#while he knows he could have had real love
baellielurk · 2 years
so that shit hurted
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bloominstorm · 3 years
I can now confidently say Yuuji is my fave new gen MC.
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#I just genuinely enjoy his character he ticks every box for me#this chapter really solidified this#well I already felt this way during the shibuya arc#I feel like ppl don’t give him enough credit for his battle iq and how fast he adapts#I know for the comedic purposes of the show he’s been portrayed as dumb and what not#and you know Thts the standard trope for MCs but Nah he actively stores information he’s presented with#and uses it at a later point to come up with strategies in the midst of battle#he doesn’t just use his physicality or brute strength to overwhelm his opponents#if tht doesn’t work in a battle he actively uses his smarts to get the upper hand in battle#and let’s be real he’s CONSTANTLY disadvantaged in battle simply Bc he doesn’t even have a technique#also what I love about jjk is tht gege doesn’t rely on the typical shounen trope of a demon/entity being in the MC & having tht enhance them#Yuuji really doesn’t get anything from sukuna??? I think it was stated tht he’s immune to poison Bc of sukuna but Thts literally it#when he gets overwhelmingly damaged he doesn’t immediately get healed by sukunas powers he’s truly just a house for sukuna and doesn’t reap#many benefits at all#all his shit is FROM HIM.#and thts why it annoys me tht sometimes the fandom literally undermines his strength#he could literally surpass toji—I know everyone is thinking maki is the 2nd coming of toji but yuuji is too???#simply Bc his shit is completely natural—he’s naturally talented at everything physical he does he can pick up anything and become a pro#toji and maki both had heavenly restrictions placed on them tht increased their physicality while yuuji is just like tht and I wouldn’t be#surprised if he’s more durable than them#anyway I just enjoyed this chapter Bc it highlighted all of this and I just love when his opponents realize his strength#it’s like gege is reminding y’all tht yuuji IS the MC and tht he’s strong af Bc sometimes y’all be forgetting#he’s completely stripped of his cursed energy and is remaining on par with someone who has an OP technique and high intelligence#as for the end of the chapter it made me sad af but also curious 🤔#him taking the blame for sukunas actions doesn’t confuse me but him pleading guilty when he knows it’ll lead to the highest form of#punishment does? and he looked like he wanted tht to happen? like he’s ready for the final move#I’m confused as to what he has up his sleeve Bc he still doesn’t have his cursed energy#but I’m looking forward to the next chapter#gege has been putting out nothing but heat lately#jjk 165
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mcdannowave · 4 years
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ziracona · 4 years
This wonderful person has been reading my fic and leaving massive comments each chapter and they just got through Oak and it’s Going Home and Season’s End next up and baybeee the transition from Looking Up to Oak to Going Home and Season’s End, to Midnight Train, to Memento Mori, to Vs? I am thriving the rollercoaster. The ride doesn’t even slow down until you finish 600 Seconds and get to Out of Darkness this is so much fun.
#Single best reaction I ever got to The Cat too. YES! Frank's backstory is terrible & sympathetic & awful & I too wish it could have been#different but this chapter is not /at all/ meant to excuse his bullshit. It is an explanation not an excuse the man is 100% responsible for#the horrendous shit he pulls and if he improves that's up to him on his own choosing to be better. He gets no free pass bc his childhood was#f'd up. I am always so sad if someone reads The Cat and is like 'It's not his Fault ToT he got broken to be this way' like bro I value your#compassion so much but no please don't give people a pass Frank is a piece of shit with a fucked up awful childhood but he still absolutely#made his bed and it's up to him if he wants to get a new better one to lie in. He'll have to make it too!#Frank's chunk of 600 Seconds is so good?? It or Laurie's is my favorite bc he is /suffering/ and it's the first chapter where he not only#knows he deserves that but is genuinely accepting and facing /how much he fucked up and did this to himself/#and it's /so/ painful and I hurt for him so much. I think I listened to I Don't Love You on repeat for like 4 hours while writing it? But it#/absolutely HAD/ to feel that way. He needed to face reality and feel that and pay to move forward and it's such a necesssary and brutal#and real character moment for him. He grows /so/ much as a person. It's the slowest-build tension of maybe any chapter but like. By the time#he sees the cat and has a ptsd panic attack and decides to basically willingly go back to hell to suffer forever bc it's what he deserves?#Like that is /insane/ for him to want to do but it makes sense. Everything from his first line of 600 Seconds up to it is bringing him to#that crisis point he almost ends at .And it is /so/ painful. Especially his regret over Susie and then Jeff. But like God. I love his arc so#much. MVPS Joey and Julie saving that boy's ass and his soul fighting for him god I lvoe them all#In Living Memory (fic)#In Living Memory#ilm spoilers#anyway I am so happy smeone read the cat and explicitly went 'cool backstory my heart bleeds for kid him--still murder'#like Yes!!! YOU get it!!! Frank sucks! Frank gets away with a /lot/ and he is not an okay person!#His past doesn't excuse that#dead by daylight#it's so important to include humanity in villains because when you don't. ppl feed themselves the rhetoric bad ppl aren't like themselves.#and then when their friends start saying & doing awful stuff they go 'but they're not bad!' because badguys don't do good stuff or have#complex stories right? --- & so you end up w ppl bending backwards to defend & jsutify atrocities bc they think if your story is sad or you#have redeemable traits you're good. & blind to bad people around them bc--bad ppl aren't like humans right? They don't love people & do the#right thing sometimes! They aren't like that. They aren't sad and complex and full of pain and love and regret. Only. They are. & it's#/crucial/ to stay cognizant of that
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dirt-grub · 4 years
The passage of time is a bitch
#it’s been long over a year since I’ve last seen a person but it fuckin. still sucks just as hard#ough why am I hurting today. I don’t understand#like I have dreams about people from the past all the time including him idk why it’s hitting me so goddamn hard today#god. like I just have dreams all the time of seeing him and him forgiving me and it’s all I could ever fucking dream of#oh my god. nothing hurts worse than knowing someone LOVED you back and you went and blew it forever#and knowing they’ve totally moved on and you’re still fucking having dreams about them at least once a week#like and I’m a lucid dreamer I usually know when something isn’t real but these dreams I don’t and it sucks extra hard when I wake up#like. in this one he needed my help with something like getting away from somewhere and I helped but all the while I was scared he hated me#or didn’t forgive me but I was gonna help him no matter what#and like finally I dropped him off somewhere safe and finally addressed the elephant in the room like you don’t need to forgive me#but like I want to know are we cool? and he hugged me and was like of course we are and I thought I was going to explode#oh man I feel awful because he kissed me too and I cried and it felt so real#ughhfjfjfjdnnfnnfnfnfmmfmfkfmf fuck like I’m sorry I don’t want to think these things I feel like a creep but I just still think I love him#GOD this is lame I’m so sorry#I should move on but I’m so fuckin bad at that apparently#I don’t deserve forgiveness or being back in his life at all but like I know we’ll be at least vague friends again one day#but I know that won’t be enough for my stupid fuckin heart#and when I say I don’t deserve forgiveness I really mean it. I’ve grown and healed and forgiven myself but I was a BAD person. no cap#I ruined what we had and treated him like shit. 100% I did. it hurts to think about but it happened#I just. fuck. fuck so many mistakes#ohhh god. like my achot is also close familial friends with him so I hear small things through the grapevine#and I know he wants me back in his life eventually but we both need more time to heal but like. I don’t know how to act#I’m going to come on too strong right of the bat because I just miss him so much and can’t fucking help it#I’m so transparent about everything I’m feeling and that was great when we were dating but not so great now#because I’m undoubtedly more attached than he is and even if he did still have some attatchment to me he actually has fuckin self control#I’m just. I’m so scared. I don’t want to do anything that comes off as manipulative. I don’t want to cry and guilt him#but that’s my natural gut reaction. if I saw him I’d probably cry. if he said we can talk again I’d probably cry#well maybe that just means I need more time. I’m sure we can be cool one day and I can be normal about it but god I miss him right now#the guilt is insane though I really don’t want to want the things I do but I can’t help what my dreams show me sometimes#connor talks
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empressofthelibrary · 5 years
November 3rd, 1981
It's after dinner, and the halls of Hogwarts are mostly quiet, with the students gathered in theor common rooms. Albus Dumbledore is out for a stroll through the grounds when he notices a light still burning in one of the windows.
While it isn't unusual for Minerva McGonnagal to be awake long into the night, rarely does she spend that time in her office. Yet it's her voice that answers when Albus knocks on her door. It creaks open, and he sees his old friend perusing a large leatherbound tome, a cup of tea floating beside her. She waves absentmindedly at one of the chairs in front of her.
"Care for a peppermint," she asks, and a small bowl of red-and-white-striped candies floats to the headmaster's elbow. "One of the students gave me a pack today. Muggle candy sent from home. I can't say I care for them, they're a tad strong for me."
"Thank you, Minerva," Albus says as he scoops up a palmfull and unwraps the first one. "So what has you stuck in your office this late at night?"
Minerva sighs. "Well you see, I was struck by the urge to look up some old family records, and the book is rather cumbersome to lug around, so here it stays."
Albus nods serenely. "And have you found anything you didn't know before?"
Minerva tilts her head and adjusts her spectacles, running a long finger down a page. "Actually, I have, believe it or not. A cousin of mine on my mother's side married an English muggle by the name of Evans." She lifts her head, hands folding in front of her as her face grows into the kind of satisfied grin only a cat can give. Albus' sedate expresstion slips for a fraction of a second.
"Do you want to guess what her great-grandaughter's name was, Albus? Do you?"
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happiiest · 4 years
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bluinary · 5 years
Ooooo, so. I’ve decided to try and flesh out Pluviophilia-- but as an original work.
I’d have loved to finish it as a fic, but to be perfectly frank guys, I’m just not as into snk as I used to be. I’d also have loved to do this with Icarus & I-- and maybe someday I will-- but not only is it a 119k piece, it has fully fleshed out and developed characters that I have a hard time claiming as my own. I know they’re my versions of the snk cast, adapted into a modern AU with less tragedy, but there would be little to no creative work involved for me. 
Pluviophilia, on the other hand, has great potential, but is unfinished. When writing it, I wasn’t 100% certain of who Mikasa and Eren would become-- who anyone in the cast was-- and it works out so well! It also offers fantastic potential for me to diversify the cast, and as it stands, the plot is something I personally need to flesh out, in light of recent events in my life.
The story is between two women-- Sara (Mikasa) and Clementine Locklear (Eren), college dorm neighbors with similar traumas who fall for one another and are trying desperately to recover in their own ways while finding a way to let their relationship blossom.
Armin’s character (Eliot) is non-binary; Marco’s character is an immigrant; basically all of the ethnicities of the cast have changed. 
Sara and Clementine, though they’ll face hefty trials of their relationship, will end up together (I hadn’t planned for as much with eremika). 
The story will have more fluff and focus on recovery. A big reason I left Pluviophilia is that I’d written myself into a corner, emotionally speaking. It all became about how depressed Mikasa was, because I really wanted to validate myself and readers, but it stayed there and stagnated. 
Sara and Clementine will get far more time together. The fight at the coffee shop in Pluvio came about way too quickly, and it robbed us of Eren for several chapters. Clementine will not get the same treatment if I can help it.
Things that will be the same:
Eren/ Clementine will be a chaotic, bi disaster who hates their lifelong enemy, Jean/ Nick and has some pretty severe anger issues that clog a pure and loving heart.
Mikasa/ Sara will be a reserved, principled character who is compulsively selfless and protective, if somewhat reckless in that respect.
Armin/ Eliot will be Mikasa/Sara’s best friend, dating Annie/ Kay, and a vastly intelligent, nervous, socially awkward bean who can be absolutely harsh and intimidating if need be. 
The base personalities of much of the cast will remain the same, though they will be altered based on their backgrounds, demographics, and circumstances (e.g., though rough and tomboyish (and blunt/ dense as FUCK), Clementine is a cis girl, and has been socialized to have just a tad more decorum than Eren. Also Marco’s character, Lorenzo, is a Filipino immigrant, and is a little less in touch with American norms than an All-American Marco might be). 
New Year’s Eve countdown kiss :)
All in all, I’m really excited to begin this project!! If anyone is interested in seeing the live progress of the story, please let me know and I will find a platform to post my chapters as they go on. The working title is Clementine Spring.  
For those of you who liked Icarus & I, it’ll take on a more similar tone to it than the original did, with some fluff, some tragedy, and a story of the joys and devastations that come with facing your traumas, and with growing up. 
And if you know nothing of my snk works but are craving some heavy  wlw content (where both girls are brown) featuring pro-recovery themes and a diverse cast (mostly made up of chaotic college students lmao), hit me the FUCK up because knowing I’ll get instant feedback will be my greatest motivator, and I need to write this story. 
TLDR-- Pluviophilia (snk fic) ---> Clementine Spring (original work). Message me if I should post!
#step 1 is changing all the names and pronouns on what I've got lmao#names are easy; pronouns are tough#I have to re-conjugate all the verbs now that Armin is Eliot and 'he' is 'they'#also make no mistake: the story will get quite gritty at times. ptsd and bipolar and depression and anxiety#cannot be solved through any one thing. relationships especially can complicate things.#there will be no 'happy ending' in the same way that there was none with icarus & i. with his resolution came more problems.#and if i had written a sequel about him and annie reconnecting there would have been d o z e n s of issues#but idk. i recently lost someone dear to me (by her own volition) due to my own mental illness and our history#and I want to write a story about finding love while learning to thrive on your own#something real. but not self-destructive. something good. something that can give me and everyone else hope.#what I loved about icarus & i was that I could live in Armin's skin and feel his terror and guilt and loss#i fell in love with annie and when I wrote about what eren did i myself was shaking and crying#and when it all blew over and armin went home and everything-- though different-- was okay#i felt so...relieved. content. like i myself had lived his catharsis.#sara will be different but similar because I guess I'm different now. she'll be lonelier. her illness will be an everyday battle.#she won't have repressed memories to hide behind; her trauma will be brutal and destructive.#but she will also be strong. im looking forward to getting to know her better#anyway guys#adieu
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l0vepaint · 4 years
#excuse me while i rant a bit but i'm watching all these minho vids and JTJSFSJKFJSFLJ#i love him so so SO much like really SO MUCH i never loved any human as much as i love him#he just makes me so happy and warm and safe and /alive/ klsjflksj does that make sense#there's times where i feel so dead inside barely any emotions at all and m like okay that's it i'm never feeling anything ever again#but then i see him smiling or doing some cute shit or being funny laughing dancing talking whtghever just him /existing/ skljfks#and i'm like yeah fuck i love this man so much that it even make me tear up i suddenly got so much love in my heart#like for real i legit cry sometimes just bc i love him so much it happens like 80% of the time sjkhs#and it's nice knowing i can actually FEEL rgjhskfsh bc i'm not someone who have so many emotions towards humans#that may sound weird li'e that i can't really explain i just feel i should feel /more/ but maybe it's bc is a diff kind of feeling for him#it just makes me so happy knowing he's out there existing so preciously like this he's such an amazing person#even tho we don't really know him but without even being biased i feel that he's one of the most genuine one like you can#really see he's such a good person?? just looking at his eyes they radiates so much love and warmth and pureness idk tjkhskfs#and he's so inspiring to me which again isn't smth i feel about a lot of people i never really had 'role model' or whatever??#but he makes me want to just be a better and more positive person and do things idk#and let's not talk about how talented he is he just can do anything and he's always improving and working so hard and i'm so proud of him#and i'm so grateful he entered my life i never knew he'd become so important i didn't even pay that much attention to him at first but wow#suddenly it hit me how precious he was and since then i've wanted nothing more but for him to be happy forever he deserves the world#he's my light my north star idk where i'd be without him ig  sometimes i've just kept living to see him smile another day#and gosh i feel like i'm just repeating myself so jhskfhsjk but also i wish i could tell him how much he means to me and how#important he is to so many other people and his existence just bring so much light to people's life??? i hope he knows?????#but even if i get to just see him one day and simply say ily even if it's not much and doesn't even convey all i feel#i'd be happy sjkfhsjfh i really hope i see him in may even from afar#even that would make me so happy just breathing the same air as him and getting to just /see/ him doing what he loves#did i mention how i love seeing him on stage bc he looks the happiest???? skjfhsjfh i could go on forever#omg i didn't intended to write this much and to think i started in all caps at first lmao anyway this is embarrassing bye#i prob reached the limit r.i.p jkfhsjfh it's been so long since i didn't write (almost all) my love for minho and i'm not#doing it anytime soon bc these things embarrass me and i rarely find what to say sjhfs just felt like it now#this isn't even all of it there's so much to say about him but we'll see in 10 years when i write another rant bye
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evilyisme · 5 years
what would y’all do if u had feelings for someone but ur still kinda in love with the last person u were with but the person u now have feelings for knows this about u & has still expressed interest? asking for a friend
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫’𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐤𝐞
Pairing: Eddie Munson x (female) Reader
Summary: Eddie gets handsy whilst the two of you stargaze at Lover’s Lake. that’s it, that’s the whole plot
Warnings: fluff, smut, fingering / masturbation (f receiving), slightest bit of manhandling, slight dom!Eddie, praise kink, minors DNI
A/N: yes I absolutely had to get a picture with a good shot of his hands because, well, you know… anyways I haven’t written and released anything in nearly two months. I’ve been in such a slump and honestly it’s been hard to get back into the swing of writing but I’m so in love with this boy that I just had to write something with him! I hope you guys like it, forgive me if my writing skills are a bit rusty! <3
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This is for people 18+ only. Minors do not read on. By clicking ‘keep reading’ you are hereby agreeing that you are 18 or older.
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Stargazing at Lover’s Lake was a frequent occurrence for you and Eddie now. The two of you would come here almost any time you wanted to escape the stress and drama of real life. Whenever you just needed some time alone, together.
Here at Lover’s Lake all that existed was the moment. No stresses, no worries, no pressure. Just you and Eddie in the back of his van, soft and blankets and pillows littered beneath and around you. The back doors open so you could watch the water and the night sky.
All there was to acknowledge was the feeling of Eddie’s warm chest behind you, his legs on either side of your yours, his hands folded over your stomach as he held you against him.
The two of you sit in happy comfortable silence as you watch the stars dance in the water’s reflection. Eddie’s skilled guitar fingers were absent-mindedly tapping and tracing patterns on your stomach. You’d almost zoned out the feeling as you admired the glitter that decorated the sky.
That was until you felt Eddie’s fingers trace lower down your body, dipping under the hem of the loose shorts you were wearing. Then all your attention goes straight to those fingers of his as they move even lower, skimming the hem of your panties. Your breath hitches and you can practically feel Eddie’s smirk from behind you.
“This okay?” He whispers into the silence of the night.
You nod and shift your hips, indicating it was more than okay, that you wanted him to touch you.
He places a tender kiss to your cheek as his fingers breach the top of your panties, pushing underneath until his fingers grazed over your now aching pussy. You moan softly as his fingers move through your folds, collecting the slick that had pooled there just from having him hold you for a while.
Your body practically shivers as he brushes against your clit. He lets out a quiet groan, barely audible over your shuddering breath, as he begins small, gentle circles over your clit.
You could feel him slowly begin to grow hard behind you, the tight tent of his trousers pushing into your lower back. You couldn’t help but moan softly and push back against him even more, rubbing your ass against his crotch.
Eddie lets out something between a grunt and a huff, his warm breath tickling your ear, as your backside grinds against his growing erection. His fingers falter for a mere second before he returns to his torturously slow assault on your clit, picking up the same steady rhythm as before.
You let your head roll back with a whine, resting against Eddie’s shoulder. Your back arched and your hips bucked, desperate to push more into his touch. More. More. You wanted more. You needed more.
“Eddie, please” you whisper, your voice trembling as you struggle to form words.
You buck your hips into his hand again, feeling the cold sting of his rings kiss your pubic bone. Eddie chuckles lightly behind you, placing a kiss to your pulse point.
“Always so eager…” he teases quietly against your skin as he continues to litter your neck with light kisses.
When he gets to just below your jaw he bites your skin playfully. He chuckles to himself again and you can feel his smirk burn into your skin.
“You want more, babydoll? Hmm?” He taunts.
You whimper and nod, one hand fisting into the blankets beneath you, the other gripping Eddie’s thigh, your fingers digging into the hard muscle there.
“Please” you whisper, twisting your head to bury your face in the crook of his neck.
That low chuckle rumbles through his chest again as his other hand comes up to lightly cup your jaw. He holds your head in place as he turns his face so his lips are tantalisingly close to the shell of your ear.
“Alright doll, but you gotta do what I say okay? Be good for me, hmm?” His lips graze against your ear, his words and the warmth of his breath sending shivers down your spine.
You bite your lip and nod quickly.
“Good girl” he murmurs against your temple.
Not a second later you feel his fingers move down from your clit, beginning a slow circle around your entrance. You gasp, letting your moans fly free, telling Eddie that was exactly where you wanted him, where you needed him.
You and Eddie both moan as he finally sinks a finger inside you, the cold of his rings tickling your entrance. Your fingers involuntarily squeeze his thigh again as he begins to slowly pump his finger in and out of you. Your head lolls back again, your eyes closing, your mind and body completely lost in the moment, lost in pleasure.
But Eddie’s finger suddenly stills inside you.
“Uh uh” he tuts darkly. “I want your eyes open, doll. You can’t miss this view. Keep those eyes on the stars. Think you can do that for me baby?” He bites your earlobe, causing you to moan loudly again.
You nod, determinedly opening your eyes and training them on the star spattered sky.
“There’s a good girl” Eddie hums as he finally starts to pump his finger inside you once again.
It’s not long before you feel a stretch at your opening as Eddie adds another finger into the mix. You bite your lip and fist your hands again as you pull all your focus into keeping your eyes open; the pleasure of Eddie’s two long fingers opening and stretching you deliciously making your brain go fuzzy. You try to focus on the view, the awe-inspiring starry sky, the reflection off the soft ripples lapping through Lover’s Lake. Hoping it all would help keep your eyes open, and in consequence, keep Eddie’s fingers moving inside you.
Eddie curls his expert fingers, hitting that particular spot inside you that has you gasping and lurching forward, almost folding over in pleasure. A small choked “fuck” passes your lips as Eddie pays attention to that area, switching tactics from pumping to a curling motion, rubbing that special spot inside your walls.
“That feel good baby?” He purrs.
“Mmm” you moan your agreement.
His other hand tightens around your jaw, forcing your head at an awkward angle so that you faced him now.
“You keeping those eyes open for me?” He cocks his head as that all-to-familiar smirk creeps over his face.
You nod pathetically, your lips practically trembling from how good he was making you feel.
“Good. Now you’re gonna keep your eyes on me. I want to watch you fall apart” he whispers, inching his lips closer to yours with each word.
You both moan as his lips attach to yours, both of you opening your mouths immediately for the other. Your noises of pleasure and surprise get lost against his tongue. You both close your eyes as you get lost in each other’s lips.
He kisses you fervently, sloppily, his tongue dominating yours as your head spins even more, drunk from his kiss. His fingers continue to move inside you as his lips move over yours. After a minute he pulls back, his teeth pulling on your bottom lip until he releases it with a pop. You open your eyes again to find his boring into yours. You see his eyes flicker across your face, drinking in the sight of you.
A shaky gasp escapes you when you feel the pad of his thumb find your clit. His lips part into an open mouthed smirk, mimicking the way your mouth hangs open, your eyebrows knitting together from the pleasure. He looks mesmerised as he watches your face, enjoying the way your expression contorts even more as he begins to move his thumb, circling it in time with the pace of his other two fingers continuing their pumping and curling action inside you.
You feel that knot start to build inside you, the pleasure burning through you, reaching a boiling point. Your eyes flutter as you fight the urge to close them. Your breathing gets heavy and shaky; it’s the only noise in the van beside the soft wet noises of Eddie’s fingers working inside you. Just faintly outside you could still hear the soft lapping of the lake, and the occasional hoot of an owl.
“Eddie...” you mewl as you look up at him. “I’m close” you breathe, barley audible.
“Good. Let go for me babydoll” he whispers sweetly, the hand still cupping your jaw giving you a gentle squeeze as his thumb strokes your cheek.
Less than a second later your entire body is trembling as your climax burns through you. Eddie’s name is a strangled cry on your lips as he works you through your orgasm, slowing his pace but still rubbing your clit lightly, eliciting as much pleasure as he could from your body.
“That’s it baby” he praises as your eyes stay locked on his. “Fuck, you look so hot when you cum” he mumbles almost to himself more than to you.
Your body goes slack against his chest as he gently removes his hand from your throbbing pussy, wiping his fingers on the leg of his jeans. Both of his hands now find their way to your waist and help as you twist round to face him. You place your hands on either side of his face, admiring the way he was looking at you with nothing but awe and adoration on his face. You lean down to kiss him again, his fingers instinctively digging into your waist as you do so.
You kiss him until you’re both breathless, gasping for air but not wanting to part lips anyway.
“I love you” you whisper against his mouth.
He pulls back to look at you, that cheeky expression of his plastering his face.
“Do you love me?” He asks mockingly. “Or is it just these incredible fingers of mine?” He raises a cheeky eyebrow at you, his face splitting with a grin.
You pretend to contemplate the question.
“Hmmm, can’t it be both?”
You and Eddie both collapse in giddy giggles as his lips find their way back to yours again.
“I love you too” he smiles against your lips.
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A/N: ahh I was so nervous to post this because I haven’t written anything in ages and also it’s writing for a new character, which always makes me nervous for some reason! so yeah I really hope you guys liked this, hopefully I’ll be able to write a bit more for Eddie and maybe some of the other Stranger Things characters too…
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fbfh · 2 years
daddy? sorry - billy hargrove x reader smut
wc: 5.6k
genre: SMUT
pairing: billy hargrove x fem/afab/fem anatomy reader (no pronouns I don't think but he calls you mommy and wants to get you pregnant real bad lol)
summary: you accidentally call billy daddy one too many times, and he's now determined to level the playing field and make you a mommy.
warnings: HELLA breeding kink, a lot of daddy and mommy (mostly billy calling you and him mommy and daddy), mild neck grabbing, petnames (dollface, sweetcheeks, angel, doll, sugarlips, toots, slut, whore, mommy, pretty thing), a lot of good girl-s, boners and grinding, groping, you actually say "daddy sorry" once lol, billy is kind of mean and teases you a bit, light humiliation, edging, some use of the phrase "knock you up", billy is very dominant, a loooooot of eye contact (some face grabbing to ensure eye contact), billy is swole as fuck, some unintentional temperature play, billy is wearing rings, some biting, praise, degradation, praise AND degradation, a lot of kissing with tongue, referenced oral (f recieving), billy has a MONSTER shlong, fingering with 2 - 3 fingers, fingering with rings, manhandling, some spanking, praise kink, billy pays a lot of attention to you (attention kink???? does that exist???), minor handjob/m recieving foreplay/prep, legs over shoulder position, restraint (he holds your hands above your head), cervix kissing, buff billy + size kink, "use your words", billy loves your tiddies a lot, multiple orgasms, PROLONGED EYE CONTACT, billy is kind of obsessed with you, some misogyny (as a treat) (could also be interpreted as sexy fun slutshaming if you squint??), nipple and boob play, finger sucking, belly bulge, a lot of pregnancy dirty talk, overstimulation, mating press, sexy threats to keep you pregnant?????, unhinged feral primal billy, cockwarming and cum plugging, some dumbification, I think that's it dear god
music rec: I feel like I was made for lovin you by kiss fits p well (i'm still working on my billy playlist lol)
a/n: so....... a lot happens in this. i've been thinking non stop about this for a while. billy hargrove can toss me around like a ragdoll and call me wifey any fucking day. also can we talk about how fucking hot he looks in this gif??????? also kind of want to write some darker billy fics, more posessive smutty stuff yk
please let me know what you think of this i'm fucking obsessed
also I read a fic once where billy said "daddy daddy, don't call me daddy unless you want me to make you a mommy" AND I CAN'T FIND THE FIC NOW (IF I CAN FIND IT I'LL LINK IT HERE CAUSE WOW)
tags: @hopefullhearts @littlewinter1917 @thatawkwardlittlefangirl
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The first time was an accident. An honest to god slip of the tongue that you insist was not your fault. Seriously, if anyone else had had Billy Hargrove, fresh out of the shower and adorned in nothing but gray sweatpants smack their ass with that cocky smirk of his, you're sure they would have let a 'daddy' slip out as well. Nevertheless, you’d blanched. Mortified, you had been ready to politely pretend it hadn’t happened and move on. You expected nothing but the same from Billy, maybe the occasional teasing comment at worst. What you had decidedly not expected was for Billy to place his hand on the back of your neck and lower his lips to your ear, voice breathy and dangerous.
“It’s really in your best interest if you don’t call me that again, dollface.”
And that was it.
You took his word, not calling him that, not even bringing up the incident itself. As weeks and weeks pass, you soon begin to find it progressively harder not to call him that. You’re sure it’s just because of how adamant he was that you not use that particular pet name, but for reasons still beyond your understanding, now it was suddenly all you could seem to think about. Every time you see him, every time you think of him, your brain repeats it over and over, and you find yourself having to stifle it manually a lot more than you did before.
Your mind is suddenly torn from these worries one day when you find yourself leaning against the kitchen counter, clinging to Billy’s muscular arm wrapped around you. His chest is warm, pressed up against the curve of your back, lips pressing playful nips and kisses along your neck. His half hard dick is pressing against your ass, and his other hand finds its way down your pants, palming you through your soft panties. He murmurs dirty nothings into your ear, heel of his hand grinding down on your puffy clit. You’re so swept away by his touch that for just one moment, you lose focus. And in that one moment, it somehow slips out, breathy and desperate.
You both freeze. Heat rises to your face and you scramble to recover, and Billy is now fully hard behind you, a rush of heat pooling in his core as what you said rings in his ears.
“Sorry,” You sputter, “I- I didn’t mean that, I, uh…”
You’re so nervous and it’s so cute, Billy thinks, as you fumble for an explanation, that he can’t help but tease you a little. Maybe more than a little. He begins to play with your clothed cunt again, pace agonizing.
“You meant…” he prompts, voice low and expectant. You’re clearly having trouble focusing on what you were trying to say, which he exacerbates by once again, grinding the heel of his hand into your clit. Don’t say daddy, don’t say daddy, don’t say daddy, don’t say-
“Daddy- sorry!” you slip again. Your words hang in the air. He lets out a breathy chuckle, enjoying this way too much, as he lazily plays with your burning heat, warm and puffy, sensitive to his touch from the extent of your arousal. He leans closer to your ear, consumed by a new kind of hunger.
“Daddy, daddy,” he whines mockingly, voice treacherously sincere, “I warned you last time, sweetcheeks,” his gestures get sharper, punctuating his words, and his breath fans over your neck.
“Don’t call me daddy unless you want me to make you a mommy.”
You can’t restrain yourself from letting a whiney moan slip out in spite of your best efforts to stay quiet, to not let his teasing get a rise out of you no matter how effective it is. The sound rings beautifully in his ears, and his fingers push aside the fabric of your underwear.
“You know,” He begins, dipping between your folds, spreading around the sweet sticky wetness with his fingers, and your eyes flutter closed at the skin on skin contact you’ve been so desperately needing, heart pounding in your chest, loud and heavy. His tone of voice is almost too light, too casual, and you know he’s enjoying seeing you like this so goddamn much. He continues, getting lower and more gravley in your ear, “if I didn’t know better, I’d think you want me to knock you up.”
His voice, his words alone are enough to send even more burning heat to your core, and your grip tightens on his arm. You can feel yourself dripping, squeezing out thick wet beads that drip down his fingers. He’s still edging you, and he can tell by your reaction that he’s doing a bang up job of riling you up, getting you all hot and bothered just for him.
“Huh?” he asks rhetorically, “You want that, doll?” You tilt your head back against him, trying to hold on to your senses. He finally begins to pump his long, thick fingers into you, just a little, and your grip tightens even more. His rings brush against your sensitive skin, the metal cool and rough, and it sends even more electricity through you. He cranes his neck, face moving closer to yours.
“You want to make me put a baby in you?”
“Yes,” you pant, without a second thought. He’s finally about half way in, scissoring your spongy elastic walls, stretching you out for what’s coming.
“Yes…” he prompts, coaxing more out of you. He wants to hear you say… what, he’s not exactly sure. Anything would sound nice coming from your lips at a time like this, and his repetition of your answer hangs between you, waiting for you to continue.
You squirm in his rock strong grip, ass grinding back against him, managing to half twist around enough to look up at him. You stare up at him, biting your lip with those big fuck me eyes that drive him wild. You look at him for a second, pulling all the breath from his lungs so easily, the way only you seem to be able to.
“Yes daddy.”
Everything leading up to this had been rumbling in the horizon, a premonition of what’s to come, and now with your words, you’ve happily sealed your fate. You’ve awakened something in him, in both of you. He lets out an excited chuckle, disbelieving how turned on two words from you have made him.
In one swift movement he pulls down your pants and hastily shoved aside panties, and has you sitting up on the counter, facing him, as he stands between your legs. The cold countertop sends a shiver up your spine, providing a stark contrast to your burning hot, fully exposed cunt. One hand comes up to the side of your face and he runs his thumb over your lip. You part your lips gently at his touch, and he uses this opportunity to connect his to yours. His kiss is deep and with purpose and you instantly want more.
One hand on the back of your neck, the other grabs at the soft flesh of your hip and thigh, making its way back down to your cunt. You’re grinding against his hand before he can even plunge his big, long fingers back into your dripping heat, and he bites your lip as a silent warning. Behave. You can practically hear him saying it, in that playful dangerous way of his, where you’re never quite sure how empty his threats to punish you and turn you into a good little slut for him are.
His tongue prods past your lips, curling and thrashing in your mouth, warm and full. He flicks it against yours, and you know the gesture is deliberate - reminder of how good it feels between your legs. It’s not lost on you, especially now, as his fingers expertly pump and curl against your tight walls, scissoring and stretching you out for his throbbing cock. God, you wish it was already inside you, but you know he’s so big you can’t realistically take him without plenty of prep. Plenty of fingering and licking and stretching that Billy is more than happy to provide.
He slowly works in a third finger, and you clench around him. He hums into your mouth, sending low reverberations through your lips. You can tell from how he’s working his fingers against your tight wetness, ensuring you’re thoroughly stretched out, that you’ve really excited him. He focuses all his energy on you, on making you feel good, and tries his hardest to resist the urge to start humping your leg while he does. By the time you’re moaning into his mouth, hands grabbing desperately for his cock, he feels he’s done his job sufficiently.
Feeling how tight you got around him in the last few minutes, he drags his fingers up and down, focusing on the spot that makes your hips jerk, and finally, you cum hard around his fingers. The euphoric sensation swims through you like champagne, and he lets out a loud moan that makes your cheeks hot. Feeling you pulse and throb, tight against his fingers, is driving him fucking crazy. He knows now more than ever that he needs his cock inside you, right fucking now.
He pulls his fingers out, dripping and wrinkled from your wetness, already missing your tight embrace. Your walls flutter around the noticeable absence, and you feel so empty. You whine at the loss of contact and he smirks.
In one fluid motion, he hoists you up over his shoulder, carrying you with one arm. You squeal in delight as he makes his way to the bedroom, landing a very firm, satisfying smack to your exposed ass and pussy, sending electricity to your cunt and heat to your face. He’s left with a wet patch on his hand, and an even stronger desire to fuck you till you can’t think straight.
Moments later, he walks you both into the bedroom, effortlessly tossing you onto the bed. You bounce when you land, scooching further back as he takes off his pants and shirt, crawling on top of you. He approaches like a hungry jungle cat, dangerous and anticipating you. Any other time he’d take plenty of time to admire you thoroughly, gaping and dripping just for him, just from his fingers. He would fawn over you, telling you what a pretty pussy you have, how he can't wait to stretch you out and ruin you, can't wait to make you scream his name.
But this time, for once, he can't wait. He guides your hand with his, moving automatically to his cock (which you can’t even wrap your hands all the way around), and you begin to pump him a few times to get him all warmed up. He lets out a heavy breath, your touch euphoric. Right as you start to drag your finger across the head, he lets out a moan, removing your hand before it becomes too much for him to bear.
Propped up on your elbows, he tears off your shirt, gazing at your newly exposed chest. He takes in your form, cheeks flushed. He pushes you down flat against the soft bed, where you land with a bounce. His large hands move to your thighs, groping the soft flesh, filling you with a hazy warmth.
"I love it when you touch me like that," you breathe, and you can see the anticipation, the hunger building in his eyes. He smirks looking down at you with a smoldering expression that sends a fresh wave of butterflies through you.
"There’s plenty more where that came from, toots."
Before you can even blush, his grip on your thighs tightens as he throws your legs on his shoulders, leaning over you, and presses a hot, open mouthed kiss to your lips. He’s not stopping at folding you in half, you realize as he proceeds to pin both your arms over your head, holding your wrists with one hand, gripping the sheets with the other. He begins to roll his hips into yours, and he moans, fully inside you in just a few thrusts.
If he hadn’t rendered you both speechless and breathless in a mere few seconds, you’re sure you’d be a moaning mess, too. Somehow, in spite of all that, he manages to draw a moan out of you, which is instantly muffled by his tongue fucking into your mouth. He loves that. He loves the feeling of you desperately whining against his tongue. It makes his grip on the sheets tighten even more, knuckles going white against the cool metal of his rings, and the chain of his necklace grazes against you in sync with his hips.
He pulls apart, letting out a long, low moan that quickly turns into a chuckle, his breath fanning over your skin. His eyes bore into yours, and you can feel him rubbing up against your cervix with every deliberate thrust. It’s a feeling that was entirely foreign to you until you had met Billy. Not only is he the only one you’ve met that’s actually big enough to reach your cervix, but he also knows exactly what to do and exactly how to do it to make you feel so, so good - a skill he’s most definitely using to his advantage right now. It adds a whole new layer, another pleasurable hum to the symphony he’s creating with your bodies.
“Atta girl,” he praises sweetly, eyes never leaving yours, “just like that…”
Jesus Christ, you look so goddamn hot and fuckable when you’re splayed out beneath him like this, all submissive just for him. That doe eyed fuck me look on your face, while his hand is wrapped around your wrists, legs pinned down, it makes him want to fill you up even more than he did before. He knows for a fucking fact that if he could see your pussy right now, it would look amazing.
He’s really, really glad he’s hitting it raw right now, because if he somehow wasn’t currently about to knock you the hell up, he’d do whatever he had to to make sure he could. All he wants right now is to make you feel good, and fuck a baby into your needy little cunt. Based on the volume and frequency of your whiny moans and other noises, he’s doing a pretty damn good job.
He’s looking at you with this wild drive, this intensity, this hunger you haven’t seen anywhere else. His broad shoulders and muscular torso press into you, providing a nice sense of weight and pressure that somehow makes all this feel even better. The heat from your bodies radiates off each other as you pant, trying in vain to catch your breath from everything he’s done to you, everything he’s made you feel.
You snap out of the thought, stretched and accustomed to his size after a few moments, and he finally begins to move. The pace he sets is agonizing and perfect and you let out a long, breathy moan. A deep satisfaction begins to work its way through you as you’re stuffed with his cock, finally feeling full the way you’ve been craving for… a while, you realize. You didn’t notice how badly you missed Billy’s touch, his cock, the way he fills you up and stretches you out.
It hasn’t even been that long since the last time he rearranged your guts, you suppose, you’re just a little bit addicted to his cock by now. He hits a spot inside you that has you whining again, and you reluctantly admit to yourself you’re more than a little addicted. Much more. You feel him twitch inside you, making you even more aware of how well he fills you up, how deep and thick he is inside you, and you let out a shuddering sigh as he moans, breath fanning each other's faces.
Meanwhile, Billy can’t help but revel in how tight you are. You have a vice grip on his cock, squeezing him more perfectly than he could imagine, and no matter how many times you fuck, you always feel so much better than he expects. You’re warm, and tight, and wet; exactly the right grippy texture to make his cock twitch and leak tons of precum. You stimulate him better, more perfectly than anyone or anything he’s ever encountered.
He dwells on this feeling for a few seconds as you adjust to the swell of his cock, and the rhythm he’s splitting you in half to, simply allowing himself to really enjoy the feeling of being inside of you. Under any other circumstances he’d do things a little differently - he’d for sure go down on you until you cum at least three times, and that’s just to start with - but tonight is different. Tonight, he’s not just fucking you, he’s not just going to pleasure you until you’re both seeing stars. No, tonight, he’s on a mission to get you pregnant. Right fucking now.
It takes every single ounce of restraint and self control he has to maintain the pace he’s set, which is just slow enough for you to feel every single sensation he’s giving you, but not slow enough for your focus to stray from him for one moment. Every single thought you have is Billy, Billy, Billy, which is exactly how he wants you. You whine, trying to squirm below him, but you can’t move much with the way he has you pinned down below him. The noises you make, the way you writhe against him, the way you say his name in a breathy little sigh has him fighting to keep his composure.
It’s so difficult for him not to go absolutely feral with you beneath him like this, when he’s made you like this. He wants you, he craves you. It’s taking everything in him not to rush into this like a bull, but god dammit he is determined, he is going to knock you up tonight. And make you cum as many times as he can during that process. He can’t help himself as he starts growling out the filthiest shit he can think of, letting every dirty thought he has about you flow out of him.
“How does that feel, angel?” he asks, eyes burning into you, and you let out another whine in response.
“Good girls use their words,” he pants in your ear, voice low, “you want to be a good girl for Billy, don’t you?”
He’s barely gotten started and his words are already flooding you with heat, making you throb around him.
“Yes,” you manage to choke out, and he lets out a growl, satisfied with your response. He increases his pace and he fucks into you, deep and fast and hot. He lets out a moan, feeling you squeeze around him.
“That’s it,” he praises you for responding, “good whores follow daddy’s orders.” he growls. You let out a whiney, breathy moan and tighten around him. He continues his torrent of dirty talk, loving the reactions he gets out of you.
“You gonna follow orders? Huh?” he coaxes, “You gonna take my cock, be obedient for me, angel?”
You nod, whining again. His free hand releases its grip on the sheets, making its way to your stomach, pressing down. You can both feel his bulge inside you, going in and out, even more than you did before.
“Maybe I should start calling you mommy, get some practice in for when I knock you up…” he muses, voice gravely with lust. He can feel the soft, squishy flesh of your tits pressed up right against him, and they jiggle rhythmically in response to every one of his thrusts. His hand leaves your stomach, moving back up to your jaw to angle your face towards his.
He plants messy, hot kisses all over your mouth and neck, continuing to growl dirty shit right into your ear. You can barely pay attention to his very, very hot words, because Jesus fucking Christ his cock feels so good inside you. He fucks you so good, you can barley wrap your mind around it. You know later when you’re catching up with your friends over coffee they’ll ask about Billy, they’ll take one look at you and know. He’s barely gotten started with you, and you’re already cock drunk. Great.
He can see your eyes glazing over, and he knows what that look means.
“Already, sugarlips?” he asks rhetorically, a cock, teasing tone to his voice. You’re a panting, writhing mess that he’s made you into, so of course he’s going to tease you about it. You wouldn’t expect any less from him. You moan again, sounding like you’re straight out of a porn - and looking like it too, he thinks - and you try to bury your face in his neck. He doesn’t let you, kissing you more instead, so he can keep looking at your gorgeous, fucked out face.
“ ‘m close-” you manage to moan into his mouth, but he knows. Of course he knows, look at you. He can feel your muscles slowly contracting around him. He pumps into you a few more times, and somehow you tighten around him even more as you cum intensly around him. He’s balls deep inside you, and he knows if he tries to move like this he’ll come undone in an instant, which he does not want - not yet, at least. Instead, he grinds his pelvic bone into your clit to carry you through your second orgasm of the night. It works, and you convulse and writhe below him, legs shaking over his shoulders.
“Good girl…” he moans, voice dripping with praise, and just a little condescending. Just the way he knows you like it. You pulse around him, and once your grip lets up enough, he begins to pound into you again. He’s now made you cum at least twice, and does not plan on stopping. Heat floods to your cheeks as he once again takes up that relentless pace again, never ceasing to make you feel anything but euphoric.
His eyes are locked on yours, boring into your soul. The way he looks at you is so intense, and every time you squeeze them shut, or look away, he’s still staring just as intensely when you look back. The truth is, Billy really can’t get enough of you. There’s a certain high he gets from having all your attention, from being the thing that makes you feel so good you can’t stop moaning and screaming his name in spite of how much you might try.
He craves that attention from you more than anything. And dear god, you look so goddamn cute when you get nervous like that. When you look away, all blushy and flustered and fuckable, it just… does something to him. It makes that attention, that connection, so much sweeter. After you look away again, he takes his free hand and grabs your face, locking your eyes with his once more.
“Look at daddy when he’s fucking you.” he growls, and you moan relexively. He chuckles, eyes staring into your soul.
“You like that, don’t you dollface? Course you do… pretty thing like you just loves gettin’ tossed around by a big strong man.”
Fuck. He’s right, and you both know it. There’s no use trying to deny it, your moans and noises, the way you clench around him at his words are all the answer he needs. The heat generating between you two has a thin glistening sheen of sweat reflecting off his smooth skin in the low light of the room. Every noise you make (and you’re making a whole damn lot of them) is just turning Billy on more, continuing to encourage him to get you pregnant and full with his child. And he is going to get you so, so pregnant.
His free hand moves from your jawline to your tits, vehemently groping the soft flesh. He starts to play with your nipples, hard from arousal, and previously brushing against his chest, sending heat to your core. Now the heat they’re sending to your core is intentional. And it’s straight from Billy.
After a moment, he brings his thumb into his mouth, then his index finger into yours. You wrap your lips around him, sucking automatically. He pounds into you harder, curling his finger against your tongue the way he’d curled it inside you earlier.
“So good, so, so good… you gonna be a good little slut for me? Huh?” You moan, nodding as he gently finger fucks your mouth. Once he’s satisfied, he retracts his finger, hand making its way back to your tits. You spit mixes on your skin as he begins to tweak and rub your nipples again.
“Parading that tight little ass around in those shorts…” he plants another affectionate smack on your hip, grip on your wrists tightening, “calling me daddy,” he growls, pace relentless, “like that’s not gonna get you knocked up.” He chuckles as you clench around him.
Yeah, you’re definitely going to have a bruised cervix after this, but dear god it’s worth it. He’s panting, breath fanning all over you, making you even warmer than before. He fills you up so good, fucking you deep into your guts, making your head swim. Shit, you can’t get enough of him. No matter how much you fuck, you’re always craving him, craving his touch. He can’t seem to get enough of you either, practically everything you do turns him on. He’s relentless and you’re insatiable - you make a surprisingly good pair.
You’re close again, and you moan as it snaps you out of your train of thought. He can make you cum so fast it’s almost embarrassing. And you know he absolutely fucking loves it. He adores every minute of this. He loves how blushy and embarrassed you get when he’s made you cum half a dozen times back to back. You look so sweet and fucked out and flushed below him, practically drooling over his cock. He loves overstimulating you, he loves getting to watch as he actually fucks your brains out. He starts babbling out more praise, unable to hold back.
“Takin’ my cock like such a good, obedient girl,” he moans in your ear, placing hot kisses all over your face and neck. His hand is now pressing down on your stomach again, feeling his bulge stretch you over and over. The added sensation to your walls has you whining in a way that makes him throb inside you.
“F-fuck,” he chokes out, “you already feel all swolen ‘nd knocked up… gonna be so fuckin’ cute when you’re all pregnant, gonna make such a good little mommy-”
God dammit, it’s enough to send you over the edge yet again. You cum hard, convulsing around his cock, letting out a torrent of porn worthy moans.
“Fuck, Billy!” you cry out, clamping and shaking around him. You’ve finally brought him to the edge, and he can’t hold back any longer this time. This time, he cums with you.
“Shit- fuck!” his moan is torn from his throat, and he almost laughs at the end. You can’t imagine feeling any more full than you do with Billy’s cock stuffed inside you, his hot body and muscular chest pressing up against yours, but when he starts pumping you full of thick, hot cum, a new kind of satisfaction washes through you.
He lets out gravely moans, almost growling into your ear as he humps into you, riding out your highs. You expect him to stop after that, or at least slow down. Your eyes, glazed over with pleasure, widen in excitement and anticipation as he continues, speeding up to the pace he was keeping before. He fucks his cum deeper inside you, and with your hips slightly angled upwards, he knows he can keep every drop inside you. The realization sends blood rushing to his cock, and you feel him harden inside you.
He continues pistoning into you, your sweet moans like music to his ears. In spite of how close he has you, he’s overwhelmed with desire for you. He wants to touch you, wants to squeeze your soft tits and feel you pressed up against him without your legs in the way. He wants to be even closer to you. So, he leans back without pulling out, and brings your legs off his shoulders, wrapping them around your waist. He inches his legs forward so he has you in something akin to a mating press. He pins you back down, pressing against you even more than before.
“There’s a good girl,” he coos, thrusting into you like your lives depend on it, “such a good girl for daddy huh?”
You moan in agreement. You cling on to him, already feeling the dizzy beginnings of another orgasm building up.
“Gonna make such a good mommy,” he breathes, in between pressing hot open mouthed kisses along your neck, “gonna be so fuckin’ cute… all full and pregnant…”
It lasts for hours. You lost track of how many times you’ve both cum, you’re either at or well into double digits by now, his baby fevered dirty talk never ceasing. He cums into you again, and again, and again. He’s cum inside you so many times now you’re actually starting to look pregnant. The bulge in your stomach is bigger than before, and you’re stuffed full of more than just his cock. He touches your stomach, and you can tell he’s thinking the same thing.
He continues to pound into you, hitting that spot that makes your brain short circuit. His hands are all over you, groping your soft flesh, feeling you up and gripping the sheets until his knuckles turn white. You cling onto him, scratching his back and pulling his hair.
“Maybe I should keep you like this, huh? Keep you nice and pregnant,” he lets out an animalistic growling moan, laughing deliriously at the idea, “Keep fuckin’ brats into you as quick as you can push em out…”
His cock twitches at the mere thought. He’s drunk on you, on the idea of breeding you, keeping you constantly filled up to the brim. Honestly, he seems a little unhinged at this point, and it’s really, really hot.
He cums again as he finishes the thought, and you're sure you can't possibly feel any more full than you do right now. Eventually he begins to slow down, finally stopping still, and you can feel his cock and balls twitching against your sensitive walls. Still sheathed inside you, he collapses his weight on top of you, causing your breathing to shallow slightly. His hot breath fans over your face and neck as he kisses your jawline, exhausted, and praises you for a job well done.
"Such a good girl for me… taking daddy's cock so well…"
He rubs soothing shapes into your skin.
"Gonna make such cute little babies…"
His touch is enamored as ever, providing a sense of comfort entirely unique to him.
"... Be fuckin' gorgeous, all soft and round…"
He continues to murmur every loving, still very hot thought that crosses his mind into your ear as he kisses your neck. You're both totally blissed out, and you lay in each other's embrace, enjoying the warmth and touch you share.
After a little while, you're not sure how Iong, he begins to push himself up slightly.
"I should get cleaned up…" you begin, feeling his cum sloshing around inside you, kept firmly in place by his cock. You move to scoot out from under him, but he stops you. He pushes you back down to the bed, tits jiggling.
"Ah ah ah," he says in a warning.
"Billy," you start, fighting off a flustered giggle. He grabs a pillow, sliding his hand under the small of your back. In one swift motion, he lifts you up and places the pillow under your hips. He lays back down on top of you, all without pulling out of you for a moment. You let out a noise as he moves against your sensitive flesh, grunting as he settles against you.
"I have to get cleaned up…" you trail off with a giggle.
"Oh no, no you don't sugarlips," he says, in that cocky, dominant tone of voice, "I'm gonna keep you stuffed full of me like this for a while."
He thrusts into you once or twice to emphasize his point, causing you to squirm against him - a feeling he really, truly can not get enough of.
"Cause otherwise," he continues once he’s settled back on top of you, gently crushing you with his weight, "I'd have to fill you up all over again. And I know how much you would hate that." Cloying sarcasm drips from his lips, and he feels you flutter around him and the statement, unsure if it's a threat or a promise or both.
You know he definitely knocked you up, there’s no way this didn't work exactly how he wanted it to. But you don't think that you’d mind trying a couple more times, just to make sure. On top of you, fighting off sleep to revel in your presence, your touch, your warmth, and press even more kisses into your soft skin, Billy is thinking the exact same thing.
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whetstonefires · 2 years
I love when people say Alfred Pennyworth is the most sane or stable member of the batfamily because like.
This is a man who had two exciting careers before he even stopped being 'a young man,' and then stepped up as a butler because it was his estranged father's dying wish
and then when his employers' son was orphaned accepted custody, and just
has been basically cosplaying a butler as 80% of his visible personality for thirty to fifty years.
He fell sideways into not-exactly-parenting and was like, welp, guess this is my life now and just. Continued to not-parent his ward long after he was a grown man, enabled all his weirdness, helped him slightly-more-openly-parent a succession of kids while always maintaining his posture of being an employee.
Did not have any real personal life and also has no coworkers to speak of.
Could have changed any of this at any time and repeatedly chose to not do that.
This man is a lunatic. This man is a cornerstone of all subsequent lunacies.
It's extra funny when the batfam says it because it's perfectly believable they would think so because 1) their baseline is so warped and 2) that's what he wants them to think.
He may in fact personally believe that he's the Only Sane Man In This Belfry, although he is wrong, but he for sure knows he's not actually okay. He just feels it's his duty that none of his charges notice it. Because it's not their job to worry about or care for him. Only the other way around.
Yes I am saying all this in the present tense even though he's still dead, because time death and comics are all fake anyway.
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strawberrysodaslut · 2 years
steve harrington fucking you in film store bathroom
Star Cuffed Jeans - Steve Harrington x Reader
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summary: late night shifts were the bane of your existence, but Steve finds a way to make it… exciting.
warnings: SMUTTT, fingering, unprotected sex (this is fiction your life isn’t) multiple orgasms,
a/n: i loved this request. this took SO LONG to write omg i’m so glad with how it turned out tho
taglist: @cinderellacauseshebroke @snowsnow27 @multi-fandomslut @marauderslittlespoon @remuslupinisfruity
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Working at the film store was the worst.
The pay was shitty, the customers were rude- especially if you end up not having the movie, the boss is a douche and is never there, and the hours were just stupid, no one is renting a film at 10pm on a weekday.
The only thing keeping you from quitting is the friendship you’ve formed with your two co-workers. 
When the two of them started, you were certain they were a couple, but during training you were immediately corrected. They couldn’t be further from romantic, it was kind of adorable.
It took almost a year for Robin to come out to you, she was batshit terrified. You had to reassure her that you didn’t care and that you were proud of her for feeling comfortable to tell you.
But, that led you to having no real reason to ignore how attractive you find Steve. Not that you were the only person who thought so, most of your “regulars” were only there to gawk at Steve- not that you could blame them.
He seemed to like you too- not in that way, at least you don’t think so. But he’s always trying to make you laugh, especially when customers weren’t around. He’d tell you all the drama his ‘boy’ dustin would tell him about school, which you loved. And he’d always try to get you on his side whenever him and Robin fought- even if it was stupid.
“And so I told her- everyone likes boobies! She likes boobies, I like boobies, I know you’re not gay but I’m sure you like boobies.” He rambled, recounting the argument he and Robin had “She paused it at 53 minutes and 55 seconds, she likes boobies.”
“Im sure she does Steve,” You say. You learnt that Steve’s rants are even more entertaining when you agree, so it’s be socially became a reflex.
The two of you spent the next hour waiting for customers. There hadn’t been a single one since 6:30, it was 9pm.
“This is so stupid,” You mutter, you were tired and just wanted to go home.
Steve chuckles, “Are you sick of me already? We’ve got two hours left.” He says.
Although Steve couldn’t lie, he’d grown bored too. He’d run out of stories to entertain you with, and your brain was so broken from working so long to come up with one yourself.
While you were sitting on the counter, waiting for new customers, Steve was sitting on the floor, just to the right of your legs, back against the counter.
He started casually playing with the cuffs of your jeans, before throwing all caution to the wind and grabbing a pen to draw stars on them.
You watch Steve start to get more creative with his doodles, before finally getting so concentrated he’s gripping on your ankle, digging his skin into your flesh.
It tickles, so you try and kick him away. He actually lets out a whine, “Stop it, you’re ruining my design.” He says, using his strength to still your movements, holding you in place to finish his doodle.
“Good girl, that wasn’t so hard was it?” He says, smirking as he tries to find an empty part to keep on drawing.
Your heart must have moved to your throat, because you can feel the harsh beats as your body fights itself on running far away or staying in this moment.
You decide to stay.
Steve eventually gives up, having covered every inch of your cuffs with his art. He moves to sit on the counter, stretching his hand out. “Gimme your hand.” He says. You oblige, and he’s immediately drawing his random doodles on your hand.
You look to see what he’s drawing, it’s mostly stars, random little monsters, a dog, “steve was here”, but you can also see a little one. You remove your hand from Steve’s grip to inspect it.
He tugs your hand back, pulling a little too harsh and nearly dragging you off of the stool. He moves to catch you, hand on your waist as your faces nearly bump into each other.
Steve’s eyes dart from your eyes to your lips, and he moves forward, hesitating to give you a chance to push him away, before breaking the space between you. You immediately reciprocate the kiss.
His lips are soft against yours, slotting like the last piece of a puzzle. You moan against his mouth, carding your hands in his hair.
Before things can get too far, he looks behind you, quickly breaking the kiss and spinning you in your chair just in time to greet a new customer. You have to tell your body to breathe, the ability to do so subconsciously stolen by the kiss.
Your mind hazes as the customer wanders around the store aimlessly, then promising he didn’t need any help, that he was just looking for a movie. No shit, what else would you be here for?
Steve keeps insisting on helping the guy, hoping to get him out of there as soon as possible. When he finally gets the man to pick a damn movie, he’s pretty much tossing the money in the register.
Once he leaves, Steve locks the door and turns the closed sign on, walking behind the counter, gripping your waist and cheek and pulling you into his lips. This one is different from the first one, it’s harsh, desperate.
He takes your bottom lip between his teeth and you moan, your mind completely gone already.
You look at the glass windows and feel weary, you break the kiss, “Steve, windows.”
He gives you a shit eating grin, gripping your hand with his and dragging you into the bathroom, he immediately presses your back against the wall, pushing for a kiss.
You hum into his mouth, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer. You use this angle to tug at the neckline of his shirt, he helps you pull it off, revealing his toned stomach.
He grips at your top, lifting it slightly before his hands still, “This okay?”
You whine, nodding, your mouth bumping against his from the movement. He shakes his head, “Words, baby, words.”
Your mind is so far gone, you can barely stutter out the “yes” he needs to smash his lips back on yours, hungrily shoving his tongue in your mouth.
He pulls your shirt of of you, thankful for your decision to not wear a bra. He lets out a shuddered breath at the sight of your breasts, “You’re perfect,” He says, moving to kiss down your neck.
You moan as he sucks on a sweet spot, he slides a hand between your bodies and unzipping your pants and shimmying them down your body. He cups your clothes cunt, slowly rubbing your clit through the sheer fabric.
You moan, rolling your hips into his hand. “Stop being a fucking tease” You murmur, resting your head back on the tiled wall.
He smirks, immediately pushing your panties out of the way, pushing his middle and ring finger into you and curling. You moan, scratching at his neck as you grip to his hair.
He picks a relentless pace, moving his thumb to rub harsh circles into your clit, “This what you wanted?” He hisses, moving back to your neck to continue marking it.
You moan, nodding. “Fuck, Steve- so good.”
You are dragged to your orgasm at an alarming pace, “Shit- Steve… close” you stammer, gripping to his shoulders for support.
He smiles, pushing a third finger in. “Cum baby, please fucking cum.” He says, increasing the pace of his fingers fucking into you.
That’s all it takes to send you over the edge, your pretty sure your mind is in another dimension, the pleasure you’re experiencing seeming inhuman.
Steve soothes you through your high, pressing kisses across your face and whispering soothing words as you come to.
He presses a kiss to your nose, “You’re so hot, you have no idea.”
You pull him into another kiss, snaking your hand between the two of you to palm him though his jeans. He moans into your mouth, rolling his hips into your hand.
After unzipping his jeans you push your hand under his boxers, wrapping your hand around his hard cock and stroking.
“F-fuck,” he moans, nestling his head in the crook of your neck. Rocking his hips to match your strokes.
Steve pushes your hand off of him, pulling his boxers down and gripping his cock. He uses his free arm to slightly lift you, lining up with your entrance.
The stretch burns as he slowly pushes his cock into you, but the pain mixes with the pleasure in an almost euphoric way. “Fuck, Steve- so big…” You moan, scratching down his back.
Once he’s fully entered you, he waits for you to give him permission to move. You nod, and he starts thrusting in and out of you, using his grips on your hips to grind you down onto his.
The angle is unforgiving, his length seeming to get deeper with every thrust. You try to help, but he’s taken full control, allowing you to just be there, a perfect hole for him to fuck into.
You scrape your hands through his hair, tugging on the strands. He groans, snapping his hips as he brushes your sweet spot. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel the heat pooling in your abdomen.
He moves one of his hands from your hip to rub circles into your clit, “Fuck,” you moan, gripping further at his hair.
“Watch the hair baby, don’t wanna be bald.” He says through his grunts and moans.
You immediately retract your hands, residing in gripping his shoulders. “Sorry,” you whimper, burying your face into his neck and leaving kisses there.
The heat in your abdomen grows stronger as you barrel towards your high, “Close” you choke out, hips involuntary rolling into him.
His thrusts grow sloppy, you can tell he’s close too. “I know baby,” he says, holding you close. “Cum for me, please.”
You crash into your high, the pleasure washing over you. Your walls clamp around him, the feeling bringing him close to his own high.
His hips stutter, releasing a guttural moan as he cums, spilling his seed into you. He fucks you both through your highs until you come down, relaxing in his touch.
“Fuck, that was…“ He says, trailing off at the end, he presses a kiss to your cheek, “perfect, fucking perfect. You’re perfect.”
You laugh, “You’re not so bad yourself,” He chuckles, rolling his hips one more time before pulling out.
Steve looks at his watch, “We still have an hour left of the shift.” He says, laughing.
You laugh, “I don’t think anyone will mind if we close early.”
He smiles, “I know someone here who would actually prefer it.” He says, slotting his lips back in yours.
It seems late night shifts aren’t so bad after all…
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw As Your Husband (Pt. I)
Author’s Note: This is my first headcanon for Rooster/Top Gun: Maverick. This man is currently taking up all the space in my brain, so I’d love to continue writing for him!
Warnings: Super fluffy fluff.
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- This man literally calls you anything except your given name. Seriously. “Baby,” “baby girl,” darling,” “sugar lips,” “my girl,” “honey.” He has a million and one pet names for you and he isn’t afraid to use them.
- Since your wedding, his favorite thing to call you is “Mrs. Bradshaw.”
- Every morning, before he leaves for work, he always makes sure to give you a kiss goodbye and say, “I love you, Mrs. Bradshaw.”
- “I love you, too, Lieutenant Bradshaw,” you always tell him with a wink, which makes him smile on his way out the door.
- He carries one of your wedding photos with him whenever he flies.
- At your wedding, Rooster definitely took over the piano at one point and serenaded you and your guests with “Great Balls of Fire” in memory of his dad.
- He pulled you down onto his lap while he played, just like Goose always used to do with Carole.
- Maverick made a speech at your wedding about how proud Goose and Carole would be of Bradley, and how much they would have loved you. You could tell it made Rooster emotional, so you squeezed his hand the whole time. He never let go.
- The two of you barely got to eat anything at your wedding because you were too busy spinning around on the dance floor all night.
- For your honeymoon, the two of you spent a week in Hawaii. You’d like to say you took in all the sights, but the truth was that you were pretty well occupied in your hotel suite for the majority of the week.
- Once you got home from your honeymoon, you began working on making your new apartment a real home for you and Rooster. He insisted on handling all the heavy lifting and wanted to ensure that you barely had to lift a finger.
- After a few weeks, once everything was painted and sorted, and all the new furniture was moved in, Rooster made a big show of carrying you over the threshold of the apartment.
- “You really are crazy, you know that?” you laughed, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
- “Crazy for you, Mrs. Bradshaw,” he told you with a playful smirk, stealing a kiss.
- “Dork,” you grinned, letting out a squeal of delight as he kissed you again and carried you towards your bedroom.
- As a final touch, you hung your favorite portrait of the two of you from your wedding day in the living room. Beside it, you hung a photograph of Goose and Carole from their wedding.
- “They look so happy,” you murmured softly as Rooster wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and pressed an affectionate kiss to your shoulder. You always wished you could have gotten a chance to meet his parents. You can tell how much he loves them from the stories he’s told you.
- “They were,” Rooster told you, pressing his cheek against yours. “God, they would have loved you.” He tells you that all the time, and you believe him.
- “I would have loved them, too.” Your response brings a smile to his face.
- Rooster is an extremely thoughtful husband. Every night when he comes home from work, he always has a present for you. Usually it’s flowers, but sometimes it’s your favorite candy or a pint of your favorite ice cream.
- “How’s my best girl?” he always asks, giving you a kiss as soon as he walks through the door. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing--cooking dinner, cleaning the bathroom, folding laundry--he always interrupts you with a kiss. It’s an interruption you gladly welcome.
- “I love you so much,” he tells you while you’re lying in his arms at night. “Marrying you is the greatest adventure I’ve ever had.”
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cryonme · 2 years
➵ 𝐇𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮
➵ Regulus Black x reader
➵ summary: The Marauders hold a silent grudge against you for falling in love with the younger Black, until one day everything comes out in an argument, and Sirius has no choice but to find his brother, and see for himself how much he loves you.
➵ word count: 2k
➵ tw: swearing, arguing, panic/ anxiety, slut shaming
➵ a/n: lowkey kinda proud of this? pulled this idea outta my ass while zoning out at work and had to write it as soon as I got home lol. anyway, im on a real writing kick right now I have so many ideassss! happy reading xo MIZ
       ╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝
You never spoke of your relationship to your friends.
They never asked questions when you would leave, saying you had plans, they didn’t approach you when they’d spot you hand in hand in the halls, a bright smile beaming on your face.
But you saw the resentment.
You saw Sirius grit his teeth anytime his name would accidentally slip past your lips.
You saw Remus’ eyes fall when he saw you with him in the courtyard.
You saw James’ fake smile when you’d show him your new jewelry and dresses that he knew you didn’t buy for yourself.
You heard the girls’ disapproving whispers when you’d leave your dorm to meet him.
It broke your heart every time. You wished to be able to talk freely about your love without feeling guilty, you wanted to bring him to your weekly game nights, you wanted to go to Hogsmeade during Christmas with everybody and get butterbeers and giggle as snowflakes clung onto all your eyelashes. You wanted to share that community with him.
But you loved Regulus more than any of those things.
The way his slender fingers soothed your sore muscles at the end of a long week, the way his soft lips felt on yours, the way he never spoke in anything but a gentle tone with you, the way his eyes looked at you with so much adoration you think you might melt.
That was all so much more to you than anything your friends could offer.
You loved them, with every fiber in your being you loved them so much, but they just couldn’t compare to your Regulus.
“What are you doing today, Miss (Y/n)?” James asked as he bounded down the Gryffindor dorm stairs, a smile on his face as he prepared to ask you to spend the day with him and the boys. The girls were shopping in Hogsmeade, you had already declined that invitation earlier in the morning.
“Got plans with Reg, James.” You said, a guilty smile on your face as you chewed on the inside of your lip.
James was the only one you could slightly talk about him with, the only one who would push his feelings for the younger Black aside for your sake, but even then it was barely any.
But you hadn’t realized Sirius and Remus coming down the stairs behind him.
“Spending the day with my little brother?” Sirius asked, his voice sharp.
You nodded. Sinking further into the common room couch, trying so hard to avoid conflict.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He snapped, his voice going lower, his teeth ground together so hard you were worried they might shatter.
“Sirius!” James scolded, lightly shoving his friend’s shoulder.
“No, you know what? I’m so tired of this. I’m tired of keeping my mouth shut for the sake of your stupid feelings when you’re being reckless and stupid!”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about you bloody idiot!” You stood from your sinking position on the couch, the hiding and ignoring was over.
“Of course I do! My little brother won you over with his charming smile and his empty words and I’m sick of it! He’s incapable of love!”
“You’re only proving my point.” You seethed.
“Merlin, you’re so daft you can’t even see what’s right in front of you!” Sirius yelled, his hands running through his hair and over his face as he flailed them around in frustration.
Remus placed a hand on Sirius’ shoulder. “He’s harsh, but he’s right, darling.”
“Oh, fuck off, Remus!” You threw your head back and rubbed harshly at your eyes in frustration. “All of you masking your judgement as just caring about me, it’s bullshit!”
“No, you fuck off!” Sirius’ voice boomed off the walls of the common room, rattling through your ears. “You know what they say about the girls Regulus dates, you know how many times we’ve defended you around the school?!” His chest was heaving and his face was red, and you swore you’ve never been more scared of your best friend in your life. Your chest began to tighten and you felt like even if you tried to speak nothing would come out.
“Sirius-” James warned.
“Shut up, Potter!” He growled before continuing. “Maybe you are just like they say, darling. Maybe you’re just a shallow slut that doesn’t know her left from right-”
Hot tears threatened your waterline and your fingers began to shake.
“Sirius.” James said again, more demanding.
“Maybe you are just a stupid bitch!” “Sirius!” This time it was James’ turn for his voice to rattle the ears of his friends, he had noticed your state, but it was too late, you were far too gone. Your hands were clutching your stomach, trying desperately to soothe the uncomfortable stress knots that were beginning to form there.
James sent Sirius a glare before standing in front of you, trying his best to soothe your jagged breaths and strangled cries.
“You went too far this time, Pads.” Remus said, using his best disappointed dad voice.
“Love, please calm down, please.” James begged, your hands tight in his but you couldn’t hear him, his pleads went in one ear and out the other. You could barely even register where you were, each word and each movement was warbled.
“(Y/n/n), hey, it’s Rem. Can you look at me, darling?” Remus asked, his voice soothing and soft as silk as he reached out to you, only for you to jerk away from both him and James.
“I was making progress, you git.” James muttered and Remus rolled his eyes.
“Sweetheart, you’ll faint. Please look at me.” Remus tried again, trying his best to ignore the two boys beside him.
But your cries wouldn’t let up, you eventually sank to your knees, your body overcome with exhaustion from your muscles tensing and your whole body trembling, but still, you wouldn’t let them near you, only harshly jerking away and crying harder when they tried to console you.
“(Y/n), please, fuck! Please, you’re scaring us, love.” Remus begged, his own voice beginning to shake at the sight of you.
“Why didn’t you let up when I told you to?!” James turned around and shoved Sirius, sending his back to thud against the nearest wall.
“All you said was my name, how was I supposed to know?!” He argued, his eyebrows furrowing together.
“Oh, your best friend not being able to breathe right in front of you didn’t give you a fucking clue?”
Your cries only worsened as the boys began to scream at each other, cowering away from the scene and closing your eyes and covering your ears.
“Cut it out! Bloody idiots you’re scaring her!” Remus yelled. He was so angry at the carelessness of his two best friends, dragging you through hell.
“Sirius, you need to find Regulus.” Remus said, calmer this time.
Remus held up a finger before his friend could argue, and slowly pointed to your fragile state, completely inconsolable.
And the lightbulb in his brain turned on.
“I need to find Regulus.” Sirius said, not giving the other two a chance to respond before he was out the door. He was so worried it was causing him to feel sick, and although he hated it, Remus was right, he had to find his brother.
The black haired boy flew through the corridors of the castle and into the library, where he thought for sure he’d find him, but to no avail. He groaned in frustration and spun his body around, running once again, towards the courtyard, where he thankfully found him sitting under a tree, nose in a book as he snacked on an apple.
“Regulus.” Sirius breathed, resting his hands on his knees in front of his brother, blaringly aware that your state was only getting worse and worse by the second.
The younger brother looked up, raising one confused eyebrow at the elder’s tired state. “What? Have you come here to-”
“It’s (Y/n).” Was all Sirius had to say before Regulus was up and running alongside his brother to the Gryffindor common room, earning a couple of disapproving looks from the paintings.
Regulus’ heart has never ached more than when he saw you cowered in a corner, eyes screwed shut and hands pressed harshly against your eyes, rocking yourself back and forth as you struggled to breathe.
“Step back, please.” He said, as politely as possible to James and Remus, who immediately obliged. He knew the two were just trying their best to help.
He sat in front of you placing his hands over yours and slowly taking them off of your ears so you could hear his voice.
“Hi, dove.” His voice so gentle and adorning even James felt his heart swell.
You immediately laced your fingers through his, still not opening your eyes, but allowing Regulus to console you.
“That’s it, darling. Doing so well f’me. Can you keep breathing?”
You nodded, trying your best to breathe steady in the hold of your boyfriend.
“There you go, there you go.” He cooed before pressing a kiss to your head and unlinking his fingers from yours so he could pull your slightly shaking frame into his lap, resting his cheek on top of your head. “Keep going, doing so good.” He praised, beginning to gently rock you back and forth.
The three Gryffindors were stunned. He was so gentle, so attentive, so loving with you.
He loved you, he really loved you so much.
And Sirius felt like a proper prick.
Your boyfriend stood up with you in his arms with ease and nodded at the Marauders. “‘Scuse me, gentlemen.”
The three stepped aside and allowed Regulus to take you up to your dorm. They all sat in silence, their thoughts bouncing around their heads a million miles a minute, until Regulus returned, alone.
“She refuses to tell me what happened, which only leads me to believe you thick headed lot said something. So, go on. I’m listening.” He crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows, waiting for an explanation.
“Didn’t say shit that wasn’t true.” Sirius muttered, crossing his arms and huffing like a child.
“Really?” James exasperated, his mouth agape, “After putting her through that nightmare, you’re still going to act this way?!” James scoffed when Sirius didn’t answer, but the brunet boy missed the slightest downturn of guilt on his friend’s lips as he turned to Regulus, telling him everything that happened, Remus chiming in every now and then.
“You are unbelievable, brother.” Regulus spat as soon as the two other boys were finished explaining.
“Didn’t mean to make her cry.”
“Well you did!” Regulus took a step forward as he yelled, causing Sirius to step back. “In fact, you didn’t just make her cry. You gave her a bloody panic attack! Thought I was gonna have to take my poor girl to Madam Pomfrey’s!”
Regulus laughed a humorless laugh, running a pale hand through his thick, black curls.
“All she’s ever wanted is the approval of you three. For you to love and support her. But all she ever gets is head shakes disapproving words and your cold fucking shoulders!” His voice was getting louder with every word he spoke but he didn’t care.
“And look what you’ve done to her!” He gestured up the stairs, the boys didn’t have to see you to know you were a wreck. “And you two aren’t innocent either.” Regulus pointed a finger at Remus and James. “I’d expect more from you two, really.”
“I don’t want any of you trying to talk with her until she’s ready to. And not when she says she’s ready to, when she’s really ready to.”
And with that he turned on his heel and trudged up the stairs, making sure to look back at his brother one last time before disappearing.
If looks could kill, Sirius would be dead.
Regulus opened the door to your dorm as carefully as possible, softly whining at the sight of you curled up in your bed, your face marked with tear tracks and eyes and lips swollen, sniffling.
“My lovely girl.” Regulus crooned as he climbed into your bed with you, holding you against him.
“I just want them to love me.”
His heart sank. “They do. They have a shitty way of showing it, but they do, so much, angel.”
You nodded, cuddling yourself further into your boyfriend.
“And so do I.”
“I love you more than the world, Reg.”
“I love you more.”
“Not possible.” You said, with just about the quietest voice he’d ever heard as your eyelids began to droop, exhaustion beginning to overtake your body.
“Okay, I’ll let you win this one.”
“Thank you.”
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