#which isn't the case !!!
uncanny-tranny · 6 months
This might seem like an "old man yells at cloud" situation, but it's just wild growing up and being told how dangerous distracted driving is - how, at highway speeds, you can traverse the length of a football field (100 yards, 91 meters) in a matter of seconds - how one split second sending a text while driving could result in a potential fatal crash, and then getting on the road as a driver and being surrounded by billboards. Their entire purpose is to catch one's attention, so they're lining major roads, which tend to be highways. How is it that you're told how important it is to never be distracted while driving, but still being advertised to?
At best, this type of advertising is an eyesore to pedestrians and motorists and a general waste of electricity to light it, and at worst, it is an active danger considering they are there to advertise and therefore, must catch people's attention.
I'm not even against advertising in theory, but this particular mode bothers me so much and I hate how pervasive it is - especially in large cities or highways.
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jaymesdoodles · 1 year
idk probably bc of society and capitalism, but I always feel like I have to justify being poor? yknow? like I just because my house is niceist I feel like I have to explain it away. I feel like I have to tell everyone why I struggle and don't get my basic needs meant. When it's truly just... no one business? it doesn't matter what got me into this situation, but I'm here. And I deserve to not have to explain, that yes. I am poor.
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flame-shadow · 3 months
As a commissioner, I love seeing how artists interpret and stylize my characters, but as an artist, I often agonize over if I should try to match the style of the provided reference or lean into my own style.
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overtake · 1 month
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Weekend Warm-Up | 2024 Miami Grand Prix
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touchlikethesun · 2 months
not to be that person but what do you mean butchered tongue is the least streamed song on unreal unearth. what do you mean people can listen to lines like "and as a young man blessed to pass so many road signs / and have my foreign ear made fresh again on each unlikely sound / but feel at home hearing a music that few still understand" and just. move on. sort that song into the skip file. what. what do you mean.
anyways butchered tongue is the best song, the most haunting song off unreal unearth.
y'all just don't fucking listen to lyrics anymore.
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tsuyoiqueen · 1 month
every now and then i leave tumblr for a few months cause i get hyper focused on something that's not really popular here so i have to look for other sources. but every now and then neil gaiman comes out with a new queer couple with tragic backstory and an even more tragic present and i cannot help but be dragged back into this hellsite as my obsession reignites once again.
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densitywell · 9 months
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*shakes you* do you get it
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dw-flagler · 6 months
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your-turn-to-role · 1 year
you know while we're doing all this beautiful meta writing about perc'ahlia because of lovm s2 - and this is not intended to disparage them btw this makes me like them even more - i would just like to remind everyone that in addition to having some of the genuinely best and most romantic moments on this show, they're also the couple that pined for ages and only had the courage to say something to each other about it after one of them died, upon which they:
got together near immediately
broke up a few months later
got together again
had the equivalent of a vegas wedding literally because one of them dared the other and they both refused to back down
(taliesin and laura also didn't remember who made the dare and who said yes because they're both equally likely to do that)
didn't tell anyone they cared about that they got married bc it was too awkward to bring up so they just kept it a secret for months until a god made them say it
and then had a formal wedding a year later because what were they going to do, not throw a huge party and dress up fancy about it? come on.
they have the range, and also they're disasters i love them so fucking much
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yourhighness6 · 4 months
Every so often I am struck by how truly wonderful the zutara ship is. Unreal chemistry? Check. Mutual support? Double check. Fits so many great tropes my head is going to explode while also somehow being completely unique? Check times a million.
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bugsbenefit · 3 months
genuinely still baffled by the "they don't need to address Mike's sexuality, all that matters is that he's in love with Will" crowd. especially when people say it who claim to care about Mike's character (when you could also just say you don't really care for that part of the show, which would be fine, no one cares about all characters/arcs)
because Surely you realize how him being gay or bi would change his entire character, right. whether he's attracted to girls or not would change the way all his actions up until now are to be interpreted. not even making a statement on his sexuality here, this is generally speaking
if he was actually attracted to El you'd have to address when and why he suddenly stopped loving El since in fiction "it just happened" isn't usually a satisfying answer to breaking a multi season couple up. Why is Will it for him? he's been acting weird for ages so when did he realize? and what made it click he fell out of love with El for good? you'd have to give some explanation for why he was able to proclaim his love for El accidentally in s3 and then fail to do it in the same season while looking uncomfortable with kissing her and so on since his pov was so majorly withheld
if he's not attracted to girls his arc in s5 needs to focus more on comphet and how dating El affected him/why he felt he couldn't break up with her/homophobic attitude in his surrounding slash Hawkins. or the idea of platonic and romantic love in general. there would be no how he got from point A(El) to point B(Will), like what the focus of a bi!Mike s5 arc would have to be on to explain what happened, but a focus on how he ended up at point A in the first place and why he was stuck there/how it affected him
and even core moments of the series would have entirely different meanings depending on if he's attracted to girls. "it's not my fault you don't like girls" being a peak example. if he's gay it's easy to explain it with projection. if he IS attracted to girls though it would read as a much more intentional (even if blurted out) act of homophobia, since it would be him pointing something out that Will genuinely does (not liking being around girls) but he himself can't relate to
and that's all just the surface level differences. Mike being attracted to girls or not being attracted to girls would give his arc an entirely different focus in s5. AS WELL as make his past actions have entirely different meanings. the idea that "it doesn't matter for his character" is so insanely wrong it's wild how many people confidently peddle it
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lewikdraws · 2 years
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*slaps the roof of 1899* this show can fit so many triangles in it
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dnalt-d2 · 6 months
I'm still not over just how many different levels of insane today's lore was
We've got 2/3rds of morning crew, with Pac asking Ramon for his blessing to start dating Fit, plus the new info about the Code Attack the other day
Then we jump to Phil, who was just trying to make an orchard with his kid, when suddenly he's face-to-face with this little Eye Guy who escaped a government facility where he was being tortured for information. Then two big Eye Guys show up and tell Phil that if he doesn't hand the little guy over in two days time, they're going to harm his child. After dealing with that as much as he can, the government comes back and recaptures the little guy, presumably to torture him again. All the time, with the looming presence of an almost all-knowing Creation Deity who's trying to help him heal his damaged mental state, as well as resist the temptation of a greedy undead Monarch from another world.
And then Roier's evil twin brother conspired to switch Roier's brain with a rat and now we have Ratoier
Just saying, today was a D A Y
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nelkcats · 10 months
Possessive Nature
Danny was worried, Undergrowth was coming for a visit and that would be completely fine if Poison Ivy wasn't blocking his way home while proclaiming that her babies deserved better.
Sam had gotten both ghosts to talk and now they had a sort of uneasy truce, and Danny needed his help to stop killing the plants in his new apartment in Gotham so he ended up asking for some advice, to which Undergrowth agreed.
Danny's first thought was that he was screwed, Ivy was going to meet Undergrowth and they would try to rule the world, maybe put it in a state of permanent vegetation; that would be good, if they didn't plan to destroy everything that was there. His second thought was his mistake in thinking of Gotham as an "uneventful" place. His third thought was to call Batman.
Unfortunately he couldn't continue thinking because the Ancient of nature arrived at his location, he surveyed all the greenery and seemed to marvel, before noticing the halfa in the center of the whole mess. Danny would have been long gone if Ivy hadn't planted a stupid variety of blood blossoms during her attack; he couldn't do more than greet the Ancient with a grimace, it was obvious that he couldn't move much.
The wonder on Undergrowth's face faded and he frowned, summoning his own ghost flowers and staying away from the deadly variety of blood blossoms.
Bright side: Undergrowth and Ivy had not teamed up to rule the world.
Downside: He discovered how possessive ghosts are as Gotham became the modern day Amazon.
Fuck, he really didn't want to explain it to Batman.
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missycolorful · 4 months
Something really stood out to me during q!Philza's conversation with his eggs when they confronted him about being left behind at Etoiles' house. Because I realized a bit too late what the topic at hand was, and it made me realize why q!Phil was defensive and overexplaining his perspective in a situation where he made a mistake.
Because it's really all about what the situation was: Philza accidentally leaving them behind at Etoiles house. His kids, especially Tallulah, like to joke about being abandoned just for the sake of being dramatic. It's all jokes, yes! But they say as much here, and this time, it's a legitimate statement. He abandoned them, though accidentally. And they took that seriously. And abandon is kind of a scary word here. especially with Tallulah.
Philza knows she doesn't deal with the idea of abandonment well. She doesn't like being left behind, it makes her feel unloved. He doesn't want to do that to her. So when he did something stupid, he tries so hard to let them know that he didn't mean to, that he misunderstood and made a mistake. That he'd never abandon his kids, abandon Tallulah. He's a bit defensive because what they were saying, to him, sounded like they thought what he did was intentional, and that their hurt came from him doing it on purpose. So he overexplains himself so they understand that he wouldn't do that to them.
Of course, the problem is, he did, and even if it's accidental, it's still something that upset them and scared them. And incidental or otherwise, their feelings about the situation are still valid. Sure, nothing really wrong with explaining your perspective on the situation to clear the air, and it's easy to see why Philza would do that especially here. But yeah, q!Phil, you just had a birdbrain moment, you just gotta apologize and be more careful next time, that's all, man! Which, he did several times throughout the interaction, and to me, it seemed like afterward, he was being extra careful to keep an eye on them. So he's taking what came out of this situation fairly seriously!
But what I think is important to remember is that the Death family is so tightly-knit. They're all so important to each other, they rely on each other and they hold no secrets between one another. He never wants his children to think he'd leave them behind for any reason. It's just that he's a birdbrain sometimes, the dumbass <3
EDIT: hello, yes, yes, I talked a bit more about this scene and the implications of what was being discussed here! I even mention why this particular worry has manifested in Tallulah and Chayanne in particular as of recent!
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waystarresourceco · 8 months
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Alan Ruck on Conor and Logan's relationship (and a little look into why Connor wasn't a contender for heir apparent). (x)
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