#which is amusing bc she seems like the reasonable one
demodraws0606 · 20 hours
My thoughts on the latest episode (aka HU IS THE CULPRIT I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL)
Warning : My sassy attitude is not directed towards anyone else, I'm simply amusing myself and also I've only gotten barely 5 hours of sleep god save me.
This is gonna be very long and messy so strap in folks
It's so obviously not Eden or Ace it's painful (idc 'i'll die for my hubris). Not even just because Eden lying and being the culprit after all of that would be both underwelming and just...miserable. But also because of how the way we're getting the reveal in advance that it could only be Ace and Eden. The fact the cast was already on Eden's throat as well just makes this point even more clear to me.
This isn't like fucking Korekiyo in chapter 3 of DRV3, this isn't how a culprit reveal happens. Especially not when there's so much we don't know yet.
So who is the culprit ?
It's Hu, it's literally Hu.... and like 1 pourcent chance it's Nico but I think both of them are accomplices here.
The thing is, I don't buy any of the shit Nico is saying, their admission of guilt is strangely quick and detached. They also seem to go along with anything people say about them (like them framing Hu) which makes it even more suspicious, they could've just said they used Hu's weapon out of conveniance ? The only thing this episode has proved me is that Nico is an Active accomplice rather than a Passive one like I thought. For what reason ? I honestly don't know fully yet but again we don't know a lot about Nico anyways.
Hu's behavior really makes me think she did it and is acting out, mostly out of guilt. She seems really stressed this trial which while makes sense for character reasons, it also makes sense if she's the culprit and feeling guilty. It would explain her defending Eden and Nico mainly I think despite her probably being the culprit she doesn't want the perception that Eden/Nico has to be broken (especially not bc of her). I've already explained how Hu being the culprit makes sense from a character perspective so I'm not gonna get more into it.
By the way any arguments in this post being like "it would be out of character for Nico or Hu to do that" should honestly review their own hypocrisy if they think Eden did it, or even Ace for that matter.
Another thing that makes me even more convinced that it can't be Ace or Eden is that...you can't fucking prove any of them did it with 100 pourcent certainty. David fucking threw the BDA rule out of the window, so we can't be sure Eden didn't do it but like what decisive evidence would make it clear between the two of them.
The only pieces of evidence we have left is :
-The sticky ball of clothes (most likely turpentine because the soil of the relexation room would cause the ball to have stains on it)
-The alibi for the relaxation room water
-The missing glove (which I think i've changed my opinion on what it could mean here)
Eden did know about the ball of clothes (but that piece of fucking evidence has strings attached so we'll get to that) and Ace doesn't have an alibi against taking the water like Eden does.
The missing glove is the only evidence left untouched here and honestly I actually don't think it had anything to do with the glove having someone's hair or anything, mainly because first of all the culprit could've technically just removed any hair on the glove even if it was sticky.
And also there's something else that makes more sense.
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I think they probably had to use the glove to avoid rope burn while trying to set up the mechanism to kill Arei. Especially with how high the playground's ceilling is, it wouldn't be child's play. I'm not really good at deciphering what could've possibly happenened directly in the murder but I'd argue it's just more likely that the culprit would be put in a situation were rope burn could happen. This murder set up would require a lot of physical effort, and if the culprit even slipped for a second their hands would end up being damaged from rope burn making them obviously look guilty (also ouchie), which I think is what happened.
It would also explain the scuffs on the floor, maybe the culprit was struggling to hold onto the rope leading to them causing marks with their feet while trying to pull on the rope.
The reason why I think the glove is missing is probably because it's damaged and the culprit wanted to avoid the cast knowing they used Arei's glove during the murder. In fact it's the only piece of evidence that is completely missing
But why ?
Has anyone realised something about, I argue, the three other main suspects here ?
Nico, Eden, Ace ?
They all have gloves.
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"But a huge portion of the cast has gloves this doesn't mean anything, it's just a stylistic choice !!" Yeah, the majority of the cast has gloves.
I think now you can understand why the culprit wouldn't want the cast to know that the glove was used. Because if the cast did see the glove that was probably damaged, they would assume the culprit wore it and it would narrow down the suspect list to an extremely narrow pool. This forces them to basically take the glove and hope to fucking god the cast doesn't catch on which they clearly haven't yet.
You know who doesn't fucking wear gloves.
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My girl got no gloves on !!!!
So yeah, with the glove being untouched evidence yet I think it will be the main decisive thing to point out who the culprit truly is, and I just don't think it's just gonna be like "oh let's just search everyone to see which one has the glove !". For all we know the culprit could've fucking eaten the glove, I don't think we're getting another Min in trying to search shit on people's person.
Anyways I'm gonna transition to other stuff to explain how the Nico and Hu theory makes sense from a logical standpoint here.
Let's get on to the sticky ball of clothes.
First I want to get it out there that I do not think the ball being sticky is due to the soil of the relaxation room. Mono-TV's talk about the "special formula" was mostly to foreshadow the floor of the playground's properties, also the fucking ball would have stains on it.
For me this means the ball of clothes has to have been covered in turpentine especially now that we have confirmation from Ace directly.
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This is extremely huge and I'm flabbergasted has no one has mentioned this. Pray tell where the fuck did that piece of cloth go, did it get isekai'd into another world ?
This question actually has multiple meaning here because that fucking ball of clothing actually has massive implications. It confirms a lot of things and also puts a lot of doubt in things that seemed to be confirmed.
Before that I also want to say that Arei 100 pourcent got knocked out with turpentine. I don't want to argue over and over again that it was used because I've done this before but I have to since there are multiple reasons why she had to have been knocked out.
The floor is extremely prone to scuffs, if Arei was struggling then we definitely would've seen more than just a few marks in one area.
The method of murder would have been extremely difficult if she was struggling, like to a ridiculous point. Especially with someone like Arei who has been shown to have been sneaky and very prone to attacking people in their weak spots.
The tape binding Arei's hand in hindsight actually probably wasn't to avoid her struggling, it was most likely due to how the mechanism of the murder work. Keep in mind how the murder had to have worked and imagine if Arei's hands were just loose and flopping around. There could have been possible injuries with her arms that would ruin the culprit's obvious plan to make it look like a suicide. It also just makes sense for weight reasons, again Arei having her arms flopping around would make moving her body even more difficult.
And even if you want disagree with all of that, the culprit could've just binded her tape to avoid the same mistake that happened with Ace with him waking up from the turpentine.
Now that I've made my case about Arei being knocked out, let's get on the actual new arguments I want to make.
First, we know for a fact that a piece of cloth was used to knock out Ace meaning it has to have gone somewhere, if you say "well they could've just thrown it away" I will personally come into your home and shit in your shoes. And you're also wrong because I've already proven that Arei had to have been knocked out.
This means the only piece of cloth available to us would be the sticky ball of clothes.
But...like let me just explain everything that's mind boggling about all of this.
-This ball of clothes had to have been made for Ace's murder to knock him out
-The only people who knew about the old clothes were Hu, Teruko and Whit. Eden only knowing later on, way after Ace's murder was planned probably, because Hu told her about it.
-The culprit used this ball of clothing against both Arei and Ace
-The cloth is suspiciously absent from the murder scene, which makes no sense considering Nico's account rely on them not having left the gym while trying to murder Ace. Them leaving to chuck the cloth aside only to come back to the gym doesn't make sense with the timeline in how we discover things.
Yep, I'm making the claim that Nico didn't actually kill Ace here, I still think it's Hu. Again you can try and complain all you want about how it's out of character for Nico but the reality is...shit is not adding up.
It's really suspicious how silent Hu becomes when her weapon is brought up, immediatly clamming up and not defending Nico anymore. When Teruko makes assumption that Nico lied to Hu to get her weapon, she doesn't reply with a betrayed "Nico is that true ?" or even a sentence she responds with "That's...". The amout of ellpises both Nico and Hu give are extremely suspicious and just make me side eye both of them extremely hard.
I'm gonna go on another tangent here, on the subject of Hu being suspicious. Mainly because I do wanna point out a moment that both makes Eden seem a lot more innocent and makes Hu a lot more guilty.
The subject of Arei potentially committing suicide.
Now, it's very clear that the way Arei was hung was meant to make it look like Arei killed herself, this was very much meant to be the culprit's intention. Both to hide the true murder mechanism and probably to mislead the cast. The fact that it's only an incidental red mark of Arei's wrist that proves she didn't kill herself, proves that the culprit intended for it to look like a suicide.
However guess who argues against this...Eden, which, if she is the culprit I don't see why she would do something like that (and if you say "well why is Hu defending Nico and Eden" I already explained it). Clearly the Eden!Culprit theory relies on her being capable of manipulation so there's no reason why she would be so caught up in her own feelings to just ruin her own plan like that.
You know who seems to really be into the idea of Arei killing herself though, Hu.
That's all I have to say on that, now let's get onto how I think Nico actually helped Hu.
I do think there's still a 50/50 on them working directly together or just Nico catching onto Hu's plans and deciding on their own to help her.
I do think Nico directly helped her though in two major ways
First, the water, it's the obvious one. Nico probably ended up giving the water the Hu here weither they did so with/without knowing Hu's intention doesn't really matter since they're deciding to keep quiet about it now.
I also want to quickly mention how Hu getting water from the relaxation room makes a lot of sense. Hu was busy with Eden in the kitchen and Teruko had taken all the drinks from the gym, so it's likely Hu was forced to take the water from the relaxation room.
Second, the note
Oooo baby let's get into my favorite realisation in watching this episode.
One piece of dialogue has made me realize something
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This made me puzzled too, because yeah, who would be listening in and how did Arei not notice when she went into the room ?
Let me take you all back to Chapter 2 Episode 5
Rose and Teruko have a conversation about Rose's secret and that conversation lasts a good while, until...
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Nico was actually shown to have been there the entire time, Teruko and Rose were talking without noticing they were there.
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Nico then explains themselves like this, pretty much proving this is something they just like doing casually sometimes.
This actually would explain everything on how the eavesdropping happened, Nico was on the literal fucking floor of the infirmary leading to them listening to everyone's conversation. Which tmeans they could have had the information to write the note.
This would explain the inconcistencies as to why would the culprit know to eavesdrop and how they didn't get caught by Arei when she was barging into the room (if they were outside by the door).
Now this leads to two possibilities with Nico and their relation to Hu.
Either they worked together with Hu and they both came up with the murder together. Which means either of them could've written the note.
Or Nico helped Hu without her knowledge, making the note to help her (edit : just realised this doesn't make a lot of sense ignore this).
I believe this is all I have so far and I'm very tired so you won't get a conclusion
Oh wait I hear something in the background...
First of all, y'all gaslit me into thinking Ace couldn't have taken the tape so I'm already sick of this tape bullshit being used as decisive unshakeable evidence.
You know what I think probably happened ? Ace took the tape, after all it disappeared when he woke up and it's possible that he just then threw it away in the trash.
I mean Ace did say he was gonna "commit a murder of his own", it would be in line with him taking the tape.
Why isn't he talking about it then ? Because he'd be seen as the fucking culprit and also Ace is not really the most honest bitch out need i mention Ace witholding info about David and Arei's conversation.
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
sudden extremely vivid image of like, pre-series Shenanigans/Adventures when it's just nicholas and milligan and milligan is in the driver's seat driving at Top Speed mr benedict's in the passenger seat with a map frantically turning it over and shouting directions and there are like three cars chasing them and then there's a gunshot or something and mr benedict goes oh! and falls asleep and the map flies out the window, and milligan's like FUCK and has to swerve to avoid one of them attempting to ram the car,
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toxycodone · 4 months
Laios x Beastkin!Reader
an. Senshi, Chilchuck, and Marcille x Reader are mentioned quiiiite a bit in here. Izutsumi x reader is more sparse. split between furry/scaly/feathery beastkin after the more general ones in the beginning. SORRY if the formatting is weird I got "text limited" a lot on this lmfao
this is a lot so. <3 show sum luv
general sfw
when you two first meet...bro is ELATED. He knows Izutsumi, which is fine, but you're an entirely different one. Who also doesn't seem to be super against him getting to know them
He asks SO many questions. What are you mixed with? Are you naturally born or artificial? What's it like having wings? A tail?
He's testing out all your features. He loves them so much.
When there's downtime, he likes to conduct "research". This goes for analyzing your features and making notes, comparing them to his books and other notes, and even more intricate tests like reaction time and stuff.
He'll hold a candle/torch by your face and test your pupil dilation. It's oddly intimate because he's just staring you down and its like. okay. are we gonna kiss orrrr
Loves. Loves. Loves just WATCHING you. Seeing the way you pounce on little bugs for fun or get spooked by certain noises. He just smiles and is all amused.
You'll catch him doodling you pretty often. He makes notes like "y/n caught a treasure bug today. They seem pretty skilled at hunting. Failed to kill it for some reason...just played with it until it scurried off." The doodles are like...surprisingly pretty decent. The monster portions of you are the best looking and most detailed. But it's so cool to see just how much he pays attention to you and your idiosyncrasies.
Your interactions with Izutsumi also interest him. Do you guys get along? Are you prey to her? Or is she to you? If you and Izu are talking or around each other he's watching like a hawk out of pure curiosity.
However...there's a particular page in his journal where he's providing feedback on how he would make you "better" aka cooler. It's basically just his own ramblings. No Laios, an extra set of eyes and the ability to breath fire and ice and everything in between is not. better. you're just salivating over the idea of your monster OC
If you bring this up to him he actually agrees. After a lot of note taking and observation he's really fascinated just on how well suited your entire existence is to...surviving. He has a lot of theories he'd love to share about you.
But he has e x t e n s i v e notes on your body. It's something that fr makes you blush because, why is he theorizing about the base of your tail and how it connects to your spine? and the number of nipples you have? wait...how is his guess right...?
But Laios is so useful. You might as well call him your owner. You don't have to lift a finger when it comes to taking care of yourself. (He misses his dogs so you fill in.)
He takes care of your skin/fur/scales/feathers, cuts your claws, helps you file down your hooves or horns. He's very into taking care of you if you'll let him. (Marcille also hops in on this since its her love language LOL. When she's not busy with Izutsumi she helps when she can.)
If you are like...afraid of water or don't enjoy bathing. You are like the party's pet. They're debating on how to get you clean before Chilchuck is like "if you don't take a bath I am going to kill you and throw you in there myself." Laios then goes all puppy dog eyed bc he thinks Chil is being to hard on you and then he sighs and is like "fine. I'll buy you a treat when we get back to the surface."
Marcille/Laios are really good when it comes to bath time. They aren't weird about it (Laios is checking you out but. In a curious type of way. Marcille is giving him side eye if hes getting too...Laiosy. But he respects your boundaries. Just imagine Laios happily scrubbing you while humming a tune awe.)
And when it comes to sleeping arrangements...you can alternate between anyone in the party. But Laios and Chilchuck are your best bets. Marcille is an excellent sleeping partner if the dreams don't bother you, shes soo happy to have you sleep with her and she's soft and smells nice.
Laios happily lets you sleep with him. He's actually not super cuddly (unless you are he'll reciprocate). But he is very much like, giving you a ton of space. If you fall asleep before him he just relents and sleeps as comfortably as he can around you lol. Literally just like any other pet owner.
Chilchuck....sleeping with him is difficult bc Izutsumi will fight you on it, but she relents if you can fit in without much issue (bonus points if you're warm) so. You guys can both overheat this poor man. Izu may even start cuddling with you more. She finds a lot of comfort in having another beastkin in the party even though she won't say it.
And speaking of Chilchuck...you're likely a bit more cooperative than Izutsumi, so he gets your help when it comes to checking for traps and finding treasure. With your elite hearing and other abilities, he's actually really pleasantly surprised how useful you are. (If you were a half-foot he'd definitely want you in his guild). He gives you pets and treats when the others aren't really paying attention (He doesn't want them to see him doting on you is all LOL).
Okay. So. Your diet. This is an anime about eating so. Let's get down to it.
Whether you're a herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore--Laios is ENSURING your needs are taken care of in the party. It is of upmost importance to him.
He takes notes and asks about how certain foods make you feel. Are you more energized? Less energized? Stomach hurting? Pooping well? (Will ask this with upmost sincerity, he wants to make sure the butter/milk/etc used in their cooking isn't interfering with your tummy. Whether you want to answer this is up to you lol).
Laios and Senshi happily adjust things to your needs. Laios will spend time foraging with you, Senshi will find certain monsters with more nutrients that meet your needs. Senshi is also like, really knowledgeable about nutrients, so sometimes in your food he may grind up shells or bones to meet calcium needs and such. When he cooks he'll give you bones or soften them up in water so you can eat the marrow. :-)
Senshi...is the coolest though. He also lets you perch on him (like Izutsumi) and since he's lived in the dungeon for so long, he knows a lot about monsters firsthand. If it applies, he'll give you tips about yourself or some monsters you should prey on. Senshi and you go on little foraging trips too. He'll have you sniff things out in return for extra food during dinner.
Laios likes to see you hunt prey and eat it raw, though. Everyone else would rather not and it makes them sick but he thinks it is SO cool. He honestly wishes he could do that. He takes hunting lessons from you and will give you tips on being stealthier and such.
Your teeth really fascinate him. He likes testing your bite strength on different types of material (Like wood, stone, bones, etc.). He'll stick his fingers in your mouth and admire them if youd let him. He gives you so much praise in general its so cute.
AND. PETTING YOU. He is so tactile if you let him (i mean look how much he tries and fails to pet izutsumi). When you give him the all clear he is like. jumping for joy. he LOVES to pet you and praise you. He absentmindedly pets you when hes sitting down or standing by you. And when you nuzzle into his touch his heart SOARS. You can see on his face he's blushing and has that like. excited wiggly smile <3
I think when he's just sitting around he just messes with your tail. He likes it.
Lay down beside him and he will happily pet you and be like "do you like this? Is this a good spot?" Present. Your belly to him. and he is over the moon. He pets you wildly and is like "Who's a good boy/girl/monster?" He is so unashamed about doing this too. Chilchuck would put a stop to it if you didn't like it so much.
If you give him kisses or tongue bath's he's eating that shit up (i mean. look at those extra comics w him and dogs he lets dogs just kiss all over his face omfg). He isn't a huge fan of getting his hair wet (sensory issue) but when it's your drool...he can't help but be excited. Laios is all like "they're grooming me?? this means they like me, right??? Can I officially say I befriended a monster???"
It's proof that you care for him and view him as apart of your pack...he is just over the moon at this.
I will say...Laios is way too "has no backbone with you" for a while. You're chewing shoes? You can't help it! Stealing snacks? It's instinctual! Playing too rough with Izutsumi? C'mon guys...
But when he notices his party actually getting upset. You will be surprised how he can put his foot down. Not even max puppy eyes work on him. He will leash and muzzle you if needed.
But you can always get away with messing with his stuff. He thinks its fun to chase you around when you got his shirt in his maw. Then he happily wears the torn up gear and Marcille is like "let me sew it..."
For Scaly Beastkin:
He's so helpful when it comes to shedding season. Laios finds nice rocks all the time and helps scrape off any patches that are drying and crusting and hes not even phased and doesn't think its gross at all. He would keep some skin to test its resilience if you let him.
And going with that, when you need to shed and soak he would help you find a place and will happily assist with the shedding. He's so excited to be there honestly. But he feels bad you are uncomfortable so he lets you cuddle up under the water with him while you wait for your shed to soften up <3
Laios runs his fingers over your scales absentmindedly...just loves feeling how smooth they are, especially after he spent so much time helping them maintain that pristine smoothness.
He gets Marcille's help to make a moisturizing ointment to put on you every now and then so you don't get to dried out in the dungeon!! Marcille starts to fret about that too. You're just kinda chillin and she'll reach over and put ointment on your hands/cheeks/tail. Just areas you may be susceptible to drying out.
Also...he lets you use him as a heating rock. Sunshine is really limited in the dungeon, so...when you need a warm up he's there and waiting and extremely excited to warm you up with a hug.
For Furry Beastkin:
Brushes you. He'd do this EVERY evening (and morning) if you let him. He takes notes, too. Do you have an undercoat? Or is it just one? What does this mean about what environment you originated from?
He probably tries to use your shed fur to embellish his own clothes or put in his pillow/blankets. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle I guess?
And to add to that...remember how Marcille made a cute little cat head from Izutsumi's fur? He does that too. He and Marcille make cute little shapes outta your shed and giggle together about it.
If you get fleas...he is the party member you should tell. He'll help you get rid of them and won't rat you out to the other members LOL. He'd probably blame himself if it spread and the rest of the party is like "you expect us to beleive. you got fleas. Laios you would be excited if you got them."
For Feathered Beastkin:
Preening....<3. When you have pin feathers he is so sweet and gentle. gently picks them out. It kinda tickles bc he's just gliding his fingers over your wings. You'll catch him sighing in content and burying his face in the softness. It's so sweet.
He collects your feathers and shows them off to Marcille (who also really likes them.) Your down is SO useful too. The party has the softest blankets and pillows thanks to you. When you're molting everyone is calling dibs on the feathers to stuff in their bedding.
Laios examines your wingspan and is really interested on stuff like weather you can fly or not. If you can, he's in awe. He wants to see it. Maybe even fly with you if he can. Its always been a dream of his to do that.
tw (for nsfw). monsterfucking? if that counts. mentions of vent/cloaca/knot
This man. It is so easy to tell overtime just how fucking horny he gets over monster stuff. He is addicted to just how much you differ from him. Your scales, fur, feathers, wings, etc....he thinks they're all extremely sexy.
He just loves the primal aspect of it? Like you act on instinct. Do what makes you happy. Like of course you have human reasoning and such but STILL. You're so non human and otherworldly it makes his stomach knot up and his dick hard as a rock. He wants to know EVERYTHING about you.
If you have a heat/rut cycle...he is. fucking. begging you come to him for help. jfc you don't even have to let him stick his dick in you. He just slowly probes your hole with his fingers and legit GASPS when he feels it clench around him. Not only is he learning so much about you and monster anatomy but hes also having his monster fucking dreams come true.
I mean it is a given with Laios but his fucking face is always in your hole. He loves eating pussy/ass so fucking much. And having your dick, clit, or knot down his throat drives him wild. He eats your slick and cum like he's starving. He's so sloppy with it too--there's spit and slick and cum all over his face and he's just slurping it all up like its his last meal.
He definitely "examines" you. He'll stick his fingers in you and stretch out your hole just to get a better look at what's inside. (imagine his thumbs sliding in and prying you open.) The muscles pulsating and the color and the smell...god he's drooling. You feel all vulnerable and exposed but he's just constantly praising how amazing your body and its functions are.
He busts so quick with a beastkin it....wow. Like. You are seriously all he has ever dreamed of and shit. I can't imagine he'd be able to contain himself. He cums and just still wants more, he fucks you through the overstimulation until he cries
Oh he wants to know whats in your pants so bad its ridiculous. Like. I cannot explain just how much he is vibrating with excitement
If you have a cloaca...he's very gentle with your hole at first. You explain to him what to look for, what feels good. He'll gently explore with his fingers until he finds the right hole and then he's going at it. He's shoving his tongue in there happily too. He knows what a cloaca is. He knows it's a singular vent for waste and sexual functions. Doesn't matter. His tongue is going in there. Laios is beyond excited to taste everything and see what makes you squirm.
If you have a knot...it's a given he wants you to knot him. It takes him a few tries (he can't take your knot at first because he's too tight) but when he finally is able to its like. euphoric for him. He loves feeling your warm cum in his ass and your desperate pants against his throat as your overstimulated self gets adjusted to being stuck to him. Gods.
Plus...I've discussed this on my blog in more detail but with a beastkin reader he's definitely into
You biting/scratching him up. He lovvveess being marked. Use him as a chew toy PLEASE
Predator/Prey rp: He's a trained hunter but he wouldn't mind being hunted...He loves how strong you are and how you can turn the tables on him if you wanted.
Just?? You being feral?? He likes it when you act more like your monster side and just treat him like a toy.
Breeding Kink: Even if you aren't able to get pregnant or breed (either due to sex or incompatible genetics due to being part monster), he's still really into it. You can fill him up vice versa...He loves the feeling of having you last inside him and he loves knowing you're still filled up from him. Plus, it adds to the more animalistic part of sex which is what he likes
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agaypanic · 8 months
Regina's Barbie (Regina George X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: You’re Regina George’s latest project, but her reasoning for fixing you up is completely different than what you think.
A/N: a little drabble based on this ask that i answered a couple days ago bc it keeps getting interaction and lowkey i cant stop thinking about the concept ugh
“Hold still.” Regina scolded for what felt like the hundredth time, hand holding your jaw firmly to keep you in place while she put blush on your cheeks.
“Sorry.” You whispered, looking at the wall behind her so you didn’t have to face her intense gaze.
When Regina approached you one day, twirling her perfect blonde hair around her finger as she asked you if you wanted to hang out, you thought it was a prank. It had to have been, because there was no other reason why Regina George would even consider getting close to a ‘nobody’ like you. But when you stuttered out a response, her grin seemed genuine when telling you to meet you at her car after school. Sure enough, she was sitting in her car with the rest of the Plastics, beckoning you to come over and sit in the seat behind her.
Gretchen and Karen seemed to be a bit confused by your presence but didn’t question Regina. They welcomed you, but didn’t go out of their way to make conversation with you while Regina drove to the mall.
When she parked, Regina basically pulled you into shops by the arm, her friends rushing behind you. She thrusted some sweater into your hands, telling you that you just had to try it on. And when you tried telling her you couldn’t afford it, she rolled her eyes, took a credit card out of her purse, and dragged you to a fitting room.
And now you were here, perched on Regina’s bed while she did your makeup. She had insisted that the way you did it was all wrong and that you needed to know the proper way to do it. Gretchen and Karen weren’t here, which surprised you a bit. But you knew better than to question Regina.
“Okay, now you need lipgloss,” Regina said, looking through some of the glosses she had bought you. She opened one and looked at you. “Pucker up.”
You gulped at the demand, but did as she said. Regina grabbed your jaw again, a bit more gently this time, as she swiped the wand over your lips. She bit her lip in concentration as she stared at your mouth.
“Perfect.” She muttered, capping the gloss and taking you to one of her many mirrors.
You hardly recognized yourself, but Regina definitely didn’t do a bad job. She smiled at you through the mirror.
“What do you think?” She asked, leaning her head against yours a bit.
“I look…” It was hard to find an end to your sentence with the way Regina looked at you, like you were a piece of meat. “Pretty.”
“Hell yeah, you do.” She fiddled with your hair, trying to put it in a style she thought would be more suitable. “Oh my god, I totally forgot. We’re going to a party later, so we gotta find something for you to wear.”
“What?” You were a bit taken aback, not expecting to go to a party tonight. Especially with Regina. “Couldn’t I just wear this?”
Regina laughed, and it didn’t seem like that fake, almost mocking laugh she’d do when people tried to be funny with her. It sounded genuine, like she was actually amused by your question.
“No way, Y/n! Wait here, I think I have something you can wear.” She sped into her closet, leaving you to stand awkwardly in her room. Luckily, she came back quickly with a two-piece outfit. Regina went behind you, hands holding the clothes up to your body. “You’d look so good in this. Besides, it’s better than, like, anything you own.”
She kissed your cheek before sending you off to the bathroom to change. It was so quick that you barely registered what had happened until you were already switching your clothes for hers. You caught sight of yourself in the mirror, seeing a faint lip print on your cheekbone. You decided to leave it, not wanting Regina to get mad at you for messing up the makeup she spent practically forever putting on you.
When you left the bathroom, Regina was fixing up her lipstick in the mirror. She turned to you and smiled a bit, straightening up a bit.
“See, I told you you’d look good.” She took your clothes, throwing them on the bed, before noticing the mark she left on you. Regina stepped closer to see it better, soon looking at you with the same hungry look from before. “Keep that, it’s hot.” Then she walked away to change her shoes.
You took a deep breath. This was gonna be a long night.
Part 2
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mattslolita · 8 days
Bambi ignoring Chris and talking to Matt bc Bambi saw chris with another girl. But little does she know it was jsut one of Chris customers that buys weed from him
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your lips stuck out in a pout as you watched chris converse with another girl on the couch — she laughed at something he said, causing your bones to rattle with jealousy at the interaction. technically you guys were not together, but it still boiled your blood when he talked to other girls, especially with you there.
you were actually about to go over to him with the drinks you got for you both, but decided to be petty and instead look around until you found matt instead — he was leaned against the counter, conversing with some random girl you'd seen around, so you quickly make your way over to them.
"what's up, y/n?" matt says to you when you approach them, the girl giving you a smile, which you return.
"nothing," you mumble untruthfully, holding the drink out to him as your eyes find their way back to chris's, him still talking to the girl, "d'you want this?"
"i'm good," matt answers, an amused grin tugging at his lips as he sees what's happening.
"fine," you sass, eyes now on the other girl with a smile, "i swear i didn't lace this, do you want it?"
matt gives the girl a knowing glance, to which she raises her eyebrows and smiles at you, accepting the cup. "thanks, girl."
"mhm," you hum, tilting the cup upright, the liquid in your own cup hitting the back of your throat quickly. you hiss slightly, setting the cup down on the counter in front of you.
"seems like somethin's buggin' you," matt says, crossing his arms over his chest in mock amusement, "y'good?"
"perfectly fine!" you answer matt, dramatically waving your arms, "why wouldn't i be?"
"i could name a reason if you'd like," matt teases, causing you to glare at him as you cross your arms, so he raises his hands up in defeat, "or not..."
"there's my girl," chris's voice suddenly mumbles in your ear, his arm wrapping around your waist, "was lookin' for you."
"oh, i bet," you hiss, wriggling out of his grip as you turn around to face him. both matt and the girl smirk, taking this as a clear sign to go elsewhere. "you enjoy lettin' that girl laugh at your corny little jokes?"
"gir- bambi, what're you talkin' about?" chris asks you, pinching the bridge of his nose as you roll your eyes.
"don't play dumb, chris!" you tell him, eyes narrowing to slits, "i saw you talkin' with that girl on the couch..."
chris's confused expression then morphs into one of amusement, scoffing as he crosses his arms across his chest. "y'mean one of my regulars?"
you knew he had you there from the way you deflected, but still deciding to be petty, you turn away from him and sulk in your spot — chris mumbles a curse under his breath before walking up to you and placing both of his hands on your hips, pulling your backside flush against him.
"she was just one of my customers, mama," he mumbles into your ear, pressing a kiss to your earlobe before giving it a small nibble.
"just a customer?" you repeat, biting down on your lip slightly as his lips then traveled down to your neck teasingly.
"just a customer," chris confirms, pressing a wet, opened mouthed kiss on your neck, "didn't know you gettin' all jealous would turn me on s'much, but it does. wan' help me take care of this?"
he presses his semi-hard bulge against your ass, causing you to bite your lip and grin as you nodded, taking his hand to lead the way upstairs.
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heartpascal · 2 years
can we get more father figure joel? You know when Ellie killed the David, and then Joel comforted her? Maybe that but instead of Ellie it’s the reader, thank you <3
i am good
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▹ joel miller x platonic!f!reader
▹ — summary: joel finally sees the darkness in himself reflected in you.
▹ — a/n: ok first request i hope it’s ok!! i know its kinda similar to the game but erm. its reader and joel this time!! and reader is much much less ok with the whole. murder thing but its ok bc joel is there to fix it &lt;3 yes he is your dad no you don’t get a choice he has decided it
▹ — warnings: allusions to sexual assault (nothing happens but the intention was there), vivid descriptions of murder, reader is misled and attacked, similar to the game with ellie (so kinda spoilers?), joel is ready to kill for you (and does), lots of blood, tears, father figure joel, lots of angst and upset, vomiting
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Getting air into your lungs was proving to be one of the hardest things you’d had to do for a long time, which, considering the journey you’d been on, was shocking. The act of simply breathing should have come easily to you, but it didn’t. It couldn’t. Not as you saw the reflection of your own bloodied face in the knife that was held up, a clear threat polluting the air.
You knew you had probably been lucky to even make it as far as you had — born into a world full of death and chaos and infection, you were bound to meet your gruesome end some day, but you didn’t want to die.
For the first time in a long time, your chest ached for the breath you couldn’t seem to provide, the want, the need to live almost suffocating you on its own. You had someone now, someone who cared whether you survived or not, who felt like you deserved even a glimpse at a happy ending, even if he didn’t like to state those things out loud.
Resentment was growing in your stomach, filling you with the need to be sick. Why did you always have to listen to the words Joel didn’t say, rather than the ones he did say? If you had just listened, conserved your trust for those who actually earned it, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
When your hunting escapades had led you into a small horde of infected, you had just blindly put your faith in the aging couple who came to your aid, not thinking of what they might want for their troubles. You’d never had to escape without Joel’s help before, and you quickly discovered you weren’t all that good at it.
The two of them had dragged you back to their nearby settlement which they shared with a couple dozen others, all whilst you were kicking and screaming, trying to get away, your resolve fading each time they hit you to near unconsciousness. When they passed by a young man stood beside an older lady, you had called out to them, “Please, help me, please.”
“Gotta get something in return for the gear we wasted saving her ass,” the man had snickered to the two of them as glanced at the couple, just nodding at his words before turning back to their conversation.
You’d been knocked out when they approached a large community house, just getting a glimpse of the carpeted floor before the woman had struck her gun against the side of your head.
You had woken up in the middle of a chilled room, your arms straining with effort as you pushed yourself to sit up, seeing the woman holding a knife towards you. You couldn’t be sure how long it had been since they’d taken you, not with the way your stomach clenched with pain. The whole reason you’d been out there was to solve that, but you were sure that it had gotten worse.
“Listen, please,” your scratchy voice came out, much quieter than you had meant for it to be, “I—I can get you replacements for everything you used, but you gotta let me go.”
“We don’t gotta do anything, girl.” The lady snickered, as if even you saying such a thing was amusing. It made you feel small, powerless.
She got up, hearing her name being called, Cheryl, you noted, and sneered at you. Her skin was dull, and she looked vaguely ill, but that didn’t change anything about her threatening demeanour. At least one thing you’d taken from travelling with Joel was never underestimate your opponent, no matter how small, or ill, or kind they may appear to be.
Her hand grazed your face as she strode past, “Yeah,” she said quietly, like she was complimenting you, “You’ll do nicely. We’ll both enjoy you.”
You managed to avoid throwing up until she left the room, hearing a lock click into place. All that came up was bile, the clench of your stomach just becoming sharper afterwards. Your muscles felt weak, likely beginning to waste away with you having been inactive for a little while and injured, less energy wasted on muscle cells and more going into fighting off the infections that were likely trying to poison your blood.
Scanning the room, like Joel would’ve advised you to, you found nothing of much use to you. An old rickety chair, perhaps, but that would only help you if you could lift it, and you weren’t convinced you had the strength left within you, but you’d be damned if you didn’t at least try.
Something deep in your chest nagged at you, the longing for Joel, probably. He had saved you on countless occasions, and you could only hope that it had been long enough that he had finally gotten worried. It seemed likely, he really did worry a lot for a man who wasn’t meant to care, but then there was the factor of him finding you, managing to take down all the people in the settlement that might fight to protect each other and—
You took a deep breath, finally feeling your lungs expand and take in some oxygen, and pulled yourself from the ground, keeping the bile that threatened to rise down as the nausea hit you.
The chair was lighter than you expected it to be, the insides of the wooden frame likely rotten away, and you managed to pull it towards the door, waiting beside it with shallow breaths. When the lock finally began to click open, you raised the lightweight chair as high as you could, and smacked it down against the person who entered the room. Splinters flew from it as it impacted, and you heard the clatter of metal as a tray they carried hit the ground with them.
Food, maybe, to keep you alive for… whatever it was that they had planned for you, you reasoned, but didn’t look to check. Instead, you grabbed a mostly-intact leg of the chair that caused splinters to dig into your palm, and stepped over the body of the man who had taken you, exiting quickly.
Footsteps hurried you, and you ducked behind a booth as they approached the room you were being kept in. There were lanterns lit all around the room, giving it a warm look that greatly contrasted the cold air and feel it had.
“Shit!” Cheryl cursed, and you saw her bend down to check on the man from over the top of your booth. A radio crackled though the air, before, “Lewis is down, the girl’s out. Anybody got eyes?”
Your fingers shook and you gripped on to the booth to stop them, hearing the distorted reply of whoever was on the other end of the radio, “She ain’t got out, yet, she’s gotta be in there with you. You need backup?”
“No,” Cheryl replied, her cold voice sending shivers down your back, “I’ve got her.”
The drag of Lewis’ clothes against the floor made you peak your head up, seeing her drag him into the room, before she exited and locked him inside. You ducked back down, heart hammering. You couldn’t escape from them in an open forest — how would you get out of a locked down building?
“Come on out, kid. It’s okay, you just gotta start behaving yourself.” She called, her slow footsteps failing to mask the sound of her unsheathing her knife. It wasn’t okay, it was very far from okay, you would argue, and you could feel that crushing fear of death pushing down on your shoulders, your chest constricting once again.
You tried to reassure yourself — you had faced countless amounts of infected and come out on the other side, what was one woman with very bad intentions? But it didn’t make you feel better, not when it was another human, who could feel exactly what you felt.
Her footsteps approached, and you leaped from where you were in the booth, trying to run as far away from her as fast as you could, but she caught up to you with surprising ease, your muscles clearly weaker than initially thought, and she grasped the back of your shirt, pulling you to a stop as you fell to the ground.
“Get the fuck off of me!” You cried out as she knelt down, one knee beside you and another pressing against your stomach, knife approaching your throat as soon as she settled you firmly against the carpet. It was red.
“You could’ve made this real easy for all of us,” she muttered your name, and you froze, having forgotten the way you’d yelled it out to them in the midst of the battle. “Be a good girl, now.”
You heard gunfire outside, and when her face glanced toward the guarded front door, you twisted underneath her, pushing yourself away to find enough room to kick the knee against the floor out from under her. She fell, her chin hitting the ground with a satisfying crack, and when she cried out, anger overcame you.
“You were gonna hurt me,” You said aloud, almost as if it was a realisation, rather than just fact. Your eyes hardened, gaze going red as you snatched the knife from her weakened grip. She reached out to try and snatch it back, but only got the drops of your blood that fell from the blade as you held onto it, twisting it until you finally held the handle. “Why— why were you going to hurt me?”
Her response didn’t filter through your ears, and the rage at how easily she and Lewis were going to do it pulsed, making your vision go blurry. When she sat up, tumbling forward to take you down again, you swiped her own knife until you felt the drag of something resisting it, and then you pulled harder, feeling something warm gushing down your hand.
Cheryl’s breath stuttered slightly, her hands rising to her chest as she groaned in pain. You looked down to your hands, where they were coated in a red that was darker than the carpet below them, and you were so lost that you didn’t notice her hand coming below yours, hitting it so hard that the knife went flying to the other end of the carpet.
Like a reflex, your fists came down on her face, feeling the shift of bones beneath your knuckles as they shattered upon contact. You didn’t stop, too wrapped up in the fact that you didn’t want to die, that she was going to hurt you, to kill you when she was done, she was going to tear you apart and throw away the pieces, she was going to take away what little humanity had left, she—
Arms pulled you away from the body beneath you, arms much stronger than your own, and you screamed, yelled out with your broken voice, “I’ll kill you, I’ll fucking kill you, get off of me! I’ll kill you!”
The person shushed you, only holding tighter as you thrashed, turning away from Cheryl where she… wasn’t breathing. You stopped, tense muscles in your body going slack and burning as you stared at her, at her body, lifeless and covered in blood.
“Kid, it’s okay, it’s okay, I’ve got you.” said the person holding you— said Joel. Your hands dropped from where you had scratched his forearm, his arm covered in blood — though whether it was his, or Cheryl’s, or yours, you didn’t know.
He loosened his grip on you, eyebrows creased in concern as your entire body slipped when he moved his arms away, as if you couldn’t even hold yourself up.
“No… she— it wasn’t, I didn’t—” you trailed off, unsure of what to say, the words dead on your tongue, because you didn’t what? Didn't mean to kill her?
Joel followed your blank eyes to the body he’d pulled you from, and he turned your head towards him quickly, eyes hard. “No.” He said, and at your somewhat confused expression, he continued, “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Joel, I—”
“No,” he repeated, and pulled your head towards him, keeping you looking away from Cheryl as a gunshot rang through the room, echoing in your ears so loudly you couldn’t hear Joel at first, as he held up the smoking gun for you to see, “—killed her, see? I killed her.”
“They were going… they wanted to—” You choked on the words, feeling that bile come creeping back up your throat, and you lurched away from Joel as it came out, feeling him pull your hair back from your face.
Something in his eyes settled, however, at the choice of word you’d used — they. So this body wasn’t the only one in here? His question was answered by a bang at a door on the other side, the way your entire body flinched at the sound.
The door splintered, and a battered man came tumbling out, hurrying over to where he could see people crowded. His face went red, and he began to shout, “You fucking bitch—!”
Joel shot one between the eyes, and the man crumpled before he could get anything else out. He turned back to you, to where you were hunched in on yourself. He shoved his gun back in its rightful place, and held your cheeks between his hands, gunpowder residue transferring to your skin.
“Do you hear me?” His muted voice said, and you looked up to his face with a confused shake of your head, “It was you or them, and the only answer is you.”
“But, Joel,” you were interrupted, and he wiped the underneath of your eye of a tear that you hadn’t even known had fallen.
“No. You listen to me, remember?” Joel affirmed, and you nodded, the tears falling more now that you’d acknowledged them, your hands shaking as you tried to look past Joel, but he just pulled your face back to him. “I’ve got you, kid. Keep your eyes on me.”
You turned your face into his neck as you all but threw yourself into his arms, and they wrapped around you like they’d been waiting to do so. You missed his pained expression at the words, and the way heartache burrowed in his chest as he stood the two of you up, his knees clicking.
He swept you up, as if you were the smallest and lightest thing he’d carried in years, and he carried you away, your eyes staying glued to him as the two of you left behind the carnage he’d caused in looking for you.
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dovveri · 4 months
bachelorette masterlist - part 1 ▸ part 2 ▸ part 3 ▸ part 4 ▸ part 6 ▸ part 7
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synopsis: y/n watches the most recent episode of the bachelorette and is met with something she doesn’t like. sana also seems to be angry for whatever reason and it builds up into a big argument at the end of the night.
warnings: sex! overstimulation, fingering, scissoring, oral sex, degradation, choking, cursing
w/c: 7.1k
a/n: soooo sorry for the delay this will probs be my last update for a while bcs finals season is driving me up a wall (if u see me post another story or part its bcs im actually not studying and u should yell at me for it) i lwk hate the pacing of this chapter i feel like its everywhere but hey! we got some smut!
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the backlash wonsik gets online is more than satisfactory. apparently, with all the evidence piled up against him, he would most likely be sent away for the rest of his life. which is disgusting to think about, how much crime do you have to commit to get a life sentence? you try to shake those thoughts as you watch the most recent episode with the leftover contestants while sana’s on her individual date as usual. it was tradition now, even more so as the pool of contestants gets smaller and smaller.
after your day off, things had gotten right back to normal.
sana went on a solo date with jacky. good thing it was jacky too because they had the famous ‘conquer a fear’ date. who knew big, australian jacky was afraid of balloons. and in typical bachelorette fashion, producers came up with a romantic hot air balloon date for 5am in the morning.
costume designers had rushed into your room at 4am, turning on all the lights and pulling sana from your arms, not even casting you a second look now that they were used to seeing the both of you cuddled up and naked most of the time they had to come in and dress you.
you were barely conscious as they ran around frantically, pulling the covers over your head and groaning a little, trying to make yourself go back to sleep.
you’re sure sana didn’t feel the best either from the little grumbles and whines you can hear faintly as she struggles to keep her eyes open while makeup artists dab eyeshadow on her eyelids.
soon enough they're off and you drift back into sleep, only to be awoken a few hours later so you can get dressed and attend the group date for the day.
that was also pretty fun. everything was meant to be high-adrenaline, facing your fears, all that sort of stuff today. so the team had booked out a big amusement park and you all had free rein. it was also good because it meant you had a little bit more freedom, not everyone had to stick together so people ended up splitting naturally when they wanted to do different rides and you had even managed to sneak sana away from the cameras for a quick make out session in the toilets.
it was a pretty great day and would make for a nice and light episode after the mayhem that happened with wonsik. there was a rose ceremony as always but this time, only 2 people were eliminated. unfortunately you had to say goodbye to dae and nayeon, sana did say it was getting harder and harder to eliminate people because as the more time goes on, the closer you get, and when there's less people in the house, it also facilitates closer relationships. she had to eliminate those two simply because she felt her romantic connection with them wasn't as strong as it was with some of the other contestants. it was rough but that's showbiz.
after 2 more eliminations tonight, it would officially be the quarter finals meaning it would be time for sana to meet all of her last 4 contestants' families and close ones.
currently, you're enjoying an afternoon tea at the contestants' house. as usual, sana was on a solo date with jiwon but there wouldn't be a group date today because there wasn't enough time to film it. instead, the both of you were allowed a little sleep in after yesterday's rude 4am awakening, and a little more time in the afternoon to dress up before the rose ceremony tonight.
the episode had just finished with jacky and sana's date. jacky still won't go near a balloon and he's probably developed a fear of heights on top of that too now but at least it looked pretty on television.
you had teased him when the episode showed him nervously walking around and inspecting the hot air balloon before sana had to basically yank him into the basket. he had his eyes shut tight the entire time, holding on to sana for dear life while they ascended. it was a little cute when sana finally managed to get him to peek his eyes open once they reached their highest altitude, just in time to catch the sunrise, and in exchange for getting over his fear and not backing out of this date with her, she gave him a rose and kissed him on the cheek.
you heard afterwards from eunji that as soon as they touched back down he had jumped out of the basket and laid face down in the grass for about half an hour, just getting used to the feeling of being on the ground again.
they had caught a bit of him on the floor doing exactly that which was pretty hilarious because sana was crouched next to him, poking him and trying to get him to sit up but he just groaned and mumbled something incomprehensibly in response, his rose still clutched tight in his hand, stretched out in front of him.
they cut it off there though, maybe a little for jacky's reputation but you all knew how long he was there for.
after a short break where they show a few scenes of silly occurrences inside the house with the other contestants, and then finding out everyone was invited on the group date that day, except for jacky who was invited but ended up taking the rest of the day off to recuperate and basically laid in bed in the medical office, even skipping the rose ceremony since he already got his rose.
they shot everyone in the car on the way to the amusement park, asking the contestants what they thought was going to happen, if anyone was scared, trying to pull a few comedic clips together, all the anticipation scenes the audience needed to be excited for the date.
eventually, everyone's in the middle of the amusement park with sana and yourself waiting for them in casual clothes. you shift a little as you recall the way you had her gasping into your mouth and your hand up the blue polo shirt she’s wearing on screen only 20 minutes after the introduction and everyone had split off.
in the meantime, while the cameras were running around frantically trying to find sana, they had filled in the gaps with clips of the other contestants, you laugh when momo is practically dragged onto a rollercoaster by jihyo and jun, she’s kicking and screaming but they manage to strap her in and gesture for the roller coaster attendant to go. its one of those really fast ones where it goes from 0 to 100 in seconds so the force pushes all of them back against the seats, poor momo barely has the time to blink and then its over. she’s gasping with her eyes clenched shut while the other two are laughing and pulling her off and along to the next ride.
it’s great being able to watch what happened when you weren’t on screen, and also what sana was up to when you weren’t with her.
you laugh when they show all the contestants clambering onto the carousel, you had all taken some group pictures and some of them were more than silly.
eventually, you get to the rose ceremony, and just as you were on the night, your breath is taken away again with sana in a stunning red dress. she really nailed being on camera, her face was one that was meant to be on screen.
the night starts merrily, everyone's more of a family now, you’re all happy to drink and talk together, and it wasn’t so competitive to get time with sana anymore because there were less contestants.
you frown a little though when the camera shifts to sana and jihyo, they’re sitting very close in one of the more private rooms inside the house.
jihyo’s playing a joke and sana’s laughing, a little flushed, probably from the alcohol as she slaps jihyo’s arm lightheartedly. jihyo preens at the attention, grabbing another drink and offering it to sana who accepts it gratefully and takes a sip.
she hums in satisfaction before speaking up, “so you never did tell me how you broke up with that gym rat…”
jihyo’s laughing a little nervously, twiddling her thumbs a little, “right yeah… i just realised that i made the wrong decision. i was caught up in the newness of everything with him but after that got old, i realised i still loved-“
sana’s eyebrows are shooting up, she’s setting down her drink and clearing her throat.
“sorry.” jihyo flashes an apologetic look over at sana, but sana shakes her head.
“no no it’s okay. be as honest as you can, please. we’re both here because we’re looking for a relationship right? can’t do that if we have any skeletons still in the closet.”
jihyo’s smiling gratefully and then continuing, “he wasn’t it for me. that’s why i broke up with him. i’m sorry for the way i treated you sana, you didn’t deserve that, you never did anything wrong in our relationship and i never really gave you a reason to why we broke up. i hoped by coming on here i may be able to win back a second chance.”
sana hums again, taking a moment to think while jihyo nervously looks at her with wide eyes.
“jihyo… you hurt me a lot when you left.”
“i know! and i’m so so sorry for that! i never want to do that to you again, all i’m asking for is another chance sana.”
she’s shuffling closer, grabbing sana’s hands tightly and imploring with her eyes.
sana looks down at their hands together, taking a breath before looking back up, "look... i'm not going to lie to you... i never really did get over you completely."
"and i wouldn't have kept you in here for this long if i wasn't curious about what you had to say and if i wasn't ready to give you a second chance."
what the actual fuck?
"it wouldn't be fair though. to the other contestants, y'know? if they knew you had a head start. and i admit i was avoiding you a little because i wanted to even the playing field and get to know everyone else first before revisiting this." she makes a gesture with her hands, signaling between the two of them. "so its nice to finally be able to sit down and get a clear answer about what happened in the past."
jihyo looks more and more hopeful as sana goes on, your hands only get tighter around the fabric of your pants. sana didn't tell you about this conversation last night. sana hasn't mentioned anything jihyo related. whenever you ask, she's always managed to change the conversation or misdirect you with the promise of sex. was this why? is this how she really felt about jihyo? did she think you would disapprove? well you do disapprove but that was besides the point.
all of the other contestants don't seem too shocked with this news. it's not too surprising though because they've all lived with jihyo and the one thing they all have in common is sana so there's no doubt they've all discussed each other's feelings for sana, and jihyo probably told them their history as well.
you're fuming though. you can't believe sana didn't tell you something this important. that you're finding this out along with the rest of the country when you were meant to be her best friend here, the one person who was supposed to know everything before everyone.
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the rest of the afternoon goes by in a blur. you can vaguely tell when someone comes up to you and tries to initiate or bring you into the conversation but your mind is swirling with information about sana and jihyo, their past interactions, whether you could decipher any of sana's feelings from observing her.
eventually, it's time for the rose ceremony again and you're still in your head about everything you thought you knew happened yesterday.
you have half the mind to pull sana aside and ask her about it but when you meet sana's eyes, she squints a little and looks away quickly with signs of a pout in her lip.
the night continues like this, the two of you stealing glances at each other only when you think the other isn't looking. when sana starts pulling jihyo aside though, you don't care if she sees the look of disbelief on your face, she doesn't seem to notice anyway, all cozied up to jihyo.
you're averting your head again and downing the rest of your drink in one gulp.
when it's time to read out who gets a rose and who's going home, you're stiff standing next to sana, she's purposely avoiding your gaze as well. the tension between you two was so thick jiwon had come up and asked if something had happened between you two. and technically nothing did happen so you don't really know why sana seems to be angry with you when you were the one who was hurt by yesterday's episode.
the ceremony is brief, you have to say goodbye to jun, and eunji unfortunately but you can barely give them a proper hug as you stare at jihyo who's now made the final four.
after your goodbyes you quickly make your way towards the car, tapping your foot impatiently while waiting for sana to finish saying her goodbyes so you could both go home.
unfortunately, that takes another 20 minutes and you're just about to tell the driver to leave without her when she's sliding into the car, still avoiding your gaze and sitting on the opposite end of the car. normally she's all over you, needing affection after a big day but now you're pretty sure if she moved any further away she'd be falling out the window.
that was fine though. it’s not like you wanted to have an argument with her while the driver could hear you anyway.
the car’s pulling in and she’s opening her door and stalking inside the house without even a second glance towards you.
what the fuck? why was she mad at you now?
you feel almost childish copying her actions and making sure to slam the door on the way in, but if she was acting like this for no reason that only infuriated you more.
you find her in the kitchen, tapping her foot impatiently and waiting for you to come in.
once you’re standing on opposite sides of the counter, you cross your arms and still. she’s leaning on the counter with her hands, staring you down. there was no way you were going to be the first to break. she was the one who had some explaining to do right now, not you.
sana's stubborn as well though, lips pursed and not backing down.
it goes on like this for a few minutes before you finally break, raising an eyebrow and asking coldly, "so do you have anything you want to say to me sana?"
sana scoffs, the tips of her ears red, "do you have anything you want to say y/n?"
"what? no! i don't even know why you're being like this right now! i'm the one who's been left in the dark here."
"oh you're the one who's been left in the dark huh? unbelievable that you're still lying to my face about this. is that how you really feel about her?"
"excuse me?! it doesn't matter how i feel about her! the whole issue is how you've been dealing with this situation!"
sana sneers, your voices getting louder and louder trying to top each other, "this again? seriously y/n? i'm my own person and i'm allowed to have opinions on who i like and who i don't like! if she's being weird or sneaky or whatever i'm going to call her out on it!"
you scoff, "yeah right. like you called her out on it last night? and tonight as well i bet. why did you take so long saying your goodbyes huh?"
sana goes beet red and you think you've got her, "what?! what are you talking about?! and i stayed behind to say proper goodbyes to everyone! not like you apparently who couldn't care less, you barely talked to anyone tonight, when jun, and eunji, who was one of your closest friends here right?! when they had to leave you didn't even look them in the eye when they hugged you!"
"riiiiiiiiiight and you expect me to believe that? you weren't cuddling up and getting a quickie in before you had to go right?"
"what?! what are you talking about y/n?! quickie- what?"
"with jihyo! you stayed behind to talk to her didn't you!?"
"what?! well yeah i did but what does jihyo have to do with any of this?"
"what?! i've been talking about jihyo this whole time what do you mean?"
she's slipping something out of her suit pocket and sliding it across the counter to you. your phone.
"are you fucking serious y/n? you've been talking about jihyo this whole time? what the fuck? why the fuck are you suddenly bringing her up? you're the one who's been going behind my back getting all flirty and friendly with miyeon! after you told me you were just friends?! calling each other babe and sweetie and honey in your texts, how the fuck did you even get her number anyway? how long have you been talking to her huh? how long have you been fucking me while talking to someone else?"
you're scrambling for your phone, unlocking it and scrolling to your messages with miyeon. fuck. sana must have read everything. you don't even remember leaving your phone behind but it must have been with her since the morning. you scroll down the texts and see the most recent messages miyeon has texted you today and you find that sana has been replying to her.
"are you serious sana?! why the fuck did you go through my phone?"
sana turns her head at that, pouting a little, "i didn't mean to! she just kept on texting and i thought it must have been something important if your phone kept going off so i just went in to make sure everything was okay! how was i supposed to know you were basically sexting her behind my back!?"
"we were not sexting oh my god sana! miyeon is my friend we're just friends!"
"why have you been keeping this from me then?! you must like her or something then don't you?!"
"what?! no! and don't talk to me about keeping secrets right now sana!"
"what secrets have i kept from you?!"
"hello?!" you're waving your hands around frantically, "the whole jihyo situation?! why didn't you tell me you never got over her?"
"i never got over- what?!"
"you said so last night! on national fucking television! don't play dumb with me right now sana, and don't try and change the topic on me!"
"i never said that! are you being serious right now? jihyo and i split and it took me a while but you were there for it all! you saw me at my lowest and you helped build me back up! i am over her!"
"why is she in the final four then?"
"oh my god y/n you cannot seriously still be talking about jihyo! i'm over her! the producers wanted her to make it to the final four because they thought they could add some drama in during the home visits or whatever! jihyo and i talked about it last night and i told her why she was still here because i didn't want to keep leading her on! that's why i stayed for longer after the rose ceremony, i just wanted to check on her and make sure she was okay with all of this because i still care about her! i loved her at one point in my life!"
"that's not what i saw in last night's episode!"
"yeah! you and jihyo were all close and snuggly and she told you she still loved you and you said you were going to give her a second chance!"
"y/n i never said any of that." the rage has lifted slightly now, replaced with confusion.
you're breathing heavily, tired from arguing, you and sana had more fights these few weeks that you've been filming than you've had your entire lives together.
you tap out of your messaging app, going to tiktok and searching up last night's bachelorette episode, scrolling past all the funny jacky moments and amusement park shorts, trying to find the part where jihyo and sana were talking. someone had to have posted about it.
"are you serious right now? are you fucking texting miyeon while we're talking?"
"what?! no! sana i told you miyeon and i are just friends! i'm trying to find a clip of you and jihyo last night to show you what i'm talking about!" you find one then and quickly hold it out for sana to see.
she watches the clip replay a few times while you wait defiantly.
after the seventh replay you take your phone back, sighing when you think she has nothing to say for herself.
“want to explain yourself now? anything else you wanna divulge while you’re at it?”
“what? no y/n i didn’t say any of that. they edited that together. i didn’t say any of that to jihyo i promise.”
you look at her in confusion, looking back to your phone, and then back to her.
“i did pull jihyo aside and we did talk but i never told her that i didn't get over her. y/n you have to believe me baby i- i can call the producers right now, they'll clear everything up." she's reaching for her phone, but the immense relief that she doesn't still have feelings for jihyo washes over you and brings you to action. moving around the counter and taking her phone from her and wrapping her in a hug.
she stills against you, and you're both surprised when you feel your own tears falling down your face, the tension of the night finally getting to you.
"i'm sorry. i'm sorry i do believe you. this all seems so silly now i hate when we fight. i overreacted with the whole jihyo thing and it could've been solved so easily if i'd just talked to you instead of..."
sana softens against you, wrapping her arms around your waist and carding a hand through your hair. "it's okay baby. i'll talk to the producers tomorrow and make sure they don't pull anything like that again. and after the home visits i promise jihyo is the one who'll be going home."
you sniffle a little, "you don't have to do that for me sana. i swear i was just being..."
"i don't know i'm tired sana. can we go to bed?"
she hums against you, pulling you both towards the bathroom for your nighttime routines. once you're done, you're climbing into sana's bed and picking up your phone again, scrolling back to your messages with miyeon while waiting for sana to finish her routine and join you.
y/n: heyy sorry i just got my phone back, sana's had it the last few hours because i left it behind so if i seemed weird over text it's because she was messaging you
miyeon: oh it's okay! i did think you sounded a bit off but i just chalked it up to u not feeling well or something. was sana mad when she found out we were texting?
y/n: 😂 how did you know?
miyeon: well i was on the receiving end of her jealousy when she texted me today so that was one clue 😂
y/n: jealousy?
suddenly your phone starts vibrating and miyeon's name flashes across the screen. you pick up hesitantly, "hello?"
"y/n! hey! it's good to actually hear your voice again!"
you chuckle a little, "you too princess. what's up?"
"nothing really, i just wanted to see where your head's at with sana now."
"what do you mean?"
"remember the conversation we had the night i got kicked out? while you were drunk?"
you squint a little, shuffling around in the sheets, "kinda... why?"
"i noticed the way you looked at her, the way you talked about her, even on the first night i think the reason why no one suspected that you weren't just a regular contestant was because i thought, we all thought you also felt the same way we did for sana."
"you might not have realised it... but i think you were beginning to see it when filming started. do you get jealous when you see sana with the other contestants?"
"i- well- i mean i kinda just thought i was friend jealous though. or like that i just wanted the best for her which was why i was so harsh on contestants in the beginning."
"the way you talk about her over text sounds like its more than that y/n."
"i don't- what- i'm not jealous-"
you barely register that sana's finished with her routine now, sliding into bed next to you and cuddling up immediately. "what are you jealous about?"
you freeze, looking at her like you've been caught with your hand in the cookie jar in the middle of the night.
"is that sana?" you're broken out of it quickly when you hear miyeon's voice over the phone.
sana bristles though, moving away from you and frowning, "are you on the phone with miyeon?"
"i- yeah-"
sana's snatching the phone out of your hand instantly, bringing it up to her ear and speaking into the microphone with a cold sneer, "yes this is sana. can i help you?"
you can't hear miyeon respond but the way sana's speaking sends a lightning rod of arousal down your spine. your mind is still hazy with what miyeon's suggested, and you're thinking about how you hated seeing sana kiss wonsik, how blinded you felt when you thought sana still liked jihyo, what could this mean? how long have you liked sana for? has it always been this way?
you don't realise that sana's features have become less defensive as she talks to miyeon, almost apologetic even when she settles back down next to you, humming in response to something miyeon's said over the phone. she's within proximity again that you can make out miyeon's voice.
"-but i hope you've been doing well and taking care of yourself with all the craziness that comes along with filming."
"yeah thank you miyeon. really. and again i'm so sorry for all the misunderstandings and i hope you know that eliminating you was definitely a mistake and it was very short-sighted of me but i'm glad that we've finally had a chance to talk where i'm not completely hostile to you."
you can hear the airy giggle of miyeon over the phone, "of course! all the best with the rest of the season sana. maybe we'll see each other on the other side."
sana smiles, "definitely. goodnight miyeon!"
she hangs up and hands your phone back to you, going right back to cuddling as if nothing had happened.
you're trying to pick out what part of that conversation that you overheard bothered you when it hits. "eliminating miyeon was a mistake?" was this the jealousy again?
"weren't you the one saying that?" sana raises an eyebrow at you, brushing her fingers over your side.
"well- i-"
she's giggling now, "i'm just kidding. miyeon just put to rest everything that was on my mind so i have nothing to worry about. i'm sorry for overreacting when i found out you were texting her. you're allowed to have friends, sorry i was trying to micromanage that."
"what was on your mind?"
"hmm y'know... you mostly."
you whine, hitting her lightly while she laughs at you.
"she told me you were just friends and she never meant to make it seem like it was anything else. she also helped me... come to terms with a few things so i'm actually very grateful for that."
"what things?"
"so many questions y/n. are you worried i'm about to steal her away from you?" sana teases.
"what? no! stop teasing-"
she grins, poking your cheek, "i'm keeping that to myself for now okay? i'll probably tell you one day. just not today."
"why not?"
"just because." she smiles, "now let's sleep."
you grumble a little, confused at what miyeon could have told sana, confused with what miyeon told you. there was one thing you did want to test out though...
you lean in quickly and capture sana's lips, taking her a little by surprise but she's quick to reciprocate, closing her eyes and kissing you back.
you're aggressive, climbing on top of her quickly and licking into her. you're trying to figure out if kissing her made you feel anything more. anything that could clue you in on your true feelings for her.
she's breaking away from you panting though, pushing you back slightly when you try to chase after her again, "woah y/n baby baby slow down- what's got you all in a rush?"
your eyes are dark as you look down at her, friends don't normally feel like the world would end if they stopped kissing right? you needed to be back on her, in her, needed to feel her around you, needed to taste her, needed to memorise every single sound she made, you needed her. that was more than just lust right?
"just- just need you please-" you're leaning back in, almost begging.
"no- no y/n stop. tell me what's going on, you're not normally like this."
you groan, head falling to her shoulder, slumping against her. "something stupid miyeon said..." you mumble into her shoulder.
"what did she say?"
you huff against her, "that i had feelings for you."
you hear the gasp sana lets out, her hands at your waist tightening their hold and you groan into her, grinding down a little at the feeling.
she stills you though, hands sliding down to grip your hips, "stop that." her voice is harsh, and you're reminded of the way she talked to miyeon over the phone, all cold and annoyed. it only makes you drip more at the tone of her voice and you whimper a little.
"do you?"
"do i what?" you're distracted, wanting only to kiss her again.
"do you have feelings for me?"
you sigh, "don't know- that's what i'm trying to figure out."
"how are you trying to figure it out?"
"kissing you. touching you. seeing if all of it made me feel something more."
"something more?"
"i don't know. something other than horny."
sana hums before finally loosening her grip. "okay. try it. just promise me you'll tell me what you think afterwards?"
you're quick to latch onto her lips again, mumbling yes and thank you into her.
she bucks her hips up against you and you moan. she was finally giving into her feelings and letting you do what you wanted, expressing herself freely.
“can you- mmf- can you-“
“what what is it baby? what do you need?”
“can you- be mad at me?”
she’s kissing down your neck, nipping slightly as you grind down into her, “i’m not mad at you. we talked about this just then baby.”
“no- i need- can you pretend to be mad?”
she’s licking up to your ear, “i don’t understand baby. can you elaborate?”
“f-fuck sana- can you- just imagine i did like miyeon and i wanted to fuck her-“
you’re scared you said the wrong thing and ruined the mood when she stills under you. then all of a sudden she’s rolling you over and straddling your hips, lips and teeth back at the sensitive parts on your neck. “you like it when i’m mad?”
“g-god yes sana please-“
“whore. you want me to mark you up? make sure everyone knows your mine? mine to ruin?”
“yes yes sana please-“
you moan when you feel her sucking at your collarbone, intending on doing exactly that.
"off." her hands are at the bottom of your shirt tugging, and you scramble up, almost knocking your forehead against hers in haste, you'd laugh but you were so pent up you couldn't think about anything other than her fucking you all night long.
her hands are cold when she slides them up your stomach, cupping your tits and you shiver at the feeling.
"trying to piss me off on purpose bringing up her name into this hm? after we just made up too." she squeezes and you gasp into her, nipples hard against her palms as she runs a thumb over the tip.
"think my pretty baby's going to come for anyone else?" she circles a nipple leaving you twitching, "i'm going to ruin you so that everytime you even come close to coming in the future, you'll only be able to think about me."
she's licking a trail down the middle of your chest, before sucking marks into the sides of your breasts, avoiding your nipples, only tracing them lightly with the tip of her thumb.
you're squirming around under her, begging and crying, eyes clenched shut, hand drifting down towards your folds, trying to alleviate some of the pressure that's built up.
she snatches your hand quickly and pins it above your head, "don't even fucking think about it."
you whine under her, trying to pull away from her grip but she has you completely under her control.
"don't do that baby. you asked for this didn't you? you're going to be a good girl and take it now." her lips come back down on your other tit, sucking and licking again, you're grinding up into nothing, stuck with the feeling of your own sticky arousal.
"p-please sana need- please- more-"
"what do you need baby? this?" she takes a nipple into her mouth then, sucking gently and flicking over it with her tongue, then popping it out of her mouth, "or this?" a hand trails lower, thumbing the waistband of your pyjama bottoms. "maybe this?" a knee comes up then, pressing right where you need her most and you’re moaning against her.
"g-god sana- fuck- all- all of it- god i need all of it-"
"be more specific sweetie. you can do it. c'mon now."
"f-fuck need you to fuck me like you said you would. need to feel your fingers inside me, your mouth wrapped around my clit, your hands gripping my ass so hard it'll leave behind handprints. just need you sana please- please-"
"mmm that's a good girl. begging for me like the slut you are. because you were so pretty i'll give you that. but you gotta talk me through it okay? if you stop i'll stop and i'm going to go fuck myself in your bed and leave you here for the rest of the night."
you whimper, nodding your head.
"words baby."
"yes, yes yes god please just-"
she smirks and then she's back at your nipples, fully sucking on them now and pulling your bottoms off along with your panties, immediately swiping a finger through your wetness. the sudden change from feeling nothing to feeling everything be stimulated was almost too much but also exactly what you needed.
"god sana please- inside- need you inside."
she's pushing one finger in and you feel yourself clench around her, already so close, desperate for her. suddenly you're remembering your actual task, but before you can formulate another thought she's pulling out and thrusting back in with another finger.
"god you're so wet for me baby. how long have you been thinking about this hm?"
"i- fuck- i'm never not thinking about you sana."
sana hums, keeping a slow, languid pace, "is that helping with your little mission tonight?"
"i- w- fuck sana faster please-"
"answer the question first."
"f-fuck i- i don't know- i c-can't think- please-"
she's pulling out and removing herself from you so that none of your skin is touching anymore.
"now? now can you think?"
"sana please fuck- yes! yes it's helping everything is helping please just need you back-" you're making grabby hands at her, trying to pull her back so you can feel her against you again.
she obliges, pushing back into you and humming, "that's a good girl."
"thank you- god sana- thank you- mm fuck thank you-" you're babbling, barely making sense when she speeds up, curling her fingers inside you just the way she knows you like, and rubbing her thumb along your clit each thrust inside.
soon enough, you're coming around her, her name and curses spilling out of your mouth but she's not done. she's crawling down your body, marking almost every inch of skin she can get her mouth on, and then latching onto your clit and sucking, fingers still pounding into you.
"f-fuck! sana! 's too much! f-fuck-"
she only hums against you, the vibrations against your clit only tightening the coil in your belly once more and the overstimulation is too much and you feel yourself coming again.
she's pulling out and you think she's finished but she flips you onto your stomach, slipping a pillow under you to lift your ass up, hands gripping the cheeks and spreading them apart, just like how you had begged her to. but then her fingers are prodding at your entrance again and she slides in, and this angle is so much deeper and you cry out, muffled against the sheets, trying to squirm away from her but she's got your ass right where she wants you.
she's leaning down, pushing in and out of you again, you can feel her chest against your back, the fact that she's still wearing her top fleetingly crosses your mind but you can still feel her hardened nipples against your skin, you arch back into her.
"my baby's not done yet. you're going to give me another one. and another one. until you've finished your little experiment right?"
you're sobbing into the sheets, the delightful mixture of pleasure and pain running through your body, your hyperaware of every single movement, every single place your skin touches, every breath she takes as she ruts her fingers into you.
you feel your third orgasm coming up when a hand is snaking a way back up your body, pinching roughly at your nipples before closing around your throat. you gulp and clench even harder around her fingers when she squeezes her hand lightly, moaning your approval.
"yeah? you like that slut?"
"y-yes o-oh god fuck- sana- fuck-"
she's squeezing tighter now and the pressure is perfect, the lightheadedness from the cutoff of oxygen combined with the overstimulation and you're coming again, thrashing into her as she releases you slowly, heaving in air as specks of black dot your vision.
you feel almost numb when she slides the pillow out from under you, turning you slightly so she can kiss you gently, and you moan at the taste of yourself on her tongue.
she's slipping a leg between yours when you realise that she's taken off her bottoms, and you gasp when the feeling of her wetness glides against your clit.
you whimper against her lips, "sana..."
"shhhh baby one more."
you're helpless against her, whining and pushing yourself into her, relishing the way her breath catches and she moans when your clits drag along each other. she's got one hand at your tit again, pinching a nipple and you need to feel more of her so you slide a hand up her top, grasping at her breast and moaning when she rocks against you just a little harder at the feeling.
your lips never leave each other, even when you're so blissed out you're just panting into her mouth, rutting against her. you're not even thinking straight when you mumble the words, slurred together and mixed with curses, but sana still catches it. "i love you."
she stops immediately, leaving you humping her like a dog, panting into her wondering why she's stopped.
she's gripping your hips, stilling you, eyes wide, "what did you just say?"
"i love you sana fuck- please- please let me come again please-"
her eyes study you, half-dazed, and then suddenly she's rutting against you again, your hands tighten around her tits just to be able to hold onto something because she's pushing against you and you're so close and her hands are basically moving your hips against hers without you even doing anything, she's moaning into your mouth, caught in her own pleasure and it's all too much when you feel her tighten her legs around you, coming with a whine and shaking, you come again, eyes closing and feeling the wave of pleasure wash over your body, twitching lightly against her in the aftershock.
when you pull apart your legs are sticky and filthy and hers aren't much better, stained with your essence, you can't even open your eyes, just letting her plant light kisses across your face and neck, holding her against you and learning to breathe again.
when she kisses your eyelids you manage to peek open, staring at her in wonder.
"did you mean it?" her eyebrows are slightly furrowed, hair sticking to her forehead, bottom lip protruding a little in a pout.
you were overcome with pleasure and overstimulation, but you remember everything you said. "i did. i love you. i'm sorry it took this long to realise it."
she sighs, eyes tearing up, "i love you too idiot."
"what about the season?"
"we'll figure that out later. let me clean you up and we can cuddle and sleep?"
you hum, whining when she leaves you to grab a damp towel, missing her warmth already. it felt painful to be without her. every second you spent apart, you were thinking about her, you can't help but laugh at how stupid you've been. you've been in love with sana for the better half of your life, you were determined to make it up to her. to show her just how much you loved her. just how much you needed her in your life.
you smile happily when she comes back, bringing her into a sweet kiss and letting her wipe at your legs. you were so, utterly, in love with her, and you finally realised it.
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purinfelix · 8 months
show me how ⊹˚. ♡
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pairing: reader x spiderman!carlos sainz summary: your new neighbour is a mystery to you, and so is the masked vigilante that you've heard news of around your city - but the chances of them being related are impossible, right? warnings: none! w/c: 2.8k (i don't know how to write short fics i'm sorry)
a/n: after nearly a month away, i'm back !! most of it was bc i was on holiday but also bc I've had the worst writers block ... also i can't decide if i have horrible or amazing timing given the news abt lewis butttt its ok!!! just hope yall enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing it <3333 (just note it might be a little rough ...)
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You didn’t know that much about your neighbours.
Granted, it had only been about two months since they moved into the apartment next door and for the most part, they kept to themselves. But, during this short period, you’d managed to compile a list of facts you knew about them for no reason other than pure curiosity.
You knew they hosted quests quite often, almost once a week, which you could always tell by the loud music and banter that went on late into the night whenever they did. You knew the woman of the house was an excellent cook, having often walked past their door and caught a whiff of whatever it was she was making for dinner. You knew they were a family, quite a young one, with a son who was about your age and a student at your university. You’d spotted him around campus, often donning a pair of headphones and a hoodie that silently said “Leave me alone”. You’d yet to see him smile though, which you had initially chalked up to some remnants of teenage angst, at least until you spotted him leaving the chemistry labs with an unkempt stack of notes.
Despite these facts, your neighbours were still largely an enigma to you. And for the most part, you didn’t mind - this was New York you lived in, where not knowing much about whoever lived next door wasn’t unheard of. It wasn’t like you didn’t have anything better to do than stalk them too, considering you were swamped with university work, going into your second year as a nursing major.
This painful reminder weighed down on you as you dragged your feet through your apartment door, only managing out a tired mumble as a greeting to your parents. They didn’t seem to mind though, from their spots on the couch you couldn’t make out their faces, but you could tell they were immersed in tonight’s latest news story. The bright light of the television emitted a soft glow, and you couldn’t help but lend a listening ear as you trudged past.
“This just in, reports of a masked vigilante who has been helping the local community at night,” read out the news reporter, an image of the mentioned figure showing behind him.
You couldn’t help but let out an amused scoff as you pulled your backpack higher onto your shoulder, at how ridiculous the guy looked. Even after living here your whole life you had yet to hear anything as ridiculous as some weirdo running around in a mask at night.
Pushing open the door to your dimly lit room, you collapsed onto your bed with a soft thump. The fatigue from a long day of lectures and tutorials seemed to catch up to you as your eyelids drooped and you weakly grasped at your covers in an attempt to pull them over you. Even as you felt yourself drifting off to sleep, you could faintly make out the news reporter continuing.
“People are calling this figure ‘Spiderman’, due to his red and blue suit reminiscent of the bug, The individual’s identity remains unknown though, and any persons with any information are encouraged to talk to their local police about it.”
You wake to a tapping sound. It’s quiet at first, but starts to get louder and more desperate before ultimately rousing you from your sleep, confused and disoriented. You push your hair out of your face and can just make out the time on your bedside clock, which blinks “2:34am”. Wiping a line of drool dribbling down your cheek with embarrassment, you whip your neck around to locate the source of the tapping noise.
That is, until you spot it, a shadowy figure peeking out of the corner of your window. Initially, your instinct is to scream as loud as humanely possible, but instead your body freezes you in place. Resigned to just staring at the figure with eyes wide in shock, you watch in horror, as it lifts a finger to what you assume is its mouth, signalling for you to be quiet. You bob your head to signal that you understand, and your arm springs up with a mind of its own, already reaching to open the window - although whether it’s to wave it away or let it in you aren’t entirely sure.
The decision isn’t yours to make though, since the second an opening forms in your window the figure slips its fingers in and lifts it up with ease. Before you even realise it, it’s slipped seamlessly into the bedroom, your bedroom, where it stands in place. You let out a shaky breath, your hand fumbling in the darkness for you lamp which you flick on, basking your room in a warm light and illuminating the figure in front of you in all of its red and blue glory. You feel your breath hitch in your throat.
“… Spiderman?” you gasp breathlessly, and the name sounds unreal coming from your mouth, mostly because you never thougt you’d say it out loud, ever. The figure in front of you shows no reaction though, as it moves its arm, and you flinch, only before you realise it’s reaching to pull its mask off.
First pops out a long, messy mop of dark hair, which falls over his eyes just as his mask falls to the ground. Bringing up a hand, he brushed his locks out of the way to reveal a familiar face.
You’re rendered speechless, unable to do anything but let out a confused huff as you take in the features of your neighbour. Instinctively, your hand reaches out to grasp his shoulder, almost as if to make sure he’s real and not just a figment of a really really strange dream. It’s almost too much for you to wrap your head around, until he steps closer to you, further into the light, and you notice a rip in his suit not far from where your hand is, spanning from his shoulder to the centre of his chest.
You take a step back, and realise its one of many rips, some revealing gaping wounds and sores. In the light you can also notice his chest, the way it’s heaving, and the exhausted look on his face.
“Look, I’ll answer all your questions later, I just,” he pauses to chew on his bottom lip and to catch his breath, “I need your help.”
You try not to think too much about how deep his voice sounds, compared to what you expected, having never heard it before, and focus on the issue at hand. You’re inclined to do the normal thing, to turn him away, to tell this stranger to get the hell out of your room, but the desperation in his tone causes you to nod.
“Sit down,” you order, already turning to grab the first aid kit you keep on your desk. Behind you, you hear him let out a tired sigh as he sits on the edge of your bed, which groans under his weight. Kit in hand, you pull up your desk chair and scoot as close to him as you can get. It doesn’t occur to you to worry about just how close you are to your neighbour, who at this distance you’re slowly realising is a lot more attractive than you’ve ever realised, since you’re too busy worrying over his wounds.
You go through the familiar motions you’ve learnt, even with your preliminary nursing knowledge, first wetting a cotton ball with antiseptic to clean up the gory mess he’s made of himself. As soon as the cotton makes contact with his skin though, he lets out a hiss of pain, causing you to shrink back and look up at him with concern.
“Sorry,” he mumbles sternly, although the way his eye avoids yours hints at embarrassment more than anything. You try your best to work quickly, or as quickly as you can with a patient that keeps wriggling out of your touch. It occurs to you though, that this might be the best time to get some answers to your questions.
Okay, so,” you say, once you’ve finally managed to clean up all his wounds and can get to patching them up, “I think I’m owed an explanation.”
“What is there to explain?” he says, and for a moment he sounds genuinely confused - as if he’s the one who has the right to be confused in this situation - but this gives way to more of a shy tone, “I’m Spiderman, that’s all there is to it.”
“That’s all there is?” you scoff, pulling out big wads of gauze from your kit, “you don’t just become a masked vigilante overnight, tell me from the start.”
“Well actually, I kinda did,” he lets out a soft laugh, and you’re taken aback by the fact that it’s the first time you’ve ever seen him actually smile, “I got bitten by a spider one day and when I woke up the next, I had all these powers.”
“I mean, for one I can shoot webs.”
“What like, from your-”
“No, from my wrists,” he shuts down your question hurriedly before carrying on, “I can also stick to walls, and I have these weird tingles that tell me when things are wrong.”
“Okay,” you say, drawing out the end of your word to show that you don’t entirely believe him. “And this has been going on for, how long?”
“About a month.”
“A month?” you exclaim in shock. “What, so you’ve managed being a chemistry major on top of, being,” you pause, searching for the right word to describe what he is, “a superhero?”
“Well, it isn’t easy but- wait, how did you know I’m a chemistry major?” he leans closer to you, trying to catch your eye with a small smirk tugging at his lips, “have you been stalking me?”
“Hey, it’s not like that okay?” you mutter defensively, “You’re my neighbour, so it’s only normal I’d notice you around campus and stuff.” Avoiding his eye, you press down on a bandaid a little too hard, causing him to draw in a sharp breath, and for you to quickly apologise.
“Anyways, I’m the one asking the questions here okay?” You huff in flustered exasperation, before pausing for a bit, “Why did you come to me anyways?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” he said, motioning to his injuries.
”I mean, yes, but why me? Wouldn’t you much rather your mum or dad do this instead of me?”
He’s quiet for a while, and he can’t bring himself to look at you when he speaks again.
”My, uhm, my parents don’t know about this,” he mumbles.
“Then, a sibling? A friend? Someone you actually know?”
Silence once more, only this time you’re the one to break it.
“No one knows?”
He nods. “No one except for you now.”
The weight of this realisation weighs down on your shoulders like a pile of bricks and you have to pull yourself back from the wound you’re tending to to let it sink in. Here he is, your neighbour, the Spiderman, revealing his identity to you and you only. For the first time that evening, you realise how truly vulnerable the man sitting on your bed has allowed himself to be with you and you can’t help but feel your heart flutter, as well as beat at the immense amount of pressure you know have to deal with.
“Plus, I don’t think any of them would know how to fix me up as good as a nursing student,” he adds, still avoiding your eye, but trying his best to lighten the mood. You let him.
“Oh, and I’m the stalker?”
He avoids your question. “Are you done yet?”
“Almost, one more.”
He watches you work with a quiet, resigned expression, almost fascinated with how quickly you’ve managed to tape down the gauze and conceal his wounds. You lean back to look at your work with a proud smile, closing up your kit and going to put it away.
“Thank you,” he says, and it’s the most earnest he’s sounded all night.
“Don’t sweat it, it’s not like I could turn you away in the state you’re in.” You’re trying your best to maintain a casual composure about this whole situation, even if it means being slightly awkward.
“Good point,” he chuckles, rubbing his nape sheepishly, “well, I better get going.” He’s already reaching out to slide your window up but you stop him by holding out your hand.
“Hold on, you really think you’re going to be able to climb back into your room after that? Your injuries are far too serious, you need to rest first.”
He’s a little taken aback, “For how long?”
“I’d say, at least until the end of the night.”
“If you wanted me to stay over, you could’ve just asked,” he says slyly, and for the second time that night you’re caught off guard.
“Wh- don’t be stupid, I’m the nursing student, and that’s just my professional opinion!”
“Whatever you say doc,” you catch him scanning the room once more, “but uhm, where exactly will I sleep?”
“Oh, you can take the bed, I’ve slept on the floor plenty of times.”
“Now you’re the one being stupid, this is your room, I’ll take the floor,” he insists.
You’re still unconvinced, but you can tell he’s too tired to argue with you and decide to let him win.
“Fine,” you say, the word more a sigh than anything. He looks at you, eyes soft with gratitude and you can’t help but feel a strange pang in your chest at the sight. “Let me get you a blanket at least.”
You turn around to gather a few blankets and a pillow from your closet, which you make into a makeshift bed on the floor, and he watches you the whole time, his gaze heavy on your back. When you’re done, you stand up and dust off your hands before gesturing for him to lay in it. As he does, you climb back into your own bed.
There’s a short silence filled with nothing but the rustling of blankets as the two of you get comfortable, and some soft grunts of discomfort from where he is on the floor. Finally though, the two of you lay still.
“Good night, Spiderman,” you say, forcing a lightness in your voice that you don’t quite feel given the night’s events. You’re half expecting him not to respond, but when he does you can hear the smile in his voice, even though you can’t see him.
“My name, it’s Carlos. You don’t need to call me Spiderman, at least, not now.”
“Oh, right,” you feel almost bad that it sounds like you’re making a mockery of him, and you can feel an apology forming in your mouth before he speaks again.
“Goodnight, doc,” he hums, before turning off the lamp on your desk. Your room is once again plunged into darkness, and you’re left to stare up at the ceiling, and try your best to sleep despite the millions of thoughts buzzing around in your mind.
You wake again, only this time it’s to the sound of birds chirping outside of your window and the first rays of morning sun slipping through it. You blink lazily, stretching out before forcing yourself to sit up.
The first thing you notice is the absence. The floor is empty, the makeshift bed gone and instead a pile of neatly folded blankets takes its place. There’s no sign that anyone else had been in your room, let alone Spiderman.
You peer outside your window, as if looking for a trace of him, evidence that the previous night had been more than just a weird dream, but find nothing. Instead the city wakes up with you, peoples bustling about, cars honking, just like any other day. It still feels surreal, and part of you is ready to label it a dream and move on, but you know better. You remember the desperation in his voice, the tenderness in his eyes, the wounds you had tended to.
Out of the corner of your eye though, you catch sight of a yellow sticky note balanced carefully on top of the pile of blankets. Slowly you climb out of your bed and read it, the letters ‘IOU’ scrawled in a lettering that is definitely not your handwriting. It might not be much, but it’s all the confirmation you need as you whisper a silent prayer for his safety, his health, and for the two of you to cross paths once more.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 2 months
hiiii first of all, i really loveeeeee how you write donna and reader's relationship dynamic in your fics. i'm honestly hooked. if you don't mind, can you write g!p donna having a corruption kink and wanting to be reader's first time? :) it doesn't have to have a dark theme or anything of that sort, just donna getting turned on bcs of how young and innocent her maid is and wanting to defile her. you can fill out the rest.
Yesss!!!! Thank you for you support!!!! And thank you for your request too!!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!! :)))))
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem, Maid! Reader
Warnings: G!P Donna, smut, Minors DNI, Donna's POV, Donna being Donna
Word count: 7,883
Summary: I just wanna know if she is as innocent as she seems to be...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!! I love you all!!! :))
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“Did I ask for a maid? Why did you come?” I asked through Angie.
“Oh, well, I don’t know, really, I just…” she said, hesitating, avoiding looking at my face. I couldn’t blame her.
When my eternal solitude was interrupted by the presence of a young girl, I must confess that I thought about getting rid of her. No one had come to my property in years. I thought I had made it clear that I don’t want to be disturbed.
“I just…” I insisted, not wasting time with the puppet. I found her presence annoying, but for some reason, I had no qualms about speaking with my own voice. Her gaze shifted even further and her hands moved nervously in her lap.
I will never tire of seeing a frightened person tremble. You could say I was beginning to enjoy it. The girl drank from the glass of water I offered her, surely searching for the right answer to my abstract question. It was impossible for her to know if I needed a nosy girl to be my maid. Nobody knew me and I preferred it that way.
Hearing me speak threw her off, but, taking a breath, she did one of the things that led me to accept her in my house, a smile, a sincere, innocent one, lighting up her face, bright eyes devoid of malice, with that light a so young girl still retained. There weren't many like her in the village, there weren't smiles like that one anywhere.
“To be honest, I was thinking of going to the castle and asking for a job there, but I don't know, at the last moment, I decided to try with you.”
“Why?” I asked abruptly. Of course, of course, a girl like her had her place in my sister's clutches. That status made that visit much more interesting. Why me and not Alcina?
“Well, I... I couldn't explain it,” she said in a lower tone, shifting nervously in her chair.
“Try,” I said softly, trying to remain calm under her nervous gaze.
“I prefer calm,” she whispered, her voice cracking with nerves, but with sincere eyes.
I laughed involuntarily, shaking my head. Calm? Please…
“What makes you think I'm calmer than my sister?”  I asked, with an unexpectedly amused tone, noticing how the nerves were beginning to rise through my body as well.
“Intuition,” she said, shrugging her shoulders, with a calm face, which no longer showed that initial nervousness.
I shook my head again.
“You don't know me,” I whispered in a dark voice, much more like me. “Aren't you too young to be a maid?” I asked, with that doubt assailing me since I saw her appear at the door.
“I'm 18 years old,” she said, with a tone that betrayed a certain annoyance at my question.
“You’re still too young,” I affirmed, gesturing to Angie to climb onto my lap, to help me to control my nerves, to control my whish to send her out of my property. I was always an impulsive woman and on that occasion I tried to prevent it.
“Age is not important. Since I was very young I have learned to cook, to do the laundry, to clean...”she said, listing what she believed to be her virtues.
She had been mentioned talking about her beautiful eyes, the beauty of her face.
“You seem very sure of yourself,” I commented, studying her gestures, looking for an answer to the question that each of the unfortunate people who dared to bother me should ask themselves: What am I doing here?
“Not really,” she said in a low voice, in a faint whisper. Well, the conversation seemed to be getting interesting.
“I see,” I murmured, nodding. “I think you are very bold to show up on my property unannounced and demand a job that I did not ask for.”
“Boldness is not among my virtues, my lady,” she said in a frightened tone, with her hands shaking, destabilizing her falsely elegant posture.
“Is it among your flaws then?” I asked in the same soft, but hurried tone.
“It depends on what you consider a flaw,” she murmured, lowering her head and looking away.
“Maybe flaw isn't the right word,” I said, getting up from my chair, taking advantage of that moment of weakness to rise above her as what I am, a Lord, a dangerous one. “But it could be a very obvious lack of judgment on your part.”
“Well, I'm still alive,” she said, with that desperate tone of those who beg in church for the end of their misery. It seemed like that, a plea, but I couldn't help but read a certain challenge in her words.
“Yet,” I whispered, clasping my hands in front of my body, wanting to intimidate her. I couldn't tell if I succeeded or not.
“Are my options to die or work for you?” she asked, following me with her gaze, with those bright eyes... And beautiful...
“Which one do you prefer?”  I asked in a mocking tone, starting to get tired of that conversation.
“I don’t consider myself reckless, my lady,” she said, clearing her throat.
Oh, yes, you were.
She could have caught me at a bad time, she could have ceased to exist if I weren’t so…
“What is reckless to you? Dying or serving me?” I asked scathingly, intensifying my attack on her fragile subconscious. A girl as young as her should be running out of my house. She didn’t.
“I guess I won’t know if you don’t hire me,” she replied just as scathingly. Well, that was news.
Most villagers were stupid, living only to pray, work, and reproduce. Their minds were weak, easily controlled. This girl seemed different. Surely that was what caught my attention. Yes, that was surely it.
“Well, let's get this over with,” I said tiredly, bringing my visibly trembling hand to the cloth that always covered my ugly face, letting her see it as a last concession to that strange girl. She would run away, and she would die. “What do you think now? Do you still want to work for me?”
“Yes, my lady,” she said with a low voice, not showing any sign of disturbance, looking me straight in the face.
Nothing, not a tremor, not an involuntary spasm, not a grimace of disgust, nothing.
I was petrified by the sincerity that my words conveyed. No, I didn't need a maid but... Well, it wouldn't hurt to have someone hanging around the house, cleaning it... Someone who, for once, wasn't afraid of me.
“You'll stay in the guest room, upstairs,” I murmured, ashamed of my failure, of not being able to scare that innocent young girl. She smiled, nodding triumphantly. Either she was the stupidest girl in the village, or she was the best actress. Neither my face nor my threats seemed to have any effect on her.
“Thank you, my lady, you won’t regret it, my lady,” she said enthusiastically, making an elegant curtsey and finally disappearing from my sight.
I sighed, clutching my black veil in my hands, soaking it with the nervous sweat emanating from them. I looked at Angie, and she looked back at me, tilting her head like a poor puppy.
“What?” I asked the doll, who seemed to question me about something.
“You like her,” the doll hummed. I shook my head, with a nervous smile.
“Don’t talk nonsense,” I murmured, sighing after that strange conversation.
“You forget that I can read your mind,” the doll continued to insist and I will go with a fiery eye. Angie just laughed.
“She's a child,” I said, sitting back in my chair, denying to myself what that shameless part of my conscience was making me see.
It could be an illusion, the feeling that time had passed in just a blink of an eye, but little by little, I got used to this new life, one in which solitude was increasingly difficult to find.
Everywhere I went, there was (Y/N), doing whatever, with that smile that lit up when she saw me pass by. I ignored her for a while, thus showing my defeat in that dialectical battle that she won. It may not have been true, that her words were not stronger than mine. Maybe her beauty was the true winner of that dark afternoon.
I tried to continue with my boring life despite the presence of those bright eyes, those kind, helpful words, that elegant way of serving me and not lowering her gaze. She was a girl who only wanted to raise her two little brothers. It seemed like too much kindness for a place like this.
My words were scarce, but my thoughts were not. Every gesture, every word, every song she hummed while doing her chores was like a soothing balm for me.
Without wanting to, I found myself looking for her, knowing where she was at every moment, and pretending that I had to go there for some reason. Pride and silence were the two words that accompanied me, a fleeting glance that coincided with yours, that was our only contact.
But rather than admit my weakness for that girl, I preferred to remain calm, to stop chasing her in my thoughts, in my dreams. An obsession that I didn’t want suddenly appeared when, one afternoon, I was able to contemplate why she caught my attention.
“Oh, Lady Beneviento, would you like me to make you some tea?” she asked when I came up from my workshop. Embarrassed for not having been able to concentrate on my dolls, I walked past her, shaking my head, pretending to look for a book with which to stop my stupid thoughts, thoughts about her.
“No,” I answered dryly. She nodded and returned to her constant battle against the dust of the mansion.
A sigh escaped her lips, as if she was also fed up with that absurd wall I put between us. It was protection, not fear, I couldn't be afraid of a stupid mortal like her.
If only you hadn't done that...
Overwhelmed by the heat caused by fighting the dust I myself had accumulated due to my laziness for years, (Y/N) made an unexpected movement, one that caught my attention, forcing my gaze to rise from that boring book.
Silky, shiny hair fell down her shoulders. Her delicate hands combed it. I had never seen, or read anything similar, such a shiny mane, hands that seemed so fragile... At that moment I realized that Angie was right, but I refused to think that I had hired her for that reason.
Seeing that silky mane, I began to feel worse, to notice each and every one of her features. Eyes, nose, mouth, lips. Everything seemed fragile, and untouchable. Her pale skin always stood out through the sleeves of her dress. Not a defect, not a scar, not a mark.
It was as if someone had taken that little doll out of its packaging, as if it had never left that protective box.
At what point did I start comparing her to my dolls? No, not even they were so perfect, so devoid of defects, devoid of the marks that life leaves on them.
The non-existent relationship between us began to fade at the same time as my common sense did. I couldn't deny that I thought about her all the time, with or without light. I couldn't avoid talking to her so that voice, also soft, also lacking the vulgarity of the other villagers, would reach my ears.
She was like a captive specimen, one worthy of study, a bright light that refused to penetrate the darkness of her world, or my world. Finally, I ended up surrendering to the truth of my feelings. I liked (Y/N) and I saw no reason to continue denying it, but I did see a reason to slowly get closer to her.
“Where are you going, Donna?” Angie asked me, walking down the halls next to me. I rolled my eyes at the unbearable harassment of my doll, of myself.
 I had already admitted it. I admitted I liked her. I didn't have to be harassed all the time by that deranged part of my mind.
“To the kitchen,” I murmured, walking faster to lose sight of the puppet.
“Oh, to see our friend, huh?” the doll mocked, making me turn slowly, pressing my lips together.
I didn't answer, I simply continued on my way, the path of the sounds that came from the darkness of the basement.
Once again that melody, once again her soft humming entered my ears to soften my spirit.
“My lady,” (Y/N) said when she saw me enter. Her dress, once again rolled up, let me see on her skin the lack of details, the purity that transmitted the brightness of her paleness.
“(Y/N),” I answered, passing behind her, looking at that shiny hair gathered in a vulgar bun, preventing me from contemplating all its beauty.
“I was making some cakes for dessert,” she explained, with the purity of her hands now covered in flour.
My head then began to wonder what it would be like to sully that innocence with my caresses, a thought that I quickly removed from my mind, shaking my head slightly.
“You haven't put enough yeast,” I said with a frown, distracting my lust with another of my passions, cooking. She looked at me and then at that crumpled mass.
“Oh, maybe,” she said in a casual tone, searching for that object in the kitchen cupboards.
I, smiling at the sight of such erratic behavior, lacking in malice or fear, opened a cupboard, taking out the precious ingredient.
“Wow, it was there…” she said, with a gesture of embarrassment, reaching out her hand to take it, a hand that I pulled back jokingly. Since when did I feel like joking?
“You should focus on your work, you seem a bit distracted,” I said, I still don't know why. She smiled, finally taking the package.
“Yes, I… I'm sorry,” she said in a low voice, as if accepting a reprimand that wasn't such.
“It was a joke,” I said sighing, finding myself with serious difficulties for human relationships, something that shouldn't surprise me.
“Oh,” she sighed, confused, just like me.
“Can I help you?” I asked, wanting to forget that little awkward moment. I will never learn.
“Well, I have everything in control but…” she murmured, looking at that disastrous dough.
“Then I'm leaving,” I said, angrily.
Is this how I would react to her rejection? I was afraid to think about it.
“No, please, I mean, I could use a little help,” she corrected, grabbing my wrist. The heat of her touch penetrated my dress, freezing my breathing. It was a warm, comforting touch.
I nodded, pretending reluctance. She was still my maid, I couldn't think she was my friend or something, if I couldn't do it, how could I get to…? No, basta.
Together, we made the dough for those cakes again. The silence seemed tense, but it was calmed by her smiles. I returned them, without speaking, without saying anything, filling my hands with flour just like her, staining my skin just like her.
“You said you knew how to cook,” I commented amused, seeing the girl's confusion as she continued adding ingredients to the dough.
“I think I've proven it,” she said in that same cheerful tone, arching her eyebrows. I smiled, shaking my head. “But, I was never good at baking.”
“Why do you make cakes then?” I asked, standing behind her, helping her knead. That absurd conversation had made me forget where I was, how close I was to her fruity perfume, how much I could focus on her body, touch it...
“For you, my lady, Angie told me you liked them,” she murmured, nervous for some reason, maybe because of my uncomfortable proximity, maybe because of the fear of being fired for not meeting my expectations. What nonsense.
“Angie says a lot of things, huh?” I said, lowering my tone, speaking unintentionally too close to her ear, taking her hands, those soft hands that I had not had the pleasure of caressing, but that I had imagined every night.
A shy laugh escaped from her lips, letting herself be carried away by my touch, by my hands on hers. She sighed uneasily but relaxed at the same time. Maybe my sudden closeness made her uncomfortable. Maybe that blush on her cheeks had nothing to do with me.
“You see? Try to make gentle movements…” I sighed with the indelible smile that her presence conveyed to me, that closeness, her fruity smell, the untouchable softness of her hands.
I wondered if anyone had been lucky enough to caress that skin before me. A feeling of anger ran through my body at the thought that it could be like that.
“You have to let it rest,” I whispered again, with a soft tone, perhaps too soft. I wouldn't have been surprised if she had suddenly pulled away from my hold.
I was never careful with what I did. I never knew how to be careful. I just wanted not to scare her, to make her want to stay a little longer, just a little longer.
“Okay,” she said, letting the air out of her lungs, but without moving from that position, without letting my hands move away from hers. “Di, dinner is almost ready.”
“Good,” I said, doing what she didn't dare to do, moving away from her captivating presence, slowly leaving the kitchen, imagining over and over how many hands had done what I had, how many stupid people had come to walk that soft path of her skin
Doubt plagued me, jealousy began to cloud my mind, the judgment I had left. I was always possessive, firm in keeping what I considered mine. But, in the case that (Y/N) was mine, an unlikely case, how could I claim my property for a path that others had walked? I couldn't do it.
I'd have to get to know her better.
“Are you expecting visitors, my lady?” the young woman asked, coming up from the basement with dinner, looking curiously at the table I had set, a table with two glasses, two plates, four pieces of cutlery.
It wasn't a declaration of intent, but rather a sign of gratitude for not abandoning me, for not running away that day. Or so I wanted it to seem.
“No, (Y/N)” I said in my dry voice, one that reaffirmed the non-existent power I had over her. With a movement of my arm, I indicated for her to sit down. She looked at me strangely, surely with many questions and no clear answers.
“My lady, I...” she stammered, leaving dinner on the table, clueless, confused by that offer. Please, it wasn't so difficult to know what I intended, at least what I wanted to intend.
“You can have dinner in your room if you prefer,” I said in a tone that betrayed a certain fury, a certain fear of that rejection, one that you wouldn't even know you were doing.
“Do you want me to have dinner with you?” she asked even more confused, with that shy smile relaxing me, letting me know that it didn't seem like a bad idea to her.
“Yes,” I answered looking at her quickly, lighting a candle in the center of the table, keeping my true intentions far away.
“Fine,” she said, nodding, with the smile of unconsciousness complementing her beauty. “Thank you, my lady.”
“Donna,” I said, sitting down once her body was in front of mine, which was accommodated in that strange situation for her.
“Donna,” she repeated, confused by that informal way I wanted her to treat me. I didn't want to be her boss. I didn't want her to be my maid. If using my name was the closest thing to having her close, so be it.
“Come on, you're not working anymore, I don't need you to treat me like that,” I said amused, with a look that was perhaps too shameless, pouring some wine into her glass, which she looked at with distrust.
The dinner went by calmly, silently. I didn't say anything. I didn't dare to ask all those questions that clouded my mind, to take off the weight of thinking who could have been lucky enough to kiss her skin, to have those lips close, to walk the virgin path of her body, if it was that way.
“I thought you would ask me to go out tonight,” I commented, breaking the silence, increasingly uncomfortable. “Today is the harvest festival.”
“Oh, yes, well...” she murmured, lowering her gaze, as if something I had said had offended her. I couldn't believe I was that clumsy. “I don't feel like it very much.”
“Don’t you? Why is that?” I asked, controlling the abruptness of my voice. I was still not exactly charismatic. She simply smiled, sipping some of the wine I poured her.
A dark part of my mind wondered what would happen if she drank a bit more. I released those thoughts as soon as her posture relaxed, ready to talk.
“I don’t really like hanging out with my friends,” she said in a dry, somewhat sad tone. I frowned in curiosity. Maybe I could answer that question I had been asking myself, fantasizing about it for a while.
“Why?” I asked again, with the patience that betrayed my dark intentions. I just hoped that (Y/N) was as innocent as she seemed.
“Well, I… Well, guys are…” she commented, hesitating whether to bring up that topic, that topic I was so hoping for. “Annoying, you know.”
“No, I don’t know,” I said, pretending ignorance, pretending I didn’t know what she wanted to tell me.
“They’re always… Thinking about the same thing,” she said amused, blushing from the wine, or from embarrassment, I didn’t know. “Waiting for any opportunity to… Well, to…”
“Don't you have a boyfriend?” I asked, regretting it instantly. That dark part of my disturbed mind was starting to lose control and I, I allowed it.
“What? No,” she said, blinking in confusion, smiling uncomfortably.
I was making her uncomfortable and I… I didn't feel guilty, my gaze darkened.
“Do my questions make you uncomfortable?” I asked with a dark voice, studying her gestures, looking for the lie in that innocent smile.
“No, my la… Donna,” she said, not quite sure of her answer, looking down at her empty plate. The poor thing must have been thinking about the best way to escape. “I just haven't found the right person.”
Right for what?
“I'm convinced there's a huge line of guys waiting for you to choose them, you're beautiful,” I said whispering, pretending to be an accomplice, a friend, one who wanted to help her. I wasn't. I was her shadow, her worst enemy at that moment, she just didn't know it.
“Thank you,” she murmured, confirming that her blush wasn't due to the alcohol.
“But I'm not interested in... Boys,” she said in a sigh, her hands shaking with fear, perhaps frightened by what that implied.
“I'm not surprised, you're an intelligent girl,” I said, amused, smiling sinisterly behind my glass of wine. The smile on my face must have given her some clue of my clumsy attempt to court her, but I was still clumsy.
“I don't think so, I just don't want to waste my life next to a brainless idiot, like almost everyone in the village do,” she explained, more relaxed, more uninhibited. She seemed more and more comfortable in my presence, but it was probably just my imagination.
“You're nervous,” I said, glancing at her trembling hand, one that contradicted the feeling of closeness expressed by her smile. “Do I make you nervous?”
She shook her head, her eyes moving away from mine, avoiding my gaze.
“No, I'm just embarrassed to talk about these things,” she said, taking a breath, grabbing her hand so it would stop shaking. “Everyone in the village thinks I'm stupid for... Well, for waiting for true love.”
“Waiting?” I asked curiously, surprised by that delicacy, by that childish thought of finding a love like the one in books. I confess that I also dreamed about that once. Maybe we had things in common.
“Yes, well, it's silly. I just want to be in love,” she said with a melancholic tone, with a fleeting look that quickly went back down to the table.
“I'm sure you'll feel that way someday,” I said, downplaying it, wanting to see that innocent smile again, but wondering why she avoided my gaze so much, why her hands kept shaking.
“Maybe I’m feeling that way right now,” she murmured, making me frown. I barely understood her, or I didn't want to-
“What did you say?” my abruptness scared her again. I saw how she bit her lip. I saw how her body moved unconsciously in the chair.
“I, I should go to sleep...” she stammered nervously, getting up from the chair, something that my instincts prevented making me got up quickly, grabbing her shoulder.
“Are you in love?” I asked, gaining shameless courage, approaching her ear. She trembled, her skin burning with shame, that skin I knew had not been defiled by unknown hands, only by mine.
“I don’t know,” she said with a broken voice, letting me get a little closer, my fingers running over her skin, tickling her.
I smiled, sensing a small victory, the successful approach I had towards her body. She smiled at me and moved away, it seemed like she was going to say something, but no words came out of her mouth, not a sound, only her steps walking towards the stairs expressed her nervousness for an unknown reason, which I wanted to know.
That night I couldn’t sleep. My head was spinning about my discoveries. To think that this young, beautiful, good girl had feelings for me was crazy, I couldn’t accept it, despite the obsession I felt for her.
But there was something, a revelation camouflaged in her words, in her gestures, one that made me sigh, that made my body tense. No, she had not been corrupted by the pleasures of the flesh. She was a doll that still remained in the window, waiting for someone to take her. Could I be that someone? Just thinking about it drove me crazy.
The days continued passing, and my approaches caused a small shock in the young woman. Always nervous, always trembling when my words reached her ear, when my hands went down her waist in a loving way, in an innocent way, innocent like her.
But not even her receptivity to my impudence could make me take the desired step, that my thoughts would stop being thoughts, and become reality. Maybe she thought I was stalking her, that I was playing with her.
But, if that were the case, wouldn't she have fled already? I didn't stop her, I didn't want to. If her mind was thinking about me, I couldn't stop it, manipulate it. Maybe I was making things too complicated.
One morning, like any other, I was working on my dolls, isolated from the world and from her, distracted by the smell of fresh paint, by the clothes on that porcelain so impure compared to her skin.
Imagining, daydreaming was always one of my favorite hobbies. When I met (Y/N) I couldn't help but do it more often. I imagined her smile, her hands, her hair dancing to the sound of soft music while my hands rested on her hips, on her skin, while exploring every hum of her purity.
None of that was enough when I finally knew what her touch felt like, how soft her glowing skin really was, her small, thin body, her tender gaze, the youth and innocence that her smile expressed.
But there was something else, something that prevented me from concentrating that morning. That visible innocence was also a real one. Her childish longing for true love had pushed her into solitude, into voluntary abstinence. I don't know why I wanted to know. Now I couldn't get it out of my head.
What would it be like to be the first to navigate her waters? To corrupt, to love, none of that could get out of my head. To take something pure, something innocent, and deform it in my hands, deform it to make her mine, so there would be no one else where no one had been. It was too exciting for someone like me.
“Cazzo…”  I cursed, dropping the brush, which trembled in my hand.
Those impure visions of her body being defiled by me were too unbearable. I couldn't concentrate, my mind wandered through her legs, her skin, her hair. I imagined holding that shiny mane while I finished off her innocence, while the moans took away her kind words and her dreams of remaining intact before knowing true love.
It wasn't the first time my body reacted to the stimuli of my mind, but that day maybe it was too much. I saved those moments for the nights, for when the light didn't illuminate my lust. Thinking about her, day after day, hour after hour, had made me become a sinful being, a being who wanted to take the light of her innocence with her, hoping to illuminate my own darkness.
I looked to one side, to the other. There was no one, no one who could interrupt the desires of my body. It was not the time, it was not the place, but it was her. Like an unbearable desire, one that asked again and again to be fulfilled, my own body surrendered to those images that my mind formed.
Wanting to end those thoughts, I thought it would be a good idea to give free rein to my needs, to focus my attention on my favorite doll and not on that impure porcelain. Slowly, I caressed my erection over the dress. A shiver ran through my body as I did so.
It was not my hand, it was hers, it was those soft hands covered in flour that touched my body, it was that vision of innocence broken by my caresses, that mark of power and position that meant being the first.
Not wanting to make me wait, I put my hand inside my dress, releasing the pressure between my legs, imagining her in a thousand and one ways, looking at her face of pleasure where it wasn't, imagining her moans even though I'd never heard them.
I didn't want to rush, but I didn't want to wait either. Just thinking that my hands could be hers made me almost force myself to moan while I discreetly masturbated. Nothing, neither her youth nor her kindness made me stop. I wanted to continue, I wanted to imagine what it would be like to make love to a girl like her, a girl without bad thoughts, feeling only the pleasure the image of true love formed in her mind.
I murmured her name several times. I pretended with my soft movements a desired intrusion, a conquest of a virgin territory, planting my flag on her summit, taking her to the top, making her not want anyone else to do it.
The end was near, I could feel it. My movements stopped being soft, my hand moved quickly and my body was agonizing to be released. The sound of the workshop door startled me, bringing me back to my dolls, away from the image of her naked and desecrated body, desecrated by me…
“Donna? Can I come in?” It wasn't my imagination, it wasn't my murky thoughts.
It was her voice echoing off the basement walls. Sweating, I wiped my forehead and put my shame back in its place, not knowing if I wanted to scream, or smile when I knew it was her.
“Of, of course,” I said trembling, closing my eye so my excitement would relax, so my lust wouldn't corrupt her voice.
She entered slowly, carrying a plate in her hands, with a triumphant smile, approaching me.
 No, don't get so close, I'll end up losing control…
“Look, the cakes are ready,” she said gracefully, coming closer irremediably, showing me a plate full of those steaming sweets. I looked at her and smiled nervously, something she noticed right away, relaxing her expression. “Are you okay? You’re sweating…”
Her brow furrowed as she noticed my agitated expression and she ran a soft hand over my forehead, checking my temperature. I hoped I wouldn’t give myself away.
“You’re really hot,” she commented. “Are you feeling sick? Are you having a crisis?”
My breathing sighed unpleasantly. I wish she hadn’t had to deal with my psychoses, I wish she hadn’t had to. After all, I’m not okay in the head, and I’m ashamed that she knows it.
“I’m, I’m okay,” I said nervously, moving her hand away from my face, something I didn’t think through. Her touch was still soothing, comforting. “They smell good,” I said, faking a smile, reaching out to grab one of those steaming cakes.
Maybe that way I’d stop thinking about biting you.
“Wait, wait, they just came out of the oven,” she said, stopping my hand with a soft blow, making me step back with a somewhat dark look, one I couldn't avoid when someone dared to contradict me. “Let me do it.”
With those soft, pure hands, (Y/N) took one of the pastries, blowing on it with those addictive lips, before bringing her hand closer to me so I could take a bite. I don't think I even knew where I wanted to take a bite, and it was better that way.
My mouth was filled with the sweetness of the cream, which, accompanied by her bright and expectant eyes, formed a mess in my head, bringing back those images that I shamefully pushed aside when she appeared to bother me in my lust.
The sweet taste, just as I thought her lips were, the soft touch of butter, how I imagined her bare skin would feel to my touch. That whole innocent moment turned into something unbearable, erotic.
“How is it? Is it good?” she asked, fidgeting nervously, waiting for my answer, which was taking too long to arrive.
I, tired of imagining, tired of not knowing how to read her mind, of not being able to cross that ocean that separated me from her feelings, stood up, savoring that sweet cream, imagining things I don’t regret.
Under her confused gaze, I acted, taking the plate of cakes from her, leaving it on the table where I pretended to work on my dolls. My mischievous hands traveled to her face, trapping it between them, not letting it escape.
I pulled slowly, but agitatedly, with my breathing rising and falling in my chest. I didn’t think about it, I did not even stop to look at her face. I simply let myself go, crashing my lips against hers, savoring that sweetness that I so longed for.
(Y/N) remained motionless, my mouth devouring hers, but she did nothing. Maybe I had gone completely crazy, but I didn't want to stop anymore. Her lips were the best of ambrosias, especially knowing that mine were the first.
“It's delicious,” I whispered in her ear, running my hand through her hair, releasing that ridiculous bun, the one that hid the beauty of her shiny hair. Her gaze dropped to my lips, her mouth half open thinking what to say to my unbridled attitude.
She looked at me for a moment, before closing those bright eyes and throwing herself at my lips, surprising me, making me sway on the spot.
What did that kiss mean? I didn't know, nor did I want to know. I just wanted to continue, to continue enjoying that fruity sweetness.
“Donna, I...” she murmured, moving away from my hungry lips, from my desire caressing her skin. She seemed hesitant, but she made no effort to move away.
“Stai zitto,” I said, abruptly, with that dark voice that said there was nothing that could stop me, not when I was so close to defiling the paradise that was your body.
“Please, I just, I just want to know if…” she insisted, putting both hands on my chest so my kisses would leave her alone, something that made me groan. She had to be mine. I had to be the first.
“You want this, don't you?” I asked with false confidence, seeing in her beautiful eyes a veiled approval. She lowered her gaze, relaxing her hands on my chest, slowly lowering them, investigating the unknown corners of her innocence.
“I just want to know if you love me as much as I do, if I can give myself my heart without you breaking it after… Breaking me,” she murmured, with a tear running down her face. I picked it up, removed that symbol of sadness from her perfect, pure face, one that would stop being so as soon as her stupid doubts allowed me to.
“I don't intend to break you,” I said, caressing her cheek, lifting her chin so her eyes looked at me, so my chest could feel that pang of pleasure looking at her gaze. “I just want to make you mine.”
“Are you doing it because you want to? Do you love me too? I need to know, Donna, please,” she insisted, pushing my hand away.
Love, I hadn't stopped to think about that. My obsession and my lust had been stronger, hiding deep in my soul that innocent, noble feeling, that feeling of love, of being in love. There would only be one way to know it, breaking that innocence that, against all odds, I was in love with.
“I do it because I want to, and because I love you,” I said, sure of my feelings.
Confused feelings, ones I hadn't thought about. Her smile returned to her perfect face, her hands wandered around my waist. My kisses clouded her doubts again. The hungry gasps of my desire silenced her possible protests. A girl like (Y/N), innocent, pure, was being seduced by the face of evil, by a monster like me, pretending to take what was so precious to her. No declarations of love, no nice words. None of that was enough reason for my body to stop asking me to take hers.
With a sudden movement, I took her in my arms, moving all those impure dolls out of the way from the table. Now she was my doll, one that would no longer be prettier than porcelain, one that would no longer be a new doll, she would be my doll, only mine.
“Please, be gentle,” she asked when my hands went up the path of her virgin legs, along those paths that I walked, those places where no one had ever been.
A part of me took pity on her trembling body, forcing me to nod with a sigh. I said nothing else, she said nothing else.
My lips, my tongue, dominated her skin, marking her in an incessant, dominant way. She was mine, she always would be. I would be the first and the last to desecrate the perfect shine of her skin, of her lips.
My hands were thinking otherwise, reaching that silent goal that I imagined every night, that wetness that I never thought I would feel in someone as pure as her. She was mine. She would be mine. That wetness my fingers felt only made me close my eye, moaning for the most intense feeling in life, anticipation.
Now I feel that I could have done more, that I could have loved that girl as she deserved and not as an object to break, to paint with the brush of my lust. At that moment I didn't think about it. There was only one thing I wanted, and that was her, it was her body.
After caressing her wetness, moving my fingers around her clit, I decided that playtime was over, that it had to be done before something stopped her from continuing. But there was still an obstacle to avoid, something that she might not imagine, despite having lived with me for so long.
The pressure on my underwear was released by my hand, thus displaying my shameful desire for that purity between her legs, a wet, reddish, hot purity. She moaned, just as I imagined she did, shyly. I wondered if she had ever touched herself. That made me more nervous, studying those mischievous eyes that went down between my legs.
“You're not surprised,” I murmured, confused for not seeing an ounce of fear or disgust in her features. My fingers continued to work on her folds while my other hand massaged my trembling erection, upset for not having been able to free itself as it would have wanted. Nonsense, that was much better, the moment that was about to come, was much better.
(Y/N) shook her head, an expression of terror forming in her eyes.
“It is going to hurt?” she asked, watching my hand playing with my body, calming that anxiety to break that purity.
I didn't know what to say. I figured there was no need to lie. Even if the truth made her want to run away, I wasn't going to allow it, not when I was that close.
“Maybe,” I answered passively, moving a little closer, making my body match hers, my shaft impregnated with her wetness.
I could see a confused expression on her face, eyes closed, squeezed to resist any temptation to leave. My conscience attacked me again, just when the tip was already bordering her entrance. I sighed, bringing my hand to her cheek, forcing her eyes to look at me.
“If you really want it, you'll have to hold on,” I said, perhaps being the opposite of what I wanted to be for her. I didn't want to be a predator, an evil woman. I wasn't forcing her, she loved me.
“It's okay... Just, just hold my hand,” she murmured, playing with my now free hand, looking at me with fear, but also with desire. I couldn't help but smile when I could see that lust in her eyes, that lust she felt for the first time, with me.
Gentleness was not something I could use on that occasion. I didn't want to cause her pain, I didn't want to, but I couldn't help it. Corrupting her purity wasn't easy, but it was something I wanted.
As my erection began to sink into her depths, I could feel her hiss of pain, the movements of her body wanting to escape the intruder. I did as she asked, hold her, comfort her while my mind felt an unimaginable relief. It had been me. I took her innocence, something I would never get back.
“Does it hurt, tesoro?” I asked, slowly adjusting myself, repressing the moans I felt as I felt her walls stretch when I entered her completely. (Y/N) nodded, squeezing her eyes shut, relieved by my soft caresses.
The sensation drove me crazy, it was much better than anything I had experienced before. That tightness, that shy and embarrassing wetness, that intense embrace with which my erection felt hugged, pressed…
There was nothing better, there could be nothing better. Once, I could only experience that tight embrace once. I did not deny myself the pleasure, I stopped caring about her pain, one that would soon disappear, that was already doing so, something I could see from her increasingly relaxed expressions.
“I'm going to move, okay?” I said, not as a question, but as a threat, a statement that would be fulfilled, whether her wanted it or not.
She, surprisingly, nodded, letting a moan escape from her lips that was less shy, something that made me smile, something that made the pleasure I already felt intensify.
My hips moved slowly, sliding inside her body, conquering that lonely place, that place that no one had reached. I was the one doing it, I was the one moaning when I was inside her body, when I felt her innocent walls stop being innocent, holding me tightly and preventing me from moving as fast as I wanted.
“Donna,” she moaned, letting my hand go, a hand she had previously held tightly. I continued with my movements, covering her virgin body with lust, enjoying the sensations that being inside of her caused me. “I, I feel… It feels… Good…”
Those words only served to embolden my hips, to make my moans more intense. I closed my eye, the only way to not get carried away too much. I was defiling her, I wanted to enjoy it, not let the rush take away the pleasure in the same way that I took away her innocence.
I couldn't be completely sure, but her movements also accompanied mine, as if a part of her, long hidden, had come out at that moment, had covered her sweet thoughts with a dark, wet, sticky lust.
A gasp left her lips, her whole body tensed, succumbing to my movements, to my gentle, but firm thrusts, to the caresses of my hands on her body. I noticed it, I noticed how her walls danced with my shaft, how they gripped it mercilessly, preventing me from moving, leaving me a moment to enjoy her first orgasm, the one I caused, and that only I would cause.
I moved, giving myself a moment to enjoy her first orgasm, the one I caused, and that only I would cause.
With her relaxed body and her gaze begging for more, I stopped being so subtle, I let my body, the dark side of my head to take control. The gasps replaced the soft moans. The sound of her wetness being defiling reached my ears like a signal, like the soft melody that announces an apotheotic end.
With one last thrust, at last, I released myself, I did it inside of you, without asking you, I didn't want to hear a protest, a complaint, I wanted it to be like that, to remain inside of her. I wanted my wetness would slide down your legs, I wanted that feeling of making you mine to be so intense, to be indelible for your body.
“Donna,” (Y/N) said when my breathing relaxed, when I stopped looking at my seed slipping out of her body. I couldn't say how long I was contemplating the masterpiece of my desire, what I caused in her innocence.
“Mm,” I murmured, smiling tenderly, grateful for this opportunity she had offered me. “Do you regret this?” I asked a nervously, not knowing how to interpret her look.
She shook her head and I sighed in relief. I didn't want to be a monster. I just wanted your innocence, your soul, your heart.
“No, I…” she stammered, crawling out of my now soft shaft with an obscene sound. “I love you.”
“I love you,” I answered, unsure of what those words meant to her.
“You are my true love.”
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aesthetic-bbyg · 1 year
hey, can i request a tom x puerto rican female reader? Kinda similar to the chola one but it's in new york instead of la🤭omgggg. It can be any era idm sjensjsj
Tom Kaulitz x reader
In which a determined Tom won’t stop till you accept his offer to take you out.
Nattie speaks: Yayayaya!! Im excited to write this bc I literally love Puerto Ricans sm like y’all are real ones ong🙏. Keep the request coming in bc I def wanna start writing more on here!
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YOU NEARLY GROANED AS you saw the boy approach, your friend, Daniela, giggled from beside you just watching in amusement. Nearly everyday, Tom Kaulitz managed to find you and ask you the same question.
“You free tonight?” His German accent so alluring yet you knew you couldn’t, and you wouldn’t. Yes, you will admit that Tom was a very attractive boy, you liked him a lot, but you also knew the type of person he was. It seemed as though every girl you talked to had at least one interaction with the Kaulitz boy that ended in sex. “Come on, just one date and it’ll be worth it.”
You glared, turning back to the line and waiting for your lime flavored piragua, choosing to ignore him. You weren’t sure why he decided that picking you as the main victim of his pestering was good idea but each day it annoyed you more. There we’re even some where you nearly gave in and excepted his offer but ultimately walked away before the words could leave your mouth. Was the piragua guy purposely taking long to shave the ice or was it just you? The mix between the heat of New York and Tom’s blabbing in your ear made the tone feel slow.
“Enough!” You snapped, turning to face the boy who was listing off reasons as to why taking you to Señor Guzman’s pizza place would be the perfect first date for the two of you. “I already told you that I’m not interested in going out with you.”
You could hear your friend snickering beside you, “Ay bendito.” She was just observing and sipping the cool cherry flavored syrup from her cup. (Poor boy)
Tom only smirked, adjusting his hat and backing away with his hands up in defense. “Okay, okay, I hear you, I will come back tomorrow.”
You sighed heavily as he walked away, “Don’t come back at all!” You yelled, but he didn’t turn around or do anything to acknowledge your words, based on his past actions you knew he would be back.
“Aquí está.” The tan man gave you the piragua in a small plastic cup, the shaved ice soaked in a lime-flavored syrup. Your demeanor immediately changed, a frustrated scowl turning into a soft grin with just one sip. You dig through your shorts, handing some bills before walking off. (Here you go)
“At this point, it’d be better to accept his date then reject it, Amiga.” Daniela spoke up, giving you a knowing look as she shoved some of the ice in her mouth, letting it melt on her tongue.
“No quiero, Dani, to give him the satisfaction of taking out another girl would be like hell to me.” You argued back, “He just doesn’t take a hint, and everyday he comes and bothers me about something.” (I don’t want to)
“If you really about it.” Daniela began making you roll your eyes. “I’m starting to think that he really likes you and isn’t just playing around to get in your pants.”
You turned to her with furrowed brows, “What do you mean, it Tom fucking Kaulitz, of course he’s gon’ something involving.”
“When’s the last time you heard of him hooking up with someone?” Daniela asked, watching a a you shrugged your shoulders. “Exactly, and don’t you think that it’s strange how Tom is constantly flirting with you, only you.”
“I think it’s very strange, and annoying, ya me tiene esta los cielos, Dani.” You huffed, stopping as you arrived in front of her apartment building. (he has me up to the sky)
“Just take a moment and think, he totally got a thing for you because he’s putting in actual effort, not just shooting out some lame pick up lines.” Your friend tossed her cup into a nearby garbage bin before climbing up the steps. “He likes you, and I know you like him.”
You processed her words as you made it back to your own home, the refreshing snack cleared up your mind from its previous annoyed state. It made you frustrated, how could it be that a player was suddenly wanting to get with you of all people. For as long as you could remember, Tom would always flirt with you, it gave you a string of hope before he ended up in another girls room that same day. If the reason why you became so cold, more brutal with your rejections then before.
Walking into the house, your auntie and mom were in the kitchen, they could already sense the annoyance radiating off you. “Nena, que tú tiene?” Your auntie questioned, raising her thinly drawn eyebrow at you. “And don’t bullshit me.” (Girl, what is wrong?)
“María!” Your mother scolded towards her sister, “Don’t be using those groserías in front of my daughter.” You walked into the kitchen, jumping onto the counter as you watched your mother cut up some chicken. (Bad words)
“You know Tom K, el aleman te la esquina?” You began, getting the attention of both of the woman. (The German from the corner)
“El que tiene un hermano emo?” You auntie asked, placing a hand on her hip. (the one that has an emo brother?)
“Titi.” You warned as she threw her hands up in defense, “Bueno, pues, he’s been asking me out for the past five months.”
Your mother let out a dramatic gasp, stopping her motions and looking at you, “Cinco meses? Y qué carajo todavía haces aquí?” (five months? And what the hell are you still doing here?)
You groaned, throwing your head back, “No salir con el, mama, he’s a player, I’ve been sayin’ no each time.” Your tía grinned, clapping your hands. (I don’t want to go out with him)
“Mira, no mas!” She squealed, shaking your shoulders proudly, “Mi nenita ya tiene todo los hombres a sus pies.” (Well, well, my little girl already had all the men at her feet)
“Ay, no titi, no quiero salir con el, qué pasa si no mas me trata como otra.” You frowned, feeling your mom place a comforting hand on your shoulder. (I don’t want to go out with him, what happens if he just treats my like any other?)
“If he does anything.” She threateningly raised the knife that she was chopping up vegetables with. “You just come to me.”
“Mhmm.” You tía hummed in agreement, “Just gimme that address and you won’t have to worry about it.” Her serious face was then replaced by a bright smile. “Pero, you should totally go out with him.” (But)
“Dani was sayin something about how he might be interested since he’s been trying to hard, and just earlier when I was getting Piragua from Señor Rodríguez he came up to me.” The two woman listened intently, “He asked me out again and I said no, and when he said he’ll come back tomorrow I said he should never.”
The woman in front of you winced, “Ay, bendito.” They said in unison, making your frown even deeper. Maybe you were too harsh. (Poor boy)
“But since he’s so adamant on me, saying yes then he probably does have some interest. Well, that’s what Dani thinks.”
“Mira, nena.” Your tía placed her tan hands on your shoulders, “Back in my day, yo traía todos los hombres, tu mama era una virgencita.” (Listen, girl. I had all the men, your mom was a virgen)
“Ey!” Your mother slapped your tias arm angrily, making your scrunch your face up. “I was just waiting to find the right hombre.” (Man)
“Pero esperaste unos mil años.” The woman turned back to you, “As I was sayin’, no matter how much a man tried to be all playa’ by sleeping around with women and shit, the thing that’s gonna touch his heart is when a woman cares. So the next time he comes up to you and ask you out, you say yes when you go on your first date, show him that you’re interested.” (But you waited some thousand years)
You sighed heavily, “I’m nervous.”
“Why? Because you’ve been crushing on him since you were a kid?” Your mother questioned, tossing all the ingredients she’d been cutting up into a boiling pot of water. You eyes widened, mouth opening to say something before shutting itself up. “No crees que no te visto, te gusta, and I know it.” (Don’t think I haven’t seen you, you like him)
You hop of the counter and head into your room, you pick up the small phone that was sitting on your bed, clicking in Daniela’s phone number. In just a few rings the girl picked up with her usual chirpy voice. “Wassup, Amiga?”
“Dani, I’m gonna say yes the next time Tom asks me out.” You spit out quickly, not wasting a second to pause in between words. It was nearly inaudible but Dani still registered every syllable instantly.
“No way!” She squealed, “No me chingas amiga!” (Don’t fuck with me, bestie!)
“I’m bein’ for real.” You smiled slightly at her excitement, fiddling with the gold necklace nervously. “The next time he comes up to me, I’ll say yes.”
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“WHERE THE HELL IS HE?” You asked anxiously, eyes looking around to see if he’d magically pop up. The day had nearly reached an end, the sun beginning to lower itself into the horizon while you and Dani had walked around the area multiples times. By this time, Tom would’ve already walked up to you, gripping his baggy pants, a shit eating grin on his face, German-laced accent speaking the same words that you usually rejected, it almost became a routine.
But today you hadn’t seen him, it begun to make you nervous and ask the sun disappeared and the street lights flickered on, you sighed sadly. Never did you think you’d be so sad about not being pestered by Tom, in fact, you wished for a day like this. Now that you have it, you realize how boring the day has been, not hearing him or his corny pickup lines made it feel like a puzzle piece was missing.
“It’s okay.” Daniela rubbed a soothing hand up and down your back, “Maybe tomorrow, he could be busy with his band.”
“But he said he’d be back.” You frowned deeply, shoulders slumping, feet dragging on the pavement as you walked back home. You did the usual, dropped of Daniela first, her right hug lingering longer then usual before you walked the next few blocks to your own home. Just as you stepped on the steps that lead up to your front door a repetitive shuffle caught your attention.
“Hey, gorgeous.” Tom held flowers in one hand, the other one timidly waving at you. You’d never that you’d be so happy to see him, a smile would’ve taken over your features but you held back. Keeping a straight face as he held out the roses. “I got these..for you.”
Your eyes widened, taking the flowers and blushing. “Thank you, how’d you know these were my favorite?”
“You told me.” He smiled softly, it made your heart flutter and stomach twist into knots. “And, uh..I wanted to ask you, again, if you’d wanna go out with me?” He fiddled with the bands around his wrist, expecting the usual words of no and a slammed door in his face, but you have a warm smile instead.
“Yeah, I’m free on Friday.” You tried to hold the eye contact but his eyes practically hypnotized you, you stared down the roses, a shy smile on your lips. “I’m sorry for being mean on the past times.”
Tom chuckled, demeanor shifting from an laid back player to a timid lover boy who was stupidly excited that his crush finally said yes. “It’s okay gorgeous.”
An awkward beat of silence engulfed the air before you leaned forward, pecking his cheek and watching as the red blush creeped up onto his face. “I’ll see you Friday then.” You mumbled, hand gripping the door handle and pushing it open. You looked towards the boy one last time, “Bye Tom.”
“Bye, gorgeous.”
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I hate using y/n if y’all couldn’t alr tell by the amount of pet-names I have in all my fics. 😭 I tried my best to capture the Puerto Rican culture but as someone who isn’t really familiar, I don’t really know if I did all that good. Apologies if there was some errors in some areas!! either way I enjoyed writing this fic and loved the idea!! Ik it got corny at the end but pls ignore that.
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cybertron-after-dark · 5 months
You should write beast wars, can I have some silly predacon headcanons?
I should absolutely write beast wars. Silly Predacon headcanons coming up
-Megatron talks battle strategy with his rubber duck all the time. He considers it his most trusted advisor because it's never said anything stupid and never tried to kill him. Honestly, he's tempted to think of the little dude as his only real friend.
-Speaking of Megatron, the man is a WHORE for a good bath bomb. Lush addiction, 100%. He has a whole hidden stock of bath bombs, bath salts, scented oils, candles, decorative soaps, scented metal polish and flower petals specifically for spoiling himself when he feels like hes completely surrounded by idiots. Which is often. Has he ever tried to eat one of the decorative soaps that look like baked goods? It doesn't count if it's the t rex hand.
-the reason skorponok occasionally reverts into caveman speak for some episodes is the writers couldn't figure out what to do with him he knows talking like that pisses off tarantulas and he thinks his annoyance is funny even though literally nobody else is amused by the bit.
-skorponok actually kind of misses dinobot because he made his job a lot easier. Constantly pitching ideas, suggesting battle strategies, pointing out flaws in plans. He was useful, even if he seemed to hate skorponok. He doesn't really know how to be a good second in command anymore because a crucial part of the dynamic is missing and he just can't adapt.
-waspinator is perfectly capable of speaking in normal grammar and not in the third person but he's been doing it since he joined in with Megatron and at this point he thinks he's in too deep to knock it off. He thinks it makes him sound cuter because it's actually an evolution of internet uwu speak. Memes get weirdly translated from earth to Cybertron and back.
-waspinator is actually really good at baking but he'll get blasted to bits a thousand times over before he lets anyone other than terrorsaur know because none of his other coworkers deserve to try his cupcakes (and also because he doesn't want to get "promoted" to kitchen slave). Dinobot knew, but he didn't snitch. Wasp never found out that Dinobot would occasionally snag a brownie, he always thought he just counted wrong.
-Terrorsaur is not above attempting to seduce a maximal but all his flirting attempts go horribly awry. If they don't outright reject him they just have no idea what he's getting at bc Predacon flirting is usually a lot different than maximal flirting so everyone thinks he's just kind of being a dick like usual. Dinobot knows exactly what is happening and ranges anywhere from amused to disgusted by the cross-faction fling attempts. The flying weasel clearly has no principles.
-Every couple weeks or so wasp and terrorsaur will get together to watch terrible movies over a bottle of highgrade and it always devolves into bitching about megatron. They tried inviting tarantulas a few times but he'd always make things Weird by bringing in slashers with really good special effects and proceeding to gush about how tasty the gore looks.
-Tarantulas knows what just about every living species in the known galaxy tastes like, organic, mechanical and everything in between. If it's made contact with Cybertron, chances are he's he's tried their flesh (or lack thereof). If it's at all possible, he wants to find out enough about the Vok to figure out how to capture, kill and eat one.
-Tarantulas also thinks rampage is a total poser when it comes to cannibalism. He doesn't even look like he's having fun with it. Barely any torturing or teasing beforehand, only dramatic monologues about fear and anguish. Bah! Amateur...
-Blackarachnia has a trash tv addiction. She doesn't know WHY the Darksyde's datatrax has every season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians and like 30 TLC produced shows, but she refuses to stop watching them. Tarantulas fucking hates it. She does not care and if he complains she will turn the volume higher.
-Blackarachnia has incredibly mixed feelings on the story Cinderella. On the one hand, it gives her a degree of hope. A girl reduced to a work slave for terrible people that gets to escape and live it up with a guy that lives her? Great conceptually, but she only got to get out of it because she was a good person and nice to everyone. Blackarachnia? Not quite so disgustingly sweet. She's a bad girl through and through. And evidently bad people don't get to escape bad situations. Oh well. She can always try to fake it til she makes it.
-Inferno has always secretly hoped that when the war is over, his Queen Megatron will settle down with him and repopulate the colony together. He has wildly saccharine domestic daydreams of being with his giant beloved lizardy queen and their 3000+ kids. He has accidentally let this slip around Megatron once, who proceeded to pointedly ignore what he just said.
-Terrorsaur and Blackarachnia got Inferno to watch Drag Race but upon hearing the contestants being called queen, he took it a bit too literally and interpreted the show as the sad, underwhelming way human queens settle disputes between their colonies instead of just fighting the proper way. Lame.
-Quickstrike is so so very sad he can't play video games. He wants to play GTA and cause excessive and wanton death and destruction, but his fucked up hands cannot hold the controller. He forsakes Primus for building him the way he did. He keeps trying to get tarantulas to make him a usable controller but he gets brushed off every time.
-Quickstrike has attempted to ride inferno in his beast mode into battle. It did not end well but for about a solid 18 seconds it looked metal as hell.
-Rampage actually really likes depth charge and wants to be friends sooooo bad but he doesn't know how to handle that in a healthy way so he keeps trying to get his attention by playing up the cannibalism thing and hoping they fight again. Honestly he just kind of likes depth charge holding him, even if it's in a chokehold.
-After losing transmutate, Rampage projected a lot of his grief onto waspinator, which lead to a very strange period of time on the ship where rampage would get very cuddly and protective of wasp, who was incredibly terrified of what would happen if he shoved the crab off. Usually accompanied by Rampage being Incredibly Sad.
-every month the preds have a game night. Usually a board game or card game with Megatron's house rules. Said house rules are specifically designed to make a fight break out for his amusement. These game nights typically end with at least three people in the r-chamber and somebody missing at least one limb.
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akunoniwa · 10 months
AN: i feel kinda evil bc the ending is sorta abrupt but this shit was getting too long babes... unless?
Synopsis: In which you and Dottore discuss pet names in conversation at first, putting them to good use not too long after...
Pairing: Il Dottore x fem!reader
Warnings: MDNI, Dottore finds your humiliation to be v irresistible..., use of 'master', 'daddy' (once! hear me out lmao), etc., mirror sex
WC: ~5.2k (she's long-winded, sorry, i think...)
You don’t understand the appeal.
As soon as you mentioned off-hand to Dottore that you didn’t understand why some thought it was hot to refer to their partners as ‘daddy’, he wouldn’t let you live it down. Not only did he find this addictingly humorous, but he also found himself curious… Perhaps you just never put it to proper use. Before you mentioned it, he didn’t have any opinions on the matter, let alone knowing it was a matter to begin with. But the fact that you were basically telling him that you would feel so degraded, so violated if you were to actually call someone this… He wanted to know, he wanted to weaponize this somehow, jokingly of course… He thinks.
“It’s just… Like, that’s how you address your father as a young child… Ya know?” You turned your head in the crux of your pillow towards him. You both lay in a leisurely type of bare, simply winding down from the day. Dottore had long set his book down, charmed by this topic.
“Well, wouldn’t it just… I’m not sure, darling… Some people are just so desperate to feel small, but I couldn’t tell you why or when it began. Sounds morbidly incestuous, to a degree.” You scanned his defined profile as he looked at the ceiling in thought, more committed to this investigation than you expected.
“Right? Like, why not ‘master’ or even… I dunno, someone not related to you?” You were waiting for this very reaction from him, a smirk pushing his fine smile lines to be visible.
“You never seem to call me any of those things…” Somehow the smirk dressed itself as a pout before your eyes.
“I– You never asked…? I don’t want to just randomly address you as something that might make you feel… Uncomfortable.” You must’ve forgotten who you were speaking to, a man who never seems to falter, a seasoned masochist. Even still, you stood your ground… In truth, the prospect of calling him anything other than his name simply embarrassed you, but you tried to keep that close to your chest in secret.
“I suppose you’re right.” He chose to respect your reasoning, “What if I asked?”
“Then I guess… If that’s what you like, I would do it.” You spoke matter-of-factly. In addition to the inherent embarrassment, you honestly found it hard to want to call anyone, any of those names, as you don’t usually give in that easily. This was something that only added fuel to his enduring fire, your playful resistance, the process of melting away your pride and dignity… All for him.
“You don’t even use my official title anymore. It’s almost funny, you’re the only one I like hearing my given name from, though usually, it’s only in here that I hear it.”
“Because you asked, you buffoon. You asked me to call you that because you told me you liked it.” You couldn’t keep a hold of your laughter any longer.
“Did I?” He remembers the day he did so, but found too much enjoyment in teasing you as he stroked his chin in faux thought.
“Maybe you should call me ‘master’.” Your giggles were running circles around the room.
“Would you like that?” He turned his head to you, his eye contact haunting you briefly, “Unlike a certain darling, I wouldn’t feel embarrassed to honor your filthy little wishes.”
“I said I would!”
It was his turn to chuckle, his deep voice resounding gently above you like its own duvet, “But you’d be reluctant, as you just informed me. Unfortunately, I find it amusing when you’re out of your comfort zone because I can tell when you’re just being your shy, bratty, self. You’d tell me otherwise.”
“Then we can both be masters.” Your laughter caved like a burst dam, dying at the thought of how ridiculous that’d be.
His face was hysterical, lips pressed so hard they’d lost their color as he tried not to let his laughter free, “I don’t know how that’d work… I don’t think we’d get anything done. Would we both be on our knees or just in a stalemate of power stances?”
“Stop– Stop talking.” The laughter was making your stomach tickle, unable to stop as he continued the hypothetical.
He rolled on his side to face you completely, “If we’re both standing in the power stance, how would one bend the other over their knee? It’s a logistical failure, darling.” His hand snuck over to gather a tear from your reddened face as your giggles died down. Perhaps being a buffoon wasn’t so bad if he got to hear your true laughter emanate from your infectious smile.
“I’d say we fight for the title, but… You’ve told me in various ways how you prefer to be the loser in that situation.”
“Try it,” you suggested, “Just try calling me master once, I wanna know how it feels.” A delicate, mischievous smile still lounged on your face.
An opening unlike any other, he’d overpower you with what you thought would be your pedestal. The sounds of blankets shifting flooded your ears as he moved to straddle over you, his powder blue hair hanging in ornate waves around his face.
“Is this not cheating?” You placed your hands on his blazing chest above you, your eyes lingering on how his arms flexed to hold himself over you.
“Only if you tell me it is… Master.” He didn’t hesitate, his eyes a deep, sappy scarlet, “You make the rules.” He referred to you like this so languidly, so heavily as he awaited what you might do next.
“I suppose I’ll allow it… I don’t feel very masterly when you’ve got me caged like this.” You took a liberty only the one ‘in command’ would, experimentally pinching his raised nipples for a reaction.
His long lashes fluttered as if a moth were shaking off dew. God, he wished you’d never stop, but he didn’t want to say that just yet, “Wouldn’t a master simply… Take control?”
He bent his arms to allow for his upper body to lean into you, his lips, taut once more in his trademark smirk, nearing your left ear, “Or… are you already stepping down?”
He felt your right hand slide down his front, anticipating your touch to collide with his exposed length, unfortunately the only thing he couldn’t conceal. He was easily aroused by you, though he was discovering… Toying with you like this, almost a perfect balance of submission was making his body rage for you. His willingness to even think someone had the higher ground was only because of you, finding that… Maybe he didn’t mind being controlled by you. But what really riled him was the thought of that pretty word leaving your mouth, so exasperated, barely able to think about anything beyond him.
Your hand sunk slowly against his searing, rigid body, not surprised to find he was already hard, his cock pronounced as it hung over you. You’d debated on touching him or not, but something about taking him into your hand was addicting… Just stroking his length, pulling on him deliberately from shaft to tip, as if you had him caught on a leash of your touch.
His voice, no matter the words or sounds that he used it for, was the key to your demise, deep with an alluring timbre. Quickly your mind was reminded, that he is the Second Harbinger… People find this man to be deplorable and menacing, his voice is only heard making barbaric commands or bickering with other deplorable, menacing Harbingers. All for good, supported, reason. But here, on top of his usual stony tone, grew flowers through the cracks of his demeanor, pollinated as you stroked him. His lips were so close… His shameless, sodden groans fall right into your ear. He was effortlessly always in control, knowing how susceptible you are to him.
“Don’t you want to tell me what to do, Master?” You wanted to punch him as he whined this into you, though not without defiance, his tongue shocking the helix of your ear, a trail of ice left behind. He wouldn’t dare allow himself to miss how your breath lurched in your throat.
You responded with a harsh enough pull on his cock to only remove your hand altogether, “You’re too good at this…” Not that you could mind too much. You pushed his chest in a way to urge him off of you, to which he easily obliged as you both switched places. His length pressed against his lower stomach as you sat over him to grind your pooled wetness along the underside.
“How long do you want to play pretend, darling?” You felt his hips gyrate up into you ever so slightly, “You clearly cannot get out of your mind, too busy wishing I was taking over it.”
You thought for a moment, wondering how you could catch him off guard… How you could make him lose himself, even for just a second. Your uncertainty was making it difficult, “How about…” You hesitantly removed yourself from him to retrieve a toy from your bedside drawer, laughing inwardly, almost nervously at his impending reaction.
He wouldn’t mind what you brought, his intrigue piqued as you revealed your futile efforts to best him in his own game. Your choosing a dildo could mean a few things in this situation… Did you want to fuck him? Was he to watch as you fucked yourself? He waited with bated breath, already missing your heat against him.
You returned to your position, a buzz of pleasure shooting through both of you at the continued contact. He’d do anything at this point, just wanting to see how far you’d go so he could obliterate you equally and more afterward.
After briefly taking it into your mouth, you dragged the wet tip along the center of his front, all the way up to his chin, “Would you suck cock for your master?”
A foreign feeling, not unlike pleasure, barrelled through him as he saw the look he was waiting for in your eyes, “You’re asking me?” Chills trickled through his body, all the way up through his nose as a pleased sigh.
“Be good for me… All you have to do is open your mouth…” You strung him along, though he was too turned on to care, parting his lips to allow you to slowly push into his mouth. He could feel your legs tensing on either side of him, your clit throbbing against his cock as he did so… This was so good.
“I wanna see your eyes.” You weren’t so much dominating him but rather he willingly entertained you by playing along, this is what he told himself anyway. Looking into your soul as his lips clung to the rubber so sweetly, his dextrous tongue working with more enthusiasm than you expected… You didn’t think he’d look so pretty doing this.
Once his spit generously coated the dildo, you dragged it from his mouth, depriving his twitching length of your sopping pussy as you sat between his opened legs. Opening your own, wide enough that he could see the lustrous stage you’d set. You easily slid the dildo, gleaming with his saliva, into your beckoning cunt as he was made to watch.
Well played, he thought… You looked so beautiful as your cunt clung to the dildo that was just in his mouth, your contorted face making it evident that you simply wanted to be filled… Your pace was slow with purpose as you imagined him fucking you like this… He wanted so badly to be inside you, to hear your abashed, small, voice call him dirty things. You swore you saw his cock jolt with impatience. 
His right hand lunged unhurriedly towards his sex, but you swatted it away, “You’re only allowed to watch.”
His lovely voice shaped as a threatening laugh met your ears. Threatening as in he’d let your antics wrack up to be used against you at the right time. His eyes were forced to shade themselves as he looked down over his toned torso, watching you intently. The only way you would be able to dominate him would be by his own hand… or cock. You had so many opportunities to learn from his example, though your mind was probably checked out at that point.
His movements to resist your words ceased, watching as you increased the pace of your self-assault, glorious sounds of your wetness snapping into his ears. His lower lip tucked between his teeth, your left hand playing mindlessly at the soft skin of his upper thigh… He couldn’t help but feel the fault lines of his heart threaten to burst at the lovely sight before him. It felt like his gaze alone was propelling your hand, the tension was caustic and heavy.
You brought yourself to the edge of your release, movements shaky as you caged over him like he’d done to you before. You only had to bring the toy to his lips for him to gladly collect your sweet, his moans, deeper than the Chasm, almost infusing with it as he did. He loved how your eyes branded him as you watched… Maybe you were learning something after all… How to adeptly destroy him, one glance at a time.
Setting the dildo aside, at this point, you just wanted to kiss him. His lips were glossed with a brew of spit and cum, but that only made it more enticing. Like leaves brushing against each other in a gentle breeze, your lips found his. His whole body felt particularly sensitive, your nips at his lips almost a tickle as you teased him. That is, until he captured your face between his hands, lifting his head to press up into you. It felt like the kiss had been placed into a kiln, searing and intense as he was exposing how much he just needed to have you. His heart attached to yours like jumper cables, reinventing what yearning felt like as his tongue swam against yours, disregarding aesthetics and grace.
You both were only left more of a mess than before. As you parted, briefly a salty thread of combined spit, like a spider web, hung between your lips before snapping silently.
His hands pressed down along your curves as if shaping clay, pausing at your waist. Your arms were growing tired, and you couldn’t keep your mind off the gravitational pull of your throbbing cunt, knowing how his cock merely sat in wait. You wanted to lay on his chest… For some reason, his grin only grew.
“Was it worth it? Do you feel transformed, master?” He batted at you with his words like a cat playing with its prey, knowing it was his turn, whether you decided that or not.
“You did well, darling.” You commented in a voice that mocked his own, causing you both to laugh in unison for the second time. Your head dropped in a forfeit as he squeezed your sides.
“Making fun of me, now… I see.” He clicked his tongue, returning to the program that he would see through to the end, “Go stand by the stool in front of the mirror.” He ordered as his hands dropped in time with a sensation of excitement in your stomach, starting with his interpretation of this act.
You obeyed, the kinetic flow of wanting to please leading you to where he directed. You were made to observe your naked body, though distracted when he approached from behind and sat beside you on the stool, “I want you to lay over me, your pretty ass perked for me.”
He could see a familiar gleam in your eyes that sent him universal, knowing you were following his every word like footsteps in snow. Bridged over his legs, his right hand found your plump ass as if it were a magnet, caressing your supple skin. You knew what his intentions were, though, bracing for how and when he’d deliver his first blow.
“Do you truly think, darling… That you’d be able to overpower me without me letting you?”
Whatever your answer was, he wanted to feel the recoil regardless, “You’d just tell me your submission was ‘playing along’ even if I did.”
His hand lifted but a few inches to collide with your ass cheek, gathering your flesh in his hand like a duvet, “It’s against your nature...”
You reeled in how he assumed his harsh demeanor so effortlessly, “Do you think the other Harbingers know you’d clearly bow to my will under your guise of controlling the uncontrollable?”
This clap to your ass felt more personal, making you wince as a squeak snuck out of your throat, “I don’t give a single fuck about those insolent boors. I’d not admit your curiosity in them, though you know I’ll just hit you harder.” Your eyes locked on his own in the mirror as he had well already caught onto your antics.
“So it goes… Perhaps I do wonder about them.” You pushed the topic over the cliff, the punishment he’d give could only really be a reward.
He tried to not allow his heart to be swayed by your taunts, “You think they aren’t familiar with your pathetic moans coming from my office?”
“If they’re anything like you, that’d only intrigue them further, I would think…”
This time you gave him a moan of rejoice, growing addicted to the sting, his hand falling over the crest of your ass to explore your cunt. Your wetness overflowed to coat your clit as it threatened to drip, loving his aggression.
“Hmm… I’ve barely grazed your desperate cunt until now, and it seems you’re trying to insinuate something foolish. Then tell me, my sweet, insatiable, darling, what or who is it that you want?” His middle and ring fingers pressed into your soaked, petal-like lips, coaxing you to answer. 
You were debating… Should you weaponize another man’s name to provoke him… It feels like foul play, as you really had eyes for no other madman but himself, he knows this well. But what if…
“You’re always hanging around that opulent-looking one with glasses… Pantalone, was it?” You chose to improvise listlessly with war anyway.
He gritted his teeth, eyes diverting away from you for the first time. He knew you were just trying to play the cards you had, God, he knew. But something inside could not prevent the inherent, possessive tendencies from making some kind of appearance. Of all the Harbingers, of course you’d choose Pantalone as your mode of combat. He’s such a duplicitous excuse of a man.
His two fingers plunged into your hole, he watched as the muscles in your back tensed, feeling your front wriggle over his legs, “I see how he looks at you, darling. He is so acquainted with wealth, he’s used to having everything available to him… He sees you with me and knows his ability to be conscious of his own existence will be compromised if he even thinks about touching you.”
His hand retracted to instead give your weeping clit a generous slap, the wetness enhancing the sound, then sinking back into you. His lithe fingers felt so dizzying as they paced against your spongy walls, how could you think of anything but that?
“Really, I brought it up because the thought of them seeing you like this turned me on, not because I want to fuck them.”
“Invariably, if they somehow saw me like this, you’d be the only logical cause… Look in the mirror, look at yourself.” His free hand slid under your face to push your cheek in the mirror’s direction, “Who are you bent over so pitifully for right now? It almost sounds as if you’d like an audience…” He noted where your eyes were as you followed his roaming hand at your backside, “Tell me.” He demanded, swatting your ass once more. He couldn’t chain back the grin on his face, waiting to see which title you’d attempt to christen him with.
You weren’t about to give in to what he wanted most, your pure humiliation…, so you opted to at least repay him equally, “You, Zandik… Master.”
“Really…” His fingers returned to your sopping cunt, more so as a reminder rather than a means of pleasure, “I think you know what I want to hear… I’ll give you another chance.”
Your face cringed slightly, though that wasn’t enough to disguise the way your hole clenched around his stilled fingers at the thought, “Fuck…”
He hunched down to ensure his words were clear, “You brought this up… It was eating away at your mind so badly that you thought it was safe to bring it up to me? It’s at the tip of your little tongue, darling… Your face is such a tender shade of red…” His hand pumped slowly into you, as if to lure it out of you with his feigned compassion, “Tell me, pretty baby, whose fingers are inside you right now.”
Your eyes looked to the supposed heavens for a moment, “I hate you.”
He scoffed sharply, “That sounds more in character… You’d be such a contemptuous little brat for me…” He gathered your hair haphazardly, pulling your head upwards, somehow amplifying his ministrations, “Go on, who’s got you bent at his will.” His tone was low though infected with his shit-eating grin.
“Fine– You… Daddy.” Your voice had almost entirely checked out. You knew he wouldn’t let you leave this position until you did so.
He laughed a riot right into your ear, though hissed like the snake he is afterward at the sheer pleasure of winning, maintaining his pace, “You look as if you could hurl, darling, but I don’t think I’ve felt your cute cunt clench around me quite so hard… You’re dripping down my fingers, I ought to make you clean this mess up.”
You whined as he increased his pace, egging you on, “That’s right… So fucking tight…”
In actuality, he didn’t care much for the pet name but rather just your adorable embarrassment, so he decided he wasn’t convinced, “Why not embrace it a little more…” Getting you close to the edge, retreating his hand only to prod at your lips, “Why not taste your humiliation, since you hate calling me ‘daddy’ so much? Hmm?”
You were shivering as the denied orgasm left you high, though not so much dry, taking his slender fingers into your mouth. Your tongue weaved between them so as to clean them completely, his eyes sharp, jabbing into your face as he watched. That feeling again, as if an hourglass had been flipped, all the blood rushed to his core as he fucked your mouth with his hand. When he was satisfied with your work, he slowly dragged his soaked fingers along your back to trace back down. You shook at the chilling trail it left.
“Hmm,” There was an arrogant triumph to his voiced sigh, “So sensitive, too… It drives me crazy, darling.” He moved to grip your waist, urging you off of him, “I wonder… Would you suck cock for your master?” His words wagged their fingers in your ears as he adjusted you to sit on your heels before him.
“And you say I talk shit?” You ran your hands flush up his parted thighs, observing how cute his folded tummy looked as he sat, watching you. His faint happy trail, the glazed plains of his pale chest in contrast to his florid, angular face. For a moment, he said not a word, realizing how desperately he required your touch, in any capacity. His cock leaned heavily to the side, as if in its last attempt of an exhausted taunt for your lips. Your hands closed in on him, his eyes fluttering as they gently pulled at his flushed length.
“I love it when you moan for me…” You mentioned as an aside before taking his swollen tip between your velveteen lips. His head fell back, and a groan, like a smoke ring, hovered to the ceiling.
His fingertips pushed their way through your hair, though with no other intent but seemingly to distract himself from losing himself too soon. He played with your hair almost domestically, petting you along as you took as much of his throbbing cock as you could. You could tell he so badly wanted to buck into your mouth, your hands gripping him at the pivot of his thighs and hips as he writhed… You wished he’d let you in on this kind of raw desperation more often, as this version of him played in your mind so sweetly.
“Such a good girl for me, fuck.” He’d never called you that before, but the sensation it conveyed in your brain felt as if your soul had fallen out of the window of your body. He had you where you couldn’t refute it, making you swallow that, too, without resistance, “I knew you’d like that…” He laughed wickedly despite his exasperated state, and it felt so good, “My good girl…” He almost sang it down to you the second time, making your chest waver, coasting your hands upwards against his tense torso. He untangled his hands from your hair, easily blanketing yours against his waist, effectively lulled by the lush of your touch.
His fingertips dragged down the stretch of your arms, over the horizon of your shoulders to round back to your face, causing you to pause in wait. Your eyes lazily gravitated up to his own, his face was tipped as he peered over his nose in his lecherous way, “Come here, darling, where you belong…”
Upon your standing, he twisted you around between his hands to face away from him, then pulled down at your hips to finally lower your pliant, sobbing cunt onto him. The friction of his firm chest against your back alone was tantalizing enough, his hot breath steaming your skin from behind making your body slack in his grasp. A hand left your side, gripping his length to align himself. The initial pleasure of his tip making contact with the magma that was your arousal against him was suffocating, your eyes heavy with refined lust, though you couldn’t tear them away. He lowered you onto his cock at a meticulous speed, so dreadfully slow, you swear you could feel his pulse. His groan of contagious desire shot through your spine as you watched him disappear inside you as he left you to sit completely full of him for his own amusement.
“Look at you, pretty darling, how you like to watch yourself take my cock so beautifully.” His wet lips played on your shoulder blade to leaf between his words, “How I wish this very image were branded into my mind…” Moving towards the crook of your neck, your head inadvertently swayed to the side to allow access, his hands forcing your hips to grind in his lap. His teeth brushed over the sensitive base of your neck, your shoulders raising as he teased your skin. You felt as if you were losing your grip on a certain aspect of consciousness, the way his thick length stirred inside you, brushing and shocking every nerve.
“Keep moving just like that…” He instructed in a whisper as his hands left to tend to your breasts, adding yet another layer of dizziness as he pinched and kneaded. He loved the way the soft skin of your ass brushed against his inner thighs, your cunt tied and bowed around his shaft so perfectly. He’d pause at your neck here and there to peek at your face, a delirious focus on maintaining your movements… Your precious sounds that now flowed shamelessly from your lips, he truly could never get enough of you.
You tried to lift yourself, needing to be properly rearranged from the inside out, but he halted your attempt, unraveling a whine, “I know, I know… My good girl has been working so hard…” His eyes fixated on how your slick literally overflowed, trickling down to his balls in a lewd stream. How you squeezed around him upon that name… It was too much for him to bear, “You really do like that, huh darling?”
“Mmhm…,” is all you could manage, your thighs twitching impatiently, an indescribable feeling winding up your body, “God, please just let me move.”
“I didn’t even have to ask you to beg, you sorry little thing.” He guided you to lift, your vision flickering at the sheer strength of the awaited friction, “Tell me more… How much do you want me to fucking destroy you?”
You gave in to his game, unable to resist, “So badly, Zandik, please.”
Finally, your hole just barely reached the precipice of his raging cock, holding you there, “I could make you cum just like this, giving you only what you barely need as you wished I’d fuck you right– Please what?”
“Fuck… Please, please fuck me, I need your cock… Please.” You squirmed as your voice was hoarse and almost unfamiliar to even yourself as you pleaded.
He slammed you down onto him easily, given how soaked you were, hardly able to wait himself, “When you’re this wet, I would think my cock is the only thing you need.” He talked both you and himself into oblivion, sticky slick between both his and your thighs accentuating the frantic collision of your bodies. His fingers were soldered to your waist, gripping you as he moved your body at his pace, watching as your breasts flailed rhythmically in his thrusts’ wake. He wished there was a way to consume the buttery noises you were making on top of him as his own bled into them.
You adored how his lips hung open, how his brows tensed upward as he exhibited both complete focus and abandonment, his mind devoted only to the way he fucked you in this moment. You found him infuriatingly handsome as it is, but to see him so breathless, his vast vocabulary reduced to exclusively vile taunts, he was utterly ethereal like this.
His lips curled up as you eyed him so intensely, forcing you off of him, the sudden vacancy in your cunt making you want to scream. He stood behind you, feeling up your front as he did so, “I can’t describe the feeling I get when you look at me like that, darling…” He turned you to face him, hastily stealing your lips for a kiss that dug into your chest like his nails did your back as he searched your skin hungrily. 
Upon stopping, he moved to hold your chin in place, your face displayed in his hand like a gemstone gleaming in the prongs of a ring. His swollen lips were still close, his crimson eyes had a glow to them, almost, cascading a dense shadow of need over your features, “However I may call you, you will most importantly, always, be mine. …And I hope… I will always be yours, darling.”
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littledollll · 2 years
Breeding kink with Luci 👀 creative reign bby
One hell of a welcome
Lucifer x champion!reader
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A/n: for context Angels are genderless, and they can freely shift between sex as they please, I stand by my statement. Dicks are hard to write about.
Warnings: kinda silly with a lil dark? Reader has a Harley Quinn personality in the beginning and likes being gory, Lucifer loving that, breeding kink, praise, degradation, powerbottom Lucifer, daddy Lucifer?, throne room sex, ooc Lucifer? bc fuck it (literally), dirty talk, kinda mean dom!lucifer, exhibitionism
Beelzebub really needed to give up on challenging you.
Up til now you have rejected the idea of a fight but recently the idea of making a proposal the next time he did seemed just too sweet, you didn’t think the prideful idiot would agree, neither did Lucifer in all honesty, when they challenged you this time after they set their same prize “if I win, you serve me instead of Lucifer” as if you worked for them? You agreed regardless, just for the amusement of it. “You know what I’m in a humbling mood, I’ll do it! but when I win, you give me your third part of hell, and maybe your skull.” You sounded amused, which was just a little concerning for the demon challenging you.
Lucifer cracked a very proud smile, it sure would be lovely to rule along your side officially, maybe your get rid of Azazel together too. “Are we sure that’s even allowed-“ Beelzebub looked around the room, waiting for somebody to say you couldn’t. Waiting for Lucifer or Azazel to defend him but all he got was a head tilt from Lucifer, examining him. “So Beelzebub, do you accept the terms of this challenge?” You ask dryly, sick of waiting for his jaw to snap back into place.
“Ambitious thing, you are. And dumb, very dumb. I accept your terms, ‘your majesty’” he replied mockingly, that cocky tone wasn’t gonna help him in any way. “You have a smart mouth, but can you hold your own against me without the help of the Morningstar?” He spat. “Are you proposing a ability based game, Beelzebub? And you say I am the dumb one..” you trail off.
The fight was over in seconds. You got the first move as the challenged, your very much useful ability, agony, making this a swift fight, with your simple command Beelzebub was brought to his knees. “Nobody said anything about pacing, right? Fair game?” You looked around the room, casually as Beelzebub succumbed to the pain, the few present had no complaints.
He had to call it though, the match would last as long as he held off, Beezelbub could chose to continue suffering until one of you tired and ended him or give up. “I will literally drive you insane, Kay? Just give up already I’m bored.”
“Beezelbub, stop making a fool of yourself and call it.” Said Azazel, sounding just annoyed.
You were sat on the floor near him. “Do u want me to help you? I’ll take myself out and everything!” He seemed to be annoyed by your teasing for some reason. “This is really sad, remind me again why and how he was allowed to co-rule?” You giggled then stoped smiling suddenly very serious and looked at him tilting your head. “I think I won, so I’m gonna stop now yeah? And if you try to strike back I will turn your insides into outsides.”
“Of course you caught yourself a crazy one.” Azazel muttered to Lucifer who was just amused watching and listening to you.
“Insanity is a beautiful thing in hell. It’s oddly satisfying isn’t it? How she talks and acts, fits right in, but can also be levelheaded enough to get things done, and done well at that, she can be as calm and collected as me when she really wants to, but what’s the point of that now? She’s simply having fun.”
Indeed you were. Beezelbub gasped for breath when you released the grip of agony you had over him. “I’d end you right now but.. I think it’ll be fun to watch you mope around while I proudly take your title as co-ruler and do your job better!” You patted his head and smiled. “Challenge me again and I will take it with my bare hands though, understand?”
You simply turned and skipped over to Lucifer giving him no time to respond. Sitting on their lap you kissed their cheek and looked up. “How’d I do!?” Azazel laughed. “Using agony first move? Nasty trick.” You frowned. “Yeah well I was- am tired of his shit!” You huffed and slumped against Lucifer’s shoulder, then they spoke. “Azazel, do us a favor and take him with you on your way out, we thank you.” Azazel did just that, and Lucifer locked all entrances once they left.
“That was certainly a show, dearest, how’s your head?” Agony took concentration, it wasn’t as easy as just commanding it upon someone, you needed to find their own, exploit it, and enhance it, giving you the worse headaches, it’s why you usually stuck with driving your opponents to their own demise, insanity came as second nature.
“Tortured! And it’s supposed to be my job to deliver it, not experience it!.. he’s lucky I didn’t end him.” You mumbled that last part, Lucifer sighed. “Must you be so pessimistic, have you forgotten you’ve won against one of the rulers of hell already? And you did it wonderfully.. such good girl.” Their lips met your neck and shoulders with open mouthed kisses while you fell silent.
“You definitely deserve a reward, don’t you think.. my queen?” you whimpered in response, hands coming up to undo their clothes while they practically tore away your own, leaving you in nothing but your underwear. Lucifer’s hands made their way between your thighs, rubbing tight circles on your clit thought your underwear. “I want you to ruin these.”
“ooh please- daddy!” You cried. “Oh? That’s new, whats going on in that little head of yours, Darling?” that signature amused tone and smirk coming through as they spoke. “I want- I pick my reward. Want you to fill me up.” you moan grinding your hips against the bulge you were suddenly made aware of, making them hiss and grip your hips. “One hell of a request, pet.” Lucifer hummed and made quick work of the remaining clothes getting rid of them before pulling you fully onto their lap, you wasted no time on teasing or prep, supporting yourself on their shoulders slowly sinking onto their cock.
You ground your hips onto theirs while you adjusted, pulling a hiss from Lucifer. Their hands grip your hips forcing you to a stop. “Don’t be greedy, my darling. Don’t forget who’s in control here.” You nodded, just wanting them to fuck you senseless already. “I’ll be good, promise” you whined and pouted, wishing they’d just take you. “Don’t make me regret letting you be on top.”
“I want you to breed me- please Luci..” the second you started riding them, Lucifer started pounding into your cervix, hard and fast ready to comply with your begging. You cried out when you felt the pain and pleasure shoot through your body. “Don’t worry, pet. I’ll make sure you can feel me dripping out of you for days.” The grip they had on your hips was painful, definitely going to bruise, as they repeatedly slammed you down to meet their thrusts.
“Everyone’s gonna know the new queen of hell likes getting stuffed until she can’t walk, do you want that? my pretty little whore.” You only whimpered at their words, earning yourself a slap against your thigh. “Answer me, doll.” Lucifer pounded into you with abandon making your body tense you moaned out. Another slap and a twitch of their hand before they gripped onto you again. “Yes yes! I want- daddy!” You cried, practically falling onto them as your body move on it’s own chasing your high.
“Finish that thought, pet.” You clenched around them and their hips stuttered for only a second before going back to their bruising pace. All you could hear was their groans and hisses, your moans and the sound of skin slapping. Kissing over their neck you decided to mark them as they would you, making them moan. “Such a good whore, aren’t you? So pretty for me..” a hand ran down the line of your spine making you shiver and sigh, such a soft gesture, silently reassuring.
“Go on, pet.” Oh, you’d almost forgotten. “What do you want, pretty?” “I want them to know I’m all yours.” You stuttered and Lucifer hummed in response. “Oh they know.” There was a smugness in their voice, but you didn’t understand why just yet. You wondered what they meant only for a second before they angled their hips, hitting constantly right against your g-spot.
“Oh fuck W-wait- luce!” Your legs were shaking, it was too much. You couldn’t keep moving. “What’s wrong pet? Too weak to keep going?” You knew it wasn’t really a question. So you didn’t answer.
Lucifer did it all for you. Their hand sneaking between your legs rubbing your clit. That was all you needed before you screamed, your grip on their hair tightened and your body curled into them, your orgasm triggered their own and the feeling of them filling you up made your eyes roll back as your forehead rested on their chest, panting. You swore you lost all your senses for a minute before you felt their hand squeeze your hip.
You hummed, spreading lazy kisses all over their chest while you both recovered, and after a while you noticed it. “Did you-“ they chuckled. “About half an hour ago.” Hell has never been quiet, but it’s never this loud, not near the throne room anyways, not unless Lucifer summons them. You turned red. Opting to just stay hidden in their neck until the embarrassment faded. “I thought it was proper way to officially welcome their new queen, no?” That fucking smirk.
You hummed, spreading lazy kisses all over their chest while you both recovered, and after a while you noticed it. “Did you-“ they chuckled. “About half an hour ago.” Hell has never been quiet, but it’s never this loud, not near the throne room anyways, not unless Lucifer summons them. You turned red. Opting to just stay hidden in their neck until the embarrassment faded. “I thought it was proper way to officially welcome their new queen, no?” That fucking smirk.
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generisydtoo · 10 months
Why I draw Sakura with brown skin
(Bc people frequently ask)
Disclaimer❗️: I’m not saying my design is better or a “fixed” version of her canon design. I like her canon design, and I also like mine and other people's designs of her with brown skin :)
For reference, here’s how I mostly draw Sakura:
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My main reasons are:
I started off really wanting to know how she would look if she had a skin tone that resembled Kizashi (her dad), especially since there’s not a whole lot of skin tone diversity among the Naruto characters (esp the main cast). In terms of looks, the only thing she got from Kizashi was her hair, so I wanted to expand on that!
Aesthetics/artistic liberty. I love how pink looks with brown skin; pink and brown is such an underrated combo. I've seen people say that she resembles a cherry blossom more with fair skin but personally, I think she resembles the entirety of a cherry blossom tree with brown skin. I hope that doesn't sound too corny, lol.
Personally, I headcanon her ethnicity to be Japanese and Black. One of the people I reference for her design is Naomi Osaka (especially with her pink hair and Kishimoto's drawing of her and Sakura), who is Japanese and Haitian!
Bonus (Hair):
As for her hair, I draw it curly bc of how her and her dad’s hair stick up. Their hair seems to naturally defy gravity, and in Kizashi's case, it's to the point where it can form and hold a cherry blossom shape. When I was younger and saw it for the first time, I thought it was the coolest thing, and interpreted it as curls lol.
I see people call Kizashi’s hair “Patrick Star” (which is amusing, lol), but I also wish they’d also acknowledge it being a visual allusion to his daughter’s name. He seems like a person who tends to "love out loud" (which could be where Sakura gets it from); I can see him using his hair to do that with his family (with his hair being a visual allusion to his daughter). I’d go out on a limb and say that Kizashi’s hair is one of Mebuki’s favorite traits about him but maybe that’s a conversation for another day.
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Here’s my interpretation of Kizashi. I kept some things fairly the same, but I translated others to how I interpreted them, particularly his kinky-curly hair. I think the curl pattern allows the cherry blossom style to naturally hold its shape well!
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So for anyone wondering about my designs, I hope this answers your question. If you have any other questions or comments, feel free to comment them! Just make sure to keep it respectful :) .
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the-milk-monarch · 10 months
☣︎ Context - I am a dum dum and accidentally wrote a different story for Tyler bc I didn't understand the assignment well, or perhaps that's what you wanted? idk gee I love being autistic /s (from future/in making @yeetusdeefetus ask (Alejandro finished so far 💯))
【 TYLER GETS A CRUSH ON A GUY 】 Summary: After his (ex) girlfriend forgot who he is, Tyler focuses on his boy friend and protects him in a challenge. ☢︎ | masculine reader ☢︎ | Total Drama ☢︎ | Tyler
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Tyler was drawn to you after he gave up on Lindsay, who forgot who he was.
He didn't know why, but he wanted to spent each minute with you.
He assumed it's because you were such a cool bro to hang out with.
And you knew his name!!
You were friends before, but most of the time he wanted to hang out with his (now ex) girlfriend, because she used to bring him so much joy.
But now that she forgot him, his attention focused on you.
One day however he started to think more about his dating life situation.
He wasn't quite sure what he felt, but after initial sadness of Lindsay not recognizing him he felt quite- fine??
He was still very unhappy, don't get him wrong, but he wasn't like- depressed.
That made him think about the possible reason, which made him think about you.
That realization hit him like a train.
He "likes girls!" after all.
As if on cue, you appeared on his radar.
You noticed he was looking kind of upset, but you weren't sure if you should approach.
After some thinking though you decided to finally walk up to him.
Once he noticed you nearing his way, he started acting more fidgety and anxious.
You asked if he's okay, to which he responded with a nervous and obviously trying to be cool "Of- Of course Y/N! Why do you ask??"
You carefully asked if it's because of Lindsay, trying to remain lighthearted and supportive towards him.
He stopped for a moment before responding, trying to find appropriate words.
"…Yeah! I just want my girlfriend to recognize me, you know??" He told you, although his expression changed to a more hesitant one.
You spotted his slightly pink cheeks and him side-eyeing you when you weren't looking.
"B-But I mean- They say there's lots of fish in the sea, eh??" He said, trying to lighten up the mood, in his own goofy way. "I will just search for the fish on land!"
You chuckled at his words that didn't make sense.
"Wait- There must be some odd fish that walk on land, right??" Tyler trailed off a little with his side thoughts about what he just said.
You laughed softly again.
"Well, we all were once fish that walked on land, so- I guess?" You say playfully, amused by your own conclusion.
He seems to be glad that you're not calling him stupid, and even a bit proud of himself.
"Well- In any case- If you don't have anyone to hang out with, feel free to come to me sometime." You put your hand on his shoulder in a friendly and supportive manner, which made Tyler's cheeks hotter.
"Eheh-" He mixed a bashful chuckle with "uhuh".
After that conversation Tyler was all over you in a few days.
It was like impressing Lindsay again, but this time it was you.
He tried to be smooth and low-key while catching your attention, but the whole team (even including you, being slightly suspicious about him) knew that he had a massive crush on you.
"Hey Y/N!" He waved at you once Chris announced that you'd need a partner on your next challenge coming up. "Y/N!! Here! Tyler! Do you wanna pair up?"
You sighed, keeping a defeated smile on your face. This man was killing you, but you enjoyed his silly behavior.
"Sure, Tyler, we can pair up," You approached him, making him let out a victorious and a bit goofy "yeah!".
Chris had made up yet another stupid and possibly dangerous challenge, where Chef would be firing items thru his cannon while you go do an obstacle course.
The cannon was a surprise, as Chris didn't disclose that to you all.
Chef had pointed the thing at you, letting it fire with a loud "boom".
A flying pillow flying at full speed almost hit you, but you managed to swiftly avoid it, letting out a quiet gasp.
Chris and Chef snickered at that.
Tyler noticed that you were in danger, so he quickly ran up to you, jumping in front of second object that was supposed to hit you.
The flying chicken toy and Tyler squeaked at the same time as it hit him.
You were worried something happened to him but he optimistically (albeit a bit in pain) raised his hand in a thumbs up.
Fortunately you both were able to complete the challenge without too many bruises.
Tyler was roughed up a bit, but he didn't wanna complain in front of you.
After you both were somewhere alone, you approached him to thank him for being your "hero".
He blinked at you once, processing the words that came out of your mouth, but after he did, he grinned proudly and a bit flustered.
"Yeah, it was nothing." He said while red on his cheeks matched his outfit.
"How shall I ever repay you?" You asked playfully.
"Oh, um…" He stopped for a moment, deep in thought. You chuckled softly, seeing how preoccupied he was with figuring that out.
You were feeling brave after today, being like 95% sure he was into you, so you decided to be a bit bold.
You kissed him on the cheeks while he was still in the process of figuring out what to respond, making his eyes go wider and his cheeks getting redder.
"Wow-" He muttered with his jaw widened a bit. "Is- Is that enough?" You asked, looking at his face in a bashful amusement.
"Hell yeah!" He grinned widely.
"… Wait- Does that mean I have to repay you for that kiss as well??"
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calisturniolo · 2 months
when I first had this crush on nerd boy, it was bad. like I would catch myself glancing at him in my math class, it was the only time when I could glance at him and him not seeing me because he could do whatever work he needed to do (since he was in a higher math class at the school next door but he was apart of my class so he was in the class that we were in once his class was done)
and like we would watch CNN in History, and he loved it. I would make fun of him for it, and he would whisper funny things to me about it since he sat in front of me. I would catch myself smiling at it. I’m a funny person, at least I think I am. So, when I’m able to make him laugh in either actually amusement or in confused, I would feel really happy with myself.
plus my friends that are in the same friend group as me and him would be like go, ask him for the answers cause we have no clue. And I’d be like okay. And he would give them to me. Sometimes my bsf would go and ask him and he wouldn’t give them to her. (I’m prob delusional bc she asks for answers more than me 😭)
when we would breaks in the school day, and we were all talking in the friend group, sometimes he’d call me over to tell me something that he thought was relevant and funny. I would find it funny because usually it was, and I would be like Dude what?! And he would start laughing, trying to explain his point.
Only one of my friends knows about this old crush bc we were talking and I said how I used to like him. And she was like rlly? And I was like yeah. She was like, you didn’t act like it 😭. And I was like good 😭🙏. But she doesn’t know that I’m starting to like him again. Which is actually crazy because I’ve only seen him twice this summer.
I think the reason I said I didn’t like him anymore was because my new friend (she came this year) said that she liked him, and I was oh! Cool! And I just kinda didn’t bring it up, cause I would feel weird if the group knew that two people like him. Even though the only people in the group that knew my new friend liked him was like 3 people.
dude. why did I just write 6 PARAGRAPHS ABOUT HIM???? HELP !!!!😨
you’re so in love nat. i don’t care what anyone says. you’re in love with him.
also he seems so nice and genuine 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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