#where were you when i used to watch mlp
heyy! i was hoping to request a percy x eris! reader.
like since eris is the goddess of strife everyone thinks the reader would be all dark and gloomy all the time, but reader is a literal ball of sunshine, complete opposite of what everyone says.
but just because reader’s personality is opposite of their mom it doesn’t mean they doesn’t use their powers. i was thinking they have the ability to create conflict, like during battle and stuff reader can make their opponents fight eachother.
following the creating conflict thing, i also think reader is very good at arguing. whether it be something small or big, they always win. this would drive the camp nuts with reader always getting their way. i think percy would secretly like this because he thinks reader deserves whatever they want and more
thank you!
Percy with Eris!Reader
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OOOOO ME LIKEEYYYY!!! The way i had a RUSH of inspiration reading this!
Has anyone watched that one mlp equestria girls movie about the sirens? And how they're music caused everyone to go against each other? Well this definitely reminded me of them lol
Also lowkey less centered around Percy SORRY😭😭😭😭😭 I was just so focused on baddie reader😔
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Despite there being very few children of Eris now, I feel like most people know of the destructive power her offsprings hold
There's even cautionary tales amongst half-bloods to leave an area where discord settles in human hearts unless you want to backstab your friends
Children of Eris have been known to lack empathy for others, preferring to watch as people tear each other part over the littlest of things
This had made them starting catalysts for wars back in the day, until Olympus decided 'reducing' Eris' children would be better for human-kind
Her children still roam the world though, spreading chaos and strife just by their mere presence
Now when Percy was told this information for his quest to retrieve one of Eris' children and bring them back to camp, he was not expecting reader to be such a bubbly person
Homeboy was ready to battle them and take them back to camp by force if he needed to, something he really didn't want to do, but he was very much confused and unsettled to see how different reader was to what he was told
Instead of being a dark brooding figure, taking delight in chaos you were creating, you sat by your lonesome, appearing upset with all the arguing and fighting happening around you
While people yelled at each other, you would try to help them settle down and make peace, though this would only cause louder arguing between everyone
Everywhere you went, you spread discord and strife amongst the people you passed
Couples on dates would find the smallest thing to nitpick their partners over, customers and workers would argue over the dumbest inconvenience that shouldn't have bothered anyone
It was as if you were the living embodiment of 'having a bad day'
So when he finally approaches you, he couldn't stop the fluttering in his heart at the sight of your bright smile!
You were kind and compliant when he told you of his quest, something he wasn't expecting at all
Percy was waiting for you to at least put up some fight but you never did. Instead you just followed him with a pep in your step, happily talking to him about any and everything
Reader's presence itself causes calamity, their aura affecting everybody near them. It's puts people in a trance
I feel like people would see reader as a bad omen, a source of bad luck to stay away from
This shows with their interactions with Percy!
He sees that you're a naturally friendly person, but you always seem a little desperate talking with him
Like you think that he's gonna leave once he knows how unforgiving your power truly is😔
When he sees you use your power for the first time against some monsters chasing you, it sort of clicks just how controlling you actually are
The monster once working together now clash against each other after only a few minutes of finding you both
You'd glare at them and flick your hands towards them, a wave of your discord hitting them head on
"You've messed with the wrong person, I will not tolerate this disrespect."
Even reader knows their own power and influence to cause strife within anything
Honestly this serves as a perfect distraction for any situation cuz any party involved is gonna be too busy to notice the two of you sneaking by them
Of course there are people who are able to resist readers influence, those who are powerful enough to clear their mind from them. Percy is included in this category
Once you settle in camp, most people avoid you for the most part even when you finally control your mother's given powers💔💔
You try to approach people with a friendly smile and positive attitude but I guess people get too wary
The cabin you would most get along with is Ares, no doubt
It's just nature for children of Eris and Ares to get along as the gods themselves have worked together in the past on many occasions
Percy still sticks close to your side though, always reassuring you when you feel like giving up on making any friends
I think campers would start approaching Eris!Reader more once they witness them arguing with Dionysus over a situation
Whether it be over something simple as a cancelled game of capture the flag, or sending people out on an important quest that cannot wait, it's clear that the argument is in readers favor
The god and demigod are both quick witted, making back and forth talk look as easy as breathing
Its obvious your natural power backs the wine god himself into a corner when he cant find another excuse for his decision
And really? He'll never win an argument against the god of strife and discord's child
He sees Eris' unforgiving gaze in your eyes
So he puffs his chest and mutters a few words before disappearing with a low, "It's your life, not mine."
Reader def gets brownie points from the camp for not backing down against Dionysus
Hell even Percy is cheering you on as everyone surrounds you
"You're so cool! I don't think i could ever speak like that to Dionysus of all people."
"Oh it was really nothing..."
"Come on, you got the big dog to agree with you! That's like, never heard of!"
I think everything would be smooth sailing from there
People know not to drag you into any fight/arguments cuz they know you'll win regardless
And if you do find yourself in one, you already know Percy is gonna be such a big instigator like bro go away LMAO💀
You two would get along so well since he's able to keep up with your quick remarks
And after everything you've been through, and how much he's helped you in changing your life, it's after one dinner night when you confess your growing feelings for the boy
He's gotten to know you for the person you are, not for the person people say you are
Percy knows you're more than just your mother's child, a vessel of discord
He knows that you’re a good-natured person at heart and you've poured your heart into fixing everything you cause destruction to
He happily accepts your feeling, awkwardly admitting he's felt the same for some time 😅(what a cutie patootie)
Honestly I see sm potential for Eris!Reader, especially if they were like an antagonistic character
They don't even have to get their hands dirty to have their enemies succumbing to them
Badass demigod with a badass boyfriend
What more could you ask for lol😜
He knows not to get into any fights with you cuz you will win in the end, whether you were right or not
The most he can do is put up a good fight😭
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powerpuffobsession · 4 months
Am I the only one who feels that Hazbin Hotel's overall vibe is far too naive and upbeat for an adult cartoon about hell and redemption of sinners?
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I feel like before writing this cartoon, Vivzie and the other writers should have made a trip to unfortunate areas of the world and watch how the lifestyle there rolls. Because hell is said to be a place of misery, where there is no trust and a lot of hate, both internal and external... Adam is an object of pure unfiltered hartred (both from writers and fandom) because he dares to live in heaven, such a safe and friendly-natured place...
And yet the sinners who happen to be main characters act more like school kids on a field trip (even more carefree than those, lol) - their selfish and sinful motives are so artificial and are brought up only when these characters need to look like a victim, not like criminals who somehow deserved a place in hell
Obviously, it's a manipulative trope to put them in a better light than Heaven and Adam (who is forever silenced by the writers and not allowed to voice any thoughts and reflections other than "hurr durr murder I luuuv murdering and being evil because that's what I was since I was born, even though Lilith and Eve, born literally the same way as me, were innocent victims from the get go, and no logical explanation for that will be provided whatsoever - men bad, women good")
In the light of all that, the sinners are too eager to trust each other and form "da epic powar of friendship" mlp-sonic-style
In a society built on terror, anarchy and survival instincts, no one would ever bother wasting vital power on noticing someone's problems and helping them out. Everyone is focused on their own problems and desires, and that's what drives them to act. Well, the exception may be family members, and even that varies
That's why Husk's intent to comfort Angel after the later attacks him over nothing at the bar, looks really fake, considering the setting. At first I thought that "loser baby" where Husk insults Angel, was some sort of revenge and Husk laughing in the spider's face. But no, it actually turned out to be a comforting song that started their friendship. Husk literally had no motivation to want to help Angel, because he was annoyed by him all the time prior. If there was some kind of basis for their bonding, I would have believed it. But not like this.
And Angel had no reason to actually like that sort of comfort. I get it when your best friend or a family member cheers you up in a harsh way - you know them. And even when coming from people you trust that can hurt. Now imagine a complete stranger doing that to you. That's actually something that shouldn't be done - trying to playfully insult or jester a person you haven't communicated with for a long enough time to gain their trust. And to make this even more strange, Angel at first reacts negatively, but then suddenly snaps to liking that disrespectful way of comforting for no reason at all.
And why did Angel even vent his problems to Husk, a stranger bartender who he'd hurt before. Wasn't he actually afraid of being laughed at and of Husk using his trauma to spread gossip around or something?
Next, Sir Pentious. In the pilot (which is officially part of canon, mind you), he already felt like a joke sunday cartoon villain, but at least he had some edge to him that made him look like a sinner with some dark history. In the series however, he gets nerfed the very moment he steps into the hotel to the point where it's painful to look at
His tendency to abuse his henchmen, his physopathic demeanor, his hartred for Cherri (instead of embarrassing attempts to get blue balled by her), his sincere power hunger - where did all that go? Vanished in a blink of an eye. All that's left of a promising snake demon is a pile of fanservice. So morally unchallenging and harmless that a viewer theoretically simply cannot resist loving him
Well i'm kind disappointed. We don't even know in what way Sir Pentious had to improve, because the plot never focused on his past, his life goals, whatever made him want to lead turf wars and whatever awful things he did in life, what was the point where he started degrading... none of that. He just became a better person after one "sorry song" and acted perfectly innocent ever since and didnt put any effort into getting ready to sacrifice himself for other main characters
The sacrifice... to me it's baffling how fast the sinners, over the course of just 6 months, actually became Charlie's family figures and risked their lives for her hotel. Such pure child-cartoon-styled power of friendship, built in hell, with the aid of a princess who cant even think through her project of helping sinners without bringing them more trouble... realistically, Charlie would have had to fight angels alone (how convenient it is that no main characters died in that chaotic brawl, right?)
And Charlie herself is far too naiive and soft-natured for someone who is free to walk along the streets of hell looking at all the muder, rape and othe horrible stuff that's happening there. Given that she's 200, Charlie had more than enough time to built up her street smarts and guts and learn to be more practical and mindful, instead of staying with the mind of a 12 year old who needs other characters to do everything for her (Lucifer, Vaggie, Alastor) and then get praised for THEIR efforts. That's hell's royalty and our main character?
Aaand since sinners are portrayed as Charlie's "people" (as if they are a nationality), sweet babies who all deserve redemption and are called innocent by Emily (I can't believe how dumb the writers made angels be) - the true essence of exterminatons is never focused on. Adam and his exterminator army are seen in the wrong, like some kind of monsters who terrorize poor souls. However, think about this - child molesters, rapists, torturers, bullies, nazists, actual racists etc died in those exterminations. Doesnt that seem like something a lot of us would want? To have scum like this disappear as revenge for people they have hurt/driven to suicide?
Exterminations are not really an act of racism, bigotry or something like that. They are an excecution of criminals, which a lot of sinners are.
But the black and white writing is trying to conceal that rather prominent highlight of the rotten part of Charlie's plan (not all sinners deserve mercy or redemption). All that was needed was to make exterminators these icky "villains" who luuuv killing and are never willing to listen
All in all, a cartoon that has an ambitious premise that should be driven by psychological reasearch/analysis and dark serious themes... makes me roll my eyes with its cliche use of "power of friendship" and " strictly good main characters, strictly bad villains" tropes. Too bad such beautiful animation was wasted on such juvenile writing that never had any effort put into it
There shouldn't even be any villains or heroes in a setting like this. Allow the lead roles (sinners in hell) do something actually questionable and be unlikable, don't coddle the viewer in fear of making them even the slightest bit uncomfortable. Allow those, who opposes sinmers, have personalities and reasons, not cliche sociopathy for sociopathy's sake to cause forced sympathy for the main characters
Pristine "safe" writing should not have a place in adult cartoons. Or else they will stay a product that'd rather be watched by 7-14 year olds instead of adults (I can't picture a single adult over 22 who would unironically call hazbin hotel a show that tackles realistic issues in an observant way)
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physalian · 2 months
Transformers Prime Appreciation Post
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You know what. You know what?? This show has featured in so much of my writing advice, it deserves its own “This show is amazing and has amazing writing and shit you can learn from it to be a better writer” post. It’s streamable on Netflix at the time of this post. I own it on DVD. I have all three seasons on actual, physical discs that I bought new for my DVD collection. That’s how much I love this show.
What is TFP? TFP aired on The Hub network, the joint venture between Hasbro and Discovery Channel that died after MLP ended, I think. We lost cable before that happened. TFP was probably single-handedly sustained by MLP money for a while, like the rest of HBO on GOT.
This show came out when I entered high school and I have extremely vivid memories of some of the constant previews they showed of the season 1 finale 3-parter, to the point where whenever I watch the scenes that were in those teasers, I still get a physical reaction from being bludgeoned over the head with those lines of dialogue.
I used to scroll ahead in the TV guide as far as the scheduled programming allowed, just to catch snippets of what episodes were slated to air within the next month. This show was the shit.
But it was too expensive and its budget got eaten by Friendship is Magic. The bronies ruin everything I guess.
It’s 3 seasons (technically 2.5 since 3 was only greenlit for half its episode count) of near-perfection and a tv-movie. There are a few weak episodes, sure, and one absolute dud of a clipshow episode, but there are no awful episodes. There ain’t no “Great Divide” for this show.
Why you should watch it:
1. A “kids” show that absolutely takes itself seriously
One of the Autobots dies 5 minutes into the series and it’s the inciting incident for the entire story. He gets blown up, taken prisoner, and then stabbed through his chest by a Decepticon’s fist without warning. He then gets brought back as a zombie, killed again, infects his partner with the zombie juice when she’s trying to save him, and dies for good.
Two main characters get straight-up murdered, long-running characters whose deaths have lofty consequences for the narrative. There’s betrayals, double-agents, robot torture, robots getting eaten alive by scraplets, gaslighting of an amnesiac, near-murders of POWs, near-murders of fan-favorites who get so hurt, their recovery spans 4 whole episodes, attempted child murder, terrorism, and mad science.
But there is also some heavy emotional shit. The surviving partner of the zombie is damaged by his loss for the entire show because she can’t properly manage her grief. There’s characters going on suicide missions to avenge their dead/dying friends, getting beat to shit while a child watches helplessly on the sidelines screaming at them to get up and run through tears. There’s war flashbacks to dead friends and comrades and the terror and fallout of being eons-old soldiers.
There’s quiet moments, too, about grief and loss and living with disability and disfigurement from battlefield wounds. There’s the machinations of a tragic villain, openly and explicitly abused in front of his whole team and who keeps crawling back and groveling at his master’s feet and his internal identity crisis over who he is, if he’s not with his abuser. There’s the fallout of an extremely divisive trolley problem where a normally calm and collected character loses their shit with grief over the decision that was made. There’s the quiet rumblings of dissent and rebellion in the ranks and all the backstabbing that follows.
And there’s clever moments. Rogues and rebels orchestrating complex and interwoven plots to further their agendas. A POW who no one would ever expect to be captured absolutely trouncing their captives and laughing all the while while they free themselves. Characters who always have a backup plan to force others into awful predicaments.
The first episode after the 5-episode mini-movie that opens the show features an A-plot about school science projects, and a B-plot about waking a loyal ‘Con from stasis and trying to convince him to bow down to the ‘Cons’ temp leader, Starscream, while Megatron is elsewhere. It does not end well for him. The very next episode features robots getting eaten alive by alien metal termites.
2. Depth of Character
Beyond the actual plot, the villains might be more compelling characters than the heroes across many arcs and episodes. You’ve got five main autobots for most of the show that generally fit the 5-man band:
Optimus: Leader
Ratchet: Smart Guy
Bulkhead: Tough Guy
Arcee: Lancer
Bumblebee: Heart
Also guest starring the Alien Robot Cowboy Samurai known as Wheeljack, he’s amazing.
These characters have some really rich episodes and arcs, and moments where they have to put their own values, wants, and agendas aside for the greater good or the problem at hand. They feel like real people, for lack of a better word. They laugh, they cry, they rage, they grieve, and since the show is one long storyline, what happens seemingly inconsequentially in season 1 will come back to haunt them in season 3.
But then you have the villains, an extremely dysfunctional team of “every man for himself, we’re all not here because we like each other, but because we hate the Autobots,” and I can tell from the fanfic that the ‘Cons are the much more popular characters to write about.
Megatron: The fascist narcissist warlord
Starscream: His scheming SIC both too smart and too dumb for his own good
Soundwave: The utterly badass TIC comms chief who never loses and is insanely, fiercely loyal to the cause
KnockOut: The absolutely gay-as-fuck cosmedic surgeon/chief of medical voiced by Daran Norris, who’s only design requirement was to make him a sexy sportscar, and they ended up with a cherry red Aston Martin. One of his first lines in the show is "*whistle* Sweet rims” at Optimus in truck mode.
Breakdown: KO’s himbo, canon* boyfriend with some of the best, cringey puns
Airachnid: Arcee’s arch nemesis, the only other female transformer, a “love to loathe her” type
And others down the line for both teams.
*Canon insofar as a kids show on a kids network allows a la “we’ve given you as much subtext as we can, do the rest”.
KO is technically my favorite but it’s a tossup between many and that is a feat, especially when they’re the villains. They are all extremely compelling characters.
3. The Story
With some exceptions, episodes don’t happen in isolation. Most of season 1 is a bit random with a foggy throughline, but season 2 is utterly amazing, sans that one clipshow the producers probably insisted on.
Season 2 is the show’s finest hour and without spoiling anything: The end of season 1 sees this database that had been in the ‘Cons possession suddenly now with the means to decode and decrypt whatever’s locked behind it. The database contains coordinates on Earth of a myriad of confiscated weapons, ancient relics, and the like and the entire season is one big fetch quest with both sides racing and beating the shit out of each other to decode coordinates and retrieve the relics before the other side.
The macguffins are pretty cool in their own right (alien mustard gas, a giant Final Fantasy sword, an alien nuke, a phase-shifter) but it’s the intensity of the story and the action and drama that happens around the various quests that is so amazing.
At one point, the show takes four episodes to tackle a fetch quest across four separate relics that involves the entire cast on both sides and the two rogues all gunning for their targets at the same time, ending with one character critically injured that grinds the whole plot to a stop.
The show is one long story, as I mentioned, where something that happens in episode 2 shows up again as critically important in episode 40 and that’s a heck of an achievement on the writers’ part, making it all feel like it was planned that way from the start, even though it wasn’t.
Season 3 is… lesser, mostly because it has half as many episodes because the show was canceled. However, the writers knew about the cancellation early enough to still deliver a satisfying story, and wrap up loose ends with a tv-movie that is also pretty good.
Episode-to-episode there’s definitely a mixed bag of what kind of tone you’ll get. It’s still a kids show and there are human characters so there are some lesser episodes with the humans’ lives as the focus and the Autobots running support. Then you’ll have small-screen perfection, but like I said, there’s never a single episode of story (not clipshow) that I skip upon rewatch, no matter how many times I’ve seen it. The second “clipshow” episode is far and gone above the first, told through the eyes of a character as they’re on trial, only their scenes through the story, as they await judgment that might see them executed.
4. The Production Value
The majority of the animation budget rightfully went to the transformers themselves, which left the environments and the human characters a little rough around the edges. But you came for alien robots and before I got this show on DVD, I streamed crap quality episodes online. Once I saw these characters in full HD color, for the first time since it aired on TV, I was blown away. The reflections are, bar none, the best part. Which seems like a strange hill to die on but these are shiny metal giants. There’s some shots where you can see the reactions of other characters reflected hazily in the chest plates of the speaking character, and this is kids animated TV.
Some episodes do stand out, possibly because they changed studios, but some do have some off-kilter coloring or shadows, but you wouldn’t notice if you’re not like me and have picked some scenes apart frame by frame.
The music, also, is amazing. It’s grand and epic and far and gone from the 80s synthesizers, with a few choir tracks thrown in. The foley and sound design can get a little gratuitous with the metal-on-metal squeals, but none of it ever feels out of place.
I bought the directors’ commentary without knowing it for seasons 1 and 3 and they talked about having all the digital screens in the backgrounds of both bases constantly moving and showing data, not just static, blank images, and it really ups the feel of the quality and care put into the show when there’s always something cool to look at in every frame.
There are also some money shots. At one point there’s a fight that demands Optimus and Megatron join forces and with zero dialogue between them, only choreography in the span of about 25 seconds of animation shows you that these two really were old friends, old allies, old confidants. Their moves are mirrored, back to back, showing that Megatron clearly taught Optimus how to fight and this shot, the one at the top of the post, is too good to not spoil.
5. The Writing
Beyond the overall arcs, I mentioned in my “How to make your writing less stiff” post that the dialogue in this show is stellar. Due to animation budgets, they didn’t have the means to fully render a huge variety of environments, and that includes anything on Cybertron. So, when necessary, outside of when characters actually go to Cybertron later in the show, they use some beautiful matte paintings and voiceover narration by Ratchet, absolutely dumping exposition on the audience in spectacular fashion.
I have the director’s commentary. I know Ratchet’s monologues were a thing of beauty. They also had the cast all recording their dialogue at once, standing in a big U for more natural line deliveries.
The actual writing though, from the different ways the characters speak to the lore, the backstories, how the show can be a horror trip one minute and a kids’ science fair the next, showed incredible variety and flexibility in the writers’ room.
Optimus’ lines remain my favorite because they’re just that juicy, but then you have characters like Starscream, a perpetual schemer who loves to hear himself talk, pontificating whenever he can about his plans and how much he hates Megatron and how self-important he is. Or other righteous characters who use Big Words like Optimus that don’t feel out of place against somebody like KnockOut who says stuff like “I like the way I look in steel-belted radials” or Wheeljack who clearly learned English from watching Clint Eastwood movies.
Or, a later character, Shockwave, the most “robotic” of the robots and very poncy and scientific with the way he talks and interprets the world, with most of his lines including whether or not a character’s choices were “logical”.
This show is fantastic at creating tension out of mundanity and keeping you on the edge of your seat for nail-biting action scenes. You feel the anguish and the grief with the characters. Their rage and elation and devastation.
Some faults, because I love this show and I can recognize them
The human characters are… well, teenagers. Miko is pretty divisive, you’ve got the camp of “wah she’s a girl and she’s annoying” and just people who don’t find them as compelling. Which, fair. Their animation is a bit gummy and sometimes they disappear for entire episodes and their human world arcs are kind of abandoned. They’re not the best, but this isn’t about humans, it’s about transformers.
Due to probably time constraints with the show being canceled, some transformers’ arcs also felt abandoned or not given their due time to shine (of which fanfic has made painfully clear and rectified). It’s a very tight plot, but there are some dangling loose ends.
Sometimes it is incredibly in-your-face that this is a show meant to sell toys, particularly in season 3 with the whole uh, “we must become beast hunters” and the soft rebrand.
There exists a subplot of C-list villains, human militants who want to dissect cybertronian biology and make weapons. While some of their episodes are absolute bangers, you can tell the writers were getting sick of them before they’re finally written out of the show.
And a few awkward lines here and there.
Other cool shit if nothing else has convinced you
No love triangle or romantic subplot for the two female robots and one of the female humans. You can read one of Arcee’s relationships as romantic or platonic, but she is far beyond just “the girl” of the group, she’s a badass. The other romantic subplot is between a mom who’s deadbeat ex-husband is inexplicably missing, and a pot-bellied Army vet, and it’s really sweet and healthy.
(I think) incredible representation of characters with disability, in Bumblebee’s various war scars and his mutism.
The Gays. I swear there’s a page in the art book (of which I am desperate to find a copy of) for KnockOut and the caption of his art legit says something like “we made him too sexy, oops”.
So. Many. Puns. Puns that know they’re awful and relish in it. Dad jokes, too.
Ratchet losing his mind over how human children can get “twisted limbs and metal burn” if they do a dangerous thing before realizing the latter does not apply. Ratchet losing his mind in general. Just all of the cranky medic. Jeffrey Combs can make a phone book entertaining.
One of the last times we’ll probably get Peter Cullen and Frank Welker together doing Optimus and Megatron, the OGs. And also, one tiny moment where Frank has to say “treasure” and he still flubs it just like he does for Fred in Scooby Doo.
Consistency between character injuries. If Optimus’ sword breaks in a battle, whenever he summons it before he can have time to fix it, it’s still broken in ensuing shots.
An episode of zombies infecting the Decepticons’ ship and Starscream and KnockOut accidentally admitting they love each other while cowering in terror, while also calling back to a different pair of characters they did not witness saying the exact same lines.
Optimus transforming, ramming Megatron in the chest in truck mode, booting him off a cliff, and using his tires to melt rubber in Megatron’s face once they land because he is pissed.
All of Starscream’s immensely satisfying comeuppance for situations he gets himself into.
Using the murder termites for good in a rather horrifying death of a random goon.
Megatron’s hate boner for Optimus that clearly shows how badly these two don’t actually want to kill each other, despite having a million chances to do so, because like Batman and the Joker, “you and I are destined to do this for eternity,” and killing one would leave the other alone, after eons of fighting.
The gorgeous matte paintings.
Somebody on here once drew KnockOut with Autobot blue eyes and I have not been able to find that post since. If anyone sees it, please send it to me, it was gorgeous.
Now go watch this show. You can do it in a weekend.
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shirecorn · 1 year
*raises hand*
does nightmare moon ouccur in this fancy lore version of mlp? if so, how?
Yes, and there is an area of equestria with craters from stomping hooves and a massive valley where one of the goddesses was thrown to the earth. It's a fertile river valley now with a huge blooming city (idk which city. pick one for me)
I havent decided if the battle is going to be a painting or a fic, but I made a playlist that will inspire me when I do get to it.
These songs are picked on vibe rather than lyrics.
Please picture you are a pony watching the sky catch fire and burn, darkened by choking, star-filled smoke, split with sunbeams that char the ground on which they hit. None of it is aimed at you. None of it is aimed at the village where your father lives. None of it is meant to destroy the land or leave chasms where there were once people.
The gods aren't angry with you. But there is a hole where there used to be a town. You know no one survived.
As they cast beams of magic into the sky that rip the atmosphere to shreds, you wonder if the next earthquake will land closer or further from the place where you stand.
You close your eyes and pray it takes you next.
It includes at least one song from an MLP au that I don't know anything about except that the music SLAPS. And that's Infinite Eclipse songs by JC Rowss
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radiolore · 3 months
venture x childhoodfriends!reader
heeeyyy soooo.... I watched that one episode of mlp where twilight meets and reconciles with Moondancer and it inspired me to write this 😈😈
also I haven't written a fanfiction since like.. middle school and for reference I've already graduated so I'm sorry if it's not that good 😭🙏
Sloan Cameron, also known as Venture. a now very well known archeologist, talon fighter, and the occasional overwatch agent. needless to say, their strength, wits, and discoveries has put them in the news and a few articles a good number of times.
right now, believe or not, they're not on some site looking for ancient relics of the past. or, in some way they could be. right now, they're at home looking through old photos of their childhood. they had recently moved after their previous apartment had been destroyed in an omnic attack.
for hours, they had been giggling to themselves, reminiscing old memories.
"awww, that was when I dressed up as a mummy for Halloween! I got called a nerd so many times.." they cringed briefly at the teasing they used to face. not like it was their fault that nobody else seemed to care about having a historically accurate costume! well... nobody except....
"wait.. who's that?" Sloan grabbed another photo, one of them in high school standing next to someone. they scratched their head as they tried to remember who this mystery person is.
"oh! that's y/n!" they finally remembered. their victorious smile faded as they started to remember you. "wow i... completely forgot about them.." they furrowed their brows.
they started to look for more photos of you. the more they saw, the more they remembered.
and the more they remembered about you, the more they remembered what they did to you and the pain they caused.
you and Sloan were best friends. from grade school until high school. the two of you met in grade school, both sharing a passion for dinosaurs, and you were inseparable since. you did everything together. you had a passion for art that matched the passion Sloan had for archeology.
Sloan remembered how you always said that you'd become an infamous artist, creating art for all to see and relate to or empathize with. they thought to themselves... well, if you were as passionate as they were, as they remembered, they were sure they could look you up and find countless of articles and online discussions about you. it would be easy to get in touch with you.
so Sloan pulled out their old cracked phone, and started to do some research on your name.
but... nothing. not so much as an online profile appeared. they blinked, confused. what happened? where were you?
their mind was filled with conflicting thoughts about why they couldn't find you online. they didn't doubt your ability to become successful, but maybe... you have an underground succession thing going on?
after not coming to a satisfying enough conclusion, Sloan shook their head. then they had an idea. even if you don't have an online appearance, you two used to be childhood best friends. it wouldn't be that hard to find you.
Sloan didn't know why, but they felt compelled and determined to find you.
actually, that's a lie. they do know why. they just don't want to think about it.
Sloan's nerves were through the roof right now. they started looking for you in their old hometown, and, surprisingly enough, you never left. so after some asking around, they found the apartment you supposedly lived in.
Sloan felt nervous as they stood at your door, feeling like an unwanted guest. well, they kinda are, but you'd be happy to see your old friend, right? who wouldn't be?
taking a deep breath in and puffing their chest out to feign confidence, they finally mustered up the courage to knock at your door.
after waiting dreadfully for a few seconds, the door slowly creaked open. Sloan's heart raced with anticipation for seeing your face again after so many years. and, from what they heard from the people who live here still, it seems nobody else has really seen you that often either.
eventually, the darkness inside your home filled with some light as Sloan was finally able to see your face. wow... you looked.. different. but still just as beautiful.
you styled your hair/hijab differently now, you were wearing more casual clothes (assumably resting at home), and.... you had bags under your eyes?
Sloan stood there awkwardly, watching your face go from confusion to shock. they lifted a hand and said, "hey..." while looking off to the side, unsure of how to greet you after so many years.
"uhm.. do you remember me? it's me, Sloan! we used to be friends? I just moved recently and I found some photos of us, and I thought of you so I wanted to-" they started rambling a bit, before they got interrupted.
"what are you doing here." Sloan's heart dropped as they heard the slight venom in your tone and they looked at your expression, only to find an emotionless, yet slightly bitter face. it wasn't the face they remembered... you used to be so sweet and caring, never letting a sour expression on your face. so why are you so different now?
"er- well.. I wanted to reconnect. I know we haven't talked in years, a-and I'm sorry for not reaching out before! but I got so focused on my work that i-" they were interrupted yet again as you scoffed, looking away.
"right. I know you were. I see you all the time on the news." you sighed. "look, it was real nice of you to stop by, but I'd rather be alone right now. goodbye." you shut the door.
Sloan stood there, shocked at your words and reaction.
meanwhile, on the other side of the door, your hands shook as you gripped the doorknob still. your heart ached as you just slammed the door in the face of your old friend, and... your old love.
way back when you two were still friends, as you grew up, you grew to like Sloan. like, really like them. they were everything to you. they meant everything to you. that is, until..
you shook the thought away, not wanting to remember. you let out a shaky sigh, trying to clam down from the flurry of emotions flowing through you right now. you held your head in your hands, overwhelmed. another knock at your door snapped you out of your thoughts. feeling anger build up again, you opened the door again, narrowing your exhausted eyes at your ex-friend.
"why are you still here? what do you want from me?" you spewed at them, feeling annoyed at the sight of them still at your door.
"listen, I know that we've- I've been gone for a long time, but I really want to reconnect with you. I want to be friends with you again." they pleaded, hoping you'll agree to their request.
your heart winced at the word "friends". you bit your lip, closed your eyes and sighed. "no thanks. I don't need anyone else, and I certainly don't need you." you closed the door again, this time with the intention of ignoring them if they tried knocking again.
Sloan stood there yet again, not knowing what to do. you were so... angry. and they knew why. and they knew they had to make it up to you. they did try knocking again, but after you didn't open the door again after the third knock, they left. they were still just as determined as ever to make it up to you.
you on the other hand, was determined as ever to push your feelings away and forget about them. you thought you had moved on, but seeing them again just brought up so many old memories, feelings, emotions, and heart break.
you sat on your couch, going through your phone. finally finding your and Sloan's old messages, you scrolled through the countless unread messages you had sent. tears welled up in your eyes as every emotion you felt then made themselves known again.
you remembered the heart ache you felt. the betrayal you felt. the sadness, the anxiety, the frustration, and the anger. you felt so.. distraught. you didn't know what to do with all these emotions.
after what happened, you became a shut-in. you closed yourself off from everyone else. you never left your hometown, never having enough money to do so and no goal in mind of where you would even move to if you wanted to. the sheer pain Sloan had caused you ruined you.
you had spent countless nights remembering them. so many nights wasted on laying in bed awake at 3am crying your eyes out over them. after a while, you convinced yourself that you moved on and that they weren't worth your time or emotions. nobody was worth your heart anymore. and you weren't going to mope around anymore hoping someone would change your mind. and you certaininly weren't going to let Sloan give you that hope.
Sloan felt defeated as they continued on their walk throughout their old town. every idea they had seemed like an idea that wouldn't work or go well.
almost considering giving up and going home, they paused as they saw a flier on a telephone pole. it was an advertisement for an art show coming up, which happens to be the next day. face lighting up, Sloan had an idea, it may be a dumb one, but most of the ideas they had were dumb, and those pretty much always worked out, so why wouldn't this one?
grabbing one of the fliers, they started to make their way back to your home, remembering your door had a mail slot in it.
you were sitting on your couch, sketching in your sketchbook to calm yourself down from earlier. even after what happened all those years ago, you still pursued art as a hobby.
your ears perked up as you heard something go through your mail slot in your door. curious, you got up to check what it was. you opened up the folded piece of paper, and saw it was an ad for an art show coming up tomorrow at the local museum. you felt a little excitement run through you at the thought of going to another art show. you enjoyed going to shows like this, seeing other artists' work. but that excitement was short lived as it was replaced with confusion.
"why am I getting mail at 8pm at night...?" you mumbled to yourself. opening the door, hoping to catch the culprit who gave you this ad, you looked around but found no one in sight. you just shrugged your shoulders and closed the door.
around the corner, Sloan was hiding behind a corner, silently celebrating that didn't seem to find out it was them who left it there and, fingers-crossed, were going to the art show the next day. their heart raced again that day as they prayed that you would show up.
sure enough, the next day came and you dressed up in some nice clothes and showed up to the art show. but, as you were arriving to the first steps to the museum, a familiar face stopped you dead in your tracks. Sloan.
"what are YOU doing here?" you asked, irritated.
Sloan took some steps towards you, "well, I know how passionate you are for art, so I thought I'd invite you here! we could walk through the exhibits and all the art together and catch up!" they excitedly explained, reaching their hand out for you to take.
they looked away for a second, finally being more honest, "look i- I know I hurt you. and I wanted to make it up to you. so please, let me try." they pleaded, looking back at you, flashing that famous smile at you that you loved.
your eyes wavered, considering taking their hand for a brief moment. but then you swallowed your feelings and pushed their hand away.
"and.. you think this is going to make up for everything?" you questioned.
"uhh, yes?" they said, full of hope.
"oh, so, you're gonna invite ME to this art show, when you couldn't even bother to show up to the last one?" you felt your emotions begin to rise up.
"what after this? you're going to leave? are you going to leave me again without even saying goodbye?" tears started to well up in your eyes.
"everyone was expecting me to be able to make a name for myself at that show, to finally start my successful career in art like I said I would! and i completely bombed it! I felt absolutely humiliated!!" your voice started to rise as you finally started venting all your feelings about what happened to them.
"I spent the whole event thinking about you: 'where's Sloan?', 'where are they?', 'maybe they're just late!', 'where's the person that i love?'!" your voice cracked.
"I felt like I didn't matter to you! it was the biggest opportunity of my life and I needed you there, and you! DIDN'T! SHOW! UP!" finally being overwhelmed by your emotions, you stormed off, tears rolling down your face as you ran off back home.
Sloan stood at the entrance of the museum, unaware of the people staring and just focused on your fleeing form. they were absolutely mortified. they knew they had hurt you.. but they didn't know it was this bad. or maybe they just didn't want to accept that it was this bad. they let a few stray tears go down their face before wiping them and coming after you.
you were at home, feeling as embarrassed and exhausted as ever. you felt empty too. tears were still coming down your face as you heard a soft knock at the door. you knew who it was. you briefly contemplated ignoring it, before getting up and opening the door, avoiding eye contact with the tall figure.
"y/n... can- can I come in?" Sloan stammered, unsure if you'd actually say yes.
you didn't even care at this point, you nodded and opened the door enough for them to come inside.
Sloan looked around your home, various art pieces and papers scattered around. they watched as you sat on your couch, following suit.
"hey.. about what-" they started before getting interrupted by none other than you once again. except this time it was much different than the last times.
"im sorry." you croaked out. Sloan had a confused expression on their face.
"i-im sorry for yelling and making a scene like that at the museum. I'm sorry for being so cold to you before when you were just trying to make amends." you genuinely felt guilty. you started to realize that, as much of a horrible friend they were for leaving you, you were just as bad for treating them that way.
Sloan shook their head, "no, I should be the one apologizing." they paused. "I abandoned you when you needed me. and... I never even said goodbye. I left. and we never spoke for over 10 years." Sloan started to feel their own guilt begin to rise up in them as they confessed.
"the reason I left... well, we were 16 and I had gotten accepted for an internship with the wayfinders society. but... it required me to leave to wherever they needed me, whether it's Cairo, Petra, Egypt, anywhere. it was the biggest opportunity of my life... and I knew that if I didn't accept it, I'd miss out on having my dream job." they smiled a bit as they remembered their early days as an archeologist. you started to look up at them, listening to their explanation.
Sloan frowned again, "but... the day they needed me to get on the plane and leave.. was the day of your art show. I had to choose. and... I'm sorry. I couldn't let this opportunity slip by me. so.. I got on the plane and left." their voice started to waver. "i.. I'm sorry I never even said goodbye. I wanted to but... I didn't know how. I knew it'd hurt you. and after you started texting me so much, asking me where I was and why I disappeared and left, I didn't know what to do. I was scared." there were now more tears coming down Sloan's face as they finally confessed how they felt about that whole situation. ever since it happened, they had never told a soul about what they did. they had too much guilt ridden inside them to ever tell that to anybody, especially you.
you reached over to hold their hand, hoping to comfort them, just like you used to.
"im... I'm sorry you had to make that decision. I know it must have been an incredibly difficult one. but you not showing up and leaving without a word really did hurt me a lot..." you swallowed nervously, preparing to say your next words.
"the truth is... the reason why it was so important to me for you to be there was because.. I was going to confess to you afterwards." you closed your eyes, not wanting to see what Sloan's reaction to that was. "i... I had a huge crush on you for so long, and-and i had planned for months how I was going to confess, and after I heard about the art show and applying, I had a whole plan to invite you and confess to you afterwards." your cheeks started to flush a little.
"so... when you didn't show up.. and you left... it completely broke me. I felt abandoned, I felt like you hated me and didn't care about me." your voice started to crack again as tears threatened to spill.
Sloan's own cheeks heated up a little at your confession. you.. liked them? suddenly little behaviors you exhibited way back when started to make sense in their head. seeing that you were about to start crying, they brought a hand up to your face and caressed your cheek with their thumb.
you jumped a little at the sudden feeling of their hand comforting you. it had been so long since you've felt a comforting touch like this, let alone from them. you naturally leaned into and actually begun crying again.
"y/n.. I had no idea you liked me that much.. I'm sorry for not realizing sooner." they paused to think... they knew they never really had feelings for you like that. but... that was over 10 years ago. both of you were completely different people.
"do you think maybe.. we could start over?" Sloan proposed. they still wanted to make things up to you. hurting you was the last thing they ever wanted to do.
you sniffled as you looked up at them through blurry vision and teary eyes.
"i.. I'd like that." you finally smiled. the smile that Sloan loved.
"great.." Sloan cleared their throat as they stuck out their other hand to you for a handshake. "Heya! I'm Sloan, also known as Venture, it's nice to meet you! that's your name?"
you giggled at their silliness, but after calming down, you gently took their hand and shook it. "hi, I'm y/n. it's nice to meet you too." the both of you sat in comfortable silence, smiling at each other.
neither of you knew what your own respective feelings were for the other.. you didn't know if you loved them still. and Sloan didn't know if they'd ever grow to love you the way that you did. but either way, neither of you will ever be abandoning each other. you're here for each other.
I hope at least one of u gooners liked this even tho I yap a lot 🙏🙏
also not proofread cuz it's like 5am and I've been typing for hours and I'm not gonna read allat 😭🙏
hope it was good enough considering I hadn't written for years lol
Bai Bai :3
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tomkaulitzssgirl · 1 year
Hi so I was wondering if you could write like Tom doesn't like to be touched or hugged and he's always grumpy. Basically he's black cat personality and reader is his SO and reader is always like really really sweet, shy, easy scared and always wearing no make up and pink dresses and pink clothes (literally she have like 1 pair of shoes that are white and rest of her clothing is pink)and her personality is Fluttershy from mlp, and how they would be for each other. And maybe some sweet situations or something like that. If you're not comfortable with writing it then just ignore. Bye love you 😘
Grumpy Tom x Shy Sweet Reader
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- ok let’s start off by saying that tom isn’t used to serious relationships and we know that
- so he is uncomfortable with receiving too much affection
- besides that, he is cold with everyone
- he doesn’t like giving affection either
- let’s say that the only thing he shows it’s when he’s horny (a lot lol)
- he’s pretty much grumpy, always giving death stares to people (especially guys if they look at you too much)
- he has to admit though that he has a soft spot for you
- there are only a few times where he showed affection and it was on your birthday or your anniversary
- but he shows the love he has for you in other ways
- he gives you good advice, he helps you with anything you need and he likes to buy you stuff out of the blue
- like a random thing made him think of you? yeah he’s gifting you that
- you show him a purse you like? he has already bought it
- you are the total opposite of him, even your style
- you always dress in pink and very girly meanwhile he wears baggy clothes
- he loves your style though, how you look so feminine
- but he won’t tell you that, sometimes he gives you a compliment but most of the time he makes fun of you (with love) calling you princess bubblegum or fluttershy
- even your personality reminds him of those two since you’re very sweet, caring, shy, quiet but also kinda flirty
- but that doesn’t mean you didn’t have arguments about this, this differences have an effect on your relationship
- one time he didn’t like how clingy you were being infront of his band members so he got annoyed and took your arms off him abruptly
- that led to you crying in your room while he faked that he didn’t care
- but i’m reality he cared a lot and as soon as practice finished he ran to you
- especially because bill was insulting him and telling him how dumb he was
- as he saw you crying he rolled his eyes but deep inside his heart broke at the fact that hr made you sad
- he came closer to you and tried to wipe your tears away but it was you thst slapped his hand away this time
- you told him how invisible you felt to him because even if he showed you affection in other ways, you still needed that in a physical form
- from that moment he started trying harder and harder to be sweet and you appreciated his efforts, even if it was a simple kiss on the cheek or a small cuddle session
- he actually began to like it a little, watching you sleep in his arms was the best thing ever
- you understood that sometimes he needed his space so you let him be and he thanked you for that
- but you love each other so much and he would do whatever it takes to protect you!!!
hope you liked it!!!
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ponett · 1 year
Excluding Sonic and MLP, was there ever an instance where you so involved in a fandom that all your initial feelings go from enthusiasm to complete jadedness because of how hostile it got? Then once you try get back in it again, you couldn’t muster up any feelings due to those bad experiences?
I’ve been feeling like that with Star Wars lately and I think the problem was that I failed to adhere to that kind of advice back when I was 15 with The Force Awakens.
I get that fandom isn’t everything and you shouldn’t let it dictate your life, but it sucks knowing how it can just well… “break” you like that.
i can definitely say i've soured on fandoms in the past, but i'm not sure it's ever quite gotten to the point that it's made me sour on the associated media. like, even after disengaging from much of the wider mlp fandom due to the huge and vocal contingent of reactionary bronies, i still kept watching and enjoying the show and reblogging fanart. it wasn't the show's fault that a bunch of its fans were annoying libertarians, and i wasn't gonna let those assholes take something i enjoyed away from me
but i also haven't been one to engage with capital f Fandoms for like... the better part of a decade now, so fandoms are rarely a factor in me enjoying or not enjoying a thing. instead of feeling some obligation to participate in the Fandom as a whole, i just have my little niches with like-minded fans and ignore the rest as best i can. there will always be toxic or otherwise annoying fans in every fandom, and i am in no way obligated to pay attention to them just because we share a common interest. when i watched succession i did not feel the need to engage with The Succession Fandom and argue peoples' takes on shiv or whatever. i just watched the show
i do get that it can be harder to escape from these conversations with bigger franchises, though. like, with star wars in particular, the extremely heated arguments can be kind of inescapable on social media whenever something new comes out. but i don't know. you've just gotta find ways to shut that out. use blacklists, unfollow people, block people, look at algorithmic feeds less, don't look at the reddit, etc. sometimes the answer really is just to log off
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dapper-lil-arts · 19 days
Thank goodness I've found someone who can't stand Fluttercord. To be honest, I'm not too fond of Discord either. It always struck me as weird that the show seemed determined to sell him as this reformed villain who's changed for the better, and yet he's continued to do the same stuff he did as a villain. And let's not even get into the toxcity of his relationship with Fluttershy. "Keep Calm and Flutter On" is one of the worst episodes that's come out of My Little Pony! It's like this show was desperately trying to make you forget about the moral of "Griffon the Brush-Off".
yeahhhh I'm kind of in a weird place in all this because like. if the intent of the narrative was to explore that being born with cosmic power makes you unfit to wield it and an entirely unsympathetic unempathetic creature, they nailed it. Like, making this guy think hes always the smartest in the room while he's also bitter, petty, easily prone to jealousy and even controlling-- That is exactly what is correct to expect from a being of unlimited power that was born with it. In a sense, it would be clever exploration. ...But it's kind of not that, he's supposed to be one of the good guys and regularly fucks shit up on purpose for everyone, and that's just a weird attitude for the good guys to forgive. Celestia wanted him to use his powers for good, but I struggle to think of one example of him doing so. Even when the changelings took over, his powers were nullified, so he could have been replaced by an earth pony. And then the narrative goes to the thing of "He's only nice now because there's one girl thats cute and pretty that he simps for" And that is just kind of insanely fucked up?! Don't get me wrong, power imbalance can be a fantastic way to explore relationships-- But if I was Fluttershy I'd probs be terrified of having a yandere god that only listens to me because I give him attention, and the moment I decide I want relationships with other people, those people are gonna get turned into piñatas. Okay, tangeant almost over. Maybe this affected even more negatively than most because I watched a show called "Jessica Jones" Where the antagonist is an evil mind controling sadist, BUT, he has a huge crush on the protagonist, and she realises that if she were to sacrifice her own life to be with him, she could essentially trick him, if not convince him to use his insanely powerful powers of coercion to change the world for the better. ...And that's just horrific. Sacrificing your life to be the object of affection of a powerful being just because they might do good things with your presence, not out of their own volition. But hey, that's all subtext, the MLP text is generally lighthearted. (nevermind the finale in which discord literally endangers equestria for shits and giggles, and nevermind the fact that gen 5 proved that without fluttershy Discord would lose his shit and do deranged things to the whole world)
The voice acting is great, the character conceptually is great, but goddamn, why did they think that he's more worth redemption than the literal child? #cozyglowdeservedbetterfromthewriters
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slooshee · 1 year
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I finally have some Human Disguise AU stuff for you guys! I’m planning to do more in depth individual post on each character in the au but here’s some info+art for now!
(A lot of writing ahead haha,,)
Drawing 1 - Sarah, Jonah and Adam are about 10 years old in this au. Sarah lives with her older brother Mark (who survives in this au thanks to a certain silly angel appearing at the right place and time :>). Adam and Jonah live on the church grounds, being fostered by Sister Maria (who is actually Preacher). The boys help out at the Church (helping clean up, helping around the church in general, and they also serve as alter boys) Sarah met them both at school. This is them sneaking out and hanging out at the willow tree they like to meet up at.
Drawing 2 - A little bit of a silly drawing of Sarah and Gabie (Gabriel/Toonbriel, that’s the name he uses while staying on earth) watching older my little pony movies from G3. Not canon (since TVs aren’t really.. like y’know safe) although I do think Sarah would have some MLP toys.
Drawing 3 - rough concept art for HDAU!Adam and Jonah. Nothing really more to add tbh.
Drawing 4 - Sister Maria (aka Preacher) sketch/concept sketch. Sister Maria in this au is Adam’s caretaker after Adam was left with no family. She’s raised him since he was very little. She’s an elderly religious woman. If you were to take off her veil her being an alternate would become much more apparent. Her design was heavily based on the ‘messenger’ image.
Drawing 5 - Adam and preacher. Adam is the only one who has seen the assimilated version of Maria. Although he is not aware Maria and the creature are on in the same. He only sees her at night where it usually stands in the corner of his room, in the dark, keeping watch over him. He usually closes his eyes and tries to drown out the whispering.
Drawing 6 - Thatcher comforting Adam after something startled him. Oh yeah! You better believe I’m shoving dadtcher content into this bad boy!!! Thatcher is probably the closest thing Adam has to any kind of Father figure in his life. Since Adam is the only thing that ‘survived’ the night that Ruth and Adam’s parents died. He ended up taking care of Adam for a short amount of time while he was still a baby. Thatcher was too scared to take care of a baby and especially with his newfound paranoia of the alternates he decided he needed to find a better place for Adam. That’s when Sister Maria visited and offered to be his caretaker till they found him a home. However, since Maria doesn’t/cannot drive Thatcher usually picks him up from school.
Drawing 7 - Adam and Maria, presumably after being returned by Thatcher after Adam tried to run away.
Drawing 8 - SOME CESAR CONTENT?? I definitely will go more in depth on these guys later. I’m still working out actual Cesar’s character and role in this au, if I’m honest. But Cesar fans rejoice! bc he’s alive!! Yippie! Alternate Cesar is the stupid little cat creature you see him holding. Alternate Cesar is first encountered when Vol.1 usually would take place. The difference being once Gabriel/Toonbriel shows up completely by accident the sudden appearance of a heavenly presence scares it away. For the rest of his role he takes the form of a cat-like creature. In order to to be a spy for Lucifer/Alt Gabriel on the real Gabriel.
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nova--michael · 4 months
How the My Little Pony Fandom ruined my mental health (long rant(/essay?))
TW: sexual themes, gore, trauma, self harm, suicidality
I will go in-depth in alot of sensitive topics, please proceed with caution
I got into My Little Pony when Season 2 aired. In 2011, I was 7 at the time, 2nd grade. English isn't my first language, I didn't even know other languages were a thing. That is until I got access to the internet. We had a family computer that I used basically daily. I mostly drew on MSPaint and played Animal Jam. I was a happy little girl at the time. Eventually, I discovered YouTube. Which became my new obsession. I consumed content like an addict. And eventually, I stumbled upon My Little Pony, where people uploaded whole episodes. The first episode I watched was "Fall Weather Friends", S1 E13. I was hooked instantly. Bright colorful Ponies! It reminded me of the Fillys I collected. So I consumed more. Was able to find a playlist with all episodes in order. The only thing is, they were in English, which I didn't understand. But I didn't care. I wanted my magical colorful ponies! So I watched it and had an overwhelmingly fun time. It was "Bridle Gossip" S1 E9 where the language just...clicked for me. I can't explain it, but it felt like I suddenly could understand almost every word and my English knowledge expanded from there. Which was a yay for me, because now I could watch my colorful Pony cartoon and actually understand what they were saying. It gave me a big heads up when we started learning English a year later in 3rd grade. I never learned English in that class, knowledge wise I already knew what I needed and was very far ahead of everyone. All thanks to My Little Pony.
But I think it is also the start of when everything went downhill for me.
I explicitly remember holding paper in front of the screen to trace the Mane 6's outfits from the episode "Suited for Success" S1 E14 with a pencil. The show made me really get into art. I drew My Little Pony left and right, and it eventually led me to DeviantArt, which I still have fond memories of. I found out that people made original characters. So I did so too. One of my first ever character was "Starshine" which I still love dearly and sketch when I'm bored. But this also led me down the Brony Fandom rabbit hole. Once I realized people made their own My Little Pony content it was over. I literally obsessed over fan content. I consumed everything that the Fandom could offer. And when I mean everything, I mean Everything.
I don't know what the first gore or nsfw content I consumed, I really do not remember. But it was ultimately this content that shaped me or....better say traumatized me that still affects me to this day.
Just like many people in the Fandom, I found out what "Cupcakes" is. A creepy, gore fanfiction that was about Pinkie Pie dismembering Rainbow Dash and turning her into Cupcakes. One of the many fan content I consumed but I remember this being one of the first experiences I had with gore. I watched the original video from ocarinaplaya. I was, I had no idea what gore was. But it was MLP, so I watched it. And this was the first straw that altered my brain. It was like a car crash, i couldn't look away. The way Pinkie tortured and cut up Rainbow Dash. And I consumed more. Smile HD, Cupcakes SFM, My Little Paradox, Pony.MOV, Lil Miss Rarity, My Little Amnesia, Elements of Insanity (that I still unironically love to this day), and so much more. You name it, I watched it. Things like Elements of Insanity and Cupcakes SFM all led me down the SFM rabbit hole. SFM = Source Filmmaker. When I see SFM models of the MLP characters now, I swear I get flashbacks. Because through SFM I found sensual MLP content. Of course, not all of SFM was sexual or gore. Some masterpieces like Doors, Fluttershys Dream, The Walk, Remembrance, Nightmare Night, all are so good.
But of course with SFM came very...sensual MLP content. Ponies kissing or Making out or even going as far as almost having sex. And something changed in my brain. I started to...actively search out these videos. Rarijack, TwiDash - Hearts and Hooves Day, Appledash, those freaking Fart and Vore videos. I watched it all. I don't know what I felt at the time, I don't remember or more so I don't want to remember. All I know is that I started to seek them out. Like actively searching for it. Which also led me to non sfm sensual content. Twilight Sparkle Pantsu, Friendship is Benefits, Concerning Pegasi, Fluttershy gets BEEPBEEPED in the Maze and infamous Banned from Equestria.
Remember I was a child. 9-10 at the time. And 99% of these videos didn't have any warnings. Nothing. And even if they had a warning 80% of those were joke warnings.
I consumed alot of My Little Pony porn and gore in my childhood. Unrestricted Internet access traumatized me to no end.
It was Banned from Equestria which had changed a lot for me. Because I found out that it was a game. An actual game you could play. And I sought it out. I played a lot of Pony games too, especially the ones on the very old Hasbro website. But Banned from Equestria was almost too easy to find. I found it on a website mainly for bad porn games. And it had a category that was purely for My Little Pony. I just went to search for it. I only needed to type "mlp porn games" and it was instantly there. 2 clicks is all that it took. Yes, the website is still up sadly. That website led me down another awful rabbit hole of My Little Pony porn games. Again, I was 10, I had no idea what porn was. Or sex. But it was this (and a separate event that happened in my family) that taught me what it was. And again, I searched for those things actively. And played those games religiously. By 10 years old I was a freaking porn addict. Not even gore (which I developed PTSD from), but Porn was the thing that caught my attention. I also learned what masturbation was thanks to that. And I did just that. I masturbated almost on the daily. Found my Mom's toys, stole them, and used them. Now, masturbation isn't a bad thing by any means. It's good to explore your body and what makes you feel good but I was just an innocent kid...
My parents never found out. My Mom eventually caught on I stole her toys but never did anything against it. Nor did she educate me. She let me do my thing. So I basically masturbated daily, sometimes more than once. What being horny was, was something I didn't even know. I only knew I wanted to do this because is saw my colorful ponies do it.
But these porn games made me spiral. I lost so much of my childhood innocence through this. I spend most of my childhood and early teen years (I started puberty when I was 9) by watching porn, playing porn, and the occasional gore. It has twisted what sex even was for me. The whole concept was ruined for me. To this day.
Throughout the next years, I learned more about porn, and went through many different rabbit holes. My Little Pony Porn, actual porn, Furry Porn, it didn't matter. If it was Porn, I consumed it.
I would also blame this addiction was the reason I became/am hypersexual.
And now, over 10 years later, what changed?
Nothing. I have grown so disgusted by Sex, it's why I'm AroAceflux now. I know. Hypersexuality and AroAce? Pick a struggle. But I'm serious. I consume a lot of Porn to this day. Masturbation had died down but it still happens occasionally. The people I follow on Patreon mainly do nsfw content. Hell, I was on Nsfw-twt a few years ago too.
Porn has ruined my whole mental state. It's scientifically proven that subjecting children to porn and gore at an early age can severely damage their development and I think I'm no exception.
My mental health has been very bad since 2016. I started to cut myself frequently and get suicidal. I still carry scars to this day and I do blame a lot on this addiction. I've been self-harm clean for about 3 years now. I was severely suicidal again in 2021 where I almost killed myself has it not been a friend calling the cops i still struggle with being suicidal to this day though, despite having finished therapy.
I also struggled with a lot of identity stuff at the time. I have it figured out now and am openly out as a trans man by a lot of people in my life. And I have an amazing support system now. But I never really had the opportunity to talk about THIS. How the My Little Pony Fandom ruined my mental health due to the content that was created, without any content warnings. I say I also developed my PTSD from this.
Obviously not just that, it was a lot of trauma family and school-wise wise that made me develop PTSD but I also will blame these types of MLP content for this as well.
Now, I love the Brony fandom. I still do. So many people I have met who are in this Fandom are so incredibly nice, but the awful stuff just stands out even more. This was an innocent kids show about colorful ponies and the magic of friendship. Many children with unrestricted internet access watched it. And watched this type of content. The Fandom should have been a lot more critical about the type of content that they post
I know I'm not the only person that was subjected to gore and porn. Many children from 2010-2017 were traumatized by this type of content. And I wouldn't be surprised if many also developed mental disorders because of it, whether it be Depression, PTSD, Hypersexuality, etc. Many of the young fans are scarred
And we still are
And we are still trying to heal as young adults
Hell, I'm turning 20 very soon, and I still struggle so hard with my mental health and the scars I got in my early childhood and early teen years.
I should've spend those years so much differently
But I didn't and know I'm left to pick up the pieces.
I hope this shines some light on the cruel side of the Brony community, I recommend Raymundo2112's video "The SINS of Bronies", it goes also in-depth about the psychological effects of children being subjected to porn and gore
Please be careful what children consume on the internet.
I apologize for this length, I just wanted to talk about it
I'm open to any questions that may come up, and I'm sorry for my irl people who see this
Thank you for reading, it means alot
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justabrainrotvictim · 1 month
I literally was brainstorming the plot for a lps MOVIE, and there were vivid VISIONS of a fanmade trailer in my head OKAY OKAY!!!
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(Rant under cut >-<) Feel free to give your own ideas i would love to read them!!!
Okay so imagine the mlp movie and how they did their models, how crisp and clean with the simple airbrushing at shading points right? Polished and well animated, looking semi-3D? Yeah imagine that but paired with LPS. I think it would look stunning. It would be understandable because both MLP and LPS are made by Hasbro.
I imagined a dynamic 3D-like zoom beginning from the clouds down onto Down-Town city, zooming down the skyscrapers, city park, across bright alleys and busy streets. At some point the pov points towards pets being walked by their owners down to a busy shop of lps.
The drone-like accseleration would cruz through the busy shop of pets jumping for treats and the ring of the cash register from paying customers. Then, finally, the daycare, the theater speakers blasting cute pop music and chattering criters enjoying their time there. With all 7 pets running around doing their little characteristic things and their modles being displayed,. The old timer people watch as they claw at their seats, excited to see their favorite characters.
Then a rattle comes from the Dumb waiter, and this is where we meet the main protagonist, Blythe, off to go to school.
(Stop this looks so good in my head i hope you get it) (i feel like the animation style would be a pixar/illumination style if not hasbro
I feel like the plot would be very cliché like something related to Blythe's Mom, since she was brought up and obviously absent (i hope they didnt apply that she's not dead because then this wouldn't work) but ill go with this plot for now.
I think blythe's mom would reside somwehere in a jungle, in a treehouse even, as a ranger. She would use her gift to aid animals and help them through climate change and relationship problems and sortage. Etc. Haven't fleshed this part out yet.
This movie would be an Adventure Comedy Rated G. (I dont really know how much angst i want in this but whatevr)
Blythe and the pets will be going through an adventure to find out if Blythe's mom is still alive .. as Blythe finds a shread of hope, a clue.. of where she could be.
The pets will be going through airports, a rural city in the east continent, jungles, and especially shenanigans.
Now this just came to me, what if blythe brings the pets with her by the permission of the owners through a cruz or something, THEN being stranded (ignore this happening in the show okay) or something out of Blythe's control where now Blythe and the pets have to face being both lost, on a time crunch, and blythe's quest as a lesser priority. Because if blythe doesnt bring the pets back, she could be in serious trouble.
Blythe Baxter: Main character energy. Helps point the plot in the right direction while also being the most hopeful about her success in finding her mom.
Roger: A silly goose that nearly messes up the plot with his clumsyness. Dont know if he will be apart of blythe being lost.
Twombly: probably very little dialog, unfortunately.
Zoe: Comentary and would get distracted easily with herself, would help with discovering scents and tracking. The most observant.
Pepper: lightens up the mood with her jokes. She even does this in glim and depressing sequences but slowly trails off when she realizes her failure. She would then wallow in the mood while feeling guilty.
Penny Ling: The most useful when finding food of substance that is sonsumable. It is also helpful with being extremely charming and cute in some instances. The heart of the group.
Minka: The most energetic and finds upcoming trouble first. What isn't helpful is how she freaks out crazily to the point where it makes all the pets panic even more. Otherwise, she is the eye of the group.
Sunil: AHHHHHH! He worries a lot.. sort of anxious about everything new around him.
Vinnie: AHHHHHH's with Sunil. Somewhere in the movie, he would find our something utterly impossible - for comedy - that literally no other living being would figure out. This would reference the many times he did something 'smart' to contrast with his character.
Russel: Group parent, bossy pants, and nerd. Too much dialog. Wayyy too much. At some point, one pet even brings up this detail of how he's such a yapper.
Biskits: Totally like ew. Their like so cool and stuff. Yeah.. The young adult demographic LOVESSS them like Velvet and Veneer from Trolls 3. In each separate scene, they wear a new slaying outfit.
Cashmere and Velvet have a cameo btw
Character interaction:
There will be small details in some scenes, kind of easter eggs at some sort like where one is hugging the other or making sure they're okay. Or a pet observing a butterfly ykwim.
(*cough cough* sunil and vinnie hugging when scared)
I honestly feel like there would be random lore drops, like idk how a pet was adopted/raised (SUNIL WAS OBVIOUSLY RAISED AS A BABY) idk i just really want that in a movie like, lore of a character that sounds awesome.
The pets would be super caring with each other. And during their worst, they will comfort verbally or physically whenever one feels down. They will protect one another like family. They will cry. They will suffer.
All characters will experience something out of their comfort zone. All characters will receive character development. Blythe will prioritize her mom over the pets. That's right, you heard me. She will care less about the pets at some point.
She would be so caught up in her own world that she wouldn't notice the pain she's causing her pets by dragging them with her through this journey. How hard it would be to cope with such stress.
That leads to conflict. Blythe's neglectful behavior would lead to a more serious scene where she breaks down at the idea that maybe, her mom is gone. How all evidence points to her death or some other factor. That maybe if she was just a few days earlier, she could have seen her. She could have met her.
Trailers and Theater posters:
The music would be like the intro music to mlp movie , an electric guitar cover of the intro, like JUST IMAGINE HOW BADASS THAT WOULD BEEEEEEE!!!!!
I could not be clearer ENOUGH! Sunil would be in a scene of a trailer saying something like,
*anoyyed groan* "Could this day get any better?!"
*as sacrastic as possible* and then it pours rain and vinnies like,
"Maybe." In a very oblivious voice.
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speedydestinydream · 1 month
Post "Fight or Flight" Episode Thoughts
(general thoughts after watching episode 2 of the milliot spinoff; seeing if my predictions were right and just talking about the episode)
For reference, my pre episode prediction post
• Okay so they did show the video advertisement, and Elliot didn't really freeze up BUT he did stutter a lot which is fair, Milly didn't really speak but thats fair since it's. His gardening club
• Elliot was STRUGGLING with pulling out that fucking weed. Bro you can use a weed cutter THIS IS WHY THEY WERE MADE
• SEAAAANNNNN MOMENTTT YEAAAAHHHHH it's mostly his voice behind the camera but STILL. Also poor guy man accidentally ate compost RIP (Elliot being so apologetic for it,,, Elliot you are me and I am you.)
To be honest I thought black gold was oil tho??? Not compost? Idk
• Elli. Elliot. Elliot Thornton. Why did I just watch you bite into a tomato like an apple.
• Did he change shirts into the exact same shirt after that take cause he definitely had tomato juice on his shirt lol 😭
• Elliot practicing conversations in the mirror 🤨 Giving me huge Jake vibes here JUST LOOK AT HIM
• Milly has a father‼️‼️
• oh god cyberbullying... Elliot NOOOOOO
also for the students that were typing those replies. How stupid do you have to be to cyberbully someone on THE SCHOOLS OFFICAL GACHABOOK POST. WHERE THE FACULTY CAN SEE IT. USE YOUR BRAINS PLEASE
• Also... Bradley's last name is Buckley I think? Bradley Buckley? (the @ on one of the replies of the post)
• "Nothing will change. I'll always be pathetic." ELLIOTTTTTT NOOOOO
• "Stop fighting this isnt you 🥺" - Elliot, probably
• Ms. Cherry is PISSSSEDDDD
• I WAS RIGJT WE DID SEE NEW STAFF (the nurse!!) She seems nice :3
• Elliot: "Oh lord... I wanna die...!"
Milly: "Yeah, he's ok. He's back to normal." LMAO. poor Elliot bro
• He PASSED OUT and still doesn't wanna go home??? Elliot take the free go home excuse it's ok
• awwwwwhhhj he's blushinggg
• Faye and Dominic wanted to be friends with Elliot but thought he was avoiding them and Elliot wanted to be friends with Faye and Dominic but was too scared to talk to them,,,, awwhwwhwhw friiieeennndddssshiiipppp
• damn these two are PASSIONATE about their animals
• He sounds like a really sweet guy
• Bradley. Is blushing. Oh my god
• Man these guys all LOVE Elliot. Treating him like Jake 2.0 LMAAOOOO (seriously tho I'm so happy Elliot has 4 friends now WWOWOOOOO)
• His height compared to Milly I. He's SO FUCKING TALL WHAT. He's gotta be a senior atleast right???? Jesus christ how old is he
• "Who died and made you president of this club?" Dominic you are going up the ranks of my favorite tmf characters at an alarmingly quick rate I'm afraid that when I'm done typing this you'll be in my top 5
• Clozy Crunch? Wonder if it tastes good 🤔
• So real Hailey, princess is a stupid nickname fr
• "Hate is a strong word-" Jake bullied you for 2 years???
"Hate isn't strong enough of a word for me." Real Zander real
#letzandersayfuck2024 rip 😞
• awwwhh Elliot's symbolism with the pink cactus flower that's cute
• God they're so awkward I love them
• Milly you are blushing RED girl
• Hes just gonna. Leave the paper towel on the floor?? 😭 I mean I wouldn't wanna touch it either but atleast kick it to the bathroom??? Jake???
• Jake reprimending himself for embarrassing himself in front of someone and Elliot celebrating the fact he built up the nerve to talk to someone... oh how the tables turn
• Aww butterfly on Bradley's nose
• They're all BUDDIES
• Good ass episode and I was right with a lot of my predictions omg. How did that happen 😭
• Elliot I wanna see more of you and your club YOU WERE FUCKING AWESOME
Anyway that's all I just had to talk about this episode cause it was SSOOOOOSOSOOSOO good. I was literally screaming while it was premiering I was so overjoyed
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eiswolfzero · 7 months
First found this MLP infection AU on DA and got jumpscare when I found it here on Tumblr 😋😂
A question I have for the characters that are not ponies, would those also turn into their G1 selves if getting infected?? Or does it just affect ponys in general??
Characters like Spike for example, Tirek, Grogar (I know that he was Discord), the Smooze, etc
Also, I would find it funny that many Infected ponies wonder ¿where the G1 bad guys go? ¿And the humans? ¿Where are Megan and the witches?
If you wanna know how many G1 bad guys were there, here is a Reddit post with all of them
HI 👋🏻
Hopefully not a bad jumpscare haha!
!!! Thank you for the link actually, I didn't know Discord had an inspiration?? I tried to google it but nothing came up that was useful to me.
Spike is a super special case and won't be affected :)
Okay so, I admit I barely watched the MLP FiM show so I had to google what happened to Tirek so far. He's stone now right? But he would totally be able to get infected too!
G1 ponies would def be super confused at first. But they always seemed a bit more "go with the flow" to me. Applejack is the first to turn and despite seeing her not yet turned friends as her friends but they don't act like it (does that sentence make sense?) she's still quite happy. She's got apples and friendly ponies around her!
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the-64th-gamer · 8 months
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(Started December 3, 2022 - Ended January 1, 2024 - 413 Days)
Am absolutely mindblown to see such an amazing series go through 9 seasons and literally continuously keep getting better and better!!!!!!!
Its been very cool binging it so quickly compared to most old fandom members watching it through syndication. Similar to when I rewatched SU there's such a difference seeing ideas and characters evolve at normal pace than to sit there for years brewing in fandom content that makes you expect them to go a different path. Lots of what I've heard be controversial things like Slice of Life and Starlight in general were some of my favorite parts of the show!!
Fav episode is The Perfect Pear, I was spoiled William Shatner was gonna play someone in the series and was SO FUCKIGN EXCITED when I realized it was him and in such an amazing episode!!!!! The ending was so fucking sweet omg.
Second fav was Slice of Life cause I get it was fanservice but on its own it was a great change of pace in the season to focus on background and side characters!!! After that it feels like they focused on background characters way more and it was very rewarding.
Seeing ***every single shot of Derpy*** was the funnest part of the show, I have personal screenshots of every single time I spotted her and stopping in the middle of songs or big fights just to scream and snapshot them was such a fun scavenger hunt. It made me go NUTS to see them do actual stuff on screen (ESPECIALLY THE SCENE IN BEST GIFT EVER WHEN SHE FINALLY GOT TO SPEAK IN FOREVER). It was also hilarious to see all the error derpies with fucked up colors and hair!!!!! It stopped in the later seasons except a time where she had a purple eye in a single shot, and one where she had big mac's face???? I was having a blast.
Similarly I was also just watching every single background character all the time every time, got to figure out which ponies would be used for which locations, when they'd appear in other places, which special ones could show up anywhere, which ones would do funny stuff, seeing new super cute background characters come in like Sweet Biscuit and Rainbow Stars!!! As someone hyperfocused on stupid stuff this was so fun watching the background nonstop.
Favorite season was season 6 or 7. Starlight was a great link for the episodes and it was the most normal seasons while the writing had gotten really good. Season 8 and 9 are still super good and I love that they were so willing to be bold and change things up a ton to keep interest, but 6 and 7 are closer to the usual baseline episode stuff so they're the best to go back to if I wanna rewatch.
I think the early seasons were still looking for a longterm identity for the show but I think starting season 5 it became this really great constant escalation of things. I really expected the show to just linger around the same ol' topics but it it kept changing the characters lives, the plot, and circumstances a ton while developing old characters and introducing new ones! Out of everything I've watched so far it was like the most masterful way to run a longterm series I've seen. Never felt burnt out or that anything was dragging, but also never felt like it ever lost its core identity!
Season 9 also was just a masterclass on ending a series, every single episode focused on bringing back some side character to give them an interesting spin, or conclude some arcs left behind. There were maybe one or two normal episodes but even those didnt feel like filler! I think the show was at its best throwing new ideas out and then taking a break with a standard friendship problem episode in a normal location. After watching it I don't think there was any missing thread or interesting thing they didn't try out! (Though also the series is formatted well enough they definitely could have continued making tons of standard episodes)
I can't remember if it was season 2 or 3 but I think when they first started introducing like regular songs to non adventure/important episodes it was really off, didn't really mesh well having the show be so musical, but they definitely incorporated it better as they went along and its kinda crazy it worked out well.
BTW I've steered clear from almost all opinions on the show outside of what Ray tells me so I dont know what of my opinions are universal to the fandom, but holy shit the season 8-9 intro sucks so much ass, all of the timing is COMPLETELY lost, theres that stupid school zoom out shot thats just maud hitting a rock in the middle of the road as it slowwwwwly pans, the backgrounds are way too visually noisy in the classrooms and the castle and its just an absolutely horrible nightmare that was thrown together in a day.
But yeah great show favorite show best show!!!!! I now get to see a decade of fan content and reviews and discussions n such!!! I watched some that were time appropriate for the current season I was watching to avoid spoilers but nows time for the floodgates!!!!! I'm glad I'll be able to hold onto my opinions now though and seperate them from anything I'm gonna further see discussed by all the old fans. I'm sure there will be tons of complaints I never considered but as I see it now that was a perfect run of television that I love very dearly!!!! Its certainly changed my life going forward lol.
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howlingday · 7 months
Do you think Salem has hobbies if she does what kind of hobbies would she have? What would her inner circles hobbies be?
Let's see... Going for jokes and whatnot, let's see what kind of hobbies Salem and her inner circle probably has.
Salem is literally making Grimm all the time in her black pool. That said, I could see her also being really into cooking and might even watch cooking shows and cooking along with them. She then has her Grimm dispose of what's left of the meals when the inner circle is done eating.
Up next, we have Cinder, who is constantly plotting and scheming of way to become more powerful. It's kinda hard for me to say what she likes to do since most of what she does is all in the interest of serving the purpose of a later goal. That said, I'm having trouble thinking of anything since most of it would be more what she considers a waste of time... except gardening. She has her own personal garden that she plants seeds for and waters until they grow into beautiful flowers or food-stuffs for Salem to cook with. It may also better solidify her ties with Salem.
Tyrian is Salem's oldest and most faithful servant, serving as her tracker and hunter for the Maidens and the relics. Since murder isn't considering a viable hobby, part of me wants to say hunting, though I can't really see Tyrian as a hunting guy. Not with long range methods, anyways. Now fishing is a different story. I could see him dipping his tail into the water, using it was a hook until he yanks up the hapless fish. He also provides Salem with her cooking supplies. Am I just making up a Salem cooking AU? Who know.
Watts is Salem's tech guy, and he is very good at hacking and other computer-based things. Aside from that, I could also see him into other intellectually-driven pursuits. Not chess because chess is too important to the story of RWBY. No, I'm thinking more like crossword puzzles and sudokus. His morning paper is all he needs to have a good time. And if he screws up, he can just erase it because he's not an idiot who fills out the crossword in pen! YOU HAVE PENCILS! USE THEM! ...Wait, what were we talking about?
Hazel. Oh, Hazel, how sad it was to see you go after coming so far. Judging by his size, you'd think he'd be big into weight-lifting and some kind of martial-arts routine, but I think he instead picks up where his sister probably left off with her hobby. I'm thinking things like books or movies or maybe even like tiny horse figurines. Stuff you wouldn't normally associate with an eight-foot-tall brickhouse with an immunity to pain and an unquenchable desire for hate.
Let's see, who else is in Salem's Inner Circle? Looking at the Wiki, it's... Oh no. Ohoho my god... Evernight Castle? No, that's not what it's called, is it? Oh, it is! Oh my god, and it's located in "The Land of Darkness". Yeah, no, Hazel is definitely an MLP fan and he joined the villains to avenge his dead sister. Just... Oh my god... This cannot be real! Ugh... Anyway, who else is there?
Wait, who the hell is Vermillion Raddock? Oh, RWBY: Grimm Campaign. Yeah, one of these days I'll actually see it or hopefully play it, but good golly, will it be a while. Did they ever sell Grimm Campaign merchandise, or was it just a podcast that we had to be members of RT to watch? Oh well, questions for later.
Let's see... Tock... Unnamed female warrior... Oh, Mercury! I guess Emerald isn't a member, either, huh? Or even a member at all? Anyway...
Mercury is probably the easiest to figure out for me. Judging by how he's into sniffing boots and recording genocide, I'm gonna guess he's a blogger of some kind as a hobby. He's not in it for the money, just for the reactions he can get out of people. But then again, I may have a bias against the guy who recorded people being murdered with a smile on his face. Seriously, fuck this guy!
But I could be wrong on all accounts for these characters. What do you guys think?
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mysterybooks-world · 8 months
Guys, I have a great story idea
do you know Frowny Fox from GameToons?
Frowny Fox is a rejected toy of Playtime Co. and a rejected member of the Smiling Critters.
my idea is
( I reincarnated to Frowny Fox )
Listen to my idea
y/n was a teenager and a fan of Games & fan story
y/n You like video games & played (poppy playtime) before & And watch The GameToons channel.
When y/n died. they reincarnated to Frowny Fox
They were pleased Because Frowny Fox was their favorite character
My idea is to summarize the story.
After you realize that you Die and become Frowny Fox
y/n Decisions to live a happy and adventurous life
first: You tried to find out if there was a guide and Find a screen
shows you your level and your advantages
Kind of reminds you of undertale
secondly: Fix your body.
You search for a laboratory & you Find the materials to Fix Yourbody.
And you have found a shoulder bag
thirdly: Look for Frowny Fox project ownership papers And destroy the backup copy
Even if you were a rejected toy It is better to be completely free From the factory and CEO
you expected it to be difficult, But you found it easy surprisingly.
You said to yourself: Okay makes sense After all I know the law of the universe GameToons
Fourthly: Find a way out of the factory After you left a message to Hoppy Hopscotch the only and true friend to Frowny Fox
fifthly: What is your goal?
Simply You help people of all ages: like
Abuse Children
Fix parents' relationship with their children however if the parents Don't change
y/n uses the phone to call the authorities and says they are an unknown person who would like to report an Abuse Child.
After the intervention of the authorities
y/n helps find a new family for Children.
Children who are bullied or do not have self-confidence or Autistic children.
teenagers & Adults who find difficulty in their lives
People who Face Trauma & Losing someone dear to them & Mourning
y/n as Frowny Fox you listen to their stories and Help them
After you left the factory
your level up And you earned it new power
Like your bag
y/n appearance changed a little
Imagine with me a Frowny Fox wears glasses
(A note I am a person who wears glasses and I like my character to have glasses So I make y/n a person who wore glasses before they died)
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(I want his hair to be fluffy and soft)
Imagine this scene with me:
Frowny Fox sings at a music festival With a teenage band
Like this scene (Let It Rain | MLP: Equestria Girls)
Imagine a smoke coming out of the mouth of Frowny Fox And drying up people like Sunset Shimmer
(This is the color of the gas)
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You have to admit that this is a fitting (Let It Rain | MLP)song for Frowny Fox
I have other songs that suit the story scenes, I imagine it such as:
(“Gonna Be My Day” My Little Pony: A New Generation) (Good Vibes | MLP: Equestria Girls ) (Run to Break Free | MLP: Equestria Girls) (Equestria Girls Season 2 | 'Find the Magic' Music Video) (Play (Original Broadway Cast Recording)) (Applause - Lady Gaga (Lyrics)) (Top Of The World From the Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile ) (Rip Up The Recipe From the Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile ) (Carried Away From the Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile) (Take A Look At Us Now From the Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile) (Running Out Of Time - The Motion Picture Soundtrack Vivo) (Keep the beat The - Motion Picture Soundtrack Vivo) (Tough crowd - Motion Picture Soundtrack Vivo) ("Wake Up" Clip | Julie and the Phantoms) ("Flying Solo" Clip | Julie and the Phantoms) ("Finally Free" Clip | Julie and the Phantoms) ("Bright" | Julie and the Phantoms) (Stand Tall" Julie and the Phantoms) (Touch The Sky (Brave) Cover) (Lena Hall - The Magic Inside (I Am Just a Pony) (Aviators Remix)) (Who I Am - Lyrics | Tinkerbell and the Pirate Fairy) (Weightless - Lyrics | Tinkerbell and the Pirate Fairy) ("Float" from Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast) (I'll Save You - Jordan Sweeto) (Anna Blue- Where Do I Go?) (Wildside (From "Adventures in Babysitting") ( Theme Song Zendaya - Keep It Undercover) (This Is Me From "Camp Rock") (Victorious Karaoke | Freak the Freak Out) (The Greatest Showman | "Never Enough") (The Greatest Showman Cast - The Greatest Show) (The Greatest Showman | "From Now On") (Will Smith - Friend Like Me from Aladdin) (Adam Friedman - Glorious (lyrics)) (When Can I See You Again - Owl City) (Owl City, Carly Rae Jepsen - Good Time) (Post Malone, Swae Lee - Sunflower) (Song of the Sea | Lullaby) (Bubble OST Florence Mok) ((bubble) theme song Smooth but only the Bubble and Humming sounds 🎶ONE HOUR🎶) (What Else Can I Do? From "Encanto") (Lundh & Jon Becker - Tonight) (Rival & Cadmium - Seasons) (Rival & Arc North - Starlight) (Rival & Cadmium - Fight For Me) (Arensky x Marin Hoxha x Jon Becker - My Gaming Life) (Dominick Soth - Chasing) (Unknown Brain & Spce CadeX - Holding You) (Real Hypha - Getaway)
Yes, I know it's a long list of songs, Anyway
I came up with this idea after watching: REVENGE of the REJECT CRITTER
My brain said to me: Do you remember fan Stories of reborn as UnderTale characters
reborn as Sans or Frisk or Undyne Or any other characters
My brain: Why don't you write a story like this About a reader reborn as Frowny Fox?
This is a thought that buzzed in my head like a bee
There are many ideas for story chapters.
After Frowny Fox became famous.
The evil CEO ordered To catch that toy
The evil CEO asked how this happened and how Frowny Fox escaped from his factory
Evil CEO: Oh if I knew this would happen and mumbles
Wilson: sir
Evil CEO: What do you want
Wilson: I checked the cameras Like what you asked about Frowny Fox
Evil CEO: Did you find something?
Wilson: Seemingly Frowny Fox went to a laboratory. then he went to Records.
Wilson: I went to check the Records room.
Wilson: I discovered that he took The original papers of the Frowny Fox project ownership papers And he destroyed the backup copy But he left something out
Evil CEO: Let me see
It was a USB With files
The files were How to fix & update: the reject toys and the forgotten toys And a hair growth formula file for the CEO.
while the USB contains a film of Smiling Critters.
The movie is about There is an evil character Take control of CatNap It makes him create nightmares for children
In this adventure with Smiling Critters With children who save CatNap from the control of the evil one.
Do you remember his episode:
CATNAP is NOT a MONSTER… (Cartoon Animation)
the Scene: (2:25/8:30)
They said: the tape got all warped
so Frowny Fox make Cartoon movie.
With this movie, the people might give CatNap another chance To buy him
There is a file on how to fix CatNap gas problem.
And there too Cartoon episodes about Poppy Playtime toys
Do you remember the episode:
THE FORGOTTEN TOYS… (Cartoon Animation) The REJECT Toys… (Cartoon Animation)
y/n felt sorry for toys In the factory So y/n decided to make ever toys feel loved
Before y/n escaped from the factory, y/n did some research About toys And their problems
After y/n found problems with them and Writ a book of solutions How to fix them & update toys
the a reason that y/n made a Cartoon of Poppy Playtime toys
This is the best promotional method for the reject toys and the forgotten toys
Children will love their stories So it makes sense they will buy toys.
There is a blueprint to build it Repair machine for toys
if there was a toy It was made in bad condition like
LEGEND of KILLY WILLY… (Cartoon Animation) the Scene: 2:20/11:09 The REJECT CRITTER… (Cartoon Animation) the Scene: 0:10/8:33
so y/n explained in a message
Instead of throwing them in the incinerator
Why not fix them?
the machine is called (fixesyl)
Any damaged or bad-looking toy will be repaired by (fixesyl) machine
And finally there was an envelope letter for the CEO
it says:
((If you are reading this, This means you know I'm not in your factory
I don't mind you making Frowny Fox toys But no more evil things
I wanted to know what idiot had thought of making me smell like a wet fox
this is not fair Why do the Smiling Critters have the smell of flowers or fruits while I smell like wet fox
Why didn't they give me a berry scent or Spring rain
And don't worry I will send you the second season of Cartoon Poppy Playtime toys.
After showing the First season the episodes.
And trust me when I tell you, you couldn't find me or catch me however I wouldn't mind being your business partner.
I know what you're thinking right now
I the CEO work with a reject critter, and will Maybe not reject toy anymore.
I will find a way to keep in touch with you.
I have a lot of ideas for you.
I confirm my ideas make you rich dozens of times.
But ask yourself, do you really want me to be your enemy?
So in your opinion:
A: Make me a partner does not care about his share of the profit of the business. just wants you to stop Hurt toys and people
B: If you think the Prototype or Player Or any other toys was worst enemys, wait and see what I capabilities of.
We both know the answer to the question
I know you will make the right choice.
note: I made a hair growth formula for you
From your friend And your future partner Frowny Fox))
Let's say Things are getting better improvement In the factory
Some were Confused & doubtful, Others were surprised But some were happy about the change
especially reject toys and forgotten toys They were really happy about the change For example CatNap is Glad he's back in the TV show With his comrades, He does not know the reason for the change But he likes it.
There were a lot of rumors about the CEO's New business partner, No one knows who they are.
And a lot of drama.
Anyway I will do something evil in my au
Do you want to know what it is?
I make the Evil CEO's relationship with Frowny Fox like a parent a With their child relationship
I can imagine the CEO As a member Of the Bad Parents Club Consisting of
(Mommy Long Legs & Daddy Long Legs)( Boxy Boo parents) (BUNZO parents) (the PROTOTYPE)
I know what you're thinking: the PROTOTYPE is not a Parent But if you saw episode:
PJ PUGAPILLAR's DARK SECRET… (Cartoon Animation)
(the Scene: 1:00/8:20)
of course the Evil CEO will deny this And he still says the evilboss only cares about money.
while Frowny Fox grin and gives him knowledge looks.
In part of the story events.
there is evil oc
An evil person Trick the CEO To have him sign the papers handing over ownership of the factory
After he kicked the CEO out of the factory.
the evil oc found a way to conquer ever toys
using Minimize gun it made big toys very small and made them lose their abilities
even The Prototype Defeated
all toys became his prisoner
he Lock them up like this cages
Tumblr media
the Image from: The LOOKIES Get REVENGE! (Cartoon Animation)
While giving his evil speech in front of toys cages And the terrible things he will do to them But he was interrupted by one of Co-Workers.
Sir, there is a Missing toy
Evil OC: WHAT, How did this happen?
And what is the name of this toy?
the Worker: Frowny Fox one of the Smiling Critters, We couldn't find him Because he is not in the factory, sir
Hoppy Hopscotch raised her ear When she heard her friend's name
Smiling Critters know who he is Frowny Fox but Other toys do not know him
Evil OC: What that is impossible, these toys do not leave this factory, but live in it.
Wilson: you see sir, the situation With Frowny Fox is different
Evil OC: How so
Wilson: Explain the situation that Frowny Fox was The newest Smiling Critter is invented but he was rejected.
But that won't stop Frowny Fox from move forward.
And explain the rest
the Evil OC and toys were shocked When they knew that Frowny Fox was the business partner with the CEO.
the Evil OC: ordered them to catch him.
Then the Evil OC went to a meeting room With some of Workers.
Hoppy Hopscotch: Don't worry I'm sure Frowny Fox will save us.
Player: Does anyone else know who Frowny Fox is
Poppy: CatNap do know him
CatNap: Yes I know him And true I feel regret When I knew The person who Fix my reputation I treated him badly.
DogDay: no we all did treated him badly will except Hoppy
KickinChicken: we kinda ,played rough with him
Hoppy Hopscotch Shouted: you played rough with him.
you guys bully him and Didn't give him a chance Because he was different from us.
and CatNap do you remember that day When you bring Frowny Fox
The reason Frowny Fox attacked Bubba & DogDay because of they hurt him first. You didn't ask what happened And you attack him without giving him a chance to Explains the situation
The REJECT CRITTER… (Cartoon Animation)(the Scene: 7:44/8:33)
What about that another time when DogDay & KickinChicke threw Frowny Fox away in the incinerator
REVENGE of the REJECT CRITTER (the Scene:0:55/8:17)
DogDay: It was an accident
KickinChicken: Yes, and don't forget that you were pulling His hand too And then we loss of balance Then he fell in the incinerator Then he came back in big monster and tried to kill us.
REVENGE of the REJECT CRITTER (the Scene: 7:12/8:17)
Bubba Bubbaphant: Since that day we have not seen him again
Mommy LL: Why am I not surprised
Boxy Boo: Wow, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't save you
Lovey Dovey: And here I thought I had a personal problem with my Twin sister
sir poops a lot:This is not acceptable to forgive you After what you did to him
Me and my comrades know how he feels Because we were rejected toys too And we were going to stay like that But thanks to Frowny Fox. he gave us another chance to be on store shelves.
Then they started quarreling with each other
Poppy: That's enough, everyone. Listen. We have to work together if you want to get out And return to our natural sizes & And regain are Our strength
Huggy: She's right, We need a plan,
while the CEO meet Frowny Fox by coincidence
the CEO immediately hugged him, And how happy he is that he found him.
Frowny Fox: What is happening In factory.
the CEO Explain how a "Evil OC" Trick him to Sign in a contract that Handing over ownership of the factory to them
to make it short: Everyone was saved and the Ownership of the factory was returned to the CEO
From that day on, some things changed in the factory
Thanks to Frowny Fox They have a Peace Treaty between Toys and Humans
But some details have not changed in the factory's life
Such as chasing or intimidating.
y/n remembers episode of:(BABY LONG LEGS Wants to Be HUMAN)
(The Scene: 3:56/11:22)& (11:15/11:22)
if Baby Long Legs can transform into a human Then back to being his toy self again
What if there was a way to help those who were transformed into toys
So y/n as Frowny Fox With some of the scientists of PlayCo.
Frowny Fox created a device Makes toys who were human Or an animal can be transformed back to themselves
the device design It could be bracelets & a Hair clip & a badge or a necklace & a ring & a watch
with this device They can turn to human self Then back to being toy self again.
So I will ask you what you think of my au idea
Of course, someone will ask if I wrote the first Chapter
Unfortunately, no Because I was busy drawing Frowny Fox
I try to improve my drawing.
But if I find some time I might be able to wrote the first Chapter
Okay, why do I feel if I opened my page the next day There would be many of you?
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