#while his mother is crying in the kitchen with his dad knocked out cold
blingblong55 · 9 months
Happiness -Simon 'Ghost' Riley
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Photo Credits: @ave661
---- F!Reader, angst, divorce, ex-husband!Simon, dad!Simon ----
A/N: Blaming the talented writers on here that wrote on ex-husband!Simon a while back for this
Ten years, eight of them lived as his wife and four of them as the mother to his child. Now, you and he sit on the stools of the kitchen island, tears in both your eyes as you two come to terms that your marriage is over. No one cheated, no one was toxic but the one thing that they couldn't see coming was that sometimes, love runs out. He and you stopped doing all the cute stuff together, it became stale and dead. "I'm so sorry," he whispers, holding your hand as you look down crying. "I guess it happens," you whisper back. But it shouldn't have. Not to you and not to him. 
You were supposed to grow old together, watch your child grow old, measure his height by the door frame, and watch Simon give his advice for when your son gets his first girlfriend. It was a plan, to sit by the fireplace when you'd both enter your fifties, reminisce on the past and laugh at the cringe things you both did when young. "I'll make sure the divorce goes smooth, I'll...find a place and visit every day. I swear to be the best at...co-parenting," he says with care. "I know, Simon," you grip his hand. 
It's a bittersweet moment, nearly five years ago, you sat him down in this exact place and held his hand with teary eyes as you told him you were pregnant. "Oh...oh my love, I'm going to be a dad!" The kiss he gave you knowing romance films would never compare to that kiss. Now, as you sit in silence, you can't help but cry a different kind of tears. Ten years of your life spent with him spent loving and getting to know him. They say, that to love is to know someone and you know and love him very well so, that is how you find yourself hugging him. Simon's hold on you is so hard yet filled with sadness and care. 
"I love you!" you laugh as you run around the sofa. Simon chasing you and laughing. He had started it, the 'I love you more' competition and when you whispered, 'I love you best' he began to tickle you. "If you say I win, I'll stop tickling you," he laughs. "Never!" your laughter loud as you try and push him off. "Very well then, lovely," he chuckles. After one push, that is where you find yourself running around the home you built with him. 
As you walk past the now cold sofa, you picture that night. Picture the mornings, days, afternoons and midnights where he and you kissed, cuddled, shared secrets, tears and laughs. What a sour taste did it bring to you. "I'll always love you," you whisper to the memory. Simon is out the door and on the road, finding someplace to stay for the night. In moments like these, he would seek for you but now, he must learn to be strong without you, something rather hard. 
[6 Months later]
A knock on your door as Simon comes to pick up your son. "It's opened!" you call out from the kitchen. His little boy, running to the door and smiling. "Daddy!" the young boy smiles and reaches for him, the image in front of you, melting your heart as you watch father and son share a moment. Your heart aches. Why didn't you fight? Cry and beg for him to think it through? No, but you want him to be happy and if he was unhappy in your marriage then you can't for him to stay or love you. 
It's been nine days since the divorce was finalised, you nor he told any of your friends. Kept it all to yourselves and went through grief alone. You drink wine alone in the afternoons now, he watches shit comedy specials alone. And when either of you turns to the side he or you occupied, the feeling comes back. No more shit-talking about the comedian, no more asking for another glass of wine. What if he is someone you'll never move on from? What if you're someone he never mentions? 
What if you two were blind and it wasn't that love ran out?
Fuck...why must this hurt.
"R/N, y'alright?" his voice interrupts you. 
No, I'm not and I miss you like never before. I miss your kisses, your whispers and your dirty jokes. I miss your mornings, I miss our mornings. Love me, please...please love me. 
"Yeah, sorry, I was just trying to remember my schedule today," your voice soft. He nods, "Yeah, well, me and the lad will be out. Call you if needed and call me if you need me." He says before leaving through the door. "Mm-hmm," you play bravely and watch him leave. As you sit on the sofa, you cry. You can't let him leave, not when you have poems, love letters and sweet nothings to tell him. Not when you still want to share your life with him. You walk to the door and go for the handle but hesitate. 
What if he moved on? What if he loves another?
[Simon's POV]
I step out, buckle my kid in and as I hear him laugh, I remember his second favourite toy is still in her home. Will she let me back in? Can she?... Now I'm wondering if she ever cared. Why did I fight for her? Why must I let her leave so easily? What if my love finds some man who tries to play house with my son and my girl? No, fuck that it won't happen. As I reach for her front door, I stop. My R/N, why must you feel so far and yet feel so close to me? 
Don't be stupid, she probably moved on. It's been six months, surely she is fine. But if she isn't? Then, I can still be the shoulder she leans on, I can be the chest she cries in, "Daddy, let's go!" Fuck, that's right. 
On the drive to the park, my mind wanders to her. Her smile, the way she was insecure of the stretch marks but she would fluster when I kissed them. Ten years ago, I met her in this park, kissed her here, walked with her here when she was pregnant and watched our son take his first steps here. Now, I walk with my son but not with her by my side. A woman approaches, me, we talk and soon after I leave. R/N must be home or out. I wonder if she still sings her makeup steps when getting ready. 
Does she still remember how I kissed her? How did my body feel against hers? I wonder if she misses me like how I miss her. Does she want to kiss me? Get back together? I hope no other guy wins her heart like I did. I hope no guy knows she loves to be kissed when her favourite song comes up and how she loves it when dirty jokes are told to her in whispers. I hope no guy watches her dance in a dress and adores her, those curves she got when she became a mother, the smile and the laugh when she gets nervous. 
I wonder if she knows I know her better than anyone. That my love beats any movie on the screen. I read all her favourite books so she'd think I was cool or that I read them to do the things the characters did and watch her fall for me more. Why didn't I tell her that day that I wasn't falling out of love but rather I was scared she would leave me? Fuck..
"Simon?" her delicate voice. If the heavens could speak, she would be the voice of them. "Sorry, I..." tell her you fool! Tell her you love her, that you miss her lips, her wit, her clumsiness and how she gives you a puppy stare when she can't reach the top shelf. "Yeah...uh, I forgot his...uh...his other toy and he has been asking about it." FUCKING COWARD!
[Your POV]
It was earlier than expected but he brought your son home earlier than usual. "I'll go get it for you," you say and walk upstairs. Meanwhile, he looks at the photos at the entrance. What were once photos of you three are now you and your son. "Here it is," you say as you hand him the toy. "Thanks, love," he mumbles as he leaves once more. Before you can close the door, "Simon?" your voice with hope. "Yes?" he turns around, a faint smile on him. Oh those eyes, his beautiful eyes. "...drive safe..." you want to mentally slap yourself. "Yes, love," he nods and walks back to his car. 
To build a home, to walk away and to miss it. Simon Joseph Riley and R/N...formally R/N Riley, now miss home. A home that was found in each other's arms. 
@liyanahelena @ghostslillady @sagebarness @unicorngirly1 @bbyfimmie @alilttlemischiefmaker @aethelwyneleigh27 @pokiona @trgraves-valx1f0r @ryosuku @undercover-smutlover @polios04 @insanitia @thychuvaluswife @josephquinnschesthair @goldenmclaren @moonsua1 @rvivienner @iruzias @frazie99 @idklols @saoirse06 @vampsquerade @juneonhoth @tiredmetalenthusiast @jinxxangel13 @enarien @Simonssweetgirl @luvecarson @willowaftxn83-87 @nobodys-coffee @strawberrychita
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drsbutmakeitspicy · 3 months
A bit in the future of the Single Dad!Carlos CarCar au:
Carlos was on a video call with other members of the team on a Friday afternoon of a rather cold day, a boring meeting that could have been an email, a meeting that he didn't even need to be part of. He could be relaxing analyzing some data he has been given early this morning while sitting on the bean bag by the baby mattress on the floor, where Catalina slept. Or he could be home by now, making dinner and washing clothes as she slept. His thoughts get interrupted by a knock at his door, before he can say anything Lando makes his way inside with Oscar right behind.
During non-race weeks the drivers had meetings with race engineer and strategists, sim work and marketing duties. 
“I'M DONE WITH TODAY, WHERE IS SHE?” Lando announced as he goes in, Carlos was glad he was muted.
”Lando! shh” Oscar says in a loud whisper, pointing to the toddler who now got her big brow eyes open and her faint eyebrows narrowed looking at Lando while still laying down. One of the many rules at the Sainz office was: Never wake up the baby, but if you do, you deal with her wrath.
She makes small whimpering noises as the first tears leave her eyes. “Oh baby girl, I'm so sorry.” he tells her in a sweet voice, crouching down with Oscar by his side watching the Brit try his best. Carlos keeps his eyes both on the call and the boys, watching the disaster he knows is about to happen.
As Lando picks her up she lets out a wail and cries loudly.  “No no no baby, Uncle Lando didn't mean to scare you!”
She is shoving his chest looking around searching for her father, still a bit confused from sleep. It was the worst choice Lando could make, he forgot that in situations like this Carlos lay down by her side and caress her hair until she falls asleep again.
He is also starting to panic as swaying her is not helping. Oscar sigh “Lina, baby.” He puts both hands in front of her, grabbing her attention. 
A gesture that she learned by the time she was 7 months old, he is asking if she wants him to hold her.
“Hey, it's not fair! She always wants you” and sure enough she extends her arms, small hiccups still leaving her mouth as she babbles nonsense for him. 
“You're okay baby, see? Uncle Lando didn't mean to scare you.” She is grabbing his shirt as he cuddles her close, swaying slightly.
Oscar makes eye contact with Carlos, who is up from his seat, ready to do something about the whole scene and watches his daughter rub her face on Oscar's hoodie - there's a chance she will fall asleep again, good. - he thinks as he sits down.
“In the kitchen fridge, inside the pink bag.” is all he says to the Aussie who already knows what to do. “Lan, let's give her a bottle and see if she will go back to sleep, maybe she will forgive you after.”
Lando just scoff with a disgusted expression “She absolutely love me Mr. Piastri! If you give me her right now you will see Uncle Lando is the best, aren't I, Catalina?”
“She will cry again, Lando. Just go to the kitchen while I deal with this meeting.” Carlos hands Lando a baby blanket and shoos them away, mouthing a ‘thanks’ to Oscar.
Before closing the door they can hear Carlos apologizing and asking someone to repeat the question. As it closes with a click they turn right on the corridor.
Lando has the baby blanket around his neck, walking a bit behind Oscar, faking that it's a fancy scarf, throwing it back and making silly faces which has earned him some giggles from the little girl that is laying her head on Oscar's shoulder.
“You cannot tell me she loves you more because you have sisters, mate.”
Oscar turns his face to look back at Lando, confused.
“Well, good. Cause I never told you that. I said I know what to do because I have 3 sisters and helped my mother with them growing up.” 
The small kitchen is not far from Carlos office as he is one of the few people that uses it.
“Then why is she so attached to you?”
Lando puts the tiny blanket on Oscar's shoulder as he goes to open the fridge, grabbing the pink bag and setting it on the table.
Oscar uses the corner of the blanket to wipe her tears. “I don't know.” She giggles when he nuzzles his nose on her hair, tiny hands grabbing the yellow blanket.“She just chose me, mate.” The beeping of the microwave grabs Lando’s attention. “See if it's the right temperature, I'll try to set her on the high chair.” Before Oscar can turn around-
“No high chairs.” He is surprised to see Carlos walk in. “Maybe if she agrees Lando can hold her as she drinks, no?” 
“Why no high chairs?”
“I'll explain later.”
Carlos ask Lando to pass the bottle checks it's temperature, he points for Lando to sit down on the big bean bag on the corner and turns to Catalina in Oscar's arms.
“C'mon princesa, you're probably hungry.” she goes with him easily babbling ‘papapapapa’.
“Be good Cariño” he tells her as he hands her to Lando who is distracting her with the warm bottle, pretending it's a plane.
The Brit sticks his tongue out in Oscar’s direction as if saying I won as she accepted the bottle from him. Drinking happily while looking around, trying to grab Lando's curls.
Carlos steps back to where the Aussie is, his fingers touching Oscar's in a light caress barely noticeable to others, repeating the motion enough times to make it known as not an accident. They stand there watching how Lina smiles with her eyes as Lando baby talks to her.
Oscar feels bad lying to Lando, but he also knows the Brit is horrible at keeping secrets, he doesn't know how Catalina is still a secret for the media.
He knows why Lina is attached to him, he just couldn't mention how many nights he spent at the Spanish man's house reading her stories, helping her with her dinner. He couldn't mention how he was there for them when she got the scary high fever Carlos always talks about. He couldn't tell Lando that he ended up falling for the man and god forbid he finds out they kissed for the first time last night. 
“You're drinking too fast Miss Lina, this is almost empty. Can she have another one ?” he looks at Carlos who takes a step creating a gap between him and the blushing Aussie.
“Only one is fine, try to burp her Lando, you remember how, no?”
“Pff, yea” As Lando gets in his own world talking to the toddler and patting her back Oscar takes his place back close to Carlos and laces their fingers, squeezing it twice.
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justice4billiam · 1 year
Sad Boy Steve Harrington
Word count: 682
AN: I woke up from a dead sleep just to write this little thang. I don’t know why but I had to. haha Sad girl feels (or in this case sad boy Harrington feels)
There were never “right now” moments in the Harrington household.
Steve was always living for... later, he supposed.
Always the "afters" and never the here, right now, In the present.
From the time he could remember, it was “not right now, Steven” and “maybe another time” and the worst one of all, “Later.”
That was another thing about the Harringtons.
Laters never came.
His earliest memories from his childhood were when he was just 3 years old.
“Why don’t you go play? Dinner should be done soon.” His nanny, Ellis, guided him off to his room while she wandered back into the kitchen.
He was in the middle of picking out his favorite book to look at when he heard his father's voice from his office. He didn’t even know they had come home.
Little Steve's eyes were the size of saucers as his head suddenly snapped up. He even remembers the slight jaw ache that resulted from how wide his smile had been.
He recalled how thrilled he was. How happy he was at that age when his parents finally arrived home.
He ran as fast as his tiny feet could go and practically barreled through the large double doors.
“Daddy?!” Little Steve exclaimed, hopping in place with excitement.
His father was standing over his desk; one hand was holding a phone close to his ear, and the other was tucked into the pocket of one of his incredibly expensive suits that he always wore.
Steve scampered up to him, latching himself around the older man's leg. “Daddy! I missed-” Before he could even finish that thought, he was forcefully yanked from his hold and shoved.
He had slammed into the cold, solid wood floors, his tiny body in shambles at his father's feet.
It felt like the air had been knocked out of his lungs as he looked up to meet the man's furious gaze. As he looked at Steve, his dad held his hand over the phone's microphone piece.
"Not right now, boy! How many times must I repeat myself? You are not welcome in here! Go look for your mother." He brushed him off coldly, turning his back on him.
How easily he did that.
Tossed him aside like it was nothing, like he was nothing.
He had sniffled as quietly as he could so as not to irritate his father more. “Sorry, daddy...” He whispered before standing from the floor and dejectedly walking out.
He was passing his parents' bedroom when he heard her. He was young but he knew what it sounded like when someone was crying.
That was another one of many firsts for him.
He poked his head in and found his mother on the floor, her head in her hands, resting against the side of the bed.
Even now, Steve still thinks about that first moment from time to time: how heavy it weighs on his heart; no boy likes to see his mom cry.
“Mommy?” His timid voice rang out as he braved his way into the room and reached out to touch her.
She looked up, watery eyes falling on him. “Oh, Steven! Leave Mommy alone.” She snapped at him, quickly smacking his hand away and wiping at the tears falling onto her cheeks.
He drew his hand to his chest, as if burned. That was what really did it. Big, fat tears started to fall from his eyes as he cradled his hand.
His mother looked at him, guilt written in her expression. “Oh, baby...” He remembered hearing her say as she pulled him into her embrace. His body held tightly to her lap as their tears flowed.
"I'm truly sorry, baby." After a while, she whispered.
She grabbed his face and turned him to face her. "I'm just so upset..." She begins but shaking her head before meeting his gaze again.
"Why don't you be a big boy and go downstairs for dinner, and I'll tuck you in and read to you later? How does that sound? " She asked him, a smile on her lips.
A smile that never reached her eyes.
Yeah, later never came.
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scarriestmarlowe · 7 months
ive been thinking a lot about scarri lately
trigger warnings (bcz tumblr fucking nukes this if i put them in the tags): descriptions of eating disorders (weight loss is only briefly touched upon, and the eating disorder that this story is focused on is not focused on wl,) descriptions of toxic parenting, emetophobia, misogyny, and internalized transphobia (towards the self)
there is something rotting inside of her. rotten? something that's long since rotted. she's not sure when it died, but one early morning, she sat up with the sudden understanding that something inside of her was dying, dead, done, and she had had no say in the matter.
(her dad said marlowe boys died young. she knows she's not boy enough to die, so maybe, this was her body's compromise.)
there's a man in her kitchen, making her food. he puts a plate of eggs, fruit, homemade bread, in front of her. he kisses her mother on her way out the door, handing her her coat. when she's gone, and she sticks the first bite her mouth, it's wrong. it's wrong, because she knows, she shouldn't accept this.
(her dad didn't usually make breakfast. even when she asked. the man in her kitchen doesn't have to be asked, and when she takes a bite, he smiles. it's nothing like her fathers, and when she wants to smile back, she knows it's the beginning of the end. because nobody is really dead, not until they're not loved, and if she doesn't love her father, who will?)
(scarri marlowe isn't a murderer yet. she doesn't want to kill her father.)
she takes sips of water in between thoroughly chewed bites, doesn't finish the bread, and doesn't bother to excuse herself when she goes upstairs to run the shower. she can feel the rotten thing feed, as the food digests, but she still waits. just a little longer, as she pulls her hair back. just a little longer, after the first time is a fluke.
(her dad had made jokes about this. pointing at a pretty girl terri had been watching on the street, and making a two finger gesture to his mouth. he'd told terri that it was the lazy way out.)
there's a knock on the door, a gentle calling to her. when she shouts back some cruel response, she's not sure if her voice is rough from the bile, or the tears gathering in her eyes.
he knocks again.
will you please let me in, honey?
she hates him. she hates him so much. the man on the other side of the door lives in her house, loves her mother, loves her, didn't give her an option in making her love him. she wishes she didn't. wishes she didn't so deeply. she hates that she likes him.
(she stopped liking her father at some point. it was hard to, when every moment with him felt like a delicate performance of being his favorite girl.)
she doesn't know what to do. there is wasted food in the toilet, there is something dead inside of her, and the fear rolling over her has made her cold all over.
i'll wait outside. you can open the door when you're ready. or tell me to leave.
she doesn't tell him to leave. she cries, and pulls her hair at the root, and she feels ill enough to throw up without having to put work into it.
it takes a while for her to open the door. when she does, she knows she looks sick, knows she looks like hell warmed over, knows he sees the snot and tears.
and he pulls her in for a hug. and she's crying again, when she'd just been so sure she'd used up the last of the water in her body. coughing, and shaking, and doing these little half gasps for air, like her lungs can't get enough.
i hate you. she manages to weep.
i know. he says, and he doesn't. he doesn't hate her.
i hate you so much. she says, beating her fists weakly against his back.
it's okay. he says, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head, like he'd done once when he thought she was asleep. she thought of it all the time. tried to consider some monstrous motivation she could twist it into, but there wasn't one. you don't have to like me.
why can't you hate me? because he doesn't. no matter what she does, he just takes it.
you're 15. he says, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. i can't hate you. you're just a kid.
(she'd been a woman since she was 11, and her mother had lent her her first pad. every part of womanhood had been a gift she didn't want, and she had not been given a receipt)
(she wasn't a girl anymore. she had spent her whole childhood seeing how her father treated every woman in his life, she wasn't sure why she'd thought she'd be different.)
i'm not a kid.
for just a little longer, you are. he says, tracing soft circles into her back, just like her mother used to do with her nice, acrylic nails. let yourself be young.
scarri marlowe is not dead, and she is not alive, but right now, she can pretend that there is breath in her lungs. she'll pretend that the man that lives in her home is a necromancer, raising her up from the dead for as long as the delicate spell will last.
(scarri marlowe is not yet a murderer, but she wants her father to die.)
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wolferals · 2 years
Henry Cavill x reader
Warnings: none, pure fluff, Henry being a big bear and comforting you when you‘re upset about apple pie
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Your smile faded the second you heard the door shut. „What do you mean?“ you asked your mother who was currently cleaning the kitchen.
„They went to buy some cake for later.“
You had heard her the first time. „But I baked apple pie for you.“ She shrugged her shoulders and didn’t pay any more attention to you.
5 hours. It had taken you 5 hours to go grocery shopping, to make the dough for the pan, to boil the apples soft and finish the filling. Another 30 minutes for decorating. And no one appreciated you for just one second. They had looked at your pie and told you how good it looked but now your dad and aunt had left to buy cake for later. Cake. 5 hours for nothing.
Tears building up in your eyes, you practically ran to the bathroom to stop yourself from crying.
Not here, not now, you told yourself. You tried to hold it together and went to your room to scream into a pillow or to bite onto something to prevent yourself from having a mental breakdown.
You had baked all your love into that pie. And now no one wanted it.
Eyes feeling heavy, lips trembling and on the verge of crying, you grabbed your things and made your way back downstairs. „Mom I gotta go. Bear peed on my bed. I saw it on the monitor, I have to get going and clean it up. I‘ll be back later.“
You lied and waved to her before she could protest.
Bear was your puppy, you‘d had him for 2 months and he did happen to pee everywhere. But he was with Henry for the day, but your mom didn’t know that.
You grabbed your keys and drove to Henrys place as fast as you could.
You needed to talk to someone, a friend to cheer you up. Henry didnt live too far from your parents house, it didn’t take you too long to get there.
Knocking on the door like crazy, you could feel the tears coming again.
The second, Henry opened the door and greeted you with a confused smile, you just let it go. Thick tears streaming down your face, his smile fell immediately when he saw your lips trembling again.
„Y/n what happened?“ He practically pulled you inside, wrapping his huge arms around you. You sniffled into his shirt, hearing dogs barking around you.
You felt Kal‘s nose rub on your leg while you held onto Henry tightly, crying your little soul out.
„Shh it’s okay, let it out.“ He soothed you, stoking your hair gently as your face was buried in his chest.
„Breathe.“ he whispered, placing his chin on the top of your head.
You took a deep breath and slowly let go of him after wetting his shirt for a solid 5 minutes. Burying your hands in your sleeves, you cried out a soft „I‘m sorry.“ Henry only placed his hand on your soaked cheek and wiped away some of the tears.
„Take a deep breath.“ he told you and looked at you, full of patience, not expecting anything.
He simply waited for you to calm down. „Sit down come on“
He led you to the couch and you wiped your tears on one of his blankets. The one you always used when you were cold. When you were watching movies with him. „I‘ll get you some water.“ Henry stroked your cheek softly before disappearing into the kitchen, the dogs following him.
Meanwhile you rubbed your sore, red and puffy eyes and tried to calm your breath.
He returned and handed you a glass of cold tap water.
„Thanks.“ you mumbled and took a big sip. You only noticed then, how dry your throat had been.
„Do you want to tell me what happened?“ He softly spoke, sitting down next to you and sending you a sweet smile.
„I made that apple pie yesterday, I told you about that.“ -„Yeah it was beautiful!“ he exclaimed, clearly not knowing where the story was going.
„I gave it to my mom after lunch right? After my brother and I had cooked roast and dumplings in the kitchen for two hours.“ Henry nodded.
„My brother immediately tried it after lunch but everyone else said that they were full from lunch, which I get because we had a lot of food right?“
Henry listened intently.
„Then my dad and my aunt left and I didn’t know why or where they were going. And my mom then told me that they‘d left to get cake from the bakery. I baked for 4 hours yesterday and they bought cake. It was my gift to her for mothers day. I put so much effort into it and no one cared. Do you know how much that hurts? I feel like such a loser, i feel like no one even cares right now.“
Henrys expression softened, his hand rubbing circles on the leg you‘d placed over his lap.
„Oh sweetheart.“
„I feel like I‘m useless you know? I put so much fucking effort into that fucking pie and they don‘t even want it.“
You scooted closer to him and leaned your head against his shoulder.
„I understand that and I‘m so sorry for that. You‘re amazing, and the pie looked delicious. You‘re a great person, you‘re not useless. Nor are you unappreciated, I appreciate you so much you know? You don‘t deserve that.“
He put his arm around you. „You‘re so great y/n really.“ You forced yourself to smile but you felt like crying again.
„Seriously. They suck, fuck them. Stay here. Lets order some food.“ He spoke and you looked up at him.
„Hm?“ he asked and pointed at little Bear on the floor, looking up at you guys expectingly.
„I guess he missed his momma too.“
You chuckled, grabbing Bear to place him on your lap. He immediately cuddled up to you. Henry rubbed your back and spoke again:“Just stay with me for a bit okay? Lets bake pie together. I promise you, pie never goes to waste with me. I‘ll eat it all without you, you should watch out. Might not get a slice for yourself. I‘m fast.“
You only laughed. „Much better.“
Henry smiled back and you leaned back against him.
„Thank you.“ You felt him shifting behind you until he wrapped both his arms around you and the little puppy on your lap to keep you close.
„Anytime babe. Let‘s make some apple pie, come one.“
Btw based on a true story that happened an hour ago. Excluding Henry unfortunately. But fuck apple pie, should have eaten it myself…
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erwinsvow · 3 years
𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
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summary: zeke knows it’s wrong. you know it’s wrong. yet something always brings you back to your step-dad when your mom’s not around.
warnings: step-cest, manipulation, infidelity, mommy issues, zeke is the devil incarnate and reader is an angel (figuratively.. for now), oral sex (f receiving), fingering, dacryphilia, daddy kink, praise kink, rough sex, creampie, you've been warned!
author's note: lord knows how long i've been thinking about this one. zeke fuckers, this one is for you. tagging @colossalnova ! hope everyone likes it!
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“It must be so nice to have such a good daughter to take care of you,” Mr. Ksaver comments without a second thought, as you head towards the kitchen to get two cups of coffee for Zeke and his friend. Your lips turn up into a pleased smile as soon as you hear the words, delighted with the praise from someone so close to your step-father.
Zeke makes an effort to hide the smirk that comes to him so naturally, because if only Mr. Ksaver knew just how good of a daughter you were for him. But that’s a conversation for another day, he finally decides, turning back to his guest with a smile.
“Step-daughter,” he corrects with the most genuine look he can muster. He could fool a priest with that aura of ingenuity that he gives off without any effort, because after all, that’s how he had gotten you into this position in the first place.
Mr. Ksaver beams back at him, his close friend still completely in the dark.
“Oh, of course, but you two could fool anyone. Say, where’s your wife? I haven’t seen her in a while..” Tom trails off, and Zeke is glad for it. He doesn’t like talking about your mother, his new wife, if he can help it. Business trips and commitments at the salon kept much of her time occupied, leaving only brief interactions with you two, her so-called family. It didn’t take long for him to realize she had been this way most of your life, an absent parental figure since the departure of your father. As cruel as it was, he could easily see why you were the way you were.
Zeke thought you were a lot of things. Pretty was at the top of the list, along with innocent and insecure, but the biggest quality he could see in you, the one that just screamed out at him ever since that first time he had laid eyes on you, was people-pleaser.
It was so apparent in everything you did, from the modest way you dressed to the try-hard behavior you exhibited with teachers and your friends’ parents. He recognized quickly it was because your mother didn’t acknowledge any of it, not the dinners you made for the three of you or the sweet, thoughtful gifts and flowers on special occasions.
It was actually on Mother’s Day the previous year when he had been able to get you alone for the first time. The then-new Mrs. Yeager had booked a full day at the spa as a treat for herself, even though she barely had an ounce of motherly qualities in her body. She had tossed aside the bouquet you had gifted her with, skimmed the card with your sweet, handwritten note, and rolled her eyes at your own watery ones after seeing just how little she cared about this holiday that was meant for you both to celebrate.
After she had left, Zeke had knocked on your door tentatively. It was wrong of him to be as gleeful as he was on the inside, but he’d been waiting for a moment like this for the last several months. He even let twenty minutes pass before coming up to your room to make sure he would get you teary-eyed and upset, just how he wanted.
Any other girl might have told her new step-father to fuck right off, given that he had done nothing to defend you or ask your mother to be kinder towards you, but not you. Ever the people-pleaser, you wiped away your tears with the sleeves of the cardigan you’d been wearing all day, fixed yourself from the position you had been in while weeping on your bed, and told him to come in.
Zeke was fucked the minute he saw you sitting there, dressed purely like an angel in a sundress that had ridden up in your distress and with tear-lidden eyelashes blinking slowly at him. The redness of your nose and cheeks, mixed with how your hair was just a little messed up and your hiccuping whimpers painted an entirely different picture for him. At first, it had just been a game, just to see how long it would take him to seduce his new wife’s daughter, but now it was something else altogether.
But it’s the first sentence you say to him, alone in the house without your wretched mother for the first time, that breaks him.
“S-Sorry Zeke. I didn’t want to eat after that, but I can go get everything ready again for you.” For him. Your mother’s cold behavior had you crying your eyes out before noon, and yet you were still concerned about the lunch you had prepared and if he wanted to eat.
It made his heart burn in a lecherous way, with thoughts in his head about why he hadn’t married you instead of her.
“That’s okay, honey, don’t worry about me. I came to check up on you.” He’s holding up the facade well, he thinks, closing the door gently behind him and hearing the click of the latch. He’s only been in your room a handful of times, and for most of those occasions, you hadn’t been there, so he couldn’t act too comfortable. His eyes roamed around the space, taking in the sweet scent of your perfume that lingered on every object and shoving his hands into his pockets to seem as unassuming as possible.
You wipe away a stray tear, blinking quickly and looking back at him with big eyes. Damn your eyes, honestly, because he knows he doesn’t stand a chance against them, especially when they’re so watery like that.
“Check up on me?” you let out in a soft voice. It’s adorable, honestly, how you think your new step-father would be just like your mother and not care about you at all. You’re not used to this kind of affection from anyone besides your friends from school, and even they don’t know about the reality of your home life. You don’t know what it’s like to have a parent check up on you, to have them want to make sure you’re okay, and suddenly you can feel your face burning with heat at the realization that you and Zeke are all alone in your bedroom.
Zeke is handsome according to anyone’s standards, but for some reason, you can never tear your eyes away from him when he doesn’t know you’re looking. He’s old enough to be your father—your real father, that is—but that doesn’t stop you. You always find yourself staring at his golden locks that shine especially bright when he’s in the sun after his daily run, when you’re watering your garden and your mother isn’t home from work yet. Or when he’s just left the shower and every part of his body is dripping wet, walking back to his bedroom and you catch a glimpse through your open door.
It’s easy to think of him as off-limits, though, since you would never hurt your mother like that. She doesn’t show you affection, or care about you like how your friends’ mothers care for them, but she’s still your mom. Nothing would ever justify betraying her like this, by having these illicit thoughts about your step-father. So you make sure you stop staring, avoid being alone with him as much as you can and create excuses to get out of spending time with him, but you don’t think any of that is really working.
Because now, with Zeke in your bedroom and the sleeves of your cardigan wet with far too many tears, you don’t really care if this is wrong. All you care about is how Zeke is inching closer to your bed with every step.
“Yeah, sweetheart, I wanted to make sure you were okay after all that. It’s not easy, I know,” he says in such a soothing tone that you feel yourself getting lost in the daze of it.
“You know?” you question again, wondering if Zeke could really relate to you. You had always felt like such an outcast, the poor girl nobody loved or wanted, without any love in her life at all.
“Uh-huh, I know. I really hate that your mother won’t treat you better, but you know her, she’s not gonna change,” he watches your nodding face and resigned expression. “Can I-?” he motions to the space next to you on the bed.
“Oh, sure, please,” you say quickly, moving yourself over a bit and making room for him, dress exposing even more of the soft skin of your legs now. He tries not to stare, and every part of him wants to put a hand on your thigh and stroke softly, but he doesn’t want to scare you off. Not yet. He’ll take his time.
“Thank you for saying that.” Your voice is so quiet he almost doesn’t hear it.
“Of course. I mean, you are my daughter now, aren’t you?” He’s pushing his luck, but oh well. “I guess… it’s sort of my responsibility to take care of you, right?”
He sees your eyes widen a little, probably a million thoughts running through your little head. You’re so used to being alone, not having anyone’s affection, that a few simple words from Zeke have you fucked. Probably feeling the same way he is in this moment, eager and affectionate and ready. You find yourself nodding at his sweet words.
Any other day, you might have doubted the sincerity of what he was feeding you, but your mind was already a little fuzzy from the interaction with your mother. You still don’t know why you had gotten your hopes up so much, when it always led to disappointment in the end. You wish you could go back and warn yourself not to expect so much from your mother, who was almost as absent a parental figure as your father.
In that moment, Zeke’s kind words and welcoming arms didn’t seem so bad. You could only imagine that he felt the same way you did, as you doubted your mother was being a good wife to him from the interactions you observed.
“I…” you begin, but trail off when you notice the way Zeke’s eyes are looking at you. You almost instinctively lean back and away from him, like a lamb avoiding a predator, when you focus on how he’s much too close to you.
You’re entirely overwhelmed by his piercing, concerned gaze and the uncomfortable heat you feel between your thighs—your throat runs dry and you know it’s not from the crying. You think he must notice it too, with the way he leans forward, one more movement from him and you’d be trapped between Zeke’s broad figure and your bed.
He supposes that was the make-or-break moment in this little dalliance between you two. In that moment, had you been uncertain or asked him to leave, he would have listened to you and likely never bothered you again. All the same, he knew you wouldn’t.
You look back fondly on that Mother’s Day, the day you gave yourself over to Zeke without the slightest bit of regret. Your mother had returned home later that night, with nails and hair freshly done, acting as though there could have been no better way to spend Mother’s Day. She walked right past you sitting on the couch with Zeke, ignoring his tousled hair and your swollen lips.
Since then, it had been a fun sort of game. You felt guilty, of course, but nothing could compare to the thrill of the secret you had with Zeke, just for you two and no one else. He was more adventurous than you, always sneaking kisses and lingering touches when your mother was just a room away, fucking you roughly with a hand clasped over your mouth while she was on a conference call in her office down the hall.
Over time, you felt yourself becoming adventurous too. You had never done anything like this before, anything remotely bad or wrong, and it was safe to say that you were sinking further and further into the pit of corruption that Zeke had created.
Which is how you ended up here today.
You brought back two steaming cups of coffee on a platter to the living room, setting them down and mixing in cream and sugar for Zeke’s. You hand the cup to him with a sweet smile, and he takes a sip contentedly.
“Just perfect, like always.” The praise makes you smile widely, cheeks feeling warm despite the fact that you had a guest.
“How do you take your coffee, Mr. Ksaver?” you ask politely, as the elderly man laughs and takes the cup into his hand.
“Just plain black, thank you. I never had a taste for sweet things, like Zeke does.” If only he knew.
You smile again and bid goodbye, taking the tray with you as you leave and heading back to your room. You knew Zeke would be up as soon as he was done, since your mother was still out and you had precious time together, all alone.
As soon as you heard the front door close, and the sound of ignition starting from outside your window, you were alert. You could hear Zeke’s footsteps coming up the staircase, eagerly anticipating him this time.
He doesn’t knock anymore, letting himself in and closing the door gently behind him, as always. You hear the lock click quietly.
“Daddy,” you mumble from your place on your bed. You’re lying against the pillows now, fully on display for him in his favorite dress and already wet at the thought of what he would do to you once he got you alone.
“Yes, honey?” He says, in a tone that’s sincere and mocking at the same time. He’s still by the door, not coming in further like you want him to. He wants you to use your words.
“You said once we were alone..”
“Once we were alone, what? That I’d play with you?” You nod dumbly at his words. He inches closer to you, but still entirely too far away for your liking.
“I want you, Daddy. We only have a little bit before she gets back,” and you know you’re in for it now.
“Oh, is that so? We only have a little time?” Before you can process it, Zeke is hovering above you, a firm hand on your wetness teasing you and making you cry out at the sudden pressure. His hand moves slowly, just barely grazing your clothed clit and you whimper. “Let me tell you something, baby,” he whispers right next to your ear. “I’ll take as much time with you as I want, no matter who else is in this house. You got that?”
You let out a strangled moan at his words, knowing the effect they have on you and the uncomfortable wetness between your legs becoming even more prominent. You could swear that he can see how wet you are, even with your panties still on, and you desperately jerk up onto his hand to get some, any, contact.
“D-daddy, please! I-” you break off into another moan as he rubs your clit firmly. You’re not even sure when he took your panties off, but you can feel two of his fingers prodding at your slit, just waiting as he continues his work.
“Does that feel good, baby? Use your words,” he says, teasing you despite how badly you want him to stop and just be inside you already. Another strange feeling bubbles in your chest, knowing that your mother would be home soon and could be pulling into the driveway right now. You can hardly focus on those thoughts though, letting out a loud squeal when Zeke pushes two fingers into your soaking wetness, stopping at his knuckles.
“Oh god, Daddy, that feels so good, please, please keep going-” the rest of your words disappear as he pushes his thick fingers completely in, marveling at the way you’re so stretched out around them.
“Good girl, baby, you’re doing so well.” You keen at the praise, moaning loudly as he continues fingering you, scissoring his digits inside you and getting you prepared for his cock. He knows he’s on a time limit too, but he’ll be damned if he lets that rush him. No, he needs to take his time with you.
Every time he feels the tightness of your hole, it takes him back to that first time, and he refuses to hurry up.
His thumb rubbing circles on your clit as he pumps his fingers in and out quickly, filling the room with a lewd squelching noise, have you seeing stars before long. Every time Zeke touches you, you wonder how you went so long without it. Your own actions when you touch yourself are nothing compared to his anymore. He’s got you so dependent on him, so reliant that you barely want to cum by yourself anymore.
He slows his actions just for a second, just to pull down the front of your sundress and reveal your tits to him. Zeke increases his speed as he latches his mouth around your hardening nipple, flicking with his tongue and taking the pebbled bud between his teeth, tugging slightly and making you cry out as it suddenly becomes too much to handle.
You’re succumbing to the orgasm before you even know it, waves of pleasure washing over your body as the knot in your stomach finally releases and fills your core with heat.
“Good girl, baby, cum for Daddy now,” he says from his place on your chest.
“Daddy! Daddy, I-! Oh!” You know how pathetic you must sound, screaming and moaning helplessly as Zeke doesn’t let up on his actions. You finally put your hand on top of his and make him look up, into your eyes, and press his lips to yours.
A sloppy, hot kiss in the aftermath of your orgasm has you shaking under his grip, entire body feeling hot and sweaty. He pushes his fingers, slick with your wetness, to your lips and you open without any request for him, sucking and rolling your tongue over the digits until they’re all clean.
“Good girl,” he breathes into your neck, whether he places more sloppy kisses. “You ready for Daddy to fuck you?”
You nod meekly, moaning loudly as you feel Zeke align himself with your slit, and letting out a high-pitched squeal when he pushes himself into you entirely. You choke on your breath at the sudden feeling of fullness, completely ignoring the way Zeke’s focus seems to be on something else.
Perfect timing, he thinks to himself, hearing the car pull into the driveway and knowing his dear wife had arrived home. He was too deep inside of you to care, though.
Zeke pulled his hips back slowly, wanting you to feel every inch of him, and then slammed them down harshly. For every motion of his hips, you released a loud, obscene moan, babbling on without making any sense at all as Zeke fucked you.
All you could process were Zeke’s reassuring praises, calling you a good girl as he continued at a brutal pace, fucking you so hard you couldn’t figure out where you stopped and he began.
He picked up the pace and the angle of his cock stretched you out so perfectly, he was hitting against your clit with every thrust and you could swear you were seeing stars again, so close to the edge and screaming out for him, when he clasps a hand over your mouth quickly.
You reacted with a jolt, unsure of why he suddenly silenced you when he placed a kiss right next to your ear, whispering quietly.
“Looks like she’s home. Be quiet for Daddy, okay, baby?” Your eyes widen in panic, flustered with shame and another feeling you can’t put together when Zeke goes back to his quick pace, fucking you rapidly and giving your clit the contact you so desperately needed. You cum again with a stifled, broken noise leaving your mouth and your body jerking up against his, the hand that wasn’t covering your mouth holding you down in place. You feel yourself clench down on his cock, as he rides you through it, thrusting in and out and doing nothing to stop the vulgar noises that fill the room.
You can hear it now—the steps of your mother coming into the house, and probably up the stairs to her office soon enough. Your heavy breathing coupled with Zeke’s grunts are the only sound left as his hips stutter and you feel hot ropes of cum shoot inside you, filling you up. Zeke finally comes to a halt, pressing a kiss to your lips as you hear your mother walk right outside your door, talking to someone on the phone.
Your panicked eyes meet his perfectly calm ones, a devilish smirk playing at his lips as you hear the steps halt and then continue again, walking by your room as though you didn’t even exist.
You release a sigh, Zeke pressing another kiss to you that you return eagerly.
“Good girl. Now clean up while Daddy goes and deals with her.”
You feel suddenly emptier, lighter as Zeke lifts his weight off of you and adjusts his clothes. You sit back up slowly, careful to not make an even bigger mess and ruin your dress, as Zeke grabs your panties off the floor and hands them to you with a smile. You pull them up, fixing your dress and realizing that you need to run a brush through your hair before you see your mother again.
Zeke unlocks the door and leaves with one last smile gracing his face, as you sit up and feel remnants of your encounter inside you.
Moments later, your mother walks by and glances at your open door, which was locked before. She pushes it open, taking a look at you on the bed. You’re certain you look like a mess, hair disheveled and sweat on your body, with limbs feeling like jelly.
“Hi, mom,” you greet, with the most false enthusiasm you can muster. “What is it?” She looks at you coldly, almost as if she knew something was going on and couldn’t quite place it.
“Clean yourself up, honey, Uncle Eren is coming over for the weekend.”
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It was about 6 pm on Sunday, October 1st, and Camilla was stirring up some puchero for dinner. Vee was in her room, looking for a shirt to wear to school the next morning. 
Then came the knock at the door, and everything changed. Vee immediately walked out of her room. She could sense that something…or someone…from the Demon Realm was close by. 
She followed Camilla closely as she walked to the door. She quickly transformed into Luz as the door opened. Camilla gasped when she saw Luz, the first, non-shapeshifter Luz, staring back at her. Surrounding her were 4 other people, all with pointy ears and strange clothes. Even Luz had looked strange, with longer hair and a jacket Camilla had never seen before. All of them were scratched, bruised, or red from crying. Luz had a pained smile on, clearly trying to hide that the trauma the other kids had endured had affected her too. 
“Hey mom…I’m home!” Luz struggles to whimper out as her and all her friends’ hair got wet from the rain. She used to love the rain, and she was often called weird for playing outside on rainy days. She had gotten so used to boiling rain that she was terrified that every wet drop on her head would boil right through her skull.
Then Camila began to cry. Luz had expected that happening but she still didn’t like witnessing it. Her mother jumped out of the house into the rain and hugged her so hard they nearly fell onto the wet concrete beneath them. 
Luz held onto her for what seemed like hours, savoring in the warmth of her mom that she had not felt in months. Camilla let go after about 10 seconds of crying into Luz’s shoulder while they hugged.
“Oh, you’re soaked! Let’s get you inside before you and your friends catch a cold!” She said quickly before ushering Luz and the group inside the house, where they met Vee, still in Luz form, waiting in the kitchen. 
Immediately, Hunter, Willow, and Gus tensed up. Luz had told Amity about Vee and their adventures a few months before, but had neglected to mention the story to Gus and Willow, let alone Hunter. 
“Oh, Hunter, Willow, Gus, this is Vee! She’s a basilisk that Bel..” She stopped talking at the name. Everybody froze as they heard even the first syllable. “…he brought back from extinction.” 
Vee transformed into her real body and did an awkward (but adorable) wave at everyone. Gus and Willow replied with their own small waves, while Hunter just stared at Vee intently.  He thought about if his uncle had told him about re-creating basilisks, realizing that was yet another thing Belos had hidden from
The others went over to the kitchen table while Amity walked up to Vee, Luz being close by. 
“Hi, I’m Amity. Im Luz’s..” She looked at Luz for approval and was met with a nod and a small smile. “I’m Luz’s girlfriend.” She continued. “I’ve heard a lot about you.” 
Vee shot a smirk at Luz. “Nice to meet you Amity. I didn’t know Luz had a gIrLfRiEnDdD!” She accentuated girlfriend and giggled to herself. Luz gave her a look of annoyance while Amity blushed and quietly walked over to the kitchen table with everyone else. 
Then Luz explained everything. Well, almost everything. She tried to leave out the parts where she had almost died multiple times. 
Around her, everyone looked solemn, eating their puchero very slowly or not at all. Gus’ knees were up to his chest, slumping down in his chair sadly as he thought about his dad back home. Willow and Hunter’s chairs were facing each other at an angle, knees touching and hands intertwined silently. 
Amity held Luz’s hand tightly as she told the story, trying to push her love through all the sadness of the surface. 
Luz also introduced Camilla to everyone one by one, trying to tell their backstories as well as they allowed her. All she mentioned for Hunter was that he was the emperor’s nephew, and that Belos lied to him about everything. She didn’t mention anything about the grimwalker situation, per his request. He hadn’t even told Willow about that yet, despite his obvious crush on her. She also explained how Vee and her had met, and how Camilla knew about the demon realm.
After all was told, Camilla brought up the sleeping arrangements for the night. 
“Well, Luz, you can stay in your old room if you want. Vee uses the bottom bunk more often, so you can sleep on top!” Camilla smiled, making Luz feel somewhat better in this situation. “We have an air mattress in the basement for everyone else, but you might have to share.” 
Luz looked around at her friends, all of them with bruised knees and spirits. 
“I’d rather stay on the air mattress with them if that’s ok.” Luz stated. “We’ve gone through a lot tonight, and I don’t want to keep Vee up if I can’t sleep.” 
Camilla silently nodded, and showed everyone the tour of the house. After teaching the Boiling Isles kids how to use the shower, (“Don’t worry, it only took me like a day to get it right.” Vee said), she gave everyone clothes to sleep in. 
Amity got one of Luz’s old anime t-shirts (much to her secret delight) and an old pair of Justice shorts. Willow was given one of Camilla’s old band  shirts from college that read  ‘Jagged Little Pill’, and the pants off of a Christmas pajama set that Camilla and Luz’s father would wear every year. 
The boys were more difficult to find clothes for, but Camilla made it work. Hunter got a band shirt that apparently belonged to Mr. Noceda in college, similar to willow’s. The shirt read ‘Nirvana’, and the male version of the pants willow was given. Gus was tough to find clothes for, but eventually was given matching blue and green dinosaur pajamas that were Luz’s older cousin’s hand-me-downs. 
After all the clothes were given out, camilla blew up the air mattress and everyone settled in for the night. 
Nobody slept of course, except for Vee and Camilla upstairs. They all clung to each other close, not daring to let go for a second. They all just laid there, reflecting over the events for the last 24 hours, and trying not to cry. Simply waiting for the morning to come, but dreading it none the less.
Welcome Home. 
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Will mafia!h and Y/N will have babies? 🥺💓
39. " I'm not saying a goodbye."
It was raining. Skies a gloomy shade of cinereal. Harry’s sleek car came to a screeching halt infront of the vast threshold of his home -- his grin pearlish, eyes twinkling a spark as he gets out of the car not caring to close the door behind. He greets his staff and strides two steps together with a gorgeous bunch of his lovie’s favourite flowers now dewy with raindrops and his nose twitched upon sniffing the vanilla-y smell while passing the kitchen and with his beam never vanishing he leaned into the doorframe asking the people inside, “’Ave y'seen Y/N?” Only for them to shake their heads in uncertainty.
She hasn’t showed herself downstairs since morning and even though it’s very odd of her not to chirp around the mansion nobody went to knock at her door to inquire, they think she deserves privacy.
This time they should have because when Harry barged inside their room it was caliginous with curtains shut and lights dimmed to zero.
“Lovie?” His cheery voice clamoured against the walls, a sour feeling he couldn’t be aware of pinches him in throat as he bobbed his head around to look for her and it perked up when a shadow falls on his feet.
“Baby?” His smile quirked back onto his confused features and he narrowed his eyelids to take in her presence through the darkness of wardrobe, “Harry.” A shaky whisper floated towards him and before that sweet call she was falling against his chest.
“Y/N ... baby —-,” His stumped chuckle halted, his brain numbed for a moment when his fingertips brushed up her back to push her closer to him and they trembled as they collected the wetness there. His heart bleaks a stinging pain into it’s cords, his breath shuddered coldly, flowers falling sadly beside their feet and his eyes earths with tears of panic, angst and torment.
His fingertips coating in his love's thick blood.
“I –- ‘m .. you –.. you’re h-hu —- hurt,” He stammered through a whimper hand wrapping around the dagger whose half end’s stabbed into Y/N's spine, her weak frail body unresponsive though she could listen to him.
“Who did this to you! Who did this to you!?” His screams and cries startled everyone downstairs and they rushed up to see what’s happening, to be shocked by their sights of Y/N limp in Harry’s embrace.
He turned his neck to shout at them, “I need a hand t’help me!!” His eyes bloodshot and Niall his best-man scurried over to them as Harry carried Y/N and laid her on her tummy on the bed, he slips onto his knees putting his chin on the mattress to look in her hazy painful eyes -- tears caged in them but never flowing down.
“Harry ...” She mumbled grittily in agony lifting her shaky fingers to pet his face and like an affection starved kitten Harry doesn’t let her tire herself and gets closer to her himself, “Niall bring the first aid, it’s under the sink.” He commands him not letting his eyes drift from over her angelic face.
“You’re okay baby. You’re okay, I know how to stitch up knife wounds.” He sniffled sucking in a breath trying to be brave for her and she just smiled gorgeously, lips blue and cheeks draining out of her usual berry stain.
“Jesus. Harry she’s been stabbed thrice, those fuckers,” Niall’s words wavered in fear and sympathy for Y/N. He squeezed Harry’s shoulder as Harry sobbed upon hearing that, “No –-... no, no! It’s still okay yeah poppet? I’m g’na get y'alright.” He wanted to covers his eyes to block the hurting groans Y/N elicited and he cradled her soft face in his warm palms in comparison to her temperature, touching their temples to pray together.
“Harry li .. listen to —- to me,” She gasps eyes flittering over his shoulder towards Bambi and Thumper the two dogs that had gotten overly fond of her, Harry’s blurry gaze follows her enfeebled gesture for them to come near her.
They whined and howled sadly flopping beside Harry and Harry hiccupped into his elbow shaking his head when Y/N put her hand under their ears in effort to scratch them but wasn’t able to unfortunately, “Hi babies. You’re gonna look after dad after ‘m gone?” Everyone cried at that watching her soul leave their dull lives that watered colourful upon her arrival.
“Don’t say that! Don’t y'dare say that!” Harry sobbed rushing to hug her tightly, the front of his shirt loathing crimson and she hissed looping her arm against his neck when Niall pulled the dagger out from her lower spine gradually and slowly not to hurt her.
“’M so sorry baby, sorry for being the reason of y’pain.” His tears dampened her already sweaty crook of neck, “Pr – promise me t-that that you’ll have some —.. someone who lov‐-.. loves –--,” She whimpered. Her body jerked into him with a force and she pushed him weakly away to stitch her lips tenderly against his's.
“Tell me bubby. Ha—- have I loved y'enough?” She cooed into their kiss and Harry bolted his eyes shut, poisonous sobs wrecking out of his chest.
“Tell me before, I go ...” Her heartbeat started dropping insanely, her lips wobbled, toes curling with life excavating out of her, “Y'have. Y'have don’t go baby, I’m not saying a goodbye!” He cried showering her in kisses for the one last time and pets her hair, eyes closed praying she takes him with herself because he'd never recover from the pain of loosing the only person he loved more than himself, the person who made hum love himself.
“I love you ..” She whispered, her loving kind eyes locked against his’s and the pool of honey around her rims expanded, her lips parted around the gasping breaths and Harry begged and pleaded — a side of him no-one has ever witnessed as he twisted in anguish considering himself the unluckiest man on the earth for letting his lover go like this, in the worst possible way.
“I love you, I thought I’d never be capable of, y'made me worthy darling. I'll always love you baby....” He shrieked into her chest heaving her up gently to embrace her properly and even though he knew she was no more with him, he fooled himself into thinking so.
If it was possible he’d have clawed his ribs to pluck out his heart in return of hers and he felt like the sun and earth had crashed vanishing away the time spaces as he sat there crying and crying mourning the loss of his lovie that could never be healed by anything in this whole word.
He keeps on holding her, rocking back and forth as he lulls her to slumber of death.
It hurts. It hurts so bad.
His heart weeps.
His soul aches.
When rain stopped and that tranquil silence doomed over them, rage filled his every pore and vein.
He knew who did this. Harry has played dirty but he has never played unfair. It was this gang of companies who sabotaged and destructed the orphanages at the property which belonged to his mother (but the papers weren’t clear) to build restaurants and apartments there so Harry took revenge by burning acres of their illegal drug running underground factory and rebuilt the orphanages and took Y/N to one of their charity events.
She was the happiest he had ever seen her.
It’s like a gun barrel clicked in. A firecracker catching the fuse of ashe to burst everything into flames as Harry laid her with ever most tenderness and kissed her temple, her lifeless eyelids and her chapped lips.
Cleaned the streak of blood with his sleeve and didn’t wipe his tears away bashing out of the room, everyone stepped away as Niall lunged infront of him to stop him before he goes to cause damage to himself more than to them for being in such a vulnerable and weak state.
“Step away.” He growled angrily, gaze fiery and dangerous.
“No.” Niall sighed.
“I wouldn’t get her buried in sucha cold blood. She didn’t deserved this, hell nobody does.” Harry kissed his teeth together gripping at his hair ruthlessly, cheeks dry with tears, his limbs trembling, his head spinning.
“Anyone who wouldn’t follow my orders gets their kneecaps blow-off.” He grunted -- nostrils flaring and saying this he went away, snatching his guns from the console and ordered his men to find the security guards that had their duties at the main gates.
In just a day he hunted each of those monsters down like a hungry wolf and gave them such punished, tortured deaths that each one fell in Harry’s feet for his mercy but his heart was turned into a stone already because the only warmth it had there was because of one person and that person’s gone leaving him to survive in this hellhole alone while he dragged these bastards to the depths of firepits.
Once, coming back home to her. To his sunshine, to his soul and life, to his reasons of getting up every morning so he would get to spend time with her —- he broke down. Into shattered bits and pieces of remorse, guilt and sadness feeling himself so small and hurtable as he cried to himself all alone in their garden with no-one to console him where he’ll come to meet her daily.
He wants to rip his skin apart and set it on fire for his beating heart to stop, for it stop feeling.
He feels sick. Fainting, in urgency and desperation to hold his baby and never let go.
To lay down with her under the soil if that's possible.
his only reason to live.
His only beloved.
The wind giggles through pink leaves of cherry blossom tree, lush grass resting peacefully and Harry smiles to himself treading towards his two most favourite people in the world.
The spring being their heartiest month.
“Azalea! What y’chattering ‘bout t'mum?” He asks and nods proudly when his lil boy stands up from his cross position on the ground from beside his mother and brushes the grassy spikes from his cherry printed shorts with his little pudgy hands.
“My first day at school dada!” The four years old squeals and Harry scoops him up in his arms, kissing his cheek again amount less times, “Is that so, huh! huh!” He tickles his little bun.
Y/N was right. Isn’t she always. Harry chuckles. Even if she’s gone he still feels loved from her, she’s in the rains, in the sweaters he wears when he feels shallow, in the scent of his pillows, she’s in the vanilla smell of their favourite cupcakes – she’s in his dreams and that name of their son, Azalea.
She always wanted to name their first born Azalea, a blooming flower that happens to be a vibrant pink, a gift of spring, are floriferous in sunshine and she'd always say that Harry would be their sun.
Their ever source of happiness.
Azalea was three days old when his mother died and Harry took him home even though not sure of his own decision but something in those little eyes that matches his mommy made Harry’s heart attract towards him so much he brought him without another thought.
A home he built with Y/N. The curtains of the mansion still remains pushed back wide, flower vases on every furniture, not a day goes by when anyone doesn’t misses her and the ducklings has grown so much that Y/N would have been spinning in happiness around.
Nothing has changed, life’s fleeting for everyone except for Harry. He counts each day and night that goes without her beside him in his sleep, in the little picnics with Azalea and Niall, in the story reading at nights with his baby, in kitchen to watch the winters first rain prattling against that one window that’s old enough to carry the remains of his ancestors, she’s never there to share a noodle pot with him while he sits and eat alone, never there to patch his favourite socks back, to kiss his forehead whenever he leaves home, to call him sweet names and to laugh with him on his silly jokes, to do thumb fights, to get angry with him whenever he refuses to layer himself in cold.
Never physically. But, she’s always there in his heart, her presence lurks around him and he could feel the warmth of her wrapping around him whenever he falls asleep watching telly.
“What did y'learn today bubba?” He asks Azalea and grins cheekily when Azalea babbles, “Colours!”
“That’s fuckin’ amazin'!” At that a huge gush of breeze hits him in face a tiny branch of the tree they’re standing under falls on his head.
“Kay' kay fine! No cursing.” He squeaks in defence pouting down at the grave of his lovie and his face splits into a grin when his hair glittered up with cherry blossom leaves.
“We miss you very much,” His voice heavy and sad. He gulps chokingly and blinks away the glossiness, stroking a thumb up Azalea cheek who’s sitting in Harry’s lap.
Every evening they come to meet Y/N, the hole in his heart couldn’t fill up of her void but the soothing feeling of relief that she’s in their garden and nearer to him has lessened the grief.
“G’na meet you tomorrow, our baby’s mighty hungry.” He chuckles hearing the grumbling noises coming from Azalea’s belly.
“You’re so cheeky baby.” His eyes glimmers and he feels himself swooning into breeze, “How’s it going in heaven?” He asks airily tracing his initials beside her beautiful name engraved at the tombstone and it’s like she’s scolding him when he gets a nip on his pointy finger.
“Azalea kiss mommy a goodbye.” Harry breaks into laughter when Azalea bobs his head and almost tumbles of his daddy’s lap in the effort to reach the tombstone.
“Goodbye beautiful.” Harry whispers kissing the top of her tombstone and his heart bursts into lilacs when once again he’s showered into petal like leaves.
“I love you too, baby.” Finally he has accepted to say goodbyes.
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | chapter seven
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Chapter Seven
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine. Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels. Chapter Warnings: major fluff word count: 3.9k From the beginning <3
Spencer wakes up to the sound of Amoreena calling for her mother and the feeling of Y/N’s arms wrapped around his middle, finding her way to being the big spoon during the night.
“Dad? Where’s my mom?” Amoreena calls again from outside Spencer's door.
“She’s in here, but don’t come in yet, give her a minute to wake up,” he calls back, hoping she listens and doesn’t come barging in.
Y/N lets out a deep sigh as she sits up, still naked under the covers from the activities from the night before but not concerned in the slightest. She gets out of bed and grabs some fresh shirts from the closet before finding both their underwear on the floor, tossing them at Spencer and telling him to put everything on.
Once they’re finally dressed she opens the bedroom door and scoops up the little one, bringing her back into the bed with them so they can all cuddle.
“What the heck?” Is all Amoreena can ask, “why are you in here?”
“We had a sleepover,” Y/N explains softly, holding Amoreena closer to her and Spencer snuggles in too. “I’m thinking about moving my stuff into here too, so that me and your dad can share and we won’t wake you up by talking at night.”
“Is that why GG’s dress is hanging up there? Are you getting married?” She was full of questions, as always.
It makes them both laugh, “what if we already got married?” Y/N teases her, poking her side lightly.
She starts to pout, real tears forming in her eyes as she pulls away from them to sit at the foot of the bed, “why would you do it without me?” they both rush to console her, wrapping her up in a group hug.
“Not for real, we were just pretending to be married honey, I promise,” Y/N tries to explain softly, “did you want me to have a wedding?”
She nods softly, “like in Enchanted, but I’m your daughter and you marry Spencer and you can have a big puffy dress and I can get one too, can I be the flower girl?”
“Of course we’ll get married for you, just the three of us can plan something okay?” Y/N compromised, making a reference Spencer didn’t understand.
“We have to do it in New York like in the movie,” Amoreena was very serious, looking at them with a stern gaze.
There was a whole world of movies and music that built Amoreena’s personality that he was going to have to learn, he was going to be spending a lot of late nights on Disney+.
“We’ll find a way,” Y/N agreed before kissing Amoreena’s forehead.
“Okay,” she smiled nice and wide, wiping her tears away and cuddling in-between Spencer and Y/N.
She turned more towards Spencer, placing her head on his chest while Y/N spooned into her. The three of them cuddled up in one knot, and Amoreena was a snuggle bug. She cuddled right in and made a tiny home in his arms and he was going to hold her for as long as she wanted to be held.
Y/N couldn’t stop smiling at him, he’d glance to her every few minutes to see her gaze hadn’t moved; she was so content seeing the little family they made, all together and happy as they snuggled up closer and closer till Amoreena felt like she couldn’t breathe anymore and pushed them both away.
“I need to go feed the chickens,” she whispered, still on Spencer’s chest as Y/N got out of the bed, “would you like to help, dad?”
He kissed her little forehead before she sat up, “I’d love to, can I put some jeans on and meet you downstairs?”
“Sure!” She cheered, jumping off the bed and running out the door. Her feet smacking the hardwood floor, making the floor creak and pop as she marched down the cold wooden steps.
“How are you feeling this morning?” He asks Y/N with a small smile, remembering what happened the night before.
She nodded softly, smiling while she suppressed a laugh, “I feel like a teenager again, like my mom's going to know I lost my virginity the second I see her.”
Spencer laughed too, “you haven’t?”
“I said again,” she laughed again, sitting back down on the bed and laying her head in his lap, “I wouldn’t say I’ve been celibate all this time, but yeah no one’s done that with me in a while, it’s normally just me and these bad boys.”
She put both hands in the air, doing jazz hands as she raised her eyebrows, “I love you,” the words had their own agenda as he said them unconsciously.
“I love you!” She wrapped her hands around his shoulders and pulled him down into a big kiss, making the classic smooch noise as they pulled apart and smiled.
“Can I take you on a date this week? Maybe Thursday night, because you don’t work on Fridays?” he felt nervous as if she wasn’t pretending to be his wife currently like she’d reject him for some ungodly reason.
“Yeah, I’d love that, my mom won't mind doing Amoreena’s bedtime routine, she’d probably love to have a sleepover at their house,” Y/N’s eyes were gleaming at the prospect of spending more time alone with him.
He placed his left hand on her stomach softly, staring at the ring on his finger before letting his eyes trail her body. She was in just a pair of underwear and a shirt that used to be her grandma's, beautiful as ever as the sunrise cast an orange glow over her.
His wife.
“Thank you,” she cut into the moment of silence, “for last night.”
“You don’t have to thank me.”
She got up and sat in his lap then, straddling his hips and holding his face in her hands so she could get a good look at his chocolate eyes, she ran her thumb over his cheeks, kissing the freckle on top of his eyebrow and the tip of his nose gently, “she has your nose.”
Knowing she saw it too made his heart physically burn, it caught fire in his chest and he felt like he couldn’t breathe “yeah?”
“My mom said she looked like a Who when she was born,” she pushed his nose up with her finger like he was a pig, “it’s so perfect and cute.”
“Thank you,” he can’t help but feel emotional.
“Hey,” she teases him again, “It was my turn to say that, so bear with me for a second before I get too emotional at 7 in the morning.”
“Okay,” he whispered, ready to listen intently to how she felt about him.
“You told me something very difficult for you, that was a secret I’m sure no one else knows about, I can tell by the way you panicked last night that this is a serious anxiety you have about never being a father,” her voice was soft as she brushed his hair behind his ears, running her fingers through the curls ever so gently. “You’re a father, hopefully of two”
It made him laugh as a tear trickled down his cheek, pressing his lips together as he listened, not wanting to disrupt all the thoughts she was going to unload on him because it was a ticket into her mind. He was finally learning her feelings and what she thought about him, not just in a fairytale glow, but in the ugly as well.
“If you ever want to talk about her we can,” she changed the subject.
“Maeve was probably a wonderful woman if you loved her enough to wish you had kids with her, she’s technically the reason I have Amoreena, you wouldn’t have donated again without what happened to her,” she made a great point, bringing a positive light to the worst day of his life.
“You’re a wonderful man and I love you very much, being open with me was really appreciated, getting to do what we did last night was very special to me, so thank you,” she smiled softly before kissing him on the lips again.
“Thank you for being the person I can talk to about this stuff, it’s been really scary,” he admitted softly about to cry when they heard the front door slam close.
“And she’s off,” Y/N smiled again, pressing their noses together. “You need to go with her, she’s very impatient.”
“I know,” he smiled. “But I need to tell you that it runs a lot deeper than what you saw last night. I’m a mess in here and it’s not going away overnight because I’ve found my family.”
“I know,” she nodded ever so softly so their noses brushed again. “I am always here to talk, or we can get you a therapist or sign you up for groups, anything you need to feel better, I’m here to assist in making this beautiful brain feel more loved.”
“Thank you,” he whispered again. “So, if I planned a big date night and requested that you wear your best princess dress and meet me at the door for 6, you’d be down?” He teases her.
She couldn’t help but laugh, “sure, cutie, any colour dress do you want me in?”
“I think red would fit the theme I’m thinking of,” saying a little of his plans and not too much, unsure exactly what he wants to do with her first.
She pinched his cheeks as he smiled, “I don’t get any hints?”
“Nope, and I have chickens to feed,” he said, moving her off his lap and getting ready for the day finally.
They both sent Amoreena off to school with a hug and a kiss at the bus stop, exchanging I love you’s and saying they’d see her once she got home. Then Spencer kissed Y/N goodbye as she got ready for work, heading to the main house to talk to her mother about Thursday.
He knocked on the front door, being told to come in, he was family now after all.
“Good morning Spencer, would you like some breakfast?” Linda offered with a big smile, exactly like Y/N’s.
“I’d love some,” he gladly followed her into the kitchen, taking a mug of coffee and a homemade cinnamon roll from her. Amoreena already had one this morning before the bus, leaving a single missing spot in the middle of the pan.
“Would you be able to watch over Amoreena on Thursday night so I can take Y/N out on a real date?” He asks with all the confidence in the world, knowing her mother would say yes regardless.
“Oh absolutely!” She beamed, “what were you planning?”
“Can you keep a secret?” He asked before picking up his coffee with his left hand.
“That’s her grandfather's ring,” Linda pointed it out with a smile growing on her face, it was motherly pride if he’s ever seen it, “she finally did it.”
She must have told her mom the plan, her long-time dream of marrying a good person in that field. Someone to have a family with, someone to give Amoreena siblings and all the extra love in the world, and she picked him.
He nodded softly, “last night we got pretend married, and Amoreena got very upset when she learned we did that without her.”
Linda nodded with a soft smile, “they’re attached at the hip, sometimes I think Amoreena is just a clone of her and then I met you.”
He laughed through his nose, eyes wide as he smirked, “well, actually I might be her father.”
Linda sprouted the same expression Y/N had last night when she found out, “huh?”
He sighed, “I donated sperm the month before she got pregnant with Amoreena, my friends said there should be more geniuses in the world and it’s not like I was getting married any time soon.”
Linda just smiled and shook her head with that same sigh of love that must run in the family, she walked over to him and gave him a small hug as he sat at the kitchen table.
“So, Spencer, tell me about yourself?” Linda asked as she sat down beside him with her own coffee and cinnamon roll, getting to know her son-in-law for the first time ever.
He was in there, laughing and bonding with her for over an hour, seeing Y/N drive down the driveway towards work from the kitchen window with a smile. Discussing his ideas for the date, telling her about his family and the dream he always had about running away to a place like this.
“Fate is funny like that, she knows what you need and when you need it,” Bob cut into the conversation, listening from the back door for a few minutes. “you're here for a reason, Spencer.”
He felt like he was on the set of an old movie about family love that always had a happy ending, he didn’t believe that any of it was real. For a second he wondered if he’s been in a coma for the last week, that this was all just a fever dream after crashing his bike on the way to the park, it was all too perfect.
He thanked them for breakfast with a hug, becoming a hugger to fit into her family and he didn’t even mind it. It was nice to be loved truly, not just because they were obligated to, but because they wanted him in their family.
His next stop of the day was Penelope’s apartment, he knocked on the door softly and waited patiently for her to answer, smiling wide at the surprise of Spencer behind her door.
“I need your help,” he says before she can even welcome him.
She was still in her robe, a sleep mask over one eye and her hair standing in every direction known to man “what did you do?”
“Nothing, I need a womanly touch for the date I’m planning,” he admitted, turning pink at the embarrassment of coming to her for this.
“What’s the plan?”
“Can I tell you on the way there?”
She raised her eyebrows, “come in and give me a few minutes, you can explain why you’re wearing a ring while I change…”
“For not being a profiler, you sure are good at this,” he avoided her question as he walked into her apartment, sitting right by her bedroom door so he could talk to her through the door.
“It’s a really long story, but essentially her fiancé died when she was 23 so she’s terrified of real weddings and wanted to just tell me she loves me and call me her husband without waiting or making a big fuss about it all,” he explained it as simply as possible. Not sure if he should tell her about the chat he had with Derek. “And we found out I might be Amoreena’s real father anyway.”
She peaked her head out the door, nothing on now and not wanting him to see. It wasn’t like she got naked when she was drunk and shown him everything before, he just laughed as she smiled at him. “If you need help tracking down any other kids, I can do it?”
He felt a little betrayed but he understood, Derek and Penelope had a bond where secrets never slipped out but they did tell each other everyone else's, “he told you?”
“No, I knew you donated because they did a background check into you at the bureau, and I was the one who had to send them the files,” Penelope admitted. “I wanted you to be the one to tell me, but I don’t think you ever would have.”
He shook his head softly, “I just wanted a family one day however I could get one, and when Rossi met Joy I knew it could bring me the same kind of happiness he has with her and Kai."
“You’re going to be a wonderful dad Spencer,” she tried to not get all teary-eyed as she stood behind the door with nothing on, “anyway continue?”
She slipped back into the room and the two of them continued to yell their gossip back and forth through the door before she finally walked out in her most Penelope outfit to date, “and we’re taking my car. It’s top-down weather, finally.”
It’s not that she was a bad driver, it’s just she barely followed any rules. She drove too fast and passed people when she shouldn’t and it stressed Spencer out, but he was too in love to really be bothered by it today. Taking an hour-long journey to Richmond, pulling into the Edgar Allen Poe Museum.
He was a member here, paying them every month to take care of the grounds and the cats, even tracking down some rare pieces from Poe’s collection to donate to them. He was their favourite customer and patron, and they were very excited for him to finally introduce his new love to one of his favourite places ever.
He rented out the Enchanted Garden for Thursday night, being trusted there alone after hours and granted a key to lock up before he left. Penelope and he picked out lights and blankets, what kind of dinner they’d have and drinks.
“So I’ll make sure your picnic basket is all ready and here waiting for you to arrive,” Penelope planned, reading through the list of things she was going to do to help on Thursday afternoon. “What kind of wine does she like?”
“Oh,” Spencer took a second to think, she might want some wine but she’s also hoping to get pregnant, it could help but it could be a hindrance, he didn’t know how to reply.
“Does she not drink?”
“Can you keep a secret?” The second time he asked that question this morning.
“No fucking way,” she whispered, smacking his arm. “Already?”
“No, I’m not sure, we only tried yesterday,” he feels the anxiety in his chest as he explains it, “It doesn’t work that fast which is why I don’t know if we should.”
“Believe me, wine is a good baby-making tool,” she smiled. “I’ll add some anyway and if she does, she does, if she doesn’t oh well, you know where I live.”
It was so easy with Penelope, she understood everything he did without questioning him. Rooting for him and his future family behind closed doors, always trying to get him with someone in the years she knew him, wanting him to get all that “sweet, sweet loving” Derek raved about.
“Do you think she’ll like this? Be honest.” His anxiety slipped back up his throat and past his vocal cords.
Penelope wrapped him up in a big hug, remembering the statistic that people with Autism and anxiety sometimes relaxing better when held with a certain pressure applied. It worked every time.
“She loves you, you wouldn’t be trying for a baby or wearing that ring if she didn’t,” reassuring as always.
“Do you know anything about Taylor Swift?”
It makes her laugh as she pulls back, “why?”
“She’s Y/N and Amoreena’s favourite person on the earth, I know nothing about celebrities, you know that, and I was thinking about getting them tickets or something this summer if she’s doing anything?” He was desperate to do anything to make his girls smile. “I need a Taylor Swift crash course, is there a new Taylor Swift fan for dummies book?”
“Spencer Reid, do I have news for you,” Penelope wrapped her arm around him once again as she rocked him back and forth with glee, “Rossi’s stepdaughter is her is a socialite in New York and one of miss Swifts friends… let's see what we can do.”
And with that, they left the museum with Penelope's arm still wrapped around him as they went back to her car, listening to Taylor Swift while she spat facts out to Spencer, helping him learn everything he could for his wife and kid.
He was the only one home when Amoreena got off the bus, running into his arms and giving him a big hug, “Dad!” She cheered the second he held her, kissing the top of her head as he carried her back to the house. “Where is mom?”
“She’s out buying a new dress for a date we’re going on,” he couldn’t help but over exaggerate his voice when he talked to her, it made it more magical for her little world. “How was school?”
“Awesome!” She swooned, “we started our fathers day presents early cause we won't have class after next week.”
He playfully gasps, stopping abruptly in his tracks to look at her in shock, “You can’t tell me anything about it, they’re supposed to be surprise gifts!”
“I know,” she laughed wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning against his shoulder while they walked, “I just wanted you to know one is coming, you always tell me about your gifts early, like at the museum.”
“Well, thank you for telling me,” he kissed her soft forehead softly before smiling.
She was so smart, her mother had raised her to be the most caring and considerate child. She picked up on everything, she wanted to please everyone, she was the sweetest ever.
“Do you have any homework tonight?”
“Nope! Can we watch a movie?”
He just held her cheek to his in a hug while they walked, “of course my sweet Amoreena, what would you like to watch?”
“It’s a surprise,” she whispered, struggling out of his arms and to the ground before running towards the house without him.
He walks in to see her standing in front of the tv with the remote, flipping through the channels and opening Netflix. Going to her mom's profile, down to the watchlist and clicking on the Taylor Swift Reputation Tour before taking off up the stairs to go get something.
“We made this a few months ago,” it was a piece of paper that she handed to him. “It’s the rules for when mom finally got a date, you’re her boyfriend right?”
He opened the folded lined paper, “I am,” he smiled.
Boy/girlfriend rules:
Must be royalty of some kind (or smart like a wizard)
Has to know all the words to Taylor swift’s songs
Likes to read books all the time
Have to like all the candy Amoreena doesn’t so that someone can eat the leftovers from her Halloween candy bag.
Has to be able to name all the Disney princesses
Must like cats. No if’s and's or butts.
It made him laugh, every rule was clearly Amoreena’s idea and Spencer must have ticked off all the boxes if she’s calling him dad already.
“You have to learn all the words to Taylor Swift, then you’ll be her boyfriend for real,” Amoreena informed him. “We have to follow the rules.”
“Well then, put the captions on so I can sing along,” Spencer compromised.
She hugged him with a big smile “you’re the best dad in the world.”
“You’re the best daughter,” he whispered as he held her back. “You make every day better by just being here.”
“So do you,” she replied before kissing his cheek softly and settling onto the couch beside him. “Thank you for wanting to be my dad.”
“I wouldn’t want to be anyone else’s.”
tag list: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187
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seijorhi · 4 years
Meet the Parents Pt. 2
Breaking Point - Atsumu & Osamu
TW implied non con, nsfw
Your parents are already pissed.
Apparently the school called when you didn’t show up to your classes after lunch.
In all fairness, you’d tried. Twenty minutes in the girls bathroom, gripping the edge of the sink with shaking hands, staring at your reflection. There’s hickeys on your neck, a bite mark that the collar of your jacket isn’t quite high enough to hide. Your hair’s mussed, lips swollen and red - but even if you fix all that and wipe away your tears, you don’t think you have the strength to walk back into the classroom knowing that they’ll be there waiting for you. 
So you don’t go back.
Both of your parents are still at work by the time you make it home, unlocking the house with the spare key hidden under the base of the potted geraniums on the porch. It’s a good thing, because you don’t think you have it in you to try and lie to them right now, but admitting the truth out loud-
‘F-fuck, darlin’, you keep suckin’ me in like that and I’m not sure I’m gonna last.’
‘You gonna cum for us, baby? Yeah, gonna cum all nice ‘n pretty for us, aren’tcha?”
- is somehow even worse. Instead you choose to shower, the water turned so hot that it’s almost scalding, but you barely notice, sitting with your arms wrapped around your knees on the tile floor as the steaming water gushes over you. You don’t know how long you stay there, motionless, shaking, but at some point the water runs cold and you have to force your aching muscles to move.
Both of your parents are waiting fo you when you get out, your mother practically fuming, ams folded across her chest, glaring daggers at you. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumble by way of greeting. There’s no point in trying to deny it, they already know that you ditched - there’s no wriggling out of this one. “I wasn’t feeling good.”
Your mother huffs, raising an unimpressed eyebrow, “Well then why didn’t you go to the school nurse, sweetheart? Or tell somebody - anybody - that you were leaving?! You had us worried sick, you know. This behaviour really isn’t like you.”
She continues to rant for almost ten whole minutes while you stand there and take it without a word. What can you say?
“I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” The words are robotic, but they seem to do the trick. 
She relents with a sigh, softening as she takes in the sorry state of you. A hand is pressed to your forehead, eyes studying you closely, “Are you feeling better at least, or do I need to call the doctor?”
You force as much of a smile as you can muster onto our face, “A little.”
But it’s your father, watching from the kitchen, who frowns. “You sure about that, little one? You’re not looking so good...”
“I’m okay, promise... I just think I need to rest for a bit.”
He doesn’t believe you - you can tell from the furrowing of his brow, but he just nods. “Alright, well if you say so. Why don’t you go have a lie down for a bit, we’ll call you when dinner’s ready.”
Sleep is beyond you, but you lie down anyway, throwing on your headphones and trying to drown out everything else - the intrusive thoughts that wont leave you alone, the phantom hands hands you can still feel touching you, groping you, when an awful thought occurs to you.
They both came inside of you... what if... what if you get pregnant?
Nausea turns your stomach and you’re rolling out of bed and sprinting for the door, just as somebody knocks on your door. “Sweetheart?” Your dad. Like a deer caught in headlights you freeze, hand outstretched for the door knob. “Are you feeling any better?”
Swallowing down the bile you can feel creeping up your throat, you open the door. “Mhm. Is dinner ready?”
There’s an odd look in his eyes as he appraises you, and you can only pray to god that the hoodie you’ve thrown on is enough to cover the marks your loving soulmates so generously left behind. “Not exactly. You have some visitors, your mother asked me to come and get you.”
Your dad knows your friends. Your dad likes your friends, which makes the agitated expression on his face a little perplexing. Nevertheless, you find yourself nodding, following him when he turns on his heel to make his way back into the living room.
The sound of laughter reaches you before you see them. Your mother, head thrown back, a hand over her chest - giggling - and standing beside her in your living room, fresh from their practice, is the twins.
You blanch as two sets of identical brown eyes fall to you. You ignore the phantom tugging around your pinkies, ignore the blood draining from your face and simply focus on trying not to collapse into a fit of tears as one after the other, they smirk.
“Honey! Isn’t this so sweet, your boys decided to come check in on you!”
You can’t blame her for the wide, almost devious grin she’s sporting. To her this is a sign that after years of bullying and bad attitudes, your soulmates have finally decided that they actually want to make amends and try for a fresh start. This is all she’s wanted for you for years.
“Yeah, we were real worried when ya just ran off on us after lunch,” Osamu says.
“Ya left in such’a hurry you forgot yer bag. Thought we’d bring it over for ya,” Atsumu adds, hooded eyes glittering sharply.
All three of them are looking towards you expectantly as Atsumu holds it out and it takes every ounce of strength you possess to force your legs to move forward and take it from him.
“T-thank you,” you mutter, and Atsumu’s shark like grin widens.
“Anythin’ for you, sweetheart.”
A hand comes down on your shoulder and you visibly flinch, but it’s just your dad, standing behind you glaring daggers at the twins.
Your mother is all but oblivious to the tension in the room, beaming as she stares between you and your soulmates as if she can already hear wedding bells.
“You boys are so thoughtful, aren’t they sweetheart?” She turns to you with expectant eyes, and you nod stiffly. “Why don’t the two of you stay for dinner, hm? You must be starving after training so hard!”
Your stomach lurches, but before you can even utter a word your dad speaks for you.
“Absolutely not.”
The temperature in the room drops. Your mother looks like she’s about three seconds away from throttling him. Even the twins, usually the first to try and stir the pot, are unusually silent as your parents stare each other down.
“What do you mean, honey? Don’t you think-”
“I think,” he says, cutting her off smoothly, “that you’re being a little too quick to forget that it’s not your decision whether those little shits are welcome here.”
Gently, he turns you around to face him. When you were seven, he was quick to laugh off the twins antics as ‘boys being boys’. He got a little less tolerant when you started coming home crying more often than not, when scraped knees and pulled pigtails meant that you’d withdraw in on yourself. Maybe he’d spent one too many nights comforting his little girl when you tearfully asked him why your soulmates hated you. Your mother might be willing to let bygones be bygones if she thought it would bring you happiness in the long run, but your dad was less forgiving.
He eyes you for a long moment, brows knitted together. “Do you want them to stay, little one?”
He’d back down if you asked, you know he would. He might never particularly like the twins, might always hold a grudge for what they’d done to you, even if you ever found it within yourself to forgive them. He doesn’t even know the worst of it and there isn’t a doubt in your mind that if he ever found out, he’d actually kill them.
But if you smiled right now and told him that you wanted them to stay, he’d hold his tongue - because he loves you. You swallow, eyes darting back to where the twins stand watching.
You know you’ll pay for it later, tomorrow when you’re stuck with them once more, but this is your house. For now at least, they can’t touch you here.
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toastedkiwi · 4 years
First Man
Summary: you debut a song on stage at the AMAs.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Daughter!Reader, Harry Styles x Popstar!Reader
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“No, I got no clue to what she’s performing,” Chris said to the interviewer and looking at you.
“You’ll just have to wait,” you said.
“POPS!” You both hear.
Chris turns knowing exactly who it is. He opens his arms and hugs his son-in-law who’s in an elaborate suit. You smile.
“I’ve missed you,” Harry exclaimed as your dad cups his face.
“I know, Bubba,” Chris said smiling.
You greet Harry’s mother Anne and sister Gemma whilst your dad and husband hug each other like long lost lovers. It took awhile for your dad to warm up to Harry but after seeing the way his only daughter and only child was being treated warmed his heart. It took some convincing from you as well. Chris couldn’t let just anyone marry his little girl.
Yes I'm gonna stay with him tonight
I'll see you in the mornin'
No of course, he won't drink and drive
Chris immediately gets teary eyed seeing you onstage in a gown at a grand piano with spotlight shinning down. He hasn’t heard this song and neither has Harry as he hears you singing. It brings Chris back some memories.
“No, I’m gonna be with him tonight,” you said into the phone.
“Excuse me? Who’s this boy? Is it Tyler? Adam? Tom? If you’re back with Holland, I’m gonna fuckin—.”
“No, Daddy. It’s somebody else. I’m not dating one of your costars. That was a mistake.”
Chris sighed and said, “be careful. Don’t drink and drive.”
“No, of course not,” you said.
“Call me if anything happens, I’ll be there, comet.”
“I know, Daddy. I’ll see you in the morning.”
Oh you'll like him, he's really kind
And he's funny like you sometimes
And I found someone I really like
Maybe for the first time
Chris sniffles and tries his hardest to keep it together especially with a camera pointed at him and Harry. He focuses on the stage where you’re singing.
“Daddy, please! You’ll really like him. He’s really kind,” you said. “And he’s funny like you sometimes.”
“Excuse me?! My jokes are killer all the time, Comet! —Knock, knock,” your dad said truly offended.
“Come in,” you said.
He gives you one look and you start running. He runs after you growling. You scream when he grabs you and lifts you off the ground.
“Have I taught you nothing?!” Chris exclaimed. “We’re gonna try this again, Miss Thing.”
“Oh Jesus,” you rolled your eyes and you can’t help but smile.
“Knock, Knock,” he said.
“Who’s there?” You asked playing along.
“Boo,” he said still holding you tightly not wanting to let you escape.
“Boo, who?” You said confused.
“Aww, munchkin, don’t cry,” your dad said pressing a kiss to your cheek. “It’s just a boy. No need for crying over him.”
You laughed and said facing him, “but Daddy. He’s really good to me. And I think I really found someone I really like— maybe for the first time.”
He can’t help but frown and narrow his eyes.
“Who is he?” He asked.
“His name is Harry,” you said smiling.
No I don't need a jacket
It's not that cold tonight
And you worry, I get it
But he's waiting outside
“Grab a jacket!” Chris yelled at you before you can leave.
“It’s not that cold,” you said as he comes over to you from the kitchen. “And I’m 21, Dad.”
“I know how old you are. I was there and I know you’re a popstar and I—,” he said.
“And you worry, I get it,” you said.
“Yes, so grab a jacket, comet,” he said pointing to the hallway.
“But he’s waiting outside, Daddy,” you said.
“And he can wait longer. Also, you still live under my roof which I don’t get when I know you’re making a shit ton of money off of your music,” Chris said.
“You know they’re still renovating my house,” you said. “And I’m pretty sure you like having your own daughter around again.”
Chris scoffs and shoos you back down the hallway. He knows you’re right. He loves having you around even if you both get very busy with work. It’s nice to know you’re around safe and sound.
You’re quick to put a leather jacket over your outfit. He follows you out without hesitation. You give him a look but he’s got his murder glare.
“Hey, I was thinking that I got the wrong house,” the Brit said as you get in and he’s got the windows down.
Chris looks into the car and you said, “dad, this is Harry. Harry, this is my dad.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir,” Harry said.
“Comet, didn’t you have a poster of him on your wall with some other boys?” Chris asked looking at you.
“DAD!” You looked at him mortified.
“It was One Direction, right?” Chris said.
“Yeah, but we split off into different directions,” Harry said.
“But she didn’t like you,” your dad said. “It was a different one.”
“Was it Liam?” Your boyfriend asked.
Chris shook his head and said, “it was the dude with the bleach blonde hair.”
“Oh, Niall. He’s a cheeky little Irish fucker. I don’t blame you, Y/n,” Harry said.
You try getting out of the car to get away from the embarrassment but Harry locks the doors on you. Chris smiles a bit.
“Have fun, comet,” Chris said pressing a kiss to your temple as you hide your face into your hands.
He steps away from the car and threatened, “I’ll fucking destroy you, Harry, if you hurt my little girl.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Mr. Evans,” Harry responded honestly.
I swear on my heart
That he's a good man
I know you'll stay up late
Just waiting for me
“You should be asleep, Daddio,” you said putting your arms around his shoulders.
“Had to make sure you got home safely, munchkin,” Chris said putting a hand over your forearms.
“But you’ve got a plane to catch in the morning,” you said. “And he’s a good man.”
“He was in a boyband, Y/n,” he said.
“He’s in a man-band now,” you said with a giggle.
Chris can’t help but laugh as he stood up from his spot on the couch.
“I still don’t trust him,” your dad said making you frown.
You held me so tight
Now someone else can
But you were the first man that really loved me
You looked to the crowd with a tear rolling down your cheek. Your dad is openly letting the tears stream down his own cheeks. Harry smiles at you with tears of his own building up. He knows it’s about him and your dad but mainly your dad.
Now you're driving to the airport
Not just me you pick up anymore
I've got eight days off coming up
And I can only come home for four
Yeah I just met his family
“Harold,” Chris said.
“Mr. America!” Harry exclaimed throwing his arms around your dad.
You smile happily at your dad and he gives in hugging your boyfriend. He hugs you next and kisses your cheek before helping Harry load your bags into the car. There’s not much— only your carry-ons. It’s a short trip to Boston so everyone can meet Harry and you can spend time with your dad.
“How was London?” Your dad asked as Harry is outside playing with your cousins.
“I met his family,” you said.
“So, it’s getting serious?” He asked.
You nod your head. It breaks his heart but he won’t tell you that.
He makes me really happy
I think he might be the one, oh
I swear on my heart
That he's a good man
I promise he loves me
He'd never hurt me
You held me so tight
Now someone else can
But you were the first man that really loved me
“I promise you! He makes me really happy, Daddy,” you said.
Chris scoffs. You’ve always been a pretty happy kid and even with a chaotic life you live, you’re sunshine peaking through the clouds on a rainy day or more like a shining star around a world of darkness. No boy or man will change that. You’ll cry for a week or so over them and your dad will be there to comfort you or at least try to.
“Dad,” you said.
“Come here,” your dad said seeing you aren’t too happy with him.
You plop down next to him and he pulls you into his side.
“I worry,” Chris said.
“You always do,” you mumbled.
“Yeah it’s my job as you’re my daughter. I don’t want you with an undeserving man of you,” he admitted. “You deserve the best.”
“I think he might be the one,” you said.
“You sure?”
You nod your head.
“Well, shit,” he said.
“Dad,” you said.
“You’re growing up on me, comet.”
Now you're on the driveway
Faking a smile
You wish you could tell him he doesn't deserve me
So I had to stop the car and turn around
To tell you, you were the first man that really loved me
Your dad wants to yell at Harry and tell him to stay the fuck away from you because nobody is good enough for his little girl. But Chris bites his tongue and smiles from the driveway as Harry drives off with you.
“Wait! Stop the car!” You exclaimed.
Harry does and you’re quickly out the car. You run to your dad and into his arms.
“You know I love you, right?” You said.
“Yes, comet,” Chris said.
“You’ll always be the first man I love,” you said. “He’s just in second place.”
“HEY! I heard that!” Harry yelled making your dad smile.
“Shut it, loser!” Your dad yelled back.
And before they open up the doors
I say I've never seen you cry before
You say "You've never looked so beautiful
You know you'll always be my little girl"
You're looking at me, while walking down the aisle
With tears in your eyes, maybe he deserves me
“I don’t think I’ve seen you cry before,” you said.
“Only when you aren’t looking, bubs,” your dad sniffled adjusting your veil. “And you’ve never looked so beautiful.”
“Dad,” you said.
“You know, you’ll always be my little girl, Y/n,” Chris said. “My little shooting star.”
You nod your head with tears streaming down your cheeks. Your dad hugs you tightly.
“You sure you wanna do this?” He asked.
“Yes,” you said.
“Alright, just let me know ‘cause I’ll drive you outta here and we can watch Disney movies at home,” Chris said holding you still.
You shake your head no and said, “he’s the one, Daddy.”
Chris smiles at your words and said, “we can’t keep him waiting any longer.”
“Yeah, we can’t,” you said.
The doors open and you take your dad’s arm. You both start walking down the aisle. Chris can’t help but smile looking at you as you look at Harry. Your eyes sparkle looking at your soon to be husband. Maybe Harry isn’t that bad.
You don't even know how much it means to me now
That you were the first man that really loved me, that really loved me
You really love me
You’re quick to get off stage and go to your dad who’s in the first row with everyone. Chris stands up just as quickly. You go into his arms and wrap your arms around his waist. Everyone cheers and applauses for you.
“Fuckin’ shit, comet,” your dad whispered into your ear and holds you tightly as you cry into his chest. “I wasn’t expecting that at all.”
“I love you, Daddy,” you said.
“I know. I love you too,” he said wiping away your tears.
“And I love you both,” Harry said putting his arms around you both.
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theglitterypages · 3 years
for your writing prompt, levi with either 14 or 61, your choice <3
Prompts List
Prompt No.14 “Just shut up and kiss me now, will you?”
Title: Secretly a Romantic
Pairings: Levi x fem! reader MODERN AU
Summary: You've always been insecure of your physical appearance and it only became worse when people around you kept on telling you how you gained weight and your boyfriend, Levi Ackerman saves the day.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1000+
“Sweetie have you noticed that you're gaining a lot of weight right now? You're looking so chubby, your Aunts and Uncles have noticed it because of your pictures in social media.” you looked up at your mother with a sigh, you don't have to hear her saying this everyday, honestly you're so fed up with it.
“It's your fault that she's getting bigger like that, you're the Mom and you should look out for her. Look at those baby fats on her belly, looks awful.” Your father appeared from the kitchen and you clenched your fist, tears started forming at the corners of your eyes and you breathed out. “I have to go, I won't come home tonight. I'll sleep at Levi's place.” you simply told them and walked out of your house.
The moment you entered your car, you bursted into tears, you do noticed that you've been gaining a lot of weight, you know it already but people kept on telling you all about this as if you don't know, asking where's the old you, where's the once sexy figure they all adored.
It's exhausting because you don't hated how you gained weight before but because they kept on bugging you about it you started hating it, you started hating seeing what you're seeing on the mirror, your parents aren't helping either, especially your relatives, it's funny how they think this is all fun, how they think that this is just a joke when the truth is it is crushing your confidence.
You wiped away your tears and started the car's engine to drive to your boyfriend's house.
Levi immediately stood up from his couch upon hearing two consecutive knocks on his door. He opened it just to see you with swollen eyes, you don't have to say anything to him, he already knew something was up and he knew that you need him.
He immediately pulled you close to his chest and shut the door behind you two, he leaned against the door as he held you close to him, his hands combing your long hair, the way he cares for you just made you cry more, your boyfriend has always been wonderful to the point that sometimes you think that you don't deserve him.
“Baby, hush...tell me what's our problem, love?”
He gripped on your shoulders and slowly pushed you away from him so he could see your face, he tucked the strands of your hair behind your ear and wiped away the tears in your eyes, Levi was smiling as he do this, he rarely smiles yet he did, just to give you comfort, he leaned in to kiss the tip of your nose and you looked at him with a sad smile.
“Lev, how do I look?”
“Beautiful as always.” he answered sincerely.
You pouted and he sighed, he nipped your chin using his fingers and he pressed his lips on yours gently, when he pulled away he smiled at you. “I love you.” he whispered, he held your hand then and pulled you towards the couch, he made you sit on his lap and you stayed close to his chest. “Tell me what's wrong.” he said as he draw circles on your back, his voice is calm and soothing as if he's singing a lullaby.
“I gained weight, I look awful, Mom and Dad has been fighting a lot about who's responsible for making me fat. They said I look awful.”
Levi stopped drawing circles on your back as his brows met. “They want you to be skinny as fuck than seeing you looking healthy?” he's not the type to make such a big deal in weights or figures, he works out a lot to keep his body in shape but he respects people who doesn't go to gym or people who don't have any diet routine, it's their life, their body and their choice.
“So I really gained weight.” you chuckled bitterly, Levi sighed as he cupped your face gently. “As your boyfriend, I want to offer nothing but my honesty, love and loyalty to you. So yes, baby you did gain weight but I still love you nonetheless.” he rested his hands on your waist then as he pressed his forehead on yours.
“But look at you, you've got a good figure, girls are probably drooling whenever they see you.”
“Baby, you have no idea how other men looks at you. I'm afraid I would get in trouble if I'll do something about their stares.”
Levi could see that the sadness in your eyes is still there even though he's being sincere in everything that he says, your weight doesn't matter to him at all, in fact he likes it this way, because before you two started dating he knew how you're purposely skipping meals so you wouldn't gain weight. He hated it that's why when he had the chance way back, he's purposely giving you snacks or treating you to meals just so he could make sure that you're not skipping meals anymore.
“I'm gonna try to lose weight again, Lev.”
He knew how you take everything you want seriously, that's one of the things that Levi loves in you, the way you have clear goals, the way you are so determined in everything you want and when Levi heard you wanted to lose weight he knew you would really do it.
He reached out for your hand and lifted it up so he could kiss it, he looked at you with a small smile then.
“Is this what you really want?”
“Yes, I want to lose weight.”
“Baby, if you want to do this just because of your parents or because of other person this won't work. Because this is you that we're talking about, you're suppose to live for yourself, not for the others.”
You bit your lower lip and sighed. You just wanted the insecurities to go away, you hated it when everyone in school kept on saying that you gained weight, you hated that your clothes are getting tighter, how you can't wear crop tops now because of your belly, you started tearing up and Levi pulled you close to his chest, letting you cry for a while as he caress your back in a comforting manner.
“Shh, stop crying. It's fine, nothing's wrong about gaining some weight. Look at me,” Levi ordered and you looked up with swollen eyes, his hand made his way on your nape and he gently pulled you towards him so he could kiss you, the kiss was nothing but pure passion and love, he was talking to you through that kiss, he didn't have to say the words but the way he held you close, the way his lips brushes against yours, he reassured you that he loves all of you.
“If you really want to lose weight no skipping meals, we'll be working out at home.”
“Why not on the gym?”
“You want me to kill the bastards who would look at you? I can't be a murderer right now but maybe after I become a lawyer.” you laughed and playfully hit his chest before you raked your hands on his raven hair. “Kidding aside, if you wanna do this, I'm not against it.i If working out to lose weight would make my baby feel better, I'm cool with it but if you changed your mind and decided not to do this I'd still support you.” that's the least he could do as a boyfriend, whenever you want to achieve something, he wanted to help you in every possible ways, he wants to do everything in his power to make you feel better, just so he could see that sweet smile of yours.
“Thank you.” you hugged him and buried your face on his neck, Levi sighed in contentment and hugged you back, his fingers combing your long hair as he keeps you close. “I don't think that's how you say I love you.” he chuckled.
“I love you Levi.” you told him before pulling away to cup his cheeks as you look into his silver eyes, it amazes you how you can look into his soul with those eyes, the way his feelings becomes transparent to you because of his eyes never cease to amaze you up to now.
“I love you too. I'll always be your boyfriend and your best friend alright? So I want you to stay like this forever, whenever something's wrong or something happened to you, good or bad just tell me.”
You had to admit that his words make your heart melt, Levi has always been the sweetest boyfriend, even before you two dated he's always been caring towards you even though he's always cold towards others. “You're secretly a romantic do you know that?” you teased.
He smirked as he bit the insides of his cheek as his silver eyes looked straight into yours, a hint of amusement visibly seen on it. “A romantic just for you.” he replied. Levi never imagined that he would fall so deeply like this, he had always believed that he wouldn't be whipped for anyone until he met you, the only woman who didn't hesitate to shot back sarcastic remarks when he teased you.
You're a fighter, always been a fighter and he loves how your brows would met when you're upset because of something, he loves the small pout and the way your voice sounds, it calms his nerves.
“You were a jerk to me before and here you are...”
“Just shut up and kiss me now will you?”
He didn't wait for you to reply, he immediately mold his lips on yours as he lovingly caress every parts of your body, silently telling you how in love he is in every part of you.
A/N: I really hope everyone's having a nice day, if you guys are experiencing something similar to this, you should know that what's important is how we see ourselves.“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” always remember that :>
I just made this one based on prompt 14 and to cheer myself up and the other darlings who's experiencing this kind of scenarios. Love y'all😘
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
Forced Marriage (Baekhyun, Sehun, you)
A/n : hey so this story was written last year when SuperM drama was out, but I never continue it and I just checked this again because of the WIP tag. (once again thanks to @yutahoes ) and I want to post this to see if actually there's still EXOL here who wants to read a fanfic
I will write the second part (ending) for this, after hearing if you want to end with who
tagging @yutahoes coz Sehun is a major role here hehehe and i don't really know other exols but @neopalette usually wants to read my fics (thanks honey!) and @swagmonsterofficial also could help
trigger warning: strict parents, old-classic ideology of arranged marriage
Here we go..
“Let’s get married, (y/n)!” The cheeky boy beside you blurts out and stops you in your track.
Your eyes widen, your steps taken to a halt, and his smile? His smile is still there.
“A wedding?” you turn your body to face him. Earlier you are walking ahead of him into the woods, running away from your parent’s “important talk”.
You live in the big house on the end of the road, where wilderness is still a thing. An hour ago, your parents told you to get dressed up as an important guest is coming, and you’re expected to look decent for lunch.
But here you are now, thirty minutes into the invitation, you’re walking in the woods with your best friend of a lifetime, or so you hope.
Baekhyun has been your neighbour since you moved in. His house is just one throw of pebble. Your bedroom window and his are face to face and that makes your friendship with him totally wonderful. When phones are not yet a thing, you don’t have trouble to see what he is doing at night, talking through written messages on a paper has been a way you two “chat” late at night.
Baekhyun nods his head and reaches for your hand, he guides you through his imagination of what he calls “our future small family”
“Yes, we will get married, in the same way you’ve always wished! In a garden, with a priest blessing our vows. You will wear your dream gown, with flower crowns like how you read in your princess tales! I got to pick you up in a carriage! Dad can work it out, what colour do you want for the carriage?” Baekhyun sounds so happy and innocent.
You hold yourself from tears, well he doesn’t know yet the reason why you run from your house’s back door to the woods. Baekhyun happens to see you run from his bedroom and he decides to follow you. You did not say anything, just replied to his surprising greeting with a surprised tone. Other than that, you’ve kept your mouth shut. Now it questions you why Baekhyun suddenly asks you for marriage.
“Umm why are you suddenly asking me this Baek?” a glint of hope reflects from this seeming normal question.
“Hmm maybe because I don’t want to lose you?” He shrugs playfully and swings the intertwined hands as he drags you for a deeper walk.
You think it is not a good idea to walk deeper, since you need to return after this if you did not want to end up with bruises.
“What kind of mind is that Baekhyun! I am here!” you try your best to sound happy.
He stops walking and faces you, gently he bends down to match your shorter height and he cups your face. “You know sometimes what we think won’t be gone, might be gone in a blink of an eye when one forgets to hold on tight.” He gives a small force to squeeze your cheeks and he giggles, ‘Hey since when did your cheeks lose their squishiness? You got thinner! Come join me for dinner mom can cook your favourite steak!”
Baekhyun did not know the reason you’re thinner is because you’ve skipped dinner. Fighting with your parents made you lock yourself in the room, skip dinner and lost appetite.
“Well, I’d love that but right now is not the time. Besides, what time is it Baek?” you ask him a new topic so you don’t have to answer his proposal.
Baekhyun glances at his analogue, “It’s ten minutes to twelve.”
You gulp and know you’re screwed. Returning to the house and dressing up will take some time and you’ll most likely show up at the dining table 15 minutes late. Like it or not, you have to go back now.
“Um Baekhyun I have some things to do, catch you later.” You quickly turn your heels and dash through the woods. Baekhyun frowns, but also follows your steps.
“Hey slow down! You’ll fall and get hurt.” Baekhyun yells to you, who is already a few steps ahead of him. This is so weird, you usually always ask him to accompany you, since you’ve once got lost in the forest. Come to think of it, you left by yourself today here. Why? That is unusual.
All these questions remain unanswered as Baekhyun sees you from the mouth of the forest, running to the back door and rushing all the way to your room.
You disappear from the veins covered gates of your backyard, and lonely Baekhyun takes the left path to his house. He smells the delicious lunch his kitchen is making. Well, as his stomach grumbles from hunger, Baekhyun tosses aside his problems and dash to wash his hands and dress for lunch.
Your expectation and calculation were accurate. You got to your room five minutes after twelve right at the time a car entered your porch. You quickly change your dress to the one your mother has prepared and as much as you hated laces, the dress was covered wit lace. You step to the mirror, tidy your look, powder up and brush your hair.
A hurried knock echoes in your room and your mother’s voice enters your room.
“Coming, wait a second.” You yell as you struggle to put on your shoes while making sure you look flawless already.
Once the door flies open, hey your mom knows how to pick locks, you’ve already forced a smile on your face, and she doesn’t look that mad.
“Nice, you didn’t disappoint me. Now gently do down, your fiancé is waiting for you in the dining room. Remember..”
You cut her in “No loud voice, no improper language, tidy eating manner, and agree on this thing.”
She smiles proudly at you and runs a soothing hand down your arm. “Hey, everything will be alright okay.”
You exhale a long breath and with a heavy heart, walks down the stairs to meet the man of your future.
If this was not reality, you would already run down the stairs with joyful steps to reach the man of your choice, sadly this is not your own story to write.
No, your father is dying and his last wish was to see you marry the guy he has set up for you. You remember what he said last week, “Please the man I’ve set for you will be a good man to continue the business I had started. Not that I don’t believe in you taking after, but he will be a good leader. His family also owns a strong business and together, you will live a good life. Trust me darling, I want this for your happiness.”
You remember him saying that to you, one cold night beside the fireplace when he invited you for a game of chess. You belong to the noble family; you have private teachers coming in to tutor you; unlike ordinary girls who need to stay home to cook and wash laundries. Chess is your dad’s favourite game and he always teaches you how to advance the game. Your heart tugs a little when his weak state flashes in your mind.
The last chess you played with him was that same time he proposed to you this whole arranged marriage idea.
You reach the last step of stairs and see the new family seated elegantly on the big table. Your father despite his weak state, still manages to look handsome. You spot the empty seat next to a tall man with strong face lines and a cold smile. He looks smart, strong, but lacks warmth and love. Your face shows a pretty smile, but deep inside your heart you’re crying as you can totally see your future won’t be different than what you have right now.
“Nice to meet you, Miss (y/n), I am Oh Sehun, your fiancé” He stands tall on his legs and after receiving your hand, he presses a light kiss on them. You greet him back and take your place beside him.
Lunch begins and all the time, you only open your mouth when direct questions are given to you. Sehun mostly takes over the questions about the wedding party, saying that he will let you choose what kind of party you want. You just nod and say you will think about it.
“Right, please make up your mind as soon as possible. The wedding will happen in 15 days and I hope we can get this over really quick.” Sehun’s father ends the talk of the wedding.
The choice of food for today was not your preferred dish. You only eat a small portion of the food and try your best to swallow this bitter lump.
Main course went well with Sehun getting engaged to business talks with your father and you were interrogated for your social life by his mother.
Luckily, your mother is there to help you lie. You’ve never really put yourself into the rich girl’s society, you’ve always lied to your mom. You lied about going to the social house, just to run away elsewhere with Baekhyun or simply attend last minute.
Strawberry panna cotta is your favourite dessert; however, today you cannot find the joy of sticking that sweet pudding into your mouth.
The suffocating tension grows thicker when you are sent to take Sehun for a walk to the festival reoccurring in the centre of the town.
Your mind is busy thinking of something, yes you remember Baekhyun is taking care of one event there. He is assigned by the Mayor to lead the talent show performance tonight. Now you remember there is no way you’ll meet him in the town with a new man by your side. He would totally rant to you for not telling him your new friend.
“Umm Sehun, can we go somewhere else instead.. I don’t think the festival is suitable for us to talk with one another. It’s loud.” You bite your lips nervously.
Sehun quirks his eyebrow, “Oh? Well then where should we go?”
His voice is icy and cold, even standing beside him sends shivers down your spine.
“We can go to the quiet hill a few miles from here, will it be okay?”
To your surprise he is okay with walking a few miles. You really think he would deny it and just ask you to talk here in the garden, but no, he didn’t waver at all.
So you begin your hike to the hill where you usually escape when your mind is not clear.
“And… this is it, the quiet place I always go when I have much in my mind.” You spin around once and smile when you close your eyes and feel the gentle breeze blowing.
Sehun takes off his mantle and lays it down for you to sit on. You looked puzzled and he chuckled at your confused face.
“I’m sure your mother wouldn’t want that dress to be dirty.” He helps you sit over his mantle and soon joins you down on the other side.
“Sorry for making you do this.” You point at his clothes and mantel, you did not expect going to the hill will cause him much commotion.
Sehun shakes his head and begins asking you questions to know you better.
“I know you did not like this marriage, but I will try my best to be a good husband.” Sehun said that to you, but things were not as beautiful as his promise.
Baekhyun enters his house and finds his dog already waiting for him
“Ah my sweet mongryong! You’re waiting for me!” Baekhyun kneels down to pet his excited puppy just to be run over and he ends up giggling on the floor.
“Baekhyun hurry up! Your brother and father are waiting for you! Go change to a clean shirt and wash your hand. Hurry or your plate will be clean!” His mother cheerfully kisses him and pushes him to change his attire.
Baekhyun laughs at the warmth this house can never fail to give him, he runs to his room on the second floor and quickly changes for a fresh linen. Just as he glances over to the mirror, he notices a foreign car on the porch of your front house. With a confused look, he tries to remember if you told him anything about a guest or a new tutor maybe.
The cheerful boy makes it to the dining table looking clean and handsome.
“Sorry for making you gentlemen wait and my beautiful mother too. Now shall we eat?” He grabs his utensils and a hearty lunch happens right at the same time as yours (the cold and tense one).
“Looks like our neighbour has a big news coming around!” his father starts the topic for today’s lunch.
Baekhyun’s ears perk up, “Oh yeah? A party? I thought they have their birthday already.”
His brother shakes his head, “No, something else. That car is new. We never see anyone visiting her in a fancy car.”
Baekhyun still enjoys his food, “Maybe a new tutor. She told me the last French tutor moved and her mother is busy looking for a new one.”
“Maybe…” his brother leaves a lingering statement and soon their discussion changes to the perfect seasoning their mother did on the food, or just random small talks.
“I am going to the town! I need to make sure the talent show will be perfect tonight!” Baekhyun bids farewell to the family as he takes his bike and pedals all the way to the town hall.
He can’t wait to meet you tonight in the town hall!
But Baekhyun didn’t meet you at all that afternoon. Instead he found another friend of his, Park Chanyeol.
“Hey! You’re by yourself? Not usual eh?” Chanyeol nudges his shorter friend, who is busy moving things around to set up the stage.
“Oh hi there Yeollie, well yeah It’s me and the team, who else are you expecting?” Baekhyun stops bending and straightens his back.
Chanyeol rolls his eyes, “I mean where is your girlfriend you always have by your side…”
Baekhyun secretly smiles but he shakes his head, “She’s not my girlfriend… we’re neighbours and yeah good friends, you miss her?”
Chanyeol awkwardly laughs, “No, I am not looking for her. Just feels weird… maybe she’s coming later. Now let me help you fix this place! We only have several hours to go!”
Baekhyun nudges off the odd feeling in his stomach. Come to think of it, you’re not the type to not come and help him. He tries to think that maybe your mother or father is acting up again.
You spend a good two hours of talking and planning with Sehun. As you feel wind more breezy and Sehun notifies you it’s almost tea time, you finally stand up from the ground and with the help of Sehun, you stretch your stiff body.
“It’s almost tea time.” Sehun says while putting on his mantle.
“Oh right… Will you join us for tea?” a question of formality.
You wish he would just reject it and go home, but no this guy accepts the offer.
You can only force another fake smile and return to the house.
“Great to see the two of you back on time for tea! We think it is a bit too late already for the Oh family to go home, so they might be staying for dinner and the night.” Your mother greets you and Sehun over the door.
Your mouth falls open and with one glare from your mother, you pull yourself back together. Before she can pull you inside the room, you quickly glance to your neighbour’s house and notice the lack of a bicycle. Hmm Baekhyun must already be in the festival.
Tea time is better since Sehun was called for a talk with your father and his. You are left alone with your mother and Sehun’s mother. The ladies engage themselves in a deep conversation of a recipe and you just sit there quietly. Pretending to listen to their fun discussion, while actually thinking how you will spend the night. There’s a very big probability that you are told to bring Sehun to the carnival and that means meeting Baekhyun. It is not a problem if you’re the only one, but coming with Sehun will be something deadly.
You’re not stupid. You know the feeling Baekhyun has for you. You know he was not 100% joking when he proposed earlier in the woods. You see how his eyes always show hearts when he is with you, you realize the protective voice he always has when you show up to him with fresh bruises. You may be over confidence, but his flirting game is a hint to you. You feel it, you too cannot lie that there’s something different you feel for him.
That night, you thank heaven for not sending you to the carnival. No, Sehun did go there, but you lie while feeling sick. Lucky, they bought your lie and let you rest at home. Sehun goes to see the town with his family, for you also learn today that he will move in here later on. This house will be for you and Sehun the day father passed. The Oh family is checking out the town and you… you’re now facing the floor while trembling in fear when your parents called you with that tone.
You enter the study room shaking. You can see what’s coming… seeing your dad seated on his big chair and a belt. The night will be long.
You earn fifteen tonight, for showing up late to the table, for not showing interest to Sehun, and for not being so lady-like or elegant.
“I thought we raised you nicely to be a lady with a class, but what’s that messy hair! I know you’re sneaking out again right?! There’s no way your hair will be like that if you take your one-hour preparation nicely.” He emotionally launches his belt to hit you. You’re standing up, tonight you did not let out a tear. Your lips are bleeding from the pressure your teeth do to ensure you’re quiet. No, you’ve run out of tears. You’re angry… not only did he force you to marry a boy you don’t know, but he was still picking on you.
“You know if the next time he comes here and you have not improved or put interest in him, you’ll meet another belt of mine. FIX YOUR MANNERS MISS. DON’T BE A DISGRACE!” He swings his last whip and leaves the room with a loud slam.
You fall to the carpet, curling yourself into a fetal position. No matter how many whippings you’ve grown up with, fresh bruise is always burning.
You lay down for a while, streaming your face with tears and as you hear the clock chimes seven, you know soon you’ll have to move to your room. The guest must never see what’s behind your dress.
You stare blankly into the wall, back facing the bright night sky shown from the window. It’s already 8.30, you hear the footsteps of people moving around the house. Great the guests must be here already. You remain silent in your room, hoping that your pain and fatigue can bring you to sleep quick. Laying down sideways to not touch the burning pain on your back and thighs.
Your eyes almost close and bring you to dreamland if not for the soft knock on your window. You peek from your shoulder and see Baekhyun’s window bright and he’s throwing you pebbles.
You did not turn on your lights, though Baekhyun can see your night lamp is still on. You feel like a jerk leaving him to work by himself tonight and not giving him any news at all.
The rock hits one to two times again and you finally turn the lights on and opens your curtain. There, you can see the brightest smile from your best friend blinding you.
Baekhyun raises a paper with a note
You wince and try to reach for the board you’ve hidden under your bed. You open the curtain and flash your answer “GROUNDED”
That’s bullshit.
“OH? NEW CAR IS IT YOURS?” He shows you his board.
You hesitate, “A GUEST’S”
“SORRY. YOU OKAY?” he flashes his board up when he feels you’re not as quick as usual in replying.
Baekhyun grits his teeth when he knows that code. He discovered your father’s bad habit of violence long time ago when you fell from a climbing tree and Baekhyun accidentally saw your scars and bruises. Since then, after you get punished, you usually run to his house and he will sneak you in and when you’re younger he would help you with healing and taking care of them. However as you mature, you only go to his house for mental support. Baekhyun used to promise he would bring you away from your violence father and he promised you to start a healthy family like his.
“We can start a healthy family! I can be a loving dad… I never hit people! I am raised to be a gentle man. I shall never raise my hand to any girl or child or anyone!” He once told you that with fires in his eyes, promising you he will get you out of that hell.
“WANNA COME OVER?” He flashes his board after thinking for a while, why did you earn whipping. Coming late to lunch must not be a big deal right? Unless…
Baekhyun shakes his head, trying to get rid of the silly idea he has in his mind.
“Is the guest so special?” he mumbles to himself.
“I DON’T THINK TONIGHT IS THE RIGHT TIME. SORRY ☹ AND THANKS” you raise your board the last time, before closing the curtains and shutting off the lights.
Baekhyun keeps his eyes on your window for a longer time, he doesn’t want to miss it if you’re sneaking out. But five minutes with no action, Baekhyun gives up and closes his curtain too soullessly.
The conversation he had with Chanyeol earlier lingers in his mind.
“Hey Baek, have you ever seen that man before?” Chanyeol points to a tall figure dressed nicely in an expensive coat. Taking time to stroll from one stand to another, seeing things and trying things.
“Hmm nope. Must be a visitor! He looks so expensive right Yeol?”
“Uh-hum, who can have that kind of guest here….” Chanyeol regrets saying that part out loud, for the slightly surprised look on Baekhyun's face is enough to make Chanyeol feels guilty.
In Baekhyun's mind, suddenly flashes the expensive car parked on your house porch.
“Must be Suho’s” Chanyeol quickly covers up his mistake and pushes Baekhyun away to start the talent show.
yes or no??
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The girl next door
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Okay okay listen up! What if you do a single dad harry who has a crush on the girl next door but his daughter starts to play with her and he asks her out and the the girl get sick and only wants y/n? What cuteee😂🙃
Genre: fluff
Warning: none
Pairing: single dad! Harry
A/n: her name is Amelia. I don't know if you're talking about being sick as in the cold but I'm going to make it that
Please don't post any of my content anywhere else without my permission!
Comment and reblogs welcome!
Ever since you moved in next door, harry has liked you. Maybe it was your beautiful smile, or how you said good morning to him every time you saw him, or it was because you just didn't have any flaws. harry didn't know but what he did was that he likes you.
Harry was a single dad to a 5 year old Named Amelia. She had brown hair and greenish, brownish eyes. She was in his life only do to Amelia's mother not wanting her and abandoning her. Harry knew from the moment she left, he was going to give Amelia the world.
He's never met the one that fit in with Amelia though. Either the woman he was with was using him for fame and money or didn't like Amelia as much as they acted like they did. It broke his heart, people were disgusting like that, but that didn't stop him from still trying to find the right one for him and Amelia.
He didn't know the one for him lived right next door though.
One morning on a Tuesday, harry was getting Amelia ready for daycare. Amelia wasn't really feeling her best but Harry couldn't stay home with her, and he couldn't just skip work. He felt bad about it as he got her ready for the morning.
"daddy, I don't feel very good." Amelia said as harry pulled her shirt over her head. "I'm sorry bug, I don't want to leave you at daycare but it's my only option."
Amelia little eyes filled with tears. Harry was doing everything and his power not to cave and stay home from the little tears that escaped.
After he put her shoes on, he picked up the crying toddler and brought her down stairs. Amelia sniffed as harry cradles her closely and picked up her backpack and lunch.
When he had everything he needed, he walked outside. It was about 70°F out(about 30°C if I remember how to convert correctly). He walked over to the car, but spotted you out the corner of his eyes.
You were waving and grinning. Harry turned to you waving back. He tried to get Amelia to wave but she was to sick to do.
You looked at the toddler noticing her tears. "Is she okay?" You asked harry. He sighed softly, "no, She's sick and she wants to stay home but I gotta work."
You nodded, then a though popped into your head. "Would like it if she stayed with me? I don't think the other kids at her daycare would like that." You looked at Amelia and then harry. He looked skeptical which you understood.
Harry didn't not trust you but he was still the dad who wasn't sure. He let Amelia play at your place a couple of times while he was working at home, but never away. "You sure you can take care of her?"
You nodded, "yeah, I worked at a daycare before I started working at a cafe." You smiled proudly as you said that. Harry knew he could trust you so he caved, "alright, alright."
Harry sat Amelia down and kneeled to her height. "Okay bug, y/n going to take care of you while I go to work ok. Don't give her a hard time, I'll be back later."
Amelia nodded, he big green eyes still full of tears. "Otay."
He walked her over to you, "okay um I have her coloring books and a few toys in her backpack and her lunch." He handed the things to you. "Call me if you need me, my numbers in her backpack." Harry waved goodbye as he walked to his car. You waved back and watched as he pulled out of the driveway and went on his way.
When he was out of your sight, you looked down at Amelia. "Come on honey, you look like you need some rest." You picked her up and carried her Inside.
"I sleep until daddy get back?" Amelia mumbled into your shoulder. "Of course. You can sleep however long you need."
Amelia mumbled an ok before she fell asleep. She clearly exhausted and thank goodness she wasn't at school because I don't think she would've made it.
Hours past since Harry left Amelia with you. Amelia took a nap until 10am before she woke up and started to play with you. She seemed a little better which was good as well.
You called harry a couple of times to keep him updated on his little bug. Harry was starting to be very grateful he left her with you.
Around 3pm was when Harry returned. He was very tempted to see Amelia. As soon as he parked in his driveway, he got out of the car and walked over to your house. He knocked on the door and waited for it to open.
A few minutes later the door opened. He looked on the inside and it was a mess with Amelia toys everywhere. He could tell you both had an amazing time.
"hi Harry." You said happily, "come in, Amelia is just having a little snack right now." You moved out of the way letting him in.
Harry walked in and followed behind you. You entered the kitchen where Amelia was sitting at the dinning table eating her jello. When she saw harry she smiled.
"daddy!" She hoped out of her Chair and ran over to Harry. Harry picked her up and kissed her cheek. "Hi bug, did you have fun?"
Amelia nodded, "yeah. I still sicky though." She pouted. Harry awed and hugged her. You watch them with a small smile, they were adorable.
When Amelia was done with her hugs Harry placed her back down so she could finish her snack.
"um can I talk to you y/n?" He asked. You nodded, "of course." You walked to the living room with harry and sat on the couch.
"so um how much do owe you for taking care of Amelia?" You looked at Harry confused, "uh nothing, I was just happy to help that's all."
Harry smiled, "well I don't want to not give you a thank you so um.. would you like to go out to dinner sometime?"
You looked at Harry, he looked shy as he asked. "Um like a date?" Harry Chuckled nervously, "yeah, like a date?"
You grinned, "well than sure, I'll love to." Harry watched as your smile grew. He was relieved that you wanted to go out to dinner with him, he's liked you for a while.
"while I gotta get going." Harry said as he got up. "Thank you again for taking care of Amelia." You stood up with him. "It's no problem, She was delightful."
Harry smiled at you before turning to Amelia. "Amelia, it's time to go."
Amelia looked over at harry, "no. I wanna stay."
Harry sighed softly chuckling. "I know you had a good time with her but you can't stay here forever."
Amelia hopped out of her seat, she walked over to you and hugged your legs. "I stay."
You giggled and turned back to Harry. He had his hands on his hips, but a slight smirk on his face. You stole his little ones heart but he wasn't really mad about it, this was the first time he ever seen Amelia like that with anyone. He loved it.
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solastia · 4 years
The Dragon’s Lair - 7
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Pairing: Kim Namjoon x F!Reader (although she’s kinda OC now huh?)
A/N: Kinda on the short side, I apologize. But I wanted us to get a quick peek into Jin’s side of things and where his mind is. Any guesses on who his mate might be? ;) 
He wasn’t sure what had woken him up. The house was silent beyond Namjoon’s snores that he could hear coming through the old walls. He waited a few seconds to see if he could hear anything else or catch a scent, but it was all clear. There was just something pricking at his mind - something making his instincts go wild. He’d blame the fact that he was in a new house but this wasn’t a new feeling. 
It had begun when his ride here had traveled past the sea. He’d gotten a whiff of fresh ocean air and his fur had instantly bristled up. His claws had lengthened involuntarily and he’d had to exercise every scrap of self-control he possessed so he wouldn’t leap out of the moving vehicle and run full-shift towards whatever that scent had been. 
Seokjin groans and cracks open his eyes, still heavy with sleep. He might as well take a trip to the bathroom while he was already awake. He yawns and forces himself out of the comfy bed, scratching his belly sleepily. Even now, the scent was clear to him. There had been the smell of the ocean, yes, but...something else. Something other like him. 
The realistic part of Seokjin’s brain said maybe his exotic side had simply found a scent it liked and that’s that. But when he allowed himself to be more fanciful, like now when it was three am and he was still half asleep, he listened to the Sphinx screaming, “mate, mate, MATE!,” and he didn’t hate the idea. 
He’d been alone for so very long that it sounded like a dream. A fairytale ending for his Cinderella story. 
Not that Namjoon was any sort of evil stepsister, nor his mate that exuded naivety and goodness from every pore. If anything, he knew that he was particularly blessed to have Heechul hyung looking out for him and talking this human into taking him in. He would have dealt with having to be in the shelter again, but quite honestly he was too old to do well there. He was a grown Sphinx used to independence and being at the top of his hierarchy. 
He finishes in the bathroom and sighs heartily, deciding sleep was going to be impossible now. Might as well help himself to the kitchen. He shuffled quietly there and peeked inside the fridge, horrified once again by the contents. How have these two been keeping alive? The fridge only contained very basic ingredients like eggs and milk, a bottle of soy sauce, and not a single vegetable in sight. 
He settles for making a couple of fried eggs, using them to top off the bowl of instant rice he pilfered from the cupboards. He gives it all a splash of soy sauce so it’s not completely flavorless and sits at the kitchen table, eating his little meal slowly. 
It always seemed like nights were harder for some reason. Like the dark vastness of the sky reminded him of how empty his life had become - of how much he missed his parents. 
He’d seriously lucked out when the two had walked into the shelter all those years ago. He’d been a bit older than the usual desired age for hybrid adoptions so he hadn’t expected much when Heechul had escorted the couple towards the exotic section. He’d stayed in his corner of the room playing his video game, but he’d kept an eye on them as they smiled and shook hands with all the desperate little ones crowding them. They seemed genuinely nice, with smiles that lit up their eyes and the man always making his wife laugh. 
When they finally got close enough, Seokjin greedily scented the air, thinking if he ever had someone pick him he hoped they smelled as good as these two. The man - though obviously old for a human - smelled strong and healthy. Faint hints of cigar smoke and old books clung to him almost as much as his mate’s scent did. And his mate - the wife - smelled exactly how Seokjin had always thought a mother would. A light hint of expensive perfume couldn’t cloud the endorphins that were coming off of her in waves from being surrounded by the little ones. She was older too - perhaps younger than her husband by no more than a handful of years - but she too seemed to be in good health. She smelled so comforting to Seokjin that he stopped paying attention to his game and let his little avatar get killed three times in a row as he glued his eyes on the woman. 
Heechul actually herded the pair towards him and he set down his controller and bowed formally, wanting to make a good impression despite the fact that he knew they would never pick him. He’d thought they’d merely shake his hand and move on, but the man had kept asking him questions about his hobbies and what he wanted to do when he grew up. The woman kept staring at him with her hand held to her chest like she’d been shocked by something. 
It wasn’t until a half-hour later when Heechul had called him into his office with the pair that he realized she’d decided she wanted him. A mere few minutes and she’d decided she was his mother and no one else’s. “You’re so handsome I fell in love at first sight, my Jinnie,” she’d always say. 
He’d had nineteen wonderful years with them before pneumonia took them both within days of each other. Nineteen years filled with happiness and laughter with two of the most loving people he’d ever met. He missed his routines with them - the fishing every weekend with his dad, cooking with his mom, the Sundays all three of them would sit around with face masks and watch movies. 
When they’d passed away, his heart had broken. He’d known it was inevitable - they were both getting old and frail - but he’d thought he’d have just a little more time with them. After the funeral, he waited with bated breath for someone to storm in and drag him off to be put down somewhere. When nothing had happened, he’d grown steadily more careless, often forgetting he wasn’t supposed to be on his own with the big house and vast wealth. He’d carried on with his life like he knew his parents would have wanted him to. He kept going to med school since his dad had pulled so many strings to let him attend, he tried going on dates that never went anywhere, he hung out with his friends whenever he had the time. Life went on. 
Trying to stop the robber had been stupid of him - he knew that now. He should have just let the man get away and then never reported him so he’d be left alone...but once he spied his mother’s favorite pearls in the man’s hand he’d lost his shit. He’d fully shifted, letting his wings out and knocking over a couple of vases with their width, and his nails expanded until finally he’d roared and the robber had screamed and thrown the nearest item at his head in his rush to escape. Unfortunately, that item had been his mother’s bird statue that was made entirely of gold, so he’d been knocked out cold. His friend had found him after he hadn’t shown up to their gaming session and called the police and an ambulance, where they took his blood and found out that he was a hybrid with deceased owners and proceeded to shove him in the nearest pound while they contacted his mother’s very distant cousin. 
He’d never even gotten to meet this so-called cousin before the fat lawyer that smelled like fried chicken rushed him out of his own home, making him leave behind even the belongings that were his. He had no idea what use the cousin had for his manga or video game collection. Let alone the used sports jerseys or his hamper full of dirty clothes. 
Thankfully Heechul existed and he’d been able to contact his old caregiver before he was sent to the state center. He knew that place was a death sentence. And now here he was, in a strange home with barely anything besides his small suitcase. He missed his dad. He missed his mom. He missed feeling loved and hopeful for the future. He missed the way his dad always knew what to do. He missed the way his mom would brush his mane and groom his feathers while she sang. 
Seokjin cleared his throat and swiped at his suddenly wet cheek. He hadn’t even realized he’d been crying. He shook his head and went to the sink to wash his dishes, heading back to his room when he finished for another sleepless night. 
Life in the ‘Dragon’s Lair’ (as he’d taken to calling it, despite said dragon’s constant eye-rolling) began to take on a new normal the longer he was there. Days began to blend into each other as he struggled to adjust himself to his new reality, but Namjoon and his mate were a great help. 
Luckily, his tuition had been prepaid by his father and the cousin had no way of taking his education away from him, so he still took his classes - albeit mostly online because he wanted to stay in his room most of the time. 
Money was thankfully of no immediate issue. There was more money in the book than he’d felt comfortable sharing with anyone, enough that he could still go years without a job if he needed to. He also knew that if he needed it, he could always ask Heechul for help, although the other would make him work in the cafe for it. He might do it anyway just for something to do. 
Namjoon and his mate were simply wonderful. His old friend had grown up into a great person who was sweet and intelligent, good to the people he cared about, and strong in ways that he probably wasn’t even aware of. His mate Star was just as good. She was funny and kind, with just enough sass to be interesting. And they were both sickeningly in love with each other to the point that Seokjin had to leave the house quite often to get some peace. Not that it upset him - he was incredibly happy for Namjoon. It just sometimes emphasizes how alone he was. 
But yes, Star was great. There was just...something about her. Something that drew him to her. Not in a sexual or attraction kind of way...more like - primal. Like the animal side of him saw her as a protector. Which, he supposed she kinda was since she was housing exotic hybrids, but still. He couldn’t figure it out. He was certain she was completely human, but sometimes underneath the frankly nauseating amount of reptile musk that she was constantly covered with, he could catch hints of the forest in her natural scent. Sure, there was a forest nearby, but why would the scent cling to her like that? There was something there and luckily for him, there was nothing he enjoyed more than a good riddle. 
Beyond that, there was still one other pressing issue. His mate. 
He knew they were out there. He knew he’d caught their scent. When he’d passed the sea he’d been certain they were there. He just needed to find them. He didn’t want them to be alone too. 
“Jin, we’re about to head to the mall. Do you want to come shopping with us? The weather’s clearing up and I promised Namjoon we’d go to the ocean,” Star asked with a bright smile as he exited his room. 
“The ocean?” he responded, his brain halting for a second. Fate was working her magic, was she? 
“Yeah, he’s been wanting to go for a while but it’s been too cold. I thought we’d rent a small beach house and spend the weekend. So you’ll need swim trunks and towels, stuff like that. If you’d rather stay here, that’s fine too. It’s up to you.” 
“No,” he rushed, feeling his ears go red with embarrassment as he let his eagerness show. “It’s fine. I’d love to go.” 
“Great!” Star grinned, threading an arm with his as she leads him out to the yard. “We’ll have so much fun!” 
He nods silently, his nose trying in vain to catch that salty scent on the air again. 
I’m coming. Just wait for me. 
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peachy-inserts · 4 years
𝕙𝕢 𝕓𝕠𝕪𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕗𝕒𝕝𝕝
✉︎ request: n/a
✰warnings: none. fluff!
✎a/n: please i made myself cry over asahi during this i love him so much
➳ᴅᴀɪᴄʜɪ, ᴀꜱᴀʜɪ, ɪᴡᴀɪᴢᴜᴍɪ, ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ, ᴛᴀɴᴀᴋᴀ, ᴛꜱᴜᴋɪꜱʜɪᴍᴀ, ꜱᴜɢᴀᴡᴀʀᴀ, ʙᴏᴋᴜᴛᴏ, ᴋᴜʀᴏᴏ, ɴɪꜱʜɪɴᴏʏᴀ, ᴜꜱʜɪᴊɪᴍᴀ
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✰Daichi loves to bake with you. He hopes on the pumpkin spice wagon just because it means there’s an excuse for the two of you to make something together in the kitchen, but there are times when he just wants you to feed him. He’s an absolute glutton this time of year, both for sweets and for you. Also, coffee dates! Loves taking strolls with you in the crisp fall weather and warming up with a hot drink, though one time he spilled his latte all over his lap because he was so focused on the way your nose scrunched in delight and fingers tapped against your styrofoam cup at the sweetness of the beverage that he completely missed his mouth. Of course, this only ended with you spitting your drink out all over his front and the table
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✰Asahi always makes sure you’re warm. The sudden and drastic change in weather makes his bones ache, maybe it’s because of his old soul, or maybe (as you tease him) his body just can’t keep up with its own size. When you leave the house together, he takes his time to wrap the scarf his mother knit for you around your neck with care, tucking it gently into the folds of your jacket so the scratchy yarn doesn’t irritate your skin, already dry and chapped from the cold. He’s a human radiator, though, and often goes out with as little as a sweatshirt with nothing underneath, to which you call him a hypocrite for. You know, though, that you’ll end up clinging to him against the wind while he laughs and comments on how he isn’t at all cold while you shiver under his hold
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✰Iwaizumi takes you to pick out pumpkins. He drapes his heavy tan coat over your shoulders as you stand idly with your arms crossed and tucked under each other for warmth, him taking far too long and being far too picky in his selection process. He looks like a dad with the way he insects every pumpkin, knocking on it a few times before shaking his head and moving on. You can’t help but admire the way his biceps flex as he struggles to carry the numerous pumpkins you had chosen, despite your efforts to help him. You only carve a few of them, though, and the rest are placed around them. When they rot, you break them apart to discard and jokingly mention that he should chuck the pieces at Oikawa, but he takes you a little too seriously
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✰Tanaka takes you to a corn maze. On the way there, you take a tractor ride and he lays his coat down before you sit so that the hay doesn’t poke through your jeans, although he looks panicked in doing so, and practically rips his entire outfit off in his eagerness to be a gentleman for you. The ride is faster than anticipated, though, and now missing his outermost layer, he clings to you for warmth. You get lost in the maze and end up being yelled at by an old woman for cutting through the crops, so he hoists you onto his shoulders to scout for an exit. The two of you end up speedrunning the whole maze, and you laugh hysterically while teetering back and forth and clutching the top of his head for support, stealing his beanie for yourself.
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✰Oikawa takes you on a shopping spree. You both indulge in the latest fall fashions, and although he intended to choose a few pieces for himself can’t help but search frantically for items that you’d enjoy, and that he’d certainly enjoy to see on you. He doesn’t let you leave the shopping mall without a new waist coat, one that matches his but doesn’t clash with your shoes and compliments your eyes, two pairs of boots, and a comfortable hat that you look absolutely adorable in, the cinch of it’s fabric material drawing your hair down flat beside your cheeks and accenting your nose, which he can’t go a day without peppering soft kisses onto; usually in the morning when the sun has just hit your face. He loves to see you glow like rudolph, and it’s one of his favorite features
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✰Tsukishima invites you to his family’s thanksgiving. It’s a big deal for him, who usually separates his interpersonal relationships from his home life, and although he’s flustered, does the best he can to make you feel welcomed in his house. Despite his typical cold attitude, something that you are not spared from, it’s better to be kind to you than be publicly lectured by his mother for not being courteous to you, especially when most of his family is meeting you for the first time. Not that he doesn’t mind being kind to you in the first place, but he’ll save the teasing for another day; right now, this is a test for him. When he walks you home after you’ve stuffed yourself full, he’s extremely relieved, and thanks you for coming along. You know this is a big step for him, and that it can only mean you hold a special place in his heart
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✰Sugawara learns to crochet, just for you. He stays up late watching youtube videos, and although the awkward positions he twists his hands into just to finally get a yarn over on the hook make his joints ache and cramp, he works vigilantly at making you a matching set consisting of a scarf, headband, and pair of mittens. The stitching is loose and uneven, and you can’t really tell if he actually used a pattern or not, but it’s so heartwarming and thoughtful that you simply can’t get by without wearing it at least once. The same night he presents you with this set, you go out to a haunted maze, and you’re wearing each piece proudly. He spends the whole time creeping behind you trying to get you to scream, though, with a phone in hand, and you’re reminded of his pesky duality and the tendency to wreak havoc and stroll away carelessly
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✰Bokuto takes you on a ghost trail. He takes you here with the intention of being your knight in shining armor, but you swear he’s going to break your hand with how hard he squeeze it every time there’s a particularly loud gust of wind, the kind that whispers behind your ears and rustles the trees. He’s caught off guard by its low hissing, and when a crisp red leaf falls on top of his head he yelps, hoisting you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and breaking into a run before you lower yourself and stop him in his tracks. You decide to leave, after that, and stop by the vendor at the entrance for candied apples. Hey, at least he took you with him instead of using you as a shield, right?
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✰Ushijima arranges a ride through the countryside. You clamber into the back of an old, rusted pickup truck with him, and he lets you use his hand as leverage to hop into the bed, which has been covered in hay. You pass by fields of corn, and excitedly point out every horse you see to him, and although his only response is a low hum, you can see the way he smiles softly, genuinely, at you out of the corner of your eye. You lean over the wheels a few times to get a better look at the scene, and he instinctively reaches out to steady your legs so you don’t fall over
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✰Nishinoya goes trick or treating with you. He’s planned out several routes in case someone calls him out for being so old and asking for candy, so you always have another place to go and start over. When he’s rejected too many times, he has the ingenious idea to drag Hinata along with you two and tell people that he’s your son. It doesn’t work out exactly that way, though, and you find yourself being asked if you’re really just babysitting the two. Hey, at least he got what he came for though, right?
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✰Kuroo goes apple picking with you. When you mention how they would make a good pie, he somehow ends up rambling on about the chemical properties in the pie crust you find on pinterest, and how it’s more likely to burn, how you shouldn’t add that much brown sugar, and on and on and on until you finally find something to distract him. He pulls the branches down for you, but only after you’ve hopped up towards it a few times. He pulls a twig off and uses it to smack your head, teasing you for being so short compared to him
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