#which to be fair if i was questioned about my adventure and asked where i was during it or something and four different answers all
fourswords · 5 months
i think after the manga link tends to zone out a lot in a way that he never did before the manga but it's just because his mind is trying to reconcile having four different memories and sensations of the same events (or different events happening at the same time depending on where the four links were at the time). and the EMOTIONAL aspect of it all too....sometimes the four of them all felt different things at the same time (i.e. when blue struck their father with the four sword) and jamming all four unique emotional responses back into one brain after a little while of them happening separately HAS to be jarring at the very least. so i think when he starts thinking about it his brain gets too caught up trying to wrangle everything together into something more cohesive to really pay attention to the rest of the world.
and i say this all because i think that in those moments when he temporarily checks out of existence, shadow will just start Doing random shit to him to see if he'll notice. like stack things on his head or draw on his face. he starts keeping paints on him for this specific purpose. but i also think as they grow closer and become better friends another part of him sticking around while this happens is because of his newfound guilt at being partly responsible for link zoning out now (since he was the one who forced link to draw the sword by kidnapping zelda) so he's also hovering just in case one of the criminals link loves fighting decides to try and get back at him or something (link WILL snap back to attention if jostled hard enough/enough shit starts happening around him). he does vehemently deny all accusations of actually caring though. he's standing there like How could i possibly be """looking out""" for him. I'm drawing a fucking deku nut on his face
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jinxthequeergirl · 29 days
The Ol switcharoo (pt3)
Stan pines x reader/ ford pines x reader
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Summary: 30 years pass and you meet stanfords family.
Warning: NONE
Sorry for another short chapter. Consider this a filler episode. Chapter four should be better.
30 years is a long time.
You can do a lot in that time.
You can live a lot of different lives in 30 years.
You started cutting your hair in that time, Stanford taught you to box, You'd gone on many different adventures. Most of which you often questioned the legality of, but they still made you laugh.
Now you mainly tended to the Mystery shack no more adventures, you wondered as you sat on the couch next to Stanford when you'd gotten so old. And when your life had changed so much.
You had almost forgotten all about anything before your family vacation. you and Stanford had grown into a pretty comfortable life together. You wouldn't lie you'd come to love the life you've grown into with him.
But you've also missed the adventures you used to go on, finding monsters , exploring the unknown.
But you were only met with gluing eyeballs to pieces of plastic halloween decorations and making up stories to make out of towns folk get a good laugh in.
You had tried to find Stanfords journals just to "relive the glory days" but with no luck.
You were never sure what happened to them, if he had accidentally tossed them out, if he had lost them himself or if that was part of what happened while you where away. Either way you stopped looking. You never asked about them either.
Stanford seemed to really enjoy his life with you too, you never got the idea he wanted to turn back or like he was waiting for some big adventure.
"This may sound corny but you and the mystery shack are my big adventure...I wouldn't trade you or the old shack for anything y/n. Not. For. ANYTHING."
So you stopped worrying yourself with the journals or the old research, let alone the real monsters that lurked in the woods.
You hunkered down, sold stories and bumper stickers in your matching suits and watched night time television before falling asleep on top of eachother every night.
This was the routine you'd fallen into. You found it odd if you had to sleep without Stanfords shoulder as your pillow or his jolt of laughter before he realized you fell asleep. It was odd for both of you to not debate who got giftshop duity over tour duties. (You always got gift shop.)
It was odd when a pair of twins arrived on your front lawn.
"You never talk about your family." You said following Stanford down the stairs to meet them. "Sure I do." He said clearly a little nervous.
"Mmm no...I didn't know you had a sister! Let alone great neices and nephews!..excuse us, Soos." You say almost chasing him through the gift shop almost knocking soos over.
He paused as both of you looked out the little door window at them. "Listen...I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my family... to be fair... we aren't really close..but somethings came up and-" You could see his stress building up as he tried to piece together something that made you understand how important it was to make a good impression on those kids.
You placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm here with you... you can explain it all later, but right now, I'm right by your side, like always." He smiled and placed a hand on top of yours.
Before heading outside to me, you are in tow.
"I DIDN'T KNOW I HAD A GREAT AUNT! A GRANT!? A GRRR...GRAUNT!?" The girl in the pair shouted excitedly after stan had introduced you to them.
"That's cause you don't. We aren't married y/ns a friend."
You laughed at the girl who energetically and enthusiastically introduced herself as Mable. The introduction was followed by several need to know now questions, all of which would later be scribbled onto a paper for you to fill out and return to her.
☆what's your favorite color
☆ do you like my grunkle stan?
☆if you were a magical creature, what would you be? Why? WHAT WOULD I BE? why?
☆do you LOOOOVEEE grunkle stan?
☆opinion on stickers?
"Alright, you two leys get you up to your room for the summer." Stan said, pulling Mable away from you and grabbing her bags.
You grabbed the second set of bags and followed stan and the two kids.
"Dipper, right?" You asked the boy who fell in line with you "oh yea! Yep that's me!" He laughed nervously.
"Very cool name,I like your hat by the way." You prayed you didn't seem like you were trying too hard to get them to like you.
"So you and grunkle stan run this place?" Dipper asked, looking at all your hot glue collages as Stanford decided to give them the grand tour before their room.
"Yup." You nodded.
"What's the point? Isn't this all fake? I mean... I can see the string on the invisible man's glasses." He said pointing out the attraction as you passed.
"Oh c'mon Dipper, how could you not love the jackalope!? Is he a deer? Is he a rabbit? I can't tell!" Mable said, carrying the creature in her arms like a teddy bear.
"I just don't get it? Why lie to people when I'm sure there has to be something real out there!"
You smiled at him. He sounded like you when you were a kid...he sounded more like Stanford before the shack. "You like the supernatural?" You asked.
"Oh yea, dippers a huge nerd he loves all that junk!" Mable said punching her brother in the shoulder.
"Oh, here we go! Don't get this one started on mystery and supernatural boogie men!" Stanford said, stopping to join your conversation.
"Y/n used to be big on hunting and looking for stuff like this." He said, wrapping his arm around you. "Used too...I haven't in over 30 years...it got too complicated." You opted to give them a simple answer as to why you stopped.
"Really!? That's so cool!" Dipper exclaimed. "If you ever need someone to go on adventures with, you can trust me."
Over the upcoming weeks, it was slightly rocky with the kids getting settled in, but eventually, they started warming up to the shack as well as yourself and Stanford.
You were quite pleased to have their company, actually. You felt something change in your everyday lives when they entered the shack.
"Depending on who you ask." You said continuing your story as you placed plates in front of the kids. "Your grunkle and I are married." The kids gasped. "Only through some silly machine in Vegas it wasn't real there was this one time -"
Stan chuckled to himself as you told the story of your fake marriage in Vegas as he watched the three of you laugh in the kitchen.
He smiled. Watching you frantically move your arms to further dramatice the story, a certain shine he'd noticed had been missing from your eyes for a few years now. You had it when he'd met you.
The same day, he knew things would be different for him. They HAD been different. You accepted him for everything he was. You went along with his crazy shenanigans. You gave up a whole life for him.
He remembered the birthday parties you had thrown for him. Even if you were the only person to be there for him.
He knew after a few years of you doing so that you would always be the only one there. He had the strangest feeling the night of his 35 birthday when he realized this.
He lied awake in bed, staring at the ceiling when it occurred to him what the feeling was.
"Oh no."
He quietly snuck away from you and the kids, still hearing your laughter erupt through the house behind him. He made his way into the darkened gift shop and punched a code into the vending machine, and went down to the basement he swore to you he'd destroyed.
30 years, and all he had offered you was lies. After all you'd done for him after all the care you'd shown him after all you had sacrificed. He just wanted you to have a normal life. A good life.
Not something he had fabricated.
He spent most of his time thinking about the large machine that still sat in his basement, the other half worrying about you. If he was giving a good life if he was soing as good a job being in your life as you had done for him.
He worried about what might happen when, IF he was able to pull of bringing his brother back.
How would you react to being lied to for 30 years. Maybe you did really feel the same way he had felt about you for years and you would forgive him.
In order for that to work, he'd have to actually admit his feelings to you.
He wanted to, he also wanted do a lot more for you in the 30 years you'd been together but always failed before he could make a move or do anything really. He pushed aside a notepad filled with ideas of kind gestures he could do for you (most of which were crossed out) and replaced the space with the journal Ford had left him.
He would get it right.
All of it.
Then again.
He could always ask Mable.
While you laughed with two kids at a dinner table and Stanley beat himself up about lying and tried to rebuild his life.
The real Stanford pines sat out there amongst the stars with nothing but a creased photo of the two of you and wondered why it was taking you so long to find him.
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You Owe Me
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Characters: Buggy x Reader
Warnings: slight language (but mostly chaos)
Summary: Your solo-adventure somehow ends up with needing to team up with Buggy...
Luffy had decided for everyone to take a few days of free time after months of relentless travel towards the Grand Line. They had docked the Going Merry at a quiet town port and set off on their own adventures.
You took a small boat and sailed out to enjoy the open water in the hopes to find some treasure along the way.
As it happened, you reached a bandit camp one-day out that had been pillaging neighbouring abandoned islands. Banking the floating vessel amongst some tall rocks, you snuck up behind their campsite and waited for them to fall asleep.
When nightfall approached, you were ready to sneak in and steal their plunder so you took a step forward and-
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” A voiced whispered so close to your ear that you registered it as a threat and immediately punched the person in the face.
“Ow-! What was that for?” Buggy growled as low as possible to remain hidden.
One of the bandits heard the light commotion and jolted awake after realising that he was supposed to be on duty. You grabbed Buggy and sank lower into the ground, waiting a few short minutes until the bandit had passed overhead.
Letting out a tense sigh, you glared furiously at the blue-haired pirate. “You made me lose my window. I should go make you juggle for them as a distraction.”
“First of all, ‘lose’? I just saved your ass from blowing your cover.” He argued quietly. “And secondly, my juggling skills are impeccable.”
You rolled your eyes and returned focus on the camp. “What are you even doing here?”
“Being a pirate. I’ve had my eye on these idiots for weeks.” He replied and joined in.
It was unlike him to be alone without his troupe. “Where’s the travelling circus of cronies? Finally grew themselves a brain and left you?”
Buggy glanced at you. “I could ask you the same thing.”
Equally matched, you dropped the question not wanting to reveal where the Straw Hats were stationed.
“There’s a satchel by the campfire likely filled with gold.” You said, changing the topic altogether which made the clown smirk.
Raising a finger, Buggy poked your cheek and pushed it to the far right so you were looking at the barrels of ale.
“There’s another bag behind that wall of booze and it has better riches.”
Swatting his finger away, you considered the second option. Buggy wasn’t exactly known to be truthful in fact almost every time you had teamed up with him, he had found a way to double-cross you.
The clown stared at you as you fell quiet and rolled his eyes.
“Oh, now you don’t trust me?” He asked loudly and as if it was your fault.
“Have you met yourself?!” You bit back with a voice equally raised to match.
“Hey! You there! Show yourself!” One of the bandits suddenly cried out and alerted the rest of the camp to the intrusion.
And just like that, your quick plan to steal gold was turned into a complicated mess. While you didn’t trust Buggy with a great many things, you couldn’t deny that he was skilled at combat… you just had to ensure that he didn’t kill anyone on your watch. Bandits weren’t entirely ‘innocent’ but there was worse out there.
With a fair degree of ease, you and Buggy managed to knockout the camp and retrieve both bags of loot. Buggy greedily took them from your hands and began rummaging through the riches.
Typical. You had expected this kind of behaviour from him but you also didn’t care about the treasure. You hadn’t had a thrilling solo adventure in such a long time.
Looking down, you realised that you had accidentally kicked one of the bandits outstretched hand which had loosened his hold over a red jewel. Picking it up, you inspected the authenticity.
Rubies were rare in these parts and the smallest one would get you at least two million berry.
“Well, it’s been nice catching up but I have places to be.” Buggy told you, reaching out for the treasure in your hands.
“Whoa!” You pulled the ruby back quickly. “I don’t think so. You owe me.”
“Owe you?! For what? Abandoning me when I was beaten by that stretchy kid? Punching me less than an hour ago? Or maybe when you said that Shanks was right in calling me selfish?” Buggy listed angrily with his fingers.
By the East Blue was he entitled!
You raised your hands and began counting all the reasons in return.
“I helped you get your body back at Arlong Park, I didn’t tell Shanks that you stole the real Chop-Chop fruit and the treasure map, I did your make-up that day the Marines took your hands, I saved you from drowning…”
“You’re the one who threw me overboard in the first place!”
You scoffed at the detail. “And then I saved you. You’re welcome.”
Buggy groaned and leaned back. “Oh! This is going nowhere. I’m not giving you anything and you’re not taking that.”
Shaking your head, your crossed your arms and turned away from him. “Shanks would have let me.” You snarked.
Buggy’s nerve had been struck with that single comment and he stomped even harder. “Fine! You can take my damned ruby! Gah! Grr!” He conceded and then marched off to his boat.
Clutching the gem in your hand, you tossed it in the air and smiled.
Worked like a charm.
Masterlist here (for more One Piece)
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The scene with Shadow falling to earth was funny at first and it all happened so fast i was still trying to wrap my head around it. Ppl talk about that scene a lot which theyre so right for, but i need to talk about the scenes after because oh my god they broke me!?!??!
Sonic, coming back onto the ark, completely silent. Everyone asking if Shadow made it back and he just slowly shakes his head without a word.
The scene where Sonic gives Rouge Shadow's inhibitior ring hold so much more weight to me after actually playing the game: In the short time they knew each other, Shadow saved Rouge's life. Twice. This is the only possession she has to remember him by. Knuckles asks her what shes going to do now and she actually stops to reflect and remarks how shes thinking of changing jobs, something else on her mind now(What exactly shes referring to in this moment isnt stated but theres a fair few connections to draw there). After almost getting killed during a heist and never getting a chance to thank the guy who saved her from it, that's a pretty good and strangely mature call to make from a writing standpoint. This whole scene has a similar feeling like that, like the jokes and the extravagance thats typical of the cutscenes have really been toned down with intention.
This one genuinely shocked me, and im really surprised i havent come across anything about it yet because the scene between Eggman and Tails was actually super deep?? There are a lot of different Sonic medias as far as I im aware that have touched on the paralells between Eggman and Tails: their small similarities and how well they work together when they have to, but the scene here really stuck out to me. Eggman is talking about how much he admired his grandfather as a child, how much his work inspired him to learn and create and strive to be great like him, drifting off to question whether or not he really wanted to see them all fall. Tail's response is very chipper and optimistic, but i really like the idea of Eggman having almost this turning point here, having to face something so saddening as watching someone you love curse the world and everyone on it(including you). After arguably some of the most dangerous and threatening feats have been accomplished by Eggman in this game as the story's primary antagonist, is this moment a nod to him maybe stopping to think about what he's done? Im amazed by how much meaning can be taken from these few seconds of dialogue!!
Finally, the last two moments. Amy, despite having had her own short heart to heart with Shadow before the final battle and ultimately being the one to spurr Shadow on to fight alongside Sonic and the others, doesn't seem as upset by Shadows death as Sonic is. This is genuinely, in my limited knowledge of Sonic media, one of the only instances i have seen Sonic be thoroughly shaken up by something and brushed it off when someone asks him whats wrong. In most cases, he's just relatively unfazed from an emotional standpoint like that, so theres nothing to brush off in the first place. But here, the ever-yapping blue blur remains silent for a while, just staring at Earth in a similar paralell to how Shadow used to. It isn't until Amy comes by that he looks away. Its the really subtle details here that get me: Sonic doesn't look or respond to her right away. There's a prominent pause of silence before he turns to her and says its nothing, switching the topic immediately to rush her along. Sonic, typically impatient and eager to move to the next adventure, slows down and is the last to leave the deck, delivers the farewell line to end the game. Again, the contrast in how slowly and soft he speaks here in comparison to literally anything else he says in the game is insane. The pause between "Shadow" and "the Hedgehog" is still very funny to me and im not lost on how the delivery does end up being chopped up quite goofy like that, but if that isnt an absolutely insane way to end off the game with such a somber, emotional moment...
Sonadow or no sonadow, take it as you will, its undeniable how impactful this adventure in particular is to Sonic. How much Shadow meant to him by the end of the game. How much his sacrifice meant. I really see his discussion with Rouge as both a way to comfort her, and to comfort himself. To say out loud how heroic and brave he'd seen Shadow to be, regardless of the intention that came from his creation. Sonic is big on freedom and giving people the opportunity to live how they want to, and Shadow's sacrifice in that regard means even more to him. He had just come to understand what he had truly promised Maria he'd do, joined Sonic whole-heartedly to help save the planet, and never got to experience anything beyond that. Given Eggmans continuous antangonistic streak at that point (I'm not fully aware of the other villain's Sonic had faced up until that point), it's rare that Sonic actually gets to see someone who opposed him change for the better!! And not only was Shadow one of the first to do so, but he was a speedy teen hedgehog!!! Just like Sonic himself!!! Its like Shadow said, there was so much more to them that they never got to find out about each other!! The fact that Shadow gave up all of that possibility, all of his own personal freedom to help Sonic save the planet and the freedom of all the people on it? That hits. HARD.
Im not familiar with the full canon of how Sonic actually managed to get one of Shadow's inhibitior rings to give to Rouge, as he's actually not shown in any scene taking them off during the final battle(i actually dont even think their mechanics are properly explained which is more confusing but yk), but getting into more headcanony, sonadow adjacent space for a second? I like to think Shadow actually took two of his rings off/had two break off before he fell. Sonic gave one to Rouge, and secretly kept the other for himself. He obviously didn't want his friends to ask him more questions about how he was feeling, so he hid it in his quills before he greeted them back on the ark. Shadow ended up meaning a lot to Sonic, and it's really interesting to think about what was running through Sonic's mind when all was said and done.
Uhhh anyways good game very very infuriating at times but very good game i have a true taste for the appeal of Sonic games now and i want to play them all. If you actually made it this far, thank you for reading my silly sonk rant! If you have any information you know of to patch the spaces where I'm lacking or just want to discuss your own thoughts on the ending feel free!! Have a good day or night wherever you are :]
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tanoraqui · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: Kabru & Mithrun's Life-Changing Road Trip
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safhkjkhf no but also fake!Kabru is entirely flat because Mithrun doesn't have depth perception...
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Between this and the information that the team has a 1:2 ratio of guards to criminals, with the guards often appointed by their families as a melodramatic show of loyalty to the realm - which is...possibly literally true, considering the prestige of badassery; but, considering the criminals and the danger, also very possibly a polite euphemism for what amounts to a public sacrifice... I kind of ferally want to know about the dynamics of the Canaries. Are they loyal to each other, or to the cause? Are they all just under the threat of execution? Kabru expected the captain of the squad to be an aristocratic guard, them being more trustworthy than a semi-pardoned criminal ofc, but instead he's...whatever exactly Mithrun's legal status is; I've avoided some details of his backstory.
...I might have to go back and try to actually mentally distinguish these people from each other.
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Laios Heaven is actually Kabru Hell, and vice versa. It's a very efficient system!
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*giggles* Kabru is having a weird, upside-down day.
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"Don't wish often" is such a threatening thing to say, honestly. Don't want. Don't try. Don't be alive, or this place will try to kill you and eat you, for it, too, wishes to live, and that is how the continuation of life works.
It's so so interesting how elves clearly have ANSWERS, answers that our party have been searching for, which would've made their whole adventure easier, and the elves just aren't telling people. To maintain their own power over other races? Probably. Because knowing about demons who'll offer you unlimited power would be a dangerous temptation to many? In fairness, probably that, too. But it sure as hell serves them first.
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Oh yeah, this definitely reads as aristocratic youths joining the Canaries isn't per se voluntary on their families' parts. It's the elvish Suicide Squad.
The timeline isn't making sense. When Mithrun banished the giant mushroom, it was clearly implied that it went to where and when Team Touden were when we'd last seen them, just after their first incident with the changeling mushrooms and then the dwarvish cable car. However, now the pop-up side panels are saying that Kabru and Mithrun's week in the dungeon together is happening at the same time as Team Touden goes through their shapeshifter adventure, barometz, Golden Country, griffins... Which makes sense if one assumes the Canaries & co went into the dungeon right after Kabru first spoke to them, which does seem right in terms of those characters' plotline and personal timetables. But there was no indication, when it cut over to them, that we'd suddenly gone backwards a week in the comic's timeline; indeed, the giant walking changeling mushroom incident suggested it was a single continuity...
Is this just a continuity error? Did I miss some clarifying signifier?
Kabru: [tells Mithrun his own backstory back at him]
Mithrun: You left out the soap operatic relationships rooted in royal intrigue, which in turn was rooted in millennia of other royal intrigue.
Kabru: Yes, but I need it to be understandable to a man who's mostly just going to ask me how the goat-demon tast– I mean, uh... Your story structure was bad, so I simplified it.
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Oh shit, that's the thing Marcille is studying! She doesn't know it summons demons!
...My instinct is, "if only someone told her instead of completely outlawing the knowledge, forcing her to stumble blindly into the consequences on her own!" But, uh... I'm not sure this would actually stop her. She's very determined, and also has her share of wizard hubris. This is, of course, a driving question of the story.
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It wasn't easier to kill them? It wasn't easier to simply stop drawing magic from the infinite-power dimension?
...ok obviously not the latter, because, y'know. Fossil fuels. But seriously it wasn't easier to just kill them?
It's sooo intersting how everyone else views Laios's love of monsters as a dangerous moral failing, when it's really just...ecologist enthusiasm. The man thinks this class of being is Neat. He is harming literally 0 people about this. He isn't even forcing anyone to eat them, just inviting them really enthusiastically and/or pointing out that this is necessary in order to achieve their shared goal of saving Falin.
Yes, obviously this could be subverted into something terrible by an encouraging demon. Just like, obviously, a desire to protect and preserve people can be! Or a desire to live happily with your loved ones! Laios isn't worse than any other Lord of a Dungeon; y'all just hate monsters!
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Kabru that is SO gay, jfc. I object on principle to the phrase "no heterosexual explanation", but--
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M! V! P! M! V! P!
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Friendship? Teamwork? Mutual respect and shared understanding of goals? Mithrun is a very useful ally because he really does Only want to stop the demon; he doesn't care about the geopolitics of it. Though his perspective is still very elvish and he definitely will kill our beloved protagonists without hesitation if they seem like they're going to be a problem.
I would read an entire novel about the formation of the halffoot union, honest to god. I bet it was very exciting. I bet someone tried to kill Chilchuck at least once.
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fullmoonandstar · 7 months
Raphael going to a noble party of some kind, disguised as a human, in order to find and schmooze with current and potential clients. While engaging with one such individual who seems particularly taken with him, from across the room he spots Tav, for once not dressed in adventurer's gear but decorated with finery. The Hero of Baldur's Gate is so radiant that, at a glance, one could be forgiven for mistaking the mortal as an angel in disguise. However, like the cambion, Tav also has noble-born partygoers vying for the adventurer's attention, asking (and more often than not being granted) a dance with the hero, and perhaps gossip of nobles approaching the hero with dowry proposals and attempts at wooing this illustrious guest begin to reach the fiend's ears.
*Drops this and runs away*
Evening among Wolves
Raphael x afab!Reader Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 Rating: R Word count: 2.4 k CW: 2nd person pov, vaginal sex, desk sex, mentions of drinking
My Masterlist
The dress pinched in all the wrong places, and you shifted your weight with a stiff smile plastered on your face. How did noble women survive a whole evening in these shoes? They forced your toes into an unnatural position, and the pain was slowly giving way to numbness. The young man across from you blatantly stared at every centimetre of exposed skin, and you looked away, a ball of emotion forming in your gut. There were only three things that were good about now, the elegant way your hair was pinned up, the smell of the perfume you had put on and the drink in your hand.
The woman next to you was only marginally at hiding her stares than the other son of a noble across from you. You had been swarmed the moment word had spread that the hero of Baldur’s Gate had arrived, and you have been stuck in conversations for what felt like an eternity. Any battlefield would be preferable to this pit of vipers. This may look like a party, but in reality this was a minefield, and you had to survive until the end of the night without being stuck in an arranged marriage or having started an all out war between the factions of nobility. Both of which were very real possibilities.
A shadow passed in the periphery of your vision and a warm hand hovered over your exposed back so close you could feel the warmth but not touching. A velvety voice purred in your ear: "Good to see you again, little mouse."
Your head snapped in his direction, and your eyes confirmed your ears. Raphael hovered over your shoulder, and he flashed a smile at you before turning to the irritated nobles.
"I hope you don’t mind, dearest lords and ladies, but we have some urgent business to attend to."
The nobles in the circle grumbled, and all eyes were on you. What was he doing? You looked up into the devil’s handsome face, one eyebrow raised with the same question as everyone else. This was a way out. These nobles were irrational in their whims, at least with Raphael you knew what you had to expect.
"Yes, of course," you smiled stiffly. Raphael gestured to the left and you followed. He left the ballroom into the hallway where the crowd was noticeably thinner, and you took a deep breath. The atmosphere in there had been suffocating you.
You followed Raphael around a corner and up some stairs.
"I don’t think we’re supposed to be here." you warned.
"Since when has that stopped you?" he shot back but smirked.
"Fair enough."
He stopped in front of a door, and you heard a click before Raphael pushed the door open. It looked like a library, but Raphael didn’t stop in the room but opened the door to the balcony. The lights of Baldur’s Gate lay beneath, and the sound of the party downstairs wafted up. You just had to smile at the view over your home. The citizens had worked hard to rebuild in the past year, and soon the city would be back to former glory.
You glanced to the side where Raphael was leaning on the baluster looking out over the city. The black clothes were embroidered with gold and red, and he looked the more like nobility than all the people downstairs. You had never told anyone about the way your stomach twists when you look at his face, they would call you mad and they would be right. Raphael was in the business of charming people out of their souls, and given the status he had risen to despite being half mortal, he was exceptionally good at it.
"If you stare at me any longer, you might burn a hole in my face." he taunts softly.
Your face instantly burned with embarrassment, and you focus on the city again.
"Do you know why I’m so effective at what I do, pet?" he asked.
Because you bamboozle people with your charm? You thought, but out loud you said: "You talk a lot."
A soft laugh tickled your ear and you stiffened. Your whole body tingled with how close he was to you, and you felt stupid for the warmth that spread between your legs.
"I know exactly what everyone wants."
His fingers ghost over the exposed skin of your arms, and you hold your breath, waiting for his skin to make contact. It never comes. Raphael takes a step back and motions for you to follow.
The balcony leads to other rooms on this floor, and Raphael opens the door to one of them. A huge desk dominates the room and the high-backed chair rounded out the ensemble.
"Fielding's office." You breathed. "What are we doing here?"
Raphael stepped closer to the monstrosity of a desk and turned to you. In the faint light that fell in through the windows you could only make out his sharp ever so slightly lighter than the darkness behind him.
"I told you, little mouse, I know what you want."
You crossed your arms.
"And what’s that?"
"Let me paint you a picture." - you rolled your eyes, but Raphael continues -"Lord Fielding, one of the most influential people in Baldur’s Gate since Baldurean himself. He swayed the election of Gortash to become Archduke, he orchestrated the embargo 5 years ago that cost countless lives in and around the city. He does his best to keep the weak where they are, poor and dying, and widens the gap between them and his elite."
"Isn’t that right up your lane?"
A chuckle reached your ear.
"This is not about me." he said. "You hate him."
You didn’t argue with that.
"You want to get back at Lord Fielding, but doing anything drastic could make you plenty of enemies and plunge the city into chaos for the next decades."
"The evil you know," you said.
"So, what is your suggestion?" you ask.
"You can’t move against him, but that doesn’t stop you from doing something disrespectful."  You could hear the smirk in his voice, even if you could not see it.
"And what has that to do with you?"
"I’m going to participate."
With a step, he entered your personal space, the smell of his perfume, sweet and spicy, tickled more than just your nose. You wished you could blame the drinks for the wetness that pooled in your underwear, but alas you could not. His fingertips ghosted over your cheek and leaving a trail of heat.
"What do you say?" he asked.
You didn’t understand what he was saying, you were too focused on the feeling of his hot skin against yours. Blood was rushing in your ears and your heart hammered in your chest as if you were an adolescent again. You swallowed heavy.
"What kind of disrespectful thing do you mean?"
His face was close enough that you could see his eyebrow creep up his forehead. Raphael pushed the chair to the side. His hand gently held on to your hip, and you followed as he manoeuvred you to stand between him and the desk. You yelped and grabbed the fabric at his chest as he lifted you up onto the free space on the desk and his hips touched your knees, but Raphael didn’t force himself between your legs. His hands rested on the sides of your thighs. Your heart beat in your throat and a warm wave rolled over you.
"I see." you said. His thumbs gently rubbed over the fabric that still covered your legs and waited for your answer. Fucking on Fielding’s desk was indeed disrespectful, but doing it with Raphael?
Every nerve in your body tingled with awareness, the heat from his skin sank into yours and boiled your blood with a need you only ever allowed yourself to feel at night when you were alone. Something had to be deeply wrong with you that you were so attracted to him, but your mind had no part in the decision your body made. You crossed your hands behind his neck and pulled him in, crashing your lips together. For a heartbeat, Raphael was frozen in place and a flash of anxiety and disappointment rushed through you. In the next moment, his hips pushed between your knees, and you spread your legs for him. The half hard erection pressed against your clothed core, and you gasped, the perfect opportunity for Raphael to slid his tongue into your mouth. He explored your mouth, mapping it out as if he wanted to commit it to memory. Heat was rising in your veins, and you tangled the fingers of one hand in his soft hair while the other slid down. Ever since the first time you had seen him, you had wondered how his body would feel like. The lines on his face made him look like a middle-aged human, and you had expected him to be a bit soft, but the chest under your palm was firm muscles.
A sharp pain in your lower lip drew a yelp out of your throat. Raphael had nipped at your lip while pulling back.
"You’re quite handsy, little mouse."
He took half a step back, and you managed not to whine in disappointment.
"I’m not leaving." The taunting tone could not cover up the reassurance in his words.
In the dim light you could not see what he was doing, and you wished you could light a candle in here, but if anyone saw the flame flicker under the door, your time alone with the devil of your dreams would be cut short.
His hands were back on your thighs and his hips between your legs. Your hands landed on his chest, but this time hot skin met your palms. Your legs twitched in response, and Raphael smiled against your cheek before his mouth moved along your jaw, leaving a trail of hot kisses.
His hips pressed into you and wrapped your legs around his waist.
"Someone’s eager."
His breath fanned over your pulse point and a shudder shook your body.
"Yes," you admitted, earning you a growl from Raphael. He pushed the skirt of your dress up your thighs, removing a barrier of fabric from between you two. His mouth moves along your collarbone, and for the first time that evening you were thankful for the low neckline. The biting and sucking only tightened the coil of your need, and you wanted nothing more than have him inside you. Your hands ran down the hard muscles of his body, reaching the ham of his trousers, and gingerly proceeded further. You held your breath as you traced the outline of him through the fabric, your mind spinning with the half moan, half growl that escaped his throat.
"I got the message." he pressed out between his teeth, his hip twitching into your palm once.
His hands found your underwear, you lifted your hips, and he pulled them down your legs. You hoped he didn’t just drop them on the floor for someone to find in the morning. He slid between your thighs again and your hands were on his trousers, ready to push them down. Raphael didn’t stop you.
His length was heavy and hot in your hands. The world shrank to the size of the space between you two, even the sounds of the party downstairs faded, and his rugged breaths were the only things you could hear. You could not think. The only thing you wanted was him inside of you, and it was within your power to make that a reality. You guided the tip to your entrance, and Raphael inhaled sharply.
His hand cupped your cheek, and he breathed: "Who knew you were so needy, pet?"
A flash of fear ran through you. What if he left you right now?
"I’m going to give you everything you want."
He pushed in with a single hard thrust, and you gasped at the sudden stretch. His hands grabbed your breasts and his hips set a slow, harsh rhythm. Your legs wrapped around his waist, and you pressed your lips shut, trying not to make too much noise. Raphael’s hands kneaded your breasts just right, and you whimpered after a well-placed thrust, then his hands were gone. The thrusts cease coming, and he moves something behind you.
"What -?"
He pushed your back to the desk, and his strong hands loosened your legs from around his waist. His mouth left a trail of hot kisses from your knees to your ankles before holding, resting your legs against his body. The position made his length inside you feel even more of a tight fit, and he resumed his thrusts. Your nails scratched against the wood of the table, unable to do anything else while his hips collided with yours again and again. The pleasure in your body was like a kindling ready to ignite.
"Please." you breathed, not sure for what you were pleading.
Raphael chuckled and it sparked anger in you. You pushed your upper body up from the desk and snarled: "Don’t you dare laugh."
He planted a kiss on your ankle and let your legs fall open, leaning in until you felt his hot breath on your face.
"Don’t worry, my little mouse, I won’t tell anyone, you begged me to fuck you into oblivion."
You could only guess that there was a smirk on his face, and you let out a disapproving huff. He must have felt how close you were to just shoving him off you and leaving because his fingers slipped between your bodies and his lips caught yours in a heated kiss. His fingers stroked your sensitive clit in time with the stroke of his tongue, and his thrusts changed to a delicious angle. You moaned into his mouth, so close to breaking.
"You feel downright sinful, my dear, quivering around me."
His low voice made all the hairs on your body stand on edge. Your fingers grasp for him and your nails dig into his biceps. Your whole body tensed, so close.
"So strong, so powerful," he cooed, every thrust, every stroke of his fingers could be the one.
"But right now, you are mine, little mortal."
His breath fanned over your heated skin.
"Let go for me." he said, and you shattered.
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thydungeongal · 2 months
I'm finally starting to think of the RPG idea I started thinking of a few days ago and how to actually design it.
At this point I'm not married to any system for the game. I'm simply going to be thinking of what I want an average game session to look like, what the expected gameplay experience and emergent narrative will be, and identify what I think would make for the most interesting decision points to actively engage players with making mechanical decisions in that narrative.
Even though the genre is going to be "fantasy adventure" it's not going to be a dungeon crawler. The manga Berserk is, as always, a big inspiration for me, as it is an extremely emotionally resonant story set in a dark fantasy world. I want a game that can at least somewhat emulate the action and character arcs of Berserk with actual mechanics in place to create player incentives for playing their characters as conflicted, multi-faceted people (Keys, a mechanic borrowed from Lady Blackbird and The Shadow of Yesterday, is, heh, key to this.) and to give characters rewards for living according to their internalities (while at the same time giving incentives for changing as people, which is exactly what Keys do as a mechanic).
Anyway, once I do identify what I want to be the interesting decision points for players I do need to ask myself where I want fortune to come in or if I even want fortune to play a role. Let's be fair, though, I don't quite trust myself to design a diceless RPG as my first proper RPG design project, so it's probably best to assume that the game will have fortune in some form. While I did recently have lots of thoughts about cards in RPGs, dice are ultimately easier for me. So it's safe to assume that dice will be used.
And I can first start with a very simple principle in those decision points:
When the outcome of something (a character action, some variable in the situation, a random event) is unclear, present it as a yes/no question and roll d6. On 1-3, no. On 4-6, yes.
I've actually basically made a universal resolution system, but everything has a 50% chance of either happening or not happening. It's a good enough starting point, but for each specific situation I can ask some further questions:
Should the probability be somehow affected by a character's capabilities? To what extent?
Should the probability be affected by external circumstances?
Should the probability be affected by something in the GM's prep?
Is there something players can do to manipulate the probability?
Does this situation warrant a more finely grained spread of results than yes/no?
And once I have answered these questions I can start to look at how I want the probability to look like for that situation. Eventually I can start grouping similar situations together (for an example, if I have decided that both combat and exploration and interaction should all be affected by character capabilities I can start thinking of whether they could be all arranged under a system where a character's stats are used to alter probabilities one way or another) and turning one-off mechanics into more broadly applicable ones. And once I've done that I can start thinking in reverse, at how to extrapolate more specific mechanics out of those more broadly applicable mechanics.
This is, of course, not the only way to go about this. I could also start with a mechanic and then think of a way how that mechanic could be turned into an interesting source of narrative and conflict in game. For an example, I could start with the following Key:
Key of Guilt Your character has a guilty conscience for transgressions they have committed, either real or imagined, and it informs their every action. Gain 1 XP every time the character helps someone in a situation that reminds them of their past. Gain 3 XP every time the character's past comes back to haunt them and places them in harm's way. Gain 5 XP every time the character saves someone from the fate they inflicted on someone else. Buyoff: Your character absolves themselves of their guilt and chooses to start living again.
And think of what types of situations a character with said Key would be cool to see in and what kinds of action that situation could contain. (I'm not entirely happy with the above Key, but it's a starting point.)
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immortaljai · 1 year
Here me out on Zoro and Luffy rq.
Back on my bs and I had the most interesting daydream yesterday.
Tw: Unrequited love, Flight Angst, Suggestive themes(?), Poly (3) relationships. (OC maybe??) Based on the OPLA cast and the Anime.
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So boom say that you are a somewhat new strawhat member somehow recruited by Nami (🍊) You may have helped her steal something or maybe helped her in a fight and she think you're a perfect fit for the crew (👒).
You just so happen to be the most hyper ready for action person for her to meet other than Luffy, so you agreed (Who wouldn't) When you got too the Going Merry it was so nice you were practically jumping off the side rails in excitement while Nami went too get the members and explain and (hopefully) get you in.
You were honestly just excited to get away from land and do adventures but oh did that change when you saw a certain moss headed man with a scowl on his face quickly approaching you, you swear everything went in slow motion not hearing a word he said to you as you gawked at him. Then a pair of..arms?? stretched around the green haired man and pulled him back with a tug. Okay now somes fishy here and it's not the sea.
Turns out it was a man named Zoro the first mate and a very interesting captain named Luffy with the cutest curly hair.
It's been a few months since you been around and been across a few..bad people from running from a man with a hatred only for humans, and running from marines you can say things have been eventful.
You also have the biggest crush on your captain and Co-Captain but where's the harm in that? It all started with luffy when he saved you from falling from a high place with his devil fruit then smiled at you while holding you too his chest asking if you were okay in that cute accent.
Zoro didn't really trust you yet, but you were always around him, always asking questions about his swords while he gave short answers, you always sat close too him and luffy basically scooting between them with a smile as if nothing happened. He knew you had a crush and so did luffy but they said nothing.
Until one day you proclaimed that you would marry them both with a swift nod from a successful heist Zoro honestly froze up as Luffy laughed nodding along with your antics as usual.
You see, Luffy made it no better since he gave you all the hugs you wanted and even let you sit in his lap when you asked. It was too the point where zoro called a "Team meeting" with just you three, he only said that as the team there would be no crushes as he had no interest in anyone putting an ephanse on anyone. While Luffy just nodded and said "Plus i'm too focused on being the pirate king"
You understood you really did but that didn't make it hurt any less, then Luffy met Boa Hancock, it was all down here from there you could see how they talked and looked at each other too the point where you started loathing them both because it wasn't fair you thought. Of course Zoro caught on and an argument assumed too where you guys said really hurtful things and even said you'd leave too which he responded with "Good, leave." You three didn't talk for a while after that. You became really silent just around them didn't even look or speak too them small touches and hugs completely disappeared. The whole crew honestly felt weird without that.
Then as you said you would leave you did, you didn't even tell anyone just up and left, Nami yelled at zoro as he started most of the argument and that day was a silent day, no one knew where you went and zoro nearly drank all day, but luffy was so sure he would find you and bring you back.
But would he really?
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Notes: Sobbing real bad, dunno if there would be a part 2 considering this is just an idea I really like fics like this though.
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
*slides $800 in Monopoly money over*
Got any sub!tech and Dom!femreader in the back?
Summary: When Tech comes to you with a request, you can’t help but try to give him what he wants.
Pairing: TBB Tech x F!Reader - established relationship
Word Count: 1990
Warnings: Spicy/Smutty (though there's no penetration of any kind)
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: *shamefully slides $400 of monopoly money back* Tech fought me tooth and nail on this one, so I couldn't write the actual smut. I don't know why. He was so nice for me the other week. I'm sorry.
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You release a happy noise as you spin around your studio, moving in time with the music. It’s be so long since you’ve had time for the more sensual movements of pole dancing, and you’d never perform it in public (too many people associate this type of dancing with sex) but, right now, it’s just you and Tech, and you’re pretty sure that your clever boyfriend is more focused on his datapad than you anyway.
You tilt your head to check on Tech, and, much to your surprise, his gaze is locked on you, he has a small smile playing on his lips, and his expression is…odd. Not one that you’re used to seeing on his face.
Carefully you lower yourself from the pole you had him set up earlier, and you cross the room to his side, where you carefully crouch by his side. Carefully because you’re wearing six inch heels and you really don’t want to fall.
“Cyare~” He teases lightly, his small smile growing.
You reach out and lightly set your hand on his cheek, “What’s this look for?”
“What look?”
“You have a look.”
“I am not looking at you in any unusual way.” Tech counters.
“I know your looks, Tech. And this is a new one.”
“This is how I always look at you.” 
You hum thoughtfully and settle yourself on the floor next to him, “Let’s see…there’s admiration, that’s a familiar look. You usually have it when you see me dancing. But there’s something else there too…”
He pauses, “I suppose there is something I want to ask-”
“Sweet! Lay it on me.” You say eagerly as you inch closer to him.
Tech shoots you a fond look, and you beam at him in return, “I have been doing some research,” He begins, “Specifically on the various types of kinks that exist.”
“Oh boy. That’s a very…broad research topic.” You say wryly.
“Indeed it is. There were some, a lot, that I would never be comfortable trying with you. But there was something that caught my attention.” Tech admits.
“Oh? Which one?”
“It’s the dominant and submissive-”
You blink at him, “You want to try domming me in bed?” And then you shrug, “I don’t have a problem with that, we just need to sit down and talk about our hard limits-”
It’s Tech’s turn to blink at you, “Actually, I was hoping it would be the other way around.”
“You want me to dom you.” You clarify.
“That is correct. If you are willing.”
You’re quiet for a moment, scanning his face thoughtfully, “Before I answer this one way or the other, may I ask you some questions?”
“Of course.”
“Alright.” You pause to gather your thoughts, “You never indicated that you were unhappy with our sex life,” You say slowly, “So I suppose I’m curious as to where this came from.”
Tech leans back against the wall, “That is a fair question,” He admits, “I am happy with our sex life. Very much so. But…” His lips twist as he thinks, and you wait for him to gather his thoughts, “You are stunning, and I know that you have had previous partners. Partners who were more experienced than me. Partners who were more adventurous than me.”
“And that bothers you?”
“Not that you had previous partners.” Tech hastens to reassure, “You chose me. But I am concerned that I might be a bit too boring-”
“I’ve never thought that.” You reply, “You don’t have to do anything to try and impress me or…or whatever.”
“I know. But I had the idea and I really do want to try it. But only if you want.”
“I’m not unwilling,” You say slowly, “I’m just concerned. You are so particular about having control in all situations, are you sure you want to try this? It’s okay if you don’t.”
He’s quiet for a long time, and you’re grateful that he seems to be considering your concerns seriously. “I trust you.” He finally says, “And it is as simple as that.”
“Alright then,” You reply slowly, “If you’re sure, then yes. I’m willing. But,” You hold up a single finger, “Before we do this, we need to talk about basically everything. What you’re willing to do, what you’re willing to try, and what you’re absolutely not willing to try. Not to mention safe words and everything that I am willing to do or try with you.” You pause when you see the look on Tech’s face, “What?”
“This is why I am sure that I want to try this with you.” He replies quietly.
Your face heats, “Yes. Well. Communication is an important factor in relationships, especially when trying something new-”
“There is one more thing.” Tech says as he pulls up his datapad, “Can we buy this for you to wear?” He turns the screen towards you, and you sigh when you see the lingerie on the screen.
“Really? Lace?”
“...fine. But only because I love you.”
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It takes a little more than a week for you to be sure that both you and Tech are on the same page, and for the lingerie to arrive. But finally, it arrives, and you carefully set up your bedroom so that Tech will be comfortable.
New sheets and more pillows than you’ve ever owned in your life are all piled artistically on your bed, forming a nice comfy nest for Tech. The last thing you want is for him to be uncomfortable.
You fold your arms across your chest and look across your bedroom critically. Decorated with gauzy cloth, the room has an almost dreamlike quality, which is more for your own comfort than Tech’s honestly, but you do hope that he likes it.
There’s the sound of the front door opening, and then surprisingly light footsteps through the house. You turn to the bedroom door as it slides open, and you greet Tech with a warm smile. 
He pauses in the doorway, his eyes immediately snapping to you, and the thin, lacey material you’re wearing. “I knew that you would look amazing in that.”
You beam at him, “Thank you. You have good taste.” You strike a pose, and then run your hands over some of the lace, “I was a bit hesitant, at first, lace is normally so itchy. But this isn’t bad.” You cross over to him, and lightly take his hand, tugging him into the room, “Well, what do you think?”
Finally, he tears his gaze away from you and looks around the room. “It looks like you wanted to make sure that I am comfortable.” He finally says.
“Well, yes. I wanted to make sure that my room is as far removed from the stark white of a hospital,” You reply, “And painting is expensive, and can’t be changed easily, but cloth-” You trail off, “Do you like it?”
“I think it is perfect.”
You grin at him and stand on your toes to press your lips against his, “And you’re sure you want to try this?” You ask, one more time.
“At this point, cyare, you are just teasing me.” Tech replies against your lips.
A laugh bubbles from your throat, “Okay, okay. Sorry.” You smooth your hands across his chest, “You look very nice, Tech, but it’s time for these to come off.”
Tech chuckles and carefully extracts himself from your grasp to tug his clothes off. He tosses them in the laundry basket, for you to deal with later, and you favor him with an adoring smile.
Always so conscientious, your Tech.
He turns his expectant gaze towards you, and you blink at him, before remembering the plan. “Oh, right. You can get on the bed. Let me know if there are too many pillows.”
He laughs softly, but does as you request, “I am fairly sure you’re meant to be giving orders, cyare.”
“Do I look like the kind of person who’s capable of giving orders, Tech?” You ask with an amused grin as you circle the bed to grab a basket of scarves off the floor. They are for dancing, technically, but you’re pretty sure Tech won’t mind being tied up by them.
He props himself up on the pillows, “Yes.” He replies honestly, flicking his gaze towards the scarves you’re pulling out and arching a single brow.
You don’t answer his questioning gaze, “Arms over your head, please.”
A laugh falls from your lips, “You are not good at this whole following orders thing, are you?”
“It’s fine. I’m planning on tying you up.”
He considers you for a moment, and then moves his arms over his head. Tech watches you climb onto the bed and you can feel his gaze on you even as you focus on tying his hands to the headboard in such a way that he could free himself if he wanted to.
You squeak in surprise when you feel his lips on your collar, and you look down at him, “Tech!”
“You are far too tempting. I can not help myself.”
Your lips twitch into a mischievous grin, “Well, you have to.”
He tilts his head, a curious expression crossing his face. 
“You don’t get to touch unless I say so.”
“That is unfair.” Tech replies, coming pretty close to pouting at you.
“Do you want to stop?”
“No. It is just unfair.”
You pull back and stare at him, amusement dancing across your face, “I had no idea you were a brat, Tech.”
He just grins at you slyly, “It is another thing that I read about.”
“How about we crawl before we sprint, hm?”
He rolls his eyes, and you smother your laughter, “I suppose, if you insist.”
Slowly you drag your fingers down his chest, keeping your touch light and teasing, “I do insist.” His muscles jump under your fingers, and you feel a surge of elation that he’s actually letting you take control like this.
Sure, he said he was okay with it, but there was always a chance he would change his mind when he was actually in this situation. 
“Cyare, stop teasing me,” Tech says with an almost petulant pout.
You release a huff of air and trail your fingers to rest lightly at the base of his throat, “Be still, Tech.” It’s the first real order you’ve given him since he arrived, and Tech immediately stops squirming, his pupils blown wide with desire.
You slowly remove your fingers from the base of his throat, a pleased hum falling from your lips, “I think I’m going to ride you.” You say lightly, conversationally, and you aren’t allowed to touch me until I’m done.”
Tech groans out a noise that might have been a word, though it’s not in any language you know. 
“Is this agreeable for you, darling?” You purr out.
Tech utters a quiet curse, and you laugh softly as you press your body against his and lightly nibble your way up his neck, pulling another curse from his lips.
“Tech,” You coo, “You have such a clever tongue, surely you can use your words?”
He blinks at you, wide eyed, seemingly tongue tied. 
You giggle, and trail your lips to the spot under his ear that never fails to leave him speechless, “Let’s play a game, darling. The more vocal you are, the more I’ll touch you.”
“I can do that-” He says through a moan.
“Hm…but there’s a caveat, sweetheart.” You nibble just under his ear, and his hips jerk up, “If you stop talking to me, then I stop touching you, and you’ll just have to watch me get off. Doesn’t that sound fun?”
“You are awful,” But there’s a glimmer of excitement in his face, “I am going to win.”
“Oh, Tech,” You say with a small smile, before you lean in and kiss him, “I’m going to ruin you.” You coo against his lips.
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knickknacksandallthat · 11 months
if you don't mind me asking, what got you into kevin's character?
for me it was actually your fic, but since its so normalized in the fandom to dismiss his trauma and call him a coward and annoying for doing things that other characters are loved for, i didn't really care about him when i first read the books
now hes my favorite
Oh, anon, I love this!! What an honor, I’m so glad to have helped you join the Kev lovefest 😊 (Welcome to the dark side lol!) It makes me so happy that the A Fallen Star series has awakened this in you! 💖
And wow, what a good question. I don't mind at all! I actually had to think about this for a while to try and remember…how the heck did I get here???
So here is my ridiculously uncalled-for POV on Kevin’s character and slow descent into madness below:
(Disclaimer that these are just my thoughts and anyone in the aftg fandom can hc or think whatever they like about Mr. Day 😊)
Like you, anon, I was easily swayed by Neil’s perspective of Kev on first read. It makes sense and is a credit to Nora how we so fully buy into Neil’s opinion of Kevin that many of us just run with it. And to be fair to the fandom, it’s canon – Andrew, Neil, and all the Foxes tell us he’s a coward and annoying and so we assume it must be true.
So, I created many fics that played into this image and focused on andreil. (Because who isn’t enamored with andreil??? Legit, deranged obsession and couple goals lmao). Using that lens, it was easy to make Kevin the punching bag because he is the quintessential “straight man” in comedy (and yes, I do hear the irony in that) – the foil to other characters to make them seem better, braver, funnier, smarter, etc. It’s an age-old trick/trope in fiction that works very well. And it was an easier transition for Nora to make, I think, once she made the decision to remove Kevin from the main narrative of her story.
This character setup works well enough when you’re doing a fic from Neil or Andrew’s POV, providing an easy source of humor to fall back on. So, for me, I think my thinking shifted once I started working on Flavors of Fall and delved into Andrew and Kevin’s storyline there. That fic forced me to think from Kevin’s perspective, and I found at the time I had a shallow understanding of what made Kevin tick. It totally threw me once I really started considering sequels for that fic and the 12 Day Program for Courtship, both of which have Kevin cast as a main character. I had to dive deep into his makeup, seriously considering his motivations, his likes/dislikes, his personality traits, his relationships, and how he would react in any given situation.
Because I was interested in his character development, I started delving into fics like orionauriga’s just pretend , @likearecordbb's Long Walk in the Woods, @thetrojeans daylights, sunsets, and @dayurno's the age of no regret series. They are all brilliant, fascinating character studies of Kevin Day and his relationships that are extremely well done. There’s many more, of course, but I was searching for fics that specifically delved into Kevin’s thought process and choices and stayed there a while.
That’s what led me to feeling like I needed to tell his story with Dead of Night. Of course, it turned into a larger series with my flavoring of Kerejean added because I’ve never been a huge Kevin/Thea relationship fan. (But that's a discussion for another day which you can start here and here for that adventure.)
Now all that I’ve described above gives you the mechanics of the descent – the when, the where, the how. But it crucially misses the why. What is it about Kevin that got me in the end?
Ironically enough, it was his potential.
I think when Nora stripped away any kind of romantic narrative (RIP Kandreil OR Riko/Kevin/Jean) or a chance for a tragic storyline (Kevin dying in the end) it resulted in removing a lot of Kevin’s emotional vulnerability. We don’t get to hear what he’s feeling or thinking unless it’s related to Riko, the Moriyamas, or Exy. This means his storyline is consumed by the stereotypical sports underdog story, with us following his rise to champion (which is still a powerful enough narrative on its own that shines even in the midst of Neil’s crazy plotline. Switching that racquet to his left hand in the championship game? Iconic.) 
However, it leaves us very much with a shell of a person. Kevin’s character outside of Exy is reduced to a handful of facts – there’s a passing comment on his like of history, and the stark evidence of an alcohol addiction as a coping mechanism. We’re told he used to dance. That he learned French because Jean Moreau taught him. That he has no qualms about taking (mild?) drugs (cracker dust). Despite how much we’ve run with it as a fandom, the only allusion I’ve found in the books to him being strict with diet is this section from The King’s Men:
“No one needs to eat this before a game,” Kevin said. “Eat some granola or protein if you’re that hungry.” “Hello, there’s protein in the peanut butter,” Nicky said. “Let go of me before I tell Andrew you’re outlawing chocolate. I said let go. You’re not the boss of me. Ouch! Did you seriously just hit me?” … “Kevin, just let him go,” Neil said. “It’s not worth fighting over.” “When our defense is sluggish, we all suffer,” Kevin said.
From what I can find in the books, Kevin never once denies Andrew eating ice cream. (Which I’m 100% able to admit I might have missed something so feel free to quote me where that scene is because I was totally searching for it). In fact, every time they go to Sweetie’s, it’s implied Kevin orders ice cream with them. In the infamous kissing scene in The King’s Men, we actually have proof that Kevin got ice cream:
Kevin still hadn’t messaged Nicky by the time they reached the ice cream aisle, so Nicky gave in and called him. Neil half-expected Kevin to ignore Nicky’s call, but Kevin wasn’t so sour with them that he’d turn down a free snack…Nicky grabbed spoons from the kitchen and distributed pints to their hungry owners. Neil checked his expression when Nicky came back from dropping Kevin’s off….
Now I do think it’s in line with his character and his upbringing to have issues with food, so I’m all for buying into that specific hc. But we have very little evidence of it in the text.
His personality is reduced mainly to anger, arrogance, or cowardice (all traits that don’t make us sympathize with him). The only facts we have about his Tragic Past™️ are two things: his mother’s death, and his hand injury. Everything else we assume is based on Neil’s knowledge of the mafia, Wymack’s hearsay, Andrew’s deductions, and Kevin’s reactions to Riko and Tetsuji. We have literally no idea what happened to Kevin in the Nest. His trauma and his time spent there is a complete mystery. The closest we get is Riko’s comment to Neil in The Raven King:
“I am going to love hurting you,” Riko said, “like I loved hurting Kevin.”
This, I think, is one of the main reasons many of the fandom “dismisses” Kevin’s trauma in comparison to Neil’s because we can’t see it. We don’t know what happened and we don’t get to experience it, so this lack of explanation or motivation leaves us only with very cold personality traits. We’re unable to root for him as a character because we can’t sympathize. We can empathize because we know Very Bad Things™️ must have happened in the Nest, but we don’t see them happen the same way we do Neil or Andrew. Even Kevin’s hand injury is old and “healed” when we’re first introduced to the character.
The only true canon moment where Kevin appears “human” is in The Raven King with Kevin’s “then run” and “you should be court” conversation with Neil. His admittance that Neil’s life is more important than Exy is instantaneous – he doesn’t even pause to throw his Exy dreams down the drain if it means Neil can survive.  In a weirdly parallel way, we see Kevin’s thought process implicit in his conversation: “at least you’d have a chance.” It is strikingly similar to Neil’s internal conversation of: one of us should make it. (And there’s another whole separate discourse I could get into on how Kevin and Neil are two halves of the same coin, but we’ll save that for another day.) But even the revelation of Wymack as his father has more shock value than true emotional weight – we never see what that conversation looked like or how either party actually reacted. (In some ways, I feel like Dan being pissed at Kevin is given more “screentime” than Kevin’s response to telling his father and how Wymack reacted.)
So with Kevin’s emotions and past firmly locked down, we’re left to brush off Kevin’s reactions (or lack thereof) as part of his indifferent personality. It is what it says on the tin. (And that’s not to say Kevin is a perfect character by any means. He has flaws just like every other character.)
Now some people very accurately depict and buy into those limitations as simply being Kevin’s character/personality – I’ve read some awesome fics where Kevin is Ace/Aro and/or on the spectrum. These are completely valid, extremely well done, and I could totally see why others see and write him this way. Canon practically sets them up for it.
For me, though, it circles back to our skewed view of Kevin given to us by some deeply loved but also deeply flawed characters (cough, Andreil). Those same characters that we’re told time and again not to judge them by their cover but to try and understand how they’re affected by (and make choices because of) their trauma.
While Andrew and Neil end up giving each other this grace through a hard-fought battle of truths and exchanges, they do not extend this same courtesy to Kevin, and neither are we given the chance to do so. We literally can’t because, again, we don’t know what the full extent of Kevin’s trauma is.
Kevin doesn’t talk about his time in the Nest to any character, meaning we know nothing about it. Ergo we don’t know what choices Kevin makes because of it. In The Foxhole Court, Wymack specifically tells us Kevin was Riko’s pet. In fact, there is so much specific language that Kevin himself uses around the concept of ownership, and that Nora uses when referring to him that it jarringly sticks out in the text.  He has no sense of personal space or proper boundaries, viewing people only as assets to be used for the good of the team, which at the very least is a sign of mental abuse. But the fact remains that we just don’t know. We don’t know how far this mental abuse was taken, how often or severely he was injured, if he injured or was forced to injure others – we don’t know.
But it’s obvious whatever happened to him started as a child and built from there. Which means he has years of abuse and power dynamics embedded into him. He has every right to be afraid. In fact, we are demonstrably told and shown often in canon that Kevin is afraid…but fear does not equate to cowardice. In fact, we know that bravery often means being scared and doing something anyway. And in many cases, that’s just what Kevin did (with a crutch named Andrew). But even before he entered his deal with Andrew, it's important to remember that even though he was brainwashed and beaten from a young age to understand that he would die if he betrayed the Moriyama family in some way, he left them.
This is always so significant to me because so many abuse victims stay in their situation thinking/hoping/praying it will get better – either because of an idea that their abuser will change (“they’re just having a hard time at work rn”) or that the victim will fix whatever flaw the abuser finds lacking. Or alternatively, they recognize the situation is bad, but they can’t leave because they feel like they have nowhere to go, no one who will help them, trapped by their lack of skills/contacts/money. In Kevin’s case, both situations rang true. And yet he left. He left, and in only a year and a half’s time he recovered from his injury and led his team to the championship.
But he is only at the start of his recovery. I think he’ll need years of therapy to recover from all that happened in the Nest. I think many of his emotional and social shortcomings are a direct consequence of that timeframe and he did not have the freedom to address them until the threat of the Moriyamas was removed. I do not think they are permanent parts of his personality – I think in time, he will be allowed to grow and recover and contribute much more to his relationships than he’s capable of doing at the end of The King’s Men.
Though the series finished, I think Kevin’s story is just beginning.
That’s why I think he’s fascinating to explore as a character. That’s why I love writing him right now because in many ways, his possibilities are endless. There’s so many opportunities to explore different facets of his story that we never get a chance to in canon. Kevin’s character and narrative is a tantalizing tease which many of us have fell hook, line, and sinker for. (Including yours truly.) We want to rabidly sink our teeth into it and shake it, like a dog with a bone.
So we do. 😉
Phew. Okay, that’s enough. None of what I’ve written above is new I’m sure to those of the fandom who have been here since the beginning or have become diehard Kevin fans. But thank you for letting me ramble in this ask, anon. Writing about Kevin has been a very fun and therapeutic adventure for me. So I’m so glad that there are others out there who are enjoying it too 😊
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sevenrenny · 5 months
I might as well ask you this because I enjoy your writing and way of expressing your opinions. Why do you personally ship Sonamy? What got you into Sonamy? What’s your favorite moment between the two? I know this is a very common question, but I hope you don’t mind me asking. 😅
Oh, this ought to be fun XD I don't mind at all. Send all the asks you like, I like to talk about my interests. I tend to ramble, so excuse my long texts. Gonna insert a break line so I don't torture my followers (that sentence makes it sound like I'm running a cult.)
Why do you personally ship Sonamy? What got you into Sonamy?
These two are connected, so it's fair to answer them both in one go. I'm very new to the fandom, unlike most of the people I've met who've been here for as long as they can remember. I originally had no interest in the franchise. Yeah, I played some games and watched the anime a few years back and had some cheap plastic toys from fast-food kiddie meals, but the franchise never stuck with me back then.
I got reintroduced through Sonic Prime around last year, which led to me reading the IDW comics, which is where I started getting into SonAmy. I really liked Amy in particular; surprising, seeing as she hadn't been my favorite character as a child. I liked Tails and Silver more back then, but the comic solidified Amy as my number one. In every fandom I've been in (HTTYD, MHA) I almost always gravitate toward characters who embody love, and that's the core of Amy.
Sonic was harder for me to decipher at first, seeing as he's more of a person who shows his emotions through action rather than words (in some iterations, at least.) But seeing him be more receptive in the comics and treating her better in more recent media portrayals piqued my interest because this wasn't how I remembered these two from when I was a kid. Seeing the progression from how their dynamic started to how it became made me feel proud of them.
And I'm one of those who likes to hypothesize that their affection used to be more one-sided but became mutual over time. Things change. Feelings change. People change. And I love that.
What’s your favorite moment between the two?
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This. I think this is when I started seeing the ship as something I'd like. I've inserted the second panel as well because, while I know the first one is a no-brainer for some SonAmy shippers, I don't see many of them bringing up the follow-up panel.
Before this scene, Sonic kept rejecting Amy's proposal to go back to the Resistance with her (he had his reasons, as he saw investigating the circumstances of Eggman's absence and the waves of Badniks as a higher priority. Get to the snake's head to find the root of the problem.) He was in a hurry to get going. It wasn't until Amy told him she loved him for who he was and that she didn't want to change him that he stopped, got a little flustered, and proposed she come with him instead.
And she declined. She, too, had priorities.
Before this moment, it was possible he didn't see having both Amy and his stubborn way of doing things his way possible, but after, it might've finally clicked in his head that, Oh wait, I can have both? He's asked Amy to come along with him for other adventures afterward.
Also, can I just say how much I appreciate Sonic (who has a history of being touch averse) being more welcoming to her affection? Cause I do.
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Okay, switching to Frontiers:
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This scene is mostly quiet (I like nonverbal communication in general) and I found it too adorable to not mention. It's just for a few seconds, but the way Sonic does a little giddy skip when she waves him over, and the the fact that he just smiled so innocently the whole time he made his way over is just pure sweetness.
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This short little misunderstanding/confrontation. This one's just plain fun for me. Sonic's impatience and inability to articulate his reasoning leads to him sounding like he's abandoning the Koco Amy really wants to help. She's putting the Koco before herself when Sonic's just worried about her. As soon as the misunderstanding is cleared up, Amy calms down, seeing it from his point of view now. It's a subtle little exchange, but knowing how these two used to not be great at communication in past games, and seeing them now deescalate a little misunderstanding this calmly brings me joy.
With each Koco the characters help, there's a certain theme associated between the Koco and Sonic's friends. The inventor Koco and Tails, trying to be of use to others; the soldier Kocos and Knuckles, both who had their people wiped out. For Amy, the Koco (the only Koco who goes by they/them, so that's what I'll be using for them here) is trying to reunite with their lover who had gone into battle. Throughout the game, Amy in her ghostly form can't touch anyone, and she expresses symptoms of dissociation, of feeling 'detached', that she's flying in a dream, but she wishes to just land.
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Remember, Amy is a physically affectionate person, but she can't do much of anything, let alone feel anyone, in this situation. She has to leave it to her love, Sonic, to go into battles. She knows all too well how the Koco was feeling, being separated from their lover. When Amy and Sonic watch the Koco reunite with their partner for the last time, it hits Amy hard, and Sonic knows how affected she is by this. He gives her some time to grieve because he knows her well enough to understand this hit her hard. He tells her, "They're together now." And that's all that matters. And I love that scene. It's so mild compared to what others in the community might bring up, but I'm a sucker for the quieter moments like this.
I have to stop myself now before this turns into a novel lol
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dragonagitator · 11 months
My poor IRL husband has been subjected to my nattering on about BG3 for months now and has become quite bored by the topic, but tonight he finally agreed to watch some YouTube videos about the game and he did find those to be moderately interesting.
I then reminded him that he'd enjoyed the D&D game we played in with our neighbors a couple years ago, and I suggested that joining another campaign could be a fun way for us to make friends in our new city. But since he'd found it so confusing last time, maybe he should try playing BG3 for a while first as practice to get more familiar with basic D&D mechanics? Then he wouldn't have to constantly stop to ask questions at the table, and he agreed that might be a good idea.
And then I was like oh, you know how you found the D&D character creation process so confusing and time-consuming? Well, BG3 has this neat feature where you can play as one of the companion characters instead of having to make a new character from scratch, and he perked up at that.
I then mentioned that Gale was the BG3 character who most reminds me of him, so Gale would likely be the easiest origin character for him to relate to. So he should probably just be Gale because then he'd be able to start playing the game immediately with a prerolled character, and the Narrator would even help him along the way by explaining his backstory and motivations, and he seemed receptive to that idea.
at this point I'm internally screaming like
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This conversation has been going so well for me so far that I decide to press my luck a little more.
Me: "You know what could be reeeeeeally fun? What if I sewed us some costumes of our Baldur's Gate characters so we could dress up like them and have ~☆~adventures~☆~ together, like--"
Him, excitedly: "Ooh! We could go to a Ren Faire!"
...which wasn't exactly where I was going with that.
But he does like the idea of a purple velvet tunic! Alas, he insists that he's completely incapable of growing a proper beard, but I'm still holding out hope for a slutty little clip-on earring.
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terresdebrume · 2 months
It is 00:43 as I start this, I'm post DND session and full of emotions (they don't necessarily appear here, though I'm starting to sense a general direction for this)
Fwiw, finished the next day because my eyes can't handle a proper computer screen rn which means no working on the more formal writing projects -_-
"Two things," Mr. Payne says, holding up an index finger to mark the first item. One, I acquired us a new mission. A child has gone missing. A simple job to get us back on track."
Charles nods, walking towards the wall and the assortment of colored stones hidden by one of the bookshelves. Crystal, not quite dry but getting used to the way the rooms change, holds very still as Mr. Payne raises a second finger and continues:
"Two, I believe I have a solid lead as to Mr. Donovan's whereabouts—or his destination, at least. It took some time and a fair bit of bribery, but I did discover he was spotted going south with most of his stores the day after Mr. Rowland and I left to find you, young Crystal."
"You know you don't have to call me young every time," Crystal says, but Charles ignores her remark to ask:
"Why would a successful potion brewer and work broker up and leave right after arranging a deal with the best Adventuring duo in the city?"
He presses one of the stones as he says it, and Crystal feels vaguely proud of herself for not flinching when the fencing room lurches away from her like a rug being tugged out from under her feet, the darker floorboard and plush carpet of the Agency pushing at her feet so strongly she almost stumbles. Some of the trinkets on the shelf a clicking and ringing, and when she looks at the wide window she sees several animals shaking their heads and getting to their feet like one does after a tumble. Charles and Mr. Payne, for their parts, look annoying stable on their feet and unperturbed, as if the movement went through them entirely.
"An eminently pertinent question, Mr. Rowland. We shall need to ask him when we finish catch up with him."
"Oh," Crystal says, stomach lurching at the idea that they might be running after someone who wanted her dead, "so wha—are we—do we leave now?"
"Don't have the funds," Charles says, moving to one of the shelves nearer to the desk and pulling a small and well worn book, where Crystal has seen him take down the Agency's accounts before. "We'll need some provisions, equipment and protection for you since we can't really leave you here, a horse—"
"Uh, I'm don't think I know to ride a horse," Crystal says, which makes Mr. Payne roll his eyes.
"Of course you know how to ride a horse. Look at you."
Crystal looks down at herself. She's wearing the clothes they found her in today: sturdy pants, solid leather boots. A purple and green tunic over a brown shirt embroidered with flowers. On her hands, several rings of varying sizes, a thin gold chain at her wrist. She frowns.
"How does that translate to me knowing how to ride a horse?"
"With that amount of detail in the leather?" Charles asks. "Your shirt alone would cost most people a month's wages, and that's a fair bit of silver on your hands, but the boots are still scuffed, the back of the pants reinforced. Whoever dressed you was rich, but also thought about practicality."
"Furthermore," Mr. Payne adds, "you may speak Hilaron fluently but your accent hints at more western countries, probably Noldon or one of its smaller neighbors, and the rich families over there tend to prie themselves on their women's horsemanship."
Alright then, what the Hell. Maybe Crystal does know how to ride a horse. What does she know anymore, anyway.
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liannelara-dracula · 1 year
Can I get the mukami's for this prompt?
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 What their family is like, like the household and number of kids.
Hi love,
Good question, sorry it took so long and that some are short but I did my best. Hope you like it. :)
Mukami Boys Family + Household hcs
Requests are open
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Family + Background:
Ruki wasn't focused on marrying, he just wants to spend his life with you and you wanted the same.
You two were unsure of what that had in store for you.
So you weren't even thinking about marriage or having kids.
Your main focus was just being together.
The marriage just came along the way because Ruki loves you and thought the time was right. Although he honestly feels like he's already married to you.
Number of kids:
Two! A boy and a girl.
You had your kids before you were married.
This is mostly because he can never keep his hands off you and you have a hard time saying no, you eventually had a baby.
You started off as a family of three and lived in the Mukami mansion because you too were just starting out.
The both of you were trying to figure things out so Ruki figured it was best to just stay at the mansion at first.
Plus, there was plenty of room.
And his brothers don't really mind, they are actually excited.
Especially Kou, he can't wait to babysit and help with baby showers or whatever.
Of course your pregnancy was an adventure for you both because you were clueless about caring a supernatural baby and so was he.
And being parents wasn't something you to were planning or expecting.
You both wanted to stick to the lover phase for a while but things happened so fast and you to did like the idea of baby.
It's also cause Ruki is old-fashioned, I highly doubt he'd let you get rid of it. Whatever the case you don't want to.
In terms of giving birth Ruki would just take you to the hospital
Your first child was definitely a boy and looked exactly like Ruki.
When you had this little one it took some time of getting used to and you eventually worked out who would do what.
Ruki is pretty involved as a parent as are you and he does a fair amount for you and the your first kid.
He will get up for you at night if you are too tired.
Made sure you had a nursery for your firstborn.
And he was pretty attentive to what you needed.
He was honestly great about everything.
And the best part had to be when he'd interact with his mini-self.
As you too were getting comfortable with the new baby, within a year or two there was baby two.
Which was a girl!
And Ruki really grew to have a soft spot here. I mean this was a mini you, even though she had his eyes.
His daughter is someone he cannot say no to.
He finds her so cute, he just can't tell her no.
Ruki tends to worry about her a lot so he's a bit over protective.
But he also worries about his son equally.
He loves both of his kids and after being with you long enough and seeing the family he had created he thought it was now a good time to propose to you. (Let me be clear you where a young adult when he met you so that's why you weren't marrying and the relationship was one of many years).
It was cute though because he asked his kids first if he should marry you.
"What do you guys think? Should daddy marry mommy?" He'd grin seeing his kids get excited.
"YEAH!" They'd cheer.
He cooks, you don't, because he doesn't think you're good enough.
The kids even think that Dad is a better cook.
There isn't too much difference in your role as a parent, you too typically share an equal amount of the work.
He might be the one to teach them academically.
I think he is also a bit better at being strict than you.
Its something about his tone that gets his kids to listen if they're not listening to you.
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Family + Background
You two got married and you were expecting and he thought it would be nice to have two surprises in one.
He wouldn't stay with his brothers.
After all he is an idol so he would just move out into another house.
This way you two have the place to yourself and you two even have a little bit more privacy.
Of course, it is hard to do with his idol life but you both manage.
if you want me to be really honest I don't see that he'd ever have kids.
You are the one who stays at home considering that he works.
So you usually take care of things.
And the kids
But he appreciates it and when he can stay home he makes sure to spend time with everyone.
He plays with his kids a lot.
Especially when you want to get things done around the house.
I swear he is too lazy to clean and leaves that to you.
But you then leave him to watch the kids for when you go out.
He is usually the one who incorporates fun time for his kids.
He is known to be the more “fun” parent.
Mostly cause he says yes to like everything they ask.
Number of Kids
Two twin boys
He got more than he could ask for.
Sometimes wonders what it would be like if he had girls.
He is also training them to be idols.
It's mostly for fun, so they are his studio a lot.
He sometimes gets inspo from them.
And he dresses them on to.
They surprisingly don’t look like him, they resemble you but they have his social personality.
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You’re known as the big family.
He married you before starting a family though.
And even though having kids was on his list.
I don’t think he was planning on having them right away but it sorta ended up being that way.
When you two first got married you stayed at the mansion because you were still working things out.
And his brothers didn’t mind it.
They actually like having you two around.
Seeing Yuma smile is also rare for them too so they are glad you're around.
Although privacy can sometimes be an issue for Yuma.
Especially when arguing, although his brothers don't mind it too much.
In fact, Ruki finds it amusing hearing you two argue.
It's mostly because you and Yuma argue over silly things so it can be funny.
But not to you two.
You and Yuma both stay at home for the most part.
He spends most of his time in the garden.
And his brothers play as babysitters.
There is also a lot of noise and movement thanks to the kids.
And he is also involved in that.
Number of Kids
A lot, honestly it’s over ten.
This man makes you have too many babies.
If you thought you didn’t have it in you, you thought wrong.
So it’s probably 14 kids and probably one by one
So you were pregnant every year practically.
All of them were boys except the last one.
He had one little girl who looked exactly like him.
And most of the boys are mixes of you two.
Although your first looks like him too.
The kids climb all over him.
He yells at the boys if they run around in the garden.
Like he’s strict about that.
Although he carries his little girl when he’s in the garden.
He prefers it’s just her since she stays put in his arms and doesn’t complain. She just watches him but if a bug lands on her she’d probably start to cry.
It’s cause she’s still a baby
Although with his boys he’s good at playing with them and chasing them on the field.
He gets too rambunctious with them you end up scolding him.
He's pretty easy going but sometimes the kids scream too much and don't listen so he sometimes gets serious and then they stop.
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The quiet but sweet family.
You two were together for a while and when he proposed to you, you were also pregnant.
So it was two surprises wrapped up in one.
he was really excited.
And he was more than ready to start a family.
He probably lives with his bros but eventually wanted to move out and so he got a place for the both of you.
He does everything for you. Or whatever you need and vice versa.
He stays at home with the kids if you want too.
Azusa is happy to be at home with you and whatever you to do, you do together.
Whether it's cleaning, cooking, baking, watching tv, etc.
Although with one kid he finds the place empty and would like some more.
Number of Kids
Three, two boys and a girl.
They are all quiet and soft-spoken like him.
But they are all very sweet.
Except for when the screaming starts
Azusa usually gets them to settle down.
He reads them bedtime stories and he tucks them in.
He also plays with them a lot.
but overall you are a happy bunch.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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floydsmuse · 11 months
Creek kisses and Summer wishes
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warnings: none! just the usage of the f bomb once, but other than that it’s fluff <3
pairing: Rhett Abbott x f! reader (no y/n)
description: as a way to cool off & have some fun, Rhett takes you out to a creek away from town. (wc 1k+)
a/n: hi ! so i’m back with yet another Rhett fic :) the difference between this one & the last one i wrote for him is just😅 but, i really wanted to write something fluffy for Rhett because he deserves to be happy & feel loved :,) i also just wanted to thank you all of for your support you’ve shown me on my fics 🫶 it means so much to know you enjoy them as much as i do writing them. so with that being said, i hope you like this one! likes & comments are great! reblogs are appreciated too🥰💕 ty!
It was mid July, on one of the rare days where Wabang was hot, but surprisingly not unbearable. It had gotten up to about the mid 80s. which was still considerably hot, but not as torturous as it reaching up into the high 90s & dipping into the 100s. You were finishing up your shift at the local diner across town & were anticipating your bf coming to pick you up after your shift.
Rhett had done his fair share of work around the ranch all day and tending to the animals. He was beat & needed a way to cool off. He figured after he picked you up, he would take you out to this creek that was just on the outskirts of town, in a pretty private woodsy area. It had been a while since he’d last been to it. He hadn’t gone since before he met you. During past family get togethers that Rhett was forced to attend against his will, he would sometimes sneak off & go to the creek to clear his head or even take a dip to escape the scorching heat of summer. Rhett thought it would be fun to take you, as you loved going on adventures & going to new places with him.
The time had finally reached five & you were officially off the clock. You removed your apron & grabbed your bag from its place in the cubby. You bid your coworker a goodbye & went into the staff bathroom to quickly check yourself in the mirror. Your hair was frizzy as expected from the humidity & was coming out of the hairstyle you had put it up into to stay cool. You decided to take it down, leaving it laying freely onto your shoulders. Your makeup held up fairly well during the course of the day, besides the little bit of fallout from the minimal mascara you had on. You gently wiped under your eyes & adjusted your top. After you were pleased with yourself you hurried out of the bathroom, punched out & headed towards the front of the building, where you were met with Rhett in his truck patiently waiting for you.
You opened the truck door to find him smirking at you. Before you could even properly greet him he beat you to it,
“Hop on in sweetheart. I’m takin you somewhere.” He spoke with that damn southern drawl that drove you absolutely insane every time you’d hear it.
“Well hello to you too.” You playfully snarked back & he let out a light chuckle. You hoped into your seat & buckled up. You weren’t sure if you should’ve asked where he planned on taking you two. yYou liked that element of surprise & Rhett was always full of them. so instead you just let him drive & take you to your destination. He placed a hand onto your thigh, gently squeezing there & just enjoying the ride. With the windows down, the smell of the fresh summer air, & the sound of music playing on the radio, you headed off.
Roughly about 20 minutes later, you arrived at a woodsy area, surrounded by tall trees & slightly unkempt grass. Rhett pulled up onto the land with ease & stopped the truck.
“Yh Rhett.. where exactly are we?” You questioned, your voice laced with confusion. You tried to make out what you were looking at through the window from your seat in the truck, but all you could see were lines of trees that surely went on for miles. Rhett didn’t answer you however. instead he turned off the car & hopped out of the truck. He headed over to your side & opened your door. You cautiously stepped out, Rhett immediately grabbing a hold of your hand with his & clasping them together. After a few seconds, he finally spoke up. a bit of excitement evident in his voice,
“I have something to show ya. do ya trust me?” He playfully quipped, which earned him a light slap to his chest & he pretended to be hurt by it. Holding onto his chest in a dramatic state.
You couldn’t stop the giggles from leaving your lips,
“I do trust you! But I would like to know where the hell you’ve taken us Rhett Abbott!” You respond with a raised your voice, that lingered with a hint of laughter. He was leading you into the woodsy area now & still holding your hand in his. You had to admit it was quite beautiful & sort of peaceful. There were sounds of birds chirping & the rustling of the leaves on the trees. You didn’t need to step in much further, immediately noticing a body of water in its wake. Rhett quickly let go of your hand & ran over to it. You following suit.
As you approached closer to the water, you noticed Rhett starting to strip out of his clothes. Only leaving him in his black boxer briefs, with his bull pec tattoo on full display for you to admire. But the next thing you knew, Rhett was in the water. He had only gotten halfway in before he was coaxing you to join him.
“Come on in darlin,’ the waters fine.” He spoke, causing you to shake your head & playfully roll your eyes at him.
He had treaded further in now & even went as far as to stick his head under the water. Fulling submerging himself. You couldn’t quite grasp what was happening & you weren’t too sure if you necessarily wanted to partake in this. The water didn’t look too bad, but you were slightly afraid of The idea of someone catching the two of you. Rhett’s voice broke you out of your thoughts, practically begging you to come in, making it clear that he wouldn’t hesitate to pick you up over his shoulder & drag you in if it came to.
Rhett was someone who liked to live on the edge at times. He tried not to take life too seriously. Since after meeting you, a different side of him came to light & he felt more excited about life. He felt like it was more worth living for, once you stepped into the picture. Looking at that dopey smile on his face & his pleading eyes boring into you was all you needed to see before you stripped off your clothes, leaving you in just your bra & panties. You let out a “Fuck it” & headed for Rhett. he let out a loud whooo, cheering you on from his place in the creek. You finally reached him & he didn’t hesitate to lift you up into his arms.
He spun you around, an endless fit of giggles left you & you were feeling so alive in this moment. He placed you back down into the water & drew you in for a kiss. Your lips melted together & your hands wrapped around each other. The kiss wasn’t super heated by any means, but it was indeed passionate. Once you both needed air, you parted. Rhett looked absolutely lovesick & you were sure you did too. He gently brushed a strand of hair that fell in front of your face, then placed a light kiss on to your nose which caused your cheeks to heat up & your nose scrunched up. He pulled back & before you knew it, Rhett had dipped you under the water. His laugh loudly echoing throughout the woods. You quickly came up for air & lunged straight at him.
“Oh you’re are so in for it now Rhett Abbott!” You playfully exclaimed. The rest of the evening consisted of you two messing around in the water & exchanging loving kisses.
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adaesc · 11 months
Dick Grayson helps you through a breakdown and I think it would be cute if reader and dick danced together after
ty for request anon! <3 I'll try my best!
warnings/content: tooth rotting fluff, anxiety, panic attacks, nightmare, hella angsty
pairing: Dick Grayson x civilian!gf!reader
word count: 1.6k!
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He's never went radio silent like this. Dick had his fair share of missions and adventures where he wouldn't be able to speak, this time he didn't even warn you before he left. This time was different.
You knew sometimes he would go on missions, the vigilante life wasn't for the faint of heart. Being his civilian girlfriend added an unneeded blanket of worry onto the mix. This time was different.
You hadn't had the best day, it was full of stressors. People from work, work itself, and a plethora of other issues had been piling up for a while and it was overwhelming. Looming over you drearily. Not only had life been incredibly difficult as-of-late, but also Dick hadn't been answering his phone. You thought he might have just been busy, trying your hardest not to make assumptions out of nothing.
"This mailbox is full and cannot accept any messages at this time. Goodbye."
It was the 39th missed call. It had been 4 days. You started thinking irrationally, blowing up his phone with texts, calls, facetimes, anything you could do to notify his phone you would do. He never replied to anything.
You were overflowing with stress, anxiety, and worry. You couldn't get yourself to go into work, eat anything, you weren't answering anyone's calls. You mirrored the same thing Dick had been doing for so long. It felt like an eternity waiting for him to say something, for anyone to tell you Dick was okay. Daydreaming of the moment he would come home and you could run into his arms, holding onto him so, so tight. Daydreaming of the moment where he would explain where he had been.
What if he had found someone better? What if he had found the girl of his dreams? Maybe he went back to Babs or Kory?
You knew he wouldn't but what if he did?
You were wallowing in self pity and wailing in anguish. It was so tiring wondering where Dick had gone, wondering about
Having enough of waiting hopelessly to come back, you called his father, Bruce Wayne. Bruce, unsurprisingly, picked up the phone immediately. You had always been the favorite of his sons partners.
"Hello. You've reached Bruce Wayne."
"Hi, Bruce. Excuse me when I ask this, I don't mean to rear my head in where it's not needed but, where the fuck is your son."
"I have multiple, which son are you looking for?" He questioned, puzzled.
"Dick. Where is Dick. He's been radio silent for about a week and I'm worried. He didn't tell me where he would be, and all of a sudden he's just gone."
"I can't confirm his location as of now. I'm sorry, Y/N."
"Fuck.." You could feel the tears threatening to pour out of your eyes. Your face was hot, you felt like you were going to melt. Eyes on fire, you let the tears fall for the faintest hope of soothing the pain.
"What do you mean you don't know where he is..? You have all of that fancy tech shit in your cave but can't track your fucking son? This is such bullshit.." You brimmed with despair and anguish, wanting to get off the phone as soon as possible. You didn't think you could handle another word from Bruce. Pulling the phone away from your ear, you went to hang up, before hanging up you heard,
"I'm sorry Y/N."
Lies. There was no way Bruce didn't know where Dick was. He was hiding something from you and you knew it.
All of the stress had towered over you. It was not the second week of Dick's disappearance, every night you would stay up late and hope he would swing through the window. He never did.
You came home and Dick wasn't there. Again. It was now the fourteenth day of Dick being gone. You were so exhausted of staying up late, you walked through the door after getting off work and didn't see him. Immediately you started crying hot tears, it felt like hot lava streamed down your face. You didn't bother doing anything but slamming the door shut and walking to your room. Dropping face down on the pillow, sleep immediately took you. Coddling you in it's arms, you embraced it.
You woke up, stale-faced from tears, immediately rubbing your face to get rid of the evidence of your sorrow. Checking the alarm clock you saw the time. 3:37 A.M. The spot next to you on the bed empty. You couldn't help but weep. You balled up, knees to your chest in fetal position, you took a tight clutch onto your arms, digging your nails into the warm flesh. You bawled for what felt like forever.
Your mind was running faster then a freight train, all of your thoughts and doubts and overthinking ran by in a whirlwind. You didn't know what to make of yourself. You knew you were a mess, you knew your hair wasn't brushed and shaggy, you knew your eyes had bags under them and your makeup was ruined, you knew you had let this mess swallow you whole, transforming you. You knew all of this yet, what could you do? Dick had left you. No doubts about it, you knew he went back to Babs, Kory, maybe someone even better. The doubts you had since you and Dick got together were rearing their ugly heads.
You let go of your arms and went to tug on your hair, balling your fists up into the strands. Nothing felt real. Dick leaving didn't feel real. Bruce not knowing where he was, didn't feel real. You didn't feel real. You needed some confirmation that you were there and you were real, so you grabbed your hair and pulled it, bawling, crying, screaming. You didn't think Dick would come back. He was gone, and you wouldn't lay your eyes upon him unless it was with another.
Your head slowly turned to your bedroom window.
You stared blankly at him, you didn't have the energy to hug him, how could you after what happened?
You didn't need to say anything for him to know what you wanted. He walked over to you, sitting on the bed, and pulled you into his chest. He laid your head onto his chest and put his head on top of yours, petting your back with one of his hands and playing with your hair in the other.
You said nothing. Dick knew you were mad, but that was for you and him to talk about later. He just kept on petting your back and playing with your hair. He whispered sweet nothings and "I'm sorry" over and over to you.
"Y/N, baby, I'm so fuckin' sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am." He pulled your head out of his chest and made eye contact with you, "Please, I know I fucked up, I'm so, so, so sorry. Please say something, I'll explain just please talk to me"
You spoke up.
"...I was worried sick for you Dick. I called you so many times and I didn't get a voicemail or anything, Bruce didn't even know where you were. You just went ghost. Gone. Completely silent." You knew you were crying and sniffling, but it didn't matter.
"I know, trust me I feel like shit." He sighed, he knew how disappointed you were in him, "Cobblepot has been sneaking gun shipments in from Blüdhaven. I had to do a mission completely radio silent so we could pinpoint the origin of the guns and take down the manufacturer or whoever was selling them to Cobblepot under the table. I would never have left you like that on purpose, I promise. Bruce knew where I was going but couldn't tell you. I wanted to keep you safe, Y/N. I wouldn't have just left you like that, I love you. Please forgive me, I know I worried you and I can't apologize enough, if you want to leave or need a few days I won't blame you. Just please know I would never do anything on purpose to hurt you." He was starting to cry, you could see the tears in his glassy, blue eyes.
You let out a slight, awkward-yet-approving laugh. You forgave him but couldn't find the words to say. So you grabbed him cheek with your hand and pulled his face close, angling it to kiss him. Kissing him lovingly, the worry still prevalent yet faded, he kissed back. He knew this was a sign you forgave him and went along with it. It was caring and loving, a way of showing you accepted his apology.
"Yeah, I forgive you. You're still a dick, Dick. But I forgive you." Both of you giggled.
He stood up and grabbed your hands, bringing you to your feet. Pulling you into a short hug, you were shocked when he put one hand on your waist and put yours on his shoulder, connecting your shared remaining hands in a tight hold. Securing Waltz formation.
"Dick you can't be serious." The tears in both of your eyes still drying, you both let out a stifled laugh
"As serious as ever." He started to sway both of your bodies and dragging his feet on the floor, copying the footwork you two knew oh so well from the annual Wayne gala's or charity events.
You both danced to no music, the only sound filling the room was the shared laughter you both exclaimed brightly. You kept on dancing in Waltz formation for what felt like forever. There was no music to ensure you're rhythm, but you didn't need any. With Dick, you two could just connect to the music, it was a way to spice up the Gala's that you both shared. It was a burst of sunshine, a glimmer of hope in the abyss you had been in recently.
Dick was home.
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