#which i will because i want to do more than play chords on a guitar
ange1heavensent · 1 month
Jackson Girlfriend!Ellie Headcanons
:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:
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Pairing: ellie williams x fem!reader
w/c ≈ 660
:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:
☆ Entertainment in Jackson is limited, but movie nights are a constant in your relationship with Ellie. Thankfully, Ellie has a TV in her house, and many nights are spent cuddled together in her bed watching films. You two quickly discovered you don’t always agree on what to watch. To solve this, you both take turns picking movies. When it’s your turn, you sometimes choose horror films, which Ellie "watches" with her face buried in your neck, a pillow, or with her eyes tightly shut. It always amuses you how someone whose job is to kill infected can be terrified of ghosts and jump scares. Even if she’s afraid, she never complains. You would happily wrap your arms around Ellie and help her cover her eyes from what scared her. 
☆ More on girlfriend!ellie is that she cannot be quiet during movies. She loves making snarky, dirty remarks about the actors and actresses, often with a grin on her face. She also has a knack for figuring out the plot within the first 20 minutes. Sometimes she accidentally blurts out her theory, forgetting that you might want to enjoy the movie without spoilers. But most of the time, she’s mindful and keeps her predictions to herself.
☆ Ellie always has cold hands, and for some reason, they always seem to find their way to you. Whether it’s under the covers or sneaking a hand under your shirt when you're not paying attention, she loves hearing your whiny complaint when her icy fingers touch your warm skin.  
☆ Ellie has a habit of bringing you little trinkets she finds while on patrol. Broken jewelry, random rocks, tiny figurines, she always finds the strangest things, but she'll always justify bringin it home to you because she says that they reminded her of you. Over time, these trinkets pile up in your shared space. Ellie loves the cluttered, homey vibe. At this point, though, it’s more “messy” than “cluttered,” with stuff scattered all over the house.
☆ Teaching you to play the guitar is one of Ellie’s favorite things to do. She’s patient with you, gently correcting your fingers as you fumble over chords and she always insists that you’ll get better with time. Sometimes, when you’re just not getting it, she’ll take your hands and move them herself or hold the chords herself and let you do the strumming, all while smiling softly at you, humming softly in your ear. 
☆ Ellie always begs you to cut her hair when it starts getting too long. Even though you’re terrified of messing it up, making it uneven or too short, she always reassures you. "Hair grows back," she says with a shrug. "I don’t care, but you’re the one who has to look at me every day" she jokes, easing your nerves. It’s become a regular routine now, and even though you’re still nervous every time, you’ve gotten pretty good at it.
☆ Ellie is notorious for stealing the bed covers at night. You’ll wake up shivering, only to find her cocooned in a mountain of blankets, fast asleep. You always manage to wrestle a bit back, but she’s a blanket thief through and through.
☆ Ellie tries her best to comfort you when you’re sad, but she’s not exactly sure how to do it. She’ll awkwardly pat your back or try to make you laugh with silly jokes. It’s the thought that counts, and you appreciate every clumsy attempt she makes.
☆ Ellie draws you all the time. She’ll scribble sketches of you in her journal, your eyes, your smile, the way your hair falls across your face. Sometimes she even draws your hands, completely obsessed with the little details. If she ever finds an old camera on patrol, she’ll snatch it up in a heartbeat. Ellie loves taking photos of you, capturing moments where you aren’t paying attention. She swears it’s because “the lighting was good,” but you know it’s just because she’s crazy about you.
:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:
Thank you for reading! If you liked this fic, check out my masterlist for more :)
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tiramisuc0ffee · 1 month
"I never knew you played?" Satoru's raspy voice carried through the air, traces of sleep still lacing itself in every word he spoke as he watched you retrieve a wooden acoustic guitar near your bedside.
"It's not really something I show off," you murmur softly, a gentle yawn pushing past your lips at the end of your sentence as you return to his lap, your back pressed against his chest. "It's just something I do to keep my hands busy from time to time", your fingers position themselves along the frets and strings as you begin to softly strum an assortment of chords, familiarizing yourself with the instrument.
He hums softly, wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his head in the crook of your neck, "If you needed to keep your hands busy, you should've just asked me... I could think of a few things for you to do" he says with a grin pressing a kiss to your neck.
You let out a breathless laugh, your focus unwavering as you strum a soft melody. "Gross..." You murmured, which had him snickering against your skin. He doesn't say another word, giving you the silence to do your thing. His eyes fluttered shut, and he left soft kisses along the expanse of your neck and shoulders, trying to hum along to the tune you were playing.
"Sing for me, pretty girl..." he then says, and your strumming comes to a halt.
"I don't sing," you reply, voice equally as soft, but your words curt.
"You play, but you don't sing?" Satoru grins knowingly, giving your hips a gentle squeeze as he nuzzles into you, seeking more of your warmth.
"One, that's not that weird," you say, furrowing your brows. "Two, I play, but I don't sing well"
He hums thoughtfully, pausing for a brief moment before speaking again.
"Will you do it for me?" he asked, smiling into your neck as he pressed more gentle kisses along your skin.
"That's playing dirty," you sighed, shaking your head slightly. He always knew exactly what to say in order to get what he wanted from you. It's a little irritating in all honestly, how quickly you find yourself caving into him, that a few measly words from him manage to tug on your heartstrings. How could you tell him no when he asks like that?
So you relent, of course you do. Biting your lip and mustering up the courage within yourself, you begin to strum once more, your fingers dancing across the frets with practiced ease as your sleep-laced voice begins to sing the lyrics.
Your voice has a slight shake to it and there are times Satoru can tell you're trying to find the note.
But he loves it.
God, he loves it so much. He loves it because it's you. It's your wonderful voice filling his ears, and he can't stop himself from gushing over the way you serenade him so sweetly.
All he can think about is how you're his perfect girl, and he loves you more than words can express.
A/N: This is so incredibly self-indulgent hehe. Also what song do you picture yourself singing to Gojo? First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes is the first song that comes to my head lol
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cherrychilli · 10 months
Slip of the Tongue
A mini series I 18+ I Enemies to lovers
Chapter one
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Eddie Munson, AFAB reader, neighbor! reader.
Reader and Eddie are the same age - she's in College and he's repeating his senior year once again.
Chapter Summary: You discover that Eddie's been practicing a very interesting new trick on his guitar, one which he offers to use on you under the guise of giving you some much needed stress relief.
A/N: Listen, series scare the shit out of me but I'm trying to challenge myself with a tiny one. I kind of already feel like I'm biting off more than I can chew but I'm going to give it my best shot.
Inspired by those clips of Steve Vai and Jimi Hendrix. ifkyk.
Chapter warnings: Nothing explicit this chapter. Some suggestive stuff but the real smut begins next chapter, so if you want more you better let me know!
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“Are you fucking kidding me?”
He's doing it again. Of course he's doing it again.
You tilt your head forward, forehead dropping into your hands. Heatedly, you mutter your annoyance under your breath, thumbs rubbing at throbbing temples and eyes squeezing shut when the music picks up to an ear ringing volume.
Eddie Munson took sick pleasure in riling you up – you were certain of that given how he only ever seemed to plug in his guitar when it was time for you to study your coursework, wrecking your concentration and making your temper skyrocket with a kind of ease only he was capable of.
For years, you’d taken issue with the fact that your trailer neighbored his own, your bedroom becoming an echo chamber for every blaring chord progression and heavily distorted guitar riff that strummed out from Eddie's open window.
And as always, you felt the need to make your displeasure known.
Abandoning your textbooks, you hastily shove your shoes on to stomp over next door. You knew from painful experience that it was best to head behind the Munson’s trailer and approach Eddie’s bedroom window than to pound on the front door, the sound of his playing almost always too loud for him to notice your knocking.
Trampling over the patchy, dry lawn that lay between your homes, you made your way across, rounding the corner and striding up to the open window, fuming with thoughts of what you’d yell at him this time when you caught sight of the metalhead.
As expected, he's rocking out in the center of his unruly bedroom. No doubt having tuned the rest of the world out, channeling so much of his wild, boundless energy into his playing.
His mop of dark messy curls aren't tied back today, allowed to sway, tumble and whip around his face as he played to an audience of some devilish looking posters and a couple figurines that stood on his crowded desk, probably a part of that fantasy game he's always going on about.
He's dressed in grey sweats that hang low around his hips and a ratty old band tee that tended to ride up, you couldn't help but notice.
‘At least he’s got clothes on today’, you thought to yourself mirthlessly, only a touch thankful for the silver lining of not having to confront him while he's shirtless or in his boxers again. Not that he’d ever minded you seeing him like that before.
Your last encounter with Eddie was one you hoped to soon forget, cringing because he'd caught your gaze wandering when you came over to reprimand him for the noise again, becoming noticeably distracted by his bare chest and the tattoos adorning it.
You don't know how it happened, only that you fell into a sort of daze when your eyes slipped lower to follow the slope of his pale tummy, leading to the sparse trail of dark hair which thickened below his belly button and disappeared underneath the waistband of his boxers.
D'you want a picture or something, darling?, he'd quipped, growing even more pleased with himself when your face turned hot and the embarrassment of getting caught had you stuttering out the first thing you could manage.
"F-fuck off, Munson", you spit back and retreated awkwardly, the sound of his barking laughter as you did so ringing in your ears long after you made it back into your room and hid underneath your blankets for a good hour.
Yeah, that was hard to live down. As was trying to expunge the image of Eddie's unclothed torso from your mind.
Most times he could anticipate your arrival, like a lightning storm only he could forecast but this time he hasn’t seemed to noticed you yet, tongue pinched between his lips in concentration while his fingers travelled skillfully over the ebony fretboard of his guitar.
Watching him play like that sometimes made you think that if he hadn't plagued you for half your life with all of his antics, you might have admitted that he was good musician - that he had talent most people didn't care to acknowledge and maybe even go so far as to say that you found it impressive that he’d managed teach himself how to play in lieu of any lessons.
But you weren’t about to sing Eddie Munson's praises. Not when he was seconds away from making you pop a vein.
Taking a deep breath in, you prepared yourself to start the unpleasant cycle of bickering with your neighbor once again, hoping against hope that, at the very least, it'll be a short exchange this time.
You meant to catch his attention with a single shout but the heated call flattens on your tongue in an instant, heart beat kicking up as you watch what he does next.
He lifts his treasured Warlock and you're half afraid for him when he casually flips the front of the instrument towards his face, its angular design and jagged edges enough to worry you even when he played on it the regular way.
But it's when his tongue stretches out, long and slick like a serpent, that things start to feel...hazy. Speechlessly, you stare as he slides it along one of the guitar's six strings, following the length of it from near the bottom of the fretboard while his left hand continued to flit over the strings by the neck, creating harmonics in a way you’d never thought was possible before.
Are my palms sweating?
The sound begins to shift again and your eyes bulge when he slides his tongue back down, flicking and picking the guitar strings by the tip of it with more speed and dexterity than you'd thought was possible, his fingers continuing to move seamlessly to hold down every note.
Eyes closed (and there was no chance of you letting that happen) there was no way you could've told the difference than if he’d been playing with his fingers all along, the sound just as sharp and crisp as as every time before.
It's filthy, bordering on vulgar the way he’s moving the silky pink muscle so expertly, so much so that it makes you feel like you're intruding, peeping in on something that only happened behind closed doors.
But that gnawing feeling isn't anywhere near enough to make you stop looking. Your gaze stays planted firmly on Eddie's mouth, the sight making your head crowd with static and your belly swirl with heat. Your thighs had been clamped together too, you realize, a sickening realization dawning over you when they rub together, registering the dampness pooling between them underneath your skirt.
Oh my god…am I w-?
And just as abruptly as the realization had sunk in, the song ends. Deafening silence returns to your shared corner of the trailer park when Eddie sets the guitar back down to hang by the strap fixed over his shoulder, eyes flicking to you as if he'd known all along that you'd been standing there, gawking at him.
"So, what do you think? pretty good, right? been working on it for weeks", he pants out, chest rising and falling softly with each labored breath.
Somehow, this feels so much worse than when he caught you staring the last time.
With luck, you're able to shake yourself out of your trance like state, round eyes narrowing in preparation to berate him as originally intended
"Fucking hell, Eddie would you keep it down? I'm trying to study!", you agonize, scrambling to find your fury again.
But your tone doesn’t seem to bother him, it rarely ever did. So he leans through the open window, elbows resting on the window pane, eyeing you up and down all amused.
"You look stressed", he observes, and it's the flippant way in which he does it that ticks you off, with the kind of lopsided smile you’d often described as annoying. For the most part because he’d almost always done something to that effect before flashing you one.
"I am", you confirm with an acidic glare, hoping he couldn't tell how frazzled his little performance had left you.
"And you're not helping so knock it off"
Turning on your heel, you're desperate to retreat back to your place for a reprieve, heart hammering inside your chest when he calls out to you again.
"I could help you relax, y'know"
The way he says it makes you pause, like he's about to let you in on a secret.
Your skin prickles with goosebumps. "I'm not buying weed from you Eddie", you answer back over your shoulder, trying to look unimpressed as you attempt to turn him down.
"I wouldn't charge", the boy winks at you without missing a beat, undeterred by your cold attitude and you hate that his persistence makes your face feel hot.
"But that's not what I was going to suggest"
You turn around to face him again, intrigue building.
He takes a moment to scan you thoughtfully, brows furrowing, almost as if he's weighing the outcomes of what might happen if he were to continue.
"You liked what you saw, right?", his brown eyes flicked down to his guitar and back up to you in quick reference to what you were hoping to avoid.
The mention of what you'd witnessed him doing with his tongue brings that hot, sticky feeling sitting at the base of your stomach back in full force, alarm bells ringing in your head.
"What does that have to do with anything?", you ask cautiously, realizing a second too late that you’ve only confirmed his suspicion.
Eddie curls a finger up at you, rings glinting in the sunlight, beckoning you closer and for some reason you actually oblige, stepping up to his window until you’re only a foot apart from one another.
Low and throaty, he whispers to you. "I can do a lot more with my tongue than just shred on my guitar", flicking the muscle salaciously between his lips like a viper ready to strike.
It should revolt you, watching the crude gesture courtesy of the bane next door, the implication behind it enough to make your skin crawl.
So why doesn't it?
Why does it make you want to leap at him and close the distance between the two of you, hungry to feel his tongue against your own?
"You're disgusting", you tell him instead in an attempt to deflect, voice wavering through the lie.
But he's too astute to be fooled now. "And you like it", he counters easily.
"So are you going to cut the bullshit and climb in here or what?"
You stare at the hand he holds out to you and before you can think to just walk away, before you can pull yourself together and stifle the roaring fire inside lapping at your bones, your fingers have found their way to his.
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sserajeans · 10 months
just for a moment
hanni pham x fem! reader
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synopsis: you and your co-star are tasked to make a song for your web drama's soundtrack. your co-star happens to be a childhood friend whom you've had history with.
genre + others: lsrfm! reader, idol au, childhood friends to lovers, friends to lovers, fluff, second chance ish?
notes: not requested, PLS READ THE LYRICS IT'LL MATTER!!!!, how i look delaying yail update 😂😂, also yes another hsmtmts inspired oneshot, pics from @/wiotas
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"what do we even fucking write about?"
how did you get here? glad you asked!
it's the year 2025, and a team of producers at hybe are on the works for a minor project: a web drama promoting support for the lgbtq+.
you've talked about how odd it was to your best friend, and groupmate, yunjin.
"probably good for publicity, girl. like 'make everyone know we're not homophobic!' kinda thing." was all she had to say about it, which was likely true anyways.
you were convinced the casting was done at random honestly, but it was obvious they wanted a mix of groups to garner more attention. and that landed you the lead role with, you guessed it, ms. hanni pham!
why you two when you each had members who fit the actress role better? well, that's where you thought the random part came to play.
filming wasn't much of an issue. you were comfortable with hanni, and you two worked well on and off screen, just as expected considering your history. the director even pointed out your "remarkable chemistry", but she didn't have to know why it was that way.
as a matter of fact, you guys were about to wrap up in a few days. it was a wild past couple of weeks, but it was nice to get to spend more time with hanni again.
i mean, don't get me wrong, it's not like you two cut each other off when you moved to korea, but the talking definitely decreased, and the filming made up for lost time!
now, on one of the last days of filming, your respective managers sat you two in a conference room together, and dropped the news that you'd have to compose a new song just for the web drama's soundtrack.
the task in itself didn't bother you at all, and you were sure it didn't bother hanni too. you two were experienced in songwriting and composing, your names on a couple of song credits to count, so this was actually much easier than acting.
the issue was that you had enough going on for certain... feelings to resurface.
you see, the plot of the web drama hit a little too close to home for you. i mean seriously, childhood friends with feelings for each other, but couldn't take things further due to complications, then having to work together acting in some play.
it sounded a lot like your story.
hell, they even had your character do swimming! the same sport you excelled in back in australia.
the only reason nothing has gotten too awkward on that note yet, was because of your other labelmates being there like boynextdoor's leehan, minji and danielle, even your fellow members kazuha and yunjin.
with them around, you got to reconnect with hanni, but with a couple safe boundaries! now that you two were tasked to work on something alone though? you were scared things were going to be different.
so that's what brought you two here, together, in the music room. hanni seated facing the table with a pen and paper, you on the floor with your guitar in hand.
you were strumming to any chord shape that could come to mind in hopes of finding a melody that you could build off of, and hanni was tapping the end of her pencil on her forehead for any word, lyric, or rhyme that could work.
nothing came.
so engrossed in your respective tasks, the two of you didn't notice a shadow behind the translucent door, so when a knock came, you levitated off the floor for a millisecond, and hanni let out a soft yelp.
"hey you two~"
huh yunjin.
"how are my besties doing!" she came in doing a little dance, first walking over to check on what hanni was writing before landing on the floor beside you.
"we're stuck." you muttered, head against the wall behind you.
"oh... i see." yunjin shrugged her eyebrows in confusion, because she had just came from peeking over at hanni's notebook and was 100% sure she had lines written down.
"well, let's see... you got the genre down that suits the two of you so there's that. romance obviously sells, so there's that too. maybe you guys should try... writing while in character?" yunjin did her best to help the two of you, as the mutual best friend and seasoned singer-songwriter. "or if there's an experience you guys have had before, that would definitely help. real raw emotion ya know?"
"anyways," the eldest huffed and got up from the floor, messing up your hair and hanni's before heading for the door to leave the room. "i gotta get going. you two don't come home too late okay?"
you and hanni nodded before resuming. after a couple minutes, you realized that maybe you two will have to be communicating more if it meant writing a song together.
"hey han, do you have anything written?" hanni froze for a second before turning around on her chair.
truth was she did. she wrote them down specifically as yunjin started telling you two to write based on experiences.
"i... uh... kind of? just a couple lines, i don't know how i feel about them though."
"can i take a look? might help a bit."
"oh yeah... sure..."
there was a hint of hesitance in her voice, but it'd look awfully suspicious if she scratched out lines right before you'd check.
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"ah..." the initial reaction was surprise for you, and a million thoughts came racing through your head.
"yeah! it's nothing much... but i figured it was better than nothing...."
"no yeah! for sure! i'm kinda getting the vibe, wait here." you turned around and picked up your guitar from the floor and took a seat beside hanni. "uhm... okay let's try... this?"
you freestyled a riff on your guitar, allowing your fingers to move on its own to play what felt right. it resulted in one of the most simple yet enchanting melodies that seemed perfect for your song's intro.
"hey that sounds perfect! i love it!" hanni cheered and gave you a thumbs up. "okay so... since you're doing your little guitar intro, perhaps we have the first line written in your character's point of view?"
"sure... okay... uhm..." it took you a couple seconds to think of something, or to get in character on the spot. but then you remembered yunjin's advice.
an experience you guys have had before.
"uh... how's this..." you fiddled with your hands as hanni nodded along, telling you to go on with your suggestion. after about half a minute, you had a two-liner with some sort of melody that matched your guitar intro. "i fell in love with the only girl who knows what i'm about."
hanni froze for a second, which didn't go unnoticed by you, but continued nodding along as she wrote down the lines. "i like your voice in this genre."
"oh..." you looked up from your guitar and faced her side profile as she was still facing her notebook. you felt your face warm a little, but not too much for it to gain color. "that's a lot coming from you. i have your lee mujin service episode on loop."
hanni smiled, a sight you'd never get tired of seeing. "a fan, huh? which part's your favorite?" she turned to look at you, a smirk on her face to mask the flustered and proud version of herself having received praise for her work from you of all people.
she continued writing a line underneath yours, a sudden burst of inspiration coming over her.
"probably lucky."
of course it's the song about being in love with your best friend.
she chuckled at your answer. hanni wasn't dense, and she knew you weren't either.
okay maybe you were, just slightly, but you pick up on context clues.
but point is, she knew what that implied, and what everything that came between the two of you the past few weeks could've felt like for you.
but just as she was getting somewhere, her train of thought was interrupted by your "burst of epiphany", as one would call it.
"oh hey, hear this out. i think it sounds like chorus material." you tapped her shoulder and positioned your hands across the frets of your guitar. you sounded a lot happier, more energy than you did earlier in the day as you finally got a feel of what to write and play.
when we're underneath the lights, my heart's no longer broken, for a moment, just for a moment
in that moment, hanni's mind rushed with too many emotions. objectively, the melody was beautiful. your voice made it better, the guitar felt like it had a voice of its own, and the lyrics. god, the lyrics.
she knew for sure you felt what she felt.
the two of you stayed in that music room a couple more hours, discovering a new type of comfort in a person the other has always known. like reading a book you've had forever, and feeling a newfound joy in a character that has always been there.
by the end of the day, you and hanni seemed to have switched roles, your guitar in her hands, and her notebook in yours.
you were finishing up a final copy of the first half of the song along with chords in case you'd forget the sound. there was also a copy of the both of you singing on your respective voice note apps. (which, unbeknownst to you, would be on repeat for hanni later that night.)
"here we go." you sighed, it took a lot of effort trying to make handwriting like yours legible. you've always hated it. teachers back in elementary all throughout high school would always mark your papers low despite almost flawless answers, just for your handwriting.
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"i've always liked your handwriting..." hanni muttered as she admired your written work, unknowingly smiling to herself.
"oh.. thanks. i've always hated it."
"i know." hanni looked up at you, observing the sheepish smile on your face. she knew all about why you hated it, and she understood, but to her, it was an art. a part of you. she thought, "that's why i like it."
there was partial truth into that. besides it being a funny add-on to hanni's compliment, it's always been her thing to love stuff about you that you hated, even if it was something as small as handwriting.
back when you two were together (or whatever that was you had back in australia before you left, neither of you stuck a label on it), she'd always talk long speeches about how your handwriting was an art. something so significantly you that you shouldn't change, and that even if you hated it, she'd love it twice as much in place of you.
as you two shared a couple more laughs, a notification popped up on both of your phones. yours first, then hanni's a second later.
a snort accidentally escaped your system as you read the texts. "sorry.. is it yunjin?"
hanni let out the loudest laugh before nodding and exchanging phones with you to read what the older sent to the other. it was the same message in different forms, panicking to get you home before chaewon freaked out and took it out on yunjin, then proceeding to fear minji and her "wrath".
despite laughing at your member's worry, the two of you stood up to pack up, which really didn't take much anyways. you slid your guitar in its case, hanni hid her notebook in her bag.
walking out of the room to the lobby together side by side was probably the most stomach-churning activity of the day. and you literally had to write a love song about each other with each other. but there was something in the way it felt when your hands touched.
as you reached the part of the building where you finally had to part ways, the two of you faced each other. both expecting something, but not quite sure with what they were expecting.
"i.. uh... it was nice to reconnect today." she started off, awfully awkward at it too.
"yeah... it was..." you smiled, hand reaching for the back of your neck to scratch. a nervous habit. "i'll let you know if i think of anything tonight."
"yeah, same here." hanni nodded back, though a pinch of disappointment evident on her face. maybe she was expecting more, or maybe it was too soon. "see you tomorrow?"
"yeah... see ya." you slowly turned around, head racing.
should you say something? should you save it for another time? would it make things awkward tomorrow?
screw it. live in the present, right?
"han... for the record, my heart does still stop when i see you."
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fiendishfables · 7 months
hello!! i saw ur blog and i was super excited to see another aroaceee is it alright if you do platonic adam x reader headcanons? he can be reader's friend, sibling, or preferably reader's father figure as long as its platonic, anything u'd like is fine! sorry if my request is kinda weird lol, i just haven't seen a lot of platonic hazbin hotel stuff (especially stuff with adam in it)
a/n: Always good to meet other aroace individuals, indeed. I personally love Adam, he is absolutely my favorite character. I’ve been dying to write for him more and thinking of him as a dad is just my favorite scenario-
warnings: cursing, Adam being Adam, brief mentions of sex, subtle hints at Lute x Adam (if you squint)
words: 944
additional notes: this was one of my first asks I ever got; I AM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT. Enjoy~!
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Adam as a Father Figure
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First of all, he never expected to actually have a kid of his own, but now here he was
By the time you turned 6, you knew about every single curse word in existence, along with a (disturbingly) decent amount of female anatomy
Lute gets promoted to babysitter
When Adam is off performing with his band or needed in the council/other Heavenly resides, Lute is responsible for keeping track of his child
Even if she lost you (which she has, multiple times) he won't be that worried
You were a kid and as far as Adam knew, kids needed food
Hence how he knew you would find your way back to him eventually
Okay scratch that, maybe he does get a little worried...a lot
Starts to doubt his ability as a parent
Once he even got Sera to send out a search party for you because you had been gone longer than usual
It worried him sick whenever you went exploring, but he was almost a bit prideful that his offspring had managed to inherit his sneaking around capabilities already at such a young age
Lute has had to console her boss many times in response to your random disappearances under her watchfulness
He has legit been facedown on the couch with his head in her lap whilst he bawls his eyes out, blabbering to her about his worries pertaining to you, and then somehow that stems to his hopes and dreams in life (he doesn't wanna talk about it)
Only for you to walk in with food from some random location about 10 minutes later
You'd be on the floor as soon as you enter the domicile because Adam would have jumped on you and then proceeded to hug the very life out of you (all while stealing your bag of food in the process and running off with it)
Calls you a bitch, dumbass, and 'a little shit' for worrying him
Though he would never openly admit he had been worried
He doesn't care if you have a social life, he wants you home safe before 9pm, sharp
── ・ 。☆*☽*☆゚.──
Teaches you how to play guitar
He claims its because he wants to pass on one of his awesome talents to his only child, but he also really wants you to join him and his band on stage one day or another
You are in the starter stages of learning and are able to accurately get chords down and learn to read sheet music
A tear just may have come to his eye
The first song you two ever perform together is "Hell is Forever"
He did see someone try to give you a rose after your performance and nearly knocked them out
Trust him, he's a sex and relationship positive guy (for the most part) but he also can't help but feel like he wants to protect you at all costs
If you dare to call him over-protective, he will very gladly give you the silent treatment for a good 5 minutes
After that time mark, he will be groveling at your feet and whining about how sorry he is (rare that he actually says 'sorry')
His biggest fear is his own child having it out for him and not wanting anything to do with him
A clingy parent, no doubt
Wants to train you in the ways of becoming an Exorcist Angel
Poor guy is a bit insecure about everything and needs extra reassurance, though he would never ever outwardly ask for it
That's a sign of weakness in his eyes
Not for his child though
You come to him with even the smallest hint of watery eyes and he is already going full dad-mode
Determined to find the fucker who made you upset
Promises to give em' a good ol' kick in the balls (or vag)
Adam won't discriminate, he's just there to beat the ass of whoever hurt his precious baby
He will get in a fist fight with Sera in order to make you happy
Just expect to be the one he then blames when he gets demoted
── ・ 。☆*☽*☆゚.──
Adam totally took lots of naps before he had a child, so this just makes for the two of you ending up crashing on the couch together and creating a melodic tune out of your in-sync snoring patterns
Anything the two of you can do together without constantly arguing is a miracle, so this is to be cherished
He has definitely given you some very creative nicknames (as he calls himself 'Dickmaster')
Lute has taken many pictures
She wants to make a photo album and give it to Adam one day just to piss him off
But as she knows how much he really cares for you, she does not want to risk him growing apart from you due to something stupid she did for a few momentary laughs
Let's you two have your moments without interrupting
The two of you always fight over food and who gets to pick where you go for the evening, if going anywhere at all
Lute claims that you are making Adam all the more emotional, but no one seems to be complaining
Especially not the High Council
Its nice to have him shut his mouth for once and remotely think about his actions and who they could potentially effect
Adam has something to lose now, and everyone in both Heaven and Hell alike knew it
No demon spawn would ever get to set even a foot near you
You were the first life he felt truly responsible for
He refuses to fuck it up and lose someone else he cares about
He would protect you until the ends of time, whether you liked it or not
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sirenologyyy · 8 months
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✹ summary : in which i'm slowly crawling back to my avatar hyperfixation and i decided to make a band au!except I'm right (or not take this with a grain of salt hehe) and I frl can't see them playing any other roles
✹ author's note : let this not flop in eywa we pray 🙏 and yes, Daisy Jones and the Six is my favorite book, how did you guess?
✹ warnings : mentions of bleeding, scabs, swearing obv
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It all started one balmy afternoon when Lo'ak and Spider were blowing off their biochemistry homework lying down on the floor staring at the cieling fan undeviatingly oscillate above them. Then, Lo'ak suddenly sits up from his spot causing Spider to look at him.
"What's up?" Asked Spider.
Lo'ak looks at him, a newfound determination in his wide eyes. "Dude, what if we start a band."
Spider frowns. "A band?"
"No, but hear me out for a second." says Lo'ak bristling in his spot as Spider sits up.
Although wary, Spider hums. "Alright."
"Think about it, school's almost over, we barely know anybody in this town, are we seriously gunna hangout in the beach all summer trying to make friends?"
Spider chuckles. "I think I'm missing the point where that's a bad idea."
"Spider, come on bro- look at us, we're losers alright? We're practically throwaway fish to the kids at school- but if we start a band, who knows how many people'll wanna be a part of it, we'll score a couple of life long friends AND it'll be our one solid excuse not to be at home" Lo'ak's riposte was proving to make sense, with a toothy smile to cap it off, but of course Spider- considering he was two years Lo'ak's senior had to pop his bubble with the pragmatic pin of reality.
"I don't know dude, it sounds kinda lame." Spider replies hesitantly, propping himself up by his elbows. "We've been trying to start a band since 7th grade, we always end up calling it quits on the 3rd week."
"This time it'll be different."
Spider scoffs. "Uh-huh? How "
Lo'ak nudges his right shoulder upwards. "We'll ask Neteyam to help."
Spider shoots him yet another look. "If he doesn't want to help?"
"We make do," Lo'ak shrugs. "What's wrong with a two man band?"
"Almost everything." Spider snorts.
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★ lo'ak ──────── electric guitar
when they used to live back in high camp, he found an old silvertone in their attic that used to belong to jake during his marine days along with scores of 70's rock bands' songs on yellowing paper fraying at the edges and folds.
He spent 3 months learning a song with 4 chords by ear and performed it at the school talent show
When he got into 6th grade he did not only beg, for an electric guitar he GROVELED. He suddenly wanted to do all the chores in the house, he suddenly got C's instead of D's in tests, it was terrifying because who the hell WAS this and what did they do to the real Lo'ak???
Jake and Neytiri didn't give him one until he was 13. Jake just picked him up from school one day and all of a sudden just asked: you wanna get that electric guitar?
got a classic red stratocaster.
The first song he ever learned to play on the guitar was buddy holly by weezer...
Come on you guys what were you expecting
likes picking at his finger scabs and does it until neteyam or tsireya tells him off.
has multiple guitar picks but always uses this specific one he made into a necklace and wears it everywhere.
tuk keeps hiding them around the house waiting for lo'ak to lose his mind.
he can play any song by ear, just watch.
plays around with riffs more often than not.
★ neteyam ──────── back up vocalist / lyricist
never even wanted to join the band but was bullied into joining (kiri joined when he said he wouldn't just to spite him)
has perfect pitch (are we surprised though)
uses it to nitpick Lo'ak when he's straying from the original pitch.
lo'ak will then threaten to cave his face in with his capo.
his favorite artists are frank ocean and kendrick lamar.
no one in his entire school woulda guessed he could sing. Nobody.
was made to sing in family events... (iykyk)
loves musicals. his favorite's Hamilton...
Jake and Neytiri took him to see Hamilton once in New York when he was 11, he's never been the same since.
Once he's out there though he totally changes, he gets more confident, when he's really feeling it then his braids start flying everywhere... it's becoming an issue really, he might take someone's eye out with how solid his hair beads are...
hurled his guts out one time before they had to perform at the end of year school fair.
★ kiri ──────── pianist
there are always four types of gays. English Teacher Gays, Art Teacher Gays, History Teacher Gays, and Music Teacher Gays.
Kiri was definitely the last one.
lo'ak got her a shirt that says "key master" with her face horribly photoshopped onto the keys of a piano.
she burned it the night she got it.
til this day lo'ak never knew what happened to it.
Suki Waterhouse as Karen Sirko in the DJATS live action? Brain chemistry = altered
Stevie Nick's and Lindsey Buckingham's performance of Silver Spring in Fleetwood Mac's Reunion concern in 1997? = Roman Empire.
was in the school choir and would play the piano in their choir director's stead.
has been playing the piano for 9 years but always gets confused when asked to play a flat or a sharp (it takes her 4 tries to figure out where C minor is)
her favorite piece to play is over the waves by juventino rosas.
when she wants to show jake a new piece she's been working on, by the first minute he's out like a fucking light. SHE'S JUST THAT GOOD.
also when she wants to play a piece with too many chords she never wanted to play it in the first place.
once she messes up she's definitely one of those people who spams the keys.
one time when she was playing a piece her fingers cramped mid-song and she freaked out.
★ spider ──────── drums
his dad's military friends taught him how to play the drums.
lo'ak dared him he couldn't do a drumroll for an hour.
spider did it in two and a half but stopped cuz he got hungry LMAO.
impresses kiri with various drumstick spins, it dosen't impress her.
practically worshipped that one vine of those two kids.
was definitely one of those kids that played with overturned pots and pans and pretended it was a drum set (it annoyed the hell outta norm)
once lost his drum sticks and used chopsticks (ps. they weren't the same)
scribbled their band logo on his bass drum and was very proud of it.
INSISTED they would call themselves "the seven skxawngs"
nobody listened to him.
when they held auditions for their drummer he went "You guys know I can play the drums right?"
has never watched whiplash.
uploads drum covers on his tiktok account with 70 followers.
makes dumb jokes if the others can't figure out a certain chord or note he'd go "guys maybe it's at H!"
the most chillest person in the band though frl.
somehow always manages to pull??? The amount of game this man has solely just because he's the drummer is wild.
they once performed at an event with 50 people and Spider was wearing addidas slides the entire time and nobody noticed.
★ tsireya ──────── main vocals/lyricist
When I tell you this kid can SING SHE CAN SING.
frl the real life ariel I swear evrrytime she opens her mouth everyone's wishing on her downfall because she's such a talented singer, her vibratro is so measured, her runs are so clean, she's just so UGHHHH.
is such a theatre kid oh Lord.
was made to sing at family events too (it's practically a canon event atp guys.)
has a special journal where she writes her song lyrics that she takes with her everywhere (give her 5 minutes and she can write a song with just her hand as paper and eyeliner as a pen.)
joined in singing competitions when she was a kid and when she was 10 joined a televised singing competition and managed to make it to the semi-finals.
it's why she's the lead singer of the band anyway.
she always has pearls threaded into her hair every time they perform and it's been her signature look ever since.
her voice is fucking angelic ya'll istg.
is a soprano. enough said.
is amazing at reading sheet music.
she and neteyam wrote 3 original songs that the band performs everytime they get a gig.
aside from singing she can play piano and violin too.
she's a fucking wordsmith too like she's so eloquent and knows all these big words and she's good at expressing her pent up emotions through songwriting.
the literal it girl. Everyone in their band gained more popularity ever since they opened for a popular band from L.A. but everyone in their high-school knows her name. Everyone.
her vocal control is amazing.
she really knows how to liven up a crowd.
★ aonung ──────── rhythm guitar
has been playing guitar since he was 7.
took up guitaring because his dad introduced him and tsireya to playing instruments at a young age.
collects guitar straps.
neteyam's always on his ass about if what he's playing sounds right or not (50% of the time he's not)
it isn't practice without neteyam and aonung almost throwing hands at least thrice.
almost always smokes while practicing.
oddly enough only has one guitar pick and he hasn't lost it yet unlike lo'ak who buys new guitar picks every other month.
obsessed with black nailpolish, you won't see him go on stage without black nails istg.
he didn't even audition for the band. He was just always there at the Sully residence to pick Tsireya up from practice until one day Tsireya told him to come inside the house, when he did he finds out they needed someone for rhythm guitar and that Tsireya let it slip that Aonung knew how to play.
he's been a part of the band ever since.
he's just incredibly good with his fingers, enough said.
after the first time they performed their first gig at some girl's house party, he, rotxo, and lo'ak got high on the rooftop of Aonung's house (yk until Lo'ak slipped and started dangling from the gutters and fell into the pool)
his outfits always eat every time they perform.
james hetfield the goat.
always experimenting with new riffs and runs and adds them to the songs mid-performance and without any warning (just to piss neteyam off)
★ rotxo ──────── bass guitar
the glue and heart of the band frl.
the sweetest basist you'll ever meet.
his family actually owns a popular guitar shop in Awa'atlu, he first started playing the guitar at the ripe age of 5.
Bro is a prodigy but dosen't want to admit it.
aonung bought his first guitar at rotxo's family's shop, they hit it off ever since.
Always brings his baked goods to practices (then kiri devours the entire tray when you aren't looking)
actually fucked up his audition for the band but then Lo'ak found him sobbing in a janitors closet and gave him a second shot at an audition with just Lo'ak and Spider and he was able to redeem himself.
(really only auditioned cuz he played bass, they were finding a bassist, and not because kiri sully was their pianist)
is an introvert but he's so fucking funny that you wouldn't suspect it.
can perform riffs in his sleep (no he actually does though it freaks aonung out when he spends the night in his place.)
kiri made him a resin guitar pick with fragments of coral from the beach when they had their first date.
has a "maturing is realizing bass is the superior instrument" tshirt.
one time wore finger condoms so his scabs wouldn't re-open and bleed all over his guitar 😔
loves playing deftones on the bass.
has chronic "guitar face"
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Nobody has said it but uhhh
If Hobie and Miguel fought - Hobie would win.
Hands down. It would genuinely be no competition.
Miles has already proven that Miguel's weak to electricity. Hobies main weapon is an electric guitar her takes into every battle.
Miles' power is transmitted through touch.
Hobie however, can do it in any direction. From a great distance, which can be extended by speakers.
If we're surmising that Hobie is using some form of Sound Wave/Electricity combo, his attack would be effective on anybody in direct range of him, no obstructions, regardless of whether the person could hear him or not.
Since his attack is shown to be like.. visible distinct things (things we know Miles and the rest can see, considering they can see Spider-Ham's style clearly) rather than some mystic force.
His attack doesn't just work on people, but things too. So it's not about the sound itself being painful, but seemingly - the sound wave itself being powerful.
Let's call it an Electric Wave.
The electric waves emitted by his guitar look as if they strong enough to physically interact with whatever it is he's challenging, in this case - an electric barrier.
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But most interestingly, we see that this power is technically still coming from Hobie. Not the guitar.
Hobies guitar is an electric one. I've spoken about it in the past, but in short
Electric Guitars require an Amp.
An amp is that big speaker looking thing that guitarists string to their guitar. And it electrically amplies the strumming of the electric guitar, to make it into music.
Without an amp, electric guitars just sound muted and unrecognizable - they don't even sound like accoustics.
Hobie however doesn't need an amp to play, he can play freely.
So that implies that he himself is the amp, amplifying his own playing. He can direct this playing - we know this because when he plays in front of crowds, he knows how to not harm them. The effect only happens when he means it to.
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His power is powerful - more powerful than the collective efforts of Miles, Pavitr, and Gwen, plus he can use it at extremely far range, plus he seems to have amazing - if not perfect control over it.
Realistically speaking-
If Miguel and Hobie were to actually fight, Hobie could one-hit K.O Miguel from across the room with basically a strum of the right string.
We don't know exactly how strong Hobies power is, or it's limitations. But if we assume that his power is 'electricity' in the way Miles is, one right chord and Miguel's suit is fucked.
Considering his damage at Alchemax - he might be able to wreck all of Miguel's systems, if he tried. Maybe even take out Lyla's server.
We really don't know - but Hobie is POWERFUL.
We don't know if he could beat Jess, or Peter B - but considering Miguel lost to Miles
Miguel would be light work for Hobie. He wouldn't even be able to get a hit in on Hobie.
Just wanted to put that on the record. So everyone knows WHAT'S WHAT.
So we all know whose top dog ALRIGHT Im confident Hobie would have Miguel in SHAMBLES. SHAMBLES I tell you
Hobie is simply too good. Sorry.
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lionhanie · 3 months
sungho as your boyfriend! ♡
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boyfriend sungho x gn reader!!!!, fluffy fluff, he loves you so much :-(
word count: ~720
warnings: none
a/n: bf sungho everyone CHEERED!!!! i literally geeked writing the last point bc i'm madly in love with him... hope u enjoy ^_^ also he's actually so breathtaking in that pic im going crazy
likes ♡ and reblogs ↺ always appreciated!
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i lowkey feel like in the start of your relationship he’s super … well mannered? not that he isn’t normally, but moreso ... the last thing he would want to do is make you uncomfortable so he goes out of his way to make sure he isn’t overstepping any boundaries until he knows you’re okay with something
the two of you are eating dinner with each other & sungho can’t stop looking at the sauce on the side of your mouth; he contemplates not saying anything about it because you look really cute when you’re enjoying the food so well…he eventually holds up a napkin by your face and he’s just like
“can i…?” once you understand what he's asking, you’re a little embarrassed because how long was there something on your face????? but regardless you give him a small nod & he gently wipes the stain off your face, as both of you struggle to keep the smiles off your own faces
always giving gifts with MEANINGS like boy will do his research and go above and beyond!!!!. and will always be so happy to explain said research if you happen to ask about it  
(im specifically thinking about their debut gifts to each other and sungho was so drawn to the Meanings of the flowers he got for woonhak rather than focusing only on what they looked like)
at one of your relationship milestones, he pulls out a jewelry box. there’s a dainty ring sitting inside of it, with two gemstones planted side by side in its center. you immediately gasp because IT’S SOOOO PRETTY? but you can’t help but wonder where he got it because it looks… handmade?
“where did you get this? the gems complement each other so well!”
“ah… taesan and i went to a jewelry making workshop a couple weeks ago, so i wanted to make something for our anniversary,” he grabs your hand to place the ring on one of your fingers, finding it to be a perfect fit. “it’s not the best, but i tried my hardest. i even put our birthstones on it!” 
even if sungho didn’t think the ring was perfect, it definitely was perfect to you <3 
when you give him gifts he will be OVER THE MOON, esp if it was something you got for him /just cause/. he falls in love with you even more knowing that you put in the same effort he does when it comes to gifts
a necklace? he never forgets to put it on before he goes out for the day. a framed picture of you two from your first date? it lives atop his dresser for him to see every morning :3 
i'm a firm believer that sungho will go out of his way to implement constant reminders of you throughout his daily routine (because you're obviously his favorite thing to think about), which is why he adores the things you get for him
u already know this man does not hesitate to serenade you whenever he gets the chance to. omygooooddd his angelic voice paired with a love song you just KNOW he is dedicating to you 
plus i feel like it’d be intimate as hell…. he’s gently strumming his guitar, playing the chords to one of your favorite songs, only breaking eye contact to take a quick look back at his fingers to make sure he plays the next notes correctly OHHHH i’m in love with him i fear
when the time comes for his weekly deep clean of the dorms, he swears he’s ready to propose to you right then and there as you help him tidy up everyone’s mess LOL 
sungho’s accepted the fact that he sometimes needs to clean up after the other members, but now that you’re wiping down the kitchen counters next to him as he washes the various pots and pans that have been piling up in the sink, he almost looks forward to it. it’s oddly domestic-- not that he’s complaining. 
“you know, you don’t need to clean up their mess for them. it’s not like you’re their mom or something,” he says as he places another clean plate on the dish rack beside him. 
“i mean, i know that. but you don’t need to either! i don’t mind helping you out if it means i get to spend some more time with you.” you shyly admit, spraying the counter with disinfectant. out of nowhere, he comes up behind you and places a sweet kiss atop your head, thanking you for everything you do for him. ♡
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© lionhanie 2024 ; all rights reserved!
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elorawrites · 2 years
raising a kid with ellie [ headcanons ]
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pairing: farmhouse!ellie williams x fem!reader
summary: what it'd be the like to raise a kid with ellie after moving to the farmhouse just miles from jackson.
warnings: nothing crazy, this is just a whole bunch of fluff! proofread-ish.
author's note: was in dire need of making something with ellie as a parent!! this is my first hc, so it might not be the best. hope you enjoy nonetheless!
wc: 0.8k
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there would definitely be a point in time after living on all that land, with just you, ellie, and the sheep, things would grow to be a little quiet for the both of you.
you would be the first one to bring the idea up to ellie, it'd be during one of those mornings the two of you decided to spend a little more time in bed, rolling around in the sheets together before you pretty much asked her on a whim:
"hey els, what do you think of having a baby?"
your question didn't necessarily surprise ellie. she knew from past conversations that eventually, the two of you would like to have your own little family. the idea has been on both of your minds a lot more than usual, not that either of you were aware of that about other.
ellie would tease you about it at first, laughing at your protests for her to be serious as she playfully nipped at the skin of your neck and squeezed your hips.
"seems like someone caught a case of baby fever, hm?" ellie continued to tease you as you whined, grasping at the girl's face and pulling her away from your neck to look at her.
"ellie, i'm serious–" you started to speak, before quickly being interrupted by the feeling of her lips on your own. you melted into the kiss, delighted hums coming from ellie as she felt you reciprocate before pulling away just slightly.
"i'm serious too, babe." her voice was quiet, barely above a whisper as her green eyes holding an unwavering stare, "let's have a baby."
you guys would work like madmen trying to baby-proof the house. ellie took on all the handiwork, softening out any harsh corners and securing locks to doors and cabinets. you took care of supplies you were sure would come in handy: clothes, food, diapers, and toys.
you decided the best thing to do would be to go back to jackson and adopt one of the kids who were left without parents. it was the safest option, and ellie didn't want to think of all the potential risks and dangers of you being pregnant in this kind of world.
i feel like ellie would make a connection with one of the younger kids, around toddler age, almost immediately.
you two would visit the makeshift orphanage any chance you got to be with them, and ellie would spend the whole trip home talking about those few hours in jackson
(which you were there for, but you would listen anyway because ellie was just so happy)
ellie would pick back up on the guitar after a while, finally ready to replace any old memories with new ones she'll create with her family.
she would absolutely teach your kid how to play guitar early on.
perhaps maybe a little too early..
"babe, come look at this! i think we might have a future rockstar on our hands." ellie's voice called to you from the living room, leaving you to abandon the dishes to follow your girlfriend's voice. the sight you walked in to see made your heart swell with so much love, you swore it would start pouring from your orifices or something.
there ellie sat on the sofa, baby on her lap with wide eyes as they watched her strum on the strings of joel's her old guitar, their hands eagerly pulling at the chords and babbling excitedly as it made a faint plucking sound.
ellie's gazed shifted between you and the baby with a grin you were sure was reasoning the room got a little brighter.
you wouldn't dare tell ellie that you think she might be getting a little ahead of herself, the sight of her cooing to your child about how she would teach them all the songs she knew, or even make a little family band.
ellie and you made sure your little one wasn't anything less than entertained.
i can imagine you sitting out on the porch with your baby, telling them all sorts of stories about your lives before you were introduced to each other.
ellie would pull out her comics or astronomy books and read pages to them in such an animated manner, always pausing between pages to gauge the baby's reactions
(they were always smiling and entertained with her)
i just feel like after time, you both would be laying in bed one night, curled up into each other now that your child was old enough to have their own room, just reminiscing.
definitely a full circle moment with this, ellie just admiring you and how much of an amazing mother you are, how blessed she is to be able to actually raise a family with someone like you
even though your kid was still young, the idea of you being the mother of ellie's children just put her in overdrive, her mind going haywire as she asked you on a whim:
"what do you say we have another baby?" she'd ask you in between hushed kisses, arms enveloped in each other as you leaned back to look at her with surprise, lips quirking up into a smirk.
"who has the baby fever now, huh?"
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hyuckie-angel · 1 year
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treasure reaction; college boyfriend
in which they love their partner and their studies (sometimes)
a/n; a lil suggestive in jihoon, yoshi, asahi and doyoung’s parts
최현석 • choi hyunsuk
the making music at 1am boyfriend
the raw talent your partner hyunsuk possesses is no joke
the way music seems to come from his fingertips
magically into the software
renders you speechless sometimes
‘come look at what i made :D’
he’ll never say it but all of his lyric inspiration is you
he’s never failed a project and he knows its because he’s got you there to write about :’)
but anyway
despite adoring his creativity, sometimes he really just has no clue 
like there’s a road in his brain but its one way and the lines are fading
if you get what i mean
it’s really late
the world is silent
you are drifting off into dreams
when out of nowhere you hear a really loud Dm chord blasting through the stereo
‘yeah? :0′
he’s cute when he’s confused so you forgive him
when he has an early class you sometimes have to get out of bed and force him away from his desk
‘but im almost don-’
‘hyunsuk it is 4am go the fuck to sleep’
sometimes he whips out the guitar at 1am, strumming a few chords and humming along
this you could never say no to
‘i wrote this one for you the other day’
lying there listening to him quietly serenade you fills you with this warm comfortableness 
so you jump out of bed to grab his face 
planting a soft kiss onto his lips
you can feel his grin even with your eyes shut
its safe to say that sleeping doesn’t play a huge part in the relationship, and you could not care any less :)
박지훈 • park jihoon
the ‘if i finish my project will you finish me? ;)’ boyfriend
lord help your soul
jihoon may look like the sweetest, most innocent guy on campus
but oh boy is that incorrect
before you were even dating he was winking at you across the classroom
or running ahead of you to open doors
and despite his wide and elated smile when you finally accepted his advances
he is a fiend
he’s like your own personal devil on your shoulder
‘surely we skip this class’ wink wink wink
you quickly figured out that the best motivation for this man is
the intimate kind
the ‘if you finish this project in the next hour ill let you do whatever you want tonight’ kind
he has absolutely no complaints
it was a dream come true when he realised you would reciprocate
both of you would much rather spend a night having fun
than reading coursework and hating life
of course he has his sweet moments
buys you flowers
brings you chocolate when you’re sad
agrees that making a pillow fort is very important rn
cue the next 3 hours of bickering and pillow related injuries
but his tendency to get distracted
makes itself known quite often
of course you use this to your advantage
walking into the room in a tiny little skirt and an almost see through top
you get more attention than you’ve ever dreamed of
and the sex 
you don’t wanna blow up his ego
but it’s just always really, really good
your professor has started to become suspicious
sometimes both of you do fantastic work
but sometimes both your projects look rushed  (¬_¬)
‘we just spent too much time studying for our other class professor i swear’
this boy will be the death of you 
金本芳典 • kanemoto yoshinori
the always late to class boyfriend
you love this boy to the grave
but you cannot count on all your fingers and toes the amount of times he has forgotten about his classes
never once has he done it on purpose
the man just gets so distracted by anything and everything
especially you
he is no thoughts head empty only yn
‘holy fucking fuck i have class rn’
you have his schedule written down in your phone
so when you tell him you’re going to the shops and he says he’s coming
you can tell him 
‘no yoshi you have literature in 5 minutes’
cue yoshi olympic sprinting out of the house
the amount of times he comes back from class with a paper that has been graded 
‘98%... late’
its basically his brand atp
you’re no better sometimes though
if you’re making out and in the back of your mind you know he probably has class soon
but you’d much rather be here
with his hands in you hair and your heavy breaths breaking the silence
you just say nothing
yoshi doesn't care if he’s late because you guys were having sex
in fact unsurprisingly
he quite enjoys it
 as do you lmao
‘yoshi you have class’
‘stfu do you wanna have sex or not jesus’
he’s also developed a sixth sense when around his professors
if he passes by one of them on campus
he immediately leaves your side
jumping behind a bush
as you get confronted by his literature professor asking why tf he missed half an hour of class again
‘just tell them i died’ 
he’s never going to change, but as the wisest men say
김준규 • kim junkyu
the studies until 5am then sleeps through the class boyfriend
if theres one thing about junkyu
its that sleep >>>>> anything else
(aside from you >> ofc)
he also has this unbelievable fear of failing
so to compensate he spends hours and hours studying
into the night
you wake up sometimes and there’s 4 redbull cans scattered across the desk
and a very unconscious junkyu drooling onto his workbook
you take a photo of him
you gently shake him and wake him enough to get himself to bed
you can always tell how hard he’s working to try and pass his classes with the best marks possible
and you admire him for it
but goddamn does he need to stop staying up so late
you remember the infamous night that he stayed up super late cramming
absolutely determined to pass his exam with the highest marks possible
and then proceeded to sleep through all his alarms
you received a very tearful phone call that morning
‘can you wake me up at 6:30?’
‘junkyu its 5am that is 1 and a half hours of sleep’
he lives and breaths energy drinks
cue his hands shaking to the point where both of you are like
‘maybe we should go to a doctor’  (≖_≖ )
your favourite thing to do together is nap
because he is always sleep deprived
he turns into a cuddly gremlin when you lie down together
you want to get up and use the bathroom
too bad
wait until he wants to let go
its okay though because he’s so cute
sometimes when you’re napping he unconsciously kisses your forehead and cuddles closer to you
and you have to say nothing so you don’t wake him but also die inside from love and affection
although he is clumsy
and somewhat disorganised
he’s your clumsy and disorganised, and you love him more than anything <333333
윤재혁 • yoon jaehyuk
the ‘whats the answer???’ boyfriend
you met jaehyuk in a class the two of you shared
you could tell he was an absent minded guy
he was often staring towards the front of the lecture hall
looking directly through the teacher
and taking in precisely zero information
but because you were sat next to him
and you liked to think you were a decent person
you would give him a tap on the shoulder every time you thought he was missing something important
this seemed quite mundane to you
just a girl helping out a fellow classmate  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but the butterflies that birthed in his stomach every time you leant over to help him out
made him feel crazy
so he asked you out
after getting over the initial surprise of this gorgeous man wanting to be your boyfriend
you began to notice all these little habits about him
his confused squint when he’s trying to figure something out
the way he clenches his jaw in understanding
his fiddly hands when he’s losing his attention span
and your personal favourite;
the way he leans over to ask you questions about the class
‘hey what did you get for number 1 coz i got 35 but its not even a maths question?’
he’s also so unintentionally funny
‘babe i lost 17 pens can i borrow one?’
once you snorted in amusement so loudly the teacher said bless you
which made jaehyuk loose his shit laughing
and now whenever you laugh at his expense he says bless you
so you slap him (gently)
he pokes his tongue out 
you pretend to get offended
he laughs and kisses you softly
you forgive him immediately
his attention span in class has definitely improved with you helping him
even the professor has noticed
he maaaay or may not be pretending to zone out sometimes
just so you’ll tap him on the shoulder and look at him with your pretty eyes and ask him if he needs anything :’)
浜田朝光 • hamada asahi
the quiet sober; crazy drunk boyfriend
when you first met your boyfriend asahi
his quiet and calm temperament had caught your attention
you’d seen him in the library, head down, brown hair falling in his eyes
and you’d realised that you needed this man
he was beautiful
so you went and talked to him
his responses were
but little did you know his heart had swelled and his palms had become clammy at the sight of you
you and your face that he thought was maybe the most gorgeous he’d ever seen
so two months later you were dating
he’d told you he didn’t drink much
he didn’t care for it
but when you were invited to his best friend jaehyuks birthday party, he told you he’d probably indulge a little
“a little” he said
by the time you got into the uber to go to the party, his cheeks were flushed 
by the time you got there, he was smiling wonkily at you like an idiot
about half an hour later and you’d totally lost him
you weren’t worried, it was a safe environment
but you were curious
so out you went to look for him
and there he was on the roof
his hangover the next morning was his punishment for doing stupid shit you’d told him
now every time you drink
you wait for an incident ™
sometimes he just gets super horny
‘can we leave plzzz babe ;))’
and sometimes he manages things you don’t understand
‘okey we needa go coz that guys wantz to fite me idk why’
but all times, he is hungover for three days and one of his professors thinks he has an alcohol problem 
‘i’m never drinking again’ :(
김도영 • kim doyoung
the hits on you like you’re not dating boyfriend
just like jihoon
doyoung has this innocent exterior, devilish interior 
kinda vibe
he also has absolutely no shame ever
and so has this habit of constantly putting you in awkward situations 
where people think he’s harassing you
but in reality he’s just being a dickhead
‘hey bby girl you wanna come back to my place tonight?’ ;)
before you had told your best friend that you and doyoung were dating
he had come over, slung an arm around your shoulders and gone
‘hey sexy’
you had turned bright red
and your friend had looked so confused you thought she might have an aneurism
doyoung lives in a share house just off campus with three roommates; jaehyuk, jeongwoo and junkyu
the first few times you’d come over, doyoung turned off the weirdness
opting for just following you around
like a lost puppy
but when he realised his roommates didn’t pay you guys any attention
suddenly he’s backing you into walls
grabbing you from behind in the kitchen
staring at your chest almost all the time
and just being a general menace to society 
you have a really lovely and not embarrassing at all memory 
of a beautiful spring day
you and two friends were walking out of class
giggling at everything under the sun
when a voice echoes through the air
a voice belonging to your beloved boyfriend who’s standing 20 feet away from you with a shit eating grin on his face
‘yo yn... is that a mirror in your pocket coz i can see myself in your pants!!!!’ ;)) 
your physics professor was standing right behind him 
you’ve never seen someone go from confident to embarrassed that quickly
but even though he is your personal humiliation creator
you still let him hit
what can you say, he’s dumb but he’s hot lmaooo
渡辺春虎 • watanabe haruto
the ‘i fcking hate this class’ boyfriend
you were the year above haruto
you in your third year of studies, him in his second
you had dreamt your whole life of becoming a marine biologist
dedicating countess hours to study and achieving perfect scores
it wasn’t a secret that you loved all of your classes
one evening you were asked by your professor to attend a lecture and maybe help out anyone in need
and that’s when you first saw him
you thought he was cute immediately, his platinum blonde hair framing his face nicely and his glasses sliding down his nose a little
but you weren’t one for pursuing attraction
so you spent the lecture walking around and giving tips to people that asked
until haruto raised his hand as you walked by
secretly happy, you sat down next to him and asked what he needed
it was basically love at first sight for both of you
you spent the rest of the lecture sitting with him
he found you so endearing 
and you thought he was hilarious
all was going so well
until he opened his mouth and went 
‘yeah i fucking hate this class lol’
you awkwardly smiled
‘this is my favourite class’
his grin dropped dramatically
‘ah- ah i’m sorry idk why i said that’
you weren’t offended in the slightest
but his flustered reaction made you giggle
you began dating only weeks later :)
haruto’s favourite thing was to annoy the shit out of you talking about how much he dislikes the classes you love
you could be sitting in the food court
having a loving conversation
and out of nowhere he goes
‘i’m so glad im not in that class rn’
you deadpan stare at him 
if he sees you studying for the class
‘damn i was gonna stay over but not anymore i guess fuck’
so dramatic i stg
despite wanting to punch him in the jaw sometimes
he makes you laugh more than you had in years
and so you can move past the difference in interests for him
박정우 • park jeongwoo
the second-hand embarrassment boyfriend
confidently raises his hand and says the total wrong answer
kinda guy
trips over and sprains his ankle in the food court
kinda guy
not that you’d have it any other way
but damn sometimes you have to restrain from cringing visibly
he’s like a walking sit-com
and you are the audience
your personal favourite pass-time is forcing him to listen to his own actions retold from your perspective
as you wheeze with laughter and he sits there like  (-_-) 
he secretly loves it though
if his misfortune is enough to make you happy
he thinks you might be slightly weird
but your happiness is all that matters to him
so he can deal with it
‘im glad me falling on my ass was this amusing to you thanks heaps babe’
one day you were sitting in a class you shared 
it was business and it was boring but it was both of your favourite class because you were in <3 love <3
and jeongwoo had a question
the professor was walking around the classroom so he was waiting
and as they walked over, jeongwoo opened his mouth
and you watched practically in slow motion as he said
‘hey mum i have a question’
your eyes widened
his eyes widened
the professors eyes widened 
doyoungs eyes widened
you held back on laughing until he’d gotten the answer he needed
and then you and doyoung let loose 
‘hey mum’
‘mummy i mean mummy i mean-’
‘excuse me professor birthgiver’
if he ever gets insecure about anything
you look him dead in the eyes and tell him that he may be an idiot, but he’s your idiot, and thats all that matters :)
소정환 • so junghwan
the spends all his money on you boyfriend
from the beginning
junghwan had been spoiling you silly 
buying you lunches
hearing you say you liked something and immediately purchasing it
you hadn’t thought anything of it at first
assuming it was just a friendly gesture
but the smirks from all your friends told you a different story
after the two of you began dating, his bank account began suffering
you had told him countless times
he didn’t need to be doing all this
but to him, it was his way of showing you he cared
‘you like this? i buy for u bby girl’
‘junghwan no-’
he also wasn’t afraid of showing people how much he spoiled you
read: ‘one time he walked into your class whilst the teacher was talking and everybody looked at him confused and he walked to you and gave you a block of chocolate and then walked straight back out but blew you a kiss just to make sure you were sufficiently embarrassed’
you adore him for it though
no matter how much he tries to humiliate you
you also aren’t allowed to try and pay him back
if he catches you tryna pay for something
or transferring money
its on sight
‘i am a grown man and i am insulted by this behaviour’
sometimes you run to the food court to buy both of you lunch before he gets there
so that he can’t lecture you on spending money
sometimes you think he’s a bit dumb though
you once broke a pencil you’d been using in your art class
and in response junghwan had bought you 83 more
‘why are there 7 parcels at my door rn’
‘damn that shits crazy i have no idea’
despite this
you know his only intention is to be there for you and help you out
so you always thank him with a huge hug 
and only one or two insults about him being a walking wallet
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wordbreaker · 1 year
Strings ✷ Eddie Munson
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Words: 2k
Description: If there is one person that can piss Eddie Munson off, it’s the new neighbour… or the three times Eddie Munson ends up angry and how it stopped. 
( SILÉAS says ... ! ) I wrote this last year when season 4 came out. It's not a masterpiece⏤I don't even write for ST anymore⏤but it's fun and I wanted to share it with you.
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THE FIRST TIME Eddie wants to kill his new neighbour, it’s a Wednesday night and it's long past midnight. He knows she's the one making all that noise because it's not like Max Mayfield to blast her music for the whole neighbourhood to hear. The little redhead is far too glued to her walkman for that.
So there's only one other option he can think of.
A new trailer had been sold a week before, the one right in front his. If Eddie hadn't seen anything interesting in this event, he had no idea that the removal of the "for sale" sign would be the beginning of Hell.
He doesn't know what she looks like, the new neighbour, he just knows that she has an annoying tendency to think she's alone. 
In itself, she's not doing anything wrong, and he should even be happy that she's blasting AC/DC and not some shitty music at this hour. However, he has a D&D campaign to prepare for the club’s meeting next week, so he has no time to waste. The shorties—by which he means Sinclair multiplied by two, Henderson and Wheeler—have been bugging him to create a new one since the memorable end of the previous one. 
D&D is serious (at least for him), and Eddie won't be able to concentrate if he has to listen to that damn guitar one more minute. 
The last straw is the Highway to Hell solo.
While another neighbour shouts a totally useless "stop this shit!", Eddie opens his door with a bang—surely waking up Uncle Wayne in the process, or not because he too has to put up with this nightly concert—which slams brutally against the wall of the grey trailer.
From his doorstep he cannot see any light filtering through the curtains of the one opposite, but he does not trust this image: the neighbour is there and more awake than ever as Back in Black begins along its famous chords.
Three big steps to the trailer, three big breaths to calm down and three big knocks to call the neighbour. 
Not even a second later, the door opens and gives way to her, the one he is meeting for the first time. 
His words fade into his throat before he can utter them, the sight before him leaving him speechless. A cigarette in her mouth, barely hanging on, she looks at him with a blasé look, probably in a hurry to get back to her business.
Wisps of smoke form their hazy arabesques and intoxicate him, or perhaps it is the creature that has just appeared in front of him. To be honest, he doesn't know if he's dreaming or if it's reality, but the woman watching him seems to have come straight from his imagination. 
Tattoos blacken and decorate her skin in a constellation of ink that he wants to admire but can’t—maybe he does sneak a peek—because they're hidden by a big Iron Maiden shirt that falls over bare legs. He swallows. 
Why is he here again? 
That's exactly the question the neighbour asks him. Her voice is low and hoarse, damaged by tobacco and probably other substances. It seems to have collected dirt, sown by something called Life. In any case, the neighbour seems to have seen and done some shit. 
Eddie tries to answer. However, he can't take his eyes off the guitar hanging around her neck. It's simple, black but decorated with a few stickers that remind him of its owner's tattoos, and it's beautiful. Here's another point in common. Less so than his sweetheart, obviously, but it is metal, her guitar, almost as much as the one who holds it. 
So, she was the one playing. 
"Could you turn down your amp? I'm trying to get my campaign ready for my D&D club."
She scoffs, before muttering a "nerd" that he hears perfectly well despite the lowered tone. He thinks she did it on purpose. He doesn't really care. The word isn't said as aggressively as when Jason does it. It even sounds affectionate in her nicotined mouth (which he wants to taste but that's a detail for later, preferably tonight, late at night, and alone). 
"Don't worry, I'll turn it down." 
And without a goodbye, she slams the door, leaving him speechless from this encounter and perhaps, the mere sight of her. That night she keeps her word and Eddie can finish his campaign in silence. 
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THE SECOND TIME Eddie wants to kill his neighbour is when he is himself strumming his guitar one night to try to master the recently released Master of Puppets. The chords frustrate him because he can't string them together smoothly.
If that's the beauty of the art —the failure, the determination, the practice and ultimately the success—it's fucking annoying as of right now. And on top of that, he has to deal with his neighbour's solos, which are much better than his own. It's humiliating, and it doesn't help him to concentrate.
He lets out yet another grunt, a clear sign of his irritation, when at the other end of the path he hears Master of Puppets performed to perfection. She got to be kidding him. She must’ve perfect pitch, he thinks. Nobody can learn a song that fast, especially one like that.
She's beautiful, she's charismatic and she's a better guitarist than he is. It's him, only better, and just thinking about this makes him start to hate her as a string threatens to break under the pressure of his bloody fingers.
Or maybe it's not annoyance but rather misplaced frustration at his ineptitude to dare to ask her out. 
"Nice solo!" he hears from his open window. 
He thinks he's dreaming, but no, when he looks up, there she is, on the other side of the road, her guitar in her hand.
Tonight, she smiles and even waves at him. It's a nice change from last time. Her face lights up and becomes more beautiful. No cigarette between her lips either, although there is smoke coming out of the window all the same. It is far too thick to be from any Marlboro. The smell reaches him—Hawkins has been trapped by the wind for several days—and gives him the answer to the question he dares not ask.
It's weed.
An unhealthy jealousy takes hold of his body. He wasn’t the one who sold it to her. 
His thoughts wander and he imagines himself smoking with her, both of them lying in her room, a metal vinyl ripping through the restful silence. His hand would caress her soft thighs, while she would play two or three chords and they would kiss two or three times. 
"You've got good taste, Munson!"
She knows his name. He doesn't. That's enough to snap him out of his stupor. 
"Thank you..!" he yells and waits. 
Strangely enough, he doesn't care that she makes noise if it means she answers him.
It's a nice name, almost too much so when it's said in such a broken voice. But at the same time, it makes the sound addictive.
Eddie wonders what his name would sound like in her mouth, when she's underneath him, and his mouth ventures down her throat, her stomach and even lower...
Stop. She may be beautiful and talented, but she's still fucking annoying. 
"I'm not bothering you, am I?"
He should say yes, because of course she's bothering him with her chords flowing perfectly while his are jerky, but with those big eyes looking at him, how could he say anything but no? 
"No, don't worry. I think you could teach me a few things, even.”
"I heard you, though, Munson. You’re good with your fingers." 
He nearly chokes as a sudden wave of heat travels down his spine and goes straight to his lower abdomen. It’s an innuendo; it has to be. And yet, the girl's expression remains innocent, almost too much so in his opinion, but he's not thinking straight. 
Fuck, he really needs to stop with the neighbour. Besides, it's a cliché, "the neighbour". It sounds like the pitch for some cheesy movie Harrington sells in his crappy shop, and Eddie's never been one for cheesy romances. 
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THE THIRD TIME Eddie is frustrated with the new neighbour is when she turns her amp up to max and plays another Metallica solo.
Immediately, Eddie is on his way, as he was that first night, to knock on her door.
He's exhausted.
The teachers are giving him a hard time about a diploma he won't get, Jason's critics have multiplied in the cafeteria, and above all, Henderson won’t stop making fun of him and his embarrassment when he talks about the neighbour.
According to the boy, he has a crush on her. This is ridiculous, and it pisses him off. No matter where he goes, even to the high school where she doesn't go and therefore where no one is supposed to know her, he can't escape her.
Everything brings him back to her. 
So, this guitar solo is too much. He drums more than he knocks on the door, shaking the flimsy walls of the trailer. Immediately the music stops, and she appears in front of him. She has a joint in the corner of her mouth. The smell intoxicates him—or is it her fruity perfume?—but he maintains his stance. He won't let it happen this time. He's determined to tell her what he's thinking. 
“It took you long enough.”
She takes him by the hand and pulls him inside. The decoration is basic, it's the posters of different bands that make her personality shine. It's much neater than his house, though, he must admit. 
“You? Huh? What?” he stammers.
“I've been trying to get your attention for days, Munson. Days. My fingers are bleeding because you don't have the balls to come here. Seriously, you couldn't have put me out of my misery sooner? I mean... better late than never, but... Fuck.”
Eddie doesn't understand. It must show on his face. His eyebrows are furrowed, his eyes are wide, his mouth is half-open, and his arms are flailing. Everything about him is in disbelief. Y/N sees it perfectly and sighs, exhaling smoke with it. Tangible frustration. She massages the bridge of her nose, as if this gesture will give her the courage to put up with him and his inability to think. 
“I like you, Munson. I thought that was obvious.”
The neighbour, she pisses him off. She's beautiful, she's more metal than he is, she's a better guitar player than he could ever dream of being, and now she's even got more balls than him. That's the last straw.
“Oh no! No! No! No! I was supposed to say that! Fuck! It's bad enough that you've mastered Master of Puppets while I'm still struggling and now you're the one taking the reins and deciding that you have a crush on me. Hell no! I'm the one- humph!"
She seals their lips, kisses him, and that brief but obvious moment makes his heart beat a thousand miles an hour. Eddie thinks it's more to tell him to shut the fuck up than anything else but he indulges in the moment.
As she bites his bottom lip and leaves the taste of weed behind, he allows himself to tighten his embrace, his hands closing over her, touching the grain of her skin from the small of her back to her neck. Her lips are much sweeter than he thought they would be.
“Can you please shut up, Munson?” she finally says, exasperated. At least that's what she's trying to sound like, but she's far too cute as it is. Her hair is tousled, her lips swollen, her eyes sparkling and her cheeks warm to the touch. He can't help it: he steals another kiss from her, which she promptly returns. 
“Does this mean you're going to stop playing at three in the morning to piss me off?”
“We could play together? After you explain the rules of D&D to me,” she offers.
His heart misses a beat, and he smiles. 
That's the last time he's angry with the neighbour. 
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greenteatits · 1 year
Hobie Brown x f reader
this is the ff for a head canon post i made :)
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full disclaimer i haven’t wrote shit like this in a hot minute, so this is probably gonna be ass 😭 also requests are open, it may just take me a bit to get to them
also this isn’t proofread :’)
check out this playlist ⬇️
you were laying in bed staring at your ceiling with beastie boys playing softly in the background. laying in your dimly lit room after a shitty day at work seemed to help the day feel less shitty.
“i need a new fucking job” you mutter to yourself
“yeah ya do luv” hobie says to you crawling in your window. he sets his guitar on your dresser before he slides the rest of his lengthy body in your room.
“a heads up would be nice” you say sarcastically at you sit on the edge of your bed with your arms spread behind you.
“aww c’mon babe” he whines to you with a pouty face.
“what d’ya want hobes?” you groan.
“i want you to love me” he says with a sardonic smile while picking up his guitar and setting it next to you. “play for me luv”
playing his guitar always made you feel better. maybe it was because it reminded you of when you were younger, or maybe it was because it was his.
you grab his guitar and tune it a bit, and start playing a few chords.
hobie loved watching you play his guitar. the way your hands stretched across the neck, fingers moving swiftly to each fret, it really made him hot.
and of course you knew that
“take a picture, it’ll last longer” you whisper to him with a smirk. he scoffs and turns his head away without a word. you look back down and continue to play.
he knew what you were doing, but 2 can play that game.
“Oi luv, w’ya doin?” he asks you leaning in closer to you.
“playing your guitar?” you say, confused, staring at him like he’s a dumbass.
“put it down”
“i didn’t stutter did i?”
at this point you’re confused as shit, wondering what made his mood change so quickly.
“did i do something wrong?”
he leans in closer to you, kissing your neck. his hand slides across the outside of your thigh, pulling you closer to him. you put down his guitar and move to sit on his lap.
“you’re a fuckin tease luv, stroking my guitar like that” he whispers in your ear while you hum in response. “wish ya pretty little fingers were wrapped around my cock like that”
his hands move under your shirt and cups your tit.
“no bra? you’re gonna drive me insane baby” he groans, feeling his dick twitch in his pants.
“just for you hobes” you whimper, feeling his long fingers playing with your nipple.
“i want your pretty fuckin hands on my cock baby” he whispers into your ear.
you unbuckle his belt and slide his pants down his legs without any hesitation.
“i can make that happen for you hobie” you say to him with a smirk.
“then do i- fuck” he moans as you shove his whole length down your throat.
your head is bobbing relentlessly on his dick, and he makes sure to know he likes what you’re doing.
“fuck luv just like that” he moans while grabbing a fist full of your hair. “ya throat feels so fuckin nice darling”
you hum in response to his sweet words which makes his dick twitch in your mouth.
your eyes are wet with tears, your mascara is all messed up, one of your hands resting in his, and the little moans you let out on his dick is driving him crazy.
“fuck luv i’m gonna cum” he grunts, gripping your hand. you lift up from his dick with a pop sound.
“what the fuck was that fo-“ he growls before you start jacking him off.
“you said you wanted my hands wrapped around your cock” you say jacking him off faster.
“fuuuuck babe you’re too good at this” he groans throwing his head back.
you feel his dick twitching in your hands signaling that he’s close
“i’m gonna cum all over your hands darling” he whimpers breathily, legs shaking.
“then do it hobie” you say seductively which was more than enough for him. hot white ropes of cum glossed over your hand as you jacked him through his high. you licked his cum off your fingers as he fell back onto your bed with a moan.
“you know, this is way more fun than playing your guitar” you say to him with a smirk as you lay next to him.
“maybe i could practice my technique on you next time” he says with droopy eyelids.
“maybe” you whisper to him while he wraps his arms around him. you both lay there and slowly fall asleep.
hopefully this wasn’t super ass
love you and bye now <3
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enjoythesilentworld · 3 months
Simon’s Month - Purple (Rain)
day 7! @youngroyals-events
Through the power of Prince, Simon tries to pull a prince. Well, an ex-prince.
read below or on ao3 (1.2k, T)
Simon keeps glancing over at him from across the pub. Of course he does, how can he not? The ex-prince is beautiful, but it’s also the fifth time he’s been to this pub while Simon’s performing and he’s still yet to make a move. Though Simon has caught him staring dozens of times now, they’ve not exchanged one word. It definitely won’t be Simon who starts it now. Not only would flirting with royalty (even former royalty) go against every moral standing of his sixteen-year-old self, it’s become a sort of game now. How many times will he catch the little prince looking tonight?
Maybe, Simon thinks, if he performs a song that makes the first move, invites over the pretty man with the cheekbones and the auburn hair through the lyrics, then it doesn’t really count, and technically he still won.
Turning to his guitarist for the evening (a young guy named Sock, was it? Simon really needs to find a new pub; he’s tired of these poser punk types with their five-hundred dollar ripped black jeans and 4-karat nose piercings), Simon asks, “You know anything off Purple Rain?”
Sock stares blankly up at him, guitar pick dangling loosely from his lip.
“You know… the Prince album?”
There’s more blank staring.
“Are you kidding?” Simon huffs.
From over Sock’s shoulder, the drummer, Manny, shakes their head in disappointment. “Ignore him, he’s an idiot. Which song are you thinking?”
Relieved that at least one from his band has some taste in music, he holds out both hands, reaching for Sock’s guitar. “Give me that. No, just take five for this song. This is punishment for not knowing Prince.” Simon watches Sock’s eyes flick over to the corner of the pub where he knows that other prince is sitting, and it makes him even more astonished. “Not that prince. Goddamnit, Sock, just go out back and listen to some Prince, okay? The music artist, Prince. I beg you.”
Ignorant kid out of his sight, and electric guitar in hand, Simon turns back to his drummer and bassist to plan.
A few minutes later, they take the stage.
As Manny bangs out the introduction, Simon lets his eyes roam over the crowd. He can see a few older folk who’ve already recognized the song, and that makes him smile. For now, he keeps his eyes away from the ex-prince, focusing on arranging his fingers on the fretboard of the guitar.
In his head, he counts himself in, then he finds Wilhelm’s eyes in the crowd and begins to sing.
I can't disguise the pounding of my heart
It beats so strong
It's in your eyes what can I say
They turn me on
At this distance, and with the few weak lights pointed at the stage, it’s hard to read his face. He’s definitely looking back at Simon, though.
As Simon starts the next verse, he watches, pleased, as Wilhelm stands off his stool at the bar and moves closer to the small stage.
I don't care where we go
I don't care what we do
I don't care pretty baby
Just take me with u
Closer now, Simon can see that the man has clearly made an effort to step away from his royal past, what with his baggy pants and loose graphic tee. But, somehow, he still looks a little too perfect. His smudged eyeliner is messy, but in a purposeful way. His hair, longer than it used to be (Simon only knows because the gossip rags won’t stop reminiscing on the old, pre-abdication days), is clearly silky and well taken care of. While his fingers skim over the chords, Simon imagines what it’d be like to run his fingers through that hair, to mess that eyeliner up further.
Come on and touch the place in me
That's calling out your name
We want each other oh so much
Why must we play this game?
There’s a small smile on Wilhelm’s face now. He knows this performance is for him, knows Simon is calling him out. And he seems to like it.
Don't care where we go
I don't care what we do
I don't care pretty baby
Just take me with u
Simon doesn’t point directly at him, it’s more of a general point out at the audience. Wilhelm just happens to be right in the center, right in the line of where Simon’s finger directs. Anyway, Simon hasn’t been coy, he’s been staring directly at him, singing directly to Wilhelm this whole time. If anything, the pub and its usuals have probably been watching them dance around each other for weeks.
I don't care if we spend the night at your mansion
I don't care if we spend the night on the town
All I want is 2 spend the night together
All I want is 2 spend the night in your arms
Surely he doesn’t still live in a castle anymore, but even without his titles, there’s no way Wilhelm isn’t filthy rich.
Simon can compromise on a few more of his morals, though, if it means going home with the man, if it means having those long fingers wrapped around his neck, rather than the neck of a glass.
Wilhelm takes a swig of his drink, eyes locked on Simon over the rim, and Simon knows he has him.
To be around u is so-oh right
You're sheer perfection (thank u)
Drive me crazy, drive me all night
Just don't break up the connection
He sings through the last repeats of the chorus, his smirk growing now that Wilhelm’s nearly reached the stage, and he can see the look in his eyes, can see he knows exactly what Simon’s doing.
Just take me with u
Oh won't u take me with u
Honey take me with u
Wilhelm remains seated at the table closest to the tiny stage for the rest of Simon’s set, and if Simon throws in a few more flirty songs, a few extra winks, so what?
When he returns from packing the instruments in the back room, though, Wilhelm has disappeared from the room. Simon tries not to groan out loud in frustration. He shouldn’t be surprised, really, that even after so many weeks and so many longing glances, royal expectations and tradition must die hard.
At the bar, he orders a rum and coke and shoots the bartender a glare when she gives him a look. He takes one sip, then pushes it away, disgusted by the taste.
Technically, he’s got another set in an hour, but he’s not really feeling up to it anymore. Maybe he’ll scan the bar again and see if anyone else strikes his fancy. Better to go home with some other pretty stranger than no one at all.
“Can I buy you another?”
Suppressing a startled jump, Simon takes his time turning to the source of the voice next to him. He props his head on his fist and looks through lazy, half-open eyes at the ex-prince, leaning on the bar beside him. Wilhelm looks slightly awkward, nervous, but the look in his eyes is sure, and the intensity with which he stares at Simon makes something stir in his core.
“I thought you’d left,” Simon says casually, turning back towards the bar, but keeping his body half-tilted towards Wilhelm.
The man clears his throat. “I’d be an idiot to leave after that.”
Simon lets a small smile grow on his face, then looks over his shoulder, brown eyes meeting brown.
“Simon.” He holds out a hand.
The pretty man takes Simon’s hand in a warm grip.
“Nice to meet you, Wille.” Simon smirks, “Are you a fan of Prince, then?”
Wille bites his lip, then leans forward slightly, Simon’s hand still gripped in his. “I’m a fan of you.”
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boomhoon · 7 months
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A Jay drabble- inspired by Jo Yuri
Synopsis- You’ve declared love dead in your heart, but an unexpected meeting in the hallway has you head over heels for a man who doesn’t even know your name!
Content- gn reader, implied to be set in a highschool, strangers to ???, fluff, Jay calls reader pretty, one swear word in the first sentence, Jay is in a band (☠️). not proofread, 801 WC.
Love is shit.
It’s pointless. A waste of time. A waste of emotion. And i’m definitely done with it.
My last lover cheated on me with a girl at some random party, and my first love ghosted me without any warning. That one a lot hurt because we were doing so well and I still saw them around town (and because they were my very first). The rest in between have been horrible blurs of toxicity and boredom.
Was love always this bad? No. It used to be magical, something I yearned for. Feeling loved, and loving others is something everyone should experience. But is it all we need? Once again, no! I’m free to love myself, do things how I want to, and enjoy everything by mysel-
“Oh my gosh- I’m so sorry, let me pick these up for you.” I bumped into someone in the hall and ended up slammed against the floor. My books and other school materials were scattered all across. People slowly walked by, and made the awkward move of bending to help but then walking away. I groaned quietly, and started picking them up myself. “It’s okay, I should've paid more attention.” I mumbled.
I looked up and saw a gentle hand extend towards me. I grabbed it, and instead of pulling myself up, another hand gingerly came to my back to help pull me up. That’s when I saw him. He had rose gold specs on, he was dressed better than some runway models, he had on cologne which smelt citrusy, and musky. He had concerned eyes, and a soft smile.
“Are you sure you’re all right? I didn’t mean to hurt you.” The man nervously chuckled as his hands retracted from me. I blinked a few times in awe before responding, “Oh no, i’m not hurt at all! Please, don’t worry about it.”
He raised an eyebrow in suspicion, but nodded his head in understanding. “Okay, I’ll trust you on that.” He bent down to retrieve the last of my items before handing them to me. He stopped once he took notice of a certain item. It was a guitar pick, a miscellaneous object I had left in my pocket. But it happened to catch his interest.
“You play the guitar?” He asked a small smile of intrigue, and he looked up from the pick, his head still tilted downwards.
“Yeah.” I nodded quickly, trying to ignore the way he was looking at me. “The acoustic one.” I clarified.
This man was gorgeous.
He nodded, pulling his fingers away from my stuff, and readjusting his specs carefully. “I do too. I’ve also tried out the electric guitar. “I started last year, and it’s become my new favorite hobby.” He suddenly started speaking at a rapid pace. “Did you know that acoustic guitars date back about 3000, to 3500 years from now? The first guitars are thought to have been found in Spain, but i’ve also seen some sources say they could even be traced back to Mesopotamia! Isn’t that crazy?”
I looked at him with slightly wide eyes. He seemed to have a lot of junky knowledge on things.
Not that I wasn’t interested…
“Oh, I didn’t know that. I’ve never got into the history of guitars before.” I laughed sheepishly.
“I’m still learning the chords, and how to play some songs. I think that’s all the information I can store right now.”
He simply laughed in understanding. “Yeah I get that. I’m probably the odd one for knowing about the history of guitars. My friends say so at least-Damn that guy Sunghoon-,” he muttered the last part to himself.
I smiled to myself.
“Anyway I don’t want to keep you standing here any longer, sorry for bumping into you.” He raised his hand apologetically, and started walking off again. He seemed busy, which would explain why he was in a rush running down the hall.
But midway, he stopped and jogged up to me again.
“This might seem weird, but i’m in a small band. We’re playing in the garage of one of my band mates, and I was wondering— would you want to come and see me play?” He asked, with a lightly scrunched up face, and a tight smile. Almost as if he expected me to say ‘no’.
“Yeah sure.” I said instead.
His face relaxed, and he pulled out a piece of paper and pen from his bag. He wrote a few things down and handed it to me.
“Alright, i’ll see you there! It was nice meeting you…”
I straightened the piece of paper and read its contents.
It contained the address of his band mate’s house, his phone number, and a small message
### ### #### i think you’re pretty, call me - Jay
I hated love, but I fell in love right there.
taglist: @sanasour @mars101
A/N: IM SORRY THIS WAS SHORT AGAIN 😫 I might continue this because i have some ideas for it, but omg life is tough! Any interaction is appreciated <3
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aww-canon-no · 1 year
The thing is, Eddie isn’t used to being allowed to look.  Before the upside down, and the murders, and the demo-bats, he was used to doing it quietly, surreptitiously.... And being big and loud and obnoxious every time he came even close to getting caught.
He doesn't draw attention to the fact that Steve doesn’t remember him from high school, or the Lit class they took together where Steve fucked off for most of it and scraped by with a low C.
Steve was too busy laughing and flirting and mouthing off to the teacher so he never turned around.  Ever.
Eddie could stare all he wanted with his heart on his sleeve because even if Steve did turn around one day, he wouldn’t know what that look was on Eddie’s face because Steve was never going to see him.
He does now.  Steve sees Eddie.  He sees him better than anyone has in his entire life, including Wayne which is just a wild concept.  And Steve doesn’t just see- he notices.  He notices things before Eddie does.
Like when things around him are too bright, or too loud, or too chaotic.  He sees the quiet sparks of overload simmering below Eddie’s skin and at least seven times out of ten gets Eddie out of there before it’s too late, and to some place quiet where he can pace and strum air guitar chords or beat on his thigh with drumsticks (even though he doesn’t play the drums because the booming sensation would drive him up the wall).
Steve notices when Eddie’s looking now, too, but he doesn’t do anything about it.  Not really.  Okay, sometimes he preens because Eddie might be the Freak but Steve was tragically and horrifically under appreciated and not loved nearly enough by the people who were supposed to love him.  So yeah, he does likes when Eddie looks.
It usually leads to kissing.  To slow hands and careful tongues, and warm skin on warm skin that Eddie would die rather than give up willingly.
Sometimes Steve does nothing about it though.  Especially after all...well...that.  He just lies there and lets Eddie take in his fill.  He sometimes twitches, but other than that he doesn't react when Eddie dances two fingers over Steve’s bare, hairy chest.
And God Eddie likes the way that soft hair feels under the pads of his fingers.
Steve just looks back- soft and warm.  He just gives himself over.
The realization of being allowed to have all of this- not just the gentle parts but everything all together, all at once- is, maybe not too much but as close as it will come with him and Steve.
Sometimes he trembles a little, but mostly he just curls into his boyfriend and stares past him at the small window in his trailer, at the night sky glowing with faint stars and a big moon.  He thinks, this is mine now.  I get to keep this.
The world may have ended and both of them nearly died more than once.  Very little survived.
But this did.
Maybe it’s enough.
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bambi-kinos · 6 months
McLennon male/female AU
So way back in June 2022, I was talking with some friends including @dovetailjoints about this Paul McCartney manip where his face was converted to a woman's:
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I promptly lost my mind on account of being a huge d*ke so I started spinning up a McLennon m/f AU about it. I still think about it a lot but I also don't know if I'll ever write it or not. Looking at @erinarigby's beautiful rendering of John and Paula reminded me of it, so I am publishing these notes for the pleasure of the reading audience.
I might still return to it at some point but I am currently waist deep in my longfic and have different projects lined up after that.
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John and Paula are at the fete together but Paula is being crowned the Rose Queen or whatever it was that was happening in the background. Her best friend is Dot and her closest guy friend is Ivan and she's too busy basking in the attention of winning a competition to give a single fuck about John Lennon. She already knows her worth so who gives a fuck about that guy? They do NOT have a fateful meeting at the church hall.
(The secret is that she quietly follows him on the bus and has his route memorized. Light stalking of the teenage girl kind and I bet Dot has been helping but they treat it as a big joke.)
Ivan and Len both know Paula from school before they went to gender segregated academies or whatever. Paula actually finishes her education here because her dad wants her to do it and I bet she would have been a daddy's girl through and through. Mike is still her little brother and she vacillates between doting on him and bullying him. (Older sisters can be really mean to their younger brothers, I've noticed.)
Ivan still sings her praises to John but John does not take this in the slightest bit seriously. He and the rest are convinced Paula is Ivan's secret girlfriend (it's actually platonic between them, George is the one who carries a torch for Paula) and that Ivan wants her around so that he doesn't feel lonely at Quarry Men practice.
Things finally come to a head when Paula helps Ivan carry his tea chest bass to a QM band practice. The mythical J. Paula McCartney! (She won't tell anyone what the J stands for because it's embarrassing.) Paula's face definitely catches some unwanted attention so she deliberately plays up being Ivan's girlfriend to escape it. I imagine she's pretty cold about this kind of thing and probably much more ruthless than AMAB Paul because she has to play for keeps to be taken seriously.
Then she notices John playing with banjo chords. She says something. This goes very, very poorly.
John could take direction from an AMAB Paul who showed off his skills but Paula just rocks up and makes fun of him to his face. "She doesn't even play! Ivan, muzzle your bitch and get her out of here." Doesn't help that John is immensely taken with her but he doesn't like this at all.
Years of slapslap (no kiss) ensue, Paula eventually does make her skills known to John in someway but he's able to put her down for being a girl and therefore not a threat. I have no idea how they would both develop musically but I imagine that any attempts at a collaboration between them would go immensely poorly at this stage. John would not be able to put aside the sexism and Paula would needle him mercilessly.
Eventually though they come to a sort of détente which means that their two social spheres get some measure of peace after some 2 odd years of them screaming at each other during house parties. Everyone else can tell they want to fuck each other's brains out but they both frequently declare their public loathing of each other. For some reason John makes it his business to know what the guitar girl from Allerton is doing with her time and who she is spending it with. As she gets older this might even become a more reasonable proposition as Liverpool is still a rough neighborhood and she insists on walking home by herself after dark. Eventually she and Ivan stage a public break up so that John realizes its "over" (lol) between them and stops bothering poor Ivan about it.
George is more territorial about Paula which is cute coming from a pipsqueak that John easily has 30 pounds over. Unfortunately Paula does not see George that way.
At some point Paula becomes a bit of a woman about town and starts seriously dating men. John muscles his way into this, for some god forsaken reason, and makes a nuisance of himself running off Paula's dates. More screaming matches ensue but John seems incredibly agitated about something that Paula doesn't understand.
At some point in the détente John makes it into art college. Paula makes sure to mock him to his face for being an academic failure and reminds him that he'll never graduate because he doesn't have the guts. To this end John does in fact buckle down out of pure spite. I don't know if he would actually finish but I think he'd actually develop as a painter and a sketch artist just to show her up. I don't think John Lennon of all people could bear a beautiful woman mocking him for his inadequacy.
John might go on two dates with Cynthia but I think she would be a little unsettled at how he manages to insert Paula McCartney into every single conversation, but not in a jealous way. Cynthia tracks down Paula at some public gathering and asks her if she's being bothered by John. A trio of Dot, Paula, and Cynthia forms. SLEEPOVERS etc. John settles down because Paula isn't actively dating anyone here, she has her galpals and they are extremely epic friends.
Something happens that triggers Paula and John running off on their own. I'm imagining John stealing a college teacher's keys and they drive out to get some lunch somewhere. It's an unexpectedly good gesture from John Lennon who Paula usually dismisses as a cad.
I think at some point during this conversation John would admit that he knows Paula is a good guitar player -- its just that he can't really own up to it in public. A unique moment of vulnerability from him and she responds in kind. She tells him she thinks he's the best singer she's ever heard. For the first time things are not shitty between them. John probably ruins this by honking her breasts.
Paula graduates secondary and has to decide what the fuck to do now. It is 1960, they're going to go to Hamburg eventually but not yet. John has managed to establish something with Stu and I think Paula sent George John's way because he needed support that he refused to accept from her because she's female. She's been a loner for all her life, it's not a big wrench now.
George has had a front row seat to John's Paula obsession for years now and he's both intrigued and weirded out and wants to date Paula himself.
I'm imagining some scenario where John finally goes…why not try it. What's stopping him. So he finds her at an outdoor market and he actually tries to be smooth. He catches her eye on the other side of the road and nicks a wildflower bouquet. He trips comically and almost goes down but then appears three stalls later. Paula is laughing, yes yes she thinks it's funny. He waits at the end of the strip and gives her the bouquet and they spend some quiet time together. Nothing sexual, John is just ready to try something he's never attempted before: treating a woman like a person.
Paula reciprocates and buys him something to eat probably. He really is very handsome and very intelligent. She likes him better without the quiff and says so. He succeeds in making her laugh. His hair is so red and he's still the beautiful boy she saw on the bus.
They're watching the sun set over the Mersey when she says "I was accepted to [university.] I'm leaving at the end of the week. I'm studying music."
John goes quiet but doesn't really react except to congratulate her. He knows she will do well.
He goes home and it goes poorly.
Cyn and Dot throw a big good bye party for Paula to celebrate her leaving home. Their pearl is escaping into the big wide world. Paula is deeply unhappy. Something is missing. She gets very very drunk. George shows up and tells her that John and Stu have secured a gig in Hamburg. They'll be leaving at the end of the week too. For some reason John was really, really intent on leaving all of a sudden. Paula definitely locks herself in her childhood bathroom and cries her eyes out.
John notably does not put in an appearance at the party even though Stu and his hot friend Pete Shotton definitely do along with George. Everyone knows that John and Paula have a thing so where the hell is he? Even if they don't like each other they've still been a big part of each other's lives -- John has an arrest record because he punched out the guy who spiked Paula's drink a few months ago and she screamed bloody murder in the police station until they let him go. What gives?
John still does not put in an appearance. Someone sees a creeper by the front door but he slides away before anyone can see him.
Around 4am Paula finally drags herself upstairs upset and wasted and not sure why she's unhappy. She hears the rocks clatter against her window and by the time she pokes her head out John is risking death by climbing up the drainpipe. She almost screams but helps him inside instead.
John is a MESSY PERSON and he promptly goes to pieces in her arms. What am I supposed to do without you, he sobs. Aren't you going to miss me? Aren't you going to think about me? Don't I matter to you at all?
They have another small argument but its not very serious and its clearly flirting at this point. They're both pretty bombed so they just end up stripping and holding each other.
Jim finds them the next morning. It goes poorly.
Paula decides she's going to Hamburg with John. He told her they need a fifth person and he gave her the eyes. She knows what he wants and she knows what she wants and she isn't wasting money on some stupid school. She doesn't want to be a music teacher anyway.
Jim informs her she is not going to Germany in the company of four randy boys much less with the town ne'er do well John Lennon. Paula bides her time and packs a bag and her guitar. She escapes out the window the morning that they're set to leave for Hamburg and shows up at the last second. John hugs her tightly and doesn't let go for several hours. She just blew her uni placement to be with him.
Hamburg happens. It goes poorly but also very well. John suddenly gets a lot more sensitive to their accommodations. If it was all blokes he wouldn't care but now that they're out of the cradle of Liverpool he's suddenly sharply aware of how many people are watching them, and watching Paula, and how vulnerable she actually is. Paula adjusts to the German catcalls and otherwise refuses to appear ruffled. Honestly don't know how to render this particular section except that John would get an early education on how a woman and a bandmate can be treated. This isn't Cynthia being pawed at by a German sailor, this is his bandmate Paula having to dance away from blokes trying to climb up the stage to get to her. "Alarmed" doesn't quite cover it.
For Paula its an education. She's never performed live in front of an audience before; this version of Paul never performed with the QM. Gelling with the band out of no where is a hell of a challenge but Hamburg still makes them. She surprises John by engaging in the loogie races and by being intrigued by the sex workers around town. I think that she and John still wouldn't be having sex at this point because John is still absorbing all the new experiences and it's easier to keep her on a shelf where he can admire her tits without actually trying to fuck her. In John's mind he's keeping the upper hand by not ruining Paula by having sex with her. In his mind he's protecting her from something; he doesn't feel worthy of her and if they get physical he's scared of making her "dirty."
Paula still has ways of unsettling him though. Imagining John's face if she shows him the underbust corset she bought without a shirt to go under it. He's only seen her nipples in the dark before so seeing her dressed up like one of the street girls makes him pretty feral and that's on top of the prellies.
Paula only performs dressed this way once which results in some mass chaos at whatever club they're performing at that night, kek.
Honestly Hamburg is still intensely deranged and Lennon and McCartney's fixations one each other becomes even more pronounced once they start writing songs together. I can't imagine how their music would change once they have access to Paula's vocal range. Probably something more Nightwish-esque as I think Paula being a woman would make John more tolerant or intrigued with operatic styles just because he wants to hear her belt it.
George still gets deported for being underage but I think John and Paula end up staying in Hamburg together because Paula doesn't light a condom on fire this time. She's too busy putting it on John. I like to think they spent Christmas in Germany performing and boning.
They finally make it home after New Year's. Paula is half dead and John is barely a person because he's full up on amphetamines and sex. Mimi won't let John into the house because he had the nerve to take off with a scarlet woman to Germany without asking permission which means…
Jim does not officially let John into the house so Paula sneaks him in through her window. The band recuperates through out January and John gets used to sleeping next to his lady. It's a quiet hibernation period that they think back on fondly later.
At this point Paula is somewhat disgraced for running off with John Lennon and once again John gets to see this up close and personal which is discomfiting for him since its his actions that are visiting these consequences back on Paula's head. He didn't quite understand how intense the judgment was before he saw it aimed her way. It forces him to grow up a little.
But he still takes her to Paris. Common expectation is that they're running away to get married. Neither of them want to get married yet but they're also doing the Lennon-McCartney dance with each other where they become screamingly jealous of anyone who looks at their partner.
Things progress to 1963. They meet Brian, shit happens idk. Beatlesmania kicks off. I have this idea that maybe Paula crossdresses as a man. She is beautiful but she still has a strong jaw and her breasts are small enough to bind without much effort. She is also still the tallest member of the Beatles and she easily has a full inch over John in height (which regularly leads to the best erections of John's entire life.) Being an Amazon has its advantages and this one means she can present herself as a man to secure a unified front with the other Beatles.
I am unable to render how Beatlemania would change if Paula was the single girl in the Fab Four but I can imagine how it would change their look -- 3 beautiful matching boys and the sole female. Lots of color play in my mind going on and of course there's the quiet understanding that Lennon and McCartney belong to each other.
Paula "accidentally" gets exposed as a woman when John loosens her undergarments as a prank and her breasts pop out during a performance. (I don't think anyone would see her nipples, it just be immediate cleavage and a button pops off her jacket.) I am unable to render how this would go, I can't imagine anything except a huge uproar that would send the Beatles into the stratosphere. This would become a moment that gets debated for decades, whether it was a prank from John or if John and Paula came up with it together.
Paula has incentive to do something like this: Brian won't let John and Paula get married because it would disrupt the Beatles image.
1965 - the big one, I think. Paula can be a woman in public now which results in the photoshoot that breaks the world. Referred to only as "the Beatles wedding." It's just too good to pass up.
Paula gets to model a few hundred different wedding gowns (most of these are separate from the boys just because there's so many and she looks good in everything) with various accoutrements anc accessories. There is a portion where the boys will be dressed up as grooms and they'll be getting special sessions with her each.
John is a complete and utter bastard leading up to and throughout the days of this shoot and its commonly conjectured in Beatles fandom circles for decades afterwards that he was seething with jealousy and humiliation -- he should have married her years ago so that this kind of spectacle couldn't come to pass, and he knows it, but he can't change it now and he's furious that she's dressing up as a bride when she's not even really his. And on top of it George and Ringo are getting to see her before he does and they won't tell him what she looks like.
"I hate you and I will never forgive you for as long as I live," is what George tells John when he asks how it went, what she wore, what it was like. John is hurt and confused.
"You're a lucky man John Lennon. Don't squander it," is what Ritchie tells John when he asks about it. "Make sure to brush your teeth and whatnot though."
John is nervous as hell even though its just some stupid photo shoot and they've done thousands of those already. Brian won't let him drink to calm down so John now has to face Paula in her wedding gown while completely sober.
There's a modern trend of "photos of grooms seeing their brides in their dresses for the first time" and I think all 3 of the boys would get these with Paula. It might even be enough to power several magazines, idk. Collectors items and whatnot. The McHarrison issue, the McStarr issue, the McLennon issue…
Photogs definitely capture the moments leading up to the reveal and then the seeing, the shock, the surprise, the awe. George started laughing and flung himself at her and danced her around, Ritchie did that presses-his-fist-to-his-face thing men do sometimes when they're overcome, yes, Paula is an absolute joy. She made sure to insist on having all different dresses per day because she didn't want repeats. Her boys deserve something brand new every time.
John though. Oh, John. Very nervous, trying not to be, clearly hating the camera, he doesn't turn when he's supposed to and he only reacts when she touches his shoulder and calls his name. Honestly I can see them leaning into a beauty and the beast angle with these two.
If there was any doubt before there isn't now. It's love. Everything else fades away and it's just John and Paula being themselves, except they were always in love, weren't they.
The world promptly goes completely insane upon the release of the Beatles wedding photographs. They got what they asked for and then some. Honestly John and Paula probably have one iconic photo spread of just the two of them that day and in that timeline, that portrait blots out pretty much anything else of cultural significance from 1965-1968. The world turns on but the wedding portraits from that day is what ends up being the most iconic part of Beatlemania.
after that IDK, I'm not really capable of thinking past that. I just like the idea of the wedding photoshoot and how John and Paula came from those humble beginnings. I think they'd definitely have children together but I don't know if they could manage a stable family unit or if they'd be able to save the band from the break up. But there wouldn't be any faffing around about "the Lennon and McCartney rivalry" or "they always hated each other." The wedding shoot was too real.
Notably, John and Paula did attend the premier of A Hard Day's Night with Paula in a white dress and John in a black tux. Symbolism.
I think by the time the Get Back sessions happen John and Paula have an almost three year old and Paula is heavily pregnant with their second or third child. Instead of the deadline being Ringo's acting job they're trying to get one last project in because the second baby is due in February.
I think with Paula's height (she would still be taller than John after all and this time she's wearing high heels to make the point) and her androgyny they would also get some mileage out of early boundary pushing by dressing her up in the boys clothes, so the Shea uniforms would definitely make an appearance unchanged except Paula's tits are out to here and John spends a lot of the stadium concert unbuttoning her jacket every time she buttons it back up.
Just occurred to me that Help! would be a much more straight Dr. No parody especially with Paula as the built in Bond girl. AHDN would be more similar as a documentary with surreal comedy elements but Help! would definitely be more ridiculous and Johnny gets his girl in the end haha
These are all my notes from last year. Thought you guys would appreciate. As I was writing this out last year, I remember being caught between two impulses: the "John and Paul would be a pregnant teenagers couple" idea (which I see many other based users have agreed with!) and then the "Beatlemania but if Paul was a woman" idea. In the end I went with the Beatlemania Paula because that's more interesting as a story especially with Paula having to exploit her androgyny for success. That being said I think Paula would absolutely be the Domme to John's sub, there's no way a Beatlemania Paula doesn't have John's balls in a cage and John liked being controlled by a strong woman. He's not allowed to finish until she tells him that he can.
I remember thinking that they would have their first child in 1965, with the idea being that Paula is pregnant during the Beatles Wedding Photoshoot, which would take place sometime in the winter so that the fashion designers could sell their wares with Paula advertising them. IMO Paula would make John wear condoms for years but once Ed Sullivan happens John makes a disturbingly sincere plea to trash them and Paula assents. Two months later she's pregnant after John's been climaxing inside her multiple times a day <3 But honestly, she's rewarding him for being so fucking brave all the time, he's unironically earned it.
I also think that a female Paula is still has full on baby rabies and by late 1964 she's desperate to get pregnant by John so they can finally start their family. There's an element of rebellion too because she'd be furious with Brian for not letting her and John get married and retaliates by having out of wedlock children.
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