#where can i buy boxes
martyrbat · 4 months
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dc holiday special (2017)
*puts on my scholar glasses* is the cookie tiny or are his hands gigantic?
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Mutuals!!! Beasties!!!
We went to an antique mall today for my birthday and look at what I found!!
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The whole top floor was full of vintage toys and dolls/Barbie’s, I wanted to buy everything 😭
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No witchy Wednesday this week. Life decided NO.
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br1ghtestlight · 25 days
living alone & sick for the first time and have come across a difficult question: who washes the dishes when you're too sick/tired to do them for days at a time
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thesixthstar · 5 months
my toxic trait is that i legitimately have so many little organizers/trays/drawer separators that help me keep my room clean that are literally just cut up cardboard boxes from things I bought - a 12-count clif bar box but horizontal turns into a tray for hair care stuff, and another clif bar box cut vertical for pills/painkillers, old box for period pads with the lid removed becomes my sock container in my drawer, and another for undies. cardboard panels from an amazon box now separate my pants from my shirts from my skirts-and-misc in my clothes drawer. Another clif bar box holds pens and pencils.
which would be fine except. it means that i feel like I should hold onto all my cardboard boxes forever just in case inspiration strikes and it could be a good organizer tray size, so i am forever fighting the urge to keep what is usually just actual garbage (well, recycling at least)
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alex51324 · 2 months
Everyplate unboxing
I did the Everyplate offer again! Seriously, guys--I'm not trying to be, like, a corporate shill here, but if you do their introductory offer and then immediately cancel, they will beg to give you the introductory offer again. And again. And again. I've done it like six times, all with the same credit card/address/etc. They've even started adding bonus offers--this time I got an extra meal and a packet of steak for $1.
If you live in the US, have a credit card, and like cooking, you should probably do it, is what I'm saying. All you have to do is remember to cancel it when the box arrives.
Here's the box:
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It's a nice box, with a corrugated/reflective lining for temperature regulation. It's sturdy enough that you can re-use it (and the ice-packs that you get) as a little picnic cooler several times.
Here's inside the box:
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Everything's just kind of jumbled in there, so you have to unpack it and sort out what goes with each meal. I've been doing the 6 meals/2 servings plan the last few times (the first few times I did 3 meals/4 servings), and with the extra meal offer this time I got 2 servings each of 7 meals. (You can get a smaller number of meals, but the shipping is a flat $11 no matter how many you get. If you pay attention when you're choosing which recipes you want, you can easily stretch the box out over 2 weeks--pick some things with vegetables that keep well, like carrots and so forth, and put the meat component in the freezer.)
Chicken stir-fry and dijon mustard steak:
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With their stir-fries, I like to add some extra vegetables; I made this one last night and put in carrots and some more peppers, and it ended up being more like 3 servings than 2. The other one is originally a pork-chops recipe, but I'm going to do it with my free steak instead; I'm planning to have it tomorrow.
Shepherd's pie and linguine:
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These two I'm putting aside for next week--I put the ground beef in the freezer, and everything else should be OK.
Sweet-potato hash and sausage flatbreads:
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The sweet potato hash is also for next week. I made the flatbreads today. It was a little more complicated than I thought--they have you making a white sauce from scratch; I had to go out and buy milk--but it was really good!
Cherry pork chops/chicken:
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They do a lot of recipes that are chicken or pork chops with some sort of fruit jam--I've done apricot and fig ones; this one has cherry jam. Since I ordered two meals that came with pork chops (this one and the dijon mushroom one) I swapped one set of pork chops for chicken, but then I also got the $1 steak, so I have an extra packet of meat; once I decide which one I want to have, I'll put the other one in the freezer.
I paid, like, $35 for all this food. I don't really understand why it's worth it to them to keep sending me this introductory offer when I have never bought a single full-price box, but they keep sending me emails asking me to please consider letting them send me a big box of food that they cannot possibly be making any money on, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . I will oblige them.
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unopenablebox · 3 months
is there a reasonable market in, like, secondhand tallit? i want a new one that doesn't a. have rust stains b. give me severe dysphoria due to its delicate feminine embroidery, but i would really love to not give money to israeli judaica companies right now. and i also want it to be made of natural fibers and be nice to look at while im making demands
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bitegore · 8 months
you know what, actually this is worth a brag. I managed to eat for five days on a road trip for (calculated) ~$15 US total.
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gothamcityneedsme · 6 months
uhh any umineko fans im mutuals with interested in a slightly damaged maria figure.
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niteshade925 · 7 months
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killjoy-prince · 2 months
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Manga and merch haul from today!!
#prince's talk tag#went to a street fair in the city and ate a bunch of expensive food but they tasted good so im not too mad#and then i hit up kino and bnn for books#bnn was doing their buy one get one 50 percent off so that made me get more than i was planning on getting#most of these are just the next volume(s) i needed to read#witch hat did have the first two volumes of cooking spin off but i wasnt sure how worth itd be#like my boys are the stars but last time i read a chill cooking manga i wasnt as into it and ended up dropping it#so im afraid of that happening here#the eclair series i was interested in bc its a bunch of yuri one shots and i only had bleue and blanche and didnt know there was more#so imagine my surprise when i saw two other colors and i think the first one before they started naming it after colors#i got scared for a second bc i thought i accidentally bought eclair twice but i was confusing it for bleue so there were no dupes#another thing i was surprised to find where the cds in the first pic#i have the osts of the og games but not their remakes so ofc i had to get them#i just need FES and Royal and im all set (i got reload's on mercari)#went back to the place i got the blind boxes and i was trying for Luka or Kaito and i got Wonderland Luka but Computer Len#im not mad i got Len bc he is my son but i do like how Luka's looks for it but theyre pricy so i didnt want to buy too many#now if i could wonderland!kaito and computer!luka id be happy#also did the gachapon machine and got a snow miku keychain which you can see on the book in pic 3#its really cute i like it a lot
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strohller27 · 5 months
#so I stayed late after work and completely reorganised the back room#my boss was like ‘you can just go through one box at a time and write down everything in it on a piece of paper!’#but like. the boxes were full of a whole bunch of different sweaters in a whole bunch of different colours#and nothing was folded. and we didn’t know what sizes we had#and we DON’T HAVE A FUCKING INVENTORY and it is driving me absolutely positively CRACKERS#so I put on some loud music and organised all the sweaters in the back room by brand style and colour#i basically went autism beast all over that damn back room#and I even got the down jackets out because they’re not on the stupid floor yet#because the back room was so full of shit before I got my little autistic paws all over it that we couldn’t even fucken MOVE in there#so now we can. and I hope my manager is happy with my work.#our boss could probably care less but she doesn’t realise how much she doesn’t deserve me#my coworker deserves me tho. she deserves the world. she should get everything she wants#anyways I had to rant about it.#I’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of shit in the back room for three days straight and I said FUCK that#and this was after a fucken weird day where there was this lady complaining about our pint glasses costing $25#and I think she was trying to make me give her a deal on something because#she kept going back to the $$$$ shit and getting outraged at the prices#and after a few rounds of that she said jokingly ‘i might start spitting at you in a moment’#and like. I know she was joking. but that pissed me the fuck off. do not joke that you’re gonna spit at me#if you do that you don’t get to buy anything you fucking asshole you get security called on you#anyways today was fucken bonkers how was your day?
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fingertipsmp3 · 29 days
Selling stuff on vinted makes me so anxious for no legitimate reason I swear
#i literally just listed two of my tarot decks and i’m already nervous#like what if my photos aren’t good? what if the price is too high?#i listed these two just to test it out honestly. i still have the original boxes and guidebooks for both of these so i figured it’d be fine#i did put the price for each one as £10 because i mean.. they have a really nice sturdy box and full-colour guidebook arriving with them#and are in perfect condition. they’re not indie decks but also probably not super well known i think#i’m willing to come down to probably like £5 on each one tbh. i just want to see realistically: do i get any interest#and what can these sell for. and are my photos okay#for each one i just took pictures of the box; guidebook; the back of the cards (with the cards all piled up as a full deck)#and then i picked about 5 random cards and just took a photo face up in an attempt to show the artwork and what a spread would look like#my background was just my duvet colour which is currently white#i think the photos are fairly clear. they’re not like horrendous#i’m not in any of them and neither is my laundry that was also on my bed at the time#i just hope this goes well. i would love to get some serious decluttering done#honestly i want to pare my deck collection right down to the point where the entirety of it can just fit on my nightstand#because realistically i only use like the wild unknown; the linestrider tarot and a couple others#i’m torn about keeping indie decks that i don’t really use like the prisma visions tarot and moonchild tarot… on the one hand they are so so#beautiful and i probably wouldn’t manage to sell them for anywhere near what i got them for#but i really just don’t use them#like i’d feel bad selling the silhouettes tarot considering i literally wanted it for years and it was a grail deck but i don’t USE IT#i read with it once and the reading was about as clear as mud#and THEN there’s all the decks i don’t have boxes for because they came in a crappy cardboard box that wouldn’t have lasted two seconds#i used to knit little pouches for all my decks. most of the decks that are like this are still in those pouches#i feel like i can’t send somebody a bunch of loose cards but i also don’t have a deck to put them in. but would people want my crappy#pouches?? one of my friends said she thought people would be willing to buy the pouches even without the deck#but i have doubts. it’s literally a piece of acrylic that’s been sat on somebody else’s shelf for five years#would you rather receive a deck of boxless cards held together by a bunch of elastic bands or would you rather receive them in a pouch#or is it fine to just leave them loose in the envelope and hope they don’t bend? should i bubble wrap them??#am i overthinking this???? let me know#personal
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
why do they even make/sell matzo that isn't suitable for pesach
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khaoticqueer · 8 months
I exist on twitter mostly for ow content from other fans but like goddamn is the ow hate train there so incredibly annoying. blue checks and brand accounts hating on the game for things that don't deserve criticism like cinematics or its general aesthetic and themes. the cinematics have always been good. the art direction is good. there are plenty of people who work on the game who have a genuine passion for what they do on it. the confusion of the people who work on it versus the corporate overlords of actiblizz can be a little. lol. one has to understand they are different. it's a 'mishmash' of aesthetics because the game takes place globally. With multiple organizations and groups. also, it's a common formula for any game that relies on having unique characters with unique kits. The lore explains why everything is the way it is, there's plenty of official comics and written stories, in-game interactions, etc. theres a large group of people like me who play this game because of the lore, characters, and the setting. ik its engagement farming for money but ughhhhh. I've hyperfixated on overwatch since 2015 and there are certainly things to criticize like the monetization and whatnot (if they allowed you to get your currency back in the BP I think it'd be mostly fine) but ughh im just tired of the hate, it does not nearly deserve the amount of hate it gets as a game compared to all the other games who do similar things.
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diseaseriddencube · 1 year
went to the comic book shop to see if they had any TYE in stock and I saw the most dreaded thing possible......
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