#which like. I can barely FOLLOW a pattern lol
the-ancient-dragons · 2 months
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Welcome back to Overcomplicating the Pyrrhian Tribes! This week: the beloved RainWings!!
You know what's up. Joy Ang and Tui are so cool and I am just me.
Details and explanation below!
Otherwise, next week are the chilly IceWings! See you then!!!
More overcomplicated dragons.
I knew the RainWings would be really important, and I think they turned out the best of all the ones I've done. I think they're my favourite because they are basically the perfect mix of extra realism spice without altering Joy's design too much. The SkyWing design is awesome and I love it to bits, but it is one of the two that are the farthest from canon.
As for the RainWing.... I had. So. Much. FUN. I heavily used chameleons and snakes - they're basically the two main species on my research board - but there is a dash of cuttlefish and frilled lizard in there. Where, you ask? Well if you look closely, all over the RainWing are little tiny flecks of darker colour. I found a beautiful reference of a close-up on a cuttlefish eye. Its skin is dotted in thousands of little marks and I thought that would be perfect for the RainWing, who can camouflage just as well as them. I don't know if it's been discussed in canon but I bet they could animate their scales more than just colour shifting - cuttlefish are known for using their rapidly shifting patterns to hypnotize prey. RainWings could do it too, sort of like Ka from Disney's 2D animated Jungle Book.
Speaking of Ka - snakes. I love snakes. The head structure of the RainWing here is very smooth and rounded with muscles based on snakes like the python. I was even going to originally draw them in a venom striking pose and got as far as completing the lineart, but ultimately decided it wouldn't fit the calm portraits of the other tribes.
Will you see it in the future? Hell yeah! Pure, unhinged, magical death spit. Looking at it now I might try to alter it to be a full piece of Glory attacking Scarlet or Crocodile.
In the striking pose you can see the frills much better, but I still took my time on this serene pose (this is where the frilled lizard influence comes in). If you notice that I've drawn every scale (every single scale) then, yes, I am insane. If you didn't know that yet, you know it now. You have to draw guide lines and follow them meticulously while you wonder why you don't make a scale brush, and then cry because you know the randomness and imperfections that come from drawing a thousand circles is how it looks natural. The eye area is actually my favourite part, since drawing dragon eyelids was the original inspiration for doing this. Did I mention that? I wanted to draw eyelids.
I digress. Besides the eyelids, I like the frills on the action pose, but this pose is where I like the body scales more. When zooming in on my chameleon colour refs, I noticed the very rhythmical distribution of their scales and figured I would give it a try. They actually do have extra large circular scales along their bodies, which is where I guess the canon RainWing design gets it from. Very clever, Joy!
Anyway, on this version, those small circular scales appear on the face. Not only that, but I added a bit of influence from the snouts of my ref chameleons by extending the nose bridges to wrap around the nose horn. They blend in so seamlessly and that's the reason why I love this design - it's subtle, barely there, mostly Joy but a little extra.
Wow, I talk too much. If you're here, thank you! It's not mandatory to read, but very appreciated. I heard once that visitors at an art gallery look at each piece an average of 2-3 seconds. Or was it 3-6? Idk, but it was shockingly short, and ever since then I've tried to encourage myself to pay more respect to other artists and glean their work for little details I skip after that quick glance. I could talk so much more about these designs but that would be like an hour long video, each, lol. If you have questions about anything, ask away!
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joekeeryswife · 9 months
arranged marriage 2 - f.c
hello angels! oh my goodness thank you all so much for the love in the last chapter, i cannot express how grateful i am to all of you! Felix is 22 and reader is 20.
here is chapter 2 (there may only be 1 or two chapters left 😔) of my short series! here is y/ns ring, if you don’t like it you can change it, there is also going to be a link to a few dresses and again if you don’t like them you can change it!! there will probably be some mistakes so bare with me lol, enjoy reading🩰
taglist🩰 (add yourselves here): @hummusxx @lalademie @kikiandbella @anamiad00msday @saltburntt @livvy256 @gee72sstuff @edogiscool @real-lana-del-rey @cel3stel0v3r
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it had been almost three months since your engagement party and a lot had changed. you and Felix were not getting along at all. your parents had thought it was best if the two of you moved in together and it had been the worst decision they had ever made. all you would do was fight and argue.
today, luckily, your mum, Elspeth and Venetia had decided that it was best for you to start trying on wedding dresses which meant you wouldn’t have to see Felix. “how are things with you and Felix going?” Elspeth asked, the three of you were sat in the back of the car almost at the wedding dress shop.
“not good. all we do is fight, i’m seriously considering not following through with this marriage” you rolled your eyes at the mere thought of Felix. “he’s being a dick head. sorry about him y/n, it’s like he’s on his period” Venetia apologised for how her brother was acting.
“oh no y/n don’t think like that, it’s just nerves. the two of you are going to have a very extravagant wedding and he gets nervous with those sorts of things” Elspeth said as she ran a hand through her hair. “it will get better i promise” she finished, showing you a sweet smile.
“surely you’re excited to try some dresses on? you might even find the one today” your mum finally spoke up. she loved the idea of you in a lovely white ballgown, walking up the isle arm linked with your fathers.
she had been dreaming about you getting married for years. “i hope so. how do you know if it’s the right dress for you?” you questioned, both women had been married and been through this exact same experience as you.
“you just have a gut feeling. i mean with me i had two dresses. i had one for the ceremony and then one for the party, god i wish i could relieve my wedding. it was the happiest day of my life” Elspeth said and your mum hummed, agreeing with what she had said.
“you’ll know if it’s the right dress, don’t worry about that sweetheart” your mum grabbed ahold of your hand and squeezed it gently. you nodded, giving her hand a squeeze back. “oh look, we are here” Elspeth said as the driver pulled up outside a fancy wedding boutique. “well, here goes nothing”.
“oh that dress is ravishing” you heard Elspeth say as you looked at yourself in the mirror. “it’s elegant, fits your body nicely, you look beautiful. what do you think?” she continued as she looked at the dress. this was the fourth dress you had tried on and you were beginning to think that this bridal shop didn’t have anything for you. “well, it’s a pretty dress. but i think it’s a little too plain” you mum agreed “it is a little too plain. very pretty but you need some sort of design on there” Venetia nodded her head, indicating that it was time to try on yet another dress.
you walked back to the changing room with the stylist and she helped you get into the next dress. this one was beautiful, it looked like a princess dress and that was something you loved. however, the dress was still plain. you walked out and stood in front of the three of them, their gasps were loud. “oh my goodness, this dress looks absolutely perfect on you y/n” Venetia said as her eyes trailed over the dress.
“y/n, you look so beautiful sweetheart” your mum said as she looked at you in awe. “i love it but it’s still plain, i want some sort of pattern on the fabric. i love the way the dress is and i would have picked it if it had a pattern” you said as your hands brushed over the dresses skirt. your bridal stylist Amy spoke up “you do look gorgeous in this dress style but i think i have one similar to this with a pattern. why don’t you go to the dressing room and i’ll bring it through?” you nodded, a smile appearing on your face.
you made your way to the dressing room filled with nerves and excitement. hearing that she had a dress similar to this made your heart beat fast. after a few minutes she came into the dressing room with the most perfect dress you’d ever seen. it was exactly what you wanted.
she helped you put the dress on and your heart fluttered, this was your dress. you walked back out your mums eyes filled with tears and both Elspeth and Venetia gasped, i’m awe of how beautiful you looked. “y/n i seriously have no words. you look so radiant and elegant, i am praying that you have picked this dress” your mum said, the dress was absolutely perfect.
“i can’t see any flaws in this dress, i think if i was to ever design my wedding dress this would be it” you turned to face the three of them, you’d never felt like this before. “that dress is just absolutely gorgeous. you look like a bride” although you were mad at Felix, you were excited to get married. not because you were marrying him but because you could party like no other in the most beautiful dress with your family and friends.
“i think my brother might fall in love with you when he sees you in this dress” Venetia somewhat joked, she knew her brother would at some point fall in love with you and this dress would make it 100x easier. “i think it’s time we buy this dress and go celebrate” Elspeth said which you all agreed too.
you had been out all day and it was now 7 at night. you hadn’t heard from Felix at all and you were not looking forward to seeing him. you opened the door to your house. “Felix, are you home?” you called out but got no response. you walked round the house saw him sitting on the sofa watching the tv.
“hey” you spoke as you sat down on the sofa next to him, you put your bag next to you and sighed. it had been a long day and finally sitting down felt amazing. he ignored you, his eyes still fixated on the tv screen. “how’s your day been?” he shrugged at you and you sighed, rubbing your forehead in frustration. “we can’t live like this Felix. this is no life” you looked over at him.
“y/n, have you ever thought that maybe i don’t want to live here with you?” his tone didn’t shock you, he had been in a bad mood for weeks. “i’m sorry but this wasn’t my decision either. do you really think i want to live here when you’re in a bad mood all the time?” he was silent.
“maybe think that i’m trying to work this out for the sake of our parents and whatever this relationship is and you’re just throwing it back in my face” he stood up, his tall frame towering over you.
“y/n. this isn’t a relationship. we are being forced to marry each other” you stood up, you weren’t going to let him intimidate you. there was an uncomfortable distance between you both.
“what is your problem Felix? why is there such an issue with you marrying me. i get we don’t love each other but am i really that bad?” you hated to admit it but even though Felix had been awful to you, there was a part of you that was falling for him.
there was some days where he was okay and the two of you got along, having Felix be nice to you was what made you somewhat fall for him. “don’t try guilt trip me y/n. you hate me just as much as i hate you” he scoffed but you just shook your head.
“what? i have been nice to you since after that talk we had in the bathroom at the party. i’m sick of you blaming me for absolutely everything when i’m reality it’s you who is the problem. i don’t think you realise how you make me feel when you treat me like shit” you could feel yourself getting upset.
“don’t pretend like you really care. you never cared about how it made you feel before so what’s changed now?” you shook your head, embarrassed that you were even about to admit this.
“what do you think Felix?” he looked at your confused. “there has been some days where you’ve been so sweet and it’s hard for me to not catch feelings for you” his eyes widened and you looked down at the ground, way too embarrassed to even look at him.
you could feel your eyes welling up with tears of embarrassment and frustration at the fact you had just admitted to Felix, the one person you’d thought you’d hate for the rest of your life, that you had feelings for him. and you knew that he didn’t feel the same. you could tell by his energy when he was around you.
it was silent, it felt like an eternity waiting for him to say something. when you felt like you’d been standing there long enough you decided it was best for you to leave, you’d embarrassed yourself enough and you just wanted to be alone. you grabbed your bag and started walking away from Felix who was still trying to process everything you had just said.
“y/n wait, don’t leave” he noticed that you were heading for the front door and was quick to follow you. Felix was never good with expressing how he felt and spending this time with you, living with you, made him realise that he was falling for you and that scared him. he’d been in love once before and it ended horribly and he didn’t want the same thing to happen with you.
“i’m going to my parents house don’t follow me. i want to be alone” you continued walking and looked for your car keys in your bag, he could hear the waver in your voice as you tried your hardest to keep your tears at bay until you weee away from him.
Felix continued following you and when he was close enough he grabbed your arm and turned you to face him. in one quick motion Felix pressed his lips against yours. it took you by surprise, it was filled with passion and love.
you quickly kissed him back and dropped your bag on the floor. your arms found their way around his neck, pulling him in closer. you’d been in one relationship and had your fair share of kisses in the past but it was nothing like this.
he pulled away, both of you breathless “please don’t go. i’m sorry i upset you. i am just scared” his eyes looked deeply into yours and you felt your heart flutter. “i’m scared that one day you’re going to find someone better than me because let’s be honest we haven’t gotten along, well, ever” his cheeks flushed a bright shade of red as he confessed his feelings.
“at first i didn’t want to do this marriage but now, it’s all i can think about. i see us getting married, travelling together, having kids together and growing old together and i’ve never felt like this before” you couldn’t believe what you were hearing, Felix Catton the one boy who truly hated was confessing his feelings for you.
“do you think maybe we could start over and try make this work? not like we did the last time in the toilets” you semi-joked which made him smile, you hated to admit it but his smile was beautiful.
“come on, let’s go back inside it’s freezing out here” he said, pulling away from your hold but he grasped your hand and squeezed it softly. “i can’t believe you dropped your birkin bag for me” you picked it up and looked it over. “you’re lucky, it has no marks on it. looks as good as the day i bought it”
the two of you made your way back inside hand in hand, happy that you both finally expressed your feelings for one another. the only thing left was for the two of you to get married.
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sluttysanemi · 7 months
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ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ — Love's First Embrace
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Kimetsu Gakuen!Genya Shinazugawa x AFAB!Reader
c/w: fluff .. ? , kissy kissy smoochy smoochy, genya being bad w girls LOL
a/n: i often ponder at night abt a lot of things. when i'm alone in my room, w barely any light source, most of my ideas spring to mind (bar bliss, upcoming cowboy sanemi fic, etc). i was thinking abt genya's character as a whole n i wonder if he became overly abrasive to his peers because of his childhood emotional neglect whilst sanemi had spent his days out. maybe he's attempting to mirror his brother? also i got tested 4 drugs yesterday LOL
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It was intended to be quick. He'd stop by your house for a quick browse, then return home. As it has always been.
You asked him to stay. Go over a few of the equations on the provided homework together. You both had been struggling... It would help.
Your bodies are pressed meticulously, his face flushed and embarrassed. There’s a distant sensation of tension within the air, almost unsettling. Your leg against his only amplifies it. His gaze is constantly shifting between you to the text, repeating.
You gaze at the numerous diagrams, scrutinizing each equation… Yet he can’t focus. He is looking at you. Studying your hair and the scent of your fragrance. He’s in thought. As he clenches to the material of his uniform, he can feel sweat trickling across his palm.
Nevertheless, he attempts to refocus on his work. Swallowing his build up of nerves swelled within his throat, he reaches the corner tab and moves to flip to the subsequent page. If only you hadn't followed. Your fingers graze… and you're so soft.
He stiffens. His cheeks flush brightly, and he swiftly focuses on his surroundings. Distracting. Studying the flooring patterns.
You understand how he behaves. You thought it endearing. You rub your thumb over the back of his hand and you smile warmly. You’re always so gentle. Yet he only worsens. He feels his heart pulsing violently against his chest. Has he always been so excessively shy with you?
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝
It is growing late, as shown by a full moon adorned ominously over the window. Genya had no sense of time. His sole sense of eternity was the heavy twang of his heart, which hung above his ears. 
He offers to go home. To behave politely and not extend his stay. Then you lay your hand over his and tell him it's dark. Not safe. 
You insist that your father could drive him home, once he returns, so he can instead stay with you for the while. He smiles sheepishly and nods. You're phenomenal…
The remainder is more of a blur. Homework sheets are set aside as you propose a movie. You're seated near again, nevertheless laid a painful separation. Only your fingers subtly grace, a delicate contact.
There is a graphic movie playing on the screen. He doesn't seem to be paying attention. His mind is instead rotating laps, attempting to discern his situation. He can feel his bodily heat rushing to his cheeks. 
He attempts to not flinch at any movement as he feels the tremendous nerves coursing through his veins. 
He is experiencing difficulty adjusting with reality. This environment is truly... new to him. He can not grasp his strong sentiments for you.
The room is dim. The only sources of light were the faintly lit sky and the television, which flashed ceaselessly.
Genya's mind is racing, as he ponders on what you could be thinking about. 
“You… like this movie don’t you?”, you ask abruptly, peering towards him. 
His eyes flicker to you. “Yeah… I do.”, Genya answers blankly. His concentration shifted. He senses the immense tension, which is almost palpable. Are we awaiting for something? 
You glance at him so sweetly and gently. He feels every movement in his body.
Your fingers grace over his purposefully. “Maybe I should’ve picked something else?”, you offer again. 
He swallows his anxiety once more, your words pour into his impulses. “No… no, this is fine.” His heart is strumming so vigorously it hurts. Your fingers slowly trail together, interlinking. Everything feels still. 
You glance at him, almost expectantly. Your cheeks flame faintly. “Y’know… my mum n’ dad… they really like you.”, you would mention briefly. 
Your remarks prompted his heart to skip an additional beat. Your combined cheeks are growing warm with every moment. He blinks, gathering his thoughts.
“Y-yeah… I kind of noticed.”, his breathing is becoming heavier. He can feel his palm become increasingly damp.
You beam kindly. “You’re really cool, Genya.”, you whisper. 
Your tone is tearing at him. His breathing grows further shallower as our attached fingers tighten. In a moment of bravery, and against his better judgment, he slips a retort. 
“You’re pretty cool too…”
You subtly lean closer, watching him. “Yeah?”, she spoke. 
His eyes are riveted to yours, and his pulse contracts violently. Your words cause thrills along his spine. The strong atmosphere has him feel as if he's to implode.
He's following; shifting himself closer. You eventually meet in the middle, your foreheads brushing to each other and your noses lightly grazing. He can feel your breaths overlapping.
“Pretty cool… is an understatement.” 
You cup his cheek and snicker softly. “Dumbass…”, You'd teased before bridging the distance. As you close your eyes, your lips gently meet to his.
Your lips had interlocked, and he felt the oxygen drain from his very lungs. Your lips are so soft, almost silk-like. This is what he had been wishing for so long.
Your hands are clasped and slide smoothly in time with your breathing.
His mind is entirely blank, the world around him could collapse, and he'd still be kissing this girl, this stunning girl...
Nothing mattered to him at that moment. Nor the screen or school. Every inch of his heart longed for more of you. He wanted you to last forever.
You were his every wish.
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accio-victuuri · 2 months
July CPNs round-up ❤️💛💚
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• xz as backing vocals for the song everything is lovely
• clowning about screen protectors
• both of their names together on hs for being posted by xinhua news agency
• same city in Beijing on 7/6 - there was some talk that xz’s flight out has been changed to the 12th, probably to spend more time with wyb who will leave on the 10th. which didn’t happen cause wyb left 7/8 but still got to to spend that time together. some were clowning about how his airport shirt had a crease on it & how that made it seem like it was folded like how xz does it so ya know, is it a sign? lol.
• 7/10 XZS paris vlog clowning: posting so close to yibo’s appearances and similar shots // the two bros focused in the video, paris olympics and torchbearer route.
• 7/12 XZS vlog - possibly texting wyb and little prince figures + snowy mountain ; jacques tati films bgm used
• 7/14 xzs vlog clues! more symbolism and that goose laugh
• walking in the streets of paris
• similarity between tao and yibo showing off a photo of their significant other
• continuing on with the off white with “painting” shirts that xz wears, which is already strike 3 && kind of proves the sdc 3 clowning. he wore this during his off work hours. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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it follows the pattern 👀👀👀
• 7/15 xzs vlog clowning continues - same place different time / confirmation of the bystander lyrics connection and E142 cue
• NOT TOTALLY CPN BUT ME BEING EMOTIONAL. LOL. SEEING YIBO do that torch really in that simple outfit everyone was wearing. mostly bare faced and all eyes on him. that moment — and then you see him wearing that bome necklace makes me go somft. 🥹🥹🥹🥹 he will go to so many places and experience a lot of things but he will always have a piece of xz with him.
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some are getting excited about them with silver jewelry necklace but xz’s is boucheron which he is endorsing. as much as i love jewelry cpns, i always get picky when it’s something they endorse, unless there is an additional clue. but i understand why people got 👀 when they saw that silver chain with GG. unfortunately, this is not the necklace we think it is.
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another one is this “couple” / same style jacket they both wore when they went abroad. RBS already explained this and i totally agree with their stand on it. i guess what makes this cpn-y to me is the “style” it, showing how their preferences overlap in clothing. and that’s why we think they have a “shared closet”.
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• On 7/19, the booting ceremony of XZ’s new film DeXian JinZhi, the cast was revealed and we learned that Yin Zheng is there. Yin Zheng is WYB’s very close friend, so we will definitely keep an eye out on how he will interact with XZ 😂😂😂😂 and oh, Peng Yucheng is also there! who is Bobo’s friend and someone he fake kissed HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! so many common friends!
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• some minor cpns from xzs 7/20 vlog + something i forgot to add, same acne studios plain shirt. HAHAHAHAHA! twinning! 👯‍♀️
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• xz vlogs appear to be countdowns 🤔🤔🤔
• BJYX related hs on them speaking goose language! HAHAHAHAHA! we shall remain relevant forever!
• what a nice magazine! our boys! side by side! and it’s like a fanfic cover for pairing wei ruolai and chunsheng!
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• them posting for public welfare and in support of the olympics for CCTV ( here and here ) also with mengniu’s short film. i love seeing them supporting the same thing and hopefully they get to collab someday for a common cause 🌎 if there is any type of project they can work together, this may be it, cause fans can’t even be outwardly toxic especially if it’s a government project.
• 7/26/2024 xzs vlog candies
• 7/28 coco crush posts clowning
• 7/29 throwback video uploaded by rufeng
• 7/30 XZS vlog clowning time: dancing like wang laoshi, possible mv for bystander and wonderful world lyrics.
plus some more ⬇️⬇️⬇️
ohhhhh. a snowy mountain or is it? i mean who wouldn’t be taken by that and especially someone like xz. love how he took pictures of it and drew it too. in the post by xzs it’s in the c-position, probably cause it’s drawn by xz but also it’s photo #5/18 WYB.
p3 is also our colors! green (ish), red and yellow!
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cdroloisms · 7 months
been thinking about post-prison c!dream again and i feel like ... characterizations of him after pandora smtimes can lean vindictive. and it's not like there's no proof for this being the case, lol, this man has quite a few angry speeches post-prison about getting his Revenge! and such, and obviously has Feelings about the whole being left to rot and be tortured thing. that being said, i think it's worth pointing out how what a character thinks they believe and what their actions show can have some...pretty apparent discrepancies, and i think that c!dream's stated desires to take his revenge as well as a "us against them, you're either with me or against me" viewpoint of the server as a whole don't necessarily match up with his behavior post-prison
for one, i think it's worth pointing out how often c!dream's anger in these cases is obviously emotional to the point of incoherence--it's often been stated that his speech in the logstedshire chase scene screams of projection in the midst of a panic attack, which, i mean? yeah? he's making assumptions about what c!tommy thinks and basically repeating what c!quackity said in that cell almost word for word and making the kill-and-revive-you-over-and-over-and-over threat that he definitely wasn't going to go through with (though, is kind of interesting retrospectively considering we know that he literally did that to himself). then there's his rant to c!sam in daedalus one which literally includes his threatening c!sam with c!quackity, a claim so absurd that c!sam himself points it out as making no sense. and then there's his speech with c!quackity where he says he's going to torture...las nevadas? as in, the country? dream that's. dream it's a country. it can't feel pain. dream.
in this, a clear pattern is established where a lot of these angry threats are...bluffs. hot air. even if c!dream is genuine when he makes these threats, they're really not plausible (like, uh, please tell me how youre gonna convince quackity to torture sam for you king.) and it's not like c!dream doesn't have a pattern of being A Whole Lotta Bark when you have him in a position where he feels cornered, either. but with this, there's a precedent that's established where c!dream's threats, particularly threats where he's literally just listing shit out like that, should be taken with a grain of salt. less evidence of true plans and more an attempt to bare his teeth at you until you back the fuck away.
of course, this in itself isn't enough to claim that all of his claims of more vindictive actions should be dismissed. that being said, across the board, when you look at c!dream's actual actions post-prison...well, the amount of actual revenge this guy gets is. very small. very small. in fact, contrary to what one might think due to his paranoia and the huge breach of trust that had happened as a result of the prison, c!dream actually seems quite willing to establish connections with other people--friendly interactions, even alliances to a certain degree. looking at the following list of interactions w/ people post-prison:
He immediately gives the axe of peace to c!Techno in Snowchester after they part ways at the Arctic Commune--though the lack of favors between them indicates that there's no real explicit reason to call on each other in the immediate future, he does show very clearly that their parting hasn't made himself unwilling to cooperate with c!Techno at all.
Punz is self-evident--he speaks with his ally and reaffirms that the plan is still on track (a plan made before the negative effects that prison had on his. uh .everything)
The aforementioned conflict with c!Tommy, where he makes a lot of threats in ways that seem like a pretty damn deliberate mirror of c!Quackity and makes no effort to follow through on, particularly in tems of the killing-and-reviving shit and keeping tommy in exile and whatever else he was saying there
The interaction with Sapnap, where he is clearly gauging c!Sapnap's reaction and flees shortly after things appear to grow in hostility, once again making overtures at a threat that he will never follow up on (even considering he could very easily follow Sapnap to find Kinoko and could as such attack it quite simply even with just, a couple flint & steels tbh)
An interaction with Eryn where he makes no effort to be hostile at any point, hiding behind his shield and then exchanging items when Eryn offers them. The entire time, c!Dream's actions are defensive and purposefully nonthreatening and at no point does he attempt to engage a fight--even when not asked for payment, he gives a valuable item in exchange. Clearly more an attempt to be friendly than any outright hostility, though he is also obviously wary.
Daedalus also quite self-explanatory--again, it should be emphasized that letting Sam go in any capacity with any lives is explicitly an act of mercy. Left alone, Sam would have died in the prison for good; he set his spawn in the prison, a fact Dream would've known when he escorted him out. He makes a lot of threats, including some that are quite incoherent, and at the end he kills Sam once and then escorts him out of the prison grounds alive. Interestingly enough, conversations in Daedalus also seem pretty explicitly from a perspective of trying to get c!Sam to understand him in some respects--like, c!Dream isn't seeking division here. Even in consideration of the fact that he needed to get the keycards, c!Dream's continued emphasis on trying to get c!Sam to see him is...interesting, in view of how much of what went wrong being explicitly because of c!Sam's betrayal.
He warns Bad and Skeppy away from the prison shortly after beginning to reside there on a permanent basis. He gives them quite a sum of gifts (iirc, a block of netherite and a totem of undying) despite firing arrows at them; even though he has a reason to be aggressive towards c!Bad as one of the prison guards (something both c!Bad and c!Skeppy point out) he makes no effort to kill them and outright gives them valuable items while warning them to stay away from the prison
scrapped lore, whenever it was meant to happen, was an obvious "revenge" attempt against quackity...which goes, badly. a clue into the State that he was in in terms of his revenge quests. also, whatever interaction he has with c!wilbur later, obviously c!Wilbur doesn't end up worse for wear physically from it.
In inconsolable differences, c!Dream is more preoccupied with keeping a "feeling" of power over c!Wilbur over taking outright control over the room and therefore complies with c!Wilbur's orders. He does attack, but despite having more than the necessary means to kill both c!Wilbur and c!Tommy while he's there, does not do so. Neither does he manage to keep them trapped in the prison, something that he absolutely could've done if he so chose. Instead, he values a (imaginary) symbol of his continued alliance with c!Wilbur over any kind of hostile action, imprisonment, or killing of either person (and explicitly values c!Wilbur's life over just about everything, there.)
In his interaction with c!Foolish, he's outright trying to get c!Foolish to consider him beyond what other people have said about him. He's trying to establish some form of an alliance and offers...well, quite a lot in order to have one (in order to have a five minute warning of c!Quackity's location. like, he's putting himself in c!Foolish's service quite explicitly here, offering to become his hitman or bodyguard). He's obviously wary, but also obviously trying to be friendly and largely interacts with c!Foolish by trying to establish a rapport, not by trying to threaten him into something or attack him in any way. Even with c!Sam, the amount of outright threatening behavior from c!Dream isn't all that large--mostly, he's being petty? You could make an argument about c!Dream's vague threat to c!Sam's island, but clearly Sam loses no lives from Dream in any interaction they might have after they leave the summer home.
I consider the whole interaction with c!Aimsey canon bc literally everyone was playing as their characters there--c!Dream outright goes out of his way to try and protect a total stranger here with no obvious personal benefit. He literally inserts himself into the conflict to try and prevent c!Aimsey's death, which is kinda wild for someone to do as someone who allegedly wants people to die on the server. He attacks (and even kills c!George) c!snf here, but it's all in a scene where they get distracted from their whole "blowing shit up" moment because they want to chase c!Dream, and c!Dream specifically uses very little melee combat here--a lot of ranged stuff, which is far from his specific specialty. Further, there's a scene in this fight where c!Dream is acting entirely defensively, backed up against a wall with his shield in front of him as c!snf attack, and at the end he just runs away--all behavior that doesn't seem to be about killing anyone or profiting from anyone's deaths in any way.
LN5, threats similarly nonsensical, and he dips as soon as things start going south. For all of his seeming confidence, he's not the one that continues the chase in an attempt to kill c!Quackity, and the fight evidently freaks him out considering how he ends up not realizing he's being stalked by c!Tommy and then hides in the prison for a solid while (while still being stalked by c!Tommy)
Despite apparently wanting them to decide who to die in the saw trap (which had a premise that is frankly, quite hard to believe), c!clingy are given the exact items that could've facilitated their escape. He certainly could've killed both or one at any point in time, even if he wanted a message to be spread to the server (something easily done with one guy)--instead, he monologues at them, then conveniently leaves so that they can get away (and they could've with the literal items he gave them if tommy didn't burn their food.) When c!Tommy returns the following day, c!Dream makes it clear he expected both of them to have gotten out
Despite being clearly unable to stand c!Tommy, blaming him for most if not all of his problems on the server, and outright saying to c!Tommy that c!Tommy would never agree to help him (after they had a shouting match literally one day ago), gives quite the sales pitch to get c!Tommy on the same page as them.
I'm probably missing stuff, but you get my point--even when presented golden opportunities to kill off a player post-prison, c!Dream doesn't take it. He outright spares c!Sam when he could've easily died from the Revengers' tactic. When meeting with strangers, he prioritizes establishing a friendly rapport with them through things like gifts over, in his distrust, treating them badly so that they're scared of him and therefore don't fuck with him yadayada. His behavior, instead of exuding an aura of anger and vengeance and vying for destruction, tends to send a message of trying to be outright unthreatening, please-don't-attack-me. He's not going everywhere holding his big fuck off axe, he's seeing a new person and ducking behind his shield.
Oftentimes, I feel like this quote is pulled or paraphrased from No Way Home to show how c!Dream has become distrusting of people, vindictive, post-prison
And if that means we have to kill everybody— and ev— everybody that doesn't wanna go along with what me and Punz have to say? Everyone that doesn't want to figure it out? Then, fine! You can be simple-minded and you can die simple-minded. But! If you wanna actually know what's going on in this world, and you wanna fix it, and make it the best that we can be, and live forever? Then they can join us.
And while I'm not saying we should dismiss the whole quote as just being disingenous bluffing, I think when taken into the context of post-prison c!Dream's actions (or, well, c!Dream's actions as a whole) as well as his actions in the finale itself (such as his appealing to c!Tommy in the next stream), rather than putting the emphasis on the idea of "everyone who disagrees with me should die," c!Dream seems far more preoccupied with the idea of trying to find people who are willing to work with him to "fix" everything. People who will help him make it so that they can "live forever"--a desire he expresses in the fourth finale stream as well.
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like, it's not to say that c!dream isn't vengeful. he is. i mean, i'd say moreso than vengeful, he's angry--just like how a lot of his overtures at friendliness are so deeply rooted in fear. the prison made him angry and the prison made him scared, and the anger has to be repurposed into revenge because revenge is power that he certainly didn't have when he was on his knees begging for mercy. but far from being closed off and unwilling to work with other people post-prison due to his experiences in Pandora (which. would make sense. i mean. like, he was left in there, and tortured, and betrayed. anger and revenge and a general distrust towards everyone and a desire to destroy a world that condemned him would be very easy to understand in this scenario), i'd say c!dream's interactions with people post-prison scream of a general lack of a desire to actually go through with killing people. hell, he even revives c!tommy--c!tommy! who just killed him! who c!dream outright blames for like, basically ruining his life! when revivals are literally apparently destabilizing the universe!--shortly after killing him. generally, he meets people who are dealing with him aggressively with a desire to flee moreso than with murderous intent (in genuine finale 2, for example, this guy was sure more focused on running the fuck away than he was on killing either of c!clingy), and even moreso deals with other people on the server by acting defensively and even in a manner that seems deliberately designed to get them to be more willing to work with him, or at least deal with him in a friendly way. despite his paranoia and how deeply pandora cut as a betrayal and his obvious wariness towards all people as a result (there's hardly a single interaction on the list above, after all, that doesn't have c!dream's obvious fear of people leaking all over the damn carpet), he seems to be much more focused on the idea of finding possible allies than he is on the idea of killing everyone possible.
which, i mean, makes sense. as he himself states:
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kpopfanfictrash · 11 months
The Horrible Un-Haunting of Elliot House
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Genre: Ghost!AU / Romance / Comedy (?)
Pairing: Seokjin / Reader (she/her)
Synopsis: Some houses are harder to sell than others but you, Y/N, are determined to find the (supposedly) haunted Elliot House a new owner. That is, until it's very real and very hot exceedingly well-dressed ghost decides to make himself known. If only you didn't find yourself enjoying the knowing.
Rating: PG-13 (kissing but nothing beyond that)
Word Count: 6,214
Author's Note: hope you enjoy this random Halloween "drabble"! This got oddly angsty? I suppose that happens with ghost love LOL
[ Cross-Posted to Wattpad ]
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“Through here,” you say, leading the Gundersons through an arched door. “You’ll find the most adorable sunroom.”
The Gundersons both gasp, appropriately awed by the tall walls of windows. Each panel is topped with stained glass, casting colorful patterns across the checkered floor. Technically, the sunroom isn’t part of the original house – it was added in 1975 during a brief period the address was owned by a cult – but you rarely disclose this fact during tours. Most people don’t care which parts of the house are original, so long as they can say they bought a 19th century Tudor.
Not that you blame them. Most people (or at least, sane people) appreciate the romanticism of an old structure without actually wanting to live in one. Modern amenities are the top benefit of progress, after all. The government couldn’t pay you to live without modern heating, plumbing, or refrigeration.
“Margaret, did you see?” Arthur Gunderson, a slightly rotund lawyer, and husband of said Margaret, gestures emphatically. “I’ll be damned if this stained glass isn’t Tiffany! See there, see that stamp in the corner?”
“Good eye, sir!” you chirp, barely glancing up from your clipboard.
Truthfully, you aren’t sure whether the glass is authentic. The cult that installed could hardly be called profitable (they sold the house at a loss after less than ten years, although this likely had more to do with crimes committed on said property than their income, but you digress), so you’d be hard-pressed to believe they could afford real Tiffany.
If this is what convinces the Gundersons to buy though, you’re hardly a realtor to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Ticking a box in the upper right corner – sunroom – you look up. “Right, well. That’s most of the lower level.” Pivoting on your heel, you head towards the corridor. “If you two will follow me upstairs, we can –”
“What’s that?”
Steps slowing, you stare at the plaster wall. A moment passes, then two before you convince yourself to turn around. When you see where Arthur Gunderson points, a relieved breath leaves your lips.
“Oh, that?” Floorboards squeak as you cross the room, sounding almost like laughter. “That’s the cellar. I’d offer you a look but unfortunately, the staircase isn’t quite up to code. You’ll need someone to look at that ASAP if you buy.”
Hovering at the wooden door, you grasp its bronze knob and pull. Tugging the cord for the light, you briefly scan the stairs but spot nothing unusual. Mostly convinced, you dutifully step aside.
“Feel free to look,” you say brightly.
The Gundersons crowd the landing you vacated.
“Careful, honey,” Arthur warns, holding Margaret’s elbow. “These stairs are steep.”
Standing on tiptoe, Margaret peers beyond him into the basement gloom. It could be your imagination, but she almost seems disappointed. A few cobwebs and shadows line the staircase, but nothing more sinister.
Hiding a smile, you check the next box. Cellar. Sometimes, people request to see this house not because they’re interested in buying it, but for the thrill. Entering the haunted Elliot house and surviving will make a great tale to tell their friends over cocktails.
Lowering your clipboard, you glance upward. So far, everything has gone to plan, which is partly the problem. You must’ve shown this house thirty times and always, something has gone wrong by now. Before being assigned its realtor, you believed in the paranormal, but only in a theoretical way. Not because you’d witnessed anything spectral.
Your opinions since then have changed.
Turning sharply, you plaster a smile on your face. “Shall we?”
Stepping back, Margaret pulls wiry frames from her jacket pocket. “I must admit,” she says with an embarrassed laugh. “Based on what our last realtor said, I was expecting far worse from this property.”
Although your smile tightens, you nod. The other realtor had a point – Elliot house could be temperamental, at best. Downright petulant, at worst. You glare again at the ceiling.
“We get that a lot,” you say, ushering them down the hall. Best not to linger. “Whenever a house sits too long on the market, you know – people talk. Lots of rumors!”
“Oh, sure,” Arthur says, passing you with a chuckle. “We’re not superstitious, don’t worry.”
“Oh?” you say lightly, remaining behind. “That’s good to know. Now, if you head down the hall, you’ll reach the foyer. All the crown molding you pass is original. The house’s first owner and builder, Daniel Baker, was something of a craftsman. He –”
Abruptly, you cease talking and stare at the stairwell. Halfway down the steps, where before there was nothing, sits a perfectly ripe orange. Eyes narrowed, you stare at this a long beat before yanking the light cord down and shutting the door.
Glancing upward, you hiss, “Not today, I swear to – well, whatever hellish being you worship.”
The wind sounds almost like laughter, but you don’t stick around long enough to find out if that’s true. Shaking your head, you traipse down the front hall in search of the Gundersons. Luckily, they’re too busy taking pictures of the aforementioned crown molding to have noticed your absence.
“Shall we?” you say, gesturing at the front stairs.
Pocketing their phones, they begin their ascent. You wait at the bottom, giving them space to discuss the house. From personal experience, buyers tend to appreciate when you don’t hover.
Besides, the grand staircase is your favorite feature – equal parts artwork and functionality. From your place at its bottom, you admire the craftsmanship. Starting the climb, your fingertips skim whorls in the wood and for a second, you feel a phantom hand rest over yours.
Scowling darkly, you yank your palm away. Reaching the landing, you clutch at your clipboard tighter and walk forward.
“This way!” you say, practically shoving the Gundersons into the first bedroom.
While they ooh and ah about the bay windows, you tick another box on your spreadsheet. Master bedroom.
The second you’re done, the pen slips from your grasp and hovers in mid-air. It then turns, point-down, to scrawl something in the margin.
‘Master’ bedroom? Kiiind of racist, don’t you think?
Teeth gritted, you snatch your pen back. “I wasn’t the one who created the spreadsheet, okay?” you whisper. “And while, yes, I agree, and other realtors are moving away from that language, I don’t–”
“Pardon?” Arthur Gunderson peers, confused, over his shoulder.
Somewhat manic, you smile. “Oh, nothing,” you say, the words sounding high-pitched, even to you. “I was just reminding myself to show you the main bathroom. Beautiful claw-foot tub.”
“Oh. Sure,” says Arthur, returning to his wife.
Head whipping sideways, you glare at the most likely place Seokjin would be. A chuckle drifts past your ear on the other side, and your scowl deepens.
Once an appropriate amount of time goes by, you usher the Gundersons into the next bedroom. Hovering outside, you calculate how quickly you can convince them to leave. The longer they stay, the worse the so-called haunting will be.
You should have known better than to show them this house, but they were insistent. Or at least, Arthur was. Margaret seems reasonably paranoid, which you deem a positive quality. Everyone within a hundred-mile radius has heard of the haunted Elliot house.
Even the name is confusing, since it doesn’t bear the name of its builder, Daniel Baker, nor its longest resident, Mr. Josiah Whitley. Instead, it’s named for Nathaniel Elliot, the cult leader who murdered a man on its premises in 1978. Obviously, this fact wasn’t known to the public until after the cult sold the house and moved far away.
Eventually, Mr. Elliot was tried and found guilty of murder, but this was much later. Wincing a little, you glance at the ceiling. Seokjin has said many times that ghosts can’t read minds, but you wouldn’t put it past him to lie for a punchline. Even if he can’t read your mind, the faint scent of cedar lets you know he’s nearby.
Quickening your stride, you show the Gundersons the next bedroom. “This is one of my favorites,” you say, pulling hard on its warped door. “The view from that window is stunning. You can see all the way to the brook!”
Taking the bait, Margaret crosses the room. “Oh, look, Arthur!” she exclaims, leaning forward. “There’s a gazebo!”
He follows at a more leisurely pace, frowning when he spots a lone cobweb in the corner. Sighing, you swipe at this as you pass, almost certain the web wasn’t there this morning.
While the two converse, you pull out your clipboard and run down the list again.
Most days at your job are like today – running down lists and waiting for other people to make their own life decisions. Becoming a realtor wasn’t so much a choice as it was thrust upon you. When your mom got sick your senior year of grad school, you returned to take care of her and finished your coursework remotely.
There were only so many jobs with flexible hours, and you ended up getting your realtor’s license to support her on the side. When your mom passed, you stuck around to sort out her paperwork and affairs. Two years later, everything is in order and still, you remain. Stuck in a holding pattern, showing houses and too afraid to try your hand at anything different.
The sudden noise from above plunges the room into silence. Both Arthur and Margaret swivel, wide eyes landing on you.
Margaret’s glasses chain trembles. “What was tha–”
“My assistant,” you blurt, backing towards the door. “He mentioned he would stop by to drop off some keys. That must be him – I’ll go and check!”
“But…” Arthur stares. “The noise came from above.”
“Be right back!” you call, stepping into the hall.
As fast as possible without raising suspicion, you rush down the hall. “Seokjin,” you hiss, hand skimming the banister as you descend. “Stop that right now!”
No one responds – not that you thought he would. Crossing the foyer, you reach the cellar door and yank it open. Flicking the overhead light, you see the orange has disappeared. Rolling your eyes, you shut the door.
“This isn’t funny,” you huff out loud to no one.
Far above you, a low groan shakes the house. Honestly, it sounds more sexual than scary, but you suppose that only makes it more sinister. Reaching the foyer, you slow your pace and set down your clipboard. Suppressing a sigh, you glance at the clock. This has happened enough times that you can predict things to the minute.
Crossing your arms, you tap your foot and count down in your head.
One – increased groaning. Sometimes from the cellar, often the attic and, during one memorable visit, from behind a locked bathroom door.
Two – shuffling feet while the Gundersons (insert buyer’s name here) debate whether to run or wait it out. They hastily whisper, wondering if it’s their minds playing tricks.
Third – laughter. Seokjin will say it sounds lilting but to you, his laughter is more akin to a car’s windshield wipers. Today, said laughter drifts from the main bedroom, immediately followed by the Gundersons’ screaming.
Directly above you, Margaret’s heels pound wooden floors. Wincing, you make a mental reminder to buff the scuffs from the wood.
“ARTHUR!” she calls, her voice pitching upward.
“Right behind you!” he bellows.
When the lights in the foyer flicker, you lean against the grand railing. In your experience, there’s nothing you can do now to save the showing. As soon as Seokjin reveals himself, it’s only a matter of time.
“Whoooo dareeessss to disturrrrrb meeeee!” he wails, and you try not to laugh. “This is MYYYY homeeee and you are nooooot welcomeeeee! OoOOOOooooOOo!”
Arthur is first down the stairs. Reluctantly, you step forward – as their realtor, you’ll try to calm them down and get them out. All part of the plan. What’s not part of the plan is Arthur’s blind panic, elbowing you – hard – in the stomach as he runs past.
Concaving, you stumble, your foot catching on a loose floorboard as you fall backwards. Suddenly, a pink cushion slides between you and the floor. You land in the middle of it, shocked but unharmed.
Arthur yanks open the front door. “You!” he blurts, whipping around to point. Blinking, you fight the urge to glance over your shoulder. “Yes, you,” he scoffs, spittle flying as Margaret runs past. “I don’t know if this is your idea of a sick joke or what, but your manager will be hearing from me!”
Before you can formulate a response, Arthur is out the front door. You hear the sound of their car starting, exhaust billowing behind them as they speed down the street.
Propping yourself on one elbow, you release a sigh. The house has fallen silent, almost sheepish in its total lack of sound. Head lolling back, you glare at the ceiling.
“You are so annoying,” you groan, well-aware you sound crazy. “I honestly don’t know what you’re looking for, Seokjin. The Gundersons were fine.”
The front door slams.
An outline of a person materializes between you and the living room, seeming composed of dust motes and sunshine. Turning your glare in their direction, you tap your fingers against the oak floor.
Seokjin solidifies fully, rakishly leaning against the paneled wall. He’s dressed in the same navy three-piece suit he wore when he died, albeit with his hair styled in this century’s fashion. Seokjin once said ghosts are able to change their appearance, but most choose not to. There’s little point to it, and it wastes precious energy.
Sadly, he shakes his head. “See, that’s where you’re wrong,” Seokjin says, his deep timbre resonating through floorboards beneath you.
“Show off,” you mutter.
Lips twitching, he crooks a finger. The foyer light ceases to flicker, and Seokjin straightens. Dusting invisible dust from his shoulders, he walks forward.
“The Gundersons were tiresome,” he says. “I would’ve been bored of them in months, started haunting again, and this house would’ve gone right back on the market. Really, I saved you trouble in the long run. You can thank me later.”
“Oh, no,” you deadpan. “Two commissions on the same property. What a horrible fate.”
“Exactly. You’re welcome.”
Fighting an eye roll, you push yourself upward with cushion in hand. At least Seokjin was kind enough to break your fall, even if he caused the circumstances which led to it in the first place.
Brushing the dirt from the cushion, you shake your head. “You do know that eventually, someone will buy this house and you’ll have to make peace with that fact. Right?”
When Seokjin doesn’t immediately respond, you look up. His dark gaze lingers a second longer than necessary, briskly looking away when he catches you watching.
“I know,” Seokjin says, turning around. “Might I point out though, that I don’t have to make peace with anything. Ghost,” he adds, pointing at himself. “Not making peace with things is our bread and butter.”
“People have owned this house before, though.”
“Boring people,” Seokjin mutters.
“That didn’t seem to bother you back then!”
Seokjin enters the living room. “Ugh,” he groans, dropping onto a chaise. Dust motes spiral around him, as though he were solid. “If I must be trapped on the material plane, Y/N, the least the material plane could do is provide some entertainment. And the lovemaking of two seventy-year-olds doesn’t count,” he adds, fixing you with a glare.
Stifling laughter, you follow him into the parlor. Fluffing the cushion, you replace it on its chair and survey the room. Seokjin lounges dramatically and it could be your imagination, but he almost looks solid. More so than the first time you met, anyways.
He nearly scared the shit out of you, back then. Everyone at the firm warned you this house was haunted but were purposefully vague on the supernatural. The warnings they gave you were borderline mundane.
Oh, yeah, that house has been on the market forever. People say that it’s haunted, but I’d honestly be more worried about rats. Or asbestos – popcorn ceilings didn’t age well for a reason. And I don’t know if it’s true, but I heard a convict once lived in the basement for three months before the cops caught him. Watch out for that!
You entered this house with more than your usual trepidation, pepper spray in one hand and a flashlight in the other. Apparently, the wiring wasn’t all up to code – something you’ve since rectified with the city.
The sound of the door creak could’ve been written by the Brothers Grimm themselves, textbook gothic. Your flashlight swept over dusty floors, faint footprints remaining to remind you of its past. Spine steeled, you forced yourself to continue.
Finding a light switch, you flicked upward, and the chandelier came to life. The lighting was dim, barely enough to see by on a rainy day. Keeping your flashlight, you wandered into the parlor and came to a sudden stop. Forest green wallpaper lined the walls, remarkably intact for its age. Stunned, you turned in a slow circle.
Moody maximalism was one of your favorite design styles, and this room was made for it. With a slightly better attitude, you resumed your walk-through, discovering a hidden cupboard in the kitchen and a dumbwaiter to nowhere. The second-floor entry point had been boarded up, but that could be rectified.
Some of the woodwork of the house was scuffed, and a few corners held fallen leaves, but overall, it was in great condition. None of the realtors had prepared you for that – you arrived expecting a war zone and were pleasantly surprised.
On the second floor, you found a library – or what had once been the library, given the shelving was empty – that made you audibly gasp. Blue-black custom shelves extended along three of the walls. Closer to the door, a bright square of color remained from where a painting had hung.
Curious, your fingers traced the edges. “This place is unreal,” you murmured to yourself.
“I know, right?” said a voice directly in your ear.
Like any sane person, you screamed and jumped skyward. Your flashlight fell, its beam rolling over and over until it hit a baseboard. You didn’t stick around to find out, turning fast on your heel and bolting into the hall.
Thundering down the front stairs – wincing as the wood groaned – you nearly reached the foyer when Seokjin appeared.
“Boo,” he said calmly, between you and the door.
Coming to a shuddering halt, your hand gripped the railing. The ghost was impeccably dressed, if slightly invisible, and raised a dark brow in response to your flight.
Gaze darting sideways, you sought a second exit but all you could recall was the cellar and that wasn’t an option. Years of training from watching scary movies kicked in at that point, and you slowly straightened. Running away would do nothing – a ghost could follow you anywhere – so, maybe reasoning with him would be the best option.
“What do you want?” you asked, masking your fear to plant both hands on your hips. “Who are you?”
Surprise flared in his – admittedly attractive – gaze. Some of the shock had worn off by then, and you could admit to yourself (if to no one else) that the ghost before you was hot. Even thinking this felt ridiculous, and you wondered if your already-fragile grasp on reality was slipping.
Taking a single step forward, the ghost cocked his head. When you stumbled back, his lip quirked, and he appeared by your side.
“Who am I?” he mused, walking in a slow circle. “Awfully strange to ask me that, when I’m the person that died here, and you’ve never stepped foot in this house until now. I would know.”
Started, you turned your head.
This was a mistake since it allowed you to see every ridge of his features. The rounded tip of his nose, his enviably full lips, and a curve to his jawline which could likely cut glass.
Forcing your gaze upward, you found him focused on you. “You… died here?” you asked before you could think better.
His lips thinned. “You know, it’s very rude to ask a ghost how they died. It’s personal.”
“Oh,” you said. “Sorry, I didn’t know.”
“You didn’t ask,” the ghost replied with a sigh.
Your eyes narrowed, hearing barely hidden laughter in his tone. This ghost was making fun of you. The audacity!
Incensed by this, you lifted your chin. “Wouldn’t asking you whether it’s polite to ask about death be asking you about death, though?”
“Fair enough.” He shrugged, slipping both hands in his pockets. “There really isn’t a good way for you to bring up that conversation.”
A laugh escaped, despite yourself.
His gaze flickered, as though oddly pleased. Quickly, the ghost scanned you from your shoes to your face, where he lingered.
“I’m curious,” he mused, resuming his walk in a circle.
Despite your discomfort, you forced yourself to stay still. Even though you could feel each place his gaze lingered – your shoulders, your collarbone, tacing the slope of your cheekbones.
“What are you curious about?” you asked, pushing the words past your lips.
He stopped between you and the door again. Slipping both hands from his pockets, he crossed his arms over his chest. The way his biceps strained against his suit was intriguing, implying there was something to strain against. Dimly, you wondered what a ghost’s gym routine looked like.
Your lips twitched at the thought, and the ghost scowled.
“Stop that,” he commanded. “You should be terrified. I was curious about why you haven’t run yet. Anyone else would’ve by now.”
“Would they?”
“Based on my experience, yes.” He tilted his head. “This is the first time I’ve introduced myself to someone and they stayed. Well,” he amended through teeth. “Stayed without crucifixes, holy water, and a priest.”
“Does that really work?” you wondered, genuinely curious.
“Does what work – exorcism?”
You nodded.
“Clearly not.” He waved a hand down his body. “At least, not in my case. When I first died, I wanted to move on. I was even excited when the first priest arrived, but he did nothing, and neither did the next one… eventually, I stopped hoping. Started haunting, instead.”
“Well, sure,” you said, dazed.
His lips twitched. “My name is Seokjin, by the way. Not that you asked.”
“That was literally one of the first things I asked!”
Ignoring this, Seokjin stuck out his hand. “And you are?”
“Y/N,” you said, ignoring the impossibility of what you were about to attempt while extending your palm. “Nice to meet you.”
Your hands met in the middle and, instead of passing through, you felt your palms brush. For a moment, you touched calluses and warm skin, smelling the faint scent of cloves.
Seokjin went utterly still.
Chin jerking down, he stared at your joined hands. “That’s… never happened before.”
Retracting swiftly, you said the first thought that came to mind. “What? Never touched a woman?”
Scowling, he retracted his hand as well. “I was thirty when I died, Y/N. Not thirteen.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” you muttered, then paused. “You… haven’t been able to touch anyone since you died?”
“Things, yes. People, no.” A thoughtful look crossed his face. “A psychic visited me once. The owners at that time brought her, wanting to see if she could get rid of me.” Seokjin snorted. “She got them to pay her, then said, ‘No.’ Hilarious. And interesting,” he added. “She told me she’d met other ghosts, ones that could interact. Never seemed to work for me, though.”
You blinked, unsure how to respond. For it being your first encounter with the supernatural, nothing about this had gone as imagined. You weren’t sure how to converse with a ghost who, for all intents and purposes, seemed fairly normal.
Except for the whole ‘being dead’ part.
“Well.” You shrugged. “There’s a first time for everything, I guess.”
His expression remained inscrutable, but for the faintest of seconds, you thought Seokjin looked intrigued. After a moment, he moved closer and leaned in. You caught the faintest whiff of orange, cloves, and cedar on what could have been his breath.
“I suppose there is,” he murmured, and then disappeared.
Since then, Seokjin has appeared each time you returned. The second time, you were halfway convinced your first visit was a hallucination. A theory Seokjin seemed content to feed into, refusing to show himself until you were about to leave. Then, he jumped through the hall closet to yell, “MUTINY!” and cement his presence in your mind.
Seokjin doesn’t dress the same every time. A few weeks into your friendship (if one can call it that), he informed you he could change his appearance but hadn’t done it much. It took energy to appear on the mortal pane, more so if his appearance was altered.
Still, you’ve learned Seokjin will do pretty much anything to commit to a bit. His brand of haunting tends to border on comical. Putting his arms on backwards, headless juggling, vomiting wine – really anything is fair game if not truly grotesque. By now, you’ve seen his whole gambit, which is how you can say today’s performance was lackluster.
Sprawled on the chaise, one foot dangling, Seokjin looks every bit of the tragic lothario. Again, you can’t help but wonder whether he’s gained permanence since the last time you saw him. You could almost swear the chaise sinks under the weight of his frame.
“What is it?” he demands, lazily pushing himself upward.
Something in your chest flutters, although you ignore it. Arms crossed, you fix him with a look of disdain. It’s sinful for Seokjin to look as good as he does – and the worst part is, you know it’s not an illusion.
After you met the third time, you Googled his name along with the house and found multiple hits. Seokjin Kim was killed on October 31st, 1978, by Nathanial Elliot, the leader of the Sunny Days cult. Both Seokjin’s parents joined two years prior, and he’d tried unsuccessfully to convince them to leave by mail and phone.
Eventually, he visited in person and convinced them to go – unfortunately, Nathanial caught wind of the situation and killed Seokjin before this could happen. You saw photos of Seokjin from then and can confirm he was always devastatingly handsome. Often, you’ve wondered if he left someone behind – a wife or a girlfriend – but can’t bring yourself to ask. You aren’t sure which answer would hurt more.
Regardless, you know Seokjin was missed. His parents were the ones who took down the Sunny Days cult, putting their leader behind bars for killing their son. Seokjin admitted once that they tried to tear this house down. They didn’t know he was tied to the grounds, and he didn’t want to tell them. It would’ve been harder for them to move on, he explained, and your heart broke a little.
Not long after that, you accidentally let it slip that Seokjin had a scent. It made him howl with laughter, nearly falling down the front stairs – not that this would’ve hurt him. From then on, Seokjin showed off his growing ability to move solid objects by leaving oranges for you in the house whenever you came. Only another of his practical jokes but lately, it’s made your skin hot to think of.
You realized you felt more than you should for him last month when he saved you from falling. Determined to clear out the cellar, your entire foot went through the first step and Seokjin pulled you to safety.
“Careful,” he murmured, one arm wrapped around your waist. Gently, he eased you backwards and onto the landing. “The top step is rotted through. You’ll need to call in someone to fix that.”
Unable to speak, you nodded and quickly disentangled. Each place he had touched, your skin tingled, and not at all unpleasantly. Since that day, your feelings have only worsened. Sometimes, you wonder if he knows.
Sometimes you wonder whether he feels the same, no matter how hopeless it is.
Heaving a great sigh, Seokjin stands from the couch. Lifting both arms, he stretches this way and that like an overgrown cat. The end of his shirt comes untucked, displaying a flat strip of skin you refuse to acknowledge.
Forcing your gaze to his face, you lift a single brow. Weeks after meeting, you considered Seokjin your friend, or at least an acquaintance. Now, you can’t call this friendship, but not because things between you have worsened. It’s because the more time you spend together, the more you find yourself wishing for something impossible. Something more.
“You know what,” you tell him. “There’s no need to scare off every potential buyer.”
Seokjin pauses, then lowers his arms. “There’s a need when they’re terrible. I’m the one forced to live with them for eternity, not you.”
“It’s not an eternity, though,” you tried to joke. “Eventually, they’ll die – or, so one would presume.”
Seokjin’s face hardens. Before you can take another breath, he’s standing before you. “Much better,” he says, his voice like steel. “I love being reminded that, while the world continues to age around me, I never will. I’ll simply stay on this godforsaken plot of land until the earth is destroyed by its own inhabitants. How long do you think that’ll take, Y/N? One decade? Two?”
Eyes wide, you stare at him in shock.
Seokjin has never spoken to you like this before. Usually, he’s far more cavalier about his reality, easily accepting the fact that he’s a ghost. Never once has he ranted about the world passing by. In fact, Seokjin frequently throws in your face that you’ll soon have more wrinkles than him.
For the first time, you wonder if all that is a front. If perhaps, deep down, all his lackadaisicalness is merely a cover for a deeper kind of fear.
Slowly, you move closer. “I didn’t mean to be dismissive,” you murmur. “Of course, I don’t want you to be forced to live with people you hate. I just meant…”
You trail off, uncertain and Seokjin’s face softens. He moves even closer, his scent comforting you in a way you can’t explain. In a way it shouldn’t be.
“I’ll never get used to this,” you sigh.
You aren’t sure why you’re speaking so softly. Possibly due to his proximity and possibly due to the look in his eyes, studying you as though you’re the impossibility, and not him. Dust motes trail through the air when Seokjin lifts a hand.
With bated breath, you watch as he reaches towards you. At the last second, he shifts and lightly brushes your jaw.
Sharply, you inhale because you feel it. You feel him.
“Seokjin,” you whisper. “What are you…”
Gently shushing, he leans in, and you feel his breath, feather-light, across your skin. Utterly shocked, you go still. It’s his breath that you feel. Breath that shouldn’t exist, according to logic.
Slowly, his gaze drops and stays on your lips. If Seokjin can’t read minds, he must hear your heart racing. The sound of it is all-consuming, drowning out rational thought.
“You want to know what I’m waiting for?” he murmurs, his gaze lifting. “I’m waiting for someone to look at this… house the way you do.”
“A lot of people have liked the house, Seokjin. People who –”
“I don’t want you to sell this house."
Startled, you stop. “Why not?”
His expression twists, revealing his vulnerability. “I think you know.”
Roughly, you exhale.
Yes. You do know. It’s the same reason you’ve half-assed the last six showings at this address. It’s why you keep people from looking, and when they insist, barely attempt to stifle Seokjin’s shenanigans. You could have come earlier today and requested Seokjin to be on good behavior. He would have done it. For you, he would have.
Which is exactly why you didn’t ask.
“I… want to hear you say it,” you say, so low, you’re surprised that he hears.
Achingly slow, Seokjin’s hand slips from your jaw to your neck. When he pulls you closer, you can feel the weight of his hand, the solid pressure that comes from his fingers on your skin.
Your eyes flutter shut.
“I don’t want you to go,” Seokjin murmurs, his lips close to your ear. “If someone else buys this house, you’d stop showing it. You wouldn’t come here again, and I can’t leave these grounds. If someone else buys this place” – his breath hitches – “I won’t see you again. I can stomach eternity, Y/N, but not without you.”
“Seokjin.” His name leaves your lips as a whisper, or prayer.
“Do you ever…” Eyes opening, you look up. “I don’t want to say it out loud.”
“Why not?”
“Because.” Your voice breaks. “That might make it real. What I want can’t be real, so if I say it out loud, it might vanish and right now, it exists in this tentative space. We exist in this space.”
Lightly, his thumb strokes your throat, and you feel your knees buckle. Every callous, every touch feels so horribly real, it’s making it difficult to remember why this can’t be.
“I’ve stopped wondering what’s real and what’s not,” Seokjin murmurs, his gaze tracing your mouth. “Most people say I shouldn’t exist and yet, here I am. They say I shouldn’t be here, able to touch you like this and yet, I am. They say I shouldn’t–”
Rising on tiptoe, you cut him off with your kiss. Seokjin shudders, his lips parted and warm in the shock of the moment.
 “Fuck,” he groans, breaking away to stare at you in wonder.
Before you can respond, he returns, his kiss wild and fierce. Your own desire surges, touching him hesitantly at first, and then with full abandon. Hands sliding up his chest, over his shoulders, your fingers curl in his hair to anchor him to you.
Cupping your face, Seokjin pulls your body to his. His touch is reverent, deifying while his hands travel lower to land on your waist. His body curves above yours, catching your gasps with the tip of his tongue. Seokjin feels solid beneath you – solid, and warm, and painfully real.
His mouth moves to your jaw, trailing heat down your throat and across your bared collar. Shivers of pleasure shoot through you as he walks you backwards, pressing your spine to the wall. Briefly – wondrously – you laugh, the sound caught again by his kiss.
Within minutes, you’re panting, heart beating wildly as you grip his hair tighter. Seokjin’s leg presses forward, pushing your thighs apart and you nearly dissolve. He moves harder, faster, as though scared that you’ll vanish. This is the opposite of disappearing, though.
This is together, beneath, and on top as –
“Shit,” Seokjin growls, the sound torn from his throat.
Dazed, you look sideways and realize his hand has gone through the wall.
Seokjin stares at his wrist, his chest rising and falling. Everything you can feel is solid, but his hand sinks through the wall about an inch deep. It’s hard to concentrate with him above you, looking like that. Seokjin’s hair remains mussed by your hands, proving you touched him – however briefly.
Lips thinning, Seokjin pulls his hand out. Purposefully, he lays his palm flat on the wall but it’s clear to you both that he’s concentrating. Some of his pressure dissipates.
“I – fuck,” he exhales, dropping his chin.
Gently, you soothe a strand of hair behind his ear. This is the first time you’ve seen Seokjin anything less than immaculate and goddamn, if it doesn’t look good on him. That’s making it difficult to focus on the matter at hand.
The matter at hand. Ha.
Thinking this, a snort escapes your lips before you can stop it. Stunned, Seokjin glances up with wide eyes.
“Did you just… snort?” he asks, incredulous.
You shake your head, and then nod, sheepish. “Um, yes. I did. It’s just…” Now that you’ve started, you can’t help but continue. “I can’t believe the hottest make-out session of my life ended with your fucking hand through a wall.”
Seokjin stares for a long moment before – impossibly – his chest starts to shake. Before long, you’re both laughing out loud at the ridiculousness of the situation. Once your laughter has faded though, comfortable silence remains.
Pulling you into his chest, Seokjin’s hand strokes your neck. “I don’t know what this means,” he admits with a sigh.
“Me, either.”
“I do know I want to do that again.”
“Same,” you say, pulling back.
“But…” Seokjin hesitates. “Y/N. You know I’m not… real, right?”
Your heart sinks to your shoes. “You’re real to me.”
“I know.” He speaks softly. “But I –”
Lifting a hand, you press a finger to his lips. “Don’t,” you warn. “Please. I don’t want to think about the future right now. I know I don’t have eternity, but I don’t want what I have without you.”
Something in his gaze breaks but Seokjin merely nods, letting silence fall again. You fear that he’ll vanish, leaving you alone but he merely exhales. The breath brushes your skin.
“Alright,” Seokjin murmurs, winding his hand with yours. “What do you want to talk about, then?”
The ghost of a smile crosses your lips. “What if… we talk about me buying this house?”
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© kpopfanfictrash, 2023. Do not copy or repost without permission. Author’s Note: thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed, and Happy Halloween!
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sugarlywhispers · 2 years
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader (fem)
A/N: I don't have anything to say more than this is pure smut, with a tiny little bit of plot. Veeeeeeeery little lol😆 JK is a mafia boss, you should know that tho. 
Warnings: +18, SMUT, barely a plot, mafia!Jungkook au, dom/sub kink, dd/lg kink, size kink, rough sex, hair pulling, possessive actions, light degradation, praising there is a bit of fluff if you squint like really hard lol
Jungkook smiles as he pulls you over him and wraps his arms tightly around you. You cuddle into his chest, face hiding in his neck comfortably and contentedly. His hands started to trace patterns over your skin under your oversize t-shirt that clearly belonged to him.
While he hates going on travels and leaving you behind for long periods of time due to his job, he loves the reunion, coming back to you. Especially the paradise that lays between your legs that always receives him with such eagerness.
"Mmm, such a good girl," he whispers, lifting your head up by the chin with one finger, gently, as he leans in to kiss you.
You smile against his lips happily. Feeling your smile, causes him to push his tongue past your lips and deepen the kiss, his hands tenderly roaming with caresses over your sides and hips.
You kiss him back, tongues playing softly, trying to show him how much you have missed him, as you wiggle your hips over his.
"Mmm…" he groans into the kiss and finds himself desperately grinding up into you, as his cock starts to bulge and harden against the soft exquisite feel of your flesh.
You whine against his lips, putting your legs on each side of his hips over the bed so you can grind more firmly against him.
"That's it, baby," he praises, making you whine in need again, "Tell me what you want," he firmly smacks and grabs your ass, leveraging it to rock more roughly against your pussylips as he gazes lustfully into your eyes.
"I... I want you, please…" You gasp, hips moving with the guidance of his hands as yours caress his face.
There was a new scar on his right cheek, under his eye –thanks, of course, to his job– which you caress with extra careness and gently. It does not go unnoticed by him, he looks deep into your eyes with a fire only you can and know how to control. Only you.
"Where do you want me, baby? Inside you?" His voice drops a few tones, his hand unstoppable caressing your ass cheeks.
"Yes, please…" You whimper, feeling your head already over the moon, and he hasn't touched you completely yet.
"Yeah, babygirl?" He cooes, almost like a mock, before pulling your panties to the side and recklessly crushes his cock through the depths of your cunt and holds you down all the way on his length. You cry in a whimper loudly for the sudden thrust, hand going to your mouth to prevent any louder sound to escape your mouth. "You want Daddy to fuck you and fill that tight pussy with his cum?"
You nod in answer, unable to find your voice, enjoying and loving the feeling of his cock deep inside you.
"Mmh… And if daddy pins you down… chokes you out… and fucks you like the good fucktoy you are, are you going to clench that pussy tight around his cock and beg for more?" He grunts between his railing thrusts, holding and slamming you down by the hips as he fucks your depths with desperate need to ruin you, to own you.
You whine in pleasure, your insides clenching thanks to his thrusts and words and how full he makes you feel. Fuck, you have missed him so much…
"Y-yes, daddy…"
"Then beg, baby, like the good lil' slut you are," a thrust followed by a slap over your ass and a hard groping of your right ass cheek, "and tell Daddy all the filthy and terrible things you want done to you."
"Please, daddy... Fuck me… Deep and hard, so the only thing I can think of is daddy's cock."
He pants and smirks in delight as he throws you around, face down over the couch and ass up; the way he manhandles you making you even more wet and ready; his cock thrusting back inside mercilessly, fucking you like a ragdoll, intent on beating and tearing you open for him, his cock so deep that make your insides feel it, feel him and only him, as he fucks your cunt with all his strength.
You can only whimper, groan and whine in pain and pleasure, accepting and enjoying everything Jungkook gives you.
"Squeeze daddy's cock, baby. Take it," he growls in your ear from behind, before kneeling and giving slow but deep thrusts that make your whole body tremble. "Make it yours…"
You moan, smiling at his words, turning your head a bit to be able to look at him from behind. "It is already mine, daddy…"
Your pussy clenches when he grabs your hair and pulls you til your back presses against his chest. His big, calloused hand slides from your hair to grab you by your neck, your head resting in the middle of his chest, tilted back a bit so you can look up at him. You feel so small against him, it makes Jungkook go feral.
"I-I'm gonna cum," you moan, your hands holding his forearm tight.
"That's what I want, babygirl. Give it to me," his eyebrows frown, and you know he won't last longer.
"Cum with me, daddy…"
His hand on your neck grips a tiny bit tighter, cock beginning to flex and spasm as your words lead him over the edge and he cums deep inside you, the heavy intakes of breath from his nose over your forehead fills you with his warmth.
You scratch lightly his forearm as you cum with him, thighs trembling and wetness sliding down through your pussylips down your legs, even with him still inside you.
After some minutes you both try to catch your breaths, he gathers you against his chest, big and strong arms surrounding your body, one of his hands caressing your face, tilting your head to a side so he can kiss your temple, whispering tender reassurances and praises into your ear as he rocks you gently.
"You're mine, Princess," he states, his cock twitching a bit inside you, making you smile.
"I love you too, Jungkook," you half whimper half laugh, hands caressing any part of him you could reach, still in that position, enjoying and accepting everything he is and gives to you.
Because at the end, you are his, and he is yours.
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coeurify · 2 years
the red means i love you | ellie williams .
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tlou2 ellie williams x fem/gn reader. unspecified universe. barely proof read.
vampire!ellie feeds from reader. they both really like it.
this is very suggestive, and basically blood kink but no outright smut. some bloody making out and finger licking(lol)
18+ only please and thanks! this is totally self indulgent. i love vamps and love ellie sooo <3
This was not the first time Ellie and you ended up like this. It was not the first time you found yourself in her lap on the soft surface of her couch.
You were no stranger to the look in her eyes, glazed over and watching you like a meal. One that made her tongue poke out to lick her bottom lip just at the thought of getting a bite.
If she was the predator, you were happily the prey. Pliant and malleable beneath her touch. Ready to let her have her fill, take whatever she desires.
So she would, take and take and take until she decided it was enough.
You don't fight when her steady hand comes up to your chin, forcing your head to tilt one way, stretching your neck to be on display for her.
It has been a while, enough time had passed for only two small scabs to be left on your skin. Fingers press against the marks, and you can hear her hum— sounding almost proud.
Green eyes look up at where you’re perched on her lap. The auburn haired girl studies your face for a while. She watches your chest rise and fall, watches the way you swallow.
You feel small under the gaze, your usually soft and talkative girlfriend instead replaced by a calculated and quiet version. You only saw this side of her every so often. It raises your heartbeat to an unsteady pattern, and you are sure she can hear it.
You try not to move, letting her inspect you as much as she like. But when Ellie gets closer, you can't help but squirm, her breath fanning against you.
“Stay still, bunny,” Ellie whispers, lips finally ghosting against soft skin.
The name makes you shiver, which Ellie huffs at— unhappy at the slight shift of your body it caused.
“Stop moving, I won't hurt you.”
Thumbs press into your hips to soothe any nerves. Kisses peppered against your thumping pulse point.
“It won't be bad, angel,” the woman promised, as if that worried you. As if you wanted it to be soft.
Soon her words die out and she is back to scraping her teeth against the warm curve of your neck.
“I know, I know,” you mumble a bit pathetically. Your body pushes further into Ellie, almost impatiently. This time the other allows it.
It was only one more beat of silence, one that stretched too long for your liking, before it came.
The cold sharp press against your skin. The burn that followed, like a searing hot fire poker had been pressed into your neck. You squirm, a choked noise coming from your throat as your eyelids flutter closed— welcoming the pain. Just like you always do. instinctively your hand goes to grip at her arm, nails digging into the inked on leaves there.
Ellie held you there tightly, accepting no attempt to push away, or closer. Your whimper overshadowed by the suckling noises that came from where her lips met your neck. You swore to the clouds above you even heard a moan that had not passed from your own lips. You don’t dare comment on it.
The initial pain dulled into the sort you liked— the one you craved. The dizzying feeling of being drank from. The endorphins that rose up and through your veins, making your mind cloudy. Maybe you just loved knowing it was you giving her this. That it was your blood, that you were her lifeline.
You were the forbidden fruit, and Ellie was happy to bask in hell if it meant one more taste. Heaven was nothing next to the essence of you.
The thought made you buck your hips into her, which she stopped quickly with a simple squeeze of her hand. The denial makes you whimper again, searching to be even closer. As if you were not seeping down her throat at this exact moment.
She pressed her thumbs harder into the fat of your hips, surely leaving little black and blue reminders of what went on today. You knew Ellie just wanted to keep you still in order to save you from her teeth ripping any more of your delicate skin. But the burn had moved lower, and the denial of movement made you even more dizzy. The lack of blood muddling together with the all consuming need for Ellie, sending you into some space you wish to never leave. You’re sure she is feeling something similar.
You stay still after that last attempt, determined to be good for her. To sate her hunger and give yourself to her.
The gentle attack on your neck continues, and you revel in the feeling you love so dearly. She pulls on your skin— hums against the warm beat— coaxing out all she can from you.
What feels like ages passes, the corner of your vision going a hazy sort of black when you open them for a moment. You can feel yourself slipping deeper into this state— whether it be caused by the blood loss or the euphoria you get from this. From serving your girlfriend in this way.
Before long, Ellie pulls away. You shiver and bite your lip to stop any more whines that come from the disconnect.
There’s a warm drip you can feel painting your neck, blood beading from the puncture points. Ellie watches you intently as your fingers move to swipe at it, staining your middle and pointer finger red.
Watching curiously as it runs down your fingers, you don't bother questioning as Ellie grabs your wrist. You let her guide you wherever, too dazed to fight it. A shaky breath passes your lips as she brings the bloody fingers to her mouth— and wraps her wet lips around them, sucking the last bits of you off.
Her tongue glides over your skin— and you swear you might pass out on the spot. It really shouldn’t make you feel this way, but the little noises she makes— and the way your fingers are clean again when she pulls back— it warms you all over.
She lets them go, and her blown out pupils meet your own. Breathing just as raggedly as you— she presses forward to catch your lips. It’s something you had not done after a feeding yet and it takes you by surprise. But you quickly accept, breathing into the kiss- bloody and all.
You don't mind the metallic taste on your tongue, or the way it leaves your lips sticky. You probably should. You should want to push her away, not swipe your tongue at her lips in a request for access to a deeper kiss.
But it sends a thrill down your spine, the way you can feel her growing needy— searching to taste you again. You grab at your girlfriend and whine against the messy kiss. Your lips sticky and hot against her own. It makes the vampire smile, how desperate you are. The way you lick into her mouth like it was you who needed the blood. For a moment you think she might let it continue. But she doesn’t, pulling back after a quick nip at your lip.
Ellie does a kindness by wiping her thumb across your lips when the kiss breaks, leaving your skin clean again. The thumb pops into her mouth again— as if she couldn’t let a single drop go to waste.
“So perfect for me, so good,” are the first words that Ellie lets out into the heavy air. You can't be sure if she means you or your blood but you don’t really mind either way. You just let your head fall against her.
She can tell you are too blissed out to make the next move on your own, so strong arms come to lift you off her lap. Both of you seem to dislike this, but you know Ellie wouldn’t dare sate that fire in you until you were all cleaned up.
You land on the soft plush of the couch, and lean your head back, watching Ellie stand.
“Gonna clean your neck up and get you some water now, angel.. stay there alright?” Ellie says softly, looking a little more lively now. A little softer. Because of you.
always you.
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meguemii · 1 year
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JJK Headcanons
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ Favourite Date Spots❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
Pairing- Megumi x fem! reader
Synopsis- teen! megumi and adult! megumi’s favourite date spots, headcanons + little scenarios
master list
this took so long for literally no reason and i think i HATE it?? like head canons r so cringe sometimes [sobs] but like THEY’RE HEAD CANONS SO SHUSH D:< Also this is my first actual post. i don’t know how to write fluff, i only got a 90 in creative writing for my angst LOL. please bare with me. ENJOY???
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┊┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚ Megumi Fushiguro
•As a teen, I so see this man being into festival/ fair dates like bro is such a suck for little romantic festival dates. He so wants to see you in a traditional kimono and watching fireworks with you.
•you and i both know he’s buying you everything you say looks good, and then saying it’s nothing when you thank him and he’ll turn away and blush YKWIM!!
“that looks so good!!” You say as you pull on Megumi’s sleeve so he’d look at it as well. “Can I get two sticks?” he asks the man at the vendor. “aww gumi, you’re so sweet! thank you!” you thank him for the great as he whips his head away with a blush and says a small “you’re welcome y/n”
•When the fire works roll around you’re sitting on the grass, head on Megumi’s shoulder as he faces forward but is glancing at you, as you watch the sky. HE’S SUCH A CORNY LOSER LMFAO
Watching the fireworks display beautiful patterns and arrangement, it felt like the world was moving so slowly. He watched you so intently as you watched the sky in awe. he too was in awe, the way your eyes glistened, how your lips slightly parted and a smile crept onto your face. leaning down onto his shoulder he’d just smile at you one last time and then look up at the fireworks as well. maybe he’d kiss the top of your head too >:3
•Now.. adult Megumi… i lowkey see him being into clubbing but like not crazy clubbing, he rents a private room just to show off wealth (papa fushiguro could never🤭) okay maybe not a private room but like, an exclusive area for you, him and whoever else is w you which is more than likely Nobara and Yuji!!
•He wants to see you all dolled up, skin tight dress, music muffled in the background, everything is ethereal.
He just sat there watching you dance, eyes following your every movement, scanning your every curve. The little dress you wore, the way your hair moved, your lips so glossy. He was so proud to have you as his s/o. You finally meet his eyes and smirk making your way back over to him. “you look so good gumi” sighing contently as you sit beside him dragging your finger across him. His legs spread out as he looks at you with so much admiration, observing your entire face. he’d then lightly grab your chin and brush his lips against yours. bro is so intimate fr🙈
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Feel free to request anything!!😊
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aihoshiino · 3 months
Hey there! Love your analyses of Ai and ao3 fanfics! They're so good and you always bring interesting points to the table! I want to know your thoughts on something (it's possible that I sent this ask a while back but I have a feeling it never came through lol, my Tumblr/Internet be broken sometimes): In chapter 140 (not 100% canon, but I think the brought up subjects still resonate), page 5, Hikaru says that the student should come to the teacher, while Ai says don't just invite a man to your house. Do you think this has a link with their traumas? It also makes me wonder why exactly Ai would say something like that. Could it have a link with Ayumi's boyfriend (="man") that ogled her? I would like to know your thoughts on how this boyfriend would've affected Ai, her image on men or just relationships/sex in general. Would it even have a big impact on those factors? Thank you for your thoughts!
Thank you so much! 💜 Looking at my inbox I do think Tumblr just ate it the first time you sent this….. Functional webbed site……………..
Honestly it's so hard to know what to make of those HikaAi movie scenes in general but especially off the back of Hikaru being like "fake and gay lol" about it. The characterization feels additive and consistent with the real Ai and Hikaru but at least one of these scenes was written by an author who had literally never met them. And while they do communicate things to us about their respective baggage, it's complicated by the fact that this is in-universe fiction written by an in-universe author. So it's like - is this characterization Aka Akasaka is trying to communicate to us or characterization Yoriko Kichijouji is trying to communicate to the audience of 15 Year Lie? Both? It's a mess!
THAT SAID, Hikaru's "fake and gay lol" is explicitly challenged and undermined by the narrative and the whole point of the confrontation is slapping him with the fact that (among other things), he doesn't understand Ai half as well as he thinks he does. With that in mind and given that it doesn't directly contradict anything else we know about the real Ai, we can probably treat it as true enough for the purposes of using it as jumping off points for discussion.
I don't think Kamiki's line is super important on its own as its really just the setup for Ai's response - so the talk as a whole is really more about communicating things about Ai to us, through Hikaru's POV. And I think strictly in this context, Ai's line there is less to do with her mom and her experience growing up in Ayumi's house (I actually got the impression that the movie barely touched on that stuff? but I could be wrong) and more about her like… responding to other people's expectations without necessarily fully understanding them. I do think the specific way she phrases it is probably parroting something Ayumi may have said to her though - similarly to the way she calls her past self a 'nasty brat' in the Da Vinci interview which was just like… so pointed and unkind I can only assume it was something Ayumi called her in the past that just burrowed its way into her brain forever like that shit does.
Overall, it's part of a much broader pattern of behaviour on Ai's part of, as I've described it to friends, performing normalcy to the point of abnormality. She imitates the end of the "normal behaviour" process tree without understanding or following any of the steps that get there. I can't believe I'm reaching for this reference lol but I was rewatching a bunch of CJ the X vids last week and in their essay about Cat Valentine from the show Victorious, they describe some of the (certainly accidental) neurodivergent coding in Cat's character in a way that really pinged me as also speaking to the way Ai is also (much more intentionally) coded:
"[…] There's a big difference between following social procedure naturally and Attempting To Behave As One Might Act. […] She mimics convention, while fundamentally misinterpreting what part of convention is important in the first place."
That's really the cornerstone to a lot of Ai's behaviour - the combo of her social isolation and her neurodivergence means that she does not have the same frame of reference that most other people absorb from their peers and families as they grow up. So instead she just sort of… looks at the people around her, figures out what successful social interactions look like from the outside, and tries to replicate that to varying degrees of success.
Her argument with Nino is probably my favourite example of this - Nino is all but screaming at her to have a normal fucking human being conversation with her and Ai just sits there like ^_^ Nooooo don't be insecure your so sexy aha. no wonder nino wanted to kill her with a brick HGSJSSKS. And like - from an outsider perspective, you can see exactly why this happens! This is basically Ai short-circuiting because none of her usual scripted responses are resolving this situation. She defaults to the fawning response because she doesn't know what else to do, even though it should be clear it's making the issue worse.
It would be sooooo easy to just make this a one sided instance of Nino being cruel to her but it's really just the inevitable and unavoidable conclusion of Ai's instincts towards avoidance and fear of vulnerability. And it's not Ai's FAULT she's like that. it's learned behaviour. she is the way she is because allowing herself to be sincere and vulnerable only ever gets her hurt, but it still hurts her and the people around her as a result (like with Kamiki).
oh my god i'm like 5k words in and i haven't even touched the question you directly asked LSKDJKSSK. I MEAN, I ASSUME AT THIS POINT PEOPLE SEND ME ASKS LIKE THIS KNOWING THE RISKS OF GETTING AN ESSAY IN RETURN…
ANYWAY, I definitely think Ai's experiences growing up in Ayumi's house (incl. ayumi's pedo boyfriend lmao) were a huge part of why she ends up with such an utterly fucked concept of love and relationships. When I see people talking about this aspect of her character, I feel like it gets downplayed because the series itself is more about her life as an idol but her childhood is the literal foundation of everything that follows - Ai becomes an idol because she wants to know how to love people and be loved in return and the reason she's never experienced that is because of how Ayumi raised her and how she failed to protect Ai from and properly respond to Ai's narrow brush with that type of victimization.
It's hard to really say exactly how this specific incident impacted her with how little we know about how all that went down, but I definitely think it was part of a pretty consistent pattern in her childhood of having failed/toxic relationships modeled for her - there was All That with Ayumi's boyfriend but we also know that Ai's biodad was not in a relationship with Ayumi at the time Ai was growing up and that she saw him pretty infrequently. It's not hard for me to imagine that Ai's kind of wishywashy confusion as to wtf marriage even is expressed in 45510 is the result of seeing dogshit relationship after dogshit relationship fall apart in her formative years. And I definitely think The Incident (& Ayumi's reaction to it - she herself admits her behavior escalated as a result) probably planted the seed in Ai's brain of her being like… more aware of sex than she should have been at the age she was?
In fact, ironically, Hikaru's line about 'giving your body to body to receive love' was actually how I've always interpreted Ai - pretty much the entire time I've been brainrotted about her, my interpretation has always been that Hikaru was not her first boyfriend or sexual partner and that she had probably run through a couple of extremely fast burning short term relationships before they met.that escalated to physical intimacy very quick and burned out just as fast.
I don't necessarily have a ton of capital-E Evidence for this other than a line or two in the series and also just Vibes. Not only can abuse and neglect in childhood lead to premature sexual behaviour in teens (as a sort of attention/intimacy seeking mechanism) but Akane specifically pegs Ai as having obvious emotional imbalances typical of a person who engages in this kind of early sexual behaviour, but then notes that it settled down after she turned 15 and notes 'did she meet someone nice?', implicitly tying her improvement in behaviour to Kamiki - but then of course, that means her destructive behaviour can't have been the result of sleeping with him. In addition, the TL that was available for the manga when I was getting back into the series had Ai refer to Kamiki as an ex during their phonecall, implying she had more than one.
This is one of those things where like… if you are normal about this character it probably doesn't really matter but unfortunately for everyone else i'm insane ;SKFLSNMSLSMKA So stuff like this is really interesting for me to dig into. One of the things I find really fascinating about Ai that mostly exists in subtext and idk how intentional it even was on Akasaka's part is this sense of internalized shame and even disgust she has directed at her own body and sexuality. She calls herself 'dirty' and 'impure', and her final words to Ryosuke are her more or less apologizing to him for that - and idk, I think that aspect of her character (and OnK's ongoing refutations that Ai being 'dirty' in this way is in any way something she should have been rebuked or punished for) is that much more interesting if all that is the case vs the more straightforward and "pure" (for lack of a better word) version of events where she met Hikaru and they fell in love and had sex… if that makes sense.
Honestly Ai's relationship with like, sex and intimacy and sex in the context of a loving relationship being healing and reclaiming for her is one of those things I have so much fun writing in the context of RP and stuff but if I continued rambling about it here I would go on all day lol and this post is already so long. IN ANOTHER ASK, PERHAPS……..
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jmvore · 1 year
Say Yes (2) | pjm + jjk
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‹ previous | next › » warning(s) › stalking, jikook missing you hours, nothing really happens » pairing(s) › jungkook x reader x jimin | student(s) x professor » word(s) › 1.1k+ » note(s) › yes. this is a repost from @/googikoo <3. also, I have to re-write the first chapter because it got lost in the void. so for now... just bare with me until I remember what the hell I wrote lol.
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[01:24pm] "I miss her..." Jungkook sighs dreamily. It's their free period and what better way to spend it than watching you go about your day? You have watched them sit at your desk to grade papers, talk with other students, or just stroll around campus.
Right now, they're watching you walk down the entrance hall with one of their other professors. Professor Kim Namjoon. They know you're most likely discussing lesson plans but they can't help but feel a pang of envy when they see you with someone that isn't them.
"She's avoiding us."
Jimin stares at you until you make eye contact. Your chest rises slightly before falling, and they know you haven't forgotten what happened the last time you three were in a room together.
"She's just being shy, Hyung..." Jungkook counters but Jimin simply hums at the younger's naivety. It's cute.
You swiftly bow to excuse yourself when one of your students, Yeonjun, stops you from leaving. Jimin can see your smile is strained. He knows you know he's watching you. You leave without looking back. Jimin's gaze follows you until you are out of sight. You take a few deep breaths to regain your composure.
"Fucking Teacher's Pet..." Jimin rolls his eyes but he can't help the irritation that's bubbling up inside of him. And as you walk away with Yeonjun following close behind, it takes everything in Jimin to look away. He takes deep, sharp breaths to push that ugly green monster down.
Though, the more Jimin thinks about it, the more he notices a pattern.
Every time they see you, you're with a student or teacher. At this point, they know you're doing it intentionally. They can't blame you. In light of what happened last time, you can never be too careful. Being alone with them is something you tried to avoid. Even inside your classroom. They know this. They love watching you struggle to remain professional in their presence while their seated at their desk.
You can sense the tension rising with every passing day. They know you wouldn't go to the dean for the simple fact, you don't want any of this getting out. You don't want to lose our job either.
Even though it would make it much easier for them.
"How do we get her to see us again?"
"We have to wait."
Jungkook frowns at his words. He doesn't want to wait. If he could, he would whisk you away from everything and everyone. Keep you locked away, not only for his benefit but for your safety. Jungkook knows he can't rush things. He knows he needs to give you time and space to come to terms with the situation.
But... It's hard to do that with you flaunting your curves all over campus.
They also know they can't give you too much space or you'll think they've given up on you. Which is far from the case.
Jimin hearts plummets to the floor when he realizes who you're with now. His nose twitching with irritation.
"She's with him. Again."
Jimin's expression shifted from one of contentment to one of resentment when he noticed you speaking with Professor Kim Seokjin, your spouse. His grumbling betrayed his growing frustration, his inability to tear his gaze away from the couple whose joy seemed to be exclusive.
He sighed and glances away, forlorn as he pulls out his phone to type out a message to send you.
[01:46pm] Jimin: Meet us in your office, love.
Jimin adds the pet name for shits and giggles, knowing how you feel about them when Seokjin says them to you. They watch you when you make eye contact with Jimin as he smirks. He sees you shutter before frowning at your watch.
"Hyung..." Jungkook whines, catching Jimin's attention. He can't lie, he misses you too. He can't tell you how many times he replayed that video for his viewing pleasure. He's been content with it but he'll want the real thing very soon.
You lean up to kiss your husband's cheek. Jungkook and Jimin faces twist in disgust when you mouthed the words 'I love you' to him.
Pretty soon, you'll be theirs and you’ll be saying that to them. They’ll make sure of it.
"C'mon." Jimin tugs on Jungkook's jacket as he watches you walk back toward your office. You're picking your nails. They know you're nervous.
"Where are we going, hyung?"
"To her office."
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© 2020 - 2023 » JMVORE || @googikoo/@http-pjm » All Rights Reserved.   DO NOT Copy, Translate, Re-Upload, or Steal ANY of my work. Thank You!
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baek-at-it-again95 · 1 year
Walk The Plank (KHJ x fem reader)
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Chapter 16: If Without You
You had grown up hearing tales about the infamous pirate crew ATEEZ—the fearless, power-hungry men that roamed the seas in search of the most valuable treasure they could lay their hands on. You almost didn’t believe the stories your mother had told you as a child...not until you wound up on their ship  
Warnings for this chapter: tall heights, soft mingi lol, angsty!
A/N: HI ATINY BABIES! It’s been a while! I wrote half of this before seeing TXT and then my brain was fried for the weeks following... I hope you are all enjoying your summer so far <3
Previous: Chapter 15, Masterlist
Chapter 16: If Without You
"I have something I want to show you."
You follow Hongjoong as he leads you outside, a comfortable silence falling between you. It's a nice break from the previous chaos. 
You pass by a flower field that is beautiful in the moonlight, and you realize that the building you just left is surrounded by a farm. It's on the outskirts of a city, which looks like the Sector One you had jumped from moments ago. You space in and out as you follow Hongjoong, sometimes glancing at his hat from behind, wondering if he knows you're looking at him.
"You were not lying when you said your Sector One was similar," you mumble. He looks back at you, waiting for you to catch up to his side before answering.
"Did you not believe me?"
"No, I just...did not imagine there could be so much of the same thing in all these different worlds."
"Humans are very repetitive beings," he replies, wide eyes glistening in the moonlight. "Their history seems to repeat in similar patterns, whether from one world or another. Things that are present in one are present in the next."
You look at him curiously. "Do you think that is a good thing?"
"I believe it can be a good and bad thing. For example, bad, because you, me, and our alternates seem to be wanted in different timelines." You play with your fingers nervously at his statement. "But also good, since we are together in those worlds, as well."
"So perhaps it is beyond just a simple repetitive history. Like... fate," you suggest.
"That is true. Though, I would rather it not be."
"Fate is such a set concept. Like there can only be one option and one outcome, you know?"
"I see. You do not like your fate, if this is what your fate is. Correct?" You look at him with a frown.
"Yes. I would rather this life not be destined for every alternate version of me."
"Well, like there are different versions of you, I believe there can be different versions of fate," you reply. "I am sure that somewhere, an alternate of you and your lover are together. And they are happy." You keep your eyes on the ground as you exit the fields of the farm. The ground transitions from dirt to the same kind of odd, smooth ground from the previous city.
"I can believe that," Hongjoong says. "Actually, I know that we are together, happy somewhere. I have seen them."
"Oh, that is nice to hear." You give him a sad smile. Had he seen his alternate with his lover somewhere in the world you had just jumped from? Or maybe he's jumped worlds before even meeting you. You wonder what other kinds of artifacts aside from the Cromer possess such a power. What do the Guardians use to jump? Does each world have its own version of the Cromer, like they do people? 
He nods. "I hope they stay together." Hongjoong pushes open the door to a tall building you hadn't even realized you arrived in front of. "Come on," he whispers, holding it open for you.
Hesitating for just a moment, you enter the new structure. He gently takes your arm, leading you down a narrow walkway into another door. In this one, there are steps going around and around, spiraling up to a ceiling you can barely see. You begin to ascend them quickly but slow down soon after. It feels as if there is no end to them as you continue up, so after some time, you abruptly stop in the middle of a platform.
"Need a break?" Hongjoong asks, smile on his face as he watches you catch your breath. 
"No, no. Are we almost there, though?" 
"Yes. Here." You reluctantly follow him up one more set of stairs and he opens a door, taking you outside. You cautiously step out and look around.
"Wow." From here, you can see all of this Sector One. Little lights in the windows of the many structures sparkle like stars, making the ground look like a mirror of the sky. The lights expand across your entire line of sight, and the moon looks huge as it looms over the city, casting its low light over the buildings. "This...is beautiful." You can't tear your eyes away from the view. Unlike the last time you were high above the ground, you are not scared. You feel free. 
"Isn't it? I used to come up here a lot when I couldn't sleep."
"We are all so similar." It reminds you of the time your captain found you out on the deck, watching the reflection of the moon in the waves. He told you the story about his journey to Twilight Cove and you had fallen asleep right there, on the steps to the quarter deck. You smile to yourself.
"What do you plan to do once you get home?" Hongjoong asks. 
"Oh, I have not given it much thought. I was not even sure we could get home before this."
"I see. There is one thing you must do when you go back, though."
"What would that be?"
"You have to break the Cromer."
"What?" Your breath catches in your throat. "But we searched so long and hard for it. My father's entire life of research is in our hands, and you want me to break it? As if it is nothing?"
"Y/N, I understand why this would be upsetting. But your life will continue to be in danger as long as you have it in your possession. Once you rid yourself of the artifact and its effects, the guardians will likely not be able to find you."
"But Hongjoong—"
"I know, darling. It is your decision, and I will not be there. Just...think about it, please. I do not want you to live a life like me where you just run and run." He runs his fingers through his dark hair and you sigh, nodding. 
Hongjoong then points to the sky, taking you away from the subject of the Cromer.
"Do you see that star right there?" He comes next to you.
"The brightest one?"
"Yes, that one. It reminds me of her. Sometimes I feel like giving up, but I know she wouldn't give up. So, I can't."
"Hongjoong...I did not know her, but I feel like she would want you to live freely. Without worrying about her. Just as you do not wish for any harm to come to her, she is probably hoping the same of you." He lowers his gaze to the ground. 
"I know, but I am selfish. I have thought about giving up, but after these past few days, I remember why I want so badly to be with her again. And if I can't, I will die trying." Your eyes widen at his confession.
"I see." You notice in the distance how an orange hue has begun to appear in the dark sky. 
"Y/N, I need to tell you something." 
"What is it?" you ask, still watching the skyline. You begin to see pink along with the orange.
"It has been nice to see you again."
"Again?" You turn to look at him.
He hesitates. "Y/N, you are my lover. In every universe."
The world seems to spin at his words.
"I know I am not your Hongjoong. And you are not my Y/N. But being with you has given me some peace. To know you are just as lovely as I remember, beyond time and space. It has not filled the hole in my heart, but helped patch it." You just stare at him, your jaw opening to say something but closing again. "Forgive me for keeping this from you...I just did not know if it would cause any issues earlier on."
"I suppose for me to be in love with the Hongjoong in my world and you to be in love with the Y/N in your world makes sense. It is just quite overwhelming to think about."
"I understand. How do you think I felt when you suddenly appeared and helped me escape that Guardian?" He laughs. 
"Yes. Thank you, Y/N. For everything."
"No need to thank me." You brush him off. "I did not do anything." 
"Yes, you did. Y/N, you're amazing. You saved our lives and you have been so strong through it all. And again, you reminded me of what's important to me. So, thank you."
"Thank you." You pull him into your arms and hold him tight. "For everything. Good luck finding...um...me." Hongjoong laughs at you, pulling back.
"Here." He pulls the Cromer from the inside of his coat, handing the shiny object to you. You accept it carefully.
"Hongjoong, how can I be sure I can go home now? You said it works best when I am in danger..." He holds onto both of your arms as he speaks to you.
"Trust me, Y/N."
"I do, but—" He places a chaste kiss on your cheek.
"And don't be mad at me, please. Understand this is for you to get home."
"But why would I be—" Hongjoong scoops you up, bringing you to the edge of the rooftop. Your eyes widen and your heart feels like it stops as he holds you over the wall. "No, Hongjoong," you plead. "There has to be some other way. I do not like this method."
"Trust me. Until we meet again."
"Kim Hongjoong I swear—AH!" You scream as he lets go of you and you close your eyes, hugging the Cromer tightly to your chest. You hear nothing but the wind in your ears as you descend. Home. You have to go home. You think about your crewmates and the captain you miss so dearly, along with the ship you had gotten so used to traveling on. 
Are you still falling?
You can't feel anything particular around you, and you're scared to open your eyes. But you know you have to eventually. With one deep breath, you open them slowly. You make eye contact with Hongjoong. Your Hongjoong. You take in his eyepatch, his hook, and his scruffy mullet that you missed. His telescope clatters to the main deck and it brings you out of your daze. He runs over and cups your cheek with his hand.
"Joong!" You practically knock him over as you bury yourself in his arms. He pulls you away, inspecting your face and your body for visible injuries. Tears prick at your eyes, and you sniffle.
"I am okay." You watch as a tear falls from his eye, too, and he pulls you back into his chest.
"Y/N, I was so worried about you." He places a kiss on top of your head.
"I was worried about you, too. I missed you so much." His embrace is enough to calm you completely, his familiar scent comforting.
"What is going on out her-" You hear Mingi's voice from behind you and you turn to peek at him with your blurry, tear-filled eyes. "Shit." He disappears back into the captain's quarters and comes back out with six other men who you missed equally as much.
"Y/N!" Wooyoung shouts, running over to hug both of you. "I knew you'd be back with no problem." You roll your eyes, smiling. 
"Where is..." Yeosang starts.
"He is home. I have a lot to tell you all."
"We do too," San says. "Mingi cried a lot while you were gone." You watch as Mingi jabs his laughing crew mate in the side, and you have to hold in your own laughter.
"I am flattered." Your eyes then catch a glimpse of the Cromer on the deck. You must have dropped it when you saw Hongjoong.
How are you going to tell them that you need to destroy it...
Taglist: @foxinnie8 <3
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shoukiko · 7 months
Hi, you can keep this unanswered and not post it, but I want to help you understand the thought behind some of the points in your criticism post. Before I start I want to apologise if I come off as blunt and rude, that's not my intention and I'll try my best to show my tone as unthreatening but I'm autistic and not a native English speaker, which complicates things lol
*general you used throughout the ask
First, I want to start with this: they all are part of the army. You don't need to dig much to see you'll rarely see a "morally upstanding" person in the army, be it because they're cheaters, abusers, compliant with all that or they're (insert -ist/-phobe category here). UK military spouses are 3 times more likely to experience intimate partner violence (IPV). I'm not saying the COD characters need to be written like that, but it wouldn't be "unrealistic" if we take real life statistics into account.
Second, and maybe the most important thing, everyone writes COD characters OOC. The majority of the active fandom on Tumblr and tiktok have seen gifs and 10min out of context clips from the game at best. It's to be expected to not frequently find something actually in character for a lot of the guys. Especially with characters that are just operators like König, Nikto and Krueger. In their case everything is and isn't OOC at the same time because we just... Don't know these characters. We lack characterisation past maybe 1-3 traits about them. I'd argue that's why the fandom liked König so much, other than being masked, he's the perfect paper doll! You can dress him up in whatever characterisation you want and it probably won't contradict his canon (because he barely has one and what he has is quickly misinterpreted (anxiety disorder turning into shyness for example)).
Now specifically on your "How are you going to hc a victim as the abuser?" - simple, whether you like to accept it or not is up to you, but it's not far fetched for victims to become abusers later in life. Just look at serial killers statistics - 74% of US serial killers were psychologically abused and 42% were physically abused as children and later in life followed a similar pattern brought to an extreme. Or on the other hand, a tamer example would be generational trauma because that's how we get that (grandparent was abused and because that's all they know, they implement it in bringing up their child who, for the same reason, implements it in bringing up the grandchild and so on).
The final thing I want to say is, it's good to block people who you don't vibe with. Doesn't matter if it's because they wrote something that personally disturbed you or you simply don't like their blog theme or you see them too often in the tag. Personally curating your experience is key in fandom, utilise the tools Tumblr has given us. Of course as you and others have mentioned that's impossible without some assistance from the other side. Tagging is extremely important (tagging with the correct words without censoring!!! Or the filter won't catch! Rape, noncon, incest ✅; r@pe, n*nc*n, 1nc*st ✖️✖️).
I hope this isn't too messy or long aaaa
I really appreciate you taking the time to type this up and actually speak to me about this, your input is very appreciated. /gen
I do think I could've done better on that post since I wrote it in the heat of the moment, all characters are written OOC and it was ignorant of me to say
"Maybe read the characters backstories and actually take their past into consideration because you guys kinda look dumb for making these characters so OOC."
I hope ya'll can really take the time to see my POV, I did not mean. any harm, I've come across some gross things, but blocking and filtering tags so much as begun to be tiring.
My main issue is tagging, without tagging I am left with getting triggered by random posts because the first few sentences may include something on my trigger list.
That's all I want and also what a lot of other people want.
Writing is meant for anyone and everyone, a form of art and perhaps a for of therapy.
Please tag your work, you are not the only person on the internet.
Thank you for reading!
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richard, on a monday
sometimes over the weekends, robbie would go home to visit their parents. annie always declined to join him. the following weekend was one such trip, but ironically, their dad was in the city for the morning, so annie met him for brunch and then they took a quick trip to a museum. her phone buzzed while she was there and she checked the photo from robbie. it was a shot of their mom in the kitchen, fully nude. "mom just hanging out naked since it's just me here," he said. she was looking away in the photo, unaware it was being taken. oddly, annie found it kind of hot. she pinched and zoomed in on her mother's bush. the growth pattern was similar to hers.
"fucking hot," annie replied.
"lol," he said. "she asked if i minded and i said of course not, she looks hot. she liked that."
"i'm with dad but fully dressed," annie said.
"disappointed in u" he replied.
that night, annie went on her first proper date with ted. since their first hookup the previous weekend, they'd gotten together for a quick, rough midweek fuck but tonight they had dinner.
still, one of his first questions to annie was whether or not she was wearing panties. "of course not," she'd told him.
it was so easy to talk to him. they were there for 2 hours, and annie was drunk by the time they left. which made getting facefucked by ted's thick cock in the kitchen a lot of fun. it was, she realized, the first time she'd actually sucked his cock -- every other time had been an urgent, hard, brief fuck.
they took their time tonight. ted skillfully ate annie's pussy, made her cum, and then took her through a long, multi-position fuck. annie clocked after a few minutes that ted may have taken one of his pills, which was confirmed when he pulled out to cum on her stomach and then went back in to continue. annie reached for her phone and made an appreciative video of ted railing her cum-covered pussy. after he finished the second time (and annie finished for the fourth time) she sent the clip to both julia and robbie.
"oh FUCK" julia replied
"good girl," robbie replied.
once again annie woke up in ted's bed alone, but this time thought to put one of his shirts on before she went out to the kitchen and found lucy. "morning," annie said. she pulled out her phone and immediately showed lucy the video.
"oh wow," lucy said. "can i uh, borrow your phone?"
annie told her the passcode and let her take it back to her room. ted came back before lucy came out of her room, so they flirted for a while over bagels. eventually lucy emerged bottomless from her room, her bald pussy reddened slightly from activity. "morning sleepyhead," ted said, cluelessly.
later, annie saw that lucy had added her number to annie's phone, and had taken some nudes of herself in bed. "you're hot" annie texted her.
"if you have any younger male friends please show them," lucy said.
"i'll show my brother," annie said.
"okay," lucy said.
she showed robbie lucy's nudes. "how old is she?" he asked, concerned.
"18," annie said, not actually certain.
"nice," he said. "show her my cock."
annie helped him get hard. just with her hands - after his birthday she hadn't sucked it again.
"OMG," lucy replied. "your brother lets you take pics of his dick?" annie had even sent one of herself flashing a peace sign next to robbie's cock.
"yeah we're very close," annie said.
"after the divorce my dad's sister started coming around here a lot when we moved in," lucy said. "i barely saw her growing up but now i see her all the time."
"she must have hated your mom," annie said.
"yep," lucy said. "anyway, i thought it was kind of weird that she'd like, get out of the shower naked around my dad. i guess it's not that weird though."
"i love it," annie said. "is she shaved?"
"no," lucy said. "so we have an advantage there."
that afternoon was richard's first session since the gallery show. he'd been in paris the week before. but he first wanted to know if annie was OK and why'd she left so quickly.
"i was embarrassed about that photo she showed you," annie said. "you know, you invite me to a gallery and i get high and get my tits out."
he laughed. "that's what artists want you do to," he said. "it's fine, i'm an adult, i can see your breasts and still respect you."
having that resolved, they checked in on richard's most recent paris visit. he met a bunch of his daughter's local friends, and, he confided in annie, slept with one of them.
"ooh la la," annie said. "nothing wrong with a little french pastry."
she asked if his daughter was aware of it, and he'd told annie that he'd gotten laid on the couch of his daughter's flat while his daughter had sex with a young man in her "room" which was only separated by a japanese screen.
"very intimate," annie said, getting very wet.
"it was pretty dark and i think we were both trying to be somewhat quiet," he said.
"i was certainly aware when she climaxed," he said.
"i love that," annie said.
he told her that after, his daughter and the female friend had hopped into the shower together to clean each other off.
"so your daughter was cleaning your cum..."
"out of her friend's bush, yes," he said. "i watched."
"wow," annie said.
"sorry," he said. "is that too much?"
"no," annie said abruptly. "i mean, your relationship will accept as much closeness as it will accept. it's just the two of you. it's a dynamic that requires closeness and this is how you're building it. as two adults who definitely enjoy sex."
"you seem a little agitated as you're saying this though," richard said. "your face is a little flushed and you're speaking very quickly. i just want to know you're being honest with me about how you feel."
"i'm like this because i'm aroused," annie said.
richard chuckled. "ok, i feel reassured that you're being honest."
"what was the morning like," annie said, shifting in her seat.
"she had a lightly nervous energy, but was walking around her kitchenette fully nude," he said. "and honestly, briefly, i was too."
"oh?" annie said.
"i'd fallen asleep au naturale on the couch," he said. "so i woke up like that, and rather alert."
annie smiled. "and she saw."
"she did."
"i love that for her."
"you don't think it was a problem?"
"well, has she sent you any nude photos since then?"
he opened his phone to show her the last text from her -- a selfie from bed, nude, smiling. "have a nice flight!" she'd written. her pussy looked particularly full and hairy. it was nice.
"i think your relationship is preserved," annie said.
when annie got home, dizzy from pills she'd taken after seeing richard, robbie was home from their parents' house. annie relaxed on the bed as he told her that early that morning, their mom had walked in on him jerking off in his room. she'd apologized profusely, covering her eyes, but not leaving the room, and robbie had just said, "it's fine, i don't care, it's just my dick." and she'd laughed and opened her eyes and said, "you're bigger than your father." and he'd said, "i guess i got it from your side of the family," and she'd said, "yes, my father was hung like a horse." and he laughed and said, "how do you know?" and his mom had said, "i was always pretty casually naked around the house to piss my mom off, so he never hid anything from me, either." and he'd told her -- she was apparently wearing one of their dad's t-shirts at the time, he'd told her she was overdressed, and so she'd taken the t-shirt off, and was in just a white pair of panties. and so he'd told her that her bush looked really great in those panties, and she'd giggled and said he was too sweet and he'd said, "no seriously it's a great bush, i might have to start stroking again," and she'd giggled and then pulled her panties down. and he'd taken his phone and told her he was gonna take a picture of her, and she'd actually posed for him - hand on her hips, panties around her thighs, and then she'd turned around to show him her ass. he showed annie the pictures. she looked good.
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accio-victuuri · 5 months
4/29 candies to enjoy ^^ 🍭🍬🍩
this was a busy day for us cpfs. so i’m gonna compile some bits that made our cpn-senses go off! 😂
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the most obvious, and my fave, because of how it follows the pattern is them not overlapping their releases. i thought gg was gonna release the gucci stuff at his usual 10:05 or 10:10 but he didn’t. that’s because wyb had jeanswest release on 10:30. i love how that was given it’s time till 13:00 when gg posted the ad. i’m clowning cause 13 is yizhan! and then 13:20 will be the weibo live for FPU, which was kinda delayed too when it went on. some more materials for GUCCI was released throughout the day but moreso on international platforms.
it’s hilarious cause i saw a hot take from an xz anti before who said he is “afraid” of doing stuff alongside wyb. that is their perception. lol. but i think even if you don’t believe in the whole cp thing, maybe it’s professional courtesy? maybe these two are friends and have this unspoken rule? 🤷🏻‍♀️
tho i was very happy to see them both pop up on my weibo opening screen! and to experience them having these international campaigns, for wyb, lacoste recently— makes me proud. 😌
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a funny cpn from today is this parallel. in a segment at FPU, there was a moment where a fan said jiayou and wyb said cheering is not always necessary. It reminded us of that time xz was told to jiayou when he was about to go to the restroom and he’s like???? why do i have to jiayou???
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oh these two. 😂😂😂
yibo is the resident gremlin who always has a smart ass reply or some savage comeback for you but xz usually doesn’t. but we know what he has that in him too and i wish we could see more of that!
bonus cuteness before we proceed, this edit of them looking like they are doing the choreo for jisoo’s flower 🌸 and they are BP fanboys so it fits!
now some double standards. in the movie channel interview, they were asked where they first met, and wyb couldn’t remember. compare this to how he was with xz! he was always very proactive that they met in ttxs!!!!
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there was also a part where they were asked to give an example of what they wanna learn from each other. and if they communicated to learn. so HJY said street dance and WYB said jiu jitsu but they both weren’t able to learn from each other. in the meantime, wyb taught xz a dance routine 😂😂😂 among other things. i’m sure yibo will be more than happy to help someone out, but i think you have to be at a certain level of closeness to him. or he is really comfortable with you.
this last section is for the beaded bracelet. i think it’s time to discuss it again because this is the 3rd time he is seen with it. so this looks like something personal for him. tho i have to say, you have the coco crush which is both personal and part of him promoting chanel too. i’m invested in this cpn and at the same time frustrated because of the questions.
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( p1: him wearing it for the fpu bazaar magazine shoot // p2: worn during the movie channel interview // p3: what so/os are saying is the bracelet not that it matters cause i can clown this too )
1. i hate how no wardrobe accounts have confirmed what it is. and i kinda understand cause we never see it fully, plus there is cpn attached to it so they are extra careful. which is also another source of my frustration. why does he wear it when he has long sleeves on??? he was wearing a shirt earlier and his arms were bare! but wait.. he changed his clothes and as soon as he had something to sort of cover it, the bracelet was on. 💀💀💀💀
it’s like he is purposely clowning us!
2. if this was a jewelry to show off and promote Chanel, why can’t we see it well? and i want to see the change in the beads’ color to confirm if it is what the solos say it is.
i’m also side eyeing international solos who are proudly commenting how wyb’s bracelet is luxury and not some cheap buddha beads like xz’s. what? it’s such an insult to a culture that is important to yibo. those bead bracelets made in specific temples for protection is part of his culture. he knows it’s importance and respects it. but what can i expect from solos really? lol. the bar is already very low when it comes to them but they still manage to disappoint me. 🪦
3. and if it is Chanel, i can still clown by thinking GG bought it for him so they can match. 😂😂😂 atleast with the aesthetic.
bonus: the bone necklace!!!!!
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another bonus, i saw this photo of like a celebration i guess for queen of tears. and the cake! the way the actors are cutting it! lol. reminds of xz and wyb! 😂
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banner edit source 圣衣雪琳
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syre-stane16 · 9 months
OK.... I got a teensy weenie bit annoyed at 'patterns' drawn for vision users of each element in memes so....
First things first,
What is Anemo?
Coming from the old Greek word for wind, anemo is the... wind element. In Genshin, it's associated with the concept of freedom.
In game it caused the SWIRL reaction when used alongside cryo, pyro, electro and hydro, it also transfers their effects on other enemies.
In game, most anemo users can be used as crowd control.
Now, air itself is associated with swiftness and flow. It's transparent, and we barely notice it despite its abundance.
Weirdly enough, I always associated wind with knowledge as well in a way. Due to the fact that it's EVERYWHERE, a wind God could know anything and everything spoken like advanced eavesdropping.
Now that I got all that out of the way.
She's quiet, like the air, and shy. But that feels like a weak reason.
She is an alchemist. In fact the first thing she does with her vision, is to test it out by boiling it.
Anemo is one of the only two elements that has an almost universal reaction [SWIRL] the other one being geo's CRYSTALLISE, and guess what element the other alchemist wields.
She's the head of the region. She also demonstrates extreme loyalty to Mondstadt. not much else to reason, she lives for the people of the wind and so she got the vision of the wind.
He always stood out to me amongst the rest of the Liyue cast for reasons I'll explain in a bit.
Xiao doesn't remember how he got his vision since it was so long ago.
He was enslaved by another god and forced to commit horrible acts in his name. He was freed by Rex Lapis during the Archon War. So he could have gotten his vision because of his desire for freedom.
Another reason could be because of his illuminated beast form. The Genshin Wiki suggests two possible forms for him since we haven't actually seen him, a Peng [Large bird from Chinese folklore] or a Garuda [A Hindu diety who freed his mother from his snake headed half brothers, King of the Birds] can you tell which one I'm more familiar with? lol.
Both are birds, in a way. Garuda is a humanoid with a bird head and wings, and while Xiao is a Liyuen character, his status as a Yaksha stood out to me. In Hindu lore, Yakshas are used to refer to benevolent demons deities, so I always associated him closer to Hinduism because of this.
So while he, as a Liyuen character, has a chance to be a Peng. I'm kinda rooting for him to be similar to Garuda because of his roots.
Back on anemo, he's a bird. wind. I'm so smart. B)
She's a ninja and ninjas are swift, it also ties in the invisibility aspect of the wind. And eavesdropping.
Heizou has his own form of justice. Sara lets him get away with it because he's that good at his job, so he has more freedom with the law.. But that's weak-sauce.
The eavesdropping/knowledge aspect could work for a detective as well.
His dad's a martial artist master and he definitely learned under him a bit, so swift movements I guess.
That being said, Heizou didn't want to follow in his dad's footsteps, he got his vision when he found himself a purpose and 'broke free' from his father's expectations, unless I misinterpreted his story. Feel free to comment if so. <3
I would be burned at the stake by the Church of Mondstadt but I spoke my truth.
Ok, I was worried that I won't get anything from her, but she gained her vision from getting herself free from Deshret's tomb.
She is totally justified.
So this boy spent most of his life being bound by his betrayals. He tried to free himself from his past with a retcon, but its like... freeing yourself by taking a VERY drastic decision... I hope I wasn't the only one who read it that way...
He 'frees' himself, not by binding himself to his past, nor by 'running' away from it, he embraces it. He accepts what happened to him, and the things he's done, but he's more at peace with what happened.
In a way, he's free from his past. he's still facing the consequences of his actions and all that [Nahida's just rehabilitating him even though he's her prisoner and I think that she's the sweetest thing in the world], but he's no longer weighed down by all those emotions.
I love arcs like that. I love it when people heal. I love his arc.
She's quiet, she's a spy that once again ties to the eavesdropping aspect, and she was freed, along with Lyney. I'm doing research for Lyney separately. So...
She could also be tied to the crowd control aspect in Genshin.
She's the magician's assistant. In a lot of magic tricks, the assistants draw the eyes away from what the magician's doing in the background by making a big show of unveiling a prop.
That's right, if you watch certain tricks and keep an eye on the magician and not let your eyes be drawn to the assistants waving the tablecloth, you could see the magician switching out the gun or whatever.
The crowd control thing also works with the spy aspect. So yeah.
I was able to give Doylist reasoning for the elements assigned to each of the characters. However, not a Watsonian reason.
It may just be a case of Celestia yeeting random visions to anyone who passes a trial or impresses them. and it's a game of chance.... unless you can find other similarities.
Honestly, if everyone in each element had something in common with those of the same element, it could leave little room for variation in the cast. You could get creative if all anemo vision holders were people who have a strong sense of freedom, or fights for the freedom of others, but I'm glad they didn't go this route.
So... yeah, I'm gonna start resaerch on geo, and sorry about the long ass post but Genshin has a large cast.
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