#whipped icing rose
"You may sit upon my lap." - Jay to Archie
"W..w..what!?" Archie blushed red hearing the words from Jay's mouth. Though, he didn't know how to react towards it feeling all nervous now.
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platoapproved · 1 month
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weyrleaders · 5 months
people celebrating the spring/summer and whining about fall/winter piss me off so much because like i am fighting for my fucking life on all fronts in spring and summer. tornadoes every other day and the air is so fucking humid it’s like that scene in scooby doo where he cuts a donut out of the fog and eats it and 1000 graduation parties to make cakes for AND an army of flies i have to fight off whilst making those cakes because my employer wouldnt do anything about the fly problem even if they could
meanwhile in the winter it’s nice and cold and all the insects are hibernating or dead and the worst of the weather we’ll get is maybe a couple of snow days
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kayhi808 · 2 months
First Crush - 2
I was stuck in such a writers slump but you all inspired me with all your sweet comments for this story. 😘 Thank you so much!!
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You were called into work on your day off. You just started working at the Avenger's Tower and trying to make a good impression. This was an amazing job & you didn't want to lose it. They paid you very well, so there was no problem paying for childcare. As any single mother knows, that is a major concern. But when they call you into work on a scheduled day off, it isn't the easiest thing to whip up, an immediate babysitter. And this is how Abby ended up at the Tower with you. Abby is usually a very sweet, well-behaved child but she just ran off in the lunch room to flirt with the Winter Soldier.
With her hand firmly held in yours, you walk her back to your table. "Don't you ever EVER run away from Mama like that." You lift her onto her chair beside you & set up her chicken nugget lunch in front of her. "We could have gotten into very big trouble."
Abby's shoulders slump and she looks up at you remorsefully, "I'm sorry, Mama."
Brushing her hair off her forehead and dropping a kiss on her brow, "Ok, baby. Thank you." You give her a smile and add some strawberries to her plate. She does a little happy wiggle in her chair and starts to eat her lunch.
"Did you see the gold sparkles on the man's arm? It was so pretty."
You laugh & so does she. "I did. Sargent Barnes has a very nice arm." And nice blue eyes. And nice muscles. And a nice face. And a nice dimple in his chin.
Abby looks down and examines the other stickers on her shirt. Worried, "Did I give him the best sticker?"
"Yes. I think you made a good choice. He didn't have any other stickers on his arm." Abby giggles and does another little happy wiggle in her chair. "Enough about Sargent Barnes' arm." Tapping her plate, "Eat your lunch."
The two of you walk back to your office after lunch. You brought out her crayons and gave her some paper to draw on. Not surprising, her muse this afternoon was Bucky Barnes. All her drawings consist of a stick figure guy with an arm twice the size of his whole body with yellow woven through the black.
Agents drop by throughout the day to pick up or sign for new mission assignments and Abby has been so well behaved. She doesn't interrupt & quietly watches her videos or draws. She even took a quick nap after lunch so for a treat you go back to the cafeteria to get her some soft serve.
Returning to your office, Abby let's out a squeak. Standing there is Sargent Barnes looking over all of Abby's drawings taped to your desk.
"Sargent." You lower Abby to her blanket and give her, her cup of ice cream. "Didn't mean to keep you waiting."
Shaking his head, "It's fine." You unlock your desk to retrieve his mission packet. Bucky looks over at Abby, "Hello Abigail Rose. What do you have there?"
"Ice feem. Yous want?" She offers him her spoon.
Rubbing his stomach, "No thanks. I'm full from lunch. You enjoy it."
You clear your throat to get his attention, sliding his packet across your desk waiting for him to sign for it.
Abby let's out a gasp and walks over to Bucky. She touches his arm, devoid of her sticker. "You didn't like my sticker? Oh no, Mama, I did gives the wrong one."
"Oh Abby..."
Crouching down to get on Abby's level, "Hold on. Hold on." He pulls out his ID badge for the Tower and flips it over. There is Abby's sticker. She reaches out to touch it. "I couldn't have it falling off my arm and losing it." She covers her mouth with both hands and giggles.
"Baby, your ice cream is melting. You should finish it." Abby hops back to her blanket, clearly thrilled. You whisper to Bucky, "Thank you. That was kind of you." He gives you a shy smile and signs for his docs.
"I'll see you later Abby." She waves with her spoon. "I really like your drawings. You're going to be a talented artist."
Her eyes become round like saucers as she scurries up to take a paper off your desk and runs after Bucky. "Wait Mr. S'gent!" Crashing into his leg with her drawing. "You can has this one."
Bucky laughs and smiles. Never have you seen him smile. It transforms him completely and melts your heart at the kindness he showed your daughter. "What?? Are you sure?" She nods.
"You can puts it on your desk too. Like Mama."
"I sure can. Thank you, Abby."
She giggles and goes back to her ice cream. You mouth the words "thank you", and he gives you a wink before leaving.
Next chapter
@waywardhunter95 @buckysdoll85 @marvel-wifey-86 @roofwitty779 @angelsoftbear
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lanadelreyscokewhor3 · 3 months
Pairing- Rich! Peter x Country Club! Fem! Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Summary: You work at the local country club as a barcart girl and you run into your crush, aka the son of the richest man in town-Peter Parker. Simple flirting becomes something... more.
Warnings: Making out, suggestive sexual content, dry humping, teasing, swearing, drinking :)
i'm your national anthem, god, you're so handsome- take me to the hamptons, bugatti veyron... he loves to romance 'em, reckless abandon, holding me for ransom, upper echelon -national anthem, lana del rey
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Money is the anthem, of success- so before we go out- what’s your address? You hummed along to the sweet melody as it trickled out of the old stereo from your cart, speakers crackling slightly.
It was a hot summers day, you felt a little bead of sweat drip down the back of your neck as you breathed in the fresh air, smelling of fresh cut grass and fancy colone. It was days like this when you were most busy on the golf course, barley able to squeeze in a lunch break before someone came up to you, begging for a whisky sour.
But today you had tucked yourself away in a little hidden spot, a perfect view of scenery, the green hills stretching on for miles.
Sipping on a sweet ice tea from your straw you fiddled with, you watched as Peter Parker braced himself before swinging, club hitting the ball with a clean wack! before thudding down near the hole.
The wind rustled the flag and the fabric of his polo shirt, hair ruffled under his baseball cap.
You tried not to stare but it was impossible.
The way he smiled was intoxicating, and the way he laughed at his friends jokes… god you hoped to make him laugh like that someday.
Though he was almost four years older, the two of you had met during your freshman year of university. You weren’t close, but you werent strangers either. The odd hello was said, a smile and a passing glance in the library from his books.
Now you were practically about to graduate and he was working on his masters, his school out of state. He was home for the summer though, which was nice.
It just meant you could possibly serve him, which also made you anxious beyond belief because that meant you had to talk to him again. You took a bigger sip until you heard the straw suck up the bottom of the glass and the melting ice to ease your butterflies.
Wind in my hair, hand on the back of my neck- I said can we party later on he said yes, yes, yes!
Another deep breath.
He walked in your general direction, but you doubted he could see you. You prayed the low hanging branches covered you, or at least your face. You tried to look out at the rolling hills in the distance, admiring the scenery.
It was very out of your element, but you couldn’t deny the fact it was beautiful here. The ever so fancy country club estate glimmered in the sun, tall hedges trimmed to perfection with roses blooming in the gardens.
You could just see the tall fountain spilling water down, next to the tennis court. Sometimes you worked the bar there, or handed out water and towels, but you preferred being a cart girl.
It made your life much more interesting, to drive around and to see more people. Today you got to see your favourite person.
And apparently he got to see you.
The branches rustled and got pulled to the side, a buff, 6’4 man staring down at you. “Hey sorry, am I bothering you?”
You almost choked on your straw as you bite down on it. “No, no sorry I was just on my break. But how can I help you?”
“Oh shit my bad, I’ll leave you to it-“ He went to turn away, then stopped. Whipped back around.
“Wait- Y/N? Is that you?” Your heart skipped a beat.
“Yeah hey Peter.” you smiled.
“Jeez it’s been a while! I missed seeing you around. How’s life been?”
He missed you?! No, he missed seeing you. That’s different. Get a fucking grip woman.
“I missed you too! Or- wait erm… It’s been good! How’s life at Warner?”
His eyes brightened as you stumbled over your words, pleased you remembered where he was.
“It’s good. Super good. Lots of sunshine, and I’ve made some friends.”
“Not failing anything I hope?” you teased and he laughed.
“No, no I would never. But it’s good to be home for the summer. How’s your program going?” he asked, taking off his hat to run a hand through his messy hair, slicking it back from falling back into his eyes.
You tried not to stare at his arms but it was deemed impossible. His shirt fit him so well, his biceps strained in the fabric as they curled, and you could see whispers of a tattoo on his one arm. Jesus Christ.
“Super good. Almost finished, actually. Not sure what’s next, but working here has helped pay for most of it.”
“That’s awesome, you should be so proud. You’re a hard worker Y/N, seriously. You’ve always been.”
You almost melted at his praise, sinking deep into your seat as your tennis skirt fanned out across your thighs. There was no way he didn’t know about the effect he had on you. He had to know he drove you crazy.
“Thank you so much Peter. It means a lot coming from you.” You beamed.
“Awh shucks. Well anyways, I just came because I saw a cart over here and was going to snag a drink, but if you’re on break I won’t bother you.”
“No, no don’t be silly. What can I get you?” you scrambled up, popping open your cooler filled with ice and drinks. “You’re sure?” he asked, standing closer to you, to see what you had.
You squirmed, shivering even though there was no breeze. “Of course. I’m practically done it anyways. Happy to help.” you smiled, trying your very best to be professional and not look at him like you wanted to rip his clothes off at this very second.
“Just a Heineken please doll.” The pet name was going to make you spirial. Jesus. “That’s all?”
“That’s all. I’m easy like that.” You grabbed a cup, scooping ice before pouring the chilled beer. “Here. It’s on the house.” you handed it to him, setting down the empty glass. He shook his head, fishing into his pocket.
“Don’t be silly. Here-“ he handed you a hundred and your eyes widened in surprise and shock.
“For your troubles.” he smirked. “Peter- I can’t, I can’t take this.”
“Then take this too.” He pulled out a tiny slip of paper, crumped as if it had been in his pocket for some time. You opened it, revealing his phone number in fancy writing- the cursive that reminded you of your grandmothers. A little smiley face was printed next to it, which you mirrored back.
“Have you just had this in your pocket in case you bump into a girl?” you asked, laughing.
“I found out you worked here and I wrote it down, waiting until I had an excuse to bump into you. Now I have one.” he winked, lifted his glass in a cheers motion before turning around, emerging from the forest to jog up to his friends.
You watched him in disbelief, jaw slack on the ground. You fought to pick it back up, trying to not crumple the paper anymore as you held onto it for dear life. A wave of giddiness washed over you, your body hot to the touch, head spinning. Clutching the paper to your chest, you sighed.
Simply hoping something would actually come out of this.
For once in your life.
Something was coming out of this. Key word, was. Lines were blurred, and you weren’t sure if it was currently happening, could’ve happened, or had happened.
It had been a week since the original occurrence, when he had you nearly swooning and begging at his feet. Each day was a little game the two of you played, who could spy on each other first.
It had you picking up extra shifts, just to possibly see him that day, or for longer. The past few days you had worked at the bar by the tennis court, watching the ball bounce back and forth until a familiar face found his way to your bar, despite the fact he was on the opposite side of the property, and had bar carts at his disposal.
It made you feel like a teenage girl again, kicking your feet at the slightest interaction. If he wasn’t at your bar, he had found time to walk past your station (which was always very much out of his way), just to give a little wave, or to check up on you.
A few little texts had been exchanged, nothing more then simple, harmless flirting. That’s what you were telling yourself, and that was the story you were sticking to. Nothing more then that. So whenever he came over to fiddle with the straws, or suck the lemon wedge dry without making a face just to prove he could, you smooshed the feelings of need deep down, as much as you could.
Today was no different.
It was hot, one of the hottest days of the summer. You fanned yourself with a clipboard, thankful for the first time you were working in the bar by the tennis court, where it was air conditioned.
You didn’t understand how people could continue to play as if their life depended on it in the hot, beating sun. It was torturous to watch. You were extremely busy, barley getting a moment to sit down and rest your poor, aching feet- dozens of people swarming the bar for a cool drink.
Ice had to be refilled two times already, and you presumed it would be another two times before your shift was over.
“Busy there eh?” a familiar voice called from across the counter, and for the first time all day you were genuinely happy to serve someone.
“You again! It’s almost like you’re stalking me, or something.” you teased, quickly dropping everything you were doing to go over to see him.
“Something like that. Hey listen, I have a question to ask you.”
“It wasn’t me. I didn’t do it, I swear. The cops have nothing on me.” His eyes widened in mock surpise and his hands went up in surrender.
“Woah. Jeez, I’ll let them know. I have no idea how you found out I was working for them but I guess my disguise is shit.”
“It is shit. I’ve been keeping tabs on you to give you tips on how to be more discreet.” He laughed, swatting you with a straw he grabbed.
“No seriously, my parents are out of town and I was going to throw a party, but I won’t unless you come to it.”
“Well shit, that’s a lot of pressure. You’re basing this whole thing on me going, so if I don’t go everyone will be disappointed at me for cancelling it?” you teased, grabbing the ingredients to make his usual.
“Ha ha. Very funny. You know I don’t mean it like that. But I’d like you to come, it wouldn’t be the same without you there.”
“I don’t really socialize, so I’m sure no one would miss me. Plus, no one knows me.”
“I know you. And I would miss you, and you’re the only person I care about in terms of showing up.”
You smiled softly as his confession, trying to play it cool despite the fact your stomach was currently doing cartwheels. You didn’t even know if you were making his drink right, you prayed muscle memory would save you this time.
“You’d miss me? You just wanna talk to me more, do you like me or something?”
“Or something.” he smirked, smacking a twenty on the table, and you didn’t even bother to give him back his change. He refused to accept it back, you had already tried.
“Thanks for the drink sweetcheeks. It’s on Friday, and if you don’t show I’m gonna call the whole thing off, mid party and then everyone’s gonna be pissed at you.”
“Or at you for making up that stupid rule.” you snarked, sliding him over his glass, and grabbing a clean towel to wipe down your space. You could already feel two peoples eyes on you, waiting for a drink. They could wait a little longer.
“Show up then.” he shrugged. “But wait, I don’t even have your address-“ you called after him as he walked towards the exit, back towards to the heat and blinding sun. He waved his phone, without even looking back.
“Good thing we have these then eh sweets?”
“Smartass.” you grumbled under your breath as his laughed, and you watched the door swing behind him as you were stuck behind the bar.
“What can I get you?” you asked the stranger sitting near you, wishing more then anything it was Peter still there instead.
He was massive. Wait no- sorry, his house was massive. (Did you seriously think you’d jump the gun that quickly? Get over yourself).
You stared up at it as you emerged from your car, so out of place in this fancy establishment. He lived not only in a gated community but his property was privately gated as well.
Didn’t shock you.
You knew his family was rich, but jesus you didn’t know this rich. Dozens of cars were parked, all range rovers and catialcs as you locked your simple looking black civic.
Oh well. He invited me after all.
You belonged here. You were allowed to be here, no matter how many second thoughts you had looking at the fancy fountain, the perfectly manicured lawn and ferns, a perfect cone shape as they lead up to the massive pillars and white staircase.
You had dealt with snobby rich people before at your job, and you could do it again. Not that Peter was snobby in any way. If anything, he was one of the only ones you knew who was humble and down to earth. Hopefully his friends would be the same.
You smoothed out your mini dress, attempting to get rid of the wrinkles. Nervous, you figited with the pearls on your neck, listening to your heels clack on the pavement before you found yourself up the stairs.
You heard music, but it wasn’t as loud as you expected. No thumping floors or shaking walls, and you couldn’t see any flashing lights. You weren’t even sure what you expected. But it certainly wasn’t this. This seemed oddly calm. You could still clearly hear the cicadas as they chirped outside under the stars.
You lifted your hand to knock, and the double doors swung open as your hand was mid air, mouth opening in confusion.
“You’re not Peter.”
“So you’re observant too. You’re prettier then he described you. He’s been watching out the window for you like he’s on guard duty.”
“Bucky stop flirting with my girl!” a voice called from the other room, and you watched as Peter emerged from the other room, jogging over to you with a smile.
My girl? You fought a smile, trying to pretend his words meant nothing but you lost. Bad.
“Hi. Sorry I was just-“
“Waiting for me. I heard from your friend here. It’s nice to meet you Bucky.” you nodded, laughing as Peter’s cheeks turned a lighter of light pink.
“Likewise. Go into greater detail next time Parker.”
“No, because then you dicks will try to steal her.”
Bucky laughed, walking back in the direction Peter came from, which you assumed was where the main party was. You looked around, surveying the massive foyer- tall pillars also inside, bright chandeliers glistening over the towering staircase.
It was beautiful. You couldn’t help but admire the mural on the ceiling, mimicking a Renaissance style piece.
“Thank you for inviting me.”
“Thank you for coming. You look beautiful, by the way. I mean you always do- but you look amazing now. Sorry I’m not sure why I’m rambling, I just smoked a joint and I’m nervous.” he trailed on and you laughed, reaching up to touch his bicep in reassurance.
You weren’t sure where the confidence came from, but you were happy about it. His skin was soft and warm, and he leaned into your touch.
“Don’t be nervous. If anything, I’m nervous. This is your party! And it’s so- wow.” you breathed, looking up again at the fresco.
“Everyone’s so excited to meet you. You’ve already met Bucky, I see.”
You giggled. “Hopefully they all like me. Are they friends from school?”
“Some from school, some from home, some from the country club.”
“Ah I see. So a wide variety.”
“Something like that.” he smirked, placing a hand on your lower back as he guided you towards a mysterious hallway. The hand placement. Oh my god the hand placement. You savoured his touch as he guided you, looking up at him despite wearing heels.
Somehow he still towered over you. It made you feel things.
You heard bustle from the room he was guiding you towards, the sound of music leading you onwards. Dozens of people mingled around what looked like a game room. Some lounged on leather couches with drinks in their hands, others playing a round of pool.
You saw Bucky and some others with a deck of cards, others at the bar top. It was spacious, detailed wood panels across the ceiling, with soft lights mounted on the walls, creating a glow. You admired the dozens of paintings perched on the walls, staring at Peter in amazement.
“It’s beautiful here.”
“Thanks.” he smiled, taking it in with you, as if he didn’t see this every day. It made you like him even more somehow, if that was possible.
“Hey everyone this is Y/N. Party is no longer threatened to get cancelled. You’re welcome.” he called out, and everyone cheered.
“To Y/N” Bucky called out in toast, raising his glass. They didn’t even use solo cups. This shit was fancy as fuck.
You laughed, waving to everyone before Peter pulled you aside, the music picking up its tempo as the chatter resumed. “Can I get you a drink? For once?” he asked, and you nodded- following him over to the bar.
“It’s nice to see you behind the counter for once.” you smirked, giggling as he whipped a towel over his shoulder like a real bartender. “What do you mean for once? I will let you know that I am the most prestigious bartender in France. They don’t even call me a bartender, the call me “tender of the bar” " he drawled.
“Just a cider please. I’m easy like that.”
He sighed in relief. “Thank god. I don’t know how to make anything but a whisky sour.”
“Hey, that's a start!” you smiled, watching as he grabbed a chilled glass and slid ice in it, before pouring your drink from the can. “Madame.”
“Thank you, monsior. Mmmm fantastic. You should work with me!” He snorted, throwing the towel down. “They would fire me before I could pick up a glass. You’re too talented, you'd outshine me. You already do.”
“Do not.”
“Do too.”
“You’re being silly.”
“Silly is my middle name.”
“I thought handsome was your middle name?”
“Alright woah now-“
----------------------------------------------------------------- A few hours had passed, and the night was still young. You were drunk, a little- and your shoes had come off. You didn’t know where they went, or where your phone was, or why you were outside with Peter.
But you were outside with Peter. And it was nice.
The air was chill against your skin, but not cold enough you had goosebumps. It was soft against your flushed skin from the alcohol, and you savoured the breeze as it fluttered your dress. Everyone was still inside, but you needed a breather.
You could see the lights shinning brightly from here, where you were on the pool deck. Because of course he had a pool. He also had a tennis court, a golf course, and an indoor pool. No surprises there.
You heard the sliding glass door open and shut, Peter emerging with glasses of water in hand. “I figured you’d want this.” he said, walking over to you with a grin, and a fluster on his cheeks.
“Thank you so much.” you sighed, the water trickling down your hand as you grabbed the ice cold glass, taking a long chug. It cleared your head as it slithered down your throat, relieving your thirst.
“So, is it okay?”
“Is what okay?”
“Here. This. Me.”
You stared at him, cocking your head in interest, attempting to study him. “It’s more than okay. It’s wonderful. You’re wonderful.”
“You think so?” he asked, a glimmer in his eyes as he stepped closer to you, your chests practically touching as he grabbed your empty glass, setting it down beside you.
Your breath caught in your throat as his hand slid up, cupping your cheek- thumb brushing your skin making you shiver. Your nipples hardened under his touch- or the chill, you didn’t know.
All you knew was that his eyes were burning holes into yours with the utmost lust you thought you’d simply combust.
“Is it okay if I touch you here doll?”
You nodded.
“What do you want Y/N? Do you want this?” he asked, voice practically begging. The music from the party thudded off the windows, lyrics slipping through the cracks under the doors to echo into your ears.
I sing the national anthem while I am standing over your body hold you like a python, and you can’t keep your hands off me or your pants on, see whatcha done to me, King of Chevron…
“I want this. I want it all.” you murmured, leaning into his touch.
“Can you swim?” he whispered, inching closer and closer to your lips.
Wait- what?
“Ye-” you let out a scream as you felt the world tilt under your feet, tumbling backwards into the hands of a strong man holding your waist. A splash erupted, the world turning a murky dark blue as the music muffled. The water was surprisingly warm as you gasped for air, frantically reaching out for Peter to hold.
He was even warmer than the water despite the cool air, and he laughed as you clung to him, wrapping your legs around his torso, dress hunched up as it stuck to your body like a second skin.
You became very much aware of how his shirt did the same, except it was white, and you could see the perfect outline of his abs and his arm tats.
“Peter what the fuck?!” you shrieked, cut off as his lips crashed to yours, engulfing you with heat and a tenderness you’ve never felt before.
His lips were like pillows as they caressed yours, hands squeezing your thighs, your ass, your waist as he tugged you closer and closer, until your breaths had merged and you had practically become one.
Hands flew up to his hair, tugging on the wet strands as he begged for more, and more- teeth clashing, tongues begging for entrance before they slipped in.
You couldn’t help but moan, breathing harder as his squeezed your ass hard enough to bruise, unleashing whatever restraint he had been holding. You moaned again and he had to pull away, resting his forehead against yours, breathing hard as he watched your mascara smudge and trickle down your cheeks.
“Y/N fuck- if you keep moaning like that… I’ll-”
“You’ll what?” you asked innocently, shivering.
“I’m trying so hard to be a gentleman and not go past this, but if you keep doing that I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself.” he murmured, bringing a hand up to stroke a stray strand of water from your cheek, kissing each one.
“That’s okay.” you smiled, grinding your hips against his, rubbing against him as he moaned.
“Jesus christ baby. Fuck.”
You giggled, feeling his very prominent bulge through his pants. You grabbed his chin, lips melting against his once more, just to get a taste of him. You were addicted- heart thudding in your chest, blood turning to molten lava in your veins.
It was like his lips were coated in honey, so sweet you practically licked them. “You’re just so sweet.” you sighed into his lips, kissing him harder. It wasn’t long before you were interrupted, the sound of a sliding glass door opening.
“You guys almost done out here?” Bucky called out, Peter's head whipping to him in annoyance.
“ What do you want?!” he called out, exasperated. “Steve and I wanna swim. Unless you guys want us to join you, I’m sure there wouldn’t be too many complaints on this end.” Bucky smirked, winking at you.
What a goddamn flirt. You couldn’t help but smile back, even if he had just interrupted the best experience of your entire life.
“We’ll be out in a minute Bucky- calm down.”
“No need!” a voice called from the house, to which Steve ran and cannonballed into the pool, splashing you.
Peter sighed, leaning his forehead back against yours. “I am so sorry about them. This is not as romantic as I had hoped in the slightest.”
“What are you talking about? This is totally romantic. The drenched rat look I’m wearing is what the movies had envisioned.”
He laughed, kissing your forehead with a quick peck, before Bucky jumped in right after. “The most beautiful drenched rat I’ve ever seen. I promise you, we’ll have time for this again.”
“Many times?” you asked flirtatiously, and he nodded.
”Many times.”
“Good. Now, I suppose we should all play mermaids now. What powers do you wanna have?”
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Rafey - Rafe x Reader FLUFF
Req: I am in need of rafe fanfics so here I am requesting …. I was wondering if you could write something about rafe being really soft when it comes to reader and being completely different from his usual mean personality and just being completely whipped for her?? Hope this is alright :)
Rafe x Reader est. relationship
Warnings: Language, violence, alcohol and drug use, rafe making sexual innuendos lol
Summary: You witness Rafe's animosity towards others and notice the difference in his treatment of you.
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Summers on The Cut were the absolute best. Parties every weekend, the beach with your friends, all the time in the world with your boyfriend, Rafe. The Kook life suited you well.
You stepped into Tannyhill, the blast of the AC immediately cooling your body down from the hellish weather of the OBX. Rafe and Sarah had come together, a once-in-a-blue-moon occurrence, to plan that weekend's party. Rose and Ward had taken Wheezie out of town for her birthday, leaving the elder Camerons alone in the big house. Sarah was in the kitchen, stirring a big cooler of some sort of beverage you guessed you would be indulging in later that night.
"Hey Y/N!" She smiled at you. "Rafe is out getting some stuff for tonight, but he should be back soon!" You nod and cross to the counter where she is.
"Alright." You look around the big room. "Do you need help with anything? Should I-"
"Could you get the ice from the freezer?" You smile.
"Got it."
Fifteen minutes later, and a few sips of Sarah's concoction later, you are giggling on the sofa.
"No way."
"No, I'm serious. After he got his wisdom teeth out, he kept asking to watch The Backyardigans. It was hysterical. Wheez got so many good videos of him." You simply couldn't contain your laughter at the thought of Rafe watching a kids' TV show.
"Yeah yeah. It's hysterical." His voice rang out from behind you and Sarah's eyes went wide as they met yours, a laugh threatening to escape from her lips. You, however, kept giggling.
"Rafey... How often do you watch The Backyardigans?" He rolled his eyes and set his hands on the back of the couch, bending down to meet your height.
"It was a one-time thing, baby." You giggled again and Rafe smiled the tiniest bit. "Geez, how much have you had to drink?" He sat up, running his hand through his hair, which you were thankful for. After you had kept stealing his gel, Rafe left his hair natural, which you were very thankful for.
Sarah started laughing again, which made you start laughing.
"Not a lot!" He rolled his eyes and turned away from the two of you, going to the kitchen to finish preparations. Sarah suddenly gasped and tapped your shoulder repeatedly. "D'ya wanna get ready with me? It will be so fun." You immediately nod.
"Yes, yes, yes!" Sarah jumps off of the couch reaching her hand out for you.
"C'mon!" You grabbed her hand and let yourself be pulled in the direction of the stairs before Rafe's voice stopped you.
"Hold on ladies. I'd like to talk to my girl before you leave me all alone." Sarah giggles again before running up the stairs. You smile and turn to Rafe, jumping a bit in shock when you see that he is already in front of you, his hand on the wall beside your head.
"Hi." You whisper.
"Hi." He whispers back. You grin at him, which makes him smile.
His unoccupied hand brushes a strand of hair away from your face before he leans down to press a kiss to your forehead.
"I bet you're gonna look beautiful tonight. Have fun with Sarah and holler if you need anything." He gives you a real Rafe smile and you return an even bigger one.
Hours later, you were riding on the buzz of Sarah's tasty drinks and some weed. You felt great, the light blue dress you chose for the night fell just below your bottom, something that Rafe had noticed the moment you had walked down the stairs.
He had been keeping an eye on you all night, how could he not with that fucking dress? You looked like you were having a good time with Sarah and the rest of your friends, smiling at you from afar.
"Yo, Rafe!" Kelce clapped him on the shoulder. "Special delivery from Barry." The mention of the drug caught Rafe's attention quickly and he grinned at Kelce.
"Where?" Kelce jerked his head behind him and began to walk away. Rafe turned his head back to where you were and decided you'd be fine on your own for a bit. He met Kelce and Topper in a spare guest-room. The white power clumped on the table made Rafe's heart pound in anticipation. The three Kooks indulged in the drug, making their noses burn and heads spin.
Rafe left the room and made his way back to the party, rounding a corner when a touron bumped into him.
"Hey man! Watch where you're going. Asswipe." The dark haired guy spat out. With the drug mixed with Rafe's temper, the guy was on the floor in an instant.
"The fuck did you just say to me?" Topper and Kelce were right behind Rafe, amused looks on their faces. The party had quieted down, eyes and ears on Rafe and the kid on the floor below him.
You pushed your way to the front of the crowd, staring with wide eyes as Rafe's body loomed over the touron.
"Dude! what the fuck?" The guy scrambled up onto his feet, pushing Rafe back with as much force as he could. "Do you wanna fight?"
Rafe's dark laugh could be heard over the music.
"Awe dude's gone and fucked up." Topper said, coaxing a laugh out of Kelce.
Rafe smirked, pushing the sleeves of his button down up to his elbows.
"Won't be much of a fight dude." Rafe's fist collided with the guys face seconds later, sending him back onto the floor. Gasps sounded throughout the room.
"Rafe!" You screamed as he bent down to deliver another blow. And another.
Rafe managed to control his anger and picked the touron up, clutching him by his shirt.
"Get the fuck out of my house." The touron wasted no time scrambling out of Tannyhill and seconds later, the party was back in full-swing, like Rafe hadn't just beaten a tourist up.
Kelce and Topper patted Rafe on the back as he inspected his hands.
"Rafe." The prior actions had sobered you up almost completely. Their heads snapped to yours and Rafe gave you another one of his rare smiles. You fought the urge to smile back. "Come with me. Let me help you." You glared at Kelce and Top as they giggled at Rafe nodding and following you out of the room like a puppy.
The cocaine had made Rafe hyperfixate on you. Your pretty face, your sparkling eyes, the slight pout of your lips while you cleaned off his bloody knuckles.
"Hi, baby." He whispered. You were standing in between his legs, with him on the counter in his bathroom.
"Hi." You didn't look at him when you replied, too focused on fixing him up and too mad to meet his gaze. That is until Rafe started giggling.
"Well isn't this a switcheroo." Your head jerked up at Rafe's odd choice of words.
"What?" He's grinning at you again and the sight makes your heart race.
"Usually I'm in between your legs." Your head drops in exasperation and you take a deep breath.
"Jesus, Rafe." You refocused back on his hand, cleaning it up before wrapping it with bandages.
"We could make that happen, if you want..." His voice is just above a whisper. You are waiting for a giggle to follow but the room is silent. You look at him and his eyes are wide and pupils blown.
"Rafe..." You take his head in your hands. "Are you high?" A sheepish look wipes across his face.
"Only a little bit." His strong arms wrap around your torso, pulling your body closer to his. His head drops to your shoulder. "Mmmm. Yof snel go." His words are muffled and you stifle a laugh?
"What?" His head pops up a little.
"You smell good."
"Thank you, Rafe." His head pulls back so his eyes can meet yours, a frown present on his handsome features.
"Stop calling me that."
"Rafe? Baby that's your name." He shakes his head.
"You haven't called me Rafey all night." He pouts and you smile.
"Do you want me to?"
"Yes, please." Even though you hate Rafe's use of drugs, you do enjoy this side of Rafe that comes out after he indulges in it.
"Aright, baby." You grab his hand to pull him off of the counter but he doesn't budge. "C'mon big guy." He shakes his head.
"Not until you say it." You set your hands on your hips as you stare at your boyfriend, Rafe Fucking Cameron, the scariest Kook of them all who just fucking broke a kids nose, is sitting on a counter in front of you, acting like a baby and begging you to call him by his nickname.
"Then I guess you're gonna have to be nice, Rafe." His eyes narrow.
"You're being mean. I'm always nice." You roll your eyes. "To you." He reaches his hands out and pulls you back to his embrace. "Please?" His eyes are like a puppies and you can't hold back your smile.
"Rafey..." Out comes another true Rafe grin which makes your heart soar.
"Say it again." His fingers brush your sides as he looks at you expectantly. Your hands reach up to push his hair back.
"Rafey." He thanks you with kisses. Your forehead, nose, cheeks, lips.
"Stop! Ew!" You are a giggling mess. You manage to push the large man away from your body, trying to catch your breath.
You look at him, standing by the door, watching you with a small smile.
"I love you." His words go straight to your heart.
"I love you." He pulls you in for a real kiss, one that makes you melt into his arms.
The two of you leave the bathroom hand-in-hand.
"Did you call me 'big guy' ?"
"Shut up."
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15-lizards · 7 months
AGOT Dash simulator
⚔️ ser-bran Follow
Going climbing again today!! Trying the highest tower in Winterfell 😝
⚔️ ser-bran Follow
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☀️ dornedaydreams Follow
🍇redwhined Follow
Girl what did he do to you
☀️ dornedaydreams Follow
Old and busted
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🐉 conquerors-girl Follow
That new Khaleesi in the grass sea is fourteen. She should be learning her letters from a septa!
🐉 conquerors-girl Follow
Just found out she’s pregnant…I need Drogo to get Rhaegar’ed IMMEDIATELY
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⬛️ bro-in-black Follow
Mormont just gave the 5’6 fourteen year old asshole bastard who’s been here five minutes his ancestral sword. I will take us all out with wildfire
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🕊️littlestbird Follow
Was snooping for the spider today and I overheard Lord Ned asking about a book of noble family lineages and physical traits after whipping his head back and forth between Robert and Queen Cersei’s kids for like five minutes straight
🕊️ littlestbird Follow
Which could mean nothing
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🍋 ladyjonquil Follow
First tourney today guys!!! I’m sososo excited the knight of the flowers literally gave me a rose! If he wins I might be his queen of love and beauty omgfggnnd
🐺 nymeriiia Follow
👁️thosuand-eyes-and-one Follow
Lost thirty dragons betting on Ser Jamie for the twelfth time. Can someone who’s good at budgeting help me. my family is dying
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🐈‍⬛ lordpounce Follow
⭐️ lancel-the-lancer Follow
👑 lannisportlady Follow
🌲 house-whoare Follow
Lmao y’all are acting like Jofferys any better when there have literally been reports of him skinning cats alive
🐕 thehounddawg Follow
How do those Baratheon boots taste
🌫️ quite-quiet-isle Follow
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🏹 flea-top Follow
I hate this stupid city watch job so fucking much. Someone manifest an execution or something so I have some entertainment while I walk the parapets by the Sept of Baelor
🏹 flea-top Follow
By the mother this can’t be happening
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🔥 Targupdates Follow
Exiled princess Daenerys Targaryen has been seen stepping out of her husbands pyre with three dragon hatchlings on her shoulders
Keep Reading
🦁Lann1girl Follow
Guys please don’t buy into this type of stuff, do your own research. These gossip accounts are a bunch of targ loyalists. Dragons died out during the dance please do not spread false information!
🧜‍♀️ womanderly Follow
Cersei Lannister isn’t gonna fuck you man
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🔥 red-rhollor Follow
🐦‍⬛ wallravens Follow
🪷lys-living Follow
Girl what
🌊 father-rhoyne Follow
Is there lead in the dragonstone water
🌞 sunspearsss Follow
So glad to witness episodes of true psychosis on this website
🌏 westerosi-heritage-posts Follow
Heritage post
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peachsukii · 6 months
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₊✩‧₊ ⇢ birthday boy yuuji!
『 ♡ 』 yuuji x fem!reader (18+ under the cut!) -`✧ yuuji itadori masterlist
✩ you wake yuuji up right at 12:01am by smothering him in kisses and softly singing happy birthday, his sleepy giggles filling your bedroom as he's mumbling "aw thank you baby!"
✩ when the morning comes, he's greeted with an entire living room full of pink and gold balloons accompanying the biggest bouquet of pink roses and tulips that he's ever seen. he didn't even know that you knew he loved flowers! (he literally stops to take pictures of every single flower you pass by - how could you not know?)
✩ you spoil him with a mountain of fresh pancakes for breakfast, topped with all the sweets he desires. you're not shocked that he devours at least 3 whole stacks himself, whipped cream and syrup covering his toothy smile.
✩ megumi and nobara text you throughout the day to keep you posted on the status of his surprise party, giving you the signal to bring him by when they're ready.
✩ yuuji is completely shocked when you stroll into the park and surprise him with all of his friends! streamers hung up between pavilions, buffets of snacks and cakes, presents stacked on a table in the corner and plenty of warm smiles from his found-family. he's teary-eyed when they all yell "happy birthday yuuji!" in unison.
✩ yuuji is nothing but smiles all day long as you snap endless pictures of him with everyone - your favorite being nobara and megumi smearing icing all over his cute cheeks while singing happy birthday. they all had silly party hats on and smiles brighter than the sun.
✩ after cleaning up the party, you have a few more presents hidden up your sleeve for yuuji when you get home - he's oblivious to it all.
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✩ when you return home together, you ask him to go start running a bath. he doesn't ask questions, just obeys your simple request. once it's full, you can't help but playfully pull him in with you - fully clothed - soaking you both water and bubbles.
✩ wet clothes are stripped from your bodies in succession, relaxing in the warmth of the bath together. you wash his back and hair for him, refusing to let him lift a finger on his special day. he accepts, blissfully enjoying all of your pampering with a smile.
✩ it doesn't take long for him to start quietly panting with need as you massage his whole body from behind, tracing your fingers over and working every muscle you could get your hands on. his hands grip at the plush of your thighs under the water, head rolled back against the top of your breast with his eyes closed. he gasps each time you "accidentally" let your hand brush against the tip of his semi-hard cock.
✩ when you kiss him from above, his cheeks are rosy - enamored with all the tender love you've served to him throughout the day. he turns and picks you up out of the bath, wrapping a towel around the two of you as you make out against the bathroom counter, dripping wet. the kisses are sweet and sloppy, tongues tangling as both of your hands roam each other's bodies. you can still taste the birthday cake on his tongue.
✩ you finally have enough willpower to part from his kisses - long enough to scoot out of the bathroom with a wink and telling him to stay put. he wraps the towel around his waist, attempting to mask his excitement through the tented fabric while he patiently waits for you.
✩ "come and get it, birthday boy!" you call from your shared bedroom. he makes his way down the hall and can smell a multitude of different candles, light flickering against the bedsheets as he sees you splayed out in his favorite pink lingerie set. "you have one more present to unwrap, better hurry."
✩ and by hurry, you mean "treat me like an all you can eat buffet." so he does - sweet and purposeful. he doesn't bother to remove the lingerie from your body, preferring to work around it because it just looks too pretty on you to go to waste. he sucks your nipples and massages your clit through the mesh fabric, loving how it soaks up every drop of your slick to tease himself. he dips his tongue in and out of you between orgasms, drinking up all of your arousal like honey off a spoon.
✩ he doesn't fuck you until you've given him at least two full orgasms, relishing in all the pretty moans and sounds you make for him. and when he does? it's full of love, soft and slow, the drenched mesh panties pulled to the side as they massage his shaft every time he thrusts in and out of you.
✩ between his own moans, he can't help but keep saying "i love you" against your lips, thanking you for being such an angel to him, and how much he adores you. it warms your heart as you melt into him like ice cream on a hot summer sidewalk.
⋆ ˚ʚɞ — happiest of birthdays to one of the sweetest angel protags!! shoujo-coded baby who's forced to shonen. he deserves the world! happy birthday yuuji~ this one's for you both @kweenkatsuki-fics & @yuujispinkhair 💖🎀
747 notes · View notes
"Hey, is anyone here?" A familiar voice asked.
(To Archie and Odie) (a friend of theirs) ;3c
Both Archie and Odie heard the familiar voice and goes to check who it was. It couldn't be could it? "Come on Odie!" he goes to find the voice.
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healer-pop · 5 months
blood on my shirt, roses in my hand.
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‼️ summary: venture doesn’t know if you realize what seeing you in a fight does to them.
⛔️ warnings: 18+ content! scenes of violence and blood, afab!reader, and explicit sexual content.
🍒 word count: 4.6k
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the rush was incomparable.
if this was what it was like all the time, you finally understood why your partner chose to join and stay with the recall.
the way your blood throbbed through your veins, tingling like electricity as it rushed up your arms and down your legs, burning like a stovetop where hands gripped onto you.
you felt the hot and cold all at once, your body sweating, but your insides like ice, struggling against the hard grasp of the person currently hugging you tightly against them, dragging your kicking feet further down the ancient paved streets, further away from safety, from Venture. their gun pressed into your side, a bruising pressure right into your ribs, dark threats mumbled into your ear from a raspy voice, something that was straight out of a horror movie.
they didn't get it wrong, though. you felt manic, tears pouring down your cheeks, pooling on the arm of your captor. that feeling of needing to live.
the ground suddenly shook, teetering them off balance, their arms loosening around you, and you tugged one hand free with a strength you didn't know you had in you, squirming around to face them.
you swung. your palm connecting with your target — the goons nose, crunching under your palm, the ski mask doing little to stop the blow. a wet feeling. a squishy one. blood dripping down your hand, seeping into their fabric mask.
the world beside you a blurry, inconsistent tangle of color, movement, and silence.
was that what drew you in? the quiet? the peace that came with violence? there wasn’t enough time to dwell on it.
talon’s operative staggered back, gun clattering to the floor as they clutched their nose, a yell of frustration erupting from their throat as their black eyes burned into your own. there was nothing. no thoughts, just pure instinct as you kicked the gun away. you brought your leg up. and they realized at the last second what you were about to do — tried to drop their hands from their face to block your foot, but came too short, allowing you free access to their stomach, dropping them to the ground with a quiet groan.
black spots popped in and out of your vision, leaving the area they appear in washed of color; the traveling ones leave white lines that slash your field of view into crystalline, fractured pieces.
it was addicting.
suddenly, an echo. like a voice resounding through a tunnel.
your name—
your name was being called.
you whip around, a bit too quickly for your untrained mind, which was currently dropping from its hyper focused space, making you step in place far too many times than was necessary for a simple turn.
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this would never get boring.
Venture absolutely thrived on adrenaline. the reverb from the drill shook their hands, yet they themselves were rock-solid. it was the purest form of clarity they ever felt. dirt and rock flew past their face as the drilled into the ground, no doubt lacerating their face, but Venture felt nothing.
talon’s sentry was slow, slowed by the weight of their armor, too slow to turn around fast enough and defend themselves as Venture quickly reemerged from the ground, dashing forward with the drill angled perfectly at their abdomen, piercing metal and fabric and flesh. they stumbled backwards, into their partner, both of them tumbling to the ground, guns flying beyond their reach, shield tech flashing an alarming blue then white.
Venture stood above them, the dry wind of the desert whipping their coat around them, taking the moment to slide the button on their excavator backwards.
“next time… don’t interrupt my date.”
Venture clicked the button forward, the weapon giving off a satisfying shink! — as it informed its user that it was reloaded, the curved metal lighting up as Venture raised it above their head, a blossoming, blue vortex appearing, bright as a star, as its teeth opened.
two pairs of eyes widen, realizing what was about to come. they tried to scramble to their feet. not quick enough. Venture smirked.
“Excavation Initiation!”
the sands flew up around them from the cracks in the pavement as Venture slammed the drill down. Once. Twice. And a third, just for good measure.
their breath heaved. chest rising and falling in time with the dusty air, scanning for any sign of the enemies. nothing. nothing but red hot sand, melting from the laser hot electrical-plasma into small, weak crystals of glass. no… the sand was already cooled. It was stained red. a small puddle of blood was all that was left, mixing with the glowing crystals. it would make a nice keepsake. maybe they could make something out of it for you.
where were you?
Three… there were three operatives that confronted the two of you. the tank and the two gun men. The tank and the rifleman was with them… that left…
It was a cold realization, sending chills down Venture’s spine, their arms sprouting with goosebumps as it contrasted the scorching air.
they yelled your name, spinning around helplessly as they looked for you. a grunt bounced off the ruins, somewhere in the distance and it shook their very being. Venture tossed the excavator to the ground, sprinting towards the sound, hoping that they were wrong. hoping you had managed to get out of range when they… how could they have been so careless!
another sound. pain. Venture could feel the burn in their legs as they pushed their body to go faster, their feet exploding with pain as they collided with the uneven stone beneath them.
a figure appeared in the foreground. another, splayed on the ground and for a second, Venture felt their heart stop. their feet followed with. the icy grasp of fear and panic, their mind exploded into an overwhelming static, ears ringing.
then the grief. the absolute worst thoughts coming to head as they felt their lungs begin to pound. every single worst scenario screaming in their head as they forced themselves forward, eyes wide in sheer terror.
I wasn’t quick enough!
What did Talon do to them?! When I get my hands on them...
What if… what if I…
but… but you hadn’t been wearing those shoes. Or those black military pants. and as Venture’s eyes raised on the down figure’s body, the glaring icon of Talon, stitched onto the upper thigh, yet again stopped all processing in their brain. it felt like an entire system reboot. Off. On. Rewind. Restart.
as they came to their senses, they turned their eyes to the other figure, less than a meter away. You. safe, but blood dripped down your fingertips. your perfect, beautiful, plush lips parted as weighted breaths escaped them. oh good. you were breathing. that was always good.
their voice trembled as they called for you, a weak whisper barely audible to even their own ears (or was that the tinnitus?). your face was unreadable, seemingly caught on the unconscious figure before you. Venture swallowed, throat burning as saliva traveled down. they ignored it. the pain didn’t matter. You did. Only you. they took a step forward and tried again. it came out much louder this time. and it snapped you out of whatever haze held you hostage. you stumbled as you looked around, and Venture was running towards you before either you knew what was going on.
they grabbed you, the sudden movement catching you off guard, and tugged you into their warm, sweaty embrace. you had no choice but to fall into them. “Oh, baby… Baby, baby, baby, I’m so sorry. I am so so so SO sorry- I didn’t realize- I didn’t mean to leave you alone.” their arms clutched you like a coffin, sized just for you, firm, yet so gentle and sweet. they stammered out more apologies, for what, you weren’t sure of, but you slowly raised your arms, as weak as they felt and held them back with all the might you could muster — which wasn’t much.
“— you with me? I mean, it’s ok if you aren’t, I know, I know it was a lot. I didn’t know — I mean, of course I didn’t. I wouldn’t have brought you here if I knew they were here, of all places. I just- I was so worried. Are you ok?” Their voice broke through your exhausted brain, you barely could catch all of what they were saying, but you managed a tired laugh, pulling back from their hug.
“Sloane, Sloane, I’m.. I’m ok. Better than ok, actually. I feel… good. Tired but… but clear.”
They smiled back, but it didn’t quite meet their eyes, and they kept glancing downwards to scan you over, but were trying not to be obvious about it. Your grin turned mischievous and you lifted a bloodied fist, drying blood flaking off the rest of you arm as your skin moved. It badly shook, but you relished how their eyes widened. Splaying your fingers, you then wiggling them, showing they were all fully functional.
“You should see the other guy.”
and it was that moment they realized that maybe they were a bit fucked in the head. the moment Venture realized how downright sexy you looked, all covered in dirt and someone else’s blood, the dazed look you still wore hooding your eyes like the ones you gave them in the bedroom, still grinning as you sent a playful, but sleepy, wink their way. and by all the gods in the world, they needed you under them. now.
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despite your protests, Venture insisted on taking a heli-taxi back to the hotel. it wasn’t that far of a walk, but the moment you sat on the bouncy leather seat, you were more than thankful they did. your head immediately dropped back, eyes rolling the same way, in absolute bliss at the small comfort.
you missed the way the omnic taxi driver grimaced at your dirty state, but Venture wasted no time in shutting your door and bounding over to their side, quietly promising a good tip if they kept quiet about it and were discreet. a quick nod and Venture soon joined you in the back, but you were quick to tell that something was off.
Venture kept themselves pressed to the far side of the taxi, fidgeting in their seat, shifting this way and that. you wouldn’t have noticed, but the way the leather seats squeaked as they did was unmistakable. let alone they barely mumbled one word to you after making sure you were ok. that in itself was downright bizarre behavior for your usually chatty lover. as it crossed your mind, you tiredly opened one eye, watching their fingers play with each other as they seem to nervously watch the moving sites outside the window, purposely avoiding your side of the car.
“Sl-… Venture,” you called, and it made them jump.
“Everything alright?”
“Mhm! Yep! Everything’s fine over here!”
“Venture." You tilted your head to try and peer at their face. "You aren’t looking at me.”
their eyes dropped to the taxi’s floor, trailing over the carpet, then quickly jumped up at you, then back down. a nervous, toothy smile jumped onto their face, despite their avoidance, before they turned back to the window.
“Venture.” this time, they didn’t respond. You sat up fully and reached over to grasp one of their hands. “Venture, I’m not mad.”
“I- I know.”
“You know? Then what’s wrong?”
the speed at which they turned around almost alarmed you. you almost forgot that this person, your lover, was now an overwatch operative, with instincts and reactions far faster than yours ever could be, they trained them over and over, countlessly, every day of their life now. their eyes, deep and dark, burned as they caught yours; an endless void, furthered by their furrowed brow. Venture’s hands twisted yours around, so they now held your wrist, gently tugging you forward like a kid in grade school who wished to bestow upon you a great secret. noses nearly touching, you recognized the way your partner’s voice dropped, a husky whisper, a razor blade caressing the skin of your face, “the way you look right now… I want to fuck you so hard you can’t think of anything else but screaming my name.” their hot breath fanning your now overly sensitive lips. you feel your body heat up in response to their words. “if I keep my eyes on you for one more second…” they punctuated this by raking their heavy gaze over your body, “i’m gonna take you in this taxi without caring who’s watching.”
with that, they released you, but the flush on their cheeks was unmistakable, and they strained against their own instincts as they leaned back into their seat, firmly locking their gaze on the taxi driver’s headrest. you were frozen, still hunched over the center seat, hand frozen in midair, body unable to catch up with the sudden wave of arousal now coursing through your body like a tidal wave.
ah. now you got it. not only did the violence bring peace. but as your pulse quickened, all you could think about was how much fighting felt like this. a shot of pure ecstasy to the brain. you sat back. your eyes slide over to glance at Venture, who had closed theirs. they went to slide back but caught on the rearview mirror. the glowing light of six pin-point dots reflected back at you but then disappeared. you swallowed. fuck.
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Sloane’s tongue felt like it was wrapped around yours. wet lips, smacking together as your back hit the door. it covered your teeth, and your own tongue pushed back, darting into their mouth and catching on their chipped tooth. for once, you didn’t care if it cut you. you welcomed it. you wanted to taste the iron in their mouth, wanted it to further slick the slide of your connected mouths.
one of your hands reached for the doorknob grasping at air as you tried to locate it. the other, the blood-covered one, was currently busy, tangling itself in Sloane’s hair. was it pushing them closer into you or away? neither of you were sure. Sloane was too busy groping at anything they could feel, your ass, your tits, your hips and you could feel the gears of your brain grind to a halt at their rough touch. both of their hands traveled around your body, the catch of the calluses you knew too well unmistakable, finding their way into your pants, squeezing your panty-covered ass. it was the moment they began to unbutton them that you tugged your face away, looking upwards to try and get a word in, but the moment you started, Sloane latched onto your neck, suckling what would be, no doubt, a deep bruise into your throat.
“Ssssslone. Sloane! I gotta- ah!- gotta get the keycard!”
stubbornly, they shook their head, digging their hands deeper into the flesh of your ass. a breathless laugh escaped you and they moaned. you could feel it vibrate against your collar as they popped off your skin, staring back at you with a love-drunk smile, lips bruised and wet from your earlier make-out session. their eyes traveled down, lip disappearing between their teeth, letting you catch of glimpse of a lusty twinkle as they pulled back slightly to take all of you in. before they could act on any of those desires, however, you twisted around to deny them the access to your body, but it didn’t quite work as planned, especially when they were on you in an instant, pushing their hips forward, into your ass, pinning you against the door. oh, yeah. they literally react for a living. how could you forget (again). you, unfortunately, did not, and as punishment, you had managed to get your hands trapped with you, between you and the hardwood.
"S-Sloane," you squeaked, in protest at the capture. but you knew it was a futile pled, no more than a selfish desire to hear their name fall off your lips.
“you’re so pretty like this, babe… need to see you in this position more often…” the slow grind of their hips they used to drive this in had you seeing stars. you felt drunk off their attention and changed your course of action, now using your hands as a base in which you leaned your weight against, rubbing your ass back, against Venture’s warm body. “yesssss… yes, just like that, baby. I’ll take care of you. take care of you so good. make you cum so hard.”
and suddenly, a beep.
you went flying forward as the door swung open, but Sloane was faster, catching you around the waist with one, strong arm. you glanced back, wondering what just happened. the other was lifted in the air, keycard to the hotel room slotted between two fingers. the smile they flashed you could be potentially described as, ‘shit-eating.’
“I told you, babe. I gotcha.”
“if I wasn’t so horny for you right now, I would hit you.”
“I like a little fight.”
you huffed at them, pulling yourself free, but that only lasted a second. you intended to make your way to the bed, yearning for its clean, linen smelling sheets, but Sloane redirected you to their shoulder with one easy lift, the door slamming shut behind them. “Uhn-uh. Has estado bastante lejos de mí, pajarito.”
“Sloane! Let me go already!” smacking their back with a open hand, you tried to at least act like you didn’t enjoy their man-handling. when truly, you marveled at their strength. the way they could toss you around like a pillow, yet they never managed to injure you. the self-control they had was a feat that didn’t seem to make it to their mouth. and you wanted to absolutely destroy it. watching them lose themself in you was your greatest weakness, winning over their touch by only a small amount.
Sloane plopped you down onto the bed with no effort, standing above you with the same loving smile as before. Their hand trailed down your cheek, lifting your chin to face them. “Hi, beautiful.”
You raised your eyebrows. “You sure you want me here?” the bed was one of those modern ones. low to the floor and had you at crotch level.
the smile they had dropped. slowly, a confused look took its place. “Why wouldn’t Iiiii- oh my god.”
they might have been quick on their feet on the battlefield, but the bedroom was your domain. in an instant, you had their pants and shorts on the floor, kissing the top of their cunt before they could even finish their sentence. you rested the top your chin on their groin, batting your eyes at the shocked look they handed down to you. “that’s why. now come here.” you tug them forward by their thighs, mouth open, tongue out, thirsting for a lick of their sweet juices.
“I- you weren’t supposed to—”
“Mmm?” you purred, tongue occupying itself with a long lick up their slit that left them gasping. “Wasn’t supposed to… what? I can have my own fun too.”
The noise they made was completely garbled. With a laugh, you went back to kitten-soft licks to their labia, only deepening them a couple of times, every so often, twirling their slick around with your tongue. they couldn’t seem to form a word with their sharp tongue, not with your silver one buried in them. as you started downward, you tapped their shaking calf, indicating them to shake the clothing off their leg and raise it onto the bed beside you, opening up their cunt to you — a sight that made your mouth water. their hole was leaking, drips that you caught with your mouth, leading with your tongue.
you plunged it into them, using your hands to open their legs even more and letting Sloane use them for balance as they rocked against your face, allowing you to penetrate them over and over again. they grasped the sides of your face, saccharine pet names now flowing from their lips as you fucked them on your tongue.
“cariño, my love, you’re so fucking good. beyond my wildest dreams — oh god, you’re so perfect. just incomparable. fuck, just- just- just keep- yes!”
with all the lubrication, it was easy to slide back and forth between their hole and their clit. you mimicked their move in the hallway, suckling on the nub with swift slurps, releasing it to trace their lips back down to their hole, diving in to remind them what it was like to be filled by you again.
“please- fuck! i’m so close! so, so close!” their voice raised in pitch as you continue your wet exploration of their cave, hands moving to grab at your hair, gripping it closer, shoving your nose into their cunt, you did the same to the back of their thighs, pulling them into your face, letting Sloane grind against you, and as you sucked in a shaky breath, all hot and musky scent, they keened, letting out the loudest moan you’ve ever pulled from their throat as they came, soaking your tongue, your mouth, your face in their juices.
“oh, oh—.” Sloane’s legs shook in your grasp, sighing out their held breath as they released themself, released your hair with trembling fingers. you pulled back, face shiny and wet with come, glistening on your lips as you stared up with them. they were so gorgeous like this, mouth parted, huffing out your name under their breath. you admired the sight, holding them as they shook with the aftershocks of their orgasm.
“You… you’re so gonna get it,” they breathed. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard.”
“All talk and no- mMPH-!” your mouth was covered by their own as they tackled you backwards, down onto the bed, licking off their own slick from you. they practically were devouring you, teeth clashing as they pressed their naked lower half into you. the heat never left Sloane’s eyes, you noticed, as they pulled away to reach under the bed for their suitcase. you attempted to sit up, but one hand pushed you back down, holding you in place on the bed as they rummaged around underneath.
“No. Stay there. My turn.” You recognized the black nylon straps they pulled out, buckles clinking as they fiddled with the orientation. Even with one hand, they were able to untangle the mess of rope, without ever letting you go. And god, why didn’t anyone mention how sexy it was to watch your partner put on their strap with one hand? Like they were sent just to do this to you? Like they knew every button to press just to get you indescribably horny?
the only time Sloane’s hand left you was to clasp the back of the contraption shut, but even then, you were held firm by their strong legs, squeezing your sides and arms together. you wouldn’t have even thought to break free, not with the rate your brain turned to mush. then their hands were back, under your thighs, hoisting them open and up onto their shoulders as they aligned themself with your entrance. but ever a tease, Sloane didn’t just push in. no, this was payback, wasn’t it? their fingers danced along your cunt, rough tips spread your most private area open as they watched. it was almost embarrassing, how much they liked to just look at your sopping wet cunt, toying with your hole, running their fingers along the rim.
“Sloane,” you pleaded, “please, please fuck me… it’s embarrassing.”
“nah… this is pretty. your little cunt wants me so bad! doesn’t it?” you bit your lip. they wanted to embarrass you. even with no one around, you felt like you should close your legs, to stop their gaze, but they refused to let you, holding your thigh open. “what’s wrong, baby? I thought you liked it when I complemented you?”
“not… not that way, Venture…. Sloane. please just fuck me…”
“well, when you ask so nicely…” and the stretch was almost instantaneous. you gasp, a mix of their name and air, flooding your lungs, your brain with utter pleasure at the entrance of the hard silicone. your hands, still filthy, clutched at anything you could reach; bed, sheets, shoulders. Sloane hums as you rake them down, somewhat regretful they haven’t shrugged off their coat, so that you could see the pink lines you leave all over their arms.
“so pretty under me… love when you’re so fucked out like this.” fucking Sloane Cameron was an all encompassing experience, so intimate and dirty all at once. they whispered to you about how good you felt wrapped around them, fucking into you with the strap at a pace only they could manage to keep up, all while brushing hair out of your face, leaning down to kiss the tears from your cheeks.
“such a warm, wet pussy, god, I love it. made for me and my cock. weren’t you? all mine. mi amor. por siempre mio. ah… you’re soaking the bed. you feel it? feel how wet you make my cock?”
their pace was punishing, right off the bat. pushing the air from your lungs with every thrust. was it the air denial that made your head spin? or was it just Sloane? the way they kissed you like they loved you, fucked you like they hated you. they knew you could take it. they loved to test your limits. tested you would be, as their hand dropped to your clit, flicking it with a gentle fingertip every time they pushed into you.
“Sloane! no more, no more! i can’t- can’t take it!”
“Yeah, you can. you got it, got me all wrapped up in your cunt. you can take it. come on, cariño, you can do it.”
you toss your head back, displaying your bruised neck to them, a black pearl necklace of Sloane’s own design, something that belonged straight in the finest museum in the world, in their opinion.
“can’t… I can’t! I- i’m gonna cum!”
they lean in. “yes, baby. that’s it. cum. cum on my cock. show me how good I make you feel.” the sound of their voice. the slap of their thighs on yours. the overstimulation had you trying to push their face away, but they grabbed them, shoving them over your head and burying themself as deep as they could in you. you could feel it push against your pummeled cervix, making you cry out. making you jolt as the hand on your clit moved faster, it was inescapable. it was intoxicating. it- it was making you cum. your fingers came down on the hand holding them, the only thing they could manage as all the muscles in your body tightened, your cunt squeezing the dildo inside you like a vise as you squirting around it, soaking Sloane’s legs, crying out their name as you came.
“h- holy shit…” they whispered to themself, watching you squirm on their cock. you came every where. all over the bed, over them. they wanted so badly to lean down and lick the droplets off your lower lips, but the way you shook made them decide you had had enough for the time being. your eyes still clenched shut, chest rising and falling as you came down.
it was only when you opened them, that they decided to speak.
“good enough for you, cariño?” your eyes, lidded with desire were enhanced tenfold by the grin you gave them.
“not even close. take me to the shower. i’ll show you something else you’ve never seen before.”
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bitterkarella · 10 months
Midnight Pals: Sunsweet Prunes
Ray Bradbury: submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the lazy summer of youth Bradbury: long days down by the river, fishing in miller's pond, afternoons at the soda shop, ice cream sundaes with fabulous unicorn worlds built of whipped cream, nickels for a dime Bradbury: and becky miller's freckled-face kisses Bradbury: sweeter than sunsweet prunes
Bradbury: sunsweet prunes, i tell you Bradbury: the only prune that's sweeter than a nostalgic midwestern childhood Bradbury: and they come in these little individually wrapped plastic packs too King: Poe: Barker: Koontz: Lovecraft: Bradbury: I just think they're neat
Bradbury: according to my stories, in the far distant future of 2001 Bradbury: we shall travel in tubes Bradbury: we'll have flying cars Bradbury: and we'll all be eating our sunsweet prunes out of individually wrapped plastic packs Poe: wait you never said that in your stories Bradbury: i wish i had Bradbury: i would have been 1 for 3 at least
Bradbury: look, they individually wrap these sunsweet prunes in plastic Bradbury: what a world! Bradbury: its like living in the not too distant future Poe: doesn't that create a lot of waste Bradbury:
Bradbury: tearing open this individually wrapped snack pack reminds me of tearing open presents on christmas morning, snow on the ground, ma and pa taking the day off from working the farm, the whole family arriving in a caravan of automobiles, aunts and uncles and cousins by the dozen, oh my! oh my! uncles a little too loud after three egg nogs, cousins playing cops & robbers in the hay loft
Bradbury: and the feasting, the jollity! too many voices all at once, raised in laughter, in song. the twinkle in dad's eye, the red roses in mom's cheeks, grandpa's baritone chuckle. falling asleep to the sounds of bing crosby on the tombstone radio, surrounded by the warm glow of early evening King: wow these prunes sound pretty incredible King: i'm sold! Koontz: [tearing open sunsweet prune container] guys Koontz: i think my prunes are broken Koontz: i didn't feel any of that stuff ray said
Poe: ray are they paying you to advertise for prunes Bradbury: no no of course not! Bradbury: i would never accept money to tell you about the incredible health benefits of america's favorite prunes, sunsweet Bradbury: full of 12 different antioxidents King: can i buy them with my american express card
Neil Gaiman: but ray! Gaiman: using the limitless vista of your inpirational mind to advertise a mere consumer good Gaiman: such a tawdry use of the gift of imagination! Gaiman: it cheapens us as writers just as the low low prices of chipotle cheapens organic rice and GMO-free beans to bring wholesome healthy Mexican inspired fusion cuisine to the masses
Gaiman: you can't leash the phoenix of creativity to the millstone of commerce! Gaiman: she must fly free! Gaiman: free like the secret dragon sauce available now at now extra charge at your local chipotle King: neil's right! Poe: about chipotle? King: about everything!!
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thatstomorrowsproblem · 2 months
DPxDC A Boy and His Pit Demon
The world was green, green, green. Green beans, bean soup, Soup Time. Soupy, soupy Soup Time. 
Would Soup Time hurt now? 
Most things hurt now, because he was broken, broken, broken, but not the green. Green, green, green. 
Green isle, green sky, green eye, green soup. 
He paused. 
Green, green soup. He liked green, and he liked soup, but maybe he didn’t like green soup. 
“No eggs, just soup. I am not Sam, I am not.” He giggled quietly at the thought of amethyst eyes encircled with black and purple paint and approached the lake of green. 
It smelled like Soup had been left out in the sun to rot.
“Hot rot, hot rot.”  
He laid a clawed hand over his icy chest. Food was mean. Sometimes, food fought back. 
Food fights, fighting food, union fight, fighting Soup? Hot-rot green soup. 
He was so hungry, but hot was bad.  
Ice core, hot sore, hot-rot soup. 
He was already so broken, broken, broken, and green was good. 
The hot-rot soup was hot, and he was ice, but it wasn’t fighting back, and it might be nice. 
What did he have to lose? Lost friends, lost home, lost mind, lost all, found Soup. 
He liked green. 
He hummed happily before diving headfirst into a pit of rancid, fetid ectoplasm leaving the Infinite Realms behind. 
Damian was nine years old, but that wouldn’t stop him from being the best the League had ever seen. 
He was almost there already, of course. 
He’d even won a fight against his mother once.  
Of course, Damian had set many traps on the battlefield in advance, but it was only proper to use every tool that one had on hand. 
Damian moved smoothly through his training stances, clearing his mind of all thoughts except executing his actions flawlessly. 
He had perfected them years ago, of course. He was not a baby, and he’d been practicing with the blade since he was four. It was important to keep all of your weapons, sharp, however, and ones own skills are the most valuable weapons. 
He often practiced near his grandfather’s pools.  
It was a place where few had permission to go unless accompanying his grandfather, after all, and the soft green glow was pleasant to be near. 
It could be dangerous, of course, but Damian was not so foolish as to risk falling in while healthy. 
A sound caught Damian’s attention, breaking him out of his fluid routine. 
His head whipped towards the Lazarus Waters which had begin to froth and bubble violently. 
Damian had never seen such a reaction before, but he’d heard from others what it meant. 
Rarely, perhaps once every five decades or so, a demon would rise from the pits. 
There was nothing even the best trained assassin could do against them. 
They were strong, fast, unkillable, and the only thing you could do if one set its sights on you was pray for a quick death. 
Damian straightened his spine and squared his shoulders, readying his blade. If he were to die, he would do so with his pride and strength in place. 
He only had to wait a few moments before a nightmarish head rose from the boiling pool. 
It was blacker than night, seeming to suck the luminescence from the waters around it. Its eyes were slitted, with sclera the same toxic green as the pool’s waters. Its mouth was a nightmare of serrated fangs bared in the parody of a smile. 
Damian raised his chin defiantly to death. “You do not belong here. These are my grandfather’s pools.” 
The demon’s head tilted far past what any human would be capable of, and it let out a low, static-filled hiss. “Hungry, hungry. Play, play?” 
Damian gritted his teeth. He had never heard of a pit demon ever speaking before, and the thought of it wanting to play with its food before it ate him brought him nothing but anger. 
If he were to die, he was going to do so with dignity. 
Damian sniffed. “No. One does not play with their food.” 
The creature let out another awful sound like lightning or a windstorm before its gruesome maw stretched even wider. “Fight food.” 
Damian took a deep breath before he let it our slowly and pointed his sword at the creature. “Then let us fight.” 
The creature rose slowly from the water, revealing a small, thin body, but Damian knew that size mattered little when it came to the power of a pit demon.  
It was almost human in the same way that his mother could be called almost nice. 
It had a head, a body, two arms, and two legs. 
However, its limbs were too long. Each of its hands had five skeletal fingers each ending in a razor-sharp blade. Its thin legs had an extra joint, and its stance hurt Damian’s spine just to look at as it floated above the pool dripping toxic water that could kill or poison the living. 
“Fight,” it growled in a voice filled with the cackle of a broken League communicator. 
It did not try and dodge or evade as it spend towards him, claws outstretched, and Damian thought he might get at least one good hit in before he died. 
Damian’s blow struck true, right at the demon’s center of mass, but it didn’t slow its momentum in the slightest, and Damian barely had time to get out of its reach before its claws could impale him. 
He spun quickly, keeping the creature in his sights as it turned on the ground, back arching like a cat about to pounce. 
There was no wound where Damian’s blade had struck, only smooth black skin, darker than night. 
Damian growled. 
It was still playing with him. Still making a fool of Damian, even in his last moments of life. 
Damian shrieked, darting forward and aiming a blade at the pit demon’s heels. 
If he could injure it somewhere delicate, maybe it would retreat back into the waters. 
The monster laughed, unnaturally twisting its legs out of reach and back into the air without a thought for the limitations of gravity or basic anatomy. 
Damian pivoted, slicing upwards at the beast’s exposed face, but the being only caught the sword in its bare hand. 
Damian had a solid grip on his sword. 
One of the first things he’d learned, mastered before the age of five, was how to keep a firm grip on his weapon while maintaining enough flexibility for rapid movement. 
The moment the creature wrapped his hand around the weapon, however, it was as if his favorite blade was as insubstantial as a cloud, and it went through Damian’s hand in an instant. 
The demon laughed its monstrous laugh again, tossing the beautifully forged custom blade behind itself as if it were a common stick. 
Damian knew he would die from the second he’d seen the pit demon emerge, but it was worse to know how insignificant of a threat he posed. 
With a flick of his wrist, he unsheathed and threw a poisoned dagger at the creature. It whizzed between its eyes, and the creature turned its sharp smile to watch the blade sail away. 
It wasn’t fair! 
The creature dropped to the ground in front of Damian, assuming the deplorable fighting stance of a seasoned street brawler, and Damian brought his own fists up at the ready. 
If this monster was going to toy with him like a cat with a mouse, if it liked to play with its food, Damian would be sure to win at least one game. 
The pit demon was even smaller on the ground, barely reaching Damian’s own chest, and Damian grinned savagely. 
He never got the chance to fight someone smaller than himself. 
In a quick movement, Damian darted forward, aiming a blow at the demon’s shoulder. 
Damian wasn’t sure what surprised him more, the fact that his attack had landed, or the fact that the creature hadn’t moved a single centimeter from the force. 
Damian ignored the stinging in his fist and decided to count it as a win. He’d never heard of anyone ever landing even a glancing blow against a pit demon, not even when a dozen of Grandfather’s best had been fighting one together. 
The demon threw a half-trained punch at Damian, and he stepped to the side to grab its wrist, hoping he could use the momentum against it and throw it to the ground, but his hand passed through the creatures arm as if it wasn’t there at all. 
With the distraction, Damian almost didn’t notice its other hand whipping out, and Damian could do nothing as the monster hit his diaphragm with enough force to knock the air from his lungs and send him tumbling backward to the ground. 
He heaved in a deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut as he waited for the killing blow to land. 
He had fought well and landed a hit against the untouchable. 
A soft weight settled against his chest, and Damian’s eyes flew open. 
The pit demon had settled on top of his chest. “Brave, brave, boy. Fights well, so young. Good fight.” 
Damian shuttered at the being's sharp fangs so close to him, but tried to take pride in knowing that even a true pit demon thought him a worthy fighter. 
His mother and grandfather might never know, but Damian knew that he had done his position as Heir to the Demon proud. 
The creature moved its face toward Damian’s exposed throat, and he prayed for a swift death. 
The creature nuzzled the underside of his chin before growing limp and beginning to hum softly. 
Damian froze in confusion. 
The pit demon’s mass shifted, black body becoming almost like a liquid as it pooled around his neck and over his chest. “Good boy, good fight, like boy.” 
Damian knew he shouldn’t provoke the pit demon. He knew that. However, he had already played the monster’s game and wouldn’t sit passively until it decided it was ready. 
That was one indignity too far. 
“Are you not going to eat me now?” 
“Eat!” The pit demon screeched, purring hum coming to a sudden stop. “Fight food, fight boy, eat food, like boy. Boy fight, I fight, like boy, eat soup.” 
Damian swallowed. The pit demon spoke English, and Damian was fluent in the language. He was not as sure that the pit demon was fluent, however, with how little sense it was making. 
“In return for sparing my life, you would like soup?” Damian tried, furrowing his eyebrows. 
A hand reemerged from the black mass that was the pit demon, and a clawed finger pointed at the Lazarus Waters. “Ate Soup, green Soup. Sam I am not.” 
Damian didn’t know how not being named Samuel was related to drinking Lazarus Waters, but that was irrelevant to the small, absurd hope rising in his chest. “You are satiated after consuming my grandfather’s… soup, and you have no plans on eating me?” 
The demon wheezed out another crackling laugh and patted his cheek. “Funny boy, funny soup, like boy, keep boy.” 
Its sharp hand melted back into its body, and it resumed purring. 
Damian’s mind raced at the implications. 
He had fought a pit demon, he had landed a blow and impressed the creature, and it seemed that it planned on staying. 
Damian had– He had been the first to impress a demon with his fighting prowess, and he seemed to have won its loyalty. 
He had always known he was destined for greatness, of course, but never in his wildest dreams had he imagined this as a possibility. 
Damian laid a hand carefully on top of the purring monster on his chest. “If you are not Samuel, then what may I call you?” 
The demon rumbled and hummed, pressing itself into Damian’s hand. “I am P4NT0M, I am Dan, I am not Dan. I am Phantom. I am Danny.” 
Damian wrinkled his nose. Most of those names were unacceptable, but he supposed that he could make due. “Phantom, then. Welcome to Nanda Parbat. I am Damian al Ghul, grandson of Ra's al Ghul.” 
The creature purred more loudly, and Damian ran a hand along the monster’s cold brow. 
Damian grinned and sat up, cradling the black purring mass against his chest. 
He was Damian al Ghul, first of the League of Assassins to ever earn the respect of a Pit Demon. 
He would also be the first to tame a pit demon. 
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honouredsatoru · 1 year
Mine, said They.
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— author's note. finally got the courage to write something for yan!satosugu because @nkogneatho hyped me up and i just wanted to give something for disappearing for over a year. not proofread as usual (atp. "not proofread as usual" finna be the way yall recognize my work.) art cr. iku_ju on twt
— warnings. nsfw under "keep reading" tab. yanderes. body worship, dubcon if you squint hard enough. implied subtle psychological break and captivity.
— characters. geto suguru, gojo satoru
— taglist. @noritoshiikamo @sassooda @afortoru @booksweet @laudthingcat @lazy10ieiri @ekaterinatepes @tojisi @tohokuu @peachsayshi @shadowarchon @dearestgojo @starlitheaven @tojisveryown @sixeyesgojo
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yandere gojo and yandere geto who
— loves you so so much. who worships the grounds that touches your feet. no. you do not walk for the earth. the earth is for YOU to walk on.
— loves the shape of your body, their lips never leaving your skin. they praise you so much, from the way your hair shapes your face structure to the way that anklet of yours compliments your skin tone. whenever you let them know of your insecurities, they'd pull you into a tight hug and filled you with nothing but words of reassurance.
"our sweet, beauteous doll! your body is what inspired those in ancient greek and rome to carves their marbles out of. your body is what resembles warmth, love, and what strength is. it is what helped you survive, so don't let those tainted thoughts get to you." said they.
— who gets worried sick when you fall sick, making sure your body doesn't get too hot or gets too cold, making sure that you take your medicines and meals on time, checking up on you whenever you are resting. space? what is that? what if something bad happens to you if they leave your side even for a split second?
— convinced you that staying at home is much better, that you have them to do all the tasks you need. that a gentle angel like you don't need the sun to ruin your skin, you don't need the harsh air to ruin your hair, making it rough. no. their doll mustn't be tainted.
— laughs at your antics when you sulk because you miss the outdoor breeze, the shady skies and the warm sun. okay. maybe once a month would do. there's no harm to that, right?
— adorned their doll with a rose gold necklace set with their birthstones as its pendant, two rings connected your birthstone attached on it, a pair of rose gold earrings, custom made with white pearls. only the best for their darling.
— who fantasizes about you getting pregnant. the thought of your belly swollen as the months pass by, the way you'll whine, cling and depend on them. they fantasized kissing your belly, their fingers tracing hearts over the stretch marks that formed onto your skin, they fantasized you going to lamaze classes, with them taking turns to go with you. oh their darling.
— convinces you that if it wasn't for them, how could you ever learn what love is? you never received attention or any sort of affection growing up so let them warm your heart out with their love. your family? they're your family now. your friends? you've got two best friends. just surrender to them.
yandere gojo and yandere geto who
— has a sadistic streak to them. cocks, lube, vibrators, dildos, soft pink hand cuffs, ball gags, whipped cream, ice cubes, honey, chocolate syrup, whips, melted candle wax, neck ties and ropes, whips, all of that to see just how well your body responds to their method of loving you.
— coerced you into filming your sinful deeds knowing you've a fear of being filmed but hey, nobody's gonna watch them, well... it's just for their eyes. so don't you let your pretty little head worry too much, m'kay?
— licked your tear stained cheeks as you cried, begging for them to stop when it gets too much for you. your chest is filled with bite and love marks, your thighs are shaking too hard for you that it's going to not make you walk straight for the new few days, your cheeks slightly red because they like to slap you and tug your hair when you're being an absolute brat.
yandere geto who
— fucked you stupid while gojo watches, panting salaciously as he admires the view of his bestfriend's cock penetrating that tight, abused hole of yours while you're restrained with an adult door swing.
"god, she looks divine when she can't go nowhere." gojo whispers to himself, with geto's eyes rolling up in pleasure, cursing under his breath about how tight you are, just how well you're taking him in. your thighs and wrists will be slightly bruised but... it's worth it, no?
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all writing belongs to honouredsatoru.
reblogs and interactions are appreciated. ♡
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deanbrainrotwritings · 3 months
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— colder than my heart, if you can imagine
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SUMMARY : you and soldier boy can’t seem to get along, but it may be because of something deeper than hatred or jealousy. 
PAIRING : soldier boy (ben) x fem!reader
WARNINGS/TAGS : explicit(18+), soldier boy cloak-hating, dirty talk
A/N : title from a day to remember’s song. this fills the square rivals AU on my @jacklesversebingo card. I know, no smut in the presence of soldier boy?! what?!! xx 
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This was it.
This was where he belonged. Soldier Boy. In the field. Well, it was a forest.
But this was home to him. 
The sound of weapons firing, bullets hitting trees and leaves and dirt. Soldiers on both sides and his team were shouting in every direction. 
Thick smoke clouded his vision, coppery blood and gunpowder invaded his nose, and stale sweat filled the air to make it all better. 
He inhaled deeply as a group of poorly-armoured men headed in his direction, their guns were immediately pointed at him. He smirked and counted them in his head as he drew his gun from its holster with impressive speed.
Faster than he could pull the trigger, though, he watched you drop down from the sky like the fucking Devil getting cast out of Heaven. A loud boom shook the ground, the trees shook, dirt rose and shot outwards, and all the smoke ran from you. 
Your cloak snapped at him mockingly and he clenched his jaw, nearly broke his gun in half as you stole the fucking spotlight again.
There you fucking were, a neon sign that begged to be shot at. 
Ice cold sheets travelled in front of you as soon as you hit the ground, your knees bent in what he could only imagine was your graceful pose. 
Arrogant little shit.
The ice searched for warm bodies, freezing everyone in icy cocoons within fifty metres while you stood there in your brightly lit, colour changing suit, and your stupid fucking cape.
He’d heard of you. 
Winter’s Wrath. 
Unstable. Literally. As expected, with a name like that. 
He watched you jump upwards, three times the length of your body before you smashed back down and every pillar of ice that was once a person, shattered into nothing. The ice quickly melted in the summer of South America, as if those glacial shards could do so only with your permission. 
“I had that,” he grunted, stomping forward to get in front of your face. Your dark grey cloak was lit by delicate, fine wires of light that changed colour: red to orange to yellow to green to blue to violet, and finally to pink before going right back. 
“I’m just here to help,” you assured him softly. 
Your eyes met his, but it was like he was only a ghost to you. Your gaze was distant at first, then you blinked once in confusion, and finally focused on him. He realised quickly, you were just watching the lights of your armour change and brighten his face. 
Yup. There was something wrong with you in the head, at least that’s what the other Supes said about you. 
“Stay out of my way,” he warned, his voice nearly a deep growl as he stood in your personal space. You considered his words with a blank face and he huffed out a breath of irritation when you stared at him for a good minute. Then, he stepped away and walked forward to rendezvous with his team. 
He heard the soft press of your feet against mud and the quiet ruffle of your cloak before he heard the gentleness of your unused voice. 
“Can’t,” you said more playfully, “I’m part of your team for this mission.” 
It’s like you knew he wanted anything but that. Someone that would outshine, outperform, and outdo him. He hated it. Everyone was already terrified of you. But he especially hated the colourful lights that followed you and the stupid sound of your cloak whipping your armour as you walked. 
“Got a problem with that, Ben?” You asked when you started to match his pace. He stopped to answer and expected you to do so, too, to listen to him like everyone else always did. Instead, you continued to walk forward while he remained behind you. He growled softly when you passed him and told him, “talk to Stan Edgar.”
He couldn't wait for them to put you back on ice. Preserved. Asleep. Like you always ended up after being awake any longer than a month.
For whatever reason.
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“For three years, the CIA and the DEA have been trying to bring down Victor Santiago,” you heard over your ear piece. 
You spaced out as you admired the green of the Ecuadorian forest. A smile tugged at your lips as you breathed in the fresh air of untouched atmosphere, petrichor, wood. Leaves kissed each other, branches bent to touch their companions with quiet creaks, and animals sang their songs of peace and joy. 
Finally away from the city. 
“Santiago got his hands on sensitive Vought information. You’re here to keep Vought’s secrets safe from whatever Santiago has planned. Push into the forest, find his base, and take him out.”
It didn’t take long for you to remember that you weren’t actually alone. 
“It’s so fucking hot,” Tessa complained, mostly to her twin brother. 
“And all this fuckin’ leather doesn’t make it better,” Tommy agreed. You heard him stretch the leather away from his body and snap back at his skin when he got enough fresh air in. 
You rolled your eyes at them and instantly smelt the irritating stench of cigarettes from Soldier Boy. He made his way next to you and took a deep long drag that turned the butt of the cigarette red before releasing the smoke from his lungs in front of him like a damned smoke grenade went off. 
Leave it to the assholes in Payback to ruin what would have otherwise been a great time. 
“All right, fuckheads,” Soldier Boy started, walking a few feet in front of you as he adjusted his shield. “You know what to fuckin’ do and don’t forget…” He turned around and locked eyes with you—even pointed accusingly at you. “…Victor’s mine.” 
You bit your lip to hide your smug smirk, but settled for a fake cough as ideas to ruin his day swarmed through your mind. 
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He ventured deep into the forest with Payback spread out to cover more land. 
He could still hear the buzz of Swatto’s wings on his left and caught glimpses of the Crimson Countess a few feet away to his right. 
But most importantly, you were off elsewhere, somewhere he couldn’t see. 
He didn’t want to see you or even feel the coldness of your existence near him. 
He’d had enough of the way everyone seemed to be drawn to you because of your abilities. His team, Stan Edgar, other Supes, and people who wrote articles about you—practically worshipped you. 
He could always control his team and keep them beneath him, within the shadow of the name he built for himself through Vought. But you were impossible to tame, like a blizzard. You froze everyone so they could only stare in awe at you, even himself. And he hated every second that you captivated him, caught up in your powerful presence. 
But it was inevitable. You were inevitable.
No matter how big the forest was, he’d converge with you one way or another as you and his team made it to Victor’s compound around the same time.
But you made sure it was clear that you were there first. 
He felt the ground shake and a gust of cold wind bit his cheeks when he entered to find the enemy forces that you came across completely frozen.
He knew you were doing it on purpose, leaving their fully frozen bodies untouched for him to finish off. He wasn’t going to play that game with you.
He ignored the call for his name and the red sphere from Crimson Countess that shattered the bodies when Ben hurried to catch up with you instead. 
He joined you when you came to an entrance where the guard stood, he could feel you start up again. The coldness of you beat down the heat of him, an ice pack to a swollen joint. He might literally become nothing if you climbed your way up above him.
You left the guard beaten, out of his mind in pain, and focused your attention on freezing the door until it burst open. He shot the guard carelessly between the eyes, his fiery gaze burned into you, but you were unphased.
You turned to face him, your lashes fluttering prettily at him. Smug. Challenging.
If he didn’t hate you, he might’ve liked the way you looked at him. 
But you left him standing at the entrance, looking over your shoulder with a tiny smile on your lips as you came near to a new, massive space with shipping containers and an infantry of what were most-likely henchmen.
There you went again.
Delicate. Elegant. But so irritatingly powerful. 
You took most of them out with the wrathful frost of your abilities. A fresh skiff of snow fell to the ground, on his armour, on his warm skin. He felt the shiver run up his spine but he ignored it to keep up with you. 
That’s when his team finally caught up and it gave you a chance to leave the remaining henchmen to Payback. It was still a race to you, the childish game you were playing annoyed him, but it provoked him into playing along to prove he was the best. He ignored his struggling team and stayed a step behind you as you made it to an old elevator where a small group of goons attempted to escape.
He grunted as he was shot at and punched. He staved off a few attacks with his shield, he punched at whoever got in his way, stabbed at whoever tried to stab him first, and finally was able to reload his gun while he watched you hold the elevator in place.
He joined you once he killed the last few henchmen and helped you drag the elevator all the way down. The thick wires creaked and snapped and blazed at the force of his pull. 
Your laughter distracted him momentarily. Your hood fell back and your soft hair swept over your flushed face when you leaned down towards the three men. You dragged the two of them out by their ankles with a playful grin.
Their attempts to shoot you were futile, the bullets fell from your body like rubber hitting metal. You still kicked away their weapons and pressed your boot into one of the men’s neck. Ben killed the other two as you began questioning the squirming, fearful man.
“Where’s Victor?” You loosened the force of your foot on his neck and the man gripped the bottom of your boot for a proper breath. 
“Come on, fuckface,” Ben urged impatiently, “answer the lady or you’ll end up like these guys.” The man hesitated and considered you and then him. You looked indifferent and cold and Ben looked furious and hotheaded. 
The man conceded with a vehement nod. “T-There's a base underneath.. That's w-where you'll find V-Victor.” 
Ben watched you release him entirely and you went to help the man up, but Ben shot him—casually. The man’s fingers grazed yours and he flopped back down in a pool of his brains and blood. 
You turned to glare at him.
“Yeah?” Ben rolled his eyes at you. 
“Why’d you do that?” 
“He gave us the information,” he shrugged, then made his way to the elevator with you close behind him for the first time since the mission started. 
“It’s not gonna be an easy path leading up to Victor, Ben,” you berated him. He rolled his eyes at you again and pounded the button on the wall with a fist to take you both to the lowest level. “He could’ve made it easier for us.”
“Well, since it bothers you so much, I give less of a fuck than I did before.” You scoffed at him and your jaw clenched. He smirked at your reaction and reloaded his gun to be fully prepared for the next fight. “I don’t think we’ve ever been together in such a small space for this long before,” he pointed out hotly and stepped closer. 
He really didn’t like you, but damn you were hot. Your ass looked so damned tight in your irritatingly light-y suit. He really wanted a piece of you, maybe, especially because you frustrated him. 
Your eyes narrowed at his tone. You looked up at him boredly. “That's because I don’t like you.”
“Yeah, no.” 
“I could make you cum like all your ice went through a fuckin’ heatwave.” He watched your eyes drift away as you pondered his words, your cheeks suddenly frosted with pink. He bit his lip at your reaction.
But the elevator shook as it stopped, landing on the floor where Victor would be. And you were out of there before he could add more to his offer. 
You continued to push through more loyal soldiers, making your way deeper inside. He helped you navigate several hallways and eliminate more enemies. You both split up again, but you always ended up at a nexus point, a hallway that led to a dead end up ahead.
He watched you go into a hallway across from him, but when he emerged from his, you didn’t meet him at the centre. 
He knew you must have found Victor. 
He swore angrily under his breath and stomped into the hallway you’d disappeared into. The lights flickered above him, there was a frozen path you’d created leading into the room he assumed you were in. 
He didn’t expect it, but you kept Victor practically untouched—he just didn’t know why. His feet frozen to the ground, there were no weapons near him. You were sitting on top of a desk, a frozen dagger began melting with warm blood in the head of Victor’s right-hand-man.
He looked away from them, away from Victor with a patch of ice over his mouth to muffle the sounds of his voice. You bit your lip and gazed up at him seductively when he contemplated you with wary eyes.
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cottonlemonade · 5 months
Hi! May I have a Medium Cherry Lemonade with extra ice for Oikawa!
She/her pronouns pretty please.
Protecting A Rival
word count: 1074 || avg. reading time: 5 mins.
pairing: rival!Oikawa x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff with a dash of angst
warnings: mentions of bullying
request: fluffy, protecting you, rival Oikawa
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“Oh this is perfect.“
“How did you even get her schedule?“
“It was just there on her desk. Not my fault she doesn‘t look after her stuff.“
The girls broke into hag-like cackling.
“This will be so much fun! Y/n won‘t know what hit her.“
Oikawa usually tried to ignore the buzzing chatter of students walking to the school but your name got his attention. He knew those girls. They, unfortunately, were an (overly) active part of his fan club. This morning, however, their focus was somewhere else and he was glad that they hadn‘t noticed him walking behind them. Nasty creatures, he thought.
In all fairness, you weren‘t his friend or even anything close to it. At best you were his rival since you’d usually fight for the top scores of the class - but he admired that about you. You chose academics instead of fawning all over him (although that was kind of infuriating because why didn‘t you??) He knew that those banshees had a reputation for making people‘s lives miserable and he really didn‘t appreciate that they set their gawky eyes on you.
He should give you a head‘s up. Fair was fair. The only way he would feel satisfied when beating you in Friday‘s quiz was when you were on top of your game.
“Y/n-chan!“, he called, his voice unusually serious. You met his eyes with suspicion. He never talked to you outside of class debates.
“What do you want?“, you asked, coldly.
Okay, rude. But he pressed on, “Can I talk to you for a moment?“
“Is this about homework or the test?“
“Then I don‘t wanna hear it.“ And with that you took your seat in the first row.
Oikawa pursed his lips. Fine, suit yourself.
When he walked to his desk next to Iwaizumi he saw the three banshees giggling again and whisper urgently, wicked mouths hidden behind their hands.
He groaned inwardly.
After class as you packed up to walk to the next room, he ditched Iwaizumi, Makki and Mattsun and hurried after you. You simply lengthened your strides but in all fairness even that with your much shorter chubby legs was no challenge for the tall volleyball captain.
“Don't you have anything better to do?“, you snapped when he even followed you to the vending machine where you grabbed a juice.
Yes! “No.“
“Why are you following me?“
“Because I like to annoy you, y/n-chan~“
Confused, you scrunched your brow. “Well… stop that.“
By the time lunch rolled around you had had enough. He walked quietly half a step behind you and your friend, keeping an eye out for the banshees, when you suddenly whipped around.
“What is your problem, Oikawa-san?“
Your friend gasped (she was an unofficial supporter of him but out of loyalty to you kept that little piece of information to herself).
“I- come on.“
He grabbed your arm and pulled you out of a side door into the delicate spring sun.
You shook off his hand and crossed your arms.
“Listen, on the way to school this morning I heard these girls talking about … about wanting to do something to you. They have your schedule and everything.“
For a moment your lips parted in surprise and your arms loosened, almost falling to your side but just as quickly, you regained your defiant stance.
“So what?“
Oikawa blinked.
“I have to deal with them every other day. Hiding my stuff, pushing me on the stairs, dropping my lunch on the floor. It‘s nothing new. Stay out of it! You‘re only gonna make it worse.“
A new wave of irritation rose in his chest. Then why didn’t you tell a teacher!? Your stubbornness was beyond comprehension. How could someone be this-
“Fine.“, he said with a shrug, “It‘s all the same to me. Do whatever you want.“
“I will!“ And you stormed off. Your cute little stomps stirred up some dust on the sandy courtyard. He shook his head. Wait, not cute. Aggravating! Bullheaded! - Impressive. Strong.
Oikawa sighed and went back inside to grab lunch with his friends. He couldn‘t do anything if you didn‘t want his help. And maybe you were right. Maybe he would make it worse.
Practice was exhausting but good. The coach dismissed the team but didn‘t bat an eye when the captain didn‘t move towards the changing room like everyone else. Instead he handed him the keys to the gym and gave him a pat on the shoulder before he left.
Grabbing the rolling cart with the balls, Oikawa got into position to practice his serves but through the open doors, he spotted an illuminated window on the second floor. People packing up their things and getting ready to go home - you among them. He knew you were part of a book club, because originally he wanted to join as well but upon dodging the poisonous daggers shooting from your eyes when he approached the club manager he rescinded his application and left the book discussions to you.
He shouldn’t get involved. You clearly told him to back off and really, why did he care?
Because it was wrong, for one.
Because you didn‘t do anything to deserve this treatment.
Because you were the only real competition he ever faced academically.
Because you were his equal if not better.
Because you made him push himself.
Because… he didn‘t like the thought of you getting hurt.
Because… he didn‘t want you to deal with this on your own.
He rushed to the changing room, completely ignoring the wide eyes of his team.
“Y/n-chan!“, he called.
In no time he caught up to you.
“Sorry about-“
He was already wondering where your backpack was when he noticed you cradling it in your arms.
The shoulder straps had been cut off.
“I can take care of myself.“, you said quietly.
He couldn‘t help himself and smiled.
“I know you can. But… it‘s just… I would feel better if you… wouldn‘t…“
You halted, looking at the ground, then after a few seconds, met his eyes.
He fully expected you to tell him off again. Maybe even throw your strapless backpack at him. But instead you were… blushing! Enough for him to see it in the yellow lights of the streetlamps. His mouth dropped open. Had you always been this adorable?
“Alright.“, you said, “You can walk me home…“
His smile widened.
“Tomorrow, too?“
“Don‘t push it.“
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a/n: Thank you so so much for this prompt. It was so much fun to figure out! I hope you enjoy it!
for requests see here
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y2kuromi · 10 months
✶ : ❛ 𝗦𝗪𝗘𝗘𝗧 𝗟𝗢𝗧𝗨𝗦 : seishiro nagi x reader ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა
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˖ ִֶָ𐀔 — contents ⋮ birthday fic for moi <3 fluff, fluff, fluff, fem! reader, established relationship, nagi is literally whipped. reo being a d1 hater. pet names . second person (you/your/yours) and third person pov. w/c : 2.4k
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if you told nagi he'd be sitting cross-legged in his kitchen picking thorns off pink roses and counting them under his breath while his best friend reo talked him through this (or at least attempted to), he would've laughed in your face. even more so if you'd told him his cheeks were flushed a shade darker than the soft petals he clutched and his heart hammered loudly in his chest. but here he was doing just that hours to your birthday
"what do you think?" nagi asked reo, bringing the bouquet into view. he was quite proud of the floral arrangement of roses, chrysanthemum, lotus and hydrangea flowers. "’s it too much?"
"it's pretty lame, why don't you just cover (y/n)'s apartment in rose petals instead" reo suggested, he was only kidding
"you just want to see me suffer" nagi grumbled. when he'd facetimed him for moral support, he hadn't expected him to crack jokes at his expense, "cleaning that up would be such a hassle"
"i'm surprised you made the bouquet yourself," reo said thoughtfully, "wouldn't ordering one be more your speed?"
"nahh" the grey-eyed boy shook his head, "(y/n) likes these specific flowers for some reason, florist didn't have any arrangements like this"
"so you just bought four bouquets....? you do know custom orders exist right?" there's a small smirk on reo's lips as he teased. nagi shot him a withering glare as he firmly tied the stems together with twine
"wouldn't be as special that way" nagi muttered. he was blushing again, despite being in the comfort of his own home, he could feel the blush still warming his neck and ears
"you really love her, huh?" reo questioned gently his eyes softening when he saw nagi shyly smile at him
"yeah..." nagi breathed out quietly, smiling softly down at the flower arrangement, "should i bake a cake?"
"'ve got this heart-shaped pan, and i bought cake mix and some other stuff after training today. i think i could pull it off”
“are you sure about that?” reo queried, “i’m not gonna help you”
“that’s fine, not like you can bake anyways,” nagi scoffed, setting the flowers down on the counter. “it shouldn’t be that hard right?”
“depends on the flavour” reo affirmed
“what should i do for icing, buttercream?” nagi asked, picking up a bag of sugar and a tub of butter. “’s the easiest”
“buttercream then”
“i wasn’t really asking you, but sure”
“(y/n)’s dumbass” he grinned, his voice softening at the mention of your name “god i hope she likes this. i feel like i could’ve done more”
���you made her a bouquet, you made her a gift basket and now you’re baking her a cake. you didn’t even get me anything for my birthday” reo said pointedly
“you’re not my girlfriend reo, and you can buy stuff for yourself”
“you’re a terrible friend”
“i’m a good boyfriend though” nagi said softly, “the best in the world”
reo couldn’t argue with that. nagi only put effort in the things he deemed important. you stood at the top of that list, above soccer, gaming and sleeping. he wanted nothing more than to make you happy.
to his credit, he tried his best. he went grocery shopping whenever you asked him to pick up groceries. he made sure you ate enough, and he always made time for you. even if he wanted to spend his entire day playing video games, he still made sure he was by your side.
he would do anything for you. hell, if you asked him to do a handstand and sing baby shark backwards, as stupid as it sounded, he would do it just to see your heartbreakingly beautiful smile
“‘m gonna make (y/n) breakfast in bed” he murmured, he could already see the smile stretching across your face “french toast or pancakes, dunno yet”
“you? cook?” reo laughed, “you’re gonna poison her”
“shut up” nagi scowled, his nose scrunching up in mock annoyance, “i know how to cook, ‘s just a hassle but if it’s for (y/n) i don’t mind” he said as he mixed the dry ingredients until the salt, sugar and cake mix were evenly combined. he cracked two large eggs into the bowl and poured in milk, oil and vanilla extract. the cake mix reminded him oddly of you. sweet and sugary
“you’re whipped” reo said. “you’re too far gone,look at your face all mushy like that you’re making me sick”
“‘s called being in love, not that you can relate” nagi retorted. he gently scooped the batter in the baking pan with a spatula while reo stared at him agape. “‘s obvious” he shrugged, slipping the pan into the pre-heated oven.he ran a hand through his hair as he leaned against the counter with a content look on his face
nagi was still learning what love really was. to him, it looked a lot like you.
loving you felt like breathing, like waking up in the morning after a good night’s sleep. he loved your smiles, your laugh, the sparkle you got in your eyes when you were around him. he loved everything about you. he’d probably never love anyone the way he loved you. and he was okay with that, he wouldn’t trade you for the world
“simp” reo said “ i’m surprised she puts up with your lazy ass”
“you call this moral support?” nagi muttered, “should’ve called someone else”
“who else would sit on facetime with you while you did all this?” reo asked, “i’ll wait”
nagi was deep in thought for a moment but he remained silent. he knew you would, but that would inherently ruin the surprise
"so, nobody, huh? thought as much," reo remarked, rolling his eyes, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. it was a breath of fresh air to not be the one pushing nagi to do something for once
*ding* nagi’s eyes lit up as the timer chimed. the kitchen was filled with the scent of freshly baked vanilla cake. he slipped on an oven mitt before he took the pan out of the oven and placed it on the island. his cheeks were flushed as he glanced over his shoulder to shoot him a triumphant look
“cake’s done” he was slightly giddy with anticipation, once he was done icing it he could finally drive to your apartment and see you. he knew you were already sleeping, he’d called you an hour ago and your voice had been laced with the precipice of sleep. he didn’t really care, he selfishly wanted to be the first to wish you a happy birthday. even if it meant waking you up at midnight
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true to his word nagi slipped into your apartment as soon as the clock struck midnight. to his credit he was as quiet as possible. setting your presents down on the counter before sneaking into your room
the bed dips and suddenly there’s a warm body behind you. nagi wraps an arm around your waist, pressing himself closer to you. you let out a small noise as he pulls you in for a long kiss, his hand reaching up to stroke your cheek.
“sei…” you yawn, squinting at him with your sleepy (e/c) eyes. you’re unbelievably pretty he thinks. even with furrowed eyebrows and a worn-out look on your face. your lashes fan across your face and he can feel his heart melting
“happy birthday baby” he murmurs, placing the sweetest of kisses on your forehead.
“thank you” you hummed, resting your head on his chest, enjoying the warmth radiating from the blankets. “thought you weren’t coming till later…”
“couldn’t stay away” he admitted with a sigh, wrapping an arm around your waist, “‘m sorry i woke you”
“it’s okay” you smiled,you brush a few locks of his hair away from his forehead, leaning up slightly to peck his lips. you pulled back slightly content with blissfully reveling in his presence before you sat up properly, pulling back the covers and climbing out of your bed, “c’mon i want my presents now”
“what makes you think i got you anything?” he mutters. eager to stay cuddled up in bed. his hopes were dashed as you dragged him towards you
you wonder how someone could be as cute as he was, despite his hair being messed up more than ever and his eyelids heavy with sleep. you bring your free hand up to his cheek and smile. his hand comes up to hold yours as he nuzzles into your palm, soft grey eyes affectionate and loving, the everpresent pout no longer visible on his face.
“because you love me” you reply, smiling when he grins lazily at you, a little bit dazed
"i do love you," he mumbles, leaning up and slowly kissing the corner of your lips. “wait here” he tells you softly as he stands up, giving you another quick kiss. you watch him leave the room with a fond expression on your face.
your 6’3 boyfriend returns less than two minutes later, cradling a (f/c) box filled to the brim with your favourite snacks, manga and a fluffy miffy plush. as well as the prettiest bouquet of flowers you’d ever seen.
you practically tackle him, hugging him tightly as he laughs. you pull back to admire the flowers in his hands and you gasp, reaching out to take one of them.
“are those lotuses?” you ask, staring at them lovingly. they almost glow under the light in your bedroom
“yeah,” he nods, “you said you liked them”
you loved lotuses, although nagi didn’t understand why. the soft pink lotus flowers and their dreamy forgetfulness and symbolic unwillingness to leave reminded you distinctly of him
“they’re beautiful, thank you so much” you beam. you took the bouquet from him, eyes widening when you realized they weren’t store bought. tears pricked your (e/c) irises and you sniffle as you tried your best not to lose it.
“ hey!” he says, noticing the tearful expression on your face. he cups your face gently “don’t start bawling on me yet”
“you made this yourself?” you whisper, staring in awe at the bouquet, “for me?”
“do i have another girlfriend or something?” he says, raising a questioning eyebrow at you. you glare at him before laughing
“shut up, i love you” you say. you wrap your arms around his neck and give him a tight hug. or at least you try to, the box slightly gets in the way.
“i love you too” nagi smiles, and it’s one of those smiles he reserves for you, one that lights up his face and makes him shine brighter than any star, “now look at the rest, ‘m sorry i didn’t wrap anything”
“too much of a pain?” you asked, tilting your head to the side. he nodded in response, holding out the next gift. a sleek photo album. the first page is filled with a plethora of pictures. there were candid shots of you, pictures you didn’t even know existed. the one that stuck out to you the most was a picture of you at the arcade on your first date.
“you can fill up the rest yourself” nagi yawned, trailing towards your bed and placing the box carefully down on it. you placed the pink and purple bouquet on your dressing table before joining him
“thank you sei” you said, you honestly couldn’t say it enough. when nagi had asked you out a few months ago you’d never imagined he could possibly make you feel this special. hell, you didn’t even care about your birthday that much. you almost hated him now, he’d ruined your expectations for life by making you feel like this..
nagi’s grey eyes drooped as he leaned against your pillow, “s’nothing, there’s one more thing you’ve gotta see tonight” he lazily pointed at a white box tucked neatly beside the cinnamoroll plush with a striking resemblance to nagi
you opened the box gingerly, the sweet scent of buttercream filled your senses. “a cake?” you exclaimed, “sei, you baked?? you baked me a cake??”
“i baked” nagi shrugged, “’s just a small one, and ‘s not from scratch”
you dipped your finger into the buttercream and licked the sweet (f/c) frosting off, “this is really good,” you tell him
“‘m just good at everything” he murmurs, grinning when you gave him an exasperated glance “‘m glad you like it”
“of course i do” you frowned slightly, “sit up for just a second, you gotta sing while i blow out my candles”
“‘m not singing”
“pleaseeeeee” you pleaded, “it doesn’t even have to be the full song, you owe me sei, since you woke me up”
“fine” he sighed, sitting up reluctantly. he watched patiently as you placed the candles in the centre of the cake and pressed the flame to the wax. once the candles were lit, you reached over and grabbed his hand.
he thought you looked really beautiful like this, with the candlelight casting your features in warm glow and your hair fanned out over your shoulders. you seemed ethereal. he stared at you and smiled softly, watching as the flickering light danced on your face, casting shadows onto your (e/c) eyes
“i don’t hear you singing” you said, giggling when his cheeks flushed a startling shade of pink.
“shut up” he huffed, looking away, but you only grinned wider as he sang for you. you didn’t know why he didn’t want to in the first place, he sounded like an angel. after the song was finished, you blew out your candles gently
you wished for a plethora of things all of which you knew nagi would stop at nothing to give you. you felt like he’d given you the entire world already. so you wished you could give him endless happiness. you wished you could spend day after day falling further in love with him, and you wished you could give him the entire universe
after the cake had been kept safely in the fridge and your breathtaking flowers arranged in a vase, you placed a lone lotus flower on your bedside table, nimbly slipping under the sheets beside your sweet boyfriend
“what did you wish for?” he asks, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as he kissed the top of your head
“my wish won’t come true if i tell you” you hummed.
“‘s not fair” he pouted, “i told you what i wished for on my birthday”
“if i kiss you will you shut up and go to sleep ?” you asked. nagi nodded meekly. you didn’t need to ask him twice. he’d do anything for you
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© Y2KUROMI ‘23 please do not plagiarise, repost, or translate any of my works on here or any other websites.
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