#whenever something happens in this show i research to see if it was real
diazevan · 1 year
i know it happened in real life but the meteor storyline always throws me. 
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milswrites · 3 months
The Bat Boys X Bookworm!Reader
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Summary: What the Bat Boys (and Eris & Lucien) are like with their bookworm partners
Warnings: Lil smutty and nsfw (not too much just want to cover myself) so 18+ MDNI
Notes: Just a bit of fun really, it's different to what I usually write but I hope you guys like it!
Rhysand loves you
And if loving you means that he has to feed your obsession with buying books?
Then he would happily clear out all the bookshops in Velaris if it meant getting to see you smile.
Rhysand is rich-rich.
Which means if there's something you want? He'll buy it for you without question.
You once mentioned about how much you'd love your own library one day.
So of course by the end of the week you had your own little haven inside Rhysand's house with more books than you could ever dream of reading and your own little ladder to reach them all.
But he didn't stop there.
For your mating gift he purchased you your very own library in Velaris
In which Rhys may or may not have enacted his fantasies of sleeping with a Librarian.
Whilst Rhysand does like to read, his taste in books is very different to your own.
But even though he doesn't read the books you do, he's more than happy to sit and listen to you talk about your favourite ones for hours if that meant being able to see your eyes light up as you talked about something you loved.
But no books nor libraries could top the best gift he had ever given you.
A hand-written book containing the story of your relationionship.
Complete with crude little comments and drawings the High Lord had scribbled down in the margins.
Rhysand loved history.
So what better way to preserve his undying love for you than in-between the pages of a book which would last forever.
Cassian had never been very interested in books.
He'd much rather experience the thrill of real fighting and action in person than spend his time reading about it on some dusty old pages.
In fact the only time Cassian had been in a library he had the terrifying encounter with Bryaxis.
Safe to say that the trauma he experienced was the perfect excuse for never stepping in one again.
Until he met you.
Cassian has always been the type of guy who's all in or nothing.
He discovers the person he has a crush on likes reading?
You know he's going to be walking around with books he's never even opened pretending like he is a well-read Illyrian.
Citing quotes he doesn't even understand just to try and impress you.
And once you're together?
You show Cassian exactly what he's missed out on when it comes to reading.
Especially when it comes to getting tips for your bedroom activities.
For months after you revealed to him the wonders that are smut books, Cassian would spend his free time delving through the pages looking for new ideas on how to spice up your sex life.
Claiming his increased interest in reading was due to 'research purposes'
Cassian is 100% down to roleplay characters from your novels
He loves being the big strong hero to your damsel.
Whenever Cassian catches you reading, happily curled into the comfort of your sofa, he'll approach with a smirk on his lips
"Any new tricks you'd like to try out? I think page 69 is worth a shot."
Azriel's a busy guy.
He's always away on missions for Rhysand or working in the dungeons of the Court of Nightmare's
So he can be forgiven if when he comes home, reading is the last thing on his mind.
But what he does enjoy though, is when you read to him.
He can lay with his head in your lap for hours.
Humming along to whatever tale you tell whether it's fantasy, romance or a good thriller
Sometimes he'll even offer his input. Laugh when something especially funny happens or shed a tear whenever a character he likes died.
Azriel loves the sound of your voice
Enjoying the way you put on voices whenever a character is speaking.
He's grown to like the sense of domesticity that he feels whenever you read to him. Allowing himself to imagine you doing this to two little Illyrian babies of your own.
Reading to your wide eyed children as they are gripped by the tales you're telling
Azriel is also a gentleman.
Need a hand with carrying the books you're choosing whilst you shop?
He's there
Hands willingly taking everything you stack on top of him, trailing after you with your selections like a lost puppy.
And when you get to the till?
Azriel had already spoken to the shopkeeper upon entry and added anything you chose to his account. Claiming the books were just as much his as they were yours if you were going to read them to him.
Azriel is definitely the type of male who likes you to read your smut to him as he pleasures you, acting out the words on the page until you're unable to speak anymore, leaving the rest of the chapter to your own imagination.
Eris is a reader.
He loves nothing more than to settle down after a long day with a good book in hand and a steaming tea.
You can't tell me he doesn't find it the hottest thing ever when he discovers you like to read too
The two of you have your own little book club
You'll each read the same book and then have a little meeting when it's over to discuss what you thought of it.
He can also get really emotional and intense about them.
God knows the amount of times you've had to calm him down when a character has made a choice he didn't like.
I think Eris definitely likes to write too
Not seriously, but it's a good way for him to get his thoughts out and to escape from the day to day of his reality.
And he loves to have you read his work
To see the way your face lights with joy as your eyes flick through his beautiful prose.
A small smile upon his lips at the knowledge that the muse for his writings was you.
Lucien also likes to read.
But the way you read?
It terrifies him.
The way you obsess over the characters from your stories.
Your passionate opinions on their decisions and the plots.
God forbid Lucien says something about them that you don't agree with.
Lucien finds you positively feral when it comes to the stories you like.
But that doesn't stop him from wanting to show interest in them too.
Lucien likes to read all your favorite books and leave annotations of his thoughts in the margins.
This was exactly how the two of you had gotten together, the male having gifted you with a copy of a book he had noticed you reading.
The pages filled with scratchy comments and opinions on everything that happened.
Lucien pours his soul into his annotations and you love that.
Lucien is also a poetry man.
He loves to recite verses to you which stick out to him
Sometimes they were romantic, making your heart stop in your chest and breath catch in your throat.
But Lucien was also a fan of satirical poetry
The most ridiculous, corny things you have ever heard.
He'll come find you as you're going about your day and recite his latest read to you - your eyes rolling to the back as you did so, yet you fail to hide the smile which crosses your face every time he does so.
He has also tried to write you poetry before, express the depth of his feelings towards you. Safe to say his lame attempt of a limerick earnt him a scoff and had you hiding all his poetry books from him for the next month.
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fairysluna · 1 year
they're not watching us.
A tiny and innocent mistake led you to this, and Cregan happened to walk in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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Pairing: Alpha!Cregan Stark x Omega!Septa!Reader.
Tags/TW: a/b/o dynamics, smut (fingering, clit play, tit sucking, blood kink(?, creampie, sliiiight dubcon), dilf!cregan, profanity, religious themes. if something is missing pls let me know!!
Author's Note: just so you know, this is my first time writing about omegaverse, and i did some research (yes, i did lmao) so I tried to make it as 'real' as posible including other factors that helped with the story... so yeah, enjoy!!🤍
Word Count: 3.6k
Gen. Taglist: @borikenlove @welcometothelioncage @melsunshine
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Whenever it was too cold outside, Cregan always wondered how were you able to handle the heavy snow, for you hardly ever wore a coat to cover your body from the coldness. You would wear your tunic which was way too loose to actually show your silhouette, and the typical veil that septas were forced to wear… specially septas like yourself.
Cregan found you kneeling in front of the Weirwood tree, your eyes closed and your hands pressed together holding the star that represented the Seven above. The Warden of the North frowned upon such an action, being weird out with the devotion you so dearly held for the New Gods, for it was something not so common in the zone. However, he did not mean to interrupt your prayers, so he just stood behind your back as you slowly opened your eyes and the red leaves of the tree invaded your vision with a beautiful sight.
Your eyes filled with innocence were sparkling with a glow that Cregan had never seen before, it was different and there was certainly something odd about them. It wasn't until you turned around to see him that he realized he was staring for too long already, but it was your gentle and kind smile that made him know that you had no problem with it at all.
You stood up almost immediately, and then you swiftly bowed as you got rid of the snowflakes that were sticking to your knees. Cregan looked down at you and nodded as a response for your polite greeting.
"Am I interrupting something?" He asked.
"Of course not, my lord, I was finishing my prayers when you arrived," you explained. Cregan immediately saw the seven point star hanging from your neck.
"It's a beautiful piece," he said as he carefully grabbed it between his long fingers. That action made you smile.
"It was a gift from the Grand Maester, he gave it to me when I visited the Citadel," you looked down at his hand, and inevitably, you bit your lip once you saw how small the star would look in it.
You knew you shouldn't be thinking about these things, but you also knew that your heat would soon begin and that your neediness would increase with just a simple gesture as that one. Your jaw clenched as you looked up and you noticed that his attention had returned to you.
His dark brown eyes suddenly turned darker as if he was trying to perceive something within you. Your cheeks started to feel warm as his fingers began to follow the path of the chain around your neck until his hand was placed on the side of your covered throat. You shifted your position as you squeezed your legs, already feeling the heat growing between them.
A strong scent reached your nose as you did so, it was pleasant, arousal even, and you knew then that you had to get out of there. Your skin would burn under Cregan's touch and your breathing came out shaky. The right thing to do at that moment was to leave before it was too late, so you did.
"It's better if I keep going," you said almost in a whisper. The mere sound of your voice made Cregan close his eyes as he took a deep breath, clenching his sharp jaw.
"Of course," he replied, his tone being raspy and lower than before which caused you to feel a small pressure in your lower belly.
You nodded as a way to say goodbye, and you managed to take two steps before you felt a firm grip tightening around your wrist. You gasped out of shock as you turned around, looking at the tall man in front of you breathing so fast it almost seemed as if he was fuming.
He kept your hand up, close to his nose, and he leaned a bit forward until his face was inches away from it. You saw how he softly brushed his nose against the back of your hand until it reached your wrist, and a barely audible grunt escaped from him. You panicked, knowing that this was not the right thing, so you forced yourself to pull your hand and started to walk away from that place.
The long and loose tunic you were wearing did a perfect job at covering the slick running down your thighs as you went towards the Maester's office for relief. And, also, the thick and long fur coat of Lord Stark did well at hiding his already leaking cock.
For the next few days you forbade yourself to come any close to the Warden of the North. Whenever he would show up in the same space as you, you would pick up your things and leave immediately. You were able to smell his scent, to sense his imposing presence whenever he was close, and that would left your cunt drenching and your face flustered.
At nights the pain between your legs could only be healed by the help of the Maesters, for they were the only ones that were able to do this for Septas like you. But that wasn't enough. Once they leave your chambers the pain would return almost instantly, and you would desperately hump your pillow or hand trying to find the much needed relief.
Cregan would suffer from the same thing. He knew you were avoiding him, which would wake up a side of him that he never knew existed in the first place. Your mere presence was a threat for his righteousness, for just your smell would be enough for him to lose his mind. He had tried to find someone to help him with his aching need, but as it happened to you, they were simply not enough.
The time came when one of the annual feasts the House Stark offered to its bannermen was soon to occur. The preparations for this event were huge, for it was expected to receive more than two hundred guests from the Northern lands, including some men from the Night Watch. Cregan found himself going towards the Maester's office expecting to find him there and ordering him to send some of the invitation letters… but he only found you.
As soon as you heard the door being open you turned around, widening your eyes before they were able to see the big silhouette of the man that your body was aching for. His scent was enough for you to identify him.
It was the first time he saw you without the headpiece covering your hair, or your neck. You were still wearing the same attire you used earlier that day, but for some reason, your veil was not on you anymore, and thanks to that he was now able to fully sense you; your sweet and tempting scent that made him drop the letters onto the floor. You stood shocked in the room, your legs shaking as you noticed the predatory look on his darkened eyes. At the very same time, you felt your cunt drenching with his presence.
Cregan looked at a chair, where your veil was hanging, and he took a deep breath. That piece of clothing had a spell which prevents –or at least tries to prevent– your pheromones from being perceived by people as Lord Stark whenever you were in heat. Now that you were without it, he was fully able to smell the arousal dripping down your thighs.
"My lord…" you spoke in a whiny and needy voice that made Cregan growl, getting hard with just hearing you speak, "you need to leave now."
Cregan did not answer, he stayed in his position as he clenched his jaw. His heart beating a hundred per hour while he saw the despair and neediness of your eyes staring back at him. His cock pulsing inside his pants, begging for release. You took a step back, trying to be as far as possible because you knew the consequences of this. You were fool enough to let yourself be seen in a space where you knew you might get caught.
But the Maester was the one who helped you in your times of need, and you were waiting for him when Cregan made his sudden appearance.
"My lord, please, leave right now," you repeated, begging him because you knew you couldn't hold it any longer.
The ache between your soaked thighs was starting to hurt so much that it brought tears to your eyes. Your breathing became uneven at the same time you started to clench around nothingness, feeling the despair of needing something to help you.
You heard Cregan grunting on the low as his hand began to palm his hardening knot. Your bodies feeling like magnets, trying to be far from each other but being unable to do so, because you both knew you were fighting against the feeling of ripping your clothes off and listening to what your bodies were pleading to do. However, you both know you couldn't do it… it was not right.
But then, a soft wind entered the room from the opened window behind you, grabbing the particles of your sweet scent and taking them towards Cregan's nostrils. He closed his eyes, taking a deep, long breath as he clenched his fist and tried to remain calm. You were deadly silent, scared to provoke any feeling on him that would make him lose the last bit of willpower that was left on him. But you knew it was too late once his brown eyes were opened once again; two dark orbs staring at your shaky frame with a hunger you've never seen in anyone before.
And then, you lost it too.
You whined as Cregan walked towards you, smacking your body against the wall behind you and claiming your lips as he desperately rubbed his aching cock against your thigh. His tongue wandered inside your mouth as he devoured you, touching and squeezing your breasts on top of your holy gown, feeling your hardened nipples against the fabric.
Soon enough you started to cry out against his lips, the heat inside your body washing over you and making you feel numb and dizzy. Your cunt aching and begging for attention, but at the same time the guilt was eating you alive. You weren't supposed to be doing this. Not with him. But your body was longing for his touch, to feel him deep inside of you.
"This is wrong…" you muttered as his hand reached your throat and the kiss became messy, "we- we shouldn't…"
"I know," he growled, biting your lip as he lifted your skirts with his free hand.
His fingers touched your thigh, and you felt the burning trace they left behind as they were getting closer to your core. Your whines were silenced by his possessive kiss, his tongue tasting you as he moaned desperate against your lips.
Soon, his digits found your already swollen clit, and he started to play with it. Two of his fingers spreaded your soaking folds as his middle one was circling in your pearl. You became a moaning mess, so needy for his touch and whining as he provided it to you, not being scared of being too loud.
Suddenly his whole palm was rubbing against your nub as you opened your legs for him to touch you as he pleased. He would brush your clit, spreading the big amounts of slick that were coming out of you.
You were already sweating, your hips moving against his palm as he devoured you. His hand around your throat only tightened as he felt your arousal falling down your thighs and coating his long fingers. You were out of breath while his tongue kept lurking around your mouth, licking yours as he whimpered.
"I can't fucking help it," he muttered, breaking the kiss and rubbing his nose against the skin of your face. He took deep breaths at the same time he used two of his fingers to pinch your clit and make your legs shake, "you smell so good, so fucking good."
"My lord, I-" you cried, a choked voice and gulp followed your words, "Gods, p-please…"
"I need to fuck you so bad, darling," he whined, his lips finding the access to your neck at the same time he humped your clothed thigh, "I've been- I've been trying to get you out of my mind but I can't. It's so fucking frustrating… knowing that your so close but so out of my reach."
His fingertips teased your entrance, making you moan while you held onto his broad shoulders, trying desperately to have something to grip in case your trembling legs would give in. The sound of your wetness echoing in the room, increasing the heat between you two.
"And now here you are," he said between grunts and heavy breathes, "coating my fingers with your sweetness. I bet you taste so fucking good…"
He removed his hand from your core and he raised it, showing you his glistening fingers before he put them in his mouth. The sweetness of your taste made him whine as soon as he felt it, and an expression of pain was shown on his face. He couldn't wait any longer, his body was craving for you.
In a sudden movement, his big and strong hands ripped your gown, leaving it shattered in the floor as your whole body was now exposed to his hungry eyes. His eyes scanned every inch of you before he leaned towards your breasts in order to also have a taste of them. His wide tongue engulfing your sensitive nipples made you squirm, and his hands surrounded your waist in an attempt to keep you still. He would violently suck on them, almost making you cry out of pure pleasure, feeling so high in ecstasy that you barely could stand on your feet.
You tried to push him away as his teeth started to softly bite your nubs, but he would only press his face harder against your tit. You felt scratches in your back produced by the raspy stone of the walls as you writhe and move. Your whines and cries were getting a bit too loud but Cregan did not seem to care at all, he was too busy having his own personal feast.
"Gods! My lord, it's- I'm going to… Oh!" you moaned, Cregan grunting against your soft skin.
He hummed against you, and then softly said, "fucking cum in my hand, love."
When you thought you couldn't get any more pleasure, you felt one of his hands leaving your waist and reaching for your clit once again. Two of his fingers spreaded your swollen lips while a third one went into your pussy. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your whole body shook with pleasure, and you ended up coming undone between his arms.
He didn't give you a break. As soon as he noticed you had reached your first orgasm, he couldn't bare with the need of fucking you anymore. He turned your body and your hands held your weight against the wall. You felt his big hands grabbing your hips to lean them backwards and a few seconds later you heard a soft stump against the floor, which were his pants falling down his long legs.
Your mouth opened as you felt his thick and wet head spreading your slick all over your cunt, even reaching your arse. You cried out loud, sobbing out of pleasure while you started to clench around nothing.
"Please!" You begged. Tears already soaking your flushed cheeks, "it hurts so much!"
Cregan's eyes widened as he buried himself in you. Your tight walls receiving his cock in a warm grip that made him whimper and his legs shake. A trembling sigh escaped him while his fingertips dug in your skin.
"Fucking- I'm going to fucking lose my mind with this tight cunt of yours," he growled in your ear.
He started to slowly bury himself in you, stretching you open as you gulped and cried, so desperate for him to fuck you senseless. Your hands and your whole body was shaking as the pleasure started to consume you. He was so big, and the way you could feel his cock twitching inside of you was completely intoxicating.
With a single push he fully entered you. His hips smacking against yours and pressing your entire body against the wall. He let out a needy moan that made you feel butterflies in your belly. You felt so full, squeezing him firmly as you inevitably clenched around it.
His hands went to your lower abdomen and your eyes followed the trace. You were able to see a bump in your belly which he pressed; that gesture made you roll your eyes as you leaned your head back into his shoulder.
"Did you see that, love?" He asked, fighting against the urge to snap his hips against yours, "see how good I fill you up? how deep I am?"
No matter how deep his voice would sound, it would still come out as whines and shaky whimpers.
"Yes…" you managed to say. He pulled out slowly, only leaving his thick head inside of you.
"Your cunt now belongs to me," He finished his words with a harsh movement that allowed him to be fully inside of you again. You squinted as you closed your legs at the sudden pleasure, screaming his name. "I won't let anyone else fuck you. ever. again." After each word he would repeat that action.
Your eyes closed as your mind felt light and dizzy. Of your mouth, only obscene sound would come out, as your skins slapping against each other while Cregan's movements fastened with the need of reaching his orgasm.
"You're gonna be mine, right? You're gonna let me knot this pretty little cunt of yours…"
"Yes! Yes, please! Please!" You blindly said, forgetting about everything and only thinking about how good he was making you feel.
His thrusts were animalistic, his cock going in and out of you, filling you up so well. It wasn't long until Cregan was able to see a ring of cream around his shaft, and the sight would only make him go more feral, completely losing his control as he restlessly pounded against you.
Your cries and pleas were heard all over the castle, but neither of you cared. You finally were satisfying your needs, the need of being with each other in this way.
The sound of your juices would join the sound of your loud moans. Cregan would roll his eyes each time your walls squeezed him, and when you least expected it, he ripped another orgasm out of you.
With a scream, your cunt flattered around his cock and your legs bent. Cregan easily grabbed you between his arms, wrapping them around your sweaty and warm body. He never stopped pounding, abusing your overstimulated hole while you started to see stars. You were exhausted already, and yet you felt the need to have more.
One of his hands grabbed your breast, and the other went to your swollen clit, playing with it as his chest pressed against your back. You let your head fall backwards towards his shoulder, breathing so fast and heavily that your throat dried out.
A yell was stuck in the middle of your throat as you started to feel his knot spreading inside of you. Your cunt felt even tighter as he stretched your walls in such a painful and delicious way.
His lips attacked your neck, kissing it and marking it as he whispered, "I'm gonna cum… and you're gonna take it all like the good, pretty girl you are."
You barely could nod, and when you least expect it, he shot his seed deep inside of you, making the bulge in your belly even bigger.
A guttural sound left his lip and then, suddenly, you felt a sharp pain in the left side of your neck that made you flustered your walls around his swollen knot, and as the blood fell from the bite down your cleavage and onto your abdomen, your third orgasm washed over you. Your juices gushing out of your cunt as your legs shook and your hips twitched. A mixture of your release and Cregan's pooled under your feet, staining the fine wood with filthiness and sin.
Your eyes followed the path of blood from your belly towards your collarbone, where an open wound with the shape of a bite decorated your skin. Then, you noticed the seven point star necklace that was still hanging from your neck, and you saw how the blood would gather in the points and drop to the floor.
As Cregan was still inside of you, panting and still moaning against your ear , you couldn't help but to think of yourself as a filthy sinner. You were now no better than a woman from a brothel; dirty and sullied, a sinful woman that let herself be carried away by the lust of the moment, disappointing the Maiden and the Mother.
Now with the mark on your neck, you had no choice but to obey and satisfy your alpha. You were claimed, and not even the Gods can get you free from this eternal bond that tied you to him. You were now his.
After a few minutes, your legs had just stopped shaking when you felt Cregan hardening cock starting to move once again inside of you. You whimpered out of the overstimulation you were suffering, too wasted to give him another orgasm, and feeling too guilty to fully enjoy a second round.
But your body did not seem to listen to your mind.
"Don't be afraid of what your Gods might say about this," he whispered, before licking the blood from your wound, "if we're lucky enough, they're not watching us right now."
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zhongrin · 2 years
Actually how would Zhongli react to us being pregnant? I just reread that post you just reblogged about his heats and well.
I rarely see follow up on this.
Like I would be terrified to find that I got pregnant. Like kinks aside, that's a real thing living in you now. And zhongli doesn't have any children, so how would he know how pregnancy goes? Is mortal body even capable of handling a god's child?
He can morph, so I guess it is possible to him to impregnate someone (or get impregnated, since he can shapeshift, but i think he still could be biologically male, but idk, he a dragon, so logic doesn't really apply that much) like human and not having to do it with a reptile.
Would we produce a baby dragon or like a hybrid when it was being born? Or just looking human?
Ganyu has horns but is human, so I guess it would be possible to give birth to human baby, but with a tail and scales ig?
I'm just trying to break down a fictional character parental planning, help
slfjsldksl luke we share one braincell bc i have some ideas about this in the draft but that one’s gonna delve deeper into his protective draconic nature so have this for now hehehe
(also, this post about gow!reader kinda touches pregnancy too, and i feel that some points applies for normal reader)
tags: minors dni, afab!reader, pregnancy, kids, (in one small section) monsterfucking, implied ovipos
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if the baby was an adeptus or a half-dragon, i feel like he’ll be able to sense it. as in, one day as he’s cuddling with you, he would just suddenly stare and caress your stomach in wonder, a slight frown between his brows, before he suggests for you to go for a medical checkup out of nowhere.
the moment he gets a confirmation that yes, there’s life growing inside you, i think he would be a little shaken - but he wouldn't show it outright, especially if he can see that you're freaking out from the revelation. he would reassure you, cradling your trembling form against his and stroking your back as he murmurs softly about how you'll be okay and he'll be there with you all the way. when you're way calmer and seem rational enough, he would ask you what you want to do. and if you tell him that you want to become the child's parents with him? that's when the happiness really hits him. he'd place a sweet kiss on your lips, nuzzle into the crook of your neck, and literally starts purring.
he might not have any experience being a father and a husband with a pregnant wife, but i believe he has watched many who have gone through the experience, or he would at least know a lot of people whom he can ask about it. and this is zhongli we’re talking about, so he will 100% do his own research aside from preparing everything with you.
your devoted husband might have read about the hormonal changes that will inevitably hit you, but it still surprises him sometimes; the way you swing between moods and you showing him the sides he didn’t even know existed. he’d massage your swollen feet and your tense shoulders. he’d hold you as you cry because your wedding band can’t fit your finger anymore and assures you that it’s normal for that to happen... and if by the end of your pregnancy it still doesn’t fit, he tells you he can always enlarge it, and he promises he wouldn’t love you less if you have to take it off for the time being.
he’d offer you his arms whenever you want to walk, carry you when you don’t want to walk, insist on decorating the nursery while you sit and supervise him without lifting a finger, beat some sense into lecture childe when the ginger says something that unknowingly touches your nerve and makes you burst into tears, pick up the things your drop, help you put on your shoes, help you bathe and towel you dry and dress you in loose silk robes, fulfill all your weird cravings, hold your hair as you throw up the pickles and ice cream combo he got you at three am in the morning - listen. this man. he will literally be at your beck and call.
now about the baby itself… whether it would be a full human or half/full adeptus of half/full dragon, i'd like to imagine it's not set in stone and it'll be a roulette lol personally i would say that him having a normal human baby would be preferable to zhongli himself, since it adheres to his wish of living the rest of his life as a mortal… but imagining him cradling a half-dragon baby who’s yet to be able to shapeshift to hide their horns and tails and tiny claws just. makes me so soft ;w;
[cw.monsterfucking, cw.implied ovipos] there's also the possibility of him impregnating you in his dragon form and pumping his clutches inside you but i will leave that to juju @/seakicker
oh, and ganyu and xiao would definitely dote over the child (in their own way) when they’re born, you can’t tell me otherwise-
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
Hi! I love your work and was wondering what you thought of platonic/romanitc yandere batfamily with a reader who's like five hargreeves???
My first request! Although I have not watched Umbrella Academy I’ll try my best to fulfill your wishes Anon (via research and several clips of this man-child). Advanced apologies for any inconsistencies.
Honestly seeing all these clips makes me want to watch the show itself so I’ll be doing that after posting this fic.
TW/CW: Yandere themes of violence, creepiness, overprotectiveness, manipulation. Uh mention of Tim and Damian creaming in their suits-
current status: unedited
In this version of events there is no Reginald Hargreeves and siblings (thus no Umbrella Academy as a whole) instead you were plucked from your biological mother by Bruce himself and adopted as a Wayne.
You were the youngest sibling, often called “Five” as a nickname.
Having dangerous abilities such as well- the power to manipulate space and time. Bruce was incredibly strict with his training and rules, but he knew not to push you too far. He has learnt from his experiences with your brothers.
Because of that you grew up pretty egotistical, sassy and cynical — not to mention pretty spoiled.
You’d often dangle your powers over Damian, who had become your rival throughout the years.
He, in turn, would slap you back with the fact that you’re adopted.
And boy did it take a lot of convincing from your father to not go back in time and smother the damn demon-spawn with a pillow when he was still a baby.
Otherwise your relationship with them is very much a typical sibling’s one. With the exception of their overprotectiveness that is real bad (You were surprised to see Damian in the mix as well. Was your brother a masochist of some sort?) and due to your powers and everyone’s overall occupations, a lot more violent.
They will try to sabotage any and all relationships you have whether it’s romantic or platonic.
But, jokes on them, you can just go back in time and stop anything bad from happening.
Really, you can’t help but laugh at their shenanigans.
Like whenever you see Dick disguised as a waiter trying to drug your date but it somehow ends up with him on the floor frothing at the mouth.
Or during this one time Jason tried shooting a friend of yours but found himself with a bullet up his ass instead. That is if you were feeling a little more sadistic than usual, you mostly switch his guns out for staplers.
You made sure to help him patch up though. As much as they were cockblockers, they were still family.
In conclusion, as much as the Batfam are capable superheroes/vigilantes I’m pretty sure they can’t really beat a trained space-time manipulator.
Bruce created a monster and he ain’t stopping it himself anytime soon.
“[Y/N] Wayne. You have to stop throwing your older brother around.” Bruce scolds you for the nth time this week. Though you knew better than any one else within the mansion you were in that is far as he’ll go with his actions.
“If this is about Tim— he was looking through my search history again, and my gallery, and not to mention every damn file I have on my computer—“
“Look, I was just checking up on you—“ Tim’s voice comes from the intercomms. Only to be cut off by a gasp.
From your brief blink in-and-out of existence, Bruce just knows it’s you slamming the poor boy’s face on a keyboard or something.
“I wonder if it’s too late to get unadopted.”
“Where’d you go?”
“The future. It’s shit by the way.”
You, much like the original Five Hargreeves, are a 50 something year-old person stuck in a young adult’s body as a result of fucking up the space time continuum too much.
You have the same origins as well, being born from a butcher who had shown no signs of pregnancy and being adopted by Reginald Hargreeves.
Let’s say you and your siblings were well known but after you disappeared, they all mysteriously died if not vanish like you as well.
You had close ties with the Teen Titans and were planning to join them after you’d master your powers of time manipulation. However that unfortunately didn’t happen.
In any case, you meet up with one of the only heroes you knew years ago and that happened to be Batman and his sidekick, Robin.
Except… it seemed that Batman was way older and Robin had already been replaced three times. The Robin you were friends now calls him Nightwing.
You bring news of the apocalypse and ask them to aid you in searching for your siblings.
Unbeknownst to you, Dick had been searching for you all over since your disappearance. It had partly been the reason why he chose to become his own independent hero so he already had a lead on where to look.
You meet the rest of the Batfam, who grow to enjoy your sassy, witty personality.
To Bruce, you were like a reminder of things before the trauma he’s had to face with his sons. In addition to that, you were roughly the same age mentally so having another “grown up” with him, albeit one that’s more chaotic, was definitely helpful.
To Jason, you were exciting. He’s seen people with powers before but none that seemed so elegant yet ruthless. You were mesmerizing in battle but your softer sides where you’d remind him of the life he has ahead of him and to take care, was even more captivating.
To Damian and Tim, you took a more obvious parental approach. Which was odd coming from someone close to their age in appearance. Unlike Jason who enjoys more of your soft side they enjoy the side of you that’s uncaring of those in your way.
And when they see you covered in blood after a heated fight? Absolutely gorgeous.
(They may or may not be creaming in their suits)
Now in the case of dear old Dickey, who has been helping you out investigating your disappearance. You two grew a lot closer. Even more so than before.
To him you were gone for almost 2 decades and to you it was twice that time. Still time didn’t stop you two from reconnecting quickly.
He takes the first step in asking you out. His brothers and father aren’t exactly discreet when it comes to their feelings so he (very reluctantly) lets them have a piece of you by moving back to Gotham for good.
In this timeline, Dolores (the mannequin) exists cause yes. So they don’t really have any real competition to fight with.
They are some times where Damian, Jason, and Dick want to destroy the thing for being so precious to you though.
In any case, like I said in the Platonic timeline. Not many things can go against Time/Space manipulation so if they want to take away your abilities or overpower it’s going to be a hard task to go through.
They much rather manipulate and/or coax you to not use it against their desires.
In time, you’ll be the perfect darling and partner in heroism for the batfam 💜
Hope you liked this Anon and thank you for requesting!
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sleepykichii33 · 2 months
cw: implied character death
When Kokichi got a call from the hospital, he already knew there was something wrong. It was a gut feeling, really.
Although the killing game was a simulation, some things seeped into reality. For example, Kokichi dealt with joint pain and a bit of abnormal fatigue, as well as other things. Kaito’s illness in the game was fictional, but it was one of the things that crept its way into the real world. Into Kaito. And due to being fake, made-up, there was no cure.
At first, he didn’t have any symptoms. He felt perfectly fine. Or, well, as fine as anyone could’ve been after what they’d all been through. Eventually, though, he started coughing a lot. Nothing out of the ordinary, he thought that it was just a cold until the coughing also came with splatters of blood. Then it came with sore throats. Then fatigue. And after a few months, he’d been coughing up a concerning amount of blood almost all the time.
It wasn’t a surprise that he hid it this time as well, but it didn’t take long for the others to find out. Mainly Shuichi, Maki, and Kokichi. They were around Kaito the most, and they were one of the few that knew about his illness in the game.
No one took it well. Shuichi was frantically researching, trying to find any sort of cure for the illness, even though the doctors had already stated that there was no cure. He didn’t listen. Maki, on the other hand, stayed with Kaito whenever she could. She rarely spoke to anyone else other than Shuichi and occasionally Kaede.
Kokichi never left Kaito’s side. The only time he wasn’t in the man’s room was when the nurses quite literally kicked him out, or Maki came to visit. Ever since the killing game, the two had been attached at the hip. Everyone else didn’t really know why, but some suspected it was most likely because of what happened in the hangar. It was some sort of bonding moment, they assumed. 
Even though they hadn’t been close for long, the news hit Kokichi like an absolute trainwreck. He didn’t show much of it, Kaito only saw glimpses of the real him and his true emotions behind that facade of his. He remembered how Kokichi reacted to the news, tears forming in his eyes before disappearing almost immediately after they had appeared.
Kaito knew that today was his last day. He knew the inevitable was just around the corner. He’d already had a conversation with the rest of the crew, Shuichi and Maki having just recently left the room when he’d informed the nurse to call Kokichi. The woman gave no detail, the former astronaut made sure of that. All she said was that Kaito wanted to see him. He didn’t know why, but he found himself feeling anxious while he waited for Ouma to arrive. He purposefully talked to everyone else before the violette. He didn’t know how the latter was going to handle the situation.
Ouma was quick to arrive at the hospital, not wasting any time to get to Momota’s room. Opening the door, he huffed out a heavy breath before he walked inside. The same old facade was evident by the look on his face. A forced smile, nonchalant movements as he waved to Kaito, who’d been sitting up on his hospital bed with an unreadable expression on his face. God, how Kokichi missed the old happy looks he’d seen all the time
“Hey, space-man! What’d ya need me for?” Ouma said, and although he had a casual tone, he couldn’t shake away the overwhelming amount of anxiety gripping to his bones.
“I, uh. I wanted to talk to you, ‘Kichi.” Momota replied, and unlike Kokichi, he didn’t hide the troubled emotion he’d been feeling. This was a really difficult conversation. Having to tell someone you cared about so much that today was your last day. Someone you loved. Kaito didn’t want to admit his feelings to himself for the longest time. Admit that he was in love with someone he used to swear he hated.
“Oooooh, what is it? Is it something exciting?”
“Sit down, will ya? This is serious.” Kaito murmured, rubbing the back of his neck. It was a common habit of his, one that gave away the fact that he’d been anxious.
Kokichi, undoubtedly noticing, did as he was told and sat down in the chair beside Kaito’s bed. He tapped his foot on the floor, but whether or not it was out of distress was unknown.
“Well? Spit it out, don’t keep me waiting!” He huffed, an impatient tone lacing his voice. Kaito couldn’t figure out if he was just annoyed, or if he was feeling.. Nervous?
A few moments passed by, and Momota was experiencing the same thing as before. Anxiety. Taking a shaky breath, he ran a hand through his hair. God, why was this so difficult? He was still the same Kaito as he was in the game. Luminary Of The Stars, damnit! This shouldn’t be even harder than the conversation with Shuichi and Maki. So why is it?
“Today’s my last day,” Kaito started, gulping before he hesitantly continued. “I’ve already told everyone else. I, uh, wanted to tell you last.” 
Kokichi didn’t reply at first, a blank expression on his face. The latter took this as an opportunity to keep talking.
“I don’t know why I wanted to. I just thought.. I thought it’d be the best idea, I guess?” Kaito paused, his eyebrows knitting together. “C’mon, ‘Kichi. Say something.”
He hated the silence. How Kokichi just continued to blankly stare at him with no trace of emotion on his face. What was going through his head? The violette was always so hard to read, but that look made it so much more difficult.
“Right. You’re dying.” Kokichi started, clearing his throat as he looked up at the ceiling. It was getting harder to hide how he was truly feeling, both because of how strong his current emotions were and the fact that it’d already been more difficult to keep up his facade around Kaito ever since the game. “I guess I forgot about that.”
“I.. I know. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” It wasn’t. Kokichi didn’t know what he was going to do. He’d never admit it, but he’d grown attached to Kaito. So much that he couldn’t imagine not constantly being around the man. Even just the thought of Momota dying made Ouma’s eyes well up with tears.
“No, no it’s not. C’mere.” Kaito spoke softly, holding his arms out for Kokichi, gesturing for the latter to come sit on his bed.
Kokichi didn’t deny the offer. How could he? Quickly getting up from his chair, he made his way over to the bed and sat down on it. Ouma wrapped his arms tightly around Momota, although he was mindful of the fact that the former astronaut’s body was weak. Kaito returned the favor, his arms slowly snaking around Kokichi’s back.
“In another life, yeah?”
“Yeah. Another life.”
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wingzie · 11 months
Behind the Screen
The Beginning
On 20th September 2020 I posted my first ever Live Reactions on GCF in Tokyo. I was very nervous. In a world full of so much hate, would my attempt to go back in time to reminisce together and spread positivity be accepted? I wasn’t so sure. My idea behind the very concept of Live Reactions was because I was sick of so many fights about GCF in Tokyo. I wanted to show the true loving reactions to these moments, without all the drama that ends up going around in a vicious cycle. Thus, I started doing some research.
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After I finished advanced searching on various social media platforms, I got ready to make the thread. I found myself quickly enjoying looking through old posts. It was fun and I think that’s a big part of why I am still making these now, nearly three years later. Plus the support. Once the thread was made, I posted it and actually hid my phone. I came back to it about an hour later and was very surprised to see such a huge response to it. At the time, it was one of my most popular posts and instantly there was a desire for more. 
I decided to throw myself into it.  If people wanted more, then I was happy to help with that! Especially when it was making so many people happy. I made a new Google Drive account and a spreadsheet to go with it, so that I could keep track of which Jikook moments I had already done or not. Over time, I would start formatting my posts properly and understand how the advanced search function worked on Twitter. I am a History and English major, so being accurate is very important to me. This gave birth to my second style of posts: Discussion and timeline threads. The Unexpected
Though these threads are well received and made with a lot of love, there was a dark side to this that I have never really spoken about before. The jikooker hierarchy is a strange one and is one that I try to ignore, but with that comes consequences and a certain isolation. A group of jikookers did not like that my account had apparently grown from out of nowhere and started spreading rumours about me, my posts and my identity. This hurt because I had never spoken to these people before. I would love it if we actually conversed, because I enjoy talking to people and I like to think that I am a pleasant person. But they were not interested and instead they continued to try and tarnish my name. I decided to come out to my closest friends and just continued what I was always doing.
I mostly ignored the bullying and it soon stopped once they realised that I was really not interested in the drama. I never have been and never will. After all, that was the main reason I started this journey of making threads. To try and counter the hate and drama, I just never expected it from my own side. It made me more determined than ever and I also made a promise to myself, to make sure others NEVER experienced what I did. A good friend of mine recently revealed that I was one of the only ones that would reply to their curious messages about Jikook. I feel like this is also something important: How we are seen from the outside. We want Jikook to be recognized for their bond and their talent. But how can we do that if all we do is fight or act better than others? I will always be here to talk or help others, it’s just in my nature to do so.
The Present and The Future
In the last few months or so my life has changed dramatically, in real life and also online. I have lost family members, got a new job and I am currently on carers leave. I decided to bring my laptop in the hope that I could work on some posts whilst everything was happening. I have (somehow) managed to find a balance between both and now have a loose schedule that I try to follow. I also try to not pressure myself whenever there is a new Jikook moment to instantly start working on it. I used to get really stressed, but now I am much better. One thing, however, is making this whole process rather difficult. Twitter. Or “X” as it’s now called. I can no longer just work on a post whenever I want to, I have to be time conscious. I currently have four accounts and have to rotate between them. Last night Jungkook went on We-live, with Jimin active in the comments. Jikookory happened. It was around 2am my time, but I’m still struggling to sleep in case I am needed. I decided to work on getting screenshots and it was hard. The search function does not work as well as it used to and my timeline is messed up on my backup accounts. There’s probably a case study that can be done here, but I just really wanted to work on a post without being restricted. I continued though, determined to show what others see. Sometimes we’re only aware of what is is happening in our own circles and not what is going on around us. Those that are in personal spaces with me know my deep frustration with all of this. On my Birthday, my main account got double limited and then my second account got locked. It was not fun. However, I refuse to give up. I have already completed my scheduled posts for August and September and am (very slowly) working on posts ready for November and December. Assuming that “X” is still around then. If not, I’ll post elsewhere or here. And for those asking why I haven’t been posting on here, my account seems to be bugged and won’t let me post links or videos in text posts for some reason. No idea why. Guess I don’t have much luck with social media platforms. With the way things are right now, this is a promise. I will continue to keep doing what I have been doing over all these years. It might be harder but I still have that same goal that I’ve always had: To spread postivity and appreciation for Jikook for all in a safe environment. Love you all.
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luimagines · 2 years
Soulmate’s From The Start Part 3
Another commission.
They asked for part three of the soulmate series for Twilight.
First Chapter/ Previous Part
Content under the cut!
You were having a small crisis.
After Link had finished his adventure, you wanted to know everything you could about his home. It hadn’t taken very long on your part to find what you needed. You had also found the fandom of others who loved his story and wrote about him and occasionally… shared your feelings…
You would be lying if you said that surges of territorialism would spark when you thought of someone in love with your soulmate.
Was it irrational? Sure. They didn’t know him like you did. They didn’t know he was real. And was afraid and brave and caring and soft and everything you could have hoped for.
You found his game fairly quickly.
You didn’t know what to think about it. You had considered playing it. It’s not like you saw everything that Link went through and you felt like you had been missing some context on a few, frankly important, matters about his adventures. But this was Link’s story. You knew him virtually inside and out. If he wanted you to know, he would tell you. Right?
But that’s not to say that you didn’t find other Links.
There was more to this whole universe than you bargained for.
You played nearly every game.
Every time you had a moment to spare, even if your life went on, even if your old friends grew apart, Hyrule was waiting for you at the end of the day. You had to admit you had grown fond of Champion of the Wild and Toon Link. Wind Waker wormed a place into your heart and you loved the concept of the Minish. Your heart bled for the Hero of Time and everything that young boy went through.
And then you learned that that young boy is the forefather of your soulmate. If Link had it his way, that would make the Hero of Time some ancestral father in law to you. And that was a headache that didn’t leave you for eight days straight. Not to mention that further research and your personal vision through Link showed his final form as the Hero’s Shade. Now that hurt to learn in every way, shape and form.
It wasn’t necessarily out of character of you to cry over these boys. If they were anything like your Link then they also wouldn’t have known what was coming. Such peace and innocence ripped away from them. It wasn’t fair.
Now despite all of this, you didn’t want Link to know any of it.
You were afraid of what he would think. Would he freak out that his whole world, himself and the people he’s risked everything for were games for others to enjoy and poke fun at. They were entertainment.
It’s why you put off playing his game as much as you could. Not only did it not feel right because it seemed personal to Link. But you knew what he was thinking. How he felt. And you could see things that happened to him and what he went through and frankly, the game’s graphics don’t do it justice. 
You hadn’t intended to do it for so long. But you didn’t want Link to see it. This was something you wanted to go through with and be done with it and Link would be none the wiser. You had to block him out whenever you were looking something up, reading it or playing anything related to the Legend of Zelda.
You didn’t know it would take as long as it did or that it would have such an iron lock on you. You wanted to share everything with him, you realized. He was your best friend. The love of your life, you were certain of it. But this could do more harm than good.
You kept this new hobby and interest of yours silent.
And then he was walking through the forest by his village and found another portal. Your heart sank when you saw it through his eyes. You could tell he felt it.
Hey. I’ll be ok. It can’t be as bad as before.
You had wanted to scream. But Link wouldn’t be Link if this wasn’t something you knew he would do anyway. I love you, idiot. Just come back with your head on your shoulders and your heart beating in your chest please.
Of course, Darlin’. Anything for you…. I love you too.
And then your vision warped back into your living room. 
You sighed and hung your head, pressing your palms into your eyes. Here he goes again. Your only consolation is that at least this time he knew what he was doing. He knew how to use his sword, he knew how to use his items and his wolf form to every advantage possible. If the universe really wanted him dead it would have killed him off when he was literally fighting evil and hatred incarnate.
But that didn’t stop you from worrying.
Until you felt that he had found other people. People like him. Other heroes. All young but experienced and ready to defend their home with every fiber of their being.
You panicked. This was bad. Link had found the other Links. You knew them. You knew what they had gone through and what laid in store for some of them even now.
And then you shared your vision once more. You’re not sure if Link knew it at the time. You had your doubts, you never knew when he connected to your vision until he had announced it. That did little to stop your fear of giving yourself away when you saw them all. You had recognized half of them almost instantly.
The Hero of Winds. The Hero of the Sky. The Champion of the Wild. The Hero of Warriors. You recognized the armor of the oldest and his tattoos looked more familiar than you were comfortable with… The Hero of Time.
But the last three…  A simple boy with brown hair and soft brown eyes, the shortest of the group with multiple colors on his tunic and a snarky teenager with a pink streak in his hair, loaded with jewelry and personality.
You had to block it out. He couldn’t know. He shouldn’t know. He wouldn’t know.
Every part of you was vibrating with nervous energy with no clear way to expel it. Your parents were worried about you. What little friends had managed to keep in contact were also worried about you. As days turned into weeks turned into months- sleep was a fruitless endeavor. You had to be reminded and hectored to eat. You found that there was little you could do to be productive and get your mind off of it.
You knew that Hyrule was a real place. You knew that the heroes were real people. You knew Link was real. And you sought them out anyway. You learned everything that you could. You learned information that did not belong to you. You knew that they wouldn’t have told anyone even if they met you in person. You knew things that they would have taken to their grave otherwise.
You felt sick. You felt guilty. And there was no one who would believe you even if you tried to explain. Therapy seemed like an attractive option at this point, but the possibility of judgment frightened you. Or maybe they would convince you that none of it was real. It was something you made up as a child and had clung onto all these years, desperate for a soulmate and to be like everyone else.
You didn’t want that.
You didn’t want anything to tear you away from Link. You wanted to be with him with every fiber of your being. You love him. You were sure of it.
Every time you felt his care for the younger ones, the protectiveness he felt over the small group, the way he spoke about them even when he thought you weren’t listening. Your heart softened each and every time. Your yearning grew with each passing moment. And so did your guilt.
You had taken to walking a lot outside. Nature was few and far in-between where you lived. But the creek was nearby, and it was quiet and if you stopped for a moment and really thought about it, you could imagine that Link was by your side the entire way.
You kicked a rock down the gravel path and watched as it tumbled and rolled, eventually stopping its course when it fell into the dribbling creek beside you.
A sigh leaves your lips right after. Your emotions felt all over the place. You didn’t want to think about it. If you thought about it you might crumble and start crying. Maybe you should cry. It would feel nice to have a good cry. Healing even. It’s not like there’s anyone there anyway.
You walk further down the path.
There’s a small alcove in a tree that it’s clear people have used as shelter before, if the cigarette butts and pieces of shattered glass thrown about have anything to say about it. Part of you says that someone might come back and see you, but if people have been here, the spot must be comfy.
You sit down.
You try to breathe. You’re still fighting the need to cry. You want to be stronger. You don’t want to deal with it anymore. You want to go back to before that first attack started. You wanted to go back to before you knew who he was. Before you’ve thrown yourself down the rabbit hole and gone against such simple values and people who you’ve never met before. They’re owed an apology on your part and they don’t even know you exist.
The tears start before you fully register it. Within minutes, the floodgates have opened and you can’t remotely control yourself. Your sobs rack your entire body and you curl in on yourself. If you squeeze yourself hard enough then maybe you can squeeze out the hurt that’s been plaguing you since you first felt Link go unconscious. It’s hard to think it’s already been years since. Life seemed more simple when it was just the two of you.
Darlin’, what’s wrong?
You freeze but the tears don’t stop. All you can do is shake your head. You didn’t mean to open the connection. You didn’t want him to see you like this. He deserves so much better than you.
You try to shut the door to keep him from looking. But you’re weak. You’re not as strong in this moment as you would have been otherwise. You left the door unlocked and now that Link found his way in again, he’s going to put his foot down and keep it open.
Talk to me please. Why are you... Are you ok? Are you hurt? Did something happen?
He wants you to stop, you know this. Link never liked to see you cry.
You gulp and swallow down more words even as they try to escape. You can’t even think. Your emotions have gotten the better of you, finally. You try to scramble and put together a coherent thought but all you can come up with is: I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
Link says your name slowly but with as much concern he can get across. Darlin’, you’re scaring me. What happened?
“Oh well no wonder, Link seemed distraught.” A new voice speaks. It’s low, menacing and close.
You gasp and shoot up.
You see him. Or.. it… You don’t know what you’re looking at. It’s tall, dark and imposing. It has the form of a man but you can’t make out anything distinct. The only thing that strikes you are the two beady red eyes that bore into you.
“It’s ok, sweet thing. Come with me.”
Link sees him too.
The shadow man smiles.
You run.
Next Part
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Do you know any solo RPGs with a lighthearted or comic tone? I’m getting real stressed due to finals coming up and I’d like to just relax with something silly and/or cute.
THEME: Lighthearted Solo Games
Hello friend, I hope you find these suggestions helpful!
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Global Dragon Egg Conservation, by KuumatheBronze.
Welcome to GDEC!
Thank you for your interest in our company. We're incredibly excited to welcome you to the ranks of the Global Dragon Egg Conservation! 
Journal each day with the Dragon Eggs you’ve been given to take care of. Use a deck of cards to randomly generate story prompts, such as eggs elements and preferred nesting materials! Overcome adversity and grow along with your eggs! Watch your beautiful babies fly away knowing you’ve done something amazing.
This is a game that can be played fairly quickly, which is great if you’re balancing a lot of other things but you still want a chance to just sit down and have a brain break. You’ll use a deck of cards to generate eggs and put together interesting little nests, coming up with ideas about the dragons inside as you manage predators, boredom, and wildly different needs. Let your imagination run free!
Merchant, by Hella Big Claws.
"Hello Traveler! Would you perhaps care to buy a sword that tells you how to cook? How about a necklace, that sacrifices all your hair for tough scales? Maybe a nice wine, from the world before. How ab- oh. No? O-ok...."
Merchant is a single player game about creating a small demon merchant, and the wares they wish to sell. 
With only two pages of rules, this is a game that is quick to pick up, easy to play, and allows you to create a little stall for your merchant character to live in. It’s very rules light and gives you a little character to sit in the back of your head (and possibly show up in future games that need a demon merchant!)
Sidekick Story, by Ive Sorocuk.
You are the sidekick of a missing superhero!
Discover what happened to your partner by visiting locations and finding clues, but be careful of the other super-happenings in town!
created for the Hints and Hijinx Jam.
The Hints and Hijinx system usually makes use of two skills that will reduce the size of your skill if you roll poorly, but give you clues on a success. Similar to the Breathless system, you can reset your skills, but you can only do it once per game. You’ll play through three stages: a set-up, an investigation, and a Deduction. Your chances of a proper Deduction grow with each clue unearthed - use your imagination (and provided prompts) to fill out locations, construct clues, and describe the investigation process. 
This specific game is pretty light-hearted due to the setting and genre, although you probably have the ability to make it more or less serious depending on how dire you think the superheroes’ situation is.
Magizoology, by Missy P.
You are the zoologist on a research team tasked with gathering information about an alien planet filled with strange and fantastical creatures. You are curious to see how these creatures use their elemental magic in their daily lives.
Magizoology is a single-player journaling game based on Takuma Okada's Alone Among The Stars. It requires a standard deck of cards, a six-sided die, a place to record your encounters, and an active imagination.
As a creature-cataloguing game this gives your body a chance to rest and your brain a chance to wander. Create some funky creatures! Give them magic powers! Make notes about their behaviour and fill your catalog! You can play this game for as long or as little as you like - whenever you think your scientist is done, you can call it a day. Perfect for those who are short on time and just need a little break.
Games I’ve Recommended in the Past
Sweaters by Hedgehog, by Haunted Oak Press.
Osteotzee, by Psychound.
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 2 years
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yukimiya thinks isagi’s been hanging around you too much lately. he doesn’t want to be a bad boyfriend, but when isagi heads straight over towards you after a game, yukimya can’t help but get a little envious. 
gender neutral reader
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“Hey, do you think you can run the statistics real quick to include this latest game? I wanna see how much I’ve improved.”
You peeked up from where you were standing on the sidelines, a small tablet nestled in your hands. The rest of the players, each one sweaty and out of breath, were trudging back towards their respective sides, but oddly enough, Isagi had made a beeline towards you. 
You recognized the sparkling look in his eye all too well—the egoist had most definitely figured something out. 
“Oh- uh- sure,” you stammered, not realizing that he had been talking to you. Quickly pressing a few buttons to pull up the most recent data amassed on him, you moved a step closer towards Isagi to hold the device up to his eye level. Isagi leaned forward a bit, more engrossed in the numerous charts and graphs flying across the screen. Chewing on his bottom lip, he hummed to himself. Whatever the stats meant to him must have confirmed whatever he was mulling over, and you peered curiously at his glowing face while he imprinted the statistics to memory.
“I see…,” he mumbled under his breath. Beaming at you, he nodded gratefully. “Great, thanks! That helps a lot. If you don’t mind then, could I ask for someone else’s stat-”
“-Dear, is Isagi bothering you?”
A strong force gripped your waist, gently yet firmly forcing you away from Isagi. You gasped audibly, taking a few steps back as you stumbled into something hard. Caught off guard, you glanced around you wildly. Only then did you realize that you had bumped into someone, not something.
Isagi raised an eyebrow. “Yukimiya. Great play with defense out there today.”
Your model boyfriend completely ignored Isagi, his arm wrapped around your waist without any sign of letting go. The polite smile plastered over his calm face was a far cry from the normally serene and affectionate grins he reserved for whenever he was around you, and his incredibly stiff body felt so unlike how he would normally loosen up when he was in your vicinity.
You blinked for a split second, still gathering your thoughts. “Um- No, he isn’t bothering me. Isagi was asking a question, and I was just answering it for him.”
“How sweet of you. I’m sure Isagi knows though, going to the viewing room to review would probably be more beneficial than this,” Yukimiya stated professionally. It was almost unnerving at how poised his face was. Isagi gave both of you an odd look, undoubtedly picking up on the thin layer of poison veiled behind Yukimiya’s generous suggestion.
“The viewing room doesn’t show stats, but sure…,” the blue-eyed boy trailed off. “I was going to ask about your stats, actually, so if you wanna take a look while we’re on the subject-”
“-That won’t be necessary.” Yukimiya’s hold on you tightened a little bit, and your heart skipped a beat when you felt his hand squeeze your waist. “I’ll do my research in my own time.”
You craned your neck to give your boyfriend a weird look. “Is everything okay? You’re acting kinda weird, Yuki…”
Yukimiya blinked, looking down at you as if he hadn’t noticed anything amiss in the entire situation. Pulling you in even closer to him so that the two of you were practically glued together, he tilted his head to the side in slight confusion. “Yuki? Love, since when did you call me by my last name? What happened to calling me ‘Kenyu?’”
Isagi visibly bit back a choke, frantically coughing into his elbow in order to appear as inconspicuous as possible. You shrieked internally, clasping the tablet to your chest as heat flooded into your face. Your cheeks tingled as you gawked at Yukimiya, unable to string together a coherent sentence as he beamed down at you like there wasn’t a care in the world.
“Yu- I mean, Kenyu! I-I thought we agreed to being professional when other people were around!” You gasped out. Yukimiya shook his head slightly, his wavy hair bouncing effortlessly.
“I am being professional. Isagi’s done with his business here, isn’t he?” Yukimiya asked, practically spewing his venomous aura towards the interloping boy standing a few feet away from you. 
Isagi stared at the two of you incredulously for one last time, the stunned expression tugging at his lips being all the indication you needed to know that he was equally dumbfounded as you were. “I- Sure. Yeah. I’ll leave the two of you to it, I guess.”
Yukimiya held you flush up against his body as Isagi scurried off, and only when he was out of sight did he finally loosen up his grip on you. You turned on your heel, practically pressing your face up against his as you shook your head.
“What was that about, Yuki? Isagi wasn’t doing anything bad-”
Yukimiya pressed a finger against your lips, shushing you quietly. His pretty orange eyes flashed dangerously for a moment, and he shook his head. “I told you not to call me Yuki when we were together, dear. You’re going to make me sad.”
Your breath hitched in your throat, and you bit down on your tongue. “...Kenyu.”
“Much better,” he praised. “And to answer your question, I thought he was bothering you. I hate seeing other players getting all up in your space and making you uncomfortable. Especially if it’s Isagi. You know how I feel about him.”
You paused. What was up with Yukimiya today? Normally he was so sweet, preferring to wait for you to wrap up whatever you were doing with the other players before he’d swoop in to spoil you, and he really had no issue about who you chose to talk to within Blue Lock. The only times he’d join in would be for some quick banter between his friends, but he never actively tried to cut someone away from interacting with you like he had just done with Isagi.
You locked eyes with Yukimiya, and you made sure he couldn’t avoid what you were going to say next.
“Are you jealous, Kenyu?”
Yukimiya flinched slightly, and a quick flash of guilt crossed over face. 
Bingo. There it was. He immediately regained his composure, pressing his lips together as he contemplated denying your question for a minute before letting his shoulders slump. You could almost laugh at how easy it was to read your boyfriend at times; despite how good he was at masking his annoyance, he could never quite seem to evade your clairvoyance when it came to his feelings towards you.
“...Maybe a little,” he admitted, reaching to pull you closer to him again. This time, the gesture was far more smooth and careful, more like he was trying to bring you in for a hug rather than yank you away from Isagi. “It irks me a little bit to see that he’s the one talking to you first thing after a game rather than me. I know it’s silly of me, but… You know I get jealous easily.”
“Yeah.” You didn’t even try to deny it. “It is kinda silly to see you beefing with the other players over the smallest things. But hey, I’m not gonna pick anyone else over you. You’re my boyfriend. I don’t care if I’m talking to a billionaire or goddamn Ego himself, they all don’t matter.”
Yukimiya held back a laugh. “Okay, now you’re just making fun of me.”
“Just a bit,” you smugly remarked. Yukimiya placed a chaste kiss onto the crown of your head, holding you close against his beating heart. 
“I’m trying my best, I promise. I don’t like getting jealous, especially if I know it’s something I can actively prevent. I hate feeling this way towards people that are my teammates, and I hate putting you on the spot like that too,” the boy whispered to you. “But even then… Can you blame me for wanting to be greedy with you sometimes?”
“Oh, trust me, I know how greedy you can get,” you teased. You glanced up at Yukimiya, offering him an innocent smile. “I mean, as weird as it can be sometimes, I don’t entirely hate seeing you jealous every now and then. It’s kinda cute. You’re always Mr. Nice Guy, so seeing this side of you isn’t so bad.”
He made a noise between an exasperated laugh and snort. “Quit it. You’re having too much fun messing with me.”
“Then make me.”
Yukimiya looked at you with wide eyes, and you returned it with your continued smugness. He spun you on your heel, yanking you onto his chest and trapping you in his strong arms. You squealed as your body collided with his, feeling his strong muscles shifting under his uniform. His grip on you was tight, making sure you couldn’t easily wiggle away from him without a fight.
“You’re the one that said you wanted to see Mr. Nice Guy less,” he repeated. Unable to stop himself from grinning, Yukimiya dove in to steal a kiss from your mouth. Holding you flush against him, the gesture felt more romantic and sweet than it did possessive, and despite your initial surprise (even though you knew perfectly well that you had provoked him), you found your body giving in and relaxing. If there was one thing you couldn’t resist, it was Yukimiya indulging your goading every now and then.
“…Mmm,” he mumbled. “There we go. You make it too easy for me sometimes.”
You pulled away from him, the familiar tingling in your face quirking your lips upwards into a small chuckle. “One more?”
He nodded, eagerly pressing his mouth against yours. Sighing into your mouth slightly, his kiss this time was deeper, greedier, a little more desperate to feel you all up against him and invading his space. Holding you from behind with one hand and steadying the back of your head with the other, Yukimiya couldn’t seem to get enough of how your lips tasted on his.
The breathless, carnal way he looked when he managed to yank himself away from you made your stomach do flips. He was ridiculously attractive, and seeing him with his eyes blown wide open, lips parted slightly as if he wasn’t sure whether or not to take his chances on another kiss, the prettiest shade of pink blooming over his already flushed cheeks… He was so irresistible that it was unfair.
It was so tempting to lose all restraint and make out with him shamelessly right then and there in the middle of the empty stadium in front of god and probably Ego who was still lurking on the cameras. But you somehow managed to keep a hold of yourself, letting Yukimiya cling to you longingly. 
“We should- We should probably save this for when we’re in my room—,” he panted out, making sure only you could hear since it would be problematic if the cameras got wind of this, “—When we’re completely alone and I can have you all to myself.”
“Yeah, you’re right. It’d be awkward if anyone saw us,” you nervously said. “You make it so hard for me to control myself.”
“I should be the one saying that. It’s my own selfish feelings that got us like this in the first place.” Yukimiya’s hands drop down to your hips, his fingers pressing into your body suggestively.
He paused for a moment, smiling a bit remorsefully. “But before all of that… I ought to apologize to Isagi, don’t I?”
“That’s up to you. I don’t think he’s the kind of guy to hold something like that against you. And that’s considering all the wack shit he hears on a regular basis from the other players.” Your hands slunk up Yukimiya’s arms, wrapping around his shoulders. “It certainly wouldn’t hurt though.”
“I doubt this is going to be the last time I get jealous of him over you so… might as well get used to it,” Yukimiya confessed sheepishly. “If it’s for you though… I’m willing to do just about anything.”
“Don’t take too long apologizing to him then.” You clasped your body close to his. You leaned in to whisper seductively into his ear, “You better stay true to your promise about meeting me in your room. I’ll be waiting for you, Kenyu.”
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thepiratefish · 1 year
RvB headcannons!
1: Lopez upgraded there hands so they could make small holographic screens wether it's for research or he needed to show one of the reds/blues something like a video or image. His favorite thing to do with it is to make little holographic stars and watch them float around whenever he's alone.
2: Sarge is Trans themselves and saw that both Griff and Simmons were Trans so he just gave them Top surgery without telling them.
3: Caboose wears a puppy backpack and puts little pins that represent the Reds and Blues on it (It also has a little pouch so he can put freckles in it).
4: Singing and movie nights, Every Monday wensday and Friday Redteam have movie nights, They have plenty of movies to watch and they always take turns picking a movie' Tuesday and Thursday is when they do karaoke or just sing together Even Sarge and Lopez are in on it Caboose is Also there he's the only blue but he enjoys attempting to sing along.
5: The Red and Blues see and treat lopez as a real human but pretend to See him as a robot as a joke (Lopez knows this and is in on the joke) the only time they aren't doing the joke is when something serious is happening
+I head cannon Lopez gose by He/It.
1: Lopez can cry Sarge gave them tearducks for somereason. But whenever he crys he crys oil and its strongly Beautiful, The oil looks shiny and looks like it has a bunch of white glittery dots in it but Noone knows why, The first time they saw then cry is probably when One of the red team get Severly injured and Noone knows if they will survive or not Witch caused Lopez to go into a panic. (He also cried after Church left there message but he refused to let any tears fall until they were alone.
2: Sarge had always had a leader roll and was always reckless even when they were younger witch pushed people away and caused his parents to send them to military shcool to 'Set him stright' but only caused them to Rebel and find his passion for fighting. He's also became attached to the red team (including Griff suprisingly) becuase they were some of the first people who didnt run away from him.
3: When he was younger Griff would always give most of his food to his sister when he was younger witch caused them to stress eat when they got old enough to sustain themselves he only fears feeling like he's going to starve so he eats alot becuase of that.
4: Tucker will sometimes reminisce when Junior was younger and he was taking care of them so he FaceTime them to tell him story's when he's going to bed (Junior lives it when this happens) Tucker will also sometimes read caboose story's, Whenever he dose this he feels a bit sad and happy becuase it reminds him of when they were younger and they didn't have anybody to read him story's or take care of them.
[] These are all the headcannons I have for now Feel free to use them for Fics or comic ideas as long as you @ me or tell me about it :)[]
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danganronpafan777 · 1 year
Would it be possible for you to do the SDRA2 girls with a reader who has trauma that is triggered by a certain word/phrase in a way that is similar to Kotoko Utsugi from UDG?
Alright, I’m putting this under the cut for the sensitive topic. I tried my best and I hope I didn’t offend anyone. 
Emma Magorobi:
She knows how you feel completely and understands if you don't want to talk about it
The first time she sees you get triggered, it's almost enough to make her triggered herself, seeing you scream and cry made her feel emotions that she never wanted to feel again 
She'll confide in you about her own trauma, assuring you that you are not alone, even showing you her arms if you had been dating long enough 
She's careful to avoid your triggers just as much as you avoid hers 
The two of you create your own methods to calm each other down, and always remind each other that you are there 
Emma is glad to have a partner that can relate to her, but it breaks her heart knowing what people had done to someone as kind as you
After any trigger or panic attack, the two of you take the next day off work and spend it in each others arms 
Hibiki Otonokoji:
She's very confused the first time it happens, and gets you away, before asking what happened
If you're not prepared to tell her, Kanade will probably inform her for you 
Hibiki immediately feels terrible, especially if it was her who said the word or phrase
If it happens again, she'll yell at whoever said it, even if they don't know what they did, and then quickly bring you to a quiet area
She isn't very experienced in comforting people, so she usually sings to you or takes you through breathing exercises and head pats she learned from Setsuka
She won't hesitate to completely remove anything that reminds you of your trauma, and tries to keep some of your comfort foods at hand
She's willing to cancel concerts or tell fans to leave if anything happens to you, and no matter what, she'll always be by your side
Kanade Otonokoji:
Kanade knows what's happening immediately 
She doesn't hesitate for a second, gently tugging you to somewhere quiet and trying to calm you down
She's a master at comfort thanks to countless experiences with Hibiki
She'll play you songs, sing to you, make conservation, even just hold you for a while
She picks up on whatever the trigger was real quick, and is careful to avoid it
She won't force you to tell her what happened, but if you do, she'll tell you how much she loves you, before sneaking out and making whoever traumatized you pay
Like Hibiki, she's more than willing to cancel concerts and yell at fans to leave you alone
She makes sure that she is always prepared in case you get triggered, and is quick to sense if you so much as feel uneasy
Kanade is always here to help you
Setsuka Chiebukuro:
No matter what, Setsuka is always there for you!
She understands what's happening the moment your breathing becomes irregular
She'll pull you away from wherever you are and will hold and headpat you until you calm down
She'll always lend an ear if you want to talk about it, but she would never force it
With her skills to dig up information, there's a chance she'll already figure it out herself, but she wouldn't tell you 
Even if you don't tell her your triggers, Setsuka is quick to figure it out and making sure you avoid them 
Whenever you guys are in a crowded space, she always tries to remember the route to the quietest area she could take you in case something happens 
She does excessive research on different ways to comfort you and take your mind off things during a breakdown, with more head pats and breathing exercises 
Setsuka is more than just your big sis, and she'll do anything in her power to protect you from whatever and whoever hurt you like this
Kokoro Mitsume: She easily recognizes the signs, and probably figures out the trigger before it even happens 
Her talent is helping people with trauma, but you're special to her, and while she acts distant, she makes sure you know that 
She'll wait as long as you need, and would let you talk to her anytime about what happened
Until then, she'll keep you away from all possible triggers, and do her best to comfort you 
Sora: She is extremely worried the first time you're triggered, and immediately tells everyone to give you some space 
She's quick to deduce what happened, so she'll bring you to a private place and comfort you 
She tells you that you can always talk to her and that she'll be there for you no matter what 
Sora will not hesitate to find the people that did this to you and make them pay 
Over time, She’ll figure out the best ways to comfort you and help you get past your trauma, and no matter what happens, she’ll be with you all the way
Yoruko Kabuya:
Is completely thrown off guard the first time you’re thrown into a breakdown
She’ll briefly freak out alongside you, before snapping out of it and bringing you somewhere private 
She’ll keep asking if you are okay and do her best to comfort you 
She’s usually hesitant in showing affection outside of your house, but you need it more than ever
She held you and told you how much you meant to her, and how everything would be okay
She won’t bring up what happened again, but it will keep her awake at night for a while
You’re going to have to make the choice to talk to her about your trauma yourself, to which she’ll embrace you with open (and blushy-) arms 
She’ll take legal action against the people that hurt you, and will avoid your triggers at all costs
Iroha Nijue:
She's extremely scared and confused the first time that you are triggered
She starts crying at you crying and begs you to calm down
Someone else eventually has to intervene to comfort you both
She has a bit of experience with triggers because of Emma, but she's not very good at comforting others 
She tries her best to memorize your triggers and keep you away from them, and to show you some of her relaxing drawings and sketches of the two of you to help calm you down 
She'll open up to you about her own trauma, and will promise to be there whenever you find yourself breaking down 
She'll introduce you to different ways to cope with the trauma and will try to research other ways to comfort you in case you get triggered again
She may not be the brightest, but she loves you and wants to keep you safe
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hypeonmovies · 7 months
⭐️ 1/2
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Am I missing something? That’s what repeatedly went through my mind during the two hour bore that was Sofia Coppolla’s Priscilla. Coppola means well, but the uneven story and stale performances distract from what could have been an interesting character study of a teenage girl groomed into being a rockstar’s “perfect” wife.
The film starts off well enough with actress Cailee Spaeny portraying a 15 year old Priscilla, bored by the life she’s living on her father’s army base. That is until she’s approached by an officer who invites her to join he and his wife at a party. It’s at this party that she meets Jacob Elordi’s obnoxiously tall Elvis Presley. Elvis spends about 5 minutes talking to her before they take a liking to each other and Spaeny does well portraying a naive teen enamored by Presley and excited by the attention he’s giving her. The age difference is not lost on the audience especially when she has to ask her parents whenever she wants to see him to which her mother often exclaims, “Why can’t he find a girl his own age?”
Spaeny does excel in her performance as a teenage Priscilla experiencing her first love, but the performance doesn’t grow along with her age and the story progression falters once Priscilla moves into Graceland. The transitions from one scene to another are quick and sloppy and years go by without much of an explanation. One moment Priscilla is graduating high school in Tennessee and the next, it’s years later in LA and Elvis is spouting religious rhetoric to a room full of female fans. Characters are mentioned, but not fully fleshed. Important figures in both of their lives become nothing more than background actors. There were multiple times where I felt lucky to have seen Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis biopic, so I had some idea of what was happening in certain time periods.
It’s understood that Priscilla has to grow up quickly once moving to Graceland despite still being a teenager. However, Spaeny’s performance never excels past that of a 15 year old girl. There’s no sense of progression or growth. Up until the end, even in scenes where she’s arguing with Elordi’s Elvis, it’s as if she’s fighting with her father, not her husband. Jacob Elordi tries hard with his portrayal of Elvis. He recently stated in an interview that he only knew of Elvis through a scene in “Lilo & Stitch” prior to playing him and based on his performance, I believe it. He plays him as if he’s portraying him at a Halloween party and it’s clear that the amount of research put into Austin Butler’s portrayal wasn’t done this time around. Elordi’s portrayal was also hindered by the fact that Coppola was unable to use any of Elvis’s real music in the film.
Unfortunately, the performances and unbalanced storytelling turn this into a dull biopic. I found myself grateful that it wasn’t another three hour one. Overall, the film is able to show how the grooming of Priscilla at such a young age as well as the mental and physical abuse she endured negatively affected her and her marriage, but at what cost to the audience?
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thebridgetonarnia · 1 year
we can all blame @blvckwidow for this steddieXspn crossover
the year is 2008, sam and dean are investigating a vampire coven in a normal town in indiana.
steddie and ronance own a duplex together, they do this bc steve and robin are codependent like that, they even have a door on the insides that connect the homes and all four of them will walk in to the others homes whenever they want.
eddie is a famous but only in metal circles musician, steve is an elementary teacher, robin is an interpreter, and nancy is crime journalist.
nancy in her research has been seeing a lot of weird shit happening in their town, weird bodies with weird gnarly wounds on them. it rings alarm bells in her head screaming "demagorgon!" over and over again.
she approaches robin first, "something weird is happening, and i might be crazy bc el said the gates were 100% closed, i even called her to double check, but these bodies are not normal and my gut is telling me something is wrong."
robin immediately believes nancy, they read in the boys and make a game plan.
nancy says that everything seems localized to one area of the town, so they investigate together during the day on the weekend.
in their investigation they run into same and dean. who look at this group of 40-something year olds, with a nail studded bat, a sawed off shotgun, a... sword? and immediately assume theyre hunters.
the lady with the shotgun stands in front of the group, "who the hell are you?" the pretty one chokes up on the bat preparing to swing, taking a protective stance in front of the other two.
"hey hey hey hey hey hold up lady, we're on the same side we're hunters too! We're lookin for the vamps!"
"Vamps? as in vampires? as in undead creatures of the night who suck your blood?" the other woman starts babbling.
sam and dean are immediately confused. but blah blah blah more dialogue and exposition, long story short they end up at a dive bar to discuss whats happening in the town. (brief interlude of steve absolutely FREAKING OUT over the impala)
the fruity four immediately want to help kill the vamps, sam and dean are hesitant to let a bunch of rookies on the scene, but robin says something about this not being their first rodeo and nancy and steve are kind of scary so they relent.
the entire time, dean keeps looking at eddie, like he knows him, like he's trying to place him, it's not until they're all deep in the vampire nest that he sees eddie swing the sword recklessly that he realizes that that's eddie freaking munson but dean cant freak out about bc a vampire is on his ass.
it was probably the fastest that sam and dean ever dispatched of a vampire nest. no one was seriously hurt and all the vamps were dead.
the fruity four invite sam and dean over their house where they realize that its not steve&robin and eddie&nancy, but steve&eddie and robin&nancy
dean watches the couples a lot closer after that, something deep and buried is clawing its way out, thoughts of a trench coat and a gravelly voice flit through his mind.
eddie and steve give dean a knowing look, something that made him feel more seen than he has ever felt in all his years on this earth. he looks away from them, unable to cope with being bared open by virtual strangers.
the six of them chat, they offer sam and dean a room to sleep in, "the kids usually stay in those rooms, but they havent been buy in a while so it should be fine for you guys, we've got plenty of space, and better water pressure than whatever shitty motel your staying at"
from then on, steve and robin check in with the boys at least once a week, to make sure theyre doing okay. sam and dean always stop by if they're passing through the area, nancy creates a network for hunters, eventually opening her own bar (like the roadhouse)
when the apocalypse begins for real for real, the fruity four plus a tiny army of seemingly normal people show up to fight alongside sam and dean. including a woman who can move things with her mind, without demon blood.
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trrickytickle · 2 years
Phineas and Ferb tickle headcanons
you guys are feverish, a flushed color from crying out your tickly desires to my askbox or messages and I never echo back like a ghost town tends to. but @tickleu233 says "how about some tickle headcanons from phineas and ferb?" and i come screaming, with the souls of 400 stray banshees. LIKE LMAO IF UVE NEVER SCEEN PHINEAS AND FERB UM
but to all my requesters, (iykiyk) gitchee gitchee goo. srsly. i need to answer all dat grout in my askbox and im procrastinating bc i laughed at some random poast on the tickle tag for a straight min. ok im gonna try my absolute bestest
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pictured, me when your mom
ALSO here's some research I compiled, study up
Phineas Flynn
okay what is the context for this
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ok i feel like he wouldn't have problems or be stubborn or any sort as a lee. he's the bluntest yet most oblivious triangle lmao.
most frequent lees are ferb and candace, AND perry- they're siblings (family) alright and they got tons of bonding moments in the show, lol. esp candace when she gets REALLY high-strung, the boys gang up on her. it makes her W H E E Z E
has no problems with tickling. he WILL go a little too far as a ler tho. he seems like the type of mf to just be oblivious to the plight, and accidentally tease a shit ton. always gets wrecked back for being a little shit
it definetely inspired some of his ideas w/ ferb. maybe they got like 1212903109 tickle machine blueprints. like i can see them both planning to build one to annoy tf out of candace or their lil backyard gang. probbaly with the cartoon hands or some rotary feather blades HAOUUUGH cartoon tickle machines... i LOVE cartoony tickle machines u cant BELIEVE
SEE VIDEO ABOVE- they studied the reflexology of the foot lmao--- maybe that one blip in a montage lasted long real time
gets tickled by candace and ferb as well. prob w/ ferb its more brothery stuff like- rough housing and punch to the head while with candace its like affectionate? iykyk
Ferb Fletcher
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BRI'ISH lmao
usually softspoken- laughs like thomas brodie sangster BC THATS HIS VOICE AND I LOVE TBS HES SO HES SO ok ill stfu
ler, his one line per episode can be reserved for a snarky teasing remark like "it's been one second." or something. definetly really blunt when it comes to tickling, keeps his same expression while his hands move dynamically, maybe.
embarrassed at being a lee specifically for vanessa. who wouldn't? goth gf omg
the most ler out of everyone here, he's literally so ler. Literally have not seen him laugh
buckles down laughing as a lee, usually wheezes a lot
Candace Flynn
me when I
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HAUUUOOUGH that is a LEE. just.
she panics whenever "tickle" is said- probably second-ticklish to Phineas, worst spots are basically everywhere.
such a teasy ler, says stuff like "ooooh, you are SOOO getting it!" or even just straight up says "busted!". FEARED ler in the flynn-fletcher household, even by Perry. the fucking platypus
however that makes people want to get revenge. and revenge they get. super panicky lee, flinchy, leg-kicky, her laugh says it ALL. just- she has canonically been tickled TWICE, will bargain like HELL.
tickles her bf and siblings, verbal teases a shit ton
likes it when jeremy tickles her bc obviously, so it happens often, they switch. OH bless her, shes genuinely the funniest i thought she was annoying
does her little "hehehehe" AAAH
with her unlucky streak always ends up unintentional guinea pig for tickle related inventions.
Agent P
Heinz Doofenshmirtz
he's a platypus, but still. ticklish tummy and sides and stuff bc those are his anthro parts, pretends not to react in his disguise- but his "krkrkrkr" noise gets more high pitched and squeaky.
doof had to restart his monologue about some sort of bacckstory on why he made some random like banana-inator or something while he was being tickled lol
also under his tail and back.
once a tickling trap has managed to subdue him, but managed to get out. he's BAD fucking ASS guys i used to be obsessed with perry bc just- yes
laughter just sounds like the little perry sound ITS A CUTE SOUND
is also a canon ler. LIKE his little fingers omg
maybe his evil clone from the movies used tickles :> LIKE the dystopia setting that was so funny i loved it, i remember the hologram of major monogram showering
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canon lee. take this knowledge as you will
either touch starved or absolutely tickle repulsed. perry canonically used it against him in combat
got tickled by norm before he programmed that out of him. some of the 'inators have turned on him. SPEAKING of that, great evil ler for sorta goofy hostage situations and interrogations. OWCA agent hostage situation, yk
invited perry over to work on his "evil laugh" or something would happen in the show and yk what else would happen.. maybe a tk fight
used to tickle vanessa a lot, she H A T E D it.
makes a bunch of stupid descisions that ends in him getting wrecked lol
Vanessa Doofenshmirtz
Reserved as fuck. refuses to crack, uses her stern voice through laughter, then breaks out into "KGH- HAHAHA-" sort of restrained laughter.
definetly had tickle-inators thrown at her as a halfhearted way to cheer this emo up by doofenshmirtz. i love doof hes funny lol
when she was friends w/ candace iirc, they probably had tk fights bc no matter how weirdly shaped they are, these are tickle headcanons, you can imagine them as regular human shaped lol
this is what procrastination does to a mf but it was fun so it's ok I got to listen to the SONGSSSS THEY SLAP
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1070: Sunny Playdate (Sonic)
12:23 p.m. at Smash Park......
Cheese: Chao Chao Chaochao!~
Cheese starts giggling as he begins to fly around and play a game of tag in mid-air along with Cream, Charny, and their new friend, Sage Robotnik, all while their fathers, Vector and Dr. Eggman, watching them from a bit of distance while sitting next to each other on a bench..
Vector: Try not to go too careless on that air tag of yours, kids! You especially, Charmy!
Charmy: (From the Distance) Whaddya mean "Me, especially"!? I'm ALWAYS super careful!
Vector: Uh-huh....Cream, make sure your brother doesn't try and do anything stupid.
Cream: (From the Distance) You can count on me, daddy!~
Charmy: (Groans in the Distance)
Eggman: Sage dear, try not to fly too fast while you're in the air or you'll might crash and bump your head onto a nearby tree.
Sage: (From the Distance) Yes, father!
Eggman: ('Sigh') Kids these days....Always finding ways to entertain themselves no matter how hectic it'll eventually get.
Vector: You said it. The only entertainments I had growing up were nerding out to scfi flims and messing around with my old turntables. (Smiles Fondly) Now those were good ole days.....
Eggman: Well, my source of source entertainment involves scientific research and inviting one of the finest creations imaginable....at the time. Most of the stuff I made are average at best and would probably blow up on you if i were to ever show them to you in person, but I still took pride in making them nonetheless.
Vector: (Starts Snickering a Bit) Was one of them a modeled volcano?
Eggman: ('Scoffs') Please. I would never go out of my way to make something so generic and boring. A mechanical, walking volcano with built-in plasma lasers, now THAT'S something worth inventing! (Starts Pouting) Still don't know why they gave it failing grade, it was near flawless I tell you!
Vector: (Starts Rolling his Eyes) Can't imagine why either....Anyways, how's life being a father's been treating you these days?
Eggman: Pretty solid so far. Had a few hurdles here and there, but none of them are anything too disastrous, thank merciful god. Though, I would be lying if I say that this new experience hasn't intimidated in any way....
Vector: Hey man I get it. Parenting can be a real challenge if you don't know what you're doing half the time.
Eggman: Easy for you to say. You seem to raise your offsprings a whole lot better than I could.
Vector: That's because I've been watching over Espio and Charmy wayyyy before Vanilla came into the picture. Having Baby Carrot and Cheese added into the mix doesn't really make the ordeal any less difficult in all honesty.
Eggman: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Baby Carrot?
Vector: It's a nickname I came up for Cream recently. (Smiles Brightly) She giggles every time I called her that, it's freaking adorable!~
Eggman: I see.....You think I should try giving Sage a nickname of her own then?
Vector: If you have the time and patience to brainstorm some ideas, then go for it. Just try not to come up with something too complicated, yeah?
Eggman: I try. But anyways, back on the topic of parenting: how challenging does it get exactly?
Vector: Well, from I heard, the kids would start going through a lot of different stages in their lives and there miiight be a slim chance that they'll get in their rebellious phase for awhile now. Hating your guts, disrespecting you, getting themselves into numerous of trouble, and the list goes on from there really.
Eggman: (Eyes Begins to Widened) Oh God, forget challenging. That's sounds like a stress-inducing nightmare!
Vector: Yeah, I'm hoping that would never happen to any of my kids either, but if it ever does come to tuition, the best we can do is to be there for them whenever it's needed, put our foot down if they start getting out of line, and help prepare them for the real world the more they grow up, which that, in it if itself, is also scary to think about, but.....(Shrugs) That's life for ya, you know?
Eggman: So just like that, huh?
Vector: Pretty much, yeah. There's no telling what the future will have in store for us and worrying about isn't going to do you any good in the long run. So for now, I say you keep doing what you been doing and let life run it's course from here. Your little girl loves you enough already, so that's something to be happy about right?
Eggman looks back at his daughter flying around with more of her newly made friends. The pure, innocent smile on her face alone was enough for the doctor's heart to melt in fondness knowing that she's taking a liking to her new life in the real world pretty well so far.
Eggman: Yeah, it is. This is still new to me, but.....(Turbs to Vector With a Determined Look on his Face) I'll keep doing my best to be the father that girl needs right now, it's the least I can do after everything I put her through in the past.
Vector: (Smiles Brightly) Good on ya, doc. You're gonna do just fine out there.
Eggman: (Simply Nodded at Vector) Thank you. You're a good man, Vector.
Vector: And you ain't half bad yourself for an evil nut job.
Eggman: (Immediately Glares at Vector) Excuse you? I'll have you know that I am FAR being a nut case scientist!
Vector: Dude, you tried to blow up the moon once, kidnapped a bunch of small animals to make them.your robot slaves, and tried taking over the world numerous of times. If that's not your definition of crazy, then I don't know what is that this point.
Eggman: Yeah, well.....(Points at Vector) You're to married to mad woman!
Vector: (Starts Snickering) What? Are you scared of my wife or something?
Eggman: N-No! (Immediately Turns Away, Crossing his Arms Together) Of course not, that's obviously preposterous! How could I, the great Dr. Ivo Robotnik, be scared of some simple housewife?
Vector: I wouldn't be too sure on that one there, doc. Vanilla's a lot more Intimidating than you think.
Eggman: Oh please. I kidnapped her once, didn't I? I can do it again anytime I want with NOTHING standing in my way!
??????: My oh my~
Eggman's eyes starts to widened in fear as he slowly turns around to see Vanilla looking down on him with a very menacing smile on her face.
Vanilla: I sure hope you boys aren't talking about me behind my back~ Right, Doctor? (Slowly Cracks Both of her Knuckles)
Eggman: (Too Shaken to Say Anything) Eh-Eh-Ehh...
Vector: (Chuckles Lightly) Nah. We were just talking about parenthood and junk.
Vanilla: (Smiles Brightly) Oooh that sounds lovely~ Mind if I join in on the conversation?
Vector: (Pats his Lap Woth Grin onhis Face) Sure thing, hun!~
Vanilla happily squeals and claps her hands as walks by, purposely steps on one of Eggman's toes with her heals and sits down on her husband r's lap, hugging him in the process.
Eggman: (Quickly Pulls his Feet Up as He Groans in Annoyance) Note to self: Never get married.
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