#where can the kids go to dress up in costumes in New York
toournextadventure · 11 months
the city can wait
Summary: You had promised your girlfriend one night of not disappearing. Of course, it just had to be on the craziest night of the year.
Word Count: 2,6k Warnings: swearing, drug and alcohol mention Pairing: Vada Cavell x Reader
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Halloween. The one time of year where you didn’t really have to hide anything, you could roam around the city, only making excuses to leave instead of why you were dressed… a certain way. Not that your girlfriend ever really seemed to notice. It was probably the single greatest thing about her proclivity for weed; she never noticed.
“How does it look?” The woman herself asked as she finally stepped out of the bathroom and into the small apartment living room.
“How-” you covered your mouth with your hand “-how did you sneak that into the apartment?”
“How did you not notice it?”
Your mouth closed with a snap, and you nodded slowly. That was a very good point. How you had managed to miss a bright pink bunny costume was beyond you. Maybe it was because, much like you, Vada was a random variable. There was never any way that you could prepare for something she did, so you had quit noticing the “weird” things.
“At least you’re cute,” you said with a shrug and a smile. There was no point in arguing when she was right.
“I know I am,” she said with her own smile that took over her whole face.
God, she was adorable. Yes, she was grown, and yes, she was wearing what would technically be classified as a children’s costume. But did you care? Hell no, she was precious. If anything, it made you love her even more. Her childish side kept your head above water when things were getting tough, and you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
“Are you going to keep staring?” She asked. “Or are we going to that party?”
“Let me grab my mask and we can go,” you said.
You practically hopped up from the couch, stopping just long enough to kiss Vada on the cheek before running to your shared room. It was stupid to hide your mask in the closet of your room, you knew that, but it was easy enough to play off. It’s a cosplay, you had explained the first time Vada had found it. It worked. She claimed you were just weird enough for it to be believable.
Which was a little rude, but beggars couldn’t be choosers.
The mask still smelled of smoke from the week before. A smell that you were starting to become numb to. Hell, if Vada hadn’t brought it up the next day, you wouldn’t have even noticed. What did you smoke last night? She had asked. Because it wasn’t weed. You couldn’t remember which bullshit answer you had given her, all you remembered was that it was enough to get her to drop it.
How often, you wondered as you worked your way back to the living room, had she noticed something was off? It wasn’t like you were the sneakiest person around. If she behaved the way you did, you hoped you would notice. There was no way to not notice the bumps and bruises and unusual “work” hours. Well, you really did work, but that wasn’t the point!
“You’re so slow,” Vada called from the living room. “You’re the worst Spider-man ever.”
“I’m sure you could find worse,” you called back as you finally saw her again. Her smile never failed to get your heart racing. “Nick wouldn’t even get up to help anyone.”
“That’s why you’re the one I keep around,” she said. She reached over and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the apartment that you hoped was locked. If it wasn’t?
Well, at least you knew a good superhero.
“You don’t keep me around for anything else?” You asked once you were both downstairs and walking down the crazy streets of New York City.
Everyone was dressed up for Halloween. There were kids running around, adults seeming tired even though it was barely 7:30, and teenagers and college kids acting like they owned the place. Which they kind of did, but it was fine. You and Vada were one of those college kids, so you couldn’t really complain. At least everyone seemed to be having a nice night already.
And hopefully not causing any trouble.
“I mean,” Vada started, “I guess you’re a good kisser too.”
“I am?” You asked. The smile on your face was… rather humiliating.
“But only when you’re not running off to go who-knows-where,” she continued.
Oh. Well that wasn’t as exciting.
“Speaking of running off,” she said when you both pulled up to the apartment building. She pulled you off to the side and stood in front of you.
God, just looking into her eyes? You loved her. Everything about her. From the sparkle in her eyes to the goofy half smile that she would get when she did something a little silly. It was in the soft yet needy way she held onto your hand, almost as if you would run away if she let go.
“No running off tonight,” Vada said, pulling you out of your admiration.
“I wouldn’t dream of it-”
“-I mean it,”  she continued, gently jabbing her finger into your chest. “We haven’t had a full night together in months.”
You sighed. Maybe she was right. Each time you had attempted to set up a night with Vada, something serious had gone on around the city. Hell, there had been serious riots just the other week! But you wouldn’t argue that you were getting into the nasty habit of running without any hesitation.
Perhaps you weren’t quite so good at balancing hero life and personal life. At least not like you thought you were.
“You may be Spider-Man tonight,” she said, her tone already turning softer, “but the city can wait.”
Oh, if only she knew.
“Yes ma’am,” you said anyway.
“Pinky promise,” she said.
If she wasn’t trying to act so serious, you would’ve laughed at the insistence when she held her small fist in front of her, pinky finger attempting to stick straight up. She was hindered by the rabbit gloves, but it was the thought that counted. See? That was another thing you loved about her. You may have lost most of your innocence, but she had enough for the both of you.
“Pinky promise,” you repeated, reaching out with your own hand and locking fingers with her as best you could.
“Seal the deal,” she said.
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t help the smile on your face. It wasn’t going to stop you, though, as you leaned down and placed a light kiss on Vada’s lips. Her hands attempted to grab the front of your suit, but she was thwarted by the giant gloves. You nearly choked on a laugh but managed to keep your cool. Mostly. A little. Okay, you laughed, but it was fine!
“Come on, Spider-dude,” Vada huffed, “let’s have some fun.”
Surprisingly? You did. Not surprising in that you didn’t enjoy parties, or being with Vada. Hell, being with Vada was the best part of your life. Any time with her was a good time, and you would do anything to stay with her. But it was surprising in that, for the first time since discovering your, uh, condition, you could relax.
For the first time, you weren’t spending every second wondering if someone was being hurt, or if there was something you could do to help. You didn’t have that desire to swing between buildings, looking for even the slightest indication that something was wrong. No, none of it was on your mind, and you could finally act your age. You could be a normal kid.
Until you couldn’t.
“Did you two see this?” Mia asked as she came up to where you were sitting with Vada on your lap.
“See what?” You asked.
“Put it away,” Vada said instantly before Mia could hand her phone over. “You pinky promised.”
“I just wanna know,” you tried to argue.
“You’re not actually a hero, you know,” she said.
Oh, if only she knew.
“But I am nosy,” you tried to defend. Tried being the key word. “Let me see.”
Vada groaned loudly, but didn’t bother stopping you from taking Mia’s phone from her outstretched hand. The news app was opened to display a fire raging in what appeared to be a residential building. At the top of the screen, the banner read “Queens apartment fire still ongoing.”
Your stomach dropped. Were there people trapped in the building? If the fire was still raging on, did the fire department need any help? Surely they couldn’t handle it all on their own, they probably needed a hand. After all, who better to find trapped civilians than you? It would only take about 20 minutes, then you could get back and spend the rest of the night at the party like you were supposed to.
Vada shifted on your lap. Oh. Right. You couldn’t just leave. You had made a promise that you wouldn’t leave all night. And as silly as it might seem, you didn’t take that promise lightly. Even though she turned it into a joke and something that wasn’t really a big deal, you knew otherwise. Thanks to the shooting, Vada hid most of her “serious” feelings, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t see the subtle ways she showed them.
“That’s a shame,” you finally managed to say, handing the phone back to Mia. “I hope no one gets hurt.”
You felt Vada’s arms tighten slightly around your shoulders.
“Wow,” Mia said with a slow nod. “I thought Spider-Man would rush off to help.”
“Yeah,” you said, chuckling humourlessly, “but I can’t help anyone if my girlfriend kills me.”
“Good answer,” Vada said before placing a sloppy kiss on your cheek. She was far more into PDA when she was drinking.
You loved it.
What you didn’t love, however, was all the crime and chaos that apparently decided to wait until you couldn’t leave. Fires, robberies, shootings, everything that could happen? Happened. Each time Mia walked up to you and Vada, your heart jumped into your throat before you even saw what was on her phone. And each time, you had to fight every instinct in your body to rush out and help.
And Vada always gave you a kiss immediately after.
The kisses made you feel a little better about internally saying no to leaving. Vada would get the biggest smile on her face and pull you down for the kiss. She tasted of cheap alcohol and questionable chasers and the tiniest hint of weed. But she was warm, and her lips were soft, and each kiss had you more and more convinced that you just needed to take her back home and remind her how much you loved her.
By the time you were both attempting to leave the party, you didn’t even feel so bad about taking the night for yourself. You weren’t even paying attention when Mia came back up to you and Vada for the last time of the night, phone in hand and news app open.
“One more for the New York Chaos?” Vada asked.
“Ending Halloween with a bang,” Mia said with a shrug.
Something at the back of your mind told you to look at the phone. To see how bad it was. The night was practically over, you had kept your promise and had stayed throughout the entire party. Would it count as breaking the promise once you were out of the apartment?
But you felt Vada’s hand squeeze yours, and you looked at her. She had pulled the hood off her bunny suit about an hour ago, claiming it was too hot. Her hair was slicked back with a few strands sticking to her forehead, but she still looked absolutely stunning. She was your Vada.
“Leave it to New York to let the crazies out tonight,” you said without even taking the phone.
Mia smiled. “Stay safe going home.”
You both bid Mia a goodnight, promising to stay safe, before Vada led you out of the apartment and back to the streets. It was a quick walk home, a little quieter than normal thanks to the alcohol coursing through both of your bodies. But it was comfortable, and you were happy. Truly happy. It was a nice feeling.
“Tonight was fun,” you said when you closed the apartment door behind you while Vada started pulling her costume off.
“See what happens when you stay?” She teased.
“I know, I know,” you huffed, letting out a sigh when you tried to move. The suit was chafing.
“I have to admit something,” Vada said. There was a tone to her voice that you didn’t hear very often. A tone that meant trouble.
“What?” You asked.
She licked her lips before biting her bottom lip. You stepped forward, placing your hands on her hips. Whatever it was, you didn’t want her to think you were upset with her. Clearly something was bothering her, or at least making her think twice. You weren’t going to make it harder than it had to be.
“You know all those news reports tonight?” She asked slowly.
You nodded.
“None of them were… real.”
“What?” You blurted out before you could even stop yourself.
“They weren’t real,” she repeated with a nervous giggle. One that she only used when she knew she was in trouble.
“What do you mean they weren’t real?” You asked, doing your best to keep your voice level.
“We were testing you,” she continued.
“For what?” You asked again.
“I know this isn’t a cosplay,” she said, pulling lightly on the collar of your suit.
“You-” you exhaled harshly. What did she mean, she knows? There was no way. You weren’t the most sneaky, but you weren’t stupid. How could she possibly know? Maybe you were just a really committed cosplayer, did she ever think about that?
“No one coincidentally disappears before every disaster in the city,” Vada said. Her hands smoothed your suit down, resting on your shoulders. They were soft. You loved the feel of her hands.
She knew. She knew. Oh god, she knew. What were you going to do now? Was it going to put her in danger? She said “we,” did that mean Mia too? Oh god did that mean both of them were in danger? They were both trouble on their own, let alone when they were together. How were you going to keep both of them safe?
“When did you find out?” You asked, ignoring the fifty million other questions running through your mind.
“A few months ago,” Vada said with a sheepish smile. “Mia was over when you snuck in and passed out on the couch in the suit and mask.”
Oh, maybe you were stupid.
“I kinda think it’s hot,” Vada continued when you still couldn’t find anything else to say. “Have anything that would be fun in bed?”
You looked at her in shock for only a moment before lifting her up. Her legs wrapped around your waist before she rested her hands on your neck and leaned down to kiss you. You didn’t have to look to know where the bedroom was. If she wanted to learn a few things, then you would show her.
The city could wait for one night.
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xoxoluka · 5 months
Hi darling <3
Could you do Jschlatt x fem!reader where he gets super protective over the reader when someone is catcalling her
Thank you
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ᴜɴᴅᴇʀ ʜɪꜱ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ
jschlatt x fem!reader
summary: halloween parties were usually fun, but not this one, of course.
warnings: weird rapey-gross vibes, nsfw mentions, men being weird
a/n: i know its not halloween but it just happened that way
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it had taken you a good few hours to get picture ready, considering the amount of complexities in your costume. you decided to be a fairy, with a white, frilly, short dress and reflective wings. you had a beaded headpiece and pearl earrings, and gloves and stockings to tie it all together. your makeup took the longest, with large, false eyelashes and glitter covering every single patch of your skin.
you got countless compliments at the party you attended with your boyfriend, schlatt. it was a content creator party, in LA of all places, so you saw many faces that you knew and some you didn't. you felt pretty comfortable, being around so many that you knew you could trust, that when your boyfriend said he was going to have a few drinks with his friends, you didn't really mind. you were usually a wallflower anyway, standing in a corner with your drink in hand, slightly dancing to the music.
you hadn't noticed the kid standing next to you, who looked a bit too young to be drinking out of the beer bottle in his hands. "hey," he says in a tone that made you almost physically retch. "you look good."
"oh, um.. thanks." you say dismissively, hoping he would take the hint early on so that there wouldn't be a problem.
"you.. here by yourself?" he asks you, leaning closer. he was significantly shorter than you with your heels on, just barely near your shoulder.
"um.. no, I'm not." you say with a more stern tone.
"oh, really? i don't see no guy around here, maybe me and you could-"
"yo, dude, what the fuck?" you almost sigh in relief when you hear the familiar new york accent exclaim from a few yards away.
the kid whips around at the sound of his voice. "oh, shit, um-" he stutters.
"get the fuck away from my girl, bro," schlatt says, pushing the kid out of the way to wrap his arm around your waist and pull you close.
it was quite the scene, someone had turned down the music slightly and there was a large group staring.
"you good, toots? he didn't do anything?" schlatt whispers into your ear once people had stopped looking and the music had resumed its original volume. he started walking you away from the area, to a place that was closer to the front door.
"i'm good, yeah," you nod, a little shaken up. "can we um, can we go? i don't want to pull you away from your friends or anything.."
"yeah, yeah, we can go. you got all the pictures you wanted?" he asks considerately.
you nod, giving him a small smile. that was one of the reasons why you love him.
"alright, lets go say bye to a few people and we'll get going, 'kay?"
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that guy 4k execution liveleak real
cringe ending but whatevs :p
hope u enjoyed!
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hi! can you do a ethan laundry x reader where reader is ghostface too please ? (with smut if it’s possible)
Request: Riley!reader who wants to get revenge on sam for dewey’s death. She puts on the ghostface costume and is the mastermind for scream 6’s murders
I need someone to recreate this gif with
Warnings: mention of murders, scream 5 spoilers,
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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After years of surviving the masked killers, your father lost his life during the last murder spree in Woodsboro. 
All because of Samantha Carpenter. If she hadn’t gone to your father’s trailer and asked for his help, he wouldn’t have died in that hospital corridor. He would still be living his quiet life as a retired police officer with a slight drinking problem and spend his days watching shitty TV while thinking of all sorts of dumb excuses to call your mother — and hopefully one day rekindle their relationship.
But now he was gone and you wanted revenge. Revenge for taking your father from you. Revenge for killing all hopes for your parents to get back together. Revenge for making your mother so heartbroken. 
You wanted to stab Samantha Carpenter and watch her bleed out. 
Once you got back to New York and started college, you crossed paths with other people who had the same dark urge. A grieving father, and his two remaining kids — Richie Kirsh’s family. 
‘’Quinn should go. She’s fast.’’ 
‘’Sam is strong,’’ the redhead reminded them, knowing her roommate better than everyone else around the table.
‘’Then Ethan should go.’’ You glanced at Ethan, sitting before you. ‘’Can you take Sam?’’ 
He hesitated. He was confident about the elder Carpenter, but what if someone else was at the apartment? ‘’What if Chad’s there? He’s getting close with Tara and Sam is not letting Tara out of her sight since the new wave of murders.’’ 
Chad could bring a challenge for Ethan. Amber was able to take him to the ground last year, but it was dark and she took him by surprise. You’d rather not take a chance. 
‘’I think it would be better if we went for Gale next,’’ Bailey said, not agreeing with your plan. ‘’We have to finish Richie’s movie—’’
The second victim was going to be killed using Amber Freeman’s mask.  The same mask that was used to kill your father. 
You slammed your knife on the table you were all sitting at, making the faux-detective and his son jump. ‘’She’s my mother, you sick fuck,’’ you reminded the older man, not letting him finish his sentence. ‘’You will not touch a single hair on my mother’s head, got it? It’s Sam we wants, not her.’’ 
Although they were crime partners, they were disposable. If any of them dared touching Gale Weathers, it’s their blood that will spill next. There’s enough rage in your small body to take them down.
‘’And Tara,’’ Quinn added.
You shrugged, not really caring for the other Carpenter sister. 
After everyone was dismissed, Quinn went back to her and Sam’s apartment and Bailey to the police station. You could see on his face that he was mad at you, but you were the one in charge.  
A chair screeched on the old wood floor and Ethan came up to you, a dark look in his eyes. He looked like a mommy’s boy in his preppy polo from the Gap. You didn’t understand why he chose to dress up in a ‘character’. All he had to do was use a fake name and pretend to be nice to Chad. 
‘’The way you talked to my dad gave me a boner,’’ he informed you, not even embarrassed by it. You glanced down, seeing the tent in Ethan’s pants. ‘’He might be okay with killing his wife, but I would never harm my mother,’’ you said. Your eyes shifted back to Ethan’s face as you grabbed his belt to pull him closer. ‘’Besides, I’m the brain of the operation. I make the calls.’’
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn  @bt.oliana  @skyesthebomb @a1mzcruml3y @red1culous @iluurmom @popeheywardssecretgf @michaelangdonsslut @byhrxb @kamthecoolest @kattybug @ravenstrueluv @landryslxys @die4niyahhh  @sl4sh3rfuck3r @radiant-whore  @Meadzy21 @luci1fer @nomorespahgetti  @bloodyhw  @depthsofdespairr  @bellysbeach @wilmalovegood @loupiotesworld  @wenvierismycomfort @t-candy  @s-al-em  @darylscvmdumpster  @tommysaxes  @adaydreamaway08 @johannelis2302nely @aqshua @lynbubble @luiise @planetkt @vampyrgoff @adrluvh @mymultiveres  @miqi-16 @not-liah  @lovenats01 @doestalker @lonelywitchv2 @lausley336  @arinexeisnotworking @halforangecuts @l3ndryz  @ilovelandry  @your-platonic-gay-lover @danniackerman  @angelxxrose @lottiefromsam  @thecrowdedstreetin1944 @cinnamonbun222 @angelxxrose @lottiefromsam @zoeynicolas @thecrowdedstreetin1944 @cinnamonbun222 @pumkinnroses @cruzgrecia @sunnysunny133696 @aesthetixhoe  @gizmodecaprio
All and more taglist:  @kenqki  @hawkegfs  @gillybear17   @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade   @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff  @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity
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nyxvamps · 1 year
CHB has yearly dances. One for the entire camp and then one for campers 16+. they're usually on the same night so that the younger campers don't feel left out and the older campers can have fun without having to dance to kids bop all night.
The weeks leading up, the head counselors will take their cabin on a trip into new york to hit up thrift stores and second hand shops to find dresses, suits, costumes, accessories, whatever they want to wear.
Campers go all out. It's like a little met gala. The entire space surrounding the dining pavilion is decked out in lights and streamers and decorations and someone even managed to find a beat up orange carpet that everyone agreed to call a red carpet for the chance to have everyone walk in, in singles, pairs, or groups to pose and get their pictures taken.
The first dance goes until 10pm then everyone under 16 has to start packing up and heading to their cabins where adult campers have volunteered to babysit for the night while every 16+ stays until the sun starts to come up.
It's always during the summer so that as many campers as possible can attend.
There's karaoke, dance battles, a photo booth, all the cliches of a highschool dance that many of the kids (and now adults) never really got to experience. There's even camp royalty, but instead of just king and queen it's an entire court. One year, everyone voted Clarisse as king and Percy as queen just to make them dance together. it was pure coincidence that their outfits matched.
And you may be wondering "why are 16 year olds partying with 20+ year olds?" because this camp is a safe place and no shady business will be going down. Everyone is partying in their star shaped sunglasses and feather boa's, jamming to ABBA and Meg Thee Stallion. All cups are spelled so that if you are under the age limit or about to get to drunk and try to put alcohol in your glass, it immediately turns into juice. So there are no underage drinkers and no one getting messy drunk. Everyone's to busy dancing till they can't feel their feet to even think about doing anything scandalous.
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phanfictioncatalogue · 8 months
Fics Written in 2023 Masterlist
A Wingspan Unbelievable (ao3) - queerofcups
Summary: Phil isn't bitter. Phil is a kingmaker.
A Youtuber AU.
cat bells 2: the philling (ao3) - N_Chu4Ever
Summary: Just after rewatching the first three PINOFs, a mysterious package arrives on Dan and Phil's doorstep. Inside is a new cat costume... and Phil has a slightly terrible idea.
Charmed (ao3) - hygge
Summary: Dan doesn’t understand Valentine’s Day. That is until he’s given an anonymous card with someone’s phone number in it. It takes months of talking with this anonymous person to learn who they are, and it ends up being the person that Dan least expects.
Chips (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: Dan struggling with the concept that all healthy couples should fight.
cleveland (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: "We're never going to Cleveland again."
Communication Is Key (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: In which au Dan and Phil are friends with benefits despite the fact that neither of them want to be friends with benefits and Dan just sucks at talking about his feelings
Dan and His Butterflies (ao3) - Raspberrysaxophone
Summary: Very basic: Dan is terribly in love with Phil (the sporty jog). So much so, that Dan joins the school's sports team to be closer to him. As Dan awkwardly stumbles around, Phil starts to take notice of him. A party takes place and who knows what a drunk Dan might do...
Danisnotadom (ao3) - Sinninghowlter
Summary: Dan's not a dom. Everyone swears up and down that he is, insists he is domming his boyfriend and is too good to take it in the ass.
Phil's not a sub. Everyone thinks he is, everyone thinks his baby is in charge. What they don't know is his hardcore boyfriend is actually a princess.
domino’s pizza (ao3) - loverpojke
Summary: dan can’t stop thinking about calling phil ‘daddy’ again, but his anxiety makes it feel impossible to communicate his desires with phil. but phil always knows when something’s up, and dan can’t bear to keep things from him.
DreamCasts Presents (ao3) - SummerFlingsAndThings (QueenJunoTheGreat)
Summary: Phil's son is obsessed with the faceless man who narrates audiobooks.
Dan's daughter is obsessed with the brightly dressed librarian in charge of the children's department.
And Dan and Phil? Well, they're a little obsessed with one another.
endings, endings, beginnings. (ao3) - commonemergency
Summary: A lot can happen in eleven years, he said, finishing his cup of coffee. Dan and Phil had lived a full life. It wasn’t always happy, but nothing can ever truly be happy, but it was finding the happiness and the light in those dark places.
When Dan finished talking, when all the words had come out, Evelyn had looked at him the same way that she looked at him back at that last session, a mix of pride and unbridled joy that Dan had grown up. He had grown up and become the person that his twenty-one year old self had been so scared of, the sixteen year old self he would have been proud of, and the twenty-five year old he almost gave up on if it hadn’t been for those around him to remind him that he was loved.
First to Listen (To Anything I Said) (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: It's 2004, and Dan Howell is screwing up in school. He can't help that he's stuck in boring classes with boring people and just doesn't care. So when Phil Lester, one of the geekiest kids in school, is assigned to be his tutor, he's expecting this to just be another crappy part of his already crappy life.
But when it turns out Phil might be Dan's first real friend, his hormones threaten to screw all that up. Because that's all it is, right? Hormones?
Golden Boy (ao3) - hygge
Summary: Phil takes a drawing class in university and needs a subject for his drawing final.
I Don't Love You (ao3) - Raspberrysaxophone
Summary: Dan and Phil hate each other, but soon Dan realises that he is developing a crush on him. What will a New York business trip (where they are sharing a room xxx) do to their relationship?
I’ll be the light that you can’t make (ao3) - MANIAvinyl
Summary: There was suddenly a tightness in Phil’s chest, put there by guilt and fear, and he couldn’t find the words to respond. The gravity of Dan’s depression was creeping up on him, like a realization he didn’t want to admit.
Or; Dan is depressed and Phil cant help but feel that the sickness in his best friend is a mystery to them both. Hurt/comfort and angst
knight of wands (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Some days are just boring.
(And some aren't.)
look how far we've come now baby (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: It was days later, in a hotel bed with a view of the Portugal sky, that Phil had murmured into the darkness, “But yeah. Maybe grown-up queer prom would be nice.”
Making the cut (ao3) - philsbignaturals
Summary: In which Dan is a single-dad lawyer and Phil is his barber.
morning coffee (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Dan brings Phil a coffee every morning.
Naughty! Do Not Eat (ao3) - talentisntgenius
Summary: Why Dan Had To Call an Ambulance but it's parent!DnP
Neighbourly Nook (ao3) - wednesday_ukiru
Summary: The stranger had a dimple on his cheek that appeared when he laughed.
“I’m Dan,” he said, extending his hand. Phil reached for it with extreme eagerness, their knuckles knocking together in a particularly painful way, and they both winced, but Dan immediately broke into a smile. “I don’t know why I offered you a handshake, I never know how to do them.”
Oswald (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: Dan is an asshole, Phil goes through a tragic accident, and this somehow brings them together.
Also Phil owns a pancake restaurant.
(TW) Perfect (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: Phil is going to make TATINOF perfect-whatever it takes to get there.
rainy days at the library (ao3) - pasteldanhowells
Summary: Even on rainy days Dan winds up at the library, but it's not so bad when his company is the cute librarian.
Redemption Arc (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: classic, slightly dramatic rags to riches au
Returning home (ao3) - philsbignaturals
Summary: In which Dan returns to find a clingy Phil
Based on the selfie Dan took after returning from the European tour
Right Where You're Meant to Be (ao3) - fisshhhh
Summary: Dan just got back from being on tour for 2 and a half months.
Say The Word, Back To You (ao3) - cafephan
Summary: During their third Japan trip, Dan and Phil reflect on a notebook of things to complete together, written in 2009.
Serendipity (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: Dan and Phil are a generic, cute suburban couple when a brief apocalypse decides to happen
Summary: Phil casually created an idea how to bring back the gaming channel, Dan stayed up too late writing a skit and now they've got to go pick up Dil's head.
To rise again, you must first acknowledge that you died.
Sunshine on the street at the parade (ao3) - ForeverJustAnEmoKidAtHeart
Summary: Dan and Phil meet at a Pride Parade.
Teacher's Pet (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: Izzy's mum left when she was 11 years old, which she's fine with-really. Her and her dad are better off just the two of them, anyways...until Mr. H comes along and things start getting turned upside down.
The Boy From Manchester (ao3) - Koolhotsweetloveberries
Summary: Dan Howell wishes with all his heart that he was someone else. If he had to choose, he'd be a cool guy living in Manchester, like all his favorite YouTubers. They say 'be careful what you wish for'.
An AU inspired by Makoto Shinkai's 'Your Name'.
The Philver Scream (ao3) - UnorthodoxSavvy
Summary: While Dan's career in the FBI is taking off, Phil is left behind to pick up the pieces of his life after his brother's death. However, he finds himself plagued by strange nightmares that he can't explain. Soon, people around him start dying. Can Dan and Phil's partnership survive the mounting body count?
to let the light in (ao3) - cityofphanchester
Summary: Searching for a fresh start after a decade of dead ends in London, Dan becomes obsessed with a storytelling show on Rossendale Radio and a voice that hasn't been broadcast in years.
True Colors (ao3) - kattdan
Summary: There's some tension during lockdown. Dan's having moodswings.
Two Man Team (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: This is the story of two struggling friends who after many trials and tribulations find their way back to each other and build the life they've always dreamed of.
Or how Phil changed his life by talking to random strangers on the internet.
We balance each other out on the seesaw of life (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Phil had dragged Dan to Isle of Man after his return home from tour. The sea air would do him good (even if it gave him hobbit hair) and he could be surrounded by Phil's family (who were his family too). He hadn’t actively planned to drag him onto a seesaw on a playground but it turned out to be a precious moment all the same.
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my thoughts on the plot for wothd
”Now, to secure his second letter, Percy and his friends Annabeth and Grover must agree to a new challenge – pet-sitting for the goddess Hecate while she’s away over Halloween week”
Are we getting the trio dressed in halloween costumes?? PRETTY PLEASE. Also, i can smell the chaos all the way here
They just need to follow her simple rules
Look after her pet polecat and mastiff like their lives depend on it (because they do).
Don’t touch anything – especially Hecate’s magic potions!
I am already laughing from the number of jokes they’re going to make of themselves just messing everything up. Also grovercabeth being pet parents>>>>
“But when Grover’s curiosity gets the better of him, the friends find themselves with a giant goat, a destroyed mansion, and Hecate’s (terrifying and potentially deadly) pets on the loose in New York City”
There’s so much to unpack here.
First of all….THEY’RE BEING PET PARENTS AND LIVING IN A MANSION TOGETHER???? THE THREE OF THEM??? DOMESTIC GROVERCABETH YES PLSSSSS Sorry this hits so hard after percy’s ideal future in cotg where three of them are living together in a beachside cottage i can’t—
Also, groverrrr no we dont touch magic potions HE’S A GIANT NOW LOL GIANT GROVER 😂
“Now the trio have only days to find the pets and restore the mansion to order – or face the full fury of Hecate and her horrifying three-heads. It’s going to take luck, demigod wiles, and some old and new friends to hunt down the animals and set things right again.
This seems like such a rollercoaster of emotions 🥹 give it to me now richard
Also, OLD AND NEW FRIENDS!!!! Imagine if rick is in a sadistic mood and just make jason one of the old friends and make him spend a lot of time with them to set up for the death news next book hooohooo
But im hoping for rachel, nico, or hey it might be thalia with her mist bending powers that’ll help or piper with charmspeak or—
But new friends, im guessing it’d be a supporting character like that iris girl blanche. Maybe a hecate kid??
This book might eat i fear
It sounds like such a bundle of chaos, fluff and even more chaos, the expectations are high. I cant wait to see how rick writes percabeth living together. Also, i know that annabeth has sodnyc and percy has school so it’ll be fun seeing grover being the parent in the situation and making them breakfast and getting them ready to school. And their daily routine. (LOL I DONT KNOW WHY IM DELULUING MYSELF THEY MIGHT NOT EVEN LIVE IN THE MANSION)
Im excited if you couldn’t tell
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gothicprep · 1 month
i wasn't going to watch or review madame web at all, because i love myself and value my sanity. but here we are. i'm going to review the superhero movie that doesn't have any superheroes in it – we'll get to that.
i don't really know where to begin with this review, so i'm going to start with attempting to explain what madame web's powers actually are.
ok. so. her mom is in the amazon looking for a spider. then a guy who also wants that spider steals the spider, kills the people who are working with her mom, and shoots her mom. this is while she's pregnant in the 1970s. then her mom is kidnapped? rescued? taken? by some guys who come down from the trees in the amazon. and they're dressed in... i don't even know if they're supposed to be costumes or native garb. but they're wearing spider loincloths that are supposed to remind you of the spider man costume. and they take her to a glow-y cave. well then she dies anyway. but. i guess 30 years later there's a daughter, somehow or another.
so, this daughter gets into a vehicle accident because she's an ambulance driver and responding to a call. and she goes into a place, i guess, in her mind, where she sees some things we're going to see later in the movie. these include a blue balloon, a big red "s" (WE'LL GET TO THAT), and also some glow-y lines that come from of her in a web-like thing. and i think that's what her power is. to be in that place and to see images that might come from the future.
now then, later, she sees scenes which are about to happen before they happen, and it rewinds like a record skip. so she can change it because she knows something is about to happen. and then at the end she goes back to the glow-y cave where there's just a guy. he's not in the loincloth anymore. and he just says "i've been waiting for you". I GUESS FOR 30 YEARS?? JUST BY THE GLOW-Y CAVE? like he's the knight in the last crusade. he's just hanging out there in his linen, white shirt and he tells her something important. i wish i wrote this down. it's something like "if you connect with the web, you will find that you will have greater powers than you know, like being in many places at once."
at the very end of the movie, the bad guy is attacking all of her little lady spider girlfriends who are going to be superheroes, but never become superheroes. and glow-y things come out of her and they get saved.
you probably have a lot of questions, and that makes two of us. so what i'm trying to describe here is how when the knight in the cave who's been sitting there for 30 years says the thing about connecting with the web and being in many places at once, i assumed this was a metaphor. like she would be able to see so many steps in advance that she'd be able to pull off a tony hawk skating move and save them all in one flowing motion and that's what her power is. but no. it's literally like "you'll be able to be in all places at once" and then she astral projects out of her body and does all of the things at the same time. and i thought, that's even dumber than the thing i was imagining. somehow.
so, how does she get from the cave to being an ambulance driver in queens? well, she grows up in the foster care system. i assume the clan of spider people put her in a little basket and sent her up the amazon, and the US embassy picked her up and flew her back to new york city. then she goes into the foster system. they fill out a lot of paperwork, they work with foster parents – just kidding. this is all off screen and never referenced.
the other issue with this movie is that i have no idea what the villain's deal is. i don't remember whether he was hired as security detail for the trip to the amazon or if he was a philanthropist and this was all a ruse to get the spider. it doesn't matter. either way, he gets the magic spider and goes back to nyc. and after allowing the spider to bite him, he becomes a billionaire somehow. and he can poison people by touching them. he seduces and poisons a woman who works for the NSA.
i guess i should clarify that this isn't a midas curse. he poisons people when he wants to poison them. anyway.
so he seduces the NSA woman at the opera and says "i'm going to keep poisoning you unless you give me access to the NSA's facial recognition technology". remember that this movie takes place in 2003.
i haven't talked about the three spider women, who were in all the advertising campaigns, dressed as spider women. you've got sydney sweeney and two other actresses. i don't know their names. in the ads for this, these ladies are all in their spider outfits and they're doing spider woman things. they are never in those costumes, except for a 15 second flash-forward at the beginning of the film. the reason the guy who got bit by the spider and is now a billionaire because of that needs the NSA's face tracking technology is that he is having visions of these three spider women killing him. this is what we see in the flash-forward. so what he does is, from memory, from his visions, draws their faces. then he perfectly de-ages the drawings from the memories of his visions by 10 years. then he feeds those faces into the NSA's system, and the program says "yes! i know exactly who these people are! your drawing that you de-aged was so spot on that we could do it instantly!" this actually happens in the movie!!
truly the most amazing thing that i need to note here is it doesn't make any sense. and this is especially amazing because they clearly re dubbed every single one of his lines. i think, possibly, 100% of the words that the villain says, you can tell it was reworked in post. so most of the shots of this character are from behind his head.
if you've ever turned on a random netflix show, realize, "oh wait, this was originally recorded in spanish and they've dubbed it". and it looks pretty good, but after a minute or two, you think it's really off. the voices don't match the person's face. all of his dialogue is like this.
they rewrote everything in post and it still makes this little sense. it's very clear that, at some point, they were editing the movie and it was somehow worse than it is now. and they were like "none of this makes any sense. we have to do reshoots." dakota johnson says "get bent. i'm not doing any reshoots on this piece of crap." sydney sweeney says "i have 'anyone but you' to promote, which is going to out-gross the spider man movie i was in somehow." i'll talk about spider man in a sec.
but anyway, all of the villains lines are dubbed, and there are a lot of funny shots of him talking and you don't even see the back of his head. you just see who he's talking to making concerned faces. like zosia mamet plays a hacker or something in this, and there are several sequences where the camera is on her for 10+ seconds and she's nodding and going "uh huh" while the villain is talking, and talking, and talking. they may have put her on a loop. this very well could have been a gif of her sitting and nodding. uh huh uh huh uh huh.
there also aren't any jokes in this movie about "the web", meaning the internet. seems like a real missed opportunity for something that takes place in the early aughts. there are a lot of random references to 2003 pop culture. and she's saved by pepsi. i told you we were going to get to it.
let me try to explain this in a way that is clear. it isn't going to make sense, but if you've gotten this far, you've managed your expectations. throughout the movie, one thing that you see is that the characters are constantly drinking pepsis. just absolutely shoving it in the camera as they drink it. all of the little spider girlfriends crush it, her paramedic guy pal who is maybe related to one of the spider men loves himself some pepsi. he's playing ben parker, but it's unclear which version of spider-man that he's the ben parker to. yet again, none of this matters. we're talking about pepsi.
but let's go back to that initial moment where she discovers her powers in the crash. like i said, thousands of words ago, she sees things that happen later in the movie. she sees a blue balloon and then she goes to a baby shower. foreshadowing! screenwriting! yay! i got it! she also sees a glowing red "s" falling through the psychic ether of her inexplicable glow-y web powers. and then at the end of the movie, the big battle happens on top of a giant, neon pepsi-cola sign. and when it all explodes at the end, she and parts of the sign fall into the hudson. guess what's with her. it's the "s" from the pepsi-cola sign.
and, branching out a bit here, but spider-man is not in this movie. he's only referenced in the sense that madame web has a coworker named ben parker, and he has to drive mary parker to the hospital because she's in labor and about to give birth to the son whose name we ~mysteriously~ don't hear. here's the problem with the misconceived live action sony spider-man universe... you have the first venom movie, which i don't think anyone expected to gross $800mil worldwide, but here we are. you have morbius, which was an enormous bomb. then you have this movie, which is an even bigger bomb. they've made four of these movies with three different central characters, all of whom only make sense in their relationship to spider-man. madame web exists because they needed a way to explain the concept of spider men across the multiverse. morbius is, like, a doctor who is spider-man's nemesis. venom only exists because an alien thing got attached to spider-man, got mad at spider-man, attached itself to one of spider-man's enemies and became a super spider-man enemy. these characters only exist because of spider-man. they only make sense because of spider-man. spider-man has appeared ZERO TIMES in any of these movies. they're gonna make an r-rated kraven the hunter movie that i'd bet spider man doesn't show up once in.
this whole misbegotten series is sony saying "we're going to make an expanded spider-man universe, but here's the gag – we're never going to mention spider-man." and they're all wondering why it's not working!! I'VE GOT A THEORY!
anyway, that's the madame web review. i know this is less of a review and more of a description with an editorial slant, but i need to work with what i'm given.
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regina-cordium · 11 months
trick....or treat...
First of all, the most important thing:
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some candy to enjoy while reading.
This got a lot longer than it has any right to be. Whoops.
Spot wants it on the record that he was forced to be here.
Ever since returning to New York for his grad degree, Jack has been hell bent on him “getting the Boston out of his system,” or something dumb like that. Spot doesn’t get how a Halloween party in Jack and Charlie’s shoebox apartment counts towards that goal, but whatever. He’s mostly here because Charlie and Ma asked, and also Katherine pointed out it’d be hilarious to watch Jack trip over himself all night trying to impress Davey.
And the free booze. The free booze is vital.
So now he’s leaning up against the wall nursing a lukewarm beer and trying not to get crushed by what feels like the entirety of Manhattan crammed into such a small apartment. How the hell Jack even knows so many people, Spot will never know. What he does know is that he’s starting to get uncomfortable and hungry, and is probably five minutes away from snapping at someone for, like, existing.
“Three o’clock – Jack is about to eat shit,” a voice suddenly says from beside him. Spot does not jump, thank you very much, but he does lift his head in time to watch Jack trip over his own stupid cowboy hat; Davey is rushing forward to help Jack up, but is definitely also laughing at him.
“You always know what to get me,” Spot says, turning to Mack with a grin. She’s dressed as a baseball player, arms hooked around a bat she’s got across her shoulders. She’s also giving him an unimpressed lookover, rude.
“What are you even supposed to be?” she asks, brows raised.
“I’m a lumberjack.” Jack said he wouldn’t let Spot through the door if he wasn’t wearing a costume, so Spot just threw on the closest he could get to the Bounty paper towel dude.
“You wore that exact outfit to Stray’s birthday two weeks ago,” Mack points out, still deeply unimpressed.
Spot opens his mouth to make a sarcastic comment, but he’s drowned out by the sound of cheers and Jack going, “There he fucking is!”
He and Mack both look over to where Jack’s got his arms around someone Spot thinks he recognizes. The guy is wearing a red leather jacket covered in patches, black leather pants, sunglasses that look like they’re shaped like flames, and has red and yellow hair. There’s something written on his face, but he’s swallowed by a group hug before Spot can make it out.
“Who the fuck is that?” he asks.
“Hard to tell, but I think that was Dominic.”
Spot frowns. “Why do I know that name?”
“He’s been attached to Lucky’s hip since undergrad,” Mack explains, swinging her bat down to lean on. “They’re in the same math program or whatever. I think he was Jack’s roommate too? I dunno.”
“I thought he was blond?”
Mack raises an eyebrow, which Spot ignores. “It’s Halloween, dude. He probably dyed his hair. If you’re so curious, why don’t you go talk to him instead of haunting the corner.”
“I’m not haunting –” He breaks off as Mack plants a hand between his shoulder blades and shoves him, hurling him into someone. Spot turns to flip her off; Mack just blows him a kiss, because she’s an asshole.
“You good?” a voice asks.
Spot turns back to the person he knocked into, intending to apologize, but he stops when he realizes the person is Dominic. Spot sends another dirty look over his shoulder at Mack, but she’s gone.
“Yeah, I’m good. Sorry ‘bout that, my friend is a dick.”
Up close, Spot can see that Dominic has the number 9 on one cheek and 5 on the other, his glasses are, in fact, shaped like flames, and his blond roots are obvious under the red.
Dominic, for his part, looks extremely amused. “Hey, you’re Jack’s brother, right?”
“Spot,” he introduces, holding out a hand.
“Nice to meet’cha. I’m Dominic, but everyone calls me Racetrack.”
Spot is not distracted by his brother’s old roommate’s hands, because that would be weird and also fucking cliche.
Pulling himself together, because only one Larkin kid gets to be a disaster about hot boys and Jack has that shit on lockdown, Spot says, “Weird fucking nickname.”
Instead of being offended, like most people are when Spot speaks, Racetrack just throws his head back and laughs (Spot is not distracted by the long column of his throat.) “What, weirder than Spot?” he asks.
Spot can’t exactly argue with that, so he quickly changes track. “What’re you supposed to be, anyway? Ain’t you hot in all that leather?”
“I’m hot out of the leather, too,” Racetrack says with a smirk, causing Spot to choke on the sip of beer he’d just taken. Racetrack laughs again as he unhelpfully pats Spot on the back. “I think you’re supposed to drink that, not inhale it.”
“Fuck you,” Spot wheezes.
Racetrack seems to finally take pity, because he finally answers Spot’s question. “I’m Lightning McQueen!”
Spot stares at him for a moment. Racetrack grins back.
“Like. From that Disney movie?” Spot finally asks.
“First of all, it’s a Pixar movie, and don’t let Jack hear you get the two confused,” Racetrack corrects. “Second, yes.”
“What the fuck?”
“Dude, my name’s Racetrack. I had to.”
“You absolutely didn’t.”
Racetrack sighs dramatically (Spot gets the feeling he does everything dramatically).
“You sound like Albert,” he pouts and goddamn it, Spot can’t even pretend he doesn’t find it absolutely adorable. Fucker.
“I’d be offended by the comparison,” Spot says, thinking about all the dumb shit Albert got up to in high school, “but for once in my life, I agree with him.”
“Well, you’re not even wearing a costume, so I win by default.”
Spot can’t help but snort. “That’s not how that works, first of all. Second, I am. I’m a lumberjack.”
“You look like you belong at some hipster bar that’s got overpriced drinks and too much wood paneling.”
“Okay, now I’m offended,” Spot says, but there’s a grin pulling at the corner of his mouth. Racetrack seems to notice it, because his own grows.
“You wanna get something to eat?” Racetrack asks suddenly. Spot’s glad he’s finished his beer, because we would’ve definitely choked again.
Instead, he raises an eyebrow and says, “You mean ditch my brother’s party to hang out with someone I don’t even know?”
Racetrack rolls his eyes. “You’re not even enjoying yourself.”
“Fuck off, maybe I’m having the goddamn time of my life,” Spot argues, just to argue.
“You’re not.” It’s so matter of fact that Spot is taken aback. “‘Sides, Jack never gets enough food for these things and you were here before me, so if I’m hungry then you are too.”
Spot had actually forgotten he was even hungry, but now that it’s been brought up he’s suddenly fucking starving.
“Fine,” he finally relents, unable to stop his smile when Racetrack pumps his fists. “But only because I’m fucking starving. You just happened to be the first person to say anything.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, Spotty!” Racetrack laughs as he leads them through the crowd. “You up for Chinese?”
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volantium · 2 years
when the light is sweet & heavy 
a small halloween fic for @sheps-shepherd ily 🎃🧡 | read it here on ao3
The season turns into October, when the light is sweet and heavy. Orange leaves are carried to their final resting along the breeze. It is the month for resurrection, to cast off the year as it approaches winter, to begin anew without consequence. Without fail, Harley finds himself dreading the possibility of it all over again.
Harley’s never really been one for Halloween.
Mainly, cause, well, his father walked out on them close enough to the day that Harley always thought it was some elaborate trick or treat thing, a horror movie with a happy ending where he would come back with the world’s fill of candy with him just to see his kids smile. But he never came back, and Harley took Abby down to the square cause Ma worked thirteen, fourteen hours to make ends meet in the aftermath.
They were young, that first year, and each year since has been an exercise in not thinking too hard about where his dad is now. If he has other kids he’s taking out trick or treating, while Harley’s left to trail along behind Abby in her homemade fairy costume, the only one looking after his kid sister in a town where Halloween is a family affair.
Rose Hill is small. Small enough that all the neighbours know about the Keener kids, small enough to whisper behind their hands whenever they spy Harley and Abby, for reasons even Harley doesn’t understand anymore.
He thought it would’ve got old by now.
At least school calmed down. Probably helped that Harley has anger issues and a protective streak a mile long and been in detention more times than he can count. Harley’s calmed down a little, too, after Tony Stark crash landed into his life and decided he’d pay for this random kid’s therapy.
Abby’s on the edge of fourteen now, young enough to still want to dress up and go out but old enough to insist she can absolutely go by herself. And when little Miss Annabelle Keener wants something, by God is she going to get it. Normally. This year, Peter makes all the difference. She absolutely cannot wait to drag Peter around the town, and Harley tries not to let his guilt show.
Harley’s still not really sure how they swung it. Peter should be in New York at some party and Harley should be alone to trail behind Abby as she goes door to door. Instead, they’re here, together in Rose Hill—a rarity in itself that Harley’s stopped looking the proverbial gift horse in the mouth. Peter’s only been here for a day and a half, and yet his presence is enough to soothe something in Harley’s soul. But it is Halloween, and Harley’s never been able to fully shake the shroud that falls around him each and every October.
Harley begs Peter’s forgiveness, one night, when they’re curled up together in Harley’s single bed. It’s far, far too small for the both of them. Harley’s pushing six foot two and Peter’s got too many pointy elbows and knees for them to be truly comfortable. But they make do, with Harley plastered against the wall and Peter tucked into his side, playing with Harley’s fingers in the cool fall night.
It’s not overly late. The sky is still a hazy, faded blue twilight out the window. Dinner is cooking, slowly in the oven. Harley wishes he could spend his whole life in this moment. He’s so rarely content in this house anymore.
Harley doesn’t know what makes him say it. Maybe it’s the way he’s noticed Peter watching him, when he thinks Harley isn’t aware, or it’s the way there’s only Halloween decorations around where Abby is most throughout the house. Maybe it’s just Peter and the fact that Harley’s never been so singularly understood by another human being before.
“I’m not—I’m not dressing up for Halloween,” he says, voice catching over the admission.
Peter’s fingers still, twined gently with Harley’s. Peter blinks up at him, brown eyes warm as caramel. Harley knows he’s ruining the moment. Can feel the slowly built peace of the evening crumble around him like sand. Peter is so excited for Halloween, bouncing-off-the-walls-only-beaten-by-Abby kind of excited. But something sits just below Harley’s breastbone, pushed tight into the very curve of him that’s ready to snap.
“You wanna tell me why?”
Harley shrugs, as much as one can when laying sideways. “You know the shape of it,” he says, because Harley’s made too many self-deprecating jokes about his absent father that Peter doesn’t not know the general story. “Dad left around this time of year. It’s always been... Difficult, I guess.”
Peter hums in the back of his throat, a sound that Harley’s come to recognise as Peter’s way of just letting him talk, of letting Harley feel out his own thoughts aloud. He tells Peter the immediate reaction–his mom’s, Abby’s, his. That first Halloween, when Harley sat by the door all day waiting for his dad to appear. That night, taking Abby out, because she was too young to know any better, walking behind her with his hands in the pockets of his hoodie, waiting patiently at the end of every driveway. Even as young as she was, Abby shared her precious haul with her brother, has done so each year, and it’s one of the few things that makes Harley smile in October. Runs roughshod over everything since that first Halloween, the way Ma disappeared for a while, the way the town seemed to make a mystery out of the Keeners, or what was left of them. How it’s all tangled up in the knot in his chest and in the parts of him that make him Harley, and how he doesn’t think he’ll even get dressed up for Halloween ever again.
He sighs, heavily, at the end of it, the story told.
“It’s just not something I do,” Harley finishes, lamely, suddenly self-conscious.  
Peter doesn’t say anything for several minutes, which doesn’t help Harley’s growing anxiety. Harley opens his mouth, probably to make a fool out of himself, but before he can speak Peter’s hand is untangled from his and is cupping his cheek, Peter’s fingers sliding into the wheat-blonde hair around Harley’s ear.
Peter kisses him, then, soft and gentle, easily, like he doesn’t even realise that Harley’s world stops revolving every time. Harley sighs into it, draws the moment out, curls his own hand into the fabric of Peter’s collar, just to hold him there.
When they pull apart, Harley taps his forefinger against Peter’s collarbone, an absent-minded tick, settled by the warmth of his boyfriend’s skin.
“I haven’t ruined your Halloween, have I? I’m sorry.”
“Of course not,” Peter replies, instantly, much to Harley’s relief. “The fact we get to spend Halloween together means the world to me. The how doesn’t matter. There’s nothing to apologise for, baby.”
“Okay,” Harley’s voice is unsteady even to his own ears, as if he can’t quite believe his luck.
“Hey,” Peter says, just as low, just as carefully. “I’m so proud of you. And it’s okay that you’re not going to wear a costume.”
Harley presses his own kiss to the centre of Peter’s forward. “Thanks, darlin’,”
“I guess that ruins MJ’s idea of us going as the Scooby gang, though,” Peter muses, eyes flickering over Harley’s face. “You’d make a good Daphne.”
“Oh, shut up,” Harley says without any heat, smiling.
They lay there in comfortable silence, until they eventually have to get up and finish making dinner. They’re halfway down the stairs when Peter breaks the quiet.
“Well, you know what, I’m still wearing my suit,” Peter declares. “I think it’s hilarious.”
Which leads them to now, a day later; Peter, pulling on his old pyjama-looking Spider-Man suit. It looks like it hasn’t seen the light of day in several years, which probably makes it look more like a costume than anything practical or used by a superhero, which is rather the point.
“Tony will have your ass if he finds out you’re wearing that,” Harley points out.
“You better not tell him, then, Keener,” he shoots back. “Besides, there’s going to be a million other kids dressed up as me, it won’t even matter.”
Harley huffs a laugh, more at the fact that Peter thinks there’ll be a million other kids in Rose Hill (population approximately one thousand, four hundred and seventy-three) than that there’ll be kids dressed up as Spider-Man. Harley’s sure they’ll see some. Maybe like one, or two.
Harley rolls his eyes, voice skeptical. “Right.”
Harley shoves on a beanie and his tattered denim jacket, and follows Peter out to the porch steps, where they find Abby patiently waiting, pillowcase in hand.  
She’s dressed up as a zombie pirate this year, in a fashionable array of paraphernalia that Harley has no idea where she got from. Probably the school drama department.
“Finally!” She exclaims at the sight of them, jumping up. “We’re losing daylight people, let’s go, we need to get to the Johnson’s before all the good stuff is gone.”
“Who are the Johnson’s?” Peter asks.
“They’re—” Harley begins, only to be cut off by Abby.
“Walk and talk, come on!”
“Oh my God, okay,” Harley says instead, grabbing his keys and herding his sister out the gate, Peter bringing up the rear. “The Johnson’s are Rose Hill’s premier Halloween connoisseurs,” he throws over his shoulder, putting on a stuffy accent.
“And they have the best candy,” Abby chimes in.
“And they have the best candy,” Harley confirms.
It’s not a long walk, about twenty minutes until they start hitting the houses all bunched together near the town centre. Abby points her plastic sword in the vague direction of the Johnson’s, and sets out with a very determined bounce to her step.
Harley falls back to watch Abby point out each house they pass to Peter, the ones they’re all going to visit on the way back home. The old man who only has gumballs each and every year. The couple who pretends they aren’t home but have always sent Abby on her way with chocolate when she knocks. The street is teaming, vampires and witches and one Frankenstein running back and forth between the houses.
The Johnson’s place sits right on the corner, prime real estate, and also the busiest house by far. Their front yard is full of skeletons and tombstones, a witches brew full of candy by the front door. The miracle of the Johnson’s place is that it’s a free for all—the Johnson’s themselves are probably elsewhere with their brood.
“Wow,” Peter says, taking in the house, the fake cobwebs that cover the roof, the red lights in the weeping tree that make it look covered in blood, the giant carved pumpkins that frame the doorway.
“Yeah,” Harley replies. “It’s like this every year.”
Abby takes off, nearly diving headfirst into the giant cauldron of candy to get at the best bits. The Johnsons always have Warheads, which is what Abby’s truly after.
Peter watches her go. “She really likes Halloween, huh?”
“She really likes the sugar rush.”
Peter snorts, and then wades in after her. Harley watches as Peter’s marginally longer arms are utilised to their full effect as Abby makes him reach down to the very bottom, hand emerging with at least ten packets of Warheads.
Harley waits at the end of the driveway, like always, hands in his pockets. It’s not that he hates Halloween itself. He used to love it, too, before everything. But now it’s just an unnecessary reminder of all the other happy families in this God forsaken backwater.
Peter returns to his side, passing a Snickers bar to him. “They really do have good candy.”
Harley agrees, unwrapping it to take a bite.
“Where’s Abby?” He asks around the mouthful of chocolate.
“I think she ran into her friends,” Peter says, and points over to where their zombie pirate girl is, standing with a clown with a knife through her head and a fairy princess.
Harley nods, about to tell Peter which is who when a voice behind them calls, "Harley!" and turns to see PTA mom Miriam Johnson in the flesh.
Before Harley can say anything, Peter slaps a hand across his chest. Harley looks down at said hand, then to Peter, down again, back to Peter.
“Babe, what—”
Peter shushes him. “Look.”
Besides Miriam is her son, Zac, dressed up as Spider-Man.
There’s a beat of silence, where Harley watches his boyfriend go wide-eyed. For all of Peter’s confidence about the suit earlier, Harley knows there’s a part of him that is worried. Worried that wearing the suit would make him stand out, so far from New York. Halloween is about being somebody else, and here’s Peter, with his secret identity on display, without even the mask to hide behind.
Harley knows Peter still melts at the sight of little kids looking up to Spider-Man, too. One day he’s going to convince Peter to see himself the way the rest of the world does, the way Harley does.
“I know, Pete,” he murmurs, low enough that Miriam nor Zac can hear him, as mother and son come to stand in front of them.
Zac points at Peter; Peter points at Zac; Harley can’t help himself and completes the triangle in perfect meme mimicry. Zac’s only like, eight, but he’s a funny kid. Harley used to dog walk for the Johnson’s before he started working at the mechanics.
The three of them laugh, and then Peter’s dropping into a crouch in front of Zac.
“Hey, there,” Peter says, holding out his hand. “I’m Peter.”
Zac looks at Harley, then up to his mom. Miriam gives his shoulder a gentle squeeze.
“Go on, kid,” Harley says. “He doesn’t bite.”
Peter flashes a look over at Harley, but then Zac shakes his hand with childlike enthusiasm, “I’m Spider-Man!”
“Me too, buddy,” Peter says with a private smile. “You out here keeping Rose Hill safe?”
“Yep! And I have candy!”
Peter fishes a piece out of his own pillowcase, one he stole off Harley’s bed, drops it into Zac’s outstretched hand. “Here you go, Spider-Man.”
“What do you say, Zac?” Miriam says.
“Thanks, Peter!”
Peter stands back up next to Harley. “You’re welcome.”
“Hi, Mrs Johnson,” Harley says, polite to a fault. “You guys having fun?”
“Yes, Harley, thank you,” Miriam says, kindly. “Who’s your friend?”
It’s not that Harley particularly cares what Miriam Johnson thinks, or the rest of Rose Hill for that matter, but there’s a moment of stomach swooping anxiety, so far ingrained into him by growing up in the Bible Belt. But it’s Peter who answers, unaware of Harley having a low-grade panic attack next to him.
“I’m Peter,” with hand out again in repetition. “Harley’s boyfriend.”
Miriam’s eyes flicker back to Harley, in that way only straight white women do when they suddenly find out someone they never imagined would be is queer. The butterflies in Harley’s stomach settle when all she does is shake Peter’s hand.
“Oh!” She exclaims, and the butterflies kick back up again. “I didn’t know Harley was dating anyone, Macy didn’t even tell me.”
Harley knows with utter certainty that his relationship status will be common knowledge within the next couple of days, but in that moment, he’s never loved his mother more.
Harley shrugs when Miriam looks at him, as if he owes her some explanation.
Peter laughs, awkwardly, recovers quickly enough to ask, “How do you know Macy?”
“We went to school together,” Miriam answers, which is typical for almost the entire population of Rose Hill at one point or another. “Where are you from, Peter, you don’t sound like you’re from here?”
“He’s from New York,” Harley chimes in. “A regular ol’ city slicker.”
“Isn’t that where your Spider-Man is from, Zac, darling?”
Zac nods his head, several times, looking at Peter with a newfound sense of awe. Peter shoots a poorly concealed look of panic Harley’s way.
“Zac,” Harley calls, grabbing the kid’s attention. “Peter’s even met him, once or twice.”
“No way.”
“Yes way,” Harley replies. “Haven’t you, Pete?”
“Uh—sure, yeah, I have,” is Peter’s fumbled response. “He’s really—cool.”
Harley smothers a laugh. 
“Whoa," says Zac, bright and wide-eyed. 
“Isn’t that exciting!” Miriam says, utterly oblivious. 
Peter stands there like a stick in the mud, and Harley’s left to wrap things up.
“Anyways, we better go find Abby before she takes your whole stock of Warheads,” Harley says.
“I made sure there was extra just for her,” Miriam says, smiling at Harley. “Tell your mother I said hello, Harley.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“And it was nice meeting you, Peter.”
Peter gives her a hundred-watt grin. “Likewise, Mrs Johnson.”
Zac waves in their direction as he and his mom walk off. Peter turns to him with that grin still on his face.
“What did I tell you, Harl?” Peter says, as they head back into the fray to find Harley’s sister. “I’m not the only one dressed up as Spider-Man.”
“Tony’s still going to kill you, man,” Harley replies, but there’s a smile creeping over his own face in light of Peter’s delight.
They find Abby conspiring with her knife-clown and fairy princess friend, swapping sweets in the orange light of the carved pumpkin.
“Abby,” Harley calls, grabbing her attention. “You want to go to some of the other houses?”
“Can Lucy and Cam come, too?”
Harley nods. “As long as their parents are fine with it.”
“We already asked,” knife-clown pipes in. “They’re cool.”
They trek out of the Johnson’s yard and back into the street. The sun is starting to disappear below the horizon, gilding the red leaves with gold. Harley and Peter walk ahead of the girls, hand in hand. They can hear the girls talking, can hear Abby explain who Peter is with a ‘and they’re holding hands! gross!’ Peter and him snicker together, and their kiss is greeted with a chorus of bleughhhhh behind them.
It’s the first Halloween in a long time Harley remembers being happy.
The girls and Peter go from house to house while Harley meanders along, thinking about how this year everything is different but not really at all. The melancholy’s still there, lingering perpetually underneath the surface, haunting him like a ghost. But waiting at the end of the driveway for his sister and his boyfriend seems easier this year, compared to the past.
They get honeycomb candy from the couple who pretends they aren’t home, run into Abby’s (and Harley’s) old teacher dressed as a witch, somehow manage to shove too many gumballs into already teaming pillowcases. Knife-clown and fairy princess shout their goodbyes at the end of the last street they walk down, hours after they found each other at the Johnsons. Dusk has given way to dark night across Rose Hill, and even Harley’s starting to feel it.
Abby breaks first, plopping herself down on the side of the road. “I’m tired.”
Her overly large pirate hat is slipping down across her face. She yawns big and wide.
“C’mon, bug,” Harley says, dropping down into a crouch, his back facing Abby. “Let’s go home.”
“Okay,” Abby says, not even putting up a fight, and hands off her sack of candy to Peter. 
Abby clambers into the piggyback half asleep, her arms loose around Harley’s shoulders. Harley stands, carefully, hitching her into place for their walk home.
“Hey, Harley?” Abby whispers, voice quiet but still loud enough for Peter to hear. “I had a lot of fun this year.”
He hums in acknowledgement.
“You should keep him,” she says, and Harley doesn’t have to ask who.
“I’m planning on it, bug,” he whispers back, catching a glimpse of Peter’s small smile from the corner of his eye.
“Oh,” Abby’s head comes to rest against Harley’s shoulder, her voice sleepy. “That’s good.”
They’re back on their own street, the house down the very end. The light on the porch is visible even from this distance, glowing sepia yellow in the night.
“Bug?” Peter murmurs, after a while, looking at Abby, fast asleep.
Harley glances at his boyfriend. “She went through a period right after Dad left when she refused to answer to Abby or Annabelle, not even to Ma. Bug was the only thing that worked, and even then, it was only me who could use it to any effect.”
Peter nods, once, and Harley knows he’s slipping that thread of the story into the elaborate tapestry that makes up the Keener siblings. Neither of them point out how it’s only Peter who’s allowed to use Harl.
“I’m glad she had fun,” Harley says, some small admission that isn’t lost on Peter.
“Did you?” Peter asks. “Have fun, I mean?”
Harley takes a moment to really think about it. He leans over, presses a kiss to Peter’s cheek.
“Yeah, darlin’, I did.”
October passes between one breath and the next.
Peter smiles at him, as warm as the sun.
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bargainmatinee · 1 year
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Spinning Gold
Neil Bogart is not exactly a household name, but writer-director Timothy Scott Bogart has spent years putting together this biopic. You may have noticed that both the filmmaker and the subject have the same last name; Neil was Timothy’s father. So this was a real labor of love. Sadly though, it’s just not a good movie.
The elder Bogart is most known for founding Casblanca Records in the early 70s. The first act he signed to his label was a quartet of hungry young musicians from New York who dressed in funny costumes and makeup and called themselves KISS. Casablanca would also go on to be the premier distributors of Disco music later in the decade, with both Donna Summer and the Village People among its roster of artists. Despite this pedigree, Casablanca wasn’t an instant success and was millions of dollars in debt before things turned around. Bogart’s early struggles are the driving force of the movie.
The problem is things get boring and repetitive, as every new idea Bogart comes up with fails to take him to the next level. He’s also not a particularly fascinating character, so there’s nothing to really root for. Raised in relative poverty in the Brooklyn ghetto, this should be a real underdog story about a kid who grows up to achieve his dreams. But I just couldn’t find anything to grab onto to make me root for this guy. It doesn’t help that the whole thing feels like a really bad made-for-VH1 movie rather than an actual theatrical release.
Some of the storytelling in particular bugged the shit out of me. There’s a scene about halfway through where Bogart is watching KISS perform and the crowd is going CRAZY for them. You can see the wheels spinning in his head as he says “when people see them, they love them…but why aren’t they buying their records?” As a fan of KISS, I know what’s coming. In 1975, Bogart rolled the dice and released “Alive!”, widely considered one of the greatest live albums of all time. It captured the essence of KISS on vinyl for the first time, after their first three studio albums failed to make a dent. It became a smash, catapulted KISS into superstardom, and is generally credited for saving Casablanca Records and turning the business around. But then…after this epiphany occurs onscreen….nothing happens. Why the fuck isn’t this idea followed up on? It’s what happened in real life, so why show the genesis and then not make it part of the story??? It’s incredibly bad filmmaking, and just one of many examples like this scattered throughout the movie. Save your money.
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lcrissas · 2 years
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 a  cheerful  grin  surfaces  on  lari’s  features  as  they  enter  the  studio  .  she  sets  down  a  box  of  pastries  that  she’d  picked  up  from  sant  ambroeus  on  the  table  .  it’s  not  the  first  time  she’s  been  around  a  production  crew  so  she  knows  just  how  hard  the  team  works  .  are  they  a  little  nervous  ?  just  a  little  bit  .  she’s  kind  of  always  wished  she  got  invited  to  do  this  and  now’s  her  chance  .  they  shake  hands  with  the  production  manager  and  make  their  way  over  to  take  a  seat  on  the  stool  .    //    @nepofminspo​​​
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“  hey  !  i’m  lari  macedo  and  this  is  my  WIRED  autocomplete  interview  .  let’s  go  ...  ”
autocomplete  suggests  the  most  common  searches  on  the  internet
“  alright  ...  let’s  see  what  you  all  got  for  me  .  ”
so  WIRED  asked  lari  macedo  some  of  the  internet’s  burning  questions
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WHO  ...
“  first question  !  ” [  lari  is  shaking  their  head  as  they  start  to  remove  the  strip  of  paper  ]
who  is  LARISSA  MACEDO  ?
“  that’s  me  ,  hey  !  i  actually  go  by  lari  .  no  one  has  called  me  in  larissa  in  years .  so  please  don’t  government  name  me  .  ”
who  does  LARI  MACEDO  listen  to  ?
[  lari  starts  to  tear  off  the  piece  of  paper  only  for  it  to  not  rip  off  cleanly  ]  “  oh  jeeze  .  ”  
[  lari  lets  out  a  laugh  as  she  moves  to  fully  tear  it  off  ]  
“  okay  !  who  does  lari  macedo  listen  to  ––  well  my  music  taste  is  all  over  the  place  to  be  honest  .  i  love  listening  to  jazz  .  i  love  listening  to  r&b  .  bossa  nova  ––  uhm  ,  i’ve  really  gotten  into  listening  to  carlos  lyra  again  .  i’m  a  sucker  for  frank  sinatra  when  it  comes  to  jazz  .  and  r&b  ,  there’s  just  too  many  .  at  the  moment  ,  it’s  gotta  be  sza  and  kali  uchis  .  ”
who  is  LARI  MACEDO  dating  ?
“  i  am  dating  the  one  and  only  knox  oakley  .  he’s  wonderful  ,  handsome  and  so  much  more  than  a  pretty  face  so  don’t  be  fooled  .  and  honestly  ,  he’s  been  so  supportive  .  i  wouldn’t  be  where  i  am  if  it  weren’t  for  him  .  so  if  you’re  looking  for  a  sign  ,  ladies  ––  ”  [  lari  looks  straight  into  the  camera  ]  “  know  your  worth  and  don’t  settle  for  less  .  ”  [  lari  winks  and  turns  back  to  the  prop  ]
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HOW  ...
how  old  is  LARI  MACEDO  ?
“  twenty-five  years  of  age  .  ”
how  to  be  LARI  MACEDO  for  halloween  ?
“  oh  wow  ––  i  guess  i  made  it  if  someone  wants  to  dress  up  as  me  for  halloween  .  but  it’s  really  simple  .  get  yourself  a  pilot  costume  .  if  someone  doesn’t  know  who  i  am  ,  you  can  just  say  you’re  a  pilot  .  easy  .  multifunctional  .  ”
how  did  LARI  MACEDO  become  a  pilot  ?
“  gotta  be  honest  .  years  of  training  .  i  started  at  16  and  went  on  from  there  .  it’s  not  an  easy  process  but  if  it’s  something  you’re  interested  in  doing  and  want  to  make  a  career  out  of  ?  then  i  think  it’s  completely  worth  it  .  ”
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IS  ...
is  LARI  MACEDO  from  new  york  ?
“  yes  and  no  .  i  was  born  in  são  paulo  ,  brazil  and  lived  there  until  i  was  8  then  moved  to  new  york  .  so  if  i’m  traveling  and  someone  asks  me  where  i’m  from  ,  it’s  just  easier  to  say  new  york  because  yeah  ,  i’ve  lived  here  for  a  good  portion  of  my  life  .  ”
is  LARI  MACEDO  friends  with  ZOYA  WYLIE  in  real  life  ?
“  oh  yeah  .  i’m  surprised  she  hasn’t  gotten  annoyed  of  me  .  ”  [  lari  chuckles  ]  “  but  yeah  ,  we  are  close  friends  and  our  families  have  been  close  so  yeah  .  i’ve  known  her  for  so  long  she’s  basically  like  my  cousin  .  ”
is  LARI  MACEDO  a  pilot  in  real  life  ?
“  ouch  !  this  one  hurts  a  little  ––  kidding  .  i  get  it  though  .  but  to  answer  your  question  ,  yes  i  am  a  real  pilot  .  i  went  through  the  training  ,  got  all  my  certs  and  i  do  work  with  an  airline  company  .  i  know  no  one  asked  but  i  also  got  my  helicopter  license  while  i  was  completing  pilot  training  so  i  can  fly  both  a  plane  and  a  heli  .  ”
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WHAT  ...
what  is  LARI  MACEDO  known  for  ?
“  not  much  to  be  quite  honest  with  you  .  i  could  be  wrong  but  probably  my  youtube  channel  ?  i  just  love  documenting  my  travels  and  my  job  so  i  thought  it’d  be  a  fun  way  to  share  it  with  everyone  .  ”
what  is  LARI  MACEDO’S  zodiac  sign  ?
“  i  am  a  leo  sun  and  that’s  all  i  know  .  i  promise  .  please  don’t  try  to  look  up  my  birthchart  and  figure  out  the  rest  from  there  .  ”
what  is  LARI  MACEDO’S  skincare  routine  ?
“  so  my  skincare  routine  is  nothing  complicated  .  i  have  a  daytime  one  and  a  nighttime  one  .  nothing  drastically  different  .  toner  ,  moisturizer  and  spf  during  the  day  .  double-cleanse  at  night  especially  after  wearing  sunscreen  and  makeup  all  day  ,  essence  ,    eye  cream  ,  maybe  a  mask  if  i  feel  like  my  skin  needs  it  .  i  do  fly  a  lot  and  the  air  inside  the  plane  is  pretty  dry  .  ”
what  is  LARI  MACEDO’S  makeup  routine  ?
“  i’ll  try  to  boil  it  down  because  again  ,  i’m  a  simple  person  .  i’m  always  on  the  go  so  i  need  my  makeup  to  be  packable  .  so  after  prepping  my  skin  ,  it’s  just  primer  ,  concealer  ,  light  eyeshadow  ,  mascara  ,  blush  ,  lip  liner  and  a  bit  of  tinted  lip  balm  .  ”
what  languages  can  LARI  MACEDO  speak  ?
“  aside  from  english  ?  i  can  speak  brazilian  portugese  ––  yes  there’s  a  difference  .  no  i  will  not  elaborate  ––  spanish  and  french  .  ”
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DOES  ...
does  LARI  MACEDO  have  tattoos  ?
“  i  have  a  couple  but  ––  ”  [  lari  gestures  to  their  outfit  ]  “  i  think  it  might  be  a  little  difficult  to  show  you  where  they  all  are  so  you’re  just  going  to  have  to  take  my  word  for  it  !  the  only  one  i  can  really  show  you  is  this  heart  .  ”  [  lari  raises  up  her  hand  to  show  a  simple  heart  tattoo  on  her  ring  finger  ]  
“  and  this  airplane  one  .  ”  [  lari  turns  to  show  their  forearm  to  the  camera  .  it  shows  a  paper  airplane  tattoo  with  the  shadow  of  an  airplane  ]  
“  i  have  a  larkspur  tattoo  on  my  sternum  .  definitely  can’t  show  you  that  .  and  i  also  have  a  piece  that  i  unfortunately  can’t  show  you  .  it’s  still  healing  but  it’s  a  floral  piece  that  starts  on  my  upper  thigh  and  goes  up  to  my  hip  .  ”
does  LARI  MACEDO  have  siblings  ?
“  i  have  a  younger  brother  .  he’s  basically  my  best  friend  .  kind  of  annoying  from  time  to  time  but  what  younger  sibling  isn’t  ?  ”
does  LARI  MACEDO  live  in  paris  ?
“  yes  .  i  split  my  time  between  here  and  paris  .  it  really  depends  on  where  i’m  flying  to  .  and  how  close  it  is  in  proximity  .  if  my  flights  are  mainly  within  europe  ,  i’ll  be  in  paris  .  if  it’s  easier  to  depart  from  new  york  then  i’ll  be  in  new  york  .  ”
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DID  ...
did  LARI  MACEDO  and  KNOX  OAKLEY  break  up  ?
“  i  hate  to  break  it  to  you  all  who  want  to  date  him  ,  ”  [  lari  tries  to  hide  her  teasing  smile  ]  “  but  we  are  still  very  much  dating  .  ”
did  LARI  MACEDO  delete  their  youtube  channel  ?
“  nope  !  although  if  you  were  around  during  my  early  youtube  days  then  you  would’ve  known  me  as  flywithlari  .  but  as  of  late  ,  my  channel  display  name  just  says  lari  macedo  .  but  i’ll  admit  i’ve  scaled  back  on  how  much  i  upload  because  of  my  schedule  .  ”
did  LARI  MACEDO  get  endorsed  by  rimowa  ?
“  i  did  ,  yes  .  i’ve  been  a  brand  ambassador  with  rimowa  and  not  to  sound  like  every  other  person  but  it’s  been  amazing  .  i  travel  a  lot  so  it  helps  that  my  luggage  fits  my  vibe  too  .  ”
did  LARI  MACEDO  win  a  streamy  ?
“  yupp  .  i’ve  won  two  .  my  dad  still  doesn’t  entirely  get  what  i  do  but  hey  ,  i’m  having  fun  doing  what  i  doo  and  i’m  glad  you  all  enjoy  it  too  .  ”
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WHERE  ...
where  did  LARI  MACEDO  go  to  college  ?
“  i  went  to  MIT  .  go  beavers  !  and  i  graduated  with  a  degree  in  aerospace  engineering  .  ”
where  is  LARI  MACEDO  right  now ?
“  i’m  in  new  york  for  today  with  wired  !  ”
[  lari  places  the  prop  down  on  her  lap  the  extended  endscreen  comes  on  to  show  wired’s  other  videos  ]  
“  i  think  we’ve  gone  through  it  all  .  hope  i  answered  your  burning  questions  .  thanks  for  watching  everyone  !   ”
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here4kpopfics · 2 years
hi friend. for the ask game - glitter, boots, hats <3 miss u.
jess i love you 🥺
glitter: what’s a good memory from primary school?
does kindergarten could as primary? Maybe it was first grade. i have shit memory. Whatever. Telling this story because Hoshi and @playmetheclassics would be proud.
We had a show and tell where we had to dress up as what we wanted to be when we grew up. You had your standard doctors, actors, police officers, firefighters, such and such. I went up in a tigger costume and proudly announced I would be a tiger when I grow up. I said this everywhere I went. I was going to be a tiger and it just hasn't happened yet because my mom said my stripes haven't come in yet. But it'll happen.
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boots: what was your favorite show as a kid?
blue's clues. animaniacs. pokemon. everything on KidsWB. Gilmore Girls. Dawson's Creek. i can recite most scenes in the final episode of dawson's creek. you didn't need to know that. but you do now.
hats: what do you like to do in cities?
when in new york, literally follow my best friend or my cousin around. i cannot cope with the insanity of the city alone. if i have to get on the subway, not doing it unless i'm with someone that knows it. somewhat some with los angeles. i know certain places and where good food is and the best concert venues. but other than that, i avoid downtown la because i'd prefer to not be stabbed thank you.
oop let's have fun
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engbergeurovacay23 · 1 year
Thursday was the day that we were renting our car, which would be a two-day rental so that we could drive about 2 hours to southwestern Finland to Naantali to go to Moominworld (and have the car one more day beyond that for other adventuring).
Moominworld is a lovely theme park, sans rides, that focuses on all of the residents and buildings and landscapes of the Moomins' entire universe. It is on a small island outside of Naantali, which is a seaside town, and it represents everything that exists in Moomin Valley, from the Moomin House, to the Lonely Mountains, to the swimming hut, and so much more. All of the infrastructure and build-out is very sweet and pleasing for visitors of all ages, though, as I said last year, the age group is definitely on the younger side for those most enthralled with the costumed Moomins who traipse around the site. My kids have assured me that they will "never outgrow Moominworld." Yesterday the joy on their faces made me believe that they are telling the truth. They might lose their fascination for humans dressed as Moomin characters. But the way that they identify all of the places in the park from the books and different storylines and the television show and comic book and novels makes the place delightful on so many levels for them and throughout the years as they grow up.
Anyway, as I said, Moominworld is about a 2-hour drive west from Helsinki and this time I wanted to make a stop at the Muurla factory store, which I've seen off the highway on a few occasions. We have never stopped before. Muurla make housewares, specifically tableware and linens, and we know them from the tin Moomin mugs that they make. Stopping at the store was a fun detour. Again, I bought a few souvenirs for friends (including for my sister-in-law Tina) and then we left on our merry way to Naantali.
Our next stop as we were approaching Naantuli was in this small suburban town outside of Turku, one of the larger cities in Finland. Now, at this shopping center, about 6 years ago we went to a lunch cafeteria and the lore of that visit has lived in our family's history ever since and the kids love the story of when Daddy accidentally drank beer because he thought it was juice at the buffet. We've stopped by this place before ("Manhattan Lunch"), in more recent years, and it has been closed--we must've been there on a weekend. Thursday, however, we were in luck and it was open! We had the lunch buffet, the crown jewel of which was jam pancakes, which we always associate with Moominmamma. Everyone had a delightful lunch, which was perhaps a bit potato-heavy, and Eric once again tried what we assumed was the "beer." This time though I did ask and the employee told me it was root beer, but I can tell you it didn't taste like any root beer I am familiar with, as it was bitter, exactly like beer beer. Anyway we were all thrilled that we'd gotten to eat at the Lounas Manhattan, which featured a picture of the Manhattan skyline on the back wall, which is very confusing because nothing else in the place has anything to do with American culture, American food tastes, or New York City, whatsoever. We were absolutely the only Americans in there -- perhaps the only Americans who had visited since we were last there in 2017 ;) It seemed like a lot of dining-alone older men went there.
Once we got to Naantali we parked on the street and walked through the park past an old church and across the bridge into Moominworld. Since we were there in the afternoon, it wasn't very busy at the ticket booth (there was no one there, actually, except us), which is never necessarily busy by "theme park standards" that you might be thinking of. We didn't go directly to the theater this time, which was a bit of a bummer because we ended up not getting to go at all this time. But, we started with the hike through the "fairy tale forest" where you see many characters that, if you know the Moomin stories you will know, including the Hattiefatteners and the Witch and Thingumy and Bob. Then we did a loop past the bathing hut and then to the Moomin house.
To sum up, we saw everything there was to see at Moominworld, again this year, other than the theater--and we saw a red fox creep out of the woods, actually quite confidently and curiously, right new Moomintroll's house. That was very exciting! The kids got ice cream and indeed they got weird combinations, such as, most notably, Rowan's pear ice cream with toffee syrup, which honestly didn't taste very good combined together, in my opinion. Then, we popped into the shop and then walked out of Moominworld. Eric had the brilliant idea that he was going to swim across the body of water between the island that Moominworld is on and the Naantali Beach. Oh, as an aside, I didn't mention that we were a bit worried that we were going to get rained out at Moominworld. There were little bursts of rain, particularly at the very end, but we were very lucky that the weather held. That cannot be said for our drive home, to Helsinki, which was in the pouring rain.
Anyway, about Eric's swim . . .
I wasn't sure that this was a very good idea, but the man just cannot be deterred. He hopped in the water off the boat dock and then swam over to the beach. He felt validated because there was indeed a lifeguard sitting off the beach dock and he felt that he had given her something to pay attention to as he did his swimming. He said the water was green --not yucky green, but just translucent sparkling green.
From our car in Naantali, we decided that we were going to make a stop at the Tokmanni in Salo, because we thought a medium-sized Finnish town would have just the kind of Tokmanni that we were looking for. We were absolutely right. There were many delightful things for us to contemplate buying and indeed we did buy some back-to-school-wear for the kids, all at prices that you just would not believe, and such cute Nordic prints, as well!
After we closed down the Tokmanni for the night, with their 7:00 p.m. close, we scrambled to find a bathroom in the rain in Salo, and Rowan and I were lucky to find two elderly folks who ran a coffee shop who let us run in and use the bathroom as they were closing, at the train station. Eric and Cece had gone in another direction and ended up having a pee "au naturel."
Once we got back to Helsinki, things were pretty straightforward: dinner and bedtime for the kids. Eric had a meeting with his Midland business colleagues, and so that happened at about 10:00 p.m. Cece went to bed around 9:30 and Rowan probably didn't end up falling asleep until 10:15. Now, since we had one more day with the rental car, our plan was on Friday to drive to Porvoo, another town about 40 minutes to the east of Helsinki. I will tell you all about that in the next post!
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kailaanyc · 2 years
The History of the Roberts and Seraph Family
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My parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on until we were all born in a country called Dominica. The citizens of Dominica first came from present-day Nigeria as well as Cameroon.  Dominica was a French colony from about 1715 all the way until 1763 Until the end of the Seven Years War and became a British colony from 1763 to 1978. my mom was born in 1978, officially when it gained its independence. As described by my mom Dominica was one of the most beautiful places that she had ever experienced. You could do things for no cost like enjoying the rivers, springs, and ocean. Tablets and phones weren’t used as much because the children of Dominica would be outside playing with their friends. The TV wasn’t the number one priority rather taking the company over each other. Many people walked rather than drive because of the beautiful warm climate. One of the biggest things was getting home from work in just 10. In contrast, when she lived in New York, on the subway it took over 2 hours to commute.
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Life in Dominica for children was very different from the lives of American children. it was much safer, kids were able to stay out later, and the people are much happier with their lives. my mom described it as the best time for life and always spoke about going back. The climate is able To grow food such as bananas, plantains, avocados, Citrus, mango, and coconuts. There are more than 13 different types of bananas grown as well as plantains. bananas and plantains are Dominica’s main exports. The most popular food that is made in Dominica is callaloo which is described as “a combination of leafy vegetables such as dasheen or spinach,  coconut milk, salted meat, yams, onions, peppers, green bananas,  and dumplings consisting of flour and cornmeal”. one of my favorite dishes growing up was braf basically like a soup with dumplings made out of flour with smoked meat, potatoes, and vegetables. they are also known for the way that they make bread which is so salt and ice and is the best when it comes out hot.
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Dominica Is also known for their Carnival which can be described as a time in which we celebrate our culture and all of the great things that come with it. people dressed up in costumes with all different types of colors. During this time we also announced Miss Dominica which is a pageant in which many Dominican women ranging from ages 18 to 21 compete for the title. back in 2000, my mom won the title I was Thomas Dominica she was able to right through the streets in a big float with her crown. I experienced Dominique's beautiful carnival more than once and I have to say it was the best experience I have ever experienced in my life. The music, the food, and the atmosphere were something I had never experienced before. experience than this from a young age helps me to embrace my culture. going up to them would always ask me where I was from and I would tell them and they were confused about what the place was so sometimes it just stayed that my parents were from the Caribbean an embarrassment however as I began to grow up here more and more about my family I became more comfortable with. 
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finelinevogue · 3 years
hii can you write something about yn having a little sister who’s pretty much obsessed with harry like she’s a big fan and when yn introduces them she’s so starstruck and at some point she tells harry something like “do you love my sissy? why don’t you love me?”
okay i just loved this so much sooooo…. here we go!!! ;
“Mia? Are you ready to go?”
You shouted to your sister from down the corridor of Harry’s New York apartment. Your little sister, of 6 years old, was here with you in New York City, along with your dad and your step-mom, to watch Harryween with you.
When she first heard about Harryween she thought it was just a concert on Halloween, which she was so excited for since she absolutely adores Harry’s music. However, she admitted there was something missing with it and hence why it was changed to a fancy dress party too. Your baby sister, Mia, is the reason your boyfriend is going to dress up as Dorothy tonight.
Mia came running down the hall a few moments later, coming to stand where you were pulling on your high heels. You had decided to go as Kim Possible and you had to admit you kind of looked amazing. Looking at Mia though she looked even better.
“Can you guess who I am?” She asked, even though it was the most obvious costume ever. Her white trousers, mini pink shirt and pink suspenders were all combined to create the classic Fine Line outfit. She looked so cute and you were so excited for Harry to see her.
“Of course! You’re Harry!” You spoke excitedly, trying your best to show that you were really happy for her. She looked so proud of her outfit.
“I want to make him love me.” Your broke a little at her words, because you only wished she could understand how much Harry did love her.
Mia was the reason why Harry was so adamant that you both get married as soon as possible, so you can have kids. He had always been an amazing human being around kids, but with Mia it was different. He was extra dad-like with her and it made your heart swoon. It was so clear to you that he would be the one you’d spend forever with and you only hoped he shared that same dream.
“Mimi,” You called her by her nickname that she only let her most favourite people use, “Harry loves you so much already. Don’t need to make him love you anymore than he does already.”
“Does he love me as much as I love him?” She asked.
“How about we go find out, hm?” You asked and gathered all your belongings, before making your way to Madison Square Gardens.
The venue was packed and it was slightly overwhelming.
Fans were queuing for miles and they looked amazing. You’d seen pirates, fairies, ghosts and queens. You’d seen another Kim Possible and laughed when Mia pointed out someone dressed the same as her too. You made sure she knew that she was the best dressed though. Your dad and step-mom had come as a couple from an old movie that you had never heard of before, but they looked really good too. Now, you were just excited to see Harry.
Backstage was crazy and you kept a tight hold on Mia’s hand as you walked through the halls. You’d been in these backstage passes so many times now, especially on this tour, that you could probably walk around blindfolded. When you met Harry’s dressing room you gave a quick knock at the door before Jeff opened it for you.
“Hi!” You said excitedly, laughing when you saw his Anna Wintour costume complete with Harry’s Vogue magazine too.
“You look great.” Jeff laughed as he gave you a hug.
“So do you. Where’s H?” You asked, removing yourself to look around the room. You silently said hello to some staff and smiled when you spotted Lambert over by the makeshift cocktail bar.
“Toilet. Should be back in a minute.” He pointed to the loos behind him and you thanked him. “He’s having difficulties with the tights.”
You laughed as you walked over to the sofa and sat Mia down on it. Your step-mom sat beside her as your dad started to talk to Jeff. Poor Jeff, you thought.
Just as you were on your way to make yourself a cocktail the bathroom door opened and out came Dorothy. Well, Harry. He was dressed so perfectly and every detail was thought out exactly right. The blush was so well done and you were jealous of how his eyelashes looked so much better than yours. His outfit was just amazing and you couldn’t believe that he’d gone the Full Monty for Harryween.
“Oh my God.” You stood stunned, clapping your hands over your mouth. You’d been to some of the fittings with Harry, but had never seen everything put together.
“I know.” Harry laughed, posing as if he were the most prettiest person in the room - which he probably was.
“You look amazing, babe!” You laughed, walking over to him and taking ahold of his hands that he held out of you. You held up your arm and ordered him to do a twirl, which he did. You gasped as his dress floated and you saw the shorts underneath. You couldn’t get over his brilliant he looked.
“Looking pretty hot yourself, love.” He pulled you close after he’d done his twirl, licking his lips once his eyes had checked you over once and then twice.
“I always do.” You flipped your ginger hair sassily and allowed yourself to indulge in a quick kiss from him. You didn’t want to spend too long worshipping his laps, considering your family was in the room. Speaking of. “Don’t look as amazing as Mia though.”
You pulled away from Harry and directed his attention over to your little sister. Harry gasped when he saw her.
“Is that me? Am I looking in the mirror? Harry?” He asked rhetorically, making Mia laugh and jump off the sofa when she noticed Harry holding out his arms for her to run into.
“Harry it’s me! Mia!” She giggled, jumping in his hold and laughing when she was twirled around. Harry kept her on his hip afterwards, you standing close by to watch the two cutely interact.
“Mia? No it can’t be. Y’look just like me.” Harry teased her, looking over the mini version of him again to carry on with his pretence act.
“No it’s me. Mia. Y/N’s sister.” She explained, pointing to you for Harry to acknowledge. When his eyes caught onto yours he gave you a cheeky wink that went unnoticed by Mia. You smiled at him and thought about how amazing he was with kids - again.
“Well good job on y’outfit kiddo. Almost didn’t recognise y’then.” Harry pretended, putting her back down on the floor.
“Do you love me Harry?” Mia asked him as he put her down, which made his eyebrows furrow. He was confused as to why a child that he spent so much of his love on was questioning whether any of it was real to him. He looked at you and you just gave him a simple nod of the head - one that told him you knew about this little issue already and it would be okay.
Harry crouched down in front of Mia and you walked to sit on the couch, making it look like you weren’t eavesdropping when in reality you weren’t doing anything but.
“Mia of course I love you, why would y’question that?” He asked, slightly upset that this conversation was even happening.
“Well.. it’s just, you spend a lot more time with my sister than me. Just thought you loved me less.” She explained, which broke your heart that she thought this at such a young age.
“Mia. I love your sister, so very much,” your heart smiled at his simple words, “but I love her in a different way than I love you. My love for both of you infinite. You dressed as me makes me love you even more—”
“Narcissist.” Mia butted in and Harry smiled in confusion over how a six year old knew such a big word.
“Mia that’s not nice.” You said sternly, telling her to apologise.
“But you use it all the time about Harry.” She whined, which made you blush when Harry raised his eyebrows at you jokingly.
“You and I are having a conversation later, Miss L/N.”
“Conversation, my ass.” Lambert said as he walked past you all, with his cocktail, and out of the door. You all laughed, even Mia who probably had no idea why you were all laughing.
Harry returned his attention back to Mia and convinced her that he loved her so very much and that she was the best dressed out of everyone in New York tonight. She was pretty happy with that title and spent the rest of the evening happy, which was enough for Harry and definitely enough for you.
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simpforboys · 3 years
in another dimension (11)
she/her pronouns
mentions of no way home spoilers! proceed with caution!
summary: peter takes y/n to the feast shelter, where they bond with aunt may and miles
warnings: swearing, fluff
last part, next part
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y/n walked out of the shower quickly. her and peter were already running late, both deciding to sleep in without knowing the real time.
aunt may called peter and asked if he could come in and help out at the shelter since they have been short stacked for the holidays.
“shit, peter-“
y/n stubbed her toe on the bed. she groaned in pain.
“baby- i can web sling us to the shelter. it’ll be quicker then taking the subway.”
peter, who was dressed in a sweater and jeans, said as he walked into the bedroom.
y/n sighed. she could feel peter was dying to get a kick back at being spiderman, seeing as he was being so insistent lately on his spidey-powers.
“i think there’s a spider in here, i got bit again last night.” y/n exclaimed as she showed peter her bug bites.
the man wasted no time in crawling up the wall, inspecting every nook and cranny until he eventually found a spider-web. he collected the web in his hand.
“was that really necessary?” y/n grinned as she watched him throw it away.
“yes!” peter exclaimed.
“are you saying that because you’re worried about being on time- or because you just want to swing again?” y/n cocked an eyebrow as she got dressed.
“both?” he said, although it sounded more like a question.
y/n huffed. “fine.”
peter’s eyes lit up like a kid in a candy shop. “i love you endlessly,” he blurted, rushing to get his web shooters.
y/n just grinned and shook her head.
he came back giddy, practicing webbing a painting. “alright, we ready?”
y/n nodded as peter opened their window. peter climbed out, sitting in a squat position as y/n climbed onto his lap carefully. she buried her face in his shoulder as he started swinging.
peter was having a thrill, feeling the wind rushing through his hair for the first time in months.
he loved his retirement, but he also liked being the friendly neighborhood spider-man.
he also loved how y/n didn’t stay up waiting in the hours of the night for him anymore, knowing he was right there with her. they went to bed together and woke up together.
peter’s eyes laid on the feast shelter as he zipped through the wind. “almost there, love.”
he felt her squeeze him tighter as he landed them gentle on the roof. “alright,” peter helped y/n down.
“you okay?” he asked.
y/n nodded. “yeah- i think i’m starting to get used to it,” she breathed.
peter grinned. “thank you.”
peter held the door open for y/n as they entered the building, stairs on the left leading up to offices. costumer service and check ins was located on the right.
peter grabbed y/n’s hand, leading her through the groups of homeless people.
“may should be-“
“peter! hey,” aunt may came from the kitchen. her eyes were big and bright. she hadn’t seen her nephew in awhile, only meeting y/n a few times.
“hi, aunt may,” peter gave the woman a tight hug.
“y/n, you look beautiful,” may complimented. she turned to the woman and gave her a hug.
“thank you, may. as do you,” y/n said. peter couldn’t help but smile wide. he loved when his two favorite women got along.
“alright, miles can use some help in the kitchen if you two wanna go start there.”
the couple nodded and made their way to the kitchen where, no one other than miles was there.
“what’s up, miles?” peter spoke up.
the teenager turned around with a wide smile on his face. “may asked me to make a bunch of sandwiches. wanna help?”
“of course.”
the three got to work. giggling and making jokes, all the while making over a hundred sandwiches.
y/n’s eyes focused on a mom with a newborn baby and little girl that couldn’t be older than four.
she felt her heart ache.
she knew how fortunate she was that her and peter could afford to live in new york, her getting a job at a highly paying scientific study research job.
y/n never really thought about having kids other than the time her and peter talked about it.
“you okay?” peter bumped her with his hip, snapping her out of her gaze.
“yeah,” she nodded. peter gave her a small smile.
“try not to focus so much on it. they’re the best place they can be.”
she gave him a kiss on the cheek. “man, i’m so single.”
y/n and peter laughed at miles’ joke. “your time will come.”
aunt may came walking into the kitchen.
“sorry to leave you alone. is everything ready?” she asked.
the three nodded. “perfect, thank you so much.”
the group grabbed sandwiches and prepackaged chip bags with a cup of water and began passing them out.
while most were thankful, there was a few people who snatched the food without muttering a thanks.
y/n pursed her lips together.
she approached the mom she was watching earlier. the kind woman thanked her for the food and began helping her children.
“alright, i have to go.” miles spoke up, giving peter a look that could be understood as spidey duties.
“thank you, miles,” aunt may pressed a motherly kiss to the teen’s cheek as he gave peter a handshake.
“can we offer to take you to dinner, may?” y/n asked the older woman.
“oh- you don’t-“
“we insist, aunt may.”
the woman grinned. “okay.”
taking the subway to a smaller diner, the trio talked the night away. y/n couldn’t stop laughing as she listened to aunt may tell peter’s embarrassing childhood moments.
peter was a blushing mess as he held y/n’s thigh under the table. “alright, alright, i think that’s enough.”
“i don’t think that’ll ever be enough,” y/n argued. her smile began fading as she came down from her laughing fit.
aunt may grinned.
“so, have any plans for the wedding yet? congratulations, by the way,” aunt may said.
“thank you,” they both said.
“uh, so far we have a date set and a venue. i still need to call a few places.”
“i just can’t believe peter is finally getting married. i waited a long time for this,” aunt may relished.
y/n and peter both grinned.
after making aunt may sure got home safely, the couple walked down the busy streets of manhattan hand-in-hand.
y/n clutched onto peter’s arm as they walked, the cool breeze making it chilly.
unbeknownst to them, however, was someone was watching their every step.
@uwiuwi @ashley13s @aidyslovee @heyyimlaynna @etheriaaly @plutoneu @simp1205 @bunnietoof @dnllbtrc @winterwallacehenderson @buckycuddles @blankspaceblankday
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