#which is so unfair when a) this show tries to show how hurt can make people ugly and b) other characters get the benefit of the doubt wa
bombshellsandbluebells · 10 months
the Nate Shelley s3 arc reminds me of the s5 Murphy arc in terms of how much I actually loved it despite it not being widely liked by the fandom and was actually disappointed because it wasn't ugly enough lol
and it's basically the same arc. character with deep-seated wounds and a lack of true self-love has realistic, damaging coping methods and crashes and burns spectacularly by hurting other people around them and isolating themselves because it doesn't matter how good things get for you, deep-seated wounds that don't get addressed will eventually come out one way or another. and it will be ugly when they do.
the Murphy arc was disappointing because it got wrapped up way too easily with Memori getting back together which didn't actually address ANY of Murphy's issues and Nate's was disappointing because it just didn't commit fully to being ugly and didn't let him be enough of an asshole
#with murphy it's like. do the writers even reallly REALIZE what they had written on a character level and how much it made sense and added#to murphy's character or did they just develop a reason for Memori to break up for drama and then didn't care to actually go through the#work of character growth and just got them together at the end of the season no issues#and with nate it's like. yes I DO think the majority of audiences and the fandom would have absolutely villianized nate if he had been even#meaner in s3 and probably wouldn't have celebrated him getting back with the team. I just KNOW people would have been talking about how he#didn't deserve it or hadn't made up for it enough if he had been worse in s3#which is so unfair when a) this show tries to show how hurt can make people ugly and b) other characters get the benefit of the doubt wa#more than nate. (jamie's a little different bc it's easier to accept asshole > redeemed arcs a little more than likeable > downfall to#asshole > redeemed again bc we see the transition to being an asshole#BUT also. still. jamie did some nasty stuff that people just forget or completely forgive. and he ends up fandom favorite#and it's not that nate needed to become the fan fave or anything#I just wish people would give characters who are realistically ugly and human and complicated more grace#especially when they're not the conventionally attractive fan fave pretty boy you know#or like with murphy it's like all his actual harsh edges got sanded down by fandom. same as with Jamie#so even when he had an arc where he was acting terribly in a self destructive unhealthy kind of way that hurt others#people made it ALL about his hurt uwu other people hurt him!! it was Emori's fault!! he did nothing wrong bc he has trauma!! instead of lik#accepting that hurt people hurt people is more than a simple phrase it is true and human and UGLY when it happens#anyways#why do i always ramble more in the tags and write like a full epilogue in here
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caemthe · 2 years
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bold what applies - italicize sometimes - repost,  don’t reblog.
fights honorably / fights dirty
prefers close - quarters / prefers range 
chats during / goes silent
low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts / attacks steadily
goes for the kill / aims to disarm / fights defensively /strikes first
is provoked easily / provokes their opponent / teases
gets visibly frustrated / shouts while attacking
uses strategy / focuses on the battle / experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
rushes in recklessly / tries to read their opponent before engaging
fights wildly / fights calmly / fights apathetically / fights with anger / fights with excitement
fights because they have to / fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds / runs away when wounded / hides wounds / takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade /  prefers a gun / prefers hand to hand combat / prefers a bow / prefers a shield / prefers a personalized weapon / prefers magic, alchemy or spells
their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle / fights as they appear
relies on strength / doubts their strength / relies on speed
uses everything they have / proceeds with caution / hides their full potential
exhausts quickly / has high stamina
behaves arrogantly / brags after landing a hit / belittles their abilities
uses psychological tactics / uses brute strength
avoids civilians / strikes down civilians
damages surroundings / avoids damaging surroundings
signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
mastered skill - set / learning their skill - set
fancy footwork / sloppy footwork
messy fighter / elegant fighter
accepts defeat / refuses defeat / begs for mercy
compliments their opponent / insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements / moves efficiently / barely moves
prefers to dodge / prefers to block
defends their blindside / has no blindside / leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages / strictly uses one main method
plays around / holds back / fights ruthlessly / shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready / strikes when opponent isn’t ready
fears death / fears pain / fears killing
has ptsd / avoids fighting
has lost a fight / has won a fight
has killed / refuses to kill
wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
tagged by: @corrchoigilt ty skelly!! tagging: @castelleve @inheroic @corvusdei @soulcrux @ardenssolis @revivisaere @resolutepath @stovthearted @nulltune @dunscaiith @tenkoseiensei @hhemeraa​ @hellguarded​
#tagged. ° ( thank you! )#ferdia. ° ( saber. )#/ alright so something to keep in mind about ferdiad is that he has skin that no (non-break invincible) weapon can harm#/ so he focuses solely on striking down his enemy. the moment an enemy tries (and fails) to pull a sneak attack on him or land a hit on him-#/ he either grabs them and crushes them or cuts them down with his falcata. all in all ferdiad is an 'unfair' opponent because he's strong-#/ trying to strike him down with a non-break invincible weapon is impossible and he never seems to get tired. he'll just continue#/ striking his opponent at a steady pace looking unbothered by how many times they've failed to stab or hit him#/ anyone that tries to interrupt or stop the fight gets cut down as well. even if his opponent fights dirty and tries to pick a hostage#/ he's not cruel and derives no joy or satisfaction from hurting/killing but he shows no mercy nor empathy either#/ he's just a really efficient and intimidating warrior 99% of the time. the other 1% is when he had to fight cú in specific in the táin#/ i mean he still was the equivalent of a impenetrable fortress that never seems to run out of armies and ammo during their fight#/ but he also was downright nasty with cú. he said a lot of hurtful things with the intention of making cú suffer and lose his resolve#/ which is something he wouldn't have done against any other enemy. that 'hurt loved ones when you're hurt' attitude is really something#/ well at least now you know that when things get personal ferdiad is VICIOUS. which is something i'll always find very 👀👀👀#/ but on a brighter note please imagine ferdiad as a maxed out g.enshin noelle going 'steady as stone!'
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princeoftheeternalbog · 6 months
OP characters reacting to you kissing them and running away :) PART TWO🤸 (here is part 1) established relationship ish.
Some lovely person requested Shanks, Benn, Doffy and Crocodile! I decided to include Shanks, Benn, Crocodile, Jinbei, Mihawk, Rayleigh and Buggy (the old man brigade tbh).
I did try to write for doflamingo but I hate him so much I just couldn't do it😭😭.
Might be suggestive so mdni!
Tbh depends on what side you do it.
If it's his left side then he just notes it in his head so he can get pay back later. If its his right side you're done for.
Immediately snatches you as soon as you try to run away, "Oho what do we have here? a thief?", gets right in your face with this cocky ass smirk that kinda makes you want to slap him and also makeout. Also his grip is intense, you will not be able to wiggle out. After he lost his arm he had to be able to make up that strength so yk.
Side eye. He looks at you so disapprovingly that you just apologise immediately instead of trying to run away...however this was a trap and he uses the opportunity to SNATCH you off the ground and into his arms. Laughs if you scream tbh. He always has to have the last laugh and he plays dirty, and somehow you manage to fall for these tricks almost every time so he enjoys this immensely. He doesn't even care how "unfair" it is, afterall you're so easy to tease so why would he not indulge-
Screams in outrage.
"HOW CAN YOU DO THAT AND JUST RUN AWAY" chases after you😞 really aggressively😞.
Tbh it's kinda cute like in hindsight because it makes him really flustered but like in the moment its like WHAT THE FUCK. yk yk. You better hope he doesn't catch you because he will not be merciful in his pay back, though he would never hurt you. Hes just not used to pda and he definitely has cuteness aggression so he just wants to bite you when you're so sweet to him.
You don't get away.
The second you lean in his arm is curling around your waist to hold you still while he puts all his focus into kissing you back, it's literally like one hand cradling your jaw while he licks into your mouth. He doesn't care if anybody else is there, in fact he enjoys it because he gets to show off that you are his partner. After that he'll keep you with him for as long as possible, doesn't care if you have stuff to do and he absolutely will manhandle you if you try to leave😭.
Lets you run away, like he'll follow you but he just walks and it's somehow way scarier than being caught straight away😟. The look he gives you as you start to step back just makes your stomach flip and your knees go weak. He turns it into some horrifying game which is basically just him stalking you like a predator (👁️👁️). Somehow manages to lead you into a dead end even though you're the one in front ???? "Oh dear, it seems you made a wrong turn hm?". Absolutely will stop if you start getting uncomfortable, he just enjoys teasing you.
Really playful and sweet :(. Laughs so loud because he's surprised and just watches you run off. He will absolutely do the same thing back and it's just so unexpected that it usually makes you forget about whatever you were supposed to be doing. Tries to catch you sometimes depending on his mood, like he'll straight up snatch you from the ground so he can hold you in his arms, HES SO CUTE :(. Also I think he blushes very easily even though he's quite cool-headed.
Another playful one, tries to catch you in like a non scary way and is absolutely willing to make a fool of himself to make you laugh. Though if he thinks you're doing it in order to tease him then he will give the same energy back. Like he won't give you time to run away, he just steps into your little personal bubble and his hands settle on your waist like steel, "Leaving so soon honey?" RAHHH SHUT UP!!!! He's so fine and he knows it and it makes him despicable.
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seokjinsonlyone · 1 year
this how i think bts would be if you were pregnant
he’s kind of clumsy and brutish by nature so he would try his absolute hardest to be quiet gentle and out of the way when it comes to you
reads to your baby every night once their hearing develops; goes through tons of children’s books and buys the ones that have all the messages and lessons he wants his child to learn so you now have a very large carefully curated library in the nursery
your pregnancy becomes his new j hope like he’s gonna mention it at every given opportunity whether it’s related to the topic at hand or not
comes back with a new baby item every time you send him to the store; you have to draw the line once he starts buying jars of baby food just bc they’re cute and little
not too keen on going into the whole birthing thing blind so he persuades you into taking lamaze classes with him
has one of them pregnancy apps downloaded and updates you each week on which fruit your baby is the size of
thinks it’s unfair how you get unlimited time with your baby and demands he get one on one time with them; makes you put on headphones and play music so he can spend time and talk with them without you intruding
puts himself in charge of your diet; looks up different ingredients that are supposed to be good for you and the baby and makes recipes centered around that; feels guilty bc every once in a while he cooks something that baby decides they do NOT like at ALL and it makes you sick
once your baby starts kicking he lets them make final decisions on things y’all can’t or don’t feel like deciding on; what shirt should he wear today? baby chooses. can’t choose a restaurant for dinner? baby chooses. accent color for the nursery? baby chooses.
tbh his favorite thing about you being pregnant is that when y’all go out he gets to park in the spaces that be up front for expecting mothers
when you get to be too much for him he always threatens that he’s gonna go to the store to “get milk”
all you’d have to do is give him a theme and a color scheme for the nursery and he’d take care of the rest; would give your baby the childhood room of your dreams
always 10 steps ahead in planning; like you’re trying to figure out if it’s acceptable go out with your jeans unbuttoned bc they is not fastening no matter how hard you try and he’s trying to figure out if y’all should move bc he likes the school that’s zoned for the neighborhood 5 blocks away
tries to act all nonchalant but every time he talks about you and your baby his hand ends up clutching his chest and he has this undeniably soft fond smile etched across his face
daily foot and back massages and belly rub downs with stretch mark cream
most likely to get on your nerves; like most of time he is rainbows and sunshine and the absolute light of your life; but he gon catch you on the wrong day, a day when you’re already in a bad mood and your back hurts and your feet are swollen and he’s gon be hopping around making sound effects and you’re gonna absolutely lose it; he’ll try not to take it personally but you’re gonna have to give him quite a few kisses and cuddles to make up for your raging
would be even more terrified than you if you ever fell; like after the shock's worn off and you're calm again he's definitely gonna make you go to the hospital just to make sure everything's okay even if you told him you felt fine
carries the sonogram in his wallet front and center in the space where his ID should be for easy access to show any and everyone who asks about how you’re doing
buys all kinds of designer things for your baby; you have to beg him to stop spending thousands of dollars on clothes and shoes that are only gonna fit for a month and a half at best
has more of a nesting phase than you i think; like nursery is fully completed, go bag is ready, baby’s clothes are washed and organized, all the little gadgets, diaper genies, bottle warmers, etc are set up and placement tested for maximum efficiency by month 6
the type to be uncomfortable with you doing anything; like if it was up to him you’d be in bed the entire time; you have to remind him that you’re pregnant not dead but you take it easy and let him help you as much as possible to ease his nerves
thinks it’s cute when you start needing help to stand up; sometimes he’ll just sit back giggling and watch for a while as you try to get up on your own before stepping in and helping you; videos the experience nd shows it to his friends
goes to every one of your doctor’s appointment with a notebook full of questions about your’s and the baby’s health and writes all the answers down very meticulously
spends like 3 hours building the crib for the nursery; there’s so much grunting going on that you’re concerned HE might be going into labor; gets inside the crib after he’s finally finished building it to prove to you how sturdy it is; ends up taking a nap inside of it bc he didn’t realize how laborious it was gonna he
completely empathetic to your experience so he’s up when you’re up no matter how late it is; will literally get up at 4am to get you a bottle of water and make you a snack and rubs your shoulders and back until you can fall asleep again
his hand stays on your belly the whole 9 months; like you’ll be 6 weeks looking completely regular trying to keep it a Secret until you make it out your first trimester but everyone is suspicious bc taehyung will just come up and start rubbing your tummy whenever he sees you
tries on your nursing bra and would be walking around the house flipping the cover off showing you his nipples at odd times
starts picking out names immediately; at the end of the day he’s always gonna yield to you bc he wants you to be happy but he really really wants to name his child
plays so much classical music bc he heard it makes the baby smarter that you start to feel like you live in the 18th century
knows he isn’t the best at cooking but wants to be better for his baby so he spends like 2 weeks perfecting his baby formula bottle making method
doesn’t understand how anyone could have the type of cravings you have but his curiosity is too strong and he tries each of one them; finds the peanut butter covered pickles absolutely disgusting but rocks with the dessert pasta
starts calling you ms penguin bc of the way you waddle walk when your belly gets too big
lactation kink
would be deep diving on the internet researching various things about pregnancy and then spend the next 4 months trying to convince you to do a water birth bc he thinks it would be “cool”
sits bam down and has a conversation with him about how he’s gonna have a baby brother or sister and what’s gonna be expected of him when the time comes; it’s definitely more of a pep talk for him than the dog
a/n: me posting this is just as much of a surprise to me as it is to you anyway 🫣 thoughts comments concerns are welcome
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luckthebard · 7 months
The most divisive gameplay moment I’ve seen from the live show has been Matt’s ruling on Sentinel vs the gargantuan creature, which is funny to me cause I’m totally on his side about it.
Like yeah RAW is one thing but if it completely doesn’t make sense I would also ask “how does that stop the creature from moving?” I think there’s a possibility Marisha could have tried to justify it but she couldn’t think of any way it would reasonably work either, so I saw it as kind of a non issue. Homebrewing or bending rules to make more sense can hurt the PCs as much as it benefits them. It has to go both ways.
Besides that, I think people who don’t DM forget how hard balancing play in 5e can get above level 15. It is extremely difficult to keep combat interesting and challenging for level 20 PCs. That’s gotta be compounded when there are 7 players. Matt’s not being “unfair,” when he makes firm rulings in high level play, he’s giving the enemies a chance at all.
(As a final aside, the ruling that bothered me far more was Caleb still losing that spell slot for Counterspell after Matt clarified he didn’t actually see anyone casting. Liam didn’t fight it cause it essentially didn’t matter, but I def understood why he asked about it. It’s also possible Caleb took Counterspell as one of his Signature Spells which would truly have made it a non issue.)
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dearabhi · 8 months
treacle tarts & failed dates - harry j.potter
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a/n: hello! this is something i wrote awhile ago, and it was during 3am and never saw it again, so there are mistakes! so please don't mind them </3 AND i imagine this fic takes place after the war but u can imagine as a muggle au too!
summary: after yet another failed date, harry is at his bestfriend, y/n's home and y/n makes treacle tarts. then a sudden realisation hits harry.
word count: 600- ish?
hope u like it <3
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
“I just don't get it!,” Harry says as he continues his rants— Harry had yet another failed date with a barista who worked in a café that he regularly went to. The barista was cute. He even had dimples when he smiled that made Harry lose his mind. “He could've just said that he is not interested! He could've just said that he had eyes on someone else! Instead he said it when we were on a date!”
“First of all, Harry, You should stop going on dates with every person you think is pretty!” Y/N's voice echoed from the kitchen. She was doing— cooking something that Harry is not supposed to know. “..being attracted to them and liking them are different...” Y/N continued on.
Harry suddenly smelled the scent of treacle tarts and his legs automatically stood up and he made his way to the kitchen.
Harry watches Y/N while she takes out the treacle tarts out of the oven— still not noticing Harry's presence in the kitchen as she still seemed to be talking about something but Harry can't focus on what she's talking about right now. All that mattered to Harry right now was the freshly baked treacle tarts and—
“Harry, are you even listening to me?” Y/N asked, facing him with a stern look on her face. One look of her and Harry had chills. He suddenly found the ceiling interesting.
“Harry Potter! Look at me while I am talking! Honestly I don't even know how Mione and Ron handle you all day!” Y/N complaints. Then suddenly Harry feels warm hands cupping his cheeks.
Y/N connected the two's foreheads and says so softly that he feels like he might— “Look, Harry, I know whatever this barista guy did—”
“ Xavier,” Harry interrupted.
“Whatever this Xavier did is completely unfair and he should not have done that! At the same time, It hurts me to see you heartbroken every two weeks!” She continues. Well, that part was true. He is going on dates with every pretty person he sees and they seem to reject him or he does not like them that way. In short, it has not been going well.
And after his (failed) dates, he goes to Y/N's place and pretty much spills it all out. (He also goes there because Y/N is pretty darn good at making treacle tarts) (also because Ron and Hermione can't handle a mourning Harry).
Harry tries to listen to Y/N. But somehow, his focus is on the flour that is on her cheek, he wants to remove it so bad. His focus then drifts to Y/N's eyes which were filled with concern and was also mesmerising. Oh god, what did he just think?
There was nothing wrong in that statement. Y/N L/N is beyond beautiful both inside and outside. Harry was now thinking something he would never mention because—
Nope, He thinks to himself aggressively. Don't. If he thinks that once, Harry will be long gone and there would be no returning back.
“Now, Harry, bring the treacle tarts will you? I will be putting on the TV so we can continue the muggle show we were watching, yeah?” Y/N asks, concluding her speech which Harry might not have listened to. Harry nodded and Y/N smiled back at him.
Y/N left the room after planting a small kiss on Harry's cheek. And Harry might've blushed. There is no avoiding the thought now.
Harry is definitely falling in love with his best friend, Y/N L/N.
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creadigol · 4 months
Hey y’all! Here’s a little snippet of something that was rattling in my mind. Hope y’all like!
It can be complicated to make sense of family. Hero knew this. Hero had always known this. With how their life was growing up Hero doubted there were many who could understand this concept as well as they did.
But this was just ridiculous.
“The answer is still no,” Hero tried very hard to keep their voice level and calm.
“Seriously? I don’t understand what your problem is!”
The voice over the phone held the tone of one who had already decided they were right and there was no chance of changing.
“It’s not that I have a problem…which I don’t,” Hero ground out. “It’s that I just don’t feel like inviting him.”
“And why not?”
Hero resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of their nose. One, it was a bad habit which showed how frustrated they were; and two, it would loosen their mask. God, couldn’t their sibling have called earlier? Hero really didn’t feel like having this conversation on the roof of a bank at 11pm.
“I don’t need a reason. It’s my call and I don’t want him there. End of story.”
“No, not end of story! This is completely unfair! Why am I always the one trying to hold this family together? You think it’s easy being the responsible one when…”
Hero let the rant commence as they held the phone a few inches from their ear, Sibling gradually getting louder and more hurtful with each word. They looked up at the star bedazzled sky and tried to tune them out until they could jump back in again.
It’s not that Sibling was wrong, it’s just that Hero could only take being called absent and holier than thou so many times. It was the same speech every time a major event happened in Hero’s life. And at the end of every speech, Hero always caved and let Sibling invite the whole family…well not this time.
‘...and out of everyone, you of all people should take the high road on this…”
That did it.
“Me of all people? Why? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Dammit, I’m tired of being the one to take the high road! For once would it kill him to apologize? Or better yet, clean up his fucking act?!”
Sibling was making sputtering noises on the line when another voice joined Hero on the roof.
“Well, I must say I’ve never heard words like this before coming from our fair Hero.”
Hero froze, their sibling yelling into the receiver, and turned.
Villain stood, arms folded, looking incredibly smug.
“I’m going to have to call you back,” Hero said softly. They hung up before Sibling could protest.
Shit, they would hear about that later.
Villain sauntered closer, “Having a little domestic are we? I’ve never seen you that agitated before.”
Hero glared, “Coming to rob the bank?”
Villain chuckled.
“I was, but this is so much more interesting. Come on, what’s happening in the world of the Golden Hero?”
“None of your business,” Hero stood tall. “Now are you breaking the law or not? I have a long patrol tonight.”
“Oh yes, I heard you were taking the long shift tonight. Something about needing time off…wait…that couldn’t be what you were arguing about on the phone was it? Vacation plans gone wrong?”
Hero felt a vein popping in their forehead.
“Why must you alway insist on being a prick? And why do you know my shift schedule?”
Villain shrugged noncommittally, “I have people.”
They walked right into Hero’s space, doing their best to intimidate with their towering stature. Hero refused to move and met their gaze head on.
“You’ve never taken a break before.” Villain stated.
“Never needed to until now,” Hero responded as if Villain had asked a question.
Villain gave them a once over.
“What’s the need?”
God, was Villain always this infuriating?
“Like I said, none of your business. I’m sure you’ll survive a substitute hero for the next few weeks.”
Villain frowned, “Few weeks? That’s a lengthy time.”
Hero rolled their eyes and nodded. They weren’t falling for Villain’s way of fishing for information by not actually asking a question.
“A few weeks and a family member who’s not welcome…if I’m to interpret that phone call correctly. My, my, what do you have planned?” Villain finally took a few paces back to lean on the wall, “Can’t say I’m too thrilled. Other Hero’s are such tight-asses.”
“If you mean that I’m lenient then, yes, they’re not as nice as I am,” Hero smirked.
Villain outright laughed.
“I would describe you as many things Hero, but straight up nice has never been one of them. Seriously, why the vacation? Family reunion or something?”
If Hero’s Sibling had anything to say on the matter it would be.
“Not as such,” Hero relaxed their stance now that Villain was a few paces away. That and it seemed Villain was more in a talking mood tonight. It was rare that they just talked rather than taking on their usual ‘Hero vs Villain’ roles. Rare, but it had happened a handful of times over the course of the last four years. Whether this was professional or not, Hero chose not to think about.
Villain folded their arms in thought, “Birthday? No, yours is in March…A celebration for another medal from the Mayor? No, he’s out of town until next month…” Hero tried hard not to smile as Villain ticked each possibility off their fingers, “Oh I know! You’ve finally graduated high school!”
Now Hero did laugh. It was a running joke with them and Villain’s Henchman that Hero must be younger than they seemed due to their young sound voice. Of course there was no way to tell due to the mask, but Hero estimated they were about the same age as Villain. Something they were sure Villain had put together as well seeing as the Hero Agency didn’t employ anyone under the age of 21.
It didn’t stop the quips though.
“Afraid I did that long ago,” Hero supplied.
“Well then I’m at a loss,” Villain got up and leaned into Hero’s space once more. “Other than medical leave I can’t think of anything else. And I assume you wouldn’t be fighting about invitees if convalescence was your goal.”
“Guess you’ll just have to live with uncertainty,” Hero shrugged and turned to leave the roof. Before they could take a couple of steps a hand was on their arm.
“You really not going to tell?” Villain asked softly. “You seemed upset and not the kind of upset like when you're on the job.”
Hero felt their heart rate increase and their cheeks warm. Why did Villain have to go and ask like that? How could they go from the city’s terror to a caring person with humanity and feelings? Perhaps Hero could tell them…the event was happening down in the Bahamas anyway. Not like Villain could figure it out…
It would be nice to talk to someone not expecting anything from them.
“I have a celebration happening and I don’t want my father to be there…it’s caused rather a ruckus in my family.”
Villain’s hand remained on Hero’s arm. “Well, if it’s your celebration it’s your choice. I don’t see why anyone else should be involved.”
Hero laughed and patted their hand. “And you’ve just summarized the entire argument I’ve been having for the past month.”
Villain released their arm. “I’m smart like that.”
Hero nodded with a warm smile. They turned towards the fire escape.
“Seeing as how you don’t seem to be robbing the bank, I have places to be,” They turned so they were facing Villain while standing on the ladder. “Thanks Villain. I’ll see you in a few weeks if you manage to keep yourself alive.”
“Say that to your replacement hero.” Villain hesitated, “Hero?”
Hero popped their head up from their descent, “Yeah?”
“What is the celebration?”
Hero smiled softly at them.
“I’m getting married,” they whispered.
And then they were gone. Down the fire escape and into the night.
Villain stood stunned, not knowing why the words made their heart freeze and their eyes water.
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(everyone is in their 20s. names are fake)
I’d like to start off by giving background, I(M) live with my roommate Salt. We’ve been living together for a couple of years now and met through mutual friends.
I’m straight. Salt is gay in a very open, stereotypical sense(yk flamboyant, effeminate etc) and I’m not saying this to judge him/say I resent him or something he’s a dear friend of mine and I couldn’t care less abt his sexuality or how he chooses to express himself. However it’s important to mention this for the sake of AITA
The actual ‘issue’ started a year ago, where we were both drunk coming home from a party, I was struggling to get my keys out so he called me a idiot and then just.. kissed me??
That caused me to question my sexuality for a while because being a straight man you’d think I’d be repulsed or bothered by it but no I didn’t really enjoy it(not like there was smth to enjoy it was like a couple of seconds) but didn’t really mind it either in fact it didn’t made me feel any different than how I’d feel kissing a random girl I suppose?
So yeah I experimented with my sexuality for a week or so and even almost hooked up with some guy but nope. Still straight. Just didn’t mind him(probably because of how close we are)
Anyways back to the point after that Salt avoided me for a while but in the end we did have a talk which was basically him saying he was not attracted to me, how it was a spur of the moment thing and also apologizing if he made me uncomfortable.
To that I told him he did not and joked about how he could do it again.
Fast forward a month(?) later the “kissing the homies goodnight” meme came out, so one time I asked him where was my goodnight kiss was at and he actually did it, after that we just continued doing that ig I don’t think none of us thought much of it other than some night time ritual.
Here comes the actual AITA part, I recently got a girlfriend(we’ll call her Pepper). I’ts not like I’m super in love with her but she’s a nice girl and I genuinely like her so I wish to keep her happy.
The issue with Pepper is that she talks a tad bit too much, I normally wouldn’t mind it as I’m on the quiet part, but she expects me to memorize everything she has told me(not in the “do you remember my friend” type of way in the she tells me about 10 different people and gets upset when I don’t remember their exes names or what did friend7 did on lunch a month ago type of way) she also has a tendency to hyperfixate on shows and talk about the plot & characters as if they’re actual real people which makes it hard for me to understand if something she says is about a show or real. She gets really upset if I forget even the smallest things about those stories and rants about how I never listen to her. I tried talking to her about this but it only ends with her crying so I just keep shut to keep her satisfied
A week ago I was having a really bad day of migraines and nothing seemed to help but me and Pepper had made plans to hang in my place and I didn’t want to cancel. She comes over and starts talking about her sister in life’s brunch. I ask her if she could slow down a bit cause my head hurts and I can’t really keep up.
Well she takes it the wrong way and starts yelling at me about how I always am like this and how I never listen to her. I admit I’m the asshole for saying this, but I ask her if she’s unable to sit down and have a conversation like an adult. This makes her calm down a bit and she sits down so we can discuss.
I try explaining to her how it’s unfair how she expects me to remember everything and I’d be more than happy to listen to her, maybe just slow down a bit?
In mid of it she has this weird smile on her face and tells me I look hot mad, she then leans over to kiss me which I pull away from because it feels like she’s just trying to change a topic and I think this is an important convo for our relationship.
This is the moment Salt decides to arrive at home(I should also mention he’s TERRIBLE at reading the room) he comes over gives me my goodnight kiss and leaves.
(I would like to add its not like we make out or something. He just gives me a peck on the lips, says goodnight and leaves)
This drives Pepper crazy. She starts shouting at me on how I’d not kiss her but him? And that I could go ride his dick if I’m that gay for him. She storms out of the apartment
I’d like to add that Pepper has never said anything about me and Salt. I never told her about the goodnight kiss(Because I mean who goes to their girlfriend like “hey btw I kiss my roommate at nights. but no homo”?) but we never hide it either in fact I’m pretty sure we did that while she was in room once or twice too. Pepper has made jokes about us being gay and how she feels bad about getting inbetween us but never anything on being uncomfortable or not liking it.
Now it’s been a week and we haven’t talked since. She is not answering my messages and I stopped trying to contact her from there but I’m starting to doubt myself, am I the asshole here? Should I go apologize?
What are these acronyms?
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kingconia · 10 months
If you don't mind, can i request headcannon. Malleus play a mind game on female reader. Like malleus talk about a girl (which didn't even exist) she seem interesting and she also like him back he told reader in hope that reader get jealous and confess her feelings to him. But it backfired and reader was like "oh, congrats..." (Even though she felt hurt inside but decided to act mature and support). So at the end it was mess, as they argue, confess and cuddle...(you can make changes or do yan mal if you feel like. I hope you having a loney day/night)
A/N: I hope you are having a good time! Just as much as I hope that I delivered your idea properly.
Malleus Draconia was quite inexperienced when it came to romantic relationships—platonic as well—and that, indeed, was a common fact that everyone could gather simply by speaking with him at least once.
More to say, he was quite nervous about his feelings being mutual. As he wasn't so sure, he decided to ask an advice from people with experience. Some of ideas was ridiculous—Lilia told him to put you on the life and death situation, so, you could be honest with each other, and Azul Ashengrotto suggested him another of his ridiculous contracts—but in the end, Malleus's attention was caught by a quiet curious one.
That is how he found himself here, telling you a deceiving story of a girl, who caught his attention, and stole his heart.
”Oh,” you sighed, when he finished finally. ”From the sound of it, she is perfect.”
”I think the same,” Malleus nodded, determined. ”This woman is very special to me, and I really hope to ask her out soon.”
”Oh,” you repeated once again, tugging your hair slightly. ”That is nice, Malleus. I wish you a good luck.”
And that was it? Shouldn't be you jealous of him?
Malleus had been told—by the same person, who gave him this tip—that if anything helps lovers to be bluntly honest, it would be a simple jealousy. No one could control it, especially, in situation like this.
”Since you are my best friend,” Malleus tried again, ”I came to ask for your approval.”
”Do you want my blessing or something?” You scoffed at him.
”Perhaps, I do.”
Only a indifferent person would be fine with that.
”Oh, Malleus,” you grip his hand tightly, lips curling in smile. ”My only wish for you to be happy. So, of course, go and ask her out.”
He stared at you for a solid minute. Waiting. Waiting for you to show at least some kind of emotion. But it never came. Seemed, like you were really just his friend and nothing more.
Malleus smiled brokenly.
”Thank you, child of man. I appreciate that.”
That was just...
”...Unfair!” You tried to sob quieter, but these tries were useless, and so you just hid your face in your knees. ”I... I really thought he likes me, Grim. You know? I thought that we are... I thought he was flirting with me, and I thought my feelings were mutual, but...”
Grim sighed tiredly, pushing even more napkins in your hands.
You tried to be fine and contained about Malleus finding someone to himself—probably another pretty fae, who deserves to be his Queen—but failed miserably.
As soon as he left your company, after gaining some strange blessing from you, you simply stormed out from the Diasomnia dorm, ignoring Lilia's questions completely.
You wanted Malleus to be happy. You really did.
But... Ah, why couldn't he be happy with you?
Why couldn't he be happy with you?
Was it about immortality? Or wasn't you beautiful enough? Not smart? Was it about lacking magic?
You felt hopeless.
”Malleus is so cruel,” you chuckled. ”Asking all of this, making me hear all his lovingly stupid stories, and—”
"Wait, Y/n.”
’Not now, Grim. I just can't understand why he thought it is going to be a good idea.”
”And why it is not?”
You almost answered, but the voice died in your throat as you realised that it was not Grim's voice.
You raised your head slowly, glaring at your panicked little cat first, before turning around completely.
Malleus was standing right behind your couch.
”Oh, come on...”
As if this day couldn't be even worse.
”You know what,” Grim giggled nervously. ”I am out. Goodbye.”
You hissed in your hastily leaving familiar's back. What a traitor.
”So?” Malleus asked, leaning over the couch. ”Why it wasn't a good idea to share something good with you?”
His face wasn't showing any kind of emotions. He seemed slightly curious, and that was it.
Not willing to be hovered over, you stood up slowly.
”I... Malleus, listen...”
You didn't want to sadden him. You really didn't. But, ah...
You didn't want to lie him either. You know Malleus didn't like to be lied.
”I am listening.”
To be or not to be?
”Fine, because I like you, and... And I hate the idea of you, having a girlfriend. Yes, I am petty, yes, I am delusional for thinking that you were into me all this—”
He cut you through suddenly.
”You like me?”
A silence fell upon both of you, as his face turned out in a very confused one. His mouth was slightly open, eyes widened as you said something really confusing.
”...Of course, I do.”
”Why didn't you tell me it earlier?”
What he expected you to do? To play a role of envious wife, who keeps her man to herself solely? Right when he admitted something so important? And what would it change, even?
”What kind of person confesses in the middle of conversation like this?” You asked, genuinely frustrated by his obliviousness.
Malleus blinked.
”A jealous one?”
Was he mocking you?
”Yeah, I am aware of what I am, but I don't need you to be aware of that!”
Your patience finally ended, and you couldn't help but take a pillow from the couch, throwing it on him. Of course, he dodged it easily.
”I don't have anyone,” Malleus said suddenly.
”I was taught that a jealousy would make you more honest, and therefore, if my feelings are, they would be returned,” he murmured, and you could feel how actually ashamed he seemed to be.
But even the redness of his cheek, couldn't save him from your rage.
Another pillow was taken, and this time, you hit him with mercilessly, not giving time to dodge that.
”Are you kidding with me?! I thought you don't like me!”
”Child of man, how could I not? I even described your appearance when I spoke about this woman...” Another hit. ”In fact, it was you, who seemed indifferent!”
Three more hits—two across the chest, and another on his face—and you stopped, breathing coming as hissing. Your eyes shut closed, and you threw pillow away, gripping the collar of his shirt, instead.
”Malleus. I really. Really. Like you,” your voice was loud and clear. ”But this idea of confession was just awful.”
You felt him relaxing. His cold hands were put on your cheeks, and his lips moved closer to your ear, brushing the tip of it slightly.
”I apologise, my love. I really do,” you shivered, but only pressed yourself closer to him. ”I must admit, my original plan of confession was completely different. I never planned to play with you like this.”
”Then why you did that?” You sighed, surrendering completely as your arms locked around his waist.
”Just as I said, it was a method that I was taught to.”
You frowned again.
”Who it was?”
”Whose idea it was, to do this?”
”Oh... I think, it was Kingscholar.”
You gripped Malleus in the hug crushingly. Just as you thought that you calmed down...
”This fucking—”
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suzannahnatters · 5 months
I've cranked through the first half of Love Like the Galaxy in under a week and I REGRET NOTHING: how fast can I put myself outside this gloriously mature and well written Jane Austen style comedy of manners with intermittent murder. Reactions to the first 12 eps under the cut because wow I verbose when I happy
I'm 3 eps into Love Like the Galaxy and while "becoming thoroughly absorbed by Chinese Jane Austen" was not on my bingo list I'll take it.
I have trust issues with cdramas after watching GOODBYE MY PRINCESS which was the drama equivalent of the kind of dude who says 'heh heh I like a girl with spirit' but I do really love what they're doing with Niao Niao and how she's had to survive her awful aunt and grandmother (who are like Mrs Norris and Mrs Bennet, respectively) by becoming calculating, distrustful, selfish and utterly devoted to her own cause
LOVED the moment in ep3 where she tries to show her mother, who's this strict Confucian parent, the sort of nonsense she's had to put up with for years by subjecting her to the evil wiles of Aunt Norris and Grandma Bennet, she just outright pointed out the double standards her mother is operating by
anyway we shall see how things turn out! I'm finding the grounded visuals very nice too - everyone's not caked in makeup and jewels all the time, they look very comfy and believable.
oh my the softly besotted look on Torture General's face when he sees her carriage going by
he hasn't seen her face yet, he just knows she's cold, unfilial, and utterly calculating and he's fallen for her for all the reasons that everyone else reproaches her for
episode 6 of LLTG: a dispute over a writing desk has made me cry. what
This whole scene with the dreadful mother holding court and Niao Niao defending herself - so ably that she beings her brothers and cousin to take her side against her mother - GAH this is AMAAAAAZING
I adore that they don't have anyone fingerwagging at our girl to tell her that actually her mother is doing these toxic things because she deep down cares about her (aHEM, My Journey To You) - they're just being really clear that it's all dreadfully unfair.
I also love that the toxic mother is a sword-wielding warrior woman. She's so heroine-coded??? while also being a terrible person? amazing! I love the unexpectedness of it!
snerk I love this celebrity scholar deciding to Bestow a Mark of His Favour upon our girl and she tosses it right back at him
this Prince Xiao enters twirling moustaches he doesn't even have, wow
laughing my head off at the Big Romantic Rescue complete with cape SWOOOOOOOSH
this is great. I feel like I'm watching a faintly swoony BBC adaptation of a lost Jane Austen novel
also I take it back, Niao Niao isn't selfish at all - she's just realised that if she doesn't fight for herself then no one else will.  But she's not making it an excuse to be unfair or horrible to her perfect cousin, even though it would be the most understandable thing in the world
I love her, she deserves the world
ep7: I've only known Wan QiQi two minutes and I would die for her
is it just me or is this smug scholar precisely the type of man we've all come across??? NN not giving him the time of day is EVERYTHING
Third Aunt giving Third Uncle a shave: what a scene. God bless cdramas. Also, the extent to which there is a whole epic romance cdrama happening somewhere in the backstory here is AMAZING
Also: QiQi is a showy kind of BFF to have - showing up late to the party in a bright red dress and instantly pillaging the birthday gifts she brought the princess to deck you out in earrings? chef's kiss - but I'm also SO appreciative of how they're treating Yang Yang! That moment at the banquet early in the episode where Niao Niao, who can't even read, says, somewhat hurt and pettish, "I don't need to learn ANYTHING! I'm good just as I am!" and Yang Yang says, "Yes, you are!" despite being a bookworm since birth? I LOVE THEM
ahaha NN gives a speech shaming the snobby aristocratic girls for looking down on the daughter of a general, and being extravagant, and don't they know all this bounty is due to the emperor and his generals? feels like the show is buying the right to critique filial piety by kissing up to the state
the statism is the one thing I've disliked about the show so far (also didn't think much of NN snitching on her great-uncle) but that's pretty much a constant in Chinese media except for one wuxia novel I read years ago (BaiFa MoNu Zhuan/Legend of the White Haired Maiden), so onward…
"I'm Eleventh Young Master who has admired you for a long time" sHriEKing
he looks so happy too
Deeply enamoured of the way General Wan has the features and mannerisms of an animated Disney villain
"why is that unlucky person still here? he seems like a lingering ghost" impeccable "Lizzie Bennet wonders why she keeps bumping into Mr Darcy on her daily walk, after she specifically told him this was where she walked daily" energy
well I did not think the show could make me sympathise with the toxic mum, but it did, by dint of showing that the dad is intentionally playing good cop so he can enjoy his daughter's adoration while he encourages her mum to beat her???
I really hope the cruddy dad experiences the consequences of his actions here but even more than that, I'm amazed that the show has found a way to make us sympathise for the bad mum as a person without trying to make her less bad
I'm just in awe of the writing here - it's SO deft and able.
ah, this must be the bamboo forest where they store action scenes - and I LOVE that the band of lady bodyguards gets to stomp the bandits when a lesser show would use this opportunity to bring on the hero and his army of goth henchmen
aw yess! our girl is strategising their way out! It's so delightful to me - this is precisely the kind of leadership/strategy role asian dramas rarely allow to their female characters
now she's getting to command a siege!?!?! all on her own?
and then castigating herself for not being able to save everybody! BABY
on to ep12, which I have heard people cite as the Point Where The Show Gets Good, and given the fact that I've already been elmo on fire dot gif for eleven episodes I'm not entirely sure what everyone else has been drinking but sure! let's see what lies herein
oh this is the GOOD stuff
yes yes, the big rescue, the arrow pulling, all good…what really gets me is that when our girl wants to see the mass execution and Murder General holds her back, it's not bc he's patronising her, it's bc he knows she needs to hear that AhMiao's death was not her fault
this show is justifying tropes I didn't even know COULD be justified…inCREDible
Third Uncle has two braincells and my whole heart
the only thing better than the look of sheer naked yearning on Murder General's face every time he sees Niao Niao or anything tangentially related to her is his determination never to let on how he feels to his two henchmen, who have known since episode two and are eager to help
Murder General hoarding hankies, bits of string, and pencil-ends that belong to Niao Niao like Harriet Smith hoarding Mr Elton memorabilia in EMMA
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st-eve-barnes · 1 year
Nine crimes (part 2)
(Aemond x fem reader)
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Summary: Betrothed from a young age to an older man you endure your loveless marital life, until the day you meet Aemond Targaryen.
This chapter: Both you and Aemond struggle to keep your true feelings from each other and jealousy emerges.
I was inspired by a few quotes from Rose Dawson in Titanic for this chapter, if you can find them let me know ;)
Word count: +5300
Warning: 18+ for explicit content and language, oral (female receiving), multiple orgasms. Some angst/fluff.
Cheating/jealousy for the whole fic.
Part 1
All my fics are also on AO3
It was another three weeks later when you knocked on his door again. It was late at night and you’d been horny and distracted all week, nothing on your mind but Aemond. His mouth, his hands, his fingers, his cock. Your body craved him so badly you thought you might go crazy if you didn’t get to have him soon.
You were so lost in your impure thoughts of him you forgot about the secret knock to let him know it was you.
You just hit the door twice and hard and it didn’t take long for the door to swing open bringing you face to face with Aemond, who looked more than a little surprised to see you.
“What…what are you doing here?” he blocked your view from his room by standing in the doorway, towering over you. His hands were nervously fumbling with his shirt that seemed to be half unbuttoned, the look on his face was serious, slightly irritated even.
You should have known right then and there.
It was an unusual reaction from him. He’d been surprised to see you before but he always welcomed you with open arms. Right now he seemed genuinely annoyed that you were standing in front of his door and your heart sank.
“You said anytime,” your voice came out weaker than you’d had hoped,”Is this not a good time?”
“Actually no,” he spoke softly, avoiding your eyes.
“Are you alright?” you asked.
“I am fine, I just need you to go.”
“Okay,” you nodded and you opened your mouth to ask him why but decided against it. 
You had no claim on him and Aemond had no obligations whatsoever towards you. It wasn’t your place to demand anything from him, no matter how badly you needed it.
“I am sorry,” Aemond spoke, picking up on your disappointment,”You could come by tomorrow, I’ll be here and…we can take all the time we want.”
He leaned against the doorway, creating a small gap through which you could look inside his room. You instantly wished you hadn’t. 
There was a woman sitting on the edge of his bed, wearing absolutely nothing besides a satisfied smile on her beautiful face.
It felt like someone had stomped you in the stomach and you stepped back immediately. The rejection you’d felt at his words had been nothing compared to this and you could feel the tears well up. The last thing you wanted was to cry in front of him so you tried your hardest to bite them back and not show him how hurt you felt.
You knew you had no reason to feel jealous, he wasn’t yours and you weren’t his. He had every right to see whoever he wanted whenever he wanted. You went home to your husband every night, it was completely unfair to expect him not to see other people. 
Besides that, he had told you more than once that it was nothing but sex, he had never led you on to believe it was anything more.
But your heart had believed it anyway. Until now.
Aemond noticed the change in your expression and knew you had looked inside his room.
“That’s not what it looks like,” he sighed.
“It’s fine,” you interrupted him too quickly, trying too hard to sound casual about it,”You don’t need to explain, it’s…I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come tonight…”
“Wait, let me…”
“No, please,” you turned away from him, knowing if he came closer or dared to touch you right now you’d burst into tears and really make a fool of yourself. You just wanted to get away from him. “It’s fine, Aemond, I have to go.”
You rushed away from him without looking back. You didn’t even make it to the end of the hallway before the tears were streaming down your face.
Several weeks passed after that and you tried your hardest to get back to your life, the one you had before you’d met Aemond.
You spent your days not doing much of anything at all and spent your nights either in bed alone or with your husband.
Your marriage was a loveless one, betrothed at a very young age to a man you had never met and who was more than twice your age. The only times your husband touched you in private was when he wanted to fuck, which luckily for you didn’t happen very often at all. 
There was no affection or even friendship in your marriage, let alone any form of love for each other. What you two had was a business arrangement. Your husband was a stranger to you, but one who provided for you and your family, made sure you were all taken care of and kept safe.
Being his wife was your burden to bear and you endured it. Even when he started keeping several whores on the side you endured it and continued performing your duties as you always had.
Until the day you ran into Aemond Targaryen.
The first time Aemond laid eyes on you was in the dining hall during one of the countless feasts. He’d been bored out of his mind all night, tired of having to remain polite to people he’d rather not be in the same room with. Throughout the night his mother had given him several warning looks from across the table, urging him to just endure it and keep the peace. So he did, he stayed in his seat and didn’t engage in any conversations he knew could lead to trouble.
But right now his patience was wearing thin and he was ready to just retreat to his rooms. 
Everyone around him was either drunk or talking and laughing too loudly and Aemond was pretty much done with the whole thing. 
That’s when he noticed you, sitting a few tables away, the only other person in the room who looked like they didn’t want to be there either. 
It was your quiet composure in a room filled with noise and movement that drew his attention. It was the look on your face, that blank expression telling him you were zoned out, somewhere else entirely in your mind, that intrigued him.
You weren’t sitting alone. An older man, one he could only presume was your husband, had a protective hand on your arm while he drank and talked loudly with the other men sitting at the table. Neither of them seemed to engage you in the conversation, it was as if you weren’t even sitting there.
You seemed bored, and a little sad. And somehow Aemond couldn’t take his eyes off you. You were beautiful, way too beautiful for a man like that he thought.
It wasn’t until he had been staring at you for a good while that he noticed you were crying, and none of the idiots on that table even noticed, least of all your husband who was laughing obnoxiously loud and taking another long sip from his wine. It was clear they were all drunk of their asses.
Aemond sighed, annoyed, part of him itching to just walk up there and take you away from them. That thought caught him by surprise, he wasn’t one to be easily taken by a woman. He’d been a loner for most of his life and he preferred it that way, not interested in the complications of female company nor the emptiness of casual sex with someone he didn’t truly care for. 
Before he had time to reflect on his thoughts he watched you take matters into your own hands and excuse yourself from the table, fleeing towards the halls of the castle. 
Aemond didn’t hesitate, he stood from his seat and walked after you.
Tears were blurring your vision as you ran through the dark halls, away from all the noise and the people and the pressure of everything you did not want. You felt like your world was crumbling around you, this was your life but somehow it felt like someone else was living it. Every day, every conversation, every decision was already planned for you. You had no control, over anything. 
Even now as you were running away you knew there really wasn’t anywhere for you to go, no place to hide, or disappear to.
You stopped to catch your breath at the end of the hallway, trying to control the heavy sobs and the way your hands kept shaking.
You didn’t cry that often, in fact you hadn’t cried in many months but tonight it felt like everything came crashing down upon you all at once. That bubble of pent up emotions finally burst and turned you into a pathetic sobbing mess and you hated it.
You didn’t want to feel sad or cry in a corner, you wanted the opposite. You wanted to remember what it felt like to truly be alive. To make your own decisions, do something spontaneous, something crazy or unexpected, anything to make you feel something other than this endless dull boredom that had become your life.
That’s when you noticed him stepping out of the shadows, as if the gods themselves had sent him to you.
Prince Aemond Targaryen.
Everyone in Westeros knew of the One Eyed prince, he was said to be cold and quiet, dangerous and unpredictable but loyal above all. Unlike the rest of you, Aemond wore his trauma on his face for everyone to see. 
You had seen him around King’s Landing a few times, always keeping to himself. He walked with such confidence but you had a feeling his outside demeanor was just a mask to hide the insecurities underneath. You’d always found him interesting and intriguing. And beautiful.
“Your grace,” you greeted him politely, casting your eyes down and bowing your head.
He greeted you with the same courtesy but then added,”You don’t need to address me so formally when we are alone, my lady.”
You looked up at him, instantly regretting it because now he looked directly into your teary eyes.
“Are you in distress? Do you need assistance?” he took a few steps closer to you, the concern in his voice sounded so genuine it took you by surprise.
You had never spoken to him before and yet part of you wanted to unload everything onto him, just blurt out every bad thought from your head as if this man you didn’t even know could take it from you and fix it.
Of course you didn’t actually do it, you just nodded your head and blinked away the tears,”I am okay, your grace.”
“Aemond,” he spoke softly,”Call me Aemond. I insist.”
“Aemond,” you repeated, a small smile tugging at your lips,“I am okay, Aemond, thank you for your concern.”
He looked at you without speaking for a while, trying to read your expression. It was clear your words didn’t match your true feelings but then he was a stranger to you, you would not confess your sorrows to a complete stranger.
Carefully and slowly he took another step closer to you, trying not to invade your space too much but still feeling the need to be closer, somehow letting you know it was okay to let your guard down. He lowered his voice ,“You can tell me, you don’t have to pretend. Not with me.”
You weren’t sure what it was exactly but his words combined with the sincere tone and look in his eye were enough to break down your walls. Tears streamed down your face again and you cursed yourself for it.
The words flowed without thinking after that.“Everything is just so heavy…it's like I can see my whole life as if I had already lived it. Always the same narrow people, the same mindless chatter, nothing even matters. And all the while I feel I'm standing in the middle of a crowded room screaming at the top of my lungs and no one even looks up, no one cares... or even notices.”
Aemond didn’t say anything right away and you were thankful for his silence, giving you the time to control your emotions.
“I noticed” he then spoke softly.
You wiped at your tears,”I’m sorry, I’m just bored and tired and I should have told none of this to you, your grace. I am fine, really, nothing a good night’s sleep won’t fix.”
You looked away from him, ashamed now over your honest outburst. You had never been this open to anyone about your feelings before and you had no idea why you blurted it all out to the One-Eyed prince of all people. It made no sense to trust him and yet you did with your entire being.
“I’m sorry,” you cried softly,”I don’t usually cry this much, fuck, I hate this, I hate this entire night.”
You bit your lip, stopping yourself from blurting out more and scaring Aemond away completely. You didn’t want him to go yet and you definitely didn’t want to return to the feast and your drunk husband and his idiot friends.
Aemond just looked at you, lips curling up into a little smile, amused by the fire he saw in you, mixed in between the tears.
Then he carefully took another step closer, placing himself right in front of you. His voice was soft when he spoke,”Do you want to get out of here, my lady?”
Your eyes met his again and this time you couldn’t look away. How did he know exactly what to say and what you needed to hear? And why did it feel so right to be so close to him? To have him call you my lady?
You longed to hear him say it again.
“Where would we go?” you asked, not answering his question yet but leaving it open.
“You wanted something less boring? Maybe even a little dangerous?” he asked, a hint of mischief in his eye as he reached out his hand to you. You knew in that moment you would have said yes to anything he suggested, no matter how crazy or immoral. The thought both scared and exhilarated you.
You nodded slowly and carefully placed your hand in his, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach.
Aemond offered you another sweet smile, laced with something else now, a fire that awoke something in you that had been dormant for a really long time. His voice so enticing it was making you shiver“My lady, would you like to ride my dragon?”
Aemond was true to his word when he said he would offer you something less boring. That night he took you out for a ride on Vhagar, the largest dragon in the world, giving you a taste of real danger. Throughout the entire journey he had kept his arm around you, keeping you  close to him and making you feel safer than you ever had before.
When you kissed him afterwards he teased you by asking if you wanted to ride his other dragon. You said yes again.
It was the start of an affair that lasted many months and changed your life. For once you were in control, doing something nobody would ever expect you to, something entirely for yourself and it felt liberating. Your husband didn’t care where you went at night as long as he found you in your bed by morning.
You were happier than you’d ever been, even the rare times your husband wanted sex with you were more bearable. You just closed your eyes and thought of your beautiful prince.
Sex with Aemond had been indescribable, you never knew it could feel like that, having only ever been with your husband before. Aemond showed you things, made you feel things and want things you had never imagined in your life. He was like a drug and you were the addict.
But you had been foolish to think it could ever turn into something more than that, or that you were the only one who shared his bed.
The image of the girl was still engraved in your mind, and however much it hurt maybe it was also a good thing. Maybe it was what you needed to distance yourself from Aemond before your feelings would grow stronger and eventually cause you more pain. You forced yourself to stay away from him believing that to be your best and only solution to get him out of your mind. 
But you soon found out absence only made the heart grow fonder. Every part of you missed him, not just your heart, your body started to crave him a little more every day as well.
You were walking the halls of the castle early one morning, on your way to the town’s market, when someone grabbed your arm and pulled you to the side, into a dark corner under the stairs, away from prying eyes.
Panic washed over you and you tried to shake free and push whoever was holding you away but their grip on your arm was too strong.
“Let go of me,” you hissed.
“Stop, it’s me,” Aemond pulled his cloak down, revealing his face,”It’s me, calm down.”
“Aemond,” you breathed a sigh of relief but it was quickly replaced by anger and you hit him in the chest,”Calm down? What the fuck, you nearly gave me a heart attack!”
“I’m sorry,” he stepped back to give you room,”I didn’t want to approach you where everyone else could see. I’m sorry.”
Your eyes met his and just like that your anger faded,”It’s alright.”
You both stared at each other for a while without saying anything. He was so beautiful you couldn’t look away, his features were almost ethereal, unlike any man you had ever laid eyes on. Being this close to him again made all your doubts melt away like snow before the sun.
The time apart hadn’t made any difference, you still wanted him.
Aemond’s lips curled into a smile when he noticed your flustered gaze. He stepped closer again, studying your face, from your eyes down to your lips and back up, the same hunger in his eye as there was in yours.
You finally forced yourself to look away from him. “What do you want, Aemond?”
“I haven’t seen you in a while. Do you not…wish to meet me anymore?”
Your heart ached at his words and you shook your head,”I’ve just been busy, that’s all.”
Aemond reached for your hand, gently lacing your fingers with his,”Are you sure that’s all it is, my lady?”
You nodded. “Why do you care anyway?”
He stepped closer, ignoring your words and trapping you between the wall and his body. His hands came to rest on your waist, his nose brushing against your cheek as he leaned in even closer. “I miss you terribly, that’s all.”
Your eyes closed in a heavy sigh when he placed a soft kiss on your jaw and then another one in your neck. All your pride and stubbornness vanished into thin air. You’d let him take you right here if he asked.
“Gods, I miss you too,” you whispered, grabbing his cloak to pull him close.
Aemond’s lips curled up into a satisfied smile and he hummed softly into your ear,”Come to my chambers tonight.”
“I don’t know if I can…”
“Please, I need you,” his lips brushed against yours, fighting the urge to kiss you but knowing it wouldn’t end with a kiss if he did and this was nor the time or place.
“I…I don’t…”
“Say yes,” he breathed against your mouth,”Please, don’t make me beg…because I will if you don’t say yes.”
His lips curled up into an eager smile and you smiled back against his mouth.”Yes.”
You didn’t get a chance to knock twice that night, the door swung open immediately and Aemond grabbed your hand and pulled you inside. Hands on your waist and lips on your neck, continuing where he left off that morning without even greeting you.
“Someone is horny tonight,” you teased with a smile, biting your lip at how good it felt to have his mouth on you.
“You have no idea,” he breathed against your skin, hands fumbling at your dress clumsily while he kept kissing your neck.
“What are you trying to do?” you giggled.
“Get you out of this,” he growled impatiently, pulling your dress down your shoulders.
You helped him untie and unlace everything until you wore nothing but your thin underdress.
“Get on my bed,” Aemond ordered.
You gave him a look.
“Please,” he added with a little grin.
You moved towards his bed and lied down on your back,”How do you want me?”
Aemond pulled off his shirt and licked his lips while he made his way over to you.”Any way you’ll have me, darling.”
He moved his body over yours, his mouth capturing your lips in a filthy, hungry kiss while his hand moved underneath your dress to caress your thighs.
Your legs spread for him immediately, weak and needy under his touch.
“Aemond,” you whined.
“I got you, princess,” he smiled against your skin and moved his hand in between your legs, fingers finding your clit, teasing you ever so slowly while he licked your skin.
It took so little from him to put the fire in you and make you forget about all the rest, your mind only focussed on one thing and that was his touch and how much more of it you needed.
“Please,” you begged.
“Begging already? My lady, I haven’t even started yet,” he gave you a devious look while he moved down in between your legs, putting soft kisses on your inner thigh,”I want to show you how much I’ve missed you, is that okay?”
His words pulled at your heart strings even though you knew he was only talking about sex.
All you could do was nod and watch as Aemond’s kisses moved closer and closer to where you needed him. A heavy moan on your lips when his tongue circled over your clit. He took his time, kissing and licking your most sensitive parts until your back arched off the bed and your fingers tightened into his hair.
Your mind was definitely empty now, all you could think about was being filled by him.
But Aemond wasn’t going to give you what you wanted just yet.
He moved back up, sitting next to you on the bed while he cupped your face and kissed your lips, soft and slow before he pulled back to look at you.
“Are you going to tell me what happened now?” he asked softly.
“What do you mean?” you moved your hands over his bare chest and stomach but he grabbed your wrists before you could move them lower.
“I am not fucking you until you talk to me.”
You pouted at him.
“Don’t give me that, you ignored me for a month, I’d like to know why.”
“Why? It’s not like I’m your lady, we’re just fucking, why do you care?”
His gaze hardened and then he looked down in a heavy sigh,”Right. That’s all you want then, is it?”
“What else would I want?”
“Nothing,” he sighed,”Forget it….”
Before you could say anything else he hovered over you and pushed you down on the bed, one hand on your throat while the other pulled down his pants and freed his cock. 
“You want to fuck, let’s fuck.” He spread your legs and teased your entrance with his fingers and then the head of his cock. 
You moaned into it right away, grinding into him, asking for more and he gave it to you this time, pushing in all the way to the hilt until your nails scratched at his back. Aemond was breathing hard, forehead pressed to yours, his breath heavy on your lips.
His pace was slow and his hand moved from your neck down to your breast, massaging softly while he kissed your neck. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer.
“Faster, please,” you whispered.
“Gods, I wish you didn’t feel so fucking good,” he moaned as he pushed you down into the mattress, the weight of his body on yours felt so perfect you could already feel your orgasm within reach.
Aemond’s hand cupped your cheek while he looked into your eyes, slowing down a little, not wanting it to be over too fast.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered,”My sweet girl…you drive me absolutely insane, you know that?”
The intensity in his eye and the emotion in his voice made you shiver. Was it possible that he also felt more? Or was he just lost in this blissful moment chasing a much needed release?
You didn’t care anymore, you needed to hear him say it, even if it wasn’t real.
“Aemond,” you pleaded softly,”Tell me you’re mine.”
He whimpered at your words,”I’m yours, I’m all yours, my lady.”
HIs lips found yours in a soft sweet kiss while he started slamming into you harder and faster, chasing his release.
“Say it back to me,” he moaned.
“I’m yours, Aemond.”
“All mine,” he growled before kissing your neck again.
You were close, all you needed was that little push.”Aemond, touch me, please,” you whined.
His hand moved in between your legs, fingers frantically rubbing your clit, making you see stars and you clenched around him hard, taking him with you in your downfall.
“Fuck,” Aemond breathed, collapsing on top of you. You didn’t want him to move and you wrapped both arms around him to hold him close.
He smiled against your cheek before pressing several soft kisses to your lips.
You laid with him in silence for a while, neither of you willing to move. Unspoken words hanging in the air until you finally broke.
“My prince,” you whispered softly,”Last time I was here I saw…that girl…”
He moved to lie down beside you in the bed, still keeping his arm around your waist,”Is that what’s been bothering you?”
“I am not bothered,” you lied.
He looked at you with a little smirk telling you he saw right through you.”Then why did you mention it, hmm?”
“Fine,” you sighed,” Would it be so bad if I was?”
“No, my princess,” Aemond grabbed your hand and lifted it up to his lips, kissing your knuckles,”It would not be bad at all, the opposite actually. The idea that you would feel jealous or possessive over me is…”
He swallowed his words but couldn’t hide the blush on his cheeks.
He held your hand to his heart and added,”But you have no reason to feel so.”
Your eyes met his, you wanted so much to believe him but you also wanted to ask him for an explanation. Who was she was and what was she doing in his bed? And how many times had they… 
You were afraid the answer would only make you feel worse. Aemond sensed your insecurity.
“Hey, look at me,” he whispered,”I did not touch her.”
Now it was your turn to smirk and roll your eyes at him.“She was naked in your bed, Aemond. You don’t have to lie to spare my feelings, I can handle it.”
“I swear on my mother’s life I did not touch her,” he repeated, holding your gaze before he continued explaining,”She was one of Aegon’s whores, my brother sent her to me as a present because I had been in a terrible mood all week and he was fed up with me, I guess.”
You stayed quiet.
“He just wanted to offer me some distraction. But I….”
He sighed deeply.
“What is it?” you asked carefully.
“The only distraction I want is you,” he whispered,”You’re all I want, my lady.”
Your heart soared at the way he was looking at you and you leaned in and softly kissed him. Aemond grabbed your face with both hands and deepened the kiss.
It was different than before, his kiss was still hungry but it was also tender and delicate and filled with more affection than you could handle. He was kissing you as if you gave him life and he would die if he stopped. Your heart was beating fast in your chest.
“Aemond,” you breathed after a while, coming up for air.
“I can’t stop thinking about you,” he continued in a whisper, unable to stop now that his emotions had surfaced and his honesty hadn’t chased you away yet.”You’re on my mind every single minute of every day. It drives me insane when you’re not here, I need you in my bed so I can take you every night and every morning. I want you so bad, all the goddamn time.”
He rolled on top of you, lips finding your neck while his cock pushed against your inner thigh, rock hard again. 
“Gods, I need you, my sweet girl,” he breathed before kissing your mouth again. Your legs spread for him and your hands cupped his face.
“I need you too, Aemond,” you moaned softly as his fingers started teasing your clit.
“You’re always so fucking wet for me,” he growled and aligned his cock with your entrance, teasing you some more before pushing it in.
“Please,” you begged,”More.”
“Tell me what you need, princess.”
”I need you closer, and deeper. Take me and do not hold back.”
Your words spurred him on and he slowly started fucking you, as deep as he could until your heavy moans were the only thing filling the room. You wrapped your body around his, meeting his thrusts, nails digging into his back while your teeth sank into his shoulder. It was enough to make him lose control.
His one hand cupped your face, keeping his eye on yours as he fucked you senseless. You were coming undone, the intense eye contact adding even more fire and an intimacy that almost felt overwhelming. You wanted to look away from him but he didn’t let you.
“Keep your eyes on me,” he moaned,”I want to see you fall apart….be with me…cum for me.”
Your body did as he asked, clenching hard as you both climaxed together, this one even more powerful than the last. 
You were completely spent afterwards, sated and satisfied beyond your wildest expectations. The both of you a hot, sweaty mess when Aemond finally pulled out of you and rolled onto his back next to you.
Your hand searched for his and he laced his fingers with yours, not letting go.
“Stay,” Aemond whispered.
You both leaned onto your sides to look at each other, his hand gently cupping your cheek.”Stay the night with me,” he repeated.
“Aemond,” you smiled softly, leaning into his touch,”I want to but….”
He instantly pulled his hands from you and sighed while leaning onto his back, eye at the ceiling now instead of on you.
“I’m sorry,” you moved to sit on the side of the bed, putting your nightdress back on and searching for the rest of your clothes,”I should go.”
Aemond leaned on his elbows to look at you, a sad smirk on his face,”Fleeing the scene of the crime, hmm?”
“That’s not…you’re not…,” you sighed.
“it’s alright, my lady,” he regained his composure and watch you put on your skirt and coat.
When your eyes found his again there was nothing but softness in his gaze and you couldn’t help but smile at him.
“When can I see you again?” you asked.
“Right now,” he teased,”Stay and you can see me all night.”
“Aemond,” you rolled your eyes but could’t suppress another smile.
“Tomorrow?” he asked, more seriously.
You nodded.”Tomorrow sounds good.”
“I meant it, you know,” he then added.
“I’m yours,” he whispered,”And no matter whose bed you sleep in tonight, deep down inside you know it too…you’re mine.”
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every so often i see people complaining that the rules that govern the endless are unfair and shouldn't exist, and it's always just kinda funny, bc im here like oh you do NOT want to get rid of the rules, trust me
is it unfair that desire gets away with so much bc they're the only one willing to break the rules? yeah, probably. but the solution to that is more rules, not less, because we're dealing with 7 immortal siblings who've been around since the dawn of time and have the maturity levels of teenagers
and in that context all of the rules make so much sense
like there's probably more rules than we know about, but let's focus on the main three - no loving mortals, no interfering in each others' affairs, no spilling family blood
1) endless can't love mortals. the one rule we know was instated later than the rest, almost entirely because of dream. for two reasons. the more obvious is that dream and desire are never gonna stop fighting, and when you put a mortal in the way of that, they are almost definitely gonna get murdered or worse. but also, there's lifespans to consider. not every dead mortal can end up in the dreaming, and not all of them want to. dream dating someone mortal means at some point, he is going to outlive them, that's not in question. and dream... doesn't take loss well. he stood outside in the rain without moving for three weeks when thessaly left, and they'd only been dating a few months. and then we have lucien's word on what happened after nada...
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if the dreaming entirely comes to a halt for weeks or years or centuries after a girlfriend leaves him, dream grieving an actual death of a partner is actively dangerous. you can't stop dream from dating, and from those relationships going poorly, but at least it has a much higher chance of being a mutual breakup if death has been taken out of the equation
(and, you know, might as well make it a universal rule, both just in case, and so dream isn't constantly aware that this one was made because of him)
2) no interfering in the affairs of other endless. think, for a second, about the sibling rivalries in this family. and that's just the ones that exist now, when several of them have had a chance to grow up - it's said they were all a lot more immature and prideful, even death, back in the day (she grew into the older sister position).
i saw someone say once that everything in the dcu makes sense when you consider that the universe is being run by seven warring siblings, and honestly i'm inclined to agree! they're all a mess
but at least they're messes that mostly leave each other alone. which means their domains are at least protected by the fact that they all individually care about what they were created to do - there's only one person making decisions and that person generally wants the best for those that enter their domain
death in the show talks about how when she was young, she had a hard time seeing her purpose, because everyone seemed to hate her and she didn't know what to do about it. what she says in the comics is that she did stop. once it really started to get to her, she refused to collect souls. no one and nothing died. and it was only through realising how much more that was hurting the world that she started to learn how to be okay with it
when any of them stop or get distracted or kept away from their jobs, it's the mortals who suffer. and even if they all meant well, which they often don't, have you ever tried running important projects with seven people leading? at best, it slows you down, at worst it can ruin the project entirely. given how much they try to tell each other how to live their lives already, if they were allowed to get up in each others' business, you might as well be jamming up the cogs of the universe
3) can't spill family blood. so, it's easy to look at that and see orpheus, and rose walker, and all the traps that dream almost or did fall into. but as far as i'm aware, other than orpheus and unity's descendants, we don't know of any other kids of the endless, and those were all pretty recent, on a universal scale. honestly, given how dream is the only hopeless romantic of the family, i'd be willing to bet orpheus was the first. so it's extremely unlikely when this rule was put into place that children were on anyone's mind. time and night are on such a cosmic scale of power i don't think even all of the endless combined could kill one of them. which means this rule is about each other
and given everything we just said about interfering with each other, can you imagine if they were allowed to kill each other? because endless reincarnate, death amongst their family would lose all meaning. you could kill one of your siblings for annoying you and get back a potentially less annoying version of them almost immediately. but every time you did that, you'd be disrupting the functions of the universe. and with siblings like dream and desire, who don't see the other's domain as important at all, they wouldn't care. if they'd been doing it since the start, it's possible none of them would see that as a bad thing
you'd have the universe falling apart before it could even really begin. and they might not even notice
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Someone was talking shit bout Katara again and I'm about to kill people
Warning LONG post sorry
EVERYONE always brings up the "then you didn't love her like I did" scene and you know what in Kataras angry vindicated righteous fury addled mind, that's how she feels
She heard Sokka say he can't remember their mom, that he can only see his YOUNGER sister when he tries to picture her
Katara is fucking fuming because she finally has a chance to hunt down the man that killed their mom and Sokka is trying to stop her and I'm sorry but Sokka CANT understand Kataras pain
While not outright stated, we know Katara knows why her mom died, she's known the whole time.
Her mom died in her place, that is something Sokka will never have to live with
Losing his mother obviously hurt him, duh I'm not going to devalue his trauma, but Sokkas trauma that gets explored in the show is not losing his mom, but his dad.
Another thing I hate is when people say, well Sokkas older so he spent more time with their mom, like way to fuck up your argument because you are saying their love of their mother can be objectively measured.
Also you're trying to tell me in a society dependent on gender roles Katara wasn't spending more time with their mother than Sokka yeah right.
Yall say she needed to apologize (which I completely agree with because at the end of the day it is an awful thing to say to your brother who while not impacted the same way was just as affected as you) but no one is saying Sokka needs apologize for making fun of Kataras waterbending (do yall not understand why she's so passionate about bending her mom DIED because Katara was a bender, Katara thinks she needs to prove that her mother's death wasn't in vain HER AND SOKKA ARE PARALLES Kataras trying to prove herself to their mom and Sokka their dad)
They are CHILDREN they deserve to talk about what they loved doing with their mom and how losing her hurt them differently.
Because they're kids, they can't grasp that grief is different for everyone. They were both so fucked up by her death but in almost opposite ways. Sokka represed that shit so hard it's insane please baby get therapy and Katara lives her life trying to ensure NO ONE forgets their mother's sacrifice.
Sokka forces himself to forget
Katara forces herself to remember
I wish Katara apologized because she was objectively wrong, Sokka did love their mom but he grieves differently. And once Katara returns she understands where Sokkas coming from. She was just angry he wasn't angry because she's a child and wanted to know her emotions and anger were valid but instead felt vilified by the person who was meant to understand.
I wanted to see Katara apologize to, because her and Sokka deserve to hug and cry and scream about how unfair the world is, they deserve to have a mother figure in each other (which they do, they basically raised each other) but I hate how yall say she's unforgivable for this.
Unforgivable really? Yall are too harsh on Katara, it was fucked up, like insanely fucked up but unforgivable?
I guess the point of this post was me asking yall to give Katara some slack especially yall Sokka stans cuz if you hate Katara for this I feel like you don't really get Sokka either.
Obviously they love each other and they love their mom they just have never had the incredibly difficult conversation about how her death still affects them.
Their relationship is everything to me, I just want Sokka and Katara to be happy 😭
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Potion Accidents: Yuu get´s turned into a Child *Bonus Vil*
it´s 798 words and sorry is Vil is ooc also I decided to write for him because I thought Vil looking after a Child Prefect could be funny as fuck, also would have released it with the others but it got a bit to close time wise for my taste
Vil truly doesn´t care about Children, most of the time that is sometimes he thinks they are adorable little creatures but other times he can´t help but to be completely disgusted by them and it might be unfair to judge Children by someone who isn´t one anymore and was just turned into one because of an accident involving a certain trio that needs some brain cells…
but he shouldn´t get side tracked the reason he´s disgusted by them is the fact they not only keep digging up all the ground around Pomefiore and showing him their dirty hands but also every creature they dug out, he doesn´t now how but they even caught a rabbit this way and Vil had to stop Rook from cooking it in his words “the little Trickster put so much work into catching this creature he has to do something with it” Vil doesn´t know what was more disgusting Rook giving them praise for catching it or him wanting to eat it… actually no him encouraging them to get dirty is a lot worse than the fact that Rook wants to eat a random animal I mean it is Rook so isn´t that big of a surprise
but they are a horrible Child even ignoring their habit to get dirty, they always roll around the ground, put holes in their clothes and Vil even saw them trying to drink the liquid in a thermostat which could have ended fatally for them! and he thought them being an adult was already neglecting their will to survive in favor of all of their insane ideas
but they have some ups too it´s always hilarious to see Epel´s frustration when a Child easily beats him in a fight, they actually can keep Rook entertained for a while, are willing to do some of the more stereotypical ‘feminine’ in air quotes things that the students in Pomefiore do and they gladly follow his beauty routine, their older self could learn a thing or two from their current one in his opinion
but the most important one of all is that they compliment him and happily call him the fairest one of all
“mirror mirror on my wall who´s the fairest one of them all?” was it a bad idea to hang them onto the wall with a clothing rack just so he feels better about their compliments? maybe… but they are having fun and as long as they don´t get hurt everything will be alright
“you are the fairest one of them all your highness there is no one who can beat the Fairest Queen!” the Child was grinning and looked quiet proud of themselves for finally doing a halfway decent job, Vil can´t even comprehend how Yuu has trouble remembering such a short line but they finally did it
Vil plucked them of the wall much to their displeasure which they made quiet obvious by the fact they were trying to kick him away “unless you want to be dropped I recommend stopping this at once, you might be a Child now but I won´t show any more mercy than I usually do” this didn´t stop them of course if anything they tried even harder to land a hit on him and true to his word he dropped them without any regard for their safety… okay this a lie he did make sure the little Potato got a somewhat soft landing but they won´t ever know
they just stared at him for a long while not well doing anything he was a bit concerned now, he would have expected everything from crying to anger but not silence and them being quiet is never a thing but... “AGAIN!” they jumped up without any care that they might have hit him
“inside voice, who do you think you are?”
“throw me again!” they would never learn would they? “no, but if your so eager to torment somebody look for Epel”
“Epel is boring” this got a slight smirk from him, he knows exactly why they think he´s boring and that´s for the simple reason they wanted to play with some dolls one of his Dorm mates had with Epel and he refused no matter how many times they pestered him
“well this something he would surely find fun it so you should try asking him to play with you” they stared at him without blinking again, an odd and slightly scary trait they seemed to have had since their childhood but after a couple of minutes of just staring they shrugged and ran away to look for their next victim
Vil never would have guessed he would ever think these words but he misses the grown up Prefect at least they made less messes than their current one...
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celluloidbroomcloset · 4 months
To add my two cents about episode 8 and Calico Jack.
Stede's attitude always seemed peculiar to me (some call Stede jealous and while I think there's some truth to it, it's still a little unfair considering his past) I had the feeling that he was trigger and this is particularly due to the fact that quite a few elements of the episode echo his past as a victim of bully.
There is no flashback during this episode but it is a trigger atmosphere that Stede gave me.
Destruction of one's belongings (things that bullies do for fun), passive aggression and inability to defend himself (Big gal, Steve, pirate in store or something), hurtful activities (whipping, jumping off the boat, crabbing and the turtle which directly touches on violence against animals, something of which Stede seems particularly sensitive, the throwing of coconuts which can immediately be compared to the stoning and the boat of the pilot, and the death of Karl), the colors of the Stede's outfit is similar to the outfit he wore in the pilot's flashback with Nigel, and we can even see flowers embroidered on it.
It's for this reason that I somehow consider Calico Jack to be more vicious than Izzy, the latter is so annoying that we see him coming as a big jerk. While Calico Jack is so fun and playful that his abuse is toned down to "it's okay, it's just games" and as a result Stede comes across as the killjoy.
It’s for these kinds of reasons that at times the fandom gives me mixed vibes when it comes to Stede. I feel like there’s always this need to take him down one way or another. "That he never does anything right", "that he is always the one in the wrong" and that he will never win in the fandom...
(But hey, that’s more of a personal feeling than anything else, I have the unfortunate tendency to overinterpret so if this little gibberish makes no sense you can ignore it 😅)
In short nothing else to add, I love your blog and your metas on the serie in general ! ❤
I don't think Stede is jealous. He's seeing things slipping away from him and it's challenging his masculinity and his friendships. He's building something meaningful and he sees Jack coming in and trying to destroy it, bit by bit, in the way that Nigel and other bullies destroyed his peace in picking flowers.
Jack is insidious and he's designed to be. Izzy's hatred of Stede is very open and it's easy to see clearly. Jack hides behind that frat boy image; he's this apparently charming buffoon who knows exactly how to hurt people where it will do the most damage. And I do think Stede himself recognizes that, in a way that Ed can't because Ed has been accustomed to play along rather than resist. Ed's never been at the receiving end of bullies like Jack because he protects himself by playing with them instead of resisting them. The cracks in that show really early on because he's suddenly seeing that bullying directed at someone he loves, and it comes home to him increasingly that what is happening is not OK and not really justifiable, as hard as he tries to justify it. He tries to resist ("I've mellowed a bit"), but Jack won't let him. I think by the end, Ed sees Jack for what he is and also believes that's all he deserves, because he's brought pain and violence to Stede and Stede's ship. Ed is not having fun.
And Stede does stand up to Jack, quite unequivocally, nor does he walk it back when Ed decides to leave as well.
But I am also really bothered by how blame keeps being shifted onto Stede, like the kid who gets pushed down should have done something to avoid being pushed down. Or should just laugh it off.
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Hello there👀 if it's not to much to ask, could you do a period comfort for Mammon and Satan as well?
A/N: Hello hello, of course! Tbh I shocked myself with how quickly I started and finished writing this 😅 Thank you for being my first request!! <3 Make sure you take care of yourself if you’re not feeling well, and don’t forget to eat, drink and get lots of rest! Hope this can comfort you a bit :D tbh I have a heavy bias towards Mammon and I think it shows here😭
part 1 
part 3
Taking care of you on your period part 2 - Obey Me
Word count: 1.2k
Characters: Satan, Mammon
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-He definitely doesn’t know a lot about it, he has experience with people but he hasn’t actually had anything really long term or relationships with many humans so he’s a bit clueless, but in a somewhat endearing way
-You’re talking a lot less than usual with him and during classes you’re just resting your head on the desk the whole time, which is unusual because you usually at least try to listen and pay attention to what’s happening in the class
-Tries poking you with a pencil and asking you what’s up but you just groan and say you’re not feeling well and don’t explain much more because you can’t talk so he assumes you’re just sick
-Walking back home he notices how much you’re clutching onto your stomach and is very confused because he thought you had a regular cold or flu 
-When you both get back to the HoL, you both go to his room and you flop onto the couch and kinda curl up a bit (which does absolutely nothing to help relieve the pain but it feels like you’re doing something at least)
-His concern is growing very rapidly because you look like you’re about to pass out, so he gets behind you, chest pressed against your back and he wraps his arms around your stomach just tight enough for it to be comforting without it hurting you
-You want to explain things more in detail since you know he’s still confused and just following your lead since you don’t seem to be dying, but when you start talking/whispering about it because you don’t have the energy to speak above a whisper, your voice starts cracking and your eyes start watering for no reason and now it sounds like you’re about to start crying (which you do for a bit, even though in the moment the pain isn’t enough to make you cry, it’s just the effort of speaking + how unfair it feels that you have to suffer so much every month while others don’t) and he gets even more alarmed but just continues to cuddle you and reassure you that you’ll be fine and that you can tell him if you need anything
-His body is naturally very warm, so cuddling with him is extremely comforting
-He’ll want to turn on the tv in an attempt to distract you from the pain, but he ends up just quietly talking to you about random stuff instead since he doesn’t wanna overwhelm you with loud noise
-Eventually you fall asleep after around half an hour, and he absolutely refuses to move a single inch no matter how much he needs to go do other things because he doesn’t want to ruin your sleep after seeing how peaceful you look after everything
-After waking up and just sitting together cuddling under a big blanket for a bit, you both get hungry so he gets up and says he’ll go get you both something warm
-So you’re chilling waiting for him to come back, and this man shows up with spicy cup noodles
-On one hand, it is in fact something warm to eat. but on the other hand, the way it’ll go for your cramps is a big 50/50 since it’s spicy
-You decide not to say anything though because of how excited he seems to eat together and you don’t want to be hungry for any longer if you ask him to make something else
-Mammon would feel so so guilty if it did end up making your cramps come back though, even though you’re trying to tell him it’s not necessarily his fault and that cramps just go on and off throughout the whole time you’re on your period, he still feels super bad (and kind of useless) so you’ll have to comfort him afterwards and thank him for at least trying to help by doing something for you, but since you’re still in pain he just tries to push down the guilt so he can focus on helping you feel better again
-He’s already a big slacker when it comes to handling his responsibilities right away, and he’s also got really bad habits with spending money, and both of those habits get so much worse when you’re not feeling well, especially on your period. Mammon will literally buy you anything you want because of how badly he wants you to feel better 😭 you might have to tell him to tone it down a bit eventually if it bothers you, but for the most part it’s just really sweet, especially paired with how much time he spends with you. it almost seems like he thinks you’ll die if he leaves you alone for longer than 5 minutes, which seems very paranoid but when the one time he’s not there you do end up passing out, you decide you prefer the exaggerated worrying over having to be alone through that again
-Overall a 10/10 but he kinda struggles with what foods to get you during this time since you’re showing him how much more fragile humans are then he thought before 💀
-Despite how much he loves reading about anything and everything, I don’t really think that Satan would know a ton of stuff about periods, since it’s a bit more specific than just learning human biology and sicknesses/diseases (and it’s pretty rare to see books discuss it in general unless they’re catered towards those who have specific issues while on their period)
-He’d definitely be the type to start carrying around pads, tampons, painkillers, a mini heating pad and any other stuff you might need around just in case you get your period without being prepared while you’re both out, and he’ll also have a bunch of supplies in his room somewhere so you won’t have to wait for anyone to go out to buy them for you
-If you’re both out and you start getting cramps, he’s gonna find a cat after you both find a place to sit down and set it down on your lap and then tell you about how he’s read that cats and their purring can help humans in pain (including cramps)
-Resting your head on his lap while he reads to you in front of the fireplace while he’s gently petting your head and you’re covered with a light blanket so you don’t get too cold 🥺
-I feel like he also has a lot of body heat, and he’ll offer to kind of lightly rub your stomach from under your shirt if you’re comfortable with it, since sometimes it feels like the heating pad works less effectively than natural body heat
-He’s really good at making food quickly, so he’ll make you something like soup (since sometimes when you feel bad on your period the chewing makes you feel kind of nauseous) real quick and bring it back to you so you can warm up and feel better quickly
-If any other demons comment on how weak you are or somehow make your pain worse, he’ll hold himself back in front of you obviously since you’re the most important and he doesn’t want to make you feel any worse than you already are, but what he does afterwards depends on what they did. regardless though, he will insult them and give them a few threats to make sure they know he won’t allow it to happen again
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