the war ended.”
Hyacinth only blinked at him. “I’ll give you anything you need,” she said, retracting into fear once again. “Just please don’t harm my sister.”
“I don’t need anything, I swear,” Wren replied. “I just wanted to talk to you.”
He bowed his head. He should have listened to his elders and their warnings about humans. They hate merfolk. Merfolkhates them. He should have known better to believe Hyacinth was any different.
There was a pause of silence between them, the only sound the soft crash of the waves along the beach.
“I thought all the creatures of this place were evil,” she whispered, truly looking at him for the first time.
When their eyes met, Wren felt his heart leap. She was even more beautiful than he had observed her to be. Her eyes reflected a soul that was pure as a mountain spring, kinder than the most gentle breeze, and stronger than a thousand warriors.
“My kind can be cruel, yes,” he said, swimming closer toward her. “But,” he gulped, “I’m not like them.”
“How can I be sure of this?” Hyacinth asked. Her eyes bore into his.
Wren extended his hand to her, and reluctantly, Hyacinth took it. He placed his other hand on hers, holding her calloused hand gently between the smooth skin of his own.
“You have my word. I have no ill intentions against you, nor have I ever. What I’m looking for is…” he trailed off, wondering what exactly he was looking for. Someone to talk with? Someone who could understand why he was away from his kind as much as he could be? Someone who would listen to his musings of the world?
“A friend,” he concluded, squeezing Hyacinth’s now chilly hand.
She sat still for a moment, looking at their interlocked hands.
“Okay,” she eventually replied. “A friend.” She squeezed Wren’s hand, making his heart leap with joy. He wished he could keep her here longer, but the moon was past its halfway point in the sky, and she always left before it dipped too low.
“Will I see you here tomorrow?” Wren asked boldly, knowing he would be at the shore regardless of her answer.
Hyacinth nodded. “You will.” With her words, she let go of his hand and stood. Hyacinth plucked a flower from her hair, setting it in Wren’s outstretched palm. “Happy Summer Solstice, Wren,” she said.
Wren watched as she walked over the hill, in awe of her beauty and his own bravery. Once she was out of his sight, he let out a cry of glee, and dove under the water, happier than he had been in a millennia.
Wren and Hyacinth’s relationship blossomed as the months changed. They learned all of each other’s stories. Wren was fascinated with Hyacinth’s human life, and Hyacinth with the fact that Wren had been alive longer than the war that had raged for hundreds of years.
Wren told her all about his life as a merman. He told her stories of his mother, born with a uniquely colored tail that was passed down to him. He told her of how she was outcasted by the other merfolk for her differences, leading her and him to a life of solitude. He even told her the tale of her tragic death, which he had never told another soul. Hyacinth had grabbed his hand at the brutality of the story, listening as salty tears he hadn’t cried in years fell down his clammy cheeks.
Hyacinth had told him how she had gotten to the Spring Court. She lived on the other side of the Wall, in the Human Realm, before being captured as a civilian prisoner and brought to the Spring Court with her family. She told him of her small cottage just beyond the hill that he couldn’t see past, and the horrible fae family who ruled the farmlands she worked on. Wren soaked in every word she said, feeling his heart break for her at the tragedy bestowed upon her life.
Their nightly meetings went as such; light conversations always turned to more serious, emotional topics. Neither Wren nor Hyacinth minded. The more they got to know about each other, the closer together they grew.
Wren tucked a stray piece of hair behind Hyacinths’ ear. She turned and smiled at him, mumbling a quick thank you as she drew circles in the water on the boulder. He sucked in a deep breath, desperately needing a dip in the ocean to clear his lungs. But, he couldn’t leave her now, not when the stars were reflecting off the green of her eyes that so closely matched his tail.
“I can tell you’re thinking about something,” Wren said, gently placing his hand next to hers. He blushed as their pinkyfingers touched.
“I’m embarrassed to say what it is,” she admitted, smoothing her mud-stained skirt.
“You can tell me,” Wren replied, giving her his softest, most reassuring smile.
Hyacinth replied with a grin of her own, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I was thinking about what will happen when I grow old and you stay the same way you’ve always been.”
“What do you mean?”
“My life moves so much quicker than yours, Wren,” she began, crossing her ankles. “Would you still want to be… friends… with me when I’m… old?” Hyacinth blushed as her words stumbled upon one another.
Wren laced his fingers through hers, which she accepted willingly. “Hyacinth,” he breathed. “You’ll always have me. I don’t care how ‘old’ you are. I’m not ever going to leave you.”
Hyacinth gazed at him, her bottom lip quivering. “I don’t think I could bear this life without you. You are my dearest friend, Wren.”
He brought his hand to hers and kissed her slender fingers, making Hyacinth’s eyes widen with surprise. “And you are mine.”
Wren opened his mouth to speak again but was interrupted by the force of water filling his dry lungs and the bump of his head against the boulder. He cradled his head in one hand, dizzy from the impact. He opened his eyes to see two mermen he was not expecting.
“Father?” he stammered, staring at the merman treading next to the leader of his underwater society.
“How long have you been conspiring with humans?” he asked, practically growling at his son.
“What? No, it’s not what it looks like…”
“I don’t care, Wren,” the leader intervened, gripping tightly to his arm. His father held on to his other.
“You know the punishment for interacting with that kind,” his father said.
Wren trembled. He knew. He knew too well after what had happened with his mother.
“You’re just like her,” he spat. Wren struggled in the mermen’s grasp, becoming angrier with each word spoken. “And you will pay, just as she did.”
“Stop!” Wren flapped his tail furiously, attempting to reach the surface. He looked upward, seeing Hyacinth’s rippled reflection peering into the water.
“First, I will deal with the girl. Then, I will deal with you.” The leader released his grip on Wren, pushing him backward. His father grabbed his other arm, holding him tightly with his strength.
“No!” Wren cried. “Stop!” He yelled with the force of a hurricane. The merman turned toward him, his piercing blue eyes staring into Wren.
“If you let me say goodbye, and leave her unharmed, I will go with you willingly.” His heart sank to his tail as the leader’s gaze hardened. The merman looked to his father, who gave no verbal reply.
“As this is your last wish,” he began, swimming toward Wren instead of the surface. “I will grant it.”
Wren’s lips trembled. It was truly his last wish. He never thought his time with Hyacinth would have been cut so short. As he had finally found his other half in the world above, he was reminded of how cruel his own could be. No amount of hiding or distancing from the other merfolk could have saved him. Just like his mother.
His father released his grip on Wren. He swam quickly to the surface, knowing both mermen were close behind him. He jumped out of the ocean but was not able to sit by Hyacinth on the boulder, for his fate locked him in the water.
“What happened?” Hyacinth said, anxious tears streaming down her cheeks. She grasped Wren’s face, rubbing his cheek with her thumb.
“I have to go now,” he whispered, bringing his hand to caress her face. Just as he had imagined, her skin was as soft as the leaves of kelp.
“What? Why, Wren?” Her breath quickened, her chest rising and falling.
Wren leaned closer to her. “I’ll always be with you, Hyacinth. Thank you for everything you’ve taught me.” His eyes welled with tears, but he pushed them away. He needed to see her clearly this one last time.
“You can’t leave me,” she cried, seeming to realize what was happening. Wren had told her about his mother. Surely, she had seen the commotion through the water. “How can I help you stay?” A sob escaped her lips.
Wren felt himself being tugged into the water, losing his grip on her face.
“Wren!” Hyacinth screamed, grabbing onto his arm. She pulled him toward her, holding onto him for dear life.
With all of his strength, Wren held onto her arm as together they defiled the strength of his father. Once he was above the surface, Wren wrapped his other arm around her shoulders as she touched his face. He brushed away a tear that slipped from her eye.
“I love you, Hyacinth,” he breathed, looking into her kind eyes one final time.
“And I love you, Wren,” she whimpered, leaning into him.
He grasped her tightly, then loosened his grip as he started to feel the currents overpowering their combined strength. He wouldn’t let her fall into the dangerous water, too. Wren brushed his fingers along her cheek, preparing to let go of her.
As quickly as he had let go, he saw his hand outstretched toward the air above, Hyacinth’s hand reaching toward his own, lingering above the surface.
I have sat on this boulder for decades. I stare out at the sea each night, wondering when he may return to me. He promised me once that he would always be with me. I can still hear his voice, soothing like the calm tide, drifting across the breeze if I listen hard enough.
He is especially talkative tonight, even making me laugh with a joke about how I haven’t aged a day. The wind whistles back in reply, making me wonder if I had even heard his voice at all. I cast my doubts aside, though. I know he hasn’t truly left me since the day he disappeared beneath the surface of the sea.
I stand from the ancient boulder, wobbling on my thin legs that seem to feel just as ancient. I know my time is coming, and I fear it is coming soon. My mind refuses to believe it, but I know better than to listen to all it says. My heart knows.
The sea also seems to know, for a lovely melody suddenly sounds over the previously quiet waves. I close my eyes and listen to the familiar voice that I had lost so long ago.
“Don’t worry, Hyacinth,” the voice calls, wrapping around my body. I am suddenly filled with warmth, though I am shivering on the outside. “I’ll always be with you,” he says.
His voice makes me smile. I open my eyes, taking what I know will be my last look at this place so sacred to me.
“I’ll see you soon, Wren,” I whisper to the waves. Taking one last deep breath of salty air, I turn and head for the cottage just over the hill. I know that the next time I gaze upon the sea that separates me from him, I will be one with it.
Thank you so much for reading!!
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aphroditestummyrolls · 4 months
Your moodboards are so beautiful. Can you tell us more about the inspiration for the Wesper Fantasy AU? It's lovely. (Please say there is a fanfic for it or there might be one day soon.)
If you don't mind, could you also share how you make your moodboards, where you find your images and what program you use to organize them in the 3x3 format?
Thank you so much 🥹❤️ they are so fun to make, and it’s been really helping me stay motivated with my stories, too.
I use LiveCollage for my 3x3 grid— they have lots of other options as well. The 3x3 is just my favourite. I get my pictures from Pinterest and sometimes from aesthetic blogs on tumblr. As for how I generally construct and organise them, I focus on the main beats of the story/the main characteristics of the character I’m playing with; make sure my pictures follow a general colour palette of 2-3 colours (for instance, the fantasy wesper one is teal green and an amber shade of orange); and I try to have them radiate out from the centre. The most important point is usually in the centre, but there are some exceptions. A lot of it just comes down to if it looks balanced/good.
The fantasy au wesper story is actually based on world building of an original fantasy world I started when I was 18 (omg almost a decade ago 🫠). It centers around a small hamlet built up on a ridge, just barely scraping above a deeply enchanted woodland that is supposedly full of big bad creatures— the hamlet is able to become a kingdom of huge influence through the export of the minerals in the ridge that they mine/export through the use of the tunnel system/the river under the ridge. It is extremely taboo to enter the forest without economically sound and governmentally sanctioned reason. The old superstitions of the beasts in the woods are still strong over the people.
Naturally, there is a huge illegal demand to smuggle people and goods in and out of the wood to the wider world on the other side of the mountains. It's a great place for clandestine things, meeting forbidden lovers, or doing illegal things.
Enter, Kaz Brekker and his Crows.
They are well known by anyone that needs to know as the best gang for anything having to do with the woodland— they've become almost as mythologised as the beasts and magic of the woods. And there are, naturally, warrants out for their arrest by order of King Jan. There always has been, it seems. They've become symbols of freedom and the breaking of the superstition that keeps everyone on the ridge. Jesper is one of the best at living in and getting through the woods— what he doesn't know is that this is because he's half sprite. After his sprite mother was hunted and murdered, his father went to a witch when Jesper was small and repressed his magic and his memories. He was trying to protect him from the prejudice against the woodland creatures/sprites like his mother.
But, things like that can’t stay repressed forever. They find a way out— for Jesper, they come out in his uncanny ability to navigate the forest, his immaculate aim, and… and strange dreams of a young man that he just doesn’t understand. All Jesper knows is that he’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
Enter Wylan.
Prince Wylan Van Eck was sequestered away from the public when he was a small child after his mother “died”, to be hidden away in shame for his defect of being an illiterate invalid.
He lives a life of luxury, but it's a prison. and the world of royalty knows him only as The Ghost Prince of Ketterdam. A young Prince hidden away until a mysterious “curse” could be lifted from him. King Jan has been subjecting his son to all sorts of "cures" since he was young. Torturing him. And, for a long time, he’s been sending knights out on illegal poaching missions to steal woodland sprites/magical objects from the enchanted woods, hoping to find something that will fix him. Wylan, though, shows no sign of improvement. He does have a very active imagination, though— he has the most incredible dreams. Of the most beautiful man.
That’s the basics of it! It’s not currently in the works, really, just an idea that I love in a world that I’m really proud to have built. And now it’s a world where I get to play with my blorbos! There’s other stories taking priority now, but eventually, I’ll at least write out a few oneshots/chapters for the fantasy au!
Thanks for asking! ❤️
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kitchenisking · 1 year
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Series Fic Rec Part 9
The Planners become the Planees by Mickeyhale - (Planning) -(Rating: Mature, Words: 50446, sterek)
Stiles and Derek are simply trying to navigate their way through raising a home full of teenagers. They rely on each other through their crazy, fun filled domestic lives. What they are unawares of, is what their children have planned for them.
Rescue Me (& Take Me In Your Arms) by tumtatumtum - (Rescue Me (D/S Sterek Series)) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 33996, sterek)
Just when Stiles is starting to reach panic-attack levels of stress, a leather jacket and firm thigh are pressed right up next to him, and an arm is casually thrown over his shoulder. Stiles looks up to thank this kind person who is saving his life, and suddenly forgets what air is.
Because HOT. DAMN. Call the police and the fire-man, this guy is smoking.
Or the AU where Derek helps save Stiles from an ex, and a steamy BDSM relationship ensues- with feelings all over the place.
I Like It When by elisera - (Steadfast) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 4997, sterek)
They’re in the middle of fucking when Stiles really notices it for the first time. He’s got Derek on his back and Stiles is sitting on his dick, taking things slow in an attempt to see how long they can stand it, how long it’ll take either of them to cave and pick up the pace. That was the plan but when Derek gets his hands on Stiles’ hips and Stiles can feel him tensing up in preparation to move Stiles the way Derek wants him to, he grabs Derek by the wrists and pulls his hands up instead, pins them down next to his head. He has no illusions about being able to hold Derek down but he’s feeling playful.
Big Spoon by Emela - (Blushing Derek Verse) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3487, sterek)
If there is anything Stiles has learned from being forced to watch romantic comedies with Lydia since Freshmen year, it’s that when you begin to fall for someone, it usually starts with their smile. Or their eyes. Or even their ass. What all those hours do not prepare him for is falling head over- why-am-I-getting-a-boner-from-this- heels because of a blush.
That Sexy Mechanic Look by dragon_temeraire - (Car Sex) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1965, sterek)
Derek’s mostly convinced already. He has a hot boyfriend, an empty automotive shop, a dick that’s already half-hard, and not a lot to lose.
Follow You by SylvieW - (Follow Us) - (Rating: T, Words: 5173, sterek)
Just because the rest of the pack didn't want to visit Derek's family cabin didn't mean that Stiles couldn't enjoy it, right? That's totally a thing that almost friends do, right? Totally.
Eyes On The Road by SexySourAlpha - (Sourwolf and Me) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1698, sterek)
Sitting in a car for 3 hours isn't really good for someone with ADHD and Derek just wants to be boring. So Stiles takes matters into his own hands...literally.
This Time With Feeling by Crimson1 - (With Feeling) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 36132, sterek)
"Derek Hale, if you refuse to learn from your past…then you will be doomed to repeat it." In which Derek is turned into a 16-year-old and has to stay with Stiles until they figure out how to turn him back. Eventual slash and smut, set post season 2, semi-AU.
Tumblr Pornlet 13: Baby Boy by LupusScintilla (inkandblade) - (Baby Boy Derek Hale) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 356, sterek)
“You were made for this, for me, baby boy.”
Stiles Stilinski: Actual Disney Princess by LadySlytherin - (The Wolf's Red Mate) - (Rating: Mature, Words: 20235, sterek)
Halloween + Drag queen friends = Crossdressing!Stiles fic! Throw in a miscast spell that has woodland creatures and our resident weres trailing behind Stiles a-la-fairytale-logic and you’ve got a recipe for disaster...and love.
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therealmintedmango · 2 years
Cerberus - Part Two and a Half
Genre: Werewolf/ Shifter AU; Medieval AU; Strangers-To-Lovers AU; Heavy Angst; Soulmate AU; Eventual romance/ smut
Rating: NC 18+, Explicit
Words: 900+ (Just kind of a teaser to get me back into writing this story!)
Pairings: (Eventually) ot7 BTS x Human Female Reader
Warnings: Dark themes; Possible Yandere Vibes in the future; Death; Gore; Murder/ Killing; Implied Incest (nothing happens - I promise); Mentions of being naked/ being seen naked; I think that’s it.
Tag List: (Please notify me if you wish to be added/ no longer want to be apart of the tag list!) @openup-yourmind , @deeepvibes, @heoniebaby, @xxsunny-side-upxx
Cerberus Playlist (Let me know if you have a good song to add to the playlist and I’ll chuck it in there!
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A shot from the nose of a gun rings out in the middle of the wood. The sound is jarring, spooking the horses they ride upon— but, only for a moment. Mid-mornings are for the prince’s to have a moment to themselves, to talk and convene, like their own personal meeting that takes place every day. Just the seven brothers, safe for the horses, the hunting dogs that yelp and yip with glee, and some trusted staff who have loyal tendencies in their sinew and marrow. Small woodland creatures scatter as the pheasants the group were tracking are flushed from their hiding spaces in the thicket.
For they all weren’t blessed to have been birthed under the warm and pregnant harvest full moon like they were.
“Excellent shot, Hoseok.” Taehyung smiles his boxy grin at his elder brother as he directs his horse to be placed next to his.
A trail of hot breath exited the mouth of the third-eldest, whipping and whispering away into the afternoon air. The loudest, most outgoing brother always seems to become lethally quiet when he is focused; eyes trained and nerves unwavering. He would surely be Bangtan’s tactical genius or a general one of these days. Hoseok reloads and fires at the bird with ease, directing one of their staff to go retrieve his fresh slain kill. His wolffish grin is not lost, his brothers echoing his silent, devious smirk as they clap their leather gloves together.
“I feel bad leaving her back at home by herself.” Jungkook turns his head back to the direction of their foreboding estate, his smile faltering.
“Come now, she’s not a child.” Yoongi scoffs, smoothing the hairs on his horse's neck. “She is free to do as she pleases. I see no band on her finger.”
“I know.” Jungkook retorts with a low growl. “Do we think she was being hunted?”
“Who would want to hurt an angel that divine?” Taehyung rumbles, his timbre darkening with the thought.
“She’s awfully frightened.” Jimin says.
“Speak for yourself.” Yoongi grumbled under his breath, but they all heard his remark regardless.
“She might be a liability, hyung.” Namjoon sighs, looking out at the bright horizon of the wood, the sun hanging very high in the pale blue sky. “What if it’s a trap and she is a witch or a demon or worse sent from our friends beyond this world?”
“She is human.” Hoseok sneers, lip curling. “She is human. You can smell the earth and sweat on her flesh.” His eyes flashed a danger deep amber as he shot the last of the flock of game bird.
“Let’s not waste anymore time.” Seokjin asks over the din of the dogs barking in delight and his brothers bickering atop their steads. He raised his brows and they all quieted down at once. “Though she seems harmless and is quite stunning, we have to approach this diplomatically.” The brothers all nod. This was the way it worked here. “I will go down the line in our regular fashion and I want you to tell me if she stays or goes.”
Seokjin’s amber gaze drifted to the second born brother. “Yoongi?”
“Stay.” Yoongi said, almost a little too quickly.
“Stay.” Hoseok cut him off, nostrils flaring in annoyance. “She is staying.”
Seokjin sighs with a soft smile, directing his question next to the next in the line up. “Namjoon?”
Namjoon pauses, looking down at his leather saddle, weighing his decision heavily. “Goes.”
“Stay.” Jimin did not wait to be called on, his soft smile was endearing, his pale cheeks flushed. From the cold or from the girl, Seokjin could not tell.
“Me too.” Taehyung speaks up, eyes narrowing at his older brother. “Stay.”
“She has to stay, hyung.” Jungkook looks between Namjoon and Seokjin. “She belongs here. With us.”
“My vote is she stays.” Seokjin nods, his rich orbs finding his very intelligent middle brother who looks away. “However, any witchcraft or mysterious activity with her and she is out. She is to be treated with the highest respect like we would a royal guest. I do not want you lot courting her; do not disrespect her or our name in the process of her staying with us. We have to figure out who she is…and why was she in the wood and from our neighbors from the south, no less…” He exhales a breath looking at each of his brothers faces. Their attention was focused solely on him as he says, “Do I make myself clear?”
“Crystal.” Yoongi smirks, his white hair reflecting the bright sun as they make their way back through the forest, their birds and dogs in tow. The meeting was drawing to a close on this fine afternoon.
“Let’s make sure she is comfortable during her stay in Bangtan.” Seokjin smiles, some malice and mirth behind his lush lips and soft tone, his pointed canines glimmering like freshly washed china.
One of their hound dogs lets out a wail of a hound and most of the brothers can help but laugh.
Author’s Notes: I hope y’all listen to the playlist when reading! It’s still a work in progress, so don’t judge it too much! Also, I really want to focus on this story so I’ll be channeling my attention into this story when I’m not at school or at work! Xoxo
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I recently came across your stories and really like all of them,and have made me a bit happier. If it's alright can I request a rui x blind male reader who is,like your second douma story is undernourished because he can't find his way into civilization,if he does,they trick him into getting lost. He has short light red hair green eyes.his name is shao and he's shy,doesn't trust people for obvious reasons.it's ok if not,just asking...!
(I’m so glad that my stories are able to make you happy! I didn’t know if you wanted vore or not, but since all my Demon Slayer stories have vore I decided to include it. Plus my friend helped me with that. However , I decided to make Rui a teenager so I would feel more comfortable with it. In my AU, child demons can mature and grow. They stop growing physically when they reach adulthood. So yeah. Rui’s a teen in this fic. I hope you enjoy it!)
Lost and Found
(A Rui Soft Vore Fanfic)
Warnings: Malnourishment, self loathing, and soft vore.
Once again,Shao had been tricked by the kids in his village. He was born blind and feeble, so he used his sense of hearing to guide him. Despite this keen sense of hearing, Shao has been tricked many times.
The people of his village feared him, believing that he was cursed. They believed that he would cause the newborn babies to be ill, so they decided to keep him away. While the adults just stayed away from, the kids tormented him. They often led him to the forest and then left him there, roaming for days.
The poor blind teen desperately wanted to be apart of them, so he often fell for these tricks. At this moment, he was wandering around the forest on Mt. Natagumo. He had been wandering there for three days.
“Crap.” He cursed as his foot hit the root of the tree. Shao felt weak. His legs buckled and Shao fell. “Oof.” He huffed as his face his the cold solid ground. He wanted to disappear. Away from all the cruel people.
He closed his misty emerald eyes and he listened to the forest around him. The wind blew gently over his body. Little woodland creatures rusted in the trees. Shao calmed his breathing and let himself become one with the forest. Then suddenly, a strange sound caught his attention.
“What do we have here?” A calm voice muttered. “Are you..dead?” Footsteps could be heard from ahead and they came closer. Shao lifted his head and a sigh of relief could be heard. “Oh thank goodness.”
Rui had been taking his usual route on Mt. Natagumo, his old stomping grounds. He had been reflecting on all that had changed in the previous years. Tanjiro becoming king, finding a family amongst the Upper Moons, and even maturing and growing as a result of becoming a Half demon. It was all so exciting, yet overwhelming.
So to prevent himself and his OCD from getting overwhelmed, Rui would come back to Mt. Natagumo. Were there bad memories locked away up here? Yes, but he couldn’t ignore the sense of nostalgia he felt.
Rui was heading towards the base of the mountain when he heard a loud thud. “What the-“ He muttered as he cocked his head in the direction of the thud. Rui picked up his pace as he rushed towards the sound.
He eventually came across a human teen with light red hair. The boy looked malnourished and he seemed like he wasn’t taken care of. “What do we have here?” Rui said, trying not to panic. “Are you.. dead?”
The boy lifted his head, revealing his eyes. They were emerald green, but they had a misty glaze. Rui quickly realized that he was blind. Despite this, he was glad that the boy was alive. Rui sighed in relief. “Oh, thank goodness.”
The sound that came from the creature was calm and gentle, at least to Shao. It sounded like a human sound, but it wasn’t exactly the same. “Who..are you?” Shao asked tenderly. “I’m Rui. I’m a half demon.” Half demon, huh? Well that explains his odd sound.
Shao laid his head back down on the ground. How unlucky must he be to run into a demon of all creatures? Still, there was something about his sound that lured Shao. “What happened to you?” Rui asked warmly.
“I’m lost..I don’t have anyone.” Shao winced as he laid on the ground. “Would you like me to help you get home?” The demon’s voice was warm and oddly comforting. “No. I’m lost because they tricked me. They don’t want me around them.”
A small wince came from the demon. “I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do?” Shao shook his head. “My body’s so fragile and weak. I’m better off dead.” Shao heard the demon sit on his knees. He crawled up to Rui and rested his head against the demon’s legs.
A soft purr came from Rui. “I understand how that feels, but you should never say that you’re better off dead.” Shao felt the demon take his hand. Rui’s hand was warm as it held tightly onto his.
“What’s your name?” The demon said calmly. “I’m Shao.” Rui purred even louder, which was oddly comforting. “Shao..I like how that sounds.” Rui was then silent, thinking. “How about this, Shao. I can take you with me. All the other demons can protect you and Lord Tanjiro can help me take care of you.”
Shao’s heart nearly skipped a beat. All he wanted was to be with people who truly cared about him, but he still was suspicious. “Are you sure that they will be kind? Are you sure that they won’t find me pathetic?”
Rui softly purred as he held onto Shao. “Of course they will.” The demon’s sound told Shao everything that he needed to know. Rui was telling the truth. “Okay..I’ll go with you. Thank you.”
Happy purrs came from the demon. “It’s no problem.”
A cold breeze made its way through the mountain, causing Shao to shiver. “Are you cold?” Rui asked gently, stroking the boy’s head. Shao nodded as he shivered. “Here, I can help you with that. Do you trust me?” Shao seemed confused by the demon’s question. “Yes..”
A little chirp came from the demon. “Alright. Just try not to move around too much.” Shao was still confused as he felt Rui gently grab him. Then a sudden warmth came over his body. It was unlike anything that he has felt before.
He felt a strange plush material all around him. It was a little damp but somehow that added to the comforting sensation. Shao let his body rest against the plush material. It seemed to pull him farther and farther down, until he reached a strange pouch made of the same material.
The walls moved all around him, cradling his body. The warmth he felt was very relaxing and comforting. There also seemed to be some strange, yet soothing noises coming from around him. They all seemed to be..the demon’s sound.
“Where am I?” Shao asked curiously as he laid his hand against the plush material. “You’re inside of me..please don’t freak out.” Rui’s voice was muffled and there was some pressure on the plush walls. Shao was surprised by this, but the sound of the demon was enough to make Shao trust him.
“Oh, it’s okay. I feel..safe. Am I inside your stomach?” An embarrassed chuckle came from Rui. “Yeah..” Shao curled up and let his body relax against the demon’s tummy. “Thank you.”
Shao felt movement, but he wasn’t disturbed by it. He guessed that Rui was heading back to the other demons. “No need to thank me. It’s the least that I could do.”
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msweebyness · 1 year
Class of Heroes AU: Pet Peeves
These are the things that really grind the gears of our hero kids! As always, credit to @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27! Mega thanks to Sparky, who helped come up with a lot of these! Keep an eye out for the matching villains post!
Marinette: Sexism of any shape or form drives her absolutely mad with fury. When she’s told she can’t do something solely because of the fact she is female, she will go to just about any length to prove that person wrong! She also can’t stand it when people cheat or “act dishonorably”.
Adrien: Due to his past with his ‘father’, Adrien finds it incredibly difficult to forgive someone when he feels they’ve taken advantage of him. Manipulating him or using him for personal gain is a surefire way to lose his friendship for good.
Alya: Laziness and people who refuse to do their share of the work are the bane of Alya’s existence. Success is earned through hard work and she refuses to put up with anyone sitting out on their responsibilities. And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll use proper table manners in her company!
Nino: Nino feels incredibly insulted and undervalued when people don’t show any thanks for him helping them with his magic. He also loathes anybody who puts their own desires over everything else, selfishness goes against his very nature as a fairy godsibling. (He also strongly objects to anyone touching his wings without permission, a sign of extreme disrespect to a fairy!)
Max: With the amount of work and dedication he puts into all of his inventions, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Max becomes highly agitated if anyone tries to take credit for his creations or use them for unethical purposes. It also rubs him the wrong way when people (*cough* Royals *cough*) try to push their homework off on him.
Kim: The young demigod has a burning hatred for bullying or harassment of any kind. Due to his own past being an outcast in his hometown, he can’t stand by when anyone else is being mistreated similarly. (And if you don’t want to be put through a wall, DRINK YOUR RESPECT WOMEN JUICE.)
Alix: A guaranteed way to anger this young street rat is to mistreat those younger and weaker than you. Alix can’t bear to see children being harmed in any way, especially those forced into the streets like herself! It’s also unwise to mock her for her kleptomania, if you want to get your belongings back, at least…
Ivan: Ever since making real friends who actually respect and care about him, Ivan is far less willing to put up with being mocked and treated as a freak. (It’s also a bad idea to ask invasive questions or make rude comments about his back condition. DON’T call him a hunchback.)
Mylene: It just breaks Mylene’s heart when she’s forced to watch her darling animal friends be mistreated in any way, shape or form! The creatures of the woodlands have feelings too, and if you want to stay on this princess’ good side, you’ll treat them with the respect and care you ought to!
Juleka: The resident cursed of the hero classes is, quite frankly, sick and tired of people regarding and treating her as some manner of frightful and dangerous monster based on her appearance. Oh, and unless you happen to be Rose, touching her fur and horns is a BIG No-No.
Rose: Rose believes strongly in compassion and understanding being extended to everyone, no matter who they are or what they look like. Because of this, the quickest way to set her off is to mock or belittle someone else for being ‘different’. Especially if the person being mocked happens to be Juleka!
Sabrina: Stemming from terrible past experiences and perhaps a bit of envy about others not needing to worry about their appearances being altered, Sabrina carries a burning hatred for being deceived in any way. If she catches you in a lie, pray to whatever you believe in that Aurore is nearby to calm her down!
Nathaniel: If you value your existence on this Earth, do NOT make any attempt to wake this boy up before his body is ready. You will regret it. It’s also a BAD idea to mess with or insult his artwork in any capacity.
Chloé: Before she started putting in the effort to improve herself as a person, the young heiress went batty when anyone refused to do as she pleased or stood up to her in any way. Post-redemption arc, she tends to snap when anyone brings up her old ways or accuses her of faking kindness.
Zoé: This young royal cannot stand to walk into a room and find it in disarray! You could call Zoé a bit of a neat freak, nothing drives her up the wall more than when people neglect to clean up after themselves. Honestly, it’s just common courtesy!
Marc: One could say that the heir to the throne of Arendelle has a bit of a thing about his personal space. Especially when he’s upset, it’s a good idea to give him a wide berth unless you’re one of his friends. Also, DON’T touch his gloves!
Ondine: She absolutely can’t stand when people don’t show respect for her home, the water, where her family still lives. Seeing people leave their trash on the beach or dump toxic fluids into a river will infuriate her. It also upsets her quite a bit when someone mentions going fishing or eating fish.
Kagami: Stubborn and rebellious to her core, the archery-proficient princess can’t STAND being given orders, especially ones that go against what she believes in! If you try to fence her in, she’ll fight you to the bitter end!
Aurore: Being a fairy of the night sky, Aurore’s purpose in life is to watch over and guide others in being their best selves. As such, any kind of rule-breaking or wanton misbehavior irks her like you wouldn’t believe! (Also, don’t touch her wings without asking. Like I said, it’s a fairy-respect thing!)
Mireille: The princess of the Pride Lands is almost a full-grown lioness, and she can’t STAND it when people coddle her as if she’s still a mere cub! Yes, she’s had some bad things happen and yes, maybe she still has things to learn, but she can take care of herself just fine, thank you very much! (Also: NO CAT JOKES.)
Jean: If there’s one thing that you just don’t do, it’s throw off Emperor Jean’s groove! He puts so much time and effort into each of his performances that to have someone kill his mojo is a sacrilege of epic proportions! Now he’s gonna have to start all over! (He is also, like Marc, NOT the biggest fan of people besides his friends touching him!)
Denise: Having had to put up with this treatment since they were programmed into existence, Denise is just about at the end of their rope with being labeled as a “bad guy” for even the smallest of mistakes. (It’s also not very smart to move their belongings without telling or asking them.)
Simon: If there’s one thing this Neverland native finds supremely annoying, it’s a stick-in-the-mud! (Outside of his home, at least) Life doesn’t last forever, so why would you waste it being a big ol’ grouch? (Also, don’t treat him like a kid. He’s a lot more mature than you think!)
Ismael: Ismael, like Nino and Aurore, has a real problem with people not showing gratitude for the wishes he grants. But what really makes him angry is when people don’t honor the promises they make. (One too many finders before Alix came along gave him their word to free him with their final wish, only for that to never come to pass…)
Reshma: Reshma will go absolutely postal when anyone mocks her for her perfectionist tendencies, ESPECIALLY being called anything close or related to ‘Little Miss Perfect’. Is it her fault that she was held up as the ‘golden child’ of her family her entire life? (And if you have any sense, you’ll take proper care of your plants!)
Cosette: Cosette finds it incredibly insulting when people diss their music by calling it shallow and meaningless based solely on the fact that it happens to fall under the ‘Pop’ umbrella. Music is music, what matters is the heart, not the genre.
Lacey: Again, DON’T TOUCH THE WINGS. Lacey also cannot put up with being confined in any sort of small space. This fairy needs room to move, so closets and crawl spaces are a definite ‘NO’. (She’s had some right nasty experiences with a few of her and Simon’s pirate foes back in Neverland…)
As usual, leave thoughts and opinions in the comments and reblogs! Love and hugs! (Keep an eye out for more of our Mirrorverse crossover!)
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viola-halogen · 2 years
My BBC Ghosts vampire au finally sees the light of day! (no pun intended)
About the world
This AU is heavily influenced by What We Do In The Shadows and includes some of the same things like energy vampires
Most common vampire lore applies
They feed on human blood, however if they don’t feed they won’t die, they’ll just slip into a state of hibernation which they can’t be woken from unless given blood to drink
Vampires can tell when their sire (the vampire that turned them) is hurt or in danger. They’re also incapable of physically harming their sire.
All vampires have a natural instinct to turn those they feed on which they have to learn to control
There are different “generations” of vampires. 1st generation vampires are the original vampires, 2nd generation vampires were turned by 1st generation vampires, 3rd generation vampires were turned by 2nd generation and so on
Vampire’s powers get weaker the further they are from 1st generation (they also tend to get stronger the longer they live) this affects things like how good they are at hypnosis as well as their physical speed and strength. However the older and stronger a vampire is the less resistant they are to sunlight, religious items, etc.
He’s one of the 1st generation vampires, possibly the oldest one still alive
After he was first turned he killed and ate some of the members of his tribe because he was starving and didn’t understand what he’d become. His people were horrified so they banished him from the tribe
He travelled for a while and spent years figuring out exactly what he’d become (he has loads of burn scars from before he worked out that he couldn’t walk in the sun)
Eventually he settled on the land that eventually became Button House, it had a nice empty cave where he could sleep during the daytime, and plenty of nice woodland to explore as well as a human settlement pretty close by for food
As of the present day he’s now the head of the Button House vampire household, he lays down most of the rules and is responsible for making sure the others behave (he usually does this by physically fighting anyone who doesn’t)
Most of the time he just acts like the chaotic idiot that he is, but he also has a very strong sense of loyalty to his household and if anyone hurts or threatens any of his fledglings he becomes the most terrifying creature you’ve ever seen
He doesn’t use his powers very often so most of the other vampires have no idea just how powerful he really is, but every so often they get enough of a glimpse to have a healthy amount of fear of him
He still dresses in furs like he did when he was alive and observes all the rituals and cultural things from his time (that he remembers) but he also has a fascination with the modern world and likes collecting modern things and learning all about what humans are up to these days. His greatest aspiration is to go to space one day
The plague ghosts
They’re all Robin’s victims from before he learned to control his urge to turn people into vampires (once he’d learnt how he taught all of them as well and now makes sure to teach any new vampires as quickly as possible)
They used to sleep in his cave with him and follow him on hunts and were basically like his family
They’re now stuck in the basement of the house since Mary accidentally put a curse on them making them unable to leave it
The others bring them food and visit them, although they aren’t particularly fond of any of them apart from Robin, who they still see as their leader, and Humphrey, who was part of the family before they got trapped
They’ve forgiven Mary for cursing them but she’s still terrified of them hating her so she never goes into the basement
The house was built by his ancestor, Edmund Bone, who ignored the villagers’ warnings about demons living on the land, and even when his servants started going missing and turning up in the woods with all their blood drained refused to move out
Humphrey’s marriage to Sophie and the Catholic plot happened exactly the same, but when hiding from the Queen’s guards instead of accidentally beheading himself Humphrey fell on his own sword and died
Sophie had known about the vampires living in the woods for years without ever letting on, so after the guards had left she snuck back in and took Humphrey’s body to Robin and begged him to make Humphrey into a vampire. She knew she would have to go into hiding or leave the country, but she couldn’t leave Humphrey to die when she had a chance to save his life
Robin turned him at Sophie’s request and then took him under his wing, teaching him the ways of being a vampire, and he became the newest member of the family
He has a massive stab wound in his chest from where he fell on his own sword but it doesn’t bleed at all since all his blood was drained when he was turned, and he usually wears clothes that cover it
After he was turned Robin bought the house back from the state so they could all finally move out of their cave and have somewhere nicer to live
Humphrey was also cursed by Mary, his curse is that every time he does anything ever something unfortunate will happen to him as a result (think Laszlo’s cursed hat but the curse is attached to a person instead)
He’s actually very powerful as a 2nd generation vampire but because of the curse he never uses his powers as he’s too afraid of what might happen
She was a witch who lived in the nearby village and used her abilities to heal and help people out
She knew of the existence of vampires and was good friends with the vampire household
One day a witchfinder came to the village and found her out and tried to have her burned at the stake for witchcraft
At the time the vampires were pretending to be wealthy landowners who had bought the house and the village didn’t have anywhere secure enough, so Mary was put into their custody to wait for her trial
Robin wasn’t willing to let the villagers kill Mary so he asked the others to stand and fight with him, but Humphrey was the only one willing to, so the others went to hide in the basement until it was over
When the villagers arrived Robin and Humphrey attacked them and, realising that they were vampires, they started to fight back
Seeing Robin hurt gave Mary hysterical strength and she unleashed a huge spell, killing half the villagers and cursing Humphrey and those in the basement. Robin was able to withstand the curse because of his incredible strength. After that happened all the surviving villagers gave up and ran away
After that Mary knew she could never go back to the village, so Robin invited her to stay in the house with them and become an honorary member of the vampire household
She’s now immortal because she accidentally consumed the life forces of all the villagers she killed
She was also very traumatised by the whole thing (and the torture she went through before being given into Robin and Humphrey’s custody) to the point where she rarely ever uses her magic anymore
She has a cow for a familiar which lives in the gardens of the house, but at this point it’s basically more of a therapy animal to her
She is a witch who was cursed to permanently have the appearance of an eleven year old girl
Before Mary’s witch trial Jemima was her apprentice, when she realised the witch hunters were coming she told Jemima to run away and stayed behind to hold them off so she could escape
Jemima went to another village and found a new master and when she was a fully fledged witch she returned to wreak vengeance on those who had come to kill Mary, but when she got there she discovered the vampires and that Mary was still alive
She and Mary stayed in contact from then on and Jemima helps Mary out with things she struggles to do, like going to the supermarket (it’s too loud and busy for her)
She has a successful business selling spells and potions to all denizens of the underworld
During her lifetime Robin became very interested in being a part of society and started hosting balls and parties at the house (under the alias of Lord Robert Bone, the descendant of THAT Humphrey Bone)
Kitty and her family lived in a manor house a few miles away and were acquaintances of the Bone family
Kitty and Eleanor were always kind of terrified of the house and thought it was really creepy, although their mother and father were totally oblivious to all the weirdness
Kitty’s home life was the same as in canon with her mother’s death, Eleanor being a piece of shit and her father not doing anything about it
Some time after Kitty and Eleanor came of age they were allowed to attend their first ball as adult women, at Bone Manor
They found it was actually kind of boring and ended up sneaking off together to look around the house, and Eleanor (in an attempt to scare Kitty and also to get rid of her for a bit) dared her to go into the creepy off-limits basement
She went into the basement and the plague ghosts, who didn’t know about the ball, assumed she was food the others had brought them and killed her and drank her blood
She was found eventually by her family and the other vampires and, on realising their mistake, one of them turned Kitty into a vampire
Eleanor and her father were horrified so Robin had to hypnotise them both and wipe their memories, but because of his panic and his incredible strength he ended up giving them both the brain scramblies
Soon after they sold their house and moved out of the area, and were never heard from again
Once Kitty got over her initial terror and the loss of her family she found it was actually quite fun being a vampire and took to her new life pretty quickly, even admitting that she was much happier with her new family than her old one
Part 1 of 2
| Part 2 |
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sparrowmoth · 2 years
Grey Skies Move Slowly • [AO3]
Teen | 1.6K | Jaylos, Malvie | Vampire AU, Fluff & Angst, Bittersweet
A/N: This work is part of the Forever and a Night series and may be difficult to follow if you haven't read the two preceding oneshots.
CW: Mentions of blood and some swearing
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Lately, Carlos hadn’t been himself—which wasn’t fair to say since he was himself, as a fact, even in this small aspect. Maybe, then, it was less that he wasn’t himself and more that, to Jay, he felt as far as he could be without leaving. Not to sound accusing, since it wasn’t his fault and Jay wasn’t even mad. He just missed the Carlos who had a smile bright as the sun, making Jay not even think when was the last he’d seen the daylight. He missed the Carlos with arms to hold him when they laid down, chests pressed together, nose-to-nose—
Jay broke from his glum thoughts at the feeling of Carlos starting to quiver. He was a small thing in Jay’s hands, held close to his heart; his dandelion-puff fur stood out starkly in the dim light, but his little pink wings and mouse-like face were well hidden from view.
“…’Los?” Jay murmured, gently running a thumb over Carlos’ back.
He received no response and the quivering didn’t stop, so he stood carefully from where he’d been sitting in the bay window of their bedroom and made his way—very slowly—to the middle floors.
There was the sound of a woman with a phantom’s voice echoing out of a large room they had stuffed with couches and pillows. It was the closest thing they had to a “living room” in the castle, and just as Jay expected, Mal was sitting in her usual spot on a deep red velvet chesterfield with some old, dead witch’s grimoire in her lap.
She glanced up when she saw him, already quirking an eyebrow.
“If I didn’t know any better,” she started drily, in lieu of a greeting, “I’d think the two of you were glued together.”
Jay said nothing to that as he crossed the room to join her.
She’d tried a moment to feign disinterest, but his silence was grating on her nerves and she couldn’t stand the way he was just hovering.
“You can sit,” she told him with a jerk of her head toward the space beside her. “I won’t bite you.” She smirked. “Unless I get hungry.”
Still, Jay said nothing, and there was none of his usual spark of wit or even annoyance. He just looked sad and a little lost and, frankly, Mal didn’t think she was the best person to be dealing with it, but…
She sighed. “So, you still don’t believe me?”
Jay, who’d taken a seat, just glanced at her sidelong, like he didn’t know what she meant—which was a steaming load of bullshit.
“He’s fine,” Mal assured him, for at least the tenth time that week. It was her own stupid fault for telling Jay what could happen when a lesser vampire didn’t feed well—how they could lose grip on their magic and sentience, become more animal than person, forget how to shift altogether and simply live and die as any ordinary bat—
That wasn’t something that generally happened unless inflicted as a punishment. Her mother had favoured it as torture, pushing lesser vampires to their brink and letting them fall, just to pull them back and do it over again—again and again, until they fell into madness.
The point was Carlos would be fine. This wasn’t like that at all. It just happened in the winter sometimes, ever since he’d sworn off human blood; the butcher’s supply, as reliable as it was, couldn’t compare to the life-force and magic that saturated a fresh kill, let alone any earthly creature with a still-beating heart.
Mal remembered how it was before she’d convinced him to give in and feed on the local cows and deer and other woodland creatures; at the worst, when a series of storms hit and the best there was to hunt were the rats inside the castle, he’d gone two weeks without the energy to shift out of his bat form.
She’d told Jay all that, and how a few days like this were normal, but she was starting to think he hadn’t been listening past that little “reverie” about the torture and the madness and—yeah.
That’d been stupid to tell him.
Again, Mal sighed. “Did you just come down here to sulk, or…?”
She didn’t know what else to say, since Jay wasn’t exactly talking.
He gave her a sullen look and, as if he’d read her mind, mumbled out, “He’s shaking.” He twisted to the side and leaned forward a little for Mal to see—and there was Carlos, vibrating in Jay’s palm.
She smirked at the sight, raising her gaze back to Jay.
“He’s not shaking, he’s purring.”
Jay looked at her strangely, a wrinkle in his brow. “He’s what?”
“You heard me.” Mal shook her head and glanced back down at the grimoire laid out in her lap, currently open to a page on lunar magic.
“I think you’re confusing him with Evie,” Jay retorted after a beat.
His eyes were on her, searching for something—mostly, a sign she was trying to fuck with him, and if he didn’t find it, well—
She would probably bite him if he kept up looking so skeptical.
“Bats purr when they’re happy, dumbass.” Mal said this flatly, with dead eyes, so Jay would know she couldn’t be more serious. “Well, sometimes,” she amended. “I mean, it’s not like we can’t control—”
“We?” Jay’s eyebrows raised, and then—the bastard that he was—he very nearly smirked as it sank in what she was saying. “So... you...?”
Mal snapped the grimoire shut in an undeniably controlled manner and further displayed her absolute mastery over her own emotions by not thunking the heavy book down on Jay’s fragile human skull.
“We’re not talking about me.”
“Why not?” came Evie’s voice from a doorway off to Mal’s right, her sulky tone preceding her entrance in a blue lace-trimmed dressing gown that billowed out behind her as she walked. “I love talking about you, baby.” She pouted a little, but there was a spark of mischief in her eyes that remained as she shifted—
Suddenly, a black cat jumped up on the couch arm and slunk down into Mal’s lap with a pleased little mrow over Mal’s flushed cheeks.
“E,” Mal mumbled in complaint, though there wasn’t any heat to it. She stroked down Evie’s back, eliciting a loud purr—the sound of it being, for Jay, a sure sign of pleasure; not like Carlos’ silent quaking in his palm, which hadn’t ceased in the time he’d been sitting there.
Suddenly, Jay felt Evie’s paws pressing down on his thigh and he looked to see her staring up at him, big brown eyes expectant.
It took him a moment to realize what she wanted.
He lowered his cupped hands from his chest to his belly, giving Evie access to the sleeping Carlos. She made a sound that Jay wasn’t sure whether to take as thanks or a coo of affection, then bent her neck to gently groom over Carlos’ head and neck, purring all the while.
Jay soon felt Carlos’ own purr lessening as he began to twitch and shift, coming around to waking. He finally raised his head—which now had a cowlick—and squinted blearily at Evie, who greeted him with a slow blink, then withdrew back to Mal’s lap.
Carlos yawned and stretched one wing out to hook on Jay’s sweater. He began to climb up out from his, by now, sweaty nest until he’d arrived at Jay’s shoulder, where he tilted his head into the crook of Jay’s neck and uttered a raspy little chirrup.
As Jay reached up to stroke a finger over Carlos’ fur, he couldn’t help but notice the girls out of the corner of his eye. Evie, who had shifted easily back into her human form, was wedged against Mal’s right side on the couch now, their bodies slotted like puzzle pieces.
Mal had twisted away from Jay to tangle her legs with Evie’s and put a hand on her waist. She was whispering something to Evie that made her giggle—but the sound faded out when Evie caught Jay’s eye and her expression softened, becoming almost pitying.
“Sorry,” Jay started to say, looking about to stand from the couch.
Evie reached over Mal to grab his arm. “No, don’t go,” she insisted before Jay could say anything else. He hesitated, but her grip on him only tightened. “Hang out with us tonight?” she asked, not as much of a question as it sounded—he knew her well enough to be sure.
Still, he remained hesitant, until—
Mal elbowed him in the ribs, turning her head back to look at him. “Don’t be all sad and lame,” she said gruffly, which—from Mal—was as good an assurance as any that she wanted him around.
He gave a strained smile in response, grateful, yet unable to quell that ache of longing for Carlos, even as close he was—small, warm body flush to Jay’s neck, his clawed feet tangled in his long hair—
“He’s still in there, you know.”
Mal hadn’t turned her head away until then, only a second after meeting Jay’s eyes. She looked awkward, like it was something so deeply unnatural for her to offer any comfort. She quickly made her excuses to go and put on a new record, causing Jay to realize that the phantom singer’s voice had faded out to nothing in the background.
“She’s right,” said Evie, eyes trailing fondly after Mal before she set her gaze on Jay with a kind smile, “but it’s okay to miss him. I do, too.”
Thank you for reading! Reblogs are always appreciated. If you’d like to leave a kudos or comment on AO3, I’d really love that, as well! ♥
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scp-10000 · 2 years
Massive Au
Yes, here I am again using this as my daily writing, and flexing my creative muscles on a fandom au instead of actually writing my own danmed book.  Oh well.
This is my Hermitcract, Empires, Truly Bedrock, Evo, 3rd/Last Life, Afterlife au that formed after I watched Gem’s Afterlife Sereis; Everyone has 1 life and 1 origin.  
-Since I ended on Martyn last post, let’s start with Netty.  She’s a bush baby standing about 2 and a half feet tall(or shorter than the 1 full block/meter I give to woodland creatures like the trash pandas) who nursed Martyn back to health in her treetop home when he first arived.  She also fought off Ly when Zlonathan sent her to go see what’s up with the new stranger who fell from the sky.  Netty made Ly to back off with her longsword skills.  
-Big B, Ren, and Shubble are dogs.  Not wolves, domestic dogs.  Or more like half feral dogs.  They don’t really need to live by villager civilizations, but it is easier.  It’s also easier to build a house over the existing village and put a window and a couch by the front door just for all 3 of them to bark at visitors.  There was also that one time Zloy corrupted them and made them netherhounds, dogs who can breath fire and cast horrable spells on prey.  Luckally Martyn kicked Zloy’s ass for that one and lifted uncorrupted them.
-Joey’s a reaper.  He was a regular villager before he died, but when he did a reaper gave Joey his job and screwed off to an afterlife not even Joey knows about.  Joey guides dead things to the afterlife they go to, and he does a decent job at it.  One thing he doesn’t enjoy about the job is seeing the ocasional undead thing crop up.
-There are two branches of Mentalist, those with powers like telekenesis, hypnosis, and mind reading, and those with the ability to physically absorb knowledge and beam it directly into peoples’ brains.  Hypno is the former, and Joe is the latter.  Hypno has no problem using his telekenesis and hypnosis to mess with people(ask xB, Keralis, or Jevin), but he’ll usually stay out of people’s minds.  The only exceptions he made were with Joe, who he later tried to force to sleep cause Joe hasn’t slept in days, and both the dragon gods, which caused a mental overload that Joe had to drain out.  Remember when I said Hypno tried to get Joe to sleep?  That didn’t work because on the simple factor Hypno’s branch of Mentalist can only use their mind reading powers on Joe’s branch.  Hypno’s self care telekenesis and hypnosis did not work on Joe.  However, they did work on Joey.  You see, Joe knows a way to avoid death that doesn’t involve becoming undead, and Joey’d kill to keep that secret.  Joe’s not decide what he wants to do with it, but one day he died.  Joey was this close to reaping him when Hypno came in and begged hypnotised Joey into not taking Joe.  And it worked.  Joey walked away, and when he was far enough Joe came back to life, and he was not able to be harvested that day.
-Since Hypno’s hypnosis is based both on looking him in the eyes and hearing his comands, it might not work so well on Jimmy.  Jimmy is a Warden who paints eyes on where eyes should be in an attempt to not scare people.  When Warden Jimmy was young, he lived in a cave closer to the surface.  One day while was playing he found the surface.  The young Warden tottled around experiencing the new sounds when he found an group of people who got scared of him and chased him deep into a cave...with an ancient city...where like 5 Wardens lived.  Needless to say the mob was slaughtered, and their life force was used to feed young Jimmy before he burrowed with the rest of his kind.  Wardens are incredible parents who regularly leave the cave to hunt for their children, pretty much always play with them, and will fight to the death for their young, and we’re talking the death of a creature that’s really hard to kill.  When Jimmy left his parents to find a habitat of his own, he met the Scott and friends and did not get a fraction of the respect his parents showered on him.
This next section is for nether creaturs who are now living on the overworld due to a massive ongoing disaster.  I want yall to guess what that disaster could be before I tell you about it.
-Silent was a piglin wandering the nether gathering gold.  Not once in his life would he have ever considered walking through a nether portal into the strange cold world.  However, the disaster showed up and he had to choose between death and the portal.  He went through the portal, and supprise it also had death.  He died and became a zombie piglin wandering around Zloy’s redstone basement.  Zloy just let him live there, and in about a week he understood redstone and made his first noise machine just to annoy Zloy.  Zloy wasn’t sure weather to be proud or annoyed.
-Joel and Tango are Blazeborn who both hate rain and half wisdom as a dump stat.  They also spooked each other one dark night in the woods and caused a massive forest fire, but that’s another story.  I would also be lying if I say “aside from that they’d be upstanding citizens”.  Tango will absolutely prank the hels out of people for messing with him, and Joel will mess with people just cause.  Despite the water, the overworld is more welcoming than the nether with the disaster still going on.  Tango discovered redstone and was left to his own devices, and Joel married Lizzy and swore he would help her take her thrown as the true trash panda ruler.
-Impy is a strange creature.  He’s an Impmallow, a little nether imp shaped like a squishmallow, and no one understans how he flutters around on his little wings.  He even looks adorable when he’s mad, with his little pout, stamping his little feet and waggling his little scorpion tail.  The only scary thing about him are the noises he makes.  Impy can mimic any noise he ever hears and makes custom noises a lot.  It’s almost like the little guy has a Goxlr in his throat.  Honestly, even without the disaster going on, he’d have a hard time living in the general nether cause of how many other things that would attack him for being small and cute, so living in the overworld is great for him.  It’s also funny watching them freak out whenever he sneaks up on them and makes weird noises.
Did you guess the nether disaster yet?  Well if you haven’t I’m gonna tell you.
-The nether disaster’s name is Xisumavoid.  X is a normal dude in the overworld, but his origin is based off The Doom Slayer.  He loves tea, curry, music, and having conversations, and he would not attack unprovoked in the overworld.  In the nether if you’re a nether mob or your origin is one, it’s on sight.  He will try and kill you.  He’s even been seen going after striders and impmallows, so being passive is not going to help.  He also regains health, armor durability, weapon durablity, and/or ammo after each kill, so there’s that.  
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iceprinceofbelair · 1 year
les mis fic!!!! i followed you for years and i never knew you were into les mis please tell me about this
i actually only watched les mis finally in like september so it's a new thing! but yes the fic! there's very little actual PROGRESS it's mostly just rambling about a college au courf/jehan fic bc @courfee got me kinda hooked on that ship and i am excellent at overestimating my abilities to finish the things i start so yk obviously its a whole huge thing. so here is one of the only parts ive actually written
The celebratory post-exam picnic by the lake is inevitably delayed when Joly, right on cue, comes down with a killer cold. Nobody is surprised. After three years of witnessing Joly’s truly insane study habits, they’re all looking forward to what has become an annual tradition: movie night in Joly’s apartment.
They’re watching Ratatouille, fondly indulging Joly’s feverish ramblings about how much he’d like to be a little mouse and carve up a strawberry like a giant ham. Jehan promises to write him a poem in which he gets to live out his mousey dreams and Joly dislodges himself from his spot between Musichetta and Bossuet to fling his arms around Jehan tearfully. Jehan shares a fond look with Courfeyrac who lifts his hand from Jehan’s shoulder to start playing with Joly’s hair.
“I think you’d make a fine mouse, Joly,” Courfeyrac says with a smile. “Maybe if we speak nicely to our writer in residence, he’ll make us all woodland creatures so we can visit you.”
“Combeferret…” Joly whispers, sounding awestruck.
Ratatouille is subsequently abandoned when the three of them can barely stop laughing long enough to explain what exactly is so funny.
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