#whether its by surrogacy or adoption
koroart · 1 year
Thinking Lambrigue thoughts and like...how cute it would be if they raised a baby together 🥺
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ben-marco · 4 months
I'm hoping no one here still sees Legion (legion.sys on TikTok) as a legitimate source of information, but just in case you do, you should probably know that they have recently:
Gone 100% down the radfem/TERF pipeline
Made fun of the male suicide rate and complained about Men's Mental Health Month (their excuse is that they don't want it to be during Pride Month, but considering they openly call themselves a "proud misandrist", I don't think it matters to them whether or not Men's Mental Health Month is in June)
Derailed conversations about the genocide in Gaza in order to rant and make bizarre accusations about Israel running a "multinational trafficking ring" in the United States and United Kingdom, decentering actual victims of genocide in order to talk about RAMCOA instead and imply that there are people in the US and UK who are "directly affected" by the genocide instead of, you know, the actual Palestinians being murdered; said that the genocide itself is RAMCOA
Said that surrogacy and adoption are both forms of human trafficking, referred to adoptive parents as "PIEs" or "parent-identified exploiters"
Posted islamophobic and anti-religious content; saying that "islam supports pedophilia" and that "all abrahamic religions" are misogynistic and that you cannot be feminist and religious simultaneously, and
Spread egregious misinformation about ME/CFS, its symptoms and its diagnostic criteria that is easily disproved with basic Google searches; specifically coming up with non-existent "levels" of ME/CFS and stating that ME/CFS results in the growth of white matter in the brain when it's actually associated with the opposite
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bluedalahorse · 1 year
Young Royals, parenthood, and reproductive autonomy (a meta I guess)
Especially with season 3 approaching, people talk a lot about whether or not Wilhelm will accept or reject the throne. This is often framed in terms of Wilhelm’s love for Simon, as well as his ability to own and express his queer (albeit as of yet unlabeled) identity. We also discuss this in terms of what sort of symbolic leader Wilhelm could be for Sweden.
There’s one question I want to add to the mix, when we consider Wilhelm’s future: to what extent is Wilhelm willing or eager to become a parent someday?
To build upon that a little further: to what extent is parenthood a choice for Wilhelm in a system where he is expected and required to father an heir, and probably a spare as well? What does his reproductive agency look like in that situation?
Now, I don’t want to turn this into a discussion of the reproductive mechanics of the line of succession. I know a lot of folks have speculated ways that can or can’t be addressed, and have talked about issues like surrogacy laws and adoption and whatever else. I also know there’s the possibility of the throne going to some relative or another. I’m not interested in that right now! Instead, I want to focus on the practical and emotional aspects of what it means for Wilhelm to contemplate future parenthood.
So let’s ask some more questions: does Wilhelm actually want children? If so, at roughly what age does he want kids? About how many kids does Wilhelm want? If he wants more than one kid, about how spaced apart does he want to have them? What are his views on how to parent? These are all questions that Wilhelm should have a choice to contemplate on his own, but likely won’t as long as he remains crown prince. The social norms of the monarchy likely dictate that becoming a parent happens at a certain time and pace, in a particular manner. Moreover there’s a certain prescribed way it has to all be presented to the public. Finally, Wilhelm knows that by having a kid while in the role as monarch, he would set that kid up for some of the same things he went through as a child, unless he takes extra care to break and dismantle toxic cycles. His child would be an heir to the throne and certain things would be expected of that child, the way they were of him.
The upshot of all of this is that YR raises questions about Wilhelm’s reproductive autonomy and future in a way we don’t usually get to see for cisgender male characters in teen dramas. (I would also say we get an intimations of this with August and Erik, as well—we’ve seen the way the royal court has exerted their influence over both when it comes to relationships and sexuality.) These kinds of conflicts and dilemmas usually only come up when they involve characters with uteruses. So it’s interesting to see the way that YR plays with this idea of reproductive autonomy, and extends the discussion.
Possibly a take that will bug some of my fellow fans, but I’m going to say it anyway: this is why I think Sara having a potential pregnancy or pregnancy scare could be on theme for season 3. I’m not saying it’s definitely gonna happen. What I am saying is that if it did happen, it would fit in with the show’s themes and dramatic questions as already established and would be more than just “drama.” (Drama in a program classified by its genre as a drama? You don’t say!) Sara would have to contemplate some of the same questions that Wilhelm contemplates about parenthood and parenting, and you could parallel their two arcs quite effectively. 
Now, obviously they would also be in very different situations with different things at stake. Wilhelm’s class situation and reproductive organs are naturally different than Sara’s, so they’re naturally going to experience this parenthood differently. Sara would also have to engage with this question on a bodily level, as she’d be the one carrying a pregnancy to term, and that is a nine month process that takes a lot out on the body even in “healthy” pregnancies. (Pregnancy tends to be tougher for people with autism, too.) Finally, Sara will have to think about her own parents a lot, and what she absorbed from them. What does it mean for Sara to contemplate parenthood when she herself is the child of an abusive relationship?
Now, I want to point out that we’ve also seen YR use this strategy of parallels between characters for exploring other issues. Felice and August both struggle with perfectionism and body image, but that plays out differently for them due to differences in gender, race, and family structure. Simon and Sara grapple with similar questions about relationships and being in love and season 2, but experience that differently due to gender, sexual orientation, and neurotype. Simon and August both struggle with trauma around fathers with drug addiction, that causes them to engage with drugs in unsafe ways (August mostly by using, Simon mostly by dealing), but we know they’ll be seen differently by others because of their class. And so on. Part of what YR does so well is the way it shows how human beings can hold experiences in common, but still be divided in how they experience them based on systems that reinforce a social hierarchy. Paralleling Wilhelm and Sara around dramatic questions of future parenthood and reproductive autonomy could be really illuminating.
While I firmly believe that, if Sara has a pregnancy situation/pregnancy scare, Sara herself should be centered in that particular plotline, we also know such a plotline would likely involve August as the person who donated half the DNA of the fetus in question. Which then throws August’s arc into a suddenly very real and frightening place: he’s in a position where he could perhaps in the most basic sense fulfill the “destiny” ordered of him by the Society and by the machinations of the royal court members who want him as Wilhelm’s backup. (We know what that phone conversation he has with Jan-Olof is really about, and again I remain grossed out.) 
And yes, we also know that August has exercised his capacity to seriously harm others multiple times throughout seasons 1 and 2, and that he is about to be in serious legal trouble for leaking the video. Even without that, what would it mean for him to have to think about these questions of parenthood when he hasn’t fully processed the trauma and grief of losing his own father, or had a chance to heal his fractured relationship with his mother? Whether you come at the horror of August fathering a child from the angle of August as someone who has relentlessly hurt others, or from the angle of August as someone with deep, parent-related pain of his own and minimal support to navigate that pain, I think ultimately what we’re being shown here is the ruthlessness of monarchy as it relies on reproduction to keep itself going. Does it matter that an heir to the throne is loved and celebrated for who they are and given therapy for their trauma, as long as the heir exists, reaches adulthood, and one day produces another heir?
Which then opens up another question that I think once again applies to Wilhelm, and maybe Sara as well. If having children is a way to maintain and preserve status for the upper classes, what does that mean for Wilhelm? Can Wilhelm believe his mother loves him, if having children is more a mandate for someone in her position than a choice? This may be a question Wilhelm has to sit with, and it’s possibly something Kristina needs to sit with too. Has Kristina ever considered Wilhelm a loving choice she’s making, rather than a destiny? I think this would be a great opportunity to explore Kristina as a person, and not just as a royal or a mother.
Meanwhile, having children is expensive and consumes time and energy, and someone who is working class and autistic like Sara is going to have fewer resources to deal with this situation. Luckily, as someone who lives in Sweden, she has safe and reliable access to abortion (glaring at my own horrendous country here) which I imagine will be the option she would end up choosing in that kind of plotline. But that doesn’t mean she won’t have to stress over her situation or face gossip or even negative press attention because of it. Not to mention the way Sara’s own conscience may weigh on her, if she’s pregnant with the child of someone who harmed her brother, her (ex?) best friend, and other people so dramatically? Is there a part of her that would kind of want the child anyway, perhaps in another circumstance? What would it mean, to want that child? This sounds like something Sara and Linda could discuss, and maybe come to understand one another on.
Lisa once said one of the dramatic questions of Young Royals was whether or not people become their parents. If we are going to engage with that question, one way to raise the stakes around it is to make the question of parenthood and reproductive autonomy more real and urgent. Again, I’m not saying this will happen. This is not a season 3 prediction post. But I do think if it did happen, it would be in line with what we’ve seen from the series and its exploration of families and privilege.
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coochiequeens · 4 months
Countries that ban commercial surrogacy but allow altruistic surrogacy are by default allowing would be reproductive purchasers to guilt trip young women into inconveniencing herself for over a year when they could look into adopting.
MAY 31, 2024 - 1:10PM
Ireland has mummy issues. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the upcoming Assisted Human Reproduction Bill. The proposed legislation, which passed through the Dáil on Wednesday, would allow those who have been resident in Ireland for two years to hire women from a list of approved countries to serve as surrogates, gestating and giving birth to babies who will then be handed over to them.
The main body of the bill concerns the licensing of agencies engaged in international surrogacy and the establishment of new legal frameworks. So-called “intended parents” will have legal rights, even where the baby is born abroad, provided the child has a “genetic link to at least one” of them.
While the ban on commercial surrogacy remains in place, a “reasonable sum” can be offered, and it seems entirely likely this will open the door to pregnancy-as-employment. For example, legitimate expenses will include the loss of income by the surrogate mother for up to one year and the salary of a cleaner for the duration of the pregnancy. There are a range of safeguards in place to ensure that prospective surrogate mothers are not exploited, but whether these will be respected in jurisdictions outside Ireland remains questionable.
With fertility rates plummeting across the world, the baby-making business is set to boom; in 2022 the surrogacy industry was valued at $14 billion. Given the swelling commercial clout, it seems likely smaller countries will cave to domestic and international pressure by loosening laws.
The Irish bill will bring the country closer to the UK, which allows for altruistic surrogacy. Notably, while Russia and Ukraine have lax laws and effectively allow surrogate mothers to be paid, all forms of the practice are outlawed across much of Europe, including Italy, Spain, France and Germany.
Many of the bill’s proponents have heralded it as marking progress toward equality between same-sex and opposite-sex couples, toward a forward-looking Ireland free from the scandals of its Catholic past.
The bill’s righteous and progressive aims were cemented in January when the Pope called surrogacy “a grave violation of the dignity of the woman and the child, based on the exploitation of situations of the mother’s material needs.” “A child is always a gift and never the basis of a commercial contract,” he added.
Chair of the Fine Gael parliamentary party, Alan Farrell TD, swelled with pride during a debate on the bill as he reflected: “We have seen dramatic changes in women’s rights and LGBT rights in Ireland, led by the public and pursued by the Government. This bill is the latest where successive governments have sought to build on that progress and deliver real change that reflects more understanding and an equal country.”
A spokesperson from the LGB rights group “Not All Gays” told me that opposition to the legislation has been framed as “anti-LGBTQIA”. “When will they stop weaponising LGB’s struggles and genuine homophobia to push for ethically dubious laws that could be plucked straight out of Gilead?” she asked. “We are not your shield to be used to silence reasonable debate or opposition to laws that seek to erode the rights and civil liberties.”
Just as with the dissolution of women’s rights at the hands of trans activists, this most recent threat to women’s dignity, health and happiness has come cloaked in the rainbow flag. But in reality, it signifies nothing more than a social shift toward the commercialisation of women’s bodies.
It is a triumph of market forces, of the state-sanctioned use of wombs for the production of a designer accessory. Provided the mother meets the minimum requirements, couples and individuals who have commissioned babies will be able to pose with them for Instagram snaps as soon as the mother has given birth.
The bill will probably pass into law, and Ireland will become a land where virgins may indeed become mothers. It is conceivable that future generations will look back on the period of legalised surrogacy with horror as we now do the brutal homes where unmarried mothers had their infants ripped from their care.
Josephine Bartosch is a freelance writer and assistant editor at The Critic.
In the meantime
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sionisjaune · 1 year
present day brocedes r like we need to have a carefully planned out casual threesome to prove we're ready to be parents (the step before Lewis joins the coparenting with Nico and Vivian)
cause if u can't even take care of a third person without it getting messy howre u gonna handle christmas in monaco new years in LA
Ok I am seriously thinking about the logistics of mick/lewis/nico fic and... on one hand the easiest way to make it work is if the mick/nico/lewis is just a transient thing on the way to a nico/lewis endgame. BUT in my mind I have set up a nico/lewis that are actually functional and mindful of other people (insane thing to consider). So YES as per usual you are right and a giant genius BUT on the other hand if I were to do mick/lewis/nico I would want the relationship to be travelling towards its own endgame. The problem of course is that I cannot imagine what that endgame would like like because mick/lewis/nico has no precedent or canon that I can work with...
ALSO (under the cut because this is only kind of related), now that I'm on my brocedes in 2023 soapbox, I want to talk about one of the main obstacles to brocedes endgame (at least as I see it).
Lewis has expressed a strong desire to HAVE KIDS. And RAISE HIS FAMILY IN THE HOUSE IN COLORADO. Nico on the other hand has already had two children who are installed in Monaco, and for the sake of brocedes endgame he must be a GOOD FATHER. If Lewis values family, there is no way that he (as he is now) could justify being with a Nico that is a negligent father. So okay. Lewis wants to have kids. Nico already has kids. There is no mpreg in this universe (sorry everyone). There are a few solutions that each have their own merits and weaknesses.
Lewis becomes a co-parent of Nico's children with Vivian
Lewis and Nico adopt* children together
Lewis adopts* children on his own
Lewis does not become a parent
*Or surrogacy etc.
Solution 4 is sad (to me). Of course there is nothing wrong with never having children--but Lewis seems to want to have children. Also it means putting Nico above his own aspirations, which is against the point of a thoughtful brocedes endgame.
Solution 3 is something that I just thought of and which makes the most sense to me--and it also means that Lewis's relationship with his children and ability to parent are somewhat separated from Nico--which might be easier for a number of reasons. Lewis comes from a blended family himself, so this might appeal to him too. At the same time, when I think of brocedes I think of a HUGE GIGANTIC LOVE. Love that makes you want to do everything together all of the time. So I think they would both be involved in the parenting of Lewis's kid. The problem here, which is also the problem with solution 2, is... does Nico want more kids?
Solution 2 is idyllic... but as I mentioned it is not clear whether Nico wants more children. He said in the past that he wanted a "football team" of kids, but he seems to have stopped with two. Also his daughters are still reasonably young--and if we imagine that he and Vivian have a strong relationship post divorce, it seems problematic for him to suddenly have more children who require more care if he is also going to continue parenting his existing children. It could be done but it would be a decision that would also depend on Vivian in my mind!
Solution 1 is the most intuitive and yet it faces similar problems to solution 2. Vivian would have to be involved. Nico cannot simply offer his children to Lewis. And the Lewis & Vivian relationship that would have to exist is very difficult for me to imagine. I suppose that they know each other to some degree already but it is still tough for me to work out... Also logistically can same-sex couples adopt in Monaco? Would it be possible (in a social sense) to raise children as a same-sex couple in Monaco? Would Nico leave Monaco (and Vivian and his existing children) for Lewis? (Probably not.)
The final thing that I want to say about brocedes endgame--especially because I imagine it from Lewis's point of view--is that I am very careful to avoid creating situations that stick either of them in a permanent position of advantage. The various advantages that either of them have held (we are talking about race and class issues as well as advantage on track) have been the factors that have created the problems with brocedes in the past... and in order for brocedes endgame to work there needs to be a space where both can be/become themselves without bending to the other's advantage.
OK I'M DONE LOL!!! I did very much enjoy thinking about this although it is barely what Misa asked about.
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Working on a fic rn that is killing me, I GOTTA talk about it. Imagine ftm Izaya being asked by Shinra and Celty to be their surrogate bc their options are limited and they assume he wouldn't be able to get attached to the baby bc of his aspd and general disposition (unfair assumption on their part) Izaya only agrees bc he can't stand the idea of disappointing Shinra and proceeds to go through the mental anguish of dysmorphia and carrying a baby that's not even his that he wants to love so much
i. man. ive been presenting this ask to my friends all day because this is such a good fucking idea. this is perhaps the best drr fic of all time by my personal ranking (which also happens to be the correct ranking) and i thought id give you a couple fun little bits of informed mation that could possibly help you with this fic :) one of them is surrogacy related the other is aspd related
SO!!! the first thing i did was show my fiance and i said, well, izaya could keep the baby if he wanted, surrogacy laws are in his favor. but then i thought..... are they? because i was basing that off surrogacy laws in the us..... so i googled it!
surrogacy in japan is um, Extremely Controversial! first off, surrogates do have legal guardianship of the baby, the parents who want the baby have to go thru a formal adoption process, and if it goes to court, courts would most likely side with the surrogate.
BUT!!!!!! the welfare of the child is explicitly stated to be the first and foremost concern. at the end of the day, a married couple could very well win over a single man, especially a single man with antisocial personality disorder, if his diagnosis is on record anywhere. (of course this is all dependent on whether or not izaya GOES to court, and if celty can keep her helmet on and pose as a mute human woman)
either way, this all but confirms that shinra would be izaya's obgyn. imagine at every checkup, shinra is cooing over how well his baby is doing, completely oblivious to how upset izaya is <3 did u know that if you're trans and you get pregnant, you have to stop taking your hrt? too much testosterone can cause miscarriages- very high levels of natural T is actually why i'm infertile </3 so that can be a little extra angst for izaya~ <3
let me introduce u to the concept of aspd exceptions <3
it's..... kind of like the aspd version of a pwbpd's favorite person? kind of? not really
it's like. sometimes, for one person, the aspd will not be aspding. they're... literally the exception to how your symptoms work. things like empathy and yeah even remorse will work within like, normal operating levels. it's kind of weird tbh and kind of distressing? like, since you're not used to these emotions being there, especially with how strong they are, you have no way to cope with them. it sucks major ass and while it can being people closer together, it also sucks major ass. like.... if you never felt remorse before, suddenly feeling remorse over something you commonly do just because you did it to one Specific Person, leaves you with this very strong, very bad emotion, that you have no way to cope with!
and its not just remorse too, things like empathy fire off at full cylinders, so like... if ur used to just using cognitive empathy and logicing out things, imagine how much itd suck to suddenly be ass blasted by Functioning Normally Affective Empathy
anyway there's this one lady on tiktok who has aspd, and she talks about aspd symptoms a lot. she has a young child, and that child is her exception
get what i'm getting at here? ;) imagine izaya going thru all this then, while already distressed, dysphoric, and hormonal, shit like EMPATHY and strong STRONG emotional ties started kicking in wrt his baby and now he has to deal with extremely strong emotions he is not used to!
(and in case ur wondering, yes i do have exceptions, but who it exactly IS changes from time to time and the feeling ebbs away over time too so sometimes i don't have one)
anyway!!! i love this fic already. PLEASE dm me i need to go absolute ham over this with you. please. please . i can introduce u to my friends so thats like. 3 friends for the price of one
please tell me this ends happily i do not think i would be able to handle it if it did not. please. i am crying and begging and pissing . please.
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youredreamingofroo · 7 months
would roo ever consider having a kid, like biological or adopted?
if you mean biologically as in with a woman, absolutely not- Roo is gay and doesnt plan on getting with a women since its not his cup of juice (fruity juice that is badumtss) If you mean biologically via surrogacy... perhaps, maybe not now, but he'd be open to it when he's about.. 30-40- which is under the impression that Roo has a loving partner by then.
butttttt... in general, the answer is no. Now that being said, ive slightly considered putting him in a situation of interacting with a child... Roo has never enjoyed being around children, i think i've talked about this before and may misremember the exact answer i had, but Roo finds being around children an uncomfortable experience, as he doesn't really know how to talk to kids... he doesn't know how they function and just gets rather squirmish around them because of their energy levels, and sometimes its because of how they act, he especially hates it when they're really loud and/or prone to yelling/screaming (prominent usually in younger kids/toddlers), which is because of his sensitive little ears. Ironically enough, he is Josey and Evan's (Jordynn's kids) favorite avunculi, and whenever in a blue moon that they see Roo, Evan is always by Roo's side, whether he [Roo] likes it or not, and Josey tends to cry and complain about wanting to see Roo. He's never been sure why kids like him so much, Jordy suggests it's his comforting aura and Sean suggests it's his teen-ish stature and look, it's not uncommon for Roo to be mistaken as an 18-19 year old, and Sean never means "teen-ish" in a bad way (since it could imply he's an asshole or just disobedient), but Roo doesn't really see either points.
perhaps whenever i get sims 4 re-installed, we'll see a Roo and Evan or Roo and Josey interaction 🫶
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One of my favourite things about Arabic is that, despite it being an inherently very flowery language with clear roots that can lead to interesting metaphors (like rahmah = mercy, coming from rahm = womb or dhulm = opression/injustice coming from dhalam = darkness), it's also very literal and no-nosense at times, so scientific terms won't have mysterious-to-the-casual-listener-who-doesn’t-know-Latin-roots meanings. A cyclostome? A circular-mouth! A? An arthropod? A jointed/articulated creature.
In that same vein, surrogacy, even when Muslims were still debating its lawfulness, was very bluntly called “renting wombs/uteruses.” Because that’s effectively what it is. You’re paying a woman to be pregnant for a period of time.
… initially, the concern was whether it’d cause mixing of lineages and be considered a child born out of wedlock or not, oh, but the DNA is from both married spouses, so it’s fine, right? That was the stance while I was still in medical school… but later, it became abundantly clear the risks (especially to the surrogate), it can be traumatizing, it so often relies on women suffering from poverty (rich couple taking advantage of poor women in Ukraine and the like), the baby can be abandoned (like what happens to so many babies in Ukraine who turn out disabled or sickly because of the truly miserable and unclean and lacking healthcare system—the shining, clean clinics foreigners make these deals in are NOT reflective of the actual hospitals these poor women will go to)… scumbag “parents” will abandon these disabled children with no real ID and no passports because they’re not even technically citizens, treated like “damaged goods.”
Even among people who are known and in the same country, there is still a large potential for abuse, unfortunately, and we’re becoming more aware more affects the baby than just the genes of the parents (the environment, cells of the surrogate…)
There’s an excellent documentary on this topic: Damaged Babies and Broken Hearts. (The little girl much of the video covers is finally on her way to a loving, adoptive family after all this time, by the way. Her story was so upsetting, even if her teacher is so lovely and such a good mother figure to her…)
Needless to say, the Islamic stance is now that surrogacy is forbidden because of the evident harm, exploitation, what can be passed on vertically via birth as opposed to just genetically from the biological parents, etc.
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kariachi · 11 months
Concept that has been in my head a while now, now officially in fic form.
In the far-flung future, Gwendolyn receives bad news.
There was nothing that a person wanted less on a day when their husband had been gone before they woke up, had responded to none of their texts and refused to pick up the phone, then to have an officer show up at the door. Yes, it was Molly, as much friend of Kevin’s as Plumber Agent, but given Gwendolyn had, when the knocking started, been talking to Ben about whether they should go out and look for Kevin or if he was just being an asshole…
“Molly,” she greeted her, muscles tight, as she reached the entryway, her mom heading back inside to let her handle her business. “Is everything alright?” Molly made a quiet noise she couldn’t identify and held out a very official-looking brown envelope.
“I have legal papers for you,” she said. Something wary twisted in Gwendolyn’s gut as she took the envelope, narrowed eyes flicking between it and Molly.
“Thank you,” she said tentatively, watching her take an easy step back. “Was that, everything?”
“Yep,” Molly said with a nod, “that’s it.” Giving her a once-over, like she was making sure of something, Molly turned and headed down the walk, without a single glance back. “Have a nice life, Gwendolyn.”
Oh. Oh, that wasn’t ominous…
“Have a nice day,” she called back anyway. Shutting the door, Gwendolyn licked her lips and stared down at the envelope. On autopilot she made her way to the dining room, with a single glance back to where the family was gathered in the living room. She sat at the table with deliberate slowness, cautiously opened the envelope and slipped out the paper inside.
At the top was the information for an attorney she didn’t know and would have to ask her dad about. Then, for the court of her county. Kevin’s name after that, beside ‘petitioner’, set off even more alarm bells, with her own beside ‘respondent’. After that-
She dropped the first piece of paper, bringing her hands to twine together. Her face rested on them, pressed up against her lips and under her nose as she stared down at the forms before her. Jaw clenched, eyes already stinging. They were married, they lived in California and had for years, they- It even had a spot for how long it had been since they tied the knot. June 9th, 2016, the eleventh anniversary of the day they’d met. Kevin had wanted a Fall wedding, maybe go back east for the changing leaves, but she’d known the symbolism and symmetry in an anniversary wedding was too good to pass up. He was a poetic soul at heart, he’d have regretted passing it up in the end, like she’d regretted not getting him to propose a year earlier.
Though she supposed now regretting dates was the least of her problems.
Sixteen years and six months. There was even a section for that. From June 2016 to December 2032. And six years together before they’d married. Two-thirds of their lives…
‘No minor children’. That had been a whole hassle all its own. Kevin had talked about kids someday back at the very beginning, but by the time Gwendolyn was considering that for their future he’d changed his mind, just to be contrary she’d swear. It’d taken years passed when she was ready to start a family to talk him around, and even then they’d had no success. She got involved in fights and dragged into strange and dangerous magics too often to carry herself, adoption wasn’t an option with Kevin’s history, and Kevin… As much as doctors had sworn there was no physical reason he couldn’t have kids, nothing had seemed to work to make them happen. Gwendolyn had started bringing around information on surrogacy, though Kevin had been ignoring it. Now she knew why.
He’d put his reasoning down on the form as ‘irreconcilable differences’, despite how well things had been going.
That was sticking in her craw. Things had been good between them, or so she’d thought. They fought sometimes, yes, but mostly Kevin went along with her suggestions. Occasionally he got on her nerves- okay, more than occasionally- but she had him under control for the most part. He’d gotten better over the years and now, what? He was going to take all the improvements that had come from the years she put into him and just, let them benefit somebody else?
Was there somebody else? Gwendolyn’s temper flared and stomach twisted at the thought. She didn’t think- But then he’d managed to keep getting in touch with a lawyer secret, so clearly he had a burner phone she didn’t know about… It would certainly explain why he was ending a twenty-two-year relationship with her, if he’d been having an affair. And after all they’d been through together, all she’d done and put up with for him-
Shaking her head, Gwendolyn forced herself to take a deep breath, to stretch her limbs and relax her muscles. No, no she couldn’t let herself get worked up, especially not when she didn’t know. Yes, there’d been that time with Charmcaster, and the whole mess with Looma, but for twenty years there’d been no sign of any cheating. But then again, he was clearly keeping secrets…
Forcing a sigh, she put her attention back on the forms. Any cheating could be worked out later, once she had her own lawyer- and she was going to have a lawyer, she wanted to know exactly what was happening and he wasn’t answering his phone. He also wasn’t looking for alimony, or to pay it. Instead he’d gone to the ‘other’ option on that section. ‘Petitioner pays respondent two million American dollars in exchange for termination of spousal support rights on both sides.’
“Of course you thought about the money, you fucking-” Gwendolyn cut off her muttering with another deep breath, scrubbing at her eyes. At least he wasn’t trying to skimp her, Argit probably would have tried to get him to go for getting her to pay alimony, and an extortionate amount at that. (That was a thought, he was probably at Argit’s, she could go over there-)
The next section was on property and pointed her to a stack of papers. She’d have sworn everything either of them owned was listed on there, either in the stack labelled ‘separate property’ or the stack labelled ‘communal property’. The first stack was nothing really surprising, aside from the reveal that he’d had other bank accounts she hadn’t known about listed alongside her own personal account. His cars, his old machinery, their valuable jewelry and books, the car he’d finally built her, all listed and set as owed to their respective owner. The second stack was more a shock. He was offering to give her the house, and take custody of her remaining debts. His machinery he wanted in full, but otherwise he was offering her everything they’d gotten since they married and no more debt.
She couldn’t have told you whether that made her more or less certain there was somebody else. On the one hand, surely nobody would take him with all of a third party’s debt over his head, but on the other he clearly wanted this done and done quick, and what other reason would he have to rush? He was even, she noted when she worked her way back to the main set of papers, offering to pay all attorney fees.
And that, she could deal with that, she could handle it. Sure, let him pay for everything, let him have his machines and his cars, but seeing the request to have the court formally change his name back to Levin-
“Cuz?” Gwendolyn didn’t even manage to start when Ben poked his head into the dining room, worry tinging his voice. “You’ve been a while… everything alright?” She took a deep breath, hating how roughly her voice grated against her throat.
“Kevin’s leaving me.” There was a long beat of silence as she stared at his signature, ‘Kevin Ethan Tennyson’ in a deceptively neat script.
“Seriously?” Ben whispered it more than said it, approaching her like she might break. She kind of felt like she might. Wordlessly, licking her lips again, she picked up the first piece of paper and held it out to him. He took it like it might bite as she scrubbed at her face again, wishing for a handkerchief and having to grit her teeth against the memory that Kevin was the one who carried them. Twenty-two fucking years…
“For fucking real,” he all but growled after a few minutes. “After this long, after all you’ve done for him- That selfish, ungrateful-” Letting out a sigh that really more snort than anything, Ben wrapped an arm around Gwendolyn’s shoulders and pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what crawled up his ass and died for him to pull this shit but-”
“Things were going so well,” she said, tension turning to trembling as Ben squeezed her tighter, “I thought he was happy. I was happy, and he hasn’t complained in years…” Dropping the paper unceremoniously on the table, Ben pulled up a chair and took a seat, releasing his hug in favor of laying his hands on Gwendolyn’s shoulders.
“It’s going to be okay,” he assured her with a gentle jostle, “we’ll get this all worked out. And if he wants to ruin his life, well, that’s his problem.” She took a deep breath, more shuddering than she would have liked, and nodded as best she could. It was Kevin’s problem, whatever the fuck was going on in that head of his and not- He’d just made it officially not hers. Legally not hers. Whatever the fuck his deal was it just-
He'd been one of the most important things in her life since she was fifteen.
With what she refused to call a sob Gwendolyn collapsed herself forward into Ben’s arms, wrapping her own around him like he might vanish too if she didn’t. Face buried in his shoulder, blood pounding in her ears, she could hardly hear his reassurances, promises that she was going to be okay and that he was going to get to the bottom of all this.  But she couldn’t help worrying that having answers might make it worse.
They hadn’t exactly served her well so far.
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urboymutual · 2 years
unfollowed you again because i wanted to ask about your favorite buddie headcanons please good sir i'm starving
hiiiiii seeing u refollow me like 🔎 ahh goat has come to ask me a question heheh
but ok literally ive been marinating on this ask for the whole day bc like my buddie thoughts r soooo messy and im def gonna forget a few hcs but
im sorry to give into heteronormativity bullshit or whatever but i WOULD LOVE for buck to take eddies last name i know most ppl like to hyphenate bc gay rights and stuff but mr. and mr. diaz PLEASE
also speaking of that, more of an eddie hc but i like the idea they go to LA pride every year and like eddie gives out "free dad hugs" bc i saw this one latina mother giving out free mom hugs and it brokeee me like sobbing on my hands and knees 😭 but also id love for them to be affectionate (they'd def be more lowkey about it bc eddie's more of a . "silent keep it in" type) and just like queer latine kid at pride being like "wow so love does exist for people like us?" and eddie just looks at buck with a soft smile like "yeah."
expanding a little bit on the diaz last name thing tho like i read this one fic where buck wore a jersey (cant remember what sport) with eddie's last name on it and it was sooooo 😳😵‍��� idk just sharing clothes is so cute and i think they would basically have like One singular wardrobe bc they just mix their clothes so much
ALSO WHEN THEY MOVE IN TOGETHER THEY BUY A LIKE BROKEN DOWN HOUSE AND REBUILD IT TOGETHER BC POWER OF GAY LOVE AND THEY JUST 😭😭🫶🫶 also idk if this is a popular opinion or not but i think they would have more kids not necessarily like adopting or even surrogacy but maybe like how hen and karen foster kids bc like they work so WELL together as fathers and it be so nice for chris to have a little sibling 😭 (also latino urge to have a big family)
i really really like the hc that like they are literally in love with each other and everyones aware but THEY DONT KNOW IT. like obviousness to the max like buck discovers that he's been hiding in the closet for too long or smthin true happiness stuff and hes like "Let me date men now" and they all throw him a coming out party and like him and eddie have plans r something and hes like "oh sorry eddie :( i have a date with. Glen (idk) rain check?" and eddies like "yeah thats chill..." but later "hmm my tummy hurts when i think about buck going on dates with men oh my god am i homophobic?!?!?" (that one reddit post straight guy thinks hes being homophobic to his gay roommate... turns out hes in love with him) but like eddie mistaking his jealousy for homophobia basically . and idk i want them to be two oblivious motherfuckers until someone knocks some sense into them. (idk whether im pro one of them gets in danger and the other confesses their love or it's literally Mundane thing like buck teaching chris a task and eddies watching them and gets an "oh shit"  ephinany )
also for their wedding im stuck between maddie being buck's best man or walking him down the aisle but also bobby walking him down the aisle 😭😭 chris would be THEE ring bearer (probably a little grumpy abt it as a preteen) and jee would be such a cute flower girl 😭😭 idk but i do know eddie's tia and abuela are stealing the wedding table center pieces! (flashbacks to hispanic weddings and parties ive been to where my moms made me steal the table centerpieces 😭 that shit was so embarrassing) also carla is DEF invited to the wedding luv her <33 also they'd probably do padrinos and madrinas stuff (basically someone is the madrinas of the cake and is in charge of the cake and stuff its a mexican wedding/party (?) thing bc they do it for quinceañeras too)
HC. They r gay
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surrogacycare · 21 days
Single Parent Surrogacy for Fathers: How Men Are Embracing Parenthood through Surrogacy?
For couples worldwide struggling with the demon of infertility, surrogacy has long been considered as a potent solution. More single men are, however, choosing surrogacy today to challenge conventional beliefs and show that families come in different forms and types. Whether it's single fathers in Argentina, Cyprus, or the UK, or those investigating options in Colombia, surrogacy is opening doors to parenthood for men who are ready to make that life-changing decision.
This post will look at how single parent surrogacy in Argentina, Cyprus, the UK, and Colombia is empowering men to become parents on their own terms while simultaneously negotiating the advantages and challenges of the path.
Single Father Surrogacy: A Trend going highly popular
Men deciding to be single fathers via surrogacy have been rather popular lately. This popularity has resulted from changes in society attitudes, changing surrogacy laws, and advances in reproductive technologies as well as from Men who want to be parents but lack a partner is not constrained by conventional ideas of family.Surrogacy offers unmarried men a workable path towards biological children. It lets them have a genetic link to their child, a choice not usually available via adoption. Countries including Argentina, Cyprus, the UK, and Colombia have seen this increasing demand and are progressively changing their legal systems to allow single parent surrogacy.
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Navigating Surrogacy Laws: Different Paths in Different Nations
Different countries have different legal environments for surrogacy; hence single men should conduct their study and be aware of the laws of the place they have chosen.
Surrogacy laws are still developing in Argentina. Although there is no specific legislation prohibiting or controlling surrogacy, the procedure might be complicated especially for single males. Still, single parent surrogacy in Argentina is becoming more and more common as more agencies help single intended fathers negotiate legal and medical challenges.
Conversely, single parent surrogacy in Cyprus is starting to show increased availability. With quite simple legal procedures, Cyprus presents ideal conditions for surrogacy plans. The nation's friendly approach to surrogacy attracts many intended parents—including single men—who are looking to become single fathers, therefore providing an appealing choice.
The UK offers another distinctive scene as well. Although surrogacy is lawful, the rules are strict, particularly regarding commercial surrogacy—which is illegal. With the right direction, single parent surrogacy UK can get pursued, nevertheless; several UK-based agencies are ready to help single fathers through the procedure. One important thing to remember is that legal parenthood is only passed following the birth of the kid, hence meticulous preparation and legal help are very necessary.
With its more permissive attitude toward surrogacy, Colombia has drawn attraction for people looking for surrogacy overseas. Legal permission for surrogacy for singles in Colombia is granted, and the liberal stance of the nation permits more seamless surrogacy journeys—especially for single fathers. For many seeking a simple and encouraging surrogacy experience, Colombia has become a preferred destination.
The Reasons Single Men Choose Surrogacy
Many single men find the choice to seek surrogacy to be quite personal. Some men have always wanted to be fathers but have not met the suitable mate. Others want a biological child but are in same-sex partnerships. Whatever the situation, surrogacy gives men a chance to realize their dream of parenthood.
The fact that surrogacy lets unmarried men be genetically connected to their child is one of the main advantages of it. For men who wish to pass on their own genes and enjoy the pleasures of fatherhood, this link can be crucial.
Surrogacy also provides a degree of control not possible with other family-building choices including adoption. Single men can participate in all aspect of the process—from selecting the egg donor to attending the birth—through surrogacy. From the very start, this engagement fosters a strong link between the intended father and the child.
The Challenges of single parent surrogacy
Although surrogacy offers a very fulfilling road to parenthood, it is not without its challenges. That said, the financial element is among the toughest challenges. Surrogacy is a costly procedure; without a spouse to split the expenses, single fathers sometimes have to carry the financial load on their own.
Besides, the legal intricacy might be intimidating. As was already noted, surrogacy laws differ nation by nation; so, intended dads must carefully negotiate these regulations to prevent future legal problems. Ensuring a seamless procedure depends on having a legal expert on board who knows the surrogacy laws of the selected nation—whether that is single parent surrogacy in Argentina, Cyprus, the UK, or Colombia.
One further difficulty single fathers could encounter is emotional support. Particularly without a partner to support you, the surrogacy process can be protracted and emotionally draining. For single men starting this path, then, developing a solid support system of family, friends, and experts is absolutely vital.
Final words
The chances for single fathers to pursue parenthood will keep growing as surrogacy gets more and more approved worldwide. That said, surrogacy offers a path for men eager to accept the pleasures and hardships of fatherhood on their own terms, regardless of their location—Argentina, Cyprus, the UK, Colombia.
Single men can effectively negotiate the surrogacy process and provide loving, supportive homes for their children with the appropriate support, careful planning, and clear awareness of the legal environment.
Source: https://surrogacycareservi.wixsite.com/surrogacy-care/post/single-parent-surrogacy-for-fathers-how-men-are-embracing-parenthood-through-surrogacy
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bellaramsey123 · 1 month
Surrogacy in Canada: Pros and Cons Every Parent Should Know
Surrogacy has become an increasingly popular option looking to expand their families. Canada, in particular, stands out as a destination for surrogacy due to its favorable legal framework and ethical approach. However, like any significant decision, surrogacy in Canada comes with its own set of pros and cons. Understanding these aspects is essential for intended parents before embarking on this life-changing journey. 
In this blog, we will explore the pros and cons of surrogacy in Canada, providing you with a comprehensive overview to help you make an informed decision.
Understanding Surrogacy in Canada
Surrogacy in Canada is a well-regulated process that allows intended parents to work with a surrogate to bring a child into their lives. The process involves two primary types of surrogacy:
Traditional Surrogacy: In this type, the surrogate woman uses her own eggs, making her the biological mother of the child. Traditional surrogacy is less common in Canada.
Gestational Surrogacy: This is the more common form, where the surrogate carries a child conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF) using the egg and sperm of the intended parents or donors.
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Pros and Cons of Surrogacy in Canada
Pros of Surrogacy in Canada
Legal Framework and Ethical Guidelines
One of the most significant advantages of surrogacy in Canada is its clear legal framework. Canadian law prohibits commercial surrogacy, meaning that surrogates cannot be paid for their services beyond reimbursement for reasonable expenses. This regulation ensures that surrogacy is an altruistic act, minimizing the risk of exploitation. The ethical guidelines in Canada are designed to protect the rights of all parties involved, including the surrogate, intended parents, and the child.
Comprehensive Medical Care
Canada is known for its high standard of healthcare, and surrogacy is no exception. Surrogates in Canada receive top-notch medical care throughout the pregnancy, ensuring a healthy and safe environment for the developing baby. Intended parents can also rest assured that the medical procedures involved in IVF and pregnancy are conducted with the utmost care and professionalism.
Supportive and Compassionate Surrogates
In Canada, surrogates are often motivated by a genuine desire to help others experience the joy of parenthood. This altruistic approach creates a strong bond between surrogates and intended parents, fostering a positive and supportive relationship throughout the surrogacy journey. Many intended parents find comfort in knowing that their surrogate is committed to making their dream of having a child come true.
Diverse and Inclusive Environment
Canada is known for its diversity and inclusivity, making it a welcoming destination for intended parents from all walks of life. Whether you are a same-sex couple, single parent, or a couple facing infertility challenges, Canada offers a supportive environment where your family-building goals can be achieved.
Legal Parentage Rights
In Canada, legal parentage rights are typically transferred to the intended parents after the birth of the child. The process is relatively straightforward, and intended parents can usually be recognized as the legal parents without the need for adoption procedures. This legal clarity provides peace of mind for intended parents as they embark on their surrogacy journey.
Cons of Surrogacy in Canada
Limited Availability of Surrogates
One of the primary challenges of surrogacy in Canada is the limited availability of surrogates. Due to the altruistic nature of surrogacy in Canada, there are fewer women who choose to become surrogates compared to countries where commercial surrogacy is legal. This can lead to longer waiting times for intended parents to be matched with a surrogate.
Restrictions on Compensation
While the prohibition of commercial surrogacy is seen as an ethical advantage, it also means that surrogates can only be reimbursed for reasonable expenses. This limitation may make it more challenging to find a willing surrogate, as the financial incentive is not as significant as in other countries. However, this ensures that surrogacy in Canada remains an altruistic act, focused on helping others rather than financial gain.
Complex Immigration Process for International Intended Parents
For international intended parents, the process of bringing a child born through surrogacy in Canada back to their home country can be complex and time-consuming. Immigration and citizenship requirements vary by country, and navigating these legalities can be challenging. It is essential for international intended parents to work closely with legal experts to ensure a smooth transition.
Strict Regulatory Environment
The strict regulatory environment in Canada, while designed to protect all parties, can sometimes result in delays or complications. The requirement to follow specific legal and ethical guidelines can make the surrogacy process more bureaucratic and time-consuming compared to countries with more lenient regulations.
Higher Costs Due to Medical and Legal Services
Although surrogacy in Canada is less expensive than in some other countries, it is still a costly process. The need for high-quality medical care, legal services, and associated expenses can add up. Intended parents should be prepared for the financial commitment involved in surrogacy in Canada.
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Is Surrogacy in Canada Right for You?
Choosing surrogacy in Canada is a personal decision that depends on your unique circumstances, values, and goals. Understanding the pros and cons of surrogacy in Canada can help you determine whether this option aligns with your family-building plans. Canada’s strong legal framework, ethical approach, and commitment to high-quality medical care make it an attractive choice for many intended parents. 
However, the challenges of finding a surrogate, navigating legal complexities, and managing costs should also be carefully considered.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How does the availability of surrogates in Canada compare to other countries?
Ans: Surrogates in Canada are motivated by altruism, not financial gain. While this creates a positive environment, it also means that fewer women choose to become surrogates compared to countries where commercial surrogacy is allowed. As a result, intended parents may experience longer waiting times to find a suitable surrogate.
Q: What medical care can surrogates expect during pregnancy in Canada?
Ans: Canada is known for its excellent healthcare system. Surrogates receive high-quality medical care throughout the pregnancy, ensuring a safe and healthy environment for the developing baby. The medical procedures involved in IVF and pregnancy are conducted with great care, providing peace of mind for both the surrogate and intended parents.
Q: What are the costs associated with surrogacy in Canada?
Ans: Surrogacy in Canada can be less expensive than in countries like the United States, but it still involves significant costs. These include medical expenses, legal fees, and reimbursement for the surrogate's reasonable expenses. It’s essential for intended parents to budget for these costs and plan accordingly.
Q: Can international intended parents pursue surrogacy in Canada?
Ans: Yes, international intended parents can pursue surrogacy in Canada. However, they may face complex immigration and citizenship processes when bringing the child back to their home country. It's important to work closely with legal experts who understand both Canadian surrogacy laws and the specific requirements of the intended parents' home country. For detailed guidance, visit Surrogacy4all.
Q: Is surrogacy in Canada a good option for same-sex couples?
Ans: Canada is known for its inclusivity and diversity, making it a welcoming destination for same-sex couples pursuing surrogacy. The country’s supportive legal framework and access to compassionate surrogates create a positive environment for all intended parents. For more information on how to start your surrogacy journey, visit Surrogacy4all.
If you are considering surrogacy in Canada, it is essential to work with a reputable surrogacy agency that can guide you through the process. Surrogacy4all is here to support you every step of the way. We offer personalized assistance, expert guidance, and access to a network of compassionate surrogates committed to helping you achieve your dream of parenthood. For more information and to start your surrogacy journey, visit Surrogacy4all or contact us at (212) 661-7673. We are dedicated to helping you navigate the pros and cons of surrogacy in Canada and making your dream of having a family a reality.
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coochiequeens · 6 months
There are very few issues this blogs agrees with the Pope on but surrogacy is one of them.
Olivia Maurel was born in the United States in 1991 through surrogacy. Now, she is campaigning to have the practice banned around the world. Maurel met Pope Francis on Thursday as part of her role as the spokesperson for the Casablanca Declaration for Abolition of Surrogacy.
BY NICOLE WINFIELDUpdated 12:44 PM EDT, April 5, 2024
ROME (AP) — An international campaign to ban surrogacy received a strong endorsement Friday from the Vatican, with a top official calling for a broad-based alliance to stop the “commercialization of life.”
A Vatican-affiliated university hosted a two-day conference promoting an international treaty to outlaw surrogacy, be it commercial arrangements or so-called altruistic ones. It’s based on the campaigners’ argument that the practice violates U.N. conventions protecting the rights of the child and surrogate mother.
At issue is whether there is a fundamental right to have a child, or whether the rights of children trump the desires of potential parents.
The conference, which also drew U.N. human rights representatives and experts, marked an acceleration of a campaign that has found some support in parts of the developing world and western Europe. At the same time, Canada and the United States are known for highly regulated arrangements that draw heterosexual and homosexual couples alike from around the world, while other countries allow surrogacy with fewer rules.
Pope Francis in January called for an outright global ban on the practice, calling it a despicable violation of human dignity that exploits the surrogate mother’s financial need. On Thursday, Francis met privately with one of the proponents calling for a universal ban, Olivia Maurel, a 33-year-old mother of three.
Maurel was born in the U.S. in 1991 via surrogacy and attributes a lifetime of mental health issues to the “trauma of abandonment” she says she experienced at birth. She says she was separated from her biological mother and given to parents who had contracted with an agency in Kentucky after experiencing infertility problems when they tried to have children in their late 40s.
Maurel says she doesn’t blame her parents and she acknowledges there are “many happy stories” of families who use surrogate mothers. But she says that doesn’t make the practice ethical or right, even with regulations, since she said she was made to sacrifice “for the desire of adults to have a child.”
“There is no right to have a child,” Maurel told the conference at the LUMSA university. “But children do have rights, and we can say surrogacy violates many of these rights.”
She and proponents of a ban argue that surrogacy is fundamentally different from adoption, since it involves creating a child for the specific purpose of separating him or her from the birth mother for others to raise as their own.
Monsignor Miloslaw Wachowski, undersecretary for relations with states in the Vatican secretariat of state, concurred, saying the practice reduces human procreation to a concept of “individual will” and desire, where the powerful and wealthy prevail.
“Parents find themselves in the role of being providers of genetic material, while the embryo appears more and more like an object: something to produce — not someone, but something,” he said.
He called for the campaign to ban the practice not to remain in the sphere of the Catholic Church or even faith-based groups, but to transcend traditional ideological and political boundaries.
“We shouldn’t close ourselves among those who think exactly the same way,” he said. “Rather, we should open up to pragmatic alliances to realize a common goal.”
The Vatican’s overall position, which is expected to be crystalized in a position paper Monday on human dignity, stems from its belief that human life begins at conception and must be given the consequent respect and dignity from that moment on. The Vatican also holds that human life should be created through intercourse between husband and wife, not in a petri dish, and that surrogacy takes in vitro fertilization a step further by “commercializing” the resulting embryo.
As the conference was getting underway, Italy’s main gay family advocacy group, Rainbow Families, sponsored a pro-surrogacy counter-rally nearby. The aim was to also voice opposition to proposals by Italy’s hard-right-led government to make it a crime for Italians to use surrogates abroad, even in countries where the practice is legal.
“We are families, not crimes,” said banners held by some of the 200 or so participants, many of them gay couples who traveled abroad to have children via surrogate.
A 2004 law already banned surrogacy in Italy. The proposed law would make it illegal in Italy for citizens to engage a surrogate mother in another country, with prison terms of up to three years and fines of up to 1 million euros ($1.15 million) for convictions.
Participants at the rally complained that the law would stigmatize their children and they denied anyone’s rights or dignity was violated in the surrogacy process, which they noted was legal and regulated.
“All parties involved are consenting, aware,” said Cristiano Giraldi, who with his partner Giorgio Duca used a surrogate in the U.S. to have their 10-year-old twins. “We have a stable relationship with our carrier, our children know her. So actually there is no exploitation, there is none of the things that they want the public to believe.”
In the U.S., Resolve, the National Infertility Association, which advocates for people experiencing infertility problems, has criticized any calls for a universal ban on surrogacy as harmful and hurtful to the many people experiencing the “disease of infertility.”
“Resolve believes that everyone deserves the right to build a family and should have access to all family building options,” Betsy Campbell, Resolve’s chief engagement officer, said in a telephone interview. “Surrogacy, and specifically gestational carrier surrogacy, is an option.”
She said the U.S. regulations, which include separate legal representation for the surrogate and the intended parents, and mental health and other evaluations, safeguard all parties in the process and that regardless less than 2% of pregnancies in the U.S. using assisted reproductive technology involves surrogacy.
“Most people do not expect to have infertility or to need medical assistance to build their families,” she said. “So when non-medical people speak about IVF and surrogacy in a negative way, it can be very discouraging and make an already challenging journey all the more challenging.”
Velina Todorova, a Bulgarian member of the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child, told the Rome conference that the U.N. committee hasn’t taken a definitive position on surrogacy, but that its concern was the rights of children born via the practice.
It was a reference to legislation to prevent parents from being able to register the births of children born through surrogacy in their home countries.
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momsoon-ivf · 2 months
Compassionate Expertise for Your Parenthood Journey
The path to parenthood is a profound journey, filled with hope and anticipation, but it can also present significant challenges, particularly for those facing fertility issues. For couples navigating this complex journey, having a dedicated and supportive partner is crucial. Momsoon IVF, a premier IVF centre in Bangalore, stands as a beacon of hope, offering compassionate care, advanced reproductive technologies, and personalized solutions to help individuals realize their dreams of building a family.
Navigating the Emotional Terrain
Infertility can deeply affect a couple's emotional well-being, often leading to anxiety, sadness, and a profound sense of loss. Momsoon IVF recognizes the emotional weight of this journey and prioritizes a supportive, empathetic approach throughout the process. From the initial consultation to each step of treatment, the team at Momsoon IVF creates a nurturing environment. Specialized counseling services provide coping strategies and a safe space for couples to address their fears and concerns. Additionally, Momsoon IVF supports exploring alternative paths to parenthood, such as adoption or surrogacy, as part of a comprehensive approach to emotional and psychological well-being.
Leading Medical Expertise
Momsoon IVF is renowned for its excellence in reproductive medicine, equipped with state-of-the-art technology and a team of highly skilled fertility specialists. These experts collaborate closely with patients to diagnose infertility issues, develop tailored treatment plans, and provide ongoing support. As a leading IVF clinic in Bangalore, Momsoon IVF integrates the latest advancements in reproductive technology to ensure top-tier care and optimal outcomes.
Tailored Treatment Plans
Understanding that each fertility journey is unique, Momsoon IVF offers personalized treatment plans designed to meet individual needs. Whether the solution involves IVF, IUI (Intrauterine Insemination), or other assisted reproductive techniques, the clinic conducts thorough assessments to address specific challenges. From hormonal imbalances and male infertility to more complex reproductive issues, Momsoon IVF crafts customized protocols to maximize the chances of success.
State-of-the-Art Technology
Momsoon IVF is committed to employing the latest in reproductive technology to enhance patient care. As a distinguished infertility specialist in Bangalore, the clinic utilizes advanced diagnostic tools and innovative treatments to stay at the cutting edge of medical science. This dedication to technological progress not only improves diagnostic accuracy but also enhances the efficiency and success rates of fertility treatments.
Holistic Wellness Approach
Recognizing that fertility is a holistic experience, Momsoon IVF integrates a wellness-oriented approach into its treatment philosophy. The clinic provides guidance on lifestyle adjustments, nutritional support, and stress management to create an optimal environment for conception. This comprehensive approach aims to support overall well-being, with experts offering recommendations on lifestyle changes and dietary strategies to enhance fertility.
Comprehensive Education and Support
Beyond medical care, Momsoon IVF is committed to providing robust educational resources and counseling services. Understanding the complexities of fertility treatments, potential challenges, and effective coping strategies is crucial for couples. Momsoon IVF ensures transparency, offering clear information about procedures, costs, and potential outcomes. This commitment to education and ethical practices empowers couples to make informed decisions and approach their fertility journey with confidence.
In Summary
Momsoon IVF is more than a medical facility; it is a dedicated ally in the journey to parenthood, offering unwavering support, expertise, and hope. By embracing a holistic and personalized approach, Momsoon IVF, the leading infertility clinic in Bangalore, helps couples navigate the challenges of fertility with resilience and optimism.
For those dreaming of parenthood, Momsoon IVF stands as a symbol of compassion and expertise, nurturing dreams and creating families. With its comprehensive IVF services, Momsoon IVF is devoted to turning aspirations into reality. Begin your journey to parenthood with Momsoon IVF and make your dreams of a family come true.
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qnewsau · 4 months
Growing Families step-by-step
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/growing-families-step-by-step/
Growing Families step-by-step
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Increasingly, gay singles and couples are thinking about raising families of their own beyond a pooch. Growing Families’ annual conference – this year in Sydney on 22-23 June – has become the go-to community hub for all those looking to build family – whether through donor eggs, surrogacy or foster care and adoption.
Growing Families is the only organisation of its kind that has the resources, expertise and contacts to provide 360 degree education and support for all those looking at alternative family-building, whatever their nationality or budget.
Some prospective gay dads have a friend or family member who offers to donate eggs or carry as a surrogate. Others locate a donor and make embryos locally, in the hope of matching with a surrogate. If unsuccessful, some ship embryos to a country with surrogates.
Many others head directly to international options to take advantage of the wider choice of donors and professional recruitment, screening and support of surrogates.
Sydney couple Tim and his husband Sasha (pictured above) leant on Surrogacy Australia to help find a surrogate. Two months later, their surrogate Lizzy came into their lives.
At the 2022 Growing Family Conference they decided to work with a US IVF specialist, which meant creating embryos across the Pacific. Lizzy would need to get her passport ready.
Thankfully, the first attempt worked and in February 2024, their baby boy Atticus was born in Sydney.
While always logistically complicated, these journeys often have many twists and turns.
Melbourne based social media sensation Scott O’Halloran (better known through his hilarious podcast Luke & Sassy Scott) and his partner Marcus wanted a surrogate prepared to carry twins.
Turning to Growing Families for support through the process, they were steered to the USA. While the wait for a surrogate was lengthy, their twins (as is common) decided to come early, necessitating a race to Amarillo, Texas to support their infant sons. You will hear more about these journeys in June.
Growing Families annual conference weekend will focus on local surrogacy & foster care, as well as surrogacy in North and South America.
Designed to give you realistic expectations of the process, costs and likely hurdles, there are lots of opportunities to talk to fellow intended parents, dads with kids, donors, past and future surrogates and hear from older kids.
There are social functions and a pub dinner. Wherever you are in the process – it’s a great way to kickstart your research, get support, connect with people who’ve walked in your shoes or celebrate family.
The best thing about this community is the friendships you make. The conference is a great way to start or cement those. So whether you are part way along, or still considering options, don’t miss this once-yearly opportunity.
You can find full information here.
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maranofamilylawyers · 4 months
How to Choose a Family Lawyer
Family law issues are often deeply personal and emotionally charged. Whether you’re separating, dealing with child custody or property division, choosing the right lawyer can make all the difference.
When selecting a Sydney family law firm, look for one that has extensive experience handling cases like yours. You should also consider the reputation of the firm and its communication skills.
As anyone who has gone through the separation process will know, it can be a stressful time for you and your family. A qualified, experienced Sydney family lawyer can make navigating the legal system easier for you. While the initial costs of a legal professional may seem high, the long-term benefits far outweigh the initial investment.
You can also cut down your legal costs by being Family Lawyers Sydney free consultation and transparent with your lawyer. Be punctual for meetings and provide thorough information from the start. Avoid unnecessary interactions that may incur extra charges, such as lengthy phone calls and emails.
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You can find a qualified family law firm by checking their credentials with State and Territory law societies or bar associations. You can also ask your friends and relatives for recommendations or visit a Community Legal Centre (CLC). The CLC provides free, confidential legal assistance to individuals who cannot afford private lawyers. This includes family law and other civil matters.
When choosing a Family Lawyer Sydney, make sure you select one with a good reputation. This will help ensure that your case is handled properly. Also, check for membership in professional associations as this can indicate a commitment to ongoing legal education and ethical standards. Additionally, you should inquire about fees and billing methods.
A reputable family lawyer will be able to explain the legal process associated with your case in an easy-to-understand manner. This will give you a better understanding of your situation and can help minimize conflict and stress.
The right family law Sydney cbd can provide invaluable assistance with a wide range of issues, including divorce, child custody, property settlements, and domestic violence matters. Moreover, they can assist you with legal processes related to adoption and surrogacy. In addition, they can offer emotional support and facilitate communication between you and your spouse during a difficult time. Ultimately, a qualified Family Lawyers Sydney can provide a valuable service that is worth the monetary investment.
Inquire about the lawyer’s fee structure during the initial meeting and before you agree to engage their services. Asking about their hourly rate and potential rates for support staff can help you avoid unexpected legal fees. It’s also a good idea to ask about alternative dispute resolution methods. These can often be more costeffective than traditional litigation.
A good family lawyer will take the time to understand your unique situation and provide you with a clear breakdown of the costs involved in your case. They will also be able to explain your legal rights and help you find ways to keep the costs down.
While the monetary cost of hiring a Sydney Family Law Firm is certainly a concern, it’s important to remember that family issues are complex and emotional. They may also have a significant impact on your mental health, and can lead to costly lifestyle adjustments. These impacts can include financial, personal, and career-related costs.
Whether you’re going through Legal advisor Sydney or seeking to mediate your children’s living arrangements, it is important to have a clear parenting plan. This will help both parents understand each other’s roles and responsibilities and avoid potential disputes in the future.
The Australian family law system encourages separating couples to resolve their disputes without going to court. This is why it offers a variety of services to help you find a solution that works for your family. You can access these services through legal aid commissions in each state and territory.
A family lawyer can help you navigate the complex process of a legal separation or divorce, and can assist you with extrajudicial agreements like Consent Orders. A good family lawyer can also help you work out a parenting plan for your children. You should choose a lawyer with experience in all areas of family law. In addition to being accredited, a good lawyer should have a good track record and reputation.
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