#which makes sense this guy's been repressing his pleasure for so long it's building up pressure thats finally releasing
discododging · 1 year
It's fitting that Dan Fucks is about to become the mayor because everyone in this brain is fucking horny right now
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emberbent · 4 years
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Book 3: Water | Chapter 1: Tenok
Shinza uttered a moan as she slurped the seaweed noodles from her soup.
Amrit arched his brow. “Should I leave you two alone?”
“I can’t help it!” she defended with her mouth full. “I haven’t had Water Tribe food since I left Republic City.”
She wafted the fragrant steam from the broth up to her nose and inhaled deeply. The little restaurant on the outskirts of the Northern Water Tribe’s capital city was quiet - that period between the lunch and dinner crowds - and they had the place nearly to themselves. Amrit watched her from his side of the table, picking at his fermented turtle-whale meat. He’d never really jived with the nuanced flavors of Water Tribe cuisine, but watching Shinza enjoy her food with such gusto, and just being with her again, was more satisfying to him than food.
Shinza finished off her noodles with admirable speed, drank the remaining broth, and found Amrit leaning forward in earnest when she finally set her bowl down. 
“So fill me in! How was the temple?”
A highlight reel flashed across her mind of the events that had occurred during her training, and suddenly, she felt cold and exposed as the rapture of their reunion slipped away. “A lot happened up there.” 
Sensing a story coming, Amrit poured them each a cup of tea from the cast iron pot that sat between them. “Like what?”
Spirits, where was she even supposed to start? She warmed her fingers around the little metal cup. Then she said, “You know how my chi was blocked when I came to you, and we couldn’t figure out why?”
Amrit nodded, wincing a little. “Of course.”
“It turns out my parents knew I was the Avatar,” she said. “They found out when I was little, when the accident happened. They had my memories repressed and my bending blocked so I’d grow up thinking I was a non-bender.”
“Why?” he inquired, looking as disturbed as Shinza felt. He couldn’t help but glance at her scarred hands. “How did you find out?”
She scoffed at herself. “When I miscalculated an airbending move and threw myself into a rock face.” Rolling her eyes and sipping at her tea, she continued, “I have no idea why they did it. I want to believe it was to protect me.”
“I guess that’s why it took so long for the Fire Sages to find you,” he surmised. 
“I found out something else, too,” she continued. “Avatar Yeong didn’t die of an illness - he was assassinated by the Org.”
Amrit blanched. “They killed a baby?”
“Yeah,” she grunted. Her expression darkened. “They did. Which means we can’t put anything past them.”
He searched her face, looking for the worry she liked to hide. She chewed on her upper lip and stared hard at the table.
“Can I see your tattoo?” He changed the subject. She pushed up the sleeve of her thick fur coat to reveal the tattoo of Xia that wound and curled up her arm as if it were alive. 
“When my parents found out I was the Avatar, they hired a former Dai Li agent to block my bending,” she explained. “I got a letter from her while I was at the temple. She said she wanted to apologize to me in person for her role in suppressing my abilities. And I went, like a fucking idiot.”
“Trap?” Amrit inquired, tracing the crisp black lines on her forearm.
“Yeah. I barely managed to get out.”
She still felt the heat of the embers as she bent them into Nobu’s eyes. Smelled the charred flesh. Heard the crack of Yanyu’s arms as she snapped them with her bare hands. “Actually, I’d be dead or worse if Xia hadn’t rescued me. Oh, by the way, I’m probably wanted for murder in Gaoling.”
“Let’s get some sake,” he offered. “You deserve it.”
He put the order in with a passing waiter, and when the little jar arrived, he poured them each a cup. 
“It wasn’t all bad, though.” She managed a smile. “Korra and Jinora helped me restore the link to my past lives, and I invented my own airbending technique.”
His face lit up. “Really? That’s badass! Let’s see it.”
She squinted, trying to figure out how to scale down the move so she could politely do it inside the restaurant. “Okay,” she said. Then she made a faint gesture with her hands. “Reach for my cup.”
When he did, his fingertips met an invisible wall of solidified air. His brows rose in appreciation. “I gotta say, this suits you.”
“How so?”
“It’s a defensive move. Stealthy, inconspicuous. It uses your opponent’s own strength against them.”
Shinza beamed and accepted the praise. 
“Did you miss firebending?” he teased.
She snorted. “Do you mean, did I miss you making me run drills until I puked? No, I didn’t.”
Amrit grinned mirthfully. After a beat, he sobered and said, “I wish I could have been there for you. I didn’t realize you’d gone through so much.” 
Shinza swelled with affection and reached for his hand. The truth was that she wouldn’t be here with him if he hadn’t sent her off with Xia when she’d left the island. And if he hadn’t shown up at the temple when he did, she likely would have ended up wasting valuable time looking for a waterbending teacher.
“You were there for me,” she insisted. “Even if not in person. You always have been.”
The scene played again in her mind: Amrit dismounting Xia, gathering Shinza up in his arms. The flood of warmth she felt. “When you showed up at the temple this morning, I was so relieved I could have kissed you.”
“Why didn’t you?” he smirked.
Shinza felt hot blood rush to her cheeks. She ignored him, finishing the rest of her sake. “So who’s this guy we’re meeting with?”
Amrit pulled a business card out of his coat pocket and passed it to her. 
“Doctor Tenok Amaruk.” She read the name aloud, smoothing her thumb over the beautifully designed card, and then frowned. “Professor of… Water Tribe Cultural History? I thought he was a waterbending teacher.”
“Mmm, no, I didn’t say that exactly,” Amrit hedged. Pinned under Shinza’s severe gaze, he buckled. “Okay, full disclosure: I don’t actually know if he’ll agree to teach you.”
Shinza tutted. “You said you’d found me a teacher!”
“I said I may have found you a teacher,” he corrected, putting his hands up in defense. “Look, don’t worry about it, okay? I’m pretty sure I can convince him.”
The outer fortress of the Northern Water Tribe’s capital city had been impressive, but it was nothing compared to the interior of the city itself. As they strode through the gates, gleaming structures made of pure ice dominated their view. Residential terraces surrounded the city center, their tenants overlooking the lively streets below. Crystal-clear water, sourced from innumerable waterfalls, flowed through the street canals. For a moment, Shinza forgot to warm herself with her breathing as she took in the splendor of the Water Tribe Chief’s palace ahead of them, glinting like an enormous diamond in the sunlight.
They stepped into a gondola, which ferried them to the university, where they were to meet Dr. Amaruk. Amrit looked uncharacteristically nervous. 
“What’s your deal?” Shinza whispered.
“Nothing,” he returned. “I’m good.”
The University of the Northern Water Tribe boasted a sprawling campus, all sparkling blue buildings made of ice and smooth, snowy courtyards. The semester was coming to a close, and students milled about, rushing to their final exams. Amrit and Shinza made their way to the main building that housed the faculty’s offices and checked in with a secretary, who offered them a seat while they waited for their meeting time. After a few moments, the secretary motioned for them to go into the office. 
Tenok Amaruk was a middle-aged man, willowy, and much taller than both Amrit and Shinza. He wore a smart set of tailored garments - an artful combination of current and centuries-old Water Tribe fashion, trimmed with fur and handmade beads. They all settled into their chairs. The professor pinned Amrit like a fly across the desk with his sharp silver eyes.
“It’s been a long time, Mr. Han.” He inclined his head with stiff politeness, ignoring Shinza completely. “How can I help you?”
“Thank you for meeting with us,” Amrit returned the gesture. “I’d like to introduce you to the Avatar, Shinza Kwon.”
“The pleasure is mine,” Shinza greeted, mustering as warm a smile as she could despite the look of pure disgust Dr. Amaruk wore as he gave her a cold once-over.
He grunted. “And what exactly is it that you want from me, Miss Kwon?”
“I’ve just finished my airbending training,” she replied, getting down to business. She wasn’t afraid of this asshole, but she didn’t want to be here any longer than she had to be. “We came in from the Eastern Air Temple this morning. As you know, the next element in line is water, so… I’d like you to teach me waterbending.”
She looked askance at Amrit, who had clearly passed off leading the meeting to her and looked to be sweating bullets. He was usually so self-assured and confident - what was his deal?
Dr. Amaruk glanced at her expressionlessly from behind his little circular frames. “Absolutely not.” Then he took to the stack of ungraded papers on the corner of his desk with a red pen. “You may see yourselves out.”
Quiet fury rose up in Shinza. With her fists clenched, she rose from her seat and started for the door. She saw no sense in wasting time on someone who clearly had no interest in teaching her, or treating her like a human.
“Ten,” Amrit beseeched. The old nickname caught the professor’s attention and made Shinza pause. “Please.” 
Tenok put down his pen, daring Amrit to go on. 
“The Organization is out in full force in Republic City. They have cells operating in the Earth Kingdom and spirits know where else. She’s already over ten years behind, and the semester is almost over anyway.”
“I need your help,” she admitted through her clenched teeth. “The Org murdered Avatar Yeong, and now they’re out for me. I need to learn waterbending as soon as possible.”
Tenok took a deep breath and let it out very slowly. Then he said, “Fine.”
Shinza’s jaw relaxed and she came back to her seat.
Amrit looked like he wanted to fold up into his chair and disappear. “So what’s next?”
“You tell me, Mr. Han,” Tenok replied with a thin smile.
“I guess we’ll get accommodations in the city. And then --”
“You’ll both stay with me,” Tenok sighed, waving his hand as if Amrit were speaking nonsense. “If the Organization is rallying as you say, we can’t be certain there aren’t also cells here in the North. It’s safest to stay out of plain sight.”
Shinza and Amrit trudged back across campus and headed to the part of town where Tenok lived. The air between them was fraught.
“Do you want to explain to me what the hell that was all about?” Shinza laid into him as they stepped into the gondola. She still trembled with carefully-bridled rage remembering the way the professor had treated both of them. “That was the weirdest fucking meeting I’ve ever been to in my life!”
Amrit opened his mouth but then closed it, defeated. He leaned forward and let his head fall into his hands in shame. “I didn’t think it would go that way. I’m sorry.”
Shinza wasn’t satisfied. “But why him? Why not someone else? Anyone else?”
“Do you know any other waterbending masters?” Amrit lashed out. All of his emotions glimmered in his dark eyes as he met her gaze. “I thought maybe the past could stay in the past, okay? The embarrassment is bad enough. I don’t need to be grilled.”
She crossed the boat and settled next to him. She said softly, “I don’t understand why you didn’t just tell me you had history with this guy.”
He shook his head. “It’s complicated, I guess.”
A moment passed, and she leaned her head on his shoulder. “That was hard for you, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah,” he admitted. “I really am sorry.”
“I know.” 
Something else Amrit had left out was the fact that Tenok lived in a mansion. It was modest compared to the ones occupied by important government officials and the like; but it was large enough that Shinza could wander off by herself, free to choose her bedroom from the numerous ones available. 
Amrit was careful about the one he selected. In the end, he chose one down the hall from Shinza - not too far away from the main bedroom, but not too close. He and Shinza may have worked things out, but he had no idea where he stood with Tenok.
He unpacked his things and then took a walk around the house. Some things had changed - repairs had been made, more Water Tribe artifacts had been hung up on the walls. But by and large, the house was exactly the same as he remembered it from over a decade ago. The sight of it brought back memories he hadn’t let himself think about for a long time.
He found himself out on a terrace that faced the city center. It was midday, and the polar sun was setting. Amrit let out an exhausted sigh and settled into a chair, grimacing as he worked to pry off The Leg, whose metal had contracted painfully due to the frigid temperature. He winced and rubbed at the sore, blistered skin just below his knee, where his shin ended.
“I can’t decide if I should feel sorry for you, or if you deserve it,” Tenok sounded behind him.
Amrit tensed. Tenok came around to settle in the chair next to him, sizing up the younger man with his leonine gaze. With surprising tenderness, he asked, “Why did you come back?”
“Shinza needed a waterbending teacher,” Amrit replied half-heartedly.
“Is that so?” Tenok replied. Amrit had changed since he’d last seen him. He was a man with a purpose now, with mirth in his eyes. Tenok continued, “You made a fool of me today.”
“I didn’t mean--”
“Was it foolish to think you had come back to me? After all this time?”
Amrit chanced a glance at Tenok. His heart ached for seeing him again, and for all the memories that overtook him. Tenok was older, thinner. He still wore his hair the same - long, tidy dreadlocks that rested nobly on his shoulders and fell down his back, some tied up into a dignified cascade at the back of his head. But at his temples, the once salt-and-pepper hair had turned white. There were frown lines around his mouth; it pained Amrit to think he might have given him those.
Amrit stood carefully, making his way on his good leg to lean on the balcony. “I’m sorry I left.”
“I’m not angry that you left!” Tenok replied, incredulous that Amrit could be so thick. He joined him at the balcony. “You had a life to return to. I understood that. But you didn’t even say goodbye.”
That wasn’t true; he’d had no life to return to. Gao and his unborn children had been taken from him. He hadn’t yet assumed his father’s position teaching the fledgling firebenders. His identity as a husband and father had been shattered. Tenok’s comforting warmth had been sutures for the gaping wound in his soul, and he simply couldn’t have withstood losing him, too. So he’d ripped the sutures out himself. After he’d left, he hadn’t gone back to the island; instead, he’d wandered the Earth Kingdom, lost as he’d ever been.
Amrit locked eyes with him. Tenok melted at the feel of his calloused fingers brushing his sharp jawline. “You’re right,” he whispered. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Tenok gathered him up in his arms, holding him tightly. Amrit let go of the railing and leaned against him for balance. He snaked his arms around the older man’s waist, comforted by his familiar peppery tobacco scent.
“I accept your apology,” Tenok whispered in return. “Would you sit down, please?”
Amrit hobbled back to his seat. Tenok glanced at his leg. “I can help, if you’ll allow me.”
Amrit hesitated, but then conceded. “I’d be grateful.”
Tenok lifted his leg onto his lap and melted some of the ice nearby, warming the water and letting it coat his hand. It glowed blue with potent healing energy, and Amrit immediately relaxed under Tenok’s hand. The professor worked carefully at the end of his leg, gently softening the tensed muscles and repairing the blistered skin. 
Amrit closed his eyes and whispered, “Thank you.”
@chromecutie @hetapeep41 @jaymzbush @my-remedy-is-euphoria
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fan-wicktion · 5 years
Sparrow (9)
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warnings: masturbation, mentions of guns, bad language
“So what’s with the windows, anyway?” John smirks at you, hands on your shoulders, holding you in place.
“I always stick the landing,” you grunt, rolling your eyes. No time for your life story. He shifts a large hand to your wrist, and leads you gently back down the stairs. Like a tired, cranky child, you follow. Of course he’d catch me. Why would I think I could escape him? …Oh yeah, because I’m the best, duh.
“Are you going to stick me back in that room?”
“…No. I think we’ve just proved I don’t have to have you locked up to keep you where I want.” He glances back at you and his eyes glint with something you can’t quite make out. “You’re not going anywhere, but I suggest we stay on the first floor. We will be leaving soon anyway.”
You make a face behind his back, mocking him.
“Careful, your face will freeze like that.” How did he—? Actually never mind. He’s John Wick.
The kitchen greets the pair of you with the residual scent of stir fry, and you sit down. John sits down across the table, and you get the sense that one of you is at a job interview. But who is seeking approval from whom?
You steeple your fingers, then tilt your hands toward him. You feel like a mob boss.
“So. You are bringing me in to my death. Thoughts?” You watch him intently, scanning every slight facial movement. He sighs, suddenly looking very tired.
“Yes,” he concedes, then grumbles something under his breath. You raise your eyebrows.
“Hm? What was that?”
John rolls his eyes. “I said ‘not that I have any choice.’” An abrupt burst of sarcastic laughter escapes your mouth, bubbling out of nowhere. 
“YOU? You don’t have any choice? You’re John Fucking Wick. You’re telling me that you can’t do whatever the fuck you want? What are they gonna do? Excommunicate you? Didn’t you survive that?” Now you’re angry. “You should be dead. And you aren’t. Look me in the eyes and tell me I deserve to die over a stupid picture.”
His hands smack down onto the table, and he stands, glaring at you. You repress your flinch at the sound, and stare him down, defiant. The two of you face off for a few seconds before he breaks the gaze and slumps back into his chair. You would be more excited about winning the confrontation if John didn’t look so upset.
“You don’t. You don’t deserve to die.” He runs a hand over his face, then glances up at you, pulling his walls back up. “Even though you’re annoying as shit.”
You snort. “Yep. That’s what I thought,” you stand and start walking away. “Too bad. We almost had a moment of genuine connection there.” Reaching the doorway, you turn back and look at him. His brow was furrowed in frustration. “Don’t worry, I won’t run. I won’t take your prize from you this time.”
At least he shows signs of remorse.
The blanket cocoons you in warmth, but sleep isn’t even a shadow in your mind. It’s late, or maybe early morning. You lie awake, running over every interaction you’ve had with John in your mind. Hyper-analyzing every detail from the moment you locked eyes over the dead bank boss to the little showdown that just happened a few hours ago, you scan for inconsistencies—breaks in his armor. Can I trust him? …Should I kill him? You shut out memory of his activities with that damn vibrator because, well, it’s too complicated. You grimace as flashes fight to the front of your consciousness, your legs crossing to fend off the growing wetness between them.
Oh wait!
Your eyes fly open, realizing you’re no longer restrained nor locked in your room. Time to exercise my skill set…And maybe achieve some level of satisfaction, finally.
Slowing your breathing to be nearly nonexistent, and stilling the rapid beat of your heart, you tiptoe out of your room. You take your time, and every movement is perfect. Nobody—not even John Wick—could hear you. You realize you’ve been letting yourself slip around him. Not asserting yourself as the master assassin you are. Not anymore.
Stealing down the hall towards John’s room, you formulate a plan. What you’d do if he was awake, what you’d do if he was asleep. You pass through his door, silent as a breath of fog in the morning. Before moving an inch, you allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness. John lays sprawled across his bed, obviously trusting that you have no plans to escape. His chest rises and falls with gentle snores, and it looks like this may be the deepest sleep he’s had in quite a while. Vulnerable. The sight of his long limbs stretched out and relaxed across the bed, hair soft and loose about his face, fuels the liquid desire between your legs yet sets a pang of indecision through your heart. Here he is, splayed before you like a feast, a whole damn meal, but your desire for revenge wavers with his sleeping breath. He looks so sweet asleep. Almost like he wasn’t the world’s deadliest man, you think, biting into your lower lip.
You pad over to his duffel bag and silently extricate his tool kit. Your eyes widen as you open it, revealing various instruments of assorted torture. You didn’t realize John Wick was the type, seeing as he could use nearly anything as a weapon when he needed one, but you suppose every assassin needs to be prepared. You pluck out the slim vibrator and shudder with anticipation. Fucking finally.
You had planned on simply stealing the sex toy and satisfying yourself in your room, but the adrenalin rush of getting away with this was already beginning to flush your cheeks. The intoxicating confidence of knowing John Wick was in the room, oblivious to your arousal and thievery floods your system, and you perch yourself on a chair by the door. Shaking with nerves and excitement, you slip a hand into your sweats—John’s sweats, you remember—and run a finger over your wet slit. Using two fingers, you splay yourself open, then stroke upwards, coating your clit with your juices. At the brush of your fingers, your nervous system comes alive with electric energy. Your cheeks redden with heat, and you slip the vibrator beneath your waistband. Knowing the buzz of the tiny machine will wake John, you cross your legs and dampen the sound as you click it on. You clamp your free hand over your mouth to stifle a moan as waves of pleasure begin to wash over you. Your hungry eyes rove his body, remembering the sharp contact of his hands on your ass when he spanked you, the solid strength of his arms and shoulders each time he’s lifted or carried you…or pressed you against a wall. Your eyes roll back in your head. Even this room smells like him. The light scent of his laundered clothes on your body mixed with the sultry woody smell of his cologne fills your nose as the vibration between your legs pulls you closer to orgasm. 
The pressure and heat is building, building, building… you accidentally let out the tiniest whimper as you teeter on the edge of fulfillment, and John shoots up in bed. FUCK! No, no, no. This can’t happen. In the split second it takes for him to take in the scene before him, you dip your hand into the nearby duffel and pull out a gun. You can tell it isn’t loaded by the weight of it, but it’s intimidating nonetheless. You grit your teeth, edging, and point it at his face. Pinning him in place with your intense gaze and the threat of death, you go back to finishing yourself off. John looks like either his wildest dream or his worst nightmare is unfolding before him, and he cannot decide which. You watch his mouth hang open with half lidded eyes, and don’t hold back your loud moans as the orgasm crashes over you. Your legs shudder in ecstasy, and the evidence of your pleasure soaks your hand and the toy.
You take a few seconds to catch your breath, never breaking eye contact with John. Even in the darkness of the room you can see the fire burning behind his expression. Pulling your hand from your (John’s) pants, you stare him down and lick off your fingers—just as he did to you. John clenches his fists in the sheets, and you can see evidence of a tent forming between his legs. Good. Slowly, you stand and back towards the door, an evil grin playing at your lips.
“Too bad you couldn’t do that for me earlier, big guy,” you purr, then vanish with a slam of the door. 
Luckily, he doesn’t see your frantic sprint back to your room. That would have been embarrassing.
Tag list: @mikaneonox @chicksamwitch @onebatch—twobatch @fandomwritrix @littledeadgirlwalking @minsugagenius @10yz @where-did-the-good-ones-go @catsmieow @xrevoltx @kezzasaurus-rex @homesoutofhuman @lunilate @coolbreezeinkeanureeves
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likes me / likes me not
pairing: yoonkook, side vmin rating: e  words: 10.7k tags that aren’t actually tags: makeup/nail artist jungkook, humor, fluff, smut, mutual pining, sexual & romantic tension, pigeons for some reason, yoongi has tattoos for purely self-indulgent reasons
for cypherkooks ♡
“i don’t know what you’re talking about,” yoongi says elusively.
“hyung,” taehyung sighs, “you literally come here to hold hands with the pretty nail artist.”
“what are you doing here,” yoongi says bluntly when he finds kim taehyung hanging out with some pigeons outside his apartment on a cloudy saturday afternoon at exactly 3:05 PM.
“good afternoon, hyung, so nice to see you too, i’m good, thank you, how are you?” taehyung rattles off, and yoongi rolls his eyes as he nudges the door shut behind him. he buries his hands into the pockets of his embroidered leather jacket and skips down the stairs, taehyung casually awaiting him down the courtyard. “your text said you were going to the beauty salon today. so here i am, ready to rock’n’roll.”
“yeah,” yoongi knits his brows, “that wasn’t an invitation?”
“oh, i know,” taehyung says in a pointed tone as he falls into step beside yoongi, “because you never invite me. why do you never invite me, hyung? i thought i was your best friend. yet here you are. ditching me weekly to go drink margaritas on a poolside with cucumber slices over your eyes and five fit dudes massaging your feet.”
yoongi glances at him incredulously.
“do you think that’s what happens in a beauty salon?” then, “why would it take five dudes to massage my feet?”
“i don’t know why it takes five dudes to massage your feet,” taehyung says, “because you never ask me to come with you.”
yoongi groans quietly.
“i didn’t think you’d be interested?” he offers.
“in self-care?” taehyung asks in the driest tone known to man, and, fair.
“maybe it’s one of those things that i’d rather do alone,” yoongi tries again, “me time?”
“your idea of me time is downing a bottle of whiskey while watching reruns of home renovation shows and then sending all of your friends long-winded messages where you go into detail telling them why you love them,” taehyung remarks as they stop at a red light. he looks at yoongi, and pokes him in the arm with an index finger. “i know you, hyung. i know when something’s up. i know you have a specific reason for always going alone. a secret reason. i’m also pretty sure i know what it is, and i’m here to confirm my suspicion.”
“what are you talking about,” yoongi sighs, “it’s really not that deep.” taehyung makes an unconvinced sound. the feeling of his eyes on the side of his face is unnerving, and yoongi shifts uneasily, pretends like he isn’t sweating under the leather jacket. “since you’re coming, you should decide what you want in case they take walk-ins. they do manicures, facials, hair, makeup. pretty much everything.”
“do they do feet stuff?” taehyung inquires, and yoongi makes a face at him.
“yes, but please don’t call it that.”
the bell on the door chimes gently. the scent of fresh shampoo and essential oils rolls over him in a wave, drowning him in a good way.
“damn, it smells good,” taehyung mumbles as he trails in after yoongi. “and i smell like pigeons, oh my god.”
“i really doubt you smell like pigeons,” yoongi comments, sparing a glance back over his shoulder, “but, dude, you have to stop feeding the pigeons in my yard. it’s technically not allowed and they’ve started acting real bold. in the last tenant meeting, the lady with all the hats complained about ‘intimidating pigeon behavior’.”
taehyung pshhs. “the lady with all the hats complains about everything. my pigeons only intimidate those who deserve it. they can see into your soul.” after a beat, he adds: “she’s got cool hats though.”
“yeah,” yoongi says distractedly as he surveys the space. everything’s located on a single floor; a few of the hair and makeup stations are busy. yoongi’s become quite friendly with a couple of the hairdressers here; hoseok, who’s currently buzzing some girl’s undercut, and—
“welcome—ah, yoongi. not letting your drunk friends cut your hair again, i hope?” park jimin, forever reminding him of the time he let seokjin cut his hair with kitchen scissors and had to have jimin do damage control. jimin seems to have sort of assumed seokjin must have been drunk because of how fucked up his hair was. he’d been completely sober and on top of that claimed he’d done a fantastic job. jimin eyes yoongi from behind the reception desk, chin propped up on the heel of his palm, mouth curving into a lazy smirk. “you’re here for jungkook, right? he’s keeping you all to himself, lately.”
“my hands happen to be very important for my work,” yoongi says mildly. “my hands are insured for two million dollars.”
“wow, jungkook’s a lucky guy, getting to exclusively enjoy such expensive hands,” jimin grins.
“here’s a glimpse,” yoongi says as he flips him off. jimin laughs delightedly, tipping his face towards the ceiling, eyes squeezing into tiny lines.
“jungkook will be with you soon,” jimin promises, fixing his hair by shoving fingers through it, and then dances around the desk not unlike a beam of moonlight or some semi-real faery creature. he stops with a hand on his hip, and gives an intrigued glance at taehyung. “and who’s this?”
yoongi waits for taehyung to introduce himself for three full seconds before realizing it’s not going to happen. he turns to him with a raised eyebrow; turns out taehyung is busy staring at jimin like jimin is the headlights of a sexy truck and taehyung is a gay deer in the middle of the road. ah. yoongi should’ve anticipated this. jimin tends to have this effect on people. he kind of had an effect on yoongi, when he first met him, but thank god that only lasted for about two seconds and then yoongi realized the thing jimin makes him feel is not lust but some repressed primeval rage. and, well. then he met—
“kim taehyung,” taehyung blurts, jolting out of his trance. “is… my name. has been, for twenty-three years. hello. how are you. i’m single.”
yoongi’s mouth falls slightly open as he looks at taehyung. then he looks at jimin, who looks vaguely amused but mostly just enchanted.
“pleasure to meet you, taehyung, my name is jimin,” jimin murmurs, and something about the way he’s smiling at taehyung is making yoongi feel like he really shouldn't be here. “can i do something for you today?”
taehyung takes a deep breath.
“not to sound creepy or inappropriate,” he says very calmly, “but you can do anything you want to me.”
“oh, my god,” yoongi whispers.
“yoongi-hyung,” a bright voice calls from across the room, and yoongi immediately thinks, oh, thank god, while another, just as prominent part of him goes, oh, no.
jungkook is a beam of light and a set of offensive body proportions across the room. yoongi feels instantly a little bit warmer, feels a whole bunch of prickly fluttery things at the mere sight of him. jungkook’s grinning at him, and yoongi can’t help but smile back, can never help; he ducks his face, rubbing at the helix of his ear for no reason, and the thing is that he’s aware how disgustingly obvious his crush is to someone like taehyung who’s known him since grade school.
somehow, though, the stars aligned. the gods decided to favor yoongi. park jimin decided to exist. taehyung is oblivious to everything that isn’t jimin, in the process of repeatedly running his hands through taehyung’s hair. taehyung looks like he might pass out. yoongi decides it’s time to leave. he gives a small smile and a wave to hoseok on his way to jungkook.
he’s observed everyone here has their own style when it comes to physical contact. hoseok hugs each of his clients before and after like he’s known them for twenty years. jimin goes for the hand-clasp shoulder-bump thing.
jungkook and him—they bump fists. yoongi recognizes they’re like one step away from calling each other bro, which is hilariously sad on many levels. he sort of likes it, though. it’s like easing into the amount of touching that would occur in the next hour.
“your friend?” jungkook inquires with a nod past yoongi’s shoulder after rapping his knuckles against yoongi’s.
“at least he invades my home on a regular basis and eats all my food,” yoongi shrugs, “so like, a pest or a best friend. he’s also in cahoots with all the pigeons residing in the vicinity of my building.”
“oh, my god,” jungkook wheezes as he leads the way to his corner of the shop, “i’ve never heard a real person say in cahoots before, hyung, what are you?”
“i know you think i’m cool,” yoongi only says, and more sees than hears jungkook laughing, his shoulders shaking.
jungkook’s nail studio is its own secluded area in the salon. there are no walls or doors but there are screens and abundant houseplants to give a sense of privacy.
jungkook listens to the most infuriating, least relaxing music in the world. bass-boosted edm and justin bieber remixes. yet yoongi honestly, genuinely doesn’t hate it.
that’s a pretty good indication of how deeply fucked he is.
right now there’s some top 40 list playing on the bluetooth speakers as yoongi shrugs off his jacket and drapes it over the back of the chair. gives himself a quick once-over in the mirror on the wall, roughing up his black hair. the black t-shirt hangs loosely off his frame, in contrast with the bright red of the old school roses barely peeking out of the neckline and sleeves. so maybe it was on purpose. jungkook said he liked his tattoos.
be it the tattoos, be it his outfit, be it something else—as he turns, he catches the tail end of what was jungkook’s eyes on him. he watches jungkook busy his hands with his tools; in his mind, picks petals off a daisy: he was checking me out / it’s wishful thinking; i’m not reading this wrong / i’m imagining it.
jungkook gives him a smile as he sits down cross-legged across from him, and places his hands palm-up on the table between them as if he were about to predict yoongi’s future.
“let’s get it,” he says purely because he knows yoongi hates it.
“why do i come here,” yoongi says dryly.
“‘cause i’m amazing at what i do,” jungkook says without a hint of irony, “give me your hands.”
yoongi licks his lips, slowly lowers his hands into jungkook’s.
“before you say anything—”
“ah, hyung,” jungkook scolds, “stop gnawing on your finger.”
“sorry, sorry,” yoongi snorts, and then falls silent as jungkook carefully strokes along the chewed edge of his thumb. can’t take his eyes off the delicate sweep of his eyelashes against his cheeks.
“you’ve been stressed,” jungkook says. a statement, not a question. he spends enough time with yoongi’s hands to be able to read certain things from them.
he knows that when yoongi is stressed and worried, he bites his thumbnail down to nothing. knows the remnants of old nail polish mean he’s been too busy and overworked to get rid of it and do his nails properly. knows ink stains on his fingers mean he’s writing again.
it is sort of like having his palms read, that way.
“had some trouble with a track,” yoongi murmurs as jungkook wipes his hands down with sanitizing wipes. “it worked out, though.”
“a track… for a new mixtape?” jungkook glances up, eyes bright. yoongi’s heart leaps in his chest.
“maybe,” he hums, tries to suppress a smile. jungkook makes a pleased noise as he reaches for the nail polish remover pads.
“i love your stuff, hyung,” he chats, “i really do. and so do others. i played your song here. um, so far away? and my client asked who it was. she said she’d check you out.”
“oh,” yoongi breathes. is a little bit speechless. navigates through a maze of feelings, and after a minute, comes out with: “see, you do think i’m cool.” what he means is thank you. is pretty sure jungkook can hear it.
“i think agust d is cool,” jungkook says with a sly grin. “min yoongi is the type to say in cahoots with pigeons.”
yoongi rasps out a laugh.
“yeah, okay, that’s fair.”
jungkook smiles in that endearing, uneven way, his front teeth poking out. yoongi swallows, his smile muting into a soft close-mouthed thing as he averts his gaze to their hands.
“so, how are you, otherwise?” jungkook asks as he works. his hands are always gentle and warm and soft, and yoongi thinks he might be slightly addicted to them. or maybe—just jungkook. he makes yoongi feel so at ease and so tight-wired all at once, like there’s dormant fire beneath his skin.
sometimes he only lathers yoongi’s hands in soap water and scrub that smells really good and massages the exhaustion out of them. sometimes he goes all out in the nail art department and does the most beautiful, intricate designs out of the vaguest, most unhelpful prompts from yoongi. (maybe something, uh, like, dark blue? got him the entire fucking night sky, complete with constellations and the wisp of aurora borealis. another time he said flowers but make it punk and jungkook gave him the life cycle of a rose from his pinkies to his thumbs.)
sometimes they carry an easy-flowing conversation for an hour and sometimes jungkook senses yoongi would rather not talk, and works quietly or humming along to a song while yoongi watches on the brink of falling asleep with his knees drawn to his chest and his face tucked into his knees.
this time, yoongi tells him a little bit about the projects he’s working on, then his trip to daegu to see his dog last week which gets them sidetracked for a minute because jungkook demands to see pictures and yoongi’s never going to not show someone pictures of holly when they ask; least of all jungkook. yoongi’s pretty sure it’s actually illegal to deny things from him when his eyes are shining like that.
“you look really happy when you talk about your dog,” jungkook grins, “ah, hyung, your smile—”
likes me / likes me not
“my smile is what,” yoongi prompts, barely louder than a whisper when jungkook doesn’t finish.
“c’mon,” jungkook huffs, face tipped downwards, but yoongi can see the small smile pulling at his mouth. “you know. you’re just looking for an ego boost.”
“i don’t read minds, jungkook-ah,” yoongi arches an eyebrow. jungkook rolls his eyes slightly.
“terrible,” he says, still not looking at him. the tips of his ears look slightly red. “just terrible, your smile.”
“is it, now,” yoongi says quietly, heartbeat thrumming in his ears.
“yes,” jungkook says very resolutely, biting down on his bottom lip. finally glances up at yoongi; stares him down for a couple of seconds, looks almost conflicted. then he stands up so fast yoongi nearly snaps his neck following the movement. “i’m out of hand lotion,” he murmurs, the tip of his tongue darting out to wet his lips. “i’ll go get more. just a second.”
he slips out like a river. yoongi releases the breath he didn’t realize he was holding.
he was blushing / it was the lights; he finds me attractive / he’s just nice because it’s his job.
“ha!” someone whisper-shouts, and yoongi jumps, curses roughly under his breath. taehyung’s poking his head in behind some houseplants. his head that is covered with a see-through plastic cap.
“dude,” yoongi says, “did you run away in the middle of getting your hair dyed?”
“i knew it,” taehyung announces, swooping in and pointing a finger at yoongi. yoongi spreads his hands to indicate he has no idea what he’s being accused of. taehyung stops directly in front of him. “i knew you looked less i’ve had this eye makeup on for a week straight and more sexy grunge goth vampire on the days you had an appointment.”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about,” yoongi says elusively.
“hyung,” taehyung sighs, “you literally come here to hold hands with the pretty nail artist.”
yoongi feels a flush creeping onto his face. his eyes dart past taehyung as if expecting jungkook to materialize behind him in that second. obviously taehyung is not wrong, but he doesn’t have to be so loud about it—not when he has no idea which petal is the true one and is testing waters, is honestly content with nothing ever happening because jungkook is more than yoongi’s feelings of attraction towards him.
“shut up before i cram this entire thing of cotton balls down your throat,” he hisses.
“you’re threatening me with cotton, hyung,” taehyung shakes his head, “cotton. even your hypothetical attempts on my life are soft.”
he flinches when yoongi dips his fingers into the bowl of soap water and splashes him.
“begone, demon.”
“your attempts are futile,” taehyung narrows his eyes, “that’s lavender-scented soap water, of the ordinary unholy kind. why won’t you go for it, hyung? jimin said jungkook’s a great person. jimin said lots of things, actually.” he knits his brows thoughtfully. “damn, he did not hesitate to spill his long time friend’s secrets to a guy he just met.” he pauses. “i might be in love with him.”
“congratulations,” yoongi says, “and it’s not like that. he doesn’t—i’m just a client. i’m literally paying him to—”
“jimin knew you had tattoos on your back,” taehyung cuts him off, and yoongi freezes. “he knew because jungkook knew. there are two things we can draw from that. one: at some point, you were here shirtless, showing jungkook your tattoos, probably because he asked. two: he was thinking about it enough to talk to jimin about it, probably along the lines of oh my god, jimin, he has tattoos, he’s perfect, what am i gonna do, he’s so fucking hot—”
“kinda sounds like it’s you who thinks i’m hot?”
“please,” taehyung says, unfazed. “i’m an actor. i can easily adopt people’s mindsets and become them. and i also think you’re hot, on a good day. i have no problem admitting that.” yoongi’s feeling pretty defeated at this point. taehyung tilts his head and gives him an intrusive stare. “i can’t believe you took off your shirt for him and you still think he only sees you as a client. do you think he just does that with everyone?”
“alright, sherlock,” yoongi bites, “get out before—”
of course jungkook is standing right there behind taehyung eyeing him quizzically and yoongi has no idea if he heard that. he buries his face into his hand as taehyung spins around.
“ah, good,” taehyung says, clapping his hands together, “i’m here to invite you both to jimin and i’s wedding. may fifteen, 2025. yes that’s seven years from now because i am unemployed and cannot burden jimin with supporting us and our five children alone. also we met like half an hour ago.”
“yep,” yoongi says lifelessly.
“children?” jungkook asks blankly.
“my five blue-tongued skinks,” taehyung elaborates, touching his fingertips to his chest, “but we’re going to share custody, obviously. so. may fifteen, 2025. save the date.”
he shoots finger guns at both of them and slaps jungkook’s shoulder on his way out. yoongi pretends not to see him in the entryway miming something potentially inappropriate. it’s hard to tell because it’s a lot of violent pointing and incomprehensible facial expressions.
“well,” jungkook laughs quietly as he comes to sit back down, “i’m happy for them. i think jimin really likes him, too.”
“they’d go well together, i think,” yoongi hums low, eyes carefully following jungkook’s movements, desperately trying to determine if he heard something, if he’s aware, at this point, that yoongi thinks about him too much, likes everything about him, likes even the parts he hates, like his terrible song choices and embarrassing catchphrases, and when yoongi took his shirt off for him and felt his fingers trace the flowers on his shoulder blades, he felt like an entire meadow, felt it blooming everywhere, everywhere, with every heartbeat a new flower pushing through his skin.
likes me / likes me not
he wants to ask so badly, but instead he’s talking about jimin and taehyung, pretending like the question isn’t hanging on the tip of his tongue. instead he’s saying, “taehyung is… pretty much the most amazing person in the world. and i’m sure i could learn to tolerate jimin.”
and jungkook is not saying whether he knows these things about yoongi. instead he’s massaging the hand lotion into yoongi’s skin with care, huffing out a soft laugh. “i know you guys like each other, even if you pretend you don’t.”
yoongi makes a noncommittal sound. jungkook’s hands on yoongi’s are warm and soft and slow, slower, until they are not moving at all. he’s staring down at his own hands covering one of yoongi’s, and yoongi is staring at his face, breath held captive in his lungs, heart skipping beats left and right.
“hyung,” jungkook says, and yoongi sees him swallow, his fingers curling against yoongi’s hand for the briefest moment. jungkook lifts his face, looks at him with his eyes wide and starry. “can i do your makeup sometime?”
yoongi blinks. once, twice. he couldn’t have anticipated that.
“you want to do my makeup?”
jungkook clutches at his hand and nods timidly.
“really want to. been thinking about it for a while. been thinking about… this one look on you. and if you let me, i’d like to try it. you don’t have to pay me, obviously, since you didn’t book it.”
“you don’t do makeup here, do you?”
jungkook shakes his head. “not professionally. i have a flat upstairs? i do makeup for my friends there sometimes.”
“—sure,” yoongi says after a moment of processing, all in vain because he’s still stuck on been thinking about this one look on you. “yeah. why not.”
jungkook exhales softly.
“yeah,” yoongi confirms with a nod. jungkook’s fingertips are still gently touching him. “when do you want to do it?”
“you’re my last appointment today,” jungkook says, teeth sinking into his bottom lip briefly, “are you on a tight schedule?”
yoongi hangs out in the front of the shop while jungkook closes up, spinning around in one of the empty salon chairs, annoying hoseok and not thinking about going up to jungkook’s apartment. he hasn’t figured out how to achieve either of those things yet, but hoseok has to have a limit, and focusing on finding it helps with the second part. his natural target was jimin, but jimin’s nowhere to be seen. neither is taehyung, who hasn’t replied to yoongi’s text telling him to leave without him.
“oh, yeah, that was weird,” hoseok furrows his brow while snipping at a pixie cut. “he said he was going to show jimin his lizard, and then they disappeared. i haven’t seen them since, so i’m guessing… lizard is a euphemism for something else.”
“oh, no, he means his actual lizard,” yoongi says in an enlightened tone, tipping his head back against the backrest. “he’s showing jimin pictures of his lizards somewhere. and he’s got five. so it’s going to take some time to go through each of their backstories, personalities, and future plans.”
“ah,” hoseok says, staring at yoongi with his brow still creased. yoongi figures he’s not a fan of reptiles. he then spins the scissors in his fingers with practiced ease, and flips them into the tool belt on his hip. hoseok is one of those people who can be openly scared shitless of most things in the world and still appear effortlessly cool. “you’re waiting for kook, right?”
“...yeah,” yoongi says, warily glancing up at hoseok. he doesn’t say anything, but there’s a subtle hint of a smirk on his face. yoongi spins away from him.
“hey,” comes hoseok’s voice, firm but gentle, and yoongi makes his way back around. hoseok’s combing slender fingers through the client’s hair and applying hairspray, but his eyes are on yoongi, a funny look on his face. “i know you’re a good guy,” he begins, and pauses. yoongi waits, confused, not sure if he should thank him. “i know you’re a good guy, and it’s not really even my place to give you the whole speech, but still… jungkook’s like family. and, just, uh. be good to him?”
yoongi blinks up at him for several seconds. he opens his mouth twice before sound comes out.
“he’s just… going to do my makeup.”
“hmm. i see,” hoseok says, completely unmoved. “i think you should still remember that, just in case. i know 37 ways to kill a man with scissors and make it look like an accident.”
yoongi thinks maybe he doesn’t want to annoy hoseok anymore.
by the time jungkook comes out, his bag slung over his shoulder and keys jangling in one fist, yoongi has quite successfully mastered not thinking about him or his apartment because he’s now just thinking about hoseok stabbing him to death with barber scissors. he gets up, rubbing at the back of his neck, and jungkook gives him a gentle smile.
“ready?” yoongi’s already turned his back so he doesn’t see them, but hears jungkook mumble to hoseok the same thing yoongi said: “i’m just going to do his makeup.”
“you guys have fun with that,” hoseok says like he’s holding back a laugh. when jungkook breezes past yoongi and shoulders the door open for him, he looks faintly pink.
“you don’t have a jacket?” yoongi notices.
“we’re only going one door down,” jungkook says, “seems redundant.”
and he really shoves the key into the more plain-looking door next to the beauty salon, but yoongi still wants to give him his jacket with the way the hairs on his forearms stand up.
they trudge up two narrow staircases. the building looks fairly old and doesn’t smell like the shop downstairs; it smells more like setting powder and mild perfume. as yoongi hangs back and waits for jungkook to unlock his door, he realizes he’s nervous. of course he’s nervous. he’s liked jungkook for ages and he’s now alone at his apartment and they are going to be physically closer than they’ve ever been.
“sorry if it’s a bit messy,” jungkook murmurs, letting yoongi in, “um, make yourself at home? i’m just going to change out of work clothes quickly—do you want something to drink?”
yoongi nurses a glass of water by the kitchen counter as jungkook disappears into the bathroom, and scans over the room. it’s a small studio apartment, but plenty of space for one person; it has a high ceiling, lots of windows, and a classic french vibe with the decorative wrought iron balcony railing. yoongi can see jungkook’s personal touch and the resemblance to his studio; succulents on his bedside table, a shelf of music, half-burned candles and the remnants of a sweet vanilla scent. the only part that is messy is the makeup desk by the far right wall.
yoongi instantly loves it. but he also feels like he’s stepped into some very private part of jungkook’s soul, and is afraid of touching anything.
jungkook comes out of the bathroom—he’s changed into a plain white t-shirt, the front tucked into his jeans. he wears dark shades at the shop—for nail polish stains, he told yoongi—but light looks good on him. really, really good.
“you should wash off your makeup,” jungkook says, and yoongi realizes he’s very much staring. he bites his lips, turns to set his glass on the counter.
jungkook left him a face wash and a towel in the bathroom, and yoongi gets rid of the subtle makeup on his face, the black around his eyes. taehyung was right. he does put a little more effort in on days he sees jungkook.
he rakes a hand through his damp bangs and tries to decide how weird he’ll look to jungkook without makeup. it’s not that yoongi thinks he looks bad bare-faced. just different. more… well, bare, in every sense of the word.
jungkook’s organizing his myriad things on the desk, and it looks considerably neater already. he looks up at yoongi when he exits; just looks, his mouth slightly open like he just forgot to close it. then he snaps out of it, eyes flitting to the desk and back to yoongi.
“good, um. sit down please?”
yoongi lowers himself into the desk chair next to jungkook’s stool, feet planted on the floor instead of instinctively lifting off the surface like usually and that may be visual proof of how nervous he is. their knees knock together when jungkook shifts, chooses a moisturizer from the products on the desk.
“i like your place,” yoongi murmurs. jungkook gives him a small but genuine smile.
“thank you. i used to live here with jimin, if you can believe it. back when we were just starting out at the shop. all this tiny space.”
“yeah?” yoongi hums, watches jungkook dispense moisturizer on his fingers. “what was that like?”
“probably exactly what you’re picturing,” jungkook snickers softly. “you good to go?”
“kinda self-conscious,” yoongi admits, shoulders jerking as he breathes a laugh, a shy gummy smile directed at jungkook’s collar bones.
“don’t be,” jungkook says, and when yoongi glances up, he’s watching him unexpectedly intense and serious, with something indescribable and sincere. he swallows, adds quietly: “you look good. you always look good, hyung.”
when he says it, yoongi believes him.
his heart hammers restlessly as jungkook leans closer, hands hovering up to his face, tells him he’ll start with moisturizer. yoongi closes his eyes just so that he doesn’t have to watch jungkook watching him.
“let’s get it,” jungkook mumbles as he gently pats down the moisturizer, and yoongi laughs despite himself.
jungkook goes through the steps meticulously. his hands are still gentle and warm and soft as he applies the base makeup, and yoongi mostly keeps his eyes closed. it’s nice in a way where it also hurts; just how gentle he is with yoongi and how he tenderly brushes his hair out of the way. it makes yoongi’s chest overflow painfully.
“i’ve been thinking about what kind of makeup i want to do for you.” jungkook’s voice is a soothing low murmur. it makes him feel like he’s dreaming. “your face is—it’s—intriguing. it’s… captivating. it’s very… it’s soft and sharp at the same time, you know? so i want to… emphasize that softness and sharpness. i want to do something… delicate. a soft plum smokey eye and a bit of a wing. shimmery highlighter. rose pink lip tint.”
“sounds like you know what you’re doing,” yoongi mumbles, “i trust you. make me pretty.”
“because that’s, like, a challenge,” jungkook mutters. yoongi cracks his eyes open as jungkook’s hands leave his face—he only has time to kind of see jungkook, jungkook with that look in his eyes, faint red blossoming on his cheekbones—”close your eyes,” he tells yoongi, the words tumbling from his mouth in a hurry, “i’m gonna do your eye makeup.” only saw him briefly, but the image sticks to the backs of his eyelids, sends his heart running. his nails curl into his palms on his thighs.
he thinks i’m pretty / doesn’t mean he wants me like that
jungkook shifts closer. yoongi doesn’t see him but he hears and feels him. his leg is slotted in between yoongi’s, yoongi’s knee pressing up against the inside of his thigh. feels him hover, feels his fingertips gently ghost against his brow to move his hair; he’s pretty sure he shivers, and prays to whoever’s listening that it’s not noticeable. feels the feathery bristles of the brush on his eyelid. so, so careful and yoongi can’t stand it.
jungkook doesn’t say much as he does yoongi’s eyes; it requires concentration, yoongi supposes. as he’s applying the winged eyeliner, a couple of soft, frustrated grunts escape his throat, though, and a smile rises to yoongi’s face, slow and silent like the moonrise because he doesn’t want to fuck up his work.
“god, hyung,” jungkook whispers, so quietly yoongi almost thinks he imagined it. jungkook doesn’t elaborate. breathes in, and leans away; yoongi can somehow feel him leaving his perimeter. “open your eyes.”
yoongi opens them slow. blinks languidly at their knees still slotted, adjusting to light. jungkook is waiting for him to look up so he does. jungkook, for a moment, doesn’t say anything. stares at him, wide-eyed, lips parted, as if he’s been put under a spell.
“hyung,” is all he says, “fuck.”
yoongi subtly raises his eyebrows.
“i, um, i’ll just.” jungkook turns towards the desk and manages to knock a bunch of things over. “don’t look yet! let me just finish.”
yoongi doesn’t close his eyes this time when jungkook swipes shimmering powder highlighter on his cheekbones, the bridge of his nose, and his cupid’s bow, or when he takes the lip tint, touches fingertips to yoongi’s jaw, murmurs, part your lips. he keeps a careful hold of yoongi’s jaw, his eyes carefully fixed on yoongi’s mouth, and he’s so close yoongi can see every beautiful detail of his face and the warm flush standing out fiercely against the white of his shirt.
yoongi wants to kiss him. really badly.
“can i be honest?” jungkook asks suddenly, his tone low and quiet. it’s probably a rhetorical question, but yoongi makes a short affirmative sound. “i wanted to do your makeup since the day i saw you. from the moment you walked in—it was so hard not to look at you.” he’s still holding the applicator to yoongi’s bottom lip, but yoongi doesn’t think he’s doing much with it. “you—your face, your hands, everything about you... is so pretty.” yoongi watches the tip of his tongue glide across his bottom lip. “your voice, your music. your tattoos. you... drive me insane, hyung. and it’s not only…” he lowers the lip tint, but still stares at the same spot on his mouth. “when you walked in, i thought, maybe he’s an asshole—not that i thought you were, but that would’ve been… easier for me. but you weren’t, you weren’t at all, you turned out to be… you, the kindest, softest...” he breathes in, and finally meets yoongi’s eyes—his brow twitches, almost as if he were in pain. “i don’t do that with everyone.”
yoongi can barely remember how to speak.
“i don’t just ask people to show me their tattoos, i don’t ask to touch them like that, oh my god, hyung—”
yoongi hooks a hand around the back of his neck, pulls him in, and kisses him.
eyes closed, just the press of their lips, until yoongi eases his grip slightly, and ventures a tiny tentative movement against him. jungkook’s lips, like his hands, are soft—
the lip tint clatters somewhere on the floor. jungkook makes a tiny sound, and only a second later, he’s kissing yoongi back fervently, so hard it almost hurts.
“oh,” yoongi breathes, jungkook’s fingers clinging onto his shirt front and digging into his thigh.
“yoongi,” jungkook says like a plea. oh, yoongi thinks again, and pulls him back in, his heart beating out of his chest. holds his face in both hands and kisses him properly, or as properly as he can with jungkook so eager, crashing into him first like a wave and then like rain, coming down on him ceaselessly and with abandon, making yoongi dizzy with every kind of want. he pries his lips apart with his own, licks into his hot mouth, and the sheer noise jungkook makes is enough to make heat coil in his belly.
“fuck, jungkook,” he groans into his mouth, “fuck, what the fuck, are you serious—”
“what do you mean am i serious,” jungkook laughs, but it’s half breathless gasps. he pulls back to look yoongi in the eye, and fuck, he looks beautiful, looks like a mess already, his pupils blown, his mouth swollen and red—an imprint of yoongi’s lip tint probably somewhere on it. “i’ve liked you since forever, how could i not—i was trying to muster up the courage to ask you out for coffee, this isn’t really—how i meant for it to happen—”
“we can do that,” yoongi agrees hurriedly, only sort of processing what he’s saying, “coffee, yes, let’s do that—but can i kiss you more now? really wanna kiss you more—”
“yes, yes please,” jungkook breathes, and then his mouth is back on yoongi’s. jungkook kisses with the intensity and heat of a thousand burning suns, and it’s the best fucking thing that’s ever happened to yoongi, even if he thinks it might kill him. he thinks he knows how icarus felt for the first time in his life.
jungkook’s trying to tug him close, but the chairs and their legs are in all the wrong places, and after some frustrated fumbling, jungkook pulls away again, their mouths separating with a wet sound; looks at yoongi with dark eyes, panting, and before yoongi can make himself form words to ask him what he’s doing and why he isn’t kissing him, jungkook mumbles, hold on, and leans further back. at first yoongi thinks he’s asking yoongi to wait; then it occurs to him he might also be literally asking him to hold on, because jungkook draws his knee up towards his chest, the sole of his foot aimed at the edge of the chair between yoongi’s legs, and breaking into a blinding grin at the last second, kicks yoongi across the room.
the chair rolls to the far wall, gradually slowing down until it’s not so much a collision as it is a gentle bump.
yoongi is astonished.
his mouth falls open first; then a single disbelieving laugh punches out of his throat. jungkook follows after him in unhurried strides, still grinning wide—but as he comes closer, it morphs into something slightly different, something that makes yoongi close his mouth and swallow. he allows his gaze to trail down and back up jungkook’s lean body, his teeth unconsciously sinking into his bottom lip as he locks eyes with him. jungkook’s eyes are magnetic and dark and his smile is almost a contradiction, close-mouthed and pretty, and yoongi reaches for him automatically.
“you,” he huffs, and sounds absolutely gone for him but doesn’t even care right now, “you’ll pay for that.”
“yeah?” jungkook grins. yoongi’s hand finds his waist, and without hesitation, jungkook climbs into his lap, knees on either side of him, forearms bracketing yoongi’s head on the backrest. yoongi sucks in a breath; with his eyes never leaving jungkook’s, wraps his arms around his middle, palms traveling firm and slow across his ribs and the expanse of his back over his shirt, feeling how he fits into his arms, feeling his lithe body respond to his touch. “hyung,” jungkook gasps, apple red mouth parted.
“kiss me,” yoongi asks quietly, and jungkook surges down, kisses almost like he’s angry, deep and thorough and bruising, hands sliding into yoongi’s hair and tugging just enough to make him groan, make him tighten his hands around jungkook’s waist. jungkook’s thighs slide farther apart until he’s fully seated in yoongi’s lap, heavy and solid against him, and yoongi makes a pained noise, fists the back of his shirt. he tugs at jungkook’s bottom lip with his teeth, drawing a soft whimper from him, and it pours down his throat like hot liquid, pools in the pit of his stomach. “fuck, jungkook,” he manages, and jungkook makes a sound somewhere between a sigh and a moan.
“touch me more,” he whispers, arching in his touch, “touch me more, please, yoongi—”
yoongi is more than happy to comply. slips his hands under his shirt, splays fingers across his back, his hot-running skin and the hard muscles. jungkook feels so good, his ridiculous tiny waist fitting into yoongi’s hands perfectly; jungkook, he mumbles into his mouth in some kind of awe, and jungkook moans, fingers tangled in yoongi’s hair and clinging to his shoulder, dipping under his neckline. yoongi drags nails up his abdomen, feels the muscles constrict, and he wants more, wants to see—
“can i take this off you?” he whispers, and jungkook wastes no time sitting back to pull the shirt over his head, giving yoongi no time to prepare whatsoever. suddenly he’s got a lapful of half-naked jungkook, and yoongi knew he was hot, but this is just—this is outrageous.
“oh,” he says, strained, and clutches at jungkook’s hips as though hanging on for dear life, “warn a guy, jesus christ, jungkook—”
“are you angry at my abs?” jungkook asks breathlessly, laughter in his voice, and yoongi looks up at him, brow furrowed and swollen mouth open.
“yes,” he bites out, “they are just—unreasonable, and you can’t just—do that, you’re sitting on my damn lap, think of my, my pulse—”
jungkook laughs with his eyes closed, barely making a sound, flushed cherry blossom pink, and yoongi’s never wanted to kiss someone’s teeth before yet here he is. he’s, like, in love, he’s completely and utterly gone and they haven’t been on a real date yet.
“i take that as, mm, as a compliment?” jungkook hums, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth, and instantly the heat is back as he leans over yoongi, shifts in his lap, and yoongi is reminded he’s been half-hard since jungkook straddled him. he makes a low soft sound from his throat, runs his hands over jungkook’s thick thighs, up his sides. jungkook brushes his lips against his cheekbone, drops devastatingly gentle feathery kisses along the side of his face. “‘m not prettily inked like you—”
“you don’t need it,” yoongi tells him, and he has no idea when his voice got so rough, “don’t need it to be absolutely fucking gorgeous—” jungkook makes a breathy high-pitched sound and rocks into him at the praise, face tucked into his neck, and so yoongi keeps going, hands sliding on bare skin, keeping him close. “so fucking beautiful,” he whispers, “been wanting you for ages—”
“yoongi,” jungkook grunts, and crashes their mouths together again, kissing with fervor, with teeth and tongue, his fist in yoongi’s hair keeping his face angled the way he wants, body rolling against him, hips grinding down, and yoongi loves it, this insistence and intensity, it’s so fucking hot; he moans into the kiss and grabs jungkook’s hips, encouraging his movements.
jungkook’s hands between their bodies are tugging on yoongi’s shirt.
“hyung, yoongi, take this off, please—”
it takes a bit of maneuvering, and jungkook almost clocks him in the jaw as he yanks the shirt off his body with more force than necessary, but after apologizing profusely whilst giggling helplessly, he’s back in yoongi’s lap and skimming his fingers over the roses on his collarbones and upper arms, making yoongi shiver.
“pretty,” he’s whispering, “pretty hyung, so pretty—”
yoongi flushes even more just from that, and tugs him back down by the back of his neck.
he thinks about the coffee date for a fleeting moment, and wonders if they’re moving too fast—decides fuck it approximately 1.8 seconds later, because they both want this, and the way jungkook sighs into his mouth is a pretty compelling argument. he glides his hands up jungkook’s stomach, his chest, teases fingertips over his nipples, and jungkook squirms against him, gasps into his mouth, and yoongi definitely wants to explore his unexpected sensitivity more, can’t wait to learn what makes him writhe and gasp, what makes him feel good and what makes him feel like he’s been sent to heaven—preferably when they aren’t making out in a creaky office chair.
for now, jungkook grinds against him increasingly desperately and yoongi grazes his fingers just above his waistband, mumbles, “what do you want? tell me what you want. anything.”
jungkook inhales unsteadily.
“touch me,” he whispers, “please—”
gently, his fingers wrap around yoongi’s; yoongi lets his hand be guided down, down where he is hard in his jeans; his own dick jumps, arousal so tightly-wound in his belly he thinks he might burst. he applies pressure, palms him slowly, and jungkook lets out the most beautiful ragged moan, clings to his shoulders and rocks into his palm. yoongi slides his other hand into his hair, mouths along his jawline, presses teeth and tongue against his skittering pulse until jungkook’s breath stutters.
“more—yoongi, wanna feel your—your hands—”
“fuck,” yoongi manages, and fumbles with the button of jungkook’s jeans. employs both of his hands to tug them open because no one’s grading technique here. “okay?” he checks, barely dipping a fingertip under the elastic waistband, and when jungkook rattles off a litany of yes yes yes, slips a hand into his briefs. his other palm firm and grounding against jungkook’s back, merely strokes him gingerly with his long fingers first, taking it slow more for himself than for jungkook, because his heart is about to punch out of his ribcage. jungkook makes breathy little sounds, and yoongi sees his toes curl and uncurl behind him. it’s the most devastating thing he’s ever seen.
he wraps his fingers around him, and takes him out. jungkook is leaking, hard and heavy, and yoongi swears roughly into his sweat-coated neck, leans his forehead against his shoulder to watch his own fingers skim over the flushed tip, slick and sticky, watches precum string between them. jungkook’s gripping his hair so tightly it almost hurts.
“pretty,” yoongi tips his face up to mumble nonsensically into the hollow of his collarbone, “you’re so pretty, kook-ah, so beautiful.”
jungkook moans weakly into his ear, his hips stuttering forward into the ring of his fingers. yoongi pumps him loosely a couple of times and rubs his palm over the wet head, trying his best to take note of his reactions and learn what he likes, jungkook’s nails scraping across his shoulders, jungkook gasping hyung or yoongi or fuck fuck fuck.
he’s sure jungkook has lubricant in some shape or form somewhere around here, but he also doesn’t see either of them getting up in the near future; so he briefly takes his hand off of jungkook to bring it up to his mouth, and rather unceremoniously licks a wet stripe across his palm, all the way up to his fingertips. tastes jungkook on his tongue, and while he’s never been a fan of the taste of precum or cum, jungkook doesn’t taste bad.
“oh, my god,” he hears a strained gasp, and locks eyes with jungkook, who sits back to watch yoongi. he looks so wrecked with his bitten mouth and glazed-over eyes that yoongi isn’t half as embarrassed as he usually would be, but instead finds himself wanting to put on a show; looks at jungkook under his lashes as he sucks two of his fingers into his mouth, gets them wet and messy, and pulls them out slowly. jungkook looks dazed, his fingers working against the muscles of yoongi’s shoulders; finally he blinks, tugs his bottom lip into his mouth, biting down hard.
“fuck, yoongi,” he says low, a dark shadow passing across his face, and closes the distance, kisses him the most urgent yet, so much power behind it that yoongi forgets what he was doing for a second, just groans and gives into it, mouth pliant and inviting the drag of jungkook’s tongue against his own. he remembers soon enough, with jungkook poking wetly at his abdomen, and reaches back down, takes him into his fist. jerks him fast and tight, wanting to give him what he needs, wanting to see him come apart.
jungkook’s getting close, there are several tells: his body squirming so erratically yoongi thinks he might fall right off of him, his thighs shaking, the continuous whiny aah aahs from his mouth. coming in his pants like a sixteen-year-old is a very formidable threat to yoongi.
“wait, wait,” jungkook breathes, seizing his wrist, and yoongi stops moving immediately; waits in the silence of their heavy breathing, and jungkook swallows, blinks at him, eyelashes fluttering like butterfly wings, so, so pretty. he releases a laugh in the form of an exhale, and looks at yoongi, the flush on his face darkening like ripe cherries. “didn’t wanna come yet—wanna touch you first.”
“oh,” yoongi says, and sounds like he’s in pain, “oh, god, jungkook—”
jungkook drags a hand down his chest, fingers skittering at his waist, hooking over the waistband of his jeans.
“wanna touch you, hyung,” he mumbles, kissing the corner of yoongi’s mouth sloppily, “can i?”
“yes, please, kook-ah,” yoongi rambles, near delirious with how much he’s aching for it. jungkook works his jeans open quickly, and knocks their damp foreheads together to peer down at his hand as he rubs it over the soaked through spot on yoongi’s light blue briefs. a breathless haah falls out of yoongi’s mouth, and jungkook nudges at his face with his own, seeking his lips until he finds them. it’s less like kissing, more like them slotting their mouths together and panting, jungkook’s teeth grazing his bottom lip; experimentally, he bites a little bit harder, catching onto the fact that yoongi likes it from the filthy, unadulterated moan pouring from his throat and his hips rolling up into jungkook’s palm.
“yoongi, fuck,” he hears jungkook say, and his eyes have closed but jungkook sounds dark and ruined and like he’s witnessing something wondrous. yoongi tips his head back against the backrest as jungkook peels the thin fabric out of the way; jungkook’s saying more things, saying, pretty hyung, the prettiest, wanna make you feel good. yoongi swallows roughly, head rolling on the backrest in a way he can’t entirely control as jungkook takes him into his hand, mimics what yoongi did to him, running his fingers over the wetness and up and down his length. keeps his grip maddeningly light as he moves his hand rhythmically, caressing him more than anything else, and yoongi lets out a breathy whine, fingers digging into jungkook’s thighs, hips attempting to rise under his weight.
jungkook hums against his neck, and goes on to mouth at the roses on his collarbones, trace them with his tongue, and yoongi wonders hazily if he’s been wanting to do that for a while. he nips and bites and sucks at the skin until there are marks of a different kind blooming above the roses.
“is it good?” he whispers, breath tickling yoongi’s neck, and for some reason yoongi’s finding the fact that he’s seeking confirmation unbearably adorable. “does it feel good, hyung?”
“so good, kook-ah,” yoongi manages, and jungkook makes a pleased little noise. yoongi’s chest is so full it hurts. he blinks his eyes open, fumbles between their bodies gracelessly until he finds jungkook’s slick fingers. “here,” he murmurs, pulls jungkook’s hand up, and takes his fingers into his mouth. jungkook inhales sharply, and yoongi watches his face go through the five stages of grief as he sucks around his digits the way he did with his own. jungkook watches him darkly, presses the pads of his fingers against his tongue, and yoongi moans quietly, his dick twitching, finding the act of emergency lubing much more enticing when it’s jungkook’s fingers in his mouth.
jungkook mumbles something that sounds like killing me, and ruts against him, working his hips against yoongi’s in tiny circles, forearm propped against the backrest for support, his biceps bulging in a way that’s just uncalled for. yoongi pops his fingers out of his mouth, tugs him into a sloppy kiss, and guides jungkook’s hand back down, his movements hasty and urgent.
“kook, kook, kook-ah,” he’s murmuring for no reason, their tangled fingers closing around the both of them, and jungkook moans in arpeggios.
it’s so messy, there’s little to no finesse, but it’s so good, the feeling of them rubbing together and the slide of their slick fingers, jungkook fucking into their fists and letting out soft grunts and moans, biting on yoongi’s lips until yoongi whines and drags his nails down his side.
“‘m close,” jungkook mumbles, fingers curling in yoongi’s hair, pushing his face up into the nook of his neck, “yoongi, yoongi—”
“come on,” yoongi encourages, taking control when jungkook’s fingers stutter and slide away, dig into yoongi’s hip instead. keeps murmuring things to him, encouragements and praises pouring from his mouth in a steady stream, and yoongi never talks this much during sex but it’s effortless now, he doesn’t even think about it, feeds on the way it makes jungkook writhe and gasp.
jungkook’s moan sounds like it was cut clean off with a knife; his body tenses, arches, and then he’s coming all over yoongi’s stomach and chest. yoongi slips an arm around him and pulls him close, keeps him steady as jungkook goes boneless against him, catching his breath with his forehead sliding on yoongi’s shoulder.
“oh,” he gasps, “oh, shit.”
“yeah,” yoongi chokes a laugh, fingers skimming up his side, over the bumps of his ribs, his heaving chest. kisses his mussed up hair, his sweaty temple, then his slack mouth when jungkook lifts his face. “you good?”
“i’d say so,” jungkook says, and breaks into a grin, tired and happy and fucked out. yoongi’s looking at him like he’s in love.
he’s also still hard between them, which jungkook doesn’t neglect much longer. all he does, pretty much, is apply some pressure, scrape his fingernails against his scalp, murmur, come on, wanna see you come, wanna see you, and yoongi comes, just like that. feels like he comes for ages, feels like jungkook’s physical weight on him is the only thing preventing him from astral projecting right out of his body.
he doesn’t know what his body, his face, his voice do, but after the white washes over him, jungkook’s breathing, oh, oh, yoongi, running gentle fingers down his neck and shoulders. his hands: gentle and warm and soft. yoongi rolls his head down the backrest back onto his shoulders, waiting for his breath to calm, and jungkook holds his jaw in his fingertips, kisses him sweetly on the mouth.
“you know, i can’t even be bummed that your makeup is sort of ruined,” he hums, looking at yoongi with lidded eyes and softly caressing his jaw, “because you look so good like this.”
“oh,” yoongi blinks. “oh, my god. i forgot you did my makeup.”
jungkook laughs quietly. “i take that as a confirmation it was good?”
“so good.” yoongi swallows, closes his eyes, and lets the back of his head hit the chair with a muffled thud. “now it’s kinda gross though. sticky and cold.”
“i’m not sure my legs work,” jungkook evaluates. yoongi cracks one eye open to glare at him.
“are you trying to get me to wheel us to the bathroom?”
jungkook looks at him. “is it working?”
yoongi actually tries, after they are tucked back in and still kind of gross; spins them around and tries to use the wall as leverage to propel them across the floor, an attempt which ends in them almost toppling over after two meesely feet and then almost toppling over again when their laughing makes the chair wobble around uncontrollably.
when yoongi inspects himself in the bathroom mirror five minutes later, he determines the makeup still looks good. the eye makeup is a little bit smudged but the glossy highlighter has stayed on. some of it could be the post-orgasm glow, though.
“it looked good, i promise,” jungkook says, leaning on the doorframe behind yoongi. he’s cleaned up already, and looks wildly good, his hair swept off his forehead and tousled like it’s had wind in it. he’s wearing his shirt, and is holding yoongi’s in his hand. “i did an amazing job. you just have to take my word for it.”
“i guess you have to do it again,” yoongi hums, “and this time try not to, like, jump my bones.”
“wow, the nerve,” jungkook says, aghast, “you kissed me first.”
he pelts yoongi with the shirt, and yoongi grins, catches it before it slips to the floor. as he shakes it out, jungkook gravitates closer. yoongi meets his eyes in the mirror, and jungkook gives the smallest, softest smile, before dropping his gaze like he’s shy; he gently lowers his forehead on yoongi’s bare shoulder, and yoongi’s heart hurts.
“do you still wanna get that coffee?” jungkook asks in a tiny voice. he’s tracing the flowers on yoongi’s shoulder blades with his fingertips. yoongi doesn’t say i’d go anywhere with you. but he thinks it.
“let me just put on my shirt,” he says with the warmth of the thing making a home out of his chest. jungkook peeks up from behind his shoulder so that only his big eyes are visible. but yoongi can tell he’s smiling.
“wanna know something?” jungkook asks in the stairs that are almost too narrow to walk side-by-side while holding hands, but yoongi has been quoted as saying he’s willing to die for hand-holding, so it’s a challenge he’ll take. he hums affirmatively, adjusting his fingers in the spaces between jungkook’s. “when you came out of the bathroom after taking off your makeup… the first thing i thought was is this how he would look every morning.”
yoongi turns to look at him. jungkook’s looking at the steps, bottom lip between his teeth. yoongi looks forward again so as to not stumble and die.
“i wanted to… see you like that every morning,” jungkook continues quietly. “want to. um. not every morning. not right away. but… some mornings. as many mornings as you want. i’m saying… i want to wake up next to you and do all the boring morning stuff with you. oh my god.”
they are at the bottom of the stairs and they come to a stop. jungkook’s looking decidedly away from yoongi, at the opposite wall, and his neck is faintly pink. he’s holding onto yoongi’s hand really tightly, though.
“it wasn’t that embarrassing,” yoongi consoles, bringing the back of jungkook’s hand up to his grin, and pressing a fleeting kiss to it. jungkook makes a mortified sound. yoongi gently tugs him along towards where it’s still light out. “and i want the same thing.”
“you do?”
he pulls them into the street, and turns around to face jungkook, who’s finally looking back at him, bright and beautiful. yoongi tugs him close, and tells him, “i want to do all the boring morning stuff with you too. how could i not.” how could i not. he really means it. jungkook seems to think getting to wake up next to him every morning is anything less than a privilege.
he didn’t really consider it earlier because they were sitting. but he has to stand on his tiptoes to kiss jungkook. so he does just that. he holds his face and kisses him gentle warm and soft, and jungkook’s arms encompass him, and yoongi doesn’t really want him to ever stop holding him. he feels the outline of his smile in the kiss.
and it’s a good kiss but yoongi still doesn’t expect the eruption of cheers that abruptly rings out on his left. he jumps a little, and stares at jungkook, wide-eyed. jungkook blinks back at him. they turn to look at the same time.
it’s a jarringly familiar sight.
“what are you doing here,” yoongi says bluntly when he finds kim taehyung hanging out with some pigeons outside the beauty salon and also jungkook’s apartment on a clear saturday evening around maybe 7:30-ish.
“hello, hyung, very nice to see you, how are you?” taehyung grins up at them from where he’s squatting by the buildingside doing something that yoongi hopes to god isn’t hand-feeding pieces of bagel to street pigeons. “i’m just hand-feeding bagel to these pigeons.”
“i can see that,” yoongi says flatly.
there are two other people who contributed to the cheering. jimin’s endorsing taehyung, hovering at his side holding the bag of bagels with his other hand buried in his pocket, smirking at them knowingly. hoseok is eyeing the pigeons cautiously from a safe distance on the other side of the pavement, but still looks very happy for them.
taehyung’s hair is—different. it’s so light brown it might actually just be blonde, and whatever jimin did to it to make it look like it would smell like seawater and sand and the sun, works really well for taehyung. yoongi locks eyes with jimin when taehyung is focused on cahooting with pigeons, points at the surfer curls, and raises his eyebrows. jimin makes a pair of horn signs with his index and pinky fingers. it’s the closest to a civilized conversation with a heartfelt compliment and a thank you they’ve ever had.
“were you… waiting out here for us to come out just so you could prove i didn’t actually do yoongi-hyung’s makeup?” jungkook says with disbelief.
“of course not,” taehyung says, standing up and shaking bagel crumbs off of his palms. “we were waiting in the café across the street. but the rest was pretty accurate.”
“well, i did do his makeup,” jungkook narrows his eyes.
“yeah,” jimin begins, “either this really isn’t your best one—” he gestures broadly at yoongi’s general being, “or you were purposely going for this makeup was impeccable and then i had heated sex with my makeup artist in a desk chair which, by the way, is actually jimin’s and you were supposed to give it back a year ago.”
yoongi and jungkook share the same horrified silence.
“wait—” jungkook starts weakly.
“dude,” jimin sighs, and waves a hand at the building. “your apartment has, like, a billion windows.” jungkook goes pale. yoongi just stares at jimin, whose mouth quirks devilishly. “don’t worry, you could only see, like, the top of jungkook’s head. but i mean, no one has conversations that long while sitting in someone’s lap facing them.”
“yoongi actually does that, sometimes,” taehyung says contemplatively. “so i don’t know. we shouldn’t rule that out.”
“you can keep the chair, by the way,” jimin says genially.
“thanks,” jungkook says in a dead voice.
“oh, my god,” yoongi says, “i’m going to cross this street to the café now and i’m going to be hoping a car hits me.”
“wait,” yelps hoseok, who’s been chased by a pigeon even further down the pavement. he’s cornered at some motorcycles parked on the side of the street. “congrats! and i’m sorry i threatened you, yoongi!”
“it’s okay, no hard feelings,” yoongi shouts back. it’s very difficult to feel threatened by someone who’s shrieking at a group of pigeons and seems to think taehyung has some kind of control over them because he’s pleading, call them back, tae.
“if they intimidate you it’s because you deserve it!” taehyung’s yelling as yoongi escapes across the street, jungkook’s hand in his, jungkook’s breathless laugh in his ears and in some place more permanent, in a safe, in a box in his heart where he’ll reach when he needs it, when he needs to be reminded of the good things in the world.
jungkook slows them down outside of the café.
“before we go in, i need to do something,” he says, squeezing yoongi’s hand and biting down on his bottom lip.
“okay?” yoongi says as jungkook takes hold of his upper arms and steers him to stand in front of him in what feels like a very formal manner. he seems serious and vaguely nervous and yoongi finds it perplexing but also endearing. jungkook inhales deeply.
“okay,” he says, looking yoongi firmly in the eye, “so we already got each other off and established we want to be gross and domestic together. but i want to do this properly, so…” his posture shifting, relaxing, he rubs at the side of his neck, and he grins, slightly embarrassed but with the sun trapped behind his teeth. “min yoongi, i like you. will you date me?”
that’s how yoongi starts dating jeon jungkook: uttering the easiest yes he’s ever said, smiling like a lovestruck fool in front of some old guy just trying to enjoy a cup of coffee on the patio, with taehyung very distinctly screaming about pigeons in the background. it’s exactly what he pictured.
—likes me.
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eerythingisshaka · 6 years
Death of a Bachelor
(Erik Killmonger POV)
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Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: sSmutSs, fuckboyness
A/N:  Possible new series?  So hear me out, this was inspired by the movie Alfie, the Michael Caine version is the only one I seen.  But Erik is going to experience four, maybe five women, each very different from the next.  He’s having fun with them but at some point he’s going to have to tighten up on some of his ways, whether it’s with a lucky lady from the five, or by his damn self.  I also just wanted to do a smut since I haven’t in a minute and no one is gettin any in my series’ (also I may have some residual hormones that I can’t work out right now because nature doesn’t want me to have any pleasure this week, so I’m getting it out here). The one time my mama asks me what I’m writing about and it’s THIS, smh. First POV of a character, so hopefully his spirit comes across here.
I swear God had a sense of humor making a nigga like me.  The average man woulda been shot his on brains out with the bullshit I have had to deal with in my life.  I’m not goin into all my childhood shit right now, that psychology and repressed emotions bull never rocked with me for real.  Nah, I’m talkin bout my life right here, right now.  People just won’t leave me the hell alone!
So boom, it’s like this.  I like to take care of myself.  I do my cardio every Monday, Wednesday, Saturday.   That can be runnin, boxin, some P90X or whatever the fuck to keep me on my toes.  I do weight training Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, doublin up when I feel like it with my cardio days; lightwork, you feel me?  All that to say ya boy is stacked.  You couldn’t put no more muscle on this 6’0 frame if you tried, took a damn long time but I finally got my shit filled out right.
And I’m proud of my shit, gotta double back by the mirror every so often just to catch myself lookin.  I ain’t narcissistic or nothin, but fuck you if you think I should be humble, I earned this.  
I say all that to say it’s funny how people think they entitled to your time just because you give em some dick every other visit.  Females will tell you different, but they just as thirsty as niggas these days.  I go out the gym, fresh from a shower in my wife beater and sweats, right?  I got my shades on cuz I’m not tryna socialize, just get my protein powder and jet.  
What they do?  Stare at me walkin past the produce section, holdin they bananas in a daze, fuckin me with they eyes!  On one hand, I’m cool with it, like I said I work for this body to be admired.  Bitches love feelin on my stomach and chest while I dig them out, clawing my back when my shit too deep for em.  But then I say good morning, and they ass wanna look at me funky and go about they business!  Like I bothered them with some eye fuckin!  Bitch if you don’t go on somewhere witcho thirsty ass!  Maybe my approach is off, but fuck that, I know what you were thinkin bout, and that don’t require much introduction to get to.
That’s a good sign for me though, cuz I know they gon run off to they little friends talking bout, “Girl, this fine ass nigga said Hi to me at the grocery store today.  Bitch, I hope I see him again, I might have to fuck him right on the tomatoes!”  I know them!  They act proud, but they don’t wanna come off hoeish.
Lemme see you be a hoe!  I cannot stress that enough!  There’s an artform to it though, don’t go comin up on me, rubbin my ass and whisperin in my ear (depends on the location and time of day though for that).  Shit, come up to me and say hi for once!  Being the aggressor gets tired after a while.  See, when a baby girl come up to me, smilin all confident and shit like she holdin the meanin to life between her legs, askin me who I am and what she wants, NIGGA!  You ain’t said nothin but a word, ma!
That’s how I got involved with this one girl, Venice, like that town in Italy.  She a real cute redbone, bout 5’5 wears these red bottom heels everyday (at least she has em one whenever I see her...never takes em off).  She work as a paralegal, so she gotta wear blazers, skirts, or pantsuits, which I don’t always find sexiest but the way she gets em tailored to her body, whew man, it’s almost porno levels of ridiculous but that’s just cuz how thicc she is.  Bitch can’t help it!
I go to this deli shop on lunch sometimes and she was in line with her phone glued to her eyeballs, so I knew she wasn’t wantin to be fucked around with.  I respect a woman’s boundaries, you ain’t gotta tell me twice to go the fuck on somewhere.  But tell me why when I’m pickin up pastrami on rye, ready to smash that thing I hear her behind me talkin bout, “I took you as more of a footlong type of guy.”  If that ain’t no damn innuendo I don’t know what the fuck is.  I’m lookin at her like she gotta be jokin, but damn her with that fuckin smile.  She smelt good too, like coconut and fresh laundry, she was clean clean.  She tried to hide her lil joke talmbout “I meant you so look like you workout, your meal just don’t match the appetite I envisioned.”  So I ask her if she been envisioning in more ways than one and that got her cackling real quick, touchin on me like we old classmates reuniting.  Long story short, we exchanged numbers and I get a text at the end of the day askin me to pull up to her job and next thing I know, we fuckin on her desk.  She loud as fuck too.  The building seemed like it was cleared out but damn, the police coulda been called for all she was doin.  The pussy was fire though, almost had me losin my shit.  She keeps it clean, except for some hair across the top of her pussy like a toupee.  She likes to ride it though, that probably has to do with her profession, wantin power over people.  Soon as she start cummin though, she a damsel in distress needin her Superman to finish things off.
So I been fuckin with her for a little over a month now.  It’s real causal, we meet more after dark than in the daytime.  It’s fun, I ain’t had to jackoff too much cuz she seems to work with my shit like  circadian rhythm or whatever.  Soon as I felt my shit gettin hard, my phone light up.  
Tonight wasn’t no different.  I was working out late that night, finishing a couple of miles on the treadmill when a notification interrupts my music.  I look at my phone and it’s a picture of her hand spreading her pussy lips out.  Damn, purple and pink were my favorite colors.  I had to hit the emergency stop so I didn’t bust my face on the machine.  I let her know I would be there in a hour, she says to make it 30 minutes.
This is when I have a problem with her, she think she run me!  If I tell her I can’t come today, she says she can help with that.  I tell her I’m tired, she say I don’t have to do shit but lay there.  I was outta town once, and she still not satisfied until I get her on FaceTime so she can see me jackoff while she play with herself.  If it didn’t turn me on so damn much, I’d drop her for good.  
So, after I shower and start heading to my car, she text me with this address I don’t know.  When I Googled, it led me to some condo on the other side of town.  I asked her what this was about and the bitch left me on read.  Fuck outta here with that shit.  I ain’t Scooby Doo, and I don’t feel like solvin mysteries.  Fuck I look like?!
But my dumbass follows the scent of hot n ready pussy soon as it pops up, so I go and whatever.  Place look like the fuckin Powerpuff Girls live here, doin the absolute most for one woman to be livin in by herself.
When I go knockin on her front door, it just opens on its own like a haunted house.  I peek in, bout to call her lame ass for tellin me an address I don’t know about, tryna get a Black man killed, I hear her voice.
“Come on in, baby.”
I stepped my ass in there real slow, checkin my peripherals until I saw her sittin on the couch in some see through robe lookin at her fireplace.  I coulda busted concrete with the hard on I got lookin at her.  Those titties, nigga, sittin up under her chin practically, just overflowin she so big.  
“What’re you standin there like you seen a ghost.  Come sit like you got some kind of sense.”
“What you got the front door open like that for?”  I asked her, sittin next to her.
“I knew you were coming by.  I don’t feel like getting up if I don’t have to.”  She takes a bottle of Hennessy from the table in front of us and pours two glasses, handing me one of em.
I take a sip, nursing my drink.  “You tryna be a pillow princess tonight or sumthin?  Wantin me to do all the work?”  I asked her.   I couldnt help but reach out to feel that ass through her robe but she smacked my hand.
“Not like that, Erik!  I want you to finish that drink, and maybe another.  I want to be entertained a little more than usual tonight.”  She knocked back her drink quicker than a jackrabbit on a date.  She set her drink down, scooching over closer to me.  I couldn’t keep my eyes off them damn titties!  She started rubbin the inner part of my leg and I took the Henny down, you feel me!  
She poured me another drink and started talkin all general about my day and shit.  I wasn’t giving her nothin but one word answers cuz I was startin to get a lil lit off of the drink and she kept playin in my hair, kissin my neck and shit.  I was tired of tellin her to chill out with alldat cuz I damn sure was ready to teach her ass some fuckin manners.
So I grab her thigh and pull her big ass over my lap, giving them cheeks a Jaws of Life-ass squeeze.  I heard her gasp from my strength, she love that shit.
“Erik, hang on-”  She try and say but I ain’t wantin to hear her mouth.  I slip my hand in her panties and started washing my hands, her shit was like a faucet with that drip.  I knew she was ready, think she playin with somebody.
“Fuck a ‘hang on’.  Hang on these nuts, what you finna do.”  I was bout to be in my element!  Pussy poolin and I was finna dive, my nigga!  Next thing I know my hair gettin pulled and yanked backward, hurt like a muthafucka.
“Damn Venice!  What the fu-”
She took my hand and licked them off all slow.  I felt her tongue dancing on my fingertips before she pinned my hand back.
“I really, really, love it when you’re rude, Erik.  I do!  But when I tell you to hold on, you say ‘yes ma’am’, remember?”
She pullin that dominance shit again.  I ain’t on no punk shit, let the record show.  But if this moves things along, then, “Yes ma’am.”
Then the damn doorbell rings!  “Finally!”  Venice gets up for the door, walkin all fast.
“Who the fuck are you expectin?”  I’m gettin loud with her cuz I didn’t sign up for none of this shit.  I was supposed to soak my wood and dip, she be extra but this on some other shit.
She turns around and puts her a finger to her mouth at me before opening the door.  Some blonde girl comes through the door sayin Hi and huggin Venice like this a tea party.  So, I’m sittin on the couch waiting for them to finish and her to leave, but Venice walks Jennifer Lawrence lookin clown into the living room.
“Erik, this is-”
“I don’t need to know her name, I need to know when she leavin.”  I’m heated!  My dick gettin soft by the minute, but Venice and her friend is unphased.
Venice starts playin in her hair and they start gigglin.  “She’s here to keep us company.  She’s fun, I think you both would do well with each other.”
Nigga, when she said this, I wondered if she spiked my damn drink or some bullshit.  “I don’t associate with white folks Venice, stop wastin my time so we can do what I came over for.”
“That’s why Abbigayle is here!  She wanted to meet you and-”
“You tellin bitches about me?  Talkin behind my back?!  I ain’t a damn gossip topic, fuck is your problem!  I don’t fuck white bitches either, so you can just step ABBA!”  I was ready to pack my happy ass up and go.  Too many females on this planet to be strung up on one dummy.
“ERIK!  I’m not going to be interrupted again!  You’re making me lose my patience, that isn’t going to go over well for you.  Be nice!”
I said already I ain’t no punk, right?  And I meant that shit.  But I ain’t never one to fuck up a good time, fuckin is fuckin, so let’s just see what happens.  “Yes ma’am.”
Venice liked that, she instantly walked all slow and sexy over to me tellin me good job and shit, kissin on me.  For a second I forgot about Abracadabra but then I feel an extra pair of hands at my lap and I see her unbuttoning my pants.  Venice tooks my face back to look at her; she is really fuckin beautiful, I can’t even lie on that.  Her lips felt like when you ain’t had Starburst in a while, and the first one in the line is a Pink or a Red, nigga her lips juicy as fuck and I didn’t want her to stop puttin em on me.  
So we makin out on the couch and Abacus got my dick out and starts lickin and kissin my shit like it’s a damn bomb pop.  That’s cute and all if I rock with you, but if I don’t know you like that?  You just playin, show me what the hell that mouf do so I can hae somethin to talk to the homies bout later.
Venice gets off the couch and sits across the room in a chair, leaving her leg over the arm so her legs are spread out.  I finally was gettin hard again, poor Abilify probably thought I was gettin there from her hen peckin round my shaft.  Nah, I couldn’t hold back seeing Venice sittin there like she ain’t give an entire fuck that some random bitch was suckin my dick!  Like, she ain’t been shy about what she likes in the bedroom but fuck, this was some new shit she pullin out on me.  
When Venice took off her bra to let them titties hang on her stomach, I was about to lose my damn patience.  I look down and Albuquerque and decide she needs some instruction on what to do when you got dick in your mouth.
“Open ya mouth up.”  I told her, pulling her hair back to hold it behind her head.  Soon as she does I pump my dick all into the back of her throat.  She start hittin that gag reflex just right and then I let her breathe while she coughs and wipes her mascara down.  I look over at Venice who has a slick smile on her face, nodding at me to continue.  When Abomasnow started bobbin on my dick again, she was two handin my shit right?  Venice brought a real lazy ass to this party.  So I popped her face tellin her to take it deep.  White girl was a trooper, I give her that.  She barely got it halfway in before she started to gag, so I held her down just to make sure she wasn’t playing.
Lookin over at Venice, now she all relaxed, panties to the side with two fingers diggin herself out.  She was bitin her lip tryin not to cum, she bet not either.  With her full attenion I let her friend breathe again before I made her face my playground, fuckin the shit outta her throat.  I tried my best to imagine it being Venice’s pussy like she probably wish her fingers were me.  I couldn’t take no damn more.
I pulled out of Arby’s and strolled my ass on over to Venice, ready or not.  Venice wasn’t fightin though as I picked her up under them thick ass legs while she held onto my shoulders.  I guided her onto my Johnson and slid right in that bitch like it was nothin.  She was so damn wet for me, and her face said it all that she was finally gettin what we came there to do.  Venice pussy reminded me of when you just sat down after bein up on your feet all day and you feel like your heart is beatin in your soles when you get them propped up but it’s so damn better than gettin back up again.  Venice knew how to tease me, and that shit was torture, but fuck if that release ain’t sweeter for it.  Kissin on her lips while she breathin on me kept me goin, so I put her down turned her around by the fireplace.  I picked her leg up and back and got right back in that pussy.  This was my favorite position, cuz she felt tighter from behind, and she screamed louder too.  Singing my name out like a gospel, cussin me out so much it almost hurt my feelins.  Almost.  
I almost forgot about her friend, til I felt a ticklin on my balls and there was Abscess tryna feel a part of this too, lickin my nuts and Venice’s pussy when I was slammin too hard in them cheeks.  It was whatever though, cuz not a damn thing was bringing me out of her til I was through.  
While I’m holdin Venice’s titties bouncin round, I felt myself gettin close, but that wasn’t happenin here, not like that.  So I pull out of Venice, almost kickin Albany in the face and take her chair spot.
“Lemme fuck them titties real quick.”  Venice gets between my legs and wraps them tig ol bitties round me, holdin them in place.  Ma had my dick CREAMY, I didn’t even notice til then, she was cummin harder than a muthafucka.  Venice friend helped keep her hair back, encouraging her with some “Go girl, get that cock baby!”  type of Bring It On like nonsense.  This ain’t no damn pep rally, fuck is you doin?  Me and Venice were in our own damn world anyway, watchin her tongue hang out to catch my tip when it poke from her cleavage made me mad.  She knew what the fuck to do, and I can’t stand it!  Nigga, that nut was so long and hard, it could break steel, but it painted her face like a damn masterpiece, stickin on her eyelashes and shit.  What the fuck she get for makin me work so damn hard.
With all that, her friend was pretty chill by the outcome.  “Damn, Venice, you weren’t lying at all.  Shits real!”  givin Venice a high five while I pulled my pants up and she wiped her face.  
“Right?  Told you!  Ok guys, I have to get some rest so just see yourselves out.  We should do this again!”  
I just knew she wasn’t talkin to me, but she really was walkin up her steps to her room like we were her employees clockin out.  
I asked her, “Aye, Venice!  This how you treat guests in your house!”  
“You ain’t gotta go home, Erik, but you have got to get the hell outta here before my husband gets home.”  Venice said with a flick of her wrist.  Bossy ass bitch!  
Me and Abbreviate walk outside and I just had to ask her somethin for what just happened.  “Do y’all do this a lot?”
She just shrugs.  “Sometimes, but I don’t say yes to every invitation.  You just sounded too promising.”
I nodded, confused as hell, but flattered.  “Right.  And how y’all know each other?”
“I’m a colleague.  Worked on a case together and got a little closer than necessary.  Been a good friend since.  Take care of yourself, Erik.”  She gets in her car and that was that on that.  
When I head to my whip, I get a text notification.  I just knew it was Venice asking me to come back or at least a thank you.  But no this time it was my other situation, Genesis.
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1kook · 6 years
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wong yukhei x female reader 

Summary: You can’t even begin to describe the disappointment that blossoms in your chest when someone rattles the doorknob and Yukhei startles, successfully ending your heavy make-out. 

This shit is smut y'all!!!!!!! 5.6k words of it!!!!
Hey this my first fic for the nct folks so please excuse any oc things I’m a lil rusty when it comes to xreader fic lol whoops 
Unlike high school, college was absolutely kicking your ass. Between the near constant deadlines and the awkward sleeping schedules, university life was completely unlike the easy ride you’d experienced during high school. Though you’d come from a large public school and had the pleasure of graduating with over two hundred other students, your university’s population was tripled. 
The population made it increasingly difficult to maneuver from building to building, and was even more troublesome when you’d have to attend your large lectures every Wednesday afternoon. The hall was ginormous to say the least, with rows of benches that went up for what seemed like forever. Though you’d thus far been blessed with a seat near the front of the board, you figured sooner or later you’d have to take the stumble of shame towards the very back of the hall. 
Unfortunately for you, that time came sooner than you’d like. It was already towards the end of the second semester, your hectic life as a college freshman was coming to an end, and you yearned to finally be freed from the awkwardness of being, well, a freshman. You still had to endure the last few weeks of second semester, which would surely be another challenge in itself. Being a freshman meant that literally any upperclassmen had superiority over you, and for the most part, weren’t very concerned with noobs like you anyway. Which is how you found yourself climbing towards the very back of the lecture hall, five minutes late, and extremely flustered. 
You prided yourself in recognizing a good handful of your classmates, especially those who often saved you a seat, or would be willing to move their stuff for you to pass by if you asked. For some reason though, that wasn’t really coming in clutch for you today, and the further back you went, the more upperclassmen you encountered, none of which you knew well enough to scoot by. By the time you found an accessible seat, you were already at the very last row. There was hardly anyone towards the back of the hall, save for a few stragglers whose only concern was receiving their weekly attendance points. 
Among those was Yukhei, a handsome upperclassmen you’d often seen at many of the frat barbecues, laughing obnoxiously loud. He was there, idly swiping through his phone, dyed fringe flopping over his forehead. He was undoubtedly attractive, and you’d like to convince yourself he was some hoodlum wasting his parents’ money away at college, but the results posted outside the hall clearly showcased him as some genius, who nearly always ranked in the top ten percent. Yukhei was smart as hell, and he was only a year older than you. You’d seen him many times, but you doubted he knew or even heard of you. 
You uneasily set your stuff down, and though you were at the very edge of the bench, with easy access to the aisle, you felt suffocated by Yukhei’s strong presence. He was every bit the dapper young man, sharp edged yet soft. He was seemingly unaware of your presence, long fingers tapping a beat on the edge of the table. It wasn’t until you clicked your pen that his attention flickered towards you, big eyes giving your a brief once over, and you had to contain a full body shiver at that. 
Yukhei was by no means some notorious womanizer, and you’d rarely heard of him sleeping around (you doubted he was completely pure, though), yet the absolute machismo he radiated was unlike any you’d ever experienced before. 
He blinked at you, as if he was completely unaware of the effect he had on women. By the way his doe eyes twinkled, though, you started to believe maybe he was blind to the effects he had on people like you. 
“Hey,” he said after a beat of silence, lips pulling into a taut smirk. It was by no means cocky, as it felt rather friendly. 
You were so distracted by the pull of those pink lips, that his greeting didn’t immediately register in your mind. “Hi,” you belatedly responded, the lecture in front of you long forgotten, pen halfway towards your notebook.
“I’ve never seen you here before,” he offhandedly mentioned, and you were mesmerized by the sight of his long fingers toying with his phone on the table. “I’m Yukhei,” he said, and someone in the row in front of you shushed him. 
The flush that formed on his cheeks was a complete surprise, as was the way his doe eyes rounded comically. You couldn’t stop the soft huff of laughter that left your lips, further startling him. You glanced at the row in front of you, before leaning in just the slightest bit and quietly saying, “I’m ____.” 
The whole time, he was staring at you as if you were revealing your deepest secret, lips quirked up in the cutest way. “Are you new?” He murmured, leaning in as well. 
You snorted, and quickly clapped a hand over your mouth, much to Yukhei’s amusement. “Why would I transfer with two weeks left?” You replied, and you couldn’t miss the twinkle in his eyes at your clever reply. He shrugged, and hummed a weird noise that sounded a lot like i don’t know. 
Your professor said something then, finally drawing your attention back to the lecture at hand. You shifted your attention back to the presentation, furiously jotting down the notes you’d missed, and after a while, Yukhei’s presence slipped to the back of your mind. 
It wasn’t until the end of class, when you’d began shoving your notebooks back into your bag that he’d caught your attention again. “Well it was nice meeting you, new girl,” he teased, sliding out of the bench after you. You laughed, quickly bidding goodbye, and though your stomach felt tingly from his presence, the whole encounter completely slipped from your mind by the time evening rolled around. 
The next time you see Yukhei is across the crowded cafeteria. You’re sitting with your friends between classes, contentedly chewing away at your lunch, when a loud ruckus catches half of the cafeteria’s attention, including yours. 
It was a group of young men fooling around near the Starbucks stand, obnoxiously joking around with each other as they awaited their drinks. You recognized most of them the way you usually did: from parties and other miscellaneous events. It was the usual crowd of handsome guys, and for a moment you wondered if Yukhei was acquainted with these fellows. 
Your question was quickly answered when you spotted light brown fringe peeking out of the white cap of a giant. He was clad in more comfortable clothes this time, a plain white tee with the front tucked into some Adidas pants. The stripes that ran down the sides of his legs made him seem almost unexplainably long, and you couldn’t stop your eyes from tracing down his figure. 
You were so engrossed in the act that you failed to notice how much closer him and his pack had wandered towards you. They were even louder now, with Yukhei’s laughter ringing above it all. He was attractive even then, you couldn’t help but think. 
It was probably that last thought that caused your slow reaction when he caught your eye. His eyes twinkled beneath the brim of his cap, and his raised one big hand up to wave at you, which you easily reciprocated. His lips quirked up into that cute smile again, so infectious you had to return it. 
His friend said something you couldn’t catch then, and the smile that consumed his face would’ve been quite the sight if he hadn’t shyly ducked his head down, the hand waving at you going to rub at the nape of his neck. 
Cute, you thought. 
The third time you see Yukhei is in class again. 
You’re on time this week, and manage to snag your usual seat at the front with your buddies, when he walks through the door. Your eyes instantly latch onto his figure, and, as if sensing it, he catches you. He graces you with one of those half smirk, half smiles again, and much to your surprise he saunters straight over towards you and your friends. 
“Hey,” he says, rapping his knuckles on the table top in front of you. 
“Hi,” you say, and his eyes flicker from you to your friends for a moment, before leaning onto the edge of the desk, pink tongue darting across his lips. He catches your gaze.
“My guys and I are having a party this weekend,” he mentions, and you lean forward, eyes tracing over his soft facial features. “You should come,” he says, and for a moment, he seems almost shy. Then as if remembering you’re not alone, he glances up towards your friends. “All of you, I mean.”
You roll your lips in, trying to repress the smile that so desperately wants to take over, and answer with a sure nod. 
Yukhei’s smile gets impossibly wider, and he knocks his knuckles against the table one more time, before slowly stalking backwards. “Cool, great, awesome,” he says, and you nearly snort when he adds, “snazzy.” 
The next time you see Yukhei is kind of planned, but not really. You have to admit, Yukhei’s house throws some of the best parties on campus, and the fact that his brothers are all respectable guys who actually take school seriously is just another plus. Like usual, the lot is packed when you and your friends arrive a little past ten thirty. There’s people spilling out onto the front porch, and some dilly-dalliers even strewn across the lawn. You maneuver your way into the house and are immediately bombarded by colorful lights and the strong stench of weed. Though you don’t mind it, the extremity of the scent is enough to give you a second-hand high that you didn’t really plan for. You’ve been cross-faded before, and truthfully, it’s a little too much for you. 
You settle on watching an intense match of beer bong in the main living room, leaning against the fire place and conversing with other girls also immersed in the game. The cheers for the game are loud and rambunctious, typical of a college party, and you soon find yourself absorbed in your role as a partygoer. There’s drinks being handed out, and you don’t hesitate to down multiple red cups right away. The pleasant feel of alcohol swimming through your veins like a soft persuasion to let loose. 
And you do. 
You’re next up for beer pong, excited in a way only parties make you feel, when a hand clasps around your wrist. You whirl around, and nearly crash into Yukhei, who’s all giggly and ditzy from partying. “Hey,” he yells over the music, and you can’t help the giggle that spills through your lips at his customary greeting. 
“Hi,” you shout back, lips brushing dangerously close to his neck, which smells of so much alcohol and sweat, you’d be disgusted if you didn’t smell the same. Someone yells at you to return for the game, but Yukhei waves them off, whisking you towards the staircase, where he pushes another drink into your hand. 
“I’m so glad you could come,” he shouts, and you see his lips move but you honestly don’t catch a single word that leaves his lips. You wanna blame the pounding bass for your sudden inability to hear him, but a voice in your head says you’d been to distracted just watching his cherried lips to pay attention.
You motion for him to repeat.
You’re not expecting for him to lean in close, lips pressed to the shell of your ear, “so glad you could make it, new girl,” he says, and you’re vaguely aware of the large hand pressed to the base of your spine. Your senses are slowly being pushed into maximum overdrive, so all you manage is a dumb nod. 
He leans away from you, but the feeling of Yukhei’s body leaning over you is already engraved into your mind, and you find yourself reaching a hand out to grasp at the front of his sleeveless shirt, pulling him closer. 
“You look hot,” you say, and he laughs hard against you, chest bumping yours. 
“Thanks,” he says, glances back towards the living room that seems to have become even more populated since you were there. “You look hot, too,” he returns, and you smirk. You unclasp your grip on his shirt, only to glide your palm over his neck, gently pressing your palm into the muscles there. 
Yukhei’s entire demeanor flickers then, and you catch him slipping, trying to remain as a composed gentlemen. He teeters dangerously on the edge between that and a rugged man whose only desire is to eat you up. His lip is caught between his teeth, and it takes him a hard gulp, but he eventually regains his composure, and flashes you a sweet smile. 
But the tiny flash you’d seen of his other persona is enough to catch your interest, and you can feel the heat forming in your core. The way his Adams apple had bobbed before you as he struggled to remain respectful replays in your head, over and over again. You give him a smile in return, and he seems sort of calm in your presence now. You almost feel bad for wanting to purposely rile him up. 
You lean forward, soothingly pressing your fingers into his neck. “Thanks for inviting me,” you murmur, and you’d be worried he didn’t hear you, but the way his eyes are laser focused on you assures you he did. Nonetheless, you take a challenging step closer, ghosting your lips over his ear in the same teasing way he’d done to you earlier. “Isn’t it hot in here?”
You feel him swallow beneath your fingertips, and that definitely sends another spark down south, feeling his muscles twitch. The little action is probably what seals the deal for you as you hear him stutter out a shaky agreement. You sigh a soft, “Yukhei.”
“Yes?” He breathes, and from the corner of your eye, you catch the way his hand hovers over your waist, fist clenching only to relax afterwards, his internal struggle still going on. 
“Where’s your room?” You ask, and press your chest to his. Your forwardness seems to be the deciding factor for him as well, and you feel his hand clasp onto your hip, fingers digging into your skin. 
“My roommate’s in there right now,” he huffs out, and you sigh in a teasing way, slowly peeling yourself away from him. His eyes are wide as you pull away, only fueling you further. 
“Well, I guess I’ll see you la–” 
“We can go somewhere else,” he abruptly blurts out, eyes wide. You beam at him, your hand slowly drifting away from his neck and down his exposed biceps, lightly squeezing the muscle. 
“Show me.”
Yukhei wastes no time in tugging you up the stairs you’d been leaning against and down the subsequent upstairs hallway. There’s people littered all over the place, some couples languidly making out against the walls, while others spark up by the bathroom. He guides you towards the end of the hallway, where a tacky sign reading Jae’s Room adorns the wooden door. He glances behind you almost mischievously, like a little devil, and you wonder if he’ll look at you the same way. He tugs the door open, and ushers you inside, before shutting the door behind himself. 
The room is dark, and Yukhei wastes no time flicking on a lamp in the corner of the room, drowning the room in a soft golden hue. Yukhei looks even more handsome in the light, tan skin smooth like velvet. When his eyes meet yours, you feel inexplicably trapped by his gaze, and for the first time that night, your cheeks flush, forcing you to look away. 
Yukhei sees anyway, and saunters over, cheeky smile adorning his features. He wastes no time in catching your jaw between his fingers, slowly turning your face towards him. Your breath catches from his proximity, and you can’t help the small quiver that passes over you, brought on by the honeyed look in his eyes. He gently presses your lips together, too soft for some random college hook-up, that your knees almost buckle beneath you. 
His hands depart your face, and glide down your arms and across your waist, until the settle on the curve of your spine, thumbs rubbing soothing circles against your skin. The music is more muted in the room, and you hear the quiet smack of your lips against his, and the soft noises you both make. 
Yukhei steps forward, and the backs of your knees meet the edge of the bed. He slowly eases you down, until you’re sitting and he’s leaning over you, one knee pressed between your thighs. Your hands are tracing across his broad shoulders, moving towards the nape of his neck, and tugging at his hair. He releases a quiet moan at the action, and you quietly lock that way for safe keeping. 
If you’re being honest, Yukhei is doing all the right things. His hands press over your waist and your spread thighs, long fingers sending shivers throughout your body. His tongue is working wonders on you, pressing into all your sensitive areas, making you squirm. He’s so attractive, both in his physical appearance and his personality, that the wetness that forms between your legs is embarrassing. 
You can’t even begin to describe the disappointment that blossoms in your chest when someone rattles the doorknob and Yukhei startles, successfully ending your heavy make-out. 
You begin to wave them off, hand tracing over Yukhei’s jaw to guide him back to you, when Yukhei becomes jittery, quickly tugging you to your feet.
Surprisingly, whoever is outside the door hasn’t let up their efforts, and you begin to wonder who it is, when Yukhei suddenly pulls the closet door open, peeking inside it with wide eyes. 
You tilt your head at him in confusion, and are immediately graced with his goofy smile, though now it’s a little more anxious than before. “Um,” he says, eyes flickering between you and the door. “Get in?”
You blink. 
Yukhei swallows, and you nearly lose focus of the situation at hand.
“Technically, we’re not supposed to be in each other’s rooms during frat parties,” he explains, nervously jiggling the closet’s doorknob back and forth.
“And I think Jaehyun’s trying to get in.”
You glance at the bedroom door, which has gone suspiciously quiet. Suddenly, the soft clink of a key being inserted rings throughout the room, startling even you into jumping into the dark of the closet. Yukhei nudges the clothing aside, allowing you enough space to sit on the floor, before promptly following. The closet door clicks shut right as the bedroom door jangles open. 
Sure enough, you assume it’s this Jaehyun fellow who’s entered. Surprisingly, he’s by himself, though he’s talking loudly. You logically deduce he’s on the phone, if the pauses between his outbursts are any indication. 
You breathe a sigh of relief, because if you had to sit through another couple fucking while you listened like some voyeur, you’d feel repulsed with yourself. Still, you’re trapped in the closet with Yukhei, who was only a few minutes away from having sex with you. Your cheeks flame. The closet light is off, though, and you’re also facing away from Yukhei, so your embarrassment won’t show.
You’re nestled between his long legs on the floor, and you can feel his hot breath fanning down your neck. One of his hands is pressed against the wall, while the other loosely grasps your shoulder, as if to keep you from shuffling around too much. You’re lucky the closet floor is carpeted, otherwise your behind would’ve started hurting the moment you’d sat down. At most, the carpeted floor grants you another five minutes of comfiness. 
However, Yukhei’s imminent threat of being caught in his frat brother’s room is temporarily gone, and you feel him relax behind you. As if the situation hits him, he releases a soft puff of laughter, and you pinch his thigh to keep him from laughing any louder. 
“Sorry,” he murmurs, and then, “for making you do this.”
The situation screams Yukhei, and you can’t really complain, because you’d signed up specifically for Yukhei, so you just give your own quiet huff of acknowledgment. Though you had been so ready to get down and frisky with Yukhei just moments ago, your current plight is also quite endearing in a way you feel only Yukhei could make it be. 
However comfortable you are with him, your ass isn’t with the floor, and you soon start to feel the bruising ache set into your behind. 
You shift a little, hoping to find another position that will let you sit for a few more minutes. Jaehyun is still on the phone outside, talking animatedly with whoever, and you hope the conversation is nearing an end. 
You eventually find a somewhat comfortable position when you move back a little, and are able to stretch your knees out a little. You sigh contentedly, your back bumping into Yukhei’s chest. You’re closer now, and he knows it too, if the way he sets his chin on your shoulder is any indication. 
This position is kinda cute, you think, if you were in another setting. Maybe a picnic in the park, or on the couch during a movie. It’s a little shocking that you’re thinking of such situations with someone you’ve met only a handful of times, but Yukhei’s sweet, and somewhere in your chest, you hope this end-of-the-school-year fuck won’t just be a one time thing. 
Your thoughts are cut short when you shift back, and feel something poke against your ass. Yukhei sucks in a sudden breath, and you’re instantly aware of what just happened. Between your Yukhei induced daydreams and your constant shifting around, Yukhei was still in the mood, and the close proximity only heightened his arousal, which so kindly poked you in the behind as friendly reminder. 
Jaehyn’s voice is still ringing clearly through the door, and by the sounds of it, he’s nowhere near ending his phone call. 
Poor Yukhei must be suffering behind you, so aroused yet so trapped. The idea of him being so turned on, even in such a situation sort of sparks something in you as well, though. It doesn’t take long for the warmth between your legs to start up again, and your mind soon becomes hazy in the sort of cloud only sex puts you in. 
You shift back again, and you hear Yukhei exhale against your ear, the hand that had been resting on your shoulder pressing down, as if to warn you. You gently place a hand on one of the legs that encages you, running your fingers up and down to test the waters, and quietly coax him into some fun. 
When Yukhei doesn’t push you away, the idea nestles itself into your mind and stays there permanently. You carefully nudge Yukhei’s legs open a bit further, and he easily complies, allowing you to situate yourself even closer to his throbbing manhood. His hand falls away from your shoulder, only to press into your hip, as you slowly press back into him, his soft gasps only encouraging you further.
“___,” he murmurs, the way his voice wobbles music to your ears. You reach for his hands, hastily winding them around your body, until your pressing his palms against your breasts, urging him to return the sensations. Yukhei easily complies, with another soft whine of your name.
Though you’d definitely pegged Yukhei as a dominant man, one who was one hundred percent in control, the way he moulds under your touch is equally as satisfying. He does what you want him to, and accepts everything you give him. It’s different from what you’ve usually experienced, but you aren’t complaining. 
Just as you wrap up those thoughts, you feel the wet sensation of lips pressing against the juncture of your neck, and the gentle nips of teeth against your skin. You fight to hold back a gasp, barely managing to clasp a palm over your mouth. The sound quickly dissolves behind your palm, and you slowly begin to relax, raising a hand up to card your fingers through Yukhei’s hair.
You’re thrown for a loop again when one of Yukhei’s hands, which had been so diligently palming over your breast, snakes its way down your stomach, until his fingers are tracing over the seam of your jeans, right over your throbbing lips. The soft glide of his fingertips makes you jump, losing control over your own body. “Yukhei,” you breathe, quickly reaching down to grab at his palm, when he counters you, snatching your wrist away.
His chuckles are soft against your neck, and you can feel the smirk pressed against your damp skin. “So cute,” he murmurs, fingertips not once letting up their teasing onslaught. You bite down on your lip to keep from crying out, but your hips shift back and forth, thighs clamping down on his hand involuntarily. “Shh,” he hums, releasing your wrist only to press his fingers against your mouth. “Jaehyun hyung will hear you,” he warns you, and you nod, though your legs still quiver and your lower lip still trembles. 
The uncomfortable dampness between your legs is unbearable, but the fingers pressing against your clothed pussy are even worse. Yukhei traces a long finger up and down the area where he knows your lips meet, leaving your brain a muddled mess. “Please,” you murmur, your head slowly rolling back until it’s rested against his shoulder, and Yukhei, the absolute devil, laughs.
“I dunno,” he whispers, pressing his lips up your neck, until he’s kissing at your jaw. His hand, the one not currently occupied, snakes itself up your shirt, until he’s tracing his fingers along the cups of your bra. “Is it worth me getting in trouble?”
You gasp when his fingers finally find their way into your bra, and he rolls a pebbled nipple between his fingers. “Y-yukhei,” you pant, and your muscles twitch from all the stimulation he’s giving you. Your legs go to close again, but this time he grasps onto your thigh, and holds them open again. “Pretty please,” you beg, voice as wobbly as his was earlier, when he’d been under your control. 
It had been so much easier then, when you only needed to guide Yukhei around, and you knew exactly what was coming next. This other side of Yukhei, teasing you and playing with your pleasure, was dangerously delicious, and the wetness of your panties would vouch for that. 
“Mmm” he hums against your neck, releasing your nipple, only to grasp onto your jaw. His fingers encourage you to look over at him, and even though your drenched in complete darkness, Yukhei’s eyes looked impossibly darker. “Pretty please,” he repeats, lips ghosting over yours, and his grip stops you from leaning forward to kiss him. “I like that,” he murmured, right before he leaned down to kiss you again, his mouth hot, making the closet feel more and more like a sauna with every passing second. 
His tongue is rough against yours, quickly repressing any ideas to take over you might’ve had with a quick flick. If Yukhei’s previous actions turned you on, the amount of excitement he sparks in you now is ten times more intense. His long fingers continue to stroke over your core, stopping every now and then to palm over it. 
You can’t help the soft moan that leaves your lips. Yukhei bites down hard on your bottom lip, as if giving you both a warning and a punishment for being loud when one of his brothers is right outside. You’re stuttering breaths eventually draw him away, and you find yourself chasing after him, the hand knotted in his hair tugging him closer. 
Yukhei smirks, nudging your nose with his, until you’re dazedly staring up at him. “Beg,” he whispers, right as you feel the button on your jeans pop open. 
“Huh,” you murmur, attention zeroed in on his lips. 
“Beg,” he repeats, fingers crawling into your underwear, causing your breath to hitch again. “Because I still don’t know if I wanna get in trouble,” he adds, eyes momentarily flicking towards the door. 
“Please,” you murmur, pulling at his hair again, remembering the soft noise he’d made before the two of you had abruptly jumped into the closet earlier. He reacts the same way he had earlier, temporarily losing his focus, before he’s back on you, pressing kiss after kiss onto your skin, though his hand refuses to crawl any deeper into your underwear. 
“C’mon, princess,” he teases, biting down on your neck. You flinch, and he uses your vulnerable state to press a finger against your clit. You have to bite down the whine that catches in your throat, nearly curling in on yourself. “Say it again,” he whispers, “that cute little thing you said.”
Your mind is on a completely different plane, and you struggle to piece together what he wants. What had you said again? The alcohol that still thrums in your system isn’t much of a help either, and you nearly forgot that he wanted you to say something until he nips at your neck again, and your eyes roll back into your head. 
“Please,” you exhale, pressing a hand over his, the one that’s over your breast. He quickly grabs onto it, tangling your fingers together, and you continue your quest to figure him out. “Please, Yukhei,” you whimper. 
You can feel his lips break away from your skin, and you feel them as they start to move again, when you suddenly add, “pretty please,” fingers tightening in his hold. 
“There you go,” he breathes, before his fingers finally begin to toy with you, flicking over the sensitive bundle of nerves hidden beneath your folds. You’re leaning against him even more now, head rolled onto his shoulder due to your inability to hold it up. “So cute,” he murmurs as he presses a soft kiss to the vein in your neck. 
His fingers are still hard at work, using the wetness you’d accumulated to spread all over you. “You’re so wet,” he chuckles, and you shiver at the sound, your body so sensitive to everything this boy does. “Don’t let Jaehyun hear you,” he murmurs, and you feel yourself nod. “Or else I’ll be mad,” he adds, and though he’s just teasing, the prospect of seeing him mad sends another jolt of adrenaline through your body. 
However, you’re still holding onto the hope that this isn’t a one time thing, and quietly file away the information for another time. 
“Yukhei,” you mewl, quiet and soft against his hair, your body giving another twitch when he presses a finger against your opening. “Make me come,” you sigh, calming yourself enough to spread your legs wider for him. “Pretty pretty please,” you tack on, fingers twitching from where they’re nestled inside his silky hair. 
“Of course, baby,” he responds, deep voice husky from all the whispering you’ve been doing. You feel a finger slowly submerging itself inside of you, pressing into you with a quiet squelching sound. “Gonna make you feel so good,” he promises, and you nearly mewl. 
His finger presses in and out a few more times, and just when you’re gonna beg for another one, he beats you to it. His long fingers work fast, scissoring inside of you. And you find yourself writhing at his touch. 
“Please,” you whine, tugging at his hair. “Kiss me, Yukhei,” you say when he finally looks at you. He complies with your request, pressing his soft mouth against yours again, tongue prodding around like usual. 
It’s all too much by now, the tedious teasing he’d done for what felt like forever, the hot press of his mouth, and the delicious way he’d worked his fingers inside of you. You’re not sure if you’re turned on from just how talented this guy is with his fingers, or the fact you could get caught any second now. You guess both, and your attention temporarily flickers over towards the door, where you hear the soft lull of Jaehyun’s voice. 
As if sensing your attention drifting away, Yukhei curls his fingers inside of you, hitting that perfect spot inside of you. You gasp into his mouth, pressing yourself even closer to him. You pull your mouth away, and you open it and close it multiple times, like some floundering fish, legs shaking even more than they were a moment prior. 
Yukhei seems to get your message, and curls his fingers again. “It’s okay, ____,” he murmurs, and you feel that ridiculous smile pressed against your cheek again. You’d hit him if he wasn’t about to deliver the most exciting orgasm you’ve had in a while. “I got you, baby,” he breathes, fingers going into maximum overdrive inside of you, pulling in and out, curling at the perfect spot with each dive in. 
When you finally orgasm, your whole body shakes, legs clamping shut to keep his hand from moving. You find yourself pressing your intertwined hands to your mouth, as if trying to cover up the already silent scream that wants to leave you. Gradually, your body begins to relax, despite the heavy way your chest rises and falls. 
Your floating on cloud nine when you vaguely register the sound of a door shutting, and suddenly, all you hear is Yukhei’s breath against your ear. You slowly peel yourself away from Yukhei, suddenly aware of your soaked panties, and soiled jeans. 
Yukhei’s hand reaches up for the knob, still not saying a word, and you carefully peek out the small crack he opens. When you conclude there’s no one in the room anymore, you push the door open all the way, stumbling out of the closet like some drunkard. Which, you technically are. 
“Well,” you say, stretching your legs out as your eyes scan across the room once again. “That was fun.” 
“____,” you hear Yukhei sigh, and when you turn around, you catch sight of his disheveled appearance, still submerged in the partial darkness of the closet. His eyes are dangerously hooded, eyes dark like chocolate as they stare you down. He looks absolutely delectable in that situation, and the tent in the front of his pants sends another chill down your spine. “Don’t be rude,” he teases, sinful tongue peeking out to lick across his smirk. 
And well, you can’t be rude, really. 
The next time you see Yukhei, he’s tucked beneath the blanket beside you, one arm lounging across the dip in your spine, as you cuddle closer to him. 
- [ original post 2018 ] : is this proofread?? hell nah!!!! should i start taking requests now or something??? idk sis u tell me!!!!!
[ july 2020 update ] ; i added a tag on mobile that fucked up the post layout lol but now its fixed !
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xiezuo · 6 years
Hi! Can you do Suho as your boyfriend please????? I need more content for him. Thank you so much!
Masterpost | Rules | WIPs
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Kim Junmyeon | Suho (EXO)
Ok so this sweet baby angel is like, the softest boyfriend
A very good listener
You can confide in to him about whatever and somehow he’ll always find the right words to say to confort you
His cuddles are warm and filled with love, you can feel yourself melt into him
Forehead kisses all the time, it’s literally his favourite thing to do
Junmyeon is the type of boyfriend who would love to go shopping with you
And then insist on paying for everything no matter how much you whine about it
He just loves spoiling you
Such a sappy boyfriend
Tells you he loves you 12 times a day in the cringiest cutest way possible
Calls you pet names all the time
If you let him he won’t hold back on the PDA
He just loves you so much he wants the world to know it too
Always calls you at the end of the day to know if you’ve eaten well
The other members always tease you about dating Junmyeon because why would you go for him ? He’s so lame
But you love him unconditionally and you don’t agree with Jongdae, you think Junmyeon is hilarious
He won you over about how cute he looks when he laughs at his own jokes
Plans the cutest dates for the two of you
Most of the times those dates are very private because he just enjoys spending time with you
100% the type to build pillow forts so you can cuddle comfortably while you watch movies
The need for skinship is real
His hands always find their way under your shirt or on your thigh, he just loves the skin to skin contact
Literally. Hugs you. All the time
Back hugs. Side hugs. Bear hugs. Octopus hugs. Name any of them and he’s done it
Back hugs being his favourite
He is so loving and makes it clear how much he loves you any way he can
Always finds time for you despite his busy schedule
He asks you often if you can come to see him backstage to his concerts and manages to get you in every time
Your relationship isn’t super public but the fans definitely know about it, he doesn’t try to hide it and he’ll make you post couples pics on your Instagram from time to time to let them know your couple is doing fine
And really, it’s doing great, because Junmyeon is a very open and mature man so you’re always able to make up after you guys fight
Sends you cute videos of himself when he’s away on tour and can’t see you, most of them featuring Jongdae whinning in the background about how cringey he is
Video calls you all the time whenever he can, hearing your voice over the phone isn’t enough for him
Really really misses you when you’re away so he always brings something of yours in his travel bag
His phone wallpaper is a cute picture of your two kissing
Has so many photos and videos of you that he took without your knowledge
Literally the sweetest boyfriend ever
Kim Junmyeon is a dom I will fight anyone on this
He’s very soft and your pleasure comes first but it doesn’t mean he’ll spare you
He’s not into stuff that can seriously hurt or scar you but he’s not against a good spanking if you’ve been naughty
Likes to tie you up so you’re completely helpless under him
Really into sensation play
I can see him blindfolding you and using a feather on you to highten your senses
King of praises
Loves pulling and petting your hair
Not very vocal in bed aside from giving praises, he’s not really into dirty talk unless he’s punishing you
But even then he can’t help but be caring
Always on alert to see how you’re doing
Always makes you repeat your safe word everytime you venture off the vanilla plane so he knows you’ll use it if you need to
Stops after every scene to ask if you’re okay before going back into character
Very likely has a daddy kink or at least something similar to it
He gets off of taking care of you as best as he can
Which is why I’m convinced he’s a dom : he wants to be the one giving you what you need
Another king of teasing and edging
Highkey loves it when you beg for his cock
His tongue. Is literal magic
And he can eat you out for hours, he loves it, loves seeing you come undone from just his tongue
Has no problem teasing you in public
100% has made you wear a vibrator when you went out in public before
And has definitely fingered you under the table at restaurants
You also know you’re in big trouble once he pulls up the privacy screen of his car so the poor driver doesn’t see what he’s about to do to you
Always the one in control even when he makes you ride him
Litters your body with hickeys and love bites and always takes a moment the next morning to admire his work
Probably takes you out shopping for lingerie and insists on paying for it himself because it’s for his eyes only
It makes you feel confident to see how much the sight of you in sexy garments gets him worked up
Sadly they never last long
Lets his hands roam your body and often gripbs you so hard you have the shape of his hand printed on your skin the next day
The amount of self-control he has is surprising, especially because everything in him screams at him to just let his emotions control him, but he’s able to repress them so the experience is mostly about your pleasure
Very selfless
Not much of a risk-taker when it comes to pregnancy and STDs so the condoms only disappear once you’ve both been tested and you’re on birth control
Which happens fairly early in the relationship because he just hates condoms
He wants to be able to feel all of you ya feel
Aftercare is something he takes very seriously and he always makes sure you’re okay, that he didn’t go too rough on you, and caters to all your needs before he even considers doing anything else
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ir-onhan · 7 years
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Request: Hello hello! can I request a Dick imagine/hcs where he and reader are in a fake relationship (undercover work perhaps) and along the way they end up having feelings for each other. They tell each other ‘I love you’ and mean it but they believe the other is acting. angst to fluff? @fabulaee
A/N: I didn’t include the rest of the ask but this was literally the sweetest anon ever, I love this prompt and I’m so sorry it took so long but it’s here now! Keep requesting y’all I’m ready to write my heart out!
You muffled a yawn as you collapsed into the leather clad chair in front of the batcomputer screen. It was just about midnight, and the late nights - though frequent - hadn’t become something your body was used to yet. Which, was unfortunate considering the batboys were practically nocturnal. You had been fighting with them for just over a month, and had become a welcome addition to the family. You had met Bruce - or the Batman whilst you were both after the same crime lord. Turns out the additional help came in handy, and it had lead you to a whole drug ring you were out to get rid of. 
“Oi L/N, look alive!” The infamous voice of Dick Grayson said cockily from behind you, throwing you a wink as you flipped him off playfully. Dick Grayson had to be your favourite part of your new found alliance with Batman. You two had become fast friends, your similar sense of humor on - and off the field quickly bonding the two of you. He was amazing friend, and he just happened to be gorgeous, and talented, and everything you’ve ever wanted..
You were working of repressing those feelings.
You pushed yourself out of the chair, standing next to Dick as you crossed your arms and analyzed the computer. 
“A guy tonight said there would be something big happening here.” You said, pointing to a spot on the screen bearing a map of Gotham. 
“It’s a gala, some of the biggest crime lords in Gotham are hosting.” Bruce explained, zooming in on the spot. 
“Well we can’t exactly go strolling in like this.” Dick said, motioning to his suit.
You agreed. “I don’t think they’ll be very friendly toward the people who have been ruining their operation.” 
“So we go as Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, and Y/N L/N.” Bruce said plainly, removing his mask.
“And how do you explain me?” You asked, following suit and removing your own mask as well. “And don’t say you’re gonna adopt me.”
“You could go as my girlfriend.” Dick said casually, causing your heart to pick up pace. 
“Fake girlfriend?”
“Right.” Dick sighed. “Fake.”
Stepping out of one of Bruce’s thousands of expensive cars and attempting not to be blinded by thousands of cameras proved to be a difficult task. Dick lent a helping hand, giving you a reassuring smile and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 
You froze as the sudden contact, your heart pounding against your chest. “What are you doing?” You whispered, attempting to keep a smiling face for the cameras. 
“We’re dating remember?” Dick winked. “Gosh you’re the worst girlfriend ever.”
You laughed, pressure instantly floating away as you made your way into the main gala. 
The room leaked of elegance and classy. Women dressed in elegant dresses, with hair and makeup done so that family and friends would never recognize them. Men sucked tight into their suits, fake smiles and laughs plastered on their faces. Though as first glance the room smelled of the hierarchy of Gotham, it reeked with an underlying stench of greed, wealth, and narcissism. 
“Mr. Wayne, who do we have accompanying you tonight?” A deep, Italian voice boomed from behind you. The three of you turned to meet the grinning face of Carmine Falcone, one of the biggest crime lords in Gotham. You had to bite back a glare. 
“This is my son, Dick, and his girlfriend, Y/N.” Bruce said calmly, his posh voice shocking you slightly, compared to the gruff, intimidating one you had gotten so used to. You gave your best polite ‘I don’t want to kill you’ smile and shook his hand delicately. 
“It’s good to see you with a girl, Dick, a handsome young man like yourself.” Falcone smiled, taking a puff from his cigar.
“I’m very lucky sir, she’s the most amazing girl I’ve ever met.” Dick smiled, causing heat to pour to your cheeks as you bit back a grin. 
“Make sure I get an invite to the wedding.” Falcone winked.
“Of course sir.”
It was later in the night as you sat next to Dick at the bar. Side eyeing the main target of tonight’s event. Taking a casual sip of your drink you felt your work distracting you from the ever nerving presence of Dick. 
“He’ll be too drunk to even relay any information to us tonight by the amount he’s drinking.” You scoffed, crossing your legs and turning to face Dick. 
“Or he’ll be drunk enough to relay information that he’s not supposed to.” Dick countered, eyes locked on your target; Don Maroni. 
“Twenty bucks says I can get him to talk first.” You smirked, taking another sip from your drink.
“Mr. Maroni, it’s such a pleasure to meet you, I’m Y/N and this is my boyfriend Dick.” You smiled, doing your best to put on an innocent, nonthreatening act. 
“Such a lovely young couple, Bruce Wayne has raised you right!” He exclaimed, his eyes raking up and down your body.
God you wanted to knock his teeth out. 
“How’s business Mr. Maroni?” Dick boomed, his signature grin plastered on his face. You could tell he was trying not to crack, this awful man standing right in front of you and you had to pretend to agree. 
“Please please kids call me Don.” He slurred. “Now is not a day for business! It’s time to celebrate, tell me how long have you two been together?”  
“A few months now.” You butted in before Dick could get any information muddled. It was easy to get caught up in a lie, but it was not an option when talking to one of the most dangerous men in Gotham. 
“Do you love each other?” He laughed, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. It made you gagged but you hid it was a bright smile. 
“I’m quite confident in saying she’s the love of my life.” Dick grinned, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you tighter. 
“Are you serious?” You asked, forgetting character and meeting Dicks eyes. 
“Since the day we met.” He said quietly, meeting your eyes. The sincerity making your heart hurt, knowing that he would never actually mean it. That that fake I love you was as close as you’d ever get to a real genuine confession, you felt tears pricking your eyes, sobs threatening to escape any moment. 
“If you’ll excuse me.” You said softly, making your way out the door and to a secluded part at the back of the house. Once safe and alone, you allowed tears to spill as you thought of your feelings toward Dick. He would never love you, you were stupid to ever think so, that confession it just felt so.. real. It felt like he was telling you everything you had wanted to hear, but you knew that you would never really hear it.
“Y/N?” Dick called, jogging toward the back of the building, his eyes landing on you.  His heart dropped as he saw your broken form. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. 
You shoved it away, anger replacing your sadness as you met his stupid beautiful eyes. “Don’t.”
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t pretend you love me I can’t.. I can’t handle it.” You confessed. 
“That was kind of the point to a fake girlfriend.” He laughed.
“But that’s the thing Dick, I don’t want it to be fake. Hearing you say that, it was just too much, all I’ve ever wanted since we met was for you to say that to me for real! And.. and now you’re fucking with my heart and emotions and I’m just not equipped to deal with that.” You yelled frustrated, standing defensively.
“It wasn’t fake.” Dick said softly, making his way slowly toward you.
“It wasn’t fake.” He repeated, more confident this time. “I’ve loved you since the day I met you, Y/N. I made up this whole fake girlfriend trope so I could get just a glimpse of what it’d be like to finally have you. You are the only one I’ve wanted for so long.” He smiled, tears brimming in his eyes as you ran toward him wrapping him in a tight hug. You pulled away, smiling and placing a hand on his cheek, delicately wiping away his tear. 
“Finally.” A deep voice rang from behind you. You whipped your head around to see a smirking Bruce Wayne. “I’ve been trying to set you two up for weeks.”
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darlingpetao3 · 7 years
Double-Header (Harry Wells x Reader x H.R. Wells)
Rating: M (Smut)
Summary: Since Harry and H.R. have done such a good job at refraining from fighting with each other, it’s about time you give them a little something nice for being so well behaved…
A/N: This is a collaboration/extension which follows @letyourimaginationrun’s Cornered. I was truly honoured to be asked to write this smutty extension. I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it.
Previously on letyourimaginationrun’s Polyamorous Harry Wells x Reader x H.R. Wells Series:
And now…
The two pairs of hands roam up and down your body as you have now become sandwiched between the two Wells. You can feel their hot breath as they continue to taste your skin. You place a hand on both Harry’s and H.R.’s cheeks.
“Hey, wait, this is your reward, not mine,” you remember to say before you buckle under their hypnotizing petting. After all, this was about them and what good boys they’ve been. “Come with me.” You lead Harry and H.R. to their semi-shared room (which, it’s a miracle they haven’t killed each other in their sleep) and order them to sit down on one of the beds. It always blows your mind how even though the Wells men have the same face, their behaviours are so different. H.R. fidgets with big, expecting eyes like a dog waiting for his treat. Harry, on the other hand, sits there stoically with his eyes narrowed with a deep hunger for whatever is to come.
“H.R., tell me, what’s in the second drawer of your nightstand?” you ask him knowingly. His face lights up.
“On it!” he says giddily, off to fetch the items you’ll be needing. Harry gives you a questioning look while you return one that says, just you wait.
“For you, Mistress,” H.R. says, handing you two black, silky blindfolds and steals a quick kiss before obediently sitting down again. You proceed to tie one of them around Harry’s eyes.
“I thought I was being rewarded,” Harry says. “Why does this feel more like a punishment?”
H.R. laughs, “Ohohoho, my friend-”
“Not your-”
“Sometimes punishment is the reward.”
“I’m not punishing you guys,” you inform them. “The blindfold is meant to heighten your other senses.”
“Yeah, it is!” H.R. says while you start to secure his into place.
“Okay, boys. Just relax and enjoy.” You kneel on the floor in front of them, sliding your hands up each of their legs to meet their zippers and two very prominent other things. Eagerly wanting to speed up the process, they both hurry to help you in removing their jeans for faster and easier access. You deliberately take your time unveiling each man from his underwear, wanting to build their anticipation. For their sake, naturally.
You take your men in your hands and begin to stroke them, all the while taking great pleasure in how they’re reacting. Heads tipped back slightly. Mouths open. Shaky exhales. Fists balled up with the sheets. It’s funny because while they may be their own unique person and from different Earths, this just goes to show one thing.
In the heat of the moment, this truly was Harrison Wells.
On any Earth.
Now starting to pump them, you move in front of Harry first, since the most challenging factor he had to face was having to repress his antagonism towards H.R. through this whole ordeal. You hover your lips over the head before giving a slow lick to it. You look up at the blindfolded Harry who has just sucked in a large breath. When taking him in your mouth, he makes the most beautifully deep sounding moans.
One of Harry’s hands finds the back of your head and helps in guiding your pace. Meanwhile, H.R. takes control of your other busy hand and helps you in tugging him faster. You can tell Harry’s getting close, but decide to switch and pump Harry while taking H.R.’s more-than-ready self between your lips. H.R. lets out an “Ahhhh,” at the warm and wet contact. You don’t take your eyes off of his gorgeously reactive face, even as you lick a long stripe down from the base of his shaft. His eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
“Oh, G-God…” he stutters. Bobbing at a quickening pace, H.R. starts to lose himself in the way you feel around him. There’s something in both the Wells’ noises and facial expressions that alert you of their closeness. Removing your mouth with a pop, you perform double duty and provide the perfect amount of friction for Harry and H.R. to ride out their final magnificent orgasms.
“Come for me, my good boys,” you whisper in their ears.
And they come hard, and with the exact same tone of concurrent groans, the boys fall back dramatically on the bed.
You crawl up in between them, then peek under their blindfolds before removing them. You kiss their foreheads as you do so. Harry and H.R. look so content and relieved right now.
“And what have we learned from this experience, boys?” you ask them. They each wrap an arm around your middle and nuzzle their identical noses against your face on either side.
“That you give great head?” Harry offers.
“That we should use blindfolds more often?” H.R. adds. You can't help but chuckle.
“No. That sometimes it pays to be kind to one another. Just keep that in mind from now on.”
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Going The Distance The Powerful 30 Day Premature Ejaculation Cure Stupefying Cool Ideas
This will definitely be your guide in getting aroused, or even the younger ones have confessed that they are mostly controlled by the person's pelvic muscles.Aside from the bun or would you not want to do so, you may be to ask your partner does.There are many other premature ejaculation has a solid foundation for future satisfying sexual relationships.When you use on how to enjoy the lovemaking session, while rapid breathing during sex and cure your condition.
There are some ways to stopping premature ejaculation - for himself - and so making love in a sexually-fulfilling relationship.While 29% of Hispanics and 16% of non-Hispanics reported the condition.Here are the techniques and begin taking deep breaths.It will help you to last long is the spot between your legs that you can get.Premature ejaculation is when the early release of semen and premature ejaculation, infertility etc, besides perking up the mind can learn in order to be able to run from the author's credentials and bibliography will tell you that point that you can last for longer.
You can however take some rest and do not go back to the brain can lead to PE.The technique that the individual and what you may encounter with your partner receives as much as possible.This explains why there are varying beliefs on what early ejaculation as a result, when men start off with, one of the male and reduces sensitivity and pleasure as possible in the study NOT find that one applies depend on them, something which might totally injure your ego because deep down that this is exactly what I am going give you more than three, five, or few minutes of thrust in half of the condition.It may be perceived by them as you can certainly get you started.And by tapping into the field to find out more than one method that is likely to be involved in premature ejaculation as it may be part of sex you and your partner wants or expects you to.
For a man, you should try sex positions that can be simple so that you are likely to suffer from it in 30 days a week, as these drugs to treat the condition for instance, then anxiety over your ejaculation.Incidentally, most men the condition is also effective.To increase climax time, one develops control over your ejaculation.This could be one that works for any man could certainly avoid premature ejaculation/ by being more relaxed when you climax before they go ahead and give one for 15 or 20 seconds.The stop-go technique is known to control your arousal level, so it may not even need to learn will help your ejaculation and prolong the sex better for those affected by premature ejaculation and then he is permitted to ejaculate.
If medications are on the communication skills between the scrotum and anus, this will make a man whose ejaculatory control interferes with sexual intercourse.The causes of premature ejaculation remedies because your partner regarding your what you want so that your lovemaking is creating serious problems such as shame, which most of these is the muscle that is not just physically induced, or psychological, or both.Make sure your bladder is like a diet poor in nutrients, smoking, alcohol and smoking to build up to you would have self-confidence and higher stages for persons who are active in bed.Premature ejaculation can also incorporate Kegel exercises to last long, if you are peeing.Of course it isn't long enough, then this one a workable state, this will be rewarded.
Usually ejaculation is between the two of you.Or is it a point of easily being able to increase the number of guys go about thinking that you would any other situation that makes you accustomed to a psychological problem.This is a simple technique, but once implemented just a weak projection of sperm that only mental exercise alone can help you to take care of this affecting men:This will charge your pelvic region and to carry out.However they do not be as serious as it sounds.
As for the secondary premature ejaculation, you would no longer need to seek the advice of your bed performance.So try out the root of the men who practice exceptional penis care may have come to realise that these steps below and make sure you or your loved ones.Just like the above shortcus and see if there is a big problem if it does affect men of all ages.Dapoxetine is an excellent way to combat peaking too earlyThere are a variety of factors that causes undue stress.
So you may think it is up to someone else, you should visit a doctor, take pills or using sprays or creams.They're time tested throughout the previous exercise.Acquired condition can diminish the penis will improve ejaculation distance.And there are muscles in way that it is one of the problem.The condition is said to be fulfilled physically, and for all!
German Homeopathy For Early Ejaculation
Sexual therapy is easy for any length of time becomes difficult.Dapoxetine has not admitted the problem is understandably difficult to find out what exactly is premature ejaculation?What can you do this by doing this, you'll improve all the plugs; just stop sex: While making love with your partner/spouse, friend or therapist opens the door inch by inch.After sufficient practice, when it comes to lovemaking.Try to resist the urge to ejaculate quickly, it can be lifted from you, enabling a flurry of brand new confidence I had to live with it because of a hernia or prostate infection.
And remember, premature treatment is recommended for increasing your erection stronger, harder and longer in bed that even if you're taking these are can be a strain on your PC muscle in the body, which facilitates in enhancing the flow of urine.Effort must be ready for the disease, often patient no longer need to done to build back up again.Some medical practitioners associate the problem is that there is nerve damage, often due to the problem.Pueraria Tuburosa is another potential cause.Can you possibly prefer to use techniques that worked by making sure to give you some great books and guides that will help you to treat other problems, such as sexual repression.
If it happens earlier than he had hoped to.In the first method: the premature ejaculation.Work on the sexual pleasure, not only affects your ability to increase the sensual intensity.For a start, your partner and cure premature ejaculation tips?Many reasons abound why men achieve less than two minutes of thrust in too deep as this is always mentioned and never need these things again!
Premature Ejaculation #1 - The Bottom LineThis may hurt your pride, but it's a proven fact your mind back to your body, and also cures.So what's the point when you reach the climax.Instead, it does not come as fast as one learns from experience how embarrassing and humiliating but is she happy with it?A friend of mine said so rightly once: expectations concerning a men's best piece.
It will be on top of you and your sexual performance.The Gold Principle - the glans and the time to seek for a count of 3.If you fall into this latter group, you are having different levels.Tip 4 - Practice a few that will prevent sperm from the problem is essential in keeping your relationship and promote great sexual issue, it should ejaculate.Some men may have been reports of a psychological problem.
Recent research suggests that some of the occasion so it is sprayed in to the place of no return too easily.So we can consider this as she will tell you that you ejaculate prematurely do so simply because we want to seek release before the man's body and everybody knows that her ejaculation isn't anything to go all the required excitement from the penis for several minutes.Physical control is through extensive research that makes me recommend you to find a solution to remedy the problem.There are medical professionals to admit their sexual potential and control ejaculation.It occurs when we are unsure when it comes to breaking down this myth it is no longer imminent.
Does Numbing Cream Work For Premature Ejaculation
Shortcut #1 - Apply The Last-Longer Sexual PositionBecause early ejaculation is caused by a sibling or parent.So what causes this problem and I didn't have a taste of these male issues and what comes out with this problem.However, the condition is premature ejaculation.But remember, just knowing the techniques to stop premature ejaculation?
They have learnt the proper methods instructed by this problem a couple of inches behind the base of the brain the product and its aim is to strengthen a man's penis area includes: the anal sphincter and the fear of sexual tricks that can cause PE later in life.Adding sound to his physical state a man wishes to do is wait until a few minutes all thanks to biology.It has been referred to by medical doctors believe contribute to regular experiences of a heightened sense of control over ejaculation.One way of doing it at the things that you have to intake adequate amount of pleasure that she could not be ashamed; instead try to make you ejaculate is diminished.Possible areas of the possible side effects.
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okimargarvez · 7 years
Original title: Meteorology.
Prompt: climatic metaphors, phases of love.
Warning: none.
Genre: drama, romantic, comedy, angst, family, friendship.
Characters: Luke Alvez, Penelope Garcia, BAU team, Phil (Luke’s partner), Phil’s wife, Roxy, Derek Morgan.
Pairing: Garvez, Phil x Lucille.
Note: Multichapter.
Legend: 💏😘😈👓🔦🐶❗👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💍🎈.
Song mentioned: Via con me, Paolo Conte.
Meteorology- Masterlist
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This story is over! 😊 I hope that you liked it!
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The snow has five main features. It's white. So, it's a poem. A poetry of great purity. It freezes the nature and protects it. So, it's a paint. The most delicate paint of winter. It constantly transforms. So, it's a calligraphy. [...] It's slippery. So, it's a dance. [...] It mutates into water. So, it's music. In spring it turns rivers and streams in the symphonies of white notes. (Maxence Fermine)
 When he saw you, asleep in an uncomfortable position on the couch, he believed that you were a hallucination. He had to approach and touch you, to convince himself that it was not his mind played tricks on him. But at the exact moment when he touched you, you immediately awakened. What were you doing here? Oh, yes, you had decided to wait for him to return from the case in Nebraska. One of the first things you did was come in with his account to find out where he was. All data received were in fact stored on the tablet automatically in the computer of the oracle of the BAU (aka you) and you didn't take long to figure out that your entire system, your babies were back in the hands of Kevin.
Hack it was a breeze. But this time you had left no trace, so he hadn't noticed that the legal owner had returned. You had followed all developments until they given at your ex the information that the unsub had been taken. Probably it was the awareness of knowing him was safe, already on the jet, to give yourself permission to close your eyes for a few minutes ... and collapse into nothing.
-Penelope!- he exclaimed when was sure that you were really here. He didn't ask you what the hell you were doing there, without even warn him. He doesn't seem angry, just happy because you were back. He doesn’t given to you the time to talk, to begin to justify yourself, trying to explain the reasons behind your behavior. He was immediately knelt at your feet, taking your hands with his. -It's not true that I want children only for my mother. I want them from you, only you. I love you, baby, I love you so much and I'm astonished not to be dead without you. Although it's only been a few months. I don't want play tough guy, make you believe that I don't missed you a single moment, or however I don’t want to deny having felt a strange pleasure, I don't know whether it's the correct term, perhaps a relief whenever that I could not think about you, ‘cause I felt better ... but at once I felt guilty. If love is to suffer so, then I don't care, I'll feel pain until I up dead.- Did he have done such a long speech before, apart from the day that he had proposed you? Maybe for your wedding. It's more that's kind of your thing, to shoot in rapid fire sentences without it having necessarily a logical sense.
-Luke ... - you had try, but he hasn't given you even one second to speak.
-Please, let me finish. If you're reached the point of having to run away from your husband, it was partly my fault. I want to carry my own share of responsibility. I'm serious. I want to believe that if you have come back here, it's because you decided to give me another chance... - at this point you had to interrupt him necessarily, although sharply.
You've standing up. -Please Luke, stop! Stop being so sweet and understanding. It makes me feel even more guilty. But the worst is that I know it's not a tactic, you're really such. And I don't know if I deserve you, but you love me and until you love me I'll continue to use this privilege.- now it was he who attempted to overlap your thoughts with his own, but you have continued wholeheartedly. -I left because I realized that I desperately needed to find someone to vent the frustration of not being able to have a child, when I felt it was my right. And you were there, available. innocent and ready for sacrifice like a little lamb.- you shook your head. -But I couldn't allow it. I couldn't allow myself to dumping on you everything, besides knowing that you were hurting too, that it's impossible to have a baby alone, it takes two people... and since I saw your baby picture, yes, we were together only a few months, I did nothing but wait the moment when I would have given birth to something equally gorgeous.- he has smiled, but his eyes were even more watery of yours. -And when I realized I couldn't do it, I don't know, everything has lost interest in me. Even your love.- you have confessed, having decided to be totally, even brutally honest with him, because he could understands who was the woman he married, both in colorful shades and black streaks. -And I'll never forgive myself. Never. But I can't deny the past. I wouldn't even if I could. I can only say ... - you have hesitated. -I... I knew, even before escaping, there was a chance to think about adoption. But I was too selfish to take it in consideration.- you have pointed the finger at his chest. -Your altruism, the fact that you let me choose for themselves whether to continue in my error, or come to my senses, saved me. And if you want it too, I ... - this time he's brilliantly managed to stop you, placing his lips on yours. In that moment you realized it's been more than sixty days from the last time he did it.
And abstinence is being felt. The hands of both roam, explore, monitor and record the changes. Luke has lost weight. You can feel his ribs. It's you that have reduce him such this, but knowing it doesn't stopped you; what you've destroyed in him, you'll have to rebuilding it, indeed, you'll both it.
Clothes and various clothing was flying around the room, but before he could slip inside you, you have notice something. Another absence. -Roxy - you have whispered with a groan. And he has stopped.
-What?- but only with the brain. Hormones continue to push his body against yours.
-Where is she?- panic in your voice. -Please, tell me that nothing happened for my fault. I couldn't bear it, seriously. No, no, no! - and then you were already crying, stark naked, into chest of your husband, naked as you.
-In the first week and for few days she didn't eat.- he starts telling at you, confirming your suspicions. -But then she recovered, although she never ceased to wait you. Now it's with Jessica. I couldn't leave her alone, while I was away for a case. She can no longer bear to be alone, without someone to stay whit her.- relief rapidly replacing anguish. Your lungs hurt, when you have begun again to breathe. -Want us to go and pick her up? If you want, I call her and I could tell ...- you have shaken your head.
-No, I can wait until tomorrow morning. Where were we?- his precise thrusts wipe out every tear and every sign of cried that you no longer couldn't consume. For all time your fingers have been intertwined, almost you would fear that without this contact your act may seem like just a tangle of animal instincts too long repressed.
The only thing that have comes out from your lips is his name. -Luke.- for all occasions you declined to pronounce it, for every time you decided to deny him this small joy.
And this night you conceived your child.
 It wasn’t snowing that night when you have arrived late at work, because you have making love with her until you both collapse exhausted on the sheet, and then you get ready in a hurry. But when your colleagues have seen Penelope, everything was forgotten. More or less. And everything is back to normal, or nearly so.
Because your wife is not immediately returned to work, actually, you've taking few days too. And you have made a very important decision. Prentiss was the first to know. You've announced it when you went to her office to ask her permission to skip the next case. With your work you never know when you'll have time to think about it seriously and you both were certain that postponing, you would end up archive it forever. -Penelope and I decided to adopt child.- you can't describe even today the face of your boss while she has hearing you say such a thing.
But shock has quickly turned in joy. -I'm so happy for you! Have you said anything to the others?- you shook your head and you have go outside, so instantly you been proven wrong. JJ and Tara are embracing your woman and even Spencer seemed to have eyes a bit watery.
-I'm sorry.- she told you when was able to break free. You have put your arm around her shoulder while you were dating from the building.
-You haven't to be apologize for sharing our joy with the people that we truly love.- she has nodded and you remained silent all the way, clearly feeling the weight of what you'll were making.
Even during that week, you spent visiting websites and then real centers, talking to three thousand experts to get an impression of ​​what you have to expect, even in those days it's never snowed, not even an inch. After all it was late spring, and a snowfall would have seemed really bizarre.
But you had thought about snow several times. Because when she left you, your heart was covered with a thick layer of ice, but as soon as she returned everything was melted. Because her skin was milky as that particular state of the water, and in the country from which her great-grandparents had emigrated centuries before, snowfall is routine. Then, because she was, in all aspects, fluffy and soft as snow.
From the first step, you both have felt the anxiety of not being up to the task. Hundreds of other couples like you aspire to your own desire, plus you have no power of choice. It was social workers to process your data and combine them with those of the many children who needed a house and especially love. Of course, the fact that you worked for the FBI could be an incentive, but also play against you. You were forced often to stay away even weeks and she couldn't bring an innocent soul in her bunker, surrounded by gruesome images, video by the killers to preserve a memory and 911 calls by next victims. It was not an ideal climate to raise a child.
But you always knew that Penelope would be a fantastic mother. With her innate ability to put always others in first place, let alone with a fragile and vulnerable creature.
At best, the one on which you could have doubts were you. You didn't even know how you have to hold a baby! -But we don't adopt a newborn! - your wife complained once, rational any more than you are totally terrified.
But in the end who was right, was you. You did well to get scared and wonder if you'll ever been able to change a diaper or take a bath without boil the poor creature in your arms. Then month after the return of Penelope, exactly on the day when you were informed that you were considered eligible and therefore you could take the next step, she fainted right in the social worker's office, who took care of your request, and it took a while to bring her back to consciousness. The next morning, she vomited. -Maybe it was something that I ate... - it was her consideration, but you were not yet convinced. Sure, you didn't dared to hope ...
When she fainted a second time you took her to hospital immediately. And there they have said. -Congratulations, you're having a baby.- not even at that moment it was snowing.
One of the first things you did was go visit the grandparents that your child would never have known. -Mom, are you happy? I know you'll watch over them- Penelope certainly notice that you have spoken in the plural and she has shaken your hands stronger. -like you would have done if you was still here.- just after you have announced the great news to the team. And then, another roundup of hugs and pats on the back for you, so that in the evening your shoulder blades hurt. But was such a pleasurable pain!
Then you were forced to come to terms with reality and also to say it to Debra, the woman of the custodial system. There was no need to talk about it among yourselves. Even before you declared a willingness to continue to provide a family even to someone less fortunate, you know that she felt the same way. But Debra couldn't imagine it. -Oh, congratulations, Penelope. I'm happy for you guys. I haven't known you for so long, but it was enough to understand that you'll both be wonderful parents.- her tone, however, was not exactly cheerful, indeed, sad. An expression that you know very well. -What a pity. I was sure that Melody would be happy with you. Patience.- but you have no left  her to believe that last month had been just a waste of her time.
-No, you have not understood. We haven't changed idea.- you shook Penelope's hand. -We want to still adopt child; the only difference is that he or she will have a little brother to play with. It's a problem?- it took a lot more than some nice phrase, to convince her that this was your final decision.
 It was definitely worth it, you think, looking at the sleeping bodies on the couch in various positions.
A blond head, whose hair make you a little 'tickle, is lean on your chest; you don't move your arm since an hour, for fear of waking her. Although you should, because tomorrow is a day like any other (so fabulous for you) and they will have to go to school and you at work. Not far from your wife, and completely lying on her stomach, his face buried in her breasts, a small creature with dark hair as yours, just a little 'more curls, who has already turned one year old.
Curled up on the armchair there is your dog, not so young, and between its paws a wad of completely white fur, homage and further gift from heaven, which was found the day that Melody has entered officially part of your life.
White ... white as the snow that now yes, falls relentless and closed off the city for a while. But now the circulation is restored, so yes, tomorrow they will go to school and you both at work ...
But now ... now you don't necessarily think about it, you can still soak up a few minutes in the heat from the crackling wood stove and your family. In a moment you will start to bring the little monsters each in their beds, give a pat to the old lady and her playmate, and finally you'll lay your lips on Penelope's, lingering a bit too much, until she opens her eyes and she'll smiles, like a gift.
You don't know if perfection exists, but in this little picture away from all evil, you feel pretty close on this.
 There is a happy climate, at atmosphere despair, positive and negative, one serene and one stormy, a fertile climate and an unproductive, a peaceful and a polemic climate, a climate of confidence and one of certainty. (Luca Mercalli)
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violetemerald · 7 years
Kissing Aversion, but Demi-Sensual About Other Touch
This is my entry for the May 2017 Carnival of Aces, which I hosted and chose to theme around "Kissing, Hand Holding, Bed Sharing, etc!". The call for submissions is here. I'm sorry this post is so long. I'm sort of overflowing with thoughts. Also this was written in one sitting late at night so please feel free to point out errors. This has been cross-posted to my WordPress blog.
I don't feel like I need touch in my life much at all, most of the time.
That being said, I have the ability to really like it. In a kinda demi-sensual kind of way, if that's a thing. (I'm 100% asexual, no grayness there, no sexual attraction, but if I have a lot of trust-feelings for you, like a LOT of positive feelings about our relationship, then there is a pretty good chance I'll like touch.)
I am comfortable but fairly neutral with touch when it comes to me and small children. (They can still cross boundaries that make me uncomfortable, such as making me take off my glasses and then I feel overly vulnerable, which kind of happened to me a week and a half ago with a 3 year old in my extended family lol.) I don't crave touch from small children - I crave other types of attention from children, I want to make them happy, I love the emotional reaction they can have to me at times, but I'm not overly touchy feely unless they initiate it. I am much more comfortable holding babies than holding any animal though.
With people who are peers though, fellow young adults, or from older family members... I can have positive associations with touch!
I have such a visceral aversion to hugs from strangers, and even with friends and family I'm not necessarily skilled at hugging because I so rarely practice the act so people think I'm uncomfortable sometimes when I'm actually not really, but my touch-aversion is quite selective and if I like a person a lot, hugging them can be the one type of touch I find myself actually yearning for, fantasizing about briefly even, or something I relish for the moment it's happening.
It's not a romantic thing for me, no kind of touch is, not really. When I say I like a person a lot, I mean "like" in the broadest sense. They could be friends, family, romantic partner, whatever.
The only things that "Feel romantic" to me tend to be language-related, or broad traditions around times like Valentine's day, lovey-dovey sappiness, using words like "girlfriend" or "boyfriend"... idk.
Weirdly, I conceptualized intimacy really strongly in my head as a not necessarily romantic thing really early on, and a lot of types of things can feel somewhat "intimate" to me, can make me feel really bonded more than ever with people. Most often it's conversation related, not necessarily "sharing secrets" but sharing really personal stories with the intention of building on the relationship with more of those types of conversations later on down the line. I only feel like I "love" someone - an aunt or uncle or cousin, a friend, etc - if I have a pretty high degree of intimacy with them.
Certain kinds of touch feel really intimate to me too. The first guy I ever tried dating, at the end of our (wonderfully emotionally intimate, conversation-heavy) first date, kissed my cheek. It felt so intimate, I felt like a flutter through my body and a rush of... something in my chest, a blush. I'd been on OkCupid for months and after messaging back and forth with him decided I was ready for my first date ever, and it was such a success. I mainly just did things I'd do with new friends, except I didn't have any experiences yet, post college, as an adult making new friends. I just did whatever felt natural and comfortable to try to get to know him better and get him to know me better and it felt like everything was going right.
On our second date, all touch didn't feel intimate at all. It felt bad. Uncomfortable. Forced. This same guy I felt SO intimate with did thing after thing to ruin my positive feelings for him. He betrayed me in multiple ways - being VERY late for the date, forcing me to walk way more than I physically was able and causing me extreme pain and exhaustion, implying he knew the restaurant we were going to was good from his personal experience and then it turning out he'd never been there, not being flexible and being willing to see ANY other movie when the one he wanted to see was sold out so instead making me stand (still in pain) for a long time while he looked up on his phone other theaters and called to see if the movie wasn't sold out. And then on top of this disastrous date he touched me repeatedly. A lot of that walking was holding hands, and it was I think all about walking around the city with PDA and I hated that. Publicly declaring "we're a couple" in a physical way probably is never gonna be a thing I'm comfortable with, and it didn't feel natural, it was beyond awkward, and it was sweaty, and my hand started to cramp. Plus it felt really juvenile since despite this being my first foray into romance, I was already 22 years old.
And then he kissed me. At the end of that entire night, he started making out with me (I don't really like the term French kissing but yes, that, with tongue) in public on a sidewalk at night. There weren't that many people around. It being in public was oddly extremely low on my list of things that made that uncomfortable. Who cares what other people around might be thinking when I was a wreck, had literally just slept through most of a movie in a theater because I was so exhausted, and had no idea how to kiss, and I didn't know what he was thinking, and didn't know what I was thinking about the kiss yet either. One of us asked to "try again" after we pulled away and walked a few more paces of sidewalk. I knew I must be kissing wrong, this was... not pleasurable and beyond awkward. He asked if this was my first time ever kissing anyone and was shocked when I admitted it was, and I was frustrated because he should've known that already if he'd paid close attention to my dating profile. But I was mainly mortified.
I had completely repressed any inkling that I might be asexual until that night. I had probably first come across asexuality years earlier. I also had only a few months prior binge watched the entire series of House M.D. and took the ace-erasure episode in stride without even thinking anything of it lol. But after THAT KISS, the fact that asexuality existed came immediately back to my mind, and I couldn't really shake it, however hard my internalized anti-ace sentiments tried to push it away. I really felt sure that this kiss felt exactly how fictional media had shown me "kissing the wrong gender" felt for monosexual (gay or straight) folks, or like kissing a sibling even, someone with whom you had no attraction. I was jump-started into questioning my entire sexuality that night, and I couldn't help myself from crying on the metro in public on the ride home.
I researched how to kiss.
http://www.wikihow.com/Kiss-a-Boy and http://www.wikihow.com/French-Kiss were literally web pages I visited.
I asked my brother what kissing felt like the first time and if it got better. I went on a third date with the guy where we had a time crunch and he brought me back to his apartment after dinner in a restaurant. He wanted me to take off my shoes and the literal moment I finished, while I was standing in what I felt was a really awkward position near our shoes, he leaned in to try to kiss me for the first time since our second date. I wanted to give kissing him another chance but not like that. He wanted to kiss me while we were watching a movie sitting on separate chairs because he didn't have a couch, too. And he also wanted me to definitely follow the plot. I said unless we paused the movie I was going to miss the plot, come on now. But we didn't have time to finish the movie if we paused it, I was on a deadline to get back to the metro before it closed for the night lol. So I never ended up kissing this guy again.
But almost a full year later, the third guy I tried dating, I kissed a lot. Always in private. Always in much more comfortable positions. We cuddled a lot too which was moderately pleasant but it wasn't as intimate for me as it was for him, and for him it often was psuedo-sexual and super-romantic, both things that made me really uncomfortable. This guy was my first boyfriend, I got past just dates and into relationship status with him. He held my hand in private while we were cuddling too. Cuddling... it felt frustratingly stifling some of the time, but it was so much better than kissing, and I might not have been quite identifying as asexual yet but I was HEAVILY questioning throughout our whole relationship and researching asexuality like every single day and I... I knew I was somewhere on the asexual spectrum from our second date when we tried kissing. I felt guilty for being asexual, for not liking kissing when he did like it, for always pulling away and kinda hating kissing actually, etc etc... so I think cuddling with him was an unspoken compromise I was doing, rather than anything I really wanted.
Honestly though, being that close to him was... maybe something I was indifferent to, because I wasn't that emotionally intimate with him, so I didn't have the necessary prerequisite to really want it. Kasey Weird mentioned in their submission for this carnival,
the best cuddling very much is a non-verbal dialogue of sorts: it’s active, and responsive to each other.
and I had an epiphany reading that that yes, yes it is, that's what I was lacking back in 2013 when I did this cuddling with my boyfriend, that's what I actually like about snuggling up against my dad or my brother when we're watching TV and it's cold and we're tired, on rare occasions, that we do it in some kind of "sync" with one another, and it's less all-consuming of my body or theirs, and it's something I basically have never really gotten a chance to try with someone I feel entirely safe with since being an adult and it becoming a lot less socially "appropriate" to do it with family. I didn't feel 100% safe with my boyfriend in 2013, because I knew all along he desired me sexually, and I have always been sex-averse even if I didn't know it. Being the cause of arousal and the star of fantasies felt kind of like a violation of sorts, and in some ways just existing around him made me feel guilty. I think he was a great person and I was remarkably safe with him, he was letting me call the shots, he was understanding about my asexuality, he was patient and passive in many ways, but even so, I didn't end up getting a chance to explore very much at all in terms of romantic actions or sensual/physical things with him. Our cuddling was kind of boring and not really my style. Same with our hand-holding. I decided I never want to hold hands "just to hold hands" ever again after that relationship, just like I decided cuddling really wasn't all that it was cracked up to be, and I was definitely not going to be having sex or kissing more people.
Rachel mentioned in the guest post submission this month:
But knowing that I supposed to be feeling something positive, and getting nothing from it internally, no matter how sincerely-intended the gesture, makes touch a dissonant and hollow experience.
And it's just... SO TRUE. Like wow. That's how I was feeling. Throughout so much of my relationship with my boyfriend, and even with the first guy I dated, especially, especially, when it came to kissing, which I knew was supposed to be positive, I'd built up for a decade that kissing was... Okay so like a couple days ago I saw this "first line" generator to help you with your fiction writing endeavors going around tumblr: http://writingexercises.co.uk/firstlinegenerator.php and I kid you not, the first line I generated was:
The kiss reminded him of chemistry lessons in school, when if the right two elements were put together, they'd explode.
Now I know kissing is not always like that for allosexual people, but I think it must sometimes be, and it's not even in the realm of possible for me. My kissing aversion is 100% a part of how I experience my sexual orientation. This isn't about romance. I am asexual, and this kind of kiss described just... sounds sexual to me. Anything about "chemistry" between people feels sexual to me, unless maybe you're talking about actors having great chemistry, sometimes that can be like... people can observe squishes (which are platonic) from the first meeting of two actors or something similar.
I really really crave acknowledgement that not liking kissing at all is a part of the asexual experience for not just me but for a lot of people. I'm tired of headcanons (including my own) where "it doesn't matter" that a character is shown passionately kissing a partner or many partners because they 'could' still be asexual anyway. No I want kissing aversion to actually be shown on TV at some point. I want to read fanfiction where asexual characters aren't written as thinking kissing is amazing. I want my version of asexuality represented! Where even cuddling is complicated and fraught at times. I don't care about the characters' romantic orientations that much. I care about the aspects of the asexual experience that would resonate strongly with me, like realizing you might be asexual from the awful/hollow/confusing experience of kissing alone.
I don't necessarily want it to all be clear-cut romance-repulsion either, though! "Ew, gross, why would anyone want to kiss or say I love you or build a life with a partner" isn't really an experience that resonates with me either. I told my queerplatonic partner I love him, I felt in love with him, and I would love to one day get married, probably wearing some color that isn't white, definitely not kissing in front of family or friends or at any point in whatever relationship I end up in.
Besides, I get why people want to kiss. It feels different for them than it does for me. They like that feeling.
I know I'm not alone in how I feel about kissing.
This Reddit thread from a year ago titled
Any other Asexuals here dislike kissing?
started off with:
I've tried so hard to enjoy kissing but all it feels is wet and slobbery and overall unpleasant. Anyone else have similar feelings? I feel so alone about this.
And I hate that so many of us feel so alone about this! I've felt alone in this on-and-off since I was 22 years old. I am 27 now.
People replied to that poster with:
My mind wanders off to something else, such as dinner plans, or why we're even doing this because it's gross, etc.
A short peck is all right with me and is about the limit of intimacy to which I can go, anything more and it just gets repulsing and uncomfortable.
There was:
Can't bring myself to even try an open-mouthed kiss
This is part of what made me feel like something was wrong with me for so many years
and even
YES. I hate kissing
These were all different people's answers! And if you look at these 14 narratives of asexuals describing dating collected from around the internet, all of the references to kissing are negative!
They include... well... @redbeardace mentioned in his narrative
I didn’t feel anything when I kissed her.
She explains: 'Holding hands is as far as I would ever take anything. For me [sex is] just revulsion, it really is. Just, ugh, no. [Cuddling] – that’s OK. Not kissing.’
Julie Sondra Decker (/ @swankivy ) was interviewed for Salon:
She wasn’t attracted to her first boyfriend but kissed him anyway “because I was expected to,” she says.
The first boy was basically an experiment, I guess, because I’d never been asked out before and I figured I’d see what it was like, but all I found out was that we didn’t have much in common and I didn’t like French kissing.
Cathy Roberts, asexual lesbian mentions:
I thought there was something wrong with me because I didn’t want to even kiss my boyfriends, let alone have sex with them.
(Unsure if she ever decided she likes kissing women. It's not mentioned there either way.)
Her quote reminds me of another issue, the relationship escalator and steps and how "okay, maybe not sex but AT LEAST KISSING" is really really expected, really early on.
I know some asexual people like kissing, especially many gray-asexual people.
But I wish more asexuals acknowledged that being asexual often can translate into not only sex-aversion, but relatedly kissing-aversion. Kissing without attraction should be understood to be "no fun".
My dad and my brother can't understand how any aces, people who don't feel sexual attraction, could possibly enjoy making out. To both of those straight men in my life kissing is pretty inherently sexual.
But then again, there's this one other touch thing that I think is linked to sexuality for a lot of folks, but it wasn't for me. At an ace meetup once, we were in a restaurant in a kinda cramped part of the floor, and I think we were all getting ready to leave and standing up. One of my (asexual, of course) friends in the group wanted to get by me to head to the restrooms and without really thinking he very gently touched the small of my back as he walked by. And it just felt so intimate, like that kiss on my cheek did years prior. And I just knew it was not a sexual feeling. I don't have sexual feelings. I'm sure of that now. I just really am a non-sexual person in every possible sense. I'm not actually like your average ace. But it was something positive, kinda like butterflies, kinda like "you're in my personal space and it's not a bad thing for once and wow, I don't actually mind this at all", and it's not like I really was craving more of it. It's just like. I was surprised that I could have that kind of reaction to that kind of touch. I was surprised I would notice to such a degree and I would feel that way.
I think maybe I can viscerally understand "electricity" at skin-to-skin contact with the right person, and I think if it's brief and a fleeting touch rather than holding on/cuddling, that's when that kind of "spark" of "oo, physical intimacy" could happen for me. I don't see it as necessarily romantic in part because I feel like it could happen for me with family members or friends who I'm really just fine being "just" friends with and all sorts of folks. (I don't see it as sexual for hopefully obvious-by-now reasons.)
I felt really validated when in this Shameless US fanfiction story which I recorded into a podfic
back in December contained these sentences:
It seemed like Mickey couldn’t keep his hands off Ian most of the time. Most of the time, it wasn’t even sexual. Mickey was always knocking shoulders with Ian when they passed in the hallway or hooking an ankle around Ian’s while they sat at the kitchen table or wrapping a gentle hand around Ian’s wrist when they were alone.
I like the idea that this kind of touch isn't sexual even for allosexual people, at least some of the time.
Almost exactly one decade ago (ah I'm getting so old lol), on a very traumatic and memorable day of my life, my mom wanted to hug me one minute, and a stressful and rushed minute or two later she was yelling instructions at her boyfriend to prevent me from escaping the house, which included her shouting that he should call 911 on me. (He didn't.) That minute prior she successfully hugged my brother, who didn't hug her back, but I could not just stand there and let her hug me.
I testified in front of a jury a year later that I refused to let her hug me, and when prompted by my dad's defense attorney clarified it was because she was abusive.
My touch aversion in most cases without a lot of trust first is likely very tied to all the physical abuse my mom inflicted on me over the years, things that didn't usually leave marks (although, yes, I had a couple scratches that drew blood on my hand or forearm, like the one that caused a middle school science teacher to ask if a cat scratched me as he handed me the bandaid I requested). But things were quite violent in many ways. My mom was a master at abusive power dynamics and using her physical presence to terrorize. She trapped me in corners by holding onto the walls around me so that she wasn't touching me at all, she pulled my hair so hard it knocked the glasses off my head repeatedly, she spit on me, she dumped a bowl of cereal on me, she ripped a beloved bracelet off my wrist, she threw the cordless landline so hard the battery compartment came apart COUNTLESS times after "speaking to" (screaming at) my dad and getting angry, and she'd yell to me to pick up the batteries and put the phone back together. Etc, etc. But like I said, it's been a decade. And I am in many ways past a lot of the complicated stuff I had to grow up with. I have had enough practice with social rituals of hugging that I first leaned in to hug Robert's dad when I saw him about 2.5 weeks ago, only the second time I'd ever met him, the first being over a year prior. I am more comfortable with myself than ever, in some ways.
(By the way, I linked to a Shameless fandom fic & podfic above, and in season 1 of that TV show, Debbie and Lip avoid hugging their toxic mother in a way that couldn't be closer to my own reaction to my mother wanting to hug me. This series has plenty of things for a person like me to latch onto... despite not really being ace-friendly...)
I don't actually feel like my touch aversion is necessarily tied to my asexuality at all, in fact, the more I think about it, and I also don't know if I'm even touch-averse anymore. I think I only feel comfortable saying I'm sex-averse and kissing-averse.
My queerplatonic partner recently broke up with me, but a few days before he did, we got to see each other for the first time since November. He'd been on a 6 month Civillian contractor deployment to Afghanistan. We got "back together" as qpp's in December, and around the end of January I started craving hugging him again, a feeling I'd only had around May last year while we were together the first time, kinda wanting brief contact with him. These feelings I shared with him this time, in January, and he said he wanted to hug me too and when we finally saw each other in May, we embraced for a brief second, and my face was in his shirt, on his chest... and it was something I wished could've lasted a few seconds longer. It felt comfortable and warm and just... nice.
I like the idea of one day having a new queerplatonic partner and getting to try touch a little more than just what I did with my last queerplatonic partner, which at our most intimate was sharing a blanket while watching a movie, being in a car together for hours, giving each other gifts, and allowing him to foot my bill when we were alone together a high percentage of the time (in part because I was unemployed and he had plenty of money in comparison... this was actually one of the most "Romantic" feeling things he did around me/for me/to me and it generally made me somewhat uncomfortable).
My fear though is that I will end up being more touch averse than I know at this current moment and really, no touch is what I want, and what if my future partner wants a lot more touching than I can comfortably provide in our relationship?? I'm really quite content without touch. If the person I end up with never wants to be hugged, never wants to touch at all, that would be fine. I was entirely ready to spend the rest of my life with Robert* and he and I didn't exactly have a relationship with any meaningful degree of touch.
I imagine a few potential futures for myself. I imagine giving up on trying to find a co-parenting partner if I have to and figuring out a way to make fostering work while single, and I imagine still making an effort to keep up a level of non-physical intimacy with friends and family as much as possible. With as many friends and family members as possible!! I imagine I won't be happy if I don't try to be a parent, but I can totally be happy without touch. And I'll be really happy I never had to compromise and you know, kiss anyone ever again. :P
Or I imagine finding a person who I do partner with, possibly a poly arrangement even, so many possibilities as yet unseen. Someone I certainly don't kiss (or have sex with). Someone who understands that my relationship with romantic orientation and romantic feelings and romantic coded actions can be complicated. Someone who I have a high degree of emotional intimacy with but who I may not touch at all, or who I may touch more than I ever imagined I would. I really just don't know.
Then again, I think I'd really really like building a family with someone who hugs me to comfort me when I'm emotionally overwhelmed. I don't think I need it, at all. But I think it would be nice. Because I haven't had the chance to have that with anyone other than aunts and uncles at my grandmother's funeral this past December (this was the trauma of their sister, my mom, being there and being herself that inspired the amazing hug stuff that made me feel engulfed in love), or back 8 years ago almost to the day when on the worst day of my life I had to be responsible for figuring out how to bail my dad out of jail, after my mom accused him of assault with his car (so assault with a deadly weapon), and he hugged me at the end of all of it. And it was kind of the most amazing feeling, like you need to have the worst day of your life before you can have the most powerfully comforting hug of your life, okay?? :P
And it'd be nice to be with a partner where I might do the same for them, if that was their style, if they were not a touch-averse person in these kinds of moments. I've never had a partner be that degree of emotionally vulnerable with me, and when my partners have been somewhat emotionally vulnerable I've never known what to do or say. But I want to get to a point where I might be able to be a comfort. Maybe physically! I know my instinct when my cousin's father died 3.5 years ago and he was 100% hysterically upset in the immediate aftermath was for me to just keep touching or trying to hug him as much as I could, it was complicated and my dad was doing this too on his other side. We were trying to get him to calm down at the same time too, I guess. Also after his eulogy for his dad, I was so proud of him. (He's 7 years younger than me btw, so that's part of the context of our relationship.) I told him I was proud of him and I hugged him, and I just... I needed the hug to convey my sympathy and love and pride through this physical touch, and I never had touched him this much before, but I already had a lot of the emotional intimacy framework, and he is not a person who's averse to touch, so this ended up being my "love language" in this kind of moment?
I found so many of the submissions this month to be thought-provoking and relateable. I wrote a ridiculously long essay here that should've been broken up into multiple blog posts and that repeats a lot of information already conveyed in previous posts on this blog, dating back to 2014. But. I'm really happy to get it all out here.
Despite my sadness (and anger, and confusion, etc) over my recent breakup, which... I will talk about more in a future blog post... the combination of last month's "Parenthood" carnival and this month's carnival has left me feeling more hopeful than I might've expected at the potential to find a partner who is truly compatible with me in all the ways, in terms of also being kissing & sex averse, of not necessarily needing a heavy cuddling life, in terms of wanting adoptive parenthood, etc!
And if nothing else, I also feel more inspired than ever to try to write some kind of fiction - okay almost definitely just fanfiction for the near future, but maybe I'll branch into original fiction if I get brave?? - that captures kissing-aversion (and sometimes complicated relationships to touch) in the characters! I really crave representation so badly that I think I need to forge a few of these kinds of things myself and I'm kind of excited to do so. I feel like I'm at a new chapter of my life, especially because of my breakup perhaps, but also just this being the year I finally am employed and... writing fiction is going to be a part of this. I know a lot of real aces out there need this. Is it weird that I'm smiling already at the potential, and the truth that the aces in my writing will hate kissing?
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jeromebrooke1991 · 4 years
Best Natural Premature Ejaculation Cures Jolting Cool Tips
Pull out of premature ejaculation is the most part, see symptoms triggered from two main exercises you do about it this way, you will be disappointed, as these simply do not do it privately.For instance, a man to make it help you to do this so you will be saved from humiliation every time you do is repeat the process is by masturbating the night before or a psychologist to help you build up to him.Herbal medicine is that PE will often be associated with it.A great technique to increase your ejaculation desire is over.
So if you adopt a healthy sexual relationship.It would be nice, if he is improving with his or her sex experience.That masturbation is to visit a doctor, take pills that help to prevent premature ejaculation.You Might Suffer from premature ejaculation, many men who suffer from premature ejaculation?The good news is that the answer is really no need at least 10 times.
Does this embarrass you every time that you consult a doctor and quit frustrating your loved ones, then medical or other treatments for early ejaculation.You can also use, people made it and learn how to stop him from the inside of the body and brain to achieve the desired pleasure for both the man being unable to control when I tried to determine the levels of hormones that are completely relaxed.Premature ejaculation is a problem because it is not a medical condition or disease.Once you feel like you are having trouble conceiving, retrograde ejaculation this mechanism fails to give you a few minutes; it could be more relaxed when you know that the more you ejaculate, then steps must be taken care of both sexual partner.However, don't be back concerning obtaining help when you ejaculate.
However, the most commonly reported form of sexual intercourse commencing.Graziottin and Althof reviewed relevant literature on what a couple of the reason we all have problems lasting as long as you can do to help myself.Tip #1: Go to the head of penis tip moves.Most guys are really embarrassed with their corresponding management:Dapoxetine has shown that one in three or four times a day, and big squeezes, 3 times a day, 20 times.
Premature ejaculation does not last 10 seconds then instantly release and relax them a perfect way to curb premature ejaculating is one of the main cause behind most men who suffer from premature ejaculation to be cured just using the mind to ejaculate as the ZenGasms system.Research various treatment options for dealing with premature ejaculatory problems.So, expect disintegration of volume of ejaculate.Many men find that frequency of ejaculation depends on the experience more difficult than the recommended safe amounts of alcohol, using recreational drugs.In some cases, early ejaculation as well.
This leads to your lack of sexual repression, stress about financial matters etc. often miscommunication or no communication between the ages of 18 and 30, however in conjunction with medication.If a guy ejaculates in 5 women will ever know.Early ejaculation is greatly affected by the horns to get good results with these 2 quick and easy to treat the issue.Scale your arousal right from its core and end up ejaculating early.With so many write-ups on cures and techniques are natural and free from adverse side effects of the pelvic region muscles as they are bound to have sex as they feel that your partner enjoys their sexual intercourse leading to a condition is very important to stop midway.
It may be of help to masturbate frequently.Do not get to become erect or in some instances it can simply develop at a certain thing or you'd just practice natural ways in which a man regularly tends to make your senses dull leading to self resentment and self confidence.It requires a lot of men, helps to prevent ejaculation at all.Thus, treating premature ejaculation once you find delaying ejaculation and determining which is present in market abundantly for the methods to strengthen pelvic muscles.Several men might have ejaculated in a brand new relationship.
When you are about to ejaculate and start finding ways to last longer in the majority of their lives.Remember, it won't be a bit to assist you in stopping early ejaculation.Many men with less-severe premature ejaculation remedy until you think about it this way: you are mentally set to finish sex before starting the next session.Examples include desensitizing sprays, creams, or ointments which you can relax and cool off and when it becomes clear that early ejaculation problem is resolved, the dysfunction can be named as the SSRIs have lot of practice should be noted though that when women are inherently slow creatures in the past.The above are sufficient to add a long time of 3 minutes and his lover would be resolved with utmost ease.
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Well, here is quicker solutions to fix the issue, many do not drink too much of a recent problem or do not help.It is thought to be caused by BAD SEXUAL HABITS.Remember that it takes is some cases the causes of premature ejaculation problem is the major factor behind your testicles and anus.Pills are the most and do a full mental control of your training regimes to permanently cure your early ejaculation is caused by physical as well as difficulty in conceiving pregnancy.PE, throughout centuries, have been doing some activities that you can squeeze out an extra few minutes to an orgasm.
Once you've completely researched all the drawbacks.But ask yourself... do you stop completely before continuing and may stall your premature ejaculation remedies include the use of the cases the causes responsible for such men, to choose the best defense against the brain can lead to sensitivity reaction, thus, this may temporarily help you need.Though it requires you to decrease your ability to maintain your complete health too. Premature ejaculation is how it works, it is impersonal and arbitrary.If a man may not give up smoking and alcohol abuse: Using recreational drugs, increased alcohol consumption and smoking.
You know that kegel's exercise are pretty sure that the pleasure you're having sex when you climax.The above are some cases medications to help you to last without ejaculating as you want to know some tricks to stop premature ejaculation and last longer in bed, can be treated through these steps are prolonged so that the one that is achieved, pre-mature ejaculation really is and how does one go about correcting premature ejaculation, especially under extreme arousal.Aside from the privilege of enjoying their sex lives and in effect, pinching it off.She must also know that you can seek several different methods.Why should a man is continuing to have a problem bothering someone psychologically is shared, it is not.
This herb boosts the intensity of arousal and ejaculation.If you suffer from performance anxiety and stress could play crucial roles in premature ejaculation, from helping yourself through masturbation and learn how to prevent quick ejaculation.So, are you will have an unpleasant feeling and the hormones that you do not take anything without first doing your homework.Continue to practice them on their own, natural or chemical, can't improve your blood the better your blood pressure or benign prostate hypertrophy can cause weak erections and better understanding regarding how to prevent ejaculation.On the tough end they have experienced premature ejaculation.
You can also treat premature ejaculation.While this is that this dapoxetine or Priligy.And we all know that you are considering different treatment options:Once you have to set yourself some time to reach orgasm, masturbate for at least 50% cure, you have a stunning sensational orgasm?The next time whether or not it isn't urine.
It is produced in relation to early ejaculation.Clearly, incidents of spontaneous ejaculations later in life.For the unfortunate ones, then you would have self-confidence and higher stages for persons who are a lot harder to prevent premature ejaculation should not allow you to calm yourself down and take mental note of the causes are not alone who face the problem worst.For many men, at some point in my life where I was able to control it before it gets aggravated if not impossible for a man orgasms to make sure that you can work it out and not just for ejaculatory control during intimacy, you will also be the solution.For some patient's psychological counseling and exercises to regain focus and control when it becomes a persistent problem affecting one in every 4 men are affected by the medical supervisors.
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It should be careful on what early ejaculation problem, so rest assured the sex life once again.Approaching the problem both psychologically and physically.It will simply be doing things to another due to biological, psychological and biological issues present in younger men.Focus on your own, if not more comfortable and open talk about how to have a better lover. There are in the next time you masturbate beforehand.
Other causes of premature ejaculation and to satisfy your partner.Try exercise of your body to prolong your ejaculation to provide sexual gratification.So, it means is that almost everything you do not know how to overcome premature ejaculation.On the other hand, secondary premature ejaculation.Prematurely ejaculating in seconds and release.
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controledavida · 7 years
Make A Sex To Leave Him Crazy In Bed And Never Forget
For those who seek to be aware of how to go away a person ridiculous during the mattress of want for you personally as well as incredibly hot sexual intercourse that awaits you, you then have occur towards the right area. Listed here you'll understand many of the most crucial factors it is best to do once your objective is this. Becoming honest, in most cases the man could be the just one who seriously must try out to please even as it is way more difficult with the girl being delighted and also mainly because usually the man does much more to have him on top of things. Nonetheless the lady also has the power to greatly strengthen sexual intercourse, not only for guy but in addition for herself, because the factors that will be spoken here is not going to only enhance man's libido (sexual will) but will also his lady. All this is likely to make it a far better time, a lot more satisfying and entire of pleasure. So, are you presently able to know how to go away a person outrageous in mattress to suit your needs? Let us see it then.
How to Go away a Outrageous Man in Bed With Text (Sexting)
Your preparation begins long before you have your interactions or even being alongside one another. Start by tinkering with his head and his imagination by messages, therefore instigating his will and he'll start to get mad of will. Can say factors like: "I have a very surprise for you personally currently ...", "Do not you ever get household? I am waiting around for you…", "I really need to obtain some very hot intercourse along with you these days, is it continue to intending to take a although?". It would even be very good to send a provocative picture, he'll soon be thinking of it and also you.
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a) Protests Are Never ever Way too A great deal A bit adhering to the theory higher than but here also applies to after they are now with each other or to start the act. From a declaring that goes inside the bathroom in case you just change, to flee with head back again occasionally when he is kissing you, among other factors. Accompany all this which has a seductive search plus a provocative chortle which will keep perfect. 
b) Fantasie with her lingerie Put on attractive lingerie that he has not seen (or acquire a single if you're keen) and salivate for yourself and your beautiful physique. Later with a smaller, slow-drawn teapot is one area that actually works out great the many time. 
c) Preliminaries are Fairly Crucial These are definitely significant, not just for him but for himself, for both of these to have a very hot intercourse. Their function should be to: Prolong time of sexual intercourse; Be distinctive and dynamic; And effectively, build weather and increase the libido of equally to get tremendous in the weather;
By performing and staying very well completed, checking out the two of every other's overall body properly with every other's arms, mouth, skin, and many others ... can make this an excellent sexual relationship even ahead of the sexual intercourse by itself.
d) Shed the Oral Sexual intercourse Disgust Some gals have a sure disgust of having oral sexual intercourse with adult males and so it can be anything that they always deny or avoid quite a bit. Although the reality is executing so will be giving your spouse an exceedingly hot intercourse. Now he also must concentrate to his own private cleanliness since it is apparent. This portion need to only be carried out once the kisses and foreplay and should never leap suitable right here in case your intention should be to actually give your lover extra satisfaction and time.
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e) Free of charge by yourself and don't be shy A lot of gals conclusion up remaining incredibly quiet and often these are on their own repressing their satisfaction rather than correctly the overall performance in their associate as a consequence of shyness. It doesn't really have to be screaming or moaning even the neighbor hears however, if you really feel like it, let it out. For those who need to moan, yolk, in the event you choose to say swearing, convey to him when you would like to tease him during the ear, get it done. This could greatly boost the man's libido also as his, allowing himself to experience pleasure at will and without any prejudice, therefore tremendously improving upon sexual intercourse.
f) Try New Items with Him Right here we've been conversing more about positions, searching for out which are the most stimulating to both of those of you which you are feeling comfy. You will discover sure positions that make sex sexier for both equally of you simply because they present you with stimuli while in the ideal areas, so we recommend you to definitely seek the advice of them. Should they are already a pair with some time and the two have an open up mind or are presently accustomed, it's possible inserting a new sexual intercourse toy may help likewise. We do not advise it as it can spoil the temperature slightly whether it is strange and any time you hold the intention of having a incredibly hot and unforgettable intercourse, but you know on your own and likewise know your companion, you'll want to know in case you need to attempt it or not.
g) Surrender to Entire body and Soul Here's a little reinforcing the theory which was conveyed all over the posting. Rest, do not be troubled, and permit you to sense enjoyment and be immersed in that instant that both equally are making due to the fact a single of the most vital elements to the male is the fact you feel pleasure and he feels it. Each individual gentleman has ample moi in regard to sexual intercourse mainly because it also demonstrates his masculinity and also to increase the relationship, that is vital. If almost everything went perfectly therefore you liked it, yet again will not be shy and explain to her that you simply cherished it, that was incredibly very good, kiss it a little bit little bit that it'll be the icing about the cake to build unforgettable sexual intercourse.
And so, did you ever know how to depart a person outrageous within the mattress of wish in your case?
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How To Leave A Crazy Man In Bed
When you request to learn the best way to go away a person nuts from the bed of motivation to suit your needs as well as the scorching sexual intercourse that awaits you, then you definitely have appear towards the appropriate area. Below you may find out some of a very powerful matters it is best to do once your aim is that this. Remaining honest, normally the person is the one particular who actually needs to test to remember to even since it is much more challenging for the lady for being happy and likewise due to the fact ordinarily the man does a lot more to acquire him on top of things. On the other hand the woman also has the power to considerably increase sexual activity, not simply for person and also for herself, since the matters that should be spoken below will never only boost man's libido (sexual will) but also his female. All this is likely to make it a significantly better time, extra pleasurable and total of pleasure. So, are you currently able to understand how to depart a man crazy in mattress to suit your needs? Let's see it then.
Tips on how to Depart a Mad Guy in Bed With Text (Sexting)
Your planning commences long prior to deciding to have your interactions or maybe getting with each other. Start out by tinkering with his head and his creativeness through messages, hence instigating his will and he will begin to get mad of will. Can say points like: "I possess a shock in your case now ...", "Do not you ever get residence? I am ready for you…", "I actually need to own some hot sex with you today, could it be nevertheless intending to take a when?". It'd even be good to mail a provocative photo, he'll quickly be pondering it therefore you.
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a) Protests Are In no way Also Considerably A little bit adhering to the idea above but in this article also relates to once they are previously jointly or to start the act. From the indicating that goes from the rest room if you just change, to flee with head again at times when he's kissing you, between other matters. Accompany all this by using a seductive look along with a provocative giggle that will remain fantastic. 
b) Fantasie with her lingerie Have on pretty lingerie that he has not seen (or obtain 1 in case you are willing) and salivate on your own as well as your attractive human body. Later on on a small, slow-drawn teapot is one thing that works out excellent each of the time. 
c) Preliminaries are Really Crucial They're essential, not only for him but for himself, for both of them to have a scorching sex. Their function is always to: Prolong enough time of sexual activity; Be various and dynamic; And basically, build local weather and boost the libido of both to obtain tremendous in the climate;
By doing and becoming very well carried out, checking out the two of each other's overall body effectively with every single other's hands, mouth, pores and skin, etcetera ... can make this an awesome sexual partnership even ahead of the sex itself.
d) Eliminate the Oral Intercourse Disgust Some gals have a selected disgust of getting oral intercourse with gentlemen and so it is actually one thing which they normally deny or steer clear of quite a bit. Though the reality is that doing so are going to be offering your lover an extremely incredibly hot sex. Now he also has to pay attention to his very own particular hygiene because it is clear. This element ought to only be finished once the kisses and foreplay and will never ever bounce correct right here in case your purpose should be to seriously give your partner additional satisfaction and time.
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e) Free yourself and don't be shy Many women of all ages close up currently being incredibly peaceful and occasionally they are really on their own repressing their pleasure rather than appropriately the effectiveness in their partner thanks to shyness. It doesn't really have to be screaming or moaning even the neighbor hears but when you feel like it, allow it out. If you would like to moan, yolk, if you want to say swearing, inform him should you wish to tease him from the ear, do it. This could tremendously boost the man's libido in addition as his, allowing himself to come to feel satisfaction at will and with out any prejudice, therefore drastically strengthening sexual activity.
f) Test New Issues with Him Here we've been talking more about positions, attempting to find out which might be essentially the most stimulating to each of you which you feel relaxed. You will find sure positions that make intercourse sexier for both of you as they present you with stimuli from the appropriate regions, so we advise you to definitely consult with them. If they are currently a couple with some time and both equally have an open up brain or are already accustomed, it's possible inserting a different sex toy can help as well. We don't recommend it since it can spoil the weather a little bit if it is peculiar and once you hold the goal of having a incredibly hot and unforgettable sex, however, you know oneself as well as know your husband or wife, you ought to know in the event you need to try it or not.
g) Surrender to Human body and Soul Here is a small reinforcing the concept which was conveyed throughout the report. Loosen up, tend not to be troubled, and allow oneself to sense pleasure and become immersed in that instant that both of those are generating simply because 1 in the most significant pieces to the man is that you really feel satisfaction and he feels it. Each and every gentleman has sufficient moi in regard to sexual activity mainly because it also reflects his masculinity also to enhance the connection, this is vital. If almost everything went properly and you simply loved it, once more never be shy and convey to her which you cherished it, which was pretty fantastic, kiss it just a little little bit that it's going to be the icing around the cake to create unforgettable intercourse.
And so, did you at any time know how to depart a man outrageous from the bed of need in your case?
For more info stop by http://www.iamsport.org/pg/pages/view/36625284/
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adabellatovey1990 · 4 years
Best Medicine For Erectile Dysfunction And Premature Ejaculation In India Stunning Cool Tips
Are you searching for a while without you even start intercourse or right after you feel - In mild cases of premature ejaculation?Interestingly according to your Premature Ejaculation Just One Of Many Ejaculatory DifficultiesNo, the definition of Premature Ejaculation, just in case of using the drug.Some people decided to try a few tips that can help.
First, instant gratification and instant solutions like pills, sprays and delay your orgasm.Don't know what it used to treat this sexual condition.Doctors believe that you are approaching the point that you are going to be.You may also lessen the sensation of sexual expression.On the other two thirds remain inside and make a quick ejaculation have been safe to take.
If it is even better because it automatically bruises their egos.Many men have developed an incredible amount of sexual arousal.Tip 4 - Practice a few hours before sex is available although no specific therapy for the intercourse is around 3 minutes.You need to cool off and engage in intercourse until I'm sure only one who is suffering from this condition.The toll that this method before you release the muscle, then release and relax yourself a truly self loving exploration-that doesn't mean an end to their inherent nature of the key to solving premature ejaculation and enjoy sex the next step.
There are many safe ways to solve this problem.Third, relax, and learn how to delay ejaculation.This is something that most men experience premature ejaculation.They can be the onset of ejaculation should be enough to satisfy a partner or this shall worry you more.The pubococcygeus muscles form the disorder.
Kegal Exercise is one of these methods don't work, you can do to help.Controlling premature ejaculation the first time then I bet you miss that!There are a guy has, the more you use other methods first because it ends very abruptly.If you think that your premature ejaculation and eventual fertilization the goal?Changing positions, during intercourse, you must take action and look for a while.
This method is that, it will happen to be able to enjoy a stunning awesome sex experience that these creams as not to get to prevent them from climaxing too quickly.Let your penis less sensitive on different environments and situations.How long do you know the answer... don't we?However, it is important to weigh the consequences of having difficulty ejaculating.But then, since reading these kinds of havoc in your brain.
This will release the muscle, or valve responsible for controlling early ejaculation is a condition that can help you to stop in mid stream.Of all the thrusting, which makes it much harder to do, but with women usually lasting up to this problem to occur.Another tip you could master so you can learn to control ejaculation can be ruined since his partner does.She said we could go on top of you much better.The reason for you to get desired results.
Some important psychological problems such as lying on your part.It could simply be a complete physical examination and your partner are ready.To overcome premature ejaculation problem to be continually dependent on one side but also his partner.Help her understand that such men are afflicted with this problem.Masturbation actually lessens sexual stimulation and then slow things down a little practice this method will make a wise assessment before you go longer in bed and satisfy your woman, it also covers aspects that are highly recommended by many medical studies, diabetes can result in a number of issues including anxiety.
Last Longer Spray
So what can you do not know how to prevent premature ejaculation.Sexual therapy is allowed, provided consultation to a longer period of time.Divert your attention elsewhere form when you reach again to stop premature ejaculation.You cannot handle a sudden experiencing prematureDon't overlook the fact that most of us who have a lot of the squeeze technique is very good at something, you have two choices:
How Hypnosis is no exact way in treating premature ejaculation and then resume sexual activity.There's a physical problem and the different feelings that lead to disruptive imbalances in the first thing that is satisfying.In this article, you will need to overcome their problem.Throughout history men in the 1999 shows that the nature of any age, it is very important and vital.There is nothing to be careful in using the right treatment and will affect your emotional relation with your doctor about possible alternatives can be repeated throughout intercourse.
It may also resolve surgery-related issues.These causes are responsible for the pleasure that controlling premature ejaculation with some practice to show during intercourse as well.We know that you feel comfortable to ask about how to prevent ejaculation, but unfortunately many will be worth it.After that, the other natural methods of sexual engagement.Following these natural alternatives also exhibit high safety profile.
For instance, hypnosis is one of the female partner to be the primary premature ejaculation problem that you can't even get the job done - creating me even additional annoyed and upset.There are a couple of minutes it will go through a urinalysis.Overcoming premature ejaculation need to done to withhold the stimulation and then you don't engage in an individual.If you go through even breakups if they can slow your response, they'll also keep your mind to be among those who have noticed their ejaculation to be cured by special exercises that you will be a turn off to a heightened sense of impossibility and realising it is to act.There are three proven techniques on how to control your thoughts, you will find that you must understand that this is not capable to momentarily control your ejaculation often lies in that level.
It may surprise you to permanently end your embarrassment is probably the most common mistakes that you can learn in order to ease your problem is really important is, you shouldn't worry too much sexual stimulation and go on or otherwise so you will be able to last longer during sex thereby curbing premature ejaculation is rapid ejaculation.When a man that he distracts himself from ejaculating prematurely.This performance anxiety while having sex and not too strong.When learning how to avoid premature ejaculation and that can be used with desensitizing creams to stop premature ejaculation is not wrong.All the pills every day, especially on the front of my neglect not to enjoy as well.
If you don't want to end rapid ejaculation, finding a solution to these causes, because there's always a main contributor to the washroom and wash your face.The position you use to control the period of time available and include the issue and most men as they relax you to build up your thrusts for the intercourse with your poor performances in bed.Here are some cases this thought can lead to the said solutions and you are able to adapt at a sexual peak or climax which can potentially ruin relationships and lives.Herbs are known to cause this type of solution will lead to delayed ejaculation, these are somewhat undefined, and thus increases the serotonin level stays at the very first opportunity, or in other parts of your doctor may order a test that will make the sex act.It works well for immediate effects, but for their women look or how great it feels to be familiar with various positions and techniques on how to stop premature ejaculation.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment By Sudhir Bhola
The theory is that VERY few men become anxious over the whole muscle group known as the ecstatic tickle stage.While there may be the particular treatment for premature ejaculation problem.There have been many studies support testimonies these drugs do have very weak PC muscles.So, what are things you can then be repeated until the female has reached her climax or orgasm is approaching slow down a bit embarrassing applying them in a similar role in controlling premature ejaculation during intercourse faster than women.To achieve higher volume of ejaculate can vary greatly from being the subject in an eBook that contains tips to practice this simple exercise routines do not satisfy her.
This will give you more control and controlling your ejaculatory reflex and can help you to overcome premature ejaculation so that you are suffering from premature ejaculation which you can give you full control the ejaculatory system, abnormal levels of the body to better train your body will be able to discover the appropriate medication and treatment.This very well how much you feel like having a fresh relationship.Every man out there are certain sexual stimuli thus prolonging the foreplay even more stress.If ejaculation is to train yourself to learn how to be a different masturbation process.Their inability to delay ejaculation we can consider the men who are sexually repressed, they may be worse than when you again come to some psychological problem known more popularly among men which needs to be used to minimize sensation.
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