#which isnt a great analogy but i think it works.
bbq-potato-chip · 5 months
kind of want to rewatch cowboy bebop
#honestly i dont know why i just got this wave of nostalgia for some reason#i watched it in the middle of the pandemic. i distinctly remember binging it and eating icecream sandwiches#ik the pandemic was bad but i. i kind of miss sitting around.........#missing that 3 2 1 lets jam you know.#honestly out of all the watanabe productions its really not my most favorite.#space dandy and samurai champloo are my personal favorites#but i've been in a cowboy bepop mood lately. not sure why#its kind of sad though that its the most popular...WHERE ARE MY SPACE DANDY FANS!! HELLOOO#if cowboy bebop and samurai champloo are like bleach and naruto space dandy is like the gintama#which isnt a great analogy but i think it works.#not to mention the fact that the music SLAPS. honestly all three of them have great soundtracks but#space dandy really is my favorite. it just scratches an itch in my brain idk what to say#if space dandy has 1 million fans i am one of them if space dandy has 100 fans i am one of them if space dandy has#10 fans i am one of them. if space dandy has 1 fan that is me. if space dandy has no fans then i am no longer on this earth. thank you#oh and not to mention that the animation is stunning. they get experimental with it and its really cool#its done by the same people who animated mob pyscho i think. not 100% about that but im p sure#i would rb sooooo many gifs but. no one cares about it unfortunately :\#sorry this totally derailed. uh. now i kind of want to rewatch space dandy instead lol
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transmutationisms · 10 months
hello! a question that is poorly articulated. this is only because i am young and havent read any communist stuff since the 19th century. how do you describe youtubers in a marxist analysis? i saw some people talking about how youtubers can't unionize to gain control over their situation because 1. they aren't actually youtube's employees and 2. the big youtubers with any amount of impact don't have incentive to join the union. ever since that post, i've been thinking about the whole ad revenue sponsorship... thing... and realized i cannot articulate that relationship in a marxist analysis at all. like, they're protelariat sure, but thats all i can say. outside companies paying for ads to go on videos which youtube pays for storage + moderation for but doesnt actually make, and then a portion of that ad revenue based on views per video goes to the creator? that's as far as i can get. the labour relationship just isnt clear to me at all. thanks for reading, perfectly fine if u dont want to answer + your posts are great + hope youre having a good day
so yeah i think you're mostly just getting thrown by the business jargon here. someone who makes their own videos and earns a living that way is selling their labour-power; the platform is extracting surplus value from that labour by selling user data, advertising slots, &c. youtube paying for storage and so forth is a business expense, analogous to a factory owner paying for machinery. youtube also pays employees, like moderators and programmers; advertisers pay employees too, both in-house and in the sense that they basically treat youtubers as independent contractors or gig workers (which is to say, employees but with few legal protections). the rules about how the percentages of profits are divvied up are irrelevant, from a strictly marxian perspective; the relevant consideration is which parties are producing something, and which parties are profiting from expropriating and selling something that someone else has produced.
the major caveat here is ofc that many/most very successful youtubers do not actually make their own videos lol, in the sense that they typically have employees, production companies, &c performing that labour for them and may also have branched out into branded product lines or whatever. in such cases they have taken on a capitalist role because they are then selling a product someone else has made (ownership in the production process or means of production, as opposed to actually labouring themselves to produce something). they may also contribute to products themselves to a greater or lesser degree (appearing onscreen, contributing creatively) but that doesn't negate the fact that their their profit margins come from the surplus value generated by making more off an employee's work than what they pay that employee. this is the distinction between earning wages for your own labour, versus extracting profit from someone else's.
so bottom line, it depends from case to case because 'youtuber' can mean someone with several different relationships to labour and production. but in general, the fact that advertisers may pay for ad deals, and platforms pay for business expenses, doesn't prevent a youtuber from being a labourer in those relationships.
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loathsomespider · 1 year
to be clear this is not an attack on you and i enjoy your work. you dont even have to answer this if its too rude or presumptuous in your opinion. but i think its funny seeing your "definitively, if its the source material, they would fucking say that" post while knowing how you feel about the weaker parts of homestuck and also the uh. the epilogues. again this isnt supposed to be an epic own gotcha moment i think everyone is allowed to contain multitudes and shit. im just also a bit mischievous and part of me wants to be the little wondershowzen puppet going "But can we discuss the contradiction"
ah too bad you wanted to be a silly little gotcha puppet but i was thinking about this too! hold my hair back im forming this idea in real time so im about to start just vomiting the fuck up a bunch of half-formed ideas. (this is the second time today ive used this analogy)
the thing is that while i dont like the homestuck epilogues at all, there's no denying that it is largely, in-character, in broad strokes. it's a story which relies on every character being their worst possible self, sure. it is, in a lot of ways, a very public, very messy relapse. it gets at some really ugly parts of what the characters are, and that's just not what i want from homestuck.
it's part of a larger trend of hussie trying really hard to Make Dramatic Art and Tell Stories With A Point that i think really plays against what theyre good at, like. you see this with psycholonials too, just this idea of storytelling where nothing good ever happens and every character is not just flawed, but unbearably, noxiously toxic. and yknow, that's fine too, its literally not an invalid goal for a story to have.
its just not what i really like about homestuck and to a lesser extent problem sleuth. like, as messy as my feelings are about psycholonials, i still think fondly of zhen as a character even if she is the worst person to ever exist.
its like they took "dave being abused by bro came out of nowhere, the rooftop strifes dont really feel textually different from the other guardian strifes" all the way to heart and way overcorrected.
but all that to say, the worst possible self-hood apple hasnt fallen too far from the tree. and that's not strictly an invalid thing to tell a story about. it's just not what i want out of homestuck. and the tangible difference there, imo, is that puts the onus of not liking it on me, rather than hussie, cephiedvariable and ctset. they set out to do something, i didn't like what they did, i had an extended mental breakdown about it that i am still feeling the ramifications of even now, but at some point, the world continued to turn.
i hope you can kind of sense this feeling in bdth - while they aren't really in the running to be main characters or anything, rosebot, pesterquest rose, and candy rose are all real in burning down the house. i may be taking jane in a different direction, but that different direction is still in terms of hs2 jane. hell, tavros crocker gets a cameo in the walkaround
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and yeah, this is to emphasize the contrast bdth jane against post-canon jane, but in order for that contrast to mean anything, those parts of the character have to have meaning enough to be rejected, which is the real point im getting at. it sort of drives home that i'm not just *really fucking up* at writing jane, too, which is actually more important than youd think.
ignoring the textual parts of a character you dont like because it conflicts with what you want the character to be (an image that you construct and maintain on your own, unintentionally) is a great way to wind up doing bad characterization of that character.
and yknow, sometimes that's fine! if your reach never gets beyond making an incorrect quotes blog, that doesnt matter. who give a shit. besides me, historys most notorious hater, who will seethe about a bad character take for weeks on end. (but i am the exception, not the rule)
if you're really swinging for the fences as i tend to do, at all times, even when i would be best suited not to, it just doesnt sit right to me to drop bits of a character you dont like just because you dont like it. when youre writing, its there specifically to be played with. and again, "playing with it" here still encompasses rejecting it and doing something different.
and yeah, different authors are going to focus on different parts of a character, but then youre getting out of the scope of this post tbh. but i think its worth remembering that nobody ever wants to make something bad on purpose. even intentionally making something bad on purpose is something you would want to succeed at, you dont want to fail at making something bad on purpose, etc. etc. this is stupid.
tl;dr its not actually that contradictory imo
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rambling, random, ship
I have no idea why i am talking about this but had random impulse to say anything. I don’t think what i’ll be saying is actually what I believe in, maybe it’s a random thing, my mind is always wandering. Maybe some people will judge me but i no longer care tbh.
Reasons why I ship Ludoffee:
- Nostalgia. Perhaps my longing for old days and that ships takes me closer to those days that felt better back then. Pretty much personal selfish thing. It’s like keeping an old stuffed animal from childhood , to give the analogy.
- Both are villains whose stories were not fullly realized in canon.
- A cool composed and self-restrained man in a suit likes a short and emotional awkward guy - it’s kind of cute. (ok not “kind of”.. deep down I like this dynamic because that difference is kind of wholesome)
- Many ways to explore the dynamic in unusual ways (aka the “stereotyped as incompetent” guy turns out to be more emotionally mature in ways the cool guy isnt and can do great things which impresses the “cool” guy)
- Its pretty much Venomous and Boxman but as monsters.. (if they were not the way they were in canon)
- There was a lot of canon detail in season 1 (confirmed liking from Ludo toward Toffee. But uh, it wasn’t actually great tbh (including Ludo’s attitude; if Toffee were not manipulative and geniunely worked for him Ludo would be the problematic one I feel))
I kinda ship Eclipsafee, but the reason I do is probably because I thought that Eclipsa would date him and her personality would go in interesting ways with his. It’s also kind of a “sweet x goth” dynamic which is like a blueprint for a cool ship (”is toffee the goth and Eclipsa is sweet or Eclipsa is sweet and Toffee is goth?” - yes) .
- They Both give off a vibe “cool uncle or aunt”. Both are grown adults who seem mature (but aren’t)
- Making up their banter and dialogue would be fun (one is gloomy and other is sassy)
- A “used to know each other in teens years and met again years later and found out how much they changed” dynamic is cool. + Potential for writing: changes caused them to develop new perspectives on one another.
- Dark purple + dark purple
- Eclipsa could bond with Toffee because she was seen as monster too
- A dynamic where they don’t end up together because Eclipsa has her true love Globgor sounds interesting as well. All hail lone Toffee (a cool mysterious man in a suit who is not married and is single and likes it that way but sometimes stares at a lady he used to love and her husband being happy.). Also it’d be bittersweet to headcanon (in an au, Not canon) that Eclipsa does have some feelings for Toffee despite her living her new life fully.
__ Moontoffee
I used to avoid it at all costs for reasons i have already said in past. Mainly bc of second had embarrassment and fear that it will sink. But after everything ended I felt more free in trying to look at it.
- I wouldnt ship them as a royal Butterfly family but I would ship them as rivals from different peoples who stayed that way but somehow changed their views on one another.
- I would rather ship them in an au where Toffee didn’t kill Moon’s mother. But still.. I may be hated for this but I’ve seen dynamics where one character killed other’s parent and still at the end they made amends and worked out as a team. So I don’t know. I understand that in Moon’s case her mother’s death greatly affected her and I have hard time seeing her ever forgiving that so its better to make an au where Toffee had nothing to do with it.
- The fact that Toffee can be drawn in Moon’s color palette is kind of sus.. Their palettes are almost the same..
- I always liked to associate Toffee with the moon (not Moon Butterfly but.. moon, the moon) and water. And knowing that water is associated with the moon, it feels almost symbolic in my imagination that he would look interesting with Moon (even as a platonic duo)
- They are.. pretty similar (both are leaders who are ready to become the devil for their own people and who want to keep their status at all costs). Also in canon they turned into less likable characters at the end.
- Funny headcanon of mine: Many monsters liked to call Toffee “Moony” and that caused a lot of confusion and some monsters ( and Toffee  as well ) thought they mockingly called him after Moon Butterfly - a princess they all hated. But in reality “Moony” among monsters means “Lunatic who is dependant on the moon”, so they mockingly called him a lunatic who is obsessed with Moon (by obsession I mean that Toffee couldnt let go of resentment and remembered what Moon did to him)
“Oh hello general Moony”
“It’s Toffee. I am Not like that mewman princess”
“No, I dont mean Moon. I mean Moony.”
- In all honesty I dont want to ship them in canon universe. I’d ship them if they were not as violent to one another and had to unite against greater threat. (i.e. they both disagreed with their bosses and superiors and bonded over that. Also a nice potential for them changing their views on each others’ kind and learning that the other is not evil)
- I think I would ship them platonically, as friends. Enemies to friends. It’s kind of hard for me to imagine them as a romantic pair who’d caress another’s cheek.
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daydreamteardrop · 1 year
Hello, Ranboo Tag! Ive come to share my words after being unessacarily passive aggressively bashed on Tiktok.
See, it started with a tiktok saying that genloss doesnt seem that scary after ep1. The opinion matched with mine after watching the first ep, so I wrote the comments something like "yeah, i thought I'd be scarier"
Some people tried to change my opinion by genuinely explaining how the next episodes are supposed to have more "horror", yknow? Other people just went straight to passive aggressively bashing me, with stuff like "what about Ranboo screaming let me die, huh? 🙄", Overall everything in the spirit off:
"what about *insert thing from ep 2 or 3*, idiot? Should've been more patient"
With a lot of aggression or ways to make you feel stupid. Here's the thing, I find it funny yet sad.
Oh noo, I had my own opinion that othwr ppl shared so i agreed!!!! Where are the people's minds at.
I was a bit dissapointed by it, because when i think back to 2021 and Ranboo announcing him working on genloss (yknow, 2020 - 2021 the era where everything was still fun) he said he was inspired by The Walten Files among other things. So thats what i expected: a vhs style analog horror. That wasnt what I got, so it threw me off a little bit, but I nontheless gave the first ep a try. I didnt like it that much, not because of it not being what its supposed to be, it just didnt appeal to me. Which, and idk if those kinda fans knew that, is completely fine!
You are not obliged to watch everything the cc pushes out and to like everything they do or say or release.
I have the attention span of a fetus, I would never be able to sit through ep 2 and 3. And i generally didn't feel like it, bc yknow, I didnt like it. So why would I.
And generally it all boils down to me thinking, wow. 2021 to early 2022 really was better.
Ive been in this fandom since November 2020. Ive been there for almost everything, excitedly watching it all and having fun! I never missed Ranboos or Tubbos stream, bc I was a huge beeduo fan. I made fanart and their videos helped me fall asleep.
And then everything started to dull at around May 2022. The vibe changed and me and probably many others, as I have heard others say the same, started to feel like this isnt enjoyable anymore. Call me and those people hung up on the past, but yknow, sometimes people loose interest, get more casual about things and idk, act like a responsible person distancing themselves from this thick responsibility of "like everything and watch every stream" when everything had dulled down and you dont feel the same you felt back then.
I was only in the fandom with one foot anyway. Occasionally watching Tommy, James Marriot and recently gaining a bit more interest on the QSMP. If i speak on my feelings and thoughts on the dsmp fandom changing, I'm sure even more people would bash me, even though its a genuine opinion and not whatever delusional hatecrime some ppl may think.
I genuinely hope that Generation Loss goes great for Ranboo and that he has fun doing it. And that the people who like it can enjoy and have fun.
But Im not obliged to and I dont wanna hear the bashing. If i read it, i laughing, just to be clear. But i think i got my point across.
If youve read this far, thank you for your patience, have a lovely day.
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nitazenes · 6 days
Sorry not trying to be weird but your bed frame is crazy cool lol
OH lol not weird at all it's actually my aunt, my aunt's room is the only one with a full length mirror lol so that's my aunt's bed
Apparently it belonged to her father, who got it from a family member first, so its been passed down 3 generations and you dont see bedframes like that anymore, its super antique Ive asked if i could have it left for me in the will but that thing is like solid wood and so fuckin heavy and the frame is about as squeaky as you can imagine being entirely wood but i have a mattress that doesnt move much so i still have my fingers crossed that I may have it when my aunt does eventually pass on, it would be a great honor to have it.
However a lot is being left in the will for me, which I am grateful for. i know i wont receive inheritance from really any other member in my family, so even if it's not money, my aunt has said many of the things she cherishes will be mine ;o; Whenever that time comes i'll be grateful for what I have and whatever she leaves for me. she has already promised two heirlooms to me, one which she gave me already and said to think of it as a pre-emptive gift for when shes gone. It's the watch I always wear! i very rarely switch up watches and if i do, you will probably see me wearing both. even when the watch eventually stops working (it has once before but it was able to be reset)
these watches run off of perpetual motion, meaning as i do my every day things and move my hands around, that powers the watch! which makes it waterproof as well (i still tend to take it off for showering but as soon as im done it goes right back on) lol i lost it for a while and I was extremely upset bc i just woke up one day and it had unclasped and gone somewhere I couldnt find it
it had fallen between my mattress and my own bedframe so i didnt find it for a while. even without perpetual motion, when i shook the watch, it didnt start again so i thought it was broken I had a professional watch dude take a look at it and he tried resetting it once and it wouldnt start up. so i was worried like, i was going to need a replacement part or a repair and unfortunately this watch is an Expensive One. however its kind of worthless to sell because I would have to sell the watch face and the band separately. Why? Because the people who sold it to my aunt told her it was a replacement band but not that it wasnt the same brand.
the replacement band on its own with the two links ive removed from it would be like $1.5k meanwhile the watchface, i was told theyd give me $500 for it. so all together this watch is $2k and it DOES need to be overhauled which will cost $500 on its own
a lot of people notice it not for the brand which this watch isnt as overt as some watches, like from a distance if someone didnt know what to look for, this could be a timex watch for all they know, or a knock off. but people who notice it tend to notice that its analog and not digital and older people tend to recognize this more and ive heard comments like "see young people still read analog" and no they do not lol ive taught someone how to read a clock, they do not teach analog anymore.
Anyway this brings me back to the bedframe because that thing is special and would definitely be an heirloom thing but I think its being given to my grandmother, but my grandmother and aunt are relatively the same age so i do hope to inherit it one day.
my aunt has cool shit and i WISH that was mine lol
sorry for the long ass response im feeling chatty!!!
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syrupspinner · 5 months
I completed 2064 Read Only Memories
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yes that's still impressive if it's a visual novel
so, this genre is inherently more plot than gameplay. that's not to say the gameplay isnt enjoyable, it's solid point-and-click. but when I discuss it, it's gonna be like, mostly about the story, so watch for spoilers. if you haven't played the game yet, I totally recommend it if you dig detective stories and/or point-and-click visual novels. the characters are great and the gameplay is solid (nothing too gimmicky, does everything right) and you can beat it in a weekend if you lock in. alright, spoilers ahoy
first, I gotta talk about the protagonist. something I always, always dislike are boring indistinct faceless self-inserts. I understand that you kinda have to avoid having too much disconnect in a narrative written in the 2nd person (lest you get the same reaction that would be had to a bad roleplayer godmoding)... but I think most stories have to live an die by their protagonist, just because like... that's who we're following the whole time. like, say what you want about Alex Eggleston, but he's memorable and directed. it's actually possible to write him out of character, unlike whoever was the protagonist in 2064. even Lady Love Dies, a VN protagonist who shares the same limitation of having dialogue trees with varying tones, still has character traits that she does and doesn't have, she still has distinct mannerisms and presentation. this didn't ruin the game or anything, I just thought it was kinda annoying
I really liked how the game presented hybrids and how everything tied into the world being presented. it always kinda makes me sigh when sci-fi shows try to depict analogies to specific types of oppression. don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good metaphor, I just think it's really easy to backfire. for example, I think Zootopia would've been fine if they presented the predator/prey social dichotomy in a way that wasn't a direct analogue to antiblack racism (instead of oppression in general) because you can summarize it as "the predators are black people" y'know what I mean? like, in real life, foxes eat rabbits, and that's literally the natural order of the world with the food chain and stuff, so trying to say "this is just like how black people work" isn't. great. 
anyway, I think hybridism as it's presented in 2064 is a great example of applicability. basically, instead of being a direct analogue, it can be applied to multiple dimensions of oppression without being limited to a single one. obviously the closest comparison is ableism, especially with the whole medical involvement and legally enforced sterilization, but in-universe a lot of people just treat it as an advanced body mod like ear stretching or something.   also, it's just something that's probably gonna be a thing in the future. it's a great way to explore the avenues and outcomes of social stigma without accidentally implying that black people have the innate urge to eat white people or whatever. 
also, detail I appreciate, I like how Jess is unfriendly and abrasive while James Stephanie Sterling's character (the anti-hybrid activist) is calm and soft-spoken. despite this, the games narrative is totally supportive and sympathetic to hybrids. it's an easy trap to fall in to just make the bigots incorrectness directly correlate with having an unpleasant personality, but this implies that people who are quiet are right, which is an implication on the same level as always drawing the correct characters to be conventionally attractive
speaking of the characters, that's a huge strength of this game. everyone you interact with is likeable and memorable. when I say likeable, I don't mean "I would be friends with them" (even if that does apply to a lot of them, shout out to my bros tomcat and starfucker)  I mean "I like seeing this character depicted onscreen". even bit characters like that bunny girl receptionist and that retired football guy stick out in my mind, and it's been a while since I played the game 
I think it was a bit of a misstep to let the player chose what order to play chapter 3/4 in. I got lucky on my first playthrough, but I can't imagine the deflation of tension from watching a vehicular manslaughter and then going on a fetch quest for a magical girl. I'm really not sure why they let you do that when it seems to me that it flows way better if that's right before the climax
the climax was so great though. I love it when characters all come together and chip in their talents, and I love how deus-ex-y the multiple endings are (in how heavy the rammys are). my favorite part though has gotta be the gameplay, hoo boy. narratively, dealing with the threat of this villain is unlike anything else [char_name] and Turing have deal with, so I adore the ludonarrative cohesion of making the ending such a change in gameplay. you can't just look around and click on things, you've gotta cut of doorways and sneak around. the sincere "oh crap" when I realized he could just kool-aid through the wall was priceless. 
and getting all of the achievements was a breeze. full disclosure, I died in the final boss and had to reload, but the game gave me the iron rom achievement anyway. as we say in the business, we take those. the real hardest achievement was the one with that stupid plant I had to play the game like 3 times to finally get it. turns out you have to mosey your ass to your apartment at every opertunity just to yap at that spoiled deadbeat. also I didn't like making Turing mad at me, because =[
anyway, you know that ya girls pumped for neurodiver. the somniums were my favorite parts of AI (as in, the uchikoshi joint) and in general I always dig abstract representations of someone's psyche. 
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usertoxicyaoi · 2 years
Does Vegas genuinely have a crush on Porsche or is it manipulation stemming from his Dad's instructions? Also I love how Vegas sees Pete as nothing more than a harmless guy sent by Kinn to follow him, a cute nuisance, little does he know👀
hiiii anon!!!!! i think its an infatuation. in the way that vegas is infatuated and lusts for power. see, he may Think that he has some ~feelings~ for porsche, but i think deep down, its heavily laced with his need to show/have/exert power and get one over kinn. in the novel, vegas' inferiority complex up against kinn is very neatly discussed, so i take it as that. of course, vegas is a master manipulator, and its so ........ oh so Convenient, isnt it, that WHENEVER porsche is down, vegas just Happens to be there to pick up the bits and take advantage. and he knows his ~sob tragic backstory~ will work on porsche to get porsche onside. because thats what its always been about with vegasporsche: to get porsche onside.
so yeah. maybe on the surface, there are some tender little feelings, but its where they stem from, and it all stems from having what kinn has. IF the show goes by what the novel did and we do get pete to see what Clips vegas has on his computer, and if they ARE the clips that they should be like they were in the novel, then my take will be even more solidified, that in fact, pursuing porsche is just for a power trip to get one on kinn. to have what he has.
but yeah. with pete, its a Very different story. and i think vegas is just highly amused that Pete is the one spying on him when both he AND pete himself know how shit of a job he's doing at it, and yet, he still does it out of duty dhfjsid. and i think vegas just finds that cute and funny, but i think he also lowkey admires pete's relentless efforts and he somewhat .... admires how honestly and viscerally pete's body reacts to him. he somewhat likes how much of an open book pete is to read, how easy it is to read pete, how much of an innocent little lamb he is. and yet he's the only one who can stomach his darkness.
and speaking of pete's relentlessness. i hope its a trait that stays when vegaspete Really get going. that vegas becomes attracted to pete's relentlessness and how stubborn and resilient he is towards vegas, later on. that he won't back down from vegas. i waaaanntttt vegas to go INSANE over that.
and so its suuuuper .... interesting that, pete himself in ep 10 says that HE will go to vegas' place, despite knowing what that means. yeah its a duty, but this time no one's placed him to do it, he himself has chosen to do it. and so, you gotta reap what you sow, right? and i think pete knows the risk and the consequence and that if this goes pear shaped, the aftermath won't be great. but i dont think he in his wildest dreams would have guessed the extent to how dark vegas' abyss is.
and yettttttt. he cannot look away!!! pete cannot look away from vegas!!!!!!! and i bet you that pete himself never in his wildest dreams would have ever known about the depth of his own desires, to which he'll become so aware of. and THAT ... what THAT in turn does to vegas ...... is where the real deal lies.
and so it Thoroughly entertains me and feeds my soul that vegaspete are That Couple who'll in one breath be together in an act of worship and talk about devoting themselves to one another to meet in the next life, and then in the next breath, they'll be tearing each other apart and ruining each other and awakening a lust and desire so deep within them both that was untouched for this long, that has Nothing to do with Getting One Over Kinn or the family politics or anything else. its just all stemming from their own pure carnal feelings for one another.
so yeah. im tryna think of analogy here to explain my thoughts. ig religion is the easiest one, and one i Love for personal reasons but also bc the show itself is using it too.
i think to vegas, porsche = infatuation. porsche represents all the power and dominance that vegas wants. the wordly stuff. the materialistic stuff. that no matter how much you have of it, it still doesnt fill that void. pete = devotion. pete will go on to represent everything within vegas that was once a void but has now been filled. a true spiritual shift that he cant live without. where vegas can be wholly himself, both good and bad, and find some form of peace and completeness from, whilst still being accepted for who he is and staying true to himself.
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huntingingoodwill · 3 years
i really love your jonathan crane stories and headcanons so much, i always look forward to them! i don't know if you are still taking requests for these, but is it okay if i ask for a, b, c, and d from the yandere alphabet for jonathan crane?
oh tysm ily!! <3 and sure :))
i’ve never written in public before but im @ the metro station waiting for my friends who are an hour late so now might be the time to try
send me a character + a letter from the yan alphabet 💕
affection: how do they show their love and affection? how intense would it get?
yk when a cat kills a bird and leaves it on your doorstep like “yo!! gift!! <3” and when you’re horrified they’re like “? what’s wrong >:/”- jon doesnt murder birds but that’s his vibe
he’s into acts of service/”gift” giving. creepy dude’ll find out about your life (sneakily, naturally) and things start,, happening. “i was on the phone ystd complaining about this dude at work/school who’s giving me a hard time and today he’s gone?? moved away without prior notice?? weird!” if s.o. works with jc pre-dating he’d totally disappear the cute intern that asks you out for coffee
he likes grand gestures but they’re shitty like “you said you felt cold so i lit this building on fire for you!! isnt it great!!”
he’s not pda-y but sappy kissy caressy stuff happens. he likes to bite and scratch like the weird lil feral animal he is. he tries to keep his emotions under control but for darling they’re so overwhelming he goes from withdrawn and repressed to passionate on a dime- especially at the beginning.
definitely intense. a little on and off which turns up the intensity somewhat. he’s cold sometimes but reverts back to “BUT I L O V E YOU” quick enough
blood: how messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
besides being creepy jon has myriad personality traits, two of them being determined and possessive, both to uncomfortable degrees :) he’s willing to do a lot to get s.o to stay/protect them etc but because he’s so calculative i think he could do his evil scarecrow activities organised and mess-free.
but his emotions (esp when it comes to s.o.) are so overpowering jon.exe stops working and he can lose control. murderous bad things may occur because... it’s him. “the red means i love you”.
(like how joe from you kills for whoever he's after. overwhelming emotions make it messy. kinda like that but jon is wayyy smarter than joe LMAO soz penn 💕)
cruelty: how would they treat their darling once abducted? would they mock them?
cough next chapter of fact or a weapon cough
anyway at first he’ll try his hardest to keep his distance and observe. like a good scholar.
would slowly try to get closer to you and get you to trust him be it through being nice or being emotionally manipulative (probably a confusing mix of both to keep you on your toes) his emotions get the best of him sometimes especially now that you’re actually there. he has you now. he may push a little too hard then withdraw for a while to try and get his feelings in check. he’s playing nice/mean but really he’s hiding his vulnerability
a lot of “i won’t hurt you don’t be scared <3” despite him literally having,,, kidnapped you
mocking would be involved though it’s just little comments here or there, i think he’s got a dry sense of humour which just slips out. it’ll be his way of trying to lighten the mood ig even though it is,,, very unamusing to everyone else.
darling: aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
yes probably. he’s a stubborn little man and he does it all to “protect” darling. he won’t do anything that he thinks will directly hurt you, it’s a “im doing this for your own good” thing. he’d probably keep his deeds a secret from you to keep you close, hurt people who’ve hurt you even though you don’t want him to. back to the killing birds analogy. “but i did this because i care for you??? :(“
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foulserpent · 3 years
what do u think abt the mandela catologue? personally im terrified but its one of those series thats like weirdly scary but hysterical in picture form. the amount of times ive seen a still of it and thought it was a meme is weirdly high. might just be the jerma memes tho.
i think i talked about it recently and my feelings on it are extremely negative LOL
like i think the only thing working in its favor IS that the images are creepy but even that was partly ruined for me upon discovering that the most frightening ones are. Literally just search results for "creepy police sketches'. which on one hand i think is a really great sourc for horror imagery and i LOVE appropriation (art definition lol) like that, but it feels cheap when its like "oh that is literally just a jpeg the author saved off of 'creepy police sketch' google image results, ive actually seen that one before"
like imo it has extremely few fresh ideas (oh my god things mimicking people but being Wrong its not like that has been dominating the online horror scene for the past decade or so), doesnt even slightly succeed as analog horror due to not even Attempting to be convincing as its analog medium, but not really trying to do anything else. and even aside from that it has all my typical pet peeves, like the horror equivalent of jingling keys in front of a baby bc the author either isnt confident in their own work or isnt confident in the audiences intelligence enough to allow any degree of subtlety.
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harveyscape · 3 years
IM BORED. my top three farscape eps from each season::::::: looking at these i think season two has the best EPISODE concepts (it was hard choosing faves from that season bc i love so many) but season 4 is my favorite for just,,,,,,, the hecking Yearning + domestication in each episode but i dont particularly favor the episodes themselves 
Season 1:
through the looking glass - i always saw this ep as being the first completely filler ep that really felt like farscape with the crew all working together and having a VERY CUTE little laugh about it at the end. i love the vagueness of it, it’s not annoying or cliche??? and i’m particularly fond of the yellow moya scenes like rygel’s like “shall i disrobe so it will be memorable” is one of my fave lines from him.
a human reaction - mY TRASH. MYYYY TRASH. just one of those farscape eps that are so Abstract in concept, they are just Default Faves for me like Always haha. so many good little j/a crumbs, the kiss in this ep is one of my BIG FAVES, i love everything about that scene and the ones leading up to it. LOVE THE RAIN SCENE. it’s probably the very first time john is like ‘maybe Earth bad’ and,,, ‘maybe space girl Good’ and i love that thruline of the show. this ep stands soooooo far apart from the majority of season 1 for me.
nerve: the hidden memory - “THE RADIANT AERYN SUN.” stark isn’t unbearable in his debut episodes woah! i like him as a sad boy who isnt a plot device! love gilina, love her death (rip), love seeing how far john and aeryn have come since they’d last seen her, love aeryn and crais’s interaction in this episode like YES GIRL SLAY, love whenever aeryn has to juggle with feeling WEAK and having to put her big girl pants on to save her himbo, love any interaction between d’argo and aeryn LOVE THAT.
Season 2:
crackers don't matter - the DIALOGUE in this episode is Insane and i LOVE IT i think there are so many line deliveries in this ep that are so memorable and Iconic they all just live in my mind rent FREE. i wish the commentary for this episode wasn’t about the more practical aspects of it because UUUHUUH i genuinely would love to just Absorb the mindset behind it. GOD TIER FILLER. 
out of their minds - i am such a whore for body swap tropes it’s humiliating. another ep with a lot of iconic line deliveries! i love cb playing as john! love that for her! bb as rygel too is amazing i love all their stupid accent switching SO MUCH. love the skeksis love that they joke about them looking like skeksis because it’s jim henson and they can DO THAT. 
won't get fooled again - any time i think about this ep im like man how Opened Third Eye was it to have john just immediately be like “haha ok this is fake lmao” like it’s so SUBVERSIVE in what it does pretty much right off the bat in introducing the moya crew as “normal” humans. eps like these are just ALWAYS my faves in tv series because of how crazy they can get and this one does and i love it so much for that.
Season 3: 
scratch n' sniff - any time i get the moya crew on a pleasure planet or at a rave im like HELLO. :) I LOVE RAXIL she’s such a funky little freak. describing this ep is so weird its like Oh Yeah The Boob Juice Sucking One. JUST JOHN AND D’ARGO BEING BACHELORS, WHAT BLISS. i wish i got more john + d’argo shenanigans in this show ‘cause they are like such a fave together dynamically mwah mwah mwah. <3 
into the lion's den: wolf in sheep's clothing - its a little crazy how much i Hate the first half of this two-parter which is super PANDERY AND BAD and then the last half is like so Insane and such a good close for the season. EVERYONE’S SO MISERABLE. the scorp shots with the imploding ship and the water UGHGUGHUGH <33333 love aeryn in this love her trying to save the Peacekeepers, love JOHN, love the little scientist nerd who works under Scorp i forget his name WHOOPS he has a nice design. THE CRAIS + TALYN DEATH IS SO GOOD;;;; LOVE THAT FOR THEM;;;;; <3333
 dog with two bones - i think the fact that literally no other tv show has pulled THIS MESS off really speaks to the uniqueness of farscape and its ABILITY TO TELL ROMANCE??? theres so much in this that is just like WOWOWOWOW THIS EP IS SO GOOD. the part where they kill the rogue leviathan and rygel is celebrating on the comms and it transitions to aeryn Going Insane in her prowler over everything that’s happening. FIRE. the dog with two bones analogy UGHGUGHGUGH <333333 I LOVE THE AERYN > EARTH THRULINE WITH JOHN SO MUCH ITS JUST AT ITS PEAK HERE WHICH MAKES IT GREAT BY DEFAULT. the coin scene is SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOD THE ENDING SCENE OF THIS EPISODE IS SOOOO GOOOOOD.
Season 4: 
john quixote - MY FAVE EP OF THE SERIES LOL. love the COSTUMING love the POP CULTURE REFERENCES love that its SEASON 4 love that we GET A ZHAAN CRAIS JOOL AND STARK CAMEO. another conceptually abstract episode so of course i love it lol. love the scene in the end with john and zhaan where he’s kinda a sad boy!!!!! actually funny story about this ep the first time i watched this i was in elementary school still, i grew up on this show this is my Nostalgia Baby series, and did not know what the word “porn” was so like for a very concerning amount of time i always assumed “porn” was an Alien Word and not a real word. BECAUSE LIKE, in context you see chiana holding up a Gooey Boy and going “and this? porn!” and that was all i had to go by the end.
crichton kicks - I LOOOOVE SAD JOHN. I LOVE HIM. I love the character beats we get out of a john that CHOSE THE GIRL over his home and instead of GETTING HER he is punished for it, losing his chance at BOTH OUTCOMES like mentioned in “dog with two bones” despite him having chosen One of the options and not both. love the introduction to 1812 whenever john gets a named thing i am like Yes. :~) my boy, my little man. he’s a little crazy and a little sad.
terra firma - the YEARNING in this ep man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this ep waters my CROPS one of my Biggest Fave scenes is when Aeryn and Jack are in her prowler talking about john and he’s like Do You Wish You Were Human and she doesnt answer and im like LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more of that John Not Vibing With Earth Anymore trope which I LOVE. literally all fics surrounding this episode i will SNORT LIKE CRACK. 
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xenosagaepisodeone · 3 years
ok 3.0+1.0 longpost -_-
it’s difficult for me to describe how I feel about 3.0+1.0 as a film because it’s artistic vision is just a 25 year cultivated response to the otaku fixation on nge. this film hardly feels like it can stand on it’s own feet as a coherent story -- it’s constantly introducing and reinterpreting symbols, contexts and concepts in order to lay down some kind of grounded world while also wanting to be evocative of the freeform flow of feelings occurring in EoE/Ep25/26. if this movie was it’s own thing and just living in the shadow of it’s predecessor, I could probably live with it and maybe even say that I liked it, but it’s flip flopping on if it wants the metanarrative to drive the story or if it wants to erect a new mythology of Eva altogether completely squanders maximizing the potential of doing either. what were left with is a very cowardly iteration of the message at the end of nge -- “human connections are important, even if they can be painful” becomes “ if we show you what you wanted to see for the past nearly 30 years, will you grow up now?”
"Defeated" feels like how I would describe the ethos of this film.
reiQ’s farmer adventures were cute, but in a way that felt bittersweet- because this character is not actually rei. not simply because she is not ayanami, but because she carries no actual development from her previous iterations like the other characters of rebuild. reiQ answers the question of “what if rei was actually as moe as she looks in official art” but forgets to pull the rug out from beneath you to unveil the depths of her turmoil. while Ayanami would say “I am not your doll to control”, reiQ has almost every aspect of her character dictated to her by other people - and this is depicted as fulfilling and human (because Anno wants you to get a job and have kids). not even her name is her choice. her sudden death only exists to serve as a motivator for shinji. I wanted to believe that this was some commentary on how a relationship without pain and loss cant exist, but it seems unlikely as rei (1, 2, 3, Q, Ayanami, lilith, etc) does not have an arc in this film. also the TV production quality of the village segment made it feel like I was watching a 12 episode sol as opposed to an actual film.
funnily enough, my feeling towards reiQ made me feel retroactive distaste towards 1.0 and 2.22. I’ve never thought rebuild was good, that much has never been a secret. 1.0 and 2.22 however carried enough over from the original series that it felt like the original characters were picking themselves up and getting better. I was happy seeing asuka, who had previously spent 26 episodes and a movie being miserable, open herself up to happiness. I was happy seeing rei connect more with shinji. even if the characters had to become simplified versions of themselves to find their own peace, it didnt feel thatbad. I didn’t realize until 3.0 came out how little this tetralogy had to it beyond puppeteering iconography and hoping that fans find meaning in it. 3.0 and 3.0+1.0 carried the same conviction of 1.0 and 2.22 of showing you characters you like doing things you wished they did, but with the support of the original series environment withering away to unveil half baked ideas, convoluted plots and meaningless regurgitation of every meaningful image this series has produced. seeing rei stripped even farther than her bare bones as reiQ put into focus what I thought I appreciated about 1.0 and 2.22.
there were a few times throughout this movie where I was trying to figure out what it was that anno was trying to say. as stated in my op paragraph, the film does carry it’s own simplified message about how important it is to grow up and face the real world, but this message largely betrays the framing. its cowardly. the pain that shinji experience does not come from the Other anymore, it is all self inflicted. learning to endure hardship simply became a matter of overcoming your own feelings, because now everyone else in your life effortlessly accepts you. there are 3 girls with who dont have any problems anymore and a solarpunk empire that would be all over you if you simply stood on your own two feet. there is no asuka experiencing hedgehog dilemma with shinji, there’s only asuka who exists so shinji can learn how to confess to a girl. there is no misato constantly subjecting shinji to a interplay of projecting her issues onto him and attempting to mother him (with varying degrees of success), there’s just shinjis step mom who accepts that she is responsible for him (which feels GREAT to see but feels bad when you think about what it sacrificed to get there). for a guy whose complicated relationship with otaku culture has bled into his work, you would think that idealistic fantasy of the real world wouldnt be the crutch of the delivering his message. when I say that “defeated” is the ethos of this film, I mean that it is so lacking in purpose compared to its predecessors that it wears itself thin trying to superficially have something for every conceivable audience while throwing out the meat of why people liked those things in the first point.
I was surprised to see that it was gendo who survived as the most introspective part of the film. i’m conflicted towards how I feel about a gendo redemption arc, but I feel as if his instrumentality sequence itself was decently shot (I hate having to compare it to ep 25/26 but it lacks the artistic flare for such a big budget film) and very well articulated. there’s a beautiful story in here about realizing your parents are people and parents realizing the responsibility they owe to their children, but I wish it could have been explored in a different film where characters are less held back by their established canon. honestly watching this whole sequence made me wonder if anno is still friendly with goro miyazaki LMAO
I was largely uninterested in the fight scenes, I think the only one that genuinely made me feel something was the one towards the end where asuka turns into an angel. the poor fight choreography coupled with weird shot composition and the overbearing usage of cg makes fight sequences overbearing and kind of difficult to decipher. cg fights are largely 1 eva vs a swarm of enemies that take up the screen, all of them having the same line weight which just ends up making all parties involved look like a mesh of colors. there arent real stakes for the most part either, asuka and mari tear through waves of enemies with effortless precision accuracy in a way that isnt visually or technically impressive.
believe it or not, I don’t actually dislike Mari. Mari enacts what Anno sought to do with the Rebuilds -- to destroy Evangelion. Mari (literally!) falls out of the sky into the story and is not gripped by the pain of the hedgehog’s dilemma as she exhibits her adoration for most things. her romance with shinji is intentionally analogous to how anno perceives his relationship with his wife -- that she saved him by encouraging him to live in the real world. the actual, textual ridiculousness in her character is softened when you realize that she’s just another component of his 4 movie long exhibition of telling everyone his life is better now that he’s successful and has a hot and talented wife.
is it worth complaining about all the crotch or ass shots. i think we all feel the same way about it. anyway i have more thoughts but these are my loose ones.
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wils-brother-tommy · 4 years
Analogical? And also dukexiety if you have time
bee you actually have no idea how much serotonin this ask gave me when i saw it thank u
☆ analogical ☆
fav thing abt them
oh my gosh they have such warm vibes!!like holy frick in my head theyre just so patient and understanding of each other and like they care about each other alot!! theyre just there for each other in the best ways and i really like that abt them
least fav thing abt them
theres nothing theyre just amazing
random headcanon
they know how the other likes their coffee so sometimes they make each others coffee ♡
unpopular opinion
i dont think i have any actually
song i associate them with
maybe part 2: captain brady's treasure by human petting zoo
alright now,
fav thing abt them
their chaos!! they just vibe and do what they want with reckless abandon also in my head theyre like really really close and they know so much about each other like theyre jus!!so great!!!
least fav thing abt them
i mean this isnt so much about them as it is just the ship in general but like my least favorite thing is that the ship is underrated :< for those of u that make dukexiety content im eternally greatful for your beautiful work, much thank to you
random headcanon
they go dumpster diving sometimes!! they also like to hang out and buy stuff at flea markets and thrift stores occasionally
unpopular opinion
i dont really have an unpopular opinion but i do have an unpopular headcanon abt them which is remus is shorter than virgil and u cannot change my mind on that one
song i associate w them
na na na by mcr and also now yr hair is long by human petting zoo for angst purposes >:3
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graffitibible · 4 years
How do you think people in the zones deal with disabilities??
it’ll really really vary imo. “disabilities” covers a huuuuuuge umbrella so i dont wanna generalize too hard. however i think as a whole theres a lot more acceptance of that kinda thing than there would be in battery city.
cw: discussion of in-universe ableism
the zones have had war living in them for god knows how long. the analog wars were definitely fought in or around the zones in canon, and we dont know how long ago that was. and war is a pretty grisly thing. war vets from the analogs are gonna be carrying around serious injuries like missing limbs or bad hearing or chronic pain. nerve damage from burn wounds. blind from too many blitzes going off in their faces. so i think its not really out of the ordinary to see people who lived through the wars to have missing hands or needing prosthetics, etc. and since living in the zones is a pretty rough life, i dont think itd be too far out of left field to think that killjoys and zonerunners who live out there post-war might have to deal with that kinda thing too.
we do have a little basis for what the attitude for this might be in canon. canonically dr death defying (who imo is criminally underrated) is in a wheelchair and has a leg brace and a big deals never really made out of it. he mentions losing his legs in the wars in the comics and then hurting his leg in the listening party, but thats about it. no one else comments on it. while being physically fit and able-bodied might be a boon in the zones, i dont think it is a necessity the way that, say, battery city would consider it to be.
battery city’s general take on disabilities, as far as i can perceive it, has more to do with appearances. they dont really give a fuck about whether youre actually doing better and recovering and improving. they want you to function in society. they want you to look “normal” and fit into their preconceived notions of what is acceptable. hence why their medications, i think, are such a bad tactic - theyre not trying to treat anyones illnesses. theyre just trying to eliminate the symptoms that they deem to be unpleasant, uncomfortable, or not Useful to the better living machine. their priority isnt making you happy/healthy, its making you more objectively useful to their capitalist dystopian hell.
now ofc theres gonna be jerks in the zones and outliers but by and large the feeling of “community” and “accommodation” is gonna be better than what youd get in the city imo. like for example if you get your leg blown off at the knee, there are a probably few junkpunks in the zones you can find who can piece together a prosthetic out of droid parts and scrap metal. i like to think the zones have their own sign language dialect - ive touched on that before in some of my works, though i havent ever really elaborated on what that is. its not straight up ASL though, it is very much its own zone-specific variant of sign language. i imagine that it’s commonplace enough for it not to be too weird - especially among older generations of killjoys who might have had war buddies who were deaf or hard of hearing, or are themselves.
in my read on the universe i have a lot of zone-rats who are wandering around with prosthetic legs and stuff and that’s not really out of the ordinary so much. also a ton of zonerunners who gotta deal with the long-term effects of living in such an irradiated part of the world (nine-volt rocket and haywire from jet’s backstory both had to deal with the terminal repercussions of this, and this was seen as pretty much standard as far as jet was concerned). poison’s a little surprised to see prosthetics but they’ve got a more limited exposure to the zones compared to almost everyone else in the fab four except kobra. a few canon characters have prosthetics and such too, though i haven’t gotten into that just yet so i’m not gonna say which ones. yall might be able to figure that out though lol
now when we get into psychological disabilities, thats a lot more of a gray area. i suspect a lot of zone mentality settles into “just fukcin cope with it bud” cause i imagine there are a lot of anti-medication mindsets and people Paranoid about pharmacological solutions due to better living industries being What They Are. which kinda sucks tbh cause medication can be a great thing for navigating bad brain stuff and also for handling chronic/terminal conditions. thats a hard line for me to walk personally, cause i do not wanna demonize medication out of universe but i recognize that, in universe, that mentality is probably gonna be pretty common, which sucks.
so my general take on it is that the attitudes in the zones are generally more accommodating of disabilities of all kinds, but low resources might make it hard to actually find suitable accommodations. depending on the era/part of the desert that youre in, youll either see a lot of community in the zones and people who dont mind helping you out, or youll just have to....Handle it on your own or pay someone to give a shit for you (i.e., i suspect the desert was way more unified when the fabulous four were at their peak and way more fractured after the analog wars happened, and so on).
i know im probably overlooking a lot wrt diversity in disabilities here. if other people with more knowledge in this area wanna chip in, please do!!
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fan-clan-fun · 4 years
evolved clans afterlife concepts
the evolved clans (treeclan, ghostclan, desertclan, and fireclan) have three afterlives. the stars, where heroes, medicine cats, and good/average leaderds go, the ocean where ordinary cats go, and the dark forest where evil cats go.
Oh boy, I can already tell this will be interesting. I would like to hear about the Ocean, and how these ideas affect how the cats in these clans see themselves and their goals for the afterlife. Are there cats who are daredevils, or ambitious who try to do great deeds to join the stars?
in evolved clan lore, the dark forest is more analogous to purgatory than hell, and the cats there are generally repentant. they are there for however long it takes to fully pay for their sins, not for eternity.
I like this a lot better than canon, because it implies that evil isnt a permanent state of being, that there is hope of being redeemed. But it also shows that you cant always just repent and everything is fine, there are consequences and you have to live with them and work towards your redemption. 
there are three holy sites in the evolved clans. the top of fireclan's volcano, which is the closest to starclan. the beaches, which are closest to seaclan. and the deepest, darkest part of treeclans jungle, which is closest to the dark forest.
I do like that there are multiple ways to  connect with the afterlife, and that they each have a connection to different aspects of it. I wonder if those who have been hurt go to the dark jungle and speak to those who harmed them, if its a way to further both the recovery of those who have been harmed as well as to further show the consequences and the harm the the dark forest cat caused. Also the concept of the beach and ocean being a resting place for souls is both chilling and fascinating. 
when a leader gets their nine lives, they must go to all three of these places to get three lives from each afterlife.
when a dark forest cat is finally cleaned of their sins, they may give three lives to a new leader and ascend to seaclan
Oh this is very very cool, it helps leads to be aware of all three, to hold the importance of all of them equally, and reminds them of what consequences exist if they make mistakes. 
Thanks for sending this in! It was fun to read and think about!
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herkiss-theriot · 4 years
Lol I know absolutely no one asked but here I am, arbitrarily ranking Kid Krow songs because this is a music blog now apparently and it’s my favorite album so far this year. Feel free to shoot me an ask for any elaboration or other opinions lol. Sorry for the long post. I would add a keep reading but I’m on mobile and the mobile app is somehow worse than the website. I’m also not tagging this so if this gets notes it’s not my fault. Also I’m editing the post em to say that I think this whole album is amazing and it pains me not giving every album a 10/10 bc they’re all so good
Comfort Crowd - 11/10
One of the best album intros I’ve heard compared to other albums I like. It means a lot to me and is overall a really easy song to listen to in basically any mood but is a great pick me up I think it also has one of my favorite lines on the album “you say through a sigh that I said that line already”
Wish You Were Sober - 8/10
A fun song to listen, has some solid lines. Not very relatable in my experiences but that’s also not the point lol. Favorite line(s): “knees weak, but you talk pretty fly, wow” “gettin’ good start saying gotta bounce”
Maniac - 8/10
One word titles are always fun but also -2 for some ableist language. Ik that’s not always at the top of Woke Cultures to do list but it’s a real problem and provides for some cringe vernacular choices sometimes. Overall it’s a pretty good song and is definitely one of the best on the album that’s playable even outside of the album/to people who arent into Conan. Conan apparently describes it as an “upbeat bedroom pop banger” according to genius which I guess, yeah, but what a way to describe a song. Favorite line: “we had magic, but you made it tragic”
(Online Love) - 9/10
First interlude if the album which is very exciting. Very cool idea to say that he thinks this love could be more if it were in person which translates well into current scenarios. Has a really cool guitar pattern and a nice ending. -1 bc it’s 30 seconds long favorite line: “I can’t help but imagine what maybe could’ve happened if we weren’t just an online love”
Checkmate - 10/10
Ik this was released pre-Kid Krow but god it’s one of his best songs and I’m so glad it made it on the album. It’s just got such a good energy about it and I always love chess analogies. And Ik Kid Krow Isnt a concept album by any means but I love the story arc going on of finally catching on. Favorite line(s) “cry me a river till you drown in the lake” “holding your hand but in the other one, baby I’m holding a loaded gun”
(I wrote parts for the cut that always bleeds and fight or flight and then accidentally deleted them so rip me sorry if they’re a lil short/less in depth)
The Cut That Always Bleeds - 8/10
It’s overall a great song and is really emotional but -2 bc I ugly cry to this song and get asked if I’m okay a lot lol favorite lines: “I don’t love you anymore” a pretty line that I adore”
“Can’t life another minute bleeding from my back cause I don’t have another one for you to stab”
Fight or Flight - 11/10
What a song. There’s not a lot I can say other than that it’s literally one of the greatest songs I’ve ever heard. It’s got some of the most genius song writing that I’ve heard on an album in a while. Also when I was learning to drive with my Nana i had a playlist that would go from Comfort Crowd to Fight or Flight which is an experience I recommend everyone have at least once in their life. My only criticism of this song is that it’s perception of cheating is a lil Disney-channel-esque” which maybe doesn’t make sense and also I’m fairly certain that he writes from personal experience and who am I to say he can’t write what he wants lmao.Favorite line(s) “id rather lie than tell you I’m in love with you” (one of my favorite lines EVER) “they also didn’t know that our lover loved us both.
Affluenza - 7/10
A fun song but is kind of a lot in my opinion and seems vaguely out of touch. However I do agree with the overall sentiment of eating the rich (also if you’re a trinkets fan I think this is a good song for an Elodie playlist or maybe even Tabitha depending on the perspective.) although I will say it’s a really good take on the idea of affluenza as a concept. favorite line “give me none of your affluenza”
(Can We Be Friends) - 6/10
Ik it’s an interlude so it’s kind of the point but definitely a skip most of the time even though I think the line “if anybody fucks with you I’ll knock their teeth out” gods hard. I just think one minute is a really weird time frame for a song. Sub one minute is just short enough to want more and 1:30 and perfectly acceptable for a song but one minute is v awkward
Heather - 10/10
Not amount elaboration would ever be able to perfectly encapsulates how gorgeous the idea of this song is. This idea that you wish you wish you could be someone else because you feel that this other person is otherworldly and is more deserving of the person you love. That feeling is gut wrenching. Favorite line “why would you ever kiss me, I’m not even half as pretty”
Little League - 5/10
I’m so sorry it’s just such a skip. I don’t know why but I can’t listen to this song. It reminds me of a big time rush song for some reason which isn’t a bad thing but every time I try to listen to it I think about how I think it’s a btr copy 😭 also when I do listen to it makes me cry a lot and yearning for a youth that I let waste away and I hate feeling actual feelings so minus points for that. Favorite line “when we were younger we wore our hearts out on our sleeve, why did we ever have to leave? Little league” I think it’s my favorite bc it can be interpreted in a couple of ways and I’m too tired to get into it rn
The Story - 10/10
Simple. Beautiful. One of the first Conan songs I heard. My friend was a huge Conan fan and so I listened to a couple songs like generation why and crush culture but she saw him in concert b4 kid Krow was released and took a video of The Story and I absolutely fell in love. The first time I heard it I sobbed. This idea of paralleling a bunch of failed loves and friendships in order to justify why you think yours will work is so cool and I love it a lot. Favorite line “I’m afraid that’s just the way the world works but I think that it could work for you and me.
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