#which should be one of the first pieces i uploaded on tumblr maybe?
kifu · 2 years
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When the Clock Strikes Midnight AKA Tick Tock. Actually almost exactly the Tick Tock I wanted to draw back in 2020. Note: cardstock less vibrant than watercolor paper. :(
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faeriekit · 1 month
🥭 Rank from most enjoyable/fun to write to least: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Crack.
I can't remember which fic got me into your writing but I am really enjoying health and hybrids I think the attention to detail with language barriers is neat 😊 I feel like these options can be mixed a lot in writing would the ranking change depending on the combos?
I need you to know before anything that I had half this post penned and my computer randomly refreshed my post and burnt all of it. 💀
So. I can't. Uh. I can't do all of my fics on a scale, because of, um,
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that. So. I'm just going to do a straight best to worst. Sound good? Great because I have no other idea how to tackle any of this.
Best: Snowdrift Sanctuary. Although even my best fluff has a little bit of angst in it, this is a sweet, warm story of inter-species fostering and the care it provides. What's not to love? It was even a Phic Phight fill, so I got to surprise someone with it.
Worst: Rituals and Rites. There's nothing wrong with this one; it's a cute ask fill, it's got some great silliness in it and a little irreverence, and I'm always happy to archive my stuff on ao3 lest tumblr finally pull the plug, but I always dislike uploading individual lil' things onto ao3 when there isn't much to them. It's not bad, I just...don't have a lot of fluff to pad out this binary lol
Best: Lazy Sunday. By the time I got to this one I'd largely already hit my stride writing smut stuff, I liked how this couple gelled (and even have a few as-yet-unwritten scenes of their relationship I may never get around to!) and I like the couple as they are: weird and complicated and persevering into a yet-unseen realm of intimacy! I'm also not super into the kink in question, so it was super nice to see the piece well received by people who are into it and thought it worked well lol. How sad would it be if you tried to write a niche kink and it ended up completely flopping lmao T_T I'd never show my face in this town again.
Worst: A Visitation. Do not get me wrong, I love this fic, but you gotta remember that I wrote the first chapter completely exhausted and out of my gourd with fucking cauvid. 😭 I'm shocked it came out coherent at all! And everyone helped me workshop the last chapter, and it took forever to the point where I was writing like thousands of words a day and it was eating up my whole life...and sometimes I still go back in to reread it and I find MORE errors! 😭😭 This fic had all the birthing pains! Worth it, but OW!
Best: Dig Three Graves In Apartment 31C. I rreeeeeeally almost put Hybrids here, but in the end, Hybrids is a hopeful recovery fic. This fic is all grief and loss and the stench of the aftermath of acute trauma in the air. It is sad— sometimes I still get comments shocked at how well it worked lol— and although the excruciatingly tough epilogue yon author had to write lifts it a little, it's not... There's no cure for this. Everyone in this picture is dead. That's just the way it is.
Worst: Feet on the Ground. A similar deal: I really like this fic but there wasn't a great ending line to close on so it's just...mediocre. I probably should have just waited to see if time would fix it, but it was a Phic Phight fill and we're kind of on a timer during the event, and I wanted to get it out so I could start working on other people's asks, so... 6/10. Fascinating concept, mid execution.
Best: Infection versus Infestation. It was either this or one of the MPreg fills lmao, and I just. There's just so much going on here. The support network. The mental health. The powerpoint presentations. Bees. Medical pamphlets. Aliens. QPRs. Maybe the real fic is in the groupchats you made along the way. No notes hands down my one true rec for weird fics; all the way up and all the way down, it's inherently GenderFucked and surreal and young idiot adult bullshit. I love them your honor.
Worst: Percy Jackson, God of the Shrimps. A discord in-joke never makes sense as a discord out-joke. I am astounded people read this to this very day. I make it worse every time I even mention it in a post, but hey, that's showbiz. If you read this and actually found something there, more power to you. If you read this and were like "???"...yeah lmao
I'm glad you're liking health and hybrids so far! It's so funny to think that Hybrids used to be my downtime fic to recover from my other fics lmao...now it's beating Blister Pack to the tune of an additional 100,000 hits. I genuinely can't even conceptualize that number in my head. It's a such a bonkers concept that so many people could be glancing at a medical trauma fic from lil' ol' me. High school Faer who took anatomy classes for fun would be ecstatic. In the end, I tried to get a couple of unique fics to fill each category just because I like them so much. Sue me. It's my fic and sometimes I wanna talk about them with people lol.
Thanks for asking! 🧡🧡🧡🧡 This was fun!
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thissying · 2 months
Thanks for uploading ep 1 of the doco – while it’s clearly a highly managed piece of media, it remains a rich text for Max scholars. Entirely aside from padel shirtlessness.
I think my favourite parts were:
Max just being a huge racing nerd, which we already knew but I always enjoy.
Competence kink, especially that final GT3 testing session.
Going from me not knowing anything about his GT3 racing team to ‘oh of course it’s his ride-or-die childhood friend who he’s mentoring, because Max attaches early and hard or not at all’.
Max’s sincere enjoyment of/commitment to The Process which helps him offset being a nightmare of competitiveness. (Something I particularly admire and respect in Alex Albon as well.)
It may have been the editing but I got a kick out of that video call after Suzuka. ‘Congratulations on winning the championship—’ ‘Yeah thanks, now here are many questions about your GT3 race weekend…’
Max looking relaxed in the talking heads even though he was doing them solo, without someone else onscreen to bounce off. Basically the opposite of his DTS talking heads.
(I understand why Max’s horrible dad™️ has such a big presence but for the sake of my blood pressure, on rewatch maybe I’ll use a post-it note to block him from my sight. 🙃 )
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I don't see enough people talk about things this way any more in fandom on tumblr, including myself btw, except in tags but even then not so much, so I enjoyed getting this ♥
Yeah, same wrt how huge of a racing nerd he is. The fact that Thierry had to explain to him several procedures of the GT3 car first because it was new to him and then he did some laps and knew exactly what needed to be changed to improve the car. With giving credit to Thierry and the "engineers are stubborn, that's just how they are" comment 😂 And yesss, that final testing session where the head of track engineering is so impressed that he expects to be talking about it during nights at the bar in years to come. I was like: that's our boy, yeah 😊
I wouldn't be surprised if that was how that Suzuka phone call really went! He's so serious about his commitment and guidance to other drivers and it was one of my favourite things we got to see in this episode. Him being direct about things that aren't good without being rough or cruel, making me think that is part his character and part his own experiences (the good and bad ones). He seems good at constructive criticism; "here's what you're doing wrong or what you need to improve and here's what you can do about that." Lovelovelove.
Also, him being more nervous when watching family and friends race than when he has to do it himself because of the control. Which is such a common thing for people to feel (not just in racing) but I love knowing this about him.
I agree about the talking heads parts. Genuinely relaxed! The bit where they cut to his laughter about Thierry's remote control car 🥰
Other favourite bit: the "so much grip" comment about his shoes, in unison like it's an old familial in-joke.
The G-Star RAW interview is a good one! I feel like it should be like a first go-to for (new) Max fans who want to know a little bit more about him, even though it's a bit older already. I never saw any flirting in this though, but I'd put that down more to Edwin Evers than Max!
ETA: also. the maxplaining to Thierry after padel!!!
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frobinfandays · 8 months
Welcome to #FRobinMonth2024, a whole month of #FRobin goodness! 06 Feb - 09 March
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Week 1: 06 Feb - 13 Feb
Word prompt: Publisher Music prompt: Green Day - Extraordinary girl Visual prompt: Autumn bridge  Questions: 1) When did you start shipping Franky x Robin?   2) Who do you think is the most romantic one between the two? 
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Week 2: 14 Feb - 21 Feb
Word prompt: Sunlight  Music prompt: Billy Joel - She’s Always A Woman Visual prompt: Winter rose Questions: 1) Do you have any FRobin merch, be it official or fan made?  2) What’s your headcanon for their future? 
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Week 3: 22 Feb - 29 Feb
Word prompt: In your arms  Music prompt: Talking Heads - This must be the place  Visual prompt: Spring cat Question: 1) Which meme do you associate with Frobin?  2) Which is your favorite scene? 
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Week 4: 01 Mar - 09 Mar
Word prompt: Blueprints  Music prompt: Walk the Moon - Shut up and dance Visual prompt: Summer train Question: 1) How did Robin apologize to Franky after squeezing his family jewels? 2) When did you start shipping Franky x Robin?
Additional Inspiration for the whole month: 
How do I participate?
Create something related to the prompts (one, two, or all three or just answer one or both questions) and our OTP. Upload it and enjoy that you created something.
But I can’t draw or write…
Don’t worry! There is so much more you can do! All forms of media/art are allowed! Editing a video, writing a fanfiction, formulating a headcanon or an analysis. Drawing a fanart, editing a graphic or creating a moodboard. Recording an audio or a musical composition, creating a playlist of songs, getting out your cosplay or doing a photoshooting with some merch you own, maybe giving a recommendation to a fanart or fanfiction! Also, for the first time we’ll add questions that you can write answers to! Just share your answers! 
Let’s get creative! Everything is welcome!
Don’t be shy with liking and reblogging each other’s work.
Will you reblog/retweet my work?
Heck, yeah we will! Please use the hashtag #FRobinMonth24 as the first tag (Tumblr) and tag us in your text @frobinfandays or, on Twitter, @FrankyAndRobin  or @frobin.bsky.social on bsky.
Everyone is welcome to participate.
This is an event to celebrate the romantic involvement of Franky and Robin from One Piece, but portrayals of them as friends are welcome too! (But no other ships with either of them.)
No reposting of other people’s work! (Sharing a link is fine, using official works for edits is also fine.)
You are absolutely allowed to use the visual prompts in your work!
You do not need to have a Tumblr blog to participate on Tumblr. However, if you would like to see your work featured on the FRobinFandays blog, we need you to submit it to us. (You can stay anonymous if you want to.)
We’ll also have this event on Twitter! Post your stuff there too and tag the FRobin Twitter @FrankyAndRobin and also use the hashtag #FRobinMonth24.
First time we’ll also have this event on bsky @frobin.bsky.social and also just write FRobin in the post (I’m not sure how it works just yet). 
Everyone else feel free to check out what is happening on those social media platforms!
Sharing your links from Twitter on Tumblr (as a submission for example) and other social media sites is absolutely fine!
Don’t worry if you’re no native speaker. Write in the language you feel comfortable with!
(I don’t feel like it should have to be said but…) No bashing on other artists’ works or harassing others. Franky and Robin would never approve of bullying, and neither will we.
Please help to spread the word with spreading this post.
Have fun! <3
Feel free to ask, just leave a comment on this document, ask on Tumblr or on Twitter! 
Rules on Google
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theshinyrod · 1 year
Hey, LWA is 10 years old now.
Heyyy, now I know I have not posted in a while but I have gotten my date wrong by a few days.
April 1st marks the release of the Little Witch Academia OVA (on youtube).
LWA was actually first release in theater in March of 2013, it was part of the Young Animator Training Project, which is an annual project funded by the Japanese government agent for culture affairs to train and support new and young animators.
At the time Studio Trigger was still new and LWA was one of their first projects after Inferno Cop.
In April 1st 2013 Trigger uploaded it to Youtube with subtiles for the world to see.
Ah honestly, I still remember exactly who introduce me to LWA back when I was a wee lad, it was a MLP blog I STILL follow to this day lol. Everyone on tumblr (at least in the cartoon lovers/anime side) was like "OMG LOOK AT THAT ANIMATION HOLY SHIT. THIS SHOULD BE A SERIES"
When the 2nd OVA was announce because so many people was interested and enjoyed the first one, they started a kickstarter with a goal of $150,000, reached it in 6 HOURS, made a stretch goal and got $625,518 passing it.
-Kick starter still up chilling-
LWA OVA honestly still one the best animated things out there its *chefs kiss* so fluid, so expressive, so alive. Its forever gonna be one of my favorite animated pieces and an inspiration for me, I hold it very dear to my heart as silly as that may sound, I think when I was a kid and dealing with a rough art block it got me out of it a bit.
I sound old but I am not that old lol. Feel like it though honestly..
BUT I LOVED animation in general and I used to re watched it a lot lol. Maybe I am one of the few who thinks this but at least the OVA, it was like a perfect mixture of western animation and east you know?
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── 
Original Trailer:
I recommend everyone to watch the OVA. If you a fan and only watched the anime, bro...you are missing out. Watched the OVA?, bro...go watch it again :D You can still find it on Youtube around.
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azherwind-art · 2 years
About reposts
So today for the first time, I found someone had re uploaded one of my comics into their instagram account without asking for permission first, I got notified by a commenter who tagged me on the picture to let this person know I also had an instagram account since they had only given credit to my tumblr url. After I expressed my discomfort with the images being uploaded without my consent the user quickly erased the post, and did not block me. Now, I absolutely do not think there was any ill intent by this person, and that it was just in the spirit of sharing something they enjoyed, I also think they must not have known about my instagram since they were clearly intending to give credit to the original artist (and seem to do so with all the other re uploads on their account) so I’m convinced this was in good spirits. If that person is a follower of mine (which they may not be) I just want you to know I hold no grudges against you, however to you, and all others out there who may think on making a re-upload account with the works of others I feel I should express a few words on why you should always ask the artist for permission on it. Even if you’re not claiming ownership of the piece of work you are uploading, you must still understand it isn’t really yours to take, even if it is published on a public platform and specially if your intent is to share the work it is always best to ask the creator for permission to do so. Like in this case, had this person asked me for permission (and had I granted that permission) they could have known I have an instagram account myself and been able to use that to give me credit in the post, instead of just the tumblr url. Which would be much more effective since when you ask people to jump platforms they are much less likely to do so, for any user jumping platforms is far more work than just clicking on my tagged account and immediately be taken to it. Otherwise you may even be taking more views away from them rather than helping them (at least in this case the re-upload had considerable more likes and such than my original post that was also on the platform) What I mean is, if you want to respect the artist and help them grow and expand their viewership then always ask them, they will always know best how to better give exposure to themselves and will be able to provide information and links. Now, I understand why that process is slower, more annoying, maybe even nerve wrecking cus you may fear you will anger the artist, well let me assure you, if your intent is to not upset anyone, and they are indeed against you re-uploading their work they will always be more angry and upset to find out you’ve already done it without asking than what they would been by being asked about it. Maybe they won’t give you permission, but it is their work, and it’s best to respect that, you just have to accept it. In my case, I tend to be very open to people re purposing what I do, most often when I’ve been asked to use my work, for dubbed videos, avatar pics, meme pics and so on I’ve happily accepted and simply provided and requested some link and contacts on my plaforms to better help me increase my own viewership. Artists even when doing fan art, put a lot of work, time and effort into it, so please always think in how what you do with their work can affect them, many of us do use those pieces of media for our livelihood (and living of art is hard). So please, to anyone out there that wants to use my work, just ask me about it, I promise I won’t bite. To all those of you who have asked me, I’m always very thankful to you for taking the proper route to do this and very flattered to know you take interest and enjoyment of what I do.
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xoxoemynn · 2 years
Was tagged by @wistfulcynic to share my writing process, fun! Tagging @abigailpents, @red-sky-in-mourning, @montygreen, @gayhoediaz, aaaaand....I think I've already seen all my writer mutals active on Tumblr tagged in this BUT if you have not been, please consider yourself tagged.
Do you write in order? I do. I have to. I will happily tell other people that if they're stuck, they should skip the scene and come back later, but when I try to do it, I fail. My brain just won't let me proceed with the next until I know exactly what happens in the moments leading up to it, because WHAT IF SCENE A INFLUENCES SCENE B? I do wish I could jump around, but I can't.
How fully formed does your writing come out the first try? Pretty damn finished. I may go back in and add some flourishes, but overall, I'd say it's about 95% there.
How many drafts do you go through? Depends if it's a one shot or something like WTDB. One shots usually it's first draft, possibly pass it off to a beta reader, revised draft, and then I do another round of editing once I upload to AO3 because I swear I always find new things to fix once I see it in a totally new format, bringing us to a total of three. WTBD? Depending on the chapter, but usually looking at five or six.
Tell me about your process. I've realized I have two non-negotiables. The first is music. Sometimes I don't have music on because I feel like I need to Focus and it turns out I just don't write anything. I created a writing playlist for WTDB that basically just became my writing playlist, period, because my brain now associates it with writing. Other non-negotiable is an outline. I need one. Even if it's just bullet points. Every time I try to pants it I just end up spinning my wheels until I give in and jot at least a few notes down.
Again, I'd say one shots are different than a longer piece like WTDB. One shot I come up with an idea, write down the gist of the idea and maybe key lines/details I want to include because my memory is shit and I WILL forget. Then I just open up the ole Google doc and get going. I'm a simple lady.
WTDB was a totally different ballgame. I used Scrivener for that, and I can't imagine writing something of that length without it. I had a tab for each character, as well as pages for key settings, descriptions, references, etc. before I officially started writing. Especially with the intro character background stories, I was often shimmying sections around, and Scrivener made it really easy to do that. Then I'd write a chapter, immediately send it off to @margotandthefox for a pulse check off "does this make sense, does this work, does anything stand out to you as off?" Get it back, make edits. Once I had a nice chonk together, I'd send off to @monksofthescrew to beta that entire section of chapters. I'd then do some initial revisions, then another round when it's actually time for the chapter to go up, and a final one on AO3. (Although with ch. 5 I skipped AO3 because I had already been looking at it so much and it was weirdly liberating.)
Also I'd be remiss if I didn't mention I'd be lost without @margotandthefox, who frequently lets me just throw half-baked ideas at her, sometimes via rambling text, sometimes rambling audio message, and work through areas when I'm stuck. Highly, highly recommend you get a friend like that. 💕
Only other note I thought I'd share is I read my writing out loud as I edit, which was a trick I learned from my days as a writing tutor. And when I read along in my head, the voice narrating WTDB, especially the intro scenes, is the voice of God/the narrator from Good Omens. Now you know.
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koofishy · 1 year
A Cup-le of Idiots
AU where fwbs namseok arrive to a party only to see four stacks of cups in different colors... and not be able to decide which one to choose from.
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I originally posted this as a twitter thread but decided to upload it here too, mostly to test the waters bc I'm very new to tumblr lol
I wrote this on a whim and on my phone, so there are probably a few mistakes, but whatever! Enjoy
There are four stacks of cups on the table, each with a label stating what their colors represent. Pink means 'taken', purple is 'DTF', blue reads 'single AF' and green is 'it's complicated'.
Namjoon and Hoseok have been staring at them for like 10 minutes now. They had to stand aside because a whole frickin' line accumulated behind them, angry partygoers shouting at them to "just take one, oh my gosh, it's not that deep, get it over with!"
But it is that deep, actually, thank you very much. Their whole relationship depends on this tiny colored piece of plastic. This choice will determine the future of their arrangement, for better or for worse.
Hoseok glances at Namjoon nervously, who has a hand on his nape and beads of sweat trickling down his forehead. He looks back at Hoseok, uneasy grin splitting his lips awkwardly.
"So, uh. Which. Which one should we?"
Hoseok giggles anxiously, hands fisting the edge of his shirt.
"Uh, you can choose. I'm on the same page," he says. Like he did twenty times before.
Namjoon pales.
Hoseok takes pity on him.
"Okay, maybe this one-," he reaches for the blue cup.
Right at the same time as Namjoon reaches for the green.
They both pause, eyes wide and yank their hands back.
"Of course, blue is- it's good, yes," Namjoon nearly falls over himself in his hurry to take a blue cup off the stack.
"Nonono, it can be green, you're absolutely right!," Hoseok tries to push his hand away.
His pulse is running a mile a minute in his ears. It's similar to the first time he and Namjoon... did the do, but less euphoric and more... throwing up-ish.
Why didn't they discuss their relationship better before falling head first into it??
"You're right, green is perfect, we're stuggling right now too, we are complicated for sure," Hoseok tries to argue.
Namjoon shakes his head.
"Blue is good, it's not like we're in a relationship."
Hoseok's heart cracks a little, feeling heavy as lead, even though it was him who chose blue in the first place.
"But other people might come up to us, then. You said you weren't interested in anything serious," Hoseok says. He feels Namjoon freeze next to him, but ignores it in favor of picking up a purple cup. "Wouldn't this be better, then?
"I said I didn't want anything serious?," he hears Namjoon ask.
"Yeah. That's why we're, y'know. Like this," Hoseok gestures vaguely, still eyeing the purple plastic thing. "I don't really feel DTF though, maybe I should just take the blue one. But you can go with purple-"
"Hoseok," Namjoon grabs his arm, huge hand enveloping Hoseok's slim wrist, making a light blush rise to his cheeks. "Hoseok!"
"What," he turns to Namjoon and halts.
The man looks like a deer caught in headlights, pretty brown eyes wide in shock.
"What is it?," Hoseok asks again worriedly. He reaches out on instinct, putting a hand over Namjoon's. "Is something wrong?"
"Hoseok," Namjoon repeats, then shakes his head. "Are you- Did you say we're fwbs because of me? Because I didn't want anything serious?"
"Uh," Hoseok frowns. "Yeah? You don't remember?"
Namjoon takes a breath.
"I thought we were fwbs because you didn't want anything serious!"
Hoseok stares at him for a good second.
"No," he says, confused. He agreed to it because he wanted to be as close to Namjoon as possible and that seemed to be the only way.
"Hoba," Namjoon leans down a little to be face-to-face with Hoseok. Gosh, he's huge.
And so nervous. The anxious lines on his forehead are visible from miles away. He's biting his lip hard as he tries to find the right words.
Hoseok brushes his thumbs across Namjoon's knuckles gently.
"What is it, Joonie?"
He doesn't know why he's holding his breath.
Namjoon struggles for another second, then he closes his eyes, inhales. When he looks up again, he is much calmer. More determined.
Hoseok's heart is beating out of his ribcage. He holds Namjoon's gaze.
"Hoba," Namjoon starts, pronouncing the nickname oh-so gently. Hoseok's blush deepens. "I only agreed to be fwbs because I thought you wanted that."
Namjoon's plush lips curl into a small smile.
"I wanted to be your boyfriend. I just thought you weren't looking for that."
Hoseok's brain stops, short-circuits. Everything feels fuzzy around him.
"What?," his voice sounds weak.
Namjoon's hand slips from his wrist, only to intertwine his fingers with Hoseok's.
It's warm. Feels right.
"I still want to be your boyfriend, you know," Namjoon is gazing at Hoseok with eyes full of fondess. "I will say that out loud before we misinterpret each other again."
Hoseok blinks.
He feels like he's dreaming.
But Namjoon squeezes his hands affectionately, fingers fitting perfectly between Hoseok's, and looks at him with so much care he feels flowers blooming inside himself.
Hoseok reaches out without a second thought. He's done with overthinking this.
He fists a hand in Namjoon's shirt and yanks him forward, meeting him halfway in a kiss that's both familiar and so new. Namjoon pulls him closer instantly, one hand still holding Hoseok's, the other going around his waist.
They get lost in the feeling, in each other. It's sweet and leaves them breathless when they part.
"I like you so much," Hoseok whispers, leaning in for another peck that Namjoon deepens into another kiss.
Hoseok's heart shaped smile is wide and shining when they pull away.
"We are so fucking stupid," he states, making both of them laugh.
"We are," Namjoon agrees. Then, he turns to the stacks of cups Hoseok has completely forgotten about. "I presume we know what to pick now."
Hoseok snatches two pink cups, giggles bubbling from his chest, feeling lighter than a butterfly.
"If I see any other color in your hands, you're dead, Kim Namjoon," he warns, but dissolves into a laughing mess when Namjoon pulls him into a hug, peppering kisses all over Hoseok's face.
"I've been dreaming of this far too long, baby, you won't pry this pink cup out of my cold dead hands!"
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ajcrwl · 1 year
coding adventures part++
it's been a little over a month since the last one. i'm almost done with building some basic stuff including comments!
last time comments were completely non-existent. i had already picked a text editor which i wanted to use, but it was so hard to understand how to configure it, so i switched to tinmyce.
i added it to the page and started figuring out what i wanted to do with the design:
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i immediately somehow made the toolbar become a rainbow that changes colours, and decided to keep it that way 😂
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took me a while to figure out how to implement character count, submit button and notify button all within the editor's toolbar. but honestly, tinymce is so good, their docs describe pretty much everything i needed, so it was only a matter of learning what it can offer and figuring out how i could use it.
what you see above was just a bunch of lorem ipsum coded directly into the page. so the next step was to write the whole post -> save -> display pipeline and show some actual comments.
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why use lorem ipsum when you can adfadsfsdfsdadf ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
then i did the thing which i always wanted to add: my own emotes! btw, we use all of these plague doctors and others in my discord, and i keep drawing more and more of them.
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and then i tried to use them along with a better emoji font, and uhh
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oops xD yes, you can stretch an image, even an emote, but you can't unstretch it back and return it to its original proportions.
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figured out how to ban people, because honestly, no comment form should be released in the wild without the ability to restrict annoying users, you know? x)
and another thing which i figured out: how to make emotes big if there's no text next to them. same as in discord. took me about half an hour ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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now i'm fixing bugs and adding some small unseen things here and there.
the next step will be uploading all of this to the live website and testing there.
and after that.. whooo boooy, do i have so many more features planned. just some of them off the top of my head:
display names. that bit in lighter text before "@ yourname". i want to let people set a different name.
upload your own avatar.
badges. currently only a moderator has a badge. i want to add badges for people who support me on Boosty too.
non-email notifications. i get only 1000 free emails from mailgun, and we could quickly run out if everyone subscribes to reply notifications. however, i learnt to keep my expectations low, so this may never happen due to low engagement (sadge). some non-email options via bots could be: discord, telegram.
ability to keep track of your own comments.
profile pages to look at other people's profiles?
linking tumblr/discord/etc/whatever. still need to think how i could use that. maybe link your tumblr, so that people could see your blog? or for alt login options.
btw, none of this will be ever released as a stand-alone piece of software. it's heavily linked to my current cms framework, so i can't be arsed to separate it, and also i have no idea what i'm doing 😎
here's the first post
ps. managed to fix a few bugs while writing this post :)
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kmrstudios · 4 months
Hey guys, KR here again with a quick update on my KMR Studios Blog.
I’m sorry for the lack of new content outside of my gaming videos lately. Some things have happened in my personal life recently and I’ve been slowing trying to get back to doing more artwork & comics, but it hasn’t been easy. In fact, I’ve been working on a piece or two and thanks to a little bit of artists’ block, they’ve haven’t been turning out how I’d hope. So, please patient and I’ll hopefully get something posted soon. Again, I am sorry.
As for video content, I’ll start with an update regarding my “All-Gen Retrocade” gaming video series, which if you haven’t already, please be sure check them out. You can find my channel on Rumble in the link below. I’ve decided to give gaming videos a rest for the summer. Now the decision was made, mainly for personal reasons as I wanted to take a break and focus more on making artwork & comics, and because I’ve been making playthrough videos these past few months, it’s been taking time away from doing what I love to do. But don’t worry, I do plan to resume the series something later this year, maybe early September. I don’t know yet, I just need to focus on my other priorities right now. However, I do have the first batch of games chosen for the later half of the 2024 season. In fact, one of them was already planned to be released before the hiatus. But I’ve decided to push it back for the time being. There’s two more episodes left as of this writing, and they’re definitely some of the best one’s I’ve done. So definitely check them out once they’re released.
One more update regarding “All-Gen Retrocade”, I haven’t made a decision yet, but I may close my Odysee channel. This is due to so many issues I’ve had with the website, such as performing random tasks in order to upload a single video, which is quite frustrating. So if you’re wondering why any of my recent episodes haven’t been posted on Odysee yet, there’s your answer. But, I’m considering opening another video channel on either BitChute or Vimeo or order to reach a wider audience. I’ve been on Rumble for some time and I still haven’t gotten lots of viewers or subscribers for whatever reason. I don’t know why. I’ve been sharing my videos through social media and yet, I still get nothing. I will keep you posted throughout the coming months and be sure to follow the official “All-Gen Retrocade” page on Tumblr for future updates.
In regards to KMR Studios videos, I’m slowly getting back to making art videos and maybe doing another entry in my VLOG series, maybe showcasing some of my art books I’ve collected or showing off my studio area or whatever it may be. I have one “Watch KR Draw” episode planned and it involves a single comic book issue where you get to draw on the cover! And I can’t wait to do that one.
And I think that should do it for this update. Take care and until next time, this is KR of KMR Studios signing out.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://kmrstudios.tumblr.com
DEVIANTART: https://KMRStudios.deviantart.com
FLICKR: https://flickr.com/photos/kmr_studios/
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/kmrstudios88/
GAB: https://gab.com/KMRStudios
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KMR_Studios
MINDS: https://minds.com/KMR_Studios
MY KMR STUDIOS VIDEO CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/c/c-1720173
ALL-GEN RETROCADE GAMING CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/c/c-1720233
ALL-GEN RETROCADE OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://allgenretrocade.tumblr.com/
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thekleesh · 2 years
Hey what’s up Tumblr it’s been a little while
I haven’t made an actual post besides reblogging my girlfriend’s art on here in a good few years and I figured with seeing how Twitter is doing these days, now might be a good time to post a big-ass update.
My YouTube channel is doing well! I just posted this big huge sexy video about emulation and why you should do it and why it isn’t illegal (if you do it the right way). I’m super proud of it. Check it out!
In addition, I have uploaded a few other videos since my last post that I think (most of) are pretty cool, so if you enjoy this one I implore you to give the rest of my channel a shot.
Here’s one of my favorites.
Here’s another one for good measure.
Since my last post, I have also made a significant change to the way my streams are broadcasted. Up until last month, I used Twitch for all of my streaming endeavors. I did decently well for myself, met some great people, made some amazing friends, and even received a handful of payouts. I already made a big announcement video going into greater detail about this, but the short version is I am no longer on Twitch. I decided I didn’t like splitting my attention between Twitch and YouTube, so I have fully moved over to streaming on YouTube. It was a big change considering how long I’ve been on Twitch, but I am confident in my decision.
If you would like to see the farewell stream I did announcing all of this and going into greater detail as well as answering some questions, that’s right here.
I have been doing art still! I don’t do it particularly often, but I have a couple pieces I’m willing to share with you today. I’ll likely make separate posts for these later on, but I’ll stick them here in the meantime to make my post look longer than it actually is.
The first one is Marie from Splatoon! This is part of a collab I did with @skyeroxy where she sketched both Squid Sisters, and we each painted one. I am incredibly happy with how the collab turned out and I think I did a good job with Marie. I would hope so, because she’s my favorite.
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Earlier in the year I also took a crack at drawing Captain Amelia from Treasure Planet. I rewatched the movie on a whim one day and each time I do it only solidifies the fact that it’s my favorite animated Disney movie, it just doesn’t get old.
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Once again, these (and a few others) will get their own posts probably later in the week.
Just kidding there isn’t a fourth point. I would just like to reiterate that yes, I will likely be more active on here than I have been. Even if Twitter doesn’t fizzle out in the next few days I really enjoy the much more relaxed atmosphere that exists on this site, so I’ll probably spend less time on Twitter and more time here regardless of what happens.
I have two blogs, there’s this one and my side blog.
I will reserve this blog for serious announcements like videos and maybe stream alerts (which will be deleted after the corresponding streams have concluded). My side blog is for frequent reblogging of things I enjoy like video games, memes, cool art, you get the idea. Basically retweeting on cocaine. If Twitter really truly does go down in a pit of flames, I’ll use my main account (this one) to post random bullshit thoughts and opinions and jokes and whatever else I do on my Twitter currently.
Aaaand for good measure, some links:
YouTube (Main Channel) // (Live)
YouTube (Stream Archive)
TikTok (FUCK this website I just post clips from my streams on it)
Twitter (A bit redundant to put this here but hey, it’s here)
I am technically available on other sites, like my Twitch account is still around, but these are the ONLY ones where you’ll find me active in any capacity. I still use Twitch but only as a viewer these days.
I’m working on a new public Discord server as well, I’ll post the invite to that when I feel it is ready. It’s coming along.
Alright, that’s it. Thank you for reading.
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beacon-lamp · 3 years
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with hermitcraft season 7 slowly coming to an end, i figured it was time to consolidate all of the Informative Posts about hermitcraft that i and some of the other members of hermitblr have made over the last several months.
if you enjoy:
minecraft youtube content, but want to see more traditional vanilla minecraft gameplay like building and redstone
fun, lighthearted interactions between genuine friends including Elaborate pranks, collaborating on massive projects, light roleplay, proximity voice chat mod
weekly 20 - 40 minute long youtube videos and consistent upload schedules
chill grind stream weekends where CCs interact with chat and each other
an entire youtube channel dedicated to weekly 20-minute recap videos on what all the hermits have been up to so you don’t have to piece it together from the posts on your dash/timeline
insanely talented people who have been doing mcyt for nearly, if not more than, a decade and essentially built minecraft youtube from the ground up
give hermitcraft a try!  
you will find all of the information you will Ever Need below the cut.  it’s Very Long so view it on desktop.
and if you ever have any more questions, just shoot me an ask :)
what is hermitcraft?
the Basics: what, who, where, how
more details on the Basics
bonus: the historical impact many hermitcraft members have had on mcyt
where do i even start watching?
start with grian.
good mix of Incredible builds and fun server shenanigans.  instigator of many server-wide events.  interacts with many other hermits.  generally entertaining to watch.  but zero redstone knowledge.
check out hermitcraft recap.
great way to be introduced to other hermits and learn what everyone’s up to.  if you find what a hermit’s been working on interesting, go watch their video and maybe give them a like and subscribe.
official hermitcraft website with links to every member’s channel
more information on every hermit’s attributes and general vibes
do hermits every stream?
short answer: yes, most do!  but these streams are mostly chill grinding or buildling streams.  and you don’t have to watch the streams to be caught up on content.  check the official hermitcraft website for each member’s twitch links.
long answer that covers most of the hermits
what do they do on hermitcraft?
let’s start with some examples of their incredible builds.
hermit cribs: some of the megabases in s7
goodtimeswithscar’s s7 magical village with shaders
stressmonster’s bakery and ren’s star wars world
they have a shopping district where hermits can set up shops and sell items and resources that other hermits can buy with diamonds.  here’s season 7 shopping district set on a mooshroom island:
some of the most advanced redstone you’ve ever seen
if you’re more into the technical side of minecraft, you can be rest assured that hermitcraft has some of the Biggest Brains in redstone.
tangotek: a fucking madlad.  Singled-handedly created the minigame Decked Out.  im Begging you to watch his tutorial video on how to play.  currently finishing up his Among Us but in minecraft minigame. all of this was built Entirely in survival vanilla minecraft.  get this man to 1M subscribers.
mumbo jumbo: the man himself.  built a 128 x 128 block industrial district in both season 6 and 7 packed to the Brim with mechanical farms.  half the brain behind the masterpiece of engineering that was Sahara in season 6.  currently working on Pacific, the sequel to Sahara, in season 7.
iskall85: the other half of the brain behind Sahara and working on Pacific with mumbo in season 7.  also has an industrial district like mumbo’s in season 7.
xisuma: built an automatic potion brewer in the second half of season 7.  this thing churns out potions by the Shulker Box.  can also turn a shulker box full of potions into splash potions and extend duration all with a press of a button.
impulseSV: incredible example of form + function.  farms are scattered throughout his base.  he has a farm for nearly every farmable resource in vanilla minecraft.
etho: the pioneer of some of the most widely used redstone mechanisms to date.  content isn’t super redstone-focused.  mostly does compact modules that serve a specific function.
zedaph: makes strange contraptions.  he’s basically if grian knew how to redstone.  impeccable vibes and fairly underrated.
bdoubleo100: he occassionally does this segment called “redstone with bdubs” and it’s the only redstone i understand so that’s why he’s here.
what about roleplay?  and lore?  
yeah they have Plenty of that too.  
it generally comes in the form of self-contained storylines that involve most members on the server and take place over the course of several weeks in multiple videos.  it’s fairly light roleplay, if that’s not your thing.  but the plotlines also have a Massive Potential to be angsty and whatnot if you really look into it, which a lot of people also do.
here’s a more in-depth look into the Major Plotlines over the last 2 seasons (season 6 and 7).  huge spoiler warning though.
um also there’s this post that highlights how truly cursed hermitcraft can be if you dig deep enough hahaha.
so do the hermits only make hermitcraft content?
nope!!  many of them are involved in other mcyt content as well and are friends with other prominent members of the mcyt community!!  
mcc9 blue bats video essay: the time the hermit team won the whole damn competition.  a wonderfully made video worth Every second of your time.  especially if you don’t typically watch the hermit teams.
falsesymmetry: mcc10 ace and mcc’s First Back-to-Back Winner
lord grian dreamslayer: that time grian Popped Off, killing dream, tubbo, and fundy in mcc9 survival games
Vault Hunters
a modded minecraft server coded entirely by iskall85′s team.  all the content is streamed live on twitch.  
current members are: Iskall85, AntonioAsh, Stressmonster101, HBomb94, CaptainSparklez, Fundy, CaptainPuffy, 5UP and Tubbo
more info on the series 
3rd Life SMP
hardcore minecraft server with a twist that started on 4/20/21.  all content is posted to each member’s respective youtube channels.
every member has 3 lives, as indicated by the color of their name: green for 3 lives left, yellow for 2, red for 1.  if they lose all three lives, they can only spectate the world (like in hardcore mode).  the series ends when all members have lost all three lives.
the twist: once a member is on their 3rd and final life, as indicated by a red name, they are Hostile and their goal is to take the lives of the remaining players.
the members (hermits are italicized): BdoubleO100, bigbst4tz2, Etho, GoodTimesWithScar, Grian, impulseSV, InTheLittleWood, Renthedog, Skizzleman, Smajor1995, Smallishbeans, SolidarityGaming, Tango, ZombieCleo
the tumblr tag for 3rd Life is “#3rdLife”, “#3rdLifeSMP” and “#3LSMP” if you wanna see more content, as it’s Not supposed to be cross-tagged with “#hermitcraft”.
do you have any free serotonin to spare?
here’s a bunch of posts that’ll make you smile
scar’s friendship with a bunch of the hermits
grian, false, cleo, bdubs, iskall: why they deserve so much respect
same post as above but with an addition about ren
small hermit things that give you serotonin
why you should watch tfc
if you’ve made it this far you are Contractually Obligated* to watch one (1) hermitcraft episode and reblog this post.
*for legal reason, this is a joke.  you’re not contractually obligated but consider this: Please. i spent way too much time on this.
shoutout to everyone who’s posts i’ve linked and anyone who has helped answer a question about hermitcraft.  this all started because i was frustrated that people were writing the hermits off as cannon fodder in mcc and im genuinely so glad that many of you have given hermitcraft a shot.
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ayamari-no-goshi · 3 years
To Join the Whispers (13)
More artwork!!!
Jason by crazydemigod666 and alt. version of Jason’s ghost form by Tumbling-Darkling
Fandoms: Danny Phantom (DP) / DC universe
Summary:  THIS   IS A CROSSOVER. A contact for the Batfamily passed along a rumor that  the League of  Assassins were investigating a small city called Amity  Park.The old man and Tim managed to find evidence of unusual  paranormal  activity in the town. While they weren’t entirely certain it  wasn’t  just infested with metas, the locals believed the entities that   haunted, for lack of a  better word, the town were actual ghosts. If  there was one thing Ra’s al Ghul didn’t need to get his grubby hands on,  it was ghosts.That’s probably why Jason was doing this. He had the  unfortunate luck to experience both death and resurrection in a way he’d  never recommend to anyone else.
Warnings: rated T for violence, mentions of death, and questionable mental health
Parings: none
Notes: originally uploaded to AO3. Cross-posted to tumblr. Jason Todd-centric
It took quite a bit for Danny to finally coax Jason into agreeing to fly with him. He didn’t want to admit the concept scared him. He could pilot an aircraft with the best of them and maneuver the skyscrapers of Gotham like it was nothing. But flying without aid? No, that wasn’t something he was supposed to be able to do.
But Danny did make a good point that it would be good practice. He probably should get some in before returning to Gotham and dealing with whatever bullshit regimen Bruce decided to design for him to get everything under control.
First thing he had to do was switch to his ghost form which proved to be annoyingly harder than Danny made it out to be. The kid could do it without much effort, but he couldn’t really find the words to describe how it worked since he never really had to walk anyone through it before.
But, Jason had done it once already, so hypothetically, he should be able to do it again. Per the recordings, that happened when Plasmius grabbed hold of Danny. Just picturing it made his blood boil and the Pit stir. Or maybe it wasn’t exactly the Pit anymore. Doing the one thing he’d sworn to not purposely do, he focused on that feeling.
A bright light momentarily filled his vision. In alarm, he pushed his back against the wall of the staircase, but there didn’t seem to be any sign of danger. Unsure what to make of it, he checked himself over. He seemed okay, but why was he wearing his vest? That was still in the room, and why was it blue?
“You did it!” Jason looked over at Danny, who seemed to be trying to not to laugh. “I have no idea what you’ve gone through in Gotham to be that jumpy over a flash of light though.”
“You don’t want to know…” He murmured as he continued his examination. Overall, he didn’t feel too different with one major exception. Unlike in the hotel room where he could still easily feel his heartbeat, it was mostly masked by the humming sensation of his core. He didn’t particularly like it, but he guessed he was going to have to get used to it.
Running his hand over his face, he realized he was wearing his mask. It wasn’t there a moment ago. Confused, he removed it to find it was also the wrong color, but as he held it, it began to sublime causing him to drop it. “What the fuck?”
“It’s okay. That happens to this too if something rips a piece off,” Danny explained as pulled at his suit. “When you revert back, it seems to reset everything, and it’ll be back next time. I’m not exactly sure how it works.”
“Right… Is there anyway to change this?” He gestured to himself.
“I know there is because Plasmius wasn’t wearing that stupid getup when he got blasted in the face, but I haven’t really experimented with it.”
That was definitely something he’d have to investigate later. Just like the others, he was constantly updating his equipment and uniforms. It might end up being a fun project down the road to see what could and couldn’t be changed, especially the blue. He wasn’t sure how he felt wearing his brother’s color again.
“Anyways,” Danny gave a childish grin as he began to float, “let’s get you in the sky.”
Although Jason didn’t want to admit it, Danny was right. There was a freeing feeling he hadn’t experienced in a long time as the kid pulled him through the air by the arm. While it didn’t quiet all of the turmoil in his mind, it helped.
At first, their flight was entirely Danny’s doing, saying he just wanted to get him used to the feeling, but after a while, he could tell at least some of the lift, levitation… whatever the correct term was, came from him. The kid seemed to notice it too and gave him a knowing grin but didn’t let go. That was oddly reassuring.
Their flight was cut short when Danny received a phone call from his sister. It didn’t last long, but she sounded distressed. Once he was done, Danny sighed before asking, “What did you guys do? My parents now think Batman and the other heroes are ghosts.”
“Don’t look at me. They came to that conclusion when Nightwing came to help. According to them, gymnastics are inhuman, or at least that’s what they made it sound like.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Danny let go of him as threw his hands in the air. While secretly happy he wasn’t plummeting to his second, or would it technically the third, death, Jason didn’t want to risk moving and having that change.
“Next thing you know, they’re going to plan a ghost hunting trip to Gotham and get themselves hurt because they’ve convinced themselves that… Oh, I don’t know, Poison Ivy or the Joker, or someone else is a ghost, and that they can handle it.” Danny’s shoulders sagged as he muttered. “Looks like me and Jazz will have to sabotage their work for a while again.”
Ignoring the flare in his chest when Danny mentioned the Joker, he decided to focus on the last part of Danny’s rant. “What do you mean again?”
The kid stared at him a moment in confusion before panic set in. “Crap! I’m sorry I let go! I forgot…” He grabbed Jason’s wrist and began leading him back towards the hotel. “Erm… but my parents tend to jump from one project to another pretty quickly, but when they get focused on one particular idea, like catching me or that time they convinced themselves Lake Eerie, the one with three E’s, was haunted, they’ll do whatever they think is necessary to remove the threat… And you’ve already seen the chaos they can make with the RV, so imagine that but worse.”
“Worse? Your parents are already on par with a force of nature in that thing.”
“Don’t I know it. The weather report has even started including sightings of it, so people know to be careful.”
“Seriously, how haven’t they been arrested yet.”
“I think the local police are afraid to. They’re mostly harmless to people who aren’t ghosts or halfas.”
A comfortable silence fell between them as the hotel started coming into view. If he wasn’t mistaken, it looked like there were a few familiar forms on the roof. How long had their flight lasted anyways? It didn’t seem like it was that long. But he hadn’t taken any of the tracking equipment with him when he went on the roof, and even if he did, it’d probably have gone offline judging by the glitches from the previous night. And knowing how the living embodiment of paranoia was, not knowing where he was for any length of time would send him into a tizzy.
That gave him an idea.
In retrospect, Jason shouldn’t have been surprised at how easily Danny agreed to help him. He’d seen glimpses of his playful side when he was interacting with his sister, but he honestly didn’t expect the kid to be willing to risk getting on the Bat’s bad side.
Danny turned them both invisible and intangible and slipped into the hotel room. After checking to make sure no one was there, Danny said his ‘goodbyes’ and headed home, leaving Jason by himself. Phasing through the wall wasn’t as bad as the trip through the ground, but it still made his skin crawl.
Deciding to wait a bit to trip the silent alarm Bruce set to protect their equipment, he elected to get a shower first and wash off any residual gunk from Plasmius’ stupid experiment. It was pretty rare for him to be able to get one without the risk of interruption when he was on family missions.
Well, that was the plan anyways. He stared at himself in the bathroom mirror trying to look everywhere but his green eyes. The color unnerved him. But how the hell was he supposed to turn back to his human form? He should have asked Danny for a tip or something. Thankfully, the universe decided to give him a break, and that light from before flashed leaving him looking like his normal but exhausted self. Sighing in relief, he removed his uniform before taking one of the most satisfying showers in his life.
Pleasantly refreshed, he bagged his uniform since that was probably going to need to be decontaminated and sent a quick status update to Roy and Kori. While he still wasn’t sure what he should and shouldn’t tell them regarding his new status, he could at least mention he was exposed to Pit water again. Roy, at least, would know that meant he’d have to stay in Gotham for a bit for observation. Satisfied, he grabbed one of the books he brought with him for the plane flights, picked one of the chairs that would be visible from the door, and waited. It took five minutes longer than he expected for there to be a commotion at the door.
“I’m telling you he’s in there.” That sounded like Duke, who seemed exasperated. Guess the others didn’t believe him. “I saw him.”
“How could he be in there?” Tim argued. “We know no one came through the door or the windows.”
“Besides, he left his jacket on the roof.” Was it just him or did Dick sound worried?
“Did you imbeciles forget he could have just fallen through the roof?” Leave it to the demon brat to be able to insult everyone and still make the most sense. “Though considering Todd’s lack of control, he has probably found himself trapped in another piece of furniture.”
“Damian.” The old man sounded tired as someone unlocked the door.
As Bruce swung the door open, he stopped and stared once he caught sight of Jason lounging in the chair. The others, puzzled by that reaction, pushed around him to see what was wrong. With the exception of Duke, who donned a validated smirk, the others wore various degrees of surprise. All of them were in civies.
Jason couldn’t help himself as he closed his book and stood. “What’s wrong? It looks like you’ve seen a ghost.” At the chorus of groans he received, he just snickered.
“You’re a jerk, you know that?” Dick threw his jacket at him before stealing his chair.
“Tell me something I don’t know. Oof.” Cass surprised him by giving him a tight hug around the middle. He froze, not knowing what to do other than pray his body remained solid. After what happened earlier, why would she risk it?
“You are okay.” She looked up and gave him a soft smile. “See? Not scared.”
Damian tutted as he found a seat of his own. “Todd, I would advise you to provide some form of a warning for future vanishings to prevent unnecessary distress.” Wait, was that demon speak for saying he was worried? That couldn’t be right. Maybe it was because Dick was upset? The kid did like him best.
“I take it you were with Danny.”
Jason watched the old man take a seat on the couch as Cass let go and moved to sit next to him. He wasn’t as tense as when he first walked in the door, but there was a hint of suspicion in his gaze. Ah yes, there was the paranoia he was so familiar with. “Yep. We discussed a few things.”
When Bruce raised an eyebrow, Jason just crossed his arms. What was said on the roof was private and personal, and he was going to respect that.
“Whatever he said seems to have put you in better spirits.” Everyone groaned as Dick grinned at his own pun.
“Where is he anyways?” Although he’d also taken a seat, Duke glanced around the room. “I don’t think he’s here.”
“Headed home after dropping me off.” Deciding he didn’t want to sit again, Jason hesitantly leaned against the wall near Dick’s chair. Thankfully, this time he didn’t have any trouble with intangibility. It didn’t mean it wouldn’t happen again later though. “His sister called him. Apparently, their parents are seriously considering that all costumed heroes might be ghosts.”
“You know, I’m not sure if I’m insulted or flattered they thought I couldn’t be human because of the acrobatics.”
“I’d take it as a compliment,” Tim told their bother as he made himself comfortable on a different chair. “But there’s no telling what those two might make if left alone.”
“I agree. There’s also a risk of them drawing unwanted attention from any number of criminals, especially after our unintentionally involvement with them,” Bruce added. “A contract with either Wayne Tech or Chemicals or even Star Labs might work for now, but with how rapidly they seem to be able to create weaponry, we might have to put them in their own lab.” He glanced at Jason. “The fewer people who know or have access to their research, the better.”
“I think the bigger problem would be if Plasmius tried that crap on someone else. We know he’s fucked around with cloning experiments. Who’s to say he wouldn’t get desperate enough to try it on someone else?” Once he was certain he had these abilities under control, he was going to dismantle everything that asshole worked for.
Tim hummed for a moment while he considered the idea. “I think it’s unlikely, at least for now. He’s going to be too interested in you.”
“Just what I wanted.”
“But, while I think it’s unlikely because of how closely he’s guarded the secret of his powers, he might sell that knowledge to someone else who might want to create super soldiers.”
“An army of people with powers like Plasmius and Danny…” Duke shivered for a moment before giving a sideways glance towards Jason. “We could barely hold our own against Plasmius.”
“Speak for yourself, Thomas.”
“I’m not sure it could be easily replicated…” Jason tried to keep his expression neutral as he crossed his arms. This event was being filed under things that happened that he didn’t want to talk about. “Danny’s probably been exposed to ectoplasm or whatever since birth. We know Plasmius was working with it prior to his accident… and I was fucked up by the Pit.” He couldn’t hide the bitterness in his voice. Ra’s and Talia would have saved everyone, including himself, a lot of grief if they just left him dead.
“What?” he snapped at Dick, who gave him a concerned frown. “Call it a hunch, but if someone tried to repeat it on someone who wasn’t already somewhat contaminated by ectoplasm, the Pit, or whatever, when the experiment,” he growled the word, “happens, I doubt they’d survive. And I’ll personally dismantle anyone who thinks doing that to someone else is a good idea.” No one else needed to experience that type of pain.
“We’ll keep a watch for any evidence of that,” Bruce promised as his expression softened slightly. How shocking. They were actually on the same page for once. “However, I believe the more likely response will be Plasmius more willing to work with known criminals.”
They debated for a while which criminals might be most likely to reach out to Plasmius. Channels would have to be closely monitored and plans would have to be made regarding the response and what may or may not happen. The biggest concern by far was Luthor. They might have to introduce Danny to the Justice League so the others could learn what to expect from ghosts and how to response. And much to Bruce’s annoyance, he admitted Constantine might be their best bet on creating countermeasures.
They also had to watch how the police investigation progressed with Vlad. If things went well, he might get hit with some real charges. However, they knew it was unlikely to stick. The police didn’t know about his powers and wouldn’t be able to stop him from possessing the court. Dick joked maybe they could sic Lois Lane on him. If anyone would be able to bring that connection to light, it was her. Big blue wouldn’t appreciate it though, especially after the warning he got about Plasmius’ powers.
Then there was the Anti-Ecto Acts. Danny hadn’t been kidding when he said anyone involved with him risked being arrested. The specific way it was worded made it difficult for the kid, and by extension Jason, be classified as metas. Judging by Bruce’s expression, he was going to work on dismantling them as soon as possible.
As evening neared, there was talk about getting food. Dick, Tim, Duke, and even Damian, who didn’t trust the others to find something he’d eat, decided to go get takeout for them. Jason wanted to go too, but Bruce quickly put a stop to that. They couldn’t risk him having an incident in public after all. Noticing the tension between them, Cass decided she’d head out with the others. Traitor.
Pissed, he retreated to the bedroom so he wouldn’t risk the man seeing any other slip up. Didn’t need to prove to him he was a liability now. He might as well get some practice in before the plane flight home. He didn’t want to risk falling through the damn thing.
Practicing ended up just being a lot of frustration and cursing. He still didn’t have a good idea of how to trigger the powers, and he was dead set on not transforming. Maybe once he had time to process and accept it, but right now, it frightened him. But he did have a small comfort knowing Danny also struggled with acceptance at first too.
Inevitably, Bruce ended up watching him from the doorway. “Come to gloat over how uncontrolled I am?” he hissed as he sat down on the bed. “Or maybe you’re happy it’ll be easier to take me down if I decide to turn on you and the others.”
“What? You’re probably sorry you even asked me to come here. I bring unnecessary problems with me wherever I go, and I doubt the others want me around.”
“Jason!” Instead of the neutrality the man tended to wear around his family members, his brow furrowed as a muscle moved in his jaw. He let some of the tension out of his shoulders before he sat down on the bed next to him. “I… I know our relationship hasn’t been great since you came back.” Bruce ignored his snort. “There was a time last night when I thought I’d lose you again. I… we… weren’t sure if you were alive or not when we pulled you out of that thing. Then Plasmius grabbed you…”
An uneasy feeling filled his chest, making him rub the area above his core. Was that simply from Bruce being candid for once? “Is that why you were so angry at Danny?”
“He was the only one who could have prevented that, and he wasn’t there.”
“Don’t be too hard on the kid. While I didn’t exactly enjoy that experience, I got out unscathed.”
An uneasy silence fell between them until Bruce ruffled his hair before standing. “I’m currently debating on whether or not we should have a zeta tube between Amity and Gotham. Danny probably has questions about himself which we could help with without it being leaked to the wrong hands, and I know you’d feel more comfortable if we at least offer him the chance for proper training.” He actually smiled. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to adopt him, but he and his sister will be welcome at the manor if his situation at home changes.”
Jason nodded, uncertain how to reply. Danny did need support and training, and even though there was the chance he still might not accept it, the choice would be his to make. He also had a sinking suspicion Bruce wanted it this way so Danny would be available to help him adjust. It wasn’t a terrible idea, but he was rarely home for any length of time. He didn’t belong there. Not anymore anyways.
“Alfred misses you. Anyways, I think I hear the others.”
Jason hesitantly followed Bruce into the living room area of the suite just in time to watch Tim and Damian stumble through the door, fighting with each other. “Do I even want to know?”
“It’s just the usual,” Dick tiredly explained before he brightened up. “Look who we ran into!” He moved out of the way to show Danny, who hesitantly rubbed his neck. “Hope it’s okay we invited him.”
Bruce smirked at him for some reason before donning his more public persona and beckoned Danny in while Dick tried to separate their younger siblings. The key word was tried. Duke carefully moved around them while he and Cass put what smelled like Thai on the dining table.
“Should we do something about them?” the kid hesitantly asked as he watched the fight.
“Why? Means more food for us.”
“You better not touch my dinner, Todd.” Damian hissed as he turned his attention away from Tim and towards the table.
When Danny sent him a confused look, he just winked. Sometimes, it was just better to suggest Damian wouldn’t get something if he continued to be a brat instead of trying to directly stop him. If it worked, it wasn’t stupid.
Dinner was relatively fun. Since Danny had been so surprised again and again during the fight with Plasmius, they decided to share more stories with him. The kid listened in awe at some of their exploits, especially during the early years. Dick must have sensed how hard he could be on himself, so he was the one who started some of the stories about their mess-ups in the field, and the pranks they pulled on each other.
Some of the stories were new to him too. There was a lot he’d had missed over the years, and it just reminded him of how unsure he was regarding his place with the others.
“So, Jason, you never did explain how you broke your friend out of prison.”
He broke out of his thoughts to see Duke waiting for a response with a raised eyebrow. “Dressed as a priest, infiltrated the prison, and broke Arsenal out.” His fork slipped through his fingers as a momentary flicker of intangibility happened. He’d been hoping there wouldn’t be an issue during dinner. “Damn it.”
“Oh, no, you’re not getting away with not giving us details this time.” Dick poked him in the side a few times. “Spill.”
Sighing, more out of theatrics than actual annoyance, he launched into the story. Although Bruce frowned at him a few times, he didn’t openly admonish him for the more problematic parts of the story. The others laughed and groaned at various parts, especially when the breakout when south, and all bets were off.
“Um… So, I might have kind of caused a prison riot and breakout in the Ghost Zone once.”
Jason knew there was a reason he liked this kid.
After dinner, Danny was surprised to learn they’d be leaving in the morning. It almost seemed like he was hoping they’d stick around for a little longer, but Bruce hated leaving Gotham alone for too long. Too much could go wrong after all.
Catching the look Bruce gave him, he pulled Danny aside for a few moments and explained Bruce’s offer. When the kid didn’t immediately answer, Jason quickly made sure he knew that he didn’t have to agree if he didn’t want to. He just knew an offer like that would put him on edge with how Plasmius was. But Danny surprised him and agreed, saying it’d be nice get answers from a human who didn’t think he was some sort of evil obsessive entity.
Hesitantly, Jason also gave Danny the number to the phone that only his family, Roy, and Kori had access to. “Look, I might not always be able to answer immediately, but if you need me… I’ll do my best to respond.”
Danny’s response was to give him a hug. He really must have felt alone since the accident. Didn’t mean Jason had any idea what he was supposed to do so he awkwardly patted the kid’s head while glaring at his siblings who were silently teasing him for the display.
After Danny left, the night was surprisingly quiet for them. He did have a few more minor accidents involving his leg turning invisible for an hour which was unsettling to everyone, including him. But, he thankfully didn’t fall through a bed when he tried to get some shuteye so that was considered a win.
Unlike when they arrived, Vlad didn’t meet them though he did send a limo. Guess he wanted to demonstrate he was still outside of their reach, at least for now. It made his blood boil, but after Cass motioned to his eyes, he realized he couldn’t risk thinking about it for now. How in the world did Danny deal with all this shit?
He felt calmer when they were the plane and getting out of Amity. The feeling of the Pit, or more accurately the ambient ectoplasm, lessened, and his core seemed to settle. He hoped that meant there’d be fewer accidents.
About an hour into the flight, he got a text from Danny double checking it was the right number. Once it was confirmed, the kid surprised him by sending him two links. Turns out the two names Danny thought about calling him were the names of stars. For some reason, that gave him a warm feeling he wasn’t overly familiar with.
However, it had the unwanted effect of triggering him to change into his ghost form. “God fucking damnit,” he groaned. Now he had to figure out how to change back again. It was going to be a long flight home.
=== So, we are officially done this arc. Thank you all for coming on this weird ride with me. The only thing I knew I wanted going into this fic was an open ending so I can continue it later if the urge hit. Everything else has been a pleasant surprise. I do know I have some companion chapters to write from Tim's, Dick's, and Danny's POVs. Dunno about the others yet.
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svtskneecaps · 2 years
i have stumbled upon a realization that is both terrifying and wonderful, and that is, that people actually like the writing i post on tumblr dot com.
and that is in equal measures terrifying and gratifying because on the one hand, i posted my shit for people to like my shit. that's it. i said, "here is this thing that i wrote to help me, perhaps it will help you, too"
but the other thing is, considering i've been posting writing semi-consistently online for the past 10 years of my life (god, ten!!), i eventually landed on the guilt-ridden decision that, due to my inconsistency and flights of passion, i CANNOT post a fic that i haven't finished. and this resolve has been somewhat strengthened by my discoveries in the process of writing one of my current (non-kpop) wips, since that one has taken a strategy of "write the bones, fill in the tissue" that usually leads to me rewriting the bones once the tissue fills in. the story is strengthened and i am so happy with the product i'm fleshing out, but it also means i can't post it serially until full completion, because i am SO TIRED of putting "discontinued" or "rewriting" on a published work. it makes me feel bad, like the rewritten plotlines are now forever muddled in a readers' mind, and they'll never be able to distinguish what happened in the less-good first version and the slightly-better second (or third, or fourth, or), or that i am discontinuing on some dissatisfying in-gratifying cliffhanger, because the lake in my mind is a grimy, half-formed sidewalk puddle online.
but i have not been able to finish a piece of writing for this blog. in a very long time. which is not to say i haven't been TRYING, just that. i rarely have an idea that just screams to be for seventeen, and when i do, it never makes it to full completion. in fact off the top of my head i can remember a pretty good (to me) introduction to a DK oneshot along the size and tonal lines of "you mean the world to me", along with about nine parts of the magical retrograde amnesia jeonghan sm au i pitched LONG ago, just after the final part of "i just see you" was uploaded, not to mention a full paragraph-style "home;run" inspired road trip au (no reader insert) that i've shared with some friends who ALSO thought it was a good idea, if i could just WRITE THE DAMN THING outside of the first two thrice damned sequences (i have THE ENTIRE PLOT fleshed out to the first of two potential climaxes, and yet no words have come)
SO I WANT TO ASK YOU, so i want to SCREAM INTO THE VOID, because there is a terrifying unquantifiable number of eyes in the followers tab of this blog and though i don't know how many of those accounts are still viable and how many are empty graves, i will yell these words into the dark and pray for an answer,
this blog has been dead for so long, too long, filled with personal posts and birds and bullshit, and maybe, perhaps, there is a chance that ANYONE showing renewed interest in my shit could finally fucking put the grind into my gears. because friends, it is entirely conceited perhaps to say that the semi-steady drizzle of likes drenching my notifications has turned numbing, that the last REAL COMMENT on any fic of mine came twenty one days ago and that the void feels endless, that despite the number of eyes in the shadows of this void, it feels empty, but unfortunately for us i am awake to the empty, because suddenly i was reminded that, for some fucking reason, people have enjoyed my shit. and i have been so terrified of giving something incomplete or imperfect that i have been giving nothing at all.
so i ask you, my loves, the mouthless eyes who wander here, SHOULD I POST MY DRAFTS, FOR YOU, WITH THE UNDERSTANDING I MAY NEVER FINISH THEM? and understand, friends, that this offer is for you as much as for me. because i miss validation and i crave it near constantly but i have taken my enjoyment from these works. they have lived in my drafts for years and could gather dust there longer, but IF YOU WANT TO SEE THEM, IF YOU SWEAR TO ALERT ME TO THIS INCOMPREHENSIBLE FACT THAT THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO ENJOY MY BULLSHIT, i could format and post what little shit i've got.
who knows. a single comment convinced me to finish walls could talk back in 2019. maybe lightning will strike twice.
as a bonus for reading this beast of a post, here is a screenshot of the aforementioned "retrograde amnesia curse" jeonghan fic, which i also sent to a few friends.
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thank you for reading. and also, thank you for tolerating me, inconsistent though i may be. it's really hard for me to quantify who's here and what they're thinking, which is terrifying in and of itself, but every time the curtain pulls back it seems to be a pleasant surprise from the other side (i mean, who knew there were people who purposefully read through a tag created specifically so those posts did not have to be read?)
technically speaking, there's no milestone fast approaching (i give it another year, at the pace we're walking). just, it was sort of shown to me tonight that there are people out there who, when asked, would list one of my works close to their top ten, off the top of their head. and that is crazy and humbling and gratifying and terrifying all at the same time.
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megumitski · 3 years
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hello these are the bnha fics i’ve read so far and i just made this to track them for myself. favorites are marked with a 💥! more bakudeku plus tododeku and other ships under the cut.
💥 Bluebird - EtherealBeing (53k)
Dialing a wrong number was no unusual occurrence. Everyone did it once in a while, and Katsuki was well aware of that fact.
However, possessing this knowledge made it no less aggravating for him to discover — a full two minutes into his rant about his day — that he’d been venting his frustrations to a complete stranger. As if that wasn't enough, said stranger was also inexplicably determined to hear his story to its end.
Let’s Be Alone Together - lalazee (3k)
Prompt: Deku being aggressively forward in his pursuit of Bakugou, and how that big oaf would react to someone else actually making the first move.
“Are you going to spend your entire life wishing you’d kissed me or are you gonna grow some balls and fucking do it?”
Bell Pepper - ticklishivories (7k)
Midoriya knew they wouldn’t talk about it. He was right. But he never thought it’d happen again.
spilling over every side - failbender (6k)
No good deed goes unpunished, not when there's a crazy lady with a complex and Lust Quirk parading around the city. By now, Katsuki should probably be used to things blowing up in his face.
be loved - bonnia (5k)
They sit there, in the darkness of the common room, about a few centimeters between them, but miles apart. Somehow, the quiet is companionable. More than it has been in many years. Katsuki knows he’s responsible for the rift between them, and he knows even more that it can’t only be Deku who attempts to mend it.
“Hey,” he says, after a while, and Deku turns to him in question, but Katsuki refuses to look his way. “Touch me again.”
(or: the kidnapping incident leaves bakugou traumatised about being touched on the back of his neck, and midoriya decides to take matters into his own hands)
Leftovers - brichibi (6k)
“Did you two make up?”
That. That’s why that fight felt like it was worth it, even if, technically, Izuku can’t answer her. Have they made up? Is this making up?
He actually doesn’t know.
[Or: the house arrest fic where it is, somehow, more awkward to talk through feelings than it is to fight]
lust-drunk - theboykingofhell (8k)
The one where Bakugou tries not to lose his mind to lust, and Midoriya is the useless gay who does nothing to help that matter at all.
💥 Quiet Rapture - lalazee (261k) - inc.
That A/B/O fic where cocky Alpha Bakugou falls in mate-love at first scent, while Midoriya is just a poor bookstore-owning Omega who got his nose punched in is a kid and can't smell a damn thing. Also known as: That time an Alpha had to use his actual personality to woo his mate instead of relying on his scent.
💥 A Demolition Boy & his Cryptid BF - kewltie (8k)
Bakugou of the Demolition Squad is famous for running one of the most popular Youtube channels on the web that regularly blow shit up and jumped off a perfectly good building for shit and giggles. He's also famous for his Cryptid BF™, never appearing on camera except for a few bodyshots and all information on him is kept locked up tighter than Fort Knox, therefore drawing all sort of attention and curiosity toward his mysterious boyfriend.
Deku from Deku Explains is a hopeless chatterbox who is known for uploading 20-30 minutes video that talked about his favorite shows and comics and have one of the most devoted following on Youtube. He also can't seem to shut up about his boyfriend Kacchan, who regularly make his presence on the channel as a disembodied voice.
They should theoretically have nothing in common except a shared platform to host their content and an army of fans with an endless curiosity and devotion to their Youtubers. Vidcon is where we lay our scene and the internet is about to get a rude wake up call.
What The Fuck Did You Just Call Me? - reading_raindrop (8k)
“A-ah B-Bakugou! You dropped some pencils!”
Katsuki stiffened. Kirishima and Kaminari froze. Basically, everyone within earshot stopped what they were doing to look at Izuku like he sprouted a second head. What did he just call him? “What the fuck did you just say to me?”
Katsuki whipped his head towards Izuku with his signature death glare as he stood up from where he picked up the fallen supplies.
“U-um I said you dropped some pencils! I think this eraser might be yours to-”
“No. What the fuck did you just call me?”
Izuku starts calling him Bakugou and it pisses the explosive teen off a lot more than he thought it would
💥 take care - Chrome (2k)
There are words to say stay safe, I’ll miss you, I love you, but Kacchan has always preferred to leave things unspoken. Izuku isn’t much with languages, but he thinks he’s figured out this one.
“Emotional constipation manifested as over-the-top housewifery?” Mina asks. Before Izuku can say that is not what he meant at all, she nods. “Yeah, I can see it.”
Just Look At Me - Colourcubify (52k) - dnf
Midoriya is completely happy with his life. Nope, not one single regret in his twenty-seven years. He especially doesn't regret running into his old childhood friend/bully after almost ten years, nor does he regret spilling coffee all over his very expensive looking suit. How nice it will be to die with no regrets. ~~~~ AKA the sugar daddy AU I meant to be a one shot, that turned into a full fledged story.
A Nest for the Best - Camellia_Sinensis (1k)
Deku’s been nesting and asking everyone in 1-A for pieces of clothing for his horde. Everyone, that is, except Katsuki. Cue the jealousy.
unforgiving - i_write_emotion (19k)
Deku is hit with a quirk that takes away his ability to forgive, and Bakugou’s world comes crashing down. Quirkless!Deku. Pro-hero!Bakugou.
@ Deku WRONG CHAT - katyastark (16k) - inc.
Deku: or! like! It doesn’t even have to be his abs! It could be anywhere else! I’m not picky!
Pinky: excuse me what
ChargeDolt: OMG
Uravity: @Deku WRONG CHAT
I love you. I’m completely and utterly in love with you. Please don’t get married. - InkspillsNotebook (6k)
Ta-Da!!!! I hope you all enjoy the finished product!!! I'm sorry (not sorry) I broke a lot of you when I first posted this to tumblr!!
Procrastination - capncapk (5k)
But it is still surprising to see his more-than-friend-but-also-lover-he-guesses in his office seeking attention though Izuku already turned him down.
Usually he'll get a text of 'wyd?' followed by a time and place if Izuku responds with a confirmation, and silence if he's busy.
Or slammed into the wall in the agency's shower for a quickie if no one was around, which despite his anxiety, he often acquiesces to.
While You Were Sleeping - Belkacaramelka (71k)
The one where quirkless fanboy Midoriya Izuku rescues Pro Hero Todoroki Shouto, gets mistaken as his fiancé while he is in a coma, and gets caught up in the most unlikely fake engagement... until his childhood enemy and Todoroki's classmate Bakugou Katsuki tries to catch him out, and they both end up discovering a lot more about each other than they'd expected.
Quirkless AU based on the film; endgame BakuDeku. -- Katsuki didn’t know when the change had happened: how he had gone from asking why Todoroki chose Deku of all people, to wondering why it was Todoroki that Deku chose. Troublesome Deku, who cooed like an idiot at cats, tripped at a random catcall and sang badly. Who, despite everything, proved that it wasn’t the quirk that defined a person. Deku, who was too much, not his, and undeniably off limits to begin with.
briar roses (and hundred years of sleep) - vannral (16k)
In complete honesty, no one who knows the Class 3-A should be surprised anymore. Izuku is asleep.
In which Izuku is hit by a ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Quirk, Class 3-A tries to find his True Love and get them to kiss him, and Katsuki’s very angry about it all.
Yes, They’re All Safe - teaandtumblr (5k)
Villains have entered UA grounds and are disposed of just as quickly, but that doesn't mean a headcount of the students doesn't need to be done. Toshinori would admit, he wasn't quite prepared for what he found in Bakugou Katsuki's room.
💥 all choked up - spicyrabbit (5k)
Bakugou Katsuki had a habit of turning away from the heard. At 16, he does this by coming to terms with wanting, desperately, to see his childhood friend cry.
💥 May I take your order, dipshit? - supercrunch (6k)
So, like, maybe Bakugou wasn’t really the best choice for this whole pizza delivery shindig.
(Midoriya in love, Bakugou in denial, and way, way too much cheese.
A BakuDeku romance in thirty minutes or less. )
blooms every hour - dynamighttiddy (7k)
“It’s you, okay?!” Deku screams. “It’s you. And I know you’ll never love me back, so -” Deku wipes his eyes and straightens. “So just leave it.”
Deku has hanahaki, and Katsuki doesn't know how to save him.
all choked up - dynamighttiddy (7k)
“Deku, what the fuck are you doing?!”
Izuku asks Kacchan to help him train blackwhip. Things don't exactly go according to plan.
A Fight To The Death - iknewaman (10k)
Izuku isn’t competitive by nature, but when the blond, cocky asshole from the other table’s team gets involved he suddenly becomes hellbent on winning.
Rival Pub Quiz AU
💥 Like the Moon - osakakitty (15k)
Katsuki Bakugo is having constant, erotic dreams about Izuku Midoriya. He isn’t sure why, but they won’t go away. In order to make them stop, he needs to figure out what Izuku Midoriya means to him.
Canon-verse story in which Bakugo is confused about his feelings for Midoriya, and doesn’t know what he wants. Besides a good night’s sleep.
💥 We Wear Chains on the Weekend - surveycorpsjean (35k)
Well, in a day of revelations, it turns out that Izuku isn't as vanilla as Katsuki previously thought. Unfortunately, that fascinating discovery is overshadowed by Izuku's dumbassery, because he has zero concept of aftercare.
"Don't go to anyone else," Katsuki says, because screw it. He can do a better job anyways.
Or; Katsuki finds Izuku on a bad drop.
take me out to dinner first - dynamighttiddy (3k)
“Kacchan,” Deku chides. “What’s going on?”
Katsuki takes a deep breath.
He trusts Deku with his life. He can trust him with this, too.
“Have sex with me.”
Katsuki Bakugou is one of the only virgins left in class 3-A - and with graduation just around the corner, he's desperate to change that.
💥 that ultra kind of love - dynamighttiddy (11k)
“So, uh,” Kirishima starts. “Was that your first kiss?” he whispers, almost sheepish. Katsuki’s stomach drops, and he freezes. Memories of green eyes and freckles and soft lips flash behind his eyelids. “Yeah,” he lies easily. “That was my first kiss.”
In which Bakugou pretends Kirishima is his first kiss, amongst other things.
to the moon and back - kewltie (1k)
"He gets stupid when he's drunk," Katsuki seethes in his seat as he watches Izuku croon love notes into Uraraka's throat. He’d never met a worst lightweight then Deku, who become some kind of demented affectionate monster.
💥 Bridges - supercrunch (18k)
Yaomomo sighs. “We’ve got a little bit of a situation, Bakugou. Ashi—uhm, somebody might have accidentally signed you up for that modelling gig.”
Katsuki holds up a hand. "So what you’re telling me here," he says, "is that you told Calvin Klein I would model for them. In my underwear.”
Ashido sinks behind a desk to hide. “Yes.”
(The thing is, they really do need the money. And Katsuki's technically the leader of this bunch of morons, so he finds himself taking the job even though his pride will never recover. And even though nobody thought to tell him that he'd be working with his ex-boyfriend. You know, the cute freckled guy from high school who went and broke his heart.
So, yeah. This whole situation kind of sucks.)
Crescendo - supercrunch - inc. (4k)
(Izuku's band is on their way to the top of the charts. But the real star, he thinks, is the drummer.)
Guilty Kiss - osakakitty (1k)
He could feel Midoriya's eyes on him. Even though he knew it was wrong, Bakugo still wet his lips in anticipation.
(Canon-verse) A short story about making out in a closet. It's messy, but so is their relationship.
💥 Surfaces - surveycorpsjean (25k)
Katsuki has a new girlfriend, but something isn't right.
As impossible as it is, Izuku can't help but wonder what it'd be like to be called Katsuki's girl.
Classical conditioning - supercrunch (8k)
(or: how to trick a boy into going out with you.)
Alright. Maybe his idiot friends had a point, Katsuki thinks as he shoulders open the front door. His mother’s in the living room drinking coffee. Katsuki kicks off his shoes and stomps over. “Am I charming?” he demands, blocking the TV.
Mitsuki pats his cheek. “Oh, hon. Not at all.”
💥 Dance Bunny - EllaBesmirched (17k)
Katsuki Bakugou spends most week nights by himself, sitting in a corner at his local strip club and passing time until he feels tired enough to sleep. Work leaves him stressed and the new city he moved to a year ago is just different enough that he can't sleep at night and can't seem to get comfortable no matter where he is.
When he finally changes up his schedule and decides to head to the club on a Saturday night, he is instantly infatuated with a part-time dancer who can do things with his body that Katsuki didn't even know were possible. The dancer calls himself Bunny. By the second lap dance, Katsuki realizes he is in trouble.
but the entrails are the best part! - supercrunch (15k)
The boy straightens up. He’s about half a head shorter than Katsuki, face soft and youthful and sweet. He turns to look at him properly. His dark hair shines in the dying light, basket of blooms looped over one arm and mouth quirked into a tiny half-smile. The sun hits his face and makes his eyes a bright greeny-gold, just like emeralds.
Katsuki likes emeralds.
“Pretty,” he says, reaching out and picking the stranger up around the middle. He’s surprisingly heavy, although Katsuki doesn’t mind. “I like you. Come see my nest.”
The boy hits him.
He’s stronger than he looks, turns out. Katsuki drops him and falls onto his back, pain blooming across his face. Birds sing. The sky’s a lovely shade of orange, clouds floating lazily by. The boy scarpers. He leaves his basket of flowers behind, footsteps thumping on the ground and fading away as he escapes.
The sun sets. Katsuki, lying flat on his back with a bloody nose, decides he’s just fallen in love.
(You Know You’re Really) Cute - ladyhoneydarlinglove (2k)
Kirishima poses the question, who’s the cutest boy in Class 1-A? The answers kind of surprise everyone, especially Midoriya.
Everything Except - Pouler (28k)
"In retrospect, Midoriya probably should’ve realized the moment they were enveloped in a glittering pink cloud that something was about to go Very Wrong."
After an encounter with a unique villain threatens to change the nature of their partnership, Midoriya must find a way to get things back to normal between him and Todoroki. That is, if he's certain that getting 'back to normal' is what he really wants...
count your blessings, not your flaws - PitViperOfDoom (7k)
Midoriya Izuku has never been asked out, confessed to, or flirted with, except as a joke.
Riddles in the Heart - PitViperOfDoom (19k)
The law is clear: whoever correctly answers three riddles will marry the prince, while all who fail are to be executed. The people live in fear as more challengers try and fail, and the throne grows bloodier with every passing year. But a young prince, nameless and in exile from his home, believes there may be more to this brutal challenge than meets the eye.
Of course, there's only one way to find out: ring the gong, and take the trial.
Late bloomer - Nohaljiachi (10k)
That’s why when they’ve found themselves face to face on the ring of the sport festival once more, for the third time ever since they’ve met each other, and Izuku smiled at him, eager and challenging, self-confident but never full of himself, Shouto blinked, dazed and shocked, in realizing just how blindingly beautiful his best friend was. The way Izuku’s white shirt clung on his muscles, the little peek of his collar bone and the hard lines of his pecs visible under it, the way his thighs curved and filled the school gym uniform.
‘Oh, fuck—‘ Shouto thought, his head spinning, feeling like he just got run over by a freight train. ‘Shit. He’s- hot?’
Burn and Breathe - PitViperOfDoom (11k)
Soulmates are connected through pain, and some bonds have more to share than others. Todoroki Shouto wishes he could reject his soulmate. Midoriya wants nothing more than to protect his own.
one string, fit for a bow - furihatachlookie (5k)
There was no magical moment that played a part in Midoriya's realization that he liked Todoroki. The thin red string that greeted him every time he looked down at his hand was an obvious factor, yes, but it wasn't love at first sight either.
It sorta just... happened over time.
fire and feelings - kagshina (8k)
“Uh…” he starts, eyes widening. “Your finger’s on fire.”
Todoroki’s face scrunches together, confused, and then he looks down, noticing the flame. Midoriya watches as shock flashes across Todoroki’s face, and then horror, and then finally settles on embarrassment as he puts out the flame.
“Shit,” Todoroki mumbles, and Midoriya’s lip curves upward.
💥 Fire in the Mountains - EllaBesmirched (168k)
“I’ll do it.”
Enji froze, fingers curling into a fist at his side, and didn’t turn around.
Shouto froze too, feeling his own eyes widen in shock at the words that had come out of his mouth, at the fact that he had actually stood up, followed his father out of the room, and dashed after him all just to say… he’d do it? He would do it? Him. Shouto Todoroki. He would--
Enji finally turned around and fixed Shouto with an expression so scathing, Shouto had to fight to keep his chin raised. “You’ll marry the Barbarian King.”
Shouto blinked. “Yes.”
The Ballad of Love and Hate - EllaBesmirched (6k)
After eight painfully long years, Katsuki finally has Izuku back. He's determined to keep him this time, and to do that, he knows there are some things he has to say.
(mis)matched - ethydium (12k)
Midoriya doesn't hate the idea of finding one's soulmate, even though he had long since given up on finding his own. And then Bakugou and Todoroki match, and while he's happy for them, his heart breaks from all the unsaid things he feels for them.
Midoriya pines and suffers his way to his own happy ending.
pillowed by love - ethydium (21k)
As a prank, Uraraka gets Midoriya a body pillow (dakimakura) with the image of Bakugou printed on it. Then another one with Todoroki's picture. Chaos ensues.
For who could learn to love a beast? - supercrunch (4k) - bakutodo
Bakugou takes a deep breath and steps out into the living room, eyes automatically adjusting to the change in light. There’s a boy hanging up his coat in the hall. He’s handsome, albeit in an annoying way, hair dyed two colours to match his heterochromia and skin pale and perfect and smooth. He looks expensive. “Bakugou.”
“That’s me,” Bakugou says. “You’re younger than I expected.”
“I’m older than I look.”
(Deku was right, damn him. Pretty boys are Bakugou's type.)
Want it All - surveycorpsjean (29k) - kiribakutododeku
“Hey, so..." Eijirou grins. "Can we ask you guys a question?"
Frankendick and the Great Acid Fiasco - EllaBesmirched (11k) - shiggyxdabi
Dabi had been intending to spend a very nice Saturday getting stoned and plotting murder, thank you very much, but when a trio of UA brats on enough L to kill a Beatle accidentally dose him and two other unsuspecting homicidal maniacs, Dabi has to change his plans a bit. Apparently no else around here knows how to trip balls and fucking enjoy it.
The Twitter - EllaBesmirched (8k) - tododenki
Shouto never really intended for anyone to find his secret Twitter account. He certainly didn't intend for Kaminari to see Shouto's thirst tweets about him. Luckily, Kaminari doesn't seem to mind.
pray you catch me - supercrunch (4k)
Katsuki pushes her shirt up to kiss her stomach. It’s silly, how it makes her heart flutter, how Izuku’s whispered I love you threatens to make her cry all over again. They’re unwrapping her from her clothes. They won’t let her hide, she thinks numbly. Won’t let her curl in on herself like she’s something dirty, Katsuki’s hands tugging off her underwear so she’s naked and exposed between them. “I,” she says breathlessly. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be crying. I’m just being dumb.”
Izuku shushes her. Another tear trickles down her cheek and into her ear. He kisses it away, humming, brushing her bangs off her forehead so he can press his mouth between her brows. “You have every right to be upset. We’ll deal with him later. For now just let us take care of you.”
“She’ll get the message once you stop talking and fuck her,” Katsuki says, slipping his fingers into her. She clenches around him and shudders. “Gonna eat you out ‘til you forget how to move. Now put that fucking motor mouth to good use, Deku.”
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barnesbabee · 4 years
Man Spreading || K.H
Summary: Hongjoog’s pictures made you a little shifty, and maybe drooling over them when he was still in the building wasn’t the smartest move.
Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x Reader
Words: lots and lots but I promise they’re all good
Genre: Smut
⚠ cockwarming, hair pulling, spanking ⚠
A/N: I make my own gifs now that’s right. Also, I joined two requests bc they coincidentially fit really well. Enojy 💖
P.S: I’m so sorry if you’ve already read this, but Tumblr messed up the tags and I had to re-upload it, I hope you understand it!
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 “Hongjoong you’ll be the death of me…” You whispered to yourself as you scrolled through your phone.
  You couldn’t stop swiping left and right repeatedly between the photos on your screen. Hongjoong looked as beautiful as always in his newest Twitter update, but it certainly wasn’t his face that kept you glued to the images. Those legs, spread wide open as he sat in a high chair… The innocent pose left you hot and bothered for some reason. Maybe it was the way his thighs looked, maybe it was the way he exposed his crotch for everyone to see, or maybe it was the thought of you sitting on top of him as he spread himself like that for you.
  You pressed your thighs tighter together and trapped your lower lip between your teeth. In retrospect, perhaps zooming in and out of those pictures repeatedly, with a flushed face, while sitting on the lounge of the company you worked along with Hongjoong wasn’t the greatest idea…
   You felt someone place their chin on your shoulder and hum teasingly.
   “What are you doing Y/N?”
   You jumped in your seat and your phone fell on the floor, as your hands suddenly became too slippery to hold it. You didn’t want to turn your head and face Hongjoong, you were sure he had seen you eye-fucking his pictures and you were entirely too embarrassed about the situation.
   Hongjoong chuckled, and moved around the couch to pick up the phone that had fallen from your hands. He looked at the screen and hummed, pleased to know that the cause for your reddened cheeks had been his body.
   “Y/N, do I turn you on?” He asked.
   You didn’t reply, neither did you look at him. Your gaze remained focused on the floor, and suddenly the rug’s patterns became the most interesting in the world. Hongjoong was persistent, however, he enjoyed seeing the effect something small like his poses had on you. The male gripped your jaw and forced you to look at him. His eyes were hooded, and he hand a hint of excitement in them, as if toying with you amused him.
   You still didn’t reply, but when Hongjoong looked down and saw how tightly you pressed your thighs against each other, he smirked. His fingers grazed along the skin of your bare thighs, squeezing one of them slightly with a hiss.
    He then completely pulled away and extended his hand out for you to take.
   “Come on baby, let’s go someplace where you can sit on them instead of just staring.” Hongjoong told you, hinting at his thighs.
   You hesitantly took his hand, and he walked with you to his studio. You watched as he sat down on his chair, staring at you with a look that you had ever only seen when he was on stage.
   “Now baby,” He began, as he pulled you on top of him “I need to work. But what do you say about helping me out?”
   Hongjoong kissed the back of your neck and hummed against your neck.
  “What should I do?” You asked, fully knowing what he meant, yet you wanted to hear him say it.
   Hongjoong pushed you to sit on his knees, whilst he undid his pants and pulled them down just enough so he could pull out his cock.
   “I want you to sit on it, okay baby? Can you do that for me? Can you take my cock in you while I work?” He questioned, slowly stripping you from your shorts and panties.
  You nodded eagerly as you watched your lower pieces of clothing pool on the floor of his workplace. Hongjoong caressed your bare waist with his thumbs.
   “I wanna hear it, baby girl.” He whispered in your ear.
   “Yes, yes I can Hongjoong.”
  Your words came out almost as a moan.
   Upon receiving the green card, Hongjoong lifted you up, wrapping one arm around you, and with his free hand he placed his tip at your entrance. The male admired the sight for a second, before pushing you down on his cock.
  Hongjoong desperately wanted to throw his head back in pleasure, but he didn’t want to miss the way you sunk on his member, the way his shaft disappeaed inside of your quickly. He hummed and wiggled his hips, moving inside you slightly. You moaned at the contact and bit your lip. Hongjoong bit your neck as he ran his hand along the inside of your shirt, feeling your bare stomach. He pressed his hand on the lower part of your stomach and moaned as he felt the bump on it.
   Hongjoong took your hand in his and placed it on top of the curve on the bottom of your tummy, applying some pressure on it.
  “Can you feel it? Hm? Can you feel my cock in your tummy?” Hongjoong asked you teasingly, knowing fully well you could feel it.
   “Fuck…” You cursed under your breath “I-I can feel it.”
   “Hmm, now be a good girl and take me while I work, okay baby?” He questioned, as he moved a bang away from your face and kissed your cheek.
   You bit your lower lip and nodded as a response.
   Hongjoong let out a pleased hum, and you didn’t know if you’d last long. The man would often whisper in your ear sweet praises, telling you how good you felt, or how you were behaving well. He’d kiss your neck and move inside you from time to time, ripping a moan out of you whenever he did so, and you were so, so close to asking him to just fuck you.
  You were so focused on the way he filled you to the brim that you didn’t even notice when he closed his laptop in front of you. You only snapped out of your trance when Hongjoong tapped your waist harshly.
   “So cute, are you enjoying my cock?” He asked when he realized your state.
  You glanced over your shoulder to look at him. You nodded slightly and he chuckled as he brought his lips up to place a soft kiss on yours.
  You were a little disappointed when Hongjoong pulled out off of his cock, even going as far as letting out a displeased moan at the lack of warmth and contact.
  “I’ll take you home, okay baby?” He asked you with a wink.
  At first, you were displeased at the fact that he was letting you go, but his cheeky little wink told you that he had plans for you once you two reached your place. You smirked and returned the horny wink.
  You weakly and carefully pulled your shorts back on. You were still a little sensitive, and your legs were as wobbly as jelly, it felt like you could fall at any second.
  Hongjoong leaned against the wall and watched your pretty figure struggle to get dressed. The way you bent down to pick up your clothes from the floor, putting your ass and naked pussy in display for him almost made him force you against the wall and push his cock back inside you, but he told himself he could wait until you invited him inside your apartment.
  “Let’s go?” You asked sweetly after you were fully covered.
  Hongjoong nodded and opened the door of his studio, so you could exit first. As you passed by him, he slapped your ass, causing the unbelievable pool of cum between your legs to expand. Once you were out on their practice room, that had much better lighting than the small studio, Hongjoong could see the circular, dark stain between your legs, and all of the self-control he tried to build up evaporated into thin air.
   The male grabbed you by the hair and pushed you against the mirror of the currently empty practice room. Your cheek was pressed against the cold surface, as were your hands, and your eyes widened in shock at the sudden reaction. No one could’ve guessed this sweet, shy boy was capable of doing such things.
   “I can’t hold back anymore, I’ll fuck you against this mirror until everyone in the building knows how good I’m doing you.”
   Your eyes shut tightly as he whispered the sentence through gritted teeth.
   “Please… Please make me cum Hongjoong.”
   Your pained little beg made Hongjoong harshly tug down your shorts and panties just enough so your ass was showing, followed by his own pants and underwear.
   The man spread your legs wider for him and you perked up your ass. You hissed at the way he toyed with you, separating your folds and running the tip of his cock along them.
   “Fuck Hongjoong stop teasing!” You whisper-yelled at him, already getting desperate for him to enter you.
   He immediately gripped your waist and pushed inside of you.
  Even if the man tried, he couldn’t control himself, he wanted to hear the dirty sounds your bodies made as he slammed into you, and the way you’d moan his name when he finally filled you up with his cum.
  When Hongjoong bottomed inside of you, he waited for a second, taking in and loving the way you clenched around his hard member. He gripped your waist, so he’d have some stability as he rammed into you.
  He had no mercy for you, and the way he handled you, as if he owned you as if you were his toy for him to fuck into, sent shivers down your spine and an overwhelming wave of pleasure hit you every time he violently pushed into you.
  Your breath fogged the mirror, and you couldn’t keep yourself from moaning and begging Hongjoong to go faster, to which he obliged.
  His pace quickened and his fingertips dug deeper into your skin. You could feel his fingernails piercing your flesh slightly and you winced at the pleasurable pain.
  “You take me so, so well Y/N, you’re such a good girl.” Hongjoong told you, grabbing your ass as he whispered the sweet praises.
  Your eyes fluttered close.
  “Fuck you feel so good Hongjoong…” You whimpered.
  You desperately wanted to cling onto something, but you couldn’t, so you just balled up your wrists against the glass.
   Noticing this, Hongjoong grabbed both of your wrists and held them together, behind your back, restraining you from moving them.
   He removed his other hand from your waist, and you felt a stinging pain in your ass, then another, then another. Hongjoong couldn’t get enough of the way your ass jiggled every time he spanked you, or every time he pounded into you.
   “Fuck Y/N you look so f-fucking good taking my cock like this…”
   You felt the way his thrusts became sloppier and uneven, and you knew he was about to cum, but so were you.
   “C-cum in me Hongjoong.”
   His cock twitched at your filthy words, and they were like a command. After hearing you say that in a breathy, moany voice, he buried his cock deep in you and spurts of warm cum hit your walls, throwing you over the edge as well.
  It felt overwhelming, being filled up by his cum, and your orgasm hit you like a train. Your legs were shaky, and Hongjoong had to wrap an arm around your waist to prevent you from falling as you cried his name.
  He rested his forehead on your shoulder and pulled his softening dick out of you. The room was filled with heavy breaths and a small wince from when he pulled out of you.
  You could feel his cum start to drip from your aching hole, and when Hongjoong noticed it he immediately pulled up your clothes. He tapped your pussy from behind and kissed your shoulder.
   “You’ll have a lot to clean up when you get home.”
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